#life updates with hayden lol
hydn-jpg · 1 year
hello!! i am alive !!!!
how have y'all been? i've definitely been better lol
so... i can explain. or maybe not. i've never been good at talking about things but i'll do my best
under the cut bc a bunch of things happened and this'll probably be very long:
honestly where do i even start?
it has been a very rough almost month and a half for me, it was as if whatever god or entity out there went "lol wouldn't it be funny if we made this person go through several bad things all within the span of a few weeks" and then did just that
in early august i got a call from my mom that my grandmother had passed away. i had just gotten home from class at the time, but i immediately went out again and took the soonest available flight back to korea for her funeral. losing her hit me pretty hard honestly, she was the one i turned to when things were hard, and was also the only one who was generally supportive of my identity and sexuality. she didn't really get it, but she never made homophobic or transphobic comments, and was always kind and unconditionally loving. chuseok this year will be difficult without her around but at least she is in a better place i hope.
i took two weeks off from school to stay with my family after that. when i got back i was mostly catching up on all the classes i missed so i had very little time to do anything else. the stress coupled with all the physical exertion and everything else lead me to have the worst asthma attack i've experienced as of yet, it could've gotten a lot worse if it weren't for my kind neighbours who rushed to help me when they saw me struggling in the hallway
then in late august i got into a car accident. i was driving home from campus (which is an hour away), it was raining very heavily and i guess i lost control of my car. i am not sure what exactly happened honestly, one moment i was driving peacefully (and at appropriate speed for driving in the rain) and the next moment my car was spinning around and hitting the guardrails before crashing. it sounds cliché but everything was in slow motion and i literally saw my life flash before my eyes. i'm really thankful that the highway was basically empty, so no one else was affected. i somehow came out of the accident with only a concussion, a badly sprained arm and neck and some cuts and bruises. those will surely heal with time but the trauma of it will probably stay for quite a while.
so that's what happened. my mental health has not been great but i've been feeling a bit better lately! so that's good. i've been too physically, mentally and emotionally drained to do anything haha.
i probably won't be able to draw for a while thanks to my injury so you won't be seeing any art from me for at least another month or so,, to people i still owe commissions to, i will have to give you an IOU because again, i can't draw rn but also because i lost basically all the art that i haven't backed up during the crash, which unfortunately includes the commission sketches :( i'm so sorry, i'll redraw them as soon as i'm able to. i really wish procreate had an automatic cloud backup system so at least the sketches i did were saved but we can't always get what we want i guess,,
thank you to everyone who reached out and asked about my wellbeing and i'm really sorry for ignoring your messages and tags. i'll get to them as soon as i can!
tldr; my grandma passed, i had a bad asthma attack and i got into a car accident but i am okay. not really but i'll be okay maybe. lmao.
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intermundia · 1 year
star wars collection update
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a trans x-wing pin that gave a small donation to the Transinclusive Group in Florida
this photo variant edition of the first issue of the obi-wan and anakin comic which was (with the help of my friends thank you) signed by hayden and ewan at the last sw celebration (!!!)
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these star wars trading cards, gift from an ex-gf out of nowhere, it's tempting to start collecting them just bc the picture on the back is incomplete but i have so far resisted
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then of course my binary suns obikin zine with all the incredible merch that came along with it has arrived. it's a project that i am truly very proud to have been involved in and the end result is something beyond what i ever dreamed possible
so the star wars office status quo is this:
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i counted and i believe i have 315 star wars books, fiction and nonfiction combined. i need about three to five business years to catch up haha luckily i have the rest of my life to get it done lol
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lumilasi · 8 months
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Updated these two to add them to NCP. Also decided to change Silas into a girl instead, as otherwise their mom (design pending) would be stuck with FOUR gremlin boys lol
The Faylunes are probably the most well-adjusted family in this story (alongside the Knights), but even they aren't without tragedy in it.
Info below:
Age(s): 18
Heights: they're both roughly 167 cm tall
Milo: Gremlin I Celine: Cece
Alternate name: Celine & Milo Danau (Danau is the Fae bloodline surname)
(coming from the latin name danaus, referring to a tribe of tiger butterflies)
Family: older brothers Claude and Hayden, Mother (name pending)
Friends: Classmate Adam Knight, sometimes they also hang out with Ichirou's group. (Ichirou, Marco, Janus & Clover)
Occupation: High school students.
As a SPD, he can merge with shadows and traverse through them. He can also paralyse people by, er, chomping them, or in case of small children, just by staring at them.
His kind feed off of fear their presence causes, and so he naturally gives Spooky Vibes when in demon form, which can cause paranoia, anxiety or small unease in people. (His vibes aren't as strong as Hayden's yet)
As a moth/bug type, he can also fly and shrink into a tiny size if he wants to.
Having a fae heritage means he is able to summon his wings (and extra pair of arms) in fae/human form without needing to transform fully.
He's pretty good at smacking things with staff-like weapons.
She is highly intelligent, able to process information quickly and is curious/persistent enough to dig out things she doesn't know about, even if its hard
Excellent swordswoman, Celine's skill with her dual blades is considered highly impressive for her age.
She is incredibly stealthy, able to sneak up on even her brother Hayden, which is not an easy feat.
Fairly fast and agile at flying, though not as fast as Hayden who is Very Speedy Boi
Milo: A friendly, kind of a chaotic gremlin with himbo energy. Means well but has a bad habit of breaking things and causing chaos accidentally. Temperamental and ready to throw hands for his friends and family anytime. Dumb enough to not realize if someone has a crush on him, unless he gets told directly (might still not connect the dots lol)
Celine: Smart, seemingly the polite and level-headed one. An absolutely mischievous gremlin in truth who likes messing with people and causing chaos just like Milo - only intentionally, and she is typically able to cover her tracks. Really loves learning about new things and is pretty competitive, often wanting to prove she's smartest in the room, for better or worse.
Milo: Due to witnessing their father's death, Milo has a phobia of tight places/being buried alive and therefore doesn't enjoy being in cramped rooms or crowds that get too big. He is mute that does sometimes cause trouble with communication, as not everyone understands sign language, and he doesn't know any telepathy spells and struggles to learn such magic.
Celine: Sometimes a bit too smug for her own good, where she overestimates her own capabilities. Her competitiveness can lead to problems where she might lash out at her friends and family if she loses, and generally act kind of mean. She always does apologize once she realizes she's gone too far, though.
The Faylunes had a fairly normal and happy family life living at the glow apple farm they ran.
Things changed however as their father was crushed in an accident during a storm, where the barn collapsed onto him; a lightning had struck it and he'd gone there to try and put the fire out.
Milo had rushed to try and help his dad when he'd gotten stuck under fallen debris and due to being disoriented hadn't been able to use his shrinking ability to escape,. Unfortunately, Milo didn't make it on time, and the resulting sudden flash of fire from the collapse also hit Milo, resulting in him losing his other eye and later wearing an eyepatch. (There is regenerative magic in this world, but trying to regenerate such delicate organs like eyes to another person is very risky and often not worth the effort)
Since he's the only one who directly witnessed the event, he was hit the worst out of the whole family, going mute and developing severe fear of tight places that seem to threaten to collapse onto him, like the barn collapsed onto their father. (He didn't develop a fear of fire given it ultimately wasn't the blaze that killed their dad, and had he not gotten trapped, their father could've probably managed to put the fire out.)
Fun Facts
Every sibling in this family has a clothing piece referencing their butterfly/moth wings and theme made by their mom; Celine has her long-sleeved shirt, Milo his fluffy cardigan coat, Claude his jacket, and while Hayden has no natural wings, being a Moon Mage instead of Fae, he still has agreen butterfly themed shirt made to him by their mother.
Milo's SPD form is blue as the inverse of his wing colors is bunch of blues.
Celine is a huge fan of Avane Faydream, as she's seen how incredibly good fighter and tactician she is, and she really digs tough and smart ladies.
Another person she finds cool is Adam's oldest brother Chester(Azul) who is currently "away," (he's a wanted fugitive for stealing something highly valuable and dangerous from the Overshadower Council, a branch of their world's government), but Celine doesn't know that)
Generally, she tends to dig confident and intelligent people, who are able to use their tactical skill to defeat an opponent instead of brute forcing it.
Milo is closest with their oldest sibling Claude among the bunch, but generally all 4 siblings are fairly close and have their own inside jokes that others don't get.
Celine in turn, is closer with Hayden than Claude
Milo's wings are based on Atlas moth, and Celine's the tiger butterfly like their older brother Claude's wings.
Milo tends to want to keep his cardigan on even during summer, when its honestly too warm to wear. This tends to lead to him stripping naked apart from the said cardigan, up until his mom tells him off
Milo's shirt has the logo of his favorite in-world rockband, the Showman's Lament. His sister also loves it, and owns a similar shirt, just white instead of dark grey.
