#thnks fr th mmrs (answered ask)
emo-rejects · 2 years
🧸 (Kamala Khan, Elma. Elma's has chocolate and caramel treats inside of it.)
Send 🧸 to give my muse a stuffed animal!
Bonus points if you describe what kind of stuffed animal it is!
(Still Accepting)
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“Ch-Chocolates??? C-Caramels??? I-I love chocolates and caramels! Th-Thank you Marie-chan!”
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“W-Wait, what the heck?! Why didn’t I get any candy? Marie! That’s so totally not fair! Look at her, she doesn’t even care about the bear!”
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Hello friend!! I’d like to hear about your Killjoy OC if that’s alright
Hell yeah! I really can't draw so don't don't have any original art, but this my oc MayhemMerlin
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They've been a killjoy for a while by the time of the comics, and used to run with Val but don't anymore.
Their whole vibe is very "ponder the orb wizard" - I actually plan to make their jacket which has a crystal ball on the back and lots of iridescent/silver stars over the sleeves and front.
They read tarot and tend to set up a little stall/blanket at gigs where they'll trade various items for readings.
(I did make them an rp account but I keep forgetting to log into it - its @mayhemmerlin )
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 months
thnks fr th mmrs, vn thgh thy wrn’t s grt
a/n: 0_0 ..me when I remember that I haven't updated the hypnosis series in months... whoops! anyways, here's another chapter to feed the people who enjoy this series! special thanks to @kingmaker-a for reading over this one - I'm glad you enjoy the series, my guy <3
tw: lots of blood 'n gore, weird spirit physics, double the people turning into vampires for none of the extra cost, sad memories and morally ambiguous characters
word count: 4.6k
( <- Previous Part | Next Part -> | Series Masterlist)
summary: everything's wrong. two of your friends are missing, two of your friends are in serious shit with the university, and the other three are barely hanging on to what they hold dear. and then there's you - the one who's seeing the ghost of your dead friend. the cherry on top? you may be turning into the monster that destroyed everything you loved.
but it can't get worse than this, right?
♡ Masterlist ♡
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light - the absence of darkness.
From the bright sunshine that would blind you when you walked to your 10:30 a.m. lecture to the electrical lighting that allowed you to see what SuA had done to Siyeon, it was there to help illuminate your way and give you the answers that you seeked.
Without the light, you felt like you were stumbling into darkness, just as you were doing now. Your intuition had guided you forwards, past the unrecognizable mush of blood, guts, and bones that was a body in front of you. Your phone flashlight was the only sort of light you had, but it felt like a cheap replica compared to the warm sunlight that you and your friends used to bask in together.
Will things ever be the same?
That wasn’t the question to ask, especially now that you were in an abandoned part of a hospital ward. 
Looking back, the hospital room with your friends seems so far away, and you could go back and give up.
But you don’t quit, not when two of your friends are locked up in some cold, abysmal basement on campus while Ryujin and Handong are nowhere to be seen. You could do something for once, have some agency in the middle of the world’s shittiest situation. 
So you continue on until you encounter a disastrous scene. What intrigues you lies past the bloodshed, but you’re forced to look at what’s in front of you first.
There are eight closed doors past the messy nurse’s station - an evacuation or a massacre took place here, due to the scatter of paperwork, files, and file cabinets all over the floor. A few papers were stuck to the ceiling with pins and needles, and blood covers every possible surface. You’d normally gag at the sight of so much blood, but you weirdly find… comfort in all of it.
And when did your mouth start filling with saliva?
You force yourself to swallow the uncomfortable feeling rising in your chest. Handong and Ryujin are fine, if anything were to happen to them, they’d be the most likely to take care of themselves and each other.
Yet again, betrayal seemed to be a common theme in your life, so you’d best keep moving.
Alright, there’s eight doors. Find something familiar, someone familiar that will make you want to go through.
Your hand grabs the first door knob as you realize how ill-prepared you are for this venture. With just your phone flashlight and the will of pure fucking spite for SuA and her shitty life decisions, you pull through the tangled threads of your fractured mind to find someone to help you through this.
Unfortunately for you and your increasingly temporary good mood, your mind finds its way to settle on Chou Tzuyu, the girl who died before she ever had a chance to live.
What if I hadn’t blocked SuA immediately? What if I had talked things through with Siyeon sooner? What if JiU and I had seen eye-to-eye?
Would anything have changed?
You take a soft breath before turning the door handle.
Chou Tzuyu - the girl who never hesitated to help you out, the girl who gave you homework answers every time you came to class with glassy eyes, and the girl who helped you realize that you should give dating another chance.
You let go of the door handle to place both hands on the door. Rage builds inside of you as vengeance seeps into your bones. Chou Tzuyu was dead, and you were pissed about it.
You pull your hands back, only to slam them against the steel door. To your surprise, the door flies off of its hinges and slams into the parallel wall inside of the hospital room. With your hands extended, you stare at them in morbid curiosity (I did that?) before you realize that you can step through the room (I did that!).
With your phone flashlight, you scan the wall to your left to find a light switch, and once you find it, you flick it on. The light blinks for a minute before turning on. Although you weren’t a fan of the sterile lighting, it was better than the darkness that you were surrounded in before.
“What would you ever do without me?” A voice rings out, one that causes your hair to rise on your neck and arms.
You shriek and throw your phone - one of the least intelligent decisions you’ve made thus far - and you cringe when you hear it shatter against the wall.
