#this trope eugh
colesawicn · 1 year
category is gay knights
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blackbackedjackal · 6 months
there's cliche's and then there's intentionally leaving a piece vague but it still having meaning and assuming your audience isn't stupid so they can come to their own conclusions about how the piece makes them feel based on visual language
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whumpbug · 2 months
whumperless whump event day 22: better out than in @whumperless-whump-event
vomiting / “i got your hair, it's fine.” (that dialogue is shown thru action i still wanted to include it)
see this post for character information!
caretaker: Archie
whumpee: Simon
cw: vomit (not super graphic but. yknow. its there. its the prompt.) AND slightly graphic descriptions of blood and broken bones (unrelated to the vomit)
for those who want to skip the actual vomiting, it starts at the line "Simon are you sure you're--" and ends at the line "I know, I know.."
Simon was trying, in vain, to nap when a knock on his window startled him awake.
There was really only one person that was so polite as to knock before breaking in. He sprang to his feet.
Well, not really sprang. More like.. slowly dragged himself to his feet so as to not jostle himself more than he needed to. His stomach felt… off.
Well, he sort of felt off in general.
He wasn’t sick though. Nope. No way. Archie was the one with the constitution of an old man, not Simon. Simon got his flu shot every year and drank tons of water and washed his hands nearly every hour. There was no chance he was sick. Not in a million years.
So he dragged his perfectly healthy body out of bed and shuffled to the window to see what mess he was going to have to clean up this time.
Archie waved to Simon through the window as he approached, so at least it didn’t seem to be a life-threatening injury right off the bat. Still, there was blood staining his teeth, slowly streaming from his nose and down to his chin. 
The sight of it made Simon’s stomach lurch. It wasn’t the sight that bothered him, he was used to that, but the thought of having to taste all that blood. He wondered if Archie’s tastebuds were also enhanced like the rest of his senses. He hoped not.
He hooked his fingers under the window and pulled it up, allowing Archie to stumble in. 
“Long time no see. Can't tell if thats a good or bad thing,” Simon quipped, catching Archie by the arm before he could faceplant on the cool tile.
“Awww somebody missed me~” Archie chirped, voice audibly a bit more nasal than usual. He straightened and allowed himself to be led to sit at the kitchen table.
Simon playfully rolled his eyes, though the action made him decidedly more nauseous and he stopped. He swallowed. 
“Yeah, sure. Just tell me what I’m working with here,” He motioned in Archie's general direction.
“Nothing too bad! I think I broke my nose, maybe a rib, and definitely sprained my ankle,” He listed. They had done this dance countless of times, and considering the states Archie had come to Simon in in the past, this really wasn’t too bad.
Simon pulled on his gloves. “Alright, let me take a look.”
Simon gently tilted Archie's head back. A lot of blood had already dried on his lips and chin, but there was still a decently steady stream of fresh blood dripping out. Again, the sight of it wasn’t what bothered Simon, but this time it was the smell.
It was metallic and overpowering and it was right in front of Simon's face. It was far from the worst thing he had smelled by a long shot, but it was enough to bring his queasiness up a few notches. He turned away, giving himself a few seconds to regain his composure.
Still, he knew he wasn’t sick. He must have eaten something weird or maybe he hadn't eaten enough. Sure, he had been feeling sort of run down and chilled all day, but that could be chalked up to stress, not illness. That much he was sure of.
He steeled himself and applied gentle pressure to the bleeding appendage. 
“It’s not broken,” He said, handing Archie some napkins to plug the flow of blood. He got up to change his gloves, silently grateful to be away from the coppery smell for a moment. “You just gave yourself a nasty nosebleed.”
“Oh sweet! I was honestly a little scared that I had--” Archie paused. “Simon? You okay? You look a little.. pale.”
“I’m fine. Just tired. Let’s check your ribs.” Simon said quickly, swallowing convulsively and standing. “Lay on the table.”
Archie lifted an eyebrow, but said nothing. He winced as he got up and sat on the wooden table, hissing as he lowered himself down.
Simon began palpating his side, applying gentle pressure. Simon’s fingers caught the lower left rib and it shifted with a grotesque scraping sensation, earning a yelp from Archie. Simon blanched.
“Yeah, definitely seems uh..” He swallowed again. “It’s a light fracture. Just ice it.”
Simon shut his eyes. Again, usually none of this stuff bothered him, but the feeling of Archie’s bones grinding against eachother beneath his finger was a sensation he felt in his teeth, and, consequently, his stomach. 
Evidently, his body had enough.
“Simon, are you sure you're--”
Archie was cut off by Simon suddenly sitting as straight as a rod, lips clamped together, sweat beading on his brow. There was a beat of silence in which Simon ran through every possible way to avoid what he knew was about to happen, but it was too late. Archie opened his mouth to speak again, but didn't get a chance before Simon bolted to the bathroom.
He unceremoniously crashed to his knees in front of the toilet just as he began to retch.
“Shit!” Archie staggered up from the table, limping as fast as he could to the hallway. Stupid ankle!
As he rounded the corner, he let out a sympathetic gasp at what he saw. Courtesy of Simon forgetting to close the door behind him, he was able to see him clinging weakly to the rim of the toilet, panting in between bouts of nausea. Sweat was dripping down his brow, and Archie could finally see how green around the gills he really was.
“Oh Simon..” He cooed, hobbling over to kneel next to him. He placed a hand between Simon’s shoulder blades and rubbed gently up and down. “ It’s okay.. Just get it out..”
Simon’s body tensed as he shoved his head back down into the bowl and gagged unproductively. He was silently grateful for Archie rubbing his back, as it gave him a sensation to focus on other than his stomach trying to turn itself inside out. He let out a low whine.
