#this is why we wear seatbelts kids
hydn-jpg · 1 year
hello!! i am alive !!!!
how have y'all been? i've definitely been better lol
so... i can explain. or maybe not. i've never been good at talking about things but i'll do my best
under the cut bc a bunch of things happened and this'll probably be very long:
honestly where do i even start?
it has been a very rough almost month and a half for me, it was as if whatever god or entity out there went "lol wouldn't it be funny if we made this person go through several bad things all within the span of a few weeks" and then did just that
in early august i got a call from my mom that my grandmother had passed away. i had just gotten home from class at the time, but i immediately went out again and took the soonest available flight back to korea for her funeral. losing her hit me pretty hard honestly, she was the one i turned to when things were hard, and was also the only one who was generally supportive of my identity and sexuality. she didn't really get it, but she never made homophobic or transphobic comments, and was always kind and unconditionally loving. chuseok this year will be difficult without her around but at least she is in a better place i hope.
i took two weeks off from school to stay with my family after that. when i got back i was mostly catching up on all the classes i missed so i had very little time to do anything else. the stress coupled with all the physical exertion and everything else lead me to have the worst asthma attack i've experienced as of yet, it could've gotten a lot worse if it weren't for my kind neighbours who rushed to help me when they saw me struggling in the hallway
then in late august i got into a car accident. i was driving home from campus (which is an hour away), it was raining very heavily and i guess i lost control of my car. i am not sure what exactly happened honestly, one moment i was driving peacefully (and at appropriate speed for driving in the rain) and the next moment my car was spinning around and hitting the guardrails before crashing. it sounds cliché but everything was in slow motion and i literally saw my life flash before my eyes. i'm really thankful that the highway was basically empty, so no one else was affected. i somehow came out of the accident with only a concussion, a badly sprained arm and neck and some cuts and bruises. those will surely heal with time but the trauma of it will probably stay for quite a while.
so that's what happened. my mental health has not been great but i've been feeling a bit better lately! so that's good. i've been too physically, mentally and emotionally drained to do anything haha.
i probably won't be able to draw for a while thanks to my injury so you won't be seeing any art from me for at least another month or so,, to people i still owe commissions to, i will have to give you an IOU because again, i can't draw rn but also because i lost basically all the art that i haven't backed up during the crash, which unfortunately includes the commission sketches :( i'm so sorry, i'll redraw them as soon as i'm able to. i really wish procreate had an automatic cloud backup system so at least the sketches i did were saved but we can't always get what we want i guess,,
thank you to everyone who reached out and asked about my wellbeing and i'm really sorry for ignoring your messages and tags. i'll get to them as soon as i can!
tldr; my grandma passed, i had a bad asthma attack and i got into a car accident but i am okay. not really but i'll be okay maybe. lmao.
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transk0vsky · 2 years
I think the thing that drives me so insane about wheels is how tragically ironic his story ends…his parents die from a drunk driver in djh he struggles with this heavily during djh and d high (and also uses their death to excuse his asshole behaviors later on unfairly which leads to further issues) until it all blows over in schools out where he becomes the drunk driver but he kills a child instead of the parents….he’s become the man who killed his parents in reverse….
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dykecrawler · 1 year
childrens anime have a very specific kind of 4th wall breaking humor that i find very funny and i kinda wish american cartoons were more like that sometimes
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astraystayyh · 1 year
If the world was ending
Felix x reader. Estranged childhood best friends to lovers. Angst and happy ending. highly recommend listening to If the world was ending while reading :)
Felix has always been there with you, from the moment you've met him when you were 8 years old, until he suddenly no longer was, and you were left to grapple with the consequences of his absence- and those of his return.
cw: description of a car accident, reader has a fear of loud noises.
skz song series masterlist
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12 march 2011 
Screeching brakes, a jarring collision, glass shattering all around you, shards of it embedding into your tender skin. You are too young to understand it all, but you know it's bad. You are suddenly upside down, the only thing helping you stay put is the seatbelt fastened around you. You didn't really like seatbelts but your mom always insisted on you wearing one.
Your mom, you can't see her face, she's upside down too, and she isn't talking. That's unusual because you're crying and she isn't turning around to comfort you. Someone is screaming outside of your car, and then you are pulled out. You don't know who's touching you, and you want them to stop. Where is your mom? Why did they not pull her out too?
An ambulance approaches you; its loud sirens feel like pine needles drilling into your skull. You try to cover your ears but your hands are covered in blood. The world around you is painted red- the flashing lights of the sirens and the liquid oozing from your cuts. It’s no longer your favorite color.
27 may 2011 
You are playing in the playground near your home, waving at your mom from the top of the slide. She's gotten better, she smiles more easily at you now. And you are trying to be a good kid too; you help wash the dishes and you clean your room all by yourself. You don't want your mom to feel sad again and go back to that dreaded hospital. 
You slide out, happy giggles leaving your mouth, before climbing up the tiny stairs once again. But as you reach the top, an ambulance rushes by the playground. You don't know what's happening, but you suddenly feel shards of glass on your skin once again. Your hands are shaking as you sit on the floor, curling around yourself in a ball.  
"What's wrong?" someone asks and you lift your head tentatively. It's a young boy, he's looking at you worriedly, a tiny pout on his lips. 
"I don't like ambulances," you hiccup, burying your head in your knees again. 
Suddenly, small hands cover your ears, muffling the shrill sound of sirens. They are warm and sticky from the red popsicle he’s still holding.
"Now you can't hear them," he giggles, his eyes disappearing into moon crescents. Despite your raging fear, a smile finds its way into your lips.
"What's those on your face," you ask with a small voice, pointing at the faint marks dusting his cheeks. 
"They're called freckles," he says proudly and you nod. 
"They're pretty."
"Thank you!" he grins at you, his hands still covering your ears. The tightness in your chest seems to dissipate slowly before his kind smile- the shadows never stood a chance in front of the sun. 
"What's your name?" 
"Felix. And you?"
"We should be friends," he beams and you grin back, agreeing wholeheartedly. "We should." 
15 november 2021 
You are sitting on the grass of that very same playground, Felix still by your side. The night breeze is cooling as it brushes against your bodies, and you're wearing his red sweater. It smells like his cologne and your perfume- an intoxicating scent you've come to memorize by heart. 
His nose tip is rosy from the cold, and you can't resist tapping it playfully. "Your nose is pink," you giggle, and he smiles, gently bopping yours in return. 
"So is yours."
You look at him as he gazes up at the stars above. You love Felix, it has always been crystal clear to you. From the moment he planted the seed of his friendship into your soul, and throughout the years when it bloomed into something more, bigger than the two of you. It wrapped around your being entirely, binding itself into your every atom, until all you saw is his reflection in you. 
And you were tired of treading the line between friendship and something more. You wanted, no craved being with him, your yearning so intense it spilled from you each time he was around. In rosy cheeks and shaky fingers and eyes that soften only when they rest on him- evidence of your love imprinted all upon you. 
You take in a deep breath, before laying your hand gently on his cheek, turning his face to meet yours. His eyes widen slightly at the soft touch, and you lean in closer to him. You brush your nose against his, slowly, "to warm it up," you whisper, as his breath hitches in his throat. 
He's close, he's so close, you can almost taste the brownies you shared earlier on his lips. You can see his freckles ever so clearly, constellations you often find yourself getting lost in. Your hand is still on his cheek, and you can feel it burning up under your palm. 
You close your eyes, as his lips are now just a breath away from yours. It's electrifying- having him so near to the way you've always dreamed, fantasized about. But he needs to be the one to take the jump, all he has to do is lean in a bit, and you'd kiss him. You won't ever let go. 
"Lixie...," you choke out, "kiss me." 
"I want to." His voice is hoarse with emotion, as if fighting with himself for self-restraint. 
"So do it," you ask, swiping your thumb gently across his cheek. Your breaths mingle with one another in a dizzying dance. 
"I'm leaving," he says so faintly, you believe for a second that you've imagined it. 
"What?" you ask, leaning a bit away to be able to look at him. 
"I'm leaving," he repeats, his eyes tightly shut. "We're moving to another country, for my dad's job." 
"You're leaving me?" you ask, bewildered. 
"I'm not leaving you-"
"But you are. You won't be here anymore." You drop your hand, taking hurried steps away from him. Touching him didn't feel electrifying anymore, it felt horrible and nauseous, because you won't get to do it again. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to-" 
"How long have you known?" 
"Felix," you say, tone stern. "How long?" 
"Six months," he whispers and a bitter chuckle escapes your lips.
"When are you leaving?"
"In a week." 
The pain becomes unbearable, and you turn your back to him so he wouldn't see your rapidly falling tears. You are angry, as a disguise for the sadness threatening to drown you. Him leaving tasted like the salty water you gulp when you dive in too quickly into the ocean. And you did dive in, in him, in his soul and everything that made up Felix. And now he was leaving you, with no anchor to help you float again.
"Is that why you insisted on spending so much time with me lately? Because you were leaving?" 
"You need to understand I didn't know how to tell you, I- I don't even know who I am without you." He pleads, his own eyes shimmering with unshed tears, reminding you of tiny diamonds. That's how it is with Felix, you found beauty in everything he did- even tearing your heart in half. 
"Maybe you should've thought of how I would feel. You were thinking of leaving me while I..." Your voice breaks and you take a shaky breath.  "While I was falling in love with you." 
"I'm in love with you too," he quickly says, reaching out to hold your hand. "I love you, I always have." He's wrapping his arms around you, and you're letting him because it feels safe and secure. Because he’s still your Felix, even if he's leaving you behind. 
You wonder what you must have done in a past life, what a horrible person you could've been for the universe to treat you this cruelly. To hand you everything you've ever wanted in a silver platter, and snatch it from your hands before you could dare to grab it. 
"We'll make it work," he mumbles into your hair, placing a tender kiss on your temple. "We'll talk and we can be together."
"No, we can't. I'll just hold you back from living your new life, I can't have that." 
"Don't talk like that, please," his voice wavers, words barely managing to slip out of his mouth. Regret overtakes your body so suddenly at the thought of his lips- you shouldn't have tried to kiss him. Maybe then he wouldn't have told you he was leaving. 
"It's the truth. we'll grow to hate each other, distance will put a strain on us. I'd rather not talk to you than have you resent me." 
"Just hold me," you cut him off. "As if nothing's happening, please." 
And he complies because Felix always does. Because he loves you and as much as he doesn't want to, he knows you're right. 
It's been three months since Felix left- the days passed by agonizingly slowly, and yet the months went by in a blur, a hauntingly vivid reminder of what once was. At first, the texts between you two were frequent, but as time wore on, the messages grew sporadic, from your end, mostly. Seeing him flourish in his new life felt like salt on an open wound, a reminder that he was moving on while you were still anchored in memories of him. 
You saw him in every corner of your city. The smell of brownies that he's made countless times, each time you felt sad. The way he kissed your cheek each time he won a game, while you were lying on his bed, bored. The way he hugged you whenever you were sick, gently tucking strands of your hair behind your ear. The way he covered your ears instinctively at each loud noise, knowing how scared it made you still. 
And you've felt each of these emotions since he was gone. You were sad and bored and sick and happy and scared. And he wasn't here with you through them. Each moment away from Felix seemed to magnify what could have been- what should have been between the two of you.
There is a building construction next to you, loud cement blocks crashing to the ground. And you are curled around yourself in a protective ball, covering your ears with your hands, because Felix isn't here to do it anymore for you. 
You and Felix have grown with one another, your soul carefully woven into his, like two threads intricately stitched into the same tapestry. Him leaving felt like half of your body was cut off from you, and you were left alone to figure out how to function with an incomplete heart. 
17 july 2023 
Summer break meant coming back home and sleeping in your childhood bedroom once again. Memories of Felix still lingered in there- posters he has given you and his red sweater that you've never found the courage to throw away. It doesn't hurt as much to remember him, the sharp pain morphed into a dull ache you've grown accustomed to by now. 
You're watching the TV mindlessly when someone knocks on your door, and you go to open it without a second thought, expecting it to be your parents. It wasn't.
"Felix?" you stammer, stumbling back in shock. You blink repeatedly, in a desperate attempt to make sure he's not a figment of your twisted imagination. You haven't uttered his name in so long, and the syllables felt both foreign and familiar in your mouth. 
"It's me," he smiles sheepishly, his hand scratching the back of his neck. 
"You are here," you whisper, stating the obvious. He didn't change much, his kind brown eyes and freckles still as captivating as before. But his features were sharper, prettier, and the sight of him is making you dizzy once again. 
"I am." 
"What are you doing here?" You ask cautiously, opening the door a bit wider to let him in. 
"I requested a transfer to your university. I wanted to come back. I missed home, and I missed you," he adds softly, making a turmoil of emotions surge within you. 
You clear your throat. "So, you are back for good?" 
"I am," he says, smiling slightly at you as if to gauge your reaction. You stay silent and his grin falters; his tongue resting against the inside of his cheek, a habit he hasn't let go of apparently. He then walks to the kitchen and you follow suit. You don't have to show him around, he knows your home like the back of his hand. He spent most of his childhood here after all, even though his house was only a few blocks away. 
"How have you been?" he asks as he opens the cupboard to take out a glass. He closes its door softly, careful not to make it thud. 
"I'm good. It's summer break so I'm finally back home, what about you?"
"I'm good too. It's nice to be back." 
Your conversation is strained and awkward, so unnatural of you both. There was so much to say, so much to ask about, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. He felt like uncharted territory to you now, one you didn't have the strength to discover once again.
"It's your mom's birthday tomorrow, right?" he smiles and you nod. 
"Should we make her our cookies? Like we used to before I..." 
"Before you left," you finish, bitterness dripping from your tone.
Hurt flashes in his eyes and you feel your heart suddenly clench in your chest. It was unfair for you to treat him this way. He was only seventeen and if your parents were to move away you would've followed them too. 
"Okay, let's do it." You smile sincerely for the first time since he came back to you. 
You both move seamlessly in the kitchen, each knowing your tasks like a choreographed dance. This was a tradition that started when you were twelve years old. You'd brown the butter while he beat the egg and sugar together. He'd sift the flour while you cut up chocolate. He'd mix it all while you preheat the oven. And then you'd roll the dough together. 
Your hands brush against one another as you shape up the cookies, and it feels so intense you almost drop to the floor. You miss him, you miss him so much and he's near you and you can't seem to think straight anymore. 
When the cookies are finally in the oven, he silently washes the dishes while you dry them. He abruptly pauses, hands still covered in soap before turning back to you. 
"Can we talk? Please?" he says too quickly as if he's been overthinking asking this question. 
"I'm busy today," you scramble to think of an excuse, you weren't ready to face him yet. 
"I'm staying with my mom, then there is Han’s party."
"I'll be there too. We can talk then, please?" he asks, eagerness evident in his voice. 
"Fine. Let's talk there," you concede and he nods, awkwardly shifting in his place. He finishes the dishes before drying his hands. You avoid his gaze and he sighs softly. "I'll get going. Tell your mom happy birthday from me." 
"Will do." You smile tightly and he does the same, before finally leaving your home, and in his trail, a maelstrom of emotions you weren't certain how to deal with.
18 july 2023 
You're at the reunion party Han is hosting with all your high school friends. You watch as Felix takes turns talking to everybody. He fits right in here, a puzzle perfectly clicking in place as if he's never left. He's telling a joke to Chan who laughs loudly, hitting Minho's arm repeatedly. Everyone is happy he's back, because they never had to gravel with the consequences of his absence. Because he's never ripped their heart out. 
Felix is looking for you around the room- he hasn't seen you in a while. He assumes you're somewhere around the house, and that you'd like to talk when time has passed. The knot in his stomach tightens as the weight of your conversation dawns on him, he longs to be with you, to undo the past two years he has spent away from you. But he's afraid to mess everything up, once again, so he stays near his friends who are now pulling him outside of the house.
"We have a surprise for you," Han says excitedly before pointing at the sky, "look." 
Fireworks, a dazzling show of blue, red and yellow. And Felix feels as if the colors were drained out of his face and splattered into the night sky before him.
"Where is yn?" he turns to Chan, eyes wide.
"Inside, I think. Why?"
"Stop- stop this, don't start any more fireworks," he urges the boy who's looking at him worriedly. 
"Why, what's wrong? We have a warrant to start them, don't worry."
"No, no you don't understand. Yn hates loud noises," he explains frantically, before bolting inside the house. 
He's yelling your name, and you are nowhere to be found, the sound of the fireworks so loud he isn't even sure you can hear him. 
He opens door after door, and after painstakingly long seconds he finally finds you in the bathroom, sitting on the floor, your head buried in your knees. Just like you were twelve years ago. 
Felix doesn't waste any time, kneeling in front of you to cover your ears with his hands, you look up at him, waterline brimming with unshed tears. 
"It's okay, I'm here. Just focus on my voice," he smiles reassuringly at you, and you clasp your hands on top of his, doing your best to muffle the sound of the explosions. 
"Your hands are still small," you attempt to joke, as hot tears trail down your cheeks. You hated how scared you still were. 
"The perfect size to cover your ears," he smiles at you, his eyes softening when they take in your distressed state. 
You hiccup, overcome by a new wave of emotion- for an entirely different reason this time. "You came." 
"I'll always come. Even if the world was ending, I'll... I'll come to you," he smiles, biting his lower lip to stop his own tears from falling. 
"It'd be useless if you came then. There would be nothing for us to do," you manage to say through shaky breaths. 
"But I'd be with you," he insists, gaze unwavering, "It will be scary for you. I imagine it will be loud, the world can't end silently." 
"Mine did, when you left." Felix's eyes go wide at your words, and you don't care that you are baring your soul entirely to him. "Please don't leave me again. I hate goodbyes with you." 
"Why would we ever say goodbye again, hm?" he reassures, his knuckles brushing against your cheek softly. "I'm never leaving you, as long as you'll have me, I'm here," he whispers, before pulling you into his chest.
Your hands find his back, and his cheek rests on top of your head. And you both close your eyes, an exhale of relief leaving you both at the same time. The world grows dark around the two of you, the only thing you saw was his heart and the overflowing love he still bore for you.
You felt as if you were wandering blind and you could finally see again, as if the string tying you to him wrapped tightly around the both of you, trapping you in his warm embrace.
You don't know what will happen next, but he's holding you now, and he'll hold you when the world is ending, and that is enough.
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joonsmagicshop · 5 months
Summary: Your mother asks why you haven't given her grandbabies. You tell her you are not ready for that yet but it turns out Yoongi likes the idea very much
Paring: Yoongi/Reader
Word Count: 5K
Rating: M/18+
Tags: Boyfriend Yoongi, Mother daughter relationship that kind of sucks, needy subby Yoongi, soft Dom reader, dirty talk, reader calls him kitten and baby boy, jerking off, sucking off, pregnancy kink, flirting, second hand embarrassment, Yoongi can't get his erection to go down so reader helps, deep throating, face fucking.
Authors Note: The horny demon possessed me again.
Also this picture 🔥🔥🔥
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“Yoongi there is a spot right there!” You say
“Can’t park in front of a fire hydrant babe.” He replies, eyes scanning the street
“Okay, what about there!”
“Park next to a Tesla? Absolutely no way.” He says, turning down a side street, eyes still focused trying to find the right parking spot.
“Yoongi please can we just pick a spot?” You ask balancing the meat and cheese tray you brought on your lap and scanning the street.
He smiles at you and turns the car down another street and you see you are getting further away from your parent’s house.
“Or are you being picky because you don’t want to go?” You ask with a teasing tilt to your voice which has Yoongi placing a hand over his heart in mock hurt.
“How dare you Y/N. You know I love going to these extravagant giant parties your mom holds.” He jokes as he turns down another street and begins to search for more parking.
You roll your eyes but can’t help the smile that appears on your face.
“Not sure why you are complaining Yoongs my mom looooves you.” You tease as he scowls and finally finds a spot that seems good enough for him to park his sleek black car into
You can’t help but laugh at his reaction.
But what you said was true.
You had been dating Yoongi for a year now and your mom absolutely adored him. She doted on him whenever he came over and always reminded him how he was her favorite son-in-law (he was her only son-in-law as it was just you and your brother as her kids)
Her relationship with you was much more…complex.
She was a perfectionist in everything she did and while it was impressive it could also be annoying when she expected everyone to be just like her.
You, being the only daughter meant she often criticized you, wanting you to be as perfect and ladylike as her.
This perfectionism shone during her parties. Your mom loved to host parties. Every small gathering got blown out of proportion so she could throw a massive get-together. She would go all out with decor and found herself happiest when she was planning something.
Your grade eight graduation was supposed to be a small gathering of family and it turned into a block party.
Your high school grad was worse as she tried to invite your whole class which you shut down real quick.
You took out your phone and frowned to see your brother finally respond to your text about the party.
“Michael is out. Says his wife and kid have food poisoning.” You say to Yoongi as he finally gets the car in the spot and throws it into park.
You grumble and type back a message as Yoongi chuckles beside you.
“Can’t we tell your mom we have it too?” He jokes as you lightly smack his arm and undo your seatbelt to step out of the car.
Yoongi follows suit and comes around to your side of the car, ever the gentleman holding out his hand so he can help you over the grass which is still slightly damp from yesterday’s rain storm.
It didn’t help you were wearing three-inch heels and a flowy pale blue sundress with small flowers embroidered on it.
You struggled to balance the huge tray of food as Yoongi grabbed your elbow to help steady you over the grass.
“So who are we celebrating again? Alessa and Jonathan right?” He asks pushing his soft brown hair away from his face and smiling down at you.
“Yeah it’s their second child so my mom thought to throw a small gathering.” You say snickering as you walk past the parade of cars that have taken over the whole subdivision.
“Ah, so a small gathering with your cousin’s closest friends got it!” Yoongi teases.
You finally make your way to the driveway and look up in time to see the door being thrown open by your mother who is standing there in a soft white sundress, her hair was curled in her signature style and she had her hands on her hips as you approached.
“Hey, mom.” You say leaning in for a sideways hug as you don’t want to knock the tray in your hands.
“Oh honey, what is with the hair up hmm?” She says signaling to your ponytail which was hanging down your back.
“This is a party I thought you’d wear your hair down for once.” She says with a frown as you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
Before you can respond her eyes land on Yoongi.
“Oh let me take a look at my handsome son-in-law!” She squeals as she wraps Yoongi in a hug and you bite back your laugh as she grabs his arm and brings him into the house.
You head to the kitchen and set the tray down amongst all the food as you hear your mom talking Yoongi’s ear off in the dining room.
You pull out your phone to respond to your brother’s text as you let your mom talk to Yoongi.
Once you decide Yoongi has suffered enough you slip your phone back into your purse and walk to the dining room to loop your arm through his.
He shoots you a grateful look as your mom is still chatting, oblivious to the whole thing.
“Mom, where is Alessa? I have a small gift for her.” You ask cutting your mom off her tangent as her eyes finally lock on yours.
“Oh I didn’t even see you come over dear Yoongi and I were just chatting oh… well of course let's get you to the party girl!” Your mom giggles as she leads you out the sliding door and to the expansive backyard.
Yesterday’s rain luckily blew through in time for today to be beautiful. The sky was bright blue with small whispy white clouds scattered throughout. The air was warm with a slight breeze that ruffled your dress as you walked over to the gazebo where the party was being held.
