#those movies cause me harm lol
teaboot · 6 months
Since I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be, I have been trying to send to more asks to engage more. I really don't want to bother anyone though so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Detailed? Vague? Work? Fandom? Movies? Books? Childhood? Gardening? Thoughts? OTPs? OCs? I'm sure there are way more categories, I'm not limiting you to these listed options. Perhaps if it's an easier question what types of asks do you not like?
Detailed asks good yes
Vague asks??? Do not understand but open to the concept
Fandom: My first Fandom was X-Men, then Lord of the Rings, then Homestuck, Transformers, Fullmetal Alchemist, Teen Wolf, Avengers (first movie, when it came out), Batman, Overwatch briefly, Mass Effect, Gravity Falls, Trigun, and now my sister's getting me into Call of Duty! Feel free to ask about any!!
Movies: Yes movies are a great topic I have SO MANY
Oh lord I haven't consistently been up to date on books in FOREVER but yes books are good, you can ask book questions, I'm reading a lot of old classics and recently finished Pride & Prejudice, am now on The One That Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Childhood- oh my god bud you have no idea
Gardening- My house is full of plastic plants on account of how good I am at killing things
Thoughts- Always
OCs? YO YEAH GO FOR IT I NEVER TALK ABOUT THEM aaaaah I need to start writing again- I've been working on an urban fantasy for like. God like 7-8 years now
If I don't like an ask I'll just ignore or delete it but not much is off the table. I will not answer where exactly I live, who I am, if I'm a specific person you met, etc. for safety reasons.
I've worked in sex education so I can answer questions on that topic but if you get too personal or abrasive I will not respond.
I'm regularly flooded with donation requests and it's often too hard to figure out which are real and which are scams using stolen legit posts so as a general rule I do not spread those, I'm sorry.
And if you pop in to sexually harass me or use abusive language towards myself or others then I'm just gonna block you and delete the message.
If you want to warn me that a post I shared came from a bad source I do appreciate that, but if I do my research and can't find a legitimate reason to block someone then I probably won't.
I consider Legitimate Reasons to block someone on recommendation to be abusive language and behaviour, threats, bigotry, propagation of misinformation, production of AI content, and encouragement of dangerous behaviors that pose genuine harm to self or others. I'm not gonna block a random cause they enjoy Steven Universe and you think it's annoying. We all like stuff.
Thanks for asking!!! I probably shoulda talked about some of this myself, lol
EDIT: Terfs and radfems are block on sight, it's not your fault you're dumb but I am not capable of educating all of you
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strsburn · 2 years
sngä'ikrr [begin] ━ ˓𓄹 ࣪˖  neteyam
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pairing - neteyam x fem! na'vi reader
synopsis - in which you do not realize how your life began the moment you met neteyam.
see also - in which neteyam is enthralled by you, and you are just trying to do your duty and fulfill your sense of purpose.
warnings - tba
notes - i am so excited to write about this, i would like to turn this into a series but that depends on how well this does and my motivation lol. hope you enjoy and thank you to @anm3mi for your enthusiasm to read this!!
full disclosure, in this fic, the events of the second movie have already taken place, however neteyam survived, and instead of staying with the metkayina, the sully's have returned to the forest. neteyam and reader are age eighteen. i will not write smut for these characters however bc it doesn't make me comfortable at all, please respect this and do not ask for it.
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Growing up, you had felt a disconnection between yourself, and the other na'vi kids. You didn't find any enjoyment in playing their games, nor did you feel like joining with the weavers and singers of your people.
You felt shamed as your mother, Ninat, a clan favorite, and beautiful singer, expressed her disappointment in you constantly as you did not show signs of following in her footsteps. Instead, you talked of becoming a warrior, sneaking off to train with a handmade bow you had made from the remains of a kelutral.
As a result, your mother and your relationship splintered, leaving you to become independent.
You continued to train, leading you to becoming apart of the 'tìhawnu si' a group of warriors that defended your clan from harm and more importantly the Olo'eyktan and his family.
Ta'hlu, leader of the tìhawnu si, had taken you under her wing, raising you as her own, and continuing to watch you flourish under her tutelage, for one day you would take her place as leader.
"Are you paying attention, 'evi?" Ta'hlu questioned, pulling your attention away from the tree from where you had been staring blankly, deep in thought. You felt heat rise to your cheeks in shame, at losing focus especially during such important tasks and you stood up straighter, tail flicking behind you with nerves.
"Yes, sa'nok. I became distracted, it will not happen again, I swear it." The smile that Ta'hlu wore at the title you gave her, dimmed as she saw how tense you were, your ears flailing with nerves as your tail curled around your leg.
While she admired how mature you had become, you were still just a kid, eighteen and striving to make those around you proud. Little did you know how proud she was of you, just for who you were. She wanted you to not grow up too fast. Sadly, war took everything from the na'vi, including the innocence of children who should not know loss.
"That's enough practice for today, 'evi. Go have fun." She dismissed you, causing your ears to flatten as you sheathed your blade.
Before you could protest, a familiar na'vi who you recognized as Pa'yi broke through the clearing, her ears pinned down in worry and tail lashing with distress. At her expression you stood to attention, Ta'hlu turning towards the na'vi with a confused frown.
"What is it, Pa'yi?"
"Please, hurry. Tuktirey te Suli Neytiri'ite is in trouble, she strayed too far past the barricades of home tree and we can't find her." The na'vi announced, you immediately looked to Ta'hlu who was already staring at you, gaze expectant and trusting.
You pushed down a smile as your tail relaxed and your ears stood alert. Pa'yi seemed surprised that the leader was waiting on you for command, but relaxed as she saw the determination painted on your face.
"Gather the other warriors, we will meet at hometree and discuss our strategy with Olo'eyktan'." You decided, meeting the pleased gaze of Ta'hlu.
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"Oel ngati kameie." You greeted the Olo'eyktan and his family, hand meeting your forehead before curving down towards your chest. The Chief did the same, eyes unfocused and ears down in worry for his daughter. Not wanting to waste any more time you cleared your throat and walked forward to meet him, the warriors following behind you, spears and bows at the ready.
"With your permission Toruk Makto, I plan to lead the tìhawnu si, to find your daughter." You spoke clearly, meeting his eyes. You could see the worry in his gaze, just as he could see the resolve in yours. He knew of your strengths, having heard much praise from Ta'hlu and he decided to trust her, and her training, that you would find his little girl.
With a nod, you stepped back, gesturing towards your fellow sisters, protectors of the clan and your people.
"We will split into three groups, I will lead my group north, and the other two groups will head east and west. We will not rest until Tuktirey te Suli Neytiri'ite is back with the clan, understood?" You directed, feeling a deep happiness as your fellow sisters watched you with pride in their eyes, nodding in respect to show that they would fight by your side.
You took one glance back, catching the gaze of Neteyam te Suli Neytiri'ite, his eyes frustrated at most likely not being able to seek his sister, and while he did not say a word, his eyes relayed everything he could not.
Find her
You dipped your head into a nod and turned, your hair swinging with the movement as your heart beat steadily in your chest. Everyone was counting on you, you could not, would not let them down.
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tìhawnu si - protector(s)
'evi - kid (affectionate)
sa'nok - mother
sngä'ikrr - begin
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raisedbythetv89 · 6 months
I hate all of this “well he was Buffy’s first love!” talk when discussing how much pain and devastation Angel caused in Buffy’s life as if for women our first loves MUST be horrible and painful always???? As if it was unavoidable anyway so let’s not be too critical of him.
The show acknowledges what happens in the movie so canonically what happened in the movie happened to tv show Buffy INCLUDING HER RELATIONSHIP. ANGEL WAS NOT HER FIRST LOVE.
Angel was just the first guy who stalked and targeted Buffy when she was at her most vulnerable and continued to constantly lie and manipulate her for his own selfish gains only to toss her aside once she no longer served her original purpose while continuing to lead her on and show up in her life every time she tried to move on and THAT is why it was so painful!!!
I did not have a good childhood, my parents had a horrible divorce when I was 7 and I had never seen a healthy relationship modeled IN MY LIFE - AND YET - my first serious relationship when I was 16 while it definitely had it problems like all young love does (his friends didn’t like how much time he spent with me and his mom both hated me for “taking her son away” but also loved me because she wanted a daughter so badly but only had sons - she was insane lol and we were both teenagers who made stupid teenager mistakes) he was with me for 3 1/2 years and absolutely would have married me if that was what I had wanted.
He would sneak out to see me when I was sad despite his strict parents, always bought me lunch because I would eat what I was sent to school with by 10 AM because I was STARVING because I had an almond mom who never fed either of us enough. Would happily listen to me rant about the twilight books as I read them during that whole phase, WROTE ME A SONG for my birthday (he was actually a talented musician and works as a sound engineer and music producer now) and basically just spent every second he could either with me or talking to me when we were apart. He loved taking me on dates and writing me love notes and we just laughed all the time. He was my best friend as well as my boyfriend and ending that relationship because I had outgrown him was SO PAINFUL because he loved me so much and even during the break up - which I handled HORRIBLY - he was kind and even gave me the birthday present he had bought me because he wanted me to have it even though it was still months away. (I say all of this to try and just show first loves CAN be more than just pain and devastation and if it isn’t making you happy a minimum 80% of the time and you instead just feel sad and confused THAT IS NOT NORMAL AND YOU DESERVE BETTER 🩷)
I know good experiences are not the case for everyone when it comes to first relationships and that’s awful and is not fair because young love SHOULD be innocent and naive. Just two idiots in love who have no clue what they’re doing but just happy to be around each other no matter what they’re doing (like what willow got to experience with Oz in high school) and Angel robbed Buffy of those experiences. He broke her trust of other people and in love and her trust in HERSELF - that’s not her “first love” that’s her first abusive relationship and calling it “her first love” or worse “her soulmate” only serves the patriarchy and harms little girls everywhere who grow up not knowing to look for or expect better because everyone around them and society is telling them “your first experiences with love and sex will be awful and painful and there’s no escaping it” when that is just NOT TRUE at all, especially if you date someone age appropriate in high school. Angel is the first older “man” she dated and like all older men with high school girls do, he took advantage of that imbalance in power in literally every way possible and I will despise that whiney little bitch until the end of time for that and wish he would have just stayed trapped in that hell dimension until the end of time as it is what he deserves.
“True love” doesn’t require severe pain and tears for it to be deep or meaningful. Don’t believe the lies terrible men like jw and so many others feed us.
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yelans-dice · 1 year
This is a Twisted Wonderland request, but you have a lot of freedom lol. Thank you if you decide to do this! If not, totally okay!
Any characters of your choice. How would they be as a father? How many kids would they want? Would they be overprotective? etc. etc. Of course, their spouse is Yuu/Reader.
