#this scene is really deep. ofc he never lost he never met a lot of people yet.
movielosophy · 8 months
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Sword and Fairy 4 | never lost.
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ryoryeonggu · 4 years
Okay, I’ve just finished 13 reasons why in one day. Despite everything people else have to say, I love it ♥♥♥  I love it so much ♥♥♥ I had planned to finish it as soon as possible, but when it’s truly over, my heart’s really crushing because from now on, I have to let it go forever :( I will miss this show so much along with all the characters (even those ones I once hated so much like Bryce and Monty)
Let me talk about a few thing I love and also leave me heartbroken in this season:
First of all, Clay. Ofc, people tend to say he’s annoying, but I really love him, knowing all of his flaws and his mistakes. He’s sometimes aggressive, he’s sometimes too controlling and overreacting and has hero complex. He’s an idiot. But all I have seen is a boy who cares too much about the others and it finally breaks and destroys him. He always is the one who protects, the one taking care of others, so when of course, he also had his own problems, he had his own issues, so people tended to not likely notice that or help him like the way he helped them because he’s supposed to be strong one, and he also wanted to be strong for his friends so he rarely let it out. And don’t forget he’s having very serious mental illness (I don’t believe that’s only depression and anxiety, it could be also schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder, since he has illusion of Hannah way before Monty and Bryce “ghosts” tortured him). And not only his friends and his family hardly recognized his issues, a lot of people in fandom kinda are ignoring it as well. Despite how he acted or what he had done was right or wrong, he had tried and done a lot of people, like not for him, a lot of people would have ended up dead or worse. Because of Clay and his courage, Tyler would have become a school shooter and suicide, the rape case of Hannah and Jessica would have remained in silence, Justin would never have found a home and been happy and had a chance to become a better person, Alex would have killed himself again out of guilt… and the most important thing, they wouldn’t been friends and stayed strong together like the ending. So, to me, Clay is still the greatest friend that no one could ever be and I adore him with all my heart. And I can see myself in him: a kid with anxiety and depression that love living with fantasies, trying so hard to be strong, to be a good person and a good friend, and thinking that I could never love anyone and no one could ever love me back.
Then Alex. My favorite of my favorite character in this show. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting anything good happened to him in this season. But turns out, it was even so much better that what I had been imagining. He’s still sad and depressing, he still thought low of himself and blamed himself for everything, thought he was not good enough. But he found love, and was happy. And they really make him BI! Like, I was hoping it but I never thought they would really do it. And he kissed three guys, and I ship it all lol.
About Zalex, honestly, I never really shipped it until season 4 came out. From what I saw, I believe Alex did have real feelings for Zach and this kiss really meant something, for both of them. The way Zach didn’t pull away from the kiss, the way he asked Winston that if he really was in love with Alex or what he saw in him (like a jealous idiot), the way he corrected Alex right away (in front of Alex’s BOYFRIEND lol) that that kiss wasn’t a disaster at all, his sad look watching Alex and Charlie holding hands, yeah, not mention “why are you with me but not with Charlie?”. So from all of that, I don’t think that feeling was only one-sided. But like everything else happened in Zach’s life, when his life got shit, especially when it came to love, Zach tended to be a coward and did everything to hide from his own feeling and his complicated situation. Like in this season, the way he used alcohols and casually having sex – not giving a shit about anything like the way to hide from his problems, instead of actually dealing with the problems. Like he lose Hannah because of it. And now he also lost the chance to be with Alex. I think in the end, he did realize that he had feelings with Alex too, but it was way too late. And I also believe that Alex will always love him, like the way he also love Charlie. You can love both, if you believe or not.
A lot of people say that if Alex had been there and had helped Zach like the Zach had done to him in season 2, Zalex could have been ended up with each other and had been endgame. But, no, I don’t think it will. Alex chose to be with Charlie is the best and realistic choice, because Charlie was good for him. Yeah, Zach was depressed with trauma, in the deepest ship of his life and he needed helps, ofc, but so did Alex. Don’t forget Alex in this season wasn’t in the better situation to help anyone, he murdered someone and blamed himself so much for everything was happening, and he was also really self-loathing like Zach was. So he needed someone, like Charlie, someone’s positive, confident and had healthy energy, someone who made him feel he was loved, he was taken care of, and someone would be able to remind him everyday that he’s worth being loved and deserved all the happiness in the world. Not a mirror to see how fucked up and destructive he was like Zach. All Alex’s life problems was trying to be tough, to be man up to be able to take care of and be with a girl; and with Charlie, he didn’t have to do it anymore. He was safe, he was loved, and he was happy. Alex loved Zach, but sometimes, love isn’t the answer. Sometimes you have to choose what’s good for you, so despite it wasn’t built up as deep as Zalex, the relationship between Alex and Charlie was still one of the best relationships in the show and I love it. Alex and Zach clearly was in love with each other, but they just miss the right time and now it’s only regrets. And moreover, even also in the messy shit of his own head, except the coach and sometimes Charlie, Alex was the only one who tried to help Zach and never gave up on him. In fact, those words from Alex about how he helped him and made him feel safe was one of the major effects that brought Zach back to life. 
The same goes with Winston and Alex, another “what we could have been but it was too late”, they just met in the wrong time and the wrong circumstance then lost each other forever. But I do believe that their feelings was genuine, even it’s only for some short of time (at least from Winston, since he dropped his revenge which he was obsessed with the entire time all just for Alex, how sweet).
And Justin!!! OMG Justin!!! My heart really ached so much with all the scenes he’s in hospital. Not only because Clay lost a brother, another important person in his life, their group lost a very good friend, but also the most hurting part, that he could have gone to the college, he could have had a future, he could finally have had a good life, but then it was completely wrecked in one go (especially right in the moment he was finally happy and had everything that he had ever wanted). I almost cried when he said he’s scared (we should have known since the show dropped a number of time Justin kept saying he wanted to be live, how fucked up and depressing it is) and wanted Clay to hold his hand. Even Clay acting like a dick and pushing Justin away a lot, the bromance between them was still the best and the most memorable one (and now thinking about it only wanted me to punch my chest so hard and cried). Life is fucking not fair and he definitely deserves so much better.
And finally Ani. She actually grew on me in this season since the last season she annoyed me so much. I like how she finally admitted that she was wrong when he slept with Bryce and finally apologized to Jessica about it (which really made it up to the whole shitty storyline of her in the previous season). I love how Clay and her finally broke up and admitted to each other that they were not fit and weren’t ready to be in any relationship (f**k thanks god, finally, because they was never fit, like at all). And I also like the way she always got Jessica’s back and was there for her everytime (I even almost ship them with the scene Ani asked Jess to go to Prom with her, it’s so adorable ♥♥♥)
And I love Tony, I love Tyler, I love Jess... basically I love everyone ♥ ♥ ♥
Okay “my thumbs got tired”. I would probably write another essay about what I love about this series, someday, probably.
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snapitseventeen · 4 years
horanghae | ksy | fluff, crack
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anon: ok since u asked for it... kd but a vlive scenario where fans started asking about soonyoung's relationship with u like how you guys started, facts and all that then you'd just get in the shot just to argue your side of the story and all... sorry if it's confusing 👉👈 it's alright if you think it's too much just wanted to see more of your works 💟
ofc baby 😙 and you weren’t confusing at all hehe, i love kwon soonyoung ugh making this made me smile big u-fucking-wus
summary: you see a notification in your phone pop up that your boyfriend was hosting a vlive, of course like the supportive partner you are, you decided to click and watch it.
side note, idols dating is ~normal~ in this oneshot because I said so
genre: fluff, crack
word count: 1.9k _______________________________________________________
Your POV
You yawned, mindlessly paying attention to the cup of coffee that you were currently brewing in the kitchen. A ping from your phone caught your attention, a notification on V-Live that your boyfriend was streaming. Immediately, you clicked on the app, letting the live load and play in the background while you did your morning routine and got ready.
“Hello Carats~”
You smiled as your boyfriend’s glowing face showed up on screen. With the way his hair was hidden by his hat, you could tell that the boys just finished practice for their recent comeback. You were actually on your way to go see him, after you woke up a little bit more of course.
Although you had to admit, it was hard productively getting ready when you kept watching your boyfriend on screen and listen to him chat. Somehow—after 30 minutes—you were in your car and driving to your boyfriend’s company building. __________
“Any funny episodes during filming?” Soonyoung read aloud one of the comments. He hummed, thinking to himself, “Filming Coups hyung’s car scene was really funny for some reason, I don’t know. It’s one of those, you had to have been there moments. His acting was just...wow, you all thought so too, right?”
Soonyoung scrolled through more comments and chattered off, eyes darting to the time and back to the camera every once in a while. He was debating whether he should text you to see if you’ve woken up, you were like a rock when it came to sleep.
How’s y/n, Hoshi oppa?
The boy smiled at the mention of you in one of the comments, “y/n’s doing good, we’re supposed to go on a date later, but I don’t know if they’re awake yet,”
As if a switch went off, the comments went crazy asking about you and about your relationship. Soonyoung beamed, his mouth running like a motor as he chattered about you. “How long have me and y/n been dating? About a year now if I remember correctly-hey of course I know our anniversary, c’mon Carats, what do you take me for?”
Soonyoung whined as an influx of comments started clowning him, “When was our first kiss, hmm what are you guys thinking? It was after our first win for Fear, we invited y/n over for our dinner celebration and I was so hyped up on adrenaline, I just grabbed y/n’s face and kissed em. They had the cutest look of surprise, I’ll never forget it. I’m so manly right?”
“y/n was literally so red, what are you talking about hyung?” Mingyu scoffed from the side, but off camera. He and Wonwoo were on the other side of the room working on lyrics for a new song, when Soonyoung came in and started his live. “You embarrassed the life out of ‘em.”
“That’s why it was unforgettable,” Soonyoung winked waving off to the two rappers who were snickering. “How did you and y/n meet? Ah! I actually met y/n through Seungkwan, it’s a bit crazy—eh not that crazy,”  he laughed, “y/n’s one of Seungkwan’s friends from Jeju and they came to one of our concerts during the Diamond Edge tour. Seungkwan-ie introduced us to y/n afterwards and what can I say? it was love at first sight.”
“Eyy don’t lie,” Wonwoo said. The dancer gave him a slight grimace, “we all know y/n was totally crushing on Jun when we first met-”
“Hey! This is my v-live!” Soonyoung whined as Wonwoo approached his set-up. He put his arm around Soonyoung’s shoulders as he waved to the camera, “We tease Hoshi and y/n about it all the time, Hoshi was so obvious about his interest in y/n though, he somehow convinced ‘em to fall for him”
“What do you mean convinced?” Soonyoung said shocked hitting his friend’s arm, “y/n was totally into me too! They were the first one to confess—stop interrupting my live, go back to writing!”
Wonwoo laughed as he went back to his work, leaving Soonyoung alone in the frame. The boy went back to talking with the fans and answering questions, “How did the members react when we first started dating? The guys were clapping when I told them-”
“It’s because they were literally pining over each other for a year!”
“We were really busy! I didn’t know if I had time to commit to a relationship. But you know, I’m glad I took the risk. And after y/n confessed, I just knew I had to cuff,” He smiled, “and it honestly isn’t that bad, we see each other pretty often, especially during breaks. The hardest part is when we go on tours, I miss y/n basically as soon as we leave and we’re apart for at least months.”
You walked into the room mere moments later, a frown on your face as you approached your boyfriend, “Hey! Stop telling the fans that I confessed to you first, you liar!”
The three boys emerged in laughter at your comment as Soonyoung pulled a chair over and grabbed your hand, motioning for you to take a seat. You pointed a finger to the camera, “Don’t listen to Hoshi, everyone. He’s the one that confessed to me first, he was crying too-”
“I was not crying! I was sweating because of practice,” The boy said defensively as he put his arm around your chair, “Okay fine, I confessed to y/n first. Did I ever tell you what pushed me into confessing?”
You shook your head, turning to face him. He let out a small smile at the memory, “Jihoon-ah Woozi-was the one that sort of made me realize that I should tell you. I was in a bit of a slump at the time, with choreographing and everything. My mind was just a mess and I had a bad day in the recording studio. He literally starting yelling at me and saying, just man up and tell y/n that you like them! He also said a bunch of other stuff but I’m censoring it,” He teased, “We talked about it for two hours.”
“I should thank Jihoon-ie then,” You chuckled squeezing his cheeks together with one of your hands. “You were pretty stressed at that time, Soon.”
“Yeah, but after we got together, all my inspiration came back.” He grinned quickly pecking your cheek. You smiled, your cheeks heating up at his words. 
“Ah you guys are so cute, it’s gross.” Wonwoo called from the side making you both laugh. Soonyoung started reading through the comments again, chatting easily with the fans. “Mm babe, there’s a question for you—what’s it like dating Hoshi oppa?”
You hummed, crossing your arms together as if in deep thought, “Dating Hoshi oppa? It’s never boring, especially with all his members around. Soonyoung’s a great boyfriend, he always knows how to make me smile, even if I’ve had a rough day. He never lets me go to sleep without telling me that he’s thinking of me. Yeah...he’s sweet, I wouldn’t ask for anyone else—even if he’s annoying sometimes.”
The boy scrunched his face at your ending, poking your side in retaliation, making you jolt in surprise. You hit his chest playfully, whining that you were ticklish. Soonyoung grinned, saying a quick apology, before putting his arm around you again. “Alright answer one more question and then we’re going to say goodbye so we can eat some food.”
You nodded, your eyes trained on the flood of comments passing through the screen. “y/n, what’s your favorite thing about Hoshi oppa?”
“Hey, I didn’t see that one-”
“It was there babe, trust me.” He said cheekily as he squeezed your waist. You gave your boyfriend a look of disbelief, but answered regardless, “Hm, there’s a lot, but my favorite thing would have to be his eyes. When you look into Soonyoung’s eyes, you can see everything. His passion, energy, mischief, love, everything. It’s easy to get lost in.”
“It’s that tiger gaze,” He said proudly, making you scoff. “Soon, you ruined the mood!”
“Babe, did I lie?” Soonyoung asked making you roll your eyes. He smiled sweetly pulling you in for a hug, “Say it once y/n, please?”
“No,” you said, immediately knowing what he was asking you to do. He whined, shaking your body childishly, “C’mon, the fans want to hear it, do it for Carats if not for me.”
You grimaced at him, rubbing your temples as you sighed, “horanghae.”
Your boyfriend smiled in victory, cooing his catchphrase before you both said your goodbyes and ended the live. Soonyoung grinned, giving you a proper kiss hello. “I missed you,”
“I missed you too,” You said softly, leaning into his embrace. He hummed, nuzzling his face into your hair, finding comfort in your scent. “You guys saw each other two days ago.”
“Being a bitter single is an ugly color, Wonwoo.” You quipped jokingly as you both stood and approached the two rappers to give them greeting hugs. The four of you exchanged some light conversation before you and Soonyoung bid your goodbyes, “Where do you want to go eat, Soon? Japanese?”
“You know me so well, babe.” He said fondly, kissing the back of your hand. “Let me take a shower first? I’m still gross from practice.”
You nodded as you started your car, already driving in the direction of your apartment. The ride back was content, both of you loudly singing along to whatever was playing on the radio. You complained at Soonyoung every now and then, his hand that was on your thigh moving too much that you were afraid he would accidentally hit the wheel and cause your car to swerve. He only smiled, daringly leaning over to press a kiss on your cheek whenever you scolded him. “Hm, you’re in a good mood baby, practice went well?”
He nodded excitedly, “Our last run throughs went perfectly, I can’t wait for you and the fans to see it on stage, well...on the television.”
You chuckled and brought his hand up to your lips, smooching the back of it cutely, “I’m sure it’s going to be great as always, you work so hard all the time Soon-ie, I’m proud of you.”
Your boyfriend smiled squeezing your hand, the rest of the ride to your apartment in good spirits. You waited patiently as Soonyoung went to take a shower, scrolling through your social media feed as you sat comfortably on your couch. Too caught up in watching a funny tik tok, you barely registered Soonyoung taking a seat next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he buried his face in your neck.
Now refreshed, he smelled of citrus and flowers, the scent pleasantly filling your nose. You grinned and cuddled into him, sharing the view of your phone so that you two watched the tik toks together. “Are you hungry Soon-ie? We can still make it to the Japanese place for the lunch special.”
He nodded, kissing the side of your neck, “In a minute, let me hold you for a little longer.”
“Hey,” You said after a beat of silence. You poked his side, laughing as he jolted up in surprise, “don’t you lie to your fans about our relationship again, huh? it was a two way street!”
“I know,” He giggled, pecking your cheek, “You’re just so cute when you’re worked up.”
“Mean, you confessed to me first! I’m going to talk shit about you with Jihoon if you do it again,” You threatened lightly, the boy only hugging you tighter. “He’ll gladly talk shit with you anyway, but yes babe. I confessed to you first, I was way in love with you first, hm you happy?”
“Well...” You said quietly, “I’m equally in love with you now.”
“I know,” Soonyoung hummed, “I love you too y/n. Let’s eat?”
You nodded with a smile, getting up and reaching your hand out to pull him off the couch, “Let’s eat.” ______________________________________
a/n I’m sorry this was so late bb! I flew home from Florida and I literally just kept pushing this off but I hope you like this little oneshot w our fav furry uwu <3
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roguesandsaviors · 4 years
Searching for the Facts
Fandom: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Jon Bernthal characters
Characters: Mr. McCarthy, Elizabeth McCarthy (OFC)
Pairing: Mr. (Joey) McCarthy x Elizabeth McCarthy (OFC)
Summary: After Greg poses the question about cancer, Mr. McCarthy heads home to his wife but can't shake the news. He knows she would have the answers.
Word Count: 1,888
Rating: SFW
Warning: Mentions of cancer
AN: This idea popped into my head as soon as the scene where Greg asks Mr. McCarthy about Leukemia played out. Joey was also the first name that came to mind for the character since we don't get a first name. Not sure why. Enjoy!
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The gentle hum of jazz was the first sound that greeted him as he walked through the door. It brought a smile to his face as he toed off his boots and settled his keys onto the hook set by the door. A few new books lay scattered on the ottoman, along with a notebook and various colored pens. He would have taken a moment to peek over what the work of the day had been if he hadn't been as eager to see his wife.
While they had been together for some time, it was only recently that they married and there still was that new sense of pride in being able to call her his wife. The thought was enough to put a smile on his face. A couple of his co-workers had asked about the ring that they had spied and it had generated some talk around the school. It had been an amusing addition to the day. No one had expected him to settle down. He kept quiet about his personal life normally so any sort of change would come as a surprise to any of them. No one needed to know every little detail. Besides, the longer that no one asked, the longer he could just keep her to himself. Not that he had an issue showing off the relationship. Joey had never really been shy about much. No, it was more of a desire to spend what free time they had together unencumbered, enjoying the company of the other soul that understood. Perhaps it was selfish but he couldn't bring himself to care.
Joey found himself leaning against the door frame leading to the kitchen. The sight before him warmed his heart and reminded him of just why he loved coming home. Liz was swaying softly, singing just under her breath to the steady rhythm coming from the small speaker in the corner. The kitchen smelled wonderful and he realized just what she was making while enjoying the soft moments to herself. One of his favorites, cutting noodles while the soup had to be simmering in the pot on the stove. He was a lucky man and coming home to this just reminded him of that. He cherished each of these small moments.
Coming up behind her, his hands found her hips as he pressed a kiss to the back of her head. A deep breath in and he found the soothing scent of lavender still clinging to her. He had never found any sort of scent on a woman soothing before Elizabeth had entered his life. Now he couldn't help but relax when the familiar smell carried in the air.
"Evening sweetheart." He heard the soft gasp that left her, knowing that he had surprised her, before laughing as she slapped at him blindly. The waving motion barely tapped his side and he had to suppress a laugh.
"Joey McCarthy! What have I told you about sneaking up on me?" She whined playfully but never stopped working on dinner. He loved that even rattled, she rarely lost her composure. It was one of the first things that he had noticed about her when they met.
