#this kept bouncing around my head
fazedlight · 4 months
Lois (inspired by this fic by @luthordamnvers and @snowydragonscave)
Can I trust a Luthor?, Lois thought.
The fight had already begun, drawing the entire staff of The Daily Planet to the building’s windows. The battle between Superman and the mysterious figure might simply be another Tuesday in Metropolis…
Before the sky turned red.
Lois’s finger itched at the scrap of paper in her hands, a note attached to a flower delivery, written in a messy scrawl. “In the darkest hour, the answer is at the top of the Planet.”
Lois glanced to Perry White, to James, feeling the notable absence of Clark. Can I trust a Luthor?, she asked herself again, her sensibilities warring against Lena Luthor for being from the wrong family, for being too young, for… this is bullshit, Lois thought.
She turned on her heel, darting across the room without much notice, jerking open the stairwell door before bounding the three flights up to the roof of the Daily Planet. Yanking a bobby pin from her hair, she quickly unlocked the security door - a practiced habit, from her occasional secret smoke breaks - and made her way onto the roof.
She approached the giant sphere, THE DAILY PLANET boldly imprinted along its side, as her eyes scoured over the globe’s infrastructure. It didn’t take her long to notice the slightest edge of a box hidden at the very base - somewhere that someone would only look if they had need to.
She yanked at the box, throwing a quick look over her shoulder as the rapidly dimming skies contrasted with the blasts of green echoing along the clouds. Farmboy’s running out of time, she thought, ripping at the box until she came to folded metal.
That’s when she grinned. Daughter of an army general, Lois knew her way around a weapon. She was almost gleeful as she snapped together the clever telescoped rifle, the back of her mind admiring its sleek construction - despite the bulky payload - as she briefly fantasized about shooting Lex Luthor out of the sky. 
But as she turned, settling onto the building ledge to steady her weapon, her eye caught on the note attached to the scope. “Aim for the S”, it said.
Lois tilted her head curiously, feeling a wave of realization, hearing Lena’s words in her ear. “Lex is my brother and I love him, but I can't stand and do nothing.” 
Lois turned again to the sky, watching as Superman faltered, as the hero struggled to stay in the air, dodging more attacks as the sunlight shifted a darker red. It’s now or never, Lois said, knowing somewhere in her soul that Lena was out to do the right thing. She adjusted her aim, not lingering given Superman’s movements, carefully squeezing the trigger.
Light burst from the end of the gun, Lois’s eyes widening as the laser split across the sky, cutting through the atmosphere until it landed squarely on the kryptonian’s chest. Lois’s expression shifted to a smile as Superman’s entire frame changed, power roaming through his posture, like air filling his lungs. He surged forward again, throwing the mysterious figure across the sky like a ragdoll, continuing to chase after the attacker with new vigor. 
Lois turned up to the sky again, watching the eclipse continued on, hearing sonic boom after sonic boom as the battle raged in the distance. Until finally, light began streaming again, yellow sunlight brushing her face in welcomed relief. 
She smiled again, turning to pack the gun back into the box, intent to leave it where she had found it so that her Little Luthor benefactor could later retrieve it. Thanks, Lena, she thought. 
She heard a clamor behind her, the heavy steps of a familiar photojournalist running her way. James watched as Lois shoved a box beneath the Planet’s globe again, before she rose, dusting herself off, making her way back towards the roof door.
“What did you do?” James asked incredulously as she brushed past him.
It was a simple answer. “I shot Superman.”
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laatmaar · 1 year
The thing I like a lot about sidestep as a character concept is that in my eyes they feel like such a natural conclusion to the setting and the themes in fhr. Taking as examples for this post the body as a tool and the social performance to being human(don't know if i worded this right but bear with me).
Firstly, in the setting of fallen hero there seems to be a greater move towards the use of bodies as military tools, both through the hero drug and of course cybernetics. This is most reflected in steel and ortega. Where they both have had their bodies modded for of course their own well-being, but are also now contractually obligated to serve the military/government in exchange for these modifications. Especially with steel the knowledge that while the cybernetics improve his life and are of great benefit to him, he would probably not have received them or at least not of this quality if they did not also make him a great tool kinda looms over his character. However, with both ortega and steel there seems to be some pretense of care for or at least acknowledgement of the person that comes with this body. Which gives way to the natural progression of such setting, what if you can create a body just as a tool and not have to bother with the person behind it (and the accompying things such as bodily autonomy, personal rights, moral codes, identity, etc.). Which seems to me very much where the regenes come in. As far as sidestep knows (and as far as we as readers/players know) their body was created purely to serve as a tool, and any personality sidestep displays "a breach of protocol" ( I think the narrative explores how difficult/near impossible it is to just use a body as tool since to use a body means that there is always a person experiencing the world through that body and thus the body becomes something more than just a tool something something the puppet? but i'll probably only be able to be definitive on this after the series ends)
Second example is how fallen hero is, as mentioned by others, very concerned with, well, the social performance of being human. With how in order to be respected as a person and granted the privileges that come with being human one must adhere to social rules and codes in appearance, behaviour, and interaction with others (and if you're lacking in one category better make it up in others). This is i think very apparent in almost every major character in fallen hero. However their various hangups and struggles with how to present yourself to the world and others, and others expectations of them in turn are written realistically. In that they are born out of a lifetime, of having grown up and being taught the rules through experience and shame, and of course the implication that these rules are just what is naturally expected and never truly explicitly said outloud. The fun thing about sidestep and the cuckoo regenes is that this is all explicitly spelled out and taught, in order to be accepted and seen as human (and gain the privileges that come with being human) you need to behave and look like this. It is canon that Sidestep didn't have a childhood and i think heavily implied that the farm just gave the cuckoo regenes lessons on how to be a human being. It makes the implicit explicit.
There are a ton more themes in which sidestep as concept is just the implicit made explicit or like the natural conclusion to that theme (self-actualization probably being a big one). It makes the relationships (whatever form they may come) in fallen hero fun, because no matter what kind of person a specific sidestep is their concept as a character always kinda holds up a mirror to all the other characters in the story.
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moocha-muses · 1 year
Here's another one! This year's warm up. I stole the prompt, peach girls, from The Blind Assassin.
"She bruises just like a peach." That's supposed to be just an expression, but it's true about Jack Burton's wife. She bruises like a peach. We've all seen it. All he has to is stroke her cheek or gently bump her shoulder, and her skin explodes in purples and browns and reddish yellows, like breaking out in a rash. He has to be very gentle with her. When she was pregnant with their daughters her belly was a kaleidoscope of color. It swelled around those girls like peach flesh around a pit. She looked like a peach, all that summer. Like a big fat peach with legs and arms and a head sticking out. Bruises like little tiny footprints, drawn in reverse. She must have been an even bigger mess down around her hips and her cunt, but those weren't places the neighbors saw. After the twins were born he was afraid to even touch her. He barely touches her and she can feel the empty space inside where her stone was. Empty. Hollowed. Hallowed. A cathedral of ripened, rotting flesh. He stopped touching her, but- I can fit my whole fist inside of her. My entire face. The second I touch her she's desperate. Dripping. Juicy. Sweet. She goes home covered in purple smears the exact size and the shape of my hands. He can't eat bruised fruit. He does what you do with fruit. He takes a knife and he carves out the bruises. He carves until there's nothing left. Just a pile of peel. Jack moves away with his two daughters. (They have hair like peach fuzz and soft, peachy cheeks.) Nothing lives in his old house, but now there's peach tree growing up out of the backyard. I wait. I'm a good, patient neighbor. I wait for the peaches to fall to the ground before I climb the fence. And I fill my mouth with soft, bruised fruit.
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"i need to see a man about a dog" shes sooo funny
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rex101111 · 20 days
I promise this isn't dickriding I genuinely think that Ch'io will forever be a more satisfying and narratively-consistent conclusion to Xrd's story than strive was. Every once in a while I think I've overblowing my dislike for canon but then I go back and rewatch it and feel my insides curdling. 'When have I ever called you Aria' DUDE you've made it explicitly clear to her that you've spent a century pining and trying to get her back if anything it's even more a disservice to Jack-o that she's basically being treated like sloppy seconds because you suddenly stopped caring for whatever arbitrary reason. The girl isn't stupid do you think she can't put two and two together. Do you name a single thing or reason that you like about Jack-o as a person aside from the fact that she looks like your dead girlfriend
To reiterate another point i made back in my story watch live blog: It's been three damn weeks. Three. WEEKS. Three weeks since the end of Rev2, and during Rev2 their only real interactions are...what? A couple of scenes in her Arcade mode where she's being mysterious and confusing? A fucking century of mourning, of yearning, of being consumed by grief and anger and...it just fuckin' poofs out of existence because you have a replacement red head for less than a month?? Mr. Badguy sincerely what in the Absolute, Utter, and Complete fuck are you on about???