@blues824 You're welcome and I'm honestly happy that you submitted a request cause this is my first one i've ever done and i have nothing to do since it's almost summer break (for me), so it won't be a lot of characters or perfect, On top of that i haven't really been catching up with twisted wonderland so this might be out of character. However, i hope that this would satisfy you and others ( I was doing this on my school computer at school so this might look weird ) Edited : this was not proof read so their might be some errors
How they would be as Fathers
Feat. Malleus Draconia, Vil Schoenheit, and Lilia Vanrouge
Malleus Draconia 🐉
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-Most definitely be a great father 🐉Probably would want two or three (probably more) but starts with one to have some experience with raising one 🐉 Would buy his child(ren) everything they want (most) and need, basically spoil them rotten including you 🐉 doesn't really have a preference what gender the child is 🐉 the most overprotective father, wouldn't hurt anyone unless they hurt his child otherwise he would strike fear into those who dared to hurt his child, same goes for his spouse. 🐉 When he has free time he would spend time with his family, probably teach his child(ren) about gargoyles and the amazing things they do or go get some ice cream, if they don't like ice cream he would go somewhere they would like 🐉 would ask lilia for advice to deal with certain situations and to babysit them when both of you go on a date or busy with work
Vil Schoenheit 👑
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-He would be a great father
👑 Probably would want one, would probably want one more when he doesn't have a busy schedule 👑 Doesn't necessarily prefer a gender, he would be fine with any gender 👑 like Malleus, Vil would buy all of his child's needs and most of their wants 👑 Also is very protective, he would probably cast a spell or something if they ever try or do hurt his child and/or spouse.{idk what else to put 😭} 👑 When he has free time he would spend time with his family, most likely do a spa day or just have a relaxing time ( like watching a movie/series, doing each others make-up, etc etc )
Lilia Vanrouge 🦇
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-Of course he would be a good father considering he already has one ( technically three )
🦇 Would want one child, would most likely reconsider it for some reason 🦇 Doesn't necessarily care about the gender, However he would prefer a girl 🦇 Like Malleus and Vil, Lilia would buy all of his child needs and most of their wants 🦇 Very overprotective, would hurt those who would harm/hurt his family, mentally and/or physically 🦇 Maybe would spend his time with his child training (when they are old enough) or would probably just play games with them etc
I know it's short and it's not very good but this was the most my imagination could take me, so i hope this could satisfy you, again thank you for requesting, Have a great day ! Also hopefully you manage to finish the amount of requests you have to do.
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your-ne1ghbor · 5 months
My problems with Magnifico and Amaya and how I would rewrite them (TKoRaT AU)
Ahem..sorry..what was I gonna say?
Oh yea! Feeling like a long rant again, so prepare your eyes!!!💀
Sooo, I kinda have been off putting stuff again since I had school work and a bunch of ideas like this one, so I decided to just share it so I don't loose the idea (ik I can write it down but idk I felt like sharing it). Plus the fact that I've been more chatty lately lol.
Idk how to transition to my problems with Amaya and Magnifico so here.
Magnifico and Amaya's Character in Wish 2023
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Magnifico in the film is...well is a pretty stand up guy! Sure, he is paranoid most of the time and is pretty stubborn, but he is very selfless and a really generous person!
You can say he is more in line with the kings of original films that deeply care for their children, such as King Sefan from Sleeping Beauty, or King Frederic from Tangled.
In this case, he deeply cares for the people of Rosas. I mean yeah, it is weird that you forget what your goal is in life, but if I had nowhere to go and no roof over my head, of course I would go to Rosas to live there safely. Heck, in perspective, you have a chance of your wish getting granted, and don't have to pay rent to live there. It is a pretty fair deal, especially for families who want their kids to grow up out of harms way. Sure, he can't grant all of the wishes, but his reasoning is pretty valid. The only line I could get from the film that would support this would be when he commented on Asha's Grandfather's Wish (which is to inspire the next generation):
"To create what? A rebellious mob perhaps? Inspire them to...to do what? Uh, destroy Rosas, maybe?"
And a lot of people can argue that Saba's wish is very simple or isn't dangerous, but here is the thing. Simple things can have dangerous concequences no matter how small or big they are. Sure, you can start out small, like inspiring people, but it will cause a domino effect that can lead to something greater. Either for the better or worse. And example would actually be Walt Disney himself! He started out small, but without him, animation would not have gotten to where it is today. With his love and passion to art and story telling and taking risks, we WOULD NOT have gotten Puss in Boots, SpiderVerse, OR EVEN ANYTHING ANIMATION WISE. Walt Disney really pioneered animation and without those baby steps, there would not be an Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, ect. It would just be...well...live action I guess. Hate the Disney company or not, Walt helped get animation to where it is today, and it sucks that his company, even after death, wont try anymore to push the limits of animation except for companies that isn't Disney.
Plus, I don't even blame Magnifico for thinking this way! Although it is sort of annoying that his backstory was told instead of shown (not that there is nothing wrong with telling, but showing for me is a more effective way of story telling for me. You can take the little mermaid for example), I personally understood where he was coming from. In his backstory, his home was destroyed from thieves and barbarians, with his family and possibly everyone he knew being dead. Its honestly tragic, so him making a kingdom for people to not suffer that pain again is very selfless of him and just...feels good in a good way you know?
But as everything in this movie is, it takes the good things and beats it over with a 30 foot pole and leaves it to rot.
He is turned into the villain. And no, it isn't because of Asha not getting what she wanted, and no, it isn't because Amaya, his wife died (she never did btw)! OH NO IT IS MUCH WORSE.
He opens up a mAgIc bOoK oF dArK mAgIc and becomes the bad guy...
...What the fuck. Actually no, applauds to you Disney! This is such a effective way of telling a story. 10/10 forever and ever. Great job! :D
(I am being sarcastic, this is legit the worst way for a good guy becoming the villain, its so fucking stupid-)
He is just simply stripped of his good qualities and only lets his bad qualities shine through. It kind of feels like he was being held at gun point here.
Seriously, there was no other way of making him the bad guy? Like legit? Simply remove his backstory and make him evil at the begining. I guess it would be weird if he took the wishes without reasoning, but even then, why give him good qualities when he is supposed to be the bad guy? He became more of a tragic hero than a tragic "bad guy".
I will go more into my problems with him after I talk about Amaya for a bit since talking about her character is more shorter than Magnificos.
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The best I can say for her character is that she is like Jimmy Cricket but fell in love with Pinnocio (I know that sounds weird pls spare me).
She is like the voice of reason for Magnifico, and it is best shown when Magnifico FIRST concidered on using the book for "his evil deeds". This scene specifically:
Other than that, she wasn't really a character in the film AT ALL. It sort of sucks concidering what the original concept was (WE WILL GET TO THAT) and instead degraded her character to...well...nothing.
I can't really say anything about her since she just was "I am loyal to my husband" to "actually fuck you I will believe a 17 year old instead of the man I trusted for the amount of years it took to get the kingdom to it's feet." I want to, but I can't. SHE HAS NOTHING.
I wish I can say more about her character, but it would just be me ranting about how trash her is character and was handled. Speaking of that, lets get into why I dislike how they were handled.
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Why does their character bother me so much?
Well it is sort of hard to explain, but I'll do my best.
Magnifico was supposed to be the return of the classic villains. You know, on the levels of Jafar, Ursala, Evil Queen, Malificant, ECT, he just...wasn't. Although he had a bunch of Evil Queen inspirations thrown into his character, it felt like more of refrences to a better film than being apart of his character. Plus, I feel like I sympathized with him way to much. I personally felt more emotion when he was on screen instead of the main character because I understood where he was coming from. Its honestly baffaling to me, since if he didn't have his backstory told to us, I still would not rooted against him. Even without his backstory, it just sounds like he was doing this at the bottom of his heart and empathizing with people who are doing far worse than what he is going through. Its honestly heartwarming seeing a person trying to do good in the world and provide a safe place for everyone to be free from the burden of this world. And want to know something? None of the classic villains had tragic backstories. They are evil for the sake of being evil. There probably was some with sympathetic traits, but from what I recall, there is none. So going with the sympathetic rout is not on par with classic villains.
However, there is nothing wrong with giving your villains sympathetic traits. It makes them feel more rounded as a person/character, and you can get a lot of emotion from that alone. I just think that Magnifico being the villain doesn't make sense since as I said, they made him so generous and kind in the begnining and only destroyed it since "oh wait, we need a villain, so why not make the good guy the villain" and threw in the dark magic book and called it a day. Not even that, but he is not threatening in any way. What I mean by that, is that his powers don't really get an upgrade at all. His magic just sort of turns green and thats it! I even bet that he can crush wishes even without the powers of the magic book.
Going off topic, but making plushie..COUGH... star...(plusie = wish 2023 star) less "stronger" to make the female lead stronger just makes Magnifico's reason for going after plushie's powers even more useless. Even with plushie's powers, HE IS JUST THE SAME. I guess he can now create vines? BUT IT JUST DOESNT WORK. It makes more sense for Magnifico going after plushie when it is powerful because he could see that power as a THREAT to his own powers and his kingdom.
Now for Amaya, her turning against Magnifico is just stupid. Haven't you went through a lot with him? Why the hell did you give up after "oh he can't be saved"? I feel like she could have done a "true loves kiss" sennario which breaks the spell it has on him. Not only that, she barely contributes to the plot at all. The only thing she contributes to the plot is just "getting the teens into the castle so they can free the wishes" then disappears, then reappears at the finally when Magnifico got a little too silly with his drugs-I MEAN wishes haha... Then she becomes the ruler of Rosas. It feels weird and out of place, especially concidering her character MOST LIKELY went through so much with Magnifico only to turn on him when he gets a little mad. It is so stupid. Also, if you just remove her, nothing would really change except the first scene where Magnifico has the book, only this time, no one is there to stop him. And as I said, HER CHARACTER IS NOTHING. But here is the thing...
When concidering the concept version of Amaya, she would have been the villain along side Magnifico. Not as a selfish love relationship or they are together at ones expense (gaining something from one another for only themselves) no, THEY WERE MADLY IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. Something to note here is that there is barely ANY villain couple or ANY VILLAINS who are like this, let alone love each other for the sake of it instead of a "selfish love relationship and then one gets redeemed " situation (im looking at the mayor of paris from miraculous ladybug). So that, THAT RIGHT THERE, would have been a brilliant idea and brings something new and fresh to the table. Not only that, it is so brilliant that it would have respected all of the male/female antagonists we had for the past 100 years with the company. It is also A RISK. Walt was all about taking risks, even when his company would have floundered at the expense of making art. Snow White for example had a lot of money put into it that if it failed, well Disney would not exist in this timeline so to speak. So taking that risk is also RESPECTING Walt's legacy in a really good way.
