#this started out as me thinking about how well jodie would play evil and hot. and turned into something else
paternostergays · 9 months
just got mad that we didn't get whittaker!master and dhawan!doctor in the centenary special. evil behaviour. wher eis my insanely hot and evil whittaker!master. where is my little lad dhawan!doctor. chibnall explain yourself. can you IMAGINE the gay panic yaz would have (and the consequent guilt because its not her doctor, not really, it's someone else wearing her face). the doctor in the wrong body yet again, trapped and confused and watching their own face steal away their companion. it's about ownership of your own life and agency and jealousy and hating someone when all you really want is to be them. man.
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Sigh. It’s quiet today, so I guess it’s about time to talk about 12x06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox.  
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This is an episode without Cas, so clearly it revolves entirely around Cas (I'm kidding, but only a little bit).  It’s also a bottle episode and a meta writer’s wet dream, so excuse me while I nerd out - this is a long one to unpack, and I have spent too much time doing it for you.  That’s ok because, as Sam says:
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The Asa montage is where we start.
Asa is a Dean mirror. The parallels are pretty clear - he’s a scruffy rough around the edges hunter, Mary is the reason he got into hunting, he wears a ton of flannel, etc.  If you remain unsure, the writers throw this in at the very beginning in the montage of Asa’s life as a hunter So That You Know:
Bucky: Hey, you know they make new cars, right? Asa: I don’t want a new car. This is my lucky car. 
***Canadian!Dean confirmed.
Shaine Jones may also be the Canadian Jensen Ackles.
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I don’t make the rules ok?
Back in the US, the boys surprise Jody with a visit. 
In case you forgot the episode prior to this one:
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Side note: domestic Jody gives me life. 
We’re clearly supposed to see how Jody is a mom figure for the boys, and it feels nice for them to have that, especially since Mary is Taking Some Space.  Their entire dynamic warms even my cold black soul.
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[romantic scene of a couple silhouetted against a sunset while sweeping music plays on Jody’s TV. The couple kisses.] 
[his mouth full of pizza] Jody, you watching some kind of chick flick here?
Well, Dean. I’m a chick. 
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Kim Rhodes YOU ARE A DELIGHT.  A side note - I know this exchange is supposed to be funny, but I feel sad for Dean (who clearly is a rom com chick).  This is a perfect example of Dean struggling to present some fabricated image of heteronormative masculinity that’s not the heart of who he actually is.  His surprise that a “badass sheriff chick” can also enjoy rom coms makes me fucking upset.  
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Anyway, Asa has passed on and the boys tag along with Jody to the wake in support.  
Yeah, no, Jody. We… we know you’ll be fine, but… you know, we never go to hunter gatherings, outside of bars. Dad always said they were trouble, so…
Yes, you’d be doing us a favor if you let us tag along.
***more receipts that John Winchester was an isolating abuser.  They could have at least had a normal HUNTER life and friends who hunted.
That is a big house. [Music continues playing, coming from inside the house now]
***We now establish one “theme” of the episode.
Family home. Asa was just a guy. 
AKA pretty brutal implication that Asa didn’t have a family of his own.
Speaking of implications:
[Jody removes her coat and the three of them begin mingling. Dean finds his way to the kitchen and a cooler full of beer] DEAN
No label. Well, that’s a red flag. 
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Enter Bucky, who is actually (SPOILER!) the villain of the episode.
Do all hunters just walk around with this manly flannel/weird symbolic necklace combo?  Looking at you Bucky and Dean.  
Dean is surprised to find that people know who he is:
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But doesn’t seem to have an issue with it until -
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***Someone who just bragged the entire five hour car ride about killing Hitler shouldn’t be this concerned about what people are saying about him right? 
Or is he thinking it may involve something he isn’t comfortable sharing - since apparently there are things Dean doesn’t feel comfortable sharing as established by the prior couch conversation with Jody?  Hmmmmmm...
***Compare the expressions.  The “you’ve died four times” response is the same as the smug/proud “I killed Hitler” face.  The reaction to the “stories” is the “hey this is my personal business” reaction Dean had to Sam’s Japanese erotica art form comment. He is thinking specifically about something personal.
I wonder what it could be.
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I don’t think any one had to teach Max Banes the art of seduction, but also thank you.
Also, manifesting Dean being raised by Max and Alicia’s Cool Witch Mom instead of John Trash Winchester.  Because that’s what we’re supposed to think here, correct?  Two sibling hunters usually present a brother mirror.
Worth noting Sam’s surprise that witches can also be hunters.  The John Winchester Bigotry Brain Rot runs deep.  (GOD the Sam-witch thing would have driven him crazy I LIVE FOR THAT).
Dean escapes to Asa’s office/room and proceeds to go through his things.
[Dean is in Asa’s office and finds an angel blade mounted on blue velvet inside an ornate glass-lidded box. He opens it, reaches in and pulls out the angel blade, comfortably spinning it in his hand when Sam walks in.]
Oh, hi. This is a real Angel Blade. I mean, this guy was legit. 
***that’s weird, why does Canadian!Dean have an angel blade?  We haven’t heard anything about angels yet, and it wasn’t in the opening montage.  Hmmmmmm, I say. Hmmmmmmm...
***Sam is also concerned about The Stories They Tell 
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This one particularly:
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Honestly I don’t know why he’s THAT surprised that people know he was possessed by Lucifer?  Didn’t he start like multiple apocalypses?  That’s something people tend to be in the know about. Anyhoo.
Yeah. Apparently we’re a little bit legendary. 
Yeah, but, I mean, so was Asa. Then a hunt went bad, and he ended up hanging from a tree, alone in the woods.
He died on the job. No better way to go. 
You really believe that? 
Yeah. What, you don’t? I mean, come on, Sam, it's not like we're in the “live till you're 90, die in your sleep” business. This? [Dean points at Asa’s hunting wall] This only ends one way. 
***Insert deep internal screaming about 15x20 here***
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It’s Jody’s turn to be uncomfortable as we find out she and Asa were more than just friends and everyone knew it and Said Things About It and Told Stories About It.
Dean is surprised that Jody not only enjoys rom coms, but ruggedly hot men. Another thing they have in common.
As Dean comes to terms with the idea that Jody can be a mother figure and also a human person with a life and her own feelings and needs and thoughts, enter the person whom said lesson is actually about:
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This is a Kim Rhodes Facial Expression stan account now.
So cute how Jody knows immediately that Dean is not okay.  Time to reach:
Huh. Is that why you spent the entire ride up here telling me in extreme, excruciating detail how you killed Hitler, but, uh, you neglected to mention the fact that your mom is back from the dead? 
***look, it’s another Dean doesn’t like others knowing personal information parallel!***
Yeah, no big deal. 
That’s a lie.
Look, maybe this isn't my place, and this is epic stuff, but
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Yeah. Because what if I’ve changed. What if they changed? What if it just didn’t work out the way I wanted?  If you wanna talk about anything
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***Killing Hitler used yet again to show Dean doesn’t care about oversharing hunting stories, but he doesn’t like for people to know personal ones.  Also, Jody mentions her son and her husband.  Her family and her romantic partner.  
Dean wasn’t just reunited with Mary this season. He was also reunited with Cas, after saying goodbye to him at the end of Season 11 when he headed to what he thought was going to be his death as the Amara-bomb.
So, this conversation isn't just about Mary (the “anything”).  It’s also about Cas (the”...absolutely anything”).
Mary chats with Mama Fox and more Points Are Made about hunters not getting to have a “normal life” or family:
I saved his life. 
[scoffing] What am I supposed to say to that? After you, Asa got so… Hunting was his whole life. He never married. Never had a family, kids. And now… enjoy the wake. 
***sending Mary on a guilt spiral about Asa (mirroring her other guilt spiral about hunting as a life for her own sons)
Speaking of mirrors:
And Asa loved that Jeep. Fuses were shorted, fuel line was busted. Ah, he didn’t care. He’d just roll up his sleeves, he’d get right to work. 
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Time to learn about today’s Big Bad.
Jael. He’s a crossroads demon. And he hangs people. It’s his thing. Snaps their neck, slits their throat. He’s a real piece of work. 
***Wait a second.  Jael is a demon?  Don’t...angel’s names usually end in “el” in SPNverse?
Anyways the demon [questionable] killed Asa and now everyone  is trapped and also In Grave Danger.  
Exactly. Right, so five years later, Jael– he came back, and he came for Asa. 
How so? 
Asa was seeing this woman, right? She had a kid. 
Yeah, Marlene. Jael got into her. It didn’t matter that he was killing people, he wanted Asa to know it was personal. He gets off on it. 
***that’s so weird, didn’t someone else in the show start seeing a woman with a kid - 
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what a sexy little coincidence.
oh and didnt  a supernatural being come back right around that time too - 
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HMMMMMMMM.  No killing though.  That’s the difference between angels and demons, I guess.
(meanwhile Dean has been drinking alone outside - as he does, and is realizing he can’t get back in)
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Also, this immediately took me to 
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this show isn’t fair.
****sob break****
Jael Posession 1:
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So curious how there are two siblings and then one gets possessed by something Satanic and the other one is good at seducing men.
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Jael Possession 2:
Elvis. Random.  Though he was the guy who brought up the Stories Sam Was Surprised Were Circulating -
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He was also oddly interested in it.  Methinks Elvis thoroughly enjoyed the Jael possession.
Bilie gets Dean back in the house.  The words “one-time deal” are said a lot of times.
BONUS: Jensen why are you so pretty:
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The hunters get to work, and I live for Max Bane’s pentagram aesthetic.
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I like a Fifth Pentacle of Mars. It’s got more character. 
***TBH, same.
Jael possession 3:
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****Kim Rhodes is even better when she is playing evil.
I had so hoped you’d kill your mom. Wouldn’t that be a riot? 
[Mary draws the angel blade and charges at Jody. She cuts Jody’s arm before Sam wrestles her away.] 
No! Mom!
What are you doing?! She’s a demon. We kill demons. 
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Also did you immediately flash back to this with me?
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Gets me thinking that Dean’s feelings for Cas are made twice as complicated by the fact that he is also a supernatural creature.  Another Reason Why John Winchester Would Disapprove.
****Just as he would Disapprove of Sam Being Possessed By the Devil and all that (never forget he told Dean to kill him because of the whole made unclean by demon blood thing). 
Right on cue:
Oh, I have heard so many stories about you Winchesters. And I desperately want the Lucifer thing to be true.  
***Stories again. Jael proceeds to go into Stories That Are Dark Personal Shameful Secrets:
As for the rest of you, I have been inside your heads. I know all about you. For example, the twins. Too frightened to tell anyone that they actually came to say goodbye to their daddy. Or the grieving mother who hated the fact that her son was a hunter so much she’d hide his gear, she’d sabotage his Jeep, anything to keep him from hunting. Not that it worked. Could’ve tried harder, huh? 
[She gestures at her own face] And this meatsuit you all seem to care so much about. She actually fantasized about a life with Asa. Can you believe that? Like that worthless man– 
[Bucky gets off the floor and sneaks up behind Jody/Jael] 
Shut your filthy mouth. 
[Jody/Jael grabs Bucky by the neck and forces him to his knees] 
And you. Bucky. Brave, brave Bucky. I was there that night. Tell these nice, stupid people what you did. Tell them what you took from me. Asa was mine. 
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***Excuse me? THIS IS GETTING VERY...subtextual.  A dark timeline supernatural being/hunter relationship [ending badly because demons only know how to take, consume and possess]? ...Asael?  CURIOUS. 
They chant the exorcism, a different hunter doing each iteration (beautifully done) 
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and send Jael back to hell, but not before Bucky shares his Shameful Story - he’s the one who killed Asa.
Asa, he was just all– he was just always so stubborn. Look, we were in the woods. [We see the scene play out as Bucky describes it] Jael, he… he was taunting him. Asa wanted to chase him, but he didn’t have the angel blade. I said, “Let’s go back.” He called me a coward, and he shoved me, so I shoved him back, and he fell. He hit his head. Asa? I didn’t mean to do it. But it was a mistake. Asa. Asa? An accident. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do. Asa hated that damn demon so much that I just…
Oh, you thought people would buy that Jael killed him? So you hung your best friend to cover your own ass. 
What are you gonna do to me? 
Tell everyone, every hunter we meet. They’re gonna know your name, Bucky. Know what you did. 
You like stories. This is the story everyone’s gonna tell about you. Forever. 
***Shameful Stories that Define You, what a theme.  Also, definitely a supernatural being potentially having some subtextual feelings for Canadian!Dean.  Hmmm.
***Funeral pyre and side discussion about how Asa did have a family, and children, and a potential supernatural sidepiece.
In conclusion, Supernatural is a love story.  Thank you for watching this dark timeline/Canadian dub.  You’re dismissed for the day.  Go eat bacon.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 16.11.20 lb
chanchal interrogating ishani, ki did riddhima spill about what happened that day. ishani like no dice, but imma beat it outta her so help me goddddd.
aryan coming throwing shit around. coz vansh has left everything in his will to dadi. thank fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk. none of you snakes are worth 5000 cr. i mean, ishani is, but idk, maybe not that whole amount at once.
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ishani is like THANK THE LORD, VANSH HAD AT LEAST ONE WORKING BRAIN CELL. “kahin uss riddhima ko nominee banaa dete, toh humaare sar par chadhke tandav karti woh.” snort.
chanchal telling aryan ki “vansh ke baad saara business toh tuney hi sambhaalna haina”, and lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo ishani’s face:
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ishani saunters off and chanchal is telling aryan ki anyway dadi ke haath laga hai sab, she’ll write it all to you; coz siya is in a coma, who knows when the fuck she’ll wake up, and ishani is walking talking TNT ka khaaaaan, that’ll blow up any second now. tujhe hi sab milna hai. lol bohut hi zyaada khushfehmi. can’t waitttttt for vihaan (whether he turns out to be vansh or not.......) to come show them thenga.
some parcel came outta nowhere for mummyji and it’s filled with all the stuff of her “long lost son who got kidnapped”. veryyyyyyyy conveniently opened by riddhima.
mummy has started filmfare nom-worthy performance on discovering the relics.
there’s a letter too! basically says i kidnapped your kid for money, but when you didn’t pay up, i threw him in a river. i’m confessing all this coz i’m now dying of cancer and want redemption. sounds to me like someone watched both ‘the prince of egypt’ and ‘badlapur’ in one day and did a mashup of those stories to write this letter.
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watch out meryl, viola, jodie.......... mummy has gone beyond filmfare and is now doing OSCAR worthy performance about how she keeps losing kids.
lmao i am aryan, watching this nautanki:
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mummy like it’s all coz i neverrrrrrrrrrrr accepted riddhima as a motherrrrrrrrrrr, mujhe maaaf kar dooooo.
of course riddhima’s dumb ass forgave her. god, this chick just tooo easy to scam.
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someone’s come to say “final goodbye”. coz he’s taken a transfer. sure.
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lmao riddhima is the biggest mood when dealing with an ex who just won’t leave you the fuck alone.
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is it just me or has his hair become more........... vansh-y??? like, height-wise.
blah blah he wants to apologize to everyone........... for what exactly? he said he was just doing his job, why to say sorry for that??
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lmao ishani has appeared and is ready to kick kabir’s ass. omfg i think this might be my new fav dynamic of this show, ishani v/s kabirrrrrrrrrrr.
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whole family has appeared and he’s like sorry kehne aaya tha and all and THENNNNNNNNNNN....... NAZAR PADI ON THE TABLE FULL OF ARTIFACTS.
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 anupriya like don’t touch my son’s shit and........
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“yeh sab mere hain!!!!!!!!!”
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hahahahahahahhahahahaha ishani is truly my absolute favourite character of this show from now on.
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“maaaaaaaaaaaa?????? iska matlab aap meri maa hain??????” lol bohut hi bhadddda actingggg.
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riddhima agrees with ishani.
kabir narrates exact story mummy did like 5 min back.
he’s giving proof ki i know the collar of this uniform has a K behind it and everyone’s shockedddddddddd ki oh god yet another middle class orphan is gonna make their way here
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wow the terrible acting from mummy and beta is just.......... peak today. i can’t take it.
my question is, kabir has come to this house and seen anupriya a million times before, it never clicked for him then????? anupriya looks to be baaaarely in her 40s, she wouldn’t have looked much different when she was younger. why didn’t he recognize her then. SOMEONE USE YOUR BRAIN AND ASK HIM THAT. ISHANI, ARYAN, SOMEONE?!!!?!?!
ok ishani didn’t ask that but she’s like that kid was thrown into a river, i’m pretty sure he’s dead. and kabir doing extra naatak ki yes, i was thrown into the river but a policewaala saved me and raised me and that’s why i’m police now.
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ugh itnaaa sasta acting lol.
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high time this pinky and the brain team up and take the rest of these fuckers downnnnnnnn.
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lmao riddhima is soooooooooooooo angry rn. she didn’t even get this mad when her fucking husband paralysed her. that’s just how much petty hatred male exes deserve. the fact that that their bitch ass is even alive and wasting oxygen on the damn planet is fucking unacceptable.
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“kamaaaaal ki acting, KAMAAAAL KI ACTING!” lmaoooooooooooo honestly, this show would be fucking unwatchable if not for vishal cheesing it up in every other scene and making it so damn hilarious. kabir played by anyone else would never be this likable. his dialogue delivery of these lines is just A+
lmao he’s hamming some more about how he’s been searching for his mom allllll his life and today he’s leaving the city and finally found her.
he’s like mom, come with me, and she’s like “tum yehi ruk jao!” and omfggggggg the reactionsssssssssssss:
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“ab yeh bhi yaheen rahega?????” alkjdsalkjdlaskjdlaskj chanchal’s no filter ways really come in handy sometimes.
kabir’s like no no mom will come with me. starts leading her out and dadi is like no anupriya is a part of this family and will not leave. and if you can live here in this house................... riddhima will decide that. lmao this should work out well.
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kabir trying to jedi mind trick her.
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even ishani is pleading in her mind, please riddhima no kehnaaaaa. aaaaaand....
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“haan.” great.
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big mood.
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lmao booooooo, the amount of shit you get away with just coz you’re so stinkin’ cute. you’re exactly like my asshole cat son. just worming your way into my heart by the power of your adorable faces, you absolute bastardssssssss.