The party girl in question was your cousin Alessa who was lounging on a chair by the pool which your parents opened early for the party.
It was heated anyway so it didn’t matter that it wasn’t blistering hot outside people were enjoying it regardless.
Luckily for you (and Yoongi) someone grabbed your mom’s attention and she was off before you even had a chance to say another word to her.
“We could leave right now and no one would know,” Yoongi mutters in your ear as you shake your head and head over to Alessa.
“Hey!” You greet her as you take in her appearance. She is wearing a flowy red dress and her hands are wrapped around her stomach instinctively, her husband Jonathan waves from the pool where he is teaching their four-year-old daughter how to swim.
“Hi! Oh, I’m so sorry I seriously can’t get up right now your mom had me greeting like fifty different people and I’m exhausted.” She tells you as she swings her legs over the side of the lounge chair to side sideways and you wrap her in a hug.
Your cousin Alessa is three years older than you and absolutely glowing. Her first pregnancy was rough on her so when she announced she was pregnant again the family worried about her. Luckily this time around she seemed to have a much easier time and you were happy about that.
Yoongi shot her a small wave as you dug through your purse to pull out the card you got her. She beamed when you handed it over and patted the seat beside her so you could sit down.
Yoongi took the small folding chair next to her and the three of you chatted.
Party music filled the air and the atmosphere was warm and welcoming. You took your time catching up with your favorite cousin as Yoongi listened on nodding occasionally.
Jonathan got out of the pool with Millie on his shoulders and plopped her down right next to her mom. Alessa laughed when Millie climbed on her lap and got her dress soaked with pool water, you scooted over to give the four-year-old some room
“Yoongi good to see you, man.” Jonathan greeted as he patted Yoongi’s back.
“So your mom said this was going to be a small party?” Jonathan said with a grin as his arm swept the area to show how many people turned up.
“I don’t know if they even know it’s for me!” Alessa said with a laugh.
“I don’t mind though good food and good company. I don’t want to be the center of attention anyway. Remember your high school graduation?” She teases as you cover your face with your hands and groan.
Your mom made you wear a bright pink sash that said High School Grad on it and paraded you around the whole party. You were so embarrassed.
“Don’t remind me!” You groaned as Yoongi laughed.
Her ears must have been ringing because suddenly your mom appeared at Jonathan’s side holding a platter of watermelon. She put it down in front of Alessa and smiled at your small group.
“There’s tons of food inside if anyone wants any. Yoongi made a beautiful meat and cheese tray.” Your mom gushes as you fight the urge to once again roll your eyes.
“Actually Y/N made that. I was working late last night so didn’t have a chance to help.” He corrects as you look up at him with a small smile on your face.
“Yoongi you work too hard! Always these late nights! Make sure you take care of yourself too. Don’t want to overwork.” Your mom comments as you reach for a piece of watermelon ignoring the way she didn’t say anything about you making the tray.
It doesn’t matter anyway, you stopped trying to get recognition from her years ago.
“And how’s the baby?” Your mom asks turning to Alessa who is sipping a drink and jostling Millie in her arms to get her more comfortable.
“Good! Kicking a lot today but I think it’s just because of the food. I ate that spicy nacho dip.” She says patting her swollen belly.
“Ah yes, when I was pregnant the first time I craved all spicy food all the time. Her brother was a menace with the kicks.” Your mom responds with a teasing smile as she shoots you a look you know all too well.
You brace yourself knowing the words that will come out of her mouth next
The question she has been asking ever since you brought Yoongi home for the first time.
“So Y/N when are you giving me grandbabies?” She asks turning to face you and staring between you and Yoongi.
Poor Yoongi had never experienced her questioning firsthand and nearly choked on his drink at her words.
You sighed.
“Mom I told you we aren’t ready yet.” You say as you reach for another piece of watermelon hoping she will drop the subject.
“Yes, but honey your father and I aren’t getting younger you know. We want to be grandparents before we pass away!” She says loudly drawing the attention of the crowds standing close by.
“I know Mom just not right now okay? I promise you will have grandkids…someday.” You say keeping your answer vague.
“Come on you would look adorable pregnant and we could go shopping and pick out clothes oh! It would be so fun to be a grandmother!” Your mom continues to gush oblivious to your embarrassment and the way Yoongi’s cheeks are stained bright pink and how he won’t stop staring at the floor as if it is the most interesting thing in the world.
“Mom stop! You’re embarrassing Yoongi and I.” You respond trying to cut off her tangent.
“Think of all the money you will save!” Your mom continued, not bothering to listen to what you were saying.
Embarrassment floods your veins as you are stuck in your spot next to your cousin who looks just as horrified as you feel waiting for your mom to stop talking so loud and attracting so much attention.
“Mom stop! Kids are expensive we won’t be saving money.” You hiss standing up trying to get her to stop talking.
Your eyes flick to Yoongi who looks mortified.
“Well yes, but you will be saving money. Protection is so expensive nowadays not having to buy condoms anymore will save you so much money! Plus it will give me grandbabies.” She coos.
You stare at Yoongi in shock as he closes his eyes and buries his hands over his face. You close your eyes and try to think of a way to tell your mom to shut the hell up without sounding so rude.
Your saving grace comes in the form of your father who enters the scene and whispers something in your mom’s ear shutting her up instantly.
“Oh, my friend Melanie is here! Oh, I must go say hi I haven’t seen her in over two months!” She exclaims as she quickly turns and hurries to the front door to greet her friend.
You are still frozen in shock not daring to look around at the group of people who you feel are staring you down.
“Um wow,” Alessa says breaking the uncomfortable silence as you finally lift your head to see everyone has pretty much moved on and is talking amongst themselves again.
You stare at Yoongi who is a brilliant shade of red and still staring at the floor.
“I have no words. Please tell me that didn’t actually happen. My mom told me not to use protection in front of a crowd.” You whine out as Alessa rubs your back.
“I am so sorry but it did happen. And it was wild.” Jonathan says as you look at Yoongi who is still not saying anything but is squirming in his seat.
“Yoongs you okay?” You ask as he slowly sips his drink and nods at you, still looking super uncomfortable.
Millie decides to wake up at that moment and wants to play so Jonathan takes her out to the grass beyond the patio and pool where lawn games are set up.
Another cousin shows up and the conversation switches to girl talk as you try to push down your embarrassment from earlier.
After five minutes Yoongi stands and squeezes your shoulder telling you he is going to use the washroom and will be right back.
You stand to give him a peck on the cheek as you sit back down to continue your chat, slowly sipping your drink and people-watching.
You get so lost in the conversation you hardly notice Yoongi isn’t back yet but when Jonathan comes back with Millie you look around to realize Yoongi is nowhere to be seen.
“I’m gonna go inside and grab some food.” You tell your cousins as you push yourself up from the chair and walk over to the sliding door cracking it open and entering the quiet house, the noise from the party instantly muted.
You walk to the bathroom on the first floor to see it is free which means Yoongi must be using the upstairs one.
You kick off your heels as you make your way up the hardwood steps, bare feet silent on the floor.
You see the door is closed and you snicker before lightly knocking.
“Occupied!” Yoongi’s voice rings out as you smile.
“Yoongs it’s me.” You reply and you hear him rush to the door and throw it open. He grabs your arm and drags you inside the bathroom shutting the door with his foot and pinning you up against the vanity.
“Yoongi!” You exclaim as his lips find yours and he kisses you with such passion it steals your breath from your lungs.
His hands are holding your hips steady as he ruts into you, his body pushing against yours with such force the countertop bites into your skin.
“Yoongi baby. What’s going on?” You ask breathless as his lips move down to your neck and begin to suck and bite at the skin. His hands frantically rub your sides as he continues to grind his crotch into you.
“Need you. Fuck need you so bad.” He begs as he pulls the straps of your dress down to get more access to your skin and you throw your head back and moan.
His lips are hot against your skin and he is rutting into you in a way where you can feel the full length of his bulge pressing into your core. His hands grip your hips as he fucks into you with force which has your back arching and moans falling from your mouth.
You are in a lust-filled haze as Yoongi’s fingers trail up the slit in your dress, his fingers teasing the inside of your thighs you are about to open your legs and give him what he wants when you hear the sliding door open downstairs and you freeze.
Someone is in the house.
Yoongi doesn’t seem to hear it as he sucks a harsh mark on your neck and you put your hands on his chest to push him back as you hear footsteps downstairs.
“Yoongs we have to stop so-someone is in the house.” You say breathless as he finally looks up at you and you gasp.
His eyes are blown wide and so dark they are almost black. His tongue darts out to wet his swollen lips and his hair is a mess atop his head.
Yoongi lets out a whine and steps forward as you strain to hear if someone is still in the kitchen downstairs. He brings his head to your shoulder and begins to nuzzle your skin, small moans leaving his mouth.
“Yoongs baby what has gotten into you?” You ask softly petting his hair and trying to flatten it as his tongue darts out to lick at your skin.
“I got hard. So fucking hard so I came up here to see if I could make it go away and it won’t fucking go away.” He whines as he rolls his hips into yours giving you delicious friction against your core.
“And you thought furiously making out with me would make it go away?” You tease as he whines loudly against your skin and continues to rut against you desperately. His body still caging you in as he looks up at you through thick lashes and sticks his bottom lip out in a pout.
“I’m so horny and I tried everything to get it to go down but I’m so fucking hard. I didn’t jerk off because…well it’s weird to jerk off in my girlfriend’s parents’ bathroom but baby I’m so fucking horny. It won’t go away.” He whines softly still pouting as his lips come to find your neck once again and he delivers you soft kisses.
You hear the screen door close and you let out a sigh as you push him back from you once more.
“Yoongs baby what got you so horny? You fucked me last night remember?” You say blushing at the memory of you riding him and how good he felt stuffed inside of you.
“Don’t remind me, please. We want this to go away not get harder.” He begs as he buries his head into your chest and lets out a frustrated sigh.
You let out a soft laugh and rub his back affectionately.
You can still feel his cock pressing against your core and you reach a hand down between your bodies to stroke him. He closes his eyes and bites his lip to keep from moaning.
“What got you so horny Yoongs hmmm? My baby boy usually isn’t so desperate.” You say taking on the dominant role as Yoongi’s body seems to soften into yours.
Even though he likes being dominant you find he equally likes being subby and being your baby boy.
“Please don’t freak out.” He says in a small voice as you remove your hand from his cock to stroke at his hair.
The sliding door opens again downstairs and you continue to comfort him.
“Tell me, baby boy. What has my kitten all worked up?” You ask as he flutters his eyes closed and buries his face into your shoulder whining.
“Talking about you being pregnant. At first, I was horrified your mom would bring it up. But then. Thinking of you. Dripping with my seed. Pregnant with my child. All swollen and big… all because we fucked. And fucking you without a condom. God Y/N.” He whispers out as he starts to rut his hips into you again, pushing his cock into your hip and making you bite back a moan.
He ruts against you as you stroke his hair and give him soft kisses to his temple.
“I need to cum so bad, I don’t think my cock is ever going to go down.” He whimpers as he holds you steady and continues to grind against you. His greedy hands rubbing at the bare skin of your arms.
“So you have a pregnancy kink?” You question as he stills his movements to look up at you with lust-blown eyes.
“Yes? No? I don’t know I just know the thought of fucking you, filling you with my cum is making me painfully hard. Help. God, please touch me. Please do something. I can’t go back to the party like this.” He whines desperately as he captures your lips in a heated kiss.
His body is flushed against yours and his hands trail up and down your arms. You feel your core throb at his words as he continues to grind his hips into yours harder, desperate to seek some relief for his aching hard-on that is still trapped in his tight pants.
You part your legs to give him some room and he slots his bulge perfectly against your core. You let out a whine against his lips when he grinds into you frantically, practically humping your leg in the process.
“Want me to jerk you off baby boy? Make you cum around my fist?” You ask as he nods and bites his lip.
You pull away to reach between your bodies to undo the button of his jeans. When you slide the zipper down and open his pants his swollen cock quickly fills up the space and you tease the head of his cock with the tip of your finger.
“Wanna fuck you. God, please let me fuck you.” He begs out as his eyes start to water with desperate tears.
“Do you have a condom? We both aren’t ready for kids yet.” You remind him as you pull his pants down to his ankles and see his cock straining against the dark material of his tight boxers.
You let your fingers dance against his hard shaft and he whines.
“No, I forgot to replace the one in my wallet. I wanna fuck you so bad.” he almost cries.
You’ve seen Yoongi desperate before, usually when you are edging him or having him tied up but you have never seen him desperate like this.
His eyes are wide and tearful and his teeth are biting into his lip. His hands are still grabbing at your arms tightly and he looks on the verge of insanity.
“I know baby boy. I know you want to fuck me but we don’t have a condom so we can’t.”
He lets out a whine as tears slip from his eyes.
“How about I suck you off yeah? Get some of that tension out then when we get home I’ll let you fuck me however you want. With a condom on though. Okay, kitten?” You coo as he nods and you finally pull down his underwear.
What a sight his cock is.
Hard and leaking precum the head is red from the lack of attention and his shaft is twitching slightly.
He groans when you finally wrap a hand around it and you shush him with a giggle.
“You have to be a good Kitten and not make a sound okay? The whole party doesn’t need to know how desperate my baby boy is and how hard his cock is. God Yoongs your so fucking hard for me.” You whisper as you circle his cock and he buries his face on your shoulder to muffle his noises.
You jerk him slowly focusing on the head of his cock as Yoongi moans and whines into your shoulder. He is steadily leaking pre cum and you can feel how pent up he is by how his cock is throbbing in your hand.
“You have to be good now and don’t make noise. I’m gonna suck you off okay kitten. Be good for me yeah?” You ask as Yoongi nods and you sink to the floor sucking at the tip and making his eyes roll in the back of his head and his hips shoot forward.
You jerk his cock in tandem with your mouth and Yoongi is doing everything in his power to stay quiet. Your mouth feels so good against his aching shaft and he can’t help but curl his toes against the tile floor when you take him deep.
Your nose presses against his pubes and he lets a filthy moan slip from his lips. You pull back immediately and look up at him, stilling your movements and driving him to insanity.
“Please don’t stop, please. Y/N I’m so hard it hurts I need to cum please.” He begs out as tears slip down his cheeks.
You lap at the tip of his cock again making him shove his fist in his mouth to keep from screaming. His hands come to tangle in your hair as he forces himself to breathe through his nose and not wildly fuck your throat.
Your hand leaves his shaft to play with his balls which are swollen and begging to be touched. Your hand comes up to fondle them and Yoongi throws his head back as a stifled moan leaves his mouth.
You can feel your own arousal slick on your thighs as you watch Yoongi inch toward orgasm as you work him harder.
You grin against his cock and wrap your fingers around his shaft again. You deep-throat him down and Yoongi lets out a choked moan as he shoves his fingers in his mouth.
“Tell me Yoongs what do you want baby boy?” You ask pulling off from him and resting your head on his shaky thigh.
“Wanna fuck your throat. Please Y/N, please. I’m so close. It hurts. Please I wanna cum” He begs as you obey and suck him back into your mouth and keep your head steady.
His hands come to brace your head and he begins to fuck into your mouth. Softly at first to get you used to the feeling and then he starts to pick up the pace.
He fucks into your mouth harshly as his hands grasp at your hair making your scalp sting. He is trying his best to stay quiet above you as you open your throat wider and tears cloud your vision as he chokes you with his cock.
“Please Y/N, please. I’m gonna cum. Please let me cum. Ohmygod please.” he cries out as he continues to harshly fuck your mouth and you open it wider.
He wails and cums down your throat as you swallow all he gives you.
You keep your nose pressed against his pubes as you swallow him down and soak in the noises he is making above you, somewhere between a groan and a sob as he slows his thrusts.
You take your time pulling off his softening cock and you lick his cockhead clean before standing up on shaky legs to stare at Yoongi.
His hair is a sweaty mess and his eyes are still blown wide. His lips are bruised from all the biting and he looks blissfully fucked out.
“Thank you thank you thank you.” He praises you as he brings his hands up to cup your cheeks and kisses you softly. You can feel the relief radiating off of him.
“Feel better Kitten?” You mutter against his lips as he pulls back and nods suddenly looking shy.
“You are so good to me. God how did I get so lucky.” He praises you as he strokes your hair and continues to pepper kisses on your lips and cheeks.
“I’m the lucky one Yoongs.” You respond as he pulls away and fixes his wild hair.
Your arousal is leaking down your thighs and you grimace when you feel it.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asks as you reach for some toilet paper to get yourself cleaned up.
“Seeing you like that got me all wet. Just gotta get cleaned up kitten.” You say slowly cleaning between your legs.
“I can take care of that you know.” He reminds you with a smirk as you softly smile at him.
“I know you can Kitten but we have been gone from the party long enough because my baby boy was a needy little thing and needed to fuck my throat to feel better.” You remind him as he buries his face in your neck and whines.
“Don’t. Y/N please dont we just got my cock to soften.” He begs as you let out a small chuckle.
“Sorry, Yoongi. I’ll save it for later. Now come on we gotta go back or people will get suspicious.” You say grabbing his hand and exiting the bathroom.
“We could just leave… you know. Take care of things now?” He teases you with a lift of an eyebrow and wink as you smack his arm softly and lead your boy back out to the sunshine and the party.
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lecsainz · 1 year
can you do charles and the reader being parents and their daughter/son wanting a little brother/sister??
big dream
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: charles and Y/N being parents of twin girls, the girls wanting a little brother, family lunch and everything being chaotic.
authors note: I JUST LOVED THIS REQUEST! charles with kids is too delicate for me 😭
word count: 1K
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It was a bright and sunny day in Monaco, and the Leclerc household was bustling with activity. Rylee and Amelie were playing together in the living room while Y/N was working on her laptop and Charles was on a call with his team. Suddenly, Rylee jumped up with excitement.
"Amelie, Amelie, guess what I dreamt last night!" Rylee exclaimed, tugging at her sister's sleeve.
"What did you dream?" Amelie asked, looking up at her sister curiously.
"I dreamt that we had a baby brother." Rylee said, her eyes shining with excitement.
"A baby brother?" Amelie repeated, her eyes widening. "That would be so cool!”
"Yeah, and he was so cute and little, just like us when we were babies." Rylee continued. "And he was always laughing and playing with us."
"Wow, I wish we really had a little brother like that." Amelie said, a big smile on her face.
"I know, right? Maybe we can ask mommy and daddy to have another baby." Rylee said, her eyes shining with hope.
Just then, Y/N walked into the room to get the girls ready for the family lunch. "Alright girls, let's get dressed and head over to *grand-mère's house." she said. *grandma
"Mommy, can we ask you something?" Rylee said, looking up at her with a hopeful expression.
"Sure, what is it?" Y/N asked.
"We had a dream that we had a little brother, and we really want one." Rylee said, her eyes pleading.
Y/N smiled at her daughters. "Well, having a baby is a big decision, and it's not something we can just do because we want to." she explained. "But who knows, maybe one day you'll have a little brother or sister."
Rylee and Amelie looked at each other with excitement in their eyes, imagining what it would be like to have a new addition to the family.
Charles and Y/N were getting ready to head to Pascale's house for a family lunch, and were trying to strap the girls into their car seats.
"Mommy, why do we have to wear these seatbelts?" Amelie asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"Because it keeps you safe in case we have an accident." Y/N replied, giving her a reassuring smile.
"Like in a race car?" Rylee asked, bouncing up and down in her seat.
"Kind of like that, yes." Charles said, chuckling at his daughter's enthusiasm.
As they drove through the streets of Monaco, the girls kept up a constant chatter, pointing out all the sights and asking questions about everything they saw.
Rylee whispered to her sister Amelie, "I hope we get a baby brother soon."
Amelie's eyes lit up. "Me too! I want a baby brother to play with."
Charles and Y/N were driving the car, listening to their conversation in the rearview mirror.
"Girls, we can't just order a baby brother like we order food." Y/N chuckled.
"But mommy, can't you ask the stork to bring us one?" Rylee asked innocently.
"Maybe we should ask Toto Wolff to bring us a baby brother. He knows everything about racing, maybe he knows how to get us a baby boy too!" Amelie exclaimed and the girls giggled at the idea of Toto Wolff bringing them a baby brother.
Charles and Y/N looked at each other, trying to hold back their laughter as they heard Amelie's suggestion. "I don't think Toto Wolff can help us with that." Charles said, still trying to contain her amusement.
Rylee chimed in, "But if he's a racing expert, he might know how to make a fast baby!" Charles and Y/N couldn't help but burst out laughing at that.
As they arrived at Pascale's house, the girls couldn't wait to tell their family about their plan to get a baby brother.
Rylee and Amelie ran to greet everyone with hugs and kisses before running off to the backyard to play.
"Girls, be careful not to get your dresses dirty." Y/N called out after them.
Lorenzo chuckled. "They're like little tornadoes, aren't they?"
"They sure are." Charles agreed, smiling.
As the adults settled in for some drinks and appetizers, the girls were busy playing with Pascale's dogs and running around the garden.
Suddenly, Rylee stopped in her tracks and turned to her sister. "Amelie, let's go find mommy and daddy a baby!"
Amelie's eyes lit up. "Yes! Let's go!"
The girls ran back to the patio, where Y/N and Charles were chatting with Arthur and Carla.
"Mummy, daddy, we're going to find you a baby!" Rylee exclaimed.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And where are you going to find this baby?"
Amelie looked around thoughtfully. "Maybe we can dig for one in the garden?"
Everyone burst out laughing at the girls' innocent suggestion.
"I don't think we'll find a baby buried in the garden, sweetheart." Charles said, ruffling Amelie's hair.
Rylee suddenly looked up at Charles and Y/N "So where do babies come from?" She asked innocently.
Y/N choked on her water and looked at Charles, who was trying his best not to laugh. "Uh, well..." Y/N started, unsure of how to explain.
"They come from a special place in mommy's tummy." Charles jumped in, hoping to diffuse the situation.
Amelie's eyes widened in amazement. "How do they get there?"
Charles looked at Y/N for help, but she was no use, still coughing on her water. "Uh, well... daddy puts them there." he said, trying to keep a straight face.
Rylee and Amelie exchanged looks, not quite sure what to make of that answer. "Can we have a baby brother?" Amelie asked again, a sudden determination in her voice.
Charles and Y/N looked at each other, not surprised by the question at all, as the girls had been asking for a little brother all day. "Uh, well, that's not something we can just decide." Y/N said, trying to find the right words.
"But Rylee had a dream that we had a baby brother and he was really cute!" Amelie insisted, pushing her case.
Everyone at the table tried to hold back their laughter, but it was no use. Arthur, the youngest of the Leclerc brothers, couldn't help himself and burst out laughing.
"I think you girls are a bit too young to be worrying about babies and brothers." Pascale, Charles' mother, interjected, trying to keep the conversation on track.
"But we want a baby brother!" Rylee exclaimed, determined to make her point.
Charles and Y/N exchanged a look, silently agreeing that this was going to be a long lunch.
