#though i have written like 3.5k tonight
schoopsahoy · 2 years
i’m finally onto writing the last part of this fic but like this last part could easily end up being another 5k words … when i tell y’all i’m TIRED
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andreafmn · 1 year
Speak | Chapter 10
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Word Count: 3.5K Story Description: Bella Swan was a disaster when Edward had left. Deciding she needed a little help, Charlie Swan receives with open arms his younger daughter (Y/N) Swan. She helps Bella during her depression and becomes inseparable from her long-lost friend Jacob. What she didn’t expect was falling for a hotheaded short-tempered silver wolf. Chapter: 10/? Warnings: emotional and mental abuse A/N: can't believe I finished this on schedule! the story everyone is obsessed with for some reason just got updated😂🤍 My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffee TikTok • Instagram • Business | MASTERLIST If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!  Taglists for Twilight get filled quick and Tumblr only lets me tag up to a certain point. Notifications are your best bet.
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Chapter 10
"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Jacob suddenly asked as the pair made their way to his truck. "It's already so late and I don't wanna make the drive back to Forks right now."
"Uh, sure, that sounds great," she said, trying to contain her excitement. A surge of happiness took over her as she witnessed Jake trying. He was trying to keep them together, at least that's what it looked like to her. "I'll just let dad know."
"Yeah, sure."
After she had settled on the center of the seat, Jacob helped his father into the truck, stepping out to say goodbye to his friends.
"I'll let you know that there won't be any funny business under my roof, (Y/N)," Billy smiled teasingly. "Though I am glad that Jacob is seemingly trying to turn over a new leaf this new year."
"I promise we'll do nothing but sleep, Billy," she chuckled. "And I also hope this is a new start for Jake and me. That everything that happened stays in the past and we can just give it our all in this relationship."
"If it is meant to be, (Y/N), the universe will find a way," he said as mystically as he always spoke. "You deserve happiness, my child."
"People keep saying that," she responded, her eyes growing far more interested in the skin of her fingers. "Does no one think that Jake can make me happy?"
"That's not what I'm saying, (Y/N)," he smiled, his hand falling on top of the one she was picking. "All I am saying is that if the love and happiness that you deserve is with Jacob, then the universe will allow it."
"And if not?"
"Then, your paths will always align."
"Then let's hope that what's written on the stars is in our favor." And as she said that she didn't know if she was wishing that to convince him or to convince herself.
The three of them rode back to the Black residence in a comfortable silence. The sounds of the woods and the whistling of the wind filled their quiet. She wondered what they said. If they whispered words of encouragement or if they taunted her downfall. She wanted to believe it was the former, because the latter would wreck her.
"Well, you two. I trust that you will behave yourselves since you're under my roof," Billy told them, eyeing the teenagers suspiciously. "And don't start getting used to these sleepovers. This is only because it's already two in the morning and we are all tired."
"Dad," Jacob grumbled. "Just go to bed already."
"Ooh, never thought I'd be shooed away in my own home," the man chuckled. "But I will leave you two. Not because you told me so, but because I am tired. Good night, kids."
"Night, dad."
"Good night, Billy."
Billy rolled away to his bedroom, turning in for the night. He left the couple standing in the living room, a heavy and tense air blowing between them. They had yet to acknowledge everything that had happened between them, much less finally putting it to rest.
"Uh, I'll get you some clothes and you can shower first if you want," Jacob mumbled as he walked into his room before coming out with a folded t-shirt and some sweatpants. "Might be a bit big on you, but it's better than nothing. There're extra towels under the sink."
"Sure," she smiled. "Thanks."
There was still remnant awkwardness between them as they tried to waltz around unspoken words. She locked herself in the bathroom, finally allowing herself to breathe. Fresh start is what she told herself. Over and over again she told herself that they were having a fresh start. As she showered and cleaned away Paul's touch and the thought of him, she had to believe it.
Jacob was who she had always wanted. The boy she had grown up with, the one she had never forgotten. Still, her mind wondered what would have happened if Paul had been the one she had met first. If he had been the boy that was in her mind for the almost sixteen years she had been alive. Maybe she would have been standing in his bathroom instead of Jake's. Maybe she would have been wearing his oversized t-shirt.
"Hey," Jacob called softly from the living room as she opened the bathroom door. "Come here."
(Y/N) walked down the hallway to where he was, a smile stretching on her face as she was met with what Jake had done while she showered.
He had pushed aside the wooden coffee table that lived between the sofas and placed in its stead plush blankets and pillows, a pair of hot chocolate mugs in front of the fireplace. His long, wet hair was plaited back, and he had changed into pajamas. And he was waiting for her.
"What's all this?" (Y/N) smiled.
"I think it's about time we put things to rest already, (Y/N)," he said, patting the pace in front of him. "I don't like fighting with you."
"I don't like it either," she sighed contentedly as she sank into the warmth of his body, his arms wrapping around her. "I like things when they're like this. When we're together and happy."
"I know, and I want it to be like this all the time. But it can't be when I hear you're running around with Paul," he reminded her. His tone was soft, but his words were as snipping as a snake's bite. "I just can't stand the guy and it's embarrassing when it happens in front of the town."
"Jake, I..."
"Don't worry, baby, that's all in the past. As long as you promise not to see him again, (Y/N). I don't want you to fall into his trap."
(Y/N) couldn't remain quiet for long. She knew it would only work to anger him. But how could she promise something she didn't want to do? Something that her gut told her was wrong. "Of course," she lied. "I promise. Paul is a thing from the past."
"That's what I like to hear," he smiled before he turned her head to kiss her. "We need to focus more on us. Focus on our relationship."
"I would love that," she beamed. "I want this to work, Jake. I want us to work."
"Then let's," he smirked.
Jake attached his mouth to her neck, nipping at a spot that took her breath away. His hand held her head back, gripping her jaw. He took in her scent, the warmth of her skin, the sounds from her mouth. All as he imagined...
"Stop, Jake," she said, her voice treading between a moan and a chuckle. "Your dad is literally down the hall."
"He's a heavy sleeper," he chuckled against her skin. "He'll never know."
"No, Jake." She separated from him; a playful grin splayed on her mouth as she turned to face him. "Not here. Not now."
"Ugh, fine," he groaned, falling on his back. "Then, I guess we'll just sleep."
"Yes," she mused, crawling over his body and planting a soft kiss on his lips. "But together."
Jacob wrapped his arms around her and chuckled, positioning both of them comfortably on a blanket and draping another over them. Her body curled into his, his arms wrapped around her waist as he spooned her.
"We'll have to talk about taking things to the next level," he said against her ear, his breath tickling her skin. "I think it might cement everything between us."
"And I think you need to take a breather, Jacob," she chuckled. "We just got to a good place. Let's take things as they go."
"Ugh, fine," he muttered jokingly. "Then, let's just go to sleep."
"Alright, Jake. Good night."
"Night, (Y/N)."
If every night after was like this one, maybe it was the universe's way of telling her that Jake was the one. Laying there, wrapped in his arms, she could let herself believe that the tides were changing. That at the end of the day, Jacob would choose her. Maybe, just maybe.
"I can't believe she went home with him," Paul groaned, punching a nearby tree. The way the bark splintered helped ease his anger for a second, but the burning pain inside his chest remained. "I don't know what else I can do to make her understand what a shitty guy he is."
"You know there is," Jared teased. "You could always tell her how you feel and why."
Paul's stoic stare was clear even in the darkness of the night. He knew Jared was right. The more he pursued her without telling her the reason why, the harder it would be to explain his behavior. "You know I can't, dude," he grumbled. "I don't wanna put her in the middle of all of this bull."
"It's not that bad, man," the boy offered. "Look at me and Kim. She knows and nothing has happened to her."
"Yeah, she also liked you before you were a shapeshifting freak," he joked. "And look at Emily. She's forever scarred because didn't have a grasp on what was happening."
"Come on, you know that was an exception, Paul. What happened to her was a very unfortunate accident. But an accident, nonetheless. There's really no reason for you to be running from (Y/N)."
"Look how much shit happened to Bella in so little time, Jared. And it all started when she found out the truth about the Cullens," Paul said. "I don't know what I would do if I made (Y/N) go through any of that because of what I am."
"So you're gonna continue brooding and make our lives miserable? Just tell her, man. Maybe she'll fall in love with you and turn that frown upside down."
Paul picked up a stick and threw it at Jared's head, laughing as the other boy tried to duck but failed to; the piece of wood bouncing off his forehead. "You'll have to put up with me for a lot longer then," he laughed, swallowing the sadness that threatened to overtake him. "I just don't think I have it in me to do that to her. She deserves to be safe and happy."
"Even if it's with Jacob?"
"Unfortunately, that decision is hers to make," he sighed. "I just wish she didn't have to get hurt in the process."
Jared remained quiet for a second. He stared as his pack brother paced before him, his mind too quiet aside for the sporadic image of (Y/N). But even if he didn't say it, he could feel Paul's sadness. He could feel the tug in his chest that called him to go to her. He had felt it too. Every time Kim had to go to a family dinner or visit family out of state, he felt like someone had taken his heart off his chest and sent it away.
But (Y/N) was so close. All he had to do was have one tough conversation and he could soften the grasp of the claws that covered his heart. "What are you so afraid of, Paul?" Jared finally said. "I know you say you don't want to hurt her and all that, but there's something else. Isn't there?"
Paul stared at his friend, wondering if he was that transparent. "I've never been a, uh, a relationship guy. Haven't had the best role models," he confessed. "I guess I think that if I let myself get close to her, I won't be able to handle when she inevitably goes. Because at the end of the day, everyone leaves."
"Not everyone, Paul. We're still here."
"Because you have to be," he shrugged. "If you had the chance to go, you would take it. And don't try denying it."
"Come on, man. You're my friend. More than that, you're my brother," Jared reassured. "But, sure, if I had the chance to leave the rez one day, I would take it. But that doesn't mean I would leave my friends behind. Much less, family."
"Jared, we wouldn't have even spoken to each other had it not been because of the shift. I'm not that delusional to think otherwise."
"Regardless of how or why it happened, life brought us together, Paul. And whether you like it or not, you're my brother now," the boy smiled, draping his arm over Paul's shoulders. "Now, you need to let that girl prove that she would stick by you as well. And it starts by having that difficult conversation you're so scared to have. She's desperate for a reason, dude. All you have to do is tell her."
"She's going to think I'm crazy, J. That I'm making up stories to get her away from Jake," Paul whined. "Why would she believe that there are shapeshifting wolves roaming around the reservation protecting humans from threats? And what if she goes to her sister with the story? Then Bella will know about vampires and shapeshifters, and it'll just add more shit on top of the mess we're dealing with."
"How about you stop overthinking yourself into the ground and finally grow some balls?" Jared teased. "Don't think of what might happen and live in the moment. I know last year's Paul would've had the courage to ask her out. Jacob or no Jacob."
"I technically already asked her out once, and it ended up with me, by myself, in the diner," he reminded his friend, red flooding his cheeks as he recalled the embarrassing moment. "This is not just about inviting the prettiest girl in school to the prom. This is about telling someone that everything they had believed is not real. It's telling her that it doesn't matter what she might have wanted, that something out in the universe decided that we are bonded for life. It's telling a girl like her that she's stuck with a guy like me."