"I couldn't help myself. You looked so peaceful. Love it when you sing and dance like that."
"And you had to go and ruin it." He kissed the back of her head again, swaying to the music with her. He didn't have to see her cheeks to know that she was blushing. For as fired up as he could be in school, these soft moments were far more common in the household. Not that he didn't get excited and child-like in his enthusiasm, but he was a bit more mellow here, with her.
"Nah. Just added to it and that's a fact." He teased. "What made you decide on Khao Soi tonight?" He rested his chin on her shoulder and watched as she finished cutting the noodles.
"Thought it might be a nice surprise. Didn't know what your day was going to be like and I had to take a break."
"I saw the notebook." Forced to step back so she had room to continue cooking, he moved to grab himself a water. "Did you get stuck?" It was rare that she would abandon her own research in favor of cooking, no matter what. It must have meant that she had to leave it. Now that he was looking at her, he could see the frays on the well worn long sleeve shirt of his that she had taken. Apparently it was comfortable and comforting while she worked but the sleeves told him how frustrated she had been when or working.
"Hit a snag." He could hear the frown in her voice. "The data didn't add up so I had to backtrack a bit and dove into some similar projects to see what was found and what problems they may have run into. It's just not making sense. So either I'm missing something I'm not seeing or the experiment itself was flawed."
"I'm sure you'll get it figured out one way or another." He wasn't even going to attempt to understand what it was that she had been working on. He was skilled in a lot of areas and knowledgeable in many but when it came to the hard research she performed, he was lost. He tried to look it over and understand, always willing to expand his knowledge. Even if it was over his head.
"It just feels like if something is wrong, all of those people wasted time that they won't get back. Things they could have done with loved ones, bucket list things. Their time is limited and they were generous enough to grant it to try to help others. And if there's nothing to show for it…" She paused and Joey could see just how affected by it she was. He stepped forward again and turned her around so they could look at one another.
"It isn't a waste of time and they wouldn't feel that way. They knew what they were getting into and wanted to do it. Just like you said, to help others. If something is wrong, then you know it for next time. It's all a step in the right direction. Data to be compiled and figured out, giving you the opportunity to just improve on it." She didn't look at him right away but found herself sighing and nodded. He tilted her chin up and pressed a kiss to her forehead, cheek, and finally lips. "If there is anyone who knows how to handle this, it's you sweetheart." Finally a small smile came from her and he felt relieved. She took this all to heart, and being a cancer researcher, he couldn't see her being anything but empathetic and passionate about it. It was part of what had drawn him to her in the first place.
She pressed a hand over his heart, eyes dropping for just a moment to where it lay, before they raised again.
"What would I do without you?" Now would be the time for teasing.
"Be locked away in that awful one bedroom apartment you had, crouched over your research, and probably not eating the way that you should." She rolled her eyes but was clearly more at ease than she had been before. "And you know it's true. Can't deny it."
"Yeah yeah. As if you are any better," she grumbled playfully before giving him a little push back. "Let me finish dinner." He allowed the push and backed up with a smile. She looked adorable right now. He had left her in a better mood than when he had found her so it was mission accomplished.
"I'm going to go shower. I'll be out soon." Letting her finish cooking in peace seemed like a good thing now that he had cheered her up a bit. She could enjoy what she was doing rather than focus on what she hadn't been able to figure out. He fully understood the need to take a break from the research if things were not going the desired way. He had been there himself plenty of times.
The dinner was a quiet affair, though it often was. They took the time to enjoy the food and each other's company after the long days that they each faced. There wasn't a need to fill the silence. It was soothing enough to be sitting across from one another, sharing occasional glances.
It was only after he helped her clean up and they were settled on the couch did he bring what was on his mind up. The new documentary that he wanted to watch would be on in a few minutes so he had a little bit of time before he ended up throwing their normal evening routine off.
"Had a student ask about leukemia today…" Immediately, her head snapped. So quick he actually was worried about her neck. His hand came up off of her shoulder to rub at her neck for a second before dropping back down.
"Why?" Liz knew the answer but needed the confirmation. She didn't like to assume but most high schoolers only asked questions about cancer for a small handful of reasons. All of them were personal. Joey was quiet for a moment.
"Another one was diagnosed with it. One of his friends. He doesn't have too many so I think it's weighing on him more than he realizes. Didn't know much about it and was looking for some answers." He sighed and held her a little closer. "Kid spends lunch in my office daily. He isn't great socially. I think the friendship with the girl is good but I'm worried about the outcome if things don't go well." Liz shifted to face him a little more, rubbing his chest absently.
"I'm sure I have a few articles and a book or two that would be reachable enough to a teenager if you want to offer them. It might help ease his mind, at least understand what is happening a little better. Create some reasonable expectations of what this is going to do to her. In case things don't turn out well. Better to be prepared even if it isn't easy." He had been hoping that was how she would answer. Any sort of help that he could get for Greg, he would. He had seen how the kid was closed in on himself. The fact that he was even asking showed that he cared. Even if he liked to pretend that he didn't.
"That would be perfect. I think Greg will actually take the time to read them. This means more to him than he's letting on."
"It's not an easy concept for anyone to understand, let alone a teenager. If he needs to talk…" She left it open ended, not wanting to seem too forward.
"I'll let you know. I don't see him being the sort that would have any desire to though. He has a hard enough time talking to his peers." Joey sighed and gave her another squeeze. "Thank you." She leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"Nothing to thank me for." The documentary started and the two quieted down, settling in for a routine night between them.
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cieloclercs · 4 years
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Issy and Evangeline had never known such luxury, as to be able to sleep on a wooden bench. Compared to the snowy foxholes they had been forced to huddle inside for all those weeks in Bastogne, a church pew was heaven. And the girls’ choir singing Plaisir D’amour were the angels.
“My mama used to play this song on the piano.” Evangeline - also aptly nicknamed ‘Angel’ by her comrades - recalled with a wistful smile. Geneveive Dubois had played many songs on their piano back home in Annecy, but Plaisir D’amour was always her favourite.
“Is there anything your mother can’t do? Last week you told me she painted a portrait for Coco Chanel!” Issy laughed, then shrank back into her seat as the nun observing the choir girls shot her a disapproving look.
“She did! Mama is a very good artist!” Angel defended with a small smile, the first one that had fully graced her lips in weeks.
“And apparently a musician, too.” Issy murmured quietly, careful not to catch the strict nun’s attention again. She always seemed to find a way of getting into trouble without intending to.
Angel glanced down at her friend with a fond smile, chuckling softly at the way she shied away from the nun’s gaze. For as long as she had known her, Issy always had a gift for getting on the wrong side of people she shouldn’t. Angel could practically hear Sobel screaming, “Private Castro, if you turn up late for PT one more time this week, your weekend pass will be revoked for the rest of your life!”
Issy never did get to join them for weekend drinks.
Angel suddenly found herself missing the good old days at Camp Toccoa. Looking back on it, the daily PT sessions where Sobel would scream at them for not making it over the wall, and their long and exhausting runs up Currahee felt like a lifetime ago. Angel would have given anything to go back, with the Black Swan and all. Even Sobel’s insults were better than Bastogne.
But nothing could be worse than Bastogne.
Angel just knew Lieutenant Dike was going to be their downfall. She knew it from the moment Issy and George nicknamed him, ‘Foxhole Norman’ in Holland. That man was not a soldier. He never should have been allowed to command Easy Company. And he had cost them so much.
It made her angry.
Lip had been their guardian angel in the dark days of Bastogne. He was the leader Easy Company needed more than anything, as strong as decisive as Winters, and one of the best people she knew. Angel often found herself praying, just praying to God that Lip would take over, give Easy a little hope. He would have got the whole company back on their feet, given them something to fight for again.
But instead they had Foxhole Norman.
When Dike was put in charge of the attack on Foy, Angel wanted to scream. They had already lost too many soldiers, good soldiers. Skinny had been evacuated, Smokey paralysed, Toye and Guarnere lost their legs in one of the last barrages in the Bois Jacques woods, Skip, Penkala... and two of the bravest women she ever knew. They were going to lose even more with Dike in charge.
Then came Easy Company’s saviour.
Ronald Speirs was - in all honesty - the last person Angel expected to come to their rescue. She had only met him a few times, but the rumours... the rumours were hard to ignore. Even for someone like her, and Angel had never been one to gossip.
Ronald Speirs saved them all.
He came charging through Foye like a man on a mission, not even glancing at the Germans on his either side. The attack was failing, thanks to Dike’s idiocy, and too many good men were losing their lives. Speirs turned it all around single handedly.
He was a hero.
Angel was glad he was their new CO. The whole company was glad. She had spoken to Lipton only two hours before, and even he had expressed his deep relief that Dike was gone, and they finally had a good leader in charge. Maybe things would start looking up for Easy.
“You wanna ask me don’t ya?”
Angel blinked rapidly, the image of that frost-bitten battlefield fading from before her eyes. She glanced to her side, and realised that Issy had fallen asleep; her head lolled to the side and there was a contented smile on her lips. She still looked like a girl, even after everything they had been through.
“Ask you what, sir?”
Angel turned away from Issy’s sleeping figure, her eyes instead focussing on the two men in her line of sight; Speirs and Lipton. The former was collecting his equipment, presumably to make his way back to Battalion, while the latter watched him with a curious gaze. Angel sat up a little straighter in her seat.
“You wanna know if they’re true or not, the stories about me.”
Lipton seemed amused, and maybe a little apprehensive. Speirs never really spoke to anyone, let alone spoke to them about his darkest secrets. And the rumours... were the darkest it could get.
“Did you ever notice with stories like that, everyone says they heard it from someone who was there, but when you ask that person, they say they heard it from someone who was there.”
Speirs spoke about the rumours like they didn’t bother him, with such nonchalance, and perhaps even a hint of smugness. Angel watched a slight smirk stretch across his face, and suddenly, she wasn’t so convinced by the rumours anymore.
“I bet if you went back 2,000 years, ya’d here a couple of centurions standin’ around, yakkin’ about how Tertius lopped off the heads of some Carthaginian prisoners.”
“Well, maybe they kept talkin’ about it ‘cause they never heard Tertius deny it.”
Angel got the feeling they weren’t really talking about Tertius.
“Hm, maybe that’s because Tertius knew there was some value to the men thinkin’ he was the meanest, toughest sonofabitch in the whole Roman Legion.”
Now she understood.
Angel supposed a reputation like that was useful, especially in a war such as this. Fear was a natural thing to feel in the presence of someone like him. The rumours about Speirs were known by all of Easy Company, and possibly even the whole 506th. Everyone knew he was a cold-blooded, merciless, perhaps slightly insane killer. Or at least, they thought they did.
“Sir, these men aren’t really concerned about the stories. They’re just glad to have you as their CO. They’re happy to have a good leader again.”
Lipton’s eyes weren’t so guarded anymore, but curiosity still lingered within them. Perhaps he was just realising - a little like Angel - that there was a lot more to Ronald Speirs than meets the eye.
“Well from what I heard, they’ve always had one. I’ve been told there’s always been one man they could count on. Led ‘em in the Bois Jacques, held ‘em together when they had the crap shelled outta them in the woods. Every day he kept his spirits up, kept the men focussed, gave ‘em direction. All the things a good combat leader does.”
Angel couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face, because no truer words had ever been spoken. And the best thing about it, Lip was completely oblivious. He had no idea just how much Easy Company had relied on him through Bastogne. He was a pillar, a friend to lean on, to listen to their problems, to offer advice, all while being an exceptional leader. They owed their lives to him. Because without Lipton, Angel was sure she wouldn’t have been able to go on.
“You don’t have any idea who I’m talkin’ about do ya?”
“No, sir.”
“Hell, it was you, First Sergeant.”
As Lipton’s eyebrows raised in surprise, Angel saw - for the first time - a real, genuine smile on Speirs’ face. It made her grin widen even further. Lip was the glue that held them together. Even Speirs - who had run straight through German fire for Easy Company - was acknowledging it. It was all down to Lipton.
“Oh, and you’re not gonna be a first sergeant for much longer, First Sergeant.”
“Winters put in for a Battlefield commission, and Sink approved on your behalf. You should get the official nod in a few days.”
Angel could have cried.
“Congratulations, Lieutenant.”
Lipton looked like he couldn’t quite believe it, even as Speirs sent him a brief smile before walking away. He was stood motionless for a few seconds, the shock immobilising his limbs.
Lip deserved this.
With Speirs as their new CO, and Lipton getting a Battlefield commission, it seemed that Easy’s darkest days might finally be behind them. Bastogne truly had been hell on Earth, the kind of thing that no one should ever have to endure. Just the shriek of a shell, or the faint whistle of a bullet was enough to strike terror into the hearts of every single soldier in the Bois Jacques woods. Angel had never known anything like it.
She wouldn’t allow herself to relax, even now Dike was gone. War was much too complicated to hope for its end at any point, let alone when it was so close to finally being won. It would only hurt more in the end. Hope could be a very dangerous thing.
But it could also be your salvation.
Band of Brothers Appreciation Week Day 5, One scene ~ Rachamps Church
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introducing OFC no. 4, Evangeline Dubois!
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introducing OFC no. 5, Isidra Castro!
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holocene-days · 4 years
Do you think that Jonas had feelings for alt Martha?
i’ve thought about their dynamic a lot since watching s3 and i don’t really think he did have Feelings for her. i totally think he cared about her, but she wasn’t *his* martha, you know? like he only knew her for a few days, was there on a mission to save the world so he wasn’t really focused on romance, and i think the scene when they sleep together is actually really sad and comes from a place of feeling lost and lonely, rather than being romantic and loving (which is a stark contrast to the sex scene with him and his martha which is all soft and sweet and innocent and lit by warm light and just so lovely and the ideal first time situation). the moment before she kisses him where they’re both crying and feel so confused and helpless and lonely is so heartbreaking and they sleep together as a way to not feel alone because they’re the only ones who are going to have to save the world and that’s a hard thing to be told and jonas has just lost og martha and alt-martha’s life has just drastically changed by her learning about time travel and her fate and i think that scene is them comforting each other and coping with their situation in life rather than it being a love scene, like jonas and og martha’s was. and i think that’s totally evident by the next morning when they wake up on opposite ends of the TWIN SIZE BED COMPLETELY CLOTHED??? like they put their clothes back on and obviously didn’t cuddle afterwards or anything. so it wasn’t a tender moment with them being in love or romantic, it was a moment of sadness and loneliness. i do think alt-martha did develop feelings for jonas though (re: the kiss in front of the cave in ep 5 before he dies and then her heartbreak later of him not knowing who she is in the last ep).
when talking about jonas and martha (og martha) i feel like people forget that they’ve known each other their whole lives and have been best friends since they were children. like yes, bartosz is technically his best friend, but it’s so obvious through his interactions with martha that she’s the only one who really understands him emotionally, and i think the same also goes for her, only he really understood her too. they were, like he says, a perfect match. og martha has been one of the most constant and closest people in his life and he’s loved her for so long (re: the scene where he tells alt-martha about all the things that happened to og martha when they were kids). losing og martha was so hard for him because she was his favorite person and they both felt so safe and known by each other and had such a deep connection and history. so for all of that to suddenly go away when she dies is just the most heartbreaking thing in the world for jonas because he just lost his dad (who he also had such a good relationship with) and then just lost the love of his life and best friend, so i think for him to spend those 3 days he does in alt-martha’s world after all that happens isn’t enough time for him to process his grief of her death and i feel like any feelings he developed for alt-martha were projected onto her by his way of coping with his martha’s death. 
and then ofc in the time line in the last episode where he goes to save her without ever having met her, i feel like he says the i love you line “we’re a perfect match, never believe anything else” because he realizes through the light tunnel scene that they’ve known of each other their whole lives as well because of this memory they have shared as children. and they’re on a suicide mission and i feel like it was not only his goodbye to her, but it was his goodbye to his martha and the world. 
i hope this all makes sense. what do you think about their relationship? do you think he had feelings for her? i would love to hear your thoughts/analysis as well :) i hope you have a lovely rest of your day <3 
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Arthur’s Angels Chapter 1: Meet the Angels
Pairings: Dean x Jayna Brandon (OFC), Sam x Maggie Parker (OFC). Other Characters: Gabriel, Arthur Ketch
Warnings: show-level violence
Word Count: 4900+
Authors Note: This started out as a birthday gift of sorts to my good friend, @MissyIsSassy1. Jayna is her character, so anything about her is Missy, while Maggie is my character, and anything about her is me. Don’t look at me, I just write stuff.
Summary: Jayna and Maggie are employed by the mysterious Arthur Ketch to hunt the supernatural. They have never met Mr. Ketch in person, and receive their assignments via speakerphone briefings. Still, they do their job, and they’re damn good at it. See what happens when their path crosses with the Winchesters.....
Author’s Note 2: I’m not sure how many parts this will have, I guess as many as people are willing to read. If you want to be tagged in this series or have any requests, please let me know. Thank you for reading, enjoy!
"Okay, weapons check?" Jayna said to her partner, Maggie. The two of them were on assignment, going up against a nest of vampires. No way that either of them wanted to be caught in a fight without adequate weapons support.
"Machete, freshly sharpened," Maggie said, patting her thigh holster. "Also have my .380, with a full clip of the ceramic rounds filled with dead man's blood," she confirmed. "You?" she asked.
Jayna gestured towards her back holster where she kept her always-sharpened machete. She tucked her 9mm pistol, also with the ceramic rounds, in the back waistband of her jeans. "So, how many did Gabriel say would be in this nest, anyway?" Jayna asked.
Maggie looked at the ramshackle house before them. "No more than ten, if I remember correctly. I figure we get in a few good swings and take out the first four or five vamps, which makes the rest of our job a bit more manageable," she explained.
Jayna shrugged. "Sounds like a plan to me," she replied as they approached the front door of the run-down shack.
Jayna Brandon and Maggie Parker were experts, recruited by the reclusive billionaire, Arthur Ketch, to hunt the supernatural. Each woman had her own reasons for becoming involved in hunting. Whether their motivation was a deep sense of duty or a desire to continue the family legacy, regardless, they trained relentlessly. For that reason alone, they were considered to be two of the best female hunters in the world.
Rumors had circulated that Mr. Ketch once had ties to the former British Men of Letters, a secret organization from the 1950's. Their purpose was to investigate and hunt the supernatural, like vampires, werewolves and shapeshifters.
About three years ago, the weapons locker was raided and cleared out, then the organization was mysteriously disbanded. All of their technically superior weaponry was said to now be under the control of an unknown entity. Some even suggested that Mr. Ketch himself may have been the one to take possession of this futuristic firepower.
Working alongside Jayna and Maggie was Gabriel. He mostly worked behind the scenes, researching cases and providing tech support and even transportation if necessary. Sometimes he went out in the field, if the case involved posing as a couple to complete the mission. Gabriel could be a bit mischievous at times, but he was always there for Jayna and Maggie when they needed him.
Jayna slowly and carefully eased the front door open. She didn't want any squeaks or whines from the aging hinges to ruin the element of surprise. As they approached the living room area, a vamp was entering the room from Jayna's left. She swung her machete and sliced the head clean off the body, both hitting the floor with a thump. Another one came in from Maggie's right, but she was ready. Her machete sliced through the vamp's neck like a hot knife through butter.
After they cleared the top floor of all five vampires, that only left the remaining five, most likely in the basement. The ladies knew they had to be careful, because there may also be potential victims to rescue. Jayna signaled to Maggie that the door in front of her led to the basement. Maggie nodded and drew open the door, which fortunately opened without a creak.
The women slowly descended the stairs, pausing every so often to make sure nothing had disturbed the vampires. They appeared to be sleeping in some sort of sling or hammock, with the ends secured around an exposed beam in the ceiling.
Jayna counted and signaled to Maggie that there were only four more to clear out the nest. Maggie nodded and motioned that she was going to go check for victims. Jayna nodded her assent as she continued to survey their environment, always keeping an eye out for an exit.
