#this reaction image will never not be funny as hell
signanothername · 1 month
saw your recent post about Nightmare's room for Dream, and it reminded me of a fic, where due to Dream still physically and mentally being 6 in the stone, Nightmare was preparing for what to do now as the 'older brother'
which made me wonder
I'm betting Ink or someone from the Omega Timeline found Dream first when he was freed from the statue
What would've happened had it been Nightmare? When faced with this small six year old who is nothing like he remembers, would Nightmare's true self and corruption be mentally first fighting on what the hell to do?(The mental image of this is a bit comical)
Aw that’s adorable dhhxhxhxh
So funny enough, I kinda already made 2 comics that explored what Nightmare’s reaction will be to a small 6 y/o Dream before, just under completely different circumstances
But here’s the thing, while i have explained before how Nightmare’s corruption works in my eyes, I don’t think I was really clear in my explanations, so I’m taking your ask as an excuse to explain it better >:) (i’ll get back to your main question I promise hdhdhdh i just wanna help you connect some dots when it comes to Nightmare’s behavior)
So something to keep in mind is how Nightmare’s mind isn’t truly strong enough to fight off his corruption/corrupted thoughts from controlling him and guiding his actions, and while Nightmare is in absolute control of his mind, his corruption has shaped it in its own twisted way, that’s why he’s an absolute fucking bitch, that’s why Nightmare can be extremely cruel to those around him
Think of his corruption as a parasite, it feeds off Nightmare’s own pain and in turn it’s what makes Nightmare feel that pain (and his own emotions) magnified times a thousand
So when say a normal person who isn’t corrupted feels anger for example, they would feel that anger through stages from it being a mere mild frustration that turns to anger and then full blown rage (depending on the situation of course), but even then a normal person would be able to control that frustration so it doesn’t escalate to anger and in turn never turns to rage, or even if this person were to immediately jump to rage, then they’ll be able to calm themselves down by venting that anger a bit
Nightmare on the other hand,
A- doesn’t go through those stages for his emotions, he immediately experiences the most intense form of them
B- those feelings never go away, they linger and fester inside him like an infestation as it is what his own corruption feeds on
He feels angry? That anger is a full blown rage inside him, he feels sad? That’s crushing depression for him, he feels hate? That hate is nothing but raw loathing for everyone and everything around him, he feels fear? It’s fucking paralyzing to the point Nightmare seeks power so he won’t have to feel afraid, he feels happy? It’s tainted by his now sadistic behavior as Nightmare finds sick satisfaction and glee in hurting those around him
Of course, how he deals with that changes as he grows and learns and adapts, so such emotional intensity/ instability is extremely apparent on him as a newly corrupted 6 y/o who feels all alone and lost in the world while it shapes his personality and who he becomes as an adult with a lot more control over his actions/reactions (corruption + bad experiences that shapes his mind = Mean Girl Bitchmare)
What I’m trying to say is that his corruption contributes to his emotional instability, and that corruption knows what to feed on exactly, it makes it so Nightmare feels dependent on negativity so he won’t have to experience what it’s like to feel powerless again, it feeds on his fear, pain, anger, hatred and it extends to Nightmare’s sadistic cruel actions that in turn brings more negativity, which in turn makes him stronger and by extension the corruption stronger which contributes to magnifying his emotions even more, which leads to more cruelty and so on, it’s a never ending torturous cycle that no one is aware Nightmare’s in.. including Nightmare himself, Nightmare is as much of a victim to his corruption as those poor souls who have to deal with Nightmare cause of it
The corruption magnifies Nightmare’s emotions too much for his mind to even be able to process them let alone regulate them, (and Nightmare already has problems understanding his own emotions to begin with) and in turn that corruption only got to his mind as well
Imagine it this way, Nightmare’s mind is plagued by his now corrupted thoughts, he can’t truly think clearly through the thick suffocating corruption, trauma, and horrifying experience in his first 500 years of corruption, it’s like looking through a broken mirror, the pieces of the mirror are still there, and they still show his reflection, but they’re too distorted and messy to form a clean and clear reflection, Nightmare looks at himself in that mirror, but all he sees is scattered pieces of who he used to be (he can no loger recognize his reflection) and so as Nightmare keeps trying to put the pieces back together, it’s more and more clear that not only do they now show the reflection of he used to be, but also who’d he become, the shattered mirror pieces reflect both his corrupted and passive self in a distorted messy way (that’s who Nightmare is now)
Ok if that’s the case, how come Nightmare has kind moments that contradicts his own corrupted state of being? Cause despite his corruption, he’s still Nightmare, I can never emphasize that enough
Despite the cycle he’s in, despite the state of those shattered pieces of who he used to be, those pieces that has his passive self STILL EXIST alongside his corrupted pieces, Nightmare’s own mind, thoughts, emotions and identity beyond that corruption still linger inside him, even if if in a sort of a limbo state
Ok with that all in mind, what the fuck does that have to do with a 6 y/o Dream? Everything
Just like I showed in the comic before, Nightmare would be too blinded by his own pain and hatred (that’s magnified by his corruption) to actually slow down and realize that Dream is 1- literally still a 6 y/o in mental and physical capacity, and 2- is just as in much pain and with such as much trauma as he is
Nightmare hates Dream with a passion
But the thing is, as I showed in this comic here, apart of Nightmare still deeply cares about Dream, even when Nightmare’s in absolute denial about it, I dare say Nightmare doesn’t even realize how much that lil part of him cares
And that would reflect on how he deals with Dream, Nightmare would be conflicted alright, but his corruption would win first and foremost and as such, he’ll deal with Dream with cruelty (that he later realizes was a mistake)
I will not lie, I’ve yet to decide on what I love to think happened to Dream as a statue, but allow me to say that it’s one of 4 options, I like to believe it’s either
A- Nightmare kept him in Dreamtale beside the corpse of their mother
B- took Dream with him to his own castle where he kept him in a safe space
C- left him in a remote part of the multiverse in an empty universe devoid of life (which later got populated)
D- a combination between A and B and C in a linear timeline (i think option D is my fave so far, but I haven’t made a final decision yet :’D)
That being said, the moment Dream breaks out his stone prison, I believe Dream would be too confused and scared to understand what’s going on, hell, would probably think the Apple incident happened just yesterday, not that 500 years passed (you can imagine Dream’s shock later) only to start frantically searching for Nightmare and when he does find his twin? Nightmare doesn’t look like Nightmare anymore, where’s his golden crown? Where’s his tunic? Why is he so much taller? So many questions, and Nightmare’s not in the mood to answer
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Nightmare would definitely be shocked to see Dream out of his prison, a big part of him hates that Dream escaped it, Dream doesn’t deserve to be free, another part of him (the one that cares) is relieved cause turning him to stone was never the plan, and then the more dangerous corrupted part of him is sadistically gleeful, he could finally get a proper payback and to have the golden apple from such a weak, small and helpless child
Dream would start talking about how he wants Nightmare back and you can imagine how pissed Nightmare would be at Dream’s daring audacity to bring up the apple incident
Their first interaction after Dream is finally freed is not at all pleasant (the fact Dream is still a 6 y/o physically and mentally doesn’t deter Nightmare’s cruelty)
Nightmare eventually realizes he should’ve been a lot more merciful on his twin when he first broke out his prison, yet that sadistic gleeful part of him can never be quelled (unbeknownst to Nightmare that the glee he feels at Dream’s misfortune is just his trauma shaped in a twisted manner due to his corruption, he feels like Dream hadn’t suffered like he had, so Nightmare will make Dream suffer himself)
And the rest is (kinda) history :)
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bluee08 · 2 years
Astro Observations 《1》
Disclaimer : I am not a professional astrologer. This post is only for fun and it is solely based on my observations and experiences. So, please take it with a grain of salt.
♠️ Taurus Mars 🤝 Anger issues. It's either a disaster or unhealthy suppression. No in between.
♠️ Mars-Neptune placements have some wide imagination when it comes to steamy stuff. It be going on in their heads 24/7! Also they might get frequent wet dreams. Infact on a side note they are quite looking forward to it when they go to sleep.
♣️ Mars in 4th house went through a lot of family trauma in childhood. It could be anything like daily arguments, abusive household, domestic violence etc.
♠️ Sagittarius venus and their frequent crushes. If influenced by Scorpio could be secretive as hell.
♠️ Jupiter–Saturn negatively aspected could indicate a hard academic life in the beginning but once you work on it, you will succeed with flying colors. My friend has her jupiter squaring saturn and she was always at the bottom in her class. But once she decided to put her mind into it, she became one of the toppers in our school.
♣️ Venus at 0° has no idea where to began with love. They want it but are clueless about what they actually want.
♠️ Sagittarius people love freedom. Speaking from personal experience, you don't want to tie them down by any means. Like Sagittarius moon hates being emotionally tied down by some melodrama. Don't even think about manipulating them they will run away know right away. Sagittarius venus hates being controlled in a relationship.