“Tzuyu?” You spin around, only to lock eyes with someone you never thought you would see again. “Fuck, I’m sorry-“
“-Don’t worry about it, you can’t do me any harm.” Tzuyu offers you a warm smile before sticking her arm through a wall and then letting it sit at her side afterwards. “SuA already killed me once, you can’t kill me again.”
Bewildered, you stare at her.
“How? Why? What the fuck?”
“Well, I heard Siyeon and SuA fighting-“
“-yeah, I heard that story, I know.” You wildly gesture to the girl in front of you. “How are you here?”
“Being a ghost works differently than being a human or any other type of mortal creature.” She explains as you notice a soft lilac hue that surrounds her figure. “I’m free to roam between the planes of the living and the dead, and I can visit who I want whenever I want.”
“Okay…” You shake your head before nervously playing with your hair. “Why did you choose me to talk to?”
“You have a lot of questions, like usual, and I have plenty of answers. It’ll be just like old times.” Tzuyu sits on the edge of the hospital bed before patting the spot next to her. 
You reluctantly sit next to Tzuyu as you study her for a moment. She doesn’t look as ghastly as your last meeting with her; instead, she looks just as well as she did at the party.
“The party, Tzuyu, you were there… or, at least, it looked like you were there.” You try to explain the events of the party, but it all blurs together in your mind.
Drinks. Dahyun dancing? Tzuyu left to see her. Video games. JiU crashes the party. 2 a.m. wake-up. SuA bites me. Fox bites her. I died?
“It was a mirage, someone was working with SuA to create an exact duplicate of me. It has to be someone with powerful sorcery skills who would study under Professor Wang, since he specialized in mirages and illusions.” Tzuyu’s words cause you to sigh in relief.
“So it couldn’t have been Dami?” You softly ask as your heart tenses in your chest.
She’s the brightest witch you know, one with a soft heart and a kind soul. Did that make her more innocent or more guilty, you wonder.
“No, Dami wouldn’t be taking a class related to that subject until next semester.” Tzuyu places one of her hands over yours, but you can’t feel her warmth, even though you know it’s there. “She’s the last person I’d expect to betray you.”
“Really?” The disbelief in your voice causes you to physically recoil.
“Don’t you remember? When you left that party and went home, who was the first person that found you?”
You had to have been crying for hours when you got home from the party. What else were you supposed to do besides face the reality that your relationship with the girl you loved was over?
You expected one of your friends to come knocking on the door, Minji perhaps? She was too in-tune with your feelings for your liking, and it was something that bothered you about her. She knew that your relationship was over before you did, and she told you to break things off with Bora before you got hurt.
What a fool you are - maybe she’s here to rub it in your face after everything.
The knocking continues, but it’s less forceful than you thought it was. Gahyeon would try to tear the door off its hinges - she actually did so to your dorm room door when you locked yourself in there in order to prepare for exams. Safe to say, your RA, Irene, wasn’t a big fan of Gahyeon afterwards.
Handong would’ve only knocked once and called out to you. You got into a small fight with SuA, your first fight as a couple, and it absolutely broke you. You stormed into your room and didn’t come out for breakfast, which was unusual for you since you and Handong would get breakfast together before heading to your early morning classes. She was gentle with her approach, and her words eventually drew you out of your hiding spot to go grab a bite to eat before class started.
Yoohyeon would’ve just yelled instead of knocking - knocking was never really her style, anyways. She was your best friend, after all, so the door was always unlocked for her. She’d just yell before storming in, something along the lines of “you better have clothes on, otherwise you’re paying for our joint therapy session!”
Siyeon wouldn’t have knocked - you always went over to her place. Most of the time it was to pick up SuA, or to just hang out with all of the girls since their dorm was much larger than everyone else’s.
When you realized who it was, you pulled yourself off of the floor before wobbling to the door. Of course, the girl knocking on your door would be gentle yet persistent, quiet yet certain. Your first true college friend, your closest confidant - Lee Yubin.
It’s not like you didn’t trust Yoohyeon with all of your secrets - you both know too much about each other to not be friends anymore. Sometimes, you just want to talk to that friend who just listens to what you have to say. They don’t always offer advice or help, but a comforting shoulder and reassuring words are always found with them.
When you open the door, Dami’s not prepared with a humorous quip or a warm hug.
“Can I come in?” Is the only request she makes, with a gentle kindness twinkling in her eyes.
You mumble your answer before opening up the door wide enough for her to enter, and you shut it behind her before turning on a light in your dorm room.
“What did you hear?” You ask, knowing how… creative SuA’s storytelling can be when it comes to people she doesn’t like.
“It doesn’t matter. I want to hear what happened from you.” She reaches over to you and holds out her hand. “Your word matters more to me than SuA’s, or anyone else’s, for that matter. I believe you, I trust you, and I know you.”
So you tell her all of it. Some of the relationship issues you’ve been having to Minji’s break-up comments to the events at the party to how you got back home.
When you’re done, all you can do is scan her face to see how she reacts. Dami, ever the calming wave crashing against the shoreline, reflects empathy and kindness towards you as you finally take her hand.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I could’ve walked you home. You shouldn’t have been alone after all of that.” She says as you bite your lip.
Through tears, you can’t help but choke out a laugh.
“Are you alright?” She instinctively cups your face and brings it closer to hers, but you shake your head and smile.
“Only a true martyr blames herself for other people’s actions. Dami,” You lightly squeeze her hand, “I’m just glad you’re here. I’d much rather talk with you than anyone else.”
“Not Yoohyeon?” In disbelief, she lets go of your face.
You find yourself missing her warmth before you answer.
“Not even Yoohyeon. You’re irreplaceable to me, Dami. I hope we’re close for the rest of our lives because I can’t imagine what I would do without you.”
