#this was interesting to me‚ ive never seen/considered this pairing before but its cute
vivi-ships · 3 months
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Ciel x Ran Mao
For: anon
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here, because its open heres my FE:F pairings and extra notes this run:
path: revelations
MC is masculine version
corrin + niles (of course)
azura + kaden
xander + effie
camilla + keaton
leo + nyx (her hair color looks good on forrest ok?)
elise + laslow (honestly i remember what had lead up to that was because they were some of my last unpaired units so my hand was forced. it was cute i guess but makes me a little uncomfortable)
ryoma + hana
hinoka + kaze
takumi + oboro
sakura + silas
mozu + hayato (my mozu is a witch. thought id say that. and she has a speed stat of 32)
azama + rinkah
jakob + beruka
odin + peri
planning on hinata + kagero
saizo + felicia
subaki and niles have an A+ support lol but hes not married (yet)
HEYYYYYYYYY this is epic!! i'm about to redo my current revelations run bc unfortunately i had only just gotten hitched with kaden when i recruited laslow and decided that i did, in fact, want to marry laslow so. fuk
i'll have to watch m!corrin and niles' supports sometimes bc i always play as f!corrin but i want to see their development bc ive never paired corrin with niles yet
anyway yes yes i love azura and kaden!! they were really sweet together. kaden is just the best ever i love him there's nobody better than kaden
xander and effie ooh i haven't paired them up yet but i wanna pair up xander and charlotte in my next run bc i've seen a lot about how they have great supports. also theyd be a big titty power couple and xander has malewife energy so theyre perfect together!
camilla and keaton yes idk why but that quote you said abt how it just works jsdfsgfjs idk why but it DOES 😭
leo and nyx yeah i was like ?!?!??!? idk what to do with nyx normally bc shes weird i think i paired her with hayato last time bc i never use either of them. hayato is so lame and nyx tends to suck in most of my runs so again another couple that is meant for one another
elise and laslow... 🤔 definitely not one i've thought of before and a bit uncomfy but i like elise and odin together so idk what im complaining about lol. strangely tho i could see elise as soleil's mom since they both love cute things right?
ryoma and hana INteresting!..... i can see that happening. now you've got me intrigued
hinoka and kaze is something i haven't thought of before but i can maybe see it? i cant even remember if i married her to anyone in my birthright playthrough bc she has very little personality beyond being corrin's sister and hating nohr :/ the only supports of hers i really like are her supports with xander, surprisingly enough. they were really sweet!
takumi and oboro yeah now i really wanna do them bc of oboro's canon thing for takumi, i wanna see how that would develop on takumi's end! i actually thought abt pairing them up on my latest run but instead i paired up oboro with subaki and if you havent paired them up yet you TOTALLY should bc their supports were so feelsgood
did sakura and silas have good supports? i paired silas with elise once and they were cute together but sakura is so shy i normally get bored by her supports
i paired mozu and hayato together once! mozu is so cute i love her but again as i said i never use hayato bc diviners are lame lol. but duuuude wtf how did u get such a good mozu?? are u willing to sell her /j
azama and rinkah ooh now that's a new one! i may pair them up next fates run out of curiosity bc they sound like they'd be oddly good together
jakob and beruka ooh yeah i considered pairing them up on my last fates run too but i rlly wanted black hair on dwyer lol. jakob's supports with kagero suck tho don't pair them up
oh my god odin and peri together that would be SO chaotic lmao. i cant even imagine how that would happen but they would make laslow's life a living hell which i am all here for
hinata and kagero also sounds oddly good together wtf there are so many pairings in this game i never considered. i remember on my first runs in birthright and conquest i just paired all the retainers together and didnt even give it a second thought like welp
LMAO SAIZO AND FELICIA. THATS GOTTA BE THE MOST ANTICLIMACTIC PAIRING IVE EVER HEARD. pairing felicia with ryoma is one thing but the world must truly be ending if saizo and felicia actually made it to s support, i must see this with my own eyes
ok i still dont get exactly what the a+ support means bc they dont even get an extra support??? is it a platonic s support or just you get to pretend theyre gay when nothing changes?? i recall i a+ supported hisame and shigure once bc they had supports that really got me but a+ did nothing for them
ill reblog this with my plans for my next fates run! also are u not going to pair some characters? like i noticed some people missing like selena, setsuna and arthur at least tho i wouldnt be surprised if theres an overabundance of characters
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frostygilbert · 5 years
scoops ahoy
pairing: robinxfem!reader
warnings: cursing, things get a little.. heated.. if you know what i mean, but not too much.
i HAVE to write about my favorite lesbian. she’s so cute, i’ve fallen in love with her.
please send in robin requests!! i already love writing about her sooooo much :)
-it’s just a nice little fic about robin having a crush on the new scoops ahoy worker-
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scoops ahoy was one of the last places you wanted to be working at.
nothing wrong with the job it self, you just hated the amount of people that were always in there.
you could only guess it was because of steve harrington. most of the groups that came in were giggly teenage girls eyeing him up and down.
sure, steve is cute, you may or may not have had a small crush on him when you were a freshmen.. but it was brief. mainly because he was an asshole.
so here you are, getting attitude from children while being in a stupid uniform. steve was nicer now, but you weren’t interested.
robin was nice, but the two of you didn’t really talk. most of the interacting was between steve and her, she made it her mission to keep track of all the girls he scared away.
she’d tried many times to start a conversation with you, rambling about the most random of things. you thought she was just trying to be nice and make you feel welcome, and you didn’t like it.
you thought she felt obligated to talk to you.
but in all actuality, she just really wanted to talk to you. she liked the way you scoffed at the kids when they when they’d repeatedly ask for a sample. and she’d feel her heart beat faster when you’d laugh at steve failing to get a girl.
she liked the amount of bracelets you wore, and she always noticed when you drew something on your arm.
robin knew she had a crush, and she knew she was in deep shit.
there’s no way she’d be into me, she thought.
robin lost hope when it came to girls. they all ended up being boy crazy. she’d yet to meet someone who was like her.
but there was something about you that kept her hooked.
“hey y/n,” she said with a smile as she walked behind the counter. steve was attempting to flirt with yet another girl, and you were watching him fail.
you smiled at her before directing your attention back to steve.
robin felt the hurt in her chest as you payed no mind to her, rather steve. she was beginning to convince herself that you were head over heels for him. just like tammy was.
the constant none answering, and sometimes not even eye contact, was really getting to her.
she couldn’t even stop the tears from forming in her blue eyes.
you heard robin take in a harsh breath, and you directed your attention to her.
her eyes were pointed down, but you could still see the tears in her eyes. robin was never one to cry, or even be sad. she always had a smile on her face, and always had something witty to say.
“robin, are you okay?”
she laughed at your question, annoyance laced in with it. you didn’t know why she was laughing as tears were making their way down her freckled cheeks.
“please don’t act like you care,” she said, making firm eye contact.
you’d never felt uncomfortable under robins gaze. you noticed she looked at you a lot, and it always gave you a weird feeling that you couldn’t explain.
robin wiped her tears and went into the backroom without another word.
you truly weren’t sure what to do.
“what’s up with robin?” steve asked concerned.
you didn’t say anything, you didn’t even acknowledge he asked. you just looked ahead, wondering what you did to make one of the quirkiest people you’d ever met upset.
minutes passed, then an hour. you hadn’t moved from your spot, leaned up against the back counter. steve had asked you many times to take scoop duty, but you ignored him. you were way too deep in your thoughts.
then when the hour mark came around, steve asked again. over and over.
“y/n please scoop, please scoop, please scoop, please scoop, please-“ “should i go talk to her?” you asked, cutting him off.
he almost gasped at you actually acknowledging him standing in front of you. usually he wouldn’t have to bug you so much to get a word out of you.
“robin? i don’t know, i’m not sure what’s wrong with her. i think she wants to be left alone, ive never see her upset like that.”
“that’s exactly why i need to talk to her. i think i made her upset. and maybe i’m too stupid to see what i did but i’d rather know then let her cry in the back room,” you said.
then without hesitation you went to robin, hearing steve huff behind you.
robin was sitting at the table with her head propped up with her hands.
she looked at you with a blank expression. eyes were slightly red, and her lips with puffy.
how does she look so pretty when she cries?
you sat across from her, taking in a deep breath.
her expression had changed to confusion. she watched every move you made very closely.
“robin, i,” you were stuttering. why were you stuttering?
“i don’t know what i did to make you cry. but i don’t want to be the reason you’re crying. can you tell me what i did so we can make this better? i like your smile a lot, and i don’t want to be the reason you don’t show it off as much,” you said.
robin couldn’t stop the heat from rising in her cheeks. a smile was fighting its way to her red lips, but she bit the inside of her cheek to stop it.
“i was overreacting,” she said. not really wanting to explain to you that she had a massive crush on you and you not talking to her actually broke her heart.
“no, tell me robin. i wanna fix it.”
she couldn’t stop the smile that time.
her smile made you feel a lot better.
“you already did,” she said softly.
you were about to say something else, but the door swung open and in comes a very stressed looking steve harrington.
“i know you two are probably having a heart to heart but i really need some help out here.”
the stressed look on his face made you and robin bust out laughing.
“we’re coming steve,” you said through laughter, “the girls are here to save the day!”
the next time you saw robin was a week later. you hadn’t been working because you’d went to florida with your family. and the whole time you were gone all you could think about was her.
everyone’s laugh sounded dull compared to hers, and no ones blue eyes sparkled the way hers did.
boys tried to flirt with you on the beach, or when you went out to eat, but you weren’t interested.
you truly didn’t know what you were interested in.
a smile spread across your face as you laid eyes on her. she was marking the side of the board that said ‘you suck,’ with a smirk plastered across her face.
“hey losers, did you miss me?”
their heads shot in your direction. steve shook his head no and gave you a fake mean look, but it was followed by a smile.
robin was smiling too, and sinking her teeth in her bottom lip to keep her smile from being too wide.
“you’ve missed steve blow it with so many girls! i’ve been laughing my ass off all week!” this time she didn’t hold back the smile.
you really missed her big smile.
you looked at the board and saw the six tallies and couldn’t help but laugh.
