#this might turn into something hmmmmmm
i’m sorry but no tardis crew quite lives up to the ‘peter pan and the lost boys’ allegations like team five
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luxflora · 8 months
girlies it has been a whirlwind hell of a week (and it's not over - I'll be dealing with parts of this through at least next Friday, and that's if I'm LUCKY) and we are feeling A Bit Unbalanced
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gendercensus · 5 months
Patreon custom pledges to "per thing" projects are currently broken
Today I (finally) managed to send out the mailing list email letting subscribers know that I would be collecting Patreon pledges soon, and then I got an email from a helpful project member.
I investigated. It turns out it's a bug on Patreon's side. When you're submitting a custom pledge to a "per thing" project, either as a new pledge or when editing an existing pledge, it goes through as 5 units of your local currency no matter what you enter as your pledge.
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This is a particular problem for the Gender Census, which is a "per thing" project with no tiers, so there is no workaround.
So, this goes out to anyone who's submitted a pledge on Patreon recently: I'm aware of the bug, and I've reported it to Patreon very thoroughly, and I won't collect your pledges until it's fixed, and I'll send out a message here and on Mastodon and on Patreon itself when the bug is sorted.
So if you want to make sure you're pledging, feel free to pledge 5 units of your local currency, and rest assured you won't be charged until I've given you a decent chance to update your pledge!
Update 2024-05-02: I've had a reply from Patreon support saying that it's because I haven't got any tiers, but that doesn't make sense because the bug exists for any "per thing" project when you try to set up a custom pledge, including the ones with tiers, soooooo.......... 😒
Update 2024-05-02 again: It's even listed as a legit thing you can do on the Patreon "custom pledge" help page for projects with or without tiers set up! [Archive] So telling me it's my fault for not having tiers is like HMMMMMM.
Update 2024-05-03: I can't reproduce the bug anymore, so it might be that you can pledge something other than £5/€5/$5 now. If you want to try, let me know if you can (or if you can't). I won't be collecting pledges for another few days, so you've got time to tweak for testing or for realz.
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16ciggy · 7 months
types of piercings the jjk characters would get (wlw included, some sex scenes a lil, i kinda got carried away and wrote an entire story for sukuna bc i love him.... mb guys)
reader is in love with piercings btw
i think bro wouldn't really wanna 'mess' up anything much and would go for normal ear piercings (if he wanted it) and that's that. "piercings? on my face or body elsewhere??? why would i do that?" he'd say, his face turning sour when being asked if he would pierce his face or body in any way. he doesn't want some metal pierce through his body or face at all, he'd definitely feel grossed out too by knowing something is within his skin and staying in there FOREVER. you both had a conversation about how gojo might enhance his appearance if he were to get piercings and he immediately said 'no'. buuuuttttt that doesn't mean he disregards your passion and love for piercings either, he has come by your shop to watch you pierce your clients or discuss with them on the desired piercings your clients wants. some of them even ended up becoming your friends too–gojo is in awe when he sees on how much of a social butterfly you are, he's proud of your work and he is in love with the way you do things with piercings too. he always asks on how were the piercings that you've done for your clients and you'd always give a full on detail on how it went, sometimes he can't even believe his own ears on what types of piercings you did—let alone, them even existing...
hmmmmmm.... eyebrows piercing for SURE. i can imagine it,, he would even like it too. he'd grin at himself as he admire his piercing through those eyebrows of his. he'd probably have a king's crown piercing too (a ring pierced through the head of the dick) and he'll talk so much of it, but why? he just wants to add some extra feeling for you when he fucks you down on that ol'rotting couch of his—you could feel it too and it felt a bit weird at first to experience your boyfriend's ring inside of you but you gradually got over it and agreed that it helped to spice up the sex.
he never really thought too much of having piercings but he wouldn't mind more. one day he decided to get a tongue piercing to reduce the taste of the cursed spirits he swallows because he couldn't falter the taste of them, the tongue piercing did help somewhat but he was also afraid that he might end up swallowing the piercing too—but you reassure him that nothing bad will happen, he smiles and kisses you, "god, your lips are the best to taste after every cursed spirit."
either snake or spider bites tbh (two rings either pierced by the side or opposites by each other on the lips) she says that it makes her look cool and she HATES IT whenever men are like "no one is gonna want you with those piercings.. it makes you less ladylike.", she HATESSSS IT. because, shes's doing it for YOU because you liked them. even though she seems like a heartless jerk, she loves like a golden retriever. you can't count how many times she has done these cute things like building a house for you in minecraft or buying your favourite desserts when you're on your period. "baby, im going for a mission, i'll be back later. love you, my angel." she kisses your forehead so gently before walking out the door and only for her lip piercings to be returned back to you. you were never given a reason on what happened, not even one ounce of word spoken by these random group of sorcerers. one shibuya night turned into a nightmare and you never saw your girlfriend ever again.
he'd have his tooth pierced with your initial on it and he lets everyone know it by flashing a big smile almost all the time. you warn him of smile lines and he'd simply just grin at you and laugh, "at least these smile lines were mostly by you!", you ruffle his hair as he laid his head on your shoulders before pulling your waist in closer to his body. he was never a big fan of piercings either—until he met you, an individual whom was fond of piercings and he decided to just have your initial pierced right on his tooth; his strongest appearance happens to be his smile too.
ooooohh..... hot take.. but he'd definitely be a quiet punk when hes not a sorcerer in the day time. he has nipple piercings, ear piercings, eyebrow, lips—you name em. there's no specifics too because he has a LOT of them. he defo paints his nails black too. when you both bumped into eachother in shibuya at night you did not expect to see gojo's son just having those amount of piercings and even hid it perfectly WELL. your hormones were suddenly RAGING when you saw him, you just had to fuck him so badly otherwise you'd go feral. megumi didn't mind tho because he kinda had a major big crush on you and he wasn't worried about his dick but thats when you got even surprised. because.... well... he got piercings on them too, he really did follow his biological dad. "aw, you scared im gonna eat you or sum'thing? cute." he smirks, getting closer to you and your heart racing even more when his cock is just getting nearer to your face—next thing you know, you were getting choked on it with the metal piercings just gauging down your throat as it hit every walls within it. "fuck— never knew you could suck dick—" he grunts, trying to hold in his moans with his hands clutching on to his mouth for dear's life.
ear piercings + septum piercing. his face is already scary enough and with that nose piercing already adds in a whole'nother fear when people glances or even looks in his direction. "tsk. it's just a nose piercing, why does every human gotta act like a brat?" he sighs. heavily. he's deeply annoyed in how everyone is afraid of him, he's trying to be a bit nicer now because of you. but that isn't anyone's fault to be afraid of the king of curses either. he sits up from his throne and walks down the flight of stairs to look for you. when he spots you cleaning the hallway with a half assed broken broom, he walks towards you quietly and calls out your name loudly which scared you, "(Y/N). My room, now.", you nodded quickly and thought he just needed to relieve himself. when you arrived into his room, you locked the door behind you and got to undressin— "stop that. that's not what i asked you to come here for." he states, clearing out his throat while he prepared what to say next, "Am I terrifying?" he asks. you just stared at him and the corner of your lips started to curl into a smile, then slowly a giggle. "is this why you asked me to come? yes, you are terrifying." you smiled and he grumbled in annoyance. "then??? how am i suppose to become 'gentle'?!" he roars, jolting up from the edge of the bed, "gentle? why do you want to be gentle?" you asked confusingly, staring into his dull eyes until it clicked. you told him a few weeks ago you were into men who were gentle and not rough, was this why his sex style changed too? this is the man who pounded your back everyday of the week until you were crying from pleasure, now he's kissing your neck and gently holding your thighs up as he's thrusting into your pussy until you're soaking wet when you are getting fucked lately. "it's because on what you told me!" he cocks his head in annoyance, his feet slapping the floor constantly while his arms were crossed. you laughed non stop until he felt embarrassed, you touched his arm and he quickly jerked away from it. "don't be like that, you can still look scary but be gentle, my love—", you wheezed, trying to get a hold of your breathing but you just.. couldn't. this shit was too funny. "people looks at me differently with the septum piercing. do i look more scarier with it??" he asks, he looks so serious—you can't- no way, no way in hell he is acting like a kid over what you said. you comforted him in the end after you stopped laughing but he was still mad at your reaction.
