#this wrote itself HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
mortiferumsomnum · 2 years
the magic hour is now (you cannot slow it down)
THIS POST JUST--- I have so many feelings *sobs*
@annoyed-at-things please have his little drabble of mine. I didn’t use your whole prompt because I focused mostly on Tim (the magic hit only him), ehe~
Tim felt like he was floating, as if he was sinking slowly under water, drowning. He couldn’t breathe, his vision was blurry, and all sounds around him were muffled.
His limbs felt too heavy, felt too hot and cold at the same time as he reached up for--- something. someone.
He thinks he’s calling for... Damian? Is Damian around here? 
Damian, are you here? Where are you? Damian?
Warmth. There is warmth covering the hand he reached with. He could feel pressure, feel it being squeezed. It felt nice. Comforting. If this is how warm Damian’s hands were, Damian should hold hands with people more often.
He closes his eyes. The muffled sounds around him grew louder, but Tim couldn’t bring himself to open them anymore. He felt comforted and safe. He felt warm and sleepy. 
Soon, Tim felt nothing.
Damian had attended many funerals in his life. However, he was used to bodies being cremated and stored in urns before being buried in the dirt. It was interesting looking at a coffin. The last time he’s seen one was when his father was temporarily dead. 
However, compared to that experience where he felt only a small sense of remorse and indifference, seeing Timothy in a coffin had hit different.
Timothy is usually pale, even as he goes out to spend time with Conner or his love Bernard. Now, where Timothy lay, he looked paler. The make-up fails to hide the bluish tint of his lips and around his cheeks. 
Damian looks away from the smile that never left Timothy’s face as he... passed. He already knew what it looks like, even if his memory of his smile had blood coating Timothy’s face as he squeezed Damian’s hand back, whispering about how Damian was... warm. 
He couldn’t believe Timothy thought he was, because Damian felt ice-cold as he held his hand and demanded that he stayed awake. His whole body felt frozen stiff as he watched Jon keep pressure on Timothy’s wounds. But Timothy had--
He had too many deep scars. Scars that Damian didn’t know existed.
The scar on Timothy’s neck hadn’t really healed, covered by plaster. Even as Timothy laid in his coffin, there was plaster covering his neck. There were more on his body, but deeper on his abdomen. Blood was gushing from two vital places, and Damian and Jon tried their best to staunch the bleeding while waiting for help, for Batman, to arrive.
The magician that casted the spell
Timothy wasn’t even calling for Batman. He sent a signal, yes. But he wasn’t calling for Batman.
Dami’n, ‘re you... ‘ere?
Someone was hugging Damian now, but Damian didn’t care. His body still felt cold despite the arm tugging him close to someone’s chest. There was a deep scent of sweat, hay and lavender - Richard. Timothy had always said that he never stopped smelling like a circus, trying to cover it up with some cologne that Barbara got him.
He was brought to sit down, far away from where he could see Timothy’s face. Not that he could see him anymore, Jason was now standing where Damian was, peering over Timothy with a blank face and a white-knuckle grip on his coffin.
He wondered what Jason might be thinking, if he was remembering the moments before he died. Timothy said that Jason died trying to call for Batman, trying to escape only to accept that he wouldn’t be making it out alive.
Timothy didn’t call for Batman. He didn’t even look like he knew he was dying.
Wh’re ‘re you?
“Are you okay, Damian?”
Was he okay? Richard’s soft voice called for him once again, but Damian couldn’t bare to look up to his eldest brother, his father figure and mentor. Damian found it slightly hilarious that Richard was comforting him right now when he knew that out of all the brothers, Richard must be feeling the most guilt. He was not there when Jason died, and he was not there when Timothy died.
Damian only relaxed into Richard’s chest, burying his face into his clothes.
“I was there,” he whispered. He felt a hand stop rubbing his back. He didn’t even know when that started, but the hand stayed paused in the middle.
“I... Jon and I... we tried stopping the bleeding...”
Damian’s whole body was back to being cold, and the warm hand felt scorching where it laid. “But Timothy was calling for me and...”
He looked at his hands. They were no longer red. They were cleaned of blood, but the warm and wet feeling still felt fresh in his mind.
“He said I was warm.” Warm like his blood-soaked fingers, like the blood pooling out of Timothy’s body nonstop. “I held his hand and he said I was warm.”
He wasn’t crying. He wasn’t.
But he knew Richard was, from the way he seemed to be heaving and clutching Damian tighter.
“Did he call for anyone?” Richard asked. 
Damian nodded, breath hitching and finally acknowledging that maybe, just maybe, he was crying.
“He called for me,” he said.
Richard kissed his head. “And you were there.”
Damian nodded. “I was there.”
#i could have worded a whole lot of things better but i was running on 2 hours of sleep and 5 mugs of coffee#this wrote itself HAHAHAHAHAHAHA#tim drake#damian wayne#batman#i don't have a timeline for this or what comic-verse this is#but just know that damian and tim have come to brothers that hate each other but not really they're just brothers#dick grayson#jason todd#jon kent#do you know the song i just referenced with the title?#and do you know what a magic hour in photography is?#it's the the last hour before sunset and the first hour after sunrise#the you cannot stop it part is that the magic hour is always going to happen#it's just that i just decided to take the lyrics out of context#because the magic hour was when tim got hit and there was nothing damian could do to stop the magician from casting their spell#HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA#i mean if i were a better writer i would have casted them fighting during the magic hour and then tim hit during the magic hour#and there would be nothing they could do to stop the time and the attack from happening#eyyyyyyyyyy#someone better needs to write this cuz I suck as poetry and visuals and stuff#Where's Bruce and Alfred in all this?#Well Bruce is still cooped up in his study unable to face his dead son while Alfred is debating cleaning Tim's messy room or just leaving it#He didn't need to do this debate when Jason died because Jason loved keeping things clean#Tim loved his chaotic mess that only he knew how to navigate and find things in#tw death#tw blood#death#blood#batfam
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
marie claire cpns by xiao zhan 🤍
let’s start with this one first, i will definitely do a separate cpn analysis of wyb’s songs and the MV, god i hope there’s a music video and we’re not just hoping for nothing. lol. anyway, i started with pointing out the jewelry which turned out to not be that big of a deal as i thought it was. but that’s the reality of clowning. this post is about the shoot itself and the interview.
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as usual, all of these are speculations/interpretations of someone with a bxg lens on. 😎
starting off with the photo i used for this post. i’m sure most of us noticed the similarities between the shoot. tho the b&w were very few and that tank top! the long hair! can you believe, after all the hair disasters we’ve been through with this two— that we will get them in magazine covers with long luscious hair? in the year 2023? we are so blessed! i hope this trend doesn’t get banned or something cause i love it. here’s one more! they look so good! 💦💦💦
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we have also caught on the art director for their shoots is the same person. you can say that marie claire is not as personal as working on yibo’s single but the this is not the first time that this happened. and it’s one of those cpns that we think they recommend stuff to each other and that includes people and companies they can use for certain projects. ✌🏼
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there are elements of the plane and dreams, which are cpns we hade before but i won’t say much cause i think that’s really more of the magazine’s concept. i don’t think xz will have that much say on that and he only showed up their to shoot and interpret the concept the best way he can.
the meat 🥩 is truly in the interview. it’s a long one that talked about his career and personal life so let’s see what he said. 💭
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Xiao Zhan held up a handheld fan to dry the sweat from the filming. When the photographer signaled the start, he stepped forward, stepped back, walked again, and continued to retreat.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Is this the 380 yuan fan wyb gave you? It’s just too funny that it’s the first thing the interviewer wrote about.
What he shares is only his sincere daily feelings.
"Don't you think that the emotions between people have never changed? Old movies will always be read and watched, and old songs will always be listened to over and over again, because the emotions sung by truly classic works remain unchanged through the ages. Only sincerity can move people."
