#this post is about N harmonia by the way
lady-bridgett · 2 years
I personally never left tumblr because trying to find content is ASS on Twitter. This app is shitty too don’t get me wrong but at least their tagging system is actually good. I if I wanna look at look at at N’s beautiful beautiful fan art, I don’t have to look through a hundred posts that contain the letter N to find it
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meownotgood · 1 year
my very first fictional crush vs my current one what do you think they'd talk about if they met
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ghostie-gengar · 1 year
N childhood memory thing!! i'm back on my "N has a secret mom" crap (1200 ish words)
N hurried through the halls of the castle, stumbling to put on his shoes on the way. Since he was about to have an audience with his father, he figured he’d better at least put on a pair of shoes. Admittedly, he hated wearing shoes, but it was better than adding to the numerous screaming arguments that would spark if he didn’t
He turned a few corners, smiled and waved when the occasional maid bowed for him- he was a prince, after all- and found the entrance to his father’s office.
However, when he smoothed down his shirt and got ready to knock on the door, he saw it was slightly ajar.
N nervously shifted, then knocked three times. After a few moments with no reply, he called out, “Father? Are you there?”
No reply.
Brimming with curiosity, he peeked through the crack, squinting through at the warmly lit office. He began to pry the door open further, but stopped himself.
It had been expressly and repeatedly stated that N wasn’t allowed in there. And N wasn’t really in the mood to get hit or yelled at or grounded.
He stepped back and mulled over it for a few minutes, then decided. He opened the door with a creak, then slipped in.
He was at the age where he wasn’t one to follow rules, after all.
N had been in the office a couple of times, mainly for the odd brief discussion with his father. The floor was covered in an intricately embroidered carpet N would have loved to feel on his bare feet, and the walls were lined with bookshelves holding books on subjects from philosophy to art. N itched to flip through them, excited by the prospect of a whole room of books he hadn’t read yet, but figured he’d better not mess with anything. (At this point, he was risking having to wash the floors, too.)
“Father?” he called again, just so he could pretend he was still looking for him.
There was a large painting hanging above the desk. It depicted a cloudy, misty evening, where a Hydreigon clawed and tore away at a flower- a gladiolus, if N remembered correctly. What’s more, based on the tiny doodles he’d seen on the corners of his father’s notes, he could safely assume his father had painted it himself.
N stepped closer just to marvel at it. His father had never shown him his art, or anything personal, really. Maybe that’s why the concept of wandering into his forbidden office was so alluring.
He carefully turned around, ready to leave before he could get caught, but saw something very interesting on the desk.
There was a notebook (N didn’t even want to look at it, for he knew his father would likely kill him), as well as a few open books. One of the books was a sketchbook, where the open page depicted a near identical drawing of the vase of flowers nearby.
But most strikingly, was a small picture, in sunbleached colour, of two people.
One of them was his father. He looked younger and quite dapper in a dress shirt and slacks. His eyes were turned up in a smile, including the right eye N had never seen. 
N picked up the frame to get a closer look.
The other person was a woman around his father’s age, clinging to his arm and beaming with all the light in the world. Her hair was a light pink and tied up in a bun, and she wore a pretty yellow dress.
She kind of looked like N’s older sister. Her eyes were more like his other sister, though.
And of course, as he stared down at the window into his father’s past, that was the moment when the door creaked open, with his father on the other side.
“N? What are you doing in my office?” the man said with a frown.
N’s heart hammered against his chest, and his head began to feel fuzzy. “I’m sorry!” he quickly sputtered out. “I know I’m not allowed in here, but I was looking for you, but you weren’t here, and-” He bit his tongue. Excuses would only make things worse!
His father’s eyes fell to the frame in his hands. “What do you have there?” 
“I shouldn’t have looked,” N said, wincing as his father drew nearer, “but I was curious.” He squeezed his eyes shut, but his father didn’t strike him, or yell. Just placed a hand on his back and peered over at the picture.
“That’s an old photograph,” he simply said.
N went still, mustering the courage to even speak. “Who is she?”
He didn’t think his father would reply. Surprisingly, he was wrong.
“My wife. Your mother.”
Of course, since he was fourteen, N’s first thought was, My dad gets girls??
He couldn’t say that, obviously, so he looked closer at the picture. Sure enough, he could see little traces of himself in her brown eyes, and her freckles, and her smile full of crooked teeth.
“She’s pretty,” N said, at a loss for anything else to say.
“She was very beautiful,” His father gently took the frame from N’s hands. “and very kind.” He set the picture back down on the desk.
N knew better than to inquire further, and his father knew better than to let him.
“Now, what did you need me for?” his father asked, voice edging on annoyance.
