#this took me over an hour of character research and what would be popular in different times
kittykatinabag · 8 months
I've finally finished an entire play through of Baulder's Gate 3, and boy what a ride the final portion is.
First off, the Wyrmway.
What.The.Fuck. Somehow this twist shocked me more than anything else in the game. Made me want to stab the Emperor even more than I already did.
Ultimately though, I decided to keep him around because I didn't want to deal with going to the House of Hope or dealing with the devil to get the other ending. Technically this is the Emperor's fight after all, might as well let him have some glory. Lets me not become illithid either.
Astarion's little ending scene makes me so sad though. Since I romanced him I thought there might have been a choice afterwards that maybe shows us two figuring out things that night. There was that book in Cazador's castle that detailed some research into curing vampirism, my character read it and everything that could have been a little easter egg for those who did all that. Or like I'm a sorcerer, and Gale is there too, there has to be some magical way to cloak Astarion in darkness.
In the end though, I ended up almost crying at Karlach's scene and made her bring us to Avernus so she could live. I guess my headcanon for my Tav is that she spent her time split between gallivanting around Avernus with Karlach, maybe getting back in touch with Dammon and maybe seeing if Raphael was willing to help us out in exchange for details of where the Netherstones and crown fell to fix Karlach's engine. And then we make it back to the city to meet up with Gale, Halsin, Jaheria, Minsc, and Lae'zel who in the meantime have been researching ways to cure or manage vampirism and then one night I end up coming across Astarion again and its a happily ever after. As for Wyll, honestly don't care but I assume he took over some of his now-dead father's duties.
Anyways, I was going to do a Dark Urge play through but... this play through alone took 90 hours. My previous not-finished play through was around 85 hours. Steam says I've been playing BG3 for over 200 hours, which I guess means the amount of failures in attempts of one battle or another is over 20 hours (rip me). My computer storage is struggling mightily. Also, Stardew Valley is getting another update with new events and I haven't tried any of the mods yet and watching youtube videos about the game is resparking my interest in doing a slow-life play through of all the popular mods. Also my storage is at critical capacity and I need to get back my over 190 GB of space.
I'll probably eventually come back to BG3, especially if they release any DLC. But the idea of having to slog through another round of Moonrise Towers makes me kind of want to vomit. Also my DU play through would probably have way less allies for the final battle and I barely managed to scrape by with as many as I had this time around.
Anyway 10/10 game, probably my game of the year. Shout out to the writing team for how much content they packed into a $60 game, its only eclipsed by a few jrpgs, and the character writing is frankly much better than most jrpgs. Although huge shout out to the voice actors, everyone absolutely killed it, no notes, it was fantastic. Also amazing queer representation, and not just player-sexual romance options. You can be non binary in character creation, you can be trans in character creation too, everyone's player-sexual, there's a good amount of poly representation (oh I forgot to mention up above but I also slept with Mizora lol Astarion didn't seem to mind), and Dame Aylin and Isobel are peak lesbian, not to mention the various amounts of other NPC queer relationships (especially among the gnomes). Fantastic game. It has a learning curve with mechanics, but highly recommend everyone to give it a try, there's also an easy mode too if even the normal difficulty fights are rolling your party (I had to drop it to easy mode for a few fights here and there, but usually normal isn't too hard).
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beautifulhigh · 1 year
Fic Origin Story
I was tagged by @doublel27 & @rmd-writes for this and I’m so bad at keeping on top of these things so...
1. What was your first fandom (reading or writing)? 
I want to say Picard/Crusher for Star Trek: TNG. Can’t remember anything really before that. First time I was really invested in a show and the characters.
2. What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you write it? 
I have no idea what the first thing I wrote was (probably a Picard/Crusher fic) but the reason why hasn’t changed in all the years - telling other stories that we didn’t get to see, won’t get to see, and maybe should have seen.
3. What's a pice of advice you would give to your younger fic writing self? 
Read more widely than you are at the moment. The good, the not-so good, the ones your friends are writing and the ones your friends are reading. The more you read the more you will learn about how to craft a story.
4. What is an early fandom interaction that has stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback) 
I remember the first time I had an interaction with someone as I crossed fandoms. I posted a fic and got a comment from someone saying “I loved your fics in [this other fandom], I’m so happy you’re writing here” and yeah. It was nice to be recognised and have someone in what was a new fandom for me.
5. What is a sentence or two from one of your older fics and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want)?
Vows (Klaine fic)
Blaine was busy staring at the certificate, taking it all in.  He got married.  He got drunk in Vegas and he got married.  He got drunk in Vegas and he got married and he had a husband.
Well fuck.
I still don’t know where the idea came from for this one, but I wrote it and posted it in my LiveJournal days in two parts over the Christmas period. It took off and is probably was one of my most popular fics in the Klaine fandom.
Rumours (Robron fic)
"You're scaring me," Aaron whispered.  "Are you... did the doctors say something?"
"What?  No, you're going to be fine, they dealt with the blood pressure thing," Robert said, confused for a moment.  "Wait... me?" he said when Aaron was still staring at him.  "I'm fine."
"Really," Robert smiled.  "I... I'm always going to be fine.  That's the problem."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"I'm..." Robert took a deep breath.  "You've heard of Divinus, right?"
"Yeah, everyone has, not that..."  Aaron stopped, looked at Robert, swallowed hard.  "You're kidding?"
"You always said I had a bit of a God complex," Robert said with a half shrug.
"Yeah, but... to actually be one?"
This idea came about from a conversation about the trope of one half of a ‘ship being immortal. It is my longest fic, involved research and worldbuilding and hours upon hours of effort. And I still love it.
The tender things are those we fold away (Tarlos fic)
Carlos nodded, taking in a moment to look TK up and down. He was dressed simply in a pair of linen pants, button down white collared shirt, with a duffle bag in one hand. There was nothing outwardly composed about him but he realised that it didn't matter what he was wearing now given the photos that were about to be taken.
And that thought suddenly sat very heavy somewhere south of his stomach. He was going to have a front row seat to a photoshoot for the Only Fans page. All those pictures he had admired over the years were about to be turned into Technicolor 3D reality and he suddenly wondered if his jeans choice was a good idea.
"You good to go?" TK asked, smiling as Carlos nodded.
"You good? I mean, do you need to…?" Carlos began, gesturing towards TK's hip.
It took TK a second before he smiled. "Already done," he said.
The bag was dropped onto the floor so his hands were freed: one pulled up his shirt, one pulled down the waistband of his pants and underwear, and Carlos thought he was going to have a stroke right there and then at the very real sight of TK's hip and the firefly tattoo now in place.
"Does it look right?" TK asked, twisting himself to try and look at what Carlos was staring at.
"I… yeah," Carlos swallowed. It was getting harder and harder (no pun intended) to ignore the desire that was pooling in his stomach.
I wrote this within a week thanks to Ronen’s fondness for risqué photoshoots and his desire to bare as much of himself as he can get away with. And his propensity to continue doing so means I’m developing a sequel idea for it.
And I’m about to post a sneak peak of the final part of quiet roar !
I think everyone has done this already, but I’m still gonna tag a few people: @strandnreyes @paperstorm @bubblesandroses8 @kiras-sunshine
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My mother likes to ruin things that I enjoy. So I tend to play it close to the vest. You know those moments other daughters have with their mothers where they get to gush about a celebrity or a fictional character, “Oh, he’s cute!”
I don’t have that with my mother. She would mock and belittle me if I ever did. I’ve seen her do it relentlessly with my sister. So I keep my mouth shut and anything I enjoy stays under tight lockdown.
She has been expressing interest in watching Yellowstone. When it first came out, she was vehemently against it. “Too violent. Too sexed up. You’re not allowed to see it.” (I’m in my fucking 30s)
So I watched it. I was hooked (on the early seasons).
Now that Yellowstone is gaining popularity, my mother wants “us” to watch it.
I don’t want to watch with her, for a variety of reasons.
1) She will HATE certain aspects of it, especially Beth. She’s a raging misogynist and she will despise Beth with every fiber of her being. It’s totally acceptable to not like Beth, she’s a very strong-flavored character and she can (and does) rub people the wrong way.
But my mother will take up a crusade against Beth. She will go on an anti-Beth campaign and BITCH about this woman for HOURS. I don’t want to hear it.
2) Beth’s SA scene was really rough for me to get through. Normally, I don’t watch anything with that kind of content in it. My mother dragged me to a movie once under the guise of it being “educational.” There was a gang r*pe scene on screen that had me leaving the theater sobbing. She was warned about that scene before seeing the movie. She did NOT warn me. I trusted her to blindly go in, not knowing anything. I never trusted her again after that.
I check every movie’s content beforehand now. I want to know what I’m getting into. Yellowstone was an exception because I really wanted to see it but I was on edge the whole time, and I avidly researched beforehand where the triggering scene was so I knew what was coming. And it was still emotionally draining.
My mother thinks I’m ridiculous for checking the content warnings on movies. She says it’s just fiction and I need to get over it.
3) My mother is an EXTREME prude. Naked Beth on screen? My GOD my mother will come unglued. All the sexual scenes surrounding the barrel racers? I can hear her voice now, shrieking at how INAPPROPRIATE THIS IS.
4) She’ll use it against me and throw it back in my face later. “Why won’t you watch this other extremely violent and sexual show *I* want to see? You watched Yellowstone!” Yeah, and it took me a long time to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for certain episodes, let alone coping with them afterwards. I made an exception once. It doesn’t mean I can handle it all the time. It’s called a fucking boundary.
Watching Yellowstone with my mother will not be a pleasant experience and I don’t want to do it. I keep putting her off. She keeps pressuring me to make it happen so “we can watch together.” I don’t understand why she won’t just watch it herself.
I haven’t told her I’ve watched the show. She would NOT be happy. She doesn’t like it when I watch things on my own (YES I’M 32 AND SHE’S STILL PISSY ABOUT THAT). She doesn’t like it if I watch something she doesn’t approve of.
Today, she pulled up the YouTube clip of Rip that got me into watching the show. And seeing her express so much interest in something I like is driving me up the wall.
If she knew I liked it, she would be HATING this show. She would be coming AFTER ME, “How can you watch this? It’s so violent and sexual!”
But because she doesn’t know I like it, she’s fine with it. In fact, she’s PRESSURING me to watch it and insisting that I DON’T check trigger warnings.
And it also bugs me because I can’t just…have a normal conversation with my mother about this thing I like. We won’t giggle over hot cowboys together because she can’t hold her pessimistic attitude in check. I can’t tell her about my MASSIVE crush on Rip because she’ll ruin it with her negativity. It’s so frustrating and it pisses me off.
Also, ngl, it scares me a little bit too because she has her eye on Rip and I really, really hate the thought of liking the same men as she does because her marriage is utter shit. It was so forced and they never loved each other. I don’t want to have the same taste in men as she does because I don’t want to end up like her.
Nothing like having a little crisis on a Thursday afternoon 🙃
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askthebunker · 4 years
Everyone what is your favorite movie, book, or/and show
Dean: Untouchables. Best movie of ever, I’ve seen it, like, fifty times. Got it memorized.
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Charlie: This post is about to get super long, so we’re gonna put all our answers under the cut!
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Sam: I love X-Files...Dean and I used to watch reruns when we couldn’t sleep at old motels. Historical fiction and mysteries are my favorite books, I really loved the Da Vinci Code. Before we started all the research on Chuck, I was working on reading the Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey, so I’m hoping to get back to it someday. The original trilogy of Star Wars movies are probably some of my favorites. 
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Castiel: I have watched many movies, I quite like Die Hard.
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Jack: I like Scooby-Doo!
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Adam: I really liked the Jurassic Park movies when I was younger so I have a soft spot for them now. Michael also likes to repeatedly watch Titanic while I’m sleeping so I’ve grown to like it. Me and my mom’s movie was always Matilda, so I love that one too. I read all the basics growing up like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson...Percy Jackson is obviously better. Since I got back, I’ve been reading so many books, I really like The Hate U Give, the new Camp Half-Blood additions, This Land Is Our Land, In the Dream House...newer books to get me caught up, stuff like that. 
I read a lot of books.
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Charlie: Obviously world-building is my thing, I really loved both the Harry Potter books and movies...the books over the movies, obviously. Star Trek, Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, anything with badass people in space. I also love the Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Firestarter, The Martian Chronicles, and The Handmaid's Tale. I really love How to Get Away with Murder and Buffy too! I could probably go on for hours, but I’ll spare you the rest.
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Kevin: Camp Half-Blood series, all the way! Anything by Rick Riordan totally ruled my teenage years. I really like stuff like Doctor Who, Sherlock, all that stuff. I’m with Charlie, world-building is where it’s at.
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Dorothy: I really loved the Great Gatsby and The Mysterious Affair at Styles. I haven’t really gotten to read any “new” books because I’ve either been busy with Oz and now busy with the stuff with...defeating God.
That’s weird to say.
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Raphael: I have been consuming much of this Netflix lately. I personally like Umbrella Academy, the Get Down, and Black Mirror. I also love “reality” shows like Love Is Blind and the Circle. I am currently watching Never Have I Ever. I do not like humans but I find their media interesting.
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Gabriel: Dr. Sexy MD is a favorite of mine...getting to see Sam in scrubs was also a huge plus. I’m currently watching One Day at a Time and you should too...just because Netflix got rid of it doesn’t mean it’s over.
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Michael: Titanic.
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Balthazar: The Great Gatsby is actually a big favorite of mine.
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Benny: Big fan of stuff like the Flinstones as well as Star Trek and Gilligan’s Island. Tried explainin’ to Raphael that Lost in Space on that Netflix thing is a new version of an old show I used to watch but they weren’t havin’ it.
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taechaos · 3 years
A Thriller Film
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pairing: director!Jungkook x fem!Reader
genre: oneshot, yandere, smut
synopsis: Jungkook's life is his movies, but people don't know his movies are his life. As an anonymous director, no one can suspect him as the villain in a story, but he leaves a clue in his movie about you.
warnings: smoking, stalking, murder, solo masturbation, public fingering
word count: 5.4k
a/n: i don't know why i put so much effort into this but we love to see it flop 🥰
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Smoking is bad, but there are worse things in life.
Jungkook noticed you for the first time when a cigarette was hanging off his lips, exhaling the stress from the process of organizing a new thriller film with a less than cooperative crew. Fresh out of high school, you were bright and skipping on the sidewalk in the early hours of the morning. What would such a young woman, applying for colleges left and right, be so happy about?
He didn't know you at the time, but looking at you was like a breath of fresh air. While he survived off of coffee and nicotine, you seemed to have a lot of happiness to share. Your smile was incompatible with his frown.
So he ignored you when you passed him with your earphones blasting a song so loud, he involuntarily caught the lyrics.
Fall... back... in... to... place.
The second time he saw you, he was smoking again and you were just as happy as the day before. How can someone be so in tune with themselves, with life? The same song played from your earphones, the one he listened to on repeat after searching up the lyrics: Space Song. An urge to approach you surged up in him, but he only watched you as you walked past him. A single glance from you was all it took to anticipate tomorrow.
Today, when he recognizes you from your clothing first; colorful, silky, gorgeous. So much personality in one outfit, a polar opposite to his casual black outfit in jeans and a plain shirt. Even your bag is eye-catching, and he flicked the ash off of his cigarette before nodding at you as you passed the bus stop, reaching the front of his studio.
Why did your eyes just widen? You acknowledge him with a friendly smile, and go on your merry way. That is until he lightly taps your shoulder, and you turn instantly.
"Hey," he greets before you can utter a word, "where are you always rushing off to?"
Your lips part in surprise; the man you secretly - guiltily - side-eyed for the past few days noticed you when you weren't looking? "I have an interview. Well, a few," you chuckle.
"For what?" he tilts his head curiously and takes another drag from his stick.
"Career counseling," you plainly reply, but it sounds enthused. "I'm a clueless graduate." Your hands clutch your tote bag before you discreetly check the time on your wrist. You're going to be running late soon.
"You interested in cinematography?" Smoke follows his words, but you aren't fazed.
"I'm interested in all forms of art, why?"
He notices you checking your watch again. "I'm a film director. This is my studio," he cranes his neck behind him. "You can apply for an internship here. Maybe for a stylist even," he points at your floral romper with his chin as his eyes trail.
You shift your weight on your left foot when his stare flusters you, and you consider his flattering suggestion for only a second before saying, "thank you for the offer, but I need to go now," you grimace sheepishly, "can I think about it?"
"Take your time," he reassures with a sly smile and inhales from his stick, filling his lungs with the sweet scent of your perfume alongside.
He doesn't look away when you walk off with a shy wave, entranced by your struts until he's called back in. It's with newfound inspiration that he's inside of his studio.
The storyboard of his upcoming project needs a few tweaks, and he doesn't fail in enhancing his crew with a different idea.
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It’s been a week. Okay, it might’ve been shorter, but Jungkook is impatient. Besides, it didn’t help when he saw you holding hands with someone... so less than. It really baffled him to see you with a guy who wore such shabby clothes. He looks like the type that Jungkook would cast for a flop character.
The two of you are like a toy display across his studio in that cutesy, obnoxious café with a smoothie in the middle of your booth. He chuckles as he lights up another stick when he notices the two straws in the single cup. Cliché, cheesy, but cute in a childish sense. Your age shines through the amateur romance between you and that loser.
It especially shows when you look to the side with a laugh and lock eyes with him; so flustered that you gasp and focus back on your date. What makes you so shy about seeing him? You seemed so confident during your conversation two days ago.
He whistles when he notices a stray dog in an alleyway. You look at him as well but don't hear anything beyond the glass wall, but it catches his attention regardless. He whistles again before saying in a hushed voice, "come here girl." It's difficult to suppress a smile when you gaze at him questioningly, as if trying to decipher his words. "Naive little girl," he mouths as he smokes, "what are you doing with that boy?"
He almost chokes when you take out your wallet in front of a waiter; are you paying for him? That's why you ordered one drink - so you could share? Jungkook isn't cruel but, he finds it laughable that your boyfriend is so... unappealing. He can't help but wonder why you're with him; maybe his face? The boy is somewhat handsome, but he only has his facial features to go by. It's rather strange for Jungkook to think about this in the first place, so he gets back inside his workplace after harshly shooing the stray dog away with a stomp of his foot.
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"I'd like to start my internship today."
Jungkook runs his eyes up and down your body while leaning against a brick wall. "Paid?"
"I-I'll do it for free. Besides, I don't know if I'll even work in this industry," you twiddle your fingers while smiling up at him. He intimidates you, but this morning you decided you did enough thinking and here you are, an aspiring stylist all of a sudden.
"Get inside," he nods at the door before stubbing his cigarette and following you to his studio. "You know what you're going to do?"
"I'm going to decide the outfits, right?" The place looks cozy to you, with its minimalistic interior design and blunt switch between the stories. The first floor is strictly for business, with lined up cameras, lights and a microphone. There is even a green screen! And the second floor seems to be more of a resting area with its couches and open laptops, but you can't make out much from the entrance. Jungkook starts walking ahead of you, making a beeline for the black stairs. You tail behind him and smile at anyone who notices you, which isn't a lot of people. It's not crowded.
"Right. We're still working on a storyline, haven't finished it yet so it's possible this project might not be published. You with me so far?" he glances at you, and at your firm nod, continues, "when we finish planning, scripting and shit, you come to play."
"So what do I do now?" you innocently inquire and watch him plop down on the red velvet couch. He clicks on the space of his keyboard to light up his screen.
"I have an idea for a character, and I want to know how you would design her," he vaguely explains as he scrolls through his document.
"You want me to sketch it or explain?"
"Let's hear you out first. Irene," he suddenly calls out loudly.
"Yes?" a female responds from downstairs. You see a woman with a grey cap look up at him, her attire nothing short of casual.
"Come here."
She skips a few steps while climbing up the stairs at his command. You're not awkward when you greet her, and she offers a coy smile.
"This girl - what did you say your name was?" he asks you. You tell him and he continues, "she's going to be our intern. I want you to critique her with me."
"What's she in for?" Irene asks before sitting across from him.
"Wardrobe stylist."
Her eyes widen as she takes a second look at you. Your style is definitely unique, but... immature. She has half the mind to not question Jungkook about his choice.
"Okay..." she trails. "I'm Irene, by the way. I'm going to be an executive producer for the upcoming film."
"Nice to meet you," you brightly chirp. "Sir?"
Jungkook smirks at your addressing of him. "Yes?"
"What is your name, if I may ask?"
"I'm Jeon Jungkook, but you may know me for my pen name Shin Dong-hyuk."
Your mouth falls open when you instantly recognize the name. "Wait, what? You directed My Time?" you incredulously wonder aloud.
My Time is a movie that took the world by a storm; it brought recognition to the whole country for its popularity and clever writing. You never knew the name was a pseudonym, however. It's a suspense genre, about the life of a crazed fanboy who is obsessed with a foreign celebrity. He stalks her on the internet, has a fanpage of her and pays a hefty amount of money to strangers to update him on her whereabouts. He's portrayed as a young college student in the story, and inevitably runs out of cash from reckless spending. When she gets into a dating scandal, he goes on a theft spree and flies out to meet and confront her. It ends with her murder when he finds her with another man in a hotel room, and he stabs himself in the heart afterwards. There are a bunch of clues that foreshadow his ending, from his family life to his friendships. It's an amazing thriller, and you researched his name in the credits to find more of his works after seeing the movie but to no avail; there is only one listed.
"That's me," he nonchalantly reveals as if he didn't just give you the shock of your life. "Don't tell anyone though, will you?"
You whimsically put on an imagery zipper over your mouth while trying to recover from your racing heart.
"I don't have a clear outline, but the female lead is going to be naive but charming. She has to stand out, alright? Happy, extraordinary, special."
"We didn't decide on that," Irene butts in with a displeased expression.
"I forgot to tell you, I deleted our previous plan."
"You did wh-"
"What do you think?" he turns to you as he ignores Irene's shrieks. "What color are you imagining?"
You feel nervous when he puts you on the spotlight after revealing his identity. You close your eyes with a deep inhale before answering, "I'm thinking red and green, like Christmas. There should be a hint of white as well."
Jungkook drinks in your outfit before grinning mischievously. "Perfect." All of your colors.
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Stalking is bad, but there are worse things in life.
Is it such a bad idea to follow you home when it's dark out? He kept you for a long time in the studio, allowing you to dress up a mannequin with all sorts of costumes you had in mind in the backroom. He's certain you had fun with him when you left with a permanent grin on your face.
You live with your parents, and he knows for sure he's at least 5 years older than you. You look about 19, so he's assuming he's only 8 years older.
A small villa with windows all around, he observes, before glancing back at your bedroom. The lights are on and you're swinging your legs with excitement on your bed after you face planted on the mattress. He didn't see you greet your parents before running off to your room, and he can't help the smile growing on his face at your hyperactivity. It was like an instinct to walk you home in secret and he isn't sure why he is still watching you. He should look away when you get off of your bed and heave your shirt over your chest, but instead he steps away from the lamp post to hide from the light.
You're changing, and he can't take his eyes off of you. As if that wasn't enough, you unclasp your bra without even pulling the curtains. Do you know he's there? The thought excites him, and his pants begin to tighten around his crotch. He lowly whistles at you, but you don't hear him again. You do look outside for a few seconds while stretching your arms, however, and he's certain you have a connection to him.
He leaves when you put on your pajamas with the image of your bare tits imprinted on his mind. He doesn't head home first, as the studio is only a few minutes away from your home and he wants to leave you a gift.
When the familiar building enters his vision, he doesn't waste time in unlocking the door and switching on a single dim light. He rushes to the backroom after locking the entrance for a second time and unzips his jeans as he goes. You were here not too long ago, and he can pinpoint exactly where you stood while striding to each corner with purpose. Bending, crouching, leaning, doing just about anything to tease him.
Now that he can imagine your perky nipples realistically, he immediately takes out his length from his restraints and picks up a random handkerchief to pump himself with. He doesn't stop to think over his actions; he's acting on urges, on impulse. Never has he ever done something like this.
He's rather relaxed as he sits down on an idle stool to close his eyes and run his hand up and down his shaft. What he would do to press your tits against his cock while he slides it up and down, smearing his cum all over your lips while you sleep. You would swallow it without a second thought once he finishes in your gaping mouth, and wonder why there's a dull ache in your breasts the next morning.
His breaths grow shallow the faster he strokes himself, the more he thinks about using every part of you for his pleasure while you're knocked out cold. He involuntarily thrusts into the air while quiet moans slip out of his open mouth. Something about how taboo it would be to fuck you while you're unconscious turns him on so much. Would that be something you're into?
The handkerchief is so soft, so silky against his length, he can almost imagine it to be your hand. He starts twisting his hand around his cock, from the base to the tip as his other hand palms his balls before he begins to reach climax. Strings of cusses fall out of his mouth when he quickens his pace, the fabric against his skin resounding in his ears before he finally spurts out his cum into the cloth.
"Fuck," he exhales as he coats his makeshift glove with his release. White on white doesn't make much of a difference, and he's panting as he folds the handkerchief to rub it evenly so it sinks in completely.
He leaves it on the stool after zipping his pants, and his eyes twinkle under the moonlight on his journey home.
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You aren't alone when you walk to work. Jungkook is taking his usual smoke break while watching you swing your interlocked hands back and forth with the guy next to you. Your smiles exude the same aura, and Jungkook sarcastically notes how compatible the two of you are. The boxy grin shines with the sun, but it doesn't hide the boy's worn out clothes.