“I know, I know..” Archie used his free hand to simultaneously push Simon’s hair back from his forehead and check for a fever. He frowned. “You’re burning. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
Simon screwed his eyes shut as he finally pulled away from the toilet bowl, collapsing into the wall. “Not.. sick..”
“... Come again?”
“Don’t.. don’t need.. m'not sick..” He breathed, but it came out as more of a whine, and Archie couldn’t help but snort.
“I need get that on video. I’ll play it anytime you tell me I’m being ridiculous,” He laughed, gently running a hand through Simon’s sweaty locks. He ignored Simon's absurd denial. “Let’s get you in bed.. you think you’re done?” 
Simon kept his eyes shut as he nodded, knowing that if he looked at his mess, it'd just start up again. Archie leaned over to flush the toilet for him and took a bit of toilet paper to clean his chin. The act was so small and so tender that Simon found his eyes welling up with tears. He blamed the fever.
It took some maneuvering, considering both of their states, but Archie eventually got Simon into bed, and tucked in, once he saw begin to shiver. He placed a small trashcan beside the bed, just in case.
“You should.. should get in bed..” Simon murmured weakly. “Rest your ankle..”
Archie giggled. “You’re just saying that because you want a warm body to latch onto.”
Simon hummed noncommittally.
Still, Archie wasted no time changing out of his Vigil jumpsuit and into some of Simon’s clothes before cleaning his face of blood and slipping beneath the covers, next to Simon.
As predicted, Simon sidled right up to Archie and buried his face in his neck, inhaling the familar scent.
Archie smiled. Though it rarely happened, without fail, Simon became a complete cuddlebug when he was sick, and Archie was absolutely soaking it in.
He drew Simon close to his chest, and ran a hand through his hair. He used his other hand to rub wide circles across Simon’s warm back, and it wasn’t long before Simon visibly relaxed under his touch. 
Simon wasn’t used to being in this role, but was hardly complaining. It felt kind of nice to be doted on. He lazily threw an arm across Archie’s chest and pressed himself closer.
"Maybe.. I'm a little sick.." He slurred, already halfway to dream land.
Archie's chest vibrated with a soft laugh as he carded a hand through the dark locks rhythmically.
The two drifted off, tangled in eachothers arms, with the silent promise to deal with their respective ailments in the morning. For now, they slept.
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ratcandy · 8 months
ok I've completed Kallamar's tasks n such and . Why is he like that (said with overwhelming affection)
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Why is it infinitely easier to sit and come up with fun headcanons and interactions I want to include in Ninja-monium than it is to actually write Ninja-monium?? I just wanna get this first chapter done already so I can share itttt
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shusuikokuto · 9 months
tv tropes is invaluable but i am occasionally reminded by how reflective it is of like. 2000s-2010s flavour of misogyny
case in point: yamato's character entry has a disturbing number of boob-related entries
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icarianiscariot · 1 year
why is dnd romance so much ughghhghg WORSE than like, writing romance. like me writing fanfic is like "omg..... hand holding my beloved..... let them kiss....." but then as soon as im supposed to play this pc romance im like "no actually im too aromantic for this i cannot get into character sorry"
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Hi, sorry to jump onto your blog and reference a personal vent post you made, but since it is venting, I thought I’d clarify something in terms of the nuance attached to the issue: basically, manhua is Chinese while manhwa is Korean, and the images you included in your post show it’s actually a Korean manhwa (via the action words on the panel).
Obviously East Asian countries overall tend to have some not great beauty standards and China isn’t necessarily more innocent than Korea in terms of fatphobia, but I do personally think both countries sometimes engage with beauty standards in different ways. For example, there’s not a lot of focus on transforming fat people into skinny beauty queens in Chinese media, so that’s why, as a person of Chinese descent and also a manhua fan, it felt off-putting seeing the misdirected hatred.
Again, sorry to just burst in with this random ask about the matter. I just see manhua and manhwa lumped together a lot, and while it’s kind of understandable, Chinese media is a lot more underrated than Korean media and gets a lot more undeserved hate due to sinophobia, so seeing more misdirected frustration can be a little discouraging.
But of course, your posts aren’t about that or for me, and I know that. I understand I’m just a stranger on the Internet, but I hope though that someday you can find a manhwa that meets your standards nonetheless! The lack of representation in any media for people who fall outside the standard beauty mold—where any representation can even end up feeling malicious—truly sucks. 😔
oh sorry!! yea i know the comic was korean - and no matter how much i complain about stuff just know that its never directed to entire cultures. thats hypocritical and just as bad as the people who excuse awful behavior by generalizing by race. fatphobia, racism, sexism are all issues prevelant in every form of media regardless of Where they come from.
as for the manhua vs manhwa. honestly that is a true mistake on my part, i knew there was a difference but i got the terms mixed up and didnt bother looking up to see if i was right. but i am aware that most of what i read is korean! ill be more careful from now on to use the correct term, thank you for that.
but yes of course regardless of if the comic is chinese, korean, or even japanese since this is an issue with a lot of manga i find as well! i criticize obvious fatphobia and the common trends i see. thats not to say in any sense there ARENT any manhwa [or manhua] that dont handle these issues well, in fact ive read a few in that regard though its more background stuff. its just a frustrating issue and i know id be feeling the exact same way in regards to western media.
