#this was before I learned to sew back in my only crochet days
tj-crochets · 7 months
“Allergying myself multiple days in a row” reminds me of how I keep taking deep sniffs of my secondhand fabric (AFTER washing!) to see if it still smells and starting to sneeze a bunch right after. Surely the two are not related 🤔😂
That is an absolute mood lol
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monsterbroth · 1 year
i woke up early today and am way too energised my brain is like spilling in circles but I still have not the right energy to be coherent or focus on actually doing anything with it
#thoughts#horrible feeling!#like tired but also way way way not.#the direct was fun. mario fans must have had a blast wow#not a bad thing I look forward to learning more of the peach game and the art style they went with for wonder is neat#uuuuh. oh I love the design of the glow pikmin they appeal to me very much. i haven’t played a pikmin game properly before but#I’m excited for 4 I’ve been wanting to get into it for a while now. uuuuhhhhhhh! silent hope seems neat ? dragon quest monsters too I like h#how it looks visually .wario ware is silly I don’t know if it’ll actually work but I like that it’s silly ?? I’m rambling to try to get#my energy to a manageable level I think it’s working talking takes So much energy#oh the the . i looked it up pennys big breakaway that seems cool I also like the visuals of that a lot#yeah this worked back to spacing out for me#wait the splatoon segment was weird that’s the last thing like. why’d they do that#maybe not back to spacing out exactly but definitely an improvement to when I started I’ll think of something else#oh I’ve been trying to learn to program in godot! it’s going slow since it’s a lot of reading and takes me energy pretty quick but#i think I’m doing well even if I can only do a little a day like I’m understanding it easy so far. don’t think I’ll be able to make anythin#anything for a while but making it feel less impossible to make something one day is nice#i made the tutorial turtle do a little dance : ) ! and I’ve been working on some crochet on and off. doing a bit more digital art though#just like sketching. i need to clean a bit so I can get my sewing machine set up I want to make little bags so I can carry more things#when I’m out. love having tiny bags for specific things in a big bag#oh and I’ve been reading about gardening a bit I need to map out the garden if I want to plant anything which I don’t know if I’ll be able t#to do any time soon but it’s still fun to think about and I hope I’ll be able to do it some time#ok words over I promise <3 back to art maybe goodnight
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pomplalamoose · 11 months
Can we please have some luke fluff hc’s?🙏 from any era idc i just love your writing💗
Thank you so much, anon!!! <33
I'm so on board for more lighthearted Luke content to warm our hearts, it's what he deserves🤝🏻
Also I veered into kinda new territory for me; while many of these take place in the Star Wars universe as normal, I included some modern day AU ones too
• the Jedi are taught to take extra care of their clothing and appearance because whenever they're out and about they take on a mostly representative role, whether they want to or not
• this also includes learning how to correctly mend and take care of their belongings
• I don't think that this was at the very front of Luke's education though, Obi-Wan and Yoda really had more pressing conditions to work with
• however, as everyone can clearly see, nobody had to specifically tell Luke about this
• (just look at the man)
• not only did he grow up with maybe one (1) relatively good fitting outfit, I'm also sure that because of this he was taught how to fix holes and re do seams as well as sewing his buttons back on himself
• I'm even convinced he's able to make a simple pair of pants and a shirt from scratch should it be really necessary
• something about the picture of you and Luke sitting together on a warm summer evening or during a winter night and you watching him silently working away is just the peak of domesticity
• he enjoys fixing clothes, especially if by doing so he can do a favor to those he loves
• I think in a way it calms him too
• he'd definitely help out his Padawans with it as well
• I firmly believe he owns a small sewing kit, complete with a thimble
• (maybe two: one he's actually using and a second hand made one out of porcelain because he thinks it's really pretty)
• maybe, in addition and if he has the time, he'd try out similar activities like crocheting, knitting, stitching, etc.
• I don't think he'd be very good at it but everything he crafts is made with love and there is no one around who doesn't appreciate his efforts
• imagine him knitting little socks and hats and scarves for all of his students
• for some reason he really struggles with online tutorials though
• they're always going too fast, he can't see what exactly it is they're showing, and often times they're just overcomplicating really simple steps
• he finds this to be very frustrating
• he probably uses a very (very!) old fashioned book to learn instead
• its margins are full of scribbles of its previous owners and Luke adds his own
• he draws smiley faces next to the patterns he likes most
• Luke is a DIY king
• something that really comes in handy as a Jedi master
• at the very beginning, just at the start of his own academy, he definitely did most of the occurring tasks himself, also including preparing the meals for everyone
• he's a decent cook but I think he'd get really into baking
• baking bread is one of his favorite free time activities
• my sister insists upon the fact that he'd make the absolute best focaccia
• (or its Star Wars equivalent at least)
• he really likes trying out new recipes, especially those he never heard about before
• with varying degrees of success, as some of them are not meant to be made by humans
• but worry not, nothing is getting wasted
• Luke's collection of little fish friends is always happy to eat the remaining crumbs
• (for those that don't know what I'm talking about, check out my other random Luke headcanons if you'd like)
• he has special outfits for his training sessions, including many different shoes
• depending on what or where it is he's practicing, he chooses them carefully
• inside he's wearing soft slippers and soft slippers only, boots are a no go
• it's very much established that Luke is wonderfully emphathetic and always ready to stand by your side, may it be during your period or when you're struggling mentally
• he's still wonderfully emphathetic and caring when you're sick but like, only from very far away
• he'll refuse to come near you if you so much as mention you're not feeling well
• if you have to sneeze or cough even a little bit he's immediately asking whether you've fallen ill or are about to
• just say you feel like you're getting a cold and he's on retreat immediately
• he can't get sick as well!
• he's working with children!!!
• at least one of them is always sick anyways, he can't be contagious under any circumstances!
• he'd feel so bad if he were to be responsible for even more of them suffering
• he feels horrible for not being there for you too though
• so he still does his best
• he prepares warm meals and tea every day and let's R2 deliver them
• he always checks in on you when you're asleep
• he changes your bed sheets while you take a shower or a bath
• he'd totally make a doctor's appointment for you if you're too scared to make the phone call yourself
• he makes sure you're taking your medications
• he pats your back and strokes your hair using the Force
• Luke would absolutely hate quarantine
• at first he'd still be pretty optimistic, thinking it won't be that bad, maybe even fun?
• he'll just meditate a lot, right?
• after all he has mastered his temper now, his patience renowned among his friends and students
• this mindset works at the beginning and for a while he's happy to sleep in for as long as he wants to
• however he forgets about the concept of time quickly enough and soon has no idea what day it is
• when was the last time he had breakfast?
• since he's a very outdoorsy person, always on the move, always doing something, it wouldn't take long until he's getting kinda antsy too
• and while he does enjoy the calm and quiet, he's mostly used to being the center of bustling activities
• soon he takes desperate measures to pass the time, even trying out things he before swore to not be interested in in the slightest
• I see him taking lots and lots of Buzzfeed quizzes
• he texts you about every single result
• one of his first ones was about what kind of animal he'd be and he absolutely hated the outcome
• he eventually ended up making his own quiz because of it
• he likes watching you play video games more than playing them himself
• it's very relaxing to him, especially after a long day at work
• plus he gets to hold you extra close under the pretense of being very interested to see what's going on on screen
• he dozes off pretty quickly though
• while he's happy to let you play whatever you want, I think he has his favorites as well
• Animal Crossing being at the very front
• he loves when you show him your town or island, how you decorated your house and which villagers you're best friends with
• he too would have the newest game, simply because you were missing a few items and he was determined to get them for you
• it would totally escalate during quarantine though, and suddenly he'd have a fully decorated five star island
• (Luke Skywalker plays Animal Crossing with a passion and I'm ready to fight anyone about it)
• for some reason he gets really competitive during Mario Kart and Just Dance
• he unapologetically wins at every single Wii Sports mini game and no matter what you do and how much you practice, he's always better and not in the least bit sorry about it
• he is a Macher™ (please let there be some German fans who know what I'm talking about)
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cuntyyellowpikmin · 2 months
It's me, Cunty Yellow Pikmin, Cunty for short, CYP if ya don't wanna say the word "cunty," or Cleo "Cunty" Cassidy Cordatum de Yellow Pikmin if ya wanna get reallyyyyy formal.
