#this one is juicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
simlit · 10 months
CotS: What Ifs // part ii
what if Aster would have chosen to not give up the banner in the forest battle against Sarayn/Therion?
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The notes on this scene are as above. Had Aster refused to give up the banner, Therion would have intervened to stop Sarayn from killing Eira and the three of them would have come to a diplomatic agreement to surrender the banner anyways. Eira would have been too injured to continue, and Kyrie would have pulled them out. Therion and Aster's relationship would have gotten a big boost instead of the hostile confrontation they had in canon leading to Aster's opinion of Therion falling off. Sarayn and Therion would have continued the trial at odds which then would have impacted the follow up scene between Sarayn and Therion vs Åse and Eve, as Therion would no longer have been a willing partner in the fight. Obviously this would have wiped Sarayn's reputation across the board (as if it could get any worse at that point lmao).
what are the potential outcomes of Sarayn's answers to Tayuin?
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These were the three potential paths Sarayn's route could take. At over halfway through the story, he is now officially locked in. During the poll, one answer from each category was selected, defaulting him into the Wisdom route. Only one of the questions had a close vote, but either option would have locked him into Wisdom. This was the most neutral, and admittedly, probably most fitting route, but the least interesting storywise (in my personal opinion. sorry).
what if Sarayn wouldn't have ditched Eve just to win in the first trial?
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Sarayn would have given the key to Eve and they would both have been granted the win. Eve and Sarayn would have continued to grow their relationship. Obviously the impact of Sarayn starting down that path made many waves throughout the story, so I can't list all the might-have-beens. That being said, this was one of the very earliest preliminary "lock out" votes as he acted against one of Kyrie's most closely held moral codes. Had the poll gone the other way, there was a scene to follow that would have taken place in the library where Kyrie would have come to him and asked him about his home and generally what it was like to live his life. They would have bonded over their vastly different life experiences and perspectives. After the second Eve/Sarayn vote, Sarayn was eliminated from bachelor challenge contention entirely. At best, he and Kyrie can end the challenge as friends, but that is still to be decided. If anyone is interested or cares enough, I've uploaded the dialogue text of the Sarayn x Kyrie library scene here since I liked it a lot and I'm still sad it never happened.
what if Tayuin had apologized to Taiyo in the forest trial instead of being a brat?
(for the record, "asker" used much stronger language but I reworded the question lmfao). The conversation between Taiyo and Tay would have gone much differently (obviously), Tayuin would have had a bit more self-reflection. Taiyo cursing Tay in retribution wouldn't have happened as it did HOWEVER, it would have happened eventually, anways. Had Tay not pressed Taiyo over the apology, they would have carried on and run into Indy and Tal. Tay would have tried to arrange an ambush of sorts against Taiyo's wishes and Taiyo would have had the same control loss and used the curse against Tay to stop him from hurting Tal and Indy. So yes, Tay would have been cursed no matter what.
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suiana · 1 year
firstly I would like to thank you for feeding the horny goblin in me, now I've come back for more janitor shit and I had the dumbest prompt in mind! I don't know if you've seen White Chicks, specifically the beach scene ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) look it up if u haven't seen it but PICTURE IT:
dumb shy ready is walking along the halls doing something, doesn't see the wet floor sign and slips, on the floor like a starfish and dizzy from the impact; janitor comes and stands over them, reader's vision is blurry at first so they don't realize his junk is all up in their face (cause I imagine he's packing both ways 👀) - I will use this excuse as he's helping us up to cop a feel of his cake, I bet its heavy and I'd need both hands to hold one cheek AAHHHHHHH---
I will pay you to let me touch the butt
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"ugh... my head..."
you grumble, eyes still half shut. what even happened..? you were just walking, trying to get to class... your hands reach up to your face, trying to rub them only to realise that 'hey, it's kinda dark'.
your eyes immediately shoot open, wanting to figure out why it was so dark but to your horror, your crush was hovering over you. with his grey sweatpants... and... prominent bulge....
"shit- ah you're awake! I'm so glad!"
he murmurs, bending down as his worried face comes close to yours. his relieved sighs of relief help him to forget why he was so panicked in the first place. thank goodness you were alright! he'd never forgive himself if his lovely sweetheart died because of wet floor!
but to you, all you could focus on was how his round, plump and juicy ass was just mere centimetres away from you.
'i could touch it...'
devious thoughts swirled through your head as you completely ignored the janitor and his thankful prayers to god. your eyes were blank, filled with silly thoughts as you reached your hand out and...
"my ass- wait are you..."
time slows as you grope and squish the janitor's ass, totally mesmerized with the feeling of it. you didn't stop, no. not even when the janitor tried to tap you lightly with his shaky hands. you were far too lost in the amazing feeling of his juicy ass. only when soft moans flowed like music into your ears did you truly snap out of your drunken stupor.
your hands immediately retract back as your cheeks rush with blood.
"I-I'm so sorry!"
you gasp out, trying to excuse your pervertic actions. but to the older man whose cheeks were flushed, eyes hazy with lust, no excuse would ever be enough.
you tried wiggling away, to escape as usual. however this time, the janitor had the upper hand. he plopped himself down on your hips, toned arms crossed over his chest as he smirks.
internally you were screaming. but on the outside you were only babbling nonsense, trying to comprehend what was going on. what was the janitor doing?! was he mad?! no no no! your chances of being with him had to be in the negatives now!
...was what you thought until the janitor leaned forward, hands beside your head as his... man thing poked you.
