#this isnt her main fit tho
dijaja · 4 months
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G'day for an OC ain't it
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
I love briar even tho the bit of lore isnt from your nevermore AU but the part where Wednesday is babysitting her in witchcraft baby AU and the opening her maw to let out the ear splitting sound I was hooked
I mean it's still canon to the main AU tho, so you're valid regardless! I like to think that the faceless have mouths, just not one fit for talking
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withered--s0uls · 5 months
Oh look it's another GD crossover
Ghost Drone AU - @electrozeistyking
You already saw all this art but shhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
This originally started out with me just wanting to draw Beanie interacting with the Intertwined Codes Kids but then I added some extra stuff lol.
If you're a reader of Intertwined Codes, this kinda sorta spoils future stuff bc only the twins have been mentioned in the Draft/Teaser fic but oh well. You have been warned.
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IC!Uzi wouldn't like actually meet GD!N bc they'd kinda decide that "hey, let's not have the widowed man see an alternate version of his wife that actually got live." simply out of respect kinda?? So she would stick around at home with the kids whilst IC!N goes out to look for Beanies Dad after their kids drag her to them lmao.
So yeah she doesn't necessarily know the extent of the mans depression, the kids just mentioned there only being a dad so she just specifically asks about GD!N in this doodle
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IC!N would quickly pick up on GD!N not being completely okay, even without being told any details. So he probably would end up sitting him down to talk on their way back to the IC!Doorman families place, wanting to help if he can in any way. (He runs a Daycare and tries to also be a support to any parent that needs it, so I feel he out of habit would lean into trying to do that with GD!N)
More/The kids under the Cut otherwise the post looks so long rip
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I will go over each of these one by one (can'tdo close ups bc 10 image limit, I'll reblog this in a second with the close ups.)
Left are the Code-Related Nuzi kids, right are the adopted ones.
Code related kids
Not much to say, I'm still working out their personality - they're maybe 2-3 years older than Beanie, so they aren't too far apart in age. :)
She's the sibling who started the trend of putting stickers on her siblings, so she DEFINITELY would do the same with Beanie.
She also probably originally was going to show her how to build a weapon, but her parents promptly stopped that lmao .
She would think it's really cool that Beanie has a custom core icon & in general is completely customized from the start! She herself was originally put into a regular worker body (just with the tail and headband being custom made by her mom), she had to build the DD forearms herself. She also has a sticker of the DD icon on her core, covering the WD icon :3
At this point he has enough siblings to be past the "ew a little kid" phase, so luckily Beanie gets spared that. His main camera is damaged, he only really uses his headband optics to look around, so he would kinda just look as if he's staring past her a lot. But bc of the obvious cracks in his visor I feel she would pick up on the fact he's not actually ignoring her.
Also he definitely would just play music to her, because IC!Uzi kinda always has music on whilst working in her workspace he kinda picked up some of her taste in music (Hence he's playing the same song that Uzi is shown to have been listening to in Ep7)
First up THANK YOU Zeisty for helping me brainstorm silly stuff for them. They're a little ball of chaos now and I love them.
They would join Orita in bedazzling Beanie, and then they'd start talking about bird facts and also try to get Beanie to talk about her interests.
(Their height difference isnt 100% accurate bc halfway through drawing this I changed the IC timeline, making Raven about the same age as Zagi instead of them being a teen, so I kinda had to manually try and semi-fit their heights lol)
Adopted Kids
Nothing to say. He's a baby. Tho whilst I was outlining this one I had to giggle because of how big he is in Beanies hands. She's so tiny 😭💕 /affectionate
Oh boy. Ann.
Annika is the eldest kid & was adopted a while before Zagi was coded / whilst the parents were organizing the code copies for Zagi
She does NOT know how to talk to other kids. Never did. It made her stick out at the orphanage wing because she just avoided everyone. And it is very chaotic when Olivia and Ray first show up, because Ann's only idea of talking to other Drones is "well you got to be relatable" so she brings up the siblings dead parents bc like, her code parents are dead too. Both pairs dying to DDs. So yeah she probably would be the first, if not only one, in the whole household to just bring up GD!Uzi. She would do it like it's nothing either.
IC!Uzi would promptly get her to stop and sit her down having a conversation about "what did N and I say about trying to connect on that topic?"
Like IC!Uzi would actually feel really bad about it despite Beanie not knowing her mom. Bc she herself obviously didn't remember IC!Nori growing up but still didn't like the topic.
Olivia, as I said, was greeted with the topic of dead parents by Annika as well. So she probably would kinda interfere when IC!Uzi goes to sit Ann down to talk.
She would feel the need to apologize for the older girls behavior (which Ann would apologize for herself later too ofc) and would try to get Beanie to go play something together whilst IC!Uzi sorts that whole situation out.
She's also the closest to Beanies age probably, just was forced to mature bc of what happened to her parents, despite being taken in by Nuzi shortly after. She still obviously acts like a kid tho when comfortable, so I feel she would kinda ease up around Beanie and actually act more like a 4-5 year old around her.
Bonus? Bonus!
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Needless to say Beanie would return home covered in stickers & hairpins (Orita & Raven have more than enough of those, they'd just let Beanie keep some)
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RIP GD!N having to get her out of those stickers once they're back home
Also, for the "*humming*" variation of the picture I blame @k1k0oftheworld. Kiko was in vc with me when I was talking about how Beanie would be covered in stickers when she gets home, and saw the doodles as well.
He proposed the following scenario after seeing Rexim show Beanie IC!Uzis playlist:
Beanie humming dead batteries song & GD!N having a breakdown bc it reminds him of GD!Uzi
I do not take accountability for this, I was going to spare the poor widowed man.
(I scrapped the idea of him not knowing ab the IC!Doorman family and him getting a mini heart attack when Beanie goes "I met Mom today" in favor of him and IC!N meeting & talking - I WANTED TO SPARE HIS POOR HEART)
@k1k0oftheworld you owe him money for a therapy session now /silly
Anyways that's it, I'll put the close ups in the reblog like I said 👍
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ive been turning these 2 around in my mind so so much lately... id like to share why i like them, so ill do so under cut :)
what draws them together? both of their traumas are part of them. neither of them are going to 'get better' in the expected way. they can learn to cope with their struggles, possibly get medications to help with that, but that's it. theyre similar in many things ('their trauma isnt leaving', both are suicidal "feeling suicidal/i wish i wasnt alive" "i should actually just die id be doing everyone a favor LOL"), neither like who they are as people "all the pretty girls make me not wanna be me" "do u know what thats like? being someone you wouldnt want to know?") and both of their songs are about their relationships with other people, even if its not the main theme
weevildoing said this about disposable girl. with chemical girl, its more obvious
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this gives them both a deeper understanding of each other !! even though their traumas are still different, theyve got this similarity. they could talk about that, relate to each other, etc...
