#band of brothers appreciation week
panevanbuckley · 1 year
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BoBWeek2023 ▸ day seven || favourite scene
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victoryrifle · 1 year
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For some reason at that moment, in that half finished foxhole, all I could think about was the 4th of July when I was a kid. I loved to make my own firecrackers, cherry bombs, lady fingers. I loved to blow up dirt cloths and pop bottles and the like. Looked forward to it all year long. What I saw that day was the most awesome and terrifying display of firepower I’d ever seen in my life. Of course, I wouldn’t have been laughing if I’d known what happened to Joe Toye.
BAND OF BROTHERS | The Breaking Point
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I really didn’t warm up to Impera as a whole until I saw Papa sexily walking up the stairs singing Kaisarion and now I have constant earworms and listen to the whole album on repeat
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queen-of-the-avengers · 2 months
Mr. Right Now
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Warnings: angst, past trauma of not feeling good enough, it's better off being alone angst, minor fluff at the end
Summary: As a divorcee with three kids, it’s hard to open up to men and allow them into your children’s lives. You’re a single mother who is just trying to get through each day until you meet Bucky. He might be the one you’ve been searching for all this time. Can you put aside your fears enough to let him in?
Squares Filled: band (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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The only time you’re able to go to the grocery store in the summertime is when you don’t have your kids hanging off your every limb. Your oldest daughter and son are at a summer camp you were able to get them into while your youngest daughter is being watched by your mother who had some time for you to get errands done.
Whoever said parenting was the best thing in the world was lying because you want to cry most days. It’s not that you don’t love your children, you absolutely love them with all your heart. You want nothing more in the world than to be their mom but it’s hard some days. You’re a single mom to three kids which takes a lot out of you. You have no time to do anything for yourself. Whenever they’re at school, you spend your days taking care of your baby girl and cleaning the house only for them to return and mess it up all over again.
Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world and it’s not for everyone. However, when you had your kids, you weren't alone. You had a husband who you thought would be with you forever. Then, you caught him with a twenty-year-old in your bed and that set you back decades. It took you a long time to find someone else after him, which you did, and you thought you had gotten your second chance at love.
He was a breath of fresh air after struggling for years. You only had two kids at the time but it was still a handful since they were both so young. You and your second husband had a daughter together, and you thought this was it. This is your family.
Then, he left without warning. He told you that he didn’t love you anymore and wanted nothing to do with you or your kids. He threatened to take Abby but you fought him through a lawsuit. He was bouncing between homes and didn’t have a steady income, all of which you had. If you thought your first husband was bad, your second husband broke you completely.
You swore off men after that. All you want to do is take care of your kids and live life on your own. It’s hard but you know you can do it. Your mother has been very supportive of you and helps out when she can but she’s much older and can’t do stuff like she normally could. Your father passed a decade ago so neither of you have him to fall back on. Your brother and sister moved out of the country when they turned eighteen and haven’t looked back since.
You’re truly on your own which you never minded until now.
You fill your shopping cart as you go down the list you made before leaving the house, and you look at the next item on your list. You’re not looking where you’re going and almost run into someone.
“I’m so sorry,” you gasp and look up.
You gasp again but it’s not from the shock of running into him. This man is… You don’t think you ever saw a more handsome man in your life. He’s tall, like a whole foot taller than you, and has dark hair that is not too long. His eyes are bright blue oceans and he is very muscular.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s my fault.”
“No, it’s mine. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Sorry,” you mutter.
You’re about to move around him to continue your shopping when he stops you.
“I haven’t seen you around here and I come here every week.”
“Oh, yeah. I usually get my groceries delivered but I had some time today to do it myself.”
“I’m Bucky,” he smiles.
Damn, he has such a great smile, too.
“Do you care for some company while you finish?”
“Sure,” you smile. “So, Bucky, have you lived in Washington D.C. for long?”
“On and off. I used to live here years ago. I just recently came back and am now living with my two best friends. You?”
“I just moved here a year ago. I had to get away from… stuff… I used to live in Nevada and thought a change would do me good.”
“Lucky me that you did,” he flirts.
You can’t help the blush that forms on your face. You’re not used to compliments. You finish the rest of your shopping quickly but you don’t want to stop talking to Bucky. He’s the first man you have had such an easy conversation with in a long time. Your mom wants you to put yourself out there again and try dating but you can’t think of anything worse than that. Dating means bringing a new man into your kids’ lives who will probably leave you. You’re not going to do that to them again so you’ll settle for stolen conversations in the grocery store.
Still, you find yourself not wanting to leave the store because then you’ll have to stop talking to Bucky. However, when your mom calls about Abby crying because she’s hungry and you haven’t pumped a bottle for her. She can eat solid food but she loves your milk more. You’re trying to transition her into solid foods but it’s a work in progress.
“Sorry. I have to get back home.”
“Yeah, of course.”
“It was really nice to talk to you, though. Maybe I’ll see you back here again.”
“Yeah, maybe,” he nods.
You’re gone before he can ask you for your number. You can’t stop thinking about Bucky. You never met a man who could invade all your senses. Your mother left after you got back and you spent the next hour feeding your daughter and putting the groceries away. You put your daughter down for a nap when your phone rings. You take the call when you get to the kitchen to finish with the groceries.
“Hey, Emma.”
“Y/N! You know that band that Leslie goes on and on about?”
“They’re playing a gig at The Twisted Bar this weekend. You gotta come with us!”
“I don’t know. I have Abby and I don’t have a sitter.”
“Bring her here. My husband would love to watch her. He’s been so tied with the boys that it’d be nice to watch a girl.”
“Are you sure? What if she gets hungry? She only seems to want my milk.”
“Then pump before coming here. It’s been such a long time since we all went out. Just once stop worrying about your kids. Jace and Lizzy are at camp and it’s likely Abby will sleep the whole night.”
You’re still not sure. Going out with your friends usually ends in one of two ways: either you end up going home early because your kids need you or you end up going home early because all the girls want to do is flirt with men. They’d never cheat on their husbands and they never take it past the occasional flirty comment. When they get like this, guys love to flirt with you and that’s when you call it a night.
You’re not some horny teenager looking for a fun time. You have kids and if these men knew about it, they’d never flirt with you. It’s tiring to go to bars and reject every man because you know what it’s going to lead to.
Still, it’d be nice to go out with your friends since it’s been so long.
“Fine,” you sigh, “but I’m not going there to take some man home.”
“Got it. This is going to be so much fun! Want me to pick you up?”
“No, I’ll meet you there. What time?”
“I’ll bring Abby over at five, then. We can leave together but I’ll need my car just in case.”
You and Emma talk for a little while longer until you hang up. Friday comes quicker than you’d like, and you had just dropped Abby off at Emma’s house. You’re nervous to leave her alone but you’ve been friends with Emma and Robert for decades so you figure you’d trust them with your kids sooner or later.
You and Emma arrive at The Twisted Bar right after Leslie, Jackie, and April get there. It’s a reunion of the decade since you haven’t seen April in years and Jackie for longer. It’s been hard finding time away from your kids.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you finally made it!” Leslie squeals and pulls you into a hug.
“Eh, I figure it’s time to see my girls.”
“It has been a long time,” April comments.
Leslie grabs drinks while you sit at a table that’s near the band that’s setting up. Leslie has been in love with them ever since she saw them opening for Bon Jovi a few years ago. They’ve been slowly rising to fame but they love playing in small bars to stay connected to their fans. Leslie comes back with the drinks and you sip yours leisurely while your friends down theirs quickly. It’s dangerous when you don’t taste the alcohol; that’s how you get drunk quickly.
“Hey, I’ll be right back. I’m going to get some water.”
Your friends wave you off, too invested in the music to listen. You shake your head with a smile and make your way to the bar counter. You look away for a second and run into someone seconds later.
“Hey, Y/N!” You look at the person and see Bucky standing there. “We can’t keep meeting like this.”