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simmer down and pucker up
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pairing: leon x reader
cw: daddy kink, ddlg dynamics, p in v, oral sex, semi-public sex
summary: he's not daddy in public, he's just leon. but you want daddy's attention.
a/n: not proofread. title is from do i wanna know? by the arctic monkeys.
wc: 2.3k
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You and Leon play daddy and baby girl at home - only at home, no one will ever know about this taboo little habit. You hide any obvious paraphernalia like the pacifiers in your sock drawer, and hope no one suspects anything based solely on the large collection of plushies that line the bed. The dolls you have are “collectors items” or “hold sentimental value”, “you’ve had them since you were a child”, etc. The list of lies is a long one. 
It helps that you don’t constantly dress in tiny pink skirts and thigh highs. You’re wearing your new strawberry shortcake panties, but no one can see those under your jeans. It feels weird to call the man you love by his first name. Leon. Who’s that? Oh, you mean daddy?
You have to call him Leon in public. You try to practice around the house, but it comes out in your sing-songy tone just like ‘daddy’. When daddy tells you he has to leave you cling to his leg like a koala bear. 
“C’mon, baby girl, I’m gonna be late,” he says, genuinely tired of arguing with you. 
“I wanna come with you,” you say. The truth is, you don’t really want to go to whatever professional event Leon has to attend - you just want his attention, and this seems to be your only option. 
“Fine. Get dressed,” he concedes. “You have 15 minutes or I’m leaving without you.” 
You want to tell Leon that he’s supposed to act like a daddy, not a father, but you don’t have time to make snide remarks because you have to go dig something that could be considered “cocktail attire” out of the back of your closet. You’ve never had a large professional wardrobe, so most of your dresses are skin-tight with a plunging neckline. You manage to find one that almost goes down to your knees, and though Leon gives you a look of mild disapproval when you walk downstairs, his mind is really filled with dirty thoughts he tries very hard to shake off before you leave. 
You tap his shoulder and hold up your heels, asking for help.  
“No, you’ve gotta practice being independent if you’re gonna come with me tonight, alright?”
“But daddy-”
“Ah,” he tuts, finger out in front of you. 
“But Leon,” you whine - like an adult this time, sitting on the floor to properly put your shoes on.
“Good girl,” he says with a kiss upon your forehead. Unfortunately, this feeds your baby girl behavior. You look up at him doe-eyed and grinning. 
You take Leon’s hand which is already outstretched for you and stand up on your own. Daddy would’ve picked you up and carried you out to the car, but Leon is mean and makes you walk by yourself and buckle your own seatbelt. 
Leon had warned you that it would be boring, and he was right. You’re beginning to regret insisting on accompanying him. It would’ve been more enjoyable if the banquet hall had a kids menu (the kind that comes with crayons). 
“Daddy,” you whisper, tugging at his sleeve. It’s his nice suit, but that’s not why he scolds you. 
“Uh-uh. We only say that word inside the house.” He told you it was because he didn’t want anyone to overhear you calling him that, but in reality, he’s worried about you making him hard in public. He’ll have to drink a lot more and hope he can induce whiskey-dick (though, that’s something that seems to have disappeared from his life since you got together). 
“Can I play on your phone?”
“You have your own phone.”
“The battery is almost dead.”
He fishes his phone out of his pocket, but before he hands it over, he looks you in the eye and says as sternly as he can (which is not very stern, considering it’s you he’s talking to), “Just games. No texting, no calling, no email. Got it?”
“Got it,” you agree with a nod. 
He suppresses the urge to call you a good girl because it’ll further instigate you to mess with him, something he can already tell you want to do.
You play Neko Atsume until you get bored and hand Leon back his phone. Daddy says he has to do important work things, so you are relegated to a different part of the room. He tells you that you could come with him if you’re willing to socialize, but you said no. You want his undivided attention. Luckily, you’d anticipated this, and made sure your phone had a little bit of battery left. You leave the ballroom and head for the ladies room, locking yourself in a stall. 
A while back, you’d set a special ringtone for yourself in Leon’s phone, so whenever you called he’d know to pick up ASAP. You also made sure his phone always alerted him when you sent him a text. Calls are for emergencies and texts are for not-so-urgent things. You decide that your current problem - your neediness, which is mostly a constant - is not an emergency, so a call is not warranted, only a text. Plus, you can send Leon a picture if you text, rather than call. 
You couldn’t fit a bra under your dress which only makes it easier to take a picture of your tits and send it to Leon. The exchange goes as follows. 
You: daddy I need you!!
You know he’s flustered when he texts you back. 
daddy <3: Knock it off.
You: but daddyyy my princess parts need help :(
daddy <3: Where are you?
Oh, he’s caving and coming to see you. You think you’ve won, but you’re so very wrong. 
You: bathroom ;) 
daddy <3: Get out here now.
You find him standing outside the ladies room with his arms crossed. He stares you down and you think you’ve really pissed him off. He doesn’t say anything, but he yanks you by the arm like a child.
“Are we going home?” You can’t decide whether to be eager or apologetic, so you try to keep your cutesy tone as neutral as possible. 
“No.” He doesn’t say anything else until you get outside. He finds a relatively secluded spot where he’s fairly sure that you won’t get caught. 
“On your knees,” he says. 
You shouldn’t be as surprised as you are. You asked for him to come give you attention and sent him an explicit photo. But you really didn’t think Leon would be this bold. You’ve never done anything in public before and the idea makes you a bit nervous. 
Leon can see that you’re feeling shy now, but he’s too hard to soothe your nerves. “Do you want daddy or no?” he asks, with his hands on his hips. He’s impatient, he doesn’t have to pretend. 
You nod. Obedient now that you’ve gotten what you wanted. 
“Are you going to do what I say?”
“Yes, daddy.” 
Leon’s demeanor softens when he hears your sweet - almost apologetic - voice. 
“I know you can be a good girl for me.”
Good girl. The words are like magic, making you kneel in front of him. 
Leon looks around quickly before he unzips his pants and pulls his dick out. He’s so hard that it twitches in anticipation when your hand reaches to touch it. The tip is already leaking, too. You did this, and now you have to fix it. When you look up into his eyes, you can tell he’s not actually upset with you. He can’t be. He’s just tense because he needs to cum - he’s more desperate for you than you are for him. 
You know you won’t get rewarded if you tease him so you take him as far as you can down your throat. His eyes go wide, as he’s shocked by how much you can take. He sees your eyes water and he starts to worry until you start bobbing your head eagerly and he can’t think straight. Leon tips his head back and groans, louder than he should. He looks down into your eyes and in seconds, he feels the familiar sensation of his muscles tightening in his abdomen. 
“Baby,” he says, “daddy’s gonna cum soon.” He’s practically panting at this point, and more worried than before that you might get caught. The possibility of ruining his reputation as a hard-working agent - or worse, an arrest - is one thing, but now that he’s so close to the edge, the idea of being stopped before his orgasm hits is what he fears more. 
You remove him from your mouth and he thinks you’re going to turn the tables on him in an expert play. But you don’t. 
“Daddy, I want it on my face,” you say. 
And despite his better judgment telling him that this is the worst place to do this, he can’t help but give in. He finishes himself off with his own hand, painting your face with thick white ropes. It takes all of his strength to keep his eyes open but you look so pretty with your mouth open wide like this, eager to taste his release. 
When he comes down from his high, you take the initiative and get every last drop from his cock. He quickly slips himself back into his pants and the moment of clarity hits him. 
“What am I going to do with you?” He half-laughs because it’s either that or panic about the fact that your face is covered in an unmistakable sticky white substance. 
You reach into your purse, pull out some tissues and hand them to him. He cleans you up carefully, making sure nothing gets in your eyes. 
“Can we go home now, daddy?”
“Yeah,” he says, deciding he’ll figure out how to explain his sudden departure later. He can’t take you inside when you look like that. He holds your hand while you walk to the car and he buckles you in. 
“Am I still in trouble?” you ask on the way home, breaking the silence. 
Leon really doesn’t know. You were naughty, but then you were good, really fucking good in his opinion. And, he’s not good at punishing you. “Only a little bit.”
“Does that mean you’ll help me?”
“With what?” He turns to look at you when he stops at a red light. 
You look down at your lap, too shy to say the words.  
“Help you with your princess parts?”
Your breath hitches. The two words increase your arousal exponentially. Your tone quavers when you say, “yes, daddy.” It’s the correct response, but really, it’s the only words you can come up with anyway. 
He sighs. “You were naughty tonight.”
“Please, daddy,” you say, and when Leon parks the car in the driveway, you grab his hand and guide it under your dress. “I really need it,” you say when his hand finds your panties. 
Wet would be an understatement. Leon finds himself straining against the fabric of his pants already. You’ve done it again. He can’t help but think about how you taste. He doesn’t say anything, but you can see it in his eyes when you walk in the door. He takes your shoes off along with own and then picks you up and carries you to bed. 
In the bedroom, Leon is gentle with you, carefully unzipping your dress and slipping it down your body. He’s gentle, but he’s not selfless. He plays with your tits, sucks on them until he decides it’s time to move down between your legs. He takes his jacket off and rolls up his sleeves like he’s preparing for something laborious. He gets on his knees at the edge of the bed and pulls you towards him. He sucks on the gusset of your panties until you’re kicking your legs in protest. He finally takes them off, so he can truly savor you. 
It doesn’t take long for you to cum, crying out “daddy” over and over. But, Leon doesn’t stop. 
“Daddy it’s too much,” you sob. 
“Daddy’s not done yet,” he says, continuing to lap at your folds. You sob and tug at his hair, undecided about whether or not you really want him to stop. “Daddy, no more,” you say. 
“One more, baby. Just give daddy one more.” It’s more of a plea than a demand.
“I can’t,” you cry. 
“Yes, you can." WIth that, he hands you a plushie to squeeze. Whether the thoughtful act comes from daddy's nurturing nature or if it's a well-played bargaining chip, you accept it.
Daddy is right - you can cum again. When you do, you coat Leon’s face with your arousal, and your orgasm leaves you gasping for breath. When you open your eyes, you see Leon undressing. 
“Daddy I’m too sensitive,” you say. 
“Then how come you said you needed daddy earlier? Were you lying to daddy?”
You’re going to tell him that you need a break but when he takes his cock out you change your mind. It doesn’t matter how overstimulated you are, you want him inside you.
You’re wetter than usual, and that’s saying something. Leon slips into you with relative ease. Sometimes, you struggle to take all of him, but now, he's able to bury himself fully in your soaking cunt. Sorry, princess parts.
“Look, baby,” he says, pointing down at your tummy where you can see him bulging inside you. “Look how good you’re taking daddy.”
Your tears cease for a moment when you see his smile. 
“Daddy’s so proud of you,” he whispers into your ear and clamp down onto him in response. His movements are more forceful by necessity. You make it difficult for him to thrust in and out when you clench this tightly around him. Leon doesn't mind, he'll gladly fuck you roughly if given the chance. He loves to hear the way you babble nonsense, he loves to watch drool drip out of your mouth. Daddy loves you. That's the last thing he says before he cums.
When Leon has his second orgasm of the night, he feels like he’s about to blackout, and it takes every bit of his strength to not fall over and crush you. He can barely pay attention to you, so he only notices your orgasm when he feels your walls pulsating around him, making him cum harder - something that would’ve seemed impossible mere seconds ago. 
When his back hits the mattress, he doesn’t say anything, and after a moment, you place your hand on his chest, worried you might have given him a heart attack. 
“Are you okay, daddy?”
“Besides the fact that I can’t feel my dick anymore? Yeah, I’m good, very, very good.” 
Leon is quiet for long enough that you think he might’ve dozed off until he says, “You know, I think I was wrong.”
“About what?”
“Taking you with me was a great idea.”
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pinkponyclubbb3 · 1 day
Casual part 2
summary: y/n and Chris haven’t talked since the incident a couple months ago. They run into each other at a party Chris hates how much y/n is messing around with people who are not him.
warnings: Drinking,Cussing, dry humping, degrading, praise, public (?) sex , spanking
check my bio if u wanna be tagged in future fics
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“Yeah, long as my bitches love me!” I sing to the mirror while I apply my blush. A lot has changed in the last couple of months. I realized I liked smoking and drinking.I cut Chris off, and with that, I haven’t talked to Nick or Matt. I still have a lot of love for them, but it’s hard to converse with someone who has the same face as my… ex. I’m not sure what to call him.
I get up and look through my closet. As i’m looking through my dress I find an all familiar looking hoodie. Fresh Love. I stare at it for a couple seconds and sigh. “Casual.” I scoff.
He takes off his shirt, leaving him in just his pajama pants, and gets into bed. He holds me in his arms and kisses my head. I hear him sigh, assuming he closed his eyes to sleep. His arms are wrapped around me, and I can’t help but think about everything that has happened. As I stare into space memories are flooding back. What am I doing? Letting him hold me and kiss me after what he told me earlier. “Chris.” I tap his arm. “Hmm” he whines. “Chris I want to go home.” I say with my eyes watering. Tears threatening to come out if I blink.
“What? Why?” He says in his tired voice. “You really hurt my feelings, Chris.” I’m avoiding eye contact so he doesn’t know i’m a blink away from crying. He sits up and sighs out of frustration. “What do you want from me, y/n?”
“I want you, Chris. How are you going to tell me everything we’ve done meant nothing to you?” He takes a deep breath as if he’s trying to stop himself from whatever was going to come out of his mouth. “I’ll tell Matt to take you home, he’ll pick you up to get your car in the morning.” That’s it? I stand up putting on a random hoodie and sweats. I stare at him waiting for a ‘just kidding’ or ‘i’m joking’ but it never comes. “I hate you.”
(end of flashback)
I ordered my Uber and put on my heels while I waited. I’m wearing a short, tight leopard print dress with knee-high heel boots. I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look okay. I nod satisfied that everything came out good. I get a notification that my Uber is outside.
“For y/n?” I give him a smile and nod. Fuck he’s fine. I get in the backseat and buckle up. We don’t speak, but I catch him staring at me in the mirror. Sinful thoughts flood my mind. I squeeze my thighs together feeling how soaked i’m getting. Get it together y/n. I think to myself. “You headed to a party?” I nod “Yup.”
I look through my bag and pull out a mini vodka bottle. I twist the top and open my mouth to pour the liquid. He looks at me while biting back a smile. “You know I could get you in trouble for that?” I look at him and see he’s already looking at me through the review mirror. “Yeah? Wanna get me in trouble?” I ask him flirtatiously.
“Mhm. Want to teach you a lesson about drinking in strangers' cars.” I swipe my teeth with my tongue. “Come show me what happens to girls when they break the rules then.” He smirks at me and shakes his head. We’ve arrived at the party and I see cars filling up the parking spaces. He parks and unbuckles his seatbelt. I smile while biting my lip excited for what’s about to happen. He opens his door and joins me in the back.
“Wanna find out what happens to bad girls?” I bring my hand to his hair and start twisting it. “Mhm.” He sits me down on his thigh and grabs both my wrists, holding them behind my back. He smashes his lips on mine, desperate to taste me. He moves my hips, so I grind on his thigh, making me moan and giving his tongue access to my mouth. His jeans are pressing on my clothed clit. He guides my hips to start dry-humping his thigh. He takes the top of my dress and lowers it exposing my tits.
“So perfect.” He tightly grabs my left tit and slaps it. “Mm fuck.” I start grinding faster ready for any sort of release. “You like being slapped around?” I nod unable to give him a verbal answer. My head thrown back, my mouth opened and eyebrows furrowed. He opens his mouth while looking up at me taking my nipple into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around and biting down. Profanities leaving my mouth. The knot in my stomach starts forming letting me know how close I am. “Keep doing that I’m so close.” He grips my hips keeping me in place and stopping the friction.
“W-what?” He grips my hair, forcing me to look up. “You think bad girls get to cum?” I shake my head no. “Words,y/n,” he says. “No, they don’t get to cum.” He leans closer and starts kissing my neck. “Please let me finish .” He lets go of my hair so I can look at him. I grab his shoulders and start the rhythm again. “Please? I’ll be so good for you. Let me show you how bad I need you.” He starts sucking on my neck, assuming he is leaving hickeys.
I feel his hand grip my tits again. He uses his thumb to play with my nipple. It doesn’t take long for that feeling in my stomach to come back. “Such a good fucking girl getting off on my thigh.” I nod relentlessly getting closer to my orgasm. “Fuck i’m close.” He grips my hips making me go at a faster pace getting to my climax quicker.
I reach my orgasm and can’t help but chant profanities. My legs twitch as I finish feeling a little overstimulated. I let go of his shoulders and lay my head on his shoulder. “Fuck that felt so good.” I can feel his erection. I pull up my dress and get off his lap. He grabs my face and starts kissing me again. I reach into my bag and pull out another bottle. “Here let me get that.” he takes the bottle from me and opens it. “Open wide, princess.” I open my mouth as he pours it all into me.
“Such a good girl. Swallow for me, yeah?” I swallowed tightly, closing my eyes as I felt the drink burning my throat. “Thanks for getting me off. I’d love to continue, but I have a party to go to.” I tap his face and open the door. As I adjust my dress, I look up and meet eyes with the triplets. “Hi, guys!” I say casually. “What were you doing?” you mean who? I laugh at my joke but can’t say it aloud. “What? nothing just got dropped off from my uber.” As I say that the driver exits the back seat. Please don’t say anything I say to myself.
The boys look at me in disbelief. I see jealousy and anger in Chris’s eyes. “That was fun, mama. Maybe next time we’ll finish what we started, " he says, getting into the front seat and driving away. My eyes widen but I can’t help but laugh. “Who was that?” Chris asks angrily. I shrug my shoulders. “I’m not sure I never got his name.” I run to pull Matt and Nick into a hug. “My favorite triplets how are you!” I give them a kiss on the cheek. “We’re good i’ve missed you.” Nick says. Chris pulls me away from them. He signals his brothers to start walking inside.
“Pull your fucking dress down. I can see your thong.” My eyes widened, and I immediately pulled my dress down. “Were you fucking him?” God, I hate how beautiful he is. “And if I was?” I ask, challenging him. “I’ll fuckin’ kill him.” He looks so serious. I can’t tell if I’m scared or turned on. “What if I told you he got me off? Would that make you mad?” His jaw is clenched. He lifts my chin so I can’t look anywhere but his face. “Don’t test me, y/n.” I slap his hand away from my face. “Don’t be mad Chris. We were just casual remember?” I walk away from him and go inside.
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Body’s are grinding up against each other. It smells like a mix of weed, sweat, and alcohol. I’m past tipsy at this point. I haven’t talked to anyone all night, but I’m enjoying myself, so that’s all that matters. One of my favorite songs comes on and I leave the bar to go dance. I’d usually be embarrassed but I have too much alcohol in my system to care. I feel someone behind me. I turn around to meet eyes with a stranger. “I’m Dean.” I continue dancing. “Yeah I don’t care let’s just dance.”
he grabs my hips and so i’m basically grinding on him. Our body’s moving in sync as we move to the beat of the music. The lights are flashing. I look around and see everyone enjoying themselves. “Didn’t catch your name, sweetheart.” I roll my eyes. I don’t want to get to know him I just want to dance. “Didn’t throw it.” I find drunk me hilarious. I see Matt dancing with a random girl. He’s smiling while his bottom lip is tucked into his mouth. That girl is bent over dancing? Looks more like foreplay. Dean guides his hands all over my body.
I feel eyes on me. I look to my right and see Chris sitting at the bar, watching me like a hawk. I give him a wink and bring my attention back to Dean. I turn around to face him. Our faces are inches apart. He leans in to kiss me. He’s not bad-looking but doesn’t compare to the man in the Uber or … Chris. I hate how much I think about him. I give his tongue access to explore my mouth. I feel him bite my lower lip, and his hand is placed on my lower back. He pushes me closer to him to deepen the kiss.
I back up to go back to dancing. I regret that, I tell myself. This must be what post-nut clarity feels like. I look to my right again and see Chris chug his drink and slam the glass down. He gets up and walks over to me. “She’s taken.” Before I had the chance to protest, he starts dragging me off the dance floor. “What the fuck?” He doesn’t stop until we reach a bathroom. The bathroom has a red light instead of a normal one. He slams the door and locks it.
(A/n: if you can listen to music and read you should listen to ‘Bathroom by ‘Montell Fish’ for this scene)
I'm not sure what’s going to happen next, but a part of me can’t wait to find out. “So you’re just slutting yourself out tonight, huh?” I was taken aback, my eyebrows furrowed. “What I do is none of your business.” I poke his chest with my pointer finger. With a quick movement, he turns me around and bends me over the sink so I’m staring at him and myself in the mirror. He traces my ass with his fingers and smacks hard. “Fuck.”
“Such a bad, bad girl.” he taunts. Too speechless to say anything, I watch him through the mirror. I see him take off his belt while refusing to break eye contact. Once it’s out, he lifts my dress slowly. He folds his belt in his hands and taunts me with it. I hiss when the coldness of the leather makes contact with my ass. He takes his fingers and pulls my underwear to the side. “Spread your legs for me, princess.” I do what he says. He takes the leather in his hands and uses it to touch my wet pussy.
Once he finishes teasing me, he uses all his force to spank me with it. I grip the sink, shutting my eyes from the pain. “Fuck Chris!” I hear him laugh. He doesn’t give me a chance to recover before he hits me again. I throw my head back. A mix of pain and pleasure fills my body. “Does it hurt?” I look at him with tears swelling in my eyes.”mhm” He takes his fingers and inserts them into my folds. “Your body is telling me otherwise.” He turns me around to face him. He kneels down onto his knees. He doesn’t say a word and just flattens his tongue and licks my wet pussy. My eyes roll back and my hands grip harder on the sink
He takes the tip of his tongue to tease my clit. “O-oh my god-” he takes his two fingers and teases my entrance. He starts sucking on my clit while he inserts his fingers. My breath quickens when his fingers start fucking me at a fast pace. “Yes just like that, Chris.” I say in a whisper too overwhelmed by the pleasure. His fingers curl inside of me making me give pornographic moans. Chris's grin widens as he feels me getting closer and closer to the edge. He increases the pace, his fingers pumping in and out of me rapidly while his mouth sucks on my clit The room fills with my loud moans and the wet sounds of his fingers sliding in and out of me.
Chris pulls out his fingers, leaving me panting and desperate. He turns me around to face the mirror, pushing my hips against the sink and spreading my legs apart. He steps back and looks at our reflection, his eyes dark with desire. "Look at yourself," I don’t say anything. Trying to catch my breath. “Look at how ready you are for me..." He runs his hands down my back, grabbing my hips and positioning himself behind me. He lines himself up with my entrance, his eyes locked onto mine in the mirror. “Please Chris I need you so fucking bad.”
Chris grips my hips tightly and slowly pushes into me. His face contorts in pleasure as he buries himself to the hilt. He leans over me, his hot breath on my neck. "Eyes on the mirror," he growls, pulling back and thrusting into me again, harder this time. “F-fuck!” I can’t help but close my eyes, too overwhelmed with euphoria. I feel his hand tangle in my hair and pull my head back. “Eyes on the mirror,y/n. Look at us.” His voice low and demanding. I pry my eyes open trying my hardest not to break contact.
Chris grins, watching my reflection as he takes me rough and hard. His thrusts are deep and punishing, filling the room with the sound of slapping skin. His eyes flick down to where we’re joined, watching as he pulls out almost all the way before slamming back into me. “Chris!” I scream out. We’ve had sex before but it’s never been like this. “Tell me how much you hate me,y/n.” I shake my head no refusing to tell him. “Come on you had no problem telling me a couple months ago.” he taunts. “Tell me sweetheart I want to hear it.” He pulls my hair and he thrusts hard into me.
