#this might be too mean but honestly I'm still pissed off lmao
howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
You got me thinking about all of Killer's Stages somehow getting to interact (I'm sure some code manipulation bullshittery could make this happen somehow) and, man...
I think Stage 3 would immediately tackle the others into a hug and then would just... not let go. It starts growling if anyone approaches. It's being very polite too, because usually it would just stab anyone who dares enter its line of sight, but it's got the other three there now and fighting would mean letting go and that's about as far as it's thinking.
Stage 4 is just sitting there extremely confused. Though the poor guy is so incredibly touch-starved and lacking in the positive attention department that it's keeping its mouth firmly shut and sitting there. It's gonna do that for as long as Stage 3 holds it because there's the fear that if it speaks up the others will realize it's there and push it away and it really doesn't wanna be alone again with only the Chara in its head for company.
Stage 2 is visibly disgusted by the contact and is the first to get away. They aren't happy about this new situation, but as they are all one person still they are stuck with these cringe ass people until they find a solution. They're still gonna keep the interactions to a minimum and probably will try looking for any way out of this that doesn't involve asking outsiders for help because this is the most vulnerable they've ever been and they're not gonna tell people about it.
Stage 1 is confused, scared, a little pissed off at Stage 2's stand-offish attitude, happy with the cuddles, feeling guilty for the state Stage 4 is in, and overall a mess. Two minutes in, my guy is dissociating and staring blankly at a wall and asking for Color. Stage 2 keeps repeating that they gotta keep Color out of this and Stage 1 really wants to punch them in the face. He even tries to at some point, which gets both of them bonked in the head by Stage 3 and sat in different corners to think about their actions like misbehaving children.
Just, these 4 could have such a dysfunctional family dynamic together. Why's the one acting like the voice of reason basically a feral raccoon of a skeleton??
The idea of 2 thinking of them as “cringe” made me giggle lmao. Makes me wonder if 2 would do some bullshit like bully 4 and torment it and order it around only for 3 to continually hit him over the head every time. 2 would probably treat 3 and 4 as less than animals if it got away with it. He’s the school yard bully except the bully knows literal torture techniques and would probably bite.
Honestly I’m down to talk more about the Stages either with eachother or with the outside world (color/nightmare/delta & epic/murder & horror) and just in general yalls various interpretations of what exactly the Stages are some more if yall want.
{ @stellocchia }
(Although my replies might be a lil slow i think my social battery is a bit drained rn lmao)
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I was wondering who ran the justfeysand acc? it’s no longer active & i loved that account for us feyre girlies 😭 or queerincrisis too who i used to love. i’ll never forget when of the coolest people deactivated from fandom and their name was hotdiscodauce ..wherever you are hotdiscosauce feyre girls miss you. cant even blame people for saying “fuck this” lmao. i love feyre too much to crumble though so i suffer thru the toxicity of this fandom just to ride for my girl !!
the only thing that could make me inactive is if she doesn’t do shit in hofas while nesta’s mid self gets a pov while also being randomly paired with bryce when really that should be feyre. if the pregnancy ends up as a plot device to sideline her or the bargain i know ill be pissed and leave. especially if she has no cute scenes with bryce. just bc they aren’t that similar doesn’t mean i want to see bryce with nesta and bryce of all characters. and it better not just be rhys in the spotlight for hofas with amren sjm since only they know the language
Hiii! So sorry for responding late to this but I actually have the answers to your ails! Justfeysand was ran by my sweet sweet moot who has just become a little busy and less interested in SJM recently. Fear not though my dear anon for she is still here in the form of @moonfyre-s!! Aggressively defending our high lady Feyre and also giving us some darklina and miscellaneous content.
And the lovely aqueerincrisis is still here as well!! You can find them dishing out their hot takes on @acourtofcriticalthinking! Dw nonnie, our love for Feyre will always be there even as our interests and lives change :)
Honestly I'm very aware of the fact that I haven't been as active lately and I feel really bad about it, I still do reblogs and such but I just haven't been making as much original content recently. I've been trying to cut down on the anti content I post here and keep more of my criticisms in the Feyre server, I don't have a lot of energy to actually argue on here like I used to so I just talk my shit over there. Once cc3 comes out and I get Feyre crumbs though I swear I will be back to yapping, I just need more juice for my inspiration to come to me.
Some people in the Feyre server and I might be rereading the series after we've all wrapped up cc3 though so I'll def make some content during that. :) And I completely agree with everything you said, I don't really care that Nesta is going to be talking with Bryce as it is just a bonus chapter and I'm of the belief those genuinely aren't that important and only exist for marketing and to possibly build some excitement about certain things, I just hope that during their brief time in cc3 all of the acotar characters Feyre get treated well and we get some interesting scenes from them.
I'm not really a fan of cc3 theories that put one acotar character as objectively more important than others in the grander scheme of the SJM multiverse. I think they're all just cogs in one large machine and all these theories saying "X character is actually going to be the key player because of Y reasons!" is always silly to me. Tbh I'm not really a huge fan of the acotar characters becoming things outside of the context of their own universe/stories (if that makes sense)? Why can't they just be helping Bryce out? Why must one of them secretly be the key to everything? Or the Mother? Or the CC gods? Or a prince of Hel? BLAH!
anyways I got off track! It's so sweet that you noticed those two blogs were missing and they were both very touched when I told them I had an anon reach out to inquire about their wellbeing. You're a sweetheart!
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inkblot22 · 2 years
HII THERE!! I’M BACK FOR MORE ASKS IF IT’S OKAY ♥️♥️ any riddle thoughts? :0 HRU BTW
Hello! Welcome back, you're always welcome here! I'm happy to see you here again, and I'm doing relatively decent, considering I'm currently having brainrot over a very specific character that is not from twst. Also tell me why I drafted this and then left without posting and the cut??? moved???
Anyways, I have a little confession to make. I do have Riddle thoughts, but he's honestly my least favorite twst character. You can cancel me for that later. For now, we have HEADCANONS to do!! Once again, this got way out of hand lmao. I remembered to add how I think he might smell this time too, thankfully :)
Uh, anyhow, tw for captivity, abuse, concerning use of magic, enabling behavior, violent descriptions, and other general yandere themes.
+ Okay so despite his general disposition, Riddle feels like he'd be slightly less strict with his darling. Don't misunderstand, he's still strict, but his favoritism shows in little things.
+ If Riddle is infatuated with you, you can get away with a lot more than say, Ace. Ace is not allowed to wear anything yellow on Tuesdays, and loses his head if he does so. You are allowed to drink honey-sweetened lemonade at nine. That kind of thing.
+ This translates in your private life. No one, not even Riddle, can maintain such an uptight persona at all times.
+ Once again, don't get me wrong. Riddle is kind of just like that, but he isn't as uptight as he is in public. Maybe it's your influence.
+ He definitely blames you. You go to bed late, and he likes to pretend that he's in control of your dreams, so he waits for you to fall asleep. He wants to know what's so great about soda, so he buys it for you and drinks half of it before you can have any. (Riddle seems like the type of guy to have grown up with spinach brownies and only mints as far as sweets go, if you know what I mean.)
+ He's definitely happy he's met you. He's even happier that he has you under his thumb, so to speak. He's experiencing so many new, wonderful things, and you're becoming a better person for it, at least in his eyes.
+You're expected to follow the rules, even if you get away with a little bit of bending and breaking here and there. You have to attend every unbirthday and every birthday, every tea party and every croquet game, and you have to be on your best behavior. Otherwise, you're in deep yogurt. More on that in a moment.
+ Uh, anyways, he's very clingy behind closed doors. I imagine if you get close to him, he smells kind of like lemon, pine, and the barest sweet note of strawberry. It's actually pretty nice, and you've started smelling similar since he demands you use his bath products as well.
+ Riddle uses a few pet names for you. Mostly "dear," "darling," "beloved," but less common and only when you're particularly distraught is "rose petal." You're his delicate little rose petal. This is only behind closed doors.
+ By the way, being lovey-dovey in public brings the wrong kind of flush to his face, so if you want to piss him off, feel free to kiss his cheek whenever you're out on one of your privileged walks.
+ Speaking of which! Riddle does get angry with you a LOT. When he's mad, you need to either move quick to diffuse the situation, or accept the impending punishment.
+ He doesn't have mood swings so much as an eager temper, so more often than not he'll just become slightly offended by a little thing you do and then think about it for a little too long.
+ Punishments are sporadic and cruel. They range from being forced to write 100 times on a chalkboard "I will not disobey," to him using his signature spell on you.
+ In the case you're not magic, Off With Your Head feels physically painful. Your limbs feel as though they're made of lead and your skin tingles with something like electricity. For a mage, it's a more emotional feeling of loss, as well as the weight of the collar, but for non-mages, it's like getting your blood forcefully sucked through your skin with a million metal straws, all hooked up to car batteries and conducting electricity.
+ That's not including the weight of the collar, by the way. The collar always leaves a red ring around your neck, a raised, irritated bruise.
+ Riddle has a tendency to not apologize when he's wrong, too, especially to you. He wants to stay the correct person in the room. He can't have you thinking less of him because he didn't like the color you wore and then threw a tantrum because of it.
+ On a completely different note, someone who sees what Riddle puts you through and says jack all is (drumroll, please🥁🥁🥁) you guessed it! Trey Clover, everyone's favorite childless dilf.
+ Trey doesn't let you completely suffer. Sometimes he'll talk Riddle down, and this one time that Riddle lost his temper completely and struck you, Trey was right there with a bag of frozen corn, but other than that?
+ You're on your own, dearest. It's you versus Riddle versus the Twisted world you're stuck in.
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levi-supreme · 2 years
I’m quite curious about this:
your thoughts on arguments with levi as his significant other? Just thoughts, really!!
I have an irresistible urge to collect people’s thoughts and put them in a jar.
Hi!! Thank you so much for sending this, it is a very interesting ask!! Please feel free to invade my inbox with all these asks, I love receiving them and sharing my thoughts too hehe <3
I actually have two answers for this LOL. A canon/modern au answer and a selfship answer XD I've written some modern Levi headcanons and I did briefly talk about his temper too. Also, I've only written one fic where there was an argument with Levi lol (For the First Time; Levi x fem!reader, NSFW) and I do think he would act like that as well!
As much as he gives off the vibe that he's really confrontational and argumentative, I honestly think he isn't the type to be confrontational during arguments. Yes he does have a bad temper and he might act rashly as well, but I do think that he doesn't like arguing with people, especially with his s/o. If he argues with his s/o he would actually be really avoidant and silent during the argument, especially when he's in the wrong.
I can foresee Levi to be the guy that would apologise first no matter the situation. Yet, if his s/o continues to keep digging/questioning him/arguing with him, Levi would just let them continue talking and then when they stop, Levi would go "are you done? I already said I'm sorry" and uhh, sometimes his s/o stops, but sometimes it just makes his s/o more pissed because you want him to talk to you, but he's so silent and doesn't say anything. You want to have a conversation and want to find a solution, but Levi doesn't want to haha.
TL;DR: Canonverse/modern au Levi would hate arguing with his s/o.
Selfship answer below the cut just because XD
Levi and I seldom argue, but when we do, it would be over something ridiculous (or because I'm too insecure LMAO) like, him forgetting to flush the toilet, him forgetting to buy whatever groceries I told him to buy, him feeding the kids snacks when they're not supposed to be eating snacks, or when I think he's being too friendly with other girls (lol). Sometimes I do accidentally anger him and vice versa, and our arugments can get quite bad too.
I hate arguing with Levi because he becomes really insensitive to my feelings sometimes. When we argue, we tend to shout at each other a lot lol and obviously I would cry (duh). Sometimes when I talk too much or when I'm crying, Levi tells me to stfu and stop crying. Sometimes he also says really mean things that he doesn't mean, but he still says them because he's in a bad mood lol.
When we've calmed down, Levi would apologise for saying those mean things and for making me cry. I would also apologise for shouting at him when we're arguing. We make up with a kiss and a hug, and we make sure to NEVER go to bed unhappy. Also. it's unavoidable that the kids might see us arguing, so we would have to talk to the kids separately to tell them what's going on and that Papa and Mama are okay now.
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I posted 5,199 times in 2022
That's 2,652 more posts than 2021!
320 posts created (6%)
4,879 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 434 of my posts in 2022
#purpleStrxnger - 312 posts
#stranger things - 140 posts
#mileven - 131 posts
#mike wheeler - 108 posts
#el hopper - 93 posts
#eleven - 85 posts
#purplestrxngerasks - 72 posts
#mileven headcanons - 49 posts
#mileven hc - 47 posts
#mike x eleven - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#i have unfinished hizzie fics i need to finish and post im so sorry to the hizzie people who requested/gave me ideas ajakaksjs
My Top Posts in 2022:
I honestly don't know why I decided to scroll through the Mike hate tag
I knew it would piss me off
I was just curious as to what they were saying about my boy
But, you know, it's all dumb shit
Saw a lot of people encouraging Jonathan to literally beat up Mike in season 5
Like okay, good to know you want Jon to go to jail and Will and Nancy and pretty much everybody to be absolutely pissed at him
I don't wanna rant too much but,,,
What's the point of so many byler shippers hating on Mike??? Like, "Oh my gosh, Mike is a complete oblivious asshole, he should go die in a hole but I really hope him and Will finally get together next season, HAHA" like what??? How does that make any sense to anybody??
Also a lot of people being like, "Oh, Mike and El are gonna breakup and then El's gonna see the "real" Mike for the first time because she no longer has him on a pedestal and she's gonna see how badly he treats Will and then she's gonna be totally pissed at him and hate him so much, lmao" like are you guys serious???
OH and some of my favorites are the ones saying that in season 5, they want literally everyone (yes, everyone. Even Joyce and Nancy and Will and El. Literally the entire main cast) to turn against Mike because they all "realize he's a major asshole who does and says nothing right and treats them all like shit" so therefore he apparently deserves no love from anyone ever
Oh, and don't even get me started on the amount of people claiming they want season 2 Mike back because "he was the best" and "he was the happiest" and "he treated everyone way better" and "he was so much nicer to Will", etc., etc.