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oh of course. she had this conversation with vansh, about if mummy ever found her son, he’d like to welcome him into this family as his brother. sentiment mein aakar haan keh diya. BITCH HE DIDN’T KNOW THAT IT WAS GONNA TURN OUT TO BE YOUR EX WHO WAS HAATH DHOKE BEHIND HIS GODDAMN LIFE. IF HE DID, HE WOULDN’T HAVE THOUGHT TWICE BEFORE PULLING THAT UGLYASS GOLDEN GUN ON HIM AND SHOOTING HIM BETWEEN THE EYES.
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this is a sweet scene and all but dude how the fuck am i supposed to overlook the fucking ugly beetlejuice suit. if i never have to see this godforsaken garment ever again, it’d still be too soon.
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anyway i’m fwding this scene so that my mind won’t dwell on these horrible possibilities. and that horrible fucking outfit.
lmao riddhima is like kaash tum yahaan hote, tum bhi yehi karte. snort, okaaaay sis.
“tumhari riddhima hoon main. aur hamesha wohi karoongi, jo agar tum hote toh karte.” ok everybody start monitoring your drinks from now on. pata nahi kab kya mila de yeh madam vansh 2.0.
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ishani is, how you say................ LOSING IT.
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ahahahahahahahahahaha aryan, who's going to town on the punching bag, is like i already picture him here, hence the vigorous mid-day cardio.
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“mera toh mann kar raha hai ki main 2-4 jamaa ke aaoon. kabir ko nahi, uss riddhima ko!!!!!!!!” The Biggest Mood, Ever.
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“pehle woh bhai ki tarah sochna toh seekh le?!?!?!?” bhai ki tarah chodo, pehle BAS SOCHNA HI SEEKH LE, WOHI BOHUT HAI.
ishani like i’m sureeeeeeeee kabir found out the story about mom’s missing son and now that vansh isn’t here, wormed his way into the house. PRESENTING TO YOU, THE ONLY ONE WITH A BRAIN IN THIS HOUSEEEEEEEEEEE. THE FACT THAT VANSH SLEPT ON HER AS A FUCKING PILLAR TO THIS HOUSE IS FUCKING RUDE.
“yeh sab kuch hua hai uss stuuuuupid riddhima ki wajah se!” that’s what they should call the show.
yeah riddhima pretty much told him that. threw in some more shit about how she’ll hate him till she dies, coz he’s the reason vansh died.
he doesn’t look happy about that. this fucker still wants herrrrrrr. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. kabir yaaaaaaaaaaaaar, you can do so much bettterrrrrrrrrrr. get yourself an hot evil shawty with 4+ brain cells dude!
she’s dragging him out. nice.
kabir still talking and she’s like do i literally have to kick your ass out?????? damn girl, there’s the spine i like to see.
askljdaslkjslkdjlaskdjlaskdj he’s like main bhi vansh jaisa hoon, iss ghar ka beta hoon. lmao good you said this in front of riddhima and not ishani, warna ***** phaad ke tumhare haath mein de deti.
riddhima also handing it to him, but verbally. but it’s lameass shit like no you’ll never be like vansh, not in 7 janam. like, ok i get she’s really mad at him for what happened, but i don’t get what’s this sudden hatred of his personality?????? she doesn’t know the whole truth and abhi se itni nafrat??? based on what????? 
lmao he muttered “woh toh waqt hi batayega” as he was leaving and she’s like BITCH WHAT YOU SAY?!?!?!?!?!?!
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hee hee hee hee. i loveeeeeee when he makes his exasperated faces.
some more sweet talk about how she’ll see his intentions aren’t bad at all, and she’s like justttttttttt gtfo my room man.
"kahin kabir ko yahaan rehne ki permission dekar kuch galat toh nahi kar diya???” LMAO YA THINK?????????????????????/
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haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaye. finally. aankhein taras gayi thi.
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bro refusing more shady work coz “abhi mere paas chote-mote kaamon ke liye time nahi hai. kuch bada plan kar raha hoon.”
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mmmmmmmmmmmm baby what that mouth do??????
“vansh ki body ka toh main antim-sanskaar main kar chuka hoon.” ohohohohohohohoho symbolism samajhhh rahe ho aap loggggg???? new identity, who disssssssss waala scene hai.
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“riddhima vansh rai singhania, main aa rahaa hoon.”
oh aaja, aha aaja, aha aaajaa, ah ah aaaaja, ah aa aaaja, aha ha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
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atc74 · 4 years
Heartbeat - Chapter Five (FIN)
Warnings: Use of spells, summoning Death, going up against the bigbad, Chuck, mentions of loss, TW: major character death, Dean’s guilt, Dean’s grieving.
Summary: Sam, Dean, and Y/N are sheltering in place at the Bunker, researching this new virus that has created a world pandemic. But what happens when one of your own is immune compromised?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 945
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches​ because she’s the best
A/N: I’M BAAAAACCKKKK, well, mostly :) I know I’m not the only one struggling with life right now, and writing has been hard. Thank you all for sticking it out until I was able to get something together for you guys. This is only temporary and will pass. Keep your chin up and try on your jeans every few days.
Here it is, the last chapter of Heartbeat. Catch up now...
Heartbeat Masterlist
Like Dean’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker!
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Dean woke with a start, sweating and breathing heavily as the dream flashed in his head. He tossed the covers from his body and stumbled down the hall. “Sam!” He didn’t bother knocking, but burst through his brother's door without warning. “Sammy, I know how to stop Chuck!”
They stood in the library, spell ingredients spread out over the table. “We’re sure about this?” Sam asked his brother before lighting the match. 
“What other choice do we have, Sam? Let’s do this,” Dean nodded his agreement and Sam lit the match. In a puff of smoke, the atmosphere in the room changed, which Dean found often happens when you summon a powerful being. 
“What mess did you boys get yourselves into now?” Billie chuckled, taking a seat at the end of the table. 
“Billie, listen, this is probably going to sound crazy, but we think you can -” Dean started.
“Kill God?” Billie interjected, raising one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. 
“Well, yeah,” Sam agreed. 
“I gotta hand it to you, Dean, Sam. You boys are smarter than anyone expected.” 
“Thank you,” Dean blushed slightly under her backhanded praise. 
“Dean, you’ve been in my library. What is happening out there,” she stressed, “is not the natural order of things. These deaths are not in my books. Y/N’s story ended years before her time. Decades even.” 
“Then help us,” Dean pleaded with her. “Please.” 
“Let’s hear your plan.” 
“You know I have the power. Look how pathetic you are...shaking with fear,” Billie taunted Chuck. 
“You don’t have the balls,” Chuck spat. 
“My vessel doesn’t have those appendages, no. But, what I do have is greater than anything you ever could have dreamt up on your own. I am more powerful than you and your sister, and you know it,” Billie continued. “Now, undo this mess you have created or I will end you myself. And, your sister, too.” 
Chuck shook under the Angel of Death’s glare, but he pushed her further, despite his fear. “You wouldn’t.” 
“You really want to test me?” her voice boomed out over the clearing. Billie snapped her fingers and Amara appeared next to her. She grabbed her by the collar, and to demonstrate her point, slid the scythe against the soft flesh of her neck. 
“Okay, fine!” Chuck snapped his fingers. “You get your way, you heinous bitch! Now let me go!” 
“In due time.” Billie turned to Sam. “Can you confirm this?” 
Sam placed a call to the CDC and two major hospitals. He looked at Dean, then Billie with a look of disbelief on his face. “It worked.” 
Billie turned her attention back to Chuck, Amara now chained by his side. “Termites.” She brought her scythe up and with a mighty blow, watched their heads roll. 
“So, that’s it?” Dean asked, both confused and impressed. 
“With both of them gone to the empty, the balance of good and evil remains. Now, I have some wrongs to right. I hope I don’t see you again,” Billie grinned and disappeared. 
“Let’s go home, Sammy.” 
Days turned into weeks and still the number of reported cases of COVID-19 continued to drop until they were practically nil. Sam and Dean were in awe of Billie’s power, but grateful to have her on their side. The stay at home mandates had been lifted, and the world was returning to normal. Sam had made the necessary calls now that it was time. 
“How you holding up?” Sam asked his brother as they arranged the wood for Y/N’s funeral pyre. 
“I’ll be honest with you, Sam. Not great. But, she keeps haunting my dreams, and she’s pissed I haven’t done this for her yet, so, while I don’t want to, I know it’s time,” Dean admitted. “I’m heading in. I need some time.”
“Of course.” Sam tended to the pyre and welcomed Y/N’s dad, Donna, Jody, and all the other hunters that came to pay their respects. Everyone asked after Dean, but no one questioned where he was. 
“Hey, honey. People are here to see you. I can hear them. I know I promised you I’d be strong, but I don’t know if I can keep that promise. It’s kinda like losing you twice, ya know? I really don’t want to do this, Y/N. I’m sorry,” Dean sobbed, his head laying next to hers on the cold steel tray. 
He didn’t know how much time had passed, but he knew he must have fallen asleep, because of the strange dream he had. It wasn’t uncommon for him to have dreamt of her, good or bad but this was different. She was by his side, watching the sunset, just like they used to, their respective rings beating strong. He swore he could still feel it. 
He kissed the top of her head before pushing the tray back in and latching the door. He still heard voices, so he skipped the library in favor of a couple cold beers from the kitchen. Popping the top on the first one, he could still feel it. Like a phantom pain that amputees experience. He knew it was his mind playing tricks on him and maybe he should just take it off, so it wasn’t yet another constant reminder, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Dean stared at the ring, at the simple engraving and there it was, steady as his own. “Sam!” 
Several hunters came running, hot on Sam’s heels. “Dean, what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. I-it’s beating. It’s beating!” Dean took off down the hall at a full on sprint. He rounded the corner to the infirmary, jumping down the steps and stopped, facing the cold storage. He took a deep breath and pulled the door open, sliding the tray out. He glanced up at the rail, seeing his brother and Jody. Dean gingerly pulled the sheet back. 
“It’s about fucking time! What took you so long, Winchester? By the way, Billie says ‘hey’.”
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this series, but this ending...I kinda love it? Did you? The nicest thing you can do is reblog and tell me, and others, how much you liked it. 
The Whole Enchilada: @iwantthedean​​​​ @dolphincliffs​​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​​ @meganwinchester1999​​​ @cherrycokegirls1​​​​ @closetspngirl​​​​  @roxyspearing​​​​ @flamencodiva​​​​ @blacktithe7​​​​ @sis-tafics​​​​ @just-another-busyfangirl @evansrogerskitten​​​​ @amanda-teaches​​​​ @hannahindie​​​​ @wotinspntarnation​​​​ @winchesterprincessbride​​​​ @winecatsandpizza​​​​ @kickingitwithkirk​​​​  @wi-deangirl77​​​​ @hobby27​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​ @gh0stgurl​​​​ @alleiradayne​​​​ @idreamofplaid​​​​ @seenashwrite​​​​ @manawhaat​​​​ @crashdevlin​​​​ @thoughtslikeaminefield​​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​​
The Dean’s List: @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​​​​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​​ @maddiepants​​​  @adoptdontshoppets​​​ @supernatural-jackles​​​​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​​ @akshi8278​​​​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​​​​
Heartbeat: @idksupernatural​​​ @imaginationisgrowth​​​ @gabrielslittleangel​​​ @samsgirl93​
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
Lipstick 3 : Cock
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(Dean x Reader)
Summary : Reader wears lipstick. That’s it.
Note : those were supposed to be drabbles. Lol. Thank you to @roonyxx for being part of this project.
***Chapter One : Lips (Reader Pov, fluff)
Words : 1.6K
***Chapter Two : Neck (Sam Pov, angst)
Words : 1.6k
***Chapter three : Cock (Dean Pov, smut)
Words : 1.9k
3. Cock
           Little red stain on my fingers. I look at it with a little smile dancing on my lips.
           Dark sticky red but not blood for once, love mark.
           I have those adorable stains everywhere lately. On my lips, my neck, my chest sometimes, and my hands of course… I rub the lipstick mark on my jeans and bite my lower lip thinking of her mouth on my chest, her tongue on my nipples, her teeth grazing my stomach.
           Her strangled whimpers and tiny gasps echo in my head and I look down, not wanting Sammy to see  the lust in my eyes.
           My phone lights up and a photo of her appears. When I took it, we were not even a thing yet ; she had take one of my flannel coming back from the grocery because her clothes had been soaked by rain. She's sitting on the motel bed with my flannel, wet hair... So cute. It's the photo I chose for when she calls or texts me.
           This is a text. "No cherry pie baby, I'm sorry. Apple pie ?" I smile at my phone, right now I'm not even hungry, I just want her home.
"Yep. Anything. Just come home."
I put my phone down and start thinking about what I would do to her right now. It's something I can't stop thinking about, because I never had that. Yes, I had sex, but I never had that intimacy. Lisa was my girlfriend, but I was broken and she was discreet. Y/n is different. Y/n asks me what I like, what I want... And I don't always know. Then she tells me what she wants, simply. A one night stand doesn't care about connection, or about learning the other's body. Sex with someone you love, and that loves you truly is completely different. And I'm addicted to that.
           Just the way I'm allowed to put my hand on her thigh under the table. The way she just tells me she wants my tongue right now and sometimes nothing else. The way she looked at me when I told her the things I never tried, with simple trust and love...
"Just come home ? Dean, you were all grumpy because of how hungry you were..."
"I'm hungry for something else."
That's the simple truth. The simple truth is okay with her. If she doesn't want to, if she's tired or anything, she will just tell me, but that barely happens.
"Hungry huh ?"
I can see her cocky smile from here, biting the corner of her lips with that damn look on her face. Between evil look and shy, that's how she smiles when I tell her I want her.
"Yeah it's HARD to focus on research right now."
           I look up and Sammy is engrossed in his book. I keep my phone in my hand, eager to feel another text from her.
"Hard ? Oh Poor baby... Researches got you all tense. Do you need me to massage you ? Where is it all hard ?"
Shit... Now she's playing dirty. Okay let's do this.
"In my pants."
My baby is easy to read, but always a surprise. I can't wait to see her face, to know what she's up to.
"That's not precise enough, Deanie. Where do you want my hands ? Like the other day ?"
I can't hold back a gasp, thinking of what she did to me, of that begging mess she made me. Sam looks up unimpressed, gives me a stern look seeing I'm not really reading the collection of Japanese ghost stories.
"I want you to touch my cock, sweetheart." Send.
I grunt, feeling my pants getting tighter. I think of the first time I saw her naked, I was an idiot, trying to repress my feelings for her when I already knew no other girl could be enough for me now.
"Yeah but Sam is here, if I was beside you, I couldn't slip my hand in your boxers, Deanie, I couldn't grab your cock in my hands because you would be loud... You're always loud..."
Yeah with you, I think. I didn't know before I had loud in me. And Sam doesn't really like that about you I must say.
           I open my jeans, just because it's too uncomfortable. And try to think of an answer, but that makes a light groan escape my lips. Sam doesn't react.
"What if you did anyway ?"
I'm lost in fantasy. I just stare at the wood, imagining her sitting next to me, biting that dark red lip of her and sliding her fingers in my pants.
"Well you would have to be quiet. Feeling my fingers wrap you tight. You would have to bite your cheek because you would crave to let go. Like I'm sure you're already breathing suspicious..."
I am.
"Or you would have to take me somewhere else, and do these things to me."
I just send. She knows what it means. It's an affirmation, an order, a beg and an answer. That's all I need to say.
           But then she stops answering. Sam gets up with a grumpy look, he's just tired, like we all are, I know he is ; and maybe he's a little mad at me because I don't really help. I'm sorry Sam, I just can't read those boring things right now.
           He gets up and stretches his back.
"I need air" he says. "I'm going insane locked up here without answers. Call Jody, tell her we don't know more than her for now. I'm going out to clear my mind."
He leaves and I stay here, sitting on my chair, a dusty book in front of me, my cock so hard it hurts, not daring to move, or to touch it like I crave.
           I texted Y/n three times but she didn't answer, maybe she's at the checkout of the store. I still try again, one last time before I go to the shower, and do something for myself.
           But her phone rings, just behind me.
           I get up and turn. She's there, smiling with her dark lower lip between her white teeth.
"I didn't hear you" I smile, touching her hair like my hands couldn't stay away. They can't really.
"I entered by the garage" she states looking at me like all the answers were on my face.
I look down and see she's not carrying anything.
"No pie ?" I raise an eyebrow.
"No..." she whispers getting closer, her hand brushing my crotch. "I just let everything at the store."
I touch her lips with the tip of my finger and watch the discreet red stain I like so much now.
She opens my zipper and I close my eyes for a second, just to focus on what is to come, and as I expected, she slips her hands in my boxers. She grabs me and pumps a few times, very slowly.
"Y/n..." this is not so clear anymore, this is a question, with a mask of pleading.
"No Deanie."
"No ?" I gasp.
She doesn't want me to take her, she wants something else, maybe my mouth or my fingers... But I can't read her face right now. She stands on her tip toes and kisses my lips, then my jaw, and I know little stains will stay there as the witness of her presence on me.
           Suddenly, she pushes me against the wall just behind me and squats.
"Y/n ?" I clearly ask this time.
But she doesn't answer, she puts my jeans and boxers down just enough to free my cock, and the belt of my jeans stays on the middle of my ass.
"Deanie..." she purrs, making me groan deep down in my chest.
Then I feel it, the little kiss I crave, like the ones she puts on my lips to help me sleep, or on my hands when I'm tired and sore. This one is not on my lips, but on the head of my cock. I feel it twitch and I look down.
           She's smiling at me, the perfect balance between hot and cute, and she licks her lips, making her lipstick all wet and shiny.
"Y/n... you don't... We can..."
But I'm cut by an open-mouth kiss on my length. She knows what she's doing, and she knows what she wants. One more, two, three kisses with her tongue out, I'm a panting mess.
"Let me hear you Deanie..." she pleads from deep in her throat.
And she takes me in her pretty mouth...
           She takes me deep and covers what she can't take with her hand, hollowing her cheeks.
"Wow ! Shit !" I gasp.