He grinds his hips into me, the movement drawing a low, guttural moan from my throat. "Say that you hate me, y/n." He can see the resistance in my eyes, but also the undeniable heat between my thighs. He leans closer, his breath hot against my ear. "You hate me...say it..." I nod giving in. “I hate you with everything in me, Chris.”
He grins darkly, his hand tightening in my hair as he pistons into me harder. "Louder," he demands. "I want to hear you scream that you hate me while I'm buried inside you.” He bites down on my neck, sucking hard as he continues to pound into me. “I- fucking hate you.” his other hand comes around and starts rubbing my clit. “Atta girl.” I start panting at the contact he’s making with my clit. “Look in the mirror… Look at how much you hate me.”
He watches our reflection his eyes dark with lust. I shut my eyes feeling my orgasm slowly approaching. “Don’t close your eyes.” He demands. “Watch us.” I force my eyes open again. He slams into me one last time, his fingers rubbing furiously against my clit as he buries himself deep inside me. “Chris! I’m cumming!” my body shaking and convulsing around him.
He pulls out of me and forces me on my knees. “Open wide, baby let me feel all of you.” He grips my hair as he guides me to his cock. He pushes himself into my mouth. His length filling me up. My eyes immediately watering as I look up at him. His pace quickens,his thrusts becoming shallower as he’s about to cum. His face contorts in pleasure as he comes undone. His grip in my hair tightens painfully. He watches me struggle to swallow his cum, tears in my eyes.
He pulls out of my mouth, breathing heavily while wiping my chin. His face hardens, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. He leans down and tilts my chin up, forcing me to look at him. "Say 'thank you, Chris, for letting me swallow'," he demands coldly. I can feel the wetness between my thighs build up again. “Thank you, Chris” I say quietly. His smirk widens and he nods approvingly. “Such a good girl.”
He helps me up and pulls my dress down. “Sorry for being so rough with you.” sorry? “I need to sleep with more men if it means you’ll fuck me like that.” I say sarcastically. His eyes darken not finding that funny. “Let’s go back to the party.” I fix myself up in the mirror. “Alcohol isn’t good for me.” I say as fix my top.
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A/N: hope you enjoyed part two!!!! the smut is something different from my other posts i hope you liked it!! check my pinned post to find out how to be tagged in future fics!!
tagged list:
@naisblogsblog @eliana-4200
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i-hate-people-1 · 7 months
~Mid to west~
Part 2
Eddie Munson x Henderson reader road trip au
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson Reader
Word count: 3,782
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An hour into your trip, you hear the first dreaded “I have to pee.” Of course, it came from Dustin.
"Really, come on, man, we’re barely even a town over,” Eddie groaned, pulling into the next gas despite his sentiment.
“I’m sorry,” he whined, dashing out of the car the moment Eddie put it in park.
“Maybe we should all try to and we can grab some snacks” Steve suggested Ever, the mother of the group.
"Ugh, fine,” Eddie groaned, throwing his head back. “But no drinks!” He yelled as your friends dashed out of the vehicle. “I mean it!”
“There’s no way they actually listen,” you told him, giggling as you got out of the car Eddie close behind.
“My lady,” Eddie said, smiling brightly as he opened the door for you, bowing slightly.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” you said, giggling and curtsying as you walked in.
After using the restroom, you were scanning the isles for a snack. Indecisive as ever, you finally settled on a bag of Cheez-Its, a pack of gum, and a nougat bar Dustin’s favorite for when he inevitably complains about being snacky (when he’s hungry but doesn’t want real food).
"This all,” the teen at the counter asked. Well, you think she was asking, but her deadpan tone made it hard to tell.
"Yup,” you said, smiling.
She looked up from your snacks, her unamused glare fixed on you.
“Hey sweetheart, spot me a pack of smokes?" You felt his arm before you heard his voice as he hung it lazily over your shoulder.
Casual touches like this almost fooled you enough to think that the boy you’ve been crushing on since you saw him perform at the middle school talent show actually liked you, or at least thought of you as more than his friends older sister, but then reality would always come crashing down on you when you remembered that Eddie was like that with everyone the pet names, teasing remarks, and touching. I mean, the boy was a walking ball of love to give, constantly looking for a new friend or a new lost sheep he could take under his wing.
No matter how many people teased him, judged him unfairly, or called him the most unspeakable things, he never gave up and always kept that signature Eddie Munson smile that simultaneously lit up the room and made you weak in the knees.
“Y/N?” Eddie asked, his concern-ridden face pulling you out of your thoughts as his arm slid awkwardly off your shoulder.
“Oh, yeah, I can,” you said, turning back to the unamused teen. “Uh, and a pack of Malboro Reds, please,” you told the cashier, surprised that the frown she was wearing could get deeper.
“You know my brand?” You could practically hear the shock in his voice—a deep blush taking over your cheeks.
"Yeah, I guess,” you mumbled as you paid for your things, purposely avoiding his eyes that were boring into you. “What?” You asked, turning back to look at him and handing him the cigarettes.
His doe eyes were soft, and there was a remnant of a smile he was holding back on his face.
"Nothing,” he answered through an awkward cough. “Come on, sunshine, the ass crack of America awaits.” He finished turning around to grab the door for you.
You quickly followed, telling the teen at the counter thank you and to have a nice day.
As you made it outside, Eddie broke off to go lean against the wall to smoke. As you finally made it back to the van, your cheeks were still ablaze from your interaction.
Everyone but Steve had made it back to the van, already getting settled in, to hopefully not stop for at least a couple hours.
After about 5 minutes, Eddie and Steve returned, Steve having two huge bags of snacks, so you wouldn’t have to get any more, hopefully.
"Alright, hellions, buckle up. We’re not stopping for a while,” Eddie said, pulling out of the gas station. “I’m just kidding. Of course, my van does not have seatbelts.”
"Eddie, I’m hungry,” Lucas whined, poking the boy in the cheek. “Can we please stop? You made us skip lunch.” He finished continuing to poke him.
"Sinclair, you poke me one more time, and I’ll cut your hand off and make you eat it. How’s that sound for dinner?” Eddie said it through clenched teeth and crazy eyes.
Lucas stopped his finger inches away from the boy's cheek cautiously after a moment of testing the waters; he seemingly gave up pulling his hand back.
Eddie let out a sigh of relief, unclenching his jaw, and everything was peaceful for about two seconds until Lucas decided that poking the bear was the best idea he could think of, poking Eddie’s cheek once more, smirking mischievously.
“That’s it!” Eddie yelled, pulling off to the side of the road, making all of you tussle in place as he abruptly stopped the car out of his seat as quick as lightning to tackle the younger boy to the ground. He was so quick, you almost missed the smirk fall off of Lucas’s face and the horror take over his eyes.
Which is how you found yourself in the driver's seat, looking out for a place to stop for dinner, with Eddie in the passenger seat slumped down, arms crossed over his chest as he pouted.
"Alright, let’s all get some food in us and stretch our legs, yeah?” You asked as you pulled into the first dinner you’d spotted.
Lucas and Dustin rushed out of the vehicle, the former fully recovering from the tackle he’d taken.
Robin Max and Steve took more time getting out, following the two rambunctious boys.
You, however, stayed in the van, waiting for the boy in the passenger seat to look anywhere but out the window quietly.
"Oh, come on, Ed's, you know you're hungry too,” you said, turning in your seat to face him fully. “And maybe your a tad hangry, and that’s why you tackled Lucas?”
"No, I tackled him because the little shit wouldn’t stop poking me,” Eddie snapped, finally turning to you, and while the vicious gaze of Eddie Munson was terrifying for most people, you thought it was adorable. He looked like a puppy trying to threaten you like a teddy bear with a knife.
“So you’re saying if it had been Steve in the driver's seat and he wouldn’t stop to get you food, you wouldn’t have done the same thing?” You challenged him, raising a brow. His frown softened a bit, a mischievous glint in his eyes, you assume, at the thought of annoying Steve Harrington.
"See, you’d think it was hilarious if it were Steve; your little sheep was just following in your footsteps.”
"Yeah, but they’re supposed to annoy other people, not me,” he grumbled, though you could tell he was starting to come around.
“Oh well, now you’re just asking too much,” you teased. “Now come on, I’ll buy you a milkshake,” you told him, hopping out of the driver's seat.
“Chocolate?” Eddie asked, head-whipped, to look at you.
"Ugh, fine, but I’m going to judge you for it,” you said, rolling your eyes as you shut the door and walked inside, Eddie following closely behind.
“Woah woah woah, sweetheart, are you trying to tell me you don’t like chocolate milkshakes?” Eddie asked, dramatic as ever, his hair whipping around as he shook his head.
“I mean, they’re fine, but vanilla is definitely better,” you said, shrugging. Eddie gasped loudly, clutching a hand to his chest.
“I can’t believe you just said that to me,” he said quickly as he pulled out a seat, gesturing for you to sit down.
You sat down flustered as Robin raised a brow at you, which only made your blush deepen.
“What’d you say to him?” Max asked.
“Get this, Red; she thinks vanilla milkshakes are better than chocolate,” Eddie scoffed before you could get a word.
Leading the table into a lively debate, with some taking your side while others took Eddie’s.
“You guys are all wrong. It’s obviously strawberry." Steve cut in your heads, all turning to him with disgusted looks.
"Okay, everyone can at least agree that Steve’s wrong, right?” Robin asks, eyes darting around the group as you all nod, “All right, it’s unanimous, Steve’s an idiot.” She finishes, and Steve looks offended while all of you laugh.
"Alright, I need to go smoke. You guys stress me out." Eddie shook his head, smiling.
“Those things will kill you,” you said, popping a fry into your mouth.
"Hey, you’re the one supplying me, so don’t get all high and mighty on me now, princess,” Eddie smirked as you rolled your eyes.
“That was a temporary lapse in judgment; I was distracted,” you shrugged, trying to play it cool, though the obvious blush on your face was giving you away.
"Aww, you saying I distract ya doll face?” Eddie asked, leaning in close.
"Ew, dude, are you really flirting with my sister right now?” Dustin interrupted, gagging immediately after he got the question out.
“See what I mean? Little fuckers are so annoying, I’m surprised I don’t smoke more,” he groaned, placing a cigarette between his lips as he stood up and made his way to the door.
“I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” you announced, getting up and speed-walking to the bathroom flustered.
"Really, Dustin,” Max scolded, smacking him in the back of the head.
"Ow, what was that for?”
“You totally just ruined their moment. Eddie was finally growing some balls, and you just stomped on them,” Lucas explained.
“What?” Dustin asked again, and the poor boy was obviously very confused.
"Really, Dustin, do we have to explain everything to you? You’re not a child,” Steve quipped sarcastically.
“What these doofuses are getting at is that Eddie has just now started shooting his shot, and you might have just deterred him for another what is it like nine years?.” Robin explained hoping the young boy would catch on.
"Wait, are you guys saying Eddie actually likes Y/N?”
“Oh my gosh, look at those boys. Sherlock finally figured one out,” Steve said, slow-clapping.
“Shut up, Steve,” Dustin seethed. “So Eddie likes Y/N? Does she like him?”
"Obviously,” Max yelled, quickly apologizing when most of the eyes in the restaurant turned to her.
“So all those times he’s called her hot, he wasn’t just doing that to annoy me?” Dustin asked, still bewildered by the new information.
“While I’m sure that is a perk,Steve started sitting up in his chair to pat Dustin on the back. “He’s got it; he's had it bad since his first senior year,Steve finished shrugging.
“I can’t believe one of my best friends has a crush on my sister, and none of you told me,” Dustin pouted.
“We thought you knew it was pretty obvious,” Max said, rolling her eyes.
“I don’t want to think about that; it’s gross.”
"Well, you better get used to it because our mission this trip is to get them together,” Robin told him as the group nodded in agreement. “And it was working perfectly without us having to do anything but put them in seats next to each other, and you might have just ruined it,” Robin grumbled.
“How am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me?!” Dustin argued.
“Tell you what?” Eddie asked, making the group jump and turn to look at the boy.
"Umm, uh, that there’s been something in his teeth for a while,” Lucas said as casually as he could.
"Nice,” Max complemented under her breath.
“Okay?” Eddie said, taking a seat and continuing to eat his food, “Hey, where’s Y/N?” He asked through a mouth full of food.
“She went to the bathroom,” Steve shrugged, sipping his milkshake.
Eddie’s head instinctively snapped towards the bathroom door, a deep frown falling over his features. When he was met with the beautiful sight of your smile and the crushing feeling that washed over him, he saw a guy, the one making you smile.
Eddie’s glare made everyone’s eyes shift to the bathroom as you giggled behind your hand at something the boy said.
And before the smart part of Eddie’s brain could even think of telling him to stay seated, he was on his feet, speeding faster than he could think.
You noticed him before he could even get a word out, turning to smile at him. “Hey Eddie, what’s up?” You asked, brows furrowed, man; he was so screwed if all it took was you smiling at him to turn him into jelly.
"Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie said, composing himself to smirk at you. “Who's your friend?” He asked, glaring daggers into the man in front of you.
"Oh, this is Chad; he saw me looking at maps and said he’s traveling west too,” you told him, smiling.
“How convenient,” Eddie bit out, his voice lashing in sarcasm.
"Yeah, man, a total coincidence,” Chad said, returning Eddie’s glare.
The two men stood in unmoving silence, glaring daggers at each other. You furrowed your brows, looking between them, rolling your eyes as far back into your head as they could go at your realization. “Oh my, are you two having a staring contest right now?” you asked, shaking your head in disbelief.
You took their unblinking silence as an answer: “Stop it, you doofus!” You exclaimed, smacking his arm lightly.
“Hey!” Eddie shrieked, “You made me lose!”
“Lose what exactly? What would’ve happened at the end of that contest? What would you have won?” You asked, arms crossing over your chest.
“I’m not exactly a hundred percent on the rules, but I’m pretty sure he gets you now,” Eddie deadpanned.
“Dude, I thought we were just asserting dominance.”
Eddie looked at the man with an expression somewhere between shock, disgust, and anger. “And that’s who won, thanks to you, sweetheart.”
“I’m not some prize, Munson,” you scoffed, walking back towards your friends.
"Yeah, no shit. I was joking that dude never would’ve beat me fair and square anyway.”
“I don’t need you to fight my battles or win me, and also, I was just talking to someone new. What is your issue?” You asked, turning to face him as you made it out in front of the diner.
“What’s my issue?!” Eddie challenged, “I don’t know, haven’t you ever heard of stranger danger? The guy was practically eye-fucking you the whole conversation.”
“So?” You asked, making Eddie scoff.
“So? So?” He asked back in unbelief, “You know what? Fine, whatever have fun getting murdered in the back of some creeps van!” Eddie exclaimed, arms waving, as he turned on his heels to stomp to the van.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that,” you said, stomping after him, “and stop walking away.” You grabbed his hand, making him turn to you and ask, “Why do you care so much?”
Eddie pulled you towards him effortlessly, pinning you up against the back of the van out of view of your friends.
His breath was hot and rugged as it fanned over your face, his doe eyes peering into your soul as he examined your face, his gaze darting between your lips and eyes.
“I care because I want you to be mine,” he whispered in your ear, his hand coming up to cup the side of your neck as you sucked in a breath. “You want that, baby?” Eddie teased biting your earlobe, and you whimpered.
"Oh, don’t worry, pretty girl, you will soon enough,” Eddie told you, inches away from your face, lips so close to touching as your body tingled in anticipation. Just as Eddie was about to close the gap, you were abruptly pulled out of your false reality by the very person you made it for. As he shook your shoulder gently, “Hey, wake up, pretty girl, we’ve got to get back on the road,” he whispered, moving some hair out of your face.
A deep blush set in at the pet name—the same pet name he had just used in your dream—coming into the front of your mind—that little voice telling you he knew but there’s no way he could know, right?
The existential crisis must have been showing on your face because Eddie was looking at you concerned. “You okay, sunshine, you look a little dazed. Nap that good?” He asked, quirking a brow.
"Yeah,” you said almost too quickly, "um, I didn’t even realize I felt asleep.”
“Oh yeah, you feel asleep on my shoulder a few minutes after you came back from the bathroom,” he shrugged.
"Well, you have a comfortable shoulder, thanks, pal,” you said, froging him in the arm, quickly getting out of your seat and speed-walking to the van.
“That was painful,” Robin said as she exited the diner behind you.
“Did I just call him pal and punch him in the arm?” You asked, your head falling on her shoulder.
"Yeah, it was pretty hard to watch,” she deadpanned. "Robin,” you whined.
“Right, sorry,” she said as she started to run a comforting hand through your hair. “What even happened to get you that flustered?”
“I kind of had a sex dream about Eddie,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by her shoulder.
“You had a sex dream about Munson, while you were napping on him,?!?” she said a bit too loudly for your taste.
“Shhh Robin”
"Right, sorry, you had a sex dream about Munson?” She repeated it in a whisper.
"Well, kind of, I was woken up before any actual sex happened, but that’s where it was leading,” you told her, finally lifting your head. “What am I going to do? I feel like a perv.”
"Okay, first of all, it’s completely natural, and second, maybe that’s your subconscious way of telling you to, you know, make a move,” Robin said, biting her thumb nail.
“You think I should make a move on him? Does he even like me?” You asked, pulling Robin's thumb away from her mouth.
“Are you kidding me? You were totally just drooling all over him in your sleep, and he didn’t even bat an eye at the guys.”
“I drooled on him.” You half asked, half whined, her head failing back into place on her shoulder.
“Did she just call me Pal?" Eddie asked through a dejected sigh, slumping in his seat.
"Yeah, she also drooled on you a little bit,” Dustin pointed out, poking a spot on his shoulder over the table.
“And I find that unbelievably adorable. I’m so fucked. I just got pal zoned. I think that’s worse than the friend zone,” Eddie whined, beating his head on the table.
"Oh, stop that. She didn’t mean anything by it. She just got flustered. She likes you, okay. Stop stressing and dancing around it flirtatiously and just ask her out.” Dustin told him, his eyes rolling as far back into his head as they could go.
“She said that?” Eddie’s head perked up like a puppy who had just been offered a treat.
“Not exactly, but I’m her brother, and a brother knows." Dustin shrugged, standing up. “Just go for it, man, she’s into you. I promise, just you know, maybe don’t do it in front of me because gross.”
“When did you get so wise?” Steve asked, hands on his hips, sassy as ever.
“I’ve always been wise; you deepshits just never notice,” he said, sticking his chin high as he walked off.
“No wonder his head is so big; it’s got to fit that massive ego.”
It’s been two hours since you stopped for dinner and 12 since you started the trip as a whole. Eddie had driven for another hour after you stopped before you made him stop and let Steve drive before he felt asleep at the wheel.
Steve and Robin were now in front. Robin passed out until Steve would shake her awake to ask for directions.
And other than the sound of Steve’s quiet humming and soft snores coming from the kids, the van was quiet.
Eddie was out cold the second his head hit the makeshift pillow of his waded-up leather jacket, stirring occasionally to find a more comfortable position.
You were in the limbo between resting and actually sleeping, not completely awake and not completely asleep, when you felt something touch your side. You turned your head, smiling sleepily at the sight in front of you. Eddie, who was already close due to the big group and limited space you had in the back of the van, had moved to lay on his side, one arm curled under his arm to replace the jacket that was now thrown over his body lazily, his other hand poking out just barely grazing your side. You could feel the coldness of his fingers through the thin material of your tank top.
You sat up frowning on the lookout for another blanket, but it seemed that every one was being occupied. After a few minutes of trying to plan in your sleepy state, you finally decided on just sharing yours with him. It wasn’t huge, but you think it could fit over both of you if you shifted a little closer.
You gently pulled the leather jacket off him, setting it aside, grabbing his hand, and moving it closer to his own body as slowly as you could, smiling proudly when you managed to do so without disturbing him.
After shifting as close as you could without actually touching the boy, you took your time situating the blanket, making sure it covered him as much as possible. You finally laid back down yourself, too tired to be anxious about the little amount of space between the two of you.
You had just closed your eyes when another touch pulled you out of your almost-sleep. This time it was more than a few fingers. Eddie was now curled into your side, arm thrown over your waist, head resting on your collarbone without even thinking you started lazily ruining a hand through his curls, making him snuggle into you further. You felt your body relax against him, starting to pull you down into sleep, finally letting it take you. You lay there with a sleepy smile on your lips, content to lay like this the rest of the night. Even if you weren’t really sure where this would leave you, when you wake up, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Relaxing in the heat, his body was now suppling, finally closing your eyes to let sleep take you.
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passivenovember · 2 months
This just fell out of me, team. I hope you enjoy it!
Steve’s wearing a sunhat.
Billy spots it on his tromp down the front steps, a nondescript canvas bag balled and clutched in one hand like wilted butcher’s paper, and thinks it could be a dinner plate on top of Harrington’s quaff. A trick of the early morning light slotting an obvious hole in the world.
It’s a sunhat, though.
The bag crinkles in Billy’s fist. Its folds and edges could draw blood. He tugs Steve’s passenger door open with his free hand and settles into the cab. Catches his breath. Says, “Why are you dressed like that?” When Steve only stares at him.
“We’re going to the Farmer’s Market,” Steve says. “It’s a special occasion.” 
They go to the Farmer’s Market every weekend, Billy doesn’t say. Since March, stretching all the way to last summer; off and on while Billy settled into it like a drowned cat, Steve eventually snapping, “We can do this,” Hands on his hips. Jars of pickled vegetables fresh from his little tote bag, glittering on Billy’s kitchen counter. “We can have this.”
“Non FDA regulated vegetables?” Billy had asked, grinning when Steve flushed, turning to dump Billy’s half of the loot into the refrigerator. 
Billy never asked what ‘this,’ meant. What they could have. Thinks he has a decent idea.
“You didn’t need to put a fuckin’ hat on,” Billy says now. Didn’t need to wear that hat. Particularly. 
He’s cute, though. Younger, where its wide, formless brim hides the salt and pepper that’s been slinking up Steve’s temples for the last couple of years, reminding Billy of the decades that rest like rain slickers on their backs. Floppy hats on their heads.
“It’s supposed to be in the low hundreds today.”
“It’s seven-thirty, pretty boy.”
“I’m not taking any chances,” Steve says. He throws the car into reverse, but really it’s more a gentle nudge of the gear-shift until the car rolls with gravity into the street. Harrington always driving like a fifty year old man long before he was one. “I read an article that sunscreen isn’t enough anymore,” Steve says bluntly.
“Isn’t enough to what? Keep you celibate?” Billy digs around in his jeans pocket for his cigarettes. The white lighter that Steve had had an aneurysm over when he first saw it.
“No, to stop skin cancer. These days, how the Baby Boomers fucked up the Ozone, you’ve gotta wear sleeves, and sunscreen, and sunglasses, and fuckin’, sunhats,” Steve yanks the lighter out of Billy’s hand before he can spark up. Ignores the punch Billy lands on the one that came, fresh from 1993, with the car. 
America used to be a country. Smoking used to be good for you. 
Steve shoots him a side-ways glance, as if reading his mind. “You’re gonna kick rocks at sixty, Bill. Way you smoke.”