"Man, I can't keep trying to convince you that you are a good guy," Jared sighed. "I'm not saying you're the gods' gift to mankind. Certainly not the you from a year ago. But you're not that guy anymore. You're not even the same guy from six months ago. So, it's time to pick yourself up and do what you have to do. Stop moping about this and do something."
(Y/N) woke up with warm arms wrapped around her and a pang in her chest she didn't understand. She was supposed to feel happy. She was supposed to wake up that New Year's Day with an overwhelming amount of joy and the sense that things were finally on the right path. Instead, there was an aching void in her heart that was trying to eat at her insides.
It was the same void that had started festering since that fateful night at the bonfire. The one that seemed to calm whenever the fluke was around. The one that called out his name and she had let go on deaf ears.
That pang filled her with guilt. As she lay in Jacob's arms, she felt guilty that her head was thinking of another guy. And it was a guy she barely knew. A boy that she had no business thinking about, much less dreaming about.
But she couldn't help it. She couldn't forget the softness of his hands against her skin, the brightness of his smile as he looked at her, the glimmer in his eyes when he listened to her. She couldn't get him out of her head.
And as if by divine intervention, the very constant thought appeared in Jacob's window. He knocked softly, motioning for her to go outside. (Y/N) couldn't believe he was there, much less that Jacob had yet to wake up. But what was harder to fathom was the fact that she was tiptoeing to the front door dragging a blanket with her.
"What are you doing here, Paul?" (Y/N) said as she closed the door behind her, wrapping the fabric tighter around her body. "If Jacob sees you here, he'll kill you."
"I thought I was supposed to be playing nice with him," he grinned teasingly. "What if I was here to extend a truce?"
"It wouldn't have mattered because he made me promise him that I wouldn't see you again," she whispered. "So, imagine what he will do if he sees you here right now."
"And did you?"
"What? Did I what?"
"Did you promise him, (Y/N)?" Paul asked sadly. "Is this your way of telling me that you're cutting ties with me?"
"No, of course not," she quickly replied. "I mean, I did promise him. But I never intended to keep it. I would just find a way to keep you two separate."
"So, what? I'd just be your dirty little secret?" he replied, anger clear in his tone. "Yeah, no, thanks. I'd rather take my chances with other friendships."
"What did you want me to say, Paul? Did you want me to tell my jealous boyfriend that I wanted to maintain a friendship with the one guy he seems to despise more than anything?" (Y/N) spoke through gritted teeth. "Would you have wanted me to tell Jake that I wanted to spend time with a guy he was close to dragging into the middle of town and beating the living daylights out of him? Sure, that would have ended great for me."
"Why would you wanna be with a guy like that, (Y/N)? If you're that afraid of his reaction over something as small as a friendship, what do you think will happen if something bigger happens?"
"He only reacts that way with you, and I don't get why," she sighed. "And I wanna be with him because I... because... because I..."
"Why, (Y/N)? Tell me!"
"Because I love him, Paul," she cried, shame cracking her voice. "I've been waiting for this chance for the better part of my life. I've been in love with him for as long as I've known what it was. And he wants me back, Paul. He wants me. And I'm not giving up at the first sign of hardship. So, if you really want to be my friend then you're gonna have to live with that."
"What if I don't?" Paul grumbled, his voice low and hurt. He got closer to her. So close she could feel how warm his body was, even through the blanket. "What if I can't stand around and watch as he mistreats you? Someone that loves you would never treat you like that."
"Don't make this harder than it already is, Paul," she whispered, warm tears falling down her cheeks. "For some reason I want you in my life. But I won't screw up what I just started with Jacob for a friend."
"I just don't wanna see you like this," he said, wiping away the tears with the pad of his thumbs. "You deserve to be happy, but not when it has rules and regulations like this. You should be allowed to still be yourself when you're in a relationship."
"Listen, (Y/N)," he sighed. "I can't tell you what to do, nor would I want to. But I can't just watch in the sidelines as he treats you like shit when you deserve someone that will worship the ground you walk on."
"What are you saying, Paul?" (Y/N) croaked. "Are you saying you won't be my friend if I stay with Jacob?"
"(Y/N), I'm saying that I won't keep quiet if he keeps mistreating you."
"He doesn't," she said, but she knew it wasn't convincing. She didn't even believe it herself. "He just... he's just passionate, I guess."
"Then can you promise me something?" Paul sighed, his eyes glossing with tears. "If he ever –and I mean ever—gets physical with you, even as much as lifts his hand at you, you will tell me. The second it happens, you call me."
"I don't think it'll come to that," she forced a smile. "He would never put his hands on me."
"Just, please, (Y/N). Promise me and don't lie to me."
"Alright," she said, looking straight into the brown of his eyes. "I promise, Paul."
"I'll make sure you're always safe," he promised. His hand had not fallen from her face, his thumb caressing over her cheekbone. "No one is going to hurt you, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) had no idea why, but she believed every word he said. So, she promised. And, unlike with Jacob, she intended to keep it.
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liamlawsonlesbian · 9 months
jo liamlawsonlesbian's f1 fics
because I didn't join f1blr until several months after I started writing f1 fic, I thought I would make a masterlist of what I've written for this fandom thus far
(why now? because I'm procrastinating, of course)
In the order I wrote them:
when we're cheek to cheek (i feel it in my teeth): Max Verstappen has become a little obsessed with Charles Leclerc's neck. The day after Monaco 2023, Max and Charles go for a drive. - lestappen, 1.8k, rated M.
baby, why don't you come over?: Max sends Charles a drunken booty call, even though they're just friends. The next day, when they're sober, Charles calls his bluff. - lestappen, 3.4k, rated E
maybe the sky might not always be blue: Once upon a time, Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc were on a short-lived Disney Channel show together, and Max had a crush on Charles. Now, they're successful adult actors, and Charles is cast as Max's love interest in a movie. - lestappen, 8.8k, rated T
powerful, with a little bit of tender: Pierre wants to make Yuki feel good. - yukierre, 2.1k, rated E
"Lance Moi" (n): Deux Moi but Good, Actually: Frustrated with the unseriousness of Deux Moi, Lance starts an F1 gossip account. (Saw Leclerc in Monaco - Anon pls). - lance & everyone, 3.5k, rated G
canine teeth in the side of my neck: Charles starts biting Max when Max wins races. Max might spiral, a bit. (alt-2024 season) - lestappen, 7.2k, rated E
would have loved you (in a day or two): Yuki tells Pierre that in another universe, they're in love. Pierre can't stop thinking about Other Pierre and Yuki. - yukierre, 2.2k, rated E
no such friend: Charles is in his head, and asks Max to fuck him out of it. It goes differently than he expects. - lestappen, 2.9k, rated E
i can feel the sun on you: Charles is a prince under pressure. Alex is an aspiring novelist trying to make ends meet. They find each other in Buenos Aires. (Chalex Roman Holiday AU). - chalex, 12k, rated T
i don't wanna miss you tonight: Before the Las Vegas Grand Prix, Fernando sends Max a tiktok compilation highlighting how comfortable Charles is touching Max. Max can't stop thinking about it. - lestappen, 1.8k, rated T
are you down? (can you let me know): Oscar doesn't want to feel like a rookie anymore. He decides to fuck Fernando Alonso about it. - oscar/fernando, 2.5k, rated E
you don't have to know that it's haunted: Charles is a witch. Max finds out. - lestappen, 8.3k, rated T
still high (with a little feeling): Lando has a revelation about himself. Yuki helps him out. - tsando, 4.4k, rated T
grow the apple, keep all the seeds: Nico Rosberg, second ever female WDC, visits Charles the day before her first grand prix weekend. - rule 63 charles/nico, 2k, rated E
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piedpiperslists · 1 year
JJK: Soulmates AU
List of all Jungkook fics under 'Soulmates' AU:
* ² - two shots s - contains smut
* Last updated: 18/02/2024
[drabble] by 1kook friends to lovers Summary: Your soulmate smells like your favorite food and Jungkook is too dumb to make the connection.
[drabble] by kidguk Summary: “I’m never letting you out of my sight ever again.”
[drabble] by kidguk Summary: Good love will find me.
[drabble] by kidguk reincarnation au Summary: You’ve got a pocketful of reasons why (you’re here tonight).
Heartbeat by serinic angst Summary: A world where you can hear your soulmate's heartbeat.
“I’ll wait.” by seoulnotes princess!reader, reincarnation au
Is It Just A Dream? by tinylint strangers to lovers, idol au Summary: Jungkook keeps seeing a face in his dreams - but does he believe in soulmates?
Lost (Myself) & Found (You) by taephilia Summary: Based off of 'Kimi No Na Wa'.
* Mine by sugaurora angst, dragon!Jungkook Summary: Though you may fight against the inescapable bond between you and your mate Jungkook, it’s only as the lights are leaving your eyes that you realize: you truly never want to be without him.
All’s Fair by kimvtae s wc~13k / ft KTH, boyfriend!Taehyung, college au, polyamory au Summary: They say soul mates get their marks on the same day, and you’ve been dating Taehyung for almost four years now, but it isn’t his name that shows up on your wrist. It’s Jeon Jungkook’s, also known as your least favorite person in the world.
Dumb Pink Bunny (I Love You So) by jinjikook wc~8k / strangers to lovers Summary: When you awoke with a mysterious tattoo on your side, you had to figure out where it came from. Unfortunately, life had other plans for you as you were forced to put the hunt on hold to work your day job. Luckily, fate has something in store for you while you’re there.
Falling by starshapedkookie s wc~31.4k / college au Summary: soulmate (noun): a person who is bound to another through the strongest level of emotional and physical connection. one is given a name on the body upon 18 years of age and any transgressions against the laws of soul-bonding will not occur without harm.
Habits of a Broken Heart by softykooky wc~26.3k / art student!Jungkook, English student!reader, subtle enemies to lovers Summary: Jungkook and you are soulmates. So says the matching crescent moons on both your wrists. However, things are never as easy as they seem, and you are quick to learn that falling in love with someone who does not believe in love is a one-way ticket to heartbreak. Alternatively, “you still are, you know. Worth it.” You release a shaky breath. “but I was stupid to think that I am too.”
How Long Will We Fall by jiminrings wc~14k / friends to lovers Summary: If it’s fate, it should already be set onto your skin — that’s why Jungkook’s initials are already on your finger. He’s always there for you, but not only for you. If you’re his fate, he’d rather not have it. Alternatively, Jungkook’s your soulmate, but he doesn’t want to be.
Moonlight by yeoldontknow wc~7.8k / friends to lovers Summary: You’ve been friends with Jungkook all your life, curious about one another’s soulmates in youth only to be jaded by the thought in adulthood. Eventually, you realize you’ve loved him through and beyond the idea, and decide that fate doesn’t get a say in who you choose.
Mountebank by kidguk wc~3.5k Summary: Soulmate AU featuring Jimin, in which you’ve been waking up next to your soul-enemy and running from your soul-mate. Figure that mess out, will you?
The Lucky Ones by today-we-will-survive wc~19k / university au
When Two Worlds Crash Together by army-author wc~2.6k / angst, parallel universes au
Written in the Stars by jcwriting wc~10.4k / werewolf au Summary: Being soulmates with a werewolf? Pretty easy. Being Jungkook’s soulmate? The easiest thing in the world. There’s only one teensy tiny problem. He doesn’t want to fuck you.
