#this one was the first post i made that rlly blew up
beebundt · 3 months
Is there any chance we can get a coloring tutorial or your brush settings? I am OBSESSED with the vibes of your art <3
FROM LIL OLE ME ?????? honestly im still in a constant phase of trying to figure out what brushes/coloring styles i like but i really appreciate you saying that!! im going to assume this ask was influenced by the last art i posted since it blew up? so im going to mainly talk abt how i did those. but if you have any questions abt a specific piece or smth feel free to send a msg or ask! 💛 first off i use clip paint studio so these r all exclusively free csp brushes. artemus chalk and artemus pencil i use for flat colors or small sharper detailing, and intoxicate pencil set for soft lines and blending (its a set but they're all pretty much the same so it doesn't rlly matter which one you use). however i use these 3 pretty interchangeably tbh so its not a strict guideline for me or anything. but for my last post, its almost exclusively the intoxicate pencil. it's what gives that "fuzzy" effect. i made these if they help visualize it
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plus quick coloring tutorial! which is just basically my entire process. i can't clarify anything abt picking colors bc i genuinely don't know and pick whatever itches my brain at that moment in time
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hope this helps! thank you so much for the ask! 💕
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5-pp-man · 3 months
another tierlist because ppl actually liked that first one;
the crème de la crop;
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the first 2 eps i thought it was fine, but it didnt really captivate me as much as id hoped. but then ep 3 changed everything for me. i started to think "how could living armour work logically? everything so far has been edible, so this must be too, right?" i actually managed to think of the exact thing that this series did. that really made me realise the worldbuilding in this was something unique, and it only got better and better with each episode. its really managed to captivate me and i look forward to "delicious donderdag" every week :)
ANIME ORIGINAL LETS GOOOO absolutely bonkers show that almost slipped by me because it initially tried to fool its audience into thinking it was a regular dramatic military show. it still is but theres also a giant robot who plays by saturday morning cartoon giant robot rules. if that sounds like tonal whiplash to you, trust me, it is. and its amazing. have i mentioned how homoerotic this one is as well? yeah. originally a tier below this one, but immediately after finishing this post i watched the newest ep. i had to make an exception and edit the list because ep 9 changes everything. i havent been gobsmacked by a show this hard in a while.
(return of the) show(s) that execute their own premise very well;
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i havent read the manga for yubisaki to renren so i cant compare, but the quality of this adaptation has been very consistent. you need a little sweet romance every once in a while :) this is one of those series where the characters really grew on me the longer it went on. im always a fan of mixing realistic struggles with romance and this one has been doing it well so far
adaptations that are ok (i read the manga for both of these);
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i've been a mashle fan since before s1 aired. and the anime has some good changes and additions here and there! but its not very consistent in terms of quality, it does that shonen thing where the animation quality suddenly spikes for certain action sequences, but it also frequently had a lot of scenes where they recycle shots a lot and nothing interesting happens on the screen for a considerable amount of time. still! its a fine adaptation. and yeah the op for this. blew tf up lmao? very strange to see happen in real time
i actually rlly like the manga for this one. i read the whole thing up until vol.6 before the season started (all that was available back then) and it made me cry multiple times throughout. i was sort of missing that connection with the show, though some of the later episodes still hit. its mostly to do with the animation quality, which isnt that great unfortunately. the voice actors are knocking it out of the park though
wghere am i;
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is this show good? i. uh. will you hate me if i say yes...? objectively, i know its not that good. especially in the animation department. but if you like other Umatani shows, you'll like this one. it's got the same brand of goofy reactionary humour mixed with gimmicky tacky characters and crazy stupid plot twists. ive been faithfully watching this one each week and I'm afraid i've become very invested. overscientific indeed
bro you fell off...;
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i was so beyond excited for this one. i replayed the op a million times, watched each preview, rewatched multiple episodes. and then. ep 5 happened. and i started to realise. oh this show kind of sucks doesnt it? the pacing of the first ep was great, but the rest? way too fast. it became clear with ep 6 that theyre trying to do a double cour show with half the length, which is why they started hauling ass plot-wise. now. i was an arajin apologist for the longest time. but at that point i honestly started to loathe him. even when he stepped up, his praise still felt sort of unearned. and to top it all off, shindou's motivation sucked so he felt like a lousy antagonist. ep6 was better than 5, but it really made me lose my enthusiasm and hope for the series. and right as we were talking about them probably not having time for a filler ep, ep7 happened. feels like a waste of time to do an ep like that when you've still got a whole 2nd arc to go through. but who am i
it started off pretty good honestly. but then chris went to the hospital and it kind of just dwindled from there. this season does so much with characters that have not even been properly introduced like how am i supposed to care about these people if i barely know who they are. the stuff with finn and leo respectively was good though. but the lore dump? lord help me. also vijay just kind of. exists to be there in the background huh? i would not call him a main character they never give him any attention. wendy had another ep again and he didnt get shit. again. also i think finn was stupid as fuck for not listening to lala but again. who am i. i know we cant destroy high card because we need a show but. cmon man.
i am severely behind on these;
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reason why im behind is because most of the eps are a bit heavy so i kept. not watching them. its starting to get rlly interesting though so i'm def gonna catch up this is one of those robo-racism shows so i have to really watch out to see where its going. dont want another marginal service situation...
sorry this is just. a little too boring for me. its charming, sure. but i think this wouldve worked better as something with an 11 min timeslot instead of 23 min. theres just a bit too mu- or well, too little for me to rlly get into this. i think reading it would be more fun for me personally
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funneylizzie · 2 years
What made you a fan of TMNT? I can’t remember when it happened exactly for me, but I recall as far back as the 03 cartoon and getting excited for the 07 movie that made me a longterm fan.
Rise was actually the first ever TMNT related thing I got into!!!
I had no interest in the franchise initially, nothing against it I just never really gave it a try really. That wasn’t until I saw this post on C.H. Greenblatt’s blog.
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(The video isn’t up anymore I don’t think ☹️)
Don’t remember how I came across it but it was right before my first day of senior year of high school. We got up to watch the sunrise, and went back home bc school didn’t start until like 11 that day. I was bored!! Looking thru tumblr on my bed while doodlin and I was like “huh I got nothin else to do might as well give it a shot”
And I LOVED IT!! It wasn’t just the animation that blew me away, but the way the characters interacted and idk the dialogue and humor was just SO FUN for me!!! (Especially Donnie. I remember being QUITE fond of Donnie when I first started the series, like he was my mega favorite)
And idk, Adventure Time had just ended around that time and I needed another show to help get me through! Rise stuck with me when I graduated and when I was working a rlly shitty job that messed with my mental health big time. That’s one of the main reasons it’s rlly important to me! It was nice having a show I could stick with again!!
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superchat · 1 year
I first learned of signalis from you, I believe, and I've been on a bender for horror games ever since... Anything you'd be able to recommend along those lines? I'm starving here
Signalis hit a high for me that i dont think ill really find with many other games. ive never rlly played many horror games so theres not a whole lot i can recommend ;-;
They arent all necessarily horror (youve probably heard or known abt most if not all but its all ive got ;-;) but theres something in them that reminds me of signalis in various ways:
Silent Hill 2 and Dead Space lol (i had to say them)
Iron Lung, short indie game with a really cool premise that leaves a lot to the imagination. theres barely any story but the opening lines leave so much to the imagination and the setting go really well together. is fun to ponder,
MyHouse.wad, a doom mod that blew up. this project has so much to it. both tech, design, heart and love put into it, transcends being just a game and it ends up being something else entirely. if you havent heard abt it, i recommend playing blind and then looking into how to do the rest of it cuz, the game was made in a way that no one person can discover everything. it was made to be a community effort
Dredge, people call this horror but it never tries to be scary, its horror is closer to outer wilds imo where, its the players initial lack of familiarity/comfort that makes it scary, the gameplay is super great and cozy actually. 10/10 fishing/exploration game, good eldritch themes and execution.
Inside, and "older" (like 2016 lol) game and its super great. one of my favorite kinds of games are the ones that are "we made a 2-4 hour game and most of our efforts went into polishing it" the puzzles are fun and theres a morbid humor to them often, the scifi horror setting and story is wonderful and left me itching to look up posts and videos theorizing it
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sheainlondon · 2 years
back of my mind. [b. chilwell]
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inspiration: back of my mind — maria isabel <3
“i knew your love came with a price.”
ok so this is my first post on tumblr, i read a lot but i rlly wanna try writing so if anyone even sees this pls dont judge 🥺❤️
- also when i do write i tend to write in third person bc its a lot easier for me to describe things but i wanted to try first <33
I sat comfortably in the broadcaster booth, my little cousin on my lap as I slid on his headphones, then mine.
I watched Asher every Sunday, since my aunt and uncle had strange work hours. Asher always behaved and was a great boy, but even they needed a little alone time.
He liked coming to work with me and watching the football games, or pitching me his ideas for goal celebration calls.
He’d recently just started playing football, and with time became a huge Chelsea supporter, and was a big Mason Mount fan.
I myself of course enjoyed watching the blues as well, which is of course why I chose to intern there. But nonetheless, there was a little… history there.
The second half had already started, with the Blues up 1-0.
But as time went on, Watford started to press more and more, which eventually ended in a late goal from the other side.
The game now tied at 1-1, I began to tense up. We weren’t really gonna tie on the last game of the season, right?
As the clock ticked on, Lee sighed and took off his headphones. He rubbed his temples, then turned to me, “I gotta get down there for the postgame stuff. You and the big guy got it, right?” He joked, ruffling Asher’s hair.
“Yup!” I nodded, as Asher giggled, getting up from my lap to sit in Lee’s seat.
As soon as Lee left an incoming substitution came up on the screen in front of me.
‘Ben Chilwell >’
‘Mason Mount <‘
“Who’s that?” my cousin asked, trying make sense of the unfamiliar name.
“Ben Chilwell, he’s been injured.” I said slowly, hoping the bell doesn’t ring for him that it was my ex-something.
“Oh. Alright,” he grinned, “You should say, ‘Please welcome back, Ben Chilwell!’“ he exclaimed, stressing each syllable in his name.
“Sure, why not?” I giggled, swiping my blonde curls out of the way before getting the microphone ready.
The referee then gave his cue, as I came onto the mic.
“Substitution for Chelsea, number nineteen— Mason Mount.”
My voice echoed throughout the stadium as Asher looked at me in awe. I smiled and winked back.
As I watched Mount leave the pitch and hug Ben, a hint of nostalgia tampered with me as I closed my eyes and said into the mic,
“Please welcome back, number twenty-one— Ben Chilwell!” I exclaimed, as the crowd rose and buzzed, ecstatic for his return.
Sad happiness filled me, as I turned off the microphone and stood up, clapping along with them.
As he settled into his position, his head turned and looked up at me in the booth
Our eyes locked.
He nodded, with a heavy smile.
I gave him a thumbs up, just as Asher realized what was going on and got up on his chair to wave at him too.
The game resumed, and the ninety minute mark came.
James had the ball, and just made a splendid move to trick the Watford defenders, before putting in a beautiful cross, that perfectly directed off of Barkley’s head… into the goal!
I threw my hands up in excitement, before high-fiving Asher.
Quickly, I grabbed the microphone once more,
“Goal, Chelsea! Number eighteen… Ross Barkley!”
The three stoppage time minutes went quick, as the final whistle blew and the crowd erupted in cheers.
I watched the players intermix to congratulate each other, then signed off and wished everyone a good evening and safe drive.
Next, we had to get down to the pitch for the awards, speeches, goodbyes, etc.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚:*
As Asher and I arrived on the pitch, Azpi had just finished his speech and congratulated Mount on his phenomenal season and was handing him his player of the year award.
Mason Mount highlights began to play on the Jumbotron above, and families flooded out behind us.
I located Lee, and we began to set up the interviews as the players took their appreciation lap.
We interviewed Rudiger first, then Thomas Tuchel.
“Y/N!” my brother tugged at my jacket as we waited for the next player. Asher then started to speak super fast and jump around at the sight of Mason Mount and Reece James.
“Woah, woah, slow down!” I giggled, squatting down to his height as Lee looked down on us and laughed.
“Go enjoy the last day, Y/N. It’s been a pleasure having you in the booth,” he nodded, as I got up and went to shake his hand, in which he enveloped me into a hug instead.
“No Lee, it’s been a pleasure working for you. Thanks for everything.” I smiled.
“But first how about I get Asher here a photo with Mason Mount, yeah?”
I grinned, as I saw number nineteen approach the interview booth, “He’d love that,” I watched as Asher’s eyes lightened at the sight of the young man.
“And wait,”
“Yeah?” I asked.
“Will you go say hi to Ben for me?” he winked, before his eyes drew forward towards a man in blue who seemed to be lost in the crowd without any family.
I slightly shook my head, but smiled.
I had to say hi.
Every time I’d look through my office window out at the training grounds I’d see him in the parking lot, as he’d be coming in for recovery.
And I’d wondered if anything had changed.
We both knew what we were getting into when we started seeing each other, with me being in the United States most of the time for school and him being a full-time football star.
But we knew that night in New York that it was time to say goodbye.
He took pieces of me when he left.
Just like how I kept pieces of him when he walked away.
“Go on,” Lee ushered me further onto the pitch, as my green eyes comfortably met Ben’s blue ones, to which he quickly looked away from.
I still saw oceans in his eyes. That’s one thing that never changed.
My air forces inched over the gorgeous green grass of Stamford Bridge, as my eyes flickered down and focused on the faded lines of where it had been perfectly cut.
I finally looked up, and I was just inches away from him. He was now coming towards me as well.
As soon as we were close enough, Ben wasted no time to envelop me in a huge hug. I smiled into his smelly jersey that held a faint smell of his familiar cologne.
“I didn’t believe Azpi when he said you worked here now.” he finally said, as we shared an understanding silence with each other.
“Interning, just interning,” I replied, as he hugged me tighter, “I’m sorry I never found you when I first started here. I guess I was just scared.”
He finally pulled away and looked me in the eyes, a soft smile locked onto his face.
“I think we both were.” he nodded.
Nobody spoke as we both took in the buzz of the bridge.
“Any plans this Summer?” I asked, breaking the silence, only wanting to hear his voice and everything about him.
“Yeah, I’m leaving town in a few days. I’m obviously not participating in the Nations League with England so it’s probably gonna be a pretty light next couple of months.”
“Nice,” I nodded, as I nervously tapped my left foot a little bit.
“What about you?”
“Oh, you know me… the normal rounds. New York, California… maybe even Italy this year.”
He nodded.