“They don’t make sun hats for lungs yet,” Billy says. The car lighter pops free so he snags it, waiting patiently for the hot-plate coil to catch his cig. When it does, he puts it back. Inhales slowly, peering out the window as the early morning shoots by at 30 miles per hour, a dying star.
He can feel Steve watching him. Now. Always.
“You could stop,” Steve says softly. “Smoking. You’re still young.”
Billy snorts. “Yeah, and you could mind your business.”
“Fuck you, you are my business.”
Billy’s stomach flips. He’s surprised, still, that his guts aren’t knotted and non-functional after all this time. Decades of friendship; career changes and new houses, new wives that slip steadily into ex wives. Kids. One kid. Billy’s. Decades of Steve, worrying about Billy’s diet and nagging at his bad habits, and. Saying shit like that. Flipping Billy’s stomach over on itself.
Billy puffs on his cigarette, rolling his eyes when Steve coughs dramatically into one elbow. He blows a huge cloud, just to be an asshole.
“Dude,” Steve says, leaning away so the car jerks suddenly to the left. 
Billy yelps, jostling against his seatbelt, “Harrington, you’re driving.”
“This is your lungs on nicotine,” Steve says, “A shitty old car driven by a lunatic middle-aged divorcee. Out of control. Veering into a ditch, or–”
“--It’s just a goddamn cigarette–”
“--With every pack you’re killing babies,” Steve tells him. The next streetlight turns gold. Steve runs it. 
Billy hangs on. His heart thumps with every twist and turn of the road. Hawkins races by, a blur of neon green oak trees and dark, supple earth. The grass is burned away in some places. Steve’s ancient car groans in the rising heat, its tires buff their tread against hot pavement.
At the next stoplight, Steve slams on the breaks. 
Billy almost flies through the goddamn windshield. He sits back against car seat leather. He breathes through his nose, counting to ten before he realizes that he’s covered in cigarette ash. His cigarette isn’t lit anymore.
Steve watches him evenly, soulful brown eyes calm.
Too calm.
Billy frowns. “What the fuck is going on with you, man?”
Steve shrugs. 
“It’s just a cigarette,” Billy presses forward, turning in his seat to give this his full fledged fucking attention. “You’re acting like you did when I was moving back home and you thought you couldn’t ask to come. Right before you broke Tommy Hagan’s nose when he said–”
“I know what that asshole said, I’m fifty, not a hundred,” Steve snaps. “I’m not acting like anything.”
“Yeah,” Billy says, shifting, “Yeah, you are. Like that time Alice wouldn’t let you come visit because she was doing that bullshit Home for 40 Days thing after Serena was born,” Billy tells him. He watches Steve’s face. Notices the crack before it happens because they’ve been friends for decades. 
It hurts him. “Steve��”
“I asked to come eventually,” Steve says, voice soft as feather down, neglecting to mention that he didn’t stay in California. “You moved back after the divorce. When Alice–”
“The light’s green,” Billy says. 
“I’m fine,” Steve tells him. “It’s fine.” He breathes through his nose, pawing at the brim of his dorky sun hat like he forgot it was there, for a moment. Like he wants to rip it off. 
Suddenly, with the force of a riptide, Billy misses the wave of Steve’s hair, still impossibly thick even into their middle age. He wants the hat gone, the sun free of all its massive danger. 
“I won’t smoke anymore,” Billy says, “If you want me to stop, I will.”
The moment hangs between them, and then, behind, someone honks.
“I want you to live forever,” Steve admits. Soft. Sweet.
Billy almost breaks in half. Isn’t sure why they’re talking about this now, in a car, on their way to the Market. But that’s what happens when you get older. Every moment like an oak leaf on the wind, slipping like water through clenched fists. 
He frowns, asking, “What about you?” Because. He wouldn’t want to spend forever alone.
“Why else am I wearing a fucking sunhat, Billy?”
Billy’s stomach knots. He opens his mouth to admit that he’s been in love with Steve for forty years, and he’ll always be the kind of man who burps and says the wrong thing and pushes too hard and smokes cigarettes, but. 
He loves him. 
Steve waits. When the second honk comes, he turns away, pulling his shitty old car onto Menard Street without another word. 
Billy swallows love, the movement as familiar to him as their friendship. It tastes like cigarette smoke. He tosses his unlit fag out the window, feeling like the shit hole scum of the earth when Steve reports that 30% of wildfires start with a carelessly discarded cigarette.
There’s a drought, too, Billy doesn’t say.
He should’ve thought it out. But it’s Steve. He only wanted to suck the wound.
Steve’s been twitchy for as long as Billy’s known him. It’s worse when he has something to say, when the skeletons in his closet regrow their ligament to stand on knocking knees, banging on the door, asking for an escape. 
Billy’s been around long enough to know that it’s best not to push, even when that’s all he does, all he’ll ever do. But. When it comes to Steve Harrington, things are different. Always. 
“What should we do first,” Billy asks. Knowing Steve’ll talk when he’s ready.
Harrington parks his car, the last in a long line of hybrids and hatchbacks, near the edge of the park. “I’m looking for honey,” He says, voice pulled tight like an out-of-tune string instrument. In a hurry. One wrong stroke and he’ll snap.
“‘Kay,” Billy says. 
He doesn’t know what to do with his hands once they’re out of the car. He resists the urge to lick his palm for a breath check, knowing he’ll find coffee and burnt toast and filmy pink love; tries to stop himself from tucking his shirt into the waist of his jeans, unfurling into the type of man that stops smoking and goes to Farmer’s Markets every weekend because his best friend asks him to. Against all odds.
Billy trots with Steve over the hill and into the market, his heart in his throat. They find the honey booth quickly and wait in line together, Steve tapping out an impatient rhythm on the cobblestone.
“You’re so squirrely today,” Billy says. He claps a hand on Steve’s neck, trying to squeeze out the tension. Wanting to touch him. 
Steve shrugs him off. 
Billy rolls his shoulders and crosses his arms for safe keeping, having learned long ago that his hands will gravitate to Steve Harrington if given the chance. Billy aches for a cigarette, squints into the strengthening sunlight, yearning for his sunglasses, sunscreen, a sun hat–
“Lot of Pride Flags,” Billy says gruffly. His palms sweat, tacking unhelpfully to the hair on his forearms. It’s like he blinked, came up for air, and Indiana got progressive.
Steve stiffens next to him, “It’s June first, I think,” He says, hiding something.
“No shit?” Billy turns just in time to catch Steve watching him, a weird look in his eyes. “Should call Serena this afternoon.”
“Let’s go lesbians,” Steve says, a soft, pink smile on his face. 
Billy wants to ask about Robin, even though he just spoke to her on Wednesday when she called to demand how he keeps his tomato plants blooming into November. He wants to grab Steve by the face and say see, I’m alive. I’m here. I have a garden, and a daughter, and Robin remembers how I used to drink shitty Miller Lite and blast Elton John when you went out with girls. She remembers how much I wanted you. I would carve your name into every piece of driftwood that I threw into the quarry because my skin would scar over. Useless. Old and bereft while the driftwood would float forever, dissolving into the earth with your name sheathed in its very matter, bright and evergreen—
Steve buys two jars of honey.
He buys two of everything, at the Market, one for himself. One for Billy. Billy tries not to think about it.
“Where should we go next,” Steve makes room in the folds of his bag for the first of their loot. 
Billy only ever buys books at this thing. He raises one eyebrow, sidestepping a pair of lesbians that send a shock of tenderness down his spine. Heather and Robin in ‘87. He bites his tongue, though, thinking through their usual haunts. “What about the corn booth?” 
Steve loves sweet corn. He’s a cliche, shrugging his shoulders, “Could do that. We could try something else, too.”
Billy looks at him, grinning, “Okay, what do you have in mind?”
“Well. We started with honey.”
“The bakery booth is supposed to be out this week, I heard.” Steve hasn’t shut up about the orange-cranberry muffins he got on a lunch break two weeks ago. He shrugs, thinking better of it. Feigning nonchalance. Billy would fall for it if they hadn’t known each other for years. “Or we could go to the book stand,” Steve says. 
Dangling hope in the starched summer air.
Billy startles a laugh, “Already? We haven’t done your grocery shopping for the week.”
“It’s hot, we don’t have to stay long,” Steve says, watching the crowd thrall around them, “You deserve something for coming out with me today.”
“I come out with you every weekend.”
Steve groans, “C’mon, I’m trying to be nice. Either we go to the book stand, or we’re getting muffins.”
“I’m trying not to eat so much sugar,” A blonde boy skitters into the Market lane, turning to grin past the swell of Billy’s shoulder. There’s a pride flag painted on his cheek bone, smeared delicately by the slide of lips. Billy tries to look away, “Gluten, either.”
Steve gapes, “So you’re not eating sugar or gluten anymore but you’ve never met a cigarette you didn’t like?”
The blonde waits in the sunlight, fingers stretched out in front of him until a boy with huge, soft brown hair knits into all his boyfriend’s empty spaces. 
They kiss. 
Billy looks at Steve, flushed. 
Steve holds his gaze. Finally, “Let’s go to the book stand,” He says, catching Billy off guard. Throwing him a bone.
Hawkin’s Public Library was forced, a screaming, tantrum filled child, into the new millennium about a month after Billy and Alice divorced and Serena told the judge she wanted to move back home to Indiana. 
To be with Uncle Steve. That’s what she’d said to the judge. “Daddy and me want Uncle Steve,” Billy had noticed how Alice went ram-rod straight at the name. Like she always did, sour by the way Billy and their daughter, both, couldn’t seem to live without him. “We want to go home.”
So, they went. Alice didn’t try to stop them.
Really, home in the textbook sense was always California. Serena was born in Long Beach. She could stand on a surfboard by the time she was two years old and she abhorred the winter, any item of clothing that sat too close to the base of her neck. The smell of barley. None of that mattered, in the long run. 
Hawkins was home to her. Their clumsy, earnest, well loved vernacular to the court’s stuffy, clinical language.
It didn’t matter to Serena that Indiana was a relic in Billy’s history. She had never moved past sleepy summers spent landlocked, running through sprinklers with Max and Lucas’ wheat-fed kids and eating bomb pops in the swimming pool with a slew of found family aunts and uncles, her halo of blonde ringlets crunchy from too much chlorine. 
Even into her adolescence, the only person she let brush her hair straight out of the pool was her Uncle Steve. The only person she cried to was Uncle Steve. The adult she loved most in the world, except her dad. Maybe.
Billy’s own memories of that time were worn thin. Throbbing with heartache, like a damsel who was bound to find her way back home at the end of some terrible, cruel romantic comedy. He ached on the plane ride to Hawkins. Burned when they moved into the new house. Crumbled as he slept alone every night, grateful in tiny, hidden places that Serena had seemed to process her parent’s divorce and their subsequent move across the country before the first box had been unpacked.
For Billy, things weren’t so easily digested.
He needed time to let the guilt swallow him. The sting of hurt to lick at his fingers. Alice and the tattered flag of their loveless marriage paled in comparison to the way Steve had slipped wordlessly into her place.
It almost killed Billy that they were happier, here. That neither one of them had tried to hold on to their life back in California. 
Point is, they used to take Serena to the library together.
Billy’s own mom had believed that books were the key to everything. Children learn by watching colorful characters trail their way through the hills and valleys of friendship. They’re introduced to death and loss in the fold of a page, the monochrome glint of words on yellowing cardstock. They learn to let go by watching someone else do it first. 
Really, Serena hadn’t needed the library. Even at that age she was more level-headed than Billy had been in his entire life, but Steve suggested they go, anyway. “We have to raise a reader, like you.” He’d said. As if Billy was the best thing a person could be.
We have to raise a reader.
Hawkins Library sells used books at the Farmer’s Market these days. Budget and funding cuts forcing their hand, Billy caught in a violent spell of fifty-cent paperbacks. 
The memory of Serena holding Steve’s hand, trailing excitedly down every aisle. Even the grown-up ones. Scowling when Steve would snatch every book from her hand, spitting they were, “inappropriate for little girls, Serena.”
Demanding to know when she’d be old enough to read anything with vampires in it.
Billy smiles at the memory, heart fluttering as Steve trails in front of him now in his dorky sun hat, calloused fingers dancing over the spines of every book on the Memoirs shelf. 
Without his salt and pepper showing, and if Steve’s face wasn’t furled in concentration so that his laugh lines gouged deeper into the split around his mouth; Steve looks the same as he always has. 
Billy side-steps another pair of lesbians, running head-first into the LGBTQIA+ Romance section. His heart thuds. He looks around, trying to catalog this territory. Pride flags, Cher playing over a pill-sized bluetooth speaker.
The portable shelf has a flier stuck to it. A disco ball with rainbow streamers falling like wet rags from the words Hawkins Community GSA Presents: Queer Prom. Get Your Tickets at the Booth!
Billy turns, heart in his throat. He watches Steve mouth along to the back of whatever book he’s holding. Catches sight of some president, or something, staring nobly through the break of Steve’s fingers. 
Some twink, sandwiched between the next row of shelves, laughs, and Steve looks up. Catching Billy. He deposits the memoir back on the shelf. “You drug me all the way over here and you haven’t even looked at anything.”
Billy swallows the lump in his throat. “What’s going on, Steve?”
“I don’t know–”
Billy rips the flier from the book shelf, thrusting it into Steve’s wide, waiting palms. 
Steve mouths along to the words. Like he did with the memoir. Like he always has, with the instructions on Betty Crocker Cake Boxes, and the confusing swirl of the How To’s for little girl’s play sets, stretching all the way back to the spring of 1985 when he would pay Billy in saccharine smiles to read Kafka out loud. Write Steve’s essays for him.
“Huh,” Steve flushes bright pink across the bridge of his nose. “Get your tickets at the booth,” He says, artfully avoiding Billy’s gaze, “Cool idea. The instructions aren’t very clear, though, there’s so many booths–”
“You said today was a special occasion,” Billy accuses flatly. It’s getting harder to breathe. “You said you weren’t acting weird, but you’re acting weird, and I–”
“--Will you go to prom with me?” Steve says. Then, Immediately, “I don’t want to freak you out.”
Billy snatches the flier back from him, shaking all over. 
“Okay, alright,” Steve swallows, fingers splayed like Billy’s a junkyard dog who’s backed into a corner. Who’ll attack any minute now. “Look, I just. I thought if I was gonna grow a pair of balls, like. If I was ever gonna do this, I should do it here.”
That doesn’t make sense. Nothing makes sense.
Steve inches closer, his lined, aging, familiar, beautiful face open like a sunroof. Like a hole in the sky. “Billy,” Steve says, “Ever since I met you–”
“--What the fuck is going on–”
“--Stop, okay? Just. Let me say this?” Steve waits, patiently, for a confirmation. Billy doesn’t move or breathe or blink. Steve presses forward, “Ever since I met you when I was seventeen years old I thought. You were someone I could spend the rest of my life with.”
Someone exhales all the wind in their lungs. Billy. 
Steve bristles at the sound. He pulls inward, seeming to notice that people are looking at them over the bookshelves with the kind of intensity that puts a basketball court under Billy’s feet. That reminds him of how Steve would defend Billy to the world before he got better.
Before he was worth anyone’s love.
“So,” Steve lifts a hand to his forehead before realizing he’s still in the sun hat. He takes it off, “I had a speech,” He tells the sun hat, folding the brim between two fingers. Hair a mess but still perfect. “Do you wanna hear it?”
“I think I’ll pass out,” Billy admits earnestly.
“I’d catch you,” Steve says, so. Billy takes a timid step forward, flinching out of his skin when Steve looks up and says, “I’m in love with you.”
Once upon a time, Billy thought the world would collapse if they said those words out loud.
It doesn’t.
“So,” Billy rasps, wringing the flier in his fist, “You thought. You could ask me to prom?”
“We didn’t get to go to prom when we were kids.”
“You went with Nancy,” Billy snaps, strangling the flier. “You danced. I watched you dance–”
“--We didn’t get to go together.”
“You wanted to go to prom with me?”
“Of course. Billy, I moved to California because I was in love with you.” Steve says, like just saying it out loud points to the bread-crumb trail of what they’ve been dancing around for all these years. Like ah-ha. Checkmate.
Billy sniffs. Something wet on his cheeks. “You left California.”
“Because I was in love with you.” Steve nods slowly, “You. You met Alice, and. I thought–”
“--I can’t go to gay prom with you, Steve.”
He doesn’t even bat an eye, used to Billy’s flair for the dramatic. “Why not?”
“Because,” Billy says, looking around desperately. All he finds are lesbians and twinks weaving in and out of the aisles, caught in their own little crystal-clear worlds, useless. “Because I’m in my fifties. And so are you.”
“The event is all ages,” Steve tells him, bored, “Well. Really it’s for old people. Because we never got to have one.”
The fact that Steve went to prom with Nancy, that he bought flowers and pinned a satin pink corsage to her dress, holding her hand while they danced under seafoam lights, but it wasn’t what he wanted. 
Who he wanted–
Billy sniffs. Trying to stamp out the fire in his chest. “I have a mortgage and and a tomato garden, and a daughter in New York–”
“--This was Serena’s idea,” Steve admits suddenly. “She’s the one who sent me the information on Facebook.”
Of course.
Billy nods, “You’re wearing a sunhat.” His chest, opening like a springtime rose. Stupid. “You can’t say you love me and then ask me to prom when you’re wearing–”
“I took it off,” Steve says. A smile in his voice.
“I stopped smoking for you,” Bill accuses. 
Steve snorts, “Like you aren’t gonna finish the pack first.”
Billy laughs, and it’s wet-sounding. It rattles in his chest and then bursts into the air between them, somehow pulling Steve across the cobblestone. He pushes Billy’s hair back from his face, fiddling with the same earring that’s been there for forty years. Changed only once, for prom.
Billy looks at him. Catalogs the years, the love that grew like ivy over everything else. He hiccups, “I never thought you’d love me back.”
“Of course I love you back.”
“But,” He says, thinking of how their lives could have been so different, “Why–”
“--We can have this,” Steve tells him, pulling Billy close. “We deserve this.”
Another thing Billy will have to settle into. 
It’s nice. He wants to kiss Steve, so he does, because Hawkins has turned into the kind of place that hosts gay prom, where lesbians and twinks roam freely in their little rainbow outfits. 
Steve licks into Billy’s mouth and they melt into each other, gone soft by the years, and the heat of June. When Steve pulls away, his lips press like stamps to Billy’s forehead, his chin, both eyes, his mustache–
Billy giggles. “We should get our tickets.”
“I already have them,” Steve says.
Billy pulls back, gawking.
“I ordered them online.”
“You know how to order things online?”
“Serena ordered them,” Steve says, shrugging. 
Billy grunts. Wanting to say that he could’ve said no. He’s still himself, after all, smoke free organic or not, but. Steve knits their fingers together, “C’mon,” He says, and Billy doesn’t ask where they’re going next. It doesn’t matter. 
They’ve been in love since they were seventeen. Billy’s just happy that it gets to live out in the open, now. Glittery with pride.
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discount-shades · 1 year
Contract Spouse Chapter 7
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Chapter 7: Realizations
A/N: This is a sad one. I've written Chapter 9 and only one chapter left to write!
Pairing: Jake Seresin/Reader (nicknamed Pip)
Warning:  Angst, death of civilians, war, PTSD
Length: 3000ish
Summary: Jake does some thinking and we find out why he is like that.
Previous     Masterlist     Next
“What we need are those veterinary gloves that come up to your shoulder.” You have a roll of tape out and combined with elastics and a small garbage bag you are trying to waterproof Jake’s cast. After finally being released from the hospital after 4 days, Jake is in desperate need of a shower. “Then you could use your hand. I’m going to order some from Amazon.”
“Why do vets need gloves that come up to their shoulder?” Jake watches you struggle to carefully tape the edges of the bag to the skin of his arm, fighting with the extra plastic.
“You know the long gloves Ellie wears when she digs in the dino poop looking for West Indian Lilac in Jurassic Park?” Jake blinks at you in confusion, trying to remember. “Vets wear them for a similar reason.”
“Eww.” Jake checks the seal around the tape job you did. “How do you even know that?”
“Remember when I dated a farm boy in university?” Jake nods. He remembers thinking the kid wasn’t good enough for you. “Well in those two months we were together I went and helped them when they preg checked their cows.” You give him a little half grin, “I learned I am not cut out for farm life.” 
You start the shower for him before carefully helping him remove his shirt. You wince when you see the bruises crossing his torso from the seatbelt harness of his jet. The brush of your fingers, featherlight over the bruises, burns before you abruptly leave the bathroom, telling him to call if he needs help. 
Jake sighs and finishes stripping before getting under the spray. Everything hurts and the concussion makes him feel like he is in a fog. His head is a constant dull throb and what he really wants to do is lie down and sleep some more. He holds his left arm hand up at a right angle and does his best to shower mostly one handed. 
Pulling a shirt on seems too difficult so he walks into the bedroom half dressed. You've pulled the curtains, so it is dark and he collapses into the clean sheets. A water bottle and his painkillers lined up neatly on his end table, as well as a few protein bars. 
You’ve thought of everything, you always do, but you seem different since the accident and he can’t figure it out. Every time he tries to think his head begins to ache. You are more clinical, less warm. Maybe it is because he is injured, maybe he is imagining it. 
He thinks back to the morning of the crash. Remembers waking up with you in his arms, how good it felt to hold you and talk to you. The hospital had been so lonely when they wouldn’t let you stay overnight. 
He wanted you to stay in California. He wanted to come home and have you there to talk to, he could always call you before, but living with you was better. He loved watching movies together, cooking together, cleaning, and grocery shopping. Every mundane task was better with you.
He couldn’t ask you to stay. He was too much of a mess. He couldn’t sleep and the guilt of what happened was always there. You didn’t deserve to be pulled into that. He was sure that you would stay if he asked. You and your misguided sense of duty and the belief that you owed him something. But if he asked then he would have to tell you and if he told you you would never look at him the same way.
He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he notices is your voice calling to him gently. His eyes flitter open and he can see you sitting on the edge of the bed. You are beautiful in the light filtering from the hall, and in that moment you take his breath away. “Doctor says you should be up and moving, so come have dinner.” 
When you go to leave he curls his good hand around your arm and revels in the feel of your soft skin sliding through his fingers. When he thinks you are about to slip your hand through his fingers you catch his palm and give a gentle tug and he feels himself following you automatically. 
“This can’t be what you are used to.” You say with a grin as you grab a shirt and help him into it. “Women are probably more keen to take your shirt off.”
“I’ll do anything if it's with you, pretty girl.” The words leave his lips before he can comprehend what he has said. Your sharp inhale makes him want to kick himself. Why did he say that? He never flirted with you. It was a line he refused to cross. 
He can see the flustered look on your face as you stand to go. “Come on flyboy, you must be hard up if you are flirting with me.” He follows you down the hall to the table. That wasn’t completely fair. Why wouldn't he flirt with you? If you weren't his wife he definitely would have tried to pick you up in a bar. 
That evening as you lie down beside him in bed you turn to him. “We have our first meeting with the couples therapist tomorrow, he wants to meet us separately first.” Jake had forgotten about the marriage counseling. “I think we should just say we want to keep our relationship strong, and I don't know, talk about how adjusting to living together is a challenge or something.” He just mumbles an agreement. 