Maggie found six victims, only three of whom were still alive. She disconnected the IV that was drawing the blood out of the first two and tied a piece of her shirt over it like a bandage. The couple looked like they were high school sweethearts, a quarterback and his cheerleader. Must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, is all. They didn't look like they'd lost too much blood, so she told them to go and wait for her and Jayna under the stairs.
Something seemed to be a little off with the third captive, though. Maggie looked her over for injuries, but didn't find any. She started walking towards the stairs, thinking the other captive would follow her. Maggie caught the horrified look in the eyes of the cheerleader as she gestured to the last captive. Maggie turned around in time to see the last victim charging at her, knocking her over. She had been turned, and she had decided that Maggie was to be her first kill.
Jayna ran over and knocked the girl to the ground, only to have her quickly get back up. Jayna gripped her machete with both hands and made a clean slice, taking off her head. Maggie breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Jay," she whispered.
"Anytime," Jayna said, then turned her attention to the remaining cluster of vamps, who were starting to stir in their bunks. "Uh-oh, looks like that was just the wake-up call," Jayna quipped. "Time to take care of business," she remarked.
Two vamps went after Maggie, while the other two went after Jayna. They each took the first one out easily, but the last two were starting to get the upper hand. The one attacking Jayna had her pinned to the ground and kept trying to take a bite at her neck.
The impact of hitting the floor caused her machete to drop from her hand. Jayna brought her leg up and shoved the vamp away from her, then drew her pistol. She shot a couple of ceramic rounds into its upper chest, and the vamp went down, paralyzed for the moment. Jayna completed the kill as she cleaved its head from the body.
Maggie's vamp seemed a lot more determined, most likely the leader of his nest. He had her pinned to the wall to where she couldn't raise her arms to swing the blade. "Do you think you two hunters can just waltz in here, kill my family and take what's mine?!?" he thundered. His forearm was pressed up against Maggie's neck. He pressed hard, holding her against the wall and threatening her air supply.
Just before Maggie nearly blacked out from lack of oxygen, she heard Jayna shout to get the vamp's attention. He turned his head towards Jayna, which was his last and fatal mistake. Her machete quickly and cleanly separated his head from his body and the fight was over.
"Thanks again, Jay. Really saved my ass this time," Maggie huffed, still trying to catch her breath.
"You can save my ass next time," Jayna chuckled. "Let's get these survivors topside and out of this house. You okay to lead us out of here?" she asked.
Maggie nodded, then paused as she heard footsteps approaching their position. Maggie pointed upward, and motioned to Jayna and the couple to keep quiet. When the intruders hit the last step, Jayna and Maggie stepped out of the shadows, weapons drawn, and yelled "Freeze!"
The newcomers also had weapons that they trained on Jayna and Maggie, at least until they saw the collection of headless bodies on the floor. The man closest to Jayna had piercing green eyes, spiky hair and slightly bowed legs. He re-engaged the safety on his weapon, but still felt the need to keep it pointed in Jayna's direction.
"One question. Who are you and what the hell are you doing on our hunt?" he demanded.
"Your hunt? Excuse me, but this is our case, bud," Jayna retorted. "We should be asking 'who are you and what the hell are you doing on our hunt'," she sassed.
"Name's Dean Winchester, sweetheart," he smirked. Gesturing to the tall, shaggy haired man to his right, "And this one here is my brother, Sam Winchester," he explained.
Jayna and Maggie looked at each other and realized that the newcomers were not a threat. They reengaged the safety on their weapons and tucked them in the back waistband of their jeans. Sam and Dean, having decided that Jayna and Maggie weren't a threat either, did the same.
"Well, boys, now that we've made our introductions, we must be going. Got to get the survivors some medical attention, so they can go back home to their families," Maggie said. She started to climb the stairs and motioned for the survivors to come out of hiding and follow her to the car.
Jayna turned to leave as well, but before she did, she caught Dean's eye. "You guys will clean up, right? Been a slice," she said as she winked and gave him a mock salute. She followed Maggie up the stairs, grinning to herself all the way.
Sam and Dean both looked at each other. "What the hell just happened?" Dean thundered. "How did we get stuck with the clean-up?" he growled.
Shaking his head, Sam chuckled. "Come on, Dean. Let's get to work," he grinned.
Jayna and Maggie dropped off the survivors at a local hospital to receive medical attention, then provided Gabriel with their final report. Gabe was impressed that the girls had finished the job in record time and managed to save two civilians. He said they had earned some time off, so they decided to find a diner to get something to eat.
On the way to the diner, they talked about meeting the infamous Winchesters.
"So what did you think of them?" Maggie asked.
"Well, Dean is certainly the one in charge," Jayna observed. "Talks a lot, and if I'm being honest...." she trailed off.
"Yeah?" Maggie prompted, dying to hear how Jayna was going to finish her thought.
"It's not so much his words, Mags. I swear, though, his voice is just the right frequency to set off my internal tuning fork. And I mean in the best way," she remarked as they busted out laughing. "What about you?" she asked.
"I dunno. Sam seemed content to let Dean run the show, but I think that only means one thing. The man is a tiger that isn't going to want to be caged forever by his big brother. And when he gets loose, whoo boy! Someone's in for a wild night," Maggie finished.
When Jayna pulled into the parking lot, they couldn't help but notice the gorgeous, black 1967 Chevy Impala parked outside.
"Is that--" Maggie started.
"Couldn't be. Then again--" Jayna mused. "Let's just go in, we don't have to sit with them if they're in there," she replied.
Maggie shrugged and held the door open for Jayna, then followed her into the diner. They scanned the area for the Winchesters, knowing it had to be their car outside. Jayna spotted Sam and Dean sitting in a corner booth off to her right. She elbowed Maggie to get her attention and directed it towards where the Winchesters were sitting, bringing a smile to Maggie's face.
The girls looked at each other as if to ask, "Should we join them or ignore them?". One look between them had them thinking back to the conversation they had in the car. They nearly broke out into laughter again at the memory, but managed to hold it together.
Jayna and Maggie sauntered over to the boys' table, each swaying their hips a little in case Sam and Dean were watching. Maggie reached them first and cleared her throat a little to get their attention.
"Excuse us, gents, but are these seats taken?" Maggie asked, locking eyes with Sam.
Before his brother could answer, Sam jumped in and said, "No, not at all, please join us," he grinned. He scooted over to make room, while Dean rolled his eyes but made room for Jayna to slide in.
"You ladies hungry? Here, take a look, if you'd like to choose something," Dean remarked, handing over his menu.
The waitress came back to their table and noticed that two more guests had joined the table. Jayna and Maggie ordered their drinks, then everyone gave their food order. Dean ordered his classic bacon cheeseburger with fries, Sam requested a salad. Jayna went for the pot roast dinner, while Maggie ordered a Reuben sandwich with chips.
Jayna fidgeted with her napkin before speaking. "So, I think maybe we might have gotten off on the wrong foot with you guys," she started. "Comes from years of having to work twice as hard as female hunters to prove ourselves in a male-dominated profession," she explained.
"Nah, don't worry about it," Dean replied. "I'm rather impressed, just the two of you taking out a nest of ten vamps. That's not easy, even for a couple of guys like us," Dean said. "I just hope we didn't come across as macho jerks."
"Nope, nothing to fear there, Dean. And thanks for cleaning up, by the way," Jayna added. "I can tell, though, that you're used to being the one in charge, the leader. Hope it's not too intimidating that I'm a bit like that as well," Jayna said as she locked eyes with Dean.
Dean slowly shook his head. "Just so you know, though," he added, leaning towards Jayna's ear. "I like a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it," he added huskily as he ran his index finger along her jawline.
Jayna internally shivered, not only at the closeness of his lips to her ear, but at that damn sexy voice of his. She felt her cheeks grow warm at the thought of his plump lips. She wondered if she'd ever find out if they were as soft as they appeared to be. Jayna looked over at Maggie, who was too deep in conversation with Sam to notice any distress her friend may be under.
Across the table....
"So, what kinds of things are you into, Sam? You know, what do you like to do when you're not hunting?" Maggie asked a little nervously.
"Mostly, I do the research for the two of us. Dean's the 'action guy', I'm the 'book nerd'," Sam replied. "I'm a big fan of sci-fi, especially Star Wars and I've read all of the 'Harry Potter' books. Also, I have what some people would call a weird obsession with reading about serial killers," he chuckled. "What about you?" he inquired.
"Well, first of all, nothing wrong with being into books. I, too, have read all of the 'Harry Potter' books, but I like a good spy thriller once in awhile. I don't mind Star Wars, but I'm more into Star Trek. It's kind of a requirement, since I'm from Iowa," she grinned. "My weird thing has to do with how easily I can learn a foreign language. Mostly reading, not necessarily speaking them, though," she finished.
Sam's hazel eyes locked on to Maggie's as he spoke. "Star Trek, hmm? I can just hear the kind of heated sci-fi debates we'd get into. And I can't stop wondering about the sexy things you might say in another language. 'Specially when you get all riled up," he gently teased.
Sam reached over and tucked a wayward lock of hair behind Maggie's ear and grinned when he heard the slight hitch in her breathing. Fortunately for Maggie, the waitress arrived with their meals, saving her from doing anything embarrassing about her growing attraction to Sam.
After dinner was finished, the four went out to their respective cars, but neither driver seemed to be in a hurry to leave. Conversations were had about what to do with the rest of the evening, and whether that would include any members of the opposite sex.
Dean broke the stalemate by inviting Jayna and Maggie back to their room for a drink and possibly a movie. He mentioned the name of the motel, which prompted the girls to invite Sam and Dean back to their room instead. When Jayna explained that their employer was able to provide a bit nicer and separate accommodations, the boys instantly agreed.
Jayna and Maggie followed the boys back to their motel so they could grab a change of clothes for the night. While they waited, Maggie took the opportunity to voice her doubts to Jayna.
"Are you sure we should be doing this, Jay? I mean, inviting them back to our hotel? We hardly know anything about them, other than what we've heard from other hunters," Maggie pointed out.
"That's the point, Mags," Jayna answered. "We spend time with them, get to know them better. Besides, I saw you and Sam 'sparking' over in your corner of the booth," she teased.
Maggie scoffed. "Yeah? Well, I saw plenty of 'sparks' going between you and Dean on your side of the booth, Jay," she retorted.
Jayna shrugged. "If you're waiting for me to deny everything, you're going to have a long wait, dearie. It's that voice of his, like it has a tractor beam and it's pulling me in! Not that I'm complaining, mind you," she laughed.
Maggie joined in on the laughter. "I think I was right about Sam, too. You know, about him being a tiger and to be careful if he ever gets unleashed from his cage," she remarked. "He mentioned how fun it would be to debate me on sci-fi topics. And, about riling me up so I say naughty things in other languages," Maggie giggled.
At that moment, Sam and Dean emerged from their motel room, each carrying a bag. They turned to look at Jayna and Maggie in their car, smiled, waved then got into the Impala. Around 15 minutes later, they had arrived at the RedStar Hotel, where the girls were staying.
Sam and Dean exited the Impala and examined their surroundings. This hotel was much nicer than anything they'd ever stayed in, except when on the werewolf case with Mick Davies. "Well, ladies, I have to say, these are some fancy digs," Dean remarked. "Not your usual hunters' accommodations," he added.
"Courtesy of our employer, whose name shall remain anonymous," Jayna quipped. "This is just the lobby. Shall we head up to my room first, then decide how best to spend the rest of the evening?" she asked.
Maggie and the boys nodded their assent as they made their way over to the bank of elevators. "Room 516 is mine, 519 is Maggie's room," Jayna explained. She pulled her key card out of her pocket and opened the door.
The room was equipped with a king sized bed, a recliner in the corner, a 55-inch flat screen TV and a desk where Jayna's laptop rested. "Come on in everyone," Jayna said as she threw her car keys on the desk. From her bag, she produced a bottle of whiskey and proceeded to pour two fingers for everyone.
When everyone had a drink in hand, Maggie raised hers a little. "I propose a toast: to a successful hunt and to new friends," she declared. Everyone repeated the toast and clinked their glasses together. Maggie made eye contact with Sam when their glasses connected, trying to determine what kind of mood he was in. She also wanted to see when may be a good time for them to make a break for her room to be alone.
Someone produced a deck of cards and from that, several rounds of Truth or Dare Go-Fish were played. The whiskey continued to flow, and as a consequence, the participants got a little sillier with each round. After about the seventh round, Jayna looked at Maggie. From all their years hunting together, Maggie knew from the look on Jayna's face that it was time for her and Sam to go.
"Hey, Sam, I heard there's a Star Wars marathon on TV. I know these two are probably not interested, so how about we head over to my room so we won't bother them?" Maggie suggested.
A knowing smirk crossed Sam's face. "Fine by me, as long as you don't mind that I quote the dialogue as the movie plays," he grinned.
"So much the better, I'll even play along," Maggie replied. She held out her hand, which Sam took in his and intertwined their fingers.
"Have fun, kids," Dean called after them. Upon hearing the door latch engage, a hungry look settled in Dean's eyes. He walked over to the table where Jayna was putting the deck of cards back in the box.
Dean approached Jayna while her back was to him. He reached for her hand to make her turn around and face him. He reached up with his right hand to cup her face. "So," he remarked softly, his thumb caressing her cheek.
"So," Jayna whispered. She placed her palms on his chest and slid them upwards until her hands were clasped behind his neck.
As her fingertips grazed the hairs at the base of his neck, Dean dove in and captured Jayna's lips with his own. His free hand roamed up and down Jayna's back, causing a small moan to escape from her mouth. When the need to breathe became too great, the kiss was broken, leaving Dean and Jayna panting.
"Whoa," Dean whispered. "That was amazing," he remarked.
"Agreed. I've been wanting to do that since the diner," Jayna gushed. "How's about we try that again?" she suggested.
"As you wish, sweetheart," Dean replied as his mouth slammed back to Jayna's with a need that he knew only she could satisfy. "So beautiful," Dean murmured against her lips.
Jayna brought her hands down so that they were inside his flannel shirt. Within seconds, she was pushing his outer shirt off of his shoulders and was reaching for the hem of his T-shirt. Dean gently pried it from her fingertips and eased it up and over his head. The sight of his bare chest caused a hitch in her breathing, which did not escape Dean's notice.
Dean toyed with the hem of Jayna's T-shirt, causing her to look down at his hands. He hooked one finger under her chin and tilted it upwards to meet her eyes. "Are you sure, sweetheart?" he asked softly.
Jayna nodded. "I'm sure, Dean," she answered. That was all the permission Dean needed to relieve Jayna of her shirt, leaving her in a lacy pink bra. A look of admiration crossed Dean's Greek god-like features and Jayna had never felt more treasured.
One by one, pieces of clothing disappeared until there was nothing left between them. Dean and Jayna found themselves under the blankets of the expansive king-sized bed. They took turns giving and receiving pleasure in the form of hot kisses and exploratory touches. As the two of them moved together, layer upon layer of passion was built. Each one higher than the last, until they both found their release.
As Dean and Jayna's heart rates slowly returned to normal, Jayna scooted towards Dean. He snaked his right arm around her to hold her close to his side. She rested her head on his shoulder and her right hand flat on his chest. "Mmm, Dean that was incredible," she murmured, her eyelids feeling heavy.
Dean leaned over and pressed his lips to Jayna's forehead. "It really was, sweetheart. Incredible," he mumbled against her skin. He felt his own eyelids fighting to stay open as well. "Sweet dreams, baby girl," Dean whispered before completely giving in to his need for sleep.
The next morning, the couples met in the hotel's dining facility for the breakfast buffet. Jayna noticed that Maggie and Sam looked pretty cozy going through the line. Always finding a reason to touch each other, or for one to grab the other's hand. Hmm, her night must have gone as well as mine did, Jayna thought with a smile. We should have lots to talk about on the drive back to HQ, she silently added.
"Morning, beautiful," Dean rumbled huskily in Jayna's ear. His stubbled cheek tickled her ear, causing her to giggle, which also brought a smile to Dean's face.
"Morning, handsome," she replied as soon as she had regained her composure.
Back at the table, everyone exchanged phone numbers. If either team needed help or wanted to talk to someone, they now had a way of contacting each other.
All too soon, it was time for the hunter teams to go their separate ways. Dean and Jayna were standing by her car, exchanging good-bye hugs and slow, luxurious kisses.
Over by the Impala, Maggie and Sam were saying their good-byes. "I had a wonderful time with you, Sam. You're smart, caring and a bit of a romantic if I may say. But you also have a very sexy wild side to you that I love just as much," Maggie remarked.
"And you, ma chérie, are sweet, kind and maybe a bit too sassy for your own good," Sam grinned. He tapped the end of Maggie's nose as she pouted. "But I would love to see you again sometime, ma belle fleur," he said softly.
A shy smile returned to Maggie's face. "I would like that as well, mon chéri," Maggie replied. She slid her hands up the length of Sam's chest and rested them on his shoulders. Without much encouragement needed, she pulled him down until their lips met in a fiery, passionate kiss.
When they broke apart, Sam brushed the back of his knuckles gently against her cheek. "See you soon, darlin'," he said softly.
"Bye, Sam. Call if you need anything, or want to talk," Maggie responded.
"I will," he promised as Maggie walked away to where Jayna was waiting. Maggie wished Dean a safe trip home as he passed her on the way to his car. She heard the Impala roar to life and just like that, Sam and Dean were gone.
Before Maggie opened the passenger door of the car, Jayna asked, "So, how did it go with you and Sam last night?"
Maggie paused before looking Jayna directly in the eye. "Rawr," she said, then both women burst into laughter.
Back at headquarters, Gabriel expressed how happy he was to see them. Although he didn't press for details, he could tell that both women had had an enjoyable past 24 hours. "Briefing in 15 minutes, ladies!" Gabriel called out.
They didn't have time to do much of anything before the meeting, except freshen up their hair and splash some water on their faces. Unpacking, laundry and a shower would have to wait until after the meeting.
About ten minutes later, Jayna and Maggie entered the conference room and took their usual places. A conference call-style phone with a large speaker was in the middle of the table. The meeting started precisely at 11:00 am, with a call from their employer, Arthur Ketch.
"Good morning, Angels. I understand the vampire hunt went as planned, even saved two of the victims," Ketch remarked.
"Yes, sir," Jayna and Maggie responded in unison.
"Well done. Your next assignment will be for the recovery of a cursed object. The setting is a high-society party to which only couples have been invited. This will therefore be an undercover assignment," Ketch explained.
Jayna and Maggie looked at each other in silent communication. Winchesters? they asked each other. Jayna pointed out that while Gabriel usually fills in on these "undercover couple" assignments, that leaves Maggie without a partner.
"Sir, we need both myself and Maggie for this mission. We met a pair of hunters on our last case that would be perfect for this assignment. That would enable us full use of the team, and Gabriel could still act in a support capacity," Jayna finished.
Silence reigned on the other end of the line while the idea was considered. "How easy would it be to contact this 'pair of hunters' you met?" Ketch asked.
"We exchanged contact information before we left them, sir. Only a matter of picking up the phone and calling them," Maggie answered.
"Very well, make contact and inform Gabriel of their decision. I have confidence in you, Angels," Ketch concluded before the call disconnected.
"I never get to do anything fun," Gabriel grumbled. "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride."
"Aw, come on, Gabriel. You know we wouldn't be anywhere without you," Jayna teased, tapping the end of Gabe's nose.
"You bet your sweet asses you wouldn't," he grumbled. "Go on, make your 'booty call' so I can let Arthur know whether this is a go or no-go situation," he muttered.
"It's not a 'booty call', Gabe," Jayna retorted as she scrolled through her contacts, then pressed the one she wanted.
"Hey, Dean? It's Jayna. Got a question for you: Can you and Sam get your hands on a couple of tuxedos? We have a little undercover mission, and it would really help us out if you could join Maggie and me," she finished.
