#this just goes to show that i have too much time on my hands and also its 3 am and i cant sleep
moonstruckme · 2 days
Thanks for being patient with me! This is edited on about four hours of sleep so apologies for any errors <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.6k words
Water sizzles on the stove. You reach over to turn down the heat, your side heating from its proximity to the boiling water, before spinning back around to keep speed-chopping onion. This is a result of poor planning. 
It’s possible that some of your nerves could be reinterpreted as excitement. Giddiness, even. You’re finally—finally—doing something to try and repay all the kindness James shows you. You’ve felt like such a mooch, eating his cooking and stealing his time with his friends, but last week had been too much for you to take. He’d discovered the stomach bug you were weathering, and James had completely devoted the next two days of his life to making sure you were looked after. 
Your fever had gotten so out of hand he’d very nearly followed through on his favorite threat (going into your phone while you’re sleeping and phoning your mum), and though you’d done your best to downplay it at the time there are admittedly gaps in your memory wherein you think you were simply too out of it to know what was going on. It’s not a very comforting thought when you’re harboring a humiliating crush on your roommate; you may well have been just as talkative as James always is, you don’t know. At least he hasn’t said anything. 
He had, thankfully, managed to avoid catching it. You’re not sure how he managed what no one on your shift at work did, but you assume it has something to do with all that kale he eats. Which is why you’re doing your best to make the thank-you meal you’re making him as healthy as might suit his standards. 
You hear his key in the door, and a little frisson goes up your spine. 
“You’re early,” you accuse as he walks in. 
“Since when do you know when my training ends?” James asks. You sound like you’re sniping at one another, but as usual the joviality in his tone is unmissable. 
The sounds of his entrance are familiar, perhaps more ingrained in your mind than they ought to be. Keys jingling as he hangs them on the hook, shoes toed off and left by the mat, heavy footsteps headed for wherever you are in the apartment. 
When he finds you in the kitchen, you both speak at once. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“You know how to cook?” 
“Hurt it at training,” James answers, shrugging with the shoulder that doesn’t have an ice pack held to it. He’s probably too nice for it to occur to him to withhold his answer until you’ve given yours, as had been your first thought. “What are you making?” 
“How did you hurt it?” Worry pries at your tone. Your hands have stilled on the cutting board. 
“We had a scrimmage, and I got shoulder-barged.” He gives you a smile, a shadow of the real thing, but gentler. Reassuring. “It’s not bad.” 
You frown. “I don’t know what that means.” 
“Didn’t expect you to, love.” 
“Why do you need to ice it if it’s not bad?” 
There’s a look in James’ eyes that’s wavering between smugness and softness. You balk at the sight of it. “I need to be a bit careful with it,” he hedges, “but it’ll be good by morning. Now, you’ve distracted me. Do you mean to tell me you’ve known how to cook this entire time?” 
“Yes,” you concede with a laugh. “I’ve always said I cook for myself when you’re not around.” 
“And here you are, doing it right before my eyes.” James leans on the counter with his good arm. He looks immensely entertained. “I’m honored.” 
“This isn’t just for me,” you say, looking down to resume chopping onion as your face warms slightly. “It’s for—” Another remonstrative hiss from the stove, and you whip around, moving the pot off the hot part entirely. You’re a bit relieved for the excuse to face away from him. “It’s for both of us. Also, I just want to provide a disclaimer right now that I never said I was good at cooking, only that I knew how.” 
James’ laugh rumbles behind you, just as you knew it would. He’s too easy. You can practically feel the force of his smile hitting your back, like the sunshine brought inside. 
“Here,” he says, taking a couple of steps toward you, “let me help.” 
“No!” You whirl again, stopping him before he can actually enter the kitchen. “No way. James, I’m trying to do something nice.” 
“And it is very nice,” he says, earnest. “It just seems like you could use a hand.” 
“I’ve got it,” you insist. Your hands are up to ward him off, but you put them at your sides when you realize how close they’re hovering to his chest. “It doesn't count as doing something for you if you do it yourself. Anyway, you’re incapacitated.” 
“I’m…” James looks confused, but then he glances down to his icing shoulder. “Oh, come on. I’m hardly immobilized.” 
“For all intents and purposes, you are.” You do your best to infuse your voice with conviction. You’ve found that’s usually the way with James. If you show any hesitation, he’ll turn on the charm and have you eating out of his hand before you know what’s happened. You herd him away from the kitchen. “Go sit down. Dinner will be ready soon.” 
You can’t help but be aware of him as you finish up, knowing he has to hear the sizzling when you accidentally spill things onto the stove or the one mumbled curse you’re not quick enough to bite back. All evidence that you’re not nearly as practiced a cook as James. You can practically feel his grin from a room over. Still, when it's done you’re fairly proud of yourself. 
James is beaming as he accepts his bowl. He hikes his knees up so you can pass between the couch and the coffee table, making a show of sniffing the steam rising from the food. 
“Is this risotto?” he asks, waiting for your little nod before his mouth drops open in astonishment. “You are so sneaky! I didn’t know you could cook at all, let alone fancy shit like this.” 
“It’s not that hard to make.” You look down at your fork as you raise it to your lips, blowing. 
“Sure it is! Loads of people have a hard time with it.” 
“Do you?” 
James grins, caught. You feel your own smile tugging at your lips as you take a bite.
He follows suit, forking a bit of the risotto and blowing to cool it before taking it in his mouth. His eyes dip closed, head lolling back, and he moans. 
“Oh my god, this is good. I’m never cooking again, now that I know you can do this.” 
You take another bite to avoid a response. You’re fairly sure the heat from your face could power the apartment for a month. 
James makes a few more over-the-top compliments of your culinary skills, which you deflect as best you can. As always, you eat mostly silently while he chatters, but when you look over your attention gets snagged on his shoulder. 
He’s only using the one hand to eat, bowl resting in his lap while you hold yours up closer to your face. His ice pack sits beside him now that he can’t hold it on anymore. You catch yourself gnawing on the inside of your lip. 
“Does it hurt?” you ask. 
James looks over, following your gaze. “Yeah,” he admits. “Nothing I’m not used to, though.” 
You feel your eyebrows pinch. “You get hurt often?” 
He smiles bemusedly. “It’s rugby, love. Getting a bit roughed up is part of the deal.” 
This doesn’t sit right with you. Though you hadn’t pondered it much before, you realize you’ve sort of been thinking of James, with his muscles and constant smiles and easygoing manner, as somewhat invincible. He seems like such a source of light in the world, it hadn’t occurred to you that anything bad could happen to him. You don’t like the idea of him being hurt. In any capacity. 
You realize this is likely playing out on your face when you notice James watching you. His eyes are soft. “As much as I would love to milk this for attention and maybe a sponge bath,” he says, setting his fork in his bowl, “it’s really not that bad. See?” 
He pulls down the sleeve of his shirt, and the effort to placate you is wasted. You take in a quiet, horrified gasp at the deeply colored bruise on James’ shoulder. One of your hands raises as if to touch it. It hovers in the space between you. 
“That’s not that bad?” you look at James in alarm. “It looks broken.” 
“It’s not,” he laughs. It’s a bit awkward, as close to self-conscious as you’ve ever seen him. “Trust me, I’ve had a couple broken bones in my time. It’s only bruised, and the muscle’s a bit strained.” 
The muscle, you’re noticing now, is quite substantial. Your focus is on the bruise, but the shoulder beneath it is eye-catching as well, hefty and taut-looking, presumably from the strain. That, or James is flexing. 
You raise your gaze quickly to his. Brown eyes tinged with smugness. 
“You’re worried about me.” His lips stretch into a grin. Not your favorite one in his arsenal. “Aw, sweetheart, I love you too.” 
You direct your attention back to your food, face hotter than hot. “I have justification for worry,” you say, the teasing tone you were going for undercut by the unintentional softness of your voice. “You’re voluntarily participating in a sport that seems like it’s trying to kill you.” 
James takes a self-satisfied bite of his risotto. “I don’t know, I was pretty worried when you fainted in my arms last week.” 
You side-eye him suspiciously. “I didn’t actually do that.” 
“Guess you’ll never know.” 
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mizu-nights · 2 days
♬ now playing: "dating them"
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-> a day in the life of having a famous lover, basically
chars. jing yuan , robin
notes. waaahhhh first hsr work !!! hoping the chars aren't like. really badly written :') i did my best considering jy and robin are my #1 favs atm !!! (also aventurine and boothill hehehe) maybe i will open reqs for hsr !?!!?!? WHO KNOWSSSSS
contains. possibly ooc chars (?), mentions of sitting on their laps (not suggestive), reader and jy live together, robin's was written w/ a fem!reader in mind.
★ track one: jing yuan
... how did you pull the arbiter-general of the xianzhou luofu?
in all seriousness, jing yuan is a romantic lover, showing you affection in the most sweetest ways. kissing your knuckles goodbye as he leaves for work for the day, holding you closely at night like you'll disappear if he lets go...
that doesn't mean he won't tease you at times, however. just because he adores you doesn't mean you're not off the hook.
maybe a quick peck on the lips when you visit him in the seat of divine foresight, maybe even sitting on his lap while he works... he needs the motivation, you know?
... and yet, he still falls asleep while doing paperwork or (unimportant) meetings. there's a reason why he owns that hologram.
of course, that's just him while he's working; when he's the general of the cloud knights.
by that, i mean he's worse in private. he might as well just glue himself to you.
mornings are always gentle with jing yuan. mumbling a soft 'good morning', to each other, giving each other a little peck wherever you please, and also brushing out his hair.
... you were stunned when a bird—a finch—came out so suddenly the first time. now, you've pretty much grown desensitized to it, greeting the bird(s) a good morning as well.
it's similar to your night routine, too. except it's simply in reverse. brushing his hair out after that tiresome workday, kissing each other goodnight, then sleeping once more.
jing yuan has a busy schedule; you knew that, but he also tries his best to make time for you. those days when he arrives back early to your shared abode are the best, eating dinner together, talking about each other's day... it's moments like that that are filled with the most love.
★ track two: robin
robin strikes me as the kind of girl who would call you 'honey' and 'sweetheart', it seems like her.
such a cutie whenever she's too tired after performing for hours! robin goes on tour quite often, which means hours upon hours of practice, applying make-up, wearing stage outfits... so, who does she come to after all of that? you, naturally!
genuinely so sweet when you help her get ready for bed. gently removing her make-up, washing her hair, picking out matching pajamas with her (of course, you look away as she changes), and then relaxing in each other's arms.
... you are the big spoon, if that wasn't clear enough. that's only when robin is in her 'exhausted pitiful girlfriend that desperately needs her beloved's attention and affection' mode, though.
robin really loves whenever you do her make-up, or you let her do yours! sitting on the other's lap, their hands on your own... it's very intimate and adorable, and you find that it helped both of you grow closer.
gets really excited when she sees you in the crowd while performing—it's like a confidence boost for her. robin has to up her game if her sweetheart is watching, no?
also, remember to compliment her afterward. her wings tend to flutter about when she gets shy or starts blushing, so taking advantage of that fact? you've got a very adorable robin in your hands, suddenly.
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corroded-hellfire · 15 hours
From one ginger to the other I absolutely adore the as you wish series! <3
I was wondering if you could do something where the reader goes out with Nancy for brunch for the first time after having Eliza. And her alcohol tolerance is obviously lower than pre-Eliza. And she gets quite tipsy, and Eddie has to pick her up, and she's all over him and just spewing nonsense about how much she loves him and their family.
And she admits how much she loved having his baby, and Eddie is just totally smitten as she just keeps going on and on.
Anything for a fellow ginger! This is silly and cute and I hope you like it 🥰
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: alcohol consumption, sexy talk
[As You Wish masterlist]
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The sun brings warmth to the breezy spring day as you finish up your brunch with Nancy. It’s the first time the two of you have gotten to do this since you gave birth to Eliza. You had been aware that things would change drastically after giving birth, but you hadn’t even realized how long it had been since you and Nancy had a girl’s day until she invited you a few days ago. 
