#this tyrany will not stand
uraandri · 10 months
trying to figure out how the fuck they're gonna enforce this
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"it's strictly forbiden to sit on the radiators" alright, bet?
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mask131 · 2 months
Many people have talked about the Japanese influence of the Little Nightmares game - more precisely how the games offered themselves as a nightmarish and twisted Ghibli movie, what Miyazaki would have created for a Silent Hill game.
But I don't see many people talk about the French style and influence of the games...
Yes, I said French. It might surprise you, but one of the main sources for the aesthetic and tone of the games is a set of French works. The creators of Little Nightmares have been pretty clear in interviews that the movies of Jean-Pierre Jeunet were a big design and concept influence for the game. Now, Jean-Pierre Jeunet is most famous for his slightly absurd romance-comedy Amélie Poulain... But it was his two other most famous movies that inspired the Little Nightmares world.
On one side: Delicatessen
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In a post-apocalyptic world, a building stands alone in the middle of the ruins of a city... A block of flats, each one hosting weird and excentric people: a tenant lives in water-filled rooms infested with snails and frogs, another keeps trying to kill herself with incredibly complex and extravagant suicide plans, others are dedicated creators of moo boxes... But all of them live under the domination and tyrany of the butcher whose shop is located at the base of the building: he is the one who provides the meat for all those who live above him, and thus has full authority over them, and nobody asks where it comes from...
One day, a new janitor arrives. A naive former circus clown, a gentle but farcical man who soon falls in love with the shy and secluded musician-daughter of the butcher. Unfortunately, it proves to be an actual fairytale as the janitor didn't just fell in love with a princess high up in her tower... but with the daughter of the ogre, for all the janitors before our protagonist mysteriously disappeared right with every new "meat supplies" delivery... The sweet and touching budding romance of these two youths in a no man's land soon turns into horror as the shadow of the butcher's cleaver falls upon them, and as the madness of the buildings' tenants keep increasing to absurd levels.
And what seems to be the couple's only hope? A secret network of sewer-dwelling, vegetarian terrorists that the butcher's daughter contacts in secret...
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On the other side: La cité des enfants perdus
While Delicatessen was a dark comedy (or an humoristic horror, depending on which side you take it), The City of Lost Children is much harder to categorize as Jeunet (and Marc Caro, who also co-created Delicatessen) fully delve into the urban nightmare, the obscure poetry, the dark fairytale, the disturbing children story.
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La Cité des Enfants perdus is the story of a mad scientist who lives in a derelict oil platform at sea, surrounded by various "failed" experiments (idiotic clones, a dwarf-wife, a brain in a jar). Unable to dream, he decides to capture the children of the nearest portuary town, in order to steal their dreams for himself - and he performs these crimes with the help of a strange cult of one eyed men referred to as the "cyclops".
One day, the scientist kidnaps the little brother of a simple-minded former circus strongman called "One". Determined to find him back, One teams up with miette (Crumb), a clever and cynical street-urchin girl ; however, their quest to find the secret of the Cyclops is made even more complicated by the presence of the Pieuvre (Octopus), cruel and greedy conjoined twins who are the boss of the children-thief network Miette belonged to, and hatch nefarious plans in light of the recent events...
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In a way you could say that Jean-Pierre Jeunet is a sort of French Terry Gilliam. He has a very unique and distinctive style when it comes to his movies, something halway between a realistic Guillermo del Toro and a dirty Wes Anderson. His movies are still to this day a weir, but cult, part of French cinema.
And... Little Nightmares borrowed heavily from them. The large One and the little girl Crumb teaming up to save a child from a sea-dwelling villain becomes Six fighting for her life in the sea-faring Maw against the Lady. The butchering cannibalism of Delicatessen can be found back ; the water-infested flat of the elderly frog-raiser can evoke the Granny's quarters, while the strange suicide plans of the depressed tenant evoke the various "puzzles" of the game. The school run by the Octopus (stern school-teachers by day, vicious crime-lords at night) brings back to mind the school of Little Nightmares 2, and so forth and so on. Plus, of course, the strange technology: these two movies thrive on weird contraptions and strange buildings and never-ending pipes and other bizarre soul-sucking machinery, all elements that were very determinant in the visuals of the Little Nightmares universe.