"Good morning, Jungkook," you greet before introducing your boyfriend. "This is Taehyung, Taehyung meet Jungkook. I'm going to be under his wing until I decide my major."
"Hello, Taehyung," Jungkook coldly says before blowing smoke in his face.
Taehyung scrunches his nose before chirping, "hi!" He then turns to you and whispers, "I thought you wanted to study medicine."
You shake your head dismissively with a light laugh before responding, "it's just an internship." You let go of his hand and bid farewell with a peck on his cheek before going inside the studio.
"Well, have a good day," Taehyung smiles as he's about to leave before Jungkook holds out his hand to block the way.
"Taehyung, who is your girlfriend?"
"Um," he furrows his brows before saying your name.
"And who are you?"
At Jungkook's blunt question, Taehyung pauses and takes a step back. "What do you mean? Like my full name?"
"No, who the fuck are you? What is your contribution to society? What do you do for a living? What are you wearing?"
"Sir, I-" Taehyung's stammering is cut short when Jungkook asks, "how much money for you to stop leeching off of her?"
He scoffs, "excuse me? I'm not leeching off of anyone, and I'm sure as hell not breaking up with her for your money." Taehyung's face heats up from the shameless confrontation, and he starts walking in the opposite direction.
"So you're not going to leave her?"
Taehyung doesn't turn to look at him as he emphasizes, "no."
He abruptly stops in his tracks. "What?"
"Your dedication is admirable," Jungkook comments with a shrug. "I'm satisfied with your answer."
"Were you testing me?"
He starts chuckling before shaking his head. "I always knew directors were crazy; you scared me for a second."
"Where you headed now?" Jungkook smoothly switches the subject, but notes the fact that you've spoken about him to your boyfriend.
"I have a farm two blocks away." When Jungkook raises a brow, he explains, "I stayed the night with her, so I decided to drop her off before leaving."
"Want me to drop you off?"
It's a kind offer, really, but Taehyung is still put off by the insults thrown his way just a minute ago. Doesn't he have work to do anyway? "That's alright, thank you, but I'll just take the bus. Have a good one, Jungkook."
Jungkook doesn't stop him as they both wave goodbye. He doesn't bother putting out his cigarette before going inside.
Where would be a farm only two blocks away from the city center? It has to be a lie.
You're wandering around the place as to not awkwardly wait for Jungkook who sharply inhales at the sight. He calls your name.
"What do you want to become?"
"I," you look at him funny with a laugh, "I still don't know."
"Then take a gap year."
Your brows shoot up to your hairline. "Why?"
"I want you to be invested in this project completely. Once the planning is finished, I'll give you a salary. What do you think?"
He's asking you to work full-time for him. Not as an intern, but an employee and you are beyond willing after only being here for two days. He's a famous director; how can one pass up this opportunity?
"I'd love that."
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You noticed that Jungkook has a very unique way of working. You've heard that he's been keeping his crew until late at night, already having an outline for his plot and he's moved onto screenwriting. He apparently disappears randomly throughout the evening after you leave, and you've had some different experiences with him of your own.
He asked you to steal from the wardrobe of his backroom. "Take everything that you'd wear," he said before stepping out of the room.
When you confusedly compiled all of the clothes that caught your eye under your arm, he took them from you and brought them upstairs with a huge grin. "Keep that one," he pointed at the handkerchief you thought about lacing your neck with.
Taehyung's quiet with you. He doesn't respond to your texts, doesn't call you, doesn't come over. You're too busy spending time with Jungkook to check up on him, and it serves as a well distraction when you keep glancing at your notifications. It hurts, especially when your wallpaper is a picture of you and him. It hurts because he isn't with you in your proudest moments when you were with him even at his parents' funeral.
The only thing keeping you happy is casting. Jungkook asked you to make a list of all the actors that would suit his characters after giving you a vague description of their traits. The budget isn't an issue, and you're having so much fun. He makes you forget your worries without even trying.
Jungkook intimidates you, but he's so lovely.
A mere "aspiring" stylist is casting actors for a movie. How many people can brag about that? You almost stumble on the stairs as you quickly climb up with Jungkook's laptop in your hands. He gave it to you for research purposes as he drew a rough storyboard with Irene.
"I made a list," you exclaim brightly. Heads shoot in your direction and you sheepishly grin at your volume. Jungkook's eyes linger on your covered neck; it's almost like a collar.
He whistles and beckons you to sit next to him. You obey and anxiously present your list to the professionals; you have no idea how to go on about this task, and no one guided you. You're certain you look utterly amateur in front of them.
Irene is inspecting your list without hinting her thoughts as Jungkook asks, "who are your favorites?"
"Well, I think Kim Namjoon is um, suitable for the male lead's role and Joy-"
"It's decided then," he claps his hands twice without hearing out Irene who scowls at him.
"You're not cooperating with us," she voices in a complaint, "why are you always calling the shots on your own? These are major decisions-"
"Ms. Bae, don't take any offence now. I'm taking your opinions into accounts when I make these decisions. Unless you have an issue with something, let's not dwell on this, hm?"
She sighs as you stand there awkwardly. She's upset, but stays silent.
"The two leads are Kim Namjoon and Park Soo-young. The team will decide the rest of the cast, thank you," he informs you with a ghost of a smile.
"Of course," you breathe.
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You don't know how long it is supposed to take to shoot a film, but surely it's not this fast paced. Jungkook is relentless with his production; there are hardly any breaks in between takes. There are bags under his eyes from pulling all nighters to work on his scripts.
He is a perfectionist and a hard worker, as you've come to find out. You feel bad for the amount of times the actors recited their lines when they didn't capture a scene right in Jungkook's eyes. It was an honor for you to meet these famous people beyond a screen, and you were strictly ordered to do Joy's makeup only. You are her stylist, but the professional one does help you after she's finished with Namjoon's.
"Cut," Jungkook says into the speaker. You're located in a rented mansion outside of the city, but you can't enjoy it when everyone is so stressed. "Start over from line "he's leeching off of you"."
Even actors can't hide their annoyance from having to do a 25th take of one scene. Jungkook pays them enough to go on with this torture however, so they have no room to complain.
They start over and you force yourself to watch them again and again.
"Oh my god, cut!" You can hardly resist groaning yourself. Everyone on set is overworked, and you know the director has it the worst, but it's overwhelming you too at this point. You flinch when your name is called. "Act Joy's lines, will you?"
"Me?" you point at yourself in surprise.
"Go ahead," he urges with a nod.
You have no idea how to act, and it's nervewracking having to do it in front of A-listers. You pick up the script handed to you from another woman and start reading:
"He's not leeching off of me," you pause to inhale shakily; your hands tremble from the heavy stares on you.
"I'm his family, the only one he has left. No one would know if he was gone, and he trusts me to look after him without having to dangle a dollar bill over his head."
This goes on until the final scene, and the retakes cut down to half.
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A few months pass, and it is time for the premiere. The movie, simply titled Pretty Girl, easily got a green light for display in theatres, and it's been heavily promoted on YouTube and TV. You are excited to your core, and watching the celebrities walk the red carpet was a first for you. Jungkook easily blends in with the crowd as he once again didn't reveal his real name in the credits, but his pen name is gaining more and more recognition. You have never seen the movie throughout the editing procedure, but you can't wait to see everyone's efforts show on the big screen.
You're dressed fancily because Jungkook asked you to go with him, and the two of you are sitting in the crowded theatre with not a single empty seat to be seen. Even the entrance is decorated in retro style to fit in with the movie's theme! The jazz music playing in the halls reaches your ears, and your knees are bouncing in anticipation of the movie. Jungkook is smiling as he listens to you ramble.
"I can't believe I played a part in this whole project!" you gush with shaking fists. "I met the best director I know, and I worked for him! This all feels like a dream... No one even likes my style, and yet I became a stylist!"
"I love your style," he denies, "even now you have all the attention in the room."
"Pfft," you roll your eyes playfully, "they all think I must look weird. I tried to wear something classy so I don't stand out, but it hasn't been working out."
"Keep it that way, you're beautiful like this."
Heat creeps up to your cheeks at his compliment and you squeak, "thank you."
He doesn't get to relish your flustered state as everyone goes quiet once the movie starts.
The time period is unclear, as the language is modern but the filter is black and white. The first scene is in a bar, a man in a suit eyeing a woman with a date who is an outcast with his clothes. They're washed out and ugly, but he looks handsome with his dazzling smile at the woman.
An involuntary grin spreads across your face when you hear their dialogue.
"I want to touch someone's shoulder to see how they react. Did you see how they looked at me when I walked in here? I think they think I'm your sugar baby or something," Jimin's character jokes with a laugh.
"I know! They're all so boujee, but I'm willing to be your mommy without sugar," Joy winks. They have fun until Jimin leaves to the bathroom and Namjoon's character approaches her, who has been staring at her ever since they walked in. Joy is offered a modeling career, and she accepts after she's told that her fashion only works with her because of how beautiful she is. She's bashful when Namjoon gives her a business card.
Jungkook's film is only over an hour long, but everything is timed so perfectly. His directory is straightforward, and you admire his work until a song comes on.
"That's my favorite song!" you whisper into his ear. It's Space Song by Beach House.
"Mine too," he whispers back.
There are montages of photo shoots, Joy's rise to fame in the modeling industry, but the trouble is Jimin, her boyfriend. Namjoon confronts him one day when Jimin drops her off to her new workplace.
"How can someone so poor be able to court a woman like her?" he asks rhetorically.
"Excuse me, Sir?" Jimin is offended until Namjoon laughs it off and reveals it was a joke. The audience sighs in relief, and all is fun and games until Jimin is brutally murdered next to a dumpster. You gasp at the gore scene and glance at Jungkook, until something dawns on you.
The story is starting to sound familiar. Was this movie inspired by your encounters? Your eyes light up as you give your utmost attention to the movie. The line between reality and fiction is beginning to blur.
Joy goes to Namjoon's house, where the dialogue you first reenacted comes to play. The shots are gorgeous, the script filled with metaphors on poverty and currency, and the romance is sickly sweet. There is a sex scene not long after... Joy forgets all about her boyfriend in the snap of Namjoon's fingers.
You tilt your head when you remember Taehyung. Where is he? How come your boyfriend didn't even show up to this life-changing experience?
Jungkook's hand slides over your thigh out of nowhere, as he murmurs, "do you mind?"
You stammer when his fingers reach under your dress to poke at your panties. "S-Sorry?"
"I said," he grazes your folds as you tense at the feather light touch, "do you mind if I touch you, pretty girl?"
Your chest heaves as your lashes flutter in a daze, but you nod nonetheless. His low raspy voice already has you clenching your thighs, unintentionally trapping his hand against your pussy. He's gentle, almost curious with the way he runs his fingers over your silky underwear before he moves it to the side. You're shivering with delight and thrill, and you don't take your eyes off of each other as he begins to flick your clit carelessly.
"Looks so pretty on you," he compliments the makeshift choker on your neck. It's his handkerchief you wore for the occasion, unaware that it's dried with cum. He pulls on the knot like it's a collar, and you're entranced. Your pants fan his lips at the close proximity, and he doesn't shy away from slotting his mouth against yours. You quietly moan into the kiss when his thumb starts to rub your clit, and his long finger pokes at your entrance.
"You mind?" he murmurs against your lips, his words slightly slurred as he doesn't stop kissing you. The wet noises are drowned out by the loud volume of the movie, but you can't focus on what's going on.
"I don't," you breathe before he slips in two fingers, exploring your walls with precision. He's multitasking as he circles your sensitive clit, and you're not very experienced in regards to sexual encounters but your hand lands on his hard-on anyway.
"Don't be shy," he chuckles into your neck, "touch it."
You don't know what you're doing when you slip your hand under his pants and palm him over his briefs, but his sigh is encouraging you. You're touching each other in a room of 100 people.
It's embarrassing when his free hand joins yours to help you touch him while simultaneously fingering you. He must have sensed your lack of confidence, because he starts to stroke his erection over your hand. You start to imagine his fingers as the real thing, and with your particularly low stamina, have a hard time suppressing your whines.
"Kiss my neck," he suggests as a solution to your nibbling. You didn't even realize your nether lip is bleeding from how hard you were biting on it. You bury your head in his shoulder and start pecking his neck. He holds back a laugh at how shy you're being, and he feels proud for predicting this moment perfectly in the movie. Joy is having the time of her life with Namjoon, unaware of Jimin decaying in the attic.
He quickens his pace in your cunt, and you bite him rather harshly at the sensation. He hisses with a chuckle; he likes it when you're impulsive. He can pick up the squelches from his thrusts because of how wet you are, and you climax all over his fingers in a matter of seconds with a whimper. You're twitching in your seat, and your hand strokes him faster but he stops you.
"In my studio," he says and you nod tiredly against his shoulder. The issue isn't that he doesn't want to cum in his pants, but the movie needs to become reality. He wants to fuck you on that one stool, with Taehyung's corpse decomposing in the backroom.
Jungkook always adds a pinch of fiction to his stories, but they're mostly based on true events. If you paid attention to the ending, maybe you would've realized that.
Lying is bad, but there are worse things in life.
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psychee92 · 3 years
Why ACOTAR 5 Will Be Azriel and Elain’s Book
If you’ve been following me for the past year, you are familiar with my metas. As an English PhD student and writer myself, I love spending hours doing research, analyzing text, and connecting the dots.
I won’t do that today.
Instead, I’ll stick to the text—namely, Azriel and Elain’s last on page interaction in ACOSF.
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I highlighted the part that Maas added—separated from the rest of the sentence, to draw the reader’s attention to the words—to make it clear that, whatever is going on between them, it is mutual.
Now, let’s look at motive.
As a writer, I do not see the point of drawing the reader’s focus to Azriel and Elain’s mutual attraction to each other—and then having them end up with other characters.
What is the point?
Heartbreak that would lead to character development?
Azriel has been heartbroken for 500 years.
Until he’s not anymore.
Once again, Maas tells us, through Cassian’s observation, that Azriel’s feelings for Mor have diminished.
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This, right here, is character development.
And notice the emphasis on “five hundred years”—that’s a very long time to love someone, even in fae years. And yet, Azriel stayed true to his feelings for Mor, and experienced heartbreak, over and over again, every time she withdrew from his touch, distanced herself from him, or slept with someone else.
This has been going on for 500 years.
500 years of heartbreak.
Why would Maas put Azriel through this again—why would she have him get over Mor (after 500 years), only to develop feelings for someone he will never be with?
Someone he would have to get over—again.
Why would Maas introduce yet another love interest?
He has been in love with Mor for 500 years. Now, his feelings seem to have transferred to Elain.
You’re telling me that Maas spent four books building Azriel and Elain’s relationship, only to have it lead to heartbreak for both of them—again?
The same storyline, recycled?
In ACOSF, we received confirmation of mutual feelings between Azriel and Elain.
What is the point?
From a writer’s perspective, this doesn’t make sense.
And no, you cannot tell me that she changed her mind. If she’d changed her mind after introducing Gwyn—if she’d seen potential in Azriel and Gwyn, she would have devoted page time to that relationship.
As writers, we do not have thousands of pages at our disposal. We write the first draft, and then we make cuts, over and over again, until only the most important parts, storylines, and characters remain.
In Maas’s own words,
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This means that Azriel and Elain’s “charged glance” was added—and kept—for a reason.
Remember: Maas could have easily destroyed whatever romantic buildup Azriel and Elain had in ACOSF. She could have used that paragraph to make their relationship platonic—a friendship, nothing more.
But she didn’t.
What is the purpose of creating a relationship, a connection, between two characters, only to completely destroy it in the next book?
Why even bother, if that is Maas’s plan?
Heartbreak will not lead to any character development for either of them.
Not unless they decide to pursue a relationship—to act on their feelings, on their attraction.
Not unless they end up together.
I know that a very popular theory is that the heartbreak caused by Azriel ending up with Gwyn will lead to evil!Elain.
But let’s not forget that Elain does not need yet another heartbreak to turn evil.
She’s had her heart broken before.
Nothing that Azriel could do would ever surpass this:
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Do you truly believe that seeing Azriel with Gwyn would be worse than what Graysen did?
Elain has had her heart broken—shattered.
And she recovered.
Her character development—the character development that took place after heartbreak—was underlined by Maas in ACOSF.
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Again, why is this important?
Why did Maas want us to know that Elain has healed, that Azriel no longer longs for Mor?
It doesn’t matter how you look at it, creating a relationship and/or feelings that are not necessary for the plot to move forward is a waste of space—and completely unnecessary, from a writing standpoint.
Azriel does not need yet another heartbreak.
He does not need Elain to get over Mor, only for Gwyn to help him get over Elain.
Why not have Gwyn help Azriel get over Mor? Wouldn’t that have been much more powerful—wouldn’t that have made more sense? What is Elain’s purpose here, if not as Azriel’s main—and only—love interest?
Similarly, Lucien and Elain's relationship could have been built without Azriel complicating an already painful mating bond.
They have more than enough angst and obstacles to overcome—Elain’s feelings for Azriel do not make sense. She could have easily been in love with Graysen, if Azriel and Elain’s relationship won’t lead anywhere.
Let’s face it.
An attraction between Azriel and Elain does not make sense, unless they end up together.
It will in no way drive the plot forward.
The only thing it would do is make Gwyn third best.
Make Lucien third best.
And that is the last thing that Maas would want—to cheapen two endgame couples by adding a completely unnecessary attraction to other people into the mix.
This is, after all, the author who gave us some epic love stories—the author that doesn’t do anything without careful planning:
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Could Maas have changed her mind?
Could Gwyn have come on page, and made her realize that she is the perfect match for Azriel?
Of course.
But then, there would have been no charged glance between Azriel and Elain.
No offer and permission, no almost kiss and forbidden love trope introduction. No mention of Blood Duels, and “what if the cauldron was wrong?” questions.
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Emphasis on cut and rewrite.
If Maas would have changed her mind—if her characters would have steered her in another direction—the charged glance would have been between Azriel and Gwyn. Between Lucien and Elain.
But it wasn’t.
Instead, theories that we’ve had for years now—that Azriel and Elain are starting to fall for each other—were confirmed.
So, what’s next?
Their book, of course.
Because that is the only thing that makes sense at this point.
And if you truly believe that Maas will turn Elain into a villain because of Azriel, you are clearly reading the wrong books. Maas has never made a romantic relationship the driving force behind a female character’s actions, and she won’t start with Elain.
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brittledame · 3 years
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Characters: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori, Yamagata Hayato, Reon Oohira, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjirou, Kawanishi Taichi, Goshiki Tsutomu
Word Count: 5.7K
Tags: SFW, gender neutral reader, first date nerves, fluff, ages not specified
Notes: I did this instead of working on the other projects bc I wanted some fluff and here it is!
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On a visit with his grandmother is when he’s told about a local pottery masterclass happening the following weekend, piquing his interest
After some research, he comes to learnt that pottery is the perfect relaxing hobby with the added benefit of fine tuning his dexterity
It didn’t take much else to convince him to go
It was only after talking to a friend that he realises he should probably invite someone to tag along
After his grandmother politely declines, he follows her coy suggestion of inviting someone he likes
He invites you seemingly out of the blue
You’ve known him for a great deal of time and done some activities with him that could be construed as “romantic” and only started dating when Ushijima stated your relationship status to his team nearly a month ago
The look on your face when you found out at the exact moment as his team was priceless
After that, Ushijima left your relationship status on no uncertain terms and practically broadcasted it in his own unique way
This pottery class serves as another way to spend more time with you
After a few minutes of the pottery teacher painstakingly going through the motions to make a basic pot, a whirring noise followed by wet splattering steals your attention away from the clump of clay that is slowly taking form.
You glance over to find Ushijima looking at you, nonplussed at the mess of what was his pot now decorating his mock and forearms, his face is not left unmarked with the few splotches painting his cheek
You gape at him as he blinks as if coming out of a daze and looks down at the poor clump of clay and murmurs a small, “Oh.”
You didn’t mean to laugh, not really, but the utter surprise in his tone topped you over
After a mild scolding from the teacher and a new clump of clay, the two of you were good to go once again
The both of you took longer than most of the class, you with fussing about the tiny bumps you just couldn’t seem to smooth out and Ushijima with his second try
The class seemed to have unlocked his innate mastery of the ancient craft, as the pot looked near store-quality, you note with an ounce of envy
The group takes a break over some snacks and drinks as the pots are loaded into the kiln
Ushijima meticulously picks through the various glazes they had to offer, seeking your assistance after you picked your own out
You suggest the purple as homage to Shiratorizawa, where you two met, and the dark-rich brown, claiming it reminded you of his eyes
He considers you for a moment, a long enough pause for you to think over your words and begin to regret them before he nods decidedly and proudly presents the glazes he picked to the lady
With the class wrapping up, the lady running the class pops up as you two inspect your creations.
“Do you mind if I take a picture to post on our social media?”
Ushijima shakes his head as you answer, “We don’t mind.”
She flashes a wide smile and aims her phone in your direction. “Great! Say ‘pottery’.”
On cue you plaster on smile and brandish the clay creation as the camera clicks.
The lady, who is somehow even more dirtied than Ushijima, inspects the picture.
“You two are so cute together!” She fawns over the two of you. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your date together.”
She disappears before either of you can correct her.
You blurt out, "Is this a date?"
A pause. Then a hum, "I suppose it is."
A shared smile, you leave the studio with linked hands.
When you get home, you prowl through the studio’s page and find the picture and break out into gut-clutching laughter at the almost-pained looking smile Ushijima makes, tiny pot perched in his large hands adding a comedic effect.
After you recover, you end up saving it and making it your screen saver.
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For all his casual confidence, you’re the one to ask him out and he’s the one to officially declare it the “big” first date
The plan was to go manga/book shopping and eat at the in-store cafe
It sounded like a pretty cut-and-dry standard date but with Tendou anything can turn into an adventure
Ecstatic is an understatement on how excited Tendou was for the weekend
He was nearly berated a dozen times for not paying enough attention to what he was doing and almost caused a small fire at one stage
You didn’t fare much better, either
The pair of you got a great deal of laughter from relaying it to one another in the late night hours before meeting up
Although underneath it all lurked the residual anxiety he tried to fight away, so he reminds you during the call, just to check that you didn’t regret inviting him out
As much as he despised the thought, the dark voice whispering at him that you would stand him up were quickly silenced when you show up with a bright smile and his name on your lips
Tendou reckons it’s the sweetest noise he’s ever heard, right after your laughter that he coaxes out with the little melodies he sings to himself as the two of you make way to the popular bookstore
After arriving, you wonder apart to check out separate sections and end up meeting at again the in-store café with books in hand
Over the chocolate cake slice Tendou brought to share, you take turns to gush over the selected choices spread across the tabletop
“I mean it isn’t that over done.” You argue, popping another forkful of the overly-sweet cake into your mouth.
Tendou throws his hands into the air. “Are you serious? Hero meets bad guy, then they fight a whole bunch, bad guy kills a bunch of people and the hero never kills the guy because he ‘doesn’t want to stoop to their level’,” You don’t mask your laughter at the overexaggerated deep voice Tendou imitates. “It’s not fair to the people that the bad guy goes to hurt later on.”
“Oh, I entirely agree with you there.” You take a moment to wonder how Tendou has eaten nearly half the thing to himself already, you’ve barely been seated for longer than a few minutes. “When done wrong, the whole ‘taking the high ground’ troupe is really tacky.”
Tendou blinks at you like he didn’t expect you to respond. You raise a brow at him as a toothy grin spreads over his face, a slight pink painted across his pale cheeks.
“Nothing. I like talking to someone that knows their stuff, is all. Don’t get me wrong, miracle boy is great company, but I can only try to convince him to read more than the ads they run for so long before I go insane.” He chuckles under his breath, words heartfelt enough that a matching heat spreads across your cheeks.
“I enjoy this too.”
A wide grin overtakes his face at your admittance.
“Well then, let’s not stop!” He offers, stretching his hand towards yours. You clasp it, feeling delicate against his larger one. “I still have to tell you about the whole ‘boy is given power he doesn’t know how to control and needs to find a grumpy mentor’ troupe next!”
You squeeze his hand. “I’d love to hear your thoughts on that one.”
Tendou clicks his tongue and wags his finger at you. “It’s not necessarily about my thoughts, it’s the conspiracy I think the troupe ties into.”
The seriousness in his tone made you pause, looks like you were in for a long one.
Amongst him linking the heroes journey and the innate desire for power over others, you marvel at the way his whole body comes alive when talking about something he loves.
It’s much later on, when he’s introducing you to his friends at a reunion, that you notice the bubbly and animated way he presents you to his friends, love evident in each and every word.
