#this took so long to write and i am so sleep deprived so i’m sorry if it is very incoherent
yea-baiyi · 1 year
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
hi it’s been a while! i love getting asks from you because it lets me ramble about my favourite things, it makes me so happy so thank you!!! i hope you know how much joy you bring <3
(i’m sorry i haven’t replied to your last top 10 ask, i started the list and it got so humiliating that i’m unable to look at it again.)
anyway “top 10 media” is a broad question, so i have picked the top 10 media i love to ramble about. the kind where i could talk for hours about each one. are these objectively my favourites? maybe not. are they even good? only like half of them. but they certainly are top. enjoy!!
top 10 media of all time (not ranked):
1. tgcf (novel)
its still too early to say if this is a permanent top 10, but it has consumed my life for the better part of a year so it gets on this list. i have difficulty describing tgcf, it’s not particularly an excellent novel by many metrics, but it gives me endless satisfaction — the breadth of the story, spanning hundreds of years and a broad range of plotlines, plus the incredible depth of each moment, with sensitivity and humanity behind every hilarious-ridiculous-bombastic moment. i keep finding new things with every new chapter i annotate, even on my 4th/5th read. it’s rare that a piece of media gives me so much to think about, i’m just trying to savour the enjoyment for as long as it lasts.
2. the untamed/陈情令 (tv show)
oh man what can i say about the untamed. what can i NOT say about the untamed. the show i resisted for two years before finally being pushed into it. and i have been hurtling down the danmei rabbit hole ever since. for all that it was my intro to danmei and into the modern cdrama fandom, it really is SO MUCH just on its own. i daresay no tv show will ever be able to deliver such pure insanity juice straight to my brain ever again. deserves its spot. show of all time.
3. fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood (anime + manga)
i was a weeb for YEARS. consumed hundreds if not thousands of episodes of anime and manga. and this is the only one that stuck. obviously a masterpiece of storytelling. i revisit this constantly. i love stories that can be grim but still hopeful and endlessly sincere. also if you can’t tell i’m a huge sucker for stories where the side characters clearly have their own histories and relationships outside of what we get to see, and fmab has that for ages.
4. the legend of korra (tv show)
i cannot in good conscience say that i like this show. if you asked for my opinion, i would complain in your ear for an hour straight, minimum. (i have done this. multiple times. don’t ask me about the legend of korra.) and yet it is the piece of media i think about the most, that i have dedicated the most of my writing to, that i rewatch most often. lok aired when i was 13-17 and i grew up with it on tumblr. the people i followed and the things they talked about shaped how i interact with fandom today. maybe one day i will be able to move on, but this one has a sure spot in my top 10.
5. sense8 (tv show)
this one i can wholeheartedly recommend to any queer person trying to grow up in the world. yes, the orgies are gratuitous, the first season has some 2014 cliches, and overall who cares about the plot. but it’s such an unabashed expression of queer joy and unconditional love. there’s something so comforting in the idea that other people will volunteer to share your pain, your happiness, and your loneliness. that everyone in the world is connected by their ability to feel, to laugh, to scream, to cry, to love— you are only as alone as you let yourself be. this show carried me through so many dark times and helped me to keep believing in people. maybe i’ve outgrown my need for this show now, but i will always love sense8.
6. my ajusshi/my mister (kdrama)
is it one of the best kdramas ever made? yes. am i also incredibly biased because it’s IU? also yes. i strongly recommend it if you have the patience. this drama is slow and melancholy and washed out, its characters are weary and cynical and not always kind to each other. but that is precisely the point, because the drama dusts off their dull, exhausted lives and finds within them something worth living for. sometimes it’s enough to know that you have the power to make someone else’s life better. you might have lost the love of your life, but you have a spare mattress in your bedroom for a scared, lonely girl to sleep on. you might have lost your marriage, but you have enough money to pay for an old woman’s funeral. your career might be going nowhere, but you can be the cheerleader and inspiration for a silly woman that loves you. you might be a gang of sad, broke, middle-aged failures, but you can all walk a young woman home together and make her night a little less dark. my ajusshi is not an easy drama to watch, but similar to sense8, it’s one that gives me hope.
7. the k2 (kdrama)
firmly convinced that tumblr is sleeping on this drama. it is so absolutely batshit feral unhinged. let women be a mess!!! let women be so wrong!!! let women scheme and threaten and fight and manipulate, while the man looks on with protective anxiety and/or dead-eyed absolute competency. let a woman run barefoot through the streets of spain in a nightgown, tears streaming down her face. let a woman past her prime be psychosexually obsessed with her stepdaughter’s bodyguard whom she is locked in a blackmail revenge plot with. let him lead her at gunpoint into a car so he can escape the standoff, only for it to become a car chase with her enemies, and for him to flip the vehicle over. let him walk back into the burning car to carry her out.
8. man of steel (movie)
not gonna lie haven’t rewatched those one in a while! but officially my #1 favourite movie if anyone asks. i have moved on from capeshit but this movie still has everything i love: a world that breathes, people that live in it, and a clear message of hope despite how bleak things might seem.
9. rogue one (movie)
i mean. i mean. it says something that i was working on my (planned out, the story exists fully formed in my head) tgcf rogue one au when i opened up my writing notes and found that at some point last year i had written an entire mdzs rogue one au. brilliant. unparalleled. so blessed that this movie got to exist in between the endless cash grabs that are the other movies. as a star wars fan since age 13, i can say with full assurance this is the only star war that matters actually.
10. the infernal devices (novel series)
not sure if i’ve mentioned this series on this blog before, but to this day it’s one of my favourite YA series. yes it is your standard cliche fantasy series but it has will herondale, the best payoff to the typical angsty brooding male lead to ever exist. writers try to justify brooding characters like “they have valid reasons to be that way, deep down they’re really loving blah blah” but this series takes that and delivers. because the moment will is free from the legitimate reason he was acting that way, he is bursting at the seams to show his love. he runs to the girl he loves and tells her he loves her. he tells the woman who raised him that she’s awesome. he spends the rest of his life so, so incandescently happy, simply because he gets to love the people he loves. also the ending of the second book is possibly one of the wildest cliffhangers for a love triangle ever. i clearly love to have an Experience while consuming a piece of media.
(if you’ve read til here, thank you for reading and letting me ramble some of the words that go through my brain endlessly. if you’ve ever consumed and enjoyed any of the things i’ve mentioned, please feel absolutely welcome to message or dm me, i am dead serious about being able to talk about these for hours. in fact i would love to. please)
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rabbittf2x · 10 months
Arg okay so- I recently got a hyperfixation on this 15 year old game, and have been desperately searching around for content like a hungry raccoon. I can not understate my excitement when I found this blog was active, so preemptively, thank u for posting in general 🫶
I would also like to say that I am extremely touch deprived, and usually avoid affection, that is until I’m super tired or drunk. Then I start confessing my love like a poet in a bad historical fiction. Like I just can’t help how in love I am with this person and don’t have the energy to hide it. How would the mercs be with someone like that? If you don’t feel like writing all of them just Sniper, Scout, and Miss Pauling. Thank you so much for ur time ❤️🫶
Ur very welcome!💖 sorry this took so long or if it’s weird😵‍💫 been busy and a bit uninspired🥴💖 pls enjoy!
TouchStarved!Reader confesses to mercs and Miss Pauling
Includes: Scout, Sniper and Miss Pauling
You could tell Scout liked you. To his awkward touching to poor flirting, all the way down to his constant attempts of impressing you (which almost always resulted in him dead). You liked him back, but didn’t know how to tell him. Work always got in the way
One night after taking a shower, you trudged back to your room in your pyjamas. You swung the door open, so ready to sleep when you spotted a certain someone sitting on your bed
“Oh, hey, Scout. So weird! I thought that this was my room!” You gasped sarcastically
Scout laughed nervously, and you smiled back playfully. You crept over and sat next to him on your bed, placing a hand on his shoulder
“What’s up? You have a nightmare again?” You continued to tease
Scout sputtered bashfully, trying to ignore your hand on him. You both liked it though. You loved how warm and toned he felt
“You’re real funny. Ya know that?” He chuckled. “But no. There was something I actually wanted to ask you…”
Your tired eyes slowly blinked, and your hand on Scout’s shoulder slowly slung around his neck. He seemed surprised at your gesture, cheeks growing red
“Me too…” you whispered
He stared at you wide eyed, but you were too sleepy to meet his gaze. Craving his warmness, you moved both of your arms around his neck and inched closer to him
“I know I don’t show it all the time, but I do like you. You’re sweet.” You smiled tiredly
Scout sputtered for his words again, but didn’t get very far. You let out a soft chuckle, inching closer to him
“Really? That was… kinda what I was gonna tell you.” He finally managed to choke out
You grabbed one of Scout’s bandaged hands, and gently placed it on your waist. He quickly got the memo, and immediately wrapped his arms around you. You hummed in content, feeling as if you could fall asleep right there
You pulled Scout into a desperate kiss, cupping his face and not letting him get away for a second. Not that he wanted to… you loved the way his hands slid up your sides, feeling you up before finding their way into your hair
You and the whole team were celebrating a great win one night at the base. Well, almost the whole team. Sniper was missing, hiding away in his van outside. After sharing a few drinks with the others, you finally mustered up the courage to go retrieve him
You stumbled out of the base, walking towards the old camper van out front. Your fist bashed against the door, hearing an annoyed grunt from behind it
“Sniper…” you called
The Sniper’s footsteps shook the van momentarily until he stopped at the door, swinging it open to find you there smiling
“What do ya want?” He demanded
You swayed slightly from the alcohol, but caught yourself on his van. “Why aren’t you inside? Everyone’s in there having fun!” You asked
Sniper rolled his eyes with a groan, moving to slam the door shut. Before he could, you forcefully pushed it back
“Wait, wait, wait!” You protested
He growled your name, “what?” He spat
“You don’t have to be mean to me. I just… miss you.”
Sniper opened the door fully, making you stumble forward before catching yourself. He looked down at you with a frown, but then sighed
“Fine.” He grunted, turning back into the van but leaving the door open
You scampered in after him, watching him sit back down on his messy bed. You swayed there awkwardly for a second, before moving down to sit on the floor
“Just sit here.” Sniper interrupted, patting the spot next to him once
You quickly obeyed, perching yourself next to him. He stared at you for a few moments, finally noticing how drunk you really were
“Go back inside.” He said
You shook your head. “No, not without you.” You touched his arm, but was quick to recoil back
Sniper’s shoulders slumped and he rolled his eyes. “You don’t need me. Go back inside.” He repeated sternly
“But I like you. It’s not the same without you.” You frowned
The dark van was silent as you stared at each other. Sniper sighed again, and planted a hand on your shoulder. You nearly purred in response, inching closer
“I do, you know? I really like you.” You whispered
You gazed lovingly into his eyes, setting a hand on top of his that still sat on your shoulder. Sniper stared back, but with a more surprised look on his face
“Yer drunk… ya know that, right?” He said
You laughed breathlessly, leaning in even closer and setting your other hand on his thigh. “I know what I’m saying.” You purred
Sniper took his hands away and cupped your face with them. He ran his fingers through your hair, and you were practically melting at the touch. He leaned in to press a small kiss to your lips, not letting it linger for too long. Even though you wanted it to last forever…
Miss Pauling💖
Miss Pauling came to visit you and the other mercs at your base. You were pretty tired from working all day, but toughed it out to hang out with her anyway. You knew she liked wine, so you snatched something red from Spy’s smoking room
It was late and all the other mercs had gone to bed. You and Miss Pauling sat at the blackjack table alone, laughing together. You had your chair pressed up against hers just a little too close, but she didn’t seem to mind. You took a sip of your wine as she giggled about something, but you were too tipsy to understand what
You just glanced back at the women, setting your glass down with a smile. She stopped laughing after a bit, meeting your blurry gaze. The dim light above you flickered ever so softly, giving your lonely eyes a dull twinkle
“Miss Pauling…” you whispered
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, trying to get the drunken words out. They didn’t come though, and it all went quiet. You glanced back up at Miss Pauling, noticing that she had been staring at you the whole time
You felt so cold and alone. You craved the girl’s touch as you knew it would be sweet. Instead of speaking up again, you just went in for the kiss. Miss Pauling almost immediately leaned in as well. You couldn’t believe she was so keen to kiss you back. You had no time to tense up or be shocked though. All you could do was melt into it
Miss Pauling placed her hands on your chest, then slid them up to wrap her arms around your neck. You made a happy noise into the kiss, in which she smiled in return. You wasted no time to slip your arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer
You were desperate to kiss her forever, but you had to pull away to catch your breath. You gave her small, gentle kisses as you did so, keeping your arms around her
“Miss Pauling, I…” you breathed, gazing into her green eyes
Miss Pauling blushed and fixed her crooked glasses. “Yeah…?” She smiled shyly
“I kinda like you.”