I personally just see this as a fun way to explore their characters, especially when you can reflect their characters off of our main characters, Asha and Star (boy), if you want to of course. I can imagine Magnifico kinda be like Gaston from beauty and the beast with some Frollo flare to it (not the lust thing tho but yk what I'm getting at) and Amaya can be like Ursala or Gothal. Plus, it works as a power balance. In the original concept, Amaya was the potion maker while Magnifico does all of the magic. Its honestly a fun way to play with power set ups. Magnifico can just be for show and Amaya can just be a drug dealer (or basically Ursala).
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Here is the thing: I can get over Star Boy not being in the film, like I get it. We gotta have that girl power in Disney movies now, and they have to be emotionless people. But a Disney power couple? WHAT THE HELL??? LEGIT THE BEST IDEA YOU HAVE EVER HAD IN 100 YEARS. AND YOU GOT RID OF IT BECAUSE WE CAN'T TAKE RISKS ANYMORE??? BUT WALT WOULD HAVE TAKEN IT. YOU WANT TO RESPECT HIS LEGACY? THEN TAKE THE RISK TO DO SO YOU SELFISH, INSUFFERABLE, PIECES OF SHI-
(This section was removed because I went a little crazy there. Sorry about that. I'm not sure how I can transition into the rewrite section, again, soooooo here:)
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How I would rewrite the characters
There is no wrong or right way of rewriting a character, especially when a lot of people interpret them in different ways, and that is completely fine!
This will also fall into somewhat Asha's character and she will be mentioned to fit what I am going for with the characters. I will also leave out what they both do to the wishes since I am making a whole reimagined scene and it is going to include what they do to the wishes there. It will leave out some stuff I had with it here, but I will do my best interpritation of the characters the best I can, even when I can't really say much about it :)
🌟 For starters, right off the bat, he does not have any of that sort of backstory they gave him for the original. For what I am going for, his backstory will not fit his reasonings for what I am going for, especially for his character.
🌟 He is more on par with the original personality from the original storyboard, specifically this one:
(This also goes for Amaya too personality wise)
🌟 Something that is very different from a lot of villains is that he has sympathetic traits. Although he has more negative traits than positive, he has more of a caring side. Mainly to Amaya, but Asha as well. When Amaya found Asha at their door steps (they aren't holding me hostage as I write out this specific part guys, I swear) at first he saw her as an opportunity to boost his and his wife's popularity that would have other people come more to their kingdom (its more of like they are seeing their "generosity" side and dismiss the problems the kingdom has). But as she continued to live with her adoptive parents, Magnifico became pretty close to Asha. Its mainly because of her passion to what she strives to be, to be like him. Probably feeding into his ego, but you know, nice to know he cares.
🌟 Just because he treats Amaya and Asha well, doesn't mean that the kingdom gets that same treatment. He doesn't care about the people at all. He actually has enjoyment when he hurts or breaks people's dreams. He gets all excited about it and you guys can ask him why he finds enjoyment out of it cause idk it would be more fun that way and gives you guys the chance to interact with him :D
🌟 The wishes boost his powers temporarily. It fades away after either a few days or hours. When his powers are boosted, he has more control over the people. And, to who he consumes the wishes of, can see through their perspective for a little while. It also makes civilians more compliment with him and not question his authority. This does not work with people who have not given up their wishes though. Only to people who have already given up their wishes. He can also make people forget certain memories (that might be Amaya's thing though but I'm not too sure) and can put on much more longer "light shows" (think on the level of: Playing with the Big Boys, but more flashy and crazier). He can also manipulate his surroundings with images, but not at a physical level. (Like hallucinations so to speak)
🌟 His powers without the wishes are more of what he uses to do simple things or put on small light shows. Not as flashy than ones when he has his powers boosted, but he puts on the smaller ones to "gain more people to comply when they have to give up their wishes", one might say, inspire them to do so. He also uses it to help Asha practice with magic (She can't even do magic STFU I KNOW.) It also can be used to take desires that you have deep in your heart.
🌟 If hair jell were to exist in his time period, he would eat it with no regrets (Amaya would make it so he can eat it without getting hurt)🔥
🌟 When he consumes a stars powers, he legit goes insane and can shape shift like one, but more corrupt with no consistancy to what he turns into since he legit gone insane. With a star, a star can shapeshift to whatever it wants or to express it's emotions. With him, it is all over the place. He can't control it.
🌟 Like Frollo, he tortures anyone who is against him, and will not hesitate to take it to the extreme if needed too (or that he wants to, to please himself).
🌟 What his wife says or does, he will willingly go through with it. After all, he loves her with all his heart.
🌟 He can't let Asha out of the castle often to make sure that the people will not take advantage of her generosity (thats what he thinks though, in reality everyone is just scared of the royals.. most of them at least) or learn-
Magnifico then breaks the forth dimention and destroys my house.
🌟 He is such a silly goober!!1!11!1!11!1 o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
(He told me to write that or else he will kill my dog and cat. HELP ME PLEASE-)
🌟 For starters, she is much more involved in the story than she is in the original. She doesn't have a backstory like what Magnifico had in the original, nor does she need too. Not sure how they would meet at the moment, but I'd like to think that they met and then were like: love at first sight and became more silly as time went on...including their insanity <3
🌟 As I said for Magnifico, she is more on par with the concept version personality wise. But she is more of an Ursala and likes to put herself as the victim to get more people to feel bad for her (MANIPULATION AT ITS FINEST 😜)
🌟 Just like Magnifico, she has sympathetic traits. And she only has it, because of our main character Asha! She just found her one day at the castle doors. She didn't understand why, but like Magnifico, only let her stay for as long as she did to post her popularity with the commoners, and grew closer to her as she became more of a mother figure to Asha. (Ruh Ro, anyone sensing Mother Gothal vibes?) Unlike Magnifico though, she uses her sympathetic traits to get people to comply with their ways better. Her main trait she is good at looking at the person's situation and understand it well, or aka being empathetic. She uses that to her advantage when manipulating them to do whatever she pleases.
🌟 She is more of a witch than anything. I imagine her somewhat like Ursala (yes a heavy load of Ursala), Evil Queen, and Yzma (Emperor's New Groove) when in terms to what they make. She does make a lot of poisons to use if anyone is getting a little too close to the close and they gotta...TAKE THEM OUT without anyone knowing. She can also use it for like a form of medicine too.
🌟 Some potions, like turning people into animals or certain poisons, requires people's desire. More so with turning people into animals as a form of punishment. She can also use her craft at potion making to have her wield magic for a certain amount of time WHEN NEEDED. (Gee I wonder what she will use that for). It can also be used like a drug, or to get someone to comply with what they want a little better than Magnifico. She can put on pretty shows too, but more smoke themed and is better at manipulating her surroundings.
🌟 Although Amaya would teach Asha how to make potions, she worries that the people of Rosas would take advantage of her kindness and use the skills that she would teach Asha to their advantage and form a revolt to take them down. (Which really, with them ruling, who can blame them?)
🌟 I would say she is more of a planner than Magnifico. She plans ahead and makes sure everything is in line with what they want and makes plan Bs or Cs even Ds in case anything would go wrong. Asha actually gained that trait from her believe it or not!
🌟 Magnifico is more reckless than his wife. Amaya is more so less confronting and tries to keep up their image. She actually have certain gestures that Magnifico would take notice too. And since he trusts her a lot, he complies and lets Amaya take lead in certain situations.
🌟 Yes...she also finds enjoyment of seeing people getting tortured. They actually made up a game on how they would torture a certain civilian 💀
🌟 When it comes to how she treats the people of Rosas, she is as I said, less confronting and puts on more of a fake smile and gaslights everyone that their kingdom is fine or whatever (It is not gaslighting when it is telling the truth. I feel so offended right know! DUDE LADY CHILL I AM CREATING YOU RN AND YOU ARE ALREADY TRYING TO GASLIGHT ME WTF😭)
🌟 When she has a star's powers, I feel like it would let her create whatever the fuck she wants at an insanity level. Wishing stars create items that would help users on their journey, so with her, she can use it to her advantage. Also she becomes just as insane as her husband. It also gives a difference in terms to what they would do when they have a star's powers. Magnifico would be able to shapeshift at a corrupt level, and Amaya can manipulate her surroundings that would become reality so to speak at an insane level. I chose this one since it fits her not being more confrontant while Magnifico is more so on that. She be lurking in the shadows like a cat :3
🌟 How she knows so much about the people, is by her cat! I think the cat would be called Custos. Idk the name yet, might go with the concept version of the name.
🌟 I learn more about my prey before I strike at their weakest point. (Nah that's very catnap of you. Unless you want to fall asleep for 100 years, I suggest you choose your words carefully. Bruh alright lady💀) And yes she wrote that in...
🌟 She is such a silly lil guy...AMAYA STOP LET ME BE SILLY U SON OF A BI-😡
Erm anyways...(she tried to eat my dog and steal my cat. GRRRR)
I feel like it would be fun if it is just expanding their empire for their main goal or taking over the world. Kind of like this song as their modivation:
I want this to be their goal since it kind of feels like some of the old Disney Villains, for me at least :3 (And I am having WAYYYY to much fun with their characters already hehe)
Final Thoughts
On a final note, I will mention that there is a possibility that all of this wont make it into the final version. And in all honesty, I'm actually shocked I was able to compose all of this together without mentioning what they do with the wishes, like what- 😭
I also am still debating if Amaya and Magnifico made the kingdom or it was passed down through generations. Don't know yet tbh :^
Also, Amaya was sort of difficult for me to jot down since I didn't know how to get her into the story, and I think I am slowly, but surely getting there :D
I also really tried to make it different and fresh from the other versions and I am very excited to show that "I DECIDE WHAT EVERYONE DESERVES" when it is done (it is now We decide what everyone Deserves).
You can also ask both Amaya and Magnifico questions regarding the info you know about them now and about how they feel with the other versions of them if you want to of course (and I can show off their designs HEHHEH)
And yes...I had too much fun with writing out how they would interact with the post. DW, they wont interact here in the Final Thoughts section hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I might also do a post on Asha since I have been pretty quiet on her character design/rewrite and another post about Star Boy since I wanna get more in depth with the ideas of Wishing Stars in my AU.
Speaking of Au...
what to call this AU of mine hmmmmm
I'll go with The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns, or TKoRaT. Feels fitting to me, at least for what I am going for story wise and character wise. Might change it since I can't stick with one thing, but rn it rolls off the tongue nicely.
Until then, I hope you have a great day and I hope Magnifico and Amaya don't steal your dreams 💀
@oh-shtars @annymation @chillwildwave @signed-sapphire
(They are thinking of working with your versions of Magnifico and Amaya oh boy not good 💀)
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biolizardboils · 3 months
Hey again.