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Now you would think he’d be the calm and collected one after knowing each other for half a decade and dating for a month
He's the type to plan to ask you at the perfect time, and will be in a pissy mood if he misses the "perfect" opportunity to ask
When he does finally pose the question, you’ll say yes and he’s ecstatic
Though, he will play it cool and be like, "Ok I'll text you the details later." And flash you the biggest smile that has you melting inside just a little
When he's trying to sleep that night it finally hits him
Oh shit he has to plan a date with the girl he’s been hopelessly pining for
After one text from you confirming you don’t mind where he picks, he’s both relieved and more stressed because now he has to analyse every little thing he knows about you and eventually starts doubting himself
In the end, he decides to play it safe and go with the popular, family owned cafe that plays live music Saturday afternoons
It was perfect, the music act would be quiet enough to still talk if you two wanted or serve as a mediator to break any awkward silence should it pop up
It is honestly the perfect date, in his mind
Comes the day and he swings around your place after agreeing to walk to the café together
The walk is characterised with the brisk autumn wind and catching each other up on what’s been going on during the week
The conversation doesn’t stop from there – something Semi could cry happily over
After ordering and grabbing a seat close to a stage set-up to the side, you note how bright and talkative Semi is and vow to yourself to see this more often
As he takes a sip in the middle of explaining the difference pick positions affects plucking sounds, you comment on his excitement
Even with the flush on his cheeks, he holds a suave facade and merely says that it’s hard to unwind when his friends can be so chaotic when they get together
From there he starts opening up and imparting little facts about himself that you commit to memory
You come to learn that his favourite colour was corn-silk yellow before he went to Shiratorizawa, now it’s royal purple. He loves tekka maki and boasts his mum’s hand-made ones to be the best in the world and offers to share it with you next time she makes them
All of these things slot into what you know about Semi, filed alongside the nuance’s you’ve noticed yourself.
When he’s unsure or embarrassed, he tousles his hair. And when he talks about something he’s passionate with, his hands start gesturing all about the place
You could’ve spent the whole afternoon like that, in the intimately-lit café, hidden amongst the dull chatter of the surrounding patrons, just listening to Semi’s soothing timbre
But life had other plans
The lights on the stage brighten as someone wearing comfortable clothes strolls on and perches up on the stool set-up in front of a lone microphone. She didn’t give off any signs of discomfort at being stared at as she sets up her guitar, giving a few testing strums before introducing herself and launching into her music.
It was only then that conversation broke and ushered in a lilting voice floating on gentle notes.
“They’re amazing.” You breath, eyes not leaving the stage until the musician dismounts from the stage.
“That’s what I want to do one day.”
You turn to him. “Really?”
“Yeah.” The corner of Semi’s lips quirk up a bit, a secret shared unto himself.
Genuine curiosity spurs you to ask, to know. While you could picture Semi perched on the same stool with a guitar all too easy, you never really thought Semi would pursue a career in the industry.
Semi finally turns to you, a fire in his eyes that was normally caused by volleyball and a good challenge. “I want to make people happy and sad - all the emotions really. I want someone to look at me like you did to that girl.”
Tilting your head you say, “Looking at her like what?”
Semi audible swallows. “Like someone that loves the music I make.”
Reaching over the table, you run your thumb over the backs of his knuckles, a comforting gesture. “Semi, I already love talking to you and hanging out, so why wouldn’t I like the music you write?”
The resultant blush on Semi’s face was answer enough to that, even though he tries to hide it behind his cup.
After that, meeting up at the café ends up becoming a weekly occurrence, an oasis that you both look forward to in the midst of life’s chaos.
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Yamagata actually is the smoothest out of them all
After a two weeks of dating, he bounces up to you after a particularly hard day and offers to take you somewhere fun the next day
Your definition of ‘fun’ varies from his, as you soon find out
Where Yamagata believes the best way to get to know someone and have fun simultaneously is putting them through challenges, whereas you believe sitting down and chatting to be the most optimal method
Unfortunately for him and fortunately for you, the paint ball range is closed
Amusement park it is
He leaves it as a surprise and doesn’t tell you until you question the sign of the park he visited frequently as a kid
Overall, you have an absolute ball with him, never a dull moment
Especially after the ferris wheel when Hayato goes to reach for his phone to check the time and finds it missing
The only reason he had it out in the plastic swinging booth was to take a sneaky picture of you looking carefree and relaxed as you gazed down at the park – not that he admitted to that when you asked just how it escaped his pocket
Obviously, it was a very slippery phone since this was the third time this week alone he lost it
After tracking it down with the help of the kind but tired ride operator, the two of you were on your merry way to the next ride, but not without a few light-hearted digs at Yamagata’s forgetfulness
You get to learn a lot about each other personally while waiting in line and over lunch after recovering
At the end of the day, your cheeks ache from much smiled
“I don’t remember it being that crazy as a kid.” Yamagata says, looking pale and breathing shallowly, as if to keep himself from being sick.
You couldn’t blame him, the rollercoaster he convinced you to go on under the guise of “This was my favourite one as a kid! You wouldn’t deny a man from reliving his childhood, would you?”
And like a fool you caved under the pout like a badly cooked soufflé. Now you wished you put up a bit of a fight against going on it. The screams of the riders before you were not exaggerated in the slightest.
“I don’t know how they allow kids on that.” Is all you supply, feeling a little green as well.
Yamagata directs you to the nearest bench and you follow his lead and slump into the seat.
“I don’t know how I forgot how much that thing threw me around. I must’ve just about fell off as a tiny kid. Remind me to thank my dad for coming on with me.”
You try not to laugh at the image of a tiny Yamagata ecstatically cheering as the ride swings around corners at full speed as his dad frantically tries to keep his clueless son from getting tossed out of the cart.
“Your dad is a brave man to go on that thing wilfully.”
Yamagata grimaces. “Brave is a nice way of putting it. I’d call it being insane to put up with me wanting to ride it eight times over.”
This time you do laugh.
“It must be hard saying no to your own kid, though, so cut him some slack.” You joke, knocking your elbow against his side.
He playfully pushes you away, widely grinning once again. The heat from the sun blaring ahead suddenly floods into your cheeks. The sensation of your heart feeling too large for your ribcage seizes you.
And the feeling doesn’t leave, it sticks with you as he laughs, as he drops his ice cream and pouts like a child. It intensifies as a dreamy look enters his eyes as he recalls a fond memory associated with a ride.
You hope that one day that he makes the same expression when he recalls this day spent with you.
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For some reason, Reon seems like the kind of guy to be inherently talented with gardening
He’s the resident green thumb alongside Ushijima, people pass their dying plants into Reon’s hands for magical resurrection
So it was a no-brainer for him to take you to the local botanical gardens
Rife with both native and exotic flora, there were many scenic walks available, thus was the perfect place for a first date to Reon
Reon meets you at the gates with a soft greeting and an outstretched hand – you two walk through the park with your hand intertwined like that for the rest of the day
Throughout the walk, he points out flowers and gives you their common name and their meanings, along with the meanings he gave them as a kid
It was entirely too cute for your poor heart
“And those are yellow carnation.” He points to a patch of bright yellow flowers with soft-looking ruffled petals. “They represent dislike and disappointment towards the person you give them to, but as a kid I thought they meant that she was my sunshine because of the colour. My mum got quite the kick out of it when I gave them to her for her birthday.”
You burst into laughter, unable to smother it even with Reon’s apparent embarrassment at the event
If your allergies start to play up too badly, Reon will take you to his favourite part, a densely packed section of the gardens filled with trees, concealing a secluded tiny red bridge stretched across a large koi pond with the largest and most colourful koi you’ve seen
Everything within you wanted to stretch this moment out, you could easily live in this moment forever. The buzzing of cicadas in the distance, the grass blades tickling the palms of your hands from where you sat, the soothing rumble of Reon’s voice – this is your personal slice Elysian peace
You did not want to give this up
It’s there that he finally unlinks your hands and brings out the packed lunch he made.
“You made all this?” You gape, taking in the diverse range of food he brought out of his bag.
From seared fish placed neatly atop seasoned rice, to perfectly rounded onigiri. In the next box he opens sat seasoned chicken and beef slices that made your mouth water. Not to mention the salad of rich greens, reds, and yellows that called your name.
Reon chuckles at your awe. “Yeah, I did. I thought it would be nice to eat something home-made while out here, but if you wan to grab something else-“
You cut him off immediately. “Definitely not! This looks and smells amazing. It would be a crime not to eat it.”
The corners of Reon’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I did try not to burn it, so I hope it tastes nice.”
“If it tastes even half as good as it smells, you’ll have to fight me to stop eating.” You reply, accepting the plate he holds out and give thanks as he starts loading your plate.
“I’d never stop you from eating,” he clicks his tongue in false sternness, to which you grin at. “If you’re hungry, I’ll feed you until your happy.”
“I’m happy right now, but I definitely still want the food.” You cheekily fire back.
Reon shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Well then, eat to your heart’s content.”
Taking a bite, you startle Reon with your enthusiastic reaction.
“This tastes better than I imagined.” You gush after swallowing, immediately scooping up another forkful and eating it.
Reon brushes off your compliment in favour for leaning forward and brushing some crumbs off your face. The proximity as your breath stalling in your throat as he lingers for a heartbeat longer, then withdraws.
“I hope we can do this more often. This is the most fun I’ve had in a while.” He quietly admits, the mood taking an intimate turn even with the shouts of kids playing in the distance.
“Me too. I don’t want this date to end.”
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This man prides himself on being observant and not oblivious like how his friends are
And yet, contrary to this, it takes him several trips to realise that he’s been on what would count as a date with you
You'll talk about needing a new jumper for winter and Shirabu will ask to tag along. You wanted to watch a movie? Shirabu is coming too. Like having someone besides you while studying? Shirabu was your go-to study buddy, whether in silence or as a conversation partner when your brain was overloaded
Out of the blue, he asks with no certain amount of panic, "Were those trips I went on with you dates?"
"I never really gave it much thought…” You match Shirabu’s expression as you consider his question. "I didn’t want to be presumptuous and assume that they were, and you never brought it up, so I left it be."
"Let me have a re-do." Determination flares in his usually guarded eyes and you couldn't refute.
Shirabu glances away from your face, unable to bear looking at the fond expression you wore for too long without his heart suffering. “I want to take you somewhere nice.”
“Everywhere I go with you is nice, Shirabu. It’s less about the place and more about the person.” You rebuke.
Shirabu looks away before you catch the full extent of his blush at your words. “No, I mean I want to take you somewhere that can become special for the both of us.”
You catch his hand in yours, tugging it for him to turn back towards you. Gone was the characteristic impassive façade, now replaced with a tenderness that makes you near melt.
Your first official date with him is a picnic in a park on top a hill to watch the sunset
Something he thinks is extremely cheesy and overdone but the look of excitement on your face immediately silenced his rebuttals
There was no way in hell that he was going to be the reason for your disappointment if he can help it
As such, he went all out
Hiring the gazebo and ordering food to be delivered from a restaurant he knows that you’ve wanted to try out for the longest time
Not that he actually tells you, but it wasn’t hard to deduce his excitement when he waits for you at the gazebo with a small smile, dressed nicely in pressed slacks and a dress shirt with a bundle of flowers
Upon the wide-eyed stare he receives from you, he spends the first minutes of the date describing what the florist thought best for him
A bunch of camellias ranging from a deep and vivid red to the first blush of love pink to the innocence of white gathered in a golden ribbon. He doesn’t exactly tell you their meanings other than a short, “Flowers are flowers, all I want them to show is that I love you.”
What he didn’t know was that the florist had the foresight to hide a card detailing the meaning of each flower amongst the paper holding them
White camellias meaning “You’re adorable” to red camellias meaning “You’re a flame in my heart” (something you blush at in the security of your own home) and the pink one representing longing
As the meal arrives and the two of you eat, the conversation drifts from current events to bits and pieces of everything and anything
The highlight of conversation was Kenjirou’s answer to the question “What do you think you’ll see first: a ghost or an alien?”
Apparently Kenjirou was secretly a space-lover
From the lecture he launched into about the statistics of it all and you come away from that conversation with more knowledge of possibility of E.T's versus spectres than you would’ve thought
The afternoon starts fading into dusk quicker than you realised, too wrapped up trading short anecdotes of your respective families
Shirabu only realises the fading light once the fairy lights decorating the space become brighter, and it is only then that Shirabu like a gentleman, brings out a blanket and escorts you to the grassy knoll besides the gazebo
Laying out the blanket, you notice it’s the perfect position to watch the sun set and you can’t help but give him a quick hug in gratitude before you sit down and make yourself comfortable
It floored you how much effort and consideration he put into this one afternoon amongst all his classes and assignments – it made you feel incredibly warm against the cool night air creeping in
As you shift to get comfortable, your hand lands on top of his. You’re just about to whisk it away, but he shoots you a soft smile and twists his hand in your grasp and gives it a squeeze
Your hands stayed intertwined as the blues faded into pinks and oranges, then into purples and the deep satiny blue of the night sky
The sunny photos with matching smiles from that afternoon soon decorate your wall
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Unlike the others, Taichi really doesn’t care about being seen as “basic” for taking you out to watch a movie and grab dinner afterwards
He asked you out so casually, you agreed without it even hitting you that it was a date until he grinned at you and cheekily replied, “Great, it’s a date then.”
The movie in question was one you’ve been waiting forward for its release and Taichi was interested in it as well, so really it was an excuse for the both of you to watch the movie together instead of alone.
It went great, asides from the old couple staring the two of you in line, not so quietly reminiscing their first date
Embarrassment aside, Taichi was sweet throughout the entirety of it
Arguing to pay until reluctantly splitting the bill when you argued that it wasn’t fair
Waiting outside for it to start, Taichi and yourself bide the time by guessing what the other movies were about by their posters and making each other laugh
Once the movie starts, the chatter between you two dies down, yet the casual intimacy doesn’t fade in the slightest
Sharing an arm rest, the both of you exchange glances at one another throughout the movie, and bump elbows when something interesting or funny happens
It was a far-cry from the intimacy of the other’s dates, but it was perfect for the two of you
By now, the two of you have been friends much longer than you have been dating
Neither of you wanted to rush things, happy to take it as it comes and retain that familiarity from years of friendship stay untainted from the innate awkwardness of new love
Coming out of the theatre, Taichi is the most talkative you’ve seen him yet as he offers his opinion on the film
You avidly listen without a word of complaint
It was nice to hear what went through Taichi’s mind when he always kept his emotions close to his heart, you felt damn-near jubilant over him coming out of his shell – even after all the years of friendship
He offers to grab dinner and after a mild debate over which place is better, you end up flipping a coin and grabbing some fast food and eating it at a near-by park
Eating the meal in relative silence, it was only broken to point out the ducks and giving them names. It was laid-back and you were enjoying yourself, yet Taichi remained stiff by your side.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly the most romantic date.” Taichi rubs at the back of his neck, avoiding your eyes.
You quirk a brow at him. “How isn’t this a romantic date?”
Taichi finally looks at you, although in confusion. “Because I should’ve taken you to a nice, fancy restaurant for our first date.”
“I work on the belief that anywhere is romantic if you make it so. It depends on the company.” You shrug.
Taichi’s mouth curves into a smirk. “Oh? So you wouldn’t mind having our next one at a cemetery?”
You dig an elbow into his side and roll your eyes at the performance he puts on.
“That’s not what I meant, smartass.”
Taichi stops the pouting and slumps into the seat. Hating the sombre mood he’s in, you curl your arm through his and tuck into his side.
“Besides, you can always make it up to me in the future. I want the place to be so expensive that the proportions are baby-sized.”
Taichi’s rich laugh rumbles through you. It was a losing battle against the rapid thrum of your heart and the thoughts of warmth that consume you with his proximity.
You also didn’t try to fight the urge to cuddle further into his side, something he gladly accepted as he wraps his arm even tighter around you.
“I promise.” He sighs, a happy noise as he rests his head against yours, two bodies becoming one whole on that one spring afternoon.
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Not everything in life is a competition, yet Goshiki couldn’t thrive without it
Besides, if he thought too long and hard about it (which he did) an arcade date was the best option
It presented the perfect chance to show off his skills and impress you
When he finally works up the courage to ask you, it had been a while since you’ve been, so you were more than happy to accept
Goshiki deflated with relief because a back-up option didn’t exist
Even after dating for over a month by this point, this would be the first official date he’s taken you out on
After worrying that it was too childish or not at all romantic for a first date, you spent the better half of the afternoon before it convincing him otherwise
At the arcade, Goshiki takes your hand and guides you around the place, pointing out games he bested as a teenager before finally settling on war-cross-zombie two player shooting game
With the growing win streak, the two of you continue playing the game until Goshiki accidentally gets his player killed
Pouting, he suggests a different game to soothe his bruised ego
The pout disappears as he finds a different game he’s decent at, tickets flying out as the points rack up
He glows as you praise his skill
It was too easy to bait him into playing hoop games, which he surprisingly sucked at
You discovered him to be especially gifted at reflex games, where the both of you won the most tickets
With each claw game he stubbornly refuses to “eat his hard-earned money”, he proudly passes off each plushie to you
Goshiki wins whatever prize your eyes linger over, no matter how frustrated it makes him
With each one, you promise to keep and inwardly muse that you’ll have to install a new shelf for them
A few hours deep, you had managed to win him an eagle. It’s the only prize you had won big enough to portray the amount of affection you held towards the bowl-cut male.
It was a bit mishappen and looked more fit to be the mascot for a horror game than a children’s show, however you still offered it to him.
His eyes grow wide. “Really?”
“I mean, I can get you something better if you give me a few minutes…” You frown at the plushie as Goshiki holds it up. It’s even uglier in the light. Why the hell would they have this as a prize?
You reach out to grab it from him and Goshiki snatches it away from your grasp, pressing it into his chest and curling around it protectively. “No!”
You stand there, stunned, as Goshiki flushes at the looks he got from the shout and starts stumbling over his words.
“I mean, it’s fine and not creepy at all – No, I mean it’s cute,” he unconvincingly amends at your wince. “It’s something that you worked hard to get. I’ll treasure it forever, I swear.”
The conviction in his voice was enough to ease your concern.
“I could get you a better one, though. One that’s less creepy.” You offer, gesturing towards the wide array of claw machines boasting figurines and cuter plushies.
“No thank you. I like this one.” Goshiki is stubborn and you should’ve expected that.
You sigh, lips unsurely pulling upwards. “If you’re sure?”
Goshiki gives a sharp nod, and you know that that’s the end of that. He would not budge.
Yet you couldn’t find it within yourself to be exasperated at the awe-filled look he gives the plushie as you two leave the arcade, holding it like it was made of expensive finery instead of cheap thread and fabric.
Months later you got to see the monstrosity again, tucked up on the shelf above his bed, proudly sitting between medals he’s won through the years.
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Request for your special event-
Character: Albedo
prompt: 'I love you, my little prince"
Song: Once upon a dream: Lana Del Rey
If it is possible, Can the reader be the one to say the prompt and is a fatui harbinger [or someone that the knights are just wary off] ?? (I am a sucker for forbidden love but the reader is just "screw u, Imma date them anyways) I apologize if this is too specific.
Thank You in advance and Congrats on your milestone!! <3
First of all, thank you very much for your request. I love this song and Albedo, so it really was the perfect combination. Also, this turned out a lot longer than I originally planned, and I really hope you like what I came up with. Have a good day/night and take care! <3
Once upon a dream – Albedo x gn!Fatui!reader
I know you, I’ve walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, the look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do
You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream
Mondstadt was beautiful at night. Although most of the shops were already closed, the streets were still filled with people, sitting in front of the taverns where they enjoyed a few drinks and the balmy breeze that blew gently through the alleyways. Everything was peaceful and somehow quite idyllic, and you stopped in your track to take in all the impressions that rained down on you.
In your life, you had barely experienced moments like this. As a member of the Fatui, you were always on the road, traveling wherever your Archon sent you and fulfilling every mission she gave you. It was a restless life, dangerous too, but you had never been one to complain, especially since you had always dreamed about exploring Teyvat, seeing other cities and meeting new people along the way. Without the Fatui, you probably would still be stuck in Snezhnaya where you would be doing the same things every day, always wondering if this was all life had in store for you.
Needless to say that you still felt incredibly honored that the Tsaritsa had chosen you, alongside with a few other Fatui Diplomats, to accompany Signora, one of the Eleven Harbingers, on her trip to Mondstadt. So far, the trip had been everything but fun, every day filled with work and duties, including spying on the Knights of Favonius that were understandably weary of every Fatui who set foot in their city. Most of them kept their eyes on you twenty-four-seven.
Even now, during your rare free time, you could feel the guards watching you as you made your way back to the market district. A couple of people were standing outside of Cat’s Tail, laughing and joking around, just like they usually did. By now, you recognized most of them since you came by here every day. It was one of the few spots in Mondstadt where nobody payed attention to you because they were too busy with minding their own business to wonder about a Fatui Diplomat passing by, eyeing them curiously before walking on.
Your destination was the upper square, the one with the pretty fountain, right in front of Good Hunter. You had enjoyed a few meals there over the past few days (people where rightfully proud of the restaurant) but at this late hour, the shop was already closed, promotional signs neatly stored away.
You sat down on one of the benches near the fountain and crossed your legs as you let your eyes wander. During the day, this square was a popular meeting spot but now, there were only a few people here. The perfect opportunity to see him again.
During the few meetings with the Knights of Favonius you had attended, he had stayed in the background, only speaking when someone addressed him directly and even then, his answers had been quite brief. It hadn’t taken you long to figure out that he preferred to keep to himself, hence why he almost exclusively came here long after dark to inspect the Crafting Bench for any damages and to have a quick conversation with Timaeus, the alchemist who supervised the Crafting Bench throughout the day.
Usually, you kept your distance, admiring him from afar, but today, you had promised yourself to finally introduce yourself to him. Not only because it was rude to stare at someone you barely knew but also because a considerable part of you really wanted to find out who the Chief Alchemist truly was.
You didn’t have to wait long. Propping up your head on your hand, you watched him as he talked to Timaeus. His bright teal eyes almost seemed to glow in the warm light of the street lamps, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It really should be illegal to be that pretty.
About twenty minutes later, Timaeus made his farewells to the Chief Alchemist, leaving him with a bunch of notes. It took you a brief moment to realize that this was the moment you had waited for but then, you jumped to your feet and took a deep breath before walking over to him.
“Excuse me,” you said, your heart starting to beat frantically as he looked at you, a slightly confused expression on his face. “Yes?”
“I’m sorry to bother you,” you continued and cleared your throat when you realized how squeaky your voice was sounding. “But I think you might have dropped this.”
You put out your hand, showing him the tiny gemstone you had bought at With wind comes glory a few hours ago. The stone’s color perfectly matched his eyes, the same bright teal that you saw in your dreams sometimes. You were absolutely sure that nobody else on this earth had eyes so pretty that you even thought about them in your sleep.
“No, I’m afraid you’re mistaken,” he replied softly, snapping you out of your thoughts. “It’s not mine.”
“Oh,” you mumbled. Well, that didn’t go as planned, you thought and let out a quiet sigh. So, what else could you say to him?
Usually, you had a quick tongue and always managed to figure out a topic to talk about but right now, you felt like every statement that came to your mind was either incredibly stupid or completely irrelevant. Think, you urged yourself, think!
But he had already lost interest in you. His attention was back on the clipboard Timaeus had handed him earlier, his brows slightly furrowed as he studied the notes from his assistant.
“So, um- can I perhaps ask you a few things about alchemy?” you asked when the silence between the two of you got uncomfortable. He didn’t look up from his notes but at least, he nodded which you took as a good sign.
“I mean, not now,” you added, painfully aware that you didn’t even know enough about alchemy to ask him a simple question. It definitely would have been better to prepare for this conversation but now it was too late to turn back. “I just – I wanted to make sure that you’re okay with helping me before I deluge you with my questions.”
Finally, he looked up, his gaze meeting yours for a brief second. “Ah, it’s you. I saw you at the meetings. You’re one of the Fatui Diplomats,” he said but unlike others, he didn’t seem to judge you. He simply stated a fact, nothing more. If anything, he sounded a bit curious.
“My name’s (Y/N),” you replied, in an almost desperate attempt to keep the conversation going because a part of you really didn’t want him to leave. When you saw the small smile that flashed over his face, you felt like your heart stopped for a second.
“I’m Albedo.”
But if I know you, I know what you’ll do
You’ll love me at once, the way you did
Once upon a dream.
That’s when it all had started. Whenever you weren’t busy with your mission or other tasks Signora assigned you to, you spent every minute with Albedo, listening to his musings about alchemy and the secrets of the world he desperately wanted to disclose. You didn’t understand half of the things he was talking about but you didn’t mind. It was enough for you to just listen to him, watching how his eyes lit up whenever he made progress in his research, and every time he sheepishly thanked you for keeping him company, you found yourself falling for him a bit more.
Of course, you knew right from the beginning that it was stupid to develop feelings for him, given the fact that you had to leave Mondstadt at some point to return back to Snezhnaya – but there was nothing you could do to stop it. Everything about Albedo was adorable. He was a gentle soul, curious and kind and so beautiful that it still took your breath away every time you look at him. And you wanted to be with him, against all reason. There was just something about him that seemed so familiar, so wonderfully familiar that you simply didn’t have the power to resist him.
And before you had even fully realized what was happening, you were already head over heels in love with him.
You didn’t tell him, at first. After all, he was still the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favionius and you were still a member of the Fatui, someone the knights didn’t trust at all, and you didn’t want to spoil the precious time you could spend together.
But eventually, you didn’t want to keep it a secret any longer. You wanted him to know how much he really meant to you. It had been an awkward confession, your face hot from embarrassment when he didn’t respond immediately but as soon as he softly asked if it would be alright to kiss you, you fell in love with him all over again.