"didn't know you were into me too... ah today really is a good day. thought you were scared of me or something..."
he hummed as his lips grazed yours. shit?! what the fuck was going on?!
"now... could you please touch me and finish what you started? consider this punishment for making me worried."
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rinasunny · 1 year
The Lavatory scene in Red Eye's final shooting script and the movie
One of my previous posts was about how much the first script draft of Red Eye differed from the final product. The draft discussed in this post is more or less final. This draft has all the changes made after Rachel and Cillian were cast as leads and after the test screenings. But there are still some features which didn't make the cut into the final product. I'm not gonna analyse the whole script here, but shippers' favorite scene - the lavatory scene. Yeah, you can always rely on this scene to bring some juicy stuff.
Okay let's start from the moment Lisa enters the bathroom alone.
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Frankly speaking, for now, I prefer the movie version. Especially the line "Okay, get up" instead of "Oh my God..." Wes Craven said in the DVD commentary about this moment:
This was tricky, between making her totally collapse, but not have her totally pathetic. And she very quickly gets herself under control.
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Next, there is an interesting description of Rippner:
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Also, the message on the mirror was meant to be revealed slightly earlier, but whatever.
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I'm not sure about Rippner's lines here, because half of it is barely audible in the film. Also quite ironic that the underlined part is not in the movie at all.
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Okay, now really important stuff starts kicking in. Rippner practically spills out the fact that he is ATTRACTED to Lisa right at her face. The script makes it clear, that she now knows this and tries to use his attraction (and his regret) to persuade him to give up on Keefe assassination plan. Funny enough, she almost succeeds until he notices her scar. Personally, I think "You're beautiful..." line (and hair brushing) should have stayed in the final cut. Not only for the sake of the ship, but for the fact that without it Lisa's "You don't have to do this" sounds really naive.
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Some of you may argue that this is all relevant for the movie, they just made it more subtle. Well, Movie-Lisa's best guess that Movie-Rippner might be attracted to her is the way Cillian looks at Rachel. On one hand many people point out that they do have chemistry and sexual tension, on the other the movie on its own leaves watchers to wonder whether the characters had any romantic feelings towards each other or not. And I probably stumbled upon a comment on YouTube, which interpreted the "You don't have to do this" line more as "You're so pretty, why do you have to be evil?" (or something along these lines)
Also I think that clarification would make Lisa a more nuanced character (by the fact that she tries to manipulate a villain into giving up on his villainy).
Also, as you may have noticed, the scar was meant to be on her neck, makes sence, given her backstory (He held a knife to my throat). I guess they moved it down just so Rippner wouldn't notice it earlier (though the script also mentions, that Lisa was meant to wear a sweater). I, personally, on the back of my horny mind, think he wasn't looking for scar when he gazed on her breast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
A little note: Script-Lisa looks away saying "No" while Rachel looks straight into his eyes, but starts trembling instead.
By the way, Rippner wasn't meant to slam and choke her just yet.
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I guess he just let her out to wipe out the messege. Here Lisa gives up on conving him.
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Only after he finished wiping he starts to choke her. Also, pay CLOSE ATTENTION on what Rippner's lips do here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Yep, he almost kisses her.
I guess the changes movie made here were for the sake of pacing.
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Another important difference: Rippner fixes both their outlooks to be more presentable. Lisa protests a bit.
I guess the movie crew decided they don't need to fix their look that much.
Also, I prefer the movie's "Peachy" instead of just "Good", though both lines are in the movie lol.
On the final note, I guess "Thanks for the quickie" line makes a bit more sence given we have Rippner's crawling lips there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
So, these were the differences of the lavatory scene between the script and the movie. Hope you had as much shipping excitement as I did.
P.S: The link to the script. If you're a fan I strongly suggest to download it, it may easily become a lost media, like an earlier draft.
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beevean · 3 months
Seward may be the more attractive human guise of Death's, but Zead's appeal is the act of blasphemy, having Death impersonate a man of the cloth while Dracula has his pleasure of him ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This sounds like a juicy prompt 👀👀👀
What can I say? Death knows his Master better than everyone else... and it wouldn't surprise me if Dracula, who spent centuries hating God and the Church, had one hell of a priest kink and would love to put one in his proper place... 😏
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yournightowl · 1 year
Your NightOwl #026
i've run into some true pieces of work back here. 
Con artists like Leetle. (`皿´#) Busybodies like Crook. 
But i haven't seen much of the criminal element everyone claims is so rampant. i haven't seen any thieves.
Which makes sense to me. Data's the gold you dig for online, and everything back here got stripmined decades ago. There's no point trawling through 40 year old sites to try and find juicy tidbits of personal information on people who are dead.
No monetary point i mean. i get something out of it, but that's because i'm trying to learn. 
and i'm a weirdo. _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
i suppose thieves could always steal from other thieves, but i don't see the point in that. When you skim credits off of a megacorp's blindcheck account, it's less than a rounding error to those people.
When you steal from a fellow thief, it's a grave insult and a serious financial blow. They're gonna notice, and they're gonna want to strike back.
So is the oldnet just too low-traffic for crime to flourish?
i thought so until recently. But i there is one unnatural resource back here, ripe for the taking, that you can't find anywhere else-
And it rhymes with martapishul inned elegance.
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We're always hearing news stories about cell corps getting busted for using low-grade Ay-Eyes in some customer service subroutine somewhere- playing with fire to avoid hiring anyone with HR skills.