If I see one more person claiming that season 2 was Mike's best/happiest season, I will not apologize for my resulting actions
So, anyways, that's the end of my little rant. In conclusion, I should really stop peeking at the Mike hate tags because they always do nothing but piss me off, so yeah, there's that
Have a good day all of my lovely followers and mutuals that I very much love and appreciate, hope you're doing great!!!! 💜💜💜
106 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
what if i write a story about steve and robin, the buckley twins, who share one brain cell, and their adventures of trying to seduce the badass reporter and the emo rocker, huh? then what?
114 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Okay but
In st5, I NEED a scene between Mike and El where she's responding to his love confession speech and telling him that she does need him and want him and that she always will and that she loves him for exactly who he is, too
I mean, even if it's a flashback or it shows them talking and Mike says something kinda self-deprecating about his and El's relationship to which in response, El's like, "Remember what I told you in the van?" And Mike's just like, "...yeah, but I'm just saying-" and El's just like, "No, Mike. I mean it. I. Need. You. I promise. Okay?"
Like seriously, I need that acknowledgment, it's necessary, man. For the sake of Mike's sanity and self-worth, HE needs it
I mean, honestly, chances are that it DID happen, considering they spent 2 whole days cuddled up in the van together, but still, I want to see it!!! Please!!!
If it doesn't happen, imma write it out
I actually might write it out before season 5
Probably soon
I won't be able to resist, tbh
121 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Okay, but
Why in hell are there so many people that continuously claim that El needs to be single in order to be independent and become the person she's meant to be? Single and independent are not synonyms. Independent does not mean alone. That's not how it works. They're not interchangeable. You don't need one in order to have the other.
No matter who you do and don't ship, my point still stands. There's so many people that have said it. And among those people, there's so many that claim she needs to be single in order to be herself, to be independent, and use that as their excuse for thinking El and Mike need to breakup, but then go and say that Mike and Will can get together afterwards. Or that El and Max can get together afterwards. If someone needs to be single in order to be independent, does that make everyone else who is in a relationship dependent? Not their own person? Hell no.
And I've also seen so many people claim that El takes after Mike. That Mike is always pushing his likes and interests on habits onto El. That he doesn't let her be her own person and that's what makes their relationship so "bad". That's what makes them have so many issues. Especially in season 3. But no, it's the opposite. They had so many issues in season 3 because El is independent. Because they are two different people. If El wasn't her own independent person, she wouldn't of gone to Max. She wouldn't of followed Max's lead and broken up with Mike. She wouldn't of gone on this whole journey of discovering new parts of herself and as well as exploring all of her relationships with people and then also returning to her relationship with Mike of her own free will and choice if she was not an independent person. If El was solely dependent on Mike and her personality and existence was based on Mike's specifically without her making any of her own choices, she would never have broken up with him in the first place. And in season 4, she wouldn't of argued with him so much.
Mike and El have their issues because they are both 2 different, very independent people who are also both very much teenagers and very much human. But everytime they've had an issue, they've worked through it, just like two people who are in a relationship and want to stay in that relationship do. Some people say that at the end of season 4, they're at their weakest point in their relationship. But no, it's the opposite, they're actually at their strongest. Why would it show them cuddled up together in the hospital while visiting Max if they were still having issues? It's been made plenty clear that if El is mad at Mike, she doesn't want to be around him, so she would definitely not be leaning against his shoulder and holding onto him if she was still upset with him, no matter what was going on around them at the time.
So I've said it before, I'm saying it now, and I will continue to say it in the future. Mike and El are both independent people, even while together. El does not need to breakup with Mike in order to be her own person or to be independent. That is not how it works. Mike and El can both be their own person while also being together. They both are their own person while being together. Just because that person isn't who you personally want them to be, doesn't mean that they aren't their own person or that they need to change some part of them or their life in order for things to be "solved". And El especially does not have to have some "I don't need a man" mentality and lifestyle in order to be her own, usual, badass and awesome self. She's already badass and independent and awesome and incredible and intelligent and unique whether she's in a relationship with Mike or not. Her relationship status does not decide her personality and character and it never has and it never will.
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132 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged By: @buckywilsonbarnes Thank you for the tag!! 💜
Three Ships: Sambucky, IronWinter, Stuckony (Buct I'm a major multi-shipper so I ship almost everything 😂)
First Ever Ship: Dude, it was during my Twilight phase that I really started shipping so my first ever ship would be like,,, Bella/Jasper, lol
Last Song: Starving By Hailee Steinfeld
Last Movie: Fantastic Four (2012), it was my first time seeing any fantastic four movie, tbh
Currently Reading: Well non-fic-wise, I'm reading Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer and Alice by Christina Henry. Fic-wise, I'm currently reading a Sambucky fic called Carry On, Carry On by Fen_Telban on AO3, as well as The Flowers Tell A Story, a Stuckony fic by QJK13 on AO3
Currently Watching: Teen Wolf. I'm on Episode 8 of Season 2 at the moment!
Currently Consuming: Nothing, tbh
Currently Craving: A country fried steak from anywhere that makes one, omg. Literally my favorite meal, hands down. Luckily, we're going to Cracker Barrel for my birthday this month and they have one that's so good 😌
Tagging: @buckybeardreams @sergeantbbarnes @marvelsgirl616 @just-two-kids-from-brooklyn @ace-of-gay @breakablebarnes @peoplealwaysleave89 @olstansoul @we-are-n0t-d0ing-get-help @hallecarey1
You don't have to do it if you don't want!!! Just thought it would be fun 💜
187 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tenrose · 1 year
I feel like I'm being two different persons at the same time... Like I'm ok with my alone life at home, it's far from being perfect but I'm being more indulgent to myself than before. Like the crushing guilt of having done nothing of the whole weekend isn't as heavy as before, because I know I am exhausted from work 200% of the time so I won't do anything of my Saturdays unless someone else planned something for me and I'm being more gentle with me cause I know I need to rest, I'm literally always close to have a mental breakdown. Just feeling guilty cause laying in bed doesn't help my back to heal. But I've learnt to live with this constant disturbance in my leg. Lately I've been watching shows, old shows but hey that count as doing something. And actually it keeps me from respecting a good eating schedule so I can have time to watch an episode before going to sleep so it's a win. Haven't had time to finish the deep cleaning, so my apartment still looks like a mess, but however since we have deep cleaned the kitchen I'm able to maintain this part clean and tidy so I have faith in me. I just need help for the big cleaning but then I think I will finally be able to maintain my apartment clean (excluding the fact that I have a cat dudjsjz), and we might do the bathroom next week (both me and my aunt helping just have been too busy to have time). I take care of my health. And also I'm reading. Not as fast as I was, not as regularly as I would like too but I'm reading. And I can feel the positive impact it has on my brain. Also I listen to SFF related podcasts at work and it genuinely give my brain good food. I even wrote some idea in a draft sheet for the first time in a long time. I have the creative part of my brain constantly working in the background. Don't think it would lead me anywhere to write, but I just love so much to have new ideas flooding through my brain.
But then, on the other side, there's like I said, the constant edge of having a mental breakdown. And it's all because of one thing: work. Luckily I'm good with my colleagues (although we're only that and I still have not friends in the neighborhood), and we are all like this close to the breaking point. Some have been absent for a while so I suspect them to have had the mental breakdown in question. But yeah, we work early, with a lot of extra hours, and they always ask for more and although we're in our rights to refuse it's still mentally draining. Not to mention that instead of simply suppressing our productivity bonus and telling it us like that, they just recalculated the whole thing so it's basically unreachable and it makes it looks like it's our fault if we don't get it. Anyway basically everyone is pissed off, not to mention we don't even know if our client is gonna stay anyway... So yeah work basically fuck everything up. I mean I've always been running on low energy so it's not the only excuse for my numbness but honestly working for a capitalist piece of shit company really takes all the fun in life... although our wages are minimum I'm trying not to complain a lot cause my way of living doesn't cost me that much (no cars, no friends to meet in a restaurant, too exhausted to go shopping etc.) so I'm fine with my finances and can go the fuck out somewhere else during my vacations. But... I have to go back... and yes basically I want to live. And even though I do have the finances to survive months without a job, my past broke family trauma does not allow me to think like that. I could never quit without having another secure job after. But the problem is that I'm way too exhausted to look for one. And also tbh I don't even know what to do with my life... truth to be told I don't want to work. Submitting to capitalism fucking suck. I'm thinking more and more about try some civil service exam, because if I get a position it would be secure. I'm not even doing it for money anyway (but like a few more days off maybe lmao). But yeah it's an exam. So it means I'd have to work on it to have a chance to succeed and tell me folk when am I supposed to find the energy to work on anything after a 40+ hours week of work????? So basically I can never talk about that with anyone, cause my colleagues are either on the same page and the other people just think saying "well look elsewhere there's plenty of opportunities" helps someone with severe anxiety and lack of confidence like me. Also speaking with people... basically every workplace is like that anyway... there's literally no escape from capitalism. Anyway still not trying anything else is totally my fault and I know it and I don't know what to do...
So yes I have to slice my brain in two different parts otherwise I would totally break apart. Thank god escapism is back in a more healthy way in my mind (I still spend way too much time mindlessly scrolling but it's better than before I'm telling you).
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temporarymoods · 1 year
bad spirit
hi blog, missed you too. yesterday was a really good day, I realized by the end-- more on that later. well today started quite nicely, too, but right now there's a dark swirl in my chest and I wish it would just leave me alone.
i don't try to be angry, but a lot of the time i just am. this really only hurts me. i get miserable and sad about it. sometimes i figure my irritability is my body's way of telling me it's hungry or tired, so i feed it, and break. and yet
writing this was a good idea-- i can already tell its starting to doze off, just a little. still i'm mad at a bunch of things. you can imagine the vectors shooting out from behind my ribs in a plethora of directions, sharp and targeted. mostly at people, i guess, or circumstances. big difference, i know. but whatever. on one hand, i house all these weird values and general angst. on another, you could just call me sensitive. (i might have once cried, haha, but it's true.) tendency to get feelings hurt-- is this not all of us?! i think about my trauma, as compared to his and hers and theirs and yours, and a rough sense-making picture emerges; i don't talk about this with anyone, really, not my therapist, not myself, but i guess there's no harm in mentioning here that i wasn't the most well-supported when upset growing up. i feel that i'm bent out of shape.
anyway, enough! i don't feel super comfortable talking about how i process things weird/poorly/not at all. i'm supposed to be the friend that's always processing, lmao. about that. actually no. never mind.
back to the angry cat in my thoracic cavity-- she's gray and black, her hair is standing on end, and she's really tiring me out. what has pissed me off to such a degree that i had to abandon this afternoon's schoolwork quest on rough-start terms and pop open tumblr.com? well maybe that's not for you to know, blog. just kidding, i'll cut a slice of the cake for ya.
marching band (cue audience reaction) takes a lot of time & effort from me, and i don't get a ton in return. that's one reduction! much more within the honestly painful & complex situation to discuss but, no... that! scratch uno. scratch dos? the repairs around my apartment have been completed rather shoddily; net-zero outcomes, i say, pessimistically-upon-reflection; there are just as many problems as there were before our requests were handled, i exaggerate. on the real, that's just annoying, sorry. sorry i'm being a bitch, idk, blame my other, more serious, home security trauma that i'm not going to get into right now/you just have to take my word for! ugh, god, so bad at this. that's the other thing though, i thought while making pizza for snunch (snack lunch)-- why do i feel like a bitch all the time?
answer: either i) i am or ii) i'm crazy
this is where i, if presently corny (i can practically hear the nodding), get even more so-- this is why i really do want to know what people think of me, because at default i have some of the worst answers. common themes: exhausting, rude, unserious. i mean, fuck!!!
(thank you mother phoebe waller-bridge for the 'bad feminists' line and for your pronunciation of 'cafe', while we're here)
so, what? i feel badly about myself, sometimes people make me feel bad about myself, and separately, i might just be a horrible person. lmao. let's go with curtain 3-- ass scenario, but what can i even do? the thought is to go away, as much as possible. convenient, given that's what i do when i'm in a mood, like right now. isolate, then stay: that kind of sucks. and is pretty dumb. which brings us to the 'reform' option, i.e., get better, in the moral sense.
i've been reading this reproductive justice book and it's got me feeling like i've got the right outlook on things. like, god, i'm so glad this work is letting me see the world more clearly; like i actually have the real knowledge to do something about all this crap. as i walked so serenely to campus this morning (dressed perfectly, empty mug in hand because i just walked out of the house with a sip left in her,) i was listening to an audiobook version of the text. along the way i found an id card on the ground, brought it to the library. saw a familiar face outside the building, thought "oh that's the grad student labor organizer i didn't have time to talk to the other day, let me see if i can help" and ended up hailing down strangers to vote for the next better part of an hour before class. glad they're getting their union! at least that made me feel good about what i do to this world.
kind of done writing now. here are the last thoughts.
i wonder if i do too much alluding on this blog? i mean, i'm gonna make the link publicly available soon and using the adjective "dramatic" to describe kate only flies with my mental health some days. i don't... idk. this is my art!
finally::: maybe im pasing ! and maybe my good friend from high school will visit me in october ! and maybe i will learn to talk all of the time the right way ! maybe, leaves will turn orange, and fall, and everything will be alright.
cya, kate 9/21/23
p.s. post playlist: - opener: a thread to find, shannon lay - damn, ada lea - eye on the bat, palehound - my love mine all mine, mitski - finale: big girls dont cry, fergie
0 notes
bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
I love kakagai, I think it's the ship that makes sense the most but what I dislike is how kakagai shippers saying it's canon, kakaobi shippers saying it's canon, kakairu shippers saying it's canon, hell even kakasaku and kakanaru shippers are claiming it's canon too just because Kakashi cared about them ಠ益ಠ Does canon mean that I like it so everyone else has to like it too now? It's infuriating to me that everyone likes to sexualize every beautiful relationship in Naruto then claim it's canon
okayyyyy I think you might need to take a step back, nonnie.