another thing that draws them together: their interests, id say! she was a skater girl she was a fitness girl, can i make it any more obvious... most of their hobbies arent the exact same, but they are at least in a similar vein id say - anime and gundam, skating and fitness, rap and megan thee stallion. they could easily enjoy each other's interest, i think!:)
what stands in the way? misunderstanding and miscommunication. i think that (when theyre first getting to know each other, at least) disposable wouldnt stand up for herself/tell chemical when shes uncomfortable/when chemical says something that upsets her ("being mistreated would at least mean im real" "that at least means youre someone that they wanna be around"). she'd feel like voicing these things would cost her her and chemical's relationship. i also feel like she wouldnt see this as something worth communicating, possibly
thatd be a problem in all relationships ofc, but itd upset chemical girl especially. she has a hard time forming relationships ("i wouldnt want to be around me either. do u know what thats like? being someone you wouldnt want to know?"). she pushes others away so that she cant hurt them ("theres no point in getting close, leave me alone"). i think that if she and disposable got close, and she found out that it isnt communicating its feelings, shed be upset !! yknow ?? thinking that youve finally found a friend that likes you as you are, when in reality ur just hurting them with everything that you say... getting close to someone for the first time in forever, opening up, just to find that out would probs frustrate her
have an example of smth that i think that would happen when theyre first getting to know each other
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i think they'd communicate this eventually tho:) yay yippee! im communication and im understanding🏳️‍🌈the girlfriends
what are their good traits? they want to be there for each other, to help each other grow, to understand one another!! like in "what draws them together?", they understand each other more than the average person. they could help each other accept this - like, its easier to accept people for things that you beat yourself up about, yknow? were more strict with ourselves than other people, its easier to deem someone else as deserving of love than yourself, etc etc... since theyre similar in many things, they could learn to love themselves while they start to love each other !! i hope that makes sense..
them sharing hobbies would be SOOO so cute!!! chemical teaching disposable fitness so that she has an outlet for her frustration, disposable teaching chemical how to skate... chemical showing it gundam, her figurine collection, disposable showing her anime, them listening to rap together.... it would be so cute !!!!! i think disposable would enjoy fitness, but would be embarassed by being bad at it/being slow/sweating a lot/etc. chemical would be cheering her on, proud of her for the smallest improvements... likewise, i think chemical would suck at skating. steps on the skateboard and it explodes. u know how it is
what makes them hopeless at romance? ARGHHH "what to do, when everybody that ive loved has only up and left me?" "im alwasy left out of everything" "nobody fuckinf wants me" vs "theres no point in getting close, leave me alone" "i dont think you should come by my place tonight" "nobody can keep up with me"... need i say more...
i think they should latch onto each other like leeches and never let go
thank you if youve read this far:) theyre so everything to me !!!! theyre sooo... god... shaking them!!!! arghrrrr!!! chemwaste!!! save me chemwaste!!!
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(both of these poses are from mellon_soup)
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Antag Swap Ideas
Clown: Out of all of the 3 main games what cast do ya'll think Ouma would thrive with?? And why is it sdr2?/j Hina: Trigger Happy Havoc It is not SDR2, no way sksksksms Clown: Nah but I'm curious if any of you think he would have genuinely had a better time with the others Also shhh, let me pretend he'd have an easier time with hajime hinata Me: It's true, no pretending Hina: Well Makoto is the calmest dkdkkddk I just think THH as a whole tends to get less angry Not as many loud personalities to conflict with Me: There's no need to fight, he'd be way better off in either of those than in v3 Ves: kokichi in thh would be so funny. he is pulling celeste's pigtails
Hina: (Also I am going under the assumption by joining these casts he is replacing either Byakuya or Nagito respectively) Clown: Yeah same
Hina: Nagito would thrive in V3 Ves: he would be friends with tsumugi ..frenemies maybe Clown: HE WOULD BE Nagito would attach himself to kaede so fast And it will go so bad, but in a very funny way Hina: Byakuya in SDR2 would go well tbh There’s two of him Ves: I'M THE REAL BYAKUYA, KILL THE CLONE- Clown: He's the less cool byakuya everyone's gonna vote him off the island Me: Twogami [handshake emoji] Fuyuhiko - being the Cooler Dan to him
Me: Sdr2 Works because they're all like that. He wouldn't be outcasted. He doesn't reach the levels at which Nagito managed to cross the line of their tolerance Hina: See my thought with THH is having more calculated personalities, more people who are willing to work together. I think he’d have a better time as a leader in that cast Thh never outcasts anyone in the way the other games do Me: Oh yeah, he would be still able to antagonize a few people in thh and keep his shtick, it just would not escalate like in v3, because they have more integrity (low bar) and can be more normal about disliking someone. Sdr2 gang would be just not phased by this clown, they'd sense he's one of them (freaks) Ves: he'd fare better even in udg i think v3 is a uniquely unhinged cast Clown: Yeah!! This combined with the fact that hajime is just the type of person to push pass any frustration and think about what they can do (asking nagito for help when he needs it), akane being suprisingly good at reading people (like fuyuhiko), and even Hiyoko with her not being shy on putting out there that she has a grudge and doubts. For ouma in THH tho, what would his relationship with kirgiri be like? Hina: I think it’d be a mutual respect Maybe not besties I don’t think she trusts him But she can respect him Clown: I could see him getting along with chihiro and sakura too, and sayaka Okay yeah I can see how he would've been Ballin in literally any of the other two casts Sakuras gonna shove him to the side and go "Actually I'm the one who's gonna sacrifice myself to further our goal to end the killing game" and then they fight/j Having a play fight over who takes the last bottle of poison (the rest are shattered on the floor) Apollo: I love Kokichi and Chihiro friendship
Clown: Okay but imagining ouma in thh oh man, so much. IF the first murder still is Sayaka breaking down and going for it I can imagine him doing his silly little warnings towards her. But since she is not the main driving force of the group like kaede was how differently would it affect him?? And with the sakura situation, that fucker never sleeps. Like kirgiri he is sticking his nose everywhere. I could see him finding out that sakura is hiding something, and begin to needle her about it. Offhand comments here and there. And sakura is smart, and more than that she isnt rash, she'd confront him about it in private almost immediately. And she wouldn't try to kill him. Maybe she would tell him or maybe not but she isn't violent with him and she doesn't fit his view of a murderer. DOUBTS.
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yellowymellon · 6 months
Family theory ⬇️
i'm abt to present the most controversial theory ever/j it's just a silly one xD (beware tis long)
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as far as we know, xipe themselves descend on the charmony festival. but does this hymn insinuates that multiple faces descend instead of the entirety of xipe? let's first see the content of this hymn:
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it starts by talking abt dominicus as a manifestation of xipe, dominicus means sunday, this could be further supported by the many mentions of law and authority as sunday is shown to be orderly, methodical and obessesive compulsive. "the gazillions of old laws have all faded" i suppose that could be ena which makes sunday even more connected to them.
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constantina is the second manifestation who is a singer. who else is a probable emenator of harmony and is a singer?
from the collectible cards found in penacony, robin's says the following "Surrounded by vibrant lights, the audience was moved to tears by her voice. All the flaws, ugliness, deception, and loneliness in life were forgotten." it fits well as robin is many times portrayed in this manner.