anyway i hope i make sense in this and thank you for being civil and correcting me! while my posts may just be vents i dont mind others talking or fixing anything i say wrong. i have some issues so im not the best in the way of saying? putting words together and all if that makes sense. but thank you anyway and i hope you have a good day ^_^
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thebadtimewolf · 2 years
"10too however is very much not that. He has the same mind up to christmas invasion AND THEN NONE OF THE CHARACTER GROWTH WHATSOEVER FROM TEN. HE NEVER EXPERIENCED LOSING ROSE IN DOOMSDAY AND SKIPPED MARTHA ENTIRELY AND SKIPPED WILF AND MISS MINOGUE AND ALL OF DONNA UP TIL the end of turn left and then stolen earth/journey’s end"
youre kidding right? he has all the memories that ten has up until that dalek shoots him in the street. how else would he even know wtf was going on?? once again. ONLY HIS PHYSICAL FORM grew from the hand. the regeneration energy--which is the ESSENCE of the doctor, was after he was shot in the stolen earth. it's the SAME guy. in a different body.
and he quite clearly doesnt have donna's mind because on 2 separate occasions in the show, she says something and BOTH doctors say "we didn't think of that". he is a BIOLOGICAL metacrisis. not a psychological one. that's why he is sustainable and donna isnt
do you really think ten would leave rose with anyone unless he was 100% sure it was a version of him that could give her everything he wanted to but never could?
someone's big mad of my theoretical observation (one of many many many) that dared to conflict against your own about a ship so stale over time that when we finally get merch for it - its only for the power of the doctor event just to rob us of more jo martin!doctor/fugitive doctor merch and extremely bland roseten audio adventures. and the one mention of rose with nine with ten present in a marketed event by bbc and big finish ad titan comics and - ten literally doesnt give a shit about her but severely effected by losing donna as if she was the love of his life instead of rose. right there. you know. crumbs and dust.
however, i am glad you chose to read all that under the cut to match the length. as well as then choosing to ignore a very real terror they seem to be inflicting on tentoo thru the eyes of rose. you a real trooper🫡
how'd you beat the text limit in an ask?
#{yes to answer your question. yes. its weird he does this. like he didnt even notice her missing more than once}#{its weird. not even limited to moffat or chibnall or the others. its just a constant thing with tenrose. like wtf}#{ten really be disregarding her alot unless she literally yells at him and thats not love. thats not healthy or romantic at all.}#{like its really weird. also yeah 10too doesnt have any of the character dev dr has if he did he wouldve waited b4 pressing the button}#{its not a good ship if it emotionally exhausts you on the same non communication trope over and over 🙄}#{and i love tenrose but i love ninerose more because he didnt have to change himself for anyone and she loved him}#{10 and 10too with rose is the embodiment of code switching so they can be happy instead of both of you}#{its a very give and take take take relationship and you really not seeing that bc it doesnt support ur ALL DRS LOVE ROSE theory is eugh}#{and donna is sustainable: remember this is the same mind that had to create its own parallel univ that could be physically traveled to}#{the only of likes we've seen in various media by time lords and the dr alike.}#{more sustainable than rose and the time vortex THE SAME VORTEX THE DR HAD IN HIS BODY A FULL FACE AGO}#{8 stay bein buckwild but the time vortex is the time vortex. and a time lords mind is a time lords mind. and regen energy is regen energy}#{it is funny that 10 must have given rose a brief rundown of what really happened and she just was... fine with it like girl cmon}#{have some self respect that isnt given by old to be her ancestor boytoy of the month: march edition}#bw: out of ethos#{like really? u willing to kill your own mama and your old world just to get a man to be with you for half a second so u both die? gtfo}#{i can love a canon ship to death and drag it to filth in hot coals at the same time. if u cant do the same for ur ships? hey whatevr}#answered#anonymous
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sealofarchives · 7 days
idk why but I really can’t think of anything new for x reader prompts (like my mind is just blank trying to think of ideas)
I don’t want to annoy the tags with this so I might send these kind of updates during the middle of the month
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starlooove · 4 months
Except he’s not a ceo he immediately gave that shit up idc what WFA tells u
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y2kuromi · 24 days
⭑ : 呪術廻戦 ❛ 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝗕𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 : satoru gojo x fem! reader
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synopsis. there’s nothing casual about your relationship with satoru
contents. as sfw as this trope gets. fluff. angst if you squint. no est rel because fwb ⇢ mutual pining & miscommunication. college au. profanities. kissing eugh. i love this song sm ‹𝟹
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satoru can tell something’s up from the moment you pull away from him. one second you’re kissing him like you need to feel him to live and the next you’re backpedaling, eyes shining with something akin to fear.
“‘s something wrong?” he asks, blue eyes flooded with concern. his thumb brushes gently against your bottom lip and he’s surprised to find it’s quivering.
he feels something stirring in his chest, love. he loves you. at first it was just excitement to hook up casually with someone who understood him on a fundamental level, but it quickly became a sharp pang of longing. it quickly became love
he didn’t have much to base the feeling off of. he just knew he felt like he was doing something right when you smiled at him and he felt like he was on top of the world when you kissed him. he’d initially been petrified because he didn’t do feelings. he never had.
he was used to random girls fawning over him, used to them begging desperately for his phone number. used to leading them on for weeks before ghosting them. used to one-night stands remaining one-night stands.
but he wasn’t used to this. feelings. he simply didn’t do them. yet he couldn’t help but care about you. and the fact that you were right here in-front of him with tears brimming your waterline
you shook your head fervently. “no . . sorry, i just needed a second” satoru knows you’re lying. he knows you by heart.
he knows you squint when you’re struggling to read something. he knows you drum your fingers when you’re bored. he knows you hate drinking matcha made with old leaves. he knows your nose crinkles when you laugh. he knows your lips taste like sugar and your breath hitches when he kisses you like you’re the only thing he knows. and he knows so, so much more
but he doesn’t know why you’re lying to him. why you’re so quick to slip from his embrace, why you don’t let him hold your hand in the hallways or why you shrink away from him as if he’s capable of breaking you beyond repair.