Is this really such a big issue? Are people attacking you personally, or are they just stating their personal interpretations of canon, and because they don't align with your own, you're getting upset and coming into people's inboxes to try and make it an argument?
Basic rule of Tumblr: if people say what you don't like... block them. Don't react. Don't come into people's inboxes, don't post hate in the tags where fans will see it.
By all means, share your negative opinions! Your tumblr blog is your own. But you need to take measures to ensure the fans won't see it, otherwise you're not venting. You're trying to start a fight.
And come off anon so I can block you properly lmao
Look, people have different interpretations of 'canon'. Just because, for all we know, Kishimoto intended every single character except the creepy pedo-coded villain to be read as cishet, it doesn't mean there isn't canon subtext, however unintentional, that people can pick up on and adore.
Sure, the canon content can be read completely as platonic. But honestly, I'm a little weirded out at how you seem to think that seeing hints of a romantic relationship in canon between men in a children's show is ‘sexualisation’.
Where might that train of thought be coming from??? HMMMM I WONDER. :stares at the Don’t Say Gay bill, and every other argument that queer content is somehow inherently sexual:
Obviously, I'm not a fan of teacher/student ships. At the end of the day, I'm a firm believer in 'everyone can write what they want so long as they tag it properly so I can avoid it'. But seeing an adult and a child who are very close, and perceiving them as 'romantically involved', is a WHOLE lot different from seeing two adult male characters and thinking 'oh I can see a canon subtextual romantic relationship here'.
I don't really think they should be compared like this. I'm sure this wasn't your intention, but it kinda makes it sound like you're putting them on a moral playing field, which... no. :/
Of course, I may be being uncharitable. I admit that this whole issue might just be a muddle of terms. I and a lot of people use 'canon' to mean 'content in the source material'. This is different from 'Word of God', which means 'word of the author'. The two do not always align. However, if you see 'canon' as meaning 'both the source material and Word of God in combination', I can see that you might be upset that people are going against Kishimoto's personal views. I still don't think this is an excuse for actually bothering shippers about this, but I can understand it.
But the point remains: I haven't seen anyone say 'this is a canon ship and therefore you have to ship it'. Why would they? Everyone knows that shipping doesn't 'have' to follow canon anyway. A canon ship is of no greater or lesser worth than a non-canon one.
If people are implying otherwise, they're asses - but in that case, why come for the entire kakagai fandom, rather than just blocking those Schrodinger's Assholes who I've never had the misfortune to meet?
I just. I cannot see how people interpreting a romantic element in a canonically close relationship that is only assumed to be platonic because the couple is m/m rather than m/f is hurting you, anon. And it definitely doesn’t justify harrassment, which is what my original post was about.
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be0mcore · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ txt when jealous
notes: i feel like i haven’t written anything in foreverrrrr. this one was in my drafts for wayyy too long. enjoy <3
genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst
tw: none
words: 275
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❥˗ˏˋyeonjun ´ˎ˗
◦ he’s one jealous mf and isn’t afraid to show it
◦ the type to get mad when he’s jealous
◦ not at you though, but at the person who’s making moves
◦ like he just doesn’t understand how someone has the absolute audacity to flirt with you when you’re all his??? like cmon???
◦ if, hypothetically, somebody was flirting with you (which is very common considering you’re literally stunning!!)
◦ this mf wouldn’t even hesitate to be by your side in an instant.
◦ his hands would fly to your waist, spin you to him, give you a quick kiss on the lips, with a “hello my beautiful” afterwards.
◦ his hands will NOT leave your waist. probably pulls you flush against his chest too for extra effect.
◦ glares daggers the entire time.
◦ once the person has awkwardly left, you start to scold him a little bit
◦ like i know you’re jealous but was that really necessary?
◦ yes, yes it was.
◦ yeonjun will probably start pouting a little.
◦ not because he feels bad (lmao you want him to feel bad for the person?? tough luck), but because he hates when you scold him.
◦ tries to make it up to you by giving you soft kisses.
◦ "i can’t help it baby, you’re all mine."
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❥˗ˏˋsoobin ´ˎ˗
◦ he's the silent jealous type.
◦ if he sees someone flirting or getting a little too close, he just sort of sulks in the corner a bit.
◦ he definitely comes up to you to make his presence known, but he won't go above and beyond to make the person go away.
◦ he's mature and doesn't like conflict, so he'll just stand there holding your hand.
◦ don't get me wrong, he's absolutely shaking with anger.
◦ but he's not gonna cause a scene.
◦ once the person leaves though,,,, whole different story.
◦ will NOT stop bitching about them.
◦ i mean, who do they think they are? flirting with you? making you uncomfortable? how rude?
◦ you can't even get two words in with how much he's talking shit.
◦ apologises once he's calmed down. he can't help himself, he hates when people approach you like that because it makes you uncomfy :(
◦ give him lots of reassurance and head kisses, and he'll feel much much better!
◦ "i'm sorry baby, i just love you too much."
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❥˗ˏˋbeomgyu ´ˎ˗
◦ ok so
◦ honestly i can't imagine gyu being the overprotective jealous type.
◦ if he saw someone flirting with you he'd probably be pissed off, but he'd be more insecure about it than anything :((
◦ he might start comparing himself to the person, just sitting and watching from afar.
◦ we know that he likes to have somebody's full undivided attention, it makes him feel heard and loved.
◦ so when you were paying more attention to this total stranger rather than him, it took quite a toll on him.
◦ why were you laughing at their jokes? were his jokes not funny enough? did you find them more attractive? was he not caring enough?
◦ his mind would be playing these thoughts on replay :(
◦ if he saw that it made you physically uncomfortable he'd obviously step in, but he'd still have those insecurities bouncing around.
◦ you'd notice that he was much more quiet than usual, so you'd ask him what's wrong.
◦ he'd only feel better when you gave him reassurance and kisses please make him feel loved
◦ "i love you, sweetheart. i hope i'm enough."
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❥˗ˏˋtaehyun ´ˎ˗
◦ ooooh boy
◦ he's the most pissed off out of the bunch
◦ he won't do anything about it though.
◦ but instantly starts glaring and sending the person dirty looks.
◦ rolls his eyes, scoffs at their jokes,,, basically has an attitude the whole time.
◦ finds it hilarious that this person thought that they were good enough for you.
◦ i mean,,, you're a solid 10 and they're a 2.
◦ maybe a 2.5 on a good day.
◦ might gravitate towards you more, making his presence known.
◦ might even subtly flex his biceps just to scare the person off.
◦ if he's really feeling possessive he'll put a hand on your waist, but that's as far as he'll go.
◦ he just doesn't feel the need to interact with the person because in his eyes, they're irrelevant.
◦ probably talks some shit afterwards, then gives you a few kisses to remind you that you're his.
◦ "gosh, baby. some people really are delusional, aren't they?"
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❥˗ˏˋkai ´ˎ˗
◦ similar to beomgyu, he'll just sort of stand there.
◦ i don't think he'd be that insecure though, he'd just sort of be really awkward.
◦ like umm my partner is here and you're just gonna flirt with them in front of me??? ok weirdo.
◦ like i'm telling ya kai isn't as cute and fluffy as we think.
◦ he'll probably end up initiating a conversation with the person to change the subject.
◦ honestly wouldn't be surprised if he became friends with them, this man is random as hell.
◦ you'd be all flustered afterwards and he'd find it so funny.
◦ also finds you super endearing so he'll just attack your face with kisses and start treating you like a little baby oh how the tables have turned
◦ he trusts you with his whole heart, so he can't really find a reason to be jealous.
◦ he'd understand why the other person might be jealous though. not everyone gets to date such a beauty.
◦ will definitely tease you about this in the future.
◦ "don't worry dear, superhero kai will save you!"
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Ngl I'm stoned and this is a lil dumb, but hopefully there's enough silly funny bits to make up for it lol
anyway, in which Calico Jack gets a new ship, and goes shopping for a new crew! Well, poaching, actually. Stealing, really. Not even well, but he's trying.
Steddyhands, but it's not the main focus of this, that is reserved for Jack's Fuckery lmao. NSFW in some bits, but not too graphically. There are some stabbings as well, but it's all one person at least.
"Ain't she beautiful?"
Ed nodded. "She is. She's also mine."
Jack did a double take between Ed and the ship. "Nah."
"Yeah? Literally, on the side there: Queen Anne's Revenge. Izzy painted it on; you were with us that day!"
"That could be a typo," Jack protested. "Pirates are not known for spelling accuracy. Besides, I found her fair and square, floatin' along."
"Right, because we meant to go back and get her at some point. I had Izzy put up the 'be right back' sign on the helm, did it fall off?"
Jack frowned. "Might have seen such a sign. Recognized the handwriting."
"And stole my ship anyway?"
"Look, if you don't want your shit stolen, then don't make it so stealable," Jack muttered. "Besides, would you rather anyone else have her?"
Ed shrugged. "Fair point. You said you've got a new crew?"
Jack led him further down the beach, back towards everyone else laying out on the sand. "Well, not yet. Actually, that's why I was so glad to see you guys! How would you feel about a mutiny, and then you all come join me, and we sell Steve?"
Ed groaned. "Seriously? I screamed in your fucking face that Stede-"
"No, Stede!"
"Who? We're talkin' about Steve, right?"
Ed dropped onto the sand mid-step. "I can't tell if you're fucking with me and trying to be funny, or if you honestly think we have a Steve and Stede onboard."
"Look, you wanted change, right? What better change than a little demotion? I captain, you can be first mate for me, and we'll sell Izzy and Steve."
Ed stood up with a start. "Hang the fuck on. You want to demote me to the arguably much shittier job of first mate, and you want to sell off my boyfriends?"
Jack raised a brow. "Oh. Both of 'em, huh? You always did like a challenge. Or you wouldn't have ever fucked me, right?"
"You're not really answering the question."
Jack threw up his hands. "Fine. We'll do this the hard way. I'll convince your crew to join me, then we'll sell you, Izzy, and Stede."
"Hey! You got it right!" Ed smiled. "But also if you do actually try and poach our crew, I'll do whatever I have to do to stop you, Jack. I don't want to, but I will."
Jack laughed. "Okay, you do that. You maim me or beat me to a pulp, big scary Blackbeard!"
Ed giggled. "I will! You're not nearly as good a friend as you were before too so I mean, maybe consider that. Kind of already upset with you! Won't take much more to really piss me off!"
Jack stepped closer. "I'd like to see you like that. Pissed off, ready to rip me apart. Bet you still couldn't."
"I need a crew. Yours sucks, but I'm not in a place to be picky. Whoever doesn't agree with me can go in a cage with you and your boys, and we'll buy something nice for the ship with whatever we get for all of you."
Ed frowned. "Not that badly decorated, is she? I know Izzy said I've got too many skulls around-"
"It is a lot of skulls," Jack interrupted. "But nah, it ain't that bad. No, I just think it'll piss you off knowing I'm using that money to redecorate your quarters. My quarters, now."
"Everyone warned me that I wouldn't want you as an ex," Ed sighed. "Think I understand that now."
"I got a reputation to uphold," Jack grinned. "Anyway, don't mind me skulking around chatting up your crew. You can't stop me, nothing wrong with talkin' to people!"
Ed nodded as he watched Jack walk off, whistling as he kicked up sand. He needed to talk to Stede, ASAP.
"Jesus fucking chr-the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Izzy nearly dropped the wooden box of marmalade jars he was hauling from the Revenge's galley at Jack's appearance, though that was bullshit in and of itself. He had told Ed and Stede they'd inevitably want more than the few jars they'd grabbed so why not take more right away? But no, they were stubborn and didn't and now he couldn't leave them sans marmalade, that would be cruel-
"You keepin' the wives happy?" Jack's fingertip slide across the edge of the box. "Please tell me this isn't what y'all use for lube."
"Who the fuck would do that?" Izzy scoffed, then remembered who he was talking with. "Christ, no, they've just got a slight addiction to this with toast. Speaking of, I'm expected back."
Jack's hand slapped flat on the front of the box. "They can wait a little longer."
Izzy rolled his eyes. "I appreciate the intimidation tactic, but those two will come looking shortly, and they're hungry on top of it all. That is actually intimidating, so if you'll kindly get the fuck out of my way."
"Izzy," Jack hissed, leaning forward. "We could be so good together."
"I don't know if this is a come on or an attempt to make me join you as crew, but I'm not interested in either," Izzy said as he shifted the box onto his hip. "I only need the one hand free to stab you, Jack. I would love the opportunity. If you don't move now, then I'll take it."
Jack clucked his tongue. "Thought you'd be an easier target than this."
"Don't really know what to do now," Jack admitted. "It wasn't a come on, but, since we're alone here on this nice big ship..."
Izzy blinked. "Right. You do whatever you feel you need to; I'll go let Roach know we'll need to deep clean this area, and bring the boys their marmalade before they riot."
"Izzy, come on. You seriously don't want a chance at something new? Something more?"
Izzy scoffed. "As if you'd have me as first mate. No, I'm sure you'd take the first chance to kill, maroon, or sell me off. I'm not an idiot, Jack. Here's what you should know from here on out-"
With the box still balanced on one hip, he pulled a knife from his belt. "I am very happy with the current situation. Believe me, it surprised me at first too-"
"You are a miserable bastard," Jack interrupted with a chuckle.
Izzy nodded, then stabbed the knife into Jack's abdomen.
"Well then," Jack panted. "You meant it, with the stabbing."
"In all the years I've had to trail after you and Edward, making sure neither of you wandered drunk into the sea, have I ever lied to you about all the harm I'd like to do to you?"
Jack nodded. "You have threatened me a lot over the years!"
Izzy smirked. "And you didn't listen to a word of it. Now, I'm taking my knife back, and I'm getting this marmalade to the boys. And if you try to poach anyone else off this crew, so help me I will stab you until there's nothing solid enough left to stab."