My all body starts to sweat, and I can't focus anymore. I try to look at her, to keep my eyes on that woman I love, but they roll in my skull and I let my head fall back on the wall behind me, taking a deep, shaky breath.
           I finally let myself focus on pleasure. The intense feeling of those lips I love, swallowing me like they owned me. My hand reaches her head, but I don't catch her hair, I don't want to be tempted to thrust, I want her in control, in control of me, like she wants me in total control of her sometimes. I touch her face but when she pumps a little faster, my palm joins the other on my eyes. My mouth is open wide, I can hear my moans, but they seem far away and buried deep inside at the same time.
"Y/n..." this is a prayer now.
She swallows around me and I almost lose it, but I need to feel it more. I'm close, no need to tell her that, she knows me by heart.
           One of her hand touches my balls, I whine. She relaxes her mouth and takes me a little deeper, not like that woman who once took me entirely because she was extremely trained obviously, just like she wanted more. She coughs just a little from the back of her throat and suck like I was a freaking candy. I whine again.
           I don't even feel it coming, but the orgasm escapes me completely. When I come, it's all sudden and mind-blowing, like a tsunami. I cry out and she keeps sucking to make me give it all to her. I do and she swallows it all with hums.
           When my mind clears, she's getting up, her lipstick all messy, her mascara making tiny black dots under her eyes. I groan and put my forehead on hers, trying to catch my breath. She puts her palms on my chest, to feel my heart beating I know, she loves that : to sense the effect she has on me.
"Now I'm hungry and there is no pie" she pouts.
I just chuckles and look down : Lipstick everywhere.
             Sammy came back before I had the chance to return the favor, but she whispered in my ear that she's just hungry for now, that we have all the time now that I'm hers. I have put my pants back on and stayed stunned while she was heading to the bathroom to fix her makeup.
           Now she's eating cereals out of a cute marvel mug of hers, listening to Sammy. But I still can't focus, how could I ?
           Knowing those red stains of love are all around my cock now.
Forever Tags :  @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @animegirlgeeky @paradoxical–intentions  @thefaithfulwriter@parinarain@vicariouslythruspn@emeow1496@daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld @cocklesbelli @sandlee44 @mogaruke @masterof-agony @mogaruke @donnaintx @screechingartisancashbailiff
Lipstick Tags : @voltage-my2dlove​ @mere-mortifer
Tags are open, tell me if yours doesn’t work
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timeagainreviews · 5 years
The Doctor visits Villa Diodati... Again
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It’s rare that an episode of Doctor Who can upset the fandom before it ever airs. Even rarer is the fandom actually having a valid reason for being so hacked off. The reason for this week’s outrage? That would be none other than the inclusion of the famous writer Mary Shelley into the story. If you’re a fan of Big Finish, you may know already that Mary Shelley acts as a bit of a companion in the Eighth Doctor audios. So when she shows up with the Doctor on the same night when she meets the Eighth Doctor, you start to wonder if anyone thought to actually check.
There’s a really great thing called the TARDIS Data Core. It’s a wiki maintained by the type of meticulous nerds (see: me) who care about this sort of thing. And it’s absolutely free to use. So if you want to throw in someone like say, Houdini, you can read up on the many instances when the Doctor met the man. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, Doctor Who writers have a bizarre fascination with that man. I won’t fault Maxine Alderton for having not listened to the audios with Mary Shelley. I’ve only listened to one of them. But hell, check the damn wiki.
The world of Doctor Who gets its mileage out of perception filters. They play a huge part in the mythology of the show, and especially tonight’s episode. Maybe this is why the Thirteenth Doctor doesn’t remember her travels with Mary Shelley, it’s filtered out. And maybe that’s why when Lord Byron answers the door to Villa Diodati, he reacts with shock despite the massive windows with a clear view of the Doctor and her companions. Was he shocked by the fact that literally nothing changed? Pro tip- if you’re going to show someone surprised by who is on the other side of a door, wood is more effective than glass.
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The Doctor and her companions have arrived at the Villa Diodati in the rain-soaked summer of 1816. The very same rain that has relegated Lord Byron, Mary Shelley, Claire Clairmont, and John Polidori housebound, has also forced the TARDIS crew to seek shelter at the villa. The episode wastes no time reaching for cliches as the Doctor says to her companions to brace themselves for meeting some of the greatest minds of human history, only to have the door open to a room of drunken buffoons. They did the exact same joke when the Tenth Doctor met Shakespeare. It’s not egregious, but it’s played out none the less.
Rebounding from cliches, director Emma Sullivan gets some great horror movie vibes as the appearance of a skeletal hand stalks through the house like a spider looking for prey. Clips of ghostly apparitions flicker in and out of existence. I was already very excited about where this was headed. Lord Byron is quite taken by the Doctor, who pays him very little mind. But this doesn’t stop the sleepwalking Dr Polidori from getting jealous when Claire appears to be flirting with Lord Byron. Much of the information about these four is conveyed by their proclivity to gossip, which I thought was a very clever way of sneaking a history lesson into the story. Once again, they’re making better use of edutainment moments by incorporating them into the story.
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However, it is Lord Byron who has Claire’s eye. Unfortunately for her, she doesn’t stand a chance against the Doctor, or whoever catches Lord Byron’s attention that week. Claire laments Lord Byron’s mixed signals in a conversation with Yaz, leading Yaz to convey her own issues with someone she fancies. She never outright says it’s Ryan, but I’m guessing it’s Ryan. I’m also guessing we’re still doing that? She also very well could have meant the Doctor. Meanwhile, Graham is lost in this labyrinthian house whilst searching for the loo. I love that Graham is the companion that thinks about eating and going to the bathroom. I’ve always wondered why there weren’t more action movies where someone needed to take a piss. You never see Ethan Hunt stop a bullet train while needing to poop. Now that’s an impossible mission.
With Dr Polidori being a sleepwalker, his demeanour is anxious and agitated causing him to take Ryan’s playground trash talk as a major slight on his character. He challenges him to a duel, but before he can put a cap in Ryan’s backside, they’re interrupted by the presence of the skeleton hand. I really have to give it up to Tosin Cole here. His comedic chops this series have been spot-on. Watching him try and fight off a flying hand was just as funny as watching him try to impress Mary Shelley with a stumbling rendition of "Chopsticks," on the piano. After a bit of hot potato, the skeletal hand is taken out of commission by the valet, Fletcher with the serving tray assist. The hand smacks into the ground in a fine powder.
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The Doctor reveals that she believes the house is giving off really evil "vibes," and they set about looking for answers. It’s at this moment that the perception filters begin toying with their minds. Stairwells lead down to their tops and exits lead to their entrances. It’s a very wibbly-wobbly moment that leads you to wonder what exactly is going on. Is the house haunted? Does it have anything to do with the bones Lord Byron is keeping at the villa? Why are vases breaking against the wall? Who is this apparition that keeps blinking in and out of existence? Who are the woman and child that supply Graham with a sweet plate of sandwiches?
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Stuck in what seems like a time loop, Mary begins to panic as she hears her infant son William crying from a room she is unable to reach. It is then that the sleepwalking of Polidori actually comes in handy as he is able to walk through walls as he is unaffected by perception filters while asleep. This allows everyone to navigate the house by closing their eyes. The Doctor assumes that whatever is happening has turned the villa into a sort of panic room to protect it from something horrible. Perhaps this something has to do with room they’ve discovered which is covered in mad writing scrawled in an alien language. I’ll forgive them the cliche of the madman furiously scrawling walls as at this point, I am fully invested in the story.
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It takes them almost no time to discover who the house is protecting them from, as the Lone Cyberman as warned about by Captain Jack arrives looking like Frankenstein’s monster. I absolutely loved the horror movie visuals. The decision not to reveal exactly what the Cyberman was at first, really amped up the anticipation. I knew he was coming at the end of the series, but I didn’t expect him so soon. His image cut like a hunched monster in the darkness of the hallway portrayed a man or monster that has clearly travelled a very long distance to get here. We’ve never had a chance to see a Cyberman look so fatigued and battle-worn. This concept is driven home as we’re able to see the human underneath the mask. One of his hands is left exposed calling back to the Cybermen’s first appearance in "The Tenth Planet."
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The Doctor kicks into Doctor mode as she commands her companions not to follow her. The Cyberman goes about looking for "the guardian," which doesn’t pan out too well for poor Fletcher or the maid watching William. However, the Cyberman spares the baby because, after all, this is a family show, and we are still pre-watershed. The Doctor confronts the Cyberman who is unable to attack. Noting his emotions are still intact, the Doctor tries to negotiate with him. This is a rare opportunity for the Doctor to do something more with a Cyberman than exploding his head. However, it would appear this lone mechano man is the cause of all of the freak weather happening, as he recharges himself with a very Mary Shelley style lightning.
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Meanwhile, the companions and their new friends have discovered Percey Shelley in the cellar. The Doctor reads Percy’s mind to discover he had found something shiny in the bottom of Lake Geneva, like some sort of sexy Smeagol.  Upon picking it up, it begins seeping into his skin, connecting to his mind where it would attempt to hide from the Lone Cyberman. The object is a sort of intelligent liquid metal known as the Cyberium. Within it resides all of the knowledge and history of the Cybermen. In its attempt to hide, Percy returns home to discover nobody can see him no matter how many vases he throws against the wall. The Cyberium puts up a series of perception filters that obscure him from sight. Who sent it back in time, and why it wants to hide from the Lone Cybermen is left a mystery.
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The Doctor is forced to make a decision- ignore Jack’s warning not to give the Lone Cyberman what he wants, or allow the Cyberium to destroy Percy’s mind. Ryan tries to make like this is a simple decision as one life weighed against billions is an easy choice. However, the Doctor’s curt response shows the situation to be far more impactful. I loved her speech about being the lone person at the peak of a summit. That was some "curse of the Time Lords," level pontification which I have yearned so much to hear from Jodie’s Doctor. She almost seems disgusted with Ryan here. She doesn’t hide her contempt for always having to be the strong one. This may be one of my favourite Thirteenth Doctor moments as she seems genuinely pissed about being the one to make the big decisions.
Mary Shelley has a moment that clearly sounds like she was working out the basis for what would become her book "Frankenstein," as she tries to reason with the Cyberman. She sees the monster made of disparate parts, but she also sees the man within. But it would appear that this man within has the brain of a criminal as he thrashes about wildly looking to harm. Percy passes the Cyberium to the Doctor. Once again they touch on cliche by claiming the Doctor is the perfect host for the Cyberium. I found this odd considering they have always said the Doctor is not compatible with Cyberman technology, but whatever. The Doctor makes her decision which is to give the Cyberman the Cyberium. That’s step one of the plan, step two is to fix the problems she created with step one. I’ve never heard Doctor Who so succinctly summed up. The Doctor just keeps putting out fires until the problem is solved. Brilliant.
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For now, we’re left to ponder the future of this Lone Cyberman. How will it play into the Timeless Child if at all? Is this the beginning of storyline spanning three different episodes? I’m hoping the answer is yes. That would be really cool to see not just the Timeless Child and the Lone Cyberman come together, but also the Master as well. If Chris Chibnall can actually find a through-line with all three stories, I would be very impressed. There’s a lot to like in series twelve, which makes it almost sad that so many people have been tuning out. I’ll admit I understand the trepidation people may have after series eleven. There was a sort of aimlessness that series twelve definitely does not share.
I wouldn’t sit here and say the entire series has been home run after home run, but I’ve not hated a single episode. Even the weaker efforts like "Orphan 55," and “Can You Hear Me?” were completely watchable. Even if "The Haunting of Villa Diodati," does mess with the Eighth Doctor canon, it doesn’t waste its time. That Cyberman reveal was so effective that I audibly said "Woah!" as he beamed his way into the house. And it’s still too early to say what is and isn’t canon at this point, as the Timeless Child could play into it. We could be dealing with pocket realities or alternate timelines. All could very well be revealed in the end. If not, well, it just gives Big Finish a chance to do what it does best- retcon the shit out of something until it fits. It’s Doctor Who, it can take the strain.
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aloneinxthenight · 6 years
SPN Questionnaire
Tagged by: @thehotterwinchester
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
I started watching when it started airing. I remember seeing the promos for it on the WB and being like “Oh dang that looks interesting, I wanna see that.” So I watched the first episode and I was instantly hooked. Funny, back then the Bloody Mary episode almost made me pee my pants, now I’m just like “OMG LOOK AT HOW TINY THEY WERE!”
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
I would say Sam. 
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
Uggghhhhh, why do you do this to me?? Ughh... Okay, so, I might actually have to say Dean. DON’T GET ME WRONG, I LOVE DEAN. But I feel a sort of protectiveness over Cas and I really like his character development.
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs.
I REFUSE TO CHOOSE. YOU CANNOT MAKE ME.... Besides, they all know who they are.
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
JODY FUCKING MILLS. I love Jody. I think she has come SO FAR since we first met her but she was always a bad ass and I hope she sticks around.
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
I can’t say Jody again because I already did. Honestly? Ellen Harvelle. Okay apparently I have a thing for the mother figures in this show, I LOVE THEM ALL OKAY?
7. John or Mary?
How could you do this to me? I love them both. Ugggghhhh, I mean I’ve read John’s journal. But I also really like what they have been doing with Mary. Mary was up on this pedestal until season 12 and 13 and I love how she’s developed. So I’ll say Mary. BUT I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THE 300TH EPISODE GUYS, SO FUCKING EXCITED.
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Sam: Sam was the first character I really was drawn to. As a younger sibling, I saw a lot of things I could relate with in him and I loved his personality. It also helped that Jared is really good looking, but I’ll be honest, back then I thought his nose was SO BIG. It bugged me so much. Now I don’t even care my dude. Also I remember that I felt so protective of him after the first episode when Jess died. I was like ‘YOU BEST STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SAM” when anything would happen to him. Obviously, I am still this way. 
Dean: I thought Dean was funny as shit. I thought he definitely acted like an older brother and part of the reason I really enjoyed the show and still do is how Sam and Dean play off one another in their relationship as siblings because me and my sister are pretty similar in terms of how we talk to each other. I really liked Dean though I remember being like “Dude, really?” when he hit on Jess RIGHT IN FRONT OF SAM. 
Cas: I thought Cas was really interesting. I thought the whole dynamics of Angels coming into play was super interesting and I was kind of like Sam was when he first met Cas like “OMG AN ANGEL THIS IS AMAZING” especially because of his entrance. I thought Cas was bad ass. I mean the way he just looked down at the knife in his chest like “... what is that? you stuck something in me? huh.” and then just pulled it out. That was awesome.
Jack: Jack is amazing. I was unsure of him at first. I mean he made his entrance and I was like “oh dang...” But it was when he was walking around naked that I really began to love him like immediately. When he talked to the Drive-thru statue like “Father?” I was done. He has been m precious cinnamon bun son ever since and I will fight for his protection with my life. 
9. What’s your favorite season?
I don’t care if I catch flack for it, right now my favorite season is season 13. I REALLY enjoyed that season.Season 4 is a close second.
10. What’s your least favorite season?
As much as I love Soulless!Sam for the wonderful work out scene he gave us, I didn’t really care for season 6 all that much. There were good episodes in the season, no lie, but it wasn’t my favorite.
11. Opinions on Destiel?
I don’t ship it. Others are free to and you can ask anyone who I know who ships it, and that’s quite a few people who I am friends with, I don’t bash ships that I don’t ship. I am respectful of their ship, but I do not ship it. I see them as best friends, brothers even, but not as lovers. But that’s the thing about media, everyone is open to their own interpretations of it. And that is mine.
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
I think, and I say this as someone who loves Misha, Misha mostly queerbaits, but not intentionally, probably because he jokes around with the fandom about Destiel, but I don’t think the show does it as much as some people say it does. I think it’s mostly because I don’t see the ship that I don’t consider guys having deep conversations or relying on each other as signs that they are in love. I don’t know, but that’s just me. 
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
8-14. What? I said it.
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
I really liked Azazael. 
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
I don’t think they really can... at least in the way we think they can. Lucifer is supposed to be the embodiment of evil, but in the show, he is that and so much more. However, there will always need to be the embodiment of evil in terms of symbolism. Even if God isn’t around, he isn’t dead. I don’t think Lucifer really CAN die because so many people believe in him, even if it’s not the kind of belief he wants.
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
I think Sam and Dean have gone through more trauma than Cas has, just because Cas has lived a LOT LONGER THAN THEY HAVE so in the scope of who has endured the most in their lifetime, Cas spent the majority of his life in heaven, which was rigid, but not that bad. Sam and Dean have had trauma as a best friend since six months after Sam was born. Between Sam and Dean, I actually think Sam has suffered a great deal, I mean he was in Hell longer, he was tortured by the devil that whole time and probably had to witness Adam getting tortured by Michael as well. BUT, does that mean I think Dean’s trauma isn’t valid? Hell no. Dean has a lot of trauma as well. I think it’s a matter of perspective because obviously, as we are invested in these characters and this show, we are gonna say our favorite brother has suffered the most, but you gotta love them both.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
Any episodes having to do with the GhostFacers. I Know What You Did Last Summer (ahem >.>), Party On Garth, A Most Holy Man... Oh, I was supposed to pick one? The Fuck, I can’t PICK ONE.
I 18. Do you like case episodes?
OF COURSE. I LOVED Advanced Thanatology.
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
I know it’s apparently an unpopular opinion but I actually still like the show for both the characters AND the plot. God forbid we enjoy the plot anymore, lol. I started watching Supernatural because I was interested in its premise. I kept watching it because it was interesting and there were ghosts and demons and ghouls and the guys being hot was a major plus. I also kept watching because I became invested in the story and the brothers and I am still invested in the story and the brothers. As well as the other characters. I am invested in the Winchester family, those who are blood-related and non-blood related. It just is what it is.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
I actually would love to see Jess brought back? Just so we could see Sam’s reaction to it after 14 years. Or Jo and Ellen. OR KEVIN. I wanna see Kevin and Jack bond tbh. Could you imagine Kevin showing Jack memes? Just like imagine that for a moment. As for killing someone off... I honestly don’t know... I have to think on this... Hmm... I guess Nick? Have Lucifer put him out of his misery so he has full control of the vessel? I DON’T KNOW. I can’t think of anyone I want to kill off.