They say they had no idea that that was the case, that they had just bought what they thought were quirky Adds from a shady salesman, and in fact it was a contractor who did the purchasing and blah blah blah. σ( ̄、 ̄〃)
Typical cell corp cycle of distrust and disavowal. (ᓀ ᓀ) When your whole operation's built to be cast off at the slightest inconvenience, you quickly learn to do the same to anyone beneath you.
No one takes credit, no one takes responsibility, the corp vanishes into smoke and we all split the fine. It happens everyday. ┐('~`;)┌
But those lowgrades had to have come from somewhere. 
┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ And i think they come from back here.
Developing Those Programs Whose Names I Shan't Repeat is like making nuclear bombs- It's dangerous, expensive, leaves radioactive evidence everywhere.
But throwing out a honeypot on the oldnet and waiting for one of them to stumble in is very low-risk, since no one's patrolling back here, and essentially costs you nothing, since no one keeping the oldnet running is charging for the service.
If you can then import it, turn it around and sell it, that's profit baby [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]- and if shit ever hits the fan later on, you're not the one caught with their hand in the illegal tech cookie jar.(^◔ᴥ◔^)
Creating, funding, supporting, distributing, harboring, making use of or encouraging the development of Hey-Pies is against the law in every country that can still call itself a country.
But i've never heard of any laws that make it illegal to poach them on the wild plains of the oldnet.
Even if it's not expressly illegal
For some reason it feels really mean.
Looking for honor among very few thieves,
your nightowl
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thisfrigginpunk · 6 years
Gabrielle: I’m looking for something that’ll make my girlfriend bust it open on Valentine’s Day
Aphrodite: *Claps hands and rubs them together enthusiastically*
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seokjinniebangtan · 2 years
DSMP One-shot Smut Workshop
Help me create stories/imagines for hot and juicy smut ;)
[[2024 EDIT/UPDATE]]: Hiiii, sorry if I've been on hiatus for like...forever now. Totally did not forget about tumblr as I got distracted with joining other fandoms and catching up with old ones. I have a lot of requests so please bare with me and I will try not to disappoint anyone in fulfilling their orders.
[[NOTE]]: Just to clarify, everyone who is listed in this workshop will only be written using their character personas. Mainly the character they played on the Dream SMP.
Below is a list of people that’ll be included in my stories
Below is a list of plot concepts
[gender ----> type of reader -----> kink(s) -----> prompt(s)]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❥ AMAB   ❥ AFAB   ❥ Other:_____ [A] brat!reader  [B] top!reader  [C] hybrid!reader  [D] royalty!reader  ◌ daddy/mommy kink   ◌ choking kink   ◌ belly bulge    ◌ hair pulling           ◌ slapping    ◌ bondage    ◌ gagging    ◌ overstimulation    ◌ breeding         ◌ lingerie    ◌ dacryphilia    ◌ spectrophilia    ◌ voyeurism    ◌ size kink       ◌ sadist/masochist    ◌  degradation   ◌ Other:_____
patience being tested
in heat/rut
jealousy/possessiveness at its finest
bored in the house
late night shenanigans 
threesome | foursome | fivesome | gangbang  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
greater dream smp vs lmanburg
love/hate relationship
7 minutes in heaven
7 days of pleasure, 7 days of no walking
i love punishments
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earthnashes · 2 years
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More Feathers and Flowers stuff from last year I never posted here, so here it is now! :> This one was an ask provided by the awesome Sylph264! She asked Sakura about her dating life, but there's a little more to it than what Sakura's saying. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
For context: Sakura is asexual and quite possibly, at least on some level, demiromantic. The gender of the person matters very little to her when it comes to attraction, but she also doesn’t feel romantic attraction all that often either.
Quincy (the fellow in the last panel) is her bestest best friend and he knows a lot about her romantic life (he’s usually the one she talks to about it), so he knows all the juicy details, including when, and who, she legitimately starts having a crush on. owo
Some lil lore funfacts for anyone interested:
-Sakura is rather popular for a lot of reasons, but one of them is her being a star athlete. She’s very good at sports, especially the one she actually plays in (an in-universe sport called Earthball), and given how high viewership is for college games in their world (in which it rivals pro-league viewership), she’s essentially a bit of a celebrity.
-Sakura typically doesn't think all that much about romance or dating; it rarely crosses her mind. So in the cases of her past relationships, they were more casual than anything; she's never been in a relationship for the long-haul before.
-As part of her whole deal as a star athlete, Sakura runs many social medias to connect to potential fans. Her favorite is streaming, particularly when she doesn't have to think about the camera and simply gets to hang out and play the games with her buds.
I'm really enjoying the ask segments! It gives me the freedom to explore characters and a bit about their stories without having to try and adhere to a linear storyline at all times. It's been a breath of fresh air to work on so far!
At any rate, I hope you enjoy the art! More to come soon! owo
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oexen · 3 years
Do you have any Valdemar headcanons you'd be willing to share? ^^
OF COURSE I DO thank u for asking anon, i ended up writing a bunch of stuff wehehe i hope u enjoy
• I love to think that they have a secret penchant for cute tiny things, and I do mean things that are widely publicly accepted as cute and it would be super embarrassing if anyone found out. No one can ever know.
• They carry fantasy HotHands ™ in their pocket. :^)
• They’d get offended if you accused them of committing some atrocity or crime, but not for the right reasons. How dare you insinuate they’re a filthy pleb, obviously they’re above that, Fool.
