#those pics are 1/2 weeks old tho
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then send it to the last ten people in your notifications (anonymously). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity. ♡
Okay so I got these a few times yesterday thank you to those who sent it, here goes:
1. A good cup of tea or coffee. I don't think I need to explain this one it just makes me happy to start the day with a nice and warm cup.
2. My golden retriever Max. He's just so cute, he brights my days even tho he doesn't know it. If you like some pics I would kindly ask him (he's a good boy he'll probably say yes)
3. Going to run. These seems like a weird one, I usually workout through the week but every sunday I go out to run to a park near me, my excuse is doing some cardio but I do it just because I want some fresh air after a long week at work.
4. Going to bookstores. Could be an old one a new one, it just makes me happy to be there. Going to just look all those books, the ambience of those full shelves, I want to do it so badly now.
5. Cooking. I was debating about this one or writing. But I would say writing can sometimes for me be stressful and diminish a little of the joy in that hobby, something that it doesn't happen to me while cooking. I enjoy everytime to try new recipes, old recipes, doesn't matter the result it just makes me happy to do it.
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c-kaeru · 2 years
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In case you're wondering why I haven't been very active here, it's because I've been busy breathing neoprene glue and EVA foam dust
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yukina-otome · 4 years
Otome game MC’S
Hello everyone ! Today i am gonna tell you about my opinion on the mc’s of the otome games i played ! Again this is just my opinion so feel free to share yours or complete with your opinion on mc’s of otome games i didnt include !
This is not a ranking btw !
MLQC MC: Youran
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Job: Producer | Queen
Age : 22 year old
Good points : 1-Brave and take risks 2-Never give up 3-Smoll bean (seriously she's so cute) 4-Really nice and helpfull (walk around the city for hours every week to help anyone in need) 5-Hardworking 6-Tell whats on her mind and doesnt hide her feelings 7-Can play piano
Bad points: 1-Bad decision making 2-Rely on the boys too much 3-Mary sue 4-Clumsy AF 5-Sneez\ stomach noises when boy is about to kiss her
Mystic messenger mc:
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Age and Job: Depends
Depend on the route 1-Yoosung : Super patient and mature 2-Jaehee: Supportive 3-Jumin : God levels of patience but also kinda always have to agree with jumin which i hate 4-Seven : Happy go lucky and clueless about her whole situation (Seven : There is a BOMB | MC:LOL OK) 5-Another story : Guillible but also very patient. (i would take none of that s**t) Common to all routes : Have no eyes
My candy love MC: Lyn Darcy AKA Candy
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Age : 17 during 1st season \ 23 during 2nd season \ 25 during 3rd season
Job : High schooler\ college student\ coffee owner
Good points: 1-Friendly 2-Helpful 3-Open minded 4-Pretty 5-Very strong mentally (during the highschool part) 6-Appearance can be customized 7-Energetic 8-Can get angry and speak her mind (depend on your choices)
Bad points: 1-Nosy AF 2-Mary sue 3-Play terapist with literally anyone she meet even if that mean getting herself in trouble and ignoring her own love life 4-Paranoid 5-Childish (even for a highschooler and even more in campus life)
7hotties MC AKA the worst mc (No pic for her cause tumblr says only 10 pic per post)
Job : Freelance designer  Age : middle 20′s
Good points :
3-Absolutely nothing
Bad points: 1-Weak 2-Useless 3-Doormat 4-Almost jobless (never seen her work aside from keita's route because he is the one who gave her the job) 5-Bland AF 6-Forgive everything a guy do to her (even rape) 7-Never actually get mad (even after a guy sleep with her and dump her literally right after she's like "pls don't abandon me! Tell me if i did anything wrong ! I'll fix it")
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Job: Concierge at the royal shining
Age : Early 20′s
Good points: 1-Sassy 2-Have a goal in her life and a dream she will not abandon no matter what 3-Can solve mental illness with love (because otome game power) 4-Described as extra pretty (All the boys at her workplace like her) 5-Doesnt give up easily 6-Actually got some backstory 7-Thirsty AF 8-Relatable
Bad points: 1-Forgive too easily (Minami's route !!) 2-Always get caught when spying or listening on someone's conversation 3-Clumsy AF 4-Can't brew coffee even after two weeks of trying (toma's route) 5-Actually not so good at her job but she's trying really hard
Le secret d'henri\Henri's secret MC: Lyla (Actually not an otome game, more like a visual novel but i wanted to include it because i absolutely love the mc and also because it's getting a remake and i wanted to promote it a bit)
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Job : Highschooler
Age: 17 then 18
Good points: 1-Strong 2-Naive in all the right ways (she know how naïve she is but still choose to be naïve because she'd rather get backstabbed because she trusted than miss the opportunity to know a good person because she didn't trust)
3-Very pretty (Said to be the prettiest girl in all the high school and literally every boy she met aside from her brother and clement her bestie want to date her.)
4-Very popular 5-She is so nice even Henri call her a saint 6-Have the best family 7-Have the best friends 8-Supportive 9-Likes to play detective and solve people's problem 10-You really get attached to her by the end of the story you are almost sad because you wont get to see her again
Bad points: 1-Overreact 2-Drama queen (I understand tho as she is still a highschooler so she get emotional and depressed quite easily specially when it comes to a certain someone)
3-A bit too perfect sometime : Pretty girl, nice , friendly, cool, like nailpolish and fashion but also manga and video games, smart etc etc 4-MARY SUE 5-Nosy but not in an annoying way
Ikevamp MC:
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Job: Travel agent and blogger | Housemaid
Age: Early to middle twenties
Good points : 1-She's said to be very beautiful (leo's route) 2-Speak many languages and seem to have a wide board of interests 3-Adapt fast to her new environment (depend on the routes) 4-Mentally strong (specially in napoleon's route) 5-Kinda mature (sometimes and depend on the route) Bad points: 1-Inconsistent personality even in the same route 2-Mary sue 3-Can be very weak and submissive (depend on the route) 4-Have no reason to stay aside for the boy she loves (what I mean is that by the end of the route the only thing she have in 19th century France is her boyfriend, in some routes she doesn't even meet or talk to most of the other resident and she have no job aside from cleaning the mansion with Sebastian)
5-Also get kidnapped every route (don't know yet for Theo) 6-Always wear the same clothes
Ikerev MC : Alice
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Job: Help at a bakery ?
Age: Early twenties (saw somewhere that she was the same age as ray, not sure tho)
Good points : 1-Like food 2-Foodie 3-Enjoy food 4-Food = Happiness 5-More seriously she's super positive and optimistic and adapt really fast to her environment 6-Friendly and happy go lucky 7-Have the power to repel magic and protect herself and sometime her suitor to some degrees
Bad points: 1-Clueless 2-Dumb AF 3-Bad decision making 4-Get kidnapped almost every route 5-Zero observation and deduction skills (Oliver's route) 6-Technically squat at the black\red army headquarter\Oliver and Blanc's house or Harr and Loki's house
Ikesen MC : Mai AKA the queen AKA the fireball AKA the little mouse AKA The godess AKA the wild boar
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Job: Seamstress
Age: around 25
Good points : 1-Strong AF 2-Take no sh*t (Kenshin's route\ Nobunaga's route...) 3-Adapt quite fast to her new and very dangerous environement (if i was her i would not leave my room for the next 3 months) 4-Fireball 5-Saved her suitor in many routes (Kenshin, Ieyasu, Shingen...) 6-Sass Queen 7-Have a life in sengoku era aside from her suitor (kinda the opposite of ikevamp mc as i said in bad point 4) 8-Have a dream and a goal 9-Very beautiful (even kenshin said so outside of his route and he was not in love with her!) 10-A lot of chemistry with all of the boys even outside of their routes.
Bad points : 1-Mary Sue 2-In some routes she is weaker but it never really disturbed me as it suited the love interest of the route(Sasuke and mitsuhide's route) 3-Kidnapping
Midcin MC:
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Job : Princess
Age: Heard somewhere that she is 19 but not sure about it
Good points : 1-Adapt fast to her new situation 2-Try her best to learn everything 3-Try to take responsibility as the new princess 4-Can't think of anything else for her...
Bad points : 1-Weak 2-Bland 3-Doesnt speak up when she actually need to (The dumpster fire that is Alyn's ever after) 4-Kidnapping sometime twice in the same route 5-Submissive depending on the suitor
Okko's games MC'S : Honestly they r all the same so reunited them all in one
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Job and age : Depend on the game
Good points: 1-Hard working 2-Have goals and dreams 3-Usually have a backstory 4-Some of them are sassy 5-Pretty but doesn't take care of herself 6-Always have a very fashionable bestie with a lot of experience with dating that help her and listen to her problems
Bad points: 1-Emotional maturity of a middle school girl 2-Doesnt want to admit her feelings and keep denying them even when there is no reason to 3-Self sabotage 4-Blame herself for every bad thing that happens 5-Some of them are very weak and submissive
And that’s pretty much it ! Thank you for reading until the end ! Pls feel free to reblog and add on those with your opinion ! 
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puppy-phum · 4 years
2020 – a (content creator) year in review
I decided to make this into a mix of these two games I was (kinda?) tagged into so thank you for @leonzhng and @tiesanjiao ♥ I hope you don’t mind me doing it like this ^^ all the questions were just so interesting that I wanted to try!
(bc of the amount of questions, I’m placing them under a cut so that I don’t flood anyone’s dash) 
(this is the 2020 year in review that hanyi tagged me to ♥ sorry am so late!)
Top 5 Movies you saw this year
wow tbh I didn’t watch many movies this year as I realized yesterday when I was thinking about this for certain reasons. Or at least I feel like I didn’t watch that many? Nothing really stuck with me it seems.
Because of this, I will only mention two: Parasite and The Old Guard. Those were both wonderful in their own ways and I’m very happy I got to watch them both ^^
Top 5 TV shows you watched this year
this one is difficult bc I watched so many (and forgot even more?) but:
The Lost Tomb Reboot (my introduction to DMBJ. this drama stole my heart and helped me through the tough autumn semester!) 
Joy of Life (it’s nuts that this happened during 2020? it feels like it was ages ago)
Kingdom (such a positive surprise and I really hope we get more of this :o I really recommend!)