Jake has no idea how the two of you are going to sell being married to a professional. He thinks of all the ways this might go as you slowly drift off to sleep beside him. Once he can hear your steady breathing his mind starts to slow and as he falls asleep he rolls over so he is curled around you. 
When he wakes the next morning he slides his arm across the bed feeling for your warmth but the sheets are cool. You are already gone.  When he gets up he finds you making omelets in the kitchen. 
“The contractor is going to be finishing up the repairs in the ceiling of my room today,” you tell him as you add the cheese. “You will have your bed back, free of my cold toes tonight.” 
“Oh, ok.” Jake doesn't know what to think and it takes him a moment to realize he is disappointed. Last night was the last time he would sleep with you in his arms. He thinks about all the times he left you in the mornings. He shouldn't have run away. He could have just rolled back to his side of the bed and talked to you on those mornings, now he would never get the option. 
You drive to the counselor’s and he spends his time in the passenger seat fighting his motion sickness. It's your turn first and you give him a worried look as you go, as he sits in the waiting room trying to get his head to stop spinning. If he says something wrong in the counselor's office he will just blame it on the concussion. 
When it is his turn you squeeze his hand as you trade spots. He can't help himself as he pulls you into a hug. Jake presses his lips to your hairline. He should hug you more, he thinks. 
You rarely initiate physical affection more than holding hands, and hug only on special occasions. He likes the feel of you in his arms, the scent of your shampoo, and the warmth of your skin. The way you melt into him is overwhelming before you pull away.
The session went well. A mixture of the truth and agreed upon lies slip easily off his tongue. At the end of the session Jake is given the same homework that you received.  
“I want you to come up with a list of all the reasons you are in love with your wife.”
The homework is a fixture in his mind over the next few days. Jake can’t figure out why he keeps repeating the counselor's words in his head. He lists the reasons he loves you. You are smart, funny, tough as hell, your kindness, you are supportive, you are so easy to talk to and you always know what to say, you call him on his bullshit. You are capable. 
He stares at the words he has written and feels they are not personal enough to sell it. You are beautiful, your smile makes his stomach clench, your laughter, you feel so good in his arms, how you being in his life made everything better. He stares at his list as the words play over in his head, ‘reasons you are in love with your wife.’
Jake drops the pen and buries his face in his hands as the realization hits him. “Fuck.” He is in love with you. When did that happen? Was it before you moved in or is it a recent thing? Sometime during the first or second year of the marriage he noticed he loved you. But it had always felt so platonic, a love of friendship, of convenience, and connection.
You have always been beautiful, and, if he was honest with himself, he had always been attracted to you, but with the nature of your relationship he had always locked those thoughts and feelings away. You were untouchable. But in the last month with you sleeping in his bed everything blurred. It didn’t matter when he fell in love, the only thing that mattered was that he is completely and irrevocably in love with you now. 
It is weird to feel terrible about an emotion considered so positive. Jake stares at the closed door to the office where you are working from home. He can never tell you. You had only stayed married due to his inability to process his trauma. 
He felt tainted, like you being with him would somehow mark you too. He didn't deserve you, he didn’t deserve anything good. And he loved you too much to let you be ruined by him. He wouldn't let you give up your life and the love you deserve. Because you need someone who is in love with you unconditionally, someone good. 
The day he had agreed to marry you had told him that you would always be there for him and he had taken advantage of that over the years. Taken advantage of your kindness and good heart. Someone as good and kind as you would never stay married to him. He could never tell you he loved you. He wouldn’t be that guy, the man who thought he was owed something just because he had feelings for a woman. He would let you go even if it killed him. 
– – –
Sleeping next to you didn’t stop the nightmares. They always came at the same frequency, mild ones a few times a week and the bad ones every week or so. What sleeping next to you did was calm him when he woke. Your breaths and the warmth of your skin would ground his mind and bring him back to the present like nothing else could. 
Before you he would never get back to sleep after a nightmare. He would go for a run or go to the 24h gym. He sometimes would mindlessly watch tv or stare at his phone until it was an acceptable hour to get up. In the weeks after the concussion he couldn’t do that. Strenuous activity and screen time were two of the things the doctor told him to avoid. 
Most nights he would just lay in bed. He had tried audio books but he could not focus on them. So he would lie there in the dark thinking about you, and everything that he loved about you, and torturing himself. 
His post concussion nightmares were more intense than any he had before but he still hadn't had a bad one yet. He could feel it coming. Lack of sleep and anxiety tended to trigger the nightmares. Stress also played a role and the night before the second marriage counseling session it hit him. 
Jake’s heart is pounding as he sits up in bed struggling to breath. The nightmares are rarely the same and his mind alway finds ways for his dreams to be somehow worse than what had happened, combining events and reimagining others. 
You died tonight. The person he had killed was you, and even though he logically knew you were fine he needed to check on you. Stumbling, eyes bleary, he walks to your room and pushes open the door. The smell of new paint and construction is almost gone. Leaning on the door frame Jake can see you sleeping and he takes in the sight. 
If he holds his breath and listens he can faintly hear you breathing from the doorway and he can’t help the muffled sob that slips past his lips. You stir and he bites his lips to keep from waking you but it is too late.
“Jake?” You lean up and look at him. “You ok?” he gives a jerky nod, unable to open his mouth. Afraid he would begin sobbing if he did. “Another nightmare?” He doesn’t know how you can tell. Maybe it is written on his face. 
“Come here,” your voice is soft and you open your arms and beckon to him and he is moving his feet before he can think about it. Jake collapses on top of the covers and into your arms, head pillowed on your chest listening to your heartbeat. His eyes flutter closed as you rake your fingers through his hair and down his back. Your gentle movements calm him and steady his mind but soon it is not enough. There are too many layers between you. 
He sits up and motions to the covers. “Can I?” he asks hesitantly, wanting to be able to hold you without the blanket between you. You nod and he slips beneath the covers and returns to his position with his head on your chest. Your hands resume their motions carding through his hair and stroking his back.
It’s still not enough. He sits abruptly and takes his shirt off before lying back down, slotting his body between your thighs and his head on your stomach this time. He needs to feel your skin pressed against his. He eases your shirt up so he can rest his cheek against your stomach. He can hear your sharp inhale but you don't say anything and for that he is grateful. You just go back to smoothing your hands over his bare skin. He doesn’t know how long he lays there with you beneath him, his hands curl around your rib cage as his thumbs smooth over your soft skin. 
After a while of your hands moving over him he feels you pause. “If you want to talk about it, I’ll listen.” He shakes his head in denial, not wanting you to know. But when he feels your nails scratch his scalp and drag down his neck he starts talking. 
“You know the military severely under-reports civilian deaths, right?” There is no change in you. Your hands keep moving in the same rhythm and your breathing is steady. “Every time we drop bombs we kill people and there is a chance we kill civilians. Mostly we don’t think about it. It is easier to drink the kool-aid. Accept the Navy’s narrative. But if you watch the news from other countries they will report it; show videos of civilians killed by American bombs.”
Jake stops talking, wanting you to respond, hoping you don’t. Looking for a clue to stop talking. You don’t give him one so he continues. “I shot another plane down, the first air-to-air kill in three decades. The Navy pinned a medal on me.'' Now that he was talking he couldn’t stop. The words he had never spoken to anyone pouring out. “No one mentioned that after I shot the jet it crashed into this community building. There were families inside. Sixteen people were killed, nine of them were children.
“They gave me a fucking medal for killing children. I saw the footage, the crashed jet and the injured people. There was this man carrying his dead son and I can’t get that out of my head.” Jake feels you shift and he raises his head to look at you but all you do is place a gentle kiss on his forehead before lying back down and resuming your motions. 
“Please hate me.” He doesn't know why he says it; why he needs you to condemn him. As if your condemnation will justify everything he feels.
“No,” you say simply.
“Why not?” he can feel a sob building in his chest. “I fucking deserve it. How can you just learn all that about me and not care?” 
“Javy told me years ago,” you confess, “actually I suspected. It was on the news that an American Navy pilot shot down a plane and what happened, I knew you were stationed in the area and you changed whenever we talked after, so I figured it was you and Javy confirmed it when I asked.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Jake had been keeping his knowledge and shame bottled up away from you for so long; not wanting to change the way you saw him and to find out you had always known was gutting. 
“I knew you would tell me when you were ready.” 
“You should hate me,” Jake hates the way he sounds. Small, meek, hesitant. “I hate me.”
“I hate that it happened. It breaks my heart for those families, but I can’t hate you for it. You are responsible, but not culpable.” You say simply.
“Then who is to blame if not me?” You don’t have an answer for him, he knows there isn’t one, at least not an answer that will make him feel better. Some things you just have to live with. The tears start to flow down Jake's cheeks in ugly sobs as you pull him closer. He clings to you and finally lets himself grieve. 
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gracescor3 · 10 months
Christmas Lights🎄
[Just fixed Grammar mistakes]
Pairing: Soft!Mob!Stucky (only mentioned a bit) x Pregnant!Reader
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Tags; Pregnant reader ; Bucky calling reader Mamas / Hot Mamas ; Implied smut at the end.
Word count: 749
Summary: Your mob boyfriends take you to do your favorite thing for Christmas, and that is to see Christmas lights.
You were in the kitchen eating blueberries and whipped cream, you have been craving them a lot ever since your boys got you pregnant.
You were about 20 weeks along and hardly had to do anything by yourself. Steve or Bucky always stayed home with you while the other one went to work.
Today they were both with you and were acting suspicious all day, about what? You don't know but it was a bit weird seeing them act differently. You just hoped you didn't do anything wrong.
As a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and held your belly you instantly smiled and relaxed into the warmth of the broad chest.
"Hey hot mamas, how you feeling?" Bucky asked as he kissed your neck. "I think I'm fine, my back is just really hurting." You responded as you ate another blueberry.
"Why don't you come upstairs with me and get dressed into warm clothes?" Bucky smiled against your neck before he pulled away and turned you around.
"Why? What's the occasion?" You asked skeptically. "We have a surprise for you." He smiled and held your hand before Steve walked in with clothes.
"Don't worry about it sweetheart, I got you some warm clothes right here." Steve smiled as he started to slowly take off your shirt.
"Thank you Steve." You lifted your arms as he replaced your shirt with the new one as Bucky helped change your pants.
"Alright let's go mamas." Bucky patted your back as they both led you out of the house and into their sleek black SUV.
You noticed the driver was already in the front seat and you looked at Steve. "Where are we going?" You asked sweetly to see if they'd tell you.
Steve almost gave in from how innocent you looked. He hated keeping secrets from you, well Bucky did to but he could hold out longer then Steve.
Bucky gave him a sharp glare and Steve instantly decided not to tell you. "It's a surprise doll." Bucky said as he helped you into the car.
Steve sat on your left side and Bucky sat on your right, you felt insanely warm from both of their bodies squished next to yours.
As Steve put your seatbelt on the driver began to pull out of the driveway. "Just because your two grown men doesn't mean you get to not wear seatbelts to!" You scolded and they looked at you before sighing and putting their seatbelts on.
It was funny seeing the mob bosses doing everything you asks. At work they are the ones commanding and controlling everything, but when they're around you? You are the only one they listen to. They are wrapped around your finger and you know it.
It was a long drive but once you finally made it to the destination you were surprised to see a whole bunch of Christmas lights.
Your mouth was agape as you looked out all the windows. "Christmas lights!" You shouted with glee and instantly tried undoing your seatbelt.
Bucky stopped you, "Mamas wait, we gotta park." He laughed and you sat still and eagerly waited.
As the driver parked the car Bucky would undo your seatbelt and helped you out of the car.
"It's so beautiful!" You smiled as Steve went to hold your hand and Bucky held your other one.
"All for you mamas. Let's go." Bucky led you to the trail and you walked through it seeing a lot of Christmas lights and also the animated ones.
You enjoyed every second of it. As you saw the little kids running around, you couldn't help but imagine them as yours.
You couldn't wait to have your baby, and it makes it even better that your boys will be the dad.
"Thank you for this." You smiled as you kissed both of their cheeks making them smile.
“You’re welcome” They both responded and kissed both of your cheeks.
“We have another surprise for you when we get home.” Buckys voice was dark and filled with lust as he whispered in your ear, his hand slowly traveling down your body.
You felt your arousal pool in your panties and couldn’t wait for when you got home.
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oversizedcat538 · 7 months
Gojo Satoru x Reader
TLDR: You agreed to be Gojo's fake girlfriend and now you have to attend dinner with his parents.
Gojo and (Y/N) have been close friends since their freshman year in high school. They used to go on all kinds of adventures, stirring up mischief wherever they went. However, since they started college together, things have been relatively calm. 
That is, until a month ago. Gojo began having trouble with a new girl in his class. He was trying to be nice to her, but it quickly turned into a headache as she wouldn't leave him alone. (Y/N) could see the stress on his face every time his phone rang. So, when he asked her to pretend to be his girlfriend, she agreed without hesitation. The plan worked perfectly! The girl began to back off and leave him alone, making him feel more relieved than ever.
Even though (Y/N) wanted to end it, Gojo insisted they keep up the act to satisfy his parents' curiosity about a possible daughter-in-law. She reluctantly agreed, wanting to be a good friend. Until now. Gojo stood in front of her, with a smirk on his face. "My parents are asking about you again," he said, "Do you think you can attend a dinner with us tonight?"
"I absolutely can't," she exclaimed as the absurd suggestion of meeting his parents left her breathless. "This is getting ridiculous. We need to just call it quits and come clean." 
Gojo's tone was half-joking and half-serious as he replied, "I can't just call it quits, babe. My dad is already pressuring me about us being in love and getting married. If he finds out it was just a cover-up, he would lose his mind. You have to do it... It's the only way we can keep this charade up a lil' longer." She crossed her arms, mirroring his stance. "Why exactly do we have to keep this going? Didn't that girl leave you alone already?"
"She did, but now the drama has moved to my parents," he rolled his eyes. "They were already suspicious it was all fake, to begin with. Now, they're calling me every day and asking about wedding plans and kids. You think I haven't tried to stop their insanity? Of course, I have, but it's not working. I need you to come tonight."
A brief silence fell over them as they exchanged looks. Feeling a bit uneasy, she looked elsewhere, not wanting to look at him anymore. She could feel his eyes burning into the side of her face. After a moment, she glanced back and groaned in defeat, throwing up her hands. "Ugh. Fine! You get one night!" His whole face lit up into the most wide-mouth smile. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I knew I could count on you. I'll pick you up at 7:30! No later!" Gojo was practically bouncing with excitement, which was a little off-putting. "Oh! And... wear something nice." She rolled her eyes and watched as he bounced away in a hurry. 
~Time Skip to 7:30~
 She looked at herself in the mirror, making sure she was dressed appropriately. It was skin-melting hot outside, so she chose to wear a casual black summer dress. She heard a car honking outside just as she sprayed some perfume on herself. She felt nervous about leaving the house but decided to swallow her pride and go. She was a damn good friend after all.
Gojo's white BMW was idling in the driveway, its bright lights beaming from the dark driveway towards the front door. She could almost hear him humming a tune from within, waiting anxiously for her to get into the car. The windows were slightly rolled down, his elbow sticking out the window as he waved at her to come. As she got closer, her anxiety increased. What if Gojo's parents didn't like her? What if they thought she wasn't good enough for him? Even though they weren't dating, these thoughts made her anxious.
She opened the car door and swiftly got in, closing it behind her. The tension was thick as she buckled up her seatbelt. Before Gojo could even put the car in gear, he looked at her with a mischievous grin. "You look great! My parents are gonna love you." He glanced at her, making sure the compliments were working before turning his attention to the windshield as he began to pull out of the driveway. She began to dread the rest of the night, sighing in response. She turned her attention to him, putting on a small smile. "Thanks.." She paused, unsure of how to continue. "So..is there anything I should know before we get there?"
Gojo glanced over, shooting her a playful grin. "Not much... Just that they're a little intense. Especially my dad... He'll probably give you the whole rundown of our family's history and expect you to know all about it. If you just pretend to be interested, it will hopefully go over smoother." He glanced again with a reassuring smile on his face, "That's pretty much it. Not too complicated." She just smiled and nodded, glancing out the window "Right.." 
The rest of the car ride was nothing but awkward and anxious silence, with the soft sounds of the wind and the radio. Before she knew it, they were pulling into a driveway. Suddenly, she began to feel like she might be sick from the sheer terror that lingered inside her chest. "We're here..." Gojo said, bringing the vehicle to a stop and turning off the engine. She could feel her stomach turn into knots at the mere thought of meeting his parents. He turned towards her with a grin and gave her shoulder a playful bump, "Don't worry. I'll be right next to you the whole time. If they start getting too intense, I'll step in." She nodded, taking a deep breath and opening the car door. Gojo joined her side and grabbed her hand with a grin. "Hey..let's head in, yeah?"
 They approached the house, a modern two-story home with a mix of traditional Japanese architecture. It was quite nice, her eyes observing the detail. Gojo's grip on her hand only tightened as he noticed her growing anxiousness, hoping that it would reassure her. She looked at him, a smile instantly lighting up her face. (Y/N) squeezed his hand back in response, feeling a bit flustered at the fact she was actually holding his hand, something she had never done in the past 5 years of their friendship. Before either of them could speak up, the front door opened. There stood an older couple in sleek casual clothing, his mom had long, straight white hair and his father had shorter wavy white hair. Both had stern looks on their faces as they observed the pair. "Ah, so this is her..." His mom said as they approached, "You've finally brought her home, son."
(Y/N) instinctively bowed at them, wanting to remain respectful. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Gojo." The pair looked at her for a moment, his dad sizing her up carefully as his mom nodded. "We've heard great things. Come in, come in. We would love to get to know you a bit better." His mom gestured the pair forward as she and his father began walking back into the home, his dad glancing back with a serious look on his face. His mother led them into the kitchen, which looked like something out of a cooking show. Gojo gently squeezed her hand, hoping to distract her from the intense stares of his parents. Taking a deep breath, she entered the dining room where Gojo courteously pulled out her chair and pushed it back in after she sat down. She acknowledged his gesture with a grateful nod and a smile. Gojo gave her a reassuring nod as his parents took their seats across from them, with his mother stealing another glance at her before starting to speak. "We are very pleased to finally meet you. Gojo speaks about you so often, and getting to see you in person brings us much joy."
~A lil time skip~
After dinner, there was a lot of chatter at the table. The small talk at first was a bit awkward, but Gojo's parents did what every other parent does when their child invites a love interest over; they shared embarrassing stories from his childhood. It all made sense now why Gojo was the way he was, as his adventures and mischievous behavior as a child had contributed to his personality. As they all laughed, her eyes met Gojo's, and she felt an unfamiliar feeling in her stomach. She noticed his eye contact lingered on her a few seconds longer than it should, and there was almost a faint blush on his cheeks. She couldn't take her eyes off him, noticing little things about his body movements and mannerisms that just felt slightly different from their usual ones around each other. Throughout the rest of their time at the table, she could feel Gojo's eyes on her, as if he wasn't even listening to the current conversation. Eventually, Gojo's parents and (Y/N) stood from the table, catching him off guard. (Y/N) looked at him confused and motioned her head to the door with a small smile. "Hey, it's getting late."
As they walk out the door together, (Y/N) turns and waves, yelling her goodbyes from the driveway, feeling more comfortable now with their presence. She smiles big as she gets into the car, closing the door. Gojo cranks the car and seems to be a bit off. "What's wrong?" she quietly says, glancing over at him with a worried look, "You were a bit quiet after dinner." He looks over at her and smiles, trying to hide what he is feeling. He can tell she's picking up on his emotions, and that worries him a bit. He pulls out of the driveway, driving for a few seconds before speaking up, "Nah, nothing. Just a lot on my mind. My parents were just getting on my nerves a bit is all." 
They share a pause of silence before (Y/N) speaks up, sounding very apologetic. "Oh, I'm sorry Satoru. I didn't mean to upset you by laughing. I was just trying to make conversation with your parents."
 "That's not what I mean..." He paused for a moment, thinking of how best to explain his thoughts. "I liked seeing you laugh. It was nice." He paused for a few seconds as he looked at her from his peripheral vision, trying to gauge her response before looking at the road again. She smiled even though she was a bit confused, feeling at ease knowing he wasn't upset with her, "You make me laugh all the time, though?"
He chuckled at her response, glancing at her again as he thought about what to say. Just do it. It's what you've wanted all night. Why back out now? Just say it. "You make me happy...is what I mean" 
 There it was. That feeling again. Feeling a bit surprised by his seemingly cryptic response, she looks at him, wanting to read into his words correctly. If he meant what she thought he meant, she wanted to come clean too. "You make me happy too, Gojo." He smiles brightly, taking a deep breath with a look of relief on his face. He can't stop himself from taking her hand and lacing his fingers through hers. He looks over and gives her that playful, devilish grin of his. "Well, well, well. Look at you, all confident." She playfully nudges him hard, feeling a bit flustered as he seemingly puts the attention on her, "Oh, shut up. You're the one who said it first." He laughs at the sudden jab on his abdomen and looks over, amused at her playful anger. "Yeah.. So? You were obviously flirting with me the whole night, too, so don't go trying to deny it all of a sudden." He looks back straight ahead, making his eyes wide with a grin spreading across his face. She gasps at the false accusation he threw at her, looking at him sternly. "Oh, says the man who was eye fucking me at the table!" He bursts into laughter as he can't contain the noise any longer. His fingers squeeze hers tightly as he looks her over with that look in his eyes. "Heh heh.. guilty. I might've been." She groans and rolls her eyes, holding a smile back as she turns towards the window.
As they drove, he chuckled and continued to gaze at her with a slight grin on his face. The air was filled with a comfortable silence. After a few moments, he broke the silence with a question. "Are we even pretending anymore?" She thought for a moment as they stopped at a red light, then looked back at him. "I...don't know, are we?" They remained silent for a few seconds before he replied with one word. "No." He followed her lead and turned to face her. 
They shared a lingering look before Gojo leaned over and connected their lips in a soft kiss, catching her off guard. She eased into the kiss, closing her eyes and moving slightly closer to him to tighten their locked lips. They embraced each other tightly as they kissed (one of his hands still on the wheel ofc), with each moment making their hearts beat faster and faster. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, which made her want him even more. There was a lingering sense of ecstasy and pure bliss that filled her mind as they continued to hold the kiss, neither one wanting to pull away just yet. 
Then, a sudden and loud car horn startled them both, causing them to jump back into their original positions. The car behind them continued to honk as the green light illuminated their flustered and embarrassed faces. Despite the awkward situation, (Y/N) couldn't help but start giggling, Gojo joining in as he began to drive. His hand rested on her thigh during the remainder of the drive as they snickered and joked about the events that had just unfolded. 
The chatter between the two eventually subsided as they pulled into (Y/N)'s driveway. The pair exited the car and walked up to the porch. (Y/N) nudged Gojo and said, "I had a great time tonight. Thank you for inviting me to your parents' dinner. They were both lovely."
 "I'm happy my parents approve," he said with a serious expression, stepping back after giving her a quick kiss on the top of her head. "It was my pleasure having you around. You were an absolute delight." He winked at her and chuckled. "Otherwise, that dinner would've been a lot more awkward if they didn't." 