While, like their older siblings, the two go to school in the capital Chrysalis city, they always travel back home to their mom for weekends and holidays, as she's currently mostly by herself otherwise.
Their dad was the Sleep Paralysis Demon, while their mum is the tiger butterfly Fae
The siblings' style tends to be kind of a mix of urban, sporty and punky fashion when in the city, but at the farm they do wear more practical clothing to help out their mother. (Hayden and Claude do the same ofc)
Milo has a ravenous appetite and will easily devour meals meant for three people.
When he's stressed, Milo might monch on canvases, including their home curtains sometimes which are full of 'mysterious' holes as a result.
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phoenix-shmoenix · 4 months
so i've gotten back into the sims 4 recently while i'm unemployed and out of grad school for the summer so i thought i'd start posting it here for literally no one except me to see lol anyway. i'm doing the sims in bloom legacy challenge as outlined by @a-sims-garden in this post and i'm already a decent chuck of the way into the first generation but hopefully i'll be posting updates more regularly. anyway here's what we've got so far:
my founder's name is Bellis Perennis, which is the scientific name for a Daisy, which is the first generation. he started out living at The Shipping Views in Evergreen Harbor. i don't have the pack for the "simple living" lot trait (i think it's cottage living) but i thought living off the grid was probably similar. i didn't start taking pictures until like way later into this so sorry i won't have any for a hot second 😭
one day while out for a walk around the neighborhood, he ran into Daisy Hayden and they hit it off right away. she invited him into her apartment and they talked for hours. not long after, she had some kind of disaster and asked to stay over for a few days with Bellis. he, of course, obliged. he did a lot of scavenging to be able to sell things and get enough money to buy a second twin bed for his humble living so Daisy would have her own place to sleep. although the vibe between Bellis and Daisy was certainly flirtatious, he was afraid to ruin their friendship by making a move on her.
while Daisy was staying with him, the two of them worked together on his modest home garden. both of them enjoy gardening and spending time outdoors. things continue to heat up between them, and once Daisy's first stay over runs out, Bellis invites her for another stay over. at this point, the chemistry between them is almost undeniable, but Bellis is still hesitant. finally, the two go on a wild night out together, during which they get drunk and end up hooking up together. for the rest of Daisy's stayover, they continue to screw around. finally, Bellis asks Daisy to be his girlfriend.
it's clear that Bellis and Daisy have something special. Daisy asks Bellis to move in together almost immediately, but Bellis says no. He's focused on his career as a gardener and his lifelong botany passion. Plus, Bellis is a gentleman, and worries about the two of them moving in together before he proposes. He already found the perfect thing to propose with, but he's waiting to get the crystal back as a gem in order to propose to her.
Bellis' rejection of moving in with Daisy almost derails their relationship entirely. She goes home and refuses to speak to him for 24 hours afterwards. Bellis must apologize several times over the course of several days before he can get her to agree to stay the night again. Finally, the relationship is back on steady ground and Bellis has received the gem in the mail so he's ready to propose.
He asks Daisy out on a date to her favorite museum, where he proposes to her in the middle of the garden.
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Daisy is overjoyed to say yes! Now that the two are engaged, they move in together in a small starter house in Brindleton Bay. The wedding is scheduled for the end of that week. Bellis continues to focus on his career as a gardener, while Daisy is less committed to her job as a civil engineer. She would much rather stay home all day and hang out with all the stray cats and dogs that like to hang out in their garden, but she goes to work anyway.
Really, Daisy's dream is to have a big, loving family. Daisy's parents aren't in her life anymore, and as an only child, she has felt lonely for so long. She wants her and Bellis to start getting to work on having kids before the wedding, but Bellis again says no. As a proper gentlemen, he won't get her pregnant on purpose before the wedding.
Finally, the wedding comes. The happy couple wastes no time getting to the alter. It's a small wedding with only two attendees--the best friends of Daisy and Bellis respectively.
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After the ceremony is concluded, the newly weds rush home for a very long night that turns into an early morning of trying for a baby. The next day, a test reveals Daisy is pregnant! During the pregnancy, Daisy develops an attachment to one particular stray cat in the area and adopts her into their home as well.
The morning Daisy goes into labor, Bellis is excited and terrified at the same time. The first baby is a boy, named Anthony Bloom (as the next generation is Buttercup, and another name for that flower has something to do with St. Anthony). But to their surprise, a second baby, a baby girl they name Buttercup Bloom, is born as well!
Bellis opts not to take paternity leave, and Daisy is more than happy to spend the day working from home and tending to her kids.
So yeah that's where I'm at now. Gonna get better at taking pictures and posting more consistently so it's not such a long drawn out post.
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frain-breeze · 3 years
Hey guys, some updates. (And face reveal lol)
My name is Hayden. I’m 20yo and I have just recently come out as a trans male. (Pre T). I’ve still got lots of figuring out to do when it comes to medical and legal transitioning, but so far I’m in the process of socially transitioning. I’ve come out to close friends, old coworkers, and all my social media. I’ve quit my job and am in the process of looking for a new one. I will be applying as male. Here are some photos and videos to document my progress so far. It breaks my heart that anybody in this world views me as something I’m not. I have always been a boy, I always will be. For my own health sake, and life, I can’t keep suppressing my identity. I am not happy in a female body and I refuse to settle for anything less than who I am. I’m very thankful for the support I’ve received so far. Unfortunately I don’t have many trans friends, and my family is not supportive. Being a legal adult, I’m free to go through transitioning without their permission or approval. But it’s hard when you have no idea what you’re really doing or where to start. Ahhh... anyway, here we go!
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March 28, 2021
I finally buy my own binder from GC2B, a half tank Black binder in the size 3X. I was worried it wouldn’t fit because I am a bigger guy and couldn’t find a way to measure myself so I took an educated guess based off bra size. Honestly? Even after working for 6-7 months, the reason I held off buying one for sooo long was because the size chart stressed me out. I don’t have measuring tape and I was just anxious lol. Eventually after purchasing it, I got impatient and did something that’s strongly advised against. Please don’t ever do this, it’s harmful to yourself and your body. But I bought ace bandaging. I only wore it one time (no longer than 30mins), never left the house with it, took a picture and took it off never to put it back on. But I just wanted to feel flat for once. My dysphoria was hurting me mentally and I needed that reassurance. But it’s still wrong to do, don’t use bandages guys. Here’s the picture I took.
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April 8, 2021.
Definitely not the most flat, but it was a major improvement compared to my natural chest. Plus I felt confident in my new “Over My Dad Body” shirt. I took the bandages off, threw them on the floor of my bedroom and laid down on my bed for hours. Just thinking. Feeling. Hurting. My chest hurts me, it’s mental torture. Little did I know that the very next day...
April 9, 2021.
I was getting ready to leave the house, when I heard my text tone go off. I signed up for FedEx update texts, so I didn’t think much of it as I went to read the text. But it said my package was in my mailbox, and I snatched it sooo fast and ran to the bathroom. Without thinking about it, I tore the package open and wiggled my way into the binder. I couldn’t wait another second. I was amazed with it on its own, but as soon as I put my shirt back on all emotions took over me. I couldn’t stop crying, I went to Snapchat to share my excitement and this is that video. It’s so comfortable, and most importantly... it fit. I was ecstatic! I wanted to try every shirt I owned, as they all fit differently with the binder on. I looked amazing.
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Like I said, I am a bigger guy. This binder pic was taken yesterday (April 22, 2021) because I didn’t feel comfortable yet to show my big body lol, but as you can see, I feel much more comfortable with my binder. Thanks, GC2B!
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To sum it all up, I’m choosing to live openly and freely as myself now. I’m trying to get into Facebook groups and such to find more transgender friends, and hopefully find some guidance along the way. I fully instend on transitioning medically and legally along the way. I would like nothing more than to start testosterone (HRT). I’ve dreamed of taking testosterone for as long as I can remember. Well, thank you all for reading this thread. I’ve been going through a lot lately, and this is just a piece of it. Stay awesome and stay healthy, friends. Love ya! -Hayden
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thorne93 · 4 years
Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for enjoying, liking, reblogging, and commenting on The Stars Made Us - there are several more chapters to this roller coaster ;D
Here are some updates for the blog!
Personal Update:
I have a few WIPs, but I’m very busy because I graduate college in a few weeks, I’m taking 16 credit hours, applying to grad school, and doing the GRE. So I have a lot going on, but I thought I’d update you lovelies!!!