“Bucky, what are you doing here?” You pause after hearing how that sounds. “Sorry, that sounds weird. I mean, hi.”
“Hi,” he laughs. “I’m with my roommates. They’re here to see the band. They wanted me to come out.”
“I was hoping to see you. I really liked talking to you the other day.”
“Same here.”
“Can I get you a drink?”
Bucky gets you and himself a drink before escorting you to one of the back tables. Most everyone is up front listening to the band so the back is clear of crowds. It’s easier to hear him, too.
“So, I know I’ve said this but you… Okay, I’m not very good at this. My friend, Steve, says I need to get out more but I actually like staying in and being alone. I don’t normally do this but I really enjoyed talking to you. Can I have your number?”
Just like that, your entire world shatters. You like Bucky but now that he wants to take the next step, he’s becoming a real person instead. A real person who you might have to take home to your kids. A real person who will just leave you like everyone else. You don’t want to do this to Bucky but you scoff in annoyance.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, fine, Bucky. Look, I gotta get back to my friends.”
“Wait, is it something I said? You don’t have to give me your number if you don’t want to. I just… You’re beautiful and funny. I had a great time with you at the grocery store.”
You don’t mean to be rude or snappy with Bucky but you’re sick and tired of men feigning interest in you only to leave you and your kids. You’re not going to put them through all that trouble if the man isn’t going to stay. If you don’t give men the light of day, then they can’t leave you.
“You want my number?”
“I do.”
“Which number do you want, Bucky?”
“Uh, well, how many numbers do you have?”
You laugh bitterly. “Oh, I have numbers coming out of my ears. For instance, ten.”
“Yeah. That’s how many months old my baby girl is.”
Bucky’s face doesn’t fall in disgust but he’s not jumping for joy either. Tears prick your eyes but you won’t let them fall.
“You have a baby girl?”
“Yeah. Yeah, sexy, huh? How about this for a number? Six. That’s how old my other daughter is. Eight is the age of my son. Two is how many times I’ve been married and divorced. Sixteen is the number of dollars I have in my bank account. 480-555-0199. That’s my phone number, and with all the numbers I just gave you, I’m guessing zero is the number of times you’re gonna call it. You’re nice, Bucky, but I’ve been down this road too many times. I will not allow my children to meet a man I know won’t stay in my life. Really, it was nice talking to you but no man wants a woman with three children.”
You grab your drink and leave the table but stop when you hear your phone ringing. You take out your phone and notice a number you don’t recognize. Knowing your daughter is with someone else who’s not your mother, you answer it thinking Leslie’s kids are using their phones to call you.
“For the life of me, I can’t figure out why anyone would leave you. I understand the walls you’ve put up. I understand why you don’t date or don’t trust men, especially around your kids. I understand that you had to put yourself back together multiple times. I’m not dismissing that, but I can promise you that I am not like other men. I don’t abandon people and I happen to love kids. If you give me a chance, I would love to show you that you’re not a piece of ass. You’re not a notch on someone’s belt. You’re a woman who I would love to get to know.”
You turn to face Bucky who has his phone to his ear. The tears are already coming down whether you want them to or not.
“All I ask for is a chance.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
Maybe it’s you who needs to give him a chance. Then maybe, you’ll finally find the one person you’ve been looking for.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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lukesvangelista · 3 months
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in which luke longs for the one person who understands him.
warnings; sad luke, crying luke, weddings, prom
part one here
part two here
Luke stood at the edge of the reception hall, watching the newlyweds glide across the dance floor. The bride, radiant in her white gown, laughed as Matt, Luke's cousin and her husband, spun her around, their joy infectious. The room was filled with the soft glow of fairy lights and the gentle hum of conversation, but Luke's mind was far away, lost in the memories of the relationship the two of you once shared. Jack and Quinn were talking beside him, reminiscing on the childhood memories the three of them shared with Matt, but Luke could've cared less. Instead, he zoned in on the couple with longing eyes, his face expressionless - that should've been him twirling you around on that dance floor.
It had been nine months since he and you had parted ways, but it felt like a lifetime. The two of you had met in high school, two awkward teenagers drawn together by a shared love of sports, music, and movies, and a mutual disdain for the superficiality of your guys' chemistry teacher. His first dance with you had been in your living room, the two of you clumsily stepping on each other’s toes to a scratchy vinyl record your father had given to you. The two of you shared so much laughter that day, the sound mingling with the music. Luke didn't think he was capable of laughing that much, but somehow, you had brought it out of him. In that moment, Luke had thought that your relationship would last forever.
As Matt and Amelie continued their dance, Luke remembered the night he had taken you to prom. You guys had spent weeks preparing. You agonized over your dress to the point where Ellen had offered to fix it up however you wanted to. She spent a week sewing this, and hemming that, but that dress couldn't have been more beautiful. It complimented you perfectly, the red satin fabric allowing your eyes to radiate. You laughed as Luke fumbled with the corsage during pictures. At the time, he didn't appreciate it, but now, he would give anything to hear your laugh again. When the two of you had finally arrived, the gym had been transformed into a magical wonderland, complete with twinkling lights and a live band. You guys had danced until your feet were sore, holding each other close as if the world outside didn’t exist.
Luke felt a lump in his throat form as he continued to watch the first dance. There was an empty seat beside him, designated for another one of his cousin's who couldn't make it, but Luke couldn't help but feel like it was for you. It was just another reminder that you weren't with him, but you should've been. All he wanted was to look away, but it's like he was frozen. It felt like a god damn punishment. And then, as if things couldn't get any worse, he realized what song they were dancing to - 'Like Real People Do'.
No, no, no. This was your guys' song.
Tears sprang into Luke's hazel eyes immediately, and he jumped up from his seat to excuse himself. Quinn and Jack looked at their little brother like he was crazy, but Luke muttered some half-ass excuse about having to use the bathroom before walking out of the reception hall and outside the building.
As soon as he was outside, Luke tightly gripped the red brick of the building. He felt that if he didn't, he would've collapsed right then and there. He tried to take some deep breaths to calm himself down, but it felt as though nothing was working. So, he whipped out his phone and opened his contacts.
As he hovered over your contact, Luke tried to convince himself that it was because he wasn't in a clear state of mind. Maybe he could even blame it on the drinks that Jack had snuck over to him earlier in the evening. But deep down, Luke knew that wasn't true. He missed you, and maybe, just maybe, his longing for you would decrease if he heard your voice again. The night was quiet, which only seemed to amplify his thoughts. He missed you - every laugh, every conversation, every moment the two of you had shared. He missed you more than he could bear.
But the longer his fingers hovered over your contact, the more hesitant he became. The two of you had broken up nine months ago. The last time he had seen you was the night (or morning, he didn't even know) you showed up to his apartment, where he was sleeping with another girl and practically yelled at you for coming to see him. And it was the night that you needed him most. You were missing your dad and needed comfort. That was it. He had royally fucked up.
Was this a good idea? Would you even want to hear from him?
Doubts crowded Luke's mind, but the ache in his heart overpowered him. He took a deep breath and pressed call.
The phone rang once, twice, three times. Four times, five times, six times.
Luke was about to hang up when the dial tone went away. Static ensued and then he heard exactly what he wanted to hear.
"Hello?" Your voice was soft, cautious.
Luke let out a whimper, a tear falling from his eye, "Y/N/N, hi. It's Luke."
There was a pause, then, "Luke. Hi. It's been awhile."
"Yeah, it has. I-" he struggled to find the right words, "I know it's sudden, but I just needed to hear your voice. I miss you, Y/N."
The line was silent for a moment, and Luke feared that you might've hung up. But then you spoke, your voice trembling slightly, "Why'd you call, Luke?"
He let a sob ring from his lips, his tone heavy, "Matt got married today, and him and Amelie just looked so happy. And I looked at them and it was like I couldn't even see them, I just saw us," another sob rang out, "I just... whenever I looked at you, Y/N, I saw my future. I would've married you if I had the chance." he admitted.
