#this little week challenge was so fun (and also the only one I’ve ever completed :P) so thank you Zedweek mods <3
fence-time · 6 months
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Happy birfday to the silliest guy ever :>
Zedweek day 7 prompts: birthday / others series
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paradise-and-cola · 1 year
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[Image description: three character profile cards for the Monster of the Week tabletop game system. Each card has a drawing of the character, their first name, their class name, their stats, and some descriptions. The last names are redacted with black ink strikes.
Card 1 shows Pause, of the Mundane class. Pause wears a short sleeved red shirt with blue highlights, beige shorts, as well as a red, white and blue bracelet. He has square glasses, and two small feathers are tucked behind his ear.
Pause’s stats are: Charm +2, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough 0 and Weird -1. His description reads:
- works a regular 9 to 5
- had a completely supernatural-free life until a woodland cryptid collided with his car
- now travels with Beef and Etho, solving paranormal mysteries all around Canada
- the designated driver
- is the only one in the group who can pass as a "normal" person. don't let appearances fool you, though, he's just as unhinged as the other two
End of card 1.
Card 2 shows ?????? (six question marks) also known as Etho, of the Monstrous class. Etho wears a green jacket over a grey shirt, grey jeans, black boots, as well as a headband and a scarf over the lower part of his face. The jacket has patches of the Canadian flag, the meme rabies pride flag, and a simplified cryptic creature. There is purple skin discoloration on the left side of his face and his left hand. In his right hand, Etho is holding a wrench.
Etho’s stats are: Charm 0, Cool -1, Sharp +2, Tough -1 and Weird +3. His description reads:
- a literal cryptid from the Canadian wilderness. normally a shapeshifter, Etho's been stuck with this half-human, half-monster appearance ever since Pause hit him with his car
- is weirdly good at car maintenance and engineering in general
- needs to feed on blood to survive. Beef, being a butcher, provides him with enough animal blood to sustain him for now... but ultimately, human blood is a much tastier snack
- immune to garlic, silver bullets etc, but is badly allergic to carbonated drinks
End of card 2.
Card 3 shows Beef, of the Flake class. Beef wears a blue baseball cap, a light brown coat, a black shirt, grey pants and black boots.
Beef’s stats are: Charm 0, Cool +1, Sharp +2, Tough 0 and Weird +1. His description reads:
- a butcher by day, a wannabe paranormal investigator by night
- (he's not very good at either)
- knows a lot about the supernatural in theory, but had little field experience - until an old friend called him about hitting something not quite human
- the others live with him for now, since Pause is from out of town and Etho never had a home to begin with
End of card 3. End description]
Here they are, the three heroes of the Monster of the Week Team Canada AU!  I’ve never played the game myself, but I think these three would make a pretty fun monster-hunting, mystery-solving team. I briefly considered making Beef an Expert class, but if you’ve consumed any Team Canada content, it makes it very hard to call them experts on anything...
This is technically for @shepscapades’ hermit redesign challenge, but I’ve deviated from the original prompt quite a bit (the prompt was DND characters and I’ve boldly chosen a different TTRPG system) so I don’t know if I even qualify for this week. Regardless, I’m very happy with this AU. Check out this little introductory comic I’ve made for it, if you haven’t yet.
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trulybetty · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10 Posts
This was really interesting to go through as I really try to avoid anything related to stats - but also fun to revisit some posts/fics I’d forgotten about!
This year was such a transformative year in many different ways, that I’m still trying to process with 2024 quickly approaching. I’m looking forward to seeing what the New Year brings. But I hope it brings me more of the same I’ve experienced here - community building and some wonderful people that I get to call friends 💕
So if you’re interested, check out the following! If you do your own Top 10, please tag me in it! 🙌 you can do your own here!
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1. 879 notes - Jun 26 2023 - Pre-Outbreak/Non-Outbreak Joel (photo set)
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2. 413 notes - Sep 10 2023 - Sequins (Joel)
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Still so thankful for @wildemaven posting that gif - because if she hadn’t Sequins!Joel would never have been created! It’s the gift that keeps on giving. This was also my first foray into anything non-TLOU themed for Joel and I’m still shocked it was received so well. 
3. 306 notes - Sep 26 2023 - Happy Birthday (Joel)
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Written for Joel’s birthday - this was just straight up smut and birthday sex. But hey, it’s canon Joel likes it gentle, steady, nice and slow… so who was I to not give him nice and slow 🫠
4. 237 notes - Aug 16 2023 - Stood Up (Frankie)
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To this day I don’t remember where this idea came from. I was really intimidated to write for Frankie, like I almost didn’t post this! But I’m so glad I did, it’s spurred several other one-shots involving Frankie x Mav and a current (neglected) WIP that I’m excited to get back to in the new year.
5. 227 notes - Aug 31 2023 - Marcus Pike coded Pedro, which inspired this (and number 7).
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6. 225 notes - Jul 6 2023 - New (to me) Whiskey promo shoot (photo set)
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7. 205 notes - Sep 2 2023 - Sick Day (Marcus)
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When I first came back to fanfiction I was so confused by the reader insert format. The last time I wrote fanfic, it was canon characters or OC’s - which is what both Gold Rush and Chiffon (my first) are written in. So in order to try out the format I started with Marcus and what is now the Sweet Jane series. I have plans for those two, I have how they met mapped out in my head, that I hope to explore soon!
8. 175 notes - Aug 4 2023 - Strings (Joel)
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This was another nerve wracking foray - reader insert Joel and because it was a challenge to write Joel with someone other than my OC. It started as a one-shot, that then was three parts, then four and finally finished at five. It’s also the only series I’ve managed to complete 😆. I’m so proud of this one, it has a special place in my heart - this is the ending Joel deserves, living on a little farmhouse being taken care of and a reluctant chicken dad.
9. 167 notes - Aug 14 2023 - A Sunday Night Ramble (text post)
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This was a late night epiphany - where I realised that I was trying to force writing and make my two OG series’ fit into more palatable moulds for others consumption rather than writing the story I wanted. It’s also a good reminder that it’s okay to take a break from something that isn’t currently serving you. If you come back to it two day later, two weeks later or never - it’s okay. You’re not beholden to anyone. This is all supposed to be fun first and foremost, if you’re not having fun then it may be time to step back and re-evaluate.
10. 166 notes - Aug 24 2023 - Drip (Joel)
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I still get sad when I think about this piece. Like real sad. I don’t know if I could write something like this again now - or ever. I was well and truly in my feels with this one. I made the decision to watch a walkthrough of all the cut scenes of TLOU2 and it broke me. I knew what was coming, but knowing and watching were two different things. I do like that I left this one open to interpretation - meaning I can revisit one day if I want, so who knows.
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NPT’s: @wildemaven, @gnpwdrnwhiskey, @rhoorl, @morallyinept, @frenchiereading, @maggiemayhemnj, @magpiepills, @goodwithcheese, @secretelephanttattoo, @sin-djarin, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin, @undercoverpena, @nerdieforpedro, @linzels-blog, @for-a-longlongtime, @avastrasposts​, @musings-of-a-rose, @mysterious-moonstruck-musings​ & anyone else who wants to play - consider this me tagging you in! Please tag me if you do it! I’d love to see! 🙌
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skellebonez · 7 months
A Trip For Two?
The final fic for @lunar-wandering's Monkie Destiny Challenge! I WAS doing 8 prompts per "week", sometimes using both prompts per day and sometimes just one. This one includes:
... a lot fdkjgfdkslj. I was only able to implement a few random ones.
Happy Halloween!
AO3 Link!
“I can't believe you convinced me to do this,” Pigsy said with a grunt, hand held against the wall as he followed it toward their destination through the pitch black darkness.
“I can't believe you agreed to it only the second time I asked,” Tang countered, a soft excited but nervous laugh echoing softly.
To be fair, Pigsy had always wanted to try one of these escape rooms. He just never got around to finding the time or the right one close enough to give it a shot. Why Tang wanted to go to a murder mystery themed one specifically was easy enough, he wanted to give all his recent extra study focus a new target.
He’d been extra focused ever since the incident with Azure, no more cramming at the last second for anything. Granted, he DID change up his method of study from the one that Shifu Subodhi had him work with, but this new one seemed to work better for him in the long run when balancing the rest of his life duties. Heck, he’d even applied himself to helping Pigsy research different methods of cooking ingredients to elevate his noodles even further.
But he’d also been getting antsy. Not just because of any reason related to his studies, though he was getting more and more frustrated with not “having a better fitting challenge” every so often, antsy with all the stuff going on around them. The constant endangerment, new enemies at every corner, new powers he seemed to continue to need to master and experiment. He thought they needed something that Pigsy hadn’t had in decades.
A vacation.
So, of course, Tang figured he could kill two birds with one stone. An escape room meant a challenge he could meet head on. And this one was offering a prize to anyone who could beat it within a certain time limit. One romantic getaway for two in Guilin, where Tang promised to take him to the Yulong river when they win this.
Tang was overwhelmingly positive they would.
Pigsy had… reservations.
“Tang, you know I’ve never been good with riddles,” Pigsy protested with a snorting laugh.
“No, but you ARE good at problem solving in other ways!” Tang boasted as he looked their pamphlet over. “I’ve seen you somehow manage to Tetris in all those ingredients in your supply cabinet for the shop.”
“That’s just work brain.”
“Well your work brain and my school brain may be brilliant enough to solve this challenge and get us that romantic getaway prize.”
Pigsy couldn’t help the soft smile that crept on his face at Tang’s boasting. It was sweet, how much confidence he had in the two of them.
But Pigsy also knew that as brilliant as he knew Tang to be… he also got stuck on the crossword puzzle on the city’s homepage last week. Three letter word for mirthful.
The answer way “gay”.
They were, probably, doomed. But at least this would be fun!
Pigsy chose to believe that as they finally reached the doorway at the end of the hall, Tang eagerly opening the door to allow them inside the main escape room.
The room wasn't terribly big, all things considered. Roughly the size of the entire dining area and kitchen of Pigsy’s, it was styled like a typical western study one might see in a mansion in an American movie. If it was horribly ransacked and clearly burgled, and also meant to look possibly Haunted. If the old stains and spider webs and the creepy doll on a shelf by the exit were any indication.
So Pigsy had to give the Escape Room crew points for detail! Just crowded enough to look realistic, but not so crowded it would make the game too hard to complete at all. But it did make it clear why this room took over the prize time limit to complete for most participants. Even he was a little overwhelmed and wondering where they should start looking in all of the clutter around them.
It didn't take long for them to find the first clue, or to solve it. Ironically, it seemed like this particular one was timed and they just had to wait a moment for the TV to come on to find the next clue. In fact... most of the clues in the room seemed to come easy to them.
Right until the 6th clue, a note in a vase lead them to a riddle on the wall and, quite frankly, it made no sense.
“I made quick work of the mountain chicken to hide my motive.”
Pigsy didn’t know what the hell this clue could have meant. If a mountain chicken wasn’t a chicken… what the fuck was it? Some other kind of bird? A lizard? A salamander?
“It’s a frog,” Tang said confidently.
“How in the world did you know a mountain chicken is a frog?”
“I didn’t,” Tang said with a shrug. “But this reference book fell off the shelf and the bookmarked page was for that frog. It’s probably meant to be a clue for people who don’t know that already, it falling saved us a LOT of time!”
Yeah… just like how the TV coming on via a supposed timer gave them the clue earlier…
Was this game rigged?
... couldn't be.
But, somehow, it was right there. A broken statue of a frog that looked exactly like the Mountain Chicken in Tang's reference book. And hidden inside one of the cracks was a torn slip of newspaper, revealing who Pigsy assumed must have been the culprit and their motive for this little murder mystery.
“Hey Tang?”
“Yes, Pigsy?”
“Hasn't this seemed a little... too easy?” The chef asked, eyebrow raised in confusion.
“I think we've just gotten really lucky,” Tang said with a smile. “And we HAVE had to puzzle out all but two of the clues ourselves anyway. We're also still really close to the end time and we have one clue left...” Pigsy hummed, nodding as he realized Tang was right. They may have gotten everything pu t together, but they only had 5 minutes to put the clues together in the correct order in the little computer next to the exit door. They were still going to have to work fast to win this challenge.
As they rushed over to the computer he couldn't help but see Tang's wide smile. He was so EXCITED at the idea of winning this. Was he just happy that he could win something that he had to solve? Or was he happy that he was possibly going to win a romantic getaway with his husband? Pigsy didn't know...
But as long as Tang smiled like that? He found he didn't really care either way. He just wanted him to smile more.
“OK, so we have to put this together like... oh gosh, it's Cludo,” Tang said with a laugh. “We have to put all this stuff in like a Cludo answer but with more steps.”
“Well that's easy!” Pigsy said with a laugh. “Mr…uh… what was his name?”
“Yeah, Chandler!”
“AH, right, Mr. Chandler stole the study key and killed Mr. Doe -aka Mr. Bennet-, in the kitchen with poison and moved him to the study to make it look like the owner of the mansion did it since only he had the key!” Tang said triumphantly. “Great job, Pigsy!”
He smiled wide, turning around to grab Pigsy and plant a passionate kiss on his lips and-
Pigsy pulled back from the kiss as the exit door opened, looking at Tang in confusion.
“I… I didn't remember his name,” he said softly.
“… I didn't either,” Tang admitted, looking around in confusion.
“Then who-”
“You're going to miss your deadline,” the mystery voice said again. From high up. And when they looked up they noticed the creepy doll on the shelf had moved, turning to stare down at them with blank glassy eyes. “… run.”
Pigsy and Tang ran faster out of that room than they ever had before. So fast they didn't notice the giggle and the soft whisper of “I hope they like their vacation” they emanated from the room before the door closed behind them.
They did, by the way.
Even if they were very cautious of escape rooms after that.
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ofliterarynature · 8 months
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[ loved liked okay no thanks DNF (reread) bookclub*]
Witch Week | A Perilous Undertaking | 2 AM At the Cat's Pajamas | The Last Sun | The Lives of Christopher Chant | The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo* | (The Angel of the Crows) | The Enchanted April | The Art of Prophecy | A Curious Beginning | Q's Legacy | The Grimoire of Grave Fates | Charmed Life | Ocean's Echo | (Band Sinister) | (Unfit to Print) | Camp Damascus | Wanted, A Gentleman | Translation State | The Mistress of Bhatia House
I’m late I’m late I’m late! Oops
It’s only a month late, right? ‘Only’ lol, work has been exhausting! Anyways:
At this point I wonder if Ann Leckie can ever do wrong, Translation State was good! I was completely enthralled, which is all I ask, even if I don’t get as passionate about it as the main trilogy.
I continued the KJ Charles reading, with these supposed stand alones that are also kind of related? Honestly it’s no less of a stretch than Society of Gentlemen to Lilywhite Boys, so I don’t know why she can’t officially list them together. Anyways, mostly fine, and Band Sinister is still a delight!
Camp Damascus…I’m thrilled for Chuck, really, and I think he’s a delight to follow, but this one wasn’t for me. Religious trauma is turning out to be a hard no.
Ocean’s Echo was good! In some ways I definitely thought it was better than Winter’s Orbit - miscommunication is the worst I’m sorry, this story was more consistently engaging! I just like the characters from WO a bit more.
Chrestomanci! I’ve been going by the suggested reading order on Goodreads, and while I wasn’t particularly enthused by Charmed Life, once I had a grasp on the world the other books have been fun! Im very sad this might be my last DWJ, as I seem to have exhausted my library’s collection of her audiobooks :(
Grimoire of Grave Fates had a really interesting premise that lured me in, despite my reservations - an anthology where all the stories work together to solve the mystery of a murder at a magic boarding school? I thought it worked fairly well (and could definitely spin itself out into a series of novels), but just ok for me. Maybe one day I’ll finally concede I can’t read YA or boarding school books anymore.
Q’s Legacy was the last (I think) of the 84 Charing Cross Road books, and honestly the worst. It had its interesting moments, but it lacked the cohesion of the other two, speed,-running the before and during of those stories, to then spend the second half on the adaptations. It was not at all what the descriptions led me to expect. Maybe worth a single read but not a revisit.
I will also be honest, I didn’t really like the first Veronica Speedwell! The plot felt a bit contrived, and Veronica was so blunt as to almost read as rude or mean. Also very unexpectedly…clinically horny? Does that make sense? I’m not quite sure what prompted me to continue, but I’m now several books in and enjoying it! To be blunt myself, the historic setting is just set dressing, the plots can feel contrived, the mysteries are mediocre, but the real draw is the Veronica and Stoker show once they get themselves settled in and comfortable with each other. It’s a hoot.
I’d heard good things about The Art of Prophecy, but I still didn’t know quite what to expect going in. It was wonderful. Maybe a little long, but if you’re looking for a fantastic fantasy with lots of fight sequences, no romance, and some fascinating characters, this is a great read. The sequel comes out soon and I can only hope it doesn’t take as long for my library to get the audiobook as it did for this one.
I don’t know where I first found An Enchanted April, but it’s been on my TBR for a little bit, and I thought it would be the perfect fit for my classics challenge I gave myself this year! It wasn’t what I expected at all - it’s entirely character driven and very focused on their flaws, and the entire first half I thought I was going to hate it. But the second half, there’s a twist, almost, born of some very  naïve optimism that nonetheless works out. Very improbably, but I was happy for them, you funky little weirdos. 
What can I say about The Angel of the Crows except that it is still very good! It’s maybe lost a little of the shine it held when I got obsessed with it for a few months last year, but it is definitely now one of my comfort books. I really ought to read more canon Holmes though lol.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was, to be fair, one of my suggestions for book club. It was OK, but there were definitely parts that really did not work for me, the frame narrative in particular. The other members of the club really liked it but I don’t have any plans to read more of the authors work.
I’m almost tempted to put The Last Sun last just so I can yell more. I’d heard such good things about this series, but turns out my expectations were a bit skewed - it is not historical or secondary fantasy world, oops. So we got off to a bit of a rough start, not to mention all of the Capital Words. Not usually a good sign. And while I still wouldn’t say I love the worldbuilding necessarily, or that these are the next great work of fantasy, the action is really great, and the characters are flipping fantastic. You’ve got a pair of 30 year olds who are bad ass fighters, have a traumatic past, are immature assholes, can be so so kind, and accidentally adopt a posse of troubled teenagers? Sign me up, I love them, this reminds me so much of my days reading tons of Teen Wolf fanfic AUs.
My history with 2 AM At the Cat's Pajamas is that they cannot stop recommending this thing on the Book Riot podcasts. When I found a copy at Goodwill, I thought surely it’s meant to be! Well. It was not bad, but it was not great. I don’t know. It just wasn’t for me and I will not be keeping my copy. I probably should have DNF’d it, but I continued in hope.
Only one actual DNF this month though, The Mistress of Bhatia House - the newest Perveen Mistri book. I was actually fairly excited for it despite my reservations about the earlier books, but I hit a mental roadblock with this one. There was some contrived feeling tension with her sister-in-law, but really, I realized that one of my main problems with this series is that, despite being in a very precarious social position, Perveen is just incredibly reckless - usually in the name of doing good! - but it just hit all the wrong nerves at the moment. I’m hoping there will be a better time to read this, but not right now. 
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lo-fi-charming · 2 years
fitting things together
This is part of my long-running jondaisy series, tangled weeds in concrete cracks. However, the theme for this segment happened to be perfect for @jondaisy-week, since one of today's prompts is friendship.
Read on AO3
Note: this fic is rated T for references to sex; jon and daisy are in a dom/sub relationship.
One Thursday evening finds Daisy at Jon’s flat. The two of them have an early dinner and, upon finishing, Jon pitches his suggestion for how they should spend the rest of their evening: working on a puzzle. 
It’s funny, because Daisy doesn’t think she’s ever actually done a puzzle, either by herself or with help from someone else. When she admits this, Jon looks so shocked it makes her laugh, and suddenly the puzzle is no longer a suggestion, it’s a required activity. 
An hour later, they’ve got three sides of the border finished. Jon supplies most of the conversation, describing how his grandmother used to bring home bags of puzzle pieces from charity shops for him to work on, usually three or four at a time. 
“I didn’t think about it until I got older,” Jon tells her, scrutinizing a dull grey piece to decide where he ought to sort it, “but I realized she must have been buying puzzles without their original boxes on purpose. The ones she gave me were always second-hand in resealable bags. Of course, I have no way of knowing for sure, but I strongly suspect it was so I didn’t have the pictures they put on the box for reference.” 
“Why? Does that make it more fun?” Daisy asks. 
Jon shrugs. “I always thought it was fun. It was challenging in a way I enjoyed; I liked that I had to figure out what the picture was on my own, and the only way to know was to put most of it together.” 
His tone is a little different when he adds, “I think she did it to make sure it took me longer. So I’d spend more time on the puzzles. It’s more difficult when you don’t have a reference. I’ve also considered that, if I had the box to look at, I might not have been interested in constructing the puzzles in the first place, since I already saw the complete image. Knowing how I used to be, I would understand if Nana thought the same.” 
It’s a bit quiet after that as the two focus on filling in one splotch of green and brown. Then Daisy asks, “Did your nan ever do any of them with you?” 
Jon chuckles. “Yes, once! She’d gotten me a rather large puzzle… I think it was, ah, perhaps one-thousand pieces? I remember it was of a garden with a bird bath and brick wall, so a lot of green with dozens of other colors involved — particularly difficult to finish without a reference. She let me start it out on the dining room table because that was the only flat surface big enough for the puzzle. I worked on it for three days and threw a fit whenever she tried to convince me to give up so she could use the table. Eventually she just sat down and started helping me. We managed to finish it the next day. I think she was more careful about getting me smaller puzzles after that.” 
“Mm. This one looks like it’s a garden, too.” 
“I think it is.” 
Daisy glances over at him, one brow raised. “Don’t have a box to look at?” 
Jon smiles. “Of course not. Where’s the fun in that?” 
They continue to work and continue to talk. It’s still a bit strange, but not so much anymore. Daisy’s gotten used to coming over to Jon’s house for just… this. Spending time together. There are still days where they do something like pull out Jon’s ropes or negotiate a scene to try later, but more often than not, Daisy just comes over to have dinner and hang out. It’s not something she’s used to. The only other person she ever voluntarily spent this much time with was Basira. Even then, it wasn’t quite like whatever it is now, with Jon. 
For a while, Daisy wasn’t sure how she felt about all this. It was oddly nerve-wracking, being around Jon without having a clear idea of what he was expecting from her. It felt like she was being stupid, making up problems and having unwarranted feelings. But when she made herself bring it up to Jon, he admitted he had similar worries, like concerns over monopolizing Daisy’s time without offering anything in return. Which was ridiculous, of course, and she’d told him so, and he’d told her she was being a bit ridiculous, too. So maybe they should both try to stop being so silly about it. 
So… yes. It is getting easier. To just be Daisy, with Jon, and not Jon’s dom. To spend time with just Jon, not one of her subs. To do boring, normal things like work on a puzzle. 
At some point, when they’re about halfway finished and Daisy is busy trying to find where one piece — unhelpfully solid green — is meant to go, Jon speaks up. “Can I ask you something?” 
Daisy grunts in acknowledgement, testing the puzzle piece in one spot. It doesn’t slot in, and she clicks her tongue against her teeth. 
“Do you… Would you be interested in, um…” 
Daisy turns to him. “Spit it out.” 
“I wanted to ask you if you might be interested in going somewhere with me this weekend. You’re free on Saturday, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah. Sure, I guess.” Daisy narrows her eyes at him. “But you’re nervous about asking. Why?” 
“Well.” Jon delays by putting three pieces where they belong. “Martin would be there, too. And, uh, Timothy Stoker and Sasha James, my other co-workers.” 
“So you’re inviting me to…”
“Drinks. At a pub near work. A-and I know you don’t like to drink alcohol, but you wouldn’t have to — Martin doesn’t, either, so you wouldn’t be the only one. Mostly it’s, uh, something we’ve been doing more often. A social thing. And I thought…” 
“And you thought…? What, you’d just bring your dom along as a fun surprise?” 
Jon twitches in that way he does when he’s abruptly flustered or scandalized. “No! O-obviously not— I mean, they wouldn’t know—”
Daisy snickers, leaning back against the sofa and stretching her legs beneath the coffee table. “Well, what are you supposed to tell them? I mean, what did you tell them?” 
“I asked Martin if I could bring someone the next time we got together,” Jon hastily explains. “And he guessed. Somehow. I mean, he asked me if I meant you, and I said yes. He said it was fine with him, and he seemed sure Tim and Sasha wouldn’t mind either.”
“So what if they ask who I am?”
Jon gestures to her blankly. “You’re… Daisy?” 
She gently slaps his knee. “No, Jon— How are you going to explain how you know me? What if they ask how we met?”
Jon fumbles for an answer, looking cross with Daisy for pointing out the issue in the first place. She laughs again. Mimicking his accent, she says, “Good evening, everyone, yes I’m here, and I brought along my—” 
“—my, my booty call—”
Daisy snorts, laughing harder when Jon shouts at her in despair. “That’s what I am though, isn’t it? You call me for sex and I come over.” 
“That is not what you are! Goodness gracious, don’t say that ever again!” Jon whines. “Booty call... I hate that.” 
“Well then, what do you call me?”
Jon huffs, shifting so that he’s on his knees instead of cross-legged. He pointedly finds an edge piece and leans over the table in search of where to put it along the border. “I call you my friend, because that’s what you are!” 
Daisy keeps chuckling, and then she keeps doing the puzzle. But at some point, she stops. Jon continues on without her, making a self-satisfied humming sound when he finally completes the border of the puzzle. Daisy can make out the edge of a rose trellis now, and something that might be a songbird. 
Jon notices Daisy’s stillness. He looks over at her, straightening out his legs with a little frown of discomfort. After another moment, he shyly asks, “We are friends, aren’t we?” 
“...Yeah,” Daisy agrees. “I think so.”
“That’s why you want me to come along?” 
“Well.” Jon fidgets, sorting pieces by color to keep his hands busy. “More or less.” 
To meet his other friends. To have Daisy meet the people he works with, to possibly become part of the group. Daisy doesn’t feel confidant in that happening, but… “Sure.” 
“You’ll come?” 
“Yeah. What time?” 
Jon tells her, and Daisy makes a mental note. Then they get back to work, finding flowers in the scattered pieces and unscrambling a cloudless sky. 
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rockinlibrarian · 1 year
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
This was an Ask Game Thingie from a couple weeks ago, but it's a yearly round-up thing, and Back In My Day on LiveJournal we used to pass around surveys like this and answer EVERY QUESTION, whether or not anybody Asked you any, and Year-End ones were great for, you know, wrapping up the year, and ultimately led me to writing full Year-End Wrap-up Posts that span a ton of different categories-- this year's coming later this week! So I've gone and filled out this whole thing because it's MY year-end wrap up and I can do it my way and have it on my blog like so!
How many words have you written this year? The word count on AO3 for 2022 says 51,282, but I assume this includes ALL the words of “Exploration of the Astral Plane” still even though only 3 of the seven chapters were actually published this year, and most of those were also WRITTEN last year. Likewise, I’ve WRITTEN a whole lot of words this year that have not been published yet (and will they ever be, one wonders?) So, grain of salt it.
2. How many works did you publish this year? Seven total listed works. That includes three new chapters of one work I originally published last year (see previous question) and three chapters of a work I haven’t completed yet (see next question). Five self-contained works (a couple of which have two chapters, but at least I published both this year. Wait, that’s a lie: “Chapter 2” of “Everything I Know About Writing the Loudermilk Twins” is actually the essay I put in the “Memory Work” Zine a few years back). Anyway, there are seven individual titles listed under 2022 on AO3.
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? “A Captain With Seven Children”— because first off the concept is brilliant and kept getting more brilliant as I wrote, but can one really take credit for concepts, specifically considering I just happened to dream this one? But I took this seemingly-crack concept seriously, and that’s what led to bringing the inherent brilliance of it out. Secondly, it’s both so much fun and a nifty challenge to take the script of one of my favorite movies and see how it can be adapted to fit characters of a completely different time and culture and— only slightly different situation? One would think it’s a REALLY completely different situation, but the fact that it’s not SO far off after all is part of what makes it so much fun.
4. What work of yours has the most hits? “Not Just Stupid Kids,” which is ironic because I originally posted it anonymously. It would also have the most kudos if you discount what I believe is a weird glitch on somebody’s bookmark of “Chapter 19.5: Hidden. Safe. Somewhere,” which, don’t get me wrong, is a perfectly nice little fic, but it’s a throwaway interstitial thing for Legion which has a teeny fandom anyway, and there’s NO WAY it could get that many kudos naturally when there are so many better Legion fics to choose from. Apparently if you’re not signed in, you can kudo as a guest as many times as you want? And there’s one guest I believe has been through all my Legion fics multiple times this year, and kudoed them every time. But perhaps every time they open the link to “Chapter 19.5” it automatically kudos it again. This is the only sensible explanation.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? CLEARLY “Not Just Stupid Kids,” considering, like I said, I first posted it ANONYMOUSLY. Normally I post a ton of links on social media when I post something on AO3, “Hey everybody, come READ WHAT I WROTE!” but since I was embarrassed by that one (it’s a non-canon ship! I don’t DO those!) I didn’t. And somehow THAT one took off completely. I pondered, is it because it’s a ship? People follow specific ships? But the non-anonymous sequel has gotten a fraction of the reaction. Which can only lead me to conclude one thing: MAYBE IT’S ME PEOPLE DON’T LIKE.
6. Favorite title you used: Hmmm. I’m kind of torn: I liked coming up with a Community-formatted title, but I couldn’t decide between “Introduction to Eternal Crossover” and “Introduction to Infernal Crossover” so I combined the two, but I actually like either of the two separately better than the combination I went with in the end. So it’s more like my favorite potential title. I’m also strangely fond of “High on a Roof Stood a Lonely Seven,” which is the next chapter of “A Captain With Seven Children,” but is, barring miracles, not going to be actually posted until 2023.
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Speaking of which, that would be Rodgers and Hammerstein. And that only because I’m specifically parodying “Sound of Music” lyrics. I hadn’t noticed that so many people name their stories and chapters after song lyrics until after I made this decision, and now I’m like, Come ON, at least MINE is a DIRECT reference to the story I’m writing.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Fiktor, ie Five and Viktor Hargreeves, ie the ONLY pairing I wrote this year, with a grand total of TWO. Non-canonical and should be completely ridiculous, so basically both fics are me trying to work out WHY the heck I love the concept of them together so much.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Well that goes without saying, then, doesn’t it?
10. What work was the quickest to write? If Scrivener history is to believed, I created the file for “Not Just Stupid Kids” —called “Unrelated Fiktor”— on July 31, and according to AO3, I published the first part (which I thought would be the whole thing) on August 1, so apparently I really WAS just trying to get it out of my system. I ended up adding “chapter” 2 on August 8, which ties it at 8 days with “Intro to Eternal/Infernal Crossover.”
11. What work took you the longest to write? “Exploration of the Astral Plane,” which according to my Scrivener history I started writing on 3/29/2020, and finally finished in September this year. Granted, it’s also seven chapters long, but I also apparently started writing the last chapter on 3/15/2021. That last chapter was close to finished for a very long time. It was just the penultimate chapter that was taking so long.
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Well, I count six unfinished stand-alones in Scrivener, and a couple more in Word (those are the OLD ones), and two multi-chapters that have already started being posted but just need to be finished. But whether they’ll specifically happen NEXT YEAR? We’ll see.
13. What’s your longest work of the year? Technically “Exploration of the Astral Plane” at 13,008 words, but not all those words were published this year. Only 5,417 words were, and about a third of those were written last year. So “A Captain With Seven Children” steals with 11,371 words published so far, and that’s only halfway done.
14. What’s your shortest work of the year? “Introduction to Infernal and Eternal Crossover” at 1,263, which edges out “Chapter 19.5” by 7 words.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Is this a different question from #12?
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? “Backstory”— this is true both for this year and total. Some people write fanfiction to imagine characters’ futures— I tend to write it to figure out their pasts. Go figure.
17. Your favorite character to write this year? I was going to say Oliver Bird out of force of habit and then I realized I haven’t actually written much for Oliver this year, considering he was unconscious for most of it.* My real answer when I think of it is probably Hypnos God of Sleep, but I haven’t actually finished that fic yet, even though it was supposed to be a quickie (it’s almost done! But LIFE happened). As for characters that aren’t basically OCs (yes I didn’t invent Hypnos, but I did invent his personality for my story), writing the Hargreeveses as children is always fun. Peeling back the later influences on their personalities to the roots of who they are, including things that hint at future developments— and also they’re funny. *I just re-read Chapter 6 of “Exploration,” which is the one chapter I wrote ENTIRELY this year, and Oliver actually spends a good portion of that awake and active and delightful, for probably about as many lines as Hypnos, so maybe he counts after all.
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year? Huh. I guess I avoid writing characters that I can’t hear clearly in the first place. I can’t think of anyone whose voice I couldn’t get right or anything, if I can be as bold to claim that. Approaching the question from a different angle, Viktor Hargreeves. Dang his self-esteem issues. They were simultaneously “yes I relate very much to this feeling of Complete Nobody-ness, therefore it’s all too easy to write” and “UGH would you STOP already and just believe what Five and/or Maria depending on the fic is trying to TELL you?!” And as it turned out, the moment of this that bothered me the most was the same moment my beta reader Frimfram* called out, too, which just goes to show, if your characters are annoying you, they’re probably also annoying the reader. Oh, and he also has the added challenge of not realizing he was trans until he was 29 and a half, which makes the fact that I write a lot of childhood stuff an odd balancing act of pronouns. *(OH WAIT, she's on Tumblr, as @amperdash! Hi, @amperdash!)
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Look. I didn’t INTEND to explore any pairings THIS year. I’m not a shipper! And yet, hopefully I DO finally post more of or even finish “Tesseract,” which has a lot of lovely deep married-folk discussions happening between Alex and Kate, if not overtly romantic— no, some of it IS pretty romantic, especially for Demis like me who are all about deep partnership being romantic. Hey, maybe I’ll even finish the Wash/Zoe fic I started ten years ago or something. Who knows. Oh, it’s also possible for these “pairing” questions to refer to non-ship relationships, or “&”s on AO3, but I always forget to note those, anyway. Ironic, isn’t it? I’d probably have better answers if I looked at it that way. Relatedly, do you think I should go back through my fics and add the “&” tags that apply to each? They might get more attention that way.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most? That’s a good question, and I think it’s more confusing because I reread so much WHILE I’m writing, so I’m not sure how much I reread snippets of in process and how much I read as a completed whole. Maybe “A Captain with Seven Children,” because it is fun and also I'm still writing it, too.