This really stood out to me, the message of sincerity. It’s something that both of them has talked about and especially WYB. Bobo was big on sincerity during Hidden Blade’s run and it’s nice to see the same thoughts come up in XZ’s interview. They really have the same view in life and it’s why they are loved by many. Also thinking about emotions that don’t change is so them. After so many years, their love remains strong.
Old songs? My mind immediately went to Wuji. Lol. because personally, that song will always make me feel the love!
Almost every time he shoots a movie, he has a routine: dreaming. I dreamed about memorizing lines, dreaming about acting against a director, or even dreaming about taking a math test, but couldn’t solve any of the questions on the paper, and then I woke up with a start.
Dreaming! The lyrics for Everything is Lovely 🎶 has the same thought as this. WYB saying he loves to dream.
Deep down in his heart, he does not regard himself as a qualified actor, but always puts himself in the position of a newcomer, with an attitude of learning and exploration. Therefore, every time he goes to a crew, he has the experience of starting all over again.
Another same outlook as WYB. They never see themselves as the best in the room, there will always be something new to learn. They are not afraid to look at things with fresh eyes and like a child.
As for what role he most wants to play, Xiao Zhan said: "I have been mentioning it for many years, a cute and charming villain, if I get the chance."
I’m adding it here cause at this point someone should cast him as this type of villain already 😂 WYB sort of got this with Mister Ye but I hope XZ gets his dream role!
Xiao Zhan seems to have a special sense of time. He is nostalgic. Whether singing in variety shows and evening parties, or listening to them in private, he always has a preference for old songs. They are memorable, rich in meaning, and give him space to think.
I have always seen this with XZ, how his taste leans towards the older stuff. It’s so interesting cause WYB has recently been into old rock songs. I wonder if they share songs and what their updated playlist is. WYB can now related to XZ’s old songs! Maybe this is an indirect influence.
During his spare time, he just works out and watches movies. He never regards watching movies as a task. He watches everything regardless of genre, whether it is popular movies such as popcorn movies or niche movies such as art films.
Yes. Yes. ZZ & WYB are not the only people in the world who loves to watch movies. But this little tidbit coming out when we just had that info about WYB watching a shit ton of movie. They don’t even have to be together, we had fake rumors before that they watch movies together even if they are apart. Whether that’s them on the phone/video while the movie plays or recommending movies then discussing it later. 🎬
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lizzy-doll-thefoxy · 2 months
What do you plan to do with beltren?
Well, I have several
I'm creating a story of 0 WITHOUT BELICE =) BELICE DOESN'T EXIST HERE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't take it anymor-
jokes aside, well I'm creating a story where Beltren is from the third/4 generation of the shadow kingdom family, he dreams of venturing out there, but he suffers from a serious illness, he cries Blood, and it hurts him a lot leaving him in bed most of the time
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One good thing is that Ginny's magic can stabilize the disease
He barely leaves the castle because when this illness manifests, He spends a few days recovering
Apart from that, beltren really likes adventure That's why his parents wrote the book Wonderland for him, for him it's a comfort when this disease manifests itself, but that doesn't stop Beltren from having fun He still does lots of things like little adventures in the garden or in the village , And he will be a protagonist in cosmos! So he's going to live a great adventure XD
I may not have the original version but I will do my best with the version I have of it
Now admire his new stylish outfit U-U
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(I made an edit XD)
extra curiosity, his tears are a bright blue liquid, like his mother's And they can heal injuries but unfortunately they don't help much with his illness
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piccolina-mina · 3 years
Our girl is thriving this season, but what the fuck is this Wyatt plot? I need your thinks about this one. I just knew you'd be six posts in on this by now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
*sighs* For fk's sake, nonny. I don't even like talking about it because I get ranty.
What do you want me to say? Honestly, everything you can imagine I would feel about this, you're probably right. Because you know, I'm that b*tch always getting ranty about racism and stuff.
In short, I hate it. I think it's unnecessary, tone-deaf, random, pointless, lowkey offensive, and illogical. I legitimately find it triggering AF. And it doesn't make sense.
It's Unnecessary. There is a fraction of a chance that it will connect to something more significant, but even if that's the case, I'm confident that end result or connection could've taken place without this random reform racist Wyatt storyline. This series has struggled enough as it is properly utilizing all of its primary characters as well as providing them with decent screentime and arcs. It literally makes no sense to spend any of that time that could be used elsewhere on primary characters on a recurring guest star.
This isn't actually about Rosa, it's about Wyatt. Following up on the previous point, this specific arc caters to Wyatt. Revolves around Wyatt. Rosa is just a passive participant and vessel for this Wyatt storyline. So again, the arc itself is about a recurring character. At least when they did something similarly bringing back Cam to siphon time and arcs away from its main cast they found ways to implement it better and tied her to multiple main characters, so it wasn't a total waste.
The intended Wyatt/Rosa parallel is illogical. I know what they're intending to do with this storyline, drawing parallels between Rosa's experience coming back from the dead after ten years and trying to make sense of that and atone for things before and having this second chance to make things right and go down the right path and so forth and Wyatt losing his memory and his racist ways and having to reconcile with who he was to who he can be and all of that. I understand the concept they're trying to sell. It just doesn't work. Rosa's addiction is not equivalent to Wyatt's racism and violence. Her mental illness isn't either. It's dangerous to invite the comparasions with this storyline.
It's not successful redemption. True redemption is Wyatt knowing and remembering his actions and then trying to atone for them. It's not the convenience of amnesia wiping out his memory only giving him distance from his actions rather than really facing up to them. Because of the amnesia, to Wyatt, it's like he's hearing about another person. It's a cop out. He doesn't Actually have to do the work to redeem himself or atone or learn or grow. IF we're supposed to compare it to Rosa, she knew what she did and remembers and knows how she hurt her loved ones or whatever and she's actively trying to make amends for that as part of her program... a program that Wyatt isn't working or anything BTW.
They've contradicted themselves too much and are rewriting their own work and thus twisting everything up just to make this storyline work and it still doesn't. The timeline is all fkd up... what they established already all of it..The Longs were racist before Kate's death. Kate was racist. To suggest that a 10+ amnesiac blackout clean slates and erases all of Wyatt's racism is just wrong. As in it literally doesn't even make any sense. That is not how the amnesia works but they keep playing both sides of it trying to make it work. To sell us what they're claiming, he would have to have ALL of his memories wiped and have forgotten who he was completely.
Wyatt is behaving like he's shocked by racism in this town but they're also trying to argue that he was born into it. Wyatt was surrounded by racists and his friends come from racist families but he's acting like the very concept of him ever being ingratiated in it is some huge surprise. Wyatt looks affronted by things like Confederate flags. Wyatt being steeped in and surrounded by racism predates his amnesia period.
Kyle mentioned that line about Wyatt putting Whites Only on water fountains, and it sounded like a school prank. It also sounded like something Kyle was reminding Rosa of as if she was alive when that incident happened. Therefore, Wyatt was doing racist stuff before she died. Kyle would've been out of school by then so how else would he know that or why would he bother retaining it?
IF Wyatt and Rosa really were friends before (which holy retcon), then it makes no real sense that he would get psychopathically angry about his "friend" who does drugs getting into a car accident with his sister who does drugs. He would've mourned them both not jumped to severe racism and violence. But both he and Jasmine's family (who are MIA for all of this) did that... jumped to racism. So was Wyatt indoctrinated by his family or indoctrinated by message boards and shit? And if Wyatt and Rosa were friends than why was Kate such a racist bitch to Rosa?
They're backdrafting history JUST to make this storyline that we don't need with a character who isn't even a main one to work.