A broad smile spread across her face. "Fabulous. I'll email you the details. And Dean? Can't wait to see you again. Over and out," Jayna concluded softly then disconnected the call. "Hey, Maggie? How would you like to see Sam again?" she called out as she walked down the hall to her room. She giggled as she heard a shriek of happiness from Maggie's room.
Tags: @swiftlymoniquesblog @miss-nerd95 @janicho88 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @lyarr24 @distefano123 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jawritter @jensengirl83 @deangirl93 @ellewritesfix05 @idreamofplaid @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @winchesterprincessbride @wayward-mikaelson @yourelivingwrong @gabrielslittleangel @jessica-noel94
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need-a-fugue · 4 years
We Grow Together (26)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Tessa Sullivan (OFC)
Chapter Summary: Shit’s about to get real... 
Summary: Relationships can be tough, especially when one person is a recovering-from-being-brainwashed-and-tortured former assassin and the other is an overworked mutant scientist. But hey, every couple has their struggles. Right?
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“His name is Lobe? What the hell kind of name is Lobe?” Clint asks with a laugh.
Tessa shrugs in response. “No clue. But if Scofield says I should meet him, then I think I should meet him.”
Steve throws up a silencing hand. “Now, just hold on.” He moves over to stand behind Natasha as she sorts through mounds of data on the computer in front of her. “Nobody’s meeting anybody until we know a little more about this guy.” He nudges Nat’s shoulder. “Got anything?”
“Nothing,” she mumbles, obviously perturbed. “There are no references to anyone named Lobe in any of SHIELD’s files. Or in any other data we’ve collected over the last few years.”
“It’s probably a codename,” he tells her.
She twists her head around to look a him. “Ya think?” she asks, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Maybe’s he clean,” Tessa suggests, immediately earning her incredulous stares from everyone in the room. “What? Devil’s advocate. I’m just trying to think of reasons why he’d never pop up on anyone’s radar.”
“I hate to say this, guys,” Clint sighs as he sidles up next to Tessa and drapes an arm over her shoulders. “But I think Doc’s right. If we can’t find anything on this guy, we should send her in to meet with him. Might be the only way we’ll get to know who he is.”
Tessa narrows her eyes. “For the record, you’re not saying that you hate to say that I’m right, right?”
“Right,” he responds with a confused frown.
She nods. “You just hate to say it because it’s not an ideal situation to be put in. Got it.”
“Not an ideal situation?” Bucky repeats with raised brows. “It’s a little more than that.”
“He’s in New York already. Scofield said that he’s actively looking for scientists, preferably ones with experience in genetic mapping and cellular splicing. This is perfect timing.”
“To be fair,” Natasha chimes in, leaning back in her chair, “while I really don’t think someone going by the name Lobe is a non-threat, it is possible.”
“It’s like Scofield said, X-gene research is highly regulated,” Tessa supplies. “And highly frowned upon. That could be reason enough to come up with a fake identity.”
“And the fake identity might only be for people he doesn’t know. Once she gets in, maybe we can get a real name.”
“Once she gets in?” Bucky asks incredulously.
Tessa turns to him with a frown. “Are you just going to repeat everything everyone else says?” He glowers at her and she relents. “Okay, fine. I get it. Like I said, it’s less than ideal. But,” she continues, turning to face the rest of the group, “this guy, whoever he is, is doing something that he shouldn’t be doing… something with mutant genes. That something might be good – maybe looking ways for ways to enhance DNA to prevent or even cure certain genetic diseases – or it could be something really, really bad. Either way, I want to know.”
To say that it took some convincing would be the understatement of the century. But in the end Tessa, Clint, and Natasha were able to talk Steve and Bucky into letting the meeting happen. There were certain parameters put in place, of course. For example, it had to be in a public place where they could be at least reasonably sure that they wouldn’t lose her. Scofield said that Lobe wanted to meet at a place called Magellan’s in upper Manhattan. Not ideal, but it would do. Tessa would get there early and sit in a pre-scouted location near the windows so that Bucky could see her from his position on one of the buildings across the street. Clint was able to move sites easier, so had a few spots he could go between in case they lost visual. Both Steve and Nat would be inside the restaurant, at the ready.
“Seems a bit like overkill,” Tessa mumbles as she sits down at the predetermined table. The team had Tony call into the restaurant to reserve two of the surrounding tables, ensuring that no other diners would get in their way, so Tessa found herself sitting neatly tucked away in a small sea of empty tables while the rest of the place bustled around her. “Not too obvious,” she snipes into the coms.
“Are you gonna argue with all of my orders?” Steve asks from his position at a corner table.
“I’m not arguing. I’m ridiculing.”
“I think I’m over wanting you on the team,” he mutters. “I’m ready for you to go back to your lab.”
“I got Scofield in my sights,” Bucky interrupts. “He’s entering the restaurant with two other men.”
Tessa stands when she sees the older man make his way over to the hostess, two other men trailing closely behind him. The hostess points to her and she waves as the men turn to make their way over. She takes one look at their faces and… “Oh shit.”
“What?” Steve asks.
Clint is heard next. “Is that – ”
Tessa nods stiffly as the men arrive at her table.
Clint barks out a laugh. “Oh, man. No way!”
“Dr. Sullivan,” Scofield greets, extending his hand to her. “This is my associate, Lobe.”
She looks to the thin bald man and offers a rigid smile. “Very nice to meet you,” she says, shaking his hand. He says nothing to her, and offers no smile nor hint of warmth.
“And I believe you already know Mr. Calvin,” Dr. Scofield says with a coy grin.
The other man – a tall, muscular, dark-haired specimen – quirks his lips as he too extends a hand. “Dr. Sullivan,” he says, deep, rich voice sounding all too brazen.
“Who the fuck is Mr. Calvin?” Bucky bites out.
She glares at him, refusing to touch his outstretched hand, opting instead to awkwardly, angrily stand and stare. “Uh, Doc,” she hears through her earpiece. “I know this is probably a bit of a shock. But you kind of need to get your shit together.”
“Who is this guy?” Steve asks again, more insistently.
Tessa cocks her head at the handsome man in front of her. “I thought you were dead.”
He shows off a dazzling smile. “Oh, come on. You didn’t really believe that.”
“Well,” she says, her jaw clenched, “a girl can dream.”
“Barton?” Steve nearly shouts through the coms, letting loose with a loud cough from his corner to cover the sound.
“Remember when I told you guys I met her ex in Minsk?” he says, an all-too-playful lilt to his voice. “That would be him.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Bucky mumbles, barely audibly.
“Ah,” Natasha croons. She can barely be seen leaning forward on her bar stool, craning her neck to get a better look. “I see what you mean about her type. Tall, dark, and… very fuckable.”
“Romanov,” Steve chides. “Try to be a professional.”
Clint chuckles as he meanders across the street, moving to a second, closer location. “Nat, did you just imply that Barnes is very fuckable?”
“This conversation is making me very uncomfortable,” Bucky mutters as he follows the small group of people at the table through his rifle’s sight.
Steve sighs loudly enough to be heard through the coms “Can everyone please stop saying fuckable?”
“Captain Rogers,” Natasha intones “you’ve got a dirty mouth.”
Bucky takes his eye off the table and leans back for moment to blink heavily. “Can we focus please?” he asks, clearly not amused.
They all watch as Scofield drops into a seat, the others slowly following suit. Between Lobe’s very obvious general awkwardness, and the rather extreme tension between the Tessa and Mr. Calvin, the older doctor is the only one who seems even remotely at ease. “I must say,” he begins, leaning back into his chair and popping open the menu in front of him, “I was rather surprised to hear that you hadn’t spoken to Mr. Calvin in years.” He glances up at Tessa and says with a chuckle, “Though I suppose if you thought he was dead, that would explain it.” He turns to Lobe, who looks utterly disinterested. “Mr. Calvin does have a knack for faking his own death.”
“Well,” Calvin says, charm just oozing from his pores, “It’s an unfortunate necessity in my line of work.”
“And what line is that, exactly?” Tessa asks before nervously taking a quick swallow of water. “Nowadays, I mean.”
Lobe answers for him in a deep, measured tone. “He’s in… acquisitions.”
“Personnel acquisitions?”
He stretches his lips into a long, slender, utterly terrifying smile, and says with a slight nod, “Of course.”
“That guy’s not too creepy,” Natasha mutters over the coms as she slowly stirs the martini in front of her.
At the table, Calvin leans in, closing much of the distance between him and Tessa, as he says, in a manner obviously meant just for her, “I was a little disappointed you didn’t mourn my passing like I thought you would.”
She narrows her eyes at him. “How would you know whether or not I mourned? Were you keeping tabs on me?”
“Maybe a little,” he says with a shrug.
“Well I’m feeling a lot better about this guy being involved,” Bucky snipes sarcastically.
Rolling her eyes, Tessa mutters, “It wasn’t the first time you died, Cal. Besides, if you wanted it to be believable, you would have had a coked-out hooker stab you in a by-the-hour motel.”
“Oh, sounds like a keeper,” Clint says. “Wonder why it didn’t work out.”
Steve clears his throat into the coms, a wordless order for everyone to shut the hell up.
At the same time, they hear Calvin laugh, soft and supple. “Car explosion was cheaper.” Then, leveling Tessa with a thoughtful stare, “Still, I’d hoped you’d be a little more upset.”
“I stopped getting upset about the things you do a long time ago. I’m over it.”
“But you never quite got over me, did you, sugar?” he asks with a wink.
She leans in, green eyes steely. “Do not call me that.”
“They have a history,” Scofield tells Lobe conspiratorially as he watches the scene unfold in front of him.
For his part, Lobe simply rolls his eyes. “I’ve heard good things about you, Dr. Sullivan.”
She drops her angry glare and looks over to the man across from her. “Have you?” she asks. “From Dr. Scofield?”
He spends a long moment looking her up and down, seemingly assessing her very being, before responding with, “Yes.”
She feels a shiver pulse through her, unsure if the anxiety she’s feeling is a result of simply being nervous about this whole situation, or if it’s due to the fact that this guy’s energy is almost unreadable for her. She tries to cover the unease with a small smile. “Well, I do have a rather full resume,” she says.
Scofield chuckles a bit. “A rather impressive resume, you mean.” He turns to Lobe. “Before coming to Genetech, she studied with Dr. Moira MacTaggert.”
Lobe’s expression shifts to what seems like genuine interest. “At Muir Island?”
She shifts uncomfortably in her seat. “Yes. For a time.” Another put-on smile. “I was very young then. Still in med school.”
He gives her another appraising look, this one ending in a wide-eyed grin. “I would very much like to know about your time there.”
“Well…” she starts, not quite sure where to go.
“You know,” Calvin interrupts suddenly, “I wouldn’t mind having a moment alone with Dr. Sullivan. Just to catch up a bit.” He shoots her a meaningful look before glancing back at Lobe. “A quick drink at the bar, maybe? Won’t be but a few minutes.”
“I’m not here to meet with you, Cal. I’m here to meet with Lobe,” she says, uncertainty lacing her words.
“C’mon,” he croons, reaching out and gently wrapping his fingers around her wrist. “One drink,” he says with a small tug.
Instinctively, she jerks away as though she’s been burned.
“It’s fine, really,” Scofield says absently, waving them off. “Go have a drink. Lobe and I have some things to discuss anyhow.”
“If you stay near the end of the bar, I’ll still have visual,” Clint’s voice sounds through the coms.
“And from here I can get audio on whatever the other two talk about,” Steve says. “Let’s play this out.”
“Fine,” she says with a scowl, harshly pushing back her chair. Calvin jumps up as well, hurrying to catch up with her as she makes a beeline for the bar. He’s next to her in just a few long strides, dropping his hand to the small of her back in a guiding gesture. “Stop it,” she turns to growl at him.
“You used to like it when I touched you,” he whispers in her ear as they both lean onto the bar. “Said it made easier to suck up all my… intensity.”
“He’s a real charmer,” Natasha mutters from her spot at the opposite corner of the bar.
“What do you want?” Tessa asks him.
His eyes positively twinkle with mischief when he replies, “You really want me to answer that?”
“Oh, if only he knew that her current tall, dark, and fuckable boyfriend had a high-powered rifle trained on him right now,” Clint hums.
She shakes her head impatiently, both at the man in front of her and the one in her ear. “Can you be serious for five seconds?”
“Sugar, after five years together, I’d think you’d know the answer to that,” he says with an airy laugh.
“Five years!”
“Barton,” Steve barks out with obvious irritation.
Tessa sighs, long and drawn out. “What are you doing, Cal?” she asks with a shake of the head.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
She looks up at him, her expression softening for the first time since he waltzed into the restaurant. “I’m serious. Do you even know who this guy is?”
The smug smile falls from his face, his lips tightening into a firm line. “I know enough about him to know that you shouldn’t be meeting with him.”
She quirks her head at him. “Why is that?”
He leans in close, his lips grazing her hair as he whispers into her ear, “If he finds out what you are, he’ll tear you apart and sell every piece to the highest bidder.”
“What was that?” Natasha asks, watching as Tessa’s expression turns grave. “What did he say?”
Calvin leans back and looks down at her. “You should go,” he says with a small nod.
She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before looking him right in the eye and issuing out, “Fuck. You.”
A surprised laugh escapes him. “You’re being pretty hostile right now,” he tells her, quirking his brow. “Keep this up and I’ll be left to assume you want to hate fuck in the ladies room like old times.”
Someone snorts out a laugh into the coms. “That’s not funny,” she grumbles.
He reaches out and runs his fingertips along the curve of her hip. “It has been a long time, sugar.”
“I told you to stop calling me that,” she says, taking hold of his forearm. He twists in her grip, grabs onto her hand and brings it to his lips for a lingering kiss.
“I have a clean shot,” Bucky breathes out through the coms.
“Ugh,” Tessa growls. “Stop it.” Then she grasps his arm again and gives a strong tug, pulling him around into a corridor.
“What the hell,” Bucky roars as soon as he loses visual. “Romanov?”
“I’m on it,” she responds, getting up and heading for the hallway that Tessa and Calvin disappeared into. She tries to remain casually hidden, not quite rounding the corner. But from her position… “I can’t get a clear visual.”
She may have disappeared from their sight, but the team can still hear everything that Tessa says. “Who is he, Cal?” she asks hurriedly. “And what the fuck are you doing for him?”
“He’s an entrepreneur. And I’m acquiring things for him.”
“C’mon, T. You know what I do. I go where the money is.”
She takes a sharp inhale. “Tell me you didn’t sell him the samples?”
“Samples? What samples?”
Her voice rises when she says, “The ones you stole from me in Belarus!”
He scoffs. “Those samples were sold a long time ago, sugar. And this guy… he’s way past wanting some tricked-out, radioactive genes.”
“The genes weren’t radioactive,” she corrects, impatiently. “They were activated by radiation.”
“Whatever,” he says with a dismissive sweep of the hand. “You know I don’t give a shit about the science.”
“Right. You only care about the money.”
“Look,” he says, his voice dropping an octave. “I’m trying to look out for you here. Whatever you’re doing – whatever you’re up to – I’m telling you, you need to stop. Now.”
“That’s cute, Cal. Really. You thinking you can tell me what to do. Cute.” She brushes past him and strides back over to their table, almost clipping Natasha on her way around the corner. “Mister,” she starts, standing in front of the two men, “sorry… Lobe.” She drops back into her seat with a saccharine smile. “Lobe, what an interesting name.”
“Not really,” he says to her. He looks up as Calvin returns and takes his seat as well, a furrowed, concerned look on his face. “Everything alright, Mr. Calvin?”
“Yes, everything’s fine.”
“All done with your lovers’ quarrel, I hope.” He turns back to Tessa. “Can we finally talk business then?”
Tessa tosses a quick glance to Cal and takes in his warning glare. Then she gives Lobe a curt, but certain nod. “Yes, I think we should.”
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His Southern Belle 1
Masterlist Full book 1 summary in the link
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Chapter 1
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC (face claim: Rose Leslie)
Word count: ~2450
Summary: Maddi starts her new school in Brooklyn and meets some new friends.
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: I started this fic when I was still in high school, and I have worked really hard on it since. I’m not a fan of some of my writing from earlier chapters, but I don’t want to change them until I at least finish writing the entire story. I will be updating this fic here on tumblr one chapter a day until I am caught up with where I am at on the other platforms I’ve posted it. If you’d like to read ahead of that schedule, you can check them out on from the links on my masterlist. I just also wanted to make the fic available here on tumblr with the rest of my fandom interactions, so this is the plan to do that!
Unless otherwise indicated, all date entries are from Maddi’s POV.
September 5, 1932
I stood in front of the small class while my new teacher introduced me. I was in my best knee length dress trying to make the best first impression but I quickly realized the style in my hometown was very different from that of teenagers in New York. The girls seemed to have a little more money than my family as they wore nicer clothes and styled their hair to the newest fashion. My long red curls were probably a little too messy and I didn't wear the same socks and shoes as the them. I tried not to show how uncomfortable I felt when our teacher asked me to say my name to the class. I smiled and said "My name is Madeline Bennett, but my Mama and Daddy called me Maddi." I immediately heard laughter from the students and it made me feel twice as self conscious. It must be my accent, people in Brooklyn definitely sounded different than those in Tennessee. As soon as the teacher let me sit, I chose the only empty seat next to small and skinny boy with blond hair. He smiled at me but it was not cruel like the other kids when I walked to my seat, so I gave a small smile back.
During lunch, I sat alone until I heard the sound of a boy talking in front of me, "hey new girl, you know I can show you around if you want. I know some great places we can sneak off to together." I politely declined as I could tell his intentions did not seem innocent. He continued to push "Come on, look I know a lot of people laughed at you in class, but I can keep you safe baby doll. Once you're with me, nobody will be laughing." I immediately looked back down at my food trying to ignore the group of boys as they snickered behind the nameless boy who talked to me. I could tell this was probably a trick considering they were clearly still mocking me like before, and I just wanted to be left alone. I tried to hold back tears as I thought about how much I wished I could go back home with my family. I didn't want to be in Brooklyn hundreds of miles away from the only home I ever knew. I didn't want make new friends or learn how to live with a new family I barely knew. I wanted my safe little town where everyone knew who I was and nobody would dare pick on me unless they wanted my brother going after them. I missed my brother more than I ever would have admitted to him.
Just then, two more boys came to my table and I thought it would only get worse. "Leave her alone Jason, she clearly doesn't want to talk to you right now," the smaller of the two said. I now recognized him as the boy I sat next to in class.
"Alright Rogers, what are you going to do to stop me?" It was a fair questions, the boy was half a foot smaller than Jason and clearly much skinnier than the already developing teen.
"Listen Gally, I know you can see me standing right next to Steve here so you clearly should know when to keep your mouth shut. Now the lady said no earlier so I think you should respect her wishes and take your friends and leave." Jason Gally stared at the taller boy, who looked more like a man, and finally decided to leave. I continued to remain frozen in place after everything that happened, until I saw the two that helped me start to walk away as well.
"Wait!" I called to them as I wanted to tell them I appreciated what they did. They turned around and looked at me and I gathered up all the courage I had left to keep talking despite knowing they will clearly hear my accent. "Thank you for that. I got your name, Steve, but I didn't really catch yours," I said to the taller one.
"James Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky."
"Well Bucky, Steve, thank you again."
"It was no problem, Maddi right?" Steve questioned to make sure he remembered my name correctly. I was pleasantly surprised and nodded my head yes.
I took a leap of faith and suddenly asked, "would y'all like to sit with me?" They stared at me for a second and I tried to explain myself quickly, "It's just that I'm new and don't have any friends yet. You two were so kind to stand up for me and I just wanted to know if maybe you would want to sit with me." I prayed I didn't just scare the two nice people in front of me off, but then they looked at each other and sat down across the table from me. I started to smile as they began to ask me about where I was from and why I moved to Brooklyn. "I'm from Tennessee, and I moved here to live with my Aunt and Uncle. They're the only family I really have left." they stayed quiet knowing I didn't want to go too deep into that subject just yet. The two nodded and didn't push anymore about it. I was very grateful for that.