My pronouns are she/her.
I'm a former member of r/Pikmin's Discord Server "The Zoo," so if you've seen me before then it was probably there. (ask me stuff or DM me!) Unfortunately, I don't have Discord anymore. That's why I made a Tumblr account so I can still talk to the Pikmin fandom.
I speak English and Spanish (Español) fluently. I'm learning Chinese (中文:普通话)(more proficiency) and Japanese(日本語)(less proficiency) as well.
A little about me, I guess. I was born with a Dandori Issue (ADHD) that may end up staying with me for the rest of my life, so if I don't keep my stuff updated then that's probably why, or I'm hyperfocusing on studying cuz I managed to romanticize it for a day and then everything goes back to normal. I draw, paint (a little), produce music, write, crochet, sew, and I'm learning 3D modeling, animation, and a bunch of other things. Call me a jack-of-all-trades, if you will.
I'm not associated with the original creator of the Cunty Yellow Pikmin meme in any way, all I did was make a Piksona out of it.
Discriminatory people get off my turf, y'all haters ain't allowed on my block. So get yo racism, sexism, homophobia, and whatever else you got there outta my sight, cuz this is no place for hate. If you think otherwise, I'll draw you pregnant, send you to the torture room and then let you pick your execution, or I'll simply just block you. Depends on how I feel. Extremists aren't allowed here either. I'm a feminist, but Radfem is technically another word for misandry and transphobia, so I won't allow it. The goal of feminism is for women to be treated equally to men, not more than them.
I dare you to check my AO3 it's absolutely horrendous that y'all wouldn't wanna go there. Literally just a Pikmin AU that doesn't even have it's first chapter out yet (as of 7/18/2024) so until I manage to refine the first chapter I'll just let y'all wait I guess. Also I don't know if the Pikmin community would even like whatever the hell I'm cooking. I just gotta find out...
If i already posted any art here, I won't be posting much from now on. Only wips or drawings I don't really care about will be thrown here. The reason why is because of Tumblr's AI takeover and I don't trust the opt-out option in settings. The only place I'm putting my finished art in is Cara or AO3.
Oh yeah I wanna make YouTube videos of Pikmin creations and whatnot, so maybe y'all would wanna watch them?
Okay I talked long enough. Remember guys, Gaslight Gatekeep, Girlboss.
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voidspacecowboy · 8 months
15 Questions + 15 Friends
Thanks @shinraalpha for the tag :)
Are you named after anyone?
According to my mum, I share a name with a character in an Australian soap opera, who she thought was cool and took no shit and was the type of person she wanted her daughter to grow up to be. (Which is good, because if my dad had had his way I'd have been named Siobhan, after Siobhan Fahey from Bananarama)
When was the last time you cried?
It's actually been like three whole days! Which is my longest streak of not-crying so far in 2024. It's a real bad time rn folks.
Do you have kids?
God no. Respect to those who do but it is literally my worst nightmare
What sports do you play/have you played?
I ride horses, and I used to be a total jock in school (before all the chronic illnesses happened). I played tennis, rounders, hockey, netball, football, occasionally cricket when the mood arose. I also rock climb sometimes, though arguably that's mostly to hang out with friends. I wish I had the capacity to play more sports, but the universe said no
Do you use sarcasm?
Arguably I don't use anything but
What is the first thing you notice about people?
It varies, but I'm somewhat faceblind and also not a particularly observant person, so usually just whatever is most distinctive - a cool hat, snazzy glasses, an interesting voice, fun hair.
What's your eye color?
Green, that can look grey in some lights and then REALLY green in others.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm a sucker for a happy ending and I'm not sorry
Any talents?
Arguably I'm a talented writer, though I am less convinced by that with every passing month ;_____; I'm also pretty decent with horses. I probably have other talents, but mostly I'm too tired to cultivate any of them these days.
Where were you born?
This feels like a data-mining question. But I have zero emotional attachment to the city I was born in, and have only visited a handful of times.
What are your hobbies?
Does an ongoing existential crisis count as a hobby? Other than that, horses, reading, writing, watching a lot of Youtube and TV. I'm learning to crochet right now which is pretty fun, and I used to cosplay, though I haven't in a few years and I miss sewing, so I'd like to get back into making clothes somehow.
Do you have any pets
Not currently. Our family dog passed back in October, and we aren't quite ready for a new one yet. But it is my dream to have an absolute menagerie one day.
How tall are you?
5ft6 or thereabouts
Favorite subject in school?
I was a maths/physics nerd in school, though I wasn't really 'in school' for most of my school career.
Dream job?
I have a thousand dream jobs for a thousand opportunities I never took, but right now my dream job would be for someone to pay me so much money to write my silly little stories that I never need to worry about whether I can support myself without the help of my parents. Or to live in a society that supports people regardless of their contribution to this capitalist hellhole we reside in. Just let me sleep I'm so tired.
@youreonmyrunway, @aceraleigh, @mitchway, @galadriel1010, anyone else who wants to answer questions, go nuts <3
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Tumblr media
i was tagged in this by @welcometololaland (whose banner i also stole) @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes and @liminalmemories21 i think? idk it was many days ago but here i go!
ONE: Are you named after anyone?
yes, my first and middle names are family names. on the one hand i think my name is quite pretty, but on the other hand i have some complicated feelings about the self-fulfilling prophecy of it
TWO: When was the last time you cried?
uhhhh, probably two thursdays ago when i realized that i'm not going to be able to go back to school in the fall bc of the *gestures broadly*
THREE: Do you have kids?
no, i'm twenty and also pretty sure i don't want them
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeah. you would be amazed at how well it does not work in arabic.
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play?
i played baseball until i was nine, at which point i switched to softball until i was about sixteen. i only quit playing bc there wasn't a chill league for teenagers. i was on my school archery team from fourth through eighth grade, and on my school's academic team from sixth to 12th grade. i also practiced jiu jitsu for a couple years in high school, before the pandemic and also before the owners of the gym i went to started being massively transphobic trump fans. i am a team sports girlie at heart tho and i want to try to find an adult softball league after i'm out of college and have some more time.
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people?
any fun clothes or accessories! i love paying people compliments and "i love your earrings!" is a great one that doesn't comment on people's bodies. i also notice if people are much taller than me.
SEVEN: What's your eye colour?
my driver's license says blue, but it kinda depends on the shirt i'm wearing. yes, i do know that that's an annoying answer.