Tagging: @madehunter , @leeriverofwordsjordan , @carryontm , @nephilimtm , @angritm , @thelegendarydarcylewis , anyone else who wants to do it, go on my dears
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hellagayweird0 · 6 years
Jay’s Season 14 Episode 3 Chat
(Read more will be included)
~ “Some people say I look good.” YES AND YOU DO, BABY
~ “No.  No, Sam.  No people say that.” Dean I stg don’t you dare insult the Sammy beard, I will hurt you.  SAM LOOKS GREAT
~ “Michael bailed.”  The fandom:
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~ Ok camera hi um I like his face but I don’t need to see it so close, thanks
~ Chief is now and forever going to be a nickname I use for Sam in my fics, thank you very much.  I LOVE CHIEF
~ Jack: “Dean?”  Dean: *starts singing* “I heard that you were talking shit and you didn’t think that I would hear it.” *But seriously, that part of the song just automatically started playing in my head when they saw each other 😂*
~ “Is it really you?” Jack noooooooooooo it’s a liiiiiiie
~ Dean and Cas: *smile at each other*  Me: 
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~ “How’s Nick.”  *crawls into a corner* We don’t mention that name in this household, sir.  He’s not welcome here
~ There are so many layers to suits, damn
~ “Cas, I’m gonna need you to get in my head.”  All the Destiel shippers: 
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~ Oh that’s a Dark Kaia and a stabby stab
~ Hey Claire my wife, what’s up I miss you
~ Aw Jody happy to hear from her son again
~ Oh I’m glad the “giant meat fork” thing has context now 😆
~ AW JACK *hugs him*
~ Dean you can’t come back and just start giving Jack orders.  You aren’t the parent here
~ “I didn’t mean to be a dick.” *coughs and remembers last season* Sure, Jan
~ (Also ok I get he’s been through a lot and I’m being hard on him BUT I CAN’T HELP IT)
~ Oh hi new people, you’re both adorable and I already love you
~ Ok nope I’m calling so much bullshit here.  You’re telling me that Dean literally cutting Sam off to insist that Cas stay in the bunker and not go with them to help, even though Cas could be a huge help to them, is normal Dean?  He seems waaaaay too eager to have Cas not go with them.  I don’t trust that AT ALL
~ See, Dean and I handle hard times/pain the same way.  By joking, not taking it 100% seriously, and sometimes flat out ignoring/avoiding it.  Not for bad, insulting reasons.  Just because it’s easier to joke than to face stuff.  (Sorry, this took a dark turn 😆 I just wanted to say that.  I relate to Dean a ton.)
~ I love the looks they give each other when Jody’s not looking 😆 little things like that make a scene so much better
~ Dean wtf is going on with you, you’re so eager about this, I don’t trust that
~HE WROTE THEM A NOTE I’M CRYING (also 2 things.  one, who taught him how to write?  two, HIS HANDWRITING IS AWESOME.)
~ “Like Sleeping Beauty.”  *starts sobbing* Jack, could you be anymore pure?  ALSO WHO TAUGHT HIM ABOUT SLEEPING BEAUTY BECAUSE I WANT TO GIVE THEM A GIANT HUG.  THANK YOU, STRANGER
~ Oh thanks for mentioning Rowena.  I miss my favorite witch
~ “Are you going somewhere?” Cas parent mode is activated YES CAS BE A GOOD DAD I LOVE YOU
~ Jody, you don’t even have to ask, of course you get a vote, you queen
~ Sam is like “Nope this is some bullshit.”
~ Oh hey Dark Kaia, my love
~ I love how Dean just casually lands on Sam
~ I LOVE WHEN DARK KAIA IS A NINJA (also what was that “throwing the spear, diving to it, grabbing it, and running off 😆 it was strange but cool.)
~ Ok but for real I’m super curious as to who this AU!Kaia is
~ “Let’s find her and ask.” Oh yeah, I’m sure you’ll have a nice, calm chat over some tea maybe
~ “It’s marked ‘gross stuff’.” Could I love this show anymore than I already do?  The answer is no
~ “Is that your dad?” “One of them, yes.” If you’ll excuse me, I have to wrap myself in a blanket and sob into a pillow
~ Oh that glance, the pressure is on, Cas
~ Look at that floppy Sammy hair
~ Well isn’t that pretty and purple
~ Now let’s all take a second for dramatic timing to kick in- yup there it is
~ “First love strikes quick.” THEY MADE IT CANON, BITCHES!!  YEEEEEES *breaks out the whiskey* TIME TO CELEBRATE KAIAXCLAIRE
~ Oh Sam knows a little about losing love (I’m sorry I had to)
~ Dark Kaia jump scare, hi
~ Those crackers will dry out your mouth so quickly, my dear.  Take some dirty water with you
~ Here’s Deany
~ Oh well you’re welcome to tie me to a chair any day of the week, sir (i mean what....)
~ “I was trying to kill the blonde.”  Jody: *pulls out a gun* “I WON’T HESITATE, BITCH.”
~ Oh no the poor girl!!
~ In what world does a chair slide that easily?  Apparently this one
~ “You’re no different than him.  Threats, violence, anything to get what you want.” *starts clapping*
~ “I am nothing like him.” SURE JAN
~ “Jack, are you sure?”  “No.” *breaks it anyways* I love him
~ Heeeeey she’s okaaaaaay YOU DID IT JACK I’M SO PROUD OF YOU
~ Why do I miss Michael!Dean?  Is it bad that I want him back? 😆
~ Excuse me, don’t kick her
~ Aw Jody
~ Yay new friends coming to visit
~Guys, you didn’t even knock first.  Rude
~ “I was never one to turn down a buffet.” ME TOO
~ Hi um don’t touch Sam’s beautiful face, thanks
~ Wait wait wait, would a chair losing a leg really loosen the ropes?  HOW DOES THAT WORK, AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE 😆
~ Dean: “Now you’re in trouble.” Dark Kaia: *dives out the window*  Dean: “Well shit, never mind.” 
~ I hope we meet again, wifey
~ Jody, you’re such a fuckin queen
~ Aw yeah, Claire deserves to know
~ “I just feel like I already lost before I ever even began.” Was that shade towards what happened (or rather, didn’t happen) with Wayward?  WAS THAT SHADE?  IF SO, I’M SO PROUD AND I BOW DOWN TO JODY
~ Jack just lying on his bed, contemplating life, is meeeeeee
~ Not gonna lie, I had to take like 5 minutes because I was crying over this scene BUT I NEED AN EPISODE WHERE CAS AND JACK GO ON A HUNT TOGETHER PLEASE AND THANK YOU
~ Other parents are proud of first steps, first words, and stuff.  And the fandom is over here like AW HIS FIRST COLD HOW PRECIOUS 😆
~ “I’ll make you some soup then.” PLEASE HOLD AS I RESUME MY CRYING
~ NO I’M NOT READY FOR THIS B.M. SCENE, NOPE, NO *jumps out of the impala* *screams from the distance* NOOOOOOPE
~ “I put us all in danger today.  Stupid danger.” YEAH WE KNOW
~ As hard as it is, baby, you can’t skip like that.  You have to be careful.
~ Hey um Dean I don’t like this “putting yourself down” part *hugs him* stop it
~ Are we forgetting that both Sam and Dean have been possessed by archangels?  I’m sure Sam knows what it feels like (I’m not yelling at Dean 😆 I’m just saying)
~ Dean: “I was underwater.”  Me: *breaks out into singing All Of Me* MY HEAD’S UNDERWATER-”
~ Okay, let’s pause for a second.  Dean, sweetheart, you said yes because Sam and Jack were in danger.  If you hadn’t, Jack would be dead and who knows what would’ve happened to Sam.  You did the right thing, and whatever Michael does/did, isn’t on you.  You had no control after he took over.  You said yes to him helping you save Sam and Jack.  You didn’t know he’d take over and start doing all this stuff.  Not. Your. Fault.  Alright, let’s resume
~Also, I’m getting Sam S8 flashbacks and I don’t appreciate this
And that’s it for S14 E3!  This episode was the best one this season so far by a long shot.  It felt like the first real episode.  And for some reason, it felt really short.  But it was still good!  I’m really excited for next week’s episode!  Even though it’s a filler, it looks awesome! (even though Sam beard is gone....I’m not sad....*sniffs*)  And that mystery girl with Sam who I’ve been trying to figure out the identity of for so long is in it SO MAYBE I’LL FINALLY GET SOME ANSWERS.  She’s adorable.
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weekendwarriorblog · 3 years
The Weekend Warrior 8/13/21 - CODA, FREE GUY, DON’T BREATHE 2, RESPECT, THE LOST LEONARDO, WHAT IF, and More!
Well, that was kind of a disappointing last weekend as James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad pretty much tanked at the box office, making less than Birds of Prey did back in February 2020 with all sorts of backseat analysis explaining why it didn’t do well as anyone, other than a scant, few thought. I mean, I’m still kind of stunned, even though COVID and the Delta variant seem to be losing steam as far as being news. It certainly didn’t help that HBO Max decided to release the movie concurrently on HBO Max on Thursday at 7pm.
The nice thing about this week is that we have three new movies, none of which are on streaming or On Demand at the exact same time, so if you want to see any of them, you’ll have to put on your N96 masks and get yourself to theaters. Two of the three movies are originals, while the third is a sequel to quite an original horror movie from about five years back. All of them are pretty good, actually. We’ll get to them soon...
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But first, let’s start with this week’s “The Chosen One” and it’s gotta be Siân Heder’s CODA i.e. “Child of Deaf Adults,” which will play in select theaters and on Apple TV+ starting Friday. If you hadn’t heard, it was the belle of the ball at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, winning the Jury Prize and Audience Award alike. Heder previously directed Tallulah and is the showrunner on Apple’s Little America, but this really is a very special film that I’ve enjoyed on repeat viewings now.
It stars Emilia Jones as Ruby Rossi, the sole hearing person in her family of Gloucester fishermen, who are out every day on the sea making the latest catch in their nets. Ruby has other aspirations, and when she joins the school choir, the teacher, Mr. Villalobos (Eugene Derbez) sees talent in Ruby that he thinks might get her into the Berklee College of Music. Ruby has to weigh that with her family’s need to have her as an interpreter while dealing with the other fishermen of the town.
I didn’t know what to expect when I saw this at Sundance back in January, and it still surprised me when I rewatched it again, because it’s a movie that involves a lot of elements that shouldn’t necessarily work, between the fishing and the singing and all the ASL between the amazing ingenue, Ms. Jones, and the deaf actors playing her family, including the one and only Oscar-winning Marlee Matlin. If not for these disparate elements, Coda might be a fairly standard indie family drama, but Heder finds just the right balance of showing how these disparities in Ruby’s life make it hard for her to pursue her dreams.
Ferdia Walsh-Peelo from Sing Street plays the classmate who Ruby is set up with to perform a duet at their high school recital, and of course, he also becomes an unwitting love interest. Unfortunately that’s the aspect of the film that’s the weakest, because Jones’ scenes with Matlin and the other actors, including Derbez, as well as Troy Kotsur and Daniel Durant, as Ruby’s father and brother, are just so powerful and moving even if they’re all in ASL with no dialogue or even incidental score.
Coda is Heder’s second film after Talllulah, a movie starring Elliot Page that never really connected with me, but Coda is such a strong and exceedingly crowd-pleasing film that I have to imagine that this would connect with everybody. I’m not sure if Apple’s gonna be able to get this movie all the way to Oscar night, but I do like its chances for Adapted (?) Screenplay, and maybe Matlin and Kotsur Supporting? I don’t know, because it’s so early and hard to tell, but hopefully the decision to wait so long after the virtual Sundance won’t hurt this movie as it hurt other Sundance award-winning films. Coda is just a joy that I’m sure will be many people’s favorite movie.
You can read my interview with Ms. Heder over at Below the Line.
Incidentally, in last week’s column, I talked about the 20th New York Asian Film Festival, but I didn’t realize that it was only running at Film at Lincoln Center for a week before going down to the SVA Theater on 23rd Street, and you can check out the schedule of movies playing there at the official site. And of course, there’s still the Virtual Festival that’s running through August 22. Also, Fantasia is still going on in Montreal, and I still haven’t had time to watch very much. What can I say? I suck.
Let’s get to some wide releases, shall we?
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First up and probably the most likely to win the weekend is Ryan Reynolds’ new action-comedy, FREE GUY (20th Century Studios), directed by Shawn Levy and co-starring Jodie Comer from Killing Eve. The high-concept comedy has Reynolds playing Guy, a bank teller, who actually is a non-player character in a video game called “Free City” that’s kind of a cross between Grand Theft Auto and Fortnite. When he meets Comer’s character in the game, he falls mady in love and decides to do whatever it takes to get on her level. (Get it?) In doing so, Guy ends up becoming a hero for Free City, as well as a viral sensation across the globe as gamers thrill to Guy’s adventures.
Free Guy is Ryan Reynolds’ first live-action starring role theatrical release since…. Oh…. the action-comedy sequel The Hitman’s Bodyguard’s Wife a little under two months ago. Considering that barely made half of what its predecessor did, and that’s with Reynolds sharing the screen with Samuel L. Jackson and Salma Hayek, one wonders if his draw as an A-lister can be maintained during a pandemic. Before that, you’d have to go all the way back to 2018’s Deadpool 2 for a fully live Reynolds movie, because he wasn’t seen as himself for most of his role in and as Detective Pikachu. Of course, Reynolds’ unmistakable voice was back in DreamWorks Animation’s The Croods: A New Age, the sequel to the 2013 blockbuster that made the ballsy move to be one of the first movies to open during the pandemic. It grossed $58.6 million in theaters, which was slightly more than Christopher Nolan’s Tenet and even more than the Warner Bros. sequel, Wonder Woman 1984.
This is also a big movie for Jodie Comer, who won an Emmy and was nominated for two Golden Globes for Killing Eve, but hasn’t really been in too many movies, other than playing Rey’s Mum in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Later this year, she’ll star in Ridley Scott’s The Last Duel and may possibly be back in the awards game again, we’ll see. The movie also stars Lil Rel Howery, who seems to be everywhere and in everything these days, as well as Taika Waititi who is super-hot right now due to 2019’s Jojo Rabbit, and his various television projects, as well as having a small role in James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad last week.
In some ways, Free Guy is gonna be a test for a lot of things, the first one being whether Reynolds is a big enough draw when not playing Deadpool to get people into theaters, just as people are starting to get skittish again about going into movie theaters. More importantly, it will show whether not having a movie on streaming or VOD means that people who want to see it will put aside their fears and return to theaters… like they did with F9 and Black Widow and Godzilla vs. Kong. Is an original non-franchise movie like Free Guy enough to get people interested in getting their butts off the couch and into a far more comfortable movie theater seat? (I’m being facetious, if you didn’t guess.)
After The Suicide Squad last week, I’m really not sure whether I can trust my own instincts, but I also don’t want to lower my prediction to something ridiculous out of fear that the pandemic really is destroying any chance of the box office fully recovering. One thing working in Free Guy’s favor, besides its PG-13 rating is that it’s not available on streaming and VOD. Anyone who has been intrigued by the film’s great reviews will HAVE to go out to a movie theater to see it or else, they’ll have to wait 45 days.
Maybe if this opened last month, I could see it open in the $30 million to $40 million range, but with things being the way they are, I’d probably go with high $20 million, so close to $30 million but not quite.
You can read my review over at Below the Line, and I’ll have an interview with the film’s Production Designer, Ethan Tobman, fairly soon.
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Also opening Friday is the horror sequel DON’T BREATHE 2 (Sony/Screen Gems), starring Stephen Lang as the blind former Navy Seal who terrorized a bunch of kids who broke into his house in 2016’s Don’t Breathe.
The original movie, which starred Jane Levy, reuniting with director Fede Alvarez after the two remade Evil Dead for producer Sam Raimi, opened in late August, on the fourth weekend of the original Suicide Squad, in fact, and it knocked the movie out of the #1 spot. Its $26 million opening in 3,000 theaters was impressive for the time, partially because late August has never been great. It stayed #1 for a second weekend, over Labor Day, and it ended up grossing $89.2 million in North America, which is great for an R-rated horror film.
Levy isn’t around for the sequel and Alvarez has moved into a co-writer/producer role for his creative partner, Rodo Sagayes, to take over the directing reins, but honestly, I’m not sure how many people will know or care, because Lang’s character and the film’s violence and chills are it’s real selling point. Like many horror movies, there isn’t much in terms of star power other than Lang, but that has never really hindered the success of a horror movie in the past.
As with every movie I cover in this column, there’s the pandemic in the room and whether that might hold people back from going to theaters. I wish there was a way to calculate the effect that’s had on moviegoing, because it seems to affect movies differently. For instance, the recent The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It was able to open with $24.1 million just two months ago, although that was down from the $40 million of the previous two chapters. So that’s about a 40% drop-off in a similar five-year gap between movies. (Actually, it’s kind of strange that 2021 is replicating 2021 with three sequels to movies from five years earlier.) There’s no denying that the number of Covid cases are way up since June and movie theaters are still being painted as the “enemy” even though no significant cases have been traced back to the movies.
We also have to look at Sony’s last horror sequel, Escape Room: Tournament of Champions, which I quite enjoyed, but it ended up opening with about $10 million less than the original movie a few years back. We can probably expect Don’t Breathe 2 to have a similar pandemic drop-off even if it’s another movie that won’t be on streaming or VOD this weekend.
I think Don’t Breathe 2 should be good for around $15 million this weekend since it’s catering towards a young audience that’s a bit more devil-may-care about going out to theaters. It will also probably appeal more to older single guys than something like Free Guy, which seems different enough to pull in a different audience.
My review will be posted over at Below the Line later on Thursday, plus I have a bunch of interviews coming, including this one with Rodo Sayagues and Fede Alvarez.
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Next up is RESPECT (MGM), the long-awaited Aretha Franklin biopic (for those that didn’t see Genius, like me, I guess), starring Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson as the Queen of Soul. The movie directed by Liesl Tommmy was supposed to be released in January to take part in last year’s Oscars race, but I guess MGM wanted to make sure it got a proper theatrical release, which wasn’t possible since NYC and L.A. movie theaters didn’t reopen until March after the cut-off. But MGM had already decided to push the movie back to the summer in hopes of having more theaters able to play the movie, which is kind of true now?
