#though i guess its for the best that most of the characters dont remember the events of prime
sonknuxadow · 5 months
I greatly enjoyed my time with Sonic Prime, but I will admit that the ending confused me
i thought the ending worked fine but it was a bit underwhelming compared to some of the theories i saw. and i also wasnt really expecting for it to be possible to restore green hill without wiping the shatterverse from existence because that just. didnt feel possible based on what we knew about how this stuff supposedly works . What ever its just baby cartoons doesnt matter
and ive also seen people thinking the ending was meant to be a cliffhanger setting up for a potential continuation but i dont think that personally. to me its obviously just meant as Ohh sonics life never slows down so theyre immediately jumping into another adventure The End. or whatever
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
The best feeling in the world is when there’s a piece of media you know you love and you’ve hyped it up as your favorite thing for so long but you haven’t revisited it in a while so you start to worry if it’s really as good as you make it out to be and so you go back and revisit it and it’s like. Oh this is even better than I remembered this shit rules
#the klock keeps ticking#i always get this feeling when i play 999 but tonight i got it with the letter#cuz ive uh finally decided to bite the bullet and play the evil meanie route where everyone dies 😟#a route ive put off for so long cuz its just too damn sad to think about akjdksk god it hurts#and ive played like for the most part every route of this game EXCEPT this one but i know the ending is really dark and i need to see it#plus i will at least get my beloved torture scene in so thats nice#i didnt kill off isabella though its a coma route which i hope still allows me to get the ending i want cuz i mean shell still be out of#commission in the final scene so hopefully it works out#but yeah no i started off tonight on the marianne chapter and while i did skip around through it cuz ive played it many times and i just#wanna get to the important stuff already alskj i also just replayed some of the best parts#aka the shit where lorraine appears and the gay shit alksks and god like hnnnghh not only does this chapter still ruin me emotionally#i also just remembered why i love this character so much and remembered just how good the character writing in this game is#and i also played into the rebecca chapter and didnt skip as much cuz i actually am not as familiar with the coma route#cuz it makes me sad and i never revisited it lol and i havent gotten to The Scene that makes me sob yet#its so coming though dont worry but idk i guess its just been cuz ive been thinking about p3 so much lately#and in particular shinji both the death route and coma route but in particular the coma cuz thats what im writing#and damn lol the letter just writes the grief and nuanced relationships and death stuff so much better lol god#like marianne loses her childhood best friend whom she has a gay ass relationship with to suicide and like its just better#she blames herself and still isnt even kinda okay with it after 13 years#like it just fucking ruined her and the only thing keeping her from losing it is her repression and drinking problem and unattached sex#and then with coma route well fucking first off isabellas friends actually like. visit her frequently damn#and they just all have such unique ways of coping like Zach is being optimistic so no one gets too upset#rebecca is sorta in charge of making sure everything goes smoothly she has to contact the family and make big decisions#and shes also just taking the most stress and shes got so many complicated feelings around isabella going on but she genuinely cannot stand#that isabella is hurt shes fucking destroyed she loves isabella and then ashton AAAAA god yeah i also just remembered that hes SUCH a good#character hes like being a genuine asshole right like Rebecca calls to tell him that isabella is comatose now and he literally doesnt let#her say anything he literally says ‘i dont have time for other things rn’ like the wellness of his friend is just ‘other things’#but you just know thats not it not at all hes burying himself in work to the point of destruction so he can figure out who did this and make#everything okay and he refuses to show even an ounce of vulnerability cuz THE SECOND HE DOES IT ALL COMES OUT AND HE CANT GET OUT OF BED#ANYMORE CUZ HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY WHEN THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE IS DYING
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yeiyen · 1 year
Cant sleep? - Genshin x reader
Genshin characters doing their best to help when you cant fall asleep
Includes: Diluc and Venti
After a long day Diluc was more than happy to be home, to be with you. Midnights were mostly the only time he didnt have to worry about anything, thats why you felt uneasy waking him for your own selfishness.
Surprise surprise, it only took a few kisses and cuddles to make you fall in deep slumber.
"Darling, I... I cant fall asleep." Though you only whispered, your voice still rung like a loud bell in the middle of the night when its dead silent.
With you slightly pressed againts his chest, and him in deep sleep, you werent quite sure if he had heard you.
On most nights, Diluc was a fairly light sleeper. Even the low tunes of night birds can wake him but tonight, he had quite the busy day and was exhausted.
You contemplated if you were actually going to wake him. You felt guilty for being so greedy and taking his only hours for rest.
"Hmm-" he grumbles slightly "Whats the matter my love?"
"Im sorry for waking you" you reply
"Its alright, is there something bothering you? Perhaps a nightmare?"
"No, actually i havent been able to sleep at all"
"Ah, I see. Do you wanna talk?" He said.
Diluc placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him, he burrowed his face into your neck and planted kisses along your collarbones.
"No, I think cuddles will do" you whisper into his ear
Neither of you had to speak further. He already knew what he had to do, smother you with hugs and kisses and reassuring mumbles.
"Just melt into my touch, and I'll take care of everything else"
Numerous nights of him humming you to sleep, countless times he sung songs of praises for you.
Guess it was hard to fall asleep without his angelic voice guiding you
It was the dead of night, yet Venti was nowhere to be found. There was no way he was coming back before the sun rises. You would know, since that's how it's always been when he comes home drunk.
You only hope he wont go back so late this evening, you couldnt bear another hour of sleeplessness.
Every second of every minute, the clock felt like it was going slower and slower.
You didnt know it could be this tiring waiting for someone. Maybe it's time to stop.
You put down the book you've been reading for the past hour. You've read the same chapter over and over again yet nothing went inside your mind. Not a single word was remembered by you. [Me when reviewing for a test]
You were about to head to your shared bedroom when the front door's handle shuffled.
Judging by the messy footsteps, it was most definitely Venti.
"Ah my flower! I'm homeee~" he announced.
"Why're still awake? Hehe, were you waiting for me?" He added while hugging you closely, his arm wrapped around your neck and his entire body leaning onto you.
"Venti, you smell like alcohol. Either take a bath or get off!" You said, attempting to push him off of you.
"Windblume, would you let me just this once hm? Come on I havent had alcohol in so long" he whined
"Do what you want I'm going to bed" you sighed
Once you finally managed to get him off you, you turn away from him and start heading towards the bedroom door when a pair of arms managed to sneak into way around your waist, soon he started kissing your shoulders.
"Venti, stop it"
"I'm not Venti" he grumbled
"Then whats your name?" You say in a sarcastic manner.
"I'm your dearest, your darling, love, babe, sunshine! So dont expect me to respond to Venti" he whines back.
You could only sigh in response. You finally turn around and yet even when you're facing him, he's still hugging you tightly.
"Lets go to sleep?" You ask
"Are you still mad at me?"
"Just a little...Actually, yeah I still am" you answer him playfully
"If I cuddle you to bed will you still scold me in the morning?"
"You cant talk your way out of that scolding love"
He only muttered words of defence while you dragged him to bed where he forcible plopped you down. Before you could even react, he was already latched onto you like a caterpillar.
His arms and legs were wrapped around you, as if he'd die if you were an inch farther.
Throughout the night, soft hums and light pecks were given by him before the both of you finally drifted to sleep.
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A/n: Dear god this took way longer than I expected. Made this since I've been having trouble falling asleep lately, so this is kind of a self indulgent fic hihi.
Always stay hydrated, rest well and dont stress over everything!!
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trashbins-stuff · 6 months
Hello. I have seen that you have been tagged by @neobixiscool on one of their posts. I am planning to make a rant post on them. If you can provide some background info and your side of the story, that would be great. If you feel uncomfortable discussing this, that's ok. Have a good day/evening.
rub hands together like flies. my time has come/silly 😋😋
and thank you for coming to me :3 i appreciate it/gen also i get to go all cabby on this hehe
oh and, im not really hurt-hurted by them, i feel like mocha (mochablogger), liam (moonmxple) and mac (blairdrawzstuff) are most affected. They did have a book with my character in it but in a different universe or something (without my consent nor credit btw). Anyway under the cut is my observant. Honestly i think i might have jsut make the rant post for you lmao hrgbnhe 😭😭
the background/before:
mocha was working on a little story and xe said we could be in it! so obviously me and my friends signed up for the fun, not really expecting anything, the story was called "The Traumatized Cup", thats when we first meet him.
In one of the chapter mocha had introduced rubix, at first i didnt really think much about him, i was just aware of his presence, i do notice him and mocha started to become friends and i thought that was great :)
something that you should probably contact cuppy for more info:
so rubix (or according to rubix, "jasp" was roleplaying) and mocha were friends on facebook, and they roleplayed there i think, this i just know but apparently he said crap about liam (mocha's platonic partner and my best friend). Mocha is very sensitive and even in roleplay xe's still uncomfortable with what rubix said
"bezel's" divorce headcanon (and possible influence on further problems):
i heard people talked about it but never knew where it came from, but thne i found out and,,
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tdlr; 1st one is about mocha and rubix, i dont know if mocha consent to it. 2nd one is uh a bit weird i i guess like he could have ask facemoji to make another one ;-;. 3rd ah yes the divorce that i had heard about!/vneg
rubix said bezel forced him into making the 1st one, even if thats true, rubix said the divorce was bezel's headcanon but hes the one that decided to post the 3rd one ("okay i asked facemoji again..")
