#this show doesn't get sad ahahaha right... right?
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Stede doesn't swallow!!! 😡
Spitters are quitters!!!!!! 😩💦
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moku-youbi · 1 month
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in klive context (especially with your find your way home series in mind)
ahahaha. Gonna admit this is tough on me, because I DO ship Five/Lila, and I have basically from the moment she showed up...but any time I try to think of scenarios for potential fic, my brain just NOPES out because Klive is OTP, and I can't stand the thought of Five without his Klaus. (which is why I eventually was like okay, Klaus/Five/Lila...and then because I felt sad leaving Diego out, and because I ship Klaus/Diego and Five/Diego, my brain went WHY NOT ALL FOUR?!)
Let's be clear about a few things though! If this were an established Klive scenario, Five wouldn't have stopped for a second. He probably would've died pretty fast if not for Lila forcing a slowdown, because he would not pause to eat or sleep or drink and he'd get sloppy and delirious fast. This is supposing he'd end up on that subway without Klaus in the first place, though, which would have *never* happened. He wouldn't have allowed Klaus to get shot, or to run off to who knows where in the middle of an emergency situation, and he wouldn't feel the need to distract Klaus or pass him off to Ribbons the Babysitter. They'd be glued at the hip, so you'd either get all three of them on the subway, or just Klive. (to be clear, if it was all 3 of them, I'm totally down with ot3. Klaus would be such a great buffer in there, being so gentle with them both, comforting them, caring for them *le sigh* If Blackman was going to piss everyone off anyway, why not go for broke with incest 3way lmao! Then you could also do away with the AWFUL pointless Klaus storyline full of unnecessary trauma). All that being said, if he'd been in an established relationship with Klaus and somehow they HADN'T been together in the subway? Yeah, never in a million years would he have cheated on Klaus.
I think for me, the disconnect is that he wants to stay there with her, not that he falls in love with her. I don't have trouble believing that. They're already so alike and there's clear affection and a spark of chemistry there. And I think a lot of people miss that 1.) he'd already 'broken up with' Delores in s1 when he returns her to the store and 2.) he's stuck in another apocalypse scenario, and we know his coping mechanisms. + 3.) she was in an unhappy and unfulfilling marriage and 4.) her aggressive positivity and not speaking about her children is *her* coping mechanism. My poly-minded brain is okay with this. He can love her and Klaus and Delores and whoever. She can love him and Diego and whoever.
And I can even see him needing a break. That's what he told Klaus he wanted in s3 after all. He had a few year's downtime, and then suddenly gets put back in this nightmare situation with no end in sight. He's 70. He's tired of just running and fighting *constantly* It makes sense to want to go someplace safe and comfortable and take a breath.
For me the part that doesn't work is as soon as he finds the book. Like it just doesn't work for his character no matter what. I can see him taking a couple of days to come to terms with the fact he's going to lose Lila, but I don't see it lasting *months* That's where the Klive shipper (and Hargreeves OTSiblings) in me is all hell naw! Not only is it unbelievable that he'd abandon his siblings to the apocalypse (like, sure, wanting to get away from the endless chain of end of the world scenarios, fine, but he'd go bring his family BACK with them, then), but we saw with Delores that he let her go because he knew it was what was right and what she needed. He would *never* keep Lila from her children 5 months longer out of selfishness, knowing her anguish over being apart from them for so long, no matter how much he loves her. In fact, it's because he loves her so much that he wouldn't.
And that's what it comes down to, a fundamental misunderstanding of how Five loves, from the writers. It's an interesting blend of selfishness and selflessness, but no matter the cost to him personally, he'll do what is best for his loved ones.
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mislamicpearl · 2 months
Thoughts about Ninjago DR S2 eps 18-20 (finale):
I'll put the summary here so the spoilers can stay hidden. Overall, I think this might be my favorite part of Dragons Rising so far. So many things have been improved upon by leagues from season 1, with the villains being more likable, the setting and plot way more interesting, the new characters growing into their own, no more filler side plots, even the humor is better. While of course it wasn't flawless it is finally making me excited and eager to see the next season, rather than cautious and apprehensive, and not even just because I want to see the OG characters, but because I'm genuinely invested in the new gen ones.
And now for the spoilers:
Lmao Zeatrix went all uwu suddenly with that apology. But it is nice to see she's not an all the way bad person like her sister (maybe). Wonder what she'll do now?
Wyldfyre schooling her on how to apologize was so cute haha. And her suggestion of punishment hilarious. (Also when are we going to get more about how she grew up??)
It's fun seeing Wyldfyre and Arin as a duo together (despite how sad it is that Arin is still rebuffing Sora).
"Normal people lock doors. I was raised by dragons and even I know that." So many good Wyldfyre moments in this episode.
Okay Lloyd is unconscious but Zane and Cole are RIGHT THERE to help you instead Sora, you know they're spinjitzu masters too right? Heck they LITERALLY used to be teachers at one point!
Aw, Frak is a good boy actually, I like him.
The way Sora balanced on her tiptoes at the edge like that was cool haha
When Jordana handed Sora the note with the math equation on it my sister said "Sora, help me with my homework", and for some reason that made me and my other sister crack up so much we had to pause the video.😆
Yeah knew it, Roby was a red herring, of course the old guy who likes tradition is the bad one.🙄
Ahahaha Arin jumping on the exercise ball and it launching away was too real. XD
I'm not a fan of shows making young characters not know what older technology is, so I was glad that Arin called it a rotary phone, BUT it was also funny when Wyldfyre said she still doesn't know what they are because in HER case it actually makes sense.
Also my sisters reminded me that Lloyd, who's likely close to a decade older than Arin, didn't know what a VHS tape is, which makes it even funnier.
Woah woah woah what the heck that evil lair was DISTURBING, bro wants to murder his own nephew!
Love we're still continuing the joke that no one can remember Jordana's name.
Yooooo Lloyd saw Arin betraying him in a vision!😭 This boy is going to get traumatized worse than Wu with Morro.
Oh okay, Cole temporarily got his powers back through the Chekhov's gun mech, sure. I mean it's not the first time characters have gotten their powers back after losing them just through sheer will, and you know what, this isn't even the worst way it's been done, so whatever. Also guess the mech really did belong to Lilly.
Lloyd used wind!!! That feels SO satisfying somehow. Just imagine Morro's reaction if he'd seen. XD
Yikes, freaky mask...
Wyldfyre is a smart cookie with that switcheroo.
Oh my gosh, Cole's reaction to seeing Wu was so sweet, he missed him so much.😭
He really asked if he died omg
Sora's apology to Jordana was so sweet, I hope she heard it all.
Zur is revealed to actually be a very nice guy haha. (Had to search up his name though, seriously why are all the names of the new characters so unintelligible?)
I like that Arin feeling even more betrayed that Lloyd didn't immediately leave Sora's fight to deal with his revelation that Wu caused the merge, felt believable; he's young and already not in a good mental space right now, and mixed with his anger at Sora and not having learned proper spinjitzu from Lloyd, it's no wonder he'd feel especially bitter towards Lloyd not giving him more credence in favor of helping Sora, the new golden child, even if that's not what Lloyd was doing. Like really, Arin's whole "turning to the dark side" arc is written crazy good!
Lmao why was Geo cheering Nokt's win??
Nothing like making sure the audience knows your new protagonist is better than the old ones by having the previous protagonist tell her so. Hey I know that's just Lloyd trying to be a good teacher by encouraging her after her loss but still, that line felt kinda self-indulgent on the writers' part.
What do you know, someone evil took all the powers and stopped you from taking them back with the cup, Roby. Actually, what's the point in giving all the powers to the winner in the end when they're gonna return to their original owners anyway? It's not like they'd need them to fight.
So uhhh was it PLANNED by Nokt and Rox for Sora the tech master to be their final opponent? Cause there's no way they could've known that (especially considering her first match was rigged to sway in her opponent's favor), much less that she would've used her powers to remove the shock collar thingy.
DANG Ras not holding back with that warhammer, that looked painful! XD
Nya came back! Without Jay but I'm glad she's not missing the finale.
Again, Frak is a good boy. He deserved to say that "ninja go"
"I sincerely detest rising dragon" lmao at that line delivery XD
Oh my God Roby, how long does it really take to activate that cup thing?? Stop talking and just do it!
"How did you learn perfect spinjitzu?" "Not from you." BRO I KNOW I WANTED ARIN TO THROW IT IN HIS FACE BUT THAT WAS SO COOOOLD!!😩
Okayyy see Wyldfyre roaring in Roby's face instead of going for the kiss? That's more in character for her and really funny. And Roby just going with it? Very sweet.Still, glad this is going to stay a long distance relationship.
KAAAAIIII! Kai coming to save their butts! Kai soloing Nokt! Kai saying "don't you dare touch her"!!!
Nokt really said he would end Kai with his own daughter's powers, I can't
Love Euphrasia taking out Cinder immediately after they got their powers back. XD Good girl!
I really felt Lloyd and Sora's heartbreaking cries for Arin, it's just like seeing a father and daughter losing their son/brother.😭
Awwww the group hug tackle on Kai!
But... I'm a little disappointed Kai and Cole couldn't get their own moment together, since they're reuniting for the first time after the merge.
Aww but the Cole and Bonzle hug was cute.
Look, I don't dislike Sora as a character or anything, but calling her the "greatest elemental master of the merged realms" isn't sitting right with me. She only won by default against Nokt, without even knowing rising dragon technique, and probably would've lost to Frak too if he hadn't had a change of heart. The entire tournament was purposefully written so that she'd be the winner; Nya would've beaten Nokt if Blekt hadn't cheated, and Lloyd was disqualified for being injured, not even to speak again of how Zane was taken out like garbage for no reason in the first round, without it even having been rigged like Cole's game was. Maybe this wouldn't bother me so much if Sora wasn't designed to look so obviously appealing to the "new gen" crowd with her pink-haired catgirl thing going on, I mean she looks just like an overly designed fan OC, but the fact that she's a child genius, and always being told by others how amazing she is - except of course by the people who were completely wrong about her and were getting in the way of her potential - and now being celebrated as "the best" mostly by circumstance... is kinda making her dangerously close to becoming a special snowflake in my book.
