#this post wasn’t supposed to turn into a joke but unfortunately i couldn’t help myself
arklay · 2 years
i am indeed thinking again about the fact that ithrenil and farkas met as werewolves before actually you know. meeting. then the moment they helped out at pelagia farm, both of them were internally like (kazoo kid voice) wait a minute, who are you
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
chosen last: part three
The people asked and so they shall receive
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Summary: a boy takes notice of reader for the first time and Donnie is worried that he’s bad news. Little do both of them know, he’s right
Warning: mentions of attempted rape
You felt so much better about yourself when your birthday was over. It was honestly one of the best you’d ever had. Better than the ones your friends planned anyway. You still went, but it was nothing like the party that the turtles threw. You didn’t think it could get any better.
Until, that is, something happened that almost made you change your mind.
You friend put a picture of you and her, together, up on Snapchat.
And... for the first time in your life... a guy took notice of you.
It wasn’t much. It was just “who’s that? Low key cute. Whats their snap?”
That happened to your friends.
Never to you.
Even more surprising, your friend gave him your snap.
Eric was his name.
And he also went to your school!
You were incredibly nervous about this. Every single time a boy took interest in you it never seemed to be what your thought it was.
Last time a boy took interest in you it was ACTUALLY so they could get with your friend. That, my friends, was two years ago. Your friends blasted through boys like there was no tomorrow. But you? You’d never had someone interested in you like that.
Until now.
You talked to him and... honestly... you felt like there was something there.
He asked a lot about you and just seemed like the one, you know? You both shared the same interest in shows! You both enjoyed the same music!
Whenever he responded to you, you just couldn’t help but feel elated.
You would fall back on your bed and stare at the ceiling, feeling like this was a scene from a movie.
He didn’t wait for twenty minutes to respond to you.
He acknowledged every single thing you said.
And when he met up with you after school...
Just wow.
He was incredibly handsome and polite.
He even held doors open for you!
You found yourself meeting up with him again and again.
It made you feel so... important.
Unfortunately, the turtles didn’t feel the same way.
“Who ya talkin’ to?” Leo leaned closer to look over your shoulder from his spot beside you on the couch.
It was movie night with the boys and April.
You brought you phone to your chest to obscure his view. “Hey hey hey back off!” You playfully shoved him away. “Just a friend.”
Mikey gave you a shit eating grin when he noticed the smile slipping onto your face. “Just a friend huh?” He pulled himself off the floor and reached for your phone. “Let me see let me see!”
You held it away from him to. “Woah this is my phone! Get away!”
A metal claw snatched it from your hand, retracting back to Donnie.
“And is this ‘friend’ a boy or a girl?” He opened your phone. “Ugh, what’s your password?”
You leapt off the couch and tried to grab your device back. “Does it matter?”
Donnie tapped away at the buttons, using his metal claws from his battle shell to keep you away. “No, it doesn’t matter unless it’s a BOY.” You phone buzzed slightly as it opened to your home screen. “Aha, I am in!”
Mikey and Leo both crawled over to their soft shelled brother to observe from behind him.
“Donnie, give it back.” You ordered, looking to April for help. She just shrugged and continued watching with a smirk. “Guys, come on! It’s not a big deal!”
Raph pulled himself off the floor and placed his hands on his hips. “Alright, jokes over; give the phone back.”
Donnie groaned. “Come on! I’m so close to figuring out who y/n’s talking to!”
Raph gave him a stern look. “Now. It’s private and obviously Y/n doesn’t want you looking through it.”
Donnie, Mikey, and Leo all gave him giant puppy eyes.
Raph simply held out his hand.
Donnie sighed. “Fine. Here.”
You sighed as well but in relief.
Raph took it from him, glancing down at your phone. To your dismay, it was open up to messages. “Eric Sherrin?” He asked in confusion.
“AHA!” Donnie shouted in triumph. “A name is all I need!” He began typing in the device on his wrist.
“Raph!” You accused angrily.
Ugh what were you gonna do now??
You’d never hear the end of this.
“Hey! Raph’s on your side! I didn’t know he could find out with just a name!” He held up his hands in defense.
“Eric?” April asked as she swiped through her phone. “Does he go to our school?”
You glared at Donnie before you decided whether or not to share that.
He shrugged. “Hey, I already have his social media up and every piece of information I could find. Whether or not you say will change nothing.”
“Fine.” You growled. “Yes, he goes to our school. He’s a mutual friend with my other friends.”
April raised a brow. “And that’s supposed to make me feel better.”
You shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Well it doesn’t.”
April was dead set on despising your friends. You knew she had good reason but you didn’t need it brought up now.
Leo took the computer that Donnie had sent all the information to, scrolling through Eric’s social media. “Wow, there are a lot of pictures of him holding fish.” He snorted. “Does he think that’s gonna impress people or something?”
“I’ve never understood the appeal.” Donnie shook his head. “So what? You killed an animal good for you.”
“I think it’s about killing a BIG animal.” Leo squinted at the screen. “There’s also lots of pictures of him with other girls.”
“Guys can you just stop?” You placed your hands on your hips. “It’s sweet that you’re trying to make sure he’s not some idiot but you’re invading his privacy-!”
“Woah, look what I found in his records from the school.” Donnie waved his brothers closer.
Even Raph and April did so.
“He harassed at girl at school?” Mikey repeated as he read the screen. “Really?”
“Yeah no this guy’s bad news.” Donnie shook his head in disappointment. “Y/n, give me your phone. I’ll block him for you.” He even reached his hand out expectantly.
You held your phone closer. “No, that’s just a rumor that spread at school.”
The boys stopped what they were doing.
“You knew?” Leo narrowed his eyes. “And you’re still interested?”
“He told me that the teachers didn’t believe him.” You responded as you crossed your arms. “Some girl made it up cause she didn’t like him.”
“You can’t take that risk.” Raph crossed his arms.
“Raph, I thought you were in my side!” You protested.
“That was before Raph found out that the guy harassed someone.” He defended. “Come on, you know this can’t end good.”
Your stomach burned with anger.
Anger that they felt they could order you around like that.
That they wouldn’t even let you figure it out yourself.
That this might end just like every other romantic interest would.
“Why won’t you just let me handle this myself?” You stuffed your hands in your pockets and flopped back down in the couch.
Mikey crawled into the spot next to you, wrapping his arms around you. “You’re one of our best friends! We don’t want anything to happen to you!” He gave you wide innocent eyes as if that would erase your anger.
Well... it did.
Curse him and his adorable eyes.
You rolled your eyes and hugged him back. “I know. I just want to figure this out myself.” You gave Donnie a hard glare as your rested your chin on Mikey’s shoulder.
“Fine.” He closed all the tabs on his computer grudgingly. “But I know this is just gonna end in heartbreak.”
“What a vote of confidence.” Leo snorted and plopped down in the spot next to you.
He smirked when you ignored him, still hugging Mikey.
“Hey, come on, you know you can’t stay mad at this face.” He leaned against you dramatically. “I’m the face man! You can’t resist me!” He pulled you away from Mikey and draped his arm over your shoulder. “You know you love me.”
You turned your head away from him, more playful now than spiteful.
“Come onnnnn...” he smirked. “You love meeee...”
You shoved him off the couch with a laugh. “I’m still thinking that over.”
Raph quickly took Leo’s seat as his younger brother rubbed the spot he’d landed on.
“No hard feelings?” Raph rested his arm on the couch behind you as he started the movie back up.
“Fine. No hard feelings.”
Leo moved so he was sitting on the floor and leaning against your legs.
You couldn’t stay mad at them. Well, except Donnie. You could very well stay mad at Donnie.
And it seemed that Donnie could stay mad at you as well. He left the room with all his tech, grumbling something under his breath.
“I already know how this is gonna end.” He grumbled.
“Love you to, Donnie.” You muttered, sinking into the couch.
He’d get over it soon enough.
Donnie didn’t get over it.
Whenever you came over to hang out he brought it up again casually. Well, as casually as Donnie could be, which wasn’t very casual at all.
“Ugh, this game sucks!” Mikey shouted at the tv once.
“Not as much as Eric What’s-his-face’s record.” He’d commented, giving you a glance out of the corner of his eye.
Or even:
“Ugh you can’t trust those pop up ads.” Raph told Leo when his phone had downloaded a virus after he clicked an ad.
“Just like how you can’t trust Eric.” He’d ran into the room to spit that out.
If Raph ever asked how things were going with Eric, Donnie either magically appeared next to him with a hopeful look or disappear with a groan.
You and Eric weren’t even together.
But... you hoped you would be soon.
He invited you to a party that Friday! And he’d specified that he’s invited you as his date.
Your friends were excited, surprisingly. They wanted to help you find an outfit and everything.
Finally, you felt like things were going right.
Why couldn’t Donnie just be happy for you?
“Why won’t you come?” You begged April as she flopped down onto your bed.
“You’ve got Eric and all of your other friends.” She waved you off. “Besides, you know I hate parties.” She sat up slightly. “And Eric gives me the heebie jeebies.”
You rolled your eyes and held out a dress. “Yeah, yeah. Fine, I won’t make you.”
April touched the fabric of the dress with a frown. “Is this what your friends picked out for you? I thought you didn’t like dresses?”
You shrugged. “They said Eric would like it and that it looked good on me.”
April fully sat up now. “But you’re gonna be so uncomfortable in that!”
“I mean, it’s supposed to be pretty, not comfy, right?” You shrugged, slipping it on over your head. “Does it look good?” You gave her a small twirl.
“Of course it’s pretty... but its a little... much.” She shook her head. “Does Eric really deserve to see you in that?”
The last bit was playful but still...
“I think so.” You say down beside her. “I’m just so incredibly nervous and I don’t know if this is a bad idea.”
You felt exposed.
But, you also trusted that the people at the party could be trusted with that.
April draped her arm over your shoulder. “Well you look stunning.”
You smiled back at her. “Thanks.”
“Alright, girl, your party’s in twenty minutes. Ready to head out?” She jabbed her thumb in the direction of the door.
You stood up and smoothed out the dress. “Ready.”
You stood in front of the house nervously. You could hear the music and see the lights and people dancing. You just didn’t know if you actually were ready.
“You look hot, y/n.” Your friend told you, glancing at one of your other friends. “He’s gonna love it.”
You didn’t really love it, but if he liked it then so would you.
“Hope so.” You muttered, checking your phone.
Donnie sent you a simple text:
Don’t trust Eric and keep pepper spray on hand.
Wow, such confidence.
You ignored it and stuffed your phone in the dress pocket. You didn’t need that. You needed all the confidence you could muster.
“Wow.” A voice said from behind you, causing you to jump.
There was Eric, dressed nicely and with a charming smile on his face.
“You look hot.” He grinned.
Your stomach fluttered. “Oh, thank... thank you!”! You smoothed it out nervously.
You didn’t know if your stomach felt this way out of nerves or out of feelings for him. You really couldn’t tell.
He placed his hand over your hip and pulled you to his side. “Well Let’s head on in! Can’t wait to show you off.”
Your stomach jumped. “Well, I just wanted to wait a little,” he opened the door and dragged you in, “oh okay!”
Your friends and Eric were at your side the whole time.
You still felt as if you were on display while you and your group were dancing.
You still felt like the dress was too short when you and Eric sat down on the couch.
You felt like he was staring at you when you noticed the couples in the room kissing and making out.
“You wanna head upstairs?” He asked as he took your hand.
Your heart jumped. “No, no I’m good. Really.”
“Come on.” He nodded his head in the direction of the stairs. “It’ll be fun!”
You shook your head. “No I don’t want to go upstairs.”
He looked disappointed but you stayed confident with your choice. You didn’t want that and you weren’t ready.
He recovered quickly and dropped your hand. “Alright! I’m just gonna go talk to a friend real quick, I’ll be back.”
You sighed in relief when you realized he wouldn’t push it on you.
He got up and you pulled out your phone, trying to decide if you wanted to text Donnie back.
You settled on typing:
Yeah yeah whatever.
You saw he read it but he didn’t respond.
What was with him?
Why couldn’t he just be happy?
You glanced up, noticing Eric talking to one of your friends. You noticed him glance back at you and then back at your friend. She handed him something and he left to go to the kitchen.
You went back to your phone, waiting to see if Donnie would respond.
You just wanted your friend back.
Why couldn’t he just... ugh no you had to stop asking that. He was being too judgemental and untrusting.
There was nothing untrustworthy about Eric.
He was just being crazy...
You glanced up again, noticing Eric at the drink table. Whatever it was your friend had given him, he was slipping it in his drink.
You looked closer.
It was some sort of... powder?
When he turned back around you immediately acted like you hadn’t been watching.
He made his way to you and sat down, a drink in each hand. “I thought you looked a little thirsty, so I got you a soda!”
He handed you the red cup enthusiastically.
No, he couldn’t be trying to spike your drink. He wouldn’t do that.
But he was looking at you so expectantly.
“Oh, thank you!” You swirled the soda suspiciously. “I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to corn syrup so... sorry.” You set the drink back down.
Again, he looked disappointed. Maybe even a little mad.
“Hey, We’re gonna go upstairs and play a game!” Your friend shouted from across the room. “Wanna join?”
“What game?” You asked, feeling incredibly nervous.
“Truth or dare!” She giggled. “You’ll love it!”
Eric jumped on that idea expectantly. “Come on lets go!”
“I don’t really...”
He pulled you up before you could even finish.
You wanted to stay where people could see you!
But... you WERE gonna be with your friends...
“Alright, Fine.” You settled. “I’ll go.”
You and your group headed up and down the hallway.
Your friend opened the door for you and let you in first. Eric followed closely behind you.
It was a bedroom. A very dark bedroom.
“Hey, We’re gonna head down to the bathroom and freshen up first.” One of your friends smirked. “You two have fun!”
“Wait, no-!”
They were already gone and the door was shut.
Eric had gotten you upstairs.
Donnie sighed, trying hard to focus on his work. “Why can’t y/n just listen to me.” He groaned to himself. “I’m just trying to help! How does that make me the bad guy?”
He continued wiring his latest invention, frustrated at how he kept messing up.
“It’s not gonna end well.” He growled. “It’s gonna end in heartbreak and I’m gonna have to pick up the pieces.”
“If y/n even trusts you with that.” Leo added from behind him, causing him to jump.
“Nardo, how long have you been standing there?” He glowered at him. “I’m busy.”
Leo held up his hands in surrender. “A while. Anyway, you’re just pushing y/n away.”
“But y/n isn’t listening to me!” He protested, dropping his tool. “I’m right!”
“Maybe, but you’re also being a jerk.” He shrugged. “Maybe she’ll get her heart broken but you could at least be there for support.”
“Oh no no no I’m not supporting that relationship.” He shook his head vigorously and picked up his screwdriver.
“Not the relationship, egghead.” Leo rolled his eyes. “Our friend?”
“Oh.” Donnie tapped the table in thought. “Yeah, I guess I shouldn’t have left y/n on read...”
“...And maybe go apologize?” Leo prompted.
“No she’s at a party.” He glanced around his phone, checking your location again. “Actually...” he leaned closer to stare at his screen, “y/n’s not at the party any more.”
“Perfect!” Leo clasped his hands together. “Go apologize!”
“It can’t wait?”
You sat on the rooftop, clutching your jacket to your body and watching the city.
How could you have been so stupid.
How could have let something like that happen.
It was incredibly cold on the rooftop but you didn’t want to move. You didn’t want to go home. You CERTAINLY didn’t want to go to the lair either.
You just wanted to watch the city and pretend everything was okay again.
Why did you have to get your hopes up.
No one ever took interest in you like that unless they wanted something from you.
“Scoff, there you are!” Said the last person you wanted to talk to. “I thought you were in the building and spent about an hour searching for you.”
“Tracking device?” You asked, not even looking at him.
“Yep.” Donnie confirmed. “Now, might I inquire why you’re out here?” He glanced at his watch. “And not at your party?”
You stayed quiet.
“Something happen with Eric?”
You gave him nothing.
“I knew it!” He jumped up and cheered. “I was right! I was RIGHT! Ha!”
His every word made you feel colder and more embarrassed.
“I knew from the start! I knew he was untrustworthy!” He continued. “Eat that!”
Finally, he calmed down enough to sit next to you.
“Now, tell me, what did he do?” He leaned close expectantly. “Did he cheat? Did he kiss a girl? Did he try to get with one of your friends? Did he-?”
“He tried to rape me.” You spat out, bringing your knees to your chest.
Well I’m out of room XD
Part four up soon!
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
do you write for granit xhaka? if so, could you maybe write having a baby with him? anything you like really!! thanks xx
not written him before but suppose i can give him a go! here u go :) also tbqh i do love myself a bit of xhaka
baby xhaka
your husband shows your new baby girl off to the arsenal family
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“She’s adorable!” Ben coos, an open mouthed smile decorating his tanned face as Saka and Kieran peer over each of his shoulders. “Aye,” Kieran agrees, turning to the new father with his best shit eating grin, “Sure she’s yours mate?”
The Swiss international laughs, shaking his head. Had he not been holding his little girl, he probably would have grabbed the younger Scottish player into something of a headlock as his payback for the thinly veiled joking insult. Instead he rolls his eyes and finds his eyes settling on you, sniggering a few feet away at said joke as Kieran welcomes you with a hug and a genuine congratulations. “She’s so little.” Saka interjects, seemingly oblivious to previous conversation and mockery. He’s much more in something of shock at the size of the tiny girl in her little pink onsie, wrapped in a cosy blanket. “How is she so little?” He repeats, in complete amazement.
“Wanna hold her?” You offer with a smile, pushing yourself off the wall to walk over.
“Oh no.” Bukayo immediately retracts at the very same time that Granit says “Absolutely not.”
“I do!” Emile pipes in, scurrying over from his spot a little father away. It’s like having multiple kids here, you note. His enthusiasm is met by a firm scowl from your husband that has him rooted to his spot and looking at you for help.
“Granit she won’t shatter if she’s not in your arms for five minutes, let him hold her.” You quip, much to his very obvious dismay as a furrow sets into his eyebrows. “But-“
“Granit.” You warn, “It’s your fault i have six stitches in a very unfortunate place right now because frankly, you have a large head that our daughter seemed to inherit. If i can manage that, i’m sure you can manage to hand her over for five minutes.” You clip, using your best new mothering tone that has him sighing.
“Three minutes?”
“This isn’t a negotiation!”
Emile gets giddy, holding out his arms as your husband reluctantly passed her over with multiple comments about supporting her head and then some Swiss spoken curse words under his breath as the 20 year old beams and giggles at the feeling of holding the tiny baby girl. You make sure to take plenty of picture - of course of Emile, but also of your husband pouting to share you instagram later on when you share a little photo dump of her first time meeting the Arsenal family.
"Okay, I'll take her now." He interrupts impatiently after a few minutes, but a side eye from Ben White suggests he too wants his opportunity for a cuddle with the little one. You take her from Emile and instead of passing her to her expecting father, you bypass him and carefully transfer her into the tattooed arms of the new centre back. Ben holds her with relative ease. He has a nephew and he had grown very accustomed to holding him when he was as little as this.
Granit done about as much pouting and grumbling as one man can do while his daughter was being held and cooed over by all of his team mates, seeming to take the biggest liking to Emile. You don't mind that at all, if she grows up anything like him then you'd be a very happy mother.
You have to admit it warms you heart beyond belief the way he looks out for her, always keeping an eye on how those men hold her just in case someone is doing something wrong, making her even remotely or even possibly uncomfortable. He's going to be and in many ways already is the kind of dad you had always wished your partner would be.
The only time he was actively relaxed was when Mikel was holding her. He has three of his own kids and there's an energy about him that doesn't lend itself to worrying. He radiates a calm energy as he bounces subconsciously with the little girl in his arms to keep her sleeping. It's like something magic.
Your husband is off chatting with the team when you take your daughter back from him, still conversing with Mikel as he offers his congratulation and tells you that anything you need will be here for to help you whenever you should need it. He also gives you little tidbits and stories and tips from his own experience with having kids while living the life that you are currently leading. He had his kids while he was still playing professional football every day, so he knows better than most how that will be.
"I can feel him staring.” You hum quietly to the Arsenal manager, shaking your head with a smile. “He is a new father through and through.” Mikel notes with a laugh. To that, you nod. “Better get back to him before he goes insane waiting.”
Your husband’s smile is huge the second you turn to walk towards him, his eyes drinking you in as the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. You were earth shatteringly beautiful before, but pregnant and now holding a sweet little baby that’s half you and half him has sent his mind exploding. It didn’t shatter his world, it stopped spinning on its axis altogether whenever he sees you.
“My love,” he greets with a kiss to your lips, “And my little love.” He smiles, his hand finding here little head of faint hair with his thumb gently stroking over it. “Can i show her around?” He asks, eyes lit up with love for the two of you. You couldn’t have said no even if you had wanted to and there wasn’t a part of you that did as he wraps his arm around you and you walk out onto the pitch together. The Emirates is filling with fans waiting for the game to start and many cheers do rise up at the sight of the arsenal man who will play today with you and his new little baby. You pass her over to him carefully and go to take a seat in the dugout but for the time being. You’ll go up to his box later on in before the game starts.
The sweet tweets and messages roll in. It surprises you almost, knowing your husband tends to be on the opposite end of kindness. He’s been working hard recently to gain back the trust and belief of the fans, and it seems this adorable glance into his new fatherhood is swaying people far more than his actions anyway.
You giggle at the happy message and all the congratulations that flood through your inbox.
Later on, once you get home and are laying in bed, you post all those pictures to your instagram. Ones of Granit walking around the emirates carrying your daughter, plenty of the rest of the team holding her, seeing her little smile at Kieran as he makes a stupid face at her and the final one of Mikel holding her and standing next to you laughing that Granit had taken. Captioning it, “Introducing little Xhaka to the Arsenal+on derby day <3 doesn’t get much better than this.” With the Arsenal account reposting it, captioning it very sweetly;
“Welcome to the family, little Xhaka!”
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nerdzzone · 3 years
Once Bitten - Twice Shy
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Summary: Raising a child is hard. Raising a child with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars is even harder. And raising a child with one of Hollywood’s biggest stars who you’re not actually in a relationship with is even harder still.
One of the challenges of sharing custody is sharing holidays which is something that Whitney Taylor found herself struggling with in the December of 2019. The prospect of spending Christmas without her son was dismaying, but the complications that come with the alternative might be even harder to face.
Chris Evans x OFC
Note: Thank you to everyone who has read, liked or commented on this story! I appreciate the support. 
This was the entirety of my original plot, it was just supposed to be a one shot when I started writing it, but it took on a life of it’s own. There’s quite a bit more to come now so I hope no one is too disappointed by the way this ends! I’ve started working on the sequel and have it all mapped out, but I probably won’t post it until it’s mostly finished like I did with this one. So, keep your eyes peeled and please let me know your thoughts!
Part Two
Part Three
26. 12. 19
Waking up, it took a few moments for the memories of the night before to come back to me. When they did, I was filled with relief that I was alone and Chris was no where to be seen. My head throbbed, partially from the alcohol I'd consumed and partially because of the regrets that were filling my mind.
How could we be so stupid? So reckless? How could we risk everything that we'd built for Grayson just for a few moments of relief? How would I be able to push my feelings for Chris aside again after sharing such intimacy with him?
It broke my heart to make the decision to be friends the first time we found ourselves in this situation, how could I be foolish enough to put myself through that again?
I turned my head and groaned into the pillow, a much more distressed, melancholy groan than the ones leaving my lips the night before. I felt like an idiot and I was dreading facing Chris.
After taking another moment to chastise myself for my bad choices, I checked my phone to see the time and was shocked. It was already almost nine thirty and I hadn't heard a peep from the rest of the house. Unfortunately, that meant I didn't have time to mope around in bed, puzzling out what to do.
So, I took just enough time to decide that I needed to make a quick exit before getting up to get myself ready to leave.
  When I got to the kitchen, it was surprisingly quiet. None of the men or children were anywhere to be seen as Lisa, Shanna and Carly tidied up the dishes from the breakfast that I'd missed. Apparently, there was another snow storm forecast to start by the early afternoon and everyone had headed out into the snow as soon as they'd finished eating to start shovelling so that we could all leave before it hit.
I was relieved by their quick action because even if I had to shovel the whole driveway by myself and then drive home in a blizzard, I was not sticking around for another night.
Lisa had tried to convince me to let her cook me breakfast, but my stomach was in too many knots to even think about food. I politely declined and settled for a banana and a cup of coffee, chatting with the women as I ate. It distracted me for a while as I tried to shut off some of the noise in my brain, but once I was finished, I knew I had to face the music and head outside.
By the time I got out there, Chris, Scott and their brother-in-law were already halfway down the driveway which was an impressive feat considering how long it was. I waved to them as I put my bag in my car before heading towards where the children were playing in the front yard.
"Mama!" Grayson cheered as I approached them. "Look! We're building a snowman!"
I looked at the sloppy pile of snow they were assembling and smiled.
"Wow, I can see that! Great job, guys!"
He grinned as he ran over to me and threw his arms around my legs. It was a feeling that never got old and I leaned down to squeeze him closer, trying to ignore the wave of guilt that washed over me. He was the most important thing in our situation and we'd lost sight of that.
"Can you help us?"
"Of course," I nodded. "But I need to go talk to your daddy real quick, okay? Then I'll be right back."
With that, Grayson bolted back over to his cousins to continue their little project. They were so good with him, including him in their games and activities despite his young age and I was happy that he had such good role models to play with. Leaving them under Dodger's watchful eye, I took a deep breath and headed down the driveway to Chris.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," Scott shouted over, the first to notice me coming their way. "Thanks for getting up so early to help us shovel the driveway."
I laughed at his sarcasm and stuck out my tongue, but when he shot me a knowing wink, I felt my cheeks burn. Of course Chris would tell him. I should have expected it, they were as close as brothers could be and Chris was always open with his family.
But it just made me feel worse about the conversation I was about to have as I went over to Chris. Luckily, he was on the opposite side of the driveway to the other two. At least that would give us a modicum of privacy.
"Hey, good morning," he grinned. "Did you sleep well?"
"I did," I returned his smile, though mine was much more forced. "Thanks for letting me sleep in."
"Grayson wanted to wake you up at breakfast," he admitted, looking over at our son as he spoke. "He was worried that you'd be hungry when you woke up and there would be no more food left."
I couldn’t help, but laugh at the thought of his concern.
"He's too sweet, but I appreciate you stopping him," I admitted. "I guess I was tired out after last night."
"Last night," Chris smirked. "Last night was..."
He trailed off as he tried to think of a word to describe it, but my smile disappeared entirely as I could tell from the look on his face that we weren't reflecting on our little incident in the same way. So, I beat him to the punch.
"Last night was a mistake."
My words hung between us for a moment and I knew, from the way that his jaw dropped slightly as if I'd just slapped him across the face, that he wasn't happy with what I'd said.
"Oh, don't give me that crap!" He protested once my words had sunk in, keeping his voice low enough that no one would be able to overhear. "You're saying that it meant nothing to you?"
I really wished we weren't outside with so many watchful eyes around, but this conversation needed to be had and at least this way I'd have an excuse to keep things brief.
"I'm saying that it shouldn't have happened," I clarified, my voice wavering slightly as I questioned my own confidence in my words. "We've worked hard to keep things as stable as possible for Grayson and that's what we need to stay focused on."
"So, you just want to pretend that it never happened?"
My heart felt like it was in a vice. I didn't want to pretend it never happened. I wanted to be with Chris, I wanted us to give it a shot, but I knew that it wouldn't work. I was nothing compared to the women that Chris usually dated and when it all fell apart, Grayson would be the one stuck in the middle. It wasn't fair to him.
But that knowledge didn't make it any less painful when I nodded my head.
"I think that's for the best."
Chris scoffed, looking down at the snow as if he couldn't even stand to look at me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to run away or cry and throw myself into his arms so I settled for simply standing there quietly, waiting for him to say something.
It felt like an eternity, but after a minute or two of total silence, he finally spoke.
"Just let me make sure that I'm getting this right," he started, looking back up at me with such an intensity that it made my eyes swim with tears. “You really have no feelings for me at all? Because if you feel even a little bit like I do then you couldn’t possibly think you’re making any sense right now.”
I swallowed hard, trying to come to terms with the situation that I found myself in. A situation where Chris could be standing in front of me, telling me that he had feelings for me after all these years that we’d been determined to be just friends. It would have felt like a cruel joke if there wasn’t so much hurt in his eyes, so much fear that I was about to reject him. Fear that proved to be entirely justified when I finally got my emotions under control enough to answer him.
"It doesn't matter," I told him softly. "It's not about what I feel or what you feel. We have someone more important to consider."
“That's bullshit!"
I flinched at the harshness of his words and his raised voice as Scott shouted over a reminder about language as the kids weren't very far away. I could feel the tears still filling my eyes, but I knew I had to stick to my guns.
"It's not bullshit," I insisted. "It's the right thing to do."
"But you said yourself, he's starting to notice that things are different," Chris pointed out, his voice thankfully much softer than it had been moments ago . "Why not take the chance to give him a normal family if that's what we both want anyway?"
"Because it will hurt him more if it doesn't work out."
"Hurt him?" Chris questioned, his scowl deepening. "Or hurt you?"
Both of us. 
The truth was that I was worried that Chris would hurt me just as much as I worried that our decision would hurt Grayson, but I could handle the risk to myself if it was my choice. I couldn't handle our son being collateral damage.
I could feel Chris' gaze locked intently on me, but I couldn't lift my eyes to meet his. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold onto my argument when the decision I was making wasn't even what I truly wanted. I needed this conversation to end before I let my guard down and made anymore stupid choices.
"We can't talk about this here, Chris."
"Well, when will we talk about it then?"
"I don't know," I shrugged. "I need to think."
Chris shook his head as a sigh fell from his lips. He looked defeated.
I took that as an end to the conversation and turned to walk away, but I'd only made it a few steps when Chris called out to me again.
"I care about you, Whitney," he told me as I looked back over my shoulder. "This wasn't nothing to me. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want to make this work."
That only made me feel worse as I had done it without such noble intentions and with doubt still plaguing my mind. I felt cowardly, but I couldn't bring myself to answer him as I looked away and continued on my way back towards our son.
  I stayed outside, playing with the kids in the snow, until the driveway was clear. Once my car was free, I scooped Grayson up and said my goodbyes.
"Be good for your dad, okay?"
"Okay, Mama!" He smiled, pressing a big, sloppy kiss on my cheek. "I love you!"
"I love you too, buddy. I'll see you in a few days."
I put him down and waved as he ran back to follow his cousins who were heading inside. 
Turning back to my car, I  wasn’t entirely surprised to see Chris leaning against the hood. However, I was surprised to see that the scowl that had been firmly on his face since we talked had eased somewhat and I was even more surprised when he pulled me into a hug as soon as I was close enough.
"Drive safe," he warned me. "The roads still look pretty bad."
"I will," I nodded, easing myself out of his grip. "And I'm sorry, Chris. I really am."
"Don't sweat it." He shrugged, but the dejected look on his face did little to assure me that he accepted my apology.  "We'll talk soon though, right?"
I nodded and stepped back, moving to get into my car as Chris moved away from the hood.
He stayed there on the driveway, watching me as I turned the car around and waving as I drove off until he was out of sight.
I felt exhausted and heavy. There were tears brewing in my eyes as I turned onto the road, just as they had been when I drove these streets on Christmas Eve as I was taking Grayson to dad's house and thinking I would be spending the holidays alone. It was amazing to me how I managed to escape the sad, bleak Christmas that I had been anticipating at that point, and yet still somehow managed to come away feeling just as lonely.
And it was amazing to me that I ever let myself think that raising a child with Chris Evans wouldn't be emotionally draining as long as we weren't in a relationship. At this point, it seemed to just make things harder, but I knew that one day both of them would thank me for the sacrifice I was making right now.
I knew that it was the right decision for all three of us and one little slip up, one lapse in judgment and will power, wouldn't derail all the hard work that Chris and I had put in to co-parenting our son.
Or, at least, I hoped with all my heart that it wouldn't.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 150
I think for the time being, I am going to quit calling myself ‘late’ posting as long as I get the chapter up on the right day of the week *facepalm*.  Bc I am barely keeping ahead, much less remembering to queue things up.
I am so, so sorry about that....
Fair warning before anyone @s me: The French is a joke, so if I got it super wrong I am equally sorry to the degree of which it’s wrong.
Unless it’s obscene. Then I want to know so that I can laugh with you, and I am LEAVING IT.
As always, shouts out to @baelpenrose, @the-raven-fae, and @charlylimph-blog!
Heaving an enormous Dutch oven onto a burner, I turned on the heat low and started chopping vegetables. After the first celery stalk, I glanced up at Derek, who sat across from Maverick in our living room.  The quarters were shaped differently, which had distressed Derek initially, but the addition of his favorite blankets to the sofa had helped.  Currently, he was completely distracted from even Mac: staring off into space, his fingers flying and flicking with a feverish, almost convulsive movement.
Maverick glanced up at me with a smile before following my gaze. “Yep, the cyber siege continues.  He’s doing well, from what Zach told me.”
“I thought he was only supposed to attack human-managed systems,” I grumbled, thinking back to the cold shower I had been subjected to that morning. Turning back to the vegetables, I made short work of the celery before taking my frustration out on the carrots. Scooping the diced vegetables into a bowl, I started measuring out paprika, sugar, salt, pepper, basil, and oregano into another bowl.  “Where’s Sam, by the way?”