♣️ Virgo sun might tease their partner now and then after their night together just to see their reaction. You better blush🔪
♣️ Someone mentioned in their post that having jupiter in 2nd house in solar return chart could indicate buying a lot of books. It's true! I had it last year in my chart and omg I bought so many books in one year! Also I never faced any shortage of money that year so later when I calculated the expense, I was surprised. It's also funny because whenever I felt like, okay I want this book, in the next few days I would have it in my hands by some means. I was obsessed with books. Let it be study material or novels. I still have many novels that I bought last year but haven't read yet. Lol no regrets tho, I love books 📚
♠️ Moon conjuct pluto 🤝 love-hate relationship with their mothers. It's like— I can't live without you. The next moment—but if I die it will be only because of you. And it goes both the ways. I have this and trust me it hurts on a subconscious level.
♣️ Asteroid Actor conjuct moon could mean that when you act, you act flawlessly. No one could tell if you are acting or not. Emotions are always on point. It comes very natural to these people. If underdeveloped, could make sly manipulators, like a wolf under sheep's skin.
♠️ Scorpio MC people always have a strict control over their public image. They are not said to be mysterious just like that. You might think you have them figured out but there is always something going on in their lives which is unknown to the public. And if they don't want you to know about it, you will never know either.
♣️ Pluto in 11th house/Sagittarius/Aquarius could mean that you might have a wide variety of friends all over the world, through online or even through mutuals. But for some of you these people just come along and go. Or maybe you are the one who gets distant for some reason. They still remain good friends though, it's just that the sudden closure is gone. Plus they don't reveal every single secret to their friends. They know later it won't matter.
♣️ Venus conjuct/ Sextile/trine Mercury gives a very pleasant voice. These people should try applying in music industry.
♠️ Asteroid Skip in natal chart could indicate what all things you missed or neglected in your life. For example, in 6th house you could have neglected your health a lot to the point later it backfired. Or in Capricorn it could indicate that you skipped working.
♣️ Jupiter–AC people are very sharp minded. Especially if it's conjuction. They know how to turn the situation in their favour. They are also very versatile in nature, which makes them very well liked by people. Basically the All rounder placement.
♠️ Asteroid Scientia positively aspecting Jupiter/Sun/moon could mean you work good in science fields. Whereas if it's negatively aspected you might face a little difficulty in dealing with science majors and need more effors to put in. I have jupiter square scientia and I know exactly what I am talking about.
♣️ Asteroid Academia in 11th house/Aquarius could indicate changing many schools, colleges throughout your life or living in a hostel.
♠️ Aries risings are the most restless beings alive. They can't sit still for two minutes to save their lives! These people are very competitive when it comes to athletics, as for academics, they are okay with being average. Two of the people that I know who have this rising sign won gold medals during their school lives in sports competitions.
♣️ Mars conjuct MC or Mars in 10th house people are very dedicated and driven when it comes to their profession. They pursue their career with full potential.
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boulderpunchinglover · 3 months
Hii I was thinking for either bakugo or izuku u can write an image of the trend where the gf pretends that there's not enough food
also I'm so glad I found you, I know you only have one post up but I absolutely love your writing style and the way your profile colors are coordinated is so cute. I love it. Also because my favorite author is retiring 😭
also here's the link to the tik tok I'm referring to if you don't know
byee - 🖤🫶🏾
Woohoo! My first request!! As soon as I got the notification, I started writing immediately. TY for the profile compliment! I couldn’t decide on whether to write about Bakugo or Izuku so I did both! I hope that you and everyone who reads this enjoys <3
"There's not enough food" Prank on Bakugo and Izuku
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Katsuki Bakugo
One night, you were scrolling on TikTok in your bed as Bakugo slept peacefully on your chest. You’re never up this late and you knew that Bakugo would be upset that you aren’t getting your beauty sleep. Good thing he fell asleep before you. He couldn’t fuss at you about being up this late. As you scroll, you see a video that catches your eye. A girl pranks her boyfriend by pretending that there's not enough food for the both of them and takes the plate with less food just to see his reaction. The boyfriend’s reaction catches your eye the most. He immediately takes some of the food off his plate and gives it to his girlfriend. “How sweet…” You say to yourself as you look down at Bakugo. “I wonder if Katsuki would have the same reaction…” neuron activated. You know what you are going to be doing tomorrow.
There was this restaurant that you and Bakugo went to regularly that had food worth dying for. You guys ordered the same thing every time: katsu curry. You decided to set up a date there to conduct the prank. Convincing Bakugo to go on a last minute date with you wasn’t hard at all. He was always happy to spend time with you. As you enter the restaurant, you come up with a plan on exactly how to go about this. “Kats, find us some seats. I’ll order the food for us.” Bakugo shrugs and does as he’s told. When you go up to the counter, you order a medium sized katsu curry bowl for Bakugo, and a small one for yourself. Once you sit beside Bakugo, he sees that you’re holding back laughter and raises his eyebrow. “What’s so funny?” You try to get your laughter to a minimum in order to answer his question. “Nothing, just thought of something funny.” Bakugo shrugs. He’s still sort of suspicious, but he doesn’t think much about it as he holds your hand. “Ok, weirdo…” A few minutes later, the waitress comes out with both of your bowls. She places the smaller one in front of you, and the bigger one in front of Bakugo. As you begin eating like everything is normal, you glance over at Bakugo’s face. He looks quite baffled.
What the hell?” Bakugo says as he compares your portion size to his. “Did you order a smaller size?” You shake your head. “My portion was smaller because the restaurant was running out of ingredients.” Bakugo scowls and begins to dump some of his food into your bowl. “That’s bullshit.” You giggle and try to stop him. “You don’t have to do that, Katsuki! I’m not even that hungry, for real!” Bakugo doesn’t believe that. “You were looking forward to going to this restaurant all day, idiot! I’d be damned if you can’t at least enjoy your meal like you wanted!” When Bakugou is done, you both have equal portions. In fact, you might have a little more. “There you go. If you want more, you can have more off my plate.” How sweet. You kiss Bakugo on his cheek and lay your head on his shoulder. “My hero. Thank you, babe. I love you.” Bakugo slightly blushes at your actions and words. He lovingly rubs your shoulder. “Yeah, yeah. I love you too ♡”
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Izuku Midoriya
Izuku insisted that he cook dinner when you were staying over at his house. After all, you were a guest. In his mind, you shouldn’t be the one cooking when you were the one staying over at his house! But after much convincing, he finally gives in and lets you cook. But little did he know, you offered to cook for a reason… to recreate a prank on TikTok that you saw where girls would give their boyfriends a plate with more food while they took the plate with less food just to see their reactions. Once you saw it, you knew that you just had to do it with Izuku. You decided to make Katsudon, which was his favorite food. His reaction was going to be interesting, as you knew that he loved Katsudon and he would most likely be reluctant to share with you. 
As you cook, you glance at Izuku as he studies at the kitchen table. He looks so peaceful, that you almost feel bad for your impending prank. (Keyword: almost). Once you get done cooking, you place each other's plates down on the table and take your seat. Izuku affectionately grins at you. “Thank you, love-” Izuku’s sentence is cut short when he notices that you barely have any food on your plate. “Y/N? What.. what is this about?” He says as he looks down at his plate in confusion. You smile and begin digging into your own, smaller portion plate. “There weren't enough ingredients for us to have the same amount. But that’s ok. I wasn’t that hungry anyway. 
Izuku shakes his head and swaps your plates. “In that case, you can have mine. It’s not fair for you to cook and eat the least amount.” You try to argue and swap the plates again. But he stops you. “Honey, I insist. Please don’t fight this…” You look into his eyes and see the genuine concern. You smile, knowing that you picked the right person to share your life with.
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ghosts-cant-sleep · 5 months
Heeeeyyy, never requested anything but i think i'll give it a shot because i really like the way you write! You're really talented :]
Mayhaps a simon "ghost" riley x male reader? Reader is very provocative and loves getting reactions out of people, no matter if they are amused chuckles or annoyed groans. BUT Ghost is a brick wall and reader sees it as a challenge? Im sure your beautidul mind will come up with something interesting!
May i have the "🦇" as my anon emoji? (If its not taken of course!)
Thanksss, have an amazing day/night!
you can whistle for it
simon 'ghost' riley x male! reader
warnings: idk how spotting works im just basing it off of that one american sniper scene kinda, suggestive innuendos, stupid jokes, not proofread,
notes: i love specific anons sm :3 yall r so cute :3 ofc u can have 🦇 :3 lysm :3
fem dni.
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"Y'know, Lieutenant, I've been thinking-"
"I doubt that."
"-You, me, alone under the stars... It's pretty romantic, don't'cha think?"
A heavy sigh pushes past [Name]'s lips, hia breath blooming into a faint mist of white, fading into the deep blues of the sky hanging high above them.
The snow crunches bellow his elbows with every breath, laying thick over the plantlife. Frost coated the leaves that shrouded the pair, snowfall left the branches bending under the weight, there wasn't even a peep from the local fauna.
And oh god, what he wouldn't give to be warm like them, huddled in a burrow, coat all he'd need to keep warm. Instead, he was left in thick, stiff winter gear, the cruel wind biting at the tip of his nose in spite of the fleece-lined gaiter.
Hell, he was surprised his rifle wasn't crusted in ice.
He wasn't surprised, however, to deduce that the poor weather seemed to reflect on his lieutenant's mood, as if being stuck on overwatch for hours on end wasn't bad enough.
[Name] laid with his cheek resting on the stock of his gun, index finger lazily tapping against the trigger gaurd to some unrecognized rhythm.
And Ghost was right beside him, nearly hyper focused on spotted. Each had their eyes trained on their respective scopes, and both were miserable.