seem kinda sus not gonna lie..but what do i nose right :-)
bezel probably influence more but even after all these months im still not sure if he really did do those things, idk lul, it is pretty weird that bezel's blog was a sideblog though (liam told me)
heres a bunch of words with link attach, those r my opinions lmao:
these u can just click to read so i hope thats okay
on wattpad he have a book in which he painted mocha, hazel and blair as manipulative (admittedly his writing was good, he could have used it for something different though)
he also uses some of our characters (such as mocha cuppy, hazel, blair, harp, blueberry, winter, bin (mine btw), seedling, galaxy journal,...etc) he did the delete that book tho, anyway heres more screenshot proof (credit @moonmxple )
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mocha asked liam and neobix said its cringe
i remember this one also
the one where he tried to ban pet name and online dating (in 2023) (check the comment and other reblogs also theres alot, its practically a goldmine/silly)
and can i say he barely knows our friend group? like sure he knows mocha but hes trying to fit into our group (very poorly)
please read what cass wrote in the comment (thanks cass for speaking out about it ily)
the ask i sent him
NOT to get all bitchy here but mocha blocked you therefore you literally dont appear anywhere on xer dash, you're out of xer life and xe had no reason to pester you, not everything has to be about mocha. You guy's relationship (or supposedly lack there of) had change but honestly? thats okay they dont have to like the same people that they liked yesterday. You might think you know that's them but it wasnt, mocha in real life is kinder and better than the version inside of your head and they're happier now and its so sad that you cant see (because you're blocked)
and again, not everything has to be about YOU
he also made it all about HIM like excuse me ???? can i not complain for little bit without you coming in and nag about your problem ??? if you're suffering go talk to someone dont talk to online strangers ??? :)))???????
bro cant even read a long paragraph post like go back to elementary school lmao, also reporting ppl just because they use their right to not forgive you is such a sore loser move, it make you sound like petty six year old (also max be spitting facts tho)
bro brought out HIS right (reporting mocha, which he actually cant do if he doesnt have a valid reason) while ignore MOCHA's right (not forgiving him, which isnt a valid reason for him to report xem). The definition of petty is literally complain way too much about unimportant things that could have and should have ended already
"you dont have to relate to everything you see on the internet, somethings are simply not about you" :)
did you know that to report someone you have to click alot of buttons??
common salad W <3333
oh yeah, this doesnt have links but jasp/neobix is being so casual abt bezel's death but also uses it as a way to make people feel bad for getting upset with what he did
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Sorry for playing the dickhead role, but you wouldn't be laughing if you knew how we felt about every single one of you. (why it sound serious all the sudden lol)
why i still doubt (uh and heads up, galaxy brush, kodu, cuppy,..others who think @/rubixisanidi0t was saying the truth, im not saying he isnt but you cant blame me for not trusting can you? please skip this part if you're sensitive):
naw so if this was suppose to be jasp then whats jasp motive lmao :/..he dont gain anything from this + who tell people their secret plan publicly?? + how did jasp know about rubixs hallucination?? rubix please dont tell such personal things to jsut your friends and please just talk to an adult in real life. And jasp, dont let these kind of things on the internet its not safe/srs
this is just straight up weird and also why did neobix/jasp said "old friend" like hes rubix?? when he supposedly told rubix and i quote "yeah.. Soo.... This person named @/mochablogger seemed like some cool person, and when I tried to talk with them... Nothing happened, so when I figured they didn't care... It all happened at once." neobix/jasp and mocha werent even friend to begin with why was he SO obssess over getting mochas forgiveness when they supposedly barely interact much??
aint it a bit weird how this is supposedly jasp/neobix but why would they make this video??? it???doesnt make any sense?? and like were rubix and jasp still good friend??? why wood bezel make jasp of all people do it??? unless yk
HOL UP, WAIT A MINUTE..if rose jelly dated rubix but rubix tunred out to be jasp then..WHO IS ROSE JELLY ACTUALLY DATING??????
if @/neobixiscool is suppose to be jasp then how did he get a screenshot for a show rubix was making???
i translated it and head up. it has death threat in it
you know, if someone stole my account and ruin my reputation i wouldnt be following them and be mutuals with them :)
i appreciate him saying hell save us but like..why would @/neobixiscool linked the real rubix's yt and discord knowing full well that the real rubix was there and could told joiners the truth??? that seem kinda dumb ngl also on the channel you can find a video called "waitng for forgiveness" which @/neobixiscool had talked about. and lets do a bit of timing here, if rubix really was telling the truth and havent been on social media since his alst post on @/rubixcuix (last posted in august) and the divorce arc and the roleplay thing and EVERYTHING had started in september, and if the yt belonged to rubix, then he shouldnt have known that mocha didnt forgive him and make that video????? bc he wasnt suppose to be there since august??? bc if anything he shouldnt be waiting for forgiveness bc if jasp really did steal his tumblr account then its not his fault?? like i find it absoltuely HILARIOUS that the evidence agaisnt what rubix said was on both the account @/neobixiscool AND @/rubixisanidi0t's PINNED post?? and it boggles my mind how no one talks abt this???/lh/nm i mean its quite obvious maybe im jsut really observant though idk
if you got your account stolen and jasp supposedly brought back a wattpad book, i dont think you should be continuing it?? and didnt you said your reported him on wattpad?? on the same account where the book is?? why are you acting like "yes i did promise them this and im fully aware of what happen even though i supposedly havent been here since august and i will continue this book" has it hit you?
uh yeah so these are just my silly little takes, but hey! what do i nose? :-)
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whence-the-woody · 16 days
Not willing to rewatch coz s1 I'm not a huge fan of and s2 is too much emotion for me rn but trying to remember Colin's character through the show. Coz in this season he's definitely all over the place.
Like in s1 I guess you could characterise him as a bit hopeless romantic, quick to fall in love, impulsive, kinda goofy. Definitely a younger brother. You could say easily embarrassed then but honestly the way he acted was hella fucking embarrassing, I'd hide too. Could be a sweet son. Not a bad friend but incredibly oblivious. Held grudges for sure.
Then s2 he was undebatably INSUFFERABLE after his travels. Pretentious and annoying. Not understanding of boundaries or able to let things go (the Maria visits). An experimental drug dude, which yknow good for him. Still v little bro energy, mocking his brothers all the time. Not alot of empathy. Very privileged - I mean they all are but compared to Anthony's level of responsibility he clearly had none. Showed some positive protective instincts, helping out the featheringtons. So in some ways shown to be a better friend but in others WAY worse - talking shit on Pen: unforgivable. So still easily embarrassed. Kind of a little shit but not particularly funny I wouldn't say? That's bendict. Not very opinionated, that's Eloise. Francesca has passion he didn't. Idk just kinda nothing in terms of ways to describe him.
Then s3. Oh boy. Suddenly after yet more travels hes a chronic flirt - no hate just a weird 180. Discovered the joys of group sex at some point - again no hate but tells me nothing about who he is. He doesnt seem to be looking for marriage? Doesnt mention any goals or interests? He says he doesnt care what others think of him but that majorly contradicts everything that came before. Then he says hes been trying to be what society wants - so contradiction again. He considers himself a flirting expert out of nowhere? Okay dude. In a desperate attempt to make them compatible hes suddenly also a gossip? Sure. Also suddenly has a study and is a writer?? Other than writing letter to Pen, where the hell did that come from? Just everyone getting completely sick of hearing his stories? y'all had 2 previous seasons to make them seem compatible, why throw this stuff in now? He's not a romantic, doesnt seem to understand why Pen wants marriage - even though was so quick to get engaged two years ago. He still doesnt have a lot of empathy really. Still easily embarassed. Not much showing him to be a good brother. Still a pretty sweet son and obviously idealised his parents relationship, that's something. Absolutely impulsive - interrupting that dance, good god sir. You could argue he was jealous in s1 so that checks out. The romantic dialogue really paled in comparison to previous seasons but maybe that is in character?
But still I try to think of his personality and Im kinda like ??
Smug. Jealous. Pretty unserious. Privledged. Sometimes protective. A newfound gossip and writer. Self conscious most of the time but other times completely oblivious to peoples social cues. Impulsive for sure. A sweet son. Meh brother. No friends, goals or talents.
I just feel like Daphne and Anthony, by this point in their seasons, were really fleshed out characters and personalities. You knew who they were, their motivations, their histories, their huberis. Its been 3 years and I still feel like we dont know Colin. Maybe because the focus is on Pen? But even then I dont know if they've hugely expanded on her character thus far.
I guess I wonder that for the people who are huge fans of Colin - why? Who do you think he is? What is his character? Do you think its consistent? Does the inconsistency make sense to you somehow? I cant be invested in this dude when I still dont know who he is (also when the actor is okay at best lbr)
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syntaxfraud · 5 months
TW: mentions of bl0od, some cusswords, dysphoria
I was questioning my identity as a non-human, and I mightve figured that I most closely identified to being a vampirekin (potentially a fictokin? Idk if I spelled that right) or an alienkin. Also keep in mind that Im fifteen, so my vent could have a few grammatical mistakes.
I could be a therian as well but I realized that I could be 'choosing' to identify as one to find some community to relate to (since Im autistic and cant really socialize with people, especially with my peers in HS). I dont necessarily feel a connection with most animals, let alone nature, and I felt emotionally numb when I did quadrobics.
So there's probably a low chance of me actually having a connection to animals, therefore it wouldnt be best for me to identify as a therian. But at the same time, Ive shown the most important criteria of being a therian, such as dreaming, shifting, etc,. Specifically, Ive shifted into a bat (flying fox) in dreams and phantom shifts. This could have some correlation to being a vampirekin in a sort pf eay though, because in the dream I remember I was a vampire.
On the otherhand, Ive always had some connection with supernatural beings and aliens. I think I was around seven when I watched a vampire movie (hotel trannsylvania) and I quickly felt this weird connection with the vampires. I legit wanted to be a vampire, hell I even dreamt of becoming one multiple times (I still do, Ive tried lucid dreaming because of that). The problem was that I didnt have the urge to drink blood, I mean I've tried when I was 12-14 (Im 15 now) and in my edgy phase (so its either I did that because its cool or because it has something to do with my kintype). Idk, my guess is that I could have some non-human dysphoria (since I always wanted sharper canines), maybe a bit of a psychological connection to vampire kintype, and definitely an emotionally connection to vampire kins.