You felt dumb saying that now. It was quite obvious, how you were practically on top of her. Miss Pauling’s smile widened, and she brought a hand up to stroke some hair from your face. You nearly purred, leaning into her touch happily
“I kinda like you too.” She giggled softly
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smalls-words · 1 year
No Pants and Breakfast?
Summary: Natasha comes to annoy you again. Or does she?
Pairings: Devil!Natasha!Romanoff x Fem!Detective!Reader, Peggy x Reader (daughter/mother), Maze x Peggy (growing friends).
Warnings: Flustering and touching, mentions of touch deprivation and a love of hugs.
A/N: The first drabble for the Devil of My Word series! Last thing on my list to write for before this weekend :)
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*gif not mine*
With another day on the horizon, you were already off to a fantastic start as Natasha showed up at your doorstep. 
“Natasha.” You sighed, still feeling like it was too early in the morning.
“Good morning, Detective.” She grinned, noticing your sleep shirt and lack of pants within the summer day. 
“Natasha!” Peggy came running in from her bedroom, all dressed and ready to go.
“Baby, baby, baby. Mama has had a really long night.” You chuckled softly. “Could we keep the noise down a bit?”
“Sorry, Mama.” Peggy smiled, hugging you before going back to Natasha. 
“Is Maze here?”
Natasha nodded and pointed to the door. “Right outside for you, little sh… sugar plum fairy.” She caught herself, chuckling when she saw your evil eye.
“Okay! Bye Mama, bye Natasha!” She giggled, running out the door.
As soon as the door closed, Natasha wore a bright grin and took off her suit jacket. Underneath, a beautiful white long-sleeve shirt showed off her shoulders and overall stature as she walked closer to you. 
“Come on, now, dear - don’t be shy. What’s all this tiredness about?” She asked with a smirk.
“Shy? You think I’m shy?” You retorted as you put some bread in the toaster.
“Well, if you're not shy, what are you?” She said with a smirk as she was taking a sip from your coffee.
You glared at her briefly before taking your coffee back, noticing her hand coming to your waist but too tired to actively stop it. “I’m a brilliant detective, that’s what.” 
“And why is that?” She queried, stepping close enough to have her hand fall to your lower back and slowly rub her thumb along your skin.
“Look at my track record and you’ll see. Minus the Palmetto incident.” You chuckled lightly.
All of a sudden, you wore a grin. It surprised Natasha, but that surprise grew when your hand moved to her waist too, fingers creeping underneath the hem of it to feel her perfect and warm skin.
“Why don’t you be a good detective and tell me what you’re feeling, then?” She smirked, leaning a bit over you.
“Why don’t I be a great detective and tell you what you’re feeling?” You quipped.
With your pants-less body near hers, she took a chance. “Alright then. Go for it.” 
You studied her body language for a definitive twenty seconds before smirking. “Elevated heart rate, slight clamminess to your hand on my back. Tinge of red in the outer lines of your cheeks, just... here.” You lightly touched the spot just in front of her ear, on her cheek.
“Not to mention the fact that you're leaning in, trying to avoid and possibly even ignore the flustered feeling in your chest... Am I wrong?”
When you saw redness bloom across her face, you cackled cheekily and jumped out of her arms, pointing at her. “Aha! You are flustered! Oh, it feels so good to be on the other end of it!”
Natasha rolled her eyes. “Ha ha. Come on, get it all out.” 
You teased her for a few more seconds before your giggling was interrupted by the toast popping, leaning slightly to get the hot toast onto the plate. Then, as if Dad was listening to Natasha’s thoughts, she noticed the curvature of your chest move forward slightly.
*No bra, no pants…* She thought to herself, grinning as she caught you mid-spin and held your chin. 
“That was damn fine detecting, Y/N. What do I owe you for winning?” She purred, leaning in towards you.
But cheeky little you put a finger to her lips, stopping her from moving closer. “A drink, because I haven’t had one all week since you went on your miniature holiday.” 
At her confusion, you rolled your eyes playfully and stepped away from her hold. “You don’t remember me telling you? I’m only comfortable drinking alcohol around you.” 
“Ah, yes, now I remember.” Her heart warmed as she spoke, her mind making sure to solidify that note in her memory.
As you walked around the kitchen to prepare yourself some breakfast of fried eggs on toast, you began anew. “So, what brings you to find me this early in the morning?”
“Well, after the holiday, I realised something. I… missed you.” She murmured.
“Aww. That’s sweet.” You cooed teasingly, cracking another two eggs and putting some more bread in the toaster.
As she circled the counter and her hand came on top of yours, you stopped. You could feel her eyes shut as she hugged you by the waist, leaning her chin on your shoulder. 
“Natasha?” You murmured. “Are you feeling okay?” 
She paused. “It’s… It’s just been a while since I last saw you. I wanted to talk to you, or even if I couldn’t do that, I wanted to see you.”
“It’s been a week and a bit.” You replied, confused whilst you turned off the stove. 
You turned around slowly and saw her dejected face. “Oh, Natasha, I… I didn’t know… You’re touch deprived?” 
She hid her face in shame, wanting to remark your detective skills again, but you pulled her back by the softest touch on her cheek. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, I completely understand. I was the same before Steve and Peggy came into my life.”
Her eyes met yours and you smiled warmly. “Do you want a hug-?” You were cut off by her immense, beefy arms wrapping under yours and holding you close.
“I haven’t been hugged in so long.” She whispered by your ear and you tightened your hold on her slightly.
“Oh, Natasha…” You cooed, rubbing your hand along her back before she flinched when your hand went higher.
She melted into your embrace when you adjusted and kept your hand only on the lower half of her back, avoiding her wings’ scars. 
You pulled away from the hug as you heard the toaster pop again. You gently kissed her cheek and slipped out of her arms, her eyes taking in how graceful and quiet you walked. “Want some?”
She nodded and waited patiently for you to plate her some breakfast, two fried eggs and two toasts. “It looks wonderful, Y/N. Thank you.” 
You smiled dearly at her, your head tilted slightly. “You’re welcome. Now eat up - we have a case to get to by noon.” 
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minjix · 2 years
summertime sadness → JJ maybank x reader
requested! hi! i don’t know if you still take requests for jj maybank since i noticed it’s been a while since you wrote for him, but if you do, can I get a jj maybank x reader where the reader is unusually very drunk (doesn’t handle emotions very well) and the reader somehow gets jj’s gun, waves it around and accidentally shoots themselves in the foot? Just pure chaos lol. Like I imagine they’re all just chilling around the bonfire before the incident, sorry the request is so long lol <333
a/n: lmao this was pretty fun to write :) but i am also very much sleep deprived so ignore the broken english <3
summary: in which you shoot yourself in the foot.
warnings: gunshot wound, blood, usage of marijuana and alcohol. sad!reader and conflicted!jj maybank + the usual swearing
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The sun was setting, peaking over the horizon before the moon took its place in the sky. You were all gathered around the bonfire, drinks in hand and stomachs filled with food that Kie brought.
Laughter echoed well into the darkening area as JJ tried to play the guitar whilst drunk. His fingers plucking the wrong chord as his raspy voice tried to sing a song.
The group had organized the get together after they noticed your mood decline during the week. The once comforting words turned into snappy remarks which ended with tears of embarrassment.
No one really knew what to do, how to help. Except for JJ of course.
The blonde haired boy quickly set it all up and had everyone play a part. Kie brought the food, Sarah and John B brought the alcohol while Pope set up the actual bonfire and the string lights that decorated the trees, and JJ brought his stash.
He knew you never smoked before and immediately knew that his way of relaxing was the only way. It worked for him, so why wouldn’t it work for you?
An hour later and everyone except for Sarah was way past gone. Even Pope sat slumped in his seat with a loopy smile on his face. That went away quickly when he set his eyes on you, digging through JJ’s backpack for whatever reason.
“Aha!” You stood up, a triumphant smile on your lips, your eyes unfocused. “Found it!”
Pope was frozen in his seat, eyes never leaving your form as you emerge from the shadows with the gun in hand. JJ’s gun.
“Found what?” The blonde haired boy in question slurred, his fingers absentmindedly plucking the strings of the guitar. A soft, out of tune melody playing.
“Your gun!” You exclaimed, almost tripping on the uneven ground.
Everyone sobered up.
“My what?” His head snapped up to look at you, his hair wild. His red cap laid before his feet, forgotten.
“Uh, JJ,” a hesitant voice began, “are there any bullets?” It was Kie, her eyes wide as she sat straighter.
Still drunk, he snorted, “of course there’s bullets, Kie. What’s the point of having a gun without bullets?” He gave her his best dumbfounded expression, momentarily forgetting about you and the gun.
“I don’t know!” Kie yelled, panicked as you started to spin around, the gun resting comfortably in your hand.
“Ohh, look at me, I’m JJ, and I’m so hot.” You imitated, not seeing the offended look on JJ’s face.
“I do not talk like tha-“ Sarah interrupted him. She was still sat beside John B, too scared to move.
“Shut up, JJ,” she turned towards you. “Why don’t you put the gun down?”
“No!” Everyone flinched. “How is it that you get to go on these cool fucking adventures, leaving me behind all alone and sad and stupid!” The gun was swinging around in your hand, forgotten as you continued your rant.
“Have you ever thought that, ‘hey, let’s not exclude our other friend’, have you? Cause I don’t think so!” You were yelling now, the familiar sting of tears in your eyes that glistened in the light from the fire.
And then it went off. The loud bang sent Pope flying off his seat while John B covered Sarah’s head while Kie was screeching, throwing herself to the ground. And JJ sat frozen, his hands clutching nothing as half of his guitar ended up in the bonfire, feeding the flame, making it brighter.
JJ couldn’t breathe as he stared at you, you looked fine, he thought to himself as he assessed you from afar.
“I shot my foot?” You whispered in shock as you started down at the hole in your once white vans that was quickly turning scarlet.
And then it was panic. Pope was clutching his head as he screamed for someone to call 911, which quickly turned into him believing you were dying once he saw the blood. And you believed him too.
Sarah made you sit on a discarded chair, shushing you as she held your hands. “You won’t die,” she gave you a reassuring smile, turning around to the group that had gathered behind her and hissed, “unless, any of you have something to stop the fucking bleeding.” That got them going.
You were openly sobbing now, confused wether it stemmed from the gunshot wound or the pent up emotions resurfacing, thick tears rushing down your tears.
Sarah did her best to wipe your tears away as you both absentmindedly listened to Kie and John B argue in the back about who’s sacrificing who’s shirt to stop your bleeding.
She sighed and took her shirt off and as gently as she could, applied pressure to your foot. “JJ!” She yelled, her eyes never leaving the ever growing stain of blood that soaked her shirt. “Help me,” she was almost crying too.
The boy in question looked pale as he stared at your shaking form, your skin looked clammy and he was fucking terrified. He didn’t mind seeing other people hurt, but seeing you this way made his heart clench painfully in his chest. His chest that wouldn’t let any air in the longer he stared at you.
“Please,” the Cameron girl pleaded and he listened. Sinking to his knees beside you, he looked at Sarah, waiting for instructions. “K-keep pressure on the foot.” He nodded and took over, cringing when he touched the warm and wet fabric. Sarah ran to John B.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice was quiet, but JJ heard you clearly. Your voice was always the one he listened to. The one he preferred to hear over all others. “It’s okay.” He was quiet too, giving you a smile, or at least tried to.
Sarah drove up beside you and JJ with John B’s van, the brown haired boy in the passenger seat. “Let’s go!”
JJ whispered a small apology as he lifted you up, cringing when you cried out and with the help of a crying Pope, made you comfortable in the backseat.
You stared at the x-ray, the bones in your foot broken from the force of the bullet.
“Looks pretty dope.” A voice came from beside you, beer in his hand as the sun was shining through the windows of the chateau. His blonde hair still wild. He grabbed your legs and propped them up on his lap, his finger drawing invisible patterns into your skin.
“Yeah,” you agreed, and and glanced at the white cast encasing your foot adorned with scribbles. You placed the x-ray picture on the table and made yourself comfortable.
He took a deep breath and began to speak his mind. “It was never our intention to leave you out of things, I have no excuse for it and I think it’s my fault.” His words were rushed, not thought through, merely just letting his thoughts out.
“What do you mean?”
“I never wanted to hurt you, or see you get hurt, and I thought that you being left out was the answer to that.” His eyes met yours, a storm of thoughts behind his blue eyes. “I like you, a lot. A lot more than friends should.”
You could only smiles, feeling giddy despite the pain in your broken foot. “I like you too,” you breathed.
“You sure?” He raised on eyebrow, mischief written on his forehead, “ because I’m pretty irresistible, and I don’t want you to get obsessed with me.” He tried to keep a straight face but the smile that made its way to his face gave him away.