“On the way,” Maverick promised. “With Terran-style tomatoes, he swears.  And Derek is only attacking systems we manage.  When BioLab 2 was set up, we had to take over water management, to protect the lab from any sort of contamination.”
The knife in my hand, brandished at three cloves of garlic, clattered to the work surface. “Seriously?” I glared at the tap, suddenly suspicious.
“Probably get water from the console,” he winced, nodding briskly at Derek, who nodded in confirmation without stopping his tapping and flicking gestures.
Groaning, I shook my head and crushed the garlic, removed the skin, and started mincing. All that was left was to wait on the tomatoes from Sam.  The garlic was potent enough, and I wanted to avoid cutting any onion until absolutely necessary since Derek was clearly parked for the duration.
I was saved about fifteen minutes later when Conor and Sam stopped at the door.  Sam waved cheerfully and held up the requested vegetables while Conor removed his boots. A quick shuffle later for Sam to remove his own shoes, and both came to the food prep area - too small to be considered a proper kitchen - to greet me. 
First, Conor gave me a big, smelly hug and a kiss on my hair. “Did you already slice the bread?”
“Ew, you gorilla!” I laughed. “And I haven’t sliced any bread yet, I wasn’t sure how long I had and I didn’t want it to get too stale.”
“They’re toasties, love.” He shook his head with a grin before swatting me on the butt. “No one cares if the bread was a bit stale before you started.”
Over his shoulder, Derek’s head bobbed side to side. “I think someone disagrees.” I looked meaningfully past him.  To Conor’s credit, he looked sheepish.
Sam squeezed around and handed me the tomatoes and gave me a hug. “Thank you for making soup.”
“I know it’s our favorite,” I winked before shooing him out of the area. “Not enough room for more than one in the kitchen. Y’all go unwind out there, and make sure you warn Derek that I’m about to start cutting onions.”
As he held up his hands and jokingly scurried away, I turned to the stove and started cursing myself. I’d forgotten to start boiling water. Snagging a small saucepan, I got a carafe of water from the console and started rectifying that, tossing in a generous pinch of salt.  Gently, I cut an X into the bottom of each tomato and set them aside before peeling and dicing the onion.  Immediately, the onion, carrots, and celery went into a food processor.  “Derek, I’m about to be loud,” I called softly before counting to ten to give him time to cover his ears or step into the corridor.  A quick blitz later, the vegetables were perfectly between a mince and a puree.
A quick swizzle of oil went into the already-hot dutch oven before adding the mirepoix and giving it a quick stir. As if on cue, Tyche and Antoine breezed through the door, noses twitching.
“I smell food,” she announced, stalking into the kitchen.  One look at the ingredients was all it took. “Ooooo you’re making the tomato soup.”
I couldn’t help laughing. “I am, and you know I don’t have room in here for spectators, unfortunately.” Arching an eyebrow, I pointed the spoon in my hand at the table.
She wasn’t having it. “One of these days, you’re going to show me how to make that. May as well be today.”
“Nice try, but I need some secrets. Besides, the longer I argue with you, the more likely the vegetables are going to scorch. Scoot!”
She scrunched her face at me but acquiesced. As I scooped the garlic into the pot, I heard her change topics. “How much longer is the stress test? My music keeps getting mixed up with Antoine’s. I don’t mind it, but…”
Antoine smiled softly and shook his head. “But it is quite a shock to expect classical music and instead her rock starts playing.”
Personally, I liked both, but still shuddered at what he was talking about. Carefully lowering three of the tomatoes into the now-boiling water, I glanced at the sauteing vegetables and gave them a quick stir to check. “We have about six more days before the repairs start, maybe four more after that?”
Conor sighed. “I wish we could ask if anything important was being hacked, not just annoying environmental controls.”
“Plants aren’t dead yet,” Sam pointed out, tipping his bottle of water toward Conor in a practiced gesture.  Everyone laughed when, rather than being reassured, Conor leapt to his feet to check on his ‘babies’ in the room.
Cursing, I dipped the tomatoes out of the boiling water and dropped them immediately into an ice bath.  A couple pokes with my trusty spoon showed they weren’t overcooked, thankfully. “None of my information for work has been acting up,” I admitted as I started peeling them. “But Pranav advised that more critical data would either go completely missing or not show any signs of infiltration.  We won’t know until after the test is over.”
“Lovely,” Tyche drawled as she watched Conor fretting over the plants. “So it’s all or nothing.”
I shrugged and dumped the tomato paste - admittedly, from the console - into the pan of other vegetables.  When I stirred, I was satisfied that the carrots, onion, and celery had cooked down to where they were soft. “In a weird way, it makes sense. They’re testing for catastrophic data breaches, which would pull everything down, or for data theft, which you wouldn’t want to leave traces of.”
The corner of Antoine’s mouth quirked up as I dropped three more tomatoes into the pan of boiling water. “No hidden boba tea this time, that is reassuring.”
Hands still moving without hesitation, Derek whipped his head toward Antoine, paused, and turned back to where he had been staring. Derek’s version of a glare.
“That was Charly,” I responded in unexpected unison with Maverick and Conor.  I smirked while dumping the already-peeled tomatoes into the processor with another pinch of salt. “Seriously, Derek had nothing to do with that other than divine retribution.” I paused for a moment. “Although I do have to admit that the cold showers do seem to track with what Charly reported.”
That only got a shrug from Derek, which was as good as an admission.
The conversation shifted again - something Conor and Sam were working on in the aeroponics labs that I had already heard multiple details on, plus repetition.  Tuning it out, I pulled out the last three tomatoes, dropped them in the ice bath, and took a platter with a loaf of bread, sliced cheese, and butter out to the table. “Mav, can you start setting up the sandwiches?”
He went to stand, but Tyche shooed him back down. “I got it. She may not let me help make the soup on this one, but I can prep a grilled cheese with the best.” Staring me in the eye, she started cutting slices from the loaf defiantly.
I just laughed it off. This was the only tomato soup either of us liked, and she had been chasing me for the recipe for ages.  It had become a running joke at this point, so without hesitation, I moved back to the food prep area, peeled the remaining tomatoes, and gave another warning that I was going to be loud.  Some more blitzing later, the now-pureed tomatoes went into the pan of veggies along with the spices I had already measured out, the juice from one lemon, and enough water to fill the pan three-quarters full.  Leaving that to boil, I moved the boiling water off the stove and swapped it for a grill-pan.
“Sophie!” Conor cried from the armchair where he perched. “You’ve seen the plants we’re growing in the lab! Tell them we’ve managed a crop of roots!”
I winced. “Jury’s out… I’m not sure how aeroponic potatoes are going to turn out, but I can confirm they are in the process of finding out?”
Tyche’s knife fell to the table, and she moved her mouth silently in a very accurate imitation of a fish before managing to sputter. “Air-grown… potatoes?”
The confusion on Antoine’s face was painful to look at. He started to speak before stopping himself and instead pulling up his datapad, jotting a message, and flicking it out to the room.
When I read the message, the confusion was so clear that I hurt my sinuses snorting. Des pomme de terre en l’air? Pommes aeriennes? Talk about being lost in translation…. “Conor, Sam… I think Antoine has the perfect name for those if they work out. Just sayin’”
Tyche snorted and shook her head before handing me the platter, with a stack of perfectly buttered bread, two slices of cheese between every other slice of bread.  The soup had just come to a simmer, so I was stirring intently and just nodded for her to start grilling sandwiches.  Several appreciative sniffs and twenty minutes later, six bowls of soup and six matching sandwiches - three cut vertically and three cut diagonally, because it mattered and was not a battle I was willing to fight - hit the table.  Tyche politely placed the salt cellar and a pepper grinder on the table, although the glare she dished out to the collected group promised strong retaliation to anyone who touched them.
I held up half of my grilled cheese in a mock-toast. “To soup night!”
“To air potato soup, soon!” Maverick offered up with a grin, only for everyone to echo his sentiment with the exception of Derek - who just held up half of his sandwich with one hand and tapped away with the other, not even relenting to eat.
Frankly, as long as he spared a hand to eat, I couldn’t bring myself to care.  He took these tests very seriously, and generally only stopped when he was completely asleep.
Everyone dug in, but it was only after my first spoonful that I spoke up. “Considering how long it took to make sure the tomatoes wouldn’t be poisonous, I’m not sure the potatoes will be ready before we get to Von.”
Conor and Sam nodded, as did Tyche and Antoine, but Maverick stopped with his bowl halfway to his mouth.  Setting it down gently, he angled his head. “What do you mean, poisonous?”
“They’re nightshades,” Conor told him, as calmly as if he was telling us that water was wet. “Tomatoes are the only edible berries of that family, and potatoes are the only edible tubers, so we have to be extra careful.”
Maverick’s eyes grew wide and turned toward his soup. Tyche just reached out and patted his hand. “You’ve eaten this soup for years, and you love tomatoes. They’re safe, I swear.  And Sam won’t let Sophia near the new ones until he’s completely sure they’ll be okay to eat.”
Sam nodded, shoving a soup-covered wedge into his mouth. “We’re growing them in simulated Von-light, hoping that keeps the roots from creating chlorophyll.  If we’re wrong, there’s a forty-three-point-six percent chance they won’t grow at all, ten-point-five percent chance they will give you a stomach ache, eighteen-point-four percent they won’t taste good, and twenty-seven-point-five percent they will taste good and be safe to eat at the same time.”
“Meaning they won’t kill you, you might get a tummy ache, but most likely for this generation, they just won’t grow,” Conor translated.
“Hang on,” I held up my spoon. “What kind of stomachache are we talking here?”
The mad botanists looked at each other and made a few thoughtful faces. Finally, Conor nodded and Sam spoke. “Unripe apples,” he stated flatly. “But just unripe apples.”
“Oh, that’s not too bad,” I shrugged and crunched into my sandwich.
Derek finished his half-sandwich and blindly reached for another. He had it halfway to his mouth before he looked at it and dropped it back to the plate in alarm. You would have thought it tried to bite him rather than vice versa.
Antoine shook his head and reached past the vertically cut sandwich Derek had dropped and delicately handed him a diagonally cut one. “Here you go, friend.”
Glaring at the sandwich like it may betray him, he bit it viciously before going back to the screen he could only see in his mind, seemingly satisfied that the sandwich would not change into the offending shape.
I told you, it matters.
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Red Roses: “I Love You” - Natasha Romanoff Ending
Valentines Special: Day Nine
Day One: Morning Glories  //  Day Two: Blue Salvias Day Three: Sunflowers  //  Day Four: Pink Camellias  Day Five: Yellow Tulips   // Day Six: Violets Day Seven: Lisianthus  //  Day Eight: Daffodils (Post with rest of the character endings)
Plot: It’s finally Valentines Day, the day the reader will finally learn who it is that had been leaving them flowers and notes expressing their secret feelings.
Notes: Thank you again @trashywritestrash​​ for helping me hash out this ending!! ❤️ And thank you to the anon who gave me the funny idea of the roof-clinging flower delivery. <3
 Pairing: Gen!Neutral Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Triggers: Brief mention of alcohol/drinking; but I wrote it so the readers “favorite drink” could be anything.        
Words: 1,396
Requested Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney​​, @thebookbakery​​, @fablesrose​​, @kitkatd7​​, @thefallenbibliophilequote​​, @beksib​​, @destynelseclipsa​​, @criminaly-supernatural​​, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @belloangelus​​, @snarky--starky​​, @saintbootlegloras​​, @wecallhimbrowneyess​​, @empath-bunny​​, @okkulta​​, @katinthemoon,  @ravennight41​​, @youcancallme-rae , @radhumandragonclam, @unfortunateidiotinadilemma, @past3l-w1ngs​​ ,  @goinggoinggonzo​​, @mxxnmocha​​, @username23345​​, @theofficialzivadavid​​, @justejuste727​​, @normanijauregui​​, @euphouriaszn2​​, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all (still couldn’t tag, sorry), @messhup​
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February 14th
You continued to breath out steadily as you tried to keep your pace, Steve and Bucky half way around to meeting you already, and Sam in pace next to you as you ran around the large monument again. “Damn super-soldier bullshit” Sam muttered breathlessly as you laughed at his joke, trying not to lose step. 
Listening carefully and peaking behind you, you smiled “You’re right, it is bullshit. Maybe we should stop.” you said with an air of amusement as you glanced at Sam. 
Who smiled “You know what, you’re right. Let’s stop.” 
As both of you stopped quickly in place, you turned to face behind you, just in time to see Steve and Bucky’s eyes widen as they stumbled to a stop before slamming into the two of you, which they managed to do, barely. 
“Yeah, that’s right. That’s what you get for trying to humiliate us again.” Sam said with a laugh. Steve and Bucky sharing a look of mixed disdain and amusement as you chuckled. 
“I think we were done anyway” Steve said as he turned to walk towards where you set your water bottles. 
As you all sat underneath a large tree you checked your watch, the morning had been going by so slow. You wanted the evening to come quickly, but just as much, you wish it wouldn’t come at all. 
“You alright?” 
You looked up to see the three staring at you, you must have zoned out “Yeah, I’m fine.” you smiled at them, trying to play it off. When you turned to grab a granola bar out of your bag the three of them shared a mutual look of understanding. 
You were definitely not fine. The anxiety and curiosity that had built up over the last week was killing you. You were glad it was almost over, yet terrified at what that would bring in itself. The more you thought about each of the other’s and the possibility that it might be them who has been leaving you the flowers and notes, the more you didn’t want it to be any of them. Well, that was a lie. There was only one, you really wanted it to be. And unfortunately, they seemed to be the least likely. 
- - - 
Your thoughts proceeded to run wild as you continued on throughout your day, only occasionally being able to distract yourself with work. And the anxiety had built up once again as you got dressed about an hour before the party. You paced restlessly around your room as you fiddled with your hands. 
Finally growing tired of circling around the room, you decided to leave, maybe you would head down a bit early, distract yourself with some of the others who would probably already be down there anyway. 
This was proven incorrect, as you entered into the bar area, seeing only Natasha behind the bar as she made herself a drink. You hesitated as you looked around, was there really no on else down here yet?
“Hey” Natasha greeted, earning your attention again as your heart pounded in your chest.
“Hey” you replied walking into the room “I thought the others would be down here already.” you commented as you sat on a bar-stool. 
“Me too actually, but, at least I’m not alone now” she said while smiling at you “Drink?”
"Sure.” you said as she immediately started getting you your favorite drink. 
“You alright? You’ve seen a bit off all day.” she commented as she slid you your drink and leaned on the counter watching you. 
Taking a sip you eyed her, wondering how much you should tell her. You had already figured it wasn’t her. Even though she was the one you wanted it to be. So, you figured it wouldn’t hurt anymore than it already does if you told her. 
“I...I’m, supposed to find out who’s been leaving the notes and flowers today. Which I’m sure you already figured by now.” She gestured her head as you continued “But I...I’m just not sure, what to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“The notes, and everything they’re so....genuine and beautiful, and I just don’t know if I deserve someone like that. I mean, what if I can’t see myself loving them? What if I don’t deserve that kind of devotion?”
Natasha looked down at her hands before taking a breath “You do deserve it Y/n.”
You let out an amused scoff “You’re just saying that because your my friend” you said with a bit of doubt and disappointment in your voice.
“No, that’s not why I’m saying it.”
“Then why?” 
“Because...” she reached out and placed her hand on top of yours “Because of  your grace, and elegance, your compassion, kindness and bravery. There is no way they could not absolutely adore every fiber of your being.”
You stared at her as you recognized the words, the words that had been typed out on third note that you had received. Words that you repeated to no one. Your heart began beating rapidly again as you remained speechless as a small smile formed on her face. “How- I never read you any of the notes.”
“No, you didn’t.” she straightened up before reaching for something underneath the counter “The whole, notes and flowers thing were a bit cheesy, especially for me, but...” she pulled out red rose from below the counter “I couldn’t help myself. I’ve always wanted to try some big grand gesture of admission.”
Staring at the rose as she leaned back on the counter taking your hand in hers as she placed the rose between your fingers and looked back at you “All these years being as close as we are...I guess it was inevitable.”
Finally getting a hold of yourself again you cracked a smile “Yeah, it really was wasn’t it. And...you knew didn’t you? That I felt the same?”
She gestured her head and smiled “At first I thought I was just imagining it, but...Clint knocked some sense into me and made me realize that I wasn’t, and that you did, actually feel the same way.”
You closed your hand around hers, as you continued to smile at her “It was pretty damn bold of you to deliver those flowers to me in the gym yourself.”
“Yeah, well. I wanted to see your reaction myself.” 
“Who else knew? I mean besides Clint?” 
“No one else.” 
“Then...who delivered the camellias?”
She laughed “Well, I did.” you gave her a look of confusion as she continued “I thought I was being quiet enough, but I should have known better, so when I heard you coming to the door I put my assassin skills to the test.” she said with a sense of amusement.
“But...I looked everywhere?” she shook her head and you thought to yourself for a moment “I looked everywhere...except up. Please tell me you were not clinging to the roof above me?”
“Luckily the halls aren’t too wide.”
“Wh- Nat, oh my God” you started giggling at the thought as you facepalmed “I can’t believe you actually did that.”
She laughed as well “The things we do for love.”
You stared at her, still smiling in amusement “You were wrong Nat, I don’t deserve you.”
She leaned further over the bar as she stared into your eyes “After everything I’ve done, trying to make things right with SHIELD and the Avengers. You have been the only constant happiness in my life. I think I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. ”
“Agree to disagree” you countered as you grinned at each other, as both of your eyes began flicking to the others lips before you both leaned forward meeting in a kiss you had both been dreaming of.
As you pulled away, you heard voices approaching from the hall, recognizing it as the others. She glanced to the door and then back at you as you asked “Do you think they’d be surprised?” 
“Probably not. But who cares either way.” she smiled, making you grin.
The others were in fact surprised, but happily so. Especially Clint, who, for the rest of the night, told the others about how painstakingly he had been trying to get you two to confess your feelings for one another for years now. While Tony insisted that he had known the whole time and had been debating setting you two up secretly. 
xx xx xx xx xx
I struggled with how to end this, as I did with the others too, but this one especially. 
Anyways, if you liked this, please consider reblogging it and checking out the other endings :)
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akitokihojo · 3 years
Woah, two posts in one day? Yeah... yeeeeeeah. I don't usually post so late, but as I sat here staring at this document, I realized that if I don't post it now, I never will.
Okay, look, this story is extremely personal for me and I want to give a warning about that. If you know me or have been following me for a while, you may have noticed I tend to keep to myself, I'm quiet, and I'm private. But, as most humans, I have things I battle, too. I've been through things, too.
My coping mechanisms are humor and "add to cart." My therapy is writing. I decided to give this a shot. I've gotten personal with older fics before, but it's vague and I sort of lightly mix it in there like food seasonings. "Everything's Okay" and "A Moment" are examples of which. This story is largely based off something real. The emotion behind it is real. Very real.
Now, I will admit, the comfort added isn't. It's something I've realized over the past couple of years that I both crave and deserve. It's something that would help me incredibly, and maybe it's unrealistic, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I want it. So bad. So, I wrote. I made it happen.
I decided to project everything into my comfort otp, so if either Kagome or Inuyasha seem out of character, it's because they are. Sorry about that. It was difficult to keep their characteristics in tact. Particularly, Inuyasha. He's unbelievably soft here.
This is sloppy. I did my best to edit, but like I said, the longer I sat on it, the less likely it was bound to be posted. Just consider it unfiltered emotions if it seems messy, because that's what it's supposed to be.
Some disclaimers that I'll open up about: Yes, all of those negative things have been said to me by a past ex. What Kagome tells Inuyasha is very real for me. Also, replace "abusive father" with "abusive mother" and you've got it. :) I just didn't feel comfortable disrespecting mama higurashi with such slander, so since Kagome's father isn't in the picture, it was simpler.
Okay, I'm done. Thank you. If you read this, thank you. Again.
“Come on, Kagome. Show me.” Inuyasha encouraged supportively.
Kagome sighed, adjusting the shorts a bit better around her waist as she stared at herself in the mirror on the inside of the door. She’d comfortably tucked herself away in the walk-in closet of her boyfriend’s bedroom, preferring the space she had and the length of the mirror as opposed to the bathroom that only showed her up to her hips unless she bounced to her tippy toes.
“Houston, we have a problem.” She spoke.
“Define ‘problem.’” Inuyasha proposed. “Because, I realized a long time ago that you and I have two totally different definitions of the word.”
No, this was a definite problem. Unfortunately, it seemed she’d purchased clothing from one of the retailers that didn’t quite grasp that some woman had thicker asses and thighs. The shorts fit, but they hugged her in places she needed a little more room in. God forbid, she sit down. Then, they’d fit her like underwear.
The band was comfortable along her hips, but felt a little better if she pulled it up a smidge toward her waist. But then the underside of her booty cheeks popped out, and that for sure wasn’t something she could sport in public. Or, she could. She just wouldn’t be comfortable doing so. It wasn’t her style. She preferred a hint of more modesty. Not to mention, the shorts were very tight against her lady bits, and that was definitely something she didn’t want her clothing riding up on.
“Curse these thighs.”
“Oh, see what I mean?” He chimed from the other side of the door. “That’s the exact opposite of a problem.”
“It’s a problem if the shorts don’t fit, Inuyasha.”
“Show me.”
“They don’t fit.”
“Okay, we’ll return them. But, show me first.”
“Why do you want to see them if they don’t fit?” She laughed lightly.
“Why wouldn’t I? Do I have to spell this out to you every time?” Inuyasha asked, making it obvious that he was feigning irritation.
“It doesn’t hurt.”
“Alright, first of all, I know you’re ridiculously critical of yourself. I have a more objective point of view, and therefore that makes my opinion the only valid one here.”
“Hey -“
“I’m not finished. Second, I love seeing you in tight clothing. That’s a given. You don’t have to keep it, and you should always wear things you’re comfortable in, but at least do the right thing and let me see first. I think I deserve that much. Third, and most importantly, ass and thighs. Your ass and thighs.” Inuyasha made a chef’s kiss motion even though she couldn’t see, losing himself in the thought of some of his favorite assets of hers. “You know damn well how much I love them. So, please - please - come out and show me, Kagome.”
Behind the door, she fought her smile, losing so quickly it was as if she hardly stood a chance against it. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her body, but he was right. There were some imperfections that had her self-conscious at times, and he knew without saying when they started dating over five months ago that her thighs were one of them. And, she could tell the half demon she called hers genuinely adored everything she deemed unworthy.
Giving a minor adjustment to make sure the area between her thighs had enough room to breathe, she sighed out any apprehension and opened the door. Inuyasha sat on the edge of the bed waiting, golden eyes instantly on her. He skimmed over the way she’d tucked her shirt into the underside of her bra to keep it out of the way, gazed at her tummy for a small moment, then drifted his sights down to the shorts hugging her snuggly.
He barely blinked, his expression practically blanking, and Kagome’s cheeks went red hot.
“Shh. I’m concentrating.”
Kagome laughed, turning away from him bashfully.
“Shit, no! I wasn’t ready for that!” He cried, pressing the heels of his hands into his temples as if he were in a panic. Her ass. It looked phenomenal. He wasn’t mentally prepared to see just how plump it looked in those bottoms, and it sent his mind reeling.
“What!?” She gasped, her hands instinctually falling to cover her butt as she spun back to face the way she’d originally been.
“Oh my god.” Inuyasha mewled. “Are you kidding me, Kagome!? Where’s the problem!? Where’s the mother fucking problem!? Because, I don’t see it!”
It was thought to be impossible, but she felt her face flush even hotter. So hot, she wanted to hide it, knowing full and well her embarrassment was visible and prominent. She kind of tucked her head down slightly, hoping the dim lighting in his room would be her ally and shade her blush while she presented her issues with the garment of clothing.
“Well, it’s tight on my thighs. See, when I do this -“ She explained as she lifted her leg slightly as if she was going to take a step forward. The bottom hem of her shorts tightened against her quad, squeezing around the plush before riding up an inch. “It’s not very comfortable. I like a bit of a looser fit. And, then my butt. It’s suffocating. I’m scared one wrong move will make these shorts rip.”
“God forbid.”
“Inuyasha, seriously.” She deadpanned.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m listening. Anything else?” He apologized with a grin, conceding.
“Yes. I can’t sit in these.”
“Why not?”
“Too tight.”
“So, you literally can’t sit?”
“No, I mean I’m sure I can. It’s just not a good idea.”
“Because, they’ll rip?”
“That. Or, they’ll turn into chonies.”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you got such versatile clothing. I could have sworn we were nowhere near the lingerie section.”
Kagome laughed through her groan, tossing her head back in minor exasperation due to her boyfriend’s sarcasm. It was going to be hard to describe, and she was sure if she attempted such he’d only throw more jokes her way, so she shut her mouth and decidedly took to demonstrating her vexation. She crossed the floor, hoped for the best, and plopped into a seat right next to Inuyasha. Her thighs fluffed out and her shorts effectively rode all the way up, giving her legs the attention they apparently demanded.
Inuyasha’s eyes were glued to her thighs and the way her clothing wrinkled along her anatomy. He’d had to press his lips into a tight line to prevent their proud and joyful crinkle, but it was so desperately difficult to fend off. Kagome was quick to notice and her brows pinched together, a small pout forming.
“You tricked me.” She murmured. “You wanted me to sit down, didn’t you?”
“I’ll admit, it was a lot easier than I expected it would be.” He said, gently stroking the pads of his fingers over the softness of her legs. “Again, I find it important to remind you that you and I clearly have very different definitions of what a problem is. This… this is not a problem. Not at all.”
“Well, see, I sort of wanted to be able to wear these outside of your apartment.” Kagome giggled, inadvertently melting into his touch. It was so light, it almost tickled, but she felt his warmth radiating from his hand, she felt his attraction, she felt his good-natured and honest feelings toward her body, and it was nothing short of what she both wanted and needed right now.
“I know, I know. We’ll return them and get a larger pair. Still, not a problem.” He grinned, planting his whole palm on her thigh and sliding it inward, shoving it to sit in the heat between. He leaned over and kissed her temple.
“Don’t even think about it.” Kagome hummed, leaning into his tender touch.
“You’re about to lay down on my thighs, aren’t you?”
“What? I can’t?” The half demon pouted with legitimate shock on his brow.
“The moment you’re down, you’re down. You know damn well you’re not getting up if I let you, and I want to get out of these shorts.”
“But, Kagome -“
“Boy, if you knew exactly how these are constricting certain areas, you’d understand.” She laughed, playfully shoving his hand off of her as she stood. Before walking toward the closet where she’d left her skirt, she turned to face her boyfriend, bending at the waist and pushing his bangs from his forehead to plant a kiss against his skin. “I should get going soon, anyway. It’s getting late.”
“Don’t go, then.” He said, tone gruff as his amber eyes met hers. “Stay with me.”
It wasn’t the first time he’d asked her to stay the night, impromptu. Far from it. Every time, though, caused something in her chest to stir, something in her stomach to flutter, something in her bloodstream to effervesce in both a wonderful and unsettling way - the unsettling part deriding from a different emotion she’d recently noticed planting its roots somewhere inside of her. Inuyasha grabbed her hand, running his thumb over the tops of her fingers while his expression shifted to one of seriousness. No jokes, no funny business, no sarcasm was present any longer.
“I don’t feel like I got all the time I wanted with you. Since we were out and about most of the day, I feel like I had to share parts of you with the world, so now that it’s just you and I, I’m not quite ready to let you go. Will you stay?”
Internally, Kagome was telling herself to keep it together. It was such a small gesture, such a tiny request, but it was always the little things he said to her, like this, the mannerisms he displayed when he was sincere, the way his amber eyes met hers when he waited for her answer that had her feeling unstable. Like, she could cry. Like, she was more afraid than she was thirty seconds ago, or an hour ago, or when she saw his smile earlier this afternoon when they met up, or last night, or when she crashed and burned upon realizing what, exactly, it was she felt for Inuyasha a month ago. She swallowed, forcing herself to show none of that as she made a small smile appear on her face.
“Can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?”
A grin sprouted on Inuyasha’s lips as he kissed the hand he held, standing to cross over to his dresser.
“You want your favorite, or a different one?” He asked, ignoring the twitch his own sensitive ear gave as the wood scraped open.
“Whichever. Can I take a shower?”
“Of course.” He said in a manner that suggested she knew she didn’t have to ask by now. He was well-acquainted with her routine and how she preferred showers before bed as opposed to first thing in the morning. That, and they’d recently gotten her some extra toiletries to store in his bathroom for times she stayed over. He was equipped for her company, and sooner or later, Kagome was bound to learn that she was more than welcome to treat his place as her own. Her scent, her voice, her contagious laughter were all he needed, and if his apartment was filled with it, Inuyasha couldn’t think of anything that would make him happier.
Kagome took the large band tee the hanyou offered with a grateful smile and snagged some boxers from the top drawer he’d just opened with a playful, little scrunch of her nose before ambling over to the closet to pick up her skirt and reach for a towel on the shelf.
Why? Why was her heart thumping uncontrollably? She was so happy. So, so, so content. But, yet a crippling sensation was crawling its way up her esophagus to make home in her throat; to grow large, and dense, and sit there to make it impossible to swallow any longer. Ever since that night a month ago, when she’d hung up the phone after a goodnight call with Inuyasha - who was traveling at the time for work, was beyond tired, spoke to her in that husky tone she was utterly weak for, and who’d called out of mere courtesy to let her know he’d made it to his destination safely - she hadn’t been feeling secure. Not because of him. He hadn’t done anything wrong. In fact, despite their little, bickering spats and his tendency to get a bit jealous over guys she spoke to, he was doing everything right. He wasn’t the one giving her reason to fear. It was her.
It was what she’d been through.
It was something she was so terrified he would turn around and say to her, that it practically debilitated her rational mind.
But, still, the feeling it stemmed from grew and expanded, the tree roots burying themselves in the soil of her heart, and Kagome was positive by now, after thirty days had passed with no decrease but, instead, the exact opposite, that there was no convincing herself that it wasn’t there. Because, every time she saw him smile, every time he held her hand, every time he expressed himself to her, it banged on her walls like an innocent prisoner demanding freedom.
When she was sure her emotions weren’t superficial, when she was positive there was no changing anything on her end, Kagome had to really look within herself to figure out how to maneuver about things. Did she openly tell him? Was there a right time to say these things? She even debated never saying anything at all, and for a good while, she was settled on that option. It wasn’t the right thing to do, though. It was like she was allowing her past, her previous broken heart, to dictate how she expressed affection toward others, and the potential ‘others’ who hadn’t done her wrong didn’t deserve that. Kagome had always been the type to wear her rather large and vulnerable heart on her sleeve. The cage she held it in now, it wasn’t locked. She wanted to put it back where it belonged, but she was so scared, it made her nauseous. The cage door was opened, held cracked from the inside, the weary organ protecting itself behind a barrier that just needed some encouragement to come out from.
Again, she’d wondered to herself countless times: was there a right moment to say something like this? Was there a procedure she needed to follow? She’d said it first last time, and nothing ended in her favor, so maybe she shouldn’t be the one to initiate this topic? Maybe it applied too much pressure? Should she just keep it to herself behind lock and key? Was he going to be receptive? Was it going to scare him away? Please, don’t scare him away. Please, please don’t leave.
And, countless times, she ended up in tears from the crushing weight of it. Kagome knew the truth. She didn’t have to consult anyone to know what the right thing to do was. It didn’t matter how many nights she stared at the ceiling obsessing over right and wrong, this or that, pros and cons, yes and no’s, because in the back of her mind, the answer was right there in big, bold letters. She was just trying to dance around it. It was so stressful. Something that was depicted as a happy and liberating occurrence was reduced to horrifying and anxiety-inducing for her.
The fact of the matter was, no one should have the power to change her heart. More so, Kagome shouldn’t give anyone that power. The way she felt so deeply was, in fact, a good thing. It was. It was. It was a fight just to get herself to understand that again, feeling like she was convincing herself of something she no longer believed, but she knew the only way she would, once more, feel that freedom was to open up. Stop hiding.
The thought was heavy. It didn’t sit comfortably with her. There were certain things Kagome was okay talking about, and there were certain things Kagome would rather eat up, swallow, and take to the grave. But, that was vulnerability, and she understood that if anyone deserved that part of you, it was your partner. Inuyasha was her partner. He was patient. He listened to her about things that made her uneasy, he took into account how she could be both a social butterfly sometimes and introverted during others, how when she was overwhelmed she had a tendency to shut down, how physical touch was her love language, and he even went so far as to ask her how she would prefer he respond to certain predicaments if she were to ever get overstimulated with him around.
Inuyasha had proved time and time again that he not only wanted to experience every side of her, but that he deserved it. He deserved it.
It jostled her to the core as she considered telling him now, her stomach churning, her heart pounding erratically, her bottom lip quivering as she’d learned to expect rejection. It was why she struggled initiating anything. It was why she had trouble saying the words to anyone but herself, “I want.” It was a learned reaction to her past trauma, but Inuyasha, the half dog demon she called hers, the silver-haired man who always did everything he could to make her feel safe while with him, the person who treated her as special as he’d insisted she was, wasn’t the one who’d hurt her. So, she’d decided over a week ago, she was going to do it. She was going to do it and let him know. Best case scenario, it was always nice to hear you’re loved and he may end up appreciating her confession. Worst case, things were going to get awkward and tense and it may end their relationship for good.