Y'know, Jack-O was an interesting concept and character in Xrd, honestly, genuinely. A self-professed empty shell in the shape of a person explicitly made to bring back someone from the dead. And she knows. And while a part of her is a bit sad about it, she's accepted it. She's not really a person, not exactly, she's a step on a process, a rung on a ladder that's been built for a century. She muses about the nature of existence, like plenty of other characters do in these games, but her stand out scene is, and I will treasure this forever, when she asks Raven, honestly and plainly, when was the last time he just talked to someone with no real purpose being just talking to them. A being who's life has no meaning beyond the goal she's meant to facilitate, asking about the last time someone did something essentially meaningless, because doing something like that is important. It was great, she was great, like if Happy Chaos had some actual depth to his character and wasn't just a empty headed hurricane of a person who would just refused to shut the fuck up HOMESTUCK.
And, in concept, the direction they decided to take with her in Strive had potential, so close to accomplishing her goal, actually about to step over the threshold and vanish...what if this empty shell suddenly got filled with something? What if that something was existential dread?
Everyone around her says that Aria shouldn't have died, that Aria deserves a second chance at life, and everything she hears about Aria from Sol and Asuka sounds...like they're right, like her giving up her life would be a noble thing. But, given some time to actually walk the earth, see life, meet people...what if that knowledge clashed with her sudden and simple impulse of I want to live. I don't want to die either.
And Sol's side of this could have been so juicy! The plot could have been "oh sure you can have the love of your life back after a century of grief, but first you have to let this other person throw themselves into a fire. think you can manage that, Badguy?" Imagine a Strive where Sol and Jack-O had a chance to actually, like, interact, get to know each other, and Sol actually points out all the ways she's different from how Aria was. Which would have told us so much about both Aria and Jack-O! And it would make it more convincing that Sol sees her as her own person. If they kept the possibility of Aria coming back open, another way, harder, but maybe, someday, there would be some room for an actual character moment. Where Jack-O is just on the edge of valuing her own life more then being Aria back, but still feels like she has a duty to uphold, until Sol pulls her back and says something like, "much as I miss Aria...she'd give me hell for killing someone who didn't do anything to deserve it just to bring her back." Because Sol Badguy gives a shit about people! He does! He's wounded and angry and covered in armor he's built out of a century of trauma and spite and cynicism BUT DEEP DOWN HE'S STILL GOT A DAMN HEART! I could have bought him being conflicted once he actually thinks about the implications of Jack-O dying for Aria's sake if she herself wasn't 100% on board with it. And that could have sparked conflict with Asuka!! He would have been so pissed because he spent so much time and spilt so much blood for this exact moment only for Frederick to suddenly grow a moral center out of nowhere. He is too far deep in the shit he's done and the people he's hurt to even entertain the idea, and if Sol gets in his way it will get bloody. And BOOM! FINAL CLIMACTIC BATTLE! FOUGHT BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS WE ARE ACTUALLY INVESTED IN! NOT SOME OUT OF NOWHERE D-GRADE ANIME VILLAIN WE DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT! Could have been great. But nooooo instead we had to deal with Happy and his body paint stinking ass letting Asuka more or less off the hook, we had to deal with Sol just tossing the idea of bringing Aria back over his shoulder like trash, like every single game that came before didn't matter. We got Jack-O having tea with Ky while talking about Sol and nothing about herself, and then talking with I-No about fucking nothing and her being a glorified "eh, better than nothing" trophy for Sol to cap up his adventure with and GAAAAAAAAAAAAH STRIVE MAKES ME SO FUCKIN MAD!!! grrraag, yeah yeah every time I think "eh maybe im overreacting here" I actually stop to remember the bullshit and go "Actually no I should be MADDER about this actually". Gah. ...at least we got Another Story and Delilah out of this mess, so its not all bad...
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roydeezed · 8 months
"For in that sleep of death what dreams may come"
That line fucks me up so much because yes its a fear of death and self termination but also it evokes within me another fear. A fear of a life passing us by that could've been lived. While we pass into that dark unknown that is the afterlife a parallel set of train tracks run through a life of hardship and yes heartache and yes a thousand natural shocks but also a life of beauty. The beauty of seeing the words of someone from over 400 years ago reach through the page and your chest and into your still beating heart.
And and and
"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Over 400 years! 400 fucking years! And it still rips into me like it knows what's going on. Because you look at all we know, all that we've discovered in the past 400 years and you start to think that yes there must be very little we dont know about. But then you see a video of a polar bear or a sea angel or a tiny frog lands on your boot as you take a walk in the rain or a lady moves snails into the grass and you realize theres so much more to this life. Its not just knowledge or natural phenomena but its about life. The throughline that runs through it all is that breath that escapes us.
And fuck 400 years!!! Over 400 years ago there was a living breathing person and he wrote these lines and still after all this time it makes you cry and keeps you up at night and you wonder if anything will persist past you and you realize that for those words to carve you out like they do, you must be sharing the same feelings of someone who was as different from you as you can be and it's all a part of that shared human existence and the only way you can express that feeling that stretches through the night sky into stars and back through time is to use the very same words they used so long ago.
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evolutionsbedingt · 4 months
Whenever I remember that Guo Jingming chose the younger sibling in the "new wife deals with jealous younger sibling" trope to be an (adopted) younger brother/cousin and that this isn't the first time, because he's gone and turned the jealous one male in Painted Skin as well... I want to take that man and shake him until a proper gay(-coded) side couple falls out
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faunabel · 4 months
oh god. since i have a middle part now, i'll have to change my sim self's hairstyle...
i've had a side part for literally my whole life. basically hungary's exact hair style. ohhh this is so strange. i'm a middle part girlie now???
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galadrielette · 2 years
[drabble drabble drabble] the one where halbrand’s just some guy
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“He had no heir,” Galadriel spits, throwing the scroll at his feet. Halbrand stares down at it, expressionless. It is not what she expected. She does not know whaat she expected but it certainly was not this. “Say something! Who are you?”
“I told you that I found this on a dead man,” Halbrand murmurs, closing his eyes in guilt. When he opens them again, he meets Galadriel’s eyes unflinchingly. “I told you that I had done . . . unsavory things to survive. You did not question me. You just assumed.” 
“And you did nothing to correct me,” Galadriel snaps, knowing that it’s a half-truth. He had tried. Half-heartedly. But what else could he do in the face of her fervent conviction, in the face of her anguish and rage? Galadriel swallows anymore half-truths and forces herself to face the reality. “I saw what I wanted. What I needed.”
Halbrand steps over the scroll with such earnest hope. It makes Galadriel’s fragile heart fracture a little more. She cannot do this. What this is. She cannot and she will not.
“And I have tried to fulfill that need,” Halbrand says, reaching for her hand before stopping himself. Had she flinched? She can barely feel her own body. “I have tried to be the king you wanted of me. I fought for the Southlands, for its people - my people.”
“And what a convincing performance it was,” Galadriel says. 
“Galadriel,” Halbrand sighs, closing his eyes in pain. 
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jellicle-chants · 2 years
My first contribution to Oldies Week put together by the lovely @the-cat-at-the-theatre-door!! In which Tecklenburg Gus finds something of a protégé.
Gus strolled across the circus grounds, pushing his cart idly ahead of him. The other cats gave him a wide berth as they passed by him, which was fine by him. He had his own things to do, and he couldn’t get caught up in doing their chores. Or at least, that’s what Jellylorum always told him whenever he got caught trading stories with the roadies or sitting down for a quick chat with Bustopher that ended up being anything but quick. He’d say that life wasn’t worth living if one didn’t stop to smell the roses once in a while, and she’d reply that there was a difference between smelling one rose and settling down to cultivate a whole garden. He’d acquiesce, and she’d follow along to wherever he was supposed to be going, just to keep him on track.
That was how their relationship had always been, ever since they had first met. Gus had approached the circus looking for a job, and the young tom Munkustrap had offered him a small part, but Gus could tell by the way he looked at him that it was more out of pity than appreciation of his theatrical skill. He had turned it down and was on his way out when Jellylorum tapped him on the shoulder from behind, nearly scaring the life out of him. She thought she had recognized him, and asked with wide eyes if he was really the Asparagus who’d been a dramatical cat all those years before…
Oh dear. It seemed that he’d managed to distract himself from what he was doing. What was it again? Ah, yes. Looking for Jellylorum. That’s why she’d been on his mind. But she wasn’t in her wagon, nor either of the changing rooms restocking costumes. Gus was just about to turn around and head back the way he’d come when he heard faint singing coming from the direction of the big top. It wasn’t a voice he’d heard before — this was high and clear, a classical soprano, nothing like how the younger circus cats sang. This warranted investigation.