You grabbed his face gently, and with great difficulty leaned forward and connected your lips to his.
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nhasablogg · 1 year
I dont wanna monopolize all your prompts but maybe a short one where Spencer won't/cant go to sleep/is drinking too much coffee to stay awake so someone tickles him to tire him out? Or just to convince him to get some actual rest?
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Hotch, Reid
A/N: This is probably ooc, but I don't CARE I wanted to write about Hotch and Reid. Also tweaked the prompt a little, hope that's okay!
Words: 1.3k
Hotch didn’t make it a habit to profile his profilers. It didn’t seem ethical, especially not if it didn’t affect their abilities to work. Which was exactly why it took him slightly too long to realize that Reid was sleep deprived.
“How many hours of sleep per night does a person need to function normally?” he asked him that afternoon.
Reid looked up from his paperwork, one hand gripping his fifth cup of coffee. “Between seven and eight depending on age.”
“I see. And how many do you get on a nightly basis?”
Reid straightened, his lips pursing. “I sense I made a mistake.”
“How many, Reid?”
“Maybe two?”
“Not every single night of my life!” Reid scrambled to add. “But. Recently.”
Hotch rubbed at his temples. “Jesus. For how long?”
“A couple of weeks.”
“Reid. You need to lay off the coffee.”
“It’s not because of that,” Reid said, holding up his hands. “It’s the only way I can focus during the day. It doesn’t matter how tired I am at night. I just can’t seem to sleep.”
“Nightmares?” Hotch remembered when Morgan had approached him about it a few years ago, when Reid’s nightmares had started.
Reid shrugged. “Partly. I’ve been able to handle them before, though.”
“We experience new things all the time. It’s nothing to be ashamed of if you find it harder now.”
“I’m not ashamed.” But he wouldn’t meet Hotch’s eyes now, turning back to his pile of papers.
Hotch huffed, wondering how to approach this. It wasn’t as if he could physically make sure Reid was sleeping.
“I want you to take a nap right now.”
Reid turned back to him. “Sorry?”
“We have a couch and a quiet room for a reason. This job’s demanding. I order you to go to sleep.”
Reid held up his cup. “But I’m five coffees down,” he said weakly.
“Then starting tomorrow you’re not allowed to have any more coffee past noon and will take a nap after lunch.”
“Sir, with all due respect-”
“No arguing.”
Reid’s mouth snapped shut, but Hotch caught him mumbling something along the lines of “Morgan will tease me to death” as he left him.
And Morgan did, stopping only when Hotch shot him a look the next day. “I think I should enforce this rule on everyone if I’m being honest. I doubt you’re taking care of yourselves as you should.” Everyone squirmed, refusing to look at him. “Hm. Reid, come on, the room is ready for you.”
“Do I have to?”
“Yes. You look exhausted as it is.”
“I’m fine, Hotch, I promise.”
“Didn’t I say no arguing?”
Reid sighed, following Hotch into the room. It was nothing special really, but it had a couch by the wall, a table and a chair for when you needed complete privacy while working or eating, and a small window with the blinds closed, just in case you needed daylight. Hotch rarely was in here, and he had no doubts his agents barely knew of its existence.
“There’s blankets and extra pillows,” he said, pointing to a basket. “You get an hour.”
“What if I can’t fall asleep?” Reid asked quietly, arms crossed. Holding himself rather than displaying defiance, Hotch noted.
“Just resting is also good for you.” Hotch softened, taking in the young agent. How much he’d seen much too young. “Please try, Reid. Please.”
Hotch left him before he could reply.
Reid found him 27 minutes later, hair somewhat unruly and his eyes containing something that nearly scared Hotch a bit. “I can’t. Hotch, I can’t.”
“Reid, Reid, calm down. What is it?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“I just can’t, I-” He ran a hand over his face. “It’s not that I don’t want to.”
He saw the frustration in the kid now. How he probably spent weeks trying and failing to get the rest he needed. How that was slowly etching itself into his bones and spilling over.
Hotch sighed, wondering if he was crossing a line. “Come with me.”
They went back to the room and Hotch had him sit down next to him on the couch.
“Relax,” he told him. “It’s okay. I want to try something.”
“I do this to Jack when he can’t sleep. I know you’re not a child,” he added when Reid opened his mouth. “But I think this could help as long as you’re not uncomfortable with me touching you.”
“Or we can get someone else to do it. Maybe Morgan.”
“What exactly do you have in mind?”
“Jack relaxes when I stroke his back,” he explained, finding himself smiling softly. “I figured sometimes you just need to know that someone is there. It also helps you relax.”
Reid exhaled. “Is that- something you want to do for me?”
“Of course.” Hotch said it with no hesitation, although still wondering if it was appropriate. But their job literally involved them sleeping and eating and crying around each other. He saw no reason why this would be different. “If you want me to.”
“I guess it can’t hurt,” Reid mumbled, suddenly blushing and turning away from him. “I, uh, should I lie down?”
Hotch hadn’t thought of the details. “Yes, I’ll- I’ll sit on the chair.”
It was awkward, as they shuffled to get in position. Hotch wheeled the chair over, realizing it was probably much too high for him to comfortably touch Reid, but it would have to do. Reid was facing the back of the couch, visibly tense and waiting for Hotch to approach.
“Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay?”
“Are you gonna keep doing it until I fall asleep? Because that will probably take hours.”
Hotch really hadn’t thought this through. “I’ll do it for a bit just to help you relax, okay?”
“I’m gonna touch you now, okay?”
It was strange, to be petting your co-worker, but to be fair it wasn’t the strangest thing he’d done for this job. Reid lay completely still as Hotch let his fingertips run over his back, over his spine and shoulder blades and the nape of his neck. He shivered slightly, which made Hotch smile. Despite everything Reid hadn’t lost his humanity.
“How’s that?”
“Feels good,” Reid mumbled. Hotch could imagine him blushing, eyes closing and mouth slightly agape.
“And a little weird?”
Reid breathed out a laugh. “And a little weird,” he agreed.
Hotch laughed too, running his fingers down Reid’s spine toward his lower back. “Well, hopefully you’ll relax anyway- oh.”
Reid had twitched away from him with a yelp, glancing back at him briefly enough for Hotch to catch his panicked expression. “Uh.”
“Did I cross a line?” Hotch asked, equally as panicked.
“No, no, I just- Ugh.” He turned back around, pressing his face to the couch. “I think I’m good now, sir, thank you, you can leave now.”
“Reid, what-”
“I’ll fall asleep in no time.”
“Reid.” Hotch grabbed his arm. “What happened?”
Reid sighed. “It’s stupid.”
“If I overstepped-”
“You did nothing wrong, it just tickled.”
“I didn’t know you were ticklish.”
“How could you have known?”
“I’ll be more careful. Is it just your lower back?”
Reid didn’t reply instantly. “My sides. Back ribs. Shoulder blades if you’re being very gentle.”
“I see.”
“Neck too.”
“So I have about one fourth of your back that’s safe to touch,” he joked and Reid groaned, clearly embarrassed. “Sorry. I’ll be careful. Although it would have been fun to hear you giggle.”
“I don’t giggle.”
“I’m sure that’s a lie.” In a moment of rare playfulness, Hotch gave Reid’s side a poke, earning something akin to a shriek. “Sorry.”
“You did that on purpose.”
“I think I know what to do now next time you refuse to sleep.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would. Now be still and let me continue. I promise not to tickle you.”
Reid did. Hotch deserved a medal for keeping his word.
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zoomzooml · 2 years
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Transformers: Cheesy Fan Continuity
Not much happened here, it's just an introduction, as prologues tend to be haha
To the point. This is probably my first comic project that I took seriously enough to write a script. I know it's not very good yet, but I'm happy with it (although some parts seem... stiff? You can let me know if you have similar feelings). The script for the next volume (?) is already largely written and by my estimation will be about 20 pages long. And due to the fact that I have started to get properly acquainted with my drawing program in terms of creating a comic, it will most likely be better drawn too :D (I hope...)
But if you see something in this comic that I could improve (something that makes it hard to read, hurts the eyes, etc) let me know! I'll be happy to read it so my next comic can be better :]
Gimmie feedback
English is not my native language so I apologize for any translation errors. I do my best to avoid them, but due to the fact that I am a sleep deprived human disaster, they can still occur. Sorry!
In the next comic, Bumblebee meets the local :]
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igotanidea · 2 years
Counterparts: Morpheus x OC Chapter 5
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Summary: Kayleen was born to be the embodiment of Reality. Protector of the Waking World and Keeper of the Order. Naturally, that makes her a counterpart of the Dream of The Endless. Despite their differences in both approach to life and characters they are forced to work together to keep balance between Dreaming and Waking. Thank God, they are both professionals who DO NOT fight or engage emotionally….. Or do they?
World count: 2.669
Chapter 1: sometimes reality sucks
Chapter 2 : Welcome back to reality
Chapter 3 : A rough nightmare
Chapter 4: Crumbling
Chapter 5
Falling to pieces.
10 years later.
It’s been a decade since Dream’s disappearance. For the couple of years I tried to find him, to make some contact with him, but all of it was futile. So I stopped trying, my pride screaming at me not to make a fool out of myself. I hate to say I gave up, but I know exactly when someone wants nothing to do with you. It’s like Destruction leaving all over again. And that memory still hurts. Feeling left out, like you mean nothing to the other one.
For the last decade I’ve been jumping back and forth between Dreaming and Waking only trying my best to uplift both of the Realms. After all, I have friends on the other side, and since I have some power in me I could try to help them at least a bit. Besides, Dreaming falling to pieces have more impact on Reality than I would like to admit. It’s exhausting. I mean, my powers only work so far. It feels weird and not right to step in the domain which was not meant for me and it definitely affect my health and well - being. It’s only been 10 years. Who knows how much long I can keep it all afloat and how longer I will be forced to…..
At the same time, I try to keep up my job, being a mentor to my students and coming up with creative ideas to get their attention to writing. I mean, there are so many creative prompts considering the circumstances of people not able to sleep hence no one to watch over this part of their existence.
20 years later
Some of the residents of the Dreaming left the Realm. It pains me, watching it all crumble, but I can do nothing to stop them. It’s like they are starting to believe that Morpheus really did abandon them. I mean, I don’t blame them. Dreams are fading and Nightmares are becoming more predatory. I’m so tired of it. Tending to Waking during the day and Dreaming at night, trying my best to keep the most cruel of Morpheus’s creations at bay. Meanwhile Corinthian freed himself and broke a literal hell on Earth. It seems like he started some cult of him, people all over the World copycatting his actions. This is really bad. For the past 5 years I was able to limit the members of this sect, showing them how much pain and despair they bring, but that’s still not enough. Despair is having the best time ever, I can tell. Death though, wasn’t delighted with the amount of work that was piled up upon her.
- I’m sorry Death - I said with so much remorse in my voice. Despite all of the work we both have now, we were able to get together. If you can call it like that. It was more of a running around collecting souls which died of exhaustion and sleep deprivation (Death) and trying to manipulate the Reality to minimize the impact (me). We’re like a damage control team.
- What on Earth are you talking about?
- All of those people dying, being hurt.... This havoc that has been caused since.....
- Stop it. You stop it now, you hear me - she haltered her walk, took my hands, and looked me straight in the eyes - none of this – she waved her hand around - NONE of this, is your fault.
- Then whose? - I say silently.
- You know, you truly are a peculiar human being. Even after all this time you don’t blame Dream for what happened?
- Death.... you were the one who told me what truly occurred to him.
- You mean that he was captured?
- More or less. – I shrugged but even with my sarcastic attitude I can’t quite hide how stressed I am because of it all.
Some time ago Death reached out to me and revealed that Dream was captured by some crazy-shit-ass amateur magus Roderick Burgess. Location? London. She explained she owed me that much as my friend. She was worried of me getting drained of the amount of work I was dealing with. Obviously, the first thought that came to my mind was to rescue him immediately. If not for his or mine sake than for the benefit of Dreaming and Reality. I started masterminding the plan of getting into the Burgess mansion and it was perfect. Until it came to its execution. I suppose it is enough to say that Roderick’s home was not exactly immortals-friendly. The moment I stepped foot inside I started to wince in pain. Apparently the magus used some crazy spells to protect himself from unwanted visitors. What chances does Reality have against magic? I mean, I have some skills, but I’m no witch. I felt utterly defeated, my head spinning and my whole body aching. Brain on fire since I could easily feel Morpheus’s presence somewhere in the house. “I’m sorry, Dream” – I sent him a silent message. “I’m so, so sorry”.  I knew he felt me too and get that. It’s terrible to feel so helpless. Ever since then I put twice as much effort into all my work. Shame it didn’t give twice as much of a good result.  I just wondered why none of his siblings came to his aid, but when I reached Destiny, he just shook it off and said that the Endless do not mess with each other’ s domain.  Wonderful family, truly. So…. supportive.