It’s been a while since we’ve seen JHud in a high-profile theatrical release, and unfortunately, the last one was 2019’s Cats, a movie in which she probably was the best thing, although it still only grossed $27 million domestically, a flat-out bomb. Before that, she provided her voice for the animated blockbuster Sing in 2016, and then a bunch of smaller movies before that. She’s joined in the movie by the likes of Oscar winner Forest Whitaker, Marlon Wayans, Titus Burgess, Mary J. Blige, Marc Maron, and Audra MacDonald, quite an impressive array of talent that shows how many wanted to be involved with this project. Director Liesl Tommy is making her feature directorial debut after directing a ton of theater and TV shows like The Walking Dead and Jessica Jones.
Even so, it’s obviously that the ongoing popularity of Aretha Franklin, especially since her death in 2018, is going to go a long way into getting people into theaters, which includes a lot of older black women who really haven’t had much to get them out into theaters in recent months. Will this be enough?
Before Respect was delayed from its original January release, many thought that Hudson would receive another Oscar nomination for her performances. Having not seen the movie at the time of this writing, I can’t confirm or deny those chances. If that’s still the case, then releasing the movie towards the end of the summer (similar to The Help, successfully, and The Butler, not so much) is an odd decision rather than just holding the movie for festival season by holding until next month.
Either way, I think the love Aretha’s fans have for the Queen of Soul as well as Hudson’s fans, Respect should be good for between $8 and 10 million this weekend -- hard to pinpoint exactly without knowing how many theaters MGM is getting for it against the stronger summer movies.
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Mini-Review: I wasn’t really sure what to expect from Respect, even after seeing the trailer a couple dozen times in front of other movies, but it’s a respectable biopic that cover 20 years in the life of the Queen of Soul from singing at a young age in her father’s church to returning to church for the gospel records as captured in the recently-released doc, Amazing Grace.
But first, we go back to 1952 where Aretha is a young girl (played by Skye Dakota Turner) is uncertain of her future as she’s being ordered about by her preacher father (Forrest Whitaker) and trying to find direction. The movie casually sets up the fact that young Aretha was sexually abused by a family friend, and maybe she got pregnant, too? It’s hard to tell and maybe a little odd since she would only have been 10 at the time, but it’s something that will be brought up (just as subtly) over the course of the film.
Jennifer Hudson takes over as Aretha as she turns 19 and goes to New York City to start recording, meets Marlon Wayans’ Ted White, makes him her manager and marries her, which basically has her going from one abusive man in her father to another one. It feels like the movie spends a long than normal time on the ‘60s, which is when Franklin’s career really took off with “Respect” and then a series of hits that took her all around the world. That whole time, she’s dealing with Ted’s abuses and jealousy while trying to write and record those hits, before her dark demons return and she starts drinking heavily.
As you might imagine, you go to see Respect to see how well Jennifer Hudson pulls off the Queen of Soul, and she’s an incredibly complex character that needs a nuanced performance, which Hudson tries to pull off by bringing different aspects of her life into different scenes.
There are some scenes that don’t work as well as others, and it feels like there’s a bit of time-crunching or futzing around so that at a certain point, her father seems to be de-aging, although I was just as impressed (possibly even moreso) with Forrest Whitaker, whose performance as Aretha’s father is more than just a full-on villain despite his violent treatment of his daughter. Wayans is also good and almost unrecognizable at first, and there are a few other nice performances in there as well, including Marc Maron as record label head Jerry Wexler.
But the performances Hudson gives as Franklin are goosebump-inducing, leading up to the recording of her record-selling gospel record as depicted in the aforementioned doc.
A fairly decent representation of Franklin’s little-known life leading up to her fame, Respect probably succeeds the most when Jennifer Hudson is performing as the Queen of Soul, but she’s also created a fairly moving portrait with strong dramatic moments that far outweigh any of the film’s issues. Rating: 8/10
With that in mind, this is how I see the weekend looking with two of the new movies bumping Suicide Squad down to third place where it will be facing off against Respect.
1. Free Guy (20th Century/Disney) - $28.5 million N/A
2. Don’t Breathe 2 (Sony/Screen Gems) - $15 million N/A
3. The Suicide Squad (Warner Bros.) - $10 million -62%
4. Respect (MGM) - $9.6 million N/A
5. Jungle Cruise (Walt Disney Pictures) - $8.7 million -55%
6. Old (Universal) - $2.5 million -36%
7. Black Widow (Marvel/Disney) - $2.4 million -39%
8. Stillwater (Focus) - $2 million -39%
9. Space Jam: A New Legacy (Warner Bros.) - $1.3 million -43%
10. The Green Knight (A24) - $1.1 million -56%
Donnie Yen stars in Bennie Chang’s RAGING FIRE (WELL GO USA), which premiered at the New York Asian Film Festival on Monday and at Fantasia in Montreal on Tuesday, and I’m not going to review this, because honestly, it’s such a cookie-cutter Hong Kong police action-thriller that I’m not sure I really have much to say about it, so I won’t.
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On the other hand, I do have more to say about Andreas Koefoed’s documentary, THE LOST LEONARDO (Sony Pictures Classics), the Leonardo being Da Vinci, the master artist behind the Mona Lisa and many other works. Since I don’t really follow the world of art, I really didn’t know about the Salvator Mundi painting found about 10-12 years ago that was thought to be an original Da Vinci worth in the hundreds of millions, often dubbed “The Male Mona Lisa.” But it’s also a painting that was surrounded by controversy due to the 5-year restoring job that may have left very little of the original painting.
As the film began, I was groaning a little about sitting through another movie of art experts and historians talking about how important a find this is and why it’s either great or horrible, depending on who is being interviewed. Eventually, the film gets more interesting as it starts getting into the idea of selling it. After being sold to a wealthy Russian oligarch by an unscrupulous Swiss art dealer who made a nice profit on it, the painting ends up being auctioned by Christie’s, and the story just keeps getting more and more interesting as it goes along.
While I’m not one to go ga-ga over any painting by Da Vinci or otherwise, I do like a good mystery or suspense-thriller, so good on Koefoed for realizing about halfway through this movie that the talking heads will never be as interesting as actual footage. And that’s what happens here, too. I actually feel a little ignorant that I wasn’t aware this was going on as it was, maybe because I don’t really follow the art world in that respect. Maybe I just missed it, so it’s good that Sony Classics (who loves making movies about art) is giving this a fairly high-profile release following its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival a few months back. In that sense, The Lost Leonardo is quite a gem.
Heinz Brinkman’s USEDOM: A CLEAR VIEW OF THE SEA (Big World Pictures) is a somewhat intriguing doc about the Baltic island of Usedom, the location of a number of imperial German health resorts, beaches and such, and how the Jews were kicked out by the Nazis before Usedom was split into a German and Polish half after WWII. I wish I could get into this more, but I just have a limited mental capacity for a lot of German talking heads.
Which brings us to Michael Tucker and Petra Epperlein’s THE MEANING OF HITLER (IFC Films), the new doc from the team behind Gunner Palace, which looks at the cultural fascination with Hitler and Nazism and the recent rise in white supremacy, antisemitism and the “weaponization of history itself.” I don’t know what that last part means, because I got so swamped this week that I didn’t get to watch this, and like another recent doc on the subject of Naziism and the Holocaust, I just couldn’t get into the right head space to hit play on this doc. Maybe I’ll watch it sometime down the road.
Similarly, I didn’t get around to watching Dutch filmmaker Jim Taihuttu’s THE EAST (Magnet Releasing), which I may like as a fan of Paul Verhoeven’s Dutch WWII films, and I probably should give this a look, but I just ran out of time this week. It’s about a young Dutch soldier who joins an elite unit led by a mysterious captain called “The Turk,” and it takes place in the Indonesian War of Independence after World War II.
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As far as TV goes, Wednesday sees the debut of Marvel Studios’ WHAT IF...? on Disney+. I’ve seen the first three episodes, and I was a pretty big fan of the comics in the ‘70s (sadly, part of the giant collection that I sold a few years back), and I guess this is okay. The first episode is the one with Haley Atwell voicing “Captain Carter” i.e. Peggy Carter gets the Super Soldier Serum, which is one of the more obvious What Ifs that could possibly done, so that we can get another “women are as good as men, and they need to be heard” storyline that’s in 90% of the Marvel movies already. On the other hand, the first episode does include the voices of Sebastian Stan and others, so it’s quite a coup in that sense, but whoever wrote it, clearly doesn’t understand that people spoke differently in the ‘40s. I liked the 2nd episode, a mash-up of Black Panther and Guardians of the Galaxy, which is a fun idea that brings together a lot of great characters -- including Chadwick Boseman’s last voice performance -- but again, hearing the voices just isn’t the same when the writing isn’t as good as the movie. I feel like the animation for the show is okay, maybe not quite on par with some of the great Batman or Superman cartoons we’ve gotten over the years. On the other hand, the entire series features the great voice of Jeffrey Wright as The Watcher, acting kind of like the Rod Serling for the series, much like the Watcher does in the comics. I also dug the music by Emmy winner Laura Karpman (Lovecraft Country), and I’ll watch the rest of the series as it debuts, but I’m not sure it’s as much a rush to see each episode to avoid spoilers as with Loki or WandaVision.
Hitting Netflix this week is the limited series, BRAND NEW CHERRY FLAVOR (Netflix), starring Rosa Salazar, Eric Lange, and Catherine Keener. The tagline is: “Lisa Nova (Rosa Salazar) comes to LA dead set on directing her first movie. But when she trusts the wrong person and gets stabbed in the back, everything goes sideways and a dream project turns into a nightmare. This particular nightmare has zombies, hit men, supernatural kittens, and a mysterious tattoo artist who likes to put curses on people. And Lisa’s going to have to figure out some secrets from her own past in order to get out alive.”
Also, TITANS Season 3 debuts on HBO Max, but since I haven’t watched seasons 1 or 2 yet, it might be some time before I get to it.
Next week looks like it could be a bit of a dog with four or five new wide releases but nothing that really jumps out, plus I’ll be in Atlantic City all next weekend, so who knows how much I’ll be able to watch or write about?
0 notes
alexsprincessparty · 6 years
The Little Mermaid: Alex’s Feminist Crisis
I've been waiting for this day to come, because finally I get to watch My Favorite Movie of All Time:
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Clearly we are talking about The Little Mermaid. I'm sure this is going to be a rather difficult one to deal with because this is a film that is often criticized for a not-great portrayal of a female; in fact Ariel is considered by many to be the Worst Princess. Yet, by others, she is still beloved by many. See, Ariel is, to me, Marmite Princess. You either love her spunk, her curiosity, her determination, maybe her red hair; or you hate that she fell in love with a man she knew for a minute, gave up everything she knew (and everything that made her special) to be with him, and was kind of a brat to her dad. These are all very valid reasons to like or dislike Ariel! It's a film that warrants about as much praise as it does criticism (again, Snow White, in my opinion, has more issues than most princess films). So this is probably a good time to weigh those pros and cons. Hold on to your dinglehoppers and get your snarfblats, because we're heading out to Atlantica for a spell.
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The Little Mermaid is Disney’s adaptation of a Hans Christian Andersen classic about a young mermaid, curious about the world above the sea. In this adaptation, the mermaid is a called Ariel, and she is the youngest (and most rebellious) of seven sisters, who all awkwardly 1. look nothing like her and 2. all have names starting with A. She likes to spend a lot of time going to the surface to show all her weird human stuff (she’s a hoarder with a huuuuge collection of it--she puts most comic book collectors to shame) to her seagull friend, Scuttle. This really displeases her racist anti-human dad, King Triton, who continually forbids her from going to the surface. One night she goes against her father’s wishes and watches a ship above, as they hold a big birthday party for a dashing prince named Eric. Ariel is enamored with Eric. Like, full-on heart eyes. He’s a living Tiger Beat centerfold, John Stamos circa 1989 was shaking (John Stamos circa 2017 just kinda became him). Suddenly a storm arrives, the ship goes down, but Ariel saves Eric. When Ariel returns home, she is hopelessly in love, which leaves daddy curious, but changes his tune when he finds out it’s a human his daughter is in love with. He destroys Ariel’s hoard grotto, leaving her in tears. She is then lured by a pair of eels with a deal--we know someone who can give you what you want. They lead her to Plus Size Icon, Ursula, a caecilian sea witch. She offers to give Ariel legs for three days, in exchange for her flawless singing voice, and if she can kiss the prince before the three days are up, she can keep the legs, but if not, she goes back to Fintown. Ariel obliges, and spends some largely non-verbal time with her prince, him completely unaware that she is the mystery woman who saved his life. When Ariel comes too close to her kiss, Ursula intervenes, disguised as Eric’s mystery savior, and puts him in a trance that leaves Ariel completely hopeless. After her friends intervene and restore her voice, Ursula takes the now-mermaid-again Ariel back to the sea to fight for her father’s freedom, because SURPRISE! she’s got him now, too. With Eric’s help, the evil is defeated, Triton relents, allows Ariel her legs back, and her prince, Happily Ever After, yadda yadda yadda.
WHEW. You can tell I’ve seen this...more than a few times.
The Little Mermaid comes at a pivotal time in the company. Not because it’s the first time Disney has made a Princess film since 1959, but because...well, at this point, things are Not Great at the company. We are coming out of what is called the Dark Age of Disney, where its films are just not going great. The Black Cauldron is a critical and commercial bomb, and The Great Mouse Detective and Oliver and Company didn’t go so great either. Basically, Disney is banking on Ariel to rejuvenate the company. Ultimately, she does, and the Disney Renaissance begins. Because my mom remembers 1989 better than I do (I was born November of the following year), she says that Ariel was kind of like the Elsa of her time. Everyone wanted to be Ariel. In 2018, everyone still wants to be Ariel, as grown-ass women claim to be mermaids. Including myself. Yes, I am calling myself out. But this is just the impact Ariel has had on women of all ages. In fact, Ariel is the most famous portrayal of a mermaid of all time (a fact I mentioned to Jodi Benson herself /humblebrag). For more on this, please watch the Little Mermaid documentary, Treasures Untold. (I can’t remember if this is the one that accompanies the 2006 Platinum Edition release of the film, but it’s eye-opening regardless.)
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Let's begin with the pros.
-ERIC WAS NOT THE REASON ARIEL WENT TO THE SURFACE. I REPEAT, ERIC WAS NOT WHY ARIEL WANTED TO BECOME HUMAN. This is a common misconception for anyone who apparently missed the entire "Part of Your World" number. Clearly, Ariel had a fascination with the human world before ever setting sights on Eric, in fact, if she wasn't so keen to explore the surface, she probably would have never even seen him. She needed a motivation to get up there, and to paraphrase another sea-based Princess, the call wasn't out there at all--it was inside her. If anything, Eric was more of a final straw. Also, if Flotsam and Jetsam hadn't intervened, she probably would not have taken such drastic action. Ariel didn't just cry because Triton destroyed her statue of her crush. Keep in mind he destroyed the ENTIRE grotto. All of Ariel's gadgets, gizmos, whosits, whatsits, thingamabobs, dinglehoppers, snarfblats, you name it--all up in smoke. Stuff she probably spent YEARS collecting. I know I'd be pissed if someone wrecked my Sailor Moon collection. (Also it probably meant that Triton would have an even closer eye on her so it was definitely all over for her--I'd cry, too.) 
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-In the original Little Mermaid tale, when the mermaid gains her legs, walking is incredibly painful for her. Whenever she walks, she feels the sensation of walking on knives. Ariel, seemingly, does not. I am 100% okay with this. Also, when the mermaid does not get her prince, her sisters cut their hair off and give to the sea witch in exchange for a knife. With the knife, the mermaid is supposed to stab the prince, have his blood pour over her feet, and that will make her a mermaid again. She refuses, because she's not so jealous she would kill over it. Instead, she flings the knife out to sea, throws herself onto the water, and dissolves into seafoam. Whether this is good or bad probably depends on how much of a purist you are for the original, or how much you like despair porn. Personally I don't think the wages of Ariel's (admittedly, crappy) decision should be death, so this is fine by me. Sure, a generic Happy Ending is kind of a cop-out, and it would have been interesting for Disney to play it closer to the original, but Disney won't simply kill off a Princess. Come on, now.
-Animation-wise, this is probably one of Disney's best. This is one of the last of its kind, being 100% hand-drawn. They would revisit this style with The Princess and the Frog and later Winnie the Pooh (2011, not the Many Adventures), but not since Pooh, since I guess CGI is more profitable. Go figure.
-This film also boasts some of Disney's best songs and best score. This is the first film in which Disney worked with the power duo of Alan Menken and Howard Ashman. This tradition would continue until Aladdin (Ashman passed away shortly before the release of Beauty and the Beast, but still had songs featured in Aladdin). The only better Disney songwriting duo, in my opinion, might be Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez (Frozen, Coco). But we do not meet them for a whiiiiile.
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-Ariel oozes personality compared to a few of the other princesses we have met so far. She is motivated, knows what she wants, is fearless, and delightfully curious. This also is her biggest downfall, but we'll get into that in a second.
-Ursula, too, is a GREAT example of a villain. Like with Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty, her beef is not with our title princess, but with her father, and she uses our princess as more of a pawn in her plan (so, nothing personal). So the woman vs woman issue in Snow White (and later Tangled) is not present here, though it might look like that on the surface. Also, it's been pointed out that Ursula can shapeshift, but prefers to take the form of a plus-sized caecilian sea witch. Basically, she's fat-positive! See, even the villain is progressive. Well, kinda.
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-Vanessa (Ursula’s alter ego) is hot. There, I said it.
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Do I really need to go into the cons? ...Ugh, it really pains me to criticize this film so heavily.
-It is troublesome that Ariel gave up everything she had for a dude who she barely knew, admittedly. While I insist that Eric was not her sole intention, still, him being the sort of bait (again, remember Flotsam and Jetsam's role in this) and Ariel taking it are all...dodgy.