Mimosas seemed like a perfect way to celebrate when you arrived, but by the time you had finished your second glass along with your French toast, it was too late to remember that your tolerance was lower now. 
“Same thing happened after I had Danny,” Nancy tells you as you take a long sip from your water glass. “Steve and I went to a work party, and we had to leave after I had one vodka cranberry.”
“I don’t feel drunk,” you tell your friend, the lightness in your head giving you a pleasant buzz of happiness on top of the already enjoyable day. “Just tipsy. But I know I can’t drive like this. I’ll go call Eddie.”
“Are you sure?” Nancy offers. “I can just drive you home.”
You shake your head as you carefully push yourself up from the cushioned chair. 
“No, it’s okay. Wayne’s over so he can stay with the kids.” 
It is the truth, but the main reason you want Eddie to pick you up is because you really want to see your husband right now. Like a pregnancy craving for food turned into a yearning for a person, you feel as if your hands are not on Eddie within the next few minutes, you’re going to lose your mind. It’s all you can think about as you put one foot in front of the other as you walk inside the restaurant from your porch table.
The hostess shows you to a phone and your fingers eagerly skip over the familiar numbers for your home.
Just the sound of his voice sends a chill throughout your body—one the warm spring day outside could never eradicate. 
“Hi, Eddie,” you say. Even you can hear the smile in your voice.
“What, baby? Are you okay?” The concern in Eddie’s voice does nothing to help the burning deep within you.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you tell him. “I had a, uh, couple of mimosas with lunch and I did not realize my alcohol tolerance would be this low after having Eliza since I haven’t drank in a while.”
There’s an exhale of relief on the other end of the phone. Eliza babbling in the background and Luke’s raucous laughter has you grinning into the mouthpiece you’re clutching on to. 
“I’ll be right there, okay?” Eddie assures you. “We’ll get your car later.”
Eddie chuckles at your carefree attitude and can only imagine how cute you look right now, all smiley and bubbly. 
“I’ll see you soon, princess.”
“Okay! Bye.”
When you get back to the table, amongst the empty plates and discarded silverware, you see that Nancy has already paid the whole bill and you give her a soft glare.
“What?” she asks innocently, large eyes making it even more convincing. “I’m pretty sure you paid last time.”
“Uh huh,” you mumble as she stands up and grabs her purse. “I’m sure you remember that from, like, a year ago.”
No response from Nancy on that, she just gives you a wink and loops her arm through yours. The two of you walk arm-in-arm out to the parking lot in front of the restaurant. 
Nancy’s car is parked in the shade so there’s a coolness on your backside as you rest against the trunk of the silver Lexus. Your friend tugs a little on the cream-colored sweater she’s wearing but you wish you had Eddie’s arms around you to keep you warm. Thoughts of Eddie’s arms lead to thoughts of his hands all over you and you’re unable to keep a dreamy little hum from slipping out.
“Thinking about Eddie?” Nancy asks, though the amusement on her face says she already knows the answer.
“I’m always thinking about Eddie,” you admit with a shrug. 
“God, you two are adorable,” Nancy says, mostly to herself. 
A squeal of excitement and you hopping off the car in excitement lets the brunette next to you know that Eddie’s truck has pulled into the parking lot. It’s her clue even before the metal music can be heard soaring out of the open windows. 
Eddie leaves one hand on the steering wheel and uses the other to turn the volume dial down as he slows the truck down right behind Nancy’s car. He lifts an eyebrow and looks you up and down appreciatively. 
“Need a ride, gorgeous?” he asks.
The giggle that tumbles out of your lips has both your best friend and your husband smiling as he puts the truck in park and steps out of the car. As soon as he walks back around the bed, you throw yourself at Eddie, who catches you and lets out a surprised huff of laughter.
“Hello to you, too,” he says. Protective as always, he wraps a sturdy arm around your waist to make sure you’re steady before he looks over at Nancy. “She wasn’t any trouble, was she?”
“Nope,” Nancy says. “Ate her vegetables and went to bed on time.”
“Hey!” You pout, looking back and forth between the two of them. “I’m the babysitter, not the baby. I mean…I was the babysitter. Now I’m the Mommy.”
Your two compatriots share an amused smile before Nancy gives you a wave and gets in her car. Eddie leads you over to the passenger’s side of the truck. You have no intention of letting him go though, so you wrap your arms around his neck so he’s leaning over you in the seat.
“Uh, babe?” he says with a chuckle before realizing it’s better to just humor you. 
Rapid fire kisses get smacked all over your face which has you squirming on the spot and gets you to loosen your grip on your husband’s neck. But the moment Eddie climbs in the driver’s seat and closes the door, you lean over the center console to grab at him again. 
“Sweetheart,” he says with a laugh, amused at your touchiness, “I have to drive us home.”
Silently, you decide that’s okay because that’s where your babies are, so you let go and slip back into your own seat. The older man puts the truck into gear as you buckle your seatbelt and then he pulls out of the parking lot, onto the main road.
It’s quiet only for a matter of seconds before you speak again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“We have the cutest family ever.”
Eddie nods his head in agreement, trying to keep his laughter inside lest you think he’s laughing at you.
“Absolutely,” he agrees.
“And it’s because you’re so cute!” you gush, throwing your hands in the air with a dramatic flourish that Luke would be proud of. “What do Ryan, Luke, and Eliza all have in common? Your genes! That’s why they’re so stinkin’ adorable.” You sigh dreamily and rest your head against the headrest as you gaze at your husband. “You’re such a DILF.”
Eddie can’t help but let out a bark of laughter at that and looks your way as you pull up to a red light. Glee dances in his eyes as he tilts his head. 
“Isn’t that ‘Dad I’d like to fuck?’” he asks. “You have fucked me, baby. Many, many times.”
“Fine. You’re a DIHF.” The different pronunciation has a raspberry blowing out of your mouth at the end of the word. “‘Dad I have fucked.’”
This is the most entertained I have been in so long, Eddie thinks to himself as the light turns green. It only reinforces the insane amount of love he has for you, and he feels the need to reach over and hold your hand. Luckily, yours is resting on your thigh now so he does just that. Softly, his thumb begins to stroke the back of your hand. 
“M’so happy, Eddie.”
“Good,” he says, “I’m glad you had a good time with Nancy. It’s been a while since you’ve gotten to go out.”
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “I mean, yes, I am happy because I got to spend time with Nancy today but that’s not what I was talking about. I meant that I’m so happy cause I got you and the boys and little Liza. Best things that ever happened to me.”
“I feel the same way, princess.”
“I really, really loved having your baby.”
Eddie can’t help the big grin that stretches across his face at your words. God, he could never hear that enough from you. 
“I had something that was half you and half me growing inside me,” you explain as if Eddie doesn’t know what being pregnant entails. “It felt crazy. But like, a good way. Like, I couldn’t believe it was happening. A little piece of you right here.” Your free hand pats your lower abdomen and when Eddie glances over he sees you looking down at that part of your body.
“I wanna do it again.”
Eddie almost swerves off the road at those words.
“Huh?” he asks, hand tightening on yours.
“I wanna have your baby again! I mean, not right now. Fucking hell, my vagina would fall out having babies so close together like that. Ow.”
“Jesus Christ, I love you,” Eddie raves. “But yeah, we don’t want your vagina falling out. Pretty sure we both really, really like that part of you.”
A sly smile grows on your lips as Eddie turns the truck into your neighborhood. You know it’s a little mean to turn your husband on when you’re about to go home to a house full of kids and his uncle, but you just can’t help it. You’re having fun and it’s alcohol-induced and Eddie’s done way worse things while under the influence. 
“Well,” you start innocently, “maybe if my vagina hurt you could kiss it better?”
“Fuck,” Eddie growls, glancing over at you. “Really gonna do this now?”
The maniacal giggle you let out already has Eddie forgiving you, his heart soaring with how much love he feels. He’d let you tease him and taunt him until the end of time. And God knows you’re the only one allowed to. But that makes it even better, Eddie thinks, because then he gets a pass to act as an over-protective asshole once in a while when the jealousy monster rears its ugly head. It’s a fair trade you can both live with. And if Eddie’s cross to bear is you getting him all worked up when there’s no time to do anything about it, he thinks he’s pretty damn lucky. 
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sunflower-chai · 2 days
THANK YOU the acolyte for disproving the “jedi steal kids” sentiment held by so much of the fandom. they ask for permission from a guardian before children can be tested! and even if they pass it is their choice to go or not!
also thank you for giving me more physically affectionate jedi!! other than kanan and ezra, and one time with anakin and ahsoka after ahsoka literally died, i feel like we never see masters hug their padawans. sol and osha’s hug gave me LIFE.
really curious about what exactly the coven on brendok is. they don’t seem to be nightsisters yet they call themselves witches. they seem a little sus since they discourage osha from going into/learning about the outside world, which feels slightly cultish. but also mother aniseya clearly loves her girls and they clearly love her. she does not physically harm them (other than the force push during the training exercise) and she is warm and nurturing. it’s very complicated and i hope the show delves into that further. also what is it with force-sensitive children not having fathers?? lol.
i liked the contrast of mae wanting to share everything with osha while osha wants to discover who she is as an individual, creating some interesting tension in their relationship. i also feel like mae was a really good example of what unhealthy attachment actually looks like. if she cannot have osha, no one can. and she does not care about the potential repercussions for everyone else. i think mae might have realized she went too far near the end when she begged osha to jump over to her, but then she fell and it was too late. and her hatred for the jedi has twisted her mind so much that she does not blame herself for what happened but projects it onto them. they are the ones who wanted to take osha away. they are the reason osha is (presumably) dead. she is not at fault. they forced her hand.
it’s a really intriguing thought process, and i’m wondering where it came from. has mae always been this way? did the ascension ceremony change her nature in some way? this sort of goes back to my questions about the coven. mother aniseya said they were exiled for using “dark” powers. so are they dark side users? it’s interesting how they refer to the force as “the thread” and place more emphasis on individual agency over destiny (i.e., “the will of the force”). but mother aniseya also criticizes those who see the force as a “power” to wield rather than something that connects the galaxy. which is just… misinformed? the jedi also don’t see the force as a power? literally “the force surrounds us. it penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together.” so maybe they have some incorrect assumptions.
wondering if mae’s current master finds her on brendok after the fire. i feel like that would make sense. she’s eight years old and the only person left alive on the planet, she would need someone to find her. and continue to cultivate that hate within her and form her into the living weapon she is today.
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perksofbeingpoet · 1 day
CHARLIE: trying WAY too hard to be everyone's airport crush. has to be dragged out of the liquor section of the duty free shop ("but the vodka is so CHEAP"). plays a game of "trying to sneak as many metal objects past the security check as possible". when he gets a pat down he keeps wiggling his eyebrows and saying some variant of "wow no you're wayy too old for me" to the security guy (who's probably considering quitting his job). is secretly terrified of flying but tries not to let it show (grips neil's hand so hard it hurts when they take off)
TODD: literally a ball of pure anxiety in the beginning of it. SO scared he overpacked, he's constantly talking about what if his suitcase is too heavy and he has to empty it out and everyone in the queue will be watching him and GOD HE HATES AIRPORTS. calms down a bit after the security check (totally panics about what if he accidentally put a gun down his pants or something and doesn't remember), and then just chills in the perfume area of the duty free shop, trying all the scents. buys loads of snacks because you never know if the place you're going to has the good ones. tries not to think about the possibility of the plane crashing. likes watching the clouds.
NEIL: A literal kid. Is the one who ACTUALLY overpacked, and runs around with his suitcase (he'd totally sit down on it and ride it around if that was socially acceptable). spends like an hour in the shops and is suddenly convinced he needs to buy a lot of unnecessary stuff. BUT goes into airport dad mode as soon as he needs to, he has all the tickets and keeps reminding everyone of having their passports ready, he knows the gate number etc. takes the lead and gets them to the plane safely.