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Aelenev, his description is abt battles and war, it might be a metaphor but it could be talking abt the very distant past of penacony. there isnt much info i can derive from here or firmly link it to someone but i have someone in mind.
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beatriz, while dance seems like the main characteristic but so is singing and feasting. "the world is a ball" i think beatriz resides over culture and entertainment.
now before i talk abt who i think the last two are i need you to know the family lineages, there's 5 families. the name followed by purpose by the head :
oak - management - sunday
nightingale - construction - Sir Whittaker (npc)
bloodhound - security - head unknown
Iris - entertainment -  Maeven Ellis
alfalfa - economy - oti alfalfa
ofc the dreammaster exists as a seperate entity of all 5.
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there's some truth to the first pic, the dreammaster does control the 5 families, and his orders are absolute. the history here could be altered by History Fictionologists, followers of enigmata.
the hymn only mentions 4 ppl tho, 2 are the closest to sunday and robin, the latter isnt even a family head, which is a bit weird but makes sense why she gets invited to the charmony festival. but beatriz very much matches with iris' head, Maeven Ellis. Aelenev is more tricky to define but he could be Gopher Wood, found in the collectibles. i couldn't find anything concrete in his description but "we have discovered the lord's disciple in the mortal world" is an interesting line, i mostly took his appearance in consideration :
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(ignore aideen and lesley) anyway- gopher wood seem to carry a 'gospel' and has a crow by his side (just like sunday who has erm a raven? a nightingale that looks like an eagle?) and his wings are scarred, possibly by 'battles' the hymn spoke of, aaand Easter-egg he has sunday's old halo :) i suspect he could be the bloodhounds' head, Maeven Ellis is right beside him btw
out of all the hymn has talked abt, in our silly theory, ALL of them are halovians who have wings. i read in wiki that halovians have wings in their biology but idk where that info came from...there isnt a single halovian npc who got wings.
"every Halovian in Penacony is a member of the family" gopher looks like an older priest, his postion could totally be of a head.
now this is spoilery (imo doesn't make much difference), even tho it was leaked to be in 2.0 loading screen but i didnt find it, so i went to great lengths to get it from reddit! It might be a scratched idea tho, I'll only put the most important parts :
Edit: nvm it's called the harmonic strings phenomenon, found in wiki and database :x
"Family members have adopted a system of differentiation based on scales, with only those above the subdominant "IV" note being eligible to serve as the tuner of the Harmonic Strings. "
"The concept of Harmonic Strings is elucidated in the Harmony Hymns, a compilation of divine embodiments attributed to Xipe. These embodiments portray down-to-earth virtues that contribute to Harmony and can be practiced by individuals regardless of their position."
"The Family takes pride in celebrating the beauty of the Thousand Faces, including figures such as Aelenev of the Eternal Centurion, Dominicus of the Harmonious Choir, Constantina of the Panacoustic Theater, and Beatriz of the Blissful Ball."
"Opposers of the Harmony argue that the Harmonic Strings are in fact Emanators from Xipe themselves, not associated with any specific mortal but rather representing facets of Xipe, who can assume the form of any Family member when necessary."
Lots of yapping I know. Basically the ones eligible to welcome xipe in a ritual called harmonic strings are tuners of rank IV. We already know that at least 2 are emenators and the others should be too.
Also Aelenev of the eternal centurion, a Centurion being a soldier in the Roman army responsible for the command of one hundred men. A description fitting of the bloodhound head. The harmonic choir could refer to the oak family, and so on
But here where the contradiction happens, in oti's letter to Sunday
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also if all halovians with wings are emenators/ facet of xipe, then sunday and robin had them as children..?
i could argue that the dreammaster chooses for xipe who he sees fit to be an emenator, and under his guidance they become a harmony symbol. robin for the outside world and im sure sunday was adopted for the same cause as bronya rand, to become the future head of the oak family.
now on dominicus arrival...this letter and the hymn are slightly contradictory...and the map text is too. if dominicus is a facet of xipe, why do they and the 3 others have to welcome xipe ? isnt the descent of the 4 of them considered complete in it's self? xipe is a plural aeon, if part of them descends it should still be an aeon. but the hymn insinuates that the 4 facets serve xipe. also the connection between sunday and robin to them is solid.
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aight, we know who the harmonic strings are from the map text, it makes sense to think of them as the ones i theorized them to be, except from robin they're all directly influential on penacony. aand now oti's letter makes less sense. we can argue that each one of them derives power from a facet, maybe even becoming vessels to them or represent them. and these facets need to descend (arrive) for the charmony festival to reach it's conclusion, being xipe's descendance.
also reminder
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(he means xipe by their)
uuuhuh sweetie, u gotta leave the house as dominicus tho!
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ganondoodle · 1 year
need help for rewrite
so ... im still stuck trying to decide who fits what sage role best, mainly its a tie between purah and monk miz kyoshia for the role of spirit sage, current plan is that the spirit temple is located beneath the forgotten plateau and is accessed via shrine of life/the DLC dungeon from kyoshia but its broken and leads into the temple
purah pro
female character in a mostly male cast in the sages roles
tech enthusiast = tie in with mineru
kinda hinted at in the game to be a sage but then isnt (imo)
possible tie in with josha so she actually gets something to do
possibly fun companion for a dungeon
already gives link his shiekah prosthetic arm and its abilities + upgrades
doesnt seem that spiritual all things considered
what would her ability be?/would a guardian laser fit her??
doesnt seem to have any magical capability without her tech (then again does mineru?)
monk kyoshia pro
hes cool :)
very spiritual
would be a very unexpected choice
located right where the temple starts
can do a guardian laser just like that
having a floaty mummy monk in the sage meeting would be kinda funny
possibly having funny interactions with koga as he/the yiga seem to take after the original shiekah alot before they were split (plus my HC of koga having been a monk from the same time as well ... should they know each other ..??)
he was a DLC character
another male character, making zelda and riju be the only sages
duplicated moveset with koga, what would be the most logical ability to gain from him and in turn whats more iconic for koga? (as in AoC tho non canon koga does a laser thingy too, would be neat to pick that up here, then again kyoshia and koga both teleport like nobodies business)
lore clash bc he should know too much, he could tell everyone whats going on robbing away alot of the mystery (and if not mentioned, is there a good excuse?) plus would render alot of the research into new tech useless bc he might know all of that .. unless being monk doesnt mean also knowing the tech ..
possibly less fun companion for a dungeon
additionally, zelda mainly being the sage of light (perhaps the time thing being just an inate thing the shiekah arm can do bc its a more developed version of the stasis rune) could also mean she could do a laser attack as we see rauru do, then again the moldora attack is not part of the rewrite so if ever used by rauru its when he and ganondorf fight one on one in one of the new memories which brings up the problem of what would be the most logical ability to gain from either, is the teleport the yiga do not a little .. to little impactful for someone like koga? also kyoshia can do the same, again a moveset overlap and .. if it was purah instead, what is her ability (same problem with paya, she doesnt have any ability either .. tho i could imagine giving you a shield like sidon does in canon and change sidon ability to be something healing related bc of mipha?)