We both couldn’t deny there was an undeniable sadness between the two of us, not to mention Ben’s absent family members.
“Parents couldn’t make it?” I asked breaking into a new conversation, still in search for his missing loved ones.
“No,” he looked down, studying the ground as if he were in search of something down there.
His eyes glistened as they finally came back up, I could tell it was bugging him that nobody showed on the last day. His family was always first for him.
“I bet some of the other boys family’s couldn’t—“ I started, as his hand moved under my chin and pointed my face up towards him.
He looked as if he was ready to cry, as his hand dropped from under my chin and a sad smile overcame his face, “I just wanna look at you.” he gulped, “Forget about them… forget about everyone else. It’s just you and me again. Even after all those days we spent apart… you still sat at the back of my mind every single one of them.” he shook his head. He went from seemingly being unhappy with his parents to being upset about us.
“We knew it’d come with a price.” I assured, trying to shed light on the main reason we failed.
“I know,” our eyes stayed connected as he fidgeted with the hem of his jersey, “But right now, I-…” he stuttered.
“What?” I frowned.
Ben looked down at me as a ray of sun had moved onto us. He then raised his arm and slid it over my shoulder, softly declaring, “I think you’re all I need.”
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tzyuki · 1 year
my evolution in banners bc i’m bored | part 1
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first smau ever on my first tumblr account (luvarots), literally was lazy with this one 😭 js a photo of niki and my melody pngs
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second smau on luvarots account! this one semi blew up and i was so happy 😭 this banner is basic and lazy too, literally a copy of ASAP!
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third smau on luvarots except it was cut short bc this is when i had accidentally deleted the account 😭 the plot was based around a yearbook so i wanted to make it seem like y/n doodled on it! (ALSO IM BRINGING SOOAWK BACK AFTER ONE HIT WONDER SO WOO)
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this is one of my wips! (was made when i had my second account, aerzkii) SOOO CUTE LIKE I LOVE IT SM, the little website theme MWAH
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eh. it’s okay, was lazy with this one.
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so simple and so cute, like i love it sm and was rlly happy at the time i was finished with it!
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this was for an smau based off of dark moon. looks kinda goofy…like why does it look odd.
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looks so cool and mysterious
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my soob smau i have neglected. it’s basic, all i did was overlap the same photo.
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BASIC BUT AN ICONNNN. was originally posted on aerzkii but was continued on tzyuki. BLEW UP ON HERE SO IT WAS A GREAT START TO A NEW ACCOUNT.
reblogging part 2!
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Hiii, Peach here! So I was wondering what made you decide to actually make a blog and share your experience here on tumblr? I’m so grateful to have discovered you! But I’m also just really curious since loatumblr has gone through so much and so many people. What like, doesn’t make u afraid? Do you have a vision? What do you like to do on the daily? Love, Peach 🧡
hi Peach! 🤍 i actually made this blog in the very beginning of 2021. i made it for two different reasons. the first one was bc i wanted to be in a community where i could discuss and read about the law of assumption. the reddit community was...scary to say the least. i did not vibe there. when i discovered that there was an loa community on tumblr, i was rlly excited but i soon realized there were literally only four (4) !! accounts. all four of them are inactive now. they were the founding fathers (mothers) of the tumblr loa community. so i made my blog bc i wanted the community to grow!!
the other reason i made it was bc i wanted to track my progress and journey. im so happy that i did that bc sometimes i'll get a notification that someone liked a post of mine from over a year ago and i go to read it and it reminds me of stuff that rlly helped me in the past but i forgot about. its rlly fun!
there has been lots of drama in the community ever since it blew up and i think that was to be expected tbh. with a bunch of people of different backgrounds and personalities coming together it was to be expected there would be some clashing. i've managed to stay out of drama simply just by 1) being honest and not lying about any of my success stories and 2) minding my own business and being nice lol
my vision for this blog is just to share what works for me and try to help people. i have tried pretty much everything under the sun when it comes to manifesting and i found out what works for me and i like to share that. if people resonate with what i say then yay! but im never in any way saying u have to manifest like me or do the things i do in order to manifest cuz u dont! i just like giving people different options and techniques and affirmation styles to choose from!
as for what i do on the daily idk if u mean manifestation-wise or hobby-wise but assuming u mean hobby-wise i like to read, crochet/knit, and play the sims 4! im teaching myself how to make cc for the sims rn its been fun!! 🤍
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penguin--person · 9 months
hey. hey you. I’m way too nervous to leave an actual comment on it but the rain world fic you posted recently. Fucking slaps. It’s so good. Idk how to put it into words but it’s like you make the characters so clear and and…idk but I think your fic is so cool and good. AND I DONT EVEN RAIN WORLD IS SUPPOSED TO BE. I came in through PAFL but I’ve been curious about rw for a while now, and this has made me want to check it out even more. Also, take your time on the swap au!! Stay healthy(physically AND mentally. They both matter) and don’t burn yourself out! Always remember that you are priority #1, and that your needs should always come first. Alright that’s it bye :D
AWAWA!!!! wawawwaaa!!!! explodes and diessssss ..n"!!! thanke you!!! thank you:3!!!!! your kind words are always so!!! nice and cool!!! and a pleasure to receive!!! <3333 rain world my good friend rain world... its a game for sure!!! ive been engaging less w the fandom lately, but, i still rlly like the game:3 ive been into it for. checks steam achivements. like two years now (i got into pafl not long after i think) !! rain world has these thangs tho - slugcats! :) the link leads to my rw pafl au... i have. SO Many pafl aus. you dont even Know. i havent even posted half of them. you dont know about my wandersong pafl au. you dont know about my buddy sim pafl crossover. you dont know about my pathologic pafl au (yet) (>:3). and thats because i never draw anything for them ❤️might write smth tho... ..
mm . youre rlly cool. thank you again!!! for your support!!! as a thank you, heres what ive got so far for the next chapter of swap! its not much, and mostly just first draft, but! just for you ❤️the '*' signal words/sentences im gonna italise
It’s another day. Just like always.
Half-asleep, Yura glances at the door, halfway through his breakfast. His mother’s standing there. She’s already fully dressed, while her son is still in last night’s clothes. He hasn’t had much energy as of late. It’s not like he ever has any energy, even more as of late, with the trip to the zone coming up... Not to mention everything that’s happened with Dmitry.
Yura grunts at the thought of that… *monster. 
Why didn’t he stick around? Maybe he’d have been able to convince Sergei to let him stay, or at the very least, not report him. Maybe he could have helped Dima escape. Maybe he could have seen the police coming and warned him. Maybe if he had used his brain, he’d have told Sanya to let Dima stay at his place and avoided all of this. But, no amount of *maybes is going to change the fact that he’s gone. Dead, maybe, for all they know.
The door clicks shut. He’s alone now. Anya is either at school (Is there school today? What day is it?) or, more likely, at Olya’s right now. She probably won’t be back for some time. Yura will be all by himself until then, getting swallowed up by unnecessary feelings.
… Whatever. He only knew him for a week. He shouldn’t care. His eyes shouldn’t sting at the memory of the guy. It doesn’t matter that Yura wasted so much time and money helping him out. Feeding him, giving him a place to stay, hanging out with him even though he was *such a pain in the ass.. But none of that matters now. Never will matter, because he’s gone.  The only thing that matters is that he- *it, Yura corrects himself - killed a few people in Sergei’s flat.
… Well, not really people. Not ones that matter, anyway. Three or so cops. Blew up their heads, Sanya said, that it looked like that’s what happened. Yura got the feeling she didn’t tell him more than she had to during their phone call. It was clear that she wasn’t pleased with how things turned out. Maybe she was hoping Sergei could help Dima. Let him live with them.  Find some place for him to stay, at least.
Yura can’t find the strength to not blame her for this. The rational side of him argued that she was the *least to blame, actually, she didn’t know this would happen. Most likely, she didn’t even know that Dima’s a mutant. Still. Though the final nail in his (hopefully only metaphorical) coffin was decided by Sergei, *she took Dima to him. She should have known.. but, how could she have? There was no way for her to know.
A frustrated groan escapes the teen. There’s really no need to be thinking that much about him. About *it.
He groans again, frustrated by his inability to call Dmitry what he is. It’s not like he didn’t know the truth all along, either. Again, he internally reprimands himself for getting attached. Sanya isn’t to blame here- no, she’s not the one responsible for all of this. Maybe for getting him reported so quickly, but that was always going to happen, one way or another. Better soon than later, the teen thinks. Before he let that not entirely uncomfortable feeling grow more than it already has.
Before he can ponder this any further, his phone buzzes. With one hand, he rubs his eyes, with the other he picks up his phone.
*We need to talk, a message from none other than Mr Kazarin himself. The tone of the message makes him sound like he wants to break up, Yura thinks to himself. Funny. Maybe it is one. Yura runs a hand through his hair, staring at the message. His stalker times are over before they even started, his only hope at making it in this godforsaken world, all because of that.. *thing. Nothing he can say could fix this.  
Luckily, before he can ruin Sergei’s view of him any further, another message. An invitation, if one can call it that, to meet up at an unimportant location. It’s not like he has much choice in this - so, he sends back an *ok, gets dressed in his unitidy clothes and heads out.
something something sergei angst
“You know what this is about.” Sergei proclaims. Yura doesn’t need to reply for him to know he’s right, but he still does, accompanied by a dry chuckle. “‘Course I do. It’s about Dimochka.”
“*Don’t call it that.”
The air is thick with tension. Despite this, Yura nonchalantly holds a cigarette out to him. Like nothing’s happened- like this is just a regular training session. With a sigh, he takes the cigarette, and with one quick motion, he takes out his lighter. Yura is fiddling with his own. 
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doggirlboy · 2 years
2, 7, 9, 15, 24
2. what's your favorite animated film?
howl's moving castle is like my #1 favorite but you gave me lego disease and now lego movie 1 and 2 are definitely second favorite. i think howl's moving castle is an unmovable object
7. what's the last piece of media that made you genuinely feel emotion?
see i havent been watching my nightly two episodes of inuyasha for like a week now (i need to get back on it) so its. the fucking lego movies. because we watched them both recently. WENDELL AND WILD WAS RLLY GOOD it just didnt like invoke any strong emotion
9. favorite tumblr quote?
this is a hard one oh god. theres a handful
"you are doing some cocomelon shit to me" "yo mama so eggman she blew up the moon" the fucking. "i smoked your dog in a joint. because its really small. and green" post i KNOW theres more but thats the first few that come to mind
15. what's your favorite kind of outfit?
OH MAN IM NOT SURE ACTUALLY? everything i wear is really comfyOHH WAIT i do have a favorite. literally any outfit that will work well with the color scheme of my mcr boy zone shirt its my favorite. the boy zone shirt, ripped tights, red skirt, pink converse, black jacket outfit is my all time favorite outfit
24. favorite artist?
YOU !! not just saying that because ur my boyfriend i genuinely love every aspect of ur art and its a big inspiration for me! LIKE actually knowing you and being able to talk to you about art and seeing ur improvement and changes motivates me a lot with my own art if that makes sense. other artists i rlly like: gerard way, @/virtualangelstatue and @/mychemicalraymance !
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frxggie · 3 years
minecraft hcs
sorry i went on hiatus but IM BACK and i’ll try to post more often for you lovelies <3
im so shit at hcs but theyre so fun so have these!
g/n reader
contains: Midoryia, Bakugou, Amajiki, Todoroki, Denki
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- he had just gotten done with extra training and he came to see what you were up to
- he walked in to find you yelling at your screen while playing minecraft
- “uh.. babe?”
-”SHIT! hi! wanna play?”
- he of course, accepted without hesitation and joined your game
- he has an all might skin. that's not up for debate
- he most DEFINETLY has a savior complex when it comes to killing mobs or saving you- he’ll jump into any fight without hesitation and (try to) kill whatever you’re fighting for you. Most of the time he dies but when he succeeds he’s all high and mighty for like 10 minutes
-he probably thinks gold armor is really good and gets super excited when he finds gold
-he gets lost SO MUCH. like this man never stays put when he plays
-if y’all find diamonds this man will FALL OUT OF HIS CHAIR he will be SO excited
-you’ll take cuddle breaks every so often to give your eyes a break from the screen <3
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-you had been BEGGING him to make a world with you for SO long.
-he finally caved because you told him you could kill things and blow shit up
- the first thing he did when you guys loaded in was look for something to kill. he hit a chicken and got angry when it didn’t attack back
-you had to explain to him what passive and hostile mobs are and told him he needs an actual weapon
-he spent WAYYY too long making a skin of himself- it looked shit but you couldn't say anything for he might leave the game
-he is a GOD at fighting mobs and pvp
-while you built you guys' house, he warded off all the mobs for you, occasionally sneaking up on you and killing you what a gentleman
-when he made TNT for the first time, he blew up anything he could. you guys' world is full of craters
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- one day when you guys were bored you decided to make a world together
-his skin is REALLY cute- it's a lil bear <3
-he is an AMAZING builder- he can build intricate designs in a really short amount of time. you guys' house is gorgeous <3
-he HATES killing things- whether that be a hostile mob or a passive mob- he always feels bad after he does it
-the front of you guys' house is basically a flower field because he LOVES flowers and will 100% collect them every time you come across them
-he's scared of hostile mobs so he normally plays on peaceful, but you convinced him to play on easy mode.
-every time he gets hit by a mob he screams and runs away. you usually end up killing it for him
-whenever you save him from a mob he'll give you a lil kiss on the cheek and bury his face in your shoulder for a second
-minecraft nights always end in cuddles because he gets scared of mobs
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-he had no idea what minecraft was until you showed him- he agreed to play it with you to make you happy
-he's SHIT at minecraft but he really tries its funny to watch him try to kill a zombie and dying to it so you dont mind
-his skin is probably that basic one that every guy has or steve. yall know what im talking ab
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-he tried to build a house for yall. out of granite. because he thought it was pretty.
-he dies every five seconds no matter where you are or what time it is
-he ended up getting off and just watching you play over your shoulder, telling you where to go or what to do
-when you get tired he carried you to bed and you fall asleep cuddling
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-he already loved minecraft, you didn't have to ask him to play twice
-he's literally the best minecraft player you've ever seen- you actually do not know how he does it
-he personally likes to play on public servers more than in your own world
-when you guys are on public servers you always do hard parkour maps- he's AMAZING at parkour and always waits up for you if you fall <3
-when yall are playing in a public server he is an ASSHOLE to other people- he greatly enjoys bullying 8 year olds but then again who doesn't
-when you're playing on your own world, you guys don't really settle and build a house in one spot- you're constantly moving around, travelling, looting villages, mining, you name it.