KNOX: has like an hour long "in case i die on the plane" video ready for chris, and they have a long phone call to say good bye (interrupted when charlie gets into a fight with a security guard - "c'mon dude, who's side are you on, the government?? like being a small little guy in power??" "Sir I'm going to repeat it one more time, I need you to take off that belt please."). if knox wasn't dating chris, he'd totally be looking at all the cute girls at the airport for like two seconds and trying to telepathically tell them they're cute (relatable, not gonna lie). Is so polite and charming to all the staff that it's on the verge of being funny, Pittsie teasing him about really being the perfect son in law. Honestly just a very chilled flyer, he has fun.
PITTS: has even more fun. has like an extra bag full of snacks that everyone makes fun of and then obviously wants some of later (pittsie gives them some because he's a bro, but they have to swear that he's the best and will get the front seat of every car they'll ride). TOTALLY has one of those inflatable neck cushions. the security guy comments on how tall he is mainly to make conversation, but pittsie is still proud of it (i think i mentioned my headcanons about pitts' relationships with his height? or did i never publish them?) and smiles for the next minute. reads the on-flight magazine. super excited at take off, he's like LET'S GOOOO while todd and charlie are on the verge of crying. freaks out about omg I forgot my passport (neil took it from him one second ago). fun facts about planes!!
MEEKS: the chillest. tries to calm todd down by telling him statistics and all that about the narrow chances of dying on a plane until charlie snaps and is like SHUT UP OH MY GOD ("'kay sir" 🫡😳). nerds out about planes with pittsie! has WAY too many tags on his bags in case they get lost. tells really bad airport puns that pittsie thinks are HILARIOUS. spends the wait by just sitting in a café and drinking way too much coffee. ONLY buys one teeny tiny little bag of m&ms and then eats like half of pittsies snacks. sits more comfortably than pitts because his legs are shorter and don't get cramped and DEFINITELY teases him about it like 'hmm i don't know what you mean, there's plenty of leg room!"
CAMERON: really excited for the flight, loves the whole experience. printed out everything twice just in case!! all his liquid items are in these little plastic bags that no one ever uses (or maybe y'all are just better than me). eats SO much beforehand to save money because the airport prices are ridiculous. runs to the gate like three times to check it hasn't been changed. has the craziest methods to keep his ears from popping.
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thefallennightmare · 2 days
If it’s not too much for you, I was wondering if I could request a Noah headcannon??
The reader has been ill for a while and when she goes to visit Noah while he’s on tour, he notices that she doesn’t look good, and tries to take her to the doctor.
To humor him, she goes but when she sees the doctor and getting a few test done and an ultrasound she finds out that she’s pregnant and due in two weeks.
It kind of like that “I didn’t know I was pregnant” tv show.
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@thescarlettvvitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka @Karenfranco @its-inourblood @amelia-acero @xxkittenkissesxx @cncohshit @xserena-13 @collidewiththesavannah
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Noah rubbed soothing circles on your back, trying to calm your nerves as you sat in the middle of the bed in the doctors office.
You'd been sick for a few weeks now; nauseous, vomiting, and so exhausted.
Noah had been worried about you and tried to get you into the doctors but you kept waving it off claiming it was food poisoning.
"Food poisoning doesn't last this long, angel."
Today was the worst it's been. You'd been hunched over the toilet in the tour bus for the entire morning thanks to the smell of the breakfast Matt ordered everyone. You looked pale and the dark circles under your eyes made everyone worry.
So Noah took you to the local Urgent Care in the city they were playing later that night to get checked out.
The doctor finally returned after what felt like hours and had a neutral face which scared you.
"Do you have the test results?" Noah asked.
They poked and prodded you to figure out what was wrong.
"He's your-?" The doctor asked you while pointing to Noah.
You linked your hand with his. "My boyfriend."
You'd been dating for less than a year but knew that there was a future with each other. Both of you decided to wait until the life of Bad Omens slowed down to start that future.
"Well, I have some good news. You're pregnant," the doctor broke out with a large smile.
Both you and Noah froze, blinking wildly at the doctor.
"She's what?" Noah asked, still confused.
"That's not possible," you tried to say but suddenly realized it very well could be possible.
You and Noah weren't exactly the safest, but you'd dealt with issues with your body for years and thought getting pregnant wasn't something for you.
"If it's alright, I'd like to do an ultrasound to see how far along you are since we can't do that with a urine sample."
Your eyes met with Noah's who immediately nodded. "It's alright, angel."
Almost immediately as you watched the screen, your breath caught in your throat when you caught sight of the fetus moving around inside of you. And when the doctor told you that you were measuring at about nine months, you could feel Noah stiffen next to you.
"How could I not have known? I'm not even showing," you asked the doctor.
They gave you a reassuring smile. "Sometimes many women don't know."
Noah had been quiet the entire time so you glanced up at him. "Love?"
He blinked, finally tearing his gaze away from the screen and down to you.
"We're having a baby?"
You swallowed the burn in your throat. "I guess we are. And seems like soon."
Just as you were about to worry, Noah's face broke out in a huge grin and kissed your forehead.
"We've got a lot of work to do," he muttered into your skin.
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janeyseymour · 2 days
La Cosa Nostra- pt 23
(co-written with @schemmentis): Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. Part 13. Part 14. Part 15. Part 16. Part 17. Part 18. Part 19. Part 20. Part 21. Part 22.
Summary: Life goes on, but that doesn't stop you from missing home.
WC: 2065
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That night, you and your wife end up having a stay in date night once your papers are all in order. You’re laying on the couch, cuddled up together when the girls come in. Lena is behind them. Your girls come up and hug you both, planting kisses on your cheeks. Your girls’ friend comes up next and also hugs you- she’s always such a treat to have around.
“Hi hun,” you say softly as you sit up just slightly. “You’re spending the night?”
Lena looks hesitant. “May I? My... my parents are still fighting over everything with the divorce, and I really don’t want to ruin a good night.”
“That’s just fine, sweetheart,” Melissa pipes up, somewhat groggily. She was asleep in your lap up until the front door opened. “You know we always have room for you.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Vinci,” Lena smiles softly.
“How many times do I have to tell you that when we’re not at school, you can call me Raphaela?”
“You know where we are if you need us, honey,” you tell her, although you’re well aware she knows. There have been a handful of times in the last few months where Lena has come down the steps for a glass of water, only to find you and your wife still laying on the couch. Almost every time, the two of you end up comforting her over whatever is going on in her head at that moment keeping her with the waking world. 
You watch the three girls disappear up stairs. Once they’re out of sight, your wife is settling back into your lap once more. You sigh as you return to your prior more comfortable position and wrap your arms around her again. You really weren’t ready to bring yourself to get up from the couch, anyway. 
“When we had the twins you didn’t tell me we were also signing up for any number of other girls running around.” You murmur as you press your lips to Melissa’s temple.
She scoffs. “I don’t think either of us were thinkin’ that far ahead. At least they chose good ones to hang around with.”
“We’re not counting Carla, right?”
“God, no.” Melissa swiftly answers through a laugh. “She’s as spoiled-ly entitled as her Ma is. Noses permanently in the air.”
There’s a long lull between you. Just the sound of the television playing one of your wife’s shows. You never know what’s going on in them. Other than a lot of fighting that sees her cheering for who she likes the same way she does at sports games. You smile as you remember the first outing you’d taken as a family once you’d moved. It had killed Melissa to wear anything not Philadelphia but she had. At home, she still cheers on your real home team though she’s grown to tolerate New York teams too, albeit reluctantly so. 
Tonight, she isn’t paying attention to the show either. You’re both in your own bubble, wrapped up together on your couch. After a long silence where you’re beginning to stop fighting your eyes that are trying to close, her voice meets your ears softly. “Amore?”
“Hm?” You hum your acknowledgement of the call for you, a hand tiredly raising to brush through red locks.
Her arms tighten around you as she heaves a sigh. It doesn’t sound like she’s annoyed but neither does it sound like the one you know she makes in contentment. “I know it will sound silly but… I’m feeling homesick.”
You shake your head slightly. “Not silly at all, my love. Not silly at all.” You quietly assure, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“I have you and our beautiful girls here. Even if they sass me a little too much and get on my nerves a little more the older they get.” Melissa whispers, as if the girls are listening. They could be. They did like to eavesdrop from the stairs from time to time. Though with Lena here and your house quiet and content, you doubt it. Those eavesdropping urges usually happened whenever there were big things or changes going on. When you and your wife were arguing or close to Christmas or birthdays.
“You’re all here and safe and I’m so thankful.” Your wife continues in her hushed tone. “But I miss home. I miss Sunday dinners with our parents letting the girls get away with more than they should. Them buying them too many gifts for Christmas and their birthday. I miss arguing with Kristen Marie. I miss cookin’, makin’ the menus and teachin’ chefs how to make it the right way. I miss our church and Pastor Thomas’ sermons.”
You reach to lightly rub Melissa’s back as she lists things you miss just as much. It hits you in random moments. Some Sundays when you go into Church you expect to see Barbara and Gerald. Some nights when you come home and hear the gaggle of your children’s friends you expect to also see your in-laws and all your little nieces and nephews. You suppose they wouldn’t be so little anymore. 
“I miss Barb.” You wrap one arm tighter around Melissa when she chokes out a sob. She presses her face to your neck, holding you tight. “I miss my Ma.” She manages to add between stuttering breaths. “I miss home, Amore.”
“I do, too.” You admit quietly, holding your wife tightly as your cheek brushes her own affectionately. The hand rubbing her back shifts back upward to sift through her red locks. This isn’t the first time you’ve had this conversation. Though it is the first time it’s been your wife to break. You both knew you were doing what you had to do to keep your daughters safe and growing up normally. 
You didn’t regret your decision to leave your home because it meant your little preteens were here, experiencing a normal life with gossip and petty drama and friends and everything that you and Melissa didn’t have growing up. You didn’t regret it. Still, knowing it was the right thing to do, the right choice, didn’t mend the gaping hole you couldn’t help but acknowledge in the safety of it being just you and Melissa. You did your best not to think about how everyone you left behind felt, what they’ve had to deal with in the years you’ve been away. You already can hardly hold your own grief over it all. You couldn’t juggle it with those thoughts.
You blink awake a few hours later. Melissa is still clinging to you, the television still playing. You hadn’t meant to sleep on your couch. Then again, you never did. Yet it happened fairly often in your new home. “Baby,” you murmur, your voice nearly hoarse as you try to gently wake Melissa.
You jump at a figure suddenly leaning over the couch. “Fuck sake!” You curse when you realize it's Cat.
“Sorry, Mam. I thought I heard you.” She whispers. Somehow, Melissa hasn’t woken up yet. She must have been holding in your small conversation from earlier for longer than you suspected. More emotionally drained than you realized.
“What on earth are you doin’ up?” You grumble to your eldest, carefully sitting up without letting go of your wife. You glance back to Cat at her silence to see her briefly studying Melissa before her eyes flick back to you.
“Is Mommy okay?” She asks instead of answering your question.
“Mommy is fine, sweetheart.” You assure quietly. “If she were awake she might cry hearing you call her that.” You admit, giving a small look to your oldest. You know and understand why her and her sister don’t want to call her that in front of friends but your eldest really had been more snotty toward Melissa ever since. Especially if she used the term of endearment. “But she’s fine.”
“Mam…” Cat starts. Once again she looks between both you and Melissa. “Can I tell you somethin’?” She finally whispers.
You raise an eyebrow. Gently, you settle Melissa back to the couch, ensuring the decorative pillows you keep on the couch are both cradling her head and the throw blanket is tucked over her. You had intended on getting you both to bed. It can wait a little while.