“steve where’s your game? i could pick up more girls than you!” you said with a laugh.
steve rolled his eyes and mocked what you said in a high pitched voice.
the two of you started bickering back and forth, throwing funny insults that couldn’t help but make you two laugh.
but robin wasn’t paying any mind, she was thinking about what you said.
i could pick up more girls than you
she knew their was a higher chance that you meant it to be funny, not that you actually would try to hit on a girl.
but it gave her hope.
“probably false hope,” she mumbled.
the day dragged on, but it was a lot better now that you were being yourself.
robin liked your personality a lot.
days, then weeks went by. and each day she felt herself falling for you more and more.
one day you’d given her one of your bracelets, telling her she should have it cause it matched her eyes.
robin loved the bracelet more than one should.
she never too it off.
robin just about shit her pants when you asked her to come over.
it was a wednesday night when the mall was close to closing time. there was only two people sitting in the scoops ahoy, ice cream in their hands.
“hey robin,” you’d said, “i was wondering if you wanted to hang out friday night at my place. we can eat candy and watch stupid movies.”
you’d been terrified to ask her. not sure why asking a friend to hang out was such a nerve racking thing for you.
“oh uh, yeah, sure. that’d be cool,” she was once again biting her cheek to suppress her smile.
when friday rolled around, robin was a mess. she’d dropped so much ice cream that day, her nerves getting the best of her.
she got to ride home with you, it was like a dream.
you had rolled all the windows down and sang at the top of your lungs to the radio.
robin couldn’t help but stare at you.
you looked so pretty.
“okay, which one?”
you held up two movies, ‘grease’ and ‘star wars: a new hope.’
she’d seen star wars too many times to count, “grease, definitely.”
robin paid more attention to the random things littered around your room than the movie.
your walls were white, and covered in posters.
all different kinds of bands, records were on the wall as well.
it was hard to see details considering the lights were off, only the tv supplying her with light.
when she turned her head to look at you, her eyes widened.
you were looking at her.
“you’re really pretty, robin,” you whispered. as if you were scared she’d hear you.
“t-thank you,” she stuttered, then gulped.
your eyes shifted to her red lips, she was biting them.
robin couldn’t believe your eyes were looking at her lips. did you want to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss you?
you sat up more, leveling yourself with robin, then moving closer.
you could feel her breath on your face.
the wanting radiated in the small room.
“robin,” you said softly.
“yes?,” she asked, her voice cracking from nerves.
your hand reached up to touch her cheek, finger tips settling in her short and soft hair.
“can i kiss you?” you said it so quietly. as if anyone else heard it, it’d be a crime.
“please,” robin said.
her lips are so soft, you both thought.
the kiss was slow and meaningful. all the pent up emotion went into it.
it was magical.
your stomach was turning in such a satisfying way. and robin swore her fingers were tingling, literally tingling.
you pushed your hand to the back of her head, pulling her closing. the kiss became harder, hungrier.
you bit her lip, causing her to let out a small whimper, and you took that opportunity to slip your tongue in her mouth.
the sound of kissing filled the room, it was almost louder then the singing coming from the television.
hands were roaming across each other’s bodies, whimpers and moans slipping here and there.
you pulled away to kiss along her jawline and down her neck. robin couldn’t stop the noises from slipping past her lips as you sucked and nibbled.
“fuck,” she whined, and it sent a shock right between your legs.
you went back to kissing her, until breathing was extremely needed.
the two of you breathed in and out loudly, forheads presses against each other, eyes closed.
“you’re a really good kisser,” robin said, still not being able to breath properly.
“you aren’t to bad yourself,” you said with a giggle.
you pecked her lips a few more times, wanting to feel her again.
you ran your finger across her bottom lip, she watched you in awe.
it felt like a dream. robin was scared she’d wake up in her bed any second.
“i like you a lot,” robin said.
you smiled, “i like you a lot too.”
that’s when she leaned in to connect your lips again in another heated kiss.
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wowiejimin · 6 years
Safe - Chapter 8
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this is probably one of the most longest chapters ive ever published oml but im pretty proUD OF IT EVEN THO ITS PRETTY BORING AT FIRSTTEETEE
if any of you guys are having trouble finding the updates to this fic, here are some options :)
you can either search up “wowiejimin safe fic” and once you do, all the chapters including the chapter list should be there~
“wowiejimin safe fic” is also a hashtag that i include in my tags so if you’re willing to follow it, you’ll be able to see all of the chapters and updates on your TL :D
another way is to put my post  notifications on if you follow me but i also do have the chapterlist in my description on my profile (it’s always updated) so feel free to do so~
i also update every week :)
Pairing: Gang Member!Jimin x Poor Heart!Genius!Reader
Genre: Angst, Romance, Lots of Action, Humor, Fluff, & Smut (In the Future)
Length: 6.2k
Warnings: Swearing, SOOOO MUCH (SEXUAL? IDK) TENSION OML, flufffflyllylyy stuff
Members Included: All of BTS, other KPop groups in the future
Previous Chapter Chapter List Next Chapter
In his world, being a part of a mafia gang, known as Bangtan Boys, is a bit terrifying. They were truly a filthy rich and powerful group that everyone feared. 22-year old Jimin was described as the stealthiest and most skilled member of Bangtan, playing an important part in their group. Whereas for 20-year-old (Y/N), a genius with a weak heart is suffering inside the cruel world as she is experimented on on the daily basis. Jimin finds himself protecting a gifted girl whose memory can hold numerous things in a blink of an eye. Jimin finds an interest in her, visioning that she may be a valuable asset to their group. Jimin has never paid attention to girls. However, that started to change when he met her.
The following day, (Y/N) took a seat next to Jimin, like always. She looked around the room to meet eye contact with the rest of the boys. 
After explaining about the plan with Jimin and (Y/N), it was time to tell the others about it. 
Namjoon was the only one standing up, looking over at his members before clearing his throat. “As you all know, (Y/N) has obtained the special documents Yoongi hyung needed and it was a success.” Namjoon smiled at (Y/N), “However, those documents contained (Y/N)’s files as Banjo hired a member of the Golden Flies to do the job to terminate her files.”
(Y/N) let out a distressed breathe, not believing that Banjo went this far in order to bring her back to the lab. “Although, Yoongi recovered them, allowing (Y/N) to be safe from them.” He says as the boys let out sighs of relief, “For now.” Namjoon says and Taehyung frowned, “What if we want (Y/N) to be safe forever?” He pouted, “I don’t want (Y/N) to go away!” Taehyung cried.
(Y/N) sadly smiled at him, “I’m sure we all want (Y/N) to stay with us and to be safe too.” Jimin says and Jin nodded, “Indeed we do.” He says, “Right, but how?” Hoseok asked.
Yoongi smirked, “As you know, Banjo is a bad man, as well as Mr Han. The two have been working for years before meeting (Y/N). During those years, they’ve been committing corrupt deals with others and recorded a list of each and every one of them on a disc.” Yoongi says and looked over at his members, “With this disc, we can either threaten and blackmail them,” Yoongi says before looking at (Y/N), “Or we expose it, thus destroying everything that they have.” Yoongi explained and Jin hummed.
“Blackmailing seems a bit uneasy, although it may work, considering of how much data is written on there.” Jin thought as Jungkook crossed his arms, “How about both?” All the members looked at the young member with playful glares as Jungkook grinned, “What? Why not?”
Namjoon sighed and lightly chuckled at Jungkook’s suggestion, “Although we do have the power to do so, I don’t think that would be necessary.” He says before clapping his hands, pointing them towards (Y/N), “Since (Y/N) has known the two longer than we have, she’s one step closer to finding that disc.” He says and smiled. Jimin then cleared his throat, "And because (Y/N) knows the two better than we do and being our tactician, she’ll be planning this mission.“ 
(Y/N) nodded in agreement, "There may be a few bumps on the road. These two are no joke, they’re loaded with men and power as much as we are. However, with precise planning, I’m sure we can find this disc and get the job done easily.” (Y/N) smiled shyly. The members let out smiles and cheers, “I hope this works, (Y/N).” Yoongi says with a smile, the first ever smile (Y/N) had seen coming from Yoongi. Taehyung’s tail wagged, “I really really don’t want (Y/N)-ah to go, I’ll do anything in the world to keep her on our side!" 
The members chuckled as (Y/N) smiled widely, agreeing with Taehyung, "I don’t ever want to go back at that place, and I’m also willing to do everything to stay with all of you.” She says shyly, a hint of blush on her cheeks. The members looked at her with adored expressions before agreeing with her.
Jimin stared at (Y/N) with a faint smile. (Y/N) shared a few laughs with the members before looking back at Jimin, who was already staring at her with loving adoring eyes, same as the others. (Y/N) smiled at him as the other members continued to talk. “I hope this works.” She says, “I wish to stay with all, with you, forever.” She says as Jimin sent her a smile.
“Me too.” He says, brushing a stray hair away from her face, smiling even more at the sight of her flushed cheeks.
“Because wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be there for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks. I want and will be there for you forever.“
It’s been three weeks since the whole mission with Dongmin as it was back to training for (Y/N) after she fully healed. Bangtan decided to lay low for awhile especially since the death of Kim Hyunwook. Whereas for Dongmin, he was taken to their HQ was imprisoned, with a necessary amount of care, ordered by (Y/N), as his fate was later decided.
Not only that, after all those weeks of training, Jimin claimed that (Y/N) was ready to pursue real missions along with the others. 
But here they were, after a morning jog with Taehyung around the neighbourhood and gun practice in the hills with Jungkook, (Y/N) stood in the ring with Jimin.
Today, Jimin decided with all the training he has done with (Y/N), he was able to work on her speed and agility. After a few rounds of Jimin moving around a landing a couple of punches on (Y/N), she finally got the hang of it and even got to beat Jimin at his own game. 
Jimin swung his strong leg over, however, (Y/N) quickly ducked and landed another punch on his shoulder, causing Jimin to lose balance. Seeing this as an opportunity, (Y/N) swung her fist at him, knocking him down to the mat. 
Jimin grunted as tumbled to the ground, “Oof.” He winced slightly. 
(Y/N) smiled widely, jumping a bit a few times as she cheered proudly. Jimin smirked up at her, watching her awkwardly dance around over her victory. (Y/N) noticed his stare and stopped, blushing slightly as she smiled shyly. Jimin chuckled, he thought it was cute and to say that he was proud was an understatement. 
