#this kid attached them to his fucking nervous system
deduction-substitute · 4 months
Just thought of the cutest edlucky au ever...heads up that im basing this off of my own country's school system 👍👍👍
Ella on her first day as a 1st grader after being homeschooled, SUPER nervous, only to run into 3rd grader: Lucky
She got lost and somehow stumbled into their floor, looking for Edgar, and Lucky was the one who found her. He helped her get back to her classroom but it took two teachers for them to pry her off of Lucky's leg/lh
When Ella gets back home, she immediately starts rambling about her day to Edgar, telling him of the "super cool and super nice!!" Lucky who guided her back to her class
Edgar worries over her for a bit, and gets a bit jealous because IM HER BIG BROTHER!!! He may or may not have delusionized himself into thinking that Lucky was only helpful to Ella because she was a Valden/lh
Ella meets Lucky again the next week in the library, and they hit it off! Ella really likes poking and counting the freckles on Lucky's face, and sometimes she goes all the way to Lucky's classroom just to get her hair done. Lucky helps her in subjects she struggles with in return and suggests books in the library for her to read
Something something cute slice of life kid edlucky...Edgar using Ella as an excuse to visit Lucky's class and NO he does not like him!! He's probably only associating with them because theyre Valdens!!
Which is why he needs to get closer to him and create a portrait of Lucky for his birthday...this will definitely make them closer....totally...
Them growing up together, practically attached to the hip, yet they dont realize their feelings for each other. ELLA figured it out first and she's sick of them and sick of Edgar continuously asking her when's their next study session with Lucky so he can "accompany" her (He's going to end up staying and listen to Lucky speak like it's the most interesting thing in the world) (He's talking about circles)
From 3rd grade all the way up to FUCKING HIGHSCHOOL. Ella's in 8th grade and theyre in 10, but THEY STILL HAVENT GOTTEN THEIR SHIT TOGETHER
8 years together and you'd think that Lucky finally realizes that his feelings are reciprocated whenever Edgar flirts with him ("That drawing looks absolutely horrendous. You're better off sitting still and looking pretty as my muse so that your beauty doesn't go to waste like your skills." "What" "What").
EVEN WORSE, Edgar thinks that him and Ella being Valdens is one of the reasons why Lucky is still sticking around, their hangouts just being a fun bonus. SICKENING. YOU HAVE HAD MORE THAN 40 SLEEPOVERS WITH HIM AND SLEPT ON THE SAME BED CUDDLING. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.
Edgar is forced to finally acknowledge his feelings when Lucky reveals that he's moving to a different school for senior high, which means he'll also have to move away. But the big question: does he ACT on them before it's too late?
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nothymetospeak · 2 months
Im not caught up on the thyme lore what happened in june??? (Also, from what i do know, you have every reason to be mad)
Oh boy this is a long story and a wild ride so I’ll put it under a cut
I’ll be leaving out names (though you could probably find them or if you know enough guess who the people are)
If you’re a person involved and somehow come across this. Hello. This is my take on the situation
All that’s here is just backstory for what happened. Past relationship things and I’ll put the actual. Thing in a reblog
Mkay. So this started back in October of last year when I started dating my ex.
We met in a mutual Layton server (they got. Kicked but it wasn’t particularly a negative thing) and kept contact. They confessed their feelings for me after something happened but expressed that they weren’t certain of their feelings. I agreed to try something out with them and it spiraled from there. I guess we never technically said we started dating (I was anticipating a trial period but they kinda just hopped into it)
For the record, I knew their mental health wasn’t the best. It never really was, but it only seemed to get worse over the months.
Fun fact about me is that I tend to mirror the people around me, to a kinda unhealthy point sometimes. So them being ill meant that I was ill and we got into this sort of unhealthy codependent thing. But I was really set on staying with them (to the extent that I was contemplating moving countries when I got old enough. Was planning on lying to my parents and everything. For a person I called with once and had three pictures of total.)
I’m easily attached. It’s just a thing
Anyways, they started interacting with someone in the community because he drew a certain character that they liked a lot.
There were a lot of signs that things were going badly. And I mean a lot of red flags that I simply ignored.
They were pretty notable within the fandom for their writing in art (as in. If you looked up certain characters their art comes up a few times.)
I’m only sharing this because it’s important later, but something happened in November (?). We had a system that when we noticed that each other rbed from someone on the no no list we’d message each other and then block that account. It happened more than once, and they were at least a little notorious for it. Then one day I let them know that they did it. And their answer changed. Their memory was pretty bad and keeping track of everything was hard for them, so they were just saying fuck it.
To support them I did the same, and said I didn’t care. That I loved them and supported them so I didn’t care either. Went down my block list and unblocked everyone (which started the chain of me being unable to block anyone ever again for forever.)
I’m horrible at standing up for myself and setting firm boundaries. I’m well aware that I’m a little doormat. And as expected, they pushed and I set my boundaries back further and further for them. It really was fine on my end, not nearly as bad as it could’ve been.
Mid January they moved on from PL and we started drifting a bit. They still interacted with my content when I sent it, but they moved onto other fandoms (one of which I got into in hopes that they’d talk to me more.)
Then in early February I got a message from someone I looked up to. I’m still rather afraid of him, if I’m honest. A while before that I made a comment that upset him and it made me nervous that he hated me. He messaged me about my partner, that the things they were doing weren’t acceptable and that the route they were on was a slippery slope. I knew that he had bad experiences before, and his points made sense. But they were rather fragile, and I naively thought that it wasn’t that bad.
Around that time (since December, actually) I was kind of tentatively getting closer to the kid me and my partner were mutuals with, and they were venting posting rather frequently. I’d reach out if it was particularly bad, and he’d send me vent art when he made it.
Eventually I asked him what kind of response he wanted when he sent me art (because I wasn’t sure what tone he was looking for). And he told me that he was still nervous about talking with me.
Then we talked more, and he showed me his conversations with my partner.
It was so much worse than I thought it was. The person that told me didn’t nearly do it justice. I freaked out and messaged my partner, and spent the next few hours panic messaging my friend and the person that told me. He apologized for not saying it all.
I understand why he didn’t. It wasn’t his place to tell. And it’s not my place to say it here either.
The next morning I broke things off with them, and it ended pretty messily. I regurgitated what the other person said, and they got upset. I remained relatively calm, but looking back I understand why they thought I was attacking them. I was hurt.
It was kind of stupid that I was upset that they weren’t just hurting me. Fucked up kinda I’m not good enough
But it all spiraled back to the block list thing. While I told them that I supported them, I requested that they not talk about those kinds of things with me. I thought that just because we were talking on similar subjects, they weren’t that far in. But at the time they were leaving the fandom, they just moved onto messaging the kid about the things they thought would make me uncomfortable to talk about.
And I was upset, because I knew that I would’ve been fine with it. My boundaries were already crossed so many times that I knew I would’ve done the same thing.
They blocked me on tumblr, and I told them I was taking a break. I never came back.
That’s the backstory to it. That’s background knowledge.
If you read this far, hi! Welcome to Valerie’s most recent fucked up relationship.
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vinbee631 · 1 year
17 - Being Back Here Makes Me Hot in the Face
Prodigal Sons and Daughters Alike
Virgil woke the following day to a text message from the school’s counselor.
The text itself wasn’t inherently surprising; instead of an annoying PA system, the staff opted for text reminders for ongoing events or fire drills. They seemed to think it was a more effective way to communicate, and most of the kids agreed.
So no, the notification wasn’t out of place. What was out of place was the second text, a direct message from the guy himself to Virgil alone.
Chapter title from Hot & Heavy by Lucy Dacus. This is the longest chapter, only because I literally had no idea how to split it somewhat evenly. Anyway, here is the apology you've been waiting for!!!
Virgil woke the following day to a text message from the school’s counselor.
The text itself wasn’t inherently surprising; instead of an annoying PA system, the staff opted for text reminders for ongoing events or fire drills. They seemed to think it was a more effective way to communicate, and most of the kids agreed.
So no, the notification wasn’t out of place. What was out of place was the second text, a direct message from the guy himself to Virgil alone.
He tensed instantly, rubbing at his tacky eyes and tapping on Dr. Picani’s name. Below the useless drone of stuff that didn’t apply to him in the announcements, sat a much more concise, yet excruciatingly more worrisome, text.
*When you have the opportunity, please meet me in my office. You aren’t in trouble! Just have something to discuss.
The reassurance of not being in trouble did nothing to stop the nervous flutter in Virgil’s chest and the way his breaths turned frantic. He huffed, counting off to himself as he stood, attempting to calm himself down as he got dressed.
Class wouldn’t start for another hour, and Dr. Picani had messaged him just over 5 minutes ago. He didn’t necessarily have to rush through the steps he took to get ready, but, well, he was already panicking. 
He grabbed his bag and hefted it over his shoulders, haphazardly brushed out the wrinkles in his shirt, and rushed out the door. 
Thankfully, he didn’t run into any of his roommates in his speed; he didn’t even think he could make eye contact anymore, much less spend a second talking to them before either snapping at them or doing something mortifying, like crying.
Last night had been… Virgil had a rough night. He couldn’t call it guilt, maybe dread, but the words Remus had said to him. How innocently he’d admitted it all. It made Virgil question whether he had been too harsh, but then he would cycle back through the anger, and any regret was gone in an instant.
He’d cried himself to sleep.
Virgil was… he was furious still, but also overwhelmingly upset. Confusion and hurt and confused about being hurt, and he wasn’t sure he would ever get over having his trust broken so severely, and he wasn’t even close with any of them, they’d barely had more than one conversation each! 
It was… he didn’t know how to deal with losing friends he’d barely had in the first place. But now, he had to admit, he was growing attached to them. Why else would it be so hard to let them go?
He clenched his fist as he marched down the halls, accidentally glaring at someone who happened to give him a friendly wave.
Now was not the time for extroversion.
Virgil turned the corner to the staff offices in record time, hesitating when he reached Picani’s door. He still had no idea what this was about, or why it had to be today, or how the guy even remembered he existed, but here he was. At this point, he just wanted to get this over with so he could go sulk in his room for another day. Or three.
He carefully pushed the door open, making eye contact with a smiling Picani first, and a teary-eyed Remus second.
He slammed the door and ran. 
Remus didn’t know how to cope with living through his actual nightmare scenario.
It, of course, had started with royally fucking up any chance he had at being Virgil’s friend. He spent nearly an hour blubbering about his failure to his ever-patient brother, who just sat with him and held him until he managed to stop crying.
That was kind of pathetic, but hey, no use dwelling on it now.
The twins sat down with the rest of their roommates that night to explain what happened and figure out what to do next. Remus knew there was no way he’d be able to approach Virgil personally to apologize, and giving him a note just seemed like salt in the wound, so he was out of ideas.
And honestly, he wasn’t keen on coming up with any more ideas any time soon. Not after… everything that went so desperately wrong. 
Eventually, Patton suggested they go to Dr. Picani, as Remus had done just days before.
They couldn’t go right away, though. Office hours had ended, and Janus pointed out that Virgil definitely needed time to process his feelings alone before he could listen to and possibly accept an apology.
Remus wasn’t thrilled about it, but what else was he supposed to do? He could wait until the morning to make things right. 
It didn’t help that he didn’t sleep a wink.
Oh, he tried, did his nightly stretches that he normally forgot to do, got up and went for a short walk to burn off some nervous energy, and lost count at 1,470-something sheep. Nothing worked.
Inevitably, he resigned himself to the sleeplessness, carefully exiting his room once more to brood in the living room.
He flopped onto the couch with a quiet huff, wincing at the creak in the springs. He wasn’t used to this, to feeling so hopeless. He didn’t run out of ideas, and his plans never failed in ways that were so completely irreversible. 
Nothing was ever this… hopeless.
He just didn’t get it! He’d done all he could think to prove to Virgil that he could trust him, could open up to him, could spend time with him free of judgment. But his lack of trust ran so deep that nothing stuck.
Remus wanted to find whoever had broken Virgil’s trust and break them over his knee like a glowstick.
Ugh, no, getting off track, breaking spines was not going to solve any of his current problems, unfortunately. What he needed to do was figure out how he was going to apologize. Properly, and without the expectation that Virgil had to forgive him.
He knew exactly what he needed to say, the points he truly needed to get across, but he was so much better at premeditating and writing his thoughts down than coming up with something to talk about, in person, without any proofreading or second drafts.
Virgil deserved his best. So, he started writing.
This would be perfect, the best… what was it his public speaking teacher had called them? Extemporaneous speeches? No, those had papers… whatever, he was gonna memorize this shit in less than six hours and impress the hell out of her anyway. 
That wasn’t the point, anyway, his public speaking teacher didn’t matter anymore. What mattered was Virgil, and making sure he knew Remus never meant to hurt him, and that he could be mad forever if he wanted, but Remus was sorry anyway. 
It was only when the others began to rouse and found him pacing in the living room, reading over the harshly annotated paper in his hands, that Remus realized he spent all night on it.
Roman sighed, opening his arms for his brother when he spotted the nervous tic.
They sat for a bit, Roman flicking him genly on the forehead when he admitted to being up all night. 
“I just…” Remus started lamely, “it’s gotta be perfect. For him. The one thing I haven’t… completely fucked up, I guess.”
Roman sighed. “I don’t think you need to worry about it being perfect, Ree. The fact you’re apologizing in the first place makes it perfect, yeah? Let’s just worry about him showing up first. Okay?” 
Remus couldn’t really disagree with that, he supposed.
The five set off for Dr. Picani’s office, arriving just as it opened, though thankfully, not as the counselor was arriving himself. 
“Well. Good morning, boys. Why don’t you come in?” The five filed in after him, settling next to each other in the chairs scattered around the room, positioning themselves to surround Remus in support.
After a breath, Remus, for the second time in less than 24 hours, explained everything.
He started from the beginning this time, with the notes, how they set him up for failure. Virgil was so hesitant and so scared and Remus ached to help in any way he could.
Then, he fucked it up. And again. And again.
Dr. Picani (“Emile,” he insisted, “you really can just call me Emile”) tried to insist that it wasn’t his fault, but Remus didn’t care. It might not be inherently his fault, but that didn’t fix the hurt he caused. 
“So now,” he admitted, “I need help fixing it. Or, at least, doing something more to help him than just making him uncomfortable.” 
The counselor sighed. “Well, there’s not much I can do, in terms of speaking with him. I can’t imagine he would trust me any more than the five of you. However, I could try to get him to meet us here, and I can host a healthier, supervised conversation. I can’t force him to stay, but I can help him to try.”
A moment later, the boys hovered anxiously as they waited for Virgil to read the text and come greet them.
That anxiety turned into something much more bitter when he slammed the door on them.
“I’ll go talk to him. Alone, at first,” Dr. Picani reasoned as the boys jumped up to try and find him. “If he doesn’t agree, then we can’t force him to talk. Just remember that as long as you still care about him, this isn’t a lost cause. I’ll be back.” 
With a bit of direction from a few concerned and observant students, Emile worked his way to the bathroom Virgil was hiding in.
“Hey,” he called quietly, sitting down by the only locked stall in the room. “Virgil? Is it alright if I talk to you for a moment?” 
“Can’t stop you,” Virgil huffed through a shake in his voice.
“You can,” he gently insisted. “If you’re not comfortable, I will leave. Okay? No questions asked.”
Virgil scoffed again, but didn’t say anything else. Emile took that as a sign to keep going. 
“Now, I want to apologize for what happened earlier. I can imagine it was quite overwhelming for you, and I didn’t exactly think through what that might look like if you didn’t know what was going on.”
He heard a short rustle of fabric, then a frustrated sigh. “‘S fine.” 
“Clearly, it’s not. And it’s okay that it’s not, Virgil. I’m not here to make you uncomfortable, and neither are any of your roommates. They came to me this morning because they were worried about you and wanted to apologize.”
“I don’t… no, they don’t,” Virgil whispered.
“I promise, they do. You do not have to accept it, nor do you have to talk to them today, but… well, they were concerned enough about the situation that they came to me. Remus, especially. However, they also informed me they didn’t want to rush into apologizing to you. You should be able to take all the time you need to decide if you accept it or not.”
“They don’t care,” Virgil sniffed. “You’re lying. He… it’s all this… big, elaborate- trick. They won’t leave me alone… Leading me on so I… I trusted them, and he… I hate him, I think. For… for tricking me.
“None of them, wanted to spend time…they all just- convinced me… made me like them. And then… revealed it all, it was fake. Remus… he planned it all, it was fake!” 
“I know it seems that way,” Emile soothed, shuffling closer to the door so he could lean against it. “Is therea reason you think they would? To me, that seems a waste of time, to put in the effort to find ways to show they care enough to seek out time with you, just to betray you in the end. But, it’s not my experience, it’s yours.”
“Because they… it’s like- bullying. It’s funny… to see someone- someone with no friends… attach, so easily. I think. I wouldn’t know, that’s… it’s fucked up,” Virgil insisted.
“Has Remus done something, in particular, to make it seem like his plans were supposed to hurt you?” He continued.
“I don’t… he… it’s everything! The whole thing! He… invited me to stuff I wasn’t comfortable with, then didn’t care when I said no, and just- asked about other stuff, I guess. Then… he couldn’t- I wouldn’t talk to him, so he got other people to do it for him! He tricked them into talking to me so I’d let my stupid guard down and he could do the same thing all over again!”
“Have you considered,” Emile started carefully, “that he kept asking questions because he wanted to get to know you? And, after seeing that it made you uncomfortable, he changed his approach to avoid making you more uncomfortable?” 
“No,” he grunted, “because that’s wrong. That doesn’t make any sense. Why would he… why would they waste their time… trying to be friends with me? That doesn’t… they have plenty of other people that… actually care. About them,” he explained weakly.
“Then, why would they waste their time trying to pester that same person, if he didn’t care about them?” Emile countered. 