Oh hey it's Frohicky lol. Can't say I really felt his absence.🤷‍♀️
Love that Kai promised Nya they'd find Jay together, best big brother for real.
Lloyd already putting Arin's picture up like he departed, what is it with these ninja overreacting 🤣
*chants* ev-il Ar-in ev-il Ar-in!
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thousand-winters · 2 months
Dear pal I hope you & the cats are doing well! 💖 For the blorbo bingo how about Darius for you too haha! And if you want Izutsumi from dungeon meshi and Teruhashi from tdlosk (I haven't seen tdlosk yet but I know your takes will be good 👍)
Hello, friend!!! 💖 The cats are being very rowdy lately, but that means they're doing good haha.
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I love this man so much it ain't even funny. Beautifully designed, I don't call people/characters "hot" often, but he's the exception to my rules, just look at him, he's so hot ahahaha. Beautiful man all around, I'm very normal about the fanart of him.
I'm feral about him, as you already know ahaha. He needs so much therapy, honestly, and I'm both still upset we didn't get the planned amount of screentime for him and somewhat grateful we still got so much of him since it makes for such a fun time exploring the possibilities with him.
Darius Deamonne, you will always have a place in my heart for as long as I breathe.
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My friend told me I would like her before I even started watching so I was SO excited to get to her and she did not disappoint.
I think I'm probably yet to know more in depth about her since I have been spoiled a bit about the manga events but I haven't taken it up yet, whoops. I'm a bit bad keeping up with manga but I fully intend to at some point.
In any case she's really so fun. I love how the way in which she acts and reacts isn't just that she's partially a cat and very much acts like it haha, she just seems to have a lot going on as well, which doesn't really help with the trust issues all around. She's wet, sad and pathetic in the way all cats are and I love that about her.
She's probably not getting that much of a peaceful time all things considered but I'm rooting for her. If you didn't want to get incorporated into the found family, Izutsumi, you should have murdered them before eating their food.
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Oh, Teruhashi, nobody gets you like I do (well, certainly not the haters at least).
I can't even say I disliked her at first because she was so funny to me. Girlie shows up onscreen for the first time and goes "yes, I'm the specialest girl on Earth", what's not to like? She's just really fun and she's right, which makes it even better.
I didn't mark it and now I'm regretting it but she's a bit of a sopping wet cat too sometimes lmao. Sobbing wailing losing it over her crush. This is so clearly the first time this happens to her and it's so fucking funny but also very compelling. Girl who is used to being in control of how she uses the way in which she's perceived is confronted with an autistic guy who doesn't emote and she can't read him. Rip.
Honestly her situation is so horrific once you look past the comedy aspect tho, which is the case for most of these characters so I think she needs comfort, lots of therapy and a good support system. She's halfway through that with her friends group at least but she's sooo gonna crash once she has some realizations about her life.
I love her so much, people who hate her can't see the vision but she's perfect in all the ways that matter.
Thanks for the ask!!! From this ask game
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whenthechickencry · 8 months
Umineko EP6. Replay Part 2
Rosa still has conflicted feelings about Maria's dad.... which is quite sad. You are in your entire right to hate him Rosa common, but she hates herself so damaging her is ultimately something she can forgive.
These scenes make me sigh out loud so often. It wasn't a trial of love Rosa. You never deserved it and you are never going to get rewarded for it. It's just so sad to me to see how stuck she is.... but like she says she doesn't have the privilege to just forget. She has Maria and her debt as constant reminders. "If she was able to succeed in paying back the loan, ...he might acknowledge her usefulness as wife" God damn it Rosa aaaaa.....
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Rosa talks about how she sees Kyrie as an inspiration... after 18 years of waiting in hell her miracle succeeded. Of course, as we just saw, Kyrie is not in fact remotely happy. I think it's easy when you are in a shitty situation to see someone who is, from your perspective, just doing slightly better than you with jealously or goals, because truly happy people don't trigger admiration, they trigger resentment and sadness, since true happiness seems so impossible to you.
Again, the way the Umineko women always see themselves or other women to blame for their misfortune, and not the actual men literally doing it, is so sad. Rosa would rather see herself at fault and hate herself than put the entire blame on the man who caused this. Rosa then talks about how she feels guilty about dragging Maria to hell with her and wishes she was dead.
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Zepar Furfur and co start talking about how winning or dying during love is better than staying in between. In other words, you either get with the person you want or you kill that love or else you will suffer, as Sayo did as well. Also, narration describes her youth as the most blissful part of her life... hahahaahah ahhaa ahahaha..... god damn it that's so sad. Diplomatic Immunity? In other words, Kanon is a fictional character in Mariage Sorciere, so he is not allowed to attack other members of it. I forgot how blatant they were here.
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Shannon jumps in and still can't attack Maria directly but just kind of crushes Shannon to death with her barrier. Also she needs permission from Maria and she's like "oh this will fuck with Erika" so it can be read as the fake murder plan being explained to Maria, if taken out of meta, haha. Beatrice chooses Natsuhi monologues about how uh, the misogyny her mom faced gives her strength to face the misogyny from Krauss when Beatrice begins immediately talking about the baby she couldn't bear(....). Narration makes the argument she is choosing this because she thinks she made Battler's life hell but uh, no I think there is a simpler reason. She wants her own answers. Beatrice, the human, possesses a weakness to mirror, meaning that isn't part of the Beatrice mythology, the was before meaning Sayo hates seeing her face in the mirror....
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Something about how Natsuhi is wielding the mirror - the representation of Sayo's self-hatred and damaging her with it, and how Natsuhi launched the wheels of fate that eventually ended up with Sayo's own fucked up views about herself.... Beatrice was about to lose in her love trial, the part of Sayo that loved Battler was about to go extinct..... when he suddenly comes at the moment that fills her with the most self-doubt in her head.
Battler realizes grooming is bad, it's at least good to see how fast he realized he was hurting her and changes his behavior compared to the other 5 games of torture.
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Hachijo and Ange have a talk about how often love is repeated on the tale and how it almost certainly means something - in other words please don't ignore all of these scenes and look into the deeper reasons, why Kanon can't attack Sakutarou, why only one of Shannon/Kanon/Beatrice can find love, why Beatrice doesn't like mirrors, etc. It is the thickest book of answers by now. Erika was literally sleeping through it which maybe shows why her answers suck and why she's kind of a shitty detective. Erika is stripped of the identity she so treasures in order to go along with Bernkastel's trap to screw Battler over.... something she clearly doesn't want to do but. Ange and Featherine really are giving reading comprehension 101 classes lmfao.
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Dlanor and Erika lay it pretty thick that the issue with Erika last game was that she didn't check the corpses, aka they were playing dead, Dlanor warns Erika that her eyes can e fooled now so Erika knows she needs to murder everyone later. Haha, I mean, yeah.
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The fact this game wouldn't incorporate Sayo's truth at all and would be pretty easy to see through if Bernkastel and Erika didn't get up to their tricks.... yeah that was definitely an intentional play on Battler's part. It wouldn't be a game to prove that he understood the game if he never played with something that required his knowledge of Beatrice, you know? So the fact that the solution after being 'tricked' by Erika DOES require that.... They were 'culprits' aka co-conspirators in the plan, but still, he probably could have gotten away with that red truth -it would just be a little unfair.
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How much the narrative talks about Erika controlling the narrative because of this and that.... it's really funny to think all of them are only listening to her bc they are doing an epic prank on her.
This scene is really tender.... the roles are reversed and Battler is waiting for a miracle, which as we know will happen in this game, actually. So unlike the harrowing versions of this scene that were Beatrice trying to coach Battler it feels a lot more positive and tender. Also sets up that Battler probably did the logic error in order to bet on Beatrice solving it for him...
Bern makes it obvious she really, really, hates Beatrice specifically and starts her fooling Battler plan.
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They start acting really obviously when Battler gets into the room, haha, Erika starts playing the poor little victim that just needs some help card, and Bernkastel uh, honestly acts around the same she's being extremely abusive but that's normal for her she's just using harsher words and less mental manipulation.
Dlanor is actually the one that lays down the trap.... which ends up being a trap for Erika and Bernkastel you know but.
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Erika: Thank you so much for assisting with my performance
Bernkastel: ...Plus I wasn't acting.
Damn. Bernkastel just like nw i was abusing youf for reals lol, bye. Dlanor berates Battler for such a fatal move... it's very fatal for Erika alright.
Jessica talks about how it would be nice if everyone's love could be fulfilled and Zepar and Furfur mention the Golden Land.... George rejects it harshly and Battler speaks of it on a sort of sad note, it is sad that's what Sayo ended up choosing for herself...
The room splitting begins and Erika walks to her tomb throughout all of this,,, kind of sad to have Battler acknowledge her skills when she's walking into the biggest mistake of her life.
That's uh - flying a little close to the sun Battler! Like yes that's what happened but that's a very big hint!
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Erika can't help but start gloating as soon as Battler was forced to say everyone, even when, again, that will be her downfall.... everything she does in this episode is leading to her failure it's kind of sad to see.
Yeah, pieces such as Sayo and her characters.... he's foreshadowing the move he will pretend to be the thing that 'saves' him from the logic error already.
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Ange and Featherine start explaining what a Logic Error is. Ange starts freaking out and Featherine can point he can just change the trick... which is what he's going to do after a while, actually, but in a4d chess way. Oh no, she is Lambda, you have far too much faith in her, Battler is betting on Erika to be a smug loser and she absolutely is a smug loser. Lambda kind of shits on him for playing with luck, which he absolutely is, but it's consistent with how Erika acts, so....