(Super side note, that I think y’all will appreciate. I was standing in line at a restaurant the other day with my husband, and I have always said he’s like Peter Parker because he looks just like Tom Holland, he’s a photographer, he’s smart, he’s into technology, his parents didn’t raise him, and he helps to fight crime. This woman in line was talking to him for a second and said, “Hey you look like Peter Parker! You even move like him and talk like him, you have the same mannerisms.” I thought it was great, but it got better, when later she turned around to us in the line and said “Hey, Peter Parker, and MJ, do y’all come here often?” Now I def wanna cosplay Spidey and MJ (or possibly Gwen) for a con or Halloween, lol)
Stories to come out after The Stars Made Us:
Long Lost Love - Clint Barton x Reader
This takes place during the gap between IW and Endgame - A pretty angsty fic, that I think everyone will like.
History Repeats - Hayden Christensen x Reader
Hayden and you share in the ideal of misery loves company, but what happens when the misery in your life is caused by the company you keep?
Love Locked In - Stephen Strange x Reader
Being married to Stephen can be extremely trying, but lately, it’s too much for you, and you’re ready to leave him - for good.
(To be named) - Loki x Reader
This was inspired by Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift. This story will follow the lovers for a year, from the moment they meet until....
This is where it gets interesting - for the first time ever from me, YOU choose the ending. This story will have multiple alternative endings. At a point in the series, I will ask you to choose Loki’s choice, and you will get to see how it plays out. It will essentially look like this: Loki chooses to do X (which will link to one ending/series), or Loki chooses to do Y (which will link to an entirely separate ending/continuation of the stories). Even within the alternative endings, there will be choices to make.
I’m extremely excited for this, and I think all of you will enjoy it. As an FYI, I am still writing this.
(To Be named) - Henry Cavill x Reader, RDJ x Reader, Tom Hiddleston x OFC Friend
You are a celebrity photographer, working freelance as well as for big name magazines. Through your time with two of the most gorgeous and sweet men you’ve ever met, you end up falling for both - the bad thing is, they fall for you too at the same time. Your heart has to decide who it wants more... or does it? (This may be a poly, this may be a love triangle, but it definitely will not be a cheating fic - still a WIP).
(To be named) - Witcher Fic! Geralt x OFC Shannon, Jaskier x OFC Lexi
This fic is a collab between me and my bestie @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​. This concept is the idea that there is a new button out that allows people to press the button and the fictional character you choose comes to life in our world, in reality, and they love you and only you. You don’t have to fight for their attention or anything else. The button goes wrong though, sucking the OFCs into the Witcher world instead, where they deal with magic, fighting, love, loss, and fate. One caveat, is that it is up to the button owner to decide how the character shows affection for you -- i.e. maybe you don’t want romantic love from a character but platonic friend love, or you want them as your best friend, or you want them as a guardian/caregiver/godparent type figure - it is up to YOU. This fic is a WIP, but we’ve gotten quite a bit done and we are nearly finished.
Based on the following image:
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Tagging and The Stars Made Us
I’m apologize in advance if you asked to be tagged in The Stars Made Us (or possibly other stores). A lot of times, I queue up stories, and it’s a little time consuming to go back and retag - but I do try to make time for this. I sincerely apologize if you ask to be tagged in the next part and it takes me a bit to get to it. I will try as hard as I can to get you all added to the list when I can. Again, please refer to the note above that I have a lot on my plate right now.
In case you ever want to know if I have gotten a request - I have. I do keep them, and I refer to them if I feel like I want to write something new. I try to write those. Don’t ever think I’m ignoring them. If it is an idea I don’t think I could do, or I’m not interested in, or don’t understand it, I will tell you, I will respond. I am working on these, slowly but surely. Hopefully after I graduate, I can dedicate some time to your interesting requests. I like them all (again, unless otherwise stated), and I do have them saved, just bear with me and be patient, please!!
Anyway, thank you to every one who has stuck around, thank you to everyone who is going through my masterlist, thank you to everyone who is new, thank you to everyone who is liking, reblogging, and commenting on any and all of my stories. You da real MVPs.
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ryesnatcher · 5 years
Soft as a Psalm / TWO
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Pairing: Nathan Prescott x Reader
Summary: As Jefferson begins to take control of Blackwell, how far will Nathan trust his instincts, how far will he go to protect the ones he loves? (Nathan x Reader that follows the disappearance of Rachel and continues up until ‘Dark Room’) /REQUESTED BY ANON/
A/N: lol this took forever to update, but I’m finally on schedule. Chapters will be posted twice a month until June because of uni work. If it’s any comfort, part 3 is already written! If you enjoyed this please leave some love and let me know  ♡
28th March
Blinded by the lights, Y/N’s only hope was divine intervention as she attempted to push through the masses. Forcing herself between dancers and screamed conversations as the overpriced drinks she’d queued fifteen minutes for are crushed and spilt in her hands, drying almost instantly in an uncomfortable layer of stickiness.
So far, the Vortex Club’s block party had succeeded practically every one of her expectations. From the deafening music that aches at her ears, to the clamminess of the room, the air seemingly plastering her skin with every loose strand of hair and sticking it to the nape of her neck. It had been screamed words and idle gossip, and unexpectedly it had been fun.
Yet even without the comfort of Blackwell drama, she realised she didn’t need it to feel the movement in her heart. With the room packed with crowds she’d never seen at what was technically a school event, every person heaving and jumping. The smell of sweat mingling with the spilt alcohol and the undeniable stench of sick and weed. Had she been anywhere else in the world, she’d have found it revolting. Every passing action of the crowd seemed to change her direction as she forced her way through. The constant bustle with the howling of the crowds singing lit the room with excitement, even as Y/N mourned the loss of half her drinks, she couldn’t find the heart to care.
Not anymore. Not now she’d been pulled from the crowd, Nathans hand wrapped loosely around her arm as he clears a small space for them. Taking one of the half-emptied cups and sipping at it. He begins mouthing words she cannot hear, nodding to her encouragingly.
Looking back to him, she already feels the alcohol burning in her cheeks as she shakes her head. “I can’t hear you.” She gestures with her free hand towards her ears. Nathan rolling his eyes and she can practically hear his little huff.
But before she could even grow disheartened, or notice the small smile on his lips, he leans over to her. Pushing the loose hair from her ear as he leans closer still. Nathan’s voice unintelligible but his breath hot on her skin, she feels a different flush burning in her cheeks and for a second she wonders if it was just from the shots given to her by Juliet, or simply being stood in the presence of the most private of Prescott's. And although she still cannot hear what he’s saying, she’ll admit she didn’t mind it.
Eventually, he gives up, simply gesturing for her to follow him, simply leading her towards the back of the venue. Where the walls are draped in dark and heavy fabrics, the vibrant lights of projected confetti and geometric lines linger on every face and crevice for only a moment's hesitation, quickly moving on to expose and blind more of the crowd. He leads her deeper into the masses and towards the ‘VIP Booth’ which was a small corner sectioned off and reserved for only the most popular and elite of Blackwell. Or whoever had managed to bribe their way onto the guest list.
Y/N found herself sat in one of the makeshift booths, crushed up between Juliet and Nathan, his leg pressed up against hers and his arm draped around the back of her seat as she sipped at what remains in her cup. For a brief second, Y/N believes that she’ll get a moment to appreciate the distance between her Nathan, appreciate the heat of his voice and the questions hanging in each look he gives to her. But instead they’re quickly taken from each other. Anyone who had ever spoken a line beside her in Keaton’s classes suddenly invested in her life story, bombarding her with questions about where she’d been before Arcadia, whilst Hayden shouted into Nathan’s ear, Y/N feeling the shake of his shoulders as they laughed at whatever was being spoken between them.
For as long as it took her to finish several drinks, all donated by the interested parties, she felt like she’d been talking nonstop about herself for hours/, the words tumbling out more fluently with each drink handed to her as she watched the interest and excitement flicker across their faces until finally seeing a welcome face in the crowd, one that wouldn’t come with a million questions.
Rachel, somehow floating effortlessly through the crowds, the grin on her face never faltering, even as the elbows of a hundred erratic dancers shove into her sides.
“Y/N! As I live and breathe, you decided to come?”
Y/N almost laughs at the feigned surprise in Rachel's voice, only hours before they'd been sat in her room, dresses and skirts littering the floor, life-changing decisions being made as Rachel had held every outfit up to Y/N’s chest and spent a minute contemplating each one.
In the short time Y/N had spent at Blackwell, she’d found a certain solace in Rachel's company. Not that they were by any means best friends, from what she could tell, Rachel was like this with almost everyone. But she didn’t mind, she loved the minutes they’d have together, and today sat in her room with the setting sun filtering through the half pulled curtains, warming their faces as the alcohol did now, she could see why half of Blackwell stood in awe of her, whilst the other half seemed to recoil in a certain jealousy.
“What can I say? Blackwell is changing me.”