I know you, I’ve walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, the look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem
But, just as all good things, your relationship with Albedo came to an end about three months later when new orders from Snezhnaya arrived, recalling you and the other remaining Fatui Diplomats back to your home country immediately. Signora and the vast majority of her team had already left Mondstadt quite a while ago, and it would be a lie if you said that it hadn’t raised your hopes up that you were allowed to stay for a little longer.
Now, all your hopes were shattered to pieces. You could feel tears burning in your eyes as you stared down at the letter in your hand, reading the orders over and over again as you tried to understand that it was really over this time. There was no way you could convince your superior or even the Tsaritsa to prolong your deployment in Mondstadt.
How were you supposed to tell Albedo about this? How were you supposed to say Goodbye to him?
You should have stayed away from him right from the start. Then, you would have been the only one who got his heart broken by your new orders but no, you had decided to drag Albedo into this mess, and now you were forced to leave him.
You buried your face in your hands. This was slowly becoming just one big nightmare, one that threatened the wonderful, silly dream you had about your future. A future you wanted to share with Albedo. But of course, you couldn’t, not as long as you were a Fatui. And you couldn’t leave them either because you had sworn an oath to the Tsaritsa; you had sworn to be true to her and Snezhnaya, no matter what happened, and to break this oath had never been an option for you. Heck, you probably wouldn’t even survive betraying your Archon like that, let alone get the happy ending you wished for.
So, no matter how you put it, you had no other choice than to return to Snezhnaya.
You couldn’t sleep, contrary to Albedo who was sound asleep next to you, all snuggled up to you and completely unaware of the emotional rollercoaster you had been experiencing for the past few days. You had waited for the perfect moment to tell him that you had to leave but of course, it never came. There simply was no perfect moment to tell the person you loved that you couldn’t stay with them any longer, that you had no idea when you’d be able to see each other again. If you would ever see each other again.
And with that in mind, you had decided that it was for the best to just leave. Albedo would be heartbroken, yes, but he would be angry, too. And maybe that anger would be enough to make him move on from you. But for now, you wanted to enjoy the time the two of you had still left. The Fatui delegation would leave Mondstadt in the early morning, as agreed with the Acting Grandmaster, so you still had another two, maybe three hours you could spend by Albedo’s side.
You turned your head to press a soft kiss to Albedo’s cheek. He mumbled something in his sleep, and when you heard your name, your heart dropped. He was dreaming about you.
He was dreaming about you and you were about to leave him without even saying Goodbye.
Dawn came and with it the moment you had feared for the past few days. But you had made your decision, and it was too late to change your mind.
Carefully, you tried to pull away from Albedo who was still clinging to you, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist, almost as if he had sensed that this would be the last night you would spend together. You felt terrible as you pushed his arm aside, freeing yourself from his hug, although every part of you screamed to stay here with him.
But you had to leave. And until now, everything went just as you had planned.
Until you accidentally knocked the small lamp on the bedside table over when you gathered the few belongings you hadn’t packed up yet.
Albedo stirred awake, his eyes fluttering open, confusion clouding his eyes.
“(Y/N)?” he asked, his voice still heavy with sleep. “Where are you going?”
You bit your bottom lip, trying to fight back the urge to tell him the truth, and leaned back down to brush a strand of hair from his forehead. “Nowhere,” you reassured him softly. “You’re just dreaming, my love. Go back to sleep.”
Your fingertips caressed his skin, gently tracing the outlines of his face as you watched him slowly drifting off to sleep again.
“I love you, my little prince,” you whispered and pressed a soft kiss to his lips one last time before you turned away and quietly left the room. Please forgive me.
The walk to the town gate gave you enough time to regain your composure. By the time you joined the others, you had carefully locked away your emotions, putting on that blank expression that didn’t show how much it hurt you to leave this city.
Lyudmila, one of the other Diplomats, gave you a brief smile. “Looks like we’re all here,” she said. “Let’s go home. We’ve spent way too much time here already.”
You nodded, although you couldn’t help but flinch at the word home. Snezhnaya would never be your home again, not when Albedo couldn’t be there with you.
Maybe one day, you thought to yourself and granted yourself one more look at Mondstadt and the town walls that almost seemed to glow in the warm light of the rising sun, we will meet again.
But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
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isaacthedruid · 3 years
Please allow me to tell you about one of my favourite cartoons through this informal essay I did for school a couple of months back. 
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Gravity Falls and How it Did The Unimaginable
The 2010s saw the creation of some of the most iconic animated tv shows ever made, the likes of Adventure Time (2010), Steven Universe (2013), Over the Garden Wall (2014) and The Legend of Korra (2012). To explain why this era’s shows are so admirable is honestly rather difficult. Yet, there are many factors that can be taken into consideration when looking for an answer.
The past decade was very successful in perfecting their craft and utilizing the animated format to their favour, creating some of the wackiest and fascinating cartoons ever made. With the advancements made in both 2D and 3D animation for film, this bled into the world of TV as well.
To mention that 2010s cartoons have stunning visuals would be an understatement. Everything about the animation was beautiful; the strong colour palettes, the clean and imaginative character designs, the colourful and immersive backgrounds and especially the mesmerizing worlds that can be found within episodes that are half an hour.
This era’s cartoons also led to a massive shift in storytelling, writing longer-running stories that spread out across seasons while also swapping out episodic adventures for serialization. This heavily aided in the popularization of these shows, due to the rise of internet fandoms and dropping the taboo that cartoons were only for kids. Many shows acknowledged their older viewers by leaving clues and even puzzles to be solved by the theorists who have a large appearance on social media platforms like Reddit, Twitter and Tumblr. As the shows progressed, their fandoms created many theories for what they believed might happen within their favourite series. The top three shows from this era all utilized these changes, being at the forefront of the shift and helping guide the creative vision of 2010s cartoons.
Often regarded as many people’s favourite cartoon, Gravity Falls presented one of the best mysteries of the decade with two seasons and only 40 episodes. Inspired by Twin Peaks and The X-Files, it’s considered as the kids’ version of these two iconic shows as this cartoon acts as many people’s first introduction to horror through bright colours and fun characters.
This series follows the adventures of Dipper and Mabel Pines, twins, who are sent to spend their summer with their great-uncle or Grunkle Stan in Gravity Falls, Oregon. This town is full of oddities like supernatural creatures, insane and eccentric inhabitants, and many puzzles. The Pines twins must adjust to the weirdness while uncovering the mysteries and protecting their new town.
While living in Gravity Falls, the twins are forced to work in the Mystery Shack, a tourist trap created by their Grunkle Stan that overcharges unlucky tourists, teaching about fake monsters despite there being real creatures all over town. On his first day in Oregon, Dipper accidentally came across a mysterious journal written by an unknown author that explains all the oddities to be found in this strange town. This book acts like an encyclopedic of the Weird for Dipper, an inquisitive 12-year-old kid who seeks answers.
Dipper is an extremely intelligent kid, his brain being far more developed than his body. He’s rather awkward and self-conscious as he often stumbles over his words or gets embarrassed trying to talk to girls. Despite this, the boy is an adventurer at heart who just wants to grow up and skip his upcoming teenage years.
While Mabel is quite the opposite in many ways, she is loud and has an in-your-face personality. Mabel is bouncy and fun, she is so excited to start high school. She is easily excitable and for the larger part of the series, she is in her boy-crazy phase. Mabel is a girly-girl as she likes all things; glitter, unicorns, rainbows, partying and crafting. Yet, she doesn’t often compare well with many of the other girls in town, they see her as weird and “too much”.
(In all fairness through, it is not too kind to either of the characters as their personalities are more complex than just awkward nerd and artsy girl-girly.)
Dipper and Mabel’s personalities are very different but somehow, they—along with their Gravity Falls family—manage to solve mysteries and save the town, multiple times.
Gravity Falls is an honestly genius series that completely changed the way cartoons were made. Originally when writing a series, you’d create a base of your story; characters, the universe and a basic plot. Yet, when creator, Alex Hirsch (who was in his early/mid-20)s and his small team first began constructing their show, they planned out everything they could possibly think of for the first season. Additionally, outlining some answers for their biggest mysteries that would be answered at the end of the series.
Despite being rated TV-Y7, this series really pushed the boundaries of kids’ television. From the teeth being ripped out of a deer’s mouth by a demon, rearranging the functions of every hole on a man’s face to an aggressive pop-rock sock puppet show that ended in a dramatic slow-motion scene of the puppets burning. Gravity Falls wasn’t afraid to get a little weird or creepy. Or create some genuine nightmare fuel. 
From the beginning, Gravity Falls had built a mystery into its series, hiding secrets and clues all throughout the show. Most notably were the backwards-recorded message and cryptograms, using roughly nine different kinds, even creating two of their own.
The inclusion of cyphers and mysteries for fans to solve is possibly the reason why this series was so successful. As one of the first shows to do something like this, Gravity Falls used social media and internet fandoms to its advantage.
As mentioned earlier, cartoon fans have quite a presence on social media platforms like Twitter and Tumblr. They create theories and share fun ideas about their favourite shows. Viewers of Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe were all included in their share of theory fun.
Sometimes, fan theories end up being correct but when you’re Gravity Falls creator, Alex Hirsch, you don’t just watch from the sidelines as your viewers figure out the biggest mystery of your show. No, you create a hoax to get your viewers off your trail and that is what he did. Around 2013, only halfway through the first season of the show, viewers had started to follow the clues, theorizing who was the author is Dipper’s mysterious journal.
Unfortunately for the Gravity Falls production crew, the viewers were right— for the sake of readers who have never seen the show, I will not mention who the author was as it would be the biggest spoiler.
In 2013, a supposed leaked image of a tv showing a younger version of the show’s crazy old man character, Old Man McGucket, writing in the infamous journal was uploaded anonymously (by Alex Hirsch) to 4Chan.
Despite the image only being on up for a few hours, it spread like wildfire. Much to the team’s success, theorists stopped searching for the answer to “who is the author” and just accepted the image of McGucket as the truth.
To further push the fake-out, three words were posted to Alex’s Twitter, “fuming right now.”
The tweet was deleted a few minutes later and fans genuinely believed that someone from the Gravity Falls team had leaked the most important part of the story.
While doing research, I came across a Reddit post from April 10th, 2013, the day after ‘leak,’ Alex’s tweet was uploaded. In this post, user, TheoDW uploaded an image of Alex’s tweet with the caption, “It seems that Hirsch got mad at last night’s leak. He already deleted this tweet.”
Seeing the reactions of these Redditors in 2013 is kind of weird and crazy to look at. “He has every right to be upset. Someone internally released a plot revealing screen shot of series breaking spoiler information,” a deleted Reddit account commented.
“This is Alex Hirsch’s biggest success by far, he spent a huge amount of time carefully planning out the series, and then in a moment someone releases a major spoiler. It would make anyone upset,” the user, Time_Loop commented.
“Seriously, this is a nightmare for a storyteller, and shows a breach of trust. I feel so bad for him–honestly, I hope whoever did the leak gets caught and appropriate action is taken. You don’t f–k with someone’s story like this. It’s unprofessional.” the user, lonelybeloved angrily commented.
In 2014, this ‘leak’ was finally disproven when viewers were given an episode on McGucket’s backstory and an amazing tweet from Alex Hirsch. 
Alex had post an image of himself playfully pointing at a monitor with the supposed leaked picture with the caption, “1) Make hoax  2) Upload to 4Chan  3) Post angry tweet about "leak" 4) Delete tweet 5) Let internet do rest”
It is so interesting to look at these comments know that all of this was orchestrated by Alex.
I wish I had been old enough at the time to follow theories and fandom stuff like I do now with current cartoons but really looking at this from an outside perspective, this was insane!
The real author wasn’t revealed until 2015 and when viewers first got the answer to this biggest show on their screens, they must have freaked out!
Following the finale in 2016, a single frame of a stone version of Bill Cipher, the show’s villain, flashed in after the credits had finished.
Alex Hirsch and his team actually created a real-life statue of their villain for their viewers to find and on July 20th, 2016, the Cipher Hunt began.
By following clues, the Hunters found themselves all over the world; Russia, Japan and then travelling throughout the United States for the final 12 clues. When the hunt took them to Los Angeles, actor, Jason Ritter (voice of Dipper Pines, also a massive fan of the series) and Alex Hirsch’s twin sister, Ariel Hirsch (the inspiration for Mabel) joined in the fun helping the search.
Finally, the hunt ended on August 2nd when someone tweeted out an image of the found statue in Oregon, the same state in which the fictional town of Gravity Falls exists. The Cipher Hunt had ended but finding the statue wasn’t Alex’s goal for the scavenger hunt, it was about the journey and bringing together the viewers, more than having them actually find the statue.
Creating its own hoax, an international scavenger hunt and quite a bit of nightmare fuel, Gravity Falls was a show truly unlike any other.
The 2010s saw some of the strongest cartoons ever made, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe acting as the leaders for multiple different changes in the medium; storytelling, worldbuilding, interaction with viewers, utilizing social media, representation and further pushing music into the cartoon world. From what was created this past decade and what has already been released in 2020, I’m so excited to see what comes next.
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I have another one of these which is on Steven Universe’s representation and music if you would like to see that too!! 
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thetypedwriter · 3 years
All the Young Dudes Fanfiction Review
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All the Young Dudes Fanfiction Review by MsKingBean89
This is a first. 
If you’ve been following this blog for some time, then you know I generally read young adult books and write far too lengthy reviews on them with the occasional outlier of adult fiction, mystery, sci-fi, etc. 
At any given time, I usually have both a physical book that I’ve bought from somewhere that I’m working on (right now it’s Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley) as well as a fanfiction that I reserve until before I go to bed (my treat for a day well lived). 
Fanfiction is something that I’ve mentioned copious amounts of times on this blog in varying degrees, but this is the first time I’ll be writing an actual review for one of them on this platform. 
The reason for this is myriad. 
One, this fanfiction called All the Young Dudes is a far-cry from your normal standardized fanfiction of 5-50,000 words-something I can easily consume in a few minutes to a few hours. 
Nope, this behemoth ends on a staggering 526,969 words and 188 chapters, not including bonus chapters and extra in-universe canonical content the author has also written and published. Roughly speaking, if this was actually published onto paper it would be well over 2,000 pages. 
2,000 pages. 
Yeah. And I enjoyed every single moment of it. 
Two, while I read a lot of fanfiction I generally don’t put any of it on this blog because while I’ve dedicated it to published novels, I also usually have very simple feelings about fanfiction. My thoughts run the gambit of: It was good, it was fluffy, it was a train-wreck, so on and so forth. 
Normally my reviews are so long and wordy because I have too many thoughts about the published books that I read and I need an outlet to let them loose. 
Whether because of its longevity or because of its content, All the Young Dudes is a story I find myself having a profusion of thoughts for. Hence, the birth of this review. 
If fanfiction isn’t your thing, feel free to skip this particular review of mine (although fanfiction is a gift to this world and you should really rethink your stance on it if you don’t like it, just saying). 
Third, All the Young Dudes is well written and rivals any actual published content. 
Fourth, because of how extensive this fanfiction is, it took me over a month to read it-time I generally would have been reading something else. Instead of leaving you all hanging for a few more weeks until I finish Firekeeper's Daughter (don’t hold your breath-the book is sort of a slog for me personally right now), I decided to just take the jump and write my first-ever typedwriter review for a fanfiction. 
Fanfiction has been a part of my life for the better part of almost two decades now. It was truly something I found by accident and in retrospect, it’s insane to me that it’s still something that brings me continuous joy and happiness. 
I discovered fanfiction when I was 11-years-old and deeply obsessed with the Harry Potter fandom. 
Now, as an overall disclaimer I completely disagree with J.K. Rowling’s stances of gender and biology and differ wholeheartedly with her views of trans and non-binary individuals. With that said, I still love Harry Potter as a story and while I no longer buy anything that profits J.K. Rowling directly, I still love the fandom and the people in it, including fanworks like All the Young Dudes. 
When I was 11, the seventh Harry Potter book had yet to come out and like many other people in this time period of agony while waiting for 2007 to roll around so that I could find out what happened, I discovered fanfiction as a way to fill in that ache I was so keenly feeling. 
I found myself suddenly immersed in this world of online fiction-both good and bad-but completely entrancing all the same. 
I never left. 
That is to say, I did eventually move onto other fandoms with their own fanfiction cultures, but Harry Potter was still my first in terms of fanfiction and introducing me to the concept as a whole. 
Specifically and maybe oddly, I never found myself curious for actual fanfiction about Harry or Hermione or Ron. In my mind, I already knew what had happened to them and reading about them in fanfiction was redundant. 
In addition, the first fanfiction I just happened to come across was a Lily/James marauder era fanfiction on mugglenet.com
This idea immediately intrigued me as fans as a whole knew next to nothing about the infamous Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs and while I knew everything I needed to about Harry Potter it was intoxicating to think that I could learn about a time before the series had existed and about characters who were important, but off screen. 
I was hooked and devoured as much as I could for most of middle school about the marauders and Lily and James’ romance in particular (I even wrote and published some of my own that will go unmentioned as they are truly really terrible). 
That being said, I haven’t read a Harry Potter fanfiction in years. I grew up and out of the fandom eventually thanks to Twilight and from there I’ve bounced from fandom to fandom as I’ve aged and consumed different things and fallen in love with different characters and different worlds. 
That isn’t to say I’ve forgotten though. 
I still remember my favorite marauder stories, my favorite Sirius Black/OFC (original female character), and my favorite baby Harry drabbles. They made such a huge impression on me and even though it’s been sixteen years, I still recall those stories with fond nostalgia and jubilation. 
Which is why it’s almost ironic that I would return to this particular time period of the marauders with All the Young Dudes. 
In a fashion that’s almost scarily full circle, I happened to be on Youtube one day and saw a recommendation video about this girl reviewing a fanfiction called All the Young Dudes. Now, youtube book reviews aren’t uncommon, but a thirty minute video for a fanfiction? Not your typical sighting. 
So out of pure curiosity, I searched All the Young Dudes fanfiction on Google and low and behold the overwhelming and top results were all for a marauder-era fanfiction by MsKingBean89. Piqued, I clicked on the link in ao3 and thought why not? 
While I’ve mainly been reading in other fandoms recently (BTS, some anime and manga, All for the Game) I had been in a little bit of a slump for finding a really good, really alluring story for some time and really didn’t think I had anything to lose by reading All the Young Dudes, especially as the more research I did, the more I found how popular it was-a plethora of videos on youtube, tiktok compilations, and dozens of fanart posts. 
Plus, it had been so long since I had read anything from my progenitor fandom and the thought of going back was strangely comforting.
Hence the journey of reading All the Young Dudes began and oh what a journey it was. 
Now, that this review is already five pages in, I should probably tell you what on earth All the Young Dudes is actually about. 
The whole story is a marauder-era fanfiction told from Remus Lupin’s POV from the summer of 1971 when Remus is 11-years-old to the summer of 1995 when he is 35-five-years-old. It is an in-depth portrayal of Remus’ time at Hogwarts from year one to year seven and then going all the way up to the start of the second wizarding world, ending around the time Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix begins. 
While already the scope makes this a massive undertaking, the author also includes all canonical content from the original series involving Remus, the Marauders, and the time period and incorporates it into her fanfiction-making it canon compliant from start to finish. 
While a very large portion of this story is not romantic, there is eventual WolfStar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black) and if you have read the original Harry Potter series...well. You know things don't end up super dandy for these two characters in particular so you know how the story will end before it begins. 
This fanfiction left me speechless for so many reasons. 
The scope and length is frankly unbelievable. This fanfiction was published on March 2, 2017 and it was completed on November 12, 2018.
How did she manage that? I frankly have no idea, but I am in complete and utter awe at her ability to write content with such a magnitude and actually complete it. She gets an award just for that honestly. 
Not only that, but the fanfiction is actually superbly well-written. I won’t lie and say it’s the most poignant and beautiful piece of literature I’ve ever consumed, but it was consistent in its pacing, characterization, themes, motifs, and structure, which, for 2,000 pages, is an incredible achievement when you think about it. 
Speaking of characterization, everyone was So. Well. Done. 
Remus was such an interesting POV to read from and while he was compliant in every sense of the word-werewolf, prefect, bookish-MsKingBean89 added so much more to his character and fleshed him out so incredibly that it’s truly tragic that he’s not a real person. 
And to that extent, she does this with all of the characters. You see James’ optimism and leadership, Sirius’ arrogance and loyalty, Peter’s jealousy and chess skills. 
Every character was so well-rounded and real. She did an incredible job of taking the bits and pieces from the canon series and using that to build up her own flesh and blood people with motivations, likes, dislikes, dreams, and desires. 
That being said, she also had 2,000 pages to do it sooooooo it would be bad if the characters weren’t fleshed out by the end honestly. 
In addition, I really appreciated that she didn’t just focus on Remus, Sirius, James and Peter. Lily Evans played a critical role in Remus’ school life and after and so did the other Gryffindor girls like Marlene and Mary. 
Too often, the focus is on the boys and their close friendship and while that was a huge focus, we also get to see Remus develop friendships with the girls in his own right and other friends as well that were often OC’s of the author’s. 
Now. OC’s are generally something I dislike. I’m reading fanfiction to read about particular characters that I’ve sought after, not to read about some imaginary cast. However, just like any of the canon characters, all of the OC characters were well-developed and played crucial roles in Remus’ development-while either at Hogwarts or after-and I found myself not minding them in the least. In a few cases (Grant) I actually really loved them. 
The biggest draw for this fanfiction for me was Remus’ time at Hogwarts. It was so well-written and incredibly descriptive and I found myself thrust back into the world of magic so suddenly and seamlessly that it was like I never left. 
MsKingBean89 includes so many intricate details and builds up the world so beautifully that I’d recommend any Harry Potter fan to consume it, just to get some good Hogwarts material out of it. 
Another thing I greatly appreciate about this fanfiction was the slow burn. I’ve read slow burn before (All for the Game trilogy anybody?), but this truly took the cake. Sirius and Remus don’t properly get together until the end of year six going into year seven. That’s over 100 chapters in. 
100 chapters out of 188. 
Meaning that over half of this beast doesn’t have the main pairing even together. For some people, this could be a drawback. You might think to yourself: It takes how long for them to confess their feelings and stop being prats?
A very, very long time. 
However...it didn’t bug me. I like slow burn to begin with, but being along for the ride as Remus goes from being a child to an adolescent with unrequited feelings to being in a relationship with someone he loves is so rewarding and fulfilling that the 100 previous chapters are completely and utterly worth it. 
MsKingBean89 develops them so well and so carefully that the payoff is so sweet and satisfactory that it's enough to bring the tears right then and there. 
The last huge feat of this fanfiction for me was the author’s dedication to canon not just confined to Hogwarts and the Harry Potter books, but also to the time period. Either she lived through the 70’s and 80’s herself or she had done her due diligence when it comes to research because anything from London anti-gay laws to British slang was commonplace in her fic. 
I found it completely amazing how she was able to tie in real-time historical and cultural moments like famous singers and movies playing at the time alongside convoluted muggle politics warring with the wizarding ones. 
I was so blown away by the accuracy and genuine love behind this fic that it often brought me out of my own mind to simply ponder once again how much work this was and how well she was delivering it. 
Even unpleasant things, like homophobia and bigotry, are dealt with in a very carefully constructed way that is aligned with the time period in which the story takes place. 
Unfortunately, everything beautiful is not without flaws and All the Young Dudes is not the exception, although it’s flaws are nary compared to its achievements. 
The few complaints I have with this fic are honestly quite negligible. 
First, there are a few grammatical and punctuation errors. Very few, but I did notice some. 
Next, and again, this complaint is really just me whining, but...the end of the fic was really fucking sad. The end of this whole story took me so much time to complete simply because I didn’t want to read it. 
I know what happened during the first wizarding war and I also know what ended it (James and Lily Potter dying, Harry being shipped off to the Dursley’s, Sirius imprisoned for a murder he didn’t commit, Peter presumed dead) and in one fell swoop Remus lost everything and everyone he ever loved. 
After spending over 1,500 pages of Remus growing to love these people it is absolutely devastating and heart-breaking to see him lose it all. 
The last handful of chapters are just really, really sad and it makes me wonder why MsKingBean89 decided to write it in the first place. Frankly, I don't know why she didn't write about Remus’ time at Hogwarts and stop after graduation because we all know what happens after that and none of it is good. 
Looking back, I wish I could time travel and tell myself to stop at chapter 150. I truly didn’t need to read about the tragedies that happened after that and the hell that all of the characters go through. 
And while it does end on a….sort of kind of maybe positive (?) note with Sirius and Remus reuniting briefly once the events of Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban take place, it was really tainted and bittersweet for me knowing that in a year Sirius would die and Remus would marry his fucking cousin and have a child. 
I just can’t. 
That being said, I understand it’s not the author’s fault and I’m not saying it is. She wrote a canon compliant fic to the end and it was my choice to continue reading. That being said, she said she ended it before the events of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix because Sirius and Remus are happy and back together and she didn’t want to write what was coming next if she continued. 
I truly, truly get that. 
But in the same vein, why even write the events of the first wizarding world to begin with then? I’m confused with that response as it doesn’t make much sense to me. I felt like ending it right then and there was not a happy ending. They’re together, yes, but at this point they are both shells of who they used to be. Both have severe trauma and PTSD and frankly I don’t even know if I agree with them being together just because they’ve put each other through so much. 