Detective L (easy, nice aesthetics, amazing costumes. Bai Yu was a delight as Luo Fei)
Sand Sea (I am still baffled by how much I loved this bc I had so many doubts? am happy I did tho)
Bonus: Guardian (bc it has come to stay and the rewatch has been so emotional but so rewarding)
Top 5 songs of 2020
this is a tough one too bc I’ve heard so much new music during 2020 but I will try to put it simply:
Black Swan by BTS (I absolutely adore this song. I listened to it on repeat when it came out at the beginning of the year, I have cried for it a ton, I enjoy every stage I see for it and it’s just a masterpiece. it has also helped a bit with my writing struggles that I’ve felt creeping up on me lately)
Always by By The Coast (an amazing song that always leaves me in my feels. inspires me a lot all the time)
Love me or Leave me by DAY6 (this whole album was a masterpiece and I listened to it on loop for like. two weeks? this was my favorite song on it even if I adored the rest too, especially Zombie)
all of my life by Park Won (listened to this a lot in relation to my xicheng and the wedding I finally got to write for them ;; that’s one good thing that came out of this year tbh)
雨人 by 刘畅 (Liu Chang) (with the Reboot’s ending song, this one is my favorite on that ost. I love Liu Chang’s voice, I loved Liu Sang as a character and as I said, I loved Reboot as a drama. I get super emotional about this ost so I think it defined this year a lot for me)
Top 5 books you read in 2020  
All For The Game -trilogy (listened to these as audiobooks but that counts right?)
The Song of Achilles (as an audiobook too and really adored the reader’s voice)
The Smoke Thieves -series (I really just binge read the two first books in this series and am so excited for the next one!)
Call Down The Hawk (love love love)
Guardian novel (am not very into these novels usually but I was positively surprised this time? it was so cool to finally get the original story and compare it with the drama version)
5 positive things that happened in 2020
joined mdzsnet and met all the amazing ppl there and got to become part of this loving community and :’) I’m so thankful, it’s been a joy
learned more about editing? or started doing it regularly. I still can’t do shit but am having fun learning more all the time and I really hope that maybe the upcoming year I can switch to PS and try out giffing?
went to Halsey’s concert! it was in february so a bit before all the hassle with covid happened over here ;; it was super cool and so nice and I just. I love Halsey
fell into the DMBJ hellhole which am very much enjoying. it’s a great universe and the story is so good and the dramas have been so fun to watch and. it feels like a good continuation to The Untamed somehow haha (also brought me a new friend! you’re amazing ashen!! ♥)
started therapy and it’s been... a journey. but towards something better I think? it’s something I would’ve needed ages ago but it’s better late than never I suppose
My Creations
(this is the other part where ali was being super sweet and mentioned me ♥ thank you for being so awesome!)
1. first creation and most recent creation of 2020: wow it’s been a while since I’ve looked at this horrible creation but here ya go jkdhgk [x]. I’ve come a long way from this (and my xicheng has come a long way from this too). most recent one is this xiaoge edit that I absolutely adore [x]. 
2. one of your favorite creations from 2020: this wwx edit that was part of my agust d2 edit series [x]. I loved to give him blue instead of his typical red. 
3. a new style you tried this year and a gifset edit that uses it: this [x] wwx edit which I don’t know if I like or not but I was playing around with the font and all the effects instead of just normal screenshots + coloring. also I just adore the quote. 
4. a creation to be proud of: I could mention that xiaoge here but in addition, I will also say this wu xie edit for reboot [x]. I managed to capture my vision so well, I was surprised. for cql, this songxiao edit [x]. I loved how it turned out in the end. 
5. a creation that took forever: this wangxian edit [x]. like I’ve said several times, I lost sleep bc of it. I just kept struggling with the third pic and how to place the text there D: 
6. your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: this lwj/wangxian edit [x]. I had many ideas for this edit when I first started making it and I never managed to capture my vision in the way I first intended... the pictures I was supposed to use just never fit quite right sigh. I dunno why it was this one that gained all the notes in the end bc I personally think I have better ones too but am still thankful :’D 
7. a creation you think deserved more notes: as said, dmbj fandom on tumblr is very small so I really want to say the two already mentioned ones (wu xie and xiaoge) and then my pingxie edits [x] [x]. also these wwx edits which I personally am very happy about [x] [x]. and from my agust d2 series, this yun bros one [x].
8. a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: really just dmbj this year and I’ve already linked all of my creations for that :’D tho I have plans for another pingxie edit and a liu sang edit! oh and maybe I could mention guardian here with this shen wei [x]. I had so much fun while making it (also the quote just haunted me relentlessly until I gave it a moment). 
9. a creation you made that breaks your heart: this must be my easter islanders (lwj and jc) edit [x] that just. awoke many thoughts in me? I’m going to put a link to the version where you can read my ramblings underneath :’D 
10. a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: my creation for the creator (gif?) challenge that was going around! [x] it was simple and nice to do and I loved the result. also, it was nice to work with jl for a change :’) 
11. a favorite creation created by someone else: oh wow ok so this is going to be rough bc I have so many favorites ;; you can look at this post here [x] to see more! 
but to love my two taggers am going to say these [x / x] [x] [x] [x] [x] by hanyi (I always love your edits, the colors you choose, the thoughts you put into them (and your humor too!). there are so many cool things you’ve done that I just stay in awe of! I adore all of it ;; ♥) and these [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] by ali (I love all of your gifsets so much, they have such pretty colors and such good scenes, and I am thankful every day that you make all the amazing dmbj content, pls never stop ;; I should go through all of your creations properly one day! I noticed you have sand sea stuff too and let me scream?) ^^ ♥
12. your favorite content creators and blogs that you appreciate: this is going to be a huge list and I’ve already made my love heard for some but no hurt in doing it again so @i-am-just-a-kiddo @ashenwren @tiesanjiao @kholran @lzswy @englishbunnyrocks @leonzhng @aheartfullofjolllly @yibobibo @inkblue-black @cross-d-a @bloody-bee-tea @fytheuntamed @mdzsnet @lifegoesmon @creeds-eagle @underaswift-sunrise @sarawatsaraleo @lan-xichens @mylastbraincql @wangxianbunnydoodles @manhasetardis @distantsnows @ohsehuns @minmoyu @linglynz @highwarlockkareena @yiqiie @aowyn @alienwlw @wangxiians @kingbadcat @sassyassassy @tytangfei @lanzhannnn @skzmxtp @leoyunxi @yoonqiful @softjeon @rapbabenamjoon @ronan-adam @miyakuli @pavusdorian @arsuf @brolinskeep @gawincaskeyy and so many others! (sorry for all the random ppl on this list that I’ve never even talked to ^^’ just know that you make my dash a wonderful place! ♥) 
I won’t tag anyone separately here but everyone who’s already been tagged or sees this is free to do this (or link me posts if you’ve done these already!) ♥ have a nice day everyone! 
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(was originally an ask, then i rambled a crapload, so if u wanna skip through, just go to the bolded questions)
i am new to the fandom & just found your blog, just wanted to say DAMN its so detailed and everything, i cant wait to read it all! also i was so relieved to find that the fandom is still alive <3
side note im just rambling here, i binged sherlock all really quick and everything is like a blur (idk if im in a state of shock or something, but i do know i was super invested at s1 ep 2, then i finished s4 at 4am one day and i had to read me some johnlock fics to comfort myself and i really dont know how i feel about anything yet just that well, johnlock and i cried during sherlocks fake death even tho i already accidentally read spoilers, and i also cried when they just went to hang out at bars together and hhh and during sherlocks best man speech and sherlocks goodbye to john (…maybe goodbye should be plural)…also i was v mad at eurus and s4 was a hell of a rollercoaster gd), so just wondering, how many times have you watched sherlock? how was the experience each time? (can be about any season or eps or anything, also any snacks u liked to eat while watching or anything of that sort? just curious and thought that might be fun to answer)(apologies if you answered this already i tried to look for it but i got a bit overwhelmed)
btw u are amazing ^^ (also nice timer even tho it makes me sad) and MAD RESPECT for answering so many asks and like SO DETAILED-LY? (i cant grammar) and god ur metas and stuff?? absolutely fantabulous. im legit crying im so glad i found your blog. i know how much work asks take (and like i procrastinate on them for so long…mm months old esp for fic rec lists bc i know those take WORK) so like again, SO MUCH RESPECT thank you for all your hard work!! you are absolutely fantastic and awesome :D please make sure you take care of yourself too <3
ALSO you have a great profile picture + background pic (forgive me i have half a braincell (actually lets make it .7437 gave myself a tiny upgrade even tho i didnt do anything) i forgot what its called…background thing?? idk) i love them!!
if u read through all that tysm, if not thank u anyways for being so amazing, i have a habit of rambling so pls bear with me ^^
(also would it be possible to make this anon? if not feel free to delete this line ^^)
(Submitted by Anonymous)
Hi Lovely!!
Always can make something Anon if y’all ask <3
First of all, SORRY for how long it took me to get back to you with this one. I’m a giant heap of trash and I’m surprised people still come here LOL
Secondly, WELCOME TO THE FANDOM! We love having y’all here, and I’m honoured that you enjoy my blog and content! Also will comment on your praise on my meta here: THANK YOU. I’m very proud of my meta, and especially the SHEER AMOUNT of it I have produced still boggles me mind. Y’all remember when I was creative and thoughtful??? LOL S4 dragged me hard hahah. I still try to write S4 meta, just not as much as I used to. I like speculating, I truly do, but I have so little free time these days because of the nature of my full time job, so I tend to just... do nothing LOL. I find Fic Reccing really relaxing when you have nearly 800 bookmarks. I’m worried I’m becoming stale though. Oh well. I’m just trying to leave my mark here. <3
Thirdly, HAHHAH Thank you for your compliment about my replies to my asks; I genuinely wish I could get more asks finished every day, but I tend to ramble, as you can see, and I just... don’t finish them in a timely manner. Honestly, it’s a relief when I don’t know something because I can then get the community involved to help me out AND I also get new fic recs that way too LOL. I also draft a TONNE of asks and when I do that, I tend to just keep adding MORE and MORE and MORE so I have to post them, LOL. 
And finally: My fave episode is TAB; it was the episode I studied the closest and my analysis of the trailer is my “claim to fame”. I just love it to bits. It’s the episode I’ve watched the most. S3 is my fave season, and it’s the SEASON I’ve watched the most, no less than 30 or 40 times. Season 2, then 1. I have only seen S4 like 5 times in full total, and horribly enough, TFP is the most-watched episode: I watched the Leak, the airdate, and I went and saw it in the theatres because I already bought the ticket before it aired so I just... didn’t care. And then at least 3 more times in Watchalongs. So yeah :| I still haven’t watched the BluRay I bought, but I hated having an incomplete set so I bought it when it went on sale fore 10 bucks LOL.