Aching backs, necks swiftly growing sore, eye's dry, lips cracking, and faces all kn all feeling like they'd be ready to freeze off any moment now. And that's not even mentioning that this was the fourth time Ghost had essentially requested [Name] shut his mouth in the past thirty minutes they'd been in the field, which was frustrating enough for both of them.
And excuse him for not wanting to waste his night sulking in silence, but making the best out of a less than steller situation didn't seem to be something Ghost was capable of.
It was charming, in its own annoying little way-- the relentless chatter and constant quips and jokes, even if they sometimes boarded on ridiculously unprofessional. Whether it be an annoyed groan, a flustered chuckle, or a reluctant smile masked with a roll of their eyes, his little antics never failed to coax out some reaction.
Almost never.
And in all honesty, this self inflicted, fruitless journey to get so much as a scoff out of Ghost wasn't even the point anymore. Sure, to be met with anything other than stubborn apathy would be a breath of fresh air, not to mention satisfying after so long of any and all jokes, swipes, and thinly veiled innuendo being shut down with little remorse would be a delight. But now? [Name] just wanted something to distract himself from the cold that clung to his skin.
So, as always, to Ghost's dismay, he gives it another go.
Dispite himself, another sigh is huffed out. He glances over to Ghost, the sight of something other than his reticle feeling foreign.
"So..." He starts, situating his sights back to his scope. "You got a girlfriend or anything?"
He found the idea a little funny. The image of this big, stoic man holding hands or otherwise being sweet on some pretty little lady.
There's a stretch of silence, expectantly so, and [Name]'s already racking his brain for something-- anything, to say next.
The low rumble of Ghost's voice takes him by surprise, but it'd be foolish to dwell on it long. An answer's an answer.
"Figured," [Name] mutters out, adjusting the grip on his gun, rolling out shoulders in an attempt to ease the discomfort that's begun to festerbetweenhia shoulder blades. "Does that mean you're up for grabs then?"
Only the whistle of wind responds this time.
"I'll take that as a maybe." He might as well have been aimlessly talking to himself. Hell, that would've been more entertaining than this.
"Y'know, I'm sure deep down you do think I'm funny." Told you; relentless. Still, despite the smile hidden behind his mask and the slightly forced crinkle in his eye, [Name] couldn't quite hide the irritation growing thick in his own throat.
"I think you're a distraction," Ghost is swift to correct, his balaclava doing little to hide the annoyance in his tone. "A liability if you're not careful, so do shut up."
[Name] can't help but shake his head, a sharp huff pulling from his throat. Sure Ghost was his superior, and by no means were they supposed to be all buddy-buddy with one another. But jesus fucking christ, would it hurt to crack smile. Hell, even Price offers a pitty laugh on the rare occasion.
"It wouldn't kill you to have some damn fun one in a while." The words leave his mouth before his can think better of it, tounge sharp.
"It might," Ghost is quick to retort with just as much bite. For the first time since they settled down, his eyes leave the spotter, sending a well received warning glare [Name]'s way. "Give it a rest, yeah?"
Be it the weather, the job, a wave of bravery, or simply just [Name]'s long overdue annoyance reaching its peak, he, in fact, does not give it a rest.
"It's like you're scared of saying something interesting for once."
"Maybe I'll let you chew on some lead to shut you up. That interesting enough?"
Every stretch on silence is near unbearable. It feels like even the wind still in these moments. [Name] would prefer a constant flood of berating and hardly enjoyable banter from Ghost far more than this.
The tension of the moment breifly lingers before it disapates just as swiftly as it had arrived, the tension in [Name]'s chest easing. He lets out a soft breath, his grip adjusts, his elbows sink furth into the snow.
"Well-" Ghost interjects with gruff sigh, "-Soap told me you like jokes."
"Did he, now?"
"Where do generals keep their armies?"
"Up their sleevies."
"God dammit, Ghost."
[Name] purses his lips, effectively splitting it down the center, the heat from the sting made all the worse by the every present chill. He had more pressing matters to worry about. "Why do snipers aim with one eye closed?"
"Humor me-- just this once, and I swear I'll shut up for the rest of the night." An obvious lie. However, Ghost doesn't try to correct it. "...Why do snipers aim with one eye closed?"
"If they closed both, they wouldn't be able to see."
Yet another discontent sigh leaves Ghost's mouth. But, [Name] could've sworn he almost heard a smile forcing its way onto Ghost's face as he spoke. "Now are you done?"
[Name]s response isn't instantaneous. His head lifts from the small of the stock, gaze leaving the scope and finding Ghost beside him.
Ghost was still, near statuesque if it weren't for the soft puffs of breath that seeped through the thick knit of his mask. [Name] knew Ghost liked being behind the trigger more than anything, but he was sure Ghost's ego swelled, even if just a tad, over being the one chosen to spot instead.
Only when Ghost's eyes meet [Name]'s does he retreat back to his scope. Still, he let's his stiff face pull into a grin. "Say whatever you want, but I think I am starting to get to you, Lieutenant."
"Oh, piss off." This time, he hears Ghost shift around in place, a tired groan accompaning the shifting of snow beneath him. "Just quiet down before I show you how to put that mouth of yours to good use for once."
"Awe, c'mon now, you-- huh?"
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imagine azriel walking in on reader using truth-teller to cut up veggies and fruit, his beloved and legendary obsidian sword, who had slaughtered countless of enemies, reduced to a cooking knife hacking cucumbers and fruit…😭😭
this is so fucking funny he would not know what to do
Azriel had just dropped all of his stuff on the table when he got home because he desperately needed to go bathe right away
You were in the kitchen cooking soup for the two of you for dinner
And when you were about to cut up the carrots you saw truth teller on the table and thought it would be kinda funny
Azriel comes into the kitchen and doesn’t notice for a minute because he’s too busy picking up his things from the table
But when he can’t find his blade, he looks around and sees truth teller in your hand being used to cut carrots
He just stands there with his mouth hanging open not even knowing what to say
You try to hide your laugh at his reaction while you toss the carrots into the soup pot
Because cmon… the infamous truth teller blade cutting veggies? That’s hilarious.
Azriel disagrees, obviously
He rushes over and grabs the blade, looking at you like you’re crazy
“I’ve used that to... I don’t want to eat the blood of the worst males in Pyrithian in my soup!”
Obviously, you scrubbed the hell out of that thing first because who knows where it has been, but you decide to keep messing with him
“It’s probably fine. It will cook out, right?”
That only makes him speechless again and he tries to fish out the contaminated carrots from the pot with a spoon
You finally decide to take mercy on him and admit it was a joke
Once dinner is ready he refuses to eat the soup
You try to eat a bite, but the mental image of where truth teller has been is too gross, so you both decide to go out for dinner
He never leaves truth teller out on the table anymore
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.2
George: We don't have to keep [an image] up, we just remain ourselves. Don't we, Ringo? Ringo: well, we do, I mean, it's the other two we're worried about. It's a joke about John and Paul being bigheads, but a crazy person – definitely not me – could also see it other ways if they wanted to.
Paul talking about their mutual friend when asked how they met and John telling him not to complicate it. They're so married it's ridiculous. 
Always looking at each other with every single joke. 
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He looks like he's in a lovely enclosure at the petting zoo. I've always been so confused by this footage. Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?
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I LOVE that we now know Paul was cast as Thisbe and John as Pyramus and then they switched. I'm actually dying to know how and why that happened though. My first instinct was “of course. Paul was scared he'd look too convincing as a woman, so John did it for him.” But no. Paul dressed as a woman at the cavern, wore ladies lingerie in Hamburg, and wanted to do a full drag show on TV in the early seventies. So why not Thisbe?
Why do you as a man randomly bring up the color of your friend's dick while staring lovingly into his eyes?
It must be noted. They had a wonderful time playing star-crossed lovers. 
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The bickering pianos are so cute! And then John (prompting Paul): and John and I . . . Paul: oh I hate this. John: will probably carry on . . . Paul: we'll carry on songwriting . . . You just know Paul didn't hear the end of that one interview answer for a long long time. And it's because John just had to hear it over and over again.
Love the editing so that Paul smacks John's ass right as the symbols crash. 10/10 A+
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This iconic moment. Poor George tally number 4.
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Interviewer brings up marriage and John takes a shot like he wants to forget that the whole concept even exists. Literally poor Cynthia. And not even in an “lol her husband's gay” type of way. Just in a genuine “the way their relationship fell apart actually breaks my heart because she really did love him and in his way he loved her too but they were just so thoroughly incompatible” type of way. 
Paul: makes a stupid dad joke. John: giggles gleefully and kicks his feet
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I have never seen someone so disappointed that they didn't need to lend their friend a pen. Paul had his hand in his pocket before John even asked the interviewer for a pen and when the interviewer gives him one, Paul literally hangs his head like he's just been cut from the school play. I just. The obsession is frankly cartoonish. But also, he just needs to be needed, you know? How many songs does he have which conflate being needed and being loved?
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The juxtaposition of Paul and John elaborately messing with the interviewer (“yes John Lenard, that's me” and “actually it's done by mirrors.”) vs George's “I don't know” and “yeah.” it's actually kind of mean editing but whatever. It is ULM not UH. Someone should make that though.