- Even though, you could claim that you told him to be careful when he went to catch that Nightmare. Corinthian, was that his name? Hell, you even offered to go and help him but he was just too proud to accept that.
I looked down at the ground without a single word. She’s right obviously and he was a stubborn ass,  but on the other hand there is a bit of guilt inside me. I was also the one who forced him to go out to get Corinthian. I was the one who was not able to free him from his cage. I couldn’t deal with some amateur magus using circus tricks on one of the Endless. Shit, I was the one not able to stand up to Destiny when he held me back from taking any further action against Roderick Burgess. I was the one not capable of keeping Dreaming intact.
-Stop spinning Kayleen. You did more than you could have. And for that my brother should be eternally grateful.
-Oh, right. Grateful is just a natural state for him. Can you imagine his reaction knowing that I meddled with the Dreaming affairs? Highway to hell for me, for sure.
-What is it with you, Dream and Hell? Is that some inside joke? Besides, don’t worry about that. I’m going to take you for myself before Lucifer lay a hand on you. No hellfire for you, my dear - she hugged me. - I got to go now, but I hope to see you again, soon. And please, take care of yourself, ok?
-I was always a bit of a workaholic you know? This situation just take it to the extreme – I sighed knowing well enough I won’t keep that promise.
30 years later
Most of the nightmares are gone from the Dreaming. The only dreams left are those who are the most loyal, like Fiddler’s Green. The only place that gives me a little bit of breath and perspective when I visit. A brief moment to catch a breath before mending to another fire. I befriended Cain and Abel who, besides Lucienne still believe that Morpheus is going to come back. Their hope is really admirable, but I have no time nor energy to focus on that. Seems like I’m in some robot mode when I just keep doing without thinking.
Meanwhile, in the Waking World, people has been suffering from coma, not able to wake up. Oh, irony. First, they couldn’t sleep now they cannot get back from dreams. The newspapers even came up with some catchy title for that…..
60 years later.
I’m so tired......
The nightmares now started to invade my sleep. Some crazy kind of retaliation on me, deriving from the times when I tried to keep them in check. So for quite some time I haven’t really been sleeping. The worst part? They pray on my real fears and terrors so I can’t even convince myself that this is not the truth. If nothing else, I know how to spot reality
Thankfully, though I don’t know how, I’m still capable of working as lecturer. My students and classes are probably the only thing that keeps me sane. Recently, we got a visit from this popular author – Richard Madock. My students seemed to be captured by his works, so I decided it would be nice to organize a meeting. It’s surprising how this guy sort of came out of nowhere. Even though he acts professionally, when I first saw him I just get this kind of vibes that made me cautious. There’s something about his creativity and versatility of his works. He’s hiding something, I know it. His words about “strong female characters in fiction” and how much of a supporter of women rights he is just does not match his eyes, his posture, his …. everything. I can sense something fake in his entire vibe. Wish I had enough power to get to the bottom of it.
96 years later
Physically I haven’t aged a day but my general condition really indicates the passing of past 96 years. I hide it under some simple illusion, but it gives me a lot of self-consciousness and anxiety. I guess I might be developing some body issues. Besides, some people (?) can see right through me. Like some fellow librarian.
- You can’t keep doing that - I heard Lucienne’s footsteps as she approached the table I laid my head on for a couple minutes. It was my “Dreaming duty” time and I was trying to find some peace in the Library. We only had a couple books left since at some point the stories started to disappear.
- I’m sorry Lucienne, I just need a second to reposition myself. What part of the castle shall I try to uplift now? – I can’t stop the  yawn and find it hard to keep my eyes open. - Has some dream been unusually terrible? Or another nightmare running loose? Is it about Cain or Abel or Gregory? I can tend to that - I stand up, but get dizzy and fall back down, not hitting the floor only thanks to Lucienne catching me.
- That is not what I meant, at all, Kayleen - she make me sit down on the chair as she shakes her head in disapproval. – you can’t keep trying to tend to both Realms. It’s killing you, All those spacial jumping, stress, lack of sleep. It was never your duty. You are still human, remember?
- Immortal human – I point out - I can’t get killed, even by myself, you know. But I suppose I forgot about that part of myself  after a couple of decades of work. Full workaholic at my best. There’s really no time to think about that.
- Kay… - Lucienne said gently - you need to get back to Waking. You need to stay there for good. There’s nothing more you can do here. Trust me.
- I can’t do that. – I shake my head. - I can’t watch Reality crumble and knowing that the same is happening to the Dreaming. I can’t leave you and the guys alone.
- You just won’t take no for an answer, would you?
- No…. - I smile weakly, still a bit lightheaded.
- You are way too stubborn for your own good. If you won’t let it go I will have to resort to some more drastic measures.
- You wouldn’t do that. - I looked at her with - hate to admit it - fear and disbelief in my eyes .
- It’s for your own good. You still be able to communicate with me through the Ravens. I can assign one specifically to you if you wish. Mathew is the new one and has been very eager to meet you.
- Ok - I say. I hate to surrender, but deep down I know she’s right. Besides, it’s better to leave on my own and keeping this little connection than being banished by Lucienne and losing it all. - but please, contact me as often as you can. I don’t.... I don’t want to be left alone. – with all my mortal friends and acquaintances in the waking gone it won’t be easy to keep going.
- Of course Kay. I could never forget about you - she looks at me with sadness in her eyes.
105 years later
Leaving Dreaming wasn’t much of a help. But – one good thing came out of it. I meet someone who might be special to me in upcoming future. At this point I didn’t even care that he was mortal. I was just in desperate need of company so….
Tom joined the faculty a year ago as a  law teacher. He may seems serious and intense but deep down he’s a joking nerd. Just open up to the limited amount of people who know how to …. make him show his true colors.  And yes, that’s me. I really like this side of his. He tells the best jokes and is always optimistic. Such a reverse to my last male companion. I really like him and who knows what might happen if this keeps on….
So, in general, I let go a bit and a lot of things fell back into their places. Obviously, I still get pain and headaches when Corinthian or some other nightmares mess with Reality but at this point I can handle that. Just doing what I can without pushing too hard. Matthew, the raven, has been the best company I could ask for. Always ready for a pep talk, to help me ground myself and stop me from doing something reckless. He also loves talking but I don’t really mind.
106 years later
I was in the middle of my afternoon class when I fainted. Ok, maybe not exactly fainted. It was more like this feeling of losing consciousness for a couple minutes but when I blinked nothing has really changed. So is it official? Did my sanity finally snap? Wouldn’t be surprising after more than a century. Or maybe…. Maybe things are getting back to normal? As fast as I can I finish the class, getting some disappointing looks from attendants ( it’s still uplifting that I can keep their interests to the extend where they want to go to class instead of skipping them). I need to check what’s happening.
-Matthew. – I say turning around looking for my favorite raven.  – Where are you?
-I’m here, Kay – the bird flies from the sky and land on the nearest tree branch.
-Not here – I whisper – someone may hear us – can’t risk my reputation as a stable person by being seen talking to a bird – I grin – no offence, Matthew.
-None taken.
-Did you feel something strange, too? In the dreaming? Or maybe you were there? I need some information, can you check on Lucienne and let me know?
-Sure thing, Brainy – he gave me that nickname after a couple of lectures he “attended” watching over me. - I’ll be there and back in a minute.
-Just be careful, ok? – I say and I shake at the memory of what happened last time I used those words towards someone else.
-I always am. – with that word he flies away leaving me hanging and thirsty for some answers.
next: chapter 6
tag list is open : @asianfrustration13 @musicconversedance @hyper-half-blood
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pink-tk-a-latte · 1 month
🫧 Anon is in tears, I repeat, 🫧 Anon is in TEARS! FIRST OF ALL- what do you mean 'I'm sorry it took so long' I-IT DID NOT! I expected you to be another few weeks- not for you to just drop this toasty bomb of comfort into my lap randomly!!! So pat yourself on the back, good on you, you did fantastically! Secondly... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for fulfilling my request! Py, Py, I was not expecting a full-on fic. I was expecting a drabble. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be the understatement of the millenia because WHAT?! Yeah, saving that fic to read whenever I'm sad because that just warmed me up just right (Right now, it's 4 degrees C where I live and I NEEDED THIS). Thirdly, PERFECTION- Your writing style is so freaking incredible and refreshing, you don't even know. I am speechless, honestly. You are incredibly talented, buddy ol' pal! I'm freaking- jealous XD! Again, thank you so much for writing my request, it was freaking awesome and trust me, if you would have me, I'm becoming a regular at your lil cafe ^^.
-🫧 Anon~!
AAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH BUBBLE ANON!!!!!! Literally this ask cleared my skin and cured my anxiety. Usually I’m so time blind but I feel awful whenever I keep people waiting so it’s good to hear that I was actually ahead of expectations lololol!!!
I wasn’t expecting a full-on fic either LMAOOOOO. I am physically incapable of “killing my darlings” (as in the writing thing) so I just plopped all my ideas in there. I’m literally a professional yapper /jjj. And anyway, IT’S ALL THANKS TO YOUR PROMPT!!!!! I was super inspired and it was so helpful while writing!!!! So thank you a bunch for the opportunity 💞💞💞
I appreciate that so much, most times I felt like I was just bsing the whole thing 😭😭 Of course I tried!! but my sleep-deprived brain was starting to think it was entirely incoherent. But please don’t be jealous, I’m certain you’re wonderfully talented as well, and for sure I know you’re incredibly considerate and creative and enlivening!!!
I’d be delighted to have you as a regular!! My deepest gratitude for your patronage, may you be kept warm on the chilliest (4°C?????) nights!!!!
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venusamere · 2 years
The quarry: try out writing, part 2
So I decided that I should give the last part of my ‘little try out writing session for the quarry’ a second part where the group actually reunites:D
!!Warnings!!: the reader’s pronouns aren’t mentioned:)!, a bit angsty at the start but other than that it’s just the poor teens being finally happy:,)
Summary: ‘The quarry’ x reader!, after a long time of going back and forth you decide to reunite with the group, hopefully getting a little bit of closure in the process.
Note: It’s almost 2:00 AM and i’m sleep deprived so i’m sorry if there are any grammar errors!!
*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*: ゚✧:*
Anxiety was spreading through your body like a virus. You weren’t sure of this. On one hand you missed them like crazy, on the other one you could already feel yourself fainting. You really wanted to turn back your car and get yourself out of the situation with a stupid excuse, but it was already too late.
Your stomach dropped as you saw the big yellow sign with ‘Hachett’s Quarry Summer Camp’ written on it in red. You inspected it as you stopped your car impulsively. The paint was worn off on the edges and some of the letters faded into a paler red. You firmly gripped the steering wheel as you closed your eyes, trying to stop your shaky breathing.
You nearly had a heart attack when your phone beeped, picking it up almost instantly to see who messaged you. It was no surprise when you saw Kaitlyn’s name on the screen. She most probably thought you bailed on them…or maybe worse, but either way you sighed, knowing there’s no escape out of this one. She announced that everyone was already there and told you that they would be going by the camp fire.
You knew exactly what that meant. A walk in the woods all by yourself. Fortunately, the sun was still out of its hiding spot so you quickly got your car running again hopping for something good to come out of this mess.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss the camp. It was your safe place before the incident went down. Fresh air, little kids running around laughing, the vibrant blue tones the sky had everyday, the camp fire that always ended in a playful fight over the last piece of chocolate. You loved your job as a counselor, you really did.
Your eyes got teary when you remembered all the good times you have spent with everyone here, but the past remains the past, can’t change it, can’t go back to it.
Unfortunately, not only the good parts stuck with you. You couldn’t help but jump a little whenever you felt the wind blowing in too hard on the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. Aside that, you were extremely cautious of anything out the ordinary, keeping a small pocket knife and a taser on you for protection’s reasons.
You could feel your heart beating faster and faster as you went deeper into the woods. You could already see some smoke into the distance, meaning that you were closer to the camp fire.
As you finally saw it, your body froze. Seeing people there kept making you travel back in time to that night. This wasn’t the first time nor the last time your fear of the past and rejection made you overthink your decisions, but you decided to fight against it.
You hesitantly approached the camp fire as a pair of eyes immediately turned to look in your direction.
“Kaitlyn…” you mouthed, your jaw probably hitting the dirty floor of the woods. A smile creeped onto her face as she ran towards you, quickly wrapping you into a tight hug, leaving you surprised but also relived. You slowly hugged her back as the both of you stood there in the warmth of each other’s arms. “Good to be back, huh?” she asked as she slowly broke free from the hug. “I suppose…maybe it would’ve been better if you greeted me with some ‘Peanut Butter Butterpops’” you joked as she let out a laugh. “This joke is never gonna get old, huh?” Kaitlyn asked, smirking at you. “Never” you smiled as you responded. You took a small glance at the two people that were around the fire. You gave Kaitlyn a questioning look before she patted your back reassuringly, making you sigh as you started to walk in their direction.