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings?
both? i pick happy endings more often but i do love a good horror movie
NINE: Any special talents?
i'm really good at calling my state representatives and jaywalking? no but for real, i kick ass at learning languages. some people have brains built for math, and i have a brain built to be a polyglot. i'm pretty sure if you dropped me in italy that within six months i'd speak pretty fluent italian, though of course italian and spanish are very similar
TEN: Where were you born?
in a hospital, but not the one any of my siblings were born in
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies?
reading (mostly fic right now), chatting with my friends and sister, crocheting/sewing/knitting, giving tours for my school. (we're all gonna let that last one slide bc i literally did it for fun during the summer one day lol)
TWELVE: Do you have any pets?
yep! my family has two very large dogs, one of whom is a complete idiot and the other of whom is an asshole on purpose. and my roommate has a cat
THIRTEEN: How tall are you?
five two :'( but at least i fit better than most on airplanes
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school?
in high school band, biology, history. in college polysci and arabic, with a healthy dose of spanish language literature.
FIFTEEN: Dream job
blah blah i do not dream of labor (except secretly i kind of do) but i would love to work in refugee resettlement using either my spanish or arabic skills. for right now though i have the perfect college job. i love my oldies <3
i think everyone has been tagged in this, so consider this an open tag if you missed it the first go round!
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echrai · 1 year
My grandmother went to be with all of her loved ones who had walked before her on the morning of May 7th, and I can only imagine that she greeted them with as much rejoicing there as she ever did here.
Unlike my grandfather, my relationship with my grandmother is the furthest thing in the world from complicated. It was always easy. It was comfortable. It was home. She was baking bread and cookies homemade fudge and cross stitch and crochet and french fries at the Burger King at Andrews Air Force base. For the majority of my life my grandfather was an incidental accessory to the brightness that was my grandmother, and it broke my heart when that light dimmed at all eleven years ago when Sharon died.
I really think that it shattered both of our hearts in similar ways. We could barely look at each other for years without crying. Each of us a memory of what was lost and how alone we felt in holding it. She lost a daughter. I lost a mother. But we had each other in the middle of it all. An anchor to the grief we couldn’t articulate.
My grandmother was stacks and stacks of books and old movies and the air and space museum and the library of Congress. Music. Humming along with the radio. She was Christmas morning presents in a pink chair covered in an afghan. She is a bookmark in every book. She was orange juice in an old Tupperware cup. Raspberry tea with too much honey. A chocolate pudding snuck before bed. The soft humming click of a sewing machine. Click of her low heels and swish of her pocketbook on a Sunday morning. Hiss of hairspray. Turning pages of the hymnal to make sure I was keeping up with the verses.
Piano, and choir, and handbells. Sunday school. Church dinners. Oxen Hill farm. Making lunch for Grandpa before he went to work and greeting him with a snack when he got home. She is me standing on a chair in the kitchen to help knead bread. She is magnets on the never used front door. She’s a stuffed otter, and a seal, and a Garfield pillow. She is every new family child’s star baby blanket. She is my baby blanket. She is my Puck, when a tiny one year old wouldn’t put down a stuffed cat. She is the scolding I got after cutting the eyebrows off a mink teddy bear hiding under the coffee table.
She is hummingbirds. She is a stained glass Angel on the tv stand. Grapes from the backyard. Bubbles and playing in the bathtub water. Mickey Mouse computer games.
She was souvenirs from every trip. She was handing me a new book to take home every time I visited. She was always asking if I had met anyone that made me happy, and she was delighted when my answer was finally yes. She took a sum total of 24 hours to find her way to a God that loves my wife as much as I do. And who would never hesitate to be in my corner.
She was an only child from rural Indiana who joined the navy to have a future that looked different than her parents. She raised three children in Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, and California while my grandfather was deployed. After her children were grown she became a research librarian, never stopped learning new things, and was sharp as a fucking tack.
She was easy with praise and with joy and support and also firm in what she thought was right and wrong. She was the gentler, softer half of their marriage but she was also someone you never wanted to cross. They were equals in every way and loved each other fully. She followed where Troy led, and often waited until he came back to lead her where she intended them both to end up.
She was my eternal constant, the reason for my name. The first person to hold me when I was born. She took me to the nursery, carried me herself while my father stayed with my mother. My entire life she was a steady presence that I counted on to be there. Always safe. The last piece of home. I knew she would be gone one day but I would be lying if I said I was ready. I’ve always known that losing her would be the next axis shift in my world and it is.
Fair winds and following seas Meme. I love you.
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theechotrain · 1 year
The apartment
After attending university for the last three years, it feels so strange to see my student accomadation go back to how it looked when I first arrived. It is strange how when you pack all your belongings away to move out, the places where everything was before looks so unnatural; It's almost as if someone has come along in the night and changed everything that feels right.
Holding onto my bags, I look around the room one last time. Only round about now does it really set in that I won't be here, in this room, where I have spent so much time in, anymore. I cannot stay here forever though; I have to move out and get myself into the world. And it is not as if I am going to be doing it alone. I glance out of the window and see the one person who has made the last few years more tolerable.
Moira Dean. Beautiful, intelligent, witty, stubborn on what she believes in, outspoken; A.K.A she is the type of person that writers would describe as a strong female lead character that some would try taking inspiration to be like, which is why I sometimes find it strange that she would take such a course as fashion designing. She'd be able to model the clothes she has made if she really wanted to.
But yet, as much as it would suprise me that she was there and not taking something like journalism, I still met her roughly around the time we both started out on the course. We started talking and eventually learned it all together.
Everything we were taught, we would do it until we both perfected it. Everything one of us knew, the other did as well.
For instance, we both started off learning how to sew and make easy things like pillows. When we could do that, it wasn't long before the both of us soon became tied at the top of our class, no matter what it was that we were being taught. Together, we went through each lesson better then we perhaps would have alone. That doesn't mean that it was all easy though. We still struggled doing other parts of the course work.
For Moira, the planning, the  thought behind what she was making, the effort put into it, actually making it and seeing the final product in the end, all of that and more is what made being a seamstress her passion. Even if I wasn't making the same thing as her, I would also be making some form of an accessory to go along with what she was making. She specialised in it, even though it was not the only thing we both learned to do when we were there.
For me, what ended up being my forte was knitting/crochet. It is such a peaceful thing for me, even if it took me days or weeks to complete something I was working on. Working on something on the side for me has always been something to help me consentraight and think about what is important for me in the moment and what will be in the long run.
She arrives outside my door before I know it. I must have spaced out for a few minutes after spotting her. I open the door to see her standing there, ready to go. I glance around the room one last time before we leave.
The pair of us heave all of my bags over to my car, which is sitting in the car park near by, something that I am thankful for since we don't have so far to walk. On our way there, I ask Moira about the landlord we contacted about the two apartments we were both hoping to get by the time we both finished and moved out after college.
"Good news pet, the others who were interested all seemed to have something critical wrong with their applications, which pretty much means that they're all ours. I've already moved all of my stuff into mine."
She pulls out two sets of keys as she talks, shaking them a little like two tambourines before chucking my own set over to me, pocketing her own and getting into the passenger side of the car. I climb myself into the drivers side and have her give me directions as to where our apartments are.
We soon arrive and start doing the long haul back up with all the bags to where our numbers are, which are both on the same floor, along with three other apartments. I wish that I could have helped with Moira moving in but when she wants to do something on her own, she will get it done. I find my door with my key, which has the matching number in.
Unlocking the door and swinging it open, I am glad that I chose this one. The window on the opposite wall stretches from floor to ceiling and has the view that some would go the extreme for. Moira heads in before me, carrying what she is holding into the big window room while I stay standing where I am, just now looking around the rest of what I can see from where I am standing, already planning what I am going to put where.
I am pulled out of my mental planning by the sound of a door opening behind me. I turn to see who it is to see the guy who now lives opposite me. If I was the right type of person, my jaw would have dropped to my chest. A long blonde hair, tall, sweet looking metal head, his jacket covered in those patches that have bands on them. My stomach does a flip as he looks up at me. A smile crosses his face as he gives off a little wave and lets out a verbal greeting, one which I return.