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-Ariel's greatest strength is also her greatest downfall. Her curiosity leads her to a sunken ship and to the surface, thus defying her father (and the iconic "I'm sixteen, I'm not a child" line) and Sebastian in the process. This, obviously, is...not true. Unless this film takes place in Scotland, where 16 is the age of majority (what up Merida), or one of a few African countries (such as Cameroon and Niger), who define the age of majority as early as 15. Which brings me to...
-WHERE ON EARTH DOES THIS FILM TAKE PLACE? For most Princess films, its location is pretty cut and dry. Snow White seems very German. Cinderella, possibly French? Brave obviously takes place in Scotland, Mulan in China, and Pocahontas and The Princess and the Frog in different areas of the North American continent. But The Little Mermaid is an anomaly. Most people just claim Denmark because of the nationality of Hans Christian Andersen (as well as the iconic Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen), but by that logic, you could claim the same for Frozen, however, Frozen takes place in a fictional Norwegian kingdom, not in Denmark. The wildly colorful sea life lends itself to a possible Caribbean setting, Denmark still checks out for the human world. But who even knows, really.
-A few racist caricatures in “Under the Sea”: The “fluke, the duke of soul,” the “blackfish” (who sings), and the Carmen Miranda fish that grabs Flounder out of the blue. I’m under the impression that the “blackfish” was supposed to be an homage to Ella Fitzgerald...but it just comes off wrong.
-I wish we could have had more opportunities to see Ariel conversing with her sisters. She has six of them, there's really no excuse, unless she is purposely distancing herself from them? But like, geez, what would be the beef? Did Attina place her crown on Ariel's vanity seat for her to sit on?
-Can Ariel write basic English? Just out of curiosity.
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I do have one complaint that The Little Mermaid kind of set this pattern of mermaid movies being kind of samey, where the mermaid has to become human in order to chase after a man or something of that nature (I love Splash, but that’s one of those films). However, if you're looking for some new kind of mermaid flavor, I might recommend The Mermaid by Stephen Chow (if you can find it subtitled, it's in Chinese), or Freeform's Siren series.
Final thoughts: If you love something, you really have to be honest about it. In my case, I know where the issues lie with The Little Mermaid, and I admit them--begrudgingly. As with many Princesses, Ariel is not without her misconceptions, yet also not without valid criticisms. Ariel's message, on the surface, is that men are to be desired and women should chase after them. But in order to really understand Ariel, you have to dive a bit deeper: If you want something, go for it, rather than wishing and wishing.
Rating: 5 out of 5 dinglehoppers
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Thanks for joining me for this (admittedly, difficult) party. Join me for my next one where we look into the misconceptions and misogynists of Beauty and the Beast. No, not that one. Dream Big, Princess!
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awed-frog · 7 years
catching up with s13
“This life - hunting, monsters - there's no joy in it. There's nothing but pain, horror, and death.”
So, okay. I finally got an afternoon free and forced myself to start S13. I don’t know how I feel about it. I’m happy I had to wait and I got to watch four episodes in one go, because Supernatural has this habit of improving a lot when you watch it as a true story happening somewhere and not one hour every week, but still - mixed feelings here. Although, I’m happy enough that I sort of guessed a few things and included them in my S13 fic - maybe they weren’t that hard to anticipate, but still - yay me.
(Just as a self-serving exercise, here is a list: Dean and Sam not being on the same page about Jack, Dean shooting Jack, the two of them wondering if Jack can fly in E01, Sam wanting Jack alive and hoping he can be good, Jack being a sort of mindless parrot in the beginning and mimicking Dean, Dean snapping at Sam for putting Jody in danger, Dean starting to sound like John and Sam calling him out on it, Dean and Jody alone together - and I want to hope they had some sort of Conversation, like they did in my fic, but I wouldn’t put money on it - and, finally, the word shedim, something I was using as an insult, like, two years ago and now it’s here and I really want those things to come out and do stuff ‘cause I’m evil like that.)
Otherwise, here’s what I learned so far.
1) Dean’s acceptance of himself was closely tied to Cas’ presence
We all know how hard Dean’s had to fight against the mold he’d found himself stuck into, and we basically spend our time tracking his attempts at breaking it down, so I won’t sit here and make lists or anything; however, what these episodes confirmed, for me, is how important Cas was in this process. 
And surely it’s a combination of things - that Cas knew Dean inside and out and just accepted him, that Dean feels awkward about sharing that side of himself with Sam (and let’s be honest, he’s not wrong in fearing Sam’s reaction), that as long as Cas was with them, Dean had a reason to hope his own future wouldn’t be so bleak, that it was worth it, in a way, to work on himself and become the man he wanted to be all along - and, of course, that Dean was in love with Cas, a being that wasn’t a man but looked like a man, and once Dean started to accept that (and he did), then what was the point about trying so hard to deny anything else? And now Cas is gone, all of that is also gone. Dean’s safety net burned to the ground, and so he reverts to being that person he hated and despised and never wanted to be again - the man’s man, the alcoholic, the drill sergeant, the one who thinks men should be men and women are something else, ‘cause there’s things a man wouldn’t do, like journaling (“Not since I was a little girl.”). And the tragedy is, of course, that a) this doesn’t work, because it doesn’t help Dean at all, it just makes him more miserable, and b) people can still see his real self - not Sam, because apparently he doesn’t care enough to look, but as for everyone else - yeah. Hence the angel mocking him, for instance, growling at him in a deep voice and smirking, So macho. 
(And, yeah, there are other people who love Dean, I’m not arguing otherwise, but also - these last four episodes did not exactly make them shine, now, did they? From Sam’s cold shoulder to Jody completely ignoring how utterly not alright Dean was and then dismissing his advice to Patience, all the way to how Missouri talked to him (“You don’t have to like it, you just have to do it,” and since she was a clear Mary parallel, I’m going to keep not liking Mary, thank you very much) - is it really surprising Dean finds it easier to be the drunk asshole when Cas is not around? Who is currently caring enough about him to break those walls down, exactly? No one, that’s who.)
2) Sam doesn’t get Dean and shows little interest in trying
As for Sam - look, I like Sam - he’s the character that sucked me inside this story, and I always try to give him something interesting to do in my fics, but Jesus - they’re making it very hard for me to like him at the moment. In fact, I think that Sam snapping at Dean in that therapist office and walking out of her office - that was the first time I’d seen the real Sam in years. Because after S5, Sam - stopped to exist as a character? He never has any interesting roles to play, and he’s mostly there to showcase and contrast Dean’s emotions and Dean’s tough choices. And at the beginning, it made sense Sam would be wary of himself (see the whole Ruby mess), but now this good guy act is getting old, because the thing is - to me, it doesn’t read like the show is even aware that Sam’s faking it. To them, it’s what’s actually happening. Dean is volatile and hot-headed, the script goes, and Sam more rational and wants to help people and do the right thing. Except - that’s not really how it is, is it? 
One of the problems is, of course, that they’re working so hard to stay away from all the gay subtext they themselves created (for no good reason, because either you do something with it or it’s queerbaiting, and we should do well to remember that) that Sam is growing into someone we have no incentive to like. Because on the one hand, Sam needs to not grieve for Cas at all so that Dean’s pain will shine through more clearly, and on the other, he needs not to bring up Lucifer at all because we know Lucifer abused him and had sex with him pretending to be Jess, and that’s another thick layer of gay (sub)text right there. So the result is that Sam comes off like a complete arse, and what frustrates me to no end is that I want to like him, and I know he’s not actually like that. Like - I’m sure I’m not the only one, come on - these first four episodes - Sam was an asshole to Dean, and an asshole in general. He completely disregarded both Cas’ death and Crowley’s death, never pushed Dean to discuss how he felt about it even though Dean spent more than a week sulking and drinking in his room and being completely miserable and isolating himself (when he drove out to meet Missouri, his hand had healed, so there’s where I get the time frame) - and that’s not only an asshole move - it’s out of character. Sam’s always been concerned about Dean drinking excessively, for instance, and we’ve seen as much n the show before. But now, suddenly, Sam’s not allowed to grieve for Cas because TPTB want us to see Dean grieving for Cas so that *wink wink, nudge nudge* we’ll guess there’s something different there. But what could that be? they want us to wonder, as if we’d be shocked and surprised by the answer, and every time I feel like -
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- because that’s the other problem with this gay subtext bullshit - that it’s not worth it, because this is not the damn ‘40s anymore. It’s simply not such an interesting thing to bet your entire narrative on, and grow up, show.
And another thing: since they won’t let Sam deal with the Lucifer business, and they want to maintain the codependency because that’s apparently why half their audience is watching, Sam is stuck as the teenager to Dean’s adult. Because Dean is the one backing down and apologizing for his bad behaviour at the end of E04, and Sam - Sam just sits there and accepts the apology, without acknowledging he was kind of a dick too. Furthermore, Sam blames Dean for his own inability to bond with Mary, Sam tries to look after Jack because a) Jack reminds him of himself and b) Jack can help him (when Dean accuses him of wanting to use Jack, Sam never denies that), Sam suddenly sends other hunters to do the job because he’s otherwise occupied, and Sam - this really annoyed me - finally admits everything Dean did for him not by thanking him, or anything, but by insisting Dean should now do the same for someone else. That’s some low emotional blackmail and, again, very out of character. Because Sam must realize that being there for him basically ruined Dean’s life -
(We know that’s not true - we know that looking after baby Sam is what kept Dean soft and profoundly himself - but Sam doesn’t.) 
- and if he stops and thinks about it, which he hasn’t yet, he should realize as much - that Dean risked everything, gave up everything, renounced everything - for Sam. And to casually ask him to do the same for someone they don’t even know - someone who’s also directly responsible for Cas’ death - that was really something. Plus, Sam - the champion of free will - isn’t really interested in allowing others a free choice. Even leaving aside how he behaves with Dean, what he’s doing with Jack is appalling and not that different from what Asmodeus wanted with Jack. And yeah, so Asmodeus wanted Jack to free the Shedim, and Sam tried to have him move a pencil, but the essence is the same: it’s not about allowing Jack to grow up and discover who he wants to be, but about shaping him into an instrument that can be used.
(See also: Sam not giving a damn when it was Cas stuck in his room all day, watching TV and refusing to go out - but suddenly when Jack does it it’s cause for concern and ‘he needs fresh air, Dean’, and Sam’s ‘he’s messed up because of you’, which - Jesus Christ - and ‘if there’s one thing Dean respects it’s effort’ and mostly ‘you’re starting to sound like Dad - his drill sergeant act worked with you, but it didn't work with me’ - I hope I wasn’t the only one staring at that point, because what the actual fuck? And what annoys me the most here is that, as I said, the show is not doing this on purpose, working some secret angle - this, to them, is objective reality. What Sam is doing is coded as alright - as compassionated and Good. It’s Dean who apologizes, and it’s Dean who’s told to his face ‘You upset your brother so much he had to leave the room’ and ‘he’s terrified of you’. Honestly, this is their childhood and that clown place and the Striga all over again.)
3) There are plot holes that are impossible to fix, but that’s not new
Look, it’s not even worth it to go into this, but just - if God has no power in the Empty, how did he resurrect Cas the first whatever times? And if Jack is a mindless idiot, how could he manipulate Cas and Kelly from the womb? And what about that other Nephilim? Did no one notice her existence? And the Antichrist boy? Will we ever see him again? And how come it’s suddenly safe for Jack to go on hunts with them? Isn’t everyone and their cat looking for him? And how does Lucifer need Mary, exactly? He’s not human - he doesn’t need to make a hostage negotiation - he just has to find his way back and burn Sam and Dean into the damn floor.
4) Gay subtext ruins everything
I talked about this already, but just - as usual, there was a lot of Destiel subtext, enough to keep us happy - from angels seeing right through Dean and saying it’s ‘sweet’ how he thinks Jack can bring Cas back to Dean’s control slipping (“We lost everything and now you’re going to bring him back” - and, like, whoa) and that ‘moving on’ comment, not to mention the ‘I know who you love’ line in the Empty. But, again, the problem is that they’re not going anywhere with this (if they were, they’ve had about six years’ worth of openings), which means this is damaging the story more than it is helping it (narratively, of course; financially speaking, it’s a different matter). It’s turning Sam into a complete asshole, it’s stopping him from dealing with Lucifer, and it’s making Dean into this weird person who does things without rhyme or reason. For instance - the fact he decided to burn Kelly but not Cas, not until they could find Jack - how does that say good things about him? The implication is, he didn’t give a damn about Kelly. She could die the true death, because he wasn’t interested in the possibility Jack could bring her back, but Cas - for Cas, he had to wait. And that’s something which becomes understandable, even forgivable, if Dean is in love with Cas. But if they’re just random bros - Dean never reacted like that - not when Charlie died, not when Benny died, not even when Bobby died. It’s only after Cas dies that he becomes the worst version of himself - that he drinks too much and he snaps at people and he doesn’t care what happens, as long as they get to kill something. And if Cas is - whatever - just another guy, then Dean’s behaviour is really not okay. So, you know - people have been saying it for years, but just - either stop it or make it textual. Enough is enough.
Random thoughts
I liked that the Empty functions like the Hell in Greek religion - that you wake up when you’re called, and otherwise don’t exist at all. An elegant compromise. I’m still not clear what those ‘cosmic consequences’ were. And still not happy that Death died and that was - okay? Also, how careful are they around Crowley? Will we ever know what happened between Mark and Dabb? Buttshake kid was a good kid. ‘You have an angel watching over you’ - yeah, no. That’s doublespeak, and I can do without it.  Oh, and Buckleming only included an attempted rape and not an actual rape in their latest episode, so I guess there’s hope for everyone?
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Identical Twins
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Melanie (OFM)
Word Count: 3,606
Warnings: evil twin, crazy twin, mentions of bouncing from foster homes, a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff, nothing too bad
Request: Hey can you do a dean x reader where the reader finds out she has a identical twin on a hunt and the twin turns out to be crazy and tries to take dean from her and in the end they have to figure out which is the real reader and dean asks a question only she knows,thanks :) 
Author’s Note: If you want to be tagged, leave an ask or message and I’ll add you! Same goes for my Series Rewrite! If you want to request a fic, please send them in! I love writing what you guys want!
Feedback is always appreciated
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“Sweetheart, we’re almost here.” Dean said from the driver’s seat.
“Yay, I am so looking forward to busting my ass off only to receive no thanks afterwards.” You said sarcastically, covering your eyes as you tried to take a nap in the backseat. But due to Dean’s loud ass music, you weren’t going to get any sleep.
“That’s the way to live.” Dean said, laughing. He sped up and zoomed down the road, entering a small town in Texas where you would be staying for hopefully the next few days. You hoped this case wouldn’t take much longer than that but there were some cases it took a couple of weeks.
Dean got to the motel you were staying at and you got checked in faster than you thought it would. The front desk person was giving you weird looks but you thought nothing of it and entered your room, falling on the bed.
“No, no, don’t fall asleep. Hey, it’s late and there is a 24-hour bar across the street that is calling our name.” Dean said, pulling you up. You whined in protest but turned that whine into a moan of appreciation when you felt Dean’s lips on yours.
“Come on, guys, there are other people rooming here too.” Sam complained. You tried to pull away to spare Sam’s feelings but Dean followed you, making sure he made the kiss extra noisy for Sam’s displeasure. He pulled away and licked his lips with a smirk.
“Fine, I’ll go with you but you better make my time worthwhile.” You said with a smirk, getting up and shedding your jacket, leaving you in only your flannel and tight jeans. It was the beginning of autumn so it wasn’t too cold out and therefore, you dind’t need your jacket.
“Sammy, you coming?” Dean asked with a grin.
“No thank you. I am going to try and get some sleep.” He said, taking off his shoes and jacket.
“Lucky. At least your boyfriend isn’t trying to drag you to a bar at almost midnight.” You teased. Dean chuckled and tucked you under his arm, walking you to the door.
“Yeah, don’t come back drunk.” Sam said with a laugh.
“Okay, Winchester, that was one time and you swore you’d never talk about it again.” You said, walking out of the room with him. There was no need for a car since it was literally right across the road. You walked into the bar and grinned at the lively music coming from the jukebox and patrons dancing and having a good time.
“Alright, let’s get this started, shall we?” Dean said with a grin, walking to the bar.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender asked when Dean sat down.
“Two beers for right now, thanks.” The bartender nodded and went to retrieve the bottles.
“I’ll be right back. I’m going to change the music.” You said, taking some quarters from Dean’s jacket pocket.
“Okay.” Dean said, kissing your lips. You grinned and walked away from him, your eyes on the juke and your heart on a song that you hoped was in there. You knew Dean would appreciate this one and you couldn’t wait to see what his reaction would be when you put it on.
If there was one thing you loved about Dean was that when he thought no one was listening, he would just let all his inhibitions go and let loose. To everyone else, he was this hard ass, cold, intimidating man who can make monsters tremble just by the mention of his name.
What they didn’t know was that when he was alone, he let all of that go and he became the biggest girl you’ve ever known. You’ve actually caught him trying to dance to Betty Davis Eyes by Jodie Mitchell. It was on your playlist and he found it. You caught him singing to it and you were so sure you were going to get caught by laughing but that wasn’t the reason you were caught.
No, you decided to join in and dance with him, singing alone to the awesome song. He didn’t stop either and danced until the song was over. Then he made you promise him that you wouldn’t dare speak of this to another soul for as long as you lived.
This was last week.
You loved him with all your heart and you didn’t know what you would do without him.
You got to the juke and smiled widely when you saw it on there. The original singer, Kim Carnes, was the version on the juke but you didn’t care. You loved her just as much. You put the money in the machine, waiting for the machine to finish the song it was on.
You couldn’t wait to see what Dean would look like when it came on.
Dean was waiting for you by the bar, sipping his beer.
“Damn, in all my years living, I’ve never seen a man as gorgeous as you.” Dean heard from behind him. He was about to tell whoever was there to beat it but he frowned when the voice sounded like yours. He turned around, staring at your face, wondering what you were doing.
“What are you doing?” He asked, confused a bit.
“I’m flirting with you. Unless you have someone already on your arm.” You said, touching his arm.
“No, seriously, what are you doing? Is this some kind of new game you like to play?” Dean asked.
“Ooh, game? You want to play with me?” You said, smirking and biting your lip.