I was saving this for when I'd wrapped some other stuff up, but it's taking too long. I'm just gonna say it while the words are fresh in my head.
The two-month break I've been on? I think I'm gonna stay on it. As in, stay logged off except on special occasions.
There's still things I want to finish here. I will answer what's left at @ask-the-all-consuming-void and bring it to a proper ending; The Secret Thing it was gonna segue into will go up, even if only as sketches and drafts; And there's another project I'm still helping with behind the scenes. But aside from those… I want to maintain my internet presence a lot less.
I've learned a lot about myself since I left: most importantly the hyper-empathy, compassion fatigue thing, and that being terminally online probably does more harm than help. There's trying to be a good, vigilant person, and then there's overwhelming oneself about things they can't control, with info that isn't always accurate. I've been doing the latter in different ways for years; late April/early May was a big wake-up call. Lesson learned: I've got to find balance, and I won't find it here.
The second-most important thing I learned is that… the reason I "joined" the internet in the first place? It's pretty much been fulfilled. Has been for a few years now, actually.
I made this tumblr in 2015, but I got my real start on deviantART and WordPress in 2011. Don't expect links; what people post in their preteens can stay between them and God lol. But I'll tell you what got me to make accounts: my confusion as a new Sonic fan. The way people talked about them, the way they talked to each other… it hurt to see.
I got it in my preteen head to set a better example. To not let my love for something become disdain for others of its kind. To explain instead of assume. And to assure anyone who'd listen that it's not shameful to like Sonic, that those who do deserve better, and that they could still have it better someday.
And now, 13 years later… we do. The hurtful stuff I saw back then is nearly gone now. When it does pop up, it's easier to counteract than ever. People realize how silly and petty and wrong it was, and can call it out accordingly. People can live a little truer to themselves, now that that shit isn't everywhere anymore.
I think that, specifically, is all I really wanted. Everything else—the reinvigoration of the characters and their world, the downpour in avenues once closed off by "cringe" and "not enough interest"—have been wonderful byproducts. I've been gassing up Sonic Movie 3 as the final step, but it's really more of a victory lap.
After realizing that, I just… don't feel the need to post so much here anymore. My self-worth and sense of morality shouldn't rely on what I do or don't type. I don't need to document every thought or choice I make and why.
The cause I've performed for since middle school no longer needs my time and energy, if it ever even did. I can just enjoy things in relative silence, and spend myself in other ways. Ways I've taken too long to get around.
Sonic Unleashed is what set me down this path. I watched it go from rejected at launch, to just divisive, to respected and beloved. I still wonder if, had it gotten a fairer chance, the current Sonic renaissance could've happened sooner.
But dwelling on that won't change anything. I'd rather dwell on how, this year, I got to scream Endless Possibility with hundreds of other people, loudly and proudly. No fear of who's watching, no need to self-sabotage. It meant the world to me.
There was a con in my area on June 23rd. I wasn't planning on doing anything that day until I heard about it. There was someone in attendance who helped me put a symbolic bow on this part of my life.
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I think he did a wonderful job :)
I have one last thing to say before I go. That'll be its own post, so I can put it in the public Sonic tags.
Again, the stuff I've left hanging here will get finished eventually. But for now, this is goodbye.
Moots, followers: thank you so much. I will quite literally remember you all in therapy.
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scurvyratt · 10 months
I watched Precious (2009) a couple months ago and was under the impression that it was a comedy due to all the jokes that I've seen about it, I was shocked to find out that it was actually a drama. It disgusts me how a film that is about the continuous rape and abuse of a 16 year old girl was turned into a huge joke simply because the girl in question is fat and black. If Precious were a skinny conventionally attractive white girl the response to the film would be wayyy different. (Mind you, people would still mock the movie because women's suffering will always be funny to the general public, but y'know)
I'm actually not a big movie watcher but I was sooo engrossed in the film and it was all I could think about for days. It totally blew me away and made me emotional which is not very typical of me lol. I re watched it today and loved it even more. Unfortunately I made the mistake of going on to letterboxd to read others reviews... Most were from MEN, WHITE MEN, who kinda misunderstood the movie imo?
Some of the complaints were that "the mom is horrible" like... yes? Another was that the film doesn't go in depth enough into the education system/other systems that caused Precious to end up in her situation. But like,, imo the movie was mainly about Precious' relationship with her mom, her discovering herself, and her journey to a new beginning. If you wanted to watch media about institutional corruption go watch the Wire or something lol.
Many people were confused by the fantasy/day dream sequences as well. I think that not only were those a form of escapism for Precious, but to also show how she's just a teenage girl. Precious has been taking care of both of her parents since she was a child. Her father forced her into the position of wife/partner. He forced her to become a mother twice. Her father then left and her role as her mothers care taker was exacerbated.
Many black girls (children) are called "fast", as in developing sexually "too fast", which is a harmful stereotype that is imposed on them simply for existing/developing/growing up. This is how Precious' mother, and society (she was kicked out of school for being pregnant), view Precious. Precious' mother knows that she was raped (and even rapes her herself), but doesn't care.
Since everyone views Precious as an adult, these day dreams serve as a reminder of the fact that she's just a 16 year old girl who fantasizes about being loved (by her mother, by the world, and a boyfriend). And it day dreaming is a common trope for teen girls which is why this all matters lol.
I think her youth and naivety is also shown when she has an outburst in class and yells at Ms. Rain. She says: "You don't know what it's like to be me! I've never had a boyfriend! My daddy said that he wants to marry me, but how could he do that? That's illegal!". The first thing Precious brings up is that she's never had a boyfriend, although she has a million other worse problems in her life that she could be complaining about. The only problem she has with her father wanting to marry her is that it would be illegal, and not the thousand other things that are wrong with that lol. But anyways, Precious is just a teenage girl at the end of the day and her biggest problem in life (or what she wishes was her biggest problem) is her desire for a boyfriend.
Other things that people disliked were the filming style/soundtrack. I have nothing to say about those really lol. If people didn't like those then... idk.
Anyways... other things about Precious that I adored/noticed:
Mo'Nique 100% deserved that Oscar, she was truly astounding. Especially in that final scene where she becomes so emotional, but for HERSELF💀. Also her wearing foundation that was way too light to the welfare office... (colorism is also part of this movie!)
Precious' first baby being named "Mongoloid", presumably because Precious' mom named her that and Precious went along with it. You can tell that Precious does not like that name though since she calles her "Mongo" instead. Mongo was also born under the worst circumstances; on the kitchen floor while Precious' mom was kicking and berating her. Precious' second pregnancy occurred while she was starting her journey (of self-discovery/independence, etc.). She has hopes and dreams for this baby and for herself. Her son was born in the hospital with her friends surrounding her, her mother nowhere to be seen. She names him Abdul Jamal, which in Arabic means "servant of beauty". Anyways I thought that was so cute :(
I loved her relationship with her classmates too. They were so supportive and fun lol
There's probably other things but I can't think of them rn lolz
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reilleclan-blog · 8 months
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I know no one is really gonna care when I post this but that's ok,
So "Cyberpunk 2077" is a pretty fun game, it's complex, and focuses a lot on existence, "who are u" and "who do u want to change into" also correct me if I'm wrong, the UNIVERSE OF CYBERPUNK 2077 THE GAME, is based off of our society's reality but "different"
So in this game, gender is what it is a "social construct" ppl dress how they want. Even change their looks from skin to their ankles. There are no boundaries when it comes to expressing one's self. There's no "racism" or "homophobia" b/c the society of 'Cyberpunk 2077' doesn't care for it in their universe.
So those two out ten trillion white supremacy ideals have been cast aside. But what about the pollution, climate change, and poverty, and oh yeah the abusive law enforcement. That's ALL STILL THERE. So why does a game talking about fascism, and breaking down gender and homophobia, still have audiences STILL be homophobic or racist to the people part of the cyberpunk fandom.
Cyberpunk would be called "Woke propaganda" to others. But why is it so hard for ppl to just let others express the way they want/are. I started posting on Reddit and joining different forums regarding Cyberpunk b/c this has been the most fun game I've played in 4 years. I join the forum it's ppl mad at other Cyberpunk enjoyers for being gay or even liking black characters like River and Panam.(there was literally a mod made to make Panam white)
I think this is just the poison of triple A gaming, it's just so frustrating cause no matter where I go I'm never "fully accepted"👏🏾 and the racism and isms on Reddit is so normalized. I guess it's my fault maybe I should take a break from social medias but that won't change the fact that racism is everywhere I go. When I'm online, watching a movie, watching anime it's always there. Even in my own head cause surprise surprise internalized racism is a thing.
My point is, ppl really missed the point of Cyberpunk. Why is it always like that idk. Like a show will make a commentary on our society and ppl will be like "haha edgy, I agree" lol idk. Makes me think of Rick and Morty as well, cause it wasn't fully "incelly"
I guess that also comes down to ppls' able to think for themselves. And be able to see past "propaganda" but i realized years ago that not many ppl can critically think for themselves. But if a game so popularly loved can cast out harmful shit like racism and homophobia, why can't we do that in our "society" so we can focus on the real threat which is "white supremacy"(white supremacy comes in many forms btw, ppl that deny racism is also part of the many forms that white supremacy takes)
This has been on my mind cause ppl really be hating black ppl 24/7 so unwarranted. And non black ppl will tell us "racism doesn't exist" while gaslighting us when we can't even wear our own hairstyles at jobs or in our schools. Cause it is deemed "unprofessional"
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cryptidanathema · 6 months
if not already asked, leon for the character ask :) basic but opinions vary!
(Also asked by @shinekittenace)
Why I like them: I fully expected this guy with his John Cena-esque go getter attitude and aggressively marketable ace to annoy the shit out of me, but the truth is is that hating Leon is like hating a puppy. You just can't. He's just a nice fuckin dude that wants to keep everyone safe even though he's just one man. There's also the fact that he's essentially a grown up ex-protagonist which the game delves into a little with his complicated emotions surrounding losing the title he's had since he was eleven by the end of the game and the fandom's done some FASCINATING psychological deep dives with. 
Why I don’t: I feel like GameFreak failed a bit with show don't tell with him. Some of the ways GameFreak try to make him seem really intelligent and capable are...a little on the nose to say the least. Like for instance him estimating how much Hop has grown during his introduction scene COULD be taken as a hint they don't get to see each other often but nah I really do suspect they wanted the kiddies to be like WOW THIS GUY IS SO SMART HE CAN DO MATH lol. I do kiiiind of suspect the fandom put more effort into analyzing the guy and the kind of havoc being a massive celebrity since the age of 11 can wreak on your personal life than GameFreak ever did but that's very much not a bad thing IMHO. I'm not one of those IF IT'S NOT STRICT CONFIRMED CANON IT'S OF THE DEVIL people (and honestly rather detest them) 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I...don't think the Anime showcased the better sides of his personality well (he loses the protective streak and just kind of comes off like a self-absorbed manchild that everyone loves because he can defy basic Pokemon battle logic in the same way Ash can. He's a protagonist But Annoying This Time) so I'm not terribly interested in seeing more. 