He locks his door behind him before turning, pulling his headphones over his ears and heads towards the stairs. It takes me a few seconds to realise that Moira is standing in the doorway, now empty handed and is watching him walk away too.
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piastrinorris · 2 years
first off, congratulations on your milestone. I'm so happy for you, and I'm obsessed with this carnival theme!
I'll take a hall of mirrors please🪞💕 - I am the literal worst at talking about myself, but hopefully I paint a good enough picture of myself for this.
I work in a library where I design book displays, trivia games, and escape rooms, and I run a DnD club where I am the DM but I'm still learning so I'm kinda terrible at it lol
I'm a big musical theater nerd, a reader and writer (duh lol), and a book hoarder. Sometimes, I act in plays and musicals, but I also have horrible stage fright, hate being the center of attention, and can't easily speak in front of large groups of people to save my life. I am aware it makes no sense. I'm also big on all forms of sewing type crafts (cross stitch, embroidery, crochet, plushie making, etc). I just really like keeping my hands busy.
I am the kind of person who loves discovering new media, but when I find something that I really enjoy, I will watch the same movie over and over again, listen to the same album on repeat for months at a time, rewatch the same shows again because I like what I like.
My favorite piece of clothing is this very flowy black dress patterned with sunflowers, and it makes me feel beautiful. I have a mood ring that I wear every day that I will admit I only started wearing because it looked like one of Eddie's rings, but now I feel naked if I forget to put it on before I leave the house.
I'm unintentionally loud, a fierce protector of my friends, and a hopeless romantic.
Please take this info dump of probably unhelpful information and put my dumb ass into the narrative lol
not me reading all this intensely as if i don't already know all of this about you lmfao though you missed out the bit where that dress is also eduardo's favourite 😉
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 2k follower celebration event ongoing! ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
okay so, not to just copy and paste one thing about you into it lol, but i do think you'd work at the hawkins library, too. eddie had practically begged you to take it once you both graduate, anyway, since he can't exactly keep running sessions from the school now he's left, and it's not like people use that conference room in the back, you could just let him keep his throne there, right?
you'd always wished you could have been more than just a sub for hellfire stuff, you always had fun playing with the party and they were forever inviting your character to join bonus oneshots, but theater always took up too much of your time to commit to d&d full-time. the only downside to getting the library job is that now that consumes all your time, so you still never really get to join any campaigns. eddie'll still visit between sessions to plan, though, and he's forever bending your ear for inspiration.
once eddie gets a job, he doesn't have time to get to the school in time, pick up the kids AND get to the library quick enough to get a good session in. so he relies on his ol' pal steve to play chauffeur so he can meet his party there. steve doesn't even question that there's another person in his car every week that he's never met, let alone spoken to. he hears the name gareth get thrown around, but he assumes that's part of the game, he doesn't believe that name really exists.
steve doesn't know what to do with himself while they play, and since you're the only one within 30 years of his age range, he pretty much hangs off of you. he's useful to keep around, though; he can carry way more than you, he's happy to fetch you stuff, and he can reach up to put things on higher shelves with ease - in fact, after seeing the makeshift way you pile things up to reach those shelves, he insists. As payment for being your little assistant, you'll make him little thank-you gifts - a woven bracelet here, an ewok plushie there. but, since his love language is acts of service, he always retaliates by trying to do even more while he's at work. meaning you feel more obligated to make him stuff to show your appreciation for all this extra effort. which makes him believe he's gotta do more to earn all those extra gifts. he gets the message eventually, though.
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Got tagged by @official-lauchzwiebel
Thanks for thinking of me!!! :-)
1. What are you currently reading
Rico, Oskar und der Diebstahlstein by Andreas Steinhöfel; Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg; and still Twilight bc I couldn't get myself to pick it up again since the last time I was asked this question 🥸
2. Best movie I've seen in the cinema last year?
Honestly? Actually Puss in Boots - The Last Wish. I immediately fell in love with the animation when I first watched the trailer and when I went to see the whole movie I was completely carried away by the story too! I love this movie so much. Kitties and puppies 😭😭💞
3. What do you usually wear?
In the summer? Button-up/t-shirt + shorts + funny socks + crocs
In the winter? Sweater (with something collared underneath) + high-rise jeans (in any color with any leg width except skinny jeans) + funny socks + docs or crocs boots + the purple winter jacket I got from the h&m men's section only a few weeks ago but I've been wearing it non-stop bc it's exactly the kind of jacket I've been looking for for years and I finally have a cool functional winter jacket in my favorite color!!! 😩🤌💜💜💜
4. Star sign? Celebrity etc. you share your birthday with?
Leo, and I share a birthday with the episodes Eclipse Lake from The Owl House and Wishmaker from Miraculous Ladybug 😌
If we're going with real celebrities like singers or actors.. I was born exactly one day before Tristan Göbel :-)
5. Do you go by your name or nickname?
Depends. My close friends and family mostly call me Lenny, but I always introduce myself to new people with my birth name.
6. Did you grow up to what you wanted to be as a child?
Even as a child I never knew what I wanted to be and I always wrote "weiß ich noch nicht" in that empty space in the Freundebuch, so basically yes bc I still have no plans but now I'm studying languages 👍
7. What's something you're good/bad at?
I'm pretty good at crafty and creative stuff like crocheting, sewing, drawing and all that. Also learning new languages comes pretty easy to me, but I'll probably withdraw this statement after I've gotten back the results from my uni exams that I have yet to write...
Something I'm really, really bad at is being consistent with something. There's always something I'm forgetting and when it comes to important stuff like uni I often can't get myself to even open the uni website on my laptop as if I was paralyzed. Ahaha, anyway on to the next question...
8. Dogs or cats?
See, I'm the person who claims that they like both. And y'know I do like both. When I see someone walking outside with their dog I'm the one excitedly squeaking: "SCHAU MAL EIN HUNDI!!! :-)", but when I see a cat I get even more excited and in my head I'm like: "!!!!!!!!!!!!" bc I don't want to make too many loud noises and scare it off (you know I wanna pet that kitty!!!)
9. If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your fav picture/line/something you created this past year?
The tiny Sendung Mit Der Maus-Maus I crocheted :-)
10. What's something you'd like to create content for?
Tough one. First of all gzsz bc I'm basically the only funny fanartist they have. I mean I've seen some artists drawing realistic portraits from screenshots but that's why I say I'm the only funny one out there. Anyone can redraw a screenshot but I'm the only person willing to draw Maren and Katrin or Michi and Tobias kissing, so even if my sketches look messy and I post so inconsistently that I'll never get more than 3 notes on something I still think I'm doing a more valuable job than people who redraw something that's already happened only for the sake of flexing how realistic their artstyle is. (It's a different story tho if the redraw is stylized!!! There's so much personality to stylized art!!)
So... To come back to the original question. Gzsz definitely, maybe some crossovers like my ml au as well shhshshss, Miraculous Ladybug in general, also Osomatsu-san or Owl House and all that stuff I'm currently watching. Tschick. Yeah.
11. What's something you're currently obsessed with?
Just scroll through my blog for a while.
Besides that? Crocheting. I love that you can do it while watching something, so I feel like I'm doing something useful even while watching AWZ 😩
12. What's a hidden talent of yours?
Nobody peels mandarin oranges and clementines like me! I always peel them in a spiral pattern and almost never fail!! 😤💪
13. Are you religious?
Nice try Gretchen. I'm not gonna answer that.