It was towards the end of lunch and Steve said "Well Maddi, I'm glad we met you. Bucky is a year older than us but we still hang out after school. Where do you live, maybe we can walk home together?" I told them the general area I moved to and they both eagerly said they lived near there. We made plans to meet after school and for a brief second I thought that maybe moving to the big city wouldn't have been as terrible as I initially thought. I wished I could be back home, but knowing that I would never get to go back, having a couple friendly people here was the best I could ask for.
September 24, 1932
“How has school been going, Maddi?” Aunt Lily asked as I ate dinner with her and Uncle Ryan.
“Alright. I made a couple friends, but I don’t really seem to fit in with the class. They dress and talk different than back home.” I played with my food a bit while I thought about how the last couple weeks have been. Steve and Bucky were definitely very nice to call friends and I liked spending time with them, but girls still gave me strange looks and boys would bother me if I wasn’t with my new companions.
“Well, our neighbors have a granddaughter on the other side of town about a year or two older than you. I’ll see if she has any extra dresses you can have,” Aunt Lily offered. I knew she and Uncle Ryan felt bad for not having enough money to spend on me, but I really didn’t mind. With their two children already grown and moved across the country, they didn’t exactly plan to pay for an extra mouth to feed. Times were hard enough as it was without unexpected expenses. I never actually met these family members before: we never had the money to travel, but I heard about them a lot.
September 30, 1932
I wore my new dress that seemed to match more with the girls at school and it made me feel a little less nervous, but I also felt sad to be giving up more and more from my life in Tennessee. I sat with Steve and Bucky at lunch like I did everyday, and we talked about frivolous things until I asked Steve what was in the book he always carried around.
“It’s a sketch pad, I like to draw,” he said shyly.
“Can I see?” I asked and he hesitantly handed me his sketch pad and I flipped through the pages in awe. Each piece of paper had beautifully drawn pictures of buildings and landscapes. He had a few with people, but one close up of a young woman and man who looked in their early 20s. “Who are they?” I curiously questioned.
“That’s my parents,” he said quietly. “It’s from a picture when they were newly married. I don’t really remember my dad, he died in the Great War.”
“I’m sorry,” I said hoping I didn’t make him feel sad as I knew how it felt to lose a parent. “I lost my ma when I was young too, not as young but still I was 5 when she got sick.”
“Is that why you moved?” Bucky asked me.
“No, I still lived with my daddy and brother, Alex, until this summer when a storm hit and they both died. I was with a friend when it hit and a tornado took down my entire house and my family inside.”
“Jeez, I’m sorry Maddi,” Steve said as I fought back a few tears thinking about what happened.
“Don’t worry about it. I was lucky to have Aunt Lily and Uncle Ryan to take me when they heard, and now I got to meet you two so that’s good I guess.” I tried to look towards the better things in situations but it was always hard.
“Well, you’re officially our friend so there’s no getting out of it now,” Bucky said with a smirk.
“Only now it’s official? What has been the last month then?” I asked with a laugh.
“A trial friendship,” Steve stated smiling.
“Yeah, just to make sure you weren’t crazy or anything” said Bucky.
“I’m glad y’all think I’m worthy of being your friend then!” I winked at them as I continued the joke. We all laughed as we finished our food and headed back to class for the day.
December 24, 1932
“The snow is so beautiful on Christmas,” I sighed as I walked through the park with Steve and Bucky like we sometimes did together.
“It sure is, but I’ve always wanted to see snow where there were no buildings in sight. Just miles of it with nothing else to mess the blanket of white up,” Steve told me as we saw children running through the already played in snow.
“That is a sight to see, but I think that's just wasted? Look at how happy all this available snow makes everyone, that’s something worth drawing.” I said this as I knew that was one of the reasons he probably liked the idea of untouched snow: to be able to draw the scene. “Draw me and Bucky!”
“What?” Bucky questioned, not sure what he had to do with this topic.
“Draw us playing in the snow,”  I requested with a smile. Bucky quickly got the idea and ran towards a clean pile. He made a snowball and threw it directly at me hitting me on the shoulder. “Alright Barnes, you have it coming to you now!” and I laughed while I ran to make a snowball as well except I missed when throwing it at him. He laughed at me until I made another and hit him square in the face. I heard a chuckle from Steve and I looked over at him sitting on a nearby bench watching us and making small rough sketches in his book. “Come one Steve, put it to memory and come play with us!” He looked slightly surprised for a second until he put his book down and came over to join our snowball fight. We did this for about an hour until we sat down on the bench to rest. Steve quickly went right back to his book to continue his scene he started on. We sat in silence for a while just taking in the day.
“What are your holiday plans, Maddi?” Bucky asked.
“I’m not sure. We haven’t really talked about it. We’ll probably go to Mass tonight and I got a small present for my aunt and uncle tomorrow. I don’t really expect much of a present for myself; besides, my favorite part has always been Christmas Eve Mass. My daddy and Alex and I would go and then always visit mama after. I guess I can’t see any of them this year since their all buried in Tennessee.” I had never really thought of that until now and it quickly took away all of my joy from playing in the snow before. “They would have liked you guys,” I added before they could reply. “You're both gentlemen and passionate about what you care for.”
“They’d like Bucky,” Steve tried to clarify as he continued to draw.
“No, they’d like you both,” I told him with confidence. “Especially you, your heart is much more kind than this silly guy sitting next to me,” I laughed as I sat between them and gestured towards Bucky.
“Hey!” Bucky said with a smile. “Just because it's true doesn't mean you have to say it!” Steve just stayed quiet and had a slight blush on his face.
I put my arms around both their necks and said “thank you for making Brooklyn more bearable.”
“You did that,” Steve said as he looked at me and I smiled back at him.
December 25, 1932
There was a knock on the door and I went to answer it. When I opened the door, Steve stood there waiting and I gave him a surprised smile. “Hey,” he started. “I know today is mostly spending with family so I’ll try to be quick. I just wanted to give you your present.”
“Steve, you didn’t have to get me anything!” I began to feel bad as I had nothing to give in return.
“It’s nothing, here.” He handed me a piece of paper and I saw it was a beautiful drawing of Bucky and I in the snow from the previous day. I just stared at it for a few seconds in awe before he continued, “Sorry it isn’t that detailed, I was trying to finish as quick as I could and the shading might not be-” I cut him off by hugging him.
“I love it!” I said as he wrapped his arms back around me. “I love the art you make, it’s so good. Thank you for giving me one, it really means a lot.” We both let go and and he was redder than I had ever seen him before.
“Well, I’ll keep that in mind,” he said with a chuckle. We then said our goodbyes and he went back home to spend the rest of the day with his mother.
Next Chapter
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Boston Boys [Part Seven]
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Summary:  Aurelie opens up to John; Elsa is unsure about Chris; Chris tries to put his foot down with Robert.  Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC, John Krasinski x OFC Word Count: 1469 Chapter Warnings: Crime discussion.  Square Filled: The entire series (well, bits and pieces of it) will fill my Crossover square for @marvelfluffbingo​​. A/N: This story contains a character who lost her hearing as she got older. I do work closely and regularly with the D/deaf community (I’m a sign language interpreter), but my own hearing problems do not involve significant hearing loss. It is not my intention to offend anyone, only to bring in a character with a quality I don’t see often in other fics. If you have questions about her, feel free to ask :)
Boston Boys Masterlist
A couple of days later, John and Aurelie were scheduled to have their first official date. A day or two of thinking about everything she had told her brother had convinced her that she needed to tell John the truth before they went any further. For her own safety and to potentially avoid a bigger scene than she wanted, Aurelie asked him to meet her in the park.
“We could have met at the restaurant,” John said, joining her on the bench. He draped his arm over the back of the bench and took a deep breath. “Do you want to go from here?”
Aurelie took a deep breath. “Before we go, Johnny, I want to tell you something -- I have to tell you something, actually. I wasn’t going to. I was going to wait it out, but then I told Chris he needed to be honest with this girl he’s been seeing and I realized if I didn’t do that same, I’d be a hypocrite.”
John’s arm pulled away from the back of the bench. He leaned forward on his knees and closed his eyes. “Chris. Please, kid, tell me you don’t mean the Chris I think you mean.”
She licked her lips. “Chris Evans is my stepbrother. My father died when I was younger, and my mother married Chris’s father. I’ve known about a lot of things from way younger than I maybe should have, and I didn’t want to be associated with any of it. So, I kept my last name, I went to medical school. I see Chris sometimes, but I don’t see the rest of the family. They don’t have any interest in seeing me. As soon as you told me your name in the hospital, I knew who you were, and I knew that there could be trouble if certain people found out I had treated you.”
“Which is why you asked me not to tell anyone you were my doctor that night.”
Aurelie nodded. “I’m sorry I let it go even this far without telling you.”
John sat up. “Wait -- so you know who I am, too. You know what kind of life I have, and you still wanted to see me? Is this about your brother?”
“It’s not about my brother. I like you, genuinely. But I don’t want you to not have a choice here. We would have to keep this very secret if it continues and --”
Her sentence was cut off by John’s lips on hers. Aurelie reacted immediately, cupping her hand over the back of his neck when John’s hands carded into her hair.
“Sorry,” John said when he pulled away, “kissing you in the middle of the park isn’t very secret. I don’t give a shit who your brother is, and I get needing to keep it on the down low. But you’re going to have to show me I can trust you.”
“Likewise,” Aurelie agreed. “This can’t be about my brother for you, either.”
John nodded and kissed her once more. “Fair enough. Can we go to dinner now?”
Aurelie giggled. “Yes, we can go to dinner now.”
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Elsa dropped her books on the passenger seat of her car and bit her lip as she pulled out her phone to dial Chris’s number. They had gone on a few dates by now, and already she couldn’t get enough of him. He was funny and caring, always knew the right thing to say. She hoped that things were going in a serious direction, but she wasn’t going to rush him, either.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted as soon as the line connected. “How was class?”
“It was good,” Elsa answered. “Film History, which is my favorite class. Do you have time for lunch soon?”
Chris hesitated. “Uh, I wish I did, but the shop is pretty busy.”
“I’ll come by and see you,” Elsa offered, hopefully.
“It’s really busy,” he repeated, “but I’ll call you tonight, okay?”
Elsa felt her heart crumble a little. “Yeah, okay. Sounds good. Talk soon.”
“Talk soon.”
She waited for him to disconnect the call, something he did after a few seconds. She thought about that phone call the entire way home. Chris sounded stressed, but maybe he was really busy. Maybe he felt bad about telling her he couldn’t see her. They hadn’t made plans.
“You’re overthinking, Elsa,” she told herself. “Call Brie, get it off your chest, and move on with your life.”
So, that’s what she did. She put in a call to her best friend and unloaded the entire, over-analyzed situation.
“I mean, based on what you told me before, I really do think he likes you. Maybe it’s moving too fast for him. Maybe he’s not sure how he feels -- how strong he feels. You know how long it took Ben to ask me out. Guys are weird about feelings.”
“You’re right. I’m panicking. I’m still on edge sometimes from the robbery, that’s why I’m so sensitive.”
Brie nodded. “You’re absolutely right. Everything is going to work out, Els. You’ll see. Hey, maybe bring him with you next time you visit New York.”
Elsa paused. “Oh, well, see -- the thing is -- Chris, he runs his family’s barber shop and -- well, I don’t even know when I’m going to be in New York again. So, yeah. I don’t know. Maybe.”
“What is it you’re so worried about?”
“I don’t know. Maybe let me get through this one emotional crisis at a time, huh?”
“Yeah, okay, whatever,” Brie laughed. “I’ve got to go, but we’ll talk again soon.”
Elsa nodded. “Yeah, sounds good. Thanks, Brie.”
“Anytime, gorgeous.”
The call disconnected. Elsa decided that even though it was mid-day, she didn’t have anywhere else to be, so a bath and a glass of wine were exactly what she needed.
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Chris turned his phone off and shoved the device in his pocket. He hated being here. Robert Downey Jr.’s office in downtown Boston was so pristine and glass and white. Chris was out of his league here, and a call from Elsa -- a girl who was also out of his league, for too many different reasons— didn’t help him to feel any more relaxed. Anxiety was gripping every fiber of him, and on top of feeling so out of place, he couldn’t show that anxiety one bit.
“Mr. Downey will see you now.”
He snapped out of his thoughts and cleared his throat. He couldn’t think about Elsa or anxiety, or how out of place he felt in the only life he had known. He pushed the door open to Robert’s office and took a seat.
“How are things?” Robert asked, pulling a briefcase out from under the desk and sliding it toward Chris. “The money has all been exchanged. You cut is here, and for the rest of them, too. This was a good referral, I’m proud of all you.”
“Thank you,” Chris replied, setting the briefcase on the floor next to him. “Listen, Robert --”
“There was a hostage.”
Chris’s breath caught in his throat. He paused a moment before nodding in the affirmative. “Scar spooked. She thought this teller pulled the alarm -- I don’t think it was her, but our bases are covered there. The cops told her there were too many bigger problems in the area.”
“How do you know that?”
Shit. How did he get out of this without giving Robert any leverage? “We followed up -- I did. Personally. Tailed her for a few days, she hasn’t talked to the police in a while.”
Robert looked suspicious, but seemed to drop the subject for the next thing on his agenda -- an agenda from which Chris never knew what to expect.
“So the next referral --”
Robert frowned. “No? I’m sorry, but your job is not to tell me no. Your job is to take the referrals I give you and follow up on them.”
Now was not the time for anxiety or heightened emotions, but that was all Chris felt. Leaning forward onto the desk, he tried his best to reason with Robert.
“This last one was big, like you said. The hostage thing turned out all right, but maybe it’s time to lay low -- before the cops start making connections. We’re set up for right now, we have time. The money isn’t going to stop flowing anytime soon.”
“Then why put a dam up?” Robert opened the drawer of his desk and took out an envelope. He handed it to Chris, who hesitated before taking it. “Good choice. You and Seb scout it out and get back to me.”
Chris shoved the envelope in his back pocket and picked up the briefcase. He made way for the door, anxious to get out of that office and far away from the life he never asked to have.
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AlloftheThings: @captain-s-rogers​​​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​​​@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​​​ @hurricanerin​​​@horsesandbandsforlife​​​ @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​​​ @captain-rogers-beard​​​ @shynara51​​​ @sea040561​​​  @pinknerdpanda​​​ @xtina2191​​​ @jackryanplz​​​ @beakami​​​ @heartsaved​​​@fullprunerebelstatesman​​​ @blackwidowismyhomegirl​​​
Boston Boys:  @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​​​ @becs-bunker​​​ @shield-agent78​​​ @patzammit​​​ @crazyandanonymous4u​​​@ntlmundy​​​​ @jennmurawski13​​​​ @okay-maybe-i-like-marvel-too​​​
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Boston Boys [Part Eight]
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Summary:  Sebastian ends up in Aurelie’s trauma bay; Chris is MIA. Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC, John Krasinski x OFC Word Count: 1675 Chapter Warnings: Gun violence, gunshot wound, implied smut.   Square Filled: The entire series (well, bits and pieces of it) will fill my Crossover square for @marvelfluffbingo. A/N: This story contains a character who lost her hearing as she got older. I do work closely and regularly with the D/deaf community (I’m a sign language interpreter), but my own hearing problems do not involve significant hearing loss. It is not my intention to offend anyone, only to bring in a character with a quality I don’t see often in other fics. If you have questions about her, feel free to ask :)
Boston Boys Masterlist
“Dr. Juneau, you’ve been requested in Trauma One.”
Aurelie frowned. She hadn’t been requested by a single patient since the night John had come in to have his cut stitched up. Locking the computer she had been working on, Aurelie left her white coat behind and made way for the trauma bay.
“Adult male, approximately thirty-five. Dropped in the ambulance bay where an incoming rig found him.”
Aurelie took in as much of the information as she could while the nurses and techs hooked the man up to machines and started an IV. When the brief was over, she took a good look at her patient. Covered in blood and shaking, his face was pale and his breathing was labored.
Seb. No wonder he had asked for her. His eyes met hers. They were full of panic. She spotted movement from the arm where the nurse was attempting to start an IV. Seb’s hand was reaching out for Aurelie. She shook her head briefly.
“All right, I want a second IV, I want x-ray, CT. Figure out where this blood is coming from, what kind of injuries we’re looking at. Have a crash cart ready -- not just on standby, but ready. Now, move!”
The already chaotic movement of the team became more energized. Aurelie found the trauma scissors in her pocket and cut off his shirt while a tech cut off his pants.
“Doctor,” one nurse began, catching Aurelie’s attention, “I’ve got two GSW’s, one through-and-through in the left shoulder -- in the back, out the front -- and one still sitting near the diaphragm.”
Aurelie nodded. “All right, cancel CT, I want a mobile in the OR. Switch to oxygen on the gurney, start sedation meds, we’re rolling out now before that bullet moves. This needs to happen fast. Alert surgery.”
She let the team take Seb to the elevator; she jogged behind, texting Chris as she followed.
Seb’s in my trauma room. Wtf happened?! Heading to surgery now. Will keep you updated.
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Aurelie was scrubbing out of the operating room when the familiar sounds of a scuffle called her attention to the hallway. If it was loud enough that she could hear and make out the sounds, it was serious. She finished her task and went out to see what was going on.
“Let me see him, you have to let me see him!”
Security was battling the determined mission of a redheaded woman, begging, pleading, demanding she let them see someone. Aurelie knew right away who she wanted to see.
“All right, all right, c’mon. She’s upset, can’t you see that?” Aurelie said sternly, getting between Scarlett and the guards. “Stand down, for fuck’s sake.”
Scarlett allowed Aurelie to help her to a nearby bench, but the guards didn’t go far. Aurelie motioned for them to stay calm, then sat down next to Scarlett.
“We got the stray bullet out. It was close to his diaphragm, so he’s on a ventilator right now so that we can control his breathing and allow the area to heal.”
“But he’s going to be okay?” Scarlett’s eyes were bloodshot from crying, and there was blood all over the front of her. “Aurie, you gotta tell me he’s gonna be okay.”
She hated when people called her Aurie, but this wasn’t the time to point that out. She looked sideways at the guards; one was genuinely not paying attention and the other was purposefully avoiding the personal note in the conversation.
“Barring any complications, he’ll be fine. He’s going to SICU right now, but you’ve got to let them get him settled and resting before you see him, all right? If you promise not to make a scene again, I’ll make sure you get ten minutes with him before you leave.” She held up a hand as Scarlett leaned in to hug her. “But you cannot -- cannot -- let on that you know me. To protect what I do here, I can’t be connected. To anyone.”
“I understand.”
Aurelie stood then, pulling the scrub cap from her head and shoving it in her pocket. No doubt Chris would be here soon -- they needed to talk. Stitching up random criminal lowlifes was one thing. Saving the life of someone she considered another brother was too close to home.
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The pounding on Elsa’s apartment door spooked her from a deep sleep. She breathed heavy and fast as she sat up in bed, trying to decipher if the knocking was actually at her door. When the pounding started again and it was at her door, fear gripped her tighter. She just knew the bank robbers were on the other side of the door, ready to finish her off.
“Elsa, open up! It’s me, it’s Chris!”
Breathing a sigh of relief, she scrambled out of bed and went to the front door. She undid the deadbolt and the chain lock before twisting the lock on the knob. She let Chris in and immediately locked the door behind him.
“It’s three in the morning! What the hell is wrong with you? You scared the shit out of me!”
Chris wrapped his arms around her, pulling her flush against him and kissing her roughly. Elsa reacted in kind, going along with it when Chris tugged at her legs, lifting her up off the ground and wrapping her legs around his hips. He pushed them against the nearest open wall, knocking a few picture frames from a shelf in the process. Elsa bucked her hips against him, and that’s when Chris knew he needed to slow things and explain himself.
“I wanted to see you the other day, when you called. I’ve got a lot going on I can’t tell you about right now --”
“Shut up and finish what you started.”
Chris grinned and pressed his lips to hers again. Elsa climbed down and pulled him toward her bedroom. She tossed off her nightgown and scooted back on the mattress while Chris tossed his shirt aside and pulled his belt from the loops holding it in place.