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year? Now, if you click 2022 on the Stats page it says 303, but I was curious, so I added up all the kudos on the seven fics I supposedly published this year, and whaddya know, 303. But the majority of the 30 kudos on “Exploration of the Astral Plane” were actually received LAST year, when the fic was first posted; and it also isn’t counting the many kudos I keep getting on “The Invitation: an Epilogue” (still holding out as my most popular fic ever) and the less-often but still coming steady “The Puppy-fly Effect” and a few other random ones on other older fics, like the guest who frequently binges the complete Loudermilk Chronicles and rekudos every one (the “Placeholder” has even gotten two kudos!); and for that matter, how can you really count the absurd extra kudos on “Chapter 19.5,” anyway? There are 80 guest kudos there and I’m certain that’s only about 5 actual individual guests. I could go back through my email notifications and add up the kudos I ACTUALLY got this year (including the random 80 guest kudos on Chapter 19.5) but that’s a bit excessive.
22. Which work has the most comments? “Not Just Stupid Kids,” clearly the most popular work published this year. Most of the comments are like “Aw, don’t let the haters who say you shouldn’t ship adoptive brothers with complicated age-issues and much mental illness force you into anonymity and shame!” and I’m like, “No, seriously, it’s not THAT part that embarrasses me, it’s the fact that they’re NON-CANONICAL and exactly the sort of pairing I would be all ‘WHY CAN’T THEY JUST BE GOOD FRIENDS?!’ about any other time! Because I am freakish this way!”
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year? No, though it was lovely beta-exchanging with @amperdash. We’d get to cheer for each other! (You can read hers here: "Seong-min Ha has Superpowers"!)
24. Did you write any gifts this year? Not unless you count our Christmas card letter.
25. Did you receive any gifts this year? Not unless you count other people’s Christmas card letters.
26. What’s your most common category? Um, Gen? Like you had to ask?
27. What do you listen to while writing? I have an “Instrumental” playlist. I posted about that before.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year? I guess “A Captain with Seven Children,” but there’s a special place in my heart for “Everything I Know About Writing the Loudermilk Twins,” because they’re forever my babies.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? I think I keep coming back to this one the most, and it’s a perfect example of why writing “A Captain with Seven Children” delights me so much. To set the mood, here is the exchange as it appears in “The Sound of Music”: Maria has just arrived at the Von Trapps’ and is pretending to dance in the ballroom when Captain Von Trapp takes her by surprise saying, “In the future, you’ll kindly remember there are certain rooms in this house which are not to be disturbed.” She nervously stutters out, “Yes, captain, sir.” Then he says, “Why do you stare at me that way?” “You don't look at all like a sea captain, sir,” she says. He bites back, “I'm afraid you don't look very much like a governess.”
Now, this functions as a meet-cute— they’re taken aback by each other, she was being whimsical (which he surely needs in his life), and she’s embarrassed, and she’s staring at him because my gosh is he handsome and she was not prepared for that. But in my story this moment is absolutely not a meet-cute, but it is a first meeting that proceeds in almost the same way. Maria, being Maria, is still going to get impatient waiting and go poking around in the house; and Reggie is very much against his office being disturbed. But she’s not going to be struck dumb by how handsome he is— she’s going to be really distracted by how anachronistic he looks— old-fashioned even for her original timeline, and that was already 60 years earlier! So anyway here’s the scene:
“In the future, you’ll kindly remember there are certain rooms in this Academy which are not to be disturbed.” Maria jumped and succeeded in just barely not knocking the contraption over. “Yes, sir, Mr. Hargreeves, sir.” She gaped at the tall, thin man in the doorway. He looked like a Victorian shipping baron, with a monocle in one eye and a graying auburn goatee, a natty three-piece suit and cane. He squinted back at her. “Sir Reginald, if you please. Why do you stare at me that way?” “Well, you don’t look at all like I imagined the adoptive father of seven children, er, in the late 1990s, would look, sir.” “And how many of us have you been previously acquainted with?” “Well…none, actually.” “So I trust you will refrain from making further assumptions.” So the scene starts out almost exactly the same, in the office instead of a ballroom, but when Maria explains why she’s staring, Reggie is just GOING to react with a bit of snooty logic. And the weird thing is, I can totally hear Christopher Plummer saying it, too. I actually had to look BACK at the Sound of Music script because I wasn’t sure, anymore, which parts I wrote and which parts were from the movie. It just FITS so freaking well.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year? BESIDES the popularity of “Not Just Stupid Kids”? WHILE writing, hmm. How many lines you can swap between Sir Reginald Hargreeves and Captain Von Trapp without being able to tell the difference!
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mhsargent · 1 year
This one is a bit rambly, disjointed, and self-indulgent.  Feel free not to read.  Really. 
48 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 2^4 x 3^1. 
I’ve survived another lap around the sun.  This last one was a far nearer thing than I am (yet) comfortable talking about, but I find myself starting my 49th lap grateful to still be here.
As some of you know, (and for the rest, I am telling you now) I have been in an on-going state of chronic migraine for the last 9 ½ years.  There have been more intense and less intense stretches over those years, but this last 9 months has been about the worst I have ever experienced.   A little over 4 weeks ago, after starting on a new medication, I started to experience notable and significant improvements.  It was only then that I really became aware of how badly off I’ve been since October of last year.  (Spoiler: it was bad, y’all.)
As I come back to the world, I am grateful to still be experiencing life.  I appreciate the ability to listen to music and to participate in conversation.  I am happy to be able to wash dishes and reply to email. I am collecting little moments of simple joy to balance the frustration at not being able to do more.  
And so, as I try to set a sustainable pace for this next lap, I am making efforts to spend more time resting and healing for the sake of rest and health rather than as preparation for greater and renewed  productivity. I have been learning (the hard way) that how I want to value things and how I actually value things do not always match when it comes to my own behaviour.  If I believe (and I do) that every person is inherently valuable, then I must believe that of myself as well (I don’t I’m working on it.) Consequently, I must watch how much I justify my value to myself by tying it to my work, or lack of it.    
I am putting a priority on writing. 
One of the first things that I did when I discovered I had a brain again was to complete a number of outstanding edits on a paper, brainstorm and flush out a new paper, and, surprising myself, the first notes for a book, which is part of a short series of books, also sprang out of my fingertips onto the page before I had to stop myself from overdoing it (I was too late.)
This was a clear indication to me that writing, something I have done little of outside of academics for the past 25 years, is still very important to me.  I have written or edited for at least 10 minutes (often longer) almost every day for the past couple of weeks.  I had forgotten how much I love the act of putting words down on paper.  Sometimes they’re good words, sometimes they are awful and cliched.  But, what I think I enjoy most about them all is that they are, for the brief period of time, my words.  And, until I share them with the world, the consequences of these words are only mine.  We can spend time together, change, invert, fight, love, and come to rest - all without any consequence or responsibility to anyone else.  A tempting place to get lost in, without a doubt, but also a place where I can rest and heal and play.  So, more writing of all sorts - academic, personal, fictitious, and frivolous!
Carol Anne’s and my 23rd wedding anniversary is only a couple of weeks away.  We were engaged for a little over 2 years before that, meaning that we have well completed our first quarter century together.  I am more in love with my wife now than when we got married. I love the marriage we’ve made together.  Despite all the challenges, difficulties, struggles, frustrations, set-backs, and disappointments, Carol Anne and I have fun together just by being together - now, still, and always.  There is no doubt in my mind that even if I could live life without her, I don’t want to.  I think we’ll just keep doing this instead.
Fourty-eight laps around the sun!  And, in that time I have contributed to the manifestation of 4 other human beings: Sam, Nathan, Kathleen, and Martin.  It is no secret that I had no desire to be a father.  Nonetheless, I have found myself to be a father to four remarkable and very different human beings, all of whom are now old enough to vote and to drink in most provinces.  I have thought a lot about my kids recently.  I’ve been thinking about how much being a father has changed not only what I thought I was going to do with my life, but how I live my life.  My perspective, since late 1993, has carried the weight of parenthood.  I have been a parent for nearly 30 years, and I cannot remember how I saw the world before that.  
Being a parent has made me a better person.  But, more than that, learning how to be a parent to my children - both the failures and and the successes - and learning from my children has made my life better.  Besides the fact that my kids are interesting, engaging, and kind (no small thing in itself,) my kids continually challenge me to move into the future with them.  It is a wonderful feeling to have my children not only want me around, but also want me to share, to some degree, in their world.
Somehow, somewhere among the 4 dozen laps I’ve completed so far I picked up an abiding, stubborn, and persistent belief in humanity.  I think we’re worth the effort.  I think we are worth the effort because I have seen that we, individually and collectively, can learn. Much of the evidence argues to the contrary - I know!  Nonetheless, find myself committed to human beings, and to the learning journey of human beings.  And so, whatever the next dozen laps have in store for me, I think I will still be involved in learning; and teaching; and education; and the conscious and deliberate evolution of human learning systems.  Some of this will involve writing and publishing.  Some of this will involve working directly with learners and teachers.  Some of this will involve just being. I’m excited!
If you have made it this far in this indulgent, quasi-reflective post, I hope it was worth it for you. This is the start of me putting words out there into the public world just to put them out there.  Thank you for reading them.
Please enjoy the picks of the bandana gang
Chai - pink
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Jess - black
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Mocha - red
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Paddy - blue
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wozman23 · 1 year
2022 Game of the Year List
I didn’t quite play as many games this year. Last year I completed 58. This year, a paltry 39. With more and more AAA games like Horizon Forbidden West and God of War: Ragnarok requiring 60+ hours of my time, its hard to squeeze in smaller experiences. I feel like it was also a bit of an off year in terms of games that really wowed me. As a person who is always fascinated with new IP, nothing in AAA satisfied there. There were some good indies, but even there nothing really blew me away. Plus, I gave up most of my prime gaming time on Sundays, my only day off, in favor of meeting people for a run/walk most weeks. Still I had a ton of fun along the way. Here are my ten favorite games, some honorable mentions, a dozen or so advertisements for Game Pass, and the ten games I look forward to most (some of which are coming to Game Pass). 1. Onde
Much like weird indie games in past years, I found this little game thanks to browsing Steam. It’s super weird and abstract. I really doesn’t even fit in any mold and I can’t really even begin to explain it. It’s kind of a platforming game, but kind of just an interactive art experience. You really just have to see it in action. My two and a half hour playthrough was wonderfully weird and beautiful, as well as tranquil and peaceful. It’s exactly the type of thing I crave: a game unlike any other I’ve ever played. 
2. Tinykin
I played the Tinykin demo on Steam early in the year and it quickly found a spot in my most anticipated list. It’s indie Pikmin. That’s it! That’s really all you need to know. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but I had a blast exploring every nook and cranny of the world. And it was basically free thanks to Game Pass! 
3. Tunic
I’m a huge fan of the original Legend of Zelda. I still think it is the best entry in the series. Tunic isn’t shy about showing how Zelda-like it tried to be. The cute looking but cruel world was a joy to explore and understand. But the standout part of it for me was the manual feature. Collecting pages to assemble the game’s manual, that felt like the type you’d get in the days of the NES, and slowly discovering where to go and what to do was brilliant. The way it revealed secrets was perfect. (Full disclosure: I did look up a few of the solutions to some of the more obtuse optional puzzles at then end of the game.) This one really stand out as something special, akin to games like The Witness and Fez. Plus, again, Game Pass!
4. Stray
I’d been following Stray for a long time. It perked my ears up back in May of 2018, when it was just a few gifs and known simply as “HK Project.” As a cat lover, it was one of my most anticipated games. The world was breathtaking. Some of the animations could have been better, but perfectly creating the subtleties of a cat’s locomotion and mannerisms isn’t easy, especially considering the project was tackled by a first time, small indie developer. Still, they captured the spirit of a cat very well and created an empathic character. And how can I complain when it was another virtually free game thanks to the new PlayStation Plus structure - even if the main reason I upgrade was just for the kitty. At the end, I kind of wanted more, but was also pleased with what we got.
5. God of War: Ragnarok
Despite the widespread praise of God of War (2018), it was a mixed bag for me at the time, mainly because it strayed from the series’ roots. It was good, but it didn’t really do anything overly special for me. In a lot of ways, Ragnarok was a step forward. The story was amazing! The characters were amazing, especially Odin! There were so many cool moments and reveals. But I still have mixed opinions about the state of Sony’s AAA games. I put 60 hours into Ragnarok. So I definitely got my money’s worth in terms of time spent with it. The optional missions and bosses were challenging, mostly enjoyable, and usually worth the extra time. But a lot of the game felt like a quest to simply unlock chests instead of progressing the story. At certain points, it felt like a slog where, I was just checking off boxes to hit 100% completion and get my platinum trophy. It’s insane that the 8-10 hour experience of the original typical gamer fantasy God of War on PS2 has turned into such a massive, well written experience. But it also sucks that it takes five years to realize that vision. There were things that happened in the game, and references to the first game that perplexed me, because I have only faint recognition of the moments from five years ago. When I look back at it I remember killing trolls, opening a bunch of chests, and Kratos saying “Boy” a lot. But the finer details like who we killed, and how the characters are related escaped me. So again, I see the game for its triumphs, but also for its issues as a product of modern game development. But I seem to be in the minority on this opinion. I’m not sure where the franchise goes from here. I’m hoping for Egyptian mythology as I’ve always preferred it to Norse mythology.
6. Moss: Book II
The original Moss was one second only to AstroBot Rescue Mission when it came to PS VR games. I loved how it succeeded at making a VR game that actually felt like a traditional game, and also how it made Quill feel so lifelike. I hadn’t witnessed that sense of empathy with a character ever before. I was so invested in her journey, and super excited when the sequel was announced. Sure it was more of the same, but it gave me a great reason to dust of my PS VR. The boss battles were the high points for me. I’m not sure what the future holds for the franchise. I don’t really know if I’ll want to buy PS VR2. But a Moss: Book III could coax me into it. 
7. Nobody Saves the World
I love Drinkbox. The Guacamelee! series made me a massive fan of the studio. Nobody Saves the World is just what I would expect from them: a stylist game with a lot of quirky fun. The variety of characters was impressive. The macabre look was silly. And the constant sense of progression via objectives and upgrades had me hooked from the start to my finish, over 30 hours later. I don’t go for 1000/1000 of the achievements in games all too often. Here I did, I loved every little thing I had to do to get there. And, yeppers, Game Pass once again saved me money that I’d already expected to spend.
8. Horizon Forbidden West Horizon was my favorite new IP of the last generation. Guerrilla really built something impressive with the franchise. Yet the same cons from God of War: Ragnarok are present here: a lengthy development time, padding, and so much content that it kind of got in its own way. The new beasts were impressive, as were the new weapons. But overall the world and story didn’t fascinate me as much. I’d have liked much more about Ted Faro, and the story about the red blight, which seemed important pre-release, never really went anywhere. Still, I spent 97 hours exploring the Forbidden West - my most out of any game this year - and look forward to the DLC. 9. FAR: Changing Tides
I played FAR: Lone Sails a few years back. I went in not knowing much, and left with my jaw on the floor. It was such a beautiful, enjoyable experience. Much like many sequels, Changing Tides couldn’t quite match the magic of the original. The water sections were an interesting addition, but the game also had some rough edges. Still the ending of it was well worth the brief ride. Also, Game Pass!
10. Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course
Cuphead was my GOTY back in 2017. It’s probably one of my favorite games ever! So more Cuphead is fine by me. And that’s exactly what this was. More lovingly, painstakingly handcrafted quintessential Cuphead. There wasn’t a lot to it, but it’s quality over quantity. I really can’t wait to see what’s next for Studio MDHR! Honorable Mentions: High on Life - I’m not really a fan of the Rick and Morty style of comedy these days, so the juvenile comedy and it’s weird verbose cadence was hit or miss with me, often finding itself on the “miss” side. Just the volume and way the character often talk, which seems to be prevalent in many modern cartoons, annoys me. The game also has quite a few technical issues at release and horrendous load times on Xbox One. The gameplay and shooting mechanics aren’t super polished either, and don’t feel all that satisfying. But the talking weapons themselves were really cool! And the thing that made them even cooler was the voice cast, particularly the former SNLers JB Smoove and Tim Robinson. Their silly performances, in addition to Laura Silverman’s, kept me playing. And clocking in at just 12 hours for me, it didn’t overstay its welcome. Also, ugg, its Game Pass, its a game on Xbox Game Pass, on the Xbox game console, where you have a pass where you can play g-games, and you d-d-don’t even gotta, uhhh, you don’t have to pay for them, the games on the pass, cuz they’re on the Game Pass! (End annoying Rick and Morty impression) Shadow Warrior 3 - This series is just good fun, with a freedom of gameplay reminiscent of the modern Doom games. The art style is great, and the level design really just encourages you to play around. A lot of times these days, games are trying to be like movies, or be serious and realistic. But there’s something to be said about a cheesy game that knows its place and just prioritizes fun. And this one came to PlayStation Plus fairly quickly so it was another freebie. A Plague Tale: Requiem - Thanks to info from someone, I learned that I can play Xbox Series X games on my Xbox One via the cloud, which makes me feel like I’m living in the future. It’s absurd that Microsoft would allow me to mooch off new games with my old technology. I really don’t see any reason to upgrade my console. This series is really unique. Without spoiling things, it does some really cool things with the rat plague, and is another game that just has some (mostly) fun gameplay. There were a few frustrating stealth sections for me, as well as a few combat sections. And the pacing was a bit inconsistent. It started out slow, and got a bit long in the tooth towards the end. But it occupies that sweet spot between AAA and indie that we just don’t see that often anymore. And with Game Pass, it’s well worth a look on PC, Series X, or through the wizardry of Xbox One. Disc Room (2020) - It was always on my enormous list of games to play, but with so many good looking games, I just never got around to it since there were so many games that were higher on my list of things to try. But Game Pass to the rescue! I love a good arcade style game. And this was just that: a cool concept, with a decent challenge, and a nice sense of progression. Over the course of a few hours, it presented ideas, iterated on them a bit, and wish me a lovely farewell, requiring 49 less days to experience than Horizon did. I’m glad I finally got around to it, because it really surprised me. Deathloop (2021) - This game never really interested me. I really haven’t been a fan of any of the games coming out of Arkane. But when it came to PlayStation Plus, I had nothing to play at the time, so I gave it a try. I ended up spending 23 hours with it. I really enjoyed how they incorporated the time travel ideas. And the gameplay and abilities stayed fresh nearly the whole time, although the nebulous nature of figuring out how to assassinate a target or two, and the repetitive nature that came along with it, did bring about a bit of monotony. Somerville - Somerville was one of the oldest game I was following that was still in active development, probably since around 2015. It looked like it could be the next great atmospheric platformer, the next Inside. Sadly, it is not a good game. So why is it on this list? Because despite its plethora of problems and odd design choices - unrefined mechanics, clunky animations, poor environmental readability that led to confusion on where to go, envionmental geometry to get stuck on, ladders that you had to be perfectly aligned with to climb, freezes and technical issues, an overall jankiness, a poor execution of multiple endings as well as the “good “ ending, and just an overall nebulousness that undermines practically everything it tries to do - there’s a really intriguing, mysterious world there. I would have been disappointed had I spent money on it. But giving it a look on Game Pass could be worth your time if you can see past its flaws.
That’s it for this year. I’ve still got plenty of games that came out that I want to play, and I’ll start up Rainbow Billy and the Curse of the Leviathan (now on Game Pass) soon, but most of my anticipated ones were completed. Who knows what remaining 2022 games may turn up on future GOTY lists? Lost in Play looks cool, but has eluded me so far, OlliOlli World got good reviews, I totally missed the release of The Quarry. I’ll probably eventually get around to the Nintendo games like Splatoon 3 and Kirby, and maybe try the Tiny Tina game after getting a bit burned out with Borderlands. Most Anticipated Games:
1. Alan Wake 2 - The original is one of my favorite games. I’m so glad we’re finally getting this! 2. Pepper Grinder - I been following this one on twitter for a while. The developer went silent for a while, but has been back showing things off again. It looks so friggin cool! 3. SCHiM - definitely a Joey-style indie that looks unlike anything else 4. Hades II - Hades really surprised me and consumed a lot of my time. This probably will too. I just hope it does enough to warrant a sequel and doesn’t bring on the sophomore slump that I often feel with sequels. 5. Horizon Forbidden West - Burning Shores DLC - Its more Horizon so I’m going to play it. Do I expect anything revolutionary? No. Just more fun Horizon. 6. Cocoon - When this was announced, my fascination mainly relied on one simple fact: It’s Jeppe Carlsen’s next game - the brilliant mind who brought us 140 and worked on the Playdead games, Limbo and Inside. What Cocoon exactly is is still a bit of a mystery to me. But I can’t wait to see it unfurl its wings. 7. Judas - Who wouldn’t be excited about Ken Levine’s new game, which looks to be the spiritual successor to Bioshock. I can’t wait to see more on this one! 8. Viewfinder - This was a pleasant surprise during The Game Awards. A stylized first person puzzle game! That’s so in my wheelhouse!  9. The Plucky Squire - Here’s another game that blew me away with its trailer: some 2D, some 3D, a bunch of different gameplay concepts, all with a wonderful coat of paint. I think this could easily find its way near the top of next year’s GOTY list, much like Tinykin did this year. 10. Atomic Heart - I’ve been interested in this one for a while too, since even before Stray. It’s also got some cool Bioshock-y vibes, with a really interesting looking world. The only concern is the recent news that the development has been troubled and that trailers were basically just vertical slices. But it’s on Game Pass, so the risk of paying for it is eliminated.
0 notes
musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
Meet the Millers - Chapter 11
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Benny Miller x Will Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 4700+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings:  Bear in mind the pairing of this fic along with the fact it’s set in a post-apocalyptic setting, so there will be themes and elements fitting the setting.  Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: This is it, folks! The final chapter! This fic was a challenge to write but I had so much FUN! Thank you for coming along on the Miller journey with me. I hope you enjoyed it! This is also the first official chapter series I'm ending, and even though I wrote it over the course of 2 weeks in February, I'm still feeling a way about it. It's poetic that this ends on my birthday too!
**UPDATE: I have decided to continue this fic beyond this point!
I hit 200 followers and wanted to give y’all a little something so I did a poll and let you pick what one shot I write next. This is what y’all picked! I hope I can deliver. I started this out as a one shot and it MAJORLY got away from me, so now it’s a mini series. Thank you so much for following me and reading my ramblings! Also a shoutout to @astoryisaloveaffair for helping me figure out how things work and being an amazing sounding board, @icanbeyourjedi for helping me to settle on a filter for this moodboard, and @theewokingdead for being delightfully appalled at how many words this one shot has turned into and cheering me on with memes and gifs.
This is set loosely in The Last of Us universe. I’ve only played a bit of the game and watched others play (and the show isn’t out yet), so please forgive any inaccuracies. Also it’s a post-apocalyptic world so I’m taking a bunch of liberties here. Because fan fiction.
Ages at the time of this story (so you don’t have to do math):
Reader: 28
Benny: 35
Will: 38
Joel: 50
*Reader is ethnicity inclusive despite stock photo bias
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
<<Chapter 10
Time passes as it does. You loved living with the Millers as they were the only people in the world that you cared about. They never judged you, only loved you, supported you, and cared for you, and you the same for them. 
About a year after Joel had joined the relationship, you were standing in the kitchen making tea when you turned around to see all 3 of them on one knee behind you.
“We may not have rings or anythin’ fancy, sweetheart.”
“But we love you, darlin’.”
“Our lives are made whole with you in it, angel.”
In unison, they said “Will you marry me?”
Benny chuckles. “Or us, rather.”
“I- YES!” you throw yourself on your knees, pulling them all in as you hug and kiss each of them. 
“We’re sorry we don’t have a ring or anythin’. It’s hard to come by, angel.”
“I don’t need a….a…”
They all look at you as the lightbulb comes on in your brain. 
“Do any of you know someone who does tattoos?”
Will chimes in. “Yeah. One of my officer’s sisters a few sectors the other way from where you lived. Why?”
Benny claps you on the shoulder. “Where you gettin’ it?”
Smiling at him, you point to your ring finger, where you would traditionally have a wedding ring, if this was pre clicker times. 
“What are you getting, angel?” Joel and Will are confused but Benny smiles at you knowingly. 
A week later, you stand in front of a few coworkers of the Millers, the only person you ever really met that you worked with was Benny. You had found a pretty sundress and styled your hair nice - one of the wives had helped you and put flowers in your hair. No one really questioned the fact that you were binding yourself to 3 men, all related. They were all just happy to have a reason to celebrate in this dark world. 
After your vows, you headed over to the tattoo artist where she got to work, drawing an exact replica of the M tattoo the Miller brothers shared on your left ring finger, exactly where a ring would be. You couldn’t stop smiling despite the pain, loving the fact that you had their mark on you - it made you feel found, like you finally belonged, in a world where you had only felt lost.
The second you walk through the door to your place that night, Benny and WIll are on you, touching, kissing, biting, lifting your dress off as you rid them of their clothes. The three of you start to make your way to the hall, intending to head into Will’s room, but Joel speaks instead.
Pausing, the three of you stop to look at Joel, whose eyes are roaming up and down the parts of your body that’s exposed. His head jerks towards his room.
“My bed’s the biggest.”
The three of you look at him - Joel had never joined in your group sessions, opting to only make love to you one on one, which was fine with all of you. But as you analyze his face, you see nothing but desire and a willingness, a lust for you that has you nearly dripping down your legs. You walk forward to stand in front of Joel and he looks down at you, eyes drifting over your body. You cup his face and wait for his eyes to return to yours.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to.”
“To quote my brother, “I’m not touchin’ them, but I can ignore their dicks.” Especially if it means I get to touch you and see you loved.”
You pull him in for a kiss and nip at his bottom lip, loving the groan that pulls from him when you do. Fingers graze over the buttons on his shirt, undoing them and exposing his bronzed skin underneath. You slide his shirt off, feeling for the button on his jeans. Sliding his pants down, he kicks them and his boxers off and you let your eyes roam down his body, pouring all your love and adoration into your gaze. When you lock eyes with him again, his eyes are dark, lust blown, and you can see the restraint in his features. He leans forward to kiss you, leaving a trail of them down your neck and gently taking a boob in his mouth. You moan and toss your head back, feeling Benny move in to kiss you almost immediately, swallowing your sounds. Always the practical one, Will moves down the hall to open the door to Joel’s room and you gently push Joel off your chest as you break the kiss, biting Benny’s bottom lip as he smirks and turns to head to the room. You take Joel’s hand and gently pull him towards the doorway, Will slapping your ass as you walk past him. You laugh and squeal, smirking at Will over your shoulder as you lead Joel into the room and up to the bed. He stands there, eyes big and wide, looking a little lost. Thinking for a moment, you place your hands on Joel’s chest, reaching up to place a soft kiss on his lips before you whisper in his ear.
“Sit on the bed. On your knees.”
Joel swallows hard and does as you say, scooting about halfway up the bed. Still standing at the foot of the bed, you pull Benny to you, slotting your lips against his and winding one of your hands around his neck, playing with his hair. Will moves in behind you, pressing his body against yours as he kisses your neck and shoulders. He slowly glides his hands across your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. One of his hands finds a boob and he starts to massage it gently, swiping his thumb over your nipple, feeling how it hardens under his touch. You moan into Benny’s mouth as he slides his hand around the back of your head, holding you to him and deepening the kiss. His other hand finds the unattended boob, mimicking his brother’s actions. Will’s other hand slowly slides down your side, traces little designs as he descends. He moves his hand carefully in between you and Benny, making sure he won’t touch his brother. Once he’s comfortable, he swipes a finger through your folds, quickly pressing into you before pulling your juices out and back up to your clit. Breaking the kiss with Benny, you moan out as Will continues his work, Benny moving to grip your chin, watching your facial expressions as Will pumps his fingers in and out of you.
Benny and Will continue their worship of you for a few more moments, until you suddenly remember Joel is there this time, waiting patiently on the bed. You manage to turn your gaze to him and feel a rush of wetness between your thighs that has nothing to do with the way Will is treating you. Joel is sitting on his legs on the bed, eyes blown wide with lust as he watches you, gently gripping himself, sliding his hand up and down his length. Struck with a sudden desire, you tap Will’s and Benny’s hands and they stop what they’re doing. You kiss them each deeply before crawling across the bed up to Joel, kissing him deeply as well. Pulling back, you nip at his nose, earning yourself a smirk as you turn away from him and lay down on your back, legs dangling off the foot of the bed, placing your head in Joel’s lap, your head next to his already leaking cock. You stare up at him, giving Joel wide doe eyes as he continues to slowly stroke himself right next to your face. 
Quickly glancing down at Benny and Will, you see them nod at each other, apparently having made a plan. Benny grabs your legs and spreads them wide, holding them up as he lines up with you. You hold Joel’s gaze as Benny slowly slides into you, touching a spot at the back of you. Your mouth opens, a soft “oh!” escaping your lips as your brows furrow together, Benny grinding into you at the end to rub into that spot harder. You wrap your legs around Benny’s waist pulling him closer to you. He grips your hips, pulling you onto him as he thrusts into you, making your head slide a little up and down Joel’s leg. 
Joel’s face is watching yours, waves of pleasure dancing across your features. His pumping has sped up a little, drawing your attention back to his dick. Gently, you reach your hand up and lightly grab his, pulling him off himself. Confusion on his features for a brief moment, until he sees you open your mouth and slide his cock into it gently, making sure you don’t scrape him with the movements of your body as Benny continues to fuck into you. Licking around him, you take your time pulling him into you fully, seeing his head fly back, wordlessly mouthing “shit” as you suck him in. Because of your angle, his cock presses into the side of your cheek, the definition of him becoming apparent the more of him you take in. 
“Angel, shit, you look so gorgeous.” Joel’s hand comes up to your cheek, rubbing over where he is stretching your skin, rubbing small circles into you, feeling you moan and writhe under his touch and praise. Slowly, he inches out of your mouth, watching as a trail of saliva connects both of you as he pulls fully out. Pushing back into your mouth, you slide your tongue around him, tracing designs into his skin as he pushes in deeper. 
Suddenly, your clit lights up, adding fuel to the fire that had been steadily growing inside you. A tongue laps at your nipples and you feel the gruff of Will’s beard, the calluses on his hands catching on your bundle of nerves as he massages you. Your hand flies up, winding fingers into his blonde locks as you hold him to your chest, moaning and whining into Joel’s cock, causing him to stammer.
“Fuck, angel. That..you feel so good.” He strokes your cheek again, brushing hair from your face as he starts to increase his thrusting. 
“Look at you, takin’ all of us like a good girl.” Joel nearly growls out his praise, and you can feel him holding back. 
“She’s the fuckin’ best,” Benny chimes in, grabbing your legs and pulling them up to rest your ankles on his shoulders, pinning Will’s fingers inside your folds, which just increases the sensations. Benny picks up his pace and you can feel his hips start to sputter as he rails into that spot in the back of you. Your own pleasure about to break over the dam inside you, you pull your head back to get Joel out of your mouth, crying out as you come with Benny, both of your sounds filling the room as his hips shove into you, spilling himself deep inside. Will hasn’t removed his hand, guiding you back down from your orgasm, biting down on your boob, earning him an extra hard tug on his hair from you. 
Benny kisses your calf before he pulls out, Will dropping your boob and removing his hand at the same time. Feeling suddenly empty, you turn your head to the side, pushing Joel’s cock back into your mouth, loving the grunt he lets out as you do. Able to focus on him a bit more, you take charge of the motion, wrapping your tongue around him and tracing patterns into his skin as you hollow out your cheeks as best you can, feeling Joel caress your cheek every time he pokes at it, praising you and caressing your face the entire time. About a minute goes by like this before Joel pulls out of your mouth.
“Hold on, angel. You’re…entirely too good at that and I want to make this last.” 
A moment’s silence and then Will speaks. 
“I’m…not as gentle as Benny.” 
Joel nods and shifts you over so the back of your head is resting directly in between his legs. His hands caress your face as he gazes down at you, love pouring out of him and washing over you, causing you to heat up again. Benny lays on his stomach, scooting up to your side, one hand guiding a boob into his mouth as he laps at your nipple as you whine out, gripping his hair with one hand. Will grips your legs and pushes them open, as he lines up with you. You feel him heavy at your entrance, your pussy clenching around nothing as if trying to suck him inside. Will feels it and groans, his dark blue eyes finding yours. 
“Are you ready, darlin’?”
You nod vehemently and before you finish nodding, Will thrusts into you, roughly pulling out to slam back into you, setting a rough pace as he tightly grips the underside of your thighs. You feel your head slamming into Joel who doesn’t seem to mind. Your mouth is open, whines escaping you with every harsh thrust. A crack echoes across the room and you feel the sting of Will’s slap on your ass and you cry out at it, Will repeating the action just to hear your sounds. 
Benny drops your boob from his mouth and moves his opposite hand to your lips, locking eyes with you as he pushes his fingers into your mouth and you suck on them a little, listening to his small moans. Removing his fingers with a pop, he moves his hand down your body and finds your clit, rubbing small circles and taps onto your sensitive spot. 
“Shit..I…I…fuck!” is all you manage to get out, feeling Benny gently nipping at your boobs, his hips starting to grind into the bed, unable to help himself. 
Will pushes your legs wider, spreading you open and giving Benny more room to massage your folds and you cry out as Benny does just that. Joel takes your free hand in his and rubs small circles into the back of it, watching your face as it bounces in his lap from Will’s hard thrusts.
“You’re doing so good, angel. Lettin’ us take care of you.”
All you can manage back is an open mouthed smile at Joel, feeling Will’s thrusts getting harder and faster, knowing that’s his cue for getting close. His hands move under your ass and tip your hips up and at this new angle, he rubs right up against your g spot and you’re seeing stars, crying out as you come undone around Will, feeling him thrust into you a few more times before grunting out, spilling himself inside you. Benny continues to gently rub your clit as you come down, your body jerking as overstimulation sets in. He removes his hand as Will pulls out and moves down between your legs to bite your inner thigh, watching you grunt in pleasure at the mark. He continues kissing up and down your inner thighs, Benny having moved on to sweet kisses across your chest as well, Joel caressing your face. 