You rise from your couch, waving your eldest back into the kitchen. “What is it?” You prompt as you start making hot cocoa. A family tradition on nights like this. When something needed to be talked about. A mug of warm comfort. You make a little extra in the case Rosie or Lena wake up and come down or Melissa wakes up from the couch.
It isn’t until you're sitting at the kitchen island, looking at Cat over your mug as you sip that she sighs. Her hands twist around the mug, fingers playing with the handle mindlessly. “Promise you won’t get mad?” She asks, peeking up at you from her hands and mug.
You raise an eyebrow once again. “That depends on what you’re about to tell me, Catherine.”
She rolls her eyes at her full name being used. “It’s not that bad…” She mutters. 
You wait, silent, as you look at your eldest. You don’t run through what it could be in her mind at all. You know better, especially with your oldest twin, than to try. They inherited saying things you’d never even guess from Melissa. 
“Fuck it.” Cat sighs. You don’t even get to reprimand her swearing before she’s speaking again. “Lena told me, and made me and Rosie promise not to tell but it’s not right and you and Mommy wouldn’t want us to lie about it.”
“What did Lena tell you?”
“Her dad hit her mom the other day when they were fighting.” Cat finally says quietly. “She said he would have hit her too but her mom stopped him….”
“I’ll break that man’s fucking legs myself.” Melissa’s voice suddenly sounds. 
You turn to see your wife sitting up on the couch, looking over the back of it to you and your eldest. She stands from the couch, moving to join you in the kitchen. You’ve made plenty yet she purposefully takes your mug to take a sip from.
You roll your eyes and fight the smile on your lips as you grab the mug that would have been hers before she stole yours. 
“Mommy, you can’t!” Cat pleads as she sets her own mug down. “Lena made us promise, she’ll be so mad if she finds out I told you.”
“Honey, she can be mad. What’s happening in her house is not okay. It’s abuse,” your wife tells your daughter. “Has he ever hit her Ma before?”
Cat averts her eyes.
“Good lord,” Melissa whispers as she sips the warm, chocolate drink. “I should’ve known… her mother is always so skittish, and Lena has been here more than she’s been at her own house lately.”
“Mommy, please,” your eldest begs. “Please don’t tell.”
“Has he ever laid hands on Lena before?” you ask quietly, trying to get a better confirmation from Cat beside the obvious want not to say it. “Is that what the bruise on her arm was from- not falling off a bike like she said?”
Cat just nods silently.
“Mommy, Lena’s crying,” Rosie makes her way down the steps, rubbing at her eyes tiredly. Your younger twin falls into your lap, clearly exhausted.
With a heavy sigh, Melissa makes her way up the steps. It’s a few minutes later that the pair comes down the steps, and you gesture for Rosie to stand in order to make more hot chocolate.
“I have to report this,” your wife says softly, demure. “I’m a mandated reporter.”
“Mrs. Vinci,” Lena sniffles. “Please. No. I don’t- I don’t want to be taken from my family.”
“I’ll make sure you stay with your mother,” Melissa promises. She glances at you, and you nod. “But what’s happening with your father… I can’t watch that happen. To you, or your mother.” She wraps her arms gently around Lena, pressing a soft kiss to the fragile girl.
You keep arms around both of your little girls, propped on either of your knees and tucking their chins into your neck. You crane just slightly to kiss their own heads, thanking God that they’re okay and that they’re here with you.
TAGS: @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo
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Heart of Gold (5 Times Gale's Heart Gives Out And +1 time Ken's Does) Barbed Wire Hearts Universe - Chapter One
God I can't believe I can finally publish this after so many problems preventing me from both writing and editing it, it feels like it's been too long! But here's the next instalment in the BWH universe. Only one chapter written and edited so far, but I'll be updating when I can with more. This is to add some much needed little details and lore for upcoming plot fics in this series.
For now though, enjoy! This chapter is only a short one, just to give the general start to the fic, but following chapters will be a little bit longer as the story continues (and don't worry, the big plot fics will be longer as always haha)
@swifty-fox @onyxsboxes @stoneinyourshoe @carnevol @trashbag-baby666 @slowsweetlove
Ken stared at the little box that Curt was brandishing in front of himself with a raised brow, taking in the self-satisfied smirk behind still fading clown paint from the day before on the other man’s face. He let the exasperated sigh escape him from where it had been building since Curt first showed him the box.
“You can’t be serious, Curt.” 
Curt wiggled the box at him, the item inside rattling gently in response as Curt’s smirk grew. “Oh I’m deadly serious,”
Ken eyed him, judgment clearly written across his own expression as he snatched the box from Curt’s fingers. He looked down at the box, eyes scanning over the words with another sigh, albeit gentler than the one before. 
“You’re gonna give Gale a Fitbit, because you wanna, and I quote ‘record the uptight bastard’s stress and heart rate because it would be funny’?”
Curt shrugged nonchalantly, reaching out and plucking the box from Ken’s fingers with the tip of his tongue caught between his front teeth.
“Yes. I think you’re missing the whole point here, Kenny. Have you seen the guy? Man is one big walking ball of stress, especially around Bucky and his bullshit, and all he says is that he’s ‘fine’.”
“So you just wanna prove him wrong so that you have something to brag about, basically?”
Ken raises one eyebrow at Curt and watches as the other gapes slightly, expression turning chastised but no less mischievous underneath Ken’s scrutiny. A hand comes up to scratch at the back of his neck.
“Basically,” Curt affirms, looking slightly sheepish, and Ken can’t help the knowing smile that curves his lips. 
“Uh-huh,” Ken hums. He stares down at the box again where Curt is starting to peel the edges of the tape holding it closed with the edge of his fingernail. 
Curt pauses and glances up at Ken through his lashes, scanning over Ken’s face before his shoulders sag and he rolls his eyes.
“Look, I’m not trying to be a dick. Call it genuine curiosity and slight worry for the sake of one of my best friends and his well-being.”
“With bragging rights,” Ken tacks on with his own answering eye roll.
Curt laughs, goes back to picking at the tape again with a wide grin. “Exactly! See? Now we’re getting on the same page here, Kenny my boy.”
Ken breathes out through his nostrils, watching Curt work away at the tape until he flicks the opening flap upwards and starts to extract the packaging holding the little black watch from its confines.
Curt holds it up, like a prize dangling from his thumb and pointer and looks at Ken with no less pride on his face. “You can even hook it up to your work phone so you have 24/7 access to Gale’s heart rate. Just in case there ever is actually cause for concern. It’s got a little alarm setting and everything.”
He waggles the device towards Ken’s face, eyebrows rising and falling in a suggestive gesture until Ken once again snatches it from Curt’s hold.
The little watch is cool in his palm, and he turns it over to observe it before glancing up at Curt again, lips pursed.
As much as Ken wouldn’t put name or face to it, he couldn’t deny that there had been a few times through the course of getting to know the men in their circuit that he had observed and noticed that Gale, in particular, had a bit more weight sitting on his shoulders in comparison to most of the others. 
When he had first met the blond cowboy, all done up in his roping get-up with his stoic steel-hard expression and sizeable buckle sitting on his belt, Ken could admit that even though he wasn’t a competitor himself, that he couldn’t help but be a little bit intimidated by the air that Gale often exuded. Especially when in competition mode.
Despite only being a rodeo EMT, it was hard to come by anyone involved in the circuit that hadn’t at least heard of the great Gale Cleven and his achievements in the arena. Coupled with the known talk that the guy was ‘all work and no play’ and advice of ‘just don’t get in his way and you won’t have to worry’, Ken had truthfully dreaded the day that he would have to meet the man and have him under his jurisdiction of care and medical expertise. 
The day he had met him, Ken felt like the world was trying to swallow him whole as he was faced with meeting most of the crew that he would be looking out for and tending to if any of them sustained injuries in the arena. He had shaken hands and introduced himself a number of times, friendly smiles and warmth being directed at him as easy as breathing before the group had all but parted in the tail end of their greetings and Ken was faced with Gale.
The blond cowboy had walked up to Ken with his shoulders straight, blue eyes questioning while also exuding an air of careful scrutinization as he’d looked Ken up and down, and Ken had felt like he was about to be snapped up like a bird between the jaws of a cat and crushed between sharper than needle fangs. 
He’d stared at Gale, not game enough to break eye contact as the other thrusted his hand out in Ken’s direction, still adorned with worn but expensive looking brown leather gloves. The strength and power behind Gale’s grip alone once he’d taken his hand in to a firm handshake was enough to have him shivering in his sneakers. 
But as Gale had introduced himself, Ken had watched as a slight look of warm fondness had broken through Gale’s expression, lips curving upwards in to a perfect smile full of straight white teeth directed at him, and felt his shoulders relax from their timid posture.
“Welcome to the crew, Ken,” Gale had said to him, words soft and sweet and dripping with unintentional charm. “Heard you’re one of the best we could possibly ask for. You might have your work cut out for you though, with this band of hooligans.”
Ken couldn’t help the smile that had slowly crept its way on to his own face in answer to Gale’s obvious attempt at easing his nerves, and he had felt his shoulders sag as Gale had dropped his hand, but feeling no less welcome. 
It was from that point forward that a sort of easy friendship had blossomed between Gale and himself, the terrifying tales of strict and hard-faced Gale Cleven all but melting away in his mind until any time he heard Gale’s name whispered with unease from the mouths of any of the other competitors from different circuit teams made him smirk knowingly. 
The guy was all bark and no bite, as far as Ken was concerned. At least when it was towards his own team, and he had come to realize that whenever Gale would be the first one to comfort or build up the confidence of the other boys without a second thought. 
It was all a structured hierarchy, and Gale had been appointed the unquestioned leader of the group and the overseer to most of the happenings and organizing both between and during the rodeos that they travelled to and from over the course of the season.  
It was with that unsanctioned leadership, though, that Ken could also see the immense strain heaped up on top of the cowboy’s shoulders in the thick of it all. And he would be unhesitant to admit that there had been a few times that he had observed Gale in the quieter moments where the weariness and need to keep on a brave noble façade was obviously eating away at him. 
Especially once Ken realized that the group’s main bull rider John Bucky Egan was more than just a friend to Gale, and every time the man went in to that arena and sat on one of those great muscled animals, Gale turned a few shades whiter every time Bucky’s dismounts were a little less than graceful. 
Ken had also noticed, through several different interactions both with himself and with other members of the group, that as much as Gale would unthinkingly dole out support and softness and strength, that when it came to himself, it was a completely different story.
He had noticed on more than one occasion the cowboy shying away from support directed at him, waved it off with a strained smile or an off handed comment that left Ken with a sour taste on his tongue and a worry settling in deep in his bones like a festering flame. 
As much as Gale gave it, receiving it was a whole other ball game, and was met with such a conditioned resistance that Kenny often wondered what was laying in wait underneath Gale’s carefully composed surface. What scars were carefully concealed under a strong expression.
He was thankful for John in those moments, seeing Gale respond to Bucky’s carefully extended supports more than anyone else, but even then it was barely a sliver of open acceptance to the gentle touch, cards still close to his chest and roped back against him and away from prying eyes.
Ken looked back up to where Curt was still standing in front of him, now holding out the charger for the Fitbit and Ken’s work phone that had been sitting on the counter being waggled in his direction underneath an imploring look. 
He stared at it for a few seconds, mind running through all the pros and cons and the precarious thought of ‘what could possibly go wrong’ cycling through his head, and let his shoulders sag with an exasperated sigh. He tried to ignore the gleaming smile Curt shot him as he took the charger and phone from his hand. 
“Fine,” Ken gave in, switching on the phone and opening up the app store to download the accompanying app that would sync with the watch. “But I’m doing this purely for Gale’s well-being, and to give myself some piece of mind.”
Curt laughed, a smug but joyous lilt to its tone as he walked up to Ken and patted his shoulder. “Yeah you keep telling yourself that, Kenny.”