T W O S H O T S / S E R I E S
Make You Mine ² by colormepurplex2 s enemies to lovers, A/B/O au Summary: Alphas might rule the world, but Jungkook finds himself being ruled by the need to make you his.Omegas are rare, precious, and pliant. At least, most are. When you present late, well into your twenties, you’re already set in your headstrong ways; a challenge even for a commanding alpha like Jungkook. Add to that the centuries-long feud between your families and the last thing anyone expected was for him to claim you as his soulmate.
Redefining Destiny by threeletterslife enemies to lovers Summary: You were convinced you were in love with him. A former member of the mafia in the states, that is. It was true love. Destiny. Until one day you wake up with a memory lapse; then that love is replaced with hatred. The thought of marriage is substituted with revenge. If your love with Jeon Jungkook really was destiny, you’d fall head over heels in love again. But if only he weren’t such a hot, goading asshole.
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soseojade · 2 years
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A LITERAL MURDERER - A Changbin Mafia Series - Part 2
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago and I’m not super proud of it. I have a few more parts written, not sure if I’ll finish it :)
Warnings: mentions of mafia, violence, mentions of murder, pet names such as “angel, beautiful,” swearing, anxiety. Let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 3.5k
Genre: strangers to lovers, mafia
This work is written in first person (uses I, me, my).
Part 1
“So what are we doing tonight, beautiful?” I grabbed his hand that was held out to me to get up, trying to muster up an answer to his question. I did not want to take some murderer to a party with lots of people to kill. There was no way I could trust him not to kill me or someone else. Why was he acting so nice to me? What were his plans? And there would be “problems” if I tried to run away?
I didn’t realize I was just standing there, imagining him shooting up the bar I was supposed to be at, until he grabbed my shoulder, which made me jump.
“Sorry, I just wanted to get your attention. Look, there’s no reason to be afraid. The gun is empty and in my bag-“
“But you’ll kill me if I try to run away.” My voice sounded surprisingly stronger that time. Why was he apologizing every time he scared me, and why was I letting it make me more comfortable around him?
“When the hell did I say that? I said we would have problems. Like I would be mad and have to chase you down problems. Not I’ll fucking kill you problems. I’m not going to hurt you, okay?”
“But it’s not just the gun. You could easily with just your hands-“
“Well what do you want me to do? Not have hands?!”
“…. ,“ I thought about it for a minute. It would be very convenient if he didn’t have hands. “Actually, yes, that would be nice.” I answered in a small voice.
He rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine.” He lifted his arms so I could see the palms of his hands, then he slowly shoved them deep into his pockets, making sure I was paying careful attention. “There, I won’t take them out until you tell me I can. Good?”
Was he really going to let me control the use of his hands? “Okay, I guess that works, but you have to promise.”
“I don’t make promises.” His voice was firm, but then his expression softened after he saw my face drop, “Yet, I suppose, I’ll make an exception since I literally can not make you feel safe around me any other way. I promise I will not take my hands out of my pockets until you say I can. Okay, beautiful?”
Without realizing, I smiled. He was letting me boss him around. HIM! The scariest man I had ever seen! “Okay, and stop calling me that.”
“Not a chance.”
“It was worth a shot?”
He laughed, and I continued smiling. He was actually very handsome despite all the blood and dirt that was on his face. His smile was genuine, and his laugh was wholesome and contagious. I was getting used to him dangerously quickly-
“Okay, I know you don’t want to take me to that party of yours,” he started walking out of the alley, and signaled me to follow. Afraid of what would happen if I didn’t comply, I followed. “I think I know a good place we can go though. You like ice cream, angel?”
“Yeah, I guess.” Exiting the alley, I felt a strong wind hit my exposed skin. Being night time in the spring, it was freezing.
Changbin observed as I folded my arms and rubbed my hands on them to keep them warm. “You cold?”
“Uhh, no, it’s fine.”
“Okay, the walk is quick anyway.”
We walked for a couple minutes in silence, traveling through a maze of alleys on wet, dark, cobblestone streets. The sky was so pitched black that you couldn’t see anything if it weren’t for the moon and the streetlights. Changbin walked ahead of me, so I got to get a good look at him the whole time. He was covered in blood, bruises, and dirt. I wondered what he did. Was he a serial killer? Did he work alone, or with other people? Was he in some sort of gang? Wait, why was he okay with going to get ice cream covered in blood?
“Umm, Changbin?”
“Yes, beautiful?”
“What if people see, like, that you have blood all over yourself?”
“I’ll tell them it’s none of their business, give them a good punch in the face, and go about my day?” He looked down at his clothes with a confused face. He mumbled too quietly for me to hear, “it’s not all over me.”
“You can’t punch them with your hands in your pockets.”
He looked back up. “Then a good kick? You know, y/n, you’re very thorough.”
“You’re okay with just going into an ice cream place like that then?”
“Oh, did I not mention that I own the place?”
“You own an ice cream shop and you kill people?”
“No, not the shop. I own the building. And I don’t just kill people.”
“Oh.” So does that mean he’s part of a mafia? Like a gang or something? I had heard that they own various buildings and businesses for drug deals and meetings and stuff. But I thought that was just clubs and bars? Why an ice cream shop?
It was getting colder, and I could feel my teeth chattering. Changbin stopped walking.
“What?” I asked, stopping behind him.
“Okay, open the biggest zipper of my bag. There should be a jacket in there somewhere.”
He trusted me to look in his personal bag? There was probably all kinds of illegal shit in there. I opened my mouth to start speaking, but he interrupted before I could say anything. “No, it’s not all covered in blood.”
“Good,” I laughed. I started to open the zipper when he stopped me.
“Wait! Be careful, I think I have a knife floating around in there. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“You keep knives in your backpack where you also keep clothes?”
“Well, where do you keep your knives?”
I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have knives other than in the kitchen, so I just stayed quiet and zipped open the pocket.
My curiosity got the better of me, and I started to look at the things he stored in his bag. Surprisingly, it was just bandages, water, the empty gun, a knife, a box of probably bullets, a jacket, PILLS?! “Oh my god, do you have drugs in here?”
He giggled again and turned his body around to look at me. “Relax, it’s just Aspirin for headaches. So judgmental!”
I didn’t notice that I was judging him. “Oh, I- I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was-“
“Oh, no, it’s okay. I-“ he bit his lip and looked away from me. “It’s cute.”
I cleared my throat in attempts to make myself forget what he just said, and the butterflies it gave me. “Okay, well, turn back around. I want the jacket.”
“Okay, but be really careful taking it out. There are some things in there that I can’t lose. Make sure the knife doesn’t fall out of the bag because that would be really bad because people could see it and that would raise suspicion. And be careful! I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself on the kni-“
“Oh, hell, Changbin!” I put my hands on his shoulders and turned him around to face me. “Just take your hands out of your pockets and get it for me. It’s dark out here and I can’t see anyway.”
“You sure?”
“You really trust me to take them out?”
I froze again. Did I trust him? I just saw him kill someone, yet, he was so casual with me that he made it seem like we’d been friends for years. I forgot about what happened to easily due to his carefulness. I looked around, and there were a few people in sight: a young couple holding hands and laughing across the street, and a few people walking by themselves. He wouldn’t hurt me with people around. Right? He said himself that he wasn’t going go hurt me, but could I really trust that he was telling the truth? I looked up at him. He looked right back at me patiently with soft, caring eyes. I studied his face as he studied mine. There was no way in hell he could fake such a calming and careful expression. He didn’t have this look on his face when we first saw each other, either. I took a deep breath and answered his question, “….Yes.”
He smiled, as if he was proud of himself, then took his hands out of his pockets, slipped off his bag, and placed it on the ground. He crouched down to look through the contents of his bag, and carefully took the jacket out. It was less of a jacket; much fancier looking. Like a blazer. A sports coat? It was black, not stained with blood, and it actually looked very expensive.
He stood back up and gently placed the fabric over my shoulders. “There you are, beautiful.”
“Thank you,” I said while he zipped back up his bag and started walking again. I followed him. His jacket was very warm and soft, and smelled of sweet, expensive cologne. I hugged it tightly as we continued walking.
Changbin finally stopped when we reached a door in the middle of a random alley. It was sketchy-looking. The building walls were made from brick, and the door was supposed to be white, but it had been stained brown at the bottom from probably mold. There was a single light fixture just above the door, and the bulb flickered every few seconds. This clearly wasn’t the main entrance.
Changbin opened the door all the way, and held his arm out to signal me to go in first. “Ladies first?” The door lead to the space behind a bar, and on the bar were tubs of ice cream. There were some workers and a few customers inside. Changbin looked at me and waited for me to go in.
“No, you go in. Ladies not first.”
He laughed quietly. “Okay, but it’s really not that scary.”
He walked inside, and I followed as he continued holding the door opened for me. He stepped up to one of the workers, and whispered something in their ear. They immediately told all the customers that the shop closed and they needed to leave. Unsurprisingly, the worker looked terrified. Changbin thanked them, and the workers and the customers left the building. He walked back over to me, who was awkwardly standing by the door.
“What was that for?”
“You didn’t want people to see us with blood all over ourselves?”
“I guess that’s fair.”
“So,” he walked over to the bar, where a plethora of ice cream flavors was held, “what’s your favorite flavor?”
“Ummm,” I walked over to see what kinds they had. There were the classic chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, but there was also probably every type of fruit, coffee, cinnamon, gingerbread, and the list went on and on. “I like vanilla.”
“What? You’re crazy!”
Everyone always made fun of me for liking vanilla. I guess it was the fear that was built up inside me that night that caused me to overreact and snap at him. “I’m crazy? I'm not the person who dumps a body in a bin like he does it everyday!” I didn’t realize how loud I was being.
“You trying to get me caught, beautiful?” He smirked, not seeming a bit afraid that someone might have heard me.
I ignored his question, still offended, “What's wrong with liking vanilla?”
“I don’t know, it’s kinda… boring?”
I rolled my eyes.
“Okay, vanilla it is. Just for you.” He reached out to grab a large cup, then took the largest scooper, and filled the cup full and then some. “This good?” He looked at me and showed me the over-filled cup.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” He handed it to me, and then took my hand and started walking. “What are you doing?”
“Getting you to follow me to a table.”
The inside of the building was actually quite nice. The brick walls were painted white, and there were colorful light fixtures above every table. The whole shop had a cute romantic theme to it: every table had a small vase with one rose, the walls had heart patterns and paintings on them, and the chairs were pink and white to tie everything together.
Once we reached a random table, Changbin pulled out a chair for me. Not wanting to admit that I found it super sweet, I argued, “I can pull out my own chair.”
“You can also say thank you,” he argued back with a a smile.
I sighed, and sat down. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure, angel.” He pushed in my chair, and sat down across from me. “Oh, shit, wait.” He got up, and walked back behind the bar to get something. He came back with two spoons. “Mind if we share?”
“Sure, I can’t eat all of this by myself. You put way too much in.”
“I thought you could use an excessive amount to drown out some of the traumatic stuff you saw tonight. I’m sorry, by the way. I never intended for anyone to hear that.”
“Well duh.”