N’s mind went blank. In all his excitement and discovery…he totally forgot why he’d wanted to visit in the first place.
He bowed his head. “It slipped my mind. I’m sorry.”
His father rolled his good eye. The one that wasn’t concealed by an eyepatch. “Alright, then.” He patted N’s back. “Get out of my office.”
“Yes, sir!” N hurriedly shuffled out of the room, but paused at the doorway. “I like your art.”
“Out of my office.”
“Could I read your books sometime?”
N ran off, for he knew when his father was reaching the end of his short fuse. Still, it was a miracle he wasn’t in more trouble, but maybe his father was busy thinking up a punishment.
He kicked off his shoes and scooped them up as he ran.
He always imagined his father was hiding wicked, magical secrets behind the door to his office, like a Griseous Orb or maybe a Time Gear! (If confused about the latter, please consult N’s favourite book, Explorers of Sky)
But, everything in that office was so…normal. Why would his father feel the need to hide something so ordinary, like art or books or a picture of his wife?
Wife. N still couldn’t believe a lady would like his father.
He closed himself into his room and flopped over onto his bed, then thought about the woman’s smiling face.
He had a lot of questions, and he doubted they’d be answered.
“She was very beautiful, and very kind.”
…That’s what his father had said. He’d sounded uncharacteristically tender and forlorn, as well. He must have really loved her. It seemed hard to imagine, since he was always yelling and mad about something.
“She was very beautiful, and very kind.”
N wondered if she would have said the same thing about his father.
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bluemoondust · 1 year
Can You Do Headcanon Yandere De N, Damian (Pokémon), Atsushi Nakajima, Odasaku And Marrow (RWBY) With A Motherly And Caring Personality Darling?, Thank You And Forgive My Bad English
A good chunk of these men are touch starved so this was fun to write 。^‿^。 Also, no need to apologize! Your English is fine!
When it came to searching up Damian, this is who showed up so I hope I got the character right! Edit: My dumbass found out that Arven's name is Damian in the Spanish version of the game (plus he kept showing up when I searched up Damian). I hope I got this right so please let me know if I didn't!
✧Motherly Darling✧
✧Currently Playing✧: Lock Me Up by The Cab
Characters: N Harmonia (Pokemon), Arven (Pokemon), Nakajima Atsushi (BSD), Sakunosuke Oda (BSD), Marrow Amin (RWBY)
cw: fem!/gn!darling (implied, no pronouns)
Warning(s): Obsessive Behavior, Overprotective Behavior, Slight Paranoia and Stalking
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✧N Harmonia✧
Instantly attached the moment you show genuine care for him. N had already heard from your Pokemon that you were a magnificent person. They would only speak praises upon praises about how you love them as much as family would. It warms his heart to hear such things. So when he interacts with you, learning that your kindness extends to people and not just Pokemon, he immediately wants to keep you around.
The man has never experienced true care outside of his caretakers (Anthea and Concordia) so he is incredibly touch starved. His lack of experience with actual human beings has distorted his views of humanity and the norm (especially with what Ghetsis has taught him), making him socially stunted. N, however, doesn't feel out of place when he's with you. He truly feels like an actual person and not a freak because of your patience and attentive nature. You were able to pinpoint his struggles and aid him when necessary, never chiding him for the habits he has (speaking quickly, his hyperfixations, the ability to speak with Pokemon, etc.). It was an issue he was facing with after Team Plasma dissolved, but now he feels a sense of security because of you.
That's why N isn't really fond of being away from you for too long. He's grown dependent on your motherly nature and refuses to let go anytime soon. As I mentioned before in his general yandere headcanons post, it's hard to say no to this man when he looks like a kicked Lillipup. You feel extremely guilty when you try to refuse his offers to hang out. He doesn't have anyone else and he finds comfort in you...maybe your friends can wait. N needs you right now.
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This is the same case with Arven, but he's not willing to admit it just yet. Unlike N, he is not ready to be fully vulnerable due to the grievances he's faced as a child. As we all know, his mother/father wasn't around often and he became independent at a very young age. He is the type of yandere who will keep his feelings to himself as he admires you from afar. Your immense amount of love and affection was so...unfamiliar to him. Foreign. He didn't know how to deal with it at first.
Though one thing is obvious to him is that he can't get enough of it. You're always reminding him to take care of himself and helping out when you can. It was odd since he's used to doing everything on his own. It...it feels good to rely on someone else for once. Was he...missing out on this for all his life? Arven reflects on things before he becomes attached to you. It's somewhat subtle but at the same time obvious. He's always by your side and doesn't go out of his way to befriend others (not like he was trying to do that in the first place).