Virgil didn’t respond for a while.
“I don’t get it,” he mumbled. “Why… if they care, which- dubious, at best. But… why would they… care about- me? It doesn’t… I’ve given them nothing. They get nothing from being around me.”
“I don’t think it has escaped your notice that your roommates, Remus in particular, are quite friendly. What they have to gain is a friend. That is what they ‘get’ when they are with you, they get a friend whom they enjoy being around and talking to.”
“I’m not… used to that,” he admitted. “No one’s ever… I don’t- have, friends. They don’t… people don’t- tend to stick around. So… why would they be the ones to… not do that?”
“I’m sorry to hear that, and I cannot answer that for sure. Trusting people is a vulnerable action, and it isn’t easy, especially if it hasn’t worked out in the past. However, it couldn’t hurt to listen to their apology and hear their reasoning, if you’re up for it. I’m sure they’d give you time to decide if you’re still willing to trust them or not if you asked for it.”
Virgil sat on that for a moment, then gave a decisive huff and stood. He quietly clicked the door open, and it swung in to reveal his tear-stained face. “Okay, I’ll talk to them. I better not regret it.”
“Okay,” he breathed, glancing up from his spot on the floor. “That’s great, Virgil. Do you need a minute?” 
He shook his head, offering a hand to his teacher, allowing him to stand with only one of his knees cracking in the process. Nice.
“No, I should… I need to hear this from them. Before I… yeah. Let’s go.”
As the boy led the way back to the counselor's office, Emile couldn’t help but indulge in a little smile along the way.
There was hope for these boys yet.
Remus jumped from his seat the second Picani came back. Except, he wasn’t alone this time.
He tensed a little, running over the apology in his head once more. It had to be perfect, he needed to make things right. Not for his own sake: he needed Virgil to understand that he cared, that he never meant for things to go so wrong.
Before he could open his mouth to express that, however, Emile cut him off.
“So, before anyone starts, I guess I have some ground rules. As cathartic as it may be for you boys, I can’t sit here and allow you to scream at each other. I think you should lead the conversation on your own, and I trust you, but I will step in if things get too out of hand, understood?”
The boys nodded. “And, are you all staying for this part?”
Remus nodded. “Um… I’d be a bit more comfortable if everyone stayed. But, they don’t have to.” He turned to Virgil expectantly.
“That’s… okay. Not gonna say I love it, but… that’s cool,” he eventually decided.
“Alright, sounds good. I’m here if you need me, okay?” 
The boys nodded, and Remus jumped at the chance before he lost it.
“I’m so sorry! I… I already said that, and it’s hard to make it meaningful when I did and said things that very blatantly made you uncomfortable. I never wanted that, ever. You’re so…  I… I really care about you, Virgil, even if you couldn’t give two shits about me.”
Virgil frowned at his feet. “Not gonna lie, I’m still kinda pissed. I just don’t… you spent so much time. With… with the notes, and- and the… I’m sure the- the planning took… y’know, a while. I just don’t… understand, why?” 
“I did it because I want to be your friend,” Remus answered honestly, matching what Picani had just reassured him of earlier.
“You… we talked about you, the week leading up to when school started,” Remus continued. “We wer so… I was so curious. I wanted so badly for you to gel with the rest of us right away, but you didn’t, and I wanted to know why. I just… you seemed like you needed a friend, and you seemed cool. Should I have more justification than that?” 
“So you pestered me endlessly for weeks?” 
“...Basically, yeah. I’m not saying I’m proud of all of it, or that it was even a good idea. Honestly, at first, I thought you might be just- putting on a show of being uninterested, or like… I dunno, that being contrary was just- part of becoming your friend, so yeah, I made some big mistakes. But then, I- tried to find a way to fix that, to still get to know you without making you uncomfortable. And… well…”
“...I guess, that checks, but you could’ve just- told me that. Would’ve probably been easier that an elaborate scheme,” Virgil pointed out.
“I tried! I tried straight-up talking to you, and you either yelled at me or clammed up, and you looked so… scared. I couldn’t do that again. I couldn’t… I didn’t really know what to do, and leaving you alone seemed like… like I was giving up on someone that needed me.” 
“I didn’t need…I’m here for school, not- not friends. I don’t actually care that much, I’m not- lonely, or whatever you seem to think.”
“Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean that I don’t,” Remus groused, wincing as the words came out of his mouth. “Er, sorry, but my point still stands. I mean, obviously, if you want me to leave you the fuck alone, I will. But… wouldn’t it be a little more fun, at least, to have something to do other than be married to school?”
“I… I don’t know. I’ve never…” Virgil trailed off, not sure how to address that particular fact of his life. 
“Look, if you want me to not bother anymore, I will. But I promise, I was never trying to make you uncomfortable with the notes. I wasn’t leading you on in a friend way, and neither were any of the others. We all just… we like you, Virgil. You’re- you’re pretty cool.”
“...You promise?”
“Yes, definitely, Virgil. I promise.”
“...Well then… I guess, it wouldn’t be the worst thing, to- have friends.”
Remus jumped up and down in a circle, clapping his hands like Virgil had just performed something, for god’s sake. 
“Yes! That’s great! I’m- yeah, really happy about that, can I hug you now?” Remus blurted.
“I…” Virgil expected to be more uncomfortable with the prospect, but actually being asked instead of forced… well. 
Who was he to say no? 
 “Um, just- a quick one? Sure?”
Remus practically screeched, throwing himself forward to wrap his arms tightly around Virgil’s waist. He found the added pressure wasn’t actually as uncomfortable as he worried it would be.
It was actually… kinda nice, he guessed.
And then, he realized the prickly sensation of someone staring at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the others, expressions in various degrees of pleased (Logan) and overjoyed (Patton). 
“Oh, come on, we all know you’re thinking about it,” Virgil grumbled, shifting slightly to wave them over. “Might as well get the sappy shit done now.”
Patton was first, obviously, but the others followed suit, cuddling up to surround Virgil in, what was probably a ridiculous-looking group hug.
“You guys do know this is an incredibly annoying and cheesy way to end this whole thing, right?” Janus pointed out.
“And yet, you’re still huggin’!” Remus rebutted with a smile, clinging to Virgil just a bit tighter. 
“...Okay, fine, you got me there, enjoy your sitcom moment, then.” 
The others chuckled, and okay, Virgil thought that maybe, this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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sunrisetune · 2 years
DGM Exorcist! Alma Karma headcanons that nobody asked for:
When he was a kid, everything happened the same up until the very last one: which is to say he still destroyed the hell out of lab 6. Broke every machine, gutted every record-keeping station, killed all of the 'sleeping' apostles, slaughtered every scientist and staff member, everyone in the unsealed part of the building that he could get to.
Everyone except Noise and Yuu.
His Innocence, relatedly: is a bit fucked up! Physically, when it’s unactivated, it looks a bit similar to Allen’s arm before Crown Clown manifested properly, When activated it manifests somewhere between a gauntlet and a scythe, spiking up from his arm in way that’s only slightly more controlled than we saw in the flashback. It’s parasitic.
The Science division had to take a very long, careful time to find out information about it, given Alma’s trauma and following violent tendencies around doctors, but their general conclusion is that it would’ve been better suited as an equipment Innocence.
--- Or, in Komui’s notes, that it had been an equipment Innocence with its last accommodator, but that form broke when the Second Exorcist project had distilled it, and due to the trauma of their first synchronization it couldn’t bond properly with Alma to become what it was meant to.
As it is, though, it’s grown with Alma, through his arm and shoulder into his nervous system and whole right side. There’s no possibility of removing it without killing him, even with his accelerated healing.
They call it Angel’s Scythe
(This is partly based on Liketolaugh’s fic ‘Synchronization’ where Alma’s Innocence is named Angel Sword, and it’s good and y’all should read it)
I really like the idea, narratively speaking, of Alma reacting to his trauma equally & opposite to how Kanda does. Not an exact mirror but as a general characterization rule
e.g. The way Kanda hates anyone close to him ever, Alma is permanently touch-starved and is most comfortable when he's in physical contact with someone at all times
Kanda doesn't trust or like people and refuses to attach to anyone without kicking and screaming; Alma attaches to everyone who shows him any kind of kindness or affection, extremely easily
Like, to his detriment
He'd be a terrible Bookman
On one hand (literally) it's good because Alma’s protectiveness and regard for others matches his Innocence’s will, which gives them a usable synchro rate
Despite the seething hatred Alma has towards it, the scientists, the Asian branch, the Order at large, and also God
On the other hand, this gets him into trouble and he reacts to rejection, uh. poorly. Not violently poorly, and not as immediate-bawling as when he was a kid, but it's actually one of the ways he and Kanda are alike: they both have a Short Trigger for strong emotions
Alma is very angry, the same way Lena is very angry. This is part of the reason they're best friends
He remembers flashes of what happened to him in his past life, just enough to remember what’d been done to them, that his love died and that all flowers sink into the mud. He has terrible nightmares. Because of that, he does his best to avoid sleeping, and flowers
He does like non-flowering plants, though; and other things full of life; animals, kids, dancing, music; reading (especially mystery novels which he steals from Lavi on regular occasions), parties, learning.
The ‘detective work’ that sometimes come with missions is his favourite part.
He prefers mild-to-bland foods, like Kanda, but also really enjoys sweet things, and likes to try as much variety as he can (unlike his "soba for all meals counts as different food" soulmate)
Mostly he doesn't make his own meals, bc the Orders, but he can if needed. Klaude made cooking lessons part of his training (specifically, he’d have to cook her breakfast and if he was late or the food was burnt / undercooked he’d have another set of cardio exercises to do), and he found out he likes the whole process / finds it calming
Often when at the HQ he'll be in the kitchens making a midnight / 4am snack, Jeryy having made an exception to the “No One Allowed In The Kitchen After Hours, No Exception” rule for him when Alma and the others were very young
Though: once Link gets to the Order, he stops doing that as much. It makes Jeryy worry for him, but nothing’s wrong with Alma, it's just that he recognizes Link as a Crow from the moment he sees him, and Link uses the kitchens at night to stress-bake. So Alma cannot be anywhere near there or there will be a lot of problems.
Eventually Jeryy works out what the problem is and lets Alma use his personal kitchen to cook stuff, instead, which he would have done the whole time if someone had just told him what was going on, Alma
However that’s another thing Alma and Kanda actually have in common: if you’re having some kind of trouble, you don’t tell anybody anything at any point.
Lastly: Alma kept the plushie rabbit from the Lab, named Scratchy, and he fell asleep holding it every night he could until he was 17
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moibakadesu · 9 months
Same anon as before (make a nickname for me if you see it be), sorry to reply in your box and not in repost, im just nervous 😭
Honestly, I genuinely think some of Harukas behaviour stems from his neglectful mother and not just his autism. He very clearly shows skills that are typical for his age and some people act like he can't read or write at all. He's not stupid. He's delayed, mostly bc of a lack of a support system as a kid.
I believe that like many childhood neglect victims he's mentally trapped, where he has the capability of maturity but doesn't act that way in an effort to preserve his innocence, (also why I think he's lying a bit about his age).
Now, to my favourite thing to talk about, his bpd symptoms. I could go on but I'll mention the most prominent ones, aka his abandonment issues and his fp like relationship with Muu. I see so many fucking ppl calling him a yandere and shit and it's just annoying bc that term inherently demonises individuals w bpd as it's literally an ableist stereotype.
Alr sorry for rambling!! I doubt this is even coherent, all three topics are things I've went through/have btw
Okay bye bye :>
No worries "based Haruka anon", I do understand. And I absolutely agree, honestly Haruka's mother/his parents are the true culprits of his case in my eyes, because nothing of this would have happened if Haruka would have gotten the proper support and treatment that he needed. I think that is why my heart hurts for him so much, he really is a victim of his circumstances. Also so much agreed on the thing about people acting as if he is stupid ... that is another incredibly ableist thing. He needs a bit more time and help compared to a neurotypical person and that's about it. I'm also on the same boat when it comes to his age, I think for him it is a mix of actually having lost track (I highly doubt his birthdays got celebrated at home) and him just picking an age where you are usually not yet perceived as a full fledged adult. I can easily see him being 19 or maybe in his early twenties already. And I also thought about BPD Haruka before. I am always torn between DPD and BPD when it comes to him, because both could work for him well in the way he gets attached to people and acts to keep these connections intact. I myself don't have either of these, but I had multiple partners with BPD, so I'm not unfamiliar with it. I do have to say in my eyes his connection with Muu and her most likely NPD is still a match made in hell and I hope it will not go in t3, because it isn't good for either of them. Not to unbox too much personal trauma, but having gotten out of a codependency myself about half a year ago their case reallly hits a nerve, because I see a lot of things reflected in there.
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deviltoys · 3 years
i would love to fuck denki so hard he pisses himself. he would try to apologize but he wouldn't even be able to form a sentence with how much pleasure he's feeling.
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— ‘𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗽𝗮𝗶!’
denki kaminari x top!male reader. (wc; 932)
#a/n: this is something i decided to wing, and write while in a super bad mood - so i apologise if it's absolute shit. i was in need of something to lighten the tension! always love a good watersports req ;)
warnings. NSFW CONTENT, MINORS DNI, senpai k., watersports, cock warming, voyeurism, hair pulling, creampie, denki being bound up, third-year denki, reader works for an agency, age gap (18-23.)
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“are you sure this is actually part of my training, Y/N? this doesn't seem very necessary!”
kaminari couldn't help but squirm around while you worked your cock into his little ass inch by inch, savouring it like you had done for the tenth time that week.
you left that sly grin of yours on display for your two young kohai in the room to witness. kaminari seemed to be falling apart underneath you already, you had only just fully seated yourself inside of him, cock throbbing against those tender walls of his. he was already a panicking mess.
your sensei and U.A’s hero course teacher, shouta aizawa — had discussed a project that would involve the collaboration of you and your fellow heroes, taking and training; members of the third year class under your wing.
quickly, denki kaminari and minoru mineta had caught your eye. they weren't known for ‘slacking off’ per say, but aizawa insisted they got paired up with a more advanced senior like yourself. in response to this, you had wasted no time signing off on them in preparation for the long, grueling sessions you'd been tasked with giving.
kaminari was quite the eye candy for someone his age, though it was to be expected that a few kids in his class would be toned and handsome — denki was less muscle and more looks. it didn't help that you two had practically become attached at the hip over the past couple of days.
so when you saw the chance to corrupt that poor, innocent witt of his, you pounced at the opportunity to do so.
here was your underclassmen, wrapped around your cock like a blanket as a means of ‘training’ his mind and body connection. what a cakewalk it was to have him warm your shaft for you, so simple, so naive.
“hm? of course kami, would your senpai lie to you? i only want what's best for your future as a hero.” you breathe heavily into the shell of his ear, hooking your chin over his shoulder-- you press your fingers along his jaw, making it easy to guide his face to the mirror positioned at the foot of your bed. it was preferred by your teacher and his that, he have a more visual learning experience.
denki took a peak at your hand, which was twisting around his length — watching his tip leak hot, gooey pre-cum with just the touch of your fingers was so amusing. you were so skilled, you knew all the right ways to make his abdomen feel all warm inside whenever you two had these sessions together.
“minoru, come bind your friend's arms while i begin. just behind his back is fine, this isn't anything too serious.” you let a soft chuckle out from under your breath, beckoning the short male closer to your spot on the bed. mineta quickly obeyed, restricting kaminari’s wrists behind his backside like you had asked.
“l-like this.. sir?”
“precisely, just like that.. good boy mineta.” you could sense he was just as nervous around you as denki was, they both marvelled in the way you'd demonstrate how to be the perfect hero. that's what it appeared like to them at least, this charismatic, chiseled senior of theirs was being so eager to lend them a hand! just like a good hero would!
though the hero system was just as corrupt as you were. your hips seemed to begin rolling on their own, fucking so deep into denki that you could see his belly bulge in the mirror. mumbles of your name falling from his lips as he struggled to catch his breath with how harshly you'd plow into him.
“breathe kaminari, i know you can take this-- you've done it so well before. be good for me, will you?”
denki fumbled around your shaft so beautifully, his mind was mush in no time and his words were recited blabbering that didn't even sound human — he was struggling to let you know how badly the pressure in his blatter was becoming. his tummy bloating with how well you stuffed him mixed the his urine threatening to burst any second.
“senpai-! p-please, i need to pee!” his glossy yellow eyes screwed shut, brows furrowing in discomfort and pleasure as you alligned your palm under his cockhead just a moment too late.
he had pissed all over himself, your warm palm pumping around his quivering, wet dick.
he was beyond embaressed, his tongue tripping out the words to an apology admist all the overwhelming lust he was experiencing. but before he could even finish a sentence, his meek rambling was shut down in an instant, completely forgotten as his eyes blurred together.
your name felt like a mouthful at that point, the lewd expression plastered on those rosey lips told you everything you needed to know — swiftly you pumped your cum into the depths of his ass, not daring to stop as you watch his hole push out of mixture of semen and lube around your length.
mineta was in awe, observing his blonde haired friend convulse and tremble; trying to regain any sort of conscious thought while the waves of his high came crashing down. denki’s body goes numb as he melts into your chest, shuddering out a few incoherent sounds as you merely grin.
shifting your gaze to meet the tiny, purple male who was still holding his grip on denki’s forearms, wide eyed and all — you offered him a proposition.
“ah, minoru, it's your turn next is it not? go on, hop up onto your senpai’s lap will you?’
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mandos-sluts · 3 years
The Visit Part Two
This is Part Two of a three-part series
The Visit Part One
The Visit Part Three
The Mandolorian x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Smut, dubious consent, fingering, dirty talk, alcohol consumption, hint of voyeurism, mentions of sex work
Summary: All you want to do is forget about your encounters with Din, so you go out with your friends in search of a quick hook-up to take your mind off of it. Upon seeing Din at the bar, you decide to try and give him a taste of his own medicine.