But theres another problem, because I noticed that the vampires that I had an emotional connection to most were only from the castlevania show. I am aware that multiple shows/movies/etc,. can potray vampires in various perspectives but if I only related to vampires from one specifc kind of show, then shouldnt that logically indicate that Im a fictokin? I've kinned multiple characters because I was able to relate to their personalities, backstories, development, etc,. (even though those specifc characters werent created to be relatable)
So my concerns are that;
I dont know if its possible to have multiple other-kin types. I mean it sorta makes sense, since there can be gray areas in a black and white concepts but still lmao-
Also, if my idenity as a therian and otherkin are both valid, Im afraid if I might be considered cringe or delusional. Like I've seen people react to cringe comps with people saying that they're (example): "lesbian, transgender, cat/wolf therian, fictokin" (Im just putting random identities as an example, no bigotry intended) and they did not take that lightly, because apparently those peopke are putting 'too many labels on themselves'. Because of that, Im afraid if I might be one of those people, since I also personally identify as a lot of stuff (trans male, pansexual, potentially otherkin/therian).
I'm not sure if I'm choosing to be a therian/otherkin, since I could be trying to fit myself into a specific community due to social isolation (which Ive struggled with my entire life). Im also scared if my identity could be a phase too tbh.
Honestly any advice is appreciated, I would also definitely like to know how yall figured out that you were non-humans <3
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defeateddetectives · 4 months
had the year end fic review meme brewing in the drafts and forgot all about it until now so for my own reference and posterity's sake: 2k23 edition (while its still uh january!)
apparently i used to do this every year for a while and then had several years of writerly drought so here's manifesting more words for the years ahead!! as with previous years, using metrics from ao3
Total number of completed stories: 8
Total word count: ~8k or so
Fandoms written in: drrr!! (gasp), project k, jjk, natsume yuujinchou (really truly bar revival 2k23 or die trying!!!!!)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? the last few years had totally sapped me creatively so the bar was on the floor. more than expected by that metric even if much less than i had relative to years before that.
What's your own favorite story of the year? kirigami probably! i guess the good thing about doing this a month into the new year is i dont have to mysteriously redact the yuletide reveal anymore :)
Did you take any writing risks this year? i posted drrr!! fic after ages and that wasnt bb gangsters-centric! and tried my hand at jjk characters' voices (posted only a tip of that iceberg) which was ~adventurous even though i still dont rly have a handle on em! birthright was a risk bc it was a total shot in the dark about a dynamic we havent even seen play out yet??? (more matoba siblings lore when, ms. midorikawaaaa)
Do you have any fanfic or ofic goals for the New Year? just telling myself to keep writing, dont overthink it, and remember everything you write will generally sound awkward and clunky after reading it for the 100th time without stepping away
My best story of this year: i never have an objective measure on this so my fave(s) are typically the best to me
My most popular story of this year: parthian shot & saccades are tied at this moment by ao3 kudos science if we're going by that!
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: nothing stands out over the year
Most fun story to write: a few come to mind. though it was a v tiny memefill, i had a lot of fun with where the hours bend and it came very easily! fun fact: i was in the vicinity of houjicha cheesecake at the time and it subliminally crept into the fic which i only realized much later :')
more beautiful than night was also written amidst a self-indulgent single-sitting whirlwind with so much love and really felt like going back to basics because 2nd person mkiz nonsense is my brain's default state of being apparently <3
kirigami was wildly fun in a very different way like a puzzle i needed to crack and couldnt step away from until i did
Story with the single sexiest moment: mayhaps natori shuuichi ready to throw down at his first appearance in kirgami :D while maybe not what most people would call sexy, the entire dynamic and vibe throughout (anguished repressed bidirectional longing and all) was very sexy To Me!
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: wound up contemplating izaya and celty's absolutely bonkers dynamic via zero sum game in a way i dont think i had before
Hardest story to write: kirigami bc of the mental gymnastics of remixing that original vol 28 canon arc that is an absolute masterpiece in storytelling in its own right. i was very intimidated about doing it justice and as a gift-fic as well! the months leading up to yuletide were also bananas overall so, all things considered, it's a miracle that it came through on time!!
parthian shot also comes to mind bc the current canonverse exorcists dynamic, as delicious as it is, feels so frail and tenuous and i find myself wanting to handle it with the utmost care and respect when trying to show it
Biggest Disappointment: the stories i invested a lot in, i wound up fairly happy with! [endless number of ancient wips glare at me in disappointment]
Biggest Surprise: bar revival 2k23 in its entirety tbh :') also probably the extent to which i fell into jjk/stsg hell but i guess you cant really tell from the finished works for better or worse!!!
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chelseahotel2004 · 13 days
hiii is the pokemon anime entertaining? are there multiple ones? i've never really played any of the games but i remember seeing a few episodes as a kid, thought it could be fun to watch some of it now as an adult :-)
this is a really good question! i love the pokemon anime, but i would be the first to say that it is not necessarily good. if you go into it expecting lots of crazy plot and character development, you are going to be pretty disappointed. but if you go into it understanding that it is a goofy show made for children, then you can have a lot of fun!! its a feel-good show to me with cute characters, fun plots, and (usually) exciting battles. i guess the best comparision i can make is that if you like old school magically girl animes like sailor moon or tokyo mew mew then you will probably like pokemon too? in the sense that they can both get a little repetitive at times, but for the most part they are just lots of fun :-D
as for whether there are multiple animes, the simple answer is yes. you can watch them all here (just make sure to use a good ad blocker). as for which series to watch, ive put some basic info about the main series below the cut
firstly, a basic synopsis: each series follows ash ketchum and his partner pikachu as they explore a new region in an attempt to become a pokemon master. along the way they meet new companions, catch new pokemon, develop new rivalries, fight team rocket, and challenge gym leaders to become the best of the best! each generation can stand alone, although there is continuity between them.
Original Series (seasons 1–5)
as the name implies, this is the original series and what most people think of when they hear 'pokemon anime'. here, ash travels with companions misty and brock through the kanto and johto region. if you are the kind of person who likes watching things in order, then this is the place to start. it introduces ash as a brand new trainer and explains how he and pikachu became partners. the animation and voice acting is definitely a product of its time, but is still charming in its own way. the main pitfalls of this generation for me are that the individual episodes can get a little bit boring at times (usually follows a repetitive formula). also, because they were still finding their footing, there is a lot of what i will lovingly call 'bullshit'. a lot of the battles dont make sense, and gym badges are given to ash for stupid reasons (like making a gym leader laugh instead of battling them). pokemon are released for no good reason and things just altogether get weird sometimes. ash is also just so dumb in this generation but i still love him. all in all though, this is the og, and it is rightfully iconic.
Advanced Generation (seasons 6–9)
this is the generation i grew up watching!! this gen introduces travelling companions may and max as ash journeys through the hoenn region. i think this is the most quintessential pokemon anime experience you can get. brock makes a return as a companion and in the later seasons they even return to kanto. the main focus is still ash's gym battles, but they also introduce pokemon contests in this generation with may which is a nice bit of variety. at times it can still get a little frustrating, but for the most part they cut down on all the bullshit. i feel obligated to let you know a lot of fans think that max is an annoying character. but personally i think they are wrong. anyways, this is just a classic pokemon adventure!
Diamond and Pearl (seasons 10–13)
diamond and pearl has ash travelling with dawn and brock once again as they explore the sinnoh region. this is basically advanced generation but with different characters and different locations. pokemon contests are a bigger deal in this generation, but the main focus is still gym battles. diamond and pearl is known for starting to bring in more nuanced character relationships and more interesting battling. most fans of this series like it because ash has an interesting dynamic with his main rival. ash is decently more competent in this generation. all in all, this is a solid series, although perhaps a bit of an awkward place to start considering its the last generation of the "classic" era.
Best Wishes! (seasons 14–16)
best wishes is a bit of an interesting series. it was intended as a soft-reset to the anime as a whole, so there are many changes from the previous generations. the tone of the main plot is much darker, with team rocket being a serious evil team rather than the goofy troublemakers that they used to be. in following with the reset, ash has completely new travelling companions with iris and cilan. if i am being honest, i find these companions to be more annoying than lovable, but that is just personal preference. this series also suffers from ash is also becoming less competent again, although not in the cute dumb way he was in the original series. i'm being harsh on this generation, but its really not all bad. if you want pokemon but a bit more mature, then this might be the series for you.
XY (seasons 17–19)
a brief disclaimer: i never finished this series. i had grown out of my pokemon phase when i started watching it, so most of what i am saying is based on what i know from other fans. that being said, XY takes place in the kalos region with new companions serena, bonnie, and clemont. most fans will point to this as being the best generation of the anime. the animation is much better, and there is more focus on developing plot. there are also some fan favourite pokemon that come out of this gen. ash is significantly more competent here, and on the whole is much more mature than previous series. to me, this generation is much more 'anime' than the others if that makes sense. if the reason you want to watch pokemon for the childhood whimsy, this is not the season for you. but if you want something with more plot that takes itself a bit more seriously, then i think you will enjoy XY.
Sun & Moon (seasons 20–22)
sun & moon is completely unlike any of the other generations that came before it. rather than journeying around a region to collect gym badges, ash instead lives in the alola region and attends school. as such, the supporting cast is not travelling companions, but rather his schoolmates. when this series came out, there was a huge outcry because people thought the cartoony animation style was ugly. these people are just haters. the animation in this generation is actually amazing. the tone of this series is also just way lighter. personally i find all the characters to be very lovable. this generation is also team rocket at their peak to me (still silly but not as annoyingly repetitive). i do wish this series had more battling though there is not nearly enough. sun & moon is definitely not a traditional pokemon experience, but its cute and fun so i love it. i'll put it this way - if you like my little pony, you will probably like sun & moon.
anyways! that was very long winded, but i hope it helped! i've left out some other series because i don't think they make for great starting point/i haven't watched them, but these are the main six. if you have any more questions please let me know because i could have easily written double the length and still had more to say.