By not actually addressing that Wyatt has to unlearn racism and giving him an out through amnesia, there is the very realistic issue of that latent racism to come out at any given time. What happens when he's drunk? What happens when he's really angry at a POC?
Tying Wyatt's redemption with his clear affection for Rosa is again dangerous and irresponsible. I know we would all like to think that love is the way and through love it can heal racism, but that puts the responsibility on the disenfranchised person to be "lovable." Because if Wyatt WAS friends with Rosa once then that means the second Rosa did something unlovable she was just another *insert racist slur of choosing* right? It means that there's a possibility that if his feelings for Rosa dwindle or things go sideways in some way there's a chance that he could revert back to those racist ways. Loving Rosa(linda) and pinning all of his wanting to be better on her because of her makes his actively learning to be anti-racist conditional. Right now he's not doing this for him. He's doing it because of Rosa.
This entire storyline has placed the burden of forgiveness on Rosa, his victim. Without him ever having to actually make amends. It's this turn the other cheek BS that means there's nothing too big or harmful that can't result in forgiveness. It relies on Rosa and all that she represents to extend an inhumane level of mercy and grace to their tormentor and oppressor that was never once extended to them. It's such a consistent and problematic thing projected on disenfranchised parties that ONLY benefits the majority and makes them feel good. It's a narrative of meeting someone halfway when the playing field was uneven and the minorities are in actuality doing more work and making a longer trek. Halfway and meeting in the middle only works if both sides were even. They are not. It's the reaching across the aisle both sidesms when one side was clearly and actively more harmful than the other and than calling that peace and equity. It is not.
This storyline was meant to scintillate some viewers with this "what if" notion and teach others a meaningful lesson or be this poorly thought out gateway to exploring a complex storyline but it came at the expense of other demographics who actively have to deal with racist crap. And because of their problematic approach what is simply "just entertainment" to some who has the luxury of not having to think about it beyond that, is just gross and insanely triggering and uncomfortable to others. The others who deal with the reality of the subject at hand.
They wrote themselves into a corner with Wyatt so trying to dig him out of that no matter the cost or logic is absurd. This storyline could've worked better if Wyatt's racism didn't also include conscious, constant, extreme violence. But they spent all of this time making Wyatt the face of violent racism and now are trying to redeem him with no real effort. He wasn't just using slurs or making microaggressions. He wasn't some insensitive or aloof white person. He is a murderer. He has killed people. He technically murdered Liz in cold-blood. He knew she was in the crashdown when he shot up the place. The lights were still on. He beat up Arturo so badly he nearly killed him well after his friends even stopped. He attacked and intended to kill Rosa. And his handiwork was a constant thing, enough for Jenna to comment on it. And now we're supposed to ignore all of that because he has amnesia and has puppy dog eyes?
The fact that we can entertain (and for some succeed) Wyatt in all of his hot white dudeness' redemption after everything he has done slips into the inherent racism of society in the first place and is enraging. Because systemically and culturally and inherently society will bend over backwards to find a way to absolve a hot white guy no matter his actions. Flint and Noah couldn't get this type of redemption... So their intended storyline about evolving from racism STILL plays into the racist structures set up in society.
And because some people like it, there's this slippery territory of NO everyone who genuinely enjoys this aren't racist for enjoying it. But yes, this entire storyline and how it is playing out is at the very least racially insensitive.
In order for this storyline to work they would actually have to show Wyatt doing the work. They don't have enough time to dedicate to such a delicate storyline. It's been a C and D filler storyline with 45 second to a minute scenes. That's not enough time to explore this properly. We would've needed to see Wyatt returning home from the hospital. We would've needed to see Wyatt with his friends and it not feeling right and his discomfort. We would've needed to see Wyatt going through his yearbook and googling himself and the horror and disgust he felt. We would need to see this through his eyes. But we didn't have the time for that and we wouldn't have anyway because he's not a main character. We only get Wyatt through Rosa's eyes and they haven't even dedicated enough time to that for it to work. Rosa isn't conflicted at all. She didn't struggle to forgive him. She was reduced to a school girl with a crush and an insane level of grace and they just threw that at us with no buildup whatsoever. I don't know where Rosa's head is and how she got to this to place. Not really. And the only thing working about this is the chemistry between two actors who are allegedly dating so of course there's chemistry.
It literally feels like another instance of a favorite actor being shoehorned into a storyline just for the hell of it. Just because they didn't want to let Dylan go or something. Just to give him something else to do.
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thechekhov · 6 years
Hi, how are you today? I wanted to ask a couple things: I heard that Cannabis is super taboo in Japan, do you smoke at all? Is it easy to find for you if you do? Is it discussed with any frequency, or is it a hushed and discreet topic? Is there really any 'Stoner culture' there? Hope I didn't bug you at all, and I hope my questions aren't too invasive. Thanks, all the best!
Hahaha hooooo boy. 
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So, I’m gonna be very, very serious here for a second, because this is very important. 
We’re gonna take this back to exactly that thing you wrote
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specifically, this thing
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I’m not sure how much I can emphasize this before I sound like some raving lunatic, but uh, I’m gonna do my best.
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Now that you understand the weight of this (I hope), I’m gonna go back and revisit your questions. 
Do I smoke? No, personally I don’t. I’ve smoked like… once before? I have nothing against it, it’s very cool that cannabis is becoming legal in America (despite the fact that mass incarceration of black people for possession of weed continues to be an issue) It’s just that it didn’t resonate with me - I’m very sensitive to smell and weed fucking REEKS. 
Is weed easy to find here? Hahahahahahaha
Let me say this as a disclaimer - I’m not so foolish as to think that weed somehow magically doesn’t EXIST in Japan. I’m sure it does. I’m sure that some people, somewhere in Japan, are smoking weed right now.
But here’s the thing - in Japan…. and especially as a FOREIGNER in Japan - possession of weed in any form is punished as harshly as possession of cocaine or heroin. 
I’m not joking. The Japanese law does NOT care what drugs you have - if it’s LSD, krokodil or just some fuckin’ weed. And for native citizens of Japan, being arrested for possession of weed is bad enough in and of itself (Japanese police are brutal, in very different ways than American police, but on just the same level. Once you’re detained, you’re confessing to whatever they want you to confess to, regardless of circumstances.) But as a foreigner, possession of any drug, in any amount, results in a swift elimination of whatever job you have, followed by deportation. Immediately.  
I cannot stress this enough - drugs are absolutely not tolerated by Japanese law.
You should not, ever, under any circumstances, attempt to find them in Japan or bring them INTO Japan unless you want to flirt with the idea of being booted out real quick. 
You think I’m exaggerating? I’ve known people, in my own prefecture, who attempted to bring some tiny bags of stuff over from their trip overseas. They are no longer in the country. Their workplace is now under scrutiny, it was in the prefectural papers - public shaming, officials apologizing, you name it. It happened. 
So for the last question uh… 
Is it a hushed or discreet topic? 
Y…eah? Both? I think? I don’t actually know because I have never discussed drugs in any form with any of my Japanese coworkers. I never will. I don’t need to, to know that it’s not something that is work appropriate, and I don’t need to have them questioning me with “Why did you mention drugs? Do you have drugs? Are you looking for drugs? I’m afraid we’ve already called the police, no need to hurry, they’re going to be searching your house for the next two hours.”
I mean, sure, maybe I’m being overdramatic, but I’m gonna stay on that side of it, because the risks I mentioned are real, and I’m kinda invested in having a few more years of working here. 
Sorry if this is… extreme. I hope I didn’t scare you. Trust me - it’s nothing personal against you! Or weed. I just wanted to answer the question with as much realism and weight as it deserves. 
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bunnis-babes · 5 years
So @queennerd-love tagged me to do this forever ago, and I just kinda… didn’t. But I’m bored and angry about accidentally deleting the same HCs for the second time, so I’m doing this to distract.