Arven is so protective over you. It may seem endearing at first, how he stands by your side whenever you're speaking to your own friends. He's like your guard dog or something like that. Holding your hand as he squeezes it gently (you've made it a habit to hold his hand and he certainly didn't object after a few times of it happened) as he glowers at your friends. You insist to yourself that it's just his usual expression, but it really isn't the case in this scenario. He can't fathom why you even need these people when he could obviously provide you with so much. His insecurities eat at him slowly everyday. Aren't you satisfied with having him around? You don't need them...
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✧Atsushi Nakajima✧
From the moment you showed your unconditional affections and compassion, Atsushi couldn't believe you actually existed. Not only are you such a warmhearted person, but you don't even expect anything in return. His heart strings are pulled with every kind action and word you take/speak. Coming from a place of hardship and pain, Atsushi had to take some time to process the way you were. It was something he clearly wasn't used to but...he couldn't help but be drawn to it. It's odd to admit it but maybe, deep down, he craves this sort of treatment. Something you just can't get enough of once you have a taste.
Then there comes the fear. You're so precious and ever so kind. It's the perfect set of traits that horrible people like to ruin. The world is just like that; where awful human beings like to destroy the beauty of it all. You're no exception and Atsushi would be damned if he allowed you to meet the same fate. He becomes protective, and why wouldn't he? You're living in a city where danger seems to lurk in every corner. You...understand why he insists to walk you home, right? Not only to make sure you're safe, but also for peace of mind. Though, sometimes he finds himself searching (and following) around for you in secret whenever his paranoia strikes him.
Atsushi can't help it. He simply cannot lose you, a person who has shown his genuine care when no one else did. You are literally the light of his life. The very person who keeps him going. He'd do anything to ensure you are never in any danger. The thought of you dying out there frightens him to tears. Always holding your hand when when it's just the two of you, just to make sure you're still with him. He feels like it's his obligation to do all this. Otherwise...what good is he to you? There might be better people in the world for you but...but he wants you!
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✧Oda Sakunosuke ✧
Congratulations, darling! You just earned yourself a protector who will stick by your side no matter what. Oda immediately could see how much you hold your heart on your sleeve (unless there's more to it as he observes you). He admires your personality and has no doubt that you're a light that shines brighter than most. You have his deep respects. The tenderness in your eyes and voice when you aid others is very evident. You're definitely too good for this world. He wonders if you ever have struggles of your own. Oda doesn't mind your care or concern for him, but do expect him to return the favor, no matter how much you protest against it. The two of you are both an adorable sight, honestly.
Still, as a yandere, Oda can be a bit protective but he isn't going overboard in his actions. He does work for the Port Mafia, so he does make sure you're under some form of protection in case of anything. I will say that he is the least yandere to concern yourself over due to many variables that keep it that way. His ability is incredibly useful if anything were to go wrong. However, even then, it doesn't get to that point unless someone really wants to seriously hit him where it hurts. Also, Oda doesn't get jealous often. He has faith in you, your kind hearted self, but he worries about how others can take advantage of your kindness. Oh, and he's honest about that. He sits down to talk to you about it and knows you'll listen, taking his words to consideration. What a lovely man he is.
Oda definitely introduces you to the orphans he's taken in. He knows you'll love them and in turn they'll love you as well. He believes they really do need someone with a motherly presence, given how they don't have that anymore. If he wasn't already obsessed with you before, watching you play with the kids certainly made him want you even more. You've been a lingering thought, a dream to be added to the one he already has. More than ever, Oda wants to be a novelist who writes with a view of the ocean...and you by his side with kids of your own (if you'd want that). His drive to leave the Port Mafia is stronger as he makes sure nothing from that organization reaches your senses. Don't worry...You two will have the life you always wanted.
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✧Marrow Amin✧
Marrow is an open book when it comes to how he feels about you (for obvious reasons). However, he won't admit that outright. He has a reputation after all and he can't get mushy on the job. This is what he insists as he quickly grabs his tail to stop its wagging. A dead giveaway of course. Even if Marrow is an open book, that's only half of what's going on. He deeply appreciates your kindness and it's evidently in the way he looks at you when he believes no one is around. Unlike some of the other yanderes in this post, he doesn't have much insecurities. Sure, with his background as a faunus and the potential discrimination he had faced, it could brew about self esteem issues. However, Marrow does not dwell on all that, especially since he's made it this far in life. Even so, he really enjoys the way you treat him.
