#this movie rn is inescapable
Prev anon is so funny too since also...not all discussion of media is tagged? Maybe it's just me but when things are big and popular I hear about them constantly in discord servers and from irl friends, too. Your single critical post was tagged so it can easily be blocked, but a popular piece of media can be difficult to drown out!! It's ok to be a harmless hater with all that!!!
It's also just like...I understand curating your online experience is important and healthy. But the way the ask was phrased it sounded like they thought I should avoid seeing/doing ANYTHING that would foster a single negative emotion (like hate) in me. Which is kinda weird, and it's sooooo drenched in purity culture. It reminds me of the whole "don't do anything that would even tempt you to commit or think of sin" mentality from the Mormons in my youth, when tbh it's just not that serious.
And sometimes, you really do just gotta be a harmless little hater!!
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zonatcannibalism · 7 months
Last year was my first valentine's day out as aromantic. I was annoyed about all the lovey dovey stuff being pushed in my face, so i posted the aro pride flag. Most of my friends were supportive, but one girl got sort of angry and started ranting and calling me self centered for making a day for romance about myself. Needless to say i got pissed off and it ended sort of ugly. Im bringing this up beacuse the aspec tags are trending rn, and i think a lot of allo people not really involved with the aspec community might think the same thing: that were self centered, want to push our identities in everybody's face and are just spoiling the fun of valentine's day.
Look, i don't hate romance. I think its great that people are happy together. But its not for me. Its not something i feel or am interested in. But i don't get the choice of living like that. I cant shut romance out of my life. Its in every movie i watch and every book i read- "look, a happy ending!". People still ask me if i have a partner, and tell me somethings wrong with me when i say im not interested in romance. And its always bad, but its especially inescapable around valentines day.
Aspec pride is not for you, its for us. Were not doing it to be in your face or ruin your valentines day or make you feel bad for celebrating romance. Its not about you. Most of us genuinely couldn't care less. We just want to know that we're not fucking invisible in the time of the year were treated the worst in.
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bright-and-burning · 8 months
got tagged by @albonoooo !! thank u <3
what colour are your eyes?: i have (very mild) heterochromia!! they’re mostly green but my left eye has a little brown stripe :) i guess u could call them hazel (or at least the left one) my mom certainly did for ages idk picture below u decide
(cont under the cut)
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tell me about your pets/your dream pet: i (well. my family) have an orange cat and a porgi (pitbull corgi mix [he’s really just a mutt but we’re like 95% sure he’s got corgi in him somehow]). they are the lights of my life and also the goofiest lookin mfs. i’ve posted pics of my cat before but my dog is like. really distinct looking (see: porgi) but i love him so much … ask me for photos of him n u shall receive…
my apartment is pet free unfortunately. but also taking care of another whole ass being is A Lot so. i’m very chill w not having my own rn
share some interesting fact about yourself: i went to a spanish speaking daycare when i was really young (like toddler aged) and then when i was like 7 i invented my own language (as one does) and half the words were just. spanish. my parents spent ages trying to convince me that i did not just come up w the word espagnol . i swear to god. and i was a stubborn know it all kid and i wasn’t gonna believe them on anything without irrefutable proof (and how do u prove that??) so their efforts were largely fruitless LOL
what was the first fandom you were a part of?: for SURE harry potter. 9 year old me had unsupervised internet access and went craaazy
do you have any phobias?: hm. i Really Really Really don’t like things going near my eyes. it was wayyy worse before i started wearing contacts. like someone waving their hands around within three feet of me would freak me out. i do still get like. inescapable visions of pencils being waved around and accidentally put in my eye when i think abt it/when ppl wave pencils around that i have to physically shake out of
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?: YES! texture issues my beloathed… i DESPISE melted cheese. blergh. bad bad vibes. and other funky textured cheeses… i literally just physically shuddered.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?: i consciously choose to eat burger first to get protein in. and THEN fries. if burger too hot then i get to eat two (must be even number) fries at a time until it cools enough to eat
winter or summer: summer <3 i love the beach i love the sun i love 6am runs where it’s already 75° i love swimming i love fun festivals. but also summer is a mindset . if it’s 65° in march im walking around in shorts and a tank top and sitting in the sun the entire day
favourite fanfiction tropes: oh gosh… best friends to lovers… idk i read it all baby. also gonna be honest the f1 interpretations of a/b/o are FASCINATING!!! and have really increased the draw by Far for me
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?: working! i am a silly little analyst
what is the last country you visited: canada in june to get drunk by the lake for a week <3
what country would you want to move to after retiring?: france… maybe not. but also maybe yeah. idk i don’t have any other strong connections to places, u kno? and i’d like to travel (fingers crossed i Can retire at an age where i can still travel easily lol)
who was your first crush?: gene kelly in singin in the rain and on the town… formative movies for 3y/o me
how did you get into f1 fandom?: web weavings on tumblr + like three random instagram reels (the mclaren wavelength video being the only one i remember lol) + the empty hole unemployment left me with inside = instant obsession
no pressure tag…. @oscarpiastriwdc @ocontraire @crimsonicarus @lafaerie @mecachrome
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
I think we're swamped by like news and people's opinions left and right.