He yanked his knife from Jack's flesh, and strode out. Thankfully, he hadn't gotten any blood on the box or any of the jars.
Roach stared into the trees, specifically eyeballing the one he was pissing closest to. "Sorry?"
"Not bad," Jack popped out from behind one of the trees. "Your dick, I mean. Was flippin' through that book Steve has, what's-his-name did a good job drawing yours."
Roach finished and put himself away while pondering a response. "His name is Lucius, and it's Stede, not Steve-"
"Who is?"
Roach shook his head. "Forget it. Thanks, I guess. About my...yeah. I'm gonna head back to the crew, if you want to j-"
"Join! Me, no! But you, could join me, yes!" Jack grinned.
"Was your goal to make a pitch using the fewest words possible?" Roach asked. "Because you did it, but it was weird. Weird for you, which I think is an important distinction."
"So, you'll be my chef?"
"No! Nothing I said was anything about doing that!"
Jack frowned. "Shame. Your cooking is amazing."
At that, Roach couldn't hold back a smile. It was at least partially just Jack trying to butter him up, but fuck it, it was still complimentary enough.
"Would love to have that sort of fine work onboard the Quee-uh, the King Jack's... Revenge..Revenger."
Roach nodded. "Very sweet of you, but I'm good where I am. The offer to join us for a midnight snack still stands though; we're making s'mores!"
He peered down Jack's front. "Is that blood?"
"Just a little bit, Izzy didn't like being asked to join me, and boy howdy did he let me know! He's a scrappy lil guy, huh?"
Roach smirked. "What if I tell him that I met you out here?"
The color drained from Jack's face, though that might have been the stab wound as much as anything else. "No, you don't have to-why would he even want to know that, I mean...ah fuck it, you ain't worth it! I'll find a better chef!"
Jack went crashing off into the trees, with a final bird flipped to Roach as he went.
"This is why we need piss break buddies," Roach muttered to himself. "Everyone thinks it's 'oh Roach is afraid of the dark', but no, it's weird shit like this! That's what we need someone with for!"
He made a mental note to tell Izzy about the encounter first thing when he got back. He had a feeling he would burn hot enough they could heat the s'mores over him instead of the fire.
"I didn't even say anything yet," Jack chuckled. "C'mon Jim. You and I haven't even spent any time together, and I bet you're jealous of the rest of them over it."
"Could you fuck off?" Jim asked sharply. "Even if I wasn't in the middle of this, the answer would still be no. Roach warned us you were hiding out and doing this."
Olu lifted his head from between Jim's thighs. "Seriously! You are really fucking distracting, and this is fucking rude! Would you storm into someone's bedroom while they were fucking and ask them to join your crew?"
"Have done that once before, actually," Jack said as he sat down by Jim's head. "Don't let me interrupt."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jim shouted, and a startled cry went up from the campsite near the beach.
"Damn it," Jack hissed. "Thanks a lot; if Izzy stabs me again it is your fucking fault!"
Jim glared, held out their hand for a knife, and jabbed the one Olu handed them into Jack's arm.
"Now that's unnecessary," Jack scoffed. He yanked the knife out, then stood and darted back into the trees, just as Izzy and Roach came crashing into the clearing.
"He's gone already," Roach sighed. "Fuck."
"You know the ship would be more comfortable than here," Izzy commented to Jim.
Jim handed the blooded knife back to Olu, and tossed an arm over their eyes. "Yes. Yes it would be. But we thought we'd have more privacy in the fucking jungle! Than anywhere else! And we were wrong!"
"We'll go," Roach said gently, tugging Izzy by the elbow. "Sorry about all of this."
"Right, we'll get him the next time," Izzy nodded.
"Sure, great, thank you!" Olu shouted as they crashed back through the brush. "Should we try the ship instead?"
"Nah, at least they know which area to avoid now. Not exactly privacy, but I'll take it," Jim sighed. "You still good down there?"
"Wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
"So, we aren't hunting Jack down to kill him, in theory," Ed said. "Just to make him fuck off, or chill the fuck out and stop bothering everyone about joining his crew on my ship. That he stole."
"Yeah, you keep mentioning that," Frenchie noted.
"Yeah, well, it was a really dick move," Ed said. "So I think it bears repeating."
"The goal is to talk to him," Stede added. "If you feel you will be moved only to violence instead of words, then please come get one of us. That way we can try the talking bit, and if it doesn't work we always have violence as a solid back up plan."
"A note on that," Izzy said. "Do not get me for the talking bit, only Ed or Stede. I am on the side of violence first, so if you want help in any violence against him, that's when you find me."
Stede smiled and clapped his hands together. "Perfect! Everything crystal clear, we all have snacks and water... let's get going!"
Before anyone could take a step, Jack forced himself through a small gap between two trees near their camp. "Ah ha! Thought you'd- ouch, fuck-seen the last of old...hang on, fuckin' coat is stuck...there, the last of old Calico Jack?! Well, here I am!"
He was covered in dirt, blood, hair greasy and a mess. At some point he'd managed to lose both his boots but gained a new one that was nothing like his original pair.
"Okay, that makes things easier!" Stede said. "We need you to stop this, Jack. You're a sensible... well. You're a man who understands...no. You...if someone went around poaching your crew, if you had one, that would bother you, yes?"
Jack nodded.
"Well, that's our issue," Stede continued. "I respect and understand you want a crew of your own again. However, and I will speak plainly: you're a fucking menace. And if you think you should be scared of Izzy over this, then you're both right and wrong. Right, because he does want to stab you again, but wrong, because if you keep trying to steal my crew, I'll gouge your fucking eyes out with my bare hands. Ed taught me how to do that a few weeks ago, and I could use the practice!"
Dead silence.
Then, Ed, softly.
"Jack. I need to take Stede back to the ship, immediately. I'm going to give you two minutes to make it back to my ship that I'm going to let you keep borrowing-"
"Come on," Jack interrupted. "Just face it; I stole her fair and square! Also, weird seeing you hard in those pants when I'm not the one causing it. Kinda hate it, actually."
Ed glared at him. "As I was saying. You may continue to borrow my ship for now. You have two minutes to return to it before the crew gets to chase after you. Ship is safe, but if you have even a toe off it-"
He shrugged. "I would make sure I'm on the ship by then. Were it me."
"I hate how hot it is when you talk like that," Jack chuckled. Then, with a tired sigh, he burst into a sprint towards the Queen Anne's Revenge.
"Are you actually gonna send us after him?" Wee John asked. "Seems a waste of time."
"Can if you want, but he's always been a spry fucker. He'll probably be onboard and below deck before we know it," Ed replied. "But I do need to get Stede back to the ship-"
"Yeah, yeah, you wanna fuck his brains out for the eye gouging threat," Jim laughed. "We know; you aren't subtle."
Ed nodded. "So Stede, Izzy, and I will be busy for the rest of the night. You all...do whatever you want. Come back onboard, spend the night camping out here, whatever makes you happiest. If Jack bothers you-"
"Threaten to stab him," came the crew's chorus.
On the Queen Anne's Revenge, Jack bandaged his wounds. Maybe having his own ship again wasn't the right thing, right now.
At the sound of distant moaning, he looked out from his quarters with his spyglass. There, in the window of the Revenge's main quarters, he could see Ed and Stede and Izzy and shedding clothes...
He set the spyglass down after a moment, and pondered if they needed anyone in a role like that. To bring water, snacks, clean towels, more lube, etc.
He decided he'd start asking around with the crew in the morning.
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ryozoro · 3 years
Hades Playlist - iv.
NOW PLAYING: Memories - David Guetta [ft. Kid Cudi]
an; yo, sorry if the transitions are a little sloppy; I’ll go back in and fix them when I have the chance :,)
last song 🔊 EP 🔊 playlist 🔊 next song
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“We try to hide our feelings, but we forget that our eyes can speak.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“HA,” the lady snorted as she played with her wedding ring, “you sound like my husband; you are like - the first girl I’ve met who has thought I was pretty. Thank you, it truly means a lot.” The lady smiled as she began pulling out her wallet and a few written down notes, “it’s uh - fuck hitto, you write like a kid, it’s a 2016 Ducati?”
“2016 Ducati Full Throttle,” yn said back with a small smile as the woman laughed again, “I’m assuming it’s your husband’s old bike?”
“Yeah,” she played with her ring as her smile softened, “he wants it in good condition before he gives it to one of our neighbors. It’s tradition for his - occupation..”
“He in a gang?” Yn asked as she began shuffling through shelves, “Don’t sweat it, I’m not gonna freak out over trivial matters.” The young ryuguji chuckled as she finally found the part she’s been looking for. “Here,” she place the part on the top, “its the G2 Throttle Tamer Ducati you needed. I’m assuming he’s still in a gang by the looks of how you covered for him, but don’t worry - it’d be hypocritical if I got scared you were involved with a delinquent.”
“Oh,” the lady sighed out, “thank gods. You can call me Kaku-san if it’s alright with you? Could you install the part by yourself? Sorry, my man is just always busy with work and was hoping to have someone install it for us..”
“I can’t personally install it, but my brother can! He gets back from his lunch break in about twenty minutes, so I know its a long wait -"
"I'm so sorry, I'll just turn that off-," yn went to hit 'decline call.'
“I can wait, no sweat!” She smiled as she began digging through her mini backpack, “I need to check and see if my loser has ate lunch yet. I'll be outside for a bit." With that, 'Kaku-san' had walked out as she dialed her husband.
"Fucking hell," yn breathed out before hitting accept, "Inui-senpai, hey - what did you need?" Her breath hitched in her throat as she heard his low laugh.
"Just checking to see if my favorite girl has ate yet - so, have you?" Yn could just hear the smile that creeped upon his face, but for some reason - she didn't feel as in awe as she once did.
"Ah," yn scanned the shop and began totaling the price for the repair and writing further notes for her older brother, "no, I haven't ate yet, but I was planning on just heating up some of the leftovers that Souya-kun gave me."
"You know, if you keep being as cute and clingy as you are around him," yn could hear him moving around paper bags of what she assumed was to-go food, "shit, sorry. As I was saying, if you keep being so cuddle buddy with him, he's goin to fall for ya."
"Or," yn rolled her eyes as she began to document minor details on the log for each hour, "maybe, you're just reading in too deep on the fact that Souya is just an overall easily flustered person. Being a decent human does not make my kind actions count as flirting; if it does, well, you men around me are just dumb."
"Oh, don't be like that, princess," inui said in a rather sarcastic tone, "you know I'm just teasing you. Leaving that matter, I got you lunch - your favorite lunch, might I add."
"Thank you senpai, but -,"
"Inui-kun~ why aren't you getting off the phone yet? You promised that you would pay attention to only me today!" Yn heard a whiny voice - a woman’s whiny voice - through the phone, “I thought you said after we get lunch we’re just gonna lay in bed all day.” Inui mumbled something to her that seemed to have shut her up, clearing his throat, “sorry about that, are you still -,”
“I’m pretty busy and I plan on going out with a friend for my lunch break,” she cut him off, “have fun on your day off.”
yn knew she shouldn’t be angry; inui was never hers to begin with, but she was hoping that he’d at least spare her feelings. maybe this was good. maybe knowing that he has someone, even if it’s just a fuck buddy, will help her clear her mind and finally let go.
tani senpai <3: ft during your lunch break?
tani senpai <3: wait do you play cod? if you did that’s be kinda hot
tani senpai <3: I meant dope but hot works too
tani senpai <3: OH, wait rain check on the call, why don’t we just meet in person? ;) after all, I still have your necklace.
tani senpai <3: I cleaned it up because I was wearing it so I wouldn’t lose it.
tani senpai <3: lmfao I really made it a blood diamond at one point
kaku-san paid her total for the part and repair and ensured yn that she’d be back around five. sighing once the older woman left, yn went to check her phone that had been buzzing incessantly since she hung up on her brother’s best friend.
you: I’m gonna punch you in dick next time I see you :,) I was helping someone and I had to act like my phone was not going HAAM in my pocket
tani senpai <3: uh uh uh , leave ran jr. alone. he did nothing wrong :p plus, you’d have to kiss it better if you hurt him
tani senpai <3: [location] a small nightclub @ 16:00 tonight :) I would offer to buy your dinner, but you threatened my best man.
you: I hate you :,) but um,,, I don’t exactly know — what to wear to a nightclub..? Can I just go in a hoodie and some sweats and talk to the bouncer like “hey, I know the haitani bros — lemme in.”
tani senpai <3: LMAOOO,, nah I would to see you size the man up. as for clothes — you don’t have anything like ,, that radiates “hot girl” shit ?
you: no, if I’m not in my uniform — I’m either wearing my brother’s clothes with some cargo pants or sweats. sometimes I wear my own clothes, but that’s usually just merch.
tani senpai <3: as much as I want to see you in school uniform or in full need mode, I don’t think the bouncer would just let you in. OH, wait — fuck them. I forgot that I’m literally a god to them lmao,, wear what you want , I’ll wait outside for you and we can walk in together :)
you: wait really :,) I’m gonna try and make use of what I have tho ! I’ll lyk when I get there :)
tani senpai <3: wow so you’re not gonna ft me :|
you: you licherally said “rain check”
tani senpai <3: but I just finished my tasks for today, call me or I’m calling you
you: sorry , my brother just got back, I’ll talk to ya later :p
tani senpai <3: fine :| I’ll just bother Rin then.
the young ryuguji chuckled before locking and pocketing her phone once she noticed her brother’s presence. sure, she was still hurt at the fact that inui is currently hooking up - maybe even dating - another girl, but at least she could look to the eldest of the Haitanis and feel herself forgetting all about her first love.
“What ya lookin at brat,” Ken laughed out as he went to pat her head, “hey, who has you smiling like that?” He has always been protective; it was just his nature as a big brother. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re happy, but if it’s about a boy I would LOVE to know who.”
“It’s just a stupid thing that emma-senpai sent me,” yn attempted to play it off, “anyways — how was lunch?”