The man doesn't even have to ask for anything as you go out of your way to assist him. It's cute to him, but he presents his response as a smooth, "Oh, I had that covered" just to dismiss how much he appreciated the help. It's not like Marrow is undermining your actions...and he really does feel bad when he's alone with his thoughts. Especially when you're offering your help to others instead. A sense of guilt washes over him, but also jealousy. He honestly can't stand watching you give so much attention to the newcomers who General Ironwood made official huntsman and huntresses. Like, sure, they're young and impressionable (and he likes them too!) but aren't you supposed to be aid him? I mean, he's the rookie and all (something he doesn't say out loud a lot...). Marrow can't help but watch you longingly from afar.
He's come to be accustomed to your attitude, praise, and warmhearted behavior so it was a matter of time before Marrow became completely attached. He is now sticking by your side more, giving you puppy eyes for his morning coffee, insisting you check him for injuries despite the fact that he only got hit once while fighting some Grimm and much more. Heck, he even hopes you're watching him when training or fighting off Grimm so he can hear from you how amazing he is. It just feels special coming from you...There are times where you feel like all you see in your day is Marrow. It was if your schedule only revolved around being assigned to assist him. You don't question it too much, especially since Marrow was still new to the Ace Ops. He needed guidance and all the help he could get. Is that really true though?
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vashadreams · 2 months
hi, i’m kieran or kiki, here’s some things to note!
ABOUT: i’m an 06 liner, she/any pronouns, i’m fictoromantic/sexual!
blog notes: this is just for me to safely express my ficto thoughts, so i may occasionally post some headcanons/drabbles/etc! please be nice!
DNI: no proship/profic! no sharing for aventurine, dni if you have him as a f/o in any way! sharing for everyone else OK!
my f/o list:
-> aventurine from honkai star rail (my husband.) tag is #let us feel and surround ourselves by the heartbeats of each other.
-> n harmonia from pokemon (my fiancé.) tag is #my darling, let's be fated.
-> kaveh from genshin impact (my boyfriend.) tag is #a house is only a home with you
-> niki shiina from enstars (newest boyfriend!) tag is #🍳 whipping up a new love
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boruwa-sranie · 11 months
I made these linocut pieces back in the school year because it's free at my school and a sweetie graphic design teacher organized it (+ needed some hobbies to branch out lolol)
from the oldest to newest:
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cirno fumo, first one I did that's why it looks a bit ugly. didn't do my best on the japanese writing too
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kogasa tatara, I like her design a lot but I think that was too much for me to try making as my second piece (and sorry for not having a better print of her (-ω-;))
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ran yakumo, actually love her a lot!! looks so cool and mystical... the pose kinda silly but lol :3c whatever looks pretty. also adding kanji significantly makes the piece cooler looking trust me (you just have to flip the symbols so it looks fine in the final piece (almost forgor about it with cirno))
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kirisame marisa, spent way too much time on this one all the lineart was TOO MUCH WORK to make it look pretty, too many light spots and details phew
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big boss catboyfied, started out as just big boss but later I got the urge to give the man cutesy cat ears (funniest shit), thanks komoda for making the hard image even harder (harder because I'm hard rn /j) also his fucking eyepatch is on the wrong eye!! forgot to flip it!! fucking dammit!!!
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victini, actually I was at such a loss for ideas I just made my favorite mythical pokemon. tried making it look nice and give it the tarot card aesthetic but kinda sorta fucked up lol whoops whatever :3c still like him my teacher even made a few prints in red instead of black
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natural harmonia/N, made him after finishing my playthrough of pokemon black I've been procrastinating on a lot and damn I love this twink so much.... the designers cooked so good when they made him, great guy love him my favorite vegan animal activist, has a bonus zorua and katakana of his name to eliminate negative space (plus makes me look smart) , also some another teacher thought he's a chick, amazing
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bonus (cause not really linocut) engineer I made on the last day after making N (teacher found me something to do), made him by placing a piece of paper on a still wet painted linoleum slab and drawing on top of the silly sandwich for the imprint, looks hellish and deep fried. kinda dig it (don't come at me if he looks silly I drew him for the first time with little to no sketch....)
phew this post took like an hour to glue together hope tumblr nerds will like this one
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twistedtummies2 · 7 months
Not counting yours, which are the TWST ocs you liked the most to write about? And the ones you would like to write about and didn't have the chance for now?