“Truth or dare flashbacks, am I right?” you heard a masculine voice say, followed by a laugh. Kaitlyn coughed to get their attention, their heads turning almost instantly towards you. You kept changing looks with the two people standing in front of you. You really couldn’t believe that they were actually here.
“Dude— NO FUCKING WAY” Dylan shouted, staring at you in disbelief. “Your yelling is gonna leave me deaf one day” Ryan said as he mockingly rubbed his ears. “It’s good to see you two” you said softly. “We’re glad to see you too” Ryan said giving you a small smile. You could see Dylan’s excitement as he moved his balance on one leg onto another. “You disappeared without giving any ‘goodbye hug’” he said as he opened his arms waiting for his reward. You snorted as you embraced him into a warm hug, relaxing your shoulders.
You gave one to Ryan too, feeling safer than ever. “I don’t wanna ruin the emotional moment, but where’s the rest of the group?” you asked looking around. “They’re taking a bit of a walk but they shouldn’t be too far away” Dylan responded as he jogged away.
After a little while you saw the rest of the group being leaded by Dylan to the camp fire. It all felt so familiar, but yet so different.
They all were surprised to see you showed up. Emma greeted you warmly with a hug and a teasing remark for not contacting them in a very long time. Jacob ruffled your hair and trapped you into a bone crushing hug. Abi almost cried of joy and jumped in your arms, glad that you were safe and sound. Nick’s jaw dropped….like literally. When he recovered, his initial response was to check if he was dreaming but he opted for a hug instead. Laura gave you a warm smile and some words of affirmations, squeezing your hand reassuringly. She also introduced you to Max since you didn’t get to meet him properly. He seemed like a nice guy. Polite, sympathetic and overall just a great dude.
You couldn’t help but smile when you saw the whole group together. Everyone’s changed so much, including you. You didn’t realize until this moment how much you actually cared about them, how much you missed them, how much you loved them.
You were sure that the healing journey has just began. You suffered in your own emotional chaos, but now you’ve got people that understand you and care for your feelings. This is just the beginning and you all knew it, but you couldn’t complain much. You actually enjoyed it and felt at peace.
You let yourself breath and let go of the past, something that you’ve hold onto for a very long time.
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
I don’t know if you’re taking requests but I just had my sister cut my long hair despite my gut telling me not to and I hate it and I feel so ugly , my hair is my comfort and was wondering if I could get a comfort fic with Mallek reassuring reader they’re not because I’m having a hard time convincing myself, I’ve been crying for like 2 hours now
i am always taking requests! It just takes me a while to write them sometimes lol ;-;
so sorry to hear about your hair <3 I hope this helps even a little bit! also sorry it took so long to post lol. i used this prompt as a warm up and forgot to post it
It was bound to happen sooner or later on Alternia: absolute disaster.
You like to think you'd made you peace with the idea. Brutality? Well, all trolls are bastards, you're used to it. Violence? It's just foreplay on Alternia, and these funky little ant people want you so bad it makes them look stupid. They better start calling you cordyceps 'cause you got these bitches going to lengths once they've got you on the brain. And drone strikes? All you have to say to that is: you've befriended worse. Murder clowns; weeaboos and gamers; a verified nice guy, even. Drones got nothing on a heated gamer moment.
So what gets you in the end... it's the overconfidence, surely. Your sudden courage; you think it happens with an "oops" or an "uh-oh."
The important part is: it happens at all.
Because here's the thing they don't tell you about Alternia: even you- with your pal-ietal lobe, your cerebell-chum, your god damn penchant for being just the friendliest little guy- are alone with me, myself, and I at the end of the night. All you've got is that dude in the mirror who only talks back when you're at your most sleep deprived.
And that dude in the mirror has one fucked up 'do.
The solution is obvious: you've fucked youself over with Occam's razor, may as well use it. Who else do you know has fucked up hair?
Well, all of your troll friends. Tagora especially comes to mind. But who else has intentionally fucked hair?
Mallek lets you into his hive without a word about your impending flop era.
It might be thanks to the hood drawn up over your head; thank god for Mallek's hoodie.
"What's up?" he asks. You're still learning to read him; his smirk never quite reaches his eyes, but then again, neither do any of his other expressions. "If you're planning on robbing the hood, I'd appreciate if you didn't display my sign." He flops down on his sofa, grabbing another slice of pizza and handing you the blue plastic plate as if your hands aren't shoved anxiously in your hoodie pocket. "Or at least rob something really cool and subversive. You know, flushed affirmation day is coming up-" it isn't, "-and I've always wanted a Namaaq original."
His desperate attempt to act like everything is cool means so much; you almost believe it, with his smudged eyeliner and his dichotomous face.
"Already stole everything I wanted," you say, sitting gingerly on the edge of the couch, pressing your fingers to his chest. It's a small comfort; his heart beats so slow where yours is beating in a near frantic state.
"Just the one? You know I've got about five more?"
He smirks again, but this time his eyes join the party with a little tilt-o-whirl and the light that comes with it. "Hoodies." He takes a bit of his pizza, chewing through a smile.
He gestures at you with his half-eaten slice. "So what's the deal tonight? Breaking and entering? Defamation of property?"
"Defamation of person, maybe," you say. And with a thrill of anxiety, you pull the hood down.
"Damn," he says. He chews down the crust. "You look fucked up."
Well, he didn't have to say it. Damn gamers and their blunt demeanors. Tears sting at your eyes; maybe this was a mistake.
Mallek looks suddenly very distressed, running his hand through his own hair and eyes wide. "Fuck, I didn't mean it like that." He's panicking now, which at least is endearing enough that you can momentarily shove aside your upset. He looks around wildly, before handing you another slice of pizza. Another blue plastic plate. His white flag, his peace offering.
"Help," you say, in a tiny, mousey voice. Because it's the only thing you can say without falling to pieces.
It takes some manoevering, three more slices of pizza, and a few paragraphs of skipped exposition before you're sat in Mallek's gamer chair, with Mallek's hands in your hair, and Mallek's razor buzzing away behind you.
It's terrifying; hasn't your look suffered enough?
"You're going to get my hair stuck in all the noo- crevices," you catch yourself just in time.
"Yeah, well I've got a fan."
"Human hair is finer than troll hair."
"Heh. Got a leafblower, too."
"Do you really?"
"Yeah." You turn around in his chair to really look at him, give him a hard left face to the face. "Really," he repeats emphatically. "How do you think I got around before I saved up enough allowance for a hoverboard?" He jerks his horns to one of several piles of junk that litter his hive. You wouldn't have seen it if he hadn't pointed it out; a leafblower connected to both a skateboard AND a flamethrower. That is indeed Alternia's stupidest- and, possibly, deadliest- private transportation.
You're shocked. "Does it work?"
He scoffs. "Does it work? Do you feel any hair in those crevices?" He kicks at the seat; several meals worth of crumbs rain down.
You do, regretfully, find yourself suddenly aware of tiny bits of your cut hair in your own crevices. You wonder if he'll let you take a shower, or if he's going to try to prove a point with that leafblower.
"Your deflecting," he says, grabbing you by the top of your head and straightening you out. He clicks on the razor and you must visabley tense, because his hand on your head goes suddenly tender. "What's the big deal? I've been cutting my own hair for sweeps."
"What if I look stupid?"
"Do I look stupid to you?" He fluffs up his hair with his off hand, looking like the world's sexiest cockatiel.
There's silence between you. Mallek's face is so transparently pleading with you: please laugh, please feel better.
"It's just..." you trail off, fiddling with the hem of your stolen hoodie. "I've always been a person with hair that was a certain length, and-"
Mallek interrupts you with a swipe of his razor against your scalp.
"Hey!" your hand jumps to the clean shaven spot; it's fuzzy like a kiwi.
"You'll learn," he says, pitching his voice low, "to be the person with this length hair." He pulls the last lock out of your face before shaving it, kissing you on your now exposed scalp. "Or this length hair," he tickles you on the jaw with the lock of hair he just shaved off. "You're gonna look so punk, babe."
And so it goes. He doesn't shave your whole head; just a small part of the side.
"Did I ever show you my first shave?" he asks, wiping down his blade once he's finished.
He doesn't wait for your answer, shoving his palmhusk in front of you. The picture is of preteen Mallek, complete with lime-green soda tab necklace and striped arm bands and shaggy, wavy hair with a shaved patch right at the side, all right angles.
"Wow," you can't help but laugh, "I always knew you were a square." You trace the perfect, ridiculous edges of his hairline on his palmhusk screen, and he hits the lock button.
You're forced into eye contact with your own reflection.
It's not bad- the haircut is very troll, with wild bits sticking up at odd angles- but, well...
You turn in your chair.
"So, matching tattoos next?" He offers.
It's not you, not really...
But you smirk the same way he does: all mouth. Your mouth. On his.
You think you can find a way to be this person, right now. You'll grow into it, and if not? The hair will grow into you, eventually.
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So...that last anon I sent (the im sad one) was a joke,,and I forgot text tones,, I am so sorry,,I meant is as in a "I'm sad :( <- (over exaggerated) because I love your content and haven't seen anything from you lately and I admire you, and hope youre okay" not "I'm guilt tripping you why aren't you making fics right this very second and obeying my every whim and fancy GRR" I apologize very heavily, I didn't mean for it to get read that way,, I keep forgetting its hard to read tone over text! (I was also sleep deprived when I sent this so that doesn't help things) I hope things get better for you, and I'm sorry again for upsetting you, I didn't mean to come across that way. Your feelings matter!! Please take your time and take care of yourself<3
I am,,very embarrassed and probably never ever going off anon here again asjdlj
Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I, too, have sent things I shouldn’t have when sleep deprived, so I completely understand.
For one thing, this isn’t the first anon that’s told me this, and in much harsher terms. I suppose it’s still a sore spot for me, and I took all of that anger that I should have given to the guilty parties and not you.
I also have problems reading tone over text as well, so what you meant as “Aw, I haven’t heard from you in a while,” translated to me as “C’moooon write a fic! I’m so desolate and deprived without your work!” which I have received.
Please, please know that I forgive you completely. I just hope you can forgive me the way I acted. It was more of a misunderstanding and a wrong place, wrong time thing than an actual mistake on your part.
I also shouldn’t send such venom over anon if I’m not completely sure what the other person meant. Another mistake on my part. Next time, I’ll message a person directly if I have a problem with them, and save the long speech for someone that actually deserves it.
God, I couldn’t be more embarrassed.
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hitechlatte · 1 year
It’s is 7:30 am my battery is at 3% I started purple jacket at around 3 or 4 I’m not sure my battery was on 100% and that’s just a long way of saying HOLY SHIT DID I LOVED YOUR FIC! OH MI GOSH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE PURE SERATONIN TEARS AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT FIC BROUGHT ME? AND THE SECOND ONE? I MEAN ONLY THREE CHAPTERS YET OOOH MI GOSH- I PUT RELATIONSHIPS WITH APRIL? GOLD OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH SHELLFOD? ABSOLUTELY GOLD THE BROTHERS BEING THE SWEETEST? THE WWHOLE IDEA? G O L D I- I just thank you it was exactly what I needed it I will be re reading it for the rest of my life- I CANT WAIT FOR MORE UPDATES AHHHH
Okay sorry to bother you I JUST HAD TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT IT AND A thank you again I hope your day is as wonderful as your fic made mine😭💜
Psi had like 5 cups of coffee I apologise for the Caps but I’m just caffeinated sleep deprived and too freacking excited over your amazing writing
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AHHHHH THANK YOU I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE ENJOYING IT SO MUCH! It's all your love and support that has been mega driving me to put my all into this. You're all so awesome <333333
I can't wait to keep posting updates! Also sorry for the mega delay in this response, but so glad you are enjoying it!
AHHHH THANK YOU! That means so much to hear and again so sorry I took so long to respond to this!!!