14. What's something you wish to have at this moment?
Right now at this exact moment? Nothing really. Bin grad wunschlos glücklich, als hätte ich ein halbes Erdbeermarmeladebrot mit Honig verzehrt und würde mit leerer Gedankenblase irgendwo rumliegen und den Rest meines Tages genießen 🍯🍓🍞
Tagging @tofufei @midnightxxcrisis @9puppiesdrowninginapool @jofngve and of course everyone else who wants!!! 😸💕
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latvianheartsanime · 2 years
New weeb here!
I don't know if I wrote any introduction, but... oh well... here it is.
I'm Alice from Latvia. Started to watch anime last year, if I remember correctly. Can't remember if I watched Demon Slayer on Netflix back in 2022 or end of 2021.
Knew about Demon Slayer earlier but wasn't able to see it on Crunchyroll back then (even with Premium) and it took some time when I was able to see it on Netflix (it was some time after the news they added the show). Weird thing on Netflix it's just 1st season and last year I was finally see it on Crunchyroll as well aaaand aaaall the seasons and that's when I started to watch other shows too.
Sad that I cannot see Attack on Titan 1st season and 1st part of 2nd season. :( I guess because regional stuff. It sucks, because I bet because of it I wasn't able to see Demon Slayer back then as well. There's some other anime I cannot watch on Crunchyroll, but heard good things about, but have no idea is it because of regional restrictions or they're just not available on the site.
Other things about me...
I have 2 cats (again). Soon it's gonna be 1st death anniversary of my beloved Macho, he was white Cornish Rex, he passed last year few days before my birthday, he was 13 years old. Loved that cat, although big trouble maker and meanie pants sometimes, but loved that cat. Didn't want to get new cat after that, but in summer last year took in this white kitty with orange spots. :| Minnie, cat who I literally took from the streets, wasn't happy about kitten, still kinda isn't, because of age difference, she's gonna be 6 this year. Macho and Minnie got me through some tough times so I love 2 so much.
I was vegetarian for 13 years - now I'm pescatarian.
I know 4 languages (1 of them refreshing and learning something new) and learning 2 languages from zero - Japanese and Greek.
I love listening to music, started to buy physical music (not again, since wasn't able to buy in my teens because mom found it expensive and all I was able to get was bootleg (bootleg music, films and music was everywhere with their own little stores over here in beginning of 2000's), I had only 1 original CD out of few ones I had) especially vinyl, has some new CDs since 2013 as well aaaand few tapes. My music taste has changed so much - went from Britney, Sugababes, Atomic Kitten, Pink, Kelly Clarkson and Westlife and other pop and even Eminem and some other hip-hop in early teens, to Rihanna, Bobby V, Chris Brown (even with all the scandal), Beyonce and more R&B and some other pop stuff in late teens and early 20'ies. First changes was back around 2017 when I discovered Five Finger Death Punch, then later 1 streamer introduced me with Halestorm. Although don't listen to FFDP that much anymore, but still fan of Halestorm. Since discovering FFDP there's been more and more rock and metal bands and artists I listen to, and less mainstream pop and r&b. Even a thing I would say that "that will never happen" just happened - I recently bought my 1st death metal record. XD So ye... never say never... indeed... I started to listen to some Japanese artists as well, like Lisa, Necronomidol and Aimer.
Photography has been a hobby for really long time, since I got the phone with the camera. Still want some decent camera, wasn't able to afford 1 for really long time. I even went in with all the process to study photography in US.
Love crochet, knitting and sewing, I do some cross-stitching too. Love crafts in general. Been drawing and doodling since childhood as well.
Been streamer on Twitch since 2016, but took a break in last January. It took mental tole on me, since my channel wasn't growing that much and it wasn't there where I wanted to be in after almost 6 years of streaming with 600 followers and barely 2 average viewers. Want to make YouTube videos with some streams on Twitch, but still have to kick my own butt to make 1st video.
So ye these are few things about me, so that I could get some other interaction without bots following this blog. :) So ye... if you want to learn more, just ask.
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estrellami-1 · 2 years
Yarn, Twix, and Crushed Ice
November 2012
I still remember the room. My grandmother is sitting on one side of a couch, closest to a lamp.
“Mima?” I ask timidly.
“Yes?” It sounds more like chess. Her accent is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world and my thirteen-year-old brain can’t comprehend how some people don’t understand her. For me it’s as natural as breathing.
“Can you teach me to crochet?”
She grins. “Of course, baby. Come here, sit.” She always calls me baby. That’s another of my favorite things. “Mira, mija. See?” The hook catches the yarn, over, under and through, and it looks like magic even when I have a hook in one hand and yarn in the other and mine is doing the same thing hers is.
Mine isn’t half as good, though.
My first project, which ends up being a doll’s blanket, is terribly wonky. I frown at the snake-like edges until Mima sighs, drops her own project in her lap, and plucks mine out of my hands. “Mira, mija. See the tension? And here there is no tension? You need the same tension, all the way through.”
“Okay,” I say, determined to get it right this time.
I don’t.
But I don’t stop trying.
The next project is passable as a square-ish shape of fabric.
Later that night, my mom—her daughter-in-law—mutters to me, complaining about the tasteless broccoli Mima had boiled.
I don’t care. I know the love and care that goes into the cooking Mima does; adding salt and pepper isn’t hard. Certainly not as hard as actually making dinner. I don’t answer, just go on helping to set the table. A silent rejection of my mother’s opinion.
Besides, I was in the kitchen with Mima as she was cooking. I was doing my best to learn how to cook, because I see the love that goes into every single meal she makes.
August 2013
It’s three weeks after her birthday, almost to the day. My fourteen-year-old brain can’t comprehend how she does not want to celebrate.
What we do instead is go to Walmart. She has a shopping list. Because of her honey-thick accent, we call it a chopping list. Half-teasing, half-acceptance, all love.
She’s driving the cart and I’m walking by her side. I’m amazed at how fast the seventy-something woman can walk; I’m almost struggling to stay by her side. I’m especially amazed at the stream of words coming out of her mouth, moving at the same pace we are.
“We need tomate sauce, por el—como se dice—spaghetti. Look, baby, there, see? No, there!” She huffs and stomps her foot when I take longer finding the cans than she likes, but when I look back with a sheepish smile and two jars of Ragú in my hands, she gives me an impish smile.
Our favorite part of the store is the sewing aisle. She gets fabric usually, and this time we bought fabric for me: pink, and white-with-colored-dots.
A few days later, we make me a set of pajamas.
We forget to wash the fabric, and the clothes shrink in the wash. Instead of pants, I now have capri pajama pants.
I wear them until I grow out of them, and even then I try to find a way to salvage some part of them.
June 2014
It’s my fifteenth birthday and Mima’s not here. She calls me that night, and practically before I can answer, she’s singing “Happy Birthday.”
“Gracias, Mima,” I laugh, and she continues on in Spanish, even though she knows thank you is pretty much the only Spanish word I know.
It’s okay. We both know each other, regardless of the language we’re speaking, and I’ll pace holes into the carpet for as long as she keeps talking. I just like listening to what she has to say.
February 2015
Mima doesn’t come visit at all this year; she’s visiting her other kids and grandkids instead. I don’t begrudge her that.
What I do instead is make my favorite meal. I call her and hope she’s somewhere near her phone, where she’ll hear it. “Hello?”
“Hola, Mima,” I laugh. “Are you busy?”
“Por tú? Nunca.”
“How do you make croquettes?”
“Ay!” She says, somehow making the two letters last for ten seconds. “Por real?”
I laugh again. She’s kind of predictable when it comes to this. “For real,” I agree. “I have the recipe card here, but this doesn’t seem right. Is it really only one pound of ground beef?”