He pushed open a flap of the canvas tent and snuck inside, leaving his cart behind in his hurry. Inside, all was dark except for a single candle flickering at the edge of the ring. He approached slowly, and as he crept up to the front of the bleachers, he was astonished to see Jellylorum sitting there, knitting and singing to herself:
Gus heißt der Kater vom Bühneneingang Sein wirklicher Name ist viermal so lang Er lautet Asparagus, doch das ist etwas kompliziert, drum nennt jeder ihn einfach nur Gus
“Gus!” She sprang up, her face turning a bright shade of pink and her ears going flat against her head. “I-I didn’t hear you come in.” Turning away, she began stuffing her knitting into her purse to no great effect.
“I didn’t know you could sing. Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“Because I can’t,” she said, still facing away from him. “That was just silly. Please, let’s both forget about it.”
Gus huffed, moving to face her. “My dear, it would be a crime for me to forget this. We must get you an act in the circus!”
“No, please!” She looked up at him, her face so devastated he was worried for a moment he’d said something horribly wrong. “I can’t perform in front of a crowd. I couldn’t stand it.”
He took her chin in his paw and tipped it upward, drawing out a shy smile from her in return. “Oh, we can work on that. But a voice like yours is impossible to train, my dear.”
“You really think so?”
“I know so,” he replied, leading her back out of the tent. “Especially nowadays, the theatre being what it is. And I have quite the bit of experience, you know.”
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writeouswriter · 2 years
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trollbreak · 2 years
*tries to think of ships* *thinks abt friendships that could be silly instead*
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screampied · 9 months
squirting for the first time with jjk men?? 😫
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sukuna, toji, getō, gojo, namami, choso. jjk men and their reaction to making you squirt for the first time
total wc. 3.6k
warnings. fem!reader, degradation, squirting, overstim, praise, fingering, unprotected sex, p*ssydrunk men, dumbification, pussyspanking, toy usage, edging. MDNI
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“hm? ain’t no guy ever make ya squirt before?” he grunts. and you’re just absentmindedly being stuffed, both of your wrists gripped back with toji holding onto them, his strokes were mean and demanding. your head continued to thump and bounce against the soft silk pillow that rested underneath your head. all you could make out was a sweet pathetic ‘nuh-uh’ and toji raises his thin eyebrows in amusement. “no baby…? not even once?”
“no- don’t think i can, i tried myself but…”
he snickers. “silly girl. trust me, you can squirt,” you bit your lip, eyes nearly rolling back from his jagged thrusts, its so good you nearly feel drool start to run down the corners of your mouth, how embarrassing it was—yet you remained stupid from his dick, feeling the warmth of your pussy clench tight against him. “want me to test it out?”
“yeah,” you whine, your voice was a mere soft mewl, an almost mumble practically, and toji gifts your ass with a spank, eliciting a moan from your mouth. he grows cocky the minute a huh? leaves his mouth. so you correct yourself with a “y-yes.”
“….‘yeah’ what girl,” he groans, skimming his dark green eyes down to see how your body jerks underneath him. his weight lightly hovers against you, and he’s still got a firm grip with your wrists, having you pitifully tongue-tied. “taught you how to speak to me. so let’s try that again.”
arrogant bastard, what your thoughts originally said—making you purposely repeat yourself, but his cock always always made up for it.
“please,” you choke out, moaning from the way he deepens his thrusts just a tad bit, your mouth starts to water from the way your pussy twitches in content. “make me squirt toji. please. i wanna be messy for you.”
“aw that’s my girl,” he purrs, releasing his grip from your wrists, yet it remains still against your bare back, his thrusts snap against you to where a cute gasp leaves your lips. “but oh, you’ve been messy though, but there’s nothing wrong with that, princess,” he teases, such mockery escaping from his tone. “relax for me, yeah? you’ll feel it when it comes.”
“okay,” you moaned, your left cheek pressed up against the white sheets of the mattress. it was cute, your face being up against the bed as you’re being absolutely stuffed and pounded. you felt yourself tightening from the inside—a coil desperately awaiting to be snapped, a feeling you never knew you could feel, and you probably looked so dumb. “okay okay o-okay.”
you cutely kept sputtering, repeating and bracing yourself. toji brings a rough hand towards the back of your neck as he’s ramming his fat length from behind you, such thrusts has your body spasming and crying out for more, it feels like a orgasm being snatched away from you.
“give it to me, girl.” he grunts, giving your ass another mean spank. the immense build up. your legs judder continuously to where your mind goes blank like an empty canvas, empty..
“a-ah t-toji—!” you squeaked, and he’s so ruthless whenever it came to you, each time you try to sit up to turn around he shoved your head lightly back down, it’s so cute. “fuck, fuck. f-fuck, ‘s about to-” and a gasp interrupts your words the minute you squirt all down his shaft to his base, your sweet juices sheath and sheath all the way down and it’s so warm and hot.
the minute you end up squirting, your legs felt so weak, it just quavered and shook. “oh my g-god,” you sobbed, and he slows his sloppy thrusts against your cunt down—leaning up close to you, direct and personal. “there we go mama, my messy fuckin’ squirter,” he whispers, he’s pressed against your ass and wraps a few fingers around your neck. planting a kiss underneath your chin he murmurs. “you made such a mess. how’s it feel?”
“good. but feels w-wet toji.”
“eheh, well yeah girl, that’s kinda the point.” he snickers, playfully sinking his teeth into your neck, giving it a teasing nibble.
“hm? make you squirt huh? so greedy.. my fingering isn’t enough for you?” sukuna teases and you’re laid flat on your back with your legs lazily lifted up, more like he’s holding them up for you.
you moaned, feeling him slide a single digit in and out. he sneaks a wet kiss against your thigh before leaning in to press his lips against your pussy, tasting how sweet you were. “...kuna ‘m not greedy, just wanna see what it feels like, please..”
“you are greedy,” he grunts, giving your cunt a swift spank to make your legs twitch, “but sure thing.” he mutters, warm minty breath going against your clit. your head goes back and your mouth slightly opens and parts from the way he’s fingering you and eating you out. his lips latch and lock against your folds to make your eyes roll back. he was so filthy with his tongue let alone his fingers.
you sucked your teeth—feeling his two fingers push deep in and out, going past against that spot each time, instead of your eyes rolling you were practically crossed eyed.
“f-fuck, fuck, ‘s good ‘kuna...”
“i know. you keep saying that, dumb girl. quit talkin’ and start squirting.” and you lose count of how many mean slaps he gives your pussy. he’s so mean, yet found every few seconds to praise you and let you know how good you’re doing.
“h-hurry up and make me then.”
“little girl, watch it.” he grunts, gifting you a glare, his eyes pierce against yours before he sits up, spitting right on your pussy with a rough spat, he runs a single middle finger down your slit to snatch the tiny brat left in you. you meet eye contact and your slick was very much glistening his chin, being soaked with your sweetness.
your legs were so close, just the epitome of the word jittery with how it just shook, never once staying still. the stimulation he created with his tongue let alone his fingers, it had your mind boggled. “think ‘m getting close, f-fuck.”
“uh huh. fuckin’ bet you are.” he whistles in response—grabbing ahold of his dick and you let off a cute gasp at the way he swipes his throbbing leaky pre-swollen tip against your wetness. “look at that, princess.
so eager to jus’ swallow me up.” and he slowly makes his way inside your cunt, immediately your walls hug him as a response and you’re just at the very limit. “come on, let go for me. you dont gotta be shy around me, neither does this wet pussy.”
the minute you squirt…it’s embarrassing, sukuna only smacks about five deep thrusts against your cunt and you’re already making a mess all over his base. “s-so good.” you’d cry out, and he’s staring at you.
a grunt departs his lips before he leans in to kiss you, pulling out only to ghost his fingers against your clit.
“you’re such a nasty girl,” he murmurs against your lips, you moan—tasting your own slick that ran down his chin, the sharp edges of his teeth playfully nibbling down on your lip. his body heat against yours made you feel tingly and even more in such heat. “tell me you’re my nasty girl, baby.”
“i-i’m a nasty girl, ‘kuna.” you moaned.
he gives you a dead stare—and you whine once he slips two fingers inside your throbbing pussy.
“i’m your nasty girl, ‘kuna.” you rephrased, and a cocky grin forms on his lips.
“what a good obident girl. think i like you.”
“you sure sweetheart?” he asks in a soft mumble, he has a wand in hand. the ringing of the toy rings against your ears as your legs were sprawled apart for him. “you want me to make you…squirt?”