Star sign?
5’5” I’m a moderately size girl, just kinda average.
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 4.
So uhhh… all of these are undertale/deltarune because thats my go to playlist, it’s what I use when I do pretty much anything so… :/
1. The Legend (Toby Fox)
2. Spear of Justice (Undertale Remix by Game Chops)
3. Dogsong (Kazoo cover by Tsuko G.)
4. Don’t give up (Toby Fox)
Grab the nearest book and skip to the page 23, what is the 17th line?
Uhm… the closest book I had was a manga so this doesn’t really apply all that well, but I’ll just give the last spoken line. “He’s calling to give you his answer…” If you can guess where it’s from that’d be fun.
Ever had a poem written about you?
Yeah actually, he had to write Haikus about our classmates one year in junior high. I think my best friend and I wrote about each other, but I can’t be too sure.
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Uhhhhh… over a year ago? Like sometime in 2017 was the last time for sure.
Name one sound you hate one you love?
The sound of a books binding being destroyed is something I can stand. It hurts my should when I hear that noise. A sound I love is orchestral sounds its just pleasing to my ears.
Do you believe in ghosts? Aliens?
Ghosts, but not aliens. I don’t want to explain why, but magical little men living on mars just doesn’t sound… plausible. The idea of ghosts is just, it makes more sense then these E.T. beings.
Do you drive/have you been in a car crash?
My dad hit a deer on the way to the hospital when my mom went into labor. Other than that, no.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Meh… Sharpies smell way better.
Last movie you saw?
Into the spider verse
Worst Injury?
I fell off the monkey bars and sprained my ankle. It hurt a lot and couldn’t walk on it for a while, because pain.
Your Obsessions?
BNHA, Gravity Falls, Cermet, Undertale (The game itself please don’t hate me), Deltarune, A silent Voice, MHA: Vigilantes, Waitress, The Arcana, many more.
Hold Grudges?
Only one, and that bitch deserves it. She was an ass to me and my friends and she did this shit to herself.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I’m unlovable.
When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
When I stepping into my home to day after school.
What view would you like to have out of your window?
A bustling city in the distance, separated by a small field with a nice solid tree growing in it.
If you could instantly know how to speak another language, what language would you choose to know?
Japanese is the first one. Most likely Spanish, French and Norwegian after that. I’ve got a whole bunch more, but those are the main contenders.
What would be your strategy for surviving an apocalyptic epidemic?
Have my close friends with me and be sure to have plenty of food and meds and other basic shit like that. Probably die, idk I wouldn’t really give a shit if the world died.
When does time pass the fastest for you? The slowest?
It passes fastest in Biology and slowest in Spanish.
You can broadcast one sentence to every TV channel and radio station and have it translated, what would it be?
“Dude what the fuck, I don’t know what to sa- hEY ARE YOU ACTUALLY BROADCASTING THIS SHI-“ And then the entire broadcast is shut down.
What are you completely over and done with?
People telling me I can’t enjoy Undertale because of the fandom, fake bitches, my depression/anxiety getting in my way of having a successful school career, my health teacher, not being comfortable with a lot of guys, not being able to ask for help.
Who haven’t you seen in a while and want to see if their okay?
@home-of-the-trash and @blackdevilina
What do you wish people would stop asking you about?
“Why can’t you just talk to people.” “Why are you so anxious and awkward all the time.” “It’s not that hard, just ask them.”
What is the most unusual fear you have?
That we have a rooster living in our attic thing area place.
What’s the biggest lesson life has taught you?
Not to trust everyone right away.
Of you could hear when people say positive or negative things about you, which would you choose to hear?
Positive, it would be nice to hear and a good confidence boost. Plus, negative things would just push me further into depression.
What’s the best piece of advice someone has given to you?
“Don’t depend on people as much as you did with her, they might hurt you and I don’t want to see that happen again.”
What do you think people automatically assume about you when they look at you?
Quiet, awkward, and not too attractive.
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
Just today.
What’s your story?
It’s a lot of me living life obliviously before realizing why I am the way I am and being sad suddenly, but I’m getting better.
What do you wish you had more time for?
Writing, art, classes I want to take, friends, trips, fun things I want to do.
What’s the most unpleasant sounding word?
If you could dedicate your life to solving one issue, what would it be?
What feelings do the colors Turquoise, silver, purple, or brown represent to you?
Turquoise: Calmness, Serenity
Silver: A burden, great wealth
Brown: Grossness, disgust
Purple: Pride, Royalty
What is your favorite way to meet new people?
In a casual way. Just walk up and introduce yourself to me and try to get me talking. I have a hard time making friends and putting in effort to make them, but I will try to make friends with someone who wants to.
What is your favorite non-drug/non-alcohol high?
Being able to laugh, it’s a good reliever and I feel happy and amazing while doing it.
What kind of personality traits do you associate certain names?
Elizabeth: Nice, friendly, basic
Andrew: Smart, goofy, brotherly
Lilly: Boisterous, funny, a gremlin
What is the best thing you could tell someone to cheer them up when they are feeling down?
There isn’t much you can say to make them feel better a lot of the time, I really default to making terrible puns and jokes and that normally brings a smile to their face.
What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?
Opening up to my amazing best friends.
What’s weird about you?
I’m thinking just about everything is strange personality wise; but physically I have a little bump in my nose. Everyone tells me it doesn’t really distract from the rest of my face and it makes me pretty, but I don’t like it.
What are you hyped about?
My next school break, summer break omg, Spanish class to be fucking over.
What do couples do that seriously annoys you?
Uhm… some of them make out right in front of us and its just disgusting. Like, yeah your in love, go make out in the bathroom, thanks.
Oof, wrote half of this at 1am and half of it in first hour! I’m really bored, so I just did this because why not. Hope you liked it!
7 notes · View notes
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: real?
You: Last time I checked.
You: Sadly
Stranger: damn
Stranger: going into the heavy shit right out of the gate
Stranger: what's up?
You: Nothin' much
You: Hbu?
Stranger: same
Stranger: had a pretty low-key day
You: Same
Stranger: you okay?
You: Yeah, why?
Stranger: with the whole "wishing you weren't real" thing, I mean
You: I didn't necessarily say I wished I wasn't real.
You: I just implied it.
You: What even is real?
Stranger: I mean, really....
You: I'm fine, just having a bit of an existential crisis.
Stranger: I'm sorry
You: Nah, it
You: is fine
Stranger: okay,I guess
Stranger: so how may this stranger on the internet enrich your brief time on this earth?
You: You got happiness in the shape of a carton of ice cream?
Stranger: ...I don't know how to do emojis on this thing...
You: I wasn't referring to emoji's. Real happiness comes in the form of ice cream
You: Sorry that took forever
You: I'm freaking out
Stranger: oh, I'm sorry
Stranger: I thought you said "cartoon ice cream"
Stranger: read it wrong
You: Something keeps whacking the side of my house and freaking me out.
Stranger: ...is it windy right now?
You: Yeah, I'm still on edge though
You: I am paranoid af
Stranger: is it daylight right now where you are?
You: Not quite.
You: Why?
Stranger: could you just go out and check what it is?
You: It is 2 30 in the morning and I am home alone
You: this scared bitch ass ain't walking out side that late in -30 degrees weather
You: I have weird neighbors
Stranger: ...are you saying one of your neighbors might be knocking on the side of your house?
You: No... i am saying that I wou;dn't put it past one of them to do it. Especially if they knew it would freak me tf out and I was home by myself
You: It's is pretty windy, though, too.
Stranger: it's probably just the wind, tbh
You: Oh, I know it's the wind.
You: But whenever I get scared, or even nervous, my brain pulls the scariest shit from the depths of my brain just for the fun of it I guess.