A/N: Please message us or comment if you want to be on our tag list!! Also we love feedback <3
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You awake feeling well-rested. The sleep helped. You don’t feel as bad as you did last night, but you still basically want to crawl under a rock and die.
You can’t focus during your combat lesson with Luke, all you can think about is how much you want to erase the prior day from existence. Sensing your anxiety and distraction, your Master cuts the lesson short.
The two of you walk side by side out of the arena and down the corridor. Your sweating, your hair is a mess, and all you have on is a sports bra and spandex. All you want to do is get back to your room and shower.
You're walking beside Luke, looking down at your feet, barely registering what he is saying to you. You bring your head up and you almost faint at the sight of Din walking toward the two of you.
Panic engulfs you and you feel like turning around and sprinting in the opposite direction, but you’re stuck, stuck walking next to Luke, watching Din stride tall and confidently closer and closer.
“Din!” Luke says cheerfully as the three of you stop in your tracks.
“Hello, it’s nice to see you two again.” Din responds in his low voice as he brings his hand out and shakes Luke’s hand. You put on the saddest fake smile and shake Din’s hand, looking anywhere but into his visor.
“How was your visit with Grogu today?” Luke asks.
“It was great, thank you.”
“Well I’m very happy to hear that.” Luke says as the three of you continue your separate ways.
Your heart breaks at Din’s indifference toward you, and it makes you want to cry. It’s truly as if nothing happened between the two of you. He didn’t get the chance to fuck you yesterday so he went out and got a sex worker, and now, your existence means nothing to him.
Ugh why was he even here? Ever since you were a child the “no attachments” concept was drilled into you. Why is Luke letting this guy visit Grogu? Whatever. You need to do something to get your mind off of the situation.
It’s Saturday night and your friends are forcing you to go out. At first you really don’t want to; your experience last night at the cantina was horrible, and you would prefer to avoid it all together. But you sip a few drinks with dinner and have a change of heart.
Instead of dwelling on this horrible situation, you figure that you should do something to distract yourself. Going out with your friends, letting loose, and hooking up with someone else will relieve your tension and hopefully make you forget about your regrettable encounters with Din. Screw him, you shouldn’t let yourself be sad over some random guy who didn’t give a second thought to you.
You decide to pregame the night, and are already quite tipsy by the time you and your friends arrive at the cantina. You look good, like, really fuckin hot. You’re wearing a simple, short, light pink silk dress.
The cantina is not as crowded as last night, but it’s still pretty busy. Your friends grab a table and you walk up to the bar to get a drink.
“Hey, y/n, how you doin tonight?” The bartender greets you.
“Great, thanks.” You say with a soft smile, thinking about what you want to order.
The bartender shifts over and continues talking to someone on the other side of the large Twi’lek standing next to you. “But yeah, wow, that’s really cool. You must get hot wearing all that–”
Just then, the Twi’lek grabs their drinks and walks away from the bar. You turn your head to see who the bartender is talking to, and it is none other than Din Djarin, standing just a few feet away from you. You don’t freak out as much as you think you might, and you have the alcohol in your system to thank for that.
“–Hey, y/n, do you know Mando? He’s visiting the Academy up the hill.” The bartender asks.
You turn to look at Din. “Mando? What’s th– ohhh. I get it. Mando as in Mando-lorian. Clever. Kind of. I mean, not really, but….Later!” You say to the bartender as you stutter your way out of that situation.
Fuck. That was so awkward, you didn’t even order a drink. You're embarrassed, but also hurt. Din didn’t say a word to you, not even a hello. His disregard for you makes you all the more determined to find a hot guy who can distract you from that beskar-covered jerk.
You do a lap around the bar, surveying your options. You spot a tall, handsome boy in a group of guys, probably tourists. Had you not been buzzed, and had that uncomfortable situation not just transpired, you would be very reluctant to just blatantly walk up to a stranger and introduce yourself. But you really don’t care; you know you’re hot and bagging him shouldn’t be any trouble at all.
His back is to you as you make your way to him, he’s talking way too loudly with his frat-boy friends. You gently run your hand down his bicep.
“Hi.” You say sweetly.
The boy turns around and his eyes widen as he looks you over. “Hey.” He says with an eager smile.
You grab his arm and get on your tippy toes, leaning in close to his ear. “Can you buy me a drink?”
“Yeah, a-absolutely!”
You and he walk up to the bar. Din is on the other side, and you notice he’s watching you. You do your best not to look at him, still you can’t help but glance at him every so often, and when you do, his visor is patently on you.
The boy you’re with puts his hand around your waist as you order your drink. “I’ll have a spotchka, please” You tell the bartender.
“Make it a double.” The boy says as he winks at the bartender.
You put your elbows on the bar in order to push your boobs up slightly. Gazing at you, Din observes one of the silky spaghetti straps of your dress fall from your prominent collar bone down your smooth shoulder. You make a point to leave it there a while before pulling it back up.
The bartender brings you your drink and you bring the glass up to your lips. Din watches as the boy puts his hand on the bottom of your glass and tips it upward, trying to get you to drink more. You swallow as fast as you can, trying not to choke as his hand continues tilting the bottom of the cup higher and higher. Din’s fist clenches at the sight of you coughing while some of the liquid falls out of your lips as your mouth overflows with the drink; it dribbles along your throat and runs down your chest. Coughing and trying to catch your breath, you set the drink on the bar as the boy looks at you with a satisfied half smile.
What a dick move. But honestly, you don’t care that he’s a asshole trying to liquor you up, you just need to get laid. In fact, if you’re going to be fucking this pretentious kid, you’ll need to be a little drunker.
“C’mon. Finish this and then let's go dance.” He says picking the glass up and bringing it back to your lips.
You chug what’s left and then, walking behind you, the guy guides you to the dance floor with his hands on your waist. You’re a little nervous as you realize that this area of the bar is closer to where Din is sitting, allowing him an even clearer and more direct view of you. His eyes stay glued to you the entire time you move through the cantina.
The boy pulls you against him and the two of you start grinding to the beat of the music. You can feel the alcohol warm your insides and ease your apprehension. Instead of trying your best to avoid looking at Din, you decide to do the opposite, and stare directly into his visor while you dance on this guy.
His hands are all over you. They make their way from your hips to your stomach, and they dance around your tits, pulling your soft silky dress as they explore your body. His lips are against your hair and he’s mumbling things in your ear that you’re not at all paying attention to.
It’s not too long before you feel his boner poking your ass. You bite your bottom lip promiscuously as you stare into Din’s helmet, the alcohol fueling your staring contest with him. *see gif* You’re relishing in this moment— in the fact that he is watching you dance on this hot guy.
To be honest, though, you really have no idea what Din is thinking or feeling, his helmet and his laid back position don’t tell a thing about where his head is at. It’s not even clear that he’s looking at you, but you can tell he is. You can tell that his eyes are locked on your form.
“Maker you’re so fuckin hot.” The boy whispers in your ear.
Din stands there watching you; watching this guy's skinny fuckin hands roam all over your pretty figure and smooth skin. He watches his hands run down your body and tease your inner thighs, right at the hem of the dress.
Then, Din observes him flick his head up, and turns to see that he is gesturing for his friends to watch. The kid's buddies are standing at the edge of the dance floor, elbowing each other, laughing and smiling, watching the drunk hot girl grind brazenly on their friend. Din looks at the stupid boys. He could kill them all so easily.
As he’s watching them, Din notices a few of their mouths drop, and looks back at you to find the guy you’re dancing on slowly lifting up your dress, exposing your black lace underwear as he nods at his friends and smiles.
Grinding on this guy, you feel slightly discouraged as Din breaks the staring contest to look elsewhere in the room. But then you see him abruptly get up and walk toward the dance floor. You lose him in the crowd, and then feel a large hand grab your upper arm and yank you away.
You trip over your feet but Din's hold on your bicep keeps you from falling forward. He doesn’t even look back at you as he drags you through the mass of people. Most move out of his way as soon as they see him coming, and those who don’t are shoved aside. He drags you out the door into the cold, dark air. Din finally propels you upward onto your feet after he turns into the dark alley next to the cantina.
“Din! What the fuck!” You’re finally able to yell.
“That fuckin guy was lifting your dress up in front of the entire bar.” He informs you in a frustration-laced voice.
“So, you're okay with that? He was putting on a show for his friends.”
“….whatever.” You mutter looking down at your feet as your face turns red and shame creeps into your chest. You didn’t even realize the boy was doing that; you were so focused on keeping Din’s attention.
“Pfft, okay, if you’re fine with being paraded around by scummy guys–”
“I don’t need your slut shaming, Din. And speaking of sluts, why don’t you go find yourself one?”
Din pauses for a moment and you can feel the energy around you shift. He creeps closer to you, and you instinctively step back as he closes in on you until you’re against the brick wall, unable to move.
He lowers his voice. “Speaking of sluts, you said you were only one for me. So why the fuck are you letting that guy put his hands all over you?” Din says slowly as he grabs your shoulders and pushes you against the wall.
“Get off of me.” You return, trying to shake free from his grip and push him away.
Din grabs your wrists and slams your arms into the wall by your head, and he positions his knee tightly between your legs, inhibiting your movements completely.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Din purrs in your ear. “Were you jealous seeing me with that other whore? Aww, you left too soon, pretty girl.” He says as he begins rubbing his leg against your crotch.
“N-no...but I will say that it’s very audacious for you— a guest at the Jedi compound— to bring a sex worker back to your room.”
Din scoffs. “I’m not an idiot.” He spits out. “I didn’t bring her onto the estate. She sucked me off in the bathroom and then I left.”
“Well, congratulations.” Is all you can think to say
“I imagined it was you.” Din utters as he brings his helmet just inches away from your face. “Yeah, I imagined it was you on your knees on that filthy bathroom floor, gagging with my cock down your dainty little throat.” He says as one of his hands wraps around your neck.
You let out a whimper at his words, arousal shooting straight to your pussy as he continues to drag his thigh against your crotch.
“And then today, I jerked off the second I got back to my room after running into you and Luke. I couldn’t fuckin help myself, baby. It made me so fuckin hard seeing you like that. It was so fuckin cute how nervous and shy you were. You were panting and sweating, your hair was so messy, you were barely wearing a fuckin thing. I know that’s how you would look after I fucked you.”
His words turn you on more and more, pulses of arousal twitching your cunt.
“And I know that your Master thinks you’re a good little girl, huh. He doesn’t know how much of a fuckin whore you are, he doesn’t know that you asked me to tie you up and fuck you.”
A high-pitched moan flees your mouth, prompting you to take your bottom lip between your teeth as you try to keep it together.
“Come on, pretty girl.” Din growls as his hand slides down to your waist and grasps it tightly. “I said I’d show you how Mandalorians fuck, and I’m a man of my word.”
“Th-that why you hired a sex worker last night?” You say quietly, not wanting to let him off the hook for it just yet
“I didn’t know you were gonna be there, princess. I didn’t even know if I would see you again. I was ready to toss that bitch aside as soon as I saw you, but you fuckin bolted.”
Din moves his hand that was on your throat down to your groin, bringing his knee down slightly to make room for his fingers. You gasp as you feel his gloved digits rub your wet panties around your cunt.
“Come on.” Din breathes in your ear. “You’re dripping wet. You need to get a cock in this desperate fuckin pussy.”
“Ah-I have options.” You counter, trying to hold out for a little longer.
Din scoffs. “That boy in there can’t fuck you like I can and you know it.” He says as he pushes your panties to the slide, exposing your bare, wet pussy to the cold air. Din starts circling your clit as he picks up his head to watch your expression. Your mouth falls slightly open as breathy whines fall out.
“HEY!” You hear someone yell in the distance. “Mandalorian, what the fuck are you doing with my girl!”
Your head turns to see that guy you were grinding on approaching you and Mando. Great.
Just then, Mando starts pumping two fingers in and out of your hole fast. "Ah!" You inadvertently moan out.
“Get lost, kid.” Mando says casually as his arm clearly drives up and down under your dress.
Your mouth falls wide open at the sudden stretch and pounding of your hole, and you try your best to stifle your moans as you dig your nails into Din’s arm. You regrettably make eye contact with the kid as Din conspicuously continues his brutal finger fucking.
“N-no fuck you, we– we were dancing. Who do you think you are taking her from me?” Anger and offense cover the boy's face, pride shaken at the scene in front of him.
Din lets out an annoyed sigh. “If she wanted to go with you, she would. Now get the fuck out of here. Unless you want to watch her suck my cock.”
The guy grunts and turns around to walk swiftly out of the alley.
Din’s pace slows down just a tad, and you’re able to catch your breath. He leans his helmet against the wall next to your head. “Fuck. I wanna break that kid’s neck.” He whispers.
“Ah. You should.” You purr.
Din removes his hand from your cunt and takes a small step back. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s go back to my room” He says. Din walks to the center of the alleyway and then stops.
You take a few steps toward the street. “Okay...let's go.” You say softly, noticing that Din isn’t following.
“Come here.” He says holding his arm out.
Confused, you walk into his arm and he wraps it around you tightly.
“Hold on tight, okay?” He says as he motions for you to wrap your arms around him. Why is he taking you in for this awkward side hug? He just said he wanted to leave.
Just then you’re lifted into the air, grasping onto Din for dear life as he jet-packs towards the Academy.
The Visit Part Three
@pinkninja200 @raspberrymama @stevie75 @tacticalsparkles @kenoobiwan @shark-s @theamuz @blackrose8425 @beskarboobs @smutslutz @princess-djarinn @spideysimpossiblegirl @riot-rotten
The Visit Series:
@autumnleaves1991-blog @ikinmahlen
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theraspberryler · 3 years
Slime Primers
Another fic done! I actually really like how this one turned out, I am unbelievably soft for this pair. Based on this prompt here!
Summary: Tommy is stubborn and won’t admit that he may be in a mood, but Charlie is a teasy bastard and decides to put an end to it. 
~This is a tickle fic! If that’s not your jam then please move on!~
TW - none I don’t think, let me know if I need to add any
The Tommyinnit was absolutely not in a lee mood. You’d have to be crazy to think that a big man such as him could even get lee moods. In fact, he was so not in a lee mood that Charlie’s teasing looks and wiggling fingers weren’t even affecting him in the slightest. 
Tommy huffed and looked away from the other’s stupid grinning face and dumb wiggling fingers, turning his attention back to the ores he was smelting. Now, usually a task as simple as smelting ores wouldn’t really require much attention or effort, but Tommy had a rather complex system of eight different furnaces lined up, and he was constantly going to each separate furnace and collecting the one or two smelted iron ingots from them, crafting them into blocks, and then carefully arranging them in the double chest sitting next to his furnaces. 
When Wilbur walked by and asked him what the hell he was doing, Tommy had replied in a very usual Tommyinnit fashion that he was working on a craft of true expertise and precision, and that it was, in fact, very important. He immediately glared daggers at Charlie, sat on the other side of the room, who snickered in response to Tommy’s explanation. 
Because what Tommy was refusing to admit, was that early on in the day, Charlie seemed to almost instantly catch onto his (not!) mood, and took it upon himself to be the most teasy, annoying little shit he could, and Tommy was finding anything and everything to distract himself from the butterflies he felt in his tummy whenever he saw Charlie’s wiggling fingers, or heard his teasing remarks. 
Tommy knew that he was just making this more difficult on himself; Charlie knew him well, and had witnessed Tommy in multiple lee moods before. He knew exactly what got to him, and practically had every spot and reaction to every little thing memorized. But Tommy was proud, dammit, and he wasn’t going to make Charlie’s job that easy! (Well, that, and Tommy may have enjoyed the way Charlie has always been the best at getting the best reactions out of him, and wanted to prolong the fun.) He was gonna have to try harder if he wanted to break The Tommyinnit!
So, there they were, Tommy fussing around the furnaces desperately trying to fight down his embarrassed flush, and Charlie lounging around on one of the chairs in the room, immensely amused by every little squeak Tommy let out when the boy foolishly spared a glance over his shoulder at the other. 
But, Charlie did have to admit, he was pretty surprised by how long Tommy had managed to keep this up. He was poking fun at and teasing the boy for the better part of the last two or so hours, and while Tommy did look like a blushy, embarrassed mess, he still hadn’t cracked. 
Though Tommy had been holding out well so far, Charlie was always up for a challenge. Especially if said challenge involved breaking through the stubborn, cocky personality of a particular blond teenage loudmouth. 
“You’re looking awfully red, Tommy, maybe you should take a break from working over the hot furnaces, yeah? I’m sure the iron would smelt just fine on it’s own.” 
“Fuck off,” Tommy growled under his breath, willing himself to not react as he saw Charlie shift in his seat in his peripheral vision, despite his heart rate picking up at the downright evil looking smirk on Charlie’s face. He forced the image out of his head, busying himself with emptying the furnaces again as he felt his mind begin to wander. 
“Really, Toms? That wasn’t very nice. You know there’s no point in resisting, because at the end of the day I’m still gonna get to scribble my fingers all over your sides, and how I’m gonna press my thumbs in between every single space in between every single ticklish little rib. And no matter how long you prolong the inevitable, you’ll still be stuck in my grasp until I decide that you’re done, no matter how much you kick and squirm.”
Fuck Charlie Slimecicle and his stupid face and his stupid dumb teasy words, and Tommy could feel his insides turn to goo as he set down the iron ingots in his hands, covering his face and letting out a dramatic whine.
“Awe, why don’t you just come here Toms, make it easier for yourself, hm? We both know you want to bud, come on” Tommy whined again, shaking his head and wishing the ground would just swallow him whole. He didn’t think his legs would be able to carry himself over to Charlie even if he tried, so he found himself sliding down to the floor, wrapping his arms around himself. 
Luckily, Charlie seemed to understand the predicament Tommy was in, and decided to have a bit of mercy as he walked over to the other, sitting down on the ground next to the younger boy. 