Hahaha nah fam I too understand the woes of a caffiene addiction. Also ALL CAPS MAKES THINGS FUN <3333333
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real-gifted-chaos · 2 years
Bigger, Badder, & Bolder…
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*Requested* Lol can it be were I’m best friends with Stiles but I secretly like him and once he turn into void he likes to tease and taunt me and I can’t help but find it really hot, so when I’m home alone trying to study more about the nogistine he pops up and starts teasing how flustered I am and how he knows I like this bad side and we both share a moment and kiss and it gets heated from there, are you comfortable writing smut? If so you can add it lol :) {A.N| Sorry It took too long. One of our birthdays is in February and the other is in March, so we're trying to take some time off to celebrate but we're trying to write and edit as much as we can. And reader's gender wasn't really clear so I hope you don't mind, we made the reader female. Sorry if it's a little trash, this is out first time writing a full smut. Here's post/update 1/3, enjoy} @gpiggy98 (Paring) Stiles Stilinski x Fem! Reader, Void Stiles x Fem! Reader (Catagory) Smut, Smut, Smut (Warning{s}) Language, Major Smut!!! Hair pulling. Unprotected Sex. Creampie, corny, and probably trash. Every character is 18 + and everything is legal. If you continue to read you are confirming that you are 18+. Enjoy
The night in Beacon was hot but your air conditioning blasting throughout your apartment outweighed it. You sat on your living room floor in between your dark royal blue leather couch and your glass coffee table. On the table in front of you sat a warm cup of coffee, your laptop, a few colorful pens, and your notebook filled with notes you had previously already written down. You were stressed and sleep-deprived but you were also determined. Determined to get this one thing done for a friend you really deeply cared about. You looked at the clock- 3:25 in the morning. If this didn't prove how in love with Stiles you were, then nothing would. You were debating wheater or not you wanted to call it a night or if you should continue, the decision making hard and putting you under more stress. Your warm hands ran down your face slowly trying to relieve the stress but to no avail. In the middle of trying to de-stress two quick knocks sounded at your door. God, who would be here at this ungodly hour? You removed yourself from your floor and made your way to your brown oak wooden door, opening it. You let out an annoyed sigh when you saw no one was there. You slammed the door shut, locking it once more before turning around to return to your seat, but when you turned you let out a yelp at the boy sitting on your couch. "Stiles! You nearly gave me a heart attack. What are you doing here so late?" "Sorry. Just came to check on you, Princess." It wasn't until your friend spoke that you realized this wasn't your friend. His voice was deeper than its usual, he had grown reddish purplish bags under his eyes, and his hair was messy. This was Void. "Void?" "Well, it definitely isn't the nerd. Would the nerd check in on you at this ungodly hour?" His taunting and teasing were clear but the question actually made you think, would he? "I don't know actually, but it's always nice to have company." You admitted as you went to seat next to him on the couch. You watched as his eyes traveled from your figure and towards the things on your table. He read over your highlighted notes and looked over your laptop screen. You could practically see the gears in his head turn as he continued to read. "Hey, don't read that." You hurriedly closed your laptop and your notebook and joined him back on the couch watching as he now turned his attention on you. Now you felt bad... "Don't worry, Princess, nothing I haven't already seen or heard." His statement was meant to be a joke, but you couldn't laugh. You felt really bad. "I'm sorry if that made you feel...bad." You apologized sincerely. At that, he laughed. Finding your apology both comforting and... cute. "Now I see why the nerd likes you." "Hey, he's not a nerd. And h-he likes me?" "Yeah. All he does is talk about you and think about you. Can't say I really blame him." What?! You felt stupid, all this time your friend who you've been crushing on for years had the same feelings for you and on top of that so did his Nogitsune- apparently. What were you supposed to do with that? You could feel your face starting to heat up, you could only imagine how you looked. "You like it when I act like this, huh? I can smell you, Princess. I can smell the arousal between your legs and I can sense it." He teased with a smirk swatching as your face grew redder almost the color of a tomato. Quick, say something smart back. "Oh my god, Why are you smelling me?" "Well, it's not much of a choice." You couldn't help the scoff that escaped your lips. Why did it seem like he was making fun of you? The atmosphere became quiet, the only noise being the tv in the background. There were no words you wanted to exchange with the nogitsune that you haven't already said before. Your eyes traveled towards the tv, watching the old black and white romantic sitcom that played in the middle of the night. Two couples sat on the couch, similar to you and Void, and argued about god knows what. From the corner of your eyes, you could see Void watching you like a hawk. His eyes watching your every move. Watching the way you
licked your lips every now and then, watching when you moved around to avoid the arousal being too much. He watched your every move. "Do I make you nervous, Babygirl?" "No, you don't." "I may be over a thousand years old but I'm not stupid." "Whatever." You dismissed as quickly as the conversation started. You couldn't deny the amount of wetness messing up your lace underwear from just hearing his voice. Everything about this man, both of these men, just did something to you. "Can I kiss you?" The question made your head turn drastically but your wetness only pooled more. You hesitantly nodded your head, yes, and that was all he needed to clash his lips against yours in a passionate kiss. Your back rested against the armrest of the couch and your arms wrapped around his neck, his around your waist pulling you closer to him as humanly possible. Your tongues fought for dominance but instantly he won. Slowly your hands made their way up his shirt, feeling his warm skin and his defined chest against your soft fingers. It was all going so well until he stopped your hands and broke the kiss. "What's wrong?" You asked panting trying to catch your breath as he just starred into your e/c eyes. "I'm dangerous." He sighed, almost sounding like he was trying to convince himself. Your hands caressed his face gently, though he tried to back away from you, you wouldn't let him. "No, you're not dangerous." "How can you say that when it is written in bold and highlighted in your notes? Everyone knows it. The nerd knows it, I know it...v you even know it." "Stop. Yes, you are dangerous, there is no doubt about that. But, who isn't? I almost murdered someone who messed with me and my friends, I didn't know what I was doing, I was out of control. Look, what I'm trying to say is, yes you are dangerous but there's more than just that side to you Void. Since you've met me, you have been nothing but kind and respectful." His bad-boy act was gone and replaced as his eyes began to water. He tried so hard not to cry in front of you, making him seem weak and so far it was working. You couldn't believe you had managed to break Void's wall down to the point he was venting to you in the middle of the night as he laid in between your legs. "I don't wanna hurt you?" "Void, if you wanted to hurt me you would've done it already. No doubt." You tried to convince. And it worked. After hearing your reassurance he placed his lips right back on yours and kissed you slowly. This kiss was different. It was still passionate but it was also filled with a lot of love. His hands travel down to the hem of your shirt, tugging slightly- asking for permission to take it off your body to which you responded with a head nod. Disconnecting your lips to take off both of your shirts and your bra, Void couldn't help but admire you. "God, you have no idea what you do to me-- He whispered seductively in your ear. He couldn't believe the situation he manage to get himself in. He let his lips trail down from your ear and onto your neck making sure to placemarks everywhere.-- Are you sure about this?" "Yes. I'm sure." Your words and the sound of your voice encouraged him to trail his lips down further until he was hovering over your exposed breast. Immediately, he started kneading one as he took the other in his mouth, sucking and lapping at it pulling a quiet moan from you. He did the same to the other side before gently pulling both your pajama shorts and underwear down fully exposing you. "Fuck. You're fucking beautiful." "Take a picture, it'll last longer." You teased at his staring. He smirked as he looked back into your eyes. "Are you offering me to take a picture of you, fully exposed for me? That's very naughty, princess. I think naughty girls deserve to be put in their place, don't you?" "Yes." Your words came out as a whisper when you felt his warm fingers start to draw circles on your clit. God, the power this man had over you was ridiculous. "Fuck, Princess, you're dripping." "Can you stop teasing?" "Now, that's no way to ask. Maybe if you asked
nicely-" "Please. Please, Void, touch me. Please..." "See? Wasn't so hard." He teased as he eased two digits at a slow pace. You gasped a moan, feeling his fingers inside of you knuckles deep. He loved the faces you were making for him, the sounds coming out of your mouth encouraging him to go faster and deeper. "Fuck, Void. I'm gonna cum." You moaned loudly, no longer caring if your neighbors woke up to the loud obnoxious moaning. Immediately, Void pulls his fingers from you, making you whine and his smirk. "No, don't whine. If you're gonna cum it's gonna be on our cock." His voice was morphed. It no longer only sounded like him. It sounded like Void and Stiles joined together making you feel this kind of pleasure and in some way, it turned you on more. In a rush, Void slid down both his pants and boxers and you watched his cock sprung free hitting his lower abdomen. You literally drooled at the sight. He fisted it, watching as it grew harder and the tip redder. Dipping down to capture your lips with him again, he rubbed his cock with your wetness creating just enough lube as he pushed in and bottom out inside of you- breaking the kiss to groan and look at your face. He noticed your discomfort but after assuring him that it was nothing to worry about, he calmed down more. After getting comfortable with the feeling, you told him to continue which he happily did. His pace started to slow matching the pace he kissed you with taking pleasure as he felt your moans through the kiss. "Please. You can go faster." "Sure thing, princess." In one swift movement he flipped you over so you were laying on your stomach with your back arched- and with no hesitation, he started to rail you from behind with a fist full of your hair. The only sounds heard throughout the apartment were the sound of skin slapping and your loud moans. "Fuck, princess. You're so wet." "Mhmm, all for you." You moaned again, feeling your climax near. Void/Stiles speed up his hips, going faster, deeper, rougher. Your climax had hit you so fast, you had no time to warn the boy behind you. He just felt you clench around his cock tightly as a flow of your liquid dripped from you. "Oh fuck, I'm 'bout to cum princess." "Mhmm cum in me, please." "Your wish is my command." *** After that night it was safe to say that the both of you, the three of you were never separated. That night also gave Stiles the confidence to finally ask you out, in which you had said yes.
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zenthymiya · 2 years
Hello, I have requested this of prinzessin-chr previously, and they did a very good job on it but I am curious as to what your take on it would be. Imagine how some of the characters would react to learning that their S/O is living in a crumbling ruin of a house. If you are not open to requests, I am curious as to what your take on the matter would be. I will include some of mine.
I mean the walls are coated in mold with fungus growing a corner, the ceiling is partly caved in, the windows and doors are broken and the bed is just a mattress on the ground.
I used to live in a house that was pretty bad with its own issues, water heater leaked through walls, had live wires with no caps on next to insulation in the attic connected to a switch that could turn them on, windows leaked, a couple rats, had to turn off water in shed outside and a couple other issues. None of these issues were as bad as what I am requesting the readers living conditions be but I understand what it is like to live in a mess of a house and yet not want to leave due to personal feelings.
I imagine that some would be stunned into a stupor only to snap out of it and be like 'hell no you are not staying here,' and proceed to tell them that sentiment or not they are coming with them. I picture Ayaka, Kokomi, Ayato, Kequing, Scaramouche, Zhongli, Ei and maybe Diluc.
Some would probably think that it was a joke until the S/O unlocked the door, or what was left of it, and went to enter only to turn and ask why they weren't following them. I imagine these are the ones like Childe, Itto, Kujou Sara, Kaeya, Yae, Rosaria and maybe Eula.
Some of them would be of the opinion that it is safer in the wilderness or in their more primitive home than in this ruin. Amber, Shenhe, Beidou, and Xiao spring to mind.
I hope you like the idea, like I said prinzessin-chr did a pretty good job with it for the three characters I requested. I apologize if requests are not open or you are not interested in this idea.
Notes: Requests and things you want to say are always welcome in my inbox, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me <3
I’m not at all good at doing dialogue, so I’m sorry for that, but I do like the prompt. I am so sorry if this happens to be insensitive in any way, I have no prior experience close to it so it may not be all that accurate. I added two more characters if you don’t mind, I just thought they would be cool to do and I had already started writing them. Also I am so sorry for how long this took, I am just a very slow writer and had so many exams these past few months, but that doesn’t excuse it I’m so sorry </3
One more topic, so sorry for disappearing for like 2 months. Exams and school just kind of bonked me on the head.
Characters: Beidou, Zhongli, Ei, Ningguang, Keqing, Jean, La Signora
Cw: GN! Reader, Zhongli having a whole speech in his that doesn’t even make sense, Kidnapping?? Kind of, I think I had a bit too much fun on Ei’s, Suggestive Content in Ningguang’, Idk why but Jean sounds hot when sleep deprived, Signora’s real name spoilers? Is it spoilers?, Sorry for kind of terrible writing of dialogue, I still need to practice it, Slightly doesn’t make sense and I’m sorry for that
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Beidou
Thinks it is just a huge prank you are playing on her at first, really does try to laugh it off until she realizes that it isn’t a joke
Is honestly stumped on how to deal with your stubbornness. She can’t just force you- as much as she wants to at times- she’s not like that.
Instead, Beidou’s method of getting you out of your house is copious amounts of affection. Essentially trying to coax you out bit by bit, to convince you that sometimes you just need to let go of old places and make new memories in newer places. Every time she comes to visit you she takes you out on a lot of dates in many different places. It’s almost like every other hour that she drags to a new place like a restaurant, shopping, going on a hike, anything you can think of that involves you two going out.
While Beidou may seem a bit insensitive, she does understand how you would want to keep memories close by like those made with friends and family, but she also treasures new things just as much. And she wants to teach you the value of seeing new places to make new memories with new people.