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dappersautismcreature · 5 months
Hey Gray, regarding your post about the Feds workers, it reminds me of how the Federation was seen before the introduction of workers and how most people see the rebellion now. They were hated for what they did to the islanders and seen as these big entities that were easy to just point with your finger at as a whole. The introduction of workers and the way the fandom, and now the qsmp, has made them to be these poor nice people that are not like the Federation they are just forced to work for it and are absolved from any "bad thing" that might be related to the Federation. (And I'm guessing it'd be the same if we knew people from the rebellion outside of the players) Idk it irks me a little
I would love to know what you think of that thought, and if you have a contrary opinion, because you make things more clear with your words kkkkk
yeah oh boy i can talk about the rebellion.
cause listen, i predicted that both the feds and the eventually discovered rebellion would step into the gray area for morality longgg ago (like idk june or july) because thats how it works in these type of stories, you cannot rely on either team to have your best interests in mind.
the fed clearly cares about the kids, the rebellion (esp at the start) clearly less so, both organizations keep important information from most of the islanders, both are bad, both are good.
i do think people need to keep in mind, in the meta sense, how the federation works in terms of marketing. the soft funny coworker dynamics are clearly surface level, and are shown to us for a reason. they are soft bears for a reason. hell they are even voiceless for a reason. see those themes, and see them as they are, a sort of opposite trope, its a trick, a character trick, to make them appealing to lower your guard. its supposed to add to unease, not make you fall head over heel for a violent bear.
similar with the lack of funds. boo hoo, no moneys, tell me why I should care. I still see them as the powerhouse here, as intimidating, because I know that there are levels above cucurucho that we are NOT seeing. remember that general guy? the one who wanted cucu gone? yeah, thats a cue, to me, in stories like these, that there is an even higher power.
and of course this is similar (of sorts) for the rebellion. they are the underdogs, the underfunded as well, the ones who are finally fighting back. but, well, i am more inclined to like a rebellion, a revolution.
if anyone has watched Andor, there's a character in it, a major player for the rebels against the empire, who has accepted the fact that he will step into that gray arrea, that he will make bad choices, hurt people, for the purpose of furthering the cause.
its not helpful to weigh costs, before the rebellion is even finished. to count how many killed in the fight, before you can see how many are saved from the federation. i would say wait, look critically upon the rebellion, but keep looking at the feds, keep watching.
if i had to choose, id side with the rebellion, because I feel as though their cause is better than that of the feds, solely based on the mission of the organization. but if you wish to bring morality into it, the comparing of eyes, the wrongs of each party, idk, you'd have a rough time.
stay hating the feds, is basically what i will always say. down with any government, but of course im basically a communist. just dont fall for the squishy fluffy bears.
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herboretum · 2 months
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answering this twitter thread here Because im quite literally a fucking sucker for these posts ^_^ like give me 8 of these and i will Rapidly Answer them i loovvee talking i love answering questions ^_^
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i introduced myself :)):) :) :) ::) although specifically i was swayed by some fanart of poob and pest and i was like “ohh woah, ok i’ll check them out” type deal
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LATE JUNE EARLY JULY so like . 9 ish months LMFAOO what!!!!!
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hmmm uhhuhuhh uhhh i dont have like . any floors that i will Like Crumble over for but i really like any elevator npc floors….. i think they make me happy….
although i guess i also enjoy flood fill mine since ive never like. raged Over it
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GOD THE FUCKING TEMPLE OF SOMETHING I HAAAAATE THAT FLOOR WITH A PASSION its so annoyying and loooong and I just Want other people to *** to make the round go fasterr 😭😭😭
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yeah actually i’ve been meaning to talk about How i don’t actually have any favorite npc because all of them are my favorites hndkskwg
i have like. favorite npc(s) in this current MOMENT but in general? you literally could tie me up and waterboard me and i still would not be able to give you a descript answer
like my head is so strange for This but the best way i can describe it is like . a wheel. that spins every time i even get the slightest peck of boredom of a current npc i like. and its all random. no specific time or place or day or month like It happens when my mind says it will happen
that being said heres my favorite npcs ive brainrotted over by month (kind of a lie btw ive brainrotted over every character at least once a month but this is like . stage 2 of BAD):
july - spud, poob, pest
august - spud, split
september -cant remember lawl
october - wallter, mark
november - spud (specifically frank), sarah
december - pilby, pest, wallter, mark
january - bive, split
february - infected, lampert
march - infected, swibbledib
april - poob, wallter, mark, pest
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reddy lol
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errrrrr ttarmite? i dunno its just kinda loud like chill bro those players are all yours
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AUGH get a snack, cardboard labyrinth, jersey nova, glorp shop, make it go hard, going up?, concrete flood and bossa lullaby
BUT but im so serious when i say tip toe is the most underrated song in the ost EVER. SO GOOD i get so happy whenever it comes around in my playlist ^u^!!!!!!
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wallmark and spive. yuri vs yaoi.
but actually i also really like poob and infected (platonically)
i dunno the thought of them together as like . really close more than friends but not dating typa thing makes me sooo happy and giddy eheheh I must hide.
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2!!!!!! i dont actually like them though which is why i kind of let em rot!!! but 2!!! yeah!
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my twitter lol im not gonna search i dont feel like it
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prototype :) good :) i like him :)
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alovelyburn · 1 year
Since I think you are the smartest around. Did you ever write about Judeau trying so hard to get Casca and Guts together? I get that he was in love with her and saw mutual attraction but he was trying so hard to make them fall in love? For example Guts is quitting because of Griffith and Judeau makes the whole thing about Casca? What was Miura trying to tell us?
I’m sorry for bad English and being annoying with questions😅 /half joking
(it’s my 3rd time sending you an ask hope you don’t mind)
...I don't know what to say about the smartest thing, HAHA. So, I'll just say thanks. You flatter me. <3 Also, there's nothing to apologize for, send me as many asks as you like!
As for Judeau... ...well, here's my understanding of it.
So many of the characters are motivated by Griffith and later by Guts, but I think the thing to bear in mind when thinking about why Judeau does the things he does is that he's motivated mainly by Casca. And specifically that he wants the best for her in a way that apparently supersedes what he himself wants.
So basically he tries to make her happy.
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I think the first time this comes up is post-Bonfire of Dreams when he goes out of his way to let her know that Griffith called her valuable...
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...because he knows she wants to be important to Griffith, and can tell how much it hurts her to feel irrelevant and left behind.
But the thing is, he did that because at the time the only thing that could make Casca happy... was being seen and valued by Griffith. So if he can give her that, then he does.
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But that doesn't make her attachment to him healthy, and it's inevitably going to make her miserable because Griffith is just never going to return her feelings... and even if he did, he couldn't act on them due to his ambitions.
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Long story short, no matter how much she loves Griffith, she'll never be with him. And as long as she's single-mindedly devoted to her feelings for him, that means she'll always be alone.
And that's what Judeau doesn't want.
So when Judeau sees that there's something changing between Guts and Casca, he perceives this as an out for her: a way she could perhaps shift her affections to someone who might actually be able to give her what she needs... so she doesn't spend the rest of her life pining.
If you watch him... basically anytime after Bonfire, he's always watching her and taking note of what's going on with her really. And it reaches one of its major high points after the rescue when Judea and Guts have this very strange talk...
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Where Guts expresses an interest in staying with them and Judeau's like, NO, GET OUT, LEAVE, DONT BE A WIMP, GO AWAY. Which would be super weird under most circumstances, but it isn't if you remember that he's motivated by the desire to keep Casca happy because then he's like...
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GET OUT OF HERE and take Casca with you or she...
...will just end up living for Griffith again, I think is the point here. He doesn't want Guts to take off and leave Casca there to be sucked back into Griffith's gravitational pull, and this time with no means of 'escape. Because once she's pulled back in, she'll never get out as long a Griffith needs her, which would be forever.
And that's exactly what was about to happen, since the next time we see her she's telling Guts that she can't leave.
Anyway basically Judeau's in love with Casca and worried that she'll waste her life living for Griffith, which is a total dead end street, so he tries to play matchmaker to her and Guts to get her out of there.
I guess the next reasonable question would be why didn't he just tell her how he felt himself.
I think that's pretty simple, though. Judeau doesn't perceive himself as being on the same level as Griffith (as he says during the tavern scene), so when he sees that Casca is in love with Griffith he basically just stands down. It's what all the Hawks did whenever it came to competing with Griffith over something or other. So basically, he wouldn't think of himself as someone who can pull Casca's gaze away from Griffith but he sees that Guts seems to be able to do that so he leaps on the chance to try to bring her to a more satisfying place.
And in defense of his assessment, I do think he's not her type. If you go by Griffith and Guts, she seems be drawn to larger than life types more than anything else. Even if she could fall for someone who doesn't fit those criteria it's not shocking that Judeau wouldn't assume that to be the case.
Thanks for the ask, I love them. They kind of give me a chance to really dig into things I don't necessarily get into in say the rambles, or things I wouldn't necessarily think to do a separate post about. Like, you know, I don't talk about Judeau that much but that doesn't mean I don't have anything to say about him. He's an interesting guy - someone as motivated by Casca as Guts or Casca are/were by Griffith. His own relationship with Griffith seems a little less personal too - e.g. he heavily implies (...might count as just saying it outright) that the main reason he's concerned about making sure Griffith is taken care of is because he feels obligated to as a Hawk.
And I think his touch of objectivity as someone who isn't infatuated with Griffith as much as everyone else is allows him to perceive things more clearly than most... as evidenced by the way he talks about, say, Griffith manipulating Charlotte into falling in love with him.
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janisbuggybones · 7 months
---->An explanation of the story I want to tell<----
---->Nothing goes right and the everlasting need the characters feel to just be happy is never fulfilled, or maybe it is?
---->The only person to see this is my best friend because it started out as a role play thing but further into it I realized this was the story I wanted to tell.
--->Not one where Janis is a gangster volleyball player that has it all and so much more to the point its sickening.