Well, let's stick with OCs I've either written for already or who belong to fairly close personal friends, since for the majority of the former, that's what they are. If I had to choose the two OCs I've liked writing for most, they'd have to be Tock Crockwork from @norman6321ify and Taoka Latronis from @hooter-n-company. The former is based on Tick Tock the Crocodile from "Peter Pan," while the latter is based on Tamatoa from "Moana." While I have some personal gripes with Tock's background (and I will never NOT have those gripes, Norman, if you're reading this; they really do bother me and always have), the actual character I've warmed up to over time more and more, partially because I've written for him more than any of Norman's other characters, and partially because of kinks, I'll confess. XD In contrast, I think Hoots' Taoka fits pretty perfectly in the universe of TW, at least in the way I personally like to handle it, and I had more freedom with his story than with any other OC (that wasn't my own) I've handled so far, for a few reasons. I also want to throw a bone to a couple of OCs who have been brought up on numerous occasions, but never actually properly "handled" by me: one is Gareth Tytla, belonging to @twisted-brainrot, and the other is Harmonia A'Cappella, belonging to @clouddreamer101. Gareth is based on Gustave the Giant from "The Brave Little Tailor," while Harmonia is based on the Golden Harp from "Fun & Fancy Free." They've appeared in a lot of artwork I've posted here, and been the subject of several Asks, and I've discussed both characters with their respective creators on MANY occasions...but aside from a mini-story or description piece here and there, I've never really given them full spotlight. I love both, though, and they're right up there with Tock and Taoka. In terms of OCs I haven't written for AT ALL yet, and really want to...well, I actually don't want to answer that question, for two reasons. First, because I kind of want those creations to be a surprise for my Tumblr friends. XD Second, because I feel it's hard for me to really judge my interest in an OC till I've written for them or discussed them a LOT of times, simply because exposure breeds fascination, if that makes any sense. BUT...for the sake of throwing you all a bone, I'll tell you about two bunches of OCs that are coming up in the future, both created by associates of mine. One: a few OCs based on Lumpjaw, Lulubelle, and Bongo from "Fun & Fancy Free." Two: another trio, based on Professor Ratigan, Fidget, and Felicia from "The Great Mouse Detective." And yes. Both introductions shall involve "the noms." XD
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 7 months
(this post brought to you by Rotomblr Live®)
[VIDEO: All three Harmonia siblings sit around what looks like a kitchen table. N and Concordia are huddled over a phone, while Anthea fidgets with the hem of a scarf and watches them anxiously.
“Any luck?” Anthea asks.
“Nothing,” Connie replies.
“Nothing at all?”
Connie shakes her head, looking frustrated. “What is the point of Team Plasma if it cannot give us a single person who can jailbreak a Pokemon. Why are we even here.”
N drums his fingers on the table rapidly. “There must still be a way to access and modify her registration data without her Pokeball—they can do that from Pokemon Centers, right? Obviously we can’t just walk in like normal, but—Anthea—”
“Stopping you there. Whatever you are about to suggest, they will notice, and I will probably get fired. …And then arrested.”
“Oh. Hm.”
“We shouldn’t take her to a Pokemon Center at all until she’s released, actually. If they have reported her missing, which is likely, they will be notified of her location if she comes into contact with the system at all—healing machines included.”
“That’s new.”
“It was implemented in response to Team Plasma.”
“Don’t feel bad. It has turned out to be useful for many other situations, too.”
“Tam!” Connie says suddenly, making both of her siblings jump. “Tamarack? The engineer from the jammer tech project? He’s mentioned that he sometimes alters Pokeball data in his experiments. Perhaps he could help, or at least point us in the right direction.”
“It’s worth a try,” N says. “We’ll have to make sure we don’t—” He stops and turns towards the camera with a frown. “Cartwright, are you recording us?”
The video cuts off abruptly.]
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oneslimybastard · 2 years
The Nunpire AU Masterpost
Aka, that one AU I fucked with a little bit that got me some attention on twitter, where Piers pokémon was a nun... but also a vampire! Yay!
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From 2020 baby. I'm just really tickled by the idea of this Very Obvious Impostor with no one really questioning why they're there. Oh, the one walking around in a sexy Halloween costume? That's just Sister Piers, he never comes out during the day, he probably just gets sunburnt because he's so pale so we don't worry about it. Yeah no he's a guy, why? He's gay and devoted to our lord, amen, so the sisterhood sees no issue with having him be part of it.
I also made it part of the lore that his particular method of hunting was to play a ditzy innocent nun who'd gotten lost, then he'd get down on his knees and just suck 'em dry like a packet of coolaid ripe for M I L K I N G.
For the lord of course, amen, ave maria.
The increasing amount of corpses with Suspect Bitemarks on their wieners was what initially sent off alarm bells in town that there might be a vampire lurking around, so the ~Demon Hunting Agency~ just sent out ya boi Raihan out to deal with it, because I was way into kbnz at the time so Why Not Shippify It (still am for the record, the fixation has just died down)
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Raihan was a weredragon you see, because why keep things simple when you can follow your heart? I never drew him more than once in his dragon form though which is kind of a disgrace because I still kinda fuck with it. It's very Todd Lockwood but in these gaudy colors of bright orange and dark blue, it's a fun color scheme, and I like the proportions I came up with for it. Also I got some compliments on his Hat, which agreed, the Hat is pretty Neat.