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days-until-burnout · 3 months
Day 2 -
Characters - Jimmy/Tango || Etho/Joel Words - 500 Time - 30 mins Content - fluff
When the first fireworks explode in the sky, the world lights up for a moment. A whistle, long and drawn, then the sky fills with sparks of color. The rest follow suit, whistles and explosions in the vastness of up there. Down here, where the people are, it’s filled with awe and cheers, bright and sparkling eyes. Smiles and grins; pink faces from running, from the cold; laughter loud and jolly. Arms around each other, holding each other tight as the night never ends. It feels like it won’t ever end, how many people wish it won’t ever end?
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Jimmy whispers into the crook of Tango’s neck, half of his face lit up with the light show. Tango’s hand falls on top of his, warm as he hugs him lightly. 
“It’s okay,” Tango whispers back, turns his head slightly, face pressed against Jimmy’s as his free hand raises to the back of Jimmy’s head, fingers on his hair. He smiles, Jimmy smiles twice as wide. “You’ve got an early morning tomorrow. I’ll drop by after. You can stay over then.”
Jimmy pouts, buries his face into Tango’s collar, squeezes him tighter. Tango laughs, joyous thing that makes feelings bubble in Jimmy’s stomach. Everything, so warm despite the slight chill, the wind, how it carries the sound of everyone around. How they fit together, how they all fit together yet there is separation, individual worlds—all united under one sky, sharing a moment of their lives to watch the fireworks. 
Tango runs his fingers through Jimmy’s hair, looks up to watch a shell explode, eyes glinting with the red and yellows like fire. So bright, so alive. He smiles, feels Jimmy’s smile press on his neck. His hand slides from his hair to his upper arm, staying there, holding him back. 
His eyes stray a moment, nearby, momentary worry soothed as he returns his attention to the stars—to Jimmy. 
“Room for another?” Joel asks as he sits down beside Etho, ignoring his eyes and quickly following the path of the shooting shells. He crosses his arms on his knees, allows the fireworks to light up his face, decides to ignore the worries and everything for one night. 
“Might be a tight squeeze,” Etho says eventually, softly, like he isn’t really sure he should speak. Joel gives him a glance, their eyes meet briefly, and it’s not a fight they should be having tonight. It can wait. 
Maybe something aches at the silence, at the distance, the sound deafened by the joy around. If it breaks, if it mends.
Joel isn’t sure, but Etho’s arm goes around his shoulders, pulls him in as their bodies press together. It’s cold, cool where they touch, but it’s alright. In time things heal, in time the ice melts. Tonight, though, they can enjoy things as they are; tomorrow is another day. 
He scoffs, smiles as he looks up again, “But you saved me a seat.”
hmmmmmm this is technically cheating because i wrote this a couple days ago. but it was cluttering my writing doc so off to tumblr it goes. also, i will figure out tagging on the weekend. who am i telling this? no one. i just like talking to myself
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hoellergic · 1 year
because they had NO right to cast that man as hot as they did or make him as suave as they did (he's such an IDIOT in the manga/anime but they were like hmmmmmm lets cast an actual greek god of fuck to play himhdkhksjad)
gets set off by his cooking and is not embarrassed by it. strong spices are the mark of a good chef, sneezing in the kitchen is normal and expected
i picture a lot of open-mouthed muffled sneezes into the towel that he usually has draped over his shoulder?
but sometimes if they surprise him he has to turn away really fast and catch a sneeze across the back of his slutty little wrist
nostril flarer to the max, i mean LOOK at them they have to be so expressive when he has to sneeze
the kind of person who can smile through a sneeze and keep on being charming without missing a beat
i want to say he sneezes in twos almost religiously because it's my favorite, but if something really sets him off he can go for a while just with ten seconds in between each one (much to z/oro's annoyance)
speaking of z/oro kink!z/oro is everything to me because s/anji would be a MENACE
hands are always in his pockets so sneezes sometimes take him by surprise, which is the only time he gets embarrassed by them
he's so tall and LEGGY sometimes his sneezes bend him right in half
rolled up sleeves of his dress shirt means he has to use something else to wipe his nose
strong, harsh sneezes but also fairly contained? he's been working on the line since he was a kid i think he knows how to keep them tight and minimal even when he doesn't have to
his skin is so perfect i know his nose gets red as hell when something is bothering him
photic sneezer thanks for coming to my ted talk
smoke doesn't bother him because he chain smokes like a madman but i think if he was having a fit already it might make it worse (and he might not care)
his stupid hair gets all in his face when he sneezes and it makes him look disheveled and beautiful and i HATE HIM SO MUCH
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allw3doisadvert1se · 5 months
Do You Hear the Rapture?
Everest, Amanda, Swatch, and Spamton walked in silence down a street of the SIMULACRUM so warped by glitches and errors that practically nothing looked in place there. Rolling fields intersected by skyscrapers that gave way to dying flowers the size of city blocks decorated the horizon, where a hateful red sun slowly rose, bathing the group in harsh light. As they made their way around jutting slabs of concrete that rose tens of feet into the air, Everest couldn’t help but think they were heading in the right and yet somehow wrong direction simultaneously. Were these fractals made of the architecture a sign that they were getting close to the center of this cancerous blight, or did it signify that they had roamed far beyond its borders? Perhaps such questions would be a waste of thought right now. She needed time, time to think clearly, to consider what will happen when this all ends, to reflect on her time trapped here, and perhaps most pressing of all … what to do with Swatch.
Though the tall butler was being carried in the mostly trustworthy arms of Spamton in his NEO suit, his condition had worsened significantly, the collapsing wound on his side now causing his whole body to shift and pulsate every few seconds. Everest hadn’t known Swatch all too well before she had been brought here, but after the many, many cycles she had spent down here, she had grown to see why Queen had trusted him so dearly when he was alive. It didn’t seem fair to her that after so much preparation on his part to take back the city he cared for from the hands of The Founder he might not get the chance to even see it freed …
No. She couldn’t be thinking like that. Swatch was gonna make it. He had to. They just needed to find the Nail, and this whole nightmare would be over … at least until the inevitable next one if their track record was to be accounted for. But Everest didn’t even know what she was looking for. Xanrir hadn’t specified to Hazel what this thing actually was, and thus her instructions were equally vague. All she and the rest of the group were really hoping for was the possibility of …
stumbling into it …
As if on cue with her thoughts, the group rounded a corner and suddenly standing before them was a massive obelisk constructed of black stone that, unlike the rough and jagged features of the rest of the SIMULACRUM, was unnaturally smooth. Near the peak, Everest could spot a suspended balcony that seemed to spiral up along the outside to the summit. She turned to Spamton.
“Could you fly while carrying one of us?”
“OF [[h o r s e]] 1 CAAN. yOU HEARD H3R, [[Free-Range Poultry]], WE’R E GOING UP!!1!!”