-both of you love to engage in mob fights, so you only ever sleep if you're being attacked by phantoms
-this man could play until the sun comes up- but when you fall asleep in your chair he'll turn off your device and carry you to bed. again, the night ends in cuddles <3
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
A Friend of Yours - pt. 2
pairing: bucky x reader
summary: reader meets up with Bucky, Sam and Zemo to figure out this Flag Smasher drama
word count: 6386
warnings: canon lvl violence? SPOILERS FOR TFATWS, (it’s the episodes with yn in it, like rlly) language throughout the whole thing, i think that’s it.
a/n: i’m actually really proud of this guys. there is a part three that has WAY more Bucky x YN content that’ll be posted in a few days <3 i hope y’all love this!!
i just want to remind y’all that this started out as a request from @dramaticwittch it won’t let me tag you for some reasons babes :((
be sure to read A Friend of Yours - pt 1
A Friend of Yours - pt. 3 is up too!!!
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are open!!
check out my other writing here!
xoxo ray <3
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You had the same contacts as Sharon, so finding the Three Musketeers was no problem. It baffled you that Sharon had access to satellites. Makes you wonder what she was doing during those five years you were gone. When you got to their safehouse, you were impressed to say the least. It was nice, cute little pillars next to the dining area, some couches, just enough to make it livable. One thing that struck you as strange was that it was also empty, they weren’t there.
“Fuck it.” You dropped your bag onto the dining table and walked over to the kitchen area. You opened several cabinets, searching for alcohol that you could drown your frustrations in. You found an unopened wine bottle, releasing a little cheer, you popped the cork and brought the bottle to your nose. A sweet plum scent invaded your senses, grabbing a glass and pouring it full for yourself before re-corking the bottle. You grasped the cup walking to the stained glass windows on the opposite side of the room. You could hear footsteps approaching the doorway, then the door being forced open. Muffled conversations were taking place during their entrance.
“Well, I got nothin’. No one’s talkin’ about Donya.” Bucky said as he waltzed into the room. Sam followed closely behind him, Zemo immediately going to the kitchen.
“Yeah, Karli’s the only one who’s fighting for them.” You said, startling the pair of men who were now lounging on the couches. “Aren’t you supposed to be good at this?” You dropped next to Bucky, offering him a sip of your plum flavored wine.
“She’s not wrong.” Bucky shot Sam a look, questioning his thought process. “Look, for five years these people were welcomed into countries that have kept them out using barbed wire. There were houses and jobs.” Sam sighed, “Folks were happy to have people around to help them rebuild.” You stopped listening halfway through Sam’s speech, thinking of Sharon. You only refocused when Bucky placed his metal hand on your knee, giving you a look, asking if you were okay.
“That little girl. What’d she tell you?” Bucky asked after you nodded at him. His face never left yours, until Zemo approached the three of you on the couch. He was holding a tray with a clear teapot and cups. He placed it on the coffee table, stepping back and clutching a cup for himself.
“The funeral is this afternoon.” Zemo was always one for the dramatics, so you’re sure that he had something else up his sleeve. Bucky squeezed your knee and you knew he was trying to calm himself.
“You know the Dora’s coming for you any minute. In fact, they’re probably lurking outside right now. Keep talking.”
“Leaving you to turn on me once we get to Karli.” He made a noise of acknowledgement, “I prefer to keep my leverage.” Bucky hauled himself off the couch to stand in front of the Baron. You gaze flicked to Sam’s, unsure of what Bucky was going to do. Bucky puffed his chest out, clenching his jaw as he gripped Zemo’s teacup and chunked it at the concrete wall behind him. Zemo flinched as Bucky began talking to him.
“You wanna see what someone can do with leverage?” Sam stood quickly, trying to diffuse the situation before it escalated.
“Take it easy, Buck. Don’t engage him.” You were taking a drink of your wine, as you observed Zemo’s actions.
“Watch out, he’s going to extort you and do that idiotic head tilt thing.” Zemo’s eyes darted to your figure on the couch as he straightened his head. Sam left to make a call, you assumed Sharon and Bucky followed closely behind him. Zemo offered you cherry blossom tea to which you declined by holding up your wine glass. As Bucky left the room, the Baron released a sigh of relief causing you to laugh at his actions.
“You’re really scared of him, aren’t you?” You teased the man who was now glaring at you.
“If you have made him as angry as I have then you would be too.” You shrugged your agreement. You hadn’t made Bucky mad, and you definitely hadn’t been a part of reactivating him as the Winter Soldier to reach your goals.
“Yeah, well you’re a dumbass, so.” You got up and walked to where Bucky and Sam were gathered. Sam’s phone was still pressed to his ear, but you could tell you were catching the tail-end of his conversation. You could hear Sharon’s voice over the phone talking about the Power Broker. In all your years of living and conducting business in Madripoor, you never tangled with the Power Broker. That didn’t mean anything, it was just suspicious because of how successful your operation with Sharon was.
“What’s the plan?” You asked, dumping the rest of your wine in the sink, casting a glance at an appalled Zemo. “It was shit wine.”
“Zemo has a contact that can show us where the funeral is, and that’s all we got.” You nodded before looking at Bucky and Sam.
“Well, what are we waiting for?”
You were walking down the cobblestone roadway with the Three Musketeers when a voice shouted at you from the stairway before you. “Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit!” A scruffy looking man approached you. Both him and his partner were clad in tactical gear, the scruffy one’s resembling a Walmart version of Steve’s Cap suit. Bucky spread his arms out.
“How’d you find us now?” The man’s partner responded to Bucky with equal annoyance.
“Come on, man. You really think two Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?” As he got closer you could read Hoskins on his vest.
“No more keeping us in the dark.” Scruff said before anyone else could fire back. He stopped walking in front of Zemo, effectively stopping your forward motion. “You can start by telling us why you broke him out of prison.” You were walking just behind Bucky to his right and you watched him cock his head back, his voice taking on a sarcastic tone.
“He did that himself, technically.” Scruff’s face contorted as Bucky talked.
“This better be an unbelievable explana--” Scruff’s voice was cut off by Sam’s hand bumping into his chest.
“Hey, take it easy before it gets weird.” Zemo began talking over the group around him, explaining what was going on. You remained quiet, observing the interaction between Scruff and the Three Musketeers. Clearly, the Three Musketeers did not like him and so you assumed he was the ‘new Cap,’ whatever that means. The group began walking again with Zemo leading the pack.
“Alright good, we’ll move in fast. Take her by surprise.”
“No, I wanna talk to her alone.”
“I’m not losing her again.” Scruff was insistent but so was Sam.
“Look, the person closest to her just died, she’s vulnerable.” The group had stopped walking again, focusing on the conversation. You could see the wheels turning in Hoskin’s head as Sam spoke. Scruff was not having any part of what Sam was suggesting.
“What? No. Wait, no! No. Stop. Hold on. Stop, okay?” Scruff ran ahead in front of the others, stopping the forward motion, once again. “I think we’re way past reasoning with her, unless you forgot the fact that she blew up a building with people still in it.” This was news to you, deciding to stay offline in hopes of remaining under the radar. The back and forth continued until Scruff turned to Bucky.
“You gonna let him do this?” Bucky tilted his head at the man. “Are you gonna let your partner walk into a room with a Super Soldier alone?”
“He’s dealt with worse. And he’s not my partner.” You knew Bucky was referring to himself in Winter Soldier mode. Your heart hurt for him to have to go through this again with some clueless nobody.
“And last I checked, he’s a grown ass man who makes his own decisions, Scruff.” Your arms crossed over your chest. This had been the first time you spoke since Scruff and Hoskin’s had arrived.
“Who the hell is this?” Scruff pointed at you. “You break her out of prison too?” Sam interjected before you could sass back.
“I used to counsel soldiers dealing with trauma, okay? This is right in my wheelhouse.” Scruff’s gaze hadn’t left your face. He continued staring at you as he countered Sam’s claim.
“Yeah, I know. And I know those soldiers, which is why I know this is a bad idea.” Hoskin’s hand came up to rest on Scruff’s shoulder.
“Wait, John. If he can talk her down, it might be worth a try.” Scruff was not happy with Hoskin's agreement to the situation. Scruff said something to Zemo, who mostly ignored him, acknowledging the little girl waiting under an archway. The group began moving toward her and you focused on Bucky.
“Hey, you okay?” He just nodded at you, denying you the pleasure of a verbal response. You’ll take what you can get. Bringing up the rear of the group, you entered the factory type building last. The little girl pointed up some stairs, and Zemo translated. Sam walked up behind the girl, making him way up the stairs as Scruff handcuffed Zemo to a metal contraption.
“You got ten minutes. Then we’re doing things my way.” Scruff yelled after Sam, who darted his eyes at you and Bucky, a silent instruction to the both of you. Scruff rested his weight against a table, holding Steve’s shield in front of him. His breathing became increasingly worrisome, an ode to how stable he was in the moment.
“You aren’t looking so hot over there, Scruff.” Bucky shot you a warning look, but it didn’t deter you. “The government is really harping on you to get this shit contained, aren’t they?” Scruff pushed off the table, bringing the shield around his back. You were leaning against a pillar near Zemo and Scruff made his way over to you. His face was about six inches from yours as he spoke.
“Do you know who I am?” He was trying to intimidate you, which clearly wasn’t working.
“Do I look like I give a shit?” Scruff’s eyes darted over your frame, a look of recognition washing over his features.
“I know who you are.” He glanced at the clock across the room before looking back at you. “I could arrest you right now. Enemy of the State, standing before me right here.”
“We’re not in that state, dumbass. Technically, you don’t have jurisdiction.” The corner of your mouth raised in a smirk as Bucky called your name. You pushed off the pillar behind you to stand next to Bucky, who was leaning against the railing of the stairs.
“Don’t antagonize him, Y/N.” Bucky berated you, to which you shrugged a shoulder. Scruff began pacing back and forth, frustration getting the better of him.
“It hasn’t been ten minutes, John. Just sit tight.” Hoskin’s tried to calm Scruff down.
“Don’t do that. Don’t patronize me.” He shot a look at Hoskins, then the clock, then Bucky, making a decision in his head. “I’m goin’ in.” Bucky rose to his full height, not allowing Scruff to get by him. “This is all really easy for you, isn’t it? All that serum runnin’ through your veins.” You watched Bucky’s jaw clench, you could see the anger bottling up. “Barnes, your partner needs backup in there.” Bucky was an immovable fortress of solitude. “Do you really want his blood on your hands?” Oh shit.
You watched as Bucky’s resolve faded, allowing Scruff to step around him. Bucky was tired of being the cause of other people’s deaths. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust that Sam could take care of himself, he just didn’t want the burden any longer. He was finally free of being a murder machine, finally able to rinse his hands clean. Scruff knew just which buttons to push to get what he wanted.
Scruff busted into the memorial site, guns blazing. You trailed behind Bucky who was fighting against Hoskin’s to try to reach Scruff. Karli and Sam were previously engaged in peaceful conversation, until Scruff announced that Karli was under arrest. Betrayal laced her features as she looked at Sam, defending herself against Scruff advances. She threw Scruff’s weight into Sam, launching them both into the table behind. Bucky took off after her, chasing her through the halls. You crouched next to Sam, making sure he was okay.
Sam recovered quickly, racing down a different corridor leading to another stairway. You followed close behind, allowing Sam to attempt to navigate the area around you. The two of you eventually went down enough of the wrong corridors, that you met up with an equally confused Bucky. You head perked up at the sound of gunshots somewhere in the building. Not sure who the culprit was you turned to Bucky and Sam, who looked just as panicked.
The three of you retraced your steps to find Scruff standing over a knocked-out Zemo with crushed vials wetting the floor. Scruff tossed a glance back at Hoskins and then one to the three of you on the staircase landing. “What did we miss?” Sam directed his question at Scruff, who didn’t dignify him with an answer. Scruff nodded to Hoskins before walking away from the rest of you.
“Thanks for your help, asshole!” You shouted after him.
Hauling Zemo’s deadweight back to the safehouse was a job that you and Sam decided Bucky was fit for, being a super soldier and all. Through much complaining and whining on Bucky’s part, he did get him to the safehouse relatively injury free, dumping his body on the couch, jostling Zemo just enough to wake him up. Bucky promptly left the apartment after dropping Zemo off, going to clear his head was the explanation you got as he left.
You huffed, discontent with everything that was going on. You walked to the kitchen, wetting a rag and tossing it at Zemo. “For your head, cover your eyes, it’ll help.” You then popped a few cubes of ice in a glass and poured whiskey over it, handing it to Zemo as well, tapping your temple at him. You went back to the kitchen, jumping onto the counter, letting your legs dangle over the edge. Sam had pulled out a laptop and was typing furiously.
“Were you ever offered it?” You knew Zemo wasn’t talking to you, but to Sam, who hadn’t looked up from the laptop screen. You zoned out of their conversation, trying to decide what Sam was sending Sharon now. “Sam, you can’t hold out hope for Karli.” This made Sam pause and turn to face Zemo, who continued talking. “No matter what you saw in her, she’s gone. And we cannot allow that she and her acolytes become yet another faction of gods amongst real people.” Zemo removed the rag from his eyes, locking gazes with Sam. “Super Soldiers cannot be allowed to exist.”
“Isn’t that how god’s talk?” You interjected, then you asked quietly, “And if that’s how you feel, what about Bucky?” It was a valid concern. “Blood isn’t always the solution.” Bucky waltzed into the apartment, stripping his jacket from his shoulders, giving a perfect view of his two contrasting arms.
“Something’s not right about Walker.”
“You don’t say.” Sam quipped, closing his laptop and facing Bucky.
“Well, I know a crazy when I see one. Because I am crazy.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
“Shouldn’t have given him the shield.” Bucky jabbed at Sam, sticking to his guns on this.
“I didn’t give him the shield.” Sam was exasperated in his delivery.
“Well, Steve definitely didn’t.” You turned to Bucky.
“Hey. Back off, Buck.” Bucky was going to say something in reply when the door burst open again. In walked Scruff and Hoskins, all gung-ho about something.
“Alright. That’s it. Let’s go.” He pointed a finger at a now standing Zemo. The whole room began shifting, Sam in front of Scruff, Zemo to the side out of direct view, and Bucky to your other side, glass in hand. “I’m now ordering you to turn him over.” Sam stopped before Scruff, annoyed.
“Let’s be clear, shield or no shield, the only thing you’re runnin’ in here is your mouth.” You added from your spot on the countertop. Scruff pointed his finger at you.
