#this isn’t a guarantee that one of these will be finished tomorrow
0vergrowngraveyard · 7 months
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dark-frosted-heart · 5 days
Melted by Summer's Lust - Roger Barel (part 1)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
Kate: Wow…! Roger, come and look at the view!
From the balcony of the villa, you could see the ocean glistening in the setting sun.
From the feeling of the warm sea breeze caressing my cheeks to the smell of the air far different from London’s, everything was fresh.
Roger: Take it easy. Getting too excited on day one can affect you from tomorrow onward.
Kate: I can’t help getting excited at the thought of us spending 6 days on vacation together.
—A week ago while finishing up research, I had proposed that we take a vacation.
It was necessary that we took a proper rest if we wanted to continue being together forever.
Afterward, Victor offered to help when he heard my proposal…
He gave us 6 days off and rented a villa owned by his friend, Viscount Morris, on a lone island.
(I’m going to enjoy my vacation with Roger to the fullest!)
—Our first night. We had dinner, bathed, and then lay in bed.
Kate: What do you want to do tomorrow?
Roger: We’re the only ones on the island, right? Then…I wanna love you thoroughly without having to care about being seen.
Roger rolled on top of me and kissed me.
Kate: Mnnn…
With each kiss, my body felt like it was melting.
Mustering what sense I had left, I pushed back against his chest.
Kate: Wait, Roger. Why did we take this trip?
Roger: For pleasure?
Kate: Right! So we’ll do “this” once during our trip so that you can get some rest!
Roger: Only once…but how far is “this”? Are you banning kissing and small touches?
Kate: Then how about we go “all the way” only once.
Roger: So I can put it in once.
Kate: D-don’t just say it out loud like that…!
Roger: We gotta make things clear. But…well, once is enough.
I felt disappointed by how easily he agreed to it.
Roger: What’s with that look? You want more, don’t you?
Kate: I don’t!
Roger laughed at how I denied it with a flushed face.
Roger: …To be honest, there’s something I wanna try out. That’s why I agreed to it.
Kate: Something you want to try out…?
Roger: What do you think about…dragging “nightly activities” over the course of 5 days?
(Five days…?!)
Roger: Doesn’t look like you’re against it.
Kate: I’ve never heard of this, so I’m curious. What does this involve?
Roger: During the first four days, we kiss and touch each other, slowly building up the mood. On the fifth day, we have sex. The time we spend together gives a lot of emotional satisfaction… And an awful lot of pleasure.
(An awful lot of pleasure…)
Roger: …Well, that’s what I heard while at a pub. Don’t know how true it is. It’s a thing that takes 5 days to do, and since we don’t wanna be seen during it, we haven’t had a chance to try it.
(A 6-day long vacation with just the two of us on a lone island, with him only allowed to “put it in once”...) 
(...This is the best time to try it out)
Roger: So, how about it?
Kate: O-okay. Let’s do it!
Roger: Haha. I’m the one that brought it up, but you really wanna have sex, huh?
Kate: It’s not that…! Since we’re on vacation, I wanted to fulfill your wish.
Roger: …That so? Thanks. Can’t wait to see how turned on my lover gets over the next 5 days.
Thus began the first day.
Kate: Um…Roger. Are we really doing this right?
I was just lying in bed in Roger’s arms.
Roger: Yeah. The first day’s just talking and cuddling ‘til we fall asleep…Feeling unsatisfied?
Kate: N-no! This…isn’t that bad. I’m just happy to get a good night’s sleep with you.
I snuggled against Roger. Enveloped by his warm body heat, I’m sure I’d sleep well today.
(I heard it gives an intense amount of pleasure, but going at this rate, it probably doesn’t do anything)
—4 more days until I regret overestimating this.
—Day 2, noon.
Kate: Wow, are we having a barbecue today?!
Meat and vegetables were spread out on a table in the garden of the villa. The aroma of the freshly cooked food made me hungry.
Roger: I just finished cooking. Let’s eat ‘em while they’re hot.
Kate: Thanks for the meal! 
I immediately took a bite out of the large piece of meat in front of me.
Kate: Delicious…!
Roger: Hehe. You eat like Ale.
Kate: I…would really like to feed this to Ale.
(Ale was supposed to come with us…)
(But we didn’t bring him with us, but the boat ride would be a burden)
Roger: Ale’s probably getting a nice meal at Crown Castle. …After having some meat, we got this next.
Kate: Ah, there’s beer too!
Roger: Grilled meat and beer is the best combo. I asked for them ahead of time.
After eating some meat, he chugged his beer.
Roger: Phew…that hit the spot!...Come on, you drink some too.
I followed Roger’s lead and had a cup myself.
Kate: This is amazing…!
Roger: Yeah. Having beer and meat during the day…It’s the best way to kick off a vacation. Alright, I’m gonna grill some more so eat all you want.
It was endearing to see how happy Roger looked when grilling meat and vegetables, and then eating and drinking with an innocent smile.
(Ah…Roger’s glittering again)
And I knew it wasn’t because of the sun.
—Day 2, night. Today’s step was only touching and kissing.
Kate: Mnn, nn…
Roger kissed me repeatedly. 
His large hand cupped my head.
Even something as simple as a gentle kiss was enough to overwhelm me.
Kate: …Roger.
Roger: Hm?
When I said his name, he stopped and looked at me.
I loved the way this egoist’s amber eyes softened as he waited for me to speak.
Kate: I love you…I really love you.
Roger: What’re you saying something so cute for?
Kate: My heart feels so full and I just had to let it out.
Roger: Think my patience is being tested. It’s hard to keep my hands off you.
The desperation in Roger’s voice made my heart speed up.
…But I’ve always felt this way.
(Will I really feel an “awful lot of pleasure” after this?)
Only 3 days left to disprove my doubts. 
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auroragreenvale · 10 months
People Watching - JJ Maybank
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They met in class for metaphysical philosophy, he tells his friends I like her ‘cause she’s so much smarter than me
OR How you and JJ met
Summary: A look into different points of JJ and reader's relationship inspired by People Watching by Conan Gray. 3k words
A/N: I loveee this song especially the opening verse and I always loved picturing the people that inspired it. The chapters wont follow the order of the lyrics. I hope y'all enjoy :)
“Dude look what is this shit?” He smacked the paper before holding it out to Pope. He took hold of it, looking over each class listed in his friend’s schedule for the upcoming year until he found the so-called “shit” JJ was referring to: Philosophy. Pope let out a chuckle the moment he registered the word and looked over at his friend, amused. “Pope, man this isn’t funny they must’ve messed up my schedule and shit! I can’t take this class, man!” Pope could only continue to laugh, catching Kiara’s attention. She grabbed the paper out of Pope’s hand and quickly displayed the same reaction as him. 
“Wow JJ I had no idea you were such a scholar! An intellectual if you will?”
“Shut up Kie!” JJ rolled his eyes as his friends’ laughter died down, ready to show a little sympathy. 
“Look JJ,” Pope started, “It really isn’t that big a deal. This stuff happens just go talk to the counselor and get it fixed, easy.”
“Yeah alright… gimme that,” JJ snatched back his class schedule before roughly folding it and putting it into his pocket. He’d probably remember to look at it again before the first day. Probably.
To JJ, school was the single biggest waste of his time. He sat through stupid classes all day, missing out on prime surfing time. And what’s worse, it’s not like he could smoke a joint in the middle of history, much less chat with any of his friends in English. He was just glad to have guaranteed easy classes that required close to nothing on his end. That and the knowledge that he didn’t have parents riding his case about his education or caring about his future allowed him to ignore the nuisance that was school once he left the building. But being put in philosophy did not work into his plan. Philosophy was for the smart people. Like Pope smart. Maybe even smarter and JJ definitely considered himself a lot less smart than Pope. JJ took the classes that were required of him and absolutely nothing else. The people who took philosophy probably finished half of their requirements in middle school and overloaded on classes with specific topics because they were actually interested in them. He shuddered at the thought of more school as he entered his next class. Seven students sat at the various desks, not even filling half of them. JJ thought maybe the rest of the class was running late but he thought it was weird that everyone there currently sat toward the front of the room. His other classes were always full and people had no issue sitting in the very back row even if the one closest to the teacher had yet to be filled. But JJ was a master at blending in of course and even though he planned to get out of this class by tomorrow, he could still have fun pretending to be one of the smart kids. He slid into the last empty seat in the second row, looking around and observing his temporary classmates. His brow furrowed in confusion when he noticed them all with faces in books or scribbling away in their notebooks. How were they doing work before the bell had even rung? He slid down slightly in his seat letting his head hang down in the direction of his empty desktop, hoping to divert attention away from himself so as not to blow his cover and ruin his little game. His hand came up to the side of his face, blocking it from the others in his row as he waited for the dreaded class to begin. 
“Hi!” The sound came from the desk next to him. He lowered his hand and looked over at the girl sitting there. “...I… haven’t seen you before, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh well… I typically take a lotta... math... classes so this is kinda… new for me,” he tested out.
“Oh me too! Maybe we’ll have some more classes together.” You smiled at him warmly.
“Mmm yeah maybe,” he smiled, amused at the possibility, “I’m JJ.”
“Nice to meet you. Glad to have you in class JJ.” Again he smiled, you reading it as politeness when he really was trying to hold back laughter. Finally the bell rang signaling the beginning of class and JJ realized no other students had entered the room. If the first bell took that long to sound, he knew it would take an eternity before the last one would sound, ending his philosophy career and his misery. 
“You’re kidding me what!? What do you mean there’s no other classes??” JJ yelled, ignoring that he was in the administrative office. 
“Please keep it down Mr. Maybank. What I mean is that all the other classes at that time are full so we can’t move you out of your current class.”
“Ughh! … Yall messed this up, you gotta fix it!”
“I’m sorry JJ but there’s nothing I can do.”
“Okay but you don’t understand I can’t spend the whole semester in this class its for like the genius kids! I can’t do that shit!”
“Mr. Maybank please watch your language. And as for these ‘genius kids’ I suggest you talk to one of them about tutoring you.” At that JJ threw his head back and groaned as he exited the office and made his way outside to join his friends for lunch. They immediately noticed his dramatic expression as he approached. 
“Whats up J,” Kiara asked slowly. 
“This bullshit! They said they can’t take me outta that stupid class!”
“Wait you mean philosophy? You have to stay in it all semester,” Pope asked. JJ nodded.
“And what’s worse they said I should get a fucking tutor! Like I’m gonna go outta my way and do more school when I’m not even at school,” JJ shook his head, “I think I’ll just go ahead and fail.”
“Hate to break it to you man but if you fail it they’ll probably make you retake it over the summer.”
“Pope dude are you serious?” He nodded. “Fuuuck.” Kiara patted his shoulder, looking amused.
“Well uh, guess you’re getting a tutor.”
JJ walked into his second day of philosophy and slumped down in the seat next to yours. Blowing out a breath, he reluctantly looked over at you, preparing to ask you the dreaded question. You gave him a small smile.
“So uh… do you like… tutor people ever? For a friend! He’s… he’s looking for a… tutor.” Your smile grew, knowing where this was going. 
“Oh yeah I do what does your, uh friend need tutoring in?”
“This class!-- Well not this… class but you know this subject.”
“Mmm okay well I’d be willing to be your friend’s study buddy, help ‘em out.”
“Okay cool cool.... Cool. That's real uh cool of you.” You giggled. 
“Cool,” you answered sarcastically. This made JJ laugh softly, dropping his charade.
“Yeah so uh… should we get crackin’ like today I-- I think that would… be good. And do we… me at… the library or…?”
“Um we could or we could just go to my place if that's better?”
“Okay yeah… yeah sure that's good I’ll uh, meet you after school?”