“For the better, I can tell.” Rachel replies matter of factly. Glancing towards the Prescott squashed up against Y/N, his arm still draped on the chair behind her but his attention now diverted to his phone, texting incessantly between hasty glances to the crowd, she gives her a wink as she extends a hand towards her. Y/N accepting it as she is pulled free from her seat. Nathan barely glancing away from his phone as the movement jostles him. “You look incredible tonight, I love this dress, you’ll have to tell me where you got it from!” Rachel winking to Y/N who was staring back in a state of confusion, her brow furrowed together as Rachel admires the materials. The dress of course was Rachel's, she’d picked it out and pulled the outfit together, even picking a colour scheme based on the fact that she knows Nathan (at least used to) loves blue.
“Don’t you think so Nathan?” Rachel goads, hooking her arm through Y/N’s.
He gives her a nod, still distracted by whoever he’s been talking to for the past hour or so. “Yeah. She looks great.” His words are sincere but dry, Nathan giving Y/N a quick smile before looking back to his phone. Rachel huffing and tugging at Y/N’s arm.
“Come on. Let's do something fun.”  No more words are exchanged between them as she pulls Y/N through the crowds.
For a while they drank whilst they danced, Rachel disappearing and reappearing in moments with drinks in either hand. The music taking place of any conversation they could have had as they attempted to create memories they were sure to forget. Throwing back drink after drink and moving without care or contempt. Skin burning in the thick air around them, the heat rising to their heads every time they dared to stop moving.
Y/N reaches out towards her, her cheeks flush with the cheap alcohol they were both too young for, Y/N flashing Rachel a grin as she uses her free hand to move the knots of her hair, the sweat on her brow seems to shimmer under the moving lights.
Fanning herself in place of words, Rachel gives her an understanding and exasperated shake of her head, before leaning closer, practically shouting down her ear in order to be heard.
“So how is it going then?” She doesn’t need to say what it is in order for Y/N to understand she’s talking about Nathan.
“Good, I guess. We haven’t really spoken much tonight, which is you know.” She shrugs lightly, sipping at her drink. “He seems distracted.”
Rachel sighs, “Distracted by the wrong thing. But that’s Nathan.”
Y/N knows she’s right, after all she barely knew a thing about him, she’d be willing to bet that she knew more rumours about Nathan than she knew solid facts. Still she wouldn’t deny that it had pissed her off slightly.
As Rachel begins to speak again, her incoherent words are interrupted by Nathan tugging gently on Y/N’s arm. Giving a smile in greeting to Rachel who simply winks at Y/N, wiggling her eyebrows before disappearing into the crowds. Leaving Y/N alone among the masses beside Nathan.
In the effort she imagines he’d played as Caliban on stage, he brings the air to his lips, holding it between two fingers as he mimes a question that he knows is obvious. Tilting his head as she takes a moment to nod and, in her agreement, he grins, wildly and in a way she’d only seen once before.
A hand in the small of her back, he guides her through the crowds, beginning the pilgrimage they pushed and forced themselves out from the crowd, squirming under the drinks knocked into them as they broke free. The two sharing a knowing glance as they spotted their target; The flickering green of the exit sign, a beacon of hope and promise as it teases them with a whisper of cold air.
29th March
Outside she takes a second to breathe, sad for the absence of his hand as Nathan now leads them towards one of the illuminated benches, the streetlight humming softly above it. He sits down first, his eyes fixed on her as she sits down beside him. The air as thick and heavy as it had been inside, the alcohol burning on her skin and as she looks to Nathan, the same burning flush in his cheeks and a peculiar smile on his lips, she knows now that in her absence he at least managed to drink.
Clearing her throat, Y/N closes her eyes for a second. Letting the air whip softly at her exposed skin, glad for its sobering effects. But in the peace of the second, Nathan finds the words to speak, fumbling around in his jacket as he looks away from her.
“Rachel was right before. You do look incredible tonight.”
She lets out a short laugh “It sure beats the costume from yesterday.”
Shaking his head his voice grows heavy with sincerity “No, I mean it. I’m glad you came.”
Y/N lets his words hang for a moment, thankful for the awkwardness in his words and watching him pull the small tin from his pocket, studying his face under the flickering glow of the streetlight. The softness of his features marred by the dark somber look in his eyes. In the moments around Blackwell where she’d caught Nathan in a second of thought, or glanced him in the corner of her eye, he’d seemed to carry the same look. A silent lament as if he both loved and resented the quiet he was in. And as she watched the same look soften in her gaze, she wishes she could kiss him.
Instead he pulls a joint from the tin and puts it between his lips, and Y/N looks away. Listening to the sound of the flint scratching at the wheel and looking up the sky. The clouds scarring the sky as they hide the stories among the stars, wishing it had been the same as the night before. If she was being honest, she just wished they’d been more of a distraction. Her vision suddenly blocked as Nathan’s hand holding the now lit joint in front of her eyes.
Eager again to hide her nerves, she takes it from his hand and inhales the harsh taste, holding it as best she can, trying to focus on the almost floral taste rather than the burn clawing at the back of her throat, Y/N coughing slightly, laughing to hide her nerves as she finds Nathan watching her with an amused smile, something she was beginning to grow quite attached to.  
She holds the joint over to him, Nathan not taking it nor looking away from her. His gaze almost sobering as Y/N shifts in her seat, a warmth spreading through her body as she hides the sudden fluster she feels. Frowning she looks to the ground before meeting his fixed eyes once more. His hand suddenly on her chin as he leans forward. Locked in a chaste kiss that lasts a second too short, his lips rough and chapped but the hand on her face soft and comforting, as if he’d held back whatever it was he’d truly wanted to do.
Pulling away, she composes herself. Attempting to hide the grin he’d committed to her lips. Neither speaking as she takes another drag from his joint, handing it back and feeling rather pleased that she hadn’t coughed that time.
“So, do you do this at every Vortex Club party? You know, get a girl outside, ask her for a smoke.” Her voice is light and teasing as Nathan smokes beside her.
“Do you think I do?”
She rolls her eyes, not entirely sure what she’d expected him to say, but she hadn’t wanted it to be yet another cryptic retort.
“I’m not sure...Like, right. I feel like your reputation would say sure, Nathan Prescott takes his pick and does what he wants.” He winces at his name as she carries on, moving her hands erratically as she speaks. “But, from what I know of you. Well from these past few nights. No. I don’t think you do this regularly.”
He lets out a low laugh, quiet and undisturbing as he hands her back the joint, and maybe it’s the weed or the alcohol, or even some combination of the both. But she’s sure that she’s never seen this look on his face before. Kind eyes met with a sure interest, so Y/N takes a second, or a minute, or maybe two to sit there and attempt to remember this moment. Not that she expects to in the morning, she simply wants the memory for right now.
“Are you okay?”
Y/N giggles, nodding as the joint is passed back to her. “Yeah.”
“So why were you in Wells office this morning?”
With a smug smile, she turns her whole body to face him, shaking her hand at him. “Why do you think I was?” Rather proud of her retort, she beams across at him, all too suddenly aware of the music coming from inside the block and glad that they were alone. “Wells was accusing me of vandalism or accusing me of being accused of vandalism.” She explains, shrugging half-heartedly.
 “Did you do it?”
“Do you think I did it?”
Nathan huffs, flicking away the butt of the joint, watching the ash sizzle as it drowns in a nearby puddle. “So… Y/N do you want to go back inside? We can go back to the booth or dance if you feel like it. Or we could just stay out here.” He offers, Y/N’s face contorting as she weighs up both options. Wanting to be in the warmth of the block, wanting the music and the atmosphere. But on the other hand, sat outside with Nathan, just talking and simply getting to enjoy watching him under the orange glow of lights had also been the best part of the night.
“Let's go back in. You’re getting the drinks though.” Standing from the bench, she wipes the dampness of the bench from her dress before offering her hand to Nathan, his hand quickly taking hers as she pulls him up from the bench. The two walking together, relying on each other’s strength as they swayed slightly, a giddiness taking their steps as they hurry inside.
Back in the thick smog of the party, they follow each other towards the dance floor, the two sharing the last minute of a song that Y/N doesn’t recall having any lyrics to. Both of them already flustered and sweating in the sudden heat, Nathan gestures towards the bar, shouting across the limited options of alcohol that they’d managed to acquire for the party. Y/N shouting back her preference before Nathan sets off in a near dangerous quest.
As she stands on the dancefloor, song after song comes on until soon she loses count, but she’s sure that she’d been waiting at least twenty minutes. Even in the worst of queues, she knows Nathan of all the people here wouldn’t have taken that long to come back with drinks. She tells herself she’s overthinking, waiting one more song before checking her phone. No missed calls, no notifications, no messages, save for the few texts Rachel had sent asking about how their ‘smoke’ had gone, all followed by a series of winking emojis.