“My third win in a row!” She says in triumph as Jimin shrugged, getting up from the mat. “What can I say, I’ve gone soft on you.” He says and got out of the ring, (Y/N) following. 
“I think that’s enough training, (Y/N). You did well today.” He confessed as (Y/N) let out a content sigh as she took a swing from her water bottle. “I think you’re ready for the real stuff.” He says as he also takes a swing of water. 
(Y/N) puts down her bottle and looked at the older boy, “Real stuff?” She asked as he nodded, “Yeah, the real stuff.” He smirked at her as he motioned her to follow him. After packing their things, they made their way up to their room. 
As they walked up the stairs, Hoseok smiled at them as he went walked down the marble steps, “Done training?” He asked as (Y/N) nodded with a mixture of a confused and happy smile, “Yeah, Jimin says I’m ready for the real stuff.” She looked over at him and Hoseok looked at her with his gold irises gleaming. He sent her a slight smirk, “Oh I see,” He says as he continued to walk down the steps, “Well, whatever it is, good luck~” And with that, he went straight to the kitchen. 
Jimin hummed and walked into his room. He then took his shirt off, slightly surprising (Y/N) with the sudden action. “Go ahead and get ready. We’re going to the HQ, I want to show you something.” He says and grabbed a towel from the washroom and a set of clothes, “I’ll be showering in Jungkook’s washroom so you can do your thing in here.” He sent her a smile before walking out.
(Y/N) nodded at him before walking into the washroom, stripping down her clothes before entering the shower. 
It’s been almost a month since (Y/N) has been in the HQ, last time being when she first met Jimin. (Y/N) wondered what Jimin had to show her, but whatever it was, it must be important. Especially if it was located at the HQ itself. 
After showering, she put on clothes that fitted into the smart casual category; a simple white-button down blouse tucked into a black bandage skirt. After brushing and drying her hair, she walked out to find Jimin sitting on their bed, wearing a black button down shirt along with black jeans. 
He smiled up at her as he ran a hand through his damp dark hair. “Alright, let’s go.”
The two made their way to Jimin’s car and out of the Bangtan residence grounds. 
On their way there, (Y/N) turned to Jimin, “So what is this thing you’re gonna show me?” She asked and Jimin hummed, “Now that,” He turned to her, face inches apart as he smiled at her, “Is a surprise.” He says as (Y/N) huffed with a smile, leaning back to her seat. 
After a few minutes, Jimin drove into the underground parking lot, just beneath their building. Jimin then parked in his usual spot, in front of the elevator. Jimin quickly got out, opening the door for (Y/N). She quietly thanked him as they walked into the elevator, Jimin pressing the button that led them to the floor where his office sat. 
Instead of walking towards his office, Jimin led (Y/N) to a set of double doors. (Y/N) looked at him confusingly, “Did you move office rooms?” She asked as Jimin chuckled, shaking his head. 
Placing a hand on her shoulder, he pointed at the plated tag that was set on the doors. 
Kim (Y/N), Bangtan Tactician, it read.
Namjoon decided to have (Y/N) take his last name as she didn’t really remember her real surname, despite the fact that she had a superior memory. Jimin protested, thinking that (Y/N) should take his surname but Namjoon refused, saying something about "Wait till the right moment until she’ll have yours”, leaving Jimin quite confused and upset but nonetheless, he was happy for (Y/N).
(Y/N)’s lips twitched up slightly before smiling widely up at Jimin. “Really?” She asked excitedly. Jimin smiled warmly at her, “Well, go on.” Jimin nodded his head at the door. 
(Y/N) looked at the plated tag before placing her hand on the knob, opening slowly. She took a deep breath as she looked around in her new office. 
A desk placed in the back with a window placed on the right-hand side of the desk and another behind it. A shelf of books and drawers on the left-hand side and a small counter with a coffee maker and microwave. By the windows set two couches and a coffee table, giving off a perfect view of Seoul when relaxing. 
(Y/N) smiled as she walked around and turned to Jimin, “This is all mine?” She asked and Jimin nodded, “Yep, and if you want, we can have renovations in here to set it to your liking.” He says as she shook her head, “N-No, that won’t be necessary, it’s perfect the way it is,” She says and looks at him.
“Thank you.” She says, giving him a light side hug shyly and Jimin shrugged, laughing nervously as he ran a hand through his hair out of habit, placing a hand on her shoulder as a way of hugging back.
“No problem. I just kinda came up with the idea of giving you an office to yourself. Every one of us has one, so might as well give you one too, especially because you’re the one who will be planning our missions.” Jimin says and takes a seat on the couch. (Y/N) follows and turned to him. 
“So this is where I’ll be doing my role, as well as planning this big mission, hm?” Jimin nodded, “Correct.” He says and looked over at her, brushing a stray hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear, seems to be his favourite gesture of affection when it came to (Y/N). (Y/N)’s eyes slightly widen at his sudden gesture. Jimin seemed to be shocked as well and quickly recovered and leaned back on the couch smoothly. 
“A-Anyway…” He stammered, “Valentine’s Day is coming up soon,“ He started, looking at her with a nervous look, "I don’t think we have any other plans for that night so…” He trailed off as (Y/N) felt her breath hitch for a moment, knowing where this was going.
“I was thinking that we can go into the city and eat dinner ourselves,” Jimin says, a shy smile present on his face with pink cheeks. (Y/N) felt her lips twitch up a bit, her entire body heating up. “Just us—?”
Jimin nodded, “Mhm, just us two. I made a reservation for two at the finest restaurant in all of Seoul.” Jimin says quickly with a shy smile.  
“So, you up for it?” He asked with a charming smile. Jimin felt his adrenaline running fast, clearly nervous yet excited about the plan for the loving holiday. 
(Y/N) thought about it as she didn’t have much of a choice. Jimin had already made reservations at the restaurant as she just couldn’t say no to him, he has done so much for her for the past month and she couldn’t be more thankful for him.
Not only that, it didn’t matter to (Y/N) if she had no other choice, she truly wanted to go out with Jimin more than anything. She found Jimin as the most trusting, generous and kind person she has ever met and wanted to continue to show him her gratefulness. 
She nodded eagerly, smiling up at him quite widely and shyly, “I would love to, Jimin,” She says and scoots a bit closer to him, “Of course I’ll come!” She breaks into a grin, showing off her pearly whites and her sweet smile. Jimin felt his stomach twist in knots as his lips twitched upwards at (Y/N)’s adorable expression.
Jimin grinned, smiling widely as he leaned in closer to her face, “Great, Valentine’s Day it is, just us two.” He says and (Y/N) nodded, a warm smile present on her face.
“Just us two.”
After asking (Y/N) about the whole dinner, Namjoon called Jimin out of the room, telling him that he had work to do. (Y/N), however, took her time to look around her office once more. She truly loved the feeling it gave her, an almost comfy feeling as if she was at home. Home, She thought, thinking about her mother and then to Bangtan. 
She shook her head at the thought before setting down on her office chair, noticing a MacBook displayed in the centre of the desk. She smiled, noticing it looked much like Jimin’s, except it was a new one. She opened it, seeing that Yoongi must’ve set it up for her.
“Wow…” She whispered in amazement, feeling its smooth surface.
“Maybe I should start planning.” She mumbled to herself before doing a little research, finding a file that Yoongi included in her laptop, having her free to use if it helped with planning the big mission. 
After a few minutes that turned into hours, (Y/N) wrote down numerous things such as locations and people that may or may not connect to either Banjo or Mr Han, giving her a better chance into getting her hands on that one disc.
She then came across a photo of a man, a photo taken with Mr Han. The two were smiling, hands clasped together. (Y/N) tilted her head slightly, analyzing the photo. There was a handwritten note on the side, Mr Han, Weis Minjae, 2012, it read. She hummed in curiosity as scrolled through more photos, seeing that this Weis Minjae appeared in more photos the farther she went through the file. He was a rather middle-aged looking man, just like Mr Han. There was also another man shown in the picture, however, there was no name. (Y/N) bit her lip, writing down about his appearance, thinking that it may be useful for later use.
She then came across a photo with Weis Minjae with Mr Han pointing at the man with a gun, almost looking like he was threatening him.
Widening her eyes, her curiosity grew more until her office door opened, revealing Jungkook. The two youngest members send each other smiles, “What’s up Gukkie?” (Y/N) asked and Jungkook walked over to where she sat, sitting down on one of the chairs placed in front of her desk.
“We’re going to some party tonight for some business shit.” Jungkook shrugged as (Y/N) hummed with a nod, “Oh okay, are we all going?” She asked as Jungkook nodded, “Yeah, so Jin hyung sent me here to tell you. Apparently, we have to wear something fancy.” Jungkook grumbled, leaning back in the chair, looking around, “You’re office is nice.” He says quietly as (Y/N) thanked him before turning her laptop towards him, pointing at the Weis Minjae man, “Do you recognize this man? Or this one?” She asked, pointing at the two men as Jungkook leaned forward, examining the photo before shaking his head.
“Nuh uh, why, do you know him?” He asked as (Y/N) sighed, shaking her head, “N-No I don’t… Although, I feel like he can be a part of all this if you know what I mean…” She trailed off, looking at the photo before looking at Jungkook. Jungkook gave her a soft look, “Well, don’t worry noona, we’ll get through this. Maybe Namjoon or Yoongi hyung has an idea about him, who knows? It doesn’t hurt to ask.” Jungkook smiled, causing (Y/N)’s expression to break into a small smile as well, agreeing with him.
“Yeah, you’re right, I should.” She says as Jungkook examined the photo once more, furrowing his brow, “Wait…” He mumbled, “I know that guy.” He says, referring to the unknown man in the photo. 
(Y/N) stood up, “You do?” She questioned as Jungkook nodded, getting up as well, “Y-Yeah… He’s a technician,” He says, “He used to work for GOT7 before they cut ties with him.” Jungkook scratched the back of his neck, “Do you know why they stopped working with him?" 
"He started working for that Han guy.”
Jungkook sighed, “And you never know, may he has some connections with that Weis guy too.” (Y/N) looked down at the photo before sighing, closing the screen. “I suppose that’s true,” She says before bringing her laptop into her arms, “Thank you anyway, Gukkie.”