“Sounds good.” He mirrored the smile you gave him before you both turned to face the front of the class where the teacher stood.
“JJ come on, the final’s in two weeks you need to get some more work done on your paper so you can start reviewing in time.”
“But dude. This paper is so stupid I do not care about any of these old guys’ theories.”
“Okay but you know them, I know ‘cause I helped you learn them, so pick one and write something about it.” JJ groaned in his usual dramatic fashion making both of you laugh. You shoved him lightly, telling him to write which he eventually began to do. When you had finished up your own essay you turned your attention to what JJ had started writing. You read over the beginnings of his essay a couple of times.
“JJ! This is good. These ideas are really good!”
“Well don’t sound so surprised,” he joked.
“I just mean I figured you had nothing since you didn’t want to write it so bad. But this is good, keep going and we can polish it up.”
“For real?”
“Yeah I’m really proud of you.” It was a simple statement and you quickly turned your attention to work for your other classes. But JJ let his gaze linger on you for a few seconds longer, a small smile on his lips. No one had ever said they were proud of him before. At least not that he could remember and definitely not when it came to smart stuff like this. He felt his heart expand hearing those words and he wondered how it would feel to hear them again. And again. He hoped he might do something else deserving of someone’s pride again. It made him feel taken care of in the way he tries to take care of his friends and it felt good to be on the other side of that kind of affection. He turned his attention back to his work and for the first time in his education, felt some motivation.
“No listen John B she’s like, so smart it's like cool! She might even be smarter than Pope and he’s probably the smartest person I know.” In his modesty, Pope let out a loud laugh, thinking JJ must have pretty low standards for intelligence if he was on the smartest end. “Pope what the hell is funny man?” This made Kiara snicker as well. JJ’s friends were all amused at how serious he seemed to be about this, all seeing what he couldn’t.
“Uh, JJ it sounds like you might have a little crush,” John B said. 
“Shit,” JJ said, brushing off the notion. “Fuck,” he said more quietly in realization in disbelief. His friends continued their quiet giggling at his apparent predicament. 
“You gonna… you gonna ask her out or what? I mean you’ll only be in class together for another what, two weeks? And I doubt you’ll ever be in one of her classes again so,” Pope laughed. 
“Shut up man I could be, I'm doing pretty good.”
“I’m sorry could any of you imagine JJ dating this apparent genius girl,” Kiara laughed at the images it brought to her mind.
“Yeah I don’t know if she’d be down to date like a surfer dude,” John B changed his voice to mock his friend. 
“Or she’d be like studying or something and you’re all,” Kiara also took on a ridiculous voice, “‘Hey babe wanna hit,’” she mimicked blowing out smoke and took on a stoner persona that they all knew was incredibly far off from JJ. But they still found it funny.
“You guys are the fucking worst and I’m gonna ask her out and you’re all gona feel like idiots okay,” JJ said holding both of his middle fingers up for all of his still amused friends to see. 
“Just invite us to the wedding okay,” Kiara mocked, earning a shove from her friend as she fell out laughing. 
“Hey I wanna… say, ya know thanks for helping, uh my friend out with this class,” JJ said trying to bring you back to the beginning of the semester with this class. You closed your book figuring it was time for a break. You gave JJ a tired smile that was nonetheless bright. He almost rolled his eyes when he smiled back just as big remembering how his friends noticed his feelings before he did and hating them being right. 
“Well he was a pretty… okay study buddy,” you joked back. JJ let out a breathy laugh.
“Just okay?”
“Well you’re pretty easily distracted but you do keep it fun. So better than okay I guess. And you really impressed me this semester. You’re a lot smarter than you think.” When JJ recalls this moment he can only assume he blushed a bright pink at your genuine statement and the look in your eyes. Thinking about it, he still wants to melt in both embarrassment and somehow happiness. He quickly changed the subject.
“Gonna be weird not seein’ each other all the time huh?” He had really gotten used to seeing you everyday, enjoying the time he spent with you even if it was filled doing activities he didn’t so much enjoy. 
“Yeah.” You paused. “...No one in my classes is ever as,” you searched for the right word but couldn’t find it, “...fun as you.” 
“Well no one in my classes is ever so damn smart like you,” he replied, “But uh, I was wondering did you maybe wanna hang out sometime? Like no studying or anything?”
“Yeah I would, yeah. Let’s do that,” You smiled at him and then opened your textbook again, eyes going down to the words you knew you would no longer be able to focus on. 
JJ stood in front of the small bathroom mirror in the Chateau fluffing and fixing his hair over and over, indecisive. He wore his least dirty pair of boots and had borrowed one of John B’s less loud button down shirts. He topped it with a jacket. He felt a little weird but he hoped you’d think he looked nice in the clothes that were slightly nicer than what he typically wore to school. He smoothed back his hair one more time and ran his hand through it once. He settled on that. At least it was clean and dry, an improvement from the usual. He drove the Twinkie to your place, a very familiar route by now. When he arrived he paused in the driver's seat. Did he text you he was here or did he go up and knock? Was that what people did to pick up a friend or just dates? You hadn’t said this was a date. And what if one of your family members answered the door? He let out a breath and opened the car door before he could stop himself. He walked up to the door and knocked. He waited almost a moment too long, beginning to contemplate going back to the car and texting you when you opened the door grinning. You were actually really excited to hang out with JJ and get to know him more without homework and studying. You had enjoyed his company over the semester. JJ smiled and felt relief when you appeared and then suddenly felt self conscious. You looked exactly like yourself and he was wearing someone else's clothes. So fucking stupid. He tried to push it out of his mind as you greeted each other and he walked you to the Twinkie. As you both almost arrived at the driver's side of the car, he had the idea to open your door for you. He stopped awkwardly and abruptly, confusing you, as he changed direction to go around the front of the van. He opened the door for you and you got in thanking him. You showed little confusion, just a small smile, as you were used to his odd actions at this point. JJ got in the car, turned up the music and began driving. He felt nervous as shit. He spent the entire semester with you and now you were causing him to act like an idiot. And this wasn’t even a date! What was wrong with him? He clutched the top of the steering wheel and glanced over at you quickly before he started speaking.
“So uh I was thinking we could maybe get some food over at The Wreck? That… that cool?”
“Yeah that sounds good,” you responded. JJ didn’t really love the idea of going to the place Kie’s parents owned and she worked there. He’d be surprised if he didn’t see his dumbass best friends there trying to spy on his date. If they all weren’t, Kie would definitely be working there, and have prime position to embarrass him. But she did offer to cover half the bill and it was a hot spot. JJ figured it would look good and maybe earn him another date. Or a first real one actually. God he just hoped he wouldn't blow it. Another date with you, even if only one more sounded like a great deal to JJ, and he needed to do everything possible to make it happen.
You sat in the passenger seat of the van that JJ had informed you was called the Twinkie. The conversation lulled as he drove the car up to your house and in that moment of silence, realization dawned on you. Your brows scrunched as you tried to make sense of the thought that had appeared in your mind. JJput the car in park and you turned to him before he could say anything. You took a breath. 
“JJ? Was this a date?” You asked it with hesitation but more confidence than you expected to come through your words. JJ turned to you, caught off guard, but quickly painted on his signature playful smirk.
“Did you want it to be,” he asks. You almost rolled your eyes. 
“JJ,” you repeated more sternly this time. You really wanted to know his answer. “Was this a date?” His face softened and his expression changed from the confident boy most knew well to almost bashful. You decided you liked that look on him.
“I was kinda hoping it could be.” He looked up at you at the end of his statement and mustering all of his confidence leaned in. It happened quickly. He touched his lips briefly to yours in a soft kiss. It was so delicate that it stole your breath, making you dizzy. He pulled away before you could even process that moment. He looked at you, eyes closed and bottom lip between your teeth to suppress a smile. You took a deep breath in. 
“Definitely a date then.” You opened your eyes slowly.
“That cool with you,” JJ asked, growing nervous. You nodded flashing that smile that JJ already found intoxicating. 
“I’m hoping you can… take me on another one?”
“Yeah of course.”
“Okay,” you said. You leaned over quickly, mirroring his actions, and placed a kiss on his cheek. Just as quickly, you exited the car with one more look back at the boy. With your back to him as you unlocked your door, he let out a cheer before speeding off. You smiled to yourself as you entered your house and JJ grinned his whole way home.
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byersbootyshorts · 2 years
Asking Spencer to be your Valentine
“Spencer, what’s your opinion on Valentine’s Day?” Emily asks. The two of you have been discussing the holiday when Spencer walks in.
“Uh, I don’t really care for it,” Spencer replies. “I think it’s pointless.”
“Pointless? Why?” you question.
“It’s just a big facade for companies to get rich because people are willing to pay insane amounts of money to prove their love for someone,” he explains.
“Well, isn’t Halloween a massive cash grab as well? And we all know you love Halloween,” Emily says.
“That’s different,” Spencer blushes.
“I think the reason you don’t like Valentine’s Day is because you’ve never had anyone to spend it with,” you joke. But Spencer doesn’t find it funny.
“Ok, ha ha, very funny,” he snaps sarcastically, grabbing his bag and sulking towards the door.
You furrow your brows at Emily. You didn’t realise Spencer would take such offence to your joke. Then again, you didn’t realise that maybe your joke rang true.
You sigh, deciding you need to go and apologise to Spencer. You say a quick goodbye to Emily before rushing out of the office to the parking lot. You catch Spencer just as he’s getting into his car.
“Spence!” You shout, grabbing his attention from across the lot.
He turns around at the sound of his name and you see him sigh when he realises it’s you.
“What?” he asks bluntly.
“I’m sorry,” you say. “I did realise that…” you trail off.
“You didn’t realise that I’m a loner who’s never had a girlfriend?” he finishes your sentence.
“No, I mean- I,” you stutter.
“No I get it.” You thought Spencer would be angry, but he just sounds sad. “It’s fine. See you tomorrow.”
Spencer starts climbing into his car. He’s about to slam the door when you grab it.
“No wait,” you say pulling the door back open. You stare into Spencer’s eyes in silence for a moment. “I’m not going to let you be alone this time.”
“Don’t you have a date or something?” Spencer asks.
“Spence, you’re not the only one who hates Valentine’s Day because they don’t have someone to spend it with.”
Spencer smiles up at you, his eyes softening.
“Are you saying you want me to be your Valentine?” he smirks.
“Oh, shut up,” you scoff. “Now, can I get in the car or not?”
Spencer tilts his head, motioning to the passenger seat. You quickly walk to the other side of the car and climb in.
“So, where are we going?” you ask.
“Somewhere that’s not filled with love hearts, sappy love songs and couples making out,” Spencer suggests.
“Hmm,” you think for a moment. “My bedroom is pretty dark and gloomy. Although I can’t guarantee there’ll be no making out,” you smirk, placing your hand lightly on Spencer’s thigh.
“Sounds perfect,” Spencer beams, his heart racing at the thought of what’s to come.
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footballffbarbiex · 1 year
Blank Space. Chapter One
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player: antoine griezmann words: 1214 summary: being a single mom isn’t easy, more so when it’s plus one season and invites are through your door on a monthly basis but with no-one to take. Tired of the pitying glances and coming up with excuses, you decide that a plus one is just for the night, and that can be bought. But what if that hourly booking isn’t enough, but the boyfriend experience comes at too much of a cost? series warnings: sex work (male escort), single mom client, swearing bc it's me, unrequited love (OR IS IT?), angst (bc apparently i like to put Anto through the fucking wringer.) probably more but i can't think straight rn.
I can’t remember if I shared this here, but I’m really excited for this series. Lemme know what you think. 