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I didn't really consider the world building that intensely beyond what would make my ape brain go Unga Bunga, so he kiiinda had sealing magic or something but could also puke? Fire? He could do what he needed to for Piers' silly little vampire ass to end up in Magic Holy Bondage, that was the point, that was the ends to the means.
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Similarly, I made it a Thing that if dragons like Raihan started to munch on demon hearts they'd get more powerful — but also addicted. Because if you can't tell already, I have a little thing for blood and violence and liked the idea of this dragon man trying really hard to not eat his way into Piers' ribcage to just gobble that heart up.
Piers for the record was kind of into it, and they made a deal that when it was time for Piers to just peace out for good, Raihan would get to eat his heart: because vampires are demons, their souls are tied to hell, but if you get eaten by a dragon your soul will get entrapped within them instead, which was a bit more appealing than eternal punishment for the crime of just kinda being born.
The last related thing I drew for the Au (as far as I can remember at least lmao, might be some other doodles scrambling about that I've forgotten about) was mainly inspired by VtM brainworms, where I just played with the idea of Piers having access to Blood Sorcery, because that term is fucking metal.
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I did doodle some more stuff but for other ships in the same universe (mainly huntershipping) but only like. Three things. And I never really posted them anywhere nor do I intend to do so ,':)
Cus my fixation just kinda fizzled out like it usually does so I stopped drawing for it, and now I'm just kinda sitting here on a phat pile of Lore my brain spawned in because I can't help myself. Things got real cursed real fast once my Ghetsis-enjoying burst out into full bloom and I began to ponder what he'd be up to in there 8) spoiler alert: no fun very bad time for Natural Harmonia Gropius, 0/10 do not recommend.
But that's the Nunpireverse! I still like it, and might flesh it out with more art one day, right now it's mostly just a testament to what my brain looks like on self-indulgence run amok. Cross-dressing nun-vampires with dragon-shifter men and also blood kink shenanigans out the ass.
Cultured and refined tastes, you see.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
N Harmonia = "I'm not hurting you, am i?'' But, it's him saying that to reader?
Okay I'm gonna take a break for about an hour since I've been writing for the past two hours or so. Keep sending in those requests though, don't give me a chance to catch up on the writing. I wanna regret life~
Discord (16+) - Request Information - Event Post 
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one! This piece is for an event that’s linked above with the other information!
N - “I'm not hurting you, am I?”:
You gasped as you finally felt N's cock enter you, arching your back in pleasure and knowing your toes were probably curling too. You moaned as N bottomed out in you, his arms caging you between them as his head rested on your chest.
He laid a few kisses on your neck, living the way your walls fluttered around his length and he lifted his head. He moved your hair that had fallen into your face away and smiled.
"I'm not hurting you, am I?" He asked, not daring to move until he knew you were okay. Your blissed out expression was already pretty telling, but he needed to hear it from you.
"Not at all, you feel so good in me. Please move." You said as your legs hooked around his torso and pulled him closer to you. N groaned out at the feeling before he began thrusting into you.
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bunpilled · 1 year
POINTS AT YOU. I wanna see more of the Harmonia kids plz (in reference to this tweet) 👉👈 they are so cute
DIDNT THINK PEOPLE WERE INTERESTED wowowowow ive actually been thinking abt them quite a lot but haven’t been able to figure out a good way to post them here yet along with my other ocs!! ^_^ thank u for giving me this chance, anon <3
these two are the main fankids of N and my oc Janaia, nanno has actually existed for like 13 years now but because I’m an adult now i actually know how to write well rounded characters :3 Ino is a new addition to the family tho, i named her after the Greek god Harmonia’s child Ino!! i thought it fit well for her
(ignore the wonky anatomy i was not having a good day)
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a few fun facts about them is that while nanno takes more after N in her personality and interests, Ino is the one able to actually understand and speak to pokemon, she takes advantage of this ability a lot to get what she wants, all the pokemon who live with the family absolutely love her and do anything for her (this gets her put in time out a lot)
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more art of the two! i could go on and on about my ocs if im being honest imso crazy about them it’s that serious, before this post gets too long there is an honorary big sibling they have!!