He giggled at my answer and dug into our cup of ice cream. As we started to eat, I felt slightly uneasy. The thought that I was with a murderer reoccurred to me. He was so kind, I practically forgot. My legs shook slightly as I replayed the events of the night in my head.
Of course, Changbin saw this. “Hey, look at me.” I met his eyes. They were gentle and kind, as if it was the biggest deal in the world to him. “I will not hurt you,” he reached for my hand under the table and I slightly flinched. “don’t do that, beautiful,” he looked at me, even more worried.
I took a deep breath. “Sorry, I just-“
“No, it’s okay. I know you’re probably rethinking everything right now. But I need you to stay with me. Remember that I have not and I will not hurt you. You’re gonna get to go home tonight, and I’ll make sure you’re safe with not one scratch on you. I promise.” I squeezed his hand, and took some time to reestablish my breathing. We sat there in silence for a while, until I finally started to feel a little bit better.
“I really like these roses on the table. They’re my favorite flower; I always loved how beautifully the petals form a little design.”
Changbin smiled, happy that I was feeling a bit more comfortable. “They’re not as beautiful as you.”
“That’s the cringey-est shit I’ve ever heard.”
“It’s true. Did I tell you that you look so amazing in my jacket?” He bit his lip. “You know, you should just keep it.”
I realized I was still holding his hand, and let go. “This? I can’t keep this. There’s no way it wasn’t like… three thousand dollars.”
He shrugged. “It looks better on you though.”
I could feel my face getting red, and I desperately avoided his gaze. “Can you stop flirting with me right now? I literally saw you kill someone like 30 minutes ago.”
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I was flirting.” I looked back at him to find him smirking. I looked at him with an unamused expression. He winked at me.
“You’re impossible.”
“Okay, if it’s really making you uncomfortable, I’ll stop.”
“Thank you.” Did I really want him to stop though?
“Do you really want me to stop though?”
It was like he could read my mind. I stayed quiet for a few seconds and took a bite of ice cream. “Can we not talk about this, like, right after I saw you kill someone?”
“Oh my God, stop bringing that up like it’s such a big deal.”
“Changbin! It IS a big deal! You literally took someone’s life away. You can’t act like it was nothing when you literally-“
“Look, I have my reasons, okay? You don’t know the whole story.”
“What is the whole story then, hmm? What good reason could you possibly have to kill somebody?”
“Y/n, please don’t make me talk about this right now. I just wanted to take you here to calm you down.”
“So, what you’re saying is, you don’t trust me enough to tell me.”
Frustrated, he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. “You know damn well that’s not what I’m saying. Just eat your ice cream and shut the hell up.”
We stayed quiet for a really long time. My mind raced while we finished the ice cream together. Why did he kill that man? I probably shouldn’t have gotten so nosy. I raised my voice at him, which was risky. What if he hates me now? What if he wants to kill me? I could feel a few tears build up in my eyes.
“Changbin, I didn’t mean to make you upset, I’m so sor-“
“Stop, it’s my fault,” he didn’t sound very sorry though. Talking a deep breath, he stood up and walked over to my side of the table. He could see that I was about to cry, and placed his hand on my back. “let me walk you home, angel.” His voice was calmer this time.
Both of us stayed quiet as we got up and left the shop. I couldn’t help but think about what was going to happen now. He still said “angel,” but he wasn’t saying anything else, and he didn’t apologize. Maybe if I just didn’t say anything, he wouldn’t get any more mad.
Once we were outside, I realized that I had to tell him where my apartment was. “You lead the way,” he didn’t sound mad at me. Maybe it wasn’t that big of a deal. I was probably just overthinking again. But now I had to tell him where I live? My body started to shake again. I lived in an apartment building, so if I just refused to take him inside, maybe I’d be safe. Considering that maybe he didn’t work alone, though, he could have his connections. I told him earlier that I trusted him, but he got so defensive about killing that man, and… did I actually trust him or was I just scared? He’s been so nice, but he snapped so easi-
“Beautiful?” My thoughts stopped completely, and I met his patient and caring eyes once more. “You okay? You’re doing that thing again where you look away from me and freeze and start shaking, then you start tearing up- it’s actually very concerning, you know.”
“Oh, uhh… yeah, I’m okay.”
“Okay, can you walk me to your house please? It’s late; you should get some sleep. And I’ve got things to do…”
“Yeah, it’s umm- it’s this way,” I slowly started leading him to my apartment building. Only the worst raced through my head with each step I took. I wished I could disappear. I wished I could run for it. Why did he HAVE to walk me home anyway?
“Umm, y/n, you’re walking kind of slow.”
“Oh my god! Shut up! How is your brain not processing that I’m terrified to lead you to my HOUSE?!?! Where I LIVE!?!”
He stopped walking and grabbed my hand. I, too, stopped walking and looked up into his eyes. This time, he actually looked a bit afraid. “You have to understand: I’m afraid of this night ending too. I’m trusting you not to tell the police. I’m trusting you not to tell your friends, your family, hell, your dog even-“
“I don’t have a dog.”
“Okay, well, you get the point. I’m putting a lot of trust in you. Now you have to trust me. Please tell me that at some point tonight you’ve seen that I really do care about you and your safety.”
Trust him? I thought about everything that had happened that night. Even though I witnessed something truly terrifying, all my brain could come up with was how much he took care of me. He gave me water, his jacket, told me I was beautiful numerous times, led everyone out of the shop so we wouldn’t be seen because I brought it up once, pulled out a chair for me, calmed me down time and time again, and he even risked his life by putting the only weapon he had for self defense-his gun-in his backpack unloaded because I was afraid of it. But more than anything, he was so gentle with me. He did get angry, but he didn’t once raise his voice, even though I did.
He was patiently waiting for a response. Still holding his hand, I yanked it to get him closer to me. “Okay, come on then. You’ve got stuff to do, and I should get some sleep.”
A/N: as always, I appreciate and highly encourage feedback! My requests are always opened and I love love love any interaction you’re willing to give me
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snarkythewoecrow · 1 year
Update! (and a snippet at the end of this, it's a little spicy)
My current Buddie WIP going by the doc name of "The Fuckening," is coming along nicely--this is the a/b/o, pregnant Buck, accidental pregnancy, with some one-night stand to hostile roommates to lovers vibes fic.
Tonight we reached 3.5k! Very nice progress, but we have not made it that far, lol.
Instead of moving forward from where I was, I wrote some of the beginning since I finally figured out some details.
I still have more scenes to write in that area, such as Buck discovering he's pregnant, and he'll be getting some comfort from Athena, an alpha, and so is Bobby.
But anyway, some of that needs to be jammed in there somewhere. Then I need to maybe do some snippets of the reactions from everyone and some of his intense morning sickness kicking in before jumping back to the area I have written already.
Yes, I am chaotic
The alpha swirled the liquor in his glass, took a sip, then licked his lips. His eyes were sharp—a touch annoyed maybe, but full of dominance and no doubt hungry.
Just what Buck had wanted in a partner tonight.
Dragging teeth over the side of his bottom lip, Buck let himself drink in the alpha, from his thick thighs to broad shoulders that led to biceps that rivaled his own, all the way to his forearms and hands that somehow managed to be just as hot as the curve of his ass.
Unfairly attractive came to mind, but fuck, that didn't stop him from wanting those long fingers inside him—or make him not want to ride one of those thighs until they were messy with slick as he rutted his cock against whatever part of the alpha he could.
It had been a long time since he’d been with an alpha, and it showed. His inner omega had seen an interested, good-looking alpha and latched on in seconds, all but demanding he arch his back and present to be fucked and knotted.
The alpha still had his eyes on him, eyebrows lifted just a fraction of a hair, seeming patient enough to let Buck flounder for his own amusement, though from the slight flare of his nostrils, the slick between Buck’s cheeks hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Well?” the alpha asked, and fuck, even his voice sounded like sex—just rough enough, deep enough, to have his ass clenching wetly.
His lips parted, taking a few breaths through his mouth before saying, “I’m usually better at this—or used to be.”
“And what would that be?” The alpha didn’t give much away; even his scent was well-controlled and hard to read.
“Uh… um… this—or what I hope this could be.”
“What do you want it to be?”
Buck figured he didn’t have anything to lose by being honest, as clearly he couldn’t manage to be the player he used to be. “Quick and dirty—make me forget—get me off so I can finally sleep.”
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penmansparadise · 2 years
Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington ~ Three’s a Party
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18 + Content
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, language and a threesome.
a/n: This was requested from my Wattpad.  I have never written anything like this before, and goodness do I hope that it isn't trash lol.  Anyway, I read a comment that someone had mentioned "Still of the Night" by Whitesnake being their song to save them from Vecna.  Well, since I like to stay true to the timeline of Stranger Things, Whitesnake is going on their final world tour, and that song didn't come out until 1987; I decided to mention some of their older stuff.  I mentioned the song "Slow an' Easy," which is off their album titled "Slide it In."  The album is really good and deserves a listen.  As always, that you for the continued support, and I hope you all enjoy this rather dirty imagine lol.  My next post will be a Fred imagine, so be ready for that!
You slid on one last line of lipstick before popping your lips at yourself in the mirror. You stepped back and took in your outfit. It wasn’t anything special. A pair of tight high-waisted jean shorts and a black crop top. But it was enough to show off all the curves of your body and some skin. After a final examination in the mirror, you snatched your car keys from your desk and hustled out the door. When you started your car, “Slow an’ Easy” by Whitesnake began playing on the radio. A small smirk spread across your lips at the sound because you couldn’t help but be reminded of two people who had been trying to lay you down in their beds for months – Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington.
For months the two of them had been pining after you. Day after day, they would try their hand at getting with you, but you never gave in. Instead, you would entertain them and then let them down every time. It was fun. In fact, you kind of enjoyed toying with them. They were complete opposites in their approach to getting with you. Steve was quiet and sweet. He would give you compliments and let his eyes linger on you a beat too long. That was his version of flirting. Billy, on the other hand, was much more forward. He would catcall you from across the lunchroom and let his hands find your waist whenever he had the chance. You didn’t mind either of them, though. It was entertaining watching them get all wound up when you came around. But you decided that enough was enough. Things were going to change, and you were going to relieve the sexual tension that had steadily been building between the three of you. You knew they would be at Tina’s party, which is why you were going in the first place. Had they had other plans tonight, you would be cozied up in your bed with a nice book. But that wasn’t the case. So, you were on your way to Tina’s house to see how interesting the night would get.
By the time you arrived at Tina’s house, the party was already in full swing. You could see drunk teenagers stumbling in and out of the front door and hear the muffled sound of the music. You found a spot on the side of the road to park, then got out. A little way down the road, you could make out what looked like Steve’s car, and perched in the driveway was Billy’s blue Camaro. You took a deep breath, then crossed the street toward the house.
When the front door opened, you were welcomed by a cloud of marijuana and cigarette smoke. You sauntered in, hips swaying with each step. As you walked deeper into the hazy house, you could see people ogling your figure as you passed them. You finally pushed your way into the kitchen, where Tina was pouring cups of her jungle juice. You grabbed a cup, took a swig, found a spot against the wall, and started surveying the room. Your eyes searched until you spotted at least one of the people you were looking for out back. Billy was doing a keg stand and was surrounded by several onlookers cheering him on. You stepped away from the wall and looked into the living room when you finally saw Steve. He was dancing to whatever song was blasting from the speakers. Neither had noticed you yet, and that’s how you wanted to keep it until you had enough liquid courage to go through with your plan. So, you stepped back to the counter and downed another cup of jungle juice.