But yeah, S1 and 2 I watched together, and I LOVED the show. I joined fandom the summer before S3 aired, and S3 is when I REALLY got into the fandom. I’ve been pretty much here since then, about 7 years I think now. When I saw S4, it was incredulity and disappointment with it. That’s really it. I’m still a fence sitter these days about the series as a whole, but I’m leaning more and more to “no S5 for at least 3 more years” kinda thing. Just... everyone involved seems so disinterested in the show these days, minus Mofftiss to keep pushing the Sherlock™ Brand to make money.
ANYWAY. Thanks for writing to me!! This was such a joy to read when I first got it, and I just... have been really overwhelmed the past few weeks that I just have only been sticking to shorter asks. But I had some free time tonight when I’m answering this, so THANK YOU. 
I hope you’re still around, and I hope you still enjoy your time here! Don’t hesitate to ask me anything else!! <3 <3
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Group B Finals ft a plot twist (Commentary & Guesses)
Hi everyone! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every episode of The Masked Singer. So, this week, we are back to Group B with yet another wildcard and it is the last time we are gonna see the groups on their own since after Group A’s final, we got the Super Eight (yup, it’s 8 this time... much better still than last season’s format). Anyways, let’s get into it (this is gonna be super repetitive from last week guess wise but I am gonna try to keep it interesting and fresh for you guys, don’t you worry):
Alright, so usually I would save the wildcard for the end as like a surprise, but since the wildcard got eliminated, let’s introduce (and say goodbye to at the same time) to the:
Bulldog!! 🐶
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Commentary: Ok, he sang Candy Girl by New Edition (which is really funny and ironic for a whole other thing, I’ll explain in a moment I swear) and um how do I say this nicely?... he’s a great dancer, but the singing is, what Randy Jackson would say, “a no from me dawg.” (Get it? Dawg.. bc the bullDOG... oh ok I will stop now). Anyways, yeah no, he was not good, I kind of expected this to happen honestly, so I am not surprised nor disappointed by any means. However, the person under this mask kinda did surprise me lol... even tho I kind of saw this coming.
He was revealed to be, in the biggest plot twist of the century, no voting, just Neicy Nash picking it:
Nick Cannon, our very own host and Ken’s “daddy*”
*which is ironic because he legit just announced he was gonna have another baby
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Ok, ok, did I get this right on my own? Nope, but Twitter helped me out so thank you Twitter. I did officially guess him before he was unmasked (but that’s because I had no other guesses sooo can I really count this a win? Hmmm... TBD... you guys let me know). Anyways, BOOM PLOT TWIST BABY, he’s back! Just in case you guys didn’t know (I don’t really talk about the judges or the host here because I watch for the contestants not for them and it would make this already long blog longer and we don’t want that): Nick had COVID so he couldn’t host the first few episodes of the show, but now he’s better and BOOM he’s the host again... Neicy Nash was taking over for him and now he’s back! So yeah this was just a transition for him to be back on the show, but like imma be honest: he might have been married to Mariah Carey but he don’t got any pipes like her, but he’s a good host so he should stick to that.
Anyways, NEXTTTT, let’s talk about the remaining 4 (which are legit the same freaking ones from last week):
1. Black Swan 🖤🦢
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Commentary: So she sang Whitney Houston's How Will I Know and I swear she gets better and better each week like she murdered this song, it was absolutely amazing, my favorite performance of the night hands down. I really love Black Swan, she has one of the best voices on the show and I think either her or Robopine could win the entire season tbh.
I think this has to be (tripling down/final answer/insert buzzer sound here):
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10-10-10= She has appeared on multiple singing competition shows (she did a lot of those shows as a kid), she was on America’s Most Talented Kids and was a guest judge on celebrity X Factor
Montana= get this... if you are around my age, this will surprise you. Did you guys know that Jojo was the original person that the producers of Hannah Montana wanted to play Hannah but she turned it down because she wanted to focus on her music
In her physical clue, she talks about a female singer who passed away at a young age that she was friends with= she was referring to fellow R&B singer Aaliyah
2. Crab 🦀
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Commentary: He sang Give it to Me Baby by Rick James and it was a very strong performance, it almost took me aback the song choice. I didn’t expect him to go that hard in the beginning, the hip thrusts were a bit uncomfortable for me and he can’t dance for shit (I am sure it’s because he’s a bit older, not faulting him by any means), but it was really strong vocally speaking. He did actually loose his breathe and started hyperventilating under the mask and had to take a break to cool down (literally, because he was burning up under there), which honestly I hope he’s ok, I am not sure if he’s gonna last that long because of that hyperventilating (remember Mickey Rourke?), but tbh it would have been so unfair for him to go because he did an amazing job and I enjoyed his performance. He got soul.... crab’s got soul.
This has got to be (doubling down, like omg even the picture matches w the body type and everything, I am onto something here):
Bobby Brown
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Mom kept him in the straight and narrow and taught him how to cook= well, he has spoke about how his mother has gotten him away from the gangs and trouble around his neighborhood and into cooking (he even has a food line, hence the Mac and cheese), which also made him take up singing and thus his band New Edition (remember how I said Nick singing Candygirl by New Edition was ironic? Well this is why... because crab is Bobby Brown aka one of the members.... also Black Swan sang his ex wife’s song so yeah this can’t get any more ironic) was formed
Big Ben= Initals, BB aka Bobby Brown and also he had a show in 2005 called Being Bobby Brown and one of the episodes “Bobby Does London” he goes to London
Ribs= he has a line of BBQ sauces and seasonings called Bobby Brown Foods
3. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: This time, he went a bit softer with the song choice which I feel compliments his voice better, with 7 Years by Lukas Graham, which made Jenny, who apparently hasn’t listened to this song before (wtf Jenny, this song was all over the radio in like 2017 and you are like a radio host hun), cry. I mean it was really amazing and ballads actually suit him a lot more than super upbeat songs like last week’s Andy Grammar song and I really enjoyed it, I’ve heard that song a million times so no I didn’t cry but I still loved it. I do think Piglet will go super far, my guess is he will make it to semifinals.
I am a 100%, tripling down sure that this is:
Nick Lachey
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Genie Lamp= He did a cover of Aladdin’s A Whole New World with his ex Jessica Simpson on Disney Mania 3
The “spider” who made him a family man= referring to Vanessa Lachey, it was supposed to be this whole Charlotte’s Web thing not really referring anything specific about her that she’s a spider, she could have been another pig for all we care
Dog Tags= in the physical clue, there are 3 dog tags, which he has been seen wearing (you can Google those pics) and they represent his 3 kids which his wife gave him before they had their third kid, Phoenix (btw there’s a P on the bottom dog tag shown)
4. Chameleon
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Commentary: Ok so he rapped again but this time the song was Hip Hop by Dead Prez (which I have felt like I have heard but I have no idea where) and I usually hate rappers on this show, but like he’s legit. What I mean by that is like he’s an actual rapper (well Bow Wow was too... but Bow Wow only went as far as he did because of his dancing, Chameleon is just pure rap talent) and his flow is insane. I am not a rap fan whatsoever but I can appreciate good rapping and that was good rapping, actually it was great rapping. Sure, he’s the weakest link of the four but he’s also the coolest one could argue.
Mark my words, this is as I said the last 2 types, again tripling down:
Wiz Khalifa
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His little Chameleon/lizard= he has an 8 year old son named Sebastian (he also says Cam in the package which is his real name... by him I mean Wiz.... his real name is Cameron)
Martial Arts= the dude likes Martial Arts and has been trained in it and Jiu Jitsu, he has mentioned it in interviews, has been spotted training in gyms, it’s no secret at this point that he likes that stuff
Hot wings= he has a wings place called HotBox by Wiz and he was also on Hot Ones (for those unfamiliar, it’s a YouTube show where celebs eat 10 super spicy chicken wings while answering questions) idk if that counts but I am also gonna say it
So that’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed! Follow me on Twitter because I do live tweet the show, it’s the same username as here @photolover82 and I do some of these in video form on Tik Tok too if you wanna follow, it’s photolover820 (close enough lol). So yeah, see you guys in the next one! Byeeee! 👋🏼👋🏼
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My first text post of 2021 will be to call out my anons from NYE. 🙂
If you don’t like what I have to say, ignore and move on, but don’t accuse me of shit I didn’t say OR pretend that I’m being gross and invasive towards Gillian and her personal life.
1. An anon accused me of wanting personal information about Gillian’s personal life when i flat out stated that Gillian volunteering information about her personal life at the rate she was was unlike her. Gillian/Gorgan stans GAVE me info unsolicited. I literally didn’t ask for anything except an article and clarification.
2. Whether or not anyone is Gillovny, for philes and anyone who has followed me has never seen me ask for any celebs personal information. Hell, I even blocked a tumblr that had paps pics of Gillian that were taken without her permission and showed her breasts, ass, and some of her vagina. The ethical lines this tumblr blog crossed was gross.
But, the fucking audacity to accuse and imply that I’m being invasive when a. People were literally talking about Gillian’s sex life and how she looked “thoroughly fucked” b. some of y’all know her every move without her saying shit c. The monitoring of her kids’ social media d. Tracking the moves of people associated with her so y’all know what’s she up to.
And i don’t know if this is true and/or if Gillian admitted to it, but some fans have even said that Gillian got her tubes tied due to fertility issues. If she didn’t admit this, how do y’all know that???
How dare anyone try to come for me for saying Gorgan likely was a real thing, but I can understand why some may see it as a pr relationship just because y’all feel however y’all feel about David and/or Gillovny. And this is all while tracking her kids, associates, and other means of keeping tabs on her.
3. Speaking of tracking, the way antis have “receipts” for every move Gillian’s makes is wild. Especially when it’s to prove there was no way she could’ve ever been involved with David even tho I literally said I don’t know if they’ve ever been involved and that I do think her and Peter were a thing.
4. People telling me “not to speak unless I have my facts straight” even tho most of what I said was correct. Furthermore, I gave examples of why people should be careful taking their assumption as facts AND explaining their limited understanding of PR relationships.
Regardless of if anyone agreed or liked what I said, that doesn’t mean anything I said was wrong. Any other people reblogging me doesn’t mean i share their opinions. I said what I meant. There may be some overlap, but i speak for myself just like they speak for themselves.
5. “Don’t ship real people.” I can think any two people could be good together, that doesn’t mean I’m being harmful. I’m not writing RP fics, tagging or harassing the actors, or saying anything that, if the actors accidentally came across it, would take offense. Again, what some her fans and supporters of her relationship have done are actually invasive and she would feel uncomfortable about what they know and how they found it out.