“yes p-please, kento.” you nod, the cuteness bestowed upon your lips was beyond words to describe. the way your lip quivered, it was barely up a few notches yet you throbbed and throbbed. despite it only being a good ten minutes. you’re just a whimpering mess.
eager to touch yourself, you reach down to play with your pussy before he grabs it, kissing the back of your hand.
he chuckles. “oh baby…baby, gotta keep those hands to yourself if you want me to make you messy. okay? no touching.”
“s-sorry kento.”
“aw, don’t be sorry. squirt, princess.” he teases, a hum underneath his tone he was so gentle with you, with his touch yet your legs felt like they were pretty much about to give out.
the stimulation made your teeth nearly chatter, toes clench and your back nearly arching. he finds you to be so pretty like this. flat on your chest, drool running down your mouth against the pillow with your mind empty.
you hold in a moan, teeth lightly piercing down on your lip to help silence yourself from the immense pleasure, the overstim from just releasing had your chin just hovering over your arm.
“o-one more level kento.”
“more? it’s gonna be on four, dunno if my cute whiney princess can handle that.”
“p-please, need it. i wanna-”
you moan at the swift sound of nanami swiping a thumb across the vibrating toy feeling the impulses throb against your sweet cunt, indeed it now being a level higher from three and it’s so good you can just taste the urge to let yourself go.
the sudden feeling of his sneaking fingers to brush and slither against your puffy folds was just enough to send you to burst—your mouth slightly went agape, and you’re just stupid. “n-nanami.”
“so dumbstruck you said nanami instead of kento, such a sweet thing,” and you end up squirting the minute he rubs the toy in a circular motion—maneuvering it against you along with fingers to ghost and run alongside your achy pussy. “easy, ‘s okay. lie down on your chest. jus’ let go for me baby, yeah.”
“such a gorgeous girl,” he whispers in awe, leaning down to kiss your clit which turns to countless smooches, mwah after mwah and your legs were practically mush by now. “let me clean you all up with my tongue, ‘m your husband, least i could do. so relax for me, my love.”
“oh? i’ve made you squirt before, no?” he cackles, leaning back against the headrest of the couch.
“no,” you whined, still getting over your post-orgasm, his cock stood firm inside of you, such inches of his kept you warm with your hands pressed against his chest. geto stares at you with intrigued darkened eyes. having you sat on his lap, legs still barely recovered a few minutes ago. “don’t think you ever did...”
geto grips your waist, sliding a tongue across his lips before muttering in a sly coy tone. “mhm hmm,” and he’s so sassy, even having the audacity to roll his eyes at you. black specks of hair trickle down and paint the lower half of his body. geto’s happy trail was always appetizing to look at.
“this your little way of asking me to make you soak yourself on me, angel? how cute.” he grins.
“…sugu—” and you gasp at the way he grunts the minute the pads of his thumbs lightly press and pierce into your skin. he starts making you bounce against him and your mouth opens, such lewd whines exit your lips before you throw your arms around his neck.
“wanna squirt, do it yourself. fuck me baby. show me how bad you want it,” and he groans how he’s so stuffed. so full of cum still, hefty base pounding and thwacking back against your pussy. “you’re a big girl. do it y-yourself, mhm…shit.”
he was so teasingly sly, making you rut yourself against him, in the end you always had to do pretty much everything yourself whenever it came to geto.
“…okay,” you choked out, and he playfully leans back — tiny beads of sweat running down the side of his forehead as well as the very middle part of his chiseled v-line.”
it felt so good, you’re dumbly grating your teeth together, still so sensitive, the only cacophony that left your lips was cute whimpers of, “s-sugu,” “…want you s’bad,” and even, “you’re so mean.”
he chuckles at how dumb you grew out to be simply from being stuffed full of thick inches of his dick. “gotta be mean to deal with a pussy this wet.”
his girth had you running for your money, toes clinching as you started to rollick and jerk your hips against him, reaching a hand down to play with yourself before you whine. “f-feel it, suguru.”
“yeah? what are you waitin’ for then?” he purrs.
he chuckled at the sudden moments where you’d grow quiet — he knows how good he’s getting underneath your skin with his vexatious teasing.
his cock expanded in and out the more you moved your hips against him, your soft breaths getting caught in your throat before it comes, you squirt at the same time geto came and he’s caught off guard by the sticky messy feeling, he’s the one who slips off a whine. “s-shit..”
it came out a lot…
let alone with him soaking your cunt full of his own, you really felt stuffed and full to the very depths of it, it felt like a sharp coil within you snapped. geto starts panting, and he takes a moment to blink before grunting, staring away with a flustered face. “don’t look at me. finish fucking me, hmph.”
“pretty please, ‘toru,” you’d whine out, and he was just straight up cocky and mean, teasing you with having you on all fours, impatient and desperately desperate. “i wanna…wanna squirt.”
“i know you do,” he laughs, playfulness ran all over his tone before he gives your ass a squeeze. that earned a needy moan out of you and you but down on your lip while staring at the fat sheets of the mattress underneath you. “are you asking me to make you squirt or are ya tellin’ me, pretty girl?”
he was so infuriating. even while being plugged in with so much of his thick inches, even just barely with the way he kept swiping his fat tip against your slit, awaiting you.
“….‘m asking, s-satoru.”
he whirrs a playful tone before flipping you over on your back to face him, and then he smiles. “okay. if that’s what you want,” and his voice was so low—a tad bit raspy with pompous smugness all over his sentences. “since i know how impatient ‘n horny you are all the damn time, i’ll make ya squirt in about one minute.”
a minute?
was that even possible—you always heard about how it would take at least longer than that but then you remembered who you were dealing with. gojo satoru and his long pretty fingers that never failed to stretch your pussy out. he was forever proud of that fact, he’d make you soaking wet from not only his dick, his mouth, but especially his fingers.
“it’s gonna get messy, ‘m warning you,” he teases, pulling you up a bit to place a towel down underneath your back. he leans in to pepper kisses underneath your chin before seconds later, he moves his length aside with a grip — before slowly stuffing a single long finger inside, which after a few milliseconds, turns into another. “now, i’m gonna need you to be a good wet girl and jus’ relax for me.”
his words were soothing. you could hardly comprehend anything so his sentences went straight towards your clit, throbbing and throbbing you wanted more. he finds it cute how you grip onto his wrist, babbling about how you don’t want him to stop. “o-okay, satoru. okay.”
you shudder at the feeling of him grazing a thumb down your slit and he moves his head down between your legs to blow softly against your pussy and you moan, feeling him create a good amount of pressure to where you bare down against his fingers easily as if it came natural.
“sweet girl,” he groans, giving your pussy a kittenish suck. your eyes went back in pleasure and you whined at the feeling of his two fingers just smacking in and out of you now. the noises, they were so loud you could hardly even believe it was coming out of you. “hear how wet this sloppy pussy is? yeah girl, that’s you.”
his words that went through your ear and out the other and it got you so wet. his degradation had you pulsing, you felt the inside of your tummy tighten, muscles clenching with you lying down on your back, bracing yourself. gojo was patient with you, occasionally bringing soft kisses towards your clit. you whined before he started to grow more feral, sucking and latching his tongue against your folds while still having two fingers stuffed inside your pussy.
your brain doesn’t even process you’re squirting before gojo lets off a, “oopsie,” the minute you squirt out on his fingers, the front tips of his fingers massage and toy and prod against that spot you always grew to know—and you moan at the way he easily stole a orgasm from you like that, within a single span of a minute.
“aw. you look like you just saw your life flash before your eyes, baby,” then he sits up to face you. both arms pressed around you before muttering in a teasing tone, “want a taste? open your mouth.”
and he gives you the most sloppiest kiss, shoving his tongue down your throat before grunting, you moan in his mouth. your legs wrapped around his slim waist before he squeezes a hand down on your pussy only to spank it roughly, breaking away for a bit before whispering, “good girl. now gimme one more. wanna see if i can do it within thirty seconds.”
“b-baby…you wanna do that?” choso mumbles, staring in awe as the both of you watched some random eight minute compilation of women squirting. he was staring intently, and then he only grew more flustered at picturing you like that. legs all spread, eyes rolled back and maybe your tongue stupidly lolled out. “um.. squirt?”
“yes…” you nodded, sitting on his lap. he throbbed behind you, still a bit tingly from his recent orgasm of fucking you.
you pressed against his back and his chin cutely rests against your shoulder. choso’s always been a bit inexperienced whenever it came to well, women. he’s had sex sure….but he doesn’t think he’s ever made a girl do this, this thing called squirting. not until you brought it up.
the more he watched it, the more he moaned to himself at imagining you being all messy like that.