“It was good,” draken said as he went to put his jumper back on, “but it coulda been better if inui didn’t bring his ‘friend girl’ around. She kept hittin on Mikey and asking about my necklace and I almost called you up to come deck her.” He quickly grabbed his chain and kissed the ‘Emma’ that hung in the middle just before tucking it back under his white tshirt; it was his routine.
“I woulda showed her that ‘Draken Uppercut’ if I was there big bro,” yn made a small show of what she did in hopes of making her brother smile.
“You’re an idiot,” his smirk plastered on his face in a proud manner, “but I don’t need you wasting your energy on her. It just — like who the hell do you think you are touching a random stranger, especially around their neck. Like who?” She could tell that he was upset that he couldn’t have done anything; Draken was just brought up to be extremely respectful. “The worst part,” he threw a wrench at his ‘anger wall,’ “she kept asking shit like: “who names their kid emma,” “was she at least pretty,” and the one where I almost put my hands on her, “is she dead or something? what you just can’t let go?” Yn, I was so close to knocking her daylights out. She honestly got lucky takemitchy had tackled Mikey, or she woulda got her shit rocked.”
“I,” yn was at a lost for words; she had never heard someone disrespect any of her family this openly, “what the fuck did inui say? Did he just sit there through all this shit?” she moved from behind the counter and rolled out one of the bikes he was scheduled to work on, “please don’t tell me he did.”
“No,” draken rolled his eyes as he recalled the previous events, “just prop it up by station one, gotta get the new 340 mm rear air shock absorber suspensions, oh, could you jot that down, please? But nah, this fucker,” draken lifted the bike up so the back was in the air and put it on a lift, “just found every way to piss me off. Like I love him, but he fucked up today. He told us ‘sorry, she’s just cranky so don’t take her words to heart.’ If she called me ugly or some dumb shit I’d be okay, but he really told me not to take to heart the fact that she spoke on Emma’s name like that.” He tugged on his dark locks as he undid it, “could ya put it back up for me, it’s not tight enough.”
“I gotcha big man,” yn gently massaged his scalp as she went to put his hair in a tight but loose bun, “you know, she’s probably really proud of you right now. Bet she’s smilin up there too.” she could feel his tenseness fade as she comforted him; she’d do this one hundred times a day if it meant that he’d finally stop blaming himself for all those years ago. “There,” she smoothed over the top of his head once more, “all done.”
“Thank ya,” he hums as he begins to work on the bike, “oh, do you want to come with later? me and the boys are gonna head to mitsuyas before we go out so you can hang out with the other brats.”
“Actually, I um,” yn felt the sweat gather in her palms as she walked back to her station, “I was wondering if I could go out tonight - with a friend..”
“What friend,” yn flinched as her brother snapped his gaze towards her, “do I know said friend?”
“N-no,” she cleared her throat and began writing on sticky notes and receipts, “he — they were nice to meet when I first got back in town and offered to hang out - so, I felt that it’d be rude to -,”
“Nah, you’re not going,” draken turned his attention back to the bike, “you’re either going to stay home or hang out at mitsu’s house. No in between.”
“That’s fair,” yn sighed, “can I just have a reason as to why I can’t go?”
“Because I don’t know em and the streets have been rainin havoc since Mikey got out,” he sighed as he put his tools down. He stood up to full height and gently patted the leather seat of the propped up bike, “I just don’t want you to get hurt, bub. Yer my number one right now and I don’t know if I’ll be able to go on if you even get the slightest bit of hurt.”
“I understand big draco,” she laughed softly, “Can I just stay in then? I promise I won’t leave; I just feel like being in my own bed tonight.”
“Anything for you, yer majesty.” Ken smiled as he concluded that he had the best sister in the world.
“Alright, yn, we’re about to head out,” her big brother knocked on her door, “can ya at come say bye?”
“Fuck,” yn got up and quickly put an oversized sweater and some basketball shorts that reached just below her knees, “gimme a minute! Sorry, I was taking a nap.”
“We’ll be out in the living room, dumbass.”
If anything, yn was just glad none of them walked into her room to see her basically bare figure - shout out to her Ken-nii for knowing his sister. Once fully covered, yn made her wait out the room and noticed everyone sitting on the couch in the living room, even inui.
“Yn,” souya barked out, “you’ve ate right? If you haven’t ‘m gonna fight you!” He stood up and approached yn as all the other boys smirked and whistled in the back. “You guys shut the hell up.!”
“Neh neh,” nahoya laughed, “you need to stop bein so flirty over there, angry.” Smiley always teased angry, but that was just brotherly nature; however, if anyone else were to continuously pick on angry — it wouldn’t be a shock if Smiley was on top of them and imprinting the curve of his elbow into their forehead. “He just missed you, little Ryu. Make sure to let us know if anything happens-,”
“We’re going to get Ken-chin laid,” Mikey said with a mischievous smirk as he began pushing his taller friend out the front door. “Choi~.” The other boys followed either patting her head before they left or hip bumping her; hakkai decided to be the odd man out and hug yn to his chest and dramatically walk out the door as if they won’t see each other for fourth years.
“BYE,” she poked her head out then quickly shut the door and disregarded her hoodie, “now that they’re gone..”
“OH MY GOD, WHAT,” picking her phone up off the coffee table she fell back onto the couch, “what do they want-,”
Incoming FaceTime: tani senpai <3
“Shit.!” Yn quickly sat up and answered with an apologetic face, “heeeey, what’s up?”
“You look cozy,” he eyed the tops of her shoulders with only her bra straps decorating them, “cozy enough to make a man stand outside for, hmm - what does my watch read - thirty minutes.”
Yn looked thoroughly confused as she cocked her head to the side and fell back, “what does you standing outside of some random building have to do with me?”
“Did you really —,” she watched the man shift and bring her golden chain into view, “you were supposed to meet me tonight in order to get your precious necklace back. You stood me up and now I look like a fucking idiot who got stood up.” He deadpanned into the camera and had a small pout, “you had all the guys laughin at me, darlin. You really disappointed me.” Yn felt her heart slowly tear; she hated disappointing anyone. “If you were going to show up you could have at least said so.” Just as she was about to speak, Ran hung up and left her to wade in her thoughts.
You: Ran-senpai, I promise it was on accident ! I meant to tell you earlier, but it just slipped my mind (read 8:44 p.m.)
You: pls forgive me :,) I fell asleep as soon as we got off work and came home; draken-nii told me to rest up since I can’t go out so I figured I might as well (read 8:45 p.m.)
You: yk if you’re going to read my text, the least ya could do would be to respond. I said I’m sorry. (read 8:47 p.m.)
You: yer a fucking brat , man child who throws a fit and refuses to actually try and listen to others when they try to talk it out with you. (read 8:48 p.m.)
You: self made bitch. (read 8:50 p.m.)
You: yk what, fuck you. I tried to be nice to you and I actually enjoyed talking to you for what-? A week ? You’re mad because I can’t just do what I want? Sorry I’m a great sister who doesn’t want to make her brother worry. Sorry I don’t just abide and do as you please because I’m not a fucking sheep. Keep the necklace for all I care; I’ll just get a new one. Stupid cunt. (read 8:52 p.m.)
You: Fuck face. You probably just wanted to get in my pants and dip; fuck you. Leave me alone, if I see you on the street; I don’t give a fuck if I get shot or jumped, I’m gonna punch you in the throat, pussy ass bitch. (read 8:54 p.m.)
tani senpai <3: give me your address so I can drop this necklace off and get out of your life since you so desperately want me to.
You: no way in hell, just keep it.
tani senpai <3: if you don’t want it then I’ll just drop it off with your brother tomorrow.
You: you fucking —
You: ugh, fine, just drop the shit off and leave . [location] (read 8:59 p.m.)
With a knock at the Ryuguji’s front door, yn shrugged the jacket back on and checked through the peep hole. After noticing it was the infamous older brother of the Haitani duo, she quickly yanked him inside and made sure to lock the door quickly.
“You know drop offs don’t usually require the said delivery man to be in the house, correct?” He asked with a bored expression as his eyes scanned the small space. “‘S cute for someone with you and your brother’s income.”
“I only pulled you in because my neighbors like to talk about what goes on throughout everyone’s house,” she rolled her eyes and pulled in the strings of her sweater, “hurry up and give me the fucking necklace so you can leave.”
“I did all the work of coming here,” he brushed past her as he took off his shoes and made his way to sit on the couch, “the least you could do is offer me a drink or some food.” Ran laid back into the cushions and spread his long legs as he slowly turned his gaze to the TV, some random anime blasting in the background. “Well, if you don’t mind, a water will do.”
“Cute for someone with you and your brother’s income,” she mocked as mumbled under her breath and grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge, “here, your majesty.” she tossed it into his lap and stood in between his legs to block the tv and make him focus all of his attention onto her.
“To what do I owe you?”
“My necklace, home invader.”
“Take it off of me then,” he raised an eyebrow, “you didn’t expect me to do that as well did you?”
“Fine,” her shorts hiking up as she moved to straddle his hips, she took note that he had been eyeing her thighs since he arrived, “I’ll take off the stupid thing.” She buried her chin into the crook of his neck, “just sit still so I can -,”
“You know,” he flattened his palms against the bare tops her knees and barely sliding his finger tips up the rim of the pants, “you hiding more just makes me want to see you in less.”
“Heh,” she chuckled as she slowly wrapped her arms around the middle of his torso, “yer a fucking perv as well as a bastard.”
“You know your necklace isn’t dangling along my spine, right?” He chuckled as he gently kneaded her flesh, “am I making you uncomfortable?”
“Nah, feels nice,” she chuckles when she feels him gently dig his finger tips into her skin, “‘m makin you uncomfortable?”
“nah,” he jokingly mocked her as he took his hands and slid them farther up to the tops of he thigh, “boxers?” He pulled back slightly so he could rest his forehead on hers.
“mm, never really wanted to bother ken-nii when he did the laundry, so I just get boxers,” she laughed, “what? Did you honestly think I’d be chilling at home in a thong or something? Women gotta breathe too.” she felt her heartbeat pick up as his finger tips danced along the material; yn wondered if he could tell that she’s never had a boyfriend as she lacked - in takemichi’s words - ‘ettick.’
“You are respectful yet have anger issues, a smart mouth, and embody the term ‘I don’t give a fuck,” he swiftly took both hands from under the clothing and lightly placed them on either side of her face, “you are so fucking gorgeous, didya know that?” His rings were cold on her heated skin, making her smile softly.
“..you know,” yn laid a chaste kiss on the bonten’s left wrist, “… ‘msorry..”
“Couldn’t hear ya,” he chuckled deeply as he maneuvered his right hand at the back of her neck and squeezed lightly, “repeat it more clear this time. You wanna be a good girl, right? Be the best girl you can and repeat it.~”
“Motherfu-, AHEM,” she scrunched her face up in hopes of hiding how happy it made her to have a second chance at being a ‘good girl,’ “‘m sorry you don’t know how to communicate.”
“Ah ah ah,” he squeezed his right hand a little tighter, causing her to ground her hips down and lean forward into his chest, “that’s not what I want to hear.” she heard him groan, but she was too busy fighting the battle in her head as to why she felt more secure when he gripped her tighter.
“I said,” she nuzzled her nose between his lean pecs, “‘m sorry.” Yn got up and placed one of her hands at the base of the bonten tattoo and squeezed gently along his Adam’s apple, “I’m not saying it again, so you better have heard me the first time.”
“You’re so angry; a wolf under sheep’s clothes you are,” ran hummed as he leaned back in, noses brushing, “yer forgiven little lamb. I don’t know - you barking up the wrong tree knowing that I could hurt you just turns me —,”
Both bodies had turned their heads towards the door in confusion.
“Are you expecting guests?”
“No,” yn quickly got off of Ran’s lap and grabbed the crowbar that rested by the umbrellas, “fuck, if it’s those fucking assholes that want to fight ken-nii, ‘m gonna kill em.” She went to look through the peep hole, only to be pulled back to the older man’s chest.
“Let me get it,” ran signaled for her to hide behind the kitchen wall as he pulled out his signature baton that hung on his belt loop, “be quiet, little one.” Ran opened the door to a young man, about a year or two older than yn, dressed in a pizza delivery uniform with 3 large boxes in his hand. If he wasn’t just some kid, the Haitani would’ve beat him just for openly sporting a scowl towards him.
“Oh, hi sir, are you,” the young man looked back at the receipt then back at the Bonten executive, “Kawata Souya? I have one pepperoni, Hawaiian, and plain cheese.” Ran’s head shot to the side at the sound of you rushing towards the door.
“A-ah ! That would be me I guess,” yn guided Ran’s hand behind her to hide the weapon as she widely opened the front door, “sorry my brother’s friend probably ordered it since they went out -,”
“Huh,” she looked up at the man, “oh shit, hongo?! I thought you were in Osaka right now for Uni; you still play there, right?”
“Yeah,” the worker replied, “oh shit, this like.. a date or something?” He threw his glare at Ran and softened his features once his gaze returned back to the young ryuguji. “Nah, nevermind, that’d be dumb considering you swore off dating,” the bonten men felt as if his heart had been pricked with a small needle, “especially since you used to swear to draken we were gonna get married and stay together forever and ever.” Yn was visibly embarrassed as Ran watched her take the pizza from Hongo’s hands and start trying to kick him off the porch. “Wait, before I go,” he said as he jotted down his number on the receipt, “let me know when you’re free. Maybe ya could come see me play one of these days? Summer games start back up next week so I’ll be headin-,”
Ran pulled on yn’s wrist before slamming the door, interrupting Hongo’s spill. He made show of how hard he locked the door so anyone outside could hear that the house was closed and not expecting anymore visits.
“Ooo,” yn placed the pizzas down onto the small kitchen table and looped her arms around Ran’a slim waist, “are you upset yer not getting all the attention?” She giggled as she kissed the symbol that marked the center of his neck.