It’s just an interesting choice at the end of the day in terms of the author. 
Once again, however, I truly understand that she can do whatever she wants and that she doesn’t owe anyone anything, especially as she’s writing this for free and just because. So please keep in mind that although I’m complaining, I truly understand how fortunate we are to even have this fic in the first place. 
Secondly, my only other huge complaint is that MsKingBean89 made Remus gay. Not bi, not pan. Gay. 
You could argue that Remus just calls himself gay in the fanficiton as he didn’t know about other kinds of sexuality. You could argue that Remus’ sexuality changes and develops as he ages and experiences trials and tribulations. You could argue that it was a sign of times like so much else in this fic. 
I frankly just found it to be a frustrating choice as the fic is canon compliant and even though it ends before the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows we know that Remus eventually marries Tonks and has a baby son named Teddy Lupin. 
How does that make sense?
I tried very, very hard to come up with some sort of feasible explanation for how a gay man would have ended up with the love of his life’s female cousin and truly could not think of one that was not fucked up to some degree. 
Again. I know I’m being nit-picky, but it irked me that she made this choice regarding Remus’ sexuality and essentially ended her fic with Remus stuck in a corner regarding how the series actually ends. 
At the end of the day, all of the negatives are truly, truly not important. I’m just whinging to whine and to express my thoughts, but I do once again understand that MsKingBean89 isn’t profiting from this fic and that she can do what she wants as is her prerogative. 
I hope I was able to express that while I understand that, I can still be frustrated with some of the choices she made. 
To wrap this all up, All the Young Dudes is a masterpiece and is a must-read for anyone who loves Harry Potter, the Marauders, or Wolfstar. I was blown away by the sheer magnitude, the love and care she put into her craft, the slow and deliberate development of all the characters, the beautifully constructed love between Sirius and Remus, and the intricate world-both muggle and magic-that surrounded the story like a cocoon. 
I am so happy I found this fic and I truthfully am floundering at what to do with myself next. If you have any more current Marauder era fics that I’ve missed out in the past eleven years, please don’t hesitate to let me know. 
Recommendation: Go read All the Young Dudes. For weeks, you will cry, you will laugh, you will despair, and you will smile. This fanfiction will make you wish this was canon and in my mind, it now is. 
Score: 8/10
1. All the Young Dudes on ao3 
2. The Youtube Video about All the Young Dudes that made me aware of its existence 
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'Golden Girls' Polishes Its Scripts: Daily Revisions Geared to Sharpen Story and Hone Those Laugh Lines
Actresses Bea Arthur, Estelle Getty, Rue McClanahan and Betty White write their own dialogue for "The Golden Girls." (FALSE)
Older female writers write all 25 episodes each season because no one else could understand the problems of older females. (FALSE)
In order to keep the shows consistent from week to week, one writer prepares all the episodes. (FALSE)
Ten staff writers work together to prepare a season's worth of scripts. (TRUE)
It's a Monday morning in early October and on a sound stage at the small Renmar Studios in Hollywood, the "golden girls" have gathered to read a new script. This will be episode No. 60 of the series and it will air about three weeks later — on Halloween.
Everyone in the room has heard about this week's story line: Rose writes a letter to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. But apart from the writers, no one has seen the final script until now. It was completed on a Saturday, photocopied 150 times on Sunday and distributed this morning to NBC; co-producer Touchstone Pictures; the show's creator, Susan Harris; the show's lawyers and researchers, and the "Golden Girls" cast and crew.
"Hopefully, they'll laugh," murmurs head writer Kathy Speer as she prepares to hear the "table reading." "If they don't, we'll be here fixing the script for a long time."
The table reading really is at tables — eight of them arranged in a rectangle. The actresses and guest actors sit on one side, facing the writers. To the actresses' left are director Terry Hughes, executive producers Paul Junger Witt and Tony Thomas and co-executive producers/head writers Speer and Terry Grossman. To the actresses' right sit NBC representatives, the show's casting director and props and wardrobe personnel.
They begin. Director Hughes reads the stage directions: Interior, kitchen — day. Sophia is seated at table. She is reading book entitled 'Magic Made Easy.' Dorothy enters.
Bea Arthur, as Dorothy, reads: "Hi, Ma."
Estelle Getty, as Sophia, reads: "Give me your watch."
Another week is under way. As the actresses go through their lines, everyone else listens intently. They laugh (or don't laugh) and take notes. By the Friday-night tapings, this script will need to play at 22 minutes. But Friday is a long way off.
As soon as the table reading ends, the writers, producers, director and an NBC program executive huddle to discuss script changes. Then, while the actresses begin rehearsals using the first draft, the writers rush off to their yellow stucco two-story building nearby to begin rewriting.
"The secret of TV half-hour comedy shows is the revisions," explains Dean Valentine, NBC director of current comedy and also the program executive on "Golden Girls." "What they start out with is 75% away from what they end up with."
"I don't think this episode is going to need much work," co-head writer Terry Grossman announces cheerfully on his way back to his office. "It got a good response at the table. We just have to cut it, smooth out transitions and clarify some story points. New jokes will be the tough thing." He anticipates a few hours' work.
"Early in the first season we were throwing out whole scenes," he recalls. "Now we know what works for each lady and what she does best. That's the advantage of being in the third year of the show. The disadvantage is that stories are harder to come by."
Grossman heads into the office he shares with his wife Speer, who is also his writing partner. They are in charge of the writing staff. "That means we are the two who get yelled at the most when something goes wrong," he jokes.
Also piling into the conference-sized room are supervising producers Barry Fanaro and Mort Nathan and producer Winifred Hervey. Despite their titles, Grossman explains, "We're all writers."
"We are the five most dull people," Nathan insists.
"We're much funnier on paper," Hervey adds.
These five, all in their 30s, met when they worked on "Benson," an earlier Witt-Thomas-Harris series. They have been with "Golden Girls" since the beginning, and every Monday they jointly rewrite the script being taped that week. They jokingly call themselves The Gang of Five.
While they start rewriting, the show's other five staff writers — Chris Lloyd, Jeff Ferro, Frederic Weiss, Robert Bruce and Martin Weiss — go back to their own offices to work on new scripts.
"To keep quality, you like as many writers as you can afford," Speer explains. "This year, we have six 'entities' (writing teams) — four sets of partners and two individuals. And we also use a few free-lance scripts each season."
Approximately 25% of the show's budget goes to the writers, executive producer Tony Thomas says. Staff writers on a comedy series earn a weekly salary plus separate payments for completed scripts. A free-lance writer who does a story outline, a first draft and a second draft can earn about $11,000. (Note: All outside script submissions must come through agents.)
"A good comedy requires a lot of teamwork, a lot of people sitting in a room working together," Thomas emphasizes. "A good team is rare, but it's not extremely rare. It's like winning the NBA title. We had it in 'Soap,' and we had it for some years in 'Benson.' Obviously this is one of the most successful staffs we’ve ever put together."
Both Witt and Thomas deal with day-to-day details on "Golden Girls." Harris, who created the series, is less involved this season because, according to Thomas, "She is working on a feature for Disney with us. But she reads all the scripts and is familiar with most of the stories."
Flashback to the previous Friday, a week when "Golden Girls" wasn't taping. Every fourth week during the season, the show shuts down, giving the actors and crew a rest and allowing the writers to catch up.
The Gang of Five is trying to explain how their writing process works. They insist on telling, rather than showing, because, as they say, they're shy. "At the beginning of the season, even having our new writers in the meeting made me a little uncomfortable," Grossman admits. "It slowed down the process."
"One of the most important things that exists with this group is that the bottom line is making the show as good as possible. It's still very difficult when your script is read for the first time and the material doesn't work. It hurts for a moment. But there's no time to take it personally. It didn't work, and the clock is ticking. You better keep moving and get it right."
Like all sitcoms, "Golden Girls" has a "bible," a book that synopsizes everything that has happened on a series. Thus, new writers don't have to watch all the previous episodes. But there is no master plan of what will happen in the future.
The idea for "Letter to Gorbachev" surfaced last May at a beginning-of-the-season meeting of the writers and producers. "It was one of 20 or 30 story notions kicked around," Barry Fanaro recalls. The obvious similarity to Samantha Smith's letter to then-Soviet leader Yuri Andropov isn't mentioned.
"Most of them didn't work,” adds Fanaro's writing partner Mort Nathan, "but this one sounded amusing. Because Rose is a childlike character, we wondered what would happen if she wrote a letter to Gorbachev about world peace. We started fleshing it out, but we couldn't think of a second act. We went round and round, and finally six weeks later we came up with a way to make the story work."
"The five of us went over it scene by scene and agreed it was workable," Fanaro continues. "Then Mort and I went off and wrote it. It took about 10 days because we were also working on other things."
Each "Golden Girls” episode is written to a formula: "the idea, the act break and the resolution," Grossman explains. "Usually there's an 'A' story and a 'B' story going. It's the natural structure."
Although Fanaro and Nathan, who won a writing Emmy last year for a "Golden Girls" episode, wrote the basic Gorbachev script, the story the audience will see has gone through the usual "Golden Girls" grinder: The Gang of Five read and dissect the first draft, adding new scenes, new lines, new jokes. "It's really a team effort," Grossman stresses.
The jokes can be the easiest part — or the hardest. "They're only hard to write when you've got one that isn't working," Grossman says. "A joke in the middle of a scene can be weak, but the 'out joke' — a snappy one-liner that ends the scene on a laugh — has to be strong."
"We may decide a scene needs a new opening," Speer explains. "There will be a long moment of silence. Then someone will ask if anybody's eaten at some new restaurant. In the course of conversation, somebody will say, 'Wait a minute. I have an idea.'"
"With five of us, at least one of us is paying attention," Hervey deadpans.
"Good writers should be able to write for men, women, old or young," Grossman says. "We all draw on other people in our lives — parents, grandparents. Part of the reason for the show's popularity is that these are very vital people. The very same story you've seen 100 times on every sitcom takes on new light with characters in this age group. That makes life easier for us.
"Also, these four actresses are sensational. To have the entire cast be able to give such high-caliber performances means you don't have to adjust your material. You write the material, and they deliver. If they can't make it work, there's something wrong with the material."
The week goes by quickly. On Tuesday morning, the "golden girls" read over the revised script and discover that one scene has changed considerably. Some lines have been cut, while others have been sharpened. There are several new jokes. A press conference scene has been shifted from a hotel room to the ladies' living room.
On Tuesday night, the Gang of Five works late. During the day's rehearsals they realized that the revised scene didn’t play well so they jettisoned it and added some new dialogue and a few more jokes.
Following Wednesday's rehearsals, they hone the script a little more. Time is pressing. By the Thursday afternoon dress rehearsal, the actresses try to be script-perfect, although they often aren't. By now, the original 52-page script has been reduced to 50 pages, and almost every page has had at least one alteration.
For instance, on Monday when Blanche accidentally spat Coca-Cola on a Soviet Embassy official, he responded by saying, "No apology necessary." Now he says, "No need to apologize. In Moscow, we have to stand in line four hours to get this."
Late Friday afternoon, the audience files into Renmar Studios to watch the first taping. The writers are standing by, just in case a last-minute problem occurs. During the 90-minute dinner break, while a new audience is arriving, the cast, writers and producers calmly discuss how to improve the second taping. A few lines are cut, the taping is completed, and it’s on to the next week.
Source: Mills, Nancy. 1987. 'Golden Girls' Polishes Its Scripts: Daily Revisions Geared to Sharpen Story and Hone Those Laugh Lines. Los Angeles Times, October 30, https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-10-30-ca-11702-story.html
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hrtiu · 3 years
@flybynite19 come get your man.
Brit’ni haunted the long aisles of the Coruscant Public Convention Halls, her eyes darting from stall to stall. This was the biggest Galaxy of Heroes miniature convention in the Republic, and if she didn’t find it here, she wouldn’t find it anywhere. Finally, in a sketchy-looking booth in one of the auxiliary wings, she saw it.
It was perfect. A mint-condition figure with articulated arms, first-edition armor, and no helmet. It was almost impossible to find a figure of Captain Tabbard without a helmet, and Brit’ni couldn’t wait to get her hands on it. 
She reached out. “How much for-?”
Another hand grabbed the package just before her, blocking her fingers from her prize.
“What’s the price?” the interloper asked.
Brit’ni turned on her rival, ready to throw hands if necessary. “Excuse me! I was here first!”
A Human man blinked back at her from behind huge, yellow-tinted goggles. “As you can see, my hand reached the package first. I believe that means I have dibs.”
“Look, buddy. Just because you have slightly faster twitch reflexes than me doesn’t mean you get this figure. I’ve been looking for it for forever and I saw it first. Run along.” She tightened her grip around his bony fingers and shot him a death glare, then flicked her gaze to the shopkeeper. 
The Ithorian man backed away slowly and raised his hands, his translator sputtering out his apologies. “The price is 70 credits. Whoever can pay gets it. Don’t drag me into this.”
“Please let go of my purchase,” the Human in the goggles said. “I don’t have time for this.”
“I’m not letting go until Captain Tabbard is in my bag. Got it, Goggles?”
He wrinkled his nose and shook his head disapprovingly. “This stalemate is productive to neither of us. I propose a compromise.”
“What, you get the head, I get the body? No way.”
“As humorous as that would be, I was thinking something more mutually beneficial. You seem to be an avid collector, and I have several pieces that might be of interest to you.”
Brit’ni leaned closer to him, but didn’t loosen her grip on the figure. “Something more interesting than a first-edition Captain Tabbard? I don’t think so.”
“If you’re a fan of Captain Tabbard, I’d imagine you also enjoy the Chandrilan Guard. But there aren’t any figures for the standard Chandrilan Guard armor. I happen to have a custom pattern made for their armor. I’d be willing to share as many molds as you’d like if you are interested in creating the whole set.”
Brit’ni salivated at the thought. A whole set of custom CG figures? She’d been doing her best to make her own over the years, but with new resources… She’d be unstoppable.
“You have my attention…”
“We split the cost, 50/50. We store the figure in a locker at Coruscant Central. Then we meet up next week. I show you the goods and we decide on the deal. If you don’t want my customs, you take the figure and we go our separate ways. If you do, we make the trade.”
Brit’ni narrowed her eyes at him. “It didn’t take you very long to come up with this plan.”
He shrugged. “I’m smart.”
Brit’ni leaned closer to him, staring him right in those yellow-tinted eyes. She wasn’t in the habit of trusting strangers on a planet like Coruscant—especially not lately. But she really wanted those customs. 
“Your name is Tech?” Brit’ni asked doubtfully as they walked down to the magtrain platform together.
“That’s what I just said.”
“Ok, sure,” Brit’ni said. What was it to her if he gave her a fake name? They didn’t need to be best buddies or anything.
“We live in a galaxy of billions of planets, populated by thousands of unique species, each with their own distinctive regional subcultures. I don’t see why ‘Tech’ should be a particularly unusual name, considering.”
Brit’ni laughed and shook her head. “Ok, now I get where you got your name.”
They swiped their muni chits and stepped onto the waiting magtrain, finding a spot near the back where they could both comfortably hold to the hand rails. It was a weekend so the train wasn’t as crowded as it would be during rush hour, but Brit’ni still barely felt like she had room to breathe. Just a few inches from her, Tech’s eyes darted back and forth across the magtrain car and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“New to Coruscant?” she asked.
He looked up in surprise, like he’d forgotten she was there. “...Yes.” His expression was oddly guarded, and Brit’ni raised her hands reassuringly.
“You just look like I did when I was still new to the magtrains. Eventually you’ll get used to the close quarters.”
His shoulders relaxed and he nodded. “So many variables, with all these people around. Too many unknowns for my taste. And sentient life is so… unpredictable.”
“Well, I don’t know if I’d put it quite like that but I think I get you. There’s a reason we collect little plastoid figures, right?”
A single eyebrow peaked out above Tech’s goggles and he tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I hadn’t thought about it like that before, but perhaps you are right.”
The magtrain shuddered as it rounded a turn on the old track, and Brit’ni clutched her precious Captain Tabbard tighter to herself.
Why so much interest in Captain Tabbard?” Tech asked. “Some figures are rare because of their popularity, but he was simply rarely produced due to lack of interest.”
Brit’ni bristled like he was insulting her toddling infant. “He’s the best character!”
“I understood that most fans of the serials disliked him because of his treachery.”
“Treachery?” she scoffed. “That’s not treachery. He had good reason to be loyal to both the Old Republic and Tiberian Empire. It was his conflict that made him interesting. And in the end he chose what was right. That’s what makes a good character. Conflict. Struggle. Then overcoming in the end.”
“I suppose.”
“What about you, then? Who’s your favorite character?”
“In Galaxy of Heroes? I don’t know—never seen it.”
Brit’ni’s jaw dropped. “Then why were you ready to fight me over this figure?”
He shrugged. “I’m a completionist. This is the last one I need to complete the set. You know they’re more valuable together, right?”
She just stared at him. Her eyes trailed down to his booted feet, up his khaki slacks, past his drab, navy-colored tunic, and back to those big, yellow-tinted eyes. Who was this guy?
“Deal’s off,” she said.
“I can’t give Captain Tabbard to… to someone who won’t appreciate him.”
“I appreciate him! He’s a first edition, mint-condition, ultra-rare piece that will complete my collection! How much more appreciation can you get than that?”
“No.” Brit’ni shook her head. “You’re not worthy.”
Tech pursed his lips and huffed through his nose.”Well I still paid for half of that figure, so what do you suggest we do? Cut it in half?”
She recoiled in horror. “No! I’ll pay you the 35 credits and I take the figure. It’s as simple as that.”
“That’s unacceptable. You have to at least give me a chance to meet your criteria.”
“How could you possibly do that?”
“By watching Galaxy of Heroes. I watch it, I tell you my favorite character, I show my appreciation for Captain Tabbard.”
“Or I could just take Captain Tabbard home now, and have a figure of my very favorite character to display proudly on my shelf.”
The magtrain slowed and a cheery voice emanated from the intercom. “Coruscant Central.”
“We’re at the station,” Tech said. “I suggest you get off, because I assure you my Chandrilan Guard figures are very good.”
He stepped off the train and Brit’ni bit her lip, her grip tightening on the handlebar as she watched. “Ah, sithspit,” she cursed under her breath, and hopped off the train just as the doors closed.
She hurried to catch up to him—he set a surprisingly quick pace considering how scrawny he looked under those pants—and he tilted his head in her direction in acknowledgment.
“Glad you decided to join me,” he said.
“I really want those CG customs. I’ve been saving up for materials for forever but they’re expensive and my job doesn’t believe in working hours that give me enough time to sleep and eat.”
Tech frowned. “What kind of job is that? It seems like a sub-optimal way to treat your employees.”
“I work at one of the Imperial training facilities. I get to clean up after all the sweaty recruits in the exercise halls. It smells and I hate my life.”
He tensed almost imperceptibly at her side and Brit’ni tried not to notice. Plenty of people on Coruscant didn’t like the Empire, but a job was a job. And Captain Tabbard wasn’t going to pay for himself.
“That sounds… unpleasant. I hope you are able to find alternate forms of employment sometime soon.”
“Yeah, me too. But there aren’t too many options these days,” she said with a sigh. “If I had my way I’d be working in the archives or curating the Imperial Historical Society. I have the training for it, too! But I guess they only need a handful of people to do that, and they need thousands to clean the stormtroopers’ locker rooms.”
He nodded sagely, and she wondered if she was saying too much. Scratch that—she was definitely saying too much. But any time her job came up she couldn’t help but try to distance herself from it. To distance herself from the Empire.
“I also wish I could spend my days doing research and furthering our understanding of the universe. But unfortunately I don’t have that luxury,” Tech said.
Brit’ni looked at him out of the corner of her eye, surprised at the wistfulness in his voice. Maybe she’d judged him too harshly. A completionist who’d never watched Galaxy of Heroes he might be, but they might have more in common than she’d thought. He gave the station map a quick once-over, pushing his goggles up his nose as he read the map, and she couldn’t help but notice how oddly endearing the action was. She cursed herself. She’d always had a weakness for hopeless nerds.
They wound their way through the labyrinthine corridors of Coruscant’s largest magtrain station, and Tech seemed to know every turn and forgotten corner. He took them down another flight of stairs to the lower levels, where the storage lockers were, and a squirmy feeling started to bubble up in Brit’ni’s stomach. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to follow a stranger down into the depths of Coruscant Central without telling anyone where she was. But something about Tech felt oddly comforting. Condescending and annoying, yes, but also kind of nice.
Brit’ni cleared her throat and tried to dispel her sudden nerves. “So… what do you do, then?”
“I’m a tech specialist,” he answered immediately.
Brit’ni furrowed her brows. “A tech specialist? Are you military?”
He looked at her like he’d forgotten she was there, then shook his head, oddly flustered. “No, I mean… I do holo repair, comm device repair, droid maintenance—that sort of thing.”
“Oh.” Sure he did.
“It’s, uh, not very glamorous, but it pays the bills,” he said, tacking on an awkward laugh like the world’s worst holo actor.
Brit’ni resisted the urge to roll her eyes. I promise you, dude. Whatever your secrets are, they aren’t nearly as interesting as you think. She found herself wishing he’d just be honest with her, then reminded herself that she didn’t care. She didn’t. He was just a means to the end of collecting Captain Tabbard, not an strangely cute guy she wanted to learn more about.
They approached a squat Rodian manning the checkout counter for locker rentals and paid up.
“And can we get two locks, please?” Brit’ni asked. She needed some assurance that Tech wasn’t just going to come back later, open their locker, and leave.
The Rodian shrugged and tossed them another lock. “Sure.”
They walked down the aisle of lockers and found theirs—locker number 9999. Tech gave a weird smile at the number, but Brit’ni ignored it and opened the locker, carefully placing Captain Tabbard inside and giving him one last look of longing before closing the locker on his beautiful, first-edition face.
They both stuck their locks on the door, and Brit’ni pulled out her portable comm device.
“What’s your comm signature?” she asked.
“I don’t see that that’s necessary.”
“Sure it is. What if I can’t make our meeting time? What if you decide to watch Galaxy of Heroes but its themes and storyline are too complex for you to follow? What if you decide to back out and just want to give me your lock key so I can pick the Captain up?”
He frowned. “Alright, then.”
They swapped comm signatures and Brit’ni stuck her hand out to shake. Tech hesitated a moment, like he wasn’t sure what to do with it, then took her hand.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” Brit’ni said with a firm, professional shake.
A few days later Brit’ni staggered home from her shift at the training facility with a deep and abiding exhaustion in her bones. She swiped open the door to the small apartment she shared with her younger sister and stumbled through the dark room, determined not to turn on the lights. Her sister was already asleep and Brit’ni knew she had an early shift the next morning.
Brit’ni shed her uniform, took a quick shower, and fell into bed. She could easily have fallen asleep right then and there, but she hated going to sleep right after getting home from work. It felt like giving up—like acknowledging that all there was to her life right now was sleep and work. She rolled over onto her side and pulled out her comm device, checking for messages. There were a few from her mom, a couple of taunting inside jokes from her sister, and… one from a signature she didn’t immediately recognize. 
She opened the message, convinced it was some kind of advertisement but curious nonetheless.
I am happy to report that my viewing of Galaxy of Heroes has commenced. Will keep you updated on my progress. -T
A surprised smile rose to her lips. Maybe her evening would be a little more interesting than usual, after all.
She gave it some thought, then typed a response. The first episode is great, but the rest of the first season is a little slow. Make sure you keep watching to season 3.
She pulled out a datapad and scrolled mindlessly through several news updates. There was never anything interesting anymore—not since the Empire had taken over. All the updates felt like propaganda, but there was nothing else to read. Then her comm device pinged.
Then why don’t I just skip straight to season 3? I don’t understand how people can be such fans of a program while disliking a significant percentage of the content. -T
She snorted. Don’t skip to season 3! I thought you were a completionist.
He responded immediately. Fair point. -T
Deciding to let him focus on the show, Brit’ni rolled out of bed, determined to do something useful with the evening before calling it a night. She pulled a case of her in-progress figures out from under her bed and hauled them over to the small work desk she’d set up in the corner. She had some painting to do.
Commander Fes’s helmet was beautiful. The design etched across its surface was gorgeous, with intricately weaving strips of color and textures. That also made it an absolute beast to paint, and Brit’ni extricated her tiniest brushes from the bottom of her brush bag. 
Eyes straining with the microscopic details, she labored over the good commander’s helmet for a solid half hour before setting her tools down in frustration. She glowered at the thumb-sized helmet, as if her anger would force it to cooperate better, and reached for her comm device.
What paint do you use for your customs? she sent Tech. For the fine details? I feel like I’m going crazy with Commander Fes’s helmet.
I don’t hand-paint details that small. I have a three dimensional stamper, so I design the decals at full size then use the stamper to apply them. -T
Huh. Brit’ni had heard of tools like that, but most collectors had to make them themselves. It wasn’t a simple or easy thing to put together.
I’ve always wanted to use one of those! Did you follow the Talatar template or the Bikqwik one?
Neither. I made my own design, though to be fair the base design was inspired more by the Bikqwik one. -T
Maybe I should make one. I’d love to get those fine details right, but I don’t know if I have the time to figure it out or the money for all the pieces.