“…Right.” Heat flocks to your face as you nervously bite your lip. “How could I ever doubt her? Dami put her freedom, her ability to practice magic, and her scholarships on the line to save me. Who does that for a friend?”
“A good person,” Tzuyu quickly answers, “and you know it’s not Gahyeon either. She killed someone for you - a former friend of hers, no less.”
“I need to get them out of there, save them-“
“I assure you, those two are not damsels in distress.” Tzuyu laughs to herself for a moment. “The catacombs under the school aren’t that difficult to navigate.”
“Why lock them up there instead of a prison?” You ask.
“The university didn’t want news getting out about two dead students - bad for enrollment rates. They wanted to sort this mess out in private, but it’s all going to come out in one way or another.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” Tzuyu confidently says.
“What do I do now? What about Ryujin and Handong?” Confused, you look to Tzuyu for answers.
“Try more doors. If you found me, then you can find the other answers you seek.” She wistfully responds.
“What about you?”
“I’ll be here when you need me. What else am I going to do for the rest of eternity?”
With a broken phone and a ghastly thumbs up from Tzuyu, you leave Tzuyu behind as you approach the room across from hers.
Wandering around in the darkness, you find yourself carefully maneuvering to the other side of the hallway as your stomach growls.
How long has it been since I’ve eaten something?
Your hunger doesn’t seem to be settled by the thoughts of food - rather, all thoughts of human food seem to be repulsive to you. You find yourself gagging as you crash through the second door without a second thought.
I’ve really got to get this superhuman strength under control.
After checking yourself for injuries, you stand up and flick on the light switch. The light comes on with ease, and a soft sigh leaves your lips.
A child’s room outside of the pediatric ward? How odd.
You see a small teddy bear resting next to your feet, and you don’t hesitate to pick it up.
You throw the dart against the board, and Ryujin chuckles as it falls to the ground after touching the board.
“Alright, fur-for-brains, you try it.” You gruffly say before stepping aside.
“I’d prefer you call me Jinnie over that.” She calmly says before picking up the dart and casually throwing it.
And, of course, it’s a bullseye.
She gives you a sweet smile as you give her a sweet two-finger salute, one on each hand. Mature as ever, she sticks her tongue out at you as the carnival worker grabs her an oversized pink unicorn.
“Good luck fitting that abomination in your dorm.” You laugh as Ryujin proudly holds the plushie in her arms.
“Lucky for you, it’s going on the top of my car as a hood decoration!”
You loudly groan as Ryujin laughs. Neither of you notice the pair of friends approaching you until a yellow snow cone lands on the giant unicorn’s belly.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” The taller girl, with long, black hair, quickly apologizes before grabbing some napkins and helping Ryujin clean it up.
“It looks like my unicorn pissed itself!” She whines as you softly laugh.
Your eyes peel away from the sight as you realize who the other girl is.
“Dami, right? We met at orientation.” You give Dami a warm smile that she reciprocates. 
“Yeah. Sorry I haven’t been responding to your texts, I was busy moving in-“
“-Nah, it’s alright,” You reassure her, “I’ve been busy trying to adapt to college life as well. How about we meet for lunch tomorrow and we can catch up?”
“That sounds great.” She gracefully accepts your offer before turning towards JiU and Ryujin. “That’s JiU - most of us call her Minji, though. She’s one of my close friends and we went to high school together.”
“Minji, huh?” Your eyes focus on Ryujin. “Ryujin’s been my best friend since I started walking. People thought we were weird, since she was a werewolf and I was a human, but we made it work.”
“Our friend group has a vampire and a vampire hunter, so it can’t get any weirder than that.”
“Your friends sound like fun. I’d love to meet them sometime.” You say as Ryujin dejectedly walks back to you. “Did you clean up your unicorn’s little accident?”
“It mostly came out, I’ll just put some bleach on it when I get home.” She shrugs as JiU nervously plays with a strand of hair.
“Please, let me make it up to you. I still have two food vouchers from the university that I haven’t used yet,” Minji hands them to you before turning back to Ryujin, "and I got this teddy bear at another game earlier, but I’ve got plenty of stuffed animals at home, so you should take it.”
“I’ll take the food vouchers,” Ryujin snatches them from your hand before handing you the teddy bear, “you can have the bear.”
Ryujin walks away, leaving you to say your goodbyes. 
“It’s been great to catch up, Dami, and I look forward to lunch tomorrow!” You wave at her with a smile before backpedaling towards Ryujin. “Thank you, Minji, for the bear. I promise to treasure it.”
You set the teddy bear down on the bed before grabbing the bedsheet and pulling it up to the pillow.
“I can’t believe we got a whole house to ourselves for a sleepover!” Gahyeon cheers before crashing against the bed.
“Don’t get too excited, Gahyeon,” Handong warns, “we’ll have to have the place spotless; otherwise, SuA will have our asses.”
You set your stuff down on a bed in the next room over as Handong and Gahyeon converse in the distance. Yoohyeon leans against the doorway as you start to unpack your overnight bag. 
“Getting comfortable?” She teases before sliding into the room.
“I’m trying to.” You sigh before tossing the bag aside and flopping on the bed. “Yooh, can I tell you something?”
“If you’re going to tell me something weird, I have to start charging you for therapy sessions-“
“How do you deal with liking one of your friends?” You honestly ask Yoohyeon as she loudly gasps.
“YOU LIKE SOMEONE-“ She shouts, loud enough for the whole house to hear, before you have a chance to close the door. “And you didn’t tell me first?”
