#this was a lot of fun to write thanks for the ask!
hoshinasblade · 1 day
Hi I love ur Hoshina fics sm!
Anyway you were asking for headcanons last time, do you think our Hoshina sends dick pics to his s/o? I'm not sure if you write nsfw but it will be fun to read if ever! Thanks x
HAHAHA anon, this is so interesting. minors, please don't interact with this one.
honestly i dont think hoshina is above sending thirst traps - he would be the type to send you a picture of him topless while still sweaty after his workout, and he'll probably throw a peace sign or two and tell you that he's just tryna be cute. liar liar, pants on fire. he gets his kicks on knowing he can fluster you with that. im a bit hesitant on dick pics though, and it's not because i think hoshina is a prude - hell no - but i think it's because he was never able to get a good angle ever so he doesn't think it's sexy enough for you to look at. and let's be honest, if he's gonna send you a picture of his immaculate junk, he would rather go to you and show it personally. im assuming he's got more privileges and therefore freedom so he can roam around even after-hours or get out of the base when he's not that needed.
one nsfw headcanon i have for this guy though is that though he never sends dick pics, he excels at moaning audios. his voice would be deep and husky from both sleepiness and lust, and he would just sound really, really hot. you mentioned to him once that you liked him dirty talking during sex and it activated a switch in his brain that you can't turn back off. he had definitely sent you multiple voice messages where you can hear him moan while he's touching himself. you overheated the first time you listened to it.
also yes, i have some nsfw prompts lined up, just gotta look for some momentum and chance to write. i know i yap a lot here but i also work full-time so that makes writing a bit hard for me since my process takes longer than i sometimes intend it to be. it's always worth it though hehe i like writing for hoshina. if you have a specific nsfw scenario you want me to write about, feel free to let me know and i can possibly whip up even a drabble or a one-shot for you.
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mylahrins · 3 days
forget-me-nots, 03.
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dear y/n,
i feel like i’ve told you this a million times already, but thank you so much for the flowers. kiyoko truly loves them, i haven’t seen her smile so brightly in a while! it was nice spending time with you after school. i can see all the effort and care you put into your club, it is truly admirable. when inter-high is over i’ll make sure to visit you more often.
you asked me the other day what it was like to be part of the volleyball club. at the time i couldn’t come up with an answer. to tell you the truth, i’m not too sure anymore. lately, i haven’t really felt like a member at all. with the new first years, i feel like i’m miles behind them when it comes to skill and talent. i want to be of use to the team, but right now i’m not much more than a cheerleader. despite all the faith i have in them, i cannot stop the feeling of envy i get when i see everyone play. i want to play volleyball with them too. perhaps that is selfish. please don’t tell anyone about this, it’s a bit embarrassing.
i don’t think i asked you enough questions about yourself. i’m sure i did more answering than asking. you probably get this question a lot, but do you have a favorite flower? i don’t know too much about flowers, but i’d be happy to learn. i only really know about peonies, the bright pink ones. we have a few peony shrubs in our backyard, my mom has been taking good care of them since i was young. do you like peonies? i’ll bring you some if you don’t grow them already. even if you do grow them, i’d be happy to lend you some just for having.
i should have asked you when we met the other day, but do you mind if we keep exchanging letters? i know that it’s kind of “old school” but i find it quite relaxing, also i had fun reading your response. you’re a very fun person to talk to, and i’d like to talk to you more (in person and letter form). though, it might be weird if we keep having tanaka deliver our letters. i’ll try to come up with a better solution , i promise!
have a lovely day,
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about the flowers!
➤ pink peonies: pink peonies are very diverse when it comes to symbolism, from prosperity to passion to even love! when researching about peonies, i found it interesting in how the shade of pink can change the meaning of the flower. light pink peonies are associated with romance and good fortune, while deeper/hot pink peonies convey passion as well as radiance and joy. a bouquet of pink peonies doesn't have to be romantic, but if it is, it can symbolize things like young love, first love, and/or love at first sight!
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a/n: ahhhh!!! im so happy to see ppl liking forget-me-nots already :)) tbh i made myself a bit sad when writing for sugawara here LOL much more sad stuff to come.. but trust me when i say i have lots of sweet things planned as well!! also, this is the official start of their friendship!! woohoo! mwuahaha i'm so excited to share more of their story.
taglist: @yenonnoff @softpia @ryeyeyer @shoyosh @wqnsho @wyrcan @hisfuture @guitarstringed-scars @froyaoya
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peppercornpress · 22 hours
Fic Author Self Rec! When you get this reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, or some snippets from upcoming WIPS. Let’s spread the self-love! Love ya and thank you for all you do!! 💖
Ahhhh!! Days!! Love you too and love the idea of spreading self-love! It's so hard for me to do lately... I feel like everything I write is blah.
I've wanted to share WIPs because they're fun... but it goes against my desire to dump out completely finished work so I kept holding back... but a part of me thinks I need some feedback/advice for this specific WIP? Like... if people have opinions on how they'd like the fic to end, I'm all ears because I'm afraid my current direction doesn't have the oomph I'm after. (I know that's not the point of you asking me about WIPS... but I do love what I have so far)
Here's a snippet of my WIP 'A Thousand Papercuts' (Midway into chapter 1)
Hinata made sure to contact Akane’s desk before she swung by the office. Hinata knew she did everything right, and even got a text from her husband five minutes before she arrived on his floor that proved he wasn’t in a crucial meeting. She made sure to properly greet Akane at her desk to ‘check in’.
“Thank you for calling in advance!” Akane said, looking much more pleasant and not a hint of annoyance in her tone. “I know it’s a hassle just to see your own husband, but I really do appreciate when things are done in an orderly fashion. Shall we?” 
“Yes.” Hinata nodded, “Oh, and this is just a small offering for all the hard-workers here.” she passed over the large paper bag she filled with homemade cookies. She had done so every once in a while, and Naruto had always said how grateful the staff was. “As a token of the Uzumaki-family’s gratitude.”
Akane made a noise of pleasure, accepting the gift and peeking inside. “You shouldn’t have! Wow! I’ll be sure to pass them out.” but the way she tossed the bag a little roughly on her desk made Hinata finally pause and give her a long and scrutinizing look.
Akane must have noticed because she immediately back-tracked.
“Sorry, I’m a little heavy handed today–was it breakable?”
“Please accept my apologies!”
Wordlessly, Hinata nodded. Akane shot her a shrug and a smile.
And that’s when Hinata’s dislike for the woman finally cemented in her heart. All of her previous interactions with the woman, to whom she gave generous excuses for her rudeness, suddenly made a lot more sense.
Akane was purposefully snubbing her. Hinata squared her shoulders, remembering the handful of times this had happened in the past with other bullies while she was still attending the Academy.
“This way.” Akane then flashed her a smug smile, a smile that expressed Akane’s mutual dislike of Hinata. 
“I don’t mean to take time out of your day.” Hinata said, cautiously. Once she realized what kind of person Akane was, she knew it made the most sense to distance herself from Akane as soon as possible. “I know the way to his office, thank you.” She didn’t wait for a reply this time and walked her way to Naruto’s door, but felt Akane’s quickened footsteps following after her.
When Hinata got to Naruto’s office, Naruto’s looked like he was trying to desperately fight sleep while holding a dry electric razor to his face. He quickly shoved the razor under his desk, before relaxing, and seeing it was Hinata. His sheepish, boyish grin made Hinata’s heart ache.
“Oh Hinata!” Naruto got up from his desk. As he cheerfully waved, Akane squeezed past Hinata and entered his office first. She waved as if he was waving to her this whole time. 
Hinata had just been pondering ‘why?’ the short time it took to walk over to Naruto’s office. Why was Akane being so rude? Why did Akane want to be openly rude to the Hokage’s wife? What benefits her for doing such a thing? 
But Akane happily presented Hinata with the obvious reason right away. 
Her voice turned to honey as she addressed Hinata’s husband, “Hokage-sama, I know it’s poor timing on my part, but I need you to stamp a few things?”
“Just put it on my desk,” Naruto said distractedly, waving her off. It didn’t surprise Hinata to see that Naruto didn’t even spare her a second glance. He was just as dense as she was to the come-ons of the opposite sex, or he had no interest in flirty coworkers. He comically craned his neck to keep his eye contact with Hinata even as Akane stood directly in front of him to try to block his view. “Hinata, you got a moment to chat?”
“Of course,” Hinata switched out the duffle bag she was carrying to one she spotted conveniently placed near the far left corner of the room. 
“Yeah, it’s about Boruto and this ‘rebellious’ stage of his–” Naruto said, rubbing the base of his neck and grumbling. That’s when he did a double-take, noticing Akane was still in the room, and frowned.
Hinata took this time to observe how her husband dealt with Akane. 
Naruto calmly waited for Akane to place some files on his desk. Akane was being deliberately slow, placing each piece of paper on the desk as if it was made of fine porcelain. Naruto lost his patience by the ten-second mark. 
Naruto cleared his throat. 
Akane looked up from her task as if snapped from a daze.
“I’d like to talk privately with my wife,” Naruto announced, pointing in the direction of the door. “Today. Now.”
“O-oh! Sorry Hokage-sama, after last night’s long meeting…” she placed a dainty wrist over her mouth to suppress a yawn. “I’m a little sleep-deprived.”
In any other circumstance, I’m sure this would be enough reason for a professional to let Akane linger and drag her feet out the door, but Naruto didn’t have the best manners himself.
“Well, why don’t you take the rest of the day off?” Naruto shrugged. “Shizune-nee-chan can take over from here. Go home.”
Akane looked flustered. “N-no! I’m really ok! I can still work!”
“It’s alright. We all see how hard you’ve been working. You deserve to catch up on some shut-eye.” Naruto assured her brusquely, practically pushing Akane out the door and shutting it without a second thought. “Ugh, surrounded by work-a-holics.” he joked right away as soon as he turned back toward Hinata. 
“Said one of the biggest work-a-holics I know.” Hinata teased. 
“Hey! It’s not just my fault! Nobody seems to want to stop and rest around here–I feel guilty every time I step out of the office!” Naruto whined. “Anyway, about Boruto…”
Naruto was back to rambling, and Hinata found herself not fully present. Much like Akane’s act to get herself to linger in Naruto’s presence, Hinata found her mind drifting on what a comical situation she was in.