Almost everything I know that voluntarily found out about Gillian is via her words. The things I’ve involuntarily found out is from her fans, which they acquired outside of official (Gillian) channels.
Don’t start with me.
5. I’ve read many people say that they’ve been harassed, insulted, and attacked, despite either a. Not even supporting Gillovny, but making a remark b. Making an observation that wasn’t well received.
Yesterday wasn’t the first time I’ve heard this shit, I heard it 2 or 3 years ago as well. Many fans, even those indifferent to Gillovny, but not gagging on Gorgan, being attacked for daring to say that Gillian was acting different or not liking her new behavior.
I’m not saying all Gillovny supporters are innocent or even that some have never crossed a line, but pro Gillian and Gorgan people aren’t innocent either and some of y’all definitely need to get off of your high horses if my posts and anon responses bothered you.
It’s real telling that I received anon hate (not all or most) for a largely non offensive opinion.
And for those who want me to keep this out of the Gillian tag...
Y’all don’t get to harass people for years for not saying what you want them to say, get silent when what they predicted comes to pass, and then demand that no one speak on it or appropriately tag.
Because the thing is: I didn’t even speak negatively on Gillian in any of those posts. LOL. I said I didn’t like her behavior change and it made me view her differently, but the tone about her was largely neutral. 😂
Lastly, me “obsessing” over the ending of Gorgan.
How dare any Gorgan supporter or anti David people accuse me of obsessing after the shit y’all pulled for the last four years and some of the things sent to me today. Gillian and Peter literally broke up two weeks ago. That’s a fresh break up.
I was truly baffled, and I still am, that people who went hard for this relationship for four years has jack shit to say now. Like, with the way some of y’all are behaving, you’d think Gillian didn’t just get out of a four year relationship and has been single the entire time. And, to top it all off, y’all are either hiding or sending anon hate messages.
And because I made a few sporadic posts about the ending of a relationship yall praised for years, I’m “obsessing” over an “old” relationship yall were shipping to antagonize Gillovny supporters.
Unlike many, I’ve never pretended to know information I have no way of knowing.
Some of y’all need to grow up.
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riskeith · 4 years
awwww i’m here now darling so you better feel amazing <33333
ok miss i see the subtle flex you just pulled on me, just say your team is op and go... :pp jk!! no but yeah if you’re stronger than the goddamn bosses it usually goes easily. can’t say i’ve seen those days in a while tho rip
YOU ARE MY BABY!!!!!! you could do a doodle for me and i’ll literally cry abt it until i die. ooooh that seems good tho??? especially ningguang and beidou... the ladies are making a comeback 🥴 i agree with you actually!! i’d love for chongyun to come back (so you can get his c6 mostly) and for selfish reasons i want razor to come back to... bc boy scouts. i really want the boy scouts... hope it happens soon tho 🥺
speaking of boy scouts i just got him.... xingqiu.. i felt so bad bc i know how much you want him... :( but i didn’t get any xiangling so. i lost successfully shskdhsk. also I WISH they had cross-server co-op more than ever at this moment bc then we could do our chongyun + xingqiu dates... 🥺
cluna you’re literally so cool! you work through them? help couldn’t be me. i get super annoyed and if it’s not working i’ll just let it go and write something else instead shskdhdksk. for instance, i was working on this fic two months ago and i got really far into it when i hit a writers block. so, its just been collecting dusts for months now. a couple days ago i accidentally stumbled upon it and realize the potential it had so i might pick it up sksjdkd. i was literally prepared to just let it rot like so many other fics i write. so yeah idk sometimes i just give up because it’s easier even if it hurts me bc i spent so much time writing them sjshdkdj. yikes.
right?? and when you write a fic that takes place during the day you can get inspired by the atmosphere outside!! and yes!! i have to study outside i can’t get anything done at home. i used to be able to do that when i was younger but now it feels sooo impossible. especially with online school and stuff. either i go to a library, cafe or school. although most of these are closed now so i have to book a room somewhere to study. do you have a specific area at home where you write or can you just sit down anywhere and study?
for sure!! if i had the space i’d absolutely consider buying more books. right now i just have them scattered around everywhere (even some in my makeup drawer shdjdh). do you have a bookshelf? 🥺 that’s so pretty...! what are some of your other favorites btw? oh grade school is basically class 1 to 9... so from 6 years old to 15? girl no worries i know how difficult it is to understand all of that. when my friends used to explain their countries school systems before i’d just sit like owl eyes.
THE ALBEDO FANART!!!!! during his quest i took sooo many screenshots god he’s just perfect. he’s such a gentle and sweet boy ughhhhh.... he’s been gone for 2 days and i already miss him. and xiao and aether are just... yeah... i love how everyone ships aether with the boys yet i don’t think i’ve ever seen lumine shipping fanart? let’s just say gay rights and leave it at that.
BEFORE I CLICKED ON THE LINK I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE THAT POST.... literally us!!!! don’t make one in america no worries!! idk why my acc was set to that lmao. i’ll make one in asia tonight and just hustle for a few weeks until i reach co-op (i think it was ar 15?) plus i really want aether so i’m kind of not so stressed about it tbh? god i’m actually so exciiiiiteeeeed...... 😭 you gotta promise you’ll help me with domains and bosses tho you’re gonna be at a much higher rank than me while i’ll just be a little nooby girl. 😭
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! ♥️
today i didn’t keep you waiting too long, hehe. i missed you too much. but you’re porobably asleep now though :( oh well, can’t wait to hear from you my love <333
hiya!! i’m still up bc i miscalculated the length of a fic chdjcnskjd and thought to check if you’d sent anything before i went to sleep!! made me v excited to see there was not only 1 but 2 asks from you hehe (also it’s 2am rn so apologies for any incoherence!!)
AHAHAH fjskdjskdn genuinely tho,,, i’m really happy with my team rn LOL. and noooo you’ll get there someday!! before your world level increases and you’re stuck being many levels below the bosses again fhdjdjkd it’s a cycle 😩
NFKSKDLAKS i wish i could manage even a doodle… drawing hair is literally my worst nightmare (along with drawing anything else tbh) and all the genshin charas have such complex layered hair ugh it’s like they don’t want me to even try. yass beiguang (idk if that’s their ship name) actual queens 👑. razor!!!! what a good boye. i love his idle animation so much, pls he deserves everything 🥺🥺 and you deserve to get the boy scouts!!! can’t wait for that day to come <33
AHHH!!!! no don’t feel bad i’m so happy for you omg… live out all my xingqiu-having dreams for me please 😩😩😩😩 our xingyun dates!!!! some day it’ll be a reality <333
DHJAJSHS nooooo fuck writer’s block 😤😤😤 but i hope you’re able to finish that fic now!! (vaguely, if you prefer) what’s it about? also i have plenty of fics/ideas just rotting too, but that’s usually bc i get caught up in a new idea which i like more ? i think? lmao so yeah i definitely do give up on my fics too omg wait do you have those fics where you’re like omg this concept is god tier i’m so big brained and then you write out a scene and then it’s like … wtf do i do with this now? HAHAHAH like my attention span is slowly too short to write any long af fics, i can’t stay dedicated or interested enough for that but a lot of the ideas i have have the potential to be those 300k 40 chapter slow burn etc etc so there are so many docs in my drive that are just. works with like 2-3 written scenes and an entirely fleshed out plan but i know i’ll never actually end up writing it bc of aforementioned factors lolllll. that’s another reason why i think about just releasing all my wips some day! so people can see all the ideas im unable to execute jfjsndns. do you [like] writing super long fics like that? i admire your tenacity if you do ahah
agreeeeeed <3 and oh i see!! i always feel like people who don’t study at home are so studious fjskdksk it gives off that kinda vibe for me 🤪 and i have a study! so i usually do most of my work there. sometimes tho when i get bored and if i’m not watching a lecture i’ll sit on my couch or on the floor and change things up a bit lolol
djxkkakdks omg don’t let your makeup ruin the books.. or is the makeup more important djskskks. i do have a bookshelf!! it has like… 6 levels? and it’s all full 😳😳 other faves are defs the hunger games (catching fire >>>>>>>>) and you know the others like percy jackson, divergent, the mortal instruments. oh and the maze runner!!!!!!! the prequel (? sequel???) is probably one of the recent books i’ve actually read, even tho that was like back in 2017 lmao. i liked the john green stuff too.. just a lot of the like. basic ones LMAO. hbu??
6-15??? damn that’s an interesting range djsksk i guess the closest for us would be primary school which covers ages 6-12!
albedo is legit SO prettt and for what. his hair, his eyes, his soft spoken manner. ugh 😩😩😩 and taking a bunch of screenshots is a big mood!! ooo i’ve seen some lumine ones but yeah def not a lot ! (i know there’s discourse surrounding that lmao) but yes gay rights 😤 wait that reminds me i saw the cutest razor pic the other day and saved it i’ll show you when i’m in a more awake state to attach the image fjdjnd
!!!!!! ours minds… actually connected 🧠
okay that sounds good!!! and yeah wtf why does co-op unlock so like late lol let us play together NOW 😤 and good luck with starting again!! and have fun with aether hehe we’ll be able to have both ours meet 🤪🤪 AND YES I PROMISE!!!! i’ll carry you until we’re both the same AR and we can suffer fighting bosses together <3 you can just sit back and watch me do all the work 🤪 i’m super excited too!!! 🤩🤩🤩 and thank you for doing thisss even tho i know you said you don’t mind but still!! 💗💘💝💕💓💗💞
no problem!!! i believe in you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
eagerly (but patiently) anticipating your response~ xo!
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haeroniel-doliet · 7 years
eeesh trying to keep my instagram pretty is hard?
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Soo.... This is the second time I wrote like me in this blog... Hey! @brokutoforever tagged me so I shall answer your questions. If you want to see the original question you need to go check out her blog. I'll just say them as a part of the answer. (also be ready for some bad jokes because my humour is half of my personality... Tho I am not mad lol) (Also I do cuss so I'm sorry)
1. One thing I'll never do again.... Hmmm. I don't do that much that is outside of my comfort zone so this is a really difficult question for me. This is going to sound so weird. Just go with it. I'll never not drink enough water. I was really stressed at school and shit and I didn't drink water for 3 days strait. Yes I know that you get most of your water through food but it is important to drink it also. I learned it the hard way. I felt so fatigued and I don't know why I didn't think I need to drink water. It was just awful. I won't go into detail why I finally decided to drink water because it wasn't pretty at all. 😅 Drink water people.
