I drew the sillies (fem thlaise) again except I also added fem!draco and blaise doesn’t have braids in this one
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close ups for easier alt text
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mitchhy · 2 years
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Those smiling face
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mightbewriting · 2 years
Hi! When you plot out your stories, do you already know who your supporting characters will be and what roles they’ll play in the overall arc/key scenes? Or are they characters you pull out while writing when the time calls for them? Thanks!
hi anon!
broadly speaking, i know who my cast will be and what functions they'll serve by the time i'm done outlining. usually at the beginning of an outline i have vague ideas of what B plots i want to happen or what roles i need filled, and the outlining process is the place where i discover who those characters are and how their stories slot together with my A plot. and because i prefer smaller casts (i am...lazy? more characters means more work and i don't like juggling lots of characters at once?) that usually means it's fairly easy work knowing who they are and what their stories will be.
there are, however, absolutely details that arise and take shape during the drafting process itself. sometimes even ones that change the shape of my outline. in w&h, for example, there wasn't actually any thlaise in my first outline. blaise wasn't even a seer, just haughty and more of an observer. but then partway through drafting i realized i needed a solution to save crookshanks bc my heart couldn't take the thought of hurting him so a joke about blaise having a little seer in him on his mother's side was born and boy did i run with it lol.
all of which is to say, i think it's valuable to be thoughtful about who your side characters are and what their roles/stories will be (if nothing else than to help control the scope of a story), but that planning isn't so precious that it can't evolve with the writing process should inspiration take you in a different or unexpected direction!
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lionheart-ress · 3 years
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max irons x rené-jean page gifs crackship
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marydrawsometimes · 3 years
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“i know that you're so afraid, i feel it too. you know i can see the pain inside of you. i know i'm not going anywhere when the silence hits the air, you'll know it too.”
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prettyboypucey · 4 years
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harry potter insta au
: theodore nott
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acesartemis · 4 years
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thlaise | i fell in love with a girl boy i met in hell
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My new OTP is definitely Thlaise I’m officially ✨obsessed✨
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micbonbon · 4 years
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My W&H bind up felt alone without the other fanfics of the series! SO HERE THEY ARE! 🥰
Sight and seeing and Picked and planted by @mightbewriting ❤
AMAZING FICS! 😍 do yourself a favor and go read these!
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all-drarry-to-me · 5 years
They said Blaise’s mother was as beautiful as she was dangerous.
They said her only son was the same.
She left a trail of broken hearts and dead husbands — a black widow, a femme fatale.
But they didn’t know Blaise, not like Theo did.
Theo watched Blaise write essays in the Slytherin common room, ink smudges on his hands, the green of the Great Lake casting murky shadows across Blaise’s cheek bones. Theo watched Blaise talk, saw those elegant fingers move as Blaise wove his tale.
Blaise was captivating. He was brilliant and impassioned — he could command a room, but rarely chose to do so.
Theo knew he was actually quite talented at Herbology — enough to even rival Neville — and could often be found digging in the dirt outside of Greenhouse No. 3. Theo knew he was terrified of the impending war, scared to pick a side and scared not to.
Theo was the only one who saw Blaise; he was the one Blaise turned to when he tired of the Veela rumours, tired of being compared to his mother — cold, heartless. Out for blood and money.
He was the only one who saw the calm composure slip away, the only one who saw Blaise come to pieces, writhing on the bed, moaning Theo’s name. Theo was the only one who got to run his fingers down Blaise’s chest, the only one to kiss his neck and make him moan.
No one else saw Blaise’s smirk — his fuck me smile — no one else saw when he was hard and waiting and wanting.
No one else saw Blaise when he was cocooned in blankets or humming to Celestina Warbeck as he cleaned the dorm, flicking his wand to the beat.
No one knew Blaise like Theo.
They said Blaise was beautiful and dangerous, just like his mother.
Only Theo knew he truth.
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oliivverwood · 5 years
be a part of the love club
pairing(s): draco malfoy/pansy parkinson/blaise zabini/daphne greengrass/theo nott
summary: a moment in the common room; a study in love, on the other side of the war
note: seventh instalment in a study in pining- this one is short- under 700 words
"You can't say no?" Theo said, more of a statement than a question, sounding hopeful and desolate at the same time. Draco humoured him, and shook his head slowly, blinking back tears that threatened to fall. Theo grabbed his hand, clutching it wordlessly.