Again, John. Calm down. He's not that funny. Just look at Jimmy. That's the normal person's reaction to that joke. John is half the reason Paul has such a big head honestly. 
Paul's answer to a question about the Beatles gaining a lot of adult fans is nice. Sometimes he shocks with a bit of wisdom. Sometimes his words don't get messed up at the point they hit his throat as he says. 
What the fuck? Okay so the interviewer asks Paul what he likes in a girl, right? I've always been too distracted by Paul saying he likes a sense of humor and John doing an obnoxious fake laugh in the background because John. It's embarrassing how obvious you are. Stop.
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But I never noticed Paul actually says “people”. The interviewer asks about girls and he says he likes “people - er - girls” to have a sense of humor. Huh. Okay. 
So ULM was actually what made me a serious Beatles fan and this was the first moment where I had to pause it and verify to see if what I'd just read was actually true. It really is a doozy. 
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How to flirt. A guide by Paul McCartney. Step one: get your crush’s attention. This should be extremely easy. Just gesture vaguely at something you're holding. He'll be interested. Step two: do something suggestive to a phallic object. Step three: that's it. You've got him. He'll do whatever you want.
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The editing in this thing truly is brutal. Just the jump cuts from a question about Cynthia to John and Paul making each other laugh to girls screaming to John and Paul unnecessarily touching to girls passed out on the ground to John and Paul desperate for each other's attention to girls waving signs to John and Paul sharing weird eye contact to girls physically mobbing them to John and Paul beaming at each other to a question about Jane. It really does drive home the immense pressure of compulsory heterosexuality back then. 
Then a question that's obviously meant to poke a nerve and start some bad feelings. “Paul. Is John the leader of the Beatles?” Easily rebuffed with “no I'm not” and “there's no real leader”. I know I'm dramatic but really it's like every aspect of that society was against them you know? And they just kind of said "fuck you, we're crazy about each other."
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Question: what do they think about when they're imprisoned in their hotel rooms? John: we don't think about one thing. *Whips head to look at Paul* well, some of us do. Oh and you know that how exactly? What, do you just have a printout of his every thought? Do you keep constant tabs on his dick?
Someone give me the heterosexual explanation of that moment when John very clearly and obviously checks out and appreciates Paul's ass as he and Ringo are pretending to be cowboys. Seriously. I'm at a loss here. 
Poor George tally number six? Seven? They're asked what they'll do if England reinstates the draft. John brings up Southern Ireland. George brings up Germany. Paul and John plan their joint escape to Southern Ireland as if George hadn't even spoken. 
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The choice to play “Another Girl” over that quote of John's being like ‘Paul's actually much meaner than i am’ is great. Because that's seriously such a jerk song. I don't much like Jane, honestly, but fuck, she deserved so much better than Paul. He was such a douche.  
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Literally all the song choices in this are phenomenal. “Hide Your Love Away” over the montage of 60s homophobia moments? It's so genius. Saying everything without saying anything. Letting the Beatles do the talking. 
The laugh track over the cartoon is honestly so sad. Nobody asked them if they were okay with being mocked like that and they never even made a dime off it. What would that have felt like to know that your being “too close” with your best friend was a running joke on TV?
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“It's only love and that is all. Why should I feel the way I do?”
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anonymouscheeses · 8 months
more obvious shit I wanted to point out but it's more than last time uhhh pt.2 (spoilers for dad beat dad and maybe welcome to heaven. Maybe?)
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I love that Charlie just randomly goes into demon form sometimes like here ehhehehe. Also can I just say I love Charlie so much?? She is my favorite and I love her especially in this episode because it feels like the same optimistic Charlie but she was just put in a bad situation. I relate to her a bit TOO much, almost down to every detail like wow. You'll understand later once I get there. But just wow...
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LOOK AT THIS FUNNY LITTLE MAN. SPOODER DUST <3 also. Live [image] reaction. Someone make that into a reaction image 🙏🙏
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HONEY!!! NEW MEME TEMPLATE JUST DROPPED. (Aka the one guy going crazy trying to explain the stuff on the board iykyk)
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OMG... THAT CANT BE CHARLIE... NOT CHARLIE'S EMO PHASE PLEASE BAHAHAHHAHAHA (also love that Lucifer has kept it all these years, if Charlie knew I think she'd be extremely embarrassed. Vaggie would love it probably xd)
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Broskie got character development and is NICE?!? I LOVE THAT SMMM YALL.... LOOK AT HIM!! I am very delusional yes, but I will take this over ass development(cough. Vaggie's "story" in ep 3. Cough).
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Imagine this. *holds your hand carefully to help you calm down while talking to your father you haven't really wanted to talk to.* lesbian type stuff ngl 🤯 (relatable)
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*SHE IS STILL HOLDING HER HAND. CHARLIE'S ALSO SWINGING IT AROUND NERVOUSLY. I can never get tired of them and will make art soon just you wait.*
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COMMANDER VAGGIE! I love that she acts like this is a camp full of tiny kids and honestly? That's not too far off. Sir pentious is at the ready! (glad he's here more often in the episode, thought he would just get sidelined after his first episode but gladly no!) Angel is just surprised. Husk spilled his drink, ON WHITE FUR NO LESS! Niffty of course is on the floor face first. Charlie is just happy to be there yippee!
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What is this?? I have no idea what the hell it is at all. Bro is just peepin- it doesn't look like Alastor, even in demon form. And... I can't think of anyone else who could be this. Anyone have ideas or maybe it's foreshadowing? Maybe it was revealed in the 6th episode I don't know I haven't watched it yet. (I am a freak. I don't binge I give myself a day to watch a single episode. Most of the time uhhh.)
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WE LOVE A SHORT KING. I LOVE THAT. I LOVE HIM. THE EVERYTHING. HE IS EVERYTHING. LET ME STRANGLE HIM PLEASE. (Lillith and Lucifer's dynamic is 100% Gomez and Morticia but a little more silly short man)
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Oh and there goes the silly guy again! Atp I'm thinking it may be the gal some people been talking about that they've been hinting since the pilot. I forgot her name but she's said to be the big bad of season 1 or probably 2. Not sure if that's what it's trying to imply but here's my little no-thought idea
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Lucifer, no...
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Niffty really said, "Yes, I do the cleaning."
Get yourself a taller king who is a short king but compared to you is a tall king
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Say what you will, but I genuinely want more dad Alastor, someone make an au before I do plsss and @ me 🙏🙏
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alright.. now this is where it starts to be relatable and hurt my heart... yayy.... needing any sort of parent figure that actually cares about you than the actual parent who is rarely there? WOWZA! SAME CHARLIE <3 <3 (SO FAR VERY ACCURATE FROM SOMEONE THAT IS IN THE SAME SITUATION)
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Alastor is letting her off kindly, atleast in his way. He may be pissed off she brought a shark gang to the hotel and put it on fire, but they were still close friends. With anyone else he would absolutely either murder them or have severely traumatized the person. She's the exception, although I don't think he'd let it off the hook so easily if there were a next time.
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A father-daughter embrace! :,)
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(This is gonna be messy asf) He wants to know who she is as a person. He always has, and that's definitely obvious, but from a person inside this, they may not know themselves what the other is thinking. To Charlie it was like he never cared and just wanted an excuse to not see her again, acting like he was truly busy as in the start where he made the rubber duck that breathed fire. Sure. But Charlie saw it as him finding ways to not interact with her again. The only times they talk was when it was related to business stuff or other things of the sort. Let me just say this song... is by far my favorite, including the episode. Sure, it's got problems it's own, but this extremely accurate portrayal of what my own situation with one of my parents just stole my entire soul. Yeah I got a bit of tears about to come out, BUT NOPE! NOT TODAY! I don't ever cry during shows or movies so if I ever get teary-eyed, YOU DID SOMETHING. THAT SOMETHING BEING GOOD. This episode was emotional and connected with me on a deep level that I dont think any film has ever done to me, which is weird because I've been actively trying to find one, any one that does. Then to find it in an indie company from a creator who has achieved the dreams that I myself want to one day? That's fucking amazing.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
COMMENTS on 2x05 - SPOILERS ahead, obviously^^
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
First off - this episode made me throw out some things out the window, and rearranged some things, confirmed others - HOLY HELL. A lot of screaming this time, the comments are a bit incoherent because holy fuck. I will need a few days to rearrange stuff after this lmao. . . . . . . . . . .
the (hot) bantering that Daniel does not buy once more
loved Daniel honing in on the change in narration
“narcoleptic pull of the sun” for the younger vamps… I guess that is how they adjusted the lore
MALIK - oh he’s LUNCH. Armand is fucking playing with his food, and honestly, that is quite the… well. Sadistic hunt, to be frank. Supposedly of course those who “deserve” it, but it really reminds me of the “hunting evildoers” they do later, and who they then put into the dungeons for easy snacking
“half in love with an easeful death”
“his methodology is never violent” 💀 (just fatal, depends probably on how you define “violent”)
God Daniel remembering and how they did that is CREEPY
The piano notes - pushing our noses to the important bits, oof
Daniel thinking they had sex (and the reactions both in the past and in Dubai, lol, cute!)
Louis “dined” almost every night he was there….
Mhhhhh Louis’ fangs, and Daniel shaken to the core
Daniel telling Louis he was lonely HIT
Them quoting the book there - I love it. Whole passages just recited from the book. Louis reading Lestat for filth, lol - love the dynamic he and Louis have there, lmao.