A few hours later, they were in the kitchen. Chris was making pancakes in his jeans, and Elsa was sitting on the counter watching in his t-shirt. She was laughing at a joke he made, thinking about how easy it was, being with Chris. There was no pressure to be anyone other than who she wanted to be, who she really was.
“I’m glad you came by,” she said, leaning over the griddle to kiss him.
Chris flipped the last pancake onto a stack with the others and turned off the heat on the stove. “I’m glad you let me in. What I was saying earlier, you know, I got a lot going on. Sometimes, there’s gonna be things I can’t tell you. But, I promise you, there’s no other girls, nothing that’s gonna hurt you. I want to tell you more, but I’ve at least got to tell you that because if I don’t -- if I don’t -- Elsa, I can be myself with you. I need that in my life, more than I can explain. You ground me, you keep me real. I know it hasn’t been that long, but you -- you’re a game-changer. I want to do better because of you.”
For a speech like that, Elsa could forget about the pancakes. She slid off the counter and put her hands on his bare hips. “I was thinking the same about you just now. About how I can be myself with you. It’s … it’s easy, being around you.”
Chris smiled. “Easy, yeah. That’s exactly it.”
Elsa went up on tiptoe to kiss him, effectively erasing the pancakes from his mind as well.
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Before Aurelie closed out her shift the next morning, she went up to the surgical care unit to check on Seb. He was still on the ventilator, but holding steady. Scarlett was there too, curled up in a chair with a blanket. Aurelie was as quiet as she could be, but Scarlett was a light sleeper.
“Hey,” she greeted, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “Thanks for whatever you said to the nurses. They let me stay all night.”
Aurelie nodded. “How long have you two been …?”
“Together. We’re together. It’s new. I was hung up on Chris for a long time, you know, but Seb never gave up. Guess I finally gave him a chance to show me what he was about and I was all for it.”
“That’s good. He’s been after you since before you and Chris, you know.”
“Really?” Scarlett’s eyes watered over.
“Yeah. Trust me. Sisters know shit.”
Scarlett nodded. “We were at a bar, some guy got mouthy. We made to leave and the guy followed us out, tried to grab me. I can hold my own, but --”
“But Seb wanted to protect you,” Aurelie finished.
“He did. I thought -- I thought he was going to die right there in my arms, you know? All the close calls we’ve had, all the referrals. Some dumbass in a bar was gonna be the one to take him out.”
Aurelie looked down at the gurney, and blue eyes looked back up at her. She motioned for Scarlett to come over. “I think he’s gonna be just fine. You’ve got a lot of years of this asshole ahead of you.”
Scarlett was out of the chair in an instant. She slipped her hand into Seb’s, and his eyes moved from Aurelie’s to hers. Aurelie promised both of them that things were going to be fine; she would send the floor doctor in immediately.
“Hey, real quick -- was Chris upset when he came by?”
Scarlett frowned. “I haven’t seen Chris since he left the shop yesterday.”
“Huh. Okay.”
So no one had heard from him since he went to see Robert the day before. Frowning, and with a million scenarios playing through her head, Aurelie alerted the charge nurse that Seb was awake, then hurriedly gathered her things to get out of there and start looking for her brother.
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@themtbmbgirl @keithseabrook27​ @ulovemelightsout​ @rosie2801​ @professorkrasinski​
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
otoya + idol sister hcs
featuring all my idol daughters!!! which is like, 4 main ones currently but five or six if i include nozomi who i’ve lost interest in and yoshiko, who i’ve gained interest in.
this wound up SO LONG and if you read all of it then you get a shiny gold star!!! featured idols are Rin, Mari, Hanamaru, and Ai Miyashita!
Otoya + All the girls
he loves having so many vibrant and awesome little sisters!!! they love to hang out together and play
Otoya, Rin, and Ai are usually the ones down to play sports together!! 
Mari and Hanamaru are the ones he has a little difficulty connecting interests with, but they all still manage to get along and have fun together!
he’s also a little scared of them 
because they work so hard to achieve their goals
and because they’re only school idols and have to do a lot of work more work themselves rather than thru an agency like he does
he is often in awe of them and he supports them and loves every single one of his sisters!!!
they all like to help out at the orphanage from time to time!!!
him and ai are the best at handling the little kids! ai is like a big sister and the most down to earth one of the genki girls trio
mari is a little too..... encouraging of the kids’ outlandish ideas and also sometimes likes to scare them with silly-weird stories! to which all the kids go running crying to their oniichan and otoya has to tell her to not scare them! they’re just little kids!
rin would color/craft with the kids and while she can be mature for the little kids she would also often get caught up in their excitement/energy and basically be the one who would be yelling mcdonalds! mcdonalds! with the kids 
hanamaru would be the quietest one there, helping the kids read from time to time or quietly cutting crafting paper and talking to all the little shy ones who she happens to notice staring at her. 
when they quietly ask her if they could become an idol like her and their oniichan, she tells them, “I used to believe that I couldn’t become an idol, too. But then I met great friends, and they believed in me, and pushed me. If you work hard, and find yourself surrounded by people who believe in you, then you can become an idol too!”
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(I’mma just shove that gif in there bc that’s it that’s the scene)
sometimes they like to practice their routines together, so they can all get feedback from people with very different points of view, since they’re all from different groups and backgrounds. 
otoya tries to give them a few pointers from what the academy taught him, but he’s mostly just like “wow!! you are so amazing!!” or something. Most Supportive Big Brother award when?????
he does provide constructive feedback though! it’s usually just after his usual surprise at how awesome his little sisters are already!
he’s best at providing feedback for dance movement since he loves to move around. 
if a fight starts to break out among the girls somehow, he tries to step in and ask everyone to take a deep breath
the girls enjoy listening to otoya’s music! They find it very refreshing and it’s nice getting to listen to him sing and play on his guitar!
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Otoya + Rin
omg sports siblings
basically anything he does with syo would also include rin
they love to play any sport together obviously but soccer is their fave!
he’s really sad to hear that she thinks she can’t wear any cute, girly clothes 
[and is also understandably confused when he points out that she has no problems wearing the cute idol clothes her and her friends make?]
but he does his best to cheer her up and make her believe that she can!! He just... tells her that she’s the cutest little sister he could ever ask for and for her to please believe in herself!!! because he doesn’t know what else to say or do to show his support
of course rin is just flustered and storms off upset because she feels like no one is understanding the problem she’s having! and basically everything else follows like it does in s2e5 of love live
they love to go for runs! especially at parks!
if they pass by pet shops they will both wanna go in but they can’t stay long because rin is allergic to cats, nya :(
rin makes them cat earbands and he happily wears them with her because if that’s what will make her happy, then so be it!
orange + red hair siblings = best siblings
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Otoya + Mari
oh my god. the chaotic energy. 
mari is probably the one he feels most awkward with
i mean, for starters, she’s hella rich and has some detachment from reality that the rich boys in starish don’t seem to experience
she probably also has a lot of fun teasing him
especially about his s/o
oh my god don’t let her know about his s/o
you know the >;3 face? she makes that face. all the time. any and every time s/o’s name comes up
she also probably ‘helps’ push them along by buying him two tickets to something ridiculously elaborate or expensive. because she can. she can do what she wants with her inheritance from the Ohara family
he is just a poor boy who grew up in an orphanage and hasn’t forgotten his roots mostly. he does not understand the freedom she has in spending money. he’s amazed when she arrives in a jet the first time they meet
Otoya probably feels bad for Mari when she manages to finally open up to him about her problems with her friends with the original Aqours and why they split. he probably tells her something like “that’s a toughie” and to be more honest with her feelings and maybe if she explained everything, they can all go back to being friends again!
ofc that doesn’t happen
and i forget what happened in s2 or whatever that got mari worried again bc sunshine was just that bad but i digress
When Mari makes her Stewshine, he is very intimidated by her and suddenly feels like he’s going to experience Natsuki’s cooking again
(it, fortunately, seems to taste better than Natsuki’s cooking)
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Otoya + Hanamaru
this sister is so quiet, so sweet!
otoya usually does most of the talking, but hanamaru doesn’t mind! it’s nice to listen to him be so excited about stuff, and it reminds her of her best friends a bit, too!
if he doesn’t know what a word means or has trouble understanding some difficult text, and tokiya isn’t answering, he’ll go and ask her for help! 
he feels a little bad about it bc he’s supposed to be the one that’s helping her, but she doesn’t mind and never makes him feel bad for it!
he cheers for her the most when it’s workout time! he helps her learn to do some breathing exercises to help build her stamina or something
i honestly don’t have much for him and hanamaru bc she’s the only one that isn’t an energetic child, but they are still very sweet to each other!
he tries to help her sometimes when she’s working the library but he’s too loud and impatient and distractable to help with some of the busywork. maybe he can help reshelve books.
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Otoya + Ai Miyashita
He is scared of Ai the most!
i’m not sure how to phrase it or point out specifically why, but maybe because she’s just as excitable as he is!
she’s very energetic, so both of them can go on talking forever and ever about things!
she’s a lot more fashion-conscience than he is, so he’ll sometimes ask her for her opinion on stuff
he also probably would ask her to help with rin’s character arc re her feminity, but love live canon would not make it so. except maybe in that all stars app but i don’t have enough room to run it between llsif and shining live......
while they don’t have many interests in common, ai is still good at school and athletics, so she probably joins him and rin from time to time for a game of soccer! or something. 
i’m p sure ai mikaze vs ai miyashita comes up in a conversation at some point early in. like
like how she’s really loose with her language and informal and energetic and stuff, while he’s very quiet and formal and cautious and calm. the stark contrast between the two ais!
also ai probably makes a pun about it? can you make a pun about it? I wouldn’t know I’m not a japanese speaker.
puns. so many puns
a lot of them fall short of their mark with otoya? maybe?
like, he probably is just like “Eh?” when she busts out into laughter at her own bad puns.
despite them not having many similar interest outside of idol work, they both get along very well! they both have very ‘easy’ and relaxed personalities, despite their big energy! 
they both are very big helpers!!! so ai would be the one that he would ask for help from the most when it comes to the preschool orphanage 
ai helps out there the most of all of the girls, because she really loves helping!
he probably helps her brainstorm her call sign! because they’re both very friendly individuals, he probably helped her come up with the high five part of her call by accident when they high-five’d sometime!
if you made it this far, congrats!! that is about all i have for my idol children!!! well the two actual idol series. I guess i technically have two more from tokyo mirage sessions! but it’s not the same as an actual idol series!
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georgialouisea · 5 years
Never Be His  - Part 5
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Pairing - Jensen x Reader, EX Jared x Reader, Rosie (ofc).
Warnings - Angst, fluff, talk of cheating, swearing, divorce.
Word Count - 3.5k.
Part 4 - Series Masterlist
Jared looked up from the papers splayed out on the table in front of him. “You’re sure about this?” He asked fiddling with the lid on the pen in his hands.
Nodding at him from where you sat across the table. “Yes.”
“Are you sure you don’t want the house? It’s bigger for you and Rosie.”
“I’m sure, I have my apartment, we’ll move when it gets too small, keep the house.”
“The cars-”
“I keep mine, you keep yours.”
“What about-”
Reaching across the table you took his hand in yours, ignoring the way his lawyer Peter was watching your every move with a scowl. “We’ve been through this Jared, I have everything I need, everything both of us need, as long as Rosie has everything she ever wants in life that’s all I want.”
“There’s nothing else I can give you?”
“Mr Padalecki,” Peter spoke up for the first time.
“No, Jared anything you want to give me put it into Rosie’s college fund.”
Squeezing your hand he dropped the pen onto the table. “What can I do to make this better?”
“Help me raise our daughter with two parents who love her more than anything in the world, we make this  as easy as we can for each other and I think we can make this work Jare.”
“I promise when we sign this, this is it, our future apart and raising Rosie together but I need you to tell me now if there’s anything else you want.”
“Jared, stop it, just because you feel bad-”
“I do.”
“Trust me I have everything I need, everything our daughter needs, we just plan for her future okay?”
“Promise me something?” Squeezing your hand he smiled at you.
“Jared,” Peter warned.
Ignoring the lawyer you kept your eyes on Jared. “What?”
“If you need anything in the future, even if it’s years down the line I don’t care what it is or how much it costs promise me you’ll ask, just because I’m not married to you doesn’t mean I can’t take care of you.”
“Jared.” His name left your lips with a sigh.
Squeezing your hand hard his eyes met yours. “Y/N.”
“I promise.”
Letting go of your hand he picked the pen back up. “We’re really doing this.” He sighed looking at you with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“I know you are.” Watching him sign the papers you wiped a tear away as it rolled down your cheek.
Putting the cap back on the pen he placed it next to the freshly signed documents. “Are we done here?” He asked keeping his eyes locked on the table in front of him.
“Yes, we are.” His lawyer stood up collecting the papers from in front of Jared. “If there are any issues we’ll be in contact.” Lifting his head he addressed Jane your lawyer.
She smiled at him giving him a small nod. “Of course.”
Jane was recommended to you by a friend of a friend, she was a cutthroat lawyer. When you first sat down with her she was fully prepared to take Jared for everything the house, cars, everything he owned and also suing him in the process for the potential impact this could have on your career. When you told her that’s not what you wanted she was beyond confused, you could take everything from him after what he did and you didn’t want to. Neither of your signed a prenup you’d shared everything when you were married. You proposed to just take what was yours, Jared soon countered with a straight 50/50 split, Jane told you to take it. A husband offering his soon to be ex-wife more money wasn’t something that happened often.
That’s how you ended up here with lawyers who wanted more from the other party, neither one fully satisfied with the result. You just wanted the whole thing to be over so you could focus on your daughter and your career, so you could move on.
“I’ll call you,” Jane whispered as she stood up, her hand resting on your shoulder.
“Thank you.”
“Mr Padalecki?” Peter adjusted the papers in his hands as he glanced towards where Jared sat across the table from you.
“Yeah, I’ll be right out.” Jared gave a small nod, not fully lifting his head.
“Y/N?” Jane looked down at you.
“Can you give me a minute?” Glancing towards Jared she nodded, turning on her heel. She followed Peter out of the room shutting the door behind them.
“Are you okay?” Jared asked as he looked up letting the tears fall down his cheeks.
“Not really, are you?” You asked him already knowing the answer as you watched the tears run their course down his face.
Shaking his head he sniffed as he ran a hand down his face, wiping the tears from his cheeks his palms ran up and down his thighs. Standing up he walked around the table coming to a stop next to your chair, standing up he wrapped his arms around you pulling you against his chest, your arms were trapped between your bodies, slowly pulling them to your side you slowly wrapped them around his waist.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.
“I know you are Jared.” Running your hand up and down his back he held you tighter. Holding him close you took a deep breath. “We’re doing this for Rosie.”
“Yes.” Pulling away from you he smiled at you. “For Rosie, is she with Jensen?”
“No, she’s with my Mom.”
“Your Mom’s here?” He asked clearing his throat.
“Yeah, she’s been here for a few days, she’s flying home tonight.”
“Oh, I bet it’s been nice having her here.”
“I mean I could do without a few comments.” You shrugged.
“About me?”
“Some of them.”
“Can I ...erm … no, nevermind your Mom’s at yours.”
“You wanna see Rosie don’t you?”
“Can I?”
“Of course.” Pulling your handbag off the chair you pulled out your sunglasses putting them on you looked up at him. “Do I look like I’ve been crying?”
“No, you’re hiding it well, wish I’d thought of it.”
“I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, I’ll follow you to yours?”
“Sure just give me like half an hour.”
“Okay.” He nodded.
Smiling at him you left the room, keeping your head down as you walked through the building towards the garage, the last thing you wanted was to be recognised, not today.
Walking into your apartment your Mom’s bags were already packed and waiting by the front door. She was doing you a huge favour looking after Rosie you knew she’s offered to look after her granddaughter just so she could keep an eye on you too. She knew you had Jensen in your life and she wanted to see for herself that you were okay. The last thing she wanted to do was leave you tonight and if she could get more time off work she’d stay for weeks, she knew it was always going to be a short trip to see her girls.
“Y/N, sweetie that you?” She asked as she walked out of Rosie’s nursery.
“Yeah.” Dropping your bag down on the couch, pulling your sunglasses off your head you threw them down onto the table.
“How did it go?” She asked resting a hand on your back.
“Fine, it was fine.” Walking into the kitchen you opened the fridge pulling a bottle of white wine out you put it down on the counter top. “Want a glass?”
“Sure, honey do you want to talk about it?”
Pulling two glasses out of the cupboard, uncorking the bottle you half filled the two glasses. “Not really, not yet.” Picking up the glasses you handed her one. “Is Rosie asleep?”
Shaking her head she smiled at you. “Not yet, she’s tired though.”
“What times your flight?”
“I’ll call you a cab later on.”
“Thanks, sweetie.”
Sitting down on the couch your Mom sat in the armchair next to the couch. “You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?”
“I know, trust me I know, I think I just need a little time to process.”
“Whenever you’re ready.” Taking a sip from her glass a smile tugged at her lips. “Is Jensen coming over tonight?”
“Yeah, I think so, he’s working today.”
A knock at the door made your stomach drop, nearly slamming your glass down on the coffee table you looked towards your Mom taking a deep breath. “Please, please don’t make a scene.”
“What are you talking about?” She asked putting her glass next to yours.
Your Mom hadn’t seen Jared since you’d found out he cheated. “He wanted to see Rosie.” Walking towards your door you opened it.
“Hi.” Jared smiled at you, his eyes a lot redder and puffier than they had been when you left him in the lawyer's office.
“Hi, come in.” Taking a step back you let him into your apartment.
“Thanks, you doing okay?” He asked as he took in every inch of your face.
“Are you?”
“I will be.”
Shutting the door behind him you took a second to compose yourself before you turned around. A crack ripped through the room you knew what you were going to see before you even looked over your shoulder.
Jared’s hand covered his cheek, your Mom all 5 foot 4 of her stood glaring up at your ex-husband. “You are the stupidest man to ever walk this earth, with everything you had at home a beautiful wife who gave you a daughter and you still chose to cheat on her.”
“Mom.” Taking a step towards them Jared reached a hand out stopping you.
“You lost the best thing that’s ever happened to you for a roll around in the sheets if you weren’t Rosie’s Father I’d make sure you have nothing to do with my daughter ever again.” Pointing a finger in his face, glancing towards you, you shook your head and she quickly backed down.
“Jared, Rosie’s in her room she should still be awake.”
“Can I?” He asked pointing his thumb towards the nursery.
“Yeah, go see her.” Watching him walk towards your daughter’s nursery you turned to your Mom. “Please no more comments when he comes out, we’re trying to figure this out.”
“I promise.” She nodded with a sigh. “I still want to knock his head off his fucking shoulders.”
“I know you do.”
She sat down in the armchair grabbing her wine glass she took a few large sips. “Damn fool.”
“I know, I know.”
The front door opened behind you, Jensen walked in with a pizza box in his hand and a grocery bag hanging off his arm. “I have pizza and wine.” He announced kicking the door shut behind him. “Hi Mrs Y/L/N.”
“Jensen, I’ve told you before it’s Sarah.”
Leaning in he kissed your cheek. “Hi, beautiful.”
“You doing okay?”
“I am now you’ve brought food.”
Jared cleared his throat behind you both. “Erm, she’s asleep, I’m gonna go, I’ll see you at work tomorrow?”
“Yeah, we’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll show myself out.” He started walking towards the door.
“Jared.” Taking a step towards him he stopped when he reached the door, turning to face you.
“Thank you.”
With a small nod, he smiled at you as he left your apartment.
“I’m going to head to the apartment.” Your Mom stood up.
“Your flight isn’t for another two hours.”
“I like to be early.” She shrugged.
“Do you want a ride?” Jensen offered.
“No, no you stay here and enjoy your pizza.” She smiled at him. “I’ll call a cab.” Walking towards you she hugged you hard. “If you need me you know where I am.”
“Thank you.”