“Ay, no,” she says. “One pound es only por Julia’s familia. You have too many people. Two pounds, dos, okay?”
“Okay,” I parrot. “So double everything?”
“Sí,” she agrees.
They’re delicious, if a little bland; she wrote the recipe just after she’d visited her daughter who can’t have salt, so she forgot to write it down.
It’s okay. We add the salt after and send a picture to Mima. She calls the next day saying how much she loves it.
April 2016
She doesn’t visit again this year. Again, it’s okay. She has three other families to divide her time between. We’ve kept her long enough.
This time I call her on my dad, her son’s, birthday. “Hi Mima, guess what,” I say.
“I’m going to make Papa your lasagna.”
“Ay! His favorite?”
“Sí,” I agree. “I have the recipe card, but can you tell me? Just in case?” I don’t tell her the real reason: I love hearing her voice. I’m selfish, I wish I could live every day with her here. I understand I can’t, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
“Of course,” she agrees, like I know she will. We stay on the phone while I cook, even if we can barely hear each other at times. I shoo my father away from the kitchen a few times, the way Mima does when she’s here, and suddenly I feel like an adult: I’m doing things Mima always does.
May 2017
I call Mima a few weeks before the end of school. “Mima? I’m graduating this year.”
“Ay, Dios mío, sí. Cuándo?”
“The end of this month. Will you come?”
“Of course,” she answers, like I know she will.
She brings my aunt—her daughter—and her daughter’s daughter, my cousin.
We go to Cheddar’s for my post-graduation dinner. She gives me an obscene amount of money and I burst into tears in the middle of the restaurant. I don’t have the words, in English or Spanish, to tell her how generous she is, and how much I don’t feel deserving of this gift.
I think she knows anyways.
When we get home, she makes my dad go crush ice for her, since our ice crusher stopped working. She fills a cup with the shards and adds roughly an inch of water. She brings that and a small glass of white wine up to bed with her.
February 2018
Mima left a few months ago, so I do what I do when I miss her. I crochet.
I’m rather proud of my collection; it’s moved from a plastic Walmart bag to a big black duffel that’s almost half my size. I’ve got a rainbow’s worth of colors and then some, and all the hooks I could possibly need. I feel like a true crocheter, because I have a favorite hook. That feels like something a true crocheter would have.
I meet a friend a few weeks later to help her learn how to crochet, and she remarks on the bag, saying it looks like something I’d hide a body in. I agree and our thoughts run wild, but I do, eventually, teach her how to crochet. On my way home that day, I call Mima.
“Guess what I did,” I sing-song when she answers.
“Ay? Qué?”
“I taught one of my friends how to crochet.”
“Ay!” She says again. “Really? And she likes it?”
“She does,” I agree. “We’re going to try and meet up sometime soon again so we can keep working.” Privately, I wonder about joining or starting a group at my library, some place I can go and crochet with no expectations, no distractions. I know, if I did, Mima would join me every week.
November 2018
Thanksgiving happens with Mima and my mom’s dad, Grandpa. He’s from Argentina and sometimes I think he and Mima would’ve been a better fit than him and his first wife, my Nona, but I know better than to say anything.
He always gets her a bottle of sangria when they see each other. She never tells him she doesn’t like sangria. She takes it and pawns it off to us. I don’t know what my parents do with it.
Thanksgiving dinner is KFC, because Grandpa loves it, and we all eat way more than we should.
When we get back home, so late it’s almost the next morning, we all go our separate ways to our bedrooms.
I stay behind Mima the entire way up the stairs, helping her when she needs it, sitting down with her when she needs a break.
“Go to bed, baby,” she urges me. “I can do it.”
“I know,” I say, and don’t move. I’m made from the same stuff she is, and she knows asking again won’t do anything.
“Te amo,” she says, and I whisper it back as I help her stand up again.
We sit on the edge of her bed when we finally make it upstairs and talk long past when we should. She offers me a Twix bar from her repurposed cookie tin. I marvel at her age versus what she eats. She doesn’t make sense. I stop trying to quantify her and just appreciate the moment with her.
May 2019
She’s sick, my dad says, getting off the phone with his brother. We go visit her in Nashville as soon as we can, driving the thirteen hours straight through.
We get to my cousins’ house and my first thought is to see Mima, so that’s what I do as soon as I get through the family thronging the front door.
“Hola, Mima,” I say, and she looks positively overjoyed. I sit with her longer than any of my siblings, any of my cousins.
We go on a walk. I push her wheelchair.
We go out to Olive Garden. Our treat. I help her out of the car, push her wheelchair, read the menu and order.
She outeats my teenage brother. We all laugh, because that’s just like Mima, to tell Death not yet, and have Death listen to her.
Maybe it’s the nightly Twix.
She scoots backwards to the kitchen on a rolling office chair the next morning. My sister watches her get coffee and mouths “Seven!” to the rest of us.
“Sí,” Mima says scornfully. My sister jumps, and Mima frowns. “You think I don’t see you? I know how I need my coffee.”
“No, I know, Mima, but seven sugar cubes?”
“Sí! Es what I need!”
Our cousins don’t have an ice crusher, so they bought Mima a bag of crushed ice. She has a specific cup she uses to scoop the ice into her drinking cup. She loads everything up onto a tray and carefully scoots herself back down the hall to her bedroom.
I quietly decide I want to be just like her when I get old.
December 2020
“Feliz Navidad,” I sing as soon as the call connects.
She laughs and sings the next line. “Hola, baby. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Mima. Did you get my gift?”
“Sí, me encanta! Y tú? You got mine, yes?”
“Yes, Mima. You know you don’t have to send me money.” I’m pretty sure I’m the only one of her grandchildren who tells her that. I’m pretty sure it just makes her want to give me more. That’s not why I say it; I mean it. I don’t want her money, not if there’s something she could use it for instead.
She very conveniently doesn’t respond to that. Instead, she goes on about what the family she’s staying with got her. I hear the now-distinct sound of a Twix wrapper being opened and smile. I’m older than I was, but no less sure that Mima is secretly an immortal being.
June 2021
One day before my birthday. She’s in Nashville still. I’m pet-sitting at a friend’s.
I’m at work and just happen to check my phone when it feels like the entire world is a rug that got pulled out from under my feet. My heart and stomach do tandem somersaults and I land on my head. It’s a text from my mom to our family group chat, saying that Mima is sick. Doctors are giving her three weeks.
That was four hours ago.
Two hours later—two hours before I checked my phone—my mom texts again. The doctors were wrong. Mima has three days.
My parents fly up immediately. Another friend comes to stay with me, just in case I need to fly out the next day.
I get a text the next morning. 10:01am on my birthday. Hey kids, my dad says, so sorry to do it this way, but we understand that your aunt posted something to social media, so we wanted to let you know that Mima’s condition worsened SUPER quickly last night, and she went home to be with God around 10:30pm.
I very carefully don’t think about it. I very carefully don’t think about anything.
A day later my mom texts. A picture of a rosary, red elastic string, teal beads, a flower charm for the cross. We’re trying to figure out who made this. Was it you?
I lose it. Yeah, I text back, and collapse into tears, the dogs frantically licking my face.
A few days later my parents get back from Nashville. They brought presents. I got her crochet hooks, the ones she had when my dad was a kid. The ones she used to teach me, all those years ago.
I lose it again, this time in the quiet of my room. Only a teddy bear is there to simultaneously judge and comfort me.