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Battler denies Battler not being anywhere in the room, that fucks up his trick so of course he is going to force her to look before he says anything. Erika makes the fatal mistake of trying to be smug and leave the closet for last in order to own Battler in a fancy way which is going to be her downfall. Erika gets epically pranked, giving Kanon plenty of time to jump into the room and for Battler to set up his Logic Error-Redemption and be saved by Kanon. Battler confirms he was betting on this exact course of action.....
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Battler begins talking about hoping for the greatest miracle. Just as Beatrice had trapped herself in an endless torture game in order to get Battler to realize an answer, it is time for Battler to set up endless torture on himself to guide Beatrice to the answer....
Lambdadelta can't help but warn Battler against locking himself in endless torture haha.... there's a reason why they get the power of certainty in EP8!
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Battler talks about his games with Beatrice and tells Beatrice that believing will bring about a miracle, in other words, Battler is now Beatrice and Beatrice is now Battler. Erika is so fucking Normal in this scene.... she's so scared that there won't be a logic error haha.... she's just fucking squirming here.
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We do the fake fanfare with even Ange joining in, and then Bern and Erika cut him out... also we have a monologue of Lambda being impressed by Battler and accepting defeat. Which is kind of funny as 1. it's crashing down 2. the real miracle hasn't been summoned. These guys are playing so many layers of tricks lmfao. Erika reveals she killed everyone after this.
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I do think Battler's disgust at this was probably a bit real though - I am not sure he would enjoy his prank game being turned into a real murder case especially since he's probably trying to come to terms with his family as complete people ala what he was doing in EP8 for Ange but for himself. Even if he suspected it was coming.
Erika is cute when she's excited and happy that her murder and torture plan came through.
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Battler is prompting Beatrice to create the answer - I don't really believe Battler can't figure this out on his own. If you already understand the logic that Kanon and Shannon can be there while not physically being there due their nature, it's not hard to extend that logic.
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Beato swears he will come to save Battler, and Battler has to wait for his thousand years for the miracle.
We get a ton of details on Sayo as a person here, actually, and Lambda is a sweety and can't help but help someone waiting with certainty for the impossible.
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"I still believe he will come back"..... obviously, the love trial is currently representing the years in between Battler leaving. Hahaha, yeah, ahahaha.
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Faetherine plays the role of R07 to a very annoyed reader-ange. Also, it's kind of impressive how even smaller lines like this work so well. Neither Takano nor Satoko counted the years during their hell. Rika, of course, wasn't the game master of Higurashi.... a lot of this went over my head when I first played because I hadn't played Higurashi before.
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They don't have a lot of nice things to say about Hanyuu in this house, it seems.... Hanyuu is a very interesting character with a fucked up relationship to Rika, as well, but that's not really for right now...
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This scene is so interesting as an exploration of trauma from all parties.... Erika shoots back at Lambdadelta for this by saying it's not that time spent in hell but the depth of that hell that counts, and that her hell is no less meaningful than hers, their hell was escapable, her hell isn't. She can only accept the truth but can never escape it. She brings up Bernkastel's past to her and she snaps and Erika pities her for having to always be escaping her hell and never being able to accept it....
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Erika monologues about how much she will enjoy being the one defiling Battler and Beatrice by getting in between them instead of being the one that is being defiled.... Would suck to hear that if, say, the person you love disappeared entirely from your life, wouldn't it. If Battler isn't coming it's because Sayo doesn't have enough love.
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Zepar and Furfur hammer more that the love trial is the hint that we are getting and Shannon and Kanon decide to have the duel, Zepar/Furfur point out that they thought George Jessica would have the duel - but obviously, the one with the body, Sayo, has to make the actual choice. No one else can make that choice for her. God this scene has such a feel.... just the tense feeling leading to the duel, the hints they are dropping such as Sayo's age.... ......
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If they both die, both of their loves will be made complete... and it's very sad to think of how Sayo must have felt to reach that answer....
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Gaap, Ronnove, and Ronove reconstruct the locked room, and Gaap says "It doesn't matter who's here. We need to find out how to escape" which is.... exactly wrong. We get the red truth confirming that Kanon's room window was in fact intact. They use bureaucracy to dodge Gaap's questioning about Shannon's room window seals, which the answer won't, technically, use.
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Featherine blurts out the answer after saying she doesn't have it, ahaha. Featherine points out this solution will reveal the heart to Beatrice's heart and may never be used again.
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Bern bets on the fact Erika will win because Battler wouldn't use a trick that reveals so much of Beato's heart and Lambda calls her naive and affirms that Battler will lay her to rest. The fact Battler is being sold off as property and literally being forced to serve Erika until the end of time with the ring exchange is very interesting to me. Zepar and Furfur giving talks about how incredible love is is very ironic here, In other words, Sayo needs to let go of their personas and become one, full person in order to be loved and to love.... the wording of sub-human still makes me sad even if I know what is meant though.
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Furfur and Zepar really are hammering the answers though.... The fact Kanon loses of course represents that Sayo had already chosen George over Jessica.... and that Battler fucked things upby coming back. Jessica's cries are so sad.... Chick-Beato was so close to disappearing.... so close to being able to move on.... and yet....Reading Sayo's monologue on why she created Beatrice is so sad "You are to love him in my place, and if fate allows it, be loved by him."
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
!!!! fellow oi reader hello!! may i ask what ois you've read so far sorry for being so straightforward it's just that hardly anybody i know reads oi and it's kinda embarrassing for me ahahaha
gepard feels like he'll fit in so much as either the personal knight trope or captain of the king's guards. stelle could also be the personal knight i guess? but the kind where 'villainess needs somebody on their side so they take in a foreign traveler in to be their maid/knight/personal aide', except said foreign traveler happens to rifle through the trash of everything.
jing yuan already feels like the emperor in hsr, he's just so perfectly regal in that sense. yanqing could be like the captain for jing yuan's guards, or his (adopted) heir who first (sibling-like relationship) meets and bonds with the reader without yanqing or reader knowing each other's true rank.
will there be a magic system? there is the 'mischievous/sly wizard of the tower' position that could go to sampo. i know you'll probably only write for the characters you listed so i'm deviating because i have so much brainrot about this right now, but i'm imagining march 7th also as a novice wizard/magician who's a friend of stelle. herta would also definitely be a wizard of the tower, probably would own/be the head of it. himeko feels so much like the ally duchess/marchioness character, with welt being another duke/marquess (or himeko's adoptive father if you're into honkai impact 3rd lore) or even royal advisor maybe.
blade as the cold duke of the north fits so well - sad backstory, red eyes, dark hair, slightly unhinged personality - a perfect match! dan heng could be the 'mysterious librarian who was the only neutral/slightly sympathetic person to the reader, but also never helped them outright in the first life'. friends with march and stelle, of course. speaking of second lives...
will the reader be reincarnated with a 2nd chance at life fix-it story, with the previous memories of the original timeline's bad ending and character actions? there's so much potential for angst if any of the characters betrayed her or weren''t on her side originally and the reader doesn't know who to trust nor like or love.
sorry for this word vomit, please don't feel pressured, it's just that i love your idea and i've gotten so hooked on hsr!!
( ↀДↀ)✧ GASP (=^✧ェ✧^=))ノ彡☆ HELLO FELLOW OI READER !!!!! HOW ARE YOU ???? I feel the SAME way, hardly anyone I know reads ois or manhwas of any kind so I'm stuck in my own little visual novel enjoying corner (≅ᆽ≅)
I've read tons!! I don't have my full list on me rn (I am at work ;m;) but I can name a few off the top of my head! some of these are less isekai and more reincarnation/time travel, but I'll list them anyways! I'll put them beneath the cut along with my comments on your ideas since it gets pretty long LOL
my next life as a villainess: all routes lead to doom, the villainess turns the hourglass, a stepmother's märchen/fantasie of a stepmother, who made me a princess, actually I was the real one, I fell into the world of a reverse harem game, death is the only ending for the villainess, I will master this family, the tyrant wants to be good, lady and the beast, taming of the tyrant, roxana/how to protect the heroine's older brother, the rebirth of a tyrannical empress, sister in this life I'll be the queen, the duchess' 50 tea recipes, father I don't want this marriage, how to be a dark hero's daughter, the villainess is a marionette, and many, many MANY more.
this is actually only a small part of my list! again, I am at work, so I don't have my full (and unfortunately sorta not updated) manhwa list, but I think this is a good show of what I usually read lol!
I'll start on your comments from the top! FIRST OFF, SAME BRAIN!!! (=♡ ᆺ ♡=) while gepard is kind of a shoe-in for the personal knight that falls for the mc, I was ABSOLUTELY hooked on the idea stewing in my brain about stelle being a knight of some sort as well, with the only conflict being "well there can't be TWO personal friendly knights that love reader..." BUT THE IDEA ABOUT HER BEING THE TROPE OF THE FOREIGN TRAVELER/BEGGAR WITH SWORDSMANSHIP TALENT TO BE THEIR KNIGHT IS ABSOLUTELY GENIUS I BOW TO YOUR BRILLIANT MIND!!!!!!!!! OR MAYBE SHES LIKE A DEPOSED NOBLE WHO READER GIVES A CHANCE TO *:・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=)*:・゚✧
I agree on jing yuan, and I think that idea sounds rlly cute for yanqing!!! (=´ᆺ`=)
I LOVE your sampo idea too. I kinda get lucas vibes from who made me a princess minus the maliciousness and adding 100x more sleazy swindly-type guy vibes, he's totally a bastard when it comes to provoking the other love interests behind ur back... the march 7th idea is cute too! I could also see her as reader's maid! and yes herta 100% head mage of the tower thats so real...