If you ever wondered what a Little Nightmares movie would feel like... These movies could be of some help. Do yourself a marathon of Ghibli movies and Terry Gilliam ones intercut with Jeunet's pieces, and you could recreate yourself a strange Little Nightmares-flavored experience.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 3 months
You guys remember when tiktok cancelled Cabaret for being antisemitic?
You know. Cabaret. The musical about how antisemitism is bad and the importance of standing up against Tyrany. THAT CABARET.
The money song went viral during the pandemic and suddenly tons of people who never watched the musical in their life were cancelling each other and people who used the sound, and saying Cabaret was Nazi propoganda....
... when CABARET IS ABOUT WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS STAND UP AGAINST NAZIS AND DISCRIMINATION EVEN IF YOU THINK IT'S NOT "THAT BAD" OR THEIR WORLDVIEW IS "NOT THAT POPULAR". And the whole POINT. Is that you should care and be vigilant against hatred and facism no matter what!!! Because "if you're not against it you're for it"!!!! and because if you ignore it long enough it'll keep growing until it's a huge problem and not a tiny group anymore!!!!!
I still think about that sometimes.
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flilisskywalker · 5 months
Dark of The Moon is the most complex of the Transformers movies. Bay at his most political. It's weird to me how people complain that Optimus killed Megatron and refused his truce. The entire story hinges on how the deal the former leader of Autobots made with Megatron to stop the war was actually the perpetuation with tyrany. Optimus would never stand for tyrany. He fights for freedom until the end. He chose to not commit the same mistake of his mentor. This is why he killed them both.
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mostly-mundane-atla · 2 years
Do you have any information on traditional storytelling in circumpolar cultures? I.e openings, structure, common themes, things like that? I’m in the middle of writing something where I want Yue to tell a story and while I’ve found a few things online & have been trying to parse things out from traditional folktales I thought I’d also come ask you
It really depends based on what kind of story you're trying to tell, but there are some common aspects
Orphan heroes that either stand up to tyrany (this usually involves killing the tyrant with his own skull-bashing boulder) or impress and marry a girl with a wealthy father
Animal spirits taking on human forms to trick or help people. Sometimes these animal spirits are victims, but they always run away back to freedom
Revenge is something understandable but not something to be taken lightly or glorified and rarely does it bring catharsis
Unhealthy marriages ending in tragedy
A lot of war stories center on women surviving as noncombatants, usually older women
Typical openings introduce the characters as "making a living" or immideately describing their situation
There's a surprising amount of stories that introduce elements like tasks or interactions with entirely new characters at the end
You might mention who you heard the story from before getting into it
If a girl is captured she's more likely to be rescued by her brother than by her husband or another boy who's in love with her
Fights between shamans or murderers in exile show up a lot in stories, sometimes with supernatural circumstances around their deaths like inpenetrable skin or taking one last smoke on a pipe and seeing the smoke come out of the arrow wounds
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mrplushgore · 1 year
Miraculous AU where Paris is controlled by the usual rich asshats (Andre, Gabriel, Tomoe, etc.), and Marinette's parent's bakery is at constant risk of closure because of how Marinette stands up against Chloe's tyrany. Marinette uses Ladybug to try and put an end to the corruption and whatever else evil rich folks do. Roger is also the usual corrupt cop. Adrien isn't too happy with this rich business either, and helps Ladybug as Chat Noir.
So, basically, a Batman story without the Rogue's Gallery but with Ladybug. I'm watching Batman: Year One as I'm writing this.