Favorite season/movie: See above. 
Favorite line: Tbh I don't have one particular standout one immediately coming to mind and I'm feeling too lazy to go through his quotes page rn. His catchphrase IS fun to meme about I will say. 
Favorite outfit: He absolutely kills everything that's not the Sponsorship Cape tbh. The guy has GOOD fashion sense despite the memes, corporate was just holding him back. 
OTP: Raihan/Piers/Leon for reasons I already went into in the Raihan response lol (the vibes between him and Rai are interesting and pretty damn hard to deny but Piers is holding up 90% of my mental health on his bony little shoulders rn and also I wanna see him and Leon interact more) I'd also love he and Sonia to work thier shit out, they are cute as FUCK together in Pokespe 
Brotp: The platonic Raileon enjoyer strikes again. Id also certainly take he and Piers being bros too. Also he and Nemona would be absolutely insufferable together and I'd love to see it someday lol 
Head Canon: One thing that was inspired the anime and a certain infamous wall punching scene is that through no real fault of his own he and Raihan's relationship was actually dangerously close to fraying for a bit. He WANTS to be a good and supportive friend to his favorite person but he's gotten fame and empty adoration pretty much handed to him for long enough that he can't REALLY understand what's going on in Raihan's head, the immense pressure he's putting himself under and the frankly unhealthy behaviors he's starting to develop. It's gonna take the pressure of the championship being gone for Leon to stop being the impossible standard Raihan's harming himself with and start being an uncomplicated source of companionship again. On a brighter note he's a good enough guy that once he becomes Chairman he's gonna prove he deserves that position by taking steps to reverse Rose's power consolidation to make sure no one person can cause that much trouble for the nation of Galar again. He'll prove his worthiness to rule by NOT being a total corporate dictator. 
Unpopular opinion: I've bitched about finding him annoying in the anime enough so instead I'll say I actually don't mind how involved he was in the game plot, it's honestly kind of weird other adults HAVEN'T been like "why are we letting random ten year olds go into very dangerous situations unaccompanied" before if you think about it
A wish: The same as the others, I'd love to see him again IF he's not miserable or acting like an ass. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Don't get lost in spacetime my neurodivergent king you've been through enough 🤞🤞🤞
5 words to best describe them: The tragedy of Superman, Pokemonned. 
My nickname for them: Lee suffices.
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Leosagi/Leochi in Musicals
I have noticed that some people are putting the Epic Musical associated with ROTTMNT (Mostly revolving around Leo). I just have to say, I haven’t listened to the Epic Musical, but my God why hasn’t anyone done Leosagi in other musicals 😭. I haven’t watched many musicals, but here are some suggestions (that no one will use 💀).
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Musicals That Can Fit Leosagi/Leochi
Hamilton - Historical Musical about Founding Father Alexander Hamilton
I’ve seen people using this in other fandoms. For this one it’s mostly Casey and Future Leo. But to include Usagi:
“Helpless“ - The roles technically don’t matter, but Leo could be Eliza (because he has a lot of siblings and also is blue) and Usagi could be Alexander. Usagi’s friends could be Laf, Muligan, or Laurens. Very wholesome song! It could also be reversed with Leo as Alexander. His brothers would be Laf (Donnie), Mulligan (Mikey/Raph), Laurens (Mikey/Someone Else), or Aaron (Raph/Donnie) if this was the case.
“Satisfied” - For some Angst, Leo or Usagi wouldn’t be Eliza 💀 (or if people ship Donsagi, idk the name, then this is a perfect song LOL)! Usagi could be Angelica and Leo Alexander or vise versa. (Context: Angelica and Eliza are siblings, Angelica is the oldest and likes Hamilton. However, she sees her sister Eliza likes Alex as well, so Angelica sets Eliza and Alex up and the two are getting married. Basically, a love triangle)
“Congratulations“ or “First Burn” / “Burn” - This is just to cause more Angst and rub salt over the wound to match with “Satisfied”. “Burn” is basically Eliza and Alexander breaking up because of “Say No To This” when Alex has an affair.
“Dear Theodosia“ - Can be used for the headcanon of Jotaro as Leosagi’s kid & Aaron Burr as Cassandra which would make Theodosia as Casey Jr. 
“Blow Us All Away” and “Stay Alive (Reprise)” - Used as the above. Jotaro can be Phillip (Alex and Eliza’s son). Or maybe replace the son as Casey Jr. Either way, could be a fun idea.
In The Heights - Hispanic musical with people who have a dream and struggling with identity/poverty. (Idk how to describe it).
This musical can be use for those fans who like to headcanon the Hamato children knowing Spanish. There are 2 couples in this play (Benny and Nina | Vanessa and Usnavi) that could fit Leosagi and there is a musical and a movie (I prefer movie audio since it sounds newer than the musical since that’s kinda old).
“The Club“ - Just for funsies. Leo/Usagi getting jealous that the other is gaining a lot of attention on the dance floor with other men (Imma assume Leo aka Vanessa is on the dance floor).
“Blackout” - Follows right after the previous song. Only part that would fit here is an audio most might have heard. The whole “You barely even danced with me” and then “Don’t make me laugh, I’ve been trying all night, you’ve been shaking your ass with half of the Heights”.
“When You’re Home“ - Could be wholesome with using Usagi as Benny (since there’s no confirm race) and Leo as Nina (Afro-Latino and half Japanese moment? Black Hispanic and half Japanese?).
“Sunrise“ - This is only in the musical version, but it’s so cute!! Takes place after “Blackout” where Nina and Benny found each other and stayed with each other. Nina teaches Benny some Spanish. “Well how do you say kiss me?” “Besume” “and how do you say hold me?” All of that. And also a moment where Benny is scared that Nina’s dad is going to know that Nina is with him (Nina’s dad disproves of Benny). Obviously, Leo is Nina and Benny is Usagi.
Bare: A Pop Opera - (TW: Self-harm also Drugs) Gay musical with two boys struggling in a Catholic Boarding School. They are secretly dating, but one wants the come out and the other doesn’t because of his strict father (also he has a twin).
I really recommend this musical, it might be slow but it can get you in your feels. Btw, it’s a sad musical (Trigger warning). Honestly, any songs can fit because it’s literally a gay story. Also a theater Romeo and Juliet play they are doing. A play within a musical.
“You And I“ - Listening to the lyrics ummm, Leo fits almost TOO WELL with being Jason 😂 Jason is the one with a twin named Nadia (who believes she is fat and she harms herself). Their dad is rich and Jason is the favorite sibling. Anyways, Jason is Leo and Peter is Usagi. This song is an introduction to how they are together (always being in secret and having to pull away when people are around).
“Plain Jane Fat Ass“ - Twin moment with Jason (Leo) and Nadia (Donnie). Angst or Hurt/Comfort with the two.
“Best Kept Secret“ - Self explanatory
“Ever After” - THIS SONG OMG. So Leo and Usagi are having a heated argument and it’s tense and pretty sad.
“Wedding Bells“ - Angst. Usagi imagines Leo with another person.
“See Me“ - This is gonna have to change, so Peter is trying to come out to his mother, but she is clearly trying to ignore it. So This could be Leo being Peter and Splinter being the mom.
“God Don’t Make No Trash“ - Sister Chantelle (I didn’t spell that right. Anyways this is definitely Mikey aka Dr. Feels) and Peter talking about sexuality (kinda).
I don’t know who can be considered as “Father”. Maybe Draxum or Big Mama.
“Bare“ - Hurt, no comfort between Peter and Jason.
Be More Chill - Awkward teens who are trying to be cool so they take a pill (From JAPAAAAAAN) and they are controlled kinda.
Main character, Jeremy, likes this quirky girl named Christine, so he’s trying to be cool to get with her. If you heard the audio (”I’m waiting for my porno to load”) then that’s this musical. I did see multiple Donnie animations (and a Leo) with the song “Michael In The Bathroom”. Yeah that’s this musical. Maybe Christine (Usagi), Jeremy (Leo), and Michael (Donnie).
The Idea: I included this musical mainly because the whole idea if that teenagers are trying to be cool by taking a pill that (roughly, hard to explain) has a person in their head who “helps” them be cool (in actuality, a douche or a player). With the headcanons of The Krang still in control of certain Turtles, I thought well maybe instead of inserting something like “Mind Raph”, just make the person in the head (aka a Squip) just the Krang 😂 (Same can be used for BeetleJuice The Musical)
“A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into“ - Pretty cute song from Christine (Usagi).
“Be More Chill Pt. 1″ - Basically when the Squip comes in. Like listen and imagine the Krang behind the voices trying to manipulate people 💀
“The Pitiful Children“ - Basically a ‘world domination’ song. So just Krangs.
Heathers - Basically the movie.
This potentially fits the 2003 Leosagi more, I have no idea. At least, if we make JD Miyamoto. TW: Murders, Explosives, E.D., Suicide, Drugs/Alcohols, and attempt S.A.
“Beautiful” Or “Candy Store“ - The roles (based on colors) are Chandler (Raph), Duke (Donnie), MacAmera (Didn’t spell that right, Mikey), Kurt & Ram (The Foot Dudes? Bebop & Rocksteady), Martha (Todd? LOL), JD (Usagi).
“Meant To Be Yours” - Please, I need Psychopathic Usagi or Leo, I’ll take any 😭
Heathers: The Musical (2022), another version of the musical with some altered lyrics and added songs with a bit new style of musical form. “I Will Never Shut Up Again” - Wonderful song for Duke, would like to see an animation of Donnie (I like villain songs, lol).
“Seventeen“ - Wholesome song, hurt/comfort kinda, where Usagi and Leo are singing about having a life together (and not a life of being murderers).
I would add “Dead Girl Walking” but this fandom seems to not do much NSFW stuff with this ship, so I’ll exclude that song along with “Blue” as a suggestion.
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Mha Boyfriend Headcanons
Hello everyone welcome back! :3
I had fun thinking headcanons for these 3 gentlemen tbh~
hope u enjoy ehe~
Including: Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kamanari and Sero Hanta
REMINDER: These characters does not belong to me they belong to Kōhei Horikoshi and some of these headcanons might be inaccurate so pls don’t take them too seriously :3
Anyways enjoy~
(Mha boy’s pt:2)
~Red Riot~ (Eijiro Kirishima)
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~Manly/Gentleman Boyfriend~
- Now he is the RESPECTFUL boy ever. He will NEVER think your decisions are dumb(Only if it might hurt u) and he will always respect your boundaries and will understand if you don't want him to hug you or kiss you he will always respect your preferences, Because that’s how much he loves you(’l _l’ v)
- If your sore or hurt while training he will massage those spots that are sore or hurt all the while praising you about how good you are~
- If you ANY insecurities you best believe he will drag you to your bed and hold you tight while whispering reassuring and comforting words to you, He’ll also kiss the spots you feel insecure about :3
- He would always compliment you and praise you! He loves either you smiling bright because he complimented you or getting flustered cause you got shy, so he thinks your so cute~
- If any pervert *ahem* mineta *ahem* or anyone bothers you he’ll stand in front of you and talk about how unmanly their actions were, when he’s done he’ll turn to you and give you a big smooch~!