Oh Louis, sweetie. The way he halted, when Daniel said he was his “first love”
Ah, that is interesting, Daniel questioning Louis not going with Claudia after that bench… “the only choice, the wrong choice” (!!!)
“And then what” looool :)))
Daniel playing the extended file.
Armand going he is at home and always cleaning up after Louis
LOUIS going at Armand for being BORING. Holy shit. “dull as fuck”. “Suffocation by the world’s softest, beigest pillow.” OMG. I know it’s not funny, holy shit, but the DELIVERY?!!!! Oh yeah, Louis loves crazy and apparently he misses it - badly. “Did you want to lick my boots or chop my hands off? Is it the gremlin or the good nurse tonight”!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Armand mocking Louis “oh it’s so hard to be me” - “It’s so hard to be me” oh my fucking god
AND ARMAND TELLING LOUIS that Claudia did not love him, not like Lestat did, not like HE has. …..
AND OH MY GOD - it’s the Merrick reveal!!!!!!! Of her hating him. Of him having lost her and Lestat. Oh he’s HEARING her calling him!!!! IT’S FUCKING MERRICK in a mixup with the Tulane draft of Armand saving him then (without the Lestat involvement!) FUCK!!!!! I fucking love/hate the writers!!!!!!!! I KNEW THEY WOULD GO THERE BUT HOLY SHIT LIKE THIS???????????
Oh god the wounds. The makeup artists had fun oO.
Ohhhhhhhh Armand is … hurt there. And not having it. Ugh, I get him, but holy shit
Oh hell, the music, and Daniel being slammed around in punishment for Louis!!!
Ohhhhhhhh Armand is full on “gremlin” there. Terrifying shit. “Rest”.
Fascinating, indeed. On all levels, lol. While Louis is screaming in the next room.
“A splinter of coldness in you”
The emotion in “Louis thinks I’m boring”. Ugh.
Armand starting to tell his story, and then breaking off - oh, god, I want him to tell his story to Daniel later, please. Please let it be Daniel in the show, not David.
Love it that Louis and Daniel try to remember pushing their feet into the little rocks next to the tree
Daniel seeing Armand trying to communicate
And HOLY SHIT - that image of Louis in the coffin?!? Tell me I’m not the only one seeing the similarities???? oO
Armand calling out Louis there, deliberately calling Lestat trash, and OH MY GOD Armand theorizing that is why Louis wants to do this, to get the book out?!! To MAKE Lestat chase after Louis because of it!!!!!!!! God the way they call back to the original novel plot lines is AMAZING I literally screamed at that.
And oh my god, the way his voice breaks on the “insanity” part, on “if you want to escape from this prison of empathy I’ve locked you away in” - holy hell. And that small smile.
And him offering to reach out to Lestat for Louis and then NOT TELLING WHAT LESTAT SAID AND CUTTING IT OFF!!! GOD DAMMIT ARMAND. AAARGGHHHHHHHHHH. And the way Lestat’s voice is shaking with fear there. And then screaming!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?! WHY IS ARMAND KEEPING THEM APART?!" AND HOW????
“… have I atoned for my part in Paris”. Ugh.
Armand slowly and gently spellbinding Daniel there was almost beautiful.
And then Louis, NOT asking. And the dynamic changing, immediately. … brutal. Armand’s face there.
And then, and then Daniel suddenly knowing what the words meant, and then. The memory making sense. THEN them both knowing Armand fucking meddled with both their minds. The proof of the fucking “tinkering”, both only having a “truncated version”. “Same precise edit, on two brains.”
And god, Armand coming back, and Louis MIMICKING HIM.
Louis’ face.
HOLY SHIT. 💀 (again) A lot of my theories are evolving now, with them having pulled up Merrick.
With Armand knowing where Lestat is, and not relaying the message as promised.
With Louis now knowing Armand influenced his mind as well. Holy shit.
They should have called this episode “No Pain” (All the pain). -.-
And the preview, of the blood, and Louis comment of “can you imagine me without the burden of her”.
The BURDEN of her.
Ouch Louis. Just… ouch.
“It explains the betrayal” …. (see below)
“It explains everything that is going to happen”(!!!!) Mark Johnson once more.
“The relationship[] has all kinds of problems, many of the same issues he had when he was with Lestat have resurfaced.” (!!!!!) 💀
Assad: “Armand is always conniving. He is always working, and I think that is also the tragedy of him, it’s that he can’t ever relax with the truth.” HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Jacob: “It’s kind of the biggest betrayal, isn’t it, when you choose to spend your life with somebody, you accept each other. I can’t think of a bigger betrayal than lying to that person in such a significant way to the extent that you would rewrite their history.” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 *Jacob: “It makes me angry, now, Armand is so wrong for that.(!!!!)
Eric: “We both discover the depths of duplicity that Armand has gone to, and what he’s done to each of us.”
... what an episode.
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angelicsjn · 1 year
How would they react to someone flirting with their darling right in front of them?
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Whoever even dares would be a complete idiot.
Flirting with THE Roman Beauregard's S/O? Obviously this person is either stupid, insane or brave.
If they don't stop once he's made his presence known he acts polite, he has an image to uphold. He's an important person and need to be loved by all.
So he smiles, he walks away with his arm tightly wrapped around your waist and you feel the intensity radiate from him. His jaw clenching.
Behind the scenes he uses his power and influence to ruin this person. Finds out who they are, their job, their family. Everything. Uses anything and everything against them to ruin their lives. If they're squeaky clean, he makes something up. Forges up a complete lie that is still believable and makes this person's life hell.
Funny because while their life is turned upside down, they don't know he's the one at fault. They still probably support him, cheer him on and speak about that time they met him and his lovely S/O at that one party.
What a lovely and polite couple!!
Does this person have a deathwish? Who would flirt with this beast of a man's S/O.
Everyone knows that Laten is kind, he's the life of the party. So sweet. But his body? His height? His attitude when angered? They're more than dumb. They must be suicidal.
Laten is forgiving enough, he would politely tell them that you're taken. To stop flirting but if they're persistent and keep up with it, they're getting their jaw spun.
One punch and they're out cold with a tooth missing. You don't fuck with Laten, especially the one he loves.
He will then apologise for making you see him angry. He only wants to show the best parts of him! Behind the scenes, he would AND HAS fucked up those who hurt you.
Jae is sneaky, he's a scheming man and will manipulate those around him to hate the person who flirts with you. He watches them, picks up on everything and uses it against them.
He can make the most popular person turn into the biggest villain and he won't stop until everyone hates his guts.
He watches with a smile as people call him out on things he created. He laughs as they distance themselves from the person until they're completely alone.
Biggest thing, Jae doesn't care. He's loved by all, he's amazing. Once they all hate them, he'd make it known. They've already lost everything so why would anyone believe him?
"I told you to stay away from y/n." He'd say before walking away with a smirk. He won, as always.
He internalises it. Is he not good enough? Do you like this person? Are you flirting back?
He'd go through a mixture of emotions until he realises you don't like this person. You want nothing to do them. Of course you don't, you're with him!
He's then angry. Very fucking angry.
Kaidan takes work off them, modelling jobs are now his. Brand deals are now his. He makes sure to post better outfit pics. You name it.
He'll become better than this person at everything. There will be rumours that this person is copying Kaidan and he plays his violin over this. Dropping hints on social media that he's being copied by them, that he feels attacked and like they're obsessed.
It leads to this person being run off social media due to the amount of hate, even though Kaidan never verbally spoke bad about this person, he dropped enough hints for the people to confirm that they're trying to become him.
He wants the ground to swallow him up. He hates it.
He feels under attack like he's going to lose you to this person. He becomes insecure and compares himself to this person.
He follows you around like a puppy. Watches your reactions whenever this person is near, to see if you give them attention at all. He hates it, so so much.
After you reassure him, his confidence does pick up. That's when he begins to think of ways to keep them away from you.
He's not physically scary, he'd have to use his brain. He'd tutor this person, just feed them the wrong information until their grades are so bad they've failed and can't progress onto the next year.
Hayden does small things that embarrasses this person in public. Pouring water where they're going to walk, 'accidentally' bumps into them and tips his food over their white t-shirt. Oh god! He's so clumsy!
You don't see what he's doing, you think he's innocent, like everyone else. Half the time nobody even notices him, much like the one who was flirting with you...
He is a very kind man, a respected one too. Nobody would flirt anyone he is with.
I mean, how could they? He's so sweet. It'd just be wrong to do that.
But with the off chance that someone would actually flirt with you, he's really just like 🧍‍♂️the whole time.
Maybe he's upset. Maybe he's ready to kill. Maybe it's Mabeline. Who knows?
Really, his eye is twitching, and his fist is curling from the bad thoughts. He doesn't let it show.
When he shakes the person's hand, he smiles, but his dark eyes are blank. They walk away with a red hand from the pressure, but even then, they're convinced he's the nicest person they ever met.
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All the fling posse song snippets are out !!!
👀 The Fling Posse snippets are all out now!! :D Ramuda sounds so happy I cry TwT
Hey! Any thoughts on the Fling Posse solo previews? Love hearing your opinions on the trailers and getting some neat tidbits of insight into the lyrics/motifs.