Certain that Nathan should have come back by now, Y/N steps off in the direction of the VIP booth, being greeted by a loud drunken cheer, Dana practically sweeping her off her feet as she shouts down her ear about something Zachary had said.
After the clamour had cooled down, she approaches Hayden, asking him casually, in a not like she’s too concerned kind of way, if he’s seen Nathan.
“Sorry Y/N, I haven’t seen him since he went out. Victoria said she saw him talking to Rachel like…” He pauses, turning to the general direction of Victoria and shouting across.  “When did you see Nathan with Rachel?”
Victoria’s reply is practically a mumble against the music, but Hayden seems to hear it. “Ten minutes ago.” He nods, Y/N thanking him as she heads back towards the crowds.
As she pushes and shoves her way back into the fray, no glimpse of Rachel’s dark outfit or Nathans signature red, Y/N grows increasingly frustrated. The crowd that she had once not minded, now too cramped, too clammy, her skin sticking with sweat and uncertainty. Y/N telling herself that it isn’t anything to worry about. She knows both of them to a certain degree, so why was this bothering her? Why would Nathan just leave her here?
Shoving her way towards the glow of the exit sign, she takes a last glance, her blood too hot and her mind racing as she grows irritated by every passing second.
 “Fuck this” She mutters, storming out of the door and ignoring the cloakroom as she passes it, the fresh air once again whipping at her skin. Her feet practically stomping, Y/N heads towards the girl’s dorms. Trying with every fiber she could muster not to overthink this. Rachel wouldn’t do this to her. Heck, she’d been more excited about tonight than Y/N had.
Or would she.
After all Nathan was a photographer, a protege to one of the most prestigious artists to ever step onto the shores of Arcadia Bay. She knows Rachel is eager for a life elsewhere, a life modelling or whatever. Maybe she would do anything for that.
She pushes the thoughts from her mind, knowing she was basically just reciting bathroom graffiti, she unlocks her bedroom door, slamming it behind her as she stumbles towards her bed. Too drunk and too angry to care, she throws her phone onto the sofa across the room, hitting the bedside light off, the room spinning with her mind as she waits to pass out.
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enbycupcake · 6 years
anyway best ranked anakin looks bc i brought it up
1. rots 
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he is Tired and you can clearly, very clearly tell but his hair? soft and wavy and he’s a bit more built than in aotc. a big six foot man you wanna wrap into a blanket and also chastise bc his decisions they are bad. v bad. but he looks like a good little spoon, and i’m about that life. also he’d be big spoon if you asked
2. aotc 
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an eager boy who wants validation. soft baby face. a bit of a whiner, but he’s adorable. a big six foot baby you wanna cuddle. will be a show off
3. forces of destiny (design #3)
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not my favorite forces of destiny design, but he gets to be first bc they remembered the scar on Anakin Attempt Number Three lol. but he’s got an attractive jawline, and his height was Emphasized this episode bc he was with padme so a++++++++ i love a tall man lol. his hair could be prettier, but he’s a looker
4. forces of destiny (design #1)
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my favorite design!! he’s such a pretty boy!!! he has the deep clone wars voice but his face offsets its nicely i think, and look at his beautiful lip color!! a solid 9/10 don’t listen to the haters. it would’ve been 10/10 if they’d remembered his scar and little chin cleft and used the hair color of design #3. and maybe widened his shoulders/upper body but i don’t even care about any of those things i just listed bc he’s so fucking pretty holy jesus
5. the clone wars (model number 3??? i don’t fucking know model 2018 i’m not an animator)
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beautiful long hair. a strong jawline. sadly he looks like an anakin at 40 instead of just war-worn, which is not how old he is supposed to be. but he can still fucking get it he’s #hot. a daddy with what looks like highlights
6. the clone wars (model number 2?? is every time he changes his main outfit a model change or do they update the models more frequently??)
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very boxy face. very strong jawline for an angry boy. his hair is not Anakin Blond and i will never forgive the clone wars for this. but while this model also looks 40 he can GET IT. thicker than his previous model which i like. he’s a hot dad
7. forces of destiny (design #2)
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they slightly changed his face from design 1 but idk the smaller face and the desaturated colors just don’t do it for me. an average pretty boy, not a show stopper like his other forces of destiny designs
8. clone wars (model one and however long he was in this outfit)
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his outfit is ON FUCKING POINT. the armor? the dress tabard? AMAZING SWEETIE. if only i liked his face more this design would be up higher bc this outfit is WORTH IT. he’s kinda lanky but that’s okay he’s just a tall bean. but god his face. angry dad face right here. worst boxy face syndrome of all the anakins. idk i didn’t like this model’s face. maybe if i hadn’t jumped right from the movies and had time to forget hayden’s face but meh.
9. clone wars (2003)
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he’s cute but i never watched this show. i LOVE his prosthetic tho it’s bomb as fuck. i wish i had more to say but like idk never watched the show and this style doesn’t scream anything to me. i know it shows him as a padawan too i guess i’d put that look as look 10
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Here's the thing when you're halfway making a chapter by chapter fic and you jumped straight to one event to be your prologue instead of making it as a warm up prompt- Oh here's the link to the fic.
Only 6 chapters up for read and I WILL UPDATE more from time to time 💖👐
I whipped up another OC (specifically) for the Moon Knight and my old OCs focused story. Why? Because I realized I haven't decided an ACTUAL bad guy that should be a part in driving the story.
So ummm... I'm not exactly the best at producing basic traits or giving names but I'll stick with this because it has a nice ring to it. Just like how the production team decided to go with Arthur Harrow's name as his character name lmao.
🔶 His name is William Balor.
🔶 Rough meanings to his name? William - "Strong willed warrior" /// Balor - "The Deadly One"
🔶 He is Arthur Harrow's adopted son.
🔶 He's happy and appreciative with the way Harrow raised him (he has a rather tragic childhood too).
🔶 But for some reason, Harrow doesn't mind William wanting the Balor name to stay with him despite his tragic childhood came from his own family.
🔶 He interacted with Jarvis much earlier in the fic. I have YET to write that down and probably need to plan out how to squeeze something that should HAVE done at the beginning.
🔶 Jarvis is physically designed to look like a person of 25+ years old of age but not close to 30. William is in his early 30's and doesn't get worked up with seniority matter.
🔶 To him, the concept of seniority is a load of crap and as long as the person cared to behave with proper respect around those who he or she deemed older/expert on something. Actually, he just doesn't care lol.
🔶 William's relevance to this fic is that, he has been aiming to get to the secret tomb within the remains of a shipwreck under the ocean cavern.
🔶 Jarvis made his acquiantance with him thanks to his 'observers' impromptu side mission order after learning he will be joining both Winchester and Hazel Aria (the OCs of my old RP bestie) to go to an island around Egypt.
🔶 Being a sentient AI with an android-like body that could come up with his own digital interface, even an undisclosed details of ancient Egypt are not of his league. Afterall, he is built and cover-upgraded by Tony and Bruce to deal with household and domestic tasks to perfection. Not exactly built and programmed entirely for combat to have him living a "low-key and unrevealing" life from SHIELD etc.
🔶 Lastly, William successfully gained a power and an Avatar-like suit around the prologue. Though there is something missing to which William will continue his pursuit in capturing Jarvis.
🔶 Which adds to Jarvis' already existing problems (being powerless and cursed into being a human) and made it more complicated to keep track and stay secretive so that the other Marvel casts he knew doesn't notice he has a massive life-threatening trouble.
🔶 TL;DR William in this AU fanfic is the antagonist to Jarvis' solo-standing adventurous movie-wannabe. With the Moon Boys (and some MK casts) thrown into the fray as major and minor characters respectively.
His face cast? It's weird that Hayden Christensen's face just pops up in my head while I'm structuring William's basic details. Then again, it's hard for me to put it to words so I guess I could just pick some GIFs and point out how William was on the surface?
William is around his early 30's. Unlike his 'dad', William blends in better within the society as an ancient history enthusiast. Meaning to say, he doesn't have cult followers being so obvious following him all around and wearing tattoos. Though this doesn't mean that he HAS NO followers or a gang of his own.
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2. He's an academician. Ironically, not completely related to history and whatnot eventhough he likes it. Probably something along the line of being a lecturer of literature or languages. Being a Business major lecturer is a possibility too.
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3. He may have his dorky sides, a doting educator and loves to share whatever is beneficial to those who seeks knowledge on anything relating to his favourite field. Literally a walking "Don't judge a book by its cover". Because he is NOT what he looks like on the outside 😧🙏
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4) Surprisingly, Harrow raised him to be a good and independent man without forcing his agendas to William the moment he adopted him out of heavy sympathy. Kid's got potential (and he is). There are some characteristics that one might guess on the spot he is Harrow's boy, though the things that Harrow lacks are what William has in possession. Like an extreme feats of agility for example. William has a 'mercenary' side in him too, to which, Harrow and his men never realized.