(he doesn’t know what’s so bad about being with him wholly)
‘no strings attached’ you’d said, repeating the words over and over like a mantra. bullshit. you’d lost faith in their power the more you uttered them. and your beliefs succumbed to falsehood.
‘no strings attached’ he’d agreed, and it had been easy enough at first. he’d tried not to let his heart drop too much when you kissed him. he’d tried to keep the compliments to a minimum. he’d tried his best, and he’d failed miserably
why did he have to fall in love with the one person that didn’t seem to want him?
“you sure?” he pushes, “something’s clearly on your mind, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to”
( it’s always been more about you than him.)
“i want to, i wouldn’t be here if i didn’t. i just . . .” you trailed off. you couldn’t find the words to tell him that this wasn’t casual anymore. that shoko had been right when she'd said you couldn't be casual with someone you cared immensely about.
“hmm?” he drank you in, slow and deliberate. you weren’t scared. you were nervous. he chuckled lowly, amusement reverberating in his chest. “c’mon we’re friends aren’t we? you can tell me anything”
friends. you weren’t sure you were still on the same page about what that meant. friends didn’t know each other the way you did. friends didn’t kiss like they needed each other to breathe. you weren’t sure what you two were but you weren’t just friends.
not quite friends, not quite lovers . . simply something good. satoru made you feel good. he made you feel loved. more so than your exes had.
his eyes trailed leisurely over your figure as he bounced his knee absentmindedly to regain your attention. you parted your lips, but the only sound filling the space between you was his unfaltering laughter
it was too hard to speak with the intensity of his blue eyes burning into your head. your mind was undeniably foggy and your sentences were barely comprehensible. his laughter wasn’t making things any easier.
“stop laughing” you whined, burying your face in your palms.
you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach as his hands traced circles on your hips “i’m trying to talk to you”
“and i’m listening” he laughed, motioning for you to go on. you shifted cautiously in his lap. keeping things casual had been your idea entirely. on paper, hooking up with your best friend after a breakup was a bad idea. a terrible one even.
satoru just happened to have been in the right place at the right time. he just happened to be there when you needed someone to make you feel good. and he didn’t leave
it was easy to do the heart breaking,the ghosting. he’d done it over and over again and he’d walk away unscathed. he could do it in his sleep, in a heartbeat
but he never did. because you were his best friend first, and the benefits didn’t even come second. they were merely an afterthought. because he couldn’t fathom the idea of treating you as if you were just a casual fling, of acting like he didn’t care about you
you’d implored him to, and he had to the best of his abilities but he couldn’t bring himself to hurt you.
“i’ve been thinking about something recently” you murmured, finally making eye contact with him. his eyes are sparkling and you’re sure he’s making fun of you
“yeah, what’s that?” you stare at him for a moment. taking in his messy hair and freshly kissed lips. you wonder if his lips have kissed anyone else’s like they have yours. the thought upsets you more than it should
“how i feel about this. about you” your throat feels dry as the words fall from your lips. “i don’t feel the same way anymore”
fucking finally.
he’s quiet. blinking once, then twice before cracking a lazy grin. you groan inwardly, already regretting treading this path. telling him your feelings ran deeper than casual intimacy, was like handing your heart to a god on a golden platter
“oh? have you finally fallen in love with me?” he teases, poking your ribs and making you scowl, “took you long enough”
“you . .you’re insufferable. you know that?” you deadpan, pinching your nose bridge with faux irritation.
“that doesn’t answer my question” he persists,his eyes are unreadable as they search your expression. he tries to find a crack in your composure, hopeful to see how you truly feel about him. hopeful to see if this feeling went both ways
he was sure he would be forever altered if it didn’t , he was sure he’d never be the same if the feeling wasn’t mutual
“what answer do you want?” you fired back, feeling small under his scrutiny. “do you want me to say i’m head over heels in love with you like everyone else to feed your ego?”
“no! fuck no” he sighs, running a hand nervously through his ivory curls. “that’s not what i want at all”
he knew you didn’t think you two could work. you were too scared to try. and he was too scared of losing you completely to do anything about his crippling feelings for you. you didn’t really want him. he knew that, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less.
“what do you want then?” you can feel frustration seeping into your voice. you were confused, so confused. because you had no solid ground rules
just ‘no strings attached’. it was vague, too hazy. and you’d never really understood what it really meant.
“you,” he shrugs nonchalantly as if it’s the most salient thing in the world. as if his heart isn’t hammering obnoxiously in his chest “thought that much was obvious”
and it all makes sense — his lack of commitment towards other girls. shoko being adamant that you couldn’t possibly keep feelings out of this arrangement. how hard he’d chased you. how gentle he was with you. how much he cared
it had always been because of you. it would always be because of you.