“To be fair, I haven’t told anyone else yet, so you will be the first.” You offer her some semblance of comfort as your heart races in your chest - you were really going to say what you were feeling out loud, huh?
“So… who is it?” She asks before you sigh deeply.
“It’s someone I’d never thought I’d fall for, in all honesty. Someone who understands me in a way that no one else has.” You confess as Yoohyeon squeals.
“Oh, I know who you’re talking about! It has to be-“
“-SuA.” You quickly breathe out as Yoohyeon blinks at you once, twice, and then thrice.
“Oh shit, well, good for you!” Yoohyeon scrambles for the right words as you fold your arms.
“No words of comfort or reassurance?” You ask as she shrugs.
“SuA’s not out of your league, but she wasn’t who I was expecting, in all honesty. I didn’t know you two were close.” Yoohyeon says.
“So you’re okay with SuA and I being together if she says yes to a first date?” 
Yoohyeon takes your hand and gently squeezes it.
“I’m your best friend. I’d tell you if you were doing something stupid, trust me.”
You choke out a laugh before grabbing the pillow and putting it back into place.
“Minji, I’m so sorry to bother you.” You softly say before she hands you a glass of tea.
“No, it’s alright, it’s what friends are for. What did you need to talk to me about?” 
“SuA and I- we’re not doing alright.” Your words lift a weight off your chest, as if saying what you’ve been feeling will fix all of your problems. “We’ve gotten into more fights, and every time I want to talk about it, she blows me off to go partying. I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Can I-“ Minji pauses for a moment before grabbing your arm. “Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course.” You nod as she continues on.
“SuA, she’s a great person and all, but she has her flaws. You know this, just as the rest of us do. I love her, dearly and truly, but she’s an unnameable spirit. You won’t get her to settle down with sugar coated words or sweet promises.”
“What should I do, then?”
“You should break up with her.” Minji bluntly says it, and her words carve a mark in your heart that a thousand swords could not replicate.
“What?” You softly respond, hoping your brain had cherry-picked her words and made some sort of sick mash-up of them.
“You can’t- you can’t be with someone who makes you miserable. I see the two of you at parties. She has a great time with her friends, and you look like you want to be anywhere in the world besides at her side-“
“-yeah, but she compromises for me and I do it for her as well-“ You try to defend SuA, but JiU’s having none of it.
“-you’re new to dating, especially when it comes to someone like SuA, and I don’t want to see someone I care about get hurt.”
Your eyes involuntarily roll as you know the lecture is coming. Despite Minji being the most agreeable person on the planet, the two of you don’t always see eye-to-eye. She’s too involved in your life, at times, and you just need some space away from other people to clear your thoughts. To her, you don’t care enough about yourself and she will point that out, every single time, without fail. You’ve always treated her like an overcautious, caring mother, but something about her words irks you. Maybe it’s the fact that there is truth mingled in with her opinion, or you’ve finally grown tired of her meddling in your life, but you’ve had enough.
“I’m not a child, Minji.” You set the tea cup aside before standing up. “I can decide who I want to date, and when or if I should break up with them. I just wanted to see if you knew anything about why SuA has been so distant lately.”
“I don’t want to see you get hurt.” She repeats, firmly standing her ground.
“Do you know something I don’t, Minji?” You exasperatedly say before running your fingers through your hair. “I don’t see why you could care so much about me - SuA was your friend first, after all.”
“Her actions are not my responsibility.”
You can’t take this delicate dance of instigating and investigating any more, so you quickly move towards the exit of Siyeon, SuA, and Minji’s dorm.
“Wait, please-“ She calls out to you as you reach for the door. “I’m doing this because I-“
You slam the door in her face, an act you would grow to regret. When you come back a few hours later to return her pillow from your dorm, it’s like you’ve encountered a new person. She offers you a simple greeting before taking the pillow from her arms.
Minji’s smile doesn’t spread as wide as usual, and it’s all your fault.
A gentle tear runs down your cheek - you were awful to her, weren’t you? - as you gently fix the chapstick on the bedside table.
“You cheated on her!” Siyeon screams at you from the door as tears fall down your face.
“No, she cheated on me.” You offer a simple explanation, but she isn’t buying it.
“I found your chapstick in that girl’s bedroom, so try another excuse.” She haphazardly tosses the chapstick, and you’re able to catch it, even with tears partially blocking your sight.
“I let SuA use it-“
“I can’t even look at you. Come find me when you’re ready to make things right, and I may be kind enough to let you do so.” Siyeon slams the door as you fall to the ground in a puddle of misery and wallowing.
Two friends, one girlfriend. All gone within a few days of each other. Who else would leave you next? Handong? Yoohyeon? Gahyeon? Dami?
For some reason, the thought of Dami leaving you behind pushes you over the edge as the floodgates break open. You sob on the floor for what seems to be hours until your roommate finds you and brings you to bed, where you cry yourself to sleep for another night.
It’s saddening how quickly things can be over. Siyeon seemed open for a reunion - did SuA finally confess, or did Siyeon figure out the truth? You knew your friendship with Minji would never be the same, and that was okay with you. 
Although you were miserable with the loss of a few friends a few months ago, you’d be beyond consolable if one of your close friends of today were to betray you or-
Don’t think about that. Don’t think about that. Don’t think about that.
You lightly brush the tears away before looking in the vanity. The sight in front of you causes you to scream as the puzzle pieces connect in your head.
Hunger for blood, insane strength, and invisible in mirrors.
Despite the fact that your reflection is missing, two pointy objects reflect back to you as you open your mouth.