“No problem.” He says as they both start to walk out of her office, “We should get going. Jin hyung wants us all to get ready early so we can leave early.” Jungkook scoffed before grinning, “But knowing Jin hyung, he likes to go into parties late just so everyone catches a glimpse of him once he enters the doors.” Saying this left (Y/N) in giggles.
While Jimin took a shower, (Y/N) took her time to put on her makeup. If she was being honest, it was her first time applying makeup on but after watching a few tutorials, she was able to pull through the struggle amazingly. After applying matte lipstick, a pretty rosy oak colour, she took one good look at herself, softly smiling at her appearance. She ran a hand through her hair which was now curled.
She unplugged her phone from its charger, sliding the device in her purse before walking over to the dress that was laid out on her shared bed. It fitted their theme for tonight, just simple black. It was a pretty black midi dress that was designed to be seen as a long sleeve, an asymmetric dress that had ruched sides from the waist down. Simple but pretty, She thought before stripping off the clothes she was wearing and quickly slipped on the dress before Jimin or any of the other members could walk in. 
Just after slipping on the dress, the washroom door opens. Jimin walked out of the steamy room, wrapping a towel around his neck, dabbing his face with it. Once he notices (Y/N), who was sitting on their bed, his lips curve into a small smile, “(Y/N).”
The small girl looked up, flicking her eyes over to Jimin, “Hey, Jimin.” She says, placing her hands on her lap, “How was your shower?” She asked, slightly cringing at herself as to why she would ask that. “Good,” He says, “To be honest, I thought I would be the first to get ready but here you are, looking like God’s gift from heaven.”
(Y/N)’s breath hitched which led up to her lightly coughing, feeling all the oxygen in her body leave, “W-What did you just say?”
Jimin, clearly unfazed by her question, walked over to his dresser, grabbing his favourite cologne in hands, spritzing a bit on high points. (Y/N) watched Jimin, seeing that he wore a dark grey long sleeve under a black blazer along with black slacks. Jimin then quickly walked over to his closet, grabbing black dress shoes before walking over to their bed, taking a seat as he slipped them on. Seeing that he started to put his shoes on, (Y/N) slipped on her four-inch heels.
Once Jimin was done, he got up, “Shall we go?” He asked and (Y/N) nodded, “Y-Yeah, I’m ready.” She says as Jimin helped her out of the bed, (Y/N) slightly wobbling but she managed. She stood up in front of him as Jimin scanned her hair, to her face, and to her body that fits perfectly in her dress, “Damn, (Y/N),” He quietly groaned, his hand on her waist never leaving, “So fucking beautiful.” He says, leaning down and closer to her face. (Y/N) lightly gasped at how fast he leaned in, her lips parted slightly. 
(Y/N) takes a shaky breath, replaying Jimin’s words over and over in her head. Although it’s only been a bit over a month since (Y/N) has known and lived with Bangtan, it only took her about a week since she has realized that she may caught feelings for the man in front of her. Although she was new to this, she couldn’t help but not deny these feelings.
Who was she kidding, she liked him. He was caring, bold, undeniably adorable and so much more to her. The way he challenges her and others through his words and actions to the way he truly showed how much he cared for her, she loved every single bit.
And with Jimin complimenting her like this, she couldn’t help but feel weak in the knees, not wanting to feel or look vulnerable in front of his eyes.
Jimin licked his lips, staring into her eyes and (Y/N) did the same, blushing deeply when their noses meet. “I want to remember you like this.” He whispered as (Y/N) let out a sigh, “Y-You don’t mean that…” She mumbled shyly, looking away with an awkward smile. Jimin clenched his jaw, his brows slightly furrowed as he brought her chin into his fingers, “What makes you think I don’t?”
Before (Y/N) could answer, their bedroom door opened. Jimin let out a sigh, giving (Y/N) a soft smile before gently letting go of her chin, his hand leaving her waist. (Y/N) gave out a shy smile before looking over at who came in, seeing Hoseok and Taehyung.
Hoseok was smirking whereas Taehyung had his mouth slightly gaped before closing his mouth. The two were both wearing something similar to Jimin’s. Taehyung had his silver hair slightly wavy, almost a messy look yet very fresh looking with his ears flickering every now and then under his headband. With Hoseok, his blonde hair middle-parted, revealing his glorious forehead. For a cyborg, he was handsome as hell.
But here they were, staring at (Y/N) and Jimin with shocked yet teasing expressions, “Ready to go?” Hoseok asked as (Y/N) nodded, “Yes, we are.” She says, looking at Jimin, who was only looking at her. Jimin nodded, “Yeah, let’s go.” He says as (Y/N) nodded, walking out the door with Hoseok.
Jimin watched (Y/N)’s figure as she walked out, sighing as he wished the two boys weren’t there to ruin the moment. Taehyung then walked up to him, a smirk already present on his face. “The tension in here is fucking intense. I feel it.” He says and Jimin hummed in annoyance, already knowing what was bound to happen with Taehyung’s constant teasing. 
“Let’s go.” Is all Jimin says as Taehyung giggled, skipping out of the door with Jimin.
“Wow, (Y/N), you look absolutely beautiful.” Namjoon smiled at her as she reached the bottom of the stairs. “Thank you.” She says with a smile as Jin agreed before looking at the rest of his members, “Aren’t I beautiful too, boys?” He asked as none of the answered. Jin scoffed, “What kind of children did I raise…” Jin muttered to himself as he motioned all of them to follow him.
“Our limousine is waiting out there for us,” Yoongi says as they all walk towards the front door. 
(Y/N) had to admit, every one of the members looked incredibly handsome tonight, especially with the dark clothes that they wore that went well with their neatly styled hair.
The eight climbed into the vehicle as (Y/N) plopped down between Yoongi and Jimin. “Who’s party are we attending?” Jimin asked and Jin hummed, “GOT7’s.” He answers and (Y/N) tilted her head, “I’m sure you’ll meet them tonight, (Y/N).” Yoongi says, “They’re really good people.” Namjoon nodded, “Yes, they really are as we will be attending a business meeting as the rest of you are partying.” He chuckled.
“Business about what?” Jungkook asked, “We’re asking them if they’re willing to take part of (Y/N)’s big mission.”
(Y/N) felt her lips curve into a smile, “Really?” She asked and Hoseok nodded, “Yes, they already knew about your situation even before we met you.” Namjoon then looked at (Y/N), “Once I mentioned about the mission, they immediately accepted. They found you a very interesting person and they can’t wait to meet you tonight.”
“I wonder how Jackson and BamBam are going to react when they see (Y/N),” Taehyung says with a giggle. Jimin sighed, “Oh fuck, once Jackson’s eyes land on (Y/N),” Jungkook says and Jimin grumbled, “I mean, who wouldn’t though.” Taehyung says. Before Jimin could playfully glare at Taehyung, (Y/N) gasps quietly in awe, looking out the window.
The mansion’s exterior was absolutely beautiful. (Y/N) thought that there must be amazing views in each room. “Wow…” (Y/N) says in awe, “This home looks like it was built inspired by monuments.” She says, causing for the boys chuckle at her. There were fountains, gardens, and so much more.
The vehicle stopped right where the entrance was. Jimin got out quickly, having his hand out, reaching for (Y/N). She grabbed his hand, thanking him as she carefully got out of the care with Jimin’s help. Jimin gave her a soft look as they both walked up the front stairs. 
There were two guards standing by the entrance as one of them held out their hands, “Invitations?” He asked as Namjoon nodded, handing him eight tickets as the guard looked at every one of them before handing it back to Namjoon, “Go right on ahead.” He says.
Namjoon led them as they all entered the GOT7 residence. Although the party had just started, there were many people already. However, inside was beautiful as it was outside. It amazed her as the foyer was lit brightly with the gigantic diamond chandelier that was centred between the two grand staircases. The room across the foyer was slightly dimmed, lights flashing like some sort of sophisticated club along with an open bar. 
“A dance floor?” Jungkook asked excitedly as Taehyung jumped, “Alcohol! Let’s go Kookie!” And with that, the two young boys left the group, leaving the rest chuckling with their behaviour. “Well, Jin and Yoongi hyung and I will be attending the business meeting now. Go on and fun you guys.” Namjoon says with a smile, mainly looking at (Y/N). “Make some friends, okay, (Y/N)?” Jin says as they walk away.
Hoseok chuckled before placing a hand on Jimin's shoulder, “I’ll be in the billiard room, Minhyuk and Jooheon are meeting me there. Let loose guys~!” And with that, Hoseok left without giving (Y/N) a chance to talk. (Y/N) smiled sheepishly, looking around as she spotted Jimin, who was simply smirking at her. “Wanna have a drink?” He asked as (Y/N) hesitated before nodding, “S-Sure!” Although (Y/N) hasn’t tasted alcohol once in her life, she was excited to taste her first drink, especially by sharing the moment with Jimin
Walking into the dance room, there were many men and women either talking, dancing, drinking, or doing all three. (Y/N) watched with curiosity, watching a group of women take down shots like a piece of cake, it truly amazed her. The two made their way to the bar as Jimin swiftly asked for to drinks from the bartender before turning to (Y/N).
Although the lights in the room we pretty dim, Jimin could see every one of (Y/N)’s features as clearly as he could in the daylight. He noticed the way that some parts of her hair seemed to shine in the soft illumination from the bar light as he observed with interest, a quickening feeling sensation in his chest at the way she smiled so brightly and sweetly that the corners of his own lips automatically curve upward at the sight of her dimples.
“You’re beautiful,” He blurted out. (Y/N) blinked several times as she lightly gasped for air, shocked at his words once again. She cleared her throat, “T-Thank you.” She says the bartender finally materializes their drink. 
Jimin hands her the shot of whiskey as he had a shot of his own. “This is your first time tasting alcohol, right?” He asked as (Y/N) nodded excitedly, “Yeah, it is. Will it taste bad?” She asked and Jimin chuckled, “That’s for you to judge.” He says before clinking his glass with hers, “To your first shot.” He says before connecting the glass shot to his lips, quickly downing the shot within seconds.
(Y/N) watched him, tilting the glass over her lips, drinking it until the last drop. She set the small glass on the counter rather roughly as Jimin watched her every move at her expression. He laughed at (Y/N)’s disgusted expression, “How was it?” He asked, a few laughs coming out every now and then. (Y/N) let out little grumbles before weakly smiling at him, “I-I-It… Was okay… Kinda worse than I thought to be honest.” She sighed as a wave of dizziness washed over her.