• They really try to be funny, even if subconsciously. (Dr. 069 in the house, calling MC a Fool haw haw, oh woops, looks like I have interrupted your Romantic Endeavors :3c, how do you do fellow humans) One of these days someone will laugh at their dry ass non-jokes, right? Right???
• If they really wanted to they could whip out their tentacles to do menial tasks but it’s more fun to watch other more perishable beings try hard to do things for them
• Duck whisperer, no one knows why. Quackstor
• They never put anything extra in their tea.
• I think they’re generally very clean, and they’d smell like clean laundry or nothing. Alcohol would dry their shit all the way out, and it’s pretty difficult to keep yourself clean when you wear all white all the time, so I don’t think they’d smell like death, decay, chemicals, the dungeon, etc. They’re completely swaddled and must look ✨ crisp ✨. Their eldritch spaghetti form would have to smell like nothing or it would have an aoe instadeath radius for sure.
• Theatre kid. Horse kid. Where are their horse demon characteristics smh
• As much as they’re ~above humans~ they’re still thirsty for juicy drama and will use themself to that end. They’re more there for the drama than they’re an active threat unless they’re ordered to do things, but they’ve still shown they won’t follow orders to the letter unless they personally want to.
• They hate all the paperwork they’re stuck with :3
Angst under the cut!
• They’re touch-starved. Getting physically close to MC is a 2 birds 1 stone situation, they get to scare the pants off them (oops ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )and they microdose intimacy.
• I like thinking about how Valdemar’s emotions, especially their love of discovery, were torn away from them over the course of their deal-making, so they’re now obsessed with science and research in the same way that Volta’s obsessed with food, they can’t stop pursuing it, they know they’re supposed to like it, but they can’t really taste the fruits of their or anybody else’s labor :’^) Their insistance that they ~love~ death and decay is a cover story, mostly. The sentiment used to have meaning.
• They could, once again, whip out their tentacles at any point when they’re alone in the dungeon all the time, but they try to remember what it is to feel like a person sometimes. They know no one’s coming down there anymore, and they’d save themself some trouble if they casually used demon powers, but they don’t. It’s weirdly vulnerable.
• Kinda fluff, kinda angst, Valdemar likes tea and the feeling of a warm drink is supposed to make people happier/friendlier as well as it simulates human touch, and I feel like they use that to feel something (like the ghost of a warm fuzzy feeling B’^) ) considering it’s something small and frivolous they go out of their way to enjoy. If you hold their hands they don’t feel the need to make tea as often ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) They cling to the last shreds of their humanity with everything they have or they wouldn’t be able to function properly.
• Underneath all their posturing and effortless intimidation, they know they fucked it all up big time, but they’ve at least convinced themself that they’ve accepted it. They’re stuck, bored as hell, and know they can’t reverse anything, so why bother entertaining the thought of regret? I think MC noting that Valdemar couldn’t have made certain expressions Muriel did speaks to that they only allow themself a small range of emotions.
• Their relationship with Death really closely mirrored Nadia’s relationship with the High Priestess, when they were human. They didn’t have a strong support network though, and thus were more inclined to accept deals from the Devil. Death might have taught them a lot, and Valdemar at least acts as if death and its processes are all they care for; they don’t have much else. I think they say a lot of things to convince themself that whatever they’ve done isn’t fucked up beyond all reason (ends justify the means wink wonk), as much as it also works as a facade.
• They started with good intentions, they wanted to discover things and help people, if they were that ancient alchemist, something made them desperate. They went too deep in the Devil’s bogo deal special, Death’s disappointment felt like a betrayal (Don’t you think I should help more people? Why are you so against my success?) and Death’s pain may not have occurred to them.
• The breakdown of Valdemar’s relationship with Death must have been long and painful on both sides at some point, but by the time Death was weakened like the Hierophant in Nadia’s route, Valdemar had their own blinders on🐴 and/ or was too deep in the Devil’s thrall to acknowledge what it really meant.
• They had a need for power and control over their life and ended up giving up what little they really had for illusions of these things, and once they realized that’s what was happening, it was far too late. Can’t half-ass it though I guess lol they said crank that shit up to 11. Then they just ended up with all the paperwork lmfao
• They helped create an entire society that at some point was even advanced and prosperous, and while they say they love to see it fall, it also means it’s in their best interest to help in bringing it up. They also would rather be employed than not, and love having opportunities to reject invitations to meetings and other things.
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lemonade-if · 3 years
Response Compilation
Same drill as usual! ( ´ ▿ ` )
I just wanted to say that I just found this and am immediately sucked in. I’m a sucker for slice of life type things (idk why the simplicity of day to day life scratches a part in my brain) The details that you already have created are just so awesome already and I can’t wait for the demo and whole game.
Thank you for your excitement! Romanticizing the mundane is one of my favorite things. Being able to explore “normal life” as an ideal version of myself without having to worry about irredeemable failure brings me great comfort...I hope I can bring that experience to those who feel the same way.
the home economics teacher-
funny enough, i have an mc who's extremely scary looking appearance-wise, but is extremely good at homey stuff (ex: cooking), so all i can think is my mc and the home economics teacher going 🤝 with their appearances not matching their job/hobbies
Gap moe duo...I love it. Aleksei’s dad is actually this type of character too...perhaps I have a subconscious preference 😆
I found the story through my friend's ecstatic reblogs and now I myself am eager to see where the story will go. 😂
I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you so much (´ ω `♡)
Man, I can't wait for the scene where a stoic/curt/intimidating MC who never smiles, finally smiles in the presence of the RO. It's gonna be juicy👀
Ahhhh yes. And the moment when the stoic or scary RO finally smiles/lets down their guard with MC, too... ( ͡° ᴥ ͡°)
Hoping I can at least be best friends with everyone who isn't the RO I eventually 😭🤞
You’ll definitely have the opportunity to try that!