The line went silent again, this time for even longer than the last. Boy, did that scare Luke. Had he said too much too soon? He wouldn't be surprised if he did - his brothers had always told him that that was his fatal flaw. Thirty seconds had passed before he spoke up again, pure desperation evident in his voice, "Y/N/N?"
He heard you sniffle over the line. A few more seconds of silence followed before you spoke, your voice trembling a little more than before, "I... I miss you too, Luke. I think about you a lot."
Relief washed over him, but it was quickly followed by regret, "I messed up, Y/N. Remember that night when you called me an asshole? It's all I've thought about since that night. You needed me and I kicked you out and..." Luke had to pause as he felt his chest tighten. His breaths were ragged and it felt as though he couldn't catch his breath.
"Luke? Luke, are you okay?" you asked him, concern evident in your tone.
Luke was able to compose himself just enough to keep talking as he heard your voice, "I was an asshole. I can't believe it's taken me seven months to admit it, but I was the asshole, and I am so fucking sorry, Y/N."
You took a shallow breath on the other end of the phone, your own eyes welling with tears.
Luke continued, "Listen, I don't know if we can ever go back to what we had, but I just needed you to know how much I miss you."
You sighed softly, tears of your own now slipping from your eyes, "That was hard for me, Luke. It hurt. But hearing you say that means a lot. And I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I didn't fuck up, too. We both made mistakes, and here we are." you faked a laugh.
Without thinking, Luke whispered through the phone, "Can we meet?" There was a lace of hope in his words as he spoke. Maybe it was a little bit of a facade, just to trick him into thinking he had more of a chance than he actually did, "Just to talk. Maybe start over, even if it's just as friends."
There was a long pause, and if it was as if Luke could almost hear you weighing the decision through the phone. It felt like hours had passed before you spoke again, your voice gentle, "Luke... it's not that simple. I miss you - more than you know - but I think that we both need to heal and move forward, even if it's hard."
"Yes, Luke?"
"It's pathetic really, how much I still hope it's you and me in the end."
"Take care of yourself, Luke," you said, "Goodnight."
Luke wiped the tears from his cheeks, feeling the weight of your words. As you hung up, though, he felt a mixture of relief and sorrow. He knew you were right - you both needed to move on, to heal. But at least for tonight, he had the comfort of hearing your voice, a small connection to the woman he had loved and lost.
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hotmencoreplus · 1 year
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 ‘𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭’ 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲’𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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Pairing: Simon Riley x sister!reader (she/her)
Summary: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, the infamous, relentless and fearless Task Force 141 soldier. And the particulars of him being the guardian of his baby sister.
Warnings: Talks of war and deployment, mentions of a traumatic childhood, language. Attempted to do it chronologically, but have added bits here and there
Word count: 3300+
A/N: Basing this off the theory that he is mid 30’s in mw2.
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated! Copying and reposts are not! My fics are only posted on tumblr, under this sideblog @hotmencoreplus for the account, @hotmencore
‣ Simon wasn’t at all prepared to be an older brother, but when he saw you, he knew it was his job to protect his little baby sister.
‣ You were the only one who was fortunate enough to not be killed by Washington, so when Simon was made aware of your survival, he took you in as his own.
‣ He doubted himself at first, fearing he would turn out like his dad, but also didn’t want to abandon you like he had been as a child.
‣ He wasn’t experienced in any way shape or form with taking care of a baby, so most of his days when not on deployment consisted of him watching youtube videos and going online to figure out how to do stuff and take care of you properly.
‣ When on deployment, he left you with a trusted neighbour who he had known for years before. (I feel like this would either be like a man who he would call his ‘best friend’ when home, or an old woman who has kids of her own, that use to babysit him)
‣ He would spoil you the best he could, and make you as happy as possible, not wanting you to have a childhood anything remotely like his.
‣ He definitely still gets help off of google for some things. He isn’t really too good with knowledge on ‘girly’ things.
‣ When home, you and him would always sit at the kitchen table of an evening, you playing with barbies whilst he sat across from you modding his rifle. As you got older, it would be the same just you with homework. You didn’t speak much when sat with each other, though it was always a comfortable silence for the both of you.
‣ Once when in primary school, you came home with a pout as you were jealous of your classmates pigtails and plaits, seeing that Simon only really knew how to brush your hair. So that night, he spent an hour watching videos over and over so that he could learn how to plait your hair.
‣ He felt stupid watching the videos, and frustrated that it took him so long to get the hang of it, but he knew it was all worth it when he saw the grin on your face the next morning as you looked at your hair in the mirror to see it all pretty and plaited.
‣ He also felt the same each birthday or christmas when you were little, worried that the little amount that he was able to get you wouldn’t be enough to make you happy. But 100% of the time, it was just him underestimating himself.
‣ When you were young, he never bothered to mention his own birthday. But one year when with your neighbour, you found out his birthday was a couple days after he came back from deployment. So you saved up money for the 2 weeks before he came back, and bought him a little teddy bear and a bar of chocolate. You also made him a little loom band bracelet, and haphazardly wrapped them up and hid them under your bed.
‣ When his birthday did arrive, you came downstairs to him in the living room, holding the parcel out in front of him. He lifted you up onto his lap, taking the parcel from you. “What’s this?” He asked, looking at it as he peeled his fingers from the cellotape of which you’d badly wrapped it with.
‣ “Happy birthday” you say softly with a smile, and that right there made Simon’s heart melt. He unwrapped the gift, and held the bear out in front of him. You looked at him eagerly, though his expression was confusing to you. “I hope you like it” you say with a slight hint of doubt. But Simon smiles at you, yes, smiles, and pulls you closer to him, placing a small kiss on your cheek, “I love it, thank you Y/N” he says, and the grin returns to your face.
‣ Simon had never felt more appreciated by anyone in his life.
‣ He let you off that one morning to share the chocolate with him, after eagerly placing the loom band on his large wrist, showing him that you now had matching ones.
‣ And he wears it everyday, even on deployment, under his uniform.
‣ And he still does to this day, years later.
‣ He also has a tattoo tucked away somewhere that he got for you, most likely your initials.
‣ When he first joined 141, Price was the only one who knew about you, and that Simon was the one who took care of you.
‣ He knew from Ghost’s files, as when he joined the task force, you were at the age where Simon wanted you written down as who was told when he died.
‣ You were at the age where it was harder to just pretend he never existed. Because when you were a baby, that was his plan. Before he joined it was your neighbour that was put down, just as a telling that you would need to be put in someone else's care.
‣ When Ghost requested the change to his file, he asked Price that someone could go over and tell you in person, rather than just a phone call, or his dog tags through the mail. Which caused for him to have to let Price know of your existence.
‣ He also asked for Price to tell Laswell, as he trusted her and wanted someone there for you who was in the UK more than he was, and in case both him and Price were on a mission/ far away.
‣ He also did it as he believed that you needed at least one female figure somewhat a part of your life, though you've only met her like once or twice.
‣ It takes a good amount of time and full trust in a person for Simon to be comfortable with them meeting you, or even just knowing of you. Which is why Johnny found out so randomly.
‣ You were late pre-teens when Simon was coming home from deployment, and got a call from his friend, apologising that he couldn’t pick him up from base. Johnny overheard the conversation and insisted that he dropped Simon off, though he was perfectly fine getting a taxi.
‣ Simon did message you to stay in the house, but you weren’t paying any mind to your phone, just looking out the window waiting for his arrival. Your own excitement blinded you to the fact it wasn’t the car of Simon’s friend dropping him off, so when you saw his skull mask through the car window, you jumped off the couch and ran out the door to him without a second thought. You didn’t hesitate in giving him a massive hug, which, though Johnny hadn’t pulled off yet, Simon reciprocated, as he knew there was no way of exactly hiding you now.