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Yura’s ref hasn’t been completed but she’s someone N and Jan meet before having kids, they basically treat her like their own and she’s stayed part of the family ever since ^_^ nanno and ino also love yura once they get to meet her, they start thinking they’re zorua hybrids as well (there’s a whole bunch of lore why she’s a hybrid but whatever)
OKAY THATS ENOUGH INFODUMPING FOR NOW thank u anon…you unleashed my autism upon the world
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un0vian · 2 years
What are your headcannons on the gen 5 rival (and N if you don't think he counts as a rival)
(Btw luv ur art)
OH I love this question (also, tysm!) It’s been a while since I’ve played BW, and I haven’t played BW2, but I’ll give my headcanons on all of them
I’ll start with the best Gen 5 rival, Bianca (/hj). Bianca would be the type to bake cookies for everybody, and specifically bakes types of cookies that her friends like (for example, oatmeal raisin for Cheren, chocolate chip for Hilbert/Hilda, gingerbread for N, etc. Bianca’s favorite is Snickerdoodle). I also feel like Bianca would be the type to doodle all over things, her papers and reports, notebooks, that stuff; and perhaps she’d be one of those people that’s like “oh no, I don’t really draw :)” and then whips out a fully shaded pencil sketch of Cheren lmao
Cheren. This guy. Obviously he’s a dork. But in a specific way, I think he would be the type to be insanely good at a certain nerdy video game or niche skill, and doesn’t tell anyone about it. Maybe he’s one of those crazy osu players, or maybe he can do a flip; but he’s never going to show/tell anybody (at least, that’s what HE thinks). Cheren has unironically pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose and said “Tch.” Bianca and Hilbert/Hilda witnessed it and never let him live it down; in fact, when Bianca got her glasses, she would impersonate him every now and then and Bianca & Hilbert/Hilda would laugh SO hard. Also, Cheren is the type to do nice things for his friends wordlessly. Bianca would talk about this cute Munna plush she saw online and Cheren would buy it for her and put it in her bag or something while she was distracted. He would instinctively heal Hilbert/Hilda’s Pokémon. And lastly, Cheren is the type to be able to shuffle a deck of cards in a crazy cool way with all of that cool flair, but then only be able to play Go Fish.
Names Hatrick Gullivan (my loving nickname for Natural Harmonia Gropius). For some reason I feel like N would have insane coordination skills, and would be able to learn a dance sequence/ dance choreography really easily. That being said, he doesn’t really… feel the need to dance, so he doesn’t. But when Hilbert/Hilda realized just how much control he has over his body (despite being a beanpole) they IMMEDIATELY beg him to learn how to Tango or something (and he does). Like Cheren, N looks out for his friends and shows that he cares for them in his own way, but he doesn’t shy away from saying things directly to his friends; how happy he is to have them in his life, giving their Pokémon treats, complimenting the care they give to their Pokémon, etc.
HUGH. Admittedly I don’t know too much about this guy; I believe he’s avenging his sister, who got her Pokémon stolen by the cult if I recall correctly. I picture him being very blunt and honest, but not in a purposely mean or rude way (at least by the end of the game). I think it’s funny to picture this guy saying the first thing that comes into his head when he’s reacting to what someone says. I can imagine that Hugh has blurted out curse words in front of Professor Juniper before, leading Rosa/Nate to laugh out loud super hard while the Professor shook her head.
These were some of my thoughts, thanks for the ask! Sorry about the weird paragraph formatting, it might fix itself when I press post but I’m not sure.
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prismaticutie · 1 year
Hi guys! I've been posting a lot abt Rasmus lately! So I want to explain how my obsesseion varies between Rasmus and Cyrus
"Is Rasmus going to be the new Cyrus" GOD no.
There will never be a new Cyrus! Cyrus is the one and only Cyrus
If you haven't seen it yet, I have a post explaining what Cyrus is and how integral he is to my everyday functioning. It's a long post, so all you really need to know is he's like if you combined an imaginary friend + fictional other + caretaker all into one and placed him with me 24/7. He's my silly little cy guy and I would die without him <3
Yet I don't post about him as much as you'd expect me to. But I have been talking soooo so muchsies about Rasmus from Omega Strikers
So why is it different? Because! While Cyrus is a fictional character, that's not all he is to me
Cy serves a lot of other functions and purposes within my life. He's been around for a little over a year now (15 months?) and he helps me to be able to live my life in a healthy and successful manner
Rasmus is just a fictional character. He's a really cool one! But that's all he is
It's casual character obsession. Well, casual for me. To anyone else I probably look insane. And I am! But that's for other reasons
If you followed my pokeblog when I was obsessed w Hassel, it's a little like that. Except I think Rasmus is more of a kin type obsession, not like fictional crush (which is what Hassel was)
I don't think that this happens often w me? I can't remember the last character it happened with before Hassel.