I am not mega into hi3 lore but I DO know about the dynamic between welt and himeko!!! I would love her to have a role like duchess tuania in remarried empress, a master of the social world who aides the reader. maybe welt is her adoptive father and she's trying to earn his trust to take over the duchy, and she thinks he won't pass it on to her, but little does she know he thinks she's more than capable and is making plans to give the duchy to her soon!!!
BLADE RLLY IS A SHOE-IN FOR THE DUKE OF THE NORTH HUH... that guy covers all the bases. "the monster duke" of the rumors... I think that's def what his position will be. for dan heng, ONCE AGAIN YOUR BRAIN IS HUGE!! the quiet, scholarly-type ML who helps the reader in business dealings or things requiring an analyst type to help, like maybe information gathering... I think having him run an information guild as the trope goes would be a Bit much for dan heng since I don't see him as much of a leader in that sense, but I think he's definitely got connections to some underground info guilds (=`ﻌ´=) maybe he is friends w stelle and march as you say, and he is a lower ranked noble who knew stelle and helps the reader as thanks for giving his friend a chance? :o cold, but he cares!!!
I would love 2 hear your ideas for kafka if you have any!!! you have such amazing ideas anon!!!!
as for the reincarnation thing, I'm still not 100% sure yet but I DO like that idea... I love the mc going from villain/ridiculed noble to execution to reincarnating and either taking revenge on those who wronged them, making their life better (and by extension the lives around them who they care for), or both!
thank you again for the wonderful ask!!! you should totally send another one any time!!! I look forward to hearing more of ur thoughts, oi anon!!!! (≗ᆽ≗)ノ
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Ngl, Scara does it on purpose. It’s punishment for making him leave puppet reader’s side even if it’s not for a terribly long time. Traveler’s lucky he doesn’t go further. He gotta get as much loving as possible before he has to leave, ya know? Scara gets grumpier the longer he’s away from them. It does get slightly better if Albedo is there since they can chat about stuff and puppet reader’s condition. Nahida and Zhongli also soothe the tensions pretty well.
A mini series on puppet reader and the adventures they have with the archons? Zhongli and puppet reader basically having a “take your kid to work day” and he shows puppet reader what he does at the funeral parlor *cue Hu Tao*. Nahida and puppet reader just chilling and being cool as they hang out with their other friends. If they are Inazuma, puppet reader having to take care of Ei is pretty funny. She can’t cook and Scara has been feeding puppet reader for centuries so the question is if puppet reader slowly acquires skills to cook or if they gotta hunt for someone instead. Venti might take them to Angel’s Share and it’s just a stark difference between them and the atmosphere in there. Puppet reader just watching Venti let loose.
Going with Kouta for the name, puppet reader likely refers to the dusk bird as “the child” or “child” too. Just gotta hammer in the whole first born thing. Tighnari finds puppet reader’s behavior to be absolutely delightful. Given how their life turned out, puppet reader might have the Marie Kondo way of thinking and treat their items with a lot of care.
I got Childe and Gorou and I will have to leave Yae in the dust for puppet reader’s husband. But it is pretty interesting how Ei electrocuted Tomo and then Yae fried puppet reader and then Scara unintentionally yeeted Tighnari. Like, clearly it’s electro users with a connection to Ei who are menaces. These electro immortals, man. I will build Thoma because he threw a spear at the Shogun to protect the Traveler. That’s bestie behavior.
Ah, maybe it’s Albedo who paints Scara and puppet reader’s wedding portrait since I get the feeling they’re that married couple with it hanging right in the entry way.
Bloom anon
(previous post) Doesn't go further hehe that's what I thought too- he needs kisses that compensates the length of time he's gone, but he phrases it the other way around so he doesn't look desperate, although it's true both ways. Scara would be the type of teammate to force them to move on, move fast since day 1 so the expedition shortens as much as possible
The only way to ease his nerves indeed is to pair him up with familiar faces like Albedo and the others! I also have a sad thought, angst perspective of Scaramouche leaving after listening to the song Ikanaide (Don't Go)
Omayghad I forgot about Venti I don't think Scara would like that ahahaha but hell yeah archon hangout! Zhongli would like to immerse them with all of Liyue culture but I also like to think he would like to introduce them to the other adepti, and maybe even the place where the archons from before would get together to see if he can make them remember the times they attend with Makoto.
Nahida organizing a day of play and games that she's always wanted to play with others, even perhaps a bazaar set up for reader to look around with her. And yes, puppet reader can cook simple dishes like Scaramouche but I'm sure they would bond over simple dango while overlooking the view of Narukami island. Maybe they go out together for one of the Yashiro commission's festivals because they both need time outside lol
They call Kouta "our child" when talking to Scara to encourage him to like the dusk bird too. I dunno why it feels fluffy to imagine Scara with Kouta perched on his hat, his shoulder, his fingertips awwwee Puppet Reader gets a new title from Other Lord to Master Craftsman (omayghad they play Minecraft)
Fuck I forgot about Tomo ahahdhshha well Puppet Reader canonically fried someone so indeed, they are a happy family of cooks <33 And fair, Thoma deserves that much at least. And yes, Albedo would draw it for free for his dear artificial friends, it's propped up on a table in front of their house seal which you see after opening the first silk screen door, and a tiny one that Scara can put inside the omamori his spouse gave him yess
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lumine-no-hikari · 9 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #5
As predicted, the mild sniffles I had yesterday are just about gone today! But also, since I got my immunity to The Plague boosted, I'm just a little bit tired. But that's okay. Unpleasant things are often only temporary, and if you leverage them right, you can weave unpleasant things into good things in the future - good things like temporary immunity to The Plague, in this case! Ahahaha~!
Though I'm a bit tired, I still had enough energy to strain the broth today! Check it out:
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It looks a lot better now, doesn't it? I'm pretty pleased with how the color turned out! And my house still smells AMAZING after letting it simmer for a day and a half. Right now, it's in the fridge to let any fats rise to the surface and solidify. Later, I'll scoop out the fats, incorporate them into some flour, and then incorporate the flour into the rest of the broth; the result will be a very smooth, rich consistency that is good for a variety of things!
I thought I would have energy to get it all done today, but I don't; all that squishing of the excess water out of the scraps and back into the pot has left my arms and hands super tired, because unlike you, my body is kinda weak and noodley, hahaha!
So instead, I decided to make myself some tea and relax a bit. I make tea a lot, and so by now, I have what I like down to a science! I'll show you:
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This is my tea thermos! It holds 34 oz of fluid (or about 1 liter, if metric is more your speed)! This morning while I was doing my things, I was delighted to find a box of apricot tea that I thought I had lost! So I made some, and added 2 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon of honey, and 3/4ths of a cup of milk to it! After a lot of experimenting in the past, I found that this is the tea-sweetener-milk ratio that is ideal for my body's sensory hardware; someone else might have a different ratio that is better for them, and that is good too!
I wish I could make a mug of tea for you. But... when is the last time you've had tea, anyway? Do you even like tea? I ask because not everyone does, and that's all right. Maybe you'd prefer coffee? Or juice? Maybe even some kind of fizzy drink? Or just plain water? I wonder...
If you do like tea, I wonder which kind you like best! In my world, we have an overwhelming number of different kinds of tea - thousands and thousands of them! Lots of them use the leaves of camellia sinensis, but others use different kinds of herbs, fruits, and whatever else people can think of! Often, people will blend various different things together to come up with entirely new teas! The folks of my world are astoundingly creative, and so there's almost no limit to the number of very beautiful and very delicious things that exist here! I wish I could show them all to you!
In particular, there was this one kind of tiramisu tea that a company called Teavana used to make, back when it still existed. This was my favorite tea until it ceased to exist; I've not found any other suitable substitute quite yet. It had black tea leaves, blended with bits of dried coffee, chocolate, and mascarpone cheese, amongst other things. It was really good all on its own, but if you added just a touch of milk and sugar to it, it became unbelievably decadent, oh my goodness!! I wish I could give you a mug of this stuff! Alas, at this point, it only exists in the memories of the people who used to enjoy it, as far as I know. But I can show you a picture of what it used to look like! Here:
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I hope you get to enjoy tea again soon if it's something that you like; I can't imagine that The Edge of Creation is especially well-stocked with anything that would offer comfort, nourishment, or joy to a living creature, ahaha...
...It's actually really sad to think about you being over there because of that. I have no doubt that you must have seen some astounding and hauntingly beautiful things during your time over there - surely much of it is stuff that I can't even begin to fathom. But a world without things like soup, tea, macaroni and cheese, soaps that smell nice, warm fluffy towels, blanket forts, and people to enjoy stuff like this with... it seems rather empty to me. Or maybe you have a different perspective?
Maybe someday, those of my world will be blessed to hear you tell us about what your experiences over there have been like and what you've learned along the way. Maybe you could tell us about it over tea and snacks, even! Wouldn't that be so nice?
Please come back to us safe and sound so that such a thing could occur, if to do such a thing with us would be a source of relief, comfort, and joy for you. And if that doesn't sound like a good time to you, then please come back to us safe and sound anyway, because you're still loved and important, even if tea and conversation, as a concept, might seem overwhelming or uninteresting to you - you don't have to perform for others or do what they want in order to be cared about exactly as you are.
Until next time.
Your friend, Lumine
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฎแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep 8
I really, really enjoyed this finale. I'll have to rewatch with subs at some point, at least in parts, because some of the details were lost on me (what was that new case of Chaan's about?), but I'm looking forward to it. I hope we get more queer shows out of One31 going forward -- can Organ and Sylvie get a spinoff, maybe? aaah I'll keep dreaming. Anyway! The live blog.
Six days late, but I'm watching this! I'm very sad that this is going to be over. Excited, too, though. Alright, going in.