Sharp fangs.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You rub your temples, hoping that’ll miraculously fix you. “This day cannot get any worse.”
As if the hell opened up and Satan heard your words, Ryujin crashes against the doorless door frame with a heavy sigh.
“You’re bleeding!” You yell as Ryujin winces and holds her side.
“I’ll be fine.” She reassures you as you rush over to her. “Nice fangs, you freak.”
“You’re not helping.” You gently help Ryujin to the bed. “Who did this to you?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” She breathes a little lighter when she’s resting on your bed. “So is the vampire thing permanent, or-“
“Let me deal with that shit, you’re going to bleed out at this rate.” You grab a bundle of cloth that Ryujin can hold at her side. “I can’t do stitches, but I think Minji might be able to-“
Ryujin grabs your arm as you turn away from her.
“You shouldn’t go out there.”
“Why not?”
“She’s out there.” Ryujin coughs up a bit of blood as you grab a few tissues for her.
“Who is she?”
“Handong, but it’s not the girl that you know. They, the vampires,” She corrects herself before coughing into a tissue, “got to her before I could fight them all off. She’s a vampire spawn, hungry and lost to her instincts. We can’t help her until we get her some human blood.”
“We’re in hospital, there has to be blood somewhere-“ You reason as Ryujin shakes her head.
“Fresh blood, from a living human.”
“Yoohyeon.” You breathe out as Ryujin coughs again. “Are you going to be alright?”
“I’m a werewolf, this will blow over in a day or two. Supernatural healing is the shit, huh.” She laughs before going into another coughing fit.
“I can stay with you-“ “-You have to find Yoohyeon before Handong does; otherwise, we’ll have another murder on our hands.”
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feralkwe · 3 months
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @veliseraptor - xoxo
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
a humble 34, but those are only the ones that made it to ao3. i've had several others strung across other platforms over the years, but these are the ones i care to keep track of.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
552,373. a little lower than i expected, but wordcount has never really been a thing i worry too much over. it's not a competition. a story takes as many words as it needs to be told.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i actually had to look this up. i thought i knew off the top of my head, and i was pretty lose. they are:
a champion's expectation (118)
dossiers and snapshots (89)
a hero's lamentations (78)
a queen's regrets (66)
food for thought (63)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do! one of my favorite things about fandom is the back and forth about things you love. fic serves that up rather well. i absolutely love discussing stories with people who enjoyed them.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
hmm. a tough one, i think. i am probably suffering recency bias, but to the edge (and back again) may be the winner here. it's definitely up there. my current wip, thnks fr th mmrs may rival it, depending on how it goes. that one has the benefit of relationship angst, but isn't exclusively a canon character story where we all know the ending.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
i like a little bittersweet in all of my endings, and i think a majority of my fic reflects that. however, a herald's faith definitely has the happiest ending, in my opinion. everyone in the story is where they should be or want to be at the end of the inquisition, even if that isn't always with each other. hence, the bitter in my sweet endings. it's what they all want, and that has to count for something.
7. Do you write crossovers?
i used to, but i don't anymore. i don't really like them as much as i did when i was a young fic writer learning what appealed to me. it's just not my thing.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
yup! it doesn't exist anymore because the platform where i first posted it no longer exists, but i got a fair bit (more than i'm used to for how little known my work is) for my handling of alistair in a queen's regrets. i still stand by my characterization and choices. he has a temper and breaking points, and i think his reactions in my story are very much in character. sorry not sorry to everyone who thinks he's made of cotton candy and smiles and nods. he's actually much more complex than that, and i think i write that very well.
9. Do you write smut?
absolutely i do. that's it. that's my answer.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge! i'm not a very popular or well-known writer, and i would be surprised if anyone has actually cared enough to steal my work. that's not like, false humility or anything. i'm not well-known in any fandom, for better or for worse.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
someone did approach me to ask if they could translate a queen's regrets to russian, but i have no idea if that ever happened! i never heard back from them. if anyone runs across it, i'd love to see it!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope. i'm not closed off to the idea, it's just never come up.
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
oh my goodness, what an unfair question! i am very much a multishipper with a ship-and-let-ship mindset. i don't actively ship things outside of my own ships, but i'm pretty easy to convince that something could work and would be interesting. i love seeing it, and will happily engage in talk about it if asked because i genuinely enjoy seeing people have fun.
my official answer is possibly cheating, but it's anders/mage rights. it is my ride or die, absolutely non-negotiably canon ship. i love the idea that yes, even if he does love your character, he will never love anything or anyone as much as he loves freedom for mages. it will always matter to him more than anyone or anything else. perhaps he is willing to drown the world in blood to keep you safe, but he has and will obliterate himself for the cause no matter what you do or think. i find that so incredibly satisfying.
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
hmm. i have a few marvel fics that i would love to have the desire to finish. i would say specifically dossiers and snapshots, which is a clint barton &-/ natasha romanov series of connected one-shots that i would rework into a cohesive multi-chapter story. at this point they would need to be torn apart and rewritten, which is only part of why it will likely never happen. the other is that despite how much i love the characters i chose for my stories, that phase of my fandom life has likely passed, and i'm okay with that.
