#this was my lunch project I guess lol
bleaksqueak · 7 months
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Made a widened version of this painting since other sites didn't like to let me post it without either the worst crop or crunching it to a single blurry pixel
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accirax · 2 years
Mr. Showtime 2DMV Theory
The release of Mr. Showtime full and its 2DMV... oh my god. I’m back on my Tsukasa bullshit, so please allow me to talk about what I thought was the most interesting part of the 2DMV:
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This part, with the jester boy on the moon with balloons. Please ignore the YouTube time bar I don’t know how to get rid of it While the entire 2DMV is gorgeous and bears rewatching one million times, it’s this part that stood out to me in conjunction with the lyrics. Specifically, the strings of the balloons stood out to me, after reading and participating in this post by @/getwonderhoyd. It discussed the symbolism of Tsukasa and the marionette strings in comparison to Mafuyu, and how their tight wind around his fingers implied the tight grasp he has on controlling his situation.
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He has that same winding grasp on the balloons. But what are the balloons?
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While not all of them are direct depictions of the Wonderland Sekai, many of them also are. The ones that aren’t all seem to be related to stories Tsukasa is featured in, specifically a lot of the girls’ events for some reason? The presents seem to be from On This Holy Night, I Sing; the mermaid tail from Mermaid Adoration; and the tropical climate from A Desperate Situation?! Island Panic!. The plane, I would imagine, is from their travels abroad in Popping In My Heart, and the candy clouds balloon could either also be that event or resemble the clouds in the Smile of a Dreamer cards. I don’t remember where the scary face could be from-- I would posit either a spooky Halloween face for It’s On! Wonder Halloween or the checkered pattern could imply the phantom thieves of A Gentleman Thief’s Thrilling White Day?!. 
Anyways, Tsukasa is clutching on tightly both to the sekai and his memories with his friends. Typical. But could it go deeper than that?
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Again, the balloons are his memories. It’s good that he has them, considering his past history with memories. But here, we get some more interesting insight-- these memories are carrying the travelers. The travelers/stars are surely his troupemates, and Tsukasa believes he is carrying them with his memories. Sure, he’s carrying them with him through what he remembers, but as the leader, I think he believes that he’s the one carrying them forward. Not in a totally vain way, of course-- he loves his friends and thinks they’re all super talented, too. But there is one way that he specifically is undeniably carrying them... and that’s through the existence of his very own sekai.
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That’s why his memories of prior events and the memories of the sekai are so combined. This other post which I adore by @/wondahoiii discusses how sekais are based off of repressed feelings. This makes the Wonderland Sekai, and the fact that it’s a neverending paradise based off of solely Tsukasa’s childhood memories, kind of terrifying.
Wonderlands x Showtime has had a lot of events recently about how much they don’t want their time as a group to end, even though it inevitably will. All four of them have lyrics here about wanting to avoid an ending, while Tsukasa is the only one shown acknowledging its arrival. But, down to the name, Wonderlands x Showtime and the Wonderland Sekai are connected. Since Tsukasa and Rui would have never made up without Kaito and Miku’s help, you could argue that Wonderlands x Showtime couldn’t exist without the Wonderland Sekai. So, in a way, when the members say they don’t want “it” to end, they could also be talking about how they don’t want the Wonderland Sekai to end.
What happens when true feelings are resolved?
If Vivid Bad Squad becomes a tight foursome without envy and insecurity and surpasses RAD Weekend, would they need the Street Sekai to practice in anymore? If Kanade really does write a song that can save Mafuyu, and all the members of Nightcord become mentally healthy, would they need advice from Miku, Meiko, or anyone else anymore? Someday, More More Jump will retire from being idols, right? Would the Stage Sekai still exist, even then?
And what about Tsukasa? If he became a mentally healthy person, one who could retain and potentially regain all of his memories, and make people like Saki smile... what would happen to the Wonderland Sekai?
There’s a certain fear in being the one-man show that fuels an entire universe.
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Tsukasa will do anything to make the people he cares about smile. It’s literally the basis of the Wonderland Sekai itself. So, if the Wonderland Sekai makes Emu, Nene, and Rui smile, of course he would keep it open with all his power. Not to mention that, as reminded by the event story balloons, the Wonderlands Sekai is making his friends better people. Emu has people who unshakably care about her, Nene is overcoming her stage fright, and Rui feels understood and appreciated for the first time ever, thanks to the Virtual Singers inside the sekai. The Wonderland Sekai is making them better.
But at the same time, there’s a problem. As stated, the Wonderland Sekai consists of every happy childhood memory Tsukasa has repressed. For the Wonderland Sekai to exist, Tsukasa has to repress these memories, or else they wouldn’t be “emotions never expressed.” While I would never say that Wonderlands x Showtime was unhealthy for Tsukasa, it’s possible that, to a point, the Wonderland Sekai is. If he wants to reclaim his memories, he has to let the Wonderland Sekai go.
He has to be the one to bring about the catastrophic end.
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It’s not just that Tsukasa wants to keep up a happy attitude so that no one will worry about him, or through some sense of pride at being the unshakable leader with masterful skills of pretending. It may be that Tsukasa is worried that if he shows even a crack, so will the world they’ve come to love. You know-- the one that Hasn’t Even Started Yet.
Which is why Tsukasa will never let go of those balloons. The ones that only contain memories of recent events; nothing about elementary school, or middle school, or even Saki and her heart-wrenching hospital trips. Living in the present, keeping things going, ignoring the past, is the only way to keep the Wonderland Sekai alive in his mind. Until closing time comes, Tsukasa and virtual singers like Luka will share this secret. Just like how Luka is constantly falling asleep, Tsukasa, too, will fall asleep on his own needs to ensure that he’ll keep the never-ending merry-go-round spinning. He’ll give up his own happiness for the betterment of others. He refuses to express his memories in words so that he can bear the burden of carrying the travelers by his side.
For the ultimate sacrifice... the show must go on!
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yncoreee · 2 months
YOU’RE PRETTY. Danielle X reader
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Synopsis— Danielle is happy that you’re finally getting comfortable with her and talking more
Warnings .ᐟ Grumpy x sunshine, Plot twist lol, Jealousy, Advice you to read pt.1, Dani Avoiding y/n, School au, Female reader, FLUFF
꩜ — ⵌWord count 1575
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The last time both Danielle and Y/n had conversed was since After the submission of the art project.
Y/n never bothered to talk to Danielle or even interact with her since they’re done with the “business”.
Meanwhile Danielle on the other kept on thinking of ways to get to talk to her and maybe even be friends.
“Hey y/n!” She smiled at her.
Y/n looked up to her and looked back down at her book. “Oh hey” she mumbled.
“You seems so concentrated on that book, what’s it called?” She asked tilting her head to the side. Although y/n didn’t want to admit it, she found it queit cute.
“Uhh umm it’s just a book I found in the library” y/n said closing the book to see the name.
“Cool. So you’re into books right?” She asked with a small smile.
“You’re into stuffs like art, I’ve noticed” she blurted out. “You’ve noticed?” Y/n asked furrowing her eyebrows as she squinted her eyes a bit.
Danielle’s eyes widened slightly as she realized what she said. “I- uhh I-I didn’t mean l-like…. I wasn’t observing you okay” she spoke placing her face in her palms, her face looking all flustered.
Y/n chuckled At her. “It’s good you’re observing me, you’ll get to know what I like without asking me” Y/n smiled a bit.
Danielle could feel her face heat up. She just realized y/n was the absolute sweetest but just doesn’t know how to express it sometimes.
“Oh…..” she said, still red.
She couldn’t help but notice that y/n had some similarities to a cat and a certain someone.
The bell rang for lunch break. Danielle glanced back at y/n and smiled. “I’ll be going out for break…. And I guess you’ll probably be in class right?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
Y/n nodded her head and watched as Danielle left the class.
As Danielle made her way to the usual table her and her group of friends usually sit she noticed that someone was missing. “Hey where’s Haerin?” She asked, looking around the cafeteria.
“Oh she said that she wanted to see someone” Hyein stated.
“Oh…. That’s fine I guess” she mumbled.
After a few minutes Danielle noticed Haerin hadn’t come back. Worry overcame Danielle’s mind so she excused herself and went on a walk around the school in hopes of seeing Haerin.
She also wanted to steal a quick glance at y/n in the classroom.
When she couldn’t find Haerin she decided to give up and just go spy on y/n.
She did her best to be secretive and peeped a little into the classroom. She gasped lightly at the sight.
There she saw y/n sitting on the spot she left her but Haerin sitting next to her with a lunch box. It seemed like Haerin was feeding her or something.
What also surprised her was y/n clinging onto Haerin. She’d never seen y/n cling onto anyone talk- less of Haerin who was almost the same as y/n.
Y/n seemed a lot closer to Haerin. Danielle noticed y/n acting like a big baby towards Haerin. Why wasn’t she acting this way to her. She thought. She couldn’t help but feel a little pang of jealousy.
Danielle let out a sigh. What was she expecting? Y/n obviously hated her presence and cheerful attitude. There’s no way she would act like that in front of her.
She bit her lips as she left, trying to refrain herself from storming into the room and asking them so many questions.
“Omg Haerin you don’t have to feed me like a baby” y/n spoke refusing to let Haerin feed her the baby style.
“Ahhh Haerin-Unnie, and besides you’re my baby sister” she responded lightly, pinching y/n’s cheeks.
“Girl you’re just 5 minutes older, even people that are born the same year don’t call each other Unnie” y/n said chuckling a bit.
“Five minutes seems like 5 years to me” she huffed, raising her palm up. “Now open wide for the airplane” she spoke, making sounds with her mouth.
Y/n couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed as she watched your own twin sister who was just older BY FIVE FREAKING MINUTES feed her like a baby.
As Haerin finished up her phone lit up meaning she revived a notification. “Oh I’ve got to go, Danielle Unnie is looking for me” she spoke as she packed her things.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. “Wait, you know Danielle?” She asked curiously.
“Danielle Unnie” y/n rolled your eyes at the correction. “But yeah, she’s in my friend group” Haerin added, getting up from the seat.
“Oh that’s cool, it must be really nice knowing somebody as nice and sweet as her” y/n spoke nodding her head.
“Yeah, she’s like a ray of sunshine”
“Okay then, I’ll see you after school” y/n bid goodbye to haerin.
Over the past few days, y/n noticed that Danielle had stopped talking to her and whenever she tried to ask about something or say something, she’d always make up excuses to leave.
Anytime she saw her coming in her direction, she’d immediately turn back and go the other way.
“Why are you being all sulky?” Haerin asked, setting down the food.
“You know Dani Unnie? As in your friend, she keeps avoiding me” y/n huffed crossing her arms over her chest with a slight pout on your face.
“Really? It’s really rare for her to avoid someone, in fact I’ve never seen her avoid anyone but here you are now telling me she’s avoiding you” Haerin said with a shocked expression.
“Wow, that’s….. but don’t worry I’ll confront her about it” Haerin added, patting your head.
“Lover girl” she mumbled but it was audible enough for you to head.
“Hey! I’m not a lover girl!!” You immediately said.
“Yeah yeah whatever, I don’t believe you” she rolled her eyes taking a bite out of your food.
When she was done. She packed up and left the classroom to go to the cafeteria where her friend group usually sat.
“Hey guys!” She greeted them taking a seat next to hyein.
“Oh hey Haerin, where have you been?” Hanni asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Ohhh uhh I was just meeting up with someone” she replied taking a quick look at Danielle.
She could see Danielle had slightly reacted with a scoff. Was she jealous or was she just scoffing because Haerin didn’t give full details.
Haerin couldn’t tell but can you blame her? The world is too slow for her.
Curiosity got the best of her and Haerin Finally decided to speak up. “Hey umm Dani Unnie, you know Y/n right?”.
Danielle’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of your name. “Yeah, why’d you ask?” She asked a little bit confused as to why she suddenly brought y/n up.
“Well, she noticed that you’ve been avoiding her lately….. is there a reason why?” Haerin asked hesitantly.
The others glances at Danielle with shocked expressions listening to the conversation.
Danielle let out another scoff. Of course y/n would’ve told Haerin, she’s probably her girlfriend and they’d share things with each other.
Danielle hesitated before sighing and speaking up. “It’s because she has a girlfriend and I don’t want to be in the way of their relationship” she said, making eye contact with the ground.
Haerin furrowed her eyebrows at Danielle. “Girlfriend y/n has a girlfriend???” She asked.
Danielle face palmed herself. “She does. Haerin and I know it’s you, wait I’m sorry for saying your relationship out like that” Danielle bit her bottom lips.
The others now looked at Haerin with widened eyes.
“Oh my God!” Hyein exclaimed.
Meanwhile Haerin gave Danielle a ‘wtf’ face. “I’m not dating y/n, how can I date her, she’s my sister” haerin suddenly said followed by a silence for 5 secs.
“SISTER?!!” They all exclaimed, including Danielle.
“Yes. She’s my twin sister”
“TWIN SISTER?!!!” They exclaimed again.
“HAHSHSBDBSH HYEIN.exe had stopped working” hyein spoke shutting down. Causing Haerin to giggle.
“Haerin why didn’t you tell us??” Minji asked
“You never asked”
“Why didn’t you introduce her to us???” Hanni asked.
“And introduce my sister to a bunch of losers, no way”
“Anyways, y/n has been sulky because you’re avoiding her, so are you gonna make it up to her or smth?” Haerin asked, raising an eyebrow at Danielle.
Danielle came out from her train of thoughts. “Yeah, I’ll make it up to her. Right now” she spoke getting up.
“You got this Dani!” Hanni said with a cheerful smile giving Danielle a thumbs up.
Danielle couldn't help but feel guilty. It was like she set you up. She started talking to you and acting friendly then all of a sudden she stopped talking and avoiding you.
She felt like a fake friend.
She mentally cursed herself for thinking you and Haerin were dating. No wonder you both looked alike.
As she made her way to the front door of the class she saw you sitting by the window staring outside with your headphones on.
She clutched onto the door knob. Oh how fast her heart was racing. She felt like it was going to explode out of her chest.
“Dani Unnie?”
Part 3, ↳ More grumpy x sunshine here
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midnight-black2 · 4 months
Ahh this is my first time requesting anything but I need prompt 5 for Farleigh 🙈
Imagine him being cocky for getting a higher score than reader and reader basically putting him in his place. 🫣🫣 (also i’m absolutely obsessed with your writing!!)
pairing : farleigh start x reader
synopsis : pretty much what the req says
disclaimers : sub!farleigh, dom!reader, public sexual intercourse (idk what this is called), handjob (m!recieving), slightly mean reader, degradation, ruined orgasm, probably more lol
note : thanks for the compliment ! hope you enjoy this '
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it was by five points, five fucking points, and all farleigh did was torture you about it.
typically, you scored higher than him, mostly because you just straight up put in more effort. he couldn't care less about studying, he was just a naturally good tester. for this reason, he normally knew his place. but the one time he studied and you didn't, the one goddamn time. he wouldn't let you live it out, all he would ever do was talk about it, teasing you and making fun of you.
"wow Y/N, i think you're falling off," he stated, with a sarcastic, disapproving look. he was leaning over, hovering over your shoulder to get a proper look at your score. you were flabbergasted, you actually got a 95%. farleigh had gotten an 100%. if was quite literally embarrassing. that was when it first happened, but he didn't leave it there, oh no.
"ah-ah, don't you think i should skip ahead of you?" farleigh asked, his annoying voice startling you from your thoughts.
"well i got a higher score, those have always been our rules." the thing you hated most was that he was right. it was also stupid because he made the damn rule, and you didn't care about being ahead in the lunch line one way or another. you figured the only reason he had done it was to make victory that much sweeter when he actually did score higher than you. so you stayed silent, letting him sit ahead of you.
and another incident...
"so if anyone here needs tutoring, don't hesitate to ask. our programs are specifically designed to connect students while effectively getting them to learn," mrs. abram spoke, as she handed out tutoring flyers.
farleigh shot you a glance, before mumbling your name, and covering it up with a fake cough. you groaned, with a sigh before frustratedly stuffing the flyer in your bag. he was being insufferable, and there was only so much you could take.
the final (notable) time he teased you, you two were partnered on a history project, the exact class he had excelled on the exam in. of course, just your fucking luck.
as he sat down, he had this complacent smirk on his face that you wanted to slap right off. he set the assignment papers down on the desk, and turned over to face you.
"well, i'm glad we got partnered, yeah? you probably need my help," he said, mockingly.
"jesus christ farleigh it was five fucking points! get over yourself!" there it was, you snapped. it was only a matter of time, though it just so happened to be in the middle of class. farleigh's smirk only grew, as if this was what he had wanted the entire time. the teacher had scolded you for cursing, and almost dismissed you from class. fortunately, you managed to stay, and the whole time you felt the urgent need to snap farleigh in half.
finally, after what felt like days, the class ended. however, instead of heading to the next class, you followed farleigh down the hall, before pushing him inside of some random storage closet. he was about to ask you what you were doing, he was about to leave...until you said something.
"what the fuck, farleigh," you uttered, coldly. he faltered, something in the way you sounded made him feel some sort of way. it was dark, and farleigh couldn't make out much, but if he had to guess, your expression would have been that of a deadpan, glaring into his soul.
"i don't get why you're so mad. i scored higher, and that's final."
"i'm mad because you don't know your fucking place." you spat back, inching closer to him.
"yeah? and what's my place, hm?" he questioned. his voice had an edge to it, but more than that he was genuinely curious.
"beneath me," you answered, no hesitation whatsoever. did you say it because that's what you actually thought? no. were you angry? yes. did you think farleigh would get off to it? also yes--and, he did. he did so much that he was developing a hard-on.
"you sure about that?" he asked, voice wavering.
"your dick is," you replied, gripping his cock in his pants. his knees buckled, and he let out the smallest whimper, that was nearly inaudible. "you're so pathetic, farleigh."
"yeah? well you're still gonna give me a handjob. so pathetic or not at least-" he cut himself off with a moan as you squeezed roughly once again.
"just shut the fuck up for once," you instructed, as you unzipped his fly. you, not-so-gently, took his cock from his boxers. his tip was an angry flushed red, and leaking pre. you chuckled at the sight, and he turned to face away, embarrassed.
you thumbed at his tip, and he whined softly. your fingers formed a circle shape, before sliding up and down at mid-pace. if you didn't want to miss too much of your next class, you'd have to make this quick.
"f-fuck, Y/N," he moaned, bucking his hips up slightly. you placed a hand on his hips to keep them pinned. you sped up your pace just a bit.
"is this what you've been wanting, farleigh? i really don't know how you got an 100% because all you seem to do is think with this stupid cock of yours," you said, as it was your turn to smirk this time. his head tipped back with a strained moan.
"shit, oh my god," he cursed, feeling himself grow close to an orgasm already.
"guess i should've done this a lot sooner, hm? really would've shut you up." your hand became brutal, but god did he like it.
"please," he said, not even sure what he was begging for. it was too much for him.
"please? are you serious? you take what i give you, farleigh." he whined at that, cursing under his breath.
"fuck Y/N, i can't-i...i think im gonna cum," he stammered, as his legs felt light, like they would give out any second. and just like that, you stopped. he whined, as you shoved his cock back in his underwear, and zipped back up his pants. you had left him with a raging boner, and he felt he could cry at that. as you exited the closet, he couldn't help but fear what he had gotten himself into.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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hgfictionwriter · 5 months
Handy - Part Two
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie isn't done helping you with household projects. In fact, she helps you undertake your biggest one yet. But can she finally tell you how she feels? To be determined.
Warnings: None other than it's sickly sweet.
A/N: Thank you SO much for the response to the original post. I'm excited to share Part Two with you all. I hope you enjoy! Part One is here if you need it.
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"Good morning! How is your day going?"
"Morning Jessie :) My morning's going okay. It's still early, so not much to report yet lol. I have a couple of meetings later though. How is your morning going? Let me guess, even though you have the day off, you've been up since pretty much sunrise, you've probably fit in a run, a couple of chapters and had breakfast haha."
"Why do I feel like you're making fun of me? lol. And you may be right about all of those things."
"Not making fun - it's really more admiration. If I had the day off I'd still be fast asleep lol."
"There's nothing wrong with that either. For the record."
"I appreciate the sentiment lol. Very generous of you. So, what do you have planned for your day off?"