After four cups of Tina’s weird concoction, you were feeling the effects of the alcohol. Your vision was a little blurry, and you felt like you were floating whenever you walked. Your whole body was on high alert, every nerve ending zinging from the buzz you were feeling. You were just vibing to the music when a pair of hands landed on your waist. At first, you tensed up, but then the familiar scent of pine filled your nose, and you relaxed. Even though you were tipsy, you knew that smell anywhere. And when the pair of hands slid over the bare flesh of your midriff, you knew exactly who it was. You twisted in his grip, allowing his hands to find your ass, and you smiled.
“Hi, Billy.”
His eyes were a little glossy, telling you that he had been hitting the keg pretty hard. Billy gave your ass a little squeeze as a wide grin spread across his lips.
“So, you just show up and don’t even say ‘hello’ to me?”
You chuckled and ran your finger down the center of his chest until you reached the top of his jeans.
“Didn’t I just say ‘hi’?” You asked, tilting your head to the side.
You could feel his chest vibrate under your finger and couldn’t help the way your core tingled at the feeling.
“So,” Billy said, his thumb rubbing small circles over your rear pocket, “that’s how you’re gonna be tonight. Okay.”
You bit your bottom lip, already melting at his touch, until you looked just to the side of him and noticed Steve staring. If you wanted your plan to work, you had to play both boys. You couldn’t just focus on one. So, you gently grabbed Billy’s hands and removed them from your body, earning a pout from him.
“I have to go,” you said, giving his chest a little pat, “It was nice to see you, babe.”
And with that, you pushed past him and entered the living room. Your eyes were glued on Steve, and he never dropped your stare as you navigated through the crowd of people. Steve was standing against the wall next to a side table, and when you finally reached him, you leaned into him so he could hear you over the loud music.
“I saw you staring,” you said low in his ear. “I thought I’d come over and see what I did to capture your attention.”
You could feel Steve let out a puff of air before he turned his head until his lips were just grazing over your ear and said, “Existing. That’s what you did.”
You pulled back and looked at the side table where a candy bowl sat full of an array of sweet treats. You reached down and grabbed a lollipop. Steve watched your fingers unwrap it, then slowly bring the round candy to your mouth. You dragged your tongue over the hard treat a couple times before your lips folded around it.
“Is that so?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at Steve.
Steve’s eyes never left the lollipop as you pulled it to and from your mouth several times. Your eyes dropped, and you could see the bulge forming in his jeans, and the corners of your lips began to lift. But before you had the chance to act on anything, Billy’s voice came from behind you, causing you to turn around.
“Why are you talking to this loser?” He asked, moving to stand beside you.
Billy wasn’t even looking at you. No, his eyes were trained on Steve. Steve pushed off the wall, squaring up to Billy.
“Is there a problem?”
“I don’t know, Harrington, is there?” Billy asked, taking a step closer. “You’re the one talking to my girl.”
Steve barked out a laugh.
“You’re girl? Last time I checked, she rejected your ass. And pretty publicly, I might add.”
The two of them were nearly chest to chest, and people were starting to stare. At parties like these, people would do anything to see a fight. But that’s not why you were there. So, you stepped in between Steve and Billy, placing a hand on each of their chests.
“Boys,” you said, gaining their attention, “calm down, okay? We’re all here to have a good time. And I think I have a good idea on how to make that happen.”
You didn’t wait for either of them to object or question your motives. Instead, you just took each of their hands and started up the stairs away from the crowd. Down one of the many halls in Tina’s house, you found a rather large empty bathroom and dragged the two of them inside. You locked the door and leaned against the cool wood. On any normal day, you wouldn’t be doing this. But you had too much to drink, and you were ready to act on the sexual tension that was damn near palpable in the air. The lollipop stick jiggled against your lips as you chewed on it.
“There’s no reason to always be fighting over me,” you said, voice coming out huskier than you thought possible. You stepped away from the door and approached both boys.
“There’s plenty to go around.”
Billy reached out and carefully pulled the lollipop from your mouth, causing your lips to make a pop, before tossing it in the waste bin next to the counter.
“If there’s plenty of you to go around,” he began, closing the distance between you and him, “why don’t you stop toying with us?” He asked before dipping down and attaching his lips to your neck.
His blonde curls brushed against your cheek, and you closed your eyes and rolled your head to the side, giving him access to even more exposed skin. Billy’s hands crept around your waist until they were on your ass again, and he squeezed. Your hands found his chest, and you could feel his heavily beating heart that only quickened when one hand slid down. You started to rub against his growing erection earning a slow moan. Your eyes opened just slightly to see Steve watching the two of you intently. Even with Billy’s lips attacking your neck, you could see that Steve was getting hard just watching. You locked eyes with him.
“Do you want to join?” You asked a little breathlessly.
Without hesitation, Steve nodded, so you pushed Billy off you and walked over to Steve. You didn’t give him a chance to make a move before your lips were on his. You could hear Billy grumble behind you, but you didn’t care. You were too focused on the way Steve’s soft mouth felt against yours. It didn’t take long for Steve to start kissing you back. He grabbed the back of your head and walked you back until you were pressed up against the wall. You let your hand travel down the length of his chest until you were rubbing over his hard bulge. Steve moaned quietly and then a little louder when you kept going. Your thighs clenched together at the sound. You could feel your panties progressively getting wetter with each sound that came from him.
You stopped rubbing over his jeans just long enough to rip his shirt over his head, and your eyes nearly bugged out when you saw his bare chest. A little bit of hair littered his pecks, and his torso was toned. You had no idea he was hiding such a fit body underneath his clothes.
“Fuck me, Steve,” you said in awe.
He just chuckled.
“Gladly,” he retorted before reattaching his lips to yours.
His bare chest against your body was enough to send your mind reeling, but when you felt another set of lips start nibbling on your neck, you almost lost it. You opened your eyes to see Billy had lost his clothes and was stroking himself as he sucked on your soft skin. With each stroke he gave himself, his hand bumped into you, sending shivers down your spine. Billy was grunting quietly in your ear, and you could hear Steve letting out little moans with each press his lips made against yours. Your core was tightening, and you knew that you needed to feel both of their bare bodies against yours. So, you started to undo Steve’s jeans, but before you could pull them all the way off, he stepped away. You watched as he peeled his jeans off his body, exposing himself to you. Your eyes flicked back and forth from Steve’s to Billy’s naked bodies, and your mouth started to water. You could feel your heart racing as tingles jolted throughout your whole body. Both boys were completely nude, and you knew it was your turn.
You moved around them until your back was to the counter, and you were facing Steve and Billy. Your hands floated over your body as you pulled your shirt over your head and unclasped your bra, letting your breasts bounce free. Your nipples hardened at the sudden cool air, and you could see both boys’ eyes widen. You trailed your forefinger between your breasts, down your stomach, and to your shorts button. Once your shorts were undone, you slid them down your legs until you were standing before Steve and Billy in your red thong. Both boys were breathing heavily as they watched your every move. You hooked a finger on either side of your hips and started playing with the thin fabric. Even you were getting turned on just by the way they both devoured you with their eyes. You could feel how wet you were getting. You tugged on your thong a little more before very deliberately sliding it down your legs until you were fully naked.
“You boys like the view?” You asked as you pushed yourself onto the countertop.
You brought your hands to your neck and slowly started moving them down. They went over your breasts, and you gave each a little squeeze before continuing down over your torso. When your hands reached your thighs, you pushed your legs open wide, exposing your pussy to them.
“You wanna see how wet I am for you boys?”
Billy and Steve eagerly nodded. Both started stroking themselves slow and easy as they watched you. One of your hands traveled down to your pussy, and you slid a finger in, letting out a moan in the process. You slid it in and out a few times, the sound of your wetness echoing through the bathroom. Your eyes never left the boys as you pulled your finger completely out, showing them exactly how badly you wanted them. Your finger was glistening, and they both let out a low groan at the sight. You leaned back, never shutting your legs, and asked, “Why don’t you boys come have a taste?”
Neither of them wasted any time. Billy dropped to his knees between your legs and immediately went to work. You let out a gasp that was swallowed by Steve’s mouth against yours. Steve didn’t stay there long, though. His lips traveled down your collar bone until they found your breast. He started sucking, his tongue running circles around your nipple. You threw your head back and moaned. Billy’s tongue flicked your bud before suckling it over and over again. The sensations they were giving you were otherworldly. You could feel your orgasm building in your stomach as both boys used their mouths to pleasure you.
“Oh, fuck, Billy,” you whined, “I’m getting so close.”
But before you could release, Billy stopped. Your head snapped back up, and you watched him stand up.
“Why don’t we let Harrington get a taste? Sharing is caring after all.”
Before you could say anything in return, Steve had dropped between your legs and started lapping at your entrance. He didn’t do that for very long before he started sucking on your clit. He hummed against it, and the feeling sent you spiraling. Billy started licking the nipple that Steve didn’t get to before he wrapped his mouth fully around your breast. Your head fell back against the mirror as you brought a hand up to your other breast and began playing with the little pink bud that Steve had left wet from his mouth. You fondled yourself while Billy suckled your breast, and Steve licked your pussy up and down. The sounds coming out of you were animalistic. You couldn’t fathom the amount of pleasure they were giving you.
Billy never stopped working your breast when he found your free hand and brought it down to his erection. You took ahold of him and started stroking him. His moans mixed with yours as you both started to unfold. Your whole body was shaking as your orgasm started to build again.
“Oh, Steve,” you whined, “I’m gonna cum. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
Steve kept going, sucking your clit with a fervor you didn’t know existed until you were a trembling mess all over his face. You rode out your high then watched Steve stand up, wiping your juices off his face with the back of his hand. Billy stepped in front of you.
“Okay,” he said, scooping you off the counter, “now it’s our turn.”
He used his head to motion for Steve to take your place by the counter before he set you back down. He turned you, so you were facing the mirror. Steve placed a finger under your chin and lifted your head to look at him.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?”
You nodded, then he placed a hand behind your head and guided you down to his pulsing erection. You licked his dick from the base to the tip a couple of times, earning a long low groan from Steve. You lapped at the tip a little, looking up at him through your lashes before fully taking him into your mouth. Steve’s hand held the back of your head as you bobbed up and down on his cock. Your cheeks hollowed as your hand went to his base and began stroking.
“Holy fuck, Y/N. That’s it right there. Good girl,” he said, dragging out the last two words.
You hummed as you continued sucking. And just as you started getting into a rhythm, you felt Billy’s hand on your waist, then the tip of his dick touched your opening right before he guided himself into you. He didn’t give you a second to adjust to his size. Instead, both hands grabbed hold of your waist, and he started making slow and measured thrusts into you. You gasped at the fullness you felt and stopped stroking Steve. He gripped the back of your neck, and you looked up at him. His pupils were so blown out it looked like his eyes were completely black. You could feel his fingers digging into your skin, and you knew there would probably be a mark there when this was all over.
“Don’t stop, Y/N,” he said, voice straining. “Be my good girl, okay?”