‣ It wasn’t at all that he didn’t trust Johnny enough, Simon just always felt awkward bringing it up and didn’t expect the circumstances of which he was in, so wasn’t prepared at all.
‣ Soap didn’t like to pry, but was curious and immensely shocked to see a young girl run out of his house and jump onto Simon’s huge frame. He knew it couldn’t have been his daughter as Simon would have simply been far too young for that to be true. So he made the conclusion of you being his sister, and tried to keep it to himself.
‣ Though on the next deployment, Johnny did ask about the young girl he saw, and with a grumble of a reply, he then understood that his guesses were correct. By then he trusted Gaz enough as well, so the whole of 141 eventually knew of Simon’s little sister.
‣ Simon keeps a little photograph of you in his uniform, in an inside breast pocket, above his heart. It’s a photo of you when you were little, the first year he put aside his fears, and took you trick-or-treating. You were dressed as a little fairy, grinning up at the camera, your face covering most of the shot as you leant forwards into the frame.
‣ You two don’t have any proper photos with each other, apart from one from when it was your birthday one year, and you told Simon that the only thing you wanted was a photo of the two of you together. So Simon begrudgingly granted your wish after a lot of convincing.
‣ In the photo, you are stood next to each other in the hallway of your home, you grinning with your short arms attempting to wrap around his large waist, and him stood looking emotionless with his simple skull mask on, his arm behind you resting on your back.
‣ It wouldn’t look sentimental at all to anyone else, but you treasured it. It stays on your bedside cabinet, with one of his old dog tags that he let you keep. You also have another old one of his attached to the zip of your school backpack.
‣ Simon never really decorated your room too much when you were younger, as he was new to the whole thing and decided that he would let you do it with him when you were older and found your own passions and interests. So first off for several years your room consisted of a small single bed, a wardrobe, and littles shelves for your toys, all of which he built with you sat on the floor of your room with him one day.
‣ But when you did find yourself and what you liked, you both spent a couple days decorating it. As it was just you and Simon in the house, you weren’t ever very ‘girly’ so the walls were painted a pale blue, and he bought you some new shelves and some fairy lights/ LED’s to hang up around your bed.
‣ When you use to get nightmares or just couldn’t fall asleep, you would sneak into Simon’s room, and wake him up so that you could stay with him. Although due to his own nightmares, was usually awake before you came in anyways. But there was something he secretly found so sweet about hearing your little feet try to quietly pad down the hallway to his room.
‣ He never minded, because he had nightmares all the time. Simon would never admit it, not even to his baby sister, but he enjoyed the nights where he would have her with him. Because in the long run it did actually help him fall asleep, knowing he wasn’t completely on his own.
‣ He had you.
‣ Due to him being away quite a lot, you have been aware of his job since you were little.
‣ Though when you got older, you wanted to know more about it. Simon didn’t really want to tell you much, as he didn't believe it was something he wanted his sister knowing about, but after so much pestering from you, he caved in. You learnt about his callsign, and how he always wore the skull mask.
‣ Once meeting Soap properly, he was the one to tell you about how infamous your brother really was on the field.
‣ You found it pretty cool that you were one of the only people in the entire world who new what the Simon Riley truly looked like, and secretly took pride in it.
‣ You have always known Simon with and without his mask, so it never feels weird. He rarely wore it when you were a toddler, though when you were first born he mostly kept it on, scared his scars were gonna frighten you.
‣ But the first time he took it off in front of you, you babbled and giggled, and reached out to his face. So from then on, he didn’t bother wearing it around you.
‣ There was one occasion when he came to pick you up from a neighbours after almost a year long deployment, and you were shy with him. It hurt Simon a bit, and made him feel guilty for not being there, and that you had grown so much in the time he was away. But the feeling soon melted away once your neighbour gave you a little push from behind their leg, you softening in Simon’s touch as he held you close in his arms.
‣ His teenage years were the most traumatic for him, so when you transitioned into yours, he became even more protective of you. You sometimes fought over this, and Simon felt bad, but you knew that he was doing it because he wanted nothing more than for you to be safe.
‣ When he bought you your first phone, he definitely made you have Life360 or something like it, so that he knows where you are just in case he needs it.
‣ He would never go crazy on where you were and who you were with. He trusted you. But when away, every night before he went to bed himself, or whenever it was late in the UK timezone, he would check that you were at home. It made him relax slightly about being away, knowing that you were safe.
‣ You were about 15 when you were properly introduced to the 141 team, as behind Soap’s teasing and pestering, Simon knew that you needed some other adult figures in your life. So, much to your own surprise, he messaged you asking if you wanted to come get him from base one time with his neighbour.
‣ You knew that Simon wasn’t really much of a physical affection type of guy, but you could never resist when he was coming back home after a deployment. And even less so now that you were able to come to base. But he also knew that much to his dislike for the public display of it, there was nothing he could do to stop you from doing so.
‣ And with that fact in mind, he knew he had to reciprocate the gesture, so when you did run up to him with your arms out, for a second he forgot about that fact the rest of the guys wouldn’t let cold old ‘Ghost’ hear the end of it, and wrapped one arm around you, lifting you up with ease, his bags clutched in his other hand. You practically squealed to him how much you’d missed him, as he mumbled back in your ear that he did you, too. Lucky for him the others didn't hear that.
‣ Once he had put you down, he very much awkwardly introduced you to the others in a grumbly tone.
‣ When you turned to them, the first thing that they all collectively noticed were your eyes.
‣ You had Simon’s eyes.
‣ Johnny’s hello was an enthusiastic “Good to finally meet you lass,” Simon glaring at Soap, aware of the amusement this brought him, knowing his lieutenant was annoyed as hell.
‣ Gaz nodded at you with a smile, and Price said hello in a deep but warm tone, looking on at you with an almost proud gaze.
‣ Price didn’t know what to expect when Soap loudly made everyone aware of Ghost’s new visitor at base pick up, as Johnny was the only one of them who had seen you before to recognise you as Ghost's sister, though they knew you existed (much to their inital surprise). But when you turned to the rest of the team without hesitance, Price instantly felt an even higher level of respect towards Simon as it was clear from your confident and polite hello that he had raised you well.
‣ Much to Simon’s own self doubt.
‣ One night when the 141 were all at a bar, Price quietly told Simon about how he had done well with you, knowing that he was definitely uncertain of his own worth in your life. But Simon heard the sincerity in his Captain’s voice, and with a quick look of appreciation towards John, he then didn’t doubt himself as much as he had before.
‣ Simon sometimes does mess up though with his language around you, only recently now that you have gotten older. But he isn’t too fussed, just as long as he doesn't hear you repeat any of it.
‣ Seeing that it is only you two in the house 24/7, you both surprisingly get on really well, and there have only been a rare few occasions when he has had to put his foot down.
‣ But these rare occasions would mainly consist of something silly to the point that he got sick of your nagging, like when you begged him to have ice cream for breakfast.
‣ “Please Simon, just this once-“
‣ “No, Y/N! You said that last time. Now drop it.”
‣ There have definitely been times where neither of you can sleep, and now that you're older, you both just sit with each other in comfortable silence. Occasionally just putting a random film on in the living room, but most of the time you would just be at the kitchen table, with a bowl of cereal at like 2am. That is until, and this is 98% of the time, you fall asleep with your head on the table and Simon has to carry you to your room.
‣ When you got to the age where Simon was comfortable with you in the house on your own, you once mentioned to him that the first day of him being away was always the hardest, and that it felt really weird in the house.
‣ You both knew he couldn’t do much about that, but he tried little things to make it somewhat bearable.
‣ For instance, he knows one of your favourite things is leftover takeaway from when you two have one, so the night before every deployment, he always orders takeaway for dinner so that there is always some in the fridge for you on the first day of him being gone.
‣ It’s the little things that Simon does for you despite his mostly cold heart that mean the most to you.
‣ On long deployments, you write Simon letters for him to read. You do message him too, but prefer writing them, as you know he will write back, which you feel is more sincere. His letters are never as long or heartfelt as yours, but you know your brother, and that he loves you dearly.
