#this took me an extra hour to draw because the sketch was not working with me
stationk17 · 1 year
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Had a weird week and drew some good old CV! Edward to lift my spirts, though like the bastard he is, this drawing kicked my ass as well, but I had to see it through, and it turned out p good despite my struggles.
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doppel-doodles · 3 months
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Since everyone is making their own little version of the characters I thought I would join the fun for my Fallen crown Au! These were supposed to be quick little sketches just to get some ideas down but they still took me the whole day:'D will probably change as I draw them but I wanted at least something down on for the time being and I do like how most turned out!
Single versions plus some info and ramblings about each under cut for those interested:
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My lamb was mainly based on both, yes the actual player character but also the vibes of my own plathrough which were very "oh god who let this child be in charge?-" while I'll still mostly just call them Lamb I figured they should still have a proper name so I went with my friends @/tamaruaart suggestion as it suits them rather nicely! And most note worthy detail is honestly just the fact that they carry something from each bishops realm on their person now, I like to think they treat those items like little trophies:>
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Narinder is probably my weakest I feel like, he definitely needs something to give him some extra "ompf!". I basically made his undertaker fit a sorta reverse or at least loosely inspired by his white robes in game. I imagine he is very boney or a straight up skeleton underneath so he covers it all up beneath heavy fabrics, but because I lack subtly I still covered him in bones regardless-
And yea I kept the veil cause 1. It's a look and 2. It coviently covers up his now sewn shut third eye.
There wasn't much reason behind making him an undertaker, I simply thought it suited him, when your the former god of death you aren't exactly squeamish around corpses. Lastly the dark blues are there to contrast the other followers warm tones, as they kinda seen him as an outcast which is just fine for narinder he isnt exactly thrilled to be here.
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I'll put Leshy and Heket together as they were sorta designed as a set.Since they are both youngest among the bishops I sorta latched onto the headcanon that they get along pretty well and just stick together after getting into the cult so they just share a lot of their duties. So I gave them some matching elements like the puffy shorts but also stuff that contrasts like Leshy having looser clothing and Hekets being more tight. Or Heket getting working gloves with a little belt to hold tools plus a hat for the sun, meanwhile Leshy will happily dig through the dirt bare clawed in the sun for hours-
I debated on giving Heket an apron but honestly I think she would only wear one while cooking or tending the farm plots there is no reason for her to wear it casually, the gloves though stay for I reason I utterly love because its PETTY-
Literally the only reason she keeps them on almost constantly is because when the lamb asks she can be like "ew, I'm not touching you with my bare hands." Yes, my humour is broken moving on-
I also gave Leshy a cane just so he actually has something to feel around with when he is areas he isn't too familiar with so he isn't running into crap- on that note, Heket can speak a bit but not exactly loud or for a very long time without seriously hurting her throat, once I properly learn it I definitely wanna draw her using sign language.
Lastly bodies, Leshy was based off a previous drawing I made of him in bishop form, I simply made it less monsterous but he is in charge of chaos so he had to remain a creature- Heket is more straight forward, she is a frog and she is large and in charge.
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There was one reason why I made Shamura a tailor and that was the mental image of them sewing the bishops clothes when they were younger and dressing them up all cute.
I went for more pink colors mainly because I thought it better suited the purple and would make their red eyes pop! Honestly I really love their colors they remind me of a Berry! I've drawn shamura before but honestly the only things that stuck were the colors,face and then also the hand markings I did tweak their eyes a bit I wanted something more stern feeling.
For clothing I kept everything nice and loose, while they are the tailor I also love the idea that in their spare time they either teach the youths in the cult or are like the champion of the fighting pit because war is also their domain and they can be- so I wanted them dressed pretty comfy to deal with whatever may come! But still keep everything pretty mature and mildly fancy maybe in the future I'll do some fancy gold and silver embroidery to the pants because of that.
As for body type I wanted them to be pretty thin but unlike Narinder who is twink material under his cloak they have a bit more bulk on top to show that they can choose violence if they so wish-
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I adore me some pathetic but still serving men, honestly except for the cross on his belt I completely ignored the fact I made him a medic- If he needs to treat something gross he can throw something over to protect his clothes but just like Heket there is no reason for him to wear that while not working.
Otherwise my main goal was simply to make Kalamar look pretty and fancy. I debated on either short or long bottoms until I realized I'd have to figure out his tentacle situation, then realized I don't hate myself THAT MUCH so bro got put into a floor length gown, work smarter not harder kids.
If I have an excuse to give a character a shawl I will take it so fast.
His body type I mainly wanted to flesh out the roster so I tried making him very squishy and huggable looking, I debated on thinner so he looked more dangly and stretchy but that made him kinda to similar to Narinders build for my liking.
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shibusawaz · 14 days
So, your Madoka Kaname drawing looks amazing, and as a traditional artist, I was trying to observe to see if I could learn from your drawing.
One thing that stuck out to me was the shading and outlines.
How do you shade so well? How do you know which colors to use, and where to use them? Same question goes for outlines, too.
hihihihiii!! first of all thank u so much, im rlly flattered that u were so impressed 🫶🫶 im honestly really surprised how much attention my drawing got gyuh
anyways!! the picture i referenced was from the crash fever x pmmm crossover, so it’s by no means completely original. here’s the side by side comparison of the (cropped) og image vs in my sketchbook!!
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so, most of the actual shading decisions and placements are from the original work. however, i had to change up the colors a bit because of the selection i had. (please note that my version is also darker because of lighting and iphone picture quality 😭😭)
also, for most of my drawings i follow the call of the wind (make guesses) and fufill the prophecies (keep adding more colors until it looks okay)
that being said, below the cut is a full coloring walkthrough if you’re still interested!!
please note that this is much smaller scale and done in less time (took an hour instead of two days 😨) so the quality will be a bit less!!
alright. so let’s say we wanna draw this image, but we tweaked it a bit because drawing BOTH eyes was too much of a hassle.
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after you clean your sketch, the best thing to do is open with an outline that’s not QUITE black but close to it.