I could be scrolling right and I read about some horrid story of a man who followed a random woman to her home and stabbed her to death like described in vivid details, and then 2 seconds after, I watch a funny meme thingy and it's like ??? Huh? I'm supposed to like just get over what happened to that poor woman in 2 seconds, and get into laughing mode where I can enjoy some funny meme
Not only that but we're bombarded with people's takes and whatnot like every single day and I feel like there's no way we can digest that amount of information in such little time. And it's sooooo overwhelming.
I feel like it's inescapable because that's just part of being on social media. I used to like pinterest but now it makes me stressed out because oh look at this pretty picture I can't just admire its beauty I have to pin every single picture I might find interesting or appeasing to look at.
I just wanna scroll without having to listen about someone's abuse hitting in me in the face between 2 Mediocre memes, and having to digest what happened in 2 seconds and them just not even have the time to like "recover" from the story idk what do ya think ?
You're not alone! This has been a point a lot of people have brought up about tiktok,
Yesterday, I saw a video of a woman actively escaping a domestic violence situation with her kids. It was heartbreaking. The next video was some joke about the new willy wonka movie. We're not meant to shift so rapidly between emotions and I think that can fatigue us far more than we already are with the state of the world rn.
Don't feel bad if you aren't up to date with EVERYTHING going on in every corner of the world and don't let people make you feel guilty for not knowing everything. There is a lot of shit going on, but there is also a lot of good you're not up to date on either. If you need to remove yourself from social media and news media for a little while, do it! You're better when you're gathered and collected than anxious and scrambling.
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cliveguy · 2 years
marvel's fall from grace is insane 5 years ago the latest marvel movie would be THE thing on the dash and at least 3 memes would come out of it and yet the most recent thor film, directed by a man half of the website is currently annoying about, came out today and it isn't even trending on here. the previous thor film was inescapable for months when it came out. ace attorney is trending rn.
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dear-kumari · 2 years
Get to know me better meme thingy:
Tagged by @fenrhi (several days ago ;__; dw, I’m not dead, even if my queue is)
Favorite color: it’s probably a cliché, but I really can’t choose … I’m into vibrant reds and yellows rn because of a project I’m (supposed to be) working on, but my love of a color always depends on its relationship with at least one other color
Currently reading: Witch Hat Atelier (things are heating up in the Coco/Agott fandom), No Home (did anyone see that lovely animated promo from Korean Webtoon?  I hoped for a hot sec that they were licensing it in English, but ig it’s just for an audio drama or smthn), various Webtoon titles I’m not super attached to yet
Last series I watched: The Boys (s1-2, still haven’t started s3).  Somehow the edgy grimy Superheroes Bad show that tormented Tumblr users with an inescapable ad on the homepage a while back is … actually pretty good?  I don’t love the show’s overall aesthetic (holy excessive color grading, Batman) and definitely had to avert my innocent virgin eyes during a couple particularly gross scenes, but the satire is really pointed and funny.  Maybe it just caught me at a time when I’m feeling particularly disdainful towards superhero media and my country, idk.