She was now a wife worrying about her husband’s secretary. It was so cliche, and stupid. 
She hadn’t had to deal with a jealous fangirl in a while. Hinata wasn’t a fun opponent toward petty women; she had grown up around especially sharp-tongued female relatives at the Hyuuga compound. She knew vicious ladies usually got bored if their victims didn’t entertain them. So Hinata had learned the difficult task of growing a thicker skin and letting barbed words slide off her back.
This method thankfully helped her ward away most of Naruto’s fangirls. They’d move on to more exciting prey. Hinata knew Akane would realize this sooner or later and give up when she realized Naruto was too devoted to his Hokage title to think of much else. 
And Hinata would also have to limit the time she spent around Akane’s presence…
“Hinata..? You ok?”
Hinata blinked, realizing she was nodding when she was supposed to be saying something back.
“You want me to talk to Boruto about his behavior,” she asked, just picking up things from context. “I have your back. I’ll talk to him.”
“That’s the thing! Talking to him ain’t cutting it. And MY yelling isn’t getting through to him! Could you use one of the old ways to get Boruto to straighten up? Like…take one of his favorite toys away–or make him take a time out! He still gets time-outs, right?” Hinata gave him a scrutinizing look, wondering if he was serious, but Naruto snapped his fingers when the right word came to him, “Ground him! Can you ground him for me? I mean…” he then stomped over to the windows and pointed. “Look what he wrote on my face!!”
Hinata walked over to the window and peered up at the rock faces. She saw the awful words ‘shitty dad’ scrawled over Naruto’s stone face, and it only made her heartbreak. 
He misses you. Hinata wanted to say. He’s lashing out! Just like you did! Can’t you see that?
“I’ll handle Boruto.” Hinata heard herself say to her worked up husband. She smoothed a hand over the orange fabric covering his heart. “Don’t worry.”
(End for now)
Essentially, it's a fic that would be resolved very quickly if Hinata just went up to Naruto and told him to fire his pesky secretary...but see, I don't see Hinata really doing that? She'd want to be diplomatic and subtle. She wouldn't want to cause waves... until Akane goes after her kids. It needs a lot more work... But it's REALLY just a fun excuse writing an underhanded mean-girl (Akane) get her just-comeuppance.
And yes--there was an outline... but the more recent changes I made would go against that and I'm fine with it? Haven't re-written a new outline in months so this fic is FULLY in limbo right now. lol
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victimeyez · 3 days
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New chapter every Saturday!
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Special thanks to @suspicious-whumping-egg, @sunshiline-writes, and @knivestothroats for edits and inputs!
Four Years Earlier
“I thought he was vaccinated against everything,” Rory commented snidely, watching as Sam checked Tommy’s temperature.
“Yeah? You think I got a magic shot that keeps people from getting any kind of sickness, and I’m wasting it on chum like him?” Sam snapped back, pulling the thermometer out and squinting to read it.
“One-oh-three. That’s not a good sign. At 104, your body temperature starts to denature the proteins in your brain. You know what that means, dipshit?”
Rory bristled, but Michelle put a hand on his shoulder.
“It means you start to cook.” Michelle’s voice was soft but serious, his dark brown eyes trained on Tommy. He sighed and tucked a short loc behind his ear. He had a pacifying effect on Rory, which was much appreciated with them all crammed inside Tommy’s little room.
Tommy was laying on the bed, shivering even as sweat beaded on his forehead. He clutched his thin bedsheet in his hands like it was a lifeline. Or at least, with one hand, and the fingers poking out of his cast on the other. 
“So… can you give him an antibiotic or something?” Rory tried.
“Maybe you could use some chicken soup,” Caius murmured to Tommy. He was sitting on the bed by Tommy’s knees, and he smoothed the sheets over him with gentle hands.
Sam was digging in his pockets, pulling out a random assortment of pills, pocket change, and lint. He set them on the sheet over Tommy’s stomach until he had a little pile from his various pockets. Rory scoffed, but let it go with a low mutter of “whatever” when Michelle gave him a look.
Sam gathered a couple of red pills from his pile, as well as selecting three big white tablets.
“These will knock it out. If he isn’t significantly improved by tomorrow, I can try a different set.”
“What does he have?” Caius asked, picking the bits of lint out of the pile and flicking them off of the bed.
“It’s probably the same bug everyone has been getting lately. Could’ve picked it up from a client, or one of you. Regardless, he’ll be right as rain in a matter of days.”
Sam was very nonchalant about it, but Caius continued to fidget. Sam swiped the unused pills back into his pockets and sighed.
“He’s got a cold. Maybe a cool bath or shower, nothing hot until that temperature goes down. Chicken soup, sure, lots of garlic. Fruit juice if he’s allowed it, get some vitamin C. Take it easy, lots of rest, all the normal stuff.”
“Okay,” Caius affirmed, pulling loose threads from a small rip in the bedsheet. 
“All good then?” Michelle asked. He and Rory were itching to leave - Tommy was Caius’s business to mind, after all.
“Yeah, all good,” Sam told them, and they shuffled out with mumbled goodbyes.
Caius hadn’t met Sam’s eyes since he got here. 
“It was bound to happen, you know, at some point. It’ll probably happen again, but it’s fine.”
Caius nodded.
Sam sighed and put a tentative hand on his shoulder. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“I know,” Caius snapped, finally taking his eyes off of Tommy to give Sam a withering look, but it seemed to break his spell.
Okay, clearly the crazy train was full steam ahead today. Caius was a lot less concerned a week ago when he dragged Tommy into the lab by the wrist he’d shattered.
“Oooooookay, well, have fun with sicko here then. Let me know if he dies,” he joked lamely. Tommy pulled the sheet over his face, and Caius chuckled in spite of himself.
After Sam left, Caius locked the door behind him. Not that his patient was going anywhere fast, but he wanted privacy. Tommy whined when Caius pulled the sheet away, but was too weak to argue when he coaxed him to sit up. 
Tommy’s mouth dropped open. Caius slipped him the red pills.
“Head back.”
He tipped the glass of water to his mouth, and Tommy drank. Hesitantly at first, and then eagerly, until Caius pulled it away.
“Couple more pills, then you can have some lemonade.”
The white pills weren’t coated, and they left a faint white chalk on Caius’s fingers. Tommy grimaced at the bitter taste, and Caius pressed the glass to his mouth again quickly. 
“Swallow, swallow.” He’d heard you could massage a person’s neck to make them swallow, but he wasn’t sure how. He wrapped his hand around Tommy’s throat, but he did not squeeze, just felt the fragile bones under his fingers as they flexed.
“Good boy,” he murmured, and brushed Tommy’s hair away from his forehead. It felt incredibly warm. 
One degree away from cooking his brain. Right. 
“Let’s get you a nice cold bath, hm?”
Tommy had to keep his cast dry, so he sat in the bath with his injured arm dangling over the side. He shivered as the tub slowly filled around him, but still downed the cold lemonade Caius gave him without hesitation. Caius also brought down two of his washcloths, dunking them in the water and laying one on his forehead. The other one went over his belly, which made Tommy cringe, and he moved to pull it off. He grabbed for it with his bad hand on instinct, and got distracted looking at his cast. He looked between his two arms, and his brow furrowed with concern.
“Is my skin turning yellow?”
Caius looked him over. He looked flushed, but not yellow.
“No. You have a fever, you’re just seeing things.”
Tommy was quiet and still. His eyes drooped and he quickly started to nod off, even in the cold tub. 
It was so rare to see him relaxed like this. Caius usually only saw it when he was unconscious, or at the very least, heavily drugged. Tommy wasn’t trying to shield himself or hide or cower. Caius relished the effect that he had on the boy, but there was a simple pleasure here in a more relaxed, companionable silence. 
Tommy startled awake with a gasp. 
“Breathe, honey.”
Tommy groaned and tried to sit up a bit, but he started to prop himself up with his broken arm without thinking. He yelped and yanked his hand back immediately, making him fall back the slight distance he had gained. The bath water splashed, and Caius sighed.
Tommy cradled his broken arm against his chest, keening quietly to himself and grimacing as the pain flared intensely. He folded his legs closer to his chest and anxiously bounced them while he waited for the pain to ease. Caius dangled his arm into the tub, drawing idle patterns in the water with his fingers. After a few minutes he pulled his hand out, flicking thne water off of his fingers onto Tommy with a shy smile. He peeled the washcloth off of his forehead and replaced it with the back of his hand. He felt a little cooler, but still quite warm. Caius ran the washcloth under the cold tap again, and Tommy winced weakly when he laid it back on his head. He let the cold tap run a while longer, drawing his patterns in the rising water. 
Either the pain had passed, or Tommy had wiped himself out. He slowly relaxed limp in the tub, his legs settling to the bottom and his arms resting heavily on the sides of the bath. He trembled slightly as the icy water slowly climbed his body, but he was too tired to curl up again. 
“Did you call me ‘honey’?”
Caius murmured back without looking up, watching his hand idly playing in the water just above Tommy’s submerged thigh. 
“I don’t know, I just feel like babying you right now.”
Caius was surprised by his own sudden honesty, but it felt good to say. He doubted Tommy would remember much of this anyways, and he felt oddly comforted by it. He felt silly for getting so shy about Tommy all of the sudden. 
Tommy was quiet for a moment before swallowing.
“Does that mean you’ll sign my cast?”
Caius looked up at that. Tommy was breathing shallowly, but he met Caius’s gaze with a soft expression.
“My mom told me that the more people you get to sign your cast, the better it’ll heal.”
Caius chewed his lip for a moment, mulling it over. He reluctantly left Tommy to go find a marker. He passed by the kitchen and stopped to dig in a cupboard for Michelle’s candy stash. He found a nice bar of dark chocolate, each broad square filled with a liquid raspberry center. He’d go into town in a day or two, he’d have to remember to pick something up to replace it. 
When he returned to Tommy, the bath was starting to fill too high. He turned it off, but found Tommy asleep. He had lost the flush in his cheeks, and was starting to look quite pale. He woke him up with a square of chocolate pressed to his pale lips. 
“I think you need some sugar. Chocolate is good for the soul.”