“i know . .” he says quietly, testing the waters, “i know you don’t want to make something out of this and i respect that but that’s not what i want”
“we won’t work” you say feebly, you’re not sure the words convince even you. and they only twist the knife deeper. his eyes are glossy, treading over the edge of disbelief.
you’ve never seen him this vulnerable, an absolute shell of the confident boy worshiped on campus. his lips wobbled faintly and you could almost hear his heart cracking in chest
“you don’t know that, you can’t say that when we haven’t even tried.” he’s beyond desperate, grabbing your hand and brushing his thumb across your knuckles as if they’re capable of granting wishes
“i want to try” your voice is timorous, “i really do, but i don’t want to be just another girl to you. i don’t want to lose you”
satoru laughs again, but there’s no humor tinging the sound. just immeasurable sadness “you’re never going to lose me” it was irrational for you to think that, if anything he was the one at risk of losing you, of losing everything
and he couldn’t shake the feeling he already had
( he’d thrown away his pride, ego, and dignity, as if they were nothing all so he could comprehend the depths of his feelings for you. all so you could look past gojo, and see satoru
all so you could love him )
“you sure?” you asked tentatively. he was known for his empty promises. for breaking hearts and leaving with situations with only his intact. but he loved you.
that had to count for something. that had to count for everything
“‘m positive” satoru nodded, “i’ve never been more sure about anything in my life”
“okay” the smile that finally tugs at the corners of your lips is sweet, undeniably so. like wisps of cotton candy and ambrosia. so sweet, you leave him insatiable
your hands are gentle as they smooth over his shoulders before looping around his neck. his nose brushes against yours softly and you’re close enough to bask in the scent of cool mint lingering on his breath.
you’re anything but patient having wasted so much time on second guessing. you craved closing the painful distance and pressing his lips to yours. but satoru craved commitment and communication a lot more
“can i take you on a date?” all you can muster is a nod as his bottom lip grazes yours and your fingers card through his ivory curls. it’s a start, it’s not much, but it’s more than enough for him
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© Y2KUROMI 2024. please do not plagiarise, repost, or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
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jermer10 · 8 months
TF2 relationship hcs + miss pauling
suggestive, gn reader | silly romantic hcs
drabbles under the cut :P
- the most emotionally immature out of all the mercs, also the most inexperienced with dating so he can get pretty jealous over stupid things - a demo flirts with you? dead. a medic pockets you for too long? whoops didn’t see that enemy sorry medic. god forbid another scout even breathes in your direction - ironically he used you to make Pauling jealous and eventually realised he actually likes YOU (fake dating trope my beloved) - non-stop rambles about you to his ma, when she meets you she’s already calling you her child in law - dates with scout usually consist of going to baseball games or getting lunch together, he’s pretty simple and won’t plan anything too extravagant unless it’s an occasion (with spy’s help ofc) - not huge on pda, will hold your waist or sling an arm around your shoulders on occasion, in privacy however he is HUGE on physical affection he loves you sm <333 - stroking your hair and running his fingers along your back, kisses on your neck, throwing in a couple of cheesy pickup lines here and there - pretty much only refers to you with pet names, “doll, babe, toots, handsome, etc” he’ll only use your name when he’s emotional or during intimacy
Soldier: - the most dense man on god’s green american earth so unless you’re similar to zhanna, chances are he won’t even bat an eye at you. you need to be batshit and violent for this man to notice you first - wakes you up at 5am sharp every morning for “training” (forcing you to workout with him whilst he yells at you….lovingly?) expect to be buff as hell after a couple months because his routines are intense - “DROP AND GIVE ME 20 CUPCAKE” “GOOD JOB SOLDIER. HERE IS A KISS FOR YOUR HARD WORK” “PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN SWEETHEART” - his kisses are really rough, he lifts you up into the air and spins you around or dips you and it’s genuinely super sweet, he enjoys picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder as well :3c - he has no jealous bone in his body, only random accusatory statements towards anyone who shows kindness towards you and it deters them enough for soldier to never have to worry - dates with soldier usually consist of working out or going to war museums, will never plan fancy dates so that’s all up to you - does not care about public or private affection, he will makeout with you anytime, anywhere and is unapologetic about it, much to everyone else’s dismay - “EUGH! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!” “AFFIRMATIVE, WE WILL MOVE TO THE LIVING ROOM”
Pyro: - i hc pyro as being aroace so a romantic-platonic relationship between you guys would be more mushy and cute than anything else - going out on ice-cream dates and buying matching colouring books and seeing how differently you each colour the same scene - cheek kisses no matter where you are is a must!!! holding hands around the base, tapping on each-other when bored and to show affection <3333 - the other mercs have no fucking idea what your relationship is but none of them care as long as you’re keeping pyro in check - you’re the first and only merc to see pyro without their mask on, one of the most tender moments shared between you and something that they treasure - pyro doesn’t get jealous, but they will harm anyone who makes you uncomfortable, no questions asked - cuddle buddies!!!! you guys can be seen lying around the base in a sleepy huddle, i can see demo joining and medic or engie tripping over y’all 😭 - they are super attentive of your needs and compromise despite having trouble feeling romantic or sexual attraction, as long as you enjoy it, they enjoy it
Demoman: - more of a flirt than scout is, and that’s saying something. demo will chat you up at any time of the day, whether it be in the privacy of your bedroom or straight up on the battlefield - has died MULTIPLE times because he just cant keep his eye off you, he makes mental notes of how attractive you look while bashing an enemy spy’s brain in and uses it later (WINK) - a solid 80% of your relationship is shared in silly drunk moments and the other 20 is rooted in insecurity. demo being jealous? likely. demo being scared of you leaving him for someone with two eyes and their head on straight? definitely - there are nights where he feels completely sober just holding you in his arms and acknowledging that you’re here and you love him, warts and all - SUPER BIG ON PDA!!! he wants the entire world to know that you’re his, also super big on cheesy nicknames “beauty, my love, handsome boy/beautiful girl/gorgeous partner” - messy kisses, lazy cuddles, dragging his fingers along your body feeling every dip and curve <3333 even if the affection seems half assed, his heart is devoted to you - offhandedly mentions you to his mum after dating for a year or so, to which her response is to slap him upside the head for not telling her sooner and then asking about grandbabies - you’re demo’s rock, if you asked him to go sober for you he probably would. he adores everything you do, words are unnecessary just look at his face