---->Not one where Janis dies via suicide and reincarnates fresh as new the next day.
---->Not one where Janis is so disgustingly gross to the point I wonder what the hell was wrong with me.
---->The story I'm meant to write is one similar to Owari no Seraph, in its complicated and has tragic history but also to Noragami, in that it has a hierarchy of humanoid gods and the main characters dont want everything, just happiness. But it's neither really, because the story I want to tell is named "Apples and Bugs" (working title idrk) and under the cut is an analysis and further explanation towards everything that want to happen.
First, as spoken by the former archangel Luca, now a fallen angel.
"Yep. She was Adam and eikko was Eve and they were the beginning of humans. I'm sure if it wouldn't kill eikko, I could make her remember that far into her past." He said "but anyway, earth started out as it's said in textbooks, evolution and all that stuff led to dinosaurs. But then the gods popped into existance to earth and wiped out most life to make it more advanced with the introduction of humans. The God of God's, amaryllis, made Janis from her own rib and then eikko from Janis' rib to make who Christians know as Adam and eve. Though this happened hundreds of times as they kept dying and dying, until they accidentally created vampires and magic, which allowed Adam and eve to survive finally." He said
To start, Janis is Adam, a man born near Korea when the earth was in its beta stages, meaning the little islands that make up Japan are on the continent of Asia currently. Eikko is born what would be called Japanese today and so Is Janis, though in most of her renditions, she's Korean.
The reason planets and everything are there is because of just suddenly the universe imploded sometime and made everything (following the big bang theory I guess). That included the God of God's, Amaryllis, who was born from an incredible supernova bringing a being of pure energy to sentience.
She found earth and decided to have some fun because at this point, she had been alone for aeons upon aeons. She sees the beginning stages of earth, bacteria and mostly water, and sees it as her canvas. Under her watch, the world evolves like in most textbooks, up until the dinosaurs, at which she wipes her slate mostly clean to make way for none other than all the Adam's and Eve's. Then she expirements to keep her creations alive longer, and incidentally creates magic and vampires. Adam is able to drink blood to keep himself alive and Eve can turn her energy into magic that can make sustenance, making a small food chain. It took a few incarnations before Adam realized he needed Eve to survive, instead of drinking all her blood right away. This built their relationship as Adam dependant on Eve, leading to all future vampires treating women like goddesses because Eve helped vampires thrive in their early days.
"The top 10 gods did similar expirements all over the world and it culminated in the birth of multiple civilizations all over the world. Janis lives on for longer than eikko as she eventually dies as a human. Janis then killed herself and they hit their first reincarnation. The gods were shocked at this, but watched in happiness as the sentience they made turned out to be just as complex as their own. I was born around that time, made out of janis' pure anguish as she realized eikko wasn't with her anymore. They called me an angel and told me Janis was my duty so I was to watch over her and observe for the gods." He said quietly "I was so young, and my body was so pure then....." he said softly
Amaryllis then made gods from supernovae she herself caused, with her infinite energy source and the 10 most powerful were made to start civilizations, allowing for diversity. This ended up in 1/5 males being vampires and when mated with human women, they had a 1/2 chance of having vampire babies. This grew the populations around the world of both humans and vampires.
During all this growth, Adam witnesses his Eve die before him from old age. As he had grown dependant on her, he felt so angry and sad that he couldn't handle it and killed himself.
Now our narrator, Luca, was born from this anguish as a innocent babe. The gods hadn't expected the pure anguish of a being other than them could have produced a winged creature such as luca, but went with it, making Luca the first angel (but not really considered an angel until he did a holy deed, further mentioned ahead). They assigned him to watch over Adam for research but not to intervene in what they carry out their human nature.
" Skip ahead a few hundred years, we had castles with elevated magic and a semi sophisticated society. That's when geo was born half spirit, with half of a seemingly random spirit in him to keep him alive. This spirit was me, or my human version, because appearantly I was human before angel. That human had a weak body and died in childbirth, growing up in the spirit world as a scared boy. Eventually, geos parents found the spirit and he wanted to be alive again so he agreed, giving up a chance at reincarnation to keep geo alive." He said quietly
Hundreds of years later, they end up in the time of castles and kings, the renesaince. This time, we shift to Geo Archviste, the prince of lady Shiromiya, Lady Sonneto, and His highness, Sir Pierre de Archviste. Selen is a spirit and she made love with Pierre, resulting in a baby with half the spirit needed to keep a baby alive.
They scoured the spirit world (a separate pocket space where all the spirits slip into and roam until their eventual reincarnation or damnation after being judged by Pierre) for a spirit willing to take on the noble task and Luca's human spirit was chosen to keep the boy alive. Now Luca would be permanently an angel, unless he were to fall and become a demon in hell to assist in punishing the bad spirits until rehabilitation for reincarnation.
Its oki sorry i kinda worried you///
"That deed was perceived as noble by a god and then I was made into an angel without a spirit. Then time went on and Adam and eve reincarnated. Eve was now eikko and Adam was now a young man named....it'd be disrespectful to say....he was born in what is now known as Korea as a vampire, and lived on feeling strange." He said
" He eventually found out the cause of this feeling was his body, feeling jealous of women and their beautiful bodies. But then as he thought more, he began to understand it wasn't just their bodies, he had more of the mind of a woman and understood then that he was born in the wrong body. Her life continued as she traveled and understood her condition further, taking her name from one of her slain vampire brethren, Janis foster. She moved more into Europe before being slain by the church that had established there. She was then reincarnated in the vampire world, a world made akin to the spirit world but for the protection of vampires. She became their princess before fleeing for the human world."
Adam and Eve are reintroduced again, now reincarnated as Eikko and **** ***. The latter is born into a male vampire body while Eikko is born a woman.
As **** *** goes on, she finds herself through her adventures and is included in many battles, taking the name of one of her honorable vampire friends Adam was **** *** and now she's Janis Foster.
Janis went through her travels, traveling more inland, until the church killed her. The church had a weak understanding of the real god(s) and reasoning behind everything and thought vampires to be hellspawn, so they embarked on crusades against vampire kind, leaving tension and vampires to go into hiding.
The vampires had fashioned a spirit world like pocket space on earth just for vampires out of a collective pool of hundreds of individual magics, and Janis ended up reincarnated into it and was made their princess. By this time, she had found a way to give herself a womanly chest via magic and it greatly helped her self and Public image but sadly nothing could be done for her lower parts because of the complexity of the organs. She was accepted as a princess, but vampires only have princesses(queens really) to well (mainly rule) have children as vampires are way less fertile than humans and it takes a lot to successfully have a child, let alone multiple.
She felt wrong getting someone pregnant just because she was told to and the amount of red flags was forehead high for her and she didn't like anything about the vampire kingdom so she fled.
"She then became a knight for the first kingdom willing to take her in and from there on, accomplished many feats such as ending entire wars with just her own hands and holy sword. She was then sold to the renku kingdom to pay off their debts and assigned to look after eikko, now reincarnated as a princess. After that, they eventually fell in love with eachother and met geo, who they then fell in love with as well. But their relationship wasn't perfect, as it slowly degraded from Janis and geos obsessive nature's." He said
Janis took on her persona of a knight and as he said, accomplished many feats, such as ending the great ogre war, ending territorial disputes with the great forest fae (a more talk it out kind of thing but it was serious. Wars were planned), and stopping the senate of her kingdom (the Regulus Orchid kingdom), from waging war against 4 powerhouses in the kingdom economy they had going on that would ruin the peace of the entire continent.
But her usefulness outlived her, as she was sold to the Renku kingdom to pay off their debts. She was worth about $5 million in usd now, but 6,000 gold coins back then. A coin for reference could get you dinner and lunch for 4 days.
She was assigned to protect Eikko Renku, the kingdom's princess on her travels to find a suitable husband across many kingdoms and eventually they fell in love.
--> some more juice to this part, a suitor came to her kingdom and acted like your typical man at that time, misogynistic and coddling. He ended up sneaking a team of assasins in somehow and tried to ambush Eikko in the courtyard, but Janis easily slain all of them. However, it's revealed later that Eikko had died and Janis traded the souls of the men she slain for Eikko to come back. She was lucky and toyed with the kingdom of hell and all souls to bring her crush back because she thought she was really cute. She's a person who doesn't think much of her actions, and would have done it for anyone but not cared of the result (most times a no), but for Eikko, she pleaded with her all to bring her back to life. It brings back into light the original Adam and Eve relationship, with Eikko as Eve and Janis as Adam. (She's a vampire still)
As stated before, vampires are naturally submissive to human women, and Janis had been extra obsessed with eikko. Geo had too, but his love wasn't in his genes, he genuinely fell into extreme love for both of them. This led to roughy patch upon roughy patch as Janis slain Eikkos entire previous kingdom by letting a Mimic into the castle grounds.
A mimic is a waterborne shape-shifting creature that favors humans. They are animalistic and kill and feed upon those that treat it with disgust. It can't talk understandably except to those who it blesses with its friendship, such as Eikko. She eventually came back to ker kingdom slain and finds the Mimic but befriends it before Pierre euthanized it humanely, as they are incredibly dangerous. Looking back, he felt bad, but he had a kingdom to protect, he couldn't take the risk of it escaping the castle.
"Eventually geo decided it would be best if they started over and poisoned all three of them, hoping for a new life together. But only eikko and Janis died, because geo was immortal but though the poison would work. He was left alone for hundreds of years before meeting Janis as an alchemist, who then helped him to bring eikko back, at a cost." He mumbled
"Janis ended up dying, but eikko was now in a fake body that was nearly completely human. Geo and eikko were together again but now they needed Janis. They found her a few hundred years later as a vampire oni. They were finally back together but happiness was short lived as about a hundred years later, janis and geo were kidnapped by a devil that wanted to try and use Janis' blood to manufacture a plague that would destroy the God's expirements."