You leaned back in your chair and waited as the three dots faded in and out in sequence. A frown crossed your face as they disappeared. Before you could think too much about it they came up again. Another frown creased your forehead as they disappeared once more. You sat up. What was going on?
A few moments later the dots reappeared and shortly after a text mercifully came through from Jessie.
"I'm running some errands in the SW today. I probably won't be too far from your office. If you're not too busy or don't have plans already, maybe we could go for lunch?"
Another text came through a moment later.
"No pressure though."
You leaned back in your chair and smiled. She was really so cute.
It had been a couple of weeks since your impromptu night over at Jessie's. You'd seen each other since, including when Jessie did in fact come by your apartment to patch up the drywall.
That said, lunch together mid-week was something new.
"That sounds great. I'm in a meeting until 11:30, but can meet you after."
"Okay! You know the area, so you pick where and I'll meet you there."
The morning went by quickly and before you knew it you were walking into the restaurant and wordlessly searching the tables until you saw Jessie. If she saw you, she was making a point of not showing it. Instead, she leaned into the menu, studying it rather determinedly.
"Fancy seeing you here," you teased as you grabbed a seat. She looked up, eyebrows high in surprise and greeted you.
"Oh hey!"
You resisted the urge to blush as she - inadvertently or not - looked you up and down.
"I feel like I'm underdressed," she muttered, giving a nod to your business attire before leaning back in her chair and tucking her hands into her hoodie pocket. You gave her a look.
"Don't be silly. You look great." She gave you a dismissive frown and you went on, shrugging off your jacket and picking up the menu. "I hope you weren't waiting long."
"No, no," she dismissed readily as she began reviewing the menu once more. "Gave me time to figure out what I want."
"Okay, good. I always get the poke bowl," you told her and a wry smirk formed on her face as she looked at you over the menu.
"I knew it," she said in a very self-satisfied way.
"You know me so well." You rolled your eyes with a short laugh. "What kind of errands were you running in this part of town anyway?"
You frowned as she lifted her eyebrows high again, forehead creasing as she worked to respond. She didn't avert her eyes from the menu in her hands.
"Uh, just picking up something for the team," she relayed evenly.
"Oh. What was that?" You asked, curious and truthfully a bit skeptical.
The blush she'd been fending off broke through and her cheeks began to glow pink under your scrutiny. She shrugged her shoulders.
"Just some gear. Nothing exciting," she said with a laugh, her voice slightly higher than normal.
"Oh, I thought equipment staff would take care of things like that," you said lightly, immediately seeing her readying a rebuttal. You cut her off with a cheeky remark. "I would've said otherwise that if you just wanted to have lunch together you could simply ask."
Her face grew red and she subconsciously sunk into her chair a bit before righting herself and frowning at you.
"I know that." She nearly pouted before huffing exaggeratedly. She shot you a look and spoke pointedly. "Anyway, I have those new hinges for your cupboard. Does Friday still work for you?"
"It does, thank you," you said, allowing her some reprieve.
You enjoyed your lunch together, and although you wanted it to last longer, you had to be back at the office soon. You'd excused yourself to the washroom and when you came back Jessie was hunched over the table concentrating on something. When she heard the scraping of your chair on the floor she looked up.
"Good timing," she said with a quiet smile as she held out a small folded item for you. "His name is Bernard. He's for you."
The puzzled look on your face was quickly replaced with a wide smile as you realized what it was.
"An origami dinosaur!" You exclaimed excitedly as you looked it over. "The best use of a napkin I've seen yet."
Though Jessie wasn't outwardly beaming, the lift in her shoulders and the brightness in her eyes told you she was pleased by your reaction.
"He's awesome," you told her as you began to tuck him into your bag.
"Oh, I was just kidding, you don't have to keep him. I was just messing around," Jessie said, belated embarrassment now encompassing her. You stilled your movements and shot her a look.
"Throw Bernard away? And you kidding me?" You asked in mock offense. "He's mine now. For good."
Her cheeks were bright pink, but she laughed as she stood.
"So...Friday?" She asked again, a hint of nervousness sneaking back into her voice despite how nonchalant she was trying to make herself look. You nodded decisively.
"Alright. Well," Jessie stalled momentarily scratching her temple idly, her gaze focused elsewhere before she looked to you again with a small smile. "Thanks for having lunch with me. I hope your afternoon goes well."
"Thanks for meeting me. Let me know if you have to run anymore errands around here," you said with the faintest hint of teasing. It was enough to get Jessie to look away and blush once more.
"Yep. I will."
"Bye, Jess," you said easily as you stepped towards her and pulled her into a hug. Though her hold on you was still a bit tentative, like she didn't want to relax into it too much, it was still a far cry from how she'd been that first night.
When you pulled away, her hands went behind her back immediately and she went up onto her tiptoes. "I'll walk you to your car."
"What's this?"
You looked over with a frown. You cracked a smirk as Jessie stood there, looking at you accusingly as she held up a paint swatch as if it was a piece of evidence.
"A paint swatch," you replied slowly.
"I'm aware," she said in exaggeration before looking a bit disappointed. "Why didn't you tell me you were planning to paint?"
You shrugged, really more distracted by how cute and endearing she looked as she pouted.
"Um, I'm sorry?" You offered with lackluster earnest.
She rolled her eyes and walked over to your wall with the swatch. You watched her as she frowned in concentration, lifting her other hand up to rest on her chin as she studied the colours in front of her.
"I think-" she started before turning her head to you. "Wait - do you want my opinion?"
You laughed. "Of course I do. You're my resident handyperson. Personal reno expert. Whatever title you prefer."
Jessie's lips pulled into a tight, shy smile as her cheeks began to grow pink. She turned her attention back to the swatch.
"I like this third one. I think the one above it will just end up too washed out and the one below will make the space feel closed in and small."
"Well, we're in luck, because that's the one I was thinking of."
She gave you a nod of approval before walking back over to you. She folded her arms across her chest, planting her feet and exhaled briefly. She took a moment before looking at you.
"Well. You're going to need a lot of supplies. So, we could go together and get them," she trailed off, her gaze following before resetting. "And it'll take you ages to do this whole place on your own, so," she waved her hand aimlessly for a few seconds, "I can help."
"Jessie." You gave her a pointed look. "As much as I appreciate that, painting is a big ordeal. You've already done way too much for me."
She surprised you by looking nearly hurt by the sentiment.
"I don't mind. Seriously. I told you I was happy to help and I meant it. Mean it." She gave a listless shrug. "I like painting."
"A whole condo?" You scrutinized, arching an eyebrow at her.
She blushed a bit, the smallest of smiles sneaking out as she shrugged once more. "We make a good team."
It should've been no surprise to either of you that it didn't take much convincing for Jessie to get her way. The following week you were driving around town together picking up paint and accompanying supplies.
Again, you had to give yourself a reality check when you and Jessie were wandering the paint aisle of the hardware store together. It was too easy to think of yourselves as something more as you controlled the list (though curated mostly by Jessie...) and she pushed the cart and dutifully retrieved items.
It was pathetic, really, how you were fighting for your life, trying not to smile as you two were leaned in together as you compared and debated two types of paint brushes. You had to roll your eyes at yourself. You were in way too deep.
To make matters worse, Jessie - after bouncing her knee all through lunch and determinedly avoiding eye contract with you - offered to have you stay at her place while painting was under way.
"I'll take the couch again. You really can't stay here with the furniture all awry and tarped, and the fumes."
She was going to be the death of you.
"Okay, so everything's set - we've moved everything, things are tarped, supplies are laid out-"
"Meticulously so," you interjected with a teasing smirk. She shot you a mocking glare.
"We can get taping," she announced patiently.
You walked over wordlessly and removed her hat. You saw her swallow as she looked at you with wide, brown eyes.
"Not your nice hat," you told her as you tucked it away and retrieved a hat of your own. "I don't want you to get paint on it. Here, you can wear mine instead." You placed it on her head with a gentle smile, sure not to laugh at how her cheeks were now burning red.
She cleared her throat and adjusted the hat. "Okay, well, let's get started."
It was only a few minutes in when Jessie interjected.
"What are you doing?" She asked, clearly aghast and not hiding it particularly well.
You sat back on your heels and looked at her.
"Cutting in?"
"Freehand?" She said, her voice rising and narrowing her eyes in sheer disbelief. "That's what the tape-" Jessie's words trailed off as she examined your work. "Oh," sounding nearly deflated. "That's actually quite good."
You gave her a teasingly scrutinizing look as you did air quotes. "'Actually quite good.' Wow. The disrespect." She rolled her eyes at you with a laugh and nearly stamped her foot.
"Come on, you know what I mean."
You shook your head at her. "You're not the only one with skills here, Fleming."
You bit back a smile as her cheeks started to darken. She distracted by readjusting her hat, tucking her hand into her pocket and idly shifting her weight from one foot to the next.
"Is that so?" She asked.
"It is. I just haven't had my chance to shine," you continued cheekily as you stood up.
"Well, what I'm hearing is you don't need my services," she said, a glint now in her eyes.
"Jess." Her name came out like a pout and you gave her arm a gentle shove. She grinned before lifting her chin haughtily and giving a shrug.
"I mean, I can go."
"Jessie," you protested once more, jostling her a bit this time and pulling a wide smile out of her. You gave her a look of warning. "Don't make me beg you to stay."
That glint was still in her eyes as she leaned in and gave you a soft nudge with her shoulder. "Fine. I'll get back to work," she deadpanned.
You worked steadily for several hours, you and Jessie finding a good cadence and coordinating seamlessly early on. You nicked the baseboards and doorframes on a couple of occasions, but it was Jessie's fault. How could you be expected to remain steady and focused when you could see the muscles in her back flex and her calves pop as she maneuvered herself along the wall to paint. And her t-shirt sleeves rolled up onto her shoulders? A little too attractive. Never mind her biceps being on display.
The other close call was when you nearly dropped the roller when you felt her hand on your back as she shimmied past you and around the furniture at one point. The contact was feather-light, but it sent a shiver through you nonetheless.
Eventually, you both took a break, sitting flush against one another on the tarped floor, your backs against the couch that had been moved into the center of the room.
You were taking a sip of water when Jessie's phone began to buzz. You saw her look at it and you told her to take the call.
"Mm. It's just my sister. I'll call her back later." Shortly after the buzzing stopped, a text came through. Jessie read it quickly and sighed before calling her back.
You rose from your spot, aware of Jessie's eyes on you as you did so. You retreated to the other room to give her some space. However, you could still overhear Jessie despite how hushed she was trying to speak. You weren't intentionally trying to eavesdrop, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't curious.
"...I can't right now...I'm out..." A huff. "I'm...at a friend's...No...No...No." Then, in an even more hushed tone. "Y/N's..." Another exasperated huff. "I'll call you later. Yes! Okay. Bye!"
You gave it a few moments, but couldn't resist much longer and came back into the living room to see Jessie looking flustered and a blush lingering on her cheeks. She met your eyes before her gaze darted away.
"Hey," she nearly mumbled before standing up and brushing off her shorts needlessly. You, again, tried not to get distracted by her paint-covered hands. "Shall we continue?"
You worked late into the night finishing a first coat across the rooms before packing it up. Your body ached.
"I can't believe you have a game tomorrow. I'm so sorry," you told her, guilt creeping in.
"What for?" Jessie looked genuinely puzzled.
"Aren't you sore? My back is killing me," you asked incredulously.
"Oh, no, I'm feeling fine. It's good conditioning," she joked. "We'll get you a heat pack when we get back to my place."
You were going to need a hell of a lot more than a heat pack, but you gave her a grateful nod nonetheless. You bent to pick up your overnight bag, but her hand shot out and grabbed it before you could. She stood and swung it effortlessly over her shoulder.
A/N: You all have me so into this now that I couldn't fit everything I wanted into two parts. Third part is available here.
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vampiretendencies · 2 years
come out and haunt me, i know you want me — jj maybank࿐
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summary; putting words in jj’s mouth after an unexpected pregnancy has you uneasy about the future of your relationship along with a gnawing emptiness of what jj will think. warnings; pregnancy, one mention of throwing up, suggestive, talks of sex, fluff, all of my characters are always aged up but they had to be in school for this so i set them in high school, as seniors, making them 18. this takes place somewhat in season 3, except JJ’s house never got the eviction notice and they went back to school. also mention of luke. did it this way cause i felt like i was i need of a new setting other the chateau (rip it will be missed :/) pairing; jj maybank x fem!pregnant!reader authors note; decided to put this one out, as i have gotten a lot of requests about dad!jj and i’m giving them a separate masterlist of their own. i figured they needed to be in order lol. so i guess in a way this can be considered the first of dad!jj series. cred to gif owner !
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You’re spiraling over the life forming inside of you and JJ—oddly enough is fretting about his class project final. Something that would usually be of no concern to JJ, but he actually wants to pass senior year.
Building an ancient, time-consuming model of some old landscape and having an actual child were two completely different things. From opposite worlds and of varying natures.
Spontaneous cravings all the way down to a late period.
It’s instinct really, to skip school and confirm your suspicions— though, it’s pretty much certain. JJ caught on half way throughout the school day, so wrapped up in this project that he hadn’t noticed you slipping away. Sneaking out of the exit door after throwing up rancid lunch. If he was aware, there’s not a doubt that he would have followed. He was the one that showed you that escape route from the hell site on a monday long ago when school was too much to bare— that was when the two were freshmen, for now they are seniors carrying the weight of the future on their shoulders, including the plus one in your belly.
You’d sobbed profusely into your knees, they were pulled all the way up to your chest on that tiled floor. The detrimental pregnancy test, with two lines, is sat atop JJ’s bathroom counter, taunting you in a manner of ‘now you have to face me.’ Debating whether or not to take this as life altering or life shattering. You knew JJ like every crevice in the palm of his hand, but you could never be set on his reaction for something like this. Always prominent in his ways about 'being in this for the long run', could having a baby change that?
You had to tell him, there was no other way around it. For it's always been a do tell promise that nothing goes unsaid in the relationship.
"What the fuck am I gonna' do?" Is all that curses past your lips repeatedly through choked tears.
The tears are not for the tiny being inside you; its fear. The fear of the unknown, or the uncertainty. So young, so much ahead. A small sliver of a thought that maybe you'd have to do this alone.
Your heart almost falls to the heals of your feet at the doors opening and closing, and the throwing down of book bags. Shakily pressing your finger to the phone that's beside you, the time reading 2:30 PM, meaning school was over and you'd have to get your act together to face JJ. Whom, had left you several missed calls and text messages concerning your whereabouts. Even so, it would be of no surprise to JJ that you were here; basically, here every day and home when you had to be, that's how the story goes. It's imaginable that you'll be sticking around as often as you'd be able to, because telling your parents would indefinitely make them disown you. Having a baby with the Luke Maybank's son and the towns 'well-known kleptomaniac' wouldn't exactly be music to their ears. The only positive in that picture is that Luke's not around, you and JJ have been slumming it in his childhood home since. You'd helped him fix it up so that it would be 'livable', and he adored that someone would cherish him that much to do such things. He'll have another form of adoration, soon enough though.
"JJ, a beer is not gonna' help you get this shit done."
You could hear John B mumble at JJ, and as it would to most curiosity strikes. Taking in the push and pull of the standard refrigerator, not far away, the bathroom, kitchen, and living room all but feet away from each other. Easy access to eavesdrop and hear whatever words were to slither out of someone's mouth. God, you swore the walls were bound to cave in and topple atop of you. You picture John B's mouth agape and disgusted at JJ's lack of focus.
"Get's my brain goin', y'know."
His voice that you'd usually get giddy everywhere from hearing, is now taunting you; making your insides turn to mush. Quick to your feet, you clamp your ear to the chipped door whilst fixing your disheveled hair in the mirror, by tucking it behind your ear and wiping away the salty tears with pad of your thumb. Something JJ would do impulsively. As well as, the little pink and white stick that's knocking the breath from your lungs and tucking it in the back pocket of your printed shorts.
"You ready to start?" John B sighs exasperatedly. Aware that his best friend is never prepared for anything. You aren't sure of what they are 'starting' but you can't help but wonder if JJ's caught on, if he's noticed the tendencies you've acquired since becoming pregnant. Already being hesitant on telling him of the stick you peed on, or that this is going to dictate the course of the rest of his life. Is the new formation of hormones within you causing you to twist words or is it plain truth?
One could only hope.
"M'not even ready yet, need to do so much stuff before I'm ready."
It stings; like multiple daggers had been chided at your heart or a million bee's attacking. This only makes since that he's referring to not wanting to be a father, right? What else could he possibly not be ready for? It's assuming, it's jumping to conclusions, but right now it makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything else. JJ's capable of eons of things, being stuck with you and a baby for the rest of his life may not be in his peripheral. He's confirming it right now, you just heard it with your own two ears.
Unbeknownst to you it was a about a damn silly school project and that he would've stretched time and space to keep his profound little family in one piece. If only he'd known. If only you'd told him.
There were no supplies, no class instructions, to justify that it was only a monumental historic copy for Mr. Sunn's class. Just conversation.
You physically can't allow the words to come out of your mouth, for it will be in the form of word vomit after his resonating and everlasting statement. You can't face him, no, not about the life he helped form. Too soon, and too much. Selfishly, he's not ready but you want to hang onto him a little longer. With JJ is where you reside, and you desire to bury the love he's giving you and harvest it deep down; enough for two. He's not prepared, and all you're hearing is this is this the end of all you've ever known.
World record for misunderstandings.
John B was on the verge of speaking, yet he doesn't when the bathroom door creeks open. You appear in frame, a shell of the person you were moments ago, unevident that you'd shed enough tears for a small river. The hiding is beginning, you decide to swallow it down and keep it there. Dreaming up all the ways you'd have to conceal as huge a secret as this.
Trepidation; of JJ, and for yourself and the baby; blistering, mirroring that of an open scar.
"Is that my girl?!"
You're met with John B sprawled out on the vacant leather couch, another thing Luke destroyed alike with JJ. And, JJ's practically jumping from the recliner and swarming you in a hug that makes you form a half enticing grin whilst smothering you into his large chest. His sleeveless arms bulking in size at this gesture.
"Great, now we really aren't gonna' get anything done," John B grabs at his temples in annoyance. The partnered project supposed to be the focus of today. Conscious of the fact that anytime you are around JJ loses all logic because you become the center of attention. As if half his brain flies out the window he's so invested in you, rather than anything else. He gives up on any aspiration that this replica will be finished. You still saunter on about what exactly they 'have to get done', but they are almost always up to something. JJ's out of context words were what gave need be, and you were fixed on that.
"What happened today? Been thinkin' about you like crazy."
"Nurse sent me home."
You fib so harshly that is burns past your lips, the lie is so loud you're amazed he didn't see through it. You mumble into his chest has him releasing you, only to cup your cheeks in a squishing manner. He’s disastrously anguished to maul you with affection, but he decided to spare John B the show.
"Everything alright?"
And he tries to read your wandering eyes, but still taut eye contact is there so he thinks nothing of it. It is when you won't look at him that he's concerned, however you still do.
An 'act normal' practically engraved in your thoughts. When you really want to break away from his hold and run for the hills.
"Just a bad lunch."
"Yeah, that school meatloaf'll get you, baby."
Blonde fluffed out tresses catch glance and your mixed up mind is pondering on what color hair the baby will have. Will the small child be a constant reminder that their dad 'wasn't ready?" Stood together in the open space of his connecting hallway, you'll look back on this in utter agony.
"She told me to rest."
You mutter it softly whilst JJ has a stupid lovesick grin plastered on his face, peering down at you like you are his lifeline. And you're peering up at him, with a small glint and awareness that he'd be gone with the wind when you reveal the surreptitious unknown.
"Want me to come with you? I'll have this wrapped up in like ... five minutes," he's eager that you'll say yes, mustering a middle finger at John B who is sighing in vexation. What he would give to pass senior year, John B fully know's he'll have to beg Pope to do this for the both of them.
It's an immediate no, he's 'not ready', therefore a cuddle is the last thing that needs to happen. Maybe if you wouldn't have eavesdropped you could've just lived in ignorance bliss.
Though it was never the truth.
"No!," you somewhat interject, keeping the cause of all this in mind. "No J, m'really tired, finish what you were doing yeah?"
His grin immediately falls to a pout, he can't force you if you won't let him. Instead he says nothing, shaking his head 'yes' with knitted eyebrows. Pulling your cupped cheeks in closer to feather multiple light pecks to your hairline, each one more eternal that the last.