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now, i have a rule. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember this rule: you can use ANY color. for your outline, shading, whatever. it doesn’t have to match the reference.
if you are using this as a genuine tutorial, please know that i change colors every fucking time i draw. i change mediums too. this is only the process i used for my madoka drawing (as best as i can remember)
cuz, like my art teacher said, you have this thing called artistic license, which means you have the right to change whatever the FUCK you want if you think it makes your drawing better. make her purple, give her one ponytail, whatever. as long as you can make it work, have fun!!
anyways. next, go over that outline with other dark colors of different hues. there’s no rhyme or reason, it’s just fun.
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after, place your highlights on the hair. i used cream instead of the pastel pink in the original because i like cream better and it adds more hues.
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usually, i start with the darkest value instead for shading as it’s more vibrant, but madoka doesn’t have any really standout dark tones. it’s okay though i love her
then, you gotta go in with base colors. simple pink and peach yada yada
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just pick a light base close to the original. don’t agonize over it. apply lightly and gently in circular motions, and you’ll be okay!!
next, we adjust the tone of the hair. i wanted a cooler toned pink, so i added amethyst. i also added a bit to the stray eye.
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after, adjust your tone more as needed. again, any color goes. the means justify the ends, and if you end up adding some blue or yellow or whatever then good!! go bonkers with it. i used vermillion.
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next, add shading blocks (referenced from the original image!) in a color that’s light enough to blend in more but dark enough to see (amethyst is my favorite for this, and i use it a lot!!) you can also add extra shading in some areas to give it some personality.
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after THAT, blend in your shading a bit more with your base colors. by this point you should be pressing down a lot to get the pigment you want. i think for her skin i added beige instead of peach in this step, but that’s also what i did for the above drawing.
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the purpose of this is to mute your colors a bit so they fit together more. however, if you want it to pop, you don’t have to add another base color!!
i also went over the outlines with the base color to lighten them and even out the drawing. i do that with almost every step, as needed. follow your heart on that one
also, i gave her a little bit of blush in that step. just because.
ok, so now is the fun part. for the hair and any accessories/clothes/things of the same texture, add random streaks of random colors.
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yeah, go ahead, add orange, blue, yellow, whatever. it’s best if it’s of the same value (aka darkness) so it fits in with the base color, but it can be anything!!
you don’t have to do this, but it’s fun.
also, i shaded the eye too offscreen. same process, because pmmm’s style has a very flat texture on characters. thus, it’s okay to use the same shading technique.
now, we can do the same with accessories!! these are simpler and i honestly got too lazy to even reference for the scarf because the hair was the main focus.
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finally, add little details, clean up anything you don’t like, and do whatever you want with it!!
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that’s all i do for shading, and i hope it helped a bit. i mainly work with pen and paint markers, but the process is the same aside from tweaking parts.
just remember:
its your art do whatever the fuck you want
LAYER LAYER LAYER fix anything by adding new things
it doesnt have to be perfect yada yada
fun color = fun drawing
it doesnt have to look like the picture because thats boring and you wont learn if you try and carbon copy everything you see
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cherishbendy · 12 days
MARSHY! (Marshmallow Huggy Wuggy😩🤭🥰❤️❤️🤌🤌)
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Finished it yesterday! Took almost 4 hours! Surprised though! Would have token like 6-7 hours!… I think I’m in love with this app. ANYWAYS…UHM… yeah it was really fun to do this! Tried something new with the shading and texture! Mostly trying to work with texture ya know?
I want to roast him with a stick. Maybe through his torso…fire… OKAY ANYWYAS UHM UGH.
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Here’s without that damn glass in the way! He’s a little angy… (🤮) so like don’t even worry about him. He’s being a big ass baby rn. Okay back to WHY I even drew him. I didn’t even explain why I did.. why would I say “back to WHY-“ if I never even mention it until now…uhm..ANYWAY-
So me and flutter were playing Poppy Playtime: Forever and I let her pick a fan made mini game within and she picked a game that supposedly had Marshy (That’s the nickname I gave him) in it! But we never really got past the Boxy clown guy sadly. But before we even met him (because we got a little too busy with our own things back at home) I wanted to draw him and so I did! So there’s that little story!
Also here’s the sketch just because it looks cool🤭🤭 I was planning to draw him with an extra pose but didn’t.
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allyheart707 · 8 months
How long do you typically spend on a drawing? Of the ones you've posted, which took the longest? Which was the quickest?
OOO that is a tough question because I don't typically time my art. BUT you caught me at the perfect time because I made a post JUST before starting a project at 1:58 and finished at 2:45- so I finished this drawing in just under an hour:
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Though, this drawing has no shading, just flat colors and some blush. If I added shading it would have probably tacked on AT LEAST 15 more minutes. I spend a lot of time shading because I am still figuring it out XD
I think how long I take on a drawing depends on how perfectionist I feel on that day and the amount of motivation I have to work on said piece (I work faster the more inspired I am.)
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This is the art that I remember taking the longest. I REALLY wanted it to look good so I was feeling extra perfectionist and I'm not good at drawing characters with the type of clothing One wears or city landscapes. So that made me have to redraw parts of his outfit and the city like... a billion times XD
I think this one took somewhere around 2-3 hours??
As for quickest drawings- any of my request drawings. Most of those were just quick colored sketches to get me out of an art block! They at most took 30 minutes.
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mc-lukanette · 2 years
Luka set down his guitar, having perfected "I Love Unicorns" half an hour ago but hesitant to get up and leave when Marinette was sitting nearby, sketching away due to their creative energies feeding off of each other. It was incredibly alluring, the way she would get lost in her work, and he hadn't seen her anxious or upset like she'd been when they'd first met.
He wished it could be like this all the time.
Still, they'd been at it for a while and he figured that they could both use some refreshments. Standing up from the couch, he turned to Marinette to ask, "Do you want a drink?"