After years together, spending time with each other every day, learning each other, feeling each other, there was no need for their language to be spoken aloud. Pansy crawled into the spot in front of Draco, who sat limply on the sofa, leaning her head back into his lap, and closing her eyes.
"It's an honour." Draco croaked aloud. He didn't sound convincing, not at all.
"We'll help you." Daphne murmured, and they nodded along. Draco shook his head again, keeping his eyes closed. His face was scrunched, eyebrows furrowed, because even though they were family, Draco couldn't- wouldn't- cry, not here.
link to ao3
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more doodles bcs i wasnt lying when i said theyve taken over my brain
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close ups *^
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crvdence · 6 years
we want us like everything else
the world is ending, theo is going to be thrown into things he doesn't want to do, but blaise is ready to promise him he will be there no matter what. | thlaise | 1489 words | read in ao3
“why you don't understand.” theo breathed out, feeling as aggravated as his voice was giving away. “that is the end of the world.”
and blaise blinked up at him, surprised, trying to soak into the words of the younger, because it didn't sound like theodore nott at all. theo who has lived through hell and back wasn't prone to dramatics, he was sensitive, wary of the world, he was cautious, but he wasn't someone quick to panic and dramatics, he was a plotter, he was a strategist.
but the theodore nott in front of him, all white knuckles and shivering limbs and watery eyes, wasn't being any of those things. he was terrified and he was freaking out, and the fact itself was such a novelty, blaise zabini didn't know what to do.
“caro…” he took a step closer, his voice effortlessly sultry, effortlessly inviting. and at any given situation, it would have helped to calm theo down, to send him memories of blood oranges and sweet wine in the beaches of the south of france, of promises sealed through kisses against patches of scarred pale skin, of confidence shared in whispers over piles and piles of ancient parchments.
but it wasn't working this time. blaise wasn't able to push through the panic soaking every inch of theo’s body, to break the curse his lover seemed to be immersed in.
“don't caro me!” theo hissed, and the first tear rolled down his cheek like a translucent pearl, leaving a trace in its aftermath, disappearing under his chin. “it's the truth. it's the fucking truth!” the rage in theo’s voice was so surprising, blaise was completely taken aback by it. it was like looking at him for the very first time, hearing him for the very first time. this is what war, what pain and fear, did to someone you cherished so deeply. “my father is out of azkaban, i will have to take the dark mark, i will have to fight by voldemort’s side.” each word seemed to be followed by a bigger wave of panic, and by then, blaise didn't know how theo’s legs were holding him up. “e-everything is in shambles. e-everything is… and i-i will...” he finally reached a breaking point, a sob shaking his entire body, and blaise rushed to his side before he would collapse on the floor like a ragged doll.
he held him dearly, close, absorbing the sobs and the shudders of magic that came from his body, strong hands holding him up and making sure they were both as comfortable as they could be, even if kneeling on the floor, even if theo was doubled over himself with a posture that wasn't gracious or good for his back, as it wasn't the desperate wailing sounds tearing up his throat.
blaise allowed theo to cry out all his frustration, his fear and his panic. he let him unleash his demons, all the things he knew he was feeling but he didn't dare to say out loud because everything and everyone was a newfound enemy between four walls when a war was about to crash and burn everything built around them, no matter how much they might despise it. he didn't say anything, knowing there wasn't anything theo wanted to hear, and knowing that probably, there was no word of reassurance that could be sincere.
theo, in the end, was right. it was the bloody end of the world. at least, it was the end of the world as they have always lived in. and the idea of their world shifting, being destroyed, even if to be rebuilt into something better, lighter, was unbelievable for blaise.
the consequences of it were unimaginable. the idea of theo having to take sides of a war neither of them wanted, of having to be marked for a cause none of them believed in, was the worst case scenario, the worst and the most scary thing of their world ending.
it was the end of the world. and they were just two poor sods caught in the middle of it.
if everything wasn't so tense, and so awfully sad, blaise would have laughed. but he couldn't. because it was true it was the end of the world, and they were caught in the middle of it, but he could really love theo more than he did, in a world where it never was expected to happen, and that should be enough for tracing a plan, an escaping line.
and there wasn't a lot blaise couldn't offer, because theo was terrified and angry and sad and wrapped in an anxiety as big as all the magic he can keep inside his body, and blaise was fed up and melodramatic and unable to use as much resources as he wanted to use, but the two of them knew that all the things theo had listed, were final, as fixed as the sun going up every day in the sky.
it was the end of the world. theo’s father was out of azkaban. he was going to be forced to take the dark mark. he was going to fight at the war by voldemort’s side.
but there was another thing as fixed as their destiny and it was that they couldn't love each other more than they did, and they were going to find each other, after the war, after the end of the fucking world.