“Why would I be upset over some 4 incher maxed college boy,” he smirked as he brought his hand to the side of her face and let his thumb brush along her bottom lip, “plus, if anything he should be the one whose upset. You can’t hate me or push me away if you wanted to; your desire for me to show you the depths of the world is visible just by looking in your eyes.” Yn felt her breath quickening and her head going numb as his words made way into her; making her feel far more intoxicated than any alcohol or drug could have ever done. “You can try to deny it, but what sane person would invite one of the most violent people with the most blood on his hands into her home?”
“I’m the farthest thing from sane,” yn breathed out as she placed a chaste kiss onto his lips before burying her face under his chin, “because I find myself wanting to do this more. I’m so glad I don’t look where I’m going when I’m on my bike.” Ran laughed as he connected their lips, but this time he deepened the kiss; her knees gave out and his tongue slipped in making her lungs just as weak.
“Princess, youre fucking gorgeous,” he broke away before holding her in his strong arms, “but I don’t want to just ‘get in your pants.’ I want-,”
“Good, because im not easy,” she cut him off as she tried to catch her breath.
Ran laughed as he dragged her back to the couch, leaving her to fetch each of them two big slices of cheese pizza. He sat beside her, kissing her temple, and devouring the free meal, “yknow, this taste ten times better than any food at the shitty night club.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she said as she harshly swallowed the dough, “ish bad mannirs..”
“You,” he leaned in and kissed the sauces covered corners of her mouth, “also taste better than any food at the club.”
“Well you’ll have to wait until you can taste all of me,” catching ran off guard - she flirted back, “after all, the fruit taste better when ripened.”
“Princess,” Ran attempted to shake her tired figure off him, “believe me, I want to stay. I really do, but I don’t want to cause a stir or heated argument between you and your brother.”
“We we’re just playing Mario kart and you said,” yn stared up at him with an unimpressed glare, “I’d fuck you on the counter of the pizza place just to embarrass that pizza boy,’ and now you’re scared to be caught by my brother?”
“Not scared,” he bit the tip of her nose gently before freeing himself of her limbs, “just cautious. Want my little girl not to have any complications; plus, I’d have to kill your brother if he made you cry.”
“Wait,” she pulled his sleeve, gaining his attention, “text me when you get back home.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead before making his way out her front door, “okay, little lamb.”
Within the span of 4 hours, draken arrived back home and yn managed to make the house rid of any clues of guest over; she even masked the smell of Ran’s cologne by bringing the box of pizza to the living room to spread the smell of grease and regrets. She rested easy on the couch, allowing some random movie to lull her into the comfortable cushions.
draken sobered up a bit after he came back and went to get a late night snack from the kitchen. spotting his sister on the couch, he chuckled softly as he gently rubbed her forehead, “thanks for bein a little angel, ya gremlin.”
it’s as if the gods above could sense draken’s obliviousness and caused yns to vibrate several times. Much to her brother’s curiosity, he checked the notifications and felt his blood boil.
tani senpai <3: hey, made it back home. hope you rest easy, princess. thnx. rin also says “thanks for allowing him to annoy you so I could catch a break
inui. : yn can we talk? I promise it’s not what you thought; idk what to say. Just remember, you’ll always be my favorite girl ..<3 lmk when you’re ready.
inui. : idk jus tseeing yuor brothr without you attached at the hip just made my stomak hurt, I wanna see you more.. maybe it’s because I’m drunk and finally thinking sobre, but yer awlays my fav
inui. : look, unsot having talked for like — a weakk? Has Ben eating me up, I really miss you. I’ll see you at the shop ? dream well, pretty girl.
takemitchy: wait, can you send me your brownie recipe ??? Hina loved them :,)
he didn’t know whether to be upset at the fact that there was some random “tani senpai” texting his sister and he didn’t know jack shit about them, or the fact one of his best friends was talking and drunk texting his sister. Nothing a beer and pizza can’t help.
After grabbing a full pizza box plus some beer and bringing it to his room, ken stared at his tv processing everything he just seen. Maybe this is just a dream? Maybe he’s so dizzy from the dancing and whiskey that he can’t seem to think straight? There’s just no way that his little sister would actually go for his friend; let alone, his friend returning the affection, right ? There’s absolutely no way that his sister would be letting random boys in the house. Nah, maybe he’s just scared of letting her go to university and growing up on him. This is all just a shitty nightmare.
“Whatever,” draken burped out as he took the cheap beer bottle to his lips, inhaling the last of the liquid, “heh, maybe it’s kisaki’s ghost hauntin my head with dumb thoughts.” He felt himself drifting to sleep, but stirred once he realized he almost forgot his nightly routine. Untucking the chain from his neck and pulling it towards his chapped lips, “g’night emma.”
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Taglist: @richiyo @haitanigigi @chifuyusprincess @legravalice @l-ilysm @katariinasworld
155 notes · View notes
lalaangeldust · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬
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[ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ] : none :)
[ 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 ] : kaminari denki // bakugo katsuki // sero hanta
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𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧���𝐫𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢
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ah yes, the bakusquad's resident pretty boy
he would definitely be the most obvious about his crush
two words: shitty flirting
horrible pick-up lines and just overall bad flirting
he pulls through sometimes though ( with sero's advice ) and his ego inflates through the roof if he can get you flustered and blushing
but if you give him the same energy, he will immediately combust
all function out the window
congratulations, you broke denki
none of your possessions are safe when denki is within the vicinity
shirts, hoodies, skirts, hats, jewelry, hair accessories
if he can grab it, he will have it
he has worn / stolen everything in your closet at least once, if not it is most definitely his goal
it does not matter if he fits it or not, he will make it work
he has no shame
but one time he stretched out one of your favorite skirts and it tore a bit and he felt soooo bad
"it not my fault i have a fat ass, y/n"
but he brought you to the mall on a date with him to get a new one, so it's all works out ;)
denki honestly just lives to make you laugh
every time he's the reason you're laughing, it makes his chest puff up so big
if you two are close, he will without a doubt start a mock wrestling match and it always turns into a tickling fit with you pinned underneath him and wailing
but do NOT under any circumstances tickle him
he with shriek like a girl and accidentally activate his quirk
you nearly died
he's also just so infatuated with like- everything you do????
it doesn't matter how mundane you think it might be, as long as you're doing it, denki is so enthralled watching whatever it is you're doing
it's rather endearing
in all honesty, he'd probably blurt out he likes you outta no where while in the middle of a convo
he lights up every time your name is so much as mentioned
or- or
he'd be day dreaming, completely lost in his own world and someone would come up to him and ask him what he's thinking ab cus he looks basically dead to the world
still in a daze from being abruptly brought back to reality he'd just dreamily sigh, "y/n~" without even realizing
mans was SO embarrassed afterwards
face was beet red
*frantically looks around to see if you heard him or not*
bonus: love languages!!
physical touch // giving
words of affirmation // receiving
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𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢
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he's so emotionally constipated
that's not to say we wouldn't know he'd have feelings for you
he's actually pretty emotionally intelligent, and would be very perceptive of your emotions contrary to popular belief, he's just oblivious to his own feelings and emotions
he'd just ignore them
try his best to ignore you
key word try
but he always gives in and he'd make up dumb reasons to come bother you like-
he'd barge into your dorm while you're studying and he'd be like
"y/n i need a pen,"
"oh? uh ok, here you can have this one," you hand him a pen that you happened to have tucked behind your ear
"no not that one,"
"can't you go to momo and ask her to make the pen you want..?"
bakugo starts to get grumpy at this point lmao
"no, she doesn't know how to make it,"
"well, what pen do you want..??"
bakugo hesitates cus he doesn't wanna admit that he doesn't actually want a pen, he wants to be with you
"that one," he lamely points at a beat up tinkerbell pen that you've had since you were like twelve
"really?? out of all the pens you choose that one?"
"shut up and just get it"
"... you can grab it,"
he goes and grabs it and goes to walk out the door without a word and right before he leaves he leans back and looks at you
"i need a pencil"
he kept the tinkerbell pen btw
like denki, bakugo would steal things from your dorm and not just anything, things that are actually inconvenient to misplace
he'd take your bobby pin container or your favorite brush so you'd come to him to ask where it went, he'd give it back ofc but not without a fight
he'd act totally clueless and he'd wait till you actually start to get pissed to tell you where he actually put your thing
so back to how he'd actually be very aware of your emotions
he'd notice the smallest changes and can always tell when you're upset but he wouldn't exactly know how to help you
so instead of using words, he'd use actions
you had a really bad day and he walked you to your dorm and when he came in he's like
"shit, your dorm is a fucking disaster, how do you live like this," you scowl at bakugo cus like- wtf i'm rlly emotional here you're not helping
he scoffs and bends down to start picking up your shit
"seriously, i have no idea how you find anything in here, nothing is organized" and he'd just keeps grumbling like an old man while completely cleaning and reorganizing your room
dont you dare try and help him though, he will yell at you
bonus: love languages!!
acts of service // giving
quality time // receiving
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𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚
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sero SCREAMS besfriends to lovers troupe
like- you two are already practically dating without even realizing it
the romantic tension
you guys banter and flirt with eachother so often, you both have no idea whether you're serious when you jokingly call the other sexy or not
the oblivious idiots troupe
sero makes everything a competition
not nearly to extent as bakugo would, but still goes a bit over the top
he'd use anything as an excuse to show off for you
one time, like the spiderman fanboy he is, he challenged you to see who can hang upside down the longest without passing out ( literally the stupidest idea, sero, you're going to loose braincells )
sero won, obviously and he takes full advantage of bragging rights
everyone says how denki's the flirt and whatever but NO
sero is the biggest mf flirt and denki got his game from him
so with that being said, you are not safe
he respects boundaries of course but that doesn't mean he's not gonna try and test his limits a bit and mess with you
he's always trying to get you flustered
god forbid you're shorter than him because he will tease the shit outta you for it
when you two train together, mf goes on overdrive ESPECIALLY if you two happen to be sparring together
he'd hover over you and lean his face in ever so slightly while your talking to him just to get a rise outta you
"could you repeat that? i'm having a hard time hearing,"
but you also make fun of him for being tall, so it checks out
whenever he says some slick shit you're just like-
"I'm sorry, what? That's funny coming from someone who's above the national average height. you're disgusting, tall man; shrink perhaps" ( if anyone knows what tiktok audio i'm referencing, i'm in love with you )
hope you have your casket ready because sero's gonna slaughter your ass for that shit
ok but one time while you two were partnered up for hero training, you got on his nerves and he tied you up and left you hanging and the mf just left
maaaan were you livid
15 minutes
15 minutes you were left up there while sero was doing god knows what
you gave him the silent treatment for the rest of the day and sero was genuinely distressed cus he didn't mean to make you so mad
but lucky for him, he always knows how to get you to smile no matter how sad or are or how angry you are with him
he shoots you a piece of tape with his handwriting on it
he made up some stupid, horribly written poem asking for your forgiveness and he's just looking at you the entire time you're reading it with an exaggerated pout
how can you say mad at him?
on the topic of him sending you notes on his tape
he'd totally leave pieces of his tape in really obscure places in your dorm or even under your desk
they'd be really stupid messages too like-
"you stink"
or a really random inside joke you two have that makes literally no sense but even just the thought of it makes you laugh to tears
he'd also leave little origami figures he made with his tape in random places for you to find too
or he'd just give them to you
you have a shelf specifically dedicated for the things sero has made for you ( and he's really touched you actually keep all his shitty arts and crafts projects )
in conclusion, sero is the best and he is my favorite and i'd die for him
bonus: love languages!!
gift giving // giving
physical touch // giving and recieving
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If you guys want, i can elaborate on their love languages in another post! <3
𝒇𝒊𝒏 . ✩
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sigurdjarlson · 2 years
I want to see tom try to win greg back after going too far. I want too see him jealous and possessive, sure, but I'm also just really curious to see how far is too far for greg. he's been harassed, manipulated, assaulted by tom and he just bounces back. he's blackmailed and manipulated tom to, don't get me wrong. I just want to see the greg who got mad at the roy's for the sprinkles thing get mad at tom -- seriously -- for like...anything? and I want all of this to happen while shiv files for divorce because she's my skrunkles. tom's breakdown era on my s4 wishlist
I would genuinely be so interested to see a scenario like this play out and I don’t think it’s impossible it could happen in canon honestly
Greg does seem to bounce back but given how many times Nicholas has talked about the resentment he feels for Tom because of his treatment of him (and their unbalanced power dynamic) I don’t think he’s as unbothered as he comes across
Tom has treated Greg unarguably pretty horribly. Greg isn’t innocent either but Tom has been downright abusive at times. Greg uses that word himself actually to Logan. “Abusive workplace environment” or whatever
The selfless gestures that come after some of the worst of it don’t erase that.
And I think back to the infamous “Greg thinks he could do better than Tom” interview with Nic. Here’s the thing..when it comes to how horribly Tom treats him sometimes? He can do better. Greg doesn’t deserve that. No one does. If he was willing to leave the Roy bubble he could find someone better.
I of course want them to be toxic and codependent together so i don’t actually want Greg to go anywhere lmao. However would I blame Greg if he did? No.
Tom has gotten better but he’s still awful sometimes and sadly who knows if it’s enough to erase the shit he’s already done.
And also I remember Nic talking about how Greg looks at Tom who’s marriage is failing and who’s desperate and broken and he thinks “I don’t want to end up like you” He sees Tom for the mess that he is.
“He’s just scared and lonely I think..”
I think it’s also important to remember the one interview where Nic says there is a deep love there underneath everything…but also that resentment might overpower that.
Greg does love and care for Tom canonically but his feelings for Tom are also mixed with a lot of resentment and anger.
If Tom doesn’t continue to treat Greg more equally and just generally better. Greg is going to bite back. Whether it’s just by bailing completely or screwing him over I don’t know.
And Tom and him have been improving on the relationship front but Tom has a tendency to revert back to old behaviors when he’s angry or hurt.