Last movie I watched: The Others (2001), only bc I saw an interesting video essay about it.  If you like vibey psychological horror without any blood/gore you’ll probably enjoy this film too
Currently working on: :/ stuff that I still feel isn’t good enough to inflict on the world, when I’m not just staring off into the middle distance and listening to Carly Rae Jepsen 5+ hours a day just to feel something
I will tag @hirazuki and @nomadicism :)
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bashirs · 3 years
just watched inescapable because of u. literally crying over the reunion scene rn </3 also alexander siddig invented acting in the last ten minutes of the movie when he had blood all over his face and tears in his eyes during sayid's speech
omg my impact.... and sooo true !!
i hope you enjoyed the movie 👍
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I just started WYEL because I trust you to have the best taste in Dramas and it is so delivering. They cover the class and overall power imbalance so well and interesting so far. Really I wonder if it’s a Korean media thing a lot of Korean media I have seen cover class and privilege very well like Parasite obviously, kingdom and the handmaiden all do it in interesting ways. Even some of the light hearted kdramas are starting to My First First Love has some interesting conversations on class.
I'm gonna add that last one to my to watch list, I really haven't watched kdramas before, movies yes idk why I never got into it that summer they trended
However, after noticing the quality of production of other Korean TV shows because I just had to look at the kind of stuff that was coming out on the side of romance TV, or just Korean TV in general... I just can't imagine the same kind of lack of self awareness that Thai BL dramas or telenovelas in my own country have, after so many years and with so many stories with the focus on straight couples there had to be more in depth conversations about romance in different places or society, but before doing that I was going insane about Wyel, like I kept thinking I was imagining shit, luckily I have mutuals that saw the same stuff so, that was reassuring.
Same as you are doing rn actually, and like I'm glad you see it too because personally it's just inescapable, it feels like this invisible cage surrounding them, poisoning them, I want them to break free and hopefully this Friday we'll get the answer. 🤞🏽
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alientitty · 3 years
or like watch any light hearted family movie or something and you'll see the specter of capitalism is inescapable no matter what kind of story is being told. it gets brushed off as humor and relatability but can you say I'm wrong that our mainstream/majority cultural imagination can only reproduce the work schedules and systems of production that make these things profitable? like personally this is part of why I'm so obsessed with old shit because 19th century England is basically the same as today in that regard, while a premodern manuscript may be mostly inscrutable but at least the ideological underpinnings or whatever aren't...whatever tf is going on in pop culture rn
whats going on here is I've been musing about this for awhile and feel vindicated but still.
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jxnesiisms · 6 years
I couldn't see anything on your F-list about this but, are you willing to draw 'object head' characters - like characters with human like body's but there their heads are like a TV or a Dice with a face? And opinions on drawing characters from series/games/moves etc you're not familiar with?
|| DUDE I LOVE OBJECT HEADS. I wasn’t aware that was a kink related thing, but seriously, object heads are an absolute YES. And I’d prefer things I at least know a little bit about? Unless it’s something thats like super popular media rn like current games, shows, or movies that’s like inescapably everywhere lmao
generally, speaking though, so long as i have character references available, i really don’t think i could limit myself to just things im familiar with.
okay im rambling; Object heads, yes. Unfamiliar media, give me references and its all gucci. :3c ||
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thishasbeencary · 7 years
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
Tagged by: @queenofaburiedkingdom, @n3rdlif343va and @kasumi-chou
Lily’s questions:
What is your favorite part of the day? (This can be a time, like the morning, or an action, like seeing your pet)
That moment when I’m about to fall asleep, and I’m just lying in bed with absolutely no thoughts.
What is something you’ve always wanted someone to do for you, but never told them?
I don’t know ?? I like when people create, but I don’t necessarily want them to create for me, you know?
If you could do something for the rest of your life without fear of going broke/getting hurt, what would it be?
I was about to say “swim with the manatees”, but then I noticed it said “for the rest of your life” not just “something you want to do”. Maybe just… explore.
Can you describe the color blue without using the word? (I’m so ready to hear these responses aye)
(Imagine for a second that you’re not afraid of a fish trying to eat your foot, and step deeper into the water. At first, it’s murky, and all you can see is the mud you’ve brought up by dragging your feet along the rocky bottom. Careful! The rocks are sharp, and you need to know better, you need to make sure that your feet don’t start to bleed, so you don’t bring out the sharks. Go further, and start to pretend like you can float. Watch the water in front of you, take in a deep breath, and go under. Hold your breath until –
Now keep going, letting the scales wrap around your legs and letting yourself go deeper and deeper. Explore, see the fish, the coral, but then come up. You’re in the wide open see, and as you float on your back, you see the same echoed above you in color – the sky, with the sun still shining bright, though setting more and more by the second. The clouds are a soft floating cotton against the color, and it brings peace.