Your mouth was being forced to move with every stroke Billy pushed into you. So, you started sucking and stroking Steve again. Your brain was on sensory overload. There was so much going on, but you didn’t want it to stop. Billy’s fingers dug into your hips, and occasionally he would slap your ass, sending a sharp sting into the mix of sensations you were already feeling. The tip of Steve’s dick continued to tap the back of your throat with each downward movement you made. Your eyes were watering. Then you felt Billy’s fingers start rubbing circles on your clit. You arched your back and started bobbing faster on Steve’s cock, hollowing your cheeks and sucking even harder than before. The sounds of Steve’s loud moans blended with Billy’s guttural grunts, and it sounded like the best symphony of bliss you had ever heard. You kept up the pace, and soon Steve’s dick was twitching in your mouth.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned, “keep going. I’m so close.”
It only took another two strokes, and Steve was busting inside your mouth, shooting his load into the back of your throat. You swallowed and removed your mouth from his cock while Billy’s thrust got sloppier and sloppier. You pushed your ass back into him, allowing him to go deeper than before, and that was all he needed to send him over the edge. He pulled out and stroked himself a few times before cumming onto your back. When he was done riding out his high, he moved to clean himself up while Steve used some tissues to wipe off your back. Once everyone was cleaned up, you started to pick up your garments that were strewn across the bathroom floor. When you finished getting dressed, you looked at the boys. They both looked like they had just run a marathon. Both rosy-cheeked and out of breath. You nodded at them.
“Well,” you said, running your hands over your clothes to try and get all the wrinkles out, “I’m glad we all had a good time.” You unlocked the door, threw it open, and before you walked out, you turned back to them, shot them a wink, and said, “See you later, boys.” Then with that, you exited the bathroom leaving Steve and Billy behind. You knew that this little soiree wouldn’t end their game of trying to bag you, but at least it satisfied their need to get you in bed. For now, anyway.
Tag List: @violetrainbow412-blog @pastel-abyss-x​ @lilliandanelle 
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pink-sparkly-witch · 2 years
Can't Fight This Feeling, Pt. 3
Summary: A night out for Benny’s birthday turns into something more when an encounter with Y/N’s ex, Rick, has Dean finally finding the courage to tell her how he feels.
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean Winchester x Female Reader (Finally!)
Bingo Square: Quote B
Warnings: Angst, alcohol consumption, mentions of possible cheating, fluff, language, flirting, confrontation, kissing.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: This is written as a submission for Tell Me A Story Bingo hosted by @supernatural-jackles. The square filled is Quote B which is highlighted in bold. This hasn’t been beta’d. Any mistakes are my own!
You can catch up here!
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Y/N got out of the cab and walked towards the Roadhouse. It was Benny’s birthday, and he was having a get-together with his friends. When he came into her office last week and told her about the plans for tonight, he specifically mentioned Dean was going to be there. She found that strange for two reasons: first; she didn’t know why he thought she needed to know that, and second; Benny and Dean were best friends, so, of course, he’d be there. 
She’d never told Benny about her huge crush on Dean, but she had a feeling he knew anyway. Dean was just her type. Smart, funny, just on the right side of cocky, and great company. It was always a good night whenever they went out as a group.
Dean was a ladies’ man, though, a one-and-done kinda guy, at least he had been since Lisa. Plus, she knew from being his date at his friend’s wedding last month that he only saw her as a friend. The problem was trying to tell her heart that and get over him.
Y/N had hoped, right up until the end of the wedding, that he’d kiss her. For real, this time. But he was nothing but a gentleman. Thanking her again for being a great friend and saying that his offer of owing her whatever she wanted in return still stood. She’d never cash in on it, though, because what she wanted was him.
It’d been two weeks since then, and things had returned to a relative sense of “normal” for them. Friendly flirting, teasing each other, her bringing him pie from the bakery down the road, him bringing her lunch from the Mexican place she loved across town. Back to being friends. He’d even taken a customer’s number, and she thought she overheard Benny and Dean talking about when he would ask her out. Once again, validating all the reasons she thought he only saw her as a friend.
Swinging the door open, Y/N walked into the bar, her eyes scanning the crowded room. It didn’t take long to see Benny playing pool with Castiel. She smiled to herself and headed over to the bar to order a drink and add money to the tab she knew would be behind there for their group.
“Hey, Y/N! How are ya, sweetie?” Ellen asked.
“I’m good, Ellen. How are you?” Y/N answered the older woman.
“Can’t complain! You here for Benny’s birthday?”
“Yup, you know I can’t miss a night out with that big goofball!” Y/N smiled. “Can you do me a favour and stick this in with the tab? And tell me if it’s getting low, and we’ll top you up,” Y/N handed a fifty over to Ellen, who put it in a tumbler behind the bar.
“Alright, done! Now, what ya drinking?”
“Better start easy with a beer. Can’t have you kick me out before that lot makes asses of themselves like usual!” Y/N and Ellen laughed as she put a bottle on the wooden bar.
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The night was well and truly underway. The pool tournament was in its semi-final round with Benny and Sam currently battling it out and Y/N and Dean playing next. Charlie was currently hitting on a girl at the bar, Meg and Castiel were making out in the corner, and Donna was watching Benny with the biggest heart eyes she’d ever seen. The Deputy Sheriff was the best damn thing that had ever happened to Benny. They were good for each other.
Benny was a good man, a gentleman of the truest form, and many women had taken that for granted in the past. His intentions were pure, and he was too kind and generous for his own good. He was one of those rare guys who’d do anything for those he cared about. She always joked that if she ever needed to hide a body, she knew who she’d call - and he’d show up, no questions asked and, no doubt, with his buddy Dean Winchester right behind him with another shovel. 
Y/N and Dean were sitting quietly, watching the pool game unfold, knowing one of them would be playing whoever won this game. Of course, she was rooting for Benny because she didn’t stand a chance against Sam. At least if she played the Cajun, there was a slim chance that victory and bragging rights could be hers. Then again, she didn’t have a hope in hell’s chance at winning against Dean either. Unless she could distract him by strategically bending over the table, using her feminine assets to her advantage.
“Hey, uh- Listen,” Dean spoke, tearing her from her thoughts. “I just wanted to say thanks again for Garth’s wedding and… you know…” the mechanic rubbed his neck nervously.
“Don’t mention it. I was happy to help. It’s what friends do, right?” Y/N replied a little colder than she meant to and sighed with guilt when his eyes squinted with what looked like hurt.
“I told my mom we broke up. Said we were better as friends,” Dean continued. “So, uh… you’re free from me, I guess,” he chuckled. “You can get back to dating. You know, if you want to?” 
She wasn’t sure why it sounded like a question, but she nodded anyway. “Thanks. You want another?” Y/N gestured to his almost empty beer bottle. She needed to get away from him. She could feel the beginning of tears sting the back of her eyes and needed to get away from this conversation and from him. She thought she’d be fine tonight, but when he brought up that night and being friends, it upset her more than she knew it had a right to.
“Uh, yeah. I think Charlie was supposed to be getting more drinks, but it looks like she’s busy,” he grinned and nodded his head towards the bar where the redheaded mechanic was flirting shamelessly with a brunette woman at the bar. Shaking her head with a murmured “typical, " Y/N headed to the bar to get more drinks.
She ordered the beers first and returned to her friends, placing the bottles on the table. Dean went with her to help carry the whiskey tumblers, and she wanted to scream at him to leave her alone and give her some space, but she couldn’t do it. Not without him asking her what was wrong.
“Wow! Tequila? It’s like that, huh?” Dean raised his eyebrows when he saw the small glasses filled with golden liquid.
“Yep,” Y/N sighed. “Excuse the bad song pun, but tequila makes me happy, and God, do I need to be happy right now!” she scoffed, lifting the salt shaker, licking her hand and sprinkling the white grains on the wet streak left behind. “I was gonna have both of these, but you’re welcome to join me if you like?” she asked Dean, holding the salt shaker out for him to take. She didn’t know what possessed her to ask him when she so desperately wanted away from him, just being polite, she guessed, but the smile on his face meant she couldn’t take it back now.
Not one to turn down a challenge, Dean licked his hand, eyes on hers the whole time. Sprinkling the salt on his hand, Dean picked up the shot glass and held it up, waiting for her to tap it. “Cheers, sweetheart,” he smirked, eyes raking over her body.
Dean had been in love with her for a long time and had always found her incredibly attractive. He loved seeing a different side of her at the wedding, looking stunning and being flirty and touchy-feely with him. And tonight? Well fuck, she looked gorgeous.
Y/N wasn’t the type of girl he usually used for a one-nighter. She was the type of girl he wanted to settle down with. Funny, intelligent, kind, fun, beautiful. What more could a man want? Benny had always encouraged him to make a move whenever she was single. He’d asked again this week when he was going to ask her out, but he wasn’t what she needed in her life. She’d been screwed over far too many times by far too many guys for him to fuck things up even more for her. She deserved the fucking world, and he knew he couldn’t give her that.
Dean always screwed up in relationships, always putting his needs first and not thinking much about anyone but himself and his family. At least that’s one of the things Lisa told him when she ended things all those months ago. Dean thought he was a good boyfriend. He always made time for her and them as a couple. He also made time to be the role model and father figure her son had desperately needed.
He’d tried so hard to keep the spark they’d felt at the beginning alive, but she didn’t offer the same. He often found that it was her who didn’t make the time for him. She cancelled plans with him in favour of going out with her friends or colleagues. Sometimes staying out very late, occasionally all night. Dean didn’t like to dwell on that for too long. He knew there was a good chance she’d cheated on him. It was obvious to everyone, and she wasn’t subtle about it, but that was enough for him. He didn’t need to hear the words and make it real. Keeping his mouth shut saved his heart and pride, so he never called her out on it. 
“Cheers!” Y/N grinned and tapped her glass against his, bringing him back to the present. Licking the salt from her hand, she made sure her eyes never left his as the tequila slid down her throat and when she sucked seductively on the lime wedge. Dean almost groaned when her perfect, pink little tongue peeked out to catch the drip of juice that escaped from the corner of her lips. He held her gaze the entire time and followed her actions, slamming the shot glass back on the bar just in time for her to hold two fingers up at Jo, ordering another round of shots.
Tonight, just got a whole lot more interesting! Dean thought.