Kagome wanted to be Kagome again. Not the person she was before she’d met her ex. Not exactly, at least. She still wanted the lessons she’d learned with him to be applied to who she was. They were valuable, and not everything she learned had her closing off. As an open-minded thinker, she realized that not every wound left a scar, so not everything that happened made her a victim. Some things are just incidents that taught her lessons to take into tomorrow. So, she wanted to return to Kagome, the bright girl who faced her fears, who wore her precious heart on her sleeve, her loved with everything she had no matter what, but who was just a few experiences wiser. But, no one could do that for her. No one could give her that push she needed. It all came from within.
Of course, so did fear. So did nausea. So did that anxious part of her brain that said, “Let’s do it tomorrow, instead. Or, the day after that.”
Kagome took a deep breath, trembling as it may have been, and looked over to her boyfriend. He’d just removed his shirt from over his head, his short, tousled, silver strands appearing slightly messier than before once he was free, and he glanced over his shoulder her way, most likely feeling her eyes on him.
“Inuyasha,” She tried to come off as stable as possible, but there was an obvious waver in her tone that gave her trepidation away.
“Hm?” He hummed, the corners of his lips twitching downward before he dropped his shirt on the floor and faced her better.
“Can I - um…” It was impossible to hold her eyes steady on him, her deep, brown gaze falling to the floor every time she picked them up to look at him. “I need to talk to you about something.”
“Okay. I’m all yours.”
Kagome took another breath, willing her body to stop fidgeting. It was Inuyasha. It was just Inuyasha. As soon as she realized there was no stilling her fingers beneath the clothes and towel she held, or the way she bit hard into the inside of her bottom lip, she felt the best course of action was to simply carry on; wavering eye contact, trembling fingers, quivering lips, and all.
“Let me first preface this with: please don’t say anything. Just let me get it out there. I don’t expect anything from you in return, there’s no pressure whatsoever, and I would rather you not say anything at all. Like, at all. Okay?”
Truthfully, Inuyasha was freaked out. Had something happened? Was she about to admit to something bad? Kagome looked about ready to breakdown and cry, and the fact that she was asking for him to remain completely silent only told him she was afraid of judgement. Never had she asked him to stay quiet before. And, he hated how apprehensive his girlfriend looked right now. His instinct was to solve the problem, so what was he supposed to do here but agree to her terms?
“What’s going on, Kagome?”
“Alright. I won’t talk. Now, spill.”
She pinched the back of her wrist to stay grounded, to keep from crying. God, she was so pathetically nervous, and three times now, she’d almost convinced herself to back out and pretend it was a joke. That wouldn’t be right, though. She wanted to cry so bad and she hadn’t even said anything yet, so she pinched herself harder, her nails incidentally digging in. As soon as she felt a degree of control fall back into her grasps, Kagome leveled her gaze at him.
The words sat on her tongue, weighted with the shackles she’d placed there herself. A lump had formed and solidified in her throat, clinging for dear life and making everything so much harder than it needed to be. God, she was really shaking. Her breathing was becoming unsteady as if she’d already started crying and she could feel her expression crinkling into something terribly sad. She knew that was how she appeared only from the way Inuyasha’s lips parted, how his brows curved in worry, how he wanted to reach for her but seemed so confused that he could only stand there and wait.
Like a bandaid. Once the words were out, it wouldn’t be so bad anymore. She just had to get through it.
“Um - I - I - I am -“ The stammering was relentless, and out of sheer obstinance, Kagome shied away for one moment, took a short breath, huffed it out, then faced him again. “I’m in love with you.”
There was a slight arch to his brow, and his chin inched to the side minutely. Very slowly, Inuyasha’s lips sealed and his gaze hardened, falling to the ground. Hastily, Kagome followed her confession with disclaimers, irrevocably panicking.
“A-and, I don’t expect you to say it back! You don’t have to say a word about it! There’s no pressure at all, Inuyasha! I swear!” With each statement, he seemed to be growing more and more tense, and Kagome was terrified she was only making matters worse, but she blinked profusely so her tears didn’t have the chance to breach the brim of her lids. “I just wanted you to know. So, yeah. Now you know.” Her voice had fallen to a hitch just above a whisper at that point, admonished.
Inuyasha kept his promise. He didn’t speak. Kagome was stiff in her spot, not quite knowing what move to make next. She hadn’t thought this far ahead. It was hard to think beyond her admittance in the first place. It was too quiet, and she could hear the clock in the living room loudly ticking seconds by.
“Just nod or shake your head; do you still want me to stay?” She asked sheepishly.
Finally, Inuyasha’s glowing stare rose to hers again, and it frighteningly seemed to grow harder, more tense. She saw the rigid muscles of his jaw clench, and his chest rose with the very slow inhale he took through his nose. Steadily, the hanyou responded with a firm nod. In the next moment, he gestured for her to head down the hall to the bathroom with a notch of his chin, which she wasted no time in complying to. Kagome bit her lip, hard, shakily turned on her heel, and left Inuyasha alone in the room.
The second he heard the bathroom door lock and the shower turn on, Inuyasha dropped his seat on the bed, crumbling forward as he braced his forehead in his hands, elbows jabbing into his thighs. His chest was physically aching, his throat tight, and Inuyasha felt thoroughly crushed. He could literally see the fear in her eyes, the anxiety holding her by the neck. Why? Had he given her some reason to worry? Had he made it seem like that was a taboo topic?
It didn’t take long to rationalize. Logically, he knew it wasn’t him. It wasn’t personal. And, he knew that because he knew exactly how it felt to be afraid of unadulterated vulnerability. It felt like you were naked, exposed to the world, trusting someone with something so valuable and important when you weren’t even sure if you could trust yourself with something like that. It was hard. It was nerve wracking.
But, there was something deeper to it.
Why else would she insist he didn’t respond? It was clear as day. He knew that feeling. He’d been hurt before, too. They’d been together for almost half a year, he knew a good portion of her story, and she knew just as much about his. It was impossible to know it all quite yet, though. Five, six months may seem like a long time to some, but it’s honestly nothing in retrospect. They’re just scratching the surface. He knew the general aspects about her abusive father, he knew she had an emo phase in high school, he knew the superficial shit like her favorite colors, foods, drinks, what medications she needed to take and how often, he knew how she tasted, her tickle spots, where the heating pads were stashed in her apartment - because she had multiple for easy accessibility depending on what room she was in while she was down for the count on her period, and he knew she’d had her heart broken before. But, he didn’t know every little detail about certain things yet.
Inuyasha had had his heart broken before, as well. He knew that feeling. He knew how gruesome and tedious it was to start over, how awful the idea of opening up all over again was, how awkward and weary it felt to tiptoe around specific subjects until you felt comfortable enough describing them, so on and so forth. He knew. Just, apparently, not as well as Kagome did. He was willing to guess that her heart wasn’t just broken. It was trampled on.
His most recent relationship was up and down. He and his ex were never on the same page. He fell quickly but his feelings were unrequited. Then, later on, she began to show more affection, but he’d become closed off by the time that came. Nevertheless, neither of them spoke those words. They never truly opened up about what they felt, how they felt, or why they felt anything, especially romantically. Up until now, Inuyasha had never heard the words, “I’m in love with you.”
Up until recently, Inuyasha had never felt the urge to say, “I’m in love with you.”
That’s wrong.
Sure, recent was a broad term, but it happened several months ago. Several months too soon, he’d deemed. Kagome was playing with his niece, teaching the six year-old how to use a toy compass she’d brought home from class, and congratulating her excitedly whenever Rin got something right. His niece wasn’t shy by any means. She was talkative, playful, bubbly, and bright. But, she had this thing about being touched. She didn’t like it. Only certain somebodies could hold her, hugs were off the table unless you were one of four people, high fives were a maybe, and yet he watched the little girl ask Kagome to watch a movie with her when she was done with the compass, cuddle up next to her on the couch, and fall asleep on her lap without persuasion.
That was it. Kagome respected Rin’s autonomy and boundaries, and Rin let her in by the third time they’d met.
And, Inuyasha fell. Hard.
Again, too soon. So, not saying it was easy. No big deal. After a while, it sort of began spilling out in his idiosyncrasies, in the way he touched her, worshipped her, in the way he craved the knowledge on how to properly care for her. In his terms, he was being painfully obvious. It was almost humiliating how obvious he was being.
It just looks like it wasn’t obvious enough. How could he have expected her to understand? It’s not like she was fluent in his body language or habits. At this point, if she needed it spelled out to her, he’d happily do so.
Because, despite her overwhelming and damn near crippling fear she’d just waded through, Kagome still told him the truth. Kagome courageously stood there, attempted to look him in the eyes, and told him she loved him, no matter how scared or nervous she appeared. If he needed to say it back in order for her to understand, he could return the gesture without hesitation.
First, though, he needed to comprehend what was going through that head of hers. He wasn’t going to jump to conclusions. This wasn’t the time to do so. What she was feeling, that look in her eyes, it stemmed from something deep, something that wasn’t quite healed. He needed, desperately needed, to know what happened. He’d promised to keep his mouth shut earlier, but he hadn’t promised how long he’d hold that. She may have meant about that topic entirely, but that was something he couldn’t and wouldn’t agree to. There was no way in hell he was going to let this slide. Eventually, they were going to have to discuss this.
Now was that time.
Inuyasha suddenly stood, filled with a rage that had surfaced as soon as she shakily asked him if he still wanted her to stay, feeling so irate that he could only clench his fists and pace the floor. There was a good fucking chance this originated with her ex. Maybe her father, but his gut told him otherwise. The things he knew about that relationship were vague. Kagome didn’t like to fixate on it, which was reasonable for anyone who’d moved on, and they never really found a good time to open up about nitty gritty details pertaining to failed relationships; they were more focused on one another and their individual lives. He was fuming. What the fuck had that motherfucker done?
He knew they broke up over two years ago. He knew he’d dumped her just before their anniversary. He knew their relationship wasn’t entirely horrible, but much like he and his own ex-girlfriend, they were rarely on the same page. That’s about it, though. He’d heard a thing or two about how she’d realized way after they’d broken up just how toxic their relationship actually was - one of those late night, shower-thought epiphanies - but she never much elaborated. Hell, she talked about it all so rarely, Inuyasha had even forgotten the fucker’s name. He was her ex-boyfriend so that naturally deemed him irrelevant, because Inuyasha was her current boyfriend and that was all that fucking mattered. But, now he wished he remembered because it would make it at least a little easier to track the bitch ass down and punch his lights out.
She’d opened the door, and he needed to know what was on the other side of it. Inuyasha not only craved, but found it a foundational necessity to understand what had her so anxious to tell him how she felt. First, he recognized he needed to calm down. He couldn’t approach this with heightened emotion because it would cause Kagome to feel insecure and unsafe, which he would never allow her to feel around him.
That was hard for him to do, though. To swallow his frustration, push it aside. He felt things passionately, much like Kagome did. For her, for the light he always looked to for a sense of peace and felicity, for the woman he respected and cherished, he would do it. He could do it.
It took a moment, but Inuyasha left his room and headed to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water to sip on and an extra one for his girlfriend. The shower had stopped running moments ago, and the hairdryer was now blowing. She was biding time. Kagome, more often than not, let her hair air dry. This was killing him. The fact that she was so afraid, so nervous, the fact that she felt anything but contentment in the face of pure and unbridled emotion. Inuyasha just wanted to burst through the bathroom door and tell her to stop, demand she look him in the eyes and say it again and watch how he would never turn away from her. What could he have possibly said that had her more content with silence?
Content wasn’t what she’d felt at all though, was it? Even after he’d kept his mouth shut, Kagome was still trembling, still incredibly uncomfortable.
He was going to the bottom of this.
But, something in his heart wrenched. Overall, he just hoped with everything he had that she didn’t regret telling him.
There was careful deliberation on where he should wait for her. He’d debated standing outside the bathroom door to guide her back with him, but that would apply a lot of pressure straight from a safe zone. There was always the option to sit on the couch until she emerged, but still, he was worried she’d feel like she was under a spotlight. No matter what, Inuyasha was going to be taking her back into his bedroom. It was cozy and comfortable, and he just wanted to fucking hold her. The best course of action was to let Kagome come to him. When she was ready. No matter how much patience wasn’t his virtue. So, he ambled back through the doorway with both water bottles in hand, placing them on the nightstand as he got himself into more comfortable clothing. He’d never finished changing after dropping his shirt on the floor. He grabbed his grey sweats off the end of the bed and shoved his legs into them after removing his jeans, then fished a black tank top out of his dresser, easily and quickly pulling it over his head.
It wasn’t a bad thing that she’d told him. Kagome should be proud of herself. Over and over again, she’d repeated that in her head, but she couldn’t stop herself from feeling like she’d done something wrong. Maybe she’d put him on the spot and made him uncomfortable. She should have at least given him the space to tell her he wasn’t ready to say it back if that was how he felt. That she would have completely and wholeheartedly understood without fault.
Now she was stuck in an unknown area, her head was foggy, her fingers kept trembling, and her eyes were puffy from crying like a baby in the shower. The goal was to tell him how she felt. It was a step in the right direction. A step toward who she truly was behind the protective walls. From this point on, depending on how Inuyasha was feeling, it might be best to pretend nothing happened. Sweep it under the rug.
Everything was so conflicting, so turbulent, and Kagome could bring herself to do nothing but stare at the bathroom doorknob. Her hair was dry, she was dressed in her borrowed outfit, smelling purely of Inuyasha, and even though he still wanted her to stay, she couldn’t believe anything other than the possibility that she’d ruined everything.
What would happen once she exited the bathroom? Would things be uncomfortable? Would he be laying down in bed, facing the wall away from her, silent? Would he ignore her? Would he say something she was terrified to hear right now? Or, was she trapped in her unhealthy thoughts? Was she preparing a response to something that wasn’t waiting for her outside that door? Was she not giving Inuyasha the opportunity to respond in his own, organic way, expecting all the responses she was trained to anticipate before?
With a deep breath, Kagome reached for the knob, twisting it to exit. The apartment was as quiet as it was when she locked herself inside, the clock in the living room ticking loudly as she slowly sauntered through. Lights were dim, but the bedroom, through the opened door, was inhabited. The lamps shaded the white walls in warm hues, and as she got closer she noticed a very soft hum of music playing through the bluetooth speakers he had set up in there, quiet but still melodic and comforting.
Though her heart was pounding and a jittery sensation within her chest was causing her to tread cautiously, she followed the path into his bedroom, spotting Inuyasha sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He was quick to notice her presence, sitting up and glancing at her, and even though she faked a smile with a curious notch of her head, it was clear he saw right through her. How wouldn’t he? If he already didn’t know her so well, it was obvious she wouldn’t go from cripplingly apprehensive before her shower to sweet and happy immediately after.
Inuyasha noticed the pink in her cheeks, the stupidly cute but feigned upturn of her plush lips, the way her deep eyes bounced away from him before coming right back only to repeat the same motions. His Kagome. His sweet, hurting, beautiful Kagome.
With an arch of his brow, the hanyou wagged his finger at her, ushering her over to sit on his lap. She was hesitant at first. She knew what was coming, but still, despite her slight discomfort, he released a small, breathy chuckle so she knew he wasn’t upset with her.
“C’mere.” He requested softly, patting his thighs.
“What?” Kagome returned, unsure.
“I want you. C’mere.”
Slowly, she crossed the floor, accepting her boyfriend’s support as she straddled his lap and got comfortable. An uncontrollable pout formed on her face when he looked into her eyes, she felt it, and humiliation washed over her, causing her to hide her expression between his shoulder and neck.
Inuyasha was patient, making sure she was secure in her seat before his hands traveled over her. At first, he couldn’t help but hug her tight. In this moment, Kagome seemed so fragile and he could already feel her body shaking against him. She knew he was going to talk whether she liked it or not.
Still, he gave her a little more time, relaxing against him, her chest melting on his, her arms wrapped around his shoulders but accepting his full support as his hands rubbed over her back soothingly.
“You want to tell me what happened back there?” He asked, opening back up the topic.
“Did I do it wrong?” Kagome spoke, her voice small.
“I’m not worried about right and wrong here, baby. Can you look at me for a second?”
Carefully, Kagome leaned back, giving him the attention he requested. His large, warm hands cradled her jaw, his thumbs caressing her cheeks, his eye contact firm.
���I never want you to be afraid to tell me something, okay? Especially, how you feel.”
Immediately, Kagome began to crumble. Her cheeks grew hot and her lips twitched downward sadly. Tears too quickly threatened her eyes, and Kagome was hasty to hide her face in his shoulder again.
“I need you to talk to me, Kagome. What’s going on?” He asked, returning to rubbing her back. In the silence as he waited, he picked up the back hem of the large shirt she wore, pushing his hands beneath so he could gently massage her skin. The heat from her, the softness, he craved it right now. “Was it something I did?”
Kagome fervently shook her head against him.
“I’m never going to understand unless you tell me, baby. That wasn’t the normal amount of nervousness you’d expect when saying something like that. So, what’s going on?”
“I just didn’t want you to feel obligated to say it back if you weren’t ready.” Kagome sniffled, hugging him tighter.
“Okay, I get that. And, what else?”
“That’s all.”
“You can’t lie to me.”
“Can we just pretend nothing happened and go back to our happy date night?” She whined playfully.
“Unfortunately, no.” Inuyasha chuckled, catching her small attempt at laughing off her problems. “I can’t do that while you’re crying on me, Kagome.”
“I’m not crying.” She sniffled again.
“Oh? You’re not?”
“Nope. These are just allergies.”
“And, what are you suddenly allergic to?”
“Feelings.” Kagome giggled, though she began crying harder, only because her boyfriend was being sweet and obviously getting through to her. She both hated and loved it at the same time.
Inuyasha kissed her shoulder, holding her a little tighter as his hand slipped higher up her bare back. The curve from her little slouch against him had her spine popping out slightly, and ever so softly, Inuyasha traced his fingers over the bones.
“What were you so afraid of me saying?” He all but whispered.
Mustering up some courage, Kagome leaned back, using one hand to meagerly clear her messy face of tears. She took a few unsteady breaths before speaking, her eyes falling to the hem of the collar of his black top, and she allowed her fingers to distractingly drag along it.
“I didn’t want you to tell me you loved me if you weren’t ready or felt pressured, because I don’t want you to take it back later on.”
The hanyou’s brows furrowed inquisitively and he was unable to bite back the reaction of his head cocking to the side in bemusement.
“What?” He almost hissed. “Why would I do that?”
Kagome didn’t answer, continuing to play with the shirt he wore.
“Kagome, why are you afraid of that happening? Don’t tell me -“ Inuyasha had to tense his breath in his lungs to refrain from letting his upset get the better of him. “Did your ex…?”
She responded with the littlest nod, worrying her bottom lip incessantly. “Multiple times.”
“Multiple times?” He echoed on an exhale, his expression widening. His hands were holding her hips, squeezing as comfortingly as possible, but Inuyasha was struck cold. Not only had someone shattered her, but someone managed to look at this woman on top of him and take back their love on more than one occasion? This girl? How? He’d only had her for half a year and he was scared shitless of losing her, so it didn’t make any fucking sense that someone would just toss her aside like that as if she meant nothing.
Slowly, Kagome curled forward, tucking herself against his shoulder. It was like a safety net. Inuyasha was so warm, he held her perfectly every time she felt emotional and vulnerable. As much as she didn’t want to talk about this, she knew this topic would come up eventually. It was a staple of her by now, something she was clearly conditioned to expect after years of receiving it, and even before she fell in love with the man stroking her back beneath her shirt, she knew this issue would arise. It wasn’t going to be easy or quick to work through, that was a given, and she knew he was ultimately going to need to know some of the toxic occurrences of her previous relationship; things that were done to her and things she’d done, as well. She’d considered it was going to be something he’d want clarity on as soon as she admitted her feelings. It was fair. Being on the other end of things, he deserved to know what she’d been through and why she inadvertently responded the way she had.
It was just hard. It was hard to think about and hard to talk about.
But, if she could power through her fear of admitting her feelings, then she could give him everything else, too. It was another step in the right direction, no matter how unsteady the pathway seemed.
“I told him I loved him first, and he responded by telling me I shouldn’t. He was my first love, so I didn’t really know how to react or what to say to that. It’s not like I could just take it back or agree or something.”
“Right.” Inuyasha almost hummed, listening intently to her explanation as he kissed her shoulder here and there.
“Almost a year later, he told me he was falling in love with me. A few months after that, he took it back and said he wasn’t so sure anymore since we’d been arguing.”
The half demon couldn’t control his reaction to hold Kagome a little tighter. It was like an attempt to protect her from things he knew he couldn’t begin to protect her from. If he could control it, no one would ever speak to her like that. No one would ever hurt her this way. No one would ever be able to apply that pressure to her shoulders, because how could she not feel obligated to be perfect and compliant in order to feel valued and cherished?
“Then, I don’t know how long later, he told me he loved me again. It stayed consistent for a while. He’d tell me periodically, particularly when I did nice things for him or if I said it first. Then, again, he ended up taking it back. I had felt it that time and asked him if he still loved me. He said, ‘I don’t know.’ Followed by,” Kagome’s fingers clutched Inuyasha’s shirt, exhaling tremblingly, though she had been doing so well at keeping it together. “‘Maybe soon I’ll love you again, though.’ So, I idiotically stayed. I held onto that hope. I waited and waited until we got into this stupid fight and he broke up with me the next day. He made sure to emphasize that he didn’t love me. But, said he might in the future, we’d just need to stay friends. ‘You never know what the future stores.’”
God, Inuyasha wanted to kill him.
“There was one night after we finally found separate places, we were packing, getting ready to move out of our shared apartment, and we were talking about old things. He told me he never loved me. And, I just never understood why things went on for so long just because he wasn’t sure. Why would you say it if you didn’t? Why couldn’t he have let me go sooner? What good was I if he didn’t even want me there? I wasn’t strong enough to leave, but he was because he literally hung that over my head for most of the time we were together, threatening me with leaving if I didn’t do something right. I have so many things to work through because of him, so many trauma responses to correct, trust issues that I’m projecting unto you, and he walked away like nothing ever happened.” Kagome cried, once again shaking against Inuyasha.
All he could do was kiss her, hush her soothingly, hold her tight, rub the hot flesh of her back. Let her cry. He understood now. He got it. It was why she struggled to take compliments the first time around. It was why she second-guessed sweet gestures. It was why she assumed everything was sarcastic and insincere. It was why she thought her love for him was problematic. She didn’t want him to say anything because she was scared of the words, “I love you.” They meant nothing to some people, they were used as tools, and so easily, they could be erased. Sad thing was, Inuyasha was sure that even if he said the words right here and now, she wouldn’t even believe him.
“Of course, he’s obviously not the sole reason for why I am the way that I am. Can’t give him credit for everything.” Kagome gave a wet giggle, again laughing through her problems. Her coping mechanisms were all over the place, but it was still cute.
Inuyasha sighed defeatedly, laughing lightly as he rested his head on her shoulder.
“So,” He breathed. “You didn’t want me to say anything because you figured nothing was better than something I could hurt you with.”
Her silence was as good as confirmation.
Inuyasha pulled her in firmer, an arm supporting her low back as he picked her up, rotated their bodies, crawled a little further on the bed, and laid her beneath him on the mattress. He had a knee between her legs, but rested on her side, an elbow propping him up while he used his free hand to gently swipe her tears away.
“It was more because I didn’t want you to feel pressured.” Kagome finally spoke after moments of peaceful silence, taking the opportunity he provided to calm down before continuing. “But, then I started to panic. I felt like this is supposed to be a good thing, right? Not everyone is going to respond the way he does, right? I just wanted to tell you so bad. It’s supposed to be a good thing, but I got trapped in my head thinking history would only repeat itself.”
“Baby, are you sure you were ready to tell me?” Inuyasha inquired, dragging his finger along her temple to clean the tears that followed gravity.
She nodded, her bottom lip quivering. “It’s bad enough that I’m afraid of love. I didn’t want to allow myself to sink and be afraid to love, too. That’s not me. I feel like I’d only be letting him stick around in my mind if I did that, but I just want to love you. I do.” Kagome cried, eyes falling away from him. “I wanted you to know, and I’ve been holding onto it long enough.”
Inuyasha leaned his head down, kissing her shoulder. It wasn’t enough for him. He needed to feel her skin beneath his lips so he pulled the baggy collar away so he could leave a tender and invisible mark on her clavicle.
“How long?” The hanyou breathed.
“A month or so.” She matched his soft tone, trying to steady her lungs and bring herself back to a calm. “The night you went on your business trip.”
“Not too bad. It was the groggy voice, huh?”
Though her eyes were still wet and the hair at the sides of her temples were soaked, her cheeks flushed, Kagome glanced back over to him with a hint of surprise. “How’d you know?”
“Because, I knew I’d get a response from you. Always do.” He smirked, planting sweet kisses against her cheek, and moving up to kiss tears away.
“You know I like that?”
“It’s my job to read you like a book, baby. I take my work very seriously. You’re subtle, but I see things I do that you like. You’ve got little mannerisms that give you away.”
“Like what?”
He hummed a decline. “I’m not giving that secret to you. Let me have this. You know what I will tell you?”
“Do you promise to hear me out? No interrupting, okay? Just listen to me.”
There was an increase in the tension that climbed through her muscles, and her pout turned weary. Inuyasha took a moment to continue kissing her temple, her cheekbone, his palm finding its way beneath her shirt to softly stroke her tummy. When she relaxed a little, he leaned back to look at her.
“Remember that day Rin took a nap with you? I stayed up that night. Couldn’t sleep. I had you here next to me, and I just couldn’t stop listening to the sound of your breathing. I was scared shitless, but the crazy fucking part was, even though you weren’t awake, having you right here helped keep me calm. It was counterintuitive. I was both scared of you and at peace with you. I wanted you to wake up and do that thing where you tickle the small of my back with your fingers because, god, nothing feels better than that. It was like you held all of me in the palm of your hands, and you could easily drop it in the trash at any given moment. But, it’s you. I knew you wouldn’t. That was my night, though. That was the moment I realized I was in love with you.”
Kagome hardened slightly, and he could literally hear how hard her heart was thumping within her chest. She didn’t smile, didn’t frown, didn’t make much of any expression really, aside from her brows giving a minor, inward twitch.
“That was quite a few months ago. Nothing’s changed. If anything, it’s gotten deeper. I’m so worried one day you’ll walk out those doors and never come back. I don’t want to lose you just as badly as you don’t want to lose me.” He was the one to hide his face this time, tucking it within her neck as he threaded his arms around her back, holding her close. He hadn’t expected her to clutch him in return, but she did. Immediately. Kagome supported him through his own moment of vulnerability, but more importantly, he felt it was a way to communicate her reception. “I don’t care how many times I have to say it until you begin to believe me. I don’t care what I have to do to make you feel secure in our relationship. I’ll do it all. You know I don’t say shit unless I mean it.”
“I believe you.” Kagome whispered, a small hiccup at the tale end that jostled her chest. “That’s the scary part.”
He nodded again, pulling away to gently press his forehead to hers for a moment.
“I get it.” Inuyasha breathed before leaning back to look her in the eyes. “But, one of these days you’ll understand that no matter what happens, I won’t take a damn thing back. You’ll see that I don’t want it back. I feel like my heart’s safer with you, anyway.”
“Stop it.” She pouted, but he knew that was her way of conceding. Even as she cried a little harder and tucked herself into his chest so he couldn’t see it. “You’re being too sweet. Be mean to me again.”
Inuyasha chuckled, raising his hand, “As you wish.” He said, smacking it down against her butt.
The little yelp she released was so sad but adorable as she flinched away from the sting, but it inadvertently brought her to cuddle closer to him. The hanyou laughed, brushing his fingers through her hair and massaging her scalp.
“Can you do something for me?” He asked.
“Hm?” She grumbled into his chest.
“Tell me again. This time look right at me. Don’t look away, don’t fidget, just trust me. That was my first time hearing it. I gotta hear it straight.”
She hadn’t realized Inuyasha hadn’t heard the words before. She didn’t know that. This was big for him too, if not bigger. Was she his first love? Was she the first person he’d ever said that to? Kagome felt a warmth course through her, and even though she was slightly nervous, she didn’t feel unsteady. Not while he held her. Not while his amber eyes were above her, watching her with an emotion she’d never before seen. She came out of hiding with a level of ease she hadn’t felt a moment ago, secure, one of his hands lightly trailing her side beneath her borrowed shirt.
Her fingers had a mind of their own, reaching for his cheek as she softly caressed it, her thumb tenderly rubbing over his bottom lip. “I love you, Inuyasha.”
It was like a sigh of relief left his lungs, and the corners of his mouth inched upward. His eyes were hooded with affection, and he leaned down to kiss her, lingering on her soft lips.
“Your turn.” Kagome whispered as he pulled away, her brown eyes shifting from his eyes to his lips.
It felt incredible that she wanted to hear it now. And, though he knew everything was going to take time until she felt comfortable with the idea that he wouldn’t take a damn thing back, he knew it would take time to work through her trust issues little-by-little, he didn’t mind. Because, she was his and he was hers, and he was all too happy to hold her hand and walk by her side while they figured everything out. He couldn’t fix this for her. He hated that he couldn’t take her pain away. That’s not how it worked, though. He knew this. She knew this. Inuyasha was her partner through everything, and he’d be the best fucking partner he could be.
He grinned with their foreheads pressed together, his hand on her waist gripping tighter as he couldn’t help but chuckle from sheer bliss. “God, I’m so fucking in love with you.”
Kagome smiled, pushing Inuyasha over to roll on top, once more straddling his hips as she gazed down at him. She wanted to burn this image of him in her mind. She never wanted to forget that soft look in his eyes, or the way he reached up and tenderly wiped away any remaining tears that stained her face. He meant it. She believed him. And, she hoped with everything inside of her that he never took it away from her.
She curled down, cuddling into her chest and Inuyasha immediately turned his head to kiss her forehead. He held her close, gently stroking her hair back and basking in her incredibly comforting heat. He loved her. He loved her so goddamn much. His Kagome.
“What do you need right now, baby?”
“Nothing.” She hummed.
“What do you want, then.”
He knew she struggled with that one, but whenever he asked, she did her best to communicate properly. “Touch my butt again.”
Inuyasha laughed huskily, his hands gliding down her back to take a firm and wonderful hold on her ass.
“And, pizza.”
“Oh, see, I’m a step ahead of you on that one. Ordered a couple before you got out of the shower.”
Kagome gave a short half whine - half squeal of happiness as she cuddled in closer and kissed his neck. “Thank you.”
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vegan-peppermint · 4 years
What happened last night? part 2
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Fandom: Harry Potter- Marauders Era
Chapter summery: The Gryffindors party got a little wild last night. You confront Sirius about what happened between you two.
Genre: fluff, angst, smut
Warnings: mentions of sexual interaction, mentions of hints of rape?
word count; 1.7 k
Part 1 part 3
Buy me a coffee
 After an agonizing lesson you couldn’t wait but ask Sirius about last night. Just the thought of you doing something inappropriate with one of your best friends, not to mention while being passed out drunk, made you very uncomfortable. Oh, God, if you can’t even remember because of how much you had to drink, you don’t want to imagine how sloppy the sex could’ve been.  Definitely, your memories of your make-out session were under the pink filter of alcohol poisoning. You could only hope he had been just as drunk as you.
 While everyone was packing you hurried and grabbed Sirius by his hand.
“A word, Black?” you didn’t even wait for an answer and just dragged him out of the classroom.
“Oh do I love it when you take control, doll!” he said loud enough for the whole goddamn school to hear.
“Sirius, I’m not joking”
 “Me neither. Honestly!” he gave you the most genuine smile. You ignored his snarly attitude and didn’t stop walking. “Where are you taking me? Was it all too good last night?” he stopped putting his hands on your sides. “So good you just have to have me right now. Oh, and in the school’s hallway on top of everything!” his eyes measured you up and down making you feel so embarrassed. “Such a dirty girl, are we not?”
 “Oh my GOD, Sirius! Can you please, please just drop it?” you said desperately. And it looked as if he was truly considering this until his side mouth arched into the most arrogant smirk you have ever seen.
 “I love it when you beg.”
 You just stared at him blankly. He was just a lost cause, wasn’t he? Just looking at you so innocently with his puppy eyes, mocking you about God knows what you did. All of this as if he did not just literally punch a slytherin last night just because he talked to you? The nerve of some people.
 “Sirius,” you lowered your voice nervously looking around. He picked on and came closer to you. “I don’t really remember that much.” You admitted awkwardly. “I remember us, uhm” you shot him a quick look before nervously turning your eyes to your shoes. “I remember us on the stairs.”
 His expression seemed serious for a change. He looked like he was actually listening to you as if he was interested in how you actually felt about last night. He removed his hands from your arms which made you feel a bit more relaxed.