Tommy opened his eyes blurrily, confused. He licked his dry lips and accepted the chocolate, biting down slowly, careful not to bite Caius’s fingertips. Well…careful not to bite him hard, anyways. Once he swallowed it, Caius pushed his fingers past his lips again just to feel along his teeth with the tips of his fingers. Tommy didn’t resist, just tolerated it without the energy to care. When he was satisfied, he wiped his hand on Tommy’s cheek before grabbing a square for himself. He bit it in half before pulling it away, holding it up to look at the chocolate cross-section. 
It had a thin dark chocolate shell, but inside there was a sweet raspberry filling dyed bright red. He flattened it between his fingers, and the filling bulged around the cracks in the chocolate as he crushed it. He brought it to Tommy, who opened his mouth expectantly, but he just rubbed the raspberry cream on Tommy’s lips. He flicked off a few bits of the chocolate and spread it with his finger, painting it on like a messy lipstick. He wiped his finger clean on Tommy’s cheek, and took a look at his work.
Tommy was very pale now, a bluish tinge to the shadows on his skin. The bright pop of color painted on his lips made his lips look plump and swollen. He’d left a little smudge of rouge on the apple of his cheek. 
Tommy was struggling to stay awake, his eyes fluttering back open. 
“How - how long are you going to keep me?”
Caius considered the question for a moment, cracking a crooked grin. 
“Why would I let you go?”
Tommy stared at the bathtub faucet, slowly dripping into the water. 
“I mean… what’s the plan? I’m just going to be here for - for our whole lives? I’m going to turn thirty here? Fourty-five? Are you going to come home to me when you cash out your 401k?”
Caius pressed his hand down on Tommy’s casted wrist, holding him still as he started to write his name on the cast in black marker. Tommy sucked a breath in and jolted when his wrist was touched.
“Are we gonna…grow old together? Be old men in rocking chairs on the porch? What will the neighbors think…”
Caius chuckled, drawing a heart around his initials before adding an arrow. 
“Yeah, I guess we will. The neighbors can think what they want.”
Tommy grew very quiet. His face was difficult to read, no clear emotion that Caius could find. After a surprisingly long several minutes, he spoke. 
“That’s… my whole life. This is my life now? Until I die?”
Caius started drawing a tiny sketch of Tommy in the bathtub on his cast. 
“Sooner or later.”
Tommy winced.
“Am I going to – are you gonna kill me?”
“No,” Caius reassured him with a hand on his chest.
“-Not unless I have to.”
Tommy’s breathing was growing quicker, his ribs rising and falling under bruised skin. 
“How many of – how many of…us…have you killed?
Caius pressed his lips together and made a disapproving noise.
“You’re only our second. But, yes, the last guy didn’t make it.”
A small worried look passed his face, but then he took a deep breath and relaxed.
“What happened?”
Caius offered another piece of chocolate to his lips. When he didn’t open immediately, Caius chided him, until he hesitantly accepted it. Caius popped himself another piece, taking his time to enjoy it before considering answering. 
“We went to this church in the hills.There was this hot-shot cardinal who wanted a private lesson on crucifixion.”
Caius flicked the metal peg below the bathtub faucet and the water began to drain out with a gurgle. He turned the hot tap on, letting it pour in even as the water started to chug down the drain. He gently wiped Tommy’s face with the washcloth, eyeing the pink that had already returned to his cheeks, before dropping it crumpled on his chest. 
“He paid extra so he could really take his time. Once he nailed him up there, the last you was trapped for hours. I was… I didn’t know enough about it until it was too late. I thought they’d eventually die up there by dehydration, or exposure, so a day of it sounded mostly harmless.”
“Mostly harmless,” Tommy echoed back hollowly. He stared into space, off into the distance far beyond the walls of this room. He was still in a stupor from his sickness, Caius could tell because he wasn’t panicking. 
He gently petted Tommy’s hair away from his face and started to comb through it, stroking each strand before winding the curls back in around his fingers. He had refused to cut Tommy’s hair since they brought him back to the house, and it was starting to get long.
“He said he was dying. I didn’t believe him, he’d said it before. When he went quiet we just thought it was shock. The cardinal had this fucking bull whip, and he was unbelievably accurate with it.”
He pushed the drain back in. Tommy had drawn up his knees to try to avoid the scalding water, and he was blushed red where the hot water cupped his body.
“That’s why you must only call for me if you are dying. I have to trust you to tell me. But if you always say that you cannot take it, then I won’t know to listen to you when I need to.”
He cupped Tommy’s face and guided him to meet his eyes. Tommy had a hard time focusing, but once he did, Caius gave him a firm nod and released him. 
“The thing about crucifixion, it’s a sneaky killer. I read about it later, at the time I didn’t know what had happened. Something about your arms being pinned above your head causing the lungs to slowly fill with liquid. He had just had pneumonia, I thought he was healed enough. I think that’s why it happened so fast. He drowned inside of his body. He was fine, and then he was quiet, and then he was just gone. He was already starting to cool when we took him down.”
Tommy was staring at the ceiling. Caius could see the realization slowly, slowly dawning in his eyes.
“It’s okay, I’ll take care of you.”
Tommy’s eyes unfocused again, the hot bath fanning his fever. It eased him back into a docile mood, and when Caius put a hand to his cheek, he nuzzled into it. His face felt warm, but the meds would kick in soon, no brain boiling tonight. 
He let the water drain out and left Tommy in the emptying tub. He didn’t lock the door behind him before heading to the kitchen, thinking about his favorite recipe for chicken noodle soup.
Taglist: @suspicious-whumping-egg  @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whumpyourdamnpears @generic-whumperz @lonesome--hunter
@whumplr-reader @theelvishcowgirl @sunshiline-writes @dont-be-gentle-please @galesgallery
@thembology @2in1whump @sparrowsage @apokolyps @whumpinggrounds
@morning-star-whump @leviiio @alexmundaythrufriday
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arrthurpendragon · 3 hours
I need to establish a boundary
Hi there!
I have gotten several asks about my OCs/fics which I am very excited to answer! I am hoping to even write a bit this afternoon!
But I need to establish a boundary. From past experiences, I know now that I can't just expect people to know my boundaries. So here it is - my writing/projects are going to come before community stuff.
Since I opened anon up for a few asks, I have gotten several telling me that I need to prioritize the community and ocappreciation. I learned the hard way that you can't pour from an empty cup. I need to do things to refill my cup - so that I am able to pour from it for others. (There are plenty of books out there if you're interested in reading about it) Which is why I am going to prioritize my fics right now.
Last summer, I was probably at the lowest point in my life and completely burned out. (I'm sure plenty of you remember that - and I appreciate those who showed me love and support) I'm not going back there. Prioritizing mental health means a lot to me.
If me prioritizing myself bothers you, you are more than welcome to take over the role I once played, that burned me out. You are also welcome to start your own OC-centric pages similar to ocappreciation! I encourage you to do so! A community isn't just one person taking on the weight of everything. A community is a group and one person can't take it all one.
I'm not completely stepping back. I'm not even trying to extricate myself. I'm trying to get more active and right now that focus is on me and my writing. Filling up that cup so I can pour some and do those fun things.
Again, I am posting this because I can't just expect people to know what my boundaries are. But now that this has been expressed, I will not hesitate to block anons that try to cross my boundaries. And should that continue, I will go back to turning anons off.
Prioritizing myself is the first step in me being able to get back into community things. I can understand if you don't get the boundary but I am going to ask that you respect it.
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fandomworld9728 · 14 hours
I might have an au idea...
Lucifer is ruling hell solo because Lilith isn't around to rule with him(Either she's dead or she just straight up disappeared) and thanks to that situation Charlie isn't born(YET). One day he met up with a certain TV head upcoming overlord who just experienced a heartbreak from a certain demon ended up becoming quick friends with him but then A certain Radio Demon started to take notice on Lucifer and started have flash if visions from when he was alive when he's near the king and A certain Exorcist Leader started spying on the king for some unknown reasons and now the three have to settle this complicated situation themselves or else it would harm the king
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(Oh wow... that is AMAZING! Excuse me while I write a quick sample piece based off of this-)
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Shit. Shit shit shit! Vox wasn't sure if he was lucky or being taunted at this point. What were the chances that his heart had been soothed just as quick as it had been broken? And by the King of Hell of all people?
How did the Overlord get himself into this mess you ask? Well, it was very simple. Vox had decided the best way to nurse heartache was to drown his sorrows in lots and lots of whiskey. So, he had allowed Val and Velvette to drag him to some upscale bar that the rich and famous of Hell came to get fucked up.
Honestly, he wasn't sure how they had managed to get in here. The Vees were powerful but fuck. They weren't even on the same level as most of the demons in that place. But he wasn't about to question it. He came there to get wasted not to think. That's how he found himself four drinks in and a beautiful blonde man next to him on the bar stools.
Vox knew he was out of this guy's league; however, he was just drunk and desperate enough to try his luck.
"What's a beautiful thing like you doing all alone?"
He realized his mistake all too soon. As soon as those words left his mouth and the demon turned to face him, it was like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on him.
"Y-Your Majesty! Apologies. I-I'm just-"
"Drunk and depressed? Me too."
While the TV Demon had been scared stiff and tried to stutter out an apology, Lucifer, the King of Hell, had just shrugged it off like it was nothing. And seemed able to read Vox like an open book.
Was it that obvious? Or was it because they were in a similar mood? If he was honest with himself, it was probably a bit of both. Well, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Not getting in trouble for shamelessly flirting with the King of Hell and getting to look at the gorgeous creature next to him. Vox was gonna enjoy every moment of it.
His drunk addled thought it would be fun to push his luck. That's how he found himself discussing how they both ended up depression drinking. It seemed like they were in the same boat in a way.
While Vox had been trying to dull the pain of rejection, Lucifer (he can't believe he gets to call Hell's King by his actual name!) was there to try and forget for a night about the Queen's passing. That had happened long before Vox had even appeared in Hell, so it was quite a surprise to say the least.
From there, the two ended up talking about their special interests instead. The Overlord ended up spilling on how much he loved technology, especially TVs, and sharks. While Lucifer wasn't a fan of TV in general, he wasn't opposed to watching it every now and then. However, his face lit up with excitement at the mention of sharks.