“I need…I need…” you’re trying to gather your speaking skills.
“What do you need, angel?” Joel asks, watching your face.
You meet his eyes. “I need you, Joel. Please,” the last word was more of a plea but you weren’t above that. 
Joel studies your face. “Are you…are you sure, angel? If you’re too…too sore or tired, you don’t have to-”
You’re sitting up, pushing Will and Benny from you as you do, turning to kneel in front of Joel. Placing a hand on either side of his face, you pull him to you, licking and biting at his lip before sliding your tongue inside, feeling him wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer. You feel his erection pinned between you both, his thick cock pulsing with desire. You break the kiss but keep his eye contact, bringing your hand up to your face and licking your palm, sliding it between your bodies and gripping him, sliding your saliva around his erection. Joel breathes out heavily, watching as you pump him a few times. 
His restraint breaking, he pulls you down onto him as he lays down, kissing you passionately, feeling you grind your hips along his. 
“You ready for me, angel?” his voice is low and raspy in your ear, a shutter coursing over your body at the tone. 
“Fuck yes.”
You sit back and take him in your hand, lining him up and sinking down onto him, both of you crying out when he’s fully seated inside. Unable to help himself, he thrusts up into you, tapping at a spot in the back. 
“Oh fuck angel, you feel..ngghh…fantastic.”
You ride him for a few more thrusts, meeting his hips with yours as you both whine. You feel a strong hand between your shoulder blades, Benny’s voice husky in your ear. 
“Bend over for me, sweetheart. I wanna be inside you too. That ok?”
You nod, letting the force of his hand push you forward, leaning over to kiss Joel. His hands come up to cup your face, cradling your jaw. You hear Benny pop his finger out of his mouth and feel him press at your other hole, massaging it gently before he slowly pushes his finger in to his first knuckle. You whine into Joel’s mouth, feeling Benny letting you adjust before he pushes in further. This time you break the kiss, mouth hanging open as you cry out, pleasure radiating out across your body. He slides his finger out, feeling you grip him as if trying to hold him inside. He pushes inside of you again and Joel watches your face contort in pleasure, mouth open in an “o” shape as Benny pushes in and out of you, cautiously adding a second finger before repeating his preparations. He gently pumps in and out of you, making sure you’re ok the entire time. 
“I think you’re ready for me, sweetheart.” 
He quickly wipes his finger on a cloth before settling behind you, Joel spreading his legs wider to give Benny more room. Joel thrusts into you hard once and stills, nodding at Benny. You feel his head pressing at you, hesitating for a moment before he slowly pushes in. 
“Oh fuckfuckfuck!” you pant out, feeling every inch of Benny as he continues to slowly inch inside of you, letting out his own grunts along the way. When he bottoms out, his hips against your ass, your head hits Joel’s chest and you cry into it, feeling stretched and full. 
“Fuck you’re so tight, sweetheart. Shit.” 
He slowly pulls out of you and you beg him to come back, unable to stand the loss of his weight, his presence, inside of you. He chuckles lowly and slides back in, repeating the process a few times to make sure you’re ok and ready for him to set a pace.
Once Benny starts to move, Joel moves too and you cry, feeling both of them hitting all of your spots at nearly the same time. Benny grabs one of your hips and Joel grabs the other, digging their fingers into you as they both fuck you. Several thrusts later, you feel a strong hand grab your jaw, turning your head. 
“Think you can take me, darlin’?” Will looks down at your tear streaked, lust blown face, his eyes darkened with his own desire. 
“Please,” you pant out, unable to form actual words. You open your mouth and Will gets the hint, moving into a stable position. You lick at suck at him before he pushes into your mouth, grunting as he bottoms out. He grabs the back of your head and looks down at you for confirmation, making sure you were ok. You give him a wink and suck a little harder, running your tongue along the length of him. He moans as he pulls out, pushing back into your waiting mouth and setting his typical rough pace, holding back slightly because it’s your mouth. 
You’ve never felt so deliciously, deliriously full. All 3 of the men you cared about most inside you at the same time. It made you feel powerful and sexy, these grown men, your men, shifting their own positions to make sure that you were getting pleasure from this too. And fuck were you getting pleasure. It seemed like every part of you was alight with it, someone pulling out while another pushes in, tapping at several places at once, skin gliding and slapping against skin as the sounds you all were making echoed across the room. You managed to slide a hand over to Will’s knee and tap it, Will sliding out of you and hovering in front of your lips. 
“Come for me, boys,” you pant out the last word and quickly take Will back into your mouth, swirling your tongue around him while he slides fully into you. 
You feel all of their hips starting to sputter, their breathing and grunts speeding up and your dam breaks, your release jolting through you and extending out to all of them as they all come. Joel’s hips thrust into yours sloppily as he comes, grunting out his higher pitched moans as he coats your inside. Benny slams his hips against your ass, digging his fingers into your cheeks as he spurts into you, his head thrown back and jaw open. Will’s hips had a few hard thrusts left in them as he comes into your mouth, gripping the back of your head and pulling your hair as he groans. For a few moments, no one moves, everyone breathing heavily as they come down. 
“Shit darlin’. I’m sorry,” Will nearly whispers as he slides out of your mouth, moving to grab a cloth as you take deep breaths. He dabs at your mouth, cleaning you off before he plants a quick kiss to your lips, nipping at your nose as he moves to grab another cloth. He tosses one to Benny and one to Joel, who nod their thanks. You rest the side of your head on Joel’s bare chest, watching as Will pulls on a pair of boxers and walks out of the room, his explanation of “Waters!” spoken over his shoulder. Benny pulls out next and you whine at the loss of him, feeling a cloth being pressed to you as he gently cleans you up and places a kiss on your lower back. Benny walksto the door and yells after Will, still completely naked, yelling “We need snacks too, William!”
Managing to pick your head up, you meet the chocolate eyes of Joel, heavy with love as he gazes down at you. You make a move to sit up, but he locks his arms around you, holding you to him for a few moments. 
“You gonna stay in there all day, Joel?” you chuckle.
“I was thinkin’ about it.” He smiles as you brush the hair from his forehead and let your fingers trace his features, ending by cupping his face.
“How do you feel, Joel? Was this all…ok?”
He sighs and brings his hand up to the back of yours, squeezing it. “I’ll admit I wasn’t sure about this when we started. But, angel, that was…so fuckin’ hot… I’m kickin’ myself for not joinin’ sooner.”
“Well, we have plenty of time for whatever you desire.” 
He kisses you softly before groaning as he pushes at you gently, giving you the signal to lift off of him. You do and the both of you whine, missing the feel of the other. You lay down feeling hollow, empty without them. Joel lays down next to you and pulls you to his side, letting you nuzzle into him. His chest rumbles as he starts to stroke the arm you’d thrown over his chest. 
“I love you, angel.”
“I love you too, Joel.”
“SNACK TIME!” Benny bursts into the room still butt naked, and bounces over to the bed, jumping onto it on all fours. Laughter erupts from your mouth as Joel swears at Benny.
“Put fuckin’ some pants on, bro! I don’t want to see that!”
“Then stop lookin’! I know other people in this room appreciate my body.” He winks at you as more laughter pours from your mouth, tears pooling at the corners of your eyes as you slap his chest. 
“Ok, ok stop, I can’t breathe!” 
Benny joins in with your laughter, moving off the bed and helping you to sit up. You pull on your dress and throw Benny’s underwear at him, hitting him squarely in the face. Joel joins in the laughter now, watching as Benny waggles his eyebrows at you, brandishing his boxers and doing a corny seductive dance as he puts them on, hopping around the room on one foot. Once you’re all dressed, you join Will in the kitchen, where a small meal had been set out. The 4 of you eat and chat, having a great time and you think to yourself how lucky you are to have found 3 people in this broken world that care for you as much as you do them. 
One year later…
Will walks in the front door, kicking off his boots and joining you and Benny at the kitchen table where you were playing cards. He takes your cards as you move to get him a drink, letting him know dinner will be ready in about an hour. 
The 3 of you sit to eat when Joel comes in, an odd look on his face. He mimics Will, kicking off his boots and hanging his coat up before entering the kitchen where you’ve already set down a bowl of stew and a drink for him. Joel walks up and pulls you to him, giving you a quick kiss and a whispered “Thank you” before sitting down, taking a couple bites of food before speaking.
“I was offered a..mission of sorts today.”
The three of you turn to look at him, giving Joel your undivided attention.
“Oh yeah? How far this time?” Will asks.
Joel rubs the back of his neck. “That’s the thing. I would be gone for…at least a year, probably more. Granted, that’s if all goes well.”
You all stare at him, frozen in your actions. 
“Over a year?” You ask, worry and dislike lacing your words.
Joel meets your eyes. “Yeah. It’s…pretty important. Tess said it has to be me. But-” he looks at each of you in turn. “-I don’t want to be away from you all for that long, especially considering there’s a strong probability I wouldn’t…come back.”
“Absolutely not, Joel.” You find your words first, Will and Benny voicing their agreements.
“Angel, this is important.”
“You’re important, Joel. To me. To us. What is so important that you’d be willing to risk that?”
He sighs. “There’s a..girl. She needs to get out of the city and to…the Fireflies.”
You all swear, Will slamming his fist down on the table.
“BUT-” Joel raises his voice, putting his hands in the air. “-I want you all to come with me.”
That shut you up.
“What do you mean? Leave Boston?” Benny asks.
Joel nods. “Exactly. I know we have good lives here but I can’t leave with the very likely chance I won’t see any of you again. And honestly, I need you. All of you.” His eyes linger on your face, blown wide like a puppy. 
Silence for a bit, but you’re the first to break it.
“Why is she so important?”
Joel watches you for a moment, internally debating with himself. “Tess said she’s got the potential for a cure. For this.” He gestures around vaguely, but you all know what he’s talking about. 
You glance at Benny and Will, reading their expressions and seeing they match your own. As much as you don’t want to be over the wall, you admit that the idea of being outside again thrills you, and a change of scenery? A way to get out of dreary Boston? And still be with your boys?
“When do we leave?”
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @softpedropascal @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso  @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride  @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed
Joel Miller Taglist:
@spanishmossmagnolia @xowlan @rosechvnel @maievdenoir @itspdameronthings @hb8301  
Meet the Millers Taglist:
@miraclesabound @coco-pebbles @evergreenriver @wildmoonflower @harriedandharassed
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thesapphireprincess · 2 years
The lost art of reading,
Hey dolls, I once read that reading is becoming a lost art. I whole heartedly agree with this statement even I was falling victim to this. I am a new reader and I am determined to become well read. I grew up in front of the t.v as a kid and the only reading I ever did was in school. I am now remembering a time when I use to love reading as a kid I had an entire collection of books from school & book fairs but after I entered my 2nd year of middle school I pretty much stopped reading for fun. Idk why I think I got a laptop or something or it could of been that I went to a school where it was uncool to be smart or to read and you got called a nerd if you got good grades. One time I got an A on my test and I was super excited then this kid called me a nerd so I lied and said I cheated on my test, the teacher was right next to me….
The past year I’ve been trying to become a reader but nothing was consistent, I tried audio books for a little bit and that helped me finish a few books but that stopped as well. Last week I had an urge to go to my local library and check out a few books. I’ve always had a strange habit of buying books but never reading them. Now I’m reading every day even if it’s a little bit.
The current books I’m reading
- The complete beauty book
- Cleopatra the queen who challenged Rome and conquered eternity
- How to win friends and influence people
- How to be a femme fatale
Now you may be thinking that’s a lot of books to be reading at once (these don’t include all the books I got from the library I’ll talk about those later) and yes it is but I am reading them at different times. The first book I read in my leisure afternoon time because it’s a book on all things beauty. The second book I read in the morning, through the day on my off days and at night before bed. I read the third book during my work week on my breaks because I work 12 hour shifts I get 3 breaks that equal out to 2 hours and I keep that book in my car. The last book is an ebook I bought from a Tik Tok creator at 3am so I read that book when I wake up at random times in the early am. I could just read the same book during these times instead but I get bored easily and I just can’t read the same book all day unless it’s super interesting and I can’t put it down. I also just like reading about different topics that way it keeps reading interesting. I usually read about 4-6 pages every time I pick up a book.
The books I got from the library
- The complete beauty book
- A Cleopatra book
- A style guide book
- In the company of woman ( A career book)
I was super excited to get these books the fact that you could walk into a huge library with books on every subject and learn all these new things that you never knew about and finish with a whole new mindset and lifestyle really amazes me. Go to your local library and get 3 books on 3 different topics. You could get a style book or an ancient history book or a science book. I prefer non fiction books but fiction is also an option. I just love the library because it’s free knowledge and you can become a completely new and improved you. Also fun fact what you consume effects your thoughts and conversation skills/topics. If you find it hard to communicate with others or you never know what to talk about, you should take a step back and review what you’re consuming mentally that includes what you’re watching , what you’re eating and what you’re listening to. Catch you in my next post. <3
[ All these pictures are mine & unedited. I love taking pictures of myself & things in my life]
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interact-if · 2 years
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Day 2 of our Arab Heritage Month Featured Author Interviews, starting with Jaymee!
Jaymee, author of Lost Lambs.
You are an assassin of renown, a professional in the world of contract killing. Deadly, discreet, and experienced. Hired by a wealthy, mysterious client for your most peculiar job yet.
“Off the New England coast is a grand manor awaiting its first drop of blood. Attend the week-long banquet and kill all attending guests as instructed.”
The reason should not matter but still, you wonder - why all these people at once? Why the drama and effort of a banquet? Where is the host? And why are the servants, empty eyes and puppet smiles, watching you? Hidden like a wolf among sheep, you begin to suspect you may not be the only one or thing that stalks these gilded halls.
Read more about Lost Lambs here. Play the Demo here. Tags: Mystery.
Q1. Tell us about yourself and project(s)?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a big fan of all things dark and creepy in fiction. Hauntings, murder, vampires, the crushing dread that comes with being alive - I love reading and writing it! So, Lost Lambs was a pretty expected project for me. Set in the Gilded Age, Lost Lambs is basically a reverse whodunnit where you play as the mysterious killer. There was a video game that had a quest like this and it was so much fun, I just had to make my own version after discovering IF.
Q2. What excites you most about using interactive fiction? What are some of the biggest challenges?
All the different choices! All the different results! As a writer, I love seeing what different readers do. And then all the different ways I can have the story react to them. It’s exciting but also one of the biggest challenges, if not the biggest. Compared to a regular story, it can get overwhelming very fast - especially when you want to accommodate a large amount of play styles. Just having to accept I can’t include everything is a challenge itself.
Q3. Do you use your identity/heritage as inspiration? How is it reflected in your project?
It’s reflected the most in my characters and their overall themes, I think. Being Palestinian and Filipino in America, I grew up feeling torn between cultures. Many of my characters have experienced that. Even if it’s not completely the same, there’s usually an underlying theme of feeling like an outsider and what bridges we have to build or burn to overcome it and accept ourselves.
Q4. What aspect of your identity would you like to explore further in your project?
I don’t think Lost Lambs is a really good project for identity exploration lol. But in the future, I’d love to write something a little closer to home. Maybe something involving religion or folklore so I can pay tribute to the stories my family shared with me. It’d be interesting to see if I could tie that into modern times.
Q5. What is something about your project that you love or make you excited?
Not to sound like an edge lord but honestly, the more messed up, macabre aspects. Plus, I adore villain protagonists! There’s just so much potential for intrigue and heartbreak and moral crises. Lost Lambs is also absurd in a way that I find morbidly funny. Horror and comedy are so closely related and I enjoy balancing the grim tone with hints of humor.
Q6. What would you like to see more in interactive fiction/the IF community?
I’d love to see more authors explore their own identities! Writing is a great way to celebrate parts of yourself. And if it helps the writer connect then surely a few readers will also be able to connect. On a dumber note, I’m a sucker for every ex-option love interest. Give me the exes. Enemies to lovers? It’s alright. Lovers to enemies? I’ll take 100, please.
Q7. Do you have any advice for your fellow authors?
It’s going to sound like the most generic advice ever but Have Fun, first and foremost. And try not to pay attention to numbers whether it’s word count or followers. Just go wild! Get everything down onto a page, a napkin, the walls of your room, doesn’t matter. Give life to what you want to write before you kill it off. Don’t get too caught up in your own head before even starting because that can be the hardest part. Because once you’ve started, you can always come back to it later.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Poseidon
Fishy fishy fishy… I honestly could write 100 more things for Poseidon MC and Levi. I just love the dynamic between an insecure, otaku shut-in and a chill California surfer dead set on becoming his friend.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon 
For anyone unaware, Poseidon is also the god of horses. I know it's a weird combo, but I didn't write the mythos.
They came out of the portal….
On a horse….
They brought the mortal down to the Devildom…
On a goddamn horse….
There's a demigod on a live horse brandishing a weapon and doing laps around the Student Council Room…
Congratulations, he already wants to pull his hair out!!
Honestly, it would have been preferable to pluck them out of the sea. At least then they'd just need a towel! What the hell were they going to do with an entire horse!?
And his nightmare didn't stop there. Poseidon is a notoriously mercurial god, prone to bouts of anger and spitefulness for reasons far less grievous than kidnapping his children… 
Their apology was swift and (seemingly) effective, though the tide waters around the Devildom did rise by several feet for some time…
As for the MC… uh… Well, they're an energetic one to say the least…
Lucifer hasn't met a more active individual since Mammon. They horseback ride, swim, surf, skateboard, and probably do ten other things - the point is, they Hardly. Keep. Still! 
They're also annoyingly easygoing… He can't count the number of times they've told him to, "Just chill out," or, "Hang loose…" What does that even mean??
Between having to order a stable made for their horse and just trying to keep up with them, Lucifer already thinks this mortal has caused him more trouble than they're worth… At least they keep Mammon busy...
Upon first meeting them atop their horse, Sunset, his first thought was of course:
"I wonder if I sell that...?"
After that, they nearly fed him to sharks for trying to take their beloved steed on same night. Safe to say, he never touched a hair on its head again…
These two had a rocky start, but their relationship mended fairly quickly. As it turns out, the MC is literally one of those "go with the flow" types. You can say it was water under the bridge soon enough.
Mammon actually thinks the MC is a hell of a lot of fun, even if they're super laid-back. Most of the time, they won’t take his drive for money (or fear of his bills) all that seriously and tell him that he’s worrying too much, but they’ll still lend a hand if its on their way.
He finds their ability to control water pretty cool as well. Levi has it to some extent, but the MC can make a whole-ass whirlpool or use water like a whip! 
He once begged them to call up some rare fish for him to sell, but they got all pseudo-philosophical on him about how “trading life for material wealth” is “not cool, dude...”
He also made the mistake of challenging them to a splash fight only once…. They managed to drench the whole family with a single wave….
The only thing that bothers him is their weird insistence on being Levi's "Best Buddy…" Why would someone like them even bother with a shut in??
Is it the water? … Probably water. Levi, that lucky bastard…
Thinks they're a big normie, no scratch that, a HUGE normie! The biggest normie he's ever met!! They skateboard and horseback ride for Devil's sake!!
...But they’re also, undoubtedly, the best friend he could've ever asked for.
To be fair to Levi, their friendship was sort of forced upon him. The MC took one look at him, his aquatic-themed room, and his pet goldfish then declared their new friendship status at that moment. 
Unfortunately for him, though, they're energetic, extroverted, and generally have little understanding of personal space… aka, an introvert's worst nightmare…
The next month could accurately be described as the MC doing everything in their power to make their stubborn "senpai" like them.
They would drag him out to the aquarium, beach, or pool; they befriended Henry so he could put in a good word for them; and they'd even bring him little gifts or trinkets they'd find on the ocean floor. Pretty shells and stuff like a cat bringing its master a dead mouse.
After he finally began to accept them as a persistent fixture in his life, he introduced them to gaming and anime and started accepting them little by little...
By the end of their stay, these two were practically inseparable. Not just because they like spending time together, but because they figured out they could have a telepathic link due to Levi being part sea serpent. 
No matter how far they are, they can always have a chat! (That no one else can hear so people think they’re just crazy...)
Satan honestly isn't the MC's biggest fan, he generally finds them too loud and gregarious for his liking. But their horse…?
He never really thought that he'd be a horse man... Yet it didn’t really take long for Satan to adore Sunset, their beautiful golden-maned mare. Apparently she's not their only horse, but by far their favorite traveling companion.
Sunset is a wonderful horse - brave, strong, and well-trained. It only took a few weeks before he was regularly sneaking out to the stables to brush her fur or feed her apples...
After the MC taught him how to ride, that was it. All other forms of transportation were inferior to him now.
Satan would ride Sunset everywhere and he looked damn good doing it! It takes all that fairytale Prince Charming thing he has going on and puts it through the roof.
It's a good thing too, because when I say everywhere, I do mean everywhere. Lucifer had to put seals on the House doors to keep Satan from riding Sunset through the hallways...
Of course, he’ll always let the MC have Sunset back when they need her!... with a little complaining but nothing terrible.
The MC doesn't mind much because Sunset likes him and they know he takes good care of her, but the rest of the House is slightly unnerved at how quickly he went horse crazy… What if they brought a giant crab instead?? No one wants to deal with crab-Satan...
Their body is just scrumptious. Oh, how he could look at their swimsuit-clad figure all day!! 😩
Between the swimming and the fighting, their form is toned to all hell and he can't get enough of it! Yes baby, yes!! Take those clothes off again!!! He'll help~! 😘
When he's not staring at them “totally respectfully,” then he's inviting them out to pool parties or begging them to take him riding...
There are parts of horseback riding he doesn’t like, the smell and the jostling specifically, but there is a kind of… romance to it, no?
He loves having the chance to snuggle up to the MC as they trot around the Devildom! It's so romantic, like they’re his knight in shining armor! (Or his demigod in a damp swimsuit, either works. 😏)
His Devilgram is just full of selfies of him and MC riding on the back of Sunset or sitting by the edge of the pool or them in the middle of a swim meet…
Yeah his Devilgram is now a one part him and one part MC-Appreciation account.
After the pact he'll eventually cool down some and stop staring at them like a sex-object, but even then he'll be at every swim meet. Don't you worry~
He actually really likes them! It's great to finally have another athlete in the House. 😊
The MC joined the RAD swim team just as soon the coach was able to convince Diavolo that having the child of a water god wasn't completely cheating... 
Since swim and fangol practice ends at about the same time, they walk home together a lot and complain about... sports things... (Forgive me, I don’t know sports. Uhm... Rival teams? Coaches? That one drill everyone hates? Stuff like that.)
Beel also can surf, skate, and snowboard so the two have a healthy competition going. They're about on equal footing so they tie often (except in surfing but Beel doesn't think that should count cause they’re probably cheating).
The only thing that he has to watch out for is Sunset… As in, he has to watch himself around Sunset because he absolutely could eat her on accident… 
Look, he doesn't want to and he doesn't even like horse meat that much, but even he has to admit there are times he gets hungry enough to consider it…
Of course, he knows that if he ever did Satan would rip him limb from limb then the MC would drown the rest so he really, really tries to control himself… but still… She’s a very healthy horse...
At least he didn’t try to sell her like Mammon. The MC hung him over a shark tank for that stunt… He’d feel bad, but Mammon kind of had it coming.
The first time they met, the MC smelled like beach water and called him "dude-bro…" He didn't like his prospects.
For a while, he genuinely thought that they had a lump of sand where their brain was. They were just too chill!! Here he was saying that he's being held captive and they were like, "Well that sucks, man… I'll help ya, but I've got practice tomorrow. You can wait, right?"
It's not like he expected them to jump on top of it, but some urgency would have been nice…
When they eventually got around to helping him, he was actually looking forward to choking the life out of them for the extra wait. Unfortunately, they apparently had a horse…
Yeah, Belphie found out just a bit too late that the MC could summon their steed to them whenever they wanted and ended up with Sunset's hooves firmly bucking into his back for his trouble…
What followed was Belphegor running circles around the attic from the weapon-totting MC riding their terrifying murder horse until Lucifer finally intervened....
Thank the gods he wasn’t near any water….
As it would turn out later, as long as he's not being held captive in an attic Belphie kind of vibes with their laid-backness… They say they approach life "one wave at a time" or something.
He could care less about what that actually means, but what it translates to is "Stop stressing out and just keep chill" which he's all about.
Everybody should just chill out!... dude…. Nah, he'll let them stick to the “dude”-thing, it feels weird...
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dollslayer · 3 years
Charity Case
Bucky Barnes x Reader, College AU, enemies to lovers
Summary: You loathe Bucky Barnes and his cocky attitude but you find yourself doing him a favor. Is he really as insufferable as he seems?
W/C: 3,830
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, uhhh kissing, that's it!
A/N: Here it is! My entry for @sweeterthanthis Quote Me On It 6k challenge!! My quote was "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?" (in bold). I love the Heathers so I'm excited!! Hopefully I did this prompt justice. As always, if you liked it please reblog/comment! Cheers! I do not consent to my work being reposted/translated on any platform.
Main Masterlist
Steve was running late again. You try not to chew your nails off in frustration but he’s definitely testing you. This is the third time in the last two weeks that he’s late to meet you. When he hasn’t been late he’s cancelled all together. Always with a half-ass apology of ‘Bucky needs me’. As if.
You’ve been friends with Steve since your freshman year creative writing class when the only open seat was next to him. Ever since that first day you two had been close. But not as close as him and Bucky. Childhood friends attending university together, thicker than thieves.
You always felt like Bucky was maybe a little jealous of the friendship you and Steve have. Maybe you’re a little jealous too but you’re almost positive Bucky is more jealous of you than you are of him but that’s beside the point. On top of his jealousy Bucky was just annoying. He had a girlfriend but he was always flirting with every girl he met, yourself included. Not to mention he was cocky as all hell.
Steve vouches for his character, swears that it’s all an act and he’s actually very sensitive underneath but you don’t buy it for a second. If you were his girlfriend you’d have dumped him a long time ago.
You don’t have time to dwell on your annoyance too much because Steve is rushing through the doors of the coffee shop. He looks around for you and when he finally finds you the look on his face is relieved. As he gets closer it’s clear that he’d been running to get to you in time. He’s sweaty and a little out of breath and if you weren’t so annoyed with him you’d have found it endearing that he ran here.
“There you are,” he huffs out, “I’m so sorry, I was with Bucky and I lost track of time.”
You purse your lips and hand him a napkin which he takes with a gracious nod before wiping the sweat from his brow. You hand him the iced coffee you’d ordered for him too. The ice is slightly melted from sitting there but he looks so refreshed to be drinking it.
“Figures” is all you say with a huff. If he hadn’t been doing it so often you would’ve been a little kinder about it but you were just irked.
“Seriously, I’m sorry. Nat just dumped him, he's been having a hard time” Steve explained.
“Is it because he flirts with anything that moves?” You scoff.
Steve scoffs in return “He does not! He’s just… outgoing. But no, they had their own problems.” You raise one eyebrow at him. “Okay the flirting had something to do with it but there’s a lot going on there.”
“Whatever, let’s just study for this exam while we can”.
You and Steve spent the next two hours cramming for your midterm together. Things were going well and you’d nearly forgotten that you were mad at Steve in the first place. Nearly.
You were so deep into your notecards that you didn’t hear the door open behind you. A voice that could grate on only your nerves. A voice that if it didn’t belong to such a bastard, might even be kinda sexy. The voice breaks your focus completely when it calls out.
“Hey, Steve, are you done already or what? Oh hey, what’s up, beautiful?”
You set your notecards down on the table maybe a little harder than you should. You shoot Steve a glare because you thought it would just be the two of you. Really? You cut in before Steve can answer his friend.
“No, Bucky, he’s not. Can we help you?”
He smirks, giving you his full attention. He knows he has you now, knows you took the bait and he’s goaded you to the point of backtalk. He pulls up a chair to the table and wedges himself tightly between you and Steve. The sound of the chair legs scraping the floor as he scoots closer to you rings in your ears and makes you cringe. You look at Steve again only to find him avoiding your gaze.
“Well, sweetheart, me and Stevie boy here have plans later. Gonna do some gaming and order a pizza, really embracing the bachelor lifestyle.” He raised his eyebrows at this and you just rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I heard Nat dumped your ass, actually, is that true?” You asked with a fake sweetness.
“Why, you interested?” He rebuffed.
You bristled at his quick response and muttered your annoyance under your breath. You chose not to respond. Instead you decided to address Steve.
“Steve, I didn’t realize that you had plans”
“Oh… yeah, loose plans…” He answered distractedly while pretending to be reading a text on his phone.
You decide to call it a day. You were getting seriously fed up with Steve’s passive behavior in all of this. Thankfully you didn’t have much to pack up, so once you slung your backpack over your shoulder you looked up at the pair to bid them goodnight.
“Well, Steve, this was… enlightening. Bucky, eat it. Goodnight fellas, have fun with your ‘bachelor lifestyle’” You said with air quotes. Turning on your heel you left before either could respond.
You had left the coffee shop that evening pretty upset with Steve. Of course it’s fine for him to have other friends but lately it was like he only cared about Bucky and all of your plans took a backseat to theirs. You decided you weren’t going to be the one to text Steve first, since he was being a bad friend. He could be the one to initiate plans.
He did just that when he caught you in the hallway after your midterm a week later. He jogged up to you once again and tugged on your sleeve to get you to stop.
“Hey, how do you think you did? Bet those notecards paid off, right?” He half-joked. He looked sheepish. Nervous almost. You figured it was because of what happened last time you met.
“Yeah, Jesus Christ! I’ve never been so grateful for little pieces of paper.” You scoffed. You decided to keep it light between you. You were still upset with him but his tone leads you to believe he was gonna apologize.
“Right?” He laughs nervously, “So listen, I know I’ve been kind of a jerk lately… Maybe we could get something to eat at Nick’s?”
Nick’s was the local greasy spoon on campus and they had the best breakfast food you’d ever had. You eyed him suspiciously but accepted.
“Alright, but you’re buying. And there better not be any visitors!” You add as you bound down the hall ahead of him. He knows you mean Bucky and he’s not worried because Bucky won’t be showing up today. He’s more nervous about what he has to ask you.
You’re sipping on pop as you play with your straw wrapper. You look up at Steve and notice he’s fidgeting a lot more than usual.
“What’s up? Why are you so twitchy?” You question him.
“Me? I’m not twitchy! I was just thinking that’s all” He quickly defends himself.
“Well that was the last midterm of the semester for both of us, I think it’s safe to say you can relax.”
“Yeah, guess you’re right.” Steve concedes quietly.
You and Steve eat in near silence, neither of you mind though because it’s comfortable. You worked on your hashbrowns when you looked up and noticed that Steve had barely touched his food. He was still fidgety, he looked nervous.
“Hey, you’ve hardly eaten anything, what’s the matter?”
He looks a little embarrassed, like he’s been caught. Or like he’s about to come clean about something.
“Look, I wanted to say sorry I know I haven’t been the best friend lately with everything going on with Bucky. He really is having a hard time since the breakup y’know… he’s lonely”
“Right” You laughed, “I’m sure he’s soo lonely.” You rolled your eyes and picked up your fork.
“No really, he just needed a friend to be there. I think he does need to get back out there though.”
“With how smooth he thinks he is, I'm sure he’ll have a date by the end of the night. I wouldn’t worry about it, Stevie.” You responded.
“I’m serious! As much of a player as he comes off he needs to be with someone he already knows. He’s actually really sensitive.” You interrupted with another laugh. There were many choice words you’d use to describe Bucky Barnes but ‘sensitive’ is not one of them.
“But anyway, I was...kinda hoping you’d do me a favor…” Steve trails off.
Based on the conversation you just had you’re cautious. You eye him warily but motion for him to continue.
“Well, like I said Buck’s having a hard time and he needs to get back out there but he doesn’t feel comfortable hooking up with a stranger. I was thinking maybe.. You guys should hang out?”
Steve refused to look at you as he finished the question. The look on your face was a look of confusion and shock.
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?” you asked in disbelief. “I mean seriously, I’m nice but not that nice.”
“No!” You cut him off, “You know I can’t stand that prick. Also why would I want to put myself on the long list of women he’s probably tried to fuck? I don’t buy this whole ‘sensitive’ thing for a minute.”
“I’m serious, Nat kinda crushed his heart when she left. He acts cocky but it’s a front. I just think he needs to see someone to get it out of his system. You’ve got more in common than you think. Just hang out with him once. Don’t think of it like a date, just a really really big favor. Please?” Steve begged.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. “You. Owe. Me. So. Much”
“Really?” He asked hopefully.
“Really. But I’m not gonna bang him. Hard no on that” you said.
“Yeah, yeah of course! No problem! I’ll give Bucky your number!” He reached across the table and grabbed your hand. His hands were kidna clammy but you let him.
“Seriously, thank you. I know you think he’s some jerk but I promise he’s a good guy.” Steve adds, “A-and don’t think of it as like a date, even, y'know? I think honestly he could just use another friend. Think of how good it could be if we could all hang together some time?”
You shook your head and chuckled at his optimism while you stabbed another bite of your meal.
‘What’s up, sweetface?’ Gross.
‘Okay, sorry. Hi, how are you?’ Better.
‘I’m alright, you?’
‘Good. Steve tells me you’re a huge trivia nerd. Wanna go to Sally’s tn?’
‘It’s a date’ Shit. Didn’t mean to say that. Fuck. Quick- say something that will deflect before he responds!
‘And since it’s a date you’re paying’ That’ll have to do.
‘Ugh fine. Here’s hoping you’re a cheap date at least. I’ll meet you there at 9’
What do you wear for a date with someone that you despise? It’s just bar trivia so it’s nothing special but somehow the jeans and flannel you’ve been wearing all day don’t feel like they make the cut. You rip your closet apart trying to find something before you settle on black skinny jeans and your favorite sweater with some boots. Casual but not too casual.
You spend the whole walk there dreading the night ahead of you. Knowing that you wouldn’t even have Steve as a buffer between you made the whole evening seem daunting. At least you had trivia to distract you. You decide to give Bucky the benefit of the doubt tonight for Steve’s sake. You try to remember Steve’s insistence that Bucky’s a good guy and you have a lot in common. We’ll see about that.