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jammiedoggo · 1 month
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No pride in domestic abuse
Description: The moment of dictators get overthrown and assissinated by revolting civilians such as Nicolae Ceaușescu, Benito Mussolini and Muammar Gaddafi as examples. Same thing happen to domestic abusers get overthrown and killed by their own victim because the victim are trapped, puny, isolated and overpowered by their abuser. Violant and murder is not the answer but it's desperate desire to put end of powerful tyrany and horror the victims has to endure everyone day. The solution is to reach out to SOS helpline to safeguard and hope to be free and recover.
The wolf pack trapped in soap opera horror by the evil drama llama with dramatic that brings charm and charisma, emotion and fear in manipulative dictorial manner. The reality fadeds in fictional narative. Forbiddon to recover and free, the wolves are broken both physical and mentally that they become puny to stand up and beg for help as it's been down played but the only one thing the wolves only know to escape is tyrannicide revolt.
Journel: One of my expression from the past where i had the desire to commit tyrannicide to my abusive family in personal life but it's been back down as i know i'm powerless and result in prison, still remain as bad guy with never happily ever after, just bad ending. Luckly it never happen as my social media would never contuined when if.
Look back in Isananika's No pride genocide, i regret my stupid outdateded comment and replace it with apology. His artwork gave me idea to create my own inspired version while give credit for original inspiration.
Why the abuser is represent as llama? The drama llama pun match the domestic abuser's behavoural trait is dramatic like charm, charasmatic, emotional, rage, immation mockery and more, like you in soap opera drama show.
Why victim represent as wolves? The bite back wolf pack is referance to Howl out and Isananika. Wolves are misinderstood animal easily villainised as the big bad wolf and they are carnivore as abuser can make excuse to "protect society" from "evil bloodshed genocidal monsters".
Original inspiration credit goes to artist Isananika who made this artwork here: https://x.com/ISANANIKA/status/1676238287403352064/photo/1
If anyone a victim of domestic abuse, please seek SOS helpline when the oppuntuntity. It not your fault and don't worried if the police involved, ignore the anti police propaganda that it was said by the domestic abuser themselves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_domestic_violence_hotlines
If anyone has mental illness and PTSD, please seek help in theropy and medical. When trauma left unrecover can resolt in disaster, chance of responsablity and more insult to injury. You need to recover and come and spoke out about it. I don't want any victim became domestic abusers themselves.
Someone to talk is the Sameritans: https://www.samaritans.org/
Bite back wolf pack!
Please refrain from leaving creepy perverted NSFW, use my past mistakes against me and hateful (prejiduce) comments.
There be no tolerance of condemed and harresment, They make me uncomfortable and will be removed.
[!CAUTION]! Otherwise, beast unleashed (aka go nuts).
If any problem?, please calm down and touch grass to think before you act. Try to be polite and calm, adress the problem, the reason about the problem, express the feeling and solution advice that will help me improve. I want to stay pacifist and don't want drama, shame, witchhunted and get cancelled culture.
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meep9898 · 3 months
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Everytime she goes out, EVERYTIME, Valerie has to deal with some sort lunatic. Why is there some plump white-haired girl standing on-top of a McDonald's table, spouting off bullshit like she's preaching some sort of manic manifesto against food itself? The NEET just wants her 50 apple pies...
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There she was, atop a table at a McDonald's, screaming her lungs out, trying to rally up the people against the tyrany and grease of The Clown and The Feeding Faction.
"Is this what you really want to go into your system? You're not only ingesting fat, salt, and sugar, but you're also ingesting corruption, darkness, and chaos, for by taking a bite out of this so-called Happy Meal, you're allowing The Feeding Faction to take control over your tummies, your happiness, and your lives! It is our duty as citizens of this community to bring those who seek to fatten us into the light of Truth and Justice!"
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rabchunter · 4 months
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The British Warrior
With Sword and Shield in Hand
With Bayonets Fixed We do Stand.
To Fight and Defend Againt The foe on This Our Land or Far From Home.
We Stand And Fight For Those In Need, And For Those Who Might Be freed.
Who Need our Mighty Shield and Sword, and for The Grace of The Almighty Lord, Who's Prayers We Answer Upon His Word.