2. Something that always cheers me up when I think about it. So let's get the weebish answer out of the way: Sugawara. Like. I. LOVE. HIM. Idk what it is about him but every time I think about him it makes me happy. He is my ideal tipe of boy.
And the normal answer. My family and friends when they are happy. I would do anything for them to be happy and healthy so when I think about it I am the happiest in the world! Love them so much. ❤️❤️❤️
3. That is right up my alley. The best way to spend a rainy day would be
1. Just me, wrapped up in my blanket, with my phone (or laptop), food, and anime or a fanfiction. That's what the laptop is for. My eyes would hate me if I read on my phone. I wear glasses and have some really bad eyesight (-3.75 and - 5.50 for European people. Idk what it is for Americans. Sorry🥺). I don't want it to get worse.
2. At home with my friends, food and just doing stupid shit. It would be epic. 👌😂
4. Something I'll say I'll do but will never actually do it. Maybe going myself on a trip that is out of town. I was like "I'll go abroad and live and study there" but who am I kidding. I have anxiety going to school and it is just 30 mins away from my home. Recently tho I came clear and said that "I'll stay here in *my country*. I'll not be going anywhere lol"
5. The perfect day... It will be just me and my best friends (LY btw❤️) (Yes we are planning on doing that if the quarantine ends before summer) We will go out at like 4 am to wait for sunrise. We will just stay around and do whatever for the rest of the day and we will stay outside till like 23 (11 pm) and then maybe we will have a sleepover. It will be so much fun. 👌
6. If I had to choose one character it will ether be Chuuya from Bungou stray dogs or Hinata. Chuuya because he is awesome and his ability is really cool (He can control gravity for those who don't know) and Hinata because he can befriend people easily and he is very athletic. I need some of that to be honest.
7. What is the clumsyest thing I've done? Honestly... I don't remember. There are so many. Maybe the time I almost got my first major injury while going down some stairs. I couldn't walk properly for 2 weeks. Stairs are just no.
8. What makes me laugh the most is memes. Good memes. Just I love them. And also a runner up would be the shit me or my friends say. It's the best fucking thing in the world. And one I don't really want to admit but also dark humor. Oh God sometimes I question myself why I laugh at this stuff.
9. I do collect things. I collect manga. I don't have that much options here so I'll soon be going to the internet.
10. My "and it got worse story". So... I don't remember the details because I was so embarrassed. I tend to forget the details of negative things. I'm just built that way. What I remember tho - Me and my best friends went to the mall. One of them had to go home early so we walked her to the exit and said goodbye. Then I and my other friend went to Costa coffee. She got milk with honey and cinnamon or tea. I didn't get anything because I spent my money earlyer. So we are talking about fanfiction and stuff and I didn't realize I am talking too loud and everyone is hearing me talking about Fanfics. I got kind of embarrassed and said sorry. "And then it got worse". We continue talking and got to the topic of "Character x reader" fanfiction. And I was talking away and was like "I need to read one more of them '*my best friend's name* x reader' fa-" before I realized my face is as red as a tomato and I don't think I have apologized more to anyone in my entire life. The mishap here was because I was thinking of Kuroo, who is her favorite character, the fact that my friend's name also starts with a K and fatigue produced the thing that I am most embarrassed about for my *my age*-year-old-life. At least I wasn't taking loudly anymore. It may seem like not a big deal but I kind of stay 176363729191 meter away from embarrassing situations so I don't have to feel the feeling of embarrasment. It is one of the feelings I hate the most.
Now I guess I have to ask questions:
1. What is something that changed your life for the better?
2. Is there something you want to change about yourself?
3. If you could write an anime/ a manga what would it be about?
4. Do you play any sports?
5. What is something unforgettable to you? It could be good or bad?
6. What is the meaning of li- I mean, what would you like to learn the most?
7. Where would you like to travel to?
8. What do you look for in a person? Not just about a partner but a friend.
9. Can you describe yourself in 3 words?
10. What makes you happy?
So I have one person to tag:
But other than that you can just do it for yourself. If you want you can answer my question or the questions I answered. Also if you want you can tag me so I can see your answers. Now enough from me here is a pic because that is what this blog is about:
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elanska · 5 years
Miss not so sidekick - chapter 91
Latte, who we highly suspect also having penchant for violence, thinking inwardly how cutesy and adorbsy the inhabitants of the scary looming black tower were.
Yes, she was seeing blue beating red and thinking it's cutesy. Maybe she's being affected by murderous bunny and his tower's conduct (as it certainly not befitting a lady) (meanwhile our standard reaction is screaming MAGE FIGHT! MAGE FIGHT! but we're not a noble lady)
anyway, Latte noted that the tower inhabitants seemingly young. Combined with the trivia that tower is a place where only the most talented magicians can reside (I'm actually kinda interested to see what will the test to get inside the tower and became its resident be), there seems many young mage geniuses (but bunny is still #1! yeah, errr...so is his childishness as well)
anyway, blue quickly encroached Latte's personal space (again, we see his master's influence there) and *very* formally introduce himself as bluntbob (we're gonna let him keep his name, because, not gonna lie, we don't know many haircuts enough to make a joke)
meanwhile Red goes, "tf u so polite for?" but bluebob (oops sorry, old  habit dies hard) bluntbob remind him that this creature is the master's guest (a RARE creature! ....what, does they suspect her to be dragon-in-disguise or something? that can shoot laser from her eyes?) (oy, what are you thinking about bunny?) (well, if he's interested in something, it can't be good...I meant it must be something unique, right?)
Red, I meant Veryred (not gonna lie #2, it seems the author also didn't have many knowledge about haircut either. Meanwhile, I was very sure that haircut is standard-short-waxy/wavy-cut-with-bangs-on-the-side, but veryred sounds perfect) introduce himself with a wink and teehee - which offend bob's aesthetics somehow and went for a strangle (CHOKEHOLD! CHOKEHOLD!) and both bickering about their preferences of nickname for Latte. my, how childish these two kids are. how immature. heh heh.
(...............) (....what?) (..nothing. just glad you're over that) (? we're not gonna saying how idiot she was last week?) (woah! wouldn't you look at that, psychopath division? what a cute kitty!) (*RUNS OFF*)
AAAAND OUR FAVORITE BUNNY IS HEREEEEEE!!! and send his own crazy underlings with just a mere sentence! damn, like a boss! wait, he's the boss. and not to mention that he's actually the most pyschopath here. A...Anyway, Latte thinking that Arwin's tyrannical presence can instantly scatter the persistent red & bob duo like somebody blewing the dandelion seeds to the remotest edge of a country - and that's a very cute imagery (okay Latte, there's something wrong with you. The smiling dandelion pic is cute tho).
Arwin, the CONFIDENT man who sees female lead Ibelin singing on stage and very matter-of-factly claim 'I'm Prettier." lean close and ask if Latte referring ('that's cute') comment to him. Latte is, hey how on earth are you cute (btw, in case you forgot, she thinks that monster are cuter than him. but don’t worry bunny, you already have your ‘prettiest’ and ‘op as fuck’ throne) so Latte said that comments is referring to her. and Arwin is like 'oho? you're cute?' and Latte is 'Yes, yes, I'm so so very cute, watch my lethal wink beam of cutesyness'  (and we thought to ourselves how veryred would tearfully relinquish his cutest-in-tower throne once Latte reside here. Sorry, red, you just didn't have the chance).
Alas, Latte forgot who her opponent is! As the master of the tower of magic, of course, Arwin will be immune even to deadliest charm spell ever was. Too bad, but don't be sad Latte, it's not your fault, it's just bunny that's abnormal, that's all, feel free to beam us again with your lethal charm spell! (.......are we serious?) (what? you want us to chant SPELLFIGHT! SPELLFIGHT! instead?) (hey, actually, don't you think charm spell fighting between Latte and Arwin will be a interesting?) (yeah, but Latte is not a magician) (and she'll lose once Arwin like, leaned *real* close to her face, no mp need to be involved)
Arwin also asking if Latte is sane (hey! that's rich, coming from you bunny!) (but wait, seriously. Latte just saying something about lethal in front of the tower lord, it could be perceived as threat right? uh? maybe? I didn't know what psychopaths thinks *looking around to check pyschopath division* ('well, hell~o there kitty *low whistle and then start serenading in garbled italian while kitty looks in disgust*) (....forget it, we don't know that shameful creature *nod nod* okay, let's just move on)
anyway, psychopath bunny half-joking (or maybe not, we can't tell) that being in those fools presence seemingly making Latte even crazier and should he *takes care* of them? and by *takes care* he meant kill, as in outrightly says it, because he's the master of magic tower and didn't give a fuck about police.
Latte, though not really right in the head herself (sometimes) but definitely know which one of them is crazier and immediately call it! and also immediately shutting herself up, because reminding a psychopath that he's a psychopath is never a good move. Fortunately (or unfortunately for those who still want a date chapter) in-walked another third wheel-Arobrock.
/by the way, just a quick review on dis pair progress: + Arwin no longer attempt to get into Latte's face (learned the safe distance) + Latte, no longer defer herself as court clown (must appease the sireeeee, if wanna liveeee). She can be the clown at her own pace now, tyvm. (well, she got that super rare 'won't kill you' card) //
Anyway, Arobrock mentioning his surprise that Arwin back so early since he's usually spending his sweet, sweet time pummeling the irritation, so why? Arwin is like, "eh, I feel like it" *steal glance to Latte*
Arwin-Arobrock freely talking about their threatening other country so casually. And the conversation so casually devolves into murder plan. Particularly Arwin mentioned that since he had give the koi country a nice reminder ('I let you go this time with compensation money, but next time, your head will flies off’) - so if the kois still dare to came next time, Arobrock should just kill them by himself *If we’re in gangster movies, this must be where the FBI wiretapper pumps out their fist and shout in joy that they got the murder plan confession on tape or something*
By the way, just for recap: Two kois came to the tower with their guards and wrecking about. The tower owner returned, extremely displeased and delivered them back with a warning and demand for reparation. If we thought Tower as independent nation, it'll be like, Vatican? it's small, and located within another country, but have their own government. To fucking attack it  = declaring war on another country = reparation needed. Honestly, why does princes keep making mistakes like this, do they think Tower as some kind of cheap bar where they can flaunt 'don't you know who I am? I'm a prince!" *gets slapped and then the owner morph to a dragon who breathes fire/pummeling the king or whomever it is until they agree to give compensation*
BTW, why the wizards seemingly like money? well, since they only have small land (only the tower and its surrounding?) they probably didn't have any resources except their wizardly selves (and various magical objects/potions/artifacts they make). It's not like they can tax all the wizards in the world......? actually, that would be....no no no, it's still hard to do, magicians are spread far and wide all across the continents (they're too snobbish to get along together in same place?) but since they're magicians, they are UNDER the tower's administration and jurisdiction. So theoritically, if the Tower Lord issuing command that all magicians gets into war with country A, they must serve? Well, *theoritically* but since magicians are prideful snobbish bunch, they might get 'huuuh? never heard you before in my life and now you told me to kneel and heel? want to taste my fireball?'-> which I think this is why the Tower Lord's seat is only for the strongest - so if it comes to it, the tower lord can just burn that rogue mage with his *stronger* fireball and carry on the plan without any more hitch. see Arwin's laughing face as the tower cower in fear here? It make a good motivational reminder poster.