Hohoho... ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
I’m glad I was able to give you a laugh ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I hope you continue to enjoy!
still can't believe I made my OC have pink hair before even knowing Hikaru's favorite color, it's destiny
“Cause I still believe in destiny That you and I were meant to be I still wish on the stars as they fall from above Cause I still believe, believe in love”
-I Still Believe by Hayden Panettiere
( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑
Omg I am so looking forward to this game! I'm a shoujo junkie so this is totally up my alley. Also this really reminds of the Tokimeki Memorial games, especially the Girl's Side series. Were those an inspiration by any chance? I'm curious cuz I adore the Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side series.
Thank you so much! I looked Tokimeki up just now and can definitely see the similarities-- from what I’m reading, it sounds like a polished/robust version of what I’m trying to achieve. I’ve never played it myself but it looks like a lot of fun!
i dont mean this in a rushy impatient way or anything but when you said book one is 85% done is that the demo, the plan, the whole thing or what? love the concept of this IF so i totally understand if you take a while to make it, they are hard work
No problem! The first demo (Chapters 1-2) is aimed for release by mid 2022! I think what you read is an ask in which someone inquired whether I had Patreon/Kofi, and I had responded that I wouldn’t make something like that unless I was 85% done with B1.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Do you have plans to write a Scooby Doo fanfiction? If so, what will be the main ship? And maybe a few juicy deets of as well? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
I don't really have any plans to write fanfic. I only had one idea and it was mega angst about Velma and Marcie in a scenario where the timeline wasn't reset and the only thing that happened was that the people the Entity ate came back but Marcie died before that so she didn't and Velma's angsting about that (also, Marcie's father is devastated).
I wouldn't write fic about the Fred x Daphne or Velma x Shaggy ships because those were a goddamn mess that I have every intention of staying away from. If I would write about any couple, it would probably be about Ricky and Cassidy because I thought they were the most interesting. They were working together in season 1 and he mentioned that he brought her back to Crystal Cove and I think that has a lot of potential that can be explored.
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
lately i was having kuroo appreciation moment and i remembered the work with brother kuroo and i was like fuck wait i gotta remember where was that part from where he just manipulates his sister, and here was i was going through your works again and then BOOM! i found what i needed and my insides were screaming ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
:<<< aAAAAAHHHH thANK YOUUUUU pLS i love manipulative niichan tetsu so much he fits it so well idk idk idk iTS JUST SO GOOD SO JUICY I LOVE WRIting mANiPULATinG MEN
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neptuneofthesky · 3 years
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I was a little bit late, I first joined Quakcity’s stream to listen to his mcc song, which was great by the way!! (go listen to it!!)
Quackity said that he is Florida, that is why he isn’t using the green screen, Dream is in the next room, and Sapnap is streaming from the bathroom.
Then I joined Dream’s stream and I was there the whole time.
1st Game, Parkour Tag
Dream was a god in parkour tag, like, it was literally a manhunt, he hunted them faster than me desperately trying to fall asleep. That's all I want to say. He popped off.
They ended up in 3rd place overall.
2nd Game, Battle Box
The pinks dunked the reds lol.
Quackity popped off in battle box.
They did really good at the beginning of the battle box but then the victory ✨ got in their head ✨ but they still won 6/9 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), they overall did really really well.
Quackity was doing really well, he was in Hall of fame at 8th place after battle box, and Sapnap was in first!
They were still in 3rd place overall.
Dream told Tubbo that he hated him, then jk<3. He also said hi to Niki.
3rd Game, Sky Battle
Dream said that his aim was very off today.
Quackity said that don’t let it get to his head.
Dream laughed and said that it's already in my head.
Dream got 3 kills.
Michael got 1 kill.
Quackity got 1 kill.
Sapnap got 2 kills.
The round ends and they got 2nd place.
Dream got 5 kills.
Michael got 1 kill.
Quackity got 2 kills.
Sapnap got 3 kills.
The round end and they end up in 3rd place.
Dream got 8 kills.
Michel got 2 kills.
Quackity got 2 kills.
Sapnap got 7 kills.
The last round ends and they end up in 2nd place in Sky Battle.
They end up in second place overall.
p.s. pink parrots did really well and ended up in the first place overall<3
4th Game, Sands Of Time
Dream had a bg of a different dteam fanart this time.
I don’t really know what to put about sands of time, because it was really fun just to watch, they had really nice communication and coordination.
And Michael popped off.
They coined 2754 coins.
And Dream threw tomatoes at Tommy and then twerked.
They end up in 2nd place overall.
Sapnap was in 2nd place, Dream was in 4th place, Quackity was in 10th place and Michael was in 13th place.
p.s. pink parrots were awesome and were in the first place then<3
5th Game, Hole In The Wall
Hbomb subbed in Pete, they were happy because of that, they were also happy because they manipulated the votes. (in this round, it was the fan voting for the game thing)
Dream privately messaged Wilbur.
Dream: ily
Dream: jk
Wilbur: I need space
Dream: wtf
Also, Sapnap went to change his pants because his balls were getting bigger.
Dream said that they were not colorblind so they won’t have any problem.
Sapnap won the first round, he did the Hbomb glitch thing, and he said he loved glitches and he loved Hbomb and he wanted him to be his cat maid.