Stranger: where are you, anyway?
You: Iowa
Stranger: oh, cool
You: Where are you at?
Stranger: California
You: Cool
Stranger: um... I can't really help you...
Stranger: with whatever's going on outside, I mean
You: It's just nerves
You: So... age?
Stranger: 24
Stranger: you?
You: 15
Stranger: m or f?
Stranger: (just curious)
You: f
Stranger: I kinda figured
Stranger: (doesn't want to talk about sex stuff ==> PROBABLY a teenage girl...)
You: Trust me, I hear enough about sex during the day.
You: I just realized how creepy that sounded.
You: I am so sorry'
Stranger: O_O
Stranger: Do you need me to call child protective services?!
You: I live with my older sister and three brothers.
Stranger: (also I just realized that response went to the wrong person)
Stranger: (I have 2 different Omegle windows open at once)
Stranger: (the other person I'm talking to opened the convo with "NO SEX STUFF;" I got you confused)
You: Cool, I used to do that when I had a perfectly functioning memory
You: Anyways, they are very vocal on their sex lives at any chance they get.
You: Not vocal as in...
Stranger: ah...
You: Nvrmind
Stranger: I get the idea, yeah
Stranger: they brag
You: My sister doesn't brag, she just sucks on her boyfriends face
Stranger: it's gonna come off some day if she's not careful...
You: And when she's not found doing that, she'll be found in the kitchen talking as loud as she can
You: Hopefully
You: Maybe then I won't have to see that moron
Stranger: XD
Stranger: or maybe you'll just have a guy without a face hanging around
Stranger: which would be... worse...?
You: Well, if he didn't have a face, I wouldn't be able to hear him speak
You: BUT, if he wasn't around, then I wouldn't have to see the sorry excuse of dick always lounging around our house
You: Tbh, idk what would be better. It would be absolute torture for him to not talk about himself all day
Stranger: oh no
Stranger: he's one of THOSE...
You: Mhm
Stranger: ...I kind of want details, lol...
You: get this, when he's drunk, he's actually really nice and quiet for the most part.
Stranger: HAHAHA
You: He asked me the other day how you cut a banana
Stranger: -_-
Stranger: I hate to be the one to tell you this...
You: I had to teach him how to make kool-aid, season chicken, and cook pasta
Stranger: ...but your sister might be dating a moron.
You: fold towels
You: Tell me something I don't know
Stranger: ...how did she even find this man?
You: I think the only reason she does it, is because she is either blinded by love or stupidity
You: He lives next door
You: close family friend for years
Stranger: oh good god...
You: Yeah, I know right?
You: Fun fact: He graduated last year and always hangs around our housse
You: how he didn't know how to season chicken is a crime
Stranger: you... you put seasoning... on chicken...
Stranger: there's... nothing... to... figure... outt...
You: Especially since his father is the professional grill artist of this side of the culdesac
You: He covers them completely
You: Like actually douses them in spices and throws em in a pan
Stranger: ...
Stranger: okay, so what you need to do
Stranger: is get your sister a chastity belt
Stranger: this guy's privileges are revoked
You: they don't exist though...
You: I wrote a book this Christmas.
You: It's called, "How to Survive Planet Earth When You're Name is Cael and Can't Function Properly"
You: Inside, I wrote VERY detailed basic things and adult-ish human should know how to do.
Stranger: you could sell it
Stranger: no matter what's in the book, you could absolutely sell a book with that title
You: You think?
Stranger: I ACTUALLY laughed out loud when I read that XD
You: It has full coverage from folding laundry, cleaning a house-and this rate
You: Changikng Diapers
Stranger: (congrats on writing a book, btw)
Stranger: (that's not easy, even if it's just a gag gif for your sister's idiot bf)
You: Aww, thanks
You: I think it ended up being about thirty thousand words.
You: He'll still be reading it around next Christmas
Stranger: well, at least he can read...
Stranger: ...that's a start...
You: That itself is a big accomplishment, so I have to give him that.
Stranger: XD
Stranger: Do you write a lot?
You: yeah
You: I love writing
Stranger: GOOD.
Stranger: What kind of stuff do you write?
You: I like writing fantasy, fiction, non-fiction
You: Anything, I just love writing
You: I also right stupid do-it-yourself books for people with an IQ lower than a duckling
Stranger: I dunno
Stranger: I've met some pretty smart ducks...
You: I have not
Stranger: Do you like comics at all?
You: there's this one duck that the people own across the street. her name is Greta the Great (idk why that name), she likes to climb onto cars somehow and sits on them. She does not move and when you try to move her physically, she go all murder duck on you
You: yeah
Stranger: (I promise these questions are going somewhere)
You: I am literally reading ms marvel comics right now
Stranger: YESS
You: REALLY???
Stranger: (I am a big fancy California person so I get to go to Comic Con hahaha)
You: My parents won't let me
You: YoU'rE tOo YoUnG
You: No I'm NoT GoInG tO gO wItH yOu
Stranger: also tickets are a couple hundred bucks
You: nope to that shit
Stranger: I am a big fancy california person who also has enough industry ties that he can get in on a free professional guest pass XD
You: HOW
Stranger: My dad worked on some of the official Marvel character encyclopedias
Stranger: YUSS :3
You: Do you know which ones>
You: ?
Stranger: those big leather-bound ones they used to have in Barnes & Noble...
Stranger: "Marvel: The Characters and Their Universe"
You: That's cool. Those are normally the types of books I just read in store
Stranger: yeah, cause they're $75
You: Yup
You: I almost bought one once, but if I bought it, I wouldn't have been able to go to camp
You: So I put it off
You: It was only because it was marked down for like 54.99
Stranger: you can get them for, like, $25 now
You: Really? I haven't been to a Barnes and Noble for like three months
Stranger: I mean... if you were to send me the money, my dad would PROBABLY sign one for you XD
You: That would be cool...
You: Although it wouldn't be wise to send money to a stranger across the internet
Stranger: yeah, I was gonna say...
Stranger: might be kind of hard to explain...
You: and I don't make enough in a day babysitting the snotty nosed demon down the street
You: I can see why he might be concerned
Stranger: yeah, lol
Stranger: anyway
Stranger: LOOOONG roundabout point I was trying to get to
Stranger: there's a new comic publisher called "AHOY Comics"
Stranger: that prints short prose stories in the back of each issue
Stranger: and anyone can submit one
Stranger: and it pays
Stranger: so if you can do a quirky horror/fantasy story in about 1,000 words
Stranger: it might be worth looking into
You: You don't have to draw?
You: Or anything like that?
Stranger: no, it's a prose story
You: Oh, duh
Stranger: you should probably check out one of their issues first, if you get the chance
You: That sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out
Stranger: They already bought two stories from me :)
You: awesome
You: So is that how people get like "discovered"?
Stranger: I hope so! XD
Stranger: Mine haven't actually been published yet
Stranger: so I don't know how it works after that
You: So do they publish them after they buy them? Just raw, like after no tweaking or changes? Or do you have to do rough drafts upon rough drafts before they release it?
You: Or would you know?
Stranger: they tweak a little
You: I can actually understand why. I mean publishing something that's probably never reached professional editing doesn't really sound like a wise idea to me.
Stranger: the biggest change they made to mine was just shortening it
Stranger: 600 words is the optimum length, even though they accept up to 1,000
You: That is actually a genius program. I wonder how many creators they have?
Stranger: a lot...
Stranger: have you looked them up
You: Yeah, I've been scrolling through their website.
You: Most of their comics look like something I'd read
Stranger: The prose story in the first issue they ever published was by Grant Morrison.
You: have you ever heard of line webtoon?
Stranger: And now they're publishing me.