You go upright in the water, simple strokes of tail and arms keeping you afloat. All around you is a vast expanse of softly ripping waves, and as you stop for a moment, just floating there, you look, and you see.
And then you dive back under, met with the darker shade of the same color. It’s home, and even as you swim back to the shore the next day, you know to seek it. You can’t avoid the sea, and you see it everywhere. In the sky, in your friend’s eyes, in the too-revealing bikini of the teenager who arrived on the sand, diving into the waves.
You may blend in with the rest, but the color of the sea surrounds, inescapable.)
Best compliment you ever received? 
I’m gonna go with when @thebookofsands drew me as a manatee mermaid. Like I don’t know if that’s necessarily a compliment in the strictest sense, but I still smile when I see it.
What is your favorite au trope?
Mistaken identity/wrong number aus. I love them.
What is your favorite memory?
One of them is my last time in orchestra for a musical in high school, we had professionals play with us every year because enough people never signed up. And one of the professionals, who played saxophone, and so sat next to me every year, told me that he’d really appreciated that I did orchestra and that he’d miss me next year and I was just… very thankful, because orchestra was a struggle sometimes since I was often alone and forgotten.
What is something you’ve always secretly wanted people to compliment you on?
I’d usually say my writing, but people do compliment that a lot. I feel like… people genuinely compliment me a lot, and that’s not even me bragging, I’m just ?? people are very sweet to me, and I appreciate it so much.
Hogwarts house?
What is your favorite song at the moment? (Or your #1 played song on your phone if you don’t have one)
Honestly, idk. I don’t listen to that much music that isn’t the Jurassic Park soundtrack rn so if that counts, the Jurassic Park theme. Like, the main theme. The one that makes you feel really pumped up to get eaten by some dinosaurs.
Do you cry during movies/tv shows/while reading books/fanfics?
Not usually.
 n3rdlif343va’s questions:
What super power would you most like to have and why?
Telepathy. It’s a risk, because there are good thoughts and there are bad thoughts that you’d pick up on, but it’d be very interesting to be able to pick up on what people are actually thinking. How often have you been in a situation where you just wanted to know, for better or for worse. Plus, I mean, I’ve already got the wheelchair. What else do I need to become Charles Xavier?
If you could cuddle with any fandom character, who would you pick?
Oh god. That’s a hard one. I’m gonna say Viktor Nikiforov right now.
Which Ninja Turtle are you?
Tbh I know very little about the Ninja Turtles but I googled and Donatello is the purple one, so that’s me. I like purple.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
At least 1.
Which one horrible fashion trend would you rock (in public) for a full 24 hours?
Bro, I have picked them all up already. I wore some mad hair feathers. What even is fashion right now? I dislike croptops, and that’s all I can think of.
What is your least favorite trope?
A/B/O. I just dislike mpreg, so that’s why. I have read a couple to support friends, though.
What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
JURASSIC PARK or star wars. But. Jurassic Park.
Who is your favorite ship of all time?
Oooh that’s a hard one, oh man. Han/Leia, probably.
What color are your socks?
I am not wearing socks today. My shoes were black!
Plane, train or automobile?
Train. I’ve never been on one before and I’d love to. :)
Do you like you like Green Eggs and Ham?
Well, I like eggs, and I like ham, so how bad can they be?
(I may just like them, Sam I am.)
 Kasumi’s questions:
First letter of your real name
I just nearly said 18, I am a mess. I’m twenty, and my birthday is January 26th.
Favourite season (weather if you don’t get it)
Favourite fruit
Do you have short, medium or long hair?
Long. It’s basically down to my butt.
Hanahaki or soulmate?
Soulmate <3
Angst or Fluff?
Ahhh there’s a hard one. I’m gonna go with angst even though all I’ve written lately is fluff.
Soundboard (help the writer with ideas) or beta (help the writer with wording/grammar)?
You know the answer to this one ;) But soundboard. I don’t pick up on grammar while I’m reading.