Heavy: - the stern and silent type, he generally doesn’t show public affection towards you unless it’s to protect you or to calm you down - in private he is the most gentle merc, holding you close to him and stroking your hair, playing with your fingers and mentally squealing at how cute and small they are compared to his, rubbing your back with his palm - he is a man of few words, but it’s pretty obvious that he is completely enamoured by you just from the way he touches you and how his gaze softens when he sees you - would plan the most personal dates, things that he KNOWS you would enjoy doing or seeing just so that he can see you smile up at him - “Любимая (darling), Дорогая (dear), Любовь моя (my love)” are the most common pet-names you’ll hear him calling you, he’s a more traditional guy - heavy is not a flirty man, he’s too blunt and would rather say what he means in the most direct way possible. thaaaat doesn’t mean he discourages you from flirting with him however - his family is extremely weary of you to begin with, heavy doesn’t talk about you much and so they’re going to be on guard (despite the fact that he could crush you with one hand if you did have malicious intent) - after a while though they warm up to you and consider you apart of the family- baking with you, teaching you how to hunt bears, making bearskin clothing, cooking the bear meat, talking about marriage and children, ANYTHING they can do to include you
Engineer: - it’s tough dating engie - he’s either working or passed out from the exhaustion of working, so you never really get quality time with him - he still takes every chance he can get to show you a good time, whether it’s cooking dinner with you or writing songs for you, he is much more romantic than he leads on - “darl, darlin, sweetheart, honeybee” sweet and simple names that roll off the tongue - the merc most inclined to shower with you. not even in a sexual way, he just enjoys the calm heat of the water and how intimate it is to share such a space - creates devices to make your life easier; need a new weapon? no need to buy a faulty mann co one, he can build you anything you want. need your very own kitchenette so you the other mercs can’t keep stealing your food? he was already drawing up the plans a week ago - the type of guy to bring you breakfast in bed every morning, putting on some slow romantic music and peppering your face with kisses to wake you up - always keeping tabs on you in battle, making sure that you’re safe and unharmed (despite knowing that you can respawn he still hates seeing you hurt) - the least jealous man to exsist, he is completely secure in himself and knows that if you didn’t wanna be with him, you simply wouldn’t
Medic: - another workaholic over here, it’s a mission getting him away from the operating table, or his desk right next to it - quiet, soft moments are few and far between, but when you do get them they are spent in each other’s arms lazying around the base - medic isn’t the romantic type and would likely just take you out to a traditional dinner or would want to teach you how to perform certain medical procedures on dates - don’t get him wrong! he loves you entirely, he just doesn’t see the need in being overly romantic with you, his way of showing love is letting archimedes anywhere near you or letting you lie on the operating table while he finishes up his paperwork - his pet names for you include “schatz (treasure), maus (mouse), meine taube (my dove)” - will pocket you 1000% and the other mercs HATE it - they have to strategise a way to keep you separated from eachother during battle - it wouldn’t matter if you were invincible or on the verge of death, this man would protect you to the ends of the earth. that being said he is also a massive shithead, will tickle you randomly or poke fun at you when you’re in a bad mood. its sweet. usually - in that middle ground of jealous but also chill af, he will only really become jelly if you’re flirting with someone else, but if they’re flirting with you he does not care unless you’re uncomfortable
Sniper: - simultaneously the most chill and anxiety ridden person on earth, the way he can go from 1 - 100 in five seconds should be studied - it takes him a VERY long time to actually warm up to you, let alone DATE you, so be wary that you’re in it for the long haul if you want this man - the first 6 months of dating are torturous for the both of you, he is far too nervous to touch you and instead of telling you this he will literally just ignore you, but once you start being physical he is one of the most touchy mercs - you will have to be the initiator in most situations until he becomes more comfortable with affection, this man has spent most of his adult life in a van isolated from society so its no kidding that he would be awkward with you (even though he adores you) - “love, babe, darling, honey” generic nicknames, if he’s feeling more comfortable he’ll use “sweetheart” or “roo” if you’re getting on his nerves - he doesn’t do dates. like sorry to burst your bubble but he would consider eating dinner together in his van or even just having a bath together a date - extremely jealous but will never admit it and it is VERY obvious. this could be said for most of his feelings though and reassurance is all he really needs - will spy on you using the scope on his gun during battles, killing enemies who might try to sneak up on you <3
Spy: - spy is by far the MOST romantic merc out of the bunch, will take you out on date nights every week, intimacy regularly, affectionate both in private and public, etc he is the dream - in saying that he is also a player, he needs a partner who can keep him feeling fresh, and someone who is just as cunning as he is - will intentionally try to make you jealous in order to get a gauge on the kind of person you are. he is entirely mind games babe and will play it off as if he doesn’t care about other people trying to flirt with you (he wants to kill them with his bare hands) - he is either going to be obsessed with you or mildly attached, there is no in between and it will be strikingly obvious which it is - often refers to you as “mon amour (my love), beau/belle (handsome/beautiful), mon bébé (my baby)” - most likely enemies to lovers, if you’re good at your job he sees you as competition, if you’re not he sees you as a nuisance, either way you’re initially a problem to him - but then he starts to wonder: why can’t he stop thinking about your skin? and the way you say his name? and the way you bashed that sniper’s brains out? he is smitten without even realising it - occasionally cloaks and follows you around to keep you safe from enemies, but mostly sticks to trying to win the match
Miss Pauling: - if you thought engie or medic were bad you have NO idea with pauling, she quite literally has one day off a YEAR - and you bet your ass she is spending it in bed all day cuddling with you - doesn’t use pet names, she’ll either call you by your last name, or some nickname variation of your first name. she called you “babe” once and cringed so hard she couldn’t even look at you - as much as she doesn’t want to put you in any danger, she LOVES bringing you along for missions. she gets to finish earlier and spend time with you, its a win-win situation - coming home from work and eating dinner with you is the highlight of her day, she could be completely exhausted and yet you bring life back into her with just a smile - yes you had to “fight” scout for her and there was absolutely no competition, he didn’t even know you two were together until she rolled her eyes and kissed you in front of him (he was surprisingly supportive) - she’s far too busy to be jealous, if someone was flirting with you she wouldn’t even notice until it escalated and the person was on the floor with you standing over them triumphantly - she dreams about being able to go on museum dates with you one day, but for now bubble baths, dinners, and morning kisses are all you both get <\3
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vixensbrainrotts · 9 months
Food baby <Scenario>
Content: Scenario, various characters
Tropes: established relationships, crack
Warnings: food (?), overconsumption
Summary: Food baby, nuf said.