if i took kyoshias ability to make clones of himself as an ability (since you dont have the sages running around you in the rewrite) as a distraction tech and battle support, would it fit koga more to have a laser attack or the teleport? i kinda like the idea of giving zelda the laser attack bc she rarely gets an overly offensive role
more thoughts, if it was kyoshia, couldnt he just waltz around with you all the time bc he doesnt have any leadership roles he needs to furfill? or perhaps he cant leave the area of the shrine of life, hes a mummy after all, would that be a good excuse? (thought about impa too bc it would be cool to have an old character kicking ass in the main team, but after giving her role to paya she doesnt have any reason why she wouldnt be able to tag along everywhere too)
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wish-i-were-heather · 1 month
Any thought on TGG?
okok so i wrote like an essay of predictions and what i thinks gonna happen next on in the notes app on on my phone bc i was camping when i finished reading it so i had no service and couldn't go online and tell people my thoughts 😭😭
uhh im gonna put my main points (spoiler warning ofc also this is gonna get really long)
i think eves whole kidnapping thing is bc of eve (obviously bc like slate is working with her) but because eve wants gray's attention
i cant remember if she knows about lyra or not but still
i just think this because i dont think she would really want anything to do with gigi, just using her bc gray
basically my main point is i think the main plot glorious rivals is going to be about finding gigi (i hope im right and she doesnt get dropped of at home in like chapter three or these will all be incorrect)
when gray finds out what happened to gigi he will flip out. obviously savannah will too probably moreso bc like thats her twin but gray is very protective of them both so he'll freak out like crazy
especially once they inevitably put the peices together and realies why kidnapped her, he'll probably want to kill eve (i'd say not actually but i wouldn't be surprised if he genuinely did. i do so like)
i think that both grayson and savannah will like actually refuse to participate further in the grandest game until they find out what happened to her
and obviously avery and the others arent apathetic so theyre gonna understand and its either gonna be cancelled/postponed
and when they do pause/end the game, they arent gonna tell people why cause that'd cause more drama
omg also im forgetting her name but gigi and savannah;s mom. i feel like she's either gonna be a really big character in the next book or not in it at all, i dont think theres really gonna be an in between.
also xander was really starting to grow a friendship with gigi, so he'd be concerned too.
i want gray and xander to have more "screen time" together and like grow their relationship bc they have a funny dynamic but we dont see it a lot
also i keep forgetting to mention her but SAVANNAH
shes gonna be so worried omg and she will be even more angry and worried than grayson will be
she is going to blame it on avery, i mean she already doesnt like her because she "killed her father" and whatever but just like yk
i have a feeling that the teams from this book are gonna come back
like rohan is gonna be on savannah's side about this whole situation, also like avery and jamie dont like him bc the whole jamesons rib situation lmao so that wont be hard to convince him
and theyre gonna be against avery and the hawthornes because savannah doesn't like her
and then lyra and gray are gonna be on the same side obviously (excluding odette bc idk where she fits into all this)
and not gigi obviously but then knox and brady, theyll probably be doing their own thing??
idk knox is obviously kinda a jerk and i dont like him and hes not in the game anymore
but brady he might try to help gigi? im not sure what to make of him
i feel like each "team" is gonna be trying to figure out what happened with gigi?? idk like i said if finding her isnt the main plot this is gonna be a little embarassing
ok but stepping away from that...
so we've known alice is alive but now thats to odette everyone knows
what did she want tobias to do when she came back? and just idk i have so many questions
my first thought is alice but thats too easy, too obvious
for the same reason i dont think its eve nor whoever the heck knox's sponsor is.
what if its this calla girl??? bc brady says shes alive?
why is everyone alive tho tbh first alice then calla, everyone but sheffield sorry sav
ok anyway idk hes not coming back (hopefully)
i do think whoever the watcher is is the same person who gave lyra the ticket
especially rohan like woah chill theres other people reading this book save some thoughts to yourself
but overall i loved it and i need glorious rivals right now
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stellawolfearts · 4 months
Tang (oh wow, someone who isnt nezha or macaque its a miracle :o), 😇, 👻, 🌟, 🖕 and 😶
OH I LOVE TANG! I dont talk about him much but i adore my headcanons for him. He's so squishable. like a stress toy.
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
hmmm, im unsure about this one. cause in a world where gods litterally go into the mortal realm, Sun Wukong is a popular celebrity and magic stuff happens all the time in places where everyone can see. its a little hard for me to imagine anyone in LMK having a religion that deviates from the gods that we know already exist in this world.
I think tang tho, would have a specific god he worshipped. and while it is definitly a more popular one I think it's a good fit. I think Tang would have a Statue of Quanyin and has prayed to her, worshiped her, all that stuff. Just seem's fitting to me.
I can also see him being the one that convinced Pigsy to put a statue of her in his noodle shop.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
Tang definitly isn't the bravest of the bunch, he gets overwhelmed by all the crazy magic stuff pretty easily. Especially when LMK stars.
I feel like Tang just has alot of anxiety in general. Sometimes its obvious, sometimes it's not.
In general I like to think he's got a handle on his anxiety until something happens and then he starts spiraling and then will obsess over what happened for the rest of the day. Mess up a lecture? (i hc him as a scholar/teacher) he's faceplanted into the table in Pigsy's shop. Completly mortified for the rest of the day. the only thing that gets him pulling his head back up is a bowl of noodles. and then Pigsy can convince him it wasn't that bad, the students likely didnt even notice and if they did they probably dont even care.
Then a worse fear i think he would have is being alone and being useless. Ending up not worth anything to anyone and being alone because of it. Yeah Tang deals with it in that one samadhi ring episode but fear's and worrys dont go away emmediatly. He might have grown to handle it better but it's not gone. Especially with everyone around him growing stronger by the day. there's a little voice in his head that's telling him he wont ever catch up to them all, that he will be left behind in thier wake.
which, of course isn't true. He tries his best not to give that fear any attention and after the samadhi ring episode he and Macaqe have it mostly works. but it's still there.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
Peace and quiet for one week, without something Mk and Mei did that gave him a heart attack. It's alot worse now that they both got powers.
but on a more serious note I can see him dreaming of becoming a renowned scholar. Like, he's known at work for knowing WAY more then the average teacher should (he works at a university) so i can see him wanting to write a book with all his reaserch.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
Tang would get heated in an argument about the subject he specializes in. History of the Gods.
If someone tries to tell him he's wrong he will stare at them, adjust his glasses, and then tell them exactly why their wrong. If they keep fighting thats when Tang gets heated. He will pull out sources upon sources and tear down every single arguement that person has with ease.
Most of his angry outbursts comes from being anxious and overwhelmed.
Otherwise he's a nerd arguing over historical accuracies.
😶 A random headcanon!
I dont have alot of headcanons for Tang but im sure i can come up with something.