Swatch shifted uncomfortably in the puppet’s arms. “Just don’t you dare drop me …”
“HMMmMMM[[M&M]]MM … I’LL [[Consider the following …]]!”
Without another word, Spamton spread his massive wings and in a very janky fashion lifted Swatch up, up, and up towards the balcony far above. At a certain point, Everest couldn’t make out the details, only seeing the neon metal plates of the NEO suit against the blood red sky. Amanda nervously patted Rodney in her arms, the tiny Tasque letting out a slightly laggy purr in response, before looking to Everest.
“Do you think that was his attempt at a joke?”
“Perhaps. He’s been trying a lot of things recently. Getting on my laptop and posting something, for one.”
Amanda giggled. “Hehe. By the blade, you were so mad at him.”
“Can you blame me? I’m surprised the damn thing didn’t get malware installed just from him touching it.”
“Random question, but are you gonna let him keep the NEO suit when we get back to our world?”
“Hhhhh … Probably not. In here it helps to have a bit of a powerhouse. But … back in the city? I don’t know, that feels more like it behooves us.”
“But has he not earned it? How many times has he saved our lives just from having that thing on?”
Everest bit the inside of her cheek in contemplation before sighing. “… Amanda, do we really need to talk about this right now?”
“I mean … not really. W-We should stay focused, I’m sorry.”
There was awkward silence between the two until Spamton returned, having dropped Swatch off on the balcony. Amanda got flown up next, much to the dismay of Rodney, who Everest could hear yowling from the ground level. Finally, it was her turn. Getting carried up that high into the air with such inconsistent movements was rather terrifying, but the puppet’s confident look towards the skies helped keep her morale high enough. When her feet impacted the ground of the balcony, she let out a sigh of relief. Spamton landed soon afterward, scooping Swatch off the ground from the wall he had leaned him up against. Swatch let out an uncomfortable squawk as he pulsed with the beat of the collapsing wound more, more unstable this time.
Everest looked onward to the stairs leading up and around, and after just a bit more walking, they finally reached the epicenter from which this virulent realm spread. In the center of the roof was a raised dias which held a small effigy formed of flesh and metal alike. Its surface shifted with the same screaming faces that could be seen on A.B.Y.S.S’s body, implying a connection between the two. Everest knew now without a shadow of a doubt that this is what they had been looking for. This was the Nail …
Without another moment’s hesitation, she sprinted for the dias, her footsteps tapping along the surface of the roof in echoes as the group followed a second afterward. She was so close, within 50 feet of it, she could get out of here at last and live the life she was supposed to, before A.B.Y.S.S, before The Founder, before the Queen ever even died … she could finally live for herself.
But of course, it couldn’t be quite so easy. With the sound of static feedback, the profane god of the SIMULACRUM appeared right in front of Everest, its clawed hand outstretched. She couldn’t stop her momentum fast enough before A.B.Y.S.S wrapped its hand around her throat and threw her backwards, causing her to yell in pain as she hit the ground. Amanda ran up to her, placing Rodney on the ground before gently helping Everest to her feet. Spamton had his arm cannon raised and pointed at A.B.Y.S.S, arcane energy glowing at the barrel, and Swatch … Swatch was quietly murmuring something, inaudible to even the puppet that held him.
The bleeding machine’s twisted smile grew wider, the flesh merged to its head tearing just a bit more as he did so. With a moment of pause, it began to speak. “Well done, participants! It seems that your little search has gotten you right where you aimed to be. You’ve reached the catalyst of my control over your precious little world.” A.B.Y.S.S chuckled darkly, the leathery wings on his back folding close to himself. “I would say you’ve sacrificed much to get here, but we both know that isn’t true.”
Everest spoke out in a voice that shook with simultaneously anger and fear. “We left Marcus to die! Is that not enough for you!? Must you take any more?!?”
“Come now. I’m not a fool. I am this world’s eyes and ears after all, I heard your little conversation with Amanda that leaving him to be deleted was for the better.” One of the extra arms that curled over its shoulder pointed at Amanda, causing her to have to gulp down her fear. “He is not of concern for you, and thus his unwilling sacrifice is not enough. But … I will offer you a plead bargain.”
A.B.Y.S.S snapped its fingers as it lifted Swatch and Amanda up with some form of telekinesis. Amanda yelped in panic as the entity pulled her close before stabbing one of its claws into her shoulder, immediately infecting her with a collapsing wound, now just as bad as Swatch’s. As Amanda fell silent, Everest let out a furious shout of rage. “NO! DON’T YOU TOUCH HER!! GIVE THEM BACK!”
A.B.Y.S.S turned to her and laughed raising both in the air higher. “Everest K. Addison … it is time for you to make a choice. Who lives … and who dies? This is the price you must pay for meddling behind my back, turning my own sibling against me, and sending me back to square one.”
Spamton fired a beam of energy at A.B.Y.S.S, which the entity took to the face to little effect. The puppet shouted, “HE-H-HEY!! [[Hands off the merchandise!]]! GIVe SW4<TCH [[Backspace]]!!!”
“It is not your choice to make, puppet. And unless you want to be going home two friends short, I suggest you do not attempt to harm me again.” A.B.Y.S.S was clearly reveling in the choice paralysis he had inflicted upon Everest, especially now with Spamton staring at her, trying to persuade her to save Swatch.
Everest opened her mouth to say something, when she noticed something … very subtle. Swatch’s eyes, though he was hanging mostly limp in the air, were flashing with light. Blinking on and off. On and off. She had a brief recall to when she had written a message in Morse code all that time ago, and suddenly the blinking made sense to her. Swatch was transmitting a short message, two words long:
Everest looked down, sorrow welling up in her chest as she took a deep, shaky breath. “I choose … Amanda … to be saved.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she fell to her knees, tears forming in her eyes. Spamton stood still for several moments, glitching, his glasses crackling with static. His emotions were not very clear, but whatever A.B.Y.S.S sensed in there … it was enough.
The entity cackled, lowering Amanda to the ground slowly before centering Swatch above itself. “As you wish. Swatch will never see his world free again.” A beam of piercing red light struck down over A.B.Y.S.S and Swatch, causing the collapsing wound on Swatch to instantly flare up. The corvid butler let out a pained scream as the wound ruptured.
Layer by layer, Swatch was slowly dissolved into nothing, a pile of scrap and organic material no longer recognizable as himself. It started with his feathers, and almost plastic skin, revealing a deep layer of lead-lined metallic plating, supposedly a measure he used to avoid detection by the CIFT throughout the years he was in hiding. Below that lay a complex layout of pipes, gears and wiring that flailed as the connections between them were snapped over and over. When it hit the last few organs Swatch still had that were organic, it left little but a sickly puddle of blood and bile.
Throughout the whole process, Everest could not bear to look at Swatch through his screams and death rattles. Spamton, however just stared onwards, absorbing every detail. But … finally, after wretchedly too long, it was over, and A.B.Y.S.S gave a mocking little bow before fading from sight.
Everest crawled over to Amanda, lifting her up and supporting her. The entity had kept its promise, to her luck, as the newly opened wound began to shrivel back into healthy flesh on the Lightner’s body. Amanda let out a few shaky breaths, seemingly not having been fully conscious for Swatch’s execution. Everest breathed quietly, “We’re getting out of here. Now.”
She let go of Amanda, seeing as she could steady herself now, and sprinted the remaining distance to the dias that held the Nail, this twisted little effigy. Everest grabbed it off the pedestal before throwing it onto the ground and stomping it as hard as she possible could. With a twist of her foot, the effigy let out a satisfying crunch and was destroyed.