Come to find out, the fallen angel was a lover of all animals. Though, his favorite were birds. Specifically, ducks. Vox wasn't sure why ducks and he meant to ask. But he didn't wanna stop him when he was just so adorable gushing about the waterfowl. If he ever got the chance to talk to the smaller man again, he'd make sure to ask.
What happened next, Vox wasn't sure how it happened. One moment the two of them were sitting, drinking, and enjoying just talking. The next moment, they were back at The Vee Tower. On Vox's floor. Sitting on the ledge to the opening to his shark tank.
The way his sharks had warmed up so quickly to Lucifer, and how excited and affection he was made something warm bloom in Vox's chest. His night wasn't going as planned but this was better than whatever his plan had originally been.
He had lost track of time and before he knew it, he was waking up in his bed. With Lucifer getting ready for the day and turning to greet him with a smile and a soft good morning.
Had he... slept here? The spot next to the sinner was still warm so yes. The King of Hell had slept over. In his bed. Right next to him. Why? Why did he stay? When Vox finally got over his shocked and asked him, he was surprised and touched by the answer.
"You seemed... like you didn't want to be alone. Like, you needed someone to just exist next to you. I know that feeling all too well."
Lucifer had left hours ago, after being so kind as to summon up some coffee and painkillers for his hang over. Seriously, this guy was too kind for being the man who cursed all humanity. Vox had yet to get up.
He just laid there, replaying that night and morning in his head. He was completely and utterly fucked.
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Things were touch and go since his almost defeat by Vox. Alastor had been hiding away in the shadows until he had enough strength to properly defend himself again. It seemed his patience was rewarded.
When he finally came from the shadows, still heavily injured and dying, an angel appeared in front of him. Literally. The first ever fallen angel stood before him.
"You look like shit."
"Oh, really? I hadn't noticed, sire."
Alastor knew it was a gamble speaking to the King of Hell like that, but he was never good at holding his tongue in situations like this. His temper was short, and he was already dying. The worst that could happen was the king speeding up the progress.
However, it seemed he was more amused then angered by the Overlord's sarcastic comment. Kneeling down in front of the sinner, the fallen angel discarded his jacket and pushed up the sleeves of his shirt.
Was he going to help him? What would someone as powerful as Lucifer Morningstar gain from saving a sinner like him? And how could Alastor even repay him for this? It would be a life debt and he hated being indebted to anyone.
The smaller man hadn't even touched him yet (not like Alastor was going to let him) and he already seemed concerned about his state. Biting into his own wrist, the king held out his arm to him, golden blood shimmering and running down his hand. Dripping onto the ground from his claws.
This seemed.... familiar. Had this happened to him before? No. There's no way. Right...? However, Alastor could have sworn his reality had glitched for a moment or two.
For a brief moment, Alastor could swear that he was back in New Orleans. Sitting in a dirty alleyway he knew very well. A fuzzy image of someone crouched down in front of him with their arm outstretch to him.
"Hey. You need to drink this or else you'll die. Now isn't the time to zone out."
And drink from the king he did. Alastor would be a fool to let an opportunity like this slip by. After that, the sinner had been left all alone.
That blood had healed him right up and he was back to his old self in no time. Though he thought it wise to keep a low profile for the time being. Especially with being indebted to Lucifer Morningstar of all demons.
Alastor waited and waited for days, months, years for that debt to be collected. However, the devil never graced the deer demon with his presence. It left him feeling antsy.
How was he supposed to deal with this? It's not like he could just show up on the king's doorstep and demand for the fallen angel to let him prepay him for saving his life. Or could he?
That's how Alastor found himself watching the smaller demon. The more he watched him, the more fascinated (obsessed) he became.
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Adam didn't know when or he started doing this, but fuck, he couldn't stop. Sitting in his office alone, the first man was using his magic to spy on the man who made his living life a nightmare.
That little wife stealing motherfucker. If anyone asked, he just claimed it was for research purposes only. To help with the Exterminations. There were a couple of angels who didn't buy it, but it wasn't really an issue.
Lute, his partner in crime kept her comments to herself for the most part. Only speaking up if he spent too long watching the fallen angel or he let what he was viewing effect his mood and/or work.
Emily, the adorable Seraphim who reminded him way too much of pre-fall Lucifer, kept insisting that he care about the demon. Pfft! Please! As if! Then she had the crazy idea that Adam had a crush on Lucifer! Yeah right! There was no way!
And Sera. All she did was give him these looks and shake her head like she was disappointed in him. Judgmental bitch. Who cared what she thought anyways?
So what if Adam spent most of his free time watching over the loser? So what if seeing him all alone and sad stopped being funny and made the first man feel bad for the fallen angel?
Fuck. This could not be happening to him.
(Okay so I may have gone a little overboard with it XD )
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cobwebbedcat · 3 days
Warnings: top sub amab masc reader, dom bottom trans man Rook Hunt, stuffing, emetophilia, undernegotiated kink/scene, sir kink and mommy kink (reader calls Rook both interchangeably), reader goes into subspace, minor dacryphilia, it gets messy 
Terms used for Rook: cunt, breasts 
THANK YOU TO @pomefiore-visitor FOR THE COMMISSION!!!!! KISSES KISSES KISSES!!! it was so fun to write this <3 though i worry this fic may be like the ring, because you'll never guess who's not feeling well tonight 😔....can a fic be contagious?
“Mon cher!” Rook’s voice cries through your phone. You can’t help but smile at the sound of his voice, even if he can’t see you, “I’ve been exploring the beauty that can be made in the kitchen, I want you to try what I’ve made!”  
You hesitate for only a moment, desperately wanting to see him, but no one else. You look to the clock on your wall; it’s late evening, past the time that anyone would be in the kitchen besides him. Then again, most students give Rook his space, whatever he may be up to. Humming softly, you agree to meet him, telling him you love him before slipping out of your dorm to Pomefiore.  
The Pomefiore dorm has a small, cozy kitchen. It’s meant to be for hobbyists, storing potion ingredients, and light meals. You’re shocked by the amount of food Rook’s prepared for the two of you. It looks like a 4-course meal.  
“Wow,” you breathe, watching Rook put the finishing touches on a batch of eclairs. He’s in his dorm uniform save for his robe and hat, wearing an apron over his clothes, his hair tied up, and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You try not to drool at the sight of him. 
“Bonsoir mon ami!,” he coos, dropping the piping bag he was holding to meet you in the doorway. He pulls you into a kiss, cupping your face in his hands. “Whoops,” he giggles softly, brushing crumbs off your cheek.  
“I hope you’ve got a big appetite,” he muses, letting his hands drift from your face to your stomach, patting your belly gently.  
“I do,” you look over his shoulder at the spread, “looks delicious.” Rook smiles at your praise, guiding you to a chair at the end of the table.  
“I’m glad you think so, mon cher,” he moves a plate of fruit towards you, “I know this isn’t the most impressive use of my skills, as it’s just fruit I’ve arranged,” he points out each fruit then continues, “I think it’s a perfect beginning to the meal. I put a lot of thought into how these would taste together,” Rook explains.  
It’s a marvelous display, there’s no doubt about that, and you eagerly dig in. Rook stands next to you, watching you with a gaze that is just the right mix of loving and overly attentive, occasionally running his fingers through your hair.  
“Did,” you begin, first swallowing the food still in your mouth, “did you want some?” Your eyes flirt to the plate, where a few pieces of fruit remain. Rook shakes his head. 
“Oh no, I’m full. This is all for you,” you reflexively swallow at his words, despite finishing your bite moments earlier, looking back at the spread of food before you once again. “I put a lot of work into this for you,” he continues, giving you a gentle smile, “I would hope you would try to eat it all.” You look at him, his voice sending a pleasant shiver of arousal through your body from head to toe.  
Rook watches you carefully, through lidded eyes. As you continue to press fruit after fruit into your mouth, chewing and swallowing slowly, you remember what Rook told you once, that mid-meal is when creatures are the second-most vulnerable, right after sleeping. 
“You’re still hungry, oui?” Rook asks as you finish the last piece on the plate. You nod your head as you swallow, 
“Yeah, I wanna keep eating.” You know Rook is more than capable at reading between the lines and catching your drift. He beams at your enthusiasm, 
“Sweet boy,” he coos, leaning down to kiss your forehead, “you make me so happy.” You can’t help but feel flustered at his words, watching as he pushes a plate of gnocchi towards you.  
“’s good” you mumble as you chew through your first bite. You go through a similar routine as you eat your way through the plate, with Rook petting and watching you shovel fork after forkful of food into your mouth.  
The food you’ve eaten has started to settle within you, and you feel comfortably full. Though you probably should stop now, you can—and certainly will—continue to eat more, especially if Rook keeps looking at you the way he does.  
Licking your lips after your last bite, Rook immediately goes to push another plate forward, this one with a Flatbread pizza on it.  
You go to reach for it, but Rook stops you by placing his hand on yours, “hands in your lap,” he leaves no room for discussion, “s'il vous plaît.” 
Doing as you’re told, you watch as Rook pulls a chair directly next to you, bringing the plate to rest on his lap. He takes a slice into his own hands and lifts it to your mouth.  
“Say ahh, mon chéri,” he coos, his eyes twinkling as he awaits your predictable obedience. You open your mouth, letting him hand feed you a slice of the pizza. It’s amazing, if not a bit doughy. Your mouth salivates, your appetite still strong, despite the shrinking capacity of your stomach.  
Rook feeds you slowly, making sure you savor it. At some point his fingers get a bit of sauce on them.  
“Clean me up,” he breathes, pressing his fingers against your mouth and watching as you take the tip into your mouth, sucking the remnants of food off and leaving him clean. “Good boy,” he purrs, and god you’re glad you’re sitting, because hearing that would normally make your knees go weak. 
By the time you swallow the last bite of the pizza you feel like you’ve overeaten. Your stomach hurts and aches, pressing against your pants uncomfortably. It’s now that you notice you’re half hard. With the way that Rook’s been reacting to you eating, and just how good the food tastes, you’re not surprised by your arousal. 
“Rook,” you groan softly as he sets the empty plate down and moves to grab dessert. He pauses, sparing you a glance. “My stomach hurts,” you complain softly.  
He raises a brow, turning his attention away from the food, so he can place a hand upon your full belly. He’s gentle, looking at you like he’s trying to gauge just how much you can take.  