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The door has barely had time to close when you’re already dropping your bag to the floor and shrugging out of your coat. You toe your shoes off, knowing that you’ll hate yourself a little tomorrow when you see the creases in the back of them but you’re too tired from work to care right now. You scoop your bag back up and drape it over a coat hook before scooping up today’s post from the doormat and heading down the hallway and flicking on the heating without missing a step.
James won’t be home for a while, the childminder isn’t due for another two hours, giving you the chance to finish off dinner and get a bath ready for him. Stepping into the kitchen, you breathe in the scent of the contents of the slow cooker and the rumbling in your stomach reminds you of the lunch that you skipped earlier. Skipped or forgot because you were so rushed off your feet? No matter the reason, the result is still the same and this has you reaching for a snack while you check over the envelopes and leaflets that have come.
Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash.
They fall to the counter top one by one as you look over them. Some are promising guaranteed credit card acceptance with an extortionately high APR, some are designed to look like letters but are concealing house buying promises from estate agents. A few are small booklets with the latest deals from stores begging for you to spend money. And one, in a carefully tied envelope that can only mean one thing.
You pause chewing as you turn it over, the edges perfectly sealed but the bottom of the envelope flap has been secured anyway with a small return address sticker. You knew because of the handwriting on the front and your stomach drops at the thought of attending another event alone. It’s opened within seconds, a careful slice to the top with a knife, even though you have a letter opener somewhere that your neighbour gave you after she saw you do exactly this.
You scan the information, take in the intricate details and know that these were professionally made. Not that you expected anything different, the bride-to-be had always been anal about details and making sure everything was just so, the wedding would be no different. The wedding invite falls on top of the pile and you push away from the counter as you debate what to do.
Of course stepping through the doors is easy. Mixing with others, especially those that you know, is simple. But summoning the energy, putting on a fake smile when people ask “so, bring a plus one?” and you can see the hope in their eyes that you’re bringing someone who isn’t a friend? That takes some doing. Having to explain why you haven’t yet found that “special someone” is draining. It’s not that you’re not happy for those whose weddings or baby showers you’re invited to, it’s the constant justification of why you’re surviving without a man.
You’re too hungry to think about this on an empty stomach and the need to get out today’s clothes is strong.
With dinner consumed and your favourite glass of wine in hand, you’re browsing every streaming site you subscribe to. James is sleeping soundly upstairs, his heavy breathing borderlining a gentle snore. He’d come home, boisterous, loud and chaotic in all the ways a little boy can be. He’d returned home with tales from nursery, little things that had made him laugh and stories he’d wanted to remember tell you. He’d gobbled up his food, his feet swinging in the gap between the seat and the floor. He’d barely left anything on his plate, slurped up his juice before playing a little before it was time for bed.
After kisses, cuddles and with a nighttime story read, James had fallen asleep before you’d reached the last page. You’d brushed his hair aside and given him a kiss on his forehead before ensuring he was fully tucked up and asleep before making your way back downstairs and getting comfortable on the sofa.
Selecting something as more background noise than anything, your mind drifts back to the invite. You weigh up the pros and cons of both attending and refusing to go. Both have their own perks, but very different outcomes. One would leave you feeling almost less than a person, again, and the other would leave you happy to be at home but judged and most likely shunned from any events in the future - even if you had someone to accompany you.
Humour, almost sarcastically really, has you reaching for your phone and loading up the web browser and typing “where to loan a plus one”.
You didn’t believe for a second that you’d get an actual hit. Of course, almost everything has a result, but more often than not it’s not what you want. But instead, you find yourself with several pages of results and all of a similar nature. You weren’t a prude or at the thought of being behind by several decades, but you hadn’t expected to see the options for this kind of question being from escort agencies.
Intrigue had you clicking and reading over the information there. Some of it was new. You’d genuinely believed that booking an escort was mostly for one thing. Here it details many different options and prices, ranging from hourly rates, 6 hour blocks, overnight stays which can include “the relationship package”, or dates.
You found yourself clicking on what counted as a date and found that many bookings, for all their escorts, were for work events, weddings and anything else that required a plus one. You’d never considered this as a possibility. Didn’t know if you were considering this as an option now. Wouldn’t it be easier to just not go than pay for someone to pretend they’re interested in you?
You’re already here so there’s no harm in clicking on a few profiles as you hypothetically pick out a date. You can see why people would pay for these men, they were beautiful. On their profiles, they have sections which state their expertise. Some are given glowing reviews for their boyfriend experiences, for their ability to put their clients at ease. Some are incredible with their hands or mouth, some exceed in oral. Some are listed as “above average” and some have preference for plus size. There was truly something for everyone. In a way, there was too much choice.
You’re about to click off when a picture gets your attention. Blue eyes under beautiful lashes. Soft dark blonde hair that begs to be touched. A kind and handsome face which, as you flick through the available pictures for him, turns into far more gorgeous when he smiles. His reviews were good. Better than good. He was the perfect choice for a boyfriend experience, would always be on time for event plus ones and took the time to do his research for them - not wanting to leave anything to chance and reveal that this was a very different situation to what you’d claimed you would imagine.
You weren’t considering it before, but this man, this profile, it made you question everything.
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prrism · 2 years
This is what currently dominates my mind and I am not sorry for it
First Night Home
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part ?
Summary: After returning from your trip to the Nether and a small “hiccup” on the road, you bring Techno home and help him settle into his new surroundings…
Characters: Techno x Reader
Relationship: platonic/parental
Pronouns: unspecified/kept neutral
“Was I really gone that long? Oh man, I was supposed to give something to Phil...” You trail off as you stepping out of the portal, looking up at the star filled sky, a small whine pulls you from your thoughts to the literal child you had resting in your arms. “Feeling a little portal dizzy? It’s okay, everyone does the first few times, you’ll get used to it.” You reassure, staying in place as to not overwhelm him in movement. After a minute Techno finally lifts his head off your shoulder and has a look around for the first time, eyes growing wide and curious as he looked at his new, moonlit surroundings, you stifle a chuckle at his expression. “If you think this is nice, just wait until daytime.”
Adjusting your grip on him you start making your way back home, figuring any errands you still had could be dealt with tomorrow. You kept your pace even, giving the hybrid a chance to grow at least a little familiar to his new surroundings, then came your first obstacle as the sounds of rattling bones and zombie groans echoed around you.
“Oh I don’t have time for this.” You near hiss, looking back to Techno who seemed to have caught on to your change in demeanour since he too was staring daggers at the approaching mobs. Ducking out of the way of an arrow you set Techno down and turn around. “Climb on my back and hold on as tightly as you can, okay. We’re going for a bit of a run from here.” He does as you instruct and with one hand keeping him in place and the other a quick sweep of your sword to knock the mobs back you dash off as fast as you can…
A sigh of relief leaves you when you see your house come into view, fully relaxing when you step inside and close the door. Crouching down you let Techno off your back before standing and flipping a switch, the glow stone lamps flickering to life, illuminating the room. The hybrid’s eyes are instantly wandering the area, taking everything he could in.
“I suppose you aren’t accustomed to all the thing the Overworld had to offer. Well we can take things a little slow tonight, don’t want to completely overwhelm you.” You chuckle lightly. “How about we start with some dinner? I’m sure you must be hungry after today.” With that you head into the kitchen, leaving Techno to his wonderment in the living room, after a while you hear him shuffle his way into the kitchen. “Why don’t you take a seat, dinner isn’t completely ready yet but you can start with this while I finish.” You place down a plate, it was here you realized just how short he was as he struggles a little to climb onto the chair, and you could see dust and debris from things like netherwart and soul sand shake off him to the floor as he does. He does manage to climb up on his own, staring at the plate of food warily, it makes you chuckle. “What? Never seen a baked potato before?… actually no I guess you haven’t… give it a try, I know it’s not like the food you have in the Nether but I guarantee it’s just as good, if not better.” Still a bit cautious, Techno takes a small bite out of the baked potato, his eyes practically turn into stars with how they light up, before you know it the item is scarfed down and he’s holding his plate up, asking for more with a happy squeal.
“I take it you liked it?” You ask sarcastically. “You’re lucky I made extra.” You set another baked potato on his plate as well as the now ready steak. The potato’s gone in an instant while he gives the steak a curious look. You hum in amusement while munching away at your own dinner, it was funny and adorable just watching Techno figure out regular Overworld things. Getting a better look at Techno you can see that he looked around Wilbur’s age, this actually works in your favour since you needed to find some form of clothing better then the rags he’s been wearing for who knows how long, but again probably something best left saved for tomorrow. Besides…
“I really need to give you a bath.” You mumble aloud, catching the hybrid’s attention, you wave it off for now while finishing up with dinner. Once you are done you set the dishes aside and grab a bucket to fill with warm water. Setting it down you watch Techno examine the contents. “This is water. Being from the Nether I know you’ve never seen it before, but it’s a thousand times safer then lava. Watch.” You then dip your hand into the bucket, getting a small laugh out of Techno’s shocked reaction when you pull your hand out unscathed. “See, harmless. Wanna try?” He edges closer and despite the brave look he puts on you can see the hesitance in his eyes as he reaches into the bucket, pleasantly surprised that nothing happens he begins playing a bit with the water, quickly dirtying it with all the dirt washing off of him.
It’s a slow process, but with several buckets of fresh water, rag in hand and some minor protests you manage to clean the child of any last bits of dirt and dust. His hair was still a rats nest but it was considerably softer and slightly less matted, now you just had to brush it out. Easier said then done, Techno kept swatting at the brush whenever you’d get to particularly hard to brush spots, but that too is eventually conquered and he’s looking much better.
“Now doesn’t that feel better, being cleaned up?” You ask, getting a yawn in response. “Yeah it is pretty late, isn’t it. Alright…” You trail off, not having fully thought about where Techno would be sleeping. “Let’s see, I could pull out a few extra blankets and you can sleep on the couch for now… or I guess I could and you can have the bed tonight?” You sit back on the couch while you try to figure out what to do. You’re pulled out of your thoughts by the weight suddenly placed on your legs, looking down at the hybrid who had changed back into a piglin as he curls up against you. You sigh softly noticing that the work you put in to clean him had transferred over into his piglin form, his fur a lot brighter and softer. “Alright, i guess that settles that.” You murmur picking him up and carrying him to bed, wrapping a protective arm around him as you drift off to sleep with the thoughts of what tomorrow will bring.
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caffedrine · 2 years
While I'd normally put a disclaimer about this being a quick and dirty summary - I'll level with you. These are my two favorite chapters in Gilbert's route. I went a little hammy on them, but they are just so well done. If these chapters don't convince you to like Gilbert's route, nothing will.
This very short summary of chapters 17-18, I do not do them justice. They are absolutely amazing.
Lots of spoilers, I'm leaving out a lot of information, and there's no guarantee that it's accurate.
I made it so that I could follow along with the plot, keep track of the mysteries, and a few of the interesting scenes.
Spoilers for Gilbert's route
Spoilers, Spoilers, Spoilers
Gilbert finds Emma in her room drying off from a bath, because what are doors even for these days? To be fair, he does come in from her balcony. He notices that Emma is still drying off from her bath, and magically produces a dry cloth from seemingly nowhere, has her sit, and begins drying her hair himself. He had to come in through the balcony instead of the door because he was afraid of her adoptive father, the bookstore owner, Akatsuki, would find him and kill him. To be fair, that is exactly what Akatsuki intends to do. Right now, Akatsuki is talking with Sariel about the situation, having him explain to Akatsuki where they went so wrong with Emma’s safety. They were still ‘talking’ when Emma left to prepare for bed.