Over the course of the next few moments, a blinding white light would flash in the far distance, slowly spreading to where the tower the group was standing on was. Before the light could consume them, Everest, Amanda and Rodney, and Spamton all disappeared. They awoke to find themselves trapped in three different pods of flesh, the pestilent black tumors A.B.Y.S.S had used to integrate them in the first place, now shriveling up. They ripped the weakened flesh away from themselves and crawled out, Amanda and Everest coughing as they crawled away. Spamton simply rose from his pod, gazed around for a moment, and then immediately flew off to somewhere in the city.
The dark fountain that gave life to the CIFT home world was no longer shining red, its corruption purged at last. Perhaps … things could start to recover now, if given the right care.
… But there was one who now was stuck wandering in the dark.
Marcus Baal trudged through the endless shadows of the Greater Void, his binary code for a body flickering unstably. It seemed that with the deletion of the SIMULACRUM, Marcus too got deleted with it. It was clear to the entities that surrounded him on all sides that he would not make it to the Market in time to be saved. But … what he would become interested all of them deeply.
[[System Reboot Successful]]
[[Running Diagnostic Scan for Reparation Protocols]]
[[Thank You, and Have a Regular Day!]]
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larchelle-ffxiv · 2 months
more 7.0 spoiler stuff, this time about music
did anyone else notice the weird reverb/rewind sound at the start of the yak tural music when they were first playing. because I absolutely did and it IMMEDIATELY made me suspicious about that area. since we already knew about the existence of solution nine from the live letters/trailers, something told me based on that sound that it would be in that area.
and frickin look how that turned out, god DANG IT
also, re: the song for living memory. does anyone else get mother 3/twilight town from kingdom hearts vibes, or is it just me lol
all three songs have a bittersweet feel to them. nostalgia too. like "this song may bring up memories of the past. those memories might be happy, but they might hurt too. you might find yourself missing something from the past. but it's okay, it's okay to feel sad about what isn't anymore. but don't forget to remember the joy that came that past too, okay?"
and if you've played/watched LPs of mother 3 and kh2/kh3, you know firsthand how that kind of pain/the memories feel like lol.
but idk man, I noticed how tetsuya nomura was in the special thanks for 7.0 and the HUGE kh vibes I got from this expac and now I'm here like HMMMMMM. did kh at all influence the mood for this expac, bc if so that is neat as HELL
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eve-be-sleep-deprived · 3 months
OK. Leo in your inbox this time. My understanding of the overall AWNM lore and plot is predictably sparse and scattered... 1.6 mil words and Lotus flavoured tunnel vision will do that to a dumbass like me. But you brought up the concept of Mk-X Lotuses and now I'm curious!
Mk-1 Lotus I assume is the product of the "rite of passage" all Lotus writers go through where we try to figure out wtf's going on with her mental state, how she views her place in the world, her relationship with the Tenno, her opinion of the real Margulis, etc, etc. This, i assume, is your establishing shot for Mk-1 Lotus in the earlier books.
Mk-2 Lotus is, as you put it, a goober. Who likes to read lesbian smut and is adorably terrible at hiding her feelings. Lost her first kiss to a fish then turned into a wyrm... I think, do correct me on that.
So who's Mk-3 and Mk-4 Lotus? What happened to them? Are they all totally separate from each other? Where does Chapter 202 Lotus fall under? Can I get a Lotus glossary? Should i leave ur inbox and just keep reading? And I haven't even tapped into your Margulis yet?!?!?
Aha. Wow! I'm lightheaded. Women are so cool
Alright, alright.... hmmmmmm.... I'm gonna have to tweak the version numbers here.
Lotus Mark 1: she's basically just part 1 Lotus, and just as you say, I didn't really know what I was doing with her. Shes kinda bland and is basically just a side character.
Lotus Mark 2: The Lotus of parts 2 and 3. She has a more distinct character, though is relatively erratic in expressing herself. I was still finding my footing with her, especially after cheating Ballas his due and keeping Original Margulis alive in part 2.
Lotus Mark 3: Part 4 and 5 Lotus. The Broken One. You read her brainwashing sequence in part 4, and that left her absolutely shattered, especially after seeing that the universe she was conditioned to live within was nothing but an illusion. We don't see much of her.
Lotus Mark 4: The Giggling Lesbian. Basically the version of the Lotus that's just stopped giving as much of a fuck. She's lost everything all over again and decided to try and become her own person. I wish she was around longer, she was a genuinely lovely person.
Natah Amaga: She is where this Lotus ends. Corrupted by the Duviri Paradox she is an imperfect blend of every iteration of the Lotus that came before. She still lives on to the present, and has just been brought back. She is a girlkisser.
Lotus Mark 5: Near Canon Compliant post TNW Lotus, with extra separation anxiety. I don't know how much of her you've seen, but shes probably more unstable and fragmented internally than MK-3 Lotus. She's about to come face to veiled face with Amaga, which promises to be extremely interesting. She also seems to be a bit of a girlkisser, though is perhaps keeping that on the dl.
As for Margulis...
She shows up early in part 2, just straight up regular Archimedean Margulis, paired unwillingly with Ballas, future mother of the Tenno. Hers is a story that never really seems to end, playing roles in every part except the first. You might have to comb back through to get her full story.
She and the Lotus do not kiss. Though they are relatively close friends at points.
I'm sure I've left something out since this is all just as I remember it.
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tiresomeimagination · 2 years
Guilty Pleasure - Epilogue
Author’s Note: This is a short continuation of my slight AU which I think I’m going to call the...”College Friends AU” (to be distinguished from the usual College AUs where everyone is jammed into one school for the heck of it lolol). I didn’t plan on writing more since I usually just peddle oneshots, but this whole blog is just an exercise in actually creating something when I get vivid mental pictures instead of just ruminating on it til it dies. Anyways so long story short here’s a short epilogue. At least it finally gave me a chance to write the dynamic with Vandy.
If you haven’t read the first fic, I’d recommend doing so in order to understand what’s going on here ^^
Seven tapped aimlessly on his desk as he reclined in his chair and looked over the code for his most recent assignment. He would be lying if he said he was entirely invested in the task at the moment. His mind couldn’t help but wander, which meant he had to frequently read through the same strings of data multiple times. He paused in his half-hearted work when he heard the telltale footsteps of his handler entering his bunker. Great. That guy always knew how to pick the worst times to check in. It’s like he had some sort of sixth sense that told him whenever Seven started slacking. Absolutely uncanny.
The rhythm of footsteps was interrupted by a thunk. Ah yes, one added benefit to leaving a mess everywhere was that it tended to make it a smidge more difficult for his poor handler to safely and efficiently move through the space. He wouldn’t necessarily call them booby traps…although his handler might think differently. Seven was unable to suppress his snicker as he listened to the agent curse loudly. Finally, the door opened, revealing the disgruntled brunette.
“Geez, how many times do I have to tell you to pick up your junk?? It’s like a minefield out there.” The agent spat as he stomped into the room.
“My deepest apologies, Madam Vanderwood. I’ve just been sooo busy being a good little slave that I haven’t the time to tidy up!” Seven moaned dramatically.
Vanderwood laughed bitterly at that. “Hah, if that were true, I wouldn’t be on the phone with the boss half the time making excuses for why we’re behind schedule.” He moved closer, looking over Seven’s casual reclined posture with disapproval. “Let me guess, you’re still not finished yet.”
Seven leaned his head back, shooting Vanderwood his best carefree smile. “Ding ding! You would guess correctly!”