Everyone said ranboo looks snazzy and complimented him in the chat.
Also, they had this conversation:
Sapnap: "I am so hot and sexy."
Dream agreed with him.
Quackity: "You have a hot and juicy ass."
Sapnap: "You would sure like a piece of it."
Quackity: "Oh wait, I didn't put my clothes back on."
Sapnap: "No, no, keep them off."
Dream: "Okay guys, spam space harder than Quackity spams his mother- wait I mean how hard I spam his mother."
Quackity: "That was messed up, dude."
Dream: "Spam space harder than George tries to see colors."
Quackity: "Yes, I like that. I will spam space harder than I spam George's mother."
Sapnap again won, this time it was a glitchless win.
And Quackity said that is why Sapnap has big balls.
They kept talking about how big Sapnap's balls will get when he wins this one too.
Sapna ended up in 10th place.
Dream ended up in 4th place.
Sapnap ended up 1st in top players of hole in the wall.
Their team also ended up in first place in hole in the wall.
Red rabbits ended up in first place overall.
Sapnap was in 1st place.
Dream was in 3rd place
Quackity was in 16th place.
Michael was in 20th place.
Sapnap said that he was nervous about TGTTOSAWAF, so Dream hyped him up, then Quackity and Michael followed, then they continued to talk about Sapnap’s balls.
6th Game, Ace Race
Sapnap went to pee, they said it's a part of Strat.
Then started to diss Sylvee during their second lap.
They all did trash, except sapnap, he ended up in 12th place.
Tommy whispered to Dream, 'dumb fuck'.
They all agreed that the map was indeed pretty, but they didn't like it.
Then everyone hypes up Niki<3.
They end up in last place in Ace race.
But still, Sapnap was in 1st place overall and Dream was in 4th place overall.
They dropped to third place overall.
7th game, TGTTOSAWAF
Greens dunked pinks lol.
They ran the freaking ad everywhere, so I couldn’t see the first half.
Michael, unfortunately, couldn’t complete it, so they hyped him up.
Michael again didn’t make it, so they hyped him up, and told him and Quackity to follow Dream.
They all made it this time, and Michael ended up in 6th place!
Again, they all finished, and their team was in 4th place.
Sapnap ended in 2nd place! Unfortunately, Quackity couldn’t complete it.
Tommy was pissing off Sapnap since he also screwed him up in the 2nd round. Unfortunately, quackity couldn’t complete the race again so they hyped him up.
Then they ran ads so I don’t know what they were talking about, but according to the chat, they were still hyping each other up
Red rabbits ended up in 4th place overall.
p.s. Pink parrots ended up in first place overall<3
8th game, Survival Games
They decided to do the buddy strat, Michael will stick with Dream, Quackity will stick with Sapnap.
Quacky: "You are my side bitch Sapnap."
Sapnap: "No, YOU are my side bitch."
And Sapnap got excited so Dream told him to not be out for blood. [that is such a cool dialogue I am definitely using that in their dynamic]
They also decided to stay away from people.
Their coordination was really good, even tho someone straight-up went in, the other pointed it out. They all listened to each other.
Survival games were really really fun to watch, they freaking popped off, like actually popped off, they were in first place. I recommend watching it from their pov!
They overall got first place<3.
Also, Sapnap got 4k points and was in 1st place, Dream was in 3rd place.
The Final Showdown: Dodgebolt
Red Rabbits vs Yellow Yaks
Sapnap went to take a piss.
I myself had to take a piss, but the hype was too much. And it was 3 am then.
They all said it's a win-win situation, because if they win they will be happy, and if yellow wins, which has Captain Sparklez in it, which will break his curse, will also make them happy.
Sylvee and Quig hyped red up.
Tommy said he’ll be happy if red loses and he’ll clip it. (/j)
Sapnap got Punz and Jack.
Seapeekay got Quackity and Michael.
Dream got Captain Sparklez and Seapeekay.
Red rabbits won the 1st round.
Captain Sparklez got Michael.
Sapnap got Punz, Seapeekay and Captain Sparklez (king popped off).
Sylvee was continuously hyping them up, along with Wilbur.
Jack got Sapnap.
Dream got Jack.
Red rabbits won the 2nd round too.
Sapnap got captain sparkle
Punz shot Sapnap.
Dream shot Punz and Seapeekay and Jack.
Sapnap got 1st place AND 4k points, so close to Techno’s record! Congrats Sapnap!
It was 3:16 am, and it was worth it!
And then Dream raided Sapnap, and stayed on his stream along with Michael, Scott, Ant, Punz, Hbomb (these were the only people I could comprehend). Niki thanked Sapnap and Dream and because their chat sent support to Niki during ace race, Dream and Sapnap said thank you for acknowledging that we sent you support(/s), and Quackity was talking with the pinks and Jack.
Then they just discussed the game and a couple of other things, I wasn’t really concentrating because I was pooping. At 3:30 am.
Quackity raided sapnap and joined their call along with Jack.
And the thing I comprehended was that Sylvee was so supportive of red rabbits that she drowned all the “hate”(/j) comments. And they again talked about stuff.
They talked about who they want to team with next mcc.
And then Sylvee joined their call and talked about the game
And then they continued to talk about things, I was drunk by then. I was drunk on the fact that I am not asleep yet, and its almost 4 am.
Quackity popped off in battle box. Congrats to him for his first win ever!