With recollection that you'd be gulping down this hard to swallow pill on your own.
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Coping; all you can manage to do.
Between punching multiple hard to find holes in your bedroom walls and covering them up with posters to gut-wrenching, pillow-screaming whimpers.
How does one ever truly 'get ready' for bringing a new life into this sought out world?
You'd been wallowing in the despair of having to be both a mother and a father, with JJ saying such things— it's nearly certain he'll be out of the picture.
Alike with you, avoiding him on any given occasion.
Saturdays were date night and he consistently topped the last date, because even if schedules weren't aligning throughout the week he'd have that day to make it up to you, how ever he saw fit.
You ditched.
Texting something about, 'parents are on my ass, can't come tonght.'
On all occasions you found a way despite your parents thoughts, so JJ's suspicion is growing like immovable fire.
With that being said, a day later, he was secure in providing you with a loving semi-guilt trip, along the lines of 'if you don't come over tonight you are confirming that you don't love me anymore,' with a dauting smiley face.
Such a baby, unfortunate that he's not prepared for one because they would've gotten along just fine.
The reasoning behind why you are hopelessly distant from JJ in his twin sized bed. He's grumbling and mumbling after you pushed him away with a 'm'too hot right now.' Blankets thrown about in such a dimly lit room, his vivdly colored TV played a miscellaneous movie whilst his bedside table lamp joined in with its yellow toned rays.
His arms behind his head, colliding with the headboard in such a sensous way, shirtless figure scanning yours in yearning. Jesus, he just wanted to delve into your skin.
How could he ever resist you.
If he can't consume you with his fondling embrace, he will caress what's in reach.
Touching hard on his thoughts, whilst the likelihood of raising a baby on your own is arising in yours.
It's roaring loudly, along with the reality that you hid it from him.
What would've been the right thing to do?
A wash of panic prods, with JJ's lingering touch now against your skin. His digits dance like clockwork, ghosting your inner thigh. Before you can even retch out a 'stop' he's beneath the material of your old Bait Shop t-shirt that he lended you. Palming the skin expertly, and while he's at it he inches closer with his breath thick against your ear. Your mouth ran dry, lying still and flat in awkwardness, prying your focus on the random film. The small twin bed not giving you enough time or space to come up with another excuse.
"Missed you so much."
His voice is raspy against your ear, igniting every filament of your body that belonged to him. The hold he had on you, sickening and you are conversant with what's about to leave his mouth.
The more he keeps circling, and clinging to the small mound of your stomach, the more his mind goes blank. It had this particular bludge to it and he can writhe it beneath his fingertips. Horror fills your irises, whilst a bewildering form of fascination filled his.
There's no right way to ask as woman if their stomach has gotten bigger or if they've been eating more. That's like asking to get beat with a bat. You just don't.
JJ has foraged every unreachable portion that molds you and that ... that wasn't there.
That undeniable little Goddamn baby bump wasn’t there.
He’s studied you inside and out, and that just wasn’t there.
It’s freshly shaped and growing with glee.
His repeated motions are coming to a halt and they pause directly in the middle. Feeling for what he deemed this to be.
What the fuck? It runs rampant in his mind— not negatively he just doesn’t know what to think, how to say it, or how to not come off as a complete dick by asking what he’s about to ask.
“Your belly is more round than usual.”
Merely thought out, and not too harsh. Just stating the obvious at the rounded baby bump that’s colliding with his calloused ring-clad fingers. The entirety of his large hand sprawled out in separated fingers. He sits straight up, hairs on the nape of his neck screeched outwardly.
“M’ a bit bloated.”
You don’t take his words to heart as it’s obviously not from that. You smile, lying through your teeth once again. And JJ senses it, this is as pregnant a stomach if he’s ever touched one. His hands fall backward, beaming down at you in longing that you’ll change your answer.
“Bloated baby? That’s— that’s not … bloated.”
There’s no interest in continuing on with this facade he’s felt it, he’s not a complete idiot. What informed John B of chants wickedly and is beckoning you not tell him. You’ve found you way back to his room with reason, so what’s the use in hiding it anymore. The bump would’ve become more noticeable anyway, you couldn’t have gotten away with it forever.
“M’pregnant J.”
You are seated upward now, facing him whilst reaching for his large hands to take them into your smaller ones. Shared hands, facing eachother in criss crossed stances on that same old twin mattress. He shakes his head back in forth in disbelief— how is this real?
“W-what?! When did you find out? How?— shit. I mean I know how … there was the time in the bathroom at the Wreck … and that one time in the twinkie … and-and let’s not forget about the time in the kitchen-“
“J, that’s not important right now, focus.”
You remind in interruption, nagging off his antics about the shared sexual rendezvous. The only only thing … the only fucking thing JJ feels right now is sheer euphoria at the moment he gets to meet the little baby.
Always envisioning of being a father and giving his children all the love he had stored away from the beckoning of Luke. The love he got from his father was convenient love, and after every fight his dreams of the future family he could have grew tenfold.
“We’re having a fuckin’ baby?!”
The fact the you didn’t tell him beforehand is in the back of his mind, but he’s overlooking it in sheer elation. Joy for what’s to come. For even that promise to tell each other everything is not enough to ruin this moment for him.
“Yes, J.”
“Let me see!”
He’s anxiously lifting the bottom of the shirt up, revealing a plump baby bump purging outwordly. And a toothy shit eating grin is plastered on his sweet lips, awe is evident and he’s stricken with amazement. You couldn’t have asked for a better reaction, a better lover. Breezing past the part of him not being ready, because clearly you read into things too deeply if this is his truthful response. And it is, it’s so genuine you feel it in your bones. As he’s colliding his hands with your stomach once more, and connecting his lips with yours in celebration. Molding and mixing them together with ease, an effortless depiction of besot.
If only he could frame this and let it drift on for eternity.
“Carrying our baby so perfect, pretty girl.”
Letting this little heavenscent angel inside of you be a reminder that misunderstandings are a bitch.
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chaithetics · 4 months
frothing at the mouth for any norm fics
Gaps of Sunlight
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Pairing: Norm Maclean (Fallout) x f reader Word count: 4.5K Gif by @klausbens Warning: Barely proofread, pining, longing, maybe a little fluff and angst? a jab at Chet's weird crush, this is set before the events of Fallout S1 so some 'foreshadowing' I guess but doesn't have any spoilers! Mitski inspired! A/N: Ask and you shall receive 🙏(translation: thank you for enabling me!!!) This is my first time writing Norm and it's the most fun I've had with writing a fic in a long time! I feel like I'm a more descriptive writer and I haven't had an idea flow like this in quite a while. I feel like this is similar to 'Porce and the Shark' in terms of writing? Idk how well this flows as a story lol?!?! I've barely written any angst and I haven't really done any yearning, so I hope this is good! So please validate, I just felt like I was never going to finish or/fix it enough so I thought I'd post it as is. Thought about the queen of angst, @inknopewetrust's work a lot when I started writing this. Comments and reblogs are really appreciated 🫶
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You lay in bed as you couldn’t help but think about it all. Once again. You could go outside to the corn fields but all that could offer you was a projection from a time and place well before you were even conceived as an idea. You’d never really know what the sunlight felt like, how it would heat your chin and what it would be like to bathe in that light. You had tried to live vicariously through that with what approved, classic literature had survived the war and through the vaults. Shakespeare didn’t offer you much beyond metaphors that were just out of your grasp with relatability to your environment, you hadn’t particularly enjoyed Chaucer, an opinion you’d kept from your father. While the Brontë sisters were able to perfectly let you know what rain in a different continent would’ve felt like against your face and how it would’ve smelt and made your shoes feel to run across an English countryside, they never enlightened you about what being bathed in sunlight would feel like. There were only so many times you could read and annotate Homer’s works awaiting a revelation. 
Despite how everyone else moved around Vault 33, it was impossible for you to not help but wonder more of life. What it all was, and what it all meant. 
You pull yourself out of a possible mental spiral and quickly get ready for the day as it eases on just as every other day does in the Vault. There’s breakfast with a pleasant conversation with your family, and you teach English classes to the youth of Vault 33, you participate in other extracurriculars just like most of the other Vault dwellers but teaching takes up the bulk of each of your days. You don’t mind that at all though, you enjoy it, even on days where everything feels like a complete rut. The mornings when the blue of the vault suits feels like too much, the pleasantries feel more like programming than authentic connections. 
It had started like every other day and classes had happened accordingly, there was now the communal reprieve of lunch. As you slowly chew you look up and see him across the dining hall, despite being from the poster-perfect vault family, he’s Vault 33’s very own black sheep, Norman MacLean. He’s sitting there silently while his dad and Lucy are happily chatting away. Each taking turns trying to lure him into conversation, which he rejects each time with a quick, blink and you’ll miss it shake of his head. The same expression he always wears these days and has for years is etched onto his face, a chronic look of apathy. 
You can’t help but stare at him for a moment, watching the way he looks on almost blankly. Even from across the room, you can see every thought in those brown doe eyes as if he’s saying them aloud. How is it that he’s still so misunderstood? 
You’d grown up with Norm, he’d always been nice to you, even when you were at school. But that wasn’t exceptional, that was the whole thing with vault-dwellers, being nice people, even from a very young age. It’s not exactly a melting pot of cultures in the Vault like you know the surface once was but the culture is to be nice, chirpy, and practical. 
Norm was nice, he had a quiet charm, he’d be a good politician, just in a different way and style as his father, he was practical but he didn’t have a cheery disposition. He lacked enthusiasm and at times it seemed to almost fascinate him how much that little rebellion could bother people. He didn’t put himself out there and you remember how he was smart, he knew answers to the questions that were asked but he’d never put his hand up for them. 
It made you wonder at times if he was scared of his own voice. You feel your eyes squinting as you look at him wondering that question, as if studying his jawline for another minute or watching him lift his fork up to his mouth will tell you. 
With a deep breath, you tilt your head discreetly to look around to see if anyone noticed your infatuated staring but nobody seems to. You still put a polite, chirpy smile on your face in case anyone did. That should be enough for anyone to notice anything your eyes might’ve been betraying. 
Your mind still stays on him, because as always, you might see him better than anyone else but he is still a puzzle with pieces you have yet to find the corners to.
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You’re sitting near the cornfield, trying to live vicariously in a world that’s not yours, one that will always be out of touch, just trapped into ink on a page and repeated for the ears of children, to fulfil a mission. But it’s his voice that pulls you out of the inner world of classical Greek horrors. 
“Sunny day today.” He says as he looks down at you as you sit on the chair and look at his standing form. He says it as if it isn’t sunny every day with that projection meant to convince you of what the surface once knew and not instead fall flat and be more reminiscent of golden Hollywood-esque crops on sets of the films that have survived. Norm’s voice is quiet, he’s just as soft-spoken as you remember him being so long ago. His tone is bored, but it doesn’t deter you, how could it when he’s standing in front of you looking into your eyes? 
He looks into your eyes, taking in the colour, worried that someday he could forget the flicks closest to your eyes. They might rearrange if he doesn’t look at them for another ten seconds to appreciate them. He could forget them. But he never would. 
“Just like your disposition.” You quietly tease, offering him a shy smile. 
Just as if it’s somehow not always sunny, a rare occasion worth being spoken about, so is his unchanging character. But beyond adding in a couple of cups of more confidence perhaps, you don’t think there’s much else that could be worth editing. 
“And for that exact reason, I’m surprised I’m getting a job transfer with the reasoning being my enthusiasm levels.” He says with a breathless chuckle. 
You tilt your head as you look up at him, he’s still standing, the toe of his shoe almost toying with something invisible on the artificial emerald green grass. You’d put your thumb in your book when he’d arrived but now you put your bookmark in and gently close it. Placing it gently on your lap. 
It hadn’t been that long since you’d both finished your education, having had jobs and duties in the vault was important for its efficiency and functionality. But still, this wouldn’t be Norm’s second job. You were still the teacher you’d been assigned at the start of your adult life, most people in the vault only ever had one job, sometimes they would change and so have had two in their whole life and of course, there would be a change of two or sometimes three for overseers, but three while still being so young was very rare. You had questions and internal crises about this world all the time, there was always a moment somewhere in your world that you felt slightly out of place. But still, contentment had found a way to settle in your bones much easier than it did for him. 
“What were the enthusiasm levels?” You ask quietly, slowly blinking. You already know the answer. 
Norm looks down at the ground, at the grass he could tug out and it would just never grow back. No matter how desperately everyone would want to pretend it would. His foot is so close to yours, mere inches away, the toe of his shoe could just brush against yours and no one would know. 
“Nought.” He says with disinterest, he slightly shrugs his shoulders as his eyes stay planted on the ground. 
“Something will stick eventually.” You say. 
You say stick, you don’t say that there will definitely be something he loves or that it’ll all be okay, it’s not what he wants to hear and you don’t know if there’s a role in this world that you both live in that would fulfil him as much as his father is fulfilled by being Overseer. He appreciates that. But he needs to change the subject. 
“Is a literature teacher always reading?” He questions as if it’s a riddle that might amuse him. 
“More likely to happen than finding them counting.” You say as you tilt your head. You don’t remember the last time he approached you for conversation, or the last time that he did and there were this many words. It would’ve been back when you were younger, still classmates. You can’t track an exact memory down which surprises you.
“So, what’s that one?” He asks looking at the book in your lap for a moment before his eyes slowly gaze back to your face, making eye contact for the first time in over a minute. You can’t help but feel your cheeks heat up at this. You feel seen as his eyes rake up and take in every facial feature and unique mark on you. 
Everyone makes a false and fatal assumption about Norm. They assume that because he’s not extroverted and over-the-top warm like Lucy or Hank, that he’s not charming. That’s complete crap. You know it’s false. He’s not the same as his family or a lot of the people in your home vault but without a doubt, Norman MacLean oozes charisma. He knows just when to turn it on and how to utilise it in the best way with each person. And right now, it’s working on you. 
“The Three Theban plays, by Sophocles.” You whisper as your eyes bore into him, you don’t dare to blink. Too scared that he might just disappear if you do, and that when your eyes open again, this will all be confirmed as another of one of your many daydreams about him. “They’re tragedies, I’m reading Antigone, at the moment.” You feel yourself latching each word onto the next word as if you’re climbing a ladder and need to build more rungs at the same time, there’s some intrinsic need in you to draw this out for just a few more moments. His presence gives you some kind of glow. You finally blink, your eyes not able to hold it anymore, he’s somehow still standing in front of you once your lids open. You immediately wonder if you’ve said too much and try to fight the urge to sigh but the urge to not let on how embarrassed you feel is more of a priority, you need to keep that internal. 
“And what has that taught you?” He asks with a small smile. 
Someone else might’ve found the tone cold. If someone else had asked that exact question, it might’ve felt condescending. But you know exactly what it is. 
Norm knows better, not better than you, he’s not that kind of arrogant. It’s because he’s always known that he knows better than most in these reinforced concrete and metal walls you all live in. But you live in a meritocracy. Everyone is in constant pursuit to be kind and to better and upskill as a contributing member of Vault society. Of course if someone’s openly reading it’s an academic pursuit, to be more well-read, that they can learn an important tale and moral lesson, or to use it as a quote to whip out at a convenient time in a council meeting or for intellectual criticism of another philosopher or writer’s thesis. And you both know it’s why each book that was chosen for survival by Vault-Tec was carefully curated, all in the name of intellectual pursuits and other reasons beyond either of your imagination. 
“Just further proof why we have rules against familial relations.” You reply after a slow blink, you remember what his sense of humour used to be like in class, how teachers would occasionally stifle an eye roll and sigh or would take a moment to then replaster their smile back on. You look at him, and your eyes can’t help but take in the shape of his nose as if you hadn’t already committed it to memory a thousand times before now. 
“Hah.” He says quietly, as if it’s amusing, which he finds to be a little as he lets out a small chuckle and his mouth quirks up and that makes you happy. It’s an expression that doesn’t grace his handsome face often. “Might need to pass that on to Chet, if that’s the case, I doubt he’s read it.” 
You let out a chuckle at that, and Norm’s brow furrows for a mere second as he takes you in. His mouth is still in a small smile but not many people find his humour to actually be humorous, his father and Lucy love him but he earns more small sighs and tired smiles from them than anything close to a laugh. 
“I’ll let you know when I’m done with this copy.” You reply with another slow blink. 
You watch his mouth, mentally tracing his lips with your eyes as he sucks his lips for a moment and nods, his eyes dropping to the ground again. It’s only then that you realise how close the toes of your feet are to each other. He couldn’t be looking down because of that, or thinking about that though. You are cursed to yearn in silence. “Appreciate it.” He says with a small smirk as he looks up at your eyes, he raises his eyebrows slightly to replace any verbal goodbyes and he walks off. 
Norm leaves you as he found you minutes before, all alone in false sunlight with a book in your hands. You still haven’t found the missing puzzle pieces. 
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It had been four days now. Four days since you’d had that conversation with Norm, there had been plenty of stolen glances, and a few returned smiles when your eyes met across corridors or the dining hall, but Norman MacLean was still, one of the only things occupying your mind.
You wouldn’t complain, why would you? How could you when the fact that those glances, and snippets of conversations were now a supercut in your head that provided comfort whenever you started to get into another emotional crisis about vault life and what the history was that had brought everyone to this point. But still, you couldn’t help but sometimes worry over this yearning. How unrequited it could be. How unrequited it felt. 
You felt a hunger in the pit of your stomach each time that you saw his shadow, each time you two made eye contact you couldn’t help but feel as if it was a caress on your skin, even though the only time he’d touched you was to help you up when you’d fallen over outside when you were seven. He’d insisted on being the one to put the excessive amount of band-aids on your grazed hands. Hank had stood back and watched, finding it endearing, how concentrated Norm’s face was at such a young age. Maybe they should’ve thought about trialling him in medicine, but no, he probably still lacked the desired enthusiasm during the first-aid training vault-dwellers did. 
You were seated with your family for a council update, everyone gathered to sit on the folded chairs, you and your family were always extremely punctual, you sat with them on one side while the other was still a row of a few empty seats. 
As people slowly trickle in you see Norm come in, he looks mentally fatigued as he looks around, you turn your head to face your family so you don’t catch his eye in hopes of him not noticing your stare. How pathetic would he think you are if he saw you looking at him like a wide-eyed puppy, begging for love? You can imagine, but you don’t want to know. After a moment you hear somebody sit down next to you, the chatter of people finding seats fills your ears but you don’t hear any from whoever sits down. You feel their arm brush against yours, you know it’s nothing but you instinctively turn to see who it is and to give them a polite and welcoming smile. 
It’s Norm. Of course, it’s Norm. But why is it? He’s just facing ahead so he hasn’t acknowledged you yet, although you’re sure he can see your smile and look in his peripheral vision. “Hey.” You say quietly in a warm voice as you look at his handsome side profile, he shouldn’t look that good. His face shouldn’t be so perfectly sculpted. “Hi.” He says quietly as he tilts his head giving you a small look that seems dramatically playful which makes you smile, and let out a silent chuckle. Norm’s face turns back ahead to face the front where his father now stands and the council sit. Your eyes follow his gaze and you turn back in your seat to look straight ahead as Hank MacLean starts his updates in his usual down-to-earth, selfless leader tone. 
You can’t help but wonder if this is a sign, him choosing this seat, you even wonder if his arm brushing against you was intentional as he sat down and then again you wonder if you were being crazy for wondering that. As Hank’s words go on to fill the air, they don’t really fill your head, that’s too busy being at full capacity with thoughts of Norman. You rub your chin after a moment, hoping the feeling of your fingertips and nails against your chin might create a sensory distraction. You get a completely different kind of sensory distraction when his arm gently brushes against yours as he leans back in his seat, he adjusts himself so that your shoulders are touching and you can feel his arm against yours. You can’t help but silently gasp, hoping he doesn’t hear it and your breath traps itself as you hold your breath. Feeling far too scared to move. It has to be intentional, you look at him through the corner of your eye as you try not to move. He’s still looking ahead, his expression unfazed as he looks at the people in front of him but he’s still sitting in that position. He hasn’t moved his arm. 
It’s intentional. 
You try to breathe again as your cheeks heat up, and you bite the corner of your lip. The feeling of his arm against yours sends shivers up your spine and you can feel the warmth of that small point of contact radiating throughout the rest of your body. 