Stranger: In the same space
Stranger: as Grant
Stranger: Fucking
Stranger: Morrison
Stranger: Yeah, I actually have a webcomic on Line Webtoon too...
You: He wrote that one comic about the asylum right?
You: Really?
You: Which one?
Stranger: ...TWO, actually...
Stranger: One's about a gay penguin, and the other's just stream-of-consciousness, usually R-rated doodles
You: Oh cool, so like the slice of life/ comedy?
You: Oh, have you read Backstory?
You: that's one of my favorites/
Stranger: I haven't, no
Stranger: what is it?
You: One of the creators is Stan Lee
You: May he rest in peace.
Stranger: *crosses heart*
You: not, back story
You: Backchannel
You: Sorry
You: On the surface, Tom Tanner is having an average high school life - struggling to stay on the lacrosse team, hiding his affections for his friend Sally, and trying to keep his head down and grades up. What his father, an LA police detective, and friends don’t know is that Tom is an engineering prodigy and is being recruited by BACKCHANNEL, a decentralized hactivist group causing havoc at prisons across the U.S.
You: There's the description that was on the webtoons page
Stranger: ooohh...
Stranger: Here's mine, if you're interested...
Stranger: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/i-think-im-a-penguin/list?title_no=194476
Stranger: (I really need to update this thing again...)
You: Ima be right back
You: Thud downstairs
You: fam might be home
You: ima fetch a vacuum hose
You: brb
Stranger: vacuum hose...?
Stranger: Also where were they?
You: My sister, her boyfriend, and parents are with my cousin who was pregnant and having difficulty delivering, they were staying until friday
You: One went with while the other is at his dorm in Iowa City
You: And that leaves the little shi-thead, Ethan
You: He was supposed to be at a sleepover.
You: He comes home at almost four in the morning when it is -50 degrees outside and covered head to foot in snow. Banging on the front door, because he forgot to grab his stupid fourth controler for playstation.
Stranger: -_-
You: He left with a muffin
Stranger: ....
Stranger: ...
Stranger: ..
Stranger: .
You: He also left with the little warm air left in this house too
Stranger: ...
You: So there's that.
You: HEY!
Stranger: I was about to ask about that, lol
You: Okay, I'm technically not home alone. I've got ninja. Our small bean of a cat who believes she is a lion.
You: She likes to attack strangers
You: Maybe I should have sicced him on the little shit
Stranger: I approve of everything about your cat
You: Thanks
You: She is sitting with me, growling at the window
You: I am now annoyed knowing that my brother and his friends have nothing better to do than sit outside in -50 and stare at me through the window.
You: I hope their parents are proud
Stranger: I mean... your brother's parents are also your parents, so...
You: Yeah, they are real proud of his accomplishments in life
You: *sarcasm
You: Thumping on the window?
You: Walls and such?
You: I have no idea
You: And I don't think he'll come near me for a few days until he knows I won't rip out his intestines
Stranger: you should do it anyway
Stranger: just to show him
You: I just know, I saw four figures waddle back down the street
You: Little shits
You: Ima tell their mommas
You: They'll whoop their ass
You: They didn't come in
Stranger: Just... just stay and play video games at your house!
You: (thankfully)
Stranger: They already made the damn trek!
You: I can't
Stranger: god dammit
You: Oh.
You: they are petty and have nothing to do with their lives
You: I'll gove them this pleasure
You: give*
You: Besides
You: that is waaaaay too much testosterone for this house. Plus, I don't have a door on my room and I won't get any sleep at all, let alone with like the two and a half hours I have to do so.
Stranger: ...do I need to let you sleep?
You: Nah, who needs sleep when you have a blanket fort and enough coffee for four thousand vikings
Stranger: And idiot siblings who would've woken you up anyway!
You: Exactly
You: The only reason i'm up this early, is because I never get me time.
You: This is my time to shine baby
Stranger: SAME
You: I'm listening to thirteen reason why, eating waffle crunch, sipping on mostly sugar induced coffee, and on omegle. making friends and bonding over comics and douch brothers and boyfriends
You: Besides, my parents aren't here. I could be like a normal teenage girl and throw a party
You: but why would I do that when I could invite the best person on planet earth.
You: It is a strictly me party.
You: That's probably why his friends didn't come in...
You: I am tying all sorts of strings together tonight
Stranger: not everyone's a party person
Stranger: embrace it
Stranger: BE the marshmallow
You: I have on: tights, spandex, leggings, yoga pants, and sweatpants. two long sleeve shirts and a sweatshirt, four pairs of socks and a beanie
You: Oh, and leg warmers I found under my bed a few weeks ago
You: I also have the heater shooting lava temp air into my pillow/blanket fort
Stranger: Perfect.
You: Ikr?
You: At least I won't freeze to death, even if the power goes out
Stranger: haha, that's good
Stranger: freezing to death should be avoided
Stranger: (I REALLY feel the thing about needing to stay up late to get "me time," btw)
Stranger: (It's 2:17 AM here)
You: Ah, 4;17
You: lol, most the time, this neighbor girl named abi?
You: She comes over and pretends she's part of the family because shes a lonely only child
You: Gotta love her though
Stranger: Not as bad as your brothers or sister's bf?
You: Nah.
You: I can tell her to leave me alone and she listens
You: That's the difference
Stranger: KEEP HER
You: IKR! XD
You: You know that stupid NUN movie?
You: The horror?
Stranger: I know of it, I haven't seen it.
You: Neither have I nor will I ever...
You: An ad just played for it and I think i just had a mini chest pain there at the end
Stranger: I haven't seen the ad, I don't think...
You: At least the devils hour is over. I don't have to worry about stuff like that
You: I've only seen it once before, although it was months ago. I don't know why it'd be playing now.
You: brb
You: Oh wait
You: They left a single chocolate chip in the bottom
You: at least they have common decency
Stranger: i suppose it's better than nothing
Stranger: ...but not by much...
You: Yeah...
You: There is literally nothing sweet in this house.
You: i could make something, but I don't want to leave my fort
Stranger: FOR MUFFINS?!?!?!?!
You: Who knows
Stranger: tell their parents
You: oh they most definitely will hear of this
Stranger: tell their parents that their children are out wandering the streets at 4 AM in the middle of a blizzard
You: Funny thing
You: My cousin?
You: The pregnant one that is giving birth three states away?
Stranger: yeah?
You: that's her mom
You: She's gone
Stranger: what?
You: Brother is staying at cousin's house down the street
Stranger: OH
You: I locked the door
Stranger: lol
You: they ain't getting my heater
You: if they come back, that's probs be what they go for.
Stranger: well, it kind of sounds like you need that to... you know... LIVE...
You: well, unless the furnace doesn't kicks off i'll be fine
You: besides i've got ninja
You: a very irritable portable heater
Stranger: *tapes cat to face*
Stranger: "I'm good!"
You: No...
You: .
You: .
You: .
You: kitt-ing
You: haha
Stranger: -_-
You: I have no friends
Stranger: I'm sorry
Stranger: I'm a 24 year old man who still lives with his parents, and spends his evenings socializing online with total strangers who--not always but USUALLY--turn out to be teenage girls.
Stranger: ...so you might still be ahead of the curve on this one...
You: I don't know about that one
Stranger: (nothing wrong with being a teenage girl, obviously)
Stranger: (just... maybe not the demographic I should be socializing with the most...?)
You: I'm a socially awkward fifteen year old gorl who has severe anxiety and when tries to speak to anyone that's not related to or known for at least five years, cannot speak to in person without screaming on the inside. If not found caressing my refrigerator or at the back of my public library, I will be found on youtube, tumblr, pinterest, or just staring outside at the field of cows across the street.