"Mm?" She looked up from her sketchpad, her tongue still sticking out to the side for an extra second before she seemed to come back to reality. Cute. "Oh, I can get one myself, it's okay."
"I'm up anyway. Besides, you seem really in tune with whatever you're working on," he pointed out, grinning because he knew the feeling all too well.
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, briefly distracting his eyes, as she gazed upon her work. After some consideration, she glanced back up at him and nodded. "As long as you don't mind? Anything's fine."
He nodded back, stepping past her and going off into the kitchen. He could vaguely hear her whilst grabbing two bottles of juice, an occasional involuntary noise sounding every now and then whenever Marinette was (presumably) critiquing her own work. He chuckled to himself, pretending not to notice but wondering if he's ever done the same thing.
As he went back to hand over the drink he'd grabbed for her, he caught sight of the sketches she'd been working on. He hadn't meant to, but his eyes had unconsciously drifted to them, probably caused by the first few days of them working on the music video where she'd always been showing him her sketchpad to get his input.
He nearly dropped the drinks when he realized that she'd been sketching him. It was clearly still for the music video, but he didn't recall any of their conversations about design involved him being in post as if he were descending from heaven, complete with light coming out from behind him. There were other sketches nearby of his face with an overwhelming sense of detail, arrows and notes everywhere theorizing on which way would be best for his facial structure.
None of said notes included color theory over the hint of pink currently forming on his face.
He supposed that he could've acted like he hadn't seen it, but it wasn't his style. Since Marinette had never been shy about her sketches, he didn't have any reason to think it might embarrass her.
Thus, he leaned down, gently nudging her arm with the bottle of juice and commenting, "Are those really me?"
She startled, though relaxed when she took in the sight of him. "O-oh, um... yes?" She frowned, taking the drink offered to her and setting it to her side. "You don't like them?"
"It's not that," he replied, glancing again at her work. He smiled to reassure her, explaining, "I think you're too generous. I don't look like that."
She tilted her head, seeming genuinely confused. "You do to me?"
Oh. Oh wow, okay. She said it so casually that it must've been true, but he was still baffled.
Something must've shown on his face, because Marinette pursed her lips in thought and turned her attention back to her sketchpad, grabbing a bunch of the pages in her hand and flipping them over to go backwards in her sketchpad to much earlier works, then flipping one at a time afterwards. He guessed that she was looking for something.
Between the designs he saw were sketches that appeared to show assorted moments, such as Juleka brushing her hair or Ivan napping. Going only off of the glimpses he saw, Marinette drew her friends to keep her drawing ability sharp.
Then, as Marinette stopped, Luka realized what she'd been doing: she was looking for an old sketch of him. He even recognized it in a way: he was laughing with a hand held up near his lips. It was when they first met, but that only confused him further if what he'd thought was true.
"I thought you were making fun of me back then, but then you said you were sorry and played my heart," she said, as if she'd read his thoughts. "I was embarrassed then, but I'm not now."
He'd had no idea. He assumed she'd simply put it behind her.
"Hm," she continued, holding the sketchpad out at arm's length and squinting at it. "I guess I drew you a little differently back then. Maybe my style changed?"
She examined the other sketches nearby, then flipped back to her current ones for comparison's sake. In truth, both sketches did look different, but he couldn't describe it with words if asked.
"I didn't draw you any more perfect," Marinette concluded. She pointed and traced specific lines with her fingers as if he could make any sense of what she was trying to point out. "All your imperfections are still there, and they make you you so there's nothing wrong with them anyway."
Luka tried not to be obvious about unscrewing the cap on his drink and taking a far bigger sip than he normally would have. His throat just felt very dry all of a sudden.
Finally showing some level of embarrassment, Marinette rubbed the back of her neck in what looked like some sort of realization for her. "U-um... I did hear once that good people can become more beautiful to someone after they get to know them. How they see them physically doesn't really change, but—" She gestured wildly with a free hand, lacking the words necessary to convey the thought. "—the way they see them changes? And..." She ducked her head, blushing as her voice lowered to a squeak. "Y-you're very, very handsome to me, Luka."
Luka, truthfully, had never had someone compliment him so directly before. There had been girls and boys alike at school who would flirt with him - some more seriously or openly than others - but not like this. Marinette spoke directly from her heart, the way that would leave one lightheaded from such a direct attack.
He took a breath, reminding himself that he must still be alive, then set his drink down on the table before moving to sit beside Marinette.
"That explains why you're so pretty to me, Marinette."
"H—huh?" She gaped at him, apparently having not expected him to "fight back." She even dropped her sketchpad, which would've fallen to the floor had he not caught it. "Me? No, I mean—I'm not that—"
"You're really pretty," he insisted gently, smile widening at the knowledge of exactly what he was doing to her. "The prettiest person I've ever known."
She opened her mouth to retort, but stopped. Her gaze flickering back to the sketchpad, she must've realized that they were on the same wavelength. "...You think so?"
He nodded. Pointing at the sketchpad, he imitated her earlier movements, his fingertip tracing along the lines of his sketch's face. "A song is only a song until you hear the meaning behind it. They might look the same on a music sheet, but it's the person playing that makes all the difference."
"Really?" She leaned towards him in an entirely unnecessary gesture to watch him trace the lines on her sketchpad. Their arms pressed together and he pretended not to notice so as to not give her the wrong impression.
"Mhm~" He looked over at her. "I hope you'll draw yourself one day in the same way I see you."
She met his gaze, eyes unmoving from his face to the point where he could see his reflection in her eyes. Distantly, he heard the shifting of paper as Marinette blindly closed the sketchpad, him having to pull his hand out from in-between the pages to let it close completely.
Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody. He hadn't said it outright, but it seemed like he'd gotten the message across even without the words.
She clutched at the fabric of his jacket, slowly leaning towards him. He leaned in return, turning to face her properly. Then—
Luka blinked as Marinette suddenly pulled back, holding the sketchpad in front of her face. Confused, he rewound his memory, wondering if maybe he had misinterpreted her leaning.
"Um..." She lowered the sketchpad enough for him to see the upper half of her face, an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. "N-not yet. Not now."