(Y/N) took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. "Mannn, that would have sucked," she laughed, and Gojo joined in. "For sure. We can't have you becoming the target of their lectures too, now can we?" He smiled and playfully poked her on the shoulder. "Anyways, it's quite late, and I should get going, so you can get some rest. Unless you want me to stay the night and protect you from those evil cursed spirits? I could always cuddle and give you forehead kisses." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. She giggled at his "smooth talk" and sarcastically said, "Say, how'd you know I have a cursed spirit problem?" 
She turned to the door and unlocked it, heading inside and leaving the door wide open for him. 
*Hi, thank you for reading if you've read this far! I haven't written fan fiction since like middle school, so if the writing or story seems jank, then I apologize. Requests are open if you feel like submitting something! Again, thank you!!!!* EDIT: Hi, again! Soo for some weird reason, a few paragraphs like..duplicated over top of each other? I'm low-key embarrassed, but it should be fixed now!!
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yutahoes · 2 months
(Part Eight)
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characters: stripper! Yuta x female! wealthy! Y/N genre: chaptered, smut, FLUFF, angst word count: 4.6k words summary: Y/N has everything in her bitter life, not until she meets a sweet-looking stripper. warnings: matured theme, stripper au!, third person POV, cursing, horny thoughts taglist: @cherrymotodude @tenjyucat @justsomekpopstuff @ilhoonseyeballs @whyme11 @a-bts-world @amazinggraxia
Part Seven
“Will you be fine, though?” the secretary asked that made Y/N nod, fastening on her seatbelt. “Here’s your coffee,” she claimed while handing her the large cup. “I can call a driver.” 
The other girl smiled, “I’m fine” then sipped her coffee, dark with a hint of caramel. “Did Jungwoo confirm anything? Should I pick him up?”  
“He asked the driver to drive him to the theater.” Y/N nodded, sipping her coffee once again. “And your dad is driving your mom and Junyoung to the venue.” 
The girl smiled, “Thank you, Aeri. You should go on that date your mom had asked you to.” She teased which made the other girl pout. She handed a black card, surprising her secretary. “Thank you for your patience with me this whole week, get yourself something expensive.” The other girl smiled at her, teasing that she’d get a very expensive bag making Y/N nod. She deserved it. “Thank you for the coffee. I’ll see you on Monday.” 
Maybe these are her nerves doing their thing. But with the current shuffling of the company directors, there will surely be a change in position. Perhaps that’s why Doyoung had been spending some time in the company. There will be a big change and she wasn’t even sure if she would be part of it or not. It will be fine, right? 
“Everything will be fine, Y/N.” Yet she had a hard time convincing herself. 
She finished her coffee cup before checking herself in the mirror. She looks fine, she doesn’t look different and she tried to rub the tears from her eyes. Instead of the usual contact lenses, she wore her eyeglasses. Maybe she’ll transfer seats if she wants to watch her brother clearly. But wearing the glasses only made her lost in the sea of people. Maybe she should call Jungwoo. “Y/N!” someone called that made her turn to the owner of the voice. She squinted her eyes in surprise. What is Ten doing here? Three other guys were following the bartender which made her curious. What are they doing here? “From the look of your face, you’re wondering what we are doing here.” 
Johnny laughed, “Yuta has tickets and gave it to us.” The girl gave the mentioned guy a questioning look and he just mouthed Jungwoo which she understood completely. When did her brother and Yuta get so close? Johnny excused himself to go to the restroom and Taeyong had to drag Ten to come with them, leaving Yuta standing awkwardly in front of Y/N. 
“Did you cry?” Yuta asked which made the girl look at him in surprise.   
“Is it that obvious?” But he shook his head, gesturing to the eyeglasses. “I shouldn’t have worn this today.”    
Yuta stepped closer that he was almost towering at the girl. “Did someone bully you at work?” The girl shook her head, whispering that she was just stressed from her work. His finger tucked her hair behind her ear, “You’re doing well, Y/N.”  He could easily pull her closer for a hug but he cannot, not when there are people around. 
“That makes me feel better. Thank you, Yuta.” 
He just wants to be lost in the moment. Her soft smile and those sparkling eyes stared at him like he was the only person in her world. Like there’s just the two of them in the middle of the sea of people. A small but distinct moment that he wanted to engrave in his memory. 
“Noona!” Y/N turned around which surprised Yuta. Fuck, what was he thinking earlier? That is so gay. Is he that attracted to her? Fuck, this is obviously more intense than that. 
Is he already in love? 
The young boy hugged Y/N as she groaned while carrying him. God, she looks good carrying a child. She’ll be a very pretty mother. A very pretty mother of his kids. 
Yuta blinked in surprise. This is bad. 
“Say hello, he’s noona’s friend.” Yuta could feel his heart breaking at that word. Friend? They’re only friends? “This is Junyoung, my younger brother.”       
“I’m her favorite brother.” The younger exclaimed proudly. 
“I heard that,” The girl chuckled when Jungwoo came, glaring at the younger boy in her arms. Now that he’s staring their younger brother looks like a mixture of Jungwoo and Y/N. “I’m Y/N’s favorite.” The bickering of the two guys with Y/N laughing made Yuta smile. She’s very well-loved by her brothers, it’s endearing.  
An older man, holding a bouquet of flowers, can be seen walking to where they are. A woman, who looks so chic and stern, walks by his side. “Junyoung, don’t make your hyung cry.” The girl only laughed some more when the youngest put a tongue out at his older brother.   
“Oh, I forgot the flowers for Doyoung.” She claimed just as little Junyoung put two hands to cup her face saying “You are the flower, noona.” Yuta had to let out a laugh. “Is that funny, Yuta?” she asked, glaring at him. 
The guy had to shake his head, asking Junyoung for a fist bump. “Mad respect for your flirting skills,” The younger grinned proudly. “You’re not wrong though. Your noona is prettier than flowers, isn’t she?” Y/N had to look at him in surprise. What the hell is Yuta talking about? 
“Oh Dad, Mom,” Jungwoo called then pointed at Yuta. “This is Yuta, Y/N’s…” The girl and her younger brother said friend in unison. The older man gave him a warm smile when Yuta greeted the older couple but the older woman’s face remained stoic. If he’s correct, this man is Y/N’s stepdad and that is her real mom. But why don’t they resemble each other? “Did you come alone?”   
Yuta told Jungwoo that his friends had gone to the bathroom and he had an extra ticket because one friend, he didn’t mention the term manager in front of Y/N’s parents, had an emergency. “Then there’s an extra seat in your row?” Y/N asked making Yuta nod, “Can I just transfer to your row? I can’t see clearly from the balcony.” Wait, what? “Dad, can I?” 
The older man nodded, “You’ve always hated the balcony seats anyway.” 
Y/N is a well-loved person in their family. That was what Yuta found out in those small interactions with her family members. Ten was startled to find out that it was her mom who owned the theater and when the musical began, he was once again astounded that her brother was acting as the main lead. Their family is a different scale, Yuta thought. It makes her unattainable once again. 
He had never been a fan of musicals but watching the play Marie Antoinette on stage had made him appreciative of the art and hard work it takes to create this performance. When the main male lead appeared, Y/N whispered that it was her brother proudly. He’s very talented: an amazing singer and a handsome actor. Even his friends were so absorbed with the musical, even hearing Taeyong sniffing at some of the scenes. He turned to see the girl beside him and smiled seeing her crying as well. Yuta handed her a handkerchief using his left hand and reached out to tap her shoulder using the other hand. 
When the final song ended, everyone was just standing up and clapping for the performers. The actors were introduced one by one, bowing to the audience who gave them applause. When Doyoung was called, Y/N was laughing, amidst the tears, at her younger brother who was running on the stage to give his brother the bouquet. Yuta smiled and then faced the girl, wiping the tears on her cheeks. “Now I’m sure that you did cry,” he whispered which made her grin. 
The feeling was back. Like they’re the only people in this world. An amazing feeling he wanted to repeat even if his heart hurt from its wild beating in his chest. What was that line from the musical earlier? ‘The real world is you right in front of me.’ He wanted her to be the center of his world. He wanted her to be his world. 
Taeyong lightly coughed which snapped Yuta back to reality, “Y/N, I think your father is looking for you.” Yuta had to look at the man standing on the side, holding his youngest son and gazing at his way. Has he been watching the whole time? The girl excused herself to walk to where her dad was making Ten laugh. “You’re so down bad for her, hyung.” Is that even a bad thing? 
Maybe it is a bad thing, Yuta thought as he was sitting in a fancy restaurant. Johnny was worried that they were underdressed for the ambiance of the restaurant but it was Jungwoo who assured them that since it’s their father’s idea, they don’t have to worry. The staff of the restaurant were quick to direct the people to the VIP area where a long table was ready for them. Y/N should have disagreed, Yuta thinks, now it is very awkward sitting with her whole family. 
“I’m sorry I have to force you to come with us to dinner,” the eldest man claimed, smiling warmly. “It’s just the first time my daughter introduced her friends.” With her bullying story, Yuta wasn’t surprised that her father would say that. “So where did all of you meet?” 
The four were quiet. Should one of them say that they work in a strip club? Maybe Jungwoo can answer for them. “They work as dancers at a nightclub downtown and Ten is a bartender at the same club,” Y/N claimed proudly which made everyone at the table quiet. 
Yuta knew that the four of them would surely be shunned at that. They’re a very prestigious family, a high class in different fields. And they are dancers in a low-class club. Strippers, to be specific. They get paid for sex, for their dirty services. If he believed there was a low chance of being with this girl, the chances were now very little. Why must he embarrass himself in front of her family?         
“Is that why you’re suddenly getting good at drinking, Y/N?” Doyoung teased, making the girl pout. “Ten must be a good bartender.” The girl nodded, boasting about the pink drink that gets one drunk slowly and that they should try it sometime. “Then we should invite Ten at home sometime. I want to try that pink drink.” 
“Yuta, too.” Their father claimed that made Yuta look at him in surprise. Him? “Johnny and Taeyong can also come but Yuta can visit anytime, right Y/N?” He had a teasing smile but instead of looking at the younger male, he was looking at his daughter. Jungwoo had to hide a laugh by drinking his wine. The girl only had to scrunch her nose at the playfulness of her father which made the older laugh whole-heartedly. 
Wait, Yuta feels that something isn’t right. That something is missing. But he was too scared to ask what it was. Too nervous to ask what her father meant by that. He can’t possibly like him for his daughter, right? No, Yuta shook his head, that’s too much. Maybe he just liked teasing her. Yes, that might be it. 
The older woman who had been quiet the whole time stood up without a word and left the room. There were light conversations around the table: about Doyoung’s performance, Jungwoo’s magazine cover, and Ten's special drinks. Taeyong and Johnny were engaging with the family, as well as Junyoung who begged for that pink drink. Only Yuta was quietly observing. 
When the mom came back, she quickly walked to her husband and whispered something to him. They both glanced at Y/N and the talks were cut off when the oldest stood up and said, “Mr. and Mrs. Jung are next door. We’ll just greet them briefly.” He then turned to the only girl sitting, “Y/N, I think you should greet Jaehyun.” 
The girl’s eyes widened in surprise, “He’s back?” The older man nodded and Y/N was quick to stand up to follow her parents. 
“Jaehyun? Chocoboy is back?” Jungwoo asked Doyoung and the other shrugged. “Has it been five years already?” 
“Who is Chocoboy?” Junyoung asked. In his mind, Yuta thanked the younger child for asking the question he wanted to ask.    
Doyoung tilted his head to the side, “Y/N’s childhood friend.” Is that why she’s excited to greet that person? And five years? That might be a long time of not seeing each other. 
He’s a guy? Then why is he called Chocoboy? But before he could ask that, Jungwoo continued, “We call him Chocoboy because he was born on Valentine's Day.” 
Yuta choked on the steak he was eating. Childhood friend? His birthday is Valentine's Day? “Does his mom own a movie theater?” Doyoung and Jungwoo both nodded although confused. Oh, Yuta nodded, he’s that guy. 
The door opened and Y/N entered while holding someone’s hand. A tall, brown-haired guy with fair skin was standing behind the girl, smiling with dimples poking on his cheek. “You remember Jungwoo and Doyoung, right?” The girl introduced, pointing at her brothers. “Then Junyoung.” 
“He’s so big, already.” He claimed, waving at the young kid. “I remember holding him when he was a newborn.” 
She gestured at the other four sitting, “And they’re my friends.” 
Yuta didn’t miss his comfortable hand placement on Y/N’s waist as he introduced himself, “I’m Jung Jaehyun, Y/N’s childhood friend.” 
He’s a childhood friend, they have memories together. Memories that Yuta doesn’t want to remember. He’s tall and very handsome. He came from a rich family and their family are friends. If Yuta thought his chances with her were very little earlier. Now, the chances are all gone.    
How can a lowly strip club dancer compete with a very rich, handsome childhood friend? 
There’s really zero chances. 
If there isn’t any chance, then he should create chances for him. That was what Yuta thought to himself as he sat down in the apartment lobby, bouncing his knees in nervousness. He should have left the keys to her car with the valet, as per her instruction. But this is his chance to see her again. A chance he had to take. 
Y/N had offered her car to Yuta so he could take his friends home. Since she would be staying at her parent’s house for the weekend, she went home with her brothers in Jungwoo’s car. He had to make sure that the car was safe in the club because driving a midnight blue Bugatti on his side of the town was a dangerous stunt. He was thankful that the manager let him take the night off to return the car yet he thinks Johnny and Taeyong had something to do about it. 
The girl came into the building lobby and the hotel staff gestured for him. She looked lifeless, to put it simply. Her hair was let down and her eyeglasses did nothing to hide her tired eyes. It’s only Monday. Is her job that tiring? “Hi,” she greeted with a faint smile. “What are you doing here?” She was holding her handbag in one hand and a to-go coffee cup in another. 
Yuta showed her car key and she just casually asked him to put it in her handbag. “Are you alright? You look like a zombie.” 
The girl lightly laughed, “I’m just so tired. I haven’t been sleeping properly these days.” 
“Because you kept on drinking coffee,” he claimed taking her half-full cup. The strong smell of the dark bitter coffee hit Yuta’s nose but there’s also a tinge of sweetness. Is it sugar? Cream? “Did you even eat dinner?” 
The girl shook her head and then leaned her head on Yuta’s chest. “I don’t have any energy to go upstairs. I just want to lay down on this carpet.” 
He chuckled. How adorable. “How about you take a calming bath first then I can make you something to eat before you can sleep?” Y/N looked up at him, doe-like sparkling eyes staring at him. She nodded and he held her shoulder to help her enter the elevator. 
Yuta had been in this place too many times. He didn’t even ask her permission to head inside her bathroom and put warm water in the tub, making sure that he would pour those calming bath scents in the water. The girl was already lying down on the couch when he went out of the bathroom. Yuta gently tapped her cheek, telling her the bath was ready and that he’d just cook something quick for her. She nodded, obeying him instantly. 
The fridge still has some vegetables left. It’s obvious that she doesn’t cook at home. He made a simple fried rice with what he could find in the kitchen. Yuta wasn’t the best cook but he can cook simple dishes to survive. Besides, Taeyong has been a great teacher in helping him cut vegetables. He was almost done with his dish when she came out of her room, hair dripping wet and wearing a simple t-shirt and jogging pants. 
Yuta had to hide a smile. She’s very lovely. He’ll trade everything just to have this image etched in his brain. 
“That smells good,” she whispered. Yuta turned his back on her, repeatedly asking his heart to calm down. He might be having a seizure, might be having a heart attack. Damn, he must be really in love. “Do you need help?” He was startled that she was standing next to him. Very close to him. He could easily hug her. Kiss her. Devour her. 
He wanted to. So bad.  
But he cannot. 
Not yet. 
Yuta breathed heavily before turning to her. “Just sit down first. I’ll serve it to you, ma’am.” She chuckled, lightly hitting his shoulder playfully. He made sure that the dish looked appetizing. So even if it lacks flavor, he can make up for the amazing visuals. But the girl was humming as she took a bite of rice, claiming that it was really good. 
He had to stand behind her, taking the bath towel hanging from her shoulder to wipe her wet hair. She shouldn’t have washed her hair if she’s already this tired. She needed to wait for her hair to dry before lying in bed. Quickly, he took the hair dryer and hairbrush from her dresser and started drying her hair. This could put her to bed faster. 
“You don’t have club duties today?” Y/N asked in between bites of the meal. “Or am I taking too much of your time?” 
“I’m the one who offered,” Yuta cleared up. “Where is Jungwoo?” Y/N shrugged. He’s probably at his place. “You should be taking care of yourself, Y/N. Will you just sleep tonight without a proper meal?” 
“I’m lucky if I get to sleep once I lay down in bed,” she whispered. “I still have to do some revisions for this week’s meeting.” Yuta sighed. 
See? She’s been thinking an awful lot about the company that she’s neglecting herself. If she cannot do it, someone should be doing it for her. “Someone should be taking care of you.” I want to take care of you, Yuta wanted to continue.
The girl looked up to him, “I’m fine, I can take care of myself.” She returned to her meal with a slight laugh, “You’re good at cooking and good at drying hair.” 
Yuta shrugged. Stubborn girl. Yet it makes him want to take care of her more. “I used to work part-time as a hairstylist,” she had to exclaim in awe. “And I used to do this a lot for my mom.” 
“Your mom?” Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise. “You must be really close with your mom.” 
Yuta nodded, brushing her hair. “She’s the only family I have.”  
The girl had to turn to him, “What about your dad?” But Yuta just shook his head while smiling. Y/N realized that it was the first time that Yuta opened up about his family. The first time he opened up about himself. She wanted to know about him. Wanted to know him deeper but she’s not in the position to ask anything. Maybe she’ll just wait for him to share things about himself. “That explains how considerate you are. Your mom must be really proud of how you grew up.” Yuta shrugged which made her pout. He wouldn’t say anything more at this rate. 
Yuta is such a mystery.  
Y/N forgot the last time she had a long, sound sleep. Was it last Monday? When she was sharing the bed with the same guy she woke up with this morning? There was hesitance in his face when she asked for him to stay the night. It’s nothing sexual and she’s dead tired, she reasoned out. Besides, they have shared a bed before. Why can’t they share now? 
But seeing him, watching his strong arms and the white shirt clinging to his body, as he lay down in her bed, she regretted not doing anything sexual. He’s so sexy even when he’s clothed. Is it even right to thirst over a man this early morning? Is she ovulating? Why is her mind so perverted? 
The washed-out jeans fit his thighs so perfectly. Such muscular thighs. He might be an athlete. “Are you done checking me out?” Yuta’s voice was husky, low. The girl giggled, hiding her desire to just jump on his bones this early morning. “Why are you up so early?” 
“I have to go to work.” She claimed, checking the clock on her bedside table. It’s still so early. It’s even still dark outside. 
Before she could stand up from the bed, Yuta held her waist and pulled her back to bed. “You have such a high position in the company, I bet they wouldn’t fire you if you come in to work a bit late, right?” Y/N smiled, Yuta mirroring her expression. “Let’s sleep some more.” He hugged her in his arms, pulling her close to his body. Yuta’s head nuzzled on her chest as she threaded her fingers on his hair. 
He’s so warm. So cozy. So clingy. 
Maybe a little sleep wouldn’t hurt. 
“Do you want my car?” Y/N asked, drinking her coffee before putting it in the cupholder of her car. She faced Yuta who was currently seated on the driver’s seat. “Or do you have any car that you want?” 
Y/N had to admit that the sleep, wrapped in his arms, had helped her get energized for the day. It’s almost noon. They only had a quick breakfast from the coffee house they once went to. She didn’t even get to finish her coffee because of all the meals Yuta had ordered for her. A difference from her usual routine of only coffee before heading to the office. 
Yuta is very considerate of her. He’s also very patient when it comes to her stubbornness and ill temper. If she tries to revolt against Jungwoo’s orders, he might shout at her. But something about Yuta’s glare, those dark eyes, made her scared to get him angry. Does he get angry? He bets he’s hot when he’s mad. 
She hissed to herself. That is such a perverted statement. Why is she so turned on with this guy? 
“Why? Are you going to give me a car?” The girl nodded enthusiastically. “From a phone to a car. You really want me to be indebted to you, don’t you?” 
Y/N shook her head, “I don’t.” Then stopped. “Are you bothered by it?” Yuta only gave her an acknowledging nod. “Sorry. It’s just that you’ve been wasting an awful time with me so I wanted to repay you.” She claimed while fiddling her thumbs, “You never accept any money I give you so I thought you’d be okay with gifts.” 
“You don’t need to pay me money every time I hang out with you, Y/N.” 
“But that is your job, Yuta.” She claimed, trying to make sense of it. 
The guy nodded, still focused on driving on the highway. “But I don't need your money or your gifts, Y/N. You are not my job, you are my friend,” he claimed before smiling, looking at her warmly. “We are friends, aren’t we?” He emphasized the term ‘friends’ which made her nod. Yuta smiled timidly at that. 
Friends? Maybe for now. 
It is only proper for Y/N to invite Yuta upstairs to her office for maybe a drink since he drove her to work. The guy was confused about why she would always let the valet park her car. But why can’t she? He bets she can buy dozens of this car. She even offered to buy him a car earlier. This is nothing to her. 
The company is so huge. He only had seen the outside of the building but when he set foot inside, he exclaimed in awe at the high ceiling and the majestic shiny floors. People were bustling, in business suits and blazers, making him feel underdressed. Their family really is on another level. She is on another level. 
“Y/N,” someone called that made the girl stop. “Are you just coming to work?” Her stepdad asked which made Yuta lightly glance at the grinning girl. That is the president of the company. Is she not scared? The older man raised an eyebrow at her and the young man beside him just laughed. 
“I don’t have any excuse,” she confessed. “I’m sorry, president.” 
The older man smiled at her. “As a president, you’ll get a memo about this.” She nodded obediently. “But as your father, I encourage you to do it again.” Y/N only laughed at that. 
“Oh Dad, you remember Yuta right?” She asked, gesturing to the guy beside her. “Jae, this is Yuta.” The young man held a hand for the other to shake, popping his dimples out as he introduced himself. “Why are you here?” 
“My dad had a quick meeting with your dad,” Jaehyun supplied. “I came along with him thinking you were here but spent time with your dad instead.” Yuta clenched his fist. He’s that close with her dad? Her father had to make it clear that the older Jung had some errands to do that’s why he was with Jaehyun. “We’re getting lunch, do you want to join us?” 
The girl worriedly looked at Yuta and then at the two guys, “I’m supposed to show Yuta upstairs.” 
“Oh, it’s fine,” Yuta claimed, waving his hand. “I can go. You need to eat lunch anyway.” 
The girl gave him a look as if asking ‘Are you sure?’ “You can borrow my car heading back.” 
Yuta grinned, “It’s fine, Y/N.” The guy just nodded, handing her the handbag with her laptop and other files. “I’ll go first.” He smiled at her before greeting the two guys and then walking away. 
It’s fine. This day had been too good for him. This is alright. He can see her again. 
“Yuta,” Y/N called loud enough that it echoed through the lobby of the building. Yuta turned around and she was walking to him. The girl tiptoed to place a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll message you later.” 
He nodded, watching her run to the two guys who were smiling at him. Everyone around seemed to stare at him and he clutched his chest at the loud beating of his heart. 
Fuck, he is in love. 