“Poor bébé, does this feel any better?” he asks, bunching your shirt up to reveal your belly, then unbuckling your belt and both unbuttoning and unzipping your pants. Your cock twitches, hopeful that he’ll tug your pants down and free your cock as well. Instead, he leaves you straining against your underwear, hardly paying any mind to your hardness.  
“Yes,” you breathe, answering his question. You’re still incredibly full, but at the very least some pressure has been relieved. “Thank you, sir.” 
Rook kisses your cheek, and grabs the final dish he’d prepared for you. You expect him to sit back in the chair he’d pulled up next to you, but instead he swings a leg over yours and settles himself down in your lap.  
“Oh,” you gasp, bringing your hands to his waist to steady him. His groin presses flush against your cock. You don’t dare try to grind up into him, even if every part of you wants that. 
“You can finish this for me, oui?” you swallow at Rook’s words, feeling more than a little intimidated. You nod and Rook clicks his tongue against his teeth disapprovingly, “use your words bébé.” 
“Yes, I can sir,” a smile settles onto Rook’s face at your words, and he goes to take one of the eclairs into his hand. 
You open your mouth for him, moaning at the first bite you take from the eclair. Rook hums, clearly pleased by your reaction. ���Good,” you mumble through your chewing, and it is good, but swallowing is getting a bit difficult. It takes you a while to get through the first eclair, but Rook doesn’t seem to mind.  
A bit of dread settles into your stomach, along with the more than generous amount of food, as you look to see that you’ve got four more eclairs to get through.  
“I know you can do it for me, bien-aimé, you’re doing so well,” Rook praises, as if reading your mind and sensing your anxiety. You groan softly, and let him feed you the next one, slow and steady.  
This one goes down harder, and you gag trying to swallow the last bite.  
“Can I take a break?” you ask softly; the pastry saccharinely, sickeningly sweet against your teeth. Rook coos, setting down the plate down on the table behind him.  
“Of course,” he helps you drink some water before rubbing your belly, and very gently grinding himself against your clothed cock. Despite your discomfort, you’re leaking pre into your underwear, and Rook’s belly rubs—a soft, teasing stimulation— are only adding to your building pleasure.  
As you sit and digest Rook goes to undo his apron, untying the back and tossing it to the side. You whine, wanting so badly for him to continue undressing. Rook grins at you, his eyes twinkling. 
“Ohh does mon petit ami want more?” you nod your head, and Rook continues, “Want mommy to fuck you? Want to be inside me?” he teases, grinding down on your dick at the end of each question. You whine, pawing at Rook’s hips. “You’ll have to finish your meal if you want any more of me, cherie,” he hums.  
“More, I can take more,” Rook gives you a suspicious look, knowing that you’re rushing and pushing yourself. You lick your lips, your stomach is still very over stuffed, but you’re semi confident you can finish three little eclairs now. 
“If you say so,” he says as he turns around to get the plate back. He takes one into his hand, and the smell wafting off the pastry makes you woozy.  
Along with building nausea, your head feels murky and dizzy with lust, so lost in pleasure and submission that the next two eclairs go down without a problem. It’s the last one that you have trouble with.  
Rook brings the last eclair up to your mouth and you whimper, then gag once again.  
“Do you need another minute?” Rook asks softly. You shake your head, disliking the idea of stopping but knowing you have a little more left. Opening your mouth, you let him press it slowly against your tongue. Every cell in your body wants two things: to stop eating, and to please Rook. Unfortunately, you cannot have one without the other.  
“You’re doing so good, you’re almost there,” Rook reassures you, looking at you through lidded eyes. The clear arousal he’s getting from watching you is the one thing powering your jaw to tear and grind apart the eclairs.  
“Done,” Rook breathes as you swallow the last bite, “good boy, mon chou, mon bonheur, ma raison d'être,” he heaps the praise on heavy, peppering your face with kisses. He ends his sentence by pressing his lips onto yours.  
Your tongue shoots out between your lips, perhaps on instinct, licking against Rook’s lips. He lets you in immediately, moaning when you explore his mouth.  
As he kisses you, Rook returns to rubbing your belly gently as he grinds down, rewarding you by teasing your cock. It’s good, but not enough. 
You pull away, just enough so you can whisper, “please,” against his lips.  
“Of course,” Rook’s hands go from you belly to your pants. He moves further down your legs, holding your waistband, “lift your hips love.” As you lift yourself up a bit, Rook pulls your pants down. The relief of not having them digging into your belly is immediate.  
“Thank you,” you groan, then repeat yourself when Rook pulls your sticky underwear down just enough to take your cock in his hand.  
“Guh,” you moan helplessly, jerking your hips and twitching in his hold. Rook’s other hand goes to cup your cheek. 
“Oh, my darling you did so well for me. Looked so beautiful eating, I can’t believe you let me watch you eat it all,” he hums, rubbing circles into your skin with his thumb. “Can I fuck you my love? Will you let mommy ride you?” he asks softly.  
“Please, please,” you beg, squeezing his hips, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes you can manage.  
“Don’t touch,” he hums softly, then removes himself from your lap to peel off his pants and underwear. He keeps his shirt on, but pulls his sleeves back up to his elbows from where they’d shimmied down. Your cock is hard, leaking, and twitching; it takes everything to not reach down and jerk yourself off at the sight of him.  
Rook reaches into a pocket on his apron, and pulls out a small vial of lube, and then he’s back in your lap. You return your hands to his now bare hips, and though your appetite is long gone, you feel yourself salivate at the sight of him. 
“Here we go,” he says softly as he slicks up your cock properly. You watch as he uses that same hand to then swiftly press two slicked fingers into his cunt. “I don’t need much sweetheart,” he confesses, looking at you as he opens himself up, “watching you got me so wet.”  
So much praise from him gets you flustered and soft all over, so much so you nearly forget how upset your stomach feels.  
“Ready?” Rook asks. 
“Yes mommy,” you breathe softly, watching as Rook lifts his hips, removes his fingers, and brings them to your mouth.  
“Can you clean me off?” he’s giving you an out, but you open your mouth for him. He presses his sticky, cum and lube covered fingers into your mouth as he lowers himself onto your cock. You feel your tip press into his hole as you close your eyes and suck around his fingers.  
“Good boy,” he hums, sliding down your cock slowly. He removes his fingers once you’ve cleaned them, and brings both hands to your belly. 
As he begins to lift himself up and down on your cock, setting a slow and steady pace, he rubs your skin lovingly, massaging circles into your stomach. “Such a good boy,” he moans, feeling hot, sticky, and wet around your length.  
“Ah, feels good,” you groan, squeezing his hips. You lean in to kiss him, moaning and whimpering against his mouth, getting drool on his lips and chin as he picks up the pace.  
Rook fucks himself on your cock, and you feel good, but the fact that you overate doesn’t dissipate.  
It happens suddenly: Rook presses on the wrong spot, or his tongue reaches too far into your mouth, or maybe it was just a matter of time before the food came back up again.  
“Wait,” you choke, saliva pooling into your mouth, your eyes going wide, and then you’re puking on his shirt. It’s just a bit, a warning, giving you enough time to gather your wits and jerk your head to the side, vomiting again on the floor next to you.  
“Oh,” Rook gasps, his hands and hips going still. He twitches and clenches around you as you hurl up the last of what he’d fed you, emptying the contents of your stomach. “Oh bébé,” he coos softly, rubbing your belly as drool pools from out of your mouth and onto the floor. You cough, getting it all out before turning back to look at him.  
Tears are welling in your eyes, partly due to the pain that comes with your stomach cramping and straining to puke, partly due to the relief, and partly due to shame. 
“Are you okay, my love?” Rook asks softly, kissing your sweaty forehead, cupping your face lovingly. You nod, glad that you’re no longer nauseous. “Good you got it all up,” he hums, pulling back to yank off his messy shirt.  
“I’m sorry,” you groan, some tears seeping out of your eyes and rolling down your cheeks.  
“Non, non, you’ve no need to be sorry,” he assures you, smiling gently, “I’m so sorry I pushed you, darling.”  
“You didn’t,” you tell him, knowing full well that you could’ve stopped him at any point and you wanted to keep going.  
“Good,” he kisses your cheek, “may I?” he asks, rolling his hips gently. You nod, because while you did feel ashamed for puking all over him, you stayed erect the entire time, your body loving the relief and pleasure from emptying your overstuffed stomach.  
“Thank you,” Rook groans, placing his hands on your shoulders and immediately returning to a quick pace, his breasts bouncing as he rides you, “fuck, watching you like that— oh—magnifique, merveilleux, très beau,” he gasps. 
Another wave of relief hits you as it becomes clear that Rook wasn’t disgusted by watching you vomit. You sink into the pleasure, head going foggy and muddled with lust, no longer ashamed nor afraid. You moan and gasp at the relentless pace that Rook rides you with.  
“Gonna cum—mommy—please,” you whine, looking up at him with pleading eyes, tears once again welling up, this time for another reason entirely. Rook groans, twitching around your cock, 
“Cum for me bébé, ah, cum for me, you can cum,” he gasps, bouncing on your cock and working himself closer to orgasm.  
“Rook,” you moan, holding his hips tight and fucking up into him as you reach your climax. Rook follows quick after you, babbling something in French, groaning your name as your cum fills him. He clenches tight around you, humping himself on your cock, working himself through his orgasm.  
“Thank you, thank you,” you chant, the words coming out as whispers. Rook hugs you close to his body, 
“Of course, love, you did so well, made me feel so good, such a good boy,” he praises quietly, warming your softening cock as you come down from the scene.  
“I’m exhausted,” you finally groan, once your head clears and you return to yourself, pulling away a bit so you can look at him. You’re greeted with a smiling, slightly disheveled Rook, giving you the most tender and loving look.  
“Then let’s get cleaned up, oui? I need you to brush your teeth as soon as possible so I can kiss you again,” he muses softly, bringing two lips to his mouth, kissing them, then pressing them against your lips as a makeshift kiss. And maybe it’s just instinct that your tongue peaks out to lick him, or maybe you’re already hungry once again. 
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zepskies · 24 hours
Hello hun! 😊
Okay, since I'm still on hold up here 🙈, I thought I send you a question.
How do you find a plot for your storys? What get's your inspiration going or what does spark you to make it a WIP?