Obviously I also have favorite characters. I talk about them more than other characters in a series, but there's a difference between a character being my favorite vs me being obsessed w them
If a character is my favorite, then you will see me post about them regularly. I might spam post them from time to time, but you won't see me going out of my way to talk about them personally. Usually just rb stuffs
If I am obsessing over a character, then I post about them a LOT more, and might even make my OWN posts talking abt them. I'll actively be constantly rbing stuff for them, and generally I'll be a lot more active in sharing my thoughts on them (in tags or otherwise)
The only reason I don't do that w Rasmus is cuz Omega Strikers isn't so super popular so the fanbase isn't massive on here and there's not much to rb
Basically my 3 stages of affinity for a character are:
Favorite - I see them I go 👍 (Spyke, N Harmonia)
Obsession - I am hyper and rabid and if I see them I go ‼‼‼‼‼😀😀😀😀😀😀💥💥💥💥💥💥 (Rasmus, Hassel)
Unequivocal Cyrus Tier - Seeing the character, I have the same reaction as the obsession level but if I think about him I see him I go 😊😊😊😊😚😚😚😚😋😋😋🤪🤨💗💗💗💗💗💗🌟👑(Cyrus)
I could use this to rank all my fav characters that would be fun actually. Unfortunately I do not remember like half of them bc I have no concept of object permanence
Um but since I mentioned Rasmus might be on my kinlist (spoiler alert: he is) if this post gets one like I'll drop my kinlist including characters I'm kinsidering/honorable mentions (I have one mutual who might fight me to the death abt this tho)
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201xs · 2 years
bianca posting on pokemon tumblr: not gonna lie the nonbinary slay energy from those three gym leader dudes in striaton city is INSANE 😂😂🤣
ghost of ingo who died after tripping on an apricorn and falling directly onto an alpha onix breaking all of his bones instantly: (is outside the window)
cress: is it just me or did that green haired trainer kind of have a nonbinary way about them
N Harmonia in the alleyway 2 blocks away: (huffing sharpie fumes)
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galacticjester · 1 year
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I posted 2,413 times in 2022
117 posts created (5%)
2,296 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 734 of my posts in 2022
#pla spoilers - 32 posts
#pokemon legends arceus spoilers - 31 posts
#legends arceus spoilers - 30 posts
#toh spoilers - 14 posts
#hardenshipping - 13 posts
#don’t rb - 11 posts
#yeah - 10 posts
#pokemon trailer spoilers - 8 posts
#vent - 8 posts
#ask game! - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#unless it’s like a legendary or something in which case i try using regular ones and if that doesn’t work i’ll switch it up
My Top Posts in 2022:
I literally never make posts about this kinda stuff on here, I try to keep my blog free of the issues happening in the world. But even as someone not living in the US I want to make it very clear that if you support the overturning of Roe v Wade I want you to fuck off. Block me. I do not want you here. You disgust me if you think women (and anyone else with a uterus) should have their bodies controlled that way. Abortion is not murder. It’s a human right.
58 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
The funny discord people in my phone seemed to like these so I’m gonna post them here too!
-Pokemon produce different 'auras' depending on their type, and these auras have an effect on the humans around them. If a Pokemon is a dual type then the two auras mix. I came up with ideas for each type but I'm not 100% sure about some of them:
Normal - Comforting and peaceful, puts you in a very neutral state
Fire - A general warmth
Water - Like you’re standing in the rain
Grass - Soft feeling from a pollen-like aura, but can affect hayfever
Electric - Static-like feeling, sometimes it makes your hair stand a little
Ice - Cold, sometimes comfortingly so and sometimes too much
Fighting - Helps to boost your confidence
Poison - Makes you feel more dangerous and vicious
Ground - Amplifies feelings of strength
Flying - The feeling of being somewhere windy, whether strong or light
Psychic - Boosts your brainpower, but also can cause headaches
Bug - Gives the feeling of being extremely light and fast
Rock - Provides a feeling of toughness, as if you can survive anything
Ghost - Has the vibe of being watched, either in a protective or unsettling way
Dark - It helps those around you to feel a sense of dread
Dragon - Makes you feel much more powerful, and sometimes more aggressive
Steel - The feeling of safety and protection, as if nothing negative can hurt you
Fairy - Has a calming tone and helps you to relax
63 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
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Okay so what if
91 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Sometimes I forget that N’s full name is Natural Harmonia Gropius
Don’t let Ghetsis name your kids
96 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I made like three versions of this the others are just in my photos
245 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gastlyarts · 4 years
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Happy Father’s day!!
Since it’s a day that’s kind of important to me, I thought I’d do a small comic for it! ^v^
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