Friends? Surely, they are not.
Part Nine
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yxngbxkkie · 2 years
a new home (l.y.f)
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good afternoon everyone! i hope you all are doing well. what do we think of skz new album?? cause i'm in love with it 😭 anyway, i finally finished this beautiful felix piece. it's pretty cute, and i can't wait to see what you all think! feedback is always appreciated 💖
I can't believe I'm in Korea. You think to yourself while looking out the plane window. You fumble with your fingers, feeling kind of nervous all of a sudden. I can't believe I'm seeing Felix again.
You worked with Bang Chan, Felix's friend who also lived in Australia, to organize the whole thing. It's been almost five years since you've seen your best friend. A part of you couldn't believe it's finally happening.
The plane touches down at the airport, and it takes almost ten minutes for you to actually leave. Your grip on your suitcase tightens every few seconds, feeling your stomach begin to flop.
After releasing a deep breath you begin your search for Chan. You smile under the face mask you're wearing before rushing over to the brunette.
"Chan!" You call out his name, watching his head swivel in your direction.
A smile graces his lips, raising his hand to wave. "Y/N, you're here!" He says while walking up to you. "I was a bit worried I was at the wrong gate."
You chuckle and nod your head. The two of you begin walking towards the exit when you speak. "Yeah, the pilot took forever to get us to the terminal," you inform him.
"How are you feeling, by the way?" Chan asks you, his brown eyes gazing down at you.
"I'm nervous," you truthfully mumble, letting out another deep breath. "It's been a long time since I've seen him. We hardly text anymore, but I understand that he's been busy with Stray Kids and whatnot."
Bang Chan rests a hand on your shoulder and squeezes gently. "If it makes you feel better, he never stops talking about you," he says with a small smirk. "Your name pops up in the majority of our conversations."
Your cheeks burn at the statement, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Really?" You ask in disbelief.
"Yes, absolutely."
You shift your gaze to the floor beneath your feet, a smile coming to your lips. "I can't wait to see him," you sigh, excited to feel his arms around you again.
"He's going to be very surprised," Chan laughs as the two of you walk out of the airport. "I do need to talk to you about something first."
You hum in response to him, waiting for him to continue as he places your luggage into the black colored sedan.
"We're filming something for the company at the moment, so, there will be camera's just about everywhere," he informs you, causing your heart to jump.
The two of you pile into the vehicle before Bang Chan begins to drive off. "Is that why you guys are here in Jeju?" You ask him, knowing that the group lives in Seoul.
"Yeah, and the fact that we haven't been able to go anywhere for two years," he nods his head. "I just wanted to let you know about it, in case you were uncomfortable."
"Thank you for the consideration. It means a lot to know beforehand for sure. Uhm, as long as they don't film me it's okay," you tell him, glancing towards him.
He nods his head while turning onto a different road. "They won't, and if they do I'll have them blur your face out in editing," Chan offers.
You and Bang Chan pull up to the house he and the seven other members are staying in before parking the vehicle. He unbuckles his seatbelt while opening the driver side door.
"Stay here for a moment," he mentions. You nod your head, and he swiftly shuts his door before running inside.
"This is crazy," you mutter to yourself while getting out of the vehicle. You quietly close the car door, not wanting to alert anyone else of your presence.
Bang Chan comes back outside and motions you to come closer. "Okay, so, three of our members haven't come back from fishing yet. Now's the perfect time to surprise him," he explains.
You nod your head and bounce on your toes, feeling more and more nervous. "Okay. Let's do this," you smile.
The brunette smiles and pats you on your shoulders. "Alright, come on."
You slip your shoes off after walking through the front door. You can hear a group of voices come from your left. Your fingers are linked together behind your back as Chan leads you through the fancy looking house.
"Felix, I brought something for you," he calls out to your best friend.
He replies to Chan in Korean, not understanding what exactly he said. It's been a few months since you've studied the language.
You follow Chan into the kitchen and your eyes instantly meet Felix's. Your breath catches in your throat at how pretty he's become. "Hey," you breathe out, shyly waving at him.
Felix's eyes widen and he stands up from his seat. "Y/N!?" He asks, stumbling towards you.
"It's me," you whisper as you begin to feel emotional. Tears pool in your eyes as Felix rushes over to you.
He wraps you up in his arms, his actions gaining the attention of the others. "Holy-" he cuts himself off and pulls back from you. His hands resting on the sides of your arms. "I can't believe you're standing in front of me."
"I can't believe it either," you giggle while gently gripping into the sweater he's wearing. "I've missed you."
Felix smiles cheerfully at you and brings you back into his chest. "Oh, I missed you, too. I'm sorry I haven't been around," he sighs into your ear, feeling his fingers gliding along your shoulder blades.
You nuzzle your face into his chest as your heart pounds. One of the other members starts to speak, causing you to pull back. Felix rests his hand on your lower back before turning towards the others.
"This is my best friend, Y/N. She lives in Australia," he introduces you to four of the members.
"Hello," the platinum blonde smiles shyly at you.
You return the smile and take a seat beside Felix. "That's I.N," he informs you before pointing towards the guy sitting across from the blonde. "His name is Changbin."
"Hi," you mumble, giving another shy wave.
He greets you in Korean, and your gaze moves to the person beside him. "And that's Lee Know," Felix mentions, bringing one of his hands to your thigh.
Lee Know bows his head slightly while greeting you. You scoot your chair closer to the table as the other members go back to the conversation they were having before you came in.
"Do you want anything to drink? Water, coffee?" Felix asks you, giving you his full attention.
You shake your head in reply, giving him a smile. "No, I'm okay. Thank you for asking though."
"Okay," he smiles and squeezes your thigh gently.
Bang Chan shifts his gaze between the two of you when an idea comes to him. "Felix, since she's going to be here for a few days, will it be alright if she shares a room with you?" He asks the dark-haired boy beside you.
Your heart skips a beat in your chest as you glance towards Chan. Wait, what?! You think to yourself. "Oh, y-yeah, that'll be fine," Felix stutters over his words.
"How about you show her where it is? She may be tired," Chan intervenes, his brown eyes glancing between the two of you.
"Yeah, yeah, of course," your best friend mumbles and turns his gaze to you. "Is your luggage inside?"
You nod your head. "It is, yeah. I left it in the living room," you tell him, and Felix stands up from his stool.
Bang Chan smirks at you once you meet his eye. He attempts to wiggle his eyebrows as you follow Felix out of the kitchen. Your cheeks blush, covering one of your cheeks with the palm of your hand.
"Are you going to be okay with sharing?" Felix's voice echoes off the walls, causing you to lift your head. "There's only one bed in my room. I can sleep on the couch if you want."
"Oh, it's fine. I mean, we used to have sleepovers when we were kids," you smile at him, reassuring his nerves.
His hands grab a hold of your suitcase as the two of you head towards the stairs. "Okay, great. It'll be like old times," Felix smiles back at you, carrying your suitcase up the steps.
You smile to yourself and continue following him to the room you'll be staying in. When you enter the bedroom, a light gasp escapes your lips. "This is the view?" You ask Felix as you slowly make your way towards the windows.
"Yeah, gorgeous, isn't it?"
"It really is," you mumble, taking in the breathtaking view.
Felix watches you with a smile on his lips. He subconsciously takes a step forward and slides his hands along your hips. He couldn't even begin to explain how it feels to be near you again.
You lean back against him, your heart fluttering in your chest. You've missed his touch. Felix rests his chin against your shoulder, the two of you staying silent.
"I'm really glad you're here," he whispers, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
Your gaze shifts towards him, bringing one of your hands to his head. You comb your fingers through his dark hair, humming in agreement.
"You should move to Korea."
Your breath hitches in your throat and you turn to face him. "Are you serious?" You ask him with wide eyes.
Felix becomes a bit shy, diverting his gaze towards the window. "I mean, yeah. I know moving to a different country can be scary, but you have me," he explains.
"You're actually serious," you whisper to yourself, hoping he didn't hear you.
Your best friend laughs, bringing both of his hands to your face. "Of course I am, silly. I can't go back to Australia any time I want, so, having you move here would be a simple solution. That way we can see each other more often," he smiles at you, his thumbs gently stroking your cheeks. "I can't go another five years without seeing you in person."
"I can't either," you sigh, leaning into his touch. A sudden laugh leaves your lips as you consider the idea. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but, I'll move here."
Felix's eyes widen at your words, feeling your hands wrapping around his wrists. "Yeah?!" His dark brown eyes light up, growing excited.
A chuckle leaves your lips, nodding your head. "I'll have to look at apartments while I'm here," you mention while moving to sit on the queen-sized bed.
"If you need any help let me know," he says with a smile, sitting beside you.
"Are you going to be my Korean teacher? 'Cause I'm going to be very lost," you laugh, resting your head on his shoulder.
Felix laughs along with you, taking your hand in his again. You look at him through your lashes, noticing his gaze fixated on your hand. "Of course I'll teach you," he mumbles while playing with your fingers.
5 Months Later…
You rush towards your apartment building, doing your best not to run into anyone. You greet the doorman outside your building before skipping up the six steps. 
It takes two minutes for you to get onto the fourth floor, almost sprinting out of the elevator. You apologize to the couple you almost mowed over, adjusting the bag on your shoulder.
You reach into your large bag, trying to find your keys. "Oh come on," you huff, managing to find them under your wallet. You go to unlock the door when you find it already unlocked.
Your heart pounds against your chest as you slowly open it, peeking your head inside to see someone sitting on your couch.
"Felix?!" You softly call out your best friend's name, watching the brunette swiftly turn to face you. You place a hand over your mouth before running inside, slamming the door shut behind you. "Felix!"
You discard your bag and jacket as Felix pushes himself off of the couch. His arms wrap around you, and yours circle around his neck. He spins you in his arms as your fingers run through his hair.
A few weeks after you officially moved into your apartment in Seoul, Felix and the other seven members had to go to Japan and a few other countries for events. Which happened to last for three months.
"I'm so glad you're back," you mumble into the nape of his neck, inhaling the faint smell of cologne he's wearing.
Felix hums in agreement, his grip on you tightening. "I missed you," he whispers into your ear.
He sets you down before pulling back, his hands resting on your hips. "Do you want to stay over?" You ask him, pushing some of his hair back.
"Yeah, I planned on it actually," he chuckles, his cheeks blushing.
"Great," you whisper, smiling widely. Your fingers gently stroke his flushed cheek, your affection for him growing.
The two of you stare at one another and Felix leans into your touch. "You're so beautiful," he mumbles loud enough for you to hear, not being able to take the tension anymore.
"Am I?" You laugh, a blush coming to your cheeks.
He nods his head, bringing his hands to your face. "Extremely," Felix confirms while slowly leaning in.
Your heart sits in your throat and your eyes slowly flutter shut. A light gasp comes from you when his lips brush yours. "Is this really happening?" You ask in a whisper, hoping that you're not dreaming.
Felix let's out a breathy laugh, nudging your nose with his. "This is really happening," he hums, feeling his thumb stroke your cheek. "I love you."
"I love you," you smile, your heart swelling in your chest.
He leans forward again, capturing your lips with his. You move your arm, wrapping it around his neck as he presses your body against his.
After Felix pulls away from you, he presses a light kiss on your forehead. Your fingers mess with the hairs that sit on the base of his neck, a deep breath coming through your nose.
"I never thought that I'd be able to call you mine," you chuckle, moving your hands to his shoulders.
"I felt the same way," Felix laughs while tucking some hair behind your ear. "We're going to be home for about a month. I would like to take you out when you're free."
You grin ear to ear and nod your head in agreement. "I'd love that," you tell him before kissing him quickly. "But, for now, can we cuddle?"
Felix groans and tightens his grip on your hips. "I thought you'd never ask."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @spacegirlstuff @reddesert-healourblues
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luvdzu · 2 years
bts’ hyung line arguing on who raised sua for 19 minutes straight
by suazoos | march 27, 2020
hello! i’m back with a new video that features our one and only sua along with some of the many clips, of bts’ hyung line arguing on who raised sua because they’re cute like that, and they’re all precious :> also the video is 19 minutes long… sorry not sorry, there’s more btw
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##CLIP ONE | bts in the soop
“Oppa!” Sua giggled as she waddled her way in the car with Suga and Jin, both who are waiting for her as she jumped at the back seat, waving and greeting the cameras before closing the door.
“I’m with my reliable oppa!~” Sua cheered at the camera as she situated herself in the back seat causing Jin to laugh at her antics.
“Wear your seatbelt Hyun-ah.” Yoongi spoke, pulling his mask down as he buckles his own seat, getting ready to drive.
Sua shuffled on the back pulling the seatbelt stuck from the top, her face scrunches up as she pulls the seatbelt harder shaking it multiple times.
“Oh? Why?” Sua let out an exasperated sigh causing the older members to turn around and look at her.
“What’s taking you long?” Jin glanced from the mirror, laughing as he watched Sua struggle to fight the seatbelt.
Yoongi smirked at the younger member, “Why are you like this Hyun-ah?” he asked in sarcasm, teasing Sua.
“You’re acting like a rookie, haven’t you been in a car ride before?” Jin shouts from the front seat before removing his seatbelt and turn around to help the younger.
“You don’t need to pull so hard, just release it from the top.” Jin showed Sua how to do it, and buckled her in her seat himself to avoid any more complications.
“Oooh oppa is so cool.” Sua giggled, doing a small dance smirking at the camera in front of her, “he’s like a boyfriend- no a father!”
Jin sat down in his seat buckling himself as Yoongi begin to drive, in the hopes to catch up to the members. “It’s like when I met you back then, I would do your seatbelt for you. Such a kid Ahn Seohyun.”
Jin sighed as Yoongi shook his head in agreement, “We were worried that Sua would begin dating other guys when she turned 20, but till this day she’s still-”
“Oppa! You can’t say that in national tv.” Sua gasped trying to change the subject, but she know they’re never going to stop teasing her anytime soon. “I have a crush, what if they see me.” Sua replies jokingly causing the members to look behind her.
“Yah! Who do you tell tell me?” Seokjin glanced at the younger from the mirror as she raised her brows, chuckling mischievously.
“It’s ARMY of course! I need to be on my best, and show off my charms.” Sua shouts to avoid any more dating allegations stacked on her name.
Yoongi sent Sua an unknowing smirk before ignoring her previous statement, “What are you talking about? ARMY’s love all your charms.”
Sua shakes her head avoiding conversation, holding back the giggles in her mouth.
“You better tell me later, send me a message right now.” Jin mumbles under his breath opening KakaoTalk to ask her.
##CLIP TWO | 150709 [bangtan bomb] late happy fairy sua day in australia
“I can’t believe it, she’s already 20 years old.” Hobi faced the camera, drying fake tears as the group huddled to surprise her.
Sua was called to film an interview after their schedule in Melbourne, which gave the boys enough time to design and surprise their hotel room with cake and balloons.
“Sua is already an adult, it’s sad to see her grow, but I’m happy of the all the things she will achieve.” Hoseok smiled at the camera before continuing to design her cake.
“What about you hyung! Suga hyung! Say something to Sua, it’s a letter for her.” Jimin ran to his direction placing the camera in front of him.
Getting his emotions ready, Suga let out a short sigh before looking at the camera, “That little squirt is already 20, how fast does time go. We’re here in our first world tour and I’m happy that she got to experience these memories and moments with us.
The first time I met Sua, she was 15 years old, such a baby, and now she’s already an adult. I’m proud of her.” Yoongi smiled softly and waved to the camera, before continuing to help the rest of the members.
Moving on, Jimin went to Namjoon to ask him to send Sua a message. “Sua, when we first met you were so small, and I showed you around BigHit, you were timidly following behind me, and now you’re walking on a flowery path.
I wish you all the best, and I hope you enjoy your time as an adult. Remember that the members are here with you, and together we will walk together. Happy birthday Sua!”
Namjoon smiles before sending a finger heart to the camera, before Jimin smiles, leaving him to find the rest of the members and their messages.
##CLIP THREE | 150508 [bangtan bomb] after KBS Music Bank 1st Place
“This,” Sua placed the trophy in front of her with stained lips from Tae’s antics, “this is my early coming-of-age-present. Which is coming in 15 days!”
Sua shake the award in front of the camera before staring at in, honey dripping from her eyes. “I’m so so happy. This is our first award and woah, it’s just shocking. I’m shaking right now.”
Sua shows the camera as Seokjin walks from behind you, “Are you okay Hyun-ah?” Seokjin rubs her shoulders comforting her as she show him her shaking hand.
“I’m still processing the whole thing, you know, our first win. It’s nice, I- I didn’t think we would win. Thank you ARMY!~” Sua smiles pulling Seokjin inside the frame and pose with her.
“I’m so proud of you!” Seokjin smiled at Sua and pat her head lovingly, pinching the sides of her cheeks.
Turning around, Seokjin faced the camera saying, “I can’t believe I’m here to witness Sua grow up as an idol. I raised her you know.”
Namjoon, who was walking near him, listened to the conversation and nodded his head behind Jin, pointing to himself and mouth the words, “me too”.
“Sua has become a lovely girl, and when I let her she was so adorable and sweet.” Seokjin spoke, showering Sua with compliments.
“I met her first! I met Sua back then, even before Yoongi and Hoseok!”
##CLIP FOUR | [BTS 꿀 FM 06.13] 2nd BTS birthday ‘BTS FESTA 2015’
“Okay it’s time for Sua’s segment.” Yoongi flipped his script as the members scoot over to push Sua on Yoongi’s right side.
“I have a segment? What is this?” Sua laughed awkwardly looking at the other members.
“Yes, this is for your coming-of-age celebration preparation time!!” Yoongi spoke quickly causing the members to laugh at him.
“Of course, in our room, Sua keeps talking about having plans for her birthday.” Seokjin added.
“So, Sua, tell us- well me and hyung already know but tell the other members.” Yoongi gestured to the rest of the members, eyes never leaving the female.
“Ohhh, I want to go to a park! Maybe we can hang out outside the dorm? I can treat you out because I saved some of my allowance, I can’t go home either and my parents will be sending me money I think?
I can treat you, we can eat meat at the restaurant near BigHit, after practice! But, I don’t know if we have a schedule or not, so maybe we can celebrate earlier or later, it’s okay to me, as long as we celebrate it together.” Sua ended her statement with a smile as the members cheered at her promising plans.
“It’ll be in a month right? Your birthday?” Jungkook spoke beside her.
“Yeah, perhaps, did you forget when my birthday is?” Sua asked, playing sad as Jungkook frantically waved saying he knows.
“Sua is growing well, let’s hope we don’t have any schedule’s planned during your birthday.” Hoseok spoke before closing Sua’s segment and moving on to a different topic.
##CLIP FIVE | 170921 BTS Comeback Show DNA
“Sua’s DNA?” Jin tilted his head to the side, and the first words that come out of his mouth are, “my child”
“I practically raised her.” Yoongi shrugs his shoulders, unfazed as he mumbles staring at the camera.
“A baby?” Namjoon chuckles with a big grin flashed on his face.
“Did the other hyungs say Sua is their child?” Hoseok looked at Jungkook from behind the camera as he jumps and laughs along with Hoseok.
“Ahh, I knew it, these hyungs. Seohyun’s mother! Hello, I’m J-Hope.” Hoseok bowed in front of the camera causing Jungkook to laugh behind the camera.
“Are you introducing yourself hyung?” Jungkook asked.
“Yes, I also helped raising your daughter, but thank you for giving birth to her.” Hoseok smiles at the camera before bursting into a fit of laughter.
“Sua is my child, I fed her, and made her food when she was in high school. You were there!” Seokjin shouts as Jungkook nods his head in agreement. “You made us lunchboxes hyung! Noona and I would eat them together.”
“Hyung would say he raised Sua, but I also raised her! I gave her pocket money so she can hang out with her friends after class.” Yoongi nods his head, full of pride for Sua.
“You never gave me pocket money hyung!” Jungkook shouts from the back of the camera, “You said you didn’t have friends?” Yoongi retorts causing Jungkook to scoff at his reply.
“Just so you know I shared the money with Kookie.” Sua spoke from the back leaving Yoongi shocked. “What!”
##CLIP SIX | bon voyage 2
“To Sua,
Ahn Seohyun, you’ve grown so much, not just as an idol, but also as a person. How fast the time goes by, when I met you seven years ago, you were but a child, an 8th grader to be exact. When I met you, I just felt the need to take care of you, it was a natural instinct that came over me, and I fed you and helped you especially when you still had classes.
I’m glad you stayed around, and stuck with us seven. I’m proud of you, and how far you’ve come. I’m sorry if I became a burden to you, if I nag a lot and scold you, know that it is out of love, and I’m glad you’re understanding of not just me but to all of us.
There must be a lot of pressure on your shoulders right now? If so just know you can lean on me, and the rest of the members when you’re tired. We can help you ease the burden, and we’re ready to help you.
All the responsibilities that was given to you at a young age, I’m glad you pushed through and worked hard, if not as twice as hard as me. Sua, who never gave up to all the problems that arises. thank you for everything, I’ve learned so much from you, and the wisdom you impart to the team.
Ahn Seohyun, you are special to us. Thank you for being a part of this team, and to see you grow into a fine woman. I am filled with pride to be a part of your journey. i love you.”
“Who taught you to drink?” Yoongi drawled as he watches Sua take a shot of alcohol.
“I’m bad at drinking though, I only drank once with Jin-oppa, after the Red Bullet Tour? We went out to celebrate and he poured me a drink.” Sua explained as her face scrunched up to the burn of the alcohol down her throat.
“Woah! You went out on a drink with hyung? How come we never knew this, you went out all along with hyung?” Hoseok chided, asking for more details to this unknown scenario.
“Yes, we went and oppa gave me a glass of soju, it was horrible, I didn’t like it, so I never drank in front of you guys.” Sua shrugged it off, ignoring the fact that she’s been drinking before without the boys knowing.
“Why didn’t you call me instead?” Yoongi pouts feeling sad you went with Jin instead.
“Because you were in the studio after the tour remember? And we didn’t plan on getting drinks we were just eating dinner that one time.”
Yoongi shook his head in disappointment, “I can’t believe our Sua can drink by herself already.”
His statement causing the members to laugh at him, “Yah! Hyung what are you talking about?’
"I can drink alright, I thought you guys knew though.” Sua tilted her head sideways thinking of the time she told them before.
“I can’t believe I’m witnessing you drinking for the first time and you’re so nonchalant about it.” Yoongi rolled his eyes in a playful notion as Sua giggled at his actions.
“Let’s get a drink together, I’ll treat you out!” Sua shouts from the other side of the table as the members holler and cheer.
“Woaaah she’s going to treat you out hyung!!!.”
“Can I come with the both of you?”
“How come you only invite Yoongi? Do you forget we’re also here?”
“No, you don’t have to pay. I’ll pay like a cool older brother, just like I always have.” yoongi brushed it off coolly.
“I can’t believe Sua is already at the age where she can go out drinking, she’s growing old.” Namjoon mumbled feeling sentimental.
“What are you saying oppa? It’s been years since I can drink!” Sua laughed from her seat, “You’re acting like I drink all the time, this is probably the third time I drank alcohol.”
“You’re still a baby Seohyun-ah!’ Namjoon shouts all of the sudden making Sua giggle at him.
"Oppa, are you drunk already?”
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