The connection you feel with Norm is deep and for the first time in quite a while, this simple gesture of touching arms makes you wonder if these years of yearning maybe aren’t unrequited. You feel your shoulders start to slowly rise and fall again at this thought, this movement hasn’t disturbed Norm away. A smile grows on your face like the corn that’s picked around the year, as you smile and look ahead. The meeting continues like this, it isn’t till the end that you lose that gentle, physical touch, sweet connection that you long for as Norm gets up and leaves to carry on with his day, you smile as he stands up, he gives you as small smile and walks away. You’re now touch-starved all over again, and you think it feels more hollow after feeling a touch from him. 
Maybe one day it won’t be just your arms touching but instead your hands, your hands will brush against each other and then your fingers will interlock together. You’re better at camouflaging but you’re certain that your souls are made of and connected by the same things. 
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It’s been what feels like an eternity since you felt Norm’s simple touch, it’s occupied every thought and been the reason behind nearly every smile since it happened. The question is though, has it been haunting Norm at all? You know he isn’t seeing anyone, secrets like that don’t exist here and it would certainly be talk with how introverted Norm is. 
Hours is the amount of time you’ve spent trying to think of a reason to approach him but nothing feels right and you decide against it anytime you get close to it. You try to find any excuse to visit him and the one you can think of is beyond pathetic, and you know that. 
You find another copy of a collection of plays and decide to give it to Norm, for him to decide whether he wants to read it or to fulfil a bit. It’s not a good reason, but it’s the best you’d been able to come up with. And at least with the book in your hands there would be some comfort in the pages, the smell of them and the remaining dust that haunted the corners that had been facing the wall. It can ground you and be something to hold onto anxiously while you make a fool of yourself. Norm conveniently answers after you’ve knocked at the MacLean family unit. He looks at your face and raises his eyebrows slightly, his face switches from an apathetic expression to one a bit warmer. “Hey.” You say, smiling at him but you think it must come off as panicked and scared as you look at him with wide eyes and feel an anxious parasite growing and feeding off of you in your brain. 
“Hi.” He says as he steps back letting you come into the unit. You walk in, and it’s nice and tidy but it’s the same as essentially your family unit and every other unit in Vault 33. You blink as you look around for a couple of seconds and your eyes land back on him, he’s been watching you the whole time. 
“After Lucy?” He asks and you feel your cheeks heat up, you liked Lucy, she was an extremely lovely person and you did consider her a close friend. “No.” You shake your head, the admission makes you feel like coming here was an even worse idea than what you thought it was just a few minutes ago. “I brought a copy of tragedies, in case you needed any dark reading, or wanted to… pass them on…” You continue and bite your lip for a second. 
Norm lets out a little chuckle that shakes his shoulders for a second but it’s borderline silent, almost not real. He looks into your eyes and takes a step closer, you’re not sure if he’s going to do the hospitality script you learn from a young age of offering a glass of water or cup of old Joe. 
Instead, he quickly steps closer and Norm places his hands on the back of your neck, you sharply exhale and you know that the hair on the back of your neck is standing up. The feeling of goosebumps on every inch of your skin overwhelms your senses as his lips finally crash down. 
His lips are slightly chapped and you can feel that against yours, the fine lines and cracks as they press against your mouth. There’s nothing you can do but melt into his touch as you’re overcome with warmth. But there isn’t anything else you’d want to do anyway. 
There’s nothing else you can imagine feeling that feels this good. You kiss him back instinctively and put your hand into his hair as he deepens the kiss, his hair is soft and you run your fingers through it as you feel his tongue, and it’s a clash of your mouths against the other. 
You immediately wonder if the physical warmth of where your bodies come into contact, his breath against your face, his warm lips, and the warmth that envelops you internally is what sunlight feels like. This feeling basks you in what you imagine would be similar to being basked in the light of sunrays would. 
You don’t know how long this lasts, it feels like a sweet lifetime but still deliciously short as you kiss and feel his hair while his hand is gentle on the back of your neck. Like all things, it eventually ends. You look at each other with widened eyes and pant as your lips are no longer in contact. Your cheeks heat up and you almost want to giggle. You see his face is flushed and his eyes shine, you think it’s adoration but you could be projecting. 
“My dad will be back soon.” He whispers knowingly as his eyes look glassy. “Oh.” You look around as if that’ll help you feel more composed. You weren’t expecting this to end so abruptly, this felt like something straight out of a dream and now it was a cold end, something want to shapeshift into a nightmare. You know you should leave, you’re feeling far too flustered to try and have a conversation with Hank and you know this isn’t a conversation Norman wants to try navigating around with his father. “We um… Well, we need to talk…” You breathe out. 
He smiles and whispers your name, the tone is reverent as he says each syllable. “Not now.” His eyes look a little less glassy but it’s still a visible sheen and you can see it, the sun has withdrawn a little.  
“Not now?” You repeat, it comes out as a shaky question though as you feel every muscle in your body tense.
This is rejection, this is what puts all those protagonists you’ve read of into a depression that only the seaside can cure if anything can cure it. Being in this vault, you don’t think you can ask for cornfield projections to change to windy cliffs with waves crashing and the artificial grass to be replaced with manmade sand. You’d always wondered about the sunlight but now you’d have to wonder what sand from a beach felt like as well. 
“No.” He whispers. “That isn’t fair. Tomorrow?”
“I don’t know.” He blinks and his cheeks are flushed as he looks at you. 
“When?” “Maybe when you finish the book, not a copy, your book.” 
“Not a copy?” Your face scrunches up, as your brain runs screaming. 
“No.” He answers. “Yours probably has thoughtful annotations or something right?” He asks. 
“Or something.” You whisper back. 
“I’ll read that.” He says. 
You nod, as you pick up the spare copy and walk out from the MacLean unit, you don’t feel like you’re controlling your body right now, it must be some form of muscle memory.  Maybe you need to read and reread every book in the vault to further investigate if what you just felt was sunlight. Or, you wonder, are you still under gaps of sunlight, missing Norm more than anything?
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hwaslayer · 1 year
project: make you love me (jyh) | four.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 5.6k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing/mature language, chaery being bold per usual lol (but shes a cutie and we love her), oc and yunho get to know each other more, mentions of sickness/being ill (not oc or yunho), yunho's mom is a single mom, hwa gets a little 😕 but oc knows how to put her foot down, say hello to mingi!!, mingi brings something up and it kinda rubs yunho the wrong way but boy has patience
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"We're getting lunch with Jongho and them. Coming?" You shake your head as you walk alongside Soobin, with Seungmin and Chaery trailing behind.
"Nope, no can do." You say. "I'm taking Yunho to lunch to repay him for the ni—" Seungmin looks at you and you pause. Right. Soobin and Chaery don't know Seonghwa left you stranded. "Foooor his help with my reviews." You backtrack a bit, hoping the two didn't catch on.
"Oh, that's sweet of you." Chaery says. "You definitely should! We won't be home 'till later either, soo.. " She giggles and you shake your head at her forwardness.
"So.. what, Chaery?" You glare at her.
"Yeah, what is wrong with you?" Seungmin laughs a bit. "You'll scare him away."
"I will not! I'm just saying, the option is there." She puckers her lips and wiggles her brows.
"Anyway, I'm just going to grab lunch with him at the cute, new brunch place downtown. Let me know if you want anything?" You stop in your tracks, realizing you've walked farther than you should've. Yunho mentioned he was going to be at the Engineering Center, which is in the opposite direction.
"Sounds good." Soobin gives you a small, pursed smile; dimples dotting his cheeks as he sends an animated wave. "See you? Have fun, be safe!"
"Thanks." You wave to your friends as you watch them walk off without. You turn on your heel to walk back towards the building that Yunho just ended class in, picking up your pace when you realize you're running a little late compared to the time you promised to meet him. As you close in on the building, you catch sight of the tall boy and his fluffy black hair.
"Yunho!" Yunho whips his head around to see you walking towards him. He smiles a bit and stops, waiting for you to catch up. "Hey! I was just about to text you. You still free to grab brunch with me, right?"
"Yeah, I was waiting." He teases, making you chuckle.
"I know, I'm too slow. Sorry." You joke back. "Let's go." You look up at him and he nods.
"How was class?"
"Mm, same old. What about you?"
"It was okay. Another small project I gotta work on."
"Sounds fun." You gently nudge him with your elbow. "Computer Science right?" He nods.
"Public Health?"
"Wow, a point for Jeong Yunho." He laughs.
"Y/N, it's not an entirely huge school. You know a lot of people, and people know you."
"For the wrong reasons, most likely."
"No. Just for being you." He says with a soft smile on his face.
"Are you always this smooth talking to girls?" He laughs and shakes his head.
"Quite the opposite actually. It's just.. easy to talk to you, I guess." He looks down at his feet timidly.
"I'm glad." You chuckle. "So, I'm thinking of taking you to Cafe 24. Does that sound okay?"
"The new brunch place?" He smiles, and it adds a rosy tint to his cheeks. "Cool. I've heard good things about it already."
"Yeah?" You ask in an animated, questioning tone. "Nice. I'm excited."
"Your friends didn't wanna come?" You finally get to your car and toss your bag in the trunk, signaling for Yunho to put his things down as well.
"Hell no. Or else, they'll order everything expecting me to pay." You sigh. "So, nope! This is just for you, especially as my small token of appreciation." Yunho doesn't say anything besides let out a small laugh before hopping into your car and settling in. "By the way, I drive as safely as possible, so please don't make fun of me."
"I won't." Yunho watches as you adjust your seat closer to the wheel. Once you feel content, you start the car and double check your mirrors before pulling out of the spot and driving off.
Luckily, the drive isn't far or else Yunho wasn't sure what he'd do. It's not that he was uncomfortable around you, but he's not used to keeping the small talk alive— let alone engaging and being the first to break the silence.
You seem to understand him well though, because besides the few questions you ask him about the week, you don't push the conversation. 
And it's nice.
He listens to the music you have on, hearing you softly hum in the driver's seat as you carefully navigate the narrow downtown roads and find a spot near the café.
"Sweeeet." He hears you giggle as you pull into a parking spot that just opened up. "We're here!"
"There's not too many people?" Yunho says in a questioning tone as he unbuckles his seatbelt and peeks at the front door. It's busy, but not enough for a wait. You check your phone and take note of the fact that it's still earlier than noon— you and Yunho barely missing the lunch rush. 
"Still early, I guess." You greet one of the staff members and she immediately brings you and Yunho to a table in the back corner. She lays out the menu in front of you, giving you a moment to glaze over the options while she heads to the back to grab water. "Everything looks so good." Yunho chuckles.
"Anything you've been craving for?"
"Something sweet?" Your eyes widen at the sight of 'matcha mochi waffles' on the menu, pondering whether or not you should give in to your sweet tooth or get something a little more filling on the savory side. "But now, I'm torn. I kinda wanna taste the omurice." 
"You can have some of mine?" Yunho was eyeing the omurice anyway, and he doesn't mind sharing some with you.
"Really?" Your eyes sparkle and it makes Yunho's ears turn red. He's feeling shy now because yes, really. Yes, you're cute.
"Yeah, I don't mind." You smile.
"Hm, okay. You can have some of my mochi waffle and bacon?" He shakes his head.
"It's alright, Y/N. It's not a big deal."
"Yes, it is. It's a new brunch place and who knows when we'll be back. You should taste it." He doesn't respond, just simply smiles back at your argument. At this point, the waitress is back with two waters and asks if you two would like anything to drink. Yunho declines, but you happily order a vanilla latte. She asks if you're ready to order, eyes darting to Yunho for some kind of acknowledgement— which he gives to you in the form of a simple nod. She takes down your orders and lets you know that she'll be back with your latte, taking your menus before she's off to the kitchen. "So." Yunho looks at you after he's been people-watching through the window.
"Hm?" He hums.
"Tell me about yourself, Yunho." You say softly. Typically, Yunho hates these kinda things. He'll usually respond very vaguely to cut it off at a certain point. He just doesn't think people need to know much about him, nor does he really find himself interesting. But for now, he'll dive in a little more. He doesn't seem to find the harm in it when it comes to you.
"I don't even know where to start?" He laughs a bit. "I'm not sure what you want to know."
"Anything." The waitress brings your latte and you immediately start blowing at it to cool it down. "Tell me anything."
"I'm an only child?" He starts off with an unsure tone, but you nod in response to reassure him. "Home is two hours away at my aunt's house."
"Sweet. If you don't mind me asking.. have you always lived with your aunt?" 
"Yeah, I have. She's my mom's sister, and my mom is sick." Your eyes soften. "She has kidney issues so she's on dialysis. She's still strong and all, but it's nice that my aunt is there. She helps take care of her and bring her to appointments, especially while I'm away most of the time." You nod quietly.
"What about your dad?" He shrugs.
"Uh, he left when I was young, so I don't really know much about him."
"Shoot. I'm so sorry, Yunho. I didn't mean to—"
"Nah, it's okay. I don't mind talking about it, but I also can't give better responses since I don't know much myself." 
"You must be very close to your mom." Yunho thinks about his mom for a second, taking mental note that he needs to call her later. She has always been so strong, and she's always been Yunho's driving force. Even though he didn't have his dad around, he never felt like he lacked love or support because he mom did a fantastic job covering all of those bases no matter what. 
She never let Yunho down. And he only hopes he can do the same in return.
"I am."
"I can only imagine how tough it is."
"Yeah." He lets out a breath. "But, she's doing well. She's been well for a long time. All I can ask for." You give him a tiny toothless smile.
"I'm glad to hear that."
"W-what about you?" He clears is throat to try and brush off the slight nervousness he feels asking these questions. Surely, you asked about him. But, you wouldn't mind sharing your own facts, right?
"I have an older sister who works in finance. She's 4 years older than me. My parents split up, but my dad still comes around to hang out. They're better this way, I think. Their relationship is much healthier." You also start thinking about your parents, reminiscing about the tough times when they used to fight for days on end. Luckily, you and your sister were close— you could lean onto her like you do with your bestfriends. She tried to protect you and keep you safe as much as possible, tried to shield you from the negativity even though it was hard to. Eventually, your parents had enough and split; though, you'd like to think this was their silver lining since they're much better around each other now.
"I see." Yunho sips his water. "It's nice he's still around."
"Mhm." You tilt your head. "Do you have a lot of friends back home?"
"I wouldn't say lots. A few people that I grew up with still live around my area, but most people have moved."
"That's cool to still see some childhood friends, though." It's your turn to sip. "How do you know Mingi so well?"
"We went to the same high school. We have some common interests, but that's it? We just hang out with different crowds." Yunho shrugs. "Mingi finds certain people and certain things fun that I don't necessarily find fun. He's a big social butterfly."
"Yeah, I see that." You chuckle.
"You and your friends seem really close. Did you meet here?"
"We did." You smile. "Chaery and I were roommates and Soobin and Seungmin lived across the hall from us."
"Did you meet Chaery before you two moved in?"
"Nope. Just that day." You laugh. "Believe it or not. We clicked really well and got close easily. I got lucky with her." At this point, the waitress comes with your plate and tells Yunho she'll be back with his as they're just finishing up in the kitchen. "Then we met Soobin and Seungmin. And they slowly started coming into our room more often. Turned into going to the cafeteria together, to hanging out and studying in our room together."
"That's good. It's always nice to have solid, good friends around."
"Yeah." You look at him. He notices that you aren't eating your food, and he feels bad that you are waiting for him. So, he clears his throat again and mutters out a quick—
"Oh, you don't have to wait for me." He looks at you, then down at your food.
"No, it's okay Yunho. I'll wait." You nod. "Speaking of roommates, are you close to Yeosang?"
"Uh, we're cool, I guess?" He shyly laughs. "We randomly got paired up because we're in the same major." The waitress sets his plate down and he pauses for a brief moment to thank her and asks for an extra plate. When she leaves, he returns his attention back to you. "Anyway. One day, he asked if I knew anyone who needed a roommate. At the time, I was renting a room in this couple's home. I didn't mind it, and they were super friendly. But, I figured having more space would be nice instead of being confined to a room and feeling shy about going into the shared kitchen and bathroom." You laugh.
"I get that, totally understandable." Yunho is splitting some of his omurice [a bit more than you expected] and placing it neatly on the extra plate before scooting it your way. "Wait. Yunho, that's a lot." You look at him worriedly and he shakes his head, continuing to edge the plate towards you.
"No, it's not." You look at him and he gives you a small smile. "Promise."
"Thank you." You say, cutting him a good chunk of your waffle and placing it on the edge of his plate. "I know you said you and Yeosang are cool so.. do you hang out often at home?"
"We'll talk and have dinner sometimes, but most of the time, we're in our rooms playing games." You giggle and Yunho's ears turn red. "Wow, I probably sounded ridiculous saying that."
"No, no. Soobin and Seungmin have a tendency to do that too. As long as it makes you happy and content, right?"
"How often do you go home?"
"Hm, I try to go every other weekend? But, sometimes plans don't work out that way. I just try to go as soon as I can."
"I see." You continue to hold a conversation in between bites, with topics ranging from school, your majors, things your friends have gotten into.
Yunho observes you as you talk about your dance team and how much you enjoy it, and he loves the way your eyes twinkle; the way you animatedly move your hands while describing the team and its accomplishments, the way you giggle in between. He can tell you really enjoy it, and he's truly happy you have something to fall onto when times get rough, something to help celebrate when you're having good days.
He just can't understand how Seonghwa fits in this mix. He doesn't, he shouldn't. You are too good for him, and you have way more to offer.
"So.. yeah, that's us. We're small, but we're fun. And I think people on campus enjoy our pieces." Yunho laughs a bit before finishing up his food. He feels bad since he's never really gone out of his way to watch any of your performances, but maybe he should.
"Let me know when your next one is?"
"You'll come?" You ask with so much hope in your eyes. Yeah, maybe he should this time.
"Yeah, if I don't have anything planned."
"Oh, so we're the backup plan." You tease and Yunho shakes his head.
"No, not like that. You know what I mean. If I'm around and not at home."
"Of course." You tilt your head and smile at him. "I'll text you details later." You set aside your plate and sit back in your seat, feeling stuffed but content with your meal. You call for the waitress to bring over the check, instantly handing off your card in fear of Yunho trying to swoop in. "Oof, I'm full. But, that was so good. I really liked it."
"It was." Yunho sets his own plate aside and sips on some water. "Thanks again, you really didn't have to."
"I did. Small token of appreciation for the help you've been giving me. I've always struggled with these things so having someone patiently explain and walk me through improvements means a lot." You say before getting up and grabbing your things. "Ready?" Yunho nods before following you out. "Are you going to work in the library until class?"
"Do you mind if I join you?" Yunho looks down at you with a small smile.
"Not at all."
You make the trek back to school comfortably, parking in the lot near the library so that you and Yunho won't have to do too heavy of a walk. The both of you are engaging in more small talk, with Yunho feeling a bit more comfortable to joke around with you. He doesn't dare bring up Seonghwa because he knows it isn't his business, but also because he'd hate to see your mood shift.
You look good happy.
Getting back to the library, you scoot yourself into the opposite side of the booth and face Yunho. He immediately pulls out his laptop to do some work, not really saying much as his focus is redirected on trying to understand the new project they were just assigned. He glances over the edge of his laptop from time to time though, and you don't really catch it because you're too immersed in the note-taking you're doing. You write so precisely, so neatly; switching from one colored pen to the next before highlighting in a super straight line. His eyes glance up to your face, your features, before shifting his attention back down to his assignments.
"What's up, Yunho?" Yunho is pulled out of his thoughts when he hears that familiar deep voice. Seonghwa smirks at him before his eyes land on you. You don't look too happy to see him right now, but Yunho knows Seonghwa still has the upper hand here, and honestly, it sucks. "Hey Y/N, can I talk to you?"
"Cause, it's important." He licks his lips when his smile fades. "Please?" Your eyes dart from Yunho, back to Seonghwa. Yunho just quietly glances at you though, trying his best to mind his own business and let you decide on your own. But he's begging, pleading, in his mind that you don't leave with Seonghwa. Not after he left you in the cold the way he did.
Too bad it was a wishful thought.
"Fine." You huff before packing up your things and start to slide out of the booth. "Talk to you later? Thanks for today." You give Yunho a soft, apologetic smile, and he can only nod in acknowledgment before you're walking off next to that asshole. He continues to watch as you two walk down and into a random aisle of books. You can't help but scoff at Seonghwa again when you realize he's hiding because of course he doesn't want too many people in his business and to see you two so close. Of course he needs to do this in the fucking history aisle of the library. "This is your idea of talking?" All he does is chuckle a bit before he's tucking a piece of your hair behind the ear.