WHAT THE FUCK is this cold open with the flashback in the moment of death type scene
Oh no, going to pay respect to his mum before he goes join her, huh.
ooooh is Maayaa going to broadcast whatever confession Rose catches at that warehouse live during her announced live? I BET she is and that's such a smart move, can't make something tens of thousands of followers saw unseen
this house remains an abomination
oh god Nawin please shut up
asdfasdf of course they're gonna punch each other about it
pick up the gd necklace, that's a tripping hazard or something
oh baby, crying in business class, huh
well that knot came apart easily
rescuing our lovers solidarity, huh
YIKES those boinks to the head with that thing would've had a pretty decent chance of killing the dudes if this were real
hahaha of course Chaan planted stuff. Let's hope this plays out as he hoped. can hardly believe Thatthep is this dumb, though on the other hand …
… oh god is Tinn going to ruin this take. He IS, isn't he.
I am SO nervous, goodness
he's pretttty convincing
250k viewers is pretty incredible
WOW this dude is cold as ice
ahahaha of COURSE someone was going to tell them this was getting streamed and they REALLY should've seen that coming
just put the freaking doll away and HIDE ffs Chaan
Tinn to the rescue
you fuckers, RUN
what are you doing
oh ffs Tinn don't RUSH the guy with the gun, and you, Chaan, don't just STAND there ffs
yeah that … was going to happen and I sure hope he's wearing body armour of some sort
how many shots does this thing HAVE??
hey. hate to interrupt but thatthep is still RIGHT THERE and ARMED
ROSE <3 <3 <3 I love her so much oh my GOD
okay everyone here is useless, why hasn't anyone called an ambulance
also I feel like Tinn should've been able to FEEL the body armour but w/e
so did they pull Thaenthai off the plane or what
adsfasdfasdasdf oh no he was being that passenger but I guess it's all for the best, huh
over the top and overdramatic, 10/10 no notes
asdfasdfasf Chaan being a BRAT because he can
asdfasdfasd of COURSE she'd be like "this is a HOSPITAL"
oh poor baby, your dad doesn't even want to see you in this situation, huh
and he said it himself
man I feel bad for Thaenthai.
offering Chaan "everything/anything" is a dangerous thing, Tinn
Tinn is so cute in his slow realisations. yes it's sorta overacted. no I don't care.
oh no this is so cheesy (I love it) 😂
(it's a northern song!)
a proposal! wow. you've not even lived together yet! you only know his regular bad habits, not the living together ones! AND THEY'RE SHADING THE LEGAL SITUATION I love them
god they are ADORABLE
oh no, shovel talk!!!
asdfsdfasd TINN 😂😂😂
aaah the wlw mlm solidarity we love to see
I really dislike proposal and marriage plots but I'll give it to them, this admit this is cute
Nawin 😂
MORE shovel talk, oh no
oh, perfect drowning opportunity!
… is Thatthep trying to be a big man even in prison? I was so sure they'd ostracise him for killing a kid
ffs someone shut this dude up already (let it be Thee)
… oh WOW yikes ouch
I kinda hate that it was this was something Chaan probably set up. Not a fan of people making third parties get their hands dirty for revenge
awwww Thaen
whatcha gonna do with all this, hm? sell the house, get an apartment somewhere, be happy with Thee?
I really wanted for them to get to kiss, but you know what? these hugs are so heartfelt, I'll take them
oh Tinn, don't do that to yourself
look at grandma! look at Tinn with that ridiculous oversized bow tie!
Chaan subscribing to the "sun's out guns out" philosophy of fashion even on his wedding day, I see
ah, so he does have a jacket
oh they look good. hair and make-up on POINT
I have opinions on the set-up of this but there's a time and place for salt and this is probably not it
I like the "noise fades away and they're in their own world" of this love Sylvie's singing voice, godDANG
oh, Rose, looking at her all in love <3
Win 😅
of course they watch wuxia. probably domestically produced ones, too. incredible.
oh god I love them
aaaaaah can Rose and Maya kiss, too? for me?
god Chaan's "I'm so lucky" in love eyes. Film's expression here is so different from Thian's in-love-face and I love both of them.
PRODUCT PLACEMENT hello. I want twenty of those but also this REALLY shows the age of the intended target audience
ahaha Chaan back on the job, stirring shit. I love him.
oh my goodness, Chaan actually said it
this is reaching PatPran levels of interruption
I love them
I guess that was supposed to be cute but I couldn't see it as anything but overstepping, sorry, Tinn
oh, I love these long shots
… and that finaly second of that shot was 100% Film turning to the camera like "are we done yet" 😂
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deafmangoes · 2 years
So the spouse and I recently finished watching all of the original Captain Scarlet - the one with the puppets and the incredibly high on-screen body count for a "kids' show".
And I tell ya, I have theories. If I can get them into any sort of coherence I'll probably post them, but for starters:
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This man is a gay icon and - I'm pretty sure - Lieutenant Green's dad. I will elaborate.
I am aware that Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's stated backstory for Charles Grey (his actual name) is that he's a widower whose wife died possibly in childbirth - but where's the fun in respecting canon?
White is exceptionally Dad-like to the whole Spectrum team; even to the point where, during the penultimate episode*, he pulls Captain Scarlet in during an emotional life and death situation and tells him to get a haircut.
Throughout the entire run, he just gave me the strongest vibe of a very "straight gay (yet catty and sarcastic)" father figure who had seen some shit and thrown hands in the past. Again, referring to his backstory, he was a rebel leader against a tyrannical British government, helping to overthrow it, and then became not only the youngest fleet admiral on record but retired to head up the London branch of the 'Universal Secret Service', becoming a feared spycatcher.
I imagine that under this tyrannical government, a lot of LGBTQ+ rights were repressed, which has led to his particular attitude (as perhaps an artefact of the show being made in the 60s, he really gave me the vibe of someone forced to live in the closet for much of his life, who now doesn't give a fuck).
Speaking of giving a fuck. He's Lieutenant Green's dad. Perhaps this happened during a time of indiscretion after the death of his wife, before he fully came out of the closet, I don't know, he might just be bisexual! But he's definitely Green's dad, and Green doesn't know this.**
I base this theory solely on how overly protective he is of Green, even more so than the rest of Spectrum. He refuses to let Green go into the field except under duress, keeps him literally within eyeshot at all times at the communications desk, and goes far softer on him than his peers.
Incidentally, the show takes place in 2069 of what we can assume to be an alternate history where architects think that a "car park" consisting of one giant spiral concrete entrance/exit looming over London is a good idea - but assuming for a second that the divergence point is still in our future, and that Colonel White is in his fifties during the show, that means he would have been born in the last decade.
And that the UK becomes a fascist dictatorship as if that would ever happen lol ahahaha i made myself sad
Anyway. Yeah. Colonel White is the best character in the show. I'd follow him into certain death against an immortal and unkillable enemy any day of the week.
*This episode is revealed to be All A Dream but I have no reason to believe everyone in it was acting at all out of character.
**I know that in the CGI remake Green is not only gender-flipped but also there's an episode where she has to literally kill her own father, but that's clearly a different universe.
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AHAHAHAHAHA 😐 a live of a SeaWorld show just showed up on my fyp and sometimes I am not strong enough to resist a little bit of rage bait and now I'm enraged. The dude on the live was like "lol all you losers have to say is watch blackfish but you don't even know the facts" AHAHAHA. 😐. Bitch fight me i dare you. And people in the comments were saying it's sad how their dorsal fins are flopped over and it's a sign of depression (not exactly right but not exactly wrong) and someone else said it's just cartilage & cartilage doesn't have emotions. AHAHAHAH 😐 are you literally so stupid (yes). Next time you get nauseous from anxiety i will tell you that your stomach doesn't have emotions. And someone else said DiD tHe OrCaS tElL yOu ThAt ThEyRe DePrEsSeD well actually yes they did. I don't understand the science around the blood tests enough to bring that up so I won't but they do exist when the orcas are literally committing suicide and extreme self harm YEAH they did tell me they're depressed. I'm just not too DUMB and SELFISH to listen to them oops who said that
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archangel-izayoi · 3 years
Diabolik Lovers - Bloodlust (Laito Sakamaki x Vampire! OC)
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Laito: You already know the warnings for my show... because of the biting and things... just how I like it, reader-chan~
Anyways, enjoy the oneshot...~
Maria was roaming around the garden of the Sakamaki Mansion, admiring the rose bushes, as something caught her attention. There was one crimson rose planted with the lavender ones. It looked odd, but beautiful...
She went to that rose and gazed at it with pity, before lightly touching the soft petals.
"It must be hard, being the only one who is odd in a huge crowd of the 'normal'" she spoke softly, continuing to touch the petals. "I can understand... I feel sorry for you, but you're very beautiful and unique."
The blonde girl was totally unaware of a certain lustful vampire creeping up behind her back. His fangs glinted in the moonlight as he hugged her from behind, making her eyes widen from surprise.
She had sensed him but didn't think he would hug her out of all he could do.
"Hm~? Even if you feel bad for the rose, you can't do anything about it, can you? Aren't you similar to it? Being the one with the most delicious and 'unique' blood in the house of 'normal' vampires, isn't that correct?" Laito smirked. "You have no choice but to give your blood to us, and as a return, get our blood as well~! A wonderful situation you have, Maria-chan~!
"If I were you, I wouldn't have felt so sad about it, would I have?"
" Aren't you one of the 'normal' as well, Laito?" Maria smirked as she petted the rose, not knowing that a thorn had grown on it.
While doing so, it pricked her finger, causing her to flinch.
Laito gulped, inhaling the irresistible fragrance of blood from the girl. A blush formed on his cheeks as he gave a long sigh.
"Ah~! This scent is making me go wild! Are you perhaps, trying to seduce me? Your moonlit form looks so pretty, and now as a cherry on the top, the scent of blood?" he asked, sliding his arm under her chest and his other hand on her chin. "Isn't that a utopia for us vampires? As you wouldn't drink your own blood since vampires don't drink their own, I'll take the honor of disinfecting it, My lady~!"