“Y/N, what the hell is going on with you?”
“My name isn’t Y/N. It’s Melanie.” The girl who looked like you said with a frown. The real you walked back with a smile on your face but when you looked up, you lost it. Who the hell was Dean talking to and why was she so close to him.
“What’s going on?” You asked, walking beside the girl, looking at her. Your eyes widened when you found yourself face to face in front of a mirror. Well, that is what it felt like because this girl in front of you looked exactly like you.
“That’s what I’m wondering.” Dean said slowly, looking between the two girls.
“Who are you and why do you look like me?” You asked slowly, automatically thinking of a shifter, which was ironically the monster you were looking for. You looked at Dean and he slightly nodded, thinking the same thing you were. His dad’s wedding ring that sat on Dean’s right ring finger was pure silver and one touch to this girl’s skin, it would sizzle and hurt like a bitch.
“My name is Melanie but why do you look like me?” She asked, crossing her arms. Damn, she even sounded like you.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” You said, holding out your hand. “My name is Y/N.” She shook it with a smile, a smile that was too annoying to look at. Did you look at annoying when you smiled?
“Dean.” Dean said, holding out his right hand. The girl shook it with another smile, her skin still her skin and not burning. You frowned, wondered who this girl was. You didn’t have a sister growing up and your parents never mentioned another daughter, much less a twin of yours.
“Dean, I’m suddenly more interested in why I have a double of me than sitting at the bar, drinking.” You said to your boyfriend, him agreeing with her.
“Where are you two staying?” Melanie asked.
“The motel across the street.” You answered.
“Oh! Same here!” She said with a giggle. That I why the attendant was looking at you weird.
“I think Sam might be able to help us with this one.” You said, taking a few gulps of beer before leaving the place with Dean and Melanie.
“Who’s Sam?” She asked.
“His brother.” You said, walking to the door, getting out the key.
“Is he as hot as you are?” Melanie asked, looking at Dean.
“Save it, Melanie, he’s my boyfriend.” You said, walking inside.
“Wow, I would have thought you would stay out at least until 2 am.” Sam said, looking up from the book he was reading.
“We brought someone with us and there is something you should know…” You trailed off.
“No, Y/N, I’ve heard your conversations with Dean about that. I am not about to leave this room so you three can sex it up in here.” Sam said, disgusted.
“What? No, Sam, that’s not what this is. First off, stop eavesdropping. Second off, this might be something serious and we need your help.” You looked at Dean and nodded. Sam watched Dean enter the room and then another you walk in behind him.
“Holy shit.” Sam said, standing up.
“Damn, he is tall. How tall are you?” Melanie asked.
“6’4”.” Sam answered, staring at her.
“Wow, I love my men tall.” She said with a smirk. You cringed because you could never picture yourself with Sam, even though she is a completely different person.
“Okay, my parents never mentioned a twin, much less that I had a sister. So, what’s your story?” You asked her, sitting on one of the beds, Dean sitting next to you.
“Well, I am adopted but I’ve met my birth parents and they never mentioned a sister, just like you said.” She said, looking at you.
“Who are your birth parents?” You asked.
“Miranda and Carson Carter.” You frowned when those names didn’t match up to your parents’ names.
“That’s confusing because my parents are Y/P/N.” You said, looking at Sam who already had his laptop out. He was typing fast, no doubt hacking into some government website to figure this out.
“Okay, I got something,” Sam said, clearing his throat.
“Wow, that was fast. How did you do that?” Melanie asked. She wasn’t a part of the Supernatural and you hoped to keep it that way.
“Doesn’t matter. All that matters, is that your parents are the same. They used fake names, Melanie. Apparently, they didn’t want either child to know they had a twin. They just wanted one girl and so they separated you two, keeping Y/N as a daughter.” Sam read.
“Seriously, where are you getting that from?” Melanie asked but you stood up, preventing her from asking anymore questions.
“Wow, okay, this is so overwhelming right now. Why don’t you go back to your room and we’ll talk tomorrow, yeah?” You said to her.
“I know! Why don’t you come with me? I mean, I find out I have a twin and I would love to get to know her.” She said with a huge smile. You weren’t used to seeing yourself as this happy. That wasn’t who you were at all. You looked at Dean who smirked and stood up.
“I think that is a great idea, Melanie. You two ladies will have so much fun.” Dean said, with a smirk, putting his hands on yours and Melanie’s back. You glared at him, not enjoying this one bit. You loved being an only child. You’ve expressed how you felt about identical twins. You wanted to be the only kind that was you.
“Sure, why not.” You said, forcing a smile. She clapped and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the room. The last thing you saw was a smiling Dean, waving at you from his room. You were going to kill him later on.
As much as you needed the sleep, Melanie wasn’t letting you sleep at all. She really wanted to get to know you, despite you telling her that you had work in the morning.
You two talked about everything you possibly could: your childhood, your teen years, your high school life, your college life, your romantic life and a lot of other things. You learned that she bounced from foster home to foster home, always imagining wat it would be like to be in a family.
You felt bad for her because it was like your parents picked the better child. Too bad she couldn’t meet them because they died years ago from cancer. You also learned that she was, in her words, kind of a slut. You didn’t mind that because a girl has needs too, but she went a little over board with this one.
You two stayed up all night talking, never getting a wink of sleep. Around 7 am, a knock was heard on the door and you bounced up, basically running to the door so you could get away. You opened it up to see a smirking Dean leaning against the frame.
“You two have fun?” He asked, walking inside.
“Oh yeah, a blast. We talked all night long.” You said, a forced smile on your face.
“It was awesome. So, what are you guys doing today?” Melanie asked.
“Working. I told you I was in the FBI with them.” You said, being very vague about what you did for a living.
“Right, right, okay, hey, could I borrow some clothes? We look the same size and my luggage got stolen last night when I came in.” She asked with a smile.
“Sure, that’s fine.” You said with a sigh, following Dean back to his room. You walked in and Sam was about to say something but you stopped him with a glare. You grabbed some clothes she could wear and handed them to her.
“Keep them, you probably need them way more than I do.” You said. She smiled and walked to the bathroom after taking them.
“So, how was it?” Sam asked you when she was gone.
“Remember the time when you met Becky and she couldn’t stop asking you questions?” Sam’s eyes widened in realization when you asked that.
“Damn, poor Y/N.” Dean said with a laugh.
“Don’t you start laughing. I am not finished with you. You are so going get it when we’re done here.” You glared at your boyfriend, sleep begging you to join it but you refused. Melanie came out of the bathroom and you swore, you were looking in a mirror.
“Okay, Melanie, we have work to do so I’ll see you later, then.” You said with a smile, ushering her out of the room. You closed the door with a sigh, dragging a hand down your face.
“Did you get any sleep?” Sam asked.
“Not a wink. But that’s okay, I’ll manage. Just keep that woman away from me. God, am I that annoying?” You asked with a pout.
“Never.” Dean said, pecking your lips.
You managed to get some work done and you thought maybe you were going to finish this case easily but that all changed when you excused yourself from the table at the diner to go to the bathroom. You were almost done when you saw Melanie behind you with an evil grin on her face.
“Melanie, I didn’t expect to see you out here.” You said, frowning when you saw her look. You were probably 4 or 5 towns over and you dind’t think she would be here.
“Yeah, well, you don’t expect a lot of things.” Before you could do anything, Melanie wacked you over the head with something hard and you slumped to the floor, passed out. Melanie smirked and quickly switched out the clothes, taking yours phone and anything you owned on you, putting you into one of the stalls.
She walked back out and smiled at Sam and Dean. She knew she had a two and she knew she would run into you at that bar. She’s been watching you and the brothers for a few weeks and she’s learned a thing or two about the unknown.
“Ready to go?” Sam asked, paying the bill this time.
“Yeah.” Melanie said, sounding more like you. She walked out with the brothers but stopped Dean with a kiss, pulling him into her.
“Seriously, guys, we have bones to burn.” Sam said, getting in the car. Melanie kissed Dean for a few more seconds before pulling away.
“What was that for?” He asked.
“You are just so yummy.” Melanie said, getting in the backseat. Dean chuckled and nodded, getting behind the wheel. You were still passed out cold when they left the diner.
“Ma’am, we’re closing.” You groaned, your head moving to the side as you opened your eyes. You groaned and waited for them to focus, looking at an older man who bit his lip.
“What?” You asked, sitting up from the ground.
“We’re closing right now.” The man said, helping you up.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You said, remembering what happened hours earlier. You smiled politely at the man and left the restroom, leaving the diner. It was night fall already but you were seething. Who does this bitch think she is, trying to take your place.
Why was she asking you all sorts of questions about your life when she barely talked about hers? She was trying to take your place and you had a feeling that meeting her wasn’t coincidental.
You looked around the parking lot and saw only a few cars there, probably from the workers and you signed, going over to one of the nicer ones and tugging on the handle. Thank the Lord it was unlocked. You got on your knees, hot wiring it and taking off as soon as you could, putting the diner in the past.
You drove to the motel room and got out, rushing to the room, glad they were still there. You saw the Impala in the lot so you knew they were still here. You knocked on the door and when the door opened, you were staring at yourself.
“Melanie! What a surprise, come on in.” Melanie said, sounding more like you than the whiny voice she had earlier. You glared at her and walked in to see Dean on the bed without a shirt and Sam on the other, reading a book.
“Hey Melanie.” Sam said, looking at his book again.
“I’m not Melanie, she is. She knocked me out at the diner and took my clothes and everything.” You said, pissed off to the max. Sam and Dean sat up, on alert now. No one messes with the people Dean loves.
“Whoa, okay, start from the beginning.” Dean said, pulling on a shirt.
“She’s lying. Why would I hurt my own sister? “Melanie said, standing next to you.
“Dean, come on, I’m your girlfriend.” You said, looking at Dean’s eyes. You and Melanie were identical, it was very hard to tell you apart. Dean looked at Sam with confused eyes and Sam walked over to the two of you.
“Okay, this is hard.” He muttered.
“Seriously, Sam, you can’t even tell me a part from her? I thought you were smarter than that.” You sassed him.
“That is definitely her, she always sasses you.” Dean said, standing up as well.
“Are you two shitting me? We spent the whole night together, talking about everything. Don’t you think she would have picked up on something by now?” Melanie said, playing you very well. Damn, you dind’t know you were this easy.
“Alright, question time then.” Dean said.
“Did you not hear what I just said? We spent the whole night together.” Melanie said with a roll of her eyes.
“I know how to solve this. I bet everyone in here would just love to know how you sang and danced to...”
“Okay, this is her. We don’t need to go into details.” Dean said, going to your side.
“No, I know the song you danced to. I am your girlfriend and have been for the past 3 years.” Melanie said, crossing her arms. You smirked and knew she would never be able to guess this.
“Alright, what is it?” You asked her.
“His favorite song, Ramble On by Led Zeppelin.” Melanie said. You looked at Dean and raised your eyebrows, knowing that it was the wrong answer. Dean smirked and slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in close.
“Not even close, sweetheart.” Her eyes widened, knowing she was caught and she tried to make a run for it but Sam beat her to the door, shaking his head. You got out Dean’s phone from his pocket and called the police.
You learned that she actually killed her adopted family for “keeping her and her sister apart” and then tried to find you, stalking you for weeks at a time. They took her away and you sighed, glad it was all over.
“What was the song you danced to?” Sam asked when things were normal again.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.” Dean said, grabbing your waist.
“Oh no,” You said, pushing him away. “No, I am mad at the both of you. Am I really that replaceable? Am I really not that unique that someone else can just take my place and you two would never notice? No, you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“Way to go, man.” Sam said with a chuckle, slapping Dean’s back.
“But, baby,” Dean tried saying.
“Don’t think I’m done with you either Sam. Oh no, your punishment is just starting.” You glared at the brothers, grabbing your bag and headed into the bathroom, locking it. You needed to rewind from the long ass day you had. You smirked when you heard the brothers fighting.
The likely scenario that would happen is they would punish themselves without knowing it and you could just sit back and watch it happen.
Forever tags:
@not-an-angel-boy @maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876  @innernightwerewolf @wishedworld
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @winchesterandpie @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spn-applepie-imagines @tahbehonest
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @27bmm
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aoitrinity · 7 years
Supernatural Survey
Tagged awhile back by @rosewhipped22--thanks for providing me another reason to avoid being productive! WOOT!
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural? A little under a year ago, at this point. It was toward the end of July last year (during the hellatus between S11 and S12). I binged all eleven seasons in 40-some days, because I’M COOL LIKE THAT. But, uh, yeah, I’m a total newbie here by comparison.
2. Who was the first character you fell in love with? Oooh, tough choices...I probably got very attached to Bobby before anyone else, really. Ellen followed pretty soon after that.
3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love?: Uh...this is going to sound weird, but I was initially VERY apprehensive about Kevin. That lasted for all of an episode and then Osric won my heart.
4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with? Charlie. We could play video games and read Harry Potter aloud and go to Renn Faire together... 
5. If you could go on a date with just one character, which one would you choose?: Just one date? Probably Sam.
6. What would you do on that date? We’d find some really eccentric history museum or something and spend the day nerding out over plague masks or something similarly bizarre.
7. Which character would you most want to be like?: Nnngh, this is hard...but if I HAD to chose, probably Jody? She seems to really have her life together. She’s kind and intelligent, but also as badass as they come.
8. Which character would you most want to see brought back from the dead?: Well, Cas would be the obvious answer, but after that? Eileen! PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE! And if we can’t have Eileen, then give me back Charlie GOD DAMN IT! *shakes fist at TPTB*
9. Which character would you most like to punch?: Lucifer. Please God. That’s all I want. I want to punch Lucifer right out of the show X.x
10. Who is your absolute favorite character?: Castiel. Hands-fucking-down. Simultaneously a badass angel-of-the-fucking-lord and a soft little goober with the most adorable head tilt.
11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst?: Worst like...stupidest? Dick Roman would win that one by a mile...everything about that character was so fucking ham-fisted. Worst in terms of most challenging? Does the MoC count? That shit seemed pretty fucking awful.
12. Which character are you most like?: I’m like some weird hybrid of Kevin and Charlie, but probably closer to Charlie.
13. What death hit you the hardest? WELL UP UNTIL CAS TOOK THAT CAKE IN 12.23...definitely Bobby. The fact that it stretched out over the whole episode...that Bobby was literally all they had left at that point in the season...the nature of the goodbye...man, that was rough. If we’re talking anger, though, Eileen’s death made me PRETTY FUCKING ANGRY. 14. What season finale hit you the hardest?: Season 8 hurt really badly. It was so tragic, watching Cas standing there as his grace caused his brothers and sisters to fall out of the sky in flames...I cried a lot. Season 9 had me crying too, when Cas found out Metatron had killed Dean...and Season 11 was really difficult too, mostly for the scene where Dean had to say goodbye to Cas and Sam. But if I had to pick just one, then probably Season 8.
15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes?: Iiiiiii can’t narrow this shit down, damn it! That’s too cruel! Uh, well, off the top of my head, here are ten I really, really like, in order of occurrence-- 5.04 - The End, 5.22 - Swan Song, 6.20 - The Man Who Would Be King, 8.17 - Goodbye Stranger, 9.06 - Heaven Can’t Wait, 11.04 - Baby, 11.20 - Don’t Call Me Shurley, 12.10 - Lily Sunders Has Some Regrets, 12.12 - Stuck in the Middle (With You), 12.19 - The Future
16. What’s been your favorite season?: Surprisingly, probably Season 12? There were SO many good episodes in the back half of the season...I also really like 11... and 8... and 9... and 6... and...
17. Who is your favorite angel? Castiel--see #10
18. Who is your favorite demon? Crowley. How do you top that, seriously?
19. Who’s your favorite evil character? Rowena. Oh man, what I wouldn’t give to have her back. Sassy, powerful, amazing hair, AND a Scottish accent? SIGN ME UP.
20. Do you have any Supernatural ships?: I will sail aboard the SS Destiel until the day I die. I also very much ship Saileen (#BRING BACK EILEEN).
21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor?: Misha! But, uh, if he doesn’t count as supporting anymore, I REALLY love me some Rich and Rob. And Osric. And Felicia. And Sebastian. Damn it, I CAN’T MAKE DECISIONS.
22. What’s your favorite quote from the show?: So many choices...but the one that always sits with me is Cas’s, “Now I realize that there is no righteous path, it's just people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst.”
23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you choose?: Oooooh...John Barrowman? Is he famous enough? Because hot DAMN I would pay good money to see that. 
24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creatures would you like to see included?: Dryads! They could do some really creepy stuff with trees...
25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with?: Rhonda Hurley--thank you for that beautiful gift of Dean-in-pink-satin-panties <3
26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with?: Jess (GOD DAMN IT WE WERE SO CLOSE WITH EILEEN)
27. What are some of your favorite convention moments?: I think the underbear takes the proverbial cake here.
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character to be described?: Snarky, intelligent, and fucking badass! So...Jody, essentially.
29. What do you hope to see in the next season?: CANON DESTIEL FTW :D!!!! Also, hopefully, further erosion of the Brodependency, more Sam being confident and independent, more Dean continuing to open himself up emotionally, and for the love of God, bring back Cas and Eileen and Rowena. Oh, and lastly...I really need to see Lucifer dead. That would be the icing on the Season 13 cake.
30. - 40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John?: Bobby OF COURSE
Bela or Ruby? Ruby. I always hated Bela...she felt so two-dimensional :\
Jess or Madison?: Jess--I love me some Adrianne Palicki.
Jo or Lisa?: Jo; Lisa was way too vanilla
Charlie or Kevin?: Charlie, but I hate having to choose >.>
Balthazar or Ash?: Balthazar. I love them both, though!
Cas or Crowley?: Castiel all the way
Ben or Claire?: Claire!
Jody or Donna?: Jody, but I want them both. All the time. WAYWARD SISTERS IS GOING TO BE MY LIFEBLOOD.
