#this isn’t kevin day hate btw
do you guys ever think about how drop dead gorgeous kevin day must be to make up for his fucking personally
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andrewmsaidso · 4 months
ok so i kinda sorta feel bad for the ravens yk. and not just riko kevin and jean but all of them. every raven ever who had to go through that bc imagine you grow up watching a sport and seeing your favourite player on tv and then decide you want to be like them when you grow up; score all the goals, win all the trophies, play a game you love so much and get paid for it, etc. so you join the exy team at school. you’re ecstatic when your parents buy you your first set of gear; your first stick, your first pair of shin pads, your first helmet, your first ball. due to being so passionate about it, soon you’re the best player on the team. your coach sees it. your parents see it. the other teams’ coaches see it. so your parents put you in a private club so you can get even better. and the more exy you watch, the more you fall in love with the sport, the more you want to be like the players on tv.
so you train super hard bc the end goal is to be the next *insert legend player*. and you get so good that by the time you’re in your senior year of high school, edgar allen wants to sign you. tetsuji moriyama, the man who created this sport you love so much, the father of exy, the ultimate legend, wants you on his team that ranks higher than every other collegiate exy team in the country, his team that have never lost to anyone ever.
so you don’t think twice signing. and then there’s the summer after high school. arguably the best summer ever. you’re probably not gonna see many of your friends ever again so you guys make the most of it bc you’re just an ordinary teenager doing ordinary teenage stuff, high off the expectation of how spectacular college is gonna be.
and then it’s june which means summer practices and you move into the nest for the first time, not knowing you won’t leave for the next 5 years, which actually end up being 7 and a half bc oh yeah btw, we do 16-hour days here.
you’re no longer the best on the team. you’re now playing amongst national champions. you struggle with the drills. you’re coaches beat you for struggling with the drills. you’re partner hates you because he’s also getting beat for your shortcomings. you hate him back because you get beat for his shortcomings. but you can’t really hate each other because you’re not allowed to talk to anyone who isn’t on the team. the coaches tell you the way you’ve been playing exy for the last over-a-decade is wrong. you need to be play dirtier, more violent.
it’s too dark. you have no say in what you eat, when you eat, when you sleep, when you’re allowed to leave, where you’re allowed to go, what you’re to study for the next 5 years. you’re struggling. you can’t call your parents. no outsiders. you can’t tell your friends. no outsiders. you don’t have friends. only partners and teammates.
and the hazing. it’s horrible. inhumane. the things they do to you. the things they force you to do. it happens so often, you become desensitised. you get used to it. you’ve blurred the line between right and wrong beyond repair. you become obsessed with everything raven and begin to hate the outside world. you become someone else. someone your parents won’t recognise when you see them for the first time in in 5—no, 7—years.
you don’t care. they don’t matter anymore. they’re not the coaches. they don’t decide your punishment or whether you can play in the next game or not. you’ve signed with a good team and are expected to go court. and you did it all by yourself. you endured for 7 years. by yourself. you didn’t need them then and you don’t need them now. so you push them away.
people think there’s something wrong with you. they call you crazy. you’re too angry, too violent, too callous. but that’s what ravens pride themselves on. anger, violence, and callousness. you’re ranking is high and you score a lot of goals so who cares. none of it matters.
exy doesn’t excite you anymore. you can’t even bring yourself to celebrate when you score goals. you don’t care about being anyone’s favourite player anymore. you’ve lost your passion.
your not even 30 and you’re sore all the time. you can’t play for more than a 45-minute half. your muscles are getting weaker. you don’t run as fast anymore. you’re sold to a weaker team. you injure yourself over and over from simply playing. you continue to push yourself until one day, you tear something beyond repair. you’ll never play again.
you have no family. no friends. you pushed them away remember? you’re still only in your twenties but it feels like life has no meaning anymore.
you are officially truly and utterly alone. your life has ended before it even began.
all because you, like every other kid, wanted to be like your role models you watched playing on tv.
and not to mention the kids who were signed to the team before riko’s death. like imagine watching the internet go crazy over a team you’re gonna play for, finding out that said team just might be a cult. just maybe.
like isn’t that just a tad bit … ☹️
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bakerolivia · 2 years
Hi Yusi! As always, your AA gifs and now your Daisy Jones and the Six gifs have made my week. I wanted to know if you will be giffing Layla in 5.15 “Make Me Proud”. I’m not sure if you already did and I missed it or if you hadn’t posted. Btw how excited are you about Rvd coming back in a few days? I can’t believe we are getting Choni and Barchie soulmates in every timeline trope for the final season. Ras did one thing right. Tho I hate the whole Charchie thing… but I’m just glad that I’m hearing there isn’t a big wait for Choni in the 50s. I do hope they don’t clown Veronica this season but that’s probably too much to ask. Either way, i hope you’re doing okay and thank you for your gifs!
thank you so much for this, nothing makes me more happy than knowing someone likes my content and also looks forward to seeing my gifs. like that's the nicest thing to me??? again, thank you. full disclosure, i've been so busy this week it completely slipped my mind i didn't gif layla this week, so i will work on that.
as for riverdale, i'm honestly excited for this season???? i think they might be focusing on the 50s for too long, especially since this is the final season... but whatever i kinda like that they're going for something new and fresh. i agree, this whole cheryl/archie and betty/kevin is big yikes... but i want to see what they do with it and how it links choni back together and also barchie. i will die on the choni and barchie soulmate ship. but really i'm most excited about more toni and tabitha!!!
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strangestcase · 3 years
It’s so fucking funny when arophobes are like WELL BY YOUR DEFINITION GUESS I AM IN A QUEEPLATONIC POLYCULE NOW LMAO like Kevin you jape and joke but. you could be right y’know. Like whenever you say “I do [generic platonic intimacy] with my friends but I don’t call it a QueerPlatonic Partnership, its just friendship to me” you are admitting the only reason u aren’t in a QPP is because, while ur relationship COULD be described as one, you don’t call it that. That’s cool, only you get to define what your relationships r and how do u call them! That’s great! but listen. You’re saying your relationships fit The Mold of a QPP but that u just label it as a friendship thus making it Not A QPP -which is valid, u do u!- buuuuut then throw a hissy fit when someone, aro or not, decides to do it the other way around. Funny how that works.
Just say you hate the “weird”, “freaky”, “not normal” gays and go, u fucking traitor, And go do some self-reflection at that, hm? For starters ask yourself why do TERFs say the same shit about QPPs? Or why the hell do you assume polyamory is always NSFW? Or why do you have the need to define other people’s relationships/identities of them as if they were fuckin dumb? Or why do you call to the medicalization (“that’s just friends y’all need therapy lolololol”) of people who just fucking DARED do something cishets don’t like? Or why do you think amatonormativity, one of the biggest weapons of heteronormativity and the PatriarchyTM, doesn’t exist simply because the icky freaky aros and yucky cringe aces care about it? Or ur involvement with cringe culture which isn’t ableist at all! (last sentence is sarcastic btw)
“It’s just a friendship! I call that friendship” well they certainly don’t call it a friendship, the same way you don’t call your so-called Extremely Close Deeply Intimate Platonic Share-a-house friendships QPPs (which would be their “real“ name but as I’ve said before, you name your relationships how u want— not how others tell you, which is something exclus LOVE to do! so progressive /s). Like it’s not that hard, just stop getting pressed about how people live and define their platonic experiences , simple as that lmao... and that’s not even taking into account the HUGE amatonormativity we ALL, aro or not, face.
But sure KEVIN go on about how having a relationship that most cishets would undoubtedly bash and think of as some freaky “loveless” perversion of a married couple is actually A Very Normal, Not Opressed at All Normal Not Hated By Cishets Friendship. MAybe learn not to agree with TERFs and to apply some self-awareness and self-reflection to urself cause if u go around every post about QPPs saying “IF THIS EXISTED I WOULD BE IN ONE”, maybe you are so close yet so far to realizing QPPs are actually, while not normalized nor visible in cishet society, very common, particularly within the LGBT community, and even ur alloro ass could b in one without noticing...
i bet at least some exclusionists are probably part of the marginalized identities they love to shit on without knowing but they will take much much longer to notice than to make a miserable google search and educate themselves on what a queerplatonic partnership is and entails. Remember all those posts about mentally ill children never getting diagnosed because their parents r mentally ill too and having only known that reality they really think “everyone is Like That, everyone Does That“? Yeah this entire situation has a vague resemblance to that. “That’s Just friends! how is that Gay? Everyone does that!” Kevin, you are basically married to your best friend....... MOST CISHETS DONT DO THAT IN FACT ITS A SOCIETAL EXPECTATION TO HANG OUT MORE WITH YOUR SPOUSE THAN UR FRIENDS YOU PIECE OF OVERCOOKED MACARONI... FFS the day you douchefucks learn that amatonormativity is an important feminist term describing the insidious way heterosexual relationships are pushed onto people by putting romantic love above literally everything else will b the day I die. /hyperbole
Meanwhile keep it up with the racism and ableism Kevin, Good Job at redirecting homophobia towards the members of the community were suposed to be in for SAFETY and not popularity points. /s I’m sure ur cishet friends will laugh at first before they get tired of picking on the Freaky Gross Fake White Girl Queers (cause that’s what u assume every single aspec person is anyway lol, I guess all of the black aces I’ve met are bots then /j). Then it will be you because the bar for meeting cisallohet expectations gets higher and higher the more u commodify, assimilate, and sell off this community that, I HAVE TO REMIND U, ISNT A “YOU HAVE TO THIS GAY TO ENTER” COOL KID CLUB, it’s made for SURVIVAL, it’s a fucking radical CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT!
when u put your siblings down, we become vulnerable to the patriarchy
to destroy homophobia as it is, we have to defy the societal expectations of what a “normal” relationship is, because to most people, “normal” = “the only option”, and that option is marrying a person of the opposite sex and keeping romantic and sexual intimacy with them and centering ur life around THAT and NOTHING ELSE. A straight marriage in which u owe sex to ONE person as long as u are together. To even the most vanilla cis gay person, that’d be denying them of their own sexuality and agency. Hell a lot of cishets would find that boring, restraining, and unpleasant! They too have the right to explore their sexuality and have whatever relationships they want (as long as no one gets hurt, granted).
if we want to fight against that, we have to understand that ”weird” relationships are an option, Too, just as Good as the “default”! And QPPs are a BIG part of that!
so for your OWN SAKE, maybe learn what words mean and apply them accordingly before you go onto tumblr to bully other gay people for existing, OKAY?