"I understand. If you're not ready—"
"No! I want to!" she insisted. "But..." She groaned, leaning back and then bumping her forehead against her sketchpad in exasperation. "We have a contest to worry about, and I don't want to be... distracted."
Luka felt an intense wave of affection wash over him at the idea that she was worried about not being able to stop kissing him if she got a taste. Thinking about it himself, he acknowledged that it would be difficult to focus on the contest after kissing her, and the fact that she wanted to do it at all was enough to satisfy him for the time being.
"Then... after the contest?" he offered.
"Yes! Definitely!" Her hands shook whilst she was holding the sketchpad, putting her excitement openly on display for him. Then, giggling to herself, she added shyly, "I-I think you just became even more handsome."
He officially didn't care whether or not they won the contest. He already felt like a winner.
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theonethatyaks93 · 7 months
Sketch Showcase Time!!!
Sooooooooo, these are days two and three of my "Learning How-To Draw Pinky and Brain Phase." And, y'all, I think I found my groove! This is attempt 2 of drawing Pinky:
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Already, I'm very pleased with this. I mean, this was my attempt to re-create Pinky's design by @goosieboosie. I'm not a digital artist, so I couldn't capture all the majesty of this design perfectly, but I did a decent job. This style allows me to draw Pinky's face a lot easier, and I can get more creative with facial features. I was really happy when I finished this, I kinda freaked out because, he looks great!! I even drew my gender/sexuality headcanons for Pinky beside him, as well as his signature because, why not? I tried to re-draw this picture a few hours later and I made a new discovery:
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Sorry for the blurry pic! But yeah, I think I invented my own unique style!! This is the first version of this; there a few changes from my first re-draw. The main changes are Pinky's eyes being rounder, and his ears a little bit larger. I think the base shape of his head is also a little different. I think he looks so derpy!! I was instantly in LOVE with this updated design, so I decided to draw it again and:
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The design is a little different again! And also, my first expression!!!! (Ignore the weird as hell erased Pinky head you see; it was a massive failure and I couldn't erase it all :( ) I really think the Pinky on the left turned out better than I thought!! I love his cute little face and his extra floofy head. The second pic is another kind of model pic, but I added a little tongue because it looked cute. I also added the mind bubble and the little blurb just for added effect. I think he looks cute, what do you guys think?
On day three/attempt 3, I actually doodled a Pinky without looking at a reference in one of my books because I was in school. Here's how it turned out:
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I LOVE IT!!!! I was so shocked when I finished with this because I think Pinky looks amazing!! It's not perfect, but when compared to day one, it's like night and day. This is my favorite Pinky I've done so far, and it only took my like 25 minutes; what an improvement when compared to over an hour just for one drawing lol! I've made some small changes here, and I will continue to make changes for the time being. I'm still finalizing my style.
Later on, I did something I'm very proud of:
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My first full-body Pinky!! I drew the body first and then added a head in later. I also marked certain areas that I might improve upon later, and little personal touches that I added for fun. Yeah, I think his head is a little too tall, but I'll fix that. I implemented some unique elements such as his muzzle area being based on the OG show, the tufts of fur on his head being longer, the chest fur, his feet being stuffed-animal like, his short legs (which will probably be longer in the future), and his tail being from the reboot. I am currently working on hands; they're just not ready yet. I'm very excited to see my own personal style being formed. I like all the touches I added and I'm excited to maybe work on some screenshot re-draws and other things like that.
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Here are some hand sketches. Hand are EXTREMELY HARD for me so I'm trying to get an idea of what I want to do. I was either thinking of the one on the left (larger fingers, rounder shapes) or the one on the right (more angular, slimmer fingers). Idk, which hand style do yo guys think would work better?
I'm very proud of the progression I made on these designs. I'm currently planning on drawing Brain very soon and I will be doing screenshot re-draws, experimenting with changes to eye shape, and more expressions. I'm also writing still (new fic currently a wip), and I'm very excited to be contributing more to the fandom!! Let me know where I can improve and some tips on how to draw their hands. Also, special thanks to @cosmicangel139 for the drawing tips for Brain!! You are amazing and I will definitely keep those tips in mind!!!!
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 5th, 1996
Dear diary,
So far so good. Everything is back on track.
Cheer practice has officially started back up and I'm having so much fun with it! The new routine is amazing - Sandy did an amazing job with the choreography. I can't wait until I know it all by heart. We practiced for hours but we're only ten eight-counts in because though it's fun it's really intricate.
We're meeting up on Saturday for extra practice so we can train up the new recruits. They're all very nice too. Seriously, when did Freshmen get so talented? I sure as hell wasn't.
I probably need the extra practice more than them. I stayed an extra hour to go over it by myself and I'm still struggling with it.
But I'll get there. I just have to work harder on it.
Classes so far are okay as well. I've managed to work ahead on all subjects except English. It takes me so much longer than usual to get through the reading. I'll just have to force myself through the rest of the book on Sunday. Maybe if I'll read for a long enough period of time I'll forget it's for Mike's class.
On a better note, art has actually become more fun than last year. Will has given us some really creative assignments and he plays music while we work and allows us to talk. The talking is distracting, but he still listens to that weird music Mike used to complain about, and it's actually really good. Better than I remember it being, at least.
We're currently working with charcoal which I've never got to do before. It's messy as hell, especially when you still have half a school day to walk around with stained fingers after, but it's such a cool medium. I'm still working on sketches and getting a hang of it, but even my first attempts look so cool just because of the contrast between the dark charcoal and the paper.
I'm trying to draw this weird dream I remember having when I was younger. I don't know why I've suddenly been reminded of it - maybe because it took place in Will's old bedroom for some reason - but it's perfect for this assignment because the shapes are easy to make even with the harsh strokes of charcoal.
Mike has stopped trying to talk to me, but I notice him watching me in the hallway sometimes.
I think he told Nancy on me because she called me yesterday even though she usually only calls over the weekend. She didn't ask about Mike, just called to check in on me, but I'm not naive. Either way it was nice to hear her voice.