“Hey, Toms.” Tommy just shook his head again, unable to stop the nervous giggles from leaking out of his mouth, and slumped down until he was practically laying down, despite the fact that Charlie literally hadn’t done a thing. 
“Shh, it’s alright Tom, come here,” Charlie said in a sweet voice, opening his arms for the other. Tommy briefly peaked out from behind his hands only to quickly return them to his face. He took a few deep, stuttering breaths, before deciding fuck it. Without moving his hands from his face once, Tommy sat up and shuffled into Charlie’s arms, immediately burrowing into the other’s chest. 
Charlie smiled at the adorable boy that was practically in his lap, wrapping his own arms around him and rubbing his back. Tommy jumped at the contact despite Charlie not having any intention of tickling him yet, his anticipatory giggles flowing freely from him. 
“Ready?” Charlie asked in a soft voice, and Tommy, not quite ready to attempt to use his words, just nodded in response, bracing himself.
So, Charlie wasted no time in sliding his hands up Tommy’s red and white t-shirt, unleashing all his fingers along the blond’s sides. He figured the boy had waited long enough, not having the heart to drag it out any longer. 
Tommy squealed before snorting, honestly not expecting Charlie to go all in right away, leaning further against the older boy and allowing himself to laugh freely. After being in a constant state of anticipation for the past couple hours, he really didn’t have the energy to attempt to hold his reactions back. 
Charlie felt himself melt at his sweet, unrestrained laughter. This was the exact reason he enjoyed messing with him like this, there were very few things that brought him more joy than Tommy allowing himself to act like a kid and be happy without worrying about his ‘image.’ 
Tommy hiccuped as Charlie trailed his fingers up to his ribs, planning on keeping true to his previous promise. 
“You know the drill by now Toms, I’m gonna go to each individual little rib you got, and every time you try to push me away we start over. Ready?” Tommy didn’t bother trying to hide his excitement, both boys knew how much he’s always enjoyed this game. Tommy put enough space between the two of them that Charlie could reach the front of his ribs with relative ease, but still facing towards the other so he could keep his face pressed into the crook of his neck, his arms winding themselves around Charlie and gripping the other tightly, in order to keep himself from pushing him away. 
Charlie cooed at him for obeying so quickly, making sure to let Tommy know how good of a job he was doing. At the praise, Tommy’s giggles went high pitched and he arched his back, grabbing a fistful of Charlie’s shirt and rubbing it between his fingers as a way to stimulate himself, and help keep him from squirming around too much. 
“Alright, here we go! Ready?” Charlie pressed his thumb into Tommy’s bottom leftmost rib, massaging into it. Tommy snorted, breaking into pitchy, childlike, loud giggles that were regularly interrupted by snorts and squeals. 
Tommy did a pretty good job of staying still for Charlie, his only real movement was the jolt he would give every time Charlie moved on to a new rib. 
By the time Charlie reached Tommy’s top left rib, Tommy had all but gone limp in his hold, his body shaking with adorable, happy laughter. And by the time Charlie had gone to each and every one of his right ribs, Tommy had tears in his eyes from laughing so much, hands repeatedly clenching and unclenching Charlie’s t-shirt as a way of grounding himself. 
Charlie took in Tommy’s disheveled, tired state and figured he should probably wrap it up for the day. 
He effortlessly scooped up the still giggling boy in his arms, who instantly allowed him to and wrapped his arms around his neck. With one hand still supporting Tommy, Charlie used his other to take the unsmelted iron out of the furnaces, not wanting to leave them running while no one was in the room to watch them. He carried Tommy back towards his room, using his hip to push the door open and closed. 
By the time he set Tommy down on his bed, the boy was already fast asleep. Charlie gently untangled Tommy’s arms from around his neck, and stood there for a moment, feeling his chest swell with pride as he watched Tommy’s relaxed, sleeping face. 
Before he left the room, he made sure to snap a picture, turning the lights off and gently closing the door, taking one last glance at the sleeping boy, making sure he was still alright. 
Slimey Boi
*attachment - one image* 
suck on that soot, I’m clearly the superior brother
Wimblur Suit 
I hate you
so fucking much 
*Wimblur Suit saved one (1) image*
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trans-p03g · 2 years
I dont think you did either, would you like to share this SCP au with the class?
The 4 scrybes are all senior researchers, all anomalous in their own right. They have a long history together and are constantly at each other's throats. For some ungodly reason, somebody higher up thought it was a good idea to make all four of them work in the same facility. Chaos ensues.
Kaycee is the guard at that facility and Luke is the newly hired janitor. They make quick friends and their favourite hobby is watching the 4 squabble like little kids.
A sentient parasitic computer chip. Once attached (usually to the back of the neck but other methods are viable as well) it infiltrates the nervous system and seizes control of the body. Once detached, the host is completely braindead.
Either an ex-employee of Anderson Robotics or Prometheus Labs, Inc. Can't decide yet. Now employed by the Foundation.
Very much of the opinion that robots are superior beings and finds the organic life distasteful
In the process of trying to build itself a fully functioning robot body. The higher-ups know of this but don't care as long as it does its job and does it well and doesn't endanger the general public or its coworkers in its pursuit for the new body.
Specialises in the research of all sorts of technological anomalies. A glorified IT guy, really. It will help you if you broke your computer but be an asshole about it and berate you the entire time.
Deer College graduate, ex-anartist, now (begrudgingly) works for the Foundation
Specialises in anomalous art (duh)
Dabbles in Thaumatology as well though the results are...dubious. Don't ever try to criticise his work though, be it his spells or art, or he'll give you hell at work.
Definitely has an inflated sense of ego.
Site director (god help her)
Functionally dead. A walking corpse.
Her undead status was caused by some sort of incident at work, though she refuses to tell what it was (and every time you ask her she's gonna come up with some weird, over-the-top story) and everybody who might have been present during that time is long dead by now.
Yeah, corpses don't age, so ironically enough she's technically both dead and immortal. She's very old, though refuses to say how old. Her past is shrouded in mystery. It's all classified so good luck trying to dig up any dirt on her, you won't succeed.
Technically dead. Covered in plants and dirt. He might still walk and his heart might beat, but the earth knows where he belongs and is trying to reclaim what's rightfully its.
Possibly the result of the same incident that killed Grimora, but both refuse to elaborate on that fact.
Keeps eluding to being a forest deity or some sort of spirit, but nobody truly knows if he's saying the truth or not. Wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen here.
Works some administrative job, possibly a department head, because Leshy in formal wear cracks me tf up.
Literally just a guy
Why is he here
Either very unlucky or very lucky. Keeps getting into weird, dangerous situations yet comes out mostly unharmed.
Some people are starting to suspect that he might be anomalous because of it because What The Fuck Man
Just a guard working at Grimora's facility
Buddies with the senior staff (mostly Leshy and Grimora) but only to listen to the gossip between them and enjoy the bullshit going down from a safe distance
Work buddies with two other guards, Royal and Swayer
I was originally thinking about making Leshy an Ethics Committee Laison (yes girl, employ a rude murderous guy to make sure human rights aren't being violated (too much) 💜) but I think I might give that role to somebody else? They'd have their job cut out for them with these 4
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mickeyhenrysgf · 4 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Summary: After coming home from college, your parents decide to throw a party. At the party, Bucky Barnes stumbles upon a game you’re playing with your best friend.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: age gap, (reader is in college) making out, inappropriate touches and sexual acts, dirty language
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“Noo! There’s no boys allowed down here” your best friend slurred, as she waved her alcoholic beverage in the air. You rolled your eyes lightly, carefully putting her cup down to prevent her from spilling the drink all over herself.
“Come on, sweetie. They’re all talking about kids and shit, I’m sick of it” Bucky announced as he sat down across from you.
“Yeah, well, don’t you think that’s a little concerning for you. Shouldn’t you be settling down...” you blurted, the alcohol already in your system giving you some courage.
Bucky raised an eyebrow at you, before taking a swing of his drink.
“And what about you? Huh? Last year in college and still no boyfriend” he challenged, shrugging.
He was good at this game. You hummed and tilted your head in response.
“At least I’m getting laid!”
“Fuck you, Barnes—“
“Is that a promise?” A smirk twitched against his lips and you rolled your eyes.
You first learned about Bucky when you came home for Thanksgiving in your sophomore year of college. Seated at the table, you noticed he wasn’t the same age as your parents. But, he was still a good 10 plus years older than you. Working in the same place as your parents and living almost 3 blocks down, they instantly became friends. Now as a senior, you also considered Bucky as a friend.
Your friend scoffed at the playful banter before hushing the both of you. “Anyways, Y/N, Fuck, Marry, or Kill” she whined, she was definitely drunk but you didn’t care.
Bucky’s elbows rested on his knees as he looked at you.
“Aren’t you a little too old to be playing that? Or is this some college bullshit game?” You blushed lightly, flipping him off. He chuckled softly and shrugged.
Yeah, so what if you had a crush on Bucky Barnes. It was harmless anyways. His kind eyes stayed on yours, waiting for an answer but you focused on your friend.
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead”
“Alright, let’s make this fun!” Your friend clapped as she giggled lightly at Bucky. “Let’s do— Jake from economics, Nick from the swim group, and Bucky!”
“What?” You and Bucky both said in unison, the two of you staring at each other.
“Oh, come on, Y/N— it’s just a game. Bucky doesn’t even care. Right?” She questioned, as she continued to drink. Bucky cleared his throat and shook his head. “See—! plus, we’re all adults here” she added, looking at you.
Bucky was curious. Honestly. The fact that he would have made a move if you weren’t the daughter of his fellow co-worker was telling. You made him laugh, laugh till tears filled his eyes. Made him even feel younger.
You looked over at Bucky, licking your lips in hesitation. You never fully understood the vibe he gave off. He had brought girls to your parent’s house before. Player? Probably. Sometimes when you visited your dad at his job, there would be a new girl in Bucky’s office. But, that was the first & last time you would ever see them.
“Well, I would do... marry- umm... Jake— because well, his family is fucking rich!”
“Good choice!” Your friend sang as Bucky watched you in anticipation.
“And then I would F-Fuck Nick—” you boasted in a very unconvincing way. It was lie obviously.
“Finally, I would kill you Bucky, sorry, you’re just not my type at all” you exaggerated, making a gagging face. That was a lie too.
“Aw! Sorry Bucky! You know Y/N never really had a type for older men” Your friend teased, finishing her drink.
You looked over at Bucky, your face feeling flushed. You prayed it didn’t show. Perhaps, you could blame it on the alcohol. Your palms releasing an unhealthy amount of sweat as well. But Bucky, He was unphased. Better yet, He smirked slightly. Why the fuck was he smirking , you thought to yourself. You wanted to scream at him. God, and now your back was sweating. This is gross, you thought, swallowing thickly.
“Y/N—? Hello?”
Your friend tried to grab your attention as thoughts ran through your head.
“What?” You snapped as you finished cursing out Bucky in your head. Oh, and he laughed at your mistaken aggression. He’s an asshole.
“It’s my turn” your friend said not realizing that you accidentally snapped at her but Bucky had. He noticed everything.
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You started to clean the basement as your friends left one by one. It was almost midnight, and the party was quieting down.
“Missed something” the familiar voice said as he waved a wrapper in the air. You turned around slowly as Bucky stood, leaning against the basement wall. He shot a smile towards you. Of course, he’d be one of the last people still here. After your awkward game of Fuck, Marry, Kill , Bucky had excused himself out of the basement & went back upstairs.
“Oh, thanks. You can just put it in the plastic bag over there” you went back to tidying the items, but you heard Bucky’s footsteps become louder. He began to give you a helping hand in folding the chairs.
“That was quite a show you pulled off...”
“I’m sorry?”
“Y/N, I’m not dumb” he huffed, folding the chair and then stepping closer to you. You looked up and noticed how much taller he was compared to you. You stepped back a bit, tripping on the chair behind you. However, Bucky caught you. His hands firm on your hips.
He chuckled softly... that fucking laugh again.
“B-Bucky—“ You stuttered, looking up at him. His hands brushing over your skin for the first time. Goosebumps shooting across every inch. God, did he always look this handsome up close?
“You’re nervous-“
“I’m not.”
“So, you actually want to fuck Nick...?”
“You don’t even know how he looks!” He caught you off pulling out his phone.
“Oh, but I do—“ he showed you a screenshot from the university’s website. “You can do better than that.” He tsked as he put his phone back in his pocket.
“How did you even find that?”
He caught your lies. But, why? Why did he care? His hands squeezed your hips, running them up your body and then cupped your face. You felt fragile in his embrace. You weren’t scared, but you were nervous.
“Tell me if you want me to stop...” he looked into your eyes waiting for a disapproval. His thumb caressing your cheek before tracing your lips.
Make the first move.
Your hands pressed against his chest before sliding down until it reached his clothed hard on.
He groaned, pulling you against the wall, his slight hard on resting on your thigh, as you looked up at him with innocent eyes.
“Fuck, You know your father is going to kill me, right?” You smashed your lips against his. You couldn’t care less what your parents thought. Right now, you wanted to kiss Bucky. He licked your bottom lip, a way of asking permission as you opened your mouth, the two of you exploring & sucking on each other’s tongues. His hands reached down to your ass and squeezed on it. He patted it lightly, signaling to jump, which you gladly did. Your hands in his hair, Bucky’s hard on grinding against you, and making you wetter by the second. It was embarrassing how turned on the two of you were.
You pulled away slightly to breathe. Your lips already swollen, as Bucky playfully tugged on your bottom lip staring at you. “Tell me, what was the answer you really wanted to say?”
“I’d fuck you...” you admitted as Bucky grinned, leaning in and leaving small hickeys on your neck, causing you to moan lightly. He grabbed your hand and guided it towards his hard on. You blushed heavily, squeezing him which earned a filthy grunt to escape lips.
“You really thought you could keep this little secret to yourself, I would eventually find out—” He whispered in your ear, his hands running up under your shirt to grope your breasts. You whimpered, tugging a handful of his hair. His hands skillfully unhooked your bra before lifting up your shirt and bunching up the fabric till your breasts were on display.
“You’re fucking gorgeous” He licked his lips, before taking off the shirt and bra completely, throwing it on the floor. His mouth quickly attaching on the sensitive bud, as his other hand gave its undivided attention to your other breast. Bucky spared no time in pinching, flicking, and sucking which only made your arousal grow.
“Agh— fuck... Buck—“ his hands slapped over your mouth, his eyes now much darker than before. “As much as I would love to hear those moans, you better keep your pretty mouth shut” he warned as his mouth popped off from your breasts and went to licking a stripe up your neck.
“Or... You can come back to my place... I’ll make that pussy scream... You want that?” Bucky clearly wasn’t thinking straight. Neither were you. The two of you drunk off of each other’s touches without thinking of the consequences. You nodded as your hands started to palm him through his jeans. Bucky groaned, kissing you once again to shield the loud moans coming from the basement.
“Y/N...! Sweetie...! Are you down there?” You heard your mother’s voice and your eyes widened. Your mother was moments from catching you half naked with Bucky.
“Shit, shit, shit.” you began to panic, trying to push yourself off him. Your heart pounding.
“Shhhh.... Relax” his fingers stroked your cheek in the most delicate way possible before letting you down. He passed you back your bra and shirt,  as his hands were trying to move his hard on in a way where it wasn’t too noticeable.
He cleared his throat lightly. “Yeah—! She’s down here with me!”
Your eyes shot back to him still wide as before, as you quickly began to fix your appearance.
“Bucky, is that you?” Your mother questioned, her voice getting closer by the second.
“Sure is! Your daughter and I were just cleaning up the mess down here” your mother eventually coming down to the basement. A smile on her face as she saw the room spotless. Thank god, the room didn’t have the best lighting because your hair was a mess and your lips were swollen.
“She’s such a good girl...” Bucky stated nonchalantly, his arm pulling you in, as his hands rested on your ass. The nickname causing heat to rise in your cheeks. He squeezed your ass and you gasped lightly, quickly covering it with a cough.
“I’ll be right up, I just have to find uh— my phone” you explained, trying to push Bucky’s hand away from behind, but he only continued to knead your ass.
“Alright, honey, thank you Bucky for helping her out. You didn’t have to” she smiled kindly, oblivious to the actions happening behind you and Bucky before she headed upstairs.
You turned on your heel, quickly grabbing your phone. You tried to head towards the stairs but was stopped.
You released a heavy breath, looking up at him. The nonchalant attitude that he presented to your mother was gone. His hands running through his hair. More than likely, a reality check was settling in. He scratched his beard nervously, watching your every movement, waiting for you to speak.
“Don’t worry, Bucky, I’m not going to tell anyone” you promised, waving your phone in the air. “Text me when you get home...” you walked over to him and kissed his cheek. Before he could grab your wrist you pulled away and left Bucky in the middle of your basement to recollect his thoughts.
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alinastracker · 3 years
for the prompt thing: 62 or 69 <3
you got it bb <3
prompt: I wanted to tell you that I liked you before prom but chickened out and now we’re about to graduate college and I can’t hold it in any longer
i can’t fight this feeling any longer (and yet i’m still afraid to let it flow)
"Mal, I love you."
Alina frowns, shakes her head, and tries again.
"Mal, you've been my best friend for so long, and I love our friendship, but you see, I'm also head over heels in love with you."
She blows out a frustrated breath, her newly chopped bangs briefly floating off of her forehead. Telling her best friend of nearly six years she’s in love with him should not be the number one thing on her mind right now. It’s graduation day, for Saints sake. A day she hadn’t been sure she would ever see. But all she can think about is Mal.
She had met him on one of the worst days of her life. Alina had been transferred to a new foster home in the middle of her junior year of high school. There were few things worse in adolescent life than moving to a new school in the middle of the year — especially in high school, in a small town where everyone seemed to know each other. 