‣ His replies would often be a few sentences, praising you on anything that you would mention about school or just exciting stuff in general, signing off with ‘Simon’, and a barely noticeable ‘x’ next to it.
‣ You keep every single one of the letters he sends back, your favourites being the ones that he would occasionally send to you, first. And secretly Simon does the same, keeping your letters tucked away in his bag under his bed.
‣ He tells you unless its an emergency, that you should stick to letters or texts, so that he can still stay focused with his job and that if you do one day call him, he knows straight away that it’s an urgent matter.
‣ There was one time when you forgot about the emergency rule, and called him to tell him you passed a test you had been stressing about.
‣ He was about to shout down the line asking what was wrong and where you were until you beat him to it with a loud “I PASSED SIMON, I PASSED THE TEST!”
‣ “That’s amazing Y/N, but you just scared the fucking life out of me.”
‣ “Oh crap. I forgot, sorry. But I passed!!!”
‣ "Great love. I'm proud of you. But next time stick it in a letter, yeah?"
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tehgreeneyes · 1 year
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Band of brothers appreciation week: ↳ Day 1 - favorite enlisted soldier - Eugene Roe
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fairy-writes · 2 months
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Kaiju No. 8 
Pairing(s): Hibino Kafka x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, Pregnant!Reader, Reader is smaller than Kafka, Childbirth
Notes: The title is inspired by what Steve Rogers said to Peggy Carter in “The Winter Soldier.”
Ichikawa Reno knew something was off about Hibino Kafka when he came to work the next day, obviously sullen and downtrodden. He kept fidgeting with his wedding ring, something Reno knew he only did when he had something on his mind.
But he wouldn’t say anything.
At least, not until Iharu found out about his marriage three months later.
“You’re WHAT?!” He gaped at Kafka, who looked spooked. His chopsticks paused halfway to his mouth, and he glanced around at the room, which had gone dead silent in shock.
“I’m what?” He asked, dumbfounded until Iharu lunged across the table to grab his left hand and point at the wedding band.
“Reno said you’re married! Since when?!” He demanded, and now everyone was getting interested. Conversations petered out as they all looked over at the commotion.
Kafka noticed everyone staring and promptly panicked. Reno couldn’t help but hide a smile at his flushed pink face and neck.
“We’ve been married for four years! Together for eight!” He squawked awkwardly, and Iharu recoiled as if smacked.
“No way! I don’t believe you!” He complained and looked to Reno, “You don’t believe him either, right?!” He asked, and Reno shrugged.
“I’ve met her. She’s nice.” Was all he said.
That caused an explosion of noise. 
And Reno noticed that Kafka snuck out in the middle of it all.
Of course, he followed him! He waited until Haruichi and Iharu were bickering and slipped out to find Kafka sitting against the wall just outside the dining room, staring blankly at his phone screen.
It was a picture of the both of you, his hand on your belly as the two of you celebrated finding out about your pregnancy. It was the one thing Kafka never shut up about until suddenly, he just stopped talking about it altogether. In fact, Reno was fairly certain that no one besides him and Kafka even knew about it.
Just what had happened?
“Is everything okay?” He asked and Kafka jumped, slamming his head back against the wall.
“Oh, Ichikawa! Yeah… Everything just… Got a bit noisy, is all.” He mumbled the last bit and that’s when Reno knew something was really wrong.
But, as clever as he was, he didn’t know how to make it better.
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Hibino Kafka rolled over in bed until he was on his back and stared at the ceiling. 
His apartment felt empty. 
He felt alone.
It had been four months since he had last seen you. By now, you would’ve been close to thirty-somewhat weeks along in your pregnancy. Had you picked out a name? Had you learned the gender yet? What was going to happen to your relationship with him? Were you really going to throw eight years down the drain?
He was just on the edge of dozing when his phone buzzed. He slapped a hand over it, dragging it closer to his face as he rolled onto his side.
Who was texting so late?
Probably Furuhashi sending a cat meme or something…
But it was like a bucket of cold water had been splashed in his face as he read the text.
It was from Haru. Your best friend and older brother. His brother-in-law.
“She’s in labor. She needs you.” 
Straight and to the point, just like he knew Haru to be. Another text and this time it was the address to the hospital. But Kafka already knew how to get there. He could do it with his eyes closed. He hurriedly threw on some clothes and shoes and was out the door before he could even really process what was happening.
You were in labor.
But it was too early! An entire month early! Sure, the baby was likely going to survive, but would you? You were a high-risk pregnancy, especially with this being your first!
Would you be okay?
He made it to the hospital in record time. He all but sprinted up to the labor and delivery ward and met Haru in the hallway. He stopped him in his tracks.
“You came.” He said bluntly, and Kafka huffed,
“Of course I did. Is she okay?” He demanded, and Haru gestured to the room.
“See for yourself.”
He checked in with the nurse coming out of your room, explaining that he was your husband and that you were asking for him. He barely said his name before the nurse ushered him into the room.
You were tired. That much was obvious. The midwife patted the sweat on your forehead with a damp towel, coaxing you through a contraction as you clenched your fists in the blanket as the wave of pain washed over you. But when you heard the door open and shut, you opened your eyes and spotted him. 
“You came.” You whispered, and he gently took the midwife’s spot next to your bed, reaching out to hold your hand. He ignored the pain of your hand squeezing the life out of his and instead smiled, 
“I couldn’t leave my best girl. Not when she needs me.” He replied and saw tears well up in your eyes. 
“But I’ve been horrible to you!” You begin to cry, and he hushes you softly, gently, like he is quieting your child, who is going to be here soon. 
“I made a vow when I married you, didn’t I? I promised I’d be there for you no matter what!” He said firmly but no less gently than he had before. 
Another contraction and the doctor instructed you to push. You let out a guttural scream as you tried with all your might. 
And a baby cried. 
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attineilde · 5 months
why neil josten is actually Y/N:
erm I accidentally wrote a few cringy wattpad paragraphs so uh-
he has big blue orbs
involved with the mafia ("what is this, mom?" I asked, trembling. the famous mafia gang leader, harry styles was sitting in my living room!)
gets noticed by a famous person KEVIN DAY (my best friend dragged me to this concert. something called... one direction? I'm not really sure, I'm not like other girls, always obsessing over boy bands. I like to spend time reading instead. so in the concert, I decided to read my favourite book and just ignore everything entirely. then, this amazingly buff, tall, dark, and handsome man smiled at me, showing off his dimples. "come on, darling, what's your name?")
mommy AND daddy issues ("I-I-I-I-I never had parents," Y/N told her cold alpha mafia boss.)
has trauma from a young age (when I was only 10 weeks old, my mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my sister, my brother, and my goldfish died in a plane crash)
he becomes more badass throughout the series ("Wow, Y/N, you're becoming more and more sigma," Jungkook the mafia boss said. "You were so skinny and fragile and petite, I never would've thought you were capable of being a muderer. You're such a baddie!" He exclaims with admiration.)
super multi-talented (even though I have a permanent stutter in my voice, I'm still a great singer. but I'm a really insecure petite girl, so I shyly sang a few notes to JungKook. "I-i-i-i-is it gwenchana oppa?" "Oh, yes, Y/N honey, you're voice is jinja good!")
has multiple men checking him out/appreciating his looks (andrew, nicky, and I bet kevin has too)
if you read all my little paragraphs I'm really proud of you! I hope you're gwenchana (this is all satire pls dont judge)
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i2ycat · 4 months
Trouble is a Band (TEASER)
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synopsis being in a band was all you ever wanted, and so when you were able to fly across the globe to join your brother’s high school band, you jumped at the opportunity to show everyone everything that you’ve got. singing in a band? check. performing in front of a crowd? check. falling in love with your brother’s best friend, who is in a complicated relationship with one of your fellow bandmates? check?
pairing park jongseong x fem!reader genre high school!au, kind of band!au, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, brothers best friend trope, slow burn-ish? teaser word count 381 estimated word count 5-7k teaser warnings none lyn speaking wasn’t going to have a teaser but i just thought why not! it will probably take a few weeks before i publish it because i still need to actually finish writing, proofread it and all that jazz 🤓☝🏻
reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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Jay. Even the way his name rolled off your tongue felt oddly bitter and sweet at the same time. Bitter because there was no way you could be falling for your bandmate’s boyfriend without the guilt that consumed you ever-so-slowly. Sweet because there was no way for you to stop your heart from beating at twice the speed whenever he was around — he was your high school daydream; everything you wished you had.