The best example I think is the finale. Greg says no to Tom at first pretty much and it’s because of the way Tom asked. “I need you to be my attack dog” and the expression Greg makes and the way he unenthusiastically repeats it tells you immediately he’s not happy with the comparison or the proposal
He does not want to be Tom’s dog anymore. (The dog metaphor/motif returns)
He wants to be Tom’s equal and I think sometimes that’s hard for Tom to stomach because putting them on truly equal ground means giving Greg the power to leave him.
And he might.
Greg gets a lot of shit for his “I’m kind of a big deal now” but I don’t think people understand what he’s doing there. He’s not bragging for the sake of bragging. I don’t think he even really believes it. He’s negotiating. He’s saying no I’m worth more than being your attack dog, offer me something better or I’m out.
That’s what you do in this world. You build yourself up as more important than you are so people offer you better options. Doesn’t matter if it’s true. We’ve seen Tom do it a lot. He’s very peacock esque that way.
And Tom initially doesn’t respond well to Greg doing that. He immediately reverts to kicking the dog. “You’re a fucking joke.” And that genuinely pisses Greg off you can tell.
What Tom is doing is not a genuine moment of making sure Greg isn’t getting too cocky..which is how some people paint it? it’s to make him feel small and worthless and dependent on him again so he doesn’t leave or reject him.
He slips back into his worst habits for a moment. He’s trying to put him in his place. Beneath him. (It’s why he doesn’t acknowledge that he arguably did WORSE in front of congress)
You can tell it’s not this “I’m worried you’re getting too cocky” moment because he Tom is visibly angry when he realizes Greg is beginning to reject him. He says this out of anger. He lashes out.
If Greg knows he deserves better than to be treated the way that he does he might leave.
Except his bullying doesn’t work this time. Greg gets pissed and is still resistant to the idea.
So he has to change tactics and he does by telling Greg what he can gain from saying yes. He does when he reminds him that he’s the only one who’s looked after him
Greg only says yes when he’s at least kind of assured he’s not going to be Tom’s punching bag/lackey anymore. However whether Tom can stick to that I don’t know because like I said it would mean giving Greg the power to leave. (And Greg has already tried to leave which shows that he was pretty done with Tom’s shit even back then)
This is a dog who is tired of being kicked by everyone around him.
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Tom could very well push him to his breaking point eventually. How he’d do that I’m not too sure. Maybe he starts treating him like he does in s1-s2 again (and it’s worth noting that even though he’s been somewhat better he still doesn’t treat him that great. He insults him constantly and I don’t think Greg appreciates that kind of “joking” around)
If he tries to interfere in Greg’s career? That might hit be the last straw because Tom has shown himself to be selfless when it comes to Greg sometimes but safe room shows there’s a limit.
A healthy reaction would be to let Greg go. He says explicitly he’s not happy here. Tom can’t let go of him and that’s why he flips the fuck out.
I don’t think Tom will ever be able to “if you love him let him go” because the harsh truth is he needs Greg.
He gets Greg to stay by praising him and offering him more but at first Greg is adamant on leaving to the point of blackmailing him (which he genuinely didn’t want to do)
The point im trying to make is Tom could still push Greg to his breaking point. Him betraying Tom next season seems almost inevitable (even though I think it’s overdone and too obvious but oh well) as Greg continues on his corruption arc
He might just do it out of greed too since this is a corruption arc and Greg has proven himself to be very self serving and focused on his own survival.
But also..I think people forget that it could be Tom who fucks Greg over too?
He’s capable of it. We know he is if he feels hurt or rejected. (Or maybe even if he has to choose between everything he’s built and being the new Logan and Greg. I can’t say with 100% certainty which he’d choose)
And the thing is Tom would expect Greg to stick around after because Greg does tolerate his shit a lot of the time. He’s tolerated Tom being downright horrific to him.
More likely though I think is he panics because Greg is trying to leave for whatever reason (or he sees Greg is going in another direction) and completely ruins/sabotages his prospects to keep him by his side.
Him sabotaging his career just so he won’t leave him might be the last straw.
It’s also worth noting I think it’s very likely he’d do the same thing if Greg got into a relationship. I could see him breaking them up if he realizes he’s losing Greg.
Thats a betrayal in a way. It’s selfish. Especially if it’s a situation where Greg finds himself actually happy.
In the end Tom is not a good person. Nether is Greg. They’re both getting progressively worse. So they both might screw each other over in the end. Who knows
The thing is….that doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. Because succession is all the more tragic when you acknowledge these characters do love one another and hurt each other anyway. God most of them don’t know how to love in a healthy way.
They’re all horrible people in the end though. There’s good there too in most of them (i don’t want to be too reductive) but it’s metaphorically beaten of them. There’s no room for love or morality in the life they lead. It can’t exist there. That’s the point of the show in a lot of ways.
Got a bit off topic there because I have been thinking about how the show will end for all these amoral bastard characters a lot lately and it’s definitely not the happy ending my soft heart wants aaa…that’s what fanon is for I suppose ;)
But yeah I think it’s plausible that Tom could eventually push Greg to a breaking point. (And I think losing Greg would absolutely destroy Tom)
Personally I’d love to see Tom broken and more or less begging Greg not to leave..and I’d be interested to see if he can convince him to stay once he’s hit that point
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saksukei · 4 years
prince joshua au
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you loved your job more than anything,, serving the king and his family as a knight, was an honor that wasn't bestowed upon many so you considered yourself lucky
the king was looking for a husband for his wonderful daughter,, and she had rejected so many princes
the king had then called on to some palm readers and soothsayers that had said that the ‘prince’ destined to be his daughter's husband is currently trapped in a tower
the king did more research and came in contact with a small country, who's king and queen had died and their own child, the prince, was locked in a tower guarded by a dragon
the king then appointed you to find the tower, rescue the prince who would marry the princess as a sign of gratitude and they could rule the smaller country together
you agreed obviously
you were cheered on by everyone as you embarked on the journey, alone, with nothing but your horse to listen to your mindless chatter
and honestly, everything was going well like the trip wasn't too tough it was just really long
when you finally reached the castle, instead of causing a scene and all to you know ‘slay the dragon’ you simply found a back way to get up to the tower
you opened the door and then you heard someone singing, “prince joshua?” you called out and the singing stopped
then you came across one of the most handsome men you had ever seen,,, he had black hair, the face of a Greek god with well toned arms and hE LOOKED MORE LIKE A KNIGHT THAN YOU DID??
“are you here to rescue me?” he asked, nonchalantly, as he flipped open a book.
“yes!” you answered, in an unusually chirpy tone.
“cool– get out of here right now because I'm not going anywhere,” he told you quite bluntly
and you were like ??? this mf I crossed half the fuckin land but this ungrateful bitch eye
“i'm sorry,,, but don't you think that I would be rather capable of escaping this shit hole if wanted too?” he hissed. “but I don't– because I don't want to escape and I don't need anyone's help either.”
“prince joshua, I understand what you mean,,, but the princess is waiting to marry you!” you replied.
“oh great– another stuck up princess who wants to marry me.”
“actually,, our princess is great. she's an absolute sweetheart and she's one of the finest bachelorettes in the country,” you explained.
“then why has she rejected,,, fifty other princes and wants to go after the one trapped in a tower?” he deadpanned.
“because–the palm reader said so,,, but this isn't important–”
“i don't need your princess– so just go away,” he told you.
after thinking for several minutes, you came up with a solution
“look how about this? you come back with me, meet the princess and if you like her you can marry her, if you don't, well– I'll help you escape back to this tower,” you suggested, finally catching his attention.
“how do I know you'll keep your word?” joshua asked, setting his book down.
“i am a knight, sir, loyalty is one of the few idiosyncrasies we can offer.”
“alright then,, I trust you– you better not let me down,,” joshua spoke as he grabbed a backpack with all of his belongings.
you used the same way to avoid the dragon and started on with your journey
at first,,, you truly thought joshua was some stuck-up prince but the more you spent time with him,, the more you realized that joshua was literally a gentleman who would be the perfect ruler of the country
he acted like an asshole before because he was sick and tired of people trying to rescue him and take all the glory
you understood his anger and ever since then joshua had been so sweet,,,
joshua wouldn't let you carry his bag, he'd make sure you were getting enough rest during the journey and one day he even offered to keep an eye out so that you could sleep
you on the other hand, taught joshua on how to light a fire etc and even some basic etiquettes,, cause I mean even if he was a prince he was trapped in a tower for so long
one time, you guys had stopped to stay by the river for the night and soon it was early morning and you woke up and saw joshua wasn't near you??
and you immediately ran around the place only to find him in the river,, waist deep into the water, except– he was half naked??
and boi where you shocked
cause joshua was so damn gorgeous
his perfectly chiseled jawline with that broad chest of his, his adam's apple poking out, his abs, his arms, his wet hair jUST HIM???
you were lucky, because he didn't bring it up so you assumed he never noticed you standing there and gawking at him lmao
but all in all, you had fun with joshua he always managed to make you laugh but you could always have those late night talks with him
like when he asked you why you became a knight ,,,,,
“well, as a kid, when the knights would come back from winning the battle and the streets would be lined up with roses and people cheering from them, I knew at that point that, that was who I wanted to be.”
and he was like wow you're so cool omfg
also joshua gets impressed every time you hold your sword
he says he wants to learn how to use a sword too because he's a prince but he's really scared
you: josh hold my sword, it's literally not gonna do anything just hoLD IT
and you were like I think staying in the tower for too long has lowered your IQ level
but you also told Josh that if he didn't like holding a sword, then he doesn't have to, because you were there to protect him with your life
and you didn't realize but Joshua was looking at you with HEART EYES
soon enough, reached the palace and you were kinda upset that you know joshua had to go and well,,, get married and part of you really wished it wouldn't work out
because you had bonded with him so well you just ,,,,, started liking him and it broke your heart knowing you couldn't have him
besides, he didn't reciprocate anything either so it'd be useless to even imagine
but when you told the king and queen and they met joshua
they were like ??? you didn't get the message??
and you were like what message??
“the princess already found someone she liked and she's getting married in like a month–?”
and you were pissed more than you were happy
not because all this effort was for nothing but the fact that poor joshua,,, he might have been looking forward to this
so you talked to the king and queen and they said that joshua should go back to his country now
you left the room and started crying because you felt as if it was all your fault
“hey, are you okay?” you heard a voice behind you say,,,,, it was joshua
you wiped your tears, “y-yeah I'm good,” you managed to choke out.
and before you could leave, joshua wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, where you broke down and told him everything
you especially kept on apologizing to him and said that you'd make everything right and even find him a princess if you have too
“its okay if the princess doesn't want to marry me,,,, cause I found my princess right here,” he cooed and you chuckled because he was so cheesy,, typical Joshua
“but still josh, I'll take you back to the tower and all,” you told him
“nope, no need too– I need to go back to my country and look after my people as well, I've done enough damage as it is.”
“are you going to come with me if I go?” he asked, hoping you'd say yes
“I'm a knight, i can't leave the country....” you answered.
and then Josh was like okay hollup I'll talk to the king and the queen
and boi went into the room where the king and queen were while you waited outside and they called you inside eventually
and the king and queen were like,, “we would like you to resign,,, so you can marry joshua and go rule his country.”
and you were like ??????HOW DID HE SWEET TALK THEM INTO THIS EYE
the king and queen said they'd like to give you an official good bye if you could stay for another two to three days and you and Josh agreed
Josh had to stay in one of the palace rooms
and it was 7am you were going to talk to joshua about something very important and you knocked and opened his room door
“o-oh my god,,,, IM SO SORRY!” you yelled, as you covered your eyes and bowed profusely
and Joshua chuckled, as he walked towards you, removing your hands from your eyes, eventually pining you against the door,,,
“darling– don't like act like this is the first time you've seen me naked,,,,, we both know you've been quite scandalous.”
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kerie-prince · 4 years
We're Worlds Apart (3)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: cursing, angst(?), Draco being a meanie :(
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: not my best lmao kinda gets cheesy. anyways, Y/M/N = your mother’s name and Y/B/N = your brother’s name
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“Do I really have to get one?” Draco whined in the middle of the phone store, getting his very first cellular device.
“Yeah, man. It's 2008 and you still write letters. Plus, your bird took a shit on my car,” Blaine said matter-of-factly. He found it funny that Draco still used an owl post for communication; the only other person Blaine knew that still uses an owl is his 97 year old grandmother. And even she has a landline in her house. “It's just easier and quicker to use. Why wait a whole day for a letter when you can just text me and I’ll respond in two seconds?”
“I’ve never even used a wall phone, how do you expect me to use a bloody cell-phone, Blaine?” Draco was fidgeting in his seat as he waited for the store employee to finish, what was it called, a credit score? Muggles sure are weird.
She came back shortly with a small, black box that had a weird word on it. What the bloody hell is an iPhone? She explained how it turned on, all the applications it carried, and details about billing and more. Draco was still confused about the whole thing but Blaine said that he would help him understand it better.
“Well look at you, Dray. A modern wizard in America,” Blaine jokes. Draco played with the new device, working out all the kinks of it. He sent his very first text message to Blaine at that moment. Took him precisely 5 minutes to type out a very bland, simple ‘Hello. -Draco L. Malfoy’
It made Blaine laugh so hard that he held his stomach. “My god, we’re gonna have to work on your texting skills, man. First things first, you don't have to sign your name at the end of a text. I know it's you.” Blaine explained to Draco all the fundamentals of texting as they walked through the halls of Santa Marie.
Throughout the day, Draco shared his new number with his department. The more he shared his number, the faster he became at typing.
At the end of his shift, he went to a nearby restaurant where he usually picked up dinner —not one to know his way around the kitchen — and headed home.
It's been a good week for him; his mother had sent him a letter everyday, he finished setting up the guest room for Theo and Blaise, he has this new phone, and best of all, Y/N had not crossed his mind once.
Now he still hasn't accepted what she does in her free time, but also he realized that she’s not exactly harming him nor did she know what he was. He's usually busy with all the work he does, anyway. It was quite a sudden change of heart. But mostly, it was his mother that was able to talk to him and change his views.