Suddenly, the DJ at the front of the room started to spin to another tune, slower this time than the other upbeat songs. He taps on the mic, “Let’s take this slow.” He says as most people started to pair up, dancing slowly to the music, “This is all for the lovebirds. Enjoy everyone~”
(Y/N) watched everyone sway softly to the music, pretty surprised at how fast everyone transitioned to the music. She then turned to Jimin who was looking quite uncertain as he leaned closer, looking as if he wasn’t sure about something.
“Hey.” He mumbled, “Hey…?” She says but sounding more like a question, a bit uncertain with Jimin’s expression. She stepped back but he moves closer.
“(Y/N)… Dance with me,” He says with an unreadable expression on his face.        
She stared at him dumbfoundedly, fiddling with her fingers, “Dance? I-I’ve never danced before so I’m not really good at this sort of thing…” She says, clearly embarrassed. Jimin shook his head, “Well, that’s not stopping me from wanting to dance with you still.” He says, making a bold move as he held her hand softly.
“And besides, I used to dance when I was younger,” He says, looking away embarrassingly before looking back at her, “I can teach you.” He says. (Y/N) was in awe, “Really? You mean it? You really want to dance with me?” She asked and he nodded his head eagerly yet smoothly, “Yeah.” He says softly before dragging her to the dance floor, his hand still holding hers.
The two navigate their way through the dancing people until Jimin found an empty spot.
Jimin slowly closes the remaining distance between them, placing his hands on her hips, (Y/N) lightly twitching at the contact. “Now, you put your arms around my neck.” He instructed, smiling warmly as she does exactly what he says. Once she placed warms around his neck, he inhaled deeply at the contact. However, this only made Jimin move closer, pressing his body against hers as they sway to the slow and steady rhythm. (Y/N) couldn’t tear her eyes away from him as he stared into her eyes.
(Y/N) was mesmerized just from his eyes alone as he beckoned her to stay with him. He leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers, truly an affectionate gesture that (Y/N) wished to capture forever.
(Y/N) held in a breath as Jimin suddenly buries his nose in the crook of her neck, causing for (Y/N) lose her breath once more at the contact. Noticing that she wasn’t doing much, she placed a hand on his cheek, smiling softly as she laid her head on his, her cheek meeting contact with his.
“J-Jimin,” She breathes, almost sounding like a mixture of a moan and a whimper. “(Y/N),” Jimin murmured, inhaling her aroma, peaches and chocolate.
“You have no idea what you do to me,” Jimin says truthfully. (Y/N) didn’t, not knowing that Jimin was lost with her and did not ever want to get out of the beautiful madness. (Y/N) hummed in acknowledgement, “And you have no idea how you make me feel…” She mumbled.
If (Y/N) was being honest, the only thing holding her back was about her whole situation, from Mr Han to Banjo, the lab to the big mission. Although (Y/N) was going to try her best, as well with the other members, she couldn’t help but have that one thought, thinking that this plan wasn’t going to work. And once this mission happens, she wouldn’t know if she would make it out with Bangtan or with Mr Han in the end.
Sensing that (Y/N) was being overwhelmed with emotions, Jimin slides his arm around her waist, pulling her closer as he pressed his forehead against hers once more. “Hey,” He says in a soft tone, “It’ll be okay, we’ll make sure that everything will go alright, and I’ll be damn sure that they do. And believe me when I say this, but I will pay for what he did to you and your mother.” He promised.
“I-I know,” She sighed, “And I will make sure your first is the last thing Banjo sees.” She says and Jimin chuckled at slightly dark humour.
And I’ll make sure that you’ll be standing by my side, no matter what.
WELL DAMN. so much tension in this, i rlly dont know it just kinda came out & i rlly felt like i had to be rlly descriptive about their feelings more so ye, here it is, i hoped yall enjoyed it although it was pretty boring omg i was cringing but itll all be worth in the end
and what i mean by worth it in the end, i mean like uuuuuuh there are some um foreshadow (?) or like hints for future chapters ?!?!
okay im done, LOL its 3 in the morning, i was playing superstar bts all day rather than typing this up omg
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Gloomy Days Chapter IV
Sooo .. yeah, I finally finished the next chapter, don’t know if anyone’s still reading it, but yeah, here it is. In my personal opinion, it’s lackluster, but I needed to get it out of my system anyways so that I might be able to write on the next chapters and a conclusion of the story before the year’s over. If you’re looking for an explanation why I consider it ‘bad’, it’s probably because I’m not emotionally invested in the characters this time. At least, not AS invested as in other characters. Have fun and have a fantastic day.
Chapter 4 – The Free Spirit and the Idealist 
We've had enough
This is the end
Try to break us, we won't bend
No matter what
Your way of life will never save me, no
  You always try and drag me down
And I'm coming back for more
Save yourself
Cause I'm gonna take it all
All the way
  Striker – All the way
  "That's some awesome mane, bro!", the moment the man turned around to see who was taking to him, he had to smile. As was the usual, the guests at this wedding were dressed up for the occasion. After all, the heir to a wealthy and venerable family got married to a beautiful wife. Almost nobody gave a second thought to her questionable past, anyway. In fact, many people belonging to the island's high society solely arrived to strengthen their bonds with said family. This one, not so much. Not that it was a surprise, as this man's past would have given the average person cause for enough concern to fill a lifetime.
"I'm taking a wild guess here, but I'd bet my life on you belonging to the bride's family.", the stranger replied with a smirk. Some things were just too obvious. And the huge .. man replied in kind, crossing his massive arms in front of his chest. Actually, he struck a comically serious pose that just begged for a reaction. He didn't have to wait for long, as several children immediately cried out in collective awe.
To be perfectly honest, they rightfully did so. The man's proportions weren't entirely human and at first glance, one might have asked how his rather slender legs were able to support an upper body that was so wide and muscular, it could've put a smaller giant to shame. The next moment, the person asking said question might have recognised that these lank legs were supported by what might have been steel. The questions wouldn't have ended there. One could only see that his legs were supported by some machinery made of steel because he didn't wear any pants but a red bathing slip, appropriately coloured to match his Hawaiian shirt of a ground of red, adorned with green palm trees.
Maybe there was a reason to all of this, maybe he just wore it loose and open to put his impressive, muscular chest in the spotlight, or the two fine but incredibly long scars that ran from within his bathing slip up to his neck.
He let a few seconds pass until he lowered his arms – they, too, seemed to be made of steel, not only supported by it – and nodded solemnly.
"You'd have won this bet, bro. Wouldn't be cool to stay absent when my little sis is getting married, right?", well, one could say whatever about this huge man, but at least he had enough manners not to wear his black sunglasses within these halls. The stranger nodded, still smirking. "That's absolutely right. It's her big day, isn't it? I hope that she's taking the pressure well enough.", these words made the huge man break out in a booming laughter that might have raised the dead. At least, some angry people turned their heads towards the two and quickly came to their senses when they saw the sheer size of his upper body.
"You don't know my little sis, man! She's as tough as nails, I promise you! Gotta be sharp to match the storms on the Grand Line, bro. Girl's been without equal, I tell you, she was able to outsmart friend and foe alike and was riding our ship on top of the storms like she never did anything else in her whole life.", a rather dramatic pause followed and when he spoke again, he exchanged his booming voice for a whisper. "It's a shame that she's giving up this life to settle down, if you ask me.", realising what he just said and that he said it to a stranger who might as well be a relative of the groom, an awkward silence followed.
"Ehm .. no offence to the broom, bro.", the huge man tried to defuse the situation a little. To no need, as it turned out, as another player hit the stage.
"FRANKY!", the high voice was fitting for another contender for the title of oddest guest to this wedding. In fact, one could say that these two guys, some might consider them freaks at such an elevated event, were hitting both diametrically opposed ends of the weirdness scale. Surprisingly enough, that didn't stop ties that might have been long forgotten, but never severed, from coming back in full force when their eyes met.
“Oh .. I can’t believe it! It’s really you, Chopper!”, both ‘men’, if one could call them that, were moving towards each other and an unknowing bystander might have feared that if that huge man tried to hug the .. reindeer that walked on two legs, he might have crushed him. That fear would’ve been proven insubstantial, though. For reasons that are not easy to explain.
When the two reached each other, the reindeer .. changed, for lack of a better word. Wearing fur, it didn’t have the need for clothing besides short trousers and a huge hat. This was probably to ease the difficulties of said change. The reindeer that went by the name of ‘Chopper’ was relatively small, so small indeed that its antlers might barely be able to reach the thighs of a human of normal height. Within a second though, possibilities were thrown out of the window and a magnificent transformation took place.
Within the blink of an eye, the small and rather cute reindeer was no more, it had been replaced by a hulking bruiser of a .. very hairy man. Its body was completely changed, the reindeer’s small forelegs had grown into strong arms that were able to put trained legs to shame, the entire upper body resembled that of a – hairy – body builder and even its face had changed. Surprisingly enough, it was more humanoid after the transformation, a grim, hairy visage that might have given the impression of it being the precursor to what people thought of mythical monsters like the Big Foot, full of inhuman strength. That strength, though, was necessary as the following scene emphasised.
Both ‘men’ threw their arms around each other and embraced the other in what doubtlessly was an emotionally charged hug. The muscles on the man-reindeer’s arms were clearly showing as they seemed to have a little brotherly contest regarding strength. This contest was short-lived, as they realised that their forces evenly matched and both men finally let go, staring at each other in a mixture of disbelief and happiness.
“Hrmpf. Friends of the bride, I guess? Somebody should have taken the time to teach these .. people proper manners! No surprise, huh, Father? Given that we barely know anything about her past.”, the voice was raised from slightly behind the man and he turned around, a knowing smile on his lips. The complainer was a well-dressed man of advanced age, wearing a tailored, black suit and receding, greyish-white hair. A pair of gold-rimmed spectacles was sitting on his nose and the face he made was full of disdain. Talking to this man might have been an interesting pastime, but the clock was ticking.