Vanderwood only scowled deeper at that, letting out a groan as he brought a hand up to rub at his tired eyes. “Is something going on with your RFA group or something?” He threw out a guess. He could tell something was different with Seven, but he wasn’t sure what.
Seven’s smile fell and turned to a look of genuine confusion. “Huh? No. Why?”
“I don’t know, you’ve just seemed more distracted than usual ever since we came back from our last mission. I know you have no problem with traveling overseas, so do you want to tell me what’s actually going on?” He asked firmly, looking not much different from a scolding parent as he placed a hand on his hip, waiting for an answer.
Seven brought a hand up to his face as he hummed in thought. “Hmmmmmm…Nope, not really. But I wasn’t aware we were sharing feelings now!” He sat up and whirled his chair around to face his handler with a sneering grin. “This is news to me, but by all means, go ahead and start the sharing circle. Ol’ reliable agent 707 is here with open arms!”
Vanderwood let out an aggravated huff, lifting his hands in surrender. “Okay okay, fine! Don’t tell me. But whatever it is, if I catch it affecting your work, we’re going to be having a much less pleasant conversation,” he growled halfheartedly, already too exasperated by Seven’s antics to remain as intimidating as he initially intended.
“Aye aye, Captain!” Seven chirped, giving a mocking salute.
“...Tsk, and get back to work! We both know you’ve barely touched your assignment all day!” He hissed, turning on his heel and stomping back out of the room.
Wow. He really did have some sort of Seven Slacking Sense. The thought nearly gave Seven chills. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and listened closely to the sound of Vanderwood’s retreating footsteps. He sat completely silent, waiting until he was absolutely sure the agent was long gone before he jumped up from his chair. 
Vanderwood was right. He was distracted. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he had done during that last mission. That line he had crossed. The line he was…still crossing.
Seven gave one more suspicious glance around the room for good measure before he clambered his way on top of his bed. Fishing out a screwdriver from under a pillow, he rose up onto his tiptoes to reach a small vent high above the bed. With practiced precision, he removed the screws and slid off the vent cover, retrieving the prize stashed away inside. A small plain phone, clearly a burner. He had ensured that this device was completely untraceable so that he could make contact without leaving any kind of digital trail. That was the only way he could justify this.
He let himself drop down onto the bed as he booted up the device. A quick glance at the clock. Yes, it shouldn’t be too early in the morning over there…
The device powered on and he quickly punched in the number he had been careful to memorize. His tired eyes stayed trained eagerly on the screen as he sent the first text and waited for a response. Several long moments ticked by as he waited with bated breath. Maybe it was too soon. This was a bad idea. He shouldn't have…
Before he could spiral into deeper self-hatred, a response came through. He felt the weight immediately lift from his chest and he felt himself grinning as he read over the warm greeting that he'd received. Just like that, his mood was a little bit lighter and all he wanted to do was sit here and talk with Y/N all day.
As more texts were sent back and forth, he settled into a comfortable position sprawled out on the bed. He knew he was playing with fire. This was far too dangerous for both parties involved. He should smash this phone before something terrible happens… But man did the warmth of these flames feel good.
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poedameronwifey · 8 months
A true home(The hobbit Fanfic)
Chapter 15
Author's Pov
Now let's get back to the book before Renee and Lilith get even more hangry. We need some Grumpy Thorin because who doesn't like Grumpy Thorin. If you don't, Your parents never loved you...Kidding. Or am I? Okay I'm really kidding but you really are uncultured. Now I think we should listen to what the grown ups have to say, aka, Lord Elrond and Gandalf and a childish dwarf but it's fine because we love him.
Third Pov
Lord Elrond was looking at the swords that Thorin and Gandalf found in the troll cave. He paid close attention to the runes on the swords.
"This is Orcrist, the Goblin Cleaver. A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West. My kin. May it serve you well" Thorin bowed his head in thanks before Lord Elrond turned his attention to Gandalf's sword.
"And this is Glamdring, The Foehammer. Sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin Wars..."
Bilbo was listening as Lord Elrond spoke. He wondered if maybe his sword was anything special. He unsheathed out a little and examined it, turning it over, Balin took note of this.
"I wouldn't bother laddie. Swords were named after the great deeds that they do in wars."
"What are you saying? My sword hasn't seen battle?"
"I'm not actually sure it is a sword. More of a letter opener really." Bilbo looked at his sword and then back at Balin. Unsure of what to think. Lord Elrond turned to Gandalf, returning the sword to him.
"How did you come by these?"
"We found them in a troll-hoard on the Great East Road, shortly before we were ambushed by orcs."
"And what were you doing on the Great East Road?"
Thorin then excused himself. Gandalf was trying to think of something. Lord Elrond just watched as Thorin walked away.
"Thirteen dwarves, A halfling and three women. Strange travelling companions Gandalf."
"These are the descendants of the House of Durin. They are noble, decent folk. They are surprisingly cultured. They've got a deep love of the arts."
"Change the tune, why don't you. I feel like I'm at a funeral."
"Did somebody die?"
"Alright lads and lassies there's only one thing for it."
Oh dear. Here we go. Get ready everyone.
The girls were clapping their hands for Bofur' s beautiful performance. He bowed and winked at them. The elves seemed to disagree but they didn't care. Lilith and Kate were cheering and shouting. Renee hugged him when he sat down again, making Kili frown.
"Bofur, that was absolutely amazing."
Aww thank you lass. I'm glad you enjoyed it."
Hell yea we did. Damn That was fucking brilliant. Right Kate, Lily?
The two nodded with wide grins. Bofur just laughed and gave them a wink.
"Why don't you lassies sing something for us? I seem to remember you singing a lot on our journey. Beautifully might I add."
Everyone's eyes were in them, even the elves. They just looked at them with wide eyes. The girls looked at each other.
"Hmmmmmm I mean sure but our music is very different from yours. You still want us to sing?
The dwarves just nodded with grins. Renee looked at her sisters. She wanted to make sure they were okay with it. They nodded at Renee, all of them turning to the dwarves.
"Sure we'll sing for you but just give us a moment. We need to change into something more comfortable."
They excused themselves and walked to their room, closing the door behind them. They helped each other with their dresses and changed into some spare clothes they had.
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"Okay so what song?"
"Hmmm, we should do something from the 2000s. It's the safest option."
Renee and Lilith nodded to Kate's statement. Renee got her phone and started looking for a song. Lilith put her hair up into a messy bun while Kate put hers in a low ponytail.
"What about Teenage Dream?"
"Not bad but I don't think that's the one."
"On the Floor?"
"Wait, I think I found the perfect song. Hall of Fame."
"Yes that's it."
Now that they had a song they got everything they needed and left the room to where the others were. On the way, Renee put her hair up into a ponytail. The tables were pushed back and there was a huge space for the girls to perform. The girls walked up the stairs, gaining the attention of everyone. They quickly walked over to Gandalf, asking if he could make the music louder. He did a quick spell and the girls got ready.
"Alright Sorry we were late boys. We were looking for the perfect song. Most of the music is... questionable but we managed to find something. So bare with us okay. If your ears end up bleeding, we warned you. Are you girls ready?
Kate and Renee nodded. Soon music filled the air. The girls hummed along to it. (It's Karaoke so they will be actually singing).
(All of them Renee Lilith Kate )   (This is so you know who's singing to avoid confusion)
Yeah, You could be the greatest
You could the best
You can be the King Kong
banging in your chest.