TLDR: QPPs aren’t just friendships, the limits between different types of relationships are defined by the people who are in them and not others, QPPs are more common than it seems (some people could be in a QPP without noticing) but certainly aren’t normalized or accepted in cishet society, and exclusionists are ignorant (and racist and ableist) pieces of shit that are basically cutting off their noses to spite their face. Pushing other people out of the community to look better to cisallohets has very real drawbacks to everyone.
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amandabe11man · 3 years
2, 3, 8, 9, 18 hc asks, john + zep + lawrence
2. Job headcanon
john: this man has never struggled with money before in his life, I think. Why else do u think the two traumas he faced later in life made him lose it completely?? his life was so easy with the engineering and housing projects and the wifey and he (ironically) took it all for granted
zep: he’s done almost anything under the sun at this point, lmao. probably volunteered as a test subject for some college students’ experiments once in a while when money was extra tight as well
lawrence: much like john, his working life has been easy. he was one of THOSE guys in med school (or just— school in general), getting straight(?) A’s with almost zero effort, being infuriatingly approachable… so yeah, what I’m getting at is he’s literally always been a doctor since graduating and also his parents probably definitely paid for his tuition, smfh (idk how american schools work just bear with me)
3. Drinking headcanon
john: drinks occasionally but not much. Obviously he doesn’t drink booze AT ALL after the big c diagnosis. Teetotaler king
zep: again, he’s the chaotic one in this line-up. Not by MUCH in this case, but yeah… he does drink sometimes after another shitty day in his miserable life, but he ain’t an alcoholic
lawrence: he only drinks the finest wine because apparently, the boxed wine alison drinks with The Girls isn’t good enough for him 🙄
8. Shopping headcanon
john: after the multiple Incidents™ he barely shops anymore tbh. most of the time, he gets the apprentices to do it for him so he can stay holed up in his little dungeon, lol. also idk man, but when it comes to the murder clothes, I firmly believe he’s sewn them himself #malewife
zep: god he HATES shopping. He can’t stop thinking that everyone’s giving him Looks and that they’re all judging him. For what? well that’s not important y’see, the most important thing is that he’s right and they’re all definitely judging his entire existence (spoiler: most of them barely notice him, but don’t tell him that)
lawrence: back in his hey-day, he used to go shop with the fam once in a while. At least for groceries… and then maybe he’d accompany diana to some toy store or other while alison was off doing her own errands. I get the feeling they used to go to the mall a lot
9. Childhood headcanon
john: (he was kevin from Home Alone) nah but 4real, he was a somewhat normal kid. Was mostly a loner by choice, but that’s not to say he didn’t have any friends tho! Just— somewhat of a loner like I said, but also outspoken and social when he wanted to be. Also, the other kids definitely always asked him to draw things for them
zep: *war-flashbacks* Okay, his childhood wasn’t THAT messed up, but still— this was before the bitterness truly took hold of his mental state btw. This means that back then, he WANTED to make friends, wanted people to like him, to the point where the other kids would pretend to ”consider” letting him join their gang or whatever, but he’d have to do a bunch of things for them first. Basically, they’d string him along forever until zep finally got the picture that they were never gonna let him hang out with them after all :(
lawrence: SPOILED BRAT— okay, he wasn’t really a brat. Just a people-pleaser that’d get nasty looks for always reminding the teacher about homework (sigh), and yeah, his parents were well-off but busy, so to compensate for their absence, they’d buy him all sorts of things to ”make up” for it, y’know? (Absent parenthood runs in the family, eh?) He was popular but still only had a smaller group of friends he’d hang out with, rather than being shallow friends with the entire school
18. Family headcanon
john: do NOT even mention the ”normal” family concept to him after the incident with gideon bruh he’s still sensitive about that. The less he immerses himself in those memories, the better, because he’s supposed to be ”reborn” now, alright. he can’t detach himself COMPLETELY though, what with his little adoptees aka. apprentices and billy…. He fully embraced the found family-trope and he’s gonna make everyone else do it too!
zep: barely any family to speak of, or at the very least, he’s not in contact with them. It’s just one of those deals where his parents and relatives (if alive) are all busy with their own shit + their disappointment with how zep, uh, /turned out/ in life is something he’s also very much aware about, so they just barely ever end up talking, cause it’s just less embarrassing for everyone that way
lawrence: NEED I SAY MORE about the alison and diana-situation?? Not much to add there, so lemme touch upon something others rarely talk about: his parents. whoever’s still alive, he makes sure to keep contact with them and visit them for holidays and stuff together with his own fam. But as with most of his relationships down the line, he becomes more distant and detached towards them too after a while
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hey!!! So glad I caught you open! Love this blog btw. I was wondering if you had any where the foxes have extream age differences??? I read one where Neil Andrew and maybe Jean are high school teachers and the rest of the foxes are students, and another one where Neil and Andrew are single parents of Robin and Kevin respectively. Is there anything else similar to that??
Aside from the gift that is Andreil raising kid Kevin, these are tricky to find, so if you readers know of more please don’t hesitate to comment! - A
Fics referenced in the ask
‘a world alone’ and ‘what now?’ here 
Older incomplete fics
‘If You Play with Fire’ and ‘Stranger Lay Beside Me’ here
parental guidance recommended by badacts [Rated T, 18719 Words, Complete, 2018, Locked] 
Andrew and Neil are domesticated - mostly - and Kevin is their child: a series.
Tales from a Quirky Small Town series by gluupor [Rated G-T, 12690 Words, Complete, 2019] 
A Gilmore Girls AU where Kevin’s a kid, Neil’s his caffeine-addict father, and Andrew’s a grumpy diner owner who loves them both.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder
Being So Normal by iridescent_blue [Rated T, 18610 Words, Complete, AFTG Fall Exchange 2020]
Andrew has a stable life. He has a stable job, people who he doesn’t hate talking to, a cat who likes him, and a house with a door that locks. He’s fine.
But that’s the problem. He’s just fine. No more, no less. Some days, he forgets that behind the picket fences and pristine gardens are people just as messed up as him, and it feels like he’s alone in Palmetto.
Until he’s sitting at a PTA meeting, bored out of his mind, waiting to drive Renee home, when this guy steps up to the mic. And a lot changes.
Family Comes First by Nikotheamazingspoonklepto [Rated T, 15449 Words, Complete, 2019]
What if Nicky was the younger cousin? What if the twins had grown up together in a healthy environment? What if, when Luther threatened Nicky with conversion camp, he reached out to Andrew instead?
tw: homophobic language
Time Travel AU
Back to the Beginning series by Leahelisabeth (fortheloveofcamelot) [Rated T/G, Collection, Incomplete, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2018 and 2020, Updated 2020]
Part 1: Back to the Beginning [T, 2847 Words, 2018]
The Minyard twins never got their second chance. Nicky goes back to try again.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: referenced temporary major character death, tw: blood
 Part 2: Five Years On [G, 2277 Words, 2018]
On the twins fifth birthday, Andrew makes breakfast, Nicky runs into himself, and the twins get a cat.
 Part 3: Everything Happens [G, 1176 Words, 2018]
The twins are fifteen now and they've joined an Exy team. Andrew has a fan. Nicky has given up on love.
 Part 4: A Blast From the Future [G (we say T), 1320 Words, 2018]
“Meet my fiance, Erik,” he finally said weakly.
“Does Mom know?” Aaron asked.
“Are you gay?” Andrew asks at the exact same time.
“Fuck,” Nicky said.
tw: implied/referenced temporary major character death, tw: panic attacks
Part 5: Give It All Away [Not Rated (we say T), 944 Words, 2020]
“I should go,” Neil said, his voice trembling. “I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”
“Nonsense,” Renee said. “This isn’t trouble.”
“We should let him—” Erik started.
“No,” Renee interrupted. “You weren’t here. You did not help raise our sons. We taught them to help people in need. We are not sending Neil away without hearing his story.”
 tw: prediction of future character deaths, tw: child abuse, tw: scars
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bloody-wonder · 4 years
post about tropes you like?
this is mainly andreil😬 
10) i love when the foxes come up with nicknames for kevin that have to do with him being the self-proclaimed queen of exy. every now and then i remember andrew calling kevin and neil “lord exy and his baffoon” in a fic and it makes me smile.