I think he would have a tumblr account. He would answer questions about the information of the gods the mortal realm has, I would think he's pretty fluent in english so even accounts from the west could read them. he'd post mainly in chinese but under the 'read more' application would be the english translation of what was said in the post.
not only that but he would have a main and a side account.
Main is reblogging stuff and being in fandom (you cannot convince me he wouldnt be in fandoms. he has older millennial vibes. so like. late 30's early 40's. so he would be a veteran in fandom spaces atp XD) I think he would like Heavens official blessing. He would probably enjoy Madoka magica and analyze its themes and details.
there would probably be more but i think in general he would enjoy stories with fantasy/magic settings and love it even more when those stories have deeper themes he can dissect.
hes definitly a fanfic writer in hiding. posts once every blue moon in a new fandom and drives said fandom mad
Side account is for sharing information on the gods that he has.
no one knows theres one person behind these two blogs and the ao3 account. theres no connection to each account and neither is there any connection to the real him.
man, Tang is so fun to write about
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hawthornesbiggestfan · 2 months
the grandest game review (and hot takes)
1. plot
the fact that jlb managed to fit plot twists after plot twists in ONE book just proves how good of a writer she is. i was basically shitting my pants at the end of every chapter, WAITING for a reveal. odette, gray n lyra's games were not as memorable for me (probably because i was more distracted by lyrason whoops) but i loooooveeeddd (100% loved) savannah n rohan's games. it felt so enticing and pulled me in, it had ME trying to solve it. i loved that they solved their games first before opening up their emotions because it allowed me to focus on the main thing before moving onto the next.
2. pov holders
my favourite pov (and im biased LOL) was definitely gigi. i think i enjoyed it most because i really felt IN HER BRAIN. i loved the chaos and the amount of exclamation marks is very appreciated. i also think i liked her most because she really act like an 18 year old girl, so it was more relatable. her emotions n feelings rly spoke to me.
lyra's pov, honestly, was a whole rollercoaster. first we see her with her guard fully up, then suddenly shes slowly softening and then fully becomes vulnerable. its like watching ice melt honestly, and im not sure how to feel abt it. dont take this the wrong way, i LOVED lyra. it was just hard to read from a pov that felt... recycled? reused? reduced? (lol the 3Rs iykyk) i guess its bcs i set my expectations too high for lyra cz i fully thought she'd be a different character. instead she feels like an angrier avery (i feel the need to mention that i love avery) and it made me feel a little... yeah.
rohans pov HAHAHAH BYEEEE IM SO BIASED i LIKED it??? i thought it'd be my least fav bcs i lowkey didnt care much, but now i want MOOREE?? i will say that he was basically jameson 2.0 but hes brown and so am i so yes im allowing it... i was stressed on sav's behalf bcs he lowkey seemed pushy. in a way he was like avery, trying to get grayson to open up and take the mask away, but with savannah instead. he isnt my fav pov holder but i didnt enjoy reading his scenes simply bcs it included savannah (#biggestsavstan)
overall i think i enjoyed gigi's chapters the most because it felt like something new and also something so relatable. i loved that she tries to prove that she deserves her spot in tgg. i do love lyra n rohans pov a lot tho, and i hope they still have chapters in tgg2.
3. important characters
grayson my love was SERVING with his character development. the way he allowed himself to make mistakes, to feel and to LOVE was so heartwarming and relieving after watching him hold it all up since the first book. i will say, he's definitely more likeable in this book, but he still has the elements of who he used to be. he WAS horny, evidently. but i won't say that its all he was the whole book. he was definitely also just acting how anyone would have if put into a room with dearest lyra kane. we understand u, grayson. i too would need a moment after holding lyra thighs.
odette confused me so much HAHAHAH i didnt trust her at all and was fully waiting for her to just betray the others. when she mentioned she worked for mcnamara ortega n jones, i screamed because it clicked immediately that she definitely had smth going on with tobias.
knox n brady were a tennis match going back n forth. i did not trust brady since the start, and i was waiting for a reason to redeem knox. i dont care much abt them aside from the calla thing, but i did love their bond with gigi.
4. relationships
allow me to rate the ships:
1. sav n rohan
2. lyra n gray
3. gigi n whoever the fuck shes supposed to be shipped with.
i will say that i loved sav n rohan the most bcs i also love javery, and they reminded me of the best tig couple sooooo. i also liked the TENSION and the way they opened up to each other like a flower blooming slowly. the truth or dare scene was mental... i was screaming the whole time. grayson and lyra AAAAAAA i agree with ppl who say its rushed but fuck it i love them!!!!!! YEAH OKAY THEY KISSED TOO EARLY BUT WO CARES LET THEM FUCK!!! okay too far but u get it. gigi n slate still confuse me and i dont want this girl to be given stockholm syndrome so im just gonna ship her with ME!
another relationship id like to talk abt is the twins.. broken siblings are always my favourite trope but this hurt since theyre literally twins. the way gigi feels bad for hiding THE SECRET from sav, and sav seems to be distancing herself from gigi. ouch ouch ouch
5. overall
id rate the book a 4/5 bcs as much as i loved it, i still feel a little critical about it. i do stand with everyone who says that jlb might be milking this series, but im not complaining because i dont want any of this to end any time soon. the ending was not what i expected, and i still love savannah even if she might do smth... lol. lyra n grayson feel too perfect hence why im gonna expect something bad even now. im upset knox is out, but i think jlb will fit him in somewhere.
thats all, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE share some of ur thoughts!!!! i need people to talk abt tgg!!!!
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
shav would you know why subaru is the main character and the enstars mascot and gets to be the center at least half of the time and gets treated like the leader of trickstar but hokuto is the actual official leader of trickstar. is it because hokuto does the paperwork for idol activities and subaru doesn’t
Thank you so much for this question Aurie, in my analysis I became a little emotional and started crying /pos
Ok first of all, hokke is trickstar's center and subaru isnt treated as trickstar's leader. Their main deal is that they are equals, they are from the same year and they are all friends, in the very start there wasnt even a leader! The leader was stablished at the end of akatsuki's S2 in the ! Main story, this leader was... Anzu! Anzu was the very first leader of trickstar!! And later the leadership was passed onto hokke bc Anzu cant be a part of trickstar in paper since she is not an idol herself.
I have to say that they also confuse themselves too and forget about the leader thing (bc they are equals!!!)
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So yeah in the end the leader of Trickstar was pushed onto Hokke. It's not as if he's the best leader tho, that would be mao or makoto HAHAH he is truly confrontational and gets angry easily. But imo it fits him, it's as if he is laughing at his parents who never once congratulate him for winning the ddd or who clapped for him when he betrayed his friends. It's a sign of his rebellion against his own parents, he does what he wants now and doesn't care about what they think, because he has found people who truly care about him.
Why is Subaru the main character? You know a lot of characters talk about "protagonists" and "main character" but why is Subaru the main character and the mascot of the game?
Subaru means "pleiades" as in the constellation, Mr.Akehoshi's favourite star, it means 'to unite' and akehoshi means star/s (or shiny star if you will) so subaru akehoshi means ensemble stars! Likewise, Anzu takes the first and last syllables of enstars in katakana
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They are two sides of the same coin! Anzu is Subaru's pair in the 7th anni!