“okay baby, i can do it,” he murmurs in a soft voice.
he brings a hand between your legs and pries it open just a bit, “lie back,” he moans, seeing your legs sprawl open slowly for him made him lick his lips, he was so hungry for you. you had the phone in your hand so he could watch, imitate the exact ways to make a woman squirt with ease and it was so cute how attentive he was. “s-stimulate the um…g-spot a little like this,” he mumbles to himself, and you moan once he slowly inserts two slender long fingers inside your pussy, you were so wet he lets off a cute, “o-oh….”
his eyes multitasked, turning its focus towards you and the screen that played the lewd video at the same time. “like that c-choso, please.”
“i’m doing a good job?” he says, and it’s almost into a form of a whine. all because he’s so desperate to hear your praise and approval, he feels his stomach flip in a good way at feeling you nod against his chest, affirming him to not stop. “okay, okay,” he mutters. “add a little um…p-pressure, consistent pressure until you feel a spongey like texture deep towards the clit.”
you moaned, his words matched his fingers, you tried to squeeze your thighs together but remembered you couldn’t because they were open.
your head rested back against his chest and with a right hand squeezing down onto his thigh, you felt your leg start to bounce. “m-more.”
“don’t wanna rush this baby,” he kisses the back of your forehead. a small pout going across your lips before he continues, pausing to hear the voice on the video that’s instructing speak.
he leans against your ear, strands of his hair poking against you before he murmurs. “bare against my fingers princess. squeeze down a little ‘n relax. can you do that?”
you choke out a moan once you obey his words, doing exactly what he says before you feel a sudden rush reaching out, you never felt this feeling before such a high you craved and chased you felt dizzy, a good kind of a dizzy.
“c-choso, ‘s coming, ‘s coming,” you moaned, your legs not able to hold themselves still. he has a perfect bowling ball grip with his fingers, stroking gently against you to where your mouth salivates with your own saliva.
“…fuck,” you sobbed, the warmth of him massaging his long fingers inside of you made you taste every number of tastebuds that resided on your tongue.
the moment you gush out and squirt, coating his fingers clean of your sheeny pretty slick, you flop back against his chest and you can ever hear a tiny gasp leave his lips. “w-wow,” he whispers in shock — with how much you squirted, he was so fascinated, growing more and more curious and it was adorable. “can you…can we do that again? please?”
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gojonanami · 2 months
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✧ summary: they got too touchy, so you tied them up! (anon request)
✧ pairings: s. gojo, s. geto, k. nanami, t. fushiguro, r. sukuna, c. kamo
✧ warnings: 18+, nsfw, tying up (m! receiving), overstimulation (gojo, nanami, choso), multiple orgasms, sub! gojo, choso, switch! geto, toji, nanami, oral (f! receiving) (toji), oral (m! receiving) (nanami), riding (gojo), face riding (toji), shibari (choso), true form sukuna, stomach mouth for sukuna makes an appearance, art by @ / innaillus
✧ w/c: 6,212
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“You have no one to blame but yourself, Toru,” you bounced slowly on his cock, twitching in your folds as if it could get deeper if only you would let him.
(You wouldn’t).
“I warned you that I’d tie you up if you kept teasing me all night,” your fingers trace the rope around his wrists, before sliding them up to behind his back, “and what did you do?”
“you tested me baby,” you lean closer, letting your pert nipples draw close to his lips, but still just out of reach, letting him sink down to the hilt. a whimper leaves his throat, muffled against your soaked panties shoved in his mouth, “but you’re so good now, when you’re like this,” your fingers card through his hair, before tugging hard on the silky strands and you feel him twitch deep inside your drenched folds.
His sky blue eyes are glassy, pretty tears pooling, as your lips press sweet kisses to his jaw, and he mumbles something against the fabric that sounds like ‘please’ and you’re smiling that lovely smile that he had been kissing only a few minutes before.
“Begging already? Didn’t know my pussy felt that good,” and you lift yourself up, so only his tip remains inside your warm folds before slamming down, making his head loll back, a muffled grunt making your walls clench, “you’re too fucking big, Toru,” you slide your hand down your stomach, “think you’re actually fucking my guts now,” and his eyes watch as your fingers ghost over the slight bulge his dick makes inside you, “knew you were the strongest, but I didn’t think you meant in bed too,”
Another whine is pulled from his throat, and you take pity on him, pulling the fabric from his mouth, drenched in your precum and his saliva. His pants are nearly enough to make you cum from the sound of it, the sounds that left his lips were yours and yours alone - because he may be the strongest, but he was yours all the same.
“What do you need?” You’re bouncing on his cock slowly, slower even now that you can clearly hear the whines leaving his throat, his engorged tip kissing your womb, “use your words, and maybe I’ll let you have it,”
“Please, baby, wanna cum in your princess cunt,” he whines, music to your ears, and only your ears — because only he would be such a mess for you, “wanna fill you up, feel you cum around me,”
“I’ll let you cum,” and he blinks up at you, a tear slipping down his cheek, “if you beg for it,” He whimpers, a pathetic noise that only makes your insides twitch, “you asked for this, you love it when I do this, maybe I should suck you off the next time you have a meeting with the higher ups — imagine their horror if they walked in on us like that, but you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” 
You slam down on him, his head falling back, but you’re pulling him back into a messy kiss, all tongue and teeth and moans, “is this cunt that good for you, baby? Tell me how good it is,” 
“S-so, good, fuck—“ and you know he’s close, from the way he’s keening and whining, the way his fat tip twitches against your cervix, and the way his pretty eyes glaze over from a clear cerulean to a cloudy blue. But you’re not far off either — the way his cock kisses every inch of you, bullying your sopping cunt open — it’s not gonna be much longer,  “I’m—“ 
And you’re nodding, “Cum, fill me up, Toru, want you to fuck your cum inside me,” and that’s all it takes. 
He cums, spurts of thick cum gushing inside your sloppy pussy, as you continue to ride him through his orgasm, until his tip finds that one spot that has you following him over the edge, cumming hard. 
You’re panting, as you continue to ride him — bouncing again and again, until your knees give out, pleasure curling your toes, and flooding your body — just as his seed did. 
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Satoru looks up at you, fucked out gaze and smile on his lips, “didn’t know you could top me like that, otherwise, I would have had you done it a long time ago,” 
“Shoulda known you of all people would like to get topped,” and he’s raising an eyebrow, before his cock twitches inside you, “already ready for round two—“ 
You squeak as he flips you over, the rope formerly holding him in hand, “wha—how?” 
“Y’know as much as I liked you tying me up,” he pins your arms with one hand, and winding the rope with the other — not too toght, but enough that it burns into your skin, “think you’d look even prettier than I did.” 
“Fuck, Suguru, you look so good like this,”
And he did — especially handcuffed to your headboard—  vulnerability suited Suguru Geto well — something reserved for you and only you. And something you definitely earned after all the games he had played with you all night long. Orgasm after orgasm pulled from you with a few fingers and laps of his tongue, until you fell apart under him, with nothing more than his smirk as your reward (aside from pleasure of course). 
And you knew Suguru preferred your pleasure over your own — punishingly so, as he loved nothing more than to see you fall apart into a crying mess under his touch — fat tears and begging that only made him ready to cum in his boxers untouched. 
But you were tired of not touching. 
“We can agree to disagree, Princess,” he says through gritted teeth, as the clink of the handcuffs draws a small smile to your lips, “I think you’d look much prettier like this for me,” and the last word is more of a gasp, as you thumb his weeping tip, “fuck—” 
“That’s what I’m trying to do,” and he glowers at you, a deep violet so dark it’s almost black with the way he stares at you, “Aw why so mad? You’re the one asking for it,” 
“We’ll see who’s asking for it once you uncuff me—“ 
And he hissed as your palm came down on his thigh, hard, red blooming against his skin, “what was that?” he still glared all the same, but his anger came apart at the seams with the way your fingers grazed his clothed cock, growing harder by the second, and fuck, the way he pulsed in your fingers, as his fat tip twitched when your fingers grazed his slit, “poor Sugu, you complain so much, but you fucking love this don’t you? Love being at my mercy with nowhere to go and nothing else to do but get jerked off,” 
You cut off his reply with a snap of the elastic of his boxers against his skin, a gasp parting his pretty lips. And when you finally the tugged the soaked fabric down, you saw his pretty cock was as flushed as his cheeks were — the tip a pretty scarlet, dripping with pearly precum that you were dying to suck off, and the lovely veins that wrapped around his length like a Christmas present you were dying to unwrap. 
“Fuuuuuck, baby—“ he sucks air through his teeth, the rattle of the metal of the cuffs against your bedframe, breath shaky as he watches you with half lidded eyes. you’re still teasing him, fingers tracing along the toned muscles of his inner thighs, so close to where he wants you, but too fucking far, “you g’nna toy with me all night or are you going to give me what we both want?” 
“What we both want?” You raise an eyebrow, and he scoffs, all too confident for a man handcuffed at your will. 
“Know you love getting me to blow my load as much as you love getting off yourself,” and then your fingers wrap around his base and squeeze, head lolling back, lips parted in a groan, hips thrusting into your touch. 