You can beat the world
You can beat the war
You can talk to God
Go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up
You can beat the clock
You can move a mountain,
You can break rocks
You can be a master,
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and
You gon find yourself
Standing in the Hall of Fame(Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
Cause you burn with the brightest flame (Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
And You'll be on the walls in the Hall of Fame
You can go the Distance
You can run the mile
You can walk straight
Through hell with a smile
You could be a hero
You can get the gold
Breaking all the records they
Thought never to be broke, yeah
Do it for your people
Do it for your pride
How are you ever gonna know
If you never even try?
Do it for your country
Do it for your name
Cause there's gonna be a day
When you're
Standing in the Hall of Fame(Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
Cause you burn with the brightest flame (Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
And You'll be on the walls in the Hall of Fame
Be a champion
Be a champion
Be a champion
And you'll be on the walls
In the Hall of Fame
Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers
Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be Champions
Be truth-seekers
X 2
Standing in the Hall of Fame(Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
Cause you burn with the brightest flame(Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
And You'll be on the walls in the Hall of Fame
Yeah, You could be the greatest
You could the best
You can be the King Kong
banging in your chest.
You can beat the world
You can beat the war
You can talk to God
Go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up
You can beat the clock
You can move a mountain,
You can break rocks
You can be a master,
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and
You gon find yourself
Standing in the Hall of Fame
When they were done, there was a short silence. The dwarves and elves had never seen anything like that before. It was so unexpected. Bofur started clapping and it started to pick up , causing everyone to do the same. The dwarves were shouting and cheering. Kili was looking at Renee with so much love and admiration. He had never seen anything so enchanting like that before. He saw how she looked as she danced. Like she was in a trance and nothing else mattered. She looked so beautiful. He knew he liked her but now he didn't know if it was just like or if it blossomed into love.
Fili could not take his eyes off Kate. Her voice was so enchanting. It was like he was under her spell but he didn't care. He knew that he liked her but now she was certain it was more than that. He liked her-No he loved her. He found his One and he knew he had to tell her soon. He couldn't get her out of his mind since that night in Bag End. He tried to deny it but it was no use. He was in love with Katherine Baggins. He was scared. Not of his feelings but of what his uncle will say if he found out. For now he needed time to think and come up with a plan. All he knew was that he loved Katherine and he was determined to find out if she felt the same.
Thorin didn't know what to feel. Hearing Lilith sing brought back the memories of his past love. In fact everything about Lilith reminded him of her. He hated it. He didn't know how to feel. He thought that maybe this was punishment for not looking for her well enough. All he knew was that he was going to find out what this meant and why Lilith reminded him of Elenor, his past lover.
Everyone hugged them and gave compliments. Bilbo hugged his daughters, telling them how proud he was of them. Balin, Oin, Dori and Gloin gave them a pat on the shoulder with a smile. Bofur and Nori gave them hugs. Bifur signed something which Bombur translated for them and gave them each a hug. Ori came to them and complimented them shyly before walking back to Dori. Fili and Kili gave them each a hug and wouldn't stop complimenting them. Lilith laughed at them while Renee and Kate blushed. Thorin and Dwalin had yet to say something. The girls walked over to Gandalf and Lord Elrond. The two were extremely impressed.
"My dear girls, that was an amazing performance."
"Aww thanks Gandalf. We've been dancing and singing since we were kids. But we haven't really done it in a while. We're glad you liked it."
Renee smiled as she looked at them. She walked up to him and gave him a hug, causing Lord Elrond to smirk and Gandalf laughing as he returned it. As the girls leave, lord Elrond turns to Gandalf.
"They are bright young girls. Lilith reminds me so much of my daughter. It's almost nostalgic."
"I agree. Renee reminds me of my daughter, Aurora and even looks like her. It's like looking in a mirror. When I first saw her in Bag End, I thought it was her. My little Rory. She acts a lot like her. If Minerva were here, she'd agree."
As they silently looked back at the girls, they saw a glimpse of a young Elenor and Aurora. It made them miss them even more. The girls walked to Thorin and Dwalin, causing the two to look at them,
"Soooo what did you guys think? You haven't said anything yet. Wait, was it that bad? Damnit. Kate, Reni, we should have done Demons."
"Aye Lassies, it wasn't bad. It was actually very good. Didn't know yer can dance like that. I quite enjoyed it."
"He's right. It was a wonderful performance, girls. Probably one of the best I've seen in a long time."
Thorin gave a slight smile causing Dwalin to nod along to his statement. The girls gave them big smiles, received that they liked their performance.
"Thanks. It's been a while. But it sure was a lot of fun. Glad you guys enjoyed it. Who knows. Maybe we'll do another one some time. Right, Kate, Lilith?"
They nodded, causing Dwalin to win at them and Thorin to chuckle.
"We're holding yer to that, lassies,"
The girls winked back and excused themselves. They said goodnight to everyone and headed to bed. That tired them out so they quickly washed up and went to sleep.
At least they're not sleeping on the ground this time. Got to enjoy this relaxation before they have to leave again and before they go see the "great" white wizard.
This was going to be the best sleep they've had since Bag End.
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redstonedust · 2 years
I noticed in one of your tags earlier that you found it more likely that Empires False will just be mind wiped again? I actually feel like this the least likely of all options, because it would effectively be backsliding on at least one element of the story being told so far.
Even if things change for amnesiac Empires False because of interactions and how people see her or something, she would still be asking herself questions we the audience already know the answers to. What we need now are the answers to the questions we still have, and I feel like it would be really unsatisfying narratively to make us wait even longer artificially for those answers.
Ever since hermit False revealed that she was the one responsible for the other's amnesia, it feels to me like this story has been about the consequences of both Falses' past actions, especially with how the hermit wants to avoid those consequences, and I feel like the only fitting ending would be that there is no way back, only forward.
I think if there is a confrontation between the Falses somehow, it will hopefully reveal most if not all of the mystery between them and the lab they were involved in, and even if we don't get all the answers before the end of the crossover, I don't think Empires False will go back to her old normal, at least definitely not for too long.
...Actually now thinking about it, it does sound likely at this point that the crossover might end in a confrontation where the hermit thinks she's re-applied the amnesia and goes home feeling like all the loose ends are tied up, only for the next Empires episode to show that False gradually remember everything again and become a proper villain!
Though there have been several times with False this crossover where it's seemed possibly predictable how it might go and then every single episode has had some kind of plot twist so we'll just have to see!
HMMMMMM yeah you do have a point about the narrative backslide i just find it hard to believe that false would want to keep playing e!false as evil as she is right now-- but at the same time if she DOES then its a ballsy decision and i respect it fully.
i just tend to keep my expectations for mcyt plotlines kind of low but my ideal would definitely be the 'no way back only forward' ending. especially if it allows e!false to grow in a better person from the starting point of '''''evil'''''' without needing to be memory wiped. like she's already been seen second guessing her kill instincts with her meeting with sausage y'know. redemption arc....
or hell if it turns out theres a third element we don't even know about with the lab backstory then im even more intrigued. i love this storyline so much i cannot stop thinking about it aughUHGH
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butchboromir · 8 months
everyone knows god watches over drunkards and lovers: aka this is my extremely self indulgent rpf Scenario that i have been rotating around in my brain since dec 2022 otherwise known as ons au. if you don't wanna read about my gayass band guys look away now. you have been Warned
this au STARTS during the time period tim and ben are roommates in nürnberg. they both know matze, but not gustl (matze knows gustl tho). also you MUST be thinking about these images like this is the start of ons au
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ben and matze are out wreaking havoc and/or chilling at matze's place or something. basically they're out of tim+ben's place for the night
tim is spending his night bringing home a guy for a one night stand (this is where the au gets its name from). also important: tim's ons looks. Unsettlingly like ben. like, long blond hair, facial hair, tall. if you saw them next to eachother you'd go Hmmmmmm.