“I really want you to sing this song I’m writing. I mean, I’m not totally done yet, but I wrote it with your voice in mind. It’s for the upcoming music festival.” He pulls out his phone and earphones from his pocket, sliding his chair closer to yours and offering an earpiece, which you cautiously take.
You straighten your back in an attempt to keep yourself focused, not wanting to mind the way his shoulders are pushed up against yours, or the way you could practically make out every single feature on his face, or the fact that you would’ve felt his breath fan against your face if he turned just a bit to the left. You need to force yourself to focus solely on the music.
Don’t mind the confusion.
The sense of focusing.
The only sure thing is you.
So now, put it all behind.
I’m just going to walk according to how my heart beats.
Fatal trouble.
Jay’s voice fills your ears, alongside Jungwon and Sunghoon’s. You could appreciate their heavenly voices all day, but the striking lyrics seemed to be the main reason for taking your breath away. It sounded as if they were speaking to your troubled thoughts right in the face, tempting you to fall deeper. Deeper into what? You didn’t want to even think about it.
"So, what do you think?”
“It's... it’s good.”
“That’s it?”
“What did you want me to say?”
“No need to get so feisty, princess.” He ruffles your hair, and you inwardly sigh, feeling the overwhelming defeat take over you because, no matter how much you wanted to fight the feeling, you knew that all your efforts would come crashing down anyway.
You were a weak woman with many faults, and being attracted to someone who is obviously taken is the biggest one of them all.
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taglist open! send an ask to be added
© i2ycat 2024
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swiftzeldas · 1 year
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band of brothers appreciation week 2023: day 6 (favorite dynamics)
richard winters & lewis nixon
"should've been born earlier, nix." "what, and give up all this?"
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thesiltverses · 6 months
Hello! I found the silt verses about three weeks ago and have listened to it several times since. I have a few things to say.
I absolutely adore that episode about the national grid workers. I think it’s my favorite episode of any podcast I’ve ever listened to. My favorite part of that first episode Paige is in is how she justifies not standing up for Vaughn, that cognitive dissonance that you wrote so well. This episode gives me what I wanted from that episode, the workers all banding together to stop the wasteful sacrifice of one of them. The actor who played the foreman did an incredible job as well. I think that having him discuss which of his workers he would sacrifice was such a significant moment, despite how brief it is. It cuts right to the big question that I took away from the podcast which is, “How much is someone willing to sacrifice in order to maintain their comfort?” And the utter disrespect of Glodditch (apologies for the spelling) refusing to cancel even the radio but asking grid workers to kill themselves for 200kw/h! Top tier episode.
I grew up in the south and went to college in Appalachia. I saw the disparity in technology and “advancement” if that makes sense that poverty brings, and the way you set up the world invokes that feeling in me again. You are an amazing world builder and storyteller.
I really enjoyed the cameos - I’m a big fan of malevolent/devisor, Old gods of Appalachia, and all of Jonny sims work, so hearing familiar voices was an absolute delight. Harlan Guthrie as an acolyte of the snuff gods might have been a bit too on the nose with some of the things that man writes, though… /pos
I’m transmasculine, and something that I really appreciate is how you manage to make a trans man do some objectively awful things, but still manage to make him a complex, full character that I was rooting for very frequently. Brother Faulkner is so, so important to me as a character. Paula Vogel has a play called “Indecent,” which is about the true story of a troupe of I believe German Jewish actors between the years of 1910ish and 1940s putting on a show called “God of Vengeance” by Sholem Asch, also a Jewish man. “God of Vengeance” has queer themes and received a lot of criticism from the Jewish community for showing Jewish folks in a “bad” light at a time when there was already so much hatred for Jewish people. Brother Faulkner being as complex and, in my opinion, malicious and cutthroat as he is at a time when trans people face so much bigotry, especially legislatively in the United States, brings this conversation about “God of Vengeance” up again for me. I also love how normalized non-binary people are in this world, without question. “Sibling this or that,” the hunter, adjudicator Shrew - big thanks from me for all of this.
All of this to say, I love this podcast. Can you talk more about the rhetorical gods? Is Babble one? What makes them one if they are, or why aren’t they? I’m fascinated by them. Can you talk more about the propaganda gods too?
Thank you so much for the thoughtful and kind words!
I'll check out Indecent, it sounds really interesting and I'm very glad to hear Faulkner works for you as a character. I think the topic of how to include and write queer characters who are capable of terrible things and thoughts (because, after all, these characters are human beings and not tutelary exemplars), within the context of both a rising movement of transphobia right now and centuries-old scapegoating / pathologising portrayals more generally, is a really knotty but a really important one, and I always want to make sure I'm approaching it with care and due responsibility as well as a sense of humility around the limitations of what, as a cis writer, I can actually achieve.
To that end, I don't want to ever take the audience response for granted, but I'm always really grateful to hear that the portrayal is working for a listener!
Propaganda gods: gods whose prayer-marks or ritual verses are fed directly to the enemy, enforcing destructive or sabotaging changes to reality (so rather than sending a destructive saint or angel to rampage over the foe, you might drop pamphlets or send radio messages to the enemy to 'convert' them).
Rhetorical gods: gods whose followers possess reality-warping powers of language itself (which is why 'rhetorical god' is a polite way of saying 'liar's god'). In other words, the paranoia around them comes partly down to the fact that a disciple like Val may appear to be a limitless shaper of new forms, rather than shaped into a limited form of their own, as a result of their worship.
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trashmouth-richie · 8 months
hi, ziggy! ahhh i missed hih ❤️ could you pretty please do something for jealous!eddie where maybe somebody flirts with tooty because she got that milf glow after she had the babies lmao ily ❤️
anon💕💕 thank you for the req! this took a little spin and has an open ending, but!!! the twins are in this and some other familiar faces ❤️ might get a part 2? who knows!
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a night out without the kids. almost an unheard of event. but tonight corroded coffin were performing their annual concert the night before halloween.
sissy & oz toted their overnight bags up the paved sidewalk to grandma and grandpa’s house— the same house you had once called home when the wheeler’s took you in as a teen.
reaching the front door eddie squats to eye level with the twin three year olds. “okay you two,” he says in his fatherly tone, “last time you stayed the night grandpa said you terrorized the cat.”
“i no do it daddy,” sissy speaks her little voice high pitched and tattling, “ows chaseded hims.”
a frown spreads on her brothers face his brown eyes pleading, “i did not! sissy made tinky swim in the potty!”
eddie bites his lip to hide a laugh and you take a deep breath, “that’s another thing, the cat’s name is bruce, not stinky.”
“but mama,” sissy complains, head held high in a defiant pose— one eddie recognizes as a mini version of his wife, “boose 's hard to say.”
eddie ruffles her hair and stands up, talking out of the side of his mouth, “always arguing like someone else i know,”
his large hand slides down the curve of your ass pinching the leather fabric snug on your skin, giving it a tight little squeeze.
“eddie!” you scold, swatting his hand away, “not in front of the babies.”
he grabs your waist and pulls you back into him before you can rap your knuckles on the front door. his mouth is hot in your ear, “sorry mama,” he purrs, dancing his tongue on the shell of your ear, “you just look so fucking hot tonight.”
sissy and oz are both slapping the door with both palms as it swings inward. “who’s makin’ all that racket?!”