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They are truly bonded, they are the bestest of friends! They have seen each other at their worst and Anzu was a decesive point in Trickstar's revolution.
It's true that Hokke was the start, he had the initial drive to lead the revolution and it wasnt until rabits' complete lost against akatsuki that Subaru had the same fuel, because someone important to him got hurt.
But the point is that Hokke was stopped when Eichi wanted to disband trickstar, he even had the approval of his parents and Hokke has always done what his parents say.
After Trickstar's disbanded Anzu was the only one that stayed with Subaru. Everyone else stopped talking to him and even he starts calling Hokke by his name, Hokuto.
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because he wasnt alone anymore and with her help he could win. They hold great admiration for each other.
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Anzu came to like idols thanks to trickstar, thanks to Subaru's Trickstar. The very first step she made to help their revolution was to help Subaru when he was left all alone, and thanks to that they could participate in the ddd and reunite with everyone else.
Everyone wanted them to win. Because although Eichi thought he left Subaru with nothing they came back after him because they are not alone and because friendship is the thing that made them strong, something old fine didn't have. Subaru was not alone and his fate is not the same as his father, he will not be alone at the top and later die. He will reach the top with his friends, with their support and their strenght.
So my point is that Subaru is the mascot of enstars and its protagonist because Anzu wants him to be.
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thesungod · 1 year
their theme is so inconsistent like at the beginning it feels clear, being who you are and accepting each other’s darkness, but the way its done is 😬 and then it switches up to being literally budget toa saying “well everything can change yk??? don’t stay in the darkness” but in a horrible fashion and they’re acting like this is what they’ve been trying to tell me in the past 400 pages when it ISNT dont LIE to ME
i don’t think EITHER of them was reading the book as they write they were just mashing words together bc im watching a book promo for it rn and rick’s saying that will likes nico bc he likes nicos ““darkness”” and how intrigues him and mark’s saying neither of nico or will wants to change that core part of the other. which explains away him in BOO trying to tell nico that nobody disliked him—being that will was projecting his own feelings about nico onto others—and also relates will to apollo even more with their need to reach out to outcasts and love them. but then they didn’t write that they literally wrote that will doesn’t like it and he wants to fix it. thats my STEP SON and they did that to him.
rick did not want to write this book at all, and mark probably projected their nico stanisms onto the other characters without justifying the stanisms. you can really tell when rick has a passion for writing something and when he could not care less. the subtle toa promo in one of the gorgyra scenes and apollo’s updated glossary—he wants you to read toa so bad he could not gaf about this book. and yet apollo is never mentioned positively like give him back to me.
speaking of mark i think this is just a consistent issue they have when writing. i read reviews of one of their books (anger is a gift) and some were very negative about the way the narrative made the protagonist the most righteous person ever and completely revolved around them. ifl that issue bleeds into this book as well.
i saw people (including the writers) say this book is darker than a lot of rick’s other books and i really need them to shut the fuck up; THO literally had kids tied up in crucifixes to be burned at the stake 😭
ok sorry for the ramble i see the letters tsats together and i go on a rampage
you absolutely ate this up!!
also laughing at you calling it “budget toa” because that’s exactly what i said to a friend about this book once. i felt almost offended over the authors trying to fit the “everyone can change!!” narrative last minute and make Nico the symbol of re-invention after five whole books of ToA. i was very “how dare you stand where he stood” about it which is childish but alas.
i’ve also mentioned several times how will and nico’s conflict in the book was not intriguing to read about because it was inconsistent. not to mention that according to the timeline they’ve been together for a year!!! an entire year!!! and the book still has Will acting #shocked that Nico, idk, likes darkness.
the Mary-Suing of Nico literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. i’m usually all for my faves winning, but that’s after they’ve been through the mortifying ordeal of losing, yk. and i get that Nico has been through a lot but the book was basically a 400-pages-long ass kissing and i couldn’t do it.
i couldn’t even feel particularly moved or vindicated by Bob pledging loyalty to him in the end because it wasn’t cathartic at all. i was like we get it dude lol
same with his “friendship” with Piper tbh. not everyone needs to like Nico😭 i would have totally loved it if the book had shown a friendship progress organically through their grief for Jason or common interests (even if just briefly narrated through a recollection!! i’m not saying we needed chapters of flashbacks or Piper as a third main), but Nico does not mention her once ever. they didn’t even like each other in HoO!! then at the end of the book he calls her and he is all like “of course she wouldn’t be angry at me for not calling after Jason died <3 she understands that grief is complicated <3”
my king Piper isn’t angry at you for not calling because she dgaf about you. why would she. who are you to her
another thing I’ll never get over re: Nico and Will’s relationship is how, per the book, Nico encouraged Will to come out and was the first one of the two to do so, when every. single. thing written about them in the Hidden Oracle suggests the opposite.
why the fuck is Nico so reticent and embarrassed about admitting to be Will’s boyfriend in the first book of ToA if it’s Nico who came out first? IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP might I add?
because i get that coming out to someone doesn’t necessarily mean being comfortable coming out to everyone, but Nico announced his crush IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CAMP. and asked Will out. and Will wasn’t out at the time. so whyyyy is their dynamic on THO literally the opposite of this? with Will pushing Nico to be more open about their relationship while Nico plays coy? because Apollo is Will’s father? idk, maybe i guess😭
but it’s pretty obvious the change in the dynamic was established later on and that the impression we were supposed to have while reading THO is that Will was the one more comfortable and in tune with his sexuality. like, come on.
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justalildumpling · 1 year
moots as nct members
I'm not sure if uve already done this sorry if u have/ don't want to do this
ahh i love love love moot games like this hehe ty for sending this in💗
(i’m realising that a lot of my moots that i mostly interact with are from deobiblr😭 i’ve only tagged ppl who i am certain they stan nct but if i forgot i’m sorry!! this was written at like 3am delusion)
@sungbeam - mark
miss ma’am works herself as much as sm overworks the shit out of mark lee istg😭 TAKE A BREAK MA'AM IT'S OKAY. ok besides from that, i feel like mark is universally a comfort person for everyone in the nct community and beam is literally MY comfort person, my soulmate, my best friend (yes, she's mine. no buts😤) she's so talented at what she does, an absolute sweetheart, she cares so so much about her peers and i rlly just admire her as a person outside of tumblr. i could literally write an essay about how much i love her but i'll save everyone the read😭
@jaeminvore - jaemin
chaos. the both of them. OK BUT besides from that, nics gives off like hot girl energy like jaemin. he's is like woah he's so sexy and he knows it type vibe and nics is the same! i remember first seeing her blog/works and being like girl. im such a fan (and i still am, she's fucking hilarious and amazing) i folded for nics as much as i did for jaemin fr. it's always so fun talking to nics about literally anything from plain old thirsting over korean men to throwing irl ppl off a cliff and like jaemin she makes any scenario so much more enjoyable!!