Gilbert thinks that Akatsuki is here to remove Emma from the court and will try to make her give up her role as ‘Belle’. Emma considers this briefly before deciding that she won’t leave. Even though her goal to bring Gilbert into the warmth of humanity is even farther away than when she started, she won’t give up. Gilbert tells her that her lofty ideals of peace through dialogue are very nice but ultimately unachievable. In the end, the only way the world will change is through violence. Emma thinks about the black rose Gilbert gave her, and what it means to be ‘dyed black’. She tells Gilbert that if no one tries, then there will be no chance of a better tomorrow. She hasn’t tried everything yet, so she won’t give up on him.
Gilbert warns her that the higher and loftier her goal is, the heavy the price she will have to pay. Is she ready to lose absolutely everything? Will she pay the final price? Emma returns that she has no idea what price her goals will cost, but Gilbert just calls her a liar. She knows, somewhere in her subconscious, she’s just refusing to look at it. Gilbert finishes drying her hair and settles down on her bed. Emma tells him to leave, and Gilbert pouts – she just talked about not running away from him and now she’s kicking him out? After all those times he played host to her at night in his room?
Besides, Gilbert wants to have a sleepover.
As if he didn’t care that Emma is gaping at him, Gilbert reclines down on her bed telling her that it’s fine, aren’t they friends? Oh, but does this mean that she’s aware of him as a potential romantic partner? Well, either way, Gilbert isn’t getting out of her bed now. Knowing Gilbert, and his policy of ‘participate or be forced to participate’ in his whims, Emma tries to compromise by setting a pillow on her couch. As she settles down, she suddenly finds Gilbert next to her, also settling down on the couch. It’s a sleepover, they’re supposed to sleep in the same place. Since Emma can’t bear to make a distinguished guest sleep on the sofa, they wind up returning to the bed. Gilbert then gets super cuddly; he reminds her of the first secret he shared with her; he gets cold and likes to cuddle up to warm people. He muses that it’s very cold in Obsidian, he’d just love to take her home with him.  
As Emma lies miserably in Gilbert’s arms, he mentions that he is thinking about participating in the 4-nation talks tomorrow. Emma quickly recalls the history – there has been no official news one way or another from Obsidian in the past ten years. The reason they agreed to host Gilbert was specifically to open a dialogue with him, and possibly come to an agreement with Obsidian. Gilbert explains that he has been declining to attend the meetings because he was too busy helping Emma, but the situation has changed. He’s decided that after ten years, he wants to establish a peaceful, happy relationship with her country. Everyone will rejoice at the news.
While this is what Emma wants to hear, she recalls what Gilbert told her about his movements on the battlefield ten years ago. He had been observing so that he could plan his future invasion of Rhodolite. What is the trap he’s laying now? Next to her, Gilbert’s body remains as cold as it ever has.
Later that night, Roderich climbs up on Emma’s balcony only to find Gilbert already there, standing over a corpse. Gilbert takes off his bloodstained gloves and tosses them near the corpse, and then pulls out a fresh pair. He asks Roderich to handle the cleanup. Roderich passed by Rhodolite soldiers on the way up here, they have the assassin’s accomplices already captured. But they must be sloppy if they let one get through. Gilbert disagrees, it’s Cyran who’s handling the security detail, he probably accounted for Gilbert’s presence. Or, maybe it was Chevalier’s idea to let this one through. Gilbert looks at the corpse and recognizes him as someone who was following Emma since this morning. Gilbert understands, Rhodolite has a lot of foolish people. To be fair, Obsidian has the same problem. Probably, all the countries are similar in this way.
Gilbert tells Roderich that the plan has changed. A lot. He can’t help it, it’s too fun spending time with Emma. Roderich promises to follow his decision.
The next day, Emma wakes up alone in her room, and is brought to Sariel’s office where Jin and Akatsuki are waiting for her. Sariel himself is participating, along with Leon and Chevalier in the surprise 4-nation talk being held that morning. Unusually Jin is somber and borderline morose as he explains the situation to Emma.
Thanks to the stunt Gilbert pulled during the White Rose Day Ceremony, all the ministers in the castle are against her. She’s about a day away from being put on trial as an Obsidian spy, and her identity will be independently investigated. When it comes to light that she’s Belle and the King’s dead, the anti-royalists will incite a civil war. So, in order to prevent a civil war and protect her, they’re going to send her through Benitoite and across the sea to Acroite with Akatsuki. The princes will write them a letter of introduction, immigration will not be easy but it will be possible.
Emma hates that Jin and Akatsuki are presenting this to her like they’ve already decided it. She reminds them that if she suddenly disappears, Gilbert will probably attack Rhodolite. Jin assures her that if Gilbert really wanted to attack Rhodolite, it wouldn’t matter if she was there or not. As for the King Selection – while all the rose petals haven’t fallen, she kind of needs to make her decision right now. He already has the certificate signed by Sariel waiting for her.
Well, okay then. She now has no excuse to stay in Rhodolite.
Jin apologizes, it’s because of them that her life is now in ruins. Even though they promised to protect her, in the end, the only way they can actually protect her is by sending her into exile somewhere else. Emma disagrees, thinking that she is also culpable in this. Maybe if she had been smarter, or made a different choice somewhere, it wouldn’t have come to this. She thinks about her last conversation with Gilbert, the promises she has made, and how it’s now impossible. Wetting a quill pen, Emma bends down to write a name on the certificate.
Suddenly Leon bursts into the room, doors banging against the walls, almost out of breath. He shouts at Emma to get the hell out of the castle right now. Now! NOW!!!! Why is she just standing there with her mouth open when there’s a perfectly serviceable window that she can jump out of behind her? Also, get the fuck out of Rhodolite city in 5 seconds. Don’t stop and get anything, the clothes on Emma’s back are just fine. LEAVE!!!
Clavis and an extremely apologetic-looking Cyran appear behind Leon and tell him to stop, it’s already too late. They’ve received their orders from the leadership, they can’t let Emma go anymore. Jin asks Leon to explain what all of this is about, and Leon tells them that the 4-nation meeting just sold Emma to Gilbert.
Leon describes the meeting; Silvio bitching that they’re suddenly at the whims of Gilbert’s schedule, and Keith awkwardly saying that while his nation wishes to remain neutral, he needs to make sure its voice is heard. He is also pleased that Obsidian, who has never responded to Jade’s continued request for official talks, is now willing to talk. Chevalier and Sariel are sitting with Leon on the side of Rhodolite, and Sariel begins the talk wanting to discuss Obsidian’s military movements.
First of all, what are Obsidian’s intentions with invading other countries? Gilbert replies that their large-scale invasions are a thing of the past, the countries they’ve acquired all agreed to be annexed peacefully. Chevalier notes that the ‘peaceful annexations’ happened after Obsidian flexed its military might. Gilbert explains that it’s all rumors and misunderstandings.
Silvio decides to cut in, he doesn’t care to go over past wounds, and he doesn’t care for idle talk. Benitoite’s demands are for a non-aggression pact and cooperative commercial development between the four countries. They also want to have open access to diplomatic channels. Chevalier seems to appreciate Silvio’s ‘cut to the chase’ approach and adds that in addition, they would like to lift mutual economic sanctions between them and Obsidian.
While Jade wants to remain neutral, Keith would like free trade to occur between the four nations. As for nonaggression pacts – depending on what is being offered, Jade may be willing to make some concessions. In Keith’s personal, not official opinion, he would like Jade to be part of the non-aggression pact. The entire room turns to Gilbert and waits for his response – the proverbial gauntlet of challenge thrown.
Gilbert smiles. He will accept their conditions.
After a silence that lasted at least ten years, Sariel asks if he means that he’s accepting everything.
Gilbert is saying exactly that.
He will happily make it clear that Obsidian will not engage in aggressive movements toward any of the countries here today. He approves of the idea of cooperative commercial development; right now, Obsidian’s industry is closed off, and it will one day reach its limits. What reason does he have to turn down an offer that benefits his country?
Also, Obsidian has many things to trade with. If he recalls correctly, Obsidian mines produce gemstones that are prized in the Rhodolite and Benitoite economies.
Silvio pokes at the implications of what Gilbert is saying, he asks what Gilbert’s conditions are. Gilbert assures him that it’s an easy condition that they will happily accept. Once upon a time, as a gesture of goodwill and friendship, Obsidian sent one of their highest-ranked Princesses, the Lady Kloss, to Rhodolite as a hostage. And what happened? Rhodolite betrayed Obsidian. Leon points out that Obsidian made ridiculous demands in return, but Gilbert just reminds him that Obsidian is agreeing to give them all exactly what they want. He just wants a guarantee in return. Chevalier asks what kind of guarantee a hostage can give him.
Gilbert admits that hostages have never swayed Chevalier one way or another, but for everyone else in the room, it’s different. Just look at Leon’s face.
Sariel turns and tries to calm Leon down, but Leon ignores him. He refuses to sell Rhodolite’s citizens for political favors.
Gilbert shrugs, that’s a shame, and now Obsidian must bare its fangs. He asks Chevalier to confirm what he knows about Obsidian’s military capabilities. Chevalier, now the center of attention, sighs in defeat. He tells them that if Obsidian went all out; even if Jade, Benitoite, and Rhodolite all combined their military strength, they will be defeated. Gilbert was able to demonstrate to him that Obsidian’s engineering is far more advanced than they had speculated. In terms of weapon power, resources, and soldiers, they are completely superior.
Chevalier adds that their commanders and strategists are still very poor and disorganized, but Gilbert disagrees. Obsidian’s strategists and commanders were very poor . . . ten years ago. He’s found ways to ‘reeducate’ those idiots.
If the three nations here rebuff Obsidian’s friendly overtures, he will unleash the Obsidian military host on all of them and raze them to the ground. But, if they agree to give him his hostage, he will agree to everything they want.
Warily, Keith asks whom Gilbert wants as his hostage. Gilbert smiles and tells Keith that he already knows the answer: the woman from the ceremony.
Leon isn’t an idiot, so he doesn’t need to look at Keith’s or Silvio’s faces to know what their decision is. He also doesn’t need to reminisce on what Chevalier, who famously let 1,000 hostages die for the ‘good of the nation’ will decide. Instead, he sprints out of the room.
Which brings us to now.
Well, while Clavis wasn’t at the meeting, he can guess how it ended since Chevalier had instructed him and Cyran to apprehend Emma a few moments ago. Of course, Clavis is a gentleman, and he refuses to harm women out of principle. And, if that’s not enough, he absolutely hates following Chevalier’s orders. He asks Emma what she wants to do.
Leon promises her that Rhodolite is full of smart, resourceful princes, and they will figure this out. She can leave and be free. Don’t worry about the good of Rhodolite, worry about herself for once.
Emma thinks about the conversation she had with Gilbert the previous night. He had talked about the price she must pay for ideals, and now he was laying it out in front of her. Trade agreements and non-aggression pacts had nothing to do with them. This was his challenge, will she stay true to ideals or run away from them before doing everything she can?
She also wonders about what Gilbert is really doing. Obsidian law is that the Emperor’s will is the law. Maybe everything that Gilbert has done, everything he is doing right now is from instructions from the Emperor. Maybe everyone is focused on Gilbert as the villain in front of them while the real villain hides behind him.
Emma tells Clavis that she will go with him and stay in Rhodolite.
Akatsuki tells Emma that he understands.
This is her choice and her decision. He tells her that she famously never took any vacation time off from working at his store, so he’s going to consider this her using her accrued vacation. She can go and have fun in Obsidian, but when her vacation is over, he expects her back.
Time passes with Emma in ‘protective custody’ while talks are concluded. Gilbert’s demand was for Emma to be handed over to him immediately upon the conclusion, and since it was actually safer for her to be outside of Rhodolite, no one argued the point. She was transported to a territory managed by Clavis bordering Obsidian while waiting for the handoff.