“And I’m taking her too.” Bucky stepped in front of you, blocking Scruff’s view of you. You placed your hand on his left shoulder, letting him know you were still there.
“I had Karli and you overstepped. He’s actually proven himself useful today. We’re gonna need all hands on deck for whatever’s comin’ next.” Scruff puffed out his chest, attempting to intimidate Sam.
“How do you want this conversation to go Sam, huh?” He stepped back slightly, “Should I put down the shield? Make it fair?” Taking on a condescending tone with Sam, making your brows raise. Suddenly a spear lodged itself in the pillar next to Scruff’s face, all eyes darted towards the woman across the room. Two more warriors walked in, holding spears by their sides and Bucky looked resigned. This was new territory for you, who the fuck are these people? One of the women stepped forward near Scruff. She spoke at Bucky in a language that sounded vaguely familiar to you.
“Release him to us now.” Scruff ignored her instruction, deciding to step towards her, holding his hand out for her to shake.
“Hi. John Walker. Captain America.” You scoffed loudly.
“No, you’re not!” You received a look from Sam at your comment.
“Let’s put down the pointy sticks and we can talk through this, huh?” Sam stepped forward, warning Scruff against tangling with the Dora Milaje.
“The Dora Milaje don’t have jurisdiction here.”
“The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be.” Your hand balled into a fist, quickly covering your mouth.
“That’s a burn, Scruff!” You yelled like the little shit you are.
“Y/N! Cut it out.” Sam snapped. Scruff, for some reason, thought it was a good idea to place hands on the Dora he was speaking to. She quickly brought her spear up to force his hand off her shoulder, then bringing it downward into the back of his knee and finally bouncing it off of the front of his helmet. She launched her foot into his chest while he was dazed, sending him backward into the spear behind him and face planting on the ground below. Scruff recovered quickly, sliding his arm into the straps of the shield to protect himself from the spear coming at his body.
The three warriors began fighting with Scruff and Hoskins, much to yours and Bucky’s delight. Sam backed up to stand next to Bucky, who crossed his arms over his chest. Sam looked at Bucky.
“We should do something.” You had just barely heard Sam say it when you and Bucky yelled at the same time.
“Looking strong, John!” “You’re doing great, sweetie!” Bucky gave you a look at your term of endearment, not understanding that it was a patronizing use of the word. The warrior battling Scruff was about to drive her spear into him, until Bucky gripped the handle, stopping her attack.
“Ayo!” Bucky yelled at her. “Ayo! Let’s talk about this!” Ayo had effectively yanked Bucky towards her body, then throwing him backwards. Sam stopped another warriors spear before it drove into a downed Hoskins. The last warrior threw her spear at Scruff, trapping the shield against the table. She began her approach to him and Sam yelled your name to help him.
You got down with a groan, unhappy that you had to save this asshat. All movement was stopped when you heard a metallic thud against the floor. Your head snapped to a now one armed Bucky, his vibranium arm laying on the ground. You released an audible gasp as Ayo walked away from Bucky, his blue eyes wide. Everything around you faded as you watched a broken Bucky, kneel to pick up his metal appendage. Your eyes flicked to Sam, who was just as shocked as you.
“Did you know they could do that?” Sam gestured to Bucky’s immobile arm.
“No.” He swung his arm around once to restart the systems. You heard Hoskins checking on Scruff’s wounded ego, but that didn’t matter to you.
“Bucky. Are you okay?” He avoided your question, grabbing his jacket and telling Sam that Zemo had gotten away. You held your arms out in front of you, what the fuck? Are you the enemy now? You followed after them, not sure where you were going. You got closer to Bucky, grabbing his left arm and yanking him back to you, making his attention be on you for a second or two. “I’m talking to you, dickwad.” His eyes hardened as you continued. “I don’t know what the fuck just happened back there, I’m assuming that has to do with you not being the Soldier anymore. I don’t really care. What I care about is if you’re okay or not.” You stopped walking, still holding his arm.
“What do you want from me, Y/N?” Bucky inquired.
“I want you to fucking talk to me. I’m here for you to unload on.” His brows scrunched and you realized what you said. “Oh my god, not like that, sicko. Well, I mean--”
“Y/N.” Bucky smiled at your humor.
“There, see? How hard was it for you to smile. Just talk to me. I’m making sure you’re okay. Don’t shut down, I hate it when people do that.” Bucky went to say something else when the both of your attentions shifted to a concerned Sam.
“She said what?” A pause, “Right. Hold on, hold on. I know, I know.” He sighed loudly, “Listen, pack an overnight bag and take the boys.” He tried to calm the other person down. You began walking again, Bucky asking quietly.
“What happened?” Sam dropped the phone to his collarbone.
“Karli called Sarah. She threatened my nephews.” Bringing it back up to his ear, he continued. “Go somewhere safe. Only pay cash, alright? Let me know when you get there.” You turned your attention to your surroundings. The bland streets offered little to no security, but they did give too many vantage points to count. “She wants me to come alone.”
“I’m coming with you.” Bucky fired back, not changing his mind about this one.
“Yay, more friends. She’ll love that. Where we going now?”
You’ve never seen Sam as mad as he was when he walked into that building. Although you weren’t sure if it was anger or if it was betrayal that he was displaying as he climbed the stairs to the second floor. “You called my sister? That’s how we’re gonna play this?”
“Sam, I would never hurt her. I just wanted to understand you better.” Her accent shone through with every word. You could tell that she didn’t want to hurt you. Her demeanor was relaxed, her guard was up, but she was being civil, almost like a politician. You were good at analyzing the people around you, so when Karli mentioned Sam and Bucky just being tools she really meant it. She wasn’t interested in hurting people she deemed innocent.
“Hey, Sam, new Cap is moving, looks like he’s found them, or maybe they found him.” Sharon’s voice snapped you back to reality. The two of you hadn’t spoken since you left Madripoor.
“Scruff’s coming, guys and you know it’s not going to be pretty when he does.” Bucky jumped over the ledge and Karli followed suit. Jumping into Bucky, slamming his body into the post. You ran alongside Bucky to the location Sam had sent to your phone. By the time that you had gotten to the building where Scruff was, you had lost Bucky. Taking an entrance that was already knocked open you heard gunshots from a few floors above you. With your gun raised, you scanned the room for any friendlies.
“Y/N, you’re about to come up on Hoskins. He’s not moving, may need an assist.” Your brows furrowed as you entered the room cautiously.
“How the hell do you know that, Shar? How did you get access to satellites?” You questioned as you approached a tied-up Hoskins. “Need some help, Battlestar?”
“I totally had that.” He said as your knife snapped the zip tie around his wrists.
“Yeah, yeah.” You held your hand out, hauling him to his feet. “It’s okay to be the damsel, ya know?” He shook his head at you, not engaging in your hilarious banter. “Jeez, who pissed in your Cheerios.” You shoved your knife back into your thigh holster, leading the way to where the others were.
When you walked in, Bucky had just caught a knife that Scruff had so deflected. He twirled the object in his right hand, ready to defend against the Flag Smasher attacking him. Their fight was quick and ended with the Smasher on their back, the knife Bucky was holding embedded in the floor inches away from their face. You jumped in, helping Sam fend off another Smasher when suddenly Bucky’s fist flew by your face.
“You’re welcome.” He darted off to deal with the others. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Scruff being held by a Smasher and Karli coming with a knife in hand. You started towards her to stop her, until you saw Hoskins attack from her other side. He tackled her to the ground, Karli bounced back quicker than Hoskins, allowing her to throw a punch at Hoskins. Your jaw dropped as you watched his body fly into the concrete mainstay behind him. His whole body slackened and Karli stood in shock.
Scruff was struggling in his captors hold, thrashing about to get to Hoskins. Once he was free, he shook Hoskins and pushed his fingers against his neck, checking for a pulse. “Hey, hey. Hey. Lemar!” You stood silent in between Bucky and Sam, unsure of what to do. It wasn’t until Scruff stood again that you knew what he was going to do. He had a half-second head start, but it was long enough that he was able to reach the Samsher that was holding him back before you could reach Scruff.
You had to push through the crowd to see what was happening. The Smasher had his hands protecting his face against the slam of the Captain America shield that was being hammered into him. You gasped and had to turn your face into Bucky’s shoulder. This is not happening, but it was.
And the whole world saw it too.
The next time you saw Scruff was in an abandoned warehouse. He was talking to himself, yelling about different things. If you weren’t sure before, you definitely were now. John Walker had taken the serum and it was enhancing all the wrong things. Scruff was kneeling, resting his hands on the bloodied shield before him. You were on Sam’s right when Scruff walked up to you.
“You guys should see a medic. You don’t look too good.” He paced in front of the three of you. “You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!”
“He didn’t kill Lemar, John.” Bucky’s voice remained calm. “Don’t go down that road. Believe me, it doesn’t end well.” Scruff sent Bucky a disgusted look.
“I’m not like you.”
“You convincing yourself or us, Scruff?” You recognize that this probably isn’t the time to pull his strings but he wasn’t thinking clearly anyway.
“Listen, it was the heat of battle. Okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don’t want anyone else to get hurt.” Scruff never stopped pacing, his hand flexing in the shield.
“You gotta give Sam the shield, Scruff.” He stopped pacing and turned to you, getting a little close for comfort.
“Oh, so that’s what this is.” He leaned forward, “You almost got me.” His index finger jabbed into your chest then rested there as he spoke. “You don’t wanna do this.”
“Yeah, we do.” Came Bucky’s reply before all hell broke loose. Bucky and Sam rushed Scruff, fighting for a way to get the shield from him. Scruff sent Sam flying backwards with a swift kick to the stomach. This gave you the room you needed to launch yourself onto his shoulders, attempting to flip him using his own body weight and your momentum. Your move distracted him enough that Bucky got a few decent hits in, but it really just served to piss him off further. He whipped one arm around, gripping the waistband of your jeans and dumping your weight off his shoulders. He threw you into a wooden shipping container, knocking all of the air out of your lungs.
You watch, as you lay there gasping, Bucky get beat to his knees by Scruff and Scruff’s attention is turned by Sam flipping in the air, kicking the shield to the side. You rose to your feet, readying yourself for the opportune moment. Once you found it, you flung yourself at Scruff, sending the both of you to the ground and the shield away from the both of you. You resituated yourself to straddle his stomach, this position didn’t last long because he flipped the both of you. Slamming your back against the ground, he gripped your wrists, yanking them way up high causing you to groan out at the stretch. He released you but not before delivering a swift punch to your cheek.
Your vision blurred, but you could make out Bucky going head to head with Scruff again. Scruff threw the shield at Bucky after kicking him into a lift. Luckily, Bucky was able to catch the shield and shift it to his own arm before Scruff attacked him again. Scruff pressed the shield tight against Bucky’s body, then began speaking to him.
“Why are you making me do this?” You and Sam shared a look then watched as Scruff tossed Bucky clear across the room into an electrical outlet, short circuiting his arm. Sam flew at Scruff, trying to catch him off guard. He was unsuccessful in his efforts, ending with Sam facing Scruff as you crouched in Scruff’s six.
“This isn’t you, John.” Sam began trying to reason with him. He is who is way past reasoning, not Karli. Scruff’s head tilted as he spoke in that condescending tone again.
“We could’ve been a team.” Sam didn’t say anything. He deployed his wings, flying past Scruff and sending a small grappling hook to try and take the shield. Scruff flipped through the air, then braced himself against one of the lifts. You came up from behind him and tackled him off the lift, sending Sam to the ground as well. As you landed, you hit your head on a piece of broken concrete, disorienting you. The shield was out of Scruff’s hands, and he wasn’t happy about that. They both dove for the shield but Scruff managed to get to Sam first, landing on top of Sam.
“I am Captain America.” Scruff grunted out as he ripped Sam’s wings from his suit. You watch in horror as Scruff holds the shield, ready to give Sam a face lift. Bucky knocked Scruff off just before he could land his hit. Scruff had pinned Bucky to the ground after driving Bucky’s head into the side of the shield. You hauled yourself to your feet again, wrapping your arm around Scruff’s neck, hindering his movement. Sam came from the front, delivering a harsh blow to Scruff’s face. You continued to hold your chokehold as Bucky and Sam pried the shield off his arm. You heard a sickening crack as Sam withdrew from the hoe down. Bucky rose to his feet and spit out the blood collecting in his mouth, reaching out his hand for you to take.
You walked over to Sam, you hoped that would be the end of it all. Lo and behold though, Scruff got up yet again. “It’s mine.” He growled possessively, starting towards Bucky again. Bucky ducked lifting Scruff over his shoulder and Sam threw his whole body weight into Scruff who was dangling off to the side of Bucky. The three of them laid on the floor, bloodied and sweaty as you stood over them.
Bucky rose to his knees, the shield in front of him and he used the leverage of it to stand fully. He dropped it next to Sam, pausing for a few seconds and then walking away completely. You stood next to Scruff, in disbelief. “This just got a whole lot more complicated didn’t it, Sam?” He didn’t reply to you, but you watched as he tried to wipe the blood off the outer rings of the shield.
You stood outside the building where Donya’s funeral was held, listening to Sam talk to someone else named Torres. Bucky had walked right past you, not a word said. He was shutting down and running away, at least that’s what it looked like. You wouldn’t know because the whore wouldn’t talk to you. You sat down on the stairs, head in your hands frustrated about what was going on. Your phone began buzzing in your pocket, so you took it out ready to deny the call, until you saw who it was.
“Shar.” You sighed into the phone speaker.
“Y/N. How’s it going?” You could hear the smugness lacing her tone.
“Alright, just get it over with. Tell me that you told me so, just make it quick.” She scoffed.
“I mean, I did tell you so, but now I don’t want to tell you that I did.” You laughed at her.
“You realize you just did, though?” You sense that she was smiling.
“What happened?” Her tone switched into a serious one on a dime.
“Walker took the serum, went batshit, killed a Flag Smasher, and then beat the shit out of Sam, Bucky and me in order to keep his precious shield because he ‘is Captain America.’” Your voice morphed to imitate Scruff.
“Well, that was bound to happen sometime. He’s all over the place.” You nodded, pulling the phone away from your ear and switching to speakerphone so you could talk and scroll through Twitter.
“He’s already trending. Captain America Kills Innocent Man, what a great headline. You know the worst part about all of this, Shar?” You switched the speakerphone off, bringing it back to your ear. “I don’t even think that Karli is in the wrong here. She’s doing what she’s doing for good reason, she’s just doing a shit job of getting her point across.”