Her way of convincing is to try to just keep you out of your place so she can show you new places, to convince you that it is okay to let go for your own sake. It’s also for her sake as well, she gets so anxious when she’s gone for weeks or several months at a time, fearing that she’ll just one day stumble upon your dead body caused by some freak accident that could’ve been prevented.
One day, when she’s been especially spoiling you in taking you on dates, she will ask you to join her at sea. Just one trip if you feel comfortable. Wether you will sway to the ocean or remain is up to you.
“Come oooonn just once? Please?”
Sighing, you looked behind you at the pirate captain trailing behind you, tugging at you like a puppy.
“How many times do I have to tell you, I am not willing to live on the literal ocean with you.”
Looking up you could see your girlfriend attempt to pout angrily at you, flailing her arms around you. “I told you I wasn’t going to force you to come live with me, I just wanted to go on this trip with you. It’s to Inazuma too! You and I both have never been there, just one trip!”
Tuning out the rest of the whining you searched for any type of lie in her eyes or voice, reluctantly you relented to the thought that Beidou actually just wanted one trip with her. Perhaps you should go, it wouldn’t hurt to get out of your hometown for a bit right?
You supposed you should go as thank you, especially when she’s been so.. nice these last couple of weeks. Buying you all types of food, bringing you plenty of souvenirs from her latest travel, and in general just being more affectionate (More than she already is).
“Hey!! Are you even listening? It’s just one tiny trip- We can even go on dates-“
Groaning, you closed your eyes and hid your head in your hands- away from her gaze- so you wouldn’t have to see that sparkle of triumph in her eyes.
“Okay, okay, I’ll go. But only for this one trip, alright?”
It didn’t do much as you still heard her whoops of joy.
“Great!! I’ll see you tomorrow at docks at noon okay? I promise you, you won’t regret this trip one bit!”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Zhongli
Truly does understand the value of a precious memory. He knows how impactful a memory is, especially one that has been throughout your entire childhood. Yet understand that he wants the best for you, no matter how much it means to you.
He offers advice about how the best memories are treasured when you can simply treasure them in your mind. Through persuasion and safety concerns, he managed to get through to your head about it.
With your hand in his, he escorts you to your house one last time, rubbing circles on your hand as he instructs to you bid a farewell to that house. He comforts you when you try to look back, and tells you to bring something of value, a living memory of your home, so it will always be there with you, providing a warm shelter for you.
He knows the priceless price of a memory, so have a fulfilling farewell before you walk away to a cove of new ones hand in hand with your partner
“Love, I know all too well about the true meaning of a memory, but please even this is too much.”
Frowning, you shake your head at him. “I’ve been raised in this home, this home has sheltered me throughout almost everything in my life Li, how am I supposed to just.. say goodbye? Aren’t you an Archon? Figures you don’t know how precious these things are.” Pulling away your head away from his piercing gaze, you start to turn around to walk away from him.
Only for a sudden hand on your wrist stops you, however, and you hastily whip your head back to your lover.
“[Name] please, I know you don’t mean that. I have experienced countless moments of happiness just as you have. All over Liyue in fact. These moments.. sometimes have no reminiscence left in them. A dear memory, a location, or just something as simple as wine is all I have left of these moments. I know you spent your years growing up and being protected by this house, but this house now poses a danger to you — a danger to my most precious memory so far. I assure you memories are one of the most valued and powerful things to come about, but memories can be honored using so many different methods. A nice charm of a piece of your home can be used to signify its protection over you, a food that you enjoyed thoroughly will remind you of home perhaps, and.. you. Your existence was raised by that home, you are going to be a living reminder of that home, you are your own memory. There is no need to hang onto a home that can’t support new precious memories waiting to be discovered. Please consider my words, I want you to be one of my most long living memories, so please, be safe and think about my words. I’m not asking you to live with me, I simply wish you to just let go of this memory before it rots, and discover new treasure in new memories.”
Silence. You didn’t look up at his gaze, you didn’t push him away, you didn’t yell, you simply stood still, hand still in his. He started growing concerned when the only noise that met him was chirping of crickets from around both of you. And then you opened your mouth.
“.. Yes dear?”
“I love you, but a simple sentence would’ve done the job you know.”
“Well, my point was made clear wasn’t-“
You cut him off with a sudden hug, burying your head into his chest.
“I’m sorry.” You can’t bear to look up from his chest, a muffled apology leaving your lips as he looks down at you in surprise. His expression then morphing into something softer as you feel a hand thread through your hair gently, “Don’t worry dear, I understand.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Ei
Is confusion. Why do you so adamantly endanger yourself in this eroding home — if it could even be called that. Do you really not know the danger of erosion?
Ei doesn’t want to see you hurt, especially by the home that provided you shelter for so many years. But her patience is thinning, sentimentality means absolutely nothing when you danger yourself.
You and her actually get into a whole argument about it and when you try to leave she doesn’t let you. She’s an Archon, she will make you come with with her no matter what. Any escape plans will be futile as Ei stations guards everywhere, as if there weren’t already enough
To make matters even more drastic, she is constantly observing you. Ei, the Electro Archon, the Divine Ruler of Inazuma, can and will throw you over her shoulder to carry you away from your home if you still persist to be stubborn.
She’s not good the best with words or understanding mortals, but she does understand wanting to remember things that are worth keeping. So while she can be very irrational about persuading you to just come with her; she will personally oversee the creation of something of your choice to keep the the memories of your home.
It’s not that she doesn’t mean well, she really just wants you to be safe. Even if she is very drastic. Yet understand that erosion contradicts her very beliefs. Like hell she’ll lose you to a rotting building. Ei has faced so many losses in her life, and she is not prepared suffer another one.
“Ei! I swear to the Archons if you don’t put me down-!”
“An Archon is right here-“
“Not the point Ei.” Stopping your struggle on Ei’s shoulder just for a bit, you still continue to try and wiggle out of her arms to no avail. “I don’t even know why you’re making such a big deal out of this anyways. I’m perfectly safe you know!”
“That ‘home’ of yours is past erosion. I will not let something so crucial to my eternity be lost to erosion. There also poses the threats outside of that ruin.”
“Well- you- you could’ve just asked at least!”
“I did.” Shaking her head while she responded. “You refused, and I worry for your safety, so I have to resort to drastic measures.”
Sighing, you slowly accepted your fate to be literally thrown over your girlfriend’s shoulder. You made yourself entertained as you watched the moving terrain pass you both steadily.
Stopping, she cocked her head at you, looking back at you with a questioning look.
“Could you at least give me a chance to say goodbye? Or maybe just preserve something that reminds of that home? I-I’ve been with it for so long Ei.. I just really appreciate it for its shelter and I feel as if I need to honor that.”
Stillness and silence came from your girlfriend. “As long as you choose something memorable.” She spoke slowly and softly — a contrast to earlier. It was as if she sympathized or even empathized your unwillingness to leave.
“If the thing you choose is truly the thing that represents your home, then I shall preserve it throughout the waves of time for you.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Ningguang
Oh she is so frustrated with you. She has a list of every single individual pros that come with living with her — which she proudly presented mind you, and yet you still refused.
She’s not very understanding as she’s never really had a very good connection with any previous homes of hers. She’s just trying to spoil you and keep you safe, even if she is a bit insensitive about the whole thing.
But she will definitely preserve something for you. Or just even keep several items or refurbish them to display them in your new shared home. Even if she doesn’t really understand the value of the item, she’ll do it for you.
In her mind, you deserve so much more than that home can provide. If this makes you happy and you will let her spoil you after, then she will do it.
She’ll actually come with you into your home and help you pick out some special items that are safe to bring with you. Just be grateful please; she’s internally cringing because of all the filth she is looking at and touching.
“You know you didn’t actually come all the way here to help me pick out items.”
“No- I… insist.” You giggle a bit as Ningguang flinches from the amount of grime and mold that coats the entire building.
“I know how high class you are, so I’m sorry about the mess. I already have a couple of things in mind though.”
“Don’t mention it…” She trails off that last word, making you turn back to look at her.
“Is something the matter Ning?”
“No.. nothing. Just a bit feeling a bit queasy is it.” A perfectly strained smile accompanied those sugar toned words.
Nervously chuckling, you sighed after at your girlfriend’s terrible attempt hiding her disgust. You did have to thank her though, as she is offering up her time to scour the home with you.
You know how hard it is to get free time as the Tianquan, and she even personally decided to escort you. Leaning up toward her face you pulled her down a bit to peck her gently on the mouth.
“Tell you what Ning, I’ll repay you back when we get back to the chamber okay?”
Her lips turned up slightly at that, and her nails came to grip your chin upwards towards her gaze, “Oh? And what is the offer of your repayment? Your company is wonderful, but perhaps this ordeal is worth a little more than that is it?”
With those words she dragged her nails from your chin carefully down your neck, continuing to drag them down on your chest..
“OKay!- Ning!” You gasped, pushing her away with a flustered expression. “That’s enough-!”
Your words were interrupted by smug sniggering coming from above you. Groaning you turned away and started walking deeper into the house.
“ I just love spoiling you [name]. Why don’t you let me do it here? It is a possible form of repayment for being here with you.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Keqing
Very direct in her actions showing that she hates you living in this place. While she is experienced and willing to fend for herself in the wild, she is not letting you live that life. Not even close.
The moment you become her partner she had already made a vow to keep you safe and provide you with best life she can as the Yuheng. While she does not like to admit it, she is growing in readily irritated and frustrated with you. And it shows.
It is a long and brutal battle of stubbornness. Her not having a proper rest until all that is needed is done, and one of her top to-do’s is to keep you safe. And you, who is very stuck as you are forced to choose between your girlfriend’s sleep schedule and your previous home.
If she absolutely cannot get you to budge, she will barely let it go. She’s scoffing every time she walks you home, taking you shopping almost every other day as a way to spoil you and keep you out of your house as well.
“I still do not understand your persistence.”
Frowning you turn your head to see your girlfriend; arms crossed with a nasty scowl to top it off.
You didn’t get a chance to respond as your next words are interrupted with more harsh arguments from her.
“That home is dragging you down, like with Gods and mortals. You refuse to let go of that silly little belief and you are paying the price for it.”
“It still shelters me. And I am attached to it. What is the so called price?” You bit back.
“Your safety. Your inability to reach new heights because you cling onto this one. And simply the little convenience. Must I name more?” Keqing huffed quickly.
She struts towards you exclaiming, “If you would just let me-.”
“Save it.” You quickly interrupt her as she reaches your form, looking at your eyes in frustration with underlying worry. Sighing, “Please just let it go Keqing-, I,” running a head through your hair as you break eye contact from her.
“You what exactly? I’m not letting you endanger yourself!-“
“I told you I’m not endangering myself!” You yelled quickly. Your short little outburst shocking Keqing evident by her eyes going wide. When she opened her mouth to speak you interrupted her. “In fact you endanger yourself! Refusing to sleep or even eat!- Because what?!Even going camping out in the woods with nothing, absolutely nothing! For what? ‘survival training’!- You have no right to be judging me when you pull these stupid stunts!”
“I-, please [name] don’t-“
“No!” Pointing an accusing finger at her, “Why can’t I say anything on your habits?”
Panting, you put your hand down back to your side as you look away from the uncomfortable tension now between you two. You didn’t acknowledge the clacking footsteps sounding closer and closer until two hands grabbed yours; forcing you to look at Keqing who was now right in front of you, face to face.
You gulped at the sudden closeness, the proximity and tension making you anxious. It felt like hours before Keqing decided to speak up, “I- [name]. I just- I’m sorry.” Closing your eyes you leaned yourself sideways into her shoulder, burying yourself in there.
A hand came up and patted your head even further into her neck. “I just.. I worry for you. I’ve never felt such enlightenment when I’m with you. It makes me want to… Spoil you. To protect you, to always have you near me. To always know that you are safe. Precious memories like yours.. Have never exactly existed for me. I suppose I’m being as protective over you like with you and that house.. But I’m still not letting you live there. There’s a limit to how much faith you can put into something before it-“
“Let’s you down.” Sighing into your girlfriend’s neck, “You’ve told me this so many times..” You felt her hold you closer; tighter and protective.
“Keqing..”, she turns her head towards your voice, “I’m giving you one chance. Show me what you shall benefit me in if I let go. I promise you can have my presence in your possession always if you succeed. But. You have to take care of yourself too. I’m putting my faith in you. Prove to me that you won’t let me down.”
“Y-you’re not being serious.. Are you?” You nodded still buried in Keqing’s shoulder.
You felt a deep breath of relief rush through Keqing.
“I promise [name]. I will not let you down.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ Jean
Extremely worried for your sake; she’s going to keep insisting that it isn’t safe for you at all and that you should just come with her. Where it’s safe, warm, and filled with everything you could ever need or want.
She doesn’t want to force you if you are that unhappy or persistent, but you have to understand that she’s just so stressed for you. It’s honestly either she ends up dragging you with her or you reluctantly go because she’s just not taking care of herself anymore because she doesn’t know if you are safe yet.