 “It is all blurry though-“
Sirius cupped your face making you whimper.
“It takes me everything not to fuck you senseless right now”
“It takes me everything not to beg you to do it.”
“Some parts are less blurry than others.” You continued finally daring to look at him. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were watching you very, very carefully.
 “I just wanted to say I was very drunk, and I am sorry if I did something that overstepped your boundaries, and I- Uhm, and I-“, his expression looked so worried, maybe even scared? Yet his vulnerability didn’t make you braver, no. If anything it only made you more anxious. “I just wanted to say that I probably did some very inappropriate stuff and I don’t know if you remember-“
 “God, I remember” he spoke clearly. “I did not stop remembering since it happened.”
 You felt your stomach fall all five stories beneath you. Sirius seemed to feel the same yet he never for once broke eye-contact.
 “I made a total dick out of myself last night, shouting at you and punching that Slytherin, and yet here you are. Here you are apologizing? You are apologizing to me? For overstepping my boundaries? MY boundaries?” his laugh hinted some sadness, you didn’t dare to assume it was shame. “I was aggressive and jealous over nothing. You were drunk, so much drunker than me and I saw that.” He looked to the side maybe sorting his thoughts. “I still didn’t stop. I was such a dick last night. I do not deserve your apology. If anything I am sorry I let it happen.”
 You remained silent. What on earth were you supposed to say? You didn’t really think about it but now that he said it like this… You really were vulnerable last night. You feel quite strange realizing that you did some things with Sirius that you no longer remember. But he does. He knew you were much drunker than him yet he didn’t stop. You did not know what to say and you thought you never will.
 “What else happened last night?” you whispered softly.
 “What do you mean?”
 “After the stairs,” you looked up at him. “what happened after?”
 Sirius looked at you confused.
 “Nothing! You passed out and I just put you to bed, I swear!” he stepped back. “God, Y/N, you thought something more happened?”
You stared at him.
“I mean you DID make it sound as if it was more?” you asked confused.
 “Y/N! I’m not a rapist!” he looked really hurt which amused you rather. He looked at you very concerned at lowered his voice. “I am so sorry I ever made you feel as if I could do something like that.”
 Well, it explains why you can’t remember anything past that moment. You were relieved that you finally remembered the night and nothing too wild happened. You were not mad at Sirius making out with you last night. The memories were kinda hot and it was something you always secretly wanted to do. However, you couldn’t help but savor Sirius’ guilt. He made fun of you all morning, this serves him right up you would say.
“I don’t think I can forgive you, Sirius.” You swore you could see him wince. “Really.”
 “Y/N, I am so, so sorry. I understand any decision you will make but-“
 “Silence!” you tried your best not to laugh. “You know, in my culture after basically invading me like that you would be obliged to marry me.”
 Sirius was startled, he clearly was so lost.
”In your what now?”
 “Honestly, how would I seem in the public eye?”
 “The public eye?” he repeated blankly.
 “Precisely. You have no choice but to marry me. After that encounter how could another man even look at me?”
 Sirius took a deep breath and started to massage his temples. It took him some time before coming back with the pretentious shit-eating grin you grew to love.
 “Unfortunately, I cannot marry you. You are not beautiful, do not have any wealth and, quite frankly, you are short”
  “The best you got?” You giggled.
 “Ah, ah, ah!” he interrupted you. “However! Because I am so generous-“
 “And kind” you added.
 “And kind.” He completed. He came closer this time, eyes sparkling. “I shall take you on one (he raised one finger as if to be more clear), one date to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop.”
“Puddifoot's Tea Shop?” you questioned teasingly. “That’s quite romantic, Black. I don’t think I’ll be able to restrict myself to only one date after that.”
 “Then I’ll have no other choice than to take you on more.” He smiled, and for the first time, you saw his smile. No disrespectful snigger or smugly smirk, just his smile. This made you realized he was serious.
 You stopped grinning and glared at him. Was he genuinely asking you on a date? The infamous Sirius goddamn Black, with who you had a drunk make-out session last night had the audacity (THE AUDACITY) to ask you on a fucking date?
 “What?” you asked abruptly. He looked fascinated at your lips then back at your eyes before bursting out laughing which only made your cheeks burn. You felt so stupid for believing this prick. “Whatever, Black. I’ll go to my next class, you should do. Can’t afford to lose more points.” You spurted rushing past him, eyesight in the ground. You prayed he wouldn’t notice your embarrassment but you knew very well it was written all over your stupid lobster face.  
“Hey, hey wait, doll!” he caught your arm squeezing it just enough to make you think of his grip in other circumstances. “You did not tell me when we are going on our date.” He chuckled realizing you won’t dare answer again. “I was thinking Saturday, after Quidditch?” he raised an eyebrow scanning your expression which only made you look somewhere behind him. You waited a little for the punchline but it never came. You glanced at Sirius again before nodding. He raised his eyebrows quickly before smiling widely. You never noticed how sharp his canines were before.
 “See you Saturday!” he said before waving and walking away. He walked like the biggest stick was up his ass and you could only burst out laughing. What the fuck did just happen?
//Okay so it was kinda rushed, I’m sorry. I was just so excited to post this chapter that I rushed through the story line :((
The next chapters will not be named “what happened last night” (for obvious reasons) but will be the same story line. I will put a master list in the description as soon as I figure out how to do that.//
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acklesterritory · 3 years
Bad Ideas_Ch. 1
Hey guys, I'm back with a new story.
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1. Dean tags or 2.series tags or 3.oneshot tags.
And reblog so the others see this post too. Thanks
**Second*I'm planning on finishing this story in 2 parts but sometimes it can take longer so no promises.
Dean x Reader
This chapter words~4k
Series Warning: +18, a/b/o relationships, Dom/Sub(No details. You know I hate spoilers), Angst, Smut, Unprotected sex (You're wiser that that), Cheating, Language, Hurt reader
Summary: She was supposed to get married and imprint her beloved wolf but what happens when a dominant hunter shows up to hunt them?
This chapter song: Wild by John legend feat Gary Clark Jr. Listen here
And I stole @jay-and-dean 's divider *sorry*
Happy reading and may you leave me something cause feedbacks are writer's fuel.
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Mad, Sad, pretty, savage, seductive, crazy!
An obvious alpha.
I knew it from the first time I laid my eyes on her.
Couple of weeks ago I was at a luxury restaurant in my Fed suit to meet a businessman who could be involved in our new case. Doing that random investigation, I was getting convinced that there ain't any useful information and he was nothing but a waste of the time. So I excused myself and left the table to call Sam in the lobby. He had to know it was a dead end. But just when I was putting my phone back in my pocket, someone grabbed my arm from behind and pushed me against the wall out of blue.
"Say your name."
Wasn't my first time to face a seductive woman but for some unknown reason her whisper sent a shiver down my spine and I couldn't stop my eyes from gazing at her curves in that elegant black outfit.
"Listen. I got myself into this awful situation where I had to face this filthy woman announcing everyone in my birthday party that she was sleeping with my fiance. So before he show up to stop me, I need you to help them realizing something very important about me. And that help will be appreciated. So make your mind. You can just simply say your name and mention your price or I will kill you to make a scene and skip everyone's pitty looks part." She told me, running her right leg up, between my legs. To make me feel the bulge of her thigh holester underneath her dress: *She had a gun*
Wetting my lips, I looked down into her eyes for a second. She had some make up on but I knew enough to be sure that wild look couldn't be fake. She was a werewolf who probably had no idea what she got herself into.
"Name's Dean." I bit on my lip. Why I let her know my real name? I had no idea. I didn't want to think about it either. I just wanted to hold my gaze there, Letting myself to catch on those burning flames in her eyes.
"And sorry sweetheart. I'm off the sale."
I brought my lips closer to her ear so she could hear my whisper. However I hadn't to bend so much. Even without those elegant highheels, she was taller than a normal chick.
"What do you want, then?" She almost hissed on my lips before I pushed her back.
"Maybe I want you to be even more angry. Who knows?" I joked, distracting her for a second by my intentional smirk.
"You are a hunter, aren't you?" This time she surprised.
"What?" I narrowed my eyes and peaked out the tongue to wet my lips when she turned around for a second to catch a glimpse of whoever was approaching us.
"Just save my honor and then I'm yours. Kill, rape, torture. I don't mind anymore." There was no regret, shame or sorrow in her tone. She just stated it like a random proven fact. No hesitation, no hard feelings, no doubts. She was speaking like a smart commander in a war field, negotiating with her enemy to just save the day.
And to be honest I was stunned by that behavior. I know that I could resist her when she right away reached out but the thing is I didn't want to. As soon as she snaked her arms around my neck, her smell surrounded me like a trap. A captivating one. So pleasant! Then her lips were on mine in a shameless open-mouthed kiss. With her tongue dancing with mine.
I closed my eyes and immediately blood started to run wild in my veins. Every fiber, every cell were reacting to her warm body against my cold existence. It felt strange. I never was aroused by a kiss this fast. Not even when I was just a virgin teen.
"Y/n?!" A gruff voice called her. So she had to draw an unintentional groan out of me to break the kiss.
"That's him." She murmured on my lips. And I opened my eyes to look at a tall man in his fancy tuxedo. He was handsome. But not as much as he was wealthy. His watch could cost the whole hotel itself!
"What are you doing?" Eyes burning, he stared at me. Like he was watching the most terrible scene ever in his life.
"Well, ..." She smiled mischievously, getting out of my arms to stand next to me.
"Just enjoying my heat with a man who actually can handle it." She stated, smiling with her head up, radiating power.
"What..." The man's gaze shifted between us in disbelief.
"What do you ... what does ..." He was getting red by anger. And it seemed she couldn't care less.
"This is a break up, Jamie. I'm done with your endless excuses. I'm done with you, sleeping around while you can't even satisfy my needs in the bed. I need a better man."
*well, shit*
"You're … how you … can …" The man stuttered, shaking his head in disbelief. I looked around and found out people were gathering around us slowly. From the corner of my eyes I spotted two hunk in suits in front of the main door. They were definetaly bodyguards.
"That's it. We are done." She announced while everyone held their breath; watching her taking off her ring and throwing it toward her newly "ex".
"Y/N! …" The man took a step forward. His eyes were on fire and rage. Still his tone was soft, unlike his rough voice. "You can't do this. It's just a misunderstanding."
"Misunderstanding?" She laughed, tilting her head. Everyone could see how her fangs looked perfectly white and sharp: Ready, challenging, threatening!
"Is that so, Jamie?" She mocked before bringing out her phone out of her tiny clutch, throwing it to the guy after playing a video on it. By the noises I could hear, it was a sex type that made the man sweating bullets in no time.
"Now get the fuck out of my way and out of my life." She retorted, grabbing my hand. And as I was planning to win over the two bodyguards who mightly would stop us, we just reached to the main front door.
"Miss Y/l/N …" To my surprise, one of the bodyguards approached us politely. looking cool, calm, and all in control.
"You two can go home, Mark. I'm gonna spend the night with …" She hesitated and shut her eyes for a second to remember my name:
"… Dee. We probably need some private time for the next few days. I'll call you when I feel I need to get back home. But til that, I don't want any interruptions." She declared and by her steady and sure tone I could say she used to talk with them.
"But …"
"Just don't let Jamie get close to me ever again." She cut the bodyguard's word carelessly and then turned her face to look at me.
"You got any car?"
"Of course I do." I gave her my most proud smile.
"Ok then. Let's go out of here. I don't want to even take one more breath in here anymore."
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I watched enough movies and read enough comics and slept with enough women to know that Y/n was a whole different savage alpha.
She was on the baby's seat in just her one single layer fancy dress that barely covered her body while it was freezing cold outside. To the point I could feel the chill in my FBI suit and coat the moment we walked out of the hotel. And still she protested me when I turned on baby's heater.
"She was pregnant." She said bluntly, a few minutes later, looking out of the window like she could see anything in road at that dark night through baby's steamed up glass.
I looked over her and catch a glimpse of her tears before she could wipe them.
"I can't believe he did this to me. Out of all the people, Jamie was the last one I expected him to betray me." She was hurting but her voice wasn't shaky. She still sounded more angry than sad.
"Maybe he didn't. Maybe the chick misused the hit of a moment to trick him."
*Why I'm defending him? He is a freaking werewolf!*
I had no idea! Maybe I was trying to soothe her pain. But Why?
"Yeah, maybe. But after all he is the one who let the devil in!" Her sound wasn't more than a whisper but it woke the old screams of my guiltyconscience in my head:
*How many times I had let the devil get in me?*
"Screw him." She said through her clenched teeth. Then she threw her head back and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Screw him. Screw dad. And screw the whole royal pack. Screw everything!"
I sighed, knowing she will be angry for a while. So I turned on the radio, changing the stations to find something that might distract her. I just didn't need to watch that lady's upcoming tears.
I … wanna take you so far.
Out past the Saturn rings
And into my heart
The rhythm catched my attention immediately. It sounds like a nice song. A comforting one.
I wanna drive you
Wild, wild, wild
I wanna love you
For miles and miles
I chuckled, patting Baby on the wheels.
We can go slow,
we don't need to rush
I'll take the wheel,
make you feel every touch
I wanna drive you
Wild, wild, wild
"Where is the lie, Baby? I always do." I chuckled, enjoying how the song perfectly suit us.
"Are you talking to me or to your old ass car?"
I was so ready to make Y/n regret that harsh remark, yet when I turned to give her my deadliest frown, she got me almost chocked on my tongue.
"Wha …"
A lace black lingerie hanging around the right knee, she had her legs wide open on my passenger seat‌, playing with her bare core with her delicate fingers while her left foot was using dashboard to support her weight.
Lay on the passenger's side
Tell me how fast you want
We'll get there tonight
Her right strap dropped when she jolted in her sex fever, almost revealing whole of her bare chest. And all of this was happening while she still had her eyes closed, panting in pain. I felt like I lost the ability to even form a God damn sound.
Oh, fire, you set me on fire
I swear you're the only one
I'd take on this ride
"What … are you … doing?!" My voice sounded horrible, scratchy and far. I darted my tongue to wet my lips but my mouth was already dry by watching her. It was no surprise that she didn't noticed my question. She was already lost in her body. Her neck was glistening under road's occasional faint lights and now all I could feel was her warmth in the small room of the car, already surrendered to her astounding smell, in middle of a freaking winter night.
… Oh, oh
Wanna love you
Wanna touch you
Wanna drive you
Wild, wild, wild …
I jumped out of my skin when a sudden honk drew my attention out … to the road and I finally noticed the truck that could crash us to hell if I couldn't rotate the wheel just on time.
*Dang* Something beside me hit the windshield the moment I stepped on the break. Then a shattering sound cut the air.
"Y/N!" I screamed, trying to pull over without making any other mess.
"Hey … you hear me?" I asked as I turned to see her face buried in her hairs on the dashboard. A part of the windshield was broken in an oval shape, broken pieces scattered mostly on the passenger side while the rest of it had some cracks on.
"Y/N!" I called her again but when I couldn't get any answer, I get out of the car to circulate baby and open the passenger door.
"Hey … look here, can you hear me?" I pulled her carefully back, to rest her head against the seat, securing her neck between my hands. That was when my eyes catched on the sight of a deep cut on her forehead, right under the hair line. And it was bleeding.
She moaned, goosebumps raised on her skin everywhere around my fingers.
"I think I need to lay down on the back seat." She said, before opening her eyes.
"Are you in pain?" I couldn't help myself, not knowing why I suddenly would care that much?
She smiled and I reached to wipe the oozing blood on my thumb.
"I got a first-aid box in my trunk. Just wai…"
Before I could finish my saying and right as I started to withdraw, she grabbed my arm to hold me still.
"No, help me to the back seat." For a second I got lost in her eyes, feeling an odd fultter in the dip of my stomach, pulling me like a meaningless swarf toward the magnet of her wondrous touch.
Mostly humans know that drinking sea water or getting hit by a gunshot can cause their death. But could that knowledge stop them from exploring oceans or fighting for their honor in the war fields?
"Dean …"
Well, I was a human too. A human who could be attracted to unknowns, being aware that it could be very dangerous. Or maybe more marvelous.
"You ok?" I asked as soon as I had her on my back seat, gazing at the sweat running down on the side of her face while one of my legs were resting inside of car, the other: still out, planted on the ground.
"I think I've hurt my back." I spotted a tremor in her voice as she avoided my puzzled look and stared down to her lap like she was hiding a secret there. Was that weapon still hidden there in that holster?
I checked my gun to be where it should've been. If she (as a werewolf) was up to kill me (as a hunter), I knew this could be her best shot. And honestly if It was me, I would've used the same trick.
"Are you gonna wait there for the rest of the night?" She raised her eyebrows and instantly hissed as the deep cut on her forehead got wrinkled with this simple move.
Taking a deep breath, I pulling myself completely in and closed the door behind. Well, I was aware that without any way out, she could've killed me much easier. But what kind of human could touch the moon without taking any fetal risk?
However I still didn't want to hurt her. So I hoped she wouldn't do what an enemy should do.
As I was all ready to confront her attack, she slightly turned her back to me. Then she grabbed her long hair and put them aside, giving me the access to her spine.
"Can you check it for me?"
Well, if she wanted to play, I was game too. In the end, I had killed enough werewolves to know how I could manage an alpha one like her. But … it was about something more. Something way stronger: A wild need and an ancient desire to touch her bare skin on my fingertips, tongue and teeth. A perfect example of a hunter and his prey. And yet … I was feeling like the first man who was about to discover the fire too.
"Do you want me to unzip it?" I asked to be sure. Never wanted her to feel like I would hurt her honor just because we were enemies. Even when touching her was all I could think about at the moment.
"Yes, please." She whispered and I noticed the same burning wish in her soft tone. So I couldn't help my fingers run their way on her back and touch the velvety fabric of her outfit.
She inhaled loudly as I unzipped the dress, watching the goosebumps raising on her skin as I was tracking down on her spine.
"I don't think you got any wound here."
"Then why I'm in pain?" She asked, leaning back to me. And I subconsciously pulling her dress down, not knowing why my everything wanted to touch her more?
"Hunter." Her breaths got quickened and as she rested her head back on my right shoulder and nuzzled her nose in my neck, I could tell she was still burning up.
"I'm in heat." She said, panting. And that was the moment I realized she was already lost by just imagining me inside of her.
"Y/n …"
"Dean ..." She whined as her hand found the side on my head.
"Dean, I need you." With that she pushed me down to claim my lips in a lustful kiss.
I could be a caveman or a scientist, or even an astronaut but for sure she was more than a thunderstorm or the electricity or even the mars itself.
"Ah … " She whimpered, her body twisted in my arms, like an angry wounded animal that was seeking for a remedy. From her owner.
"This is such a bad idea." I said as my hands grabbed her waist, trying to control her moves when she started to roll her hips impatiently.
"That's what people always say. To Galileo, To Da Vinci, even to ..." She claimed, taking my fingers with her delicate ones, to guide my hands up on her body.
" … to whoever with … " I stole her breath as my hands reached to her soft breasts.
"With the …"
She took a shaky breath to keep herself together. But I was that man who just had landed on the moon and now wasn't able to stop trying. So I grazed my teeth on the skin of her neck, marking her with a hickey right as I squeezed her breasts, giving her aroused nipples the special attention they deserved with my thumbs. Well, she fought to not fall apart and I had to fill her blank spaces:
"Best ideas?" I asked before biting on her lips, feeling the burning heat that was coming out of her skin. Could moon ever be the sun too?
"Hunter!" She almost cried as my left hand travels down on her belly and hips to find her already swelled bud and part her labia. "HUNTER!"
This time she really screamed as my thumb brushed her bud again while my other two digits sank in her warm core. Her walls sucked on my fingers.
I was still rubbing her nipple with my other hand when she dug her nails in my arms.
"No!" She gasped.
"No? I thought you said it's not a bad idea."
I whispered before taking her earlobe between my teeth and pulled on it as her back fought hard to arch against my body. She got speechless, drown in whatever the black hole we both had fallen into. Now time and place were lost for us so I tightened my arms more around her body.
"Shush, alpha. Take it easy." I said as I removed my fingers from where I was making her weak. And that was out of the bare truth of a human's nature. We love to possess and we love to own. Even if it's the moon and the sun or maybe a lost star in the Infinity of the universe.
She jolted forward in ecstasy and I had to grabbed her wrists firmly before she could end herself: "No."
"Please! … God." She whimpered. Thighs shaking with need and thirst. But I knew better.
"My name is Dean."
But what else could make a negligible creature like me feel like a God more than this wolf of women during her pleasure?
I kissed her shoulder and hugged her from behind, letting her cool down as our warmth were mixing in the small room of the car. She was panting again.
"Come here."
I turned her chin toward my face, tasting her lips in an open mouthed and yet tender kiss, taking my time to draw some deep moans out of her chest.
Til she was nothing more than a pounding heart or a throbbing mess and a mind which had already got blind by lust.
Somehow I wanted this prideful moment to last forever.
"Deeaaaan!" She rubbed her thighs against each other, trying her best to control her wild necessity to come. I could tell it was making her mad cause now she couldn't even sit up in my lap.
"Lay down, sweetheart" I encouraged. And as she did, I got rid of our clothes as soon as I could. When I was done, I noticed her passionate gaze on me.
"You'll be the death of me!" She admitted and I bent to lick her along her jaw.
"No, I need you alive. We still got some dirty work to do."
My whisper made her shiver. And moan. Again and again.
Looking down, I watched how her body were twisting under me, once more rubbing her thights together as I was holding her wrists up beside her head.
"Open up, alpha." I commended, reaching to her core, making her pants in pain as I mercilessly squeezed her bud.
She took another shaky breath, as she parted her legs for me. So I take the advantage to lube myself with her juice as she was already dripping.
"I said don't come yet." I slapped her breast and bent to bite her hard on the other one, sliding myself in her velvety heaven.
"DEAN!" She cried and her eyes rolled. And I tried to freeze this image in my mind. Could a God be more proud of himself?
But It was just the beginning. I decided to start my favorite rhythm to slam into her. And kept watching her bliss and how her soft and round breast were bouncing every time out hips met.
"You're doing good, sweetheart. I know you can." I could not stopped my smile when I realized she'd almost fainted, fighting against her mad orgasm.
"Aa…ha." She tried to answer but it sounded more like a painful moan which I muffled it in a kiss. Sweet and sore. Wet and shameless. We now were a part of one another. The mystery was solved. The cold God was melting in the arms of the sun. The man kind had won the moon.
"Come." I groaned and her walls clenched around me, sucking me inside of her.
Her back arched violently and I had to clutched at the leather seats to keep myself up when an unstoppable rush of pleasure hit both of us.
And just like that, we made the big trouble. The gravity that could swallow our futures all together …
"To be continued".
Temporary tag list: @akshi8278 @adoptdontshoppets @slamminmine @missafairy @anunstablefangirl @lauraashley93 @mimaria420 @roonyxx @chocolateheart @cocahood @pandaxo79 @bennyspengwing @holylulusworld
58 notes · View notes
redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
By the Sea Part Thirteen
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Mermaid!Reader
Requested: No (Requests are closed except for a few, see pinned post for details. I also no longer do taglists)
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Description:   Y/N is a mermaid that longs for the land.  Her friend Natasha tells her that she knows a human who will take care of her and leads her there, she only has one rule: do not under any circumstances fall in love with a human.  But Steve’s friend Bucky is drawing her in, in ways she hadn’t expected.  Will Y/N be able to return to the ocean once her stay in the human realm is complete?  And what happens when Natasha learns that Y/N is betrothed to be married to their king’s son?  Will she drag her friend back or keep her hidden amongst the humans?
A/N: The gif is meant to be Natasha.
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“Let go of me!” Y/N cried as Peter dragged her toward the beach. “Peter, release me!”
Peter glared at Y/N, “Fraternizing with the humans, what were you thinking Y/N?”
Y/N still struggled against Peter’s strong grip, she didn’t want to go with him, and up until this point he had kept her gagged so no one could hear her, but from this distance no one at the festival would be able to hear her. “Let me go!”
“Let her go, Peter,” another familiar voice said. Y/N glanced toward the waters where Loki was waiting for the two of them to arrive, a frown on his face. “Thank you for bringing her here, but I need a moment to speak to her alone.”
Peter bowed and headed for the water where he disappeared and left the two of them alone. Y/N stood there eyeing Loki for a moment, “Kidnapping, Loki? Is that really what you’ve resorted to?”
His frown deepened at her questions, at the bitterness in her voice. This isn’t what he had wanted either, but she truly had given him no choice. “Well, what else was I supposed to do? It was clear that you weren’t going to come home. You’re lucky that my father doesn’t know about that human you’ve been spending your time with.”
Y/N stilled, how did Loki know about Bucky, “What do you know about Bucky?”
“That you apparently have feelings for him. I saw the two of you in that flower shop of yours. You kissed him, you’ve never been like that with me and we’ve been engaged for years now.” Y/N swore that there was a hint of jealousy in his voice as he spoke those words.
She knew that he wanted someone to love, that he had hoped that they could find it together. But she wanted freedom that he couldn’t offer her. She wanted adventure and a life that wasn’t about running a kingdom. With Loki, she would never be able to experience the joys of swimming free or being on land again.
“Because I don’t love you,” she said, trying to get him to understand where she was coming from. “I never did. I tried, Loki, I swear I did. I tried to picture myself happy with you because I knew that there was no way out of this. But the closer our wedding got the more I felt like I was suffocating. Loki, I don’t love you. I love you as a friend, but that’s all I can ever love you as.”
He stood and walked closer to her so that they were only a few inches apart, “Couldn’t you grow to love me once we’re married. We can take it slow, I won’t rush you into something you’re not ready for, but this is our life.” There was a hint of desperation in his voice, one last effort to convince her that she could be with him, that they could be happy together.
Y/N glanced back to where the lights of the village could be seen in the distance. This was her home now, the only place she ever wanted to be. She wanted to be here with Steve and the boys. She wanted to build a life with Bucky and let him paint her and run her shop. She craved her life here more than she had ever craved anything before. Looking back at Loki he could see the tears glistening in her eyes, “I belong here. This is my home, this is where my heart led me.”
Loki sighed, he had been afraid that that would be her answer. Unfortunately, his hands were tied. “I’m sorry, but this is how things are. You have to come back with me. I can convince father that you didn’t run away, you won’t be punished.”
All the hope she had felt at trying to convince him began to wither away and die inside her. She would be dragged back to her kingdom whether she wanted it or not. She would become queen and rule at his side and she would never see Bucky again. That felt like a knife to her heart, she would never see him again.
One last effort to get him to see things her way, that’s all she could do at this point. “You could leave me here, say that you didn’t find me, I would never come home, things would be fine.”
“I can’t,” he said sadly. “Father won’t stop until you’re found. It’s better this way.” He took her hand and began leading her toward the water, her tears were falling down her cheeks now.
“Y/N!” Someone shouted her name and she saw Natasha running towards them, a scared look in her eyes.
“Natasha!” Y/N shouted and she yanked on her arm, trying to break free of Loki’s grasp. “Natasha, help!”
Loki pulled Y/N against his chest and spoke to Natasha, “She’s coming home with me, and if I were you I wouldn’t try to stop this. It’s bad enough that you knew where she was the entire time, but what’s worse is that you never told anyone.” He continued backing them up, Natasha’s eyes still locked onto Y/N’s struggling form. “Stay here, Natasha. It’s clear where you’ve always wanted to be.” Then they were gone and Natasha turned to find Steve.
“She’s with Loki!” Natasha burst into the library of Steve’s home. When she couldn’t find the boys at the festival she knew that they had come back here. Everyone in the room looked up at her and she noted the looks the boys were giving her as if they were seeing her in a new light. She didn’t have time to worry about them knowing her secret. “He’s taking her back to our kingdom.”
Bucky stood up, “What are we going to do then? He’ll marry her as soon as possible to make sure she can never come back here.”
Natasha shook her head, “There’s still time. There’s someone I can go to. A sea witch. She may be able to help me. Y/N and Loki won’t be married until the morning at the earliest. We still have time.”
“Do what you need to do,” Bucky told her. “We have to stop that wedding.”
“I’ll try,” Natasha promised as she hurried from the library and to the beach.
Bucky watched her go, praying that they wouldn’t be too late to stop the wedding. He looked back at his friends, “I know it seems crazy, but this isn’t some big practical joke. I swear. Y/N and Natasha are both mermaids.”
“We don’t think you’re lying, Bucky,” Tony told him. “It’s just a lot to process all at once.”
“You’re not mad at us for keeping you in the dark, are you?” Steve asked. He was worried that his friends would be angry at him for keeping this secret for so long now.
Sam shook his head, “It wasn’t your secret to tell at the time. It was up to Natasha and Y/N to tell us if and when they were ready. And given the circumstances of the situation, it was best that you told us instead of leaving us in the dark.”
“Now let’s just pray that Natasha can stop the wedding from happening,” Clint said. “I hate the thought of Y/N being forced into a marriage she wants no part of. That just seems unfair.”
“They’re different from us,” Steve reminded him. “They abide by a different set of rules.”
“Still, it’s not fair,” Clint grumbled.
Meanwhile, Natasha sliced through the dark waters as quickly as she could. There was only one person she knew could save Y/N now and that was the sea witch. She had been to her once before, when she went looking for a way to be turned into a human. There had only been one way though, someone had to take her place as a mermaid. At the time there was no one that she was willing to enlist in helping her fulfill her dream of being fully human. But now there was hope.
“Carol!” She shouted into the dark cave where the sea witch lived. “I know you’re here, answer me!”
Suddenly there was light all around her and she saw the sea witch lounging in a chair, “What do you want little mermaid? It’s been a while since you’ve visited me here, I thought you had given up on your dream of becoming human.”
“My friend, she’s being forced to marry the prince and there’s only one way I know to save her. That potion you offered me all those years ago, I need it. There’s a human that loves her, he can stop the wedding. He can save Y/N from her marriage to Loki.”
Carol smiled and swam forward, her red tail shimmering in the light of the cave, “Finally found someone to take your place as a mermaid I see.” She swam around Natasha and then said, “I’ll help.” She went over to the shelves where she kept her spells bottled, she plucked to vials from the shelf and turned back to Natasha. “You’re really willing to trade your tail for legs to save this friend of yours?”
“I would,” Natasha straightened and looked deep into Carol’s eyes. “She wants to be with him whether she is on land or here in the sea. I won’t let her marry someone she doesn’t love.”
Carol swam back over to Natasha and held out the vials to her. “The red one is for you, the green for him. If you drink it at the same time it will switch your abilities. He will become a merman and you will become a human. Once the switch has been completed there will be no turning back.”
“I understand,” Natasha said as she clutched the vials to her chest. “What do I owe you?”
“Consider it a gift,” the sea witch said.
Natasha hesitated, but nodded her head and quickly hurried off to get the potion to Bucky. Carol watched her go, hoping that their story ended much better than her own had.
Bucky was pacing along the beach with Steve standing there waiting. The boys had decided they were going to head home for the night. They had left several hours before, and the sun was just beginning to rise. Steve and Bucky hadn’t slept a wink as they waited for Natasha to return.
Steve’s eyes lit up when he saw Natasha and Bucky came to stop before rushing to help Natasha up. She held out the green potion, “You have to drink this while I drink mine, it will switch our abilities. You will become a merman and I will become human.”
“Will I always remain a merman or can I shift back into a human?” Bucky asked.
Natasha shook her head, “No, you’ll be able to shift like we can, but think about this carefully, Bucky. Are you willing to give up your humanity to be with Y/N?”
His eyes drifted down to the potion and he took it from her, “I am.”
That was all Natasha needed to hear before the two of them popped the corks on their vials and drained the liquid inside.
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darksou07 · 3 years
Since this isn't something that's been talked a lot about in the alterhuman community, I decided to write this down in order to share with others what this experience is like and hopefully help others with similar experiences to understand themselves, even if that means just accepting what they already knew about who they are.
To give some context, I started playing a game called Your Turn to Die last year thanks to my online friends suggesting it to me. I mean, the game was free, so why not? I recall there was absolutely nothing unusual about the game to me. I had characters that I loved, the ones that despite being well written to my standards I happened to be neutral towards them and there were the ones I absolutely hated. One of the hated ones was this character called Sou Hiyori.
This was pretty much the standard reaction to new players. We were presented with Sara's point of view on the situation and the way Sou acted made him look like a terrible person trying to screw the group of survivors all the time. As a result, many members of the fandom happened to not like this character at all. Yet, he still had some fans that actually did love that guy. Why? Well, turns out there is an explanation for his actions and he wasn't as much of an evil person as we initially think he is. In the end, he was just a normal person completely scared of dying and was doing what every other character was doing: trying to survive.
This made me feel more neutral towards him as I could relate to his situation to an extent. In my life, despite not being in such terrible circumstances, I had this feeling inside of me that if I didn't actively work to become someone else, I wouldn't last long in this world. I had this strong sensation I had no chance of winning in life and that led me to understand where he was coming from more easily. That didn't make me instantly like him. I still thought of him as a risk to the whole group regardless of what led him to make such decisions.