“Think you’re putting too much value on your dick, Suguru,” and your thumb rubs meanly at his weeping slit, making him twitch under your touch, cuffs straining with the way he tugs harder and harder at them, rubbing his wrists raw, “should I show you your place?” 
And you start to pump his rock hard cock slowly, gathering his pre as makeshift lube, before spitting directly onto his dick. 
“You fucker,” he moans, nearly coming right there at the sight — it was too much, tip twitching at the feeling as you continue your excruciatingly slow pace, “don’t be a tease or you know I’ll give it right back to you, but worse,” 
“Oh, I know you will,” you grin back, but oblige him, fisting him faster, his body arching into nearly a crescent as he jerked his hips into your fingers. And god, he’s fuckinh close — you know he is by the way he’s twitching in your hand and groaning your name, “cum f’me, Suguru, cum all over me,” 
And he does, and he cums all over your fingers, pumping him through his orgasm, as his thick release coats your hand, dripping onto the sheets, “fuck, Suguru, you came so much,” you pull your hand away, licking each cum covered digit clean, “gotta do this more often if you’re gonna—“ 
You yelp, as he flips you over onto your stomach, your head turning as he pins you with his body, hardening erection pressed against your ass, holding your broken handcuffs in one hand and pushing his long black locks back with the other, dark eyes half lidded in pleasure and satisfaction—
“You think I’m gonna let this slide Princess?” And he’s teasing your wet entrance with his tip, “better think again,” and he’s handcuffing you to the headboard, both wrists caught as the chain linked through the metal bars of your headboard
“Suguru—“ and the you hear the distinct snap of his phone camera, as he smirks at you when you turn your head to look at him, right as he guides the tip of his cock inside you, a moan leaving your lips. 
“You were wrong sweetheart, maybe I look good handcuffed but you’re perfect.” 
You were the perfect wife. Kento’s perfect wife. 
Not a single bad word could be uttered about you, whether within his earshot or not, Kento would know — and no one wanted to get on his bad side. Or they would most certainly face a swift punishment with his blunt blade and tie wrapped around his knuckles. 
But that didn’t mean you couldn’t turn the tables on him once in a while. Right? 
It was the perfect anniversary — a day spent together, a dinner shared at a five star restaurant, and now a night spent together in bed. But Kento had done so much for you — he had planned the day and the dinner — so the least you could do is repay the favor with dessert. 
Well, for you anyway. 
“Baby, let me—“ Kento gritted his teeth, straining against his own tie, the one you had lovingly wrapped around his wrists, holding his arms behind his back. 
“You can handle a few more, can’t you, Kento? We still haven’t gotten to seven,” you pressed a kiss to the tip of his oversensitive cock — and fuck, you loved seeing him like this. The always put together, always professional, always business-like ratio sorcerer falling apart from your touch. You loved seeing the way his flush crawled up his neck until his cheekbones were flushed beautifully, the way his pristine hair was mussed and messy from your fingers running through it, and the way his pretty light eyes were dark and colored with lust — just for you. 
And all it took was this — your lithe fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt, kissing down his toned chest, paying special attention to every scar, until your hands found your buckle of his belt. You undo his belt with the same practiced ease, tugging down his slacks and boxers at once, until you see his pretty cock. 
Or rather, your dessert. 
How many times had he cum for you? Probably four or five times. 
“Don’t tell me you’re already impatient, husband,” you suck at his weeping tip, making him grunt, thighs tensing as you let him slide past your lips into your warm mouth. And fuck, the heaviness of his cock against your tongue was nearly too much for you, pressing your thighs together, “after how long you spent fucking me last night, shouldn’t I repay the favor?” 
And he had fucked you well — far too well. How many times did he make you beg for it — and yes it may have been at your request, but you also had wanted him to fuck you, fuck you with that dick you loved so much, but he spent so much of the night with his face buried in your cunt, not letting you get off the way you wanted, not until his perfect little wife was a blubbering mess for him. 
So now it’s your turn. 
You wouldn’t let him touch you, not until you had your fun — after all he had his dessert last night, and there’s more than you wanted right now than a stomach full of his cum. 
He grunted, “Fuck sweetheart, how long are you gonna not let me touch you?” And you’re smirking against his length, humming around him, as you begin to bob up and down. And all he can do his watch you with half lidded eyes, “so fucking a mix of his precum and your saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth, “know you must be dripping, want to make you feel good too—“ 
And his sentence is cut off by you sucking hard, his balls grow tense, as he groans your name loudly, before he’s cumming again, thick release coating your throat. You swallow every drop, and each time he came, it was less, but it was still so much. 
He’s panting and straining against his restraints, as you continue to suck and trace his dick through his orgasm, making him keen and moan at your touch, but almost flinch away all the same. 
“Don’t run away from me, Kento,” you pull away from his cock, strings of cum and spit connecting his length to your lips, “my perfect man, there’s nothing more than I love to see you fall apart for me,” you lick your lips clean, palms sliding up his chest, as you lean over him, fingers carding through his blond locks again, before tugging hard, “you deserve to be taken care of, so I’ll let you choose,” he stares up at you, as your lips find his in a bruising kiss, your tongue dragging over the seam of his lips before slipping inside, letting him taste his cum on your mouth, “do you want to cum in my mouth or my cunt this time?” 
His mouth opened, but no words came out for a moment, until he felt your fingers ghost over his overly sensitive cock again, “F-fuck—your cunt, sweetheart, need to be inside you, I can’t wait another—” and you’re on his lap in an instant, his swollen mushroom tip dragging against your sloppy cunt, and with the way he’s looking at you with dark, half lidded eyes, you knew his hands would have split you open on his cock in an instant, calloused palms from using his blunt blade using you as a glorified fuck toy, even as he whispered sweet nothings about how good you felt while fucking you like a whore. 
So you would do the same for him. 
You sunk onto him all at once, letting your hole engulf his length with the same eagerness you always had for him, so fucking good to watch his cock sink inside you, the curve of his length hitting places you could never reach, as if his ratio applied to your cunt too. 
“Wanted this, didn’t you, love?” you ask, cupping his cheek to force him to meet your gaze, “wanted your wife’s pussy this bad? Is it that good for you?” And he’s groaning in reply, as you give a slow bounce, forcing his cock even deeper somehow, and he wants to touch you so bad, wants to grope your tits and squeeze your hips as his fingers dug into the soft flesh of your hips and forced you deeper onto him, “tell me how good it is, Kento, and maybe I’ll let you cum,” 
“It’s good, it’s s’good,” and you’re beginning to fuck yourself open on his cock, fingers finding his broad shoulders as your nails dug pretty crescents into his back as you fucked his dick, the sounds of skin slapping together ringing in his ears, “So perfect, just like you,” he’s not going to last long with how sensitive he is. And he cums just as his tip brushes against your womb, shooting a near blank, as his head falls back, until you’re pulling him back to you to meet in a messy kiss that’s all tongue and teeth, until you fall over the edge, soaking his dick and lap in your juices as you continue to ride him, until you slump against him, panting in his ear, murmuring: 
“Happy anniversary, Kento.” 
“Fuck, ngh, Sukuna, don’t use—hah—“ 
“You can take it, woman, you have before,” and his fingers fuck deeper into you, while his other hands grope at you — your chest, your hips, your ass, “gotta open you up if you’re gonna take both of my cocks, unless you want me to read you apart,” he’s sinking a third finger inside you, your head falling back, exposing your neck to his lips, leaning down to graze your pulse with his teeth. 
He just loved to do this — fuck you wide open with his fingers, let each of them stretch you out to no end, until you were begging for something else — anything else. 
“Motherfucker,” he’s bullying your cunt open with three of his fingers, but it’s more squeezing than stretching, as your slick drips down his large hand, “you’re gonna break me with your goddamn fingers,” and his other hands tweak your nipples, pinching and twisting them, making you yelp, as the pleasure builds, his fourth hand teasing your abused clit. 
“You’d fucking cum either way, whore,” and you glare for a millisecond until your traitorous cunt climaxes all the same, a long whine parting your lips as he fucks you knuckle deep, knocking at your cervix, through your orgasm, “shit, I see at least your slutty cunt can listen, unlike you,” and he’s still curling and twisting his fingers, before finally pulling them from you as you gasp, pussy aching from his touch, “complaining and yet you pruned my fingers, didn’t you?” he gives a smack to your twitching pussy, drawing another yelp from your lips, heat flooding your cheeks and anger rushing to your lips. 