So interested to hear how it works for you. 😁
Hey there, lovely!! 💜
Aww still waiting on Tracker to come out for you, huh? Almost there, right? 😅
But thank you for this question! The lovely @luci-in-trenchcoats asked me a similar one not too long ago in this ask, so my answer will be similar on some things.
⚡ Getting inspiration for stories:
Initially, my imagination always gets sparked by the "What If" question. Here are a few examples:
"What if Soldier Boy could be redeemed?" (Break Me Down - Soldier Boy x Reader)
"What if Dean Winchester had a Latina girlfriend?" (Midnight Espresso - Dean x Plus-sized Latina!Reader)
"What if Dean was a firefighter?" (Smoke Eater - Firefighter!Dean x Reader)
"What if Dean met his soulmate in season 1?" (Never Say Goodbye - Dean x Soulmate!Reader)
"What if Russell Shaw set his sights on his sister's best friend?" (Every Second Counts - Russell Shaw x Reader)
"What if you had a messy past you were running from, just like the new sheriff in town?" (Take Me Home - Beau Arlen x Reader)
You get the idea. 😂
✍🏽 Developing the plot:
After that, where I draw ideas for the plot depends on the kind of story I'm writing. And for that, I'm a big advocate of:
"Write what you know."
"Write what you can research."
"Write what you're interested in."
"Write what you've never tried to do before (but may secretly want to)."
Again, a couple of examples...
Break Me Down:
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With BMD, I already had a loose concept in Checkerboard, with the reader working surveillance at Supe Affairs. It would paint her and Soldier Boy (Ben) as enemies from the start. "Enemies to lovers" was a trope I had never written before, but I thought it was a fun challenge, besides the obvious one of attempting to "redeem" Soldier Boy lol.
In general, I'm a sucker for the gruff, devil-may-care, rough exterior guy who only becomes soft for his girl. 😂
More practically though, I drew from the source material a bit for the Black Noir twist (the comics), and also from my love of Smallville for some of the superhero plot aspects. I also knew that if the reader was going to eventually give Ben a chance and see the humanity underneath, she would need time to do it. So what better way than with an accidental kidnapping? 😅
And somehow it became this quasi- Beauty & the Beast storyline that developed into Ben and the reader saving one another, in more ways than one. 💚
Smoke Eater:
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With this story, I had several influences that helped me develop the plot. I have a deep and abiding love for cop and medical procedurals like Law & Order, House MD, and Chicago PD, but also for Chicago Fire in particular. (Also my uncle was a firefighter.) That helped me create Firehouse 25 and decide which canon characters I wanted to pull into the narrative.
It was my first ever full AU as well, so I drew a lot from the SPN canon S1-2 storyline to create the overarching murder mystery/the string of arsons. I was also very much impacted from stories my friends had told me of their experiences with sexual harassment, which is unfortunately where the Nick storyline came in.
And I actually drew a lot from my own experience with grief and loss in that story. Specifically in the challenges the reader faces with her family (with Dean's help). I wasn't conscious of it at the time, but after I wrote the initial drafts and started editing each chapter, I realized just where I was drawing from for that storyline. 💙
All that to say, that's a snapshot into my process from ideation to plotting! It's not always easy when you hit those difficult beats in a story, whether it's grief and loss, trauma and PSTD, or just the difficulties of making complex plot lines connect.
But overall, I do my best to have fun. If I'm not having fun, then why am I writing? 😘
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Anyway. 😂 Thank you so much for this question, my friend! @jessjad I'm pretty sure this is way more than you wanted to hear, but I so appreciate you for asking about my writing process! 💗
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psychesalcove · 2 days
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𝜗𝜚 headcanons with percy with a child of amphitrite and their dynamic!!
requested: yes, by anon !!
⚠️: not proofread AT ALL, percy being sassy as usual, nothing else i believe!!
💬: thank you so much for the request anon!! I decided to do some headcanons with this, which I hope is okay with you—if not, feel free to send in another ask and I'll get to writing it!! ALSO i thought i had uploaded it but i just saved it to my drafts, so im so sorry for not seeing my mistake sooner!!
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𖹭 some background info on this, amphitritea is the wife of poseidon—so this dynamic would be like step siblings in my mind, so that's what I'm going on!!
𖹭 when you first got to camp, percy emideantaly felt like he should get to know you–he didn't know why, but something about you seemed familiar in a way he couldn't place
𖹭 so ofc, like the social butterfly he is, he goes up to you and introduces himself to you,
𖹭 you already know of him bc of the whole savior of olympus and forbidden child thing going on, but you introduce yourself to him
𖹭 he invites you to sit with him so you don't have to be dangling off the hermes table bc of all his kids, and you happily agree
𖹭 the next few days, you are off doing your own things, but you and percy still say hi and stuff when you see eachother
𖹭 about a week has passed since you arrived, and still no sign from your godly parent
𖹭 and, literally no one could figure out who's kid you might be (even my girl annabeth was struggling with you)
𖹭 it was canoe race day, and you got paired up with percy (he def didn't beg Mr. D to have you in his group)
𖹭 you and percy were doing well in it (obv since he's a literal child of the sea), and you two ended up winning
𖹭 and, as percy moved to high-five you, a familiar blue glow appeared above you,
𖹭 you look up, and see a symbol of twin dolphins, the sign of Amphitrite, the wife of poseidon
𖹭 both you and percy were both shocked (probably him more than you)
𖹭 but, he quickly got over his shock and high fived you super hard
𖹭 "you're my sibling oh my gods oh my gods!!"
𖹭 he's like actually so happy when you got claimed
𖹭 but, he knows it can be hard getting used to being in a cabin alone after being with the hermes kids, so he helps you all he can
𖹭 this includes him helping you decorate your space, either with Polaroids of you and your mortal parents and friends, getting fairy lights hung up, and getting some stuffed animals on your bed, and a lot more things
𖹭 he wants you to know that you can always come to him for anything at all!! Even if it is a crush (even tho he knows you would go to piper for that)
𖹭 he would have so much fun introducing you to Tyson,
𖹭 like the three of you would be besties omg
𖹭 you and percy would also do that trend where you make bracelets with eachothers eye color (tyson would have one 2 don't worry 🙏)
𖹭 and both of you would religiously wear them and almost never take them off unless it's deemed unsafe to be wearing)
𖹭 percy would also make you practice with him, mainly bc he wants to be sure that you are prepared if any monster invasion happens or you get sent on a quest
𖹭 on the topic of a quest, he would be like a dad with a teenager going to their first dance or party
𖹭 he's actually so worried for you and what could happen; he's constantly asking if you have everything packed, if you brought enough ambrosia, etc.
𖹭 he'll def talk to chiron and Mr D abou the quest saying that he should also be able to go on it
𖹭 and then he gets all pissy when he can't come
𖹭 he's like: "wdym I can't go with them ☹️🙄😠"
𖹭 ALSO sally absolutely adores you
𖹭 he brought you over to his apartment for the first time and introduced Sally to you and BAM
𖹭 sally now has three kids, along with paul
𖹭 she's also worried whenever you have to go on quests, she makes you food and gets everything you need ready like omg I need sm like her
𖹭 you and percy have also definitely gone to some type of water park and just like,
𖹭 bullied all of the kids there with your water powers
𖹭 but then u guys get kicked out for being too loud and in the lifeguards words, "loitering"
𖹭 you both had to look that word up on Google afterwards
𖹭 percy and you also have sleepovers sooo often
𖹭 mr D at first tried to get you 2 to stop having them
𖹭 but you guys were like "we're siblings we share the same cabin wdym we have to be in different cabins 🤨🤨"
𖹭 percy and you also have beds set up in eachothers cabin that's just, yours or his bed
𖹭 and when you have the sleepovers, the two of you make the best pillow fort known to kind (you probably got the idea from annabeth)
𖹭 on the topic of annabeth, you two would emideantaly become besties
𖹭 percy will never tell either of you but he got a bit jealous of you guys when you first met
𖹭 you'll probably become friends with all of the 7 bc of your relationship with percy (I say that the 7 are all friends no one could make me think otherwise)
𖹭 percy and you have little hangouts where you chill at the bottom of the lake and just chat ab anything — even with the animals down there
𖹭 the two of you also have def went to an aquarium and made everyone think your psychos bc you talked to all of the animals there
𖹭 overall, percy thinks of you as his sibling, and loves knowing that you'll always have eachothers side <3
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etrsilk · 2 days
Please can we get a main 4 x reader during ovulation? It's coming up and I'm literally like a feral beast 😭 also I love your writings so far 💕💕
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₊✩‧₊˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 ⇝ 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨: 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘢,𝘎𝘰𝘯,𝘒𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘬𝘢,𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘰
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 — ✘
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚 — 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
⎝ 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚:: I love this request so much!! also sorry, it’s quite short 😭 and thank you very much <3💕
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 —𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐀ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ Killua would be a bit embarrassed; it’s not that it was really a taboo subject for him, but rather that among the many blood-related topics discussed, this one wasn’t the most frequent (lmao)
➘ If you tend to have very painful periods, he would probably do his best to be as attentive and caring as possible. If your periods aren’t very painful, he would allow himself to tease you and be a bit playful, but nothing too harsh… he’s just trying to lift your spirits in his own way!
➘ In reality, he worries a bit and tries to be as comforting, patient, and empathetic as possible, although he can be a bit clumsy
➘ he would act a bit like in this headcanon, He would act a bit like in these headcanons, trying to take care of you as he would with a sick reader, with lots of tenderness and attention !
➘ He would be absolutely the best. You wouldn’t even need to tell him what you need; he would already show up with a prepared hot water bottle, the necessary medication, and your favorite snacks.
➘ He would feel really sorry for you if you had painful periods and would do everything he could to ease your discomfort. He’d offer massages, keep you company, and find ways to distract you to make you feel better.
➘ He would also be incredibly cuddly, showering you with tenderness and affection. He would make sure you exert as little effort as possible and get plenty of rest. He’d take care of you by serving you everything you need and handling the small tasks so you can relax.
➘ Regarding your mood, he would try to be as tolerant and patient as possible. He’d always give you the benefit of the doubt to avoid arguments and support you in every difficult moment. He would do everything to make you feel loved and understood, even during the most uncomfortable times.