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5) William doesn't want to be this guy who just knows how to order shit around. He just LOOKS like one but he prefers to order AND join the people he ordered to get the shit DONE together. One time he is classy as fuck and one time he doesn't mind getting his own hands dirty to get what he wanted even quicker.
Oh he has this aromatherapic smug aura that mocks not just Jarvis, but the Moon Boys too. To sum up? William has Hayden's aura of when he is from the Jumper movie and Anakin rolled into one 😌👌
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🔻 Guess the Moon Boys really need to don their suits back and have to ACTUALLY become Khonshu's bitches again now that Arthur Harrow Junior takes the spotlight.
🔻 It's really hard when you are the guest stars to someone else's solo-story 😂👌
🔻 Most importantly, I wonder what Jake feels when he discovered Harrow has a son and he literally killed his old man with a croc lady inside his body INSIDE his Limo--- While Khonshu is watching 💀
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farklelucas · 7 years
Brisaac + 13
this! pairing! is! so! Good!!! also idk which ‘13′ this was… it could have been from one of two ask memes…. so im just gonna combine them both.
brisaac & journalist, news blogger, gossip blogger, etc. AU & “kiss me”
send me a sentence prompt & a pairing OR send me an au prompt and a pairing (just clarify which one lol bc im a mess)
It’s been a shitty day, he decides. Satomi just called him into her office, said Hidden Things needed an update or it was going to get the boot. To be fair, he has no idea how he and Hayden have kept the blog going this long. Probably not many people are be interested in them writing in depth articles about true crime, giving their opinions and explaining various theories. But still. It’s hard to take criticism sometimes, especially for something you’ve put your heart and soul into. So he’s drowning his sorrows in coffee and going back to the drawing board.
Man, Hayden is gonna be pissed.
Brett turns on his heel to see one of his coworkers sprinting towards him. Isaac, he thinks. Curly blonde hair, sharp jaw, around the same height as him. Handsome. Brett’s seen him around the office before, but Brett works on Hidden Things and he’s pretty sure Isaac works in the entertainment department, so they don’t typically cross paths. Brett smiles. “Hey,” he says. “Isaac, right?”
“That’s right,” Isaac says.
“What can I do for you?”
Isaac smiles, a broad and flattering thing. “Nothing. Just wanted to say I liked your piece today on the Menendez murders.”
Brett raises an eyebrow. “You read our posts?” he asks.
“Yeah,” Isaac says. “Of course. It’s super entertaining.”
That’s ironic. The guy with the popular blog likes the lame one. Brett huffs, a half laugh, and goes back to pouring his coffee. “Well, you seem to be the only one.” He nods to the coffee pot and Isaac shrugs, so Brett gets him a mug and pours him some too.
Isaac drinks his new mug, which reads “I’m Here for 2 Things: Writing Articles and Drinking Coffee. I Just Finished All My Articles.” Sometimes Brett hates working here.
“Anyway,” Isaac says, between sips, “I love your stuff. You and Hayden have such great chemistry and it’s all so interesting.”
Brett chuckles. “Says the man who writes articles with Stiles. You guys are hilarious.”
He means what he says. Isaac and Stiles are probably the funniest people in the office. Stiles’s dumb commentary and Isaac’s neverending suffering make for great writing. Add in their stupid graphics and wacky rating system (two and a half alligators, one peach emoji, ten tips of the hat) and they’re ridiculously popular. “Oh, thanks,” Isaac says, grinning. 
Brett shrugs and says, “Probably doesn’t mean much from the true crime guy, but hey.”
Isaac laughs and opens his mouth to say something else, but stops mid-breath. His mouth snaps shut, his eyes widen, and he mutters, “Oh shit.”
“What?” Brett asks.
“Uh, nothing. Just, uh, my ex is right over there, and we just caught eyes and now I’m in deep shit if he comes over.”
Brett looks over. The only person looking in their direction is a man - tall, lanky, salt and pepper hair. Brett knows who he is instantly - the head of their whole branch. “Holy shit, dude, you dated Chris Argent?”
Isaac winces, but keeps his eyes on the floor. “Uh, yep. Not a very proud moment in my life. I was into older guys, he was there, but - doesn’t matter. He’s the worst and he thinks I’m still into him so he likes to just come over and talk to me from time to time.”
What a sleaze. Brett glances over out of the corner of his eye and, sure enough, Chris Argent is headed their way. He takes a deep breath and turns to Isaac. “Kiss me.”
Isaac opens his eyes wide. “What?”
“He thinks you’re still into him? Well, he can get fucked. Kiss me and maybe he’ll go away.”
Isaac glances back at Chris and bites his lip. “Uh, I don’t… know…”
There’s a pause and Brett shrugs. “Hey, forget it. I just thought you were pretty cute and wanted to help. But if you’re uncomfortable, don’t do it.”
Isaac glances back to Brett and smiles. “Here goes nothing, I guess.” Then he leans in and presses his mouth squarely to Brett’s.
It’s not magical, or anything, like he’s been waiting his whole life for it. But Isaac is very cute and his mouth is very nice. He gingerly puts a hand on Isaac’s waist and registers somewhere in the background that Isaac puts a hand on his hip.
Suddenly, someone clears their throat. They pull apart to both look over to Chris Argent, who’s looking at them with a furrowed brow. “Isaac,” he says coolly. “And…?”
Brett smiles cordially. “Brett, sir,” he says. “Brett Talbot. I work on Hidden Things with Hayden Romero, under Satomi.”
Chris just nods and turns his attention to Isaac, who smiles tightly. “Mister Argent,” he says.
“Isaac, how delightful to see that you’ve made a new friend in the office. But you might want to tone down the PDA.”
“What, because inter-office relationships are prohibited?” Isaac asks, unimpressed. Holy shit. He’s less dorky and more badass then Brett thought.
Chris clears his throat. “Right,” he says. “Well, we just don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.”
Brett rolls his eyes and, boldly, grab Isaac’s hand. Luckily Isaac just squeezes in return. “Well, might want to tell that to Erica, who is currently sitting on Boyd’s lap and kissing the spot right behind his ear that makes him go nuts.” He raises an eyebrow. “Unless it’s… just us that you have a problem with.”
That makes Chris squirm. “No, not at all,” he mutters. “Carry on.” Then he turns on his heel and leaves the kitchenette.
Brett drops Isaac’s hand and turns to him. Isaac beams. “Thanks, Brett,” he says. “I owe you one.”
“You could… owe me dinner?” Brett suggests.
Isaac laughs. “Sure, dinner it is,” Isaac says. Then he puts the mug down and backs out of the room, smiling. Maybe not so shitty of a day, after all.
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profound-boning · 7 years
My live reactions to 12x16:
Let’s start with the basics: 1 where’s the angel and 2 I love Claire Novak
BLESS that small flashback to glasses!dean rip me
fun fact I had literally never heard of a Moscow mule before I moved to Denver lmao
lol I’m this Hayden girl I will absolutely not go down the scary path in the woods because I don’t want to die first
oops she died first anyway (update jk not dead hospitalized tho)
What’s with the creepy mask though, werewolf??
LMAO unrelated but the commercial I just watched was for Domino’s and this kid gets the notification that his pizza is on the way so he FLIES through town to get there for the delivery and I’m like @dominos marketing team when I order dominos it’s when I’m in bed in my undies too lazy to cook what is this unrealistic bs
“batsignal” “Hogwarts” nerd!sam at it again
And you can tell Mick is just like yeah ok yes hogwarts ha ha very funny
I love seeing Sam excited like that it’s so cute I genuinely see Sam in a role like that
Omg Dean’s scathing look when Mick says hunting “should be” his thing … I’ll prob write more about this later but here we have Dean who from childhood was expected to hunt and expected to give up literally everything in his life for it and for his family so that look right there was “how fucking dare you insinuate that you’re just gonna jump in on the Fun Hunting Time this isn’t a game this is our whole lives and people have died for this how dare you”
Can’t fault Mick wanting to be prepared though dude is probably scared af
Dean Winchester’s Guide to Hunting the Supernatural: Step 1: Put on a flannel
aaaand here we have what I hope will be the fundamental fight of the season: BMoL believe all monsters are killing machines and Sam and Dean know that’s not true. Hhhhmmmmmmm…
@adoringjensen​ honestly I need to start a bitter!dean or petty!dean tag lmao I love this doofus
omg more sexy doctors for dean!!!