anyways. they have a fun night it's fine. tim is like. heart not fully in the spirit of the ons but doesn't know why. but it doesn't ruin any of the fun so it's fine.
next morning, they wake up. tim makes breakfast for them (bc he is a good host) and goes to walk unnamed blonde guy out. however, as they're walking out, guess who is coming back into the apartment? yeah, it's ben and matze.
there's a comedic bit opening the door with:
ben and matze: tired and a little hungover but like. otherwise fine. they just like. chilled and stayed up at matze's apartment and now they're heading over to ben's
tim and unnamed blond guy: tim is like. you can tell he had a ons or whatevs. like. in a tank and u can see some bruises + hickeys or whatever. still has a collar on bc he managed to sleep in it somehow. poor unnamed blonde guy who looks suspiciously like ben is just standing there awkardly
we get a full faceoff that goes:
matze: looks at tim. looks at unnamed blonde guy. looks over at ben. looks back at tim and starts opening his mouth tim: looks at ben. looks over at blonde guy. looks back at ben. OhShit.JPG. turns to look at matze and starts FRANTICALLY beaming Don't Say A Fucking Word vibes at him as hard as possible ben: looks at blond guy. Huh. whatever. then looks at tim. The mechanisms in his brain that end up making him act crazy gay later on start turning into motion unnamed blond guy: looks at ben. then looks over to tim. He Understands Now.
anyways, this all happens simultaneously. everyone then shakes out of it. ben and matze head inside (ben is like. fuck this im sleepy and hungover. bye matze im going. to bed. and matze is like. ok. i am going to wait in the living room for tim i want to say hi to him :)).
meanwhile, tim and unnamed blond guy head outside. Blonde Guy: that was nice, i had fun and hope you did too, good luck with your guy tim: yeah i had a great time too, thank y– wait what? Blonde Guy: you know. the other blonde guy who came in. tim: What Blonde Guy: clearly there is something going on here between you guys + you seemed not Fully Into It at some points last night + i think that’s probably why tim: [going through internal crisis. Fuck. DO i want to fuck ben/do i like him????]
anyways, blonde guy says goodbye to tim and heads out. afterwards tim just kind of stands in the hallway for a little bit like Oh My God What Just Happened. anyways. we should all be giving it up for Blonde Guy he is a literal saint
tim walks back inside, continuing his internal crisis
cue matze, sitting ominously on the couch
matze: sooooooo. what was that about. who was that. why did your ONS look suspiciously like ben tim: Don't Say A Fucking Word matze: are you in love with ben? do you want to f tim: shut the fuck up dude he's literally in the fucking apartment
so matze is like: executive decision. we are going back to my place to discuss this.
at matze’s place:
matze: what was that. Are you in love with ben. tim: Shut the fuck up dude i think i might be a little bit but if you say anything i’ll kill you
after these events matze goes to gustl and is like Gustl i’ve told you about my friends tim and ben right. well you will NOT believe the shit i just saw
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OK. that was the inciting scene, and what gives ons au it's name. now in between this and the felsenfest preproduction trip not a Whole ton happens in terms of the au with tim and ben. like, the band starts, and tim and ben are still getting up to their usual nonsense, but not to the Current Crazy Levels
fschwanz are also present in this au, but to a lesser level. here is a chart of the dtag/fschwanz dynamic:
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ALSO during this period of time: ben/hauptmann fwb situation. it's just kind of inevitable with them. like, they're kissing eachother on and off stage, calling eachother mine ("mein hauptmann/mein hodi"), etc. they're both normal about it though it's just a fun/sweet little thing.
However. Tim also knows about this (note: he did merch for fschwanz just to tour. dtag and fschwanz are often on similar festivals). and ben/hauptmann aren't trying to Hide it. this leads to a dynamic that is like:
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but like, it's fine. the ben/hauptmann fwb scenario eventually breaks off, everyone is still happy and chill witheachother (hauptmann is also a saint for being able to move through All Of This with no issues whatsoever)
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EXPOSITION: for those who don't know: in 2022 tim, ben, and felix (their producer, not taugenix) went up to tyrol for a couple of days to record/write for felsenfest. they rent a little airbnb or whatever. it's cute. now obvs i don’t have the accurate floor plans for it. but. to the best of my knowledge from the video from the patreon (and with some artistic liberties: there are only two bedrooms (and thus beds) (also one of the rooms has like… a nice big tv and the other one Does Not)
so anyways it's like. ben is. i am still undecided on if he knows he's in love or not but like at the very least he does know he's attracted to tim. he's like. not dating or anything tho, and the fwb situation with hauptmann is over
tim is like. fully aware he's in love with ben at this point. just like years and years of pining. also not dating or anything just the occasional ons or whatever
ANYWAYS. they have a nice roadtrip down to tyrol. they get to the house, start unpacking. Hey. Wait. this place only has two bedrooms. we're gonna have three people here. Uh Oh. so tim and ben are both like. ok. whatever. felix (who gets there a day later) can sleep on the couch or something + they both claim a room. the rest of their day is just hiking and having fun, it's nice, tim is tragically in love
like honestly most of this part is like. tim looks at the way the sun hits ben's profile. oh god im sooooooooooooo fucked. it's all Vibes
post hike, tim makes dinner, cute little domestic scene. somehow they come to the consensus of ‘hey let’s watch a movie or something it’s only like 7 o’clock'.
the only tv is in ben's room + because of great airbnb decor choices, the tv is just in front of the bed. and there aren’t like…. any comfy chairs.
but that’s fine, movies are better watched on a bed anyways. i’m undecided on the movie they watch but i’m thinking they settle on lord of the rings. because they are both nerds.
at this bit there’s a lot of ‘oh god how close can i sit/lay next to him without it being weird’ but it’s mostly resolved by the fact that the comfiest and best way to watch has them both super close anyways.
anyways. like… half of the way through the movie tim starts like falling asleep and leaning onto ben + then jerking awake and watching the movie again. rinse repeat a couple of times and then eventually tim is just like. totally asleep on ben. very comfy. movie ends and ben is like well i can’t just wake him up? there is CLEARLY no other alternative here, i guess we’ll just have to share the bed tonight.
next morning. tim wakes up slowly. goes ‘huh… this is a weirdly large pillow. wait that’s ben. What’! and while this is going on the sunlight is filtering thru the window onto ben. the most beautiful spring morning you could have. all blues and golds. tim carefully extricates himself from this situation and goes to make breakfast because he doesn’t know what to do with himself and staying that close would probably be bad for his mental state AND god forbid felix ends up arriving during that and sees it. like…. if this somehow gets back to matze (who takes great joy in tim’s predicament), god forbid, tim might actually die.
anyways. breakfast! sweet domestic morning + then felix arrives
felix is like i do Not care what you guys decided before i got here about the bed situation. i am not sleeping with EITHER of you. tim and ben are like ok no big deal, we can share (both not mentioning last night). we get the nice room with the tv tho. tim grabs his stuff (barely touched) from the other room and moves it over and that’s that. everyone say thanks felix for helping encourage these mutual pining shennanigans
the rest of day 2 is pretty uneventful, mostly producing and stuff. another fun hike (this time with felix) and doing a little bit of recording outside (fun!)
evening now! felix goes to his room, sees that the bed has like, not been touched at all, and goes ‘huh. i will not think about this any further’
meanwhile tim and ben are doing the ‘let’s not make this awkward and pretend nothing out of the ordinary is going (this is making things more awkward).’ song and dance. but it’s fine + they both fall asleep (separate). but you know how it is and the next morning they both wake up inextricably tangled up together. it’s just like. achingly soft i can’t convey this properly through text. tim pretends to be asleep longer than he is just to stay like that for a tiny bit longer.
day 3, more recording and then packing up!
nothing more eventful happens honestly, it’s just continual little scenes that are just like. tim being like. ‘fuck. this is the closest to having him i’ll ever get’. that’s really the whole trip honestly i cannot convey it properly it’s just all these achingly tender little moments during dinner and hiking and recording and the evenings together and both of them think it’s all they can get. Augh
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so, that's all the lead up. now current day is like. gay antics on stage are Ramping Up (note all these videos).
now the current predicament is both of them are being Like That on stage but Nothing further is happening between them so it's just like. Tension off the charts All The Fucking Time.
there is 100% an accidental kiss during seit an seit.
i am undecided if things should turn into like a fwb requited unrequited situation. OR alternately if a fun in vino veritas situation happens to resolve things. because this au is just for me to have fun rolling around in my head and that means as much pining for as long as possible.