Anyway, despite this moment making me feel neutral towards him, I soon started to reexperience hatred towards Sou. This time, not because I was confused about his actions, but rather because I couldn't stop seeing myself in him. It got even worse with the many headcanons I saw other fans creating for him that sometimes did feel like they were things I'd do/actually do in my own life.
I used to be very vocal about my dislike towards him and sometimes even joked about it. Unfortunately, no amount of focus I gave to the characters I actually liked in the game, I couldn't avoid seeing Sou content or comments. Eventually, without any sort of warning, I experienced what I can only name as a "flashback". I wish there was another word for that, but I just remember taking care of my life normally until I suddenly felt like I wasn't in the present anymore.
I could feel the coldness of the air on my skin, the darkness of the room I was in and the monitors of the game in front of me, flashing the numbers 0.0% as if mocking me. In the middle of the room, there was me. I was Sou.
What caused this I now assumed to have been my brain understanding that I wasn't allowing myself to accept who I am and it probably thought it was very convenient to show me that through this unconventional means. I use fiction as a way to understand myself and always have. If I wasn't doing that, I didn't think I'd be able to uncover feelings or thoughts completely. No matter how real this memory was and how many times it repeated itself, I don't believe that this, by itself, makes me fictionkin and I will elaborate on that later.
Another thing that made such experience even more confusing was the fact that I literary felt like I was Sou. There wasn't a "this is me and I relate to Sou". I felt like there was absolutely no difference between me and Sou. I was me and I was Sou.
Now, what makes me conclude that this was a fictionflicker? This is in no way supposed to be a "if you experience that, you're not fictionkin". That's just the things I knew to be facts and that made my skeptical mind conclude Sou Hiyori couldn't be a kintype.
- My reactions towards the other characters didn't match with Sou's relationship to them;
- Nothing about the game felt familiar;
- I hadn't experienced anything alternormal/alterhuman towards Sou until I began to relate to him;
- My experience could be easily explained by the similarities I perceived to exist between me and Sou;
- Many people pointed out my behavior didn't really match with Sou's;
- These sensations go away as soon as I stop thinking about Sou and they don't always come back when I think or talk about him.
Thanks to all that, I managed to rule out being fictionkin. However, that took me longer than I believe it should have. The fact is that fictionflickers aren't talked about very often and I was unable to correctly label it or to find others similar to me. Not even the members of the alterhuman community could suggest that I had a fictionflicker as easily because nobody really knows what it is like. We just have the definition and few stories about what this is like. It is my hope that this post will help spread awareness of fictionflickers.
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saigonharrington · 4 years
Wish you were sober // g.w
I am sorry but I had another idea in my mind so I wrote it.
It’s angsty and fluffy at the same time. I don’t know, I feel like I am writing down all that stuff just to make myself feel better since I can’t shift 🤧
Also I have a lot of ideas and I thought about doing a songlist? Where you can request something with certain character (I mean I already have ideas so if no one will be requesting I just write it as I created it) and I think I would be able to write for Cedric Diggory, Oliver Wood and Stiles Stilinski from teen wolf. If someone asks for another character I might have reject it if I do not like that character or do not know it so well. I don’t really like ( or can) writing smuts, about death or pregnancy sorry. But I’ll tell more in songlist post. Just tell me if at least one person is interested in this please?
Now back to the one shot
George Weasley x fem!reader
Word count: 2,2k I guess
Y/F/N - your friend’s name
No specific year, I also didn’t want to make specific house but Y/N is not from gryffindor because of the long walk to dorms.
I don’t want to write summary because I feel like I will spoil everything. Just read it.
Warning: drinking, people being drunk and telling things, Y/N issues about low self-esteem and things like that oh and mistakes & mix of American and British English probably
Also it means a lot to me if you reblog and/or comment my work 🥺🥺 so please do it I love to integrate with you guys
Hogwarts has always been a magical place. And I do not mean literal magic. Just the atmosphere that this place held. So now imagine how parties at common rooms looked like. Especially when it was the birthday party of famous quidditch commentator - Lee Jordan. He had friends in all the houses, so Gryffindor’s common room was overcrowded that day.
The whole room was decorated with funny and random stuff found at the last minute. Fred and George organized everything, so even though decorations looked a bit odd, there was a lot of food and alcohol. I didn’t really like the feeling of being drunk, so I only drank a little champagne while we sang happy birthday. Unfortunately, not a lot of people thought the same. Seems like I am the only one person who is sober.
I came to the party with my one and only friend, since I wasn’t so talkative, and I considered myself an introvert, but now I regretted that I do not have more people to talk to. Y/F/N’s liked partying. Even if she swore she’ll be by my side for the whole night, I lost her after like ten minutes. There I was, sitting here all alone, observing everyone closely. Frankly speaking, I was looking for one specific person, the party maker - George Weasley. I fancied him for almost a year now, since he sat next to me at potions, and snapped back at Snape that one time when he wanted to humiliate me for the mistake that I made then. We talked from time to time, but it wasn’t that deep, just random things like “How was your day?” or complaining about teachers. Then why did I feel butterflies every freaking time he looked and smiled at me? I’d like to know. He sat behind me and Y/F/N at some lessons and I think sometimes he was eavesdropping, but maybe I’m just going insane to prove that maybe somehow he likes me back.
And then I saw him. Dancing with his friends’ group and being really close to some girl, I think her name was Katie. I immediately felt something in my stomach, but definitely not butterflies. It was jealousy. Why I was like that? We weren’t even friends, he would not look at me like that, who could want to have a crush on a girl that isn’t beautiful and open to people? Who’s afraid of commitment and physical contact. Probably, or should I say, for sure - no one.
“I think I’m gonna go back to our dorm.” I said to Y/F/N when I finally found her.
“Okay. Do what you want. Just do not cry, please. Take care of yourself, we’ll talk tomorrow.” She replied, turning back to her dance partner. I exited the common room, wanting to walk back to my dorm, but something held me back.
“Wait.” Said someone with a familiar voice, so I stopped. “I want to talk.”
“Why?” I asked, wandering slowly through the corridor.
“Just wanted to make sure that you’ll get back safe to your dorm.” He explained, which made me blush.
“That’s sweet, but maybe you should worry about yourself. You’re drunk as a skunk”
“I feel perfectly fine. I can walk straight by your side, so I don’t see the problem.” George laughed hiding hands in the pockets.
“Get to the point, I do not want to argue at the moment.” I said, yawning.
“Why did you walk out of the party? I feel offended. You know, I half-organized that, so it’s also half-my-fault.”
“I came there with my friend, but she definitely does not need me anymore. And I am not the greatest friend of Lee, so why would I like to stay?”
“Well, you could talk with me. And drink with me, it would be fun since I never really saw you relaxed.”
“I’d feel relaxed if I wouldn’t have to take care of someone drunk.”
“You talk about me?”
“I’m not drunk so answer yourself. Maybe you should go back to your common room. I bet your girlfriend waits for you.”
“Which one?” He asked playfully, but I wasn’t in the mood for joking.
“I think her name is Katie.”
“That’s not my girlfriend. Why did you think so?”
“You were pretty close tonight…”
“Oh, so you were watching me?”
“I’m just quite observant. I wasn’t stalking you.” I lied. As soon as I saw him in the crowd I couldn’t take my eyes off him. And he didn’t notice but only because of alcohol.
“That’s a shame. Because if I saw you earlier, I’d stare at you for the whole night. You dressed nicely.”
“Thank you. Can I go to my dorm now? I want to sleep.”
“Yeah let’s go.” George said, opening the door.
“You’re not going with me. Please go back to the party. They are probably looking for you.”
“I don’t want to go because it’s you I want to spend the time with. Don’t you get it Y/N?” He asked. “I fancy you.”
“I wish you were sober if you plan to exclaim things like that. Please don’t make fun of me, it’s not funny.” I said calmly, becoming extremely sad.
“I’m not joking.”
“You will not remember this tomorrow, please let me go.”
“Y/N now you’re joking. Can’t you see it? I really like you. A lot. But you never let me talk to you for long. Your friend is always by your side, and she terrifies me. I never got the time to admit my feelings.”
I wanted to feel happy. I really did. But how could I? He won’t remember it tomorrow, and I am gonna be the one who’s heartbroken because I won’t have the courage to speak to him about it. What if he denies what he said? What am I supposed to do?
“You’re drunk, and you don’t know what are you talking about. You have probably mistaken me for someone else.
“Gosh, you’re so oblivious. Why can’t you understand that I love you.” He shouted, starting to get angry.
“Maybe I don’t want to! I don’t want to. Okay? Why would you love me? Look at yourself, you’re so funny and outgoing and generous... We don’t belong together. You don’t desire to be with a person like me, trust me. Now please go away. Please.” I said with tears in my eyes, then I walked to the dorm, trying to cover my face. I made sure that George won’t follow me by putting a spell on the door. Y/F/N will know how to break it if she comes late.
I didn’t have the energy to change clothes, so I stayed like that, crying myself to sleep.
The next day I woke up looking like a monster. I had messy hair and my clothes were crumpled.
“Seems like I wasn’t the one having a rough night.” My friend started, after looking at me. “But you weren’t drinking, what happened? I saw you and George walking…”
“He said that he loves me.” I explained with no emotions.
“It’s good, right? You have a crush on him, then what’s the problem?”
“He was drunk, he probably didn’t mean it. And he doesn’t remember it today for sure.”
“That’s not true, I heard that people are actually honest after drinking.” She added.
“How could he love me? I’m unlovable. He probably joked.”
“Hey, I love you, so I’m pretty sure he is able to too. Let’s go for breakfast. Maybe we’ll see him, and he’ll be kind enough to talk to you and explain what he had in his mind.”
But he wasn’t. Y/F/N and I were staring at him for the whole thirty minutes, but he wasn’t able to even look up. He looked sad, but maybe it’s because of not remembering a thing. Or he feels embarrassed.
Y/F/N tried to cheer me up through the day, but nothing was working. The fact that we crossed paths with George a couple of times made me feel even worse. Why did I expect him to talk to me? If he doesn’t remember anything, then he doesn’t know that we talked. Maybe I should make the first move.
“Do it.” Y/F/N encouraged me. “Otherwise you will not know what he has in mind. Sometimes you gotta help the man to open up. And don’t run away. Just explain to him why you’re afraid of commitment and stuff like that. He’ll understand.”
“Do you think so? I doubted. “I need to be like three hundred percent sure.”
‘Yes, go to him! He’s now only with his brother, you have a chance.”
I wasn’t so sure and confident as Y/F/N expected me to be. But I didn’t want to disappoint her and cause more problems, so I decided to at least try to talk to him. The worst he can do is make me cry, it’s nothing new since it happened last night, so no need to be afraid.
“Hey, um, can I talk with George?” I asked, therefore Fred nodded and walked away to their friends. “Do you have something to tell me?” I asked another question directly to him.
“You came to me. Don’t you have something to tell?”
“Actually I wanted to ask if you remember anything from last night.”
“Merlin, have I done something stupid? I knew I shouldn’t drink that much.” He tried to break the tension.
“Yeah you said a lot of stupid things. You kind of confessed to me that you… you know.” I couldn’t even say the word ‘love’.
“Oh I remember this. But it wasn’t dumb since it’s true.” He said trying to make eye contact.
“So why do I feel like you were avoiding me?”
“I was. Because I also remember your reaction.”
“I’m sorry. Maybe I overreacted a bit…” I started explaining.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to make excuses. I get it.”
“No George, it’s not like that. I do want to be with you. I like you. I just don’t think I’m able to. I don’t feel ready for these kinds of things. It’s new.”
“You shouldn’t have to worry. And don’t be afraid of something new. How can you know what it will look like if you don’t want to try? I don’t like you just because you’re pretty. It is one of the reasons, but not the main one. I like you because you’re you. Because you’re making cute, funny faces when Snape says something to you, because of your little dance when you get a good grade. I noticed many things you do. And we don’t even have to rush, I want you to open to me, talk a little more and spend some time alone. I want to help you.”
“Well, maybe you’re right. So what does that make us?”
“What do you want us to be? I’ve just said that I can wait. You know how I feel about you, so now it’s your turn. It won’t hurt me if you want to be friends. I know I have to gain your trust. We have to get to know each other.”
“I’m ready to do it.” The courage appeared sudeenly and I don’t know why, but I liked it.
“Right now?”
“Yes, right now, do you have something else to do?”
“No, I would love to spend time with you.”
We went to the library, where we sat in the corner and talk quietly about random things. It turned out that we have a lot in common, and I feel pretty comfortable around him. I managed to speak about all of my issues and I didn’t cry. Maybe building a healthy relationship wasn’t that hard?
“You know George?” I changed the subject. “You said that you remember what I did yesterday. I admitted that I fancy you. And you fancy me back. What can possibly go wrong? If two people like each other in that way, they can be friends and lovers at once. I guess it is like that. I base my knowledge on the muggle movies so correct me if I’m wrong. What I’m trying to say is…” I panicked and turned my face to the other side.
“Y/N.” George called my name and gently put his hands on my cheeks to make me see him. “Can I kiss you then?” He asked for permission so I nodded slowly.
“I’m sorry if I’m a bad kisser. You’ll be my first.” I spoke the truth.
“Don’t worry, you’re gonna learn since I’m planning to kiss you every two minutes.” He leaned to me and kissed me slowly, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
It was amazing, I opened up to him and for once I cried happy tears. My friend would be so proud.
“Does that make me your girlfriend?”
“See, you’re getting cocky. I like that.”
“Answer the question, Weasley.”
“Godric, why the surname? I didn’t do anything bad. But yes. You can be my girlfriend.”
“Well, thank you for your kind acceptance.”
“I didn’t know that I signed up for that much sassiness.”
“You can always break up with me, I won’t stop you.”
“No can do. You won’t get rid of me so easily. Now let’s go, we have to tell Freddie and your friend.”
And with that we left the library, smiling so wide that we looked like psychopaths.
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terrm9 · 4 years
Count Me In (Ethan X MC)
Words count: 3 800 Warnings: none. this is just pure fluff and I like to believe that there are also funny parts. 
Author’s note: I had an idea about the gang roasting Ethan for a long time and Chapter 17 made me write this (set some days after the chapter). It was supposed to be just the gang making fun of Ethan, but in the end I got a little bit carried away and it’s basically Bryce Lahela appreciation post oops
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Getting dressed for their roommates Sunday brunch has been filled with a newfound nervousness this Sunday. Yesterday evening, as Sienna and Aurora were discussing whether they would make waffles or pancakes and Jackie added that Bryce and Kyra would be joining them, so they need to make more of anything that would be served, Elijah subtly nodded towards the girls and then turned to Chiara with a wide grin on his lips.
“We were actually thinking about inviting Dr. Ramsey too, now that you guys are official and everything. We know that Sundays are his days off too.”
Chiara’s eyes widened at the offer, not sure if they were joking or not.
They were not.
And so now she was sitting in her room, ready to eat and drink while also comforting her… boyfriend? Partner? What was he?
Whatever he was, she was comforting Ethan through the phone, secretly smiling at his nervous rambling about the wine he was planning to bring and sweater he was wearing (‘Is it too formal? Or should I wear something more formal? My white Oxford?’)
“Deep breaths, Ethan. Jackie is probably going to stay in her pajamas the whole day, so there really isn’t a dresscode. Just wear whatever you feel comfortable with.”
“Okay. Yes, of course, whatever I am comfortable in,” he muttered, and Chiara could hear Jenner’s barking in the background and then a soft thud, muting the dog’s calling. “I am leaving the apartment now, so I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
As Chiara hung up, she heard new voices coming from the living room, indicating that Kyra and Bryce were already there. She decided to take the chance and talk to her friends before Ethan comes.
After hugging both Kyra and Bryce and helping Sienna set the table, Chiara took a deep breath and said: “Ethan will be here any minute now. Please, please, please guys, be nice to him, okay? He is so nervous, and I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable.”
Bryce smiled sweetly and nodded, while Sienna replied: “Don’t worry Chiara, we will be nice, stuffing his mouth with the best pancakes he’s ever eaten and smiling politely. No worries.”
“Exactly,” Kyra nodded in agreement. “We would never do anything to embarrass you.”
“Or him,” Jackie added, smiling all too innocently for Chiara to believe a word of what they were saying.
Before she could inquire any further, the soft knock on the front door disturbed them and all she could do was to shoot everyone a deadly glare before opening a door.
“Hey, handsome,” she whispered with a smile as she spotted Ethan standing in the hall. He was wearing a knitted cream-color sweater and dark jeans, a bottle of wine in his hand.
He kissed her softly before stepping into the apartment, trying his best to maintain his usual attitude of composed, distant Dr. Ramsey they all knew.
I am still their boss. I shouldn’t be nervous about having an early lunch with them.
“Dr. Ramsey!” Sienna jumped out of living room before Chiara could even try to calm him down. “We are all so happy you decided to join us. Come in, everything is ready.”
Glancing at Chiara one more time, Ethan moved to the living room, where all of Chiara’s friends have already been seated around large dining table.
The room was filled with sweet aroma of freshly-made pancakes, maple syrup and raspberry jam, whipped cream and coffee. He handed the bottle of wine to Sienna.
“Thank you for the invitation,” he finally said as he sat down on the chair next to Chiara. “The pancakes look delicious. Which one of you is such a good cook? I know for sure it’s not Chiara,” he couldn’t help but tease.
She smacked his arm lightly but didn’t say anything, knowing rather well that Ethan was right.
“Sienna is the best cook and baker of all of us,” Elijah smiled just as Sienna made her way to the table, the bottle of wine already open. “This is hers and Aurora’s work.”
“Yeah, I was even more terrible cook than Chiara when I moved in and ever since Sienna discovered the fact, she’s been giving me private lessons. Today, I’ve learned to make pancakes,” Aurora chuckled.
With everyone seated, they started to fill their plates with pancakes and fruit and chocolate chips, the room filled with sounds of cutlery meeting plates and occasional sipping of wine.
“This wine is really good, Dr. Ramsey,” Jackie nodded in approval. “I never took you for an expert on wine.”
He chuckled softly at that and after swallowing his bite, he answered: “I am not, but I thought you aren’t such big fans of whiskey as I am. Few years ago, it was the last year of my residency I think, I saved the man who owns vineyards in Tuscany and he sends me few bottles of the wine every year, no matter how many times I tell him there is no need to do so. I brought some more, it’s in the trunk of my car. I’ll go grab it.”
Chiara beamed at his words, thankful to her friends for actually sticking to their words and acting nice. Ethan’s hand found Chiara’s knee under the table and he gave it a light squeeze, their own way of communicating without attracting the attention of others.
Another silence followed, however not an awkward one, rather simply comfortable silence between people enjoying the good food and company of each other.
Thank God they are not embarrassing us-
Before she could finish her thankful thought, Bryce cleared his throat and spoke.
“Surely you understand, Dr. Ramsey, that now that you and Chiara are officially together, we need to ask you some questions to make sure that your intentions with Chiara are absolutely pure.”
Ethan swallowed the pancake a little bit harder than he normally would, but he knew how important these people were to Chiara and also how important Chiara was to him, and so he simply nodded.
Meanwhile, Chiara put her fork down loudly and exclaimed: “What the fuck, Bryce?”
She looked around the table only to see all of her friends smiling mischievously and it all clicked.
They invited Ethan for the brunch so that they could roast him. That was also the reason why Bryce and Kyra made sure to come too.
“What? Your mum asked as to do so,” Bryce shrugged.
“No she didn’t,” Chiara shook her head, throwing murderous glances at her so called best friend Bryce Lahela.
“Okay, no, she didn’t, I made that up,” he admitted, grinning. “But I am sure she will be happy to know that your boyfriend passed the test.”
“Just shut up, Lahela. We are leaving,” she gritted her teeth. She could feel her cheeks flushing and hot at the word ‘boyfriend’ that Bryce used so easily. Even she didn’t dare to call Ethan her boyfriend yet!
She turned her head to look at Ethan and to her surprise, he was leaning against the chair, amused smile on his lips.
As he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, he said: “It’s okay, Chiara. I can answer the questions. I am an open book.”
At that, Chiara snorted loudly and murmured: “No you are not.”
“Bring the questions on then, Dr. Lahela,” Ethan nodded in the young surgeon’s direction. “As long as they are not too private, I am pretty sure I can pass your test.”
He wasn’t sure, of course. He was even more nervous than before and all the terrible scenarios ran through his head faster than Jenner ran while hounding squirrel in the park.
But to fake a confidence was his only weapon right now and he made sure to use it.
“Great, I’ll start then,” Bryce smiled even wider and Chiara clenched her hands into fists to not to wipe that smirk off his face. No matter how hard Bryce tried to explain that what they were about to do was for her own good, she knew that her friends stupidly enjoyed the position they were in right now.
Because right now, Ethan Ramsey wasn’t their boss. Right now, he was Chiara’s boyfriend and an intruder in their group and they could tease him and roast him and use all those sarcastic comments he’s been using their whole intern year on them, on him.
She crossed her arms on her chest and waited for Bryce’s question.
“I’ll start lightly, we don’t want to scare you in the beginning after all. We all know you are an outstanding diagnostician – I mean, even I have read parts of the textbook you wrote – and that’s pretty cool, sure. But what are the other things you are good at? Can you dance? Sing? Swim? Can you offer more than just your abilities to diagnose everyone?”
“There’s no ‘just’ in his abilities to diagnose,” Chiara barked at him, the need to protect Ethan stronger than anything else. She couldn’t let them scare him. She knew better then them about his habit of running away when things get too hard or too uncomfortable and right now, the amount of ‘uncomfortable’ in the room was enough even for her to run away.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have too much time to do anything big other than being doctor, the free time is precious commodity for me. Answering your suggestions, I can dance, yes. Singing? Probably not, but I have never had a chance to hear anyone’s opinion as I don’t sing in front people. And yes, I can swim too. Other than that, I like to think that I am rather good cook-“
“Oh, you cook?” Elijah interrupted him. “For how many people do you usually cook?”
“Just myself, usually,” Ethan shrugged, confusion clear on his face. On the other hand, Chiara knew very well where Elijah was heading and despite being terribly angry at them, she had to grin. “Sometimes for two people, when someone comes over for dinner.”
“Do you think you would could cook for, let’s say, eight people?”
“I think I would be capable of doing that, yes.”
“Great! You are welcome to crash in anytime you want and cook anything you would like to for us. I am so tired of living on ramen and plain pasta,” Elijah sighed and at that, everyone let out a short laugh. “However, sorry to disturb you. What else besides cooking?”
“I don’t know. I am good at learning languages, I guess. I speak German, Italian, French, Spanish and at the moment am learning Swedish.”
“Holy crap, that’s a lot of languages,” Kyra whistled under her breath.
“I choose wisely on what I spend my free time on and what occupies my mind. But when I choose something – learning a language, learning a new recipe, dating someone – I make it my priority and I am trying to give my everything into it. I once said to Chiara that I make it my mission to be good at everything I try and so I can assure you that I am willing to try my hardest to be a boyfriend Chiara deserves,” he answered nonchalantly, looking right into Bryce’s eyes at the word boyfriend.
He smiled at Chiara and kissed her temple, while Sienna whispered something like ‘that was so beautiful’ at the same time Jackie muttered ‘that was so sweet I might get cavities’.
“You are doing better than we expected, Dr. Ramsey,” Kyra smiled with devilish spark in her eyes. “But now it’s my turn to ask questions. You made sure to let us know that you, indeed, are capable of bunch of things but there also must be something you cannot do. Something you are seriously absolutely terrible at.”
Chiara couldn’t help it – she was beginning to enjoy this little show. It has probably everything to do with the fact that Ethan was handling the situation so well and wasn’t showing any signs of an escape.
“There is one thing that comes to my mind but Chiara already knows about it.”
“Oooh, so it’s a matter of an… intimate nature? You don’t have to share that, of course.”
Ethan choked on the sip of a wine he was just having and his eyes widened at the obvious misinterpretation of his words. The tips of his ears turned bright red and Chiara – more and more relaxed every minute – had to add her friends that have been viciously laughing at the sight.
“No! Jesus Christ that’s absolutely not what I was saying. I just thought it wouldn’t be important to share as Chiara already knows about it and still decided to give me a chance. But if you must know, I am seriously absolutely terrible at making… pancakes. I never get them right. That’s why I am so impressed by whomever made these,” he gestured at the table, where the rest of pancakes laid.
“I can teach you!” Sienna squealed. “It’s seriously so easy once you get it.”
“I am afraid it will not work, Dr. Trinh. My father tried to teach me, Youtube tutorial tried to teach me and still, my every attempt fails.”
“Please,” Aurora stepped into the conversation. “If she could teach me, she can definitely teach you. Next brunch, you are learning with her and I will be watching,” she grinned.
Aurora was nervous about this brunch. She was excited for Chiara and she was even more excited to enjoy a little bit of fun by teasing Ramsey, but even more she was terrified of what it would feel like to talk to him about anything else but work, knowing that he dated her aunt for six years.
Harper has made it clear, several times, that her time with Ethan has been more about physical attraction and supporting each other’s careers than affection, just as she admitted to Aurora that she knows Ethan Ramsey and she has known that his relationship with Chiara wasn’t simply professional for a long time. When Aurora asked her about her opinion on the new couple, Harper simply smirked and said that she was happy Ethan found someone who could tame his stubbornness.
Knowing that neither Harper nor Ethan felt any kind of hatred, jealousy or anger towards each other, she felt more relaxed about him coming as her friend’s partner. Yet, until this moment, when she teased him herself, about something as mundane as pancakes, she couldn’t get rid of a certain tension in her body.
But now, laughing at his expression as she suggested that he should learn to make pancakes with Sienna, she knew – even without any further investigation – that Ethan was a good man for Chiara.
“Okay, so you can’t make pancakes. Bruh,” Kyra rolled her eyes. “What else? You can’t be good at everything.”
“I am also rather terrible at drawing. Every time I am with a child patient with a broken leg or arm, I just hope they don’t ask me to draw something on their cast. For so many years I refused to draw anything and when they insisted, I tried to draw what they asked me to draw and they were so disappointed. Some of them even cried, that’s how ugly those drawing were,” he chuckled to himself, deep in his own thoughts and memories. “I decided to step it up a little bit a few years ago and after many, many Youtube tutorials, I can now draw a decent cat, dog, princess, car and dragon. So now, there are five different pens in the pocket of my coat and every time a child asks me to draw something on their cast, I pull the pens out and say ‘Okay little buddy, I have a red pen that can draw a nice car. I have a pink one that can draw a princess. I have a blue one for a dog and an orange one, which can draw a cat. And at last I have a green one and that one can draw an impressive dragon. You have to choose one of the pens’. Usually, that does the trick and for the last three years, nobody cried after I finished the drawing.”
He finished with a small laugh and looked around the table, only to find Bryce, Jackie and Elijah grinning, Aurora smiling softly, Sienna wiping her tears with a napkin and Chiara staring right back at him, her eyes filled with so much affection it warmed his heart.
“I wanted to hear something embarrassing and you proved that you are even better man than we expected. That’s not fair, Dr. Ramsey.”
“I think it’s okay for all of you to call me Ethan at this point,” he replied, ignoring Kyra’s compliment. He didn’t want to blush. “I probably won’t even be your attending much longer.”
There was a slight shift in the mood as the weight of his word settled down on them. Edenbrook was doomed and they all knew that the damage was beyond repair at this point, but right now, they didn’t want to talk about that.
Therefore Jackie decided to step in and turned to Ethan: “Okay, Ethan. I know you said you don’t have spare free time, but when you do and you decide not to learn anything, when you just want to relax, if you know what that word means, what do you do? How do you relax?”
“I have a dog which needs to be walked twice a day. I take him with me when I go for my morning run and then I walk with him through the park every evening I can. It makes an hour in my day, but it’s a relaxing hour. When I decide to relax at home, I usually read a book. Historical novels and poetry, mostly.”
Jackie wanted so badly to find something in his answer that she could tease him about, but really, there was nothing. This man was both, pretty impressing and pretty boring.
“You are a successful, famous, rich doctor,” Sienna smiled at him. “So, cards on the table now. What is your weakness? You know, those vices that successful, rich people have? What is it that you can’t resist? Beautiful women? Fast cars? Yachts? Golfing? Watches that cost more than my kidney? Tell us.”
Chiara shook her head in amusement, not expecting that kind of question from Sienna, of all people. However, she was curious too. She knew it wouldn’t be yachts nor golfing, but what are his vices? And so she didn’t even try to salvage him from answering.
“Well, I think it’s pretty obvious that I have a weakness for one particular beautiful woman,” he answered without missing a beat, pulling Chiara closer to him. “Other than that, I don’t think something will come to my mind. Yachts and golf, Christ no. I despise those activities. Fast cars? There might be something about that. I have a dream car, Mercedes C 300. I almost bought it, but it’s sedan and it’s too small for me. There was no space for my legs and getting in and out would be a torture. As my father like to say, I am too tall for my dream car. But I like the one I have now, it’s a reliable car,” he shrugged, not knowing what else to say. Yes, his car was incredibly expensive and probably luxurious, but he bought it because it was elegant and reliable and didn’t attract too much attention.
“If I would have to choose a vice of mine, it would probably be whiskey in the end. Sometimes I surprise myself with how much money I am willing to pay for a good bottle of whiskey.”
“Okay, you are a decent guy with a brain of Tesla and almost as little bad attributes as me,” Bryce sighed dramatically. “Do you at least snore?”
“Okay Bryce, now you are just nosy,” Aurora laughed. “You don’t need to know that.”
“I don’t, but Chiara does! She is going to spend nights with him!”
“I already know that, Bryce,” Chiara rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t.”
Ethan lowered himself so that nobody else but Chiara could hear him and whispered: “But you do.”
She turned to him with her eyebrows raised, the silent question visible on her face.
Are you serious, Ramsey?
“Okay, I guess we should let you go for now. Next time, I’ll be asking about your teenage years, med school parties you attended, if you ever got arrested and the sex positions you prefer,” Bryce grinned, putting his hands behind his head as he leaned into the chair.
“I am not going to discuss the last one with you.”
“So you just agreed to discuss the other topics!”
Bryce pouted at him and disappointed, added: “Okay, I won’t bring a marriage and kids up, either. I will probably leave those for Diana.”
“Diana?!” Chiara sang out. “Since when are you on first name terms with my mother, Lahela?”
“It just happened,” Bryce shrugged carelessly, finishing his glass of wine. “I told you the women can’t resist my charm. She is no exception.”
Chiara wanted to make a remark about not needing to know about the charm Bryce used on her mother, but stopped herself when she noticed how Bryce’s face was slightly pink and he still held the empty glass near his lips to hide the fact.
She knew what it was all about. Bryce Lahela was her best friend and knew all about her secrets and problems and also everything about her past. And she knew about his.
When she decided to spend her two free weeks in the summer after her intern year back home, in San Francisco, she invited Bryce to go with her. He agreed gladly and while their fourteen days in Chiara’s house, he became incredibly close with both, her mother and her younger sister Alicia.
For Bryce, Diana Ray was a mother he never had. They called each other at least once a week, he would send her postcards from all of his trips and she would send him presents for Christmas and birthday in return.
For Diana, Bryce Lahela was a son she lost six years ago. Chiara’s brother Liam, along with her father died in a car crash and being with Bryce felt like being with her brother again. And she knew that her mum felt the same way. After all those years, she had a ‘young handsome man’ to call, to care for, to be proud of again.
A pang of guilt found its way into Chiara’s chest as she realized that this whole brunch idea was Bryce’s idea and that it might have been an opportunity to roast Ethan for others, but for Bryce, it was exactly what he said it was. It was making sure that his little sister would be taken care of with the man she chose.
It was making sure that this time, Ramsey wouldn’t break her heart and leave.
‘We need to make sure that your intentions with Chiara are absolutely pure.’
He meant it.
taglist: @takemyopenheart @maurine07 @senseofduties @mercury84choices @flightlessbirdiee @udishaman @honeyandsunfl0wers​ @ohchoices​ @adrex04
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dakotacrisis · 3 years
Cherry Blossoms (4)
And I am back in time for another update right at the end of pride month. Plan was to get this whole story posted during the month but that did not happen. Oh well, people are still gay in July. Just a whole lot less corporate pandering.
As far as things with Kagami and Marinette are going...well...plans go awry fast.
Read on AO3
Adrien was not joking around with what he called Operation Cherry Blossoms. A.K.A. Operation Get-Marinette-To-Fall-In-Love-With-Kagami. He had even called in reinforcements. When Kagami showed up at his house as he requested Alya was also there with a full slideshow presentation prepared. They went over Marinette’s likes and dislikes. Her favorite things and places to go.
There was even a theory discussion about Marinette’s sexuality and why she never seems to fall in love with anyone. The long standing belief was that she was possibly somewhere on the Ace spectrum but that was a whole other thing to get into. Right now they were working with the hope that Marinette did want to experience romantic love and hopefully that romantic love spread to girls. They all knew Marinette wasn’t straight but she never gave them a definite title so the mass consensus was that she was at least bi.
“Guys,” Kagami stopped them, “This is all very thoughtful of you but isn’t this a little weird?”
Alya paused her presentation to turn to her. “What about this is weird?”
“You are literally showing me a presentation on what Marinette is like. I know what she’s like. I don’t need to know that her third favorite ice cream flavor is Very Cherry Chocolate Swirl. I need advice on how to get closer to her so that I’m not stumbling over myself trying to talk to her. The fact that I am nervous enough to stammer around her is baffling to me. I never hesitate to go for stuff that I want but with Marinette...I…”
Adrien sighed. “We know and you’re right. We need a different approach. Giving her a Marinette quiz isn’t gonna help her win her over.”