@polarisjisung - jisung
LOOKLOOKLOOK yes he is her bias BUT the amount of rizz the both of has😭 UHM HELLO ALSO BOTH MAIN DANCER ENERGY nah i folded fr😩 ok but besides that, we all know jisung is the most wholesome bean ever and I JUST WANT TO PROTECT HUA YK?? idk she's such a cool person to talk to and i feel like we just clicked from the first time we met. jisung gives off like ride or die energy and i can def say that hua is the same💗
@winterchimez - xiaojun
THIS ISNT CHEATING ISTG ITS A COINCIDENCE THAT HER BIAS HAPPENS TO BE HIM AS WELL OK????? Both ally and xiaojun are literally the biggest sweethearts and can get along with everybody!! I always thought that xiaojun would be such a great conversationalist and no joke, ally and I got along so well as soon as we met and now we're forever emotional support buddies🥹🤞
@sehunniepot - jungwoo
literal golden retriever energy, like ball of sunshine. the most sociable and friendliest person i’ve met. i literally fell in love with nikki’s personality as soon as we met just like I did for mr kim jungwoo😔😔 I just feel like if I were to be in a room with her, she would be the lighting everyone up like idk how to describe it. She’s just someone that I feel like everyone couldn’t help but adore.
@jaehunnyy - taeyong
I LOVE THESE TWO PPL SO MUCH ALSNFOAFEI ok. i've calmed down. but fr tho like u CANNOT hate both taeyong and chip. LIKE she's literally a beam of positivity and she cares so much for her peers and always checks up on everyone when she can🥺 our bubu is a great leader and residential cutie and i feel like chip fits that to a tea
@wuahae - haechan
something about cat always screamed haechan to me idk why. just her mannerism/texting/talking style. as soon i started talking to her on the deoboyznet chat like i knew she and i were on the same wavelength just like i felt with haechan LMAO cat may seem playful and fun all the time but she's firm when she wants to be and she knows her boundaries/morals/values which is very admirable.
@mosviqu - ten
for some reason bar and ten just makes sense. both insanely talented, sarcastic and has strong opinions which they’re not afraid of expressing. lowkey intimidating to approach at first due to how highly i thought of her work, but was literally the most down to earth, loveliest person ever. I always love when she talks about the process behind her pics because they blow me away every time just like ten’s dancing.
@daegall - renjun
yes. I know it’s literally illegal for me to put anyone else other than lee donghyuck for sunny BUT IDK MAN SHE JUST GIVES OFF RENJUN VIBES!! we all know renjun is like the cutest little ball of sweetness ever and sunny is always so lovely and whenever she gets giddy like i get giddy too😭 and her expression of emotions towards haechan is portrayed thru capitalisations, keyboard smashes and typos which reminded me of renjun's little spits of anger yk??
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cadaverousconsumer · 1 month
helloooo here are my beta kid headcanons! @icarusshomestuckfan do u remember that one convoersation we had about how i had no headcanons? well i do now!!!!
also im only doing the beta kids rn cause i dont wanna spoil anything for @giggleshitter0
ok chat starting with my main dude
Dave Strider hc!! dave is definitely, at the start at least, very thin but relatively lanky bc of general malnourishment from bro. however i like 2 think that he would become healthier throughout the comic and eventually become a healthy weight for his height. dave i think, if he went 2 school i think people would like him and think he was cool and wanna hang out buttt i think that he wowuld only have a couple good friends like the other beta kids buttt like his irl friends. i think dave definetly learned many domestic chores at a very young age. however i think bro would care about how dave looks, like his style and whatnot, but it would be strictly mandated by bro, with lil room for dave to express himself differently from bro. i think that dave is biracial bc i think roxy is black n dirk is pale asf in a white way.
kk now for our unoffical main character the nicest sigmaest guy john!
John Egbert hc: just clariying i think june egbert iis totally cool and probably canon buttt i personally never rly thought about it b4 getting into the fandom so i have no headcanons for her so here r my headcanons for john. john definitely is on the chubbier smaller side imo. his dad does bake a lot! i think john had a pretty good upbringing and was pretty happy with his bad movies and prank obssession. at school he probably had a couple nerdy friends and tehy were all very close! i dont think he would play dnd buttt if he did i bet thats where he would meet his friends, stranger things style. john is a classic nerd and people like him bc hes so nice and very considerate. john likes basketball n has fun playing it but isnt very good. i think john is half brazilian bc i think jake is brazilian but alpha kids are for another day haha. john has definetly broken his glasses a few times tripping over things. i think hes a bit clumbsy lol.
now onto our goth queennnn rose
Rose Lalonde hc: rose definitely had a rough childhood 2 but i think her mom took more care of her then bro did even if it was only 2 play the role of motherhood for her passive aggressive tendencies. she definitely stopped doing anything (other than vacuuming lol) once rose was old enough to do it herself. i think roses hair is bleached and straightened to oblivion and when she gets older shes defintely gonna wish she hadnt done it so much when she was younger. i think at school many people would have wanted to be her friend but she prefered more solitude, for wizard fanfics and eldritch god study. i think rose is shorter and curvier, (i def like the idea of her being shorter than kan) and a bit darker than dave. she started her intensive makeup routine in the hopes of attracting her mothers attention negatively, but with no luck. however she kept up with it because she found she liked the repetitivness of putting it on each morning, as well as the fact that it fit her overall aesthetic.
now for everyones fav doggie girl, jade!
Jade Harley hc: i love jade i think she is sooo cute. jade had an interesting childhood, being raised by a god level dog. i dont think it was necessarily bad just... very different from the other kids. i imagine she was left unattended a lot, but bec would always be aware of when to teleport in 2 save her. her hair is very long and has never really been cut officially due 2 living in the woods. jade is completely homeschooled and has nevre left the island. i think jade is rather petite and pretty thin overall... i imagine dogs probably arent the best at nutrition for humans haha. even tho jade doesnt know any kids her age in person i think she probably had many online friends and spent a lot of time online, playing games, watching videos, and just messing around. i think she learned bass from a youtube video. jade is also half brazilian cause jake
well those r my shitty headcanons
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spitinsideme · 7 months
In that one post you talked a lot about hands and stuff. I kind of like hands. I think they're pretty great, but for different reasons from what you listed. You seem to know a lot about kinks, so if you don't mind could you do like a reverse diagnoses and try to tell me why Im like this, or what it means? Here are my... symptoms? kink symptoms? I like soft effeminate hands. Rough manly hands are a no-go for me. Also not into penetration. The idea of doing it to someone or having it done to me is scary, but there is something about the sensation of being touched by soft woman hands that gives me butterflies, and the idea of getting to touch soft woman body is exciting. I get that people like things for different reasons, but I don't know what kind of stuff would influence me to have these attractions. Is there any general explanation for what kind of stuff leads to these feelings?
Idk if my gender matters but Im a girl.