Geo had found their relationship beyond repair and found a poison said to kill immortal beings such as himself and vampires. He then had all three of them take it to try and get them to reincarnate together, but it backfired as you could tell. It couldn't kill immortals, just vampires because of it vampire warding toxins, and humans because of their low immunity to the chemicals in the poison.
He went on, grief-stricken and obsessed with getting them back. He managed to get Eikko's soul contained and works with alchemists across the globe, looking for a way to bring Eikko back. He then comes across Janis, now an alchemist that was trying to find someone to fund her rebirth studies, and they worked together. They made the first synthetic human body and brought it to life, at the cost of Janis' life.
Eikko then lives on with Geo until they find Janis a few centuries later as a vampire oni now. She's rude and brash, but they end up making her fall for them and go back to her mostly complainant and nice personality that they fell in love with.
They were like that for a bit, before eventually, Geo and Janis were kidnapped for about 13 years by a devil trying to wipe out humanity.
"It didn't work and eikko moved on as she was left alone for over a decade. But Janis and geo eventually escaped and got back together with eikko only to find out she was with someone else under the pretense they were dead. This led Janis to try and become a god to protect them and keep them all safe, but it backfired and she received a holy punishment. She watched eikko and geo die before her eyes before staying chained up for over a millenia."
Janis and Geo are eventually able to escape, but by then, she had moved on on the pretense they were dead. They try hard to salvage the relationship but Janis (driven a bit mad by the torture) sees Eikko's new boyfriend as an enemy and evil so she gets rid of him and goes through with the ritual to turn into a god, made by her previous research as an alchemist, in an attempt to protect her loved ones.
It backfired too, and she ended up watching Eikko and Geo be slain in front of her before she was chained up for a millenia. During this time, Luca re-appeared and committed a grave sin: don't communicate with those on the living plain. And he was descended from heaven, his angelic body very slowly degrading without the support of the heavens.
"Then we're brought to your last reincarnation. You two found Janis and lived out a normal life with her for the most part. Until you two died of old age and she killed herself to with you two. Then I made her cult, to bring her power and help her thrive as a god. You and geo were born into the cult and you know the rest by now right?" He asked quietly
Then their latest reincarnation, they have near happiness, but leave Janis behind, more detailed in (blurb link here). Luca makes a cult after Janis to give her power that she can one day use to reinstate him to heaven. Now that's probably all lol. Idk I'm writing this on one huge hyperfixation rn lollll
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apopcornkernel · 11 months
poppy's watched cdramas
與君歌 stand by me/dream of chang'an
i... did not finish this drama 😭 i only watched this because my mom was watching it and we were stuck in quarantine together, so. it was fun i guess but ultimately mid
蒼蘭決 love between fairy and devil
loved it, the ending was a little too abrupt for me but it still ended well! lived for the villain romance, had so much fun booing changheng (sorry), had even more fun staring at dylan wang's cheekbones. also i love how ride or die the main couple is for each other, it's absolutely not one-sided in that regard which <3 yes. and also episodes 30(?) to 36 i cried nonstop it was so cathartic. episode 35 specifically....... aha
琉璃 love and redemption
STUPIDLY long and rather cringe at times im not even gonna lie but the main characters had me by the THROAT i could not stop watching. yu sifeng is so so so unfairly pretty with bangs and chu xuanji in god of war mode,,,, i lvoe her sm. i loved how the gender roles of a typical cdrama relationship was more or less flipped, with sifeng always being the damsel in distress (not even joking or exaggerating about this one) and xuanji being the badass hero. i feel like a lot of cdramas tend to say their female mc is the hero and stuff but then in execution its ALWAYS the male lead saving the mc from danger and its just,,, idk i'm a little tired of it so i like that chu xuanji exists <3 and fuck haochen
傳聞中的陳芊芊 the romance of tiger and rose
REALLY REALLY GOOD one of the most perfect dramas ive ever watched. cinematography really high quality, an mc that i never got annoyed at and is so lovable, a petty murder cat love interest who is unfairly handsome at every angle. i was smiling and giggling with every episode. it's the true definition of a happy pill. i only wish Those 2 Specific Scenes did not exist
星落凝成糖 the starry love
i did not finish this 😭 i onyl watched it because it was the only thing i had downloaded on my phone. i don't recommend it tbh, sorry, the concept was interesting but the execution didn't do it for me. it was also really obvious how low budget it was and the acting & writing didn't really make up for it enough so,,,
今夕何夕 twisted fate of love
THIS IS THE BEST CDRAMA IVE EVER WATCHED I KNOW IM BEING SUBJECTIVE BUT LET ME BE SUBJECTIVE THIS IS MY BLOG okay okay so general travels back eight years to stop a great war but unfortunately she lands smack dab into feng xi's residence, who is an ally of the Bad Guy and very morally grey politician who will not hesitate to kill people for his goals. she keeps trying to assassinate feng xi's ally (the Bad Guy) meanwhile feng xi is just trying to put a ring on it. they are SO so funny and you KNOW i love villain(ish) romance so i ADORED this cdrama even though it was objectively mid and even though the last episode was trash. I DONT CARE i will defend this one with my life JUST WATCH IT im very incoherent ik but in my defense it's kinda hard to explain just trust me
星漢燦爛 love like the galaxy
currently watching!! it has zhao lusi who i trust with any drama, and the cinematography is great! some of ling buyi's dialogue i dont like but im still on board the main ship,,, i think i wouldve liked lou yao but i keep remembering he's daole from twisted fate of love and it jars me so bad.... also i have this thing where i automatically boo the second/third leads so really lou yao had no chance im sorry 😔 i find it really funny how obviously down bad ling buyi is update: i dropped this drama :(( i got all the way to episode 20 something and then i just couldn't be bothered to continue, i was honestly bored :((((
雲之羽 my journey to you
my sister rec'd this drama to me and oh man i tried. i was so ready to be hooked. but i just couldn't. like, it had gorgeous cinematography and beautiful costuming and i was happily surprised to realize the leads were clj's changheng and xiaolanhua, but omfg gong ziyu (changheng) pisses me off so bad he's like omg guys im an underdog they all hate me im struggling so bad i'm being oppressed etc etc AND THEN HE'S BEING OPPRESSED FOR BEING A RICH BABAERO NA PALAGING NAGBABAR LIKE BE SO FOR REALLL also shangguan qian and gong yuanzhi's scenes are infinitely more interesting than anyone else's, their one battle of wits already had me more interested than the entirety of the previous 5 episodes... and then when it switches back to include shangjue or gong ziyu or yun weishan i immediately feel all my energy get sapped. like they're so boring it hurts fgksjhg and the way yun weishan and gong ziyu speak don't help at all it's like 有時候……我也……睡不着…… DO NOT WASTE MY TIME LIKE THIS AND ALSO PLEASE SPEAK NORMALLY so yeah i got fed up by episode 6 and dropped it despite my sister's urging
天盛長歌 the rise of phoenixes
started watching this right after i dropped my journey to you BECAUSE FUCK YOU i swear that cdrama made me see cdramas as a chore again. anyways im loving it. ning yi looked so miserable in the first episode which is a great portend for things to come, and feng zhiwei is great i love her already and the cinematography is not bad as well, i'm just worried i'll get lost on the machinations and everything but i'm still having fun so far anyways hehe update from episode 19 or something!! i'm really enjoying it this is so good!!!! a little slower paced so if that's not your thing be warned but i am really liking it hehe
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nyaarr · 8 months
Hi, i just wanted to say quickly that im rlly inspired by your WFI series on ao3, so much so i wrote my own fics (id love for u too have a tiny look at them🙏). I just think it's really good, even though the ending left me crying a little😭 I wondered if youre going to do any more Anahardt stuff at all? I understand youve slowed down since ow isnt for you anymore, and thats totally understandable. I just had a few questions;
-Were there any ideas you had (old and new) for fics, or headcanons or stuff that never made it into an actual post/fic? If so what were they, id love to know
-Ik u said WFI part 3 wouldnt come out, but i was thinking if i could write it for you instead? As in, you tell me about your ideas you had for it, and why it never took off, and perhaps i could write it myself? sort of like a little reboot. if not its totally fine👌im not offended.
But yk, if you ever get any ideas of picking the hammer back up, dont hesitate to let me know. love ur work btw, super awesome!
First of all, thank you! You're very kind :) I would love to read your stories, and surely other people here too, so hit us with the link.
Blizzard killed the love I had for Overwatch. Not for the characters, you know, but the game itself. They destroyed WoW first, then came for OW, and I'm pissed. I'm so pissed I uninstalled both months ago and grieved what we could have had.
I have a short anahardt story almost finished. :< It's another "they get together" type of story. I really enjoy watching them get close I guess :3
I also have another big story that I'll never finish: an OW + Pacific Rim crossover that was going to be about Rein and Ana. It's actually two stories, because I never could decide which plot I liked most, so... I kind of wrote both in paralell :_) I might actually post the first chapter as standalone one of these days.
I had a million ideas for WFI3 and 4, some of which were written down in different grades of completioness. Since I dropped the project quite some time ago, I only really remember that I put on paper.
WFI3 was going to be a mashup of short stories happening on different years instead of longer chapters. I wanted to cover around 20 years or so, and this seemed the best way forward. It was going to start from where WFI2 ended, kind of fix things so that they were in friendly terms again but strictly nothing more, and end it with Rein's retirement and Ana's death.
WFI4 was going to be more similar to 1 and 2, and was going to show what Rein and Ana were doing on their own before their met again.
One of the ideas I wanted to explore for Rein --which might have never worked, but anyway-- was having a big discussion with Jack about what happened with Ana at OW headquarters, and then snatching his armour on the way out and becoming a sort of a fugitive (an idea I got from Ironhardt). This was going to be a bit in line about what Sombra said about Brigitte not knowing stuff about Rein's retiremnt. He would be in hiding but helping people until the fall of OW, where the UN would stop actively looking for him. Then Brigitte would join him after he comes to the Lindholm's house looking like what the cat brought : )
They were to go here and there and answer the recall on Gibraltar. Torb and Bastion were going to be there, just like Jack and Ana (with their masks on), Tracer, Winston, and others, and everything was going to go to hell pretty quickly from there.