Unlike Silvio and Keith, Gilbert didn’t have an entourage. Instead, when he came for her, all he had was a carriage and a driver with a black cloak pulled low over his face. They make their way into Obsidian, and before long, Emma is in the capital city, just outside of Obsidian’s Castle’s gates.
Gilbert helpfully gives her the history of this area; this is the Mad Emperor’s favorite place to conduct public executions. There were times when the castle wall was covered with heads on pikes.
The soldiers lining up the road to the gate are all in strict formation and all salute as Gilbert and Emma pass. Gilbert tells Emma that he sent ahead her request to visit the Emperor, and he has received word that she will be received immediately upon her arrival. He asks why she wants to meet with the Bloodthirsty Emperor.
Emma recalls what happened just before she was handed over to Gilbert. Chevalier had suddenly appeared in the mansion and spoke with her.
Gilbert’s promise of a non-aggression treaty and commerce and trade are useless. Obsidian will attack them if it wants to, trade with them if it wants to, or completely close its borders if it wants to. The non-aggression treaty just cuts bureaucratic tape between Jade, Benitoite and Rhodolite if Obsidian reneges on its promises; to Chevalier the words are not worth the ink they were used to be written.
He wants Emma to go to Obsidian for a different reason. While they have scouts along the border territories, no one has managed to penetrate to the central district of Obsidian. They know nothing about what it’s like inside. And now Emma is going to the heart of Obsidian.
Chevalier calls for Lucien, and Emma recognizes him from the very brief moment they met. He’s a young man with long hair wearing an elite guard uniform, also sporting a pin with Chevalier’s personal seal. Lucien is going to follow Emma and Gilbert into Obsidian. He probably won’t be able to enter the castle, but he will be in the city. If Emma is truly in danger, she needs to somehow get into the city and look at the sky, and Lucien will help her.
Meanwhile, Chevalier has some things Emma needs to discover. The first thing: The Emperor of Obsidian hasn’t been seen on the battlefield for ten years, nor has he been hosted by the borderland lords. What happened to him and where is he?
Back at the present, Emma tells Gilbert that she’s officially Rhodolite’s hostage, surrendered to Obsidian as a sign of goodwill. It’s only proper that she formally introduces herself to the Emperor.
Gilbert understands that Emma feels that she must do it, but has he not already warned her? The Mad Emperor is violent and bloodthirsty. If she says the wrong word, Emma will be killed on the spot no matter what status she has. Even Gilbert doesn’t know what the right and wrong words for her to say are.
If Emma still insists, she should also know; the Emperor doesn’t hold audiences. He has never officially welcomed anyone, never officially met with any delegation no matter how high-ranked they were.
But Emma is special. So special that Gilbert is willing to use his special connections to give her a very brief audience the moment they arrive. Really, she should feel grateful to him.
When they enter the castle, Gilbert takes her to a room devoid of anyone else. There’s a blood-red carpet leading up a stairway to an ornate, empty throne, high enough that Emma has to crane her neck to look at it. Gilbert leaves her side.
He walks up the stairs, step by step, his humanity fading away the higher he gets until Emma thinks she can’t recognize him as him anymore. Gilbert sits on the throne, slouching a little and crossing his legs at the knee.
Gilbert officially welcomes her to Obsidian and asks if she has any words she would like to say to the Emperor.
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sexwithamanda · 3 months
I finished “The Nightingale”
and now I’m in awe.
Episode #62624
Now, I’m not one to leave a review for a book. But this book is LONG. and by long, I mean insanely long.
It has almost 600 pages and I sobbed so hard in my favorite boba tea place and I had to leave. I want to cry now just thinking about it. This author intertwines you into the lives of these characters and you fall in love, you cry, you laugh, and most of all you feel all the emotions you are supposed to feel especially with a topic as heavy as the holocaust.
It happened not that long ago but everyone tends to believe it was longer. It was like 80 years ago.
ONLY 80 years ago, like come again.
This is what humans did to other humans.
WHAT the actual flying duck what.
I don’t know if I could’ve been as strong as some of these amazing survivors. Life was so depressing, nothing to live for, nothing to look forward to.
I felt so drained and upset but so happy that this book was made. We need to talk about it.
I feel like and I know that the more that something is talked about the better understanding it becomes, the more people learn about it, and the more people will be aware that something like this CANNOT happen again.
And still similar things are happening in a reality that I don’t know myself. I am fortunate to live a life where I don’t worry about where my food is coming from, if I’ll be able to have a roof over my head, and the blessing I have to go to work without a bomb blasting me.
It’s terrifying that a reality existed for so many people where they don’t know what is in there future or the slightest idea of what will happen to them tomorrow.
We see that now in poverty, homelessness, in the WAR between Israel and Palestine because in reality that is what it is.
People don’t want to call things what they are because of the uncertainty or the uncomfortably it brings them but saying what things are, not tiptoeing around the fact that as bystanders looking in. We don’t know exactly what is happening there without actually being there. Without people who are living it in the now are reporting it to us.
There are so many hardships that people face regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation that you or I won’t ever have to face because of the place we are in, and we still might endure it because of those things but I feel so blessed to live in a place that is not at war (at least right now).
I say this all to say, please kiss, love, hug, thank, and be around people the reciprocate the energy and beauty of loving unconditionally.
Life is too short and at the risk that it could be shorten at anytime, do yourself a favor and do everything more.
Love more.
Be present more.
Laugh more.
Just be more than the day before.
Life isn’t guaranteed.
Please do what you can to live your life to the fullest.
On that note, I will take a long awaited nap.
Sometimes you just need to sleep more.
Mahal Kita
Amanda 🫶🏻
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makur0 · 2 years
Terminate him.
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synopsis — they were worried that you would never be the same after... that, especially since you were so close to offing yourself. but you manage to come back, as bold as ever. they miss your old self though. [platonic! five eccentrics x amab! reader] PART TWO
content warnings — sfw, small angst, df! madara + kohaku, oc inserts, possibly innacurate lore
author’s note — i have risen!! also part three is guaranteed, i want to finish this (macabre chronicles? never heard of her)
word count — 1876
(one - two - three)
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Madara Mikejiima looked up from his magazine, curious green eyes greeting Kohaku Oukawa as he walked into the Double Face practice room. “Hm?”
The younger didn’t look amused, in fact displeased as he threw the folder onto Madara’s lap. “A new unit in RythLin is going to be introduced tomorrow night?”
“Already-?” The brunette bit off, heaving a sigh. “Ah, Saegusa. Hm…?”
“I’ve never heard of these people,” Kohaku said, taking a seat next to his leader. “But apparently they’re allied with the Gatekeeper, allegedly one of the Godfather’s men.”
“Godfather, huh,” He hummed, his eyes narrowing. “Hisui- Furoido… yeah, never heard of th–!?”
Madara’s grip tightened substantially, easily ripping one of the documents in his clenched fist. Kohaku blinked, surprised at his sudden behavior. “Madara-han?”
You’re kidding…
“A-ah…” He forced a smile, his attempt at reassuring the younger idol turning futile. “Everything’s fine, Kohaku-san! Nothing to worry about!”
“Bullshit,” Kohaku cursed, catching Madara off guard. “It’s the third guy ain’t it. [name].”
He sighed. “Yeah, him. He’s from Yumenosaki… at least, he was. Have ya ever heard of the Oddballs?”
Kohaku let out a noise. “Mmm, yeah, from Love-han. They were like weird amazing idols, right?”
Madara nodded. “Yup. [name] was a part of them, but definitely the most inferior one. But why is he back…?”
He shook that thought off, flipping through the other documents. “Caerula… hmm. How were they able to get into the strongest agency undercover? Doesn’t fall into line.”
“That’s why Vice Prez-han wants us to take a look at it,” Kohaku said. “He said the same thing. We also need to be careful though, because I don’t think Hasumi-han or Rei-han know about this…”
They don’t? Madara thought, alarms going off in his head. “Well, this is not good.”
“It isn’t,” Kohaku agreed immediately. “I know little about these people, but judging from the simple background they’re dangerous. I mean, look at Crazy:B. We had the ‘help’ of Ibara-han, but we barely survived. Look at Caerula, they’re already sold out for their debut Live tomorrow.”
“We’ll go to their Live then,” Madara decided. “We’ll gather more information.”
The pink-haired male shrugged. “Sounds reasonable.”
“Everything is going according to plan, Boss.”
A slouched over Furoido crept out of the shadows, taking his place next to the well-mannered Hisui. Behind them you were sitting in a lounge chair scrolling through your phone casually. At his report your eyes shot up, a curious glint in them.
A ghost of a smile swept across your face, standing up and walking in between the other two members. “Good, very good… are they seated near each other?”
“Near enough to converse, but far enough to not realize their position yet,” Hisui bowed slightly. “And of course, seated near the front so you can watch their expressions.”
“Excellent.” You threaded your fingers together, doing a final check in the closest mirror. A confident, coy face stared back at you, eyes cold and calculating. 
You mentally chuckled. The scared innocent expression seemed like it was worn eons ago. 
“[name],” One of the stage crew members walked up to the trio. “You’re up in a minute.”
“Thank you,” You waved a hand dismissively. “Tell everyone to get into their positions. I want this Live to be perfect.”
Furoido whistled, giving you an impressed glance. “Geez, what did it take, four months for us to get up to this? Yer really dedicated, aren’tcha.”
“Of course I am,” You responded indifferently, messing with your cuffs boredly. “This is a chance of a lifetime for me. From this point on I’m going to shoot down every single one of them.”
Sighing, you stepped up into the wing. “It’s just a matter of time before I’m ruling Ensemble Square.”
You scanned the crowd, your heart jumping a bit at the sight of a few certain faces before shoving it down with a scoff. As you continued, you noticed two people standing in the corner, the shadows enveloping them.
Double Face… you narrowed your eyes into slits. Well, this makes it hard. No matter.
The stage crew leader shot you a look and you nodded slightly, straightening your tie and finally stepping out onto the stage, submerged in an aqua light. 
Cheers flowed out of the crowd, greeting the new face. You merely smiled and waved back at them, “Hello, Hello everyone~”
You threw your arms open, making the audience roar out. “Thank you for opening the doors for us! From the bottom of my heart I will remember your gratitude and generosity towards us, Caerula.”
As you bowed deeply, you snuck a glance at the five. Hmm. It seems Sakuma has recognized me already.
The said male looked as pale as ever, his mouth open as his red eyes looked shocked and horrified. Kanata and Wataru had found each other and were sitting next to each other, still naive to the fact that in front of them was an old ‘friend’. Natsume had his eyebrows furrowed, staring you down, and of course Shu was working on some sewing in his lap.
“Let us perform for you,” You continued, standing straight again. “Before we properly introduce ourselves.
And learn of the new danger to you all.
“How will we greet [name] when he comes back?”
The… Five Eccentrics sat with each other in an empty classroom, well after school hours. Shu scoffed half-heartedly at Wataru’s question, rolling his eyes.
“Bold of you to assume he will come back,” he hissed, masking the pain in his voice. Natsume bristled at his tone but Wataru laid a hand on his shoulder, calming him down. 
“Itsuki is ‘right’ though,” Kanata mumbled, his hair still dripping wet, the droplets mixing with his dry tears. “I don’t think he ever ‘will’.”
“We can at least hope,” Rei reasoned, turning back to Wataru. “So why don’t we think about that question?”
“Exactly!” The said male laughed out, clapping his hands together in an attempt to raise the atmosphere of the room. “Hmm~ so I was thinking that I would dedicate a play just for him! To make him feel loved!”
“DramatizING your apology foR him instead of verbalizing it directLY to him is rude, SenPAI,” Natsume shook his head. “I know it’s in your forTE, but think about [namE].”