“gwampa! it’s us!”
“issy and ows!”
wayne smiles as big as he always did when his grandbabies visited, “are you sure y’all ain’t no robbers are ya?”
“gwampa’s silly, daddy!” oz squeaks, squeezing wayne tight around his leg.
eddie grins and chuckles, “aww nah buddy that word is ‘senile’”
you smack eddie in the chest and usher the kids inside to play with their cousin, alex. “thanks for watching them tonight, we really appreciate it,” you say to wayne reaching through the threshold and giving him a hug.
“ah, ain’t no problem,” wayne says flipping eddie the bird behind your back, “karen and i love these little turds.”
“u too oh two be good for grandpa and grandma okay? eddie hollers, “be nice to the cat, sissy… i’m talkin’ to you.”
her little nose wrinkles into a pout and her brows furrow together.
“swear to christ himself, that kid is the spittin’ image of you, tooty.”
“god help me.” eddie pouts, “i’m gonna go gray before i’m forty.”
you kiss the kids goodbye and wave from the windows of your jeep before heading to the hideout. eddie looked particularly good tonight, leather pants, a cut off shirt, he even let you smear some eyeliner on his eyelids before tonight’s gig.
“nervous?” you ask, carrying some cords from eddie’s old van that now belonged to big d.
gareth walks past you with an amp, “not really, the hideouts like home away from home, makes me feel 18 again.”
you smile and ruffle his still thick curls, “will coming tonight?”
a sad look replaces his smile, “haven’t talked to him in a week… last i heard from jonathan he was staying with joyce and hopper.”
“he’ll come around man,” eddie says coming through the back door, “he loves you.”
“yeah, i hope.”
the boys— men now— rocked a killer show, fans still screaming for the band even though half of them were married and the lead singer had two kids.
you were front in center, in your designated spot that you always stood after the first show where eddie sang ‘lady evil’ just for you.
now you were sporting a new homemade shirt, ‘sitter’ crossed out with ‘mama’ his old leather jacket on your shoulders.
a hand sits on your lower back you giggle, “jeez nance, how drunk are you?”
only it wasn’t nancy, but a random guy. burly and tall, a thick beard on his face matching the short hair on his head, balancing a cowboy. you didn’t recognize him from anywhere and you pull back with a shocked face,
he smiles and you can smell liquor on his breath as he leans in real close, “been watchin’ you all night little darlin’ looks like you need a drink.”
you scowl and turn away from him, looking for jonathan and nancy but they’re nowhere to be found.
“hey,” he blunders stumbling towards you, “you like cowboys?”
you don’t want to give him the time of day or even the satisfaction of a tasteful retort so you do your best to ignore him, looking at eddie as he turns to thrash the guitar riff with jeff.
eddie turns back around to continue the song and shoots you a wink, the same time a big sloppy pair of lips press on your cheek, hard and unwelcoming.
you didn’t see eddie’s eyes turn to black or the way he dropped the neck of his guitar hands balled into fist, you were seeing your own scarlet red, turning and slapping the face of the drunk asphalt “cowboy”.
eddie cuts the band and grabs the mic, “hey fucker!” he pushes his lips in a smooch and whistles like a dog, “here boy, up here.. yeah you— the guy who just got slapped.”
cowboy slap face looked up to the band, “what?”
“you must be new to town, huh? a drifter maybe?”
he lifts his head and spits on the ground, “what’s it to you?”
eddie laughs a little crazy-like, “… that,” he says pointing to you, “is my wife… and i’m sure you don’t know this or maybe your marbles are a little rattled up there with the cobwebs, but..” he jumps from the stage in a dramatic flare, wet hair bouncing behind him, skin slicked in sweat.
he tossing the mic behind him, standing tall and flicking the brim of the guys hat, toe to toe. “i’m not afraid to kill a man.”
“you’re bluffin’,”
“wouldn’t be my first, and for her,” he says moving you behind him, “won’t be my last,”
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rubyroboticalt · 5 months
Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUARTERLY!
what's up guys, you just found the internet's first hellsite smp! what's qblr you ask? well, you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific: my brother you are on qblr. this is the qsmp fan tumblr. some of us made a server. and now, let me learn you a thing about all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week!
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the server opened with players and creatures running around the world trying to survive the first nights on a modded world, to varying degrees of success
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as days pass, residents begin to encounter monsters tough enough to warrant better lodging and armor. with these reinforced shelters and better gear, the residents begin to form friendships!
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the friends share food, homes, and gear. sounds like communism. are they communist or something? actually, that makes perfect sense what with the minecraft and all.
residents sort themselves into groups mostly by timezone and playstyle. being a server inspired by the qsmp, timezones mean that groups speaking different languages stick together and build together.
the french build a stone circle, form a traveling band, and create an inn providing basic necessities like food and beds.
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others make their own homes, and an axolotl pond pops up!
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the hispanic folk also have a lovely start, with cozy furnishings and no other reports from this side of the server.
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and now, a reading from r/EnglishLivingSpaces. white jacaranda walls. plain spruce floor. circular room, with a 1-wide 2-tall window for each 5-wide edge wall of the circle, two windows total. green bed under the window, facing a log pillar in the center of the room. two stacks of loose papers on the right side of the room. a sign reading "r/malelivingspaces" placed next to the bed. this has been a reading of r/EnglishLivingSpaces.
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the server celebrated 4/13 by having a fruity rumpus cult party. festivities included drugs and alcohol introduced by some of the mods installed on the server.
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and now, the gubby.
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bad boy hooters opened to celebrate all the big booby badboys out there in the wild. i always do appreciate a good use of the expression hooters. and as a safe house from the nightmare stalkers that seem to be thriving on the fear and pain they cause, it gets many a visit.
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residents continue to build and decorate, with fun and games in between.
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folks play for reasonable amounts of time, with two days played in 5 days of server uptime by one ambitious player.
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finally, everyone is building interiors to their houses now, with the dining room being a popular place to take photos.
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some late bloomers also complete the exteriors of their -- that's not a house, thats a taqueria.
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and the first week on the server closes with absolutely nothing ominous happening.
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samheughanswife · 7 months
Sam was in his element. With friends, Steve and comfortable in the auditorium.
Refreshed from a week of sun,sand and sea. Add in off the socials grid. No random blondes in bikinis, or the gym blonde rats at the North Bondi open gym breathing the same sea air as him instantly given a nickname and assumed bumping curlies.
He shared that he had a session with the famous Bondi Beach lifeguards. He was encouraged to dive off the rocks at the South end of the beach- Bondi. He shared he had never dived in his life( sure that’s not true, just not into the Pacific Ocean) He was shown how to swim back to shore in a rip, ( that’s what drowns people not understanding how to get out of a rip). And generally living a beachside life. He joked that he didn’t sleep in the sand, he had a house (?? 👀).
Loves 🇦🇺. Not the snakes he revealed to an answer re the snakebite episode. Met all the famous animals. And shared that he felt the walk to the top of the bridge more now than when he did it eight years ago ( doubt that). Mentioned the bars he hit up and the restaurants.
A week well spent. As you all have seen he has the tan to show for it.
Two afternoons were lost to late summer thunderstorms. What did he do then?!
He answered the expected questions regarding the end of OL. He is ready to say goodbye. He has been in discussion regarding work. He wants to continue to travel after the S8 wrap.
Mentioned going to Everest and working on getting distribution in 🇦🇺 for SS. And other countries.
Shared a tidbit that when he went to the studio his “things” had been moved for a new younger cast. All tongue in cheek. Said he is looking for to BOMB.
This was a contented man. It was all easy conversation and engagement with just under 945 fans. The auditorium capacity is 945 and there were about 20 empty seats.
He did not bring up the spirits unless asked. He didn’t have a bottle on stage. That bag on the table was Steve’s- with a drink bottle in it and a place to put the discarded written questions. He was not selling his booze, he was riffing. Laughing and just being relaxed.