15. What are your writing strengths?
i am very good at characterization. i am. this is fact. even though i toil and fret over every new character and voice i tackle, i think i always come out on top of it. the number of people who have told me they could imagine my characterization choices happening in canon reinforces this, and it is maybe the only thing about my fic writing that i am confident to maybe just shy of arrogance about.
i'm also good at dialogue, i think.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably description. it's something i'm picky about in reading any type of fiction. i have no patience for when it gets too flowery or when an author/writer refuses to leave anything to the reader's imagination. i will skim over it for understanding, but there is a point where it's just lost on me.
that translates into my writing to a point where i have to actively work against my impulse to be as concise as possible. i want so much for readers to be able to imagine what they like that sometimes i forget to give them touchstones for my own vision. i'm also forever paranoid that i am dreadfully repetitive. there is a sweet spot for me, both reading and writing, and achieving it is likely to always feel like a white whale.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
you have to be very, very careful with it. don't just trust google translate or whatever your tool of choice is with it. use it sparingly for best effect. if you're a native english speaker, don't fall into the trap of mixing it with english ("chinglish" "spanglish" etc) without consulting a native speaker. depending on the language you run the risk of getting very problematic very fast, and it's always, always best to err on the side of caution. and by caution, i mean native speaker opinion.
now, if native speakers of that language are your target, that is another thing altogether, and i have more thoughts on that. i love when ojibwe authors use anishinaabemowin and don't translate it for non-speakers. it's like a little love letter from them to me. i assume there are instances in other languages where this applies.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
technically the babysitter's club. i wrote and illustrated my own little books of it when i was a kid. the first fandom i officially wrote and published for was dragon age.
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
mmm. i really, really would love to dip my toes into good omens. i think i understand the characters well enough to do it justice. but it's a big fandom full of so many incredible writers, and i have yet to come up with a viable premise that i think i could enact in a meaningful way. i'm not discounting it, but it's a fandom i'm active in, and i'd love to some day be a contributor.
also, i'd love to write some cute little bits for ryne/gaia in ffxiv. again, it's a matter of finding an idea that grabs me in a way that i think i could make magic happen. but they are so adorably sweet, and girl love is definitely something we need to see more of in any fandom, it's definitely on my bucket list.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
again, recency bias, but my recently finished ffxiv fic, to the edge (and back again), about the journey of elidibus through the zodiark summoning up to the sundering, may be my best work yet.
i'm gonna tag @yamisnuffles, @icescrabblerjerky, @leggywillow, @squeeful, @tehjai, and anyone else who wants to consider themselves tagged for a bit of fun.
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holyvirgilscriptures · 10 months
oooh i see u listen to fall out boy...top 5 fob songs?
hadhdksdjd yessss i love them 🥺 here
1. Thnks fr th Mmrs
2. The Kids Aren't Alright
3. Miss Missing You
4. What A Catch, Donnie
5. Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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since you couldn't ask on anon (srry for that btw), I'm also not gonna
so, as you probably know, I overdo everything (book rec doc flashbacks lol), so I kinda made a list (at least I didn't make a full on playlist jfc)
mr/mme by loïc nottet, Disenchanted and planetary go by mcr
little talks by of monsters and men, thnks fr th mmrs and sugar we're going down by fob, junge by die ärzte, spellbound by siouxsie and the banshees, come wander with me by Jeff alexander, teenage dirtbag by wheatus, black sheep brie Larson version, that green gentleman by p!atd, mr loverman by Ricky Montgomery, survivor/I will survive by the glee cast, ainda gosto dela by skank, all of folie a doux by fob, twin size mattress by the front bottoms, happy together by gway and ray, falling by Florence + the machine, call your girlfriend by Robyn, O orgulho e o perdão by o terno, dear Maria, count me in by all time low
Holy shit that's a lot, damn, also idk the criteria I used either, but here's that!
bee wtf you are literally ??????? so fucking cool ????? i’m gonna answer this now before i’ve listened to everything cuz uh. frankly i will forget. but i’m making a playlist so i can listen to all the songs cuz !!!!!!! thank you <333
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emometalhead · 2 years
hi ashley 😁!!! i know ur at work rn so there’s no rush on this, but i think i finally want to get into fall out boy (i know i’m late 😔 i keep pushing it off)…and i know u love them, so do u have any recs/any good starting points??!! love u !!
Hi Kelsey!! Thank you for you patience! I really wanted to make sure I had time to answer this thoughtfully.
For starting points, I recommend just listening to their most popular songs. I will say this about every band's most popular music, but it is popular for a reason!!
Most popular Fall Out Boy songs: (with albums in parentheses)
Sugar, We're Going Down (FUTCT)
Dance Dance (FUTCT)
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race (IOH)
I Don't Care (FàD)
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (SR&R)
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs (IOH)
Uma Thurman (AB/AP)
Immortals (AB/AP)
Centuries (AB/AP)
From there, decide which sound you gravitate toward most. I recommend listening to the album of the song you enjoy most next! You can also choose an album based on my descriptions if that is more up your alley.
Now here's a quick breakdown of the albums. I'm going to give a short description of each, and input some personal opinions. (Excluding Evening Out With Your Girlfriend and Take This to Your Grave, because I feel like they're best to get into after you've gotten into the later stuff.):
From Under The Cork Tree (2005): The heaviest of all the albums listed. Definitely reminiscent of their early punk rock roots. Iconic with its long, random song titles. Essential for understanding the band's start and progression. I think every band's "breakthrough" album says a lot about them. This album is special to me, because it was my starting point.
My favorites from FUTCT:
Dance, Dance
Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me"
Infinity On High (2007): More sonically experimental than FUTCT. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'd recommend it as a starting point. It feels the most transitional out of all their albums. This is not to discredit it in any regard. The album is great! Personally, I didn't get really invested in it until after I got really invested in the others that were out at that point. (Everything except MANIA, as it did not exist.)