Ugh Mick first lesson don’t lie to your hunting buddies
YAAASS MAMA JODY I feel bad that Claire is lying to her though
Protective daddy!Dean is my fave and like I’m not thrilled about some skeezy guy (bartender? someone else? Unclear from dialogue) being grabby with Claire but I think it’s important to recognize that that would be a reality for female hunters, particularly someone young and lovely like Claire
Mick :( honey :( why :( I sincerely hope both the brothers tear him a new one for that
YES DEAN THREATEN THAT SKEEZE who even gets a tribal tattoo on their neck that’s some High Level Fuckboy right there
FUCK I am living for this conflict rn this is a compelling plot thank you Dabb
Claire doesn’t know where she fits in and neither does Cas and I am beyond ready for them to sit down and talk about it
okay no isn’t there a way to cure this??? I feel like they did that in an earlier season!
why is watching Sam And Dean On The Case™ so awesome
Good on Mick for figuring that out at least
blessssss I’m so glad Claire is okay
cool dad dean and uncle sam got her back
CLAIRE CALLING JODY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay overall that was good and I’m happy
Things I am excited about for 12x17
Mick/BMoL conflict! I really enjoy Adam Fergus and I’m so far really liking where the BMoL vs Winchester hunting conflict is going - whose side will Mick land on??
E I L E E N ! E I L E E N ! E I L E E N ! E I L E E N ! E I L E E N !
Things I am not excited about for 12x17
where is cas
why does Mary need to be in a sexual situation with a man! WHY! IT’S SO UNNECESSARY! YOU CAN HAVE FEMALE CHARACTERS/GUEST STARS WITHOUT THEM HAVING SEX WITH YOUR MALE LEADS! THAT’S A THING!!! uuuuuuggggggghhhhhh
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Because of David's heater constantly causing a blackout when we use the microwave we must yell microwave before we use it, so David can turn off his heater. It has now gotten boring so we now tell the story of Mike Waver of Various Objects.
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A 2020 Recap
Oh, what a year it’s been. A year full of disappointments, at that. I thought I’d take you on a recap of what 2020 looked like for me. I know some people had it much worse, and I know some had it made. For me, it felt like the bad news was never-ending. This year really became a year that I was able to re-evaluate those who were in my life as well as what I wanted to do with my life. 2020 felt like just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, a platter full of bad news was served back to back just to make sure you knew that it could get worse. 
January I was still working a full time management retail job with odd hours, juggling my kids back and forth to my parents since my kids were not in school yet. In the back of mind, I felt mentally exhausted because I knew this was not something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I got up for work everyday, grateful for the opportunity, but dreaded the everyday interaction of thefts, bad associates, and work drama. I began to feel guilty of the time I lost not being able to spend it with my kids or family because although it was only 40 hours of my life given to retail, one day I’d work 8-4:30 and the next 1-9:30. I’d have one weekend off a month and closed every other Saturday. The 40 hours felt like it stretched out to 50-60 hours and my social time was limited even more with the little friends that I had. Lately my anxiety started to creep up more often and lingered around longer than usual. I just couldn’t figure out what was triggering it. I couldn’t sleep well and my nightmares continued. 
February Maybe God knew how I was feeling so he had plans for me. For the second time in a row, I got laid off. I lost my job right before the world shut down due to a global pandemic, and this was even before I knew what was truly coming. I was devastated. I had my kids to take care of, the child support that was ordered from ex was inconsistent and my car payment was over $400, along with some credit card payments, insurance, and phone bill. I remember calling my ex-husband on the way home and crying to him, not even able to get a word out on why I was calling him. He just continued to ask me over and over again what was wrong. He was out of town at the time so I somehow convinced him that I would talk to him later. Right before I got laid off, I had hired his sister so eventually word got out and I’m assuming she told her family that I got laid off. I’m not sure til this day how word spread. I took a moment and did a hard reality check at this point. I could either cry everyday because life seemed to have shut me down in many ways up until this point or I could move on and keep trying because at the end of the day, would could I do to change the fact that it is what it is? I applied for numerous jobs. Everyday I logged onto Indeed and searched. I applied for entry jobs to management positions, to part time, to weekends, and full-time. Anything I could possibly get to somehow received a  little bit of my pride back as a single mother. 
March News started to spread about a new virus called Coronavirus. I didn’t know much about it at the time. All I knew was that it was spreading fast, it came over from another country, and it was high risk. Suddenly, we’re hit with a two week quarantine. Restaurants/bars, gyms, stores, and businesses closed down. The two week quarantine extended for a month. Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, and cleaning supplies became an all time high demand. Masks and gloves were highly recommended. I spent all day, everyday stuck in the house. Occasionally going outside with my kids to get some fresh air. My life was “normal” just a month ago, how come I’m ordered to stay home all of a sudden? A lot didn’t make sense at this time. School shut down in fear, hoping to return after spring break. Spring break came and went, and the superintendent made the announcement that school would be closed down and digital learning would take place for the remainder of the year. Parents panicked to find sitters because although majority of places closed down, some jobs were considered essential and they were still expected to go in and work everyday.
April I was still looking for a job. At this point, I had not heard back from any of the 100+ jobs I had applied to. Because of quarantine, all the businesses were closed down so I was basically applying to closed businesses. What a weird time. Although I was in this position, I was thankful of the time I was spent with my kids. I went from spending limited time and hours with the girls to have all the time in the day. I loved it. The one month quarantine extended to two months. Still, at this point, I felt like some people weren’t taking this virus seriously. The cases were updated daily and it continued to rise but it was mainly all in the bigger cities. Those who lived in the smaller cities still went about their days. All the necessities were still low in stock. News came out at this point that Lysol would not be able to come back up from their demand until 2021. I finally made the decision to go back to school. I got my paperwork ready and reapplied. I can probably find jobs that I can work but if it’s not something I’m happy with, I might as well take this time to pursue what I really want to do. I got back in. I got accepted and I was finally able to put my life back on track to finishing my dental hygiene degree.
May We celebrated Mother’s Day and my mom’s birthday. This was the first time since quarantine that my family came together. Yes, we broke social distancing rules, but we’ve all been home for months now and we all needed a little social time. From seeing your family every weekend or every other weekend to once or twice every few months was hard to adjust. My parents felt lonelier than ever. The grandkids weren’t able to see their grandma and grandpa for months. Again, what a strange time. 
June Summer was getting hotter and we were still stuck inside. I took my kids out daily during the evening to let out their energy. I ended up buying them both bikes so they could ride around the neighborhood while I walked. I gained quarantine weight. Not working and eating all day was definitely showing. Searching for work was still a weekly thing. We got a stimulus check and for those who were claiming unemployment got an additional unemployment check to help with bills. This helped me so much during times of uncertainty. 
July My brother and his family along with me and my two kids took a trip to Florida right before July 4th. What a sad summer vacation for the kids it has been to be stuck inside. We couldn’t even take them to go do stuff either because everything was still shut down at this point. We went to West Palm Beach, FL  and it was nice. The weather was perfect. The resort we stayed at limited their occupancy and everyone social distanced. Masks were required in common areas. The pool was refreshing and that’s where we spent most of our days. I remember when I was younger, I could stay outside all day and would get so dark. Now, all I want to do is just stay in the shade. So the kids got tanned, and I got sunburnt. Lol. At the end of the month, I took another trip with Cisco to Hot Springs, NC. It was still hot, but the views were nice and it was perfect to get away and just be one with nature. We hiked all day for a day and then went to visit Asheville. This is the most steps I’ve taken all year and my body was so sore.
August Finally, the month for school to start finally came around. I loved my kids, but I also was ready for them to finally start school. Hayden got selected to attend the public school’s pre-kindergarten lottery system and I was putting Emma into daycare so that I could also focus on my studies. All summer we were getting notified by the governor that quarantine would be extended. Fear settled in and they also pushed back the first day of school for our kids by 2 weeks. Hayden finally started school mid-August and she loved it. She quickly made friends and Emma adjusted to daycare so easily. This was when I realized that I now have two big girls. This semester, as my first semester back in 5 years, was intense. I had to register for 6 classes to be qualified for full time financial aid. Everyone called me crazy, and I believed it but I was determined to push through no matter what. After all, this was my decision and my future at stake. 
September I celebrated my 28th birthday with close family and friends. We sang the night away and it was just what I needed to blur out the last few months of my life in 2020. This was also the month where I cried the most about my love life. I was single and just accepted the fact that no one wanted to love me. Cisco and I went a few months without talking to each other. A guy I met on a dating app, who I believed liked me the same, stopped talking too. I remember staying up late one night doing homework and then getting a text from Cisco saying ‘just wanted to stop by and say hi’. I broke down. I replayed the song ‘Just About Over You’ over and over again thinking why he couldn’t just leave me alone if I were nothing to him. I wanted to leave him on read. But my heart took over my head and replied back to him.
