#this is why i dont write anymore lol
mostlymaudlin · 10 months
one of my favorite things about carry on fandom (at least as it has existed since i joined in 2021) is that no one gets hung up on like... writing expertise or fics being "out of character." this is especially impressive because there is SO MUCH character analysis that goes on in this fandom, and yet it never translates to dunking on interpretations of characters that ppl disagree with. there's just genuine joy over the face that people are out here writing and sharing and putting their own twists on stories.
in general, everyone is just so encouraging abt art, and that's such a wonderful environment for people who are new to writing/sharing their writing. and for people who are not new but still feel nervous about putting themselves out there. it's really special! i think it's similar for visual art too
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pagesofkenna · 1 year
how many email accounts is it normal for a person to have
wait i just remembered i could do this formally
I'm asking bc including my one work email I've got four email accounts, which were all set up for different reasons and used for different reasons, but it feels like too many when I can't find my preorder confirmation lmao
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pool-of-gwens · 8 months
Duke Thomas hcs
- he has literally no idea what he wants to do when hes older, part of him wants to be a social worker like his mum, or a paleontologist, or a film director, but he kinda flips between possible careers every month or so. (rn its poet)
- he goes to see local bands all the time, around one a week, most of the time with the other we are robin kids (or the robin-squad as they’ve been lovingly nicknamed), Riko, Izzy, Dax and Dre. And he always tries to make Dax’s bands shows when ever they get gigs
- hes actually in a poly relationship with the rest of the robin-squad. It started with Duke and Izzy then Riko joined and Dax and Dre who were already in a relationship joining once Dre had stopped being emotionally constipated
- Duke, Steph and Babs have been banned from being on trivia teams together because they always win by a landslide.
- Dax has always been weird about Duke being fostered by Bruce and avoids going to the manor at all costs, Duke knows why but hes not going to mention it until Dax feels comfortable.
- of all his partners he had the worst relationship with Dre, after the constant fighting while in the we are robin movement together they tried to avoid each other and at least be civil while in their relationship. Eventually their other partners caught on and started trying to get them together. It took a while but one day Duke came over with a rocky dvd and said ‘you like boxing, I like films, d’ya wanna just see if we can go the whole movie without fighting??’.
- The next day all of their partners phone wallpapers were changed to a photo of Duke leaning against Dre's shoulder, both asleep with the rocky credits playing in the background.
- Duke has a list in his notes app labeled ‘shit list’ number one is Izzy's brother, two is joker, three gnomon and for a brief period of time number four was Dick but they have since made up (via a pokemon cards game)
- Cass was the first person Duke introduced his partners to in the family. shes probably the person hes closest too of all the bats and the first one he considered family.
- after a really annoying case or a busy week Duke and Cass will meet on the tallest building in Gotham and just sit together, talking, watching the sunset, sharing the blackmail on their siblings, or just hanging out on a tall building with some pastries (Duke usually gets a danish while Cass gets a chocolate croissant)
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
Sevenish Sentence Sunday!
I was tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire @eddiebabygirldiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @rainbow-nerdss thank you 💜
Have some more of the Buck proposes to Natalia fic because i really like this bit even if this is on Eddie's pov just because Buck refused to let me get into his head for the actual fight because i really do like my tragically pining Eddie povs prev snippet
You need to move on. I have.  Eddie doesn't know why he's thinking about that now. But he feels the same way he did in his kitchen trying to pretend he could feel like a normal human again if he just made it through a couple more days while Buck kept trying to get him to stop lying.  Buck always knows when to call bullshit on what Eddie's saying.  Buck's gonna call bullshit now.  Eddie can see it in his eyes.  And it's weird because Buck is never the one to pick a fight.  But there's a fire in his gaze that leaves Eddie scared, if he's truly honest.  Maybe he won't have to make it through the wedding because it seems like everything is about to crash and burn right now. 
No pressure tagging 🩷: @sherlockcrossing @watchyourbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @giddyupbuck @captain-hen @wildlife4life and you if you have something to share 💜💜
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cloudysarts · 2 months
what's with the bold choice to make blitz forest green and remove all animal traits from his facial anatomy
hes green because in my rewrite, all imps are colored from the rings theyre from!! ive also switched up the colors from how canon is. blitz is from envy, so hes green! hes ""green with envy"", if you will. millie is the only member of i.m.p who stays red!! as she is from wrath.
this isnt a rewrite thing i just hate how imps look in canon LMAOOOO. i dont even know if id call the facial anatomy ""animal traits"" ?? theyre just noseless (as are most of viv's humanoids) and are weirdly long and stretched out. i dont. see what animal thats supposed to represent. lizards i guess? i read somewhere therye supposed to be dragon-esque/reptilian but i dont see it at all. i hate drawing it anyway so i just got rid of it.