“theo, listen to me.” blaise started, calloused and rough fingers, skilled from flying, moved to wipe away the tears collecting underneath theo’s eyes, a smile perfect, still easy, reassuring. “i want to be with you, always.” he whispered, his voice firm. “even if the world is ending, i will go back to you and find you in the new world. i promise, i bloody promise, theo. i vow to you, do you understand? i will vow .”
theo looked at him like he was talking in parseltongue, his mouth agape, as if he was trying to really understand what blaise was saying to him, what he was implying, because those were heavy words, not to be taking slightly, even at the doors of the world ending. but before he could say anything else, blaise started to speak again.
“do you trust me? do you trust us enough?” and the heaviness of the question fell on theo’s chest like the weight of a tomb, but if the world was ending and he was going to die anyway, he would rather do it with a binding promise to blaise instead.
blaise smiled, and pressed his lips into theo’s chapped ones into a bruising kiss.
the hardest part about their promise was to find a bonder, someone who would help to cast the spell for them. draco laughed at them, calling them crazy, and telling them he wasn't going to shoulder the responsibility of such a stupid and rushed unbreakable vow. pansy refused as well, saying she wasn't going to sign a death sentence, whether or not they survived the actual war. daphne seemed horrified at the idea of them making an unbreakable vow, millicent snorted and warned them about not being hopelessly romantics and bloody idiots just because they were thrown into a war...
the bonder came from the place both of them were expecting the less, by the hand of astoria greengrass. she said she wasn't completely sure if this was the greatest of the ideas, but that she wasn't going to interfere into the desire of the two of them, if it was what the both truly wanted.
(“it should be so thrilling, shouldn't it?” she would whisper, giddy, over a cup of tea to theodore nott a few days before her agreement. “to have someone committing to you like that, words can't really describe it.”
and they didn't, so theo didn't say anything, he just felt the heat expanding through his body like a flame.)
a month before the battle of hogwarts theodore nott and blaise zabini made an unbreakable vow. it was week after theodore nott was forced to take the dark mark, when he was ambushed and taken by surprise, held down by a hand belonging to a flint and another one by a malfoy and with a wand held by his father, his fate sealed when dark strokes covered scarred skin.
there was no ritual, no fancy dresses, no pompous agreements. there was a lot of silence, and a lot of tears, theo’s hand tugging the hem of his tunic, as to make sure the mark was never going to be exposed, that it was never going to see the light.
when they held each other forearms, theo could feel the warmth seeping through the luxurious and thick fabric of blaise’s clothes, as rivulets of sparkly magic moved around them, sealing their future, as uncertain as it was, forever.
and the words exchanged were simple: “we will never, ever, be apart.”
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mightbewriting · 4 years
Sight and Seeing: COMPLETE!
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It came to Blaise in a flash.
Just a little epilogue to wrap this story up! Read it here!
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amiandthechaos · 6 years
8th Year Group Chat
so i started wrting this the other day when i was a bit drunk and it’s silly and very long so forgive me
draco: okay so i created this chat because we need to talk about the elephant in the room
wayne has left the chat
pansy: what’s an elephant
blaise: are you kidding
ron: it’s like a hippogriff but with no wings or beak or claws and it’s fatter and it has a trunk
hermione: that’s the worst description of an elephant i’ve ever heard
theo: how many have you heard?
hermione: shut up
draco: it’s a muggle expression pansy for fuck’s sake
lavender: spit it out malfoy
millicent: lav love, draco doesn’t spit, he likes to swallow
draco: SHUT UP
dean: LOL
seamus: POWNED!
hermione: it’s supposed to be “pwned” which it’s actually supposed to be “owned” which doesn’t meake any sense to me? why would they own you when they insult you?