Also, Michael popped off in sands of time, also congrats to him for his first win! (/j) [this is based on a joke guys made in the beginning that it's first time for Michael to play in a mcc ever]
They also made jokes about how Michael is a mcc virgin(/j) and Quackity lost his mcc virginity last time. and Sapnap also mentioned that Dream was there when Sapnap lost his mcc virginity
They fucked it up in the ace race, but their comeback in survival games was amazing and phenomenal.
And truly, survival games, ugh, they popped off my lord. and if it was build mart instead, they were fucked.
They broke a curse too, this was the first win for a red rabbits team!!
Also, pink did really well, but they screwed up in the survival games., that's why they got third place.
During the survival games, Dream said that they won’t engage on the pinks because they didn't want to mess up their first place.
Everyone had really fun, and I also had really fun watching it. I’d recommend you all to go listen to Quackity’s song if you haven’t already, and watch the survival games from different povs!
And once again, CONGRATS RED RABBITS!!!
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thisfrigginpunk · 6 years
Gabrielle: Xena, can I get a sip of that?
Xena: Um, no!
Gabrielle: Why?
Xena: Because I’m breastfeeding
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aajjks · 4 years
Yandere!BTS: The official Q/A with the Fanclub. (Part 02.)
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Hello and welcome to the first ever Q/A session with your ever so favourite boys.... THE Y/N FANCLUB!!!!! Yes, our lovely boys are super excited to answer all of your questions! You, yourself submitted these lovely and AMAZING questions!! Let’s get started!! Shall we? (PART TWO)
Part one/Part Two.
Disclaimer: please keep in mind that some of these questions can be offensive, so please proceed to your caution, this session can take a huge turn, for the negative. These boys can end up fighting. You have been warned by @/aajjks. ENJOY AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS.
Warnings: a lot of crack, sexual jokes, sexual puns and talk, fighting, threats, obsessive behaviour and possessive behaviour, jealousy, Yandere, please keep in mind that this is purely fictional and I don’t think that any Bts member would ever act like this! Kinda offensive and triggering. KINKY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS!! SUGGESTIVE THEMES LOL.
WC: 1.5k
Header credits: @shiori-sama
A/N: this part is particularly juicy.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I must say.. YOUR QUESTIONS HAD ME RED AS A TOMATO LMAO I CANT WITH YOU ALL!!! Ok. This is finally here. THE WAIT IS OVER. THIS THE LAST INSTALLMENT OF THE Q/A session. ENJOY!!!! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Fanclub index:
(Thank you so so much for submitting such amazing questions! I had so much fun with them! :c)
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“You guys! For the last time I’m warning you to stop fighting!” Alina screams at the top of her lungs. But they don’t bulge.
Alina sighed deeply, when an idea coming onto her mind. “There are so many questions waiting for you guys! Don’t you want to answer them?” She chirps.
Jimin stop throwing punches in the air and he looks at the girl. “Really? There are questions left?” He asks her cautiously.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” She answers confidently. They all stop, Jimin runs back to his place and they all follow him.
“Jeez, Guys.” Alina cringes. “Let’s start.” She announces coldly. The boys rub the back of their necks in embarrassment.
She just gives them a look and reads the question.
11: fanclub, if you could, how would u cuddle with y/n?
“Ahhh! This is my most favourite question!!!” Jimin blushes. “I’d love the skin to skin contact with her. I’d love to feel her body. Ah, I’d wrap my hands tightly around her. And just press butterfly kisses on her neck.”
Jimin is busy daydreaming when Jungkook nudges him.
“T-That’s what I was supposed to say!” He grits his teeth. “I’d love to be the big spoon. She’s small compared to me. I can hide her in me.” Namjoons eyes shine in adoration.
“I-I will do anything for her. She’s so comfy. I love her.” Yoongi answers. Hoseok agrees by nodding his head.
“I want to squeeze her up!” Taehyung bites his lip. “Dude.”
Jin looks up and down at him, “I just want to cuddle with her and play with her hair.” Jin nods at his own answer.
“Ooh cool!”
12: what made you fall in love with y / n?
“Everything. It was meant to be.” They all answer at the same time. The smiles on their faces proving their love for Y/N.
“Right! Let’s move on!”
13: so this question is particularly for Jeon jeongguk. What all limits can u cross for y/n? And if u two date, how happy will u be? and what all will u do for her or with her?? How much effort will u put in for her to make her believe ur the right one for her? And last but not the least, we'll support u no matter what.
Jimins eyes widen. “Hey! This is supposed to be a quiz for all of us! Why Jungkook? You could’ve asked me! I hate you!” Jimin complains, his voice getting louder and louder with every sentence.
Namjoon rolls his eyes at jimins pathetic jealousy. “Relax, Park.” He warns.
While Jungkook panics. “I-I love her so, so much.” He finally begins.
“I can cross any limits for her, there is no limit when it comes to her. Y/N and I will get married and have a family. I’d be so happy and grateful. I can do absolutely anything for her. Anything. I-I can prove that I’m the only one for her because no one is capable of loving her as much as me. Thank you. I really appreciate it.” He smiles softly.
“Blah blah blah.” Jimin mocks Jungkook again.
“Stop it, Jimin.” Taehyung rolls his eyes.
“Shall we continue?” She asks sarcastically.
“Yes please!” Jin replies. Alina nods happily.
14: what is the worst way the fanclub has tortured someone? what did that person do?
“Oh.” Alina’s mouth forms an ‘O’ shape. This was a pretty dangerous question.