“I say strap him against the wall and make him apologize to us for making us so worried!” Shu snapped. “What on earth was he thinking of jumping, non!”
“That’s rather ‘harsh’, Itsuki.”
It was a sort of joke back then, to take our mind off of him to save ourselves.
I never really thought that we would see him again.
Rei couldn’t take his eyes off of your figure, still trying to absorb all this information. Was that really you? You looked so different… so cold. Who were those two people? They rubbed him the wrong way…
“Sakuma.” The said male turned his head slightly, Shu appearing in his peripheral vision. Without another word he stood up from his seat, following the other as he shivered under your piercing gaze.
All five of them were rounded up and heading for the exit, possibly to talk, but were stopped by two familiars: Madara and Kohaku.
“Can’t you see that we’re trying to leave?” Shu said in a harsh whisper, still obviously ruffled. “Let us go!”
“We want to talk with you,” Kohaku said firmly, staring at him right in the eye. “About… them.”
“I don’t want to,” Rei heard Natsume whisper, then Wataru comforting him. 
“...If you insist,” The former said slowly. “But I do apologize that we aren’t at our best right now.”
“I understand,” Madara cut in, his usual smile gone and replaced with a serious look. “But this is important for our new job.”
The group left the auditorium, shutting the door behind them as the crowd erupted into cheers as Caerula wrapped up their performance. Madara led them into a private door, making sure to lock the door behind them as everybody got settled.
Natsume ran into one of the corners, facing his back towards everybody as he furiously tried to hold back tears. Kanata went to comfort the younger idol but relented at Wataru’s glance. 
“First things first, [name]’s working with the Gatekeeper,” Kohaku said, ignoring Madara. “What? They’re our best bet for information.”
The brown-haired male paused, then sighed. “I guess. But do you think that they’ll know who that is?”
“He was one of the Godfather’s followers and trustees,” Kohaku rushed, turning back to Rei. “And works in the SS Administration Committee. We don’t know much about him ourselves, but he’s dangerous.”
“Interesting…” Wataru mused. “He must have been behind that Akehoshi scandal last winter, no?”
I forgot about that.
“Our question is to you, did he know about the Gatekeeper when you guys were still…” Madara faltered. “Close? I didn’t really know [name] back then…”
Shu and Rei shared a look. “Close is a stretch. Yes, we did talk to him once and a while but he was still very closed off. But I wouldn’t think he knew the Gatekeeper at that time.”
“It could be those two awful-looking members with [name],” Shu stated, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “They’re so… unsettling. It’s terrible.”
“We don’t have much background about them too,” Kohaku sighed in defeat. “So [name] is our best bet. But if they’re as bad as you think, that’s definitely not good for us.”
“The role of Double Face is to terminate bad people,” Rei suddenly said, catching everybody’s attention. “Does that mean you’ll terminate Caerula?”
“Then I won’t give you any information,” He coldly said, standing up. Wataru, shocked, stood up along with him but the former waved him off. “As much as he may be doing something to harm the Square, which is not yet confirmed, I will not give you anything to harm [name]. He’s been through enough.”
“If he is a possible threat to the idols,” Kohaku snapped back, his gaze as fierce as ever to the older. “Then I will get rid of him, no matter how broken the person is.”
Red clashed purple, and the two stared down at each other before Madara broke in, trying to laugh it off. “Now now, don’t get too riled up… anywho—”
A small click was heard at the door, and the brunet alarmingly snapped his head to the door, as well as everybody else. As the door slowly opened a familiar head popped in. 
It was Hisui, one of [name]’s members. His unsettling eyes looked up at the group before clicking his tongue.
“Oh, I deeply apologize,” He stepped out of the doorframe, bowing gently. Despite not standing up straight he was indeed tall, possibly taller than Madara. “I did not know that you lot were in here.”
“It’s fine…” Rei tried, clenching his jaw. “A… rather good performance you guys put up.”
“I gladly accept the compliment,” Hisui flashed him a toothy smile, creeping him out. “Now I must go. Forgive me once again for intruding.”
And he left, closing the door behind him.
“I locked that door, I did,” He suddenly lashed out, looking like a cornered animal. “How did he get in so smoothly? How come I didn’t sense him?
…They’re more dangerous than we thought.
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TAGLIST: @procrastination-is-my-profession @5ugarcan3 @ibaraluvr​
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
A Screech in the Night
Ch.11 Thunder and Awe
Other Chapters:
The express runs several times per day on the Uman and Din. Guinevere is the only engine to pull it, as none of the others are strong enough. The Express carries passengers from the ships at Uman to the junction at Din, where it connects with the other railway before returning with people for the great liners.
It is one of the railway's most important trains, and Guinevere takes great pride in being not only on time but early every run.
Which made all the engines concerned one Tuesday when the clock struck 5 till, and the Express was not yet in sight.
Avon waited anxiously at the platform, her train a guaranteed connection with the express. "This isn't normal. Abbey is always here by now."
Screech lazily opened an eye from the siding she was sitting in. "The express is not late yet. She probably had to stop for sheep on the line."
Avon glared, "You know it's more than that. You'd sooner praise the other railway than she would allow herself to be late."
Screech sighed. "If she is not here on time, I will go hunt for her myself."
Avon did not look reassured at this but nodded. Shortly a whistle blew in the distance and Avon finally relaxed.
Screech tensed.
Avon glanced over, "What's wrong Scree.."
She was interrupted by Screech blasting her whistle twice and shooting off down the line toward the express.
Screech thundered a command to the signalman as she shot down the line and out of sight around the bend.
Avon waited anxiously for several minutes. Finally, Screech's whistle sounded as she rounded the bend. As she came into view, it became clear she was pulling both Glastonbury Abbey and the Express while running tender first. She halted the train just as the clock struck time.
The star class was panting tiredly, both crews immediately hopped out and began checking her over.
"Thank you." She said quietly, "I was afraid we weren't gonna make it." She winced as her driver touched a bent piece of the motion.
Gwyn shook his head, " It's no good, your motion is shot with this rod, even if the shop starts now, they won't be finished till tomorrow, and that's if they work through the night.
"But...the Express...." For the first time since Screech had met her, the star seemed utterly lost.
Her driver shook his head, "I'm sorry old girl, even if we had the part already made, we couldn't fit it in time for the return trip. I hate cancelling service, but we don't have anyone to pull it."
Freda slowly stood from beside the stricken express, and dusted her hands off as she regarded Screech thoughtfully, "Actually...we just might at that."
The crews followed her gaze to the bemused giant.
"You are aware I am a goods engine?"
"One that pulled passengers." Freda challenged.
"My sisters more than I did. I wasn't well-liked by passengers even then." Screech confirmed as she shifted uncomfortably.
"Screech, please...," Abbey pleaded.
Screech met her gaze for a long moment then, "Oh blast it all! Alright, I'll pull the train."
The crews and engines broke out in cheers
Her eyes rolled and tendrils shot out, lifting Abbey just off the rails, sans tender.
"Avon be a dear and arrange my coaches while I run our little wounded bird to the shop."
Abbey glanced down bemused, "You know you could have just rolled me there."
"And risk further damage? I think not. I expect you to be on the morning express, and I will be most upset if you are not."
Abbey smirked, "love you too."
Screech glared.
Screech returned from the workshop to find her coaches in order, with passengers waiting on the platform.
The sky had darkened over the sea, lightning crackling over the waves as the storm advanced towards the coast.
"So much for light showers today," Frefa said grimly.
"Are you up to this run Lass?" Gywn asked as he looked over the waves. "That storm looks like it's gonna be a right devil."
"Then you have the right engine," Screech said resolutely before turning to the waiting passengers.
"If you would all be so kind as to find your seats," she purred dangerously, "I would be most upset if we were delayed in our departure."
The passengers fled into the coaches as the whisper cackled.
 She was quickly coupled to the train and the Gwyn fit the express code to her lamp irons, buffeted by the wind as he did so.
"I still do not understand how you do that," Screech grumbled.
Gwyn just smirked up at her, "Cheer up lass, you get to really stretch your wheels this time." He looked grimly to the sea as a gust of wind pushed him again. "Last chance to back out lass. Once when we leave there's nowhere to turn round the express till Din. You ready for this?”
He patted her buffers and walked back to the cab. Seconds after he reached its shelter Screech saw the wall of rain race across the water towards them. It hit with the force of hammers falling from heaven, and the wind surged with it, rocking the train. Even with her lamps on, Gywn and Freda could barely see the rails in front of them. The minutes ticked by as the last passengers raced for the safety of the coaches, the rains falling harder with every minute.
Finally, the signal dropped and the guard waved his lantern, his whistle lost in the howl of the wind. Screech rolled out with a whistle from the relative shelter of the station platform into the storm. 
She rocked as the full force of the wind struck her broadside, water already pouring down her side.
She slowly gained speed as she ran by the seaside, water pouring from the cliffs above her. The rain and wind battered her and the coaches, even soaking Feda and Gwyn in her cab. She thundered down the line, racing for the shelter of the hills past the coast. As she rounded the final bend on the coast, the wind struck her head on, pushing her back and her wheels shrieked as they slipped. Freda went to check her regulator, but Screech roared.
She dug in her wheels and surged forward against the wind, enraged it thought to stop her.
Finally, the track curved away from the coast and up into the hills.
"That's it, lass!" She faintly heard Gwyn call to her, "It'll be easier now!
But it wasn't.
The storm did not take the loss of its prey lightly, lashing out as had not been seen in many a year. The sky darkened to the point of midnight, the rain fell in a seemingly endless wall of water, and the wind surged against her. It shoved against her boiler, curled beneath her frames, and yanked at her side rods and motion, hoping to snatch her from the rails. She curled her tendrils tight around her cab, trying to protect her fragile crew from the worst of the storm.
And still the storm worsened. 
As she sailed down another hill into the wind she was forced to admit to the whisper, 'I can't tell where we are anymore.'
'We are four miles from Henaint.' It answered. 'You worry about pulling the train. I'll keep track of where we are.'
'Thank you.' Screech panted out against the storm.
But still the storm grew stronger.
Trees were uprooted, buildings swayed and collapsed, and in the middle of it all, a lone engine struggled against the storm.
As Screech crested the tallest hill, she felt the wind lift the coach behind her off the rails for a heartbeat, and she finally lost it.
"Enough!" She roared, slamming to a stop on the crest of the hill.
The wind surged around her angrily
Tendril wrapped tightly around Freda and Gwyn, shielding them from what was to come.
The wind surged forth towards the 47xx on top of the tallest hill.
Screech screamed.
A wave even darker than the night around them surged forth, blasting trees, rocks, rain, and wind aside. The scream shattered outwards, blasting away anything in its path...including the storm.
High in the heavens above them, clouds were ripped asunder as the storm was ripped from the skies outward in a circle surrounding the lone engine.
Daylight finally broke through, shining on a battered, weary, but unbeaten express.
Screech panted harshly, relaxing her tendrils from the crew. A moment later she felt Freda's hand rub her cabside.
"Are you alright my dear?"
Screech managed a mirthless chuckle, "I should be asking you that."
"We're fine, just rest and we'll have another engine and..."
"No. I will not let it beat me."
Screech was unsure what time it was when the express arrived at Din, but no one cared, merely relieved to see the train arrive safely.
Debris littered the streets as far as she could see, thankfully most of the buildings in town seemed intact, with the debris instead made up of litter, refuse, and tree limbs. 
Miss Morgan stood waiting at the platform as Screech dragged the train the last few yards.
"Well done." She said quietly. Screech nodded tiredly. Miss Morgan turned to Geyn and Freda.
"Get her to the shed. Enid will take you all back to Uman once the line is confirmed clear."