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“No, that’s… it didn’t happen like that at all!” Y/N tried to defend. She lost to Dean in the pool tournament. The two tequila shots at the bar had made her too happy, warm, and fuzzy to concentrate on the game. She tried, she really did, but the second Dean took off his flannel and revealed his tanned and freckled muscular arms, broad shoulders, and rippled lines of his back that were straining his white t-shirt, she just about lost the will to live. She’d been turned on since the first time his perfect ass bent over right in front of her to take a shot. Definitely on purpose. “Don’t listen to her, man! She was drunk off her ass and probably wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped her in the face!” Benny laughed. “Hey! What is this? Pick on Y/N night? It might be your birthday, and I might be tequila happy right now, but that doesn’t give you the right to make shit up! If you remember, I’m not the one who woke up in their front yard in their tighty whities after that night!” she said, and the whole table erupted in laughter. “Yeah, yeah!” Benny laughed. “Remind me - where did you wake up?” he smirked. Oh, she could’ve killed him for bringing that up. “Go on, Cher, share with the group where you were when you woke up after that night. Or, more accurately, with who.” “First of all, there was no sleeping, so I didn’t technically “wake up” anywhere,” Y/N grinned cheekily as the others wolf-whistled. “But I spent the night in our most loyal customer’s house…” She blushed, and a round of shocked faces stared back at her. “What? He was, well is, hot!” “Shut the front door!” Donna exclaimed, grabbing Y/N’s forearm in shock. “You slept with a customer? Does he still bring his car in?” “Yes, and yes!” Y/N grinned. “Look, it was a one-time thing and a week later, I started dating Rick,” she smiled woefully and looked at her blonde friend. “Come on, more tequila and then let’s dance!” she said, grabbing Donna’s hand and dragging her onto the dance floor. Sam, Castiel, Meg, Charlie and her new friend began a darts tournament inviting Benny and Dean to join them, but both declined. The boys watched on as Y/N and Donna had the time of their lives dancing to the classic rock covers the band were playing. Dean’s eyes never left Y/N’s swaying body and rolling hips keeping in time to the beat. “Are you ever gonna ask her out, brother?” Benny asks Dean, his blue eyes following his friend's line of sight to the Y/H/C girl on the dance floor. Benny and Y/N hit it off the second she called him out on his bullshit on her first day working at the garage, and as soon as that happened, he knew she and Dean would be a match made in heaven. They’d just never been single at the same time, and they both had this annoying trait of thinking they weren’t good enough for anyone, let alone one another. “Not this again!” Dean fumed. “No, I’m not. It’s not like that with us. I  mean, yeah, I like her… a lot, and sure, she’s beautiful, but we’re just friends. S’all we’ll ever be, right? She doesn’t like me like that. Even if she did, we’d never work. I’d find some way to fuck it all up. I always do.” “Sure, whatever you say,” Benny’s chuckle was laced with sarcasm, and he shook his head in exasperation at his friend. “Come on, man! You’ve seen the guys she dates. I can’t compare to trust funds and doctors and investment bankers,” Dean spat before raising his whiskey glass and swallowing its contents in one. “Those guys didn’t work for a reason, Dean. They were all assholes. You’re not. Trust me, you two are perfect for each other. You just can’t get past your own so-called faults to see it. Either of you,” Benny sighed and gestured to his glass, silently asking if he wanted another.
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An hour later, the only ones left were Dean and Y/N. No one was ready to call it a night just yet, but Donna had an early shift the next day and being the gentleman that he is, Benny took her home.
“Don’t look now, but Rick’s over there,” Dean said, instinctively moving closer to her. Was it protectiveness? Possessiveness? He wasn’t sure.
“Fantastic. There’s a great way to put me off my beer and ruin what was a fun night,” Y/N chuckled sadly, reaching for her jacket. 
“Hey, hey… look at me,” Dean said, placing his hand on her wrist, stopping her. “Don’t let him ruin your night, sweetheart. He doesn’t deserve that. You don’t deserve that. You shouldn’t leave whenever he shows up. Lawrence is a small town. You’ll never stop running.”
“Right, because you’d stand your ground if it was Lisa that walked in here? Dean, you wouldn’t even go to your friend’s wedding alone because of her,” she scoffed. Glancing up at him, she saw a flash of hurt cross his features. “I’m sorry,” she sighed. “That was a low blow. I’m frustrated and taking it out on you, and that’s not fair.”
“No, you’re right. I would be out that door so fucking fast if Lisa came in here,” Dean spoke honestly, knowing she wouldn’t judge him for his cowardice. “Maybe not if you were with me because she still thinks we’re dating,” Dean chuckled.
“Dean, you’re a good man. One of the best I know…” Y/N started, but Dean’s hand on her cheek stopped her.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, looking deep into her Y/E/C eyes.
“What?” Y/N responded, more than a little confused.
“Rick is coming over here. Do you trust me?” He asked again, softer this time.
“Well, yeah, but-” Before she could say anything else, Dean licked his lips and leaned in. He looked into her eyes for any signs of hesitation. Finding none, he looked down at her lips and closed the distance between them. His lips touched hers hesitantly, unsure if she’d kiss back or break his nose.
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but she didn’t pull away. Dean slid an arm around her waist to bring her in closer. He kept the kiss innocent with no tongue, but it felt no less passionate.
“So, you’re dating him now?” Rick’s voice broke them apart. “You moved on quick,” he hissed.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Y/N spoke as calmly as she could, taking on a mildly irritated tone rather than the furious one she wanted to let loose with. “Weren’t you the one who ended things with me because I was holding you back? Didn’t you want to play the field? And feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t you also the one who shacked up with Bela Talbot not two weeks later?”
“She was a mistake, Y/N. And I’m sorry I did that to you. I don’t know what came over me. I miss you, and I still love you. Please…” Rick looked and sounded genuinely truthful, but she knew he was playing her because he’d been dropped by Bela as soon as the more successful and well-known businessman, Arthur Ketch, had looked in her direction.
“Just stop, Rick. I don’t want to hear it. You and me? We’re over. I don’t love you anymore. I don’t want you. I want more. More than you could ever possibly give me. I deserve more,” Y/N’s said, feeling relief wash over her and her shoulders relaxing for the first time in a long time.
“I-” Rick started, but she shook her head.
“My mind is made up, Rick. We’re over for good. I’ve moved on,” she gestured to Dean, who’d held her hand through the whole ordeal. “And you should too. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date to get back to,” Y/N left no room for further conversation as she turned her back to him and put her full attention back on Dean.
“I’m proud of you, sweetheart,” Dean said as soon as Rick left. The kiss they shared had shifted their relationship. He could feel it. She’d kissed him the way you kiss a lover. Dean was finally starting to see just how perfect they were for each other, and now they were unattached at the same time.
The unmistakable sounds of Can’t Fight This Feeling sounded from the band up on the stage, and if that wasn’t a sign they were meant to be, Dean didn’t know what was. Bravely - or stupidly, it was yet to be decided, he threw all caution to the wind.
“I dare you to kiss me,” Dean blurted out.
“Dean…” Y/N began to speak, but Dean didn’t want to hear her rejection. Not when he still had something he had to say.
“Come on, kiss me! And tell me you don’t feel this… this thing between us!” he gestured wildly between them.
“Dean… I…” she tried again, but he still wasn’t finished.
“You can’t, can you? Because you feel it too… this pull towards me. And you’re scared. But sweetheart, you don’t need to be, alright? Because I’m in love with you. And if you let me, I’ll be everything you could ever need and want. I’m just asking for a chance here, Y/N.”
Y/N didn’t respond. She just blinked up at him with her long lashes. He was about to get up, walk away and admit defeat when her lips slammed to his.
Dean’s lips were soft, warm and perfectly plump, and she didn’t know if it was the alcohol talking, but she knew she wanted to taste more of him. She reached a hand out and wrapped it around his neck, gently pulling him closer to her.
Encouraged that she felt the same way he did, Dean licked at her lips, requesting entrance which she granted quickly. He moaned low in his throat when their tongues met, and everything around dulled to silence as they forgot their surroundings and got completely lost in each other.
Y/N didn’t know how much time had passed as they made out at the bar, and she didn’t want it to end. Making her mind up, she reluctantly pulled away from him, giggling as he chased after her lips. “You wanna get outta here?” she said shyly, chewing on her bottom lip.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Dean grabbed her hand and helped her stand up. He took her jacket and helped her into that too. When she’d picked up her purse, and they left the table, Dean saw Rick glare over at them. Smirking, Dean placed his arm around Y/N’s shoulder and winked at the asshole who was stupid enough to let her go.
Part Four (Finale)>>
Jensen / Dean Tags: @akshi8278 @deanwanddamons @deans-baby-momma @siospins2 @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27 @candy-coated-misery0731
Can’t Fight This Feeling Tags: @lilred91 @seppys-return-to-madness @im-totally-not-dezi @deanoxwinchester
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h0tchner · 3 years
Any Age, Any Day, Anywhere (Part 1) - aaron hotchner x fem!reader
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: WRITTEN FOR AN ANON REQUEST: "ok hi so u already wrote a jealous reader and was wondering whats your take on jealous hotch? i mostly see him in fics as possessive and yeah being the leader type i would think he could also be possessive but i also think that he would just be sad like ya know he doubts himself as we saw in some episodes and i think he would need assurance and a lot of convincing that u only love him but if you’ve given that to him then thats the time he would be possessive and god i would love to imagine a possessive and feral aaron hotchner"
word count: 3.5k
includes: kissing, so much freaking adorable fluff, talk of body insecurities, insecure!hotch, protective!hotch, wifey reader, super brief mentions of pregnancy, alcohol, confrontation with a drunk asshole (derek & hotch are all over it tho dw), party at papa rossi's!, smut to come in next chapter...
rating: 18+ (technically there is no smut in this part, but there are adult themes such as drinking, kissing, etc.).
a/n: HELLO BESTIES! This is part one of a two-part fic! The next part will be pure filth, so keep your eyes peeled for some feral hotch content... ALSO! PLS (!!!!!!!!!!!) interact if you liked this, rb, comment, like and/or send me a request if you have ideas for future fics! i love y’all! - rivka💞
“Aaron! Can you come here for a sec?” you call out to your husband from the bathroom, muttering curses under your breath as you try (and fail) for the third time to zip up the back of your black cocktail dress.
“Sure, I just need a minute,” he replies from the bedroom closet, securing the last opalescent button on the arm of his white dress shirt. He looks at himself in the closet mirror, zeroing in at the bags under his eyes and the sprinkling of grey in his stubble. He looks… tired. Tired and old. And he hates it.
Even though Aaron is only in his late-40s, he has lived lifetimes; years of working as Unit Chief of the BAU will do that to a man. Every horror he’s seen and every person he’s lost has weighed on his body and mind. In the past few months, amidst work changes and a new baby, he’s been exhausted and in fear that he’s letting himself go. Of course, being the stoic man that he is, he’s done his absolute best to hide these feelings from you. Tonight, however, he doesn’t know if he can. It’ll be your first night out together as a couple since welcoming baby girl Hotchner to the family four months ago. With no pressing family or work distractions, he just knows that you’ll be able to sense his apprehensions. It’s only a matter of when.
Taking in a breath, he turns a little to the side, frowning at his profile. Aaron winces a little at his “dad bod,” but quickly recovers from the discomfort, milliseconds after it flashes across his face.
“Aaron Hotchner get your handsome butt in here and help me zip my dress! We’re gonna be late,” you exclaim, trying one last time to reach the zipper before giving up and crossing your arms in defeat. You lean back lightly against the countertop facing the door, letting the fabric slip off your shoulders, and wait for your husband to rescue you from the hell that is this dress.
At the sound of your voice, Aaron snaps out of his trance. He shakes his head lightly, as if to physically erase the intrusive thoughts, and clears his throat. Grabbing his suit jacket off the hanger, he flicks off the closet light and closes the door behind him.
Languidly, he meanders from the closet toward the bathroom. He drags his feet a little longer than he normally would, still feeling off and a little bit shy about his appearance.
“Aaron,” you sing, “I’m waiting for –,” your jaw drops mid-sentence when Aaron appears in the doorway.
“Oh fuck,” you breathe out before you can stop yourself, eyes widening at the sight of the gorgeous man in front of you.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, crossing over to you, searching your face for any ounce of reprieve.