January 2022
I find a voicemail from her, the last one, dated 2/15/21. “[Star], amore,” she says, and it’s the same voice I remember from 2012, 2014, 2015, and every day of my life. I hold back a dry sob. “I want to thank you por everything you sending to me, your heart of crochet—” my mind flashes back to a small, slightly-wonky, pink heart I crocheted for her. I sewed a button onto the middle of it because it reminded me of the crest in the Spanish flag. “—the picture of your bedroom and everything, pero I suppose you are very busy now so I may call you later on tomorrow. I love you, baby. Bye-bye.”
I don’t remember if she did end up calling me. I wish, with all my heart, that I could have just one more phone call with her.
I love you, too, Mima. Bye-bye.
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sourlemonhead · 2 years
Etched into silver plating, I promised you that I could and would cherish your request.
I tried to fulfill it, I tried to find the piece you left me somewhere in this broken city.
Buildings left abandoned, the only remnant fuzzy around the edges, the echoes of black and blue birds halted by your cars' door.
You loved to show off, never allowing to be forgotten. I can respect that, your admiration for yourself despite the horrid acts you'd officiate. It hurt to love you, but no matter how hard I tried I'd always vow to follow my unspoken words. I was yours, but you were never mine.
One morning I'd forget to wake up. I'd wish well upon those around you, but I was never close enough to reach. The disconnect was lost on you, you couldn't take a hint if it was shoved down your throat.
By my interpretation, you desired comfort for others. Your position was unmatched and vaguely accounted for in your decisions, I was left with the final word.
I never knew safety but I felt home in your wandering arms.
The past welcomed me but warned you that it would return when least expected, popping up in your drooped tears when I blamed myself. It was for your fictitious risk, and therefore I learned to paint my gaze and sew my lips when you were around.
Did I lie when I said it hurt? Was I truly the victim or the co-conspirator?
The slope of your nose was deceiving, as it suggested it was our perfect nightfall, the darkness before the dawn. However, to me, the interaction was a little more like mine.
I choked on my own shards of memorization, my worried mouth hoping to save us all with anecdotes of my gaslit perception.
Did it mean anything? Was I ever speaking with 5 fingers, straight as a line?
I lied like my grandmother's crochet, weaved intricately with times and media only I could decipher, and you noticed as my knots began to loosen.
It's over, but I'll do it again. I'll wait three years and find myself in the same broken city once more, with you in front, my intoxicated distraction, helpless reason. I'll miss you until I forget again, but the smallest things will bring me back to your folder as you unknowingly continue to ruin my life.
I'll try to move on but you'll become my hallucination once I find myself sleeplessly holding another. My weight will be heavy, each wish a wrinkle under my eyes. Maybe one day I'll escape, but I hold my own lock in one hand and my key in the other.
I love you, and I always will. Even as I try to drift with them, you'll keep me grounded, pulling my ankles until I learn to crawl on my own. Perfectly conditioned, just like you always wanted.
But for now, we'll say goodnight.
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ann-non · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing : Joshua x fem!reader
Genre : slice of life, established relationship, crack (kinda)
Word count : 1,2k
Warning : no proof-read
Author’s note : Today I was learning a new pattern to broaden my crocheting skills and as someone who enjoy doing arts and crafts, I think it’d be nice to have a crafting date with Joshua. I think I read somewhere that Joshua wanted to try knitting. So yea, here’s another self-indulgent fic about it. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Positive criticism, feedbacks, and comments are always welcome! Have a nice day or good night wherever you are!!
Crafting dates were always a staple in your relationship with Joshua. With his fame, the two of you could hardly have an outdoor date as people would recognize him, so staying inside is always more ideal. Thankfully, neither of you were the outdoor type either and with your similar hobbies, spending quality time together in the warmth of your shared apartments, surrounded by arts and crafts materials is just a pure perfection. Most of the trinkets and small decorations in your apartment were things that you made with your boyfriend or simply things both of you made separately.
Of course your crafting dates weren’t always smooth-sailing and failure was inevitable from time to time. Like that one time both of you tried pottery at home, you ended up with leaking cups and bumpy plates. Or that time you were so adamant on trying sewing a suit for him, it ended up ripped the moment he lifted his arms, though you unfairly blamed his ridiculously magnificent arms instead of admitting your miscalculation when making the pattern.
Both of you enjoy the fun of learning new craft, even found it quite relaxing regardless of the struggles that came with it. And the funnest part is to actually learning it by yourselves without any help of the professionals. There’s this special taste of accomplishment when both of you managed to do make a decent craft only with the help of videos or the instruction in the box. So when he came with a box of yarns of various colors and some crochet hooks, you were more than happy to join him.
“Finally!!” You exclaimed with a bright grin. Shua has been talking about wanting to try crocheting for a while, but due to its time consuming nature, he said, the two of you have yet to do it together. “Well, you said you can crochet, so I expect your guidance here cause I have a goal in mind,” he said with a small smile as he settled the box in the table.
“What goal?” You asked him curiously, hands already digging through the variety of cotton yarns, picking some of your favorite colors. “You know, our group’s anniversary is coming in May, I though it’d be nice to make something more special other than beads bracelets,” he explained, sheepishly scraping the back of his neck. “Oh! That’s actually a great idea!” You excitedly pulled himself to sit on the sofa with you, the box settled in between.
“So yea, maybe you can teach the way?” his lips curled into a rather sheepish smile. “Of course!” You nodded happily, taking a ball of yarn and a crochet hook and gave it to your boyfriend before taking one for yourself. “So we start with making this loop,” you made a loop with the yarn, making sure your boyfriend could see it clearly and follow it.
Being such a diligent student, Joshua followed your instruction carefully, his attention was all on you. “So you insert the hook here, and hold the yarn like this, then pull through. Then you hook it again and pull through,” you explained as you worked on your own yarn, pausing a bit to look at him. “And you continue like this,” you added, continuing to make a chain.
The two of you sat in silence for about fifteen minutes, crocheting the chain quietly before he paused and looked at you curiously. “Uhh, babe, how long this chain will be? It’s can reach my elbow. Look,” he said, stretched the crocheted chain and it indeed came really close to his elbow. Looking at him, your lips curled into a meaningful smile, followed by a small chuckle.
“I don’t know what’s next,” you said sheepishly, earning a dramatic gasp from him. “What?! Then why did you say you can crochet?” He asked in disbelief. With an apologetic grin, you said, “Well, technically I can crochet..” You lifted up your work. “A chain,” continuing your sentence gleefully. “If you can’t make anything other than a chain, that means you can’t crochet, tho?” He shook his head softly as a sigh left his lips.
“In my defense, you never ask what I can crochet, so..” a soft chuckle left your lips as you found the whole situation kinda funny and apparently he did too since he laughed along with you soon after. “We’re helpless,” he said in between his chuckle. “Not to mention the disappointment. You tricked me,” he said in an accusing tone, but you know better than anyone else that it was a fake one. “I didn’t. You should’ve ask more details before drawing a conclusion,” you said with a light shrug.
Reaching out his hands, he playfully ruffled your hair, making you whine since he made it so messy. “If only I don’t love you,” he said as he stopped, moving his hand to rid the strands of hair away from your beautiful face. “As if you can do that,” you said cheekily, when you looked up, you were met with his gentle gaze and a fond smile. “Of course I can’t. How can I when you’re this annoyingly adorable~” he cooed, squeezing your cheeks with his warm hands.
Even though you protested and struggled to pull his hands away from your face, you lost to his strength. Just when you least expected, he pulled your face closer and placed the softest kiss on your lips. “So how should we do this?” He asked as he casually pulling away, then glancing at the yarns inside the box.
“We can always watch youtube tutorials for beginners. It shouldn’t be too hard.”