I hope she visits soon.
Love, Holly
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mossy-tendencies · 2 years
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so remember that wave of gifts everyone in the frenrey server made for halloween? i finally finished mine almost two weeks later LMAO 
this is for @potionbarrel of cryptids designs for frenreylattanold!! HOLY SHIT THIS TOOK THE LIFE OUT OF ME, but hey! 60-80 hours later, i have it done!! woulda had it sooner if my bestie’s bday wasn’t in the middle of october (had to work on that first and foremost), but better late than never.
this was. SO FUCKING FUN. i loooove drawing little details/easter eggs so you’ll find a few of those!!
closeups and More below cut!
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google drive link for all the extras! this includes lines n some concept sketches, plus all the closeups you see here. i may add more stuff to it later but it has the basic stuff for now lol
and now, even MORE closeups!
this first one is a ref to @/a-substantial-trash-pile’s gift for @/melonsharks, because that goddamn fake movie box art made my brain ROT. it’s also the first thing i painted and where i decided i was gonna make this project Infinitely harder for myself /hj
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woody from toy story costume. had to have this stock photo boy on the side of my canvas for a WHILE lmao
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i just thought these boxes looked nice. they Look like they have stuff in them. plus trans flag. ofc.
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snake plant which was probably my favorite thing to paint
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FLOUR! EVERYWHERE! plus the nightmarish prosthetic arm design that arcade has. it’s great i love you okay but JESUS CHRIST. i like how it turned out tho
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benny pumpkin :)
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and last but not least,
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look familiar?
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inklessletter · 1 year
I absolutely love following along with your art and the process behind it! I'm curious about more behind the scenes stuff, as I have picked up digital art after not having drawn regularly in 10+ years.
When you do your drawings, what steps do you take? Do you use real references? Skeleton sketches? I'd love to know more about how you approach things digitally!
Oooh, first of all, thank you so much @emeraldzephyr! It is such a lovely thing that you decided to pick it up again!
As for how do I organize myself for drawing, every person works with a different procedures and it is important to know what works for you. For me is organization and inspiration.
For me, the most important thing is having references. It is more important than experience, more important than skill and even than inspiration. When you start messing with a blank canvas you need to know first hand where you want to go, or at least, have an idea. I won't likely start drawing without some references pictures. I learnt this when I took classes last year and this is probably the only thing that actually fully stuck.
My main resource for them is Pinterest, and I navigate through it with intent. I also have multiple packs of pictures of models and references that I have purchased in Artstation. Either way, references, to me, are essential and necessary. In Pint for example I have different boards, some for poses or compositions, some other for finishing, some other for colors palettes, or effects, or styles. I may have (and it is likely to be that way) multiple references for a single illustration ("I like the composition of this one, but the color palette of this other one, but the light works incredible in here, and wait, how was exactly the curvature of the nose of Joe Quinn in this perspective...? Shit! Keery's moles!! How were them distributed in the right side of his face? asdfadfs").
So you see, this is the first and the main thing I do. And I am also fattening with pins all my boards anytime I've got the chance (on my way to work, in public transport, waiting in lines, etc.), so I don't run out of ideas.
When it comes to actually drawing, I always make my canvas extra large and fit the main reference there so I don't get it out of sight (probably the one I'm using for composition) and make a first sketch than I later proceed to fix because it is often that I get wrong the proportions or the perspective, and that's okay. I can do five or six layers of sketches and then I do a first lineart that is messy, but it compiles everything that I have from different references. I spend a lot of time with this. Before shit gets serious and you start with colors, it is important for me to be happy with the sketch, or I may work a lot of hours on this particular illustration and you will end up hating it because "fucking shit, that ear is too small, how didn't I see it before!!!! [yes, I have no shame in showing what I think I failed miserably, the next piece was better, and so on. I keep learning everytime. I trust the process in broader aspects of art, not only in piece by piece]).
I create folders for the color process and try to organize the layers in it, first painting them with plain colors in separate layers and then adding layers once the whole illustration is fully coloured, first starting with shading, and then to light.
For me it is really important to play with the different effects of layers, play with opacity, gradients, brushes, tools, etc etc. I always find some effects that I wasn't expecting and the quality of my work will rise up just because I just found something interesting that weren't expecting at all, so, yeah. I play a lot with my software. All the time.
And finally when I am happy with it as a whole, I add a few filters (noise, blurs, etc.) If I want a very specific effect and I don't know how to do it, I have no doubt in stopping for a minute and finding a tutorial that teaches me how to do it (like the flare in this illustration, or the video effect moving color channels in this one). I always keep in mind that I should not get frustrated when I don't know how to do anything because I can always google it and it is a great opportunity to learn something new.
I am so so so sorry if this was too long, and probably it wasn't interesting enough, but that's what I do. And again, I want to make myself clear when I say that there is not a correct way to do things when it comes to art, this is just what works for me. I am no expert, I had to try and fail many many times to find the right approach for me without getting sad or frustrated. I, myself, have reconnected with art not that long ago after a decade, too.
I wish you the best of luck with your reunion with digital art!! Looking forward to seeing your pieces <3
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
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Eggtober 9 Mushroom and Cheese Omelet (Featuring Green Onion and Black Pepper) Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Dry Gouache Brush and Freckle Pen. 10 Colors, 30 Minutes. I’ve got a few little idiosyncrasies about how one spells omelet/omelette (all of them personal and not at all serious,) but I do enjoy omelets, however you want to spell them or make them. I don’t care if it’s an officially named recipe like the Denver Omelet or something you throw together with scraps and leftovers. All omelets are valid. A personal favorite of mine is just some nice sautéed mushroom, melty cheese, and whatever onion is on hand. I’ll never say no to some bacon or ham, but honestly, even the humble mushroom shines all on its own, and they’re fun to draw. So mushroom omelet it is! Gonna drop a little extra below a cut because it’s mostly me musing on personal stuff and whinging about spelling, but big thank you as always to @quezify for giving me an excuse to draw all sorts of tasty egg dishes. These warm ups are really helping me with other projects! I took something that normally takes me several months to finish and cranked it out in a matter of days. Once I started doing eggs, it was so much easier to just open that other piece and finish the sketches, the line art, and the coloring! Been sitting on my computer for a month and I did the majority of the work in this last week! (It’s not even a hard project, I’m just ADHD and a perfectionist and my phone is full of games and I cannot get off the free dopamine machine to use my BIGGER free dopamine machine to do art when art feels like work and I’m terrified of failure. But you cannot “fail” Eggtober. You just draw an egg. And every time, it’s fun. Every time it’s low pressure. Every time it’s a small reminder that even if it’s not perfect, it’s an egg. And eggs are always worth it.)