Ken rolled his eyes, a small smile working its way on to his lips as Curt pressed a loud smacking kiss against his cheek as the other made his way to the door of the trailer, swinging it open and stepping out to leave Ken to hooking up the devices. 
“You’ve still got paint on your face, by the way!” Ken called out behind him as an afterthought before looking back down at his phone. 
He could hear Curt’s laugh echo back to him from a small ways away outside. 
“All part of the charm, baby!”
Surprisingly, Gale had accepted the watch from Ken without so much as a second thought, albeit a small look of question directed at him as the watch was passed into his hands. He had turned it over in quiet observance a few times, lips pursed and brows furrowed before he’d carefully pulled back the sleeve of his shirt and fastened it to the surprisingly delicate circle of his left wrist.
Ken couldn’t help the way it lifted a nervous air from his body and mind at Gale so trustingly taking the watch paired with Ken’s words of professional reassurance, and had to remind himself that as much as Curt had palmed the whole endeavour off with the pretense of it being a joke, it also gave Ken some peace of mind to now have a bit more of an insight into the medical signs of one of the most important cowboys in the team. 
He also couldn’t deny that Curt’s curiosity had bled into him as well in the face of the act.
“Can’t say I ever really put much thought in to actually using one of these things,” Gale confessed to him, eyes still curious as he looked down at the face of the watch with interest. The time flashed back at him as he turned his wrist, experimenting with the movement of it a few times. 
Tapping the face of it, the small screen cycled through his steps, distance travelled, energy burned, and finally the rate of his heart, which Ken couldn’t help but notice was currently sitting at a steady 89 as they spoke.
“You can thank Curt for that,” Ken chuckled, pointedly and casually adding in Curt as the culprit as well so he wasn’t the only one being thrown under the bus. “He figured it’d be a good idea to keep an eye on you fellas, your health and what-not seeing as how you’re all meant to be tip top athletes. And you’re one of the only ones who doesn’t actually have one.”
Gale looked up at him, a knowing smirk on the blonde's lips as he quirked one brow. “You mean Curt’s morbidly curious and just wanted something to brag about to John when I blow my top at him.”
Ken couldn’t help but laugh at Gale’s words, the sound punched out of him in surprise as Gale hazarded the guess and got it as close as he possibly could. He had had a feeling long before he’d even set up the watch that Buck would be clued in to exactly what was happening, especially once Ken name dropped Curt in the scheme. 
“It’s alright Ken,” Gale assured him, smile still colouring his face as he winked. “I won’t let him know I’m on to him if you don’t.”
“Sweet,” Ken grinned, holding out a fist towards Gale in a silent ask for a fist bump which the cowboy gladly reciprocated without a second thought. 
Gale gave another small look down at the watch as he let his hand fall back to his side, carefully pushing his sleeve down over it as it went to hide the little device from view.
“I’m actually a little curious myself,” Gale added on as an afterthought. “Might actually come in handy.”
Kenny nodded, casting his gaze over his shoulder towards the arena where Brady and Rosie were currently trotting their horses around in circles around a fake practice rig shaped like a steer. He could hear them laughing good-naturedly as they threw their ropes over it, joking amongst each other in friendly competition as Brady missed and Rosie whooped in triumph, arms coming up high in celebration. 
Jack, Benny and Everett were perched up on the rails watching with smiles on their faces and chatting amongst themselves, Meatball at their feet chasing something in a patch of tall grass against one of the posts. 
Ken pointed his chin in their direction. “This lot seems in a good mood today.”
Gale looked up to where Ken’s gaze was directed, and Ken couldn’t help but note the small fond smile that slipped on to Gale’s expression. Likened it to that of a proud parent looking at their unruly bunch of teenagers.
“Yeah it’s a lazy day today. Figured with more than a week until the next rodeo I’d back off and let them have their fun. Don’t need me breathing down their necks 24/7.”
Ken looked back at Gale with a questioning expression that he hoped Gale didn’t notice. Underneath the pride, Ken could sense a sudden hint of doubt mixed in Buck’s words, smile still evident but more muted as he stared over at the others. His blue eyes were slightly distant, and Ken felt his chest constrict just a little at the sight.
“I’m sure they’ll need your instruction sooner or later with how that’s going,” Ken tried, grinning as he turned to watch Brady expertly lasso Rosie around the middle with the other cowboy’s laughing squawk of offense. Brady’s replying laughter reached them seconds later with a shouted insult barely audible, and Ken could see the fond smile return to Buck’s expression. 
Buck rested his hands against his hips with a gentle sigh, smiling up at Ken before dropping his eyes towards the ground. “Yep, yeah, I’d say you’re right.”
Ken saw a suddenly questioning frown pull at Buck’s brow as the other looked back up towards the arena, eyes scanning over the expanse of it, the stands behind and then flickering around. “Speaking of, you seen Curt or Bucky anywhere since earlier?”
Ken felt his eyes slightly widen in realization as Buck’s words sank in and a pit of innocent fear started to curl its way in to his gut. 
“I can’t say I have, and I don’t know how I should be feeling about that,” Ken confessed to him with a grimace.
Buck blew out an exasperated breath, shoulders squaring as he tipped his hat at Ken with a smile before making his way past him. “Terrified, would be the correct term, I reckon.”
Ken couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him at Buck’s words as he watched the blond walk casually over to the others. 
The sounds of the crowd spectating the rodeo from a small distance away reached Kenny as he took a long drag of his cigarette, smoke curling its way out in to the air on his exhale in a wispy array of patterns before disappearing into nothing. He adjusted his seat on the step at the back of the med van, the back doors open to reveal the sterile and organized inside, medical equipment stored carefully and tucked away ready at a moments notice if needed while the current rodeo was in full swing. 
This one had been going on without so much as a hitch so far, which Ken and a few of the other EMTs were thankful for, leaving them meandering around outside the van without much to do to occupy their time besides talking amongst themselves or scrolling on their phones to pass the time. 
They knew at some point they’d probably need to patch up a knee or do the mandatory check over for concussions or other types of damage, but they were taking the peace while they could and being lax in the moments they were afforded. 
It left some room for a tiny hint of boredom to thread its way through, but Ken would rather feel that unconcerned drag of time over doing vital signs on a bull rider that got too big for his chaps or be knitting together another cowboy’s split open brow while trying to stem blood flow with a stern hand and hint of exasperation. 
The audience noise crescendoed in to a flurry of whoops and hollers by a few octaves, but being where he was Ken couldn’t quite see what event was currently happening around the edges of the towering bleacher seats. It was only still halfway through the rodeo so he knew that nothing truly spectacular was happening at this point, and he was content to sit, sneaker propped up on the tow-ball of the van and scroll for a few moments on his socials while sucking down the last few dregs of what he guessed was his third cigarette of the day. 
Thought on the disapproving glance that Curt would be sending his way if the other wasn’t currently out behind the bull chutes painted to the nines in clown makeup and baggy shorts and suspenders waiting to run in and save the day once the bull riders were performing.
Also thought on the way the other would tut in disgust but still pluck the still burning cigarette from his fingers before stealing a drag in the face of Ken’s knowing smirk. 
Almost too lost in the depths of his thoughts as he brought the cigarette up towards his lips for another inhale, Ken couldn’t help the way he jumped, startled and nearly losing grip on the burning stick as a sudden continuous beeping blared at him from the pocket of his jacket.
Frowning, he propped the cigarette in between his lips and reached down to clumsily fish what he realized was his work phone from the deep pocket and pull it out. 
It was only when the bright words of warning that the current connected device was picking up irregular rhythms did he also manage to look up in time to see Buck, pale faced and looking a little worse for wear stumbling from somewhere over towards the camp grounds in the distance before leaning one shaking arm up against a telegraph pole.
Distress was obvious in the tense line of the cowboy’s shoulders, shuddering on a deep inhale and face pointed towards the dirt with tightly squeezed eyes, and Ken quickly stubbed out his cigarette in to the grass by his shoe and flicked it away as he half rose, alert.
“Buck! You okay, man?” Ken called out, worry tainting the tone of his voice, hand that was holding the still beeping work phone tightening until he could feel the plastic creak underneath his grip.
He kept his eyes trained on Buck’s figure, worry seeping even further in to his awareness when the other only managed a haphazard glance in Ken’s direction, a gloved hand waving out in dismissal before he turned his eyes back to the ground at his feet, arm falling back against his side.
With a groan of effort, Ken hoisted himself up off of the step of the med van and started in Gale’s direction with purpose. He turned off the work phone, silencing the noise and shoving the device back in to his pocket without a second thought. 
The closer he got to Buck, the more he could hear the ragged exhales the blond was attempting to get under control and see the trembling shudder wracking the other’s taut shoulders.
Ken reached up one hand, resting his palm on Gale’s shoulder and leaning down to try and catch Gale’s line of sight where it was currently still trained downwards, brows furrowed in obvious distress.
“Talk to me, buddy. What’s happening here?” 
The professionalism that bled into Ken’s voice in the situation finally reached through to Buck, blue eyes glancing up to Ken’s face with a blank look that morphed into a humourless smile for a second or two before falling again. 
“‘m fine, Kenny,” Gale huffed, shoulder trembling more violently underneath Ken’s hold for a fleeting moment. “Don’t gotta get all serious on me, now.”
Ken chuffed out a laugh, a bit disbelieving as his eyes raked over Gale’s shaken form. “You sure? Because from where I’m standing your words aren’t exactly hitting home for me, Chief.” 
Gale flicked a dismissive hand in his direction again, body straightening marginally like he was trying to put Ken’s mind at a little bit more ease if he showed less weakness. It made Ken frown in reply, the minute beeping originating from underneath the cuff of Gale’s shirt where he knew the watch would be reaching his ears amidst the ambient sounds of the rodeo around them.
Gale sniffed, eyes flickering towards Ken again in what he could only name as chastised. 
“Was wondering though,” Gale started, tilting his chin towards his sleeve as he brought up his other hand to pull it back and reveal the Fitbit. “That ain’t normal, yeah?”
Ken gave Buck an exasperated look before turning his attention to the face of the watch, and felt his eyes widen marginally but managed to conceal the sudden unease in his expression so that Gale wouldn’t pick up on it.
Knew he had failed when Gale shot him a frown with accompanying worry reflected in his own eyes.
“I’m guessing no,” Gale grinned, forced and fake as he swallowed underneath the scrutiny of Ken’s expression. 
“No, not so much, man.” Ken answered, simple and direct. He adjusted where his hand was on Gale’s arm, moving it more up underneath in a concealed attempt at support as he tugged slightly. He was still very aware of the shudders wracking through Gale’s frame, the beads of sweat sitting on the cowboy’s upper lip and across his brow underneath the brim of his hat on an ashen pallor. “Why don’t you just come over to the van with me and I’ll give you a quick look over, yeah?”
Gale shot him an unreadable look, but allowed himself to be guided back to the open back of the med van thankfully only a short distance away. 
Ken helped lower him down so that the blond was occupying the seat against the low step that Ken was only on a few moments before, movements a little bit stiff and uncomfortable and made sure that Gale was comfortable before he stepped up in to the van. 
He glanced back at Gale’s figure, reaching out and getting the vitals pack hooked up on the far wall and snatching the blood pressure cuff off of the built in bench as he turned.
Jumping back down onto the hard packed dirt, Ken knelt down in front of Gale who was still looking pale but not as frantic as the younger man started retrieving different equipment from the bag that he sat in front of him.  
Gale eyed everything speculatively with that ever present frown still evident on his face. “I’m fine, Ken. Really.” 
Ken glanced up at him with a strained smile as he pulled the velcro of the blood pressure cuff apart with a stark ripping sound, reaching up to secure it around Gale’s upper right arm with perfect and practised precision. 
“Just taking precautions.” Ken assured him. He started manually pumping the small decompressor attached to the cuff. He unlooped the stethoscope from where it was draped over the back of his neck and lifted Gale’s sleeve up enough to be able to press the cool metal against his inner elbow gently. “Alarm went off for a reason, Buck.”