9) when andrew eats sweets in front of kevin and neil just to spite them. bonus points if he looks them directly in the eyes and brings the spoon to his mouth very slowly for dramatic effect. also, when andrew eats sweets with his signature blank face but his mouth is smeared with chocolate. it makes kevin scolw, it makes neil smile and it makes me hAPPY
8) when neil tries to calm andrew down on a plane by talking dirty in russian. first of all this is just objectively good andreil stuff but secondly russian is one of my first languages and i firmly believe that they couldn’t possibly know any legit vocabulary for dirty talk unless they aks a young russian speaker which means that what they say is either word for word translation of english dirty talk phrases or very outdated and it’s hilarious.
7) when andrew expresses his wishes without saying “i want x” and neil understands his obscure roundabout ways of asking for things. “want” isn’t a trigger word for andrew like “please” but still i don’t like when people push him to use it and frame it as “recovery”. canon neil will understand him either way. alternatively, if andrew does say “i want x” i like when the writer doesn’t make a big deal out of it as if he achieved some milestone by saying this common phrase. and neil doesn’t tease him when he says it bcs imagine you’re andrew and you never got what you wanted so you started to say things like “i want nothing” and then when you maybe want to start saying “i want x” you get teased about it. either way neil understands him and gives him what he wants.
6) domestic fics aren’t specific to andreil but let’s be real they’re much more enjoyable when it’s andreil bcs it’s them and i hate to use this turn of phrase but they really deserve it. andreil spooning with their cats while it’s raining outside, wearing each other’s clothes, cooking together, watching the great british bake off - i gobble this shit up. also i like andrew reading in his glasses. idk in tkm he says that he hates libraries but it’s sure not bcs of the books right? RIGHT???
5) this one may be controversial but i looove when they get jealous and low key possessive. when andrew sees someone flirting with neil at a party and glares at them until neil notices and goes to check on him. (btw i was recently informed that dudes hitting on other straight passing dudes in public is a thing that never happens so there’s that). when they use phrases like “he’s mine and i’m his” in their inner monologues. even neil getting retrospectively jealous of roland - i just love it idk why. it’s not like they think that the other one will cheat or fall in love with someone else which is why this jealousy is completely irrational and therefore fun to read about. 
4) fics exploring neils demisexuality. most of them are about neil “researching” it but i doubt he’d put in the effort since it has nothing to do with exy. andrew on the other hand would be interested which is why i like it more when it’s his pov and he’s shown again and again that neil just isn’t wired to feel attraction towards random people and indeed is interested only in him. and then he feels  e m o t i o n s  bcs neil could’ve chosen anyone else on the planet to “imprint” on but here he is. i feel like this represents neil’s sexuality much better then a story where he reads the definition of demisexuality on the internet and thinks “wow it’s me”. but maybe i’m just self-projecting yet again.
3) when neil stands up for andrew - this stuff is sooo rare! specifically when the foxes get mad about andrew being not enthusiastic about exy - like excuse me last time i checked this “unenthusiastic” player brings more benefit then some of the other players combined. they really just take him for granted: they know he can do better so they think that he should do better for them. anyway, neil’s willingness to physically and psychologically damage people who insult andrew is criminally underrepresented in fan works. i blame fanon neil. 
2) when they do something only bcs they know that the other one likes it. when andrew shuts down the goal only bcs he knows that neil will lose his mind and be happy as a toddler in a toy store and fawn all over him afterwards. when neil wears clothes he knows andrew likes to see on him or when he is extra snarky on press duty bcs he knows that when he turns around andrew will have that amused look in his eyes. ah, they’re so in love it’s disgusting.
1) one word: roadtrips. they’re just soothing af.
0) “some days were good, some were bad. today was a good day.” oMG TODAY’S A GOOD DAY!! IT MEANS CUDDLES!!! as much as i dislike pda i love when it’s only two of them and they’re in a good place emotionally and they feel that it’s yes today so they allow themselves casual touches, they cuddle, scratch each other’s heads and backs, maybe make out or have sex but mainly CUDDLE
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crystal-moon-101 · 5 years
Tumblr media
My redesigns for this popular trio!
The Secret Generator 10 (Or Celebrity Trio but that doesn’t really work for me because of Zak...) I’ve been meaning to get around to doing this, since I am really fond of these three boys. With Zak and Rex both being part of my top two shows of all time. Sorry Ben....
-Zak Saturday-
He was the most fun working with. His warm colour palette isn’t something I work with often, but I think I did alright. He also as some small details you might notice, like the fangs, eyes and scales.
14 Years Old
5′5 (Will only grow to be 5′8. Which confuses him since both sides of his family have very tall genes. Ulraj pokes fun at him, saying all that height is going towards his ‘Kur Form’)
Dead on the inside.
Aggressively Pansexual
His human side has been growing reptilian features. Noticeable fangs, scales growing around his lower neck, around his chest and upper back/shoulders, pure orange eyes with pupils that can become thin slits and a slight forked tongue. 
Even also displays some reptile behaviour. E.g, soaking up sunlight on a rock, alert nature, able to stand still as a statue. (He’s done these things since he was young. His parents just thought it was something he picked up from Komodo.)
The light that forms around his eyes when using his powers have darkened the skin around his eyes. (Suggested by my friend)
He is oddly thin and lanky, but it’s often hard to see because of the baggy clothes he wears.
That being said, he’s a lot stronger than you think he is. Can easily lift people twice his size.
Constantly has to get new hair ties. They keep breaking because 1. Every time his powers cause all of his hair to flow, the tie snaps. 2. Working out in the wild, it keeps getting snagged by tree branches or slipping off when he tumbles downhills.
While quiet and casual outside of battles, he will become a lot like his mother on the field.
Has freckles from his maternal side. His mother doesn’t have them, but Doyle does.
Will casually mention his ridiculously and scary adventures like they’re nothing, not because he’s bragging, but because he truly doesn’t understand what normal really is.
So use to being grabbed by the scruff of his shirt that he will always go limp when you grab him like that, much like a baby animal. 
While he can act very eerie and strange, he’s a very sweet and understanding guy. 
That being said, he can be hella scary when he wants to be.
Don’t mess with his family or he will send an army of Grootslangs to your house.
Still trying to figure out his placement in life and what Kur was really meant to be.
After being taught by his family and uncle, he went to Tsul 'Kalu to be his new mentor.
-Rex Salazar-
I think I changed him the least, but I added extra details and made his shirt, pants and shoes into a one-piece suit. It always baffles me how he can pull off this colour scheme so well.
And while I didn’t draw it here. I would definitely make his pure EVO form a lot smaller. Make him come across more like a monstrous zombie robot thing. The reason why is because those EVO forms he had just felt like they belonged to different shows, like transformers. A more creature design would fit better, I feel.
16 Years Old
6′1 (Will grow to be 6′5. Yeeeeeee, he’s a big guy.)
Lady killer~
Best wingman and even offers pretend dates to help you.
Can always hear and feel the technology around him. Strange to everyone else, but he’s learnt to live with it. Even comes in handy when trying to find a good wifi connection.
Knows when to cut the bullcrap.
He does have a bit of a science brain, but he uses it differently than his family had.
Constantly jumping between worlds. Sometimes even tossed by someone.
Talks in his sleep, mostly reciting nanite binary coding.
Lonely lad and child solider, great mix, right?...
Goes all out with holidays. He once, somehow, got real snow in Providence. No one knows how to this day.
Hates lightening.
Has nearly called Holiday and Six mum and dad multiple times.
Has a lot more abilities he has yet to discover. (Including turning people EVO.)
Never asked for any of this, but, eh, what ya gonna do
Is always overexcited when doing normal things. (Werids out Noah a lottt.)
You’re endangered if he decided to use his full raw power. (Key signs to look out for is a large amount of circuit patterns covering him, glowing eyes, tips of his hair glowing too, sharp metal growths and technology around you flashing like crazy.)
Loves Imagine Dragon.
Sharp eyelashes.
Just wants hugs, give him hugs!
Always frustrated when someone from his past tries talking to him about the past. Sometimes he wonders if people forget.
Skilled drawer and smooth singer.
Has an EVO pet (Her name is Siri, Btw)
Some have compared him to being a living, breathing nanite. 
Eager to have family game nights! “Poker doesn’t count, Bobo...”
Once had a malfunction, his whole body was out of wack. (Noah laughs about it and even has some recordings, much to Rex’s dismay.)
Has a civilian outfit that Noah put together. (He refuses to take off his goggles, however.) 
-Ben Tennyson-
Now, I already made a redesign for him, along with Gwen, Julie and Kevin (Both for teen and kid versions). I used the same look, just adjusted some details and colours.
15 Years Old
5′9 (And he stays that height. He peaked in height very young, but stop growing quickly. This does annoy him.)
Dumbass with bad impulse control.
Even he’s confused by how he keeps attracting women.
Had a rather lonely childhood with many bullies. (It’s why he often seeks attention, he’s afraid of being alone and forgotten again.)
It’s also what made him jealous of Gwen when they were young. Most treated her like the better of the two.