"Baby, seriously? Why are you hanging around Yunho so much?"
"Because we're friends?" He snorts.
"Since when? I don't ever recall Yunho being in your little circle."
"Oh my god, Seonghwa. He's been helping me with some assignments. What is this really about?" He shrugs.
"Nothing, I already told you. I'm not trying to share, not with him." You furrow your brows.
"Share?" You scoff. Clearly, you were just a possession to him. "We aren't dating. You made that very loud and clear from the beginning."
"Still. The dude can't even pull his own girl—"
"Stop." You put your hand out and shake your head. "If you're just gonna talk shit, let me get back to doing homework with Yunho. I don't have time for it." He sighs heavily and tries to pull you into him by the elbows.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I just got worried because you didn't answer my text last night."
"Worried over me, or because you weren't getting any?"
"Come on, Y/N. Cut that shit out."
"No, you cut that shit out. It was freezing last night. I fucking waited for you at the spot for an hour."
"And I said I was sorry. I wanted to make it up to you last night but you didn't respond. I feel really bad about it, but what am I supposed to do when you won't even talk to me?"
"Seriously?" You let out a sigh. "Whatever you say." He sucks his teeth and lifts your chin with his finger.
"Baby, I'm trying here. If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't be doing this." You simply stare at him. You know he's lying, and you know he genuinely doesn't care about you. There is not one honest bone in his body that actually gives a damn about you. He's telling you what you wanna hear because he knows it'll work every—single—time. 
"I don't know—"
"I'll wait for you until you're done with practice tonight, how about that? You can just shower at my place so we can hang out all night."
"That's the issue, you're never there after practice."
"I will be. I promise." He pouts a bit. "I'll be there waiting for you." He laces your hand with his and kisses the surface. "Walk with me to class?" You look at him, but all you can think about is leaving Yunho. You let out a sigh knowing all you want to do is avoid conflict, shrugging at his question.
"That's my girl." He leads the way out of the aisle, giving Yunho the pettiest nod you've ever seen. You try to avoid eye contact since you felt bad for leaving.
But, fuck. You just needed to get through the day in one peace. 
He swings an arm around you for a second before he sees his friends on the way to class. He gives you a quick peck on the cheek just as he reaches his classroom, leaving you to finish up work at the nearby student center.
The day goes on [peacefully], and you're off to dance practice with your friends. You forget about everything for a moment while you're with them, enjoying the time that you get to spend all together even if it's through dance. They invite you to hang out with the group afterwards, but you politely decline especially when you actually see Seonghwa waiting outside in his car. You give your friends big hugs before waving goodbye, and settle yourself into Seonghwa's car.
He talks about his day for a bit, even as you walk into his apartment and see San eating his dinner. He doesn't really ask about yours, nor does he care enough to. He does ask if you've eaten and if you want some food, but you shake your head and tell him you'll be off to shower and finish your homework in his room. Throughout your shower, you can hear him and San laughing loudly in the dining area before they're going at each other's necks while playing FIFA.
You feel like you're just.. there.
You silently sit against the wall as you type away on your laptop, sighing as Seonghwa and San continue to yell over their last game. You find that you aren't really in the mood to be here, but you hang on to see what Seonghwa's version of 'making it up to you' means.
Should've known it wasn't shit.
Especially when he barges into his room and shuts the door, immediately kissing you before trailing a few soft kisses down your neck. He thinks you're enjoying it, so he keeps peppering your neck even as you gently try to pry him off.
"Hwa." You call his name and he ignores it, fingers slightly fiddling with the waistband of his sweats that you're wearing. "Seonghwa, stop." You say, pushing him back. "Stop." You repeat with a harder push when he almost dips his hand into your sweats.
"W-what? What's wrong?" He furrows his brows when he backs up to read your expression, your body language. Suddenly, you feel out of place, feeling like you wanna go home and be in your own peace.
You did not wanna be here. Not with him.
"I'm just.. not in the mood. Can you take me home?"
"Not in the mood?" He repeats. "What, should I have gone slower? Did I do something—"
"Seonghwa, please just take me home. I'm not asking twice." You say and he lets out a scoff as he hops off the bed and grabs his keys. 
"Alright, whatever." He says, digging his hands into his pockets while walking out of his room. You change into the extra clothes you brought in your duffle bag, setting his clothes neatly into his laundry hamper. You quietly trail behind him as you tug on your bag and watch your feet drag you to his car. You hop in and Seonghwa doesn't say a word, instantly starting up the car and driving off. You can tell he's upset by the way his jaw is clenched, the way his hand tightly wraps around the wheel.
The way he drives.
A rather quick drive becomes even quicker, and you're glad you don't live far from his apartment. This entire ride feels suffocating and you can't wait to leave entirely. He pulls into your lot and brakes near the curb, giving you time to step out of his car. He doesn't give you another look, nor does he say anything— you simply slam the door shut and he races off, leaving before paying you any mind.
This wasn't anything new, but tonight feels awful. You start to feel guilty for whatever happened, though you shouldn't.
You shouldn't feel guilty.
You let out a shaky sigh as you step into your apartment, your roommates not being home since they're out with the dance group. You set your things aside and quickly take a shower before plopping onto your bed and doing.. nothing.
You want to do nothing.
You scroll through your phone as you try your hardest not to let any tears fall. They shouldn't, you did nothing wrong. But everything feels wrong, suffocating.
You hate feeling this way.
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Yunho is getting ready to wrap up his work for the day when he sees a body slide into the booth he's currently occupying.
"Sup dude." Mingi says.
"Yo." Yunho responds. "What are you still doing here?" He asks, unfamiliar with Mingi's presence during these evening hours in the library.
"I had to work on a group project." Yunho continues to draft out some notes for his project while Mingi sits back and lets out a breath. "Another project?"
"Yup. How'd your group project go?"
"Eh. It's alright, but we're done. Just need to present." Mingi scrolls through his phone. "I saw you with Y/N earlier." Yunho pauses to briefly look at him before returning his attention back to his notebook. "I didn't know you two knew each other." He chuckles.
"We have literature class together, and I was helping her with some reviews."
"You seem close, though? Have you always been close?" Yunho shrugs at two things— one, he definitely can't say you two are close, and two, how nosy Mingi is being. It must be for Seonghwa.
"Not really. She's cool, though."
"Hm." Mingi hums before putting his phone down on the table. "Yeah, she is. I don't know what Hwa's deal is sometimes."
"Mm, but you would never mention it to him." Yunho teases with a small chuckle, but he means it. He absolutely means it.
"I just feel like it isn't my place to. Me and San have both told him to chill, but can't force someone to act a certain way if they don't want to." Yunho shrugs.
Fine, he thinks. But, Mingi could at least tell the guy when he's wrong and what he's done wrong, right? He would at least hope that's part of their conversations, and he knows Mingi is aware of right vs. wrong. 
No better way than letting someone know the truth. 
Seonghwa is wrong damn near more than half of the time.
"Yeah, I guess." Is all Yunho responds with.
"He does like her, though." Yunho looks at him with tightly-knit brows. What does he mean Seonghwa likes you? That's his way of showing his feelings for you? And it must be obvious that Yunho is feeling a certain way about that statement because Mingi instantly backs it up with a— "I mean like, I know he has some kind of feelings for her. He does more for her than I've seen him do for anyone else. I just don't know why he's stringing her along and not being more serious." 
"Like.. what? Leave her in the cold until he's ready to pick her up? Really shows his feelings." Yunho sarcastically responds. "Anyway, sure. It's not really my business."
"Are you sure?"
"You seem interested in her."
"Because we hung out?" Yunho shrugs. "Okay, Mingi."
"I only bring it up because he's mentioned it. Hwa can get pretty protective and jealous. I don't want him to start shit with you—"
"He doesn't need to." Yunho responds. "Not really on me anyway, I'm not the one in the wrong."
"Right, I guess."
"I know he's your friend, but she deserves way better. You can tell me all of this, and it still won't change my mind." Yunho chimes in one last time, completely over the conversation. "If she isn't happy, he shouldn't be selfish enough to continue trapping her." He finishes up his notes before closing his notebook and packing up.
"You're right." Is all Mingi replies with while watching Yunho pack up. Because what can he say? Of course, he agrees. But he has this weird obligation, this loyalty, to Seonghwa because of their friendship.
"I'm gonna head out." Yunho slides to the end of the booth before throwing his bag over his shoulder. "Gonna stay behind?"
"Nah, I'll come with. Wasn't planning on staying any longer." Yunho nods, allowing Mingi to walk alongside of him. He's a little annoyed, but in a weird and unconventional way, he knows Mingi didn't mean any harm. He knows he didn't mean to intentionally attack him. 
Still, though. His point about Park Seonghwa stands.
Yunho continues his walk to the car with Mingi, the topic of discussion now being new game releases and a party that's coming up soon at one of the athlete's homes. Mingi extends the invite to Yunho, but Yunho shakes his head and tells him he doesn't think he'd end up going. He might change his mind if he feels better about it when the time gets closer, but as of now— it feels like a hard no.
Once Yunho and Mingi finally part ways, Yunho climbs into his car and begins his silent drive home. He starts pondering about his day and how he actually really enjoyed it. He feels comfortable enough to be himself around you, and he can't say that for many people.
You are enticing to him.
When he gets home, everything feels still— quiet. The night sky is dotted with stars, while the crickets chirp.
"Mom." He says, parking his car off to the curb and grabbing his things.
"Yunho, baby." She says a bit lowly. "How are you? How was your day?"
"I'm alright, just hanging in there. Had lunch with a friend before working on a few projects." He begins to walk to his apartment. "How are you feeling?"
"Good! Your aunt and I went out for a walk, then shopped for a few things today." Yunho chuckles. 
"Cute. Weather's been nice. Glad you guys have been getting out."
"Yeah, enough about that though. A friend, hm?" She chuckles.
"Yeah." Yunho smiles. "We have the same class together. I've been helping her with some of the assignments."
"So, it's a her." Yunho can hear his aunt giggling in the background, making him roll his eyes.
"Uh huh—" Before he can start lecturing his mom and aunt about how you two are merely friends, classmates, another call comes through on the line. He stops in his tracks and quickly removes the phone from his ear to see who's calling. "Mom, can I call you back in a second? I just got home."
"Okay, get settled. I love you!" She says in a sing-song manner and Yunho laughs a bit.
"Love you too." He responds before ending that call and switching to the next. "Hey. Is everything okay?"
You chuckle on the other line before responding with a shaky: "Why wouldn't things be, Yunho?"
"I don't know. Just wasn't expecting your call, is all."
"I'm sorry, are you busy? I'm so dumb, I really shouldn't have—"
"It's okay, Y/N. Seriously. I just got home from the library." He steps inside his apartment finding that Yeosang is in his beloved cave, yelling at his computer screen per usual. He walks into his room and places his things down, settling onto his computer chair with a soft sigh.
"Okay." You haven't said much and it's obvious to Yunho that something is indeed wrong. You needed someone and you turned to Yunho for comfort.
God, he sucks at this. But, he wants to be there for you.
"What's going on?"
"Huh? Nothing. I just wanted to check on you." He chuckles.
"I don't get very far, Y/N. Don't worry." Silence. "What's bothering you?"
"How do you know something's bothering me?"
"I can practically hear you thinking from here." You giggle and it warms Yunho's heart. At least his effort is somewhat working.
"I.. was at Seonghwa's not too long ago. And I just didn't wanna be there. I asked him to take me home and he was upset. I don't know why I feel bad about it."
"Feel bad? What is there to feel bad about?"
"Maybe I should've asked him in a better way, I don't know. I felt suffocated and demanded rather than politely telling him."
"Y/N, you don't owe him anything. You don't need to explain anything to him. He doesn't need to be upset about you going home because that's your own choice. He's mad because he didn't get his way for once. Still not your problem." You let out a shaky sigh and a tear manages to slide down your cheek. This was so dumb, you shouldn't have called Yunho to vent about this.
"This must sound so dumb, I'm sorry Yunho—"
"It's not dumb. Don't be sorry." Silence, again. "I hope you know that if things don't get better, you were never in the wrong. You don't need him."
"I know." Yunho doesn't say much because he doesn't wanna attack you or make you feel worse. So, he sits there. Listening to you breathe.
Listening to you sigh, be upset.
"I'm sorry for leaving you behind earlier."
"It's okay, you don't have to apologize."
"Mind if I join you at the library again tomorrow?" He softly smiles to himself and nods as if you can see him.
"You're always welcome to join me."
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk [bold = can’t tag 🥺]
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burning-academia-if · 22 days
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Hi again. If you've been around a while you're probably going to be like "Em, again??" But guess who got sick for the 6th time this year and this time it was a full on chest infection!! It has been three weeks, and somehow I am still Not Free!!
Anyway, BA fell to the wayside this month because it was Velox Fabula time and I've yet to miss a Velox jam (also...chest infection). I also needed to get my sudden and newfound Pirates of the Caribbean obsession out of the way so! I made a short pirate visual novel for the jam and I'm normal again. I also released the prologue of my side IF To Taste Sweet Silver (@sweetsilver-if) just to have it out. Feel free to check it out if you want, but it likely won't be updated for a while as I'm shifting gears back to BA for September!
I don't have much to report but:
UI update should be out in the next week or two depending on how I'm feeling. It won't look like much to y'all since it's more for my sake via cleaning up the code LOL but there were things added (friendship indicators, open dyslexic font option, character page updated, stat page updated, glossary page added) I'm not a graphic designer but it's better organized I think. There won't be an Official Post about it because it isn't new content, but I will make a small announcement when it's out. It'll also include the originally deleted Lars/Zoe/Nevio lunch scene in Chapter 2 as well. Sorry this is taking so long, I just really struggle with the coding side of things which has made the process slow.
Writing in August was also slow, and honestly, I think I really needed those few weeks off not thinking about BA. My inbox being very quiet helped as well, so I really did take a real break from BA. When I opened up the writing doc, I felt a whole lot better about working on BA again, and we have hit 100k words finally!
Anyway, I don't want to lament much, but I did have a personal goal of releasing up to Chapter 4 this year which obviously is Not Going to Happen. It honestly sucks I got sick so often this year because it cut into so much time for creative projects, be it BA or anything else.
I'm not really going to be hard on myself for it, though. I think releasing 3 chapters this year considering everything that kept Going Wrong this year is actually pretty good. I just think its annoying when I know I could have done it but the universe said no instead akfjalfa Anyway, I'm not sure when Chapter 3 will release but I do have a good feeling about September and I think I'll be able to at least get a decent chunk done this month!
Finally, September marks the one year anniversary for this blog and October marks the one year anniversary of BA releasing!! I feel like I literally just started writing this, the fact it's September already is wild.
I was going to do art commissions, but due to surprise car issues, I don't really have the money for that now (next year for sure though!!), so I was thinking of maybe doing character Q&As to celebrate? I've also seen some authors do raffles, but I'm not entirely sure what I would raffle off? Maybe personalized short stories with readers MCs if there's interest in that? I'm not sure yet, but I have a month to figure it out lol
But also thank you to everyone who has followed along!! It's been a really fun time both writing BA and on the blog. I know I say this a lot, but I'm really glad this is such a chill place. It's nice for me the author obviously, but it's also nice because I always want the spaces I have to feel like safe places for others as well so! Thanks again!
Lastly, I normally would end on a little snippet or preview but since most of what I wrote was just the two different openings, I feel like I have nothing fun to tease (or maybe I'm too picky about snippets idk). Hopefully Zoe's bday post tomorrow makes up for it, and I'll post some snippets later in the month instead!
Thanks for reading!
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writingsfromhome · 2 years
Things to Learn
Request: hiii idk if youve thought about this but what about a mean girl!yn and nerd!harry high school fic or something like that :))
A/N: it is what the request says, idk if this is exactly what you wanted but writing a mean girl!yn was different for me. I also wrote this from Harry’s third pov so that’s also different lol. Hope you enjoy it? Thanks for the req :) <3
Part 1 / 2 / 3 /
Harry hated girls like her. Hate was a strong word, he knew that. And he used it still.
He eyes her again as she sits on the lunch table and talks animatedly to her friends about something shallow or irrelevant. He goes back to the sandwich he had for lunch.
“She’s out of your league mate,” Harry’s best friend tells him.
“YN? You’re staring at her. She’s out of your league. Like so far that even if you climbed a mountain and looked over everything you wouldn’t be able to see-“
“I got it,” Harry didn’t like her. He knew she was well out of his league and he didn’t care. He had one more year of this shite called high school and then he was off to uni. His sister always told him high school labels didn’t follow you there. “I don’t even like her. I was just looking.”
His friend makes a noise, he didn’t believe him.
“I’m serious. Ms. Easton partnered us in history probably because she’s not doing well. I’ve got the highest grade. But she’s insufferable.”
“You’re insufferable,” his friend shoots back. “If I was partnered with her I’d be shooting my shot. Every chance.”
“I’d rather shoot myself,” Harry mutters. He had history next period and he wasn’t looking forward to it. Their class had booked the library for research period and that meant suffering through it with YN.
He’s first to arrive at the library and books a computer. They were researching the royal family, he didn’t know what angle the paper was going to be from but he would figure it out later. Alone. Because YN was always too busy not giving a shit.
The truth was, he just didn’t understand girls like YN. How they could be so shallow and rude for no reason, he didn’t think the world was rainbows and unicorns but it was decent to just be a little nicer. She was judgemental, loud, and of course attractive as hell. But her personality ruined any good looks in his opinion. So even though he was staring at lunch, he didn’t find her very attractive.
“I guess we’re sitting here,” speak of the devil. Surprisingly YN is here before the bell goes off. She sits in the seat next to Harry and her bag is thrown on the floor.
“Hi to you too,” Harry mutters. He ignores her, continuing to flip through his textbook for the correct chapter.
“Have we decided on a topic?”
Harry grits his teeth. I don’t know YN have we? Instead he says, “No.”
“Oh, well why not just do it on what’s going on right now?”
“Because it’s a history class,” Harry finally look at her. He remembers it was a little nerve wracking to do that when they were first partnered but now his annoyance triumphed any nerves.
“And?” She scrunches her brows. “Isn’t that the point?”
She had no idea what she was talking about. He shakes his head and goes back to his textbook.
“You don’t have to be such a nerd all the time you know that?” She continues.
Harry ignores her.
“Hello?” She snaps her fingers. Who did she think she was?
“Can we just work?” Harry couldn’t stand her.
The bell rings. YN picks up her phone in a huff and Harry goes back to Googling for their project.
Harry packs his bag with the books he needs as students rush past him to go home. His bag weighed a million pounds and he’s pretty sure it aged his back 40 years but it was either his grades or his back that suffered.
“Hey Harry,” a voice calls out to him as we heads out the door. He turns to it; Raina, one of YN’s friends. She twirls her blonde hair and tilts her head. “It is Harry right?”
“Uhm,” suddenly Harry’s throat was parched. Raina was gorgeous and gorgeous girls never spoke to him.
“You’re cute,” she gets up close and personal with Harry and everything in that big brain of his liquifies and slides away. “So I heard you’re giving my bestie a hard time.”
“Your-uh,” what was wrong with him? Focus!
“My bestie! YN?”
“Oh,” the name snaps him out. Was this a prank, why was Raina talking to him? “W-what?”
“I thought you were smart,” she tilts her head again, this time Harry understands it to be condescending. “Did you not understand the question?”
Harry hears a snicker from behind him. His heart drops, he knew what was happening yet he walked right into it.
“Harry’s really smart,” YN’s voice comes from behind. “So smart he can’t even talk to me. Like, I’ll bring down your IQ or something right?”
“I never said that,” Harry turns, back to the wall like he was in some sort of fight for his life and he had to cover all his angles.
“Then what’s your problem?” YN demands. Her friend takes a back seat, staring at him from behind YN’s shoulder.
“I didn’t say I had one,” Harry mumbles.
“What? Speak up!” With one hand on her hip, YN was the image of a mean girl. Harry’s gaze flickers up to her face and he realizes she was actually angry. At him. He looks away.
“You’re so pathetic,” she tells him. “You can barely look me in the eye when I’m talking to you but you think you’re a hot shot just cuz you get straight As. You can take your intellectual superiority and shove it up your ass.”
He was surprised to hear her say intellectual superiority, then he realizes the irony of thinking that.