“Thanks, Josh. Thanks, y/n,” the guys said with their brightest smiles at the two of you as you walked out their dorm since you have a dinner plan with your boyfriend. Once you’re completely out, the twelve males gathered in the living room with the ‘presents’ in their hands.
“Are they seriously telling us to wear this during our concert?” Seungkwan was the first one to open his mouth, staring at the result of your crocheting project with Joshua.
“It’s supposed to be a beanie, but why do I feel like I’d look like a gnome..?” Woozi said, fiddling with the so-called beanie in his hands. His blue ‘beanie’ had way too much length that it looked more like the hat worn by dwarves than a beanie.
“Hyung, I can’t even fit my head in it!” Mingyu looked up with your masterpiece pathetically sat on top of his head, barely fit in.
“Well, they did work hard. I’m sure it took them a while to make thirteen of these,” Dokyeom said, trying to be positive despite of the fact that his was too big it covered his eyes.
“I quite like it.” Vernon’s quiet voice made the rest of them fell in silence, all eyes staring at him in disbelief. “It’s a nice sock,” he said innocently sticking his feet in it, making the others gasped.
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mintmentos · 2 years
Kiera’s journal
I’ve been seeing @blysse-and-blunder’s ‘in lieu of a commonplace book’ posts loads recently and it’s such a good way to keep track of what you’re doing and enjoying that I’ve decided to do one myself! I can’t settle on a name but this will do for now :)
When we moved out a few years ago, my dad let me pilfer all his and mum’s books and I took way too many, so this year is about finally whittling down my physical tbr. I’m currently reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and I’m enjoying it though it’s nothing like I expected. I thought it was going to be a fast-paced thriller and it’s kind of the complete opposite of that? But I’m still having a good time and I have the second one lined up for when I finish it.
Like literally everyone else on the planet, I watched Stranger Things Vol 2 on Friday, and it was really good, but didn’t live up to expectations. I was still on the edge of my seat and spent a good hour completely tense, but I think there were some Choices(TM) made that I would definitely have done differently.
If you follow me you would know I’ve fallen head first into Star Wars this year, and I’m nearly done with the films! Watched The Last Jedi yesterday and I really liked it, though it wasn’t one of my favourites. I’m on a strict spoiler ban from my cousin who’s conducting the Star Wars education, but I can’t wait to do a deep dive once I’ve watched everything (and uncover the reason for the sequel hate). I’m also watching Clone Wars, 2 seasons in so still along way to go, but I’m having fun with it. Don’t know what I’ll do when I run out of content!
Again, like the rest of the world, I currently have Running up that Hill on repeat 24/7. No, I’m serious - one day I worked from home and had it on repeat for like 7 hours. It was intense.
Aside from Kate Bush, I’ve been listening to a load of new podcasts! The first episode of @badlandscola was intriguing and I can’t wait to learn more about the cult and meet the radio dj; @radio-outcast isn’t new, but new to me, and I’m really enjoying the combination of cowboys and the wild west with fantasy and time travelling gods; caught back up with The Sheridan Tapes and I must say the outro this episode was super cool; and lastly, listened to the Leverage episode of Something Queer is Happening Here by @knovesstorytelling which might be the push I needed to finally watch it!
It only took me a year but I finally finished dgs & dgs2! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, best Ace Attorney games. Now that that’s out of the way, I’m back on Breath of the Wild and boy have I completely forgotten all the controls. It’s going to take a while and a lot of deaths on the map before I remember everything.
I’m in the process of crocheting a cardigan and I’m over halfway there! Nearly finished my second hexagon, then just got to do the extensions and sew it all together! Then to start it all over again for my sister ...
Working on
I’m doing my Cert CII and after completing my LM1 in February and having a month off, I wasn’t motivated and never bothered with it. This week I’ve finally got myself back in gear and have finished chapter 3 of my LM2, a truly riveting section on reinsurance, and am hoping to get through chapters 4 & 5 by the end of the month, with the aim to sit my exam by September. Wish me luck!
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spacedikut · 3 years
i love your blurbs sm, can you write one about in quarantine with spence?
“im running out of new things to try.”
spencer’s looming in the doorway, enviously watching your position of comfort - you’re on your twelfth book, cuddled up in the duvet, using every pillow on the bed to your advantage.
he’s been pottering around in the kitchen all morning - he’s recently discovered his mathematical mind makes baking come naturally, and he’s beginning to translate that ability to pastries that he’s only content with if you shove into your mouth whole.
you hum. “you could clean,”
“already done.”
“rearrange your books?”
“did it yesterday. and five days before that.”
“...are there any puzzles you haven’t finished?”
“i’ve done them all at least twice now.”
you laugh, then, because it’s barely midday and this crisis usually happens at least right before dinner - to which you suggest he attempts to make said dinner and... he tries his best - and spencer frowns, displeased by your response and evident lack of empathy when it comes to his struggle. and what a struggle it is.
he shuffles towards the bed, kicking off his slippers (which he made himself - penelope sent a kit), revealing his mismatching socks (that he crocheted), a rush of air pushing out of you both when he lands on you.
“it’s not funny!” he whines, worming his way into your neck. “i have a shipment of new books arriving tomorrow, but every time i track the delivery it shows the same ‘delivery in progress!’ message.”
“for once, your constant need to be learning has come to bite you in the butt.”
that wasn’t the correct response, apparently - although he doesn’t move from being burrowed in your side, his lithe fingers momentarily dig into your side, just enough to get a reaction and for him to pull back and show you the pout on his lips. he’s asking for sympathy and you’re making fun of him.
he pauses, calculating as he waits for you to catch your breath. “what about a pet?” he asks.
although you’re fond of the idea, there’s one tiny issue: “that would require going outside, mr homebody.”
he huffs, moving from your chest to resting his head on your stomach - prime head scratching position. 
“doctor homebody.” he mumbles uselessly.
he flicks through his options like a catalogue in his mind - he’s done knitting, crocheting, sewing, anything involving needles and patterns, really, and he’s done his fair share of baking and cooking and he made that lopsided cake that one time. he’d reread every single book in your apartment before the first lockdown ended, and although he’s more than happy to do it all again...his brains needs something different. something other than being stationary and only using his upper body to flip pages and stir pots and weave fabric through holes.
with a soft hand rubbing against the bare skin of your thighs - he’s also started taking skincare very seriously - he tentatively asks, “we could...dance?”
you pause, questioning whether you heard him correctly.
“did you hear me?” spencer asks, turning to face you, fingers poking under the book that rests on your chest to lift it so he can see your face. you look very confused.
“you want to dance?”
“im not great, but...”
“you really want to?”
he can’t decipher if the expression on your face is building excitement or disgust. it’s terrifying - one will lead to future embarrassment (when he inevitably stands on your toes) and the other will lead to imminent embarrassment (when you call him a gangly freak). “i would like to, yes. if you’ll be my partner.”
“spence!” you sit up abruptly, forcing him to follow, and now he’s confident it’s excitement contorting your face. “are you kidding? of course! this’ll be so much fun,” you’re wiggling from under him and leaving the bed. spencer watches you with a warm smile. “i’ve always wanted to see you dance, ever since i saw the videos of jj’s wedding.”
you move towards the record player in your room, shuffling through the vinyls you own with pursed lips and bright eyes. spencer watches, leaning back on one arm, lovesick and surprisingly not even a little worried about how difficult this will be for his uncoordinated self.
(the mention of wedding has him asking if you’ve got any music fit for a waltz - of course you do - and has him tearing up with you’re close and softly singing along to what spencer decides will be your wedding song)
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