When you arrive at the bar you find Bucky already waiting for you at a high-top table with two PBRs and a shot of brown liquid. Please don’t let that be whiskey. He sees you coming and smiles that damn-his-good-looks smile at you while patting the open chair next to him. The closer you get you even see that he got the whiteboard already for trivia.
“Please tell me that’s not Jameson or Fireball” you greet him.
He laughs a little and shakes his head. “Better - it’s Jack. Sorry, doll, but I already opened the tab. This is what we’re drinking” He nudges one of the shots closer to you and motions for you to pick it up. “Come on, we gotta start the night off right, bottoms up!”
Before you can gag at the thought of drinking whiskey you grab the glass and face him. You both knock your shots on the table before clinking them together and swallowing them in one go. You grimace at the taste and feel the warmth flow all the way down your throat. You quickly take a sip of your beer to rid yourself of the taste.
“Aww, you’re cute when you’re grossed out.” Bucky coos at you.
You’re embarrassed and annoyed but it goes away quickly.
“Shut up, Barnes”
You give him a light shove and he pretends like he’s about to fall off his stool, making you laugh. For someone that’s only ever annoyed you he’s doing a pretty bang-up job of being likeable when it’s just the two of you.
“You ready for me to carry you through some trivia?” You joked.
“Hey, now! I know...stuff” he concluded.
“Mmhmmm, I’m sure you do. Don’t worry, I’ll answer the questions and you just sit there and look pretty” you reach over to pat his face lightly with a wink.
Bucky grumbles before taking another sip of his beer.
You settle in for a long night when the host announces the first round is starting.
You managed to steal the first round without breaking a sweat, second round was a little rocky until it came down to you and one other couple. You knew the third round would be tricky but the way Bucky was cheering you on you were determined. To no one’s surprise Bucky had been completely useless so far but to his credit he was trying. At least he was a supportive teammate.
Things were going well until the third round was announced: Old School Videogames. You didn’t know shit about old school videogames. Or regular videogames. The extent of your video game knowledge started and ended with Mario Kart.
When the third round was announced though Bucky hit the table in excitement and cheered.
“Woo! Fuck yeah!” He pats you on the shoulder, “I got this, don’t worry. I so fuckin’ got this!”
He was a few drinks deep but he was so confident and he was your only hope so you went with it. He looked like a little kid the way he was practically giddy.
“You had better! There’s some serious prize money riding on this round.” You said in warning.
“No, no. You don’t understand that I’ve GOT this. Your turn to look pretty, not that it’s gonna be all that hard for you, sweetface” Bucky grinned at you over his beer as he took another sip.
Your cheeks felt heated and you tried your best to hide it by taking another drink yourself. Bucky’s flirting has never worked until now. Must be the alcohol.
“Shut up, Barnes” you mumble.
“Y’keep saying that but what I really think you mean is ‘I love you, Bucky you’re so strong and handsome~’” He imitated in a high pitched feminine voice.
You shoved him for real and before you could say anything else the third round was starting.
Bucky wasn’t kidding when he said he had this. He had won the round in a clean sweep and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed. Who knew this man harbored so much videogame trivia? When the host handed you the prize money he just waggled his eyebrows as if to say See?
“I gotta hand it to you, Barnes, I had no idea you had that much videgame wisdom rolling around up there. The only videogame I ever play is Mariokart so I’d be toast without you.”
“Mariokart? That’s it?? No problem, doll. It was nice to contribute.” He chuckles at that.
You divvied the money up and handed him his half.
“Guess I’m not such a cheap date afterall, huh?”
He chuckled as he took his half from you.
“I’m gonna go pay the tab with our winnings, I’ll be back”
You picked up your phone while you waited for him to find some missed texts from Steve.
‘How’s it going?’ ‘Are you guys doing okay?’ ‘I haven’t heard anything so I’m assuming you haven’t killed each other. Have fun, text if you need a ride home.’
You almost rolled your eyes at Steve’s insistence but found yourself smiling instead. You’d text him back when you got home.
Bucky was walking up to you once more and you smiled at him slightly.
“You said you’re good at Mariokart?”
“I didn’t say I was good at Mariokart, I said that I played it. Why?”
“Well I was thinkin’ maybe we could go back to mine and I could whoop your butt”
You weren’t going to say yes but now he was goading you and you took the bait without hesitation.
“Oh, you’re on, Barnes. You’re so, so on.”
His smile grew wider when he heard your response. With that he placed his hand on your lower back and ushered you out of the bar.
You played two tournament cups worth of Mariokart and Bucky had indeed whooped your butt. You don’t know why you were surprised, with how much gaming he and Steve do it’s no surprise he’s a natural. You still had fun though. Just when you were about to propose a third round Bucky got up and headed to the kitchen without a word.
He came back with two glasses of water and handed you one. He sat down on the floor next to you and you set down your controller.
“Here, drink up.”
You were taken aback a bit by the kind gesture but accepted the glass just the same.
“Thank you, I might regret saying this but, you’re not so bad when you’re not being insufferable, Barnes”. You told him
He smiled and shook his head as he drank his water.
“Thanks, I guess”
“How come you can’t be like this all the time? When it’s just the two of us you’re so kind and you’re even… I don’t know, funny maybe. Why do you get all cocky whenever else I see you?”
He looked down into his glass at your comment and you watched his brows crease in thought.
“I don’t know, it just sort of… happens, whenever I’m around other people I don’t know that well. I don’t mean to be a dick or anything but it’s like I can’t help myself. People expect me to be a certain way and I can’t help but fall into it sometimes. Nat hated that about me, it’s part of the reason why she dumped me, actually”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that. And I’m sorry about the breakup, too. I know you guys were together for a while.” Bucky only shrugged at this and downed the rest of his water.
“It is what it is. I’m ready to be over it, I’m getting there slowly but surely. I gotta say, you’re not so bad either when you’re not getting all defensive and in my face. You’re actually pretty funny”
Your turn to become flustered at a personal analysis.
“Thanks, I guess I don’t mean to be so defensive either, it's just my response to most other people. I feel myself slip into it and it can’t be helped.” You explained.
Bucky nods at you, not knowing entirely what to say in response.
“I like spending time with you” He says leaning closer to you.
You swallow thickly, not sure what to make of what you feel knowing his face is so close to yours.
“I… like spending time with you too. You’re not what I thought.”
“Me neither,” he shakes his head, “You’re something else.”
With that he leans his head closer to yours and you feel yourself close your eyes and move your lips to slant perfectly into his. You’re kissing Bucky Barnes. The Bucky Barnes you can’t stand. That Bucky Barnes. You’ve decided that his tongue feels too good in your mouth to care now.
His hands come to frame your face and bring you in closer. His hands are warm and calloused but they feel like comfort. You can’t help but to melt. You moan into his mouth and it seems to spur him on. He pulls you into his lap and you let out a noise of surprise that’s muffled by his mouth on yours.
Your hands come to caress his sides and you take your time feeling every muscle and ridge. Your hands idly make their way under the hem of his shirt and his skin is just as smooth as you’d expect. He sighs into your mouth and it takes all of your strength not to fall apart right there. You feel yourself getting lightheaded and have to pull away for air. When you do you rest your forehead against his and the only sound is both of your breathing.
You finally brave a look at him and he has the softest smile on his lips.
“Sorry, doll, didn’t mean to get so carried away but I’ve been waiting for a long time to do that.”
This catches you off guard.
“You have? Wait, did you like me? But you flirt with everyone!” You explain.
“With you, I flirt with you. You just can’t stand me” he laughs out, “Nat dumped me for a couple reasons but that’s one of them she told me I needed to get my priorities straight and I gotta say, I’m thankin’ her for sayin’ it ‘cause she was right.”
You don’t know what to say or what to make of any of this. All you know is that you want to kiss him again, so you do. You grab him by the collar and pull him into you again. He lets out a startled noise but kisses you back all the same.
You don’t care what you used to think of Bucky Barnes and you don’t care about what’ll happen after today. Right now all you care about is feeling him in sync with you for the first time. You could live in this moment forever but right now will have to do.
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ateezmakemeweep · 3 years
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seonghwa x reader x yeosang; love triangle au
word count: 35k
angst, fluff, smut
it was in your first class of the semester, intro to creative writing at nine a.m., that you met kang yeosang.  
you didn’t know what to expect from the college experience, leaving the safety and familiarity of your hometown to come to a new city full of strangers and endless possibilities.
one of them being an all-consuming, butterfly-inducing first love that you missed out on from years of being socially anxious and reclusive.
it all started when you showed up late to your first class, red-faced and flustered and apparently very forgetful.
you sealed your fate the moment you borrowed a pen from the cute boy next to you, sneaky looks and shy smiles eventually morphing into so much more.
september - freshmen year
you’ve seen movies and shows and even heard some things in the halls of your high school about college classes. how they were so much harder than anything you’d been exposed to but also came with more freedom.
you didn’t need a certain color or book for the subject, you could freely leave to go the bathroom or get a drink, you didn’t even have to show up for all the professor cared.
it was also known that there were many different types of people in college: the stereotypical frat boys, boasting about parties and girls as they wore cut-off shirts and showed up to class hungover.
there were the edgier teens and young adults, finding their own look away from the eyes of their parents with piercings and tattoos and brightly colored hair that caught the attention of the older, snooty professor.
and then there was everyone else.
students like you who, maybe, didn’t fit in anywhere yet or didn’t know where they were gonna fit in; but, truthfully, fitting in was the last thing on your mind.
because it was the first day of classes, bright and early in the morning, and you were scrambling into the grand brick building, panicked and breathless, as you searched desperately for room 204.
you set an alarm and got out of your dorm room and everything, a single dorm you are so eternally grateful you secured. but it was a few wrong turns and entering one of the wrong buildings on the other side that landed you your current fate.
winded with messy hair and slightly red cheeks as you entered what you were praying was the right room. the professor was still doing introductions via a powerpoint and barely sparred you a glance, allowing you to easily slip into the first available seat.
you took the professor doing her own introduction and going over the syllabus to catch your breath, calm down and relax yourself because okay, yeah, that was a bit of a mess but you’re here in one piece now.
you made it in without getting scolded, you didn’t fall on your face or trip over the outdated tan carpet and you’re pretty sure no one even noticed you.
“i’ll spare you the ice breakers because i know you guys are gonna get stuck with some in your other classes,” the professor said, another win for you because you can’t imagine anything worse than trying to talk to someone right now.
“i just have a few notes for you to take and then i’ll let you guys go early. how does that sound?”
there’s a chorus of replies muffled by the sound of students shuffling to open their bags, notebooks hitting the table and the satisfying but annoying click of new pens.
it’s upon opening your own backpack that you realized, not only were you late to your first day of college but, you’d forgotten something as simple as a pen.
you rummage through your bag, hoping one just slipped to the bottom and letting out a quiet, annoyed sigh as you come to terms with this. you should’ve just brought your laptop, you already see several other people them so it would’ve been fine.
why do you always have to-
“need one?”
the deep voice from beside you is low and whispered, long fingers attached to a veiny hand offering you a blue pen. you hadn’t even noticed who you sat down next to you, far too consumed in your embarrassment about being late to notice the very attractive, very nice man sitting right next to you.
he couldn’t help but notice you though, if the way your bag hit into his shoulder and the cute little sigh you made when you plopped down right next to him didn’t immediately grab his attention.
his interest was only peeked further when he heard you rummaging next to him, a slight flush on your exposed neck that he can only assume happens when you’re flustered.
his voice ripped you from your frantic searching, eyes meeting his as your breath caught in your throat.
they were deep and brown, with a soft light in them that kept you entranced for far too long. his hair was black and looked soft to the touch, hanging just above his eyes so it didn’t obscure his regal features.
“i... yes please,” you finally answer with a wince, taking the pen from his hold gently. “thank you.”
“no problem,” he responds cooly, keeping his eyes on you for a few fleeting seconds before turning back to the board.
taking notes and focusing on the professor’s voice keeps you occupied most of the time, the pen in your hand and the blue ink on your paper a constant reminder of the person sitting right beside you.
he doesn’t look like anyone you’d ever met before in your life.
sure, you’d had crushes on people from your school back home but that was only because they were nice to you. they weren’t like the majority who made fun of anyone who wasn’t like them - cool and popular and had an interest in going to parties and being social.
there was never anyone who looked like him though, so strikingly attractive and cool even though he’d only said four words to you; maybe this is just showing your inexperience, falling in love at first sight with a person who just gave you a pen and has a pretty face.
“alright we’ll wrap up here. i’ll see you guys next time!”
your professor’s voice pulls you from your thoughts, the rustling of people all around you bringing you back to reality.
you close your book and put the cap back on the pen, grateful you were too distracted by your thoughts to chew it absentmindedly - you probably would’ve had to drop the class if you had to give him back a chewed up, slightly wet pen cap.
you look next to you to see the boy is tucking two books under his arm, about to get up and leave for the day before your lowly spoken voice stops him.
“wait,” you say, quiet but abrupt as he turns around to look at you.
his eyes are soft and glinted with a certain type of amusement, one you can’t quite make out or have the ability to try and determine right now. you can only hold out his pen dumbly, your stare on him blank despite the slight flush to your cheeks.
it only deepens when he holds your gaze, eyes roaming your face before a smile crosses his face and make your heart jump inside your chest.
“it’s okay, keep it,” he says, nodding his head toward your bag.
“oh... are you sure?” you squeak out, “i don’t wanna leave you without an extra pen.”
a deep chuckle leaves his mouth as he nods his head, everything about him, his presence, his laugh, his face making you grow even more out of sorts.
“i’ve got more, don’t worry.”
“oh. well, thank you!” you smile softly, tucking the pen in the pocket of your sweater. “i’ll be sure not to lose it.”
“cool,” he chuckles out, the sweet smile on his face causing yours to widen. “i’m yeosang.”
“y/n,” you introduce sweetly, a lingering silence between you two full of soft smiles and wandering eyes; you aren’t aware of that feeling hanging in the air, something so obvious and palpable when two people are immediately attracted to one another, but he feels it.
he felt it in the way he’d sneak glances at you, your brows furrowed as you took notes or the far away look in your eye when you dazed off with your cheek on your hand.
he didn’t know why he was immediately drawn to you, maybe something about your wide-eyed looks or sweet vanilla scent, but he was sure of two things: he needed to know your name and he had to get here early next class to get the same seat next to you.
november - freshmen year
it took yeosang two months to ask you out.
it proved to be one of the more challenging things he’d done within these past two months of school - not because he was nervous or thought you weren’t interested but because getting you to open up was incredibly trying.
he knew you were interested though, if the way you alcoholism when you saw him or continued to sit next to him was any indication of that.
you learned within the first few weeks of class that he was a freshmen like you, had an older sister who also went to this school and planned with his seven high school friends to all attend college together.
“that’s... kind of crazy,” you giggled, a smile on yeosang’s face hearing your laugh ring through the classroom.
the professor was running a few minutes late, leaving you and him and all your other classmates to chat amongst yourselves.
“do you live together?”
“unfortunately,” he says, the pain in his voice causing you to muffle another giggle into your hand. “i love them, don’t get me wrong, but it’s like... constant chaos. and the house is always mess. it’s a miracle that i won rock, paper, scissors for a single room.”
“well that’s good then,” you say with a smile. “i have a single dorm here, too, actually.”
“oh?” he says, head cocked to the side questioningly. “did you wait too long to apply?”
“oh no, i actually... requested it,” you tell him quietly, a slight blush on your cheeks as you explain yourself. “i do better with my own space. i don’t know if i could be around someone, like, all the time. especially if they had different habits than i did.”
“i get that, completely,” yeosang says, a shudder going through him at the mere thought of some of his roommate’s different habits.
like how wooyoung rarely throws out leftover food before putting it in the sick, leaving disgusting, soggy food out that results in all of them gagging and screaming at him.
or how mingi insists on showering in the late hours of the night, the sound of water and pipes squealing ripping him from his slumber.
or, one of his personal favorites, how hongjoong must always have three pairs of shoes stacked on top of the shoe rack - no more, no less, or he says it throws off the rack’s equilibrium and sends him into a frenzy.
“but doesn’t it get lonely?” he asks, “what do you on weekends and stuff?”
“homework, sleep, sometimes go to a coffee shop and do more work,” you shrug, never realizing how much of a reclusive loser you seem to be until this very moment. “i’ve met a few girls from my classes but our project ended a few weeks ago.”
you felt the need to throw that in there, just so he knows you do in fact see other people from time to time.
“well you should come to one of our parties,” yeosang says with a smile.
“my sister’s friend always throws them at his house. they’re fun and don’t get too sloppy since it’s not people our age trying to catch up on the full college experience.”
dread pools in the pit of your stomach at the word party, not being able to picture anything worse than standing in a overcrowded house being surrounded by sweaty, drunk bodies and the stench of alcohol.
but that sounds far too harsh to say to yeosang, instead giving him a small sympathetic smile as you shrug your shoulders.
“i don’t know, i’m not much of a party person,” you confess quietly.
“oh, c’mon,” yeosang whines slightly, swinging his chair to face you playfully.
there’s a glint of something in his eyes, like he’d be fully prepared to beg and plead with you just to see you outside of the classroom or library.
“it’ll be fun! we’ll be able to hang out without finding our voice and engaging the audience.”
you giggle at the words that have left your professor’s mouth about seven hundred times this semester, cocking your head to the side as you looked at him pleadingly.
partially because, if he keeps looking at you like that, you’re gonna crack.
“i don’t go to parties much,” you tell him, a soft sympathetic frown on your face.
you really don’t wanna reject him. you wanna hang out with him outside of this class and school and engaging the audience but why does it have to be in that type of setting?
but it’s not like you can suggest any other setting.
because then it’ll seem like you’re asking him out on a date and that is something you definitely can’t do.
“why? are you scared?” yeosang teases, his eyebrow quirking up along with the smirk on his lips. “i’ll be with you the whole time. you can even meet my friends, they’ll be on their best behavior for you.”
you’ll never get used to the way he says your name. the way his deep voice makes it sound and how butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“yeosang...” you drag out in a slight whine, feeling bad at how eager he’s becoming and how much you really don’t wanna go. but you wanna go for him. you really, really do.
his smile widens at hearing you say his name, the sound of it falling from your pretty lips never failing to give him the same reaction. he wants to hear you say it more, in every way, in every setting, where people and his friends see that you’re comfortable with him.
“please, y/n?” he asks, his face leaning closer to yours.
your faces are mere inches apart, unaware to everyone else in the room sleeping on the tables or texting on their phones.
his eyes are roaming every bit of your face, lips quirked up in a smile that has your eyes falling down to his lips before back to his glinted eyes.
“for me,” he hums lowly, his smile turning to a smirk when he notices you swallow nervously.
“i really wanna hang out with you,” he says, his voice just above a whisper as he speaks to you and only you. “if you hate it that much, we’ll leave and do something else. but i want us to try. i want you to meet my friends and just have fun for a night with me.”
you let out a sigh, the air between you thick and charged as his eyes become more and more hopeful.
“i won’t leave you once. not even to pee.”
you narrow your eyes at him, pushing him back playfully and ignoring the hard muscle under your hand.
“i don’t wanna hang out with you if you’re gonna piss your pants.”
his deep chuckle booms through the room, waking a few students angrily while grabbing the attention of others. but he can only shake his head at you, eyes falling to your lips when he sees you press your teeth into the soft looking skin.
“then it’s a deal. as long as you’re there, i won’t piss my pants. how does that sound?”
you first met park seonghwa at that party on a friday night.
he was just in the midst of the many introductions and first impressions of yeosang’s seven roommates, sealing his fate as yeosang’s incredibly handsome but standoffish best friend.
you were more so focused on how handsome and happy the black-haired was to see you anyway, a smile lighting up his face the second he saw you emerge from your car.
driving yourself was a sure fire way to not drink and get shit faced, release your ever present desire and crush on yeosang in the form of a sloppy drunken kiss and embarrassing, stuttered confession.
“hey guys, this is y/n,” yeosang said, his hand guiding you by the small of your back. “the girl from my class, who-”
“you haven’t stopped talking about? yeah, we figured,” the friend he introduced as wooyoung chirps, throwing his arm around your shoulder. “you’re just as pretty as he said, y/n. do you want a drink?”
you can barely respond to the happy, chipper boy next to you, too distracted by his words and the pink flush creeping up on your cheeks.
“i... uh... no thank you,” you finally stutter out, an awkward giggle leaving your mouth. “i drove myself here so i can’t drink.”
“now why the hell would you do that!” wooyoung yelps, throwing you an incredulous look before punching yeosang in the arm.
“um, ow?!” yeosang says, a smile pulling at your lips at the sound of his voice.
“why would you invite her and not offer her a ride, you sick fuck? now she can’t drink and have fun.”
“i’ll still have fun,” you reassure wooyoung with a sweet smile. “i don’t drink much anyway. or come to parties, for that matter, so this is all gonna be a new experience.”
“oh shit, seonghwa, you hear that?” wooyoung says, nodding his head toward the dirty blonde with a sour look on his face. “she’s a recluse, too.”
“don’t call her that,” yeosang snips at the same time seonghwa says “don’t call me that.”
wooyoung only rolls his eyes before promptly getting whisked away to dance by mingi and san, leaving you and the others huddled around the couch and side table littered with their beers.
“i’m sorry about him,” yeosang says, breathless and defeated in a way only his oldest friend can make him. “he has no filter or knowledge of boundaries.”
“it’s okay, i like him,” you smile, your eyes meeting his and causing your heart to jump.
he looks better than he usual does if that’s even possible, his black hair hanging low and the faint smell of his shampoo wafting in your nose.
he’s wearing the same soft and sweet but amused expression he always has, the strangest mix of someone who looks like they’d be complete trouble but also someone you could bring home to your parents.
“then you’d be the only one,” yeosang chuckles out, the black-haired turning his head to his friend sitting on the couch. “right, hwa?”
“right,” the man’s deep voice booms, your eyes meeting at the same time.
he’s just as striking as seonghwa but not in such a boyish way. there’s a deep, brooding intensity to him that scares you ever so slightly, like he’s just as hard and cold as his expression says.
“do you wanna go meet the others?” yeosang asks, ripping your gaze away from seonghwa. “i think hongjoong and jongho are around here somewhere.”
“oh- sure,” you smile, looking back to seonghwa to see his eyes already on you. “nice meeting you, seonghwa.”
he hums a response before lifting the beer bottle to his mouth, legs spread and neck rolling to the side as if to deter anyone from sitting near him.
yeosang’s hand finds its way to the small of your back again, the warmth seeping through your shirt and making butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“don’t mind seonghwa, he’s a grouch at these,” yeosang says, a small giggle leaving your mouth as you look back at him.
“he seemed nice,” you assure him quietly, your face way closer to his than you anticipated. you can almost feel his minty breath on your skin, warmth all around you as he guides you carefully.
“they all do.”
“good,” yeosang smiles, his thumb rubbing along your back before stopping you in front of two boys playing beer pong.
“you fucking idiot! you suck!”
“fuck off, this is my first time and i’ve gotten more than you!”
you and yeosang share a look of amusement before he clears his throat, the taller boy’s head snapping toward you both. his eyes light up in some sort of recognition, dropping the white ping pong ball and ignoring the way it bounces onto the floor.
“getting your ass handed to you, i see,” yeosang quips, jongho rolling his eyes before holding his hand out to you.
“i’m jongho, yeosang’s coolest and most talented friend.”
a smile lights up your face despite the more crowded and loud area, taking your hand in jongho’s as you introduced yourself.
“you guys are in the same class, right? tell me, how much does yeosang hit his head falling asl-”
“hey, yeosang!”
all of you crane your heads toward the new voice, a group of guys with red, glassy eyes and shaggy hair looking at yeosang expectantly. you don’t recognize them from any of your classes or around campus, figuring they’re older seniors or friend’s of his sister.
“we’re gonna smoke in the back? you wanna come?”
you’re all too aware of the hand on your back moving to your waist, squeezing your hip lightly in a way that’s oddly reassuring in the moment. like he knows this area is louder and more crowded and making you ready to bolt.
you’re only not because he’s next to you and his friends seem incredibly happy to meet you.
“nah, i’m good,” his deep voice reassures.
you watch the boy’s gaze shift from yeosang to you, eyeing your body up and down before it lands on your hips. a smirk crosses his face and he nods his head, an amused “ahh, okay,” leaving his mouth.
there’s an immature and embarrassing chorus of “oohs” and “ahh,” like the grown college men are actually in a class of immature elementary schoolers who just got in trouble.
yeosang only rolls his eyes and flips them off, your eyes widening just as he turns to you with a soft smile.
“my sister’s friends. they’re cool, just stupid as shit.”
you bite down on your lip so you don’t burst out laughing, giving him a small nod that makes his smile widen.
“you wanna try playing beer pong?” he asks, “i’ll drink your beers so you can’t use that excuse.”
your eyes narrow as you pinch him arm gently, his arm knocking into yours as he narrows his in return.
“fine,” you say, “but i’m gonna be bad. i’ve never played before.”
“jongho plays every weekend and is still terrible,” hongjoong says, patting you on the shoulder reassuringly. “so it’s fine.”
“i’m not terrible!”
but come to find out, after nearly three rounds, he was pretty terrible. either he was pretty terrible or you were the fastest learner in beer pong history at this institute.
“you’re gonna be bad?” yeosang mocks with a smirk, your hands awkwardly bumping as you walk around the block.
the house had gotten far too stuffy and crowded after the second round, the noise growing louder and bodies growing closer to you in a way that made you incredibly nervous.
it was fun at first, even you can admit that. but once it got too loud, your discomfort started to show itself.
your wandering eyes, your teeth in your lip, the way you were no longer laughing or high-anniversary hongjoong despite being on different teams. yeosang had caught on immediately, deeming the third game your last before you took a break outside.
the cold air was refreshing and just what you needed but yeosang’s warm body next to you is nice too. the way your cold hand grazes his warm one, the way you’ll look at him any time it happens and catch him already staring at you.
the way, if it wasn’t for him pushing you out of your comfort zone, you would’ve never gone to an unfamiliar party or played a round (or three) of drinking games.
“i didn’t expect to be good, if you could believe that,” you giggle softly, biting down on your lip as you watch your feet. they’d almost be in sync, if you weren’t a naturally fast walker and yeosang had a slower, smoother swagger of a walk.
“i don’t know if i can,” he says, his voice teasing and light as you walk in the darkness. “beginners luck maybe but it seemed like more.”
“well i’ll probably never do it again so i’m glad we discovered this tonight,” you say quietly, a small giggle leaving your mouth.
lost in the way your heart is pounding and butterflies are in your stomach, you don’t realize yeosang isn’t walking until he pulls you by the elbow gently. your back hits in front softly, your eyebrows furrowing as you turn to look at him.
you’re greeted by a look of mock hurt, yeosang’s eyes staring down at you causing another small smile to grace your face.
“i thought you’d come back next week,” he says, voice so soft and sweet it makes the butterflies act up even more; he shouldn’t sound like this when he can also sound so scary and intimidating, the deep tone of his voice never failing to send your cheeks blazing.
“we had fun, no? i really like hanging out with you, y/n.”
for a moment you think you ruined something that barely started to build between you two. that the fleeting look of interest in his eye is gonna be shot to hell because he thinks you’re rejecting him in some way.
but you like him.
you really like him and you really like hanging out with him - you just don’t wanna do it in such a...crowded setting.
“i liked it, too, yeosang,” you confess immediately, faintly aware of his fingers toying with yours. “but... parties aren’t my thing. it got too crowded and i just get uncomfortable but i really liked hanging out with you.”
now he’s gonna think you’re stupid. silly and stupid and, quite frankly, weird that you can’t be in a normal setting for college students. maybe you should’ve just pushed through it, maybe you should’ve just-
“so no parties next time?” he asks, the hand toying with your fingers finally fully grasping your hand. the move makes your heart jump in your chest, the perfect fit of warmth and strength in your hand making you bite back a smile.
it doesn’t stop the blush from crossing your face, though, beyond grateful for the darkness in the sky right now.
“we can just hang out us, too. see a movie, go to dinner, whatever you wanna do.”
“so like a date?”
you don’t know why you blurt that out but you’re beyond embarrassed when you realize you do, your eyes growing wide and face heating even more; if the ground swallowed you up right now, you wouldn’t even mind.
a deep chuckle leaves his mouth and it only makes you more embarrassed, your gaze dropping and head falling ever so slightly.
he crouches so he’s staring up at you, a teasing smile on his face that brings a frown to your lips.
“i’m sorry, i don’t know why i-”
“yes, a date,” he says, successfully cutting you off as he rises to his full height and lifts your face to look at him. his finger’s resting under your chin and he’s standing even closer to you, eyes roaming you in such a way that makes you stare back dumbly.
“let me take you on a date. how does tomorrow sound?”
your eyes roam his for a few silent seconds, half because you’re in shock and half because you’re still embarrassed, until you realize he’s standing there awaitingly.
eyebrow quirked cockily and eyes full of amusement, like he somehow already knows you’re not gonna say no to him.
“i... tomorrow’s good,” you finally say, not being able to help the big smile that crosses your face.
the sight causes his heart to lift in his own chest, leaning down to press a soft and surprising kiss to your cheek. it’s simple and chaste and sweet but it makes every bit of you feel even more warm and happy, excitement bubbling inside you as he pulls back and interlaces your fingers together.
dinner and a movie turned into a very impromptu trip to the store for blankets, food and a picnic basket.
the restaurant yeosang planned on taking you to, a new italian restaurant in the center of town, had a two hour wait and the new romcom that followed was sold out for the night, leaving you and yeosang in his car trying to come up with a new course of action.
you insisted that you didn’t care what you did, that you could just go back to your dorm or his apartment and order take out or watch a movie there.
but he noticed you looking at the sky absentmindedly, a far away, fascinated look in your eye at the few visible stars and had an idea of his own.
he refused to tell you what you guys were shopping for, just that you’d see when you got there and could guess as you went along. it had all been so strangely intimate and domestic, yeosang pushing the cart as you threw things in after looking at him pleadingly.
“y/n, i told you to buy the whole damn store if you want. you don’t have to look at me like that over a box of cookies.”
you narrowed your eyes, insisting you will absolutely not do that.
“i just don’t know why you’re not letting me pay for anything. not even gas,” you whine.
he rolls his eyes silently as he pushes the cart along, a smile pulling at his lips as he walks past you.
“and you haven’t even told me what we’re doing!” you yelp after him, running after him like a child who doesn’t wanna lose their parent. he cranes his neck back as he raises an eyebrow, ushering you along to “find out what his genius plan is.”
when he goes down the bedding aisle telling you to pick out the fluffiest blanket, you look at him with suspicion all over your face. a smile pulls at his lips as he ushers you over himself, his hand lingering on your waist.
“this is the nice kind,” you tell him, a happy smile on your face even though it’s white and could very well be stained and destroyed.
“then put it in, pretty girl,” he says lowly, a squeal threatening to leave you as as butterflies erupt in your stomach. a smirk crosses his lips when he sees you get flustered, tightening his hold on your waist for a moment before dropping it entirely.
his real course of action starts when you guys are done shopping, fruits and cookies and crackers stocked in the cart along with a hidden gem he snuck under the cart tray.
it’s by a stroke of luck that, when you guys pass the bathrooms, you ask if it’s okay if you run in there quickly. he tells you to meet him in self check-out as he pays, hauling ass to the register and sticking all the items in a reusable bag.
you come out with a sympathetic smile, asking him for the tenth time if you could please give him some money for tonight’s date.
“absolutely not,��� he insists, grabbing your hand so naturally, it’s like you guys have done this for longer than two days. “it didn’t go the way i intended so i have to make it up to you.”
“no you don’t,” you whine quietly, looking up at him as a biting gust of winds sends you shivering. “this is fun, too. you’re just nice to be around.”
a smile lights up his face as he peeks down at you, his hold on you tightening before you quickly reach his car.
you ask where you guys are going for half the ride, a mischievous and coy smile on your face as you beg him to tell you where you’re going and what you’re doing.
you face him the entire time you do so, your fingers toying with his on the middle console. he doesn’t give you any hints but makes sure to keep his hand in yours, soft, sweet chuckles leaving his mouth when you let out more whines and groans.
“just a little longer,” he insists, the warmth of the car and his hand causing your head to rest on the seat.
it’s all very comfortable and calm, the quiet hum of his car nearly lulling you to sleep until you feel the car stop.
your head pops up and your eyes widen when you see you’re down by the beach, about an hour from your town and causing your eyes to gape at him - he just drove this far for the beach in the middle of november.
“the beach?” you ask, a confused smile tugging at your lips. you love it here and you’re certainly not mad, you spend most days in the summer down here, but you guys definitely can’t go in the ocean right now.
“yup,” he says simply, turning off the car before silently getting out. you watch him through the window as he opens the back door, carefully taking out the bag full of food and blankets before making his way to your side.
you send him a smile when he opens your door and extends his hand, a quiet “thank you,” leaving your mouth as you take his hand. he interlaces your fingers and your hands swing between you two, the chill from the ocean biting and cold but also slightly refreshing from the car’s heat.
“so...” you say once you two stop on the sand, the grains lumpy under your sneakers. you’ve never seen the beach this dark and desolate and it would absolutely unnerve you if yeosang wasn’t beside you. “what exactly are we doing here?”
“you mean you don’t wanna swim?”
your expression causes him to chuckle, disconnecting your hands to lay out a blanket on the sand. your next expression, however, warms his heart more than he’s ever felt before.
your eyes widen as they look at him, a surprised and excited gasp leaving as he pulls out a medium-sized picnic basket.
“when... when did you get that?!” you yelp, moving closer to his larger, warmer body to get a good look at it. “i didn’t even see you pick it up!”
“i was sneaky, right?” he teases with a wink, guiding you by the waist to sit down before placing the basket between you.
you barely notice the harsh gust of wind because of your excitement and surprise, yeosang’s hands draping a blanket around your shoulders before you can even shiver.
“i even packed the food. i didn’t really know how to be sneaky for that so it was pure luck that you went to the bathroom.”
and low and behold, when he opens up the white, woven basket, all the food you got was packed in perfectly. plates and utensils were strapped to the top with two small cups next to the array of fruits, cookies, and several ingredients for sandwiches.
you both happened to like cheese ones, your hands grazing and soft giggles leaving when you both reached for it in the frozen section.