ANYWAYS. that is most of ons au. thanks if you read this far
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🍺🧨for Jake and Ronnie
hmmmmmm think I'll do the regency au since they're always a bit of fun lol
🍺: a drunk headcanon
Mr. Jacob Seresin does not get drunk very often, he likes to keep his wits about him. But sometimes, when he's in the company of certain gentlemen (*cough* Mr. Machado *cough*) he lets loose and has one too many scotches. He comes home late from a night spent at the gentlemen's club or what have you and he is SO cuddly. The man turns wax poetic and snuggly when he's drunk. Going on and on about how much he loves his wife and how he's so lucky to have her and just holding her close to him and pressing sloppy kisses into her face. But then as soon as Veronica forces him into bed he's out cold lol
🧨: an unexpected headcanon
I think something that might be unexpected is that even though Mr. Seresin fell in love with Miss Veronica at first sight, he did try to forget her at first. She is beneath him in rank, and his family would never approve of such a marriage and would claim that she would only marry him for advancement in society and for her own downtrodden family. Plus, there's the whole beef with her brother. So he tries to forget her in the bed of some other woman but it doesn't work. He just falls deeper and deeper in love with her and it doesn't take very long for him to give up on replacing her.
emoji headcanon prompts
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gillianthecat · 2 years
Why You… Y Me? episode 8, parts 2 & 3 of 3
Shogun is going hard on the wooing Maitoh with food campaign. And the, oh look we like the same things. As much as I love the triangle, I’m not thrilled with how Maitoh is starting to feel like a prize to be wine, or a bone to be fought over.
On the other hand, look at poor Green’s face! He went out to get those cocoas just for Maitoh and him 🥺😢 I really wish he’d gotten the chance to kiss Maitoh before they were interrupted. I feel like that would have shaken up the dynamics of this triangle in interesting ways.
Green. I understand you felt desperate to do something before you lost Maitoh to Shogun forever. But that was not the best way to finally confess your feelings. It made you look kind of like an asshole.
And Maitoh. Green was one centimeter away from kissing you last night. You were there. You were so band aware of what he was doing. Why are you acting surprised now that he likes you. I do have the same question that Green asked: are you not aware or are you just pretending?
Pretending to be oblivious might be his solution to the confusion he feels about who he likes. Because based on what we’ve seen, I remain convinced that he has at least a little bit of a crush on Green as well. He looks at Green like more than friends. Or at the very least like he’s trying to figure out what he feels. And he looked ready to welcome that rooftop kiss that never was. Maitoh, might I suggest: the polyamory option.
Or maybe he’s pissed at him for interrupting when finally Shogun is making a move, and that’s currently overriding any crush that he did have. Understandable.
So currently it’s looking Shogun x Maitoh endgame, with a heartbroken Green and the Maitee enemies-to-lovers thing just a fake-out. Or my own imagining. But this could change any minute!
Ah, and Maitoh seems to be asking the same questions I am, what do I really feel for Green? Oh good, this show is not ignoring all the hints it’s dropped after all.
Look at Shogun and Maitoh, both trying to play it cool.
A brief glimpse of Paul and Nice! Looks like Nice is still (pretending to be?) mad about Paul pretending to accept those girls’ present lol
I’m not writing much about the non-bl storylines, but if Noon turns out to be the sasaeng I will be so mad.
What?! Why!! This makes no sense and doesn’t fit what we know of her at all!! 🤬 It feels like this weird thing where they’re making the main girl choose between her male love interest and her female friends. Also she was the only other major female character in this story. I do not understand many of the choices in this main het romance storyline.
Also didn’t they get definitive proof that Star was the one behind that sasaeng account? Not only am I annoyed, I’m also confused.
Although this maybe does answer my question early on about why Noon was being shady about her supposed visits to her sick grandmother. But I still object.
Hmm. Hmmmm. Inset during the closing credits is footage of Shogun teaching Maitee Chinese. And they’re laughing together, touching, and generally looking flirtatious. Help. I don’t know what it all meeeans!! But last week’s inset was Maitoh and Green laughing together on the roof, so if these closing credits are a hint, it looks like we’re splitting up the triangle like this. Hmmmmmm.
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waterspoutskies · 2 years
F, K, N, V? For the fanfic ask thing
Hi Silver! Your ask is welcomed <3
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
Oooooooh hmm this is a good one! There are many many but for this I think I am going to put up United by SunflowerAro (lovely Faye <3) because it just makes my heart happy. And also sad, it makes me sad. But happy in the end of course! (Ish)
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Silver, I don't think I want to answer this xD
Hmmmmmm I have a little project on the backburner regarding Legend's status is hero and how the title of hero is treated in his Hyrule. This was spawned from the idea that maybe Legend is *also* known as the hero reborn the way Wind is. Of course, the idea of someone being the last hero reincarnated might not be so valued in a Hyrule where the hero failed.
There was also a crack AU Ruby and I made up that somehow twisted around and ended up being pure angst about Wars being after Wild in the timeline? That led to the following scene, although I plan on doing absolutely nothing with this idea and will recycle the scene itself into something else
Mask turned over the soft yellow material in his hands with the same care he had taken ever since those three- thirty- infinite- forever- days passed and waited. His silence would eventually push whatever was bothering the captain into the open, so long as he was patient enough. Wasn't it fortunate, then, that he'd had an eternity to practice waiting. "There are stories that say a hero before me failed." The quiet admission broke the still air of the captain's tent. Mask looked up from his hands to the elder hero, whose eyes were fixed on the scattered troop maps and bundle of royal blue scarf covering his makeshift desk. "What if I'm the next one?"
So let the world have at that.
Anyway! The last for this, tailored specially for you <3 I've mentioned once before that I had an idea early in the Beneath the Skin stages with Vio being the one stuck on the underside of the mirror instead of Shadow. I also have entertained an idea of BS Shadow meeting the Chain. Like the regular chain, Four and all. The latter has NOT been shelved so with enough persuasion I could be convinced to write it.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Mmmmmm I don't know that there's a specific concept I want to see one way or another! I have a lot of ideas in DMs with Ruby, sometimes I do want to see some of those achieved... Oh, I'd like to see more on Hyrule's games, I think those are underappreciated!
Also if someone could write the second chapter of Where We Are for me that would be appreciated thanks
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
Shadow ofc Uh I'd say more of the Zeldas? I mean we get quite a bit of Flora, some Artemis and Dot, but a lot less of the others comparatively! The princesses have to deal with these idiots, after all~ I'm sure they know lots of terrible and embarrassing stories by now :D
Thaaaaank you Silver <3
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