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lesbiangiratina · 10 months
Not very fond of people like waving off testament’s gender as just a Gear Thing but well at least it becomes funny when people apply it to gears as a whole. Like yeah i can agree with that. It has nothing to do with being a gear tho theyre all just transgender
#okay ill talk about it seriously down here#it does feel like the original intent behind their androgyny was to kind of Other them from humanity#daisuke saying theyve transcended humanity / talking about their ‘inhuman beauty’#i dont want to call it dehumanizing since theres like. a weird positive (…i guess) angle of them being ‘above’ humanity#thats just kind of a trope though. like nonhuman characters without a human concept of gender or sexuality. yknow#but anyway strive didnt really go back on this. they kinda made it a part of their arc?#i think dev backyard says that theyve ‘lived without the concept of gender’ since being turned into a gear#but theres no disconnect from humanity that goes along with that anymore#i like the implication that reconciling with humanity and more importantly their OWN humanity coincided with their presumable transition!#alright now for the part of this i dont like. its weird to assume the gear conversion had some effect on their body and THATS why theyre nb#i think any implications of that are vague enough to be dismissed#i wouldnt even call them Implications its like. messy (and contradictory!) early 2000s phrasing and a theory about 1 line of dialogue lol#early fandom stuff im aware of but dont know enough to talk about aside. nowadays its just used to like#excuse their androgyny. by gamers who cant just. believe that theyre nonbinary because they want to be. lol#not because of anything that was done to their body against their will. or even more simply because theyre just a gear and are Above gender#literally theyre just nonbinary. isnt that cool. i wish everyone could agree this is cool and end the discussion there.#except for me. i can discuss it all i want forever. because im the understander.#whatever. at least the section of testament’s wiki page theorizing about their genitalia is gone now. kissaroo for whoever took that off.#I NEED TO WRITE UP THAT TIMELINE IM LITERALLY NOT KIDDING WHEN I SAY IM AUTISTIC ABOUT TESTAMENT’S GENDER. CLEARLY#the kat goes meow#gg
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dallonwrites · 9 months
forcing myself to write today not that i don't want to write but i can feel that my apathy towards writing certain projects is because i haven't written for them in a while and feel disconnected now. realising that this is sometimes the cause of why i "don't want" to write was life changing btw
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coffinsister · 3 months
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First fic to reach 100 (public) Bookmarks !!!!
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sharkneto · 1 year
How long do you think it should take between chapter uploads on Ao3?
As long as the author needs
#if i have a whole long fic written out i like to have something come out ~once a week#people don't have to wait too long between chapters and i get a steady drip of Validation lol#but thats not always the case - life happens. things have to be written and sometimes they dont cooperate#so that week is sometimes two sometimes a month sometimes three#and sometimes its a year or more for people#it's nice when fast chapters happen but fanfic writers are doing this for free and sometimes things just get in the way#pro tip? if youre missing a fic and it hasnt updated in a while and youre craving new content?#comment on it.#not a ''loved this when's the next chapter comin?'' comment#but write something you liked from the chapter - a moment some dialogue the feelings some part made you feel#if an author is struggling to finish something that little reminder that people like it and *why* can be *huge*#as time stretches on and interactions slow to a trickle it's really easy to get disheartened about finishing#''no one is reading it anyway its been so long I'm not good at writing anymore i dont remember what i was doing with this''#so give your favorite authors some specific love and that might just kick things into gear#idc if its been a month or three years - i almost guarantee the author will still get your love even if its been years#and you don't know what their life is like - maybe that comment is just what they need to sit down and finish it up#sharkneto speaks#ask response#ficblogging
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vaugarde · 1 year
have no real desire to replay star allies’s main story mode but i do wanna rewatch some cutscenes to refresh myself on the mage sisters dynamic and hyness bc ive been thinking about my “magolor was also raised by hyness alongside the mage sisters” hc/au