“Actually, they’re her family. That, and I fear that I might not have the capacities to talk to you right now, pray excuse.”, then, something very strange seemed to happen. They were both looking at each other and without any sign of alteration, all colour left the older man’s face and his eyes widened. Whatever he had seen in the stranger’s timeless face, it did make a lasting impact on him. To no surprise, he was the one to break away.
“’cuse me, Father. Think the wine’s getting to my head. Beg my leave.”, the man bumbled and left his presence within seconds, quickly enough to not have been noticed by the cyborg and the reindeer. By now, both of them were on their way back to the man, Franky having slung an arm over the equally muscular shoulders of the man-reindeer.
“Oi Bro, let me introduce the greatest physician on the Grand Line and all the Blues to you, Doctor Chopper!”, the compliment resonated visibly with the doctor, even though in a hilarious and unconventional manner. He danced rather childishly and his muscular arms wavered as if they had neither bones nor muscle inside, all the while he spoke with a shy, high voice.
“I don’t need your stinking compliments, you idiot!”, but the cyborg didn’t stop there.
“I’m not lying to you, bro. You’ve got your limbs cut off? He’ll sew and glue them back on, you’ve caught some random disease on a remote island? This guy will nurse you back to health and won’t catch a second of sleep until you’re alive and kicking again, I literally haven’t seen anything he wasn’t able to cure!”, even though the stream of compliments continued, the reindeer-man’s dance ceased and sobriety replaced happiness.
“I wish you were right, Franky. No matter how hard we try and tried, no matter how many lives one can save, there will always be the one you fail to do anything. The one that’ll haunt you for the rest of your life.”, as it happens so often within these lines, the general mood of the reunion turned into a gloomy one, at least for the reindeer. His friend, though, was showing an incensed look on his face.
“Goddamn, Chopper! You’re a physician, you cure people’s ailments and heal their bodies, a damn broken heart isn’t something that you can nurse back to health with some tonics and medicine!”, Franky finally let go of his old friend and they were giving each other a sombre stare-down. Whatever it was, it seemed to be bringing back memories that should have better remained buried. Or not.
“You’re right, it was not my task alone to mend his heart. As you said, I’m just a physician, but we were family! Their family! I .. I just have the feeling that none of us tried hard enough to comfort these two in their hour of need. Franky, .. we just .. we just could have done more. So. Much. More.”, the man-reindeer had great difficulties holding his tears back, so much was obvious. A rather peculiar sight in the face of something that might have been the reason that humans believed in monsters that hid in the woods. It was just as surprising that the cyborg had his own tears to fight.
“Just remember the times, bro. The situation was terrible overall and we couldn’t have done more, and it was his decision to leave with all the ghosts he gathered to weight him down over the years. Maybe it was right, maybe we were not destined or considered worthy to follow these big dreams of ours. I don’t know, I don’t even want to know! All of us are free now, are we not?! Still, nothing has become of it! Just look at the two of us, we thought that our sheer combined will was enough to reach our goals. What now? We left Sunny on her own, as the only one never to disappoint us. She might as well be sunk right now. So much for my glorious dream.”, this time, there was no stopping the tears. That, and he didn’t even try.
“I know that, Franky! I know that we left her behind. I have not forgotten a single line of everything. And you’re not the only one with shattered wishes! I wanted to be able to battle every illness on the whole world, but look at what has become of me. I’m just sitting around on an island and try to do my best to help the people, but there is just so much that I don’t know, so many ways to cure sickness that I’ll never learn because I don’t travel anymore!”, an awkward silence followed the conversation and both of them were still staring at each other. The perfect time for the stranger to join in.
He cleared his throat to get their attention.
“So .. you two seem to be having a history of travelling together, if I take that right. It also seems that you’re not exactly happy with how things are now, but, if I may, let me ask this one question: What’s holding you back from going back to how things were? Both of you are still young and strong enough to take to the seas again.”, contrary to the overarching mood, the stranger still held a firm smile on his lips, watching the both of them, and they answered at once.
“Because we’re not whole anymore. We can never be whole again.”
“That’s not exactly precise. Would you mind to elaborate?”
It was Chopper who took the initiative.
“It’s kind of a long story, are you sure? Yes? Well .. I mean, it all kinda began with .. with the heroic sacrifice of one of our nakama, he gave his own life to save others, one of them being the bride herself”, whatever he was waiting for, astonishment or maybe a shock, didn’t appear, thus, he continued.
“Brook’s final .. death was what triggered our breaking. Another friend told me that he took his demise right on, stared into the abyss until the abyss shied away. To help, to support his family one last time. He couldn’t have known that it was in vain.”, the reindeer turned his head around for a short scan of the surroundings, an easy task due to his massive size. When he found what he was looking for, a shiver ran down his spine and within the blink of an eye, he transformed again. Back to his old, small form that could have reminded people of a fluffy teddy bear, grabbing for the cyborg’s leg, barely controlled excitement accompanied his voice.
“He’s here, Franky! Have you seen him? Spoken to him? Do you think he’d be willing to .. maybe?!”, but the delight didn’t pass over to the cyborg who had followed his gaze and was now shaking his head in a slow fashion.
“Don’t think so, Chopper. Don’t think so. See, bro, blondie over there ..”, he nodded into Sanji’s general direction before he continued, “.. he’s a .. special case. He was one of the last people to leave our crew, but the first one to .. to break away from it. So, before we continue with our little story, you might want to tell us if you belong to Nami’s side or her groom’s. Can’t remember ever meeting you, but that means nothing, right?”, he was watching the stranger carefully, only to interrupt it from time to time by looking at Chopper and the back of Sanji’s head.
“Oh, I’m no one of consequence, the literal unexpected guest, if you grant me that joke. To whom I belong is a rather complicated question, I admit, but let’s just say that I grant allegiance to those who have lost their way.”, that was neither a precise answer nor had anyone asked for mysticism, but not belonging to the groom’s side did seem to be enough.
“Alright, Mr. Mysterious Stranger, that’s good enough, I assume. Well, after .. Brook’s end, my friends finally made it back to our ship and we were reunited, but blondie was bleeding from more than a dozen deep wounds and .., he nearly lost it during treatment. Really wasn’t a nice sight at all .. especially not for her.”
The last few days had been rough and nobody really talked to one another. Understandably, taking the into account that they had just lost a member of their small crew to some ancient, pelagic abomination. Nobody had been able to help him and trying to retrieve him had been proven vain, as the whole island was swallowed by water as soon as the group had reached their ship.
They wanted to come back in force. To rescue, to save or even to avenge him. All that was taken from the Straw Hats when the island was engulfed by mighty waves and torn back into the deep as mythical Atlantis was. Midnight was upon them when Chopper entered the infirmary to look after his one patient. A dozen wounds from sharp teeth and claws had not rendered him as feeble as the single thought that because he had failed for once, another was lost. Guilt’s weight was lying upon his shoulders and dragged him down, seemingly taking his ability to speak at all.
“Are you feeling better today, Sanji?”, the reindeer asked while putting his stethoscope on, but he never received an answer. As was the usual for the blonde cook since their return. He had his eyes closed and was lying still, bandages covering his limbs, his throat and his chest. Chopper quickly went through the check list and wasn’t surprised to realise that the wounds were already healing, blood pressure was normal again and his fear that he might have caught an infection was put aside. The Monster Trio, so much was a given, was barely human anymore, their wounds used to heal as quickly as those of a forest’s beast.
The doctor already wanted to pack his tools and leave Sanji to rest, when the patient finally opened his lips to speak in a voice that was robbed of all its strength.
“We’re going after him .. right?”, Chopper feared that he might ask this question. The thought appeared to all of them as soon as they arrived back on the Sunny, but the ship’s coating was used up and there were no streams in the nearest vicinity that would be strong enough to drag her down. Franky tried to figure something out, but, as of now, to no avail.
“I hope.”, was the answer Chopper gave, staring at the ground he was standing on. Sanji’s mental condition was out of his area of expertise, though he was sure that telling him outright that the chances of even getting revenge on that monster were so slim, they could be called non-existant. The doctor didn’t want to be the messenger of these grim news, actually he didn’t want anyone to bring them, as he feared that it would break Sanji completely.
“I need a cigarette.”, there, Chopper made his first mistake. If the situation was not as dire as it turned out to be, he would’ve beaten Sanji for the thought of a cigarette alone. This time, he granted him the request, a fact that didn’t go unnoticed. The cook placed the small, white coffin nail between his lips and incinerated it, invigorated either by the smoke or his assumptions. His voice was louder now, leaving his mouth with more force and suppressed rage.
“So, there’s not a chance in Hell we’re able to get him back?!”, the sudden surge of power that found its way into his voice was enough to startle Chopper, nearly making him fall to the ground. He held his balance, for the moment.
“That’s not what I said, Sanji. There is always hope!”, he replied, raising his voice in kind but still remaining in his fluffy form. Things might have escalated quickly otherwise.  Nobody could have said how this situation would evolve and nobody needed to, as a sudden knocking on the infirmary’s door brought silence on both of them. Only a moment later, said door was opened and the frame was filled by the massive upper body that belonged to the cyborg. He wasn’t alone, though, as slender legs followed behind, entering the room just after him.
It wasn’t Franky’s voice that was raised in an accusing fashion, targeting nobody in particular but Sanji and Chopper both.
“Why is he smoking?! Who allowed that?”, her voice .. oh, her voice. In literally any other time, it would have elevated Sanji into the highest heavens, soothing wounds, sickness and even an over-abundance of death. Not this time, though. Just hearing her voice was a reminder that he had failed. If everything went according to his plan, to sacrifice himself to the eldritch abominations found deep within the island, Brook would still be living. He should have been the one who to make the ultimate sacrifice. One simple act of honour and love for the goddess and his true family.
Yet, he was still here to listen to her voice, while Brook was not. The fates had decided to sculpt the most wonderful sound in the entire world into a living reminder of his failure. Sometimes, all it needed was a moment to burn down an entire lifetime of faithfully doing your duty. In his own mind, Chopper knew as much, Sanji had always styled himself as the knight that would conquer Hell for his goddess and give his life in the moment of need.
Even though no one but him cared or even noticed that fact, it didn’t matter. He knew of his failure. His image was shattered when they dragged him out of the tunnels. His purpose was denied when he had to listen to Brook’s signature laughter for the last time.