Asked about Caitriona ( got to say that the audience was a Sam only) and he discussed her getting prepped for directing. Said they had FT her the night before, all the guys and showed her what she was missing. He said how much they had shared and that really “ THEY WERE LIKE BROTHER AND SISTER” ✅ ✅. Crowd liked that.
He said that it will be difficult working away the final time. Very poignant. But he said he is ready.
The rest was the same questions and answers. The event organizers said there will be a USB to buy. So the rest will be there for those who will buy and then share here.
I’ve been told that on the soulless account comments have said that the guys were disheveled and looked unwashed. BULLSHIT. All their clothes were ironed( I am that woman who judges unironed clothes. Sam had ironed his T-shirt and pants. His hair was not oily. And his eau de parfum was that of a man who had showered early and had used deodorant. Those hollow jealous haters were truly reaching for something- anything.
I’m guessing that the Melbourne audience will be just as thrilled and appreciative of the chance to be in conversation with the OL lads. There is a song from one of my teenage favourite 🇦🇺 band Australian Crawl. It’s called The Boys Light Up. It’s the perfect song for the fun day yesterday. The boys did light up.
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tojiluv · 8 months
EYES DON’T LIE — choso kamo [chapter one]
﹟ description: IN WHICH a girl unwittingly becomes involved with a handsome stranger in a club, oblivious to his true identity of being in a famous boyband…OR IN WHICH you and Choso must conceal your secret meetings from your friends and his bandmates, especially from his younger brother and your best friend, Yuji.
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warnings: none at the moment | words: 1,289
note: choso kamo x fem reader. available on wattpad —babyatsumu
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"Is your brother finally back?"
With a radiant grin, Yuji vigorously nods, and his excitement is palpable from the gleam in his eyes. The news of his elder brother's return after almost two years apart has filled him with joy.
"He's been back for nearly two weeks, but he was staying at the hotel with the band to iron out some scheduling issues. He came home last night!" He exclaims, enthusiasm bubbling over.
Having completed your last class of the day, you step out of the door, and Yuji rushes towards you to share the exhilarating news. As you both make your way away from the building, you and Yuji decide to meet up with Megumi and Nobara at a cafe on campus to catch up on some homework.
You respond with a hum, reciprocating the grin on your friend's face. "That's wonderful news! What are your plans now that he's back?" Yuji leisurely walks beside you, arms casually behind his head, deep in thought about the possibilities. "Well, I don't know yet, but I think one of his bandmates is hosting a party this week to celebrate the success of the tour."
Hallow Domain – the boy band with a total of five members, Choso included. Yuji always mentions the band, but you never took the time to look them up, only catching a few songs that your best friend would insist you listen to. Their music suited your taste, appreciating any genre with a good beat and meaningful lyrics.
Yuji is their number one fan, especially with his older brother being an integral part of the group.
"A party, huh? Where's it going to be hosted?" you inquire, placing your bag on the table at the café before settling into your seat. Megumi and Nobara are already seated, papers scattered around them as they work, until the mention of 'party' catches their attention, one expressing interest and the other sighing.
"A party? Why wasn't I informed?" Nobara squeals, her papers losing priority.
Yuji chuckles awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, it's a celebration for my brother's band."
"Your brother is back?" Megumi asks before sighing, "That means Gojo is back, damn."
"What's wrong with Gojo?" you inquire.
Megumi shakes his head, "Everything. But mainly, he used to babysit me most of the time when my dad wasn't home, even though I was old enough to take care of myself. He always bothered me."
Yuji chuckles, "Well, Gojo is hosting the party at his house since it's the biggest."
Nobara narrows her eyes, clasping her hands under her chin as she scrutinizes their youngest friend. "Are we invited?"
"Well, I don't think—"
"You better get us an invite. No. Matter. What," she seethes out slowly, glaring as Yuji flinches before nodding quickly. You chuckle at the scene as you proceed to work on your project that is due soon, while the rest of the group engages in a lively discussion (mainly Yuji and Nobara) about the upcoming party until your name is mentioned.
"Maybe you'll finally get to meet Choso in person rather than hearing a bunch of nonsense stories from Yuji," Nobara states, grinning at you.
"Hey, they are really good stories!"
"Keep thinking that."
"Why you—"
It's true, though; you've never met Yuji's older brother since you became friends two years ago. Nobara and Megumi have already met Choso and the rest of the band due to their connections and having known Yuji since high school. You've met some of the bandmates, such as Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, as they had breaks in the middle of the tour for a couple of days. Still, every time you had the chance to meet Choso, something always came up that prevented the encounter.
Yuji has shown you pictures of the man, but they were pretty old, and apparently, Choso hated having his picture taken most of the time. Yet, the stories your best friend has shared have made you appreciate how Choso always prioritizes Yuji, especially being the only blood family he has left besides their deadbeat mother.
You shrug, "I doubt I could go, I have some homework to catch up on."
Nobara whines, "What? No, you have to go! It will be a lot of fun, and you'll regret not coming, come on!"
"You know she's right, homework is more important," Megumi comments lowly, his eyes focusing on his paper as Nobara glares at the Sea Urchin.
"Stay out of this, you're making it worse!"
He shrugged, not really caring for his remark, "I was just stating the facts."
Sighing, you know that Nobara won't let this go until you say yes, and you don't feel the energy to go, especially since you already went partying almost two weeks ago at a club with her and Maki. But the girl keeps begging, and you know she won't stop anytime soon, as you can see Megumi plugging his ears from the whining.
"Fine! I'll go, but please stop the begging," you exclaim, annoyance evident on your face from the pressure.
Nobara grins, sitting back down in her seat in victory with no complaints as the dark-haired male shakes his head at your response for losing your main focus.
"You will thank me later for this! Plus, you'll meet Choso, he's quite the looker, you know." She winks while Yuji scrunches up his face in disgust.
"That's my brother, don't say that stuff," he whines, covering his ears.
Nobara rolls her eyes, waving their friend's tantrum away. "What? That your brother is hot? It's just an observation."
"Yeah, a disgusting one at that! None of you can think like that about my brother, that's just weird and would be going behind my back," Yuji claims, shivering at the thought of one of his friends hooking up with his half-brother.
Chuckling, you place your hand over his in comfort, "Don't worry, Yuji. She's just making jokes, right Nobara?" The ginger rolls her eyes, "About him being attractive? Nope."
You glare, urging her to just resolve the issue.
"Yeah, yeah. That won't happen, relax, Pinky." Nobara sighs, looking at her pedicure without care. Yuji's eye twitches, "I told you to stop calling me Pinky!"
"Well, your hair is pink if you haven't noticed,"
"That's not what I mean!"
You and Megumi sigh, already annoyed with the constant arguing that happens at least once every day. Standing up from your seats and grabbing your bags, you both choose to ignore the bickering friends and decide to head out to focus better.
"They never will stop, will they?" You question, linking arms with the taller boy who shakes his head. "It's funny if you think there's a chance they ever will."
"Hey, don't leave us here!"
As you and Megumi walk away from the cafe, leaving behind the chaos of your friends' arguments, you can't help but laugh at the familiarity of their interactions. Despite the constant bickering, it's clear that your group shares a strong bond.
Megumi holds a ghost of a smile, glancing at you. "They're a handful, but I wouldn't trade them for anything."
You chuckle, "True. It's never a dull moment with them around."
As you stroll across the campus, the conversation shifts to the upcoming party. Megumi, always the reserved one, seems less enthusiastic about the idea of attending a celebration. However, you can't deny a slight sense of curiosity about meeting Yuji's older brother, Choso, in person.
"So, any tips on surviving a party hosted by Gojo?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
Megumi sighs, "Prepare for chaos. Gojo knows how to throw a wild party. Just go with the flow and try not to get involved with any of the members."
Noted, you think.
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⇽ meet the characters | chapter two ⇾
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