“i... i can’t believe you did this,” you mumble quietly, feeling far more touched and happy than you’re willing to let on. “this is so cute. thank you, yeosang.”
you look up to see the soft smile he’s sending your way, his hand reaching out to cup your cold, red cheek. his thumb rubs over the cold skin for a few seconds, like he’s testing the waters to see if this is too much too soon.
the way you lean into him makes his heart start to pound just a little bit, his head cocked to the side as his eyes roam your face - you look so pretty, even with early signs of windburn.
“of course, pretty,” he mumbles quietly, that word again causing the butterflies to return. “thank you for coming on this date with me.”
you eat your sandwiches and fruit huddled under a blanket together, him wiping a crumb from your face and you throwing a stray piece of cheese at him when he calls you messy.
it’s all very tranquil and comfortable, like you guys have known each other for longer than two months. it’s still just enough time to still be unsure though, if your touches are too much or the way you’re looking at each other is setting yourselves up to be hurt.
you couldn’t care about any of that right now, though, laying down on the blanket and looking up at the sky with yeosang by your side.
you started off close, arms brushing before they eventually stayed glue to each other, and now you’re even closer. your head is just mere inches from resting on his chest, a shiver running through you that acts as the catalyst of him pulling you closer to him.
“c’mere” he mumbled lowly, your body immediately moving closer to hm until his warmth and woodsy scent surrounds you. you smile into his sweater, toying with the ends before his large, veiny hands covers your smaller, cold one.
“this was a really smooth idea, you know,” you say after a few moments of silence, eyes threatening to closer and body relaxing if you continue to lay here in the most comfortable silence of your life.
“oh?” he says, hearing the smile in his voice.
“yeah,” you say, tentatively turning to look up at him. there’s a look in his eye that makes you feel comfortable enough to rest your chin on his chest, your eyes briefly falling to his lips. “i think this was better than dinner and a movie. the stars are really pretty.”
a small smile grace his face as he looks at you, hand reaching up to tuck a few loose strands of hair behind your ear. all of his moves and touches tonight have been slow and gentle, like you’re a piece of glass he has to be fragile with.  
you’ve never been treated like that before and it makes your heart flutter, the sweet look in his palpable even in the darkness.
“they are,” he mumbles, his eyes not leaving you as his hand gently moves down your face.
your skin is smooth and cold and he doesn’t think he ever wants this moment to end. the closeness, the wide-eyed look you’re giving him, the way he feels so content and at ease, it’s like he doesn’t know how he lived peacefully before this.
“when’s our next date gonna be?”
a smile lights up your face as a cute giggle leaves your mouth, his hand on your chin constricting your movements ever so slightly.
“this one isn’t even over,” you tease lightly, eyebrows raising playfully. “what if when it ends, you don’t wanna see me again?”
“and why would that happen?” yeosang asks curiously, genuinely confused and positive that that wouldn’t be the case. because as he pulls your face a tad closer to him, your amused expression dropping to one of a surprise, he’s certain of two things.
he’ll never get tired of seeing you and he wants to kiss you right now.
“because, right now,” he starts again, voice low and deep that effects every part of your body. “i wanna kiss you more than anything. and then make sure i see you soon, as soon as possible, really, so i can do it again.”
you swallow nervously as you look at him wide-eyed, the confidence and sureness in his words causing your eyes to drop to his lips again.
you meet in a kiss half way that’s just as gentle and sweet as it is fulfilling. it’s a kiss that shows it’s your first time kissing each other but that’s what makes it so nice for both of you.
it’s slow and chaste but everything about it is pure. there’s no other intention than just kissing, testing out and acting on the attraction that was building the moment you saw each other.
he moves you on your back gently to hover over you more comfortable, your eyes closed as your arms wound around his neck. he doesn’t even make a move to deepen the kiss in any way, his tongue barely flicking out to trace the outline of your lips.
it’s then you pull back breathless, looking at him above you with flushed cheeks and a heaving chest.
“i... i want that, too,” you admit quietly after a few seconds, his eyes on you and yours on him.
because you wanna see him again, you wanna see more of his smile and hear more of his laugh and get to know the boy who briefly his way into your heart and mind so quickly.
“good,” he mumbles, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek before pecking the other one with a smile. “that makes me happy.”
you wanna kiss him again but he flops back down beside you before you can daringly initiate one, pulling you atop his chest again as he wraps his arm around you.
it takes everything in you not to fall asleep right there and then, feeling so comfortable and safe beside him, you’re excited to see how your next date is gonna go with him.
febuary - freshmen year
your second date turned into many more, becoming more comfortable and familiar with each other until, one night, he finally asked you to be his girlfriend.
it wasn’t anything grand, just after a night of late night drives and fast food run. your feet were up on the dash and you fed him salty, fattening fries with the moon as your witness.
he looked over at you occasionally, watching as you sipped from your drink or took a bite of your sandwich and realized in that moment, he needed you to be his.
because as far as he was considered, you were his and he was yours after your first date stargazing.
“y/n?” you hear him say, your mouth still connected to the straw as you guzzle down your soda. you move your gaze to see him looking at you, nervously swallowing your drink as your eyebrows pull together.
“what?” you ask, immediately wiping at your face and mouth. “is there something on my face?”
a deep chuckle leaves his mouth as he shakes his head, eyes roaming you for a few more seconds before his hand is resting on your face. the movement causes your heart to stutter, eyes widening and heart starting to pound.
you hope he can’t hear it. you think there’s about a 40% chance that he does and those odds are way too high for you.
“i like you,” he says.
the confession is short and sweet and everything about it is genuine. the way his voice drops and he’s looking at you with such a soft fondness, you can’t find the words to respond.
“i really like you, y/n,” he mumbles, his thumb slowly caressing the side of your face.
every stroke of his finger makes your heart pound more and more, your eyes looking up at him with a palpable look of, both, fear and fondness. because you like him, too. you really, really like him but that scares you a little.
so does the way he’s looking at you, touching you so softly and sweetly and not tearing his gaze away from you.
“i want you to be mine,” he finally says, breaking the silence in the car. “will you be my girlfriend?”
his friends took the news of your relationship just as you expected, excited and overwhelmingly supportive, with a few lingering eyes that went unnoticed by everyone.
but that’s because he made sure to keep it that way.
you didn’t go to yeosang’s often but when you did, you made sure to talk and hang out with each and every one of them. some of them were crazier and chattier than others but you found it all very endearing - no matter how overwhelmed and scared it made you.
seonghwa was the only one who seemed to be on your level, able to sit in a room and observe without saying much unless directly spoken to.
you haven’t talked to the handsome boy a lot, just casual greetings and goodbyes, but you just knew you were intimidated by him. he always held such a stern, hard expression on his face, dignified and serious in a way that just didn’t seem to match the group.
the only times you’d see him crack a smile when the boys would start brawling or hongjoong said a corny, uncharacteristic joke.
he did’t make you feel uncomfortable or unwanted though, he always said hi and always made you feel welcomed by making extra food for you or automatically setting an extra spot for you.
it was subtle but it was nice, always making you feel just a little more welcomed by yeosang’s friends - but when valentine’s day came, yeosang did everything in his power to let his roommates know they were not welcomed in their own home for the night.
“what?!” wooyoung screeched when hongjoong broke the news to them. “where the hell are we supposed to go on valentine’s day as seven single losers?! and then get a hotel?! are you nuts?”
yeosang only stared blankly at the boy as groans of protest were heard from the others, grumbles of “who said i’m single?” and “i’m not a loser,” throughout the  apartment.
“when did i say you could never come home you dramatic fuck?” yeosang sneered, “i just asked for a few hours!”
he had been tormenting himself for weeks about what to do for valentine’s day  with you. you insisted over and over again that, really truly, you didn’t want to do anything.
but he thought you deserved it and he’d never actually had a girlfriend during this god forsaken holiday - he had to try it at least once and what better time than with someone like you?
“that might be the problem though,” seonghwa said to him one night, after hearing his friend carry on for hours and hours.
yeosang looked to his friend on the couch with a confused expression, the dirty blonde rolling his eyes.
“she doesn’t like crowds or loud noises. you think it’s really a good idea to bring her out to a restaurant or public place on valentine’s day?”
naturally an extrovert, yeosang would’ve never thought that to be an overwhelming or distasteful prospect. the booming voices of people and laugher and music was something he’d loved all his life but, seonghwa’s right, you don’t like that.
you didn’t like it at the party and you don’t like it here. you don’t like when a restaurant or movie theater is too crowded, always choosing an area that’s more secluded and quiet.
“shit, you’re so right, hwa,” yeosang says, slapping his friend on the arm gratefully. “maybe i’ll just make her dinner here. we can stay in, that’ll be nice, right?”
seonghwa gives a disinterested shrug and yeosang can see he lost his friend already, wondering how the dirty blonde even knew that until he remembers, he’s the same way.
avoids crowds and big outings like the plague, only humoring them because they’d all annoy the shit out of him if he didn’t. and he thinks if seonghwa had a valentine, he’d wanna do the same thing with them.
“okay, okay, okay,” wooyoung says, the only one of the seven that had shit to say per usual. “we will go out and get shit faced if you insist. cry about our sad single lives and the fact we’re not loved this year. but... i ask that you save some left over food and buy us at least two drinks.”
hongjoong knew to rush the boys out of the apartment in a timely fashion after that, already seeing in his mind the brawl that wold ensue between yeosang and wooyoung - and once that happens, everyone else will pick sides and create more chaos.
it leaves yeosang with a little over two hours to prepare the house and dinner, lighting a candle and throwing nonsense into any closet that would fit in until the aroma of spices and flavors filled the air.
he told you to come at seven on an empty stomach, that he’d be providing drinks, dinner and dessert and to not even try bringing him a gift the same way you requested; but when you show up at seven on the dot with a cute little pink bag, he sees you did’t listen either.
“baby... i told you i didn’t need anything.”
“and i said the same thing,” you whine, poking him in the stomach lightly as you walk through the apartment.
it’s the most spotless you’d ever seen the place, a soft touched smile on your face as you picture him scrambling to clean and get the boys out.
“you even cleaned.”
“please, i made the boys do it before i kicked them out.”
“yeosang!” you squeal, narrowing your eyes at your boyfriend of two months. “you didn’t have to do that!”
“believe me, i did,” he assures, pulling you by the hand to the table set for two. he pulls out your chair and you bite back a smile, mumbling a quiet “thank you,” as you watch him prepare two plates of food.
the idea of this always embarrassed you, a cheesy romantic dinner with candles and chivalry and a boyfriend who looks at you so lovingly. but now that you’re here, you know you’ve never felt this happy before.
that seeing him do this for you and only you is one of best feelings in the world; you’re still not crazy about valentine’s day, you find it all very cheesy and dramatic, but you think it just has to do with the fact that you’re with yeosang is why you’re so happy and touched tonight.
“this is good,” you hum through a mouth full a food, a smirk on his face as he reaches over to dap at your messy lips.
“yeah,” you answer through narrowed eyes, yeosang’s deep melodic laugh quickly melting your annoyed expression way.
“you look pretty.”
your brows pull together in confusion, slurping noodles into your mouth at the exact moment he says that.
you look down at your outfit in contemplation, a simple comfortable outfit you were excited to wear when he asked if you wanted to stay in for valentine’s day.
you were shocked when that was the plan he came up with, knowing that yeosang enjoys going out and socializing every day and night; but that’s what happens when you’re good at it. when you’re so charismatic and joyful and just so naturally draw people into you.
he asked if you wanted to go to dinner or a movie or do a crazier type of date but you didn’t have the heart to tell him no. just told him he can plan it and you’ll go along with whatever he wants.
you ended up getting a text from him asking if you just wanted to stay in. that he’d cook for you and you guys could just hang out and watch movies as long as they weren’t cheesy romantic comedies.
“why do you look so surprised?” he chuckles, ripping you from your thoughts as a small, shy smiles finally rises on your face - you don’t feel very pretty, in fact, you thought you actually looked kind of sloppy.
“i don’t know,” you mumble, a blush creeping up on your face as you twirl your noodles.
you feel his gaze boring into your face, pressing your lips together before finally raising your eyes to him.
“what!” you squeal, face heating up even more in a way that causes a deep, melodic chuckle to leave yeosang.
“you’re cute, that’s what,” he says, eyes roaming your face before they fall on the small, pink gift next to you. “and it’s because you’re cute i’m not mad you got me that.”
you follow his eyes to the bag by your elbow, huffing as you meet his mock harsh gaze.
“how could i not get you something?” you whine. “you never let me buy anything ever! and you made all of this food.”
he watches as you slurp up the last of your food, smiling gratefully at him before standing up from your chair. you take the bag next to you and pad over to him shyly, holding out your hand awaitingly.
he looks at it before meeting your gaze, eyebrow quirked with a smile pulling at his lips.
“i wanna give it to you before i do this dishes.”
“like fuck.”
your eyes widen as a laugh bubbles out of your mouth, smacking him in the arm lightly before he loops an arm around your waist. you fall into him with a squeal, your heart stuttering when you’re suddenly in his lap and he’s smiling down at you.
“i- it’s only fair,” you manage to stutter out, feeling silly for being flustered over being in his lap. “you cooked all of this for us.”
there’s a pout on your lips that he can’t help but notice, next to the wide-eyed innocent shock that’s always behind your eyes.
when he pulls you in his lap the same way he did now, watching you shift and move on him in ways he doesn’t think you realize what you’re doing.
when make out sessions turn more intense, his lips trailing down your neck and his hands squeezing your hips that has tiny, small pants leaving your mouth.
when he gets more bold and tells you all the things he wants to do to you when you’re ready, lowly mumbled in your ear so he can pull back and see just how red and lustful you are at the thought of his head between your legs.
he didn’t wanna rush any part of your relationship in that regard.
one because he liked you, he really, really liked you and it wasn’t about that for him, and two because he just knew you hadn’t done much before and didn’t want you to feel pressured in any way.
it didn’t stop his own desires from surfacing. from him getting hard with you on top of him and jerking off to the thought of you when you two would part ways.
it’s feelings he’s trying to push down right now, your wide-eyed look staring at him as a soft, sweet smile pulls at his lips.
“and i’ll clean it for us, too,” he mumbles, his arms wrapping around your waist loosely before his eyes move to the bag - the disdain in which he looks at it could only be described as incredibly dramatic.
“once you see what it is, you’re gonna feel bad for looking at it so meanly,” you say with a swat to his chest, dangling the bag in front of his face.
his interest is peeked, a mischievous look behind his eyes that makes your cheeks flame. a soft chuckle leaves his mouth as he takes the bag from your hand, carefully taking out the festive pink and red wrapping paper.
the first thing he feels is cool metal, his hesitant gaze move toward you only to be met with a soft, encouraging smile. he rolls his eyes playfully, unveiling the gift that has his heart jumping in his chest.
it’s a framed photo of you two he’s never seen before, you smiling at the camera and him smiling at you as his arm rests around your shoulder.
he recognizes it from one of the parties he took you to a few weeks ago, the pretty red dress you wore with black tights under leaving him unable to tear his eyes away from you all night.
there’s even picture proof right in front of him, his gaze so soft and sweet on you he feels the slightest hint of an embarrassed flush on his cheeks.
“you looked so pretty that night,” he mumbles lowly, a low, short chuckle leaving his mouth that has your stomach swooping dangerously. “who took this picture?”
“who do you think?” you quip sarcastically, remembering half the night you were hiding from one particular friend with black hair and a high-pitched laugh.
“wooyoung’s stupid ass,” yeosang grumbles, his finger sliding over the cool metal of the frame.
he has a lot of pictures of loved ones and likes documenting moments with family, friends, even the people he meets once but has a great experience with. but this picture is by far his favorite, the way a smile is stretched across your face and how comfortable you look beside him.
“thank you, baby,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “i love it, my new favorite picture.”
“i wrote something on the back, too,” you tell him sweetly, cheeks warm as you watch his eyebrows pull together.
he looks at you for a few moments, smiling when your lips quirk up and you nod your head encouragingly.
when he flips it over, he sees your neat handwriting in red ink with i’s darted with hearts.
i really like you, too :) happy valentine’s day ♥
a deep chuckle leaves his mouth, cheeks turning pink as he throws his head back and looks at you fondly.
“i never said anything after you asked me out because i was too nervous and shocked,” you tell him honestly, his smile widening as he watches you speak. “so i just wanted to assure you.”
“thank you, baby,” he laughs out, placing the picture down and wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. “i’m glad you’re letting me know two months into this that you do in fact like me.”
a squeal of protest and defense tries to leave your mouth before he shakes his head, cutting you off with a kiss to your lips that you immediately meet. it’s chaste despite the way you’re in his lap, your mouths parting and his tongue licking along your bottom lip.
“your turn for a gift,” he says when he pulls back, both of you slightly breathless. “go wait on the couch.”
“but i wanna do the-”
“i’m just gonna stick them in the dish washer,” he tells you, the look in his eye proving you’re not gonna win this conversation. “just find something for us to watch, okay?”
you stare at him for a few seconds, his gaze and face unwavering causing you to let out a groan and jump off his lap. he smirks to himself as he begins to clean off the table, watching you pad over the couch to turn on the tv.
you seem comfortable in his house.
you look like you belong there and that makes his heart pound in his chest the whole time he puts the dirty dishes away.
he sneaks into his room to grab your gift before joining you, plopping down on the couch next to you and causing a tiny, surprised squeal to leave your mouth.
“you scared me!” you giggle, a quiet “sorry,” leaving his mouth as he starts to  dangle a small white bag in front of your face. your eyebrows pull together as you snap your head to him, a content, almost conniving smirk on his face.
“i never said dinner was your gift so stop looking at me like that,” he says, his hand on your cheeks squeezing them together lightly.
your lips are pushed together and pouted and he has to resist the urge to kiss them, your eyes shooting daggers into him the only thing holding him back from doing so.
you take the bag with a small sigh, your eyes softening when he smiles down at you.
your heart nearly drops when you see a small black box wrapped in the white, glittery paper, your wide eyes meeting his that makes him throw his hands up innocently.
“not an engagement ring, don’t worry.”
a snort leaves you as you hit his arm playfully, licking over your lips before opening the box with shaky hands.
the first thing you notice is the amount of diamonds.
small, sparkly diamonds in a crescent moon shape that makes your eyes widen. it’s shining under the faint light of living room, the tv blaring and candles from the table filling the room with the aroma of cotton candy and sugar - courtesy of jongho’s love for festive candles.
the gift leaves you just as speechless as it does emotional, tears pricking your eyes because while you love it and you’re so grateful, he didn’t have do this; you didn’t expect any gift from him since he cooked you dinner tonight.
“do you like it?”
“of course i like it, i love it,” you’re quick to say, the feeling in your chest the biggest indication of that. “but i didn’t need this, yeosang. it’s too much.”
“it wasn’t,” he insists with a small, half-amused pout, his hand running through your hair before caressing your cheek gently. he smiles when you lean into his touch, thumb running along your smooth skin.
“i saw it and i thought of you.”
you look from him down at the necklace in your hand, a small smile on your face at the memory.
your arms grazed as you laid out on the blanket together, the cold chill in the air bringing your bodies closer and closer together. neither of you even noticed until the warmth of other’s skin sent shockwaves through you, a blush on your cheeks and a shy smile on his face.
“this was kind of better than dinner and movie i think,” yeosang’s deep voice says, breaking the comfortable silence that’s fallen over you. you rest your chin on his chest as you look up at him, a small smile on your face as you nod your head.
“i think so too,” you say sweetly, sticking your cold hands under the blanket. “definitely the best first date.”
a soft smile crosses his face, his cold hand cupping your cheek as his gaze roams over your face. the light of the moon is the only source of light tonight, shining in your eyes with a look that’s making his heart pull in his chest.
he couldn’t tear his gaze away from you, the fascinated, content look on your face as peered up at the sky. take in the sight of shining stars and the crescent moon and the dark waves crashing on the shore.
it’s a sight that’s gonna remind him of you now. the moon and the stars and the distinct feeling of being content and at ease on the beach at night.
“good,” he says with a sense of finality, pressing a sweet, chaste peck to your lips. he smiles when you meet it back hesitantly, everything about it innocent and slow and just how he wants to pursue you.
“the moon’s gonna remind me of you now so i hope our second date goes well too.”
“our second date went well,” you mumble, toying with the necklace in your hand as you observe the amount of diamonds.
you’re almost uncomfortable at the thought of having something like this around your neck, knowing it was expensive and that you’ve never received a gift like this before.
“it did,” he says, the slightly crestfallen look on your face casing him to frown. “do you not like it? is it cheesy?”
your face falls the second you hear those words, the rapid shaking of your head causing a smile to pull at his lips.
“no! no, no, no, of course not,” you’re quick to reassure, guilt building in the pit of your stomach.
“i love it. i really, really, love it and it’s so beautiful. but i didn’t need a gift like this, yeosang. i feel bad that you got this and i got you a $15 frame with a secret picture.”
a deep chuckle leaves his mouth as he rolls his eyes, shutting you up with a kiss to your lips. his hand weaves through your hair and you make a tiny noise against it, clutching the necklace in your hand tightly.
“i wanted to get you it,” he says when he pills back, slightly breathless as he looks down at you.
“it wasn’t about the money. i love that picture and what you wrote on the back,” he teases, your eyes narrowing despite the embarrassed flush on your cheeks. “so don’t feel bad and please accept the gift, baby.”
he must see something in your eyes that shows him he won, a proud smirk on his face as he takes the necklace from your hold and brings it around your neck.
his hands graze your hair before touching the sides of your neck, the feel of his skin on yours causing you to bite down on your lip. his smirk widens as he struggles to clasp the necklace, all nervous feelings subsiding when a small giggle leaves your mouth.
“are you having a tough time?”
“no,” he grumbles, another small giggle leaving your mouth until you’re suddenly pushed down on the couch - necklace successfully on and back pressed up against the cushions.
all laughs and smiles are completely wiped off your face with the pressure of his body on yours, his smirking face above you causing your breath to quicken.
“oh? are you having a tough time now?”
he sounds so cocky and teasing, it should make you narrow your eyes. tease him with just as much of a conniving, wise-ass tone and smug look. but instead, your stomach swoops and your eyes move to his lips and like there’s a break in a dam, your mouths meet in the start of a fervent kiss.
he holds himself above you, tongue slipping in your mouth as he swallows your small, quiet moans. his hand trails itself down the side of your stomach to rest on your hip, the pressure of him and his lips on yours all consuming.
your hand travels to the back of his head, tugging lightly at the strands before a squeal leaves your mouth.
his deep chuckle rings through the quiet apartment as he lifts you up, plopping you down on his lap before connecting your lips again.
it’s the fastest you both have ever moved, your hands toying with the bottom of his shirt while his hands grasp your hips tightly. pulling your body closer to his  and moaning into his mouth when you rub against him a certain way.
you feel him smirk against your lips, pulling back every so slightly to catch the growing hint of lust and desire in your gaze.
“oh? that feel good?”
your cheeks flush at the tone of his voice, swallowing the embarrassed lump in your throat as you nod your head timidly.
“let me know when you wanna stop,” he mumbles, his words kissed along your neck making you sure you never want him to.
your mouths connect again in a fit of tongues meeting and bodies crashing, foreign feelings of arousal coursing through your veins. you guys always took things slow but you were never sure why - if he was doing it for you or if he just didn’t wanna do that step.
but you were secretly even hoping tonight, you’d be able to go further.
that’s why when his hands trail along the bottom of your shirt, warm fingers dipping under to touch your skin, you move into him even more. pulling back to look at him through hooded eyes as you nod your head.
you don’t even have the time to feel apprehensive when you’re sitting there in just a lace bra, exposed and slightly cold with goosebumps on your skin, because yeosang’s quick to assure you.
look at you with a soft, sweet fascination and tell you how beautiful you look for him.
both your shirts hit the living room floor before he’s scooping you up, a surprised squeal leaving your mouth that brings a smile to his face.
he plops you down on the bed shoved in the right corner of the room, clothes littering the floor and a mess of wires near the desk. it’s a little messy but it smells surprisingly clean, like a mix of cologne and yeosang’s natural teakwood scent.
“we don’t have to do this,” he says, his body looming above yours.
because you guys really don’t have to do this, he’d be perfectly content watching movies tonight with an inkling of kissing or touching, but, fuck, does he want to.
he’s wanted to hear you moan and touch you and taste you since you both started dating. since he looked at you under the stars and knew he’d fall for you shortly after.
“i want to,” you confess, a soft blush on your cheeks as you look up at him,
he rolls his tongue over his lips, biting down every so slightly in a way that makes your lower stomach tighten in desire. the look in his eyes is too much, it’s nothing you’ve ever seen before. like he wants to-”
“i want to ruin you,” he mumbles, bending down to press a peck on your neck. “i won’t do it tonight,” he continues, trailing his lips down your chest before bringing his hand to the lace.
his finger traces the red material, sliding one of the straps down before tugging down your bra. his eyes move to your nipple, hardening in the cold air as he feels his cock do the same.
“i’m gonna be slow and gentle and so good to you, baby,” he says, his hot breath fanning over your exposed boob. his lips are so close to touching your skin, the warmth and wetness bringing tingles to your skin.
“i only ask that you moan for me, okay?” he mumbles, his tongue swiping across your nipple causing a choked, strangled gasp to leave you. you feel him smirk against your skin and can’t even be embarrassed by it, just wanting more of him and more of the pleasure he’ll give you.
“doesn’t seem like that’s gonna be a problem though, pretty girl,” he chuckles out, mouth closing around your nipple again as his hands trail down your side.
every sensation seems heightened and overwhelming, completely aware of how heavy your breathing is and the building pit of desire in your stomach. desire that heightens when his hand ghosts past your pants, his middle finger tracing small circles through your leggings.
he can feel your legs widen and a smirk crosses his face, sucking at your nipple once more before pulling back and meeting your lips. you moan at the feeling of his fingers moving quicker, a strangled “yeosang, please,” catching you off guard as much as him.
but it seems to get things in to motion - because your leggings are done and your skin hits the cold air a few moments later, yeosang tugging his shirt over his head before his hands are back on you.
you’re laying beside him, head resting on his bare chest when he slips his hand in your underwear. rubbing quick, skilled circles on your clit as your breathing labors and you whine into the air.
“have you ever been touched like this before, baby?” he mumbles, a shake of your head causing him to stop his movements all together. you whine at the loss of pleasure, looking at him with glossy, confused eyes that makes him hold back a smile.
he likes seeing how desperate you got. how ready and willing and eager you are for him.
“have you ever been touched like this?” he repeats, a croaked whine of “no,” leaving your mouth that makes him smile. continue his blissful strokes on your clit as a finger slowly enters you.
you’re so wet that you welcome the stretch with a moan of pleasure, a deeply grumbled “fuck,” causing your eyes to roll back when he hesitantly adds another.
“you’re so wet, baby. you’re so fucking wet for me.”
you nod dumbly, not being able to find the words as his pointer and middle curl  and he fucks you with his fingers. you moan his name when the pleasure becomes too much, wanting to scream when he suddenly removes his hand from you.
you watch through hooded eyes as he tugs your underwear down with his teeth, his mouth pulled into a smirk until they’re only just past your upper thighs.
because like he’s so eager and can’t wait, like he’s been waiting for this moment since he knew you were gonna be okay with it, he looks down at your bare, soaked pussy with a look of hunger you’ve never seen before.
“let me eat you out,” he says, his words choked out and tone deep and strangled. “please, baby, can i?”
his voice sounds as desperate as you feel and you have to sit up so you can crash your lips on his, the overwhelming need to kiss him coming over you. he meets it back immediately, sloppy, open-mouthed kisses and tongues until you pull back and tell me “please.”
his tongue brings you to your first orgasm, your thighs shaking between his head as your hand runs through his black hair desperately.
when his cock springs free, he circles it around your entrance and enters you slowly. sweet, soft spoken words of “it’s okay,” and “you’re doing so good, angel,” that make the whole experience that much better.
you feel full and he feels so good inside you, both your moans ringing through the air and the smell of sex in the room until he’s coming in you. hips bucking and slamming quickly to follow his high before he flicks your clit a few times to bring you to your second orgasm of the night.
you both lay there after, naked and panting, before he’s up and getting a warm, wet rag. there’s a slight sting but it makes you feel incredibly love and vulnerable, watching as he cleans between your legs with a sweet, gentleness and diligence.
“was that okay?” he mumbles in your hair, the faint scent of sweat and perfume on your skin. you only mumble and nod against him but he needs to see your face in this moment.
see that this was just as amazing and fulfilling for you as it was for him.
and when he meets your gaze, his thumb under your chin to meet his eyes, he can see it was. in your glossy eyes and shy smile and pink cheeks that makes him wanna kiss you all over again.
“it was good. really good,” you confess quietly, a small deep chuckle leaving his mouth as he moves a sweaty stand of hair behind your ear.
“yeah? really good?” he teases, eyebrow quirked as he pecks a playful kiss on your cheek. “just how good?”
your blush intensifies as you hide your face in his chest, his laugh mumbled against your head as you feel his lips press against your head.
you two eventually venture back into the living room after a few more kisses and wandering hands, plopping on the couch fully dressed and cuddled into one another when there’s a commotion right outside the apartment door.
the both of you turn to see the seven other boys barreling through in a drunken, sloppy daze, yunho holding mingi and jongho up while hongjoong holds san and wooyoung. seonghwa follows behind with an annoyed expression, meeting yeosang’s gaze that screams you will pay for this.
“what the hell happened?”
“single people drank for free,” hongjoong says, watching as the four drunken idiots either collapse onto the floor or stumble into the kitchen; seonghwa follows quickly behind, because as much disdain as he has, he doesn’t wanna see anyone light themselves on fire.
“so you could only imagine how that went. i don’t even know how many peanut butter and jelly shots san and wooyoung had.”
“that is so disgusting,” yeosang says, your head nodding against his chest because “i’m sorry, but that kind of is. maybe you guys should have some water now.”
“it was good, y/n!” jongho whines, throwing himself down next to you and yeosang. he slumps against the arm of the couch, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before his eyes shoot open.
you and yeosang watch as he does so, quickly rising from the couch and sniffing like a police dog in front of a bag of drugs.
“the fuck’s your problem?”
“who lit my cotton candy candle?!” the boy yelps, taking one whiff of the air and being positive he’d know that smell anywhere. “and why does it barely mask the smell of sex?!”
your eyes widen and a deep, red blush overcomes you, a growl leaving yeosang at the same time hongjoong comes over and tugs the boy up by his arm. the smaller boy throws you an apologetic look as he escorts jongho to his room, yeosang’s arm tightening around you as you hide yourself in his chest.
“does it really? i don’t smell anything.”
yeosang bites down on his lip so he doesn’t start laughing, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he shakes his own for your own peace of mind.
“no, baby. it’s fine. he’s just a drunk idiot.”
april - freshmen year
maybe it was because you guys started out so strong.
with great communication and constant assurance that kept you both aware of each other’s feelings.
you knew when he was feeling unsure about your quietness, wondering if it was something he did or if you just weren’t feeling good that day.
he knew when you were feeling overwhelmed, realizing just how different you two were the longer you were together. how he was just so outgoing and charismatic and extroverted and you just... weren’t.
how now that they honeymoon phase was over, stupid little arguments would break out. about what to do on the weekend, about where to eat, about staying in to study versus going to a cafe on campus.
they weren’t even real fights but it was enough to make you see a change in you guys. enough to see that, maybe, one day, this was gonna be a problem and you two would have to overcome it or let it ruin something good.
“we’re having seonghwa’s birthday party at the house tonight,” he tells you during your study session, another argument he won by bribing you with hot chocolate and sugar cookies at a local cafe.
you look up from your work and nod your head, a small smile on your face at the thought of seonghwa and the others.
you’ve gotten a lot closer to all of them over the past few months, even seonghwa who took a little bit longer to come out of his shell. but now that you talked to him you saw how nice and funny he was.
how he comes across as scary and standoffish but, really, is one of the most loyal and observant friends in the room.
he always knows when people are uncomfortable or have had too much of someone or something for the night - you watched him physically separate wooyoung and san when the both had too much alcohol and were getting snippy with each other.
his presence brings a comfort over you that you can’t quite explain. maybe because it seems like he’s kind of like you - quiet and shy and doesn’t like being the center of attention.
which is why you’re shocked in the first place he even agreed to a party.
“oh, he didn’t,” yeosang says, a smirk on his face as he thinks back to the night they all gave him an ultimatum. “but it was the lesser evil that we gave him so he agreed.”
“oh?” you quip, eyebrow raised as you play footsie under the table. “and what was it? making a restaurant sing him happy birthday?”
a wide smirk crosses yeosang face as he nods, a giggle leaving your mouth as you smack his arm lightly.
“you guys are bad.”
“eh, he’s dramatic,” he says, your gaze dropping back down to your work.
he’s said that a few times when you tell him a restaurant or bar is too crowded. when you’re at one of his sister’s house parties and the beer pong table is becoming far too overwhelmingly and crowded for your liking.
it’s always in a joking manner, him whisking you away despite others’ groans of protests, but it still secretly makes you a little sad.
“i actually have to go help them set up in a bit,” he says, your neck snapping up to him again. he sees your eyebrows pull together and reaches across the table, his hand on your arm rubbing you assuringly.
“what’s that face for?”
“nothing, i just...” you let out a sigh as you look down at your lap, feeling silly and stupid and perhaps dramatic. “you’re the one who wanted to come here and now you’re leaving. i could’ve just stayed at my room.”
“yeah but then i wouldn’t have fed you,” he says, reaching over to peck your nose sweetly. “i’ll pick you up at 7:45, baby.”
you can’t even say anything before he’s up and out the door, a heavy sigh leaving your mouth as you watch him walk to his car. he turns around and waves, a small smile on your face as you wave back and watch him drive away.
you try not to think about it as you get your work done, faintly aware of the growing population in the cafe and the raising altitude of voices. a group of five take the spot next to you and that successfully gets you ready to sprint out the door.
it’s all good sounds, laughter and squeals and chipper voices, but it’s still too much for you. the sounds and the crowds and the overwhelmingly desire to just be in a peaceful quiet by yourself.
that is until a familiar voice, deep and low and calming, brings you out of your panic before it can even start.
you look up to see a head of dirty blonde hair, seonghwa clad in dark leather and converse as he makes his way over to you.