Jensen held his phone to his ear as he called your Mom a cab.
“He’s sweet.” She whispered as she pulled away from you. “A keeper.” She added with a wink.
“I’m just saying.”
“Thank you for everything.”
“You’re welcome if you need me you know where I am.”
“Cab’s on its way,” Jensen announced putting his phone down on the countertop.
“Thank you, darling.” She smiled as she walked towards him, glancing over her shoulder at him.
Taking the hint you left them alone, walking into your bedroom you changed out of your white blouse and grey pencil skirt.
“Look after her.” Your Mom half asked, half threatened.
“Of course I will.” Jensen nodded. “I promise.”
“This has been hard enough on her as it is, when the public find out who knows what will happen, with you by her side I think she’ll be okay, you’ve been a life saver for her Jensen, thank you for behind here for her when I couldn’t be.”
“But I swear to you if you hurt her the way Jared has I’ll cut your dick off yourself.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less, I’m not going to hurt her I never will.” His phone vibrated across the countertop, checking it he put it back down. “Your cabs here, Y/N!”
“I’m here.” Walking back into the lounge in a pair of leggings and an oversized shirt with a faded ‘friends’ logo across the front. “Are you going?”
“Yes, my cab’s here, I’ll come back and visit soon.” Giving you one last hug she grabbed her bags.
“I’ll walk you down Sarah.”
“I’ll be fine, enjoy your pizza while it’s hot.”
“Goodbye, Mom.”
“Goodbye sweetheart.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Jensen asked before taking a sip from his wine glass, his hand gently running up and down your thigh as you lounged on the couch with him, your legs thrown over his lap.
“He offered me the house again.”
“What did you say?” Leaning forwards he put the glass down on the table.
“I don’t want it, I’m happy here, then he brought up the cars and I told him I have everything I want and need, he made me promise if I ever need anything even if it’s in ten years time that I’ll ask him for it, he doesn’t care what it is or how much it costs if I need anything he wants me to ask.”
“He still loves you.” Jensen’s hand stopped moving on your thigh. “What about Rosie?”
“We’re carrying on with how we have been with her, she’s spending the majority of the time with me, when I’m working and Jared’s not he’s looking after her and for a night or two during the week, we haven’t figured out the holidays yet but we will.”
Giving your thigh a small squeeze he smiled. “I’m proud of you, how’re you feeling?”
“Better than I thought I would.”
“Yeah, I think it is, I thought this whole thing would go so differently, it’s a relief to know he isn’t fighting me that he’s making this as easy for me as he can.”
“He feels guilty.” He gave a small shrug. He’s trying to get you to forgive him.”
“How do you know that?”
“He asked me last week what he can do to make this better, I told him to talk to you.”
“So that’s why he came to my trailer to talk.” Recalling last week it answered a few questions you had. Your hand covered his on your thigh, your fingers interlinking with yours. “We’re going to be okay aren’t we?”
“Of course we are, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” He asked as his palm cupped your cheek.
“A lot.” You sighed.
“You’ve had a long emotionally tiring day, c’ mon let’s go to bed.” Bringing your knuckles to his lips he kissed them. “I’ll lock up.”
Pulling your legs off his he let go of your hand. “I’ll check on Rosie.” Getting up from the couch you walked towards your daughter’s room, looking down at her as she slept in her crib you couldn’t help but smile, she was beautiful, as her hair grew longer it got darker, you saw more of Jared in her every day. Brushing her hair out of her face she didn’t stir at your touch. Leaving her to sleep you walked back through your now very dark apartment, crawling into bed next to Jensen you flicked off the lamp on your nightstand. Rolling over you cuddled up to him, reaching out he turned off his lamp, pulling you closer his arm wrapped around your waist, resting your head on his chest you took a deep breath.
“You okay?” He mumbled.
“Yeah, I think I am.”
Everyone expected it to be awkward on set between the three of you with you and Jared newly divorced and you and Jensen newly together. What they didn’t expect is what happened which was the complete opposite. Jared made everything as easy as possible for you, by making it easier for you he made it easier for himself. He didn’t fight back about your relationship with Jensen or him being around your daughter, something you highly expected him to do. He was making it easier for you to move on, he was doing what he promised he’d do help you raise Rosie together.
After a few months things shifted, everything became more comfortable as you all got used to the situation, you felt like you’d been living like this for years. Jared and Jensen’s relationship slowly went back to what it had been before all of this, they were able to laugh and joke around on set again they started hanging out outside of work again. You didn’t want Jared to lose his best friend and you, it was a relief to see them together again. Your relationship with Jared also changed you slowly became friends again, you didn’t hate the sight of him. At first, it was to try and make things easier for Rosie but now you were genuinely friends with your ex-husband, something you never saw happening.
The day you and Jared posted statements addressing the separation was definitely one of the hardest days of your life. As soon as you posted in comments, calls and texts came flooding in. Switching your phone off you spent the whole day on set even when you were done filming, when you didn’t answer your phone the boys came looking for you. They soon found you in Jensen’s trailer laying in bed with Rosie tucked up against your side, her head resting on your stomach.
“You doing okay?” Jensen asked sitting down at the end of the bed.
“Not really, I don’t dare turn my phone back on.” Sighing you ran your fingers through Rosie’s hair.
“It’s not bad,” Jared spoke as he rested against the doorframe. “Everyone is just making sure we’re okay, I’ve had a few follow-up calls checking you’re okay because you’re not answering your phone.”
“Don’t be, people understand why you’ve done it, how long has she been like that for?” He asked nodding towards your sleeping daughter.
“Not long.” You smiled down at her. “While she’s comfy and quiet I thought I’d leave her.”
“We’re nearly done filming.” Jensen’s hand rested on your knee. “We can go home soon.”
“Don’t rush it, we’re happy here.”
Jared’s phone dinged in his pocket, pulling it out he looked at the screen a smile growing on his face.
“Now you can’t be that happy the world knows you’re single.” You teased him.
“He’s met someone.” Jensen chuckled.
“You have? What’s her name? Tell me everything, why didn’t you tell me anything sooner?” Slapping Jensen’s thigh you accidentally woke your daughter in the process.
When she opened her eyes and saw Jared she sat up crawling across the bed towards him, scooping her up he kissed her cheek. “Hey, baby girl.”
“Hey no, don’t use our daughter to change the subject.” Sitting up Jensen wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Well, it’s very new, she works on the show, her name’s Gen.”
“Gen? The woman playing Ruby?”
“Yeah.” He nodded with a smile on his face.
“Jared she’s lovely, I met her last week.”
“Yeah, she is, I actually wanted to talk to you two about tonight, I know I asked to have her tonight is there any chance you guys can have her tonight and I’ll have her tomorrow.”
“Hot date?” Jensen asked with a smirk.
“She’s coming over I’m gonna cook us dinner, is that okay?” He asked focusing on you.
“Yeah, sure.”
Someone knocked on Jensen’s trailer door. “Jensen we need you on set.”
“Gotta go, I’ll be done soon.” Kissing your cheek he stood up walking out of his trailer leaving you alone with Jared.
“Are you okay with this? I was going to tell you myself I just didn’t think today would be the best day to do it.”
“If you’re happy that’s all that matters.”
“I am.” He nodded, chuckling when Rosie grabbed a fistful of his hair. “Are you? With Jensen, are you happy?”
“Really happy.”
“Good.” Pulling his hair out of Rosie’s grasp he smiled at you.
Another knock at the trailer door interrupted you. “Jared we need you too!”
“I’ve gotta run, I’ll pop my head in later see how you’re doing.” Bending down he got Rosie settled next to you.
“Okay, we’ll see you later.” Pulling your daughter into your lap she sat looking at Jared. “Say bye to Daddy.” Waving bye to Jared you smiled when Rosie did the same. “Good girl, say bye Daddy.”
Jared waved back at her with a grin on his face. “Bye baby girl, I’ll see you later.” Straightening up his focus turned to you. “Y/N.”
“I’m happy that you’re happy.”
“I’m happy you’re happy too.”
“I’ll see you later?” He asked as he came to a stop in front of the door.
“Yeah, we’ll still be here, see you later Jared.”
Pulling the remote off the nightstand you turned on the TV pressing play on the little mermaid you got comfortable with Rosie. “You know what baby girl, I think everything is going to be okay.”
Part 6 
Forever Taglist - 
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @deans-baby-momma @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74 @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93 @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @juanitadiann @amandamdiehl @dixonsunicorn @deanzeppeloin @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @atlas-of-the-world @chelsea072498 @dean-winchesters-bacon @racheo91 @mrswhozeewhatsis @death-unbecomes-you @brewsthespirit-blog @shann-the-artist-moon @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @claitynroberts @spnwoman @angelsandwinchesters @smoothdogsgirl @cdwmtjb8 @perkypolarbear @thisismysecrethappyplace @tatertot1097 @jessieray98 @gh0stgurl @starfirerules @kcrews74 @calaofnoldor @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @screechingartisancashbailiff @malindacath @kolelondon24 @natura1phenomenon @thehufflepuffblog @lemondropirwin @babypink224221 @mariekoukie6661 @mymysosa @blackcherrywhiskey @lonely-skys @titty-teetee @foreverwayward @81mysteriouslyme @x-waywardaf-x @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog @paintballkid711 @sandlee44 @deanwinchesterswitch @supernatural-harrypotter7 @ilovefanfic86  @sleepylunarwolf @lauravic @caryswhogoesbothways @broadwaybaby25
Jensen -
@akshi8278 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @adoptdontshoppets @liebemeineslebensx @hhiggs @clarewinchester
Never Be His - 
@kylee247 @saving-captain-hook @gh0stgurl @invisibledevour @keithseabrook27 @bobasheebaby @racheo91 @me-han10 @justkending @adriux93 @allonsy-yesiwill @brinnalaine @kylee247 @jessie9008 @janicho88 @holyfuckloueh @chelseadanielle19 @pretty-fortune @closetspngirl @fashionablepenguin07 @cocklesbelli @waywardrose13 @cap-just-said-language @supersupernaturalfan @time-travel-bouqet
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kaceyrps · 5 years
Since I think I might finally have some more time, I’d love to start some new plots under the cut are a few I really want rn, but I’m always open to plotting something else out. If you like anything, just hum or hit the heart!
can someone pls give me a ‘you left 3 yrs ago in the middle of the night with not even a goodbye letter and now you’re on my door step w a kid that looks exactly like me’ plot pls
I really want to do a 1x1 where Muse A and Muse B, met at a bar one night and ended up having a deep conversation that culminated in a make-out session. Muse A promised to call Muse B, but never did and Muse B didn’t have Muse A’s phone number. A couple of months passed with Muse B thinking about their night with Muse A - not being able to find that connection with someone else. Then Muse B finally meets Muse A again, only to find Muse A is dating their best friend. Despite both parties trying to push aside their feelings after meeting again, things get complicated. (They could either decide to keep things friendly or it would lead to a relationship, depending on how the rp goes).
we absolutely hate each other but we’re the romantic leads so i guess we have to make this work
i’m the stage manager and you’re the self-absorbed diva, so naturally we despise each other
i’m the understudy for your character’s love interest and since he’s not here today you asked me to help you run the kissing scene and i’m really attracted to you
A plot based on cutting edge
consider this: classic “one of the boys” girl who hangs out with the frat bros accidentally falling in love with an elle woods-esque sorority girl that she meets at a party??? muse a comes from a family w like a million older brothers so ofc she makes a beeline for the frats when she gets to college bc she feels most comfortable around boys. the only thing is, she dreads their mixers with the sorority girls bc she hates the “prissy glitter bitches” and wants to vomit whenever she sees lilly pulitzer lmao. so when muse b comes up to her at one of these mixers and introduces herself, muse a is like lol ok w/e. but to her surprise, muse b is actually like…. interesting and smart and yes definitely ridiculous but she’s still shocked that she actually has a personality. and when muse b keeps seeking her out at the mixers, muse a suddenly finds herself more and more flustered as she realizes that she has a GIANT ASS CRUSH on this girl. honestly pls just give me cute college girls in love with frat bros cheering for them in a non-gross manner
give me a couple that met through youtube ( maybe one of them mentioned the other on their channel, through mutual friends, at an event/meet-up ? how they actually connected is up to you ! oh – and they could have polar opposite channels or similar channels ! ) who started off as friends doing trendy collab videos, but everyone fell in love with their dynamic and pointed out how natural their chemistry was or how one looked at the other and vice versa ––- the little things ! what the viewers didn’t know was that muse a was crushing hard on muse b and muse b was crushing equally hard on muse a, but obviously neither one of them were going to risk ruining their great friendship. soon enough, the two spilled their woes and became an item, however they kept it a secret for a few months. finally, after much debate they decided to go public and their subscribers went wild some saying ‘they knew all along’ or ‘they’re so happy’ while others said it ’wouldn’t last’ or ‘they’re doing it for the views’. fast forward to a few years later: now they’re living together in ( california, england, anywhere ! ), documenting their daily shenanigans for their shared vlogging channel, attending events, and keeping their separate channels fresh and exciting with occasional or frequent collabs ! 
13 going on 30 plot where they were really close when they were younger, and then they both went there separate ways. and then they meet up later on, and they just start spending a lot of time together and start becoming best friends and then they slowly start to fall in love with each other (✿◠‿◠) liKE PLEASE I NEED THIS!!
wild child: muse a is sent to a horrific private boarding school. no phone, no laptop. it’s like being back in the 17th century. muse a is a wild child, always has been, and they refused to be disciplined. they need a way out of this school and fast- and no better solution comes then muse b.. the principals child that comes to visit on weekends and is loved by all, and extremely good looking. the plan is easy, get muse b’s attention, make them fall for muse a and get caught by the principal and get out of this school. but then those pesky real feelings start to get in the way, and what started as a way to leave, has started to turn into a reason to stay.
the duff: muse a has never been conventionally attractive, and that has never bothered them before. until one day at a party when muse b asks muse a where their friends are. when muse a states it’s not their job to disclose information on their friends, muse b calls them something they’ll never forget. duff. designated. ugly. fat. friend. a mean word, sure, but then slowly… muse a starts to see it. their friends are incredible, good looking, everybody knows them. and muse a is a no one. forced to be paired together in a school assignment together, muse a can’t stand muse b and their cocky, arrogant attitude. muse b continues to call muse a ‘duffy’, thinking it’s funny and gets on their nerves. in a moment of blind anger- muse a finds themselves slamming muse b into a wall. and then proceeding to angrily make out with them. kissing turns into removal of clothes, and before they know it muse a and muse b have slept together. muse a swears it will never happen again, and muse b loves taunting muse a. but they just tick each other off in the wrong way, and end up having angry, hot, rushed sex more and more. it’s just physical anger relief for muse a, but muse b starts to genuinely fall for muse a. when they reveal it though- muse a blows up and demands to know why anybody would want to be with the duff, let alone muse b. suddenly, muse b realises the nickname was more then just a joke and a way to get under muse a’s skin and that they’ve really truly hurt the one person they love.
muse a and muse b had lived in the same town their entire lives. on the first day of kindergarten, they sat across from each other on the bus and muse b offered muse a one of his animal crackers. from then on, they were attached at the hip. they remained inseparable through elementary school, and by the time middle school came around, muse a found puberty working in her favor. muse a was outgoing, funny, and beautiful, and everyone wanted to be her friend. muse b, on the other hand, was awkward and shy, and the only attention he got was negative. despite their differences, muse a and muse b remained close friends, and muse a often found herself having to defend muse b against the bullying. in the middle of 8th grade, muse b disappeared from school and moved halfway across the country with his family. muse a tried to stay in touch, but it seemed like every time she reached out to him, she was brushed off. eventually the two lost connection and moved on.fast forward to high school. muse a finds herself caught up in the wrong crowd, and after a string of pregnancy rumors, she loses most of her close friends and becomes virtually invisible. muse a pours herself into her love of poetry and writing to try and entertain her loneliness. that is, until she walks into school to find an extremely attractive boy leaned up against her locker. muse b is back, and despite all of his new found attention from girls, he only has eyes for muse a.
i need a plot where muse a and muse b recently broke up and then muse a gets in some kind of accident and suffers temporary amnesia and forGETS they were ever broken up and its SO awkward for muse b but hes still in love with muse a and too afraid to tell the truth so he’s just waiting for muse a to remember and !!! fake relationships ! secrets ! pining ! fluff ! angst ! everything goodb y e
someone give me a “i’m the legacy of the prim and proper stereotypical sorority on campus and i’m expected to rush, live, and breathe it throughout my time here and it’s the night before rush and i got invited to this party at the rival, party girl sorority and that girl over there is really pretty and keeps smiling at me and now her mouth is on mine and i’m a little more than drunk and in bed with her and i wake up the next morning and she’s gone, i don’t even know her name. and now it’s rush night and - holy shit…there she is, and she’s the president of the rival, party girl sorority.” plot,,1!!!!!!!
Muse A just had their heart broken and decided to shy away from relationships, so their friends dragged them out for a night to get them out of the house. Enter muse B. Someone who spends the night flirting with muse A, but gets nowhere. Muse B gives muse A their number, saying if they change their mind to call. Muse A, after some prompting from friends, calls muse B and they go out on a date – one they both enjoy. But just as muse A comes around to the idea of a new relationship, muse B finds out that muse A’s ex, is muse B’s sibling. Muse A and muse B had the perfect marriage. They were happy, just bought their first house and had a baby. Until muse B tragically died – or at least that’s what muse A thought. Muse B had witnessed a crime, and had to be put in witness protection. Not wanting to risk the life of muse A and their child, muse B let them believe that they were dead. When the trial is finally over with, and the threat is locked away, muse B is left to go back to their old life but has no idea how to tell muse A about what happened.
Muse A is seen as the town’s rebel and isn’t exactly well known for following the rules. Muse B is the new principle’s child, and wanting to get back at their parent for moving them without asking, muse B decides they want to date muse A. It’s just unfortunate timing, since muse A decided to try and clean up their act - something muse B is determined not to let happen.
Things I want plots based on
The candy jar
Disney’s zombies
Lizzie McGuire
Hocus Pocus
Chrismas Inheritance 
Prince & Me
Gilmore Girls
Harry Potter
Secret Circle 
Parent Trap
10 things I hate about you
Drive me crazy
Ships I’d like
Peter Parker/MJ
Mumu ideas
summer camp counselors: between the ages of 18 ad 21, volunteers from colleges around the country (BONUS: around the entire world) flock here to guide children through the summer of their lives, coincidentally also making this the best summer of their own lives.
co-ed college dorms:  Simply a group of students living in one building, trying to get along and figure themselves out in the process.
tour: There’s a band on the rise to fame and they’ve brought along two opening acts and entire crew that helps make the entire process that much smoother. Heads will clash, too many personalities together for too many months on end.
sleepy beach town: Every summer there are quite a few families that spend their summers unwinding in a town far from home. There are families that have become quite close due to the three months spent out of every month in this small town. There are also those families that are spending their first year here. This could test friendships and even relationships that have already developed.
kids of famous people: over the years, it’s been no secret that the celebrities we’ve known to love and care for from afar have grown to have families of their own. Now, it’s their children’s turn to make something of their lives. Do they follow in their parents footsteps or do they do something entirely different? Are they snotty self absorbed or do they give back every chance they get? There are millions of possibilities.
apartment complex: A bunch of diverse people all living in one building together. There’s this small family type bond between them but they still aren’t afraid to start crap when it’s necessary. At the end of the day, they will always have each others back when it’s needed
gossip girl: it’s been 25 years since Dam Humphry came out as Gossip Girl. There have been plenty of fakes trying to capture the things he’d been able to for all those years but no one could ever live up to the greatness that was the true Gossip Girl. Until now. There’s a new gossip site online that’s got their eye on everything happening around the New York elite. Rumors spread that Dan’s back in the game after all these years but there’s someone greater wreaking havoc on these young adults lives. (Could be the kids of the former group and their friends or an entirely different crew of elite)
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chut-je-dors · 5 years
5TL ask masterpost
Hi!!! Since there are SO many. SO SO many asks about 5TL in my inbox right now, I thought of (instead of working on a crucial uni deadline I have coming up) putting them all here and writing one long-arse post (so that people’s dashes won’t be..... overwhelmed with asks. Also less tagging). So here we go - Hopefully you get your answers here! Consider it as a fic........... it’s that long. Starting from the oldest!