Screech tiredly puffed into the Din sheds. Enid was waiting worriedly, "are you alright?"
"I'm just tired. I will be fine in the morning."
"Thank Swindon." Enid sighed with relief. "Thank you for covering for Abbey, I know you prefer goods work, and with that storm..."
Screech shrugged, "We help where we are needed, that's the great western way."
Enid snorted in dry agreement, "Just so, I have no idea what we'll do when you eventually leave."
Screech was saved from answering by the arrival of 1401, and Enid's enthusiastic greeting to the 14xx
Screech was grateful for the reprieve for Enid's words had given her a realisation,
'I don't want to leave.'
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the-clari-net · 2 years
After Johnny 13 romanced the pants off of one unknowing Jazz Fenton, Jazz has been frustrated to say the least. She continues to think about how she let herself get lead on so badly like that. Everything in her mind understands that nothing that happened was her fault.
Nevertheless, Jazz wants to be better, she wants to be less vulnerable.
She wants to fight.
Her mom showed Jazz self defense moves, but even so, Jazz felt it wasn’t enough. She wants to make it so that no one can come that close to her again unless she allows it. She wants to be prepared for anything. Jazz didn’t think much of it until she was on an errand with Danny through the Ghost Zone.
“Hey, Jazz can we make a quick stop? I gotta ask Pandora about something for my history class”.
“Um, sure?” Jazz frowned, “But Danny you should really look into studying and getting your information from resources within our actual dimension”.
“But who better to know about ancient Greece than someone who literally lived it, “Danny countered.
Jazz has met Pandora before. She’s an incredible ghost. She’s powerful, she’s kind, she’s one of the few who can have an intense conversation about psychology and provide her with a new perspective and insight on how the world works. While she may not approve of Danny’s methods, she’s happy he’s still making an effort to finish his school assignments.
Pandora is training when they arrive. Jazz sees Pandora going up against one of her subjects, another tall and strong man who seems to be going through a tough time.
Rather than using a sword or some other sharp weapon to face her opponent, Pandora is using a staff. A simple, blunt staff that through her grace and skill managed to knock down her opponent in an instant.  
Jazz was mesmerized. Jazz wanted to learn how to do that. She needed to see more.
Unfortunately, that’s when Danny called out to Pandora and waving her over.
Pandora smiles when she sees the duo and walks over, tossing her weapon over to one of her servants, and they fumble while trying to hold its weight.
“Hello Danny, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”
Danny bows, and responds politely, “Lady Pandora, I wanted to come visit to ask a favor from you. You see, I want to hear some stories from your time in Greece, what the typical day was like for you.”
Pandora raises a brow. “Is this related to your studies by any chance? Because I also was sent a message from another one of your peers not too long ago asking the same thing. Samantha, if I’m remembering correctly.”
Danny squawked, “What do you mean Sam– I mean, uh no? This has nothing to do with school…”
“Well, I’m still happy to assist you, so long as you stay for a quick hand to hand combat if that seems like an acceptable trade?”
Danny winces a little, knowing he’ll be very sore tomorrow, but the guaranteed interview is too good of an offer. “Yes, my lady that’s uh, acceptable”.
Two hours later, Danny is seriously questioning his past self’s rationale for being here. Even though he’s much more athletically built than be was before his transformation, Pandora is lethal even without a weapon. Thankfully she steps back for a second and announces that she’s satisfied with their combat and will allow them to rest.
“Oh,” Danny wheezes out, “sounds good, I’ll just…take a water break for a moment.” Danny walks away, presumably to find a comfortable space to collapse before he interviews Pandora.
As he leaves, Jazz and Pandora are left alone together. She faces Jazz and smiles. “Your brother has immense skill in combat, it’s not anyone who can endure training for that long with me”.
Jazz smiles wryly, “Yes, he is quite skilled. He inherited that instinct from our mom. I don’t think I got much of that I hate to admit”.
Pandora blinks, “I don’t understand. This isn’t all skill young Jasmine, I’ve seen him when he was still developing his abilities. His energy is stronger, he’s been steadily improving. I am certain that you can reach similar levels of physical combat if you applied yourself.”
“You really think so?” Jazz looks up at this gladiator of a woman telling her that she can do it. She takes a shaky breath before continuing in a smaller voice. “Um…Lady Pandora, would you mind allowing me the honor of training how to combat? With a weapon I mean.”
Pandora takes in Jazz’s slightly hunched posture, and her shaky voice and frowns. “Your brother has mentioned to me that you have some experience, why would you want to learn more?”
“I do have some self-defense experience, but…” Jazz looks down. “I just want to feel safe in myself.”
The ghost looks at the young girl and her frown deepens, “I see”. 
She goes and walks over to the farther wall, where her weapons are hanging. Jazz is trying to settle her breathing when Pandora comes back with the same stick that she was using when they first arrived to her haunt.
“This is a bo staff. You’ve already seen me working with this, yes? I think this would be a good weapon for you to learn. It takes discipline to learn but can be incredibly beneficial when necessary.”
Pandora tosses the staff at Jazz and she’s quick to grab it. It’s very light in her hand.
“I’ve only worked with this form of martial arts in my current form,” she gestures at her four arms, “but I think I can help you.”
Jazz gives a small smile in response. This is the answer she was looking for. With this in her hand, with enough time, she could go out with less fear. Help Danny.
She feels hopeful, that she will be untouchable with this.
“Alright, let’s begin.”
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bvannn · 1 year
Weekly Update October 6, 2023
I’ve been very volatile this week, which may continue next week or may not. I don’t know yet. I’ve been on weird cycles of doing a ton of art then doing nothing for a few days. It will probably continue.
So October is started and I’m an impulsive little greedy fuck so I decided to do three different prompt sets, but I’m doing them all differently. OG inktober is getting priority, because I feel bad about failing inktober 52 earlier this year. Maybe I’ll ink or digitize the few of those sketches that I never finished once I’m done, or maybe I won’t. Anywho I’m trying to do inktober daily, more or less. Second priority is goretober, because I need practice and also with life stuff being still weirdly volatile despite all I’ve done, bloody pictures are really cathartic. I’m tagging everything to be extra safe, even though I’m honestly probably over tagging. Idk day one was mouth stuff which really sets some people off so maybe I was overly cautious because of that, but I’d rather be over cautious than get in trouble. Lowest priority prompt set is cringetober, because even though I just kind of avoid most of the stuff on the list naturally due to personal distaste, I still appreciate the spirit of it. Cringe always has a place, even if that place isn’t on my monitor specifically. I’m not doing every prompt from that list because some of them I really can’t figure out anything Oc related (deadass almost gave up for ‘overly complex fit’ and drew Shulk Xenoblade and his ugly ass outfit instead, but decided against it because that’s against the spirit of the prompt set). I still want to fit in as many as I can, and even though most of those will be late, I’m still going to try. At a minimum I want to do the MS paint one that sounds fun.
Also I threw in a random drawing of Stitch this week. Maybe I’ll do other random drawings too, probably not. I’m already pretty behind on stuff.
So I’ve mentioned I’ve been slacking off with TRGA the past couple weeks but I’m trying to get myself back together with it. I’m trying to figure out timing a bit better, and I did finally get some assets I’ve been procrastinating on done. Jon now has actual soles to his feet, and soon Emile will have the sketch lines I’ve been trying to lean into with my art. I can recolor the foot sole asset for Tim and Emile also, although they won’t need it for this animation. I’m mostly at this point messing with actual movement timing and strategies to make the boys more distinct from one another, although I’m probably overthinking it admittedly. The current shot, 1-4, is by far my most complex in this regard, and may be the most complex of the animation, so chances are I’ll post a WIP once the ‘main’ character animation is done. Or maybe not. I’m not sure.
This week hasn’t been the best for personal life so my mood is extremely volatile, so there’s no guarantee anything will be consistent. My plan is to do one inktober drawing and one keyframe/batch of tweens/chunk of work a day for TRGA done every day, and then the additional prompt sets and/or general drawings done whenever possible, but I’m such a mess I can’t guarantee anything. I’m trying to get stuff together with doctors, since they have been telling me pretty good news, but my primary today said something that, while it would be great news, contradicts what a specialist told me. She did outright say to double check with the specialist since they were probably right, but you know how hard it is to get ahold of doctors for that so now I need to worry about that. I’m a mess this semester isn’t going very well, and tomorrow I’ll probably end up doing music instead of art which will suck because I probably won’t have anything to show for that for a while yet.
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icedwatersupremacy · 2 years
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As the ground thawed, and Spring arrived, Arthur returned to his normal amount of work on the farm. He found it more difficult than before he fell ill, but it made sense. When John died, everyone seemed to forget that he and Laura were still under the weather, and expected them to carry on like before. This wasn’t as much of a problem for Laura; she was nearly better by this point. Arthur, on the other hand, still had a way to go before a full recovery. Sometimes, it felt like he was still sick, but someone had to weed the yard, so he carried on. 
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Matilda had expected her parents to mourn, but she had no idea that she’d be the one who’d end up looking after Dorothy. This wasn’t to say that she didn’t like Dorothy, but Matilda didn’t want to become a second mother to the child. While she didn’t have to go to school until her period of mourning was over, she had barely any time to mourn, regardless. Much less did she have time to learn, so she wouldn’t fall behind in her class. Every day she spent away from school, she became more frantic, sometimes lashing out at her family.
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Although they didn’t want her to go back to school, David and Laura felt they had no choice but to send her back. Matilda wasn’t happy with this development; she wanted to be able to go back on her own terms, but she ended up being denied even that. It turned out that she hadn’t missed that much in the classroom, which meant that everyone assumed it was fine to ask about John to her, and in gross detail. 
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“What happened when he died? Mama told me that you’d see his spirit either go to heaven or hell!”
“Well, he stopped breathing.”
However, the vague answers she gave, to avoid thinking about John for too long, never shooed anyone away. She might’ve been more welcoming if they said nice things to her, but any condolences were forced, and clearly on the child’s parents’ behalf.
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Charlie, although on the other side of the country, found it easiest to slip back into a routine after returning to the school. His schoolwork wouldn’t wait for him, after all, and he couldn’t fall behind. He would try to talk to Fred about his feelings surrounding his brother, most of the time, in vain. He tried to explain what he was going through, but there were never quite the right words, even when they seemed perfect in his head.
“I don’t understand, Fred. I’m a bloody writer, and I can’t express myself with my damn words!” 
“Well, it doesn’t matter. You’re clearly distraught, and that’s enough. I’ve heard plenty about how hard it is when someone dies–”
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“I want you to know how I feel. It’s not just the sadness everyone talks about, it’s a lot of things. Too much for one conversation. It’s made me think about things I wish I’d never thought of, and feel things I hate. I hate these feelings so much, but I can’t feel anything else!”
“Well, tell me one thought, and one feeling, and we’ll call it a day.”
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“Alright, then. He did everything right. There was no reason for him to die, and he still did. You have no control over when you die, and you could die tomorrow in a freak accident, and what have you even done? How people will remember you isn’t how you want to be remembered, and you just need a bit of time to get it sorted out, then it’s perfect. But that time’s never guaranteed, and that legacy too. I don’t want to die like this, Fred.”
Fred couldn’t help but stare at Charlie, agape. He wanted to say something, to help, but he was at a loss. The two sat there for what felt like hours, in silence. Eventually, he said, “I suppose you just have to start doing things, and hope you can finish them.”
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It wasn’t long before Charlie thrust himself into his work. Not his schoolwork, but a story. Just a short one, to publish in the Fowler’s Magazine. It was new, it was bold, and the people would love it. It doubled as a way for him to finally express what he’d been feeling all this time. No more childish fairy-tales, it was the story of a man coping with the loss of his brother, and how the world couldn’t help but move on, dragging him behind. It was a story he shared with only Fred, who demanded every new page as it was written, and gave only the most glowing feedback. This was it, he was finally going to be a published author.