 —𝐆𝐎𝐍ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ Despite growing up surrounded by women, he knows very little about it… He barely understands what it is. I see Mito as a rather “conservative” person, and his grandmother simply never had the chance to discuss this topic with him.
➘ Even so, I don’t think he would be particularly embarrassed when you talk about it! It’s just frustrating because he doesn’t know much and therefore doesn’t really know how to help you or what you might be going through. But fortunately, his savior was there to explain everything and give him advice…
➘ He would try to be as attentive, caring, and gentle with you as possible. He would frequently ask if you’re okay and would bring you hot water bottles or medication on his own initiative.
➘ he would act a bit like in this headcanon, he would try to comfort you and distract you by planning movie nights or fun activities like that!
 —𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ Leorio would know you’re going to have your period even before you do.
➘ As a doctor, he is VERY knowledgeable and would do everything possible to relieve your menstrual pain with all the existing methods available. He would give you massages and use innovative, and maybe even a bit surprising, techniques to help you feel better.
➘ The fact that he’s a doctor makes him even more understanding and attentive to your needs!
➘ Being a true gentleman, he would offer to do all the housework and daily chores, of course. He would make sure you don’t have to do anything other than rest.
➘ To comfort you, he would try to make you laugh with his jokes and charming humor. He would do everything to make you feel loved and supported during this time.
—English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!!
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f1-stuff · 11 hours
Thank you for being normal about all this, people are being way too dramatic either for one or another driver.
Thanks. ❤️ I think some people take my ship posts after drama or bad races to mean that I’m making light of situations or that I don’t truly care for these guys, turning their pain into fodder for fics. But I promise it’s the opposite - writing about how these two deal with the aftermath of races helps me process my own feelings and my heartbreak. I really love them (to the extent someone who doesn’t personally know them can) or else I wouldn’t be able to write about them. And I think (I hope) that if people who feel the way I described about shipping read my fics, they would see just how much I care about the people I’m writing about and the emotions and pain they’re working through.
I see the point being made about feeling like it’s not the time to post about shipping after a situation like on Sunday, but for myself, I generally prefer to keep things light on this blog rather than dump all my emotions on here (and potentially make more and more people spiral into negativity). I work through most of my feelings on my own and with the community I’ve found that I trust, not through posts on this blog. It’s a different way of dealing with drama, but it doesn’t make it less valid.
Anyway, sorry to hijack your ask to dump all of these thoughts! (And right after I said I don’t usually dump my feelings on my blog smh.) I just thought I’d take the opportunity since I think there’s a lot of misguided impressions of people who ship charlos floating around, especially now…
(I’d also like to just add that I’m not trying to be ‘normal’ on this blog - I know very well that none of us are exactly ‘normal’ about these guys. But I like to think that’s what makes fandom fun. And also painful and chaotic at times too. One person’s normal is not another’s. But I’m just gonna do my thing and enjoy life as much as I can. ��)
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dwaekkicidal · 3 days
1k Celebration Post + Gift![repost because the poll was supposed to be a week long >.<]
This is a little late but hi! I just wanted to make a regular post to thank you guys :'''') I hit 1,000 followers yesterday and I'm genuinely so happy about it lol (ive actually been kicking my feet and giggling throughout the day over it)
Thank you so much😭😭 My first post actual post was literally May 4th so I'm mind boggled that there's so many of you already :')) ily guys
I literally only started posting because of an ask that @chvnlix got that made me feral enough to write something and now I have them, all of you guys, and some amazing mutuals ashdjhaksdj :')))
also i wanna thank max in particular because if it wasnt for them egging on my horniness or chatting with me throughout the unmotivated moments i had (also just keeping me company in general), i probably wouldn't have posted nearly as much as i have and i honestly might not have posted anymore than those first 2 fics lol (everybody say thank you max)
okok enough yapping onto the fun stuff! I wanted to give back to you guys, so I want to know how you guys want to celebrate! Some ideas i had in mind:
1. New (Mini) Series
a shorter fic/drabble for each member (<2k words most likely) about the boys favorite sex toy to use on you in bed
2. Technically still a new series (^)
I was thinking of doing something similar to kinktober (which i do also plan to do hehe) but a lot shorter (only 8 days) where i would write about 1 kink with 1 member for each day (the kinks would be randomized)
3. Nothing new; just work on the current series
if you guys would rather me just continue working on the things i already have going, then I can do that as well!
my only series at the moment are 'Sharing is Caring' & 'The Incidents' BUT i was most likely gonna turn the munch hcs ive been doing into a mini series, and just making the rest of the members that havent been requested yet, so that would be a third series to look forward to. :)
anyways thank you again :') i love u guys so much and seeing all the love only pushes me to keep writing
have a good rest of your day/night and make sure to eat + drink water <3
(also I'll add my taglist in the comments because i feel like your opinions matter a lot with this <3)
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jujumin-translates · 3 days
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 7 - Medium-Hot Review
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Yuki: The clean copy is done.
Hato: Thank you. I appreciate the help. Well then, you’re free to go for today.
Yuki: Good work.
Koro: Woof, woof!
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Yuki: You went for a walk just a bit ago.
Hato: Koro, it’s time for Rurikawa-kun to go home, so he can’t play with you anymore. It’s time for you to say goodbye.
Hato: Ah, that reminds me… I’ve been asked to design costumes for an upcoming play, but I’m a bit short on staff…
Hato: Since you have experience with stage costumes, I was wondering if you’d be able to help me, Rurikawa-kun.
Hato: I can’t give you any of the details yet, but have you heard of Aiko Kataoka-san? They do costumes for Hollywood movies--. 
Yuki: --I’ve heard of them.
Hato: Good. Since you do costume design, I was certain you would.
Hato: What would you say if I told you that the same Kataoka-san is involved with this project?
Yuki: I’d love to do it, but… I’m more busy with my theater company at the moment.
Hato: Right. It is an important time for you guys right now, isn’t it?
Hato: Well, I’m sure there’ll be another opportunity like this at some point, so I’ll let you know when that time comes. Good job today.
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Yuki: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Passerby A: Yua Troupe’s performance was so novel and interesting~!
Passerby B: I honestly thought they just created a theater troupe for clout, but they called in some real hardcore theater people to be on their production team, so it was way better than I thought it’d be!
Passerby A: The contents of it had that typical Yua Troupe feel that gives things a sense of stability, and the audience was packed with OG fans, so overall, the whole thing seemed to be going pretty strong.
Passerby B: I’m gonna write a review on Encom!
Yuki: (Encom, huh… I’ll check it out just a bit, for the sake of researching other theater troupes.)
Yuki: …
Yuki: (That Yua Troupe they were just talking about was selected as a notable troupe. And they were ranked pretty high during the pre-voting…)
Review: “And the costumes were cool too! They didn’t look a whole lot like stage costumes, but Yua Troupe’s got such good taste~.”
Yuki: …
Yuki: (There’s a MANKAI Company review too… I don’t know if I really want to see something like this, but, well, it’s for research…)
Review: “Spring Troupe’s performance was literally the best thing ever! I never thought they would’ve done a sequel, but the way you could feel how much they’ve grown had me sobbing!”
Review: “I can’t wait for Summer Troupe’s either~. If they go with this trend, that means it’ll be a sequel to their debut, right?”
Yuki: (Seems like people generally liked it…)
Review: “The costumes had that same stable feel they always have. But don’t you think that as Yuki Rurikawa’s become more established as a creator, his costumes have started to lack a bit of surprise and unexpectedness?” 
Review: “Maybe I’m just noticing it more after seeing Yua Troupe. I guess it’s just inevitable when you have the same designer do things every single time~.”
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Yuki: --.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Troupe Member: Good work today, Ikaruga-kun. There are only a few more shows left, but let’s keep up the good work until the end.
Misumi: Ka~y! Good work~.
Misumi: (Being on a stage other than MANKAI’s was a little weird at first, but once I got used to it, it’s been fun~.)
Misumi: (It’s interesting to see all the different actors, scripts, and stage direction~.)
Syu: …Good work.
Misumi: Huh? What are you doing here~?
Syu: My bad. I didn’t have your contact info, so I just had to wait for ya to come out.
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Misumi: Did you see my performance?
Syu: Yeah. I happened to know someone who was in the show, so I came to watch and was surprised to see you there too.
Syu: While we’re at it, I thought I’d invite ya to come have a drink with me.
Misumi: Sure~. And after that, we can exchange our LIMEs~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Syu: So you’ve been doin’ a few guest performances here and there lately, huh? Didn’t think ya were the type.
Misumi: Director-san and Tenma and all the others suggested it. It’s been really fun getting out there!
Syu: Is that so? Well, with actin’ talent as good as yours, I’m sure you’ll be in high demand.
Misumi: And they also said that I can grow by gaining lotsa experience on different stages~!
Misumi: I’ve also gotta try even harder for the Fleur Award.
Syu: Huh, I’m surprised you’ve thought about it that much.
Syu: Did Hakkaku-san teach ya about theater?
Misumi: Nope. But he showed me videos of old MANKAI Company performances~.
Syu: I see. Well, given the way Hakkaku-san was, I dunno if he was really the type to take his grandkid by the hand and teach ‘em everything he knows step-by-step.
Misumi: What was it like performing on stage with one of Gramps’s scripts?
Syu: Let me think… Well, simply put, it was excitin’.
Syu: I like Hakkaku-san’s scripts and I was happy to be the first to read ‘em before they were released to the public.
Syu: Hakkaku-san’s scripts ain’t just interestin’ to talk about, they’re pretty actor-friendly too.
Syu: He made sure to think about how to make each and every role shine onstage.
Syu: You could really feel that he trusted ya as an actor, which in turn got ya fired up.
Misumi: I see~. I wish I coulda also been on Gramps’s stage before he died~.
Syu: Did you start actin’ when you joined the troupe?
Misumi: Yep.
Syu: Gotcha…
Syu: Your actin’ has its moments where it shines, but it lacks depth. If there’s anythin’ you should be more aware of in the future, it’s that.
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Misumi: Depth…?
Syu: Ya can’t control your own life experiences, but ya can experience the lives of many different actors on stage.
Syu: The more experiences ya have, the more depth your actin’ will have.
Syu: In that sense, you’ve made a good move by adding guest performances to your deck.