I envisioned Bastion and Rein's encounter a bit more dramatic that what Blizzard showed us. Blizzard always hinted at Rein having some sort of trouble with his memory and whatnots, which I was going to address at the end of WFI3 (the reason for it) and in WFI4 (where sometimes he thinks he sees and hears things, like a rogue bastion ticking or Ana's ghost -- which happen to be very real).
WFI4 would have some of the ideas of the Anahardt 2018 stories I wrote as well. Particularly the conversation they have where Ana explains what happened to her and why she did what she did-- with the difference Rein wouldn't have caved this time. I wanted Ana to work hard this time to get him back. He deserved it lol.
I wanted WFI4 Ana to be different in quite some aspects, after everything that happened to her. She wasn't going to know which memories she had were real. So in a way, Rein would understand what she was going through. And I wanted Brigitte to be fiercely protective of him, hissing at Ana, so to speak, and telling her to stay away.
I'm all happy that you find inspiration on my stories and that they make you write. If you want to continue what I started, go for it. I won't share my drafts or ideas in more detail, since whatever you write has to be your story, not mine, but the universe is out there so to speak. Go ham. Have fun. And share when you're done!
I'll give you a little parting gift though. The first bit of WFI3:
Sep 2056 -- Sweden
“Yes, I am sure.” Torbjorn rolled his eye, his patience obviously running thin. “It’ll be fine. Aha. Yeah, we have the SUV he borrowed from HQ. Ah, what now?”
There was a moment of silence so poignant that Reinhardt looked at his friend. He was glaring at the coffee table as if he wanted to disintegrate it, but then his gaze softened. 
“That’d be fine, I think. Thanks. Talk to you soon.”
He hung up with a flick of his wrist and leaned back on the bunch of pillows they were sharing in front of the TV.
“So…? What happened?” 
“Dr Shollner seems positive that you’d recover sooner since this time the rest of your leg is not in pieces.”
“That’s a relief!”
“He will perform the surgery in two days, back at the base.”
Reinhardt swallowed. That was not the plan. He was supposed to fly to Sweden, fix his leg in the hospital where Angela’s parents used to work. The whole point was not going back to Switzerland yet.
“I know, I know,” Torbjorn sighed, closing his eye and resting his hand over his midsection. “I tried, but it wasn’t negotiable. The good news is you’ll be back home with us the next day.” 
One night of being on bad drugs. He could manage that.   
“The better news is I’m going with you. So you better behave; I need my beauty sleep.”
“What? No. You need to rest. There’s no need to—I’ve got this.”
“Shut up. I said I’m going, and I’m going,” he snorted softly. “I can do some designing from home, but I’d rather bring some of my equipment here.”
“For my arm,” he waved his hand, lazily. “And for your armour. No point in having surgery now if the armour is not helping you enough.”
Reinhardt shifted in the pillows. He was not sure how much of his plight was his armour, and how much was just wear and tear. However, he would take armour improvements with grabby hands. 
“And…” He started after a moment of silence, after noticing his friend was still frowning at whatever he learned over the phone. “Can you make it so that I could jump ah, let’s say, down from a building? Like taking a big plunge.”
“No! You should not be jumping off buildings. Wasn't last time more than enough?" The engineer glowered. "What’s gotten into you?”
“Ah, I was thinking it would be really cool if I could be deployed directly from the aircraft. You know, just dropping to the groooound, and boom!”
Torbjorn turned his head towards him, an indescribable expression on his face.
“No more brännvin for you. Or sugar.”
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graminos · 8 months
Ampharos for the ask game?
(You have no idea what you have just unleashed)
• Favourite thing about him:
I can't pinpoint an exact favourite (since theres too many) but like, his personality was what got me hooked to him. He's very confident, prideful even, but not to the point where he's incredibly selfish and does not care that much about those around him. In fact, he cares a lot for his friends, to the point where he worries when his fellow society members say they dont want him as their chief anymore, despite it being a joke (which is just shsbsjsjajJansjzj HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH JSJSNS). He was willing to bend the rules to allow hero partner to enter the society, as well as that talk to hero after what happened and giving them a purpose. HE LITERLLY KNOCKS OUT PARTNER TRYING TO HUG THEM BECAUSE HE WAS SO WORRIED THSI GUY IS HUS SO LOVABLE SO SYEBESJENDKSKDJD. Like, he genuinely loves and care for every society member and they follow him and JJISKSKSKSKSMSM habsjsjsjwjdjamsmssn.
• Least Favourite thing:
tbh, the only thing I can think of is how unserious he can be sometimes, being unaware of whats going on or cracking a small joke (though at least he has a plan when doing those things). Even then, its not that bad. It just kills the mood a little sometimes.
•Favourite Line:
"Everything I do, I do it stylishly" says a lot about him. ngl I chose this line cuz its one of the few lines of dialouge I remember lmao
Jirachi and Dedenne. Jirachi and Amph give off 'partners in crime' energy to me, while dedenne is that one friend who keeps them in check
Mawile, its too adorable (eslecially sibce my hc is that they're both oblivious at first). I like to think that ampharos, the dashing wanderer he is, would switch between being causal and romantic.
• notp
anyone outside mawile, honestly.
• Random hc
Every society member has their own way dealing with ampharos navigation skills. Buizel ans bunnelby use water gun and tackle resoectively to push, archen flaps his wings to warn him, Swirlix (sometimes) sacrifice her food to lure him and Dedenne shocks him. The most succesful ones are usually Jirachi using his psychic powers (it takes a lot out of him) or mawils using her jaw (she gets embarassed doing it in public)
• Unpopular opinion
nor sure if I have an unpopular opinion, tbh. I guess the closest opinion would be his unserious nature, while not his best trait, adds a lot to his character and is fundamental to his personality. Its a flaw, just like his terrible navigation skills.
• Song I associate with them
I have ZERO clue lmao.
• Favourite picture
this one. 100%
Tumblr media
thank you for the ask!
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zooone · 6 months
hello!! I've just found your blog here and I've been really wanting to try and write for wilbur like you do!! though I'm new to writing, could you give me some tips on when you're new to writing? :DD
hi!!!! im so sorry it took me so long to answer this i was trying to gather up as many tips as i could ^_^ im sooo honored that youre asking for my help it makes me so happy!! here's a ton that ive learned just based off my experience, im no like professional and this is all just tips ive accumulated to my style over time 
–one, and i think this is the most crucial in a fanfic setting, but CAPTIVATE YOUR READERS!!! 
when i write, i try to replicate books as best as i can (more on that later), but this is the one thing that a book author could get away with that a fanfic writer cant. 
because your piece is only something that people will find through scrolling and its (more than likely) not a fully fledged book, people are more inclined to click off if you dont IMMEDIATELY captivate them. 
i often see people begin a fic with a couple paragraphs of context (and again this is absolutely no hate to anyone who does this, its just what ive found to work best) which can be interesting if done right, but chances are that readers wont enjoy it if you hand everything to them on a silver platter. they stay engaged when you keep them guessing or predicting. 
and i get thats difficult to do with just a tiny little blurb!! but when i write- no matter if its 100 words or 10k words, i ALWAYS start off with dialogue. quotation marks are the first thing that people are drawn to and i find it catches people's attention more when there's immediate action. 
the exception i have is with the gr!wilbur fic; i tried to set the scene a little bit without giving too much information, and then i started it with one of my favorite starters:
"he stomped away from her on the rooftop as she followed after him."
i remember researching "how to start a book" cuz i was so unmotivated with a blank space, and then i found a video that talked about a book (i cant find the video nor the book) that began with an intro along the lines of this. 
it seems so simple but it does so much. it introduces the main characters (gr!wilbur and angel), shows the setting (rooftop), and sets up a conflict that can keep readers engaged (why is he stomping away from her? why is she following?)
it was such an actually life changing thing to find and its just so creative. 
–two, make sure that youre making it clear whos talking!!
this is a bit more difficult if youre someone like me who doesnt like the you/your or even the i pronouns in fics (idk it just seems too personal to me, i like to think of the reader as a character in itself), but it is still equally as important to establish whose speaking in the text. 
look at the difference between;
"hey- i didn't expect a hello from you, but a thank you would at least be nice!" she yelled as he speed-walked away with his grumpy walk and stone shoulders. "i'm talking to you!"
"and i'm not," he grumbled, fiddling to put his hood back onto his head as a way of closing himself off. 
"just-" she flapped her wings, trying to be alongside him. "just have some gummy worms, please?" 
"hey- i didn't expect a hello from you, but a thank you would at least be nice!" she yelled as he speed-walked away with his grumpy walk and stone shoulders. "i'm talking to you!" "and i'm not," he grumbled, fiddling to put his hood back onto his head as a way of closing himself off. "just-" she flapped her wings, trying to be alongside him. "just have some gummy worms, please?" 
its the same words and the same text and the same dialogue but the second is just SO compressed and confusing to read "especially if you have a character talk like this" "and then another piece of dialogue with nothing in between" 
another thing i like to do to establish this is have alternating dialogue. this was difficult to do since gr wilbur isnt exactly the talkative type, but i wouldnt make angel speak in one paragraph, and then the next speak again. if that makes sense. 
like this;
"i want you to have them right now," she enunciated her words, crossing her arms and trying to copy his expression. she was fighting her usual bright smile under her pursed lips. "in front of me." 
"you look like you haven't been taking care of yourself," as she spoke through a pout, he could feel his face warming up, like tiny little punching bags beneath his skin. "i wanna make sure you're eating." 
its reallyyyy obvious that when there's a conversation, its two people speaking. and from just a reader's standpoint, i began to read the second pragraph as if it was wilbur speaking. which of course didn't make sense. 
so even if character 2 (wilbur in this case) doesnt speak, i try to add either a description (what are they doing? even if character 2 isnt responding, how are they reacting to character 1? whats their body language? facial language?) or a small tinyyyy bit of dialogue. 