Thanks for the messages! Let's go check 'em out.
One and Only
(8 seconds in) Ramuda's saying "Let's go" too
(41 seconds in) Ahh!
(48 seconds in) Jesus, Shirai is really pushing his range in this one
(50 seconds in) Self love for Ramuda, hell yeah. Good on him
(End of video) Not a lot to say; I feel like this one was pretty straight-forward. It's Ramuda embracing his personal identity as a unique human being-- LOVE to see it-- which is the culmination of his arc through the series so far. The music itself didn't capture me. I might warm up to it later like I usually do, but Shirai's singing on its own isn't usually my cup of tea. Which is chill; I hope other people like it. The wordplay on "clap your hands (te wo tataite); I want to celebrate [being alive] (tataeteitai)" was neat.
(Title note) I'm intrigued that the title is in kana instead of kanji, giving it a simple and almost "honest" feel in its simplicity. It's been a hot sec since I've seen Gentarou use that word in writing but iirc he usually uses kanji for it.
(5 seconds in) Loving this piano.
(15 seconds in) A boku-using Gentarou? Bruh.
(35 seconds in) Ohhh I see the point of the kana. The title is the same as a famous Shuntarou Tanikawa poem narrated by a little boy (hence the lack of kanji). Since the song lyrics reference it, here's a quick 'n dirty TL of the poem: Lies I think I'll always tell lies. My mother doesn't, but she's done so before. I think that because I know lying is painful. Even if the things I say are lies, the lying feeling is the truth. There are some truths that can only be told in lies. Even dogs--if they could talk, I think they'd tell lies as well. Even when I tell lies, even when my lies get caught, I don't apologize. I never tell lies just to get out of trouble. (*) Even if no one knows that, I know that, and so here I am, living with my lies. Until I just can't bear to lie any longer, I know I'll lie again and again and all the while long for the truth. (*) Literally, "resolve [the trouble] with apologies" which is why the narrator says he doesn't apologize Anyway, the "Even when I tell lies..." verse sans "and so..." is the opening of this song. Gentarou stops at "Even if no one knows that" and sighs in his second repetition of the verse.
(end of song) Wait, the whole thing is just verses of this poem? This is really cool and artistic (I dig it) but wow, what a choice! Saitou Souma's performance is incredible, and the background music is cool. I don't know how well this would go on a playlist, but I am here for it! ...I'm also wondering what the rights acquisition must have been like. This poem isn't in the JPN public domain yet, right? Hahaha.
God in the Dice
(title note) Fwiw I usually say Dice has "spirits" in his dice; calling them gods is just as valid. That seems to be what this is referring to.
(15 seconds in) Man I love Nozuyama's rapping chops. He delivers every time
(23 seconds in) Going to take this "I don't care" and make it a reaction image. Can't adequately express how much the phrase "Thog don't care" gets me through the day; this is right up there with that
(29 seconds in) It's very, very funny that Gentarou always teases Dice about his lack of vocab when you compare these two songs back to back. Hahaha.
(50 seconds in) Call back to Scramble Gamble with a more positive outlook. I can fuck with that.
(end of song) This one seems very similar to Ramuda's in terms of message (once again, I'm inappropriately amused at the notion of Ramuda and Dice living it up in the booth like "Love yourself...! Respect yourself! Love yourse--" and then it cuts to Gentarou who's got a piano and a Dramatic Poetry Reading and Angst. Well, that's Gentarou's way of loving himself, I suppose) and on the one hand, I am very happy for Dice deciding to live his life his own way, even if it goes against societal values... but I don't know how I feel about indulging in a gambling addiction as a way to explore that. You know? Maybe I'm just going "You don't have to follow societal expectations, but you should follow MY expectations, dammit!" Hahaha. Well....... Do what you gotta do, homie.... I'm reminded of how very 20 Dice is. Very, very 20 y.o. leaving a bad home life. Do what you gotta do....
Well, that's Fling Posse! Very much their usual Fling Posse selves.
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hailuchiha · 5 months
Unhappy Accident
!! 18 + NSFW CONTENT!!
!! ALL characters involved are ADULTS ; NO minor characters!!
Summary: Sasuke returned home early from a mission and overheard strange sounds. He saw something that he can never forget.
prompt filled for this anon ask
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incest; sibling incest; some drama; accidental voyeurism; smut; surprise/shock; funny/notfunny; can be read as a comedy of sorts lol; if you like seeing sasuke suffer; only all uchiha 'kids' are suffering 1st hand embarrassment;
Unhappy Accident
Sasuke was eager to get home and get all the grime and dirt off of himself. While he'd finished the mission earlier than expected, it didn't mean it had been a walk in the park.
After giving mission report to the Hokage, he quickly made his way home. It didn't surprise him to come to an empty house and not even having his mother around. His father was busy as the head of the police chief, and his mother also kept herself busy with various activities or local missions. As for his older siblings, they were probably off on their own missions or relaxing with somewhere in the village if they had a day off.
Sasuke had just placed his shoes on the stand near the entrance and exchanged them for house slippers when he heard a muffled crash from above. His immediate reaction wasn't to go on alert mode, as he figured one of his siblings was up in their room and had simply knocked something over. Although, he did think it was weird, as both of them weren't the careless type...
After a moment, he heard a faint groan- definitely big sister- before some weird shuffling came through. Then there was another thud and he could tell something fell to the floor, followed by a pained whine from her.
Till now, Sasuke had frozen in place as he heard the sounds. But curiosity and fear made him rush soundlessly up the stairs. Big sister may not usually be careless, but whatever she was doing now could get her hurt. What if she already was hurt and just had nobody to come to her aid?
To his surprise the sounds were coming from Itachi's room. What was she doing in there?
Ignoring the warning signals in his head telling him to slow down, he rushed in, calling out her name. After all, this was his sister. If there was an intruder, Sasuke was more than capable of dealing with him or her.
"Big sister are you-!"
Only, once he stormed into the room, he couldn't really figure out what was going on.
Or, more accurately, his mind didn't immediately want to comprehend what he was seeing.
For one, he'd been wrong. Big sister wasn't the only one home- big brother was too.
They were both sprawled on Itachi's futon, the sheets messed about around them, and vase lay broken where it had crashed down from the low table near their feet.
Oh, and they were also completely naked.
They all stared at each other- Sasuke from Itachi to their sister, and them both looking at him- in silent horror for a long moment.
Then, without breaking eye contact, Itachi resumed thrusting, as if daring Sasuke to say something. Sasuke caught a glimpse of panic on his sister's face, before she bit her lip and hid her face against Itachi's shoulder, who was blanketing her with his body, her hands rested on his broad shoulders.
"Close the door on your way out, Sasuke," Itachi's voice sounded calm if not for the slight strain.
Without a word and unable to even blink, Sasuke slowly backed out of the room, remembering only at the last moment to reach out with a trembling hand and shut the door behind him.
A few minutes later, he was stood under the hot stream of the shower, staring blankly at the wall, trying to ignore his aching cock which refused to go down since the moment his mind had caught up with what his eyes had seen his siblings doing.
"Fucking hell," he muttered, turning the knob all the way to cold. He shuddered violently, felt his teeth begin to chatter, but it was worth it. He really didn't wanna touch himself to images of them doing it of all people.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hello :) Can you do a fem!reader x fyodor, nikolai, sigma and jouno (separately) where she unintentionally touch there (yk) no no square (they're in a relationship)
genre: crack, fluff, bit suggestive
Ofc, if you're comfortable with it .... Thank you (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
Hello! Tbh this idea was kind of funny ngl, but hopefully I wrote it well! >.<
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
TW: Suggestive, reader trips. And sorry that this was short ;-;
Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma and Jouno when fem!reader accidentally touches 'there'
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-Fyodor probably won't show that much of an outward reaction honestly
-He knows that you weren't doing it on purpose, but it still is adorable to him to see you blush and immediately start apologising to him
-Internally though... his chest did feel a bit hot, but his ego is too big to admit that
-He makes you blush even more when he says ‘why are you apologising, hm? Wouldn’t it be normal now that we’re in a relationship? Fyodor yes I know you’re hot and all but like not everybody is as comfortable as you lol
-But Fyodor would warn you to be careful, since he might not be there to catch you whenever you fall. But it’s because he wants to be the only one who catches you lol
-Would tease you a bit for your reaction, but he will let you know that he wasn’t offended or anything. If you are a bit upset because of it, Fyodor would comfort you, but there’s no hard feelings
-Fyodor would cuddle you to make you feel better. He is still smirking a little when he sees your embarrassed form in his arms, but he doesn’t tease you that much. Fyodor understands how mortifying embarrassment was, so he’ll keep quiet as he gives you time to recover
-If you tease him saying that ‘I felt you get hot’, Fyodor would be smirking as he lifts your chin with his fingers to look you in your eyes with those deep amethyst pupils hot
-‘Oh? Then I take it that accident was intentional? I never knew that my dear needed me that much. How about I’ll grant your little wish, hm?’ And his smirk would widen when he sees you blush even more
-Don’t do it that often, but it would be funny if you did it sometimes. Bonus points if you catch him off guard, because his reaction will be priceless. He always gets back at you though
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-Okay, but in the first few milliseconds he will tense up and be slightly flustered, however, he will tease the hell out of you afterwards
-Nikolai would also laugh a lot, but he will let you hug him. He finds your red cheeks and embarrassed voice so cute that he can’t help but tease you about it
-’Nikolai.. stop’ you huffed as you buried your face into his chest. He let out a laugh, but he ruffled your hair playfully. ‘I’m sorry, but you’re so adorable that I can’t not tease you~’ Whack him.