Stranger: (the person in my other Omegle window called me out on it and now I'm feeling self-conscious)
You: haha
Stranger: yeah, I have anxiety problems too
Stranger: and I'm starting to dip towards being more comfortable interacting with people online than I am in person
Stranger: which scares me a little
You: Oh, I'm homeschooled too, so... there goes anything that has to do with people
Stranger: cause, you know... real life... is... goof
Stranger: *good
Stranger: OH GOD
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: I'm sorry
Stranger: homeschooling is bad
You: Not necessarily.
Stranger: I mean, it can be really hard on your social life
Stranger: (and yeah, the regular education system is pretty bad too, soo...)
You: I don't have to ding fucks that call themselves teenagers. I can stay at home in my jam-jams all day
Stranger: ...
Stranger: I don't even know what advice to give you on that one...
Stranger: Most of my friends who need to get out more are, you know... adults... who can leave the house without needing permission and drive and shit.
You: Ok, I will admit. If I put my mind to it and really focus and stuff, I can form a coherent sentence without looking like a mentally sick and deranged horse.\
Stranger: And I do have SOME friends my own age. Lol.
Stranger: ...
You: I do have one friend.
Stranger: Is it Abi?
You: Nah, she's family
You: his names Levi
You: He is nine and his favorite animal is parrot
Stranger: ah
Stranger: is this the "demon you babysit" you mentioned earlier?
Stranger: ...because you mentioned babysitting a demon earlier...?
You: That is some serious string tying, sir
Stranger: > person says they never interact with other people
Stranger: > person mentions one other person they interact with
Stranger: > person mentions interacting with someone recently
Stranger: QED: person they interacted with is probably one person they mentioned
Stranger: ...
Stranger: okay that actually made me more confused...
You: that might be my excuse as well
You: I am dreading to admit I have a dentist appointment at 8:30
Stranger: FUCK
You: its five
You: fml
Stranger: ...
Stranger: I can't really judge anyone else's life choices
Stranger: especially when it comes to spending too much time on this site...
Stranger: ...but you should not have spent a couple hours talking to me
Stranger: :P
You: Nah, it's fine.
You: I should probably get a little sleep, though
Stranger: yeah...
You: so i don't fall asleep at the dentists office
Stranger: hope this bite-sized glimpse of socializing gave you what you needed...
You: Maybe
Stranger: ...i don't even know what I'm saying anymore I'm tired...
You: probably not
You: good night
Stranger: hang in there
You: actually, good morning
Stranger: it gets better
You: does it really?
Stranger: adult responsibilities really aren't that much harder than teenage responsibilities
Stranger: but you get the freedom of being an adult
You: adulting sounds pretty difficult
You: are you sure?
Stranger: to, like... leave the house whenever you want, and pick your own schedule and shit
Stranger: you've managed to keep yourself alive while your parents were out of town, yes?
You: .
You: .
You: .
You: barely
You: almost murdered four teenage boys, that's for sure
Stranger: it seems hard when you're not doing it
Stranger: then you just kinda... start doing it, without even realizing it
Stranger: adulting, I mean
Stranger: not murdering teenagers
You: I was gonna say...
You: I was so confused after that first statement
Stranger: lol
Stranger: okay, I'm out of wisdom
Stranger: go get some sleep
Stranger: and... try to... find friends? In the real world?
You: That was real encouraging
Stranger: sorry
You: Go and... find friends
You: Nah it's cool
Stranger: wherever you get your comics
Stranger: see if they hold D&D tournaments or something?
Stranger: or Magic?
You: okie dokie
Stranger: okay
Stranger: good night
You: night'
You have disconnected.
2 notes · View notes
My scores for E3, because apparently now i’m a dumb 4channer who thinks this /v/ meme shit matters, like it’s not gonna affect sales or anything it’s pointless as all hell [this is lenghy, but hear me out ok]
4/10 - people will probably play the games regardless of how shitty this presentation was but... It felt pretty insulting. 
Battlefield V is probably gonna make a lot of money regardless cuz people like war games and it seems pretty well done, the more footage they have shown seemed better than their weird advertizement that made world war 2 seem very wacky, which honestly regardless if you’re a sexist neckbeard or not, seemed like a poor advertizement move. 
No one watched this lol and it was just 1 GAME and a fun cute musical that made people who aren’t strong enough to musicals die, 6/10 because it made nerds die and their song is catchy, i dont really care about their 1 game.
 9/10 - I'm giving this much of a high score because I would play practically almost all of these games showcased (they’ll probably be available on PC which I’m biased for cuz I have a gaming PC), no kidding, I pretty much liked everything I saw and it was fairly straight to the point. Many gamers don’t appreciate the finer details of each game and think they’re generic but that’s just fanboys who haven’t played a single game outside of their favorites. 
Also my cousin uses those Xbox One netflix rip offs that gives you games so i’m happy for him. The presentation had a lot of diamonds in the rough games that will I will probably appreciate more over time (they might even become cult classics like Metro or Dying Light) than any of other games at other e3s. As for the stuff I won’t be playing: It’s mostly harmless so eh.
There was an abundance of trailers! It was like one after the other, pure goodness, it seems as if they left out all of the Sports games to EA to present and the only thing they showed that might not be anyone’s cup of tea was “Forza”, but honestly? I appreciate it, it seems like a good racing game even if I’m not one to buy racing games.... But the more you think about the number of good games presented, the less you’ll think about that, I mean they showed DEVIL MAY CRY 5!!! 
...The Funko Pop game made me scream though.
8.5/10  I cannot deny that these are games I will want to play regardless if they’re good or not. Sad to see nerds not enjoy the opportunity to meet ANDREW W.K. but I’m glad all of the divisions they own are making sequels to stuff I already like, so pretty much Bethesda played it safe.
Devolver Digital:
 8/10 It’s like that one b-movie film your college students made and you had a laugh with creating.
Square Enix: 
5/10 seriously, 30 minues of just trailers? Most of which we saw?? I guess it could be worse but who uses E3 screentime for mostly MMORPG deals! The new stuff was too vague to be excited about too.
7/10 - I liked it when they made funny quirky things and their games are probably gonna be okay like usual, Ubisoft has dedicated fans that like their collectathon games they release every year, and it’s usually that one game you play when you’re bored and got nothing else, it’s okay. 
Gamers hate fun and dancing and all that stuff but I kind of find stuff like that exciting, while nerds who never went outside and who are sensitive as all hell to any representation of fun find it “cringey”. A panda dabbed, and that settles it, Ubisoft was the only E3 Brave enough to dab this year. 
PC Game Conference (it was fairly long):
I know none of you watch this one cuz y’all fake as hell but listen... Fuck you LOL, these are the type of games people actually play over 400 hours and really get people’s money. Like these are games built to last that might be on the best-selling Steam front page for MONTHS, like how Frostpunk was comfirmed last year during this conference, PC Gaming has been known for sleeper hits that nobody knows about (because the attention goes to cinematic experiences on consoles most of the time) but suddently everyone’s playing it. 
PC gaming has always been an alternative lifestyle and seeing as many people didn’t watch this one, that just proves the point that it still relatively alternative. Maybe it’s because everyone sounds dumb as fuck when saying “PC GAMER MASTER RACE” and acting like an elitist. 
The PC Gaming conference is always more of a talk show than a regular E3 which is why I respect it every year, fuck the hyperactive gamers that just wanna see flashy trailers, this one’s more SOPHISTICATED!! It feels a lot more human and less artificial. Either way, lot’s of what you might’ve expected: Simulators and Survival games you’ll probably spend 3 years playing until they make a better minecraft clone. 
Gamers like to act as if they’re tired of Battle Royale (already? It’s a new fad it still is here to stay for a little more) but the numbers and success of it doesn’t lie that it isn’t a fad that proves itself to be highly tempting to try out for developers. Go cry to valve that they didn’t release Half-Life 3 cuz you haven’t played any other FPS game without even researching that Valve pretty much fired all of it’s developers and you’re just being annoying.