–three, sometimes less is more!!! 
a lot of the times when i try to paint a picture, i end up over explaining things and the meaning of the words get lost when i use too many of them. 
you could have the most profound description thatll make readers wanna tug their hearts out, but if its too overused then it kinda loses its meaning. its like the dynamics of a song in the sense that the loud parts are only loud because there are super soft parts. 
heres an example i have from one of my older fics;
"Your teeth bit on the inside of your cheek as you sat down, more closer to the stage this time. Your knee rose and fell quickly as your leg bounced with nerve."
it may not seem like a lot, but chances are that people already understood the fact that the reader was nervous, so showing that she bit her lip AND was bouncing her leg was just counterintuitive. 
there are so many more examples of me doing this in the past but umm i dont wanna unearth those anymore
dont get me wrong; you should still add descriptors, but just dont overdo it. and sometimes i see people who have the opposite, in the sense that they dont have enough descriptors and its equally as confusing. so find a happy medium!! 
example of not enough;
"hi wilbur!" she spoke. 
"hi, angel," he responded. 
"how are you?" she smiled with a giggle. 
he sighed happily at her laughter. "i'm good."
im so guilty of this honestly and im so rusty cuz a huge factor of it is practice!!! 
–four, this kind of links to the last one, but Little Details. 
this might just be a personal preference, but i love little details When theyre done right!! 
one of my favorite people who does this is the infamous writer . u know her . u love her. @harbingerofheartbreak my very good friend 
i first noticed this in her fic, "archangel," soot;
"i know he's a prick. do you think i want him to teleport to me everytime i have a fucking mental breakdown?" you slammed the sponge down and turned to him, pointing a soapy finger.
reading the words "soapy finger" like actually changed my life in a way i didnt know was possible. just the adding of small details that arent just "she shrugged" or "he sighed", but instead adding to the setting and scene and adding special little details Without Overdoing It!!!
it just . ugh . i dont know if its just a writer noticing these small things, but i find it really cool how it adds so much and makes you really feel like the author put work into making those tiny little things. 
also another huge personal preference but i really love alliteration and play on words type stuff. i will always sneak in a little alliteration just to keep my work interesting with a certain flow to it. also (if your reader is anyone like me), putting a little alliteration adds emphasis and attention to certain things. 
its really really nice, but the accumulation of all these little details takes SO much attention and so much practice, so dont be frustrated if its difficult to think of on your first couple tries!! 
–five, dialogue!! 
i spoke about trying to replicate books as best as i can, and dialogue is one of the most important things in that sense. i often see fics who show expression through dialogue, and i used to do it too, but it just looks generally unprofessional (imo!!)
for example;
"WILBUR!!" she screamed. "WILBUR GIVE IT BACK!!!- I'LL KILL YOUUU!!"
wilbur laughed. "i-i dont... know what y-you're talking about..-! haha..."
"wilbur!" she yelped, suffocated through her laughter. her lungs betrayed her as she playfully slapped him. "wilbur give it back- ill kill you!" 
wilbur frantically looked around, his hands behind his back and his eyes wandering. "i dont- i dont know what youre talking about." he spoke, in a sing-song tone.
kinda an exaggeration but ive seen so many fics write dialogue like the first one and idk if its another personal preference, but it just doesnt seem really professional. and usually when you put all the emotion into dialogue like that, it takes away from the emotion you could incorporate into a character's actions or body language or even their thoughts. 
i try to avoid writing dialogue in all caps or with too much punctuation or stuttering, because again, less is more. but also dont do too little;
“see wilbur it wasn’t so difficult was it?” she giggled, and the noise stabbed wilbur a thousand times in the stomach.
“actually it was,” he bit the inside of his cheek, rocking back and forth on his heels with nervousness. “my bed is a literal stone i wish it were made out of feathers."
“see, wilbur? it wasn’t so difficult, was it?” she giggled, and the noise stabbed wilbur a thousand times in the stomach.
“actually, it was,” he bit the inside of his cheek, rocking back and forth on his heels with nervousness. “my bed is a literal stone. i wish it were made out of feathers."
it may seem minuscule, but things like this can ruin the flow of your work. what keeps me engaged as a reader is the plot or the writing style or the characters, not the fact that i have to slow down to remind myself whos talking or where they were supposed to pause when they spoke. that kinda stuff just unmotivates me to read it, if that makes sense. 
one of the most powerful things ever is foreshadowing and as above so below has a TON of it. idk if i can share examples cuz a lot of it is foreshadowing for the sequel, but i like to picture foreshadowing as a sort of inside joke. its special cuz it feels like a little secret between you and the author that only you know. it also shows that you have a coherent plan and youre not just writing on the fly. its professional and its personal. 
another huge thing is connecting. wrap the story up the same way you began it or make small nods to it as you go. 
in the beginning;
she had a lot of questions about wilbur. 
not the type of, "what's your favorite color?" or "what's your favorite band?" questions. more like, "on a scale of one to ten, how much does being a murderer really affect your mood?" 
all of these questions would go unanswered. including "what's your favorite band?" no matter what, she just could not crack the code of wilbur soot. 
to say he was intricate would be an understatement, and her ongoing curiosity would surely be the death of her. 
unless he had something to do about it. 
at a turning point;
“so, what’s your favorite color?” she asked in a light tone, licking at her ice cream.
a wave of dismay washed over his face. he couldn’t think. “t-teal?”
“really? i wouldn’t have guessed that,” she swung her legs beneath the bench, clearly unbothered by wilbur’s confusion. “you don’t really dress like a teal-lover. do you think the moon is real?" 
"no, bad question. hmm. what’s your favorite band?”
his heart fell into the pit of his stomach, thorns poking at his sides creating a terrible sting on his abdomen. he opened his mouth to speak- maybe cry and release his feelings; but nothing came up. not even an answer to her stupid question. it was nauseating. 
she began talking about the sort of music she liked, but none of it struck his brain. he felt sick. he wanted to scream and sob and punch something. but he sat still like he was posing for a renaissance painting.
at the end;
she still had a lot of questions for wilbur. 
not the type of, "what's your favorite color?" or "what's your favorite band?" questions. more like, "wilbur? hello? please help- this hurts- are you still there?" 
and she was starting to lose hope in the fact that those questions might be answered. 
one things for sure; her curiosity will be the death of her. 
unless he's got the courage to do something about it
even just the slight nod to the beginning gives your readers a reminder of everything, and drawing back to your beginning is like wrapping everythint up with a nice little bow ^_^
–seven, characterization and descriptors 
this could also connect to one of the previous tips, but Stop Describing Characters So Much when theyre introduced!! 
if you're introducing a character, dont give an entire paragraph to describing their height, eye color, hair color, clothes, etc. its boring and doesn't engage people and it messes up the flow. 
dont get me wrong, you can mention those things in quick passing so that your reader isnt confused (ie "his brown hair stood up, still clinging to the static electricity from his hat." or "her white dress went along with the patterns of the wind") but having just one big long paragraph like;
"wilbur was tall. very tall compared to everyone else. he had brown eyes and bushy eyebrows that carried his emotions. he wore a gray hood that sometimes covered his face. he wore a bag that slung across his torso. his brown hair was usually uncombed and messy. he had bags under his eyes."
its just generallt not interesting enough!! tell me about his body language; whats his posture look like? does he hold his head up high with confidence? is he slouched over in careless sadness? 
pick a signature trait for your character and make it THE most noticeable thing when theyre first introduced. 
angel is naive and optimistic? shes gonna sound stuck up and unrealistic to such an extent that its almost annoying. 
wilbur is grumpy? the first thing hes gonna do is be super duper mean and hurt everyones feelings 
quackitys a jokester? first thing he does is tell wilbur to literally take his shirt off 
there's such a power in establishing a character into a certain category and playing with that. think about their characterization; is this category gonna change? will it change positively or negatively? will it change quickly? what makes it change? why? theres SO much to he said about character arcs in itself. 
another huge thing about characterization is just being realistic. it doesnt really apply to au fics like gr!wilbur, but if youre writing a blurb about wilbur at a concert- im so sorry but there is barely a chance that hes gonna go up to one of his Fans and instantly fall in love with them. 
and everyone has a preference of course!! if thats your kind of jam, go ahead im not judging. but as a personal preference, i don't really enjoy it when the characters dont seem realistic or wilbur's dialogue is definitely not something that he would say. 
but again, at the end of the day, everyone has their preferences and by all means tweak your writing to YOUR standards!! write whatever makes you happy!! dont let some writer named zone let you dictate how to write and what you should or shouldnt write. it should all be with your own preference (and also respecting other peoples boundaries ofc) 
one of the biggest mistakes ive made as a writer was robotically writing, or in other words only writing so that i could Produce something and get a couple notes on tumblr and thats it. doing that is what made me fall out of love and with writing. 
aasb was the first fic i finished on my own accord, and of course i had friends like flore and carrie to push me on to continue, but i wrote it because it was an idea i loved. not because i wanted to post it for the people of tumblr. thats one of the beautiful things that flore taught me, whether it was unintentional or not, but its helped me so much. 
and a ton of these tips takes Time and Practice as everything unfortunately does. ive certainly improved my writing game since like 4 years ago from both reading and writing to pick up certain little traits that ive loved from other peoples works and incorporated it into my own style. 
i think the person whose had the most influence on my writing is. in fact. florence harbingerofheartbreak. and im not even saying that cuz shes my friend im genuinely so amazed by her work and her stuff is severely underrated 
and also this is only a fragment of tips, there are a plethora of actual professionals that could give out their tips but again at the end of the day its all what You Do. 
and by all means id loooove to read any of your works (not just this anon, any of your guys' works) so please please please dont be afraid to send em to me!! i hope these tips help ^_^
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