Sam or Dean?: Dean, but again, I don’t like picking >.> So now is the part where I tag other people, but I’m bad at tagging people and I don’t know who has or hasn’t done it so...do it if you want! I love to read peoples’ responses to this kind of thing *^.^*
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mayalaen · 7 years
@intotheruins posted this with an open invitation to anyone who wanted to play, and I wanna play :D
1. what season did you start watching supernatural? - I’ve watched it from the beginning. I missed the first run of the pilot, saw some fanfic (in fact, I believe it was the first few fanfics ever written for SPN), read them, and looked for the next showing, which I think was a couple days later, and watched it. I was hooked after about 10 minutes and have followed it ever since.
2. who was the first character you fell in love with? - Dean. I found Sam to be a whiny college boy for about the first three episodes, and that really turns me off, and it wasn’t until I saw how well the guys worked together and how much Sam’s input helped that I started REALLY liking him. Dean’s flirty, casual style pulled me in :D
3. who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love? - I never really hated any of the characters. If I like a show, I tend to like all the characters because they further the show. Just because I thought Sam was whiny didn’t mean I hated him. Not at all!
4. which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with? - Pam. Not a lot of the characters are relationship material, but damn, Pam does it for me, and I can see settling down with her. Not that she’d ever be boring, but yeah, I’d make a home with her!
5. if you could go on just one date with one character, which one would you choose? - I gotta say Pam again!
6. what would you do on the date? - I don’t really like dating, so it would be more like friends with benefits for me, if she was into that. If she wasn’t, I’d totally try to make her happy, because damn she’s awesome!
7. which character would you most want to be like? - I relate to Cas a lot, and a lot to Dean for various reasons, but I don’t think I want to be like any of them.
8. which character would you most like to see brought back from the dead? - John. Or Charlie. Or Bobby.  Or Pam. Or Ellen.  Ugh, I can’t decide!
9. which character would you most like to punch? - I agree with @intotheruins on Zachariah. He had this quality to him that just begged for a good punch in the face.
10. who is your absolute favorite character? - Castiel, but Dean and Pam are close seconds.
11. which “big bad” do you think was the worst? - If you’re talking worst as in I thought could’ve done better -- Uriel. I think they could’ve fleshed him out more, so I was a little disappointed with him. If you’re talking the best of the “big bad,” I’d say Lucifer. He’s got my favorite quality when it comes to big bads, which is they can scare the shit out of you even in broad daylight and they’re funny in a scary way and humans are nothing but playthings to them. I *love* that in a character!!
12. which character are you most like? - Mostly Castiel. I’m awkward and don’t really “get” humans and even at my best I’m still just trying to fake human.
13. what death hit you the hardest? - Bobby, though Ellen and Jo was right up there!
14. what season finale hit you the hardest? - Season 5. Mostly because it would’ve been such a beautiful end to the series, and I knew Kripke was done with his storyline. It held a punch that was bittersweet and I was so proud of Sam and what he had become.
15. what are your ten all-time favorite episodes? - HARD QUESTION!!
1. Brother’s Keeper (gah, that end scene and Death and YES!) 2. Born Under a Bad Sign (fucking hot!!) 3. Baby 4. The Benders 5. Nightshifter 6. Appointment in Samarra 7. Bugs (lots of people hate it but I loved it) 8. The Rapture 9. Folsom Prison Blues (the guys IN PRISON!!) 10. In general I tend to like the monster of the week episodes, so Wendigo :)
16. what’s been your favorite season? - 1 just because I *really* love monster of the week episodes, but there was not Castiel back then, so... 7? Or 9? I can’t decide.
17. who is your favorite angel? - Castiel!! Next would be Gabriel.
18. who’s your favorite demon? - Meg.
19. who’s your favorite evil character? - Lucifer and Abaddon is a close second.
20. do you have any supernatural ships? - Pick 2 or more characters and I’ve probably read or written it :D
21. who’s your favorite supporting actor? - Ellen for the earlier seasons and Jody for the later seasons.
22. what’s your favorite quote from the show? - “I dragged you out of Hell. I can throw you back in.” I’ve watched that scene SO MANY TIMES!!!
23. if you could cast one famous actor in an episode of spn, who would you chose? - I want Danneel in the show somehow. I don’t even care if they kill her off quickly, I just want to see her as a character in there so there’s more fanfic of her that can be canon compliant.
24. if you could write your own episode, what kind of creature would you like to see included? - I love mindfuck, so anything that messes with reality, time, space, etc. Djinn has been done, but there’s plenty of other ways to go.
25. who’s your favorite girl that dean’s hooked up with? - Pam. She totally fucked him. I know it!
26. who’s your favorite girl that sam’s hooked up with? - Pam. Because yeah, she totally fucked him too. In fact, I’d say she hooked up with Sam quicker than Dean -- especially with the ass smack and comment she made :D
27. what are some of your favorite convention moments? - Anything where everybody’s just really having a good time. Oh, and the glitter thing where Misha wiped his hand off on Jensen was pretty awesome.
28. if you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on spn, how would you want your character described? - YES!! I totally agree with @intotheruins again that I’d love to be a completely insane villain or serial killer or something.
29. what do you hope to see in the next season? - I think 13 is the last season, and I’d love to see them tie up loose ends while still teasing the shit out of us with things we’ll never find out. I’d like to see at least one monster of the week episode.
30.-40. if you had to choose… bobby or john? Bobby bela or ruby? Ruby jess or madison? Jess jo or lisa? Jo charlie or kevin? Charlie balthazar or ash? Balthazar cas or crowley? Cas, but I really like Crowley too. ben or claire? Claire jody or donna? ... that one’s too hard, gimme both :P sam or dean? Very, very slight preference for Dean, but if I can have both, I’m taking both :D
Tagging: @samanddeaninpanties @fawnjensen @rosemoonweaver @hazeldomain @dreamsfromthebunker  @whataboutthefish @majesticduxk @royalrowena @unforth-ninawaters @kay-marie19 @formidablepassion @mashiarasdream @bluefire986 @hullosweetpea @pod7et @buckybee​ @dreamtrue80​
I’m tagging a lot of people because I’d really love to know all your answers, but there’s no obligation to play, and if anybody else wants to play and I haven’t tagged you, please consider yourself tagged :)
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amirosebooks · 7 years
spn meme at work
Stole this shamelessly from @helianthus21​ and @bend-me-shape-me tagged me.
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural? I wanted to watch it when it first came out in 2005 (or whenever) cause a lot of my friends on livejournal were watching it back then, but I didn’t have tv and internet tv streaming just... wasn’t here yet. Then, when it actually started to be a thing, the show was delving into the whole angels vs demons thing and that didn’t appeal to me at all. (Though, tbh, aliens don’t appeal to me either but X-Files is my forever ride or die show, so...) I finally got around to giving the show a shot in... 2014? I remember watching Tumblr freak out live as the angels fell and I started making my husband watch it with me on Netflix a couple weeks later. He got through 6 seasons before tapping out and I got to them going to Purgatory before my life imploded to the point that I had to take a nearly year long break from it. I binged the rest of the show at the beginning of this year.
2. Who was the first character you fell in love with? Dean. I knew he’d be my favorite back when I was watching the fandom form on livejournal so that wasn’t a surprise at all.
3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love? Oh, I think I’ve hated all of them (including the brothers) at one point or another in the show, but I also love them all. Maybe Crowley? I can’t remember if I hated him though...
4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with? Eh, none of them.
5. If you could go on a date with just one character, which one would you choose? Same as the answer above. Wait, no, I take that back. Abbadon. That would be awesome.
6. What would you do on that date? Well, when a girl likes a girl... lol I don’t know, whatever terrible thing she wanted tbh.
7. Which character would you most want to be like? Charlie was amazing. Lisa deserved so much better and was amazing. Sam is such a fucking optimist for all the shit he’s gone through.
8. Which character would you most want to see brought back from the dead? CHARLIE CHARLIE CHARLIE!!! And Kevin and Eileen!!! And Alicia, because her death gave me a weird sort of bitterness.. she was such a fun character with so much potential behind her and without her Max is just a depressing character to me so yeah. <-- I’ll take this answer too. I’ll add John in for a temporary back from the dead thing for closure.
9. Which character would you most like to punch? Metatron. I didn’t care for his character at all. Lucifer could be erased from existence at this point and I’d clap and throw confetti too.
10. Who is your absolute favorite character? Dean and Cas. I love the female villains, but TPTB have no idea what to do with female villains so they’ve always been under utilized. And Benny, I lurve Benny.
11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst? Lucifer can just go away now. I don’t care about him at all anymore. Metatron was boring.
12. Which character are you most like? Dean in a lot of ways. With some of Charlie’s sweetness and Abaddon’s bravado mask.
13. What death hit you the hardest? Charlie because it was just so dumb an unnecessary. Same to Eileen. And Kevin. Alicia with the above mentioned reason too. Bobby. <-- Keeping this answer too. I’d like them to give Mary some real growth too, since she was always the biggest bullshit death before they brought her back. Benny too.
14. What season finale hit you the hardest? Fuck if I can remember right now. Probably season 3 at the time.
15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes? Oh hell. I don’t remember episode names for the most part, but: Mystery Spot because Gabriel/Groundhog’s Day; the one where Demon!Dean went after Sam with a hammer; the LARPing one; any of the episodes with Benny/Purgatory flashbacks; Gabriel’s first episode (I think that was this one) where they boys were describing the case from each other’s point of view or whatever... it was a great rendition of “Bad Blood” from The X-Files and made me nerd out; Cas’s fall episode where he was first dealing with being human and coping with it tore my fucking heart out and was awesome even though I know it’s wanky too; the episode where Metatron kidnapped Cas and Cas got to talk to Gabriel again too.
16. What’s been your favorite season? 8/9/10 that whole stretch is awesome for me.
17. Who is your favorite angel? Castiel  and Gabriel.
18. Who is your favorite demon? Abaddon and Crowley
19. Who’s your favorite evil character? Abaddon and Bela, though the latter was more grey than a truly evil character.
20. Do you have any Supernatural ships? Destiel, Saileen and I can get down with some Sabriel once in a while.
21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor? I loved Charlie and Abaddon and Chuck as God and Gabriel.
22. What’s your favorite quote from the show? Sam’s speech about feeling too unclean to ever go on a quest killed me. I know there are others, but my brain hasn’t held onto them.
23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you choose? I’m down with the John Borrowman as the Impala idea, though I think I’d prefer it if she were played by a black woman instead of him. Or that they went for the fanon idea of the Impala appearing different to different people, so Borrowman for Castiel and someone like the actress who plays Maize on Lucifer for Dean and a Mary look a like for Sam.
24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creatures would you like to see included? I’d love to see a creature that sends the boys back in time and they have to get help from Castiel in his female vessel that they showed from season 12.
25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with? Lisa or Cassie. He loved both of them and the boy deserves nice things.
26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with? Eileen (even if they didn’t actually hook up); Amelia; Sarah Blake and Ruby 2.0... even though it was an unhealthy hookup on the show, you could see their chemistry and she’s hot AF.
27. What are some of your favorite convention moments? I don’t really keep tabs on the conventions.
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character to be described? I’d play a villain all day long. I’d be happy with some kind of Dark!Charlie / Abbadon hybrid character.
29. What do you hope to see in the next season? To see Sam get to explore the shit he actually likes instead of what he thinks will redeem himself because of his guilt over the demon blood thing (which is not his fault). For Cas to find his place and his inner strength again. For Dean to accept and embrace the fact that he can have happy things. For Mary to choose where she wants to be and how she wants to be.
30. - 40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John? Bobby
Bela or Ruby? Bela
Jess or Madison? Jess
Jo or Lisa? Shit. You can’t make me choose.
Charlie or Kevin? Charlie (I never connected well with Kevin, but that was probably due to the choppy nature of my first watch through cutting up his storyline.)
Balthazar or Ash? Balthazar
Cas or Crowley? Cas
Ben or Claire? Claire because she’s more of an actual character than Ben was. I loooooove Dean with Ben, but we never got to get to know Ben.
Jody or Donna? Oh fuck you, I won’t choose between these ladies either. lol
Sam or Dean? Dean, dammit.
tagging: @morningstarcas; @larchwood; @mittensmorgul; @casbakespie and anyone else who wants to do the thing
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9thdoor · 7 years
Runner 5 Questionnaire
Spoilers for S2M18, general beginning of S4, S4M21. Others implied but not a lot directly stated.
1.) Does your Five speak? If not, why not?
Yes! Sort of. She stopped speaking entirely near the beginning of the apocalypse around the time she was at Mullins. A certain incident happened which mirrored when she lost her older sister at the start of the outbreak wherein one of her. Um. I can’t remember the word for fellow army member. They were friends I guess and Finley’s talking over comms ended up giving away the other friend’s position and so yeah. She stopped speaking after that and didn’t talk at all for like, upwards of 3 months of her time at Abel.
But (gay warning) as she spent more time around friends at Abel who all tend to be pretty talkative, she slowly started talking again and is slowly coming out of her shell because she’s comfortable again and has faith in her friends and finally some restored trust in herself not to get people killed. Granted some things totally disrupted that increase in talking (i.e. Archie dying) but generally: yes.
That was super long I’m sorry.
2.) Who are your Five’s best friends?
Sam and Maxine for sure!! Finley’s also super close with Jack and Eugene who. Generally come as a pair friendship wise but she’s probs a bit closer with Jack just because they have kinda similar habits of poking fun at Eugene. She’s also getting along with Paula a lot more but even though she knew the circumstances of her helping Van Ark it was. Kinda tough to get past but now they’re good and Finley spends lots of time helping Sam babysit baby Sara. EDIT HOW COULD I FORGET JODY HOLY COW FINLEY AND JODY GET ALONG PRETTY WELL like more than pretty well they complement and tease each other lots even when Finley isn't talkative there's a lot of silly-face-making and such. I love Jody.
3.) Does your Five have any love interests?
Hello have you heard of our lord and savior 5am? Listen there’s literally no other like. You can’t argue the fact that they obviously really love each other, see Exhibit A *points to S2M20 and links you to a totally canon and not edited clip*. I love them and they love each other.
But if we’re talking about not pure blissful canon happiness then gee, sign me up for 5imon and 5ara. Two other ships I can totally get behind the whole, feelings happen thing and then well. Bumps in the road happen.
4.) Who does your Five not hang out with outside of work?
Uhhhh first instinct is just like. Janine. Maybe a bit more as seasons progress but definitely nowhere near the people from question 2. Nadia and Veronica not so much either, probably, because Finley and Veronica think in completely different ways and Nadia is mostly glued to Veronica.
5.) What kind of hairstyle does your Five sport?
She’s got relatively dark, mostly straight and sometimes frizzy hair. It goes like, idk, down just a bit past her shoulders to just above the middle of her chest. Even though she has to wear it up for runs she finds like, lots of comfort in having her hair down and wearing comfortable, non-restrictive clothing like sweaters or stuff when there’s a chance to relax. It feels a lot like pre-outbreak for her and makes her feel less tightly wound. Whoops I got totally off track. There are also bangs, not sidebangs but you know. Anime mixture of straight across and not.
All of these answers are so long I am so sorry
6.) What is your Five’s relationship to Abel D&D night?
Oh my god ok. This is where Finley being a self insert genuinely comes into play because! She definitely loves D&D, but like, definitely isn’t super inclined to initiate doing things during the campaign and kind of relies on the rest of the party to carry the story along for quite awhile when she isn’t as talkative. And that’s a pretty long time.
She joined the D&D group at the continued invitation of Sam and the rest of the D&D crew and it was for sure one of the things that got her more comfortable at Abel. Like, she definitely spent time just sitting in on sessions at first, and Sam would kind of let her see the DM stuff because she sure wasn’t gonna like. Tell anyone and eventually around the time she starts talking more she gives him a bit of ideas and such but then she wants to play so that, like Stops. She doesn’t spoil the stuff Sam’s planned for the story that she already knew bc she knows he’s a huge dork and that would be evil. I mean can you even imagine how excited Sam gets about plots that he comes up with. He kills me honestly.
This is all ending up super rambley and I’m kind of figuring it out as I go along I am sorry
7.) What’s one wacky headcanon about Abel?
This is a tough one because you know there are undoubtedly a bunch of Abel inside jokes that are perpetuated on Rofflenet and on Radio Abel and on the community notice board but I can’t think of something specific thats…”wacky”. Hm. I’m stealing this bc I just saw Kenzie on twitter talking about how loud the gate to Abel is and it’s definitely a thing where everyone who isn’t involved in being a runner or on comms or anything, just like normal citizens continually ask why it’s that loud. Y’know the things that everyone in a house or school complains about but does nothing to fix Ever? Yeah this is that. I feel like after visiting Abel the Minister would want to fix that but idk what I’m even talking about anymore. Um. Next.
8.) What’s one wacky headcanon about your Five?
This is legitimately difficult to think of ummm. Oh she’s made a habit of taking merch shirts on supply runs. Like, everything from tees saying “I ❤️ UK” to “Jacob’s Hot Dog Emporium,” and that’s basically her entire run wardrobe. It started as convenience but ended up being really fun and sometimes people grab shirts for her when on runs to unique spots without her. Even tho like I mentioned she loves wearing sweaters when she’s allowed to relax, that’s obviously not possible on missions because of riskiness of baggy/catchy clothing so location merch t-shirts are her run gear. That’s like, half-wacky right?
9.) How did your Five end up at Mullins base?
This is something I haven’t thought tons about but I’m gonna do my best to give a general idea. Like I mentioned in #1, Finley lost her sister at the start of the outbreak in a really tight situation which I haven’t considered all the details of (but which definitely involved the “No! You stay here, be safe, okay?” trope), after which she had no idea. She stayed where her sister told her to for a fairly decent amount of time and when she finally left to search for supplies and just anyone who was still alive, she was found by a Mullins patrol. She doesn’t know pretty much anything about the status of the rest of her family and just kind of…goes with it because she has nothing else. It’s a pretty Bad Time but yeah.
10.) What doesn’t your Five miss about the pre-apocalypse world?
Oh man, lots of stuff, primarily working. That sounds bad and lazy but she had lots of troubles really putting big effort into jobs that were entry level and 100% necessary to make any career progress but was a good people person so her dad kept pushing her to hold some job through college but she didn’t do too well at that and it ended up just majorly stressing her out. So that’s something she loves about Abel! Her “job” is running and helping and doing her best to make it so everyone can live good lives and she loves that, even if it’s a lot of responsibility.
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