“Talk awful big for someone who has four fucking arms and that’s the only way you know how to make me cum,” you spit venom without thought of who you’re spitting it at, until your body freezes, as he flips you over with ease, looming over you, all four of those same arms crossed, “Kuna—I—” 
“Is that so, brat? My fingers are the only thing that’s made you cum recently?” you stumble over your words, but his lips only curl into a mean grin, and you know you fucked up, “then let’s see about that,” 
“You can do better than that,” he grunts, a smirk on his lips as he watches you, riding his thigh lamely, drenched cunt making a mess, your slick running down the sides of his leg, “so fucking wet just from rubbing your cunt on me, don’t even to do anything to make my pussy cum, she does that all on her own,” 
You whimper, “Kuna, please—“ and he clicks his tongue. 
“Said you only came from my fingers, didn’t you?” He shows off his tied arms behind his back, the very same he had you tie while your pussy throbbed, wanting nothing more than his fingers stuffed up your hole again, “we gotta fix that, brat. Can’t have you saying I can only get this slutty cunt cumming one way,” he flexes his thigh, making you jerk against it, the wet squelch of your pussy dragging up and down his thigh, until he’s making you ride it, bouncing you on the muscle. 
God, why was every part of his body so fucking big? 
He could feel your puffy clit and lips open wide on his toned thigh, as if he could stuff his whole fucking knee in your hole, and you know he would if he could, but he settles for feeling your sloppy cunt flutter around nothing, slick dripping down his leg. 
He chuckles darkly, watching every movement with you, lidded eyes far too pleased with the view in front of him, “Seems like you don’t even need my help to get you off, do you brat?” he stops his movements, making you whine, and you can’t stop yourself from grinding down on his thigh, “that’s it, whore, need you to fucking soak me — think you’re so good, but when it comes down to it, you just want to be fucked like the rest of them, don’t you?” 
He uses his knee to catch your clit, rubbing meanly against it, and it’s too much, pleasure making your toes curl, as you can only moan his name again and again, “Fuck,” your fingers find purchase on his shoulders, chasing your high, as you fucked yourself open on his thigh. 
“That’s it girl, cum for me, let me see you break,” and he jerks his thigh again right as your cunt grinds down on him at just the right angle that has you seeing stars, “say my name,” 
And you do as you squirt all over his thigh, a gasp ripped from your throat as you moan his name, your eyes burning as your hips can’t stop riding him, seeking that high longer, the squelch of your messy cunt growing louder with every thrust of your hips. 
“Shit, that was a good orgasm, wasn’t it, woman? Much better than my fingers,” he flexes his thigh again, pulling another whine from your throat, legs shaking, but he only hums, as your eyes meet his, desperate and wanting, one that he only meets with a laugh, “practically begging for my cocks now, aren’t you, brat?” but he only clicks his tongue, “straddle me,” 
You hesitate, only for him to jerk his thigh, making you yelp once again, as you shift, and he does the same, moving back onto his plush bed, your cunt rubs against his cocks, soaking him with your slick, but he only smiles. 
“Did you think I would let you fuck my cocks that easily?” he sighs, shaking his head, “since I haven’t given you a proper orgasm, I think I have a lot of making up to do—” and he’s reaching around, slipping from your restraints with ease, “you’ll have to excuse my use of my hand this once, but I promise, I won’t be lifting another finger—” and he guides you forward, until you’re perched on his stomach, your hands splayed on his chest, as his hands slip back behind him. You furrow your brow a moment, lips parting with protest that dies on your lips when his stomach parts open for his large tongue to lap at your cunt, “you made such a mess, woman, now,” he forces you in place with his gaze alone, as his tongue licks the length of your sloppy cunt,  “let’s clean you up, hm?”
“We don’t have to do this, Cho,” 
You always did anything for him. From the moment you met him, you were the one to dote on him — even with how clueless he was about most things, from holding hands to kissing to even sex — you were willing to take your time, teach him what it meant to love. And he loved you — and he loved this. 
“N-no, I’m fine, it just—hah, it feels so good,” and he looked even better. 
His dark locks were untied as he looked up at you, arms tied in scarlet silk behind his back, much like the blood he manipulated, but instead it was you that was controlling him. The delicate yet strong Shibari knot was nestled at the base of his wrists, deep red against pale skin, more intricate knots climbed the base of his spine until the silk split across his back and winded around the middle of his shoulders towards his neck. 
A knot formed at the base of his neck, right between his collarbone, multiple other loops framed his body, a present not meant to be unwrapped. Knots placed intricately at every pleasure point meaning that even the slightest touch, movement, or even breath would send pleasure thrumming through his body. 
“Doesn’t it feel good to take our time?” Your fingers brushed delicately over a knot placed against his nipple, making him jolt, sending ripples of heat across his body, as the rubbing of the knots sent arousal right to his erection, “you’re always in such a rush, so eager, but now,” your fingers follow the silk down his body, down to the knots settled on either side against the base of his cock, “we can take it slow,”
And he was always quick to have you — from the first time, Choso barely had lasted you grazing his raging hard erection while your lips found his, before spilling all over your fingers. And he had sputtered apologies, cheeks as red as the silk that now bound him, but you had only smiled and asked him if he liked it. He spent the rest of the night spilling over and over again in your cunt, and each time after, he barely needed foreplay, he could cum just by eating you out — all he wanted and needed was to be buried in your cunt. 
But now, he was at your mercy. 
“So pretty, Cho,” you cooed, eyes sliding over him just as sweat slipped down his neck  — he was spread open by the loops of red forcing him into a kneel around his thighs and ankles, even ropes tied around his hips with knots placed perfectly against his inner thighs, “usually I can’t even touch you without you pinning me down, but now I can do all I want,” 
“Please, love, I need—“ and you lean down to kiss the hollow of his throat, fingers toying with the silk between your fingers, and every little movement of the ropes sent pleasure cascading down his body, “ngh, want you—“ 
“What do you want, Choso?” Your fingers work your way down every inch of him, “because there’s so much I can give you—-“ 
“Anything,” he replies, as the knots rub against his leaking cock, precum slipping down his halls, “everything, please I just need—“ and you click your tongue. 
“Still so impatient,” and your touch leaves him, making him whimper, “I guess we’ll have to work on that,” 
“Baby, no, can’t. No more—“ a beautiful symphony of moans leaves his lips, as your lips find his to swallow his protests, a vibrator in hand pressed to the base of his cock, “I can’t—-“ 
“You can cum still, Cho, one more time f’me,” cum is splattered on your carpet, and runs down his dick, “you’re so good for me, such a good boy, aren’t you?” Your praise makes him keen all the same, “know you love this, love feeling good — you’re so needy, probably would just bury your cock in my cunt,” and he���s whining, as your fingers tug on his black locks, your tongue dragging up the side of his throat, before your teeth dig into the soft flesh of your neck, “but we can’t have that, not yet — gotta make you cum so much that just burying you in my pussy is enough to make you cum,”
And you’re turning up the vibrator, and he moans your name, a rush of heat sent right to your cunt. Your eyes watch his dick twitch — he’s more long than thick, his tip flushed an angry red as you work the vibrator up and down. You couldn’t wait to stuff him inside you, feel the curve of his cock reach every inch of your cunt, until he’s fucking your stomach. 
“F-fuck, I’m close—I’m gonna—“ and you turn the vibrator higher, pressing it right between the base of his cock as you tug on the silk right against it, and he’s coming again, with a cry of your name, spilling all over his stomach and chest and the ropes, “sweets, fuck, hah, please, please, I can’t—” 
You ease away the vibrator, the whirring quieting, as he looked up at you with his eyes, violet pupils so dark that they nearly look black, a trickle of his spit slipping from his lips. 
“You did so good, baby, so so good,” and you’re pressing soft kisses to his face, fingers tracing over the hickies you had littered his neck with, “and now tell me what you want baby,”
“I want you, want you to fuck me, need you to—“ and you’re pushing him back, still spread open from the ropes before you settle on top of him, his needy dick already hard from the rubbing from the ropes and the feeling of your wet cunt against him. 
And you grin, before letting his cock split you open, down to the base, making his back arch into you, the twitch of his tip telling you he would cum again in two seconds flat — just as he did for you, “Anything for you, Choso.”
Toji loved it when you were desperate for him. 
And you always nearly were. You had the habit of jumping his bones the minute he made his way back from another bounty, not to mention the times he feigned to be late, you were already an orgasm and half ahead of him in the bedroom, taunting him for being late. And it was the most mundane of things that could turn you on — the simple adjustment of his pants, a smile he flashed you after a joke, lifting his shirt to scratch his stomach, and even running his fingers through his hair. 
Just one of those things would have you tugging him home and neither of you would see the outside of your bedroom for the next two days. 