Gale rolled his eyes at Ken good-naturedly, but Ken could see the hint of worry reflected in the blonde's eyes as he flickered his gaze down to where Ken was listening to the thrum of his blood underneath his skin, wincing at the tight restriction of the cuff around his bicep. 
“Dumb is what it is, I don’t even feel that bad any more.” Gale grumbled. 
A few moments of silence went by as Ken listened intently to Gale’s pulse, holding his breath but allowing it to pass back out in a gentle exhale as everything seemed to be normal at least as far as blood pressure went. 
Pulling the stethoscope away from Gale’s skin, he rolled the cowboy’s sleeve back down to cover cool but clammy skin and ripped off the cuff from further up. “Yes, well, as true as that may be right now, I just want to check you over in case. False alarm or not. I don’t particularly feel like having to explain to Bucky why you keeled over dead from a heart attack on my watch.”
Gale let an amused snort escape him at Ken’s words, lips curving up into the semblance of a smile as he kept his focus on Ken’s rummaging around in the med bag below. 
“Point taken,” Gale mumbled, and Ken felt his own lips quirk up in reply. 
The next few tests went by without so much as a suspicious blip or reading, and as much as Ken was confused, he was also incredibly relieved that Gale didn’t seem to be suffering from anything life threatening. As a small after thought, he reached out and gripped Gale’s wrist wearing the watch gently and turned the face of it towards himself, eyes scanning over the lit up surface and feeling satisfied when no warnings or alerts glared back at him. The heartrate had also gone back to a steady pace, and he let Gale’s hand drop with a sigh.
“Well, whatever was happening, you seem to be fine now,” Ken informed him. He looked up in to Gale’s face from where he was still crouched in front of the other, taking in the now more normal looking complexion and clear blue eyes staring back at him in curiosity and their own brand of confusion. “It might have been just a false alarm.”
Gale sighed, peeking down at the watch hidden back underneath the sleeve of his shirt with a blank look, posture relaxing that small increment more so he was slouched in a lazy lean, an elbow propped up against his knee.
“Fat lot of good a false alarm is,” Gale grinned. One of his hands came up to wipe the remaining perspiration still sitting against the ridge of his brow underneath the rim of his hat. That same hand then rose up to point an unthreatening finger in Ken’s direction, a mock expression of seriousness moulding on to his features. “But not a word of this is to be spoken to Bucky, under any circumstances.”
Ken chuckled, pushing himself up to stand and wincing at the ache that accompanied the movement from being crouched down in the same position for so long. He stretched out his back with a groan. “For once, I do agree with that statement.”
Gale looked affronted, mouth gaping slightly as Ken’s words but Ken could see the humour reflected there. “For once?”
Ken raised his hands in mock surrender, feeling something in his chest warm at the sight of Gale’s barely concealed amusement as he reached out a hand in Ken’s direction for help. Ken gladly accepted, gripping the other cowboy’s hand and pulling him easily to his feet until the other was standing tall and firm in front of him. The other did sway slightly, and Ken held out a hand in concealed readiness in case he needed to keep the other balanced, but in a blink any tilting had disappeared.  
The sounds of the rodeo pierced back in to both men’s awareness, and Ken watched as Gale’s focus turned out towards the arena with a sharp turn of his head, the small smile that was there slowly slipping back into something that Ken couldn’t quite put his finger on. He allowed his own gaze to wander over in the same direction as Gale’s before pursing his lips and glancing back towards Gale’s face. The other looked lost in thought, blue eyes far away amongst whatever was running amongst his thoughts as the sound of cheering echoed across the grounds in a muted distant roar. 
Licking his lips, Ken hesitated for a few seconds before parting his lips and letting the words that were sitting on his tongue escape in to a more simple question than the true ones he had. 
“You sure you’re okay, Buck?” 
Gale seemed to come back to the present at Ken’s words, face whipping back to look at Ken with a blank numb expression before his lips pulled up in to a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Though they were soft as they looked at the younger man.
He reached up and let his hand fall in a friendly comfort against Ken’s shoulder, patting it twice before allowing his arm to fall. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. You don’t gotta worry, Kenny, promise.”
Ken let himself smile back in reply to Gale’s words, but he knew that it didn’t quite reach his own eyes either as the image of Gale only a small time before all but hyperventilating and looking moments from death leaned up against that telegraph pole flashed through his mind in vivid technicolor. He could almost hear the ghost of the beeping of his work phone buzz behind his ears. 
He almost asked again, taking in the way that Gale had suddenly started gnawing at his bottom lip between perfect white teeth until the plush skin was red and looked moments from breaking apart underneath the ministrations, but something squeezed in his ribcage and he swallowed the words down. 
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aforestescape · 3 days
konig - unplanned pregnancy
…just because i got my birth control removed and i’m in the mood for it
content includes: unexpected pregnancy, afab!reader, gn!reader, pervert!konig, fat!konig supremacy, mentions of co-erced pregnancy, descriptions of sex
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you and konig at this point have spent a few months being friends with benefits. it was entirely your choice not to cross any boundaries past that. a decision that konig vehemently disagreed with but he kept it to himself. now wasn’t the time to pressure you into dating. he could enjoy your days hanging out or studying together. the texts in the middle of lecture to meet at your dorm for a quickie between classes.
no matter your conversations on relationships and you being steadfast in not wanting to date, konig knows that you’re his. maybe it’s a bit malicious, the joy that goes through him as you sit on his bed in tears. head in your hands as you try to speak past the need to sob at your predicament.
you should’ve known. should’ve been more careful. with the amount of time you two spent in each others beds or really any place you could manage privacy. betting on all the plan b’s you’d taken to keep your from getting pregnant even though you were aware it wasn’t safe to take so many frequently.
all the times you’d moan out around him. nails digging into the rolls on konigs back as he pounded into you. his own pathetic whines echoing in the space with yours. strings of english and german. asking, begging you to let him cum inside of you. to let him fill you up, how gorgeous you’d look swelling with his seed.
he loves the idea. thinking of you round and glowing with his baby. maybe even twins, they run in his family after all. wondering if they’d have your skin complexion or his pale freckled one. if their hair would grow in ginger like his as a baby only to change to a deep brown when he got older. if they’d have your love for reading or his for video games. if you’d look at them with as much joy as you did your nieces and nephews.
it was something he’d hoped he’d be able to convince you with time. you’d spent so many months at this point with each other. he’d let you cry in his chest when you were having a hard time. let you complain about classes to him and he’d spoil you with his money. eager to show you how well he could take care of you if you’d just give him a chance.
surely you’d realize soon enough he was the one person for you. and he’d thought about this outcome too. trapping you with him for life. if you wouldn’t date him, wouldn’t admit the feelings he was sure you had for him then he’d just take matters into his own hands. it’d be so easy to knock you up. you were so greedy when it came to his cum. quick to get on your knees and worship his thick cock. eager to lick the copious amounts of cum from your hand after giving him a handjob.
everytime he begged to cum inside of you, to mark you as his he could fill you tighten up around him. your perfect cunt milking his cock till he was overstimulated and whining into your neck.
he’d recall the times you’d ask him to cum for you, to fill you up whenever he had to take his hard and leaking cock into his own hand.
think about how good you always look rolling your hips as your soaking cunt rubbed against his fat stomach. using him as a toy while begging for his cum as if you weren’t denying yourself. a part of him angry to be wasting what’s yours. wasting his potent seed when he could be filling your perfect body up instead.
so konig could hardly hold back the joy he felt as you sobbed next to him on his bed. arm wrapped around you in comfort as you tried to speak through your tears. crying about being pregnant, how you both should’ve been more careful. you’re still in school, both still studying for the separate futures you wanted to build. and now those plans were taking a sharp turn with two little pink lines.
he’d rub your back as you cried into his chest, tears soaking his shirt. mind already filling with baby names and how he’d introduce you to family. they’d love you, he knew it. his family would easily accept you with his babies swelling inside of your belly. you’d grow to love and accept him now, you had no choice.
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once again found a finished work in my drafts i forgot about whoops. have a few more so i’ll prob post something tomorrow, hope you enjoyed🙈🫶🏽
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 2 days
Tell us more about dad-bod Dark Choco, please! I gotta know how our boy is healing now that the COD have been divorced from his life.
I'd love to! He's from my first ever CRK AU "A New Life" which was made around when episode 14 was released. It's basically a continuation of Dark Choco's story and how he heals from his trauma.
So, after Dark Choco leaves his sword and old life behind, he decides to live in the woods for the rest of his days. He soon settles down right by a little creek with a waterfall and builds himself a nice, cozy cabin. His little cabin is far away from the Dark Cacao Kingdom and is settled near the Cookie Kingdom for convenience if he ever decides to go into town, which is quite rare.
Thanks to the Strawberry Jam Sword, Dark Choco has vowed to never pick up a sword ever again for the sake of his own safety, and now uses only a spear, along with a bow and arrow for hunting. He is still very skilled in hand-to-hand combat, though he is a little rusty with his archery skills. (Haha bad eyesight go brr.)
During his time in solitude, Dark Choco starts picking up some hobbies and habits that he never knew he had or never tried. Such as gardening, sewing, and napping... a lot. He's a big napper, since, well, that's what you get when you stay up for days on end. Not to mention nutrition. Choco was either starved or never given a proper diet so he was never able to eat the kind of stuff he liked/needed. Now that he's away from his old kingdom and COD, he can now eat whatever and whenever he wants! However... doesn't really help his pants line, does it? Yeah, the poor guy has packed on some extra dough and his dad can and will tease him about it.
Speaking of which, after his son left his homeland again, Dark Cacao has been desperately searching for him. Not to punish him for his crimes... but to apologize to him, properly. As Dark Cacao reflected on the past, he soon realized that he was not a great father... at all, and the apology he gave to Dark Choco was not one he truly deserved. So, he searches for his son day and night whenever he gets the chance, just to tell him he's sorry.
Long story short, Dark Cacao finds Dark Choco's cabin after months of searching and apologizes to him. Dark Choco simply says that he doesn't need to apologize and he already forgives him, after he showed him how much time he put into finding him. Dark Cacao asks if he would like to come home and they could start over, fresh, but Dark Choco declines. Stating that he isn't ready to come home... just, not yet. He still needs some time to heal properly before he can face the kingdom again. Dark Cacao accepts this and now, once a month, he visits his son to repair their relationship and to catch up after being apart for so long.
Later, Dark Choco finds and rescues Parfait Cookie after she is attacked by cake monsters. Parfait is initially scared of him until he reassures her that he means no harm. (he saves her before he gets the dad bod UwU) After this, Parfait goes out of her way to see Choco, soon becoming his friend and now girlfriend after Dark Cacao reads Parfait's love letter out loud in front of them during a visit on Valentine's Day. (Dark Choco also liked her too long before this happened-)
That's about it, really. I had a lot of fun making this AU and to think that this AU actually predicted the future.- I must be a psychic-
(Also, if you guys wanna see more dad bod Choco, please let me know!)
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 21 hours
Oh these two idiots are both so gone.
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Ooh, "creating art is about exploring what you like" is a nice line. So often we put too much into feeling like creativity has to end up with a good product, and less about what it can teach us about ourselves.
I like how this show talks about art. And New is making it so clear here that he does put a part of himself in all of his shows, whatever people might think. Respect.
And we're normalizing taking breaks and that you can't be productive and creative all the time! Fabulous.
We love a queen who makes the most of her background time.
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I mean, valid question Peem, but also - pot, kettle, etc, etc.
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Oh god, their actual boyfriend era is going to end me.
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You know what I really love about this Phum/Peem scene? They're making it clear that mutual attraction is just one piece of the relationship puzzle. But the friendship still needs to be there, the caring when someone is having a bad day, and being there to pick them up. So many BLs gloss over the mutual support part of romantic relationships in favor of the swoony bits, but this is the kind of thing that makes a couple seem likely to actually last.