With Honour and Courage We Do Fight.
So Our Loved Ones Can Sleep Safe at Night.
Now as then in Days of Old
Our Warriors Fight with bravery un told.
So that In a Britain Free and Proud.
Tyranny may never ever cast A cloud.
Upon Our Leaders In Which we Trust.
We Hope They Send us in Fair and Just.
To Stand and Fight and Halt The Flow.
Of Tyrannys Evil Darkening Glow.
But If In Battle We Do fall.
Still We Stand Beyond The Wall.
Our Spirts still Fight On Strong and Tall.
Within The Army of The Lord of All.
Now As You Remember us Upon This Day.
Our Strength our Courage We Do Pray.
You Find the Honour and the Strength.
To Keep Fighting on for Your Deffence.
Knowing Behind You We Still Stand.
With Bayonets Fixed and Sword and Shield in Hand.
Against All Foes and Tyrany
Of This Land or far from Home.
We Still fight for our Queen and Throne.
We Are The Fallen We Still Stand.
With Bayonets Fixed to Defend our Land.
And if Upon My Grave You Stand.
Look for My Sword and Shield
By Rob Collins(jnr) 11.11.12
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thorngrassrecords · 6 months
Chapter 7: All is lost?
“Fool, doth thou not know the consequences? Thou hath doomed not only an entire real, but EVERY...”
“Not even I could stop an entire universe from collapsing Nakar-born, and at best you merely rival me.”
“What did you just call me?”
“I called you by your family name... Nakar.”
The flashes of lightning, the sky split open, spilling out every color imaginable and growing, cracking even the ground, or fusing it, the universe trembled, as the great restorer, and the great challenger fought. Tendrils of might being sent off and colliding with black holes, great beings warping around the planet one swore to protect, and one who had sworn to remake it, only one could stand, and Fate and Void had already decided who before the fight started. Edward Nakar Winter Astora, now known only by Nakar, the great one, would reign over a new world, even if their attention would be pulled away in the final moments.
Rathalia’s fear was clear, his fate becoming more and more clear as his attacks slowed and stuttered, his movements becoming more and more sloppy, and his age starting to show. He started focusing less and less on the fight, and more on power transference, maybe if he could give Nakar his power, his will, then perhaps, the universe he cared for so would survive... even if he would not. One final slash is all it took, a final screech, a massive burst of energy seeming to scorch everything on its path, leaving one being, Nakar, alone in a dying world.
“Rathalia, what did you do?” he said to himself, his voice sounding more and more like two different beings competing to be heard, as he saw the sky, once bleeding rainbows, now turned an abyssal black, with a grey fog pouring from its depths. “no... no no nononONONONO I REFUSE TO LET THIS WORLD DIE ‘DIE’ ‘DIe’ ‘Die’ die’” echoed out as a great wave of power washed over the world, forming a crystalline cage around what was left, radiating all kind of runes into the void, expanding the crystal and pushing back the void, until it was fully withdrawn, the sky still bleeding, until Nakar retreated into a different realm, and all stood still.
“End of Part 1”
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lclthlcved · 9 months
Also idk how canon the wiki is because im sorry im not going to read. Who knows how many books and novels and campaigns worth of stuff to create my own version of the plot
but I choose to interpret Lolth and her "fall" as the very reflection of sexism that DnD used to have. So I interpret Lolth, before she fell, as a woman who had married a man but was only ever considered a "consort" (at least the wiki never specifies if he actually considers her his wife? But makes clear that he is her husband) and as such always had felt belittled. Never truly equal to him and so it bread resentment.
This resentment came from her feeling that she wasn't truly equal to her partner in the way that he required of her and so she would find power, obtain it, and prove to him that she was of equal if not greater than him. This did lead her to looking into more of the infernal and demonic magics but it was by her own free will she had done so. I want to believe she wasn't "corrupted" by the demons and people she had entwined herself with to obtain the unholy and demonic power but instead learned from them and obtained it through her own right.