Do you still have an active ff.net? If yes, link
Oh god no. But here’s my old one if yu want to cringe at my Vampirates fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2275402/manateesandmishacollins
Would you trade one of Phichit’s hamsters to bring Vicchan back to life?
I’m allergic to dogs, so my gut instinct says no, but I also want my son to be happy, so I’ll say yes. But also, Phichit.
Should Victor and Yuuri both wear white at their wedding?
Wear whatever they want! White, pink, blue, orange, black, yellow? Do whatever! Wear a dress! Wear a suit! Just get married, and do it quick.
As you can tell, I was tagged by too many people, and they tagged like everyone else I’d attack, and I don’t want to come up with my own question, so here you go. If I did have questions, I’d tag @somehcpe @thetiniestkotorfan and @maximumhetalia at least but questions are effort so I’m letting y’all off easy.
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hafren · 6 years
PSA for people struggling with their periods+a long story:
CW: menstruation, blood, severe pain, birth control, doctors, birth
Skip to the tl;dr if you can't handle all this rn, I will not be offended.
My periods are demonic. One of my first periods lasted 8 weeks uninterrupted. I would stay home for 2-5 days a month because of it. My flow was so heavy, I would have to change an overnight pad and a supersize tampon every 1.5 hrs on my heavy days. I felt like a newborn who needed a diaper change every 30 minutes. I had to use menstrual cups just to make it through a class without having to change myself. They lasted anywhere from 7-24 days. I donated my white clothes before it was too late for them.
I got every symptom in the book. Migraines, shooting back pain, extreme fatigue, GI problems, and cramps. Serious cramps, folks. I was strapped to a heating pad like a dog on a leash. I was taking max dose of any OTC pain killer I could. (Fun fact: NSAIDs can worsen your period!) I'm no weak Willy, my good friends. My sister suffers the same thing, and she didn't know she was in labor until she was crowning because she thought if it was really labor, it would hurt more than menstrual cramps. It didn't.
So I was denied birth control by doctors for 3 years, even though it was consistently the only thing that they knew could help. Apparently they would make me have sex prematurely. None of those doctors took into account that I'm a lesbian, but alright I guess. At 16, they listened. After some trial and error, (a whole other story), I got the progestin implant inserted. I had 3 years of peace of mind for the first time in years. It enabled me to get my life in order, improve my mental health, and adjust to college. My whole life became one of those happy movie montages to "Walking on Sunshine". I got it swapped and replaced with a new one about a year ago. That month I had another horrible period, but luckily the next month I was back to freedom. Smooth sailing for another 3 years, or so I thought.
Then December happened. One day I started bleeding. I'm still bleeding over 100 days later. Every symptom I used to have plagued me constantly. I saw my doctor 3 times, and even had to go to the ER once because I was vomiting and almost passed out from painful menstrual cramps. I've never been in more pain in my life. Nobody said they could do anything because the implant was in, and I'd have to take it out so they can do testing because everything they could test looked normal. None of them, of course, were qualified to remove it. None of them knew who could. Two ultrasounds and a million pregnancy tests later and everything still looks normal and I'm definitely not pregnant (big surprise!). I was told to wait it out.
I saw an endocrinologist who explained that a progestin-only implant can lead to a lack of estrogen which can cause damage to the uterus and this abnormal bleeding. More on that another time maybe. The same day I was watching vegan "What I Ate In A Day" videos (as per usual lol) and I saw one woman drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea. She said it lightened her flow and essentially prevented most symptoms, especially cramps. Now keep in mind: I may be a crunchy ass gal, but I have total faith in science and western medicine. But I'm desperate af. I need relief from this inescapable hell. I go to a health food store and buy some goddamn herbal tea. I drink a cup. The next morning I start a fresh bleeding cycle. But....there's a 10th of the blood there usually is. I drink a cup with breakfast, still feeling incredulous. I have zero symptoms. I drink another before bed and prepare for my delayed flight to hell. That plane never lands. I wake up and I didn't bleed at all. I drink another cup. I have no menstrual symptoms whatsoever. What the actual fuck.