He spoke right in her ear, causing her to shiver a little. His face was right beside her elf ears, as he bit them. Maria blushed and closed her eyes, not wanting to see Laito doing so. Her ears twitched.
"Hehe... so cute~ Don't you dare heal the wound with your vampiric powers if you want me to not make it hurt," the russet-haired vampire spoke as he removed his fedora and placed it on Maria's head. " Since I am aware that you have a fragile body...~"
He pushed her down to the ground, licking the blood off her finger as he licked the blood dripping down from his lips. "I want to drink more..."
"Eh? You said that you would only disinfect it!" Maria exclaimed, making a ' - 3 - ' face, making Laito chuckle.
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He ran a hand through his hair, making them bounce. " Did you really believe this vampire? A lesson you need to be taught for that~ people aren't always what they seem to say about themselves, and in this case, we Sakamaki brothers are wolves in sheep's clothing~!"
Maria turned her face away from Laito, "hmph, fine, but you give me your blood in return."
Laito smirked, removing his tie and opening few buttons of his shirt. "Why not? I've always wanted to see how it feels like to get bitten~!"
" Your name doesn't suit you, Laito. It should be Rasuto Sakamaki, Lust Sakamaki instead of Light," she chuckled, 'but I can't blame you...'
"Ahahaha! I get that often. Everyone says that Light (Laito) Sakamaki sounds weird on me~!" he smiled, but deep inside, he remembered that he wasn't always like this.
There was a time when Laito used to be an innocent boy. He played with his brothers, he used to get scolded, he used to be happy...
Laito got trained by a certain violet-haired woman.
He decided to continue smiling instead of being sad, but that didn't mean that the memories wouldn't appear in his mind, one by one...
Laito's smile was sad...
Maria just realized what she had said. "Ah, I'm sorry, Laito! I shouldn't have said that..."
Laito snapped out of his mind and smirked, " as an apology, maybe you could bite me already~? I would like that~"
Maria made a ' > - < ' face as she proceeded to drink his blood. As her fangs pierced in, his blood came rushing to her.
It was really sweet, and thick. It was really delicious...
Maria drank a bit and quickly went back, not wanting to drink much.
"Eh~? Done already? I was just starting to enjoy it~!" he whined as he bit the blonde girl, making her close her eyes again. "As usual, your blood tastes as icy as ever! I was just starting to feel hot and got this cold, energy drink!"
He drank a bit, before the school bell rang. Laito sat up, irritated.
"Argh! For hell's sake, stop ringing!" he closed his ears. "Why do you always ruin my moment, school bell!?"
" We are in the same class, Laito..." Maria said as she checked the time on her watch. "Wait a second... why did I remind that to him?"
"I totally forgot about it!" Laito grinned as he hugged her.
"Hah... we must dress up for school!" she sighed.
"We can continue this at school as well, can't we?"
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Laito: Hm? Well, I look forward to seeing you in another story as well, reader-chan~ and you don't need to say it, I can see it through your eyes that you can't wait to meet me again... nfu~
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gureishi · 3 years
ok so I'm back with some smooches + cuddles and updates on my experience with another story so far!
currently 1:19am as of writing this meaning I'm on day 7 of guess who's route?? it's RAY'S!!! our fav soft self depreciating good boy <333
aiming for the good ending and just got the Ray kiss I never knew I'd been waiting for my entire life! >_< my heart breaks for saeran and all the manipulation and abuse he has been going through at the hands of everyone in his life, he said in one of the chats how his willing to let us as the MC abuse and use him as a punching bag so long as we stay by his side, and can I just say that broke me. </3
playing through Rays route does make me despise Rika more and more each time I see her very toxic and abusive interactions with Saeran. though my heart does bleed for her and what she's been through, her actions thereafter are inexcusable in my opinion. everyone in this game needs some intense therapy and HEALING in the their lives, godsakes.
ALSO RAY'S SELF DEPRECIATING. please I don't know how much more I can take of this, it hurts to see how lowly he sees himself and how he genuinely believes he has no right to think for himself because his an "airhead". Ray you are precious and you deserve the world, please stop tormenting yourself like this!
also I love how Saeyoung is able to see when Saeran as the other hacker's mannerisms change. also love how he cares and worries for the MC whenever she brings up her concerns for the other hacker, instead of being cynical and distrusting. also I would love if Saeyoung was romanceable in this AS time period instead pls I love him, and his still the loml in this game!!!
and I honestly feel so terrible for V, his literally carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders trying to protect everyone. and this is what further confuses me about his behavior in Saerans after ending, I'm only on day 7 so maybe his character does really develop to the point his at in the AE but it's just jarring to see how V is in Rays route and then to kinda have that switch in the AE. I really am in need of understanding of his character change pls, idc about spoilers (already have everything in AS spoiled for myself T_T)
also dark emo and "lame" yoosung needs some love and affection too! someond take care of that bby pls!!!!
also somebody give jaehee a break, she's literally working the ENTIRE day and finishing off at midnight??? cmon
also Saejoong (if that's how you spell it cos idc) Choi can go stick his head where the sun don't shine, STAY AWAY FROM TOMATO BOY PLS GOD.
at this point I'm just waiting for suit to show up, and it's honestly making me anxious, heard the game gets a bit tough to get through when he comes in..
well anyways those are my useless thoughts while playing through this, thanks for reading!! also here's your cuddles and smooches for reading through all this crap :333 <333
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Smoothes and cuddles????!!!? You're spoiling me! I send back many many kisses and hugs to youuuu.
OH SO YOU'RE ON DAY EIGHT NOW HUH. AHAHAHA. AHHHHH. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW THIS GOES FOR YOU. I don't know what timezone you're in but uhhhhh just get ready ahhhh.
I totally wish we could be with Saeyoung in this timeline too. I mean, like, I wrote a whole fic about it. He just is so good and so sad and so shattered and so deserving of love.
And I have quite a lot of thoughts on V in the AE! The thing is that V loves us in this timeline. He loves us a lot. And by the end of the route, he's really broken. Like, he's spent his whole life believing that he's not deserving of love; he's sought out people who will need him, because he's convinced himself that that's the only way he can escape from his own mind. You are the first person who makes him believe that he deserves more than that—and without you, he has nowhere to turn. He stays with Rika because he doesn't know what else to do—because she's the only person who's made him feel like he has a purpose in life—because he's convinced that allowing himself to wither away for the sake of someone else is the only option for him.
It's not your fault for choosing Ray, of course. It's never your fault that V suffers—but oh, he does suffer. He's broken and empty. He's in the dark and he can't see a way out.
Now, I do believe that it's possible for him to recover after the events of the AE. I think with time—and therapy—and some distance from his previous life—he has the potential to find himself again in this ending. I think there's hope for him (I really do)—but still: it's so hard to watch him fall apart.
Thank you so much for keeping me updated, my dear! I simply cannot wait to hear how you feel about day eight.
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heyitsyn · 3 years
anyways as the writer, who do YOU think deserves y/n, like on surface level, of course oikawa, he cares for her and notices little things about her-- but like I've said he changes all too late, its difficult to be with someone when they don't recognize their own flaws, I also think that's why y/n kept rejecting him and his advances, the classic "you're not like other girls, I like chasing you" but idk .. like he seems to really care about her but let's his insecurities get in the way, he'd be a great father and boyfriend tho. like I noticed during the series oikawa tends to open himself up more and more, but then at the route (he closes himself up) and I think that's EXACTLY what oikawa would do, like as much as everyone hated the angst (not bc of ur writing, its great, but bc angst makes us sad :((), I think it was great for him, his character, he would shut himself off as soon as he felt himself falling way too deep, if you do write an oikawa redemption thing (I forgot if you were or not so sorry if you were already done-) it'd be so..refreshing to see him change for the better, knowing y/n isn't gonna leave, knowing she makes him the happiest person alive, allowing himself to show her everything and JUST LIKE WITH JOE JONAS AND I FORHIT HER NAME.. as soon as you'd be like I think we should take a break hed pick up his act because, fuck, he's never felt this way before, and he certainly doesn't want to let it go. -🍡
ooooo personally? hmm i actually think iwaizumi? not saying that because i’m a hajime stan but because out of the candidates, he would be the one who would be more capable and responsible and mature enough to have a relationship that wouldn’t fail. of course he’s still human and he makes mistakes and might do or say the wrong thing but i think he developed a sense of logical reasoning by being oikawa tooru’s best friend since he has always had to talk oikawa out of stupid things and told him to think carefully. that feat helps him have a better communication with y/n and talk things out rather than be petty and leave. and he’s a parental figure with the team and looks out for them and puts them first so naturally, you would be taken cared of and wouldn’t have to worry if iwa is involved. and he has his goals, he knows what he wants and he will get them and hes very hardworking and puts his everything into his passions and interest so your relationship with him would be a very fullfilling one that you don’t have to worry about him not giving effort.
now for oikawa, IM SO HAPPY AND I APPRECIATE YOU LOOKING DEEPLY INTO IT because it was lowkey difficult to write him lol like i had to be more careful with his scenes rather than the others because youre right, my goal was to make oikawa open up more and more as the series and parts went on as a way to show that he was getting more and more comfortable with you therefore he would slowly fall in love with you since you cant exactly fall in love with someone you’re not comfortable with, yknow? AND THANK YOU OMG IVE BEEN KINDA GUILTY ABOUT IT BECAUSE I JUST HIT YALL WITH THE ANGST AND I PERSONALLY DIDNT KNOW HOW TO RECOVER FROM THAT LOL LIKE I WAS SCARED OF WRITING ANYTHING TOO ANGSTY FROM THEN ON SINCE YALL WERE TELLING ME IT MADE YOU CRY AHAHAHA but thank you so much for noticing that and saying that!!! i was just talking to a moot a few weeks back and i was telling them that i try not to make the character as fanon by sticking to their canon personalities but putting my own outtake into it? idk its kinda hard to explain lol but i tried to put myself into his shoes and was like, ‘okay, how would oikawa tooru react? based on his personality, how would he feel and how would he react to this?’ and im happy it worked bc you said that. AND YEAA i have an oikawa route ver. 2 in my drafts but if yall want, i can make a part two lol but rn im kinda swamped with finals ahahaha but um that will be coming up soon!