Literally almost physically cannot go a single conversation without mentioning it for your safety. When she first saw it she was stunned; stupefied and immediately asked if you were okay and if you wanted a place with her.
When you explain your connection with the house, she understands somewhat. That doesn’t make it better for her though, she’s basically worrying about you every moment she thinks of you during the day. Sometimes she even randomly checks up on you.
Don’t mind her too much, it’s just that she’s already so stressed with Mondstadt and she doesn’t want to cost either factor for each other. She refuses to choose between Mondstadt and you because both of the choices are just so prioritized by her.
“Jean! When was the last time you ate- or even slept for that matter?”
Tired, distracted eyes looked up to see you leaning over the Acting Grandmaster’s desk, waving a hand in front of her face. “Hmm? Oh! [Name] I didn’t realize you visited today,” ignoring your protesting cries about her health in favor of glancing at a clock.
“I appreciate your visits, but it seems to be quite late.” Quickly interrupting your offended complaints with a groggy voice that just resonated with you - how can a sleep deprived, groggy workaholic sound so hot anyways…
“Would you like me to escort you back home? Or if that happens to be too far I can happily lend you my place for the evening.”
Crossing your arms and lightly glaring at her, “I can walk by myself you know.” You whined — with a cute little pout on your lips, to her. “Besides I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Of course you can.” she responds softly, “but you know dangerous the city can get, especially at night.”
She smiles reassuringly at you, “Don’t worry, I don’t mind at all, please I do I insist on escorting you back, besides it is a welcome distraction from work.”
No matter how sweet and lovely her smile is, you can’t shake the feeling of.. hesitation? No more like.. reluctance coming from her. You knew that she subtly disapproved of your home, but she never outrightly persisted on convincing you.
Maybe.. just this once you should let Jean rest without worries for you. What kind of partner would you be after all if you didn’t?
“Well there’s no time to waste,” she stands up quickly from her desk, swiping her sword along the way, “Well? Shall we?”
Shaking your head while she looks questioningly at you, “I- I decided I want to spend the night with you,” fidgeting with your fingers a bit with worry, “If it’s no problem of course-.”
“No! It’s absolutely no problem at all.” Somehow Jean is by your side in seconds, she looks considerably less worried, and much less tired even.
She pulls your hand along tugging you with her, shes not the best at hiding her glee you notice; the grin on her face says everything after all.
“Let’s hurry along now love, my place is not that far from here, and I’ll guarantee that I’ll do my best to accommodate you.”
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※ ゜* ・ ゚⋆ ❆ La Signora/Rosalyne
She scoffs, stone faced telling you that it is, “Very funny.” Won’t actually pick up on it until a couple more times after because she thinks you’re just being a prankster
Literally asks you if you are keeping yourself humble for dating such a wonderful person such as her. When she realizes it’s not that reason then she will be carrying you all the way to Snezhnaya, no questions asked.
Sentimental value or not she’s taking you with her. She doesn’t understand why are being so stubborn, if she can leave Mondstadt as her first home then you can too.
She’s going to pamper you from then on, getting you like 10 different personal servants catered to each need you might have. She will going to look after you wether you like it or not. But she knows how painful it is leaving a place that you have so many memories with, so she orders a small piece of your preferred jewelry of your home for you.
Don’t confront her on how soft she was being though, she’ll deny every single piece of evidence about being love struck for you.
You stared, confused at the little locket Rosalyne had placed in your palm so suddenly.
“It’s a pendent containing a high quality picture of your old home,” she huffed, arms crossed with her head turned away from your curious eyes,”don’t think too much about it. I just think it might help you get over your homesickness.”
It definitely did help me, Rosalyne thought as she subtly fidgeted with the old pendent still clipped on her robes after all this time.
“Thank you Rosalyne,” a stupid lovely smile spreading across your face as you inspected the pendent. “I really appreciate you doing this for me.” You giggled out breathlessly.
Archons damnit, you looked so fucking adorable holding the gift close to your heart while you eyes glistened slightly-
Clearing her throat, “Do not mention it, I just supposed it would help you stop complaining about missing that place.”
How embarrassing. Was she really becoming the head over heels maiden she once was all that time ago?
Taking a peak at your still grinning, flustered face with those oh so kissable lips with adorable little cheeks that she could just squish all day-
Yes she was falling in love with you just like she had done with another so many years ago.
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mysticboombox · 2 years
Perfect the Way You Are
So this was my first fic I ever tried writing and honestly, it’s bad, I ain’t gonna finish it, but after seeing how long this has been sitting in my drafts, I think I’ll finally share it. Am I anxious as heck to share it? You bet your sweet ass I am. But I really wanted to get something out there since my last post.
I might re do this, I might not, who knows. All I know is, here’s a fic for ya!
Used this post as inspiration:
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Donnie x F!reader
Will be using she/her pronouns
“(Y/N), (Y/N)! Look (Donnie explains to the reader what he discovered and shows them the mutagen changing his hand)
“(Y/N), if I can get my hands on more of this stuff, I could create a formula that changes my brothers and I into humans.” He reaches for (Y/N)’s hand an interlinks with them. “I can finally do things with you I’ve always wanted to do. Take you out on dates, meet your friends and family, 
“I know why you’re doing this, I understand. While this is an amazing discovery and I’m happy that you got to figure out some possibilities with this, I’m not comfortable with it though. It has nothing to do with you, it’s just,… you’re perfect the way you are. You may not believe that, you may think that I’m just saying that to be nice or to pretend that this is cool. 
“Donnie, I know what it’s like to want to be accepted by society, to want to interact with so many things and people. You and your brothers have been deprived of that chance for so long. But as long as society stays the way it is, not a lot of people are going to accept you, even if you altered your appearance. People bully other people for their appearances. ‘You’re too fat, you’re too skinny, your teeth aren’t straight/ or white, be a little more of this and that and I’ll accept you, if you love me then you’d do this and uugh” 
(Y/N) takes a deep breath, calming their nerves before looking up into Donnie’s eyes. Donnie’s eyes were filled with love and sadness. (Y/N) reached up and wrapped their arms around his neck, hugging him close. 
“I love you and your brothers for who you are. It hurts me so much to see you guys in so much pain. I didn’t realize I took some things for granted until I met you guys. I know based on what you and your brothers have told me what people have called you and, fuck them.” 
Donnie stiffened underneath (Y/N)’s grasp, a little surprised. It’s not often strong language is shared between the two, since they are both respectful of each other and those around them. (Y/N) felt Donnie tense and mumbled “sorry” before she continued her speech.
“Fuck the people who don’t get to see more than your outward appearance. Fuck the people who call you guys monsters, freaks, and other degrading names. Fuck them for not getting to know you for you. When I first met you, did I see a brainiac mutant ninja turtle? Yes, I will not deny that. But once I got to know you better, all hands on deck. Hell, my nickname for you for a while was just Genius because well, you are one. But I got to see past your appearance and got to find out besides pizza, you love Italian food. Didn’t you say you’d buy everyone tiramisu at some point?”
“Yeah I did, it was after I cracked a code that hadn’t been used in over 15 years. I said before Shredder collapsed the tower that I’d buy everyone tiramisu.”
“Yeah? Ok, well. I figured you’d also love coffee. Though watching you drink coffee is like a vehicle who’s tank can only last 15 miles to the gallon.”
Donnie leaned back from (Y/N)’s grasp, arching a brow. “You comparing me to a vehicle? Especially one with horrible mileage? (Y/N), have I not taught you well in mechanics? At least the basics???”
“Yes you have and that’s why I’m saying that you somehow run well for a vehicle that runs on 15 gallons.” 
“Thats’s just rude.”
“Ok, maybe not the best description, but seriously, you’re that addicted to coffee you rival my own mother. She can drink coffee from when she gets up for the morning to when her head hits the pillow when she goes to sleep. Drives me a little bonkers. Anyways, back to the point. You wanna know what’s special about you and your brothers?”
Donnie chuckled, “sure, what’s so special about us?” (Y/N) slowly reaches out and cradles Donnie’s face in her hands. She looks up and smiles softly.
“You’re a gift and a blessing to anyone who meets you and your brothers and choose to stay and not run away. April passed out when first meeting you guys but she stayed in the end didn’t she? She sees you for you. I see you for you. You’re a person who literally would not care if you didn’t eat and sleep in 3 days, because you’re that dedicated to making sure all of your tech is functioning so that when you go out there and fight alongside your family, it doesn’t fail you. You would bash yourself against the head if you came back in one piece but found out your tech didn’t work as planned. You’d work yourself to death if it meant it kept your family and the city safe. You are a kind, handsome, gentle, romantic soul that puts others before himself because you care that much about others more than yourself. Be kind to yourself Donatello, because besides your friends and family, you’ve only got you. We only have one Donnie and we don’t want to lose you. Just *takes Donnie’s hand* when you’re working with this stuff, remember that you’ve got people who have your back ok? While I’m not comfortable with this and highly suggest and am against you self-experiment with this stuff, you’ve got my support. You’re perfect just the way you are Don, you just gotta see that for yourself. *boops Donnie’s nose* love you big guy.”
Tags: @bay-did-nothing-wrong @roxosupreme @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @angelcatlowyn @ladyofparchments @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @foreignbrunette @downwiththemutantnjnjaturtles @chicchanmooshy @tmnt22 @aurora-the-kunoichi @yumefuusen @raphslovemuffin80 @nittleboo @donniesdove @pheradream15 @raphsgrl @raisin-shell @doctorelleth @infuriatedleprechaun @fluffytriceratops and anyone else that liked this!
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tamayosclinic · 2 years
You want more request about Shinobu or Mitsuri? I've been summoned. May I please have Shinobu x female reader with the prompt “For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which should count for something.” (it's the reader that says this to Shinobu) Please write this as crack or "comedy" Thank you for your time.
"For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which shoulder count for something." | Shinobu x F!Reader
Warning(s): None
Author's Note(s): I got inspiration of this scenario from a TikTok. I'm pretty bad at making comedy so if this was not as funny as intended I'm sorry. I hope to improve on comedy. Enjoy.
Word Count: 510
100+ Followers Event [Closed]
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(Y/n) trudged into the butterfly estate, kneading her temples to soothe the brain-melting sensation she had since she first saw the sun ascend over the horizon. Sleep deprivation finally caught up to her, amplified by the vacant, peaceful atmosphere of the estate. At most, she could get a couple hours of sleep before chaos peaked in the estate.
Though having forgone dinner the previous night, (Y/n) stopped by the kitchen for something to eat. Digging through the fridge turned up nothing though it was not surprising. Leftovers were rare in the estate. After all, patients have big appetites, and cooking is done precisely as needed.
(Y/n) hoped the girls saved her portion of dinner, but no, and she did not fault them for not doing so. Neither of them could foresee her returning within 24 hours. Closing the fridge, she trudged across the kitchen to the fruit counter when she caught sight of a jar filled with cherry red, gummy-like candies.
Fruit or candy before bed? Candy, duh!
(Y/n) snatched the jar, opened it, and ate several gummies. A strawberry flavor filled her mouth with each bite. She swallowed, then took a second handful.
“Ara,” A silvery voice singsonged, making (Y/n) whirl to her girlfriend a fat-cheeked smile. Swallowing the second handful of gummies, she set the jar down and embraced Shinobu.
“Good morning, Shinobu.” When a minute passed with no answer, (Y/n) pulled away to look at Shinobu and followed the woman’s eyes to the jar. She still wore that placid smile, but (Y/n) could see the clogs turning behind her gorgeous amethyst eyes. “I never thought I’d see the day you buy candy, but I’m glad. Those gummies are delicious.”
“I can tell. That jar was filled to the brim last I left it.” Shinobu finally looked at her. “But maybe you should heed the label next time.”
(Y/n) hummed in confusion, to which Shinobu pointed at the jar, guiding (Y/n) ’s eyes to the bold lettering on the jar. When did that get there? She gawked and blurted, “Melatonin?! I might not wake up!”
“No, you will. You will just have a long sleep,” Shinobu rebutted. “And keep it down. It’s not even eight.”
By this point, (Y/n) eyes were droopy, and she had held back a few yawns. She fought the urge to just lay there on the ground and let sleep take her. She had a statement to make. “For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which should count for something.”
Shinobu tittered, “Yes, you get points for being self-aware.” She wrapped her arms around (Y/n) and guided her out of the kitchen. “Come on, dear, you need to sleep. It will freshen you up.”
“Good idea,” (Y/n) yawned out. She let Shinobu guide her to their shared bedroom and help her change into some nightwear before laying down on the futon. (Y/n) quickly fell asleep while Shinobu watched over her. She smiled proudly when sufficient time passed with no side effects.
Melatonin gummies experiment successful.
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