“Franky .. when will we be able to hunt down that beast?”, it surprised all three of them that he didn’t talk to Nami first. A sign for the terrible things that should haunt the crew for the rest of their time together, some of them being affected long after they split up.
“Bro, you’re not in the condition to hunt anything other than a bed. Get rested and we’ll figure something out, don’t worry.”, Franky’s usual optimism was as faux as it could be, and anybody knew. Yet he still tried.
The cook was about to raise his upper body, maybe even wanted to stand up to do whatever, but he was stopped in his tracks by a force so much stronger than all the physical strength he had acquired over the years.
The gentle touch of the woman he loved with all his heart, all that was him.
“Don’t, Sanji-kun. Franky is right, please, rest a little.”, he closed his eyes as opposing powers fought for dominion over his body. On one side, the fierce and fiery love he felt for the goddess by his side, on the other one, though, the knight that had fallen from grace. The knight that had to face his failure every day, until his last breath. The problem was that both his love and the graceless knight drew strength from Nami’s presence, but only one of them was nourished by his survivor’s guilt.
Many would have fallen in the face of chaos. But not this one. Not today.
The blonde’s body calmed under her gentle touch and he let himself sink back into the pillows, all the time struggling for control. Nami herself was exchanging short glances with Chopper and Franky, both of them got the clue.
“Nami .. may I leave you two for a little while? I need to fix some ointments for the wounds, otherwise they’re still going to leave very ugly scars.”
“Yeah, and I’ll try my best to see the ship being coated or otherwise able to dive again. That’s going to take some time, I guess. See ya later, bro.”, Franky said as he held the door open for Chopper before both of them left the room. Outside, though, they went a few steps away from the infirmary and quietly began talking to each other.
“You think cook-bro, will make it, doc?”
“Yes, Sanji is inhumanly strong, these wounds won’t stop him for long. He’ll be ready to fight again very soon.”, Chopper replied, taking the obvious path that made it necessary for Franky to specify his question.
“Not his injuries, man. You know what I’m talking about. Have you seen his eyes? They’re empty, there’s no fire in there anymore. It’s like his will to live has been taken away instead of Brook!”, before the conversation could run rampant, though, Chopper raised his hoof.
“Shh, they’re talking. Nami might be the only person able to bring him back from where he is right now. Maybe we should just put our trust in her and do whatever we can to support it?”, the reindeer’s fine sense of hearing wasn’t stopped by the infirmary’s thick, wooden door. An advantage he had over the mechanically enhanced body of Franky. The cyborg nodded and slowly approached the door for the off-chance of hearing parts of their conversation himself, but to no avail.
“You sure they'll be able to work something out?”, he asked again after returning to chopper, lowering his voice as much as possible. If the cook was able to use his Haki right now, he'd know of their presence anyway, but the sheer thought of eavesdropping on their nakama felt disquieting.
“Can't tell, Franky, I really can't .. but he's talking to her, at least. More than a few words at a time. More than simple accusations. Isn't it strange how he's able to open up to her? It's like she really is someone special to him, like .. like a sister!”, to that, the more experienced and – at least in some ways – more mature Franky burst into laughter and softly padded the reindeer's shoulders.
“Well bro, 'sister' might not be the word you're looking for. You know, doctor, sometimes a man might not be able to open up to his closest kin, but if there's a woman holding dominion over his heart, she'll burn down all the walls and get right through to him. I'm sure that you're going to understand that in due time.”, the thought alone seemed to shock Chopper, that even within all of their true companionship, there was still a different level of relation to reach.
Sometimes, when the night is at her blackest, a single, endless void that seemed like an ocean, one could still find a star. A beacon of light.
Sometimes, that single beacon of light was all that was needed to lift the spirit, to keep it going.
At other times, this beacon of light was nothing but a ghost light.
When Nami rushed out of the infirmary to shout at the eavesdroppers, they thought that things would get back to normal soon enough. They were wrong.
“See, bro, for about two months we thought that things might get back to how they were again, sure, blondie talked a little less than usual, but he got back to cooking and fighting and flattering the women. None of us realised that we began to rot from within, until it was too late. For a few weeks, I even thought that blondie and the bride might have something good going. Probably not going to have to mention that I was wrong, and things went downhill from there.”, Chopper nodded in agreement.
“Guess you could say that our time together simply ran out. Brook's last stand had made an impact on our crew that none of us was aware of .. until we were falling apart. You know, bro, I'm actually happy to see that my sis found someone to spend her life with, because she deserves happiness. It's just that I think that her true purpose is still out there, on the sea. She might be content with being wed, but to the last of her days, I'm sure she'll ask herself what could have been ..”, again, the hilarious sight of seeing tears running down in streams from a cyborg's face.
“He's torturing himself.”, even though Chopper was in his fluffy form, the one that possessed a rather high voice, too, he sounded as sombre as it gets. A fact that surprised both of his conversational partners.
“What? Who?”
“Sanji. You've implied it yourself, didn't you, Franky? That he might be in love with her.”, he was looking up to the cyborg's face, not waiting for an answer.
“I now think that you've been right all the way. That, and we both know Sanji. He isn't one to change, at least not by a lot, not when it's concerning something that is important to him. The ladies, the All Blue, cooking, I'm sure that all of these will never cease to be of utmost importance to him. Still, if you take a look at him now, he's just sitting there all by himself instead of courting any of the young ladies here. This has to mean something! She's the one who carved her name onto his heart, Franky!”
The cyborg wanted to reply something, he might have even wanted to tell the reindeer to stop dreaming. Instead, he looked at the stranger, of all people, for help. He smiled.
“I don't have all the answers, my friends, but .. after all, you're still pirates, aren't you? Freedom does have a different, one could say a more 'extreme', meaning to you than to other people. Maybe, maybe, maybe .. there is so much more to see, so much more to do. What use are dreams if you never chase them? Oh, and I personally think that it's better to go regretting to have said something than to regret not to have said it, these are not the times for things to remain unspoken.
All of you are still young enough to take back the night.
Maybe it is your purpose to inherit these seas.”
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
haikyuu!! for 001 and soumako for 002 :>
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Daichi ;;v;;
Least Favorite character: Probably Lev
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): IWADAI, aohina, matsuhana, and pretty much all the daichi ships
Character I find most attractive: i wanna say Daichi but fck its Kuroo
Character I would marry: DAICHI
Character I would be best friends with: hmm probably Kuroo or Mattsun or Yachi
a random thought: im desperate for more iwadai in my life
An unpopular opinion: idk if its unpopular but i never see anyone gushing over how good looking bokuto is??? ive seen people gush over art of his hair being down but thats it. like im so always in love with his eyes hes a beautiful birb and i love him a lot ;v;
my canon OTP: daiyui if it becomes canon
Non-canon OTP: surprise surprise IWADAI
pairing I am not a fan of: kuro/tsukki, kuro/ken
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hmm no one comes to mind. i think furudate does a great job with creating and developing characters
favourite friendship: tanaka and noya (i like them romantically too :>)
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: ID LIKE TO ADOPT AONE PLS
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it: oh man i dont remember when probably when it was still considered a crack ship?? i saw fanart of a redraw of that one scene where sousuke corners haru at the vending machine and in the fanart makoto appears and sousuke falls for makoto haha i think it was in 2015 that i started actively shipping them and drawing fanart of them 
my thoughts: THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM. I think they complement each other well and while they may seem like opposites they have a lot in common with each other LIKE HOW THEYD PUT THEIR FRIEND’S FEELINGS BEFORE THEIR OWN, THEY CARE TOO MUCH AND RISK HURTING THEMSELVES, BOTH GOT SOME ABANDONMENT ISSUES. pls let them learn love and happiness in each other ;v;
What makes me happy about them: the fact that they’d get along so well with each other like i could see them being just really good friends. i mean come on look at the s2 ep14 this episode is a treasure //prayer emoji// makoto is such a fckin social butterfly and the way sousuke rubs his neck like a fckin shy boy is so cute and later the water gun fight interaction OML theyre such competitive teasing dorks. the thought of them spending time together and becoming close friends (then lovers wink wonk) makes me so happy because makoto is such an understanding bab and i feel has enough patience to get to know sousuke and once sousuke opens up to him he’d find that makoto is a one of kind kind of person and would protect their friendship at all cost (rip pining sousuke)
What makes me sad about them: the fact that there wasn’t enough canon interaction between them ;o;
things done in fanfic that annoys me: pair the spares like um pls dont treat my babies like leftovers thanks. i mean there’s nothing wrong with second love/rebound love but im just not into characters falling in love with another character while still immensely in love with the previous (unless its meant to be a poly ship). also HATE when sousuke is characterized as abusive. hes an angry boy (and has the right to be) but he isnt abusive or an overly aggressive asshole pls stop. I MUCH PREFER ACTUAL DORKY SOUSUKE THANKS
things I look for in fanfic: UM PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE WRITTEN FOR SOUMAKO. i always look for good characterization and interesting storylines (WHICH BTW ALL YOUR FICS HAVE. YOUR INTERPRETATION OF FREE CHARACTERS IS ALWAYS SO GOOD AND IS ONE OF MY FAVS). im also absolutely weakkkkk for soulmate aus and college aus so that should click bait me easy
My kinks: don’t think I have any for them. what counts as a kink anyways?? like does vanilla talk and dorky teasing count?? because i love tooth rotting fluff even while theyre sexing it up
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: hmmm if i had to choose then Haru for Makoto and Kisumi for Sousuke
My happily ever after for them: tokyo college friends to lovers to dorky happily married with two kids and a cat. sousuke heals his shoulder, makes an appearance at olympics twice before retiring and becoming a coach just like makoto (swimming coach husbands yes). makoto finds happiness with his dream job and while he sometimes misses competitive swimming he looks back with fondness not regret. soumako supporting each other every step of the way. growing old, moving back to iwatobi, and smiling adorably and lovingly at each other as they sit on the beach watching the sunset. ;;v;; 
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iolyne · 6 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
thank u lmao!!!!!!! love u!!!!!!!!
Femme or butch? I wouldn’t consider myself either!! sometimes I wish I was butch but I don’t really know enough about what it takes to be butch and I’m also not confident enough ;-;
Do you have a “type”? If so, describe itI’m not sure! everyone I’ve liked fits a totally different description!! and I’ve only liked maybe 5 people :0:0 I really love confidence and when people care about their appearance? it’s good
Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?leather jackets!!!