Also what does it say about BLs that I was so relieved they actually rolled up their pant legs at the pool? (Of course they still end up wet in the end, but it's the principle of the thing!)
Phum is just 100% always thirsty for Peem and I respect it.
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Haha, love Q being all "hands off my baby, stat".
And they're communicating so openly! My sweeties.
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Omg, omg, Fang trying to teach himself to express tenderness to Tan, I cannot.
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Just go slow Fang, or you may kill this man with happiness!
Aaaaaah, not Pun finding a little bird and wanting to help it, going to Chain (of course), AND naming it Penguin.
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I am already at lethal levels of cuteness overload, and we haven't even gotten to the FangTan scene yet.
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Lolol, of course he got sick, he got wet for 30 seconds. But again we get the subversion, we're paying tribute to the sick trope, but not fully engaging! Heh, this show is so fun.
Has anyone else noticed the slight tone shift for Phum when he's talking to Peem? There's a new softness to it and it's adorable.
Toey, no, no crying wolf to your boyfriend!
But the pencil case thing is adorable.
I think the Peem and Q friendship chemistry might be my favorite in the whole show.
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Lol, not Peem letting slip he slept with Phum last night!
Beer, you are such a champion. Good wingmanning, while also not excusing Phum's bad behaviors.
Oh, baby Phum being sent away, that's heart-breaking. No wonder he has walls like that.
I am loving these reveals with Fang. He's such an internal character, so we are unpeeling the layers slowly. But seeing how annoyed he is to not be able to reach Tan, and how fast Tan is able to make him smile again, makes it so clear how much he really needs him.
And the way he smiles so big when he thinks no one can see, but goes right back to pouty face with Tan because it gets him the attention he craves...
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Whoever dressed Q for this series, I love you.
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Phum going from self-doubt to full steam ahead the moment he gets reassurance his feelings are returned is delightful to see.
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Omg, domestic Fang and Tan. But also Fang, you can learn to cook other things, y'know?
Lolol, Fang absolutely loves Tan's antics, it's so freaking adorable.
Aou and Boom always frickin bring it, we thank you for your service boys.
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Also more trope play! Tan holding Fang down in the cliche way, but Fang still showing agency and not playing the blushing maiden. Perfect.
Ok, I liked the Kluen scene. He's being shown as a real person with a life of his own, he's not just the "rival". And Peem is being more straightforward with him.
Hahaha, Chain short-circuiting more and more as Pun gets closer.
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MATT, WHAT THE HELL?! You do not interfere with my crumbs, dammit!!
Omg, not Chain just blurting out that he likes being shipped with Pun.
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I love that everyone is shocked by Phum except for Beer, who is just like "yup".
I do typically hate public declarations, but I will let it go here, because the friend group is the key to the whole series.
Also, Pun is drunk again, so Chain better be ready for some biting! Chomp, chomp.
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cbrownjc · 19 hours
I apologise in advance for the length. I wanted your take on one specific part of 2x5 that bothered me a little and is partially why my little DM shipper hope wavered (that and being burned by ongoing shows in the past). Both you and @nalyra-dreaming have brilliantly pointed out how the episode does a great job at recreating the horror origin where Daniel is kept in the cellar and I wholeheartedly agree. However, what has bothered me about it is that, in the episode, it is not Armand that chooses to let Daniel live. Granted, in the book it's more a stay of execution than anything else, but it's still his choice alone. In 2x5 that choice is now Louis'. And while I know that in the novel Armand considers Daniel a gift from Louis, part of me is bothered by this slight lack of agency. It felt to me like just another thing Armand did to comply to Louis' wants in his desperation to not lose him. And that any Chase that happens is not necessarily out of genuine curiosity but because Louis called Armand boring and Armand just wants to know what set Daniel apart for Louis.
And then my brain goes "fruit of the poisonous tree" and am then afraid that Daniel's meaning wrt Armand (which, to my great frustration, I have already seen other book readers diminish) will literally be: oh he's just the scraps Armand gets because he couldn't have Louis or Lestat (because of the horrors, he did all of it, etc). I don't WANT it to be that and I guess I'm a little terrified about it.
Idk what to make of any of it and I'm nervous because I REALLY want to see this pairing develop as they deserve. So please, tell me what I'm missing in my rambling and borderline incoherent concern. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my sanity's only hope. ^_~
Okay, well, I will try to be your Ben Kenobi here, but remember, even he failed to see what was going on with Annikin before it was too late . . .
Yeah, okay that isn't very confidence-giving, is it? 😬 🙃
Anyway! 🤭
Okay, so on the first point:
I have actually seen one or two people point out the fact that it was Louis who basically intervened and stopped Armand from killing Daniel, and Armand didn't do so himself. And I'm not going to say I can't see yours and some other's point about this. All I can say about that point for now is that we don't know what happens right now between Daniel and Armand after Daniel was let go and dropped off at the drug den. Because there might actually come a point when Armand thinks he very well could kill Daniel and Louis would have no idea, as Louis only requests that Daniel live out "this night." There was no request from Louis to Armand for Daniel to live out his whole life.
So we might actually get a moment, in the future, where we see a time when Armand decides to just kill Daniel -- but, just like with Louis in the tunnel back in the 40s -- stays his own hand via his own decision to do so.
So, I think on this point right now, the only thing any of us can do is take a "wait and see" about it. But there are still doors open to Armand deciding on his own to spare Daniel's life in a significant way I think. With him not even being in love with Daniel yet at the time too IMO.
So, on to the second point:
No, I very much do not think Daniel is going to be seen as "scraps" that Armand gets because he couldn't have Louis or Lestat. And I think what is going to come into play to make that clear is the slight change the show has done wrt Armand's character and the Great Laws. After the Children of Darkness/Satan coven busted up, Armand in the book really didn't hold those rules in any high regard anymore. But the show has very clearly changed that, to where Armand was ready to kill Louis because Louis broke many of the Great Laws.
Assad himself made this clear that Armand really was going to kill Louis and only didn't do it because he chose love instead.
And if you take a look at the full list of the Great Laws that someone was amazingly able to translate, as well as this gifset of a specific scene from 2x03, a vampire being with a human in such a way is a direct violation of those laws that Armand in the show clearly holds to.
So for Armand to break that rule and choose to be with Daniel? Will not be a small thing.
So I think that alone will show that Daniel is not just a scrap. Armand's love for Daniel will be so much that he will, once again, ignore a rule he once held fast to in order to, once again, choose love.
And then, of course, there is the fact that Armand chose to actually break his biggest rule of all for Daniel, which is to never turn someone into another vampire -- which is also one of the laws the cult drilled into him. Yes, Armand's main reason for not doing so in the books was because he didn't want to damn someone into vampirism, as well as not believing that the Maker/Fledgling relationship can ever really work. But the other reason that I feel the show will also touch upon will very much also be because of the Great Law that older vampires should never work the Dark Trick upon someone, less that fledgling be too powerful in the blood.
But Armand's love for Daniel will be so great that he will not bear the thought of Daniel actually dying. And so, when the moment comes, he will not only break that Great Law, but his own personal reason why he doesn't want to turn someone. And he would rather face having to truly put his fear and belief about Markers and Feldglings to the side (and maybe still lose Daniel that way -- which in the books, he actually did for a time!) than lose Daniel forever via death.
Again, that has never seemed to me as Daniel just being a "scrap" to Armand, even when it comes to the books. But I expect the show will put an even greater emphasis on this, both when it comes to Armand's backstory and how now Armand in the show actually holds to those laws in a serious way.
So yeah, just some of my thoughts on those two points. I hope they can calm you somewhat but, if not, just know that, because of the format this story is now being told in, that will very much lend to things -- the characters and their relationships with each other -- to be even more fleshed out, along with character arcs to be planned out overall as well. (Which yes, not every TV show does, but this one is clearly doing so.) We won't get every answer to these things right away, but I think there are many doors open to exploring these things in a satisfying way over the course of the show. 🙂
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isa-ghost · 1 day
some qphil and pomme hcs 🥹? i was thinking abt the rescue we were robbed of
Okay bear with me, I didn't get to see her a lot because I didn't watch most POVs she was on so these might not be spicy and deep or smth, they'll mostly be silly or surface level stuff. 😭
Phil headcanons masterlist
He thinks she's one of, if not THE most brilliant egg. Pomme's mind is something else /pos. He'd love to sit down and pick her brain sometime as one big brain to another (though he'd never admit he's big brain).
He makes dad jokes about Chayanne making anything apple flavored/centric like "How could you cook Pomme like that D:" and it always gets him smacked by both Chay and Lullah.
And then he'll see Pomme and be like YOU'RE ALIVE :O!! and watches her scramble like ?!?!?! before dying laughing and explaining himself. Etoiles has started to get in on this, much to Pomme's dismay.
He makes so many apple-related dad jokes in general, he enjoys watching all the kids die inside too much when he makes them. He doesn't even LIKE dad jokes that much, he's just a shithead.
He actively encourages Pomme to "compete" with Richas in collecting dads
There have been multiple occasions where they've had a Moment of some sort with or without other people around and he's told Pomme how much of her parents he can see in her. He's talked about seeing Baghera, Etoiles, and Pierre.
Phil loves the way Pomme just kinda blends in with her parents. She's not a Mommy's Girl or a Daddy's Girl. If she's with Baghera she's a lot like her and that her is different than when she's with Etoiles and those are both different from when she's with Pierre. And so on. Phil finds it endearing that Pomme takes after each and every parent and how it really shows when she's with them individually.
The couple times she (usually also with Dapper or Richas) would come to Phil in the wake of big stressful things going on, it was because she knew of all the islanders, Phil is one of the ones who's no doubt seen the most in his lifetime. He Gets It. He'll be real and raw about it, he won't sugarcoat just because she's a little girl. He'll level with her, and that kind of insight and comfort is what she needs in those trying times.
I think if Phil was Pomme's parent then she would've pulled a Chayanne and personally beat Ender King's ass right out of his body. And she'd spend day and night beforehand painstakingly plotting a plan to ensure it goes right too.
My memory is fuzzy on Pomme's first day, but I remember Phil being on high alert while the French were getting on their feet and offering everything he could in order to help keep Pomme safe while they settled in. Pomme's never forgotten that. If there were ever a crisis that left all of the French AND Bad + their bases inaccessible or unsafe, she'd go straight to Phil next. She knows how much effort he puts into keeping his bases safe and secure, and she knows he has always dropped everything at any moment no matter what in order to prioritize the eggs.
God these two shake hands on the insomnia fr. The only reason Phil eventually passes out is bc of his weird universe transcending fuckery. He may willingly Go to sleep but his ass doesn't willingly Fall asleep if that makes sense. Brain too busy going 90 miles a minute.
Phil's never thought abt this but I am: Of all the eggs, I think Pomme is one of the ones who would survive the best in his Hardcore World. She'd lock the FUCK in.
And Phil would've seen that if we weren't robbed of the rescue. 😔 The rescue would've changed how Phil views Pomme in a positive way I think.