“This guy bothering you?”
Great. Harry hitches his backback higher on his shoulders. One of YN’s soccer star boyfriends had joined. He looks Harry up and down with a condescending smirk.
“No, I got it.” YN says but her friend opens her big mouth.
“He thinks he’s the smartest person here, he treats YN like shite.”
“Really?” He turns to Harry and now is when Harry realizes he was deep in. There was no way out.
“I’m sorry,” he looks YN in the eye and only her. He had to make a quick exit, find a way out of this before these meatheads decided to defend YN’s honour or something like that.
“Too late for sorry,” Raina says. Another guy—Brett joins the crowd.
“What’s going on?” He asks.
“Nothing,” YN says while her eyes stay on Harry.
“Hey Harry! Mate! This guy helped me pass my maths last semester.”
“Yeah he’s a nerd,” the other guy says to Brett. “That’s the point.”
“Hey Brett,” Harry nods. He should go, he thinks. Make a move. Get out of this circle forming around him.
“He’s a dick to YN,” Raina reminds everyone. What was her issue? “And he’s always staring at her like a creep.”
YN turns to look at her friend. Raina widens her eyes and shrugs.
“What the fuck?” The other guy, Harry had no idea what his name was, steps closer to Harry. “Are you a fucking perv?”
Statistically, this guy with his brute force and reactivity was probably more likely to be a perv over the years than Harry. But Harry doesn’t think it’s a good time to say that.
“Anyway,” YN says and with that all eyes are on her. “Apology not accepted. I’m over this let’s go.”
She walks away from him, Raina eyes him and follows. Their friend gives Harry the stink eye and follows too. Brett’s left. He shrugs and finally leaves Harry alone.
Little by little the breath comes back to his lungs and with shaky steps Harry exits the building. Some students lingering in the hall stare as he goes, probably the audience to what almost went down. And this was why Harry hated YN.
Over the next week Harry tries to be less intellectually superior to YN and practices looking her in the eye. He doesn’t know why it was so hard.
And it surprises him when the words coming out of her mouth aren’t entirely superficial and basic. But she continues to verbally abuse and belittle him and Harry continues to take it, his ire growing more by the day.
Just on Tuesday, at lunch she’d sent one of her boyfriends to sit at his table where he threatened Harry. Harry’s friend had stared at his phone the whole time, traitor. And yesterday YN had listed for him all the ways he could improve his appearance during class.
“Your hair could use a nice trim,” she tells him. “And your glasses are so 1970s. Like not in a trendy way. And honestly Harry why do you wear clothes that are too big and too old. Like seriously…”
It was hard not to be a know-it-all when that’s what she wanted to spend her time talking about.
“My appearance isn’t really a priority for me,” Harry had said hoping to shut her up.
“It really should be. Hey,” she’d called out to a friend of hers in class. “Don’t you think Harry’s style is sad?”
“Him?” Her friend had asked, like she wasn’t sure if she was supposed to say it in front of him. Harry had burned with embarrassment. “Yeah I reckon he could use a makeover.”
“Yeah maybe then he’d get a girlfriend. Get his nose out of his books.”
They laughed and the sound was haunting. Harry stayed staring at his book, gritting his teeth. He’d never had a girlfriend, gone on two dates in his life. It didn’t usually bother him but somehow YN made it feel like an open wound.
On Thursday, they have another research period.
“And how are we doing here?” Ms. Easton leans down and balances on their table. Harry and YN opted for a table and books this period.
“Good,” YN sits up. “Just finishing our research.”
“Good,” Ms. Easton smiles. “Did you two decide on a topic?”
Harry doesn’t look but he can feel her rolling her eyes. “Yeah. Harry wanted to do the royal family and their war legacy.”
Harry was sensitive to feedback. When you’re smart you don’t get a lot of criticism, and when you do, it’s a hard pill to swallow. That’s why he was so sensitive to the tone of his teacher’s voice. He looks up to her. Was it just him or did she look a bit disappointed.
“S’not a good topic?” Harry asks. YN glances at him.
“Well,” the teacher crosses an arm over her abdomen and waves the other hand. She was choosing her words. “I was hoping putting the two of you together would produce an interesting project. Something out of the ordinary.”
“Oh.” Harry feels his grade flash in front of his eyes. Well, not flash but plummet.
“Hmph,” YN says in satisfaction. “Well Harry here felt very strongly about the topic.”
“Okay,” Ms. Easton pursues her lips. “It is a good topic. I’m looking forward to hearing all about it at the end of the month!”
As soon as their teacher is out of hearing range YN turns to Harry.
“I told you so.”
With that, she gets out of her seat and walks away. Out of the library, swiping the hall pass on her way out.
Suddenly he was hot. Very hot. Harry could feel the sweat dampen his shirt and he pulls the collar away from his neck. His project was disappointing? He was doing something wrong?
He stumbles up and finds Ms. Easton.
“Yes Harry?” She addresses him when she’s done with the pair she’d been talking to.
“Um what you said,” Harry clears his throat. “About the project. And pairing me with YN. I don’t understand…should we change it?”
“Up to you two to decide!” She says vaguely. “I can’t pick your topics for you. And you should only change it if you think you have enough time.”
“But our topic is disappointing?” Harry didn’t understand why Ms. Easton would make those comments and not just tell them upfront what she wants.
“No not at all!” she guides Harry to a bookshelf where it’s quieter. “War is a classic topic. But it’s also a very…straightforward topic do you understand?”
Classic was good. Classic was timeless, is that not what she wanted!?
“Harry,” she chides when he continues staring at her. “Listen. You’re a bright kid. Really, proper smart. I know you’ll do amazing in your future regardless of what I say in this class.”
It was YN. There was a but coming and she was going to say something about YN.
“But I’ve had a few bright kids in my class before. The thing about history is it repeats and the pattern I see is that there’s a creative energy even in something like history that’s lost on big brains like yours. That’s why I paired you with YN. I thought you two would complement the way you think really well. I was hoping to see a new topic come out of it. That’s not to say your current topic isn’t fabulous. I think if you want to continue with it, I’m excited to learn more.”
Harry doesn’t have anything to say. Actually, he’s embarrassed. This whole time he thought being partnered with YN was because she was failing or doing horribly. When really it was because the teacher thought he could use some help. Intellectual superiority 100, Harry 0.
“You two are getting along right?” Ms. Easton probes.
“Yeah,” Harry lies.
“She’s letting you call the shots?” She asks casually.
“Ehm,” Harry wavers. He had taken the reigns immediately because he didn’t think she could handle them. He feels his face turn more pink.
“The great thing about this project is to collaborate. Throughout history some of the best things were brought from collaborating…”
Harry zones her out and looks back at their desk. YN is still not there. Maybe she was skipping. But he spots her bag, that wasn’t true.
“Oh I better go help out your classmate,” Ms. Easton points to where someone has their hand up. “You’re alright?”
“Yeah,” Harry shakes the funk off. Maybe he’ll listen to YN more now but they only had a week and a half and it would be crazy to change their topic now.
But as he sits in his seat and waits for YN to return, to collaborate with, he feels it again. The sinking feeling. Like something was his fault.
YN was the mean girl but he hasn’t been the most friendly either.
After another 10 minutes go by he gets out of his seat and grabs the second hall pass.
He spots around the toilets, moves through the halls, and makes his way back to a stairwell. There YN leans against a wall on her phone. She doesn’t look up as he walks down until he stands in front of her.
“Oh,” the glow of her phone moves off her face, muffled by her sweater. “I thought you were random.”
“Are you coming back?” Harry asks. Still, his eyes flit from her face to her neck, settling on the wall behind her.
“Why does it matter? You’re doing the project with or without me.”
His throat feels like it’s stuffed with cotton as he swallows. He should apologize. He should-
“Why are you so awkward for?” She demands. “Like. You’re smart and all but you’re kind of weird.”
Nevermind. He was so not apologizing.
“Hello? And then you go so quiet when I say anything direct. You can be smart as shite but you’re not making it anywhere if you can’t even talk to a girl without staring a hole into the space beside her.”
Harry’s mum always said to be himself. This was him, smart (nerdy—fine), quiet, awkward, and bookish. But it wasn’t easy to be this way when girls like YN existed. They were confident and loud, and she called him out like his sister did. But she was nothing like her. She was beautiful and she knew it. And she was rude, but maybe her mum told her to be herself too and this was it.
“What are you thinking?” She demands.
“What?” Harry asks in surprise.
“I want to know what the fuck you’re thinking in that big brain! You’re so awkward! Jeez!”
“I don’t get you.” She gives him a once over. “So? What were you thinking?“
“Seriously I-“
“Tell me.”
“I…” Harry trails away. He turns away from her and walks to the other end of the stairwell, pivots, and stands a few feet in front of her. “I was just wondering if this is who you really are.”
“Me? How am I?” Eyes narrowed, she sounds both curious and defensive.
“Really?” Harry meets her eye. “You’ve got such an attitude, you’re rude and loud and pushy, and I don’t know why you don’t like me but you’re always so condescending so I was just wondering if that’s who you are. Like when your mum says to be yourself, is that who you chose?”
Her mouth drops, then it snaps shut and her arms cross over in defence.
“You know why I don’t like you?” She asks. “Because you’ve got an attitude. You’re rude and pushy and condescending to fuck. So let me ask you—is that who you are? Is that who mummy tucks into bed each night?”
Harry’s impressed how she’s turned it around on him. He doesn’t take it seriously until she breaks eye contact and looks away.
“If I listened to my mom’s advice, I would be a bloody doormat in this place. I’d be used and discarded like a wet wipe. I have to be rude and pushy. And don’t even get me started on boys like you, who call girls pushy just because they know what they want. I can’t afford to be who I am, like you can, because I don’t have the privilege of being a bloke.”
They have a stare-off, mostly Harry is just surprised at everything coming out of her mouth. She goes on.
“I know who you are Harry. I know you’ve got a mum and sister you’re close with. I’ve seen you around town. For someone with two women like that in your life you can look up to, you sure are a misogynistic prick.”
Harry’s left stunned. He didn’t think she ever noticed him let alone know him. He replays her words, her glimpse of vulnerability. If her words were an essay, there would be no red ink. It was hard for him to accept but she was right. From the start, when Ms. Easton paired them he made a million assumptions about her. That were all proven wrong. And Ms. Easton was right too: he was smart and good at being smart but maybe there was more than that.
“Now you’re quiet again!?” YN sounds defeated.
“No wait,” Harry speaks up before she leaves. “I’m sorry. Seriously.”
“Yeah whatever,” she rolls her eyes. “I’m over this.”
“Actually,” he steps in the same direction she does as she heads for the door. She stops in surprise. “Actually I am sorry. I was being intellectually superior. You’re smart too. I’m sorry.”
She looks at him warily, like he was going to laugh at her and tell her he was joking. When he doesn’t, when he maintains eye contact even though it kills him inside she backs away. Her face relaxes, like she’s accepted backing down. It was quite a sight for Harry, to see YN the Mean Girl who’s been making the last couple weeks hell for him, transform into something softer. Something that—he was still nervous to look at for too long, but one he could look at a little easier.
“I don’t want to write about the royal family and their fucking war legacy.”
Harry wasn’t expecting that.
“That’s basic as hell, I’m falling asleep just imagining us presenting it. It’s like buying drugstore when we can be buying Sephora.”
She squints at him, waiting for a rebuttle but he lets her have this one. After what Ms. Easton said, Harry was realizing that being smart didn’t mean you were right all the time. And he also had no idea what her example meant.
“Wow. Nothing?”
“No, I agree.” Harry smiles, a little embarrassed but wow. Her mouth splits into a grin and it changes her whole face. She’s suddenly younger, carefree, in that moment as Harry remembers how to breathe, he sees the person her mother tells her to be.
“What?” The staircase dims as she takes the smile back. “Are you going to go back to being mute.”
“No,” I was just admiring how beautiful you looked right now. Maybe you’re not who I thought you were. But you’re also way out of my league so now I have to act cool about it. “I just don’t know if we have time-“
“Stop.” She puts her hand up and walks towards him, back to the doors. “I’m going to come up with a pitch so good I’ll be picking your jaw off the floor and wiring it shut again. And…you can pitch your sad topic to me. The best one wins.”
“But we can just vote our own,” Harry points out the flaw in her plan, ignoring her threat.
“I think we’re both mature enough to hear each other out?” She opens the door back to the hall and Harry scrambles through it to keep up.
“I know I am,” Harry says it before he can think. Uh oh.
“You’re cheeky,” YN eyes him but she doesn’t look upset. Actually, she looks delighted. “Not just a quiet nerd hm?”
Harry shrugs, they had really been their stereotypes the last few weeks.
“So what you said before, you think I’m smart?”
“Well, yeah. I guess.” Harry felt uncomfortable now on the spot.
“So like you think I can be the future prime minister?”
“I…don’t know about that.” Harry side eyes her to notice she’s smiling. She was teasing him.
The bell rings out as they near the library.
“Talk to you tomorrow,” she says to him. She shoots him another smile and Harry tries to memorize it, second guessing he ever thought she was unattractive.
That Friday it’s like Harry and YN never had that conversation. She ignores him in the halls as usual, her friends sneer at him when they catch him looking their way. As much as Harry didn’t want to be disappointed, he was. Why did he think anything was going to be different?
But he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her smile was a loop in his head any time his mind wanders. No wonder their whole grade was in love with her.
“You’re staring. Again.” Harry’s mate says at lunch. This time Harry looks away quickly, embarrassed. “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing,” he says quickly. “She’s just been making my life hell since we partnered up.”
“Yeah I heard those guys roughened you up at lunch the other day.”
They didn’t. But they did aim a basketball around the net as Harry was walking by yesterday and it had hit him. His glasses had fallen off but luckily nothing broke.
“Just one more week,” Harry mutters. Earlier this week he was counting down the days. Now he wasn’t so sure.
When the bell rings signalling the end of lunch, Harry is surprised when YN falls in line with him to their class.
“Pitch ready?” She asks. She smelled amazing like flowers and tea. Focus.
“Yep,” Harry didn’t put much effort into it. He didn’t have the same passion he did before and he was curious what YN had.
They get the last 20 minutes of class to work on their project. YN sits behind Harry so he turns when their time starts.
“Me first,” YN brings out a binder. She pulls out a folded piece of paper that she hands. He opens it and glitter falls into his lap.
“Ugh!” Harry jumps up but despite that his crotch sparkles. “What is this?”
YN’s eyes are lit up and she hides her giggles behind her hand. Harry stares, turning pink. Why would she do that?
“I’m so-“ she covers her mouth again. “I’m sorry!” She’s shaking as she tries to stop laughing. It’s kind of contagious and Harry cracks a smile.
“My pants are covered in glitter,” he deadpans which send her head onto the table as she shakes with laughter.
“It was just supposed to lighten the mood ohmygod,” YN can barely finish her sentence.
That was it. Harry tries to pick up whatever glitter he can, using the paper (he realizes it was her pitch) as a dustpan. He taps her behind the shoulder and she jumps up to turn, in that moment he dumps the paper on her and sits back down in satisfaction.
“Now we’re even,” Harry tell her. Her mouth is open in shock.
“No!” She tries to dust it off but her crotch, that Harry glances at, is also shimmering. “We were even after I did that to you! This is! Oh my god.”
She stands over Harry, her eyes glancing at his pants. A snicker escapes. Then she’s back in her seat laughing.
“I have to say your pitch is not going well,” Harry reminds her.
“Oh my god,” she tried to get serious but she’s still grinning. Harry doesn’t mind.
“Should I go first?” He asks.
“No no I got this. Okay. The royal family and…their influence on food. Now before you think it’s stupid did you know the matriarch actually has a list of forbidden foods. And if we go back, and look at the countries they invaded we can see…” YN grows serious, but passionate, as she begins pitching the topic. And before anything just her passion alone convinces Harry they had to do this topic. “From land to table.”
“Okay.” Harry says.
“Okay? Like that was just okay?”
“No, I vote your topic.”
“Oh my god really?” She lights up and it’s blinding. Harry wanted to make her light up every chance he got. Focus.
“Yeah I think it’s interesting. And different. But we only have a week.”
“That’s okay!” YN opens her binder and pulls out another sheet. “I did a bunch of research. I couldn’t really sleep last night cuz of…anyway. So our library has all these books that can help. And we can spend the weekend catching up right? We can meet at the local library and work. So we’re caught up by Monday.”
Wow. She really thought this through.
“Isn’t that too nerdy for you?” Harry has to ask. Didn’t she have something cooler to do on the weekend.
“Oh my god,” she rolls her eyes. That was the YN he knew. “Just because I’m not a nerd doesn’t mean I don’t care about my grades. You should know my lowest grade has been 82 this year.”
Wow. Even though Harry never scored below 95 that was still impressive coming from her. Which it shouldn’t be, he reminds himself. She was smart—just in a different way.
“Okay let’s do it!” Harry was excited. He suddenly understood what Ms. Easton was trying to say, he was missing creativity.
“Yay!” She squeezes his arm and Harry’s never felt more aware of his arm in his life. YN notices him freezing and she pulls away. “Sorry. I didn’t give you my cooties did I?”
She was quick. But it was funny and Harry can’t help but let out a snort.
“Is that a laugh? Are you laughing at something I said about you?”
Harry shakes his head and turns in his seat but his face is stuck in the grin. YN continues to heckle him from behind but she’s interrupted by the bell.
“Give me your number,” she says as he packs up. “So we can coordinate tomorrow.”
“Oh yeah,” Harry pulls up his contacts and hands her his phone. “Just put yours in.”
“Okay, I’m texting myself too,” she types for a while and then hands it back. It’s only later when she texts him at the end of the day does he click her contact.
Future Prime Minister YN ❤️
The picture is one of her from below with a serious face on. When he squints he realizes she’s flipping him off. It’s funny, and Harry feels like he sees her now. Even though she couldn’t always be herself like he could, Harry now understood her enough to recognize the glimpses of herself she was giving him.
It’s destined that every nerd falls for the mean girl. Harry never believed that until now. As YN becomes more recognizable to him, his crush grows a little more. He had to nip this in the bud, he realizes. Because she would never feel the same way. In a million years. But maybe they could be friends. Maybe it was time for Harry to discover who he could be when he wasn’t spending all his time being nerdy. He had a lot to learn from her, he realizes. And the one thing he was good at was studying.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 1 month
future friends 1/2
james 'logan' howlett
part two
shes not edited so sorry in advance lol
im mad i cant write whump for this man so have some angst instead. because if we cant help heal outside wounds maybe we can help heal inside wounds
song: i lie to me by as it is
i sat across from rogue as we ate our lunch, quietly munching to myself. neither of us had spoken yet but she knew i always needed a minute when getting together with someone. it was the nature of my powers. i could see everyone's past just from being near them and though hers wasnt as hard to watch as some others she understood it was exhausting. she made that mistake once, touching me to experience it for just a moment. she ended up crying hysterically and i felt so bad because i couldnt even hug her to console her.
"Hey have you gotten a chance to talk to Logan yet?"
I raised a brow as I looked over at her, her pulling me out of my thoughts.
"You know the professor told me not to."
She nodded a few times, popping a grape into her mouth.
"And why are we still listening?"
She questioned and I laughed, wiping my mouth on my napkin.
"He said that I need to keep my distance until he finds his place here. You know we aren't supposed to use our powers on each other."
She looked at me with a stupid look on her face.
"Is it really using your power on him if you can't help it?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I've already read him. Every time he gets close actually. Every class I have with him. His life flashes before my eyes and I have to pretend I don't know everything about him."
She frowned and ate another grape.
"Logan deserves to know about his past. And you're the only one that can give that to him now that jean and the professor are dead."
I sighed and looked down at my half eaten sandwich. all i would have to do is touch him, then i could show him too.
"I guess I'll talk to storm about it. See if she has anything to say. She's the dean now after all."
she sent me another disapproving look before bobby came in and sat with us. i frowned, reading him quickly, before going back to my sandwich.
I knocked slowly on her office door, the wood creaking slowly. I could hear storm talking quietly to someone and suddenly my mind was flooded with his life again. His childhood, scraping his knee falling off his bike and it healing slowly. He freaked out but got up and kept riding. He never told his parents. Then his wife came into view, their wedding, her death. Then came him volunteering for strikers project. I could feel the ache in my chest as I felt all his pain. The cold rushing through my veins as he streaked butt naked through the Canadian wilderness trying to escape.