“oh. hi, seonghwa,” you say, voice quiet and slightly breathless.
his eyes remain on you for a few seconds too long, gaze carefully roaming your  face before he makes his way over to the table. he sees your books and pens splayed out messily, a smirk on his face as he meets your eyes again.
“the semester just started, how do you have all this shit to do already?”
“believe me, i’m wondering the same thing,” you wince, his quiet chuckle causing a smile to light up your face. “what are you doing here?”
“getting a coffee. i slept like shit last night.”
“did wooyoung keep you up?”
“of course he did, the annoying fuck,” he grumbles, his eyes rolling and face pulled in disdain causing you to giggle. “speaking of which, where’s yeosang?”
seonghwa can count on his hands how many times he’s seen you two without each other.
“he left like an hour ago actually,” you say, seeing the time on your phone is 5:00 before your voice turns teasing and you raise your eyebrows playfully.
“he’s getting your party ready.”
seonghwa’s face pulls into on of confusion, your smile dropping as a guilty, sinking feeling builds in your stomach - yeosang didn’t tell you it was a surprise.
“oh no.”
“those annoying fucks, i swear to god,” seonghwa growls lowly, your eyes widening and lips pulling into a frown. “guess i can’t go home tonight.”
“i’m sorry, seonghwa, they didn’t tell me it was a surprise,” you whine quietly, looking up to meet his tight, dark gaze. “they said it was either that or a restaurant sang to you and you went with the party.”
“i told them that one was worse, not that i wanted a party.”
your frown deepens as you sink in your seat, your hands toying nervously on the table. seonghwa’s eyes fall to them and he lets out a sigh, eyes moving to the chair before he plops down in his seat.
a silence hangs between you both, as silent as it could be in a bustling, crowded cafe. you look up to see him watching your hands, quickly pulling them apart and smiling when he meets your gaze.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to spoil it,” you say, “but i don’t think they’re inviting that many people. yeosang usually tells me when parties are gonna be really crowded, so they’ll probably only be like twenty people.”
“yeah, well, that’s eleven too many.”
you press your lips together as you watch him, his neck rolling back and adams apple bobbing.
you can feel the table beside you watch, are sure the whole cafe has been watching since the moment he walked in. you’re not blind to the fact that seonghwa is unbearably attractive, slicked back dirty blonde hair and large stature that draws attention anywhere he goes.
for as long as you’ve known him though, you’ve never seen him bring girls around. or even mention a girl. he always just keeps to himself and his friends - and now you, you suppose, after months of trying and trying.
“i guess this is why they said we’re having a roommate meeting at 8:00.”
you send him a sympathetic smiling, assuring him that it won’t be that bad and you’ll be able to get through it together.
“i sometimes wonder how you’re able to put up with it,” you tell him honestly, thinking back to all the times you’ve watched him and his roommates. “they’re all so crazy and extroverted and.... loud.”
a deep chuckle leaves his mouth as he nods his head, rising from the chair and looking down at you.
“years of practice and selective hearing,” he says, a giggle leaving your mouth as you nod your head. you don’t think anything of the way his gaze lingers on you, sending a small smile his way before he speaks again.
“so you’ll be there tonight?”
“yes! yeosang’s picking me up at 7:45 so i should probably get going too,” you say, closing your textbooks and getting your pens together.
“i’ll order my coffee and then walk you back to your dorm.”
“oh no, seonghwa, it’s okay, i-”
but before you can protest any further, he’s turned around and waiting in line to place an order for his coffee. you let out a sigh as you pack up your books, securing it on your shoulder before meeting him at the register.
the cashier is just as mesmerized as she is disappointed when she sees you stand next to him, dropping her flirtier smile for a polite one.
“your order will be right out sir.”
he nods his head as you guys go to the waiting area, standing side by side in silence before you turn to look with a smirk on your face.
“you can walk home in the dark, how ‘bout that?”
a giggle leaves your mouth as you shrug, insisting you didn’t even ask him to walk you home in the first place. he only rolls his eyes before his name is called, grabbing the hot coffee as you follow behind in amusement.
the walk to your dorm is only a few minutes, you and seonghwa walking in a comfortable silence as you walk through the campus. snow from last week’s storm rests on the trees in a picturesque manner, a slight chill in the air that causes you to shiver.
“are you gonna act surprised?”
seonghwa looks over at you as you walk, his arm clumsily bumping into yours as you walk through the slushy, dirty snow - it goes seemingly unnoticed by both of you, arms accidentally grazing for a few seconds before disconnecting as you walk.
he just shrugs and remains quiet, slipping back into the dismissive and intimidating person he once seemed to be. you don’t even think he realizes he comes off like that, just has this look that screams do not look or talk to me.
you stop in front of your dorm a few moments later, turning around tot meet seonghwa who looms over you. he wears a blank, unreadable expression until you smile up at him, thanking him again for walking you and that you’ll see him in a few hours.
“no problem, couldn’t let yeosang’s girl walk alone,” he says, gaze lingering on you for the third time. you've noticed him do this to everyone though, watch and observe to a point where you think he knows things people don’t know about themselves.
“and i’ll act surprised, tonight. won’t let it slip that you ruined my birthday.”
“yeosang didn’t tell me that it was a sur- wait. is today your real birthday?”
his eyebrow quirks up sarcastically, a smile pulling at his lips as he looks at you.
"why would they throw me a birthday party if it wasn’t my birthday?”
an embarrassed flush crosses your cheeks as an awkward giggle bubbles out of your mouth.
“i just thought because it was the weekend or something,” you stutter out, “happy birthday, seonghwa.”
“thanks, y/n,” he smiles, eyes softening every so slightly before he nods his head toward the building. “go in. it’s cold. i’ll see you later.”
“bye,” you say, sending a small wave his way before turning around and disappearing into your dorm building.
if you didn’t know any better, you’d think seonghwa was an award winning actor.  
because when the party of 30 (just ten over what you predicted) screamed “happy birthday seonghwa!” in the pitch darkness, a miscalculation mingi and the light switch, he seemed genuinely surprised.
or, at least, as surprised as his face could express when he turned on the lights.
his eyes were wide and his eyebrow was quirked, a look of disdain throw at his friends who were huddled in the front and clapping excitedly.
“happy birthday hwa!”
“we got you, bitch!”
“wear this happy birthday hat!”
he whacked the red hat right out of jongho’s head, growling at him to not push it in a way that makes you hold back a laugh. he catches your eye and smiles at you, mouthing “good enough?” that has you nodding happily.
the house party picks up almost immediately after seonghwa’s arrival, music blaring and drinking games starting and a loud, pleasant chatter that your boyfriend thrives off of.
guides you around by the small of your back and introduces you to people you’re sure you’ve met before but just don’t recognize you; regardless, you’re polite.
smile at people and say hello before falling into the silence of watching yeosang and stranger after stranger talk. even someone he doesn’t know, like the friend of a friend or significant other of a friend, he talks to like he’s known them forever.
he just connects with people so easily and a part of you is truly envious of it.
“i just don’t get how you do it,” you whine to him on the couch, the same alcoholic beverage in hand (you think yeosang said it’s a rum and coke) that you humored him with when the party started.
“i just talk, baby, what do you mean?” he laughs out, you sitting on his lap as he takes a swig of his beer.
“i know but so easily,” you mumble. “and you don’t see awkward or scared or anything. what if you guys lapse into a silence? or don’t know what to talk about?”
“silence isn’t bad, though, we sit in silence sometimes. and there are always things to talk about.”
like the person walking around with jongho’s array of candles, making the drunk boy run after him and fight off people trying to sniff them.
or the incredibly competitive and entertaining game of flip cup, one side far superior than the other and completely demolishing them.
or like how the birthday boy, the reason why eveyone’s gathered here today and having fun, hasn’t gotten his ass off the couch since he walked through the door.
“i didn’t ask for these people to be here,” seonghwa growls when he hears yeosang talking shit, throwing a dirty look his way as he tosses a pillow at him. “you idiots did that all on your own.”
“and aren’t you happy we did? now you have a bunch of gifts.”
the blank stare seonghwa has shows he could not give less of a fuck about the pile of cards in his room right now, politely thanking the guests who were nice enough to actually bring them and not just their drunken presence.
“we should’ve taken your grouchy ass to a restaurant so they could’ve-”
“yeosang, bro! please come here! we need you!”
the voice belonged to a guy from your class named yeonjun. he had pink hair and was very similiar to your boyfriend, charismatic and friendly in such a gravitating, almost unnatural way.
he also apparently sucked at flip cup.
“it’s not my fault you suck,” he yells from over the couch, loud groans of protest and upset coming from the table.
“c’mon yeosang! please!”
“we need you!”
“leave your hot girlfriend and get over here now!”
yeosang looks to you to see a flustered blush on your cheeks, a deep chuckle leaving his mouth as he pecks one the pink skin.
“can i go, baby?” he mumbles quietly, squeezing your waist every so slightly. “they’re really desperate and need me.”
your lips purse together as you look over your boyfriend, the slight pout and look in his eye causing you to sigh. he knows then that he won, again, the way he usually does these days, and lifts you off his lap.
he presses another kiss to your head before he’s off, loud, happy shouts of excitement causing you to crane your neck back. he does the weird boy hand shake-hug before the game starts up, turning back to see seonghwa sitting across from you on the other couch.
“having fun birthday boy?”
“no,” he answers immediately, dryly, in a way that brings a big smile to your face. “how ‘bout you?”
“it’s okay,” you shrug, curling your legs under you as he rest on the couch more comfortably. “i hope the cake is good.”
“i don’t like cake.”
he’s never seen someone’s eyes widen as much as yours do in that very moment, a small, short chuckle leaving his mouth at your expression.
“how do you not like cake?” you squeal.
if there’s one thing you could eat in this world, dietary and nutritional values aside, it would be chocolate cake.
“i just don’t like it, it’s too like sweet and sugary. and if it’s chocolate, that’s even worse.”
the pillow he threw at yeosang flies through the air and hits him back in the face, only your smug, disturbed expression staring back at his shocked one. it would usually make you laugh, the look on his face, but you’re truly just so disturbed - how is there not gonna be cake at a birthday party?
“how could you not like chocolate cake of all the cakes!” you squeal
“did you just throw a pillow at me on my birthday?”
“i mean like carrot cake or fruit cake i get. those are kind of gross and only certain people like them. but chocolate cake? it’s loved by almost every-”
like a game of monkey in the middle, with no monkey, the battered throw pillow flies through the air again and just misses your face; whether he did that on purpose or accidentally is no one’s business.
you and seonghwa stare at one another, eyes narrowed and faces slightly red, completely unaware to the party around you until you’re the one who cracks. put your hand to your mouth and start laughing hysterically.
not a cute giggle or breathy chuckle but a big, hearty, real laugh.
he’s never heard you like this before, probably because he’s only spent a little bit of time with you, but it makes him smile even more. the sound of your laugh and innocent happiness is contagious, his deeply mumbled “stop,” so obviously fake due to the the smile tugging at his lips.
you eventually moved onto the couch beside him, hitting him closer with the pillow before plopping down next to him. talking to him and being next to him made you forget about the party.
not because he was handsome or because you liked him - you loved yeosang and were dating him.
you just enjoyed being able to relate to someone. loved sitting there with someone who didn’t just wanna drink or get high or dance. who was able to be there in silence or talk about nonsense while being surrounded by the chaotic energy of a party.
so much so that you don’t even realize your own boyfriend left you for half the night. not once coming over to check on you or see if you were dong okay until it was time for the cake seonghwa wasn’t even gonna eat.
“i’m sorry, baby, i got caught up with the game,” he mumbled, his arms wound tightly around your waist. you shake your head against his chest, assuring him that it’s okay as he tickles your neck with soft pecks from his lips.
the night ended with yeosang getting so drunk, you had to put him to bed. it wasn’t something you minded, you’ve done this a few times before, but for whatever reason tonight it made something build in the pit of your stomach.
like you already knew tonight something in the future was gonna change because of parties, yeosang’s extroverted ways and seonghwa’s lingering eyes that everyone but you three notice.  
you end the semester with all a’s, an excuse to not return home for the summer and a strained relationship.
it seemed like it happened slowly and then all at once.
there was the time at seonghwa’s party where you thought nothing of it. he was occupied and, luckily, so were you. he left you but went back smiling and affectionate, pressing kisses to your skin and mumbling about how beautiful you looked.
but then it started happening more.
at his sister’s parties where he knew you were uncomfortable.
at frat parties where you were even more uncomfortable.
even at his own house, when the boys had a few people over and they were playing video games while getting high.
it was always seonghwa who kept you company, the two of you in the same room as them but seemingly on a different planet. sitting beside one another observing the party and sharing snide, sneaky comments about others.
how it seemed as if there was some turmoil between mingi and yunho, the way they were ignoring each other and sharing looks back and forth when the other wasn’t looking.
how wooyoung and hongjoong’s frat boys friends didn’t seem to get along in the slightest, the boys always sneering at him when he laughed too loud or teased them too much.
how yeosang was so consumed by the limelight, talking and laughing and making jokes, that he seemed to have forgotten you exist.
“i don’t think he realizes he does it, y/n,” seonghwa assured you one night, the end of the semester coming to a close and allowing you all to relax.
it’d been a hard and stressful first year but there’d also been a lot of fun. a lot of making new relationships that you know will last a lifetime and a lot of things you learned about yourself through all of these experiences.
it’d also been one of the happiest times of your life thanks to yeosang, the boy you fell for so hard and so fast despite all your fears and reservations.
you’re still happy now, even with the bumps. because you think, you hope, that you guys could get through them.
“he’s always been like that. very social and in the middle of a group. people are always drawn to him.”
seonghwa’s not surprised that you were drawn to him. yeosang’s always had something about him that people flock to, men and women alike; but you were the first he’s truly fell for.
reciprocated feelings for and truly cared about their well being and them as a person.
“i don’t think he’s trying to hurt you. that’s just how he is.”
“he’s not hurting me.”
because through all of this, through him ignoring you and neglecting him and seemingly blowing off your feelings because they’re silly and unrelatable to him, you’re trying to convince yourself he’s not.
that you really are just being silly and dramatic about all of this.
that even though you go these outings for him, despite detesting them more than anything, and he keeps leaving you alone, you’re not hurt by it; but seonghwa can see through it.
and whether it’s because you guys are so alike or because he’s so annoyingly observant, you’re not sure. you just know that he looks at you with a soft, sympathetic disbelief that causes the ever growing lump in your throat to grow bigger.
“he’s really not, seonghwa,” you mumble, words hushly spoken as you watch yeosang carefully; you know if he sees you looking upset, he’s gonna come over.
he’ll stop whatever he’s doing or whatever conversation he’s having and it’s because of that you can’t be upset. because he still loves you and cares for you.
you just have to stop being so dramatic and silly.
when you say that to seonghwa, the very words that come from your boyfriend’s mouth, you watch his face change completely. become harder and harsher as he looks to yeosang, jaw ticking as he pops his neck to the side.
“whatever you say, y/n,” he mumbles. “i just don’t want you guys having problems over this. he loves you, y/n.”
he asked you to stay with him for the summer a few days before classes ended, unsure if you’d be able to but wanting to ask because “my parents are gonna be away for the summer,” he said to you suddenly, both of you laying naked in your dorm.
you craned your neck up to look at him, sweat glistening on his face and chest making him handsome even then.  
“are you scared to be in the house all alone?”
he rolls his eyes playfully, bopping you on the nose lightly before pulling you on top of him. the blankets lay around you messily, your core under his flaccid dick that just ripped several orgasms through you.
“very. i’m gonna be very scared and need you with me. i truthfully might not even survive,” he drones on, resting his hands on your hips as you roll your eyes at him.
you ponder over it as you sit on top of him, biting down on your lip in a way that causes him to tighten his hold and roll your hips over him just a little bit. you ignore him and his horny ways the way you’ve learned to, thinking it all over before realizing it might be good for you guys.
you don’t know if he’s noticed the slight disconnect, it could just be you living in your head all the time, but you think spending time together would be good. would remind you of how you felt with him when you first started dating and he always made sure you were his number one priority.
you want some of that again. you want him to notice when you’re upset or uncomfortable and go out of his way to help you in a crowd, even if it’s just for a moment.
you want to feel like if it came down to you, his friends and the parties or you, that he’d pick you each and every time.
the first few weeks of summer felt as if you were getting that.
you spent a lot of your time longing around his house. playing in his pool and watching movies outside and having sex on nearly every surface, you were surprised to be able to walk.
but all of that quickly stopped when everyone else was home from college.
when his hometown became just one big reunion, people from his high school and neighboring colleges getting together the one way college kids knew - house parties with kegs and loud music.
it seemed as if every few days, you guys were going out.
you and yeosang and all of his friends meeting up with different groups and different houses and having the time of your lives late into the summer nights.
the stuffy houses and sleazy bars definitely weren’t your scene but yeosang, per usual, thrived.
he more often than not would leave you after the first hour, making sure you were with seonghwa or hongjoong or yunho before going off to drink or mingle with his friends.
he’d check on you periodically but it almost seemed as if he felt obligated to.
pressing a kiss to your cheek or holding you by the waist to ask if you needed another drink or wanted to play beer pong; but it was always the same answer every time.
a polite no with a fake smile on your lips that he left with a parting kiss before disappearing back into the crowd.
it was getting old and you knew he was starting to feel the disconnect too, the more hazy summer days that passed, but you both ignored it. because the times at his house were nice, you almost felt normal.
kissing and cuddling and talking as you ate.
but you knew that would all fade away eventually.
when there more were people who weren’t just you or his friends and craved something more exciting than just staying in and hanging out.
talk of a beach bonfire weekend had, admittedly, peaked your interest.
it was different than the stuffy houses or sleazy bars you’ve gotten used to over these past few weeks of summer.
now, you got to go to the beach and rent a nice house right by the ocean. be with yeosang and his friends and the people you got to know in a much more tropical and romantic setting.
you drove up with yeosang, yunho and mingi in the latter boy’s jeep, you and yeosang in the back as wind whipped through your hair. you giggle anytime your hair smacks him in the face, eventually being pulled into his chest to stop the assault from happening on his face.
his heartbeat is calming under your ear, his arms wrapped tightly around your body as him and the two boys in front talk over the plans for the weekend.
you’re blissfully unaware of it as you remain close to his body, warm and sticky in the humid air but not caring.
because even despite your problems and disconnect, you still want him near you. you still find comfort in him and you still want to feel loved by him.
“how does that sound?” you hear yeosang mumble in your ear, his breath tickling your skin causing you to hum against him.
“how does what sound?”
“did you fall asleep?” he asks teasingly, nudging you playfully until your faces are a few inches from each other. “i asked if you wanna go on a date tonight when we get there.”
a happy smile crosses your face as you nod eagerly, one breaking out on his too before he places a soft kiss on your lips.
you’re buzzing with a silent excitement the rest of the ride, your hand is his as you play with his fingers and he smiles at you ever so often. holding hands always felt right between you two, like they were made to fit perfectly and acted as a way to ground you both.
your hands stay intertwined when you get to the house, a giant 8-bedroom mansion on the beach that cost you half of your savings - but the view is making it seem worth it.
the waves crashing just a few feet from the back door and causing everyone to storm out of their cars to fight for the best room.
“i want the balcony, please for the love of god! i will do all the dishes during this trip if you guys let me have it.”
“that’s such bullshit,” hongjoong complains, calling wooyoung out on a deal he knows he definitely won’t abide by; but after much nearly 30 minutes of whining and a written contract stuck to the fridge, it was decided.
wooyoung gets the room with the balcony in exchange for dishes duty, a fair exchange you think given the view.
your and yeosang’s room is the one next to wooyoung, an en-suite and beautiful view of the ocean outside the floor to ceiling windows. your standing there watching the waves crash, bags at your feet and content smile on your face when yeosang wraps his arms around you from behind.
you giggle when he presses his lips to your neck, turning in his hold to immediately meet his for a kiss. it feels like you miss him even though you see him everyday. even though you’ve fallen asleep and woken up next to him for over a month.
“what do you wanna eat tonight?” he mumbles against your lips, pulling back to look at you with a smile on his face and a playful twinge in his eyes. you cock your head to the side as you look up him, shrugging your shoulders because it really doesn’t matter.
you’re just excited for your date.
“i don’t care, i’ll have anything.”
“we’ll find a place then,” he says, pulling you closer to him in a way you already know means something. “you wanna shower before we go?”
“why? do i smell?” you tease, a smirk on his face as he pulls you toward the bathroom wordlessly.
and lucky for both of you, there was a very convenient bench in the shower that had you in there until the mirror was foggy and the water ran cold.
“can you bring us back food?” mingi whined, yeosang rolling his eyes as he caught the boy’s car keys.
“as long as you eat in on plates so wooyoung has to wash the dishes.”
a smile spreads across your face as you wave goodbye to all the boys, wearing a pretty new dress you’ve been wanting to wear for weeks. yeosang takes your hand and interlaces your fingers together, shouts of “bye” and “have fun lovebirds,” echoing through the house.
the restaurant is right on the beach with outdoor seating, twinkle lights lining the space with the quiet chatter of people and gentle crash of waves. you and yeosang are play footsie under the table as you look over the menu, shy smiles and coy narrowed eyes beuing thrown at each other.
it’s been a while since things have felt this natural and easy between you two but you think you both needed it. the casual conversation, the airy chuckles and giggles, the warm feeling in the middle of your chest when you catch him looking at you lovingly.
“you look beautiful, baby. are you excited for this weekend?”
a faint blush covers your cheeks as you look up at him, twirling the spaghetti on your fork as you nod your head.
“yeah. we’re going to the beach tomorrow, right?”
“yeah,” he says, popping a piece of steak into his mouth. “and then we’re gonna meet changbin and them at a bar. his friend’s parents own it so we’ll be able to get in.”
“oh... okay,” you hum after a few seconds, quietly picking at our food and feeling yeosang’s eyes on you.
you look up and meet his gaze, the sweet, softness gone and replaced with something you’re not quite able to make out. you feel nerves in the pit of your stomach, taking a deep breath before you plaster a smile on your face.
“nothing. that’ll be fun.”
“you think?” he asks, eyebrow quirked and a happy smile on his face; he was hoping you liked going out and meeting his friends more. he loves showing you off and having you by his side but in the beginning, it always seemed like you didn’t wanna be there.
he’s happy you’re coming around to it now, wanting his girlfriend by his side and having fun with him too.
“yeah,” you lie through your teeth, the smile on your face a complete contrast to your feelings inside.
when did he stop knowing when your smile was fake? or thinking that you actually wanted to go out? couldn’t he see all the time you were pushing yourself to be there for him, just for him to leave you alone?
“i think we’ll have fun,” you lie again, having a terrible feeling that this weekend getaway might be the thing that breaks you and yeosang completely.
because your relationship is already fragile and neither of you are acknowledging it. you just keep kissing and giggling and playing footsie under the table, looking like the perfect couple you truly once were in the beginning.
friday morning it seemed as if maybe things were gonna be okay.
you woke up to yeosang kissing your face, forehead to cheek to cheek to nose until he peppered them down your neck and a tired whine left you. he smiled against your skin, his lowly mumbled ,”good morning, baby,” making your stomach flutter first thing.
the moment was quickly over, open mouthed kisses and his tongue slipping past yours, when wooyoung and mingi bursted through the door, dramatic yelps leaving them as they ran out covering each other’s eyes.
“i cannot believe you kiss him in the morning,” wooyoung said an hour later, all eight of you walking down to the beach.
the cooler was packed and ready, fully prepared for a day in the sun and pregaming for the bar later tonight.
“why?” you ask, a smile pulling at your lips at the look of disgust on his face.
“multiple reasons but his breath being the first! isn’t it disgusting? there’s no way he doesn’t wake up with rank breath, y/n, i just don’t believe it.”
an arm wraps around your waist from behind, your boyfriend’s hand craning your face back so he can peck another long, lingering kiss on your mouth; wooyoung’s gags in the back cause you to smile against him.
“you better be careful talking about rank breath,” yeosang says when he pulls away, eyes right on wooyoung who’s wearing a look of shock and hurt.
“i don’t have bad breath.”
“i can smell you right now. did you even bring a toothbrush?”
“he actually didn’t,” jongho quips, wooyoung’s head snapping toward his as you and yeosang suppress your laughter - one of you better than the other.
“it’s all he kept talking about in the car. sick fuck even asked to use to mine but that is just too-”
“oh wow, look at the waves! c’mon, y/n, you said you wanted to play in them!”
wooyoung grabs your hand before you’re able to say anything, giggling as he drags you down the hot sand. you throw down your bag and look back at yeosang with a smile, his hand waving you off as he picks up your belongings.
mingi and san join you both a few minutes later, the water making your feet numb in the wet sand.
you don’t know how long it takes all four of you to fully immerse yourself in the water - at least thirty minutes if you had to guess. but once you got in, you guys didn’t wanna get out.
the waves were harsh and crashed down on you viscously but that was part of the fun. diving into the water and letting the salt water soak up into your skin and hair. it was even better that there was no gross seaweed, the four of you attempting to play toothpaste despite the major difficulty.
but with how much time past, pruny fingers and soaked hair, you didn’t expect the others to already be shit-faced. it was barely noon and you could tell immediately that yeosang, hongjoong and jongho were well on there way to getting obliterated tonight.
you have sinking suspicions it’s because changbin and his friends are also here; and when their two friend groups are together, nothing could comes of it.
they’re all fun and sweet and care for one another but they also build off of each other - enable each other’s young, college drinking habits and rowdy behavior.
“b-baby, c’mere,” yeosang slurs when he sees you, wrapping you up in a towel and pulling you on his lap.
you land on his lap with a plop, smiling and saying hello to the others. you can smell the alcohol on yeosang’s breath but he’s always in good spirits. always laughing and smiling and making jokes that, usually, his drinking isn’t a problem.
it’s not something you particularly enjoy or can relate to but he’s never been a  mean drunk.
not until today.
“you look really good today, you know that?” he mumbles lowly in your ear, the new, red bikini you brought clinging to your body in all the right ways. you were slightly embarrassed to wear it today but decided to go for it because you thought you looked nice in it and spent $70 on it.
you looked up at him with an embarrassed flush on your cheeks, elbowing him lightly as he wraps his arms around your waist. his fingers toy with the edge of your bikini under the towel, your eyes widening when you feel what he’s trying to do.
“yeosang,” you whisper harshly, keeping your voice low but firm as you smack his hand over the towel.
“what,” he whines lowly, eyes roaming the area to see everyone either going to the water or chatting amongst themselves. “you’re covered, baby. i wouldn’t let anyone see what’s mine.”
“are you crazy,” you whisper as you peek your face up at him. “we’re already drinking underage on the beach yeosang. you can’t finger me in public either.”
“who said i was gonna finger you?” he mumbles, a smirk on his face and teasing in his voice; but you don’t find this funny. you don’t find him being this drunk and touchy at noon is funny. “you’re getting ahead of yourself now, baby.”
“why are you getting this drunk at noon, yeosang? we’re going out tonight too, unfortunately.”
“unfortunately?” he asks, craning his neck down to look at you. “i thought you were excited.”
“i was so excited for the beach,” you tell him quietly. “i thought you would come in the ocean with us.”
because you wanted to spend that time with him. have the jeuvnile fun you used to have when you’d go on drives to the beach at night and freeze your asses off on the sand.
“you looked like you were having enough fun with wooyoung and san,” he mumbles, something darker and sarcastic in his voice that makes you turn in his lap and look at him.
his eyes are glassy and teasing but not in the light hearted way. they look almost vengeful, like he’s jealous or feeling left out the same way you’ve been; but you’re always sitting there, at parties or at bars or in your room, waiting for him.
how doesn’t he see that?”
“that’s because you’ve been with everyone else. you’re always with everyone else and you leave me behind.”
“what are you even talking about?” he sneers, keeping his voice low but full of bite. “you come everywhere with me like my damn shadow, y/n. how do i leave you behind? i couldn’t if i tried.”
his words make you physically recoil, his lap now longer feeling comfortable and inviting but cold. the hurt is evident on your face and in your heart and he’s just looking at you like he’s ready to have a full on argument, his eyebrow raised and glossy eyes wide.
like he’s waiting for you to say something just so he can respond and hurt you.
there’s a long, lingering silence between you two, the laughter of others surrounding you despite the way tears are burning your eyes. a screech of your name pulls you away, looking at san and mingi where the shorter boy is holding his foot above the sand.
“can you come back with us? i cut my foot.”
some silly part of you expects yeosang to tell them to leave you alone. that you spent your time with them and now it’s his turn to be with you. but he doesn’t say a word, just bounces his knee as if to tell you to get off and it feels as if your heart drops into your stomach.
you swallow the growing lump in your throat, throwing the towel back on yeosang and rising toyour feet to help san.
“sure,” you tell the boy quietly, not looking back at yeosang once as you make your way up to the house.
you clean san’s foot on the counter in the kitchen, getting off all the dirt and dust with an alcohol pad as he whines in pain.
“it’s not that bad,” you mumble, mingi nodding in agreement as san narrows his eyes at both of you.
you’re strangely quiet, more quiet than usual, and mingi can’t help but notice the sad look on your face; you’d been so happy in the water and when you first got to the beach.
“did you and yeosang fight?”
you look up at mingi to see his eyes on you, soft and sweet and looking over you gently. it makes the weepy, emotional part in you wanna cry but you refuse, letting the dramatic tears burn your eyes at you shake your head.
“are you sure? you look sad.”
“no, i’m okay, i’m just tired,” you say, sending a small smile his way that is obviously fake. “the water and sun always tire me out.”
san and mingi accept your answer as you finish covering san’s food, slapping a band-aid on his heel and smiling (the smallest hint of a real smile) as he kisses your cheek in thanks.
you watch outside the window as yeosang sits in his chair, all the boys in a circle with their cups full of beer and throwing their heads back in laughter. you can hear their banter and harsh words through the open glass, not a single part of you wanting to go back out there.
you’d much rather sit in the bath or take a nap, rid yourself of the image of yeosang’s harsh words and annoyed eyes.  
“y/n?” san says, your eyes snapping to his concerned face - how long had he been calling you?
“c’mon, we’re going back,” he says, extending his arm down to you. “we used to play this olympic game when we were kids and we wanna try again.”
a smile pulls at your lips at his statement, picturing all of them as crazy kids running up and down the beach playfully. but now you don’t wanna go back out there, especially since you have to go out later with them.
“i kind of wanna take a nap before we go out tonight,” you tell the boys, looks of horror crossing their faces.
“what? we’re not going out till 7. it’s only 1:30, y/n.”
“i know but i’m gonna take a bath, too. the tub is really big.”
the dejected frowns on mingi and san almost make you crack but they eventually let it go, insisting that if you can’t fall asleep to come back out so you can all go back in the ocean.
you watch them walk back to the group from the door, eyes lingering over yeosang who’s smiling and laughing with his big group of friends. he always looks most comfortable like that, in a big group of people where everyone looks to him and laughs, giving him the attention he used to look for from you.
but things change apparently. you don’t know how or when or why neither of you have acknowledged it but it’s obvious that somewhere along the line, things had changed.
“where’s y/n?” seonghwa’s voice asked, pulling yeosang from his discussion as he sees mingi and san walking back to the group.
“she said she’s tired,” san answers with a frown, a scoff leaving yeosang that has the dirty blonde side eyeing him. “she might come back down after she takes a nap.”
“she won’t,” yeosang says, taking a sip from his beer before throwing the glass bottle into the garbage bag; san and mingi side eye each other, catching the dark look that seonghwa throws the boy’s way.
“can someone get me another one?”
you woke to the sound of yeosang shuffling around in his bag, eyes fluttering open to see a towel wrapped around his waist. your eyes roamed over is body, a flat, toned stomach and muscular arms that now had a red su burn on them.
“did you put on sunscreen?”
he jumped slightly despite your quiet tone, meeting your tired gaze and bedridden hair as he nods his head. he places a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on the bed, undressing in front of you as you keep your gaze on him.
“did you sleep well?”
you can’t read his expression or tone at all right now and it unsettles you greatly; so you only nod, sitting up and stretching your arms up and over your head.
“are you coming out with us?”
your eyes narrow and that same sad feling plummets in your stomach again. how it feels like your heart’s falling down further and further.
“um... why wouldn’t i?”
“because it doesn’t seem like you want to.”
“then should i just sit here by myself?”
silence fills the room as you both just stare at each other blankly, the hurt behind your eyes and the annoyance behind his far too palpable. you wonder if he’s gonna say anything in response or just leave the out the bedroom door, quirking an eyebrow up in the quietness.
“we’re leaving in 30,” is all he says, voice still short and eyes still tight as he turns around and leaves. mingi and san sneak through the door, most definitely eavesdropping, as they run over and plop on your bed.
“you didn’t come back.”
“you guys definitely fought.”
you let out a sigh as you look to mingi, an apologetic smile on his face as he pats your shoulder reassuringly. his hand moves to your hair, lacing his fingers through it before a knot stops him.
“i was sleeping, okay,” you grumble, a deep laugh leaving him as he pulls you up and off the bed.
“we’re leaving soon so get ready. we’re just gonna dance and have fun. i promise.”
and so similiar to the beach outing, the first few hours were fun.
the music was good, it wasn’t too crowded and you even didn’t mind the taste of your strawberry daiquiri. you danced with san, mingi and wooyoung until your feet were killing and your throat felt parched.
you went up to the bar for a water, needing to yell your order over the voices of people as you realize just how crowded it got. your eyes scan the bar for yeosang, seeing him in the corner where the big group resides.
your eyes meet form across the room, a small smile on your face as you wave to him.
you know he sees you, you know you two definitely make eye contact and that he could tell it was you, but he doesn’t acknowledge you in the slightest. only hyunjin and jisung do, yelping your name from across the bar and ushering you over eagerly.
you hesitantly make your way over, a polite smile on your face. there’s a few people you don’t recognize but there’s a lot of people you do, trying to keep that in mind as you approach the table closer and say hi to everyone.
“y/n! where have you been?”
“dancing with san and mingi,” you tell them. “wooyoung, too, but we kept losing him.”
“he’s too friendly for his own good,” jisung says, his eyes roaming you and yeosang before back to you. “where are they now?”
“not sure, maybe outside.”