Alina had walked the halls that day clutching onto the straps of her backpack, late to nearly every class because her sense of direction was shit, and had even gone as far as to eat lunch in the bathroom like a stereotypical teen movie, the thought of walking into the cafeteria with all those eyes on her nearly ruining her appetite entirely. She had been stared at enough as it was. 
Her last class of the day was art, and she was praying for it to be the reprieve she so desperately needed. If only she could fucking find it. The warning bell rang, heightening her already raised anxiety. Alina took a corner too fast and slammed right into a wall. No, not a wall — a boy. 
“I’m so sorry!” she blurted, scrambling to her knees to help pick up the papers she made him drop. 
“All good,” the boy reassured her.
Once the two of them had the papers off the floor, Alina looked up and nearly dropped them again. She was looking into the warm brown eyes of possibly the hottest guy she had ever laid eyes on. He had a strong, defined jaw, grown out hair that wasn’t too shaggy, but still long enough to run her fingers through. And Saints, his lips. She was already imagining what those lips would feel like, subconsciously licking her own. 
One side of the boy’s mouth quirked up, just a hint of a smirk, like he was used to having this effect on people. Shit, had he noticed her staring? Say something, Alina. 
“Um, sorry,” she managed finally, handing him the pile of collected papers. 
He chuckled. “You said that already.”
She tried a laugh of her own, but it came out all wrong, choppy and nervous. “Right.” 
The boy stood to his full height, and for fucks sake, he had to be tall, too? She rose from her knees and he still towered over her. It was extremely attractive. 
“So you’re the new girl,” he said, not a question but a statement. “I’ve heard murmurings about you today.”
“Nothing bad. It’s just a small town. When someone new shows up, people notice.” He smiled, stuck out his hand. It took everything in her not to think about how long his fingers were. “I’m Mal.”
She took his hand, her own so tiny in comparison. “Alina.”
“Nice to meet you, Alina. Where are you headed?”
“220B? History of Traditional Art.”
Mal nodded. “Well, I can’t say that’s a room I’m super familiar with. I’m a shit artist. These hands are much better for other activities.” Her eyes must have widened, revealing just how filthy her mind was, because he quickly added, “Sports! I meant sports!”
A look passed between them, and then they were both laughing. It felt so good to laugh after the day she’d had. 
“Anyway,” Mal continued, “I can help you find your way. I might not visit the art hall often, but I know my way around.”
Alina shot him another pointed look, and Mal groaned. “My way around the school! Saints, I’m really shooting myself in the foot as far as first impressions go, aren’t I?”
She grinned, but only said, “You’ll be late for class.” The final bell was going to ring any second. 
Mal waved her off. “That’s all right. What poor representation of Stag Spirit would I be if I let the new girl walk around like a lost puppy? And besides,” he shot her a grin to match her own, “we can’t have you running around, terrorizing other kids and their poor papers now, can we?”
Alina let out something between a scoff and a laugh. “I said I was sorry!”
He turned, walking backwards toward the stairs. “Did you? Must have missed it.”
She shot daggers in his direction, but she smiled the whole way to the art room. The next day, she dared to actually step into the cafeteria for lunch. People were still staring, but after yesterday, she expected it. Part of her was hoping she would find Mal in the crowded space, but she doubted it would matter even if she did. After some social media stalking last night, Alina had discovered what she should have known from the start — Mal was popular. He would already have a flock around him, friends he had known since childhood, who were just like him — attractive, athletic, alien to a kid like Alina who preferred quiet cafes and sketchpads to football fields and pompoms. He had been nice to her yesterday, sure, but that didn’t mean—
Her head popped up, scanning the sea of tables until she saw him, standing and waving her over. Sure enough, Mal was at a table filled with pretty, sociable looking people. But there was a space open next to him, and she realized with a little jump of her heart that he had saved that space for her. 
It was the start of the fastest and fiercest friendship she would ever have. Mal was popular and sporty, yes, but he was also kind, funny, smart — and most surprising, had grown up in the foster care system, too. Alina made friends with his friends, a few of her own from her art class, but none of them matched what she grew with Mal. Suddenly she was a football field kind of girl, dressing from head to toe in school colors for each match, cheering for her best friend so loud she gave the cheer squad a run for their money. Over the next year and half, they were entirely attached at the hip. 
And while it had truly started as a friendship, by the time senior prom came around, Alina had to face the fact: she was head over heels for the boy. Hell, she had noticed how attractive he was from that first fateful meeting. Mix that with how genuinely good she knew he was — how caring, how attentive, how it felt to have his head rest on her shoulder as he fell asleep during a movie; who could blame her for falling for him? 
“You have to tell him!” her friend from art class, Yelena, had insisted. 
“I know, I know.” She sighed. “I’ll do it at prom.”
They were going as a group — her, Mal, Mikhael, Dubrov, Yelena, and a few others from their meshed circle of friends, brought together by the two of them. But Mal had still matched his tie to her dress, a stunning royal blue. Mal had still bought her a corsage — a delicate thing of mostly blue irises, her favorite flower. He was not her date, yet in every way except in name, it felt like he was, and Alina basked in the feeling. 
But as song after song played, Alina found herself backing out each time she tried to approach him. Yelena was shooting pointed looks at her all night, murmuring as she passed her, “You’re running out of time.”
Then a punky pop song came on, one of her and Mal’s favorites. She called him over. “Dance with me!” she exclaimed, and laughed as he all but pulled her onto the dance floor. Neither of them were good dancers, but they were enthusiastic, at least with each other. As the song neared its end, Alina sucked in a breath.
“Mal, I have to tell you something.”
He raised a brow, waiting for her to speak. The song ended, and their principal took to the stage. “All right folks, it’s time to announce your prom king and queen!”
Everyone was cheering and turning to the stage, but Mal was still looking at her, still waiting for her answer.
Alina opened her mouth, closed it, then finally said, “Thank you for the corsage. I really love it.”
Mal gave her a quizzical look, lips tugging down — and was that disappointment in his eyes? Before she could fully read him, his face smoothed, his usual charmed smile returning. “Of course, Lina.” 
“And your prom king is,” the principal was saying, “Malyen Oretsev!”
The crowd roared. Mal’s smile turned sheepish, and he took to the stage to accept his crown. Ruby was named prom queen, to no one’s surprise. Alina watched them dance together in the middle of the room to a romantic song that would now forever be ruined for her. A little later that night, Mal came up to her, said, “You can get a ride home with Yelena, right?” He motioned behind him, flushing a little even as he grinned, to where Ruby was waiting. “I’m gonna head out.”
Alina swallowed the stupid lump in her throat and nodded. Mal pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and then he was gone. She would spend the night at Yelena’s, crying on her shoulder that she had missed her chance — if she’d ever had one to begin with. Because of course Mal would choose Ruby. Beautiful, blond Ruby, much more his equal than Alina could ever be. 
Graduation came, and it was happy. But in all of the pictures and celebrations was Ruby — no longer just captain of the cheer squad Ruby, but Mal’s girlfriend Ruby. She watched them partake in a summer romance that she was guiltily happy to see fizzle out once college came and split them apart. Luckily, her and Mal were off to Os Alta University together, home of the Firebirds. They forged a new friend group there: the twins, Tolya and Tamar, Nadia, David, Genya, Zoya, Nikolai. Mal didn’t really date freshman year, sticking to little flings that Alina told herself didn’t matter. In sophomore year, the tension between him and Zoya finally snapped, and the two of them had a brief . . . something together. 
Of course, Alina had her own dabbles in romance — Alexei being the sweetest, Aleksander nearly making her swear off men all together. Her next two flings were with women, both because she had finally fully accepted her bisexuality and because she truly had lost trust in the male species. She even made out with Nikolai a couple times, but they had both just been using each other. They’d spent one night in a club so obnoxiously all over one another that Zoya had stormed out. Her thing with Mal had been off and on at that point, and the next morning, she texted him that they were off for good. 
Two weeks later, Nikolai and Zoya were dating. Mal was single. 
And still, she hadn’t made a move. 
Alina stares in the mirror now, watching the tassel on her graduation cap sway back and forth. In an hour, she’ll be moving it from the right to the left and leave Os Alta University in the rear window. It hadn’t been easy getting here — nothing is easy for a foster care kid, especially one who wants to be an artist. But she’s done it. She’s graduating with top honors. Saints, she even has a job lined up. Everything she worried about growing up — making a future for herself, being swallowed by the system, figuring out who she is without the guidance of her birth parents — she has faced all of it head on. At every step, she’s run after what she’s wanted and grabbed it by the hands until it was hers.
Everything except Mal. 
And try as she might, she can’t imagine a future without him in it.
He’s not seeing anyone — for now. Last night he texted her, laughing about how Ruby of all people had hit him up. She’s going to be in the city this weekend, apparently, and asked if he wanted to get a drink. It felt like prom all over again.
“Alina, come on!” Genya calls. “We’re going to be late!”
“Coming!” she calls back.
Alina follows Genya and Zoya down to the car, sits numbly in the backseat as they drive to the giant building holding their graduation ceremony. 
“Look alive, Starkov,” Zoya says as they get out of the car, linking their arms. “Today is for happy things. New beginnings.”
Genya takes her other arm. “No pouting about boys unless you’re going to do something about it.”
She smiles, and for a little while, it’s not forced. There’s a rush of excitement as they walk inside and find their seats. Genya isn’t too far off from her, but Zoya’s a few rows ahead. In the rows between them, still too far to talk to but not too far to make out the back of his head, is Mal. He’s talking to the guy next to him, even though she’s pretty sure he doesn’t know him. But that’s Mal, blooming wherever he’s planted.
Alina knows she shouldn’t, but the ceremony hasn’t started yet, so she stands and calls out, “Mal!” 
Somehow, he hears her over all the ruckus around them. The smile he gives her has her heart beating double time. “I’ll find you after!” he shouts back, though of course, she already knew that. Mal always finds her.
As the ceremony starts and a handful of different people come up to make speeches, she finds herself slipping into her thoughts from earlier. In her head, she sees Mal and Ruby, meeting for that drink. They pick up right where they left off. Ruby moves to the city, moves in with Mal. Alina’s there through all of it, supporting Mal like she always has, always will. On the sidelines she stays, watching him as he gets married and has ridiculously beautiful babies. None of it is real, not yet, but the thought is so painful she has tears in her eyes. 
Well, at least she can blame the tears on emotional graduation bullshit as she watches her friends walk the stage, cheering for each of them even though they’re not supposed to. Tamar and Tolya, the latter looking pretty emotional himself. David, who walks quickly even though he’s probably the most awarded student of the whole graduating class. Nikolai, who dramatically presses a kiss to the hand of the Os Alta University President after she hands him his diploma. Zoya, who walks the stage as if she owns it. 
Then Mal’s name is called, and she cheers so loud she’s pretty sure he hears it, if the grin on his face is any indication. Genya crosses, graceful as always. When her own name is called, she’s not expecting much. She has no family here save from the one she forged for herself. But as she walks, she can hear a very distinct cheer from a very distinct voice, and butterflies swarm drunkenly in her stomach. 
In the minutes that pass between her walking the stage and the last name being called — poor Nadia —Alina knows what she’s going to do. No backing out this time.
“Congratulations, Class of 2021!”
Everyone cheers, and graduation caps go flying through the air. Alina tosses hers with everyone else, and then she takes off, pushing through her classmates as they jump and shout, running until she finds the right row, forces herself through the bodies in her way, until she’s in front of him. Until she’s found Mal. 
“Alina,” he says in surprise. “What are you—”
“Don’t get a drink with Ruby.”
Mal frowns. “What?”
“I said don’t get a drink with Ruby!” she says, louder this time.
“I heard you. I’m just confused.” He shakes his head, runs a hand through his hair. “Why shouldn’t I have a drink with Ruby, and why did you run to tell me this right now?”
Because I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw you. 
Because I wanted to tell you at prom, but I chickened out. 
Because I’ve watched you kiss other girls for almost six years now, and I can’t stand to just watch any longer.
Alina doesn’t say any of that. Instead, she presses onto her tip toes, takes his face between her hands, and kisses him. 
Mal stiffens, but doesn’t give her time to worry before he relaxes again, pulling her body against his, lifting her so she doesn’t have to stretch so far anymore. All around them are the happy cheers of a group of people at the end of one road stepping onto another. Families in the stands hoot and holler for their children, wipe tears and think, they made it. 
But for Alina, it’s like being in a room where nothing exists except her and Mal, her best friend, her constant, the most important person in her life. She’s kissing him, she’s finally kissing him, and he’s kissing her back as if he’s been waiting for six years to do this, too. Like maybe he’s wanted her all along.
“Alina,” he breathes when their lips part, their foreheads pressed together instead. “Thank the bloody Saints.”
She giggles, actually fucking giggles, like a lovestruck school girl. “I’ve wanted this since prom. Before, even.”
Mal smiles, shakes his head the tiniest bit. “Me too.”
They laugh, so close that they’re breathing each other in. Two idiots, that’s what they are. But there’s no room to groan about what could’ve been sooner, no room to drown in regrets. They are young, and there is only room for joy in knowing they have the rest of their lives to make up for lost time. Starting now. Their lips meet again. Mal is steady and warm against her. He feels like home. It’s everything she’s ever imagined. It’s better. 
Alina can see her future so clearly now, because she knows no matter what comes next, she’ll have Mal beside her to navigate through it.
He is all she’s ever wanted — her forever person, who won’t leave when she’s being unreasonable, who’s love is not conditional. He is all she’ll ever need.  
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tothemeadow · 3 years
‘the doctor’ / Midoriya x Reader
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Uwu, this is the first official post that hasn’t been imported from the other blog     ( ´ ω ` ) Also, this has been sitting around on my computer for the past two months, so enjoy these crumbs while I strive to finish up the semester!
warnings: NSFW, doctor/patient relationship, grinding, heavy petting, fascination for hybrids?, y’all fuck but I didn’t write the whole thing
words: 3,752
(a/n): hehehehehe add this to the list of taboo relationship works I’ve done
“The doctor will see you now.”
The secretary sitting behind the desk flashes you a smile as you pass by her. The two of you are already on a first name basis, considering that you have biweekly checkups. With a quirk like yours, it can be detrimental to your health if it goes unchecked for too long. You have enough meds in your system to possibly knock out a small child, but you’ve long since grown used to it.
Still, as you pass from the waiting room and into the hall leading to numerous checkup rooms, your palms feel impossibly clammy. Your previous doctor recently retired after spending so many years in the field, and now you were supposed to meet your new doctor. Granted, your previous one told you many great things about this new kid, about how he’ll take great care of you. You’re not too confident in the sudden change, but it can’t be helped. Unless you wanted to suffer horribly, you had to seek some type of help.
Shuffling to room number six, you silently close the door behind you and take a deep breath. Your intestines feel unusually tight, ache with an indescribable force. Despite your quirk being a relatively simple one – doggification, which essentially means you have the characteristics and properties of a dog – your body could never get quite a grasp on it. Despite looking entirely like a human, your telltale features are the ears and tail protruding from your body. Even now, you can tell your ears are flat against your head and your tail is tucked between your legs.
Gently, you sit on the table, the parchment paper crinkling under your weight. Wringing your hands, you will your breathing to ease, your mind to relax. It’s only the doctor’s office, nothing more, nothing less. You’ve been here practically all your life, so what gives? Oh, that’s right – a new doctor who you’ve never met before.
A few minutes pass; nothing happens besides the tick tock tick tock of the lone clock hanging from the wall, the slight hum from the lightbulbs. Your nerves feel raw, your heart frantic, your breathing irregular. You constantly remind yourself that you’re fine, you’re just nervous. You’re here for a reason, after all. If you want to continue living healthily, you need this treatment. There’s no point in chickening out now.
Just then, the door swings open; you jump in your place as you snap back to reality. Pulse quickening, you’re left wide-eyed as the doctor comes in. He’s nothing like you were expecting – instead of some elderly gentleman like your previous doctor, this new guy is young. He’s ridiculously cute, a mess of green curls piled on his head and a burst of freckles adorning his skin. For a doctor, he surprisingly has an athletic build, so you’re left wondering if he exercises regularly or played a sport in school. But oh, the way his scrubs cling to his meaty arms, stretch over his thick thighs. It’s almost ridiculous how baby-faced he is, especially compared to his Adonis-like body.
Without you knowing, your ears and tail stand to attention, curious about this newcomer.
The doctor flashes you a pearly smile as he reaches a hand towards you. “(y/n)? I’m Doctor Midoriya. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Doctor Midoriya.
Yeah, you like the sound of that. And the way your name rolls off your tongue? Perfection.
Hesitantly, you reach out a hand and grasp onto his for a handshake. His hand is large, fingers long and spindly, and his grip is strong. They’re actually pretty, dotted with freckles and striped with scars. Interesting, you muse, wondering just exactly what he did to get scars like that.
“So,” Doctor Midoriya starts, pulling away and planting himself on the stool stationed by the counter, “doggification, huh? You have a typical hybrid quirk, so it seems.” Pausing for a moment, he glances at his notes attached to his clipboard. “But, since you’re part Doberman pinscher, you suffer from dilated cardiomyopathy. The breed usually has problems regarding that, right?”
You nod in confirmation. “Yeah. Apparently, many owners don’t know their dogs have it until they collapse on the ground. I uh, I’ve been dealing with this my whole life, so….”
You really, really like the gentle expression Doctor Midoriya gives you. His cheeks look squishy despite his sharp jawline, lips a delicate shade of dusty rose… Shit, he’s beautiful yet he chose to become a doctor.
“Doctor Torino left his previous files, and I’ve been studying them before he retired,” he explains, drawing himself to a stand. “He was great, wasn’t he? I’m sorry if I don’t own up to your expectations.” Crossing over to the table, he unloops the stethoscope from around his neck and sticks the buds in his ears. “I need you to breathe in and out for me, nice and slow,” he tells you, pressing the cool metal to your chest.