............but it's kinda makes a question why does the Tower just let the koi princes makes a mess in the first place. and Arobrock just answers that with a money sign.
43 notes · View notes
szopenhauer · 4 years
When was the last time you cried and what was the reason?: family issues
Do you believe in ghosts?: maybe
If you could live on the moon, would you?: almost all of it belongs to Tom Cruise so no 
What is your favorite time in history to learn about?: I just like many interesting history facts in general
When is the last time you felt discriminated against because of your gender?: not sure which situation was last
What race are you?: caucasian, white, european, polish, slavic
What is your favorite sex position?: I’m not into sex tbh Have you ever lost your SO to another person?: yup
Have you ever had a thing for a friend’s parent?: no
Have you ever believed in Santa Clause? from what I remember
Have you ever thought you were getting a surprise party, but you really weren’t? nah and I don’t like surprises so I’m glad I never really had a party like this
Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? I suck with dates
Has a friend looked bad in a profile picture and you didn’t tell her? it was my opinion but if they liked their pic then it’s their problem
Does it take forever for your internet to load websites? sometimes
Have you ever pretended to listen to someone but you really weren’t? yeah :x
Are you a bad driver, or do you know someone that is? I know some that are bad yet say they’re oh so awesome at it ugh!
Have you seen the animated movies Tarzan? sure
Have you actually called 911 for an actual emergency? If so, what was the emergency? not me but my parents
Do you sleep in the living room a lot? I never do
Did you enjoy watching The Flintstone’s growing up? yep
Do you wish you were born in a different year? kinda wish I was born after war and die before 2020 or even live in another time period 
What do you buy more: Movies or candy? neither
Did you used to eat chapstick when you were younger? ewww, noooo, not even toothpaste
What made you pick up the last book you started reading? I was watching a movie and heard that book has a different ending so I had to see for myself Have you received any bad or troubling news lately? shitload When was the last time you were relieved about something? I wish I was... What about your life concerns you the most? my health related issues mostly but also money and fam, love life, religion etc. Is there a common thing most people seem to do without trouble, but it scares you (talking on the phone, driving, interviews, etc)? When was the last time you had to do one of these kinds of things? there are, recently
Describe a time when you were there for a friend? were there in person? When was the last time you went somewhere for the first time? days or weeks ago What is a situation that makes you feel especially confident? umm... Hypothetically and generally speaking, how would you go about breaking up with someone? Is there anything you would make sure to say, or perhaps not say? depends Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? I guess I’m easily offended Is there a belief you have that most others around you don’t have? Do you share this belief with others, or do you tend to keep it to yourself?  sure, might talk about it if asked and in the mood  If you’ve moved out from home, what was the scariest thing about it? What was/is your favorite thing about it? I didn’t move out yet but there are dark scenarios I imagine that could happen and they concern me What are your thoughts on “forgiving” murderers or rapists? Do you think it’s even possible to forgive these people? I wouldn’t forgive a rapist but particular murders can be justified If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take? who cares about grades and cost when you have no possibility/talent/ability anyway?... Last item of clothing you purchased - do you wear it often? didn’t wear it yet Has anything made you feel nostalgic lately? lots What was the last chore you completed? I just helped mom around kitchen and bathroom - przynieś/podaj itp.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? sloth?
Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? nope, my mom is incapable, she whispers louder than when she’s normally talking to someone
Who was the best kisser you’ve ever dated? I’ve only kissed one person in my entire life
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? yesterday
this one
and I plan on doing smth similar
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? one of the most reliable sources that are available for free
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? meh
Do you want to repaint your walls? I prefer to move out 
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? hardwood
Who would you say is the most selfish person you know? majority of society
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? waste of the movie
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? dunno what I can count as one
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? weirdly protective
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? never had a chance to
Has anyone ever called you a good kisser before? I had my moment
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? she’s into men so...
Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? it seems that most of parents act this way
What’s your favorite hairstyle you’ve had so far? hmm...
How many dogs do you have, if any at all? 1
Do you think biting is weird or sexy? biting hard is very dangerous and I’m not into being bitten but I might/can bite a little
Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? neither but I'll “believe” slightly more in being beautiful than hot I think
Have you ever had a pet turtle before? yep
Do you still sleep with your parents when you’re scared sometimes? just once I had a bad night and my dad was working overnight so I went to my mom’s bed but then I left in the middle of the night anyway as she was snoring, not that it usually bothers me 
Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes? saw pics on the internet only
How many surveys on average would you say you’ve done in your lifetime? shitload
Do you enjoy going school shopping? tiny bit as I enjoy shopping in general?
Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly? adorable
Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet? lookalikes
Has anyone ever knitted you something before? sure
Do you think there is a soulmate out there for everyone? then why some ppl die single?...
Do you like short or long surveys the best? it’s not about length, I need interesting questions
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? I didn’t try to make it pas for real wtf
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? *rolling my eyes*
How many uncles do you have? don’t know nor care as they don’t give a shit about me
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? nah, sometimes I feel physically bad because of it tho
How often do you shower? basically everyday
What is the absolute worst thing about high school? from my personal experience - stress
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? I don’t drink soda for years
Have you ever met an annorexic pregnant woman? woah I can’t imagine that
Have you ever simply looked at someone & could tell they were homosexual? oh well...
Do you have the ability to read someone without even knowing them? sometimes
Would you rather eat or sleep? sleep
Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans? am not, especially Twilight - I didn’t read/watch it because it sounds awful
Have you ever cried while watching a movie trailor? yes 
Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along? sadly
When was the last time you had a physical injury? this ending week
Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? not really
Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before? nope
Is there anyone in your imediate family who was adopted? no
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have any common sense? I meet many ppl like this often on the streets or online
Do you think you look anything like your parents? I know I do
Who is the skinniest person you know? Is it because of a disease? when it comes to look or weight? disease though
Is this year the best one you’ve had so far? r u joking?...
What color is your significant other’s hair? natural or dye? XD
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? yeah The best Christmas gift you ever gotten? The sims 2 as I dreamed of it and didn’t expect my poor parents will afford and give it to me ever, I was so moved that I cried and my sister was jealous and angry 
Who is your favorite actor or actress? can’t decide
What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek? I don’t consider them cute when I receive them but kind of awkward actually but giving them is a different story
Do you believe in evolution or creation? smth in between, it’s complicated 
What group would you say you’d normally fit into the most? I feel that I wouldn’t really fit any
Are you better at drawing things or painting? drawing
Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before? I am a failure
How long have you been on the computer right now? too long, about 6 hours Name three black things that you can see? celphone, pendrive, necklace would you perfer to do the dishes or hang washing/laundry? dishes
2 notes · View notes
mitaesoroo · 5 years
pleaseeeeeeee all of them? maybe? yes? 30?
NAJSJZJZ YOU BITCH ok let's do this 🥴
1: (truth) Who was your first major celebrity crush? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle and post the first five songs.
Dare :
• monsta truck - monsta x
• 3rd eye - stray kids
• til i die - ph1 ft jay park
• new rules - txt
• malamente - rosalía
2: (truth) What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in the past week? (dare) Refresh your dashboard and send an anonymous compliment to the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash.
Dare : done 👀
3: (truth) What are your three favorite things about your appearance? (dare) List all nine of your tumblr crushes, and describe each blog/blogger in one word.
Truth : uhh my barely noticeable freckles, my moles, and my lip shape
4: (truth) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? (dare) Post the oldest selfie on your camera roll.
Truth : when i receive something from friends because they thought of me 🥺
5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you’ve ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most.
Dare : @soooldout @withyook @emotiadouche i reallyyy love their blogs and i always wish them the best in their life! wonderful beings they are 🥺💛
6: (truth) What is the last thing you purchased? (dare) Tag three people you’ve thirst followed.
Truth : food lol
7: (truth) How many hours did you sleep last night? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to the last person who followed you.
Truth : uh 4?? i think lol
8: (truth) If you could go on a date with any of your mutuals, who would it be and what would you do? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to one of your four “Biggest Fans” on tumblr.
Dare : ;0; done!!
9: (truth) How did you meet your best friend? (dare) Refresh your dashboard. Open the blog of the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash. Reblog their most recent selfie.
Truth : church 🥴
10: (truth) What was your favorite band five years ago? (dare) Tag a blog that posts very different content from yours, but that you couldn’t imagine not following.
Truth : Linkin Park (still is *^*)
11: (truth) Where did you get each article of clothing you’re wearing right now? (dare) Pick up the closest book to you. Turn to page 39 and copy down line 7.
Truth : shirt - thrift store, pants - target, and shoes - marshalls
12: (truth) What are your five favorite girls’ names and five favorite boys’ names? (dare) Copy and paste the 14th line of text from the last document you worked on in Word or Google Drive.
Truth : random but ima just go with 10 names i guess ;-;
• Xochitl
• Zera
• Zinny
• Briseyda
• Yaritza
• Dakota
• Ellis
• Elias
• Daniel
• Nayeli
13: (truth) What’s your most irrational fear? (dare) Tag five mutuals who take amazing selfies.
Dare : most moots don't really show faces but ill tag @kuromatoki @honey-piggy (😤 mei dont fite me on this) @kiseokris @ncttrashnoodle @dino-yeol 💛💙💜💛💙💜
14: (truth) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life (consisting of clothes you already own), what would it be? (dare) Tag someone you follow who has amazing fashion sense.
Truth : black shirt or hoodie, jeans or dark green pants, and my black nikes :P
15: (truth) If you could rock any unusual article of clothing/makeup technique/hairstyle, what would it be? (dare) Go to the blog of the last person you reblogged a text post from. Reblog your favorite of their selfies.