- If you guys are fighting villains together he would always be in front or back of you to be your shield, he doesn't want you getting hurt now....
- You and him always jog, work out, and train together! Honestly those are your dates and class 1A thinks you both are a unique couple for that hahahahaha
- He does gentlemanly thinks for you as well! Opens the door for you, pulls out the seat for you, carries your bags and many more!
- Overall ejiro is a sweet, loving and MANLY boyfriend! Thats loves you for you~
Nicknames: Baby, baby shark, beautiful/handsome and my pebble
Conversation with you: ‘’Heyy there my pebble~, Looking good today! Something wrong baby? Awww come here....don’t be sad I'm here...don’t let those bad bad thoughts and bullies get to you...next time I'll scare them away don’t worry my baby shark!’’
~Chargebolt~ (Denki Kamanari)
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~Flirty Boyfriend~
- Obviously his the flirty type lol He would say these cringe pick up lines and either you’ll laugh from how cringe and stupid they are or you’ll blankly stare at him hahahaha
- He would always joke around and make you laugh, he loves your laughs, giggles and smiles he thinks there sexy, cute and pretty :3
- He would always get distracted by you and just look at you all the time and just think how lucky he is that you choose HIM out of all the guys~
- He would sometimes get insecure and will think that he doesn't deserve you...so comfort him and measure this poor baby....
- Your dates are study dates aka you tutoring him, arcade dates or just you both chilling out and watching movies
- Definitely writes fanfics about you 2, Like he wants to make a manga out of it but he doesn't really have artistic skills lol
- Be prepared for pranks...he will NOT have mercy on you...he will play pranks on you ALOT, don't worry they’re not harmful pranks....maybe-
- Ever since he fell for you and you guys became official and he stopped flirting with other girls and only focused on you~
- Even if he flirts with you a lot he blushes bight red when you flirt back at him and might even have a nosebleed from how sexy/hot you are lol
- He might be dumb....but his your dummy of a boyfriend :3
Nicknames: Babe, Beautiful/Handsome/Pretty and Baby
Conversation with you: ‘’Oooo what's looking good looking~? What? Hahahahaha hey hey you just dropped something....my jaw~ OW-’’ *You hit him*
~Cellophane~ (Sero Hanta)
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~Chill Boyfriend~
- I feel like sero would be so chill as a boyfriend and would only love to chill and vibe with you~
- Movie nights are a MUST for you too! You guys would be cuddling and might already fall asleep by the time the movies done lol
- He would do the Spiderman kiss, Basically hanging upside down with his tape to kiss you ;3
- You both would start randomly dancing while playing music although if you start swaying your hips he might stop dancing and look at you instead~
- When you guys are out he would have an arm around you or just hold your hand, He likes to hold you at all times to let everyone know your taken so no one bothers you. If someone does bother you....lets just say they’re probably gonna have tape around them...
- Sero would give you pecks out of nowhere. Like you guys could be just talking and he would peck and act like nothing happened....I guess he just likes to kiss you a lot 
- There are sometimes where our tape boy loves to tease you but mostly its just harmless teasing he likes seeing your pissed red face, he thinks it’s cute lol
- Sero is a chill boyfriend, it’s like you both aren't even in a relationship sometimes! But don't worry he loves you very much :3
Nicknames: Sweetheart, honey and babygirl/boy/baby 
Conversation with you: ‘’ Hey honey *Gives you a smooch* What? Oh..hahaha yea I just did that why~? Aww don't get mad now sweetheart~’’
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I hope you guys liked part 2 of bnha bf headcanons :3
Reblogs and feedback is greatly appreciated~
See you guys on my next post! ;3
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nani-nonny · 11 months
I read ch 1 of DM and my god you took your sweet time because its LONG!!
If am not wrong the story happens before the kraang invasion and leo - YET AGAIN - try to escape the leader responsibility, i know the DM is 4 chapters but that makes me more worried about little leo's faith and how this would effect him, will he even start leading at 16?!
Am fighting to know HOW the two switch places/timelines? Could it be that the two leos opened the portals at the same time so it somehow clashes?
Back to the chapter, i had crazy fun reading Leonardo's part since raph kept saying " LEO IS OLD!! " and am over here laughing, i wasn't surprise when leo forgot where draxum lives because as Donnie said " a decade had passed " and if he's late 20s which could be idk... 28... 29 then it's been 12 - 13 years.
Leo enter the apartment for draxum to protect himself by a fork... A MF FORK AM WEAK!! 🤣
Then after they calm down and leo giving them 5 questions to ask and mikey & Donnie mess it up - as usual/hj - I LAUGHED SO HARD WHEN RAPH SMACK DONNIE WITH THE BUNNY SLIPPER XDD COMPLETE ASIAN MOM BEHAVIOR!!!
That until leo answers the 4th question and the chapter ends there... It makes me think the kids could save the 5th question until before leo leave back to his timeline, maybe asks what causes the future to be like this?
All in all, i never thought i would love DM from the beginning because am not good with angst, i subbed to the story, put kudo on it already so i won't mess any new updates out!!
Thank you Nani!!
Listen. Distorted Mirror used to be planned as a 20k~ oneshot. That’s it. But with those first POVs I already knew I was greatly underestimating my need to write. And I thought I could salvage it as a oneshot by plotting out exactly what I wanted and what I could exclude. But then I hated it as the oneshot it became.
So I erased a good amount, rearranged some scenes/dialogue and replotted the outline and here we are. I still need to fill in the pieces from the oneshot used to be for the upcoming chapters hehe
Yes, Leo’s timeline takes place after the shredder fight (after season 2) and Leonardo’s timeline takes place 10 years after the krang invaded. I think I’m going off of someone’s calculations of Leo being 17 sometime after s2, so Leonardo is 27!
About the switcheroo, we’ll just have to wait for the specifics but you’re close!
Everybody laugh at the old guy! /aff (Leonardo is only a few years older than me…) but this is seriously doing some heavy mental damage on Raph’s sanity being face to face with a Leo that’s a decade older lol
Draxum is a firm believer of anything can be a weapon and he will defend himself with anything at hand. If the closest object is a fork, then so be it. /hj
Hahah the bunny slipper! No cute slippers were harmed in the making of this fic
The fifth question, let’s be honest, they’re not going to use it wisely hahah!
I’m trying to lay off the heavy angst for Distorted Mirror and try to match the tone of the movie and the show, so I’m trying to keep it lighthearted to some extent (minus the future timeline I don’t think I can make it all too light seeing how it’s so dark)
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To the editor,
@emmi-kat said it first, but i humbly submit a second vote for a post-Book of Secrets injuries post? The post-Cibola angst possibilities are unmatched.
As always, love your work!
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Injuries in Book of Secrets
By popular demand, injuries in National Treasure: Book of Secrets!
@emmi-kat @arsenicalbronze Thank you for the request and your patience!
I’ll be honest, I’ve been avoiding some of the BoS questions you lovely folks have sent because it’s just…not my favorite. Certainly not in the way that the first National Treasure is.
Like it’s fine. I almost always watch BoS after I watch National Treasure and I have a good time watching it. It’s an okay movie. There are a lot of individual sequences that I like. I like the Buckingham Palace nonsense. I like kidnapping the President. I actually like most of them!
But as a whole, it just doesn’t do it for me. Every time I watch National Treasure I get a little more enchanted by the whole thing. Every time I watch Book of Secrets I get more disillusioned.
Imo, Book of Secrets works as a movie, but it fails as a sequel.
But that is not this! Let’s talk about injuries.
Hypothermia, falling rocks, danger vs peril and more under the cut!
Something that stands out to me about Book of Secrets is that the characters are in danger a lot, but they aren’t really in peril as much as in the first movie.
As I'll be using them here:
Danger - bodily harm is possible, but not inevitable. The threat is one step away. Peril — bodily harm is basically inevitable; the treat is here.
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Robbing the Archives is dangerous. Ben could get caught, shot, tased, or arrested at any point.
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Rescuing Abigail from the catering truck is perilous. Injury is all but inevitable.
Since everyone is on more-or-less the same trajectory in this film, I’ll go by sequence rather than by character.
Setup: Reveal of the Page
No injuries here except hurt pride and maybe a paper cut.
Likewise with breaking into Abigail’s house and looking at the page under infrared at the Archives.
Danger: 0/5 Peril: 0/5
Debate: Cracking the Cypher
The first whiff of danger, I would argue, is when Abigail meets Mitch for a drink. We know he’s the bad guy, but she doesn’t. She can sense there’s something shady about him, but I don’t think she guesses that he’s willing to use violence to get what he wants, otherwise I don’t think she’d meet him alone. She did experience Ian, after all.
Danger: 2/5 Peril: 0/5
Ben and Riley do get stopped by the police here, but they’re in danger of a ticket (or, I supposed I should say, they’re in peril of a ticket, because Riley does get one lol). Nobody’s physical safety or ability to complete the treasure hunt is compromised.
But then Patrick is attacked! He receives a nasty blow to the head—hard enough to knock him out in one hit. That’s going to leave a bump, and more than likely a concussion, though he doesn’t seem to be exhibiting the symptoms of such in rest of the movie.
And though we see later in the cave sequence that Patrick is pretty spry for his age, I have to imagine that the resulting fall is also a problem for him. He’s unconscious, so he wouldn’t be bracing against the fall, which can also cause injuries, but he also isn’t in control of how he lands at all.
He could have bruises, scrapes, or potentially even a broken bone, but given that he tells Ben he’s okay, and he seems to be, these injuries appear to be mild.
Danger: 0/5 Peril: 3/5
Buckingham Palace
Things start to get a little bit more interesting for the trio in London.
During the Buckingham Palace sequence, Ben is in danger for the first time in the film.
At first the danger is minor. He’s at risk of making a scene (check!), maybe getting banister burn on his legs, and of getting handled roughly by security.
Since it’s England, I believe they’d only be carrying nightsticks, so Ben isn’t at risk of being shot, but those guys all have military badges on. They can absolutely do some damage if they want to. At this point though, they don’t want or need to cause a scene like that, they just want to get Ben out of the public area.