“Yeah, well she’s becoming a pain in everyone’s asses, so that puts her on everyone’s shit list.” Sharon took a deep breath before continuing. “You need to get out of there. I know you’re not technically in the States, or alive, but you know how the government is. They’ll find a way to get you, if they want you.” She was lecturing you out of love, you knew, but it was frustrating for you still.
“Can you not trust that I know what I’m doing?” A grunt released from her end of the phone. “No, seriously Shar. We grew up the same, went through all the same training, what makes you know so much better than me?” Deep down, you knew that wasn’t what she meant, but you had always felt second best when it came to Sharon.
“It’s not that you don’t know what you’re doing.” She sighed heavily. “It’s that you were gone for five years and things have changed. Governments have become stricter and you don’t understand that they aren’t the same as they were.” You remained quiet, expecting her to say something else. “That’s why it’s good you have me because I know how they work.”
“You know how they work, do you?” You were fed up with her. “Then explain to me how you have access to satellites, Sharon. That’s not something that you just happen upon.” Your tone was accusatory. “Are you working for the Power Broker behind my back?” You heard a sharp intake of air on her end. “I swear to God, Sharon. We promised each other we wouldn’t work for that asswipe. He’s involved in too much bad shit. If the US government were to ever find out that we were working for the Power Broker, they wouldn’t grant us pardons, Shar. Did you fuck this up for us?”
“I didn’t fuck anything up and you need to check your tone when you’re talking to me.” Your brows shot to your hairline.
“The fuck did you just say to me?”
“You heard me. We need to work this shit out. I didn’t fuck anything up and neither will you if you come back to Madripoor right now.” You were shocked, Sharon had never talked like this to you.
“I really don’t think I would be comfortable being somewhere that I’m clearly not welcome anymore, so I’m going to stick with what I know.” Sharon began backtracking as you resigned yourself to being on your own for the first time in forever. “Goodbye, Sharon.” You ended the call and shoved your phone into the pocket of your jeans.
You dropped your head into your hands in defeat. Being on your own was daunting and you weren’t sure how Sharon survived without you well enough to grow your business all on her own. You tried to think of your next move, deciding that sticking with Sam would be your best bet. He’s the easiest to guess where he’s going since Bucky has been mentally MIA towards you.
You recalled Sam mentioning his sister and nephews, thinking he would go there to check on them. You hauled yourself out of your slump and to Zemo’s apartment to collect your things before going. You were going all in if you were going to do this, so why the fuck not?
@londonalozzy @marvelofwitch @dramaticwittch @hellmoonsin @jn-wolf @youcancallmeishita @iabrokengirl @veroxloki @liveloudwriteloud @lainternettuale @angelofthetrenchcoats @rosiahills22 @peachymichu @sj-ficrecs @learisa @itsyagirl01 @simply-me-xoxo @ghoststudyy @taina-eny @japanrecs @sinfulhun-collapsedheart @isaordora @shutupstevie @sprsoldierfics @beachbabe925
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bbugyu · 3 years
no song without you + lee seokmin & yoon jeonghan
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you truly believed that you were possibly the luckiest person on earth to have earned the attention of two of the most extraordinary men on the planet.
prelude | part one | part two | part three | epilogue
wc.8.4k | architect!jeonghan x musician!seokmin x f musician!reader, fluff, smut, established relationship, polyamory, domestic humor, jeonghan thinks he runs the show but rlly ur both just whipped for seokmin, drinking, threesome, lots o' mlm, soft dom!seok bbratty sub!han switch!reader, toy use, lk cucking again lol, male penetration, sex sandwich, light bondage (it's just a tie), daddy kink, baby boy/baby girl, double switches gang up on their dom and it's the best, unprotected (please use condoms), hi gyu! (not during the sex omg)
hey gang! here is the long awaited epilogue for neverending artistry!! sorry for taking so long to post, but i really appreciate your understanding around the weird hiccups i've had in my personal life lately, and i promise to get back into the swing of writing soon. this mc is such an obvious self insert of myself that it's embarrassing but you know me when it comes to jeonghan! cannot help it!
jeonghan had finally convinced you to ditch your apartment. it took you a while to come around, but it was hard to deny his logic when he argued that your new office had close to the same square footage and you only went there once every week or so to find some specific clothing item you missed. there was some nostalgia there, though - it was your first place you ever got on your own, and you spent most of your university career there, but your emotional attachment dwindled the more time you spent in the newest spaces of jeonghan's home.
when the last of your things were moved, you realized you wouldn't have to pay rent anymore, and accused jeonghan of tricking you for the sake of being frugal.
he laughed, helping you hang clothes in his - your? - closet. "how do you think i got rich in the first place?"
jeonghan couldn't help but be preoccupied with his own passion projects, so he kept turning down most of the new contracts that came across his desk. you joked that he was gonna run out of money eventually, despite knowing that he not only had plenty stowed away somewhere and that he had a good enough name that he could get work whenever he wanted. he just didn't want to yet - he had too many ideas for home. even when he did start taking more contracts again, as the weather warmed and winter became spring, he continued making little changes to the home here and there. you teased him for it, because really, who the hell converts their basement into a theater room for no good reason?
"it is a good reason!" he said defensively, a smile tugging at his offended expression. "you suggested a movie night." 
"yeah, a movie night," you argued, recalling when seungkwan casually said that he had never seen lord of the rings and you had gotten personally offended. "not a whole theater room! what kind of rich asshole are you?"
seokmin tsked, sliding a bowl of ramen towards you. "that's on you, really. he's definitely the kind of rich asshole that would have a theater room."
"hey," jeonghan said, leaning heavily against his hands on the kitchen island between you. "can i remind you both who built this entire house? y'know, the one that you get to enjoy for the low, low price of loving me?"
you blinked at him as you blew on a bite of noodles. "when you can't afford me anymore, i'm moving in with seokmin."
his jaw dropped at you, making the younger laugh as you slurped the instant noodles he had made in celebration of you submitting your project on time - which was also the reason you had missed eating dinner with them a few hours earlier. "i'll still love you when you're poor," he assured, rubbing a hand on his back.
"when you can't afford me- pfft," jeonghan, crossed his arms. "when did you become such a prick?"
you quirked your eyebrows at him. "i had a great teacher."
jeonghan barely let out an indignant "yah!" when seokmin laughed and put up his hands, trying to mediate. "okay, can we please have one weekend? just one friday where you two don't get pouty at each other?"
"jeonghan’s fault," you said, pointing. "he takes it too seriously."
"i wouldn't take it so seriously if you didn't have a shitty tone."
you gaped at him, eyes glinting with playfulness. "a shitty tone?"
seokmin sighed, his eyes shutting as he leaned back against a counter. "i asked so nicely."
"yeah, a shitty tone," jeonghan confirmed. "who made you such a spoiled brat?"
you laughed, your voice dipping into a mocking register. "yeah, who? i really wonder."
seokmin's head was lolling to one side, his arms crossed, as he stared at his boyfriend's profile with pitched brows. "did you really just ask who spoiled the person you gave a black card to?"
jeonghan gave him a look of betrayal. "hey, whose side are you on?"
"this time?" he asked, a hand slipping out of his crossed arms to point at you. "hers."
you could never stay mad at each other, even if the argument didn't end right away - you always ended up not being able to stop yourself from laughing at a joke he cracked, making him break his upset façade, and seokmin would let out a relieved sigh and stretch out his limbs, recognizing the telltale signs of the evening winding down. he knew that he was safe from your arguments until the next friday, when the two of you were acting out again only because you missed having him around. 
seokmin, without fail, spent every weekend at the house, getting dropped off at his loft by jeonghan on monday mornings before his first lesson. weeknights, too, sometimes, especially when he didn't have lessons too early the next day, and you would usually pack up your school supplies and tag along on the morning after those nights, happily doing homework and writing essays as you listened to his lessons. on one such day, you were curled up in his side after his last client left, burying your face in his neck as he aimlessly searched for something to watch on netflix. 
"have you seen kingdom yet?" he asked, pausing on the title long enough for the preview to start playing, quickly muting it. you shook your head, making him giggle when your hair brushed against his neck. "do you wanna watch it?"
"i don't care," you said, snaking your arms around his torso. he exhaled, dropping his arm from the back of the couch and rubbing his hand over your shoulder blades. you smiled, and though he couldn't see it, he felt it.
"well what do you wanna watch?"
you sighed, snuggling against him. "i don't care," you repeated.
"yah." seokmin laughed. "weren't you the one that said we should watch something?"
you groaned, adjusting your posture and throwing your legs over his lap. "i just wanna be close to you."
he just exhaled, scrolling back up to his tried and true background noise series, hitting resume and unmuting before throwing his remote aside. you giggled as he lowered your back onto the couch, comfortably laying in front of him as he laid on his side with a hand to support his head. you gazed at his face as he squinted, trying to remember where in the series he had left off.
you glanced over at the screen, registering the animated characters. "is this when they find susan?"
"yeah," he said, rubbing his face. "i must have fallen asleep, i'm pretty sure the last thing i saw was jake pretending to be a rainicorn."
you laughed, tugging the pillow at the end of the couch under your head and shifting to face him better, his hand landing on your side as you casually fiddled with the collar of his shirt, fingers brushing against his throat as you studied his face. sensing your focus, he quirked his eyebrow and looked at you.
"can i help you?"
you exhaled. "am i not allowed to just admire you?"
he chuckled, tugging at his nose briefly in vague embarrassment. "you're ridiculous."
"why?" you pouted. "because i think you're incredibly handsome?"
seokmin just sighed. "yes."
"well you are," you stated, scooting closer his chest, making him laugh as he pulled on your waist to help you. "you're unbelievably handsome."
"nah," he said, shaking his head. "you're crazy."
your eyebrows knit together. "seokmin."
you put your hands on his face, forcing him to look at you instead of the television. "you are one of the most handsome men i have ever met, and i've met a lot of men."
he chuckled shyly under your intense gaze. "hush."
"it's true!" your eyebrows knit further, making him laugh again. "seokmin, believe me! you are incredibly good looking."
he shook his head. "whatever you say, babe."
"seokmin," you warned. "you're handsome."
"okay, i'm handsome," he said finally, a slight smile on his lips. "if someone like you says so, i guess i can't argue."
"someone like me," you scoffed. "i don't even know what that means."
he eyed you. "you do know that you're drop dead gorgeous, right?"
you studied his face a moment. "well, if someone like you says so, i guess i can't argue."
"hey," he said teasingly, laughing. "seriously, i still don't get why you talked to me."
"because you're crazy hot," you said, making him let out an incredibly ungraceful pffft as you giggled. "and i kept talking to you because you are maybe the kindest person i've ever had the pleasure of talking to."
he blushed, pouting out his lips and shifting his focus to the show. "that's really sweet of you to say."
"i'm not just saying it, it's true," you said, shoving your head into the space between his arm and neck, making him laugh as he made room for you. "i love you so much."
"i love you," he said quietly, running his hand up your back. "i'm really glad i met you."
you smiled against him. "me too."
you were still snuggled into seokmin's chest when jeonghan called you on his way home from the office - though several episodes had passed - and he asked if you wanted him to swing by to grab you.
"or do you guys want dinner?" he asked, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he thought. "have you eaten?"
you looked at seokmin, putting your phone on speaker. "we haven't eaten. are you in the mood for something?"
jeonghan pouted a second. "not that i can think of. what about you?"
"sashimi," seokmin said without pause, making you laugh. he looked at you with round eyes and a smirk on his lips. "what, you think it's a joke?"
"you do suggest it every time i ask," jeonghan pointed out. "that sounds good, though. i'll pick some up and bring it over?"
"and stir fried octopus," you added. "and soju."
seokmin nudged you. "it's tuesday."
you widened your eyes as you looked away. "okay, old man. i just don't think this menu is meant to be eaten without soju."
jeonghan agreed with you, much to seokmin's false chagrin (he enjoyed drinking just as much as you did, he just liked to keep an adult front on workdays), and within the hour, the three of you were sat on the floor around the coffee table, eating and sharing several bottles of soju like it wasn't a tuesday.
"i just realized," you said suddenly, staring at jeonghan. "you've never slept here."
seokmin gasped dramatically. "you're right."
the architect only laughed as you poured three more glasses of soju, leaning back on a hand. "i had a custom mattress made for a reason. i like big beds."
"i thought you just liked beds that had us in it," you teased, pushing the shot towards him. "seokmin's bed is big enough, i'm pretty sure."
the three of you cheersed again, knocking back the clean alcohol. seokmin hissed before he spoke. "we all pile together, anyways."
jeonghan eyed him. "what day is it tomorrow?"
"wednesday," you stated, pausing to think about seokmin's schedule. "first lesson at ten thirty?"
"normally, yeah," he said. "but ryujin's out of town this week, so i don't have anything til noon."
you looked at jeonghan, eyes shining, and he waved his hand at you. "hey, don't look at me like that."
"sleepover?" you asked. "seriously, you won't believe how pretty the sunrises are."
"for real," seokmin corroborated. "the view's even better from the loft."
you nodded excitedly. "and instant coffee is surprisingly delicious. sometimes i miss it at home."
seokmin laughed at you, poking a finger into your side. "we can buy a jar for the house, dummy."
"no," you pouted, grabbing his hand. "it's special. i like only having it here."
jeonghan rolled his eyes. "if you two are done, i think we should call it a night."
"sleepover?" you asked again.
he sighed. "i don't know, i have a brunch meeting with a prospective client, and i should really get to the office early to prep for when they inevitably visit after."
as if planned, you and seokmin both planted your elbows on the table and put your hands on your cheeks, jutting out your lower lips at him. he groaned, leaned back on his palms and letting his head roll back as the two of you pouted. "please, hannie?" you whined.
he groaned again, more prolonged this time, as the two of you repeated your pleas in quick succession for a few seconds too long for the average lung capacity, eventually managing to wither his resolve. "fine, i'll ask seungkwan to set up. god, i don't like when you two gang up on me."
you cheered with seokmin, giggling as you stood to start clearing the table. he grinned at jeonghan. "what were you saying about us ganging up on you?"
"don't like it," he repeated, adjusting his posture and coughing once as if to punctuate his point, collecting the disposable chopsticks and used napkins onto one easily carryable plate.
"wrong," you stated plainly, bringing the empty soju bottles to the kitchen counter, wiping off your hands with a hanging towel. "i remember you enjoying it greatly on christmas."
seokmin pointed after you. "true. and i'm much more experienced now."
"hey," jeonghan said, trying to hide the nervousness that bubbled in him at the idea of the night going in that direction. "let's not start this."