I do some research and I find out that this stuff has been used by midwives for centuries. It's been medically documented since the 1600's. There has been hardly any research but it has been found that raspberry leaf is like a holistic estrogen. It also is high in antioxidants which may affect the blood vessels in a way which is helpful for periods. So the research they have done is actually kind of promising.
I understand that this probably wouldn't work for everyone, but I fully believe in this and hope that nobody has to go through what I've gone through, and my sister and my mother have gone through, without any real help. Sometimes the doctors laugh at you, they dismiss you, or they want to help you but can't because there hasn't been enough research for any aspect of women's health that doesn't involve pregnancy. And in those times, it's useful to try what has assisted other women. So I know this is no magic cure, but it certainly feels miraculous after all the suffering I've had and may no longer have to endure. Because of some berry leaves turned into tea.
Be well and take care of yourselves!
Tl;dr: I have never known another human to have worse menstruation issues than me. I've been bleeding over a hundred days; doctors did nothing. I tried some Red Raspberry Leaf tea and my symptoms are almost gone. It is a little known remedy that reduces bleeding and cramps, because it mimics estrogen in the body. If medicine fails you, which it does for many women, try this literal witchcraft that has helped women for centuries.
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lolacism · 8 years
okay I hope I'm doing this aesthetic thing correct, pls shoot me if not :') okay, a show rec would be SKAMMMM or That 70s Show if you'd like a good laugh. Also, 90210 and The Carrie Diaries I loved dearly. As for songs or bands, I love a lot of things: from musical songs to Twenty One Pilots & Panic! At The Disco to 80s songs. I love... A LOT of music haha. I don't know what I want in 2017: find myself a boyfriend, nail my exams, haha RP MUCH MORE W YOU ♥ I hope this is okay :')?? LOVE YOU ♥♥♥
pls, i could never shoot you tho!! i absolutely LOVE that 70′s show and you bet i’m like THIS close to starting skam because it seems kind of inescapable rn so i’ll trust you that it’s worth the hype?? i’ve also wanted to watch the carrie diaries but i think it was cancelled by the time i thought i’d start & that discouraged me back then bc i had gotten attached to too many cancelled shows but now my body might just be ready, woo :’’))))) (ps: pls watch the video of the first song rec so that you can see for which losers i was willing to go to a gig alone twice plus my 2014 gig might actually be in this altho i have yet to spot it?!)
vodka: german vodka / polish vodka / russian vodka / czech vodkabob’s burgers character: bob / linda / tina / gene / louise / crazy af mr fishoederold school crime show i love: quincy m.e. / murder she wrote / magnum p.i. / simon & simongr8 john travolta movie: saturday night fever / grease / look who’s talking / pulp fictionbook i love: lolita / tender is the night / pride & prejudice / the bell jar / transparent thingscancelled/concluded show: pushing daisies / desperate housewives / wicked city / the astronaut’s wives club / charmedmatt daddario quirk: calling a phone a ‘machine’ / knocking sunglasses off of an innocent cactus / being a real life snow white / cherishing cows more than any of uband i saw live & loved: we are scientists / the nbhd / mothxr / mumford & sons / pawsthe godfather character: michael / sonny / kay / vito / fredo / apolloniagr8 al pacino movie: the panic in needle park / the godfather / serpico / scarfaceour lord & saviour barry miller in: saturday night fever / fame / peggy sue got marriednicolas cage starring as: blonde cage / crazy cage / luscious hair cage / sexii hawaii shirt cage / stache cage
a compliment: omg okay so you’re most likely to be the sweetest, most loveable & most genuine person i’ve gotten to know in the second half of this last year & i’m so so grateful for meeting you like this!! (i used to lowkey admire your blog from afar for a bit tbh ahah) you’re super easy to talk to & write with + you let me send you awful snapchats whenever my fringe is destroyed for some reason which greatly warms my heart! basically, you deserve all the good in the world if it was up to me!!! LOVEYOU x
song rec: i. sprinkles — we are scientists; ii. parking lots — plums; iii. i’m on fire — cub sport
good wishes for the new year spell: may your year be filled with love, happiness & success; cute guys & easy exams & lots and lots more time spend writing with this weird little one (who needs the same to happen to her this year ahah)! may your ways be paved with positivity, light & joy & you may you be surrounded by people who are at least half as sweet as you!! ♡
✨ let me hook you up as well here!! ✨
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