As it makes her descent wholly her consequence. Due to this fall though she would reach out to other elves, people she had ruled over before she had fell into the demon web pits and offered them a way out of their similarly oppressive male-dominated nature. By creating drow in a similarity to spiders she would place female/femininity above the patriarchy and establish a matriarchy among her new followers so that she, and her people, wouldn't suffer the same as she had. Although, she would lack the foresight to realize she was doing the exact same as her ex-husband had to her only flipping the script.
By making women more physically powerful, bigger, and overall stronger in some aspects biologically she challenged the established patriarchies of the underdark and other civilizations of how they ruled. Of course Lolth was not without fault and her aspect as a goddess of Chaos would come back to bite her.
As she needed chaos to thrive, and so had her people create as much of it as possible. Justifying starting wars, infighting, and sending them to the surface to wreak havok as a way to grow her power and also establish bonds between the powerful and cull out any weaker forces among her ranks. Since Lolth needed power. She needed to never feel weak compare to her fellow gods and goddesses so that no one could put her in a position she had been in before feeling lesser than others.
of course this is a self destructive behavior and her attempt to ascend, the silence of lolth, would backfire horribly for her. After all, no one tells you how to be a goddess and after being stripped of her power and scrambling to find shreds of her godhood again in the demon web pits she struggled and was unsure how to proceed. Drow now have learned to be more tolerant of their fellow male counterparts, even allowing the ruling house males to rule over important parts of the city. It's a small change but one that Lolth doesn't know how to handle, much less face, as times nd social standing change. Worried she is losing her grip and control, terrified especially with how more male drow start this revolution against her and her tyrany that it would end the same as it had been before she attempts to keep as many followers close and ingrained with her ideals as possible.
In my view Lolth is a woman/Goddess who had been scorned while in marriage, but took the most extreme route to solve this issue and instead caused the same pain that was inflicted upon her. A Goddess that has to struggle with how her children / the people she created now are moving on, moving past her, and bettering themselves in a way she can't understand and grapple or has extreme difficulty in grappling. Yes, she is evil. Yes she had harmed many people and took advantage of many, and doesn't regret her decisions but she also is a Goddess attempting to keep power and learn of self worth when not compared to other Goddesses and Gods who continuously shame her for having fallen so far, been exiled, and grow in hostility for her simply wanting to be seen as equal and part of one whole, not an attachment to another God.
She's still a badass bitch, but i feel she's more lawful evil than anything as she holds her own ethics and reasoning for things even if the actions she does harms others and even her own people to better herself. She took an extreme reaction and method to counter her struggle with inequality and while obtained the power she wished ended up creating a race and empire that was not too different from her ex-husband. Showing that neither method, patriarchy or matriarchy, are the "right" way to go and it's cooperation between all that will keep bonds strong
Something Lolth still has yet to learn, if she's ever able to accept it.
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fedonciadale · 3 years
I realize that Tolkien addressed some loopholes in prophecy in Macbeth and that GRRM might do the same… maybe? I have only read The Hobbit but have seen Peter Jackson’s LOTR movies, so can you please explain your take on how Tolkien does prophecy and how you see GRRM addressing it (on whatever level that may be). I was looking over your meta titles, but I realize that I may have missed any previous explanations you’ve given. If so, sorry! And thanks for being open to anons! Sorry about the jerks
Hi there!
I don't remember if I ever wrote a meta on prophecies. lol.
What we can take from Tolkien is the following:
Prophecies can be misunderstood: When Bilbo and the dwarves come to Lake town, people make songs about how the river will flow with gold.... Later the river becomes golden indeed: it's the reflection of the fire that Smaug set on Lake town. Thus a hopeful prophecy of a golden age is misleading and is fulfilled in a devastating way.
Prophecies gives false securities: The Witch king thinks he is safe from being killed, because “no man” shall kill him. And then Eowyn and Merry strike him down.