(Sorry this turned out longer than I thought it would be. I hope you don't mind me asking about this.) 😖
never evrr ap9ligise for sending me questions about kinks in my inbox do you knlw how little i get nto talk about kinks ? this is literally paradise to me i LOVE talkig to peopoe about kinks and having them ask me questions about kinks this is amazing i love yoi for thos and i will do my very best to .. diagose you ?? i guess. BE WARNED !!! i am going to analyse you a bit, i am going to say shit based on what i thibk personally from the peoppe i have met and youknow the things i know. i coukd be COMPLELTY wrong, but nevertheless, i hope you enjoy and find entertainment in me trying my besy to find out your lore like youre a silly characyter in a dhow or soemthint, have a laugh about it !
fron what i can tell based on what you said, you kind of do fit under the category of things i was talking ahout in my other post about hand kinks, but you fit into like the opposite. the exaft same way women like veiny and rough hands because theyre masculine, you like soft hands becaude thet are feminine ! youre into girls, abd im guessing you are more into feminine women ? honestly there is literally no reason for this except its just your type, you like women so obviously you are going to lije softer hands because they are feminine, isnt that complex ahout it !
you seem to valur touch a lot too, so im guessing youre probbaly a bit touch starved for it but im not here to talk aboit your issues ! one of the reasons you lije hands falls under the "what i can do to them" category of attraction, becaude you see them and yoir first thoufh (fron what you said) is that you want to feel them and not that theyre pretty, whoch honestly links back to that touch starved thing and probbaly i think your love language is physical touch ! a theory of mine is that people with things for hands are actually the sort of peoole who wnat yo be touched more, it usually isnt even sexual but can be (like you said) just wanting to feel someone close to you and feel them there with you. idontknow, im goig to analyee that a bit more sorry if im going off topic about the kinks but im treating this like a "whats your lore" game and seeing what i can get righr ir not
i think you are scared of people leaving you and not being there, whixh is why you value feeling the warmth of someone else with you there so much. it just stood out to me how you didnt say "tbeyre pretty" but that you wanted to touch them, havibg soneone physixally there with you and touxhibg them maybe calms you down and comforts you because youre scared or them leaving, youre probbaly a bit lonely, reallly desperatr for physixal affectiion
back to kinks, youre just into women honestly, i meanx you see hands and one of yoir main thoughts is "god, i want to touch her body" ? yeah, thats just gay. youre a lady whos into other ladies there really is no other complex explanation for that. what you have told me is really jsut common mostly everyone whos into girls feels. going to that "not into penetration" thing, honestly thats probbaly just a preference you have. some peooe dont like penetrations and thats complelty normal i dont think it really has anything to do with your hand kink. a lot of women ive met who arent into penetration because of fear is usually because of guilt or shame at having sexual feelings, and especially acting upon them. i dont think you have that though, you talk about wanting ajd thinking about touching womebs bodies pretty happily, so i honestly think that your no penetration thing is just somethinf you dont like.
in conclusion, i diagnose you with sapphic yearning and lady loving, with a side of touch starved and fear of abandonment and love language physical affection. i dont think what you have couod he considered a hand kink becaude you dont seem .. sexually attracyed to hands ? you just seem to like them a normal amount and just wanting to touch them and then going straugjt to thinking about how the body feels, but im just going basrd off what you have told me here . normal symptoms, you are fine and that is a complelty normal way to feel
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT Actually I'm going to share my fresh, sleep-deprived thoughts that I wrote yesterday- or more like, this morning gfhhgf bear with me cause I was loosing it :>
⚠ Heavy spoilers under read more!
As a heads up as to why the formating is all weird, this was sent to a friendo who worked on PL :3 Did a list of things that stuck to me in those 4-5 first hours right before falling asleep! I stoped at the little hideout with Myers, didn't met Reed or Kurt or MrHands or Anybody elses yet really 👁👄👁✋ taking my sweet time with it!
The start : I LOVED the glitchy holocall with songbird, it set the tone immediately
God walking up to the gate and seeing all those cars and npcs waiting to enter- THE BIT with the cops who cant go in ?? omg loved it, again its such a tiny thing that set the tone right up
Songbird introduction oh my goddddddd…. HGJG I love HER SHE'S SO COOL… When she was like "were going to crash so I woobled into your relic" I was???? Ok so How and What and What and What UH… Also I can see why people won't like her, already just cause she mute Johnny and isnt a Samurai fan fhdjbqg BUT I PERSONALLY REALLY LIKE IT
Dogtown itself???? Holyshit. Like, I remember dev saying that Night City itself was a character, the main character even, and they nailed it hardcore with Dogtown too- all of the civilians are fucking so memorable too??? how good the random crowd npcs look as well!! Its a glowup from vanilla and it shows (special kudos to the netrunner kid vendor, and the flame thrower elbow guy and his little dance ghdjs)
I wheezed when trying the AR googles HGKHQ
The crash : God. Even tho I knew what was going to happen, the amount of chills I had during that scene!! It reminded me of one of my favorite DLC from Mass Effect 3, Citadel, there is a scene where Shepard eat shit and fall through a big aquarium / building and is truly alone, hurt and all- gave me the same vibes of "the world is too big, too Much and I'm just one Guy" ??? It got me so hookt, god. ALSO THE TITLE POPING??? UUUGGGHHH. GOD.
Rush to the crash, the sneaking to the ship and getting Myers got me Alert and excited
Escorting Myers feels nice cause she's not useless, she knows how to handle herself (DUH!) but I mean her A.I as a NPC, I like that she also sneak attack on ennemies when you do, like Jackie did
Part I had struggle with was the Driving Myers to the Garage bits, was getting frustrated- I love driving in FPP but with this car, in those streets and in this stressful situation YUOOOCK it wasnt IT FHFJJG switched to TPP and managed after a few tries UwU
OK GOD. The museum- amazing visuals and lore crumbs ofc BUT THE CHIMERA???? HELLO???????? THEY FUCKING POPPED OFF. I havent felt this stressed on a boss battle in FOREVER! Funny enough it reminded me of my first time against Nefarious from Ratchet and clank 3, and its positive HKGJ I was a wee kid back then and its my favorite game from the ratchet serie (which is my favorite console serie tbh) and it made me so nostalgic of that time??? REALLY Comf, really challenging, I shat myself.
District itself is FUCKING INSANE. Of course, it looks amazing, the sound design, the VIBES- I thought everything was already done in night city, how much different nuance of CyberPunk can you do when you already have such a big city with such different districts?? but dogtown is so different and yet fit perfectly
I LOVE. THE. NOMAD DIALOGUE OPTIONS… One of my big "fear" was being left out of the fun cause yeah Nomads really just have the badlands kinda hfjdjg but!!! I already been fed from the few choices I had, especially the one when cutting out the tracker from Myers neck, mentioning the uhh ritual thing, I was !!!!!!! AAAAAH FOOD FOR THOUGHTS AND ROTS I LOVE IT
talking about Nomads I LOVE THE DIVERSITY in the new garments!! Had a lot of corpo and barghest armor loot at the start, so I didnt expected to see some cool denim harnesses, practical jeans and worker gears OwO Excited to see more cause AZHHHGFH
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