I feel as if I need to comment what I saw at this e3 cuz nobody watched, they made a mod I liked from skyrim into a fully-ass game, they’re rebooting Star Control which not a single gamer today knows of, the HP Lovecraft open world detective game also seems very good. YAKUZA IS COMING TO PC!!!!!!!!! Killing Floor 2 stuff, Road Redemption stuff, SHARK RPG, cute indie games, Jeff Goldblum was there, Wall-E with a gun in VR which seems to have promissing good vr design by Insomiac games (yes the spyro people), 2 games about Taxi driving... Like sure I think it’s a good format for story telling but.
A cell-shaded art game, star citizen is still being made, and it’s gone to the point nobody really wants it anymore even if it’s... Still being made you know? So most guys are wrong that it was gonna be canceled. After that was the technical graphic card stuff which gamers don’t have enough capability to understand, stuff like 9k laptops that SELL a lot mind you. Rich people love that technical stuff. 
A space defense sim game, Don’t Starve Sequel, Just Cause 4 detailed explanation of the engine, Overkill’s The Walking Dead gameplay which has been in development hell for years now now has a release date, I discovered Clementine’s voice actor is white... Go figure, a literal pixelated roguelike (not what you think it is, it’s Noita), 
Theme Hospital REBOOT!!!! YES!!!!!!!!! And the doctors were cute. Probably one of the funniest games presented... Followed by REALM ROYALE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That harvest moon clone with a cute art style is still being made: Ooblets, no release date sadly. Anno is still going, cyanide and happiness still exists? and they’re making a battle royale? lol okay. How was Hitman 2 not announced during Square Enix?? Anyways it’s here at the end, the trailer was amazing and it’s coming out this year. 
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I don’t have that much strong feelings because it’s just a normal conference and not a special one you know? But I’ll give it a 8/10 or 7/10 im not sure cuz I seem to like most games and I found Frankie cute.
Yo usually Sony makes like a huuuuuuuge thing about their conferences (like this year they didn’t even showcase indie games) but this year they started from a church for the sake of immersion?? It reminded me a little of their first E3s during the 90s, and it almost felt like a indie gathering for musicians, I swear to god, Sony is borderline experimental trying to balance out their E3 across stages. Jeb played the banjo and people just ACCEPTED it... AND THEN someone played some JAPANESE FLUTE? aRT. It might come off as a bit arrogant for some tho.
Nerds hated it and thought it was bizzare, which is why it means it’s good. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES. Anyways could have been a little more fast-paced... But then again when it was fast-paced it was just like: Huh? What was that? I’m a big Resident Evil Fangirl, RE2 was my childhood but ignoring that for a sec: finally, Death Stranding gameplay, remins me of shadow of the colossus but post-apocalpytic, survival horrorish and abstract sci-fi.
 Kind of feels more Metal Gear than MGSV did already Cuz Norman Reedus sounds like snake a lot more than the 24 hours guy, and because from what I’ve seen in the footage, someone acts like Otacon to “Sam”. I think most now can figure out the plotpoints of this game with what has been established. I might be a bit sad at the fact that this will be a PS4 exclusive just like Metal Gear Solid 4, which I still haven’t played fully because it’s PS3 exclusive and I only have a gaming PC. 
Also this E3 was surprisingly entirely SINGLE PLAYER, I sorta don’t believe in the “single player doesn’t exist” myth honestly, especially now. I’m not sure if that makes Sony’s E3 better or worse, maybe it needed more variation, like I’ve commented, usually they have an indie showcase which this year did not. There were few games shown but for what it was worth, it’s still interesting... But yeah just 5 games? No Spyro? (easy picking), nothing extra? I can understand why many people felt this E3 was upsetting.
Here it is, the most overhyped developer of all of E3, the source of “Nintendo wins E3 by doing nothing” memes because Nintendo fans really don’t care about anything except Nintendo and then act surprised when they only care about Nintendo when they try to be a little more open-minded (and fail) even if other E3s probably make more games built to last in comparisson, cuz we gay people only care about NINTENDO YOU KNOW? Shade asside... 
I was pleasantly surprised this E3, it wasn’t just a series of okay at best releases, a strong 9/10. 
BUT THEN???? IT WAS JUST THAT??? NO PRIME 4 NO ANYTHING LIKE JUST 3 GAMES BASICALLY? (maybe there was 5 games but eh) I mean smash is good.. It’s pretty much just an update of the last smash, every character is REALLY FUCKING GOOD BUT.... JUST THAT? jeez.. Like, the only stuff I wanted from it was Mario Party and Smash... Okay maybe that 1 Mecha game. Also I guess fornite is now on Switch but I can play that anywhere else really.
I guess a 7/10 is all I can give to just Smash, if there was a little more I’d give it a 9/10 for sure but... ehh Just Smash? jeez, fuck... i MEAN I kind of get it, Nintendo doesn’t do “e3″ normally, they usually do 1 big game at E3 and then wait a couple of months to do that little seasonal announcement thing they do across the year, ugh.. Okay. Yeah I guess i shouldn’t have expected much. Still isn’t it weird that Miyamoto was in Ubisoft’s E3 but not this one??? what!
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Does equal treatment of people with intellectual disability mean slamming them on Facebook?
The woman posted the seemingly innocent comment in our local Facebook group: Wouldn't it be great if a Cracker Barrel opened in our area? It would bring in business. She asked what others thought. Cracker Barrel is pretty divisive because of its history of discrimination, and the fact that some consider its food gross. Group members did not hold back. Among the more tame comments: "Yuck" and "A vomitorium of yucks" and "Is this a joke?" and "Booo." There was snark: "How about they open a strip club called The Chick Barrel?" and "Ha! Hahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" and "How does admin even allow this obscene post?" And there was annoyance: "Ewww the suggestion itself is disgusting" and "This may be the worst idea since an unnamed politician tried to put up a KFC." Some people were for the idea. A few suggested an alternate, more commercialized location. Yet others were more interested in bringing a Waffle House to town. As is typical on Facebook, people spoke up bluntly. The woman's Facebook photo looked vaguely familiar. I checked out a few posts on her page and sure enough, I'd met her at a fair. She has mild intellectual disability. I felt a flash of anger toward the people who were ripping apart her suggestion. I tagged her in a comment, telling her that I understood liking that food (their biscuits are tasty) and that she probably wasn't aware of their history of discrimination. I suggested a good local Southern place. Still, I bristled. I wanted the group to know that they were dealing with a person with ID, and that they shouldn't go off on her. The post racked up 198 comments, including a followup from the woman. "Never knew about the discrimination they have," she wrote. I went to sleep all riled up. Then it occurred to me: If people had treated her gingerly and refrained from being their usual opinionated/obnoxious selves, then she wouldn't have been treated like an equal. I wondered if this woman felt taken aback or offended. I hoped that she was used to how things went in the group, and that she knew it was just business as usual. I thought about Max. He may require special accommodations at times, but in general, I want him treated the same as other people, sans the kid gloves. That would mean, in essence, that when and if he is ready to post his opinions in such a group, he'd need to be prepared for people's assorted reactions. For now, I would not subject Max to online communities, unless I found ones with other teens who have intellectual disability. I let Max make as many decisions as possible, but as his parent, I know this is the right Internet security for him. If he were in some sort of teen group with typically developing peers and he posted something like "I love fire trucks!" I can easily see him getting flamed. The relative anonymity of these groups means that people do not know who they are interacting with, a negative for a teen like Max. But if someday he is ready to face the opinionated masses on Facebook or the social media of his choice, well, I'll be all for it. Credits: Original Content Source
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