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messrmoonyy · 1 year
wait I thought dark!tess won the poll? or at least it was winning the last time I saw it..
what sort of time should i be checking tumblr tomorrow to see messr’s latest work?
also.. you have a gf?! I must have missed you mentioning that. I just assumed you were single from you reblogging stuff about yearning/wanting a gf.
Polls are just a way of me seeing what you guys are most interested. You guys have gotta stop taking things so seriouslyyyyy. It does also literally say on that post that whatever wins isn’t the guaranteed one I’ll post. You need to pay more attention cause some of you are being rude as fuck and acting like it’s the end of the world that I’m not posting a specific thing. Can you all please take a second and remember that I am a human being behind this account? You’re talking to an actual person with a life and a job and mental health issues that doesn’t have the time to sit and write constantly. So when I do get to write I’m gonna write whatever I have the motivation and inspiration for. Polls are a guidance for me to think ‘ hmm they look interested in that one maybe I should try work on that one more ‘ but also ‘ oh look. That second answer is only 1% behind and I’ve had a lot of motivation and inspiration for that one. So that one’s finished now so I’ll post that one! ‘
•I post between 7 and 8pm usually
• ‘ yearning/ wanting a gf ‘ no. yearning/ wanting my gf
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ilre-writes · 2 years
Masterlist of everything I’ve written and posted*
*I’ll try to update this after every fic I’ve written but no promises on immediate... yeah.
Two Guys on a Raft Who (don't) Want to Be There - part 1 of The Raft AU [FINISHED]
Hakoda and Zuko end up on a raft AU. Inspired by an ask by Muffinlance which said that this was apparently the OG premise for Salvage.
Hold Me Close (and hold me fast) - part 2 of The Raft AU [FINISHED]
By water, by blood, and by right.
An analysis of Zuko as Hakoda's adopted... something, told in three parts throughout canon. The next installment of my Hakoda and Zuko on a Raft AU.
Ang mamatay nang dahil sa 'yo - [FINISHED] "To die because of you [the country]".
Essentially a writing exercise talking about death throughout the series.
Dishonor on Ozai's Cow - [UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUED, chapter 10 onwards is/will be a plot synopsis]
Based on this tumblr thread. Ozai must capture the Blue Spirit to restore his bending
ship of fools - [UNFINISHED]
Based on this tumblr thread. A banished Zuko and a not-banished Azula aboard the Wanyi. Slice of life/episodic
I only say morning - [NO GUARANTEES]
One must wonder how in the show, Zuko and Iroh manage to survive on a raft seemingly without food or water. or AU where during his banishment, Zuko… befriends the ocean I guess? (inspired by muffinlance's breakfast friendfish au)
Good omens
Under The Sun - [FINISHED] standalone crack, honestly this was supposed to be posted after an overarching work as a oneshot in that universe, but I don’t think that overarching work will ever exist so...
I will rise like the ashes from a building as it burns - [FINISHED*] specifically Book Omens
*Was supposed to be longer, I lost interest in finishing the concept so I just wrapped it up and made it coherent
He could- he could do anything he wanted now. No adversary. No clandestine meetings in parks and cafeterias, no one tutting at him about his cool watch and his fast car and his weekend activities. He could run over every pedestrian in London tomorrow. He could burn down the Louvre next week then leisurely have a cup of tea.
take a tour of babylon - [FINISHED] 1st installment of a Crowley-is-Satan AU where instead of ruling Hell, he leaves and spends his time hanging out with Aziraphale
après moi, le déluge (caesura) - [UNFINISHED] 2nd installment of the Crowley-is-Satan AU where he left 2000 years early (s2 edition)
Ace Attorney
A Beginner’s Guide to Faking Your Death (ao3) - [FINISHED]
1. Understand why you must die.
There was no other recourse after all the horror that was done to him, and through him.
wait of the world - [FINISHED]
Franziska has never been her age. That takes her a while to rectify.
I’ll await that trumpet’s wail (ao3) - [FINISHED]
POV you are Kazuma Asogi searching for answers.
and alum for mouth sores - [FINISHED] drabble series
Two men met one night. Two men walked away. This changes more than they wanted, yet less than expected.
bridgeburner - [FINISHED]
He was a damn fool at the time, dazzled by the blinding, ruby glint in the lamplight as he played hero—
Hold it!
Mister Asogi only had that one ring.
But how could—Klint was dead already.
in the wake of poseidon - [FINISHED]
It’s four in the morning and the husband isn’t home yet from his night out. Sweet married life, cried the newspaper comic from this morning.
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caffedrine · 2 years
Keith Howell - Romantic Epilogue - Summary
I pretty much have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t trust me, and you shouldn’t either. This summary is not guaranteed to be accurate, it’s mostly written for myself to follow along with the route.
After some time, Emma is beginning to get her feet under her at the Court of Jade. She’s finished for today, though she plans on going over Jade’s history tomorrow and testing new herb cultivation methods. There is still a lot for her to learn and try, but she is in a much better position than she was when she first came to Jade. She intends to do her best and excel at Keith’s side.
Keith, who was sitting next to Emma and reading a book, raises his head to look at her. When their eyes meet, she can see his joyful expression. He asks if anything has happened if anything is bothering her.
Actually, there is something that’s on Emma’s mind. She has recently noticed that since coming to Jade, she hasn’t really been alone. Either Keith himself, or if he is away on official business, his butler Liam, has been with her. Should she ask him if something is wrong?
Honestly, Keith was a little worried about Emma. She is in a new country, and there are many things she’s not used to due to cultural differences. He thought it would be better to have someone around to lend a hand until she gets the hang of things.
Emma thanks him but points out that this is usually something maids and butlers should be doing, not the crown prince.
Keith’s expression withers like a flower. Oh, Emma has stuck her foot in her mouth again. She quickly assures Keith that she didn’t mean it like that. She’s happy that he’s been by her side, she’s just worried that if he spends all of his time fretting over her, he won’t be able to relax properly. She doesn’t want to be a burden that Keith has to shoulder.
Keith quickly assures her that she’s wrong, this isn’t a burden. He wants to spend time with her, more than anything else. Is that okay?
How can Emma say anything but ‘thank you’ to that? To be fair, she never intended to refuse Keith’s company. Her heart is filled with happiness, and before she knows it, her mouth is smiling gleefully.
Every day Emma spends with Keith only deepens her love for him and Jade. It was those feelings that prompted her to be more than just Keith’s lover, but to do what she can for the country as a whole.
Which is why she’s studying to become a pharmacist. The way Keith would light up and shine when he talked about plants was what set her upon the road. The pleasant memories of their talks in Rhodolite made her happily nostalgic.
Thanks to Keith, she was able to meet with and shadow pharmacists in Jade, and her love of the profession has only grown. Currently, she is studying hard to obtain an apprenticeship with one of the castle pharmacists.
After a day of studying, Emma finds Keith waiting for her. She hurries over to him, and he greets her with a soft and sweet smile. Even without words, Keith’s love is conveyed easily, and she feels herself begin to blush.
Keith thanks Emma for all of her hard work, and Emma agrees that she has learned a lot. Yes, she still has a lot more to learn, but she is certain that with methodical studying, she can reach her goals step by step.
Keith offers to help her with anything she doesn’t understand. With him cheering her on, Emma wants to do her best even more. She thanks him and asks if it’s okay to take him up on his offer right now. If so, there’s a red flower in the botanical garden she’s been wondering about.
Like a teacher leading a student, Keith breaks down the difficult subject so that it’s easily understood by Emma. It was very informative, and the knowledge just flows into her head.
Liam calls out that it’s almost time for their meeting, and Emma realizes that Keith is actually in the middle of something. She apologizes for bothering him.
A finger lifts up her chin and Keith kisses her, interrupting her. He tells her that he was looking forward to seeing her and was happy to spend time with her. Emma can understand, she feels the same way.
Another kiss drops onto Emma’s lips. At her confused look, Keith explains that was for looking so cute. Keith smiles gently, like wildflowers swaying in the wind. He wishes her good luck in her studies, but not to work too hard. Emma tells him in that case also not to work too hard either.
Smiling in response, Keith kisses Emma a third time. Just as she expected, this kiss lasted longer than any of the other two.
Liam notes that Keith is in very high spirits right now and sympathizes with how tough Emma must have it.
Emma jumps back, realizing that she forgot that Liam was right there. Oh no, he’d been there the entire time. Emma is so embarrassed that she wants to faint.
Aside from that, Emma is very happy. She wonders if she’s been able to properly convey his feelings to Keith and decides to do something about it.
~That night~
Emma prepared an herbal tea for Keith that night. In fact, this herbal tea is one of Jade’s specialties, one she had learned about during her pharmacology studies. Keith recognizes the smell and smiles happily in recognition. Emma is both happy and a little embarrassed. She wonders if she makes a similar expression whenever Keith does something nice for her.
Keith sips the tea and praises Emma; this is one of the relaxing teas. Emma praises Keith’s palate at recognizing the tea immediately.
They talk about casual matters before Keith suddenly asks if Emma is more confident when walking around the castle. Emma assures her she is; she’s memorized the layout to stop from getting lost. She was nervous about getting lost at first, but thanks to Keith escorting her, she is used to the layout.
It suddenly occurs to her that this is another reason why Keith has always been with her. Not just to keep her company, but to keep her from getting lost. Keith admits that this is true, he was worried about her getting lost and wanted her to be able to ask help from someone she was used to rather than a complete stranger.
Thinking back to her first few days at Jade Castle, Emma had been stiff and awkward. She has been very relaxed recently, due to Keith’s kindness and attention. He’s been supporting her in so many ways all this time, and her face heats up.
Emma is so happy, she doesn’t know how to express this in words. Spontaneously, she leans over to hug Keith, full of feelings of gratitude and love. She kisses his cheek, ear, and mouth in that order as if returning the kisses she received earlier.
Keith’s eyes are wide, but his cheeks are red and his eyes are full of joy. He was so cute.
With love overflowing, Emma gently pushes Keith’s large body down. She asks Keith if he minds if she brews tea for him every night. She wants to make time for the two of them, though she also wants to brew it for him if he’s working or if he’s tired.
Suddenly Keith hugs her to him, burying his face in Emma’s neck. His fluffy hair tickles her neck, making Emma squirm involuntarily.
Of course, Emma can brew tea for him whenever she likes. The arms around her squeeze her as if to convey Keith’s love growing stronger.
Keith raises his face and kisses her cheek. He asks if she’s finished kissing him, and Emma asks if he minds. Keith wants more kisses, lots of them.
Nodding, Emma lightly kisses him, all while thinking that Keith is very cute like this. It’s a light kiss, gentle and warm, but then she feels a hand against the back of her head.
Keith’s tongue is in her mouth, moving against her mercilessly. Before she realizes it, she is on her back on the sheets, and Keith stops the kiss, bringing his face to her ear. He points out that if Emma is making time for them at night, that means she’s fine with him not letting her leave until the morning.
Kissing Emma’s earlobe, Keith begins to undo her blouse. His golden eyes are like a beast looking at it’s prey, and her heart begins to beat wildly when she meets his gaze. Keith lowers his mouth to the newly exposed skin. A countless number of kisses are dropped onto her skin, each one conveying an overflow of love.
Emma wants to make sure that Keith knows that she loves him as much as he loves her. She wraps her arms around him and brings her mouth to Keith’s ear.
She loves him.
Saying that, she hugs Keith tightly to her, only to have him hold her tighter. Keith warns her that now he definitely can’t stop.
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