“cool. stay with us for a bit.”
you’re hesitant but find yourself nodding anyway, your arm grazing yeosang who’s standing next to you. you look to him and he’s talking to a few guys across the table, hyunjin calling your name twice before you notice.
the whole time you’re talking to them, you can’t help but notice how yeosang seems to be avoiding you. giving you the cold shoulder like you’re a random stranger in a bar and not his girlfriend.
and the longer it goes on, the worse you feel. trying to carry on the conversation but becoming more and more aware of yeosang’s distance; and you’re not the only one who’s noticed.
“yo, yeosang,” jisung says, the black-haired boy snapping his head toward the boy. he nods his head toward you, your neck craning toward yeosang and face dropping when the boy begins to speak again.
“is there any reason you’re ignoring your girlfriend?” he asks, humor in his tone.
“what do you mean?” the boy asks, his eyes moving to yours, the same unreadable expression in them.
“you haven’t looked at her once. are you guys even still dating?”
“surprisingly,” the drunken man quips sarcastically.
your face drops and it’s like he knows it, looking at you with a roll of his eyes.
“i was kidding, y/n,” he huffs, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. he reeks of alcohol and cologne, keeping you under his arm before continuing his conversation.
the entire time, it’s like you’re not even there. he doesn’t once acknowledge you or try to include you in the conversation. just keeps you there as if your his shadow, something he’s not even aware ad that he doesn’t pay any mind to.
you thought you’ve been dramatic over these past few months. maybe being too sensitive or too emotional or maybe even asking too much from him. but it’s like he doesn’t even want you here.
he hasn’t looked your way once and neither of you acknowledged the way you snapped at each other before. your communication has gone down the toilet, all of your feelings brewing while his seem to be nonexistent.
you move out from under his arm, no one, not even him, noticing when you mumble that you’re going to the bathroom.
tears burn your eyes the entire time, feeling stupid and left out and annoying, like you have no place here and just have to be attached to someone who doesn’t want you or yeosang’s friends.
you grip the sink and take a few calming breaths, looking up at the mirror when you hear the door open.
a drunken girl comes in and smiles upon seeing you, her face immediately dropping before she makes her way over to you.
“oh no, what’s wrong?” she asks with a frown on her face, her eyes roaming yours carefully as her hands grip your arms comfortingly. “you look like you’re about to cry.”
you almost laugh at the fact that this random stranger is the one noticing that you’re upset when you were just beside your boyfriend. you only shake your head and promise her that you’re okay, a pathetic excuse of a smile plastered on your face.
but the same way a person breaks down when someone asks if they’re okay, you do when you try to assure her that you are. that you and your boyfriend are in a great place and you feel completely happy here with him.
“just... stupid stuff with my boyfriend,” you eventually mutter out, a small tear escaping your eye that causes her frown to deepen. “i feel silly and dramatic but i don’t know.. i feel like he’s been ignoring me. we’ve been so weird these past few months and it doesn’t seem like he even loves me anymore.”
“leave his ass, are you crazy,” she asks without hesitation, wiping at your tears with a sympathetic smile on her face. “you’re beautiful and he’s not worth crying over. no boy is. because that what he is. a boy. a stupid boy, in fact.”
a wet, strangled giggle leaves your mouth despite the tears streaming down your face, watching as she takes a paper towel and dabs at your face.
“you’re gonna mess up your makeup so no more crying!” she says happily, bouncing up and down with her legs crossed. “leave his ass and have fun, sweet girl! i’m about to pee my pants now.”
another giggle leaves your mouth as you thank her sweetly, wiping at your face and smiling when she lets out a heavy sigh of relief. you take a deep breath, trying to take her words to heart but far too aware of the upset in your stomach.
how leaving him seems like the most painful thing ever. how you don’t even wanna do that because you guys haven’t talked about anything yet. all these problems could be in your own head for all you know, you two haven’t had any sort of discussion.
but it doesn’t help that he doesn’t even seem receptive.
he has been ignoring you and making you feel left out. he brings you along just to leave you when he knows you’re only coming for him; even on the nights you guys stay in, it’s obvious he wants to be out partying.
why can’t it be more fair? are you asking for too much or is he just being inconsiderate?
you walk out of the bathroom to se the corner of bar empty, only jisung and hyujin lingering. the taller boy meets your gaze and the two make their way over, letting you know that they went to the bar outside.
“oh... okay, thanks for letting me know,” you thank softly, a small smile lighting up your face.
they both wear their own sympathetic smile, hyunjin shaking his head at jisung when they make eye contact. there’s a few moments of an awkward silence, you looking between them both before jisung opens his mouth to speak again.
“yeosang was saying some fucked up shit, y/n. i just wanted you to know.”
“no, hyunjin, they’ve been together for a long time and he knows her best. that wasn’t cool.”
your stomach plummets at the words leaving the boy, the tears you just got rid of burning the back of your eyes again.
“what... what did he say?”
“it wasn’t anything that bad, we were just shocked. you guys usually seemed so happy and in love and it was just-”
“he said it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if you guys broke up. and that if you wanted to, he wouldn’t be too opposed.”
the look on your face must give it all away, tears filling your eyes as you feel yourself ready to bolt. you will not be the girl who cries publicly in a bar, looking like a hot, red-faced mess because your boyfriend decided to be an asshole.
“he’s shit faced, y/n,” hyunjin says immediately, his stomach turning at your tears; he hates when people cry, especially girls. “he only said it because he thinks that’s where you guys are headed. said you guys have felt very disconnected since school ended.”
and while it helps to hear that you haven’t been the only one feeling that way, it still hurts you.
because it doesn’t seem like he wants to fight for you and he hasn’t said anything to you. he’s just ignoring you, making you feel worse and worse with the occasional kiss or whispered sweet nothing.
you think the worst part is that, eve if you guys did break up, he wouldn’t be sad about it. he’d just move on without any qualms and think of you as the girl he dated during his freshmen year of college.
but he was much more to you than that.
he was your first love. the first boy you allowed in and let yourself trust. gave yourself to in the most intimiate way and found solace in him despite your differences.
those differences seem to be your downfall right now - with one similarity that, apparently, both of you suck at communication.
you don’t even realize you’re turning around and leaving the bar until you hear your name being called behind you, walking out in the warm night air and heading toward the beach.
you just keep walking and walking and walking, until there’s nothing but silence and the waves crashing around you.
he knows he shouldn’t care this much.
he knows that it’s not his place and that the boy next to him should be the one worrying and concerned about where you are.
but yeosang doesn’t seem to care at all, switching from beers to shots in a decision seonghwa made hours ago to stay away from.
he can’t stop his eyes from moving to the door ever so often, waiting for your hair or smiling face to walk through and flood him with some relief; but when he sees mingi, san, and wooyoung come in without you, he’s not sure he can hold off any longer.
“yeosang,” seonghwa says, voice deep with his usual bite. “where’s y/n?”
“i don’t know,” he slurs out, not even bothering to look around or observe the crowd. “probably with mingi or san.”
“no, they’re out here, too.”
“i don’t know hwa, why do you care?” he growls in annoyance, downing another shot to dull out the sound your name and all the concerns he has. coming to terms with the fact that you guys are changing and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.
“because she’s missing, yeosang. no one has seen her or is with her.”
he’s getting more and more irritated at his friends attitude, the way it seems like he couldn’t give less of a shit about where his girlfriend is. especially when he knows you get uncomfortable in this setting.
“i’m her boyfriend, hwa, and i know she’s fine. so fucking drop it. she’s around here somewhere.”
but that answer doesn’t quell the worry in seonghwa, the dirty blonde rolling his eyes at the endless horror stories plaguing his mind. they’re underage at a crowded bar with sleazy drunks and cops lurking - there are far too many things that could go wrong.
“then act like it, dickhead.”
yeosang just rolls his eyes, turning his attention back to the group and dismissing seonghwa and the conversation completely. he doesn’t know how they can talk about his girlfriend missing to something as mundane as video games, seonghwa getting up with a huff and walking back into the bar.
he checks around the whole bar twice, nearing 1 a.m so the building is at its maximum capacity. but even then, he checks everywhere and doesn’t see you; he even asks girls waiting on line to the bathroom to see if you’re in there, unaware of the dreamy look in their eyes as they nod and hang on to every word he says.
“no one named y/n was in there,” they said a few moments later, an apologetic look on her face before she smiled flirtily. “did you lose your girlfriend?”
he rolls his eyes and thanks them politely, not giving her the time to give him some cheesy pick up line before he’s outside.
it’s warm with such a slight breeze coming off the ocean, looking up and down the block before the beach catches his eye. there’s a few people walking in the distance and he thinks it’s worth a shot, walking away from the bar and going down to the cold, grainy sand.
he’s walking for twenty minutes, about to turn around as he wonders why the hell he’s even looking for you, when he hears soft cries.
he can barely hear them over the sound of the waves but he definitely hears them, squinting his eyes in the distance to see a figure hunched over with their face in their hands.
he can tell you it’s you when he’s a few feet away, the way your hair’s falling and dress is riding up your legs. he swallows thickly, relief flooding through him as he looks over your figure quietly.
he could tell you and yeosang were having problems, could tell you’ve been having them for a few months by how often you and him would hang out at parties, but it seemed as if they were getting worse these days.
he saw it on the beach this morning, the way you went from smiling and laughing to disappearing inside the house. it bothered him then but he knew he shouldn’t butt in, waiting until you guys figured it out or handled things on your own.
but now he can’t just sit back anymore.
he’s seeing changes in his younger friend that he doesn’t enjoy; his drinking, his attitude, the way he’s treating you 90% of the time. and tonight had been the last straw for him, his blatant disconcern for you and your wellbeing completely rubbing him the wrong way.
he continues to approach you quietly, the sound of his footsteps in the sand causing you to look up.
the faint glow from the streetlights and moon cast light on him, calming you immediately as you look up at him. you feel the wet tears on your face but could care less at the moment, sending him a small broken smile that makes you feel pathetic.
seonghwa is similiar to mingi and san in the aspect that he’s able to tell something’s off between you and yeosang. not because he’s nosy (in the most concerned way) like the two younger boys but because he sees it.
watches you at parties and is usually the person sitting beside you on the couch while yeosang’s off doing whatever.
he moves slow and cautious, sitting down on the sand next to you silently. you can feel the heat radiating off his arm, not quite touching you but just a few inches away.
you’re no longer crying but tears are still on your face, leaving you wet and sticky and most definitely tear-stained.
“i don’t know what i did, seonghwa.”
the dirty blonde looks your way when you finally break the silence between you two, seeing your tooth in your lip and eyes strained on the dark, starry sky.
“we’ve been so weird ever since the semester ended and it’s only getting worse. i- i know that’s just how he is but he was like that in the beginning too but he would never ignore me. i don’t know what i did or why he started but it feels like we’re on our way to breaking-”
you can’t even say the words because it’s not something you’re ready to do. you still love him and there’s still hints of you guys as a happy couple, the way he holds you and kisses you and looks at you sometimes.
but the bad is outweighing the god these days and it’s hurting you. hurting you to the point that you’re here, crying on the beach to his best friend who you don’t even realize looks at you a little too long and a little too soft.
and he doesn’t even know what to say to you this moment. because he sees his friend is changing and he sees it’s effecting you; it makes him wanna go back to the bar and punch yeosang in the face, tell him to wake up before someone snatches you away and treats you the way you deserve.
“am i the one being stupid, seonghwa?” you ask again, turning to look at the boy beside you. “do i just have to like... get over it and try for him? try to enjoy all of this and be okay with mingling on my own?”
“you go out with us all the tie, y/n, how are you not trying?”
it’s the softest you’ve ever heard seonghwa’s voice, something about it bringing more tears to your eyes because it’s so obvious that you’re a mess.
“i must not be if he’s being like this. it’s like he doesn’t even know me and he just wants me to leave him alone. he- he even told jisung it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if we broke up, so why am i even crying?”
seonghwa feels rage bubble up in his chest at the thought of yeosang saying that, cracking his knuckles one by one until he’s facing you again. he doesn’t get how he can’t see what he’s doing to you or how he doesn’t care.
“he’s been different these past few months, i’ve seen it too, y/n, so it’s not you,” he assures gently, waning to reach out and touch your hand form comfort. “he’s just... i don’t know what the fuck he’s doing but he shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”
you let out a sigh as you hide your face in your knees, tears leaking from your eyes again as quiet sobs leave you.
you feel seonghwa’s hand on your back a few seconds later, moving up and down slowly as you fall into him. you both just sit there on the sand, you crying and him silently comforting you as you try to make sense of this mess.
because even right now, with you gone and not saying a word, he doesn’t care. he’s not calling or texting or going to look for you. he just don’t seem to care at all.
“please don’t cry, y/n,” he mumbles quietly, his thumb moving up and down your skin gently.
but his words don’t help in the slightest. you just muffle your cries until you can’t anymore, peeking your head up as you wipe the wetness off your face.
“i’m sorry,” you mutter, feeling embarrassed to have just cried your eyes out for god knows how long; but seonghwa doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest, shrugging his shoulders with a small smile on his lips.
“you don’t have to apologize,” he reassures gently, sending a small smile his way.
you watch his eyes roam your face, dark eyes piercing yours in a way that you once found so intimidating. but you’ve gotten to know him so well and know how sweet he is.
how much he looks out for his people and that he’d really do anything for anyone.
“what?” you ask, feeling self conscious and seen. “are there tears on my face?”
“just a few,” he teases, reaching across to dab at the reamining wetness. you smile softly as he tocuhes your skin, watching him so gently reach over your face.
his warm fingers linger on you for a little too long but you don’t even notice, thanking him softly when he pulls back.
you lean back and are reminded of your first date with yeosang, on the sand that feels familiar and the sky with a bright crescent moon similiar to the one around your neck.
it pulls at something in your heart, how maybe you guys will never be like that again. how the honeymoon phase is just something that isn’t meant to to last htat long maybe.
it’s just a fleeting moment that you’ll remember in times like this, when it feels like you guys are about to fall apart.
tears prick your eyes again, a sigh leaving your mouth as you silently beg yourself not to cry again before seonghwa’s on his feet and reaching his hand down, like he knew you were about to blow.
you look at it with confusion, looking from his hand to his eyes looking down at you expectantly.
“come with me.”
“where are we going?” you ask, taking his hand hesitantly. he pulls you to your feet with ease, keeping you hands intertwined as he turns around and pulls you up the beach silently.
“seonghwa,” you whine, your bare foot tripping over the lumpy sand. he just grips your hand tighter every time you stumble, a quiet chuckle leaving his mouth that makes you narrow your eyes at him.
“you’ll see,” he says, eyeing you back just as sternly. “i past it on my way to find you.”
a dimly lit playground with swings and small, slightly janky jungle gym comes into your view, a smile lighting up your face as you turn to look at seonghwa.
“i don’t know how i missed this,” you tell him, knowing for sure you hd to have passed it on your way to the beach.
“you were too busy crying,” he teases lightly, a snort leaving your mouth as you push him gently. he narrows his eyes and pushes you back playfully, watching as you take off in the sand and plop down on a swing.
he smiles as you wave him over, moving the swing and pumping your legs as you hold your arms out to him. he walks over, leaning his head against the chain of the swing next to you watching you sit there and smile up at him.
“push me,” you ask sweetly, his eyes narrowing slightly. “please,” you add, wide glassy eyes and a sweet smile that renders him unable to resist. his warm hands rest on your back as he pushes you higher and higher, your eyes looking out into the ocean and sky as memories wrack your brain.
“when... when did you get that?!” you yelp, moving closer to his larger, warmer body to get a good look at it. “i didn’t even see you pick it up!”
“i was sneaky, right?” he teases with a wink, guiding you by the waist to sit down before placing the basket between you.
you barely notice the harsh gust of wind because of your excitement and surprise, yeosang’s hands draping a blanket around your shoulders before you can even shiver.
“i even packed the food. i didn’t really know how to be sneaky for that so it was pure luck that you went to the bathroom.”
and low and behold, when he opens up the white, woven basket, all the food you got was packed in perfectly. plates and utensils were strapped to the top with two small cups next to the array of fruits, cookies, and several ingredients for sandwiches.
you both happened to like cheese ones, your hands grazing and soft giggles leaving when you both reached for it in the frozen section.
“i... i can’t believe you did this,” you mumble quietly, feeling far more touched and happy than you’re willing to let on. “this is so cute. thank you, yeosang.
you shake your head from the memories, looking back to see seonghwa still pushing you with a content smile on his face. you stretch you legs to reach the ground, slowing down until you jump off.
you topple on the sand a little bit, seonghwa calling your name with a chuckle and watching as you steady yourself out. you turn to him with a smile, looking up at him in a way that causes his heart to jump in his chest.
he knows he has to ignore though. because problems or not, broken up or not, you’re still his best friend’s girlfriend.
but it doesn’t stop him from frolicking in the sand with you. following you as the playful spirit comes out from zipping down the slide or climbing on top of the monkey bars.
he grabs your leg that hangs off from the monkey bars, your whiney “seonghwa!” echoing through the quiet night air. his laugh causes a smile to light up your face, the two of you in the playground until your body is weak and you’re laid out on the sand.
seonghwa checks his phone to see it’s almost 3:00, wondering aloud if their friends are back from the bar.
and that’s the reality check you need. remembering that your boyfriend’s ignoring you, you don’t know he you did and his best friend is the one here - comforting you, making you laugh and keeping your mind off all the things that are making you sad in the first place.
it’s a very sobering thought that makes your smile fall off your face, jumping up from your spot in the sand as you look at seonghwa.
“i... we should get back then,” you hear yourself say. “i didn’t realize it was that late.”
it’s the reality check seonghwa needed to, that he shouldn’t be the one making you laugh and smile while your heart and mind are still plagued by yeosang. so he nods his head, rising to his feet and looking down at you for a few seconds.
you feel a lump form in your throat at the look he gives you, butterflies threatening to erupt in your stomach as his eyes roam every inch of your face. eyes to your hair to your nose to your lips, his tongue peeking out before he nods his head down toward the beach.
"lets go, then,” he says, ignoring the slightly dejected feeling in his stomach he knows he shouldn’t have. “they might be back by now.”
you guys walk back to the house in silence, arms bumping ever so often in a way that both of you try to ignore. because even if this felt right, even if your time with seonghwa always feels so right and easy, it feels right with yeosang too.
and it’s not like you can just have them both.
gong home to an empty house was incredibly sobering.
your bed was cold, the house was quiet and you had to muffle stupid, disappointed cries into your pillow until you fell asleep.
but there was someone else sitting in the living room, waiting for the moment his friends come back so he can tear his one drunken asshole of a friend a new asshole.
and that’s exactly what he did when he heard the front door open, wooyoung and san’s loud “heeellloo!” echoing through the house causing his head to snap toward the door.
the boys shuffle in, saying their hi’s to seonghwa as they filter in the kitchen and start to raid the cabinets for food. yeosang’s the last to get through the door, his stumbling to a minimum and glassy eyes observing the house carefully.
seonghwa feels his jaw clench, the two boys meeting eyes as the black-haired boy approaches him quickly.
“did you find her?”
“how’d you know i went looking?”
“do you think i’m a fucking idiot?”
seonghwa clenches his jaw again, cracking his tension-filled neck as he looks at his friend. the boys hold a dark, intense eye contact that goes ignored by the rest of the boys - too consumed by their need for food, drunken ramblings, and wooyoung crying about keeping the dishes to a minimum so he doesn’t have to wash them hungover tomorrow.
“she was on the beach crying,” seonghwa eventually bites back, looking at his friend with every hint of disdain and anger. “heard that you said it wouldn’t even matter if you guys broke up or not.”
“that fucking jisung,” yeosang grumbles, seonghwa rolling his eyes and getting up from the couch. he feels yeosang falling behind him, half tempted to tell him to piss off before they’re both just outside the dirty blonde’s room.
“what are you so mad about? she’s my girlfriend, yeosang.”
“and you’re treating her like shit, yeosang. you have been for months. leaving her all the time, barely spending time with her, do you even notice how much she fucking hates going to those?”
“but she still does?” yeosang says, face pulled into confuson and irritaiton - he doesn’t like the way he’s feeling attacked and defesnive. “i never force her to go.”
“obviously she’s gonna go for you,” seonghwa growls, confused as to how his friend is so stupid and blind about this. “because she loves you, yeosang.”
“i love her, too,” he says, “she knows how much i love her.”
the look soenghwa gives him cause his eyes to narrow, anger spiking in him as he pushes his frined back. seognhwa’s eyes flare and he has to hold himself back, knowing that he’s already not in a spot to fight over you.
“and if i didn’t know any better, i’d think you loved her too. running to her rescue right away and nearly ripping my head off before.”
seonghwa doesn’t know what to say so he doesn’t say anything, the silence doing more than words could at this point. and even drunk, yeosang knows what it means. can see in seonghwa’s face and body language that he has nothing to say because, yeah, he might love her, too.
“bullshit,” yeosang blurts out, a look of shock and horror on his face. seonghwa only shrugs his shoulders, attempting to walk away from yeosang before he pulls his friend back roughly.
“are you kidding me? y/n? out of every woman in this world?”
“i don’t know, yeosang, okay. it just fucking happened. i wasn’t ever gonna say anything to either of you.”
“wow, how noble of you. but you run off to save her when we get ino a fight.”
“because you were being a dick and she was upset,” seonghwa growls back, balling his fists in a similiar fashion to yeosang. “but i didn’t say anytihng to her. i just called you an asshole and said you were changing. not that she should leave you for me, although i’ve been tempted to steal her from you.”
a laugh of disbelief leaves yeosang, his head shaking as he looks over his friend.
“you’ve got fucking balls.”
and if it were anyone else saying this to him, they’d be beaten to a bloody pulp. but yeosang knows seonghwa would never make a move on you, actively try to steal you and get you away from him even if he wanted to.
he even had sinking suspicos that he had feelings for you, catching the way he’d look at you or his gaze would linger for just a little too lnog.
but he trusts his friend and he trusts you.
he was just the idiot now, acting as if you ddin’t mean the world to him and he doesn’t love you more than anyone else in this world.
“i’m gonna go apologize to her,” yeosang says, his gaze meeting seonghwa and making the dirty blonde nod his head. “thanks for taking care of her.”
the dirty blonde only nods his head, dread pooling in the pit of his stomach as he watches him walk out the room and go to you.
yeosang walks in to se your sleeping form on the bed, creeping over to his bag and cringing at the sound of his zipper in the quiet room.
you wake to the sound of shuffling toward the door, eyes peeking open to see yeosang with his shirt off and slipping on pajama pants. he makes his way over to the bed, your eyes closing quickly as you attempt to keep your breaths even.
you think his soft chuckle is a sign that you’ve gotten caught, keeping up the act as the bed dips and he’s sitting beside you, running his fingers through your hair gently.
“i’m sorry, baby, i’m so sorry,” he hums quietly, keeping his eyes on you as a knot forms in his throat.
he hadn’t reaalized how much he’d been neglected you this summer.
how often he was leaving you and just being assured by the fact that you always had someone with you - mingi, san, wooyoung, even seonghwa, although that proved to be slightly dangerous now.
“i know you’re mad, love, but i’ll be better. i was shit faced when i said that to jisung and hyunjin.”
your eyes peak open, seeing his soft, apologetic eyes that makes a frown appear on his lips. your hand reaches up to touch his face, his skin smooth and slight sticky from the humid summer air.
“are you shit faced now? will you even remember this tomorrow?” you ask quietly, still hurt by his words and the way he acted.
he takes your hand from his ace and presses a kiss to each knuckle, shaking his head as he crawls into bed next to you.
“no,” he mumbles, positing himself close to your warm body. “i stopped drinking when no one could find you. your girlfriend going missing tends to sober a guy up.”
a small snort leaves your mouth as you shake your head, meeting his gaze with tired eyes.
“i wasn’t missing, i was on the beach.”
“with seonghwa.”
you bite down on your lip as you nod your head, eyes roaming him carefully. you don’t quite know what to make of his tone or face, choosing to just nod your head in confirmation.
they had to have talked anyway - how else would he have known jisung told you what he said?
“i’m glad he was there for you when i wasn’t,” he mumbles quietly, a sad truth that he has to come to terms with despite knowing seonghwa’s feelings now.
“it’s okay, you’re here now,” you mumble, moving your body closer to his. he smiles against your head, wrapping his arm around you as he presses a kiss to your head.
but you can’t quite shake the feeling of seonghwa being there for you either.
the way he looked at you so sweetly and made you feel better with just his presence. his hold on you strong and gaze so soft, you can’t help but wonder if, somehow, you’ve also somehow fallen for yeosang’s best friend.
november - sophomore year
if someone told you over the summer that in four months, you’d be living with seonghwa and yeosang, you would’ve called them crazy. asked how the hell that arrangement came to be because why would a single man choose to live with a couple in the first place?
but really, the arrangement stemmed from all of you just having terrible luck.
you had started sophomore year on a terrible foot, not securing a single room this semester and getting a roommate you knew from the moment you met was gonna be a nightmare.
she was not only incredibly rude but messy. 
her clothes littered every inch of the floor by the second week of class and her boyfriend would come over at all hours of the day; you understood it was her room too but hearing them try (and fail) to have quiet sex at 2 a.m was not only disturbing but left you exhausted most weekdays.
“i can’t keep doing it,” you whined to yeosang, laid on top of him in his bed.
it was ironic that his apartment, the one with seven hyper active boys you once thought was the loudest place on earth, was now your place of solace.
it was where you went on weekends to get a good night sleep, not only quiet with no interruptions but incredibly comfortable with your head in boyfriend’s warm chest.
“i’m telling you, baby, ask to get a new room,” he says, a frown on his face at the bags under your eyes. 
his fingers swipes under your purple skin and you close your eyes at his gentle touch, always about ready to fall asleep when you’re with him.
“i did, they don’t have anything,” you whine, burying your face deeper into his chest. “i was even looking at apartments off campus but they’re all too expensive.”
yeosang quirks an eyebrow when he hears you say that, biting down on his lip as he contemplates telling you his idea.
because even before your terrible roommate dilemma, he’d been playing with the idea of asking you to move in together. you guys have almost been together for a year and this summer, even with the bumps in the road, had been nice.
waking up and going to sleep together every day had been the best part for him.always being with you and going about your day still with each other. food shopping, furniture shopping, even just watching tv in silence together.
he wanted more of that with you.
“why don’t we move in together?”
he doesn’t mean to blurt it out so harshly but the words just fall out, your head snapping to him with wide eyes.
“i... i know it seems kind of sudden but why don’t we move in together? we can split the rent then,” he says, his arm wrapping around your waist tightly. “we basically lived together this summer and that was nice, wasn’t it?” he hums, grinding his body into yours a little too purposely to be innocent.
you roll your eyes despite the smile pulling at your lips, moving away from his chest to peer up at him.
could he be serious? does he really wanna live with you?
“would you really wanna live with me?” you ask quietly, his eyebrows pulling together at the meekness in your tone.
“of course i would, baby,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to cheek sweetly. “why wouldn’t i?”
but even with his reassurance and sweet words, you still felt reluctantly.
it was a big step that scared you not only for financial reasons but because you know how you are. you couldn’t even have a roommate your first semester of college and now you’re gonna live with someone permanently?
but the more days pass with you living with your roommate, the more you realize you would much rather have yeosang. even if it meant taking a big next step with him as your boyfriend.
you walked up to his apartment ready to tell him you were ready to move in together, that you guys have to start looking immediately before you just insist on sleeping on the bench outside your dorms.
but when you open the door to this house, you’re met with chaos.
absolute, disastrous chaos. 
voices screaming, water everywhere and, most importantly, all of them running around shirtless and packing their bags; you suppose this is why yeosang hadn’t been answering your texts.
“um.. what is happening?” you ask loudly upon entering, all the boys heads snapping to you.
you’re able to make out the words water line breakage, flood, drown to death and parents house, the several loud voices rendering you unable to say or hear  anything properly.
yeosang pushes his way through and explains that their apartment is well on its way to being destroyed, a faulty waterline that the apartment manager didn’t take care of threatening to completely flood the building.
“what? where are you guys supposed to go now?!”
and that right there is how your current situation came about. 
moving into a one bedroom apartment with your boyfriend and his best friend, the black-haired boy looking over seonghwa with a particularly harsh look in his eye.
the rest of them were either able to secure dorm rooms at the boys dormitory or move in with their parents who lived close by - but seonghwa’s parents lived out of state now and the apartment he was one step away from closing on fell through, thus leaving him homeless.
this unsettled yeosang greatly, knowing his best friend was secretly in love with his girlfriend still.
“you’re crazy if you think i’d try anything with her at all, let alone with you fucking here, yeosang, shit.”
“i already told you just to tell her so shit doesn’t have to be awkward,” yeosang said, whisper-yelling as you set up furniture in your shared bedroom.
“telling her would make shit more awkward, she doesn’t have to know,” seonghwa argued back, looking toward the bedroom with a cautious look on his face.
ever since he outed his confession to yeosang this summer, he’d been trying to act like the same. 
distance himself physically but remain there for you emotionally - laugh with you, smile with you, act as a friend to you while not pushing the boundary when it came to how he felt about you.
“i don’t know how she doesn’t,” yeosang says honestly, looking at seonghwa with not a hint of anger in his eyes. “you make it pretty obvious.”
the dirty blonde narrows his eyes at the boy, punching him in the arm lightly before setting up the couch that now doubles as his bed - living like a true single bachelor.
you make your way out of your new bedroom, the house almost completely set up with furniture and decor. 
a frown crosses your face when you see seonghwa setting up the couch with pillows and blankets, poking the cushions with your finger as you look at him.
“seonghwa, are you sure this is gonna be okay? sleeping on a couch isn’t comfortable.”
“it’s a futon, y/n, they’re meant for that,” seonghwa teases, a small smile lighting up his face. “it’ll be fine.”
“but are you sure? what if you start to get-”
“he’ll be fine, baby,” yeosang says from behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle as his eyes bore into seonghwa. “you don’t have to worry about him.”
the dirty blonde rolls his eyes before looking to you, reassuring you with a small smile and nod. he plops down on the couch and adjusts himself comfortably, giving you a thumbs up as he looks you over happily.
“it’s good, i swear. it’s new so i just gotta break it in.”
“maybe you can invite a girl over. finally get laid,” yeosang mocks, seonghwa biting the inside of his cheek so he doesn’t say a snappy comment; but you, you of course, have other ideas about how to break it in.
“that’s a great idea! let’s have a movie night!”
and before the two boys can protest, you’re running off to your room and writing in the group chat for the boys to come over at eight with snacks and a list of scary movies to watch.
“she already runs the show around here, doesn’t she?” yeosang grumbles, a smirk crossing seonghwa’s face as he nods his head.
“duh! you never go back in the house, are they fucking nuts!?” wooyoung shouts hours later, the apartment completely dark apart from the glow of the tv and jongho’s pumpkin pecan waffles candle (the one he insisted on bringing to set the mood).
you share a knowing smile with seonghwa, the dirty blonde finding himself in the worst seat of the house - directly next to a chatty, exuberant wooyoung.
yeosang and hongjoong had jumped up and claimed the chaises of the other couch, you spending the first two and a half movies curled on top of yeosang until your side became numb and you stole mingi’s seat.
now you sat beside seonghwa, bumping his arm lightly and giggling any time he made a passing comment about wooyoung or the movie or anything else he found utterly stupid or loud.
“who do you think would be the first to die?” you whisper to seonghwa, a smirk on his face as he looks over at you. his lips quirk as he thinks, looking over the pile of his friends laid out in his new living room.
he catches yeosang’s eyes on him, the boy watching carefully before he looks back to the screen casually.
“definitely mingi,” seonghwa mumbles in your ear, a smile pulling at your lips as you watch the boy clutch onto a blanket tighter and bury himself closer to yunho. “he’s a coward.
“maybe,” you mutter, a yawn escaping you as you adjust your position on the couch. your curled legs hit seonghwa but neither of you move, pulling the fuzzy white blanket tighter around you.
“but i think it’d be jongho to be honest,” you mumble, tired eyes still focused on the screen as you him and talk hushly. “it’s always the person you’d least expect.”
a small chuckle leaves seonghwa’s mouth as he nods his head in agreement, wishing he could put his arm around you so you could fall asleep against him more comfortably.
but he just keeps his arm and legs against you, watching the movie until he suddenly feels the pressure of your head on his shoulder.
he looks down to see your eyes closed, hair splayed over your face as even breaths leave you. you look so at peace and innocent in your sleep, not even realizing when his hand reaches out to move away the strands.
his eyes move to yeosang’s when he realizes what he’s done, looking to the boy who’s still adamantly watching the movie and chewing on popcorn. he settles himself back and tries to relax, feel the warmth of your body on his and tries not to get to comfortable with how nice it feels to have you against him.
a small whine causes him to look down at you a few moments later, his hand reaching down to rub against your blanket-covered leg calmingly. he barely realizes he’s doing it, not until his phone vibrates next to him and he sees yeosang’s name appear.
his eyes shoot up to see the boy looking at him, jaw clenched and eyebrow raised as he nods his head toward his phone.
yeosang [1:04 a.m.] you’re pushing it dick. try not to look so happy about my gf sleeping on you.
the dirty blonde is quickly humbled, removing his hand from your leg before trining his attention back to the screen; but the scene is one yeosang can’t quite shake off.
not because of something like petty jealously or a bad feeling in his stomach. simply because it reminds him of the first time you fell asleep with him, just a random night where you dozed off on his shoulder and he thought nothing of it.
he was listening to the sound of your breathing, the tv just white noise in the background as his own eyes threatened to close.
you’d only been dating for a few weeks, enjoying the closeness that comes with watching movies as you both stay in for the night. he wasn’t quite sure when you dozed off, he just knew when he asked if you wanted to watch the next part of twilight, you didn’t answer.
(yes, twilight was your idea and no, he doesn’t enjoy it or want to know how edward and bella’s wedding is gonna turn out).
he deices to replay the first one, just noise to have on in the background as he starts to doze off himself.
he’s stirred awake, however, when your body lurches forward, a gasp leaving your mouth as you shoot up from your sleep quickly. his eyes are wide as he looks up at you, thinking you’re on the verge of a panic attack or nightmare and fully prepared to help in any way he can.
but he sees your eyes are more so full of shock, looking at him and the surroundings of his room like you can’t believe you’re still here.
“are you okay? what happened?”
“i... did i fall asleep?