-Tease him back though! His eyes will widen and he will stiffen up a bit, but prepare yourself for the onslaught of teasing that’s going to happen. Nikolai also isn’t really bothered by the incident, although it did catch him off guard
-If you keep doing it to him however... he might just do it back to you, but in another way. Nikolai is great at ‘innocent’ touches that actually are quite suggestive in their own manner. I hope you don’t get flustered easily, because he will be doing it quite often. But he’ll stop if you’re uncomfortable with it
-Nikolai always brings up that incident to tease you, because he loves seeing you flustered for him and only him
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-I think he wouldn’t really realise at first; he’s more preoccupied with the fact that you had just tripped and would’ve fallen to the floor were it not for him catching you
-Sigma immediately asks if you were alright, while helping you stand up and checking you for any potential injuries. He breathes a sigh of relief when you say that you’re fine, but your red cheeks made him stop and ask you again
-Literally was not expecting the answer that he gets. Sigma blushes faintly, but he quickly gets rid of those feelings in his chest. He doesn’t want to make you feel more embarrassed, and so he comforts you with a ‘it’s alright Y/N, it was just an accident’
-Does not tease you for it because he hates making you feel embarrassed or bad. Will comfort you the best he can if you were feeling a bit upset and mortified because of it
-Sigma will never mention that incident again, however, it doesn’t mean that he hated it... ;) lmao sorry fjffjhjfjd
-He’s really sweet, and definitely won’t make a big deal about it. Hug him and hold him tight
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-A personal favourite lmao
-Jouno probably wouldn’t register it that fast; he’ll catch you and make sure that you’re okay, not paying attention at first to the slight touch that he felt down there
-It’s when he feels you stiffen up and your heart rate quickening does he realise what had happened
-I feel like Jouno would be kind of confused on why you were embarrassed, because it wasn’t like you two were strangers or anything. He was your partner and weren’t things like this considered normal in relationships? (well excluding the whole tripping part)
-But he won’t be clueless for long. When he understands why you were embarrassed... he is going to smirk and tease you a lot
-He loves the sound of your heartbeat speeding up as he teases you. Jouno’s a sadist but we still love him anyways
-If you tease him back though... one thing may lead to another and I’ll leave it to your creative imaginations on what happened afterwards 🤭
I tried ;-;
@pixyys @nekokinax @pianotross @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni
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canadianno · 2 days
💕Positivity prime time! Share five things you love about yourself, four things you're excited about, OR three people you care deeply about and why. Pass this along to someone else who makes you smile💕
Uhmmmmmm!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
I have more than 3 people I care about . But also less of all the other things (well I could probably find 5 things but I don't want to)
So you're getting all the people I care about . Hell yeah
FIRST of all. I love my mom. I love my mom so so so much . Best mom ever!!! She has been through so much and I love her :] I love my mom so so much
SECOND of all. My best friend, Ambrose! If they had a tumblr account I'd @ them but I'm kind of glad they don't. They're so funny, and so smart. I promised them I'd play a game soon and I'm still saving up for it. 4 going on 5 years of complete and utter chaos baby!!
Now for the ppl actually on tumblr oh boy . I don't remember usernames for shit lets go
@bvnny-skvllz dragged me down into the COTL fandom. Beloved friend, aus' georg, I love clinking all of my characters against theirs like little dolls. They know all the warrior cats animation community drama and they talk about it with me :3
@sock-kaleidoscope beloved friend!!!!! The first COTL fic outside of TROD that I ever read. DM of the dnd campaign I'm in and they're fuckin PHENOMENAL at it!!! The absolute silliest little characters. Always have something fun to say.
@ditzyclown beloved friend:DDDDDD I love being on call with them and listening to their birds scream in the background. Phenomenal art btw?? Deserves more hype. I am Feannor supporter number one baby!
@amimuu beloved friend!!!! The sweetest person ever. Their art is so yummy. Their au was the third COTL fic I ever read I think. This isn't counting Bunnys oneshots btw,, but this one's about Ami . Ami is so cool. They also make amazing music??? Little game tunes that are incredible???
Alz - they don't have an account that I know of but they live in my inbox . Had a dream last night that I found their account by accident btw. My favorite asshole ever. They're so mean <3
@aniimoni beloved friend!!! The silliest art ever. They never run out of reaction images. It frightens me a little bit. They've eaten crickets before. I think that it's cool :3
There are so many more people I wish I could mention but I'm in class and this is hard enough. Shouout to Ouchie, Wolsal, Skippy, Zoph, Tyler, Corvus, Oddboi, Amir, Finley, Terb, Cowboy, Mamba, Squid, Cora, Kaili, Jack, Jason, Chloe and everyone else I forgot :]]]]
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delopsia · 2 days
delly, in the spirit of spooky fun times (feat. the floytts, but specifically robby and rhett): who is trying (and succeeding) to convince the other that the cabin that they’re staying in for a few weeks during the month of october (lmao) is haunted, and who is trying (and failing) to not believe it while also getting jumpier and poutier by the day?
🎃 t
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omg, I'm so sorry that this took me forever to answer! 😭
I've got this very specific image in my head of Bob deliberately picking a cabin in the woods, trying his best to make Reader and Rhett think it's haunted, and it winds up backfiring.
He thinks he's so clever when he picks out that cute little forest cabin, isolated from the surrounding area, at the end of a never-ending gravel driveway. It's got the rickety wooden floors and the creepy basement; all you'd need to film the next big horror film is a camera crew and a script.
Of course, he doesn't tell either of you that this is why he picked this specific cabin. He lists everything, the breathtaking mountaintop view, the sea of golden leaves, the cute little town located nearby, but he conveniently 'forgets' to share that one of the reviews claimed this place was haunted.
The first night is fine. So is the second, and the third, and the fourth. Rhett doesn't say anything about being spoked. You have an instance with a moth unexpectedly landing on you while you're getting a glass of water, but that's the scariest thing that happens.
It's the fifth day that has Bob thinking that the review about the ghost was a complete, utter lie. A marketing gimmick to lure people in, and he fell for it.
So what does he do? He starts trying to convince Rhett this place is haunted. Leaves behind little hints and wonderings, says that something moved on its own last night, rearranges different items when you and Rhett go to bed. He even puts an empty cup too close to the edge of the table, teetering in such a way that it falls when Rhett walks past it.
But then...then things start happening. The stove randomly turns on by itself. The light goes out when he's in the shower. Every night at exactly midnight, something starts scratching in the hallway. There's strange writing in his notebook; his laptop keeps getting unplugged. And then, one night, he goes to bed early, and the sheets get ripped off of him.
"This place is haunted to hell," he blurts, stumbling into the living room.
Your eyes lift, peeking over the rim of your glass. Mid-sip. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Yeah, because—"
Something jumps on him.
And he screams.
What he doesn't know is that Reader and Rhett figured him out before you even booked the cabin for the month. For as smart as Bobby can be, he sometimes forgets the little things, like leaving his laptop wide open on the kitchen table, mid-search for "creepy cabins near..."
So here he is. Squealing. Shoving Rhett away. Red-faced and stuttering, cannot fathom why you two are laughing at him.
Turns out, all of those 'supernatural' occurrences were just you and Rhett deliberately fucking with him. The suspicious sounds were all from a speaker you had cleverly hidden behind some furniture. The sheets had been tied to fishing line, making it easy for Rhett to hide outside the room and yank them off. The light? Rhett briefly flipped the breaker.
It was all one big joke to get back at him for his antics, and it's probably shaved a good ten years off his lifespan. Okay, okay, maybe his reaction was kind of funny. But he's still going to sit on the couch and whine about it for the rest of the night, fussing for endless kisses from the both of you.
You're all lying in bed together when you hear something scuttering above the ceiling.
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inneedofsupervision · 27 days
Marvel Tickle Headcanons (Part 1)
(Tbh, I'm kinda unsure how to write headcanons. Also, I don't really wanna write headcanons everyone has read like, fourty times before, so this is me trying to be kinda original? Yeah, no idea if this works, probably going to figure out how this goes by your reactions.)
Headcanons for Bucky, Steve, Peter and Tony under the Cut.
Before the "brainwashed by Hydra to be an assassin and get frozen like a popsicle thing", tickling had been a common thing in Bucky's everyday life. With a stubborn friend like Steve, whose health seems to always be on edge between coming down with something and fighting being underweight and asthmatic, Bucky had to get creative to not hurt his skinny and sickly friend without using too much rough love.
He knows to read someone very well, figuring out quickly what spots to go for and what techniques to use to get someone to submit, or in Steve's case, not get his skinny ass kicked by picking a fight with the neighborhood hooligans. Now that these times are a blink of the past and he can go full-on tickle monster on his very healthy friend, Bucky uses all the weak spots he can find to make a quick process. Someone might think he would be ruthless in his attacks, but the former assassin is anything but. He goes all out on chasing after someone and growling before pouncing on his prey like a predator, but while tickling someone, he keeps a close eye on every reaction. He slows down or stops catching any sign of exhaustion or discomfort. But that also means that pleading won't make him stop when he knows his victim isn't even near their limit (rip Peter and Steve).