You go through the usual routines, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Doctor Midoriya hums in which you assume is a good way; you can feel your skin heating up whenever large green eyes flick to your face, digging in right to your soul.
“It’s okay to be nervous,” he says, voice low. The deep rumble sets your nerves alight, your insides pulsing. Dare you say it, but you’re disappointed when he pulls away, looping the stethoscope back around his neck. He scribbles something onto his clipboard, his lips pursed in thought. You take the opportunity to study his side profile, the dainty curve of his nose, the angle of his jaw. How big is this guy, anyway? He’s huge for a doctor.
“I’m six-three, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he chirps, tossing down his pencil. He laughs at the startled expression playing on your face. “Sorry, sorry… A uh, a lot of people ask me that, you know? And I typically get a good read on what people are thinking, so… Yeah! Some people used to call me tree in med school! You know, because of the green hair and all…” Clearing his throat awkwardly, he walks back over to where you sit. “How have you been feeling since your last visit?”
Subconsciously rubbing at your chest, you send him a mere shrug. “I’ve been better, I’ve been worse. I’m just bummed Doctor Torino left on such short notice.”
“That makes two of us,” Doctor Midoriya admits, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand. “He’s such a great mentor and all, don’t get me wrong, but it sucks that his time is up.”
Cocking your head, your ears twitch with interest. “Mentor?”
At that, Doctor Midoriya’s face lights up. “Oh! Yeah! I had my internship with Doctor Torino, and he taught me so much!”
“Internship…? Really? I don’t remember seeing you around whenever I had appointments with him.”
“Nah, I don’t think so. I would’ve remembered seeing someone like you!” He giggles – giggles – at his own words, but then it quickly dies down as realization crosses his features. “Wait, wait!” he says frantically, waving his hands before him. “I didn’t mean to sound creepy or anything like that! It’s just that you don’t see hybrids very often, and you’re a dog, and I happen to really like dogs, and I-“ His yammering turns into an incoherent mumble, then, as he awkwardly wrings his hands together.
Heh. He’s pretty cute.
“It’s okay to be nervous,” you say, shooting his own words back at him. “You’re a newbie, right? You’re awfully young for a doctor.”
To your pleasant surprise, Doctor Midoriya blushes. Instinctively, he claps a hand over his mouth and looks away. Again, he clears his throat. “I graduated last year, actually. So yeah, I’m still new to this whole thing, but I want to help as much as I can!” Turning back to you, his flustered expression melts into a determined one. “And since you’re my first serious patient, you can rely on me. I promise to take real good care of you, mark my words.”
You smile. “I look forward to it, Doctor. I expect you to keep that promise.”
Three months. Three solid months.
Hypothetically, you should be thrilled being in Doctor Midoriya’s presence so often. Realistically, it’s pure torture.
How this guy doesn’t realize he’s easily the hottest person in the room is beyond you, plus his personality is downright adorable. It’s funny, really, how you’re the one with the dog quirk yet he’s the one who acts more like one. He gets excited over the simplest of things, and you were quick to realize that he’s a giant nerd. It’s clear that he’s got a brain in that skull of his – and, if you’re being entirely honest, it makes Doctor Midoriya that much more attractive.
His constant murmuring and chippering never fail to put a smile on your face. With every appointment you have with him, you purposefully bring up a topic he’s bound to show some interest in just to hear him talk. So yeah, you might be infatuated with your insanely hot doctor, but who can blame you? He’s kindhearted, smart, good-looking, has a good job…. Okay, and maybe he’s packing down south. It’s not your fault that his scrubs clung to his body that one time. You just happened to notice it.
You doubt he’s doing these kind of things on accident. Hell, Doctor Midoriya blatantly flirts with you, for crying out loud. Well, it’s actually more subtle than that, but the point still stands.
“(y/n)?” Doctor Midoriya calls out as he enters the room, the door sliding shut behind him. Warmth floods your chest as your tail sets off in a slow wag. He laughs at your reaction, that toothy smile of his forming on his face. Just like every other time he shows it, you fall a little bit deeper for him.
“Doctor Midoriya,” you greet. Your fingers dig into the table as you bite down on your bottom lip. He looks good, dark blue scrubs shaping his figure nicely. You, on the other hand, stick to a simple pair of gym shorts and t-shirt. It’s a hot day outside, after all.
As Doctor Midoriya scribbles something down on his handy clipboard, you slowly spread your legs further apart. It’s a slight bit, nothing more, but the movement seems to catch his attention. Setting down his pencil, you notice how his eyes linger on your bared thighs for a moment longer than what’s considered appropriate. Slipping the stethoscope from around his neck, he gets up from his stool and crosses to wear you sit.
“Any problems lately?” he asks, voice as professional as always. Sneaky bastard, trying to pretend like he wasn’t just staring at your thighs.
“Besides the weather, not really. The heat makes things a bit easier, though,” you tell him.
Doctor Midoriya hums. Pressing the end of the stethoscope to your chest, he tells you to breathe in and out, nice and deep. “I’m not hearing any abnormalities in your breathing,” he says simply, switching to your back instead. “Besides the DCM, you’re in wonderful health.”
“That’s a relief,” you mutter.
He continues to go through the regular routine of your biweekly checkup. Soon enough, he’s looking through a scope at your dog ears, checking for any signs of an incoming infection. Try as you might, but you enjoy the way he caresses your ear, leaning into his touch as your tail takes off wagging. Doctor Midoriya chuckles, indulging in your wants and giving your ears a proper scratch.
“You really are like a dog,” he points out, his tone lighthearted. “A cute little puppy.” And there he goes, blessing your ears with his giggle. As you glance at him, you see the pretty blush adorning his cheeks, the gleam of mirth in his large eyes.
For some ungodly reason, you really like the way it sounds coming from his mouth.
“You shouldn’t be referring to your patients with a pet name, Doctor,” you drawl.
The blush on his face darkens. In true fashion, he hastily looks away and awkwardly coughs into his fist. “My apologies,” he murmurs. “If… If it’s any consolation, your ears are really soft…”
A small smile pulls at the corners of your lips. “I’m only teasing,” you reassure.
He flinches.
“Besides, you said you really like dogs, right? I think puppy is cute.”
Doctor Midoriya looks back to you. “…Really?”
You nod. “I do.”
For a moment, neither one of you say anything. The look in Doctor Midoriya’s eyes is unreadable; whether that’s a good thing or not, you’re not entirely too sure. He’s usually easy to get a read on, but like this… It’s nearly impossible.
“Do you mind if we check your flexibility? It’s just touching your toes, nothing more. If your back is out, I’ll recommend some chiropractors.”
Okay, strange. You figure he wants to change the subject – you know, and do his job – so you do as he says, hopping down from the table and stepping away. As you bend over, your fingertips skimming the toes of your sneakers, large hands splay out on your back. You jolt from the contact, your breath catching in your throat. Their movements are calculated, feeling along your spine for any sort of abnormality. You can practically feel Doctor Midoriya’s eyes boring into you; the hairs on your arms and the back of your neck come a stand as you wait for him to do something, anything.
“Your spine feels fine,” he tells you. “You feel a bit tense, though. Do you bend over a lot?”
Excuse me?
You scoff. “I’m bending over right now, aren’t I?”
Doctor Midoriya makes some weird choking sound. “No, no, that’s not what I meant! I meant when you sit or something like that…!”
“I’m teasing, Doctor. Relax.” You wiggle underneath his touch. “Am I allowed to stand straight now?”
You can practically feel the tension radiating off him. “I… Not yet. I need to check one last thing, okay?” Again, he uses that low, husky pitch, the one that reverberates deep in his chest. This is only the second time you’re hearing it, but fuck does it make your insides squeeze and your breath hitch.
Before your mind can completely register it, Doctor Midoriya’s large hands are on your ass, kneading the ample flesh through your shorts. A slight groan slips from your mouth at the unexpected contact. Shit, his hands are even larger than you originally thought, his grip rough and demanding.
“Does it hurt?” he continues, his voice staying as it is, making your brain turn delirious.
“N-no,” you stutter. You immediately cuss yourself out internally. A sharp gasp breaks from your throat as one of his hands grips the base of your tail and gives it a slight tug.
“How about now?”
You wince as he does it again. “Yes, okay?” you seethe through clenched teeth. “Just don’t… Don’t tug on my tail like that.”
“So, your ears and tail are sensitive,” Doctor Midoriya mumbles to himself. “Interesting.”
“Doctor, what are you even going on about-“
At that very moment, those strong hands of his yank you backwards, your ass colliding with his pelvis. Heart leaping to your throat, you’re left scrambling for a shred of reality. Doctor Midoriya leans over you, his muscular chest pressing into your back. He’s so warm, and he oddly smells like mint, but it’s not like you’re going to complain anytime soon.
“This is such a bad idea,” he confesses into your ear, “but you’re just so cute, puppy. You like it when I call you that, right?”
“Tell me to stop,” he continues, a frantic edge to his voice now, “tell me I’m a disgusting pervert. I shouldn’t be doing this, but shit… I’ve been fantasizing about holding you this close.” Subconsciously, he rocks his hips into you, his engorged cock grinding into your ass.
Shit, shit, is this really happening? Your doctor has just fessed up to fantasizing about you, and, to be quite frank, you’re a bit too happy to hear that. It’s not like he’s the only one feeling this way; you’ve had your fair share of dreams over the months, most of them with him in between your legs in some fashion.
Straightening up, you reach back and grab him by the back of the neck, balancing yourself in his grip. A breathless noise fills your ear as you grind back against him, your nails scratching into his nape.
“O-oh,” he says, the sound delightfully raspy as it fills your ear.
“You aren’t the only one who’s been thinking of things,” you confess, your voice sounding equally as strained. Again, some unholy noise slips from his dusty lips, the grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly.
“Puppy… Don’t say things like that.”
You bark out a laugh. “Don’t tell me you’re going soft, Doctor. Acting like you’re in charge one moment and then like a scared little bunny the next. A big boy like you should choose one and stick with it.”
Now you’ve done it. Like merely flicking a switch, Doctor Midoriya moans into your ear as he spins you around and stumbles backwards, ass landing on the examination table with you in tow. You squeak in surprise as he easily drags you into his lap, lifting you up as though you weighed next to nothing. The lustful haze in his eyes is evident, the blush adorning his face making his freckles pop.
“Shit,” you curse, eyelids fluttering as his cock rubs frantically against your ass. Again, another surprised noise escapes your mouth as he bounces you in his lap, his clothed erection grinding against your ass and sex. A sliver of tongue peeks from between his teeth, the gleam in his eyes nothing short of determination.
“This is so wrong,” Doctor Midoriya murmurs, his fingertips digging harshly into your ass. “But you like it, right? Right, puppy? You want me to fuck you, right? Right?”
“Yes,” you grit, fingers clutching at his broad shoulders while your tail impatiently smacks against his thighs. “Come on, Doc, treat me like the good little puppy I am.”
You should’ve expected this, really. An almost animalistic whimper bursts from the back of his throat as he surges forward, shoving his tongue into your mouth. He tastes like cherry lip balm and the lingering sweetness of a cough drop – it’s an odd mixture, but not one that you dislike. Months of built-up tension are finally breaking free from the dam, desperate movements and slurred words quickly taking over your mind. Doctor Midoriya is somewhat sloppy with his kisses, but the way he sucks on your tongue and grinds his cock into you is heavenly.
Fingers skimming over the swell of his pecs and the rigid lines of his abs, Doctor Midoriya shudders at your fluttering touch. You swallow his moan as your hands drift under the shirt of his scrubs, heated skin and a fine trail of hair greeting your fingertips.
Pulling away, Doctor Midoriya pants heavily as you continue to pet his lower abdomen, his cock twitching beneath you. “Wait, wait,” he breathes, hands inching around towards your front, “can we – Can we touch each other?”
“As long as you keep quiet,” you murmur, tongue flicking across your lower lip. “Don’t want the others to know that Doctor Midoriya is a bad boy, hmm?” At that, a high-pitched groan emits from his chest as you shove your hand under the band of his underwear, hand circling around the base of his cock.
“Fuck, puppy, that feels good…”
Quickly following your lead, he slips a hand into your undies; his strong fingers immediately seek out the sensitive spot of your sex, causing your back to arch into his touch. A low, drawn out curse seeps from your mouth as you feel your arousal starting to coat his fingers.
“I guess being a doctor has its benefits, huh?” Doctor Midoriya mutters, tone dropping into that husky pitch once more. Even more of your arousal practically gushes over his fingers, your insides tightening around nothing. Two can play at this game, dammit.
Soon, the two of you are heavily petting each other, wrists flicking and fingers digging into sensitive flesh perfectly. Both your ears and tail lay flat as you pant into his neck, your thighs beginning to quiver with want. Doctor Midoriya isn’t fairing any better, his cock weeping precum as he mumbles incoherently. Maybe it’s the enticing little pants breaking through his puffy lips, or maybe it’s the sinful schlick schlick of your hand around his fat cock, but fuck do you want him inside of you, fucking you stupid.
“Doctor,” you purr, pushing yourself up onto your knees. “Have I been a good puppy? Will you fuck me with your cock and make me yours?” You nearly smile as he twitches in your hand at your filthy words.
Feebly nodding, Doctor Midoriya reluctantly pulls his hands away from you, opting to yank down his bottoms and underwear so they’re stretched around his meaty thighs instead. Your mouth practically waters at the sight of his cock – darker than the rest of his skin and veiny like his hands, he’s just as big as you expected, maybe even bigger. Still, you hastily yank down your own offensive clothing and slip back onto his lap, hovering over his twitching cock.
Doctor Midoriya thickly swallows. “I’m… I’m clean. You don’t have to worry- Fuck, oh my god!” Slapping a hand over his mouth, he groans deeply as you sheathe yourself on him, eyes nearly rolling towards the back of your head at the stretch. Yeah, he’s definitely huge.
For a moment, you allow yourself to grow used to the feeling of him inside. This is really happening; all caution is being thrown to the wind, repercussions be damned. He’s finally in your grasp, and you don’t plan on letting him go any time soon. “You said you wanted to fuck me, Doctor,” you mutter into his ear, your hips beginning to swivel. “Do it like you mean it.”
Again, that determined expression crosses his features. “With a challenge like that, who I am to decline?” Adjusting his grip on your ass, he easily lifts you up and drops you back on his cock, eliciting a breathy moan to fall from your swollen lips. “Don’t worry, puppy – as your doctor, I’m going to take real good care of you…"
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imaginedisish · 4 years
Wish You Were Here (The Umbrella Academy) (Ben Hargreeves x Reader)
A/N: HI GUYS! I’m back already!! So this is based on a request I recently got. I was really excited about this one and decided to write it right away. It’s a long one, so get ready. I hope you all like it!!! Enjoy! Request some more stuff because my requests are OPEN! Woot woot see ya guys next time :) Stay well! P.S the title is based on the Pink Floyd album/song of the same name
Summary: You’ve been kidnapped by Cha Cha and Hazel, but Ben is there to help. (Kinda sort of AU where season 2 hasn’t taken place but it’s pretty different than season one and ah just roll with it LOL)
Warnings: Violence, death, cursing, kidnapping, and tons and tons of FLUFF
Word Count: 3,326
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It’s cold, damp, and dark. The room, or closet rather, that you’re in is unwelcoming and decrepit. It’s disgusting and uncomfortable. The frigid cement floors are stained in certain places with a dry, dark brown something, and you know that stain could only be two things. You hoped to god it wasn’t yours. 
The ceramic tiles behind you were like ice on your practically bare back. All you had on was a pair of baggy jeans and a tank top. You wished you could move, break free. You try to. But the handcuffs attached to the floor by a silver chain quickly remind you exactly where you are. Somehow, someway, they managed to kidnap you. 
You were trapped, alone in a four walled box. No one was coming to help you, and you knew that. You defected from the planned out mission. You got a little bit too cocky. You thought you could handle things on your own. You’ve always been like this, and you always ended up getting hurt. But you were used to doing things on your own. You had been alone your entire life until you found the Hargreeves, or rather until the Hargreeves found you. 
It was no more than six years ago. You were eighteen and fighting all the world’s problems by yourself. You had gone from foster home to foster home, but ran away from the system at sixteen because you just couldn’t take it anymore. So, you were young and alone. 
That is, until you met Ben for the very first time. 
It was in a situation just like this one. You had been captured, just seconds away from defeat, or worse death, when out of thin air some invisible thing and some crazy shirtless man managed to decimate the people you were fighting. You didn’t know then, but it was Klaus and Ben. 
Then, Ben appeared in front of you. It felt like a dream. Klaus was there, too, but for some reason he didn’t phase you as much. 
Klaus kneeled down and carefully began to cut the duck tape off your wrists and ankles. “Th-thank you,” You said to Ben specifically, making Klaus suddenly stop. He looks confused, concerned. 
“You can see me?” Ben asked, looking as if he had seen a ghost. 
“Well, yeah. I don’t know how you got in here or what the hell you two did, but I sure can see you,” You responded calmly, a slight smile playing at your lips. 
Ben smiled a bit, but concern stayed prominent in his eyes, almost as if to say, “I’m watching you, kid.” And honestly, you felt like you actually heard what he was saying. 
And then you realized that you did, because you’re a telekinetic clairvoyant. “Sorry,” You said, looking down. “I read your thoughts just there.” 
He chuckled. “Don’t worry. I still haven’t told you I’m a ghost.” 
That’s when everything changed for you. The night you met Ben and Klaus would become the night you met the rest of the Hargreeves. They decided that even though you weren’t originally one of them, you should be. They let you in with open arms. They wanted you help you grow. They wanted to help you learn more about your powers and how to use them properly. 
But old habits die hard, and you always found a way to piss someone off and completely isolate yourself, all in an attempt to do things the way you liked to. And every time you did, you would end up broken and alone in some shitty situation. You were truly insane, doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. This time, the Hargreeves weren’t having any of it. They left you to handle this one on your own. 