"why?" you asked, returning and squatting behind him, your arms casually draping over his shoulders. "scared?"
"no," he exhaled, eyelids fluttering slightly when you placed a mostly innocent kiss behind his ear. "tired."
"bad excuse when there's two of us that can take care of you," seokmin said, grinning, repeating the phrase jeonghan usually gave when either of you said the same thing. you pulled your hands up to his shoulders, rubbing deep circles into them with your thumbs, eliciting a low groan.
"you work too hard," you muttered. "let us take care of you for a night."
seokmin watched his eyebrow pinch inwards as you rubbed a tight knot behind his neck, scooting around the table. "unless you have an actually good reason."
jeonghan sighed at the hand on his thigh, rolling his head to one side as seokmin's lips trailed across his jawline and your hands continued massaging into his tense shoulders. he wasn't one to secede control, and you both knew that - he liked being in charge, calling the shots. but you hadn't been wrong about him enjoying his christmas present greatly, and a big part of that had been the surprise of it.
well, that, he thought. and also when you choked him.
so he sighed again, focusing on how seokmin's fingers gripped gently at his thigh through his pants, how you placed light kisses on the crown of his skull and kept working knots out of his shoulders, and how seokmin smiled against his cheek at the realization that he was definitely going to let the two of you take care of him.
"i don't," he finally admitted. "but let's clean up first, yeah?" you sighed into a laugh.
"how about this," seokmin said, retreating slightly to look the other in the eyes. "you two go upstairs while i clean up, and i'll join you in a minute."
jeonghan cowered slightly as he looked between seokmin's eyes, feeling himself react to the low tone in his voice, and you were biting your lip to stifle a giggle as you ran your palms down his shoulders. "o-okay."
seokmin grinned, placing a slow kiss on his lips and barely pulling away when he said a quiet "good boy." 
in that moment, jeonghan realized, he was absolutely fucked.
seokmin gave you a brief kiss after both of you were standing, and you tugged on jeonghan's arm until he was following you up the stairs as seokmin cleared the table. it took seconds for you to pull him into you, your arms around his neck and a smirk on your lips as you kissed him, noticing that the bulge in his pants was already halfway to ready.
"that was fast," you teased.
"not fair," he whined. "he's never acted like that towards me."
"never?" you asked, in slight disbelief as you threaded your fingers in his hair. "all those times you've fucked and you've never let him top?"
you grinned when you noticed his ears getting red as he ran his hands over your hips. "you're not a perfect angel, either."
you giggled and kissed him again, slowly, your lips pulling at his lightly "at least i let him fuck me."
"hey, he's fucked me," jeonghan said, almost indignant. "i'm just… usually in control."
"okay, power bottom," you joked, tugging gently at the hair at the base of his scalp, smiling at his reactionary huff. "when are you gonna let him really fuck you?"
jeonghan stopped for a second, studying your eyes. "do you think i should tonight?"
you ran your tongue over your teeth, fingers teasing at his quickening pulse. "i think you should let us both fuck you tonight."
his forehead hit yours as he gently pulled your hips against him, the breath between you heavy. he had an idea of what you meant - hints in the past of what you and seokmin had gotten up to while he wasn't around, implications of how you had helped seokmin prepare himself - but he still wanted confirmation. "you're gonna fuck me?"
you smiled against his lips. "is that what you want, hannie?"
he kept trying to close the distance as you backed up to the bed. "i wouldn't be opposed."
"that's not an answer," you prompted, fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt as his lips desperately chased after yours. "do i have to ask again?"
he flinched at your touch against his now exposed stomach, his skin overly sensitive from anticipation. "sweetheart, don't make me-"
"don't make you what?" you asked. "beg?"
he watched your lips curl and swallowed harshly. "please don't."
"i'm not asking you to beg, sweetheart," you teased, pulling his shirt completely out from his belted slacks. "i just want you to tell me directly. do you want me to fuck you?"
jeonghan could tell his ears were red. his cheeks, too, probably. he could feel the heat radiating off his face and neck in response to your teasing, and he couldn't deny how tight his pants felt, either. and while it wasn't a role you filled for him often (with him, sure, when the two of you liked to utilized seokmin's quick recovery time), he had to admit how fucking good you were as a domme.
you grinned. "was that so hard?"
no, he thought, but something else definitely was, and the way you kissed him certainly did not help. you pushed the shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the ground as he kneaded at your ass, pulling you against him in desperate need to some kind of friction for his aching member. he moaned into your mouth when your hand found it, and you smiled against him as you unbuckled his belt.
"lay down, darling," you said, shoving his pants over his hips to pool on the ground.
he felt a twinge of embarrassment, realizing he was practically naked in front of you while you were still fully clothed, but just nodded as he sat on the edge of the bed, frantically pushing his pants off his feet as he backed up to get comfortable.
you had a drawer in seokmin's dresser, filled with spare clothes that had mostly come from your own apartment when you had finally moved out, but you also had a drawer in his nightstand, containing some things that the two of you played with on occasion. you were swift in dropping your sweats to the floor and pulling out a vibrator and a bottle of lube, and while jeonghan was no stranger to having fun with toys, he was generally the user, not the recipient. memories of how he had cruelly put you on edge until you were begging made him nervous for the payback he was likely in store for as you crawled over him, straddling his thighs, only being snapped out of his thoughts when seokmin appeared at the top of the stairs.
"you forgot this," he said casually, holding the tie jeonghan had been wearing that day. the one he had pulled off his neck when the three of you had eaten earlier. the one he had used to tie your wrists to a bedpost, once upon a time.
you noticed his adam's apple bob as he propped himself up on his elbows to look at seokmin as he pulled off his shirt, and you set aside the toy and lube to run your hands down his chest. "calm down, hannie. we're not as mean as you."
he gave you an look. "i'm not mean."
you giggled, your fingers teasing at the waistband of his underwear as you felt the bed shift behind you. "of course you aren't."
jeonghan fell back against the mattress as he watched seokmin come up behind you, dropping the tie to run his hands over your waist, kissing at your neck. he groaned when your eyes fluttered shut, his squirming practically begging you to keep touching him as his member strained against soft fabric.
"so needy," seokmin commented, directed at the architect as one hand glided down your bare thigh and the other went up to cup a breast. jeonghan looked at the two of you with half lidded eyes, grasping urgently at your fingers on his hip. "you're pretty on your back."
jeonghan knew he was blushing again, and he wondered if he would ever be able to recover his dominating persona over you when seokmin's low tone made him drop so deeply into an obedient mood. you smiled down at him as you let your palm run over his throbbing length, making him let out a long relieved moan. "is this what you wanted, baby?"
"fuck, y/n," he gasped, clutching at the sheets. "i need more."
"trying so hard to be in charge," you said, reaching for the vibrator as you continued rubbing against his length. "we're taking care of you, remember?" you placed the tip of the toy at the base of his cock, watching him flinch at the contact. "what color, baby?"
jeonghan swallowed harshly, realizing he had never been on the answering end of such a common question in your relationship, staring up at you with wide eyes as seokmin smirked against your neck. "g-green."
you pushed a button, the vibrator buzzing to life against him, and his back lifted off the mattress briefly as his body reacted to the vibrations. he threw his arm over his face, burying his eyes in the crook of his elbow as he moaned awfully loud, mouth gaping open.
seokmin paused his work against your neck, getting distracted by the way jeonghan's arm fell over his forehead as he looked down at where you were gently holding the vibrator against his dick. seokmin felt his own arousal awakening, shifting his hips slightly to press his length against your lower back, and you were only smiling when jeonghan looked up at you again.
"does it feel good, hannie?" you asked, slowly moving the toy up his shaft.
"oh g-god, fuck!" his eyes clamped shut, nails digging into your thigh. "f-fuck it feels s-so good."
the wet spot at the tip of his dick only grew, precum soaking through his underwear as his hips bucked. "on the lowest setting?" you teased. "i don't think you'll be able to handle the higher ones."
jeonghan's eyes shot open. "please."
it was seokmin who answered. "please what?"
he groaned again, his cock lifting off his pelvis as you put the tip of the toy at his base again, the vibrations running through his balls. "i can take more."
you smiled, pushing the secondary button at the base of the vibrator, watching jeonghan's stomach tense as the vibrations increased, letting out a string of expletives. seokmin focused more attention on your body, fingers slipping under your shirt and a hand reaching down to run over your core. you sighed at the contact, and jeonghan glanced down at where the lean, piano trained fingers teased at your most sensitive areas, his hips pushing up against your hands.
he groaned, his hand running up his own torso. "fuck, you're sexy."
you giggled, unsure if even he knew exactly who he was talking to, but you decided he likely meant you both, considering the way he blearily looked between the two of you as seokmin worked you up. you moaned, your head falling back to his shoulder, but your eyes stayed trained on jeonghan's pleasure twisted face. his legs squirmed beneath you, bumping up against your inner thighs as he tried to put his heels the bed, hoping to gain more control, but the two of you straddling over him stopped him in his efforts. seokmin pulled your shirt off of you, kneading at your uncovered breasts, and jeonghan could do nothing but gape. you pushed the button to ramp up the vibrations once more, making him gasp and clutch at your wrist.
"green," he exclaimed sharply, eyes opening to squint at you, only to clamp shut again. "fuck fuck fuck fuck, green."
"you're not gonna cum, are you?" you asked, cocking your head and biting at your lip when seokmin pushed your panties aside with a finger to feel your gathering wetness. "we've barely even started."
he shook his head, mouth hanging open. "i'm not cumming 'til i'm in you."
"always so damn bossy," seokmin laughed, glowering at jeonghan as he pushed his fingers into you, making the architect groan. "can't you just enjoy?"
you removed the vibrator and pulled at the waistband of jeonghan's underwear, and he got excited for a moment as his hazy mind cleared, thinking you were finally going to give him what he wanted, but you just placed the vibrator against his pelvis and let his underwear push his dick against it. he whimpered once before he could stop himself, turning beet red when he saw your shiteating grin. 
"oh my god, you're so cute," you said, leaning forward, and seokmin pulled his hand from your core to admire the way your ass looked as you hovered over your boyfriend, his hands immediately kneading at your soft flesh and teasing at your panty-clad core. you cupped jeonghan's jaw with both hands, and he looked up at you, lips parted, his stomach tense from the overwhelming sensation, as you just placed gentle kisses against his blushed cheeks and nose. "how do you feel, baby?"
he let out a brief whine, hands on your waist. "i don't know how much longer-"
he was interrupted when you gasped, reacting to seokmin pulling your panties aside and rubbing the head of his cock against your wet folds. your head fell to the pillow beside jeonghan's and he looked over your shoulder, finding the musician's eyes trained on him and his underwear and shorts shoved down over his thighs, thick cock on full display. jeonghan moaned again at the sight, his own dick aching for something more than just a vibrator, hips pushing upwards and his arms wrapping around you as he did everything in his power to not stoop to begging.
"my sweet babies," seokmin said, rubbing his cock against you, looking down at your soaking pussy briefly as he squeezed your ass with one hand. "no cumming, okay? neither of you."
your head shot up, suddenly realizing that while you were ganging up on jeonghan, seokmin still had seniority over you. jeonghan just stared up at you, still grasping at your waist, and your mouth dropped open as seokmin pushed into you.
"fuck," jeonghan whined, eyes shutting as your stomach pushed his cock harder against the vibrator. "th-this is so unfair."
"sorry," seokmin chuckled, slightly airy as your walls squeezed around him. "i can't resist when she bends over like that."
you kissed jeonghan, messily and needily, and all he could do was groan against you as you got fucked from behind, desperately wishing he could be in either of your positions.
"shit, seokmin," you gasped, a hand going back to clutch his where it stayed against your hip. you could feel your orgasm approaching fast, no matter how badly you wanted to behave. "fuck, i'm-"
"i said no cumming," he said, panting slightly as he repeatedly slammed into you. jeonghan's eyes wandered to how every inch of you jiggled above him with seokmin's movements, and he was almost okay with being stuck with a vibrator if it meant getting this view.
"i-" you squeezed your eyes shut, hand clutching the back of jeonghan's neck as you tried to stave off your imminent need. "i-i'm trying-"
"god, you can't help it, can you?" seokmin groaned. "you're sucking me in, you're so desperate for cock."
"cum," jeonghan whispered, meeting your eyes when they fluttered open. you gaped at him and he gave you a sly smile.
"i'll be good," you said, glaring at jeonghan best you could.
seokmin pulled your hips back against him harshly. "you better be."
"cum," jeonghan repeated, voice low enough to stay hidden behind the sound of seokmin slamming into you. you kissed him, trying to shut him up, but he just used it as an opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth, making you moan against him before you pulled away. "cum, angel. make him mad."
"nngh, god, fuck you," you managed, shaking as your body won over your willpower and your orgasm crashed over you. jeonghan grinned victoriously, pulling you down to kiss him as seokmin grunted behind you, fucking you through your bliss, because despite his frustration that you couldn't follow a simple rule, he wasn't so cruel to not let you enjoy it.
when your body was finally able to relax, seokmin slowed his hips and pulled out of you, pushing you aside to roll onto your back next to the man you had been fucked over. he pulled his shorts and boxers back over his cock and reached down to remove the vibrator, making jeonghan sigh in relief, wishing seokmin's hand had lingered a little longer over his member before he had turned off the toy. his knees bent, lifting off the mattress for the first time since he had laid down, and he groaned at the stiffness.
"what did i say?" seokmin asked, not even looking at you as he tossed the toy aside.
you whined. "it's jeonghan's fault," you said immediately. his neck practically snapped to look at you, laid out beside him. "he was egging me on."
"was not," he lied, trying to catch his breath, annoyed that you had instantly ratted him out. "you're just too easy."
you let out an indignant squeal, the back of your hand hitting his arm, ready to argue when seokmin interrupted. "so you're both brats."
you both looked at seokmin, his jaw tight, and jeonghan could only gulp as you tried to get up on your shaky thighs.
"i'm sorry," you said, kneeing yourself over to him. "i'm sorry, i didn't want to, i swear."
jeonghan watched in disbelief as you grovelled, thinking about how you were never that nice for him. seokmin pulled you up against him, a hand on your ass as he kissed you deeply and you melted against his chest.
"i think you deserve to be a cocksleeve tonight, baby." he said against your lips. "is that fair?"
you exhaled, disappointed in yourself more than anything, but nodded nonetheless. "yes."
he brought his hand down against your ass firmly, making you gasp. "underwear off," he said, then turned his attention to jeonghan as you immediately went to follow his instruction. "and you," he said, extending a hand.
jeonghan took it, gasping lightly when seokmin tugged him off the mattress easily, forcing him to sit up in front of him.