The only people trying and succeeding in tickling him are Steve (pretty obvious). And to some people's surprise, Sam and Clint, although the latter two never approach Bucky alone but always have Steve with them, maybe for their safety or to sacrifice the blond, no one knows Bucky is pleased with grabbing the closest person he can get his hands on. Although he doesn't actively go for it, tickling is such a harmless, silly little thing that Bucky doesn't even mind much when someone tries to do it to him (and fails most of the time). It makes him feel included in this new world, gifting him a moment to feel like the man from Brooklyn who looks out for his dumb and heroic friend and goofs around like anyone else.
In the past, he hated getting tickled. Okay, maybe not hated, but it sucked to be so easily overpowered by that smug punk he calls a friend. After the serum did its number on him, providing him with a significant boost of enhancements and getting rid of his poor health, his view on tickling changed. Not drastically, as it still sucks when Bucky towers him with his lips pulled into a smirk and his hands digging into his ribs, but now he could fight back. And he does fight back. No one else probably fights back as much in a tickle fight as Steve Grant Rogers, and not because the feeling of getting tickled bothers him that much, and he hates it, but simply because he finally can.
If anyone tries tickling Steve Rogers, they can be 100% sure he will retaliate. And he will be smug about it. Very much. Things most of the time escalate in a full-blown tickle fight, with a bit of roughhousing and wrestling on the floor or training mats before he pins his victim down and unleashes one hell of an attack. He will tease and stop to ask what's so funny, only to go right in before the poor person under him can answer. Despite being Captain America and showcasing a strict image of a leader to the public, he can be relatively playful. If in the right mood, sitting next to Steve at movie night can turn into quite an experience (rip Peter and his naive soul).
Tony Stark hates getting tickled. And not the hate as in he slaps the offending hand away with a laugh, but seriously cannot stand being touched that way. Tony didn't carry any childhood memories of his parents being playful with him in that way, and being the son of Howard Stark put him in too much risk to be out as a child to make friends who could provide that kind of experience. He grew up receiving meager love and affection through touch. His first experience getting tickled came with growing closer to his assigned roommate at MIT, who quickly became a fusion of older brother, babysitter, and his best and only friend.
After Afghanistan, Tony's aversion to being touched skyrocketed. The billionaire has no problem stepping into the personal space of others. But any surprising touches or growing close to stepping onto his circle of personal space makes him flee the scene or make a snappish quip, quickly reminding the person that he's the one messing but will be the last person you messed with. The only people he is okay with being touched by are his best friends, Rhodey and Happy, his fiancee, Pepper, and the annoyingly likable intern who crawled right into Tony's small ring of favorite people, Peter Parker. The rest of the Avengers and him are close. A pat on the back and a squeeze of the wrist and shoulder are okay with him, but everything above that is strictly out of the question. Tony needs to be in control of the situation.
As mentioned, getting into other's personal space isn't much of a problem for Tony. Stepping a little closer than needed (Steve), leaning over someone's legs to snatch the remote away and change channels (Sam), flicking someone against the forehead (Clint), nudging someone his elbow in the side to reach the freshly brewed coffee before them (Bruce), all of these are no problem for the eccentric man.
It isn't surprising that Peter Parker would fall victim to Tony's quirks of ignoring people's personal space sooner or later. With a teenager who can get caught up in whatever little project he is working on as much as Tony, the latter learns a simple "Peter?" doesn't do much to get the kid's attention. A poke results in a jump, a simple question to a quip, and a knowing grin into a wild chase that ends with a pretty one-sided tickle fight on the old couch near the wall. Tony doesn't hold back from pointing out how different actions cause different reactions, effortlessly remembering what he needs to do to get the desired effect from the kid wriggling under him, giggling his head off. Despite not having experience, the kid tells him every time he is the most evil tickler that walks on earth, resulting in Tony smirking and Peter gulping, having dug his own grave. Tony knows the kid is humoring him, having heard the hilarious screeches the kid does when Barnes gets his hands on him, but he feels weirdly warm at the thought that Peter let him have this.
Peter Parker is many things. A good student and nephew. A great intern and an even better vigilante. But he's also clumsy and a terrible liar, which is a bad combination when being as ticklish and currently at the mercy of his mentor. Having Tony know about being ticklish made Peter want to yeet himself off the tower without his web shooters. Peter had been tickled often by his aunt and uncle. It also happened in playfights with Ned when they were younger and sometimes even now when feeling particularly energetic and a little too hyped-up through sugar and energy drinks. To Peter, tickling is just another form of affection, like hugging or running a hand through his curls, although a lot more playful. He likes receiving affection, melting in hugs, and grinning when an arm gets thrown around his shoulder. What leaves him embarrassed is the teasing that comes with it. Getting pointed out how much he's giggling, or how wide his smile grows was like pouring fuel into the fire. Getting smirked at and having the person tickling him laugh with him didn't help much either, leaving the teen curling up and trying to hide his reddening face while his shoulder shook with laughter. The teen is practically ticklish everywhere once he registers what kind of position he's in. Sometimes, Peter suspects his spidey sense is making the effect the touches have on him made it worse, but it wasn't like he could test that theory.
Peter is quick to figure out what to do to get people to laugh, having gained experience over the years playing with Ned. But the kid isn't the type to pin someone down and tickle them mercilessly for minutes. He will let up but won't let the other person get revenge without some playfighting and getting chased around. He is also not below sticking to the ceiling if that means delaying getting wrecked by whoever he made chase after him.
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tiny-sassy-aggressive · 6 months
.03 sir please don’t crack your hands in my ears.
.11 way to early in the video for a phude Jumpscare
.16 DIP AND PIP ?!!!??
.26 tbh shoutout to Phil for acknowledging that even tho we have fan accounts, not everything we say, create, post is something we would want them to see. Love the self awareness. Appreciate the space he provides
.35 rip Dan memes and tumblr tags
.56 I actually needed to be told I am gorgeous and intelligent, I knows it’s fake but it’s nice to hear even if fake
1.37 WHY IS HE **** ********* THE MIC N O NO NO NO NO WHAT??????
2.08 chill Phil we weren’t gonna fight about it. You’re Edward… OKAY
2.25 how many times are they going to watch pinof 1 ! Babes you can do that anytime you want not just on camera
2.37 Phil is in FULL CRISIS realizing how messy he is as if they haven’t already talked about this before
3.29 the synced lean in as they discovered the dan has something in his teeth bit was a video
4.24 “keep reading” oh goodness that. Sir. Okay.
4.44 hi just realized is Dan wearing a muscle tank under the see through shirt????? Side note. Want the see through shirt
7.41 absolutely fire meme. I laughed so loud I actually had to pause the video. Worst part? I had already reposted on twt yet still reacted to it
8.05 he is staring into my soul. Hell how is he staring THROUGH my soul
9.17 no words. “It’s not a bad look” alakakakak???
9.22 So suddenly it’s not “we” anymore, huh?
9.53 rip Phil’s slit😫
10.08 I just through Dan making a joke then immediately hitting Phil to let him know he was joking was really funny. Stuff I do with my friends I am tactile
11.46 I ALWAYS thought that image was edited to have all of them. I didn’t realize it was a real photos
12:45 those pounds weee so aggressive. It sounded like they really hurt. I’m hurt listening
12:46 Phil is watching that monitor like a HAWK he is NOT losing monetization bc Dan wants to wap
13.00 Phil saw and saved this and nobody knew. He lurks. Nobody is safe.
13:36 about nine “what can I say”s in. Dan has a genuine look of terror and confusion. He looks like he’s playing up his reaction a bit in the beginning, laughing and stuff and acting annoyed but this point is genuine horror and realization. This is so gold. Will be giffing later. Also precious Phil
14.50 okay the editing kinda memes his monologue a bit but i was high key inspired. He’s so wrote. Everything is a story that must be concluded. I love that thought process. Clearly bc I am also a grade a yapper but still
15:50 oh the immediate IMMEDIATE regret in Phil’s face
16:35 we love a self aware king. The poster was a tad rough
17:38 YES THANK YOU THE WADVERT WAS RVEFHONE. We couldn’t eat sleep or think without seeing it
18:11 please wash your blanket? Guys? Like? You can clean, wash, or dry clean anything. Please?
19:00 tbh saw under the robbing blanks and it wasn’t even that bad? Compared to every horrific demon phannie thing that has been seen? Not bad! Could have been worse
19:45 2021 period???? Hello??? You were gone since 2018? At least from dapg??
20:44 yet???? Capitolestor strikes again
20:50 did they not have a keep calm and something on poster in their apt at one point??? Some people?? You mean you???
21:16 I SAW THIS WHEN IT DROPPED. love dami sm. This video was so good
22:55 “1992” “Daniel” calm down
23:25 “you also let me” guys??? How is this forced situation? Who decided??
24:20 he needs to back away from the mic I can feel him breathing in my ears my goood ess??
24:34 I’m screaming bc they used a clip from the section before we all thought they got high. This section they posted was just a cute section
24:54 literally speechless. Also jumpscare?
26:30 the entire dan induced conclusion is beautiful I love them and their banter
26:54 nvm can you lean into the mic closer and tell us you’re proud again??? Needed that???
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