Because as of right now, he just feels awful that Pomme has to grow up and be mature so much faster. There are too many horrors, she just doesn't let herself be a kid. Chayanne does similar things but he at least still let's himself be a kid. It saddens Phil that Pomme seems to think she can't be, even if she wants to be. :(
If he wasn't afraid of an awful accident happening, he'd probably spar with her. She's the daughter of Etoiles, he has no doubt she's a lil fireball. But he only trusts himself to spar with Chayanne and Lullah. (I think I've said this somewhere already,, hm. Well at least I'm consistent LMAO)
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misty--nights · 3 days
Episode 2 now. It's definitely one of my favorites, because it introduces Niko and Tragic Mick and I love both of them. I didn't think there would be that many details I missed, but there are so enjoy (some of this seem kind of obvious, but I'll still include them)
Maybe I'm focusing on the wrong part, but the Cat King's bed doesn't look to be the most practical to sleep with someone else. When he sits on it, it looks like he wouldn't fit completely even if he scooted all the way back against the pillows. I don't know, I guess I'm just wondering the logistics of how they'd sleep together if Edwin had accepted. Would he make the bed bigger? Would their legs be left dangling at the bottom? Hilarious either way (I know this is most likely a trick of perspective, but let me live in a world in which this pathetic man tries to get laid and can't because his bed is too small)
Maybe a bit obvious, but I never noticed Edwin was gone all night. It's day again when he returns to the warehouse. It makes sense how freaked out Charles sounds when he returns
I love this show's intro a lot. The music is really good and the skeletons dancing and playing around are really funny. No new details for it, because I've watched it full every time, but I've been thinking about that part at the end with the bike and the beach chairs. Since those skeletons are supposed to be the boys, I need to see them in their usual forms riding one of those double bikes and going to the beach. It's a must
Ok, I lied, one intro detail I hadn't noticed. Going by their shoes, Edwin's skeleton is the one that drinks from the cup at the end and spills it all over himself. I don't know why, but I think that's funny
I've been wondering this since episode 1, but how do the boys know possession sets off alarms? Have they seen it happen with other ghosts? Or have they ever been in a similar situation and managed to escape? While I think maybe the first is more likely, the second would explain why Lost and Found knows they're together
Jenny comes into Crystal's room still in her pijamas. Did Edwin's banging wake her up? No wonder she's so mad
Tragic Mick's shop is called “Tragic Mick's Magic Tricks and Items", which is both a tongue twister and oddly vague. Oh yes, there's magic stuff and other shit in that shop. Amazing, Tragic Mick, never change
All of the items on Niko's grocery list have question marks at the end except for strawberry ice cream, which has an exclamation mark. I agree with that
Charles is being way too nice about the doctor. The guy didn't even take out any tools to check on Niko, he just leaned over her and said she was dehydrated
I really like Crystal's overalls in this episode. In my previous watches, I focused a lot on Niko's clothes, because they're amazing, but I'm starting to notice Crystal's more now and I really like them
The Night Nurse looks tiny next to her assistants. Is she really small or her assistants really big? I don't remember how tall she looks in comparison to the kids
Speaking of heights, though, is Niko much taller than Crystal? When they are on their own, it looks like it, but then next to the boys they look more or less the same height
When he notices Edwin doing the thing with his fists, Charles does like a little double take between his face and his hands. Something small, but I really like the way he does it. Like he's really paying attention to every little detail
We get a close up of Edwin's boots and I think they're really cool. I've never seen that style of shoe as a boot before, but I've always liked them. Also his socks are cute and I would love to make myself a similar pair
The top of the dandelion altar thing has this lines. At first I thought maybe it looked like the underside of a mushroom, but it makes more sense for it to be a dandelion seed
Edwin first translates a word as gifts and then goes “not gifts, sacrifices”, and in general sounds a little hessitant with his translation. Usually people in movies and shows just bust out a perfect translation on the fly, so as someone who struggles translating, I appreciate that little detail
The jar stops sounding like the sea when Charles empties it. I'm choosing to believe that's a missed opportunity because can you imagine how much Litty and Kingham would hate living in a jar that constantly sounds like ocean waves? Insufferable, it would have been great
Obviously Charles looks worried about her when Crystal offers herself to the sprites, but Edwin does too. He cares about her, even if at this point they haven't really bonded and their animosity towards each other is more or less geniune
Litty's outfit is actually really cute. Love the puffy dress and the sweater over the shoulders. And both of their waistcoats are adorable. Never noticed that Kingham's has a subtle print. I's the same as Litt's skirt, too. More dandelions maybe?
When Niko is telling Crystal that she thought abot replying to her mom, Edwin id in the background writing in his notebook. And Charles is leaning over his shoulder to see what he's doing, which looks really sweet
There's a guy in the line of ghosts outside that looks very much like the postman with a different mustache
Say what you want about Esther, but I love her commitment to having atmosphere music playing whenever she's up to something
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yanderepuck · 3 days
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First ikevil fic and it's bc @lulu-the-smol-floof is an impatient bitch who can't wait for me to actually feel comfortable writing them. BUT HERE WE ARE
Tho this ain't smut. More fluffy and what dating would generally look like. The only request was to bite him. So bite him we will
You see Jude sitting back in the chair with a newspaper in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. His jacket is off with his sleeves rolled up. You watch him from the other side of the room, admiring him.
Even though you know he clearly wants to be alone, you start walking to him.
"Whaddya want, princess?" he hears you coming and doesn't look up from the paper. He sets his cup down on the table next to him.
"Aren't I allowed to just want to spend time with you?" You stand behind the chair and lean over to kiss the top of his head, before leaning over more to read the paper with him. "Anything interesting written there?"
"Nothing that's keepin' my interest," he reaches up to pet your hair, still looking at the paper.
You hum softly and lean your head against him. He flips the paper over to look at a different article. He starts to pull his hand away from your head and you whine.
His hand immediately goes back to playing with your hair.
"What are ya? A dog?"
"It feels nice."
Jude sighs but keeps combing his fingers through your hair while you lean over his shoulder.
This goes on for a few more minutes. Until...
Jude turned his head quickly to look at you. You bite his arm, playfully of course. Just simple girlfriend instincts. Like a cat giving little love nibbles.
"What the hell do you think you're doin'?!"
Before he could rip his arm from your mouth you let go and ran away, but not without giggling.
Jude stood up facing the door but you were already out of the room. He looked at his arm and was able to see little teeth indents.
"The hell was that for?!"
A few days pass and it happens again
You're laying in bed with him. He's half asleep with an arm over your body. Meanwhile you can't fall asleep. Your fingers play with his. Sliding between the gaps, pressing your finger tips against one another.
You smile and giggle softly. You love him. You play with his have like you are a child. Right before going CHOMP.
You bit him again. Jude's eyes opened and ripped his hand from you.
"Will ya stop doing that!"
He pulls his arm under the blanket and turns around, his back facing you.
You pout and turn to your side too. You just want to nibble on him. Doesn't he know you love him? You're just trying to show your love with a little nibble. Isn't that clear?
A few more days go by and you see Jude leaving the castle.
"Jude, wait!" You run up to him and hug him before he can leave.
"You'll see me later. Stop actin' like I'm going for my good."
"With as much as you getting jumped that might happen," you pout. He sighs knowing he can't exactly argue with that.
"Yeah. Fine. Whatever. I need to go," he hugs you back. He learned the hard way that you will never let go until he returns the hug. "I gotta lot-"
You bit his shoulder.
He bites you back. But he didn't get the reaction he expected. He thought you would pull back and yell, but you bite harder. So he bites harder.
This goes back and forth until you let go of him, feeling happy.
"I love you so much!"
He is so confused. He left teeth marks on you and you like it.
"You're a lil freak," he scoffs and leaves the castle.
You skip through, happy about being bit back, assuming Jude knows why you bit him and he bit you for the same reason.
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softspeirs · 24 hours
eyy, could i please request, whenever you get to it, ❛ let’s go somewhere, just you and me. ❜ for ellie and bucky? — @shoshiwrites
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A/N: Sho, this is so Bucky and Ellie coded. Post-war feelings, coming right up! It's a little melancholy, but so am I, these days. Thank you for always enabling me to write more of these two!
Ellie finds him on the porch, long legs stretched out in front of him as he leans back against the top step.
He looks up when he hears the clack of the screen door against the frame. Instantly, the furrow between his brows lessens.
"Hi." Ellie smiles, settling next to him, her knees level with his shoulders. His arm settles across her legs, and he presses a kiss to the outside of her knee.
"Hi." He replies. "Got a little loud in there."
Ellie hums. "I think lunch will be ready soon. Everyone kept telling me I didn't need to help, but I can't remember the last time someone cooked for me."
"They're excited to meet you." Bucky says, his eyes soft. "I just-- needed a break. Didn't mean to leave you in there alone."
Ellie shakes her head. "I don't need an explanation, John. It's all right."
The Egans are a lively bunch, that didn't surprise her. It surprised her a little to see Bucky withdraw rather than participate in conversation, though he was the one who warned her that would probably happen. He doesn't like crowds anymore, even when the crowd is made up of his own relatives.
"Let's go somewhere." He says suddenly. "Just you and me."
She laughs, expression fond. "Where?"
He shrugs. "I don't know. You've never seen Lake Michigan."
Mrs. Egan doesn't even pretend to be disappointed when her son begs out of family lunch, and insists wraps up some sandwiches and desserts in a picnic basket, handing it to John with a knowing smile. "Don't stay out too late." She says, can't help herself, even after all these years, even though her son came home after all of it more of a man than she expected.
He shakes his head, but kisses her on the cheek all the same, before grasping Ellie's hand in his and tugging her out the door. The breeze is chilly, and he shrugs off his jacket when they get to the car, pulling it around her shoulders without her having to ask.
He likes the way she looks in his clothes. Likes it better seeing the name Egan right there, stitched over her heart.
It feels strange to be behind the wheel of his father's old car. It's been sitting in the driveway for god knows how long, though their mother gets out every week to take it to the grocery store and back. Bucky suspects she can't stand to be in it very long. It still carries the faint scent of John Sr.'s aftershave.
Ellie watches as he drives, wrist propped against the steering wheel. He's tense, his shoulders tight, but the smile on his face is easy and genuine. She wonders how long it will take for him to realize that there's no danger anymore. She hopes she can help him ease into this new life they're trying to build.
There's a public park near the water, and Ellie is amazed at how blue the lake is and how far it goes. She can't see the other end no matter how long she stares.
"It's like the ocean," she marvels as they pick a spot on the grass and settle.
Bucky grins. "I love it here."
They eat in a comfortable silence and when they're done, he reaches for her hand, tracing the lines of her veins and absently stroking over a freckle on her wrist.
"There's so much I want to show you," he continues, voice low. "I want to take you everywhere. But a selfish part of me wants to stay right here. Just you and me."
Ellie's heart clenches.
"It's hard to-- to be around my family. I love them to death but they want to pretend everything is the same as it used to be." He shakes his head. "I'm not the same anymore."
She remembers a quiet conversation with Gale Cleven right before he shipped out. How he was trusting her to make sure Bucky knew that he's loved and worth knowing. That he was worried his best friend had lost a piece of himself and would never find it again.
She grips his hand tight, her free hand finding his cheek, thumb rubbing reassuringly at his cheekbone. "No, you're not the same. Neither am I. Neither are they." She shrugs. "Doesn't mean something's wrong with you."
"Thank you for being here with me." He whispers.
"Thank you for asking me to come with you."
There's another question burning at the back of his throat, words he hasn't been able to get out yet. It's just a matter of time, they both know that, but he thinks part of him is still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Surely, her coming halfway around the world with him is a good sign, he just has to convince his brain of the same fact his heart feels.
When he kisses her there under the setting sun over Lake Michigan in his hometown, he feels the reassuring thump of her heart against his and he knows this is where he's meant to be, that everything that happened to him before he came back to England and saw her again was worth it, even if it takes years for him to come to terms with that.
She saw him in the aftermath of the worst years of his life, saw him and all his anger and his flaws and vices and is still sitting here in Manitowoc, sleeping in the guest room his mother so lovingly prepared for her. She's still here.
And that's got to count for something.
A/N: Fun fact to know and tell: I often spend summers in Ludington, MI. If you look on a map, it appears that US-10 cuts right through the Lake Michigan leading to Manitowoc. Of course the highway stops at the water, but in 2015, the ferry SS Badger between Ludington, Michigan, and Manitowoc, Wisconsin, was officially designated as part of the highway. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials officially designated the SS Badger car ferry as part of the highway's official route, joining US 9 as the only two routes with a ferry connection. The more you know!
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