Describe your styleuhhh idk I guess that like weeb goth that’s kind of trendy rn :,0 currently I only regularly wear like 2 pairs of black jeans and anime shirts since I just stay home most of the time lol
Describe your aestheticI really wouldn’t know how to describe it! I love neon lights and religious imagery like jesus stuff. I’m describing the aesthetic in my art i hope that’s ok!♡ im also really into oldweb&lovecore 
Favorite article of clothing?i have a denim shirt with lil embroidered red hearts and the button is a heart!! and the seams on the back make a heart shape its really cute!!!! and comfy!!
Favorite pair of shoes?my hot pink platforms i never wear haha!!
Current haircut?i have buzzed hair!
Any haircut goals for the future?im trying to grow my hair to be 2 inches on top! and id like to get the sides to ¾ and inch! and im planning on dying it pink again ;o 
Describe the best date you’ve been onjkfjfafjakks queerplatonic ok BUT edward and i do franky’s dance in the bathroom w no pants and im gonna count that but when we went to disney was the best
Describe the worst date you’ve been onI haven’t been on a date in a long time!!! honestly all the dates I went on were pretty good but one of my exes would always cancel on stuff we spent time planning so she could go to parties and I would cry @ home about thinking she hated me like once a week lol
Single? Taken?single and like honestly i miss being a girlfriend because it’s fun but i dont want to date rn anyways!!
If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!:( i want my wife already
If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?i want my wife
Describe your dream weddingi want it to be Classy and idk i want a nice and not tacky wedding TBH and if i like……… had enough friens i would want a big wedding!! i dont want most of my family going tho lol
Do you want kids?no
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?big mansion by the beach ;-;
Favorite lesbian movie?ive oly seen Carol and i dont like it so i dont have an answer haha
Favorite lesbian novel/story?never read one!!
Favorite lesbian song?girls like girls by hayley kiyoko
Favorite lesbian musician?hayley kiyoko i guess i cant remember any others
What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?mean lesbian, doesnt shave, short nails, hates men, big glasses, hates men, mean lesbian. communist
Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?yea 
If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?oh i love.attention honestly. uhhh i love when a woman is passionate about things and also has a good fashion sense ♥_♥
Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?i love being a lesbian!!! like!! seeing other lesbians being proud of themselves or happy with their wives and girlfriends makes my heart so warm. i love the sense of community and the strong bond i love us
Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?i have a pet dog so! i gotta say a dog person ♥
Turn ons?i love necks and also ear piercings are sexy :0 and nice hands god when people wear lots of rings im ♥_♥ and when they carry themselves confidently and when they’re strong im so weak 
Turn offs?insensitivity!! and like liberals and centrists and right wingers HAHA also certain music tastes just. keep me away from other people ;0 
Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?UH ive only really only liked maybe 4 people and i think it was all in high school??? bad memory. i think if i wanted to be with someone now i would ask her out!!! the last time i liked someone i was too scared to do anything and i think we both were waiting for the other to do something about it and nothing happened :/
What is your dream career?i would loooooooooove to be a photographer like to do the spreads and portraits for celebrities!!!
Talk about your interests or hobbies!i watch and think about anime a lot honestly :/ i dont do a whole lot right now! i used to spend a lot of time drawing and writing and if i had the space i would love to do that! im also really interested in skincare and hygiene i love to talk 2 ppl about it and help people get routines :o 
What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?confidence. if its a physical trait i would say nice hands 
Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?it takes time for me
Ever fallen for your best-friend?yes! my last girlfriend was my best friend before we dated! we are still close!
Ever fallen for a straight girl?i think the first girl i fell for was straight :0
The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)never saw it!!!
Favorite comfort food?im eating a lot of instant noodles lately :/ my 2nd favorite food group is like southern comfort food i like chicken pot pies a lot lol
Coffee or tea?tea but i drink coffee more often
Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?neither! i cant do it!
Do you have any pets?i have a dog named teddy!
Early-riser or night-owl?night owl!
What is your sign?scorpio babey
Can you drive?hell yeah i can ive been driving for like 5 years
Who was your first lesbian crush?a girl in my art class freshman year i think her name was jenny or something like that? i cant even remember now but god from the moment i saw her i was smitten, i was weak, i spoke to her one time and i was so happy lol we only complimented each other’s art! she’s a year older than me and i thought she was the prettiest girl i had ever seen omg. jenny if you’re out there thanks for making me realize im a lesbian
At what age did you know you were a lesbian?when i was 16! i previously thought i was bi! and the first person i came out to was my girlfriend at the time!
At what age did you come out (if you have)?i first told my mom i liked girls when i was 14! i’ve for the most part just been open about being a lesbian though :0 but 2 or 3 years ago i made an Official Post on facebook saying i was a lesbian for the first time and god one of my aunts was so kind to me i cried lol
Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?nope!
Talk about how your day wentmy day was alright, i’ve been bedridden due to my period all day! i cried because i lost the bag of m&ms i bought yesterday but i also ate breakfast for dinner so it was alright. relaxing.
Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the futureim in college majoring in political science. i’m considering double majoring in communications as well. i don’t quite know what i would like to do though. my only career goal is to help children that’s all i want to do. i want to help children and i want to be happy.
Least favorite gay celebrity?milo yiannopoulos
0 notes
hummingbird-goddess · 7 years
Are you pale or tan or kind of an in-betweener?:
i am very white but thos summer ive gotten some color  
What do you think of the word ‘wiener’?: its funny but meh.
Do you have long or short nails? (why): i keep cutting my nails short because my old job theyd get caught and break all the time soni just ever since kept them short  but i may start growing them out  
Do you ever wear anything with sequins?: not me at all
Have you ever considered growing a mustache/dating someone with a mustache?: I’m dating someone with some scruff, i love it. im not too far from my own seems like
Do you like wine? (what kind particularly):
i love wine  ill drink it all but the moscato is the best because it tastes like juice  
Do you prefer skinny people or people with a bit of meat on the bones?: either way, im not picky  
Does the idea of death scare you?: No, mine’s more of a fear of the unknown…
Do you believe you’re going to heaven?: no idea if thats even real or not tbh. i kinda believe in reincarnation .
What type of bottled water do you prefer?:
i dont think i prefer one.
Do you like to wear anything in your hair? (feathers, hairbands, barrettes):
Do you like to cook? (if so, what’s your fav. thing to cook): i dont cook a lot but ill cook anything with pasta.
What is your favorite magazine to read?: architectural digest .  
What religion do you follow if any? If you don’t follow any, why not?: i dont follow any becäuse there are too many and i dont know what to believe
Do you have a digital camera? (what kind): not a workingbone unfortunately .
What do you mostly like to take pictures of?: my cat 
Who are your best friends? List from youngest to oldest: mehhhhhh
Do you like to wear fancy hats?: uh no
Do you think Jessica Alba is pretty/hot?: She’s pretty.
Are you familiar with the brand ‘Valentino’?: No.
How tall are you exactly?: I am 5′5″
Have you ever seen Desperate Housewives?: here and there
What color is your hair?: Naturally it’s dark brown.
Have you ever dyed your hair with store bought dye?: Yes and i regret it 
Do you ever wear gloves/mittens during cold weather?: yeah its a neccessity in CO
How do you feel in detail RIGHT AT THIS SECOND?: meh
What’s better, Thai or Chinese Cuisine?: very similar, either really.  
Do you think high heels make girls look more attractive?: when they know how to wear them its cute
Is it gross to not shave your legs if you’re a girl?: It doesn’t bother me honestly…
Do you own more t-shirts or jeans?: T-shirts by far!
Between Macy’s and Nordstroms, what do you prefer?: neither tbh
Does your hair ever get in the way of your eyes?: yeah usually
What does the texture of your skin feel like?: It’s smooth
Do you spend more time smiling or frowning?: I have resting bitch face so neither.. lol.
Do you like to go garage sale scavenging?: yeah sometimes theres good treasures 
What’s better, something new and modern or something old and vintage?: i like both
Are you photogenic according to others?: i dont think so 
Describe your favorite pair of shoesies: mm, i like my brown combat boots  comfy and fit the foot sobthey dont look dumb and chunky.
Do you own a credit card? (if so, do you use it often): Nope…
Do you follow trends? (be honest): i dont think so, i dont actually py attention 
Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, J-Lo, Gwyneth Paltrow?: Jennifer Aniston  
How often do you regret your actions?: sometimes, but cant let that control my current svtions
Do you ever watch or read the weekly news?: i watch it when my mom does
Do you think ‘Bridgette Jones’ Diary is a good movie?: Never seen it…
What do people usually say to you regarding your appearance?: usually my eyes or hair when ive had a funky colour but usually eyes
Do you ALWAYS make your bed in the morning before you start the day?: Not really ever 
How many hours of sleep do you get per night usually? is it enough?: a lot now that i eork normal hours lol 
How old you act/feel/look?: i act 30, feel old af, look 12 probs
How old are you in reality?: I’m 22
What is your favorite book genre?:
Do you like spicy food? What’s your favorite spicy food?: its not my favoritebwhen incorporated appropriately  
Do you have sensitive teeth?: no
Do you like receiving beauty tips from other people?: uh i dont think ive ever gotten any 
Would you consider yourself amazing?: Ha..umm no..
Do you think every individual human being matters?: I mean, rapists, murderers, molesters, and bullies can GTFO… everyone else mattes..  
Is life pointless?: No I don’t think so
What was the best thing you bought this month?: i homestly dont think kve bought much fun stuff
How much money do you spend on average weekly?: Honestly it varies…  
How often do you clean up?: every week on my daysnoff
What are you most excited about in life to come?: mm the eclipse right nowmlol.
Would you ever spy on a boyfriend/girlfriend if you were suspicious?: meh kinda do alresdy but i dont care tbh haha  
Do you completely trust your current boyfriend/girlfriend or best friend?: I certainly do.
The most interesting job you’ve had in your lifetime was?:
walmart employee.
Do you own anything designer label? What?: not thatbi know of t
Do you think the renaissance age was interesting?: mehhhhh not ,y cup of tea
Do you like the subject of history or not at all?: I honestly hated history more than any other subjevtnin svjool  sorry it was god awful. maybe just the teacgers and the books  idk 
0 notes