#estranged brother they dont talk about anymore bc he got out of the cult basically#i think the way he took in magolor was very different from the sisters. while he got the sisters when they were all desperate#and on the brink of death i think he took in magolor as a baby#while the sisters are not jambandran or halcandran. magolor is clearly a halcandran descendant and boy does hyness project that onto him#*projects his beef with the halcandrans onto mag#and this is why despite the ancients/halcandrans being more invested in technology#their descendant magolor is a mage who has religious connotations with his story#(ik the jambandran religion doesnt reflect christianity at all but still)#basically bc thats what he was actually raised with. nature vs nurture and all that#and i think thats like part of where his fucked up views on relationships come from too bc hyness was definitely hard on him#and hyness's relationship w the sisters was canonically very fucked up and forced and born through manipulation#and i think hyness actually would have thrown him out instead of mag leaving of his own accord#(bc mag was obsessed with his ancestors and wanted to be like them and that pissed hyness off)#i also think that like mag was treated harshly and when he left zan was the one to get the worst of hyness's abuse#bc the roles shifted and now shes the one being isolated and forced to depend only on his religion and devotion#(can u tell im not a fan of how hyness was canonically handled. im leaning into him being a literal cult leader in my head lol)#bc textually thats just what he is and im kinda miffed that the dlc just glosses over it w ''oh he was nice at some point tho''#why were ppl comparing magolor to lusamine when hyness is the one who actually has the same writing issues as her#anyways tho back to mag. yeah hyness shaped his worldviews and shit#oh my god wait i could also say that part of magolor's robe is based off of hyness's look#and how magolor basically puts his face on everything#and you can take two things from that. one is that hyness perhaps forced it onto him to the point where mag keeps that part of the robe#even after hes been kicked out. and him losing that part of it in his dream robe design is him finally moving on from him#and the alternative is that magolor added that to his robe out of spite bc iirc hyness does not like his face#and magolor was like ''well ok fuck you dad''#which makes him putting his face on everything even funnier hes like advertising his dads face kinda#echoed voice
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kideternity · 2 years
Whilst i'm here i'm just gonna say it but I think before you guys go around reccing Mark Waid's Daredevil to people willy nilly you need to start staunchly bringing up the ableist fact that in the second volume Mark Waid took a lesser known blind hero, the Shroud, who was always portrayed as a genuinely compassionate person before then and decided to turn him into some kind of crazy jealous stalker supervillain, and upped the ableism by writing shit about how shroud was an “irredeemable psychopath” or that he didn’t handle his issues WELL like a GOOD mentally ill person, as if people with ASPD or those who aren’t paragons of recovery aren’t demonised enough, esp entirely so he could play it as a “Daredevil is the BETTER blind hero, you should root for HIM!” versus shtick. Like, I just feel like in a franchise that is entirely about a disabled man, there’s no excuse anymore for ignoring ableism just because you guys don’t give a shit about anything but popular superheroes who have racist shows you like and sucking the cock of a man who is CONSISTENTLY ableist in his writing. Do better.
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gravitysoda · 11 months
really hope the last gwitch episode is good...theres. so much to cover. in one episode. so i just hope they can do an okay job at this point LOL. also if sulemio kiss and/or get married fr i will forgive all other transgressions
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whumpshaped · 2 years
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dallonwrites · 10 months
kinda feel silly for only just having this realisation directly but short fiction is what i focus on re publishing (i think i'm years away from even considering making a debut novel my no.1 focus) and because of that my brain has kind of split my writing into Actively Trying To Improve And Publish (short/flash/micro) and Mainly Having A Silly Fun Time (novels). anyway only just realised i can write short/flash/micros for the sake of having a silly fun time. because i just had an idea i liked and immediately thought hmmm idk if it would Compel litmags though and then i was like wait. who gives a shit LOL
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isatoru · 2 years
mikey’s birthday is in 9 days lmao and i do not fucking care I WILL FORCE MYSELF TO FINISH ONE OF MY LONG FICS FOR HIM AND POST WRITING FINALLY BY THEN !!!!!!!!!! MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT
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vagueiish · 1 month
paraphrasing like hell, but there's that post that's like 'writers/artists, you're doing great by virtue of creating something from nothing; your unrealistic standards for yourself don't dictate your worth, etc etc' i've seen a few times, and there are other posts with the same sentiment i've seen. and it's all very lovely and i hope other artists find them helpful and good
but like. boy, would those people change their fuckin tune if they were to see the crap i vomit out, lmao
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