Vixen's two cents: Based on real-life experiences. swear that Italian food stuffs so hard but it's too good wtf. anyway here's a short little thing! lmk if you enjoy, and who you think fits into this as well. if you do and have an idea of your own, ASK!!!! REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! now enjoy!!
"Eugh." the sound was guttural and less than sexy when he made it, clutching his stomach when you two exited the Restaurant you had just eaten in.
Smiling, you glance over his shoulder to see him shuffling along, full and exhausted by the eating. "You alright?" you ask slowing down, matching your speed to his. "Myeah." His voice sounded strained. "Foodbaby." he concluded and closed his eyes, halting for a moment.
Chuckling, you asked with a smile on your face "Really? What's its name?". He groaned and tilted his head up, one hand supporting his back as the other rubbed his belly. "I dunno. Something Italian..." he heaved, catching his breath from those very exhausting ten feet he had put between him and the restaurant.
"Carlos." he decided, waddling on with a determined squint in his face.
"wow..." you feigned, walking alongside him, nodding. "How many months?" you played along and grinned, awaiting his answer.
You had told him not to eat all that much, but he as per usual didn't listen, and stuffed his face with two precursors, one small soup, one main dish (and half of yours because 'it tastes so good!'), and two deserts as well as seemingly bottomless home-made lemonade mixes.
Now he paid the price as per usual. This was more than common: going out to eat together for a date, stuffing himself with too much of everything, and then ending up in a complete food coma, brain contently swimming in gluttony, but stomach full and painful.
"Like twelve." He burped and allowed himself to fall forward, supporting himself by the nearest lamppost.
"Right. Let's get you home then." you laughed and walked ahead, knowing that he would follow (eventually).
-HANMA SHUJI, MANJIRO (MIKEY) SANO, NAHOYA KATAWA, Shinichiro Sano, Takemichi Hanagaki, (and anyone else you think fits- let me know and ill add them)
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onmyyan · 1 month
vamp delmonts make me think of the delicious trope of vampires falling for a werewolf… feel like gabe would be tripping over his feet da most bc i feel the more feral u are, the more u match his freak ya kno! and that gives him butterflies in his tummy…!! With caspian i like to think he falls for a big bad wolf type only for them to have golden retriever energy w him (trust cas to tame a hellhound…)..!!! ricky and his darling would just be beauty and the beast coded… (i love u literate gorgeous beautiful bodacious man who i would also maybe keep in a castle with my servants-turned-household appliances). Marcos gives classic vamp… mysterious, seductive, creature of the night… so i NEED him to have a werewolf w one braincell so he constantly breaks character bc its hard to be mysterious when the person u care about is a danger to everyone and themself, and he needs to steer them away from trouble, and oh—would ya look at that! His heart is on his sleeve 🫨 And mannnyyyy!! i think he’d have a tasty enemies/rivals to lovers thing going on. The whole ‘eugh dumb mutt’ ‘bloodsucker!’ banter and what not. And then they kiss duhhh 🫣
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 1 year
Estoy un poco nervioso por esta solicitud.
¿Qué tal un hombre lobo obsesivo yandere que se enamora de la enfermera en el típico pueblo pequeño donde todos se conocen a todos? Desafortunadamente para él, ella ya está casada.
Yandere! Werewolf x fem! Nurse! Married! Reader
Okay, so I only went with what google translate said, so do forgive me if there's a detail that's wrong in what you really meant. Sorry that it took long!
There's a lot of werewolf tropes and origins out there, but I'm going with what I grew up on, and that's the werewolf tropes of wattpad. Eugh HAHAHAHA
Yandere! Werewolf name: Lyall
TW: Blood, violence, forced marking
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In the village of Mooncreak, everyone knew everyone. Small, undisturbed...
Lyall, living in a compound overlooking the village, spent his nights and days looking down on it and wondering what it must feel like to be there. In his hands, a worn down book about mythological creatures was tightly clutched.
He was drawn to Mooncreak. He doesn't know why, but he yearns to be a part of the place, where people outside of his large family reside. He wanted to know the culture, the practices...
And possibly, explore the village where werewolves apparently once owned.
It's an absurd tale, that the Mooncreak village was once filled with a pack of werewolves. They weren't true, right?
Well, that's what Lyall thought.
Not until the night of his 16th birthday, in which he was brought by his family to the forest clearing.
He remembers the beautiful moon singing to his ears, whispering secrets of old times and his ancestry.