I was a little late on today’s egg, but my sleep schedule keeps getting pushed back because, again, I have ADHD and I do not control the sleep. I just exhaust myself and then lay down and then wake up 8-12 hours later and it’s anyone’s guess when or why or how. Anyway, I do have the luxury right now of just sleeping like I’m alternating shifts at a 24/7 convenience mart so I just roll with it. Art doesn’t abide by time constraints and most of my current projects can be done no matter where the sun is. Enough about that though. Omelets. Or Omelettes. (It will forever irk me that USA American English decided to spell half of its words differently because hurr durr telegraph and print press charge by the letter, we’re just gonna invent the predecessor of text speak but make it official and now all word processors are angry. Forever irked that we in the USA insist on spelling “omelets” the truncated way, making me confused every time I get the red squiggle under what’s technically ALSO a correct English spelling. [I read too much Brit Lit as a kid and now I type like a foreigner according to every single word processor I own and also according to my ESL Aunt. “You type like an English person. Or a Britain? However it’s said.”] Anyway screw American English, sometimes the Brits are right, LOL. [I am 90% teasing and this is 100% a me problem and I’m blowing the silliest anthill into a circus tent of a mountain because I am angry when machine tell me to spell different.]) I want to consolidate the Englishes where we just have Brit English, American English, and Consolidated English. And I want consolidated English so that the word processors STOP TELLING ME THAT I’M WRONG. No, I will never write color as colour. Brits are wrong on that one. But Brits are right about “judgement” and “omelettes” and several others. Sorry, not sorry. “Judgment” looks like a combo of judge and augment and my brain reads it dumb and “omelettes” is just objectively better, damn it! 😂
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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I am absolutely shattered today. More exhausted then I have been in a while. I am super glad my workshop tomorrow is not happening anymore because I don't think I could handle it. I am just. So tired.
I didn't sleep amazing again. My ears hurt again. I have had go take out all of my piercing. Which seems to have helped a little bit. But I also absolutely slept through my alarm because I was asleep on top of my phone. Thankfully James woke me up at 715.
I was in a horrible mood though. And I was very snippy. I was in my head telling myself to knock it off but I was having a bad time. I was to hot. I would be okay but it did not start well.
James left for work before me. And I took a few extra minutes to sit and watch my new fish because I read that it can help your blood pressure and I do think it helped a little bit. I was out the door by 755.
I got over to creative alliance and loaded up my wagon. As I walked from the corner where I parked t Creative Alliance Parker pulled up and I was like. Oh hi! And I really tried to put on all my energy. But I was for sure more low energy then normal. I tried but I was struggling.
The classroom was 72 degrees. Which was wild. Parker would realize and fix it pretty quick but it did not help how warm I already was. But it would be okay.
I started setting up my program and slowly the kids started coming in. Including some I knew! One from the nursery I subbed at before and one form puhtok. And everyone was really great.
James had given me a bunch of flattened cardboard boxes from soap being sold at the gift shop. So as the kids came in, some went to draw, and some came to help me assemble the boxes. And it was fun. A nice little way to get to know each other and jump right into making stuff.
They were all really excited about the Rubbermaid tubs of stuff I brought. And I gave them plastic bins to start putting things to the side in case they might want to use them for their dioramas. But we would be breaking into two groups later on so it was no rush.
The kids were really funny. And by the end of the day they had developed their own religion, with one of the older boys, Andrew, becoming the cult leader. It was all around an egg that did not shatter with the others. And then at lunch they went to the park and saw a dead bird and I think there is a chicken and the egg conversation to be had but they just kept chanting. And making art about the egg. Children are so wonderfully weird.
Parker took the kids on a tour of the two buildings first. Which gave me a few minutes to eat my breakfast. But soon they were back and we jumped right in.
We started with taking about what a dioramas was. I wrote things in the board and we discussed what it is, what it's made of, why someone might make one. And they had really great answers. Next we filled out the worksheet I made up with information for thinking about how your diorama will function. Who's in it? What's the environment? What are the materials? We then sketched it and then we made paper models of the ideas. Not everyone did all of these steps, and they really didn't have to. But it was good to work through the ideas.
We had approximately 2 and a half hours for each group. And I found that about half of each group spent the entire time making, while the other half finished in about an hour. So I had to push for adding things. And I would find some books and Legos to entertain the littler ones. But overall I think we did great.
I did struggle when I realized I forgot my hot glue sticks at home. So the first group only had 5 sticks. But they really made it work. Like it wasn't perfect but it was still good. Even if I was stressed. And I would cut my finger in my pocket knife when I was helping cut windows out of boxes. Ouch. It was bleeding pretty bad and I was mad at myself.
But the kids did great. Only a few little finger burns on the hot glue guns. No one seriously injured. And they all worked really hard. It was nice to see.
They had a snack break half way through the morning. I would have my little lunch then since I was planning on quickly driving home to get the hot glue during their lunch half hour.
After their snack some of them finished quickly. Some took the rest of the hour. Other started drawing. I had music going. It was a little tough for me to find music without cursing so we ended up listening to Mitski and Julien Baker all day. Which I enjoyed and I think kept the space calm.
We finished the morning session and Parker collected the other class and my class and I headed to the car.