Truth : alot of people like my short hair alot so i guess my short hair LOL :>
16: (truth) What is your dream job? (dare) Post the four most recent pictures in your camera roll.
Truth : getting one 😀
17: (truth) Where is the last place you went that took over two hours to get to? (dare) Post screenshots of your phone’s lock screen and home screen.
Truth : San Antonio 🤠
18: (truth) How old were you when you had your first kiss? If you haven’t had it yet, how old do you want to be? (dare) Go to the last app/tab you opened. Post a screenshot.
Dare : devastated.
Tumblr media
19: (truth) What is the first thing you remember having to keep secret? (dare) Tag five bloggers who you associate with being obsessed with something particular, and list what each of them is obsessed with.
Truth : hmmm ;-; my birthright i guess
20: (truth) What does your bedroom look like? (dare) Take one selfie and post it. You only get one shot! (No old selfies or retrying, even if you think you look bad)
Truth : oof kinda messy rn
21: (truth) What three fictional characters would you most like to meet? (dare) Write your name down on a piece of paper and draw a quick picture of yourself. Take a photo of it and post it.
Dare : a mess is what you get ♥︎
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22: (truth) What are three things you’re looking forward to? (dare) Tag the last three people you reblogged posts from, and estimate how many followers they have.
Truth : hoping to land a job, saving, and moving out 😔
23: (truth) What are your three biggest turn ons, and your three biggest turn offs? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Without actually listening to it, write the lyrics to the chorus of the first song.
Dare : "Pienso en tu mirá, tu mira clavá' es una bala en el pecho" (x3) "Pienso tu mirá" (x2) - rosalía
24: (truth) If you could only own five material objects (not counting life necessities like food/water/a house/etc) what would they be? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Post what the first three songs are, and for each one, tag a blog that the song reminds you of.
Dare :
• these nights by rich brian & chungha - @kiseokris
• win by ateez - @sagittariustigerfish
• juicy by doja cat - @honey-piggy
25: (truth) What is the last thing you lied about? (dare) Tag three people you want to know better and ask them each three questions about themselves.
Truth : where i was i going lol 🙂
26: (truth) What’s the last movie you watched? (dare) Reblog the most recent of your own selfies posted on tumblr, and in the tags say two things you like about your appearance in it?
Truth : the little mermaid
27: (truth) What are three things you like about yourself unrelated to your appearance? (dare) Post a picture from your camera roll that you’ve been meaning to post on tumblr.
Truth : music taste, open minded, and my patience
28: (truth) How do you take your coffee? (dare) Post the last picture you posted on a social media platform other than tumblr.
Dare : those last four pics on twitter (also tumblr is being wack rn)
Tumblr media
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five.
Truth : overthinking aLOT
30: (truth) What is the last thing you did that you have to keep secret from someone? Who do you have to keep it secret from? (dare) Tag five blogs with great URLs.
Dare :
• @kuromatoki
• @yungluchini
• @kiseokris
• @jiminscaramel
• @dorkeyama
-honestly tho!! all my moots have wonderful urls 🥺💞-
14 notes · View notes
incarnateirony · 5 years
S15 Spec/Discussion
So when the SPHT came out we all got to talking and I had some Thoughts(tm). Some of it is wildly speculatory but potential and interesting. I love the thinkie beans in my server. 
I love our little roundtable of speculation and meta that routinely crops up, sometimes I feel like we should record it and make a podcast.
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:34 PM
IM YELLING SO MUCH YELLING “you cant do this to the fans!” “i can do anything. im a writer.” FUCKING CHILLS
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:36 PM
Jared's evil smirk has murdered me
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
So we have Sam in a white suit MoC
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
btw chucks lame ending is hilarious
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
The colt
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:39 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
I came out of aladdin to that
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:39 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Adam and most likely Michael taking in a diner Talking
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Psfuck what anybody says the new aladdin is amazing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Scruffy endverse Dean
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
I jave never Ever Seen such masterful seaming of cartoonverse cgi To real actorsHoly fuck me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:41 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Yeah i intend to watch on pc when i canIm mobile rn
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:41 PM
And of course the crypt door being held shut with a screwdriver As direct14.10 parallel
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Like we literally just left aladdin hence the yelling Yes yes Ive got him Im the cage Etc
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:42 PM
GlorifiedFanboy Is that not what I said friggin months ago?!
CastielYesterday at 9:42 PM
On brand a+ dean from whoever wrote that Ill guess Bobo or buckner For glorified fanboy line
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
What? Do they read our tweets?
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:43 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
Bobo reads mine a lot?
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
I stg I heard that line and almost screamed
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
I never did upload his nerdy video to me in hindsight
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
Interesting that they didn't use a single shot of Alex
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:44 PM
No AlexAt all
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
So it's not gonna be just a hallucination with burnt out eyes No Billie either
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:45 PM
No empty
CastielYesterday at 9:45 PM
No its full on chuck villain framing its my sound of war vid with s15 footage dhdhdhd
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Yeah well it all blended into inky black at the end But that's hardly conclusive
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Since that happens a lot in trailers
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Maybe that’s for later in the season Or Maybe it’s a big secret
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
10 bucks says they abandoned the Cas deal And that's the hill I die on
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:47 PM
Bc that’s how they fight Chuck? They can’t abandon that already It’s too fresh
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
To me it read as a gateway to the Empty getting Jack
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Placing bets now. Ep 1-3 is deancas tension over mary and jack and feeling distanced from the winchesters leaves eps 4 and 5. We know he works with sam at least briefly in 6. Deancas reunion in 7 midseason scheduled for 8 or 9. Deancas resolution then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
Before they knew for sure
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Midseason finale whatever theyre keeping in the door
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
That it was their final season To possibly stretch the plot accordeon
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Maybe final battle is with the empty and not chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:49 PM
But now they've lost the need for a middle man ie Cas Nah
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Id need more than a promo trailer to figure out if resolving cas is midseason or endgame
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Is amara coming back?
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Dabb confirmed it's early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
And deans weird old friend
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:50 PM
She wasn’t there either
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Yeah 15.02 I think Or 04? Very early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
Its as much a mood piece as a trailer
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Was that Becky talking to Chuck?
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
I think so
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
You cant do this to the fans
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
It sounded like her
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
It’s her
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
We knew she was coming back Well
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Speculated educatedly
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
I’m so mad! I was just about to go to bed!
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
When even the crazed fangirl looks sane by comparison
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
And they dropped this
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah I’ll never sleep now
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
Nah I'll head to bed in a few
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
No. No sleep
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I’ve gotten no sleep the past three days
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Points if they still frame it for a swipe at the bronlies like all the other becky jokes
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I find the fixation on the fan angle a bit weird
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
It seemed framed that way to me Min
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:53 PM
All the bronly jokes pls
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But maybe I’m just reading it with my own bias
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But it's only 2 pieces of Chuck dialogue so
CastielYesterday at 9:53 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:54 PM
And he’s a melodramatic fuck
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:54 PM
I’ll forever want to refer to him as “glorified fanboy” Put it on a shirt
CastielYesterday at 9:55 PM
God imagine chuck bringing back kevin as his prophet to take down his word as the gospel of winchester is designed to end only in being felled, and only by the glory of god. He cant finish off his own book to print the new gospel
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:56 PM
Here to say fuck you chuck
CastielYesterday at 9:57 PM
What if we big bounce and he dubs adam the new michael since we saw jack. Can convert humans to angels
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:57 PM
Megalomaniacal Michael?
CastielYesterday at 9:58 PM
Kicking down the castles in his own sandbox as revelations told before, before men found the new gospel of the glory of god. Revelations might not be a prophecy. It may be history.
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:59 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:59 PM
Wildly speculatory and just playing but
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:00 PM
Oh the adam Michael idea
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:01 PM
I'm very glad about Chuck being in early episodes Adam is 100% gonna be Michael Cause all the summaries made it sound Like they weren't utilizing him
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
It does sound like OG Michael is gonna be a real issue and it makes sense for it to be Adam
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
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CastielYesterday at 10:09 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Yeah but he'd still be Adam and not Michael Just
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
if michael is useless to chuck as is, which he may or may not have been lying about MAKEA NEW
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Archangel Adam
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Oh Doesn't fit with the pic above tho
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Find another Eve. Oh look universal big bounce and I have a new mythology jazz hands Or better a Lilith Also this is literally unstoppable force immovable object logic if chuck can't destroy the human soulzapping the winchesters to death is just a stall game of exhausting futility they've proven they will inevitably doorkick down every afterlife or wherever they're cycled to what if there's like a hilariously extreme mystery spot where you see mini adventures out of whatever afterlife but eventually justtruncated to ridiculous extremes Chuck: -_-
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:18 PM
Like that's a given with all the scattered bits. Either Lucifer Sam and MoC Dean etc become big plot points Or they're part of Redux Mystery Spot
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
side eyes hidden mytharc uh
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
I really hope we didn't get the MOC Dean thing too close rip
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:19 PM
Why did you have to connect those two promo subplots for meW h y
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:20 PM
Also Cas next to that burnt up body I hope it isn't just Victim Of The Week
CastielYesterday at 10:20 PM
I'm wondering about the "arrogant betrayal" promo line on ep... 3 is it?