"Come in."
Shook me of my thoughts and I pushed the door open, seeing ororo and Logan talking. He was sat against her desk, legs crossed and cigar in his mouth. I panned the room to her standing in front of the TV, remote in hand. I could hear the electricity like she had just turned it off.
"Y/n, what a pleasant surprise."
I swallowed hard and looked from her to him. He had his brows drawn and I could tell he was trying to place me. Even in the two classes I had with him I was easy to ignore. I kept quiet. Answered questions when prompted. But ultimately stayed out of sight.
"storm I was wondering if I could ask you something but it's a private matter so I might come back."
I tried to suppress her time line, blinking away the hot African sun of her childhood.
"No need. I was just going."
Logan said sternly, pushing himself off the desk.
"We'll talk about this later."
She directed at him and he gave a tight lip smile, closing the door behind him. She looked back at me, placing the TV remote on the end table to her left.
"I have a feeling I know what this is about."
I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.
"I don't want to disobey professor Xavier -"
She held her hand up.
"You can't tell him."
I watched her, defeated as she paced to the desk.
"He deserves to know. Something. Anything. That he was married, he volunteered for experiment x, anything from his childhood."
She shook her head as she sat down.
"You know why that's a bad idea. We've already been over this after the fight at alkali lake."
I sighed and slumped down into the chair across from her.
"His time line is so intense storm. I can ignore most people's but they aren't as long or traumatizing as his. He's two, three, times as old as everyone here. Except myself."
A sad expression fell over her face as she folded her hands on the desk.
"He knows what happened with striker. We need to leave it at that. Until he finds something else out naturally."
I clenched my jaw and stood up.
"I can't keep hiding the truth from him ororo. And eventually he'll realize that I don't age either which will raise questions about my mutation. Then what am I supposed to say?"
She inhaled deeply.
"Y/n you are older than even the professor. You are the one that denied the position to teach-"
"Because I look like any other student!"
I interjected and she looked at me sternly.
"But if you are going to act like a child then you are going to be treated like one."
I scoffed and headed for the door.
"If the position reopens let me know. Teachers seem to be dropping like flies around here."
I pushed the door open harshly, it slamming behind me as I walked out of the office. There was a part of me that understands but I can't believe she is against me on this. He has found his place here. And I can't keep up with this. It's so much harder to keep people's time lines out of my head when they don't know I know.
Like rogue. I told her shortly after I met her. Even though it was after she took the "cure" from the Worthington corporation. She introduced herself in the same span it took me to see her time line. Bobby was there to help explain my powers to her but I haven't had to watch her find her powers since then. Same with him. And everyone else I've talked to on this campus. just small pieces of their childhood or finding their significant other.
but logan wasn't like everyone else. he was complicated. and so was i. but now, also, i was mad. i walked quickly down the hall, passed the dining room and kitchen to the elevator. if i couldnt get his frustrations out of my brain by telling him then i might as well work them out. i hit the down button and tapped my foot as i waited. when the door opened i strode down the hall to the danger-room.
i walked in slowly, the lights turning on and the control panel popping open. i quickly selected a series of test and waited for the room to start changing. i watched as sky scrapers appeared in the distance, small shops coming into view as well. then cars and people. then i saw a plane ahead, watching in shock as it crashed down in front of me. then all these creatures started climbing off of it, pieces of the plan in their unsightly jaws as it burned under them.
i moved quickly, running forward and dodging the creatures as they came at me hissing through bloody teeth. i pulled on the torn metal, making and opening and helping some civilians out of the plane as it burned. i looked up, seeing one of the creatures charging back at me. i grabbed a piece off the top of the plane and swung myself towards it kicking it square in the face and knocking back down to the ground.
i checked to make sure that the people on the ground were helping the others out of the burning plane before turning to fight another creature as it came at me. i struck it, pushing it away from me before lunging at another one. when the rest finally realized i was there they came in waves, attacking me. i fought back as hard as i could and for once thats all i had to focus on. then one of them knocked me down. as i tried to get up another lunged on top of me, pinning me down to the roof of the plane. i grunted and and tried to keep it away from me, its teeth gnashing and slobbery in my face.
then from out of nowhere i heard a yell and the sound of metal. i looked over to see logan shoving his long claws into the side of the creature. i watched him, his past flooding through my brain as he attacked the others as they came at us. i breathed deeply, stumbling to my feet and putting my back to his. we fought together until they were all gone, going to get the few stragglers out of the plane that hadnt made it out yet.
then he moved to help me down, taking my hand in his and pausing as i hit the ground. my eyes went wide as a tear slid down his cheek. shit. i had transferred his memories without even meaning to. all i had to do was touch him. usually i had my gloves on when we went in the danger-room but i didnt put my suit on first.
"i had a wife."
he said quietly, side eying me. i held my breath, holding onto his hand still as the simulation dissipated around us.
"i had a brother."
he laughed, really looking at me now. i took my hand out of his and held them both together in front of me.
"im sorry logan, this isnt how i wanted you to find out."
he drew his brows.
"have you known this whole time?"
i could feel tears stinging as i nodded.
"thats my curse to hold."
he shook his head, looking angry before walking off.
"logan wait!"
i called after him and he held his hand up.
"kid. just dont."
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 5 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thanks for tagging @jrooc
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I’ve always been an avid reader and as a kid I wanted to be a writer so that was the start. I’ve been reading fanfic since i was in highschool, and I’ve had many different barely started fanfics started over the years but last year was the first time I was able to actually finish anything/taken it seriously. I think it just came down to college teaching me the last bit of discipline in my creative practice
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Just Gallavich, but I’m very confident I will write destiel in my lifetime
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I published my first fic in September of last year!
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
it goes back and forth, when i enter a fandom i read fanfic voraciously but now i think i write a little more, its a balance between you can write the fanfic you want to read and you can read other peoples work to experience ideas you would never think of or just a different take on a familiar topic - both are good. I’m currently slowly going through and re-reading my old fics to get them ready to print and bind and its been a super fun process
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I hope i’ve improved a lot overall lol the main thing i always want to do well is portray the environment the way i envision it bc the worlds of my fanfics are rich and beautiful in my head so i just want to get better and better at pulling people into that
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Not a ton of weird research, a lot of google maps-ing to get a better understanding of the layout of Chicago and understanding how far away states/cities are from one another (i’m american, just a weird bicoastal one)
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
literally any comment, all of them are amazing and i can’t believe people read what i write and actually like it ?!? beautiful and very novel
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
um - i guess ABO, i was originally going to publish mine all mine anonymously bc it was very cringe inducing and still kind of is but tbh when i read it back i was like- wait this is good, even if it’s weird.
psychopomp is also a weird story, the way i thought/felt about it while writing was deeply weird and all the the themes of death and decay and devotion and consummation as an allegory for love were intended to be dark and just- weird
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Emotionally introspective fics that also really study the characters are really hard and i dont know why I keep fucking writing them - after finishing the fic im writing now i have to shift to something more plot focused
its really hard for obvious reasons but i also feel like i am an extremely logic driven person with a very particular worldview and all these characters are more emotionally driven than me. so i have to work very hard to not write behaviors from my pov and my decision making but from a studied understanding of the characters - which might be a good thing idk
um also idk if it needs to be said but brevity is not my strong suit, i should probably work on that
10. What is the easiest type?
Fluff, just cuddling and pillow talk baby i love that shit, also idk if i write smut well but it def goes the quickest for me
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Pages app on my icloud - I write after work some days, on my lunch break and on the train ride home. Every so often ill wake up early on a weekend and be in the mood to put on my noise canceling headphones and write for hours, but thats not super often
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
uhh - we’ll see. my true crime au is def one i want to write but all my ideas for the plot are just too dark rn, so well see if i can get it to lighten up a bit
13. What made you choose your username?
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tagging 5 writers: @callivich @mmmichyyy @iansw0rld @energievie @metalheadmickey
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🔎Detective Headcanons Dump☕️
(+ board thing)
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as stated on various pinterest icons and in the wiki, it’s conflicted on her name. for a while she was thought to be called sarah, but the drone that’s actually sarah is the one that said “mr doorman, there’s been an incident.” however, she’s still referred to as sarah. there’s so many conflicts. but as a compromise, i’ve been calling her sara. (little secret- it’s a name i no longer go by. the sarah/sara beef is REAL. that H has caused a massive divide in the sara/sarah world.) (no joke i actually had a HUGE rivalry with a “sara” until i realized i was nonbinary and changed my name LMAO)
-and yes, she has beef. (maybe a bit of homoerotic tension.) (QPR.) (if a rivalry lasts a long time you are no longer rivals you are gay. /ref)
-as mentioned in the other post: there’s other name options too.
A) she purposely never tells anyone her name unless they are closer friends, as she’s a very down-to-business woman. “My name’s not important right now, but this case is. Now back the hell off, this is a crime scene.”
B) her peers purposely never name her correctly and call her something different every time. plot twist- they never even asked for it, and it kinda drives her insane. “Mary, you seen my lunch?” “Any notes, Sara?” “Lissa went missing at that crime scene.” “Shirley’s on her lunch break right now.” she enjoys people trying to guess her name. they’ve probably gotten it right once or twice, but she won’t tell them. >:-)
C) or they just call her “detective”, but this plays into option A a lot.
D) like B, different name each time. but she’s the one who tells people a different name, instead of them trying to guess. at this point she’s collecting names like pokemon.
-“mister doorman, there’s been an incident🤓”. she thinks sarah’s dorkiness is adorable. the two are quite close. maybe a QPR.
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-she’s an arospec lesbian (i’m not just projecting here, i came up with this headcanon before i realized i was aro lol)
“do we even have fingerprints?”
-despite it being her job, the reason that she asks this question is because of different models. the drones we see on screen have the little dents in their fingers, but it’s possible that other models don’t or have different shapes.
-in my head-canon, gasoline is the drone equivalent to coffee or energy drinks. don’t talk to her until she’s had her gasoline. i have a whole list of headcanons for different machine fluids (grease, antifreeze, coolant, etc) i have more headcanons for those, but i’ll probably post them later.
-from what we can gather of her personality, she’s very blunt, sarcastic, and gets annoyed quite easily but doesn’t make much fuss. something will bother her but she’ll still keep a level head.
-also, think khan’s demeanor in the brief scenes we saw him in episode 7. “Part 2A, check the perimeter”. straight to business, doesn’t fuck around
-if she hadn’t been killed by eldritch J, she’d probably have a crush on J and get along quite well due to similar personality.
-outside of her WDF uniform coat, she probably wears lots of muted/navy blues, greys, and browns. her style is usually an oversized flannel shirt, button-ups, or aviator jacket. maybe a sweater similar to the teacher’s. it depends on the day. i’ve gathered some outfits from pinterest as a rough idea.
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-she’s really into yoga and similar workouts along that vein. she played tennis in high school.
-her ideal date night is a night in on the couch, binge watching crime documentaries and/or thrillers. (though she prefers not to date.)
-she’s well-respected within the WDF. got on a winning streak at cards.
-she often gets quite bored at her job, usually because there is nothing to do. she saw the disassembly drones getting into the colony as a good thing solely because it gave her something to do versus waiting around all day for something to happen.
-her music taste is mostly classic rock. guns n roses, queen, van halen, bon jovi, nirvana, kiss, black sabbath, pink floyd, AC/DC, rolling stones, etc
-here’s a miscellaneous mood board that i threw together with things i think are fitting for her
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muffinbeliever · 1 year
Neighborly Love [02]
Pairing: Coworker!Dean Winchester x Coworker!Reader
Word Count: 1131
Warnings: nothing ? trauma dumping lol but nothing that we didnt know already
Summary: Coworker!AU– Dean Winchester is the newbie around the office, and also your new cubicle neighbor. You have him all figured out from the start: a jerk, or so you think. It doesn’t help that he won’t stop flirting with you. Will Dean be able to convince you otherwise? 
A/N: oop hey guys *shyly tucks hair behind my ears* its been a while huh i was recently reminded that i actually told someone that id be posting the second chapter in december 2022 so we all know how that turned out... but anyways the only thing i can think of is #the hoes are gonna LOVE this have no fear y'all mother is here to feed you with a light chapter of lunch fluff
Masterlist | Neighborly Love Masterlist
You had just finished the fourth page of your project report, starting to double check for mistakes, when Dean cleared his throat. A quick glance showed him standing by the partition, his jacket hanging from his arm and an expectant look on his face. 
“Huh?” You asked, confused. You continued to proofread while you waited for his reply, your eyebrows furrowing as you tried to reword an awkward sentence. 
“I asked if you wanna get lunch,” he said. Your fingers hovered frozen over the keyboard. 
“Lunch?” You repeated, finally turning in your chair to face him properly. 
“Yeah, you know, the meal between breakfast and dinner? Eaten around midday? We get an hour off work? Which is right about now?” He teased, his green eyes twinkling with playfulness. 
“I know what lunch is.” You pretended to be annoyed to hide your amusement. “I was just processing the thought of lunch with you.” 
“Ouch,” he joked. “And here I was, doing a good deed by inviting you to lunch so you wouldn’t think of your breakup.” 
“Well, I wasn’t thinking about the breakup until right now,” you groaned. You had been so preoccupied with your report, you hadn’t given your breakup a single thought, but now, you had a whole hour to do nothing but that. 
“Then we’ll just have to go to lunch to take your mind off it,” he responded with a smirk. You debated continuing your work instead, but gave Dean’s offer a second thought.
“Beats work, I guess.” 
You saved your work and turned off the monitor before grabbing your purse. Your eyes swept the desk as you rose from the chair, and you had one arm in your jacket when you saw his grin. 
“What?” You asked, a little wary of his response.
“Nothing.” He was unsuccessful in feigning nonchalance. You gave him a pointed look.
“I…” He trailed off as he collected his thoughts. “I just think we got off on the wrong foot, and I’m hoping this lunch will be better,” he admitted. He rubbed the back of his neck and his eyes were averted, hinting towards his nervousness. You were thrown off by his truthfulness, but after a moment, you were surprised to find that you agreed.
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. The grin he returned conveyed his relief, and you swore the air felt a little lighter. “Come on, then. Part of inviting me to lunch is actually going.”
“Alright,” he chucked. “Where should we go? Lady’s choice.” 
The diner across the street was nothing special, but it was close and fast– two things you appreciated. The hostess seated the two of you upon arrival, and within five minutes, your orders were taken.
“So, Y/N Y/L/N, tell me about yourself,” Dean said, after the waitress set down your drinks. 
“There’s not much to tell,” you warned. 
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” you said with a shrug. “When you’re an only child and both of your parents are on-call surgeons, it’s kinda lonely and boring. I read a lot as a kid and focused on school. I always went to class and ran for student-body president. Don’t get me wrong, though, I had a social life and friends. I dated a couple of boys and fooled around with a couple more, but nothing wild. And then I went to college, but that wasn’t anything wild either.”
You were quiet for a moment, giving yourself time before continuing. 
“I met Zach during the second half of junior year. We were in the same class and, I don’t know, I guess we kinda just clicked. We got coffee a couple of times and worked on a couple of projects together. Even after the semester was over, we kept in contact and eventually he asked me out and we started dating. After graduation, I got this job and he took an offer at a tech company two hours away.” 
A familiar lump began to form in your throat. “It’s been a year since then, and I thought things were going fine between us, but clearly they weren’t. And I–” 
Your vision blurred from the tears brimming your eyes. You took a deep breath. Dean offered the glass in front of you, and you sipped at it while the waitress set down your plates. Your mouth watered at the sight of the cheeseburger in front of you. 
“Anyways, enough about me,” you said, once the waitress had left. “What about you?” 
Dean shrugged in response. 
As you ate, he talked about the house fire that took his mother when he was four, leaving his dad to take care of him and his younger brother, Sam, who was only six-months-old at the time. He shared how his dad turned to alcohol after the tragedy, and how it was the cause of the car accident that killed him ten years later. Bobby, a close family friend without kids of his own, adopted the brothers right after. Dean struggled through high school and vowed to never set foot on a school campus again once he graduated. He lived at Bobby’s until Sam finished high school, working as a mechanic at Bobby’s body shop. From there, Dean bounced around, taking the odd job here and there.
You listened to his story with rapt attention, admiring his animated gestures and shining eyes as he talked about Sam, who was now in his last year of college. The brothers had remained close over the years, despite their physical distance.
“Eventually, after working so many different jobs, I had gained experience that employers valued– at least, enough to overlook my lack of college degree– and I ended up here,” he concluded with a shrug. He was relaxed against the cushion of the booth, reaching out his hand to swipe a french fry through ketchup. His fingers drummed on the table while he chewed. 
“Thanks for sharing that with me,” you said softly, offering him a small smile. His fingers stopped their tapping.
“Thanks for taking me up on lunch,” He responded, just as softly. His forearms rested against the table as he subtly leaned closer, mirroring you. The sunlight hit him at the perfect angle, revealing the flecks of gold amongst his vivid green eyes and the smaller, fainter freckles dusting his cheekbones. Your breath hitched at the sight.
The corners of his mouth slowly raised to a smile– the movement catching your attention. Your gaze lowered to his lips and you found yourself wondering if they were as soft as they looked. 
“Like what you see?” He was parroting his first words to her using the same, smooth flirtatious tone that had irritated every nerve in your body yesterday, but today, you found you didn’t mind it one bit.
Taglist: @akshi8278 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @lanea-1 @slamminmine @bluedragonflylady @cevans-winchester @bakugouswh0r3 @muhahaha303 @allaroundjejje
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nehswritesstuffs · 6 months
It is time for me to inflict my depressing fanon on everyone yet again!
2646 words; hats off to everyone who projects with celiac!Law but this is my take; fairly gen but also has slight LawSan and/or LawBin if you put the shipping goggles on; mostly wrote this surrounded by wee weebs so shout out to my fiancé’s students (especially the young lady who convinced me to put in Robin (it was not a difficult sell lol); blanket warning for Law’s backstory I guess
Cold. It was cold.
Part of him wanted to say of course it was cold, it is the North, but it still seemed a bit much. It was so cold that the slightest breeze cut through him, through his cloak and to the school uniform that was now filthy and ratted and way, way too thin. Another small burst of wind and he remembered that his cloak wasn’t even a cloak, but an old, thin bedsheet he had found covering a corpse in the woods.
He wasn’t in the woods anymore. It was a different country, so very apparent thanks to how colorful everything was around him. Even the bricks and stones that made the buildings didn’t have the pastel sheen he was accustomed to, that he expected. Hiding in an alley, he stayed crouched until the nearby street grew quiet before making a move. Restaurants were always sure to have scraps, and he found what looked like a halfway decent one. He put his hand in the wastebin and found that there was nothing he could grab and run with…
…nothing except some moldy, soggy white bread. Again. How many times was it now…?
Stomach churning, he knew he had no choice and shoved the slices—now more mold and mush than anything—into his mouth. His gag reflex caught and he tasted bile on top of everything else. He still swallowed everything down, knowing that he did not have the luxury of choosing where he got his sustenance. Law kept rooting around in the garbage, eager for something else to eat.
He gagged again, the bread and bile falling to the pavement this time.
It was still cold.
“Law, come here.”
Doflamingo curled his finger, beckoning the child to his side. Law put down his book and walked past Baby 5 and Dellinger—both of whom stopped playing—to stand in front of their boss. The only other adult in the room was the Corazón as he sat next to his brother, a pad of paper torn by scribbles.
“Giolla tells me you refused to eat the lunch she made you earlier,” Doflamingo said, voice calm and even. “Is this true?”
“What of it?” Law scoffed. Doflamingo’s face didn’t even twitch.
“Now that you’re officially one of us, you need to eat to gather your strength and become the high-level member of the team that I can see in your potential.”
“I can do that without bread,” Law stated. “As long as I get the nutrients from elsewhere, I’m good.”
“No, that’s not good at all.”
“Cora-san doesn’t eat bread,” Baby 5 piped up. Law bristled—he didn’t need her assistance to make a point. They watched Doflamingo consider this.
“Cora-san is an adult,” he said eventually. “Law needs to eat properly.”
“I don’t want any.” The boy was getting adamant now, nearing on a tantrum. Doflamingo was about to snap at him when he felt the end of his brother’s pencil poke him in the arm. He turned and saw the pad of paper getting pushed towards him.
If the taste came back for you, it might for him.