Once Ben and Abigail escape the containment unit and ride up the dumbwaiter to the Queen’s study, the danger increases considerably. They’re now trespassing in Buckingham Palace, and in the Queen’s private study no less. If they get caught here, they’re going to be in considerably more physical and legal danger.
But that’s if.
Since they don’t, the main injury they’re at risk for is, like, carpet burns. (And if Ben or Abigail has any allergies to flowers, an allergy attack in the dumbwaiter, but since that doesn’t happen, I have to assume they do not.)
Danger: 4/5 Peril: 0/5
Beer Truck Chase
All right, some peril!
When Mitch and Co pursue them for the plank, Team Treasure is in danger and in peril for the first time in the film.
First off, Mitch’s henchman—whose name I know even less than I know the name of Ian’s guys—is shooting at them.
In addition to the obvious risk of actually being shot, because they’re being shot at in a car, there’s glass flying everywhere. It would be safety glass, the kind that breaks into little chunks rather than dangerous shards, but the gang could still receive scratches or abrasions from the pieces. That goes for the initial breaking of the widows and being tossed around with the glass pieces during the car chase.
The car chase itself poses a lot of danger of being hit, captured, or shot, but also of being hurt more minority while in the car.
They could get bruises or whiplash while being thrown back and forth in the car. If anyone is bracing a hand or foot on instinct to stop themselves from sliding around, they could sprain or strain those muscles.
At one point, the back of the car swings rather violently into the side of a double-decker tour bus and the remaining windows shatter. This seems to affect Abigail the most, as she’s the one shown getting flung toward the door.
She’s also sitting in the middle of the back seat, which I understand 100% from a blocking/cinematography standpoint so she’s in between Ben and Riley when they’re shown from the front. But from an in-universe standpoint? Girl. You are in a car chase. Get your ass into a proper seatbelt.
Then there are beer kegs flying everywhere, which makes the driving harder, but doesn’t seem to immediately affect any of our trio in the car.
Lastly, Ben runs a red light, which puts them in danger but ends up working out okay.
I would also be getting car stick by that point, but maybe that’s just me.
Danger: 4/5 Peril: 4/5
I have to say though, I feel bad every time I watch the DVD featurette about how this car chase—which they had to get special permission to shoot in downtown London—was the most ambitious sequence in the franchise.
Because it is also my least favorite sequence in the franchise, hands down.
The effects are nice, but character-wise it’s boring. Nothing character-wise is at stake.
Article idea! Catering truck chase vs beer truck chase. TBD
Then they try to decode the panel and go to Emily for help. I’m gonna mark this as “some danger” because sure, nobody’s got a gun, but it just feels wrong to mark “bickering divorcees” as a 0.
Danger: 2/5 Peril: 0/5
The Oval Office
The danger here is immense. If they get caught breaking into the Oval Office, Ben and Abigail will at best, be violently detained for an indefinite period of time, and at worst, shot on sight.
But it’s not that kind of movie though, so we don’t even see Secret Service agents nearby. The threat the movie is using to build tension is much more “What if Connor catches us?” than “What is the Secret Service catches/kills us?”
Again, the main injury they actually come away with is probably carpet burns. (And some serious interpersonal awkwardness.)
Danger: 12/5 Peril: 1/5
MIDPOINT — “I’m gonna kidnap him. I’m gonna kidnap the President of the United States”
Mount Vernon
So. We check out Riley’s book, consult with Agent Sadusky, and then it’s off to kidnap the president.
At this point we do see the Secret Service, both in boats patrolling the water, and in and around the party. They are the threat this time. And frankly I think it was smart of the movie to save them for this sequence, rather than use that tension twice in a row.
The threats here are that Patrick could be detained for 48 hours without cause.
Ben could:
Be shot in the water
Be shot on land
Have a scuba accident
Be shot on land some more
Be caught and detained and convicted of conspiring to kidnap the President of the United States
Once Ben is with the President, he isn’t in peril again—only in danger—until he goes through with his plan to shut the door. Now both the danger and the peril are high, because any “detained and questioned” options have been taken off the table.
However, he doesn’t actually seem to sustain any injuries during the kidnap. Maybe a few rock scrapes, wet shoes, or spiderwebs in the hair.
Danger: 15/5 Peril: 3/5
Library of Congress
…of forgetting those goddamn numbers. Every time I watch this movie, I try to remember them, and every time I fail.
Danger comes charging into the Library of Congress in the form of the FBI, who are much hotter on Ben’s trail then he thought they’d be. (Go Agent Sadusky, you funky little conspiracy theorist.)
Again, a lot of danger, not a lot of peril. That is until we get to the car escape.
First of all, there’s a deleted scene where Ben in standing on the glass roof and it’s cracking under his feet. That is peril, and it's my favorite deleted scene because he calls Agent Sadusky “Pete.” Excuse me are you buddies now? Do you play poker together? Tell me everything.
Ben has to climb down from the roof and jump into a moving vehicle. He’s at risk of scrapes from the metal and brick he’s climbing on, and of landing wrong either on the ground or in the car.
Then when Abigail drives toward the rising security barrier, they all probably receive quite a jolt when the back end of the car flies up. Ben likely takes it worst since he’s unbuckled in the wayback rather than belted into one of the seats.
Danger: 4/5 Peril: 4/5
Bad Guys Close In - Holding Dr. Appleton Hostage
What it says on the tin. Emily and Patrick are both at risk of being shot.
Danger: 5/5 Peril: 0/5
Mount Rushmore
And finally, the Mount Rushmore sequence.
Everyone is at risk of being shot until Mitch leaves behind his guns and henchmen.
Then I hate to say “the usual” but…yeah. The Team Treasure special.
Rope burns
Abrasions from climbing over rocks
Falling rocks
Dust inhalation
Almost falling to your death from an ancient wooden contraption.
The usual.
There are also a few additional dangers I’d like to call attention to.
→ Falls
The trio and Mitch take a pretty significant tumble down the ramp that leads to the balance platform. Like, head over heel, ass over teakettle tumble, and then they land hard on the stone-and-wood platform.
They immediately have to scramble up to balance it out, so there isn’t much time for anyone to assess if they’re injured. At this point though, I’d guess the scraps and bruises are pretty significant, if not a concussion, sprained ankle or other more serious injury.
→ Cave-ins
There’s also the risk of cave-ins. In National Treasure, the wooden stair system under Trinity Church may be unstable, but the cavern itself does not seem to be in danger of collapse. A few bits of rock and debris fall when the subway train passes, but overall the stability of the tunnels and chambers does not seem to be an immediate concern.
That is less true here in Book of Secrets. Patrick and Emily especially are in danger of a cave-in since they’re crawling through previously-collapsed passages and moving rocks to get there.
That said, their actual injuries are probably more likes scrapes and bruises. Patrick also could have strained his arms, back, or knees moving the heavier rocks (as Emily directs him to do.)
They also probably again land pretty hard from their swing across the chasm. For Patrick that’s two falls in the last few days, and Emily also gets flung backwards while avoiding the trapdoor. Given their age, they have to have some significant bruising, if not fractures, sprains, or more.
They're the members of the party who are most likely to be feeling the repercussion of this adventure weeks down the road.
→ Water, water everywhere
Obviously, the most pressing obstacle in the second movie finale sequence is water.
In the famous words of my friend while watching the Gerard Butler Phantom of the Opera movie in the eighth grade:
“I would chafe.”
This may be the least of their worries, but still, let's put "significant discomfort" on the list. And if you headcanon any of them to have sensory difficulties, they're probably having an extra bad time.
The water poses plenty of health hazards from the immediate—i.e. drowning—to the slightly less immediate, like hypothermia.
We know thanks to the White House Easter Egg Roll that the film is taking place around Easter weekend. In 2007 that was April 8th.
The average weather for April in the Black Hills of South Dakota is a high in the high 40s (48°) and a low in the low 20s (21°). The actual weather in the first weeks of April in 2007 were significantly cooler than average, with “many parts of the state reporting temperatures 20 to 25 degrees below average.”
The gang is dressed for cool weather (or cold weather with lots of physical activity, depending on how far ahead you think they thought to pack and dress.) Most of them are wearing several layers, including a sweater and medium-weight jacket. Riley is wearing a parka. (Open, but still.)
P.S. I adore the idea that Riley is the constantly-cold one in the group.
Whether or not the air is below freezing, that water is cold.
The wet rocks scene was filmed at Sylvan Lake, whose temperature ranges from the low 30s to high 40s in April.
40° is bad news. Even if the lake was at its April maximum of around 50°, the kids are still at serious risk of hypothermia. At water between 32 and 40°, death can occur in in 30-90 minutes. Between 40 to 50°, in 1-3 hours.
They weren’t in the water that long, but hypothermia symptoms can set in much faster than that.
They’d experience cold shock for the first 3-5 minutes after entering the water. Symptoms include panic, hyperventilation, and increased heart rate.
Between 3-30 minutes after entering the water, they’re at risk of swimming failure. A loss of muscle coordination makes it hard to make forward movement in any water, let alone the aggressive current the team is facing.
And after 30 minutes, true hypothermia sets in, where the body temperature drops dangerously low.
I don’t know if Team Treasure was in the water for long enough for that to happen, but they could absolutely face the effects of stages 1 and 2.
Danger: 6/5 Peril: 14/5
Denouement - The President/Page 47
If the gang’s body temperature only dropped to between 90 and 95°, they’d be given blankets, changed into warm clothes, and given warm (not hot) liquids with sugar to help slowly increase their body temperature.
Not sure if you also have weirdly vivid memories of The Day After Tomorrow, but heating a hypothermic person up too quickly, or heating their extremities before their core can cause cardiac arrest.
If their body temperature was below 95°, they may also be give a warm IV.
Since the trio seem basically okay when they’re taken to see the President—Only Abigail has a blanket?? I guess real men don’t need hypothermia treatment?—I have to assume they only needed minor care.
Emily and Patrick are absent in this scene, primarily for story reasons, but we can also infer that they may have needed more treatment. Their age would have put them at higher risk, particularly if either of them have underlying medical conditions like diabetes or are taking certain medications.
Danger: 1/5 Peril: 3/5
→ Other Finale Injuries
• Abigail gets held at knife point. She seems fine, but could have a small scratch on her neck.
• Ben’s leg(s?) get stuck under the stone door. He seems to be walking okay when they’re taken to the President, but idk man. I’d think he’d have some serious bruising, if not a more significant injury.
• And finally, brain freeze! I don’t know what Ben and Abigail are drinking out of soda cups with straws in South Dakota at night in April after almost freezing to death, but they should definitely stop and switch to hot beverages!
Well, there you have it. Injuries in National Treasure: Book of Secrets.
I still can’t say I love the movie, but I’m always here for some hypothermia hurt/comfort so…
What did I miss? What other injuries does Team Treasure have to look forward to?