That being said, when he actually messed with you…well—
“Toji,” you glare at him, gaze a mixture of frustration and lust, “if you tease me on this car ride home, I swear to god—“ 
“Swear what, doll?” He drawled, eyes still fixed on the road, lips pulled into that same smirk he always had, “not like you won’t be able to resist fucking yourself stupid on my dick when we get home,” 
“Fuck off,” you scowl out the window, and his smirk only grows larger, cock stirring in his pants. He loved riling you up — especially when it was so easy, but also because it made him want to fuck you all the same, until you were begging him with glassy eyes and slutty moans. 
It had only started because he saw a man at the store eye you the wrong way. So his hand slid to the small of your back, turning to meet the gaze of the man leering before squeezing your ass, drawing a gasp from your lips and a pout. And he didn’t miss the subtle press of your thighs together as you walked off, the way your eyes lingered on him, dragging down until your teeth bore down on your bottom lip. 
Fuck. And he couldn’t stop. Then it was him pressing up behind you while you were rifling through clothes, letting you feel his half hard erection. And then he was pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck in the changing room when you asked him to zip you up in a dress. 
“That’s exactly what I wanna do, doll,” he turns the corner, “wanna fuck you open with my fingers until you beg me to stop, want our neighbors to hear how I slut you out every night,” your fingers curl into the fabric of your dress, and he knows you must be a mess under that thin fabric, soaking through your panties, “don’t make a fucking mess of your seat, car’s a loaner from Shiu,”
“And who’s fault is it that I’m making a mess in the first place, asshole?” And your husband shrugs, leaning back as he rolls to a stop at the last light before you rolled into your neighborhood. His hand reaches across the console, his large, calloused palm sliding up your bare thigh, until it breaches your edge of your underwear, making your body tense. And the pads of his fingers press against the soaking fabric of panties. 
“Well, who’s the one who’s wet like a whore from a few words right now?” And finally the light turns green, and his hand retreats, instead resting on your thigh, drawing circles on your knee with his thumb, same smug grin on his lips, “almost home, and I’ll shut her up, won’t I?” 
And he would — but you’d shut him up too. 
“Hah, To-ji, fuck, s’good—“ and his lips close around your puffy clit and suck hard, his tongue slipping in and out of your messy hole, “k-knew your mouth was good for something,” and you yelp when you feel his teeth bite your clit, before he’s redoubling his efforts, swirling, sucking, and licking, “not so fucking annoying when your mouth is full,” your moans fill his ears, and he growls against your folds, his wrists bound with a cursed tool that neutralized his strength, one that you had slipped from his collection for a moment like this. 
Shit, he was so fucking hard, and he couldn’t even fist himself, but more than that, he wanted to pin you down, stuff your cunt full of his fingers until you begged for him to stop. His tongue wasn’t enough for his slutty pussy, he wanted to fuck you right — the way he wanted. But if this was the game you wanted to play, he would — his wrists rubbed raw from trying to slip from his restraints — for now. 
He slurps at your sweet cunt, large tongue licking a stripe after stripe up your messy cunt, grinding down, as his nose bumped and dragged against your clit, “Such a fucking slut, soaking my face like this — wanna cum so bad, g’nna tie me up just so you can get yourself off?” 
“Ngh, it’s your fucking fault pulling that shit in the mall, if you hadn’t—” you moan, cutting you off by tongue fucking your cunt open, swallowing every drop of your juices as he bullied your walls open with that sharp tongue of his. 
“It’s not my fault your fucking ass attracts the attention of every freak in sight—” 
You scoff, “Like you?” and he chuckles darkly, making your smirk drop from your lips, as he grinds his face into your folds, his face glossy with your pre, as dark eyes meet yours, and you can feel the smirk against your needy pussy.
“But this is the freak that fucks you isn’t it?” his tongue traces fast circles around your clit, “the freak you beg to fuck you open every night, the one who’s dick you can’t enough of, the one who’s face you’re fucking, isn’t that right, wife?” 
And you’re so fucking close, the way he ate you out was the same way he kissed you, as if he wanted to take you, all of you, until his jaw would ache, until tears ran down your face, until there was nothing left of you for him to taste. 
“Toji, I’m close—I can’t—” and he’s grunting, as he sucks hard on your clit, licking and slurping at your pussy. 
“Cum, make a fucking mess on my face,” and you do, cumming hard as you moan his name, but he continues to eat you out as you ride out your orgasm, not letting a single drop of your juices go to waste — lapping and sucking until you finally stilled, your panting filling the silence of the room. 
Until you heard a rip. 
And then you were on your back, ripped up parts of the cursed tool tossed aside, as Toji grinned down at you, lips and chin still shiny with your release, as his pink tongue darted out to collect it. 
“Toji—I—” and he’s smirking down at you, tilting his head, as he forces your thighs apart to reveal your all too sensitive folds, “ngh, please, I can’t—” 
He clicks his tongue, licking his lips agai, “Now, lemme show you how much of a freak I am, doll.”
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✧ a/n: this was an anon request i got a while back and i've had gojo's written for so long, but i got hit hella by writer's block and imposter's syndrome so, well here it is now :). this is to tide you guys over as i work through some larger projects
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gh0stsp1d3r · 4 months
nah cause all i can think abt it rafe being an absolute DICKHEAD to everyone but you. like he 180 changes when ur around and it completely baffles everyone.
OOOOH yes. everyone tellin you “he’s a dickhead, I don’t get why you’re with him.” And youre like “wdym? he’s the sweetest boy ever.” because you nd him and literally like this everyday
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his friends hate it sm. I imagine it would go something like this
🪷 ꪆৎ 🕊️‧₊˚♡︎
Everywhere Rafe went, you followed. His friends never had the balls to say anything and just let it happen.
At parties, he was drinking and leaning in his chair, talking to Barry, who currently smoked a joint. A man sat in front of them, offering them an amount of money for the gold from the cross.
Rafe shook his head at the offer.
“That all?” Rafe asked him, unamused.
“I mean,” the dude scoffed. “How much would you take for it?”
“This bar is at least 5 grand. If you don’t got the money, fuckin’ stop wasting my time.”
“How is that five grand?”
Rafe rolled his eyes, irritated as he shut the case the gold was kept it. “Yo, what the fuck did I just say? Stop wasting my time. Get the fuck out.” He nodded, the man scoffing and shaking his head, standing up and walking away.
Rafe seemed irritated, his eyebrows furrowed and his face rested in an annoyed expression. That was until he glanced up and saw you walking towards him.
The man that had tried to buy the gold pushed past you, making you furrow your eyebrows at his rudeness.
Rafe had seen it, his irritation and anger bubbling once again. You just shrugged it off as you continued your stride to your boyfriend.
And he saw your bubbly demeanor, bouncing around happily as you walked towards him with the sweetest smile. He melted, the corners of his lips twisting up to form a smile. You fell into his lap, clearly drunk as you slurred out his name happily, hiding your face in his shoulder.
“Hey, baby.” He mumbled softly and quietly, hands rubbing circles on your legs.
Barry raised his eyebrows at Rafe, Rafe motioning for him to leave, his old glare back before he turned his attention back to you.
“You tired?” He asked you quietly.
“Yeah. Wanna go home, Rafey.” You whined and complained. And with anyone else, the nickname would have had someone 6 feet under.
“Alright. We’ll go home. Lemme just clean up here, Kay’?” He patted your ass softly, gently getting you off his lap.
“‘Kay.” You mumbled tiredly, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and waiting, but before he could even turn around to you, you were fast asleep on the couch.
He sighed, shaking his head and smiling again to himself.
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Took chewby i used to take layla on when I was a kid
She got startled by some dogs in a yard. That she could see while we were approaching.
#despite being raised with other dogs and spending a lot of time with other dogs shes pretty antisocial when it comes to dogs she doesnt know#the dog behind the fence was bouncing around wanting to play and chewby just kept her head down and started walking faster#very ''maybe if i ignore it itll go away''#also idk why but she walks so much better when its just me and her lmao#shes making me look like a liar to my mom tho#like when its just us she rarely pulls on the leash. she loose leash walks next to me. i can usually get her attention back on me pretty#easily. but if my moms there she doesnt do any of that lol#doesnt matter who's holding the leash#like. whats that about bestie?#also unrelated but the city planted trees along the sidewalk last year and all but like 2 of them died within months#and now theyre. planting more of the same trees. i feel like it would be cheaper in the long run to plant some native wildflowers#or some shit#like yea more trees would be nice for the shade but like. maybe shouldnt have pulled up ALL the adult trees around there then.#like they couldve left the ones at the top of the hill#but nah they wanted to sell the wood from the black walnuts so cant do THAT#instead we're just gonna plant more baby trees that wont survive the winter#they didnt even leave the ones that survived#they went through yesterday and pulled those ones up#like#are we just gonna repeat this every year forever#cuz that seems like a waste of both time and money#and trees#and gas for the giant construction equipment they bring in to drill holes in the ground to plant the trees
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