“Fair enough,” Alya closed out of the powerpoint with a small frown. “What should we do then?”
“Well we can go over the different tactics we used to try and woo Marinette.” Adrien shrugged, “They didn’t work obviously but there was stuff that we did that she liked. Ironically enough she really liked getting flowers in my experience.”
“Yeah, doing little stuff like buying her favorite candy or sending her pictures of cute hamsters worked when I was trying to flirt with her.” Alya said.
“Okay, this is good, tell me more about this kind of stuff.” Kagami started taking notes on her phone.
“She appreciates when you plan something.” Adrien said, “I planned this big day together where we went to a bunch of places I knew she loved to shop, got lunch at her favorite cafe, and topped it off with seeing a movie she had been raving about. She really seemed to love it. Of course while I was trying to flirt and stuff she was only seeing it as a nice day out with a friend.”
“That is a dangerous line to walk,” Alya sighed, “You could plan the most romantic date ever and she would only be able to see it as a friendly gesture if you aren’t straight up with her about your intentions. I love her to death but the girl is so oblivious it actually hurts.”
“So how am I supposed to flirt with her without making it obvious that I am in love with her?”
“You can’t really. That’s the problem.” Alya said.
“Then why are we even here? If she’s too oblivious to notice someone is flirting with her and she gets spooked when someone is upfront with their feelings then how am I supposed to get anywhere with her?” Kagami asked, flabbergasted by this never ending cycle of pining and failure that was the pursuit of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
“Schemes. Romantic schemes. Like they do in romantic comedy movies.” Adrien said proudly.
Kagami turned to Alya, deadpanned, “Is he serious?”
“I think you two are underestimating how well this can work.” Adrien pulled up his own powerpoint presentation titled, Romantic Comedy Schemes and Why They Worked.
“Oh sweet baby swiss cheese,” Alya sighed, “Adrien, I told you this wasn’t a viable plan.”
“Hear me out!” Adrien pleaded.
“Seriously?” Alya gaped at Kagami, “You want to actually hear this boy list off how the note cards from Love Actually was the ultimate romantic gesture or some crap like that?”
“It’s not like I have a whole lot of options.” Kagami threw her hands up, “It’s either romantic comedy shenanigans or trying to flirt with Marinette on my own. Neither seem viable but at least this one is less likely to make me puke up flowers. Go ahead, Agreste. Let’s hear your attack strategy.”
“All right!” Adrien beamed as he clicked to the next slide, “Let’s start with the proper setting.”
Kagami could not believe that she was doing this. She had agreed to it but it still seemed ridiculous. No. It didn’t ‘seem’ ridiculous, it ‘was’ ridiculous! This whole plot Adrien concocted with the help of Alya and a watchmojo top ten list of most romantic movie dates was utterly insane. If Kagami wasn’t desperate she would have said no. But she was. She was desperate and in love and desperately in love with the most wonderful yet naive girl in the world.
Adrien was walking with Kagami towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Right into the belly of the beast. Adrien kept a reassuring hand on her shoulder as they got closer. Kagami balled her hands in the fabric of her jacket. She can do this. They stopped outside the bakery and Adrien turned to her.
“You okay? You got this?”
“I’m okay. I can do this.” Kagami nodded, “And you’re sure this will work?”
“Only one way to find out.” Adrien said, “Quick cough, make sure there’s no loose flower petals that are gonna come popping out.”
Kagami grabbed her handkerchief and coughed into it a few times but no petals came up. They were good for now at least. She stuffed the hanky back in her pocket and followed Adrien into the bakery. It was fairly slow at this time and Marinette was standing by herself at the counter and flipping through a magazine. Kagami’s stomach flipped upon seeing her and she could swear she felt that tickle in her throat again.
Adrien ushered her forward with a hand on the small of her back. “Hey Marinette,” Adrien greeted her cheerfully, “Working hard as usual I see.”
“Oh hey guys,” Marinette smiled at them. She slid her magazine away. “What brings you by?”
“Well Kagami here wanted to order a custom cake for an upcoming special event and you know more about this stuff than me so I figured you could help us out.”
“Of course, I love assembling custom cakes,” Marinette pulled out a large binder from behind the counter. “First thing is first, how many people does this need to feed and what is your budget?”
“Budget is unlimited,” Adrien handed her his credit card, “and you can get all of the rest of the details from Kagami. Unfortunately I cannot stick around. I have a photoshoot I gotta run to but you two have fun. Kagami, get my card back to me after alright?”
What? This wasn’t part of the plan! Adrien was supposed to stay! He wasn’t supposed to leave her alone. Was this his plan all along? Oh she was going to kill him later! That hopeless romantic airheaded jerk was gonna have Kagami’s foot so far up his butt her foot would stick out of his mouth by the time she’s through with him.
Adrien patted Kagami on the top of her head and whispered into her ear, “Relax, you’ll be fine.” He bid the girls goodbye and left without another look back.
“Okay then,” Marinette was completely unperturbed by Adrien sudden departure, “Let’s get started on that cake.” She turned around to shout to the back of the bakery, “Mama! Can you come run register? I gotta help take a cake order.”
“Sure thing sweetie,” Mrs. Cheng came up to the front, “Oh Kagami, how nice to see you again. Are you ordering the cake? We’ll be sure to put it at the top of our list just for you.”
“Thank you,” Kagami said. She followed Marinette back through the bakery and into the apartment stairwell.
“We’ll have more privacy here,” Marinette sat down on the step, “Now how many people was this going to serve?”
“Uh…” Kagami racked her brain. She really didn’t need an actual cake. She wasn’t even that big into sweets. Adrien was paying for it too so she didn’t want to go overboard. Since Adrien was paying for it she supposed she could just assemble something she thought he would like and give it to him and Alya as a sort of thanks for helping her out. “Two people.”
“Smaller cake then, alright,” Marinette jotted down the information, “Did you want something like a tart or a cake?”
“One or two layers?”
“And specific shape? We can do a circle, rectangle, square, we can even do a heart if this is for something or someone special.” Marinette giggled. “Or maybe you just think little heart shaped cakes are cool.”
“Circle is fine.” Kagami choked back the petals in her throat trying to escape.
“And what kind of flavor were you thinking for the cake? We have lots of different options.”
“Simple, classic, love it.” Marinette continued on. “And what about filling? We have a lovely cherry filling that I think you would adore. I know how much you like cherry and we do use real chopped cherries in the filling.”
“Great. I gotta know, what is this cake for? Adrien said it was for a very special event you were planning. What’s going on?”
“Oh it’s nothing really.”
“Come on, tell me, I’m curious,” Marinette scooted closer with her chin resting in her hands, “You said it was for two people. Is this maybe for a romantic date you have planned?”
“What? No! That’s not--” Kagami tried to back away but her back was already pressed into the stair railing, “Definitely not a date. This was--this was um--” Quick Kagami! Think of something! Anything! “Actually,” she said, “This was supposed to be a present for Adrien but then he offered to pay and I couldn’t tell him that it was for him cause it was supposed to be a surprise so now I’m kind of in a box about it.”
“A present for Adrien?” Marinette asked, “That’s sweet. Why are you getting him a present? Is there some sort of anniversary coming up?”
“No. I just thought it would be a nice gesture since we’re good friends and all.” It wasn’t a complete lie.
“Well that is just wonderful.” Marinette said, “If this is for Adrien then maybe we want to change the filling to passionfruit. I know that’s his favorite. Did you want to do that instead?”
“Yeah. Sounds good.” Kagami breathed out in relief. Dodged that bullet.
The girls spent the rest of the time constructing the perfect cake that they thought Adrien would like. It wasn’t the most romantic setting but it did give them ample time alone. Kagami hadn’t even noticed how fast the time was flying by as their conversation kept drifting from the cake form to other topics. At some point they had started leaning on one another with tears in their eyes as they laughed about a croissant eating contest Marinette’s school had put on and the disastrous results that ensued.
“I am telling you,” Marinette took a moment to breathe, “We had no idea where she was putting them all. Alix just kept downing croissant after croissant like she was pac-man. For someone so small she has a huge stomach.”
“I bet that angered Kim to no end.” Kagami laughed.
“Oh you have no idea. Poor guy was trying so hard to keep up but just couldn’t do it.” Marinette shook her head. She laid down so her head was resting in Kagami’s lap. “I need a minute. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. I can scarcely breathe.”
“Me either.” Kagami’s hand automatically went to Marinette’s hair and started running her hands through it. “How did we even get to this point? I’m fairly certain we were trying to create a cake for Adrien before this.”
“We were,” Marinette closed her eyes under Kagami’s attentions, “I’m just using you as an excuse to not have to wait on customers. That’s why I keep prolonging this.”
“And here I thought you just enjoyed my company.”
“I do. I love hanging out with you.” Marinette sighed, “I love it even more when you play with my hair. I feel like a little kitten getting lovies and pets.”
“You would make an adorable kitten.” Kagami said. The urge to cough came upon Kagami and she tried to swallow it back. It was a miracle she hadn’t dissolved into a coughing fit while she was laughing earlier. Marinette’s eyes were closed so hopefully she wouldn’t notice.
Kagami gave a quick cough to clear the petals but they were stuck and weren’t coming loose from such meager means. Crap. She tried a few more tiny coughs but it was only aggravating her more.
“You okay?” Marinette sat up, “Allergies again? Or do you just have a tickle in your throat.”
“I’m fine,” she turned away as her coughing got more violent. Stupid flower petals! Stupid disease! Marinette ran a hand up and down her back to ease the ache.
“Are you sure you don’t want a glass of water?”
“Water would be good,” Kagami answered in a hoarse voice. At least with Marinette gone she could get these petals out without her noticing. Marinette ran off to get her some water and Kagami started coughing hard hoping to dislodge the petals quickly before Marinette got back. What Kagami did not count on was Marinette being so darn fast and racing back to their spot with a water bottle in hand just as Kagami got the petals out. She had a hand clamped over her mouth with the petals settled in her palm.
She closed her fist around the petals and stuffed her hand in her pocket to hide the petals. “Thanks Marinette,” Kagami took the water.
“No problem, oops, you got a little something there.” Marinette reached a hand out and plucked something from Kagami’s chin. Double crap! One of the petals must have gotten stuck to her chin.
Marinette turned the petal over in the light. The recognition of what it was hitting her and the realization settling in as she put the pieces together. The cough. The petal. There was only one explanation.
“Oh dear,” Marinette frowned with worry, “Kagami? Are you alright? Please be honest with me, do you have Hanahaki disease?”
There was no point lying now. Marinette already knew. Might as well get it over with and end the suffering now.
“Yes,” Kagami pulled the petals out of her pocket, “I have for a while now.”
“Oh I am so sorry!” Marinette cried out, “I know how much that sucks. It’s such an unfair disease.”
“I am painfully aware,” Kagami scoffed, “At least they’re small.”
“Pretty too,” Marinette handed her the petal back. “So you have an unrequited love?”
“Big time.”
“Have you confessed?”
“No. That’s why I’m here. This, ordering the cake, it was supposed to help in some way. It seems silly now. I’m usually so upfront with people about what I want and what I feel but this whole ordeal has thrown me for a loop.” Kagami kept her head down. She didn’t want to see Marinette’s face when she rejected her.
“I see,” Marinette pulled her in for a hug. “It’s okay, Kagami. I don’t think it was stupid at all.”
“You don’t?”
“No.” Marinette pulled back  far enough to look in Kagami’s eyes, “I think telling someone how you feel over a delicious cake is a swell way to go about it. The fact that you are going to all this trouble for Adrien is so heartwarming.”
“Adrien?” Kagami looked at her confused. Why was she talking about Adrien… “Oh sweet baby swiss cheese,”
“Was this Alya’s idea?” Marinette asked, “She says that a lot so I figured that’s where you picked it up. Alya is great, always prepared for everything. Might go a little overboard but she’s a good person to go to for stuff like this.”
“Marinette, about Adrien--”
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell him anything.” Marinette hugged her again, “This will stay just between us. And do not worry about the cake. This one is on us. We will make sure it is perfect for your confession date, whenever you have that planned. Adrien would have to be insane not to fall in love with you.”
“Uh huh, this whole thing is so insane.” Kagami muttered. Operation Cherry Blossoms just got a whole lot more complicated.
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subarublue · 4 years
Joke’s On You
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One Shot
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Timeline: Post DMC4 (could even be post DMC5 if you want…I kept those details vague. The only telling thing is the fact that Nero’s there)
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Dante x Female Reader
Word Count: 4224
Read on Ao3
Summary: “Hey! Know any good jokes, sweetheart?”
If ever there was someone who could get bored in the middle of a fight, it was most definitely Dante.
Notes: So...this is an old one. I say that even though this was just posted on Ao3 last September only because it was my first story ever. I was debating on whether or not to post it here because I don’t feel 100% happy with it, but I figure, eh what the heck. I’m never gonna revise it though, so I can look back and see how much better I’ve gotten at writing...if at all, lol.
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“Hey! Know any good jokes, sweetheart?” Dante called out before he shot another large demon that thought it was a smart idea to target the weakest member of your group; you. You might have wondered if the thing regretted its decision, that is, if your blood hadn’t suddenly rushed to your face at the pet name he’d used to address you. God, you loved it when he called you that...well, at least you assumed he was talking to you. You highly doubted he’d call Nero that.
He glanced at you with a smirk. He must’ve known what calling you that did to you and you really wished you could hide your face without risking your life at that moment. You were sure he could tell that you were as red as a tomato despite how dark the street you were currently on was.
It certainly didn’t help that you’d fallen hard for the man. Adding in the fact that he was a huge flirt and had you blushing like mad at pretty much everything he said anyway made you wonder if he knew about your little crush on him. But he never said anything about it so you assumed...maybe he hadn’t actually noticed? You weren’t sure which you preferred.
He was looking at you again, expectantly this time. Oh, right. He’d asked you a question.
“A good joke!?” you sounded incredulous as you fired off round after round at more demons closing in on you. Did he really mean now?
Who were you kidding? Of course he meant now. If ever there was someone who could get bored in the middle of a fight, it was most definitely Dante. You could just hear Nero’s groan over all the commotion, clearly showing his annoyance with the older hunter.
Dante cut a large arc through the air with his sword, killing three more demons at once when they tried to jump over him. “Yeah! This is gettin’ kinda old. Think we could use some better entertainment.” You could hear the playful lilt to his voice. While he was enjoying himself, he was quickly losing interest in the fight. You knew that last part had been a gibe at the weak demons you all were fighting, so you weren’t quite sure if he was serious or not.
“Are you for real, right now? Don’t you think we ought to be concentrating on trying not to get killed, instead?” Of course by ‘we’ you really meant yourself. It wouldn’t do for you to be distracted right now after all; you weren’t nearly as experienced as the other two. You shot down another small demon that made it past Nero with your rifle. He and Dante were taking on the brunt of the work, shooting and slicing through the huge horde that was advancing on your small group, while you stayed a ways behind taking care of any demons that got lucky enough to make it by the two hunters in front of you.
“Aw! Come on now, babe! You got nothing to worry about!” Dante yelled back to you as he sliced another demon in half. “I’ll protect you. I can be your knight in red leather!” Dante threw you a grin before turning back to the fight. The demons were advancing more quickly now, their desperation to overrun the three of you growing by the minute. You shook off your embarrassment at his cheesy line and slung your rifle over your shoulder by the strap. You drew two pistols instead since it seemed that speed was becoming more necessary as the demons tried to swarm the three of you.
You heard Nero bite out, “Would you knock it off already? I doubt she’s interested in your old ass, so lay off! We got a job to do!” He skewered a demon that tried to slip by him with his sword.
You couldn’t have wanted to smack Nero in the head more than in that moment. You knew you probably weren’t Dante’s type (though you weren’t really sure what his type was exactly), but you surely didn’t need, nor want, any more help in turning away the man’s attentions. Even if the flirting didn’t mean anything to him.
“You seem to forget, kid,” Dante started, emphasizing the word “kid” to get a rise out of Nero, “that she and I have known each other for quite a while now. If she’s got a problem with me, she knows she can just say so,” he finished as he took out another demon trying to get the jump on him. The taunt worked, and you could see Nero bristle at being called a kid as he took his anger out on another particularly unlucky devil. “Besides, what do you care? You gettin’ jealous over there, or something? Thought you already had a girlfriend? Or are you as bad at relationships as you are at killing demons?”
You glanced back at Dante as he taunted Nero some more in time to see another weak enemy “sneak” by him (you were sure he allowed it so you’d have something to practice on), and it was easily gunned down by your pistols. Unfortunately, you missed whatever spluttered reply Nero had made. Probably some comment on how Dante himself had terrible luck with women.
“Shouldn’t we be focusing more on the fight?” you asked nervously. You didn’t doubt Dante could and would protect you (Nero too, of course), but there was always that ‘what if?’ “I mean, I do know some of good ones, but...” you trailed off.
He was quick to reply before you could finish. “Yeah! I’m in the mood for a good laugh. This has been pretty tedious and boring anyway,” he continued with his taunting. “And don’t worry so much! The end’s in sight.”
Sure enough, a glance down the dim street showed the end of the horde of demons. Finally, you thought.
“Is this really the time for that kind of thing?!” You heard Nero’s exclamation over the sound of Red Queen revving as he picked off a few more demons.
“Any time’s a good time! What’re you talkin’ about!?” Dante defended.
The remaining demons had now changed tactics, opting for a straight forward attack as they desperately charged up the street, taking the two, more experienced hunters head-on. That’s not a very smart plan, you thought wryly. Dante had put Ivory away at some point in favor of using Ebony in conjunction with his sword as the rest of demons drew in close. Thankfully, none of them were particularly strong and with Dante and Nero flanking you, you figured you were well protected and finally decided to humor the man.
“Okay, I do know a really good one, but it’s kind of long. Has a really good punch line, though!” you said as you thought about the best joke you knew. You’d learned it from a friend a long time ago, and it was by far one of the best you’d heard. You figured it would be the kind of joke Dante would appreciate. On second thought, you were almost too embarrassed to tell it. God he’s gonna make so much fun of me for it later. Maybe I should pick a different one, you thought, remembering the joke’s end. As the demons’ numbers dwindled, they began to get more desperate and frustrated at the fact that they hadn’t even drawn blood from any of you.
“Well, we gotta hear it now!” came Dante’s over-ecstatic reply and you knew he wasn’t going to drop it until you told the joke.
You heard Nero groan again and mutter something you couldn’t quite catch over the sound of his sword’s engine. It sounded a bit like ‘not pandering to old men’ or something like that.
“Sooo,” you started off loudly, trying to talk over the noise of the fight as you shot another demon trying to get in close, “somewhere far away in a valley, there is this forest. And in the middle of this forest, is a lake. And over this lake is a fly, buzzing around and minding its own business.”
“What the hell kind of joke is this supposed to be?” Nero rattled off as another demon fell to his blade.
“Shut up and listen and you’ll see!” You got a little aggravated with him since you’d barely started and he was already complaining. “Anyways, in the water is a fish, watching this fly buzzing over this lake, in the middle of this forest, in this valley far away. And the fish thinks to itself, You know, if that fly would just drop six inches, I could jump out of the water, catch that fly, and have myself a tasty snack!" A demon caught you off guard in that moment. You knew you wouldn’t be fast enough to defend yourself, but before you could even react you caught sight of Dante’s sword hacking it in half. He’d definitely made good on his claim of being your knight and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Sounds like a good one! Keep going, sweetheart!” Dante said as he turned away to stop another demon from trying to impale him with a claw. You were glad he was distracted so he couldn’t see you blush again.
You continued, “Now a ways away on the bank of this lake, is a bear. And this bear is watching this fish, watch this fly, buzzing over this lake, in this forest, in this valley far away. And the bear thinks to itself, You know, if that fly would just drop six inches, the fish would go for that fly, I could rush in, catch that fish and have myself a yummy dinner!” You killed a couple more demons that tried to sneak up on Nero, and he grunted out his gratitude. Unlike Dante, he was clearly not enjoying himself.
“Further on down the bank, is a hunter.” Nero groaned again and you suspected he must be setting a new record for the number of groans in one night. You heard Dante chuckle on the other side of you though, so you pressed on, “And this hunter is watching this bear, watch this fish, watch this fly, buzzing over this lake, in this forest, in this valley far away. And the hunter thinks to himself, You know, if that fly would just drop six inches, the fish would go for that fly, the bear would go for that fish, and while it’s distracted, I could shoot that bear,” you paused as you heard a gunshot from Nero’s gun go off killing another demon, “and have myself a nice trophy.”
You could see the end more clearly now. Only about twenty or so demons were left and they were getting cut down pretty quickly, so you kept going, “Now at the edge of the hunter’s camp, is a cat.”
“Let me guess...stupid cat is watching the hunter, watching the bear, blah, blah, blah!” Nero grated out, clearly annoyed as he swung his sword at another demon desperately trying to get a hit in.
“What!? NO!” you yelled at him, getting annoyed yourself at his interruptions. You supposed you couldn’t really blame him. This had been a pretty tedious job as Dante had stated earlier. Taking a moment to shoot another approaching demon, you calmed yourself and grinned at Nero since he’d only been half wrong. “He’s eyeballing the hunter’s turkey sandwich!”
“What the hell? Really!?” Nero seemed pretty exasperated at this point, but you heard Dante bark out a laugh as he killed another demon and decided you really didn’t care too much as long you could hear that laugh again.
You continued on, punch line in sight. "So this cat is also watching this hunter watch this bear, watch this fish, watch this fly, buzzing over this lake, in this forest, in this valley far away.” You could almost see the irritation rolling of Nero in waves at the fact that he was half right. “And the cat thinks to itself, You know, if that fly would just drop six inches, the fish would go for that fly, the bear would go for that fish, the hunter would go for that bear, and while he’s distracted, I could dart in and have myself a turkey sandwich!”
“Come on kid, cheer up! We’re almost done here!” you heard Dante yell over you at Nero and you couldn’t quite tell by his tone if he was trying to bait Nero or actually encourage him. Looking around though, you noticed he was right. There was only a handful of demons left to deal with.
“So anywaaay,” you stopped their conversation before Nero could reply and Dante gave you a sheepish grin in apology for the interruption, “eventually, the inevitable happens. The fly drops six inches!” you cried out as the last few remaining demons rushed the three of you. Realizing you wouldn’t be fast enough to be of much help, Dante and Nero took a defensive stance around you.
They slashed and shot at the remaining demons as you took the opportunity to bring your joke up to the punch line, “The fish leaps out of the water,” you raised your voice over the sound of the battle as Dante leapt in the air and brought his sword down, severing one of the demon’s heads from its body, “and snatches the fly right out of the air!”
Nero charged a demon closing in and dispatched it quickly. “The bear rushes into the lake and grabs the fish!” You turn to see Dante brandishing Ivory. “The hunter cocks his gun, takes aim, and fires!” The sound of real gunshots added sound effects to your story.
“The cat darts for the sandwich, trips on a can, rolls forward, and SPLOOSH! Ends up right in the lake!” you shouted as both Dante and Nero brought their swords down on the last two remaining demons.
What followed was a deafening silence in the wake of a clamorous fight. For a moment, no one spoke. First taking stock of the surrounding area, Dante listened intently for any stragglers. Finding nothing, he then nodded at you and Nero, signaling that the area was clear and the fight was over. You holstered your pistols as Dante and Nero put away their weapons as well and turned to face you. Nero was still clearly irritated, but Dante looked expectant and you wondered if you could bait one of them into asking for the punch line. You waited a beat, then spoke, “The end!” You then took a little bow to end your tale.
“WAIT! WHAT THE HELL?! THAT’S IT?!” Nero was almost yelling. Apparently, even though he’d been clearly annoyed by your joke, he seemed to have become quite invested in it. “That’s not even a joke! That’s just a weird, fucking story! Where’s the punch line?”
Hook, line, and sinker, you thought, snickering to yourself. The look on your face turned mischievous and a glance at Dante showed you a knowing grin as he awaited your punch line. “You’re absolutely right, Nero!”
“Huh?” He blinked, obviously confused for a moment as to why you’d agreed with him. You didn’t pause for long, though.
“But every story has a moral. Wanna take a guess at what the moral of this story is?” You waggled your eyebrows for added effect, which incited a chuckle out of Dante and you decided you really wanted to hear it more often.
Nero’s annoyance had returned by now and he stated through gritted teeth, “Don’t try and steal someone’s fucking turkey sandwich?”
Your smile fell immediately and you leveled him with the most deadpan look you could muster. “You must be real fun at parties, huh?” You heard Dante snort in an effort to stifle his laughter, which only seemed to irritate Nero further.
Remembering the punch line, you fought a sudden wave of shyness that crept up. You managed to succeed though, deciding to just barrel forward with it. “The moral of this story is:” you paused for dramatic effect, then shooting finger guns at the two men in front of you, delivered your punch line, “Every time a fly drops six inches, a pussy gets wet!”
There was a beat of stunned silence before Nero’s face turned beet red and Dante erupted in a raucous laughter that had him doubled over clutching his sides. Nero spluttered for a bit, unable to form a coherent stream of words together at first, due to his embarrassment.
Dante, still laughing, managed to speak in between breaths, “Holy shit, sweetheart! That’s got to be the best one I’ve heard in a while!” You couldn’t help but blush again (How many times had it been now?) at the combination of him using that pet name again and praise for your long-winded, dirty joke. As Dante’s laughter finally subsided, Nero seemed to have managed to collect himself.
“Man, you guys suck! I’m out! Next time, get Trish or Lady to go along with you ‘cause I ain’t coming!” The way he said it, you knew he wasn’t serious, but it had been a long night and he turned to stalk off angrily.
“Hey, kid! Don’t be like that. Loosen up a bit! You don’t wanna hurt her feelings, do ya?” Dante reprimanded Nero lightly. He wouldn’t take offense to anything Nero said, but he certainly didn’t want him taking his frustrations out on you.
Nero sighed and turned around. “Alright, alright,” he conceded, scratching the back of his head. “Sorry. Guess I’m just tired. It’s been a long night,” he finished with a nod to you. “The joke was actually a decent one, even if it was a bit long,” he paused, “and dirty.” He made an embarrassed face at that which had you giggling.
Suddenly, your mischievous grin was back and Nero wasn’t sure he wanted to hear what came out of your mouth next. “But the buildup is the most important part! You can’t have a good finish without a little foreplay!” You made finger guns at Nero again for emphasis and his blush was back tenfold as Dante started laughing again at his expense.
To his credit, Nero recovered more quickly this time, “God I’m so done with you two! I’m going home. See ya around!” he said it a bit harshly, but both you and Dante saw the hint of smile on his face as he turned away.
“Tell Kyrie ‘Hi’ for us!” Dante called out to him as he walked away. “Maybe you should tell her the joke!”
A loud and annoyed ‘BYE’ was all you got for a response as he left and you snickered a bit as Dante came up to stand beside you.
“Some people just don’t understand good humor,” he said as he turned to look at you, an expression of mirth on his face. He winked at you when you glanced up at him, and you were pretty sure your face was now permanently the same color as his jacket.
God! Could I be any more obvious? you grimaced inwardly, but outwardly, managed a shy smile for your friend. That’s right, just friends. “Well I don’t know about good humor, but at least someone enjoyed it,” you said in response. Dante nodded, but didn’t reply and, for a moment, just stood there watching you. It felt like forever as you started to fidget under his intense gaze, but in reality it was probably less than a minute.
Finally he broke the silence, “You know...it’s getting pretty late and I’m a bit tired after all that. Don’t quite feel like driving you home tonight. How about you just crash at the shop? There’ll be pizza, maybe a movie. I’ll even buy this time, sweetheart.” In the silence of the night, you just knew he could hear your heart thundering in your chest. Belatedly, you realized he’d called you sweetheart almost all night, having dropped the ‘babe’ a long time ago. His normal cocky smirk was gone, replaced by a soft smile.
You tried to school your emotions into a blank mask, but you were pretty sure you failed miserably, and you gave him a timid laugh. You tried to break through your shyness again by cracking a joke with him. “You? Buy? You sure you got enough money for that, Dante, ‘cause that almost sounds like a date, you know?” You found you couldn’t look him in the eyes at the moment.
You heard Dante chuckle beside you and tried to savor the sound for as long as you could. “Well, what would you do if it was?”
You froze at that. You were pretty sure your mouth had dropped open and was catching flies, but you couldn’t seem to get any decent words to form at first as you floundered for a response. “Wha-what do you m-mean, what if it was?!” you finally managed to squeak out.
“Thought I was pretty obvious there, but if you need me to spell it out for you, I’m asking for a date.” He winked at you again, smile still on his face. You realized then, he most definitely did know about you’re little crush on him. Now there was a burning question in your mind you just had to ask.
“How long have you known?” You almost whispered it, your voice was so quiet, but you knew he heard you clearly. He crossed his arms over his chest, and your eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to them, staring blatantly at his exposed forearms.
He cleared his throat and the sound immediately brought your eyes back up to his face. “Pretty much since we met,” he answered as you gaped at him. His face wore an expression that told you he knew you’d been ogling him. “You aren’t exactly subtle about it, point in case.” The smile on his face grew into a grin, probably because you were blushing like mad again and he knew he was the reason for it.
When you finally calmed down after a moment, but face still red, you managed to reply, “Yeah, well, you don’t exactly make it easy for a girl to hide it, ya know?” You were smiling like crazy too as you peeked up at him from under your eyelashes. Another question flashed through your mind and you decided to voice it too, “Why did you wait so long to call me on it?”
He sighed, taking on a serious tone. “My day job, or well night job I guess, is pretty dangerous as you very well know.” He gestured to the carnage that was left in the wake of the battle. “Gotta make sure my girl can take care of herself in case I’m not around to do it for her.” You blinked at that. You knew he had a big target on his back, being the son of Sparda and all that, so it was very likely that anyone he’d get close to could end up a target, too.
Suddenly though, your brain caught up with exactly what he’d said, “Wait, your girl?! I...I did hear that correctly, right?” Your mind was in overdrive, but you couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off your face as it grew. “Is that why you first asked me to start practice shooting with you? So you could make sure I could handle myself, if necessary?”
“Yeah, pretty much. You’re still not quite there yet, but I just got tired of waitin’, ya know?” he said at first, but then his expression fell to panic, suddenly realizing how you could take that the wrong way, and he tried to clarify, “Not that you’re a slow learner or anything! You’re doing really great, actually! I just meant that...well, I was...I just, uh,” he gave up and sighed heavily, turning his head up to the sky with his eyes closed in frustration. He felt like he’d already fucked this up and he hadn’t even gotten to get that pizza with you yet.
You startled him a bit as you gently took hold one of his hands. He uncrossed his arms to let you as he looked down at you again. “I know what you meant,” you said softly holding his hand with both of yours. You added teasingly, “You’ve never really been the patient type.”
“Yeah, yeah. C’mere you.” He pulled you into hug and you relished the feeling of his strong arms wrapping around you.
You giggled. “Guess you’re pretty lucky that I’m interested in your ‘old ass,’ huh?” you said poking fun at him over what Nero had said earlier.
“Ha! Joke’s on you, sweetheart,” he replied, pulling away slightly with a devilish grin. “You’re the one crushin’ on my ‘old ass.’ Now, then…” He pulled you back in close, bending down so that his mouth was right next to your ear as he lowered his voice to a husky whisper, “Why don’t we head back to my place and find out how true that little punch line of yours is?”
You let out a squeak at that and he laughed for the umpteenth time that night, but you decided you had no complaints on the matter when he leaned in for a kiss.
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Winter Song
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Plot: Y/n finds that her favorite time of year is much less enjoyable without Steve.
Warnings: Christmas angst, fluff, but mostly angst
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I got this idea a few weeks ago and couldn’t wait to post it. It’s based on Leslie Odom Jr. and Cynthia Erivo’s version of the song, I highly recommend listening to it ❄️ I definitely didn’t proofread this enough and I’m posting it at almost midnight so it’s probably riddled with mistakes 🙈
*Flashbacks are in italics
This is my winter song to you
The storm is coming soon
It rolls in from the sea
It was well known among the compound that Christmas was my absolute favorite time of year.
There was no competition in the state of New York, nay, the entirety of the East Coast that rivaled my love of the season. On November 1st I would have the pumpkins and fake cobwebs boxed back up and be stringing lights and hanging wreaths before anyone else in the compound was awake. They’d tease me about it but by the time December actually rolled around, you could hear the toughest of heroes humming ‘Sleigh Ride’ to themselves. Still, no one could measure up to my enthusiasm for Christmas…
Except Steve.
He’d be the one handing me decorations as I stood on a ladder positioning them perfectly. He’d watch every movie and special with me tucked into his side. We’d bake batch after batch of cookies because while they had no problem teasing us, Rhodey and Sam would come through like a tornado and eat all of them. And gift shopping was a day long event that tested the how the super soldier’s strength held up when carrying 10+ bags and boxes.
All of it occurred before the Accords, of course. The storm that rolled in, placed an unmovable divide between Steve and I and left me at the compound and him as far from beside me as could be.
I was halfheartedly stringing lights around the living room, unable to think of anything but Steve. It was snowing heavily outside, the kind of weather that practically demanded all plans to be cancelled for hot chocolate and warm blankets. It was those types of memories that hurt the worst…
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love
“It’s a Wonderful Life, hands down the best Christmas movie of all time.”