Except this time you knew you couldn’t do it. This was it. The Commission had found you once and for all. You were done for, and you knew it.
You knew it because even Ben had left you. 
Ben usually stayed with you on missions, but this time he didn’t. 
Tears begin to well up in your eyes. You blink just once and it feels as though a million tears come crashing down your cheeks, making tiny puddles on the floor as they fall. This was it. This was how you would go out. It was hopeless. You are hopeless. You can’t help but feel inexplicably guilty. You ruined the entire mission. You made the entire team fall, all so you could go after Hazel and Cha Cha. Now they had you, and they would have the others in no time. 
It’s all your fault and you know it. 
You’re sobbing now. “I-I’m sorry,” You manage to cry out as the guilt grows bigger and bigger in the pit of your stomach. “F-fuck, please I-I’m sorry.” But no one answers. “P-please,” You look up to the leaky ceiling above you, asking some higher power for help you know it won’t give you. It’s pointless. “I didn’t want this to happen, I’m sorry,” You whisper finally as you pull your legs into your chest. 
“Don’t apologize,” A familiar voice whispers, and a warm hand finds its way to your knee. You look to your left and there he his, sitting right next to you. 
“B-Ben, what are you-,” You try to ask but he cuts you off, wrapping you in his arms. For some reason, you were the only person he was able to touch, and you were the only person that could touch him. You wondered if somehow, you were part ghost, but your research into your powers had never gotten that far, and based on your current situation you feared that it never would. 
But for now, you try to focus on the fact that Ben is here with you. You try to focus on what was good, not the fact that you could die any minute now. Your warm tears still slowly fall down your cheeks. It’s uncontrollable at this point. 
Ben pulls ever so slightly apart from you, just enough for him to take his thumbs and wipe your tears from your cheeks. “It’s all going to be okay, okay (Y/N)?” He says softly, staring deeply into your eyes. 
You shake your head in disbelief. “I’m fucked, Ben. I’m done for. I feel so weak. I can barely use my telekinesis. I can’t move anything with my brain at least, that’s for sure.” 
Ben sighs. “But you can see me, can’t you?” He asks, trying to get you to believe that you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. 
“But that doesn’t mean I can take that door off its hinges with my powers and swat Cha Cha like a fly with it,” You say matter of factly. Ben can’t help but let out a slight laugh. His smile sets a million butterflies free in your stomach. It’s contagious, too, and you can’t help but smile back in his direction. 
“I can try to help you out of this, but I don’t exactly know where to start,” Ben says as his tone of voice changes drastically. He seems somber now. He’s helpless, just like you. Sure, there are ways Ben could try to help you, but they pose a risk to you and him alike. If you weren’t careful, Ben could possibly get hurt if he attempted to possess someone. And even if he could possess Hazel or Cha Cha, it’s not like he could do it for long enough. 
It finally dawns on you that all of this is up to you. The future of the Hargreeves, the future of the world. The future of you. 
Any possible future of you and Ben. 
That particular idea stings in your head and burns in your stomach. It had been six years of living with Ben and the Hargreeves, and yet you never managed to let anyone know how you felt about Ben. Absolutely no one knew. And, lucky for you, no one could see. The only one who had an inkling about anything going on was Klaus, and you made sure that he didn't know your true feelings. 
You were nervous that if Ben knew you had loved him all these years, that things would change. You would lose your friendship with him. That could in turn make things awkward with Klaus, and if things were ever awkward with Klaus, they could become awkward with everyone else. The very thought of losing the only home filled with the only sort of family you’ve ever had was heartbreaking. 
And that was a heartbreak you just weren’t ready to deal with today, or any day for that matter. 
You needed to find a way out, and you needed to find a way out now. 
You search around the room for something, anything to get you out. There are windows along the tops of the walls that touch the ceiling. They’re big enough for you to get through, but you don’t know where you are, or who’s going be on the other side when you get out. Ben could help you out with that part, but even if you could get out, the Commission could easily find you and kill you before you get to safety. 
“What are you concocting up in that head of yours?” Ben asks as he drapes an arm around you. “Tell me what I can do to help.” He moves himself as close as he possibly can be to you. You’d think a ghost would be ice cold, but not Ben. Ben was warm and comforting. You let your head fall against his shoulder. 
This is what he could do to help. Him just being with you was a help. You shut your eyes; a few tears slip their way out while you aren’t paying attention. You take a deep breath, and open your eyes back up again. You hoped that when you opened your eyes you’d be back at home. 
Obviously, you were mistaken. 
You begin to hear shuffling foot steps above you. There are a few grunts, a few shouts, and then some more shuffling. You knew it was just a matter of time before they came back downstairs, questioned you, and killed you. 
“It’s hopeless, isn’t it?” You ask, tears streaming down your cheeks rapidly again. Your breath is quick and sharp. You feel a panic attack coming on. “I’m going to die. I’m going to lose you aren’t I?” 
Ben tilts his head to the side as he listens to everything you’re saying. 
“I-I’m never going to see you again. Everything is going to be lost. I’ll be nothing. We’ll be nothing…” You trail off, deciding that it’s best not to get more specific than you already are. Now is not the time to profess your love to Ben. Now is not the time for this. You wasted your chances. You wasted everything. 
You lost and you know it. 
Ben inches his face closer to yours, and places his hands on the sides of your head by your ears. “You aren’t allowed to give up, (Y/N). Giving up isn’t a choice here. Do you understand that?” You shake your head yes in response to Ben’s words. “You’re going to get out of here. And if you have to, you’re going to get rid of Hazel and Cha Cha, got it?” You nod again, but at this point Ben is so close to your face that it’s impossible to concentrate on anything. 
Before you could do anything more, the moment dissolves. You hear footsteps coming down the staircase that you assume leads to exactly where you are. This was it. Do or die. 
Except you didn’t know what it was you had to do. 
The footsteps march closer and closer. 
“Ben,” you say, looking deeply into his dark brown eyes. Then, just like that, the words come pouring out. “I love you, okay? I’ve always wanted to say that, always. I’m so sorry if I don’t make it. I really am. Tell the others I’m sorry, please.” 
“Don’t talk like that, please. I-,” But Ben is cut off as the door swings open. 
It’s Cha Cha. 
You look to your left, and Ben is gone. “Wh-where did he go?”
“Who, bitch? You’re alone and you’re done for,” Cha Cha says. Thoughts of never seeing Ben again fill your head. Your gut wrenches with pain. Thoughts of never seeing the Hargreeves find themselves infiltrating your head too. You know you can’t let that happen. You know you can’t let Cha Cha and the Commission win. You need to survive for yourself, for the Hargreeves. 
For Ben. 
“You’re just a parentless, useless piece of-,” But rage fills your core, and you cut her off.
“Shut the fuck up, bitch.” You shout, shutting your eyes tightly as you concentrate hardly and imagine the metal chain of your handcuffs breaking in two. 
And just like that, they do. Suddenly, you’re free. 
You extend your hand out towards the door behind Cha Cha, and watch as it break off its hinges, threatening to come crashing down onto her. She moves to the side, and aims her gun at you. It takes almost all of your energy, but you extend your hand out again, and as she shoots, you carefully stop each bullet in mid air. 
She looks at you, stunned. “No fucking way,” She ways. 
“You’ll want to run now, Cha Cha,” You say to her condescendingly, but she doesn’t. She stands her ground. 
In fact, she laughs. “The Commission is already on its way. Kill me if you want, but you aren’t getting out of here alive, kid.” 
Sadness fills your stomach. You know she’s right. No one is here to help you. You let the bullets fall. Where’s Ben? You think. 
“…Wish you were here,” You whisper, looking down at the ground as you shake your head. 
“I am,” Ben responds. There is was, right next to you again. He grabs your hand. “I thought I told you that you aren’t allowed to give up.” 
That was all you needed to keep moving. You had a purpose again. 
Cha Cha starts to speak. “Who the hell are you talking t-,” But you cut her off, extending your hand right out and pressing her up against the wall.
“I’m getting out of here alive, whether you and the Commission like it or not,” You say firmly. With your left hand, you’re able to mend your handcuffs back together, and bring them over to place on Cha Cha. You muster enough strength to keep a hold on her while you fix the door and put it back on its hinges, too. 
“So what? You got the door back up and I’m in handcuffs. Big deal,” Cha Cha says. 
You smirk. “You left the keys in the door, dumbass.” You walk over to the door, leaving Cha Cha behind. Ben follows. 
“Oh come on. Are you really doing this? It’s a waste of your time. You aren’t getting out alive. At least let me mercy kill you,” Cha Cha pleads. 
You grab the door handle, getting ready to shut it behind you. “You lost, Cha Cha. Get over yourself.” You slam the door, and lock it up, making sure there’s no way for Cha Cha to get out. 
“I knew you could do it,” Ben says, pulling you into a tight embrace. 
You feel so calm, so at peace. And then, you realize it isn’t over yet. “The Commission.” 
You run up the stairs and realize you’re in some old, suburban house. You don’t remember how you got there or where exactly you are, but that doesn’t matter. You know that the Commission is already probably here. You know that there’s still a fight to be had. You make your way to the front door, and take a deep breath before opening it up. 
The sky is a bright blue. The grass is a deep green. Things are… 
No one is there. There is no Commission. No guns. No one is there to hurt you at all. You turn to Ben, confused. “That’s it? That can’t be it.” 
Ben smiles. “I might have enlisted some help.” 
Six familiar figures walk towards you from separate directions, all covered in dirt and blood. Then you realize that bodies are scattered along the lawn. It’s an absolute mess, but you can only think about one thing. 
They came back for you. 
Five, Klaus, Luther, Diego, Vanya  and Allison all came back for you. They smile and wave from the sidewalk.  
Klaus walks up to you. “You really thought that Ben would’ve just left you for dead? I mean come on! He’s in absolute l-,” But before Klaus can finish his sentence, Ben cuts him off. 
“Klaus, come on!” Ben yells. “Can you and everyone else just give us a moment?” Ben pleads. 
Five shakes his head, overhearing the conversation from his place on the sidewalk. “A moment? I think a thank you would be nice too, you know. Or maybe even a thank you cup of coffee from the one who almost got us all killed because they just had to do things on their own.” You know he’s serious, but you can’t help but smile. As rude as he was trying to be, you knew that Five wouldn’t have ever let you die. 
“Thank you, Five. Thank you, guys. Thank you so much,” You start to say. “I’m so, so sorry. I know I let you all down. And I feel like shit about that. I really am so-,” but Five cuts you off. 
“It’s fine. No one here wanted you dead. And no one ever will. Just be more careful next time, okay?” Five says, and you nod your head in response.
“In other words,” Klaus says, “We love you. You’re one of us.” 
Allison adds on, “And we’ll always have your back.” 
“We’re family,” Diego says, a small smile spreading across his face.
“Yeah, yeah, enough of the soft shit. Let’s get this party moving,” Five says, but you know that’s just his way of saying he’ll always be there for you too. 
“Well, alrighty then. We’ll give you two your minute now,” Klaus chimes in, and the group walks away towards the car that waits for all of you. 
It’s just you and Ben now, standing on the porch of the weird suburban house you were kidnapped in just minutes ago. 
Ben grabs your hands, and holds them tightly. “What I was trying to say before,” He pauses, taking a deep breath, “before Cha Cha came in, is that…” He trails off nervously. “Maybe this isn’t the right time or place for this.” 
You shake your head. “It’s okay if you don’t love me, Ben. It’s fine. You don’t have to love me back, it’s all-,” But he cuts you off. 
His lips come crashing onto yours unexpectedly. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. It’s perfect. It’s Ben. You want to stay in that moment forever. You feel safe, protected. You feel a feeling you don’t think you’ve ever felt. 
You feel like you’re home. 
Ben pulls apart from you. “I love you, I really do (Y/N).” 
And with that you no longer feel like you’re home. You know you are. 
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Rewrite The Stars V
Pairings: James Potter X Hufflepuff!reader
Bold: James’s thoughts
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The biggest mystery of Hogwarts is not how the staircases move. Neither is the biggest mystery that why wizards use quills and parchment when they can use simple pen and paper and owls instead of telephones. Neither is the complete illogical concept of interbreeding between a wizard and giant resulting in the conception of a half giant.
The biggest mystery of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is; why is there a random giant squid in the middle of the Black Lake?
Of course there were some theories.
Dumbledore is an animagus who turns into the giant squid whenever he doesn’t want to deal with being the headmaster. Or maybe Godric Gryffindor himself is an animagus and watched over the kids in the form of a squid. Or maybe the Black Lake was a portal to a muggle ocean from where it comes.
The theories were endless. Not even Dumbledore knew.  
Only three people in the whole world did.
Newt Scamander. Rubeus Hagrid. And Y/N L/N.
In the year 1946, Newt Scamander, who had once been expelled from Hogwarts had returned to its grounds with a mission. A mission he had vowed his life to. Protection of magical creatures.
Now he had sneaked into the Hogwarts grounds with a very small-almost as small as a human baby-baby squid in his arms. He had to hurry because these magical squids couldn’t survive out of water for long, not more than two hours.
He knew he had somebody he could trust to take care of his baby squid. Rubeus Hagrid. Hagrid, a mere teenager at that time, had idolized Newt Scamander and they had quickly bonded over their mutual affection and care for all sorts of magical creatures. And he knew he had Hagrid to keep this little secret.
So Hagrid sneaked Newt and the little bundle he was carrying under a cloak into Hogwarts and he knew the best place for this little beast.
The Black Lake.
Newt and Hagrid had sat around the lake shore for a little over an hour as they watched the baby squid slash around and Newt gave all the necessary information that Hagrid would need to take care of her.
“What’s er name, eh?” Hagrid had asked.
“Calypso.” Newt gave a small smile to Hagrid and a longing look to Calypso and sneaked out of Hogwarts with his little baby Squid, now in the care of Hagrid.
Y/N L/N, being a close relative of the Scamanders was not unfamiliar with magical creatures of all sorts. Her uncle, Newt, would take her on numerous adventures around his suitcase. Y/N couldn’t help but grow attached as her curiosity and love for magical creatures grew.
Seeing her passion, Newt had decided to trust her with the secret of Calypso, hidden in the depths of The Black Lake at Hogwarts.
Y/N couldn’t be more ecstatic.
So from her very first night at Hogwarts as an eleven year old, she had become best friends with the now Giant squid residing in the lake.
She would visit her every other with treats for her that Newt had himself cooked up. And tonight was no different.
With being an animagus came consequences. Consequences in the form of impulses and instincts that James had been familiar with for ages.one of the said instincts was the peculiar urge to take a stroll and graze.
So that’s what James Potter was doing in the middle of the night today. Grazing around the edges of the Forbidden Forest.
Sirius would usually accompany him as Padfoot but he was busy tonight with comforting a heart broken Remus. James would’ve stayed too, he wanted to. But Sirius had kicked him out saying that because he sucks with dealing with emotions, he would rather not have James make matters worse
It all made sense now, why Y/N was crying in the courtyard today and why she freaked out when he asked to get Remus. He would be too if that had happened to him.
But what made him really lonely tonight was the lack of thoughts his soulmate had directed to him today. Soulmates could control their thoughts and send only the ones they want to send to their soulmate. Mostly it was involuntary. But if a person tries very hard, they could stop their thoughts from being reflected to their soulmate.
So, James was worried. A lot.
What could be so personal to his soulmate that she couldn’t even have him know it?
He was worried, but also a little hurt, knowing that his soulmate didn’t trust him enough with it even though he has never hid anything from her.
While James was thinking about it, he saw a figure sitting with her legs in the lake water playing with a…something.
He couldn’t make out what he was playing it but he was curious and lonely and way too confident for his own good. So he, of course went closer.
Thinking that he was in his animagus form, no one would recognize him, and he went and sat next to the figure that turned out to be Y/N…playing with a giant tentacle.
The stag that came and sat beside her stared at her with big Bambi eyes (pun intended) and then shifted his eyes to Calypso’s tentacle.
Y/N gave a gentle smile to the stag and James visibly relaxed when he saw that the tentacle of the Giant Squid was not harming anybody.
Why was Y/N playing with The Giant Squid? Is that allowed?
“Hello. I’m Y/N. And who might you be? I didn’t know the forest had stags. Do you have a name?” James just stared at her and at the hand curled around the tentacle.
“I have a little something you might like.” She rummaged inside the satchel around her shoulder and pulled out a few berries and laid them down in front of the deer.
James hungrily gobbled down the berries.
Y/N chuckled and James would’ve smiled at the sound of her laugh if he was in his human form right now.
“How about I name you Rudolf, eh? No? Too long. Not original even. How about Rudy?” James was too busy marveling at the gentleness with which she was dealing with him and the gentleness of her hand that was still caressing the tentacle.
“Rudy, this is Calypso. She’s a giant squid. Calypso, this is Rudy.” The tentacle moved from Y/N arms and tapped Rudy’s on the head between his prongs twice.
James, for a lack of a better word, was taken aback.
The Giant Squid was girl?! Rudy?!
Needless to say, James was mostly confused.
“I come here every other night when I need to think. Also to feed Calli with treats my uncle makes for her. She’s great company. You’re welcome to join.”
James was positively curious. He has never had any encounters with the Giant Squid except that one time Peter felt something brush against his back when they all were swimming gin the lake. To know that Y/N, had almost daily encounters with her, and fed her too, baffled him.
Guess The Giant Squid was not Dumbledore after all.
“I was just about to tell Calypso what a crappy day I had. It was all good till last night. I was having a blast with my soulmate. He was tutoring me and helping me with my homework till late. Now I thought it was Remus who I was talking to last night but when I went for breakfast and I thanked Remus for his help, he told me that he doesn’t take the subject with which my soulmate helped last night.”
James was listening very intently.  Many soulmates help each other with homework till late, right?