Pretty crap at sharing his feelings. He would rather play it off as a jerk, then go and drown himself in smoothies...
A secret momma’s boy. “Benny Bear” As his mother likes to call him.
Has an interesting dynamic with Azmuth. Despite their arguments, they balance each other well. Others have even seen them taking care of each other (Almost like father and son), but the pair will always deny this and say it’s ‘strictly’ professional.
 Surprisingly great with kids. (This was truly noticed when seen around his 14 baby chills.)
In the future, he will have a nasty wound on the battlefield, which will result in the Omnitrix becoming his new arm and merging with him.
When he takes thing seriously, you know shits going down!
Has a german shepherd name Boston.
 Likes to call Vilgax ‘Calamari’.
Has grown to be close to most Tennyson members. (E.G Camille, who was actually his babysitter after she joined the family.)
He doesn’t like peacocks after...an incident at the zoo. His mother still apologizes to this day.
Decent singer and very skilled at the guitar. 
Has picked up combat moves from Tetrax.
Has always felt like he’s nothing without the watch. Others have said otherwise.
He knows how to speak certain alien languages, Galvan being one of them.
His schedule is a nightmare, because something is always popping up that involves him. This means he sometimes forgets to eat, sleep or even wash. It’s why he’s often caught napping.
Sometimes wonders if he’s human or alien at this point, maybe something else entirely. 
Very soft poofy hair.
Is hated by almost all his villains. He just loves pissing them off.
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derivativealigner · 4 years
I rewatched the second season of South Park and took so many notes that I had to split them into two parts. Like seriously, I took so. many. notes. And pictures this time. I started rewatching just in case I’d find some cool little facts to sprinkle into my fanfic but I went way too far and now there’s a million facts under this cut (including gay stan, a domestic violence psa, and craig fucking dying)
Stan doesn’t like hospitals, he finds them gross and he gets sick 🤮. Also the hospital in South Park is called Hell’s Pass hospital. Early seasons have the name as Hells Pass but it gets fixed later
Cartman has to sing all of Come Sailing Away by Styx if he hears a part of it. After he says this, Kyle sings the first part and Cartman has to sing the rest. Kyle does it again later, which is kinda mean
Cartman’s mom tries to abort Cartman, who is an eight-year-old child and thus cannot be legally aborted. Later, after she slept with Bill Clinton to change the law and make 40th trimester abortions legal, it turns out she meant adoption
Kenny sacrifices himself to turn on the generator to the hospital and save Dr. Mephesto’s life along with others. He says “I’ll fucking do it” then does it and dies, absolute legend
Cartman gets way too into his deputy role. He goes undercover, pretends to be a prostitute, says “Respect my authoritah!” a lot and beats people up with his police stick
Kenny’s brother first appears when Cartman responds to a call about a disturbance at Kenny’s house. Apparently there are like 10 adult family members in the house at that time. Kenny’s dad has a black eye because Kenny’s mom punched him. She says he can’t hold a job
Token sits in the classroom in season 2
Cartman starts hating hippies in this season, like a lot
Chef tells the boys that the right time to do drugs is in college
Ike’s name is Ike Moisha Broflovski and he was born in 1996, making him 2 years old in 1998 when this season aired
This is probably obvious but yeah Kyle and Ike are circumcised
Kyle says family isn’t just blood, it’s who you care about, and he says “That’s why you guys are more than just friends, you’re my family. Except for Cartman.”
Craig’s finally sitting in the classroom in S02E04
None of the boys like dodgeball
Clyde gets a dodgeball to the face and he cries :( and he’s the only one who cries by the way
Pip throws a dodgeball in Kyle’s face and breaks Kyle’s nose
When Kyle’s mom tells the boys about conjoined twin myslexia (which isn’t a real term) and says anyone might’ve absorbed their dead twin in the womb, Stan and Cartman run away screaming but Kenny and Kyle stay to listen. Kenny even leans in to look at the book “Freaks A-Z!” that Mrs. Broflovski is reading from, and when she leaves, Kyle grimaces and Kenny laughs
Stan’s mom (Sharon) calls Kyle’s mom (Sheila) when Stan is all freaked out and trying to put an icepick through his brain, and Sharon tells Sheila to get run over by a truck. Sharon is pretty mean in these early episodes
Mr. Broflovski doesn’t really listen to what Mrs. Broflovski is saying, bad husband >:(
South Park’s team is always called South Park Cows no matter the sport
The school nurse, Nurse Gollum, went to Colorado State University
I just realized Butters exists. I think he appeared before S02E05 but I didn’t notice but yeah he’s there with the dodgeball team, injured
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Here’s a picture to make up for my disgusting anti-Butters bias
Kenny’s dodgeball uniform number is 69 obviously. Kyle is 7, Stan is 4, Cartman is 325
Sheila smacks Gerald in the face so hard he falls off his chair, lots of violence perpetrated by women in this show. Remember, don’t do domestic violence no matter your gender, it’s not cool
I realized after this whole Butters thing that I should’ve made more notes about Pip, so I’ll make a note about his anger issues now. When people call him French, he gets angry and throws dodgeballs at them
The boys launch a jelly roll at Ms. Crabtree and make her crash the bus. They do it just for fun
The kids somehow go to China in the school bus
Cartman references Moby Dick, but he probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about
Kevin Stoley gets named in S02E05 and has his first speaking role when he says he has Chinese parents and after Cartman hears it he immediately says something racist. smh cartman, what a problematic fave
Cartman says “I love you guys 😊” but Stan and Kyle just stare at him and he goes 😐 “Eh, screw you guys 😠”
If Jimbo and Ned really fought in Vietnam, they youngest they could’ve been in 1998 is early forties, which means in the latest seasons they would be early sixties. Btw they met in Vietman
Jesus and Pals is a recurring TV show in seasons 1 and 2. Jesus just kind of lives in South Park
I just remembered that Terrance and Phillip are really old in canon, it’s so weird, like how can South Park canon still be changing, it’s been 20 years
Also the early seasons are casually racist who knew
Kenny flashes his ass on a tape the boys send to Jimbo and Ned’s TV show, which airs and at least 12 people see Kenny’s bare naked ass
Cartman really doesn’t like hippies in these early seasons. He throws a chair at Ned and yells, “Take that, hippie!” (Ned is in a catatonic state and did nothing to provoke this)
Jimbo and Ned live together I guess. Jimbo’s gonna take Ned home and show him some hardcore porn to snap him out of his catatonic state, good husband unlike Gerald Broflovski
Saddam Hussein is in hell and has a Canadian accent and is Satan’s lover in S02E06, I guess he died in Canada in the first episode this season but I wasn’t paying much attention since that’s the Terrance and Phillip episode that pissed a bunch of people off in 1998 because the audience wanted to know who Cartman’s dad is instead. It was kind of a boring episode so I understand why everyone was pissed, but it is funny that Matt and Trey did that so I’m not mad about it
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Aww look at them!!! We’ve got background Style, the vaguest inkling of Crenny, and Cartman/Cake
I’d take more screenshots but it’s a pain since I’m watching legally and stupid legal websites block screenshots so I have to find youtube videos instead ughhhh piracy is the answer kids
Apparently there’s a huge waterfall and canyon somewhere close to South Park, maybe? At least in Stan’s dream
Mary Kay Bergman was an incredible voice actor. How the hell did she voice all the moms, Wendy, Shelly, principle Victoria, the mayor, Nurse Gollum, and fucking Ms. Crabtree??? Holy shit what a queen
Kenny has some feelings about death. He reimagines the episode where death boops him to death and in his version, he beats death the fuck up, then has ice cream and is happy 😊 But again, this is in Stan’s dream
S02E07 kind of establishes that nobody remembers Kenny dying because when Cartman tells a story where Kenny dies, Kyle questions how Kenny could’ve died then when he also died just a few hours ago when a giant monster took him
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rip craig, he falls out the bus and into a canyon
But it’s okay because it was all Stan’s dream so everything in the episode is questionable. Everything after this is no longer a dream
Pip’s parents are dead and he has to go to summer school while everyone else is having a nice summer break
Officer Barbrady and the mayor are having sexual relations, I’m sure this is the most interesting note I’ve made so far. Idk I’m just writing everything down, this is how I enjoy things, I have no off switch
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Ew summer bus stop, cursed
Kyle casually sings little tunes every once in a while, how cute
This is pretty obvious but Kenny likes dirty jokes, he laughs when Cartman innocently says he loves Chef’s salty chocolate balls (which are chocolate candy). Nobody else laughs
Cartman says “Screw you guys, I’m going home” or variations of it a lot in this season
So Stan throws up when he likes someone, right? Well, he’s watching an indie movie about two gay cowboys who start making out and he throws up, which is either a terrible homophobic joke or confirmation that Stan’s a little gay. I know which one I prefer
Kyle says Mr. Hankey is his best friend after Stan. Like I know it’s definitely canon that Stan and Kyle are best friends but it’s still nice to see confirmation, it’s very precious. Also Kyle is best friends with literal shit, so cute 😊
Kenny deaths:
S02E02 Kenny sacrifices himself by connecting a generator wire, which electrocutes him but brings power back to a hospital
S02E03 A tree falls on Kenny and crushes him
S02E04 Kenny falls in a grave and the gravestone falls on him
S02E05 The Chinese dodgeball team throws a ball at Kenny and he gets splattered against a wall
S02E06 Two guys pull on Kenny and tear him in half, as in one has the head and one has the legs
S02E07 A big scary monster plucks Kenny out of the school bus and carries him away. Also in Cartman’s fake memory of Fonzi jumping over cars, the motorcycle hits Kenny and crushes him against a brick wall. Kenny gets smashed against walls a lot, doesn’t he?