That’s understandable. I was able to use leftover pieces from my work, so it wasn’t so expensive for me. -T
Images of a perfectly-painted Commander Fes helmet floated through Brit’ni’s mind, and she had half a mind to ask him to lend her his printer. That would probably be too much, though. She was considering what she should say next when Tech sent her another message.
It’s nice to talk to another collector about customs and painting. My colleagues are not very interested. -T
Brit’ni laughed. Same! My sister and mom indulge me, but they definitely don’t care as much as I do.
She set her comm device down and refocused her attention on Commander Fes’s helmet. It might be nice to use a three dimensional stamper, but this was what she had to work with for now. And as she focused in on the tiny design, she had to admit that it was turning out pretty well.
She soon fell into a groove so deep she hardly noticed the next half hour fly by. Then her comm device pinged again, breaking her from her painting trance.
I’m going to sleep now, but I’m happy to report that I’ve finished season one. -T
Brit’ni’s brows rose. You finished a whole season in one night?
I’m watching it at double speed. -T
That’s cheating!
When you demanded I watch the show you did not specify a required playback speed. -T
Do I have to specify things that should be obvious??
Goodnight, Brit’ni. -T
No longer in the mood to paint, Brit’ni set Commander Fes’s tiny helmet on a stand to dry, then packed up her materials. She crawled into bed and set her alarm, her eyes already heavy with how tired she’d be in the morning. Still, it had been a pleasant night.
The week flew by, and Brit’ni was so busy with work she hardly had any time to work on her figures or chat with Tech. Every once in a while he messaged her with updates on his viewing progress, and he was burning through Galaxy of Heroes at an alarming rate. His last message he sent the morning of the day they’d agreed to meet back up at the station—a simple statement that he’d finished the series. 
Brit’ni wanted to ask him his thoughts, who his favorite character was, and what he thought of the infamous plot twist in season seven, but instead she’d had to run off to work. By the time her shift ended, she was excited to hop on the magtrain and head to Coruscant Central not only to finally see his promised customs, but also to talk to him. Funny, that.
She walked down into the lower levels of the station and quickly found locker 9999. Tech was already there, typing away on some kind of datapad built into his wristguard. Brit’ni didn’t think he’d worn that the last time they’d met, but she also couldn’t really depend on her memory.
“Hey!” she called out, and he looked up from his datapad.
“Excellent. Right on time.” 
He swung his backpack off his shoulders and rummaged through it, pulling out a carefully labelled black box as she approached.
“Are those the custom molds?” Brit’ni asked eagerly.
“Yes.” He opened the box and she could swear the box was glowing from the inside like some kind of mythic treasure.
“I have molds for the standard shock trooper, captain, commander, and the recon units. Four molds in all.”
With a reverent hand, Brit’ni lifted the silicoid molds from their case. The detail work was exquisite, the edges sharp and defined. “I just pour in molding plastoid and let it cool?” she asked.
He nodded. “Yes, that should work adequately.”
She stared for a minute longer, her fingers running over each groove and divet. They were perfect. “Alright, you have a deal.”
“No, but… I haven’t told you about Galaxy of Heroes yet…” Tech said, confused.
“That’s alright, the molds are enough-”
“I watched that entire series in a week. I’m going to tell you about it,” he snapped.
Brit’ni shut the case with the molds and stepped back from him a pace, her eyebrows raised. “Alright then, do you see now why Captain Tabbard is the best?”
“He’s such a minor character, it’s hard for me to understand why he is your favorite. But I do see the nuance and conflict that you mentioned earlier. I can see why you admire him.”
“Who’s your favorite, then?” It had better not be that awful Alduous Rux. Or even worse: Leve Bontera.
“K3WO was my favorite, I believe,” he said.
“The droid? Really?” she asked, though as soon as the words left her mouth she had to admit that it made a certain sort of sense.
“Yes. He always remained level-headed, he was intelligent, but he had his own personality. He was my favorite.”
“Ok, fine, I get it. But what about your favorite organic character?”
“Why does it have to be an organic character?”
“Do you have to argue everything I say?”
“It’s not arguing if-” 
Tech suddenly cut off, his eyes darting down the hall, and Brit’ni followed his gaze. Two stormtroopers had stepped off the landing and were making their way towards locker 9999. Tech glanced quickly away from them, but the tension in his shoulders was clear. 
Brit’ni saw the problem immediately. They looked like they were making some kind of illicit deal here, exchanging goods in the basement of Coruscant Station. The misunderstanding could be easily cleared up under normal circumstances, but Tech obviously didn’t want any attention from Imperials.
Thinking fast, Brit’ni clutched the black case of molds to her chest. “Oh, honey! You shouldn’t have!”
Tech stared doubtfully back at her through his goggles, his eyes growing wide enough to fill the lenses as she grabbed him by the shoulders and hauled him to her.
“What are you-” he hissed.
She pressed her mouth to his before he could give them away, her hands snaking around his back to make sure he didn’t pull away while the stormtroopers were still watching. She worried that she might have to fight him the entire time, which would both make her feel like the worst kind of swamp scum and would also make this significantly less enjoyable. But then he relaxed into the kiss and set his hands at her waist, his long fingers careful and hot against her skin. He picked her up by the waist and spun them around, pressing her back into the lockers. Then he kissed up the side of her neck. Heated shivers ran up Brit’ni’s body, and she wondered if maybe she’d gotten in way over her head.
“Good thinking,” he whispered into her ear once he reached the top of her neck. “My apologies for not realizing sooner.”
“Th-that’s fine,” she stuttered, looking over his shoulder to check for the stormtroopers. They were still there. “Still got eyes.”
He nodded, then kissed her again, this time sliding a hand up her back to run his fingers through her hair. She pressed herself further into him, finding surprisingly firm, defined muscle under his plain clothing. Brit’ni doubted that there was an electronics repairman this athletic in the entire galaxy, and the mystery that was Tech just seemed to deepen with each passing moment. 
Then one of Tech’s hands slipped lower on her waist and all coherent thought fled from Brit’ni’s mind. Her teeth caught on his bottom lip and she tugged gently. He started against her, and she took that as encouragement. Then she slipped her tongue into his mouth, and he started again, this time jerking away from her in surprise. 
Brit’ni’s gaze darted to where she’d last seen the stormtroopers and, Force be damned, there they still were. Staring like a bunch of touch-starved morons.
“What are you looking at, you karking pervs!” she shouted at them.
The troopers flinched away like she’d hit them, then sputtered something about their patrol route and orders to “carry on.” They turned back the way they went and soon enough they were up the stairs and out of sight.
Brit’ni let out a heavy sigh of relief and let her weight lean back against the lockers behind her. “Well, that was a lot closer than it needed to be.”
“Yes,” Tech said, a healthy dusting of red high on his cheeks. “Thank you, by the way. I’d rather avoid Imperial entanglements.”
“Wouldn’t we all?” she said with a wry twist of the mouth.
“And, uh… My apologies, for losing my grip earlier. I… well I have never engaged in kissing before.”
Brit’ni sat up straight at that, her eyes going wide. “Really?” she asked, her skin still tingling from where he’d run his hands up her back. “You could have fooled me.”
“Well, I’ve seen plenty of holos,” he said, shrugging with one shoulder. “The mechanics of it seem simple enough. But, um. I didn’t really know what to expect in terms of sensation.”
“Ah,” Brit’ni said, feeling the heat rising in her own cheeks. “Well, it all worked out in the end.”
“That it did. Now if we could exchange goods?”
They each unlocked their locks and there Captain Tabbard was, safe in his perfectly-preserved box. Tech handed her back her 35 credit share of the price, then lifted Captain Tabbard carefully from the locker. Brit’ni checked the CG molds Tech had given her one more time, then closed and locked the case.
“I guess we’re done, then,” she said, suddenly not sure where to put her hands.
“A pleasure,” Tech said, and she couldn’t help but wonder if there was some secret meaning hidden behind the quirk of his lips.
“A pleasure.”
A few days later, Brit’ni dragged herself to work feeling particularly haggard. She went through the service entrance and changed into her ugly uniform, then jogged to her supervisor’s office just in time to clock in.
She punched the buttons that would start recording her time, then started to walk away from the desk.
“Brit’ni? That you?” her supervisor asked, turning around in his swivel chair. He was a pale, sleight Human who’d barely spoken three words to Brit’ni before today.
She turned back to him slowly, her body already tensing to expect the worst. “Yes, sir?”
“You have a package.”
“A package?”
“Yeah.” He got up from his desk and pulled a drab grey box out from under the counter, sliding it towards Brit’ni with a look of perfect unconcern on his face. “Someone dropped it off early this morning for you.”
“Oh…” That was strange. In earlier years Brit’ni had liked surprises like this, but ever since the Empire… Well, let’s just say that most surprises were bad ones these days.
She took the package back to the locker room and set it down on one of the durasteel benches. Carefully, like she was defusing a bomb, she opened it up. Inside, the perfectly-painted face of Captain Tabbard stared up at her, a bright orange piece of flimsi stuck to his box just over his chest.
Dear Brit’ni,
Thank you for the other day. I should have just given this to you at the time, but I’m afraid I wasn’t thinking very clearly. I hope our paths cross again.
A slow smile crept across Brit’ni’s face, and she picked up Captain Tabbard, holding his box to her chest. She knew she and Tech’s paths would cross again. She’d make sure of it.
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mannien · 3 years
Mornings in Sheffield Park | TH - CHAPTER 1
The one with stress, takeout food around the world, late night walks, and Disney dreams.
Word count: 6.6k 
Warnings: some stress, some anxiety, mention of sex, and a lot of smiles
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Fourth week into the morning pitch meetings at BBC, Millie felt lifeless and drained. The room was usually exploding with ideas, creative energy, and a lot of constructive feedback to the few interns who were allowed to join the conversation with editors, writers, and producers. That morning had started ugly enough for her: with an overwhelming number of e-mails about the schedule and missing content for Politics Live.
When she first landed her spot at BBC, Millie was over the moon. She was constantly calling it a dream come true, a once in a lifetime opportunity for her to begin a writing career in media. Her degree seemed to be the best choice for her future and Millie was ready to prove that graduating from humanities can actually land her a decent job. Her first days were filled with morning preparations, early commute to the city centre and exceptionally smoothed out shirts. The work environment in such a fast-paced industry felt inspiring and daunting at the same time, but Millie felt obligated to use this experience to its full potential. Each day she attempted to learn more than the day before and possibly show off a tiny bit more of her creative skills to her superiors. She spent her evenings researching topics and people, trying not to fall out of the loop. Being one step forward was hard work, one that Millie desperately wanted to ace.
The second week of her internship brought a slight shift to her agenda. After grasping the general concepts of working for a major radio and TV broadcasting company, she was aware of the production processes. She tried to happily follow up all the details about the work of a writer, a researcher, or an editor – just so she could be prepared for the follow-up of the introductory week. And as she hoped her interview was remembered and she would soon contribute to any program touching upon music or pop culture, her dreams and calls were slowly fading away. The intern manager ascribed her to the team devoted strictly to politics and daily news, having no vacancies for the popular radio programs. Even though she took whatever spot was offered, it was only to get more insight and experience.  
Having already managed to speak up a few times during the morning routines in the conference room, Millie eased herself into the work environment and was treated like a regular employee. But the first wave of success quickly passed, especially when she was hit with growing emptiness in her brain. She did not enjoy politics, so as far as she could, she attempted to sneak in a sociological aspect into the context. But her tactic had an expiration date.
A couple of heads were expectantly turned at Millie when she was unsurely stuttering her weak ideas for the upcoming programme. She knew it wasn’t going well and she was mentally cursing herself for trying to impress the producers that much so early on.
“This isn’t gonna work. We’ve covered this enough in the evening news. Let’s take five, and maybe you’ll come up with a different angle. I’ll give you another shot here.”
Hugh, the head writer took off his glasses and watched her fidget in her seat. She nodded and took a deep breath, before leaving the room for a short break. Her mind was racing in panic; she wasn’t ready to admit that she didn’t have any idea. She walked back and forth through the corridor until she cursed quietly and walked away to the main hall. She pulled her phone from the back pocket and without overthinking this anymore, she called her boyfriend. He picked up after the third ring.
“Babe, can I call you back…”
“No, Frank,” She felt determined and fierce. Her hands shook from the pure view on board members slowly coming back from the kitchen with fresh coffee mugs. They were probably waiting to hear her another take on the TV show which Millie, wholeheartedly, was beginning to hate. “My work on the programme is too basic and I’ve been roasted for the past fifteen minutes or so. Hugh has me in the spotlight in front of everyone. Help me, please?”
“It’s not your fault they’ve given you a job you’re not good at, babe. It’s just an internship, they will roast you anyway.”
Millie’s lungs were ready to stop working and suffocate her. She feared she might start hyperventilating, or at least meet up with a panic attack from the nerves. Franklin’s reaction seemed to be absolutely unfair and inconsiderate of her actual feelings, and he must have felt that through the piercing silence on the line.
“Look, I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t worry so much about it. They will probably just give you another placement where you’ll fit more, I don’t see why it’s such a bad thing.” And just like that, she started doubting herself and her right to overthink her situation. It didn’t sit well with Millie and she could feel anger slowly making its way through her veins.
“Can’t you just fucking help me? This one time?” She lost her temper, she lost her patience. At the same time Riley, one of the end writers, started waving at her from the end of the hall as to show her that her time is coming to an end. “I need a hook, or something that would spark a debate. Brexit-themed, maybe. Can you think of anything?”
Frank groaned loudly. He wasn’t exactly happy that she made him break down his ambitious wall and let her in on topics he was too invested in. Millie could hear him moving around as he left his desk of the equally large office of The Guardian, until the line went surprisingly quiet. Her anger and fear made her clutch her phone tightly to her ear, while her legs started carrying her slowly to the terrifying conference room.
“Think internationally. See what the Spanish had to say about May’s resignation from the Office. Think economics in the EU. Try to stand on the Union’s side and do some fair judgement.”
“Give me facts, not ideas. You’re the one who knows politics.”
“Spanish government says that May’s resignation is bad news. Compare it to the popular opinion that she was the worst Prime Minister since the 18th century and the American war on independence.” Millie breathed in, trying to desperately grasp all the details he just provided her with.
“That’s a… harsh and history-digging argument,” She mumbled in surprise, “where did you get that from?” She grabbed a yellow post-it note from the reception desk and quickly scribbled the key words on it. Her briefing on politics was never something like this and she could feel the embarrassment making its way into her heart. It wasn’t her way of thinking and she felt like a fraud.
“I can’t tell you that.” By the end of the single sentence Millie could feel the blood escaping her face, making her look pale and scared for dear life. She didn’t want to have heard that sentence, she was definitely happier not knowing how did he come up with a story like this. That was one of the many reasons she tried not to talk business with him.
“An opinion entry. A column for The Guardian. Shit, you just busted one of your colleagues.”
“Sometimes I hate it that you’re smart. Did I ever tell you that?”
“You just saved my internship!”
“Please don’t say that. I will pretend that we just talked about the weather.”          
“I’ll spend them the details. You’re the best, Frank.”
“Alright, go kick ass.”
And that she did. Franklin did save her internship, mainly because Millie avoided the specifics about who and why said something so harsh about the resigning Prime Minister. However, it definitely did spark interest among the production board. Afraid of not being so lucky next time, she decided to politely suggest a replacement for her permanent internship division within BBC, due to her ‘personal discomfort with discussions over issues of such importance and potential shame to their glorious country.’
Millie felt bad for using her boyfriend’s knowledge for survival at work. She wasn’t genuine and her idea didn’t come from her hard work - it was sourced in fear and anxiety-driven reactions. This situation proved to her that she wasn’t fit for the position, but it also raised her stress levels around the fact that she couldn’t get by on her own in the industry. She didn’t want others to navigate her through it all, but the conversation she had with Frank had also made her uncomfortable. Her need of support in a stressful situation was primarily turned down, so—naturally to her character—she started to worry even more.
With a heavy heart and two bags of Wagamama takeout, she walked up the stairs to his apartment. She was usually working until later hours than Frank, so all she really needed was for him to open the door for her. She leaned on the doorframe as she waited patiently for the two turns of the lock. He opened still in his work attire – tailored jeans and a light grey button up shirt. He was holding his phone next to his ear and humming approvingly to the speaker when he looked her up and down. He winked at her and let her in, as he continued to talk with someone.
Inside, Millie found the TV turned on with a football game playing. His work jacket was still hanging on the back of the tall stool in the kitchen, and the grocery bags laid unpacked on the table. She took off her shoes and made her way to the kitchen, where she made a little room for their food on the countertop. Pulling off her sweater, she peeked into the shopping bags – she wasn’t surprised to find a couple bottles of beer and food essentials, a multipack of tissues and a large box of condoms.
“What’s all this, babe?” Franklin came up to her and briefly kissed her on the lips, before looking into the boxes with deliciously smelling food.
“I just thought it might be nice to eat some goodies,” She smiled, trying to sniff out his mood first. He smiled back at her with approval and reached for the plates in the cupboard, so she continued, “also, it’s a ‘thank you for being my saviour today,’ kinda thing.”
“Ah, yeah. I bet everyone on my floor will hate BBC’s guts for that.” Frank said it so casually, with a shrug to follow up, that Millie struggled to understand the dynamic he had at The Guardian. He seemed to be a great fit for his team, because a week into his new job, he was already invited for Friday drinks and talked about his co-workers just like anyone would about their long-time friends. She couldn’t understand how was he getting so lucky at any step, but the last thing she wanted to do is doubt him. Any time worries and competitiveness clouded her brain, Millie was making extra room for compassion and support.
Frank unloaded some of the curry on his plate and started eating with a fork, and then made his way to the living room where he spread out on the sofa. He didn’t say anything else, somewhat scaring Millie that he will let her know he’s uncomfortable randomly, on a promisingly good day. Trying to figure out her brain, she followed his actions and took some extra food to the coffee table, before sitting down next to him.
“But you’re not gonna get into trouble for that, are you?” she was biting the inside of her cheek hard, definitely not used to not being judged for using someone else’s help.
“Nah, I don’t think so. They don’t know I’ve got a girl at BBC, so I should be just fine.”
Millie ate her curry in silence, suddenly at loss of words driven by his surprising statement. She didn’t want to raise an argument or seem overly sensitive. But for some reason she hoped that he would talk about her at work, especially considering his already formed strong bonds in the office, and a definitely higher success rate in his position. Ever so charming Franklin, he always glowed among people. She couldn’t really fight with this, so she just kept any comments to herself and focused on her food.
Frank switched the channel to the evening news and pulled her to his side once they were done eating. It comforted Millie to know that at the end of the day, they could both enjoy each other’s company, no matter what was happening at work. She didn’t pay much attention to the news, but rather focused on the way he reacted to it and what he enjoyed. She felt too tired to get invested in another load of politics, so she just soaked in his warmth and curled more into his side. He smelled of coffee and heavy, musky cologne that he liked to reapply frequently. Millie closed her eyes and breathed out the stress that weighed her down after a long day, finally finding peace.
“I’ll go grab a beer, you want one?” he abruptly stood up, making her slightly loose her balance and lean back towards the pillows. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips in a thin line.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“You sure? You’re awfully quiet today.” He spoke already from the kitchen, not even catching a glimpse of her pursed lips.
“I just need to wind down. It’s been stressful day.” She pushed a little smile on her cheeks as he came back with a frown. He took a few large sips of his drink and put it on the table, before lowering himself on the couch and leaning over Millie.
“I can help you relax, if you want.” He raised an eyebrow in a flirtatious manner, leaning into her and leaving a series of delicate kisses on her lips. He then moved onto her jaw and sucked on her skin, but never left a mark. Slowly massaging her waist, he slid his hand under her shirt and sprawled his fingers across her hip to pull her closer.
Millie enjoyed the warmth that started to spread through her body, but she couldn’t find any energy to give some of it back. She felt drained and exhausted, so a mere thought about participating in sexual activities was sure to make her at least slightly uncomfortable. Unless Frank was willing to change something about it.
“Okay, hold on,” her chuckle and a light push at his chest made him narrow his eyebrows in confusion, “I don’t think I’ve got enough energy today, Frankie.” Her whisper was followed by a reassuring smile. She weaved her fingers through his short hair and kissed the tip of his nose.
“What if I provide you with some energy first?”
“What, you’ll give me an energy drink?” She laughed at her poor joke and he chuckled, too, but more at her silliness than anything else. He laid her down comfortably and cautiously peppered her with kisses on her neck and the tiny bit of cleavage that was available without unbuttoning her shirt. She was slowly giving in, allowing him to get lower on her body and touch her. Frank either wanted to make her feel better, or was really horny. But whatever the case was, she didn’t want to stop him and ruin his enthusiasm. The glow in his eyes and admiration painted across his face were too intoxicating to back away. His touch was filled with sparks of emotions and a kind of drive that Millie was addicted to. She felt wanted and needed, and that’s what made her return the heated kisses despite her hooded, weary eyes.
They walked hand in hand through the chilly evening, sometime after she persuaded Frank to walk her to the nearest tube station. The wind was slightly tickling her neck, but other than that she felt at peace. She let her hair down, flowing gently with each blow of the air and lightly caressing her face like a safety blanket. They swayed their hands until they had to make room for a group of people passing by.
“Jane texted me about a little get together this Friday,” She mumbled into the night, trying not to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere around them.
“Ah, yeah. Aaron told me about it, too. I guess we’re going, right?”
“Yeah, it might be nice. The girls mentioned this new club near their apartment? I think that’s where they wanted to go.”
“Cool. I could use a little break.”
As they continued their walk, Millie mostly focused on leading the way through tight London streets. Franklin’s parents rented him an apartment in the city centre, close to everything you could dream of in London. It also meant crowded streets at any hour, so to have a nice walk around the neighbourhood usually requested it to be late at night. But it didn’t matter to him, as long as he had a short commute to the office and all other things that life requested from him, within reach. There were times when he would mention coming back to Manchester and supporting his parents at their law firm, but Millie saw how much he preferred his growing career as a journalist. Mathilda and William were a generous couple, so they shared their resources with him and tried to help him get into the business as smoothly as possible. Sometimes she wanted to ask him about his permanent position at The Guardian and whether his name had anything to do with it, but she never felt comfortable enough to do it. Some things were better left unspoken.
Reaching the staircase to the station, Franklin stopped and made her turn to him and look up at his smiling face.
“Thanks for coming over tonight. I had fun.”
“Yeah, me too.” She smiled shyly, nodding her head in reassurance.
“I wish you could finally move to the city, though. It would be so much easier if you were a few blocks away.”
“You do realize that even if I moved out, it wouldn’t be anywhere nearby?” Her chuckle resonated through her body, almost as if she wanted to humour herself at the topic that had started to come up more often in their conversations.
“I could ask around the office if anyone has a room available to rent.”
“But I don’t want to share my personal space with strangers, you know this. Don’t try to change my mind about it.” She smiled tightly.
Frank has been trying to persuade her into moving out for months. He wanted to be closer to her, within a short train journey, rather than a whole commute in and out of Kingston. He felt comfortable in the business of London, and Millie liked to call him out on being spoiled by having an apartment on his own in such a lively part of the city. But she wasn’t financially ready to leave her family home in equally comfortable Southwest London, where she had all she needed within her reach, and her social life was just a tiny bit longer train trip away. It was a source of their small disputes from time to time, because it was Millie who spent more time on going to his place and spending time there. Naturally, it made her feel more engaged in their relationship and Frank tried his best make up for the difference. But one thing that never occurred, was Millie staying over for longer than a night. Even a night’s sleepover was a rare event, somehow always blessed by excuses from either one of them.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” he pecked her lips and brushed her cheek with his thumb. “I talk about it out of concern, okay?”
“Okay. But I like my train rides and I like Kingston. So let’s just deal with it for now, yeah?”
“’Course,” He sent her a tight smile before giving her one last kiss. “Text me when you get home.”
“Will do.”
Millie was one of those people who could be easily judged as thinkers. Years of taking trains and buses in and out of central London taught her to cherish every moment of peace she gets during her journeys. That’s how she learned to create playlists for each season – summer commutes were always different than autumn ones; they required different sounds and lyrical quality. Intense months during university semesters also showed her how to read fast between the stops and how to juggle standing on the tube and holding an open book without falling, as the train slowed and rushed every few seconds.
As she was approaching her station in Kingston, she stopped the music but kept her earphones in. A bunch of other people was hurrying to get out of the train and get home as soon as possible, but after leaving the station, she would have a lonely 15-minute walk to her neighbourhood, so she always tried to stay alert in the evenings. Getting on the sidewalk in the busiest area of Kingston, she closed her book and put it back in her backpack, pulled the jacket tighter around her middle and continued her steady walk.
The air was getting crispier with each minute outside. It was refreshing and calm, disturbed only by a few laughs from the pub across the street and two cars passing her by. She turned into one of the quieter streets, where the buildings were becoming shorter and more separated from each other. Brick fences and trimmed hedges adorned the concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, illuminated only by a few lanterns. Most of the light was coming from the windows in a row of semi-detached houses that Millie has known for a good chunk of her life.
Right when she wanted to cross the street and take a right, she heard a subtle clicking of a dog collar and a leash. Soft padding from the back was slowly approaching her and becoming louder, as well as someone’s whistle.
“Tess, come here!” a hushed call didn’t disrupt the peace of the night, but rather added the familiarity that Millie adored. She slowed her walk and turned around, just in time to be met with lightly jogging blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier. She panted lightly with her tongue out and reached Millie’s legs, where she tucked her head and mewled timidly.