My favorites from IOH:
Bang The Doldrums*
"The Take Over, The Break's Over"
Hum Hallelujah
Folie à Deux (2008): I'm not able to be objective in any sense about this album. Lyrically my favorite album. It is my favorite, and I highly recommend listening to it from start to finish. This album has a perfect flow. At minimum, on your first full listen you need to have it in order rather than on shuffle. Every song is my favorite, so the three I'm about to list are my most recent obsessions. This list changes every few months.
My favorites from Folie:
I Don't Care
Save Rock And Roll (2013): Fall Out Boy's return album!! If you want to get invested, watch The Young Blood Chronicles!! Each song from this album has a music video, and they all tie in like a movie. This album is so fun sonically!! A little poppy! Securing that pop punk+rock title!! If you want a mix of yelling and ballad, this is the album for you.
My favorites from SR&R:
Death Valley
Miss Missing You
Alone Together
American Beauty/American Psycho (2015): This album has a lighter sound. Not boring by any means, but it is their most mainstream. I think you understand what I mean without further explanation. My input is the same as my starting point with this ask. The songs are popular for a reason!!
My favorite songs from AB/AP:
Fourth of July*
Uma Thurman
MANIA (2018): A bit sonically experimental in comparison to the other albums. This album definitely shows life experience and a wide variety of influences. To me, it feels like a very natural progression from their older stuff. Lyrically, some of the same themes are there. They're just being expressed with an older, more lived mindset. This is one of my favorite albums. I think it flows well, and is fun to listen to while still giving me emotional feels.
My favorite songs from MANIA:
Sunshine Riptide
The Last Of The Real Ones
I think that's the full introduction I want to give! I'm sure you'll dive in and form your own opinions, but I hope this is at all a helpful guide. Let me know what you think as you listen!! I'm so excited that you're giving them a try! I'm also entirely willing to make an introduction to the band post in terms of the members and lore. (Aka fan theories and what I deem important or memeable moments in the band's history.) I put asterisks next to a few songs. If those intrigue you lyrically, I would be very excited to explain the background of them. (It ties in MCR!!)
Thank you for this opportunity to ramble about my favorite band!! This was a lot of fun to type out.
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frostbitefae · 2 years
when u get this u have to put 5 songs 🎵 u actually listen to, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨
Sorry I took forever to answer this, I haven't felt extremely social the past few days but I'm here now
Du Hast, Rammstein
Hail to the King, Avenged Sevenfold
Thnks fr th Mmrs, Fall Out Boy
Can You Feel My Heart, Bring Me The Horizon
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes, Kesha
I think this about sums up my music taste, shit rock with early 2000's pop
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lilmissuncreative · 2 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Tagged By: @astarkey​ & @alwaysupatnight​
Name: 🤐 🤐 🤐 🤐 🤐 🤐 🤐 🤐
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5'7″
Time: 7:56 AM (I would be working but the power is out and my laptop won’t function on battery power alone anymore)
Birthday: 6 December
Favorite Bands/Favorite Solo Artists: The Killers, Adele, Billie Eilish, FOB, Aaliyah, Lorde, Rihanna, Paramore, Halsey, Frank Ocean, Goldfish, Linkin Park (I feel like a liar listing favourite artists because I generally only like specific songs. So, no one quiz me. I will fail.)
Last Movie: Labyrinth
Last Show: Golden Girls
When did I create this blog: haha. I have NO idea how to check this. It’s been a few years.
What I post: Reblogging based on vibes and mood. Who even knows (not me!)
Last thing I googled: how to spell “Labyrinth”. I cannot spell.
Other Blogs: I’m sure I have another tumblr somewhere.
Do I Get Asks?: Nope. Apparently, I turned it off?!?!?!
Why I chose my url: Don’t really remember - tried a bunch of things and this was the first one that was unique.
Following: 136
Followers: 37
Average hours of sleep: I aim to sleep 8 hours, but it’s normally between 6 &7.
Instruments: lol, I can technically play the recorder at a very basic level, but it’s been years and I’m not sure I remember. My gran tried to teach me piano once upon a time.
What am I wearing: track pants and zip up hoodie (& a blanket because it’s cold)
Dream job(s): “I have no dream job. I do not dream of labour.” But seriously - every job works you too hard and doesn’t pay you enough. In THIS ECONOMY?! OUTRAGEOUS.
Favourite Food:  pizza, nachos, mom’s chicken curry, my gran’s crayfish curry, ANYTHING WITH MUSHROOMS, waffles, brownies, chili poppers, sushi, dim sum, cheesecake, chocolate eclairs, POPCORN! 
Nationality: South African
Favorite Song(s): errr... I’ll randomly listen to these on repeat the most
Mr Brightside, Jenny Was a Friend, Somebody Told Me, Human - The Killers
Hum Hallelujah, Golden, Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, Sugar We’re Going Down - FOB
Love on the Brain - Rihanna
Melodrama - Lorde
All I Wanted - Paramore
On A Night Like This - Kylie
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Fire For You - Cannon
Wicked Games - The Weeknd
Maybe Tomorrow - Stereophonics
Better With You - Michl
The Night is Still Young - Nicki Minaj
Try Again, We Need A Resolution - Aaliyah
Currently playing on repeat: Currently have my whole playlist on shuffle and trying to decide what I don’t want anymore.
Last book I read: Finally finished Future Shock by Toffler. My brain is still processing.
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: Middle Earth (I WOULD BE AN AMAZING HOBBIT!), Hogwarts (Hufflepuff benches!) and can I pick Star Wars without the wars? I just wanna space travel.
No idea who to tag. Please just play.