I quickly drove home. Washed my face and tried to shake off the tired feeling. My feet hurt and it would only get worse. But it was okay. I grabbed the hot glue. Pet Sweetp. And quickly drove back. Got the same parking space even!
They were still at the park for lunch so I enjoyed sitting on the stairs outside. I was out there for like ten minutes when I heard the entire group of children chanting "all hail the dead bird!" Over and over. Children are hilarious.
I did have to ban chanting though because half of my second group was getting very frustrated by the boys repeating and being loud about eggs and I was getting frustrated too. You may worship the egg quietly in your head. I just don't want to hear it anymore.
The afternoon felt long. But I know it was mostly because I was very tired. I still had fun. And really enjoyed seeing what everyone was making. Some of the kids really were great at this project and I was so proud of them. This is for sure a 3rd/4th grade project. But what else it new, that's the age I work best with.
Around 330 we started cleaning up. Some were still working. Some were done. I was slowly cleaning up around them. Teaching some how to properly wash paint brushes. Giving others the job of sweeping. And soon parents were showing up.
As they were getting picked up I thanked them all for coming. One of the kids showed me a magic trick. I got to meet the other teachers who were teaching the kids to do magic tricks which was very neat. And after packing my wagon I was ready to go.
I checked in with Parker before I left. And he just said how awesome he thinks I am and how he loves how I know so many things. To be fair I know a little about a lot of things, and it's hurt me in the past. I remember when I applied for Penland to try and get a residency after college and they said I had to many directions in my portfolio. That I needed to focus. But that was never going to be me I guess. I think I like it better that way.
I held it together until I got home. But I was exhausted. My feet hurt so much. I desperately wanted to lay down.
And that's just what I did. I got home and took my shoes off and got on the couch. And that's where James found me not long after. I was very upset and very tired.
I just kept closing my eyes. But James asked me what I wanted for dinner and I wanted brass tap. It took me a while to get to that answer but I did get there. And it was hard to get up. But James pulled me off the couch and we headed to Towson.
James took us a fun back roads way. And I talked to them about some frustrations I am having and that helped me feel a little better.
We parked in the parking garage at the mall and went to the restaurant. And it wasn't amazing and I felt horrible. But I was happy to be with my James. Even if it was to loud. Ah well.
I still appreciated James trying to make me feel better. The food was fine and I saved the salad for tomorrow. We walked through the mall to go to the car because it had started to rain. And it was nice window shopping but I was very much ready to go home.
When we got back here I got changed and got in the couch. James did some painting for the stairwell. And me and Sweetp have just been resting.
And I am very very much ready for bed now. Thankfully the only plans I have this weekend is to have brunch with Callie tomorrow. She's coming to get me in the morning and we have reservations so I'm hoping it's pretty low stress. And I'm just really looking forward to seeing her. Hopefully I will sleep good and be able to feel amazing tomorrow.
I hope you all feel amazing too. I love you all very much. Goodnight everyone.
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paponela · 1 year
Etching process pt.1: sketching
hiii!!!! so!! as i’ve said i’m beginning a big etching project right now and i thought it would be cool to show a little bit of how i approach it simply because i love sharing my stuff online but in this instance i can’t anywhere else because it’s a secret gift for a friend!!!!! and also because as we’ve established with the etching fic i am a nerd about it lol
 so!!! a bit of the process under the cut!!!! including lots of pics and lots of rambling
okay so first things first. a decade old friend moved to a different country a couple of months ago, and right before he did we traveled together to say goodbye. i obviously miss him very much, so i wanted to gift him something nice. at first i was going to draw him some landscapes and that was it, but this week i thought wait a minute.. what if... i made an etching COMIC!!
and i thought this because when you print something you made in copper it leaves a very distinct volume on the paper that i though would look great as a comic panel, check it out:
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but the problem is. copper is extremely expensive. and since im making a comic i’ll be cutting it in extremely specific sizes that are very, very prone to leave a bunch of waste behind. i usually sketch something on my sketchbook before i draw on the copper and call it a day, but this time specifically i wanted
to be extra sure of what i was doing
heavily trace pictures of the trip
have a cool digital illustration just in case something goes wrong with the etching
so i ended up playing around with the pics me and my friends took and ended up with a 6 panels A3 layout that looks like this:
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(back reveal omg hi!!!!!)
as you can see some pics were just fine by themselves, but i meshed some things up to look better, and the first panel looked weird no matter what i did, so i took a pic in my room this week and photoshoped it on top of something else to represent the one hundred hours we spent snorkeling - which obviously i have no pics of lol - it worked just fine i think!!!!
but anyway. since we’ve established that i also wanted a digital illustration in this specific instance, i set the brush to a very, very small size (2px) and just... hatched the hell out of the pics. usually when i do my sketches digitally i print multiple copies throughout the process so i don’t waste time drawing things that won’t show up, but this time i just wanted to have some fun!!! not only would i have a cool drawing by the end but it’s always nice to like. test out how to draw something before you actually spend a lot of money to draw in on copper hgdkjhgfd the end result looks like this:
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and the printed version looks like this, with my hand for scale:
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while everything looks fine on the screen, the second and third panel have waaaay too much detail for them to really work on print, so im doing a simpler redraw some time later so they fit better with everything else. but for now that’s it!!! im taking the printed version with me to my uni next monday and i’ll begin the actual etching, and when i have one of them ready i’ll come back with part two and show how you both etch and print an individual panel!! i’ve never printed multiple plates at once, so obviously there will be a lot of testing around about that specifically lol. wish me luck!!! you’ll hear more from me soon ;)
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angelinagonzalezart · 2 years
Curated Final Portfolio with an artist statement-
1. Homage
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Title: Ode to Monet
Size: 11 x 14
2. Monochromatic
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Title: Simply orange
Size: 11 x 14
3. Wayne thiebuad inspired paintings
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Title: Decadent Milk Cake
Size: 5 x 5
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Title: The sweetest confectionery
Size: 5 x 5
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Title: Rich Liquid gold
Size: 5 x 5
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Title: The Last Goodbye
Size: 11 x 14
5. Self portrait
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Title: Self reflection
Size: 11 x 14
6. Museum Project
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Title: The yawning Maiden
Size: 8 x 11
7.Final project
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Title: The big city
Size: 11 x 14
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Title: Aesthetically Ugly
Size: 11 x 14
Reflecting on this past course I ran into some hurdles along the way. I had to do a lot of time for each project. I would spend hours trying to perfect each one. It was a difficult process to decipher if it was me being too harsh or if I was completed.