October My little baby turned 3. I took her and all her cousins to paint pottery and they all had so much fun. Still in denial she’s getting so big. I look over at her right now while the girls are sleeping and she’s gotten so tall and so independent. Classes were getting harder and harder. I was so stressed. I was scared that I was going to fail my Anatomy Lab class. I just couldn’t understand the way she was teaching and then when we were tested, it was totally opposite of what I was learning in lecture. It was a hot mess. Halloween has become one of my favorite holidays. It doesn’t have anything to do with family time. Just dressing up as something else and candy, food, and parties. I finally got a call back from a job I applied to in June. It’s part time but I accepted it. Every month’s budget was cutting it close. 
November This year’s holiday season felt different. It felt eerie and not right because the government was encouraging us to not spend time with our families. And yes, of course I understood the reasons why, but the meaning behind the holidays contradicted everything. We had a small Thanksgiving dinner at my mom’s. There was a lot of drinking and my brothers ended up crying even though it’s usually me whose the crier when drunk. I’m not into political views but I felt a sense of relief when Biden won presidency. Don’t ask me why; I don’t even know why. 
December Hayden turned 5. Because of all the holidays and people traveling, the covid cases were increasing which caused school to close a week early before Winter break. Classes and final exams finally ended for me too. I ended up with a C, 3 Bs, and 2 As. I would say I did pretty well especially with all things considered. Cisco and I took a trip to Gatlinburg and then my family and I ended up going back a couple days before Christmas. We even experienced a white Christmas while we were there. It’s so beautiful to watch snow fall but definitely scary to drive through it when your car is not equipped to travel through it. My company shut down for two weeks during the holidays so again, I’m home with my children. It’s been nice to just unwind and enjoy quality time. I spent New Year’s Eve with Cisco and now it’s officially January 1, 2021. I’m so happy it’s a new year. I’m hoping and genuinely hoping for a better year. Full of love, money, prosper, luck, and good health. 
I hope your 2020 didn’t break you down too much. And if it did, I’m praying 2021 rebuilds you - emotionally and mentally. Here’s to a new year for this whole globe. Healing is sincerely all we need at this point. 
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sloblesbian · 7 years
hi its me again
am i writing this to procrastinate a little longer? maybe. a little life update and a to-do list? ok. 
school is going well. i’m only taking 3 classes because i’m incapable of taking a semester without dropping at least one class... oh well. it’s hard to do more when i have to work etc also anyway. i’m taking 2 literatures and spanish. all of these are things i am good at. however i have a lot to do this week because: sidney is arriving on friday for 2 weeks and while i don’t have school for one of those weeks i’m anticipating that i will be too busy staring at my beautiful girlfriend to do any work. so i want to get everything done this week. also. i would like my house to be significantly cleaner than it is right now. 
read ‘the american scholar’ by emerson
read walden 
read ‘the school days of an indian girl’ by zitkala-sa
read ‘middle passage’ by hayden
take notes, outline term paper
WRITE paper (5-6 pages) (due 3/12)
read the octavia butler short story for other lit class
outline paper for that class as well but this is less important and easier
do laundry
clean bathroom, wash the mirrors & stuff
sweep floors upstairs
WASH floors upstairs??
just... clean your room better.
get mags to clean downstairs
maybe do some grocery shopping lol
 ok that’s it i think. that’s uhhh kind of a lot whoops. also i have my regular work schedule still.. i wanted to start earlier but uhhhh well i recently started antidepressants which i think are finally kicking in but for the first couple weeks they made me significantly more depressed and one of my main problems with depression is that is seriously demotivates me and what i want out of them is like... better planning, more energy, doing more things. which i expect will start to take effect... soonish? idk. i’m going to see my dr on tuesday as well. 
ok back to reading
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bebepac · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday 02.21.21
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Another Bangin’ six sentence Sunday Banner courtesy of @purpleyin 
What’s up my friends!!!  Hope you are having a Sunday Funday today!   I myself have to go take my vehicle in a little bit to get new tires as she needs them.  And since I had to wait for it, I figured I’d do it today as it would most likely be less crowded tan me trying to get car work done during the week, and I work all week so there’s that.  
Still having trouble with tags so I’m posting my most  recent fics so you can pick them up here  in case you didn’t  get tags for it.  
WIP Wednesday: 02.18.2021
The Life of Riley: Chapter 28:   I Fell In Love
Just The Way You Are:  DW does Valentine’s Day:  You’ll Be In My Heart
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With You
The Life of Riley Book 1:  Chapter 29
The Book: TRR 
Pairing:  Liam and Riley
Status:  Still in the Writing Process (wacky drabble) 
Liam hopped down onto the boat first.
He held out his arms to Riley.  
“Jump, I’ll catch you.”  
Jaiden thought he would do just one more thing.   He’d seen that boy Tucker do it to another boy on the playground when Riley was little, that caused him to completely topple over. Just as Riley jumped, Jaiden kicked the back of Liam’s left leg causing his knee to buckle.   He caught Riley but fell on his back, Riley falling on him.
Sal laughed.  “Damn kid.  You’re clumsy. You’re supposed to catch her.  But I guess it worked out for you.”
“We have to stop meeting like this Liam.”  She whispered as she looked down at him from her straddling position.  He gripped her hips.
“I don’t know… I think it’s not so bad.  Getting kind of used to breaking your falls. I think you’re the clumsy one, Riley Brooks.”  
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Seeing Double
Just the Way You Are: Chapter 7
The Book:  CROSSOVER:  Perfect Match x TRR
Pairing:  Hayden x Kai / TRR MC is single-ish
Status:  Still in the writing process
When the food came he noticed as he ate Riley kept glancing at his plate.  
“Want to try some?”  Liam asked.  
“No.. I’m fine.”  Riley said hesitantly.  They continued talking.  It almost felt like a date to Liam.  
When he glanced up, Riley was eying his plate.
“Riley, you're giving my food the look of lust.”  He slid his plate over to Riley.  
“Well if you insist.”   She said, taking a forkful of  chopped potatoes, cheese, and bacon breakfast casserole.
“That is soooo good.”
“Maybe you should get the next time you have breakfast here….with me…”  
“I’d like that.”  Riley’s cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.  “Us to have breakfast again.”
“Okay.”  Liam’s smile brightened even more.  
Taylor watched her sister.  She hadn’t seen someone make Riley smile like that in a long time.   Maybe she was finally trying to let someone in.   Taylor was going to give this Liam guy a chance, if he could make her smile like that.
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What We Missed
Mia’s 🌎 World: Chapter 12
Book:  CROSSOVER:  TRR x The Freshman
Pairing:  TRR MC x OC  (Mia x Jaiden) / Emily x Chris
Status:  Still in the writing process:
Mia’s  phone was buzzing like crazy. Not with phone calls or texts, but social media notifications.  
She glanced at her phone and smiled.  
Jaiden Brooks is in a relationship with Mia Jones.  
Pop’s Place loves this, when did her father get on social media??? Lord and he types like he talks.
“It’s about time you two kids made up.  You two have been driving your mothers crazy.”
Jason Brooks Liked that comment.
Hey I resent that! Ren Brooks commented.
Gloria Jones liked that.
“When did our parents get on social media, and this is crazy embarrassing the way they are talking back and forth to each other in the comment section.”  
“I kind of love it.”  Mia said to Jaiden.  
“So do you mind that I spilled the news?”  
“No,” I like that you did. If you waited for me, it would have been a few weeks.”
Jaiden laughed and kissed her lips snuggling closer to him.
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Tagging:  If you ever get them:  Lol.   But i’m actually serious... 
@dcbbw   @bbrandy2002   @indiacater    @janezillow    @lodberg
@sillypapermango    @gkittylove99   @gabesmommie1130  @zoehanji
@kingliam2019    @queenwalton   @queen-arabella-of-cordonia
@khoicesbyk      @shewillreadyou   @jessiembruno      @hopefulmoonobject 
@hopelessromanticmonie    @kimmiedoo5     @axwalker        @burnsoslow
@furiousherringoperatortoad        @sevenfuckslefttogive    @yourmajesty09
@batgirlassociationofgothamcity     @iaminlovewithtrr  @sfb123
@iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful    @queenjilian     @cordoniaqueensworld
@theroyalheirshadowhunter    @sanchita012      @gibbles82   @nala-raines
@amandablink     @secretwolfdreamertree        @secretaryunpaid
@sweatyrysconnoisseur    @royalromancer   @gibbles82    @twinkleallnight     
  @kat-tia801​  @kingliamandriley​    @schnitzelbutterfingers​      
@caseyvalentineramsey​      @ladyangel70​
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