S02E08 Flashback: Baby Kenny has a firecracker and it explodes, sprinkling little baby Kenny parts everywhere. Later in the episode, current day Kenny dies when a giant firework snake bumps him off a stage and under a fence, which then crushes him.
S02E09 Kenny is playing with a yoyo outside a movie theatre when a bunch of people come outside and trample him to death. They say “Oh my God, I found a penny!” and “You bastard!”
I’ll post part 2 of season 2 in a couple days. I’m having way more fun writing these stupid notes than I thought I would (also gnomes is coming up soon and i am fucking ready for tweek)
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kokoenthusiast · 4 years
Okay I’m gonna respond to all these things people say about Supernoobs
nobody slap me
I have my rights to speak and I am not responding to anything telling me I shouldn’t bash people for their opinions
Here’s the thing
I’m not bashing this person for their opinions
Their opinions haven’t changed once
But I am gonna agree on some of the terms
Please don’t bash me for thinking the wrong thing please
I’m going through some things rn and people telling me not to do something I’m putting my own opinions on or just humorously replying isn’t helping
I know y’all trying to help
But this person is spreads lies about the show to make others hate it and needed to be told the truth
Again DONT bash me please
Alright let’s do this
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How is it exactly? I just need that answer
It’s not a Ripoff TMNT that’s for sure
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Tyler and Shope were both given at least DECENT STEREOTYPES 😭
“A fat kid” Oh nice now we fat shaming! Greeeaat
Didn’t need to give Kevin “The Greaser” cool kid would’ve been enough but ok.
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3. okay genius how do you see a cartoon? Scary/Horror villains like in Avatar? (I watched it with my cousins and it was pretty scary :c)
4. Okay CN is fucking horrible I know that! But ya gotta give them credit for the amazing powers!! I cant change those opinions but honestly these opinions sound like you just saw the theme song/trailer and decided to talk about that.
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Kevin only said he was good at cutting classes! How does that encourage cutting classes? Shope I guarantee would’ve disagreed to that idea but fuck the writers and their dysfunctional plots!
No no NO! This is where I cut the line!! Absolutely sexist! They’re best friends I can’t believe it! Me and a guy friend of mine fight like Shope and Kevin fight in the show!!! There is no excuse or evidence that Kevin teases Shope because she is a girl! “Kevin never learns from his mistakes” that’s true for sure!! If only the writers would’ve made him apologize. (But that would’ve made me ship them even harder lmao) *sigh*...The show doesn’t encourage that kind of sexist behavior! I think you took it the wrong way.
When in hell did any of the noobs have a date!! The only “date” I believe you were talking about was “Noobies vs Smoothies” in which Tyler and Amy had a small little hangout date! Which was RUINED INTENTIONALLY BY THE VIRUS IMMA ADD!
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7. I don’t understand your point here. Tawog had “The” in every single episode.
8. I still don’t see the reason for “I know you noob” but they’re all great in my eyes!! ^^^^
9. I don’t see the show as something trying to be mean tho! ❤️
10. WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HER?! I’m still pissed at the writers for treating her like that!! I’m walking about “Who, What, Where, Noob” btw! A cartoon character can get so unlucky these days and that’s the point lmao
I’m done
Please don’t attack me
I’m going through it rn and I kinda just snapped
I’m tired of the constant bashing on an underrated tv show like this!
If anyone sees this be more than happy to disagree with me in my Dms on Tumblr or Discord
As a Supernoobs fan for 8 months now,
I can confirm if majority of these things are true or not :)
Thank you and have a great day!!
P.S I’m a horrible person you can say it :(
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wallofweird · 4 years
hi fae, how do you feel about people saying that kevin only tolerates madison bc of kate and therefore they won't work? :/
Hi! Well, I think these people are definitely not watching This Is Us (or any type of television, for that matter) or living on Earth. Or seeing and unseeing things according to their pre-established opinions. Either way, that’s absolutely not true. On most of their interactions Kevin is polite, as you can see it here:
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I love this part because there are at least three other guests closer to him but she is the first person he offers a glass of champagne... If you pay attention to the scene, he is holding THREE glasses. He gives one to Madison and he puts another on a shelf, I don’t know about the third, but there were definitely more women in the room that could’ve had that(those) glass(es), he just didn’t care, lol. Also, Rebecca is looking and smiling at him, but he doesn’t even notice it because he is too busy looking at Madi... I mean, another direction.
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CREDIT: https://thisiskevison.tumblr.com (all the gifs above)
Kevin doesn’t look very happy with the idea of dancing and still he doesn’t protest.
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CREDIT: https://madsdefencesquad.tumblr.com/post/616600065662926848/kevin-x-madison-height-difference
This gif doesn’t show it, but he turns his head and watches Madison as she walks away just like on gif number 4.
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Siding with her during a conversation with Kate.
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CREDIT: https://thisiskevison.tumblr.com (all the gifs above)
Comforting Madison.
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CREDIT: https://madsdefencesquad.tumblr.com/post/618991372262916096/kevin-looking-at-madison-nothing-but-blue-skies
He isn’t smiling here, but does this seem to be a person that is annoyed with the other? He has soft, delicate, gentle eyes while looking at her.
And this whole thing about Kevin despising Madison and only tolerating her because of Kate is even more ridiculous because on this scene he is basically begging her to invite him to come inside.
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CREDIT: https://madsdefencesquad.tumblr.com/post/616600065662926848/kevin-x-madison-height-difference
If he thought her company was so unpleasant, why would he accept it in the first place? He could’ve left and gone to Rebecca’s house instead, or come back after Toby got back from work, he could’ve called Randall, or Nicky, or simply gone somewhere else to make new friends because it’s not like struggles when he socializes with strangers.
And here is what Madison had to say about her night with him:
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CREDIT: https://thisiskevison.tumblr.com/post/617836054621339648/do-you-want-to-know-why-i-think-i-slept-with
He made her feel comfortable enough to be her true self and he ended up spending at least a few hours with Madison. He spent the night at her place and only left the next morning... If her presence were so repellent, why didn’t he leave after the sex? Madison didn’t point a gun at him and forced him to stay. Even after he woke up, he kept lying next to her on the bed without a shirt on... Plus, there was the option of leaving without saying anything while she was asleep, but he didn’t do that.
Actually, the only time I believe Kevin was rude to her was at the hospital, but you have to analyze the context: his sister went into early labor, there was an endless list of possible complications to the baby and herself, it took hours until Kevin got some information, Kevin had been drinking, he was dealing with his failed attempt to connect with his uncle, the frustration of having relapsed after an entire year of being sober, feeling guilty for lying to everyone about it and the fear of losing Zoe because of those lies. He was going through A LOT. Those were probably some of the hardest hours of his life. Yet, at first he treated her just fine, it was the fact she wouldn’t stop talking (because that’s the way she was coping with the situation and usually what he does too when he’s sober, btw) that he said those things to her. Now, I don’t drink, but as far as I know people on hangover usually have headaches so it’s not weird that they will avoid noises and I remember Kevin saying a few minutes before that he was on hangover.
I also remember that he immediately regretted it and apologized to Madison, but she didn’t listen and left (I don’t blame her). And when she walked away he was hit by a dose of consciousness and realized his was being “an ass” and apologized to his family. She wasn’t the only one, he was snapping at everybody, because it wasn’t Madison, Randall or anyone else that was annoying him. It wasn’t personal. It was the stress of the entire situation that was making Kevin take it out on everybody. Plus, even though he didn’t specifically snap at Zoe, when he went outside to get some air and clear his head, she offered him company and Kevin shut her out.
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CREDIT: https://thisiskevison.tumblr.com/post/618572824853069824/im-sorry-what-exactly-are-you-doing-here
By the way, Kevin bumped into Madison when he was getting out of the elevator and attempted to apologize for a second time.
Another scene people use as an ‘example’ of rudeness is this moment on the season finale, but I sincerely disagree. Here’s why:
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Kevin was in the middle of a heated fight with his brother and that was almost getting physical when Madison arrived for the party.
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And when she showed up at the door he just told her the truth: it wasn’t a good time.
Now, does that look like an angry, utterly annoyed and disdainful face for you? Because the way I see it, it’s just a guy who’s weary and not in his best state of mind, which is comprehensible since he was in a middle of an argument, his mother’s health is deteriorating, Randall had talked her into doing a clinical trial in the other side of the country despite her previous refusal and that’s just SOME of the heavy stuff he was dealing with at that specific moment.
However, Madison doesn’t bother and enters the place anyway.
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And Kevin doesn’t yell at her, protest or leaves, he just lets her in and closes the door.
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Again: does this look like he hates Madison so much like some people make it seem?