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nny11writes · 1 year
Nunny! I'm sending you asks for your game.
I'm tempted to send you the entire post and just see the Nunny Rant. You might not even do She-ra. I'm thinking of She-ra sending these but go off about star wars or something else if you think it applies better to the question :D
the character everyone gets wrong (ahahhahahaaaaaaaaa)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about (im sure there is a long list)
9 and 10 - Worst part of fanon and worst part of canon (imo there is some overlap)
13. worst blorboficiation
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
lakhglkajfas, I think my rant would mostly just be keyboard smashes and crying emojis so this is the better way to go lol!
the character everyone gets wrong God, like, fucking- ALL of them. :) Buuuuuut the one that's bugging me the most recently is Mermista.
I am SO sick of post canon Mermista in c/a fics specifically. Mermista would not hold a grudge that hard that long and that violently!!! Stop having her hate Catra and actively be out to do harm to her. Mermista's response to losing her kingdom was like a bad breakup where she just cried in a tub eating ice cream. Her response to seeing HORDAK at the end of the series was just a, "So are we good with him now?" implying that she's chill to be chill.
Mermista and Catra 100% would sit at a table calling one another a bitch (begrudgingly fond and pretend to not be) back and forth. Mermista would not be out to skin Catra alive! Mermista wants to talk to Catra about her murder novels because Perfuma reads too slowly and doesn't like spoilers but she NEEDS to talk to someone about the butler who has a brain cell because Sea Hawk seemed to miss the whole first half of the book AND FURTHER MORE-
9. and 10. - Worst part of fanon and worst part of canon
Worst part of fanon is the fucking shippers. This went from one of the more open and accepting fandoms for all ships that I'd ever been in to one of the worst.
Like, straight up, one of the fics that lives rent free in my head is an explicit fic where Catra and Hordak enthusiastically consent to having sex. Like Hordak is trying to be kinda standoffish but can't stop looking at boob window tits, he was Entrapta trained I'm afraid. The number of times I think of his awkward proposing they do it more frequently followed shortly by Catra dressing and winking saying, "Seriously, great cock!" is a lot lol. It's such a porn movie style fic and there is something fantastic to be said about it.
But you even hint that Catra could be headcanonned as anything besides a lesbian and your body will be found in a few months time in several different bags. Suggesting Catra and Hordak having any romantic or sexual relationship probably gets you reported to the fucking government or something. So there's a reason it's never made a rec list from me but fuck it I'm mentioning it now.
They aren't real. If I want to occasionally have a giggle about them and make my little dolls bump uglies everyone else should politely not look while my fellow weirdly sane people who get that this is all make believe but sure we're the freaks here come poke and enjoy!
Fucking shipping wars and discourse man. I'm sick of it.
Worst part of canon for me is the censorship and uncertainty that caused various issues with the plot and prevented the show from being even stronger. You can see it in real time while watching, but man it was wild in December 2018 to see how professional media talked about the show and Catra and Adora being adoptive sisters, to AJ (I think?) getting dumped on for repeating that idea and having to apologize, to the open gayness at the end. I love SPOP, but the rocky terrain the crew-ra had to navigate really did impact the quality and created weird gaps that asshole fans hunkered down into. Like, we cannot pry some of those fuckers out.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I need you to understand that my immediate response when I started writing this answer out was a very strained and painful sigh through my nose as my brain returned a static white noise sound.
I am really tired of forcing this jock!Adora and slacker!Catra thing. Like, it started in modern AUs but it's gone and infected people's idea of canon as well. It falls into a bit of the "dumb adora" trope, which people just don't seem to actually understand what that means or is about. It also falls into Shadow Weaver's narrative of who Catra is which is wild. Like. Really wild.
You are telling me Catra, a cat person who grew up in a military, is actively against exercise? Yes, she would 100% sleep in a sunbeam for a nap, and then she wakes up and craves some low key chaos and violence.
You are telling me Adora, forced into a golden child and leadership position, is bad at reading and math and science because all she cares about is training? Adora 100% enjoys physical fitness and using her body, but she's got a sharp mind on her and there's no way in hell she doesn't like to work it too.
I am just exhausted with it in modern AUs, and now it has gone to infect canon interpretations. It flattens their characters out, ignores/denies parts of their abuse, and nukes their abilities from orbit. I hate it so so much.
Also if I have to see one more fic or art piece where Catra is willingly and happily wearing dresses, skirts, and heels I swear to fucking god I will KILL. :)
13. worst blorboficiation
Again, this is all of them. Everyone suffers from being blorbo'd to an insane degree, but it just shifts depending on which character is the favorite of that part of the fandom. You have talked several times about the insanity of Catra fans vs. Hordak fans, the blorboification is insane there. Same with Catra fans vs. Glimmer fans.
Like. God damn. I'm so glad the Adora vs. Catra fan fights died out real quick because this fandom is exhausting enough.
With Catra being my favorite it's extra exhausting because there is CONSTANTLY people attacking her and then total asshats trying to defend her who I do not want to be associated with. I love her. She's a fucking idiot and a bastard and a baby. Somehow, every take on her is both the worst and factually correct and then the fandom fights.
Tipsy, I. Am. Tired.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Let's fucking talk about how GLIMMER IS NOT AN EVIL BITCH. Can we talk about that? STOP TRYING TO LEAVE THIS POST AND SIT YOUR ASS DOWN WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THIS AGAIN because someone needs to hear it louder in the back.
Glimmer is the character who is probably be done the dirtiest by the fandom but for wildly different reasons throughout the whole show. Hands down.
After S1 fandom took Glimmer and made her into an entitled dumbass whiner who threw money and her titles at her problems. They made her act like a child without any complexity. And it 100% took me from not really liking her character much to detesting her which is outrageous every time I remember that I kinda hated her at that point.
This did not improve post S2. :)
Post S3 probably was the most sympathetic and understanding the fandom was to Glimmer but it came at the cost of trying to bulldoze Catra for the Portal and people making callout posts like these characters were real people. I feel like the rise of some of the G/A shippers that I really can't stand was around this time. It was catra vs. glimmer fans going bat shit and drawing lines for ships.
If they couldn't assassinate Glimmer's character, by god the fandom would assassinate both Catra and Adora's in wildly different ways instead!
Do I need to talk about post S4? The idea of dark Glimmer and Glimmer going off the rails should have been a fun thing to play with in the sandbox and instead just writing it down made me cringe. Now Glimmer has to be an evil bitch because she had a trauma response and made bad decisions, now she is irredeemable because I made up a situation where she did something she didn't in canon for reasons so OOC someone probably slapped Donut Steel on it somewhere.
There was a little lift post series, but man people are holding onto Glimmer being a spoiled brat to play off of for Catra or a cruel bitch for Catra and, again, as a Catra fan, I want to bite bite kill kill bite kill kill kill!!!
Glimmer is allowed to grow up from being a spoiled kid who had good intentions and was naive. She is allowed to be over eager, bratty, petty, silly, funny, caring, and smart too. She's allowed to make bad choices and struggle with how to recover from it.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs, shut up about redemption arcs-
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chicknparm · 4 months
Snapped at somebody at work this morning bc people were discoursing about HP and JK again and came to the classic point of like “I wish I had a Time Machine so I could go back and write the books instead without all of the Problematic stuff” and I lost it a bit lol. It is not worth thinking about! Let it go! Grow up! The books are what they are, there are enough scraps of “good” that I understand why people are nostalgic, but we seriously they are not worth salvaging given the context! In your Time Machine fantasy AU just toss out her napkin and stop her from writing the damn books in the first place. I’m so sick of people being fundamentally unable to imagine a world where the wizard books aren’t a core aspect of their lives, and of pop culture as a whole.
“Yeah I liked those books a lot as a kid, so it’s hard to reconcile those memories with the fact that she’s causing demonstrable harm to the world right now”
Sure that makes sense
“So I’m just going to pretend Miku wrote them and I’m going to pirate the movies and games and buy used copies of the books, that’ll really stick it to her!”
Here’s where ya lose me. Like idk man. If your childhood memories are more important to you than the lives and safety of trans people, and you insist on pushing for compromise and validation every time that woman comes up, I just don’t think you’re a good person at this point! You are selfish, immature, and incurious about the world as evidenced by your complete and utter refusal to read other books and develop new ideas and new memories. “I wish people would grow up” was actually the least inflammatory thing I could’ve said.
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bitch-butter · 5 months
eion/ross anon again hello!! i've gone so long without thinking of them but i just went back to the oracle podcast to listen the other day and saw the bonus episode and SCREAMS
u know how movies like saltburn and stoker and the power of the dog or the talented mr ripley are about vampires without ever showing a single vampire? i feel like that's what ross is, ya know? he's a loser vampire who was turned to this life by eion, and now he's floundering and tired and a mess, bc he's in denial about being drained dry... maybe if he manages to find someone and drain them dry, he'll win, like you said. except he can't!! (but also kudos to jlh and alessandra, both of them killing it in acting while this loser just. very much sucks. heh. like a vampire.) bc eion took it outta him. there's nothing there anymore.
alexa! play vampire by olivia rodrigo! and maybe also get him back.
don't talk to me about vampires (literal or figurative)
you know what's very interesting about the analogy of the vampire as it relates to ross/eion is that we as a culture kind of accept that vampires as a concept or as a literal creature have at least Some sort of Knowingness about themselves. like even if they entertain the deeper questions of what it Means to be a vampire (like louis in IWTV) or they just Accept their status without tons of introspection (WWDITS) there's an implicit assumption that the vampire Knows that he's a vampire. because what else are you supposed to conclude if you're draining people dry left and right?
what's upsetting is that i truly believe eion is a vampire that doesn't know he's a vampire, and that very likely the damage he causes is all Normal to him. which probably speaks to a larger trauma (call me!! lol), but i believe that eion has probably had these vampiric relationships with people a lot and just never internalized the fact that he himself was the one that drained situations and changed dynamics and that other people don't all the time enjoy being victims to that kind of energy. so if eion has no concept that what he does is What It Is then he created a dynamic with ross wherein tons of harm is being caused and none of it can be named or understood because if that happens 1) the relationship would have to end because eion would never change 2) ross would have to forego his wants/needs 5ever because he Chooses to engage with someone who he knows will never change.
so ross is turned whether he likes it or not by a vampire who doesn't know he's a vampire, so ross probably can't self-identify himself as one either. and in those examples you mentioned i think it bears mentioning that almost All of those characters have the vampiric knowingness i mentioned as it pertains to their own nature and their own goals, which i don't think ross ever could. i think he's been a vampire to people himself, but again he doesn't see that he's doing it because to him that's Love. the vampires primary relationship to love also being a relationship to consumption and to death also bear mentioning lol
this vampire comparison has actually made me crazy lol so thx u 1000x for that
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