also, yes he would be such a great father and a husband but in a way, he uses you and your children as an excuse to put you all first then him even though he needs his problems solved and fixed. his insecurities and inferiority complex probably hurts him a lot too especially if the kids were to say they liked iwa better and joke and tease him about it which makes him feel really insecure and covers it up. i feel like his mood swings would hurt your family a lot and you would argue which makes you feel like the kids shouldn’t be in this environment and especially after one nasty fight, you even told him you would divorce him if he wouldnt start fixing himself because that was the only way you could get him to do it. even back then, the only way he would focus on himself is if everything he loves is being threatened to be taken away and ig thats both a selfish yet selfless thing to do? like he doesnt care about himself and puts you and the family first because youre more important but also selfish because he doesnt care what you think and doesnt consider your opinions about his problems because he just does what he wants and you cant stop him.
again, oikawa is probably one of the most complex anime characters ive had to research lol because the show kinda gives us a bit of an insight to who he is but we arent given anything else so its up to us to figure him out and everyone has their own opinion about him and thats where fanon oikawa comes in and although theres a lot of people who hate him, in the end there are others who relate to him (as an oiks kinnie myself) and knows that theres something going on underneath that and ive had a lot of fun trying to decipher aaaaa reference to one of my favorite fics oikawa
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dreamingwithbts · 6 years
New Family - Chapter 16
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Genre: Poly!AU; Hybrid!Au; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: Hybrid BTS x Female! Reader; Human! Reader, Wolf!Namjoon, Alpaca!Seokjin, Black Panther!Yoongi, Red Fox!Jhope, Corgi Dog!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook.
Summary: After receiving a promotion at work Y/N realizes that she has more free time so she decides to use this time usefully and ends up volunteering in an organization that rescues abused hybrids. What she doesn't know is that this will completely change her life!
The next day I woke up alone in bed again, I got dress and went to the kitchen to see Jin and Namjoon cooking breakfast while the others are waiting at the table, all of them already dressed.
"I need to get used to wake up alone now." I say laughing kissing them all good morning while I kiss Tae forehead not noticing his sad face. "So are you guys ready for the first day?" I ask Raw and Yoongi. "YES!" Taehyung says making his tail beat against the chair. "Don't yell so early!" Yoongi says to him hitting him with his tail. "Relax Yoongi! Our boy is only excited!" I say petting Tae ears making me purr and calm down. "And you guys? Are you going to the coffee shop?" I ask the others when Joon and Jim bought the food. "Yes. I hope they contract us!" Jin says. "I bet they will!" I say smiling to them and we start eating.
"Bye Y/N!" They all say leaving excited and I laugh never expecting for them leaving before me. "Goodbye boys! Good luck!" I say to them knowing their hear me and I clean everything and leave for work too.
*With the boys*
The boys were walking to their destinations worry and excited the same time.
"Hey! Is that the coffee shop Y/N talked about?" Hobi says pointing to the shop. "I guess it is." Namjoon says. "Well good luck then. Were going to the organization." Yoongi says kissing them goodbye. "But I wanna go to!" Taehyung says whining. "No. Let's go!" Yoongi says dragging Tae out of there and waving goodbye to the others leaving the three hybrids laughing at the scene. "Well let's go then." Jin says, and they start walking towards it when Hobi stops in the middle. "Hobi? What is it?" Namjoon asks confused, so he and Jin look at what Hobi was looking, a dance studio looking for a choreographer. "I loved to dance. I would dance all day before what happen." Hobi says sad looking at the studio. "Go." Namjoon says smiling. "What!" Hobi says looking at him I'm hope. "Go Hobi! There's not problem in trying! Go!" Jin says smiling. "Thank you Hyung! Joon!" Hobi screams kissing them goodbye and running happy to the studio. "That boy!" Jin says laughing. "Well now is our turn." Namjoon says walking again to the coffee shop with Jin following him.
*With Yoongi and Taehyung*
Yoongi stopped dragging Tae and they start walking normally to the organization. "Yoongi?" Tae says quietly looking at him with huge eyes innocent. "What?" Yoongi asks suspicious looking at Tae. "Can I hold your hand?" Tae asks in hope making Yoongi froze looking at him. "Is just I see you, Y/N and the others always hand in hand and...." Tae starts explaining but Yoongi interrupt him. "Sure." And Tae graves Yoongi hands happier than ever and Yoongi smiles looking at his happiness.
Still hand in hand, both hybrids stop in front of the building nervous. "Come on Hyung! We can do it!" Tae says and this time his the one dragging. "Good morning Yugyeom!" He says. "Good morning boys! Ready?" Yugyeom asks and both hybrids nod ready to start.
*With Hobi*
After Hobi said goodbye to Joon and Jin, he stops in front of the studio excited and nervous.
Entering the studio he sees a lot of people, humans and hybrids, from all ages ready for their class. "Hello! Here for a class?" A bear hybrid asks.
"Actually I saw the hiring sign for a new choreographer..." Hobi says playing with his hands while his tail can't stop moving because of the nervousness. "Good! I'm Jaebum, I'm the receptionist.So can you teach this class now so we can see what you can do?" .... asks. "I'm Hoseok and of course!" Hobi almost screams happy and he follows Jaebum to the dance room.
Two hours later everyone was on the floor tired and sweating with an Hobi sweating but still energetic ready to continue.
"Congratulations Hoseok! You got the job!" Jaebum says happy that they finally found someone. "Really! Thank you so much!" Hobi says so happy he could jump in happiness instead he holds his tail to stop it to wave too much. "Do you mind continue to work today?" Jaebum asks him. "I would love too!" Hobi answers and prepares for the next class.
*With Namjoon and Jin*
After they watch Hobi running to the dance studio, Namjoon and Jin start walking towards the coffee shop. "You ready?" Namjoon asks. "Not really!" Jin answers. "Me neither." With that response Namjoon opens the door that makes a little bell sound when they entered.
"Good morning! What can I get for you two?" A mouse hybrid asks a little scared by seeing the wolf hybrid. "Good morning! We are here because we saw you needed to hire hybrids." Namjoon says. "Ah! Yes! Please come with me." He says and the two hybrids follow him to a table. "My name is Bambam. So tell me what you guys can do?" "My name is Jin and I can cook!" " I'm Namjoon and I can't do much." "You can cook that's good! And for you, well we really need hybrids so I think we can teach you so you're both hire." Bambam says smiling. "Thank you so much!" Jin says shaking his hand. "We really need this so thank you!" Namjoon says smiling showing his dimples making the mouse hybrid more at ease with the wolf.
"Can you start today? Is a good day to start train Namjoon." Bambam says. "Of course!" Both hybrids say and they start working happy.
*At the end of the day*
Yoongi and Taehyung finish their work for today so they start leaving the organization. "BYE YUGYEOM!" Tae screams waving at him. "See you tomorrow." Yoongi says. "Bye guys!" Yugyeom says laughing at Tae.
"How do you still have so much energy?" Yoongi says looking tired at Tae that only smiles his big smile to Yoongi and they start walking home.
Namjoon and Jin also starts leaving the coffee shop after being all day working. "Bye Bambam!" Jin says waving at the mouse hybrid. "Bye!" Namjoon also says. "Bye! See you tomorrow!" Bambam says waving at them and the two hybrids left the coffee shop hearing again the little bell.
When they were starting to walk home they heard someone far away calling their name and looking behind they see a hybrid tiger running in full speed towards them.
"Look Yoongi! Is Namjoon and Jin!" Tae says and he starts running towards them. "Kid! Don't.... Run...." Yoongi says but his to tired to stop him.
"NAMJOON! JIN! HI!" Tae screams running to them and he jumps on the two hybrids hugging them. "Ahahaha hello Tae." Namjoon says laughing at his actions. "Aish kid! Your too heavy for me!" Jin says but also smiling and hugs him back. "Were is Yoongi?" Namjoon asks. "I left him behind!" Tae says with a big smile like he did nothing wrong making the two old hybrids laugh.
"Kid! You never do that again do you understand!" Yoongi says to Tae when he arrives and he pushes the tiger tail as revenge making him scream and hide behind the other two hybrid holding his tail.
The four hybrids all look at their right when they hear another voice.
Hobi very tired says goodbye to Jaebum and leaves the dance studio when he sees his hybrids together. "Hi guys!" He screams making them look at him and he waves walking to them.
"Hi Hobi!" They all say. "So did you guys got it?" He asks Namjoon and Jin. "We did! And for the looks of it you got the job too!" Jin says smiling.
"Let's go. Y/N must be waiting for us." Yoongi says and all of them start walking towards home.
*With Y/N*
I leave my work earlier today knowing the boys may still be working so I take the change to go buy some congratulations presents for them.
So I buy some things that they wanted and satisfied I start going home to start dinner.
Tag list: @redryderdesigns
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prettyallfriends · 3 years
Pretty Rhythm: My☆Deco Rainbow Wedding Chapter 17+18 English Translation
(Tumblr's new text editor doesn't support moving images so I'll leave this up here)
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Chapter 17: A Pop Test with a Testy Rhythm
Mia: You’re soooo lucky you got to face up against Serenon! I love their manzai~! You keep piling up experience, huh? Though, I was wondering… have you seen Rinne at all since that fashion show? She didn’t even enter the Gold Spiral Cup. I’ve seen her on TV, in magazines and in movies, but I can’t get her sad expression out of my mind… Whenever we come close to learning about Rinne’s secret, we end up back at square one!! What we know right now is… Rinne wants the Rainbow Wedding, and she’s forgotten something. But the thing I’m most concerned with is how she always looks really sad. She’s your rival in terms of getting the Rainbow Wedding, but she’s also a fellow idol. We can’t just leave her alone… And she looks her happiest when she gets to watch your shows, or when she gets to talk to you, Player. Maybe you’re not the only one who wants to save Rinne from her sorrowful heart!? ...Is what I want to say, but I still have no idea what I can do! It’s really pissing me off!!!