THIS is being annoyed and/or angry:
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CREDIT: https://rostovarps.tumblr.com/post/165520445651/kevin-pearson-in-this-is-us-01x07-the-best
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CREDIT: https://adyadintheforce.tumblr.com/post/177326964546/shame-on-all-of-us
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And this is just being upset, tired, feeling like all your energy has been drained out of your body:
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If you watch the scene, his face on the picture above and on this gif has identical expressions:
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CREDIT: https://ltbelanna.tumblr.com/post/189147462109/this-is-us-4x08-sorry-im-sorry-me-too-see
And really, how did these people expect him to react? Did they expect him to smile, kiss her and propose a second round of hookup? His reaction made perfect sense to everything that was happening at the time.
Do they believe things would’ve been different if it had been someone else at the door, like Kate’s neighbor Gregory or somebody from her support group? Do they think that if it had been another person he would’ve hugged them, offer coffee and crack jokes? That the problem was Madison and not the situation he was in with Randall and Rebecca? 
Anywaaaay, by the end of their conversation he had already softened up and was even slightly smiling at her. 
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CREDIT: https://millennial-mess.tumblr.com/post/613565105725194240/im-so-sick-of-chasing-ghosts-im-tired-of
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CREDIT: https://madsdefencesquad.tumblr.com/post/620438418688704513/you-da-best
Sure, it wan’t a wide smile because it wasn’t like his problems had disappeared all of a sudden, but he had found a silver lining in the midst of everything.
And being exhausted, upset, annoyed, stressed or angry is part of the human experience and part of being in a relationship of ANY KIND: romantic, platonic, familial. Taking it out on someone can happen sometimes as well. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows. People are not perfect. People are not robots. They navigate through negative feelings and emotions too. It’s how things are in real life and also how things are on television, specially on This Is Us, which is a show that focuses on relationships and emotions.
Jack and Rebecca, Beth and Randall, Kate and Toby, Randall and Kevin, Kevin and Kate, Nicky and Kevin, Kevin and Sophie, William and Randall, Kevin and Cassidy all had moments like this... The list goes on. Would the same people define these relationships/friendships as unsuccessful and fake because of a few unfriendly moments? I doubt it, because what really defines a relationship as healthy and successful is the people’s ability to recognize their own mistakes, forgive each other, work on themselves as individuals and as friends/a couple/a family and getting even closer and stronger after facing the hardships. It’s not smiling, talking, hugging and kissing 24/7 because nobody does that. Maybe for a few days and weeks, but you won’t last even a month behaving like this, let alone YEARS.
And the complications are also what keep the story interesting and engaging. I don’t mean something like toxicity and abuse, but if couples, relatives and friends don’t disagree, argue and face problems out and within their relationship, the show doesn’t go anywhere. There must be conflict. There must be drama. And there must be happiness. It’s about balancing these aspects out.
If they want to watch something that’s always sunshine and rainbows and where the characters are always happy, they should watch a TV show targeted to three-year-old children, because honestly This Is Us has never been and will never be this kind of show. 
And we know Kevin has a pregnant fiancee on season 5 and since This Is Us is not a soap opera, I seriously doubt Kevin will go out there impregnating multiple women with multiple children and multiple sets of twins. I reckon it’s safe to say it’s Madison. That means they will go through one of the most amazing and yet vulnerable and challenging experiences two people can ever face and instead of pulling them apart, it will only bring them closer to the point they will get engaged. For me, this sounds like a relationship that is DEFINITELY WORKING.
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meanminyxrd · 4 years
therefore i am but make it kevin day
alright here’s another song analysis for y’all. it’s kind of a jumble of thoughts, but maybe you’ll get joy outta it.
the song we are evaluating is ‘therefore i am’ by billie eilish. i think it’s a really good song for kevin @ riko. listening to it, i’m sure you’d get why, but i’m going to be extra and explain.
WARNING! will contain spoilers to the series (obvs)
let’s start from the top:
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
according to genius lyrics, this chorus means: “Billie confronts the people who want to control her and makes it clear that she has no regard for other people’s opinions about her.”
so it’s kevin after he’s finally escaped and if riko hadn’t died right after the game. it’s kind of like, a ‘what if’ of if they’d had to continue interacting.
he isn’t rico’s friend, brother, pet; anything. he is no longer forced to be tied to riko. “you think that you’re the man” could also be construed as everyone, including riko himself, seeing riko as ‘the king of the court’.
“i think, therefore, i am.” this part, again according to genius lyrics, is coined from Descartes. Descartes argued that even if we are skeptical about the existence of our physical body and environment, the self-conscious of mind still inevitably exists as “we cannot doubt of our existence while we doubt.”
to me this is a strong reminder to kevin that without riko, he is still someone. he still matters. he doesn’t need riko to succeed. he’s been part of a team for so long i’m not sure he remembers how to be his own person. but he’s learning. he belongs to this earth as the earth belongs to him.
Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha
Get my pretty name out of your mouth
We are not the same with or without
Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
Top of the world, but your world isn't real
Your world's an ideal
i have no doubt that riko would spit countless bullshit to kevin to try to manipulate him into coming back, (he does it in the books and also most likely would have if he lived afterwards), not to mention lots of rumors would be spread by riko to try and tear kevin down. for instance, the fact that kevin’s hand was broken in a ‘skiing accident.” since we come from the perspective of neil, we know this isn’t true. however, the rest of the world doesn’t know that. so it’s like, “stop. what the hell are you talking about? literally none of this is true.” ie when he says he’s never gone skiing, but would like to someday. “get my pretty name out of your mouth and stop spreading rumors. with or without exy, we are not the same person. don’t talk to me like you understand how i feel, because you don’t.” (like at the interview). “you’re caught up in your own delusion. you’re on top of the world, but your world isn’t real. your world’s an ideal.” the “perfect court” that riko is striving for is simply that; an ideal. something he wants but would never in reality happen.
So go have fun
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
he is finally letting go of the power riko had over him. he is letting riko go. he couldn’t care less what riko does, says, even fucking thinks anymore. the ‘and you can give ‘em my best’ could refer to him saying “oh ya say hi to the mafia for me’ lol, like a jab. sassy queen, we love him.
I don't want press to put your name next to mine
We're on different lines, so I
Wanna be nice enough, they don't call my bluff
'Cause I hate to find
Articles, articles, articles
Rather you remain unremarkable (Got a lotta)
Interviews, interviews, interviews
When they say your name, I just act confused
obviously this whole “splitting up the two exy stars” thing has spread all over the media; that’s why the ravens are able to switch districts. everyone wants to see them ‘fight’ one another on the court. but kevin LEFT. he isn’t a part of riko anymore. “dont want press to put your name next to mine.” the whole point is that kevin day is not #2 anymore, he is his own person. he is no longer defined by a number. #2 is no longer his personality but a number on a jersey; that’s it. “we’re on different lines,” they’ve always been on opposite sides even on the same court, always battling to be the best (yet it always falling to riko by default) but they’re finally on different teams. they have always been on metaphorical different lines, but this time, it’s actual different line ups. “so i wanna be nice enough, they don’t call my bluff” he acts so civil on kathy’s show even though he is literally shaking in fear because he was terrified more of what would happen if news got out. he wants to be nice and polite enough so that the audience doesn’t catch on that something is wrong. he hates to see articles written about them, hates to answer questions about them, because he wants to let go of riko. he doesn’t want his abuser haunting his recovery. “rather you remain unremarkable,” it would be so much easier, though, if riko wasn’t so popular. (then he dies but you know how it goes.)
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
i love love LOVE this part. i think it could be such a powerful line to kevin’s growth. riko is now insignificant to him. riko has no part in kevin’s life anymore. kevin can finally heal and become his own person. the ‘i don’t think i caught your name.’ strikes me as a sassy way of saying he doesn’t even remember riko, because riko is that forgettable. he can’t even remember that dumb man’s name.
so that’s it really, lmk ur thoughts!
btw, here’s my kevin playlist if ur looking for more songs i associate with kevin  (: make sure to check my pinned post if u want more aftg character playlists!
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Abb/y has something to s/ay
Let me premise this by reminding everyone that Abby -like Trump-doesn’t “get” comedy. They literally do not understand jokes, punchlines, or humor. So a satirical show about the Hollywood song writers falls flat. Her time away did nothing to sway her conspiratorial aspirations or her misogynistic hatred of Mia. She watched Royalties not once, but twice... not to enjoy Darren’s creativity and performance, not to support the celebrity she stans, and not even to crack up at the humor, no she watched twice because she was looking for confirmation bias. She wanted to document all of the ways Darren wrote his CrissColfer truth into Pierce’s life and she obsessively listened to all of the diss-tracks he wrote to attack his wife.  
Let me also premise this by saying I loved the show. I thought it was funny and the songs are so damn catchy.  The lyrics are quintessential Darren- funny, very clever, and raunchy.  
R/oyalties, the Tale of Two Shows with a Heaping Side of Meta
ajw720. So I just finished watching R/oyalties for the second time, this time solely focused on the meta.  Look, we all know, the show is not good, it was not well written and the short format didn’t help as there was no option to develop character or plot.  But D knew it would not be good, he apologized for it back in January 2019.  And I think the effort he put into acting was the effort it deserved. Ok.
But his songs were genius.  As were the videos, hence why i call it the tale of two shows.  It truly was like watching content made by completely different people. I concur with MH, D is “intensely talented.”  And the part of this show he poured his blood, sweat, and tears into, the songs, are evident of this.