“Hmm… you’re right…” Doflamingo scowled before he stood, towering over Law. “Don’t think this is over. You’re going to grow up about this eventually.” He then left the sitting room, the children all staring at Corazón, who in returned flipped them off and flashed the paper.
“No more than you are,” Law fired back. “Fuck off.”
Law stormed from the sitting room, knowing that he didn’t have to be there. He stomped all the way back to the room he shared with the other kids, flopping face-down on his bed.
He didn’t want bread. He didn’t need bread. He didn’t plan on even touching bread again for as long as he lived.
It wasn’t long before their food supply began to run out, Cora realized. He looked inside the bag with their meager belongings and frowned.
“I have to go into town,” he decided aloud. Law coughed in pain on the other side of the cave, curled around himself and blankets.
“Just you this time?” he asked.
“Yeah—I need to get us some food. Do you want me to look for anything specific?” Law whimpered something and Cora crouched down low. “What was that?”
“Good bread.”
Oh. Cora frowned and brushed the brittle, sweat-soaked hair from the boy’s brow. Who was he to deny a dying child? “I’ll see what I can do.”
Cora carefully went into town and began to look around for some groceries while trying to not cause more attention than necessary They needed things that were easy to carry and did not take much effort to prepare, if at all. Nothing that spoiled quick and nothing that was too tough on Law. He got some smoked meat and cheese, fruit, a bit of rice that just needed to be heated over the fire…
Stopping in front of the bakery, Cora stared at the wares on display in the window. It was so odd for Law to request bread, and so timidly at that. The kid’s aversion towards bread was one of the things that he could clock from a mile off—it was the same reason as him, he knew it. He often caught the look in the kid’s eyes when he stared down a sandwich or Dellinger chased him around the compound with a dinner roll; it wasn’t an allergy, nor was it a texture thing, but something much more insidious than that.
Before he realized it, Cora was standing inside the bakery, not quite fitting under the still-higher-than-normal ceiling and awkwardly staring at the breads. There were all sorts of things, such as pastries and full loaves and bagels and… ah, there were some smaller miniature loaves and rolls. At least if Law didn’t finish what he bought it wouldn’t be such a waste…
“Can I help you, sir?” He glanced up and saw the clerk standing there on the other side of the display case.
“Just looking.” Something then caught his eye: a double-roll that was baked together. The bread looked so dark it was almost black, and it made him think back to his own childhood. One of his uncle’s slaves baked rolls like that, and it was honestly some of the best he’d ever had. “Actually, what’s that?”
“Some Flevance-style rolls,” the clerk replied. “They’re not a good seller, but the owner spent summers there as a kid—it’s a pet project of his.”
“Thought they looked familiar; went on vacation there a couple times. Shame, really. Can I have a pair?”
After paying for a double-roll (and getting four, as the clerk insisted no one else was going to buy them), Cora went back to his shopping. He then made sure no one was following him and returned to the cave. Law was sitting up, having scooted himself closer to the fire he was poking with a stick to keep alive. Cora didn’t even need to ask and he threw a couple more bigger bits of firewood on the pile.
“How’re ya feeling, kiddo?”
“Fuck off.”
“That good, huh?” Law grunted, causing Cora to roll his eyes. “I got some bread like you asked for—the clerk gave me a bit extra.”
“I did not!” he gasped, almost insulted. “They just don’t sell many of them, is all.”
Law looked away and pouted as he hugged his knees. There was nothing he he really could say, was there?
“Well, if you don’t like it, we’ll figure out something.” Cora put down the rest of the shopping and sat next to Law with the bag from the bakery. He took a double-roll out and held it towards the teen in offering. “Let’s try it together.”
Slowly, Law turned back towards Cora, only for his eyes to go wide at the sight of the roll. He reached out and touched it gingerly, almost unsure it was even real. Both of them pulled on their respective part of the double-roll and it broke apart with ease.
“Where did you get this…?”
“A nostalgic baker.” Cora shrugged and watched Law as he cradled the bun in his hands like a precious gem. “I saw it in the window; the clerk confirmed it was a Flevench recipe.”
“How… how did you know…?”
“My cousin’s house had these a lot; some of the kitchen staff were from the North, and I remember there was at least one person from Flevance. Go on. Eat.”
Law nodded and took a small bite. He chewed slowly before swallowing, a hiccup wracking his body. Tears formed in his eyes as it turned into a cough, shivering as Cora placed a large hand on his back to steady him. The teen continued to let tears fall from his eyes as he ate, not stopping until the entire roll was gone.
“Th-thanks,” he squeaked. “That… that was good.”
“I’m glad,” Cora replied. He silently offered the second roll, but Law shook his head in refusal. The boy hugged his knees again and hid his face as he sobbed uncontrollably. Cora tried to place his hand on his back again, but drew it back quickly when Law flinched.
The kid was going to have to get through this on his own, he figured, and turned his attention back to the bun still in his hand. It was so small compared to when he was a child—younger than Law’s sister had been, if he heard the story correctly—despite the fact everything else was the same. The feel, the smell… Cora popped the entire roll into his mouth with ease, hoping it was as good as he remembered.
Soon as the soft, chewy texture hit him, Rosinante was back in Mary Geoise, sitting with Doffy and Josy at the table in the kitchen where they had their secret snacks. They would kick their feet in their chairs as Uncle’s kitchen staff fed them whatever they wanted; Doffy and Josy always ate the bread hot out of the oven, yet Rosi often let it cool…
Fuck. Cora swallowed the bread and wrenched his eyes shut as he tried to not break into his own tears. It wasn’t as good as the ones in his memories, but better. Thoughts of his childhood weighed heavily against his heart; what he wouldn’t give to have his parents back, to have his brother back…
…but they weren’t coming back. Just like Law’s parents. Just like Law’s sister. Just like everyone the kid had ever known, and all that was left might have looked a lot like Doffy, but nothing in the past four years was recognizable as the brother he used to sit at the table with, plotting with their cousin about all the fun adventures they would have wandering the halls of their homes.
Neither of them ate more bread in the prior two years than they did that night, finishing off the entire bag before falling asleep by the dying fire.
“I don’t like bread,” Law reiterated. He glared at the Straw Hat cook as he kneaded some dough in preparation for baking. The younger man was far-less pristine than his usual self, with his sleeves rolled up past his elbows and covered in smudges of flour. It was a struggle to not gag from the sight and smell of the dough alone, and it was all he could do to not let it show on his face.
“I didn’t mean this bread, you moron,” Sanji scoffed. “This is white for the losers, and Nami-swan and Robin-chwan get a more delicate and nutritious wheat—and I guess Momo too since the little shit’s growing—but I think I’ve got something you might like.” Law stared sourly as Sanji plopped the dough back in its bowl to rise and wiped his hands on his apron. “You’re from the North Blue, right?”
“…as is well established. So are you. Your point?”
“I knew some excellent cooks and bakers as a kid, so maybe this might help.” Law raised an eyebrow and watched Sanji pull a breadbasket out of the cupboard and placed it on the counter. A cloth covered the contents, keeping them protected from the air and out of sight. “Well, more like I grew up in kitchens in both the East and the North, and know that people from the latter can get… picky when it comes to this shit. Go on. Open it.”
Once the cook motioned towards the basket for emphasis, Law lifted the cloth and took a look at the bread. There, sitting plain to see, was a pile of Flevench-style double-rolls, so dark they were nearly black. He picked up a pair and stared at it, the only reason his mouth did not drop in awe was thanks to years upon years of practice.
“You… you made rye buns…”
“Yeah. I remembered one of the bakers in the North making these a lot, so I’d help her when I could,” Sanji beamed. “Nothing beats a taste from home, does it?”
“What makes you think this is home?”
“You picked it up and haven’t put it back down.”
Law’s face felt hot with blush as he Shambled away in a panic. Fuck, Blackleg-ya was a bit too perceptive for comfort. The other man must not have said anything to the others, he figured, since no one seemed to be treating him differently. Was it the accent? Did he resemble a Flevench migrant from the blond’s childhood? Whatever it was, he wasn’t entirely sure he liked it.
Oh. Wait. That was right; the double-roll was still in his hand. He felt around with Haki and figured that no one was watching, allowing him to slip into the mikan grove undetected. Carefully, he took the double-roll in both hands and pulled them apart, the smell hitting him just as it did all those years ago when he’d share one with Lami at the dinner table… when he shared them with Cora-san in the cave…
Taking a bite, Law sighed as he realized this was no joke. Blackleg-ya had truly been able to do something he’d never been able to do over the years, something that his crew had never been able to replicate. For the first time since he was thirteen and dying, he was eating a roll of bread—Flevench-style bread—and silently crying. It was more than he could have ever asked for and yet there it was, just as good as it had ever been, the right color and texture and as though nothing had ever changed. He trembled as he finished the first roll; it was as though he had taken it straight from the bakery on High Street…
Just then, movement caught the corner of his eye, causing him to flinch. There, sprouted on a branch, was an arm holding a handkerchief and a handwritten note towards him. Law used his Observation Haki to locate Nico-ya, finding that she was on a lower deck with the rest of the ship’s inhabitants. He took both items and watched as the arm stayed. Opening the note, he read:
I’ll keep them down here. Don’t worry, Torao-kun. Take your time.
He touched the arm and it dissolved into petals. Of course Strawhat-ya’s crew would have someone who knew how to make him cry with bread, as well as the only one who possibly understood how frail his connection to his past truly was. He sank down to the floor and leaned against a tree trunk, letting the tears flow as he savored the second roll like a man being allowed his last meal.
That night at dinner, he got onigiri just like always, as though nothing had ever happened. At least he kept his dignity through it all, he supposed.
A/N: The bread I based this on is called röggelchen, which is most often found in Western Germany/eastern Belgium.
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resi4skz · 3 months
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Pairing: Christopher Bahng x Aubrey Williams (OC)
Warnings: none for this chapter, smut eventually
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"Thank you. Have a nice day!" I smile as I hand a bag filled with books to a customer. They smile and exit the store. I glance at the clock on the wall. Damn, I missed lunch again and it was almost time to go home. I pick up some books that needed to be put back on the shelves and head to the back of the store. My phone vibrates and I fish it out from the back of my jeans pocket.
T: when will you be home?
A: why?
T: my mom got you some teas that will help with getting you pregnant.
I wanted to run away this moment. Troy had been trying to get me pregnant for almost 2 years now. We had tried every treatment there is out in the world. It always ended up with negative pregnancy tests. And his mom even suggested surrogacy or he sleep with another woman. And I was always the one in the middle forced to do things I didn't want to do.
Once, she put some medicine in my food and 2 hours later the same night I ended up in the hospital with severe vomitting. The doctor told Troy to not do anything drastic like that or I will lose my life. But that didn't stop his mom. She complained how her friends were already grandmothers when she's not. She had hated me from the beginning and we never got along despite Troy knowing everything. He was a mama's boy. He managed to swipe me off my feet and made me fall in love with him.
I wrap up in my book store, lock the main door and put alarms on. The drive home was the only relaxing time I had which didn't last long since it was only a 20 minute drive. Parking in the driveway, I put my poker face and head inside. Troy was on his laptop typing away and only turned around when I walk inside. "Mom wants us to come over for dinner this Saturday. I told her we'll come."
"Okay," I say, feeling drained from the day. I head into our room to change so I could finally eat. I'm in the middle of changing clothes when I suddenly feel a pair of arms slide around my exposed waist. I gasp, jumping a little. "Troy, what are you doing?"
"Come on, baby. It's been a long time," Troy whispers as he unclisps my bra as his other hand slips under my yoga pants, slipping a finger inside me. "Let's make a baby."
I groan mentally. If only there was a way....
The 'session' ended as usual like last time. Him leaving me high and dry to mend to myself. Sex with Troy was a chore now. It always was. As I finish changing, my phone vibrates and I smile when I see the text from my best friend, Liana.
L: girlie, what are you doing this weekend?
A: dinner at mother in law on saturday.
L: ew, you're still married?
A: lol, yes. And on sunday, I have to work.
L: at this rate, you're gonna be old before you know it.
A: gee, thanks.
L: listen, there's a party next weekend that i really wanna go to
A: let me guess. You want to go because the bartender that you've been crushing on is going?
L: great mind think alike. Also! Chris will be there!
Chris? Now why does that name sound so familiar? I go to type back but my stomach growling stops me. I'll send her a text later. I head to the kitchen and fix myself a quick sandwich with potato chips and a can of pepsi. I felt content finally being able to eat. It was one of the things I always loved. I loved all types of food, especially homemade. It was one of the things I always loved. Cooking. It was therapeutic for me since I came from a family who taught each other many things. And I was very glad that my mom taught me how to cook various types of food growing up.
Finishing up in the kitchen, I head up to my study to work on some book covers. I immerse myself in the work and loose track of time until I'm finished with 2 projects. As I walk to the bedroom, I see Troy already sleeping. Lucky bastard sleeping with no care in the world. I lay down and settle myself for sleep. Only it comes much later and the next thing I know is my alarm clock going off on my phone.
As much as I wanted to sleep more, the bookstore had to be opened today as there were deliveries coming in and an investor that I wasn't told much about. I hadn't told Troy about it yet because I know what he will say about it. 'Just sell it to me.' He had said it to me many times and I had declined every time since I had put my time and sweat into the bookstore while he worked for a big corporation company called Bahng/Lee Corp. The only thing I knew about the company was that it was 2 cousins who owned it.
I got coffee on the way to open the bookstore. Flipping the lights on, my co workers start walking in. "Morning, Aubrey."
I smile at Sabrina and Penelope. "Morning." They go back in the break room while I start assembling books in the shelves. I loved the feeling of new and old books. It gave me a sense of bliss and calmness in both. A few customers come and go, purchasing books and other accessories. And just like that a few hours go by and it's lunch time. "Hey, I'm gonna quickly head out to grab lunch and I'll be back to help with the deliveries."
I quickly get a italian sub from next door and as soon as I get back, the delivery truck arrive. While Sabrina helps the driver unload the boxes, Penelope and I immediately start unboxing them, my lunch long forgotten. It tends to get hectic and a lot busy once I get new releases come in. I'm inside unboxing another box when Troy and his mom, Georgia walk in.
"This place is a mess," Georgia says as she swipes off imaginary dust from her shoulder.
"Hi, Georgia," I say, nervous all of a sudden.
"Aubrey, what's all this?" Troy asks glancing at the boxes around me. Honestly, I have told him many times and yet he still asks.
"New books and accessories," I reply.
"More books?" Georgia blinks at the bunch of books in my hands. "If only you spent as much time you did on giving me grandkids as you did on books, maybe you wouldn't have to work as much."
I open my mouth to reply when Troy speaks. "Mom's right. All you've been doing is working ever since your parents dumped this shop on you."
This book shop was given to me by my parents on my 23rd birthday since they know how much I love books. It also meant I was the only sole owner of it and this didn't sit well with Georgia. As for Troy, he didn't really care or paid much attention to it which I was kind of glad for. I sigh looking at them. Georgia with her gold jewlery and the usual french manicure that she gets every 2 weeks. And Troy in his usual business attire with his blackberry in hand, typing away.
The amount of degrading I have listened from both of them these past 2 years. I always want to give them a piece of my mind. But for some reason, I always keep my mouth shut. "Thank you for being so considerate. I will keep it in mind." I had gotten my period in the morning and I was starting to think I wasn't the problem.  How I knew that is because everytime Troy and I were intimate on the days I was ovulating, all the pregnancy tests turned out to be negatives, no matter how many times I took them.
"So, when do I get to hear the good news?" Is she being for real right now?
"Soon, mom. Soon." And he's not helping either.
The amount of things I wanted to say to both of them right this moment. But it wasn't the place or time. "Is she taking the teas I gave you?" Those teas I threw some away already because they were gnarly and tasted like her vegetable casserole. "Well, I've been waiting for 2 years. She should've been able to pop atleast one baby out. Did you guys get tested right? Is it her? It's her, isn't it?"
She points her finger at me, nostrils flaring. "I knew it! I knew you were trouble the moment he brought you to my house. Troy shouldn't have gotten with you in the first place!"
"No! I'm not going to shut up just because I'm in her stupid bookshop!" Georgia was fuming, her face turning red. This had happened before last year when I showed her the negative pregnancy tests. And now it was happening again. A few customers and Sabrina was staring at us now. "I told you she was bad news! And now she's unable to give you a baby!"
I watch as Troy tries to calm her down. Penelope nudges me with her elbow. I turn to look at her. "What?"
"There's someone asking for you."
"Who?" I ask. I turn my head when she points towards the door. My breathing stops. A black haired man wearing beige cardigan with blue jeans walks towards to where we're all standing. Everyone, including Georgia and Troy watch as he stands in front of where Penelope and I are standing, behind the cash regsiter. I survey him from top to bottom. I notice he's also wearing small silver hoop earrings which I think he's probably the only man to pull it off. And did I mention he's gorgeous?
"I'm looking for Aubrey Williams." Oh thank god, I didn't change my name when I got married.
"I'm Aubrey. How can I help you?"
He blinks at me. "You're Aubrey?" His voice was smooth like caramel melting in your mouth, with a hint of an accent?
"Yes." I get confused when he lets out a small laugh. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"
"Me?" He smiles as he hands me a business card. My eyes widen at the name written on it and look up at him, smiling at me.
"Chris?" Holy shit. It's him.
"Ah, so she does remember me." He smiles. Holy dimples.
"Babe, who's this?" Troy comes in view and I can't form any words. Georgia is watching all this unfold, arms crossed looking like a Karen. I almost want to laugh.
"Uh, this is Chris. An old high school friend." I reply. "And this,' I point to Troy. "This is my husband, Troy."
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Chris stated, raising his hand which Troy shakes, much to my surprise. "Didn't know you were married."
"For 5 years," Troy announces with a frown.
"Oh my god, is that Christopher Bahng?"
"That's Chris Bahng! I've always seen him in magazines but he's more handsome in person!"
"He's so handsome!"
A few customers take out their phones and start taking pictures, while many start pointing at him. I watch as Troy's eyes widen as Georgia rolls her eyes and grabs his arms, dragging him out. I don't think I've seen Troy like that in front of anyone before. He was always the one confronting others whereas I hated it. "You sure do know how to pick 'em," Chris says, chuckling.
"Bri," Penelope nudges me in again, whispering in my ear. "He's one of the owners of Bahng/Lee Corp."
Then it clicks. He's the investor. "So you're here to invest in this bookshop? Why?"
"Well, I've been hearing many things about it so thought I'd check it out."
Sabrina is now standing with Penelope, staring at Chris with a stupid smiles on their faces. "Let me show you around." I drop a box in their hands as I walk around them, their eyes following Chris behind me. Why did I have to hire women with hormones?
"So right here we keep the fiction and fantasy books, our most favourite section that gets sold out pretty quickly," I stated, standing between the shelves and watch as he observes some books.
"How many days are you open?"
"7 days but weekends have different hours and even open on holidays," I nervously reply.
"Open on holidays?" He asks, surprised. "You don't take time off?"
"Why not?"
"Books make me happy." I wanted to say otherwise.
"But not your husband?" He asks, finally looking at me.
"What? I didn't say that," I denied. "I meant I like being here, it gives me peace."
"The peace that your mother-in-law demanding a baby from you?" My eyes widen at his statement. He heard that? "Yeah, I heard some of it."
"Oh." I had nothing else to say because my brain only saw one thing. The beautiful man in front of me. Plus, he didn't need to know about my life.
"I'll do it."
I do a double take. "Pardon me?"
"I'll invest in your bookshop and expand it. Maybe open more branches in different locations," he replies.
Wait a damn minute. Am I hearing this right? "Wait, are you serious?"
He chuckles. "Yes. Is it that hard to believe?"
"Well, for one you didn't even see the rest of the shop."
He gives me a smile that made me weak in the knees. "I don't need to. I know you will do great as you are currently doing."
"Thank you."
He glances at his wrist watch. "I gotta go, Bri. I have an important I need to get to. I'll need to get in touch with you for all the paperwork."
"But I don't have your number." Ah. Why....."Ah, I'm sorry. How rude of me."
He laughs. "You're the same as ever. You have my card, all my contact information is on there."
"Oh, right."
He lets out a small laugh. "I'll wait for your text or call, whichever you prefer is fine with me." He winks at me, smiling. Oh god, those dimples again. And then he walks out the shop, disappearing around the corner. I glance at his card in my hand and smile.
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A/N: this is a completed series i did on wattpad so decided to show its love on here. Enjoy and stay delulu friends
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