“But it’s so sad,” I argued, “And the last thing you’re supposed to be during the season is sad.”

Steve looked over at me from his slumped position on the couch of the common room. I’d pulled out my fluffiest flannel blanket and even though the man was his own furnace, he loved me too much to object when I’d laid it over us. I was sitting up gesturing towards the tv as I tried to convince him that whiles his favorite movie was cute, it was too depressing for Christmas.
“Okay, I’ll give you that,” Steve relented a little, “But what about that ending? You can’t argue that it’s not heartwarming.”

I rolled my eyes, “Okay, I’ll give you that one but I don’t like how we get there. I don’t even like thinking about my life without any of you guys in it.”

Steve cleared his throat and I twisted to see his blonde eyebrows raised.

“Especially my number one elf,” I smiled as I sat back against the couch and shifted closer to him, “You’re the only person who doesn’t think I’m insane this time of year.”

“I’d never let you do Christmas by yourself,” he said, reaching under the blanket to take my hand in his.
It was moments like these that I questioned Steve and I. It was just enough of a picture perfect domestic moment that if anyone stumbled upon us, they’d raise eyebrows and ask if they were intruding. With his affectionate gaze focused on me, our shoulders rubbing together and the unexplainable feeling that behind our time spent together there was…something. If I was being completely honest with myself, I wanted there to be something.
Unfortunately, I could summon enough courage to battle aliens and assassins but not to confess my feelings. “Um, what’s next on the list?” I asked, awkwardly fidgeting with my free hand, “I need to finish making my gift list for when we go shopping if you want to help.”