"you told her to cum?"
he cowered under seokmin's firm gaze, mouth suddenly dry as he tried to think of a way to lie himself out of the situation. seokmin's eyebrow quirked when he didn't respond immediately, acting as a prompt for him to answer. "y-yeah," he said finally, internally cursing at the way he couldn't make himself disobey.
seokmin's tongue clicked, studying his face. "sounds like you deserve a little punishment, too."
jeonghan gulped, eyes wide as he wondered what the musician considered punishment. "i thought you were gonna take care of me."
"oh, i will," seokmin said, pulling jeonghan off the bed with him. he stood on stiff legs, still recovering from being pressed against the mattress for so long. "i'm gonna take real good care of you, baby boy," he muttered, pulling jeonghan's hips against his, making him let out a quick whine. "i'm gonna fuck you deep and long and hard, and you're gonna be a perfect angel for me, aren't you?"
jeonghan's knees were practically knocking together in anticipation, nodding quickly. "for you, yes."
"for who?" seokmin asked?
"for you, minnie."
he tsked. "not quite, baby boy. for who?"
jeonghan felt like he was at the peak of a rollercoaster, his stomach flipping as seokmin's hands slipped below his underwear, gripping his ass and pushing their cocks together. he winced, his eyebrows knitting in desperation as he panted lightly. "for you, daddy."
seokmin grinned. "good boy."
your jaw dropped, watching bare-ass naked from bed as they kissed, and you thought for a second that this definitely had to happen again.
"face down, baby," seokmin said to you over jeonghan's shoulder, pushing his underwear off. "get ready."
you nodded and got on your knees, settling your chest against the mattress and waiting patiently.
"go ahead, hannie," seokmin said, sending him off with a kiss to his lips and a slap to his ass. "sink in."
jeonghan hesitated briefly, looking back at seokmin before he kneed his way onto the bed behind you, but almost immediately got distracted by the way your pussy spread for him, having already been fucked open once. his cock flinched as he gripped at your ass, admiring the way moisture dripped from your hole to your clit.
you pushed back against him. "he said sink in," you whined.
he laughed lightly. "you just look too good," he said, holding the base of his cock as he guided himself against your folds. you moaned, cheek pressed to the mattress, and jeonghan had to throw his head back to keep himself from immediately fucking you like an animal as he began to sink into your warmth. he moaned out loud, exhaling and pushing back his hair. "fuck you feel even better."
he pumped into you slowly once, twice, then paused hilt deep. seokmin had removed the remainder of his clothes before grabbing the tie off the bed, the flash of color catching jeonghan's attention.
"what's that f-"
he gasped when seokmin tugged his arms behind him, his cock flinching in you as seokmin expertly tied the silky fabric around his wrists. "what's the color, baby boy?"
jeonghan's mind swam, his hips flush against your ass as seokmin pushed him over your bent body. "green," he gasped. "holy fuck, green."
seokmin laughed lightly, nudging jeonghan's knees apart to spread him out better. "the tie's teal, actually. seungkwan would be very upset that you called it green."
"please don't mention seungkwan right now," jeonghan rushed out.
you giggled despite yourself, then wiggled your hips lightly, enjoying the way jeonghan let out a garbled moan.
"i thought i told you you were a cocksleeve, baby," seokmin said, grabbing the lube from where you had left it, rubbing a glob between his fingers to warm it slightly before he pressed it against jeonghan's puckered hole.
you bit your lip when the cock in you flinched in reaction. "i'm sorry."
"it's okay, baby girl," he said, massaging his thumb against jeonghan, who had his forehead against your spine as he whined. "just be good for us, alright?"
you nodded, peeking over your shoulder as seokmin smiled warmly at you.
"now hannie," he said, teasing around his hole. "it's been a little while since you've bottomed."
"i'll be fine," jeonghan gasped. "please, i swear i can take it."
seokmin shook his head, laughing lightly. "me? you think you can take my cock?"
he nodded against your spine. "please, i need it."
"baby boy, i think you forget how big i am," he said, pushing a finger into him. jeonghan's mouth gaped, and he pushed his eye against your back as seokmin quickly found his prostate. "i don't want to hurt you. be good."
jeonghan couldn't even form words as seokmin squirted more lube against him, working it into his hole as he slowly added another finger. his hips were pushing impossibly further into you as seokmin finger fucked him, working him wider until he thought he was ready for another digit. jeonghan moaned again, brows knit together, vaguely focusing on your shoulder blade as his cheek pressed against your arched back.
when he was sufficiently prepared in seokmin's opinion, he pulled his fingers out of him completely, making him gasp and shudder, back curling as he tried to fuck into you. you whined loudly, and you swore, jeonghan felt bigger than you remembered, even after you had been fucked by your massively endowed boyfriend.
seokmin squirted an almost excessive amount of lube into his palm, sighing as he worked it over his member and put a hand on jeonghan's hips. "tell me if you need me to slow down."
"fuck, just fuck me, seokmin," he groaned, fingers curling over the satin tie. "please, i'm begging."
seokmin's lip quirked upwards and you glanced back at him, wondering if you heard him right. his tone was low when he asked, "begging?"
jeonghan winced, realizing what he had said, but knowing there was no going back. "please."
he gasped when seokmin put the head of his cock against his hole. "please, daddy."
seokmin groaned deeply as he slowly pushed his hips forward, and jeonghan practically wailed against you. "oh, baby, we are so doing this more often."
jeonghan completely missed the sunrise you had raved about, and ended up cancelling his brunch meeting in the morning, feigning sickness and rescheduling for the following week. instead, he chose to extend the triple spoon situation the three of you found yourself in for as long as he could convince you both to stay under the covers with him, much later than you usually stayed. you had to drag him out of bed a quarter til noon, telling him that if he didn't want seokmin to have to explain to some child and their parent that he had a girlfriend and a boyfriend, and that the evening before had been too involved for one of them (you didn't say it was him, but it was heavily implied), then he had to get his ass in the car before they showed up. seokmin was laughing at the two of you, kissing you both goodbye after he got out of the shower. 
you rolled your eyes at him as he draped pathetically in the passenger seat as you drove back to the house. "you're sad."
he groaned dramatically, shifting in his seat. "my ass hurts."
"you begged for it," you pointed out.
"whatever," he said, pouting. "can we order takeout?"
you laughed looking over at him briefly. "do what you want, babe."
it seemed like you and jeonghan never went to events anymore, more often choosing to stay in with this one handsome music teacher you knew. jeonghan walked through the doors you had left open, entering the moodily lit music room one friday evening after getting home from the office. normally, seokmin got picked up by your boyfriend on his way home, but he had been able to leave the company early and bussed over to sit with you at the piano for a while. you enjoyed his impromptu concert, because despite having to play it all week for work, he still found therapy in tickling the keys and hearing your soft hummed melodies accompanying his improvisations.
"you wanna go to a fundraiser dinner next weekend?"
you spun on the bench to face the architect. "fundraiser for what?"
jeonghan tossed his jacket onto the armchair in the corner as he walked towards you. "impoverished youth art programs. you can say no, but you'd be depriving a child of their creativity."
that made seokmin laugh, making his playing pause as a hand when up to cover his mouth. you giggled with him. "well then, yeah, i guess i wanna go."
"what about you?" jeonghan asked, nodding to seokmin. "you coming?"
seokmin turned suddenly, his chest facing you as he studied jeonghan's face. "you want me to come?"
"it doesn't have to be a date," he said, his tone showing his own hesitance to make your unique relationship public. "you could come as our guest. it's a good cause, and it's not crazy to invite a music teacher to a fundraiser for artistic youths."
seokmin thought about it, but denied the invitation after a few minutes of consideration, saying that it would be impossible for him to not make it painfully obvious that he was in love with one or both of you the entire night. he knew he made the right decision when he saw you both come down the stairs that evening from his vantage point in the kitchen, reminded of how the two of you cleaned up for these events.
"are you sure you wanna stay?" you asked, hands on seokmin's chest. "we bought three seats. you can still come with us."
he laughed, careful to not pay too close attention to how well the dress you wore fit as his hands ghosted up your sides. this used to be the only way he ever saw you, and it was no wonder he couldn't take his eyes off you back then. he still couldn't, but for different reasons. "i'll be fine for four hours, babe. besides, i don't know how to be serious at these things. i would laugh too loud."
"order something good for dinner, okay?" jeonghan said, grabbing your jacket from the closet. "i expect a report about your delicious delivery food."
seokmin rolled his eyes as you giggled, but his voice was sweet when he said "yes, jeonghan."
you had almost forgotten what it was like at these events - it had been a good three months since you had last gone to one. jeonghan proudly introduced you as his partner to several people that hadn't seen him in a while (it was hard to believe there was anyone left that you hadn't met yet, really, but every event pulled a new crowd), and you easily answered questions about how important the cause was for you.
"my family had to work really hard to afford piano lessons when i was growing up," you told one group, feeling bold with jeonghan's hand on your back. "i applied to a million scholarships and still had to work every weekend to be able to afford my music degree, but i finally graduated last month. i got lucky, and i just hope it can be easier for other kids."
jeonghan never stopped being impressed by you, how easily you fit in with any audience he brought you to. for a self-proclaimed introvert, you sure knew how to work a crowd, even if it made you quieter on the way home. he was about to sit you down at your designated table for the evening when a familiar voice called out to him.
"oh, mr. kim mingyu," jeonghan said, a teasingly serious tone to his voice as he addressed his old friend, your neck nearly breaking to look. "it's been too long. have you met my lovely lady?"
you saw the flash of recognition on mingyu's face, and you stared at him helplessly, both relieved and confused when he said he hadn't. jeonghan introduced you again, and you gulped at the stitch in the taller's eyebrow when he politely shook your hand. despite wanting to say something for the sake of the introduction, you couldn't make your voice work, and wouldn't have been able to come up with any words even if it had.
"hey, i have to get back to the program," he said, then explained the company he worked for was co-sponsoring the event. "let's catch up after dinner?"
you were mortified, to say the least, considering the first and last time you had seen kim mingyu, you had been introduced to him by his good friend seokmin, after you had emerged from his bedroom wearing what could easily be classified as pajamas. he knew you had gotten more serious since then. you had sneakily peeked at texts seokmin had sent, making him laugh as he made no effort to hide them, when mingyu had asked what kind of vacation he was taking after hearing his niece's lesson was cancelled that week. you even posed for the picture seokmin sent in response, both of your faces at the bottom of the screen as he pointed at the gate sign that said you were flying to nagoya together, back when you were going to see the cherry blossoms near a newly built diner and eatery. jeonghan had flown out a week ahead to oversee construction, and the two of you met him as they wrapped it up. 
so you stared after him, and when you were seated at the table and you couldn't bear it anymore, you tugged on jeonghan's sleeve and hurriedly whispered in his ear.
"i've met mingyu before."
his brow quirked, trying to remember every time he had seen the younger in the last year or so. "when? did you see him on halloween?"
"no," you said, and he noticed the worry in your eyes. "at seokmin's apartment. he brings his niece to lessons."
jeonghan stared at you a second as he understood the situation. "oh."
"i have to tell him," you said, looking around. "right? he probably thinks i'm cheating on his friend."
"either that, or he thinks i'm paying you." you gave him a sideways glare, and he chuckled, putting a hand against your back, understanding your distress at being perceived either way. "honestly, he's probably going to text seokmin as soon as he can pull his phone out, but i can talk to him about it after dinner, okay?"
you exhaled slowly, fingers pressing into your forehead. "okay. god, this is annoying."
"it'll be fine," jeonghan assured you. "don't worry about it. he's an understanding guy. just enjoy dinner, we're paying an absurd amount for it."
you eyed him. "for the kids."
he laughed, glad that you could still joke with him. "yeah, for the kids."
only half an hour later, you excused yourself from the conversation at your assigned table, eyeing the empty seat next to jeonghan as you to retreated to a restroom. when you were walking in the hotel hallway headed back to the ballroom that held dinner, you heard a hushed "hey," spinning your head towards the obvious call for your attention.
mingyu stood at a corner, tugging at his suit jacket. "can i talk to you for a second?"
you glanced back towards the ballroom, suddenly wishing jeonghan had some kind of spidey sense so he could come to your rescue as you stepped towards the tall man you barely knew. "uh, yeah, actually, i wanted to talk to you, too."
"you're not gonna try to date me, too, are you?"
his tone mismatched how you felt about his question, a teasing smile on his lips. you exhaled sharply, annoyed. "no, god, can i just explain myself?"
"me first," mingyu said, stopping you before you could continue. "did you see the girl i'm sitting with?"
you nodded slowly, studying his face, trying to understand his play. you had, admittedly, been nervously staring at his table for most of the last thirty minutes.
"that's my girlfriend," he said. "we work together, and we've only been dating a few months, but i really like her. and she likes me." he paused, eyes wandering. "and she, uh, also really likes my long-term boyfriend."
you stared at him, processing his words. "hang on-"
mingyu grinned, awkwardly gesturing at the invisible surprise. "seokmin came out to me? to be fair, i was accusing his girlfriend of cheating on him, so he didn't have much of a choice, but-"
"you're poly?" you interrupted, a smile creeping across your lips. "like, in a relationship with multiple partners?"
"uh, yeah," he said, rubbing his chin. "i'm poly, i guess? it's pretty new, but the two of them have been really fantastic about it."
"me too!" you laughed. "oh my god, i've never met anyone else who- hang on, what exactly did seokmin tell you?"
mingyu thought a second, shoving his hands in his pockets. "first of all, he was offended that i would even suggest you two would do something like that to him. then he sent me a picture of him in jeonghan's kitchen."
despite the second hand recount, your boyfriend's defense of you still made your heart flutter slightly. "and you figured it out from there?"
"well," he cocked his head. "i made him explain more, and then i called him gay, but those were the important points."
you shook your head, smiling. "i can't believe it. of all the people in the world."
"trust me, i'm just as shocked as you are," he said, laughing. "when i gave jeonghan seokmin's number, i didn't think they'd end up dating."
you looked around suddenly. "it's still kind of a secret, at least at these things," you said. "can we keep it that way?"
"yeah, of course, i get it." mingyu nodded, sniffing suddenly. "the industry's cruel. your secret's safe with me as long as mine is with you."
"absolutely," you agreed. "but i am telling jeonghan."