My dearest son, had it been during the time before the war, I would have agreed with you. But you have to understand that things are different now. You're different now. Now I am not forcing you, but maybe you should just talk with her just once. If not, just ignore her. After all, she only lives next door.
When he read the letter, he could practically hear all of his friends telling him ‘She's right, you know.’ And deep down, he knew it too. So he went with her advice: ignore Y/N.
You’ve had a terrible week; your assistant manager forgot to count the inventory which meant she also forgot to make an order for inventory. A group of teens stole a bunch of little vials of oils you had put on display. And to top it all off, a man stood in front of your shop with signs that had biblical verses written on them, blocking the entrance way and essentially driving away any potential customers. You called security but they never came.
You were used to this happening, it's happened all your life. But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. I'm not harming anyone, so why does this happen to me? Next week, your mother was flying in from Maine to look around the house to make sure nothing would ‘freak Stephanie out.’ 
Driving back home, you were just waiting to mix some bath salts in your tub, play music, and relax for the next couple of days. By sheer coincidence, as you pulled in you noticed your neighbor that you now knew as Draco pull into his driveway.
This week can't exactly get worse you thought as your legs carried you to his front door. With gentle knocks on the door, you waited patiently. Being rejected once more didn't bother you, but you at least wanted to hear him speak to you and try your chance to become better acquainted.
Draco opened his door, his tie was undone and he looked confusingly at you. “Can I help you?”
Panic overcame your senses and without thinking, you blurted out, “Do you hate me?” You noticed his shocked face as it was probably not something he expected to hear.
“Excuse me, what exactly are you talking about?” he asked in his entrancing British accent. It was too late to take it back, so you just kept going with it. “I’m sorry, but you moved in here four months ago and you seem to have made friends with everyone around here but for some reason, you won’t even say ‘hi’ to me. Did I offend you or something?” You sounded exhausted and sad. Not only at the week you just had, but how Draco wasn’t being so neighborly with you as he was with everyone else on the street. It bothered you so much to no end. And the most frustrating thing was that you didn’t understand why.
“Uh, I apologize that we haven’t been on speaking terms but I don’t think I have to talk to you now, do I?” Draco scoffed. Why is he being such a jerk? “I’m not saying that you have to talk to me, but it’d be nice if you could at least wave or something. But instead, you look at me funny and ignore me. It’s kinda rude.” 
“Merlin, you muggles are so temperamental.” Draco said under his breath. The word sounded funny to you.
“Muggles? Did you just call me a muggle?” The look on Draco’s face didn’t go unnoticed. He stared at you for a few moments, not saying anything. What does that mean? “Is that what you call Americans in the UK? Doesn’t really sound nice.”
Draco started laughing mockingly at you, his grip on his door tightening and knuckles turning white, “Look, I don’t understand what it is exactly you want from me but I will say this; the fact that you are so offended that I won’t acknowledge you is honestly quite fucking childish and if you couldn’t get the hint then I’ll say it plainly for you now. I don’t. Wish. To. Be. Friends. With. You. Got it?” and with that, he slammed the door in your face.
Groaning out, you yelled at him through his door, “Fuck you then! I don’t wanna be friends with some rude prick!” You ran to your door and slammed it pretty hard. The sudden noise frightened your cat and made her run from her tower into your room. What the fuck is his deal? 
You walked to your room, pissed off and tired. Looking up, you saw Draco in his room. You stared each other down before you walked up to your window to close your blinds, flipping him off before it fully closed. Afterwards, you took a regular shower and went to bed. Anger built up inside you, and for probably the first time, you hated another human being. And you had to live next to him for god knows how long.
“I mean, did you really have to say that to her?” Ian and Ashley had just listened to Draco explain what had happened the night before. Ian just sat in the chair eating his lunch as Ashley responded to him. “I know things might be different in England, but you should’ve given her a chance. She could be nice. I have a couple No-Maj friends on my block.”
“I’m on Ash with this. Is it really all because she’s Wiccan? Be honest, Dray,” Ian chipped in. At that point, Draco didn’t really know what to say. He thought he could look past it, but he couldn’t. “Maybe, yeah. I come from two families that had very strict traditions and views of muggles. I thought I dropped those views but seeing first hand what they do and-”
“And it makes you feel like a freak? Because you’re a real wizard that can do magic and they sit in some weirdly drawn circle and ‘do’ magic?” Ashley finished Draco’s sentence, making quotation marks with her hands. “I get it, I really do. I was offended too when I had to read about No-Maj’s doing this during school. And then to see movies where witches are viewed as ugly, green-skinned hags with warts on her face and wear rags for clothes. Kinda brings you down as a kid. But I got over it. You should, too.” Ashley held Draco’s hand for a bit before she grabbed her coffee mug and left for her appointments.
Ian sat quietly, watching as Draco was sinking in everything he was advised. “Look man, it’s not really my business to be telling you what you should or shouldn’t like, and who you should or shouldn’t like. And you know what, you’re not exactly in the wrong to get mad about what happened. After all, she just kinda picked a fight with you out of nowhere.” Draco had a face that looked as if he was saying ‘Right? I’m not crazy here’
“But,” of course there’s a ‘but’, “from what I hear around the street, Y/N’s really nice. Super weird for sure, but an overall nice person. I think you should think about it.” Ian nodded at Draco before joining Ashley out of the breakroom. Draco sat there, thinking about what his friends said and also thought back to his mother’s letters. I’m such a child. And I’m the one that called her childish. If he was honest, you were but it didn’t make him better.
He knew what he was going to do after work. It pained him to have to apologize to someone. Apologizing wasn’t something he was exactly used to doing. He’s only done it once to Harry and his friends nearly three years after the Battle. He didn’t even really know what to say to you. But he’ll figure it out. Right?
You stood shocked at your doorstep, hands holding onto the sweater as you looked before you. “Mom, you’re here early.”
“I had been given an extra week off of work so I thought I’d just come and see my oldest baby before your brother and Stephanie comes. Also gives me a head start to plan our dinner and get this house situated,” your mother walked past you with her two large luggage cases and dropped them on your living room floor. She looked around the house and eyed all the decorations and pictures on the walls.
To her, everything was nearly normal. You had family pictures posted and some pictures of you and your friends from college. In the living room, you had a tapestry hung up behind your couch that used to belong to your grandmother. “Y/N please, will you take down that blanket? Why don’t you put up a picture of some flowers, or maybe something abstract?”
“Because I don’t want a picture of flowers and that’s not a blanket. It was Grandma’s. I want it hung up there. Ma, you gotta understand that it’s my house now.” Your arms were crossed due to the cold. You had the day off and tried to spend it well as you did your cleansing spell in the morning, but it seems that it wasn’t very effective seeing as your mother came in and immediately started nitpicking everything.
“It was cute in your room when you were a kid. But you’re 26 now. How would your boyfriend feel if he walked in here and thought ‘oh, didn’t know I was dating a 16 year old.’” Her constant criticism was nearly pushing you to the edge. “Ma, I don’t really want to argue with you tonight so I’m just going to bed-” a doorbell rang throughout the house and you were thanking whoever was listening for giving you a reason to walk away from your mother. 
As soon as you opened the door, you were met with another face that you weren’t exactly excited to see. “Can I help you?” you repeated Draco’s words from last night back at him in a spiteful tone.
Through gritted teeth, he looked at you and said, “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for being an arse yesterday. I hope we can look past it and become well-acquainted neighbors.”
“Huh, you’re sorry? You don’t really sound it.”
“I know, I’m not really used to doing this,” Draco quipped. “But nonetheless, I would still like to apologize.”
“Yeah, whatever, I’m sorry too.” You were about to close the door until your mother came up and pushed the door completely open, “Honey, who’s at the door- oh! Hello, I’m Y/M/N. And you are?” She looked at Draco with the nicest smile that you had ever seen on her.
“Hello, My name’s Draco. Nice to meet you,” he awkwardly shook your mother’s hand. He didn’t smile, but he also didn’t have the usual scowl on his face when he would look at you. Guess he does have manners. “Y/N, is this a friend of yours?” your mother insinuated with a less than discreet wink. Without missing a beat, you replied, “No. Ma, this is my new neighbor. I just met him. But it’s late, so nice meeting you Draco. See you around.” And you closed the door.
“That was rude, Y/N. You should have invited him in. He’s very cute,” your mother grabbed her bags and headed into the guest room. From a distance, you could hear your mother speak to herself, saying ‘At least this room looks normal’. “It’s kinda late. Besides, we have all the time in the world to talk.” 
You walked to your small closet and grabbed the special bath salts for stress relief and walked to your bathroom. Starting to strip, your mother barged in. “Ma! Privacy, please!”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N. I gave birth to you. Anyways, how long has it been since he moved in? Do you think he knows about your witchy stuff?” She asked as she stood by the door, checking her reflection as you continued to undress for your bath. “I don’t really hold a sign around my neck that says I’m a Wiccan, Mother,” you said with closed eyes. Your mother said, “I hope not. Night, baby,” and closed the door.
This is going to be a long three weeks.
The morning came and you woke up before your alarm and did your daily routine. The only difference was that your mother was going through your pantry looking for ingredients to make breakfast. “Morning, honey. Do you want some pancakes? I’ll make your favorites! It’s still blueberry, right?”
“No, that was Y/B/N. Mine are chocolate chip and peanut butter.” You said flatly as you grabbed your watering can. “Oh that’s right. But I already bought the blueberries.”
“That’s fine, they still taste good.” Your mother was satisfied with your response and started right away. You walked out to your front yard and watered your plants along the fence. The betony plants were beautiful, its sight was calming your nerves as you poured water over them. The sound of a door closing caused you to look up, watching Draco as he was standing in his yard with what seemed like a cigarette attached to his lips before he took it out and placed it onto an ashtray that was on his porch.
He walked over to the fence that separated your yards. The smell of the cigarette was in the air and it reminded you of your late father. “I meant it last night,” he mentioned his apology. You didn’t really know what to say so you just nodded and went back to watering your plants.
“But if I recall, you did start that fight,” he chuckled. You glared up at him for a few seconds before returning to your task. “Alright, I guess I’m sorry too.” Draco scoffed and just whispered ‘Whatever’ and walked away. “Wait,” you called for him before he walked back into his house and luckily, he stopped. “I’m sorry,” you said with sincerity. “Can we just start over?”
He stared at you, visibly contemplating your question then finally said, “Sure.” He walked into his house and you stood shocked in your yard. Your mother walked out and announced to you, “Honey! Breakfast is ready! Come on, I think your plants are watered enough.” With the snap of your screen door, you were released from your daze and walked inside. Maybe this week is turning around after all.
Draco sat in his room, not exactly sure what exactly happened. Was he really going to try and become friends with a muggle? He could imagine the look on his fathers face. Just because he had lost in the Battle, didn’t mean that he magically accepted muggles and muggle-borns. Narcissa didn’t like them much either but she also didn’t hate them as Lucius did.
This would shock not only his parents, but also his friends, Blaise and Theo. Merlin, the person that would probably have a field day about this would be Hermione Granger. He sat there, imagining Granger either laughing at him or cursing him after all the bullying he put her through. All those years of calling her a mudblood and he becomes friends with a muggle. A No-Maj. A Wiccan No-Maj. But then he thought about what Ian said at work. Y/N is really nice. Weird, but nice. And when he agreed to having a fresh start with you, he figured that it would give you a chance to prove him wrong about what you were like.
Or she could be exactly what I always thought muggles to be. Foolish.
next chp
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symbean · 3 years
Everyone Is A Target
(gonna put all of "everyone is a target" into one big post because i want to comment on all 10 parts for completeness but i don't think it's significant enough to spam with a dedicated post for each individual page of a minor tie-in)
time to die i guess lmao
i still hate the "everyone is a target" phrase, like from the moment i read it it just felt so dumb to me, like it was just meaningless "wow isn't it so cool EVERYONE is at risk you hear me EVERYONE"
it's like they were arbitrarily ramping up the stakes and scale of the conflict for no other reason than just to sound cool in a desperate attempt to make people go "woah"
which is just so empty
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why is carnage controlling rats again
what are they doing
just being horrifying
like look at what happened to this guy
this is actually terrifying lmao
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man that's so cool that they called back to that minor detail, a nice little love letter to the fans who care
which ironically you're pissing off in every other way possible lmao
at least this is one nugget in all this horror
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aww it was a dream
i wanted him to save them
the hybrid symbiotes deserve to not be contained and weaponized by the government lmfao
legit that's like such an awful fate for them and i hate it and i want them to be FREE
also is that broadcast relevant
i feel like it might be, but maybe not
oh shit i just looked it up, that ties into separation anxiety
damn that's cool nice use of tie ins for little flavor details
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someone please explain why carnage is mind controlling animals
and stealing pizza
what are they DOING
lowkey this reminds me of stranger things
nothing good or bad to say about that just making the connection
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honestly my first thought was that this was that one beggar in the good hunger
she reminded me of him
would've been cool if it was him
also is she being mind controlled by rats I STILL DON'T GET IT
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ok the one upside of this "everyone is a target" bullshit is that we get all these cool minor fanservice callbacks and i actually like that a lot
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good girl felicia
saving a rat
little did she know it was a bastard
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ew this is that one artist from the venomverse deadpool story lmao
i'm sorry i cannot stand this style
OH no wait it's not the venomverse deadpool guy it's the venom annual madness guy sdfljsdkl
well i still hated them too lmao that style was TERRIFYING
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wait when did cap bond with a symbiote again
was that in agent venom i forgot
ok i looked it up and apparently it happened in planet of the symbiotes, he got took over while fighting off the invasion and it was shown on tv
honestly i forgot that pots happened like that, but now that i think about it, doesn't that mean there's like millions of codices for carnage to take from the millions of symbiotes who bonded with millions of people
kinda spreading the threat out thin if not even main characters are especially at risk (though they could just ignore that for the sake of plot lol)
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ok and i DEFINITELY do not remember hawkeye bonding with a symbiote
did that happen in mac era
is that why i didn't see it
i can't find anything when looking it up
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