“Yeah, but can we just…”

“Just what?” I asked with a furrowed brow.
Steve scratched the back of his neck before turning back to me, “Can we just sit here for a minute longer? It’s nice.”

My face probably gave away my enthusiasm for the suggestion, but I still tried to conceal it with a close lipped smile. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

Without needing any further agreement, Steve moved an arm around my shoulders and brought me closer to him. While my mind had drawn a blank, my body knew what to do and nestled itself into his side. I laid my head against his chest and wrapped an arm around his torso, giving me the perfect view of the snowstorm outside. Steve rested his chin on the top of my head and continuously ran his hand up and down my back. The moment was perfect and if I’d had the power to stop time, I’d have been happy to stay in Steve’s arms forever.
Yeah, there was definitely something.
They say we're buried far
Just like a distant star
I simply cannot hold
I knew it was a huge mistake to enter Steve’s room, but that still didn’t stop me from twisting the doorknob.
It was exactly as he’d left it five months ago when he left for London to attend Peggy’s funeral. All that had been added was a thin layer of dust across every surface. I dragged myself over to his bed and carefully sat down on the edge of it. The part of me that was still in denial about the entire situation didn’t want to mess up the sheets in case he made a sudden return. I reached over to his nightstand and grabbed the picture frame that had sat on it ever since last Christmas. I had jokingly bought Steve and I matching sweaters with hideous festive designs. The entire team howled with laughter as he opened the gift up on Christmas morning. God bless the man and his inability to deny me anything during the holiday season…He’d put it on without so much as an eye roll and Tony had practically tripped over himself trying to get photographic proof of it.
“You are such a simp, Rogers, and I could not be more thankful for it,” Tony grinned, holding up his phone towards us, “Say hello to next year’s Avengers Christmas card.”

Steve locked his arms around my waist and with no warning, lifted me up in the air. I squealed and rushed to hold on to him, the both of us laughing as Tony won his latest way to blackmail us.
The joy that the photo captured seemed like it had occurred years ago. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been that happy or carefree but it had probably involved Steve.
“It’s just not the same without you,” I whispered as I stroked a finger through the dust that covered his face.

This is my winter song
December never felt so wrong
Cause you’re not where you belong
Inside my arms
I wrapped my sweater around my body as I made me way back out to the common room. I didn’t expect to find Tony rifling through one of the many decoration boxes I had set out. While I’d been moping in Steve’s room, he’d taken the initiative in decorating.
“Stark Industries branching out into the holiday business?” I asked with as much of a laugh as I could muster, which wasn’t much.
He was nailing a wreath to the wall when I walked in, “It’s called extreme boredom and this is what it looks like.”

I smiled softly as he turned around to face me, trying to appreciate his efforts. If I was missing Steve, Tony was most certainly missing Pepper. He was trying to keep busy in an effort to not dwell on her obvious absence. “You’re lucky I’m not standing next to you right now.”


Tony smirked and gestured with his hammer to the space above me. I looked up to see the familiar plastic piece of mistletoe I’d hoped we’d lost dangling on a string. My stomach clenched at the memories the item and the particular archway brought back.
“You got that video of Tony tonight right?” Steve asked as he stuffed another wad of wrapping paper into a trash bag,
“Oh yeah,” I laughed, “Drunkenly singing ‘Last Christmas’ to Rhodey wearing a Macy’s box on his head definitely tops our sweaters.”

It was late on Christmas Day, everyone had gone to bed except for Steve and I. We were finishing cleaning and wrapping up leftovers from dinner. It also gave us much needed quiet after such a loud evening.
“I think that’s the last of everything,” I said, admiring the clean kitchen.
“Same here,” he replied as he set the last trash bag off to the side of the room, “You look sad.”

I shrugged and crossed my arms, “I’m always sad when Christmas is over. It makes everyday life seem so mundane.”

“Only you would think that the life of an Avenger is mundane,” Steve chuckled from the archway he was standing under.
“Please, no bows or lights or festiveness of any kind?” I teased as I crossed the room to stand next to him, “Boring.”

We shared a laugh and leaned against our separate walls, savoring the last few moments before the day changed to the 26th.
“Thank you for helping me do all this,” I said, gesturing around us, “I couldn’t have pulled it off without you.”

“Like I said, I’d never let you do Christmas by yourself,” Steve smiled before his eyes drifted up, “Oh…”

I tilted my head to see whatever had caught his eye and caused his cheeks to turn so red. “Oh…”
The mistletoe I’d hung as a joke, hanging above and taunting us. Tony had camped under it several times and refused to budge until Pepper would oblige. Wanda and Vision had found themselves under it and she’d nervously pecked his cheek. It was all in good fun until this moment where I was cursing myself for ever hanging it.
“We don’t…I mean, we didn’t realize that it was…” I verbally stumbled, “It’s not like we knew it was there.”

“Right,” Steve nodded, “We didn’t know. But…isn’t it kind of a rule that we…have to?”

My mouth stupidly opened and closed, “I-I think so. And what kind of people would we be if we broke a Christmas rule?”

“Exactly,” Steve agreed, “So it’s not a big deal.”

“Not at all.”

“Good,” he said quietly before pushing off the wall and taking a step to the middle of the archway. I came to meet him and dropped my arms at their sides, his hands carefully reached for mine till they’d taken hold of them. The awkwardness was quickly melting away and being replaced by an urgency to make the inevitable happen. Steve’s fingers traced over the pulse points of my wrists and his lips curled up as he felt the goosebumps break out across my skin. We both leaned in at the same time, not giving the other a chance to back out because we both knew how badly we wanted to get on with it. Our lips met and all the hesitation and second guessing we’d done in the seconds before vanished. Every time I’d questioned whether or not my feelings were true suddenly turned to a resounding ‘YES’ for an answer. Our mouths moved together as if it was a dance we’d done a thousand times. As much as I wanted to pull him closer, my body was paralyzed by the shock and the only thing I felt able to do was lace my fingers with Steve’s.
It ended all too soon, the both of us pulling away in need of oxygen. Steve pressed his forehead to mine and sighed, he squeezed my hands and brushed his nose against mine.
“Merry Christmas, Steve,” I whispered.

“Merry Christmas, Y/n,” he replied softly.

“Take it down,” I strained, trying to keep the sobs from escaping my lips.


“Take it down, Tony. All of it.”

“Y/n, what are you talking about? You love all this crap,” Tony gestured to the room.
The tears were getting harder to try and hide, so I didn’t bother. “Not anymore. If you want to hire someone to decorate, fine, but I can’t look at any of our stuff,” I snapped before dropping my tone to a whine, “Just take it down.”

I fled before he could ask any more questions that I couldn’t bear to answer. I retreated to my room, quickly locking the door and allowing my cries to be released. I curled into myself with my back against the door and let myself fall apart, knowing that the one person who could piece me back together was unreachable.
Is love alive?
Is love alive?
Is love alive?

Despite my ignoring the calendar and anything that had to do with the season, Christmas Day had arrived. Tony had indeed paid a team to decorate the compound, it was too minimalistic for my taste but I was the whole reason for it so I couldn’t complain.
Tony, Rhodey, Vision and I plus Peter and his Aunt May were seated at the dining room table attempting to make cheerful conversation. Peter was telling us about some recent adventure he’d had patrolling his neighborhood. I tried to pay attention but all I really cared about was how quickly I could escape to my room and put an end to the day. At some point in the evening I feigned a headache, halfheartedly wished the group a merry Christmas and trudged down the halls to my safe haven. I was pulling out a set of pajamas to change into when a muffled ringtone emerged from one of my dresser drawers. While I hadn’t heard it play ever, I knew exactly what it belonged to. I flung the drawer open and dug the phone out from under my clothes. However impossible, there was only one person who could be on the other end of the call.
With shaking hands, I flipped the top of the device up and raised it to my ear.

“Merry Christmas, Y/n.”

My lips quirked upwards in a watery smile as the voice I’d longed to hear for months washed over me. “Merry Christmas, Steve.”
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