My favorite project was my self portrait. Inherently, it is pretty difficult to draw yourself especially if you do it in a mirror. With this project I would paint my face using more unnatural tones. Doing that would make my face look very muddy even if I felt like it made sense being there. I restarted over 5 times and when I did it I decided to go with a less direct method. Instead of applying color over and over until it matched my skin tone, I do instead what’s called transitional tones. Meaning I would instead work on a color I saw in my face duplicate it to my best and add it. This was usually with small amounts of paint so it took my awhile to get it done. I spent around 3 weeks at this point fixing the hair, the hat, the face and hand. I can proudly say that I am very happy with the end result and am amazed I would able to make such a realistic depiction of myself. This is the first time I have ever in paint.
Another difficulty I had was with the paint. Usually I would use cheap paint that was watered down already. That paint is smooth and easier to spread out. This paint I use called Liquitex is very different from that. This paint would stiffen up when I wouldn’t use it for a minute. Which was hard because at first I only had a small set and when I would paint I would try to take some time to see what I wanted to paint and how I wanted to paint it. By the time I would try to use the paint it would be half dried. In order to solve this issue I had to use smaller amounts and water down my paint before hand. It was almost like a gauche paint that I would need to keep as moist as possible. Doing this method also made my paintings prone to streaks so I opted for a bigger set of paints to help and it worked. I also did extra sketching before hand so I wouldn’t take as long to start painting.
Overall, I see real improvement in my painting skills and will continue to work on them personally and possibly the next semester. My goal is to be able to paint as hyper realistic as possible with more patients and better time management. I hope to continue showing improvement and working towards more efficient artistic methods.
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purplerider · 2 years
How long does each piece of art usually take you?
it depends on the mood and the piece itself
for example, my last medusa fanart was just a sketch technically, so it took me around half an hour
my recent dark sakura fanart that i was more carefully with took me about 4 hours or so
and for commissions due to work they take me like 4 days because im extra careful with what the clients want ~
so yeah jfbkggjb there's a variety.
if im in the mood i will probably spends hours on smth i like so much, if I'm not in the mood but still wanna draw, it's gonna be a whateverish results with a short amount of time put in it
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keefwho · 24 days
May 30 - 2024 Thursday
Last night I recorded a good morning voice message for DS because I felt like it. Doing small little things like that is important for me because usually I'd refrain in case its too silly or something. My prompt yesterday was "let your voice be heard" and I did, literally. Its a very small thing but the intent behind it is large.
This morning I took the dogs out and showered. I made a frozen breakfast sandwich for lunch but I cut up my own onions for it and applied some hot sauce. Usually I'd eat something with it to help it agree with my tummy but I figured I could without because I wanted to eat small meals today since I've been up a couple pounds. My body handled it okay it seems. I had watched a sorta beginner art course video that explained using large areas and then using ovals to define planes easily which is exactly what i've been doing on my own.
To warm up today, I filled in all the little space left on my sketch sheet with rough gestures. Then I finished a YCH edit, did a YCH for 57, and readied a couple commissions for next month.
After work I spent time before lunch contacting people, doing some chores, and tending to my patreon. It was a very productive hour. For lunch I made soup and a grilled cheese. I gave myself ample time to chill and take a break since I actually felt like I earned it. Unfortunately I didn't know what I wanted to chill with so I watched an unsatisfying stream. The guy I like watching lately has starting playing CS:GO and similar games which actually melt my brain to watch. It's soooooo boring.
I finished this Celestia AI redraw I was working on this afternoon and worked on this Zelda drawing I had on the backburner. I asked TK if she wanted to call but she wasn't up for it today so I joined BR's server vc even though it was empty. I really needed to socialize because so few people have been around lately in general. BT joined but he's kinda weird and info dumps about stuff. Also nearly pulled me into the drama he's in surrounding other server members that I know nothing about. I also worked on my pony avatar for an hour.
After work I left the VC to play Cities Skylines. I got a couple new mods that might be crashing the game so I think I'll remove them. Admittedly I barely planned on using them. I asked DS if she wanted to chill and we did. I played Cities for a bit until it crashed, trying to relax and just have fun instead of making it feel like a chore or exercise. I realize I should be opening google earth and looking up locations for inspiration. It usually makes it very fun but feels like "cheating" as stupid as that sounds. Its the kind of mindset I want to let go of for any game I play. Its just a GAME I am PLAYing. Anyways she put on the 4 current episodes of season 2 of Smiling Friends which was a blast. Then we watched highlights of Oneyplays roasting the Nostalgia Critic and I suggested we watch a video of his so I have better context of who he actually is. I've always heard about him but never watched him. Then we did our puzzles before she headed off to bed since she has to wake up extra early tomorrow. I looked back on our evening feeling bad that I was so mellow and uninteresting. Its because I don't have anything on my mind to talk about lately with anyone really. Like I haven't taken in any new information to use. Its also possible I'm not treating myself with enough respect to speak my mind. Maybe I'm just thinking about things I don't think are worth sharing. Or maybe it's okay to have nothing on my mind really so I can just enjoy whatever is happening.
I tried playing some Roblox but my internet was cutting out like 1 out of every 3 minutes. I joined BR's server where they were watching the old ninja turtles movie which they still are as I write this.
My parents got home today so I don't have to tend to the dogs anymore. I did very good work today which I'm proud of, I have no regrets about my work ethic today. I just hope I can get out of this social rut, I don't feel like Im building relationships at all.
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