Then and there, his bones crunched, crushed, elongated, morphed.
It was a painful ordeal, feeling fur sprout all over his body as he howled to the moon, cursing it of making him what he is.
A monster.
His family silenced him, saying that the village people mustn't know of their bloodline. Even if they lived on the outskirts of the village and only the adults went inside the village, they cannot risk anything happening to them.
Lest they want an uproar on the whole Lycan world to happen.
So, Lyall had to keep it to himself, the painful realization that he will be alone in this endeavor.
Slowly, his family moved away from the outskirts and into a Lycan friendly civilization, where they can freely be werewolves all they want.
But Lyall wanted none of it. He actually liked the quiet streams and the soft breeze of Mooncreak. So, when he was given the chance to enter the civilization, he decided to enter Mooncreak.
By the time he was 23, he was allowed to move to the village. Then and there, a strong yet comforting floral smell entered his sinuses. It enveloped his whole body, cradling it gently and whispered sweetly to his heart.
Then and there, he knew he found his mate.
He calmed himself down and after putting his boxes to his house, he went to the village center and introduced himself. His eyes and nose searching for the mate he desired.
He saw you, beautiful, gentle, an aura of a healer around your wonderful form. Lyall swore that you looked like an angel to him.
He was about to approach you when he saw a man come up to your side and kiss your lips that was supposed to be only his.
He felt his wolf howl in pain,
and so does his heart.
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On a particularly bad stormy night, you woke up to the sounds of a banging of a door. Your husband stirred, yet didn't wake up.
Grabbing your phone, you turned on the flashlight and went down from your room and opened the door.
It's your new neighbor, Lyall, with a huge bite wound on his thigh.
"OH GOOD LORD!" You screamed, ushering the sopping wet and limping man to your office. "What happened to you?!"
Lyall seethed, limping towards the bed and sitting down. The pain throbbing up his hips and into his stomach.
"Uh, a wolf bit me while I was out hunting." He smoothly said, closing his eyes and biting back a shiver when he felt your soothing touch on his knee. Sparks were felt, and he was sure to melt if it wasn't for your inquisitive hum.
"Hunting in this weather?" You asked, filled with suspicion as you wore your gloves.
"Uh, yeah. There are certain animals that only comes out in rainy days. Like frogs." Lyall pressed his tongue on the roof of his mouth. Lying to you didn't feel good. He can feel his wolf inside stirring and complaining.
In reality, he was confronted by his family when they visited him. It was a mistake, telling them he found you already. They were adamant on moving him to the Lycan civilization after rejecting you to the moon.
But he doesn't want that.
He wants you.
So they had a little... Altercation.
And that ended with Lyall loosing an uncle, a sister, and a cousin.
Well, they were in the way of his love, so why should he care?
He didn't notice it, but the pull he feels to you made him irrational and cold hearted to people outside of both of you.
"Honey? Are you there?" The voice of your husband stopped you from disinfecting his wounds.
"Ah, yes! I'll be right there. Don't worry, love." You replied.
Lyall gritted his teeth, the veins in his neck popping.
Why were you calling another man "love" in front of him?
That's fucking cheating!
And that man... That man has laid his filthy hands on you, touching you, maybe even fucking you--
The thought is making Lyall sick to his stomach. He can't believe somebody dared taint you.
Maybe, that man forced you?
Yes! Maybe that's it!
Lyall will take you away from that man. He will save you and bring you to his strong and loving arms.
You could feel the foreboding coldness from him, so you looked up and froze. HIs face, looking at the door, was cold, yet filled with bloodlust. The veins were creeping up his neck and hands that gripped the bed, making it creak a bit. But one thing is for sure that doesn't seem human like.
It's his amber eyes glowing red.
Somehow, you knew that this night will be the last night you will see the day.
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"Did you hear what happened to the L/N household?"
"Yes. Poor H/N. Apparently, he's found torn in half in his home."
"How gruesome!"
"Truly! When the investigation happened, it was deduced that the claw marks and the way that H/N died was from a wolf!"
"But wasn't the 'wolf' really large? Like abnormally large?"
"Yes, larger than your average wolf, at least."
"... Do you think it's actually a werewolf?"
"SHH! Don't say this huh, but apparently, Y/N is a werewolf, and she killed her husband!"
"But weren't they loving? Maybe it's Lyall. He's also gone!"
"Or maybe it's the both of them. I mean, both of them are missing. You think they eloped?"
A large shadow from the trees retraced from it's hiding spot and trudged towards a direction. The dried blood on its coat casted an eerie image to whoever will see the wolf.
But fortunately, none of the villagers saw the wolf.
As it passed by the creak and into the cliff that oversaw the village, and into the newly revitalized compound which was abandoned not just long ago, the wolf's bone creaked, sounding a sickening crack as it transformed into a human.
Lyall entered his home and wore his outfit, smiling.
"Love, i'm home!" Lyall said, his eyes curving into crescents as he saw you on the couch.
You looked up at him, a forced smile on your lips as you trembled.
"W-welcome home, love." Tears threatened to fall from your eyes but you forced yourself to not cry. Your heart yearning for your dead husband whom Lyall killed that fateful night.
Lyall's eyes fell on your exposed neck and shoulder, where he forced a mark on your lovely skin in front of your torn and shredded husband, your tears falling on his body.
He grinned, approaching you and giving you a kiss which you almost recoiled at, but the damn mark and the mate's pull made the kiss almost comforting, joyful even.
Lyall chuckled and patted your head.
Sooner or later, you will realize that fighting your fate is a fight that you cannot win.
You will be his.
Heart and soul.
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