“Oh, and who do we have here?” Millie chuckled at the dog’s persistence in keeping close. She scratched her head and patted her on the back, “are you on your evening walk, Tessa? Is that right?”
“We didn’t mean to scare you, Millie,” Dominic reached them and sent Millie a kind and apologetic smile, “good evening.”
“Hi, it’s good to see you.” She beamed at the middle-aged man, whom she learned to adore like a family member.
“Likewise, yeah. Heading home?”
“I am, just got off the train.”
“We will keep you company, then. Is that alright?” He fixed his glasses and leaned down to attach the leash to Tessa’s collar. Millie’s insides warmed and her mind calmed down at the idea that she will get to spend a few minutes with a friend.
“Absolutely, thank you.”
“Ah, don’t mention it. I bet Tom would have my head, hadn’t I offered,” they chuckled at the mention of his son. Their laughter died off comfortably and escaped into the night air, while Millie reminisced about the caring nature of the Hollands. “How is it going at BBC?” he asked after a moment, letting her go first through a narrow passage.
“It’s… going,” she smiled shyly, not sure how to dress up her words. In Dominic’s company she always felt one step behind in her creative skills; his writing and comic abilities exceeded her capabilities, or so she thought. “but I feel like I’ve definitely hit an end with politics. I know it’s only been a month, but it’s just… it keeps on proving that I should be writing about something else.”
“Oh, it’s totally understandable. Rest assured, you’re not the only one stuck like this,” They turned the corner onto her street. “but I wish you luck there. They have some sensible editors, so I assume you’ll get a chance at something else as well.”
“I hope so. Today I asked them about switching departments and the intern manager told me she will think about it, so there is a tiny light.”
“Something will always work out. You’re smart, you’ll find your way there.”
Dom and Millie continued down the sidewalk, until Tessa stopped near the gate to Millie’s house. She sniffed the pavement and turned back to the girl who crouched down to pet the Staffy one last time.
“Thanks for walking with me,” her smile was genuine, coming straight from her heart. “please say hi to Nikki and the boys. Is Sam still home?”
“He is, he starts his practice at the end of June. So, we all will be here to celebrate your birthdays.”
“Oh, that’s great! It’s been a while since we’ve all been together.”
“That’s true. But you’re welcome to stop by anytime.”
“I know, thank you.” With fondness painted across her face, she scratched Tessa’s ear and stood up straight, reaching for the keys in her pocket.
“Have a good night.”
“You too. Bye, Tess!”
Whenever she got the chance to interact with someone from their family, Millie instantly felt their love and care penetrate her straight to the core. It was this kind of relationship that had been built through the years, only making it stronger and bringing it closer to the concept of family.
Nikki, Dom’s wife and Anna, Millie’s mother met shortly before Millie and Tom were born. At first only neighbours, soon they became best friends to the point of engaging their families in a kind affair. Greetings at the doorstep turned into late night family dinners and weekends away with the kids. They were used to spending most of the birthdays and holidays together, especially when Millie and Tom’s birthdays two days apart brought them all closer. She raced her best friend in Anna’s womb and came out to this world right before the brown-haired boy. Ever since the Beavers celebrated the birth of their third and youngest daughter, the Hollands began their journey with four boys. They always stayed close and treated each other like family, deeming it necessary to nourish their friendship and turn it into something everlasting. The example of their parents taught Millie and Tom to mimic the closeness and made them create their own little world.
Millie’s older sisters also treated Tom, Harry, Sam and Paddy like brothers, but not as much as Millie did. Samantha and Liz were already grown toddlers when the families got together, so they figured more as the female patrons of their youngest sister and her adventures with the boys. But Millie and Tom’s friendship turned into something so effortless and harmless that no supervision was necessary. They were each other’s partners in crime, best friends from next door. Their mothers had signed them up for the same dance classes, helped them get to the same summer carnivals, and let them have late nights in makeshift dens. Millie was one of the first people their dog, Tessa, got familiar with. She missed him dearly when he started his journey as a young actor, but Nikki made sure he always made the time to call his best friend when the time zones were somewhat cooperating. They nurtured their friendship through Millie’s education and Tom’s career, not stopping even for a moment. He was there for her always, carrying her home when she scratched her knee after falling off the slings. She would help him with homework whenever he felt too embarrassed to ask his parents. Tom escorted her home from her disaster of a prom; he was the first one to understand her anxiety and help her through it. And Millie always read the books and scripts Tom needed to prepare for auditions. Just like that, they always found home in one another.
           Their house smelled of baking and freshly watered plants. As quietly as possible, Millie took off her shoes and tip-toed into the kitchen, turning on only the least invasive, small lights. She put down her backpack and lightly stretched, letting out a tired, yet content breath. Her eyes scanned the kitchen in search for the source of the sweet scent, and there it was, on a cooling rack in the corner, covered with a tea towel – fresh lemon sponge cake, the favourite of Millie’s mother. Lightly dusted with powdered sugar, it added an extra layer of sweet comfort to the late night’s atmosphere. She left the cake untouched, but put the kettle on to quickly make herself a cup of tea for a good night’s sleep. She let out an overwhelming yawn and rested her hips on the side of the countertop, patiently waiting for the water to boil.
           She felt her phone vibrate in the back pocket of her jeans. The brightness of the screen was almost blinding, until it adjusted to the low lighting in the room. She could feel the anticipation growing in the back of her head as she noticed a new message.
           (Tom) I got you something today
           After a second or two, a picture loaded under the message. Millie gasped and smiled like mad, when he showed her a pair of Minnie Mouse sequin ears. It was an artefact that Millie has always dreamt of, not having an opportunity to go to Disneyland ever in her childhood.  She awaited the chance with high hopes and wandering mind, but she knew the trip had to be thorough, well-planned, and wholesomely happy.
           (Me) You were in Disneyland????
           (Tom) yeah we did promo for spidey today 
           (Me) I’m so jealous rn
           (Me) THANK YOU FOR THE EARS!!!!!  
           (Tom) it’s alright
           (Tom) I didn’t get any weird looks at all
           (Tom) Just casually carried around this shiny sparkling beauty
           (Me) I bet you loved this feeling
           (Me) I bet you bought yourself a pair too
           (Tom) Don’t tell anyone
           (Me) You could always pretend they’re for Tessa
           (Me) I just saw her and your Dad btw
           Whenever her and Tom texted, it always sparked a never-ending conversation about sweet nothings. They mocked each other, talked about their days, spoke about all things home. It allowed them a safe space from their daily hustles; Millie was able to breathe lightly and happily, and Tom had a chance to detach from the world he desperately tried not to drown in.
           Almost spilling the tea, she slowly made it upstairs without losing the sight of her phone screen. She struggled to turn off the lights in the corridor without making a noise but somehow, she managed not to disturb her parents too much, as she reached her bedroom. Safe within her own little space, she put down the mug and let go of her backpack and jacket. She threw herself on the softest bedspread and waited patiently for Tom’s reply.
           The text bubble stopped and a massage didn’t appear, but her phone started ringing. Millie answered the FaceTime call and waited for the camera on his phone to adjust and show his familiar face.
           “I had a meeting with Disney and they want me to participate in one of their projects for a Marvel-themed ride at Disneyland,” from a crooked angle she could see his neatly gelled hair and uneven eyebrows. Tom was walking somewhere, but then sat down and perched his phone on the mug that stood on the coffee table, so that she could see him better.
           “That’s exciting, right?”
           “Oh, yeah!” She could see him rummage in a brown paper bag and pull out a box with some takeaway food. “But I’m telling you this because we could turn it into our Disneyland trip that you’ve wanted, right?”
           “That would be nice, yeah.” She smiled back at the screen, but a terrible yawn sneaked in to her expression. Tom scrunched his forehead and took a large sip from a bottle of water.
           “I didn’t wake you up now, did I?”
           “No, I just came back home. I am tired, though.”
           “Yeah? How was work?”
           “Stressful and not nice. It wasn’t a good day.”
           “Oh, I’m sorry. Wanna talk about it?”
           Tom spent the next minutes carefully listening to her words and trying not to spill his soup on his fresh clothes. He hummed to some of the stories and asked little intrusive questions, to get the whole picture. She kept rubbing at her eyes and stifling her yawns every now and then, at last making a mess of her mascara and getting it all over her skin. Despite the seriousness in her voice, Tom smiled fondly to himself at the view of her ruined face that probably mimicked her current mental state. It wasn’t something he should laugh about, but it was rather endearing to have her so comfortably sharing her lows with him, while he casually ate his lukewarm, very late lunch.
           “Why are you laughing at me?” She returned his smile, knowing it was probably something she did.
           “You made yourself look like panda.” He chewed on a chunk of chicken from his second plate. The wrinkles by his eyes deepened with each of her chuckles and proved to them that this is the lightness they need in their daily routines. “Well, it’s good you asked for a new placement. You should be comfortable in your work environment. I’m proud of you.”
           “Thanks,” she yawned again and stopped herself mid-rubbing her eye again, earning a wholesome, groggy laugh from her friend, “your dad thinks they will give me another chance.”
           “I mean, he knows some people there, so he probably has a point.”
           “Yeah, I just don’t want to get my hopes up too high, you know?” A comfortable silence rested between them after he nodded and continued munching on his food. Millie stood up from her bed and took the phone with her, but also started to slowly get ready for the night.
           “You will know when the moment feels right and shows you something worth a shot. Trust yourself, Mills.”
           “I guess…” she trailed off, making her way to the closet to find fresh pyjamas. “I’m glad my panda face entertained your… what is it, lunch break?”
           “Sort of, yeah,” he chuckled, enjoying the playfulness of her tired self, “I should be coming back in two weeks. We could hang out then, if you’ll have the time.”
           “Oh, for sure.”
           “Alright, I’ll let you rest. Text me anytime, yeah?”
           “I will. Thanks for the Minnie ears!”
           “You got it, Minnie Mouse. Sweet dreams.”
                                                          *  *  *
After her little mishap with Politics Live, Millie tried her best to keep up the hard work, but stay low. She tried not to focus too much attention and just assist other workers in their tasks, only coming up with ideas when necessary. She strived to come back to her public voice, but she knew she needed it to have a comfortable outlet, preferably in another setting and on different topics. She was greeting the intern manager with additional caution and kindness, trying her best not to leave her case forgotten.
Segregating files for the research team seemed to be the best solution to her temporary creative break. Her attention to detail and wholesome care about the task being done to its full potential came in handy. She volunteered to help the group of meticulously scribbling and researching men in keeping their documents in order.
The soft mumble of the radio in the background was interrupted by a guy named Tim. He always wore rock band t-shirts under his jackets and Millie swore she had seen him participate in a wild dance routine during the last year’s Glastonbury Festival. He stopped typing on his keyboard and started to quietly hum a song that was definitely different to what Scott Mills was announcing on Radio 1.
“Oh my God, do you guys know this song? I can’t get it out of my head!” he groaned in frustration, making a few people in the open space office chuckle.
“Do you know any words, maestro?” Millie’s head snapped up at the sound of Kim, the intern manager’s voice. She was passing by with a bunch of files and a coffee, before she perched herself on his desk, obviously making fun of her friend.
“It’s got this very cool, mariachi-like trumpet between the lines,” he mimicked a trumpet player and hummed some more, “and the guy sings something about stopping a feeling…”
“Justin Timberlake?”
“You know he’s not my jam, Kim! It’s an old-school song.”
“You’re the old-school one here.” Kim’s comment earned a couple more laughs at poor Tim, who was genuinely struggling. “you’re the researcher, have you googled it?”
“Of course I googled it, stop mocking me! People are watching.”
Their little light-hearted exchange brought a breezy atmosphere to the office and made Millie smile some more. She kept on looking up at Tim to check if he’s found the song he was looking for, but without luck. Her fingertips started to tingle with each swipe through the pages in a file, because she felt like she knew the song. Deciding to come against her decision to lay low, she gently cleared her throat and swallowed her nerves of speaking up in a new environment.
“Hey Tim, have you tried to find it on Spotify?” they both looked at Millie with playful smiles, as anyone would to the up and coming intern fresh out of university.
“I don’t think it’s the title of the song, so I won’t find it there.”
“But you actually could,” she offered, biting her lip nervously “since the recent update, you can now type in the lyrics into the search bar and the results will show you all licensed songs with the same or similar lyrics.” Tim instantly reached for his phone and started typing away.
“Oh really? I didn’t know that, let’s see…” Kim looked into his phone and watched his progress.
“And since you’ve remembered a catchy verse, it’s very possible that others also tried to find this song through the same words. So, it will probably come up within the first few results.”
“Alright, smarty.” He shook his head in amusement. Millie watched as Kim’s face got ridden of any emotion and just stared at Tim’s work.
“But if nothing comes up, you can always try ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ by Blue Swede.”
Millie waited with racing heart at their reactions. Tim clicked on one of the results and raised the volume, filling the room with a sound so familiar to Millie’s memory. She smiled shyly and internally patted herself on the back, before coming back to her task.
           “How did you know this song?” His triumphant smile was radiating, as he did a little dance in his seat and twirled on his rolling chair. “It’s such an old tune, I didn’t think your generation would know it!”
           “Yeah Millie, how did you know?” Kim encouraged his question and watched her carefully, almost as if she was studying her intern.
           “It’s in the soundtrack to Guardians of the Galaxy. I wrote a paper on it.”
           “Hm.” Kim’s unreadable expression was giving Millie chills, but in a positive way. She liked to be asked about things that interested her and prompted her to be creative, so the way this situation evolved was close to burst her heart into passionate flames. “I’ll ask the Radio managers if they want a music and pop culture geek, how’s that sound?”
           It sounded like Millie put the trust in herself at the right time.  
tagged: @peeterparkr @katieraven @kozybear@sunsetholland @hey-marlie @lauras-collection@cunaeparker @constellationsv @heyhihellowhatsup0 @spideyspeaches
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𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐬
Bloodborne is a perfect video game to some people.
Bloodborne is a critically acclaimed video game.
Bloodborne is beloved by a shockingly active fanbase given its status as a single game released over 5 years ago.
My most popular post on this blog is a “quick tip” reminding people that the player character model has a highly detailed spinal protrusion. This post was popular because I used simple sentences and the word “sexy” while talking about a popular video game on Tumblr.com
My best friend’s Aunt loves playing Bloodborne. Her son, who played in an emo band and grew up with Danganronpa, has also loved Bloodborne since he was 13.
Bloodborne is exactly what people who hate video games hate about video games, right down to the presence of guns.
Bloodborne is also exactly what your run of the mill game reviewers are always saying they want: tonal cohesion and consistency, with story and gameplay harmonizing in a singular and jaw-droppingly detailed setting.
My friend at age 7, Evan, would have loved Bloodborne, because “you can kill in it”.
I lived with someone whose primary hobby was working out, who plays maybe one video game per year, and he and I devoured Bloodborne together. We made fun of it the whole time for being stupid and unfair, but never earnestly considered dropping the game. Our character was named Chad. He used the worst, slowest, dumbest weapon in the game, the Kirkhammer, nearly exclusively, and had an orange face shaped like a crescent moon. We never touched his Arcane or Bloodtinge stats, despite hitting the “soft cap” on strength-related damage increases about 1/3 the way through the game. We hit level 105 within 44 hours of play, and made a joke of the game’s “true” final boss. We then joked about how dumb that ending was, and put it away, before years later playing through Sekiro together and treating it with an earned sense of extreme reverence.
I have an incredibly close friend who once told me they “play video games for the writing”. Not even the story, but the writing. Bloodborne is one of their favorite games. They relate to it on a personal level given their life experiences. They are probably the closest thing to an expert on Bloodborne lore someone can even be without making things up. This person is also a professional games journalist, whose work I read consistently and dutifully.  I consulted with them before writing this article, to see what they thought about some of my more negative opinions on the game. I asked what they thought about the fact that you can fist a pig to death in the game, and how the game design essentially begs the player to do it at times. They called me a crass term for female genitalia. Well, I would rather be someone who gets called a pussy than someone who calls others pussy for their opinions on a video game.
My best friend Aidan, a successful and well-adjusted scientist, athlete, and off-and-on hardcore gamer, took one look at the game, the pig fisting, and the dismal nighttime setting, and determined that Demons’ Souls and Dark Souls were more his thing
My former co-director at our now-defunct video game studio, Studio Casting Key, likes Bloodborne. He and I played it together online. He paid for my PS+ account, because he’s a good friend, and friends don’t let friends pay for Playstation Plus. He and I were doing research for a Lovecraft-inspired RPG we were concepting at the time. He lamented that Bloodborne’s developers clearly wanted players to engage with its story and characters, but needlessly obscured much of that content from them. I disagreed at the time. I make it a habit to disagree with people when I talk to them, in order to coax out a more nuanced and intelligent version of their opinion from their subconscious. Playing “devil’s advocate” (the devil in this case, fittingly, being Bloodborne) I said that I liked how obscure the story and side content was, because it’s “more eldritch that way”. I said I wanted our game to be a card game where the cards are written in a fictional language, and the only way to learn what they did would be through play, but many of them would have disastrous consequences. Then he said he said something or other about his favorite character, whose name I struggle to recall even now, having fully completed her storyline in my third playthrough. I didn’t know who he was talking about, but silently felt cool for not caring one way or the other, because caring about the story in a game like Bloodborne was, to me, nonsensical. I was, like Micholash, Host of the Nightmare, from Bloodborne, navel-gazing hard.
Over the course of our playthrough, my friend’s internet-approved build was causing him frustration. He said that building up beasthood was impossible. I thought he was dumb to try and do something the internet said would work. I had no idea what beasthood even meant. I have currently played Bloodborne for well over 100 hours and have still never actually filled that stupid beasthood meter. That mechanic is stupid. It’s the developers’ fault for putting it in the game, not my friend’s fault for assuming a mechanic in the game would “work” or “be fun” just because it was in the game. We continued to take turns making fun of the game and praising its sound design (which, when listened to alone with headphones, actually includes a lot of glitches, such as the same one second loop of audio sometimes repeating endlessly during the battle against Rom, the Vacuous Spider, or the painful pop which damages my $500 Bowers and Wilkins headphones every hour or so during regular play) until reaching Micholash, Host of the Nightmare, and stopping because that fight was “stupid”. “Why would they even put a puzzle boss in a Souls game”, we wondered aloud as we gave up on the game for what once again, felt like the last time.
Why, then, did I return to Bloodborne, a game I only ever pretended to be interested in as a way of relating to my more casual gaming friends, and spend all of my free time for the last month on a 100% playthrough of the game, reading every bit of text I could find within the game and online? Because, as fans of this blog (if any exist) would know (if they existed), I played Demons’ Souls, and discovered just how rich the “Souls” series of games can be when one devotes 100% of their attention to playing and understanding them. Demons’ souls has puzzle bosses, and they are awesome and meaningful. Bloodborne, I assumed, must share the worldly perspective of the other games in its “series”.
Unfortunately, Bloodborne is not in the Demons’ Souls series of games. Bloodborne is what happened when From Software stopped being the dark horse game developers who made that weird flop Demons’ Souls (you know, that timeless masterpiece that changed gaming forever?), so Sony begged them to come back home (and bring their die-hard audience). From Software, now a ravenous beast reveling madly in the blood (money) of its fandom, could not resist Sony’s Pungent Blood Cocktail (money), and devised to create a game so utterly appealing to gamer bros and modern game critics alike, that they would all have to buy Sony’s bloodbourne (Uyghur slave labor driven) game console, the PS4.
Yeah, Bloodborne does have some themes in it. I personally love the theme of people getting so caught up in fantasy/ideals/religion that they let the real world fall to pieces. It’s just too bad the whole thing feels so totally lacking in self-awareness. It’s practically hypocrisy. As if getting to NG+7 is any more noble than Micholash, a villain of the game, spending all his days lost in a dream, vainly searching for meaning where there is none. Video games are basically the new religion anyway (especially if you correctly think of modern social media websites/apps as giant, horribly managed MMOs). Back in the day, people used to spend their free time in real life, thinking about real life, and having ideas about real life that they called religion. People kept building on those ideas, and they got pretty unwieldy, especially with all the money involved. Nowadays, people spend all their free time in video games, thinking about video games, and having ideas about video games that they call content. People kept making content, content about content, and content about that, until it got pretty unwieldy, especially with all the money involved. Attention has always been monetized, but I guess everyone’s just gonna keep letting it happen in this current form until we start having wars over the stuff. Then they’ll invent something else.
Near the beginning of this game, a little girl asks you to help her find shelter after you kill her father, who had become an insane killing machine. You tell her where to go. Then you go there, and she’s not there, like every other character you’ve led to safety. If you return to the place you met her, she’s gone. For most people who even make it this far into the quest, it ends here, with a big unsatisfying question mark. I looked it up, and she died on the way to the safe house. The only way to tell is to kill an enemy you have no reason to return to and see that he has a bow you never saw the girl wearing in the first place (she isn’t modeled). How were you supposed to find that? Was I supposed to go searching the city, worried sick (I was), until I found this? It’s extremely stupid, because if the game had allowed me to do as I pleased, I never would tell a little kid to run through a gauntlet of madmen and monsters by herself, I would have escorted, or even carried her. From Software didn’t let me do that, however, because that would mean modeling the girl, or worse, letting me kill her. You see, it was part of their design philosophy at the time that just like the “enemies”, any character you can see, you can kill. This philosophy led to a lot of interesting decisions in the Dark Souls games, but those games never featured any child characters, likely for this reason. This makes suddenly seeing a child, and having the option to save them, hit so hard at first; you feel like you’re saving the last sliver of hope and innocence in a world gone mad. This makes it feel all the more pointless and contrived when she dies due to the developers refusing to go all-in on their own design philosophy. Instead of making another game about moral choices, self-sacrifice, and the relative easiness of doing things the wrong way, From Software chose to rob their players of any real meaning this scene would’ve had in the name of keeping the game “consistent” and “cohesive” (my least favorite words in modern games discourse).
Enemies bleed when you attack them. Your character can get blood on them. It’s a great feature that adds a bit more ickiness and realism to your actions, making you feel a bit like a monster yourself at times. However, the blood effects are so stupidly exaggerated, that your entire character can become dyed red in a way that is only ever (unintentionally?) hilarious. If it is intentionally hilarious, then the game should try to say something with that humor, and double down on it. As it stands, Bloodborne is a ridiculously stone-faced game that tries so hard to make you feel bad, while doing what Killer 7 (consuming your enemies copious blood spray), No More Heroes (blood rain, hyper-gore moves), and Space Funeral (overuse of proper nouns containing the word “blood”, Leg Horse) did as satirical jokes making fun of this exact type of excessiveness. Bloodborne also has serious elements in common with those same games (uncertainty over who the real victim is, hallucinations, kidnapping/abduction, trauma, enemies that sound something like a real person in severe pain/anguish), but it dives so head-first into the deep end of edginess for the sake of edginess, that it reduces the impact of its violence when it actually has something to say about pain/trauma/mental health. 
Also, you can fist a pig to death in this game, and the game design practically begs you to do it.
It’s ridiculous failures of game design like these that cause people to not take video game experiences seriously. It’s moments of investment in a story or theme or tone being subverted by nothing but cowardly game design, a refusal to create additional assets, and over-adherence to a tone or theme regardless of how the player is made to feel in real life, that causes gamers to grow desensitized and turn to stupid jokes when discussing the medium, as opposed to real criticism of games as art, not just entertainment.
I refuse to laugh it off and say “it’s just a game, dude”, because I really do love video games. To shrug away these tone-deaf moments would be to dismiss all the genuine emotional experiences I’ve had with games, including the genuinely funny ones.
I refuse to let my $30, 130 hour investment in a video game control my emotional responses!
I refuse to become an insensitive, unthinking, sarcastic person in the name of turning off my brain and enjoying a game for the gameplay!
I can enjoy gameplay WHILE thinking deeply about a game and its place in the world, and I can do it while MOSTLY criticizing the game!
If you can’t do that, you’re probably too young to be playing a game like this! This is why we call it M for Mature, because it takes MATURITY to spend time with a flawed and excessively dark game like this and NOT get weirdly desensitized!
Brains on people!
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Shadow Into Light (Lena Retrospective): Friendship Hates Magic! (Commission by WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome, and to some of you welcome back to Shadow Into Light, my fully paid for but gladly done Lena retrospective, covering everyone’s faviorite lesbian emo shadow’s personal jounrey through all three seasons and some brucey bonuses.
So this time we pick up in mid-season 2.. yes MID season 2. Though for once taking so long to adress things had valid reasons. It dosen’t make the 8 month wait for Lena to return and for Violet to show up, her concept art having been shown off shortly before Shadow War aired during San Diego Comic Con, any less aggravating, especially since the episode did air overseas before that but never leaked anywhere properly. So I knew she’d be okay but not HOW. 
As I said though.. they had their reasons. The episode was set for episode 8 in production order, right behind whatever Happened to Della Duck? which answered the other big cliffhanger from season 1, Della’s exile on the moon. So while this episode was back in the queue, along with Della’s, which had to wait till after the christmas episode to air because said episode takes place before it. So waiting on this episode was fair on the crew’s part even knowing it was a hiatus. 