But this is a post about that Heaping Side of Meta. I think D, knowing that that show would not be made in the manner he envisioned, instead used it as a vehicle to make some bold statements and parallels with his career and public life.  Shall we begin?  And please, unlike the perfect song, this is not a perfect post and after the second round of watching i canceled my Quibi subscription and never plan to look back, so please feel free to add. I know some of these have been pointed out but I thought it was valuable to have one post.
One idea to inpsire the song?  A tiny FROG on a dime.
D’s shirt 1st seen in Episode 2: “It is hard to soar like an Eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys”
And of course “Call me Goldilocks bitch”  Remind you of something?
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How about the entirety of Episode 3 when we are told that an artist is completely the product of the team.  That no matter what the artists expresses they want, it doesn’t matter because the Label/manager/publicist/on camera agent/legal will always have a say. And how it will play in America or the Foreign market are key metrics of how the product is produced and presented.  I love the line of the songwriter that tells P/ierce and S/ara to “get out while they are young.”  Or the line by one of her team “we don’t want something different, we want something the same that is different.”  And in the end P&S simply took one of KK old songs and reworked it, making something different that is not different and her team loved it.  
And of course, the line that was an utter slap in the face to the most over praised “director” of an indie band video ever when D reminds her of the real director in his life, the man set to direct major motion pictures, “you know who would be perfect to direct? C/hris.  C/hris would shatter this.”
Not much in Episode 4, but the gorilla suit in my opinion was mocking of a certain MMR video where we watched Swiller and a banana in a song about a gorilla.  Images I never need to see in my head again.
Episode 5, a gem, I am still so fucking proud of D and how he mocked her throughout the entirety of the episode.  New lines I love of that amazing song he wrote about her (in addition to those i posted previously here) “Some people say I’m a  genius, which comes from the greek word for Latin, and other people will say, alright in fact i’m a fuckin’s genius” “I’m not saying I’m a god, but I’m not saying I’m not a god.”  Mocking at its finest made all that much better by the band’s name “Switchback Jacket” that D describes as “butt rock emo” that is performed by a band that doesn’t actually sing, they are just the public image.  He literally told us that what we see is an image created for the public and that it is completely fake.  And he used his beard to make this statement. Just brilliant.  I cannot praise him enough for this, stealing her moment in the sun and making her look like an utter fool, telling us just how narcissistic she is.
Also some wonderful lines from that episode that are beyond telling:
“Power, it felt good to remind Kevin that I hold power over him. You always want to be the one with power”
“p/ierce wouldn’t know where to take a shit if I didn’t tell him.”
“she is like my wife except we don’t have sex and we are friends.”
“alright boss, I am ready to record that song, but where should i take a shit?”
“You will do anything to succeed.”
Episode 8 starring “Poly Amorous and the Unicorn Guild” an episode used to shine a light on how absurd it is that people believe D&PBB lived with platonic roomie B/enny for something like 4 years.  3 grown ass adults, all of whom have money to spare lived together in a relatively small house for four years.  It is pure comedy that anyone would believe that this is normal.  But hey these are the same people that explained away the infamous arm around her while at an awards show with D looking on:
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And the cherry on top of this episode, the inclusion of C/huck (for some background, see my post here).
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I really like the one bit of dialogue between P&S, where D pretty much tells us once again that M will use anyone to get what she wants:
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe just maybe, I don’t like where we are now? There were a lot of really great things about the way things were.  Things that are worth preserving.  Not that you just take and use and through out.”
Episode 9 had some really impactful lines:
“you think i wouldn’t steal for my career? You think I wouldn’t lie?  I would do anything.”
The Neils being the nameless individuals, nothing more than a number, who are the ones who actually create the product.  And then the song, some of the translations are D telling you how he feels, because sometimes i think in terms of his public image he is just a Neil trying to escape the cage that has been built around him:
“I dream about getting away, I have been locked up in this cage wishing i could make my escape. I hate that I need you.”
And finally Episode 10, where we learn the Neils get no credit and no royalties. This reminds me of a script C wrote that never saw the light of day but suddenly the next season of AHS had the same theme as his script.
And that is all i got, if you have more please add. I think the fact that D took what he knew would be a mediocre project and projected his voice and story throughout it was pretty genius and a smart way to utilize this vehicle, that was clearly payout for so many that have used him for years and to shine a bright light on the truth.
elicc  The “perfect song”’s performer is called Bailey Rouge, a clear link to TLOS.
He is a genius.
ajw720   @elicc damn, that was on my list and I forgot. And we all know who Red is inspired by, so seems fitting Bailey Rouge would get the perfect song.
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ajw720. Just adding one more I thought about putting in my original post but admittedly think it’s a stretch. But maybe not? Just adding here for fun.
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When Theo tells P to bottle up all his romantic feelings I couldn’t help but think of a certain chapter in a book
Oy Vei! Abby didn’t use her time away getting any therapy or perspective.  She hasn’t learned any lessons. I have no doubt she’s been reading just as much as she did before and she’s speaking to Cassie, Flowers et al all day. It’s really sad. It’s sad that she can’t see how silly she sounds, what an asshole her version of Darren is. If she could restrain herself even a little bit it might come off less unhinged because turning every single moment of Royalties into some crisscolfer wet dream reeks of desperation. 
Abby hates Royalties. In last week’s “Dear D” she had the audacity to say 
....Fans that are beyond devoted and mainly because of the way you have treated fans with respect and a level of caring that far surpasses the majority of public figures.  And while I am not enjoying the show itself, the music shows how diverse you are as a writer and how you can virtually write for anyone or any genre. The songs are fantastic.  Memorable.  And really fun.  
She knows the the Langs wrote the show and Darren wrote the songs but what she can’t seem to comprehend is that Darren IS Royalties. Everything in the show is Darren’s.  
Staying in the closet would be less painful than trying to express oneself through a short-form satirical comedy.  Can you imagine trying to express your devastation and pain through Kick Your Shoes off or Break It In? 
“I’m the king of the hard fuck....pile drive the bed like a young buck...if you like feathery shit thats pretty cool but I don’t need that...people say I fuck too soft, saying that I can’t please a woman” 
BTW Abby- “call me goldilocks bitch” isn’t a reference to TLOS it’s a reference to Goldilocks and Three Bears because because he fucks perfect, not too soft, not too hard. It’s much more believable that he is referring to a random nursery rhyme than it is to believe he is referring to a children’s book his lover/husband/boyfriend wrote 8 years ago. You might love the book but Chris has moved on and written new things. 
Darren wrote funny lyrics. I loved Kick Your Shoes Off because it’s written by a man whose watched his wife and female friends wear painful shoes for the same of fashion even though its painful as fuck.   
“Yeah, I’m a bad bitch so don’t be mad bitch. I turned the room into a catwalk like a sad bitch. I can’t feel my toes in these stilettos. when I walk out my roomate says you’ll regret those....Beauty is pain but oh I look amazing.  You won’t hear me complaining but oh my instep (inside?) is screaming...kick your shoes off (kick em off) ooooooo I do what I want..(Kick em off) ooooo Hey I can’t walk in these, blisters start to bleed now both my feet are swollen. Kick your shoes off (Kick em off).....It’s like i feel so good when my shoes are on, but like i also feel sooooo good when they are off” 
Abby’s convinced I am So Much Better Than You is straight up about Mia because Mia is in the video. She listened to it on repeat the day after it came out. In her “Letter to D” last week she said 
Especially after you made an effort to mock her for the entirety of Tuesday when her episode aired (and for the record I am still really, really proud of what you did with that episode and how you handled the roll out, that is the fighter I admire and that inspires me.  I listened to I am so much better than you on repeat on my drive home from work yesterday).   
Good Lord  The lyrics are as silly as all the other songs: “My mirror wants to bone me (but it can’t because it’s a mirror)” How did Abby miss the obvious TLOS mirror/ Halloween costume reference here?  
“You keep doing push ups while I get buff eating mac and cheese (with overpriced lobster and truffles because I’m worth it)”  
“Some people say I’m a genius (which comes from the greek work for latin) Some other people will say yeah I’m right I’m a fucking genius (I’m not saying I’m a god but I’m not saying I’m not a god). 
“And even when you sneeze, God blesses me, he blesses me. And even when you sneeze, god blesses me, he blesses me, he blesses me”
“I’m am so much better than you at everything”. 
She believes Darren would be- and stay- married to a women that he publicly ridicules and attacks. I don’t get why she thinks that is something admirable . 
She thinks Also You is referring to Ben living with them.  Where to start with this one? She says
“Episode 8 starring “Poly Amorous and the Unicorn Guild” an episode used to shine a light on how absurd it is that people believe D&PBB lived with platonic roomie B/enny for something like 4 years.  3 grown ass adults, all of whom have money to spare lived together in a relatively small house for four years.  It is pure comedy that anyone would believe that this is normal.  But hey these are the same people that explained away the infamous arm around her while at an awards show with D looking on”
I’m gobsmacked.  Also You is about Polyamory. She doesn’t even understand her own theories if she thinks that is the message Darren wants to share about Mia and Ben.  In no world would someone try to proclaim their wife was cheating on them with a live-in houseguest by writing an episode called Poly Amorous and the Unicorn Guild.  Also, someone needs to explain cuckholding to her because her theories about Ben and Mia make Darren a cuck.  