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vinmauro · 7 months
Hi Acey! Infinity on High by FOB for the album ask? :)
hi kam!! the way this is uhhhh the one fob album i have criminally under listened to
the first song from this album I heard: this ain’t a scene
do I own the album?: no
my favorite song: i got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers
my least favorite song: this ain’t a scene bc it was why i didn’t listen to the album when it came out (cringes emoji)
a song I didn’t like at first, but now do: thnks fr th mmrs
a song I used to like, but now don’t: i don’t have one due to criminal under listening.
my favorite lyric: the kid was alright but it went to his head
overall rating out of 10: 6/10 (i’ll try to listen to it better without 2007 me lingering in their hater ways)
send me an album and i’ll answer
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evergreensys · 9 months
26, 22, 10- for whomever wants to answer tbh
Awesome, thanks so much! For this one we'll have our Dave Strider fictive answer!
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
Yup! We never got around to finishing Homestuck, so I'm kind of canon divergent in terms of personality, but I'm pretty ok with that. I look a lot like my source, though. Here's my favorite fanart of him/me.
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[credit to c0ncerned-gh0st on deviantart]
22. What activities/things remind you of your source?
Probably listening to 2000s era songs. My fronting triggers are Mr. Brightside and Thnks Fr Th Mmrs. We're a very music-based system.
26. Talk about anything you want, relevant to the rest of the questions or not!
I LOVE MY IN-SYS BOYFRIEND SO INCREDIBLY MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Shoutout to KitKat Karkat, that boy puts up with so much of my bullshit. But I put up with his perpetual grumpiness, so it evens out. :)
Thanks for the ask, I don't normally front much so this was a good excuse to lol
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goofgoofdildo · 1 year
honestly give me all of them for the music ask game
Ily <3
1:A song you like with a color in the title
I feel like I’m cheating but Welcome to the Black Parade
2:A song you like with a number in the title
11:11 by the dinosaur pileup
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
Probs Grass by animal collective
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
I don’t want to forget anyone, even if remembering hurts sometimes.
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
The Horror and the Wild by the amazing devil no question. I need it to reverberate in my skull
6:A song that makes you want to dance
Rasputin obv
7:A song to drive to
Hm really depends on the mood, Thnks fr th Mmrs by fob or Back of the car by Miike Snow
8:A song about drugs or alcohol
Little green bag? even though I think originally it was little green back, as in money
Oh or Hennessey by Tupac
9:A song that makes you happy
Ľudia nie sú zlí by I.M.T smile tbh or Dirty Imbecile by the happy fits
10:A song that makes you sad
Stumbleine by the smashing pumpkins and River Man by Nick Drake both put a hole in my chest
11:A song that you never get tired of
Love is a laserquest perhaps
12:A song from your preteen years
Cherish by kool and the gang
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
In the army now by status quo
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
Something that the guests would like lol. Otherwise maybe Without You sung by Harry Nilsson bc I adore him and his version of the song
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
Nothing compares to you covered by sinead o’ connor
16:One of your favorite classical songs
A Shropshire lad
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
I don’t know a lot of duets? I could sing Wild Blue Yonder by heart lol, maybe I’d do summer nights from grease at a karaoke?
18:A song from the year that you were born
Clint Eastwood by gorillaz!
19:A song that makes you think about life
10am, gare du nord by Keaton Henson? Idk, all ofthem
20:A song that has many meanings to you
I feel like there’s a correct answer here that I can’t think of so we’ll go with Disloyal order of water buffaloes
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
Alexandra by Hamilton Leithouser!
22:A song that moves you forward
Suture Up Your Future by quotsa I guess
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
Take this waltz by Leonard Cohen
24:A song by a band you wish were still together
Hm I used to wish Panic never split up as a tween so let’s say Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off
25:A song by an artist no longer living
Sinnerman by Nina Simone
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
I always knew by the vaccines
27:A song that breaks your heart
Slzy tvý mámy by Olympic, fucking takes me out every time
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Hm perhaps Pyramid by Jason Webley
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
Atlantída by Miro Žbirka my beloved
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
Calm like you by tlsp hah
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twinkskeletons · 2 years
um could i get joe bf pix
some of my favs ^_^
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tsainami · 4 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday! What's the first story you remember telling?
happy sts! ✨
skskks i dont think this was the first story I told - because I remember telling things about the ghosts i “saw” as a 4 year old and I also remember focusing on the wackiest details of things... - but when i was 7 I used to love making a clubhouse like under beds or in closets? once i was playing with our neighbor’s kid and we were in a closet and i told her a story about a girl our age who had her tongue cut off. i can’t really remember how it went or ended.
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darcyolsson · 6 years
Omg i saw your comment on a fob video and idk i got excited that i recognized u
what video??? i remember having a Lot of top comments when i was still a hardcore fan lol
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emo-rejects · 2 years
Hotel Room Sharing (Kamala Khan)
Send ‘Hotel Room Sharing’ For both of our muses to have missed their plane/train/etc, and now must share a hotel room until they get another one.
(Still Accepting)
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“Ugh! How annoying is it that our train back into the city just so happens to break down?!” Kamala exclaimed. She was so annoyed that there was a vein practically bursting out of her forehead. “Plus this means I’m probably going to have to schedule another flight back to America! I mean, I’ve had a good time here and you’ve been an awesome hostess, but I’m honestly scared I’ve been gone for too long! Things can change a lot over there in a short span of time, and my uhh… Line of work requires me to be as up to date on things as possible. If I’ve missed anything, then I’m gonna have some catching up to do!”
She collapsed back onto her bed, letting out an exhaustive sigh. “At least the beds at this inn or sooooo comfy,” she muttered.
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