daphne: oh my god
ernie: are you sure you didn’t add me by accident? this seems like a slytherdor thing
hermione: ?
pansy: slytherdor?
padma: that’s what the rest of us call it when your houses get chummy
susan: which happens more than you’d think
blaise: we do not get “chummy” with the gryffindors
seamus: we hate each other so?
anthony: yeah, you “hate” each other so much you forget everyone else exists
hannah: last weekend, who were the only ones playing truth or dare until seven am after everyone else had gone to sleep?
hermione: ...
padma: malfoy, parkinson, zabini, bullstrode, potter, weasley, granger, finnigan, and brown
millicent: not true. me and lav went to bed WAY before all those losers
ron: hey!
ernie: they can’t help it, they have to impress each other every chance they get
dean: no we don’t!
theo:...yes we do. our houses are completely disfunctional and codependent
seamus: get bent, nott
theo: make me
seamus: is that a dare?
theo: see what i mean?
hermione: someone read the psychology books i suggested
blaise: yeah, thanks a fuckton granger, now he won’t stop analyzing everything we do
draco: everyone SHUT THE FUCK UP im trying to talk about something here!
theo: you should really work those anger issues
terry: is this about the dirty dishes in the sink because if so i agree, we need to talk about it
draco: no
neville: hey everyone!
gregory: i didn’t leave those dishes!
ron: literally no one said it was you
justin: had anyone finished slughorn’s essay? i could use the help
mandy: you can borrow mine tomorrow, but i should warn you that i did it at 3am and can’t remember if it’s good or bad
lisa: *sigh* hurry up and tell us, some of us have things to do
draco: right
draco: we all have to share a common room now, which means we need some ground rules so we can get along
pansy: we have ground rules, granger made that very clear in the first official 8th year weekly assembly
pavarti: yeah, we all signed the contract
draco: but i think we need to add a new rule
michael: couldn’t you just have brought it up during the next weekly meeting?
draco: no, corner, i fucking couldn’t because this is urgent and needs to be said now
tracey: daphne, did you borrow my mascara again?
susan: you could have just texted granger about the new rule
theo: or, you just need to be the center of attention
ron: it’s definitely that
hermione: malfoy, would you just tell us already?
terry: i’d like to add a clause that enforces the ‘keeping the dishes clean’ rule
hermione: noted
terry has left the chat
draco: people shouldn’t be able to walk around on their underpants in the common area
lisa: ?
daphne: oh my god
lavender: who does that?
seamus: i was extremely drunk and it only happened once!
dean: and i think everyone appreciated it
millicent: *gags*
ernie: weren’t you the one who convinced finnigan to remove his trousers?
millicent: ... why do you always remember everything?
draco: are you all fucking blind? this is about potter!
mandy has left the chat
neville: haha, good one malfoy
anthony: may i ask if this entire chat is an april fools joke of some kind?
blaise: draco’s entire life is a joke
gregory: *high five*
susan: malfoy, some of us have things to do
draco: for the past few days every time I go down in the mornings to make tea, potter's there without any trousers on!
pavarti: are you trying to tell us he was... naked?
draco: what?! no of course not!
rom: what's the big deal, we've all seen harry naked in the showers after a game
blaise: i must certainty haven't
lisa: neither have i
ron: well the ones who play quidditch have
hermione: i don't play quidditch and i've seen harry nude
pansy: that's because you're a pervert
neville: hermione's not a pervert!
theo: right, she's just secure in her sexuality and actually mature
padma: this is why no one likes you
blaise: yeah, because everybody loves ravenclaws
tracey: more like ravenpuffs
gregory: good one!
tracey: thanks greg
susan: malfoy i've seen harry every morning this week and never once was he naked
draco: he was in his underpants like the common room was some kind of french bouyeristic cabaret!
daphne: oh my god
daphne has left the chat
seamus: that... sounds amazing
seamus: can we do that?
pansy: no
lisa: no
ernie: no
millicent: if it's only the girls, yes
dean: don't worry babe, we'll do it in the gryffindor dormitories
neville: no
hermione: malfoy, harry wasn't in his underpants, he was wearing shorts
draco: what's the difference
anthony: are you kidding
anthony has left the chat
hannah: shorts go over your underpants
draco: but i could see his legs
tracey: so?