Syu: I know you’re prolly busy with the Fleur Award right now, but if you’re interested, get in touch with me. If it’s you were talkin’ about, I’m always ready to welcome ya.
Misumi: Okay, got it~.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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cozzzynook · 3 days
hello! I love your writing, it’s so amazing! and I wanted to ask if you could write any hcs you may have for astrowarp (astrotrain/skywarp)? if not that’s alright! maybe any other hcs for blitzbee pre-war or post-war, however it works for you! thanks! 🫶
I’m sorry anon. I don’t know astrotrain enough or skywarp enough to make a headcanon. I will say their size difference would be incredible and they’d have fun teasing each other while fragging but thats it. Maybe some soft, silent after fragging laying next to each other.
As for Blitzbee?
Pre war I can see them as shy new spark like lovers that court each other so sweetly.
Bee at spark likes to take care of others while being able to enjoy doing his own thing with his special spark. Blitzwing is happy to be by his side enjoying the moment and this works for them. Blitzwing likes to get Bee crystal flowers and thats why Bee is so good at taking care of them. Blitzwing grew a garden full of them for Bumblebee before the war and when everything hit he was devastated it was destroyed.
The two were so different before the war.
Blitzwing had built a crib and Bee was ready to give him a sparkling or two. Bee would come home and make dinner, rub his digits along Bltizwings helm, trace the markings along his optics and kiss the sensitive platings on his cheeks before lifting his helmet to care for the sensitive mesh and tiny metallico that was easy to damage.
Once war hit, they didn’t do things like that and their crib, their garden, their berth, Blitzwings art work and Bee’s music collection.
Everything, gone.
They were conjunx during the war and Blitzwing joined the decepticons to give them a better life, safety. Bee went with him but didn’t join like many conjunxs actually. Bee stayed on the neutral grounds but eventually he had to go off planet and thats why bots didn’t know he saw it all and knew both sides wrong doings.
Bee was disappointed in many things Blitzwing did but he stayed and he loved him.
Bee came back when Blitzwing was given the surgery and he stayed.
Bee still didn’t join but he was still very well known and he took care of the sparklings around the bases. It hurt but he wouldn’t have any, not any time soon.
The two were split apart at the end of the war.
Blitzwing forced Bee onto the autobot side for safety, a home and fuel.
It hurt.
Their sparks literally tried to reach out to each other but they parted.
It was only after landing on Earth did they see each other again.
Bee joined the autobots to get a location and information on Blitzwing.
He wanted to find his conjunx and beat the mechs aft and then conjoin their sparks all over again.
The moment they met on the battlefield…the others saw Bee was a lot stronger than he led on and Ratchet recognized those moves Blitzwing used to use on the battlefield before he was a triple changer. Bee was kicking the mechs aft that wasn’t actually fighting back but apologizing in his native dialect.
Bee was dragged away by Optimus and Ratchet demanding to know what happened but he shut them out and never answered.
It was very tense but they gave up on asking eventually.
Bee didn’t want to tell anyone but he felt he owed it to Bulkhead and so he told him some of it.
Prowl was listening in but couldn’t hear them because Bee used his and Bulks private comms.
Later, Bee told Ratchet a clue that he was older and experienced the war but wasn’t in the fray. Ratchet felt more comfortable sharing stories after that. Bee would help with wounded soldiers so he knew just not seeing it first hand on the battlefield happening.
When a sparkling was brought on board Sentinels ship it was Bee who took care of them and easily too.
Ratchet knew then Bee spent a lot of time caring for sparklings and he felt saddened wondering how many Bee saw offline. It was later after getting the sparkling to recharge did Ratchet hint at it and Bee broke down crying, refusing to let go of the bitty.
The others didn’t see Bee for a long long time after that and they didn’t see Blitzwing either on the battlefield.
Sentinel wanted Bee court martialed but Bee’s team cashed in a favor from Blackarachnia and Sentinel was quiet on anything to do with the two.
Its post war and Prowl lives in this.
They see Bee for the first time a decade after the war is officially ended and a peace treaty is made.
He’s sitting comfortably on Blitzwings shoulder, arm around his helm, playing with the edges of his helm to give comfort. Both looking slightly on edge but so comfortable with each other.
Blitzwing lets Bee climb down and Bee reunites with his team and apologizes for disappearing on Bulkhead and Ratchet and Sari. He apologizes to Prowl and Optimus as well but he doesn’t get close to them until later on when Prowl has flashbacks to almost offlining and Optimus when he stresses under his new position.
Some of the past is still in Bee and Blitzwing.
Both are sweet in loving the other, that could never change, but they are different in affections and how they coexist.
More verbal communication for each others traumas and more physical touch to know the other is alive and safe.
They travel a lot and use apartments for a long time in fear of losing another home.
But eventually they do have a home and its one in Blitzwings homeland.
Both of them build it.
And both experience opening their doors to allow friends and family to visit.
For now, its more than enough.
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lizpaige · 3 days
Hi!!! Your I live by your headcanons and prompts, I need all of them written stat.
But you have any favorite/recs for pynch breakup/makeup AUs?
hiiiiii anon! thanks for the kind words and the ask!
i love breakup/makeup fics this is my second favorite trope right under outsider POV fics. I feel like there aren't enough of these in this fandom or maybe they just have different tags than the ones I'm searching for. I'm dying for a messy divorce fic. please someone, anyone write this.
anyway, here are some recs:
The Ties That Bind by pinkhorizon "Six years ago, Adam left Henrietta—and Ronan—in the rearview. When Gansey and Blue announce that they're getting married on the other side of the country, Adam gets stuck driving from Virginia to California with the one person he never planned to see again." 💬 Anything by pinkhorizon is great and this just was so good in its awkwardness and yearning and bah I wanna reread it now.
if prayer were the answer, I'd fall on my knees by sprigsofviolets "It’s Bare: A Pop Opera, but Ronan is Peter and Adam is Jason. Or, if you haven’t heard of the musical, it’s basically the gangsey at Catholic school with a lot of drama." 💬 I LOOOOOVE Bare and am a musical girlie so this hit the spot.
come morning light by perchancetosleep This is a wip but updates post every Tuesday and Fridays. It's a Marauders!AU which I am a sucker for. We've got Remus!Adam and Sirius!Ronan drama around the big prank. I run to my inbox to read updates here. messy and heart-wrenching.
Where does the good go? by Daisyapples after a messy breakup pynch are reunited to be godparents to a new blusey baby 🥰 fluff, lots of drama but of course a happy ending
The Only Time I Miss You Is Every Single Day by Zee Pynch break up and then Ronan visits Adam at Harvard. They fall back into their friend shenanigans and then admit some feels. super cute!
Cold Dark Earth by EtoileGarden If you haven't already read every EtoileGarden fic (they are all gold), then please do yourself a favor and do that now. This is a fave - pynch are broken up, Adam is engaged, Gansey trying to bring them back together, it's sooooo good! Such a fun read!
Honestly I'm probably forgetting a bunch that I love, so plsplspls share your own!
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bitbybitwrites · 2 days
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And yet, will be more than six sentences 😂. But saw this banner and wanted to use it at least once for this month!
OK . . I haven't done one of these in FOREVER. . so my deepest apologies and many thanks for all you lovely folks who keep tagging me for this and WIP Wednesdays: @thinkof-england, @softboynick, @taste-thewaste, @onthewaytosomewhere, @tinyarmedtrex
@wordsofhoneydew , @sophie1973 , @thesleepyskipper , @forabeatofadrum, @getmehighonmagic
@daisyishedwig , @annepi-blog, @porcelainmortal , @blueeyedgrlwrites ( and I hope I remembered everyone!)
1.) I've been struggling with finishing the latest chapter of my RWRB fic, Puppy Love. It's going through the editing process and should be up soon. You'll find a bit below.
2.) I also got sent a Pride themed Glee/Klaine ask for Ficlet Friday - which is now turning out a wee bit longer than a ficlet. And there will be a snippet of it below as well.
See it all under the cut!
1.) From Puppy Love - Chp 4. (RWRB fic)
With a smirk, Alex pulled Henry down to him, internally grateful to feel the other man straddle his legs as he sat in Alex's lap. While he ran his hands up and down Henry’s thighs, Alex found his brain slightly short circuiting as he imagined himself between them with less layers on than they had now. “Fuck,” Alex gasped as he continued stroking them. “Work out much?” he teased as he gripped Henry’s legs tighter. Henry grinned as he used his teeth to graze the edge of Alex’s jaw. “Horseback riding, actually. Used to do a lot of it back home. Even polo now and then.” “Didn’t peg you for a trust fund baby,” Alex poked fun once more. He shuddered as Henry found a particularly sensitive area on his neck and bit down. “Shut up, you cretin,” Henry growled before he took possession of Alex’s mouth again.
2.) From fire island follies (a klaine/glee themed ficlet friday prompt)
“Porcelain, Starchild, White Chocolate . . who are they?” he wondered aloud. “Well, me for one.” Blaine swiveled around on his stool to find a ridiculously good looking guy in the tiniest gold booty shorts that he had ever seen staring at him from behind the bar. “I . .I’m sorry . . what?” The bartender tossed a rainbow colored bar towel over his shoulder and plunked down a glass of water in front of Blaine.  “White Chocolate.  That’s me, I’m saying.” “That’s . . a, uh. .  . .a nice name . .” The blond grinned, the body glitter shining very noticeably off his abs.   Blaine seriously tried not to stare.  He did. “Stage name.  Used to have a partner called Dark Chocolate I worked with, but he went off and got him a boyfriend who didn’t like him writhing on stage with little ole me. Jake came up with the names.  He said we were both smooth and sweet and it kind of worked cause he was, well, you know, African American and I’m . . .” he gestured again toward his glitter encrusted abs. Blaine swallowed and really didn’t stare.  Really.  He really, really didn’t.
Besides the lovely folks listed above, I'm also tagging: @gleefulpoppet, @14carrotghoul, @myheartalivewrites, @itsmaybitheway, @hkvoyage,
@little-escapist, @madas-ahatters-world, @kirakiwiwrites, @spaceorphan18, @special-bc-ur-part-of-it ,
@kurtsascot , @cryscendo, @rockitmans, @lady-divine-writes, @lilinas
and open tag for anyone who wants to jump in!
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