“We can’t answer this question due to our privacy policy. But that person tried to bully Y/N and trouble her.” Yoongi’s eyes harden at the memory.
“All we can say is that Jungkook went fucking nuts on that person.” Jin laughs. Taehyung laughs too, his deep voice echoed through the room.
“O-Okay! Let’s move on!” The girl gets creeped out from the boys’ crazy laugh.
15: whats your favorite thing about y/n, boys?
“Her eyes!” One voice booms. “Her hair!” Another speaks. “Her lips.” A deep voice chuckles. “Her skin!” Another voice replies nervously. “Her smile.” Another giggles. “Her legs!” A voice replies softly. “Her everything!” Jungkook smirks. Jimin was just about to argue when Alina suddenly read the question out loud.
16: How would you look if y / n liked to be called mommy?
The water that Jungkook was drinking suddenly splashed on Alina’s face. “H-HEY!” She tries to wipe her face. “What the fuck Jungkook!” She whines.
“I-I’m so sorry.” He apologises. “I’d love to call her mommy. She’s one hundred percent mommy material!” Jimin bites his lower lip. “Ah fuck, I’m so aroused right now.” Taehyung clicks his tongue as he tries to cover his bulge.
Jin laughs. “You’re so weak pfft!” He tries to wipe his sweat on his face. “I’d call her mommy!” Hoseok answers as he shrugs.
“I-I’d call her mommy too. I-I really would!” Jungkook answers quickly.
“Only if she’ll call me daddy in return.” Namjoon winks.
Alina looked at Yoongi for his answer and he just shrugged.
17: How would you look if y / n were the sticky type?
“We won’t mind at all!!” Jin answers on behalf of the whole club. They nod.
Alina sighs and nods. “Ok guys. This is the last question.” She informs and their faces fall.
“I was enjoying it so much!!!” Jimin pouts. “Me too! I don’t want this to end!!” Jungkook commands. “Sorry boys but this has come to an end! They are waiting for this for so long!” Alina smiles.
18: How would you look if y / n were asexual non-romantic?
“Ah that would be a problem.” Namjoon answers quickly. “Because it would be so hard for us to woo Y/N.” Jimin continues.
“But I respect her decision. But that doesn’t mean we’ll leave her or stop loving her.” Jungkook answers.
“There’s always room for hope? Right?” Hoseok winks.
Alina laughs. “Haha! Right!” They all smile.
“Well, that concludes the interview! I hope you all had your fun! Now I better go! Bye!” Alina waves and exists.
The boys wave back as they stand up.
“You better take care of that little problem of yours, buddy.” Namjoon smiles, looking down at taehyungs tight crotch.
Taehyung rolls his eyes. They all turn to leave as Taehyung stays back.
“Ah the things you do to me, baby. Fuck.” He growls. “We can hear you, tae. Come on!” Jin reminds Taehyung. “We all can hear you.” They laugh.
Surprisingly, Jungkook too.
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jockvillagersonly · 3 years
- “he’s just some guy” yes but he has excellent tits - are we talking about xiaoge? LMAO he has, tho!! Then what about him for that CHARACTER ASKS game, if you are still motivated to answer, of course! ;)
If you EVER see the word tits on my blog it is ALWAYS about Xiaoge and I am NEVER ashamed to admit it!! He has glorious pecs, and we all know it.
Wu Xie also knows it. Intimately. Ahem.
🐸🐸From this juicy ask list🐸🐸
How I Feel About XG and His Juicy Juicy Tits: I’ve honestly been putting off answering this ask because I have SO many feelings about XG (and his juicy juicy tits), and I have been in a low so it’s been hard for me to muster the energy to express my LOVE FOR HIM
I think he’s a fucking troll when he wants to be. A shit. An utter menace. I described him as like a limpet in a fic once, and I stand by that
Honestly I think...I think he’s a really tragic character? I think he and Wu Xie both fundamentally humanize and also dehumanize each other. I think @vishcount and @cross-d-a have talked before about their love as all consuming, to the point of loss and evisceration, and about how they have both had to find ways to overcome that
Also: big sword ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) as @amidalogicdive apparently googled. Ahem
God I’m sorry I have a lot of feelings but I’m not really focused rn!!! Hmm maybe one word impressions: caustic / loyal / roiling / tender ??
All the ❤️Romantic❤️ Ships: imagine if I didn’t write PingXie here. Imagine. What would you guys even do. (Also Iron Threesome 🥵😈)
Non-Romantic OTPs: ok I already talked HERE about my feelings on the Hei Xiazi / Xiaoge friendship, and how it makes me go :))))))) like, a bunch. Other relationships for XG that I think are ✨fun✨ are Li Cu and Liu Sang! I talked a bit in Supplication about this, but XG would have spent a lot of time with Liu Sang when on Wu Erbai’s expedition — I think it makes sense that his opinion might change a lot faster than Pangzi or even Wu Xie’s? I just. Think it’s cool for ZQL to have more than one person who humanizes him, who sees the incredible and the mundane in him 🥺 I also think Zhang Daddy Rishan is interesting, because I think he’s probably one of the few people who gets Zhang Qiling, who gets the burden and blessing of power? Who gets the sacrifices that come with being more?
Unpopular Opinions: I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion but I think it’s very funny that XG is all 😔😔 I am a monster 😔😔 an immortal out of time 😔😔 and he’s like...104. Like sorry you qualify for AARP gramps, go clean your dentures and stop being dramatic
Things I Wish Happened W/Him: other than PingXie having a long and gentle makeout on screen, you mean? 😔😔
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