Prophecies can also be completely right - if they are given by the people who are blessed with the ability to foretell the future: someone like Galadriel or Elrond. And these prophecies are fulfilled in a straight forward way: Legolas arrives at the sea and his heart is filled with longing, that only the journey to the West will sate. Aragorn fulfills prophecies as well, and this is actually good because these are hopeful prophecies.
As for Macbeth: Tolkien thought that the fufillment of the prophecy in Macbeth was incredibly lame and unimaginative: That is why he had the Ents marching on Isengard. This is what a forest that stands up against tyrany should look like in Tolkien’s book.
As for GRRM: He wants his readers to be even more cautious around prophecy than Tolkien. Prophecy is a sword without a handle. There is no safe way to wield it. And we see several examples of it:
We see Rhaegar who wants to fulfill prophecy and who causes a devastating war because of his “prince who was promised”.
We see Cersei who desperately wants to avoid prophecy all the while working towards the fulfillment of the prophecy against her will.
We have Stannis who is full of hubris and thinks he is important enough to be the subject of a prophecy and who sacrifices humans for his ends. Not good either.
Then we have Dany who tries to be guided by prophecies: She misinterprets them. I am convinced that she’ll think the three treasons have happened, when she’ll finally be killed.
I guess in GRRM’s  world, the only safe way to handle prophecy is to ignore it completely. I guess, we will see Jon refusing to accept a “prophesied” role.
And we as readers should be very wary when GRRM tells us about prophecies. They are never what they seem, and he even tells us in several small tales that we should not take them at face value!
Thanks for the ask!
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When you think about it that was like. the perfect ending for that arc. Obviously the story’s not over yet - Tommy still has to get back to L’Manberg, he has to reconcile with Tubbo (and possibly Technoblade), he has to get his discs back, he has to put a stop to Dream’s tyrany once and for all, and he has a metric fuckton of trauma to unpack. But on the flip side he made it through the woods. We just watched our protagonist, the hero of our story, someone we’ve identified and sympathized with for months now get pushed all the way to the brink...and come back. Dream took everything from him, nearly took the last piece of his old life he had left. But he stood on the edge staring down at those pictures as ridiculous as some of them were and realized that Dream had already tampered with those memories, by rewriting himself as Tommy’s only friend and by making his real friends out to be his enemies. He saw through Dream’s manipulation, he recognized the pattern of abuse and codependency, and he didn’t just walk away, he ran like hell. He channeled all that self-loathing and self-destructive energy Dream had built up in him into the single-minded drive to take his life back into his own hands, to take it back from Dream. The discs don’t just represent his past or friendship with Tubbo anymore, they represent innocence and freedom and autonomy, and there is no force on earth that will stop Tommy from taking them back now. He said as much himself, “I’m done not fighting. I tried it, and I was not very good at it.” So, what we’re left with is that, despite everything, all that’s been done to him, all that he’s been through, Tommy is still Tommy. He survived. He’s still standing after all this time.
And I hate to get personal but as someone who’s been in abusive relationships before, that is a really fucking powerful message.
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gabrielwoods · 3 years
Medical Discrimination in Ireland
In Ireland if you are unvaccinated you are not allowed dine indoors in cafes, pubs, restaurants or even fast food outlets.
Yes it is a difficult way to live, seeing people eat and drink looking through the window at you as you walk and stand in the rain, even if it rains bad the unvaccinated are not allowed indoors.
I already sustained a vaccine injury 3 years ago, diagnosed by doctors, I am still recovering from so I cannot be vaccinated
I have learned how human beings can be programmed.
I am glad to be a person who thinks for myself.
I am among the great visionaries of all time who challenged society. An honor to be so.
I am proud. I walk by cafés, take aways, pubs and restaurants with my head held high. Knowing I stand up for myself and my rights even though they were taken from me. Not giving into coercion.
Disgraced by those happy to discriminate.
I have even been complimented for standing up for others who will be forced to take Covid vaccines, doctors and nurses to heal the sick and many more.