It ended up getting pushed back by a week once the episodes started airing.. but as outlined last time, THIS TIME Disney actually moved it for good reason instead of just doing so because shut up. See the problem with moving episodes around in season 2.. is Della’s return. Several episodes that in theory could’ve easily been pushed back instead of this one, Depths of Cousin Fethry, Treasure of the Found Lamp... couldn’t because they take place BEFORE Della came back and it’d be weird to air them after.  One features Donald, the other dosen’t but still lacks Della and it’d be weird if it did> While this episode takes place before Della comes back or was at least meant to, no one appears in person, and Beakly mentoning “the boys and scrooge” at the bin could simply be her forgetting Della’s a part of things for a second. It’s not entirely in character, but it’s much easier than explaning why Della’s not there and Donald is. 
They also moved one episode ahead of this.. but it’s one I approve of. See from episode 7 onward the episodes were aired in week long duckbombs, woo-ooo. I I don’t fault disney for it or the reason I suspect they had for doing this: while it wasn’t the intended way of airing, they likely did this airing style to get shows on Disney Plus quicker for it’s debut and given they’ve sunk a LOT of money into the streaming service and it’s a key part of their future, I can’t blame them for wanting the entire series thus far on the platform at launch. It’s one of if not their most popular show at the moment. They wanted it front and center. 
So this one took an extra week to air, and an extra day as they aired raiders of the doomsday vault right after Della’s return in “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!”.. which is also not a bad move. Fans wanted more of Della and her bonding with the kids, I wanted more of that so while the wait was grumble inducing, it was worth the tradeoff to get more of this character and her bonding with Dewey.. and let’s face it Glomgold.  You know what i’m about at this point. 
So there were delays but not the mind boggling ones that reshuffled the season last time and by next season there’d be zero reshuffling with both holiday episodes designed to go anywhere. So with the history and the agonizing wait out of the way join me under the cut as a snark knight returns, a new fan faviorite debuts and Beakly gets sucked into Launchpad’s awful fandom. 
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We open our story at the Duckburg Library. Man I fucking miss the library. I mean you can go by apointment and what not but I also have library card debt and stuff, and it’s just not the same. 
Anyways naturally Webby is going there to research the Shadow Realm in hopes of finding something to bring Lena back. Last week was “Children’s Card Games, Dark Magic and You! by Professor Yugi Moto which while enlightening got her nowhere. Next up is “Shadow Games on Motorcycles!: How a Crimson Dragon defeated a giant Shadow Monster and brought the dead back and I helped by Doctor Yusei Fudo”. 
But that one’s not in yet so she instead goes to the Librarian to get another book.. and it’s Quackfaster! Horay! As for why she’s working two jobs, she’s saving up for a retirement condo in BIRDDDBAAADDOOOSSSSS. I had to type it that way it’s ape law. 
But her next book “I Went there and it Sucked, My Time in the Shadow Realm by Mayor of New Jersey Joey Wheeler” is taken by “another strange little girl”. Quackfaster, you chase people around with a scimitar. Just accept your the weird one and live with it like me. You’ll be happier that way. 
And so we finally meet Violet whose introduced pitch perfectly. Webby gives out her usual “Hi I”m Webby”.. and Violet simply holds a finger up, finishes her page and gives a simple “Yes?” It demonstrates her quite nature, her love of reading and her lack of social skills all in one fell swoop. The ensuing dead language off is also pretty damn adorable reminding me of that scene from “Lisa’s Wedding” where she and Hugh fight over a book and reading it before making out.. minus the making out because these are children, no one wants that, and Webby is taken. .and even then again children. Most we get is an innocent peck and some blushing. 
So Violet, finding out Webby needs it and is researching the arcane too offers to research together tonight, bringing a sleeping bag just in case it goes on long... to Lena’s unheard objections as she’s rattled by the break in her normal routine with Webby, and the possibility of Webby falling for someone else. I mean this i framed as a friendship thing... but you can only say “friend” so many times in a work before you sound like a retired grandma in denial about their granddaughter. 
Later at the Mansion, Beakley is enjoying a nice quiet afternoon to herself. Turns out once a month Scrooge has “Binventory Day” where he and the boys catalogue the bin for hours giving her a night to herself and Webby. Webby loudly interuppts the peace as is Cartoon Law, but Beakley is pleased Webby is getting back on the friendship horse. 
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Bentina ends up ruining it a bit though by bringing up her previous slumber party disasters... which even Lena at her most jealous admits were her fault and only agrees to in the hopes Webby’s going to cancel. Instead Webby decides to make this the most normal sleepover ever! The one where her new friend is coming to specifically help her with magic. 
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 Bentina tries to back her grandaughter/daughter down from this insane logic, but Webby does, if innocently clap back well to her being the one to give her “Be yourself” advice.  “I’m not like you Granny, I need to have friends”
And while Webby quickly flees after Beakley tries to deny it.. she’s not wrong. She has exactly one friend who she works for and no social life to speak of.. and as far as I can tell she’s fine this way. Beakley is happy with her work and raising Webby and has someone to talk to in Scrooge. She has everything she needs, while Webby is a social butterfly.. a socially inept social butterfly. She needs people and loves meeting new people and needs friends and not just her family. One’s an introvert the other’s an extrovert. I’m both at times, and before you ask why yes it is a living nightmare thank you so much for asking. I get where both are coming from. And Beakley clearly had friends at one point it’s just a long war with FOWL and a sudden granddaughter probably whittled it down to just Scrooge. It’s okay to be yourself. 
So this is where the plotlines split off, so as usual, i’m splitting the up. 
Launchpad and Beakley in Getting To Know You And Getting Sucked INto Your Strange and Lovely Fandom
So Beakley naturally cries out “name one person I don’t get along with.. and in walks Launchpad , Nature’s Perfect Himbo, having destroyed the gate and at least being honest he probably will again. Why he’s here when the boys and Scrooge are all gone? 
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But I don’t care as this subplot is just.. a nonstop delight. Starting with Beakly inviting Launchpad to sup with her.. which just confuses him. Look Bentina you have to use small words.. it’s a miracle he gets up in the morning, dreses himself and hasn’t died in a tragic gasoline fight accident. You have to know your audience. Still funny.
And “not knowing your audience” continues as Beakly serves them pea soup but Launchpad is intimidated by the spoons and while she does offer to help instead tries to use all of them then a straw and then falls facedown in his soup. And this is the SECOND TIME Beakly’s left someone living at the mansion to die. I mean that’s not a lot but it’s still weird it happened twice. 
Finally they sit quitely, Beakly reading the Scarlet Pimpernell, and Launchpad doing a coloring book. And besides the odd couple energy what I really like about this subplot.. is that it fleshes Beakly out> This is one of her ONLY plots in the entire goddamn series, yes really. 70 episodes and she only got five spotlight episodes/plots. But it does at least show her off: her upperclass pedigree we really don’t see often, showing that while she applied to the job as maid out of necisity she knows her stuff, her love of classic literature and her being out of touch with the common person. It’s not a ton but it’s more than ninja butler or “stop having fun with your kids della and be a parent”. I mean she wasn’t wrong but she could’ve been nicer about it given the circumstances. 
So Launchpad, given Beakley’s never shown any interest in him as a person before, assumes she’s going to fire him and was just softening him up. I mean Scrooge himself outright said he never would and if he did he’d do it to your face, hard as it’d be. But that aside, he’s fine with getting to know her once he knows that no he’s not being fired she just wanted to hang out, he’s everyone’s friend. But naturally an upperclash british former super spy and a dumb as a bucket with a heart of gold pilot have nothing in common, not even aircraft as “plane go up, plane crash going down’ is about the extent of his actual knowledge on aircraft that isn’t instinct or dumb luck. 
He does manage to break the ice though, mistaking her book for a Darkwing Duck book and deciding to show her the show since it might be something they have in common. At first she’s as unintuhsed as you’d expect a british lady who never watches the telly watching a 90′s kids show would be.. but by the end she’s gotten all the way into it.
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 It’s really endearing, showning that two vastly diffrent people with nothing can common can be brought together by something as simple and glorious as liking the same show. I’ve had it happen with me. She naturally is all for filiming his fanscript after the finale provides no answers, being the one to suggest it and the two end the episode shooting it with her in full darkwing duck cosplay. I’ts a cute and entertaining subplot and a nice contrast to the main plot which while not super dark, does have a fog of tension over it. Speaking of which. 
Webby, Lena and Violet: In Two’s Company, Three Accidently Creates Monsters That Nearly Take Your Girlfriend Off Into The Shadowy Abyss So the slumber party gets underway with Webby shooing away Duckworth after clearing out her room to greet Violet herself and violet having brought pie... a great callback to an earlier joke where Webby wondered if pie was normal at a sleepover. No but it should be. So Webby welcomes her in to her totally normal room devoid of anything. Nothing suspicious about that. 
So Violet tries to get her into research, specifically Tulpas, an actual magical concept, a mental construct of some kind created out of desire, imagination or what have you. Gee I wonder if that will come into play this episode. Webby.. wants to play baggle or what have you or do makeovers and drags Violet along to do the second thing after Violet asks about Magica.  Lena then finds something glowing in Violet’s bag...specifically, her old amulet, cracked but still working and flowing with Magica’s power. 
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Lena assumes Violet is Magica and goes to warn Webby only to find her HORRIBLY MUTATED! Naturally it’s a misdirect, as it turns out Violet is just REALLY good at special effects makeup. It’s something I honestly forgot about her... i’m betting one of her dad’s is an effects artist. Just saying that’d be neat. But Webby gives the “i’m normal really even though I live in a giant mansion with my dad I don’t know is my dad and my grandma whose actually my adopted mom” game away by pointing out the demon’s fang is crooked and Violet is curious and heads to Webby’s room finding a picture from said demon. He signed it and everything. Good man that Rakshaka. 
Webby is worried Violet will be freaked out by all the weird but nope, she enjoys it. And it’s not a suprise: violet is actively researching the shadow dimension. Why WOULD she be scared off. The conflict was in Webby’s head all along.. and partly out of PTSD, but we’ll get to that. Webby still tries to get her to baggle but they settle on ancient rune dice baggle and summoning some spirits. Lena scoffs.. until it actually works. It does make sense though: As we’ll see in her last starring role, Lena is kinda like Wanda Maximoff: she has an extreme amount of power but she has no idea how to use it and is simply making up most of her magic as she goes along or took magica’s lead. But the spell means Lena can touch the dice so she spells out don’t trust her.. but forgets she’s dealing with two nerds who love unlocking puzzles and assume the message is on the dice themselves. 
Webby and Violet decide they need more clarity and resume the seance.. which summons mysterious white shadow creatures Lena saw before.. .some now taking Magica’s shape. And Lena’s panicked “Oh not again” says it all. So Lena tries the tried and true bedsheet ghost cliche, grumbling about it but showing up as a ghost without any abillity to speak or talk to webby dosen’t do anything and Violet tackles the sheet before deciding to grab the amulet to dispiate the spirit.. only for Lena to show up for a breif second before she does show making the panicked child look incredibly supscious. 
Webby naturally tackles and interrogates Violet wanting the full story. And it turns out the big secret is.. Violet is entirely normal. Nothing to do with Magica, no possesions or secretly being her or a minon of hers... she was just a logic obsessed 12 year old who thought magic was a myth.. until the Shadow War proved “Nope it’s real everything you know is wrong. Up is down black is white and short is long”. She just happened to be close to the bin and found the amulet when the remains of the staff fell near her and compacted back into it. 
It’s a brilliant reveal. See first watch around your genuinely unsure if Violet is a real person or not.. unless you went in knowing she is, but semantics. Point is most first time viewers didn’t know she’d be a beloved member of the supporting cast and didn’t know what to expect. But looking back... it makes no sense. If Magica had the amulet.. why would she need to infiltrate the mansion. Revenge? Possibly but she’d want Scrooge there too. Even being evil on her own Violet had valid opportunity to pilfer Webby’s magical items, she has an entire box of magic rocks right there and then simply zap her with the amulet. But she didn’t.. because Violet is a person.  When she DOES use it she’s utterly terrified, and we can see her breathing heavy, scared.. something Magica has NEVER been of Lena. To Violet it was just a ghost. Webby hadn’t told her about lena and any information she had about her was second hand from newspapers and the like. 
Webby is sympathetic, as Violet’s feeling of being sheltered from this greater world naturally resonates and while Lena is still supscious, having reincorperated, it’s clear Webby trusts violet and simply dosen’t want to loose another friend to magic. Here trying to hide it now takes another tone.. she knows Lena was behind it.. but is so afraid of it consuming violet the way it did Lena, she forgets almost ALL of the weird magic stuff in sleepovers was magica’s manipulation, and that Lena died because her creator was a monster, not because of magic. Magic is not inherently good or bad, it just is, and that will come back as a theme in a few episodes. It allowed Magica to ravage the town and kill Lena.. but it allowed Lena to exist in the first place and while the terrible events with Magica clearly shook her.. it also shook violet out of her complacency and got her to research a world she never would’ve considered. Good can come from bad. 
And it’s with this in mind that Violet.. does not give up. She’s stayed in her box enough.. and now she knows the spirit is a friendly one.. she figures they can bring Lena BACK using the amulet. After all it was lena’s and the source of her powers.. it might be the key to reiviving her. And while Lena, if invisibly as always, remarks it’s dangerous.. Webby, with no hesitation agrees to get her girlfriend back. It’s risky sure.. but what Lena hasn’t gotten is she’s WORTH the list. She’s so full of self loathing from both her manupations of webby and Magica’s gaslighting and abuse that she can’t see herself being worth anything even as Webby spent MONTHS trying to save her, clearly still loves her, and only didn’t want violet getting hurt because she misses her.  Webby still loves and needs her for who Lena is.. Lena just can’t it and it hurts to think about that. 
So the girls once again try to summon Lena and it starts to work.. but also summons the Tulpa’s back... this time taking Magica’s form and causing a suspcious lena to panic.. and suck both of them into the shadow realm. We get the reunion we’ve been waiting for as Webby tackle hugs her happily.
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But it’s soon cut short as Lena still thinks Violet is just manipulating Webby, lying to her and that “she’s mine!”
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For the record Joss Whedon sucks, not taking that out on Anthony Stewart Head  or the guys who actually wrote the episode. Moving on. 
I feel Lena’s jealousy comes from the aformentioned self loathing, mixed with a life of having to live just to surivive at the beck and call of a throughly awful person who didn’t consider her a sentient being worthy of anything especially love. She can’t fathom anyone else loving Webby the way she does because she feels once webby has anyone else.. she won’t need her. It’s toxic and wrong.. but it’s easy to see why that’d happen when sh’es only had one healthy relationship. She barely knows the boys, Beakly only grew to tolerate her and she was only friends with Scrooge for like.. a minute. Webby is the only person she knows, loves and trusts and she just can’t risk loosing that and can’t convince herself to share. 
In a realistic scenario Lena would have to simply learn to trust and let her girlfriend have other relationshps and that hogging her all to herself is inhernetly toxic and bad. And while she still does we’re talking about a living pile of shadows smooching a clone, so yeah instead the tulpas come out and drag her off..and take Lena’s form. While Lena tries to blame Violet, Violet has absolutley none of that and makes Lena see the hard truth: Lena is so worried about being forgotten, she created the tulpas by accidnet. As I said her power is raw and unfocused.. so she didn’t do it on purpose nor did she realize how toxic she was being. This finally snaps Lena back to reality, and see Violet geniunely cares about Webby and any ulterior motives were just in her head, so the two agree to work together, using a similar chant to the one from Jaws to destroy the Tulpas and save Webby.
So the shadow realm is disapated and our trio are returned to the human world.. but Lena, not being part of it and no longer having a tether.. starts to disolve, with a really heartbreaking scene of Webby holding her hand, as does violet. But.. then a miracle happens. Since the Bracelet was Lena’s link to Webby, and to her own magic, with it and the amulet close by.. both swirl around Lena, and the power of love.. for a new friend and a first love... revivies her. Mist parts.. and we get one heartwarming sign that after all this time  “I’m back?!” Lena is confused.. but once again part of this plane of reality. She’s free and WEbby triumphanthly hugs her with Violet joining in. By letting go of her hate.. Lena returned to who she loved. They also run into the end of the other subplot and Launchpad’s casual hey lena is just great. 
So our heroes are reunited and doing horror makeup and I really love Webby’s updo here and wish more works fan nd otherwise used it. WE get a final fakeout as Lena seemingly disovles and Violet reveals herself as magica.. only for it to be a prank and Webby to just be glad the love of her life and her new best friend get a long. We get one last hearwarming image and we close out.. with Lena finally having what she always wanted freedom. And while she may not know it yet in accepting violet.. she’s finally found family. More on that in a few weeks. 
Final Thoughts: This episode is excellent. It’s not the best of the Lena arc, that comes next and it does drag once or twice.. but overall it’s a really great character piece, with a nice ballance betwen the tense main plot and the funny and goofy subplot. It adds more to Lena’s character, finally brings her back, while giving us a new and throughly fascenating new character to rave about in Violet, as well as giving Webby her own personal squad. It’s a great episode.. and only leads to a better one. But we’ll get to that in a week or so. First we have a bit of a detour and my plug. 
If you liked this review, follow for more, spread it around, and join my patreon. It’s almost time for new patreons to pay up and if you hit my stretch goal i’ll review a darkwing duck episode next month and every month! We’re just five bucks away people! And if you’d like to just comission a review directly it’s just 5 bucks an episode and avaliable via my dms, ask or discord. 
Next Time on Shadow Into Light: We take a break from the last two Lena episodes to go to one of her sources as we head back to Ducktales 87 with Magica’s Shadow War! I know almost nothing going in so... Shadow betrayals and stuff? Yay?
Tommorow: It’s Fenton’s birthday! And since i’ve done a LOT of ducktales recently and can’t do super ducktales till I hit my next stretch goal at 25 bucks, we’re going back to ST Canard at long last for Gizmoducks second apperance.. which can’t possibly be worse than the first so i’m excited. Let’s get dangerous tommorow!
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slashthedice · 4 years
I’m not sure if you would count this as a request (just ignore it if you do) but how old do you think all the dead by daylight killers are?
Not at all! This is a really good question! I hope it’s alright if I only do the original killers since most of the licensed ones have established canon ages. These are just my thoughts based on what I got out of the character’s lore and the lore of their associated maps.
Evan MacMillan - The Trapper: 30-35 years old
The first age we hear discussed for Evan is 14 in the Archives (yes, I know I dislike and mostly ignore the horrible retconning the Archives do, but sometimes they offer a good baseline). Based on the lore and the appearance of his unmasked character model, I would place him in his early to mid thirties.
Philip Ojomo - The Wraith: 24-27 years old
I believe that Philip was probably young when he moved to Canada, maybe between the ages on 19-23. It seems like he worked for Autohaven Wreckers for quite some time before he found out the awful things that were going on and he had unwittingly been apart of, but I would still guess that he was fairly young.
Max Thompson Jr. - The Hillbilly: 20-25 years old
Max is absolutely still relatively young. I would say he’s probably similar in age to Philip. I headcanon that the Entity “spoke” to Max for a long time before he finally killed his parents, easily influencing his thoughts and feelings since his parents had never nurtured him in any meaningful way. The Entity would want him in his prime, but I’m not sure if his physical condition affects his health in any way, and if it would affect his lifespan, so the Entity may have taken him while he was still young.
Sally Smithson - The Nurse: 40-48 years old
So, we know that Sally was married before she went to Crotus Prenn. We also know that based on the style of her nursing uniform she was likely working sometime between the years of 1895 and about 1910, so I would guess that (based on trends of the time) that she was married in her twenties, likely early to mid. Her lore states that she worked at Crotus Prenn for two decades, which would put her somewhere in her forties.
Lisa Sherwood - The Hag: 25-35 years old
Because of the connotations of her title as “hag” and the Grandma’s Cookbook offering, I always thought of Lisa as being older. However, as I take a closer look at her lore, it seems to me that she may be much younger than I originally would have guessed. The cookbook belonged to the family of cannibals that kidnapped her, it was not her own. Her lore also mentions “the elders” who taught her the symbols, on which basis I would guess Lisa is not apart of those considered to be elders, meaning she’s at the very least not elderly. There is also no mention of Lisa having any family. She’s a difficult one, and if I knew from where she was heading home when she was kidnapped I might have better insight, but I would say that she could be anywhere from mid-twenties to thirties.
Herman Carter - The Doctor: 31-40 years old
So the first thing we are told about Herman in his lore is that he was published in high school and then fast tracked into the advanced neuroscience program at Yale within the year, likely making him 18 or 19 at the time. He was then transferred to Léry's Memorial Institute where he was trained and mentored by Stamper, which I’m guessing took place over a span of time that was likely a few years. Based on this I’m guessing that he was between the ages of 24-27 when he was given his own office/experiment space and Project Awakening was approved. It’s stated that over the years he became known as The Doctor. I’m not sure for how long Herman worked within the bounds of the MK Ultra project, but since I’m assuming his use of ECT and Project Awakening are based on the Montreal Experiments which took place between 1957 and 1964 I think it would be safe to posit a timeline of 7 years which would place Herman somewhere between 31 and 34, although I believe he may be as old as 40 based upon renderings of his character model without the headgear and the real life ages at the time of those heading projects within the CIA funded MK Ultra.
Anna - The Huntress: 23-25 years old
So, I had hoped to find more information about Anna from the origins of her lullaby, but unfortunately I could find little information about its origin. We know that she was very young when her mother was killed, I’m guessing between the ages of 7 and 10. It’s stated that she “got older and stronger and practised her hunt”. By that time I would have to guess she was between 16 and 18. Once she began to hunt humans, she had to have time to collect multiple little girls and unfortunately watch them die, putting her (by my best guess) between 21 and 23. Her lore then describes German soldiers coming into her territory which I believe would have been in 1916 and that she disappeared by the end of the war which was 1918 (unless we’re talking Russia’s exit from WW1 which I believe was in 1917). That means that by the time the Entity took her, she was 25 at the oldest.
Kenneth Chase - The Clown: 58-61 years old
For some reason my brain is telling me that Kenneth is 61, but I can’t find anything concrete to support that. So here’s what we know definitively: Kenneth was born in 1932, and he left home in 1954 when his father found his collection and he was 22. He then integrated himself into a traveling circus where he stayed for the next decade, putting him at 32 years old. After that he roamed and acted as a parasite until the Entity took him. However, a clue comes in the form of his VHS add on. The distribution of pornography on VHS tapes was popularized in the 1980′s, which means he was at least 48 when he acquired said tape, though its description as “an all time classic” leads me to believe that he had it for a decent stretch of time. So I would probably place him between the ages of 58 and my original guess of 61.
Rin Yamaoka - The Spirit: 20-22 years old
Rin is stated to be attending a private university at the time of her father’s mental break and attack on both her and her mother. There had to have been time for the bills to pile up between her university costs and her mother’s health expenses, which leads me to believe that she had been attending classes for at least a couple years. This would place her between the ages of 20 and 22.
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey - The Legion: 19 (Frank) & 18 (Julie, Susie, and Joey)
I’ve discussed this one before, but I base my HC for the ages of the Legion based on Frank’s canonically established aged, and the devs stating that all of their characters are over the age of 18.
Adiris - The Plague: 19-22 years old
I could talk about Adiris for hours, but I’ll try to keep this one short. Adiris’s lore states that when she came of age she attended to the priests that were performing rituals and services to worship the Sea-Goat. Chronological age was not of particular importance to Babylonians so on the basis that “coming of age” is used in reference to a time when a young woman is ready to be married, I referred to Martha T. Roth’s paper Age at Marriage and the Household: A Study of Neo-BabyIonian and Neo-Assyrian Form and concluded that Adiris would likely have been between the ages of 15-18. After this, Adiris assisted in many rituals and cleansings as plague spread through the city of Babylon. I’m guessing that it was a couple years before all of the priests at the Temple of Purgation were unable to continue their duties leaving Adiris as the only one able to carry on. She would have needed time to amass her devoted followers and treat them before she herself began to show signs of infection. She then went to great lengths in an attempt to purge the plague from her body, which would have taken time. By the time of her self-imposed exile and subsequent death, I would place her between 19 and 22.
Kazan Yamaoka - The Oni: Thirties
I admittedly have not had as much time to do research and develop a concrete headcanon for Kazan’s age, but there are a few bits of his lore that can help to formulate a basic age range. We know for a fact that Kazan was married and had a son, and that his son was old enough to climb and play in order for him to have his accident. Based upon this and renderings of the Oni without his mask, I would guess that he’s in his thirties.
Caleb Quinn - The Deathslinger: 44-48 years old
Caleb is another character that I have not spent very much time with. In his lore, the only set amount of time that we are made aware of is the 15 years in which he was imprisoned, and then the six years in which he led the Hellshire gang. That’s at least 21 years of his adult life. I’m assuming that Caleb was a young adult when he first began working for Bayshore (probably between the ages of 18 and 21). It would have taken time for Caleb to create his inventions, and then for Bayshore to sell the designs and for those designs to be put into production. I’d guess sometime between 5 and 6 years, which would put him at 23 at the youngest when he attempted to kill Bayshore. He then spent 15 years in prison, and then 6 years heading the Hellshire gang. Therefore, I believe that he is at youngest 44 and at oldest 48.
Again, these are just my opinions and interpretations of the lore with which we have been presented, and I would be thrilled to hear any other ideas and headcanons!
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