"great," he laughed. "maybe he'll start inviting me to hang out more."
the relief surrounding you was palpable when you sat down, and jeonghan had noticed mingyu returning to his table the same time as you. "sorted?"
you nodded, smiling. "you'll never believe it."
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machinatings · 2 years
I meant in general not just Taika characters!! Taika characters would be a double diversity win though
OH SORRY ANON for misunderstanding. But if you just want some Jewish characters in that case you’re in luck!!!!
But first- I’m actually gonna have to put this post under a cut because it got pretty long. To be honest though I genuinely thought it would be longer, but when I sat down to write a list I really struggled to think of Jewish characters, at least ones that I liked. Most of the ones that came to mind feel into bad stereotypes, had their jewishness played only for laughs, or only ever mentioned they were jewish like once during a Christmas special or something.
And some of the characters on this list do fall into tropes I don’t like, but there’s enough there for me to still like them. Either way I hope you, anon (and anyone else possibly reading this) find a character you might enjoy! Warning that most of these are comic book characters lol.
Oh and the last thing I’ll say up top here is that if anyone seeing this post knows of any Jewish characters you like that I haven’t mentioned please add on!
With that said. Here’s some Jewish characters I like:
Magneto: always correct. My grandpa <3
Kitty pryde: 💖💖💖 She has The best looks of all time, she yells at Professor Xavier, she has a magen david that can repel vampires. She’s bisexual. She’s the greatest character of all time.
Peter Parker (spiderverse): crushes a glass at his wedding and the director confirmed he’s Jewish. Also. Look at him.
Polaris: She’s magnetos daughter and has green hair which makes her very cool
Billy Kaplan: he’s Scarlet Witch’s son and Magnetos grandson (Debatably. We’ll get to that later) but not biologically, spiritually (comics are weird) but IN ANY CASE all you need to know is that his biological parents are Jewish and he is also Jewish. Anyway he literally has a gay Jewish wedding in space so if that isn’t enough to sell you on this guy I don’t even know
Moonknight. Please let him be Jewish in the tv show please let him be Jewish in the tv show pl
Leah told me to add Lexie (euphoria) and TK (911) which I haven’t watched either but their actors are Jewish and pushed for their characters to be Jewish too which is nice :]
Gray reminded me about ANNIE!!! From community!! I love ANNIE! We would hold hands.
The main character from Crazy Ex Girlfriend I forget her name. REBECCA. Rebecca?? I WAS RIGHT ITS REBECCA. I’ve only watched a few episodes but shes fun
Elsa from JoJo Rabbit genuinely means a lot to me I won’t spoil the film (which. If you haven’t watched it go fix that) but I really love how her character was written
ISABELLA FROM PHINEAS AND FERB. I remember when I was little seeing her celebrate hannukah and it BLEW my entire MIND I was like “CHARACTERS ON TV CAN DO THAT?!?!”.. yes little Ti. Yes they can. Sometimes I wish they would do Anything Else.
And finally, the internet says kronk is Jewish. From emperors new groove. I haven’t watched the film in a long time and I haven’t researched to verify if this is true but I don’t care. If I’ve been lied to I hope I never find out. Kronk is Jewish
Aaand now here’s some dubiously canon Jewish characters for fun:
Peter Parker (comics): this one I really want to put him in the straight up canonical Jewish characters section bc OK LIKE. He very frequently uses Yiddish, has name dropped quote unquote obscure jewish holidays, he was created and written largely by Jewish comic book creators (Stan Lee and jack Kirby) and very much embodies Jewish humour, morals, outlooks. Also Brian Michael Bendis who is a very big comic writer and made miles morales and has written for spider-man a bunch etc etc (I don’t rlly like him but Still) says that peter Parker is Jewish. He literally is Jewish. Buuut it’s technically not canon and is def not canon in the mcu so. Dubiously canon. 😐
OH YEAH ALSO Andrew Garfield is Jewish and said he played his Peter Parker as Jewish so there’s a win for the tasm fans
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver - magnetos kids. This is dubious because scarlet witch and quicksilver arguably don’t count because them being magnetos children was retconned which is dumb so I ignore it but still there you go. Listen. Comics are weird
Also on that note there’s Scarlet Witch’s other spiritual but not biological son who is Billy’s brother but born to a different, non Jewish, family: Tommy Shepherd. Is he Jewish? You tell me.
Spock! Leonard Nimoy and based the 🖖 signal from a prayer ceremony he saw :] Spock is Jewish to me <3
Aaaand there you have it! A list of Jewish characters. It’s not just me though, this list feels short right?? Granted there are plenty of iconic Jewish characters that I haven’t listed because I just haven’t watched/read the media they’re in but… considering I’m always actively looking out for and take notice of Jewish characters you really would think there’d be more. Im sure I’m forgetting some tho if I think of any more I’ll add em.
Still!! Hope this was the kind of thing u wanted anon lemme know if you wanna know anything else about these characters :D and again to anyone who sees this please feel free to add on!
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wonderloste · 2 years
hi my love. i bring gifts. ♥, ♢, ✂, ❣
gather around the campfire for story time meme.
i’ll do the first one last cuz u know what the story is lol but
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz. sb who is long, long gone once stole my entire character when i was on my old blog JHBENGJHN right down to his character design and aspects of who he was and i know this bc it was an oc i had that was like drastically different than the canon character he was born from, so my portrayal was like... really really specific. i never confronted them or anything bc i didn’t rlly care enough to, but i still remember it being funny kinda cuz they took my black muse and made him a psd that turned him orange. ORANGE. 😭😭 IT’S REALLY NOT THAT HARD TO MAKE PSDS FOR BLACK CHARACTERS Y’ALL IT’S JUST NOT KJENRHMKJM PLEASE. anw they kinda just ended up fading away so there was no altercation or anything. they tried 2 blame me for getting anon hate once that was like “you stole UNiCoRN’S cHArACtErrr” but one of their friends outed them for sending it to themselves. 🤡
✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting? i don’t have much to say on this one, but probably the p*rsona fandom. i’ve met a lot of really really nice and chill people who rp in that fandom and i think i’ve heard it’s gotten better? but man the p*rsona fandom and the d*ng*nr*npa fandom back in the day were hand in hand with each other. it was always something.
❣ How salty are you feeling right now? honestly not that salty. i know i have some wild stories, but i need to stress that i’ve moved on from p much everything i talk about KJNERHKJNM. for most of this it has ACTUALLY been years. this is stuff that happened when i was much younger and put much more stock in my emotions on tumblr. i’m fine now. it’s all a little funny to me, aside from, like, the horrific stuff which isn’t funny but sure is a story to tell.
under the cut,
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise? - oh god another one i- JKNMHKJNM how quickly can i summarize That One debacle. there was sb on tumblr i was friends with for a while in a small rpc who sent me homophobic news articles one night when i was sui*cidal due to some unfortunate politics tm happening at the time and so as u remember the entire small little community ended up cutting her off after that cuz wtf. found out she’d been pretending to be her own friend on another blog where she sent us harassing msgs about whatever after she got blocked. vagued us in her rules when she moved to other blogs but still passive aggressively followed & unfollowed us, sent us msgs, etc. yada yada w/e we all moved on but then a year or two later??? she popped up in another fandom and got anon hate abt whitewashing her black muse. blamed me for it & said my friends and i sent it (we did not, the person who sent it ended up taking responsibility) but not before starting a HUGE, HUGE public fight on our dashboards where she was literally @’ing us in posts and vice versa. unblocked her so she could come to my ims instead, immediately started crytyping and gaslighting me. closed my ims bc i decided actually i’d rather fight on the dash KJBNERKGJNM 😭😭 ended up having to write a callout that exposed all the times she’d been racist, homophobic, transphobic, + harassing/gaslighting us in ims and posts even after we’d all quietly blocked her and tried to move on. to this day i still think abt all the shit we had saved up over the year(s) proving everything and she still went off about us being the ones who were trying to defame her and harass her or whatever. that day made me feel like i was out of my mind. if you knew me back then on that blog and saw all of that i am so sorry, i put up with so much before it reached that point aaaaaaaaaa. i wish i’d handled it better but honestly i was still a teenager when it started n a young adult when it blew up and this grown ass (almost 30 yo??? iirc??) racist homophobe was coming for my throat i just didn’t know what to do kjnmhkhn feel bad for ppl who witnessed it. feel even worse for myself cuz i could’ve handled it in a way that hurt me less. the Trauma that experience gave me good lord.
NOT related to that ^ but more lighthearted, one time this person i was chill with messaged my literal closest friend at the time on this site and shit talked me to her. she proceeded to inform me of it bc we were like. very publicly good friends. idk what they were expecting. they got mad bc she “chose” me over them. it was so weird. and very funny kjnMKJNEMRHKJM
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smithsparker · 2 years
RULES: post your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months!) ❣ i was tagged by ali @evelynhugostjames ​!! thanku sm for tagging me ali!
JANUARY: my most popular post this month was this kieutou gifset which honestly, they deserve it, i loved this clip sm 💞 but my favourite one (and the one i need to shout out skjdskf) is this set i made of skam nl season 1, which... holy shit that took me so long skdjkd i almost quit like 3 times while doing it <3 also special mention to this post which was my first fic ... ever?? so that was cool :D
FEBRUARY: in february i started to rlly get into doctor who so i made this rose tyler gifset which blew up like. Very quickly lmao, so that is my most popular post this month. and this month druck season 6 also ended, and i wanted to make something for that bc i really really loved it, so i made this set :) and honestly it's still one of my faves ive made today! i love fatou sm 🥺💞
MARCH: i finaly started to find some different fandoms to gif for other than skam: this month i made a lotr gifset! which did pretty well for the amount of effort i put into it aldjskd and i do love it but this month i made another super long & complicated gifset for skam nl season 2 akdjskd you'd think i'd learn from the first time... but i love how it turned out so that is a win at least!
APRIL: my birthday month! 🎈 funnily enough i did not make a post for my own birthday but i made my favourite this month for someone else's birthday which... was posted on my own birthday skdjskd dodie is my fav musician and her bday is one day before mine! my most popular post this month (and ever actually!!) was this parallel between doctor who and much ado about nothing - david tennant & catherine tate are such a great duo skdjsj
MAY: alt er love week time!! this was such a fun week and it gave me both my most popular and my favourite post: this elu set was most popular (and also very ugly in my opinion oops skdhsjd) and this druck season 5 one was my favourite!! i really like the colouring 💞
JUNE: this month i made very little content skdjksd but i think even if i'd made more, this skamverse pride month set would still be my favourite. it's also the most popular post this month! which it totally deserves 🌈
JULY: man, u can see that it's summer skdjsd in july i also made v little content, i only had one post this month lmaooo this month i watched the doctor who 50th anniversary special which i loved and i loved clara a lot, so i made this gifset! i do still like it a lot 🥺
AUGUST: this month's posts are both non-skamverse! who am i! lmaoo but for real, i think this month i really got into giffing other fandoms which i am so glad about bc it just opened a lot of doors for me :) so august's most popular post was this twelve/river set (theyre the superior doctor/river pairing change my mind😌) and my favourite was this malina + bookquotes set ⭐
SEPTEMBER: school time again which meant less time for gifsets, but it also meant alt er back to school week!! both posts are from that week: this one of our favourite dumbass lucas lallemant was most popular, and my favourite was this one of liv and isa, which was my first time working with overlays (and it looked rlly well if i may say so myself hehe) ❣
OCTOBER: in october i, again, didn't have time for a lot of gifsets, so this time it's just one: my most popular and my favourite post was the isi inci main character moment walk! this one kinda blew up which i love bc xe deserves it 💜
NOVEMBER: only one post again lmao in november i took some time off bc school was absolutely shit, but i still found some time to gif luckily! and i am v happy about that because honestly, the eva mohn gifset i made this month... might be my own fav ever i love it so so muchhh !!
DECEMBER: this month i did a lot more!! my most popular gifset was a hit with the wlws as far as i know - yaz in her 1900s outfit from doctor who flux... it was terrible to colour but so worth it skfjskdh 💞 my favourite post was this isa keijser set with orla gartland lyrics, two of my fav things and i think it looks rlly good!! plus a special mention to my very first malina fic, u love to see it 😌❣
okay this has become VERY long alsjakd but i hope this will also be fun to look back on later 💞 i'm tagging @ramonapest, @belloves, @lucasotteli, @fatoujallovv and @isiinci!! feel free to ignore and i apologise if you've done it already - i am late to the party as always skjdskjf
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ackermansupremacy · 3 years
This might be a lil hard but ik you can do it!
eren angst!! i rlly wanna have something to cry to, hcs of dating post-marley eren jeager
As SOOON as i saw this request I had to write it ASAP. I’m sorry if its a little inaccurate though, I’m an anime-only
Dating Eren post-war headcanons
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Its been years since Eren first confessed to you and started calling you his
But back then the two of you were living in a completely different time, a different reality.
The Eren you knew was simply a husk of a man now
Always grim and nonchalant about everything
The atmosphere around him was so dark and dull
It almost suffocated you to be around him
He promised that he would marry you once the war was over
But whenever you would ask about it he would just shrug it off and say “one of these days”
And whenever that answer would upset you, he would calmly say “you know you can just leave right?”
He made being around you sound like it was a chore
Each day passing you felt more and more distant from the man who would once do anything for you
Everyday you started to question more and more if he still loved you
It was tearing you apart
Half of you was telling you to stay with him, that he would come around and everything would go back to normal
But the other half of you knew the weight of everything on him, and it would be in your best interest to leave, because things going back to normal was impossible
But you kept convincing yourself that things would get better
You always tried to look at the bright side of your relationship despite there being few things
The heavy atmosphere started to weigh you down too and thats when you decided enough was enough
So one day you decided you were going to leave.
Not forever, just for a little bit to be able to focus on yourself and let Eren have some alone time
The thing that hurt the most...when you said you were leaving he only said
“Okay” he didn’t ask for how long or where
It confirmed your worst fear that he actually didn’t care
After years of pent up anger from his mistreatment you blew up at him
Yelling at sorts of obscenities at him you never would’ve said to anyone, let alone to the love of your life
Eren seemed to ignore it
He simply stood up from his chair and approached you
You didn’t realize you were crying until he wiped a tear off of your face with a blank facial expression
“What are you talking about?”
You were finally able to calm down enough to be able to take a deep breath and be able to tell him how you had been feeling all those years
He listened intently, but it still seemed like it was all falling on deaf ears
So you decided to leave after all
Taking one last look at the man who you once shared love with
Before leaving for who knows how long
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Hope you liked it!!! Idk post war eren that well so thats just my perception of him. I might revise this once the anime ends!
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