Anonymous said: 5 thomas lane is definitely, without a doubt, my favourite ever fic. Its bloody brilliant!! I just wanted to ask, we know dave got people being rude about john and paul, and then the incident in the supermarket, but do vera and chuck ever get any shit at school about their dads? Or do other parents ever have a go at paul and john? Love the fic, honestly its my favourite thing. Its absolutely wonderful 💞💞💞
Thank you!! That is always such a lovely thing to hear! <3
Vera and Chuck have been thankfully mostly protected from any kind of homophobia. Chuck’s friends are too young to really care about it, they just go ‘ok’ when Chuck tells that he has two dads instead of one, and as for Vera only her close friends know. It’s not that she would’ve been treating it as a secret, but usually children at that age don’t really talk about their parents openly in class. At least I wouldn’t have been able to tell if some of my classmates had two mums, since you’d spend time in small groups instead of one bigger one, and then interact with the other people in the class only for school work. So since only her good friends know (and they don’t care) she hasn’t had to face any prejudice either.
As for Paul and John, at school events they receive a stink eye at most, since the other parents can’t possibly put up a scene in front of the kids and the teachers etc. Most of them don’t care, but there are always some who will kinda, steer their kid the other way. Paul and John fortunately are aces at dealing with the hurt feelings it causes, and Vera and Chuck are yet to notice that kind of behaviour. Dave is a little bit more perseptive, but then again he’s the oldest and unfortunately remembers some of the early encounters the family had when the world’s - and Liverpool’s - view on gay people wasn’t yet as open as it is now.
Anonymous said: 5tl question!! When j and p DO fight, who apologises first? Who sulks more? (Love this bloody fic)
Both are awful stubborn mules!! It’s terrible. But at the same time they go over the fight in their head and feel sorry about it, and then eventually one of them decides not to be an idiot anymore. But I feel that overall Paul would be less inclined to apologise first if he feels he’s right, and John will come trudging over ‘cos he can’t stand it when they fight for a long time. Then again, if John absolutely feels he’s correct, he’ll hold onto his opinion with tooth and nail, and Will Sulk. John in general sulks more I think, but half of it is tongue in cheek, since they so rarely have actual fights (more like, small-ish disputes)
Anonymous said: Okay I have a 5tl question: when it comes to the kids, which parent is each the most similar to personality-wise? Like for me, I’ve always thought Dave is like a mini Paul whereas Vera just SCREAMS John to me, what’s your opinion on this? Is this something you considered when writing the kids? <333
Oh god this is such a difficult question,, after a 20-minute discussion with @thefrogchorus​, (since this was such a difficult question and I needed her blessed input to sort out my thoughts) we came to the conclusion that they’re kind of a mix of both John and Paul without any definitive traits coming from their parents (Chuck is a mini-John, but that’s also because of y’kno, being his actual biological son). They’re very much their own people in my head, but especially their manners come from John and Paul, whether it be how to win an argument, or how to deal with sadness, etc.
I actually feel like Vera takes after Paul, in a way that when she puts her foot down, she’ll go through fucking stone if needs be, and Paul is very similar to that. Their sense of humour comes from both Paul and John, but I feel like they appreciate the sort of “silliness” John seems to cultivate a bit more.
Anonymous said: Can you tell us more about George and Ringo from 5TL? How did they end up together and what kinda dynamic does their relationship have? :)
George and Ringo met when Paul inherited the cottage from his grandparents back in 1998. George would come along to help rebuilding the cottage which was in a complete shambles. For the first two years Paul, John and George would sleep in a guest room at the farm since the cottage was inhabitable. In the mornings the four of them, since they quickly started getting along with Ringo, skipped over the field that separates the farm and the cottage and they’d work on the cottage all day long.
As was said in chp. 5, “The four of them got along swimmingly right from the first moment, and the very nice lad’s good-natured, calm farm-boy attitude completed the group in a strangely perfect way.“ “George started helping at the cottage  very often, as well.”
So George and Ringo really got to know each other and fell in love during that time. There’s gonna be a chapter eventually that goes over these events, so I’m not going to delve too deep into it now, and some details might change over time, so that’s what you’re gonna have to do with for now :)
As for the dynamic between the two... George embodies this wonderful dry wit that matches perfectly with Ringo’s more good-natured and gentle teasing. Their relationship is easy and fun, very very soft and warm. It’s really quite relaxed, considering both of them do lot of repetitive work that takes a lot of time, and they’re like that together as well, patient and calm.
Anonymous said: Have any of the 5tl kids been lost/ran away at any point and given John and Paul a fright?
I think, in grocery shop, at most. They’ve always been quite adept at keeping the kids under their watchful eye, and the kids haven’t had any urges to run away (because while Dave has teenage angst, he has no urges to like, y’know, leave the family he loves?). Of course even when you lose your kid into a grocery shop it’s a bit of a scare, at least for the Mother Hens Paul And John, (in the early years, not so much anymore since their skin is so tough), but everything’s always worked out fine in the end.
Anonymous said: I have a questionnn: has 5tl John had issues with his weight/ insecurity in the same way that actual John did? Idk I just love getting insights into this universe
I don’t think so, not to the same extent. Probably when he was a teenager he would’ve worried a little over his figure (like all teenagers do) but in this universe he’s always stayed in a relatively good shape, body mass wise (he still can’t lift heavy things but, hey. he’s a scrawny artist cut him some slack) and as such he doesn’t have any insecurities over it. I think, if he ever grows a little bit of belly when he’s older, it’ll be received with good humour and loving taps from Paul :) <3
Anonymous said: is paul always the big spoon in 5tl or do they switch? (WHY do i only think of these questions when im going to sleep jrbhrnsfjsj) 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
Bless this question honestly aaahhhh <3333, Paul indeed is NOT always the big spoon, they switch, and BOTH love being the little spoon cos it makes them feels so nice. When they first started dating John might’ve taken the role of the big spoon a little more since Paul was still SMALL (bbbless,,,) but they evened it out. Sappy beings,, <33
Anonymous said: How did Martha join the 5TL family?
In the most traditional way possible: First kids wanted a dog, then Paul wanted a dog, and John grudgingly said “okay, I guess” and then suddenly there was fur everywhere and he had to go outside for long walks everyday no matter the weather and he had to keep a puppy from eating every possible furniture while Paul was at work. Poor John. (But he secretly loves Martha so it’s okay. He gets a little weak in the knees when Paul babbles to her.)
Anonymous said: How old were 5Thomas L. J+P when they started talking about kids/ did poor oleJohn hit the roof and freak out when Paul first suggested it since we know he’s not a fan of kids (except his own ofc)!
I think the discussion took place quite early in the relationship. Paul has always known he’d want kids, and as for John, and I quote the very first sentence of the whole fic,
“Having children had never been a requirement for John to live happily ever after. He would, however, be completely fine with one or two if his future partner wanted them, and he would love the kids with all his heart (if they weren’t absolutely terrible).“
So John has never hated the thought of kids, but for him the thought of them was more along the lines of “yeah I’ll be fine even if I never had them but if some where to come I wouldn’t object to it at all” so when Paul brought the subject up (like “hey how do you feel about kids? I mean ‘cos I kinda love them and I definitely wanna be a dad someday, but ofc not if it meant breaking up with you, ‘cos I’ll much more prefer a life with you ‘cos you’re like the only person I’ve ever loved and wanted to have sex with xoxo :) in fact let’s have sex right now”) John would’ve been like “yeah, cool, if it’s any possible any day i’m game even though i‘ll probably suck at being a dad because DADDY ISSUES” (the key to john’s character in any universe,,)
Remember that when John proposed Paul literally answered with “yeah i’ll marry you ONLY IF I GET TO BE THE POP”, so at that point Paul’s desires were very well known for John, and John knew what he was getting into. And as we know, John adores his kids :) So they’ve pretty much always had the agreement that one day there will be kids if it’s just possible. Only when it became the reality that they CAN adopt Dave, John started becoming nervous with the possibility of fucking up terribly, and even then he wanted to have a kid SO bad, as you can read from Chapter 12: the Bath Scene (which gives me the FEELS). That scene and chapter explain John’s stance on this pretty well! :)
Anonymous said: How tall are the 5tl kids? Just wondering <3 I love this fic
Hahah, thank you! Out of all the asks I’ve got over this fic, this is maybe one of the strangest ones - but it’s not a bad thing! Hahah I love how it got me thinking.
The average 15 year old boy in the UK would be around 5″7, but since Dave is originally from France he’s a little shorter, I’d say 5″4. Vera is 4″6, and Chuck is 3″8 :)
Anonymous said: I can imagine John getting absolutely TURNT around Rasputin by Boney M in the 5TL verse for some reason and it makes me laugh a lot
You are absolutely RIGHT this is the absolute TRUTH and it’s CANON NOW I SAID IT. John loves Boney M if only because they hit him right to where it itches. He loves singing along to Daddy Cool and Paul kinda hates it because Paul likes the Ramones and Nirvana and Rock’n Roll, baby, and then there’s John waving this disco propaganda at his head, but they work around it.
(Occasionally Paul might be caught humming Ma Baker) (Mma-mma-mma-mma-mmmaah)
Anonymous said: Do you have any more 5tl headcannons? The wait is killing me lol
Hahaha so many of them are actual spoilers but have a small list of ones that I can share with you! (Also... this whole post kinda is based on my headcanons so.... ) :D
Dave creates memes about his sucker family and sends them over in the family whatsapp group
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(Credit @sunbeatle​ <3)
This also includes the Pepe. John loves the Pepe. He sends Paul Pepe memes all day long. Paul wants to know who this lizard is.
Chuck loves Pepe. He draws Paul a Pepe drawing. John puts it on the wall above their bed.
“John please stop. i'm not having sex in front of the lizard”
John blindfolds Paul so that Paul doesn't have to look at Pepe
“John I am going to divorce you over that lizard.”
Dave: "oh my god pop. it's a fucking frog." Paul: "wHAt part of that LIZARD looks like a FROG to you????"
Plot twist: Paul actually loves Pepe and knows it's a frog but he loves seeing how amused John gets over Paul's loathing; Anything For The Husband
(Pepe idea: Credit for Maria and Daisy. made us all howl with laughter)
John uses a ton emojis, always the wrong and the weird ones. He is VERY aware of it. Chaotic Evil.
Paul used to have the same kind of sunglasses as Kurt Cobain in the 90′s. He actually used them. They looked like this:
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Paul sometimes writes poems, mostly humorous ones with a tongue-in-cheek about his life; it’s a nice creative outlet. He also might write poems specifically directed at the kids, so a children’s story but in poem form, and then he reads them to Chuck (or has John read them dramatically, which really fun for all of them)
There you go people! Hopefully this satisfied your bottomless thirst for more 5TL for some time! Don’t be afraid to hit me with new asks and your own headcanons, I love discussing this fic! Cheerio! <3
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traiinedhard-a · 5 years
THE FOLLOWING ANALYSIS CAN GO EITHER PLATONICALLY VIEWED OR ROMANTICALLY FOR THE DUO. i don’t care how you interpret it. go nuts! just know this is long as fuck.
I’m so GLAD Genos and Saitama have each other now. Without each other,,, genos would be wrecklessly trying to push himself to the point of near death and saitama would be wallowing in his own depression but now saitama has something to look forward to talking wise and genos has someone who cares so much about his well-being that he refuses to let him try and basically kill himself like the way he used to. now genos has someone who actually worries if he'll make it through a fight instead of just trying to self destruct at everything he just about loses to. he has been given a safer and more realistic goal to look forward to and he's become more relaxed. saitama's been able to be more expressive since he's constantly with genos, and he doesn't feel as empty because he feels like he has a reason to live now. it's clear that when they're apart saitama worries endlessly for genos (and once worries that something horrific would happen to genos if he were by himself) but without genos around he immediately goes back to his old, lonely ways and feels so unbearably sad and lonely that even king's like "shit man. u ok". and guess what? the moment he sees genos is safe and not dead or hanging on by a string, he’s IMMEDIATELY far happier and even visibly cheers up, and king’s like “WOAH you look awfully refreshed” and saitama’s like “yeah dude my head’s suddenly clear” and if that isn’t love then i don’t know what is. 
Of course kuseno cares if genos almost dies, but the thing is, kuseno seems to be just as bent on finding that cyborg as genos is. I feel like... though kuseno still cares for genos PERIOD, he seems to be pretty iffy on the fact that genos has been given more realistic goals to shoot for by saitama and even comments "you're seriously trying to aim for be s rank 1? is that what your master told you to do? what happened to getting vengence against the mad cyborg? where's your passion for that?" and genos is just. shocked and doesn't even reply for a moment and he's like "uh.. i mean.. OF COURSE i still want vengence but i gotta do what sensei wants.." etcBut I do think kuseno notes that this is for the better anyways, iffy feelings or not, because at least genos isn't basiclaly dragging himself in every single week and in tatters, because hell, while genos is strong even when saitama and him first met what was his solution to battles he couldn't win, and even sometimes now? use my core, self destruct, im not worthy of defeating the borg if im losing to this, time to end it, sorry dr kuseno, family, master etc Now Saitama steps in, and I was just REMINDED OF THIS SCENE IN PARTICULAR but like the arc where saitama knocks out genos in the middle of him and sonic’s fight? He was concerned for genos and as someone who rarely expresses concern or care for others, don't you think it's very telling that he stepped in on his own volition to make sure genos didn't get hurt to beat sonic's ass?even sonic comments "are you trying to protect him?" and saitama's like "yeah, of course" and he's clearly getting serious because he doesn't want genos hurt. hell, he even basically ghosted fubuki the moment he saw genos and sonic fighting! saitama really does worry a lot for genos and some of the things he worries about are really concerning..  but this isn't the first time he's been pretty scared for genos. remember the deep sea king fight? he was afraid genos bit the dust there for a it and even visibly relaxes when he finds out genos is okay and he says "Don't ever scare me like that again!" As for the saitama part of things, it's not hard to see the difference of before genos vs after genos. Genos brought color to his world and gave him company, and it's what he claims he never wanted but it's clear how much it helped him. I feel like if it weren't for genos, saitama would be just as shelled up if not more than he used to be -- he didn't really have much of anything to do and it's obvious he was starting to get bored of... life, to put it lightly. But when genos basically asserts himself into his life? he starts to feel again. he's not moping all the time, he has somebody to talk to instead of harmfully isolating himself. he's the kind of guy who was alone with his thoughts for too long -- we get glimpses of it every now and them, but we can clearly tell that he's got a lot of sad emotional baggage. it all stems from being too strong, ofc. but, still, he is DEEPLY troubled by it and life basically lost all meaning for him. any farther and i feel like he would've legitimately felt like existing was useless, though with a body like his i highly doubt he could take... action. And the longer he's alone with his thoughts, the worse he gets, and he just becomes so... mopey. forgive me if i sound repetitive, but like!! genos comes in, and all of that is GONE within a few days. He must've spilled about how lonely he felt to genos at some point before he started getting closer to him -- based on the canon info where saitama actually got genos to cry uncontrollably when he told him how lonely he felt which had to have been some serious shit because. genos does NOT cry. with someone else to keep him away from his thoughts, he started to lighten up. at the beginning of the series it's safe to say he was pretty damn standoffish -- but now? now he's actually attempting to socialize with other people, he actually hangs out with more people whether he wants to admit it or not. He's become a bit softer (not much) to those he doesn't know, and DEFINITELY more expressive -- ESPECIALLY AROUND genos. he's become more thoughtful -- he doesn't mope about his powers much anymore, he does anything and everything with genos because he can talk about it and lose himself in the moment. At least, that's what i like to think. and all around... he's found a new passion for life. the dude isn't just wandering around aimlessly now, he's hanging out with genos and he's living to protect the citizens and genos after he moved in. Yeah, he's always gonna have a strong moral compass and save people, but the joy and the meaning of such actions fall to black and white until genos shows up again. now he's got a reason to keep fighting. he has a reason to get out of bed and feel like his strength means something -- because he can use it to protect others and protect genos even if nobody but genos is thankful of it. As much as he detests the attention he gets from Genos -- think about it, don't you think it helps to have someone think you're not totally useless? That your work does mean something to at least one person even if the world basically gives you the finger? Because I don't think saitama realizes it, but Genos is the one thing keeping him going in the hero job. I honestly think he would have quit when everyone chanted at him to give it up after destroying that meteor if it wasn't for genos -- he saved everyone's lives, and genos was the only one to see it. genos is the one that gets him to calm down and realize that if they don't care, that doesn't matter -- he'd always be there for saitama And anyways, the gist of all this goes back to my first point -- it's amazing that they have each other now, because imagine all the development and all the ways they've been improving just never existing.  Without Saitama,  genos would still be the same wreckless kid trying to throw himself without thought into wreckless battles. Saitama has helped him heed himself on that, and to relax and stop taking everything so seriously. Genos still takes some things too literally., like the 10-20 word limit when talking to saitama, but I feel like half the time, Saitama couldn't really care less.  Without Genos, Saitama would be the same old sad sack of hero he used to be, holed up and his depression worsening because he hardly ever leaves the apartment but for what? Sales? Manga? Sometimes Monsters if he happens to run into them? He doesn't do much of anything and it took a heavy toll on his mental health, but now Genos is there to get him out, to possibly even comfort him or just support him if he needs it. He gets Saitama out of the house, involved ina  lot of other activities, and when Genos isn't around, Saitama... doesn't fare too well at all. //COUGHS LOUDLY@ THE MANGA REFERENCED EARLIER  (( and personally, despite saitama coming off as almost always :^| i feel like the poor guy really really overthinks things. you may think there's nothing going on in there, but his thoughts really are dangerous for him  to be alone with )) Romance or not, there’s no denying this. Like, I DARE anyone to try to say they would be good w/o each other -- I feel like so much of the fandom takes this kinda.. not seriously? It’s not really meant as a dig or anything, but a lot of ppl take what they have for granted.. 
Saitama just wants to be carefree and he’s still very much lax, and even though he knows he’s a shitty teacher, I think that he does a great job of teaching genos that there’s more to life than REVENGE, SELF DESTRUCTION, and FIGHTING. He teaches him to enjoy the little things in life, and Genos rejuvenates his passion for heroism. I feel like Genos wants to be strong physically and that’s why he so heavily admires Saitama, too, but that’s a bit off topic.   It’s something Saitama’s been missing for a long time, and something Genos never had -- he just wants Genos to feel as human as possible, and I feel like he tries all too hard to get Saitama to open up as well. Genos may  not be the best at therapy or whatever, but seeing as he’s the person Saitama is closest to, he definitely does want Saitama to feel like he’s never alone and I just. Cannot stress how IMPORTANT THIS IS. Saitama’s got a history of bottling everything up and avoiding confrontation, But Genos? The cyborg wears his heart on his SLEEVE, even if he probably wouldn’t view it that way himself.  Thanks to him, Saitama can be himself. He doesn’t have to hide away what he really acts like -- not that he cared much for it anyways -- but around genos he can be.. childish. He can be difficult. He can be whatever he wants, and no matter what, Genos will be there to support him. And I really, really admire that. ONE & Murata did them the best justice i’ve ever seenwith a relationship like theirs. And if there was ever anyone to get romantic with for them -- not even as a shipper, but from a story pov -- saigenos makes so much more sense. They bring out the BEST in each other, and they live together, and... well,, THIS post sums up all my feelings on the matter.
Genos wants to help Saitama in whatever way he can. Saitama wants to make sure Genos lives out his life like any normal person would. You get the gist?
sO. IN CONCLUSION, Saitama and genos may not realize it.... but they definitely need each other. Them meeting was for the best of both of their lives -- and without each other there's no way in HELL they'd be doing as good as they are now.
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