It would hurt far more to accept tyrany and to let go easily of my human rights without a struggle and take what will be harmful to me.
I will continue to keep what freedoms I have for myself and others who want their freedoms returned.
Insisting on the right to be a sovereign human being in charge of my own body and my own destiny.
John Dunne survivor of narcissistic abuse, co-writer of my book Secrets of Abuse Survival
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chris-spacehere · 4 years
big q character analysis pog
so, quackity
he is a really complex character with many different goals and actions, when he is not roleplaying too much, quackity can be seen as that funny guy with a guitar who runs around making people laugh, and sometimes gets fucking naked, that's the top of the iceberg.
Now the actual in character quackity. He is power-hungry, yet he still wants good for people, the reason he ran against wilbur by creating SWAG2020 is because  when he spawned, the first thing he saw were walls, was non-l'manburg citizens being excluded, and so he decided to stand-up and do whatever it takes to take wilbur down, the first time he met wilbur, he saw a tyrant, who wanted power for himself and no inclusion to the people, he wasn't there to witness the revolution, to witness what l'manburg really was, he only saw walls keeping the people away from actual freedom but not walls protecting them from the real tyrant, Dream.
Now, when he and jschlatt got engaged and ruled manberg togueter, the fighting started, he started to get angry with the whole 'flatty patty' thing but then he started to realize, he sided with jschlatt to prevent a tyranny and schlatt was a tyrant, things got worse for schlatt when he ordered tubbo's execution, quackity already understood schlatt was wrong, and he had power, so quackity tried using his power to stop tubbo from dying even though schlatt  didn't care about it, he only wanted big q for the votes but never cared about his power or status, he just wanted the votes. (also i think tubbo's execution also enforced his hate to techno which started on minecraft mondays but techno  took one of quackity's lives while following schlatt's commands and killing one of the people big q cared about. Then we see how he snaps when schlatt destroys the white house, he breaks his strings and kills schlatt, choosing the good over the power.
but that's not it, he knows manberg is loosing too, he knows schlatt is in the peak of misery right now, sure he moves out for the greater good of the smp, but also because he has got no power left in manberg, and so he decides to move the winning side, big q can care  as much as he wants about what's good for the people, he still wants power for himself, he still needs to have some kind of control, a kind of voice people can hear, he seeks to be leader of something, to be able to make a change and now that jschlatt is in his lowest, he can seek new kind of power and trust by joining pogtopia. Now on the season 1 finale the things get tasty, he knew wilbur was the traitor, but when he tried to say it then l'manburg blew up, it was too late and then techno sends the withers, it made no sence for him or for anyone, just because techno didn't agree with their ways of handling stuff why did he have to destroy it? and have the audicity to threaten to blow all they fought for once again if they kept managing their goverment, if they kept doing what they thought was right from their points of view and then just leave without consequences.
Season 2 starts and tubbo is president, big q is vice president, it is easier for quackity to raise his voice and get his decissions in the table, tubbo is open to listening and quackity used this opportunity to use tubbo's voice as his own. Then tommy gets exiled which caused for l'manberg to loose respect and for it to just feel empty, and so quackity decided to regain the respect they've lost and made the butcher army. l'manberg was in a horrible status and it was time to rise up so he decided to finally bring justice to technoblade, as for him and l'manberg it was unjustice he just left to retirement without consequences which i agree with, you can't just blow up a country and expect to be left alone. And so he forms the butcher army, he is finally officially the leader of something, he doesn't have to use tubbo as his voice, he doesn't have to follow schlatt around and he gets to be the leader, make the plans and do it all, what he wanted, and it is successful, they get techno, they execute him but JOKES ON YOU TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES. big q finds the final control room which is something really interesting to see because quackity was not there since the beggining as i said before, he only saw the after-math of the revolution, he was so confusing seeing the place where eret betrayed l'manburg and he walks in to hear the words 'thank god dream arrived there in time', revealing all his country was betrayed by tubbo's most trusted soldier.