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
Is it gonna be meaningful or is this like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
bringing back Sergei
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
PR vagueblog
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
from his Byzantium bullshit
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
The BL ep is 15.02 tho
CastielYesterday at 10:22 PM
authors sometimes soak up impact of -- oh no
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:22 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:23 PM
okay so let's pretend say, bobo or whoever wanted to finish up buckleming's plot point, or at least partially since it's the tie up season, but they knew they had to write misha out for a few episodes and with deancas tensions driving Cas away already, throwing out a Going For Revenge That Will Backfire spin before storming out for a few eps
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
But then it would be Dean not being able to forgive the "betrayal"It's gotta be something else Watch it be like
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
the betrayal vague blog is about sergei in that thing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
Kevin working for Chuck
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
it's the phrasing "arrogant" that catches me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Most vague summaries hardly fit the actual plot points anyway It's just to sound mysterious
CastielYesterday at 10:25 PM
no but it would be easier to simply not apply an adjective "Castiel deals with a betrayal" is still vague
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Yeah but adjectives give oomph
CastielYesterday at 10:26 PM
arrogant is an odd idea for even the vague bloggiest vague blogger to tilt towards after skimming the content so I really doubt it's like kevin being forced to betray them or something like thatso unless it's about chuck himself, unlikely just too early for that level of RAAA
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
Oh right didn't Misha say Cas struggles with this new Chuck reveal
CastielYesterday at 10:28 PM
well yeah thats kinda a duh
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
I think the arrogant betrayal is in reference to Chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
So maybe it's just oddly phrasing that Yea
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
It’s a kinda weird phrasing imo
CastielYesterday at 10:29 PM
like on the one hand cas knows Chuck isn't father of the year so I think on a personal level it's not surprising, it's more the existential level for him previously chuck was a shit dad that was just trying his best in a world far too easy to do his worst, even as god, thinking he was generally trying to be inherently good
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:30 PM
I hope Megatron comes back :)
CastielYesterday at 10:30 PM
that last scrap of faith is also kind of critically attached to his very existance because if god is evil and part of this cruel design what has his entire pre-winchester existence been, and even waxing and waning through it in his time with them
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
Yeah I think deep down part of his core sense of self is the idea that he comes from the side of good
CastielYesterday at 10:31 PM
the fundamental loss of "god is good" is kinda quantifiably huger to him, whereas the humans more will have to grapple with "What is free will, did we ever have it"
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
And this rips that away
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:32 PM
Unrelated but the promo sorta Nulls the early human Cas idea
CastielYesterday at 10:32 PM
yeah I noticed that, but it was odd
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Yeah I agree
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
i'm putting down at least foreshadowing then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Unless they pulled all of the Misha footage From like ep 1 and 2
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
or chuck playing with the light switch for shits and giggles
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
He does still have that shotgun
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
we know cas has his coat back in like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Watch Cas come back from his sabbatical
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
idkwe've seen him with it back
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
With his grace ripped out
CastielYesterday at 10:34 PM
put it in a karambit i mean what
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
NOT SURE MISHA CAN HANDLE THAT Like on a pure choreography level
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Are you suggesting Misha isnt grace itself?For shame
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
Not at all COUGH He has a cat-like agility
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:38 PM
KSJDFksjdf I think younger misha could have but knowing he's always at risk of blowing out his hip probably not so much now like I feel that limitation in my soul
GarthToday at 6:17 AM
Okay so I don't think Amara is a made up character. I think she is Chuck's sister for real (or whatever they claim as siblings) but he used his story to trap her. Help fuel his plot.
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:17 AM
Like to me personally the option of Amara being made up has the best potential for an IC Chuck plot twist Esp since I still hold the idea that he lied about the universe going splat with his death"Writers lie"/"I'm a writer, I can do anything"
GarthToday at 6:18 AM
Well he did admit he's a liar rubs hands together This is gonna be so much fun
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:19 AM
And that would be a Dabb level retroactive canon ramification Which is sorta his thing
GarthToday at 6:19 AM
Mwahahahaha and he said said to Becky while she went on about "you can't do this to the fans!"
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
they make sense at least
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:20 AM
But I'm not sure they wanna go the route of Stripping a female character of her entire agency for male pleasure But I don't see a whole lot of options on how they take Amara out of the playing field Unless Chuck deadass eats her for the joint Godhead
GarthToday at 6:21 AM
Honestly he just might
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:22 AM
But that's like DBZ power level bullshit
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:26 AM
AU!Dean who's a baddy pls
GarthToday at 6:26 AM
Damn trailer successfully tripping us up
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:27 AM
Deadass just have pull the jackass from the 5.04 reality Maybe that's why Lucifer Sam is tied to a chair as well Like Chuck just put him in white clothes to paint a big target for endverse!Dean And it's actually just Sam
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:28 AM
yeah that was my thought too
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:28 AM
GarthToday at 6:28 AM
We're just throwing things out there and laughing It looked like it might be
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
But the new building is throwing it off
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
Something else could have been built thoIt's been yrs
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:29 AM
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hypercam2 · 5 years
so @buffyannes​ and @saltierthanpearl​ sent me replies to the ask meme, one of them being two questions and the other being everything on the list :O so now that i’ve gotten a chance to sit down and think about it, here goes!
1. song of the year? pin by hippo campus really stuck with me. love those boys
2. album of the year? hit the dirt by mega mango! there’s no reason they haven’t blown tf up yet
3. favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? sure sure, for sure B^) their last album was great and i’m getting tix to their show for christmas, which will be a lot of fun
4. movie of the year? detective pikachu was super wholesome! i also don’t remember anything else i saw lmaoooo
(continues under the break)
5. TV show of the year? yall know i don’t keep up with this nonsense
6. episode of TV or webisode that defined the year for you? the steven universe finale was pretty special. the song “change your mind” fuckin did things to me man
7. favorite actor of the year? i don’t know who’s cool anymore so i’m gonna cop out and say me!!!!! bc i decided to audition for a show for the first time in three years??? and somehow got in??? so yeah catch me at the local theatre yall it’ll be lit
8. game of the year? since i’m trying to pick things that were released this year i guess my choice would be smash ultimate by default, even though i wouldn’t say it defines my taste overall? i never buy games at release tbh, hype is less important than how well they withstand the test of time.
9. best month for you this year? april was a good month, though the beginning of the end, in a way.
10. something that made you cry this year? well officially, truly, no holds barred Coming Out was uhhhhhhh hard
11. something you want to do again next year? alternative spring break! spending a week volunteering was a transformative experience. i wrote pages and pages in my journal about it.
12. talk about a new friend you made this year i’m gonna talk about all of the new friends i’ve made in my office! they welcomed me into conversations from the start and lucky for them, i fit in instantly. (i like to say they should be glad they aren’t stuck with a front desk worker who doesn’t have stage 50 internet brain poisoning 😂) i love how we all Get each other’s sense of humor, but know when to self-regulate or take others’ needs seriously. we all kind of have our own niche interests but you never get a funny look for bringing Your Shit up. i’m very lucky to have just walked right into somewhere i feel meant to be (especially compared to SG lmfaooo, they’re full of jerks)
13. how was your birthday this year? well it was in the middle of exams week and then i got a KIDNEY INFECTION like a couple days after!!!! so cool i guess cuz i turned 21 but otherwise kind of a tragedy?
14. favorite book you read this year? i don’t know how to read
15. what’s a bad habit you picked up this year? ugh just.... procrastination on life in general turned up to 100 😖 hard to be in tune with things if they’re entirely uninteresting and the Same Old Thing ad nauseum
16 and 17: pictures from the beginning and end of year i take a pic on my laptop’s webcam whenever i change my hair (i don’t know why i do this?) so i can actually answer this one from my computer!
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18: a memorable meal this year? literally any time i go to florida and eat old bay shrimp and conch fritters at the local seafood bar.... like ugh sis went OFF
19. what are you excited about for next year? being in a musical! and stage directing the kids’ show again!!
20. what’s something you learned this year? i’d say i’m still working on it, but not being unhappy for the sake of others’ comfort. working past the anxiousness of telling the truth when it’s hard, or speaking up about things i need or want. ya know. that kind of thing. it’s tough.
21. what’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? we started the year with 3 cats and temporarily, we’re gonna end it with 6 😨 (our neighbor is most likely going to adopt her, but she’ll be in our house for a while.)
22. favorite place you visited this year? a small town in indiana, for spring break. even the drive back was memorable. it was this weird shift in perspective, going down the main roads and seeing slices of how things once were interspersed with how they are now. you’ll see a tiny, decrepit farm house sandwiched between a state of the art mcdonald’s and a tiny, decrepit auto shop. i used to give the cities i spend the most time in some kind of special merit, but it turns out that uniquely tired and midwest feeling doesn’t really start or stop at a certain place after all.
23. if you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? the first half of the year will be great! the second will be terrible! that is, until you take some steps that are long overdue - which you will take, because this year is all about change. you’ll get a really good therapist and she’ll tell you “don't expect life to ever be comfortable.” ironically enough, it’ll be comforting, as you now know what to expect.
24. did you keep any new year’s resolutions? one of them was “become a better communicator” which is a work in progress. another was “get a second tattoo” and that did happen 100% ;^)
25. did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? describe one. ohhhh i did! one of them i never got to use because let’s face it, i don’t have it in me to write the story i want to write in the middle of exam crunch time. he would have been a little kid, still nameless, who essentially would look like a tiny paperboy (think a double breasted coat, nice hat...) my main character would encounter him randomly irl, thinking that he looked familiar but never doing anything about it. that’s because the boy would show up in the MC’s dreams and communicate... fateful events. perhaps i’ll turn it into something real one day. ;)
wow i spent a lot of time on this 😅 it was a good run tho! very reflective. thanks!
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changbeanie · 5 years
What does ur purple hair look like (dark like bins, lighter, streaks, etc)? And FELIX HAS PURPLE HAIR TOO😮 if u guys were a superhero trio u could be the grape gang🤙 Do u plan on going to the space needle? I survived my 1st full week of school! My ap physics class is rly chill bc we only have 7 ppl (3+me are overachieving asian sophomores tho lmaooo) and everyone’s also in the same ap calc AB class (aka only one our school has)(our teacher wants us to become engineers lmaooo) (1)
 yes that it’s like pretty dark now that I’m looking at it? like a dark grape lol WOW WE CAN BE FIFTY SHADES OF GRAPE TOGETHER ;) YEAH THAT is definitely on the itinerary; LMAO AP PHYSICS, THOSE KIDS I DON’T EVEN TALK TO BUT HIGHKEY MY OTHER FRIEND GROUP 
part 2: Our apush teacher is rly sarcastic and makes a lot of jokes. When someone asked abt old European wigs and styles that men wore, he said, and I quote, “the only reason they did something was bc chicks dug it”😂 and we kind of go off on tangents and have random discussions and he actually lets us eat in class (!!) bc it’s a college level course and ur allowed to do whatever during lectures. In your uni, are college profs that chill? Depend on rice like u depend on water -🍚 anon (2)
at least apush would be enjoyable for you then lmao, I think our school canceled it b/c we didn’t have enough people :( I thought eating in class was normal lol but maybe I’ve college-d for too long; BUT YES PROFS ARE SO CHILL, YOU CAN WHIP OUT A FULL MEAL AND EAT IN FRONT OF THEM + their so much more engaging regardless of class size
part 3: Oh shoot I just realized kcon was this weekend so HAVE FUN, GO GET UR MAN, TAKE TONS OF PICS AND VIDEOS AND ENJOY YOURSELF!!! -🍚 anon
bin… noticed my banner and that’s all the confirmation I need, pics were eh cuz hi-touch people had priority but I’ll try for some better pics tmrw !!!
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