OMG I just realized that Darren is a cuck and Royalties proves it.  He hired Kether to be his costar in Royalties,...Kether is in You’re the Worst as Lindsay.  Lindsay cuckholds her husband. Bam! mic drop.   
Why isn’t Perfect Song about Mia, you know, if we are playing confirmation bias “No one is as good as you because you're my perfect song” 
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djhedy · 4 years
what was the most difficult fic for you to write and why?
hello there! ilu. q&a time
ask me questions if ya like
the first thing i wrote that was super emotionally difficult to physically write was: hold me close. because that was my first multi-chap fic for the fandom, and every single sentence in that fic is loaded, like it’s a real craft - i’m not complimenting myself, just saying that some fics are meant to be easy-going or lighthearted, hold me close you’re meant to feel every inch of neil’s anxiety, anger, or uncertainty, in every word. because he does. and i hope it works, because i poured every inch of my own anxiety, anger, and uncertainty into it. so i mean. shit man! that’s tough. being a writer - the kind of writer i am - means being super vulnerable with your stuff. you almost have to forget anyone’s going to read it! fanfic is great because no one who actually knows me in real life will ever read it so my emotions are safe with me haha. anyway this work remains my favourite. probably? IDK. there’s a scene on the beach where he’s shouting at andrew and i just. oosh. it’s a tough’un.
difficult EMOTIONALLY & PRACTICALLY: oh boy man like what did i even call tinder part 5. ummmmm. “what it means to us”? yes that one. rambling and spoilers below!
i cant even begin to explain how much i killed myself over this fic. writing and editing 20k took an entire weekend, plus a few hours dotted here and there over the two months before when i was struggling to get it down. if you’re not a writer, what you don’t see is how many hours are also put into thinking about writing.
it was originally going to be a story focused on how neil works out his sexuality. i wanted, initially, to write a short one-shot where neil has penetrative sex with andrew for the first time, and enjoys it more for the intimacy than the physical feelings, though he does experience both during sex (otherwise i think the kind of sex they have would be painful) - 
i spent months just thinking about how to do this right: I couldn’t have sex be the end-goal, because it isn’t for andrew, and that’s a damaging portrayal of happy demi relationships. sex isn’t the most important thing to everyone. so it couldn’t be to this fic. so it had to happen in the middle, and it had to be messy, and it had to be good demi-rep. showing something negative happening to people you want to show in a positive/happy light is difficult to balance. it couldn’t be like oh poor them sex is hard. it had to be like: oh poor them emotions are hard.
- and i knew it would be a really fucking tough scene to write, because i wanted the reader to enjoy the act as much as neil and andrew do, but then to experience the come down afterwards as andrew does.
so writing the sex scene was tricky and emotionally painful.
andrew took over the fic, in a sense
because he’s the POV, and because i realised where i thought one thing was happening actually two things were happening at once: neil’s confused sexuality and andrew’s trauma. andrew is an older and more sorted version of himself in this fic, but he has still never had sex with someone he really cares about. (he only started to care about kevin after they ended things.) and he always becomes distant after sex, but it has never mattered before.
andrew’s shutdown after sex was really painful to write. i have never experienced going mute, but i have had times where i cannot look at or talk to the person who is trying to talk to me about difficult things. i rarely make eye contact with my therapist, haha. so like having to be in that headspace, to put andrew in it, sucked. and then writing their arguments - i mean fuck man i hated that. i’m sure readers did too. it straight-forwardly sucked. neither of them acted perfect, but then no one does in long-term relationships. relationships are hard, and people aren’t perfect, and i wanted to show that too, but to get it to feel real i had to dig into what it had felt like to have arguments with my ex. AND THAT SUCKED BTW. you’re fucking welcome.
haha anyway
so i mean there’s both a lot of like emotional bullshit i had to experience to write this fic and it’s the most complicated thing i’ve ever had to plan in my head - i never write planning down, but in my head i shift things around, i problem-solve, i work through the consequences of different plot directions. and that took MONTHS. it’s why there was such a long break between Kevin and part 5.
(Kevin, btw, was written as context for neil feeling jealous of kevin. not because he thinks andrew will leave him for kevin, but because kevin is all the things neil is insecure about not being. sexual, an exy player, as unsmiling and cool and hard as andrew, tall lol. i wonder if anyone picked up on the fact that, at the end of kevin, neil says “so that was kevin” and andrew says “yep” and neil just says “cool”. in his head he’s like “hmm” and also “:(” because neil experiences emotions he just often has no idea what they are until matt sorts him out lol.)
anyway. I AM RAMBLING. good lord i could talk about these two all day because i’ve been thinking about them for months but i WONT.
tinder part 5
answering questions is fun thanks for sending them in :) :) :) love u xxx
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redspiderling · 5 years
Honest Question for Nat Fans: Do we really need to defend the existence of Natasha’s movie?
Yeah, there are Marvel fans out there right now who are going, “Who cares, she be dead” (90% of those people were going “OMG I’m sooooo sad Nat died, RIP WE LOVE YOU 3000″ a month ago, btw).
Do we care about these people? Didn’t they always tell us off for being fans of Black Widow in the first place? Hasn’t she been the butt of all kinds of jokes since Iron Man 2?
The weak one, the useless one, the woman, the eye candy, the one who isn’t actually a superhero, etc.
We’re getting the movie now, it’s in production, who cares what these people think? 
Why does it matter if they will see it/like it, or not? It’s not like there’s a chance they’re making another one after it if it does well, this film is a one time thing that Marvel is making specifically because Scarlett Johansson wanted it to happen and she wanted it to happen in this particular way, so Kevin Feige worked with her to make it happen:
"There were lots of elements of the character that were worth exploring, but I didn’t know if I would be able to make a movie that I wanted to within Marvel," Johansson tells The Hollywood Reporter.
Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige had his own ideas for the hero, who ultimately died in Avengers: Endgame but is getting a prequel stand-alone from filmmaker Cate Shortland. "'He had a vision for this movie that I incorporated into my own and it seemed like something that was a story worth telling," Johansson notes.
"The only reason to make this film was, in my mind, if we could elevate the genre in some way," Johansson says. 
So, we’re getting a film that not only wasn’t in the plans, we’re getting a film that is a gift to the character from the team that portrayed her for a decade, and that will be special, because it’s combining elements that don’t exist in the MCU. We could honestly never get a better deal than this.
Am I the only one who has decided to enjoy that and ignore the people who will be on the hate bandwagon because it’s been easy to hate Natasha since day 1?
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kariachi · 4 years
Okay y’all, two more episodes and then we get more Kevin tomorrow!
Starting us off- It’s Story Time
Max attempts mechanics. It does not go well.
Rath has been harnessed to the rv like a goat so at to tow it to the next town
...mannequins everywhere...
We have found, a human person. Thankfully he’s a mechanic
...ya know, I thought the dude who ran an entire tourist trap ghost town on his own was off, but this guy straight up replacing all the people who moved out with mannequins...
Max is just, so pouty
Gonna have to spend the day
They’ve got a diner, a giftshop, and someplace that apparently has history and isn’t to be allowed access by visitors, at least according to Barry D Mannequin
It’s the library. Dude’s wife is the librarian. Please tell me she’s not a mannequin
Ben: “I promised myself I’d never set foot in a library during summer vacation“
Yep, she’s a mannequin
There is like nothign there
Max I hate to break it to you but you couldn’t be the brains or the brawn of this team if you were forty years younger and the next Einstein
Max. Max please do not bother the glowy book under the cloche. No not even to try to ‘fix’ the lock. Just back away slowly.
Trying to fix the lock not only set it crumbling to dust but also shattered the cloche. Great job Maxwell
Hi Hex. Figures a glowy book would summon you
The Book of Eternals. According to Hex they were ‘an ancient race that wielded immense magic’.
Was a magical lock
Max is gonna try to wield the book against Max, mostly because he’s in a foul mood I think
Stole the book from Max, except for one page that got ripped out in the process
‘Foolish old man’ Hex you are over 2000 years old!
Hex turning the whole place into a moving maze just for the sake of making things interesting
...Ben, meanwhile, is opening up about his insecurities to one Stanley D Mannequin
He’s already losing his mind, poor child
And back to Max’s attempts at using one page out of a spellbook to take on an ancient sorcerer
He turned himself into a furry. Rabbit one, to be specific
Hex, both judging Max on not having the arcane knowledge to wield the book’s power while also giving him advice on proper pronunciation. I think we’re seeing at least some trait of how he ended up with a apprentice for a while there
(btw Kevin would really improve this episode but then he’d improve every episode and I might just be a bit sad that team-up didn’t last longer than half an episode)
Hex steals the last page
...Ben you little shit, he’s telling the mannequins about Kevin’s fight with the Forever Dipshit like he was doing it all.
Ben comes to save the day against Hex, library or no
Damn, Hex has got some power from that book
Hex about to vaporize Max for being annoying
Oh look, the mechanics is back. His family has been protecting the book apparently.
Dude has read the book, apparently. And Hex has just, been absorbing the book page by page. Literally.
Max learns a lesson
And Hex goes down
Did that man just destroy the fucking book?
.......the mannequins are alive...... gods save us.......
And the Tennysons are outski at top speed
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