We all know how the festival turned out and how l'manberg got fucking obliberated but that part of the story is about tommy and tubbo, but in the meantime, quackity made mexican l'manberg, and i was checking the el rapids wiki and it says 'goverment made by president and cabinet, most importantly president', quackity made el rapids just so he could finally be ruler of something, it is shown how most of the power is not gaven by equalty and it is mostly power for quackity.
After a while season 3 starts and he and sam have the capitalism arc (which we still haven't got the stream off but i already love it), aftee finding dream's liar and all of the events in the end of the disc saga, he finds new waya to get power over people, attachements. He plans to use gambling and entretainement as a 'polite' or legal way to take what people care about and so he gets power over them and not have the same fate as dream, he covers it with a layer that says 'i took your stuff but is fair because you agreed on risking it' which is very cleaver tbh.
Conclusion: Quackity can be seen as a charismatic person yet still power-hungry, even though that's not his only quality as he is also and smart person, he broke feom dream's strings before dream could try out his new toy, and his power-hunger was in-fact born from his desires to stop a tyrany and make a better place for everyone and he isn't fully a power-hungry person, as he also has or had goals of making a better place for the smp. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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narvana27 · 4 years
The Childhood of Raimundo Pedrosa in my headcanon of him part #2:
Since I post part #1. I saw a couple of post's about Rai being a clown in the chronicles, and no one was happy with that, which I can fully understand. I can fully get that, and tbh I learn that law in Brazil wouldn't let someone under age work as a clown, and situation with circus isn't like show has shown to us, but it didn't change my view and back story of Rai. It is simply because I have this version in my head for so long now, it's been couple of years, so it isnt that easy to forget and change it, so you have to forgive me (or dont, that's up to you ofc) and let me do him my way. Rai make me love Brazil so much, but Im not in power to know everything that I maybe should know if I want to create a proper back story of someone living there, but I hope that whatever I would write here wont hurt anyone in anyway 🙏 So:
As I explained earlier, because of living in a poor family Rai wanted to have money to be able to afford everything he didn't have as a child and teenager. He also wanted to accomplish something big, like fame or being famous footbal player. (that's in xiaolin canon, not only mine) But he also wanted to just relax. We often see him not wanting to train that hard (especially at the beggining of the show) or to clean the whole temple, so I figured out it's because of the fact he had to work his whole life since he was a kid. He wanted for ONCE just do nothing. But even tho he didnt like that whole training thing (as Wuya once said) he still did that, because he knew that the temple is his chance to have a diffrent life, to not be a slave anymore. We can see him loving Rio and Brazil still, and even saying "I shouldn't leave beautiful Rio de Janeiro" but that was said while beimg angry and under the influence of feeling unappreciated. I also think that that if he would return to Rii, he wouldn't return to his family house. He would rather find some job, even a shitty one, just to find some room somewhere and could help his family escape from the tyrany of his father. He stayed at the temple whatsoever and tried his best to became a xiaolin dragon, still having in his mind helping his family one day. The way he get himself into the temple in my imagination looks something like this: In the Episode when he got promoted he said that Fung chose him to be a monk cuz he knew he could became a dragon of wind. That could mean Fung really chosed all of them by himself - Maybe he talked to their parents also? So he chosed Rai because of his story, he wanted help him escape his household and prevent him from living on the street or something like this. So he talked with Rai's parents, hoping he will be able to convince his father to let Rai go to the China with him, but ofcourse, it didnt happend. He spoke to Raimundo himself, and at the beggining he wasnt sure if he could leave his family alone. Master Fung told him to think about it, and Rai talked about that with his mother. She told him he have to go, not only for himself, but for all of them. She wanted to help her kid having better life than she, so she was ready to take everything to take anything that her husband would do to her for letting Rai run away. She helped him escape at night, and the next day she was beated by her husband, but the rest of her kids stand up for her. Since that time Rai's sibling finally realized that even tho Rai's gone, they have "Group power", and they could change their father's bahaviour even a little bit.
Part 3 coming up.
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