??? (Rizumu): Morni~ng!
Mia: Ahh!! Who’s there!? What kind of idiot goes around hugging people from behind!?
Rizumu: Ta-dah! It’s Rizumu!
Mia: Wha- Rizumu-san!! You scared the hell out of me!!
Rizumu: Sorry, sorry. You looked like your were having a bummer of a convo so I wanted to lighten the mood a bit! Ahahaha! Ooh? No way, are you Player? I totally know about you! Aira and Mion, hell even Serenon have told me all about you. You’re collecting the power of the seven coords to complete the Raingowdam…
Mia: It’s called the Rainbow Charm, Rizumu-san!
Rizumu: Yeah, that’s it! Ahaha, must’ve gotten a bit mixed up there!
Mia: Jeez… and people say that I should be a funny guy… I’m the straight man compared to Rizumu.
Rizumu: Aw, c’mon! Keep complimenting me and I’ll get flustered! Ahaha!
Mia: It wasn’t a compliment!!
Rizumu: Anyway, I was thinking of helping you get the power of the seven coords… Aira helped you before, right? By giving you a Coord Rank Test?
Mia: Oh, that makes sense! Rizumu’s a member of MARs too, so she can give these tests too! But… Rizumu’s sense of style is, uh… unique. Honestly… it’s a bit… weird…… Y’know, she wore a pumpkin mask, and she centred a coord around radish sprouts. What’ll you do? Are you really going to trust Rizumu enough to take her Coord Rank Test?
Choice: Of course! / I’m… a bit scared…
Mia: What do we do!? I wouldn’t even be able to look at you in whatever weird outfit you’d be forced to wear!
Rizumu: What are you two whispering about? We’re starting the Coord Rank Test now, hurry up!!
Mia: No!! Player’s being taken away! Well, looks like you can’t escape anymore, Player! Good luck!
Rizumu: I’m testing your pop coord rank! Bring me 10 pop My☆Deco stones! Once you do that, we’ll compete in a prism show! This test has a special edition prism show! We’ll be competing in an all-dance prism show. All-dance mode doesn’t have any jumps, so as the name suggests it’s a prism show that’s always in dance mode! Doesn’t it sound fun?? Just letting you know, my dancing skills are unbeatable! So, will we start the test? My spirit is fully charged!
(prism show. Also zenbu dance mode is the best mode, i hate doing prism jumps lmao)
Rizumu: Oka~y! That was such a poppy show~! Congrats, you’ve passed the pop Coord Rank Test!
Mia: Ah!! The Rainbow Charm…
(5 slots filled, 2 left)
Mia: The power of the pop coord returned to the Rainbow Charm!
Rizumu: I’m glad I could help. How was all-dance mode? Shows without jumps are good too once in a while! It’s perfect for when you just want to dance your heart out!
Mia: Thank you, Rizumu-san! This is great, Player! We only have… feminine and star left. It feels like we’re really close to finishing the Rainbow Charm! Though… does being close to getting the Rainbow Wedding also mean you’ll have to face off against Rinne? If only we could just get it over and done with!
Rizumu: Whenever you talk about this Rinne girl, you seem pretty testy, huh? Is Rinne your friend, Player? …...Looks like you can’t answer. But you’re interested in her? I’m sure you’ll eventually be able to become friends with her, since she makes you feel that way. I’ve been through a lot with Aira and Mion, too. We’ve fought a lot, but in the end our fights brought us all closer together, and gave us a deeper understanding of each other. And now we’re the best of friends!
Mia: But how do we become friends with Rinne…? It’s pretty hard to befriend someone you know nothing about…
Rizumu: It’ll be fine! We have prism shows after all, right? MARs became close through prism shows, we formed our bonds on the path to the Aurora Rising. You’re bonded to Rinne because you’re both after the Rainbow Wedding. Believe in your heart and work hard! I’ll definitely be cheering you on, Player!
Chapter 18: Aurora Wings
Mia: Rizumu has a really good point! Her advice has a way of worming itself into your heart! 'Bonds that form through prism shows’, huh~
Rizumu: Player and Rinne will definitely end up as close friends.
Aira: Rizumu-chaaan!
Mia: Grrr…!! That voice must be… Harune Aira!
Mion: Mion’s here too, you know.
Penguin-sensei: Me too!
Mia: Gah! Mion-san! ...and Penguin-sensei…
Mion: What do you mean by ‘gah’!?
Mia: Yikes. I feel another test coming~
Penguin-sensei: We won’t be giving you another Coord Rank Test. MARs have gathered here for something else… They have a special lesson for you, Player!
Mia: What kinda special lesson?
Penguin-sensei: The rainbow is not the only light that shines in the sky.
Mion: We want you and Rinne to create another light… MARs will tell you all about the light of the aurora!
Mia: The light of the aurora!? Wait, you can’t mean…
Aira: You’ve worked hard on lessons and prism shows up until now, Player. Your current self can definitely pull off the Aurora Rising!
Mia: You want Player to perform the legendary jump, Aurora Rising!?
Mion: It will be fine. We’ll all help out.
Aira: Wear the Gold Spiral Dress, and you’ll be able to perform the Aurora Rising! The light of the aurora is the light of dreams that brings the world together.
Rizumu: The colours of the aurora will give your heart power too. They’ll become the key to opening up Rinne’s sorrowful heart! Like, ‘that is it, the Aurora Rising!’ So, will you show the new light of the Aurora Rising to Rinne?
Choice: I want to show her / Can I really do it?
Mion: Nice prism! Your straightforward heart will definitely allow aurora wings to form.
Rizumu: It may seem impossible at first, but you still have to try! It’s better to try and fail than to not try at all! I’ll make a wish for the Aurora Rising to link Rinne and Player’s hearts!
Mion: It seems that Rinne is currently in Sweets Café. Let’s go there at once.
Rizumu: Whoop! Let’s goooo~!!
(they go to the sweets cafe)
Mia: We’ve finally arrived, but is Rinne still even here?
Rinne: Player……
Mia: Rinne!?!?
Rinne: ………
Aira: Aw, don’t look so sad! We came here today to give you a present, Rinne.
Rinne: A present……?
Aira: A very happylucky present from Player to you!
Rinne: Happylucky…… for me?
Mion: Now, Player! It’s time!!!! Wear this dress!!!! And fly!! With aurora wings!!!!
(prism show)
Rinne: Amazing…… Amazing……. The aurora’s light… was beautiful…… It was shining in all the colours of the rainbow. It was as if a curtain was drawn over the night sky.
Aira: That was the light of Player-chan’s heart, Rinne-chan.
Rinne: The light of Player’s heart…
Mion: A girl’s heart is a prism, you know.
Mia: It is! When we experience lots of happy or sad moments, when we cry or laugh… our hearts spin round and round, changing colours and creating shining bright!! That’s why they’re so beautiful…
Rinne: But I… don’t know my true self. I’m empty…
Aira: It’s alright.
Rinne: Huh…?
Aira: Player-chan’s heart is overflowing with light.
Mia: Player could definitely My☆Deco your heart, Rinne.
Rizumu: That’s right! After all, you looked so happy during Player’s show! If you cry together and laugh together, if you have lots of experiences together… you’ll be able to see hearts with many more colours of light!
Mion: Split the happy times in half. Split the sad times in half, too… That’s what friendship is.
Rinne: Friendship… Player and I…
Aira: Now, join hands! Together with Rinne-chan!!!!
Rinne: Aurora…… RISING!!!!
(white flash)
Mia: The light of Rinne’s heart mixed with Player’s… is shining in the sky!
Rinne: Player… I… don’t know my true self. Where did I come from? What do I want to do? I don’t know that, either… Even so… Will you be my friend? ………...Thank you. Your heart is so warm. I want to make my heart shine like yours… no, I will make it shine!!!!
(white flash, and… refer to the image above)
Rinne: ……
Mia: Ah! Rinne’s coord… changed again!
Rinne: What is this…?
Penguin-sensei: H… How is this possible!? That’s the Seventh Coord Star Dress! How on earth…!?
Aira: What a happylucky coord… Your clothes are so happy they seem like they’re shining.
Mion: The shining white light of a star. That’s the colour of Rinne’s heart!
Rinne: I’m not lost anymore, Player. My seven-hued heart, not being able to remember anything… Everything…
Aira: The power of on of the seven coords, star, seems to have returned to Rinne-chan.
Mion: In order to complete the Rainbow Charm, you’ll need Rinne’s star power. Completing the Rainbow Charm and getting the Rainbow Wedding… Who will do it? Rinne… or Player? I won’t be able to look away from you too until one of you wins.
Rizumu: But, but! There’s an important tournament to think about before the Rainbow Cup! The last Spiral Cup, the Platinum Spiral Cup. If you put your passion towards reaching the Rainbow Cup, there’s no way you’ll lose!
Rinne: Player, here…
(meganee screaming about the deco parts rinne just gave us)
Mia: Hm, what’s this? A My☆Deco frame?
Rinne: It’s to thank you for today, Player… For My☆Deco-ing my heart. I know you’ll be abel to make a wonderfully lovely or cool coord…
Mia: Then it’s the frame of friendship! With this, you’ll be able to win the Platinum Spiral Cup like kaboom!!
Rinne: Thank you, Player. For… becoming friends with me. I’ll look forward to the Rainbow Cup.
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