susan: so close your eyes for merlin's sake stop bugging everyone about it
padma: wow nott is right, malfoy has some serious anger issues
theo: oh, now you like me, patil?
padma: no
neville: that was kind of rude
ernie: see? slytherin and gryffindor always stick up for each other
michael: wait, harry isn't on this chat
draco: that's because we need to discuss this without him
susan: he's literally the only person that really needs to be in here
susan has left the chat
hermione: malfoy, we can't forbid people wearing shorts
draco: this is UNACCEPTABLE
draco: what's next? am i going to be forced to see potter shirtless just because it's hot outside?
hermione: ... i don't think so?
draco: are you saying he wouldn't do that?
draco: there's no risk of that happening?
justin: i need help with my dada homework, does anyone know where harry is? i don't care if he's wearing shorts
pansy: he's probably haunting draco's dreams
hermione: harry's sitting next to me
draco: WHAT
pavarti: oh plot twist
draco: has he been reading all of this?
hermione: no, though i did ask him if he's been walking around in his underwear which he found strange
ernie: topics of discussion for next ravenpuff meeting; new slogan, playlists for studying, and how to deal with slytherdor's sarcastic passive aggression
ernie: whoops wrong chat
seamus: ha-ha very funny macmillan
michael: they are secretly very worried that we do have meetings because they know we'd rule them if we wanted to
tracey: michael please, you would look prettier with your mouth shut
hannah: and all slytherins would look prettier with a hufflepuff on their arm but go off I guess
theo: a slytherpuff couple would have an interesting compatibility profile
blaise: then why don't you date one
theo: jealous?
dean: uh oh, trouble in paradise
dean: looks like we continue to be the best same-house couple @seamus
theo: shut it or i'll murder you in your sleep
draco: who has anger issues now?
blaise: that's my bf
ron: oi, I'm trying to see if I can defeat everyone in our year at chess, who haven't I played with?
justin has left the chat
ron: was it something i said?
millicent: you haven’t played me weasley, but that’s because i’ll destroy you
ron: you’re ON
lavender: i can’t decide if my ex and my current lover competing against each other is hot or creepy
pansy: hot
hannah: hot
lisa: hot
neville: a little creepy
draco: so how are we going to solve this potter thing? I think we all agree it's a BIG and rather disgusting problem
lisa: *eye roll*
padma: oh don't worry malfoy, we are all working very hard to ensure this gets sorted asap
draco: really?
draco: I mean... good.
draco: I think getting full access to potter's wardrobe would help
ron: i agree, i think malfoy deserves a place inside harry's closet
blaise: and vice versa
draco: what are you talking about potter's got terrible taste
lisa: and annoying too, he's got a taste for some terrible and annoying things
draco: exactly
hannah: wow you were right pansy, it's truly unbelievable
neville: and harry's even worse sometimes
dean: ugh yes, so frustrating
draco: what are you nitwits talking about?
ernie: oh, nothing really
ernie: except that we've been having another chat without you trying to work out a solution to this stupid problem
draco: what?
pavarti: @everybody NOW
lisa, millicent, lavender, ernie, blaise, michael, dean, seamus, hannah, tracey, pavarti, and neville and have left the chat
draco: WHAT
padma has added harry to the chat
padma: good luck malfoy!
padma has left the chat
gregory: oh shit are we doing this now?
gregory has left the chat
hermione: harry, malfoy here thought it was time you two had a private chat
pansy: and he thinks you've got nice legs
draco: PANSY
hermione: yes that too
hermione and pansy have left the chat
harry: what
ron: sorry mate
ron has left the chat
draco: ...
harry: so...
harry: I heard you have a problem with my shorts
draco: i do
draco: they're bloody distracting
harry: okay
harry: maybe if you weren't such a prick you'd be able to mind your own business
draco: shut up potter
draco: wanna go to the lake this weekend?
harry: ...okay?
draco: it's gonna be a hot day
draco: so
draco: just saying you should dress accordingly
harry: :)
theo: it's interesting that our year has a higher than average amount of non-heterosexual people. potter, what would you say has defined your sexuality the most? a) epigenetics, b) environment, c) upbringing
harry: what the fuck
draco: theo, fuck off
theo has left the chat
draco: :)
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marydrawsometimes · 3 years
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a butterbeer in the slytherin common room
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