“I couldn’t bear to be with Remus after finding out. I have always wanted him to be my soulmate and I was so happy when I thought he was but then…this happened. Merlin, fate’s such a bitch. But that’s not even the worst thing that happened today. Because I found out who my actual fucking soulmate is. And he couldn’t have been worse.”
James’s curiosity was bubbling in his chest. He had a weird feeling in his stomach as he waited for her to reveal her soulmate’s name.
“I was crying in the courtyard after Remus. It was raining. Apparently James Potter thought I was dead so he came to help me and after I sat up, I burst on him. Merlin, that was so embarrassing. He too was so awkward through all of it. I hate him so much.”
James let out a guttural sound from the back of his throat in protest. He was not used to people hating him. Y/N just thought he was hungry and gave him a few more berries. James didn’t mind.
Calypso’s tentacle now rested on her shoulders as if she was trying to comfort her. Y/N felt like Calypso knew where this was going.
“To cheer me up, he was telling me some random octopus fact. The thing was that, I already knew that octopus eat themselves when they get stressed. The idiot forgot that not all octopuses do it. It’s a disease, an infection of sorts that attacks the nervous system sometimes when octopuses get bored or stressed out because of captivity. He knows that but forgot. Moron.”
James was growing more curious and scared and suspicious at this point. The thing about the octopus was not a commonly known fact and his soulmate had told him that she’s sure no one but her knows that at Hogwarts.
A thought occurred in his head but he quickly brushed it out. It couldn’t be. Could it?
“He told me that his soulmate had told him that fact. I was getting really scared because not too long ago, I had told my soulmate that fact. He was going on about his soulmate. About the things she had told him. And I realized that I had told my soulmate all those things. Lobsters, Basilisks, my unicorn and giant dream that I had a week ago. The fact that I want to be a magizoologist. It didn’t help that this morning my wrist was showing some dude riding the latest broomstick model and throwing Quaffles.  James Potter is the Gryffindor captain and a total Quidditch maniac!”
James was not being able to process everything being told to him. He had had that exact dream today. It was too much for him to take in. Unbelievable.
“James Potter is my soulmate.”
As soon as she said it, it sank into James’s mind. But he still couldn’t move.
“When I realized it, I ran away. I have been blocking my thoughts the entire day. I don’t want him to know. He’s been obsessed with Lily Evans for four years. He’s not anymore, she’s with Xander, but I can’t. I have hated him for three years. He has hated me for three years! This has to be a mistake…”
Only one thought ran through James’s head. Y/N looked down at her wrist as it tingled reflecting the one thought. James looked at her wrist to confirm it.
Holy Shit.
As soon as he saw that on her wrist, he did what his soulmate had done the same morning.
He blocked his thoughts and ran.
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angstyaches · 3 years
Hey can you write a Sickfic where Rin is the sickie and Shayne is the care taker?
For non-Irish/non-Brits, or just whoever didn't know: tights = pantyhose. Londis = a small supermarket or convenience store type-place. Punts = money from before the Euro. Don't ask me "why all the cultural references?", because I don't know.
CW: emeto, food mention, food poisoning
“You okay?”
Rin held back a groan and nodded, her forehead dragging on the car window it was currently pressed against. “Yep.”
“Okay, it’s just – this, this right here, Rin? Doesn’t look okay.”
She lifted her head, pushed her glasses up from where they’d slipped down her nose, and blinked rapidly. Shayne was a little blurry as she turned her head and looked at him. “I might be a bit nauseous.”
“No way,” he muttered.
“Damn it, I was fine ten minutes ago,” Rin whined, turning around to lean her back against the car door. She folded her arms tightly against her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut. “What the hell’s wrong with me, Shayne?”
“Fuck, I don’t know, do I?” Shayne glanced around like a kid looking for a grown-up to come and help. The tiny car park they’d pulled into was attached to a deserted forecourt and a Londis that probably still had old Irish punts in its cash registers.
Rin sucked in a deep breath and let it back out slowly. It had started off as a mild headache that she'd been sure would pass, but suddenly her stomach was cramping so badly that she'd had to get the car off the road.
“You know, I bet it’s just period stuff,” she sighed. “My cycle reacts really badly to stress, and this month’s been… Well, it’s been a lot.”
“Could definitely be related to stress,” Shayne said, awkwardly eyeing her up and down. “Can I get you anything from the shop? Do you need water, or – or anything else...?”
Rin almost laughed despite the fact that her insides felt like they were being pinched and twisted by a giant pair of pliers. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to make you buy private things.”
“Fuck off, I wouldn’t care.”
“Thank you. But I don’t need anything like that,” Rin sighed, working up the energy for a quick smile. “Some water would be good though. Make sure it’s from the fridge and not the shelf.”
“Yes, madame.”
“Merci beaucoup,” Rin half-sang, half-whimpered as Shayne turned to head towards the shop.
She turned around to press her head against the car window again, groaning as her stomach churned. She lifted a hand towards it, dying for some kind of relief from the unbearable pressure inside. She wished she could have ripped her clothes off; despite the fact that the name should have given it away, her tights felt tight under the waistband of her skirt, oppressively so.
Usually, she would have at least glanced around the car park to make sure she was alone, but Rin honestly wouldn’t care if there was. She undid the metal clasp on the side of her skirt, instantly feeling the material loosen and shift around her waist. A sigh escaped, bubbling right from her diaphragm. Rin slid her hand inside the band of her tights, cradling her bloated belly and protecting it from the pull of the elastic. Her skin was hot and her stomach gurgled under her palm.
This was bad, she was starting to realise. Cramps alone, she could forgive, she could rationalise. But the clamminess, the bloating, and this level of nausea were new. She thought back over the morning so far, trying to figure out what could have gone wrong. Charlie had cooked them eggs and bacon for breakfast before she and Shayne had left, but… That couldn’t be it, because if Shayne and his sensitive stomach were fine, then surely Rin would be –
“Oh, no,” Rin murmured to herself. Shayne hadn’t eaten the bacon and eggs. He’d only had toast. Which Rin and Charlie had originally thought was great, because it meant that there was more for the two of them.
As though summoned by its own memory, Rin burped and tasted her greasy, salty breakfast. Her belly rumbled, sending shivers of nausea in all directions and making her skin feel slick. She barely had a moment to let the thought flash through her mind before she needed to react;
It was coming up.
Rin stumbled towards the back of the car, gagging and holding her breath until she was facing the bushes. No way was she going to be hosing her own vomit off the tyres later that day. So instead, the barely-digested chunks of food decorated the waxy-looking leaves that lined the concrete. She heaved at least five more times before Shayne got back, and by then, she was in so much discomfort that she couldn’t help casting him a glare, resenting him for forgoing the food that was causing her so much misery.
“Hey,” he said stiffly, glancing at the bushes and then at Rin. He was holding a bottle of water in one hand, his phone in the other. “So, uh, Charlie called and he wanted to pass on a message."
“What?” Rin snapped, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth.
“He's puking, too. He thinks something was wrong with whatever you guys ate for breakfast –”
“Oh, you think?” Rin exclaimed. She waved a hand towards the sick that was dripping from the branches.
Looking at it again made Rin need to double over again, retching despite her stomach almost being empty by now. She shivered, grimacing as she felt Shayne place an awkward hand on her back.
“Not your fault, babe.”
“Mmm.” Shayne twisted the cap off the water bottle before handing it over.
Rin held it delicately against her cheek for a moment, eyelids fluttering shut at the pleasant temperature, before she allowed herself to take a few sips. The liquid was, in the end, a little too cold for its purpose, and she felt her stomach knot as soon as it landed there. She frowned and rested a hand on her belly, and jumped when she realised her skirt was still undone. It still sat high enough on her hips, but it still felt indecent for a public place.
“Oh, god,” she groaned, fumbling with one hand to try to pull the fabric together and hook it closed. “Sorry, it’s just that it got really tight –”
“Rin, stop, don’t worry about that,” Shayne told her, reaching out to take the uncapped water bottle she was trying not to spill.
Rin let out a nervous laugh, zipping up the front of her hoodie to conceal the fact that her clasp was open. She folded her arms around her waist again, eyes lowering to the ground as every system in her body fought the urge to bring back the nausea.
Shayne scratched his head. “How are you feeling?”
“Honestly?” Rin gulped the bitter saliva that was gathering in her mouth. “Not good. Is Charlie okay?”
“He’ll be fine. I’m worried about you right now, I – fuck.” Shayne folded his arms, frowning with a muted sort of anger. “I’m so sorry I can’t be more helpful, Rin, I can’t – I can’t even offer to drive the rest of the way or anything.”
“Hey, that’s not your fault,” Rin assured him. She rested her shoulder against the back of the car. Vomiting seemed to have sapped her energy and left her feeling like a flimsy pile of spaghetti.
Shayne watched her, squeezing the bottle with one hand and pressing the other against his jaw like he was in mild pain. “I can – I can offer you a hug?”
She nodded miserably.
Rin raised her arms in a drained attempt to grab at the air like a baby until she was embraced. She almost cried at how gently he was able to put his arms around her, while also keeping her upright and taking most of her weight.
"Sorry you're so sick."
"Yeah," she sighed heavily, resigning herself to the pain that was well and truly established in her gut by now. She flinched as she felt Shayne's phone vibrate in his pocket. "You gonna get that?" she asked, thinking it was probably an update from Charlie.
"Mmhmm." Shayne didn't unwrap his arms from her. "In a minute."
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Rhack Story P5-Meet Angel
Moxxi's eye's leveled with Rhys's, scanning him.
"So…. let me get this straight. Jack and Nisha were dating,”
“Then you and Jack were dating.”
“Then you get closer to him and... Jack introduced you to his daughter?”
Rhys let out a low unnerving chuckle.
It wasn’t a laugh, so much as what a laugh might sound like if you left it in the dark for months on end and it started scratching designs on the cell walls.
“Oooh No… Good Guess, I guess? Like I can see how you would see think that. Like, it gets serious then you introduce your significant other to the kids. Right? That’d be Normal? That’d be sane?
As if Jack could ever be normal.
So Nooo.”
He made some mouth-clicking noises on his cheek as he tried to form his words
“She was in a satellite.”
“There’s no other way to start that, he was keeping her in a fucking SATTELITE!
OH God. Um. As you’ve noticed, she is a siren. And Jack couldn’t control her.  And he hates that, but he still loves his little girl, or he thinks he does. So he couldn’t kill her, because he still loves her, but he couldn’t control her so he had to lock her away. In a satellite.
I know I already said that, but it just keeps getting to me that he put her in a prison that wasn’t even on any natural land. It was way out in the middle of space. It was inescapable, she’d have to make her own pod to get out. If that thing blew up she’d have no way of getting out because he wouldn’t leave that amount of escape for her.
I cannot emphasize how much No ONE was supposed to know about her, meeting her was a fluke.
Jack gave me a mission where I was supposed to go inside a pod with a mechanic, and that mechanic was supposed to fix one of our satellites… uh Krios, specifically.
We were taking a weird path to it, it was longer than it should have been, more… arcs. The official reason was that it was supposed to avoid meteor clusters, but that didn’t track. We send our cargo pilots through meteor clusters all the time.
And all we were supposed to do was follow the autopilot to the satellite, fix it up and go back.
And he said that he knew how mechanics liked to cut corners, and he didn’t want the mechanic trying to take a faster path. He wanted us to stay directly on the charted course. If the mechanic tried to take a different path, I was to shoot them in the head.
He gave me an upgrade specifically for the task. It was a gun hidden in my arm. They’d have no way of knowing it was coming.
And at that point I wasn’t sure if he was giving me the task because he trusted me or because I was disposable. I was in a weird place with Jack at the time, It was after the first time I tortured a guy for him. I knew I was a terrible person. And I couldn’t tell if he saw me as competent or disposable.
Because on one hand, I just beat up a guy for him. so maybe he wanted to see if  I’d be willing to kill someone for him. On the other, maybe whatever was important enough to kill a mechanic for was important enough to kill me for.
It went great for a bit. The ship moved itself, and I didn’t have to do anything.
It was awkward. The shuttle was about the size of a small room, and the mechanic and I were just sitting on opposing benches across from each other, trying not to make eye contact.  
She didn’t like to talk, and I was just staring at a corner. I was trying not to get attached just in case I had to kill her, so I wasn’t very chatty either. It was just a job to her. It was just a job to me too.
But half-way through the autopilot shuts off. Debris  is creating a magnetic interference and it’s making the system glitch out.
And the mechanic- she said something like “fine, I guess we’re going to have to go manual."
And I told  her “No we have to wait it out. I don’t know the route and the autopilots off."
She told me she knew the route to Krios, that she’s done this repair job before
And I ask her “Do you know the route we were using, or do you know the old faster route? Because we’re only allowed to use the current edition. It’s company policy.”
And as soon as I say that she looked ready to punch me in the face.
“Are you serious?  I’m losing money while we sit here. I don’t get paid by the hour I get paid by the job, and I got other jobs to do. My company’s going to be down my throat.”
Hyperion is a client of her company’s. She was an out-of-house contractor.
Anyway, while we’re having that discussion the debris comes flying at us. You know, the debris causing the interference? It’s a trash shuttle, a big one, about the size of the shuttle we’re on. And the lid is pointy. I don’t know why they design them like that but it’s terrifying. and it was partially opening so that robot limbs are leaked through.
I froze. All I could think about was  that after  spending so much time terrified of Jack, I was going to be killed by a flying trash can.
While I was distracted, the mechanic, whose name I was specifically did not learn, shoved me out of the way, got to the controls, and steered us out of the way of impact.
Trash compactor collided with a meteor that was behind us. Parts flew everywhere and she continued to steer the ship until we were out of the field of scrap.
Then we get a moment to breath, and the auto-pilot turns back on and kilometers off course.
So based on my mission directive, I had to kill her.
And I got as far as readying the gun on my arm before I realize that I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t be the guy who killed someone after they saved his life. I’d already done things I regretted for Hyperion, this wasn’t going to be one of them.
Instead, I started panicking. And the mechanic thought I was just freaking out  from our near-death experience with the debris.”
Rhys mimicked her  dry gravel the best he could.
“Dude, we’re out of the debris field. We’re alive, calm down.”
“No you don’t get it, we’re both fucked, we’re both dead. I’m suppose- We’re supposed to be killed if we go off path. Hyperion has too many secrets and they don’t like orders being disobeyed, even dumb ones.”
I remember she took a moment to look at my face to realize my panic was real. That I wasn’t lying.
“Fuck, I can’t change my identity again. My sister just adjusted to her school, we just got stable. I can’t do this again.”
I remember her inhale, how quickly she changed from frustration and fear to solid resolve. I remember her looking into my cybernetic eye with hatred, and I didn’t blame her.
“Fine. Fine. We’ll leave. I guess that’s the only option. I’ll take this shuttle as far as it can go, drop you off on some unknown planet, take my sister, and try to get somewhere safe. It’ll suck to restart again but it’s my only option, so lets go.”
Once she said it I realized that the nearby planet she’d probably drop me on would be here, Pandora. And I had to visualize what it would be like to build a life here. And I had a moment of cold fear where I just considered my options before I realized there was a way where neither of us had to give up our lives.
I put my left hand on her shoulder.
“Wait, maybe there’s another option. The data from the mission logs from the shuttle and my eye are probably going to give us away, but it’s going to have  to go through a communication’s satellite first.
I’m going to jam the signal and hopefully the magnetic interference is causing a delay. If I can get to a communication satellite, I can alter the data a little bit to make it look like nothing happened. No one needs to  know we got off course. No one needs to lose their job. Your sister doesn’t have to switch schools.”
She looked skeptical, but she was as desperate as I was.
So, we drove over to the nearest communication satellite.
or what we thought was the nearest communication satellite.
When we were… six clicks away? 400 meters? I noticed that we were arcing away from the dock we were trying to land on and the mechanic told me she lost control of the shuttle.
She lifted her hands up, and the steering wheel kept turning, no human control, and no autopilot engaged. The control panel was glowing a faint blue, so light you could swear it was some odd reflection from the stars.
 And suddenly I got this splitting migraine.
Right now, all I have is glass and this eyepatch. But all the circuitry relating to my old Hyperion-tech eye was tied into my nervous system, all too close to my brain. I’d been getting mild headaches and buzzing in the brain since the start of the magnetic field interference.  But when we got close to the satellite it felt like something was drilling into my head.  
I keeled over in pain and got dark spots in my vision.
Then, while I was on the floor I heard a female, robotic voice say to me,
“I’m sorry I had to take control of your shuttle. There are turrets attached to the outside of this satellite that I cannot control. They will shoot you if you come closer.
I am sorry for your predicament. I am partially responsible.  I am doing my best effort to make amends. I am currently erasing your shuttle’s data systems and your eye’s memory banks to make it look like you were never here. Jack will not find you. It is fine. You need to turn around.”
Do not tell Rita Greene I am here.  Knowledge of my existence will only bring harm to the people who possess it. I am sorry I had to contact you, but it was the only way to communicate.”
I didn’t know what I was hearing at the time. The best I could guess was a highly advanced surveillance A.I. that Jack was hiding, and who had power over my tech. I was afraid to disobey her, and eager to believe something had saved me from needing to rebuild my life on Pandora.
Rita was the mechanic whose name I was trying to avoid learning. I verified that the data was altered, and then I lied to her. Told her I was in pain because I was hacking from a distance. She asked me why we lost control, and I said the autopilot must still be glitching. I’m not sure if she believed me. She believed me enough to see if my plan work, I think she trusted I wouldn’t put my own life at risk.
We turned around, fixed the Krios satellite. Went back to Helios, and no one killed us. No one mentioned us breaking any rules.
I waited for days for someone to kill me, to realize I didn’t follow orders and gut me, but it never came. Jack never found out.
That was the first time I met Angel. I thought it would be the last.
I was wrong.
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