“uh... yeah?”
you look to be in such disbelief, he doesn’t know what to make of it. is it that odd that you would’ve fallen asleep? it’s late and dark and you said you hadn’t slept too great the night before.
you look to see his face pulled in confusion, looking at you with a mix of concern and bewilderment that makes you shake off the weird feeling inside of you.
“sorry, it’s just... i can usually never ever fall asleep around people,” you explain to him, a problem since childhood that rendered you unable to attend sleepovers or even share a room with cousins on family vacations.
your parents and doctors said it was probably just that you weren’t tired but it felt as if they were deep rooted trust issues of some kind. not allowing yourself to be unconscious or unaware in the presence of other people.
but you didn’t realize any of that with yeosang; you’ve never felt as comfortable with anyone as you do with him.
“ever since i was a kid, i could only fall asleep alone. it’s like i was too scared around other people or something,” you chuckle out, a small smirk crossing yeosang’s face as he pecks a kiss to your nose.
“hmm.. guess you just really like and trust me, huh?”
yeosang bites the inside of his cheek as the memory comes back to him, watching as your sleeping figure moves closer to seonghwa with a content look on your face.
he can only smirk at the way seonghwa seems conflicted, looking down at you with the softest, sappiest expression he’s ever seen his colder friend wear before they move to him.
yeosang moves his eyes away, training them back on the terrible scary movie that, for whatever reason, has mingi absolutely shitting his pants.
the black haired boy wakes you up at the end of the movie, sitting on the other side of you and mumbling that he’s gonna bring you to your room. you barely stir so he lifts you up effortlessly, a tired whine leaving you before you smell his familiar scent.
your eyes pop open to see him looking down at you, a sweet smile on his face that causes one to break out across your own face.
“hi, love. you fell asleep.”
you nod tiredly, face red and hair messy as he places you down on the bed gently. you curl up and under the blanket, letting out a tired whine as you hold your arms out with a pout.
he snorts as he joins you immediately, moving in next to you and sighing contently when your head rests on his chest. his hand runs through your hair. gently, slow and calming in a way he knows will quickly put you back to sleep.
but he needs to ask you one thing tonight. he needs to settle this once and for all so he can stop his brain from racing and thoughts from spiraling.
“do you like seonghwa?”
even in a tired daze, the question throws you off.
makes you snap your head up and rest your chin on his chest, eyes narrowed and eyebrows shooting up your forehead as you look at your boyfriend of almost a year.
“do you like seonghwa?”
he repeats it like it’s a simple question, so straight forward and casual that you would think he was joking if it wasn’t for how serious his expression is.
“i... you’re my boyfriend, yeosang? why would i like seonghwa?”
he bites his lip at the confused expression on your tired face, twirling a piece of your hair at the top before letting it bounce back.
“was just a question, love.”
you look at him in complete shock and confusion, trying to decipher any anger or jealously on his face.
“is it because i fell asleep on him? i didn’t even know, yeosang, i just-”
“no, baby, no,” he’s quick to assure, his hands cupping your face gently. “it was really just a question, okay? i’m not mad or anything.”
you look at your boyfriend but see nothing but honesty in his eyes, reluctantly nodding your head before resting your head back on his chest. he hums quietly as you close your eyes, his chest feeling different than seonghwa’s but still just as comforting.
you don’t even have the time to wonder why you’re even thinking about that, comparing yeosang and seonghwa’s chests and smells, until you’re fast asleep again.
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it took four days for you to finally admit it to yeosang.
and it wasn’t even that you lied at the time he asked - you just didn’t even realize.
you didn’t realize that, for longer than you can remember, you might’ve always had a bit of a crush on seonghwa. entranced by his handsome face and the way he carried himself.
how he always looked out for you and made you feel safe and cared for despite not owing you a thing.
but it wasn’t something that was overwhelmingly noticeable. 
you hadn’t thought about seonghwa when you were with yeosang. you hadn’t wished he was him or that the dirty blonde was the one who let you borrow a pen the first day of college.
but you did eventually come to love seonghwa. 
depend on him and look forward to seeing him and knowing that, if you didn’t have him in your life, your life would feel emptier.
but why had yeosang asked that? did he know before you did? did he see something in the way you looked or acted around his best friend? why wasn’t he mad about it?
“we can have a talk about it if you want,” yeosang said when you confessed all of this to him, sitting on your bed with a heavy pit in your stomach. 
“in fact, i think we’ll definitely have to talk about somethings. but for now... i think you should tell seonghwa.”
and if this whole situation wasn’t bizarre enough, admitting to your boyfriend that you liked another man, that surely did it. your boyfriend telling you to confess your feelings to him even though he was his best friend and you two were very much together.
“tell seonghwa that you like him, baby,” he mumbles, his hands holding your face gently. there’s so much confusion and hesitation in your eyes he almost wants to laugh but he supposes he can’t blame you.
this whole situation is weird. and he doesn’t know how he knows this is the direction your relationship should go - he’s just felt it inside of himself for the past few weeks.
“stop looking so confused and just trust me, okay? tell him you like him and see what he says.”
so that’s exactly what you do, despite all the confusion still swirling inside of you; because as confused as you are about this entire situation, it doesn’t take away from the fact that you do like seonghwa.
you love him, even. not just as a friend and someone who’s been there for you but more. the way you feel comforted by his physical touch, physical being, how sometimes you’ve felt like, if you didn’t know any better and if things were different, your lips would’ve met with no hesitation.
“i... we should get back then,” you hear yourself say. “i didn’t realize it was that late.”
it’s the reality check seonghwa needed to, that he shouldn’t be the one making you laugh and smile while your heart and mind are still plagued by yeosang. so he nods his head, rising to his feet and looking down at you for a few seconds.
you feel a lump form in your throat at the look he gives you, butterflies threatening to erupt in your stomach as his eyes roam every inch of your face. eyes to your hair to your nose to your lips, his tongue peeking out before he nods his head down toward the beach.
"lets go, then,” he says, ignoring the slightly dejected feeling in his stomach he knows he shouldn’t have. “they might be back by now.”
you find the dirty blonde in the kitchen, hunched over a pot of boiling water as he carefully puts in a bag of ramen.
“seonghwa?” you say, creeping up on him with your hands intertwined and a blush already creeping its way on your body.
“oh, hey, y/n. you want some?”
you peek over at the chicken flavored ramen, your nose twitching when you say the bold, red, spicy printed on it; he lips quirk up into a smirk upon seeing your face.
“sorry. forgot you don’t like spicy food.”
you watch seonghwa stand over the stove for a few minutes, plopping yourself up on the counter to watch him silently. he continues what he’s doing with your silent presence there, completely going about his routine until he tells you to sit at the table with him.
there’a few more moments of silence, just him slurping and your occasional laugh until he finally realizes you came out here to say something.
“so... what’s up?”
you peek up at the boy watching you carefully, slurping a noodle into his mouth and watching some excess broth fall into the bowl.
“what do you mean?”
“don’t you wanna tell me something?” he asks, his questioning tone making your heart pound. “or ask me something? you’ve been playing with your fingers for the past fifteen minutes.”
you let out a sigh as you drop your hands to your lap, watching him with a look of mock disdain on your face; curse this boy for knowing you so well.
“it’s a little... random,” you begin, not quite sure how to approach this. 
you’ve never confessed to someone before, especially not per the request of your boyfriend, but you have to imagine these are all the feelings that comes with it.
nervousness in your stomach and warmth fluttering throughout your body, hoping and praying that he like you back because if not, you’re gonna ruin this friendship and that’s not something you want at all.
“and maybe even shocking. but... i think i have to tell you and i hope you don’t think it’s weird. it’s something i just realized within these past few days and i... i don’t wanna ruin anything between us.”
his eyebrows pull together at your words, dropping his utensils on the table as he looks over your face carefully. his stomach’s quickly consumed by nervous, anxiety-ridden knots, looking over your face for any hint of emotion.
but you just seem to look as nervous as him.
“you wouldn’t, you couldn’t,” seonghwa assures gently, his voice deep and soft as he speaks to you and only you; you’re freaking him the fuck out but he’s trying to remain as calm as possible.
“what is it?”
you bite down on your lip as you look at seonghwa, his deep brown eyes staring at you so intensely it makes your stomach flutter. you don’t know how you didn’t reaize sooner that you liked him.
“i.... i like you,” you tell him, voice shaky and soft but the words already out - you’ve said them and there’s no going back. “i like you, seonghwa. a lot.”
it feels as if there’s a giant weight off your shoulders the second you say it, the butterflies in your stomach at an all time high. it feels good to finally say this, finally realize and admit it and let it out into the universe.
“i think i might even love you the way i love yeosang. i didn’t realize because of him, i guess, but now i know i love you both. i don’t know if that’s normal or possible but i really do, seonghwa. i hope that’s not weird for-”
the first thing you taste is the faint spice of chicken broth, unfamiliar but remarkable lips covering yours that you meet back instantly. seonghwa hums against your mouth as he pulls your chair closer to him, the sound of it scraping against the floor going unnoticed by both of you.
you’re only consumed by the feeling of his lips, the small noises leaving your mouth and the desperation of his kiss. how it feels like he’s been wanting to do this for so long, kiss you and touch you and show you how much he’s loved you from afar.
his hand grips your face as he pulls you closer, his deeply mumbled moan of your name against your lips causing you to whine against him. allow his tongue into your mouth and giggle when they collide into one another.
all the kissing stops though the second you hear another voice, the sound of the footsteps approaching you before a hand smacks into the concrete wall harshly.
“i told you to confess. you guys are making out?”
february - junior year
the first thing you learned about polyamorous relationships was that they’re all very different.
the way they come about, the rules in which couples establish, how and why people choose to be in them. there’s not some one size fits all for any relationship in life and that stands true for you, yeosang and seonghwa.
admittedly, things were weird in the beginning. navigating between yeosang and seonghwa comfortably and getting used to having not one but two boyfriends.
there were insecurities to quell on both sides, naturally, and you learned how do that.
assure yeosang that he was enough and that you stayed in love with him for a reason. assure seonghwa that he was enough and that you fell in love with him for a reason too.
many reasons that all became too much and morphed into one another, rendering you, both, loyal and locked down to two men who constantly tested you.
the first test being the blanket dilemma.
without fail, no matter the weather and no matter the sleeping position, you woke up without a blanket. 
you were either curled into seonghwa’s warm body, your legs intertwined and his arms around you, or had your back trapped against yeosang’s chest.
his arms wound tightly around your waist, the steady rise and fall of his breath on your skin as seonghwa laid there with the queen size blanket half on him and half on the floor; that’s what this morning was like, too.
you slowly untangled yourself from yeosang, crawling over to seonghwa until you plopped yourself down on him clumsily. he stirred underneath you, attempting to move and stretch his body with the weight of you on top of him.
you bend down to peck his cheek lightly, smiling when his handsome, sleeping face barely changes. 
you decide to play a little bit more, moving your body back and forth against him teasingly. the movements somehow wake the black-haired boy next to you, his eyes popping open and a smirk on his face as he watches you grind against seonghwa.
“what are you doing, baby?”
his voice causes you to jump, a quiet chuckle leaving him as you move your arms to showcase the stolen blankets.
“he can’t keep doing this!” you whisper-scream, a look of frustration on his face. “every morning it’s either you or him stealing all the blankets and leaving us freezing.”
yeosang rolls closer so he’s in your warm spot in the middle, looking up at you as his hand rests on your waist. you’re only wearing one of his white t-shirts, your nipples peeking through the material not at all helping his morning wood.
“and you think grinding over his dick is gonna help?”
your cheeks flush as you stick your tongue out at him immaturely, tuning back to run your fingers through seonghwa’s dirty blonde hair. 
the slow, calmingly movements cause tired groans to leave his mouth, his eyes eventually popping open before a smirk crosses his face.
“hi, baby girl,” his deep morning voice drones, one hand slipping past your shirt to rest on your waist. “what are you doing?”
“you stole the blanket again,” you whine, the pout on your face one he just wants to kiss off with you on top of him like this.
“i didn’t mean too,” he hums, moving you along by the hips as he feels his cock grow harder. “you had yeosang to keep you warm, no?”
the two share of look, both of them more often than no waking up horny and ready to take you. it’s not something you’re ignorant of either, watching them look at you before, suddenly, you’re pushed down onto our back.
“because, you know pretty girl, we may take the blankets but you take up a whole lot of room,” seonghwa says, his hands running through your messy morning hair.
he’s never slept with someone who kicks as much as you. who, even though you’re the smallest in the bed, take up the most space by far.
“remember the night you almost kicked me off?” he hums, a smirk on his face at the memory. his hand trails down your face, thumb pressing on your lip before he moves his hand over your chin and down your neck.
yeosang smirks when he watches you swallow nervously, his hand on your hip slipping between your thighs carefully. he doesn’t make any moves to touch you, just holds your inner thigh and allows his thumb to move slowly up and down your skin.
“he’s got a point baby,” yeosang’s voice mumbles, slightly deeper than even seonghwa’s morning voice. “you do take up a lot of room for being the smallest one here.”
with their hands on you and an intense feeling building in the air, you’re quickly being humbled. 
seonghwa’s hand trailing over your white t-shirt until it’s ghosting over your nipples, the palm of his hand on the sensitive bud causing your breath to quicken.
or that could be because yeosang’s hand is so close to your pussy, just a few inches away from touching your bare, growing wetness.
“i... i don’t mean too,” you say, growing more and more submissive and ready to whine as your two boyfriends start to cloud your senses; you were scolding them and now you’re the one being punished - how is that fair? 
seonghwa’s hand gently guides your shirt up until your bare chest hits the cold air, a deeply mumbled “fuck,” leaving him before he dips his head down and attaches his mouth to your nipple.
you let out a surprised gasp, sensations of pleasure shooting right between your legs. yeosang is readily there with his long, skilled fingers, toying with your slit and teasingly running up and down the growing wetness.
“you might not mean to,” yeosang says, eyes peeking up to see seonghwa’s face in your chest and your mouth thrown back in pleasure. “but you still do it, don’t you?”
his finger slides into you easily, a loud moan escaping you that has seonghwa smiling against your boob. his other hands move over to tweak with your nipple, yeosang keeping up his movements as he curls his finger inside of you.
you’ve barely been up for ten minutes but you feel yourself about to come, both the boys far too skilled and ready to give you pleasure however and whenever you want it.
you cry out when yeosang slips another finger inside of you, seonghwa disconnecting his mouth from your nipple to kiss you deeply. skilled tongue slipping in your mouth as his lips part on yours and you’re kissing back just as desperately.
chasing your orgasm as your hips buck into yeosang’s hand.
“are you about to come?” seonghwa mumbles when he pulls back, his hand trailing over your neck and squeezing at the sides lightly. “has your pretty little pussy had enough? are you gonna come just from yeosang’s hand?”
“y-yes,” you moan out, hand reaching out to hold onto seonghwa’s shoulder. “and your mouth.”
“please, he didn’t do shit,” yeosang mutters, his fingers fucking into you with just the right amount of pressure and speed.
they both watch with lust in their eyes as you moan loudly, eyes rolling back as you throw your head into the pillow. yeosang removes his hand immediately, tapping at your hip gently.
“turn around.”
but seonghwa can tell immediately what yeosang wants to do, the dirty blonde slapping his hand away and instead gripping your hips tightly.
“you got to touch her,” seonghwa growls, bitter over the fact he didn’t get to make you ome first thing in the morning. “now i get to fuck her.”
“you waited too long to make your move,” the black-haired boy smirks, the double meaning in his words making him roll his eyes. “that’s why i got her first.”
“well, maybe if you didn’t-”
“stop,” you whine, the growing feeling of wet empitness making you frown at your two boyfriends. “one of you, please. the o-other can fuck my mouth. i’ll be good, i promise.”
seonghwa and yeosang share a look before the dirty blonde flips you over and pulls up your hips, rising your ass in the air as he holds himself on his knees. the bed is firm enough so that he doesn’t sink down, rubbing over your ass gently before landing a loud, resounding smack.
“you’re always good for us, baby girl,” he says, trailing his dick up and down your wet slit. “you’re always so so good.”
you whine as he teases you, knowing that, with seonghwa, it’s better if you’re polite and wait. he likes seeing you desperate and whining, always waiting until he says it’s okay to buck your hips or chase your own orgasm.
but he doesn’t give you the time today.
because one second you’re empty and wet and ready to scream and then the next, his hips are smacking into yours and he’s fucking the life out of you. snapping them just the right way and in just the right spots for you to be crying out into your hot and stuffy bedroom.
“seonghwa,” you moan, the slapping of skin and quiet grunts filling the room.
it’s all halted, however, when yeosang’s in front of you, his hard cock just inches from your face as he looks down at you. there’s a smirk on his face seeing you so fucked out and desperate because of them, guiding your mouth to him and smiling when you take his cock without a second thought.
your tongue laps at the tip, swirling around and around until you sink down on it further. you hold back a gag when he hits the back of your throat, your head getting into a groove that has yeosang cursing and groaning your name harshly.
“there you go, baby,” you hear seonghwa growl from behind you, his hand reaching around you play with your clit. “you take us both so well. filling you up and making you feel good, right baby?”
“r-right, seonghwa,” you moan, eyes rolling back when his cock starts hitting a certain spot inside you. he can feel you’re about to come by the way you tighten around him, by the way your head starts bobbing harsher and yeosang’s grunts grow louder and deeper.
“come first, baby. it’s okay,” seonghwa says, partially because they always want you to come first and partially because he knows he’s about to bust inside of you.
it takes you clenching and throwing your hips back against his for him to come, one last snap of his hips causing you both to release. you’re moaning against yeosang’s cock when he releases too, the vibrations and knowledge that you just came with his cock in your mouth far too much.
the room is a mess of bodily fluids, heavy breathing and sweat but it doesn’t matter. you collapse on top of the bed as seonghwa pulls out of you and yeosang massages the sides of your aw gently.
the black-haired boy mumbles sweet nothings to you as seonghwa gets a warm rag, cleaning between your legs before he kisses the top of your head sweetly.
“you did good, baby,” he mumbles, collapsing on the bed next to you and wrapping arm around your waist. the three of you lay in silence for a few moments, heart rates calming and senses coming back before yeosang looks at you with a soft, sweetness in his eyes.
“oh. and happy valentine’s day baby.”
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you’ll never forget your first valentine’s day as a couple with yeosang and seonghwa.
it was only a few months after you confessed to seonghwa during your sophomore year, the three of you just starting out and establishing rules for your new relationship.
they had all been strangely easy to work out, the number one rule being to always communicate. 
be open and honest about everything one of you may being feeling, so there’s not a spiral of miscommunication and tears the way there was that one disconnected summer.
the transition had been strangely easy for all of you too, probably because yeosang knew seonghwa liked you way before he called his friend out.
the parts of it that had been hard, however, was something you least expected - telling the rest of the boys and reserving a table for three on valentine’s day.
“wait... you’re all going to dinner?” san asked, looking at the three of you with confusion on his face. “can we come? what the hell.”
“you’re not sending us off the bar again but instead leaving us alone? why can seonghwa go but not us? we wanna spend time with, y/n, too.”
“because i’m her boyfriend, bud. who are you?”
seonghwa’s deep, sarcastic voice halted all the whines and complaints immediately, everyone’s eyes wide as they look to yeosang. the black-haired boy can only smirk as he feels eyes on him, a reassuring nod that sends the house into chaos again.
asking what kind of swinger shit is going on and how long it’d been going on under their roof without them knowing.
“it’s not swinger shit, dickhead, we’re just both dating her. like... one cohesive unit that live together and take care of her. me and seonghwa both agreed to it. in fact, i think it was more so my idea.”
“it was definitely your idea,” you tell him, seonghwa’s arm around your shoulder as he watches you talk with  smile. “you’re the one who told me to tell seonghwa i liked him!”
a snort leaves yeosang and seonghwa as there’s a mix of different reviews in the crowd.
hongjoong and yunho are looking on supportively, the only two boys who had lingering suspicions about seonghwa’s feelings for you.
wooyoung, san and jongho are only slightly confused, a mix of happy and cautious like they don’t know what’s about to happen but are here for it.
and mingi is by far the most baffled, looking between you, seonghwa and yeosang before shaking his head in bewilderment.
"straight people are so weird.”
you nearly spit out your drink at dinner reliving the story with yeosang and seonghwa, the table full of meat, pasta and bread as you celebrate valentine’s day together.
going out on dates was something you also had to get used to, usually surrounded by lovey-dovey couples who only had eyes for each other; but for you guys, the dynamic was obviously different.
you’d hold seonghwa’s hand while smiling lovingly at yeosang. yeosang would have his hand on your lower back while you and seonghwa played footsie under the table.
if anyone were nosy or curious about your dynamic, they’d be able to pick up on it really quick - but you three didn’t care. it wasn’t anyone’s business but your own and as long as you guys were all happy, it didn’t matter.
“he’s such a little shit,” seonghwa mutters, a giggle leaving your mouth as yeosang raises a fork to your mouth. you open up happily, biting into a piece of chicken and chewing on the flavorful food.
you three eat until you’re ready to explode, seonghwa and yeosang splitting the check before walking out to your car. 
you half expect to go back home, lay out in bed with them and spend the rest of the night watching cheesy romantic comedy, until you realize you’re in the car for a while.
your head resting on the chair as you turn to look at yeosang.
“where are we going?”
“it’s a surprise,” he mumbles, your mouth dropping open as you look at seonghwa in the back seat.
“wait.. do you know?”
he shrugs his shoulders with a smirk pulling at his lips, a whine leaving your mouth as you wack both of them in the arms.
“that’s not fair! please tell me, too!”
“we’re almost there, baby, c’mon,” seonghwa mumbles, moving closer to take your face in his hands. “come back here with me.”
“no,” yeosang says, taking one hand off the wheel to hold your arm tightly; but seonghwa’s at an advantage, picking you up over the console and dragging you up and onto his lap.
he drowns out the sounds of yeosang’s yelling, securing you onto his lap as you straddle him with a chastising look on your face.
“that was dangerous,” you mumble, a snort leaving him as he shakes his head at you.
“it’s fine,” he mumbles, your lips meeting in a kiss that you meet back immediately. 
yeosang looks in the rearview mirror when he hears the sounds of lips smacking and muffled moans, throwing an empty water bottle that just misses seonghwa’s head.
“i’m not your fucking uber driver,” yeosang snaps, “don’t make out when i can’t join.”
“hear that, baby? he wants to kiss me, too.”
you muffle your giggles into his chest, seonghwa and yeosang bantering back and forth as you rest your head on seonghwa’s chest. he’s warm and toned underneath you, the gentle lull of the car causing your eyes to close.
you’re not sure if you fall asleep, you think you’re in that weird space of consciousness and slumber, when you hear yeosang mumbling your name. his lips are by your ear and you look up at him sleepily, a smile on his face when he tells you to wake up.
you look around to see you’re still in the car, the black leather interior one you’re very used to by now. but what you’re not used to seeing is the ocean outside the windows, a gasp leaving your mouth that quickly wakes you up.
you run out and onto the beach, yeosang trailing behind as he shouts your name with a smile.
seonghwa and him had already set up the blankets on the sand, a cooler full of drinks and snacks off the side.
“yeosang told me this was your first date,” seonghwa mumbles, his arms wrapping around your waist. “gotta admit, pretty smooth even for him.”
a smile brightens your face as you peck his lips, intertwining your hands before reaching out to grab yeosang’s.
you drag the two boys out to the freezing ocean, both of their desperate pleas to not freeze their balls off going unheard by you. you just giggle and pull them out further, squealing when the freezing water hits you feet and you jump up.
they both move to catch you, yeosang catching one leg and seonghwa catching the other as you hold yourself above them.
“baby, this was your fucking idea,” yeosang complans, the smile on his face proving he’s not bad in the slightest.
you frolic around with the two boys until your feet are numb. giggling and squealing when seonghwa catches you around the waist and pecking yeosang’s lips when you fall back and collapses on top of you.
“i love you,” he mumbles against your mouth, your arms wrapping around his shoulders as you smile against him.
you spend the rest of the night cuddled between them, your head on seonghwa’s stomach as yeosang sits next to you, playing with your fingers and blowing hot air on your cold hands.
it’s calm and peaceful and everything you’ve ever wanted. 
there’s a different type of feeling in the air compared to the first time you were here with just yeosang, something that feels right and sweet and like without, both, yeosang and seonghwa here, it just wouldn’t be the same.
“i love you,” seonghwa mumbles when you look up at him, his hands twirling through your hair as he bends down to peck your lips.
all your cheeks are red from the wind and the tips of your fingers are freezing but you don’t wanna leave just yet. you just wanna stay here together, enjoy the silence and the crash of the waves and the occasional squawk of a brave seagull.
maybe even wait until the sun comes up to watch the sunrise, if you guys don’t completely freeze to death together.
january - senior year
your trip to the mountains doubled as a two year anniversary/graduation celebration.
the three of you were still as strong as ever, dealing with bumps in the road that all couples went through: fits of miscommunication, times of insecurity, even acknowledging that, sometimes, you need seonghwa and yeosang for different things.
seonghwa’s the boyfriend who understands you. 
is similiar to you and knows the way your introverted mind works. you go to him when you feel most uncomfortable in a crowd, like at frat parties or in bars where you know yeosang just thrives.
but yeosang’s the one who pushes you to do extraordinary things - maybe not even extraordinary, just things you normally wouldn’t do; he’s the one who pushed you to do you research with your professor that ended up allowing you to graduate one semester early with them.
so in order to celebrate, you three rented a house in the mountains with one bedroom, a giant movie room and a hot tub on the balcony.
spent a week in the snowy, picturesque country where you lounged around in bed, soaked in the hot tub and became even more sure that this is what you wanted for the rest of your life.
to wake up next to seonghwa and yeosang, even if it meant having the blankets ripped off of you in the night.
to live with them and build a life together with them, deal with the bickering that comes with dating best friends who have known each other for their entire lives.
to act surprised when, in a few years when you’re settled with jobs and a house, they buy you matching wedding bands to show off the fact that you’re theirs.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Caught (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
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Hi! Um I was wondering if you could write a Domestic Bakugou where they were doing the do and there two kids caught them? Just wondering😁
Word Count: 1,675
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: slight smut, bad language, slight edging
Yooooo, I had so much fun writing this lmao. I literally love writing all things Bakugou as a husband! It’s kinda short and it might be shitty lol so I apologize in advance. @ari0425​ I hope I wrote this to your liking!😭😭😭 sorry it’s so late! Obviously requests are open and I’ll try and get to as much of them as I can. I’m so sorry for not being as active with my own content, life has just been super busy for me😭 My best friend is coming over tomorrow to chop off my hair so hopefully that goes well lol, and I will be officially out of my boot (hopefully) in the next week! I’ve honestly been walking on the broken technically since last week since it wasn’t hurting so hopefully I didn’t fuck anything up. Guess I’ll find out in a week! ANYWAY, I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and don’t be shy about any comments or requests! I literally adore you all so much and I’m so very thankful and happy you guys like reading my shit💕💕💕🤗 stay happy and safe!
“Why not?” Bakugou growled, his muscular arms folding across his chest. The sudden movement distracted you for a moment, and you couldn’t help but appreciate your husband’s strength.
 His bulging arm muscles were thick and taut as they rested across his chest, his broad shoulders exposed to your greedy eyes; tank tops were designed with your husband’s physique in mind, you were sure of it. But you were also sure that he knew exactly what he was doing, because a smirk began to tug at his lips.
 “I told you Katsuki, we have a busy day tomorrow with the kids.” You sighed, folding your own arms over your chest, your back leaning against the counter, an eyebrow raised; challenging the large hero before you.
 His smirk dropped, a large scowl now taking its place. “It’s always about the fucking kids.”
 You rolled your eyes at his statement. 
 Despite the rough words, you knew what he meant. Bakugou adored his children, he was a doting father, in his own way; but everyone knew that he would go to the ends of the earth for his children, he would protect them and cherish them no matter what. The minute he knew that you were pregnant, both times, he had never been happier. Bakugou could account for the five happiest times in his life, when you agreed to go out with him, when he became a pro hero, when you married him, and when you gave birth to his beautiful daughter, and then his beautiful son. 
 So, while his children were his pride and joy, sometimes… sometimes… he just wanted them to fucking go away. 
 He couldn’t remember the last time he was able to have you all to himself, and fuck, did he miss you. He craved having all of your undivided attention, being able to be alone with you. It had been far too long.
 “Why can’t they go have a sleepover at Deku’s with his kids?” he huffed angrily. 
 You rolled your eyes again. “We can’t just pawn off our children to Izuku whenever you want to get your dick wet Katsu. Besides, they all hung out last week, when you and Izuku had that call about the hostage situation. I watched all of them.”
 His eyes flashed in annoyance at your statement, his tall frame stalking over to you. You could never get used to how big Bakugou was compared to your small frame, his entire being radiated strength and power, it made you feel safe, secure… and most of all, it made you nervous.
 Not because you were scared of him, far from it, but because it had been a long time since the last time you two were intimate. The physical aspect of your relationship was always there, always important to you, but recently it had just been hard to find the time to be together in that way, especially with how clingy your son started being, and how your daughter was involved in more activities at school that needed attention. 
 You could feel your heart racing as he towered over you, his large arms caging you in as his hands rested against the counter top on either side of your body, forcing you to meet his gaze.
 “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me princess, it’s not just me that wants to get my dick wet. I’m sure you’ve been wanting to use that mouth for other things than just back talking to me.” He said lowly, his voice deep and dark, one of his hands came up to grab at your jaw, the rough pad of his thumb rubbed gently against your lower lip. 
 Your breath hitched in your throat, a familiar ache beginning to settle at the bottom of your stomach.
 How did you get such a gorgeous husband?
 “So, let’s just drop off the shitty kids with the old lady and be together already.” he finished, his fingers sliding down, wrapping themselves easily around your throat. He squeezed his fingers carefully, but there was enough pressure that caused a soft whimper to escape your lips. Bakugou sneered down at you, he knew your body far too well, knew exactly how to touch you to make you bend to his will.
 But when your mind finally registered what he had said, a large scowl covered your lips, the arousal you were feeling simmering down dramatically.
 “Don’t call our kids shitty, and we are not dropping them off with your mom when she just saw them yesterday. You either calm yourself down Katsuki or I’m not going to touch you for an even longer time.” you threatened, your palm resting flat against his muscular chest.
 He growled angrily, stepping back away from you and shoving his hands deep into his pockets. “Why are you denying me so much? You fucking shit, aren’t you supposed to be taking care of your husband?” 
 “Shut up and go set the table Katsuki.” You sighed, turning towards the stove to finish dinner.
 It was silent for a moment, and then his large arms wrapped carefully around your waist, hugging you softly to his muscular body. 
 A soft smile tugged at your lips when you felt his plush lips gently press against your cheek, and then he was gone. You turned to look at him stalk out of the kitchen and into the living room, probably to go round-up the kids.
 Bakugou Katsuki might be rough, but underneath that hard exterior that man was entirely soft when it came to you and his kids.
 This wasn’t how you imagined this morning going. 
 Soft moans were being muffled by hungry kisses, the sound of ruffling sheets and skin slapping against one another surrounded the quiet room.
 That was this was.
 “Fuck, you feel so perfect wrapped around my cock princess.” Bakugou growled, his hips thrusting deep into your core. 
 You whimpered softly, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the immense amount of pleasure. He filled you to the brim, your tight heat engulfing him completely. 
 This was what he had been missing, what you had been missing. The pleasure, the intimacy of feeling each other’s bare bodies sliding against one another, it was all too much.
 “Katuski, w-wait…” You panted out, your hands grabbing at his broad shoulders, sliding down to hold onto his forearms, the familiar pressure was beginning to bubble up again, filling you up and aching to break through.
 “Again? This is your third one princess, did you miss my cock that much?” he mocked you, one of his hands reaching down to rub at your clit, ghosting over the bundle of nerves, not quite putting pressure down, but the touch alone was enough to cause your body to arch up off of the bed in pleasure. You could feel tears prickling at your eyes, your body aching for release, except now that Bakugou knew that you were close, he was going to drag it out as much as possible.
 The cruel bastard.
 “Katsuki please,” you cried, his thrusts slowing down, he dragged his member out of your body before pressing back into your tight heat deeply, savoring every second of your begging, of your wet core.
 “Beg harder princess.” he growled out, a sadistic smirk etching itself onto his lips. “I want to hear you beg for it.”
 A whimper tore through your lips at his cruel words and slow pace.
 You ached for release now, no words being able to form in your mouth, which didn’t sit well with Bakugou since he gave a particular hard and deep thrust at your silence.
 His thumb suddenly pressed down hard against your clit, rubbing fast and rough, causing a jolt of pleasure to ripple through your body.
 You felt it then, the wall cracking as your release began to build up and up and…
 You and Bakugou froze, both of your heads snapping over to the small child that stood near the now open door. Your son rubbed at his eyes sleepily, his teddy bear dragged against the ground in his other hand.
 You would’ve thought it was the most adorable sight you had ever seen, except for the fact that your husband was still buried deep inside of you. You silently thanked the universe for the fact that the sheets were still wrapped around your guys’ body, covering you up completely.
 Your son looked at you in confusion for a second, taking in the scene before his little three-year-old eyes and then…
 His face turned angry. He was the spitting image of Bakugou, except for the eyes and his personality, that took after you.
 “Wow really?” your daughter suddenly appeared at the door, looking at you guys in disgust. While your son might look like your husband, your daughter looked just like you, minus the hair and her personality. Those of which she inherited from her father.
 The personality part was a bit unfortunate, especially considering how much she and Bakugou butted heads, especially now that she had just turned nine.
 “Get off my mama!” Your son began to yell. “You are hurting her!” 
 Your eyes widened in surprise and you watched as your son began taking a step towards you guys only for your daughter to grab his hand. 
 “She’s fine.” She said curtly. “Let’s go watch cartoons. Leave mama and shitty papa alone right now.”
 Your lips twitched in amusement at her words, she was definitely Bakugou’s first born, that much was obvious.
 “Oi, you shitty fucking brat what did you just call me!?” Bakugou growled, a tick mark appearing above his head as he looked at his children. 
 “Shitty papa.” Your daughter said simply and closed the door as she walked off with her brother in tow.
 “What the fuck! Who the fuck taught you that word you little shit!?” Bakugou screamed out.
 Laughter bubbled up through your lips, causing Bakugou to scream at you next for laughing. 
 But you couldn’t help it, your heart was entirely full right now. 
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