“Nothing, nothing’s wrong,” you’re quick to reply, standing from your leaning position to meet him, holding out your hands.
He takes them in his own, cocking his head slightly, his soft hazel eyes boring into yours.
You shift forward, moving up on your toes to peck his soft pink lips.
He sighs into the kiss, feeling the warmth of your lips against his own. It feels so good that it almost makes him forget about how he is feeling… almost. But the dark thoughts come back, and he pulls away from you a bit, reluctantly.
Aaron clears his throat.
“You called me?” He questions, but it sounds more like a fact.
“Yeah,” you give his hands a squeeze. “I needed you to zip up my dress, but now,” you lean in again, “I kinda want you to rip it off me.” You offer him a sultry smirk, moving your hands up to rest on his broad chest. He moves his hands to settle on your hips.
You lick your lips and let your eyes rake over his body, taking in every ounce of his sexy frame. The way his crisp, white dress shirt hugs his solid body makes you go weak in the knees. His strong, toned legs in those black dress pants? Yes please. His soft black hair and salt and pepper stubble on his face are practically begging to be touched. He looks good. Damn good.
“You look…” you pause, tapping a finger lightly against his pectoral, searching for the right word, “…delicious.”
Aaron blushes lightly at your ogling, offering you a sad smile as he squeezes his eyes shut out of embarrassment.
You sense the falter in his demeanor, knowing that there’s something else nagging at him far beyond his usual flustering when you vocalize your attraction to him.
“Honey,” you implore, looping your hands around his neck to bring his forehead down to touch yours. “What’s going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours?”
“It’s nothing,” he mutters, swallowing, rubbing soft circles into your sides.
“It’s something,” you counter, carding a hand through his hair at the nape of his neck. You scratch lightly at his scalp, waiting for him to speak. You’ve learned that the best thing to do when Aaron gets in a mood is to give him some time to gather his thoughts. Keeping him close, physically, is a way to show him some comfort without pressuring him to speak. It encourages him, without words, that your arms are a safe place.
“I don’t…” he starts, and then stops himself. His dark eyebrows furrow and his mouth presses into a thin line.
“Mhm?” you question, fingers still tangled in his thick, black locks.
He pulls his forehead away from yours and locks eyes with you. You let your hands be still now, a silent gesture to show him that you’re listening.
He takes in a breath.
“I don’t look the way I used to,” he says quietly, shifting his eyes away from yours.
“What do you mean,” you urge him to continue.
“I mean, I don’t look like I did five years ago. Two years ago. Four months ago. I mean, I was practically a different man when we first met. I was younger, fitter…” he trails off, visibly upset.
“Yes, Aaron, you were,” you agree, keeping your tone temperate.
His eyes snap to yours, confused. It’s clear that was not what he was expecting you to say.
“You were a different man,” you continue gently, resuming your pacifying touch in his hair, “and I was a different woman.”
Aaron lets out a huff.
���Do you love me any less now than you did five years ago?” You ask him.
“Of course not,” he’s quick to answer.
“Why is that?” You prod.
“You’re gorgeous, inside and out. You’re funny, smart, loving…” he begins, but you interrupt him before he can go on.
“And,” you butt in, “if I were to go completely grey, gain thirty pounds, and only wear a potato sack to work every day would you love me any less?”
Aaron huffs again, but this time he’s fighting a smile. He’s starting to catch on. You watch as a spark of levity returns to his eyes. He holds you a little tighter.
“No. There’s nothing you could do or say to make me love you any less,” he grumbles in annoyance, but his upturned lip and matching eyebrow tell a different story.
“Ditto, baby,” you smile up at him. “I love you at any age, any day, anywhere, and there is nothing in the world that can make me change my mind.”
He dips down then, capturing you in a kiss, grinning against your lips.
You giggle as Aaron works his way down your jawline and neck, gasping as he kisses the soft skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder, thick fingers gripping the sides of your hips. He moves his lips back up to your earlobe, nipping at it lightly as you let out another soft gasp.
“You always know the right thing to say,” he whispers into your ear, pressing another kiss right underneath it.
“Aaron, I know I said I wanted you to take this dress off me,” you say breathlessly as Aaron nips at your shoulder again, “but Rossi will kill us if we don’t show up tonight. Plus, I really want the chance to show off my super sexy FBI husband. It’s been far too long.”
He lets out a low groan into your skin and gives your hips a squeeze, nuzzling his head into your neck.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, “you’re right.”
“Aren’t I always,” you snort, eliciting a chuckle from your husband as you turn around in his arms to let him zip you up.
He takes his time, letting his fingers brush lightly over your spine as he draws the zipper over your back. When he’s done and the clasp is latched, he kisses one shoulder lightly, and then the other.
“Thank you,” you whisper, leaning back against his warm body.
“No, honey,” he kisses the top of your head, “thank you.”
By the time you and Aaron arrive at Rossi’s mansion, the party is already in full swing. Judging by the number of cars in the makeshift parking lot on his spacious front lawn, there must be at least fifty, maybe even a hundred people here.
Despite the bustle of the evening, it doesn’t take long for you two to find Emily, Penelope, and Derek in the living room, drinks in hand, snacking on some very expensive looking food.
“Hey, look! It’s the Hotchners!” Emily cheers, teetering on the arm of the leather couch, wine glass in hand.
“Hello beautiful BAU power-couple!” Penelope chimes in from the seat next to her, cuddled up into Derek’s side.
You laugh and let go of Aaron’s hand, walking over to greet your friends.
“Hey hot stuff, look at you, look at you!” Derek chimes in, eyeing you up and down before standing to shake Aaron’s hand.
“Oh, please,” you roll your eyes at him as you give Emily a big hug.
“And you don’t look bad yourself, boss man!” Derek adds.
You shoot your husband an ‘I told you so’ look over your shoulder, before untangling your arms from Emily and giving Penelope an equally enthusiastic squeeze.
“It’s good to see you all,” Aaron smiles lightly, all dimples in the low light. He steps in to give Emily and Penelope soft hugs.
“Let’s go get you a drink,” Derek says to Aaron, clapping him on the back.
“White?” Aaron looks to you, even though he already knows the answer.
“Yes please,” you respond, “thank you.”
“Be back soon,” he smiles easily, kissing your cheek, making your heart ache.
Aaron and Derek turn and exit the room together.
Penelope drunkenly pats the seat next to her, and you plop down on the couch.
“We’ve missed you like this!” Emily exclaims, gesturing between the three of you and around the room. “I can’t believe we’ve had to wait nine whole months plusanother four just to have a drink with our best friend again.”
You laugh at her, tilting your head back lightly. “Well, you guys got a beautiful little niece out of it, doesn’t that make up for all the wild girl’s nights I missed?”
Emily sighs, dramatically, “I guess so,” she jests.
“Oh, for sure.” Penelope adds. “You look freaking gorgeous, by the way. I mean, I would have never guessed you were creating a tiny human in that body only a few months ago!”
You blush lightly at her words, “You flatter me far too much, Pen. I owe this,” you gesture down at your figure, “all to Spanx!”
“Amen!” Emily toasts. You raise an imaginary glass to theirs and pretend to clink, taking a swig of invisible liquid.
“Are J.J. and Will here?” You ask them after they’ve had a few more sips of their wine.
“Yeah, yeah,” Emily nods, “they’re around somewhere.”
You take a moment and look around the room, taking in all the sights and the sounds of the party. You see some faces you recognize from around the bureau, but others you don’t. Just as you’re about to turn back to your friends, someone catches your eye. One face stands out from the crowd: he’s a young, suave-looking man in a sharp navy suit. Sandy hair perfectly gelled, shiny brown loafers, and bright blue eyes looking right at you. In another life you would have been exhilarated by his attention, apparent charm, and good looks, but now? Now, you’re married to the love of your life with an amazing stepson and a wonderful baby girl. His wolfish gaze means absolutely nothing to you. You simply flash him a curt smile and turn back to Emily and Penelope without a second thought.
You and your friends resume your chatter, waiting for the men to return with more drinks... only they don’t. Perhaps its “new mother anxiety” talking, but the longer your husband is gone, the more you start to grow concerned. A few more minutes pass of antics, laughter, and catching up until the nagging voice in the back of your head turns into an all-out scream. All you know is that you’re suddenly feeling very overwhelmed need to be with Aaron. So, you announce to your friends that you’re going to hunt down Derek and your husband.
You stand from the couch and smooth out the skirt of your dress with the promise to be back in a few minutes.
You walk out of the living room and into the grand foyer, following the same route as Aaron had earlier. Your black kitten heels click on the marble flooring, the skirt of your dress swishing lightly as you walk with purpose towards the kitchen. You’re so concentrated on reaching your destination that you don’t realize the man who had been watching you in the living room was now hot at your heels, following you through the house. It’s only when a hand reaches out and jerks your arm backward that you stop, startled, just past the grand staircase, turning face to face with him.
“You’re not an easy woman to get alone,” he smirks, reeking of alcohol, still gripping your arm, tight. Up close he is decidedly not as handsome as the low light of the living room made him seem. In fact, he seems… creepy. Really, really, really, creepy.
“Can I help you?” You blink at him, pulling your arm out of his vice grip.
“You sure can, baby,” he steps closer to you, voice oozing with sleaze. You gag at the liquor on his breath.
Moving away, you scowl at him, crossing your arms across your chest.
“What’s say you and I head upstairs for a little while? I’m dying to get my hands on your body.” He jerks his head toward the staircase, reaching out to grab your arm again.
You’re fuming at this point, ready give him a piece of your mind when a stern voice beats you to it.
“Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing?” Aaron articulates, approaching you both with Derek not far behind.
You breathe a sigh of relief as your husband glares at the drunken man vengefully, coming to stand by your side. Aaron pulls you into him, roughly, hand tight around your waist. The anger radiating off your husband is equally terrifying and HOT.
“Take a walk, man,” Derek adds in, coming to stand next to the drunken asshole. The man looks from you, to Aaron, then over to Derek, and finally back at you.
“Whatever,” the man grumbles, putting his hands up, “she’s not worth it anyway. Not pretty enough for the hassle. I just thought she looked like an easy lay.”
“That’s enough,” Aaron snaps, seething. “Leave now, before I make you,” your husband growls. He angles his body forward so you’re slightly behind him. A shiver passes through you at his fierce protectiveness.
“Fine, I’m going to get another drink,” the man utters.
“No,” Aaron interjects, “the party. Leave the party or I’ll have you removed.”
“What’s your problem?” The creepy man retorts, this time, more confrontationally.
“My problem?” Aaron says, angrily. You feel his entire body tense at the accusation.
“Hotch,” Derek warns, “I’ll take care of it. You guys go enjoy yourselves. Forget about him.”
“Come on, Aaron,” you tug on his suit jacket lightly, eyes pleading… but Aaron doesn’t budge from his spot. He only holds you tighter as he continues to stare down the man as Derek ushers him away and towards the front door. He doesn’t falter until they are out of sight.
“Aaron?” You repeat.
He looks down at you, finally, blinking away the fury until all that’s left is an all-consuming love. He releases you from his protective hold, and you face him.
“I’m okay,” you assure him in earnest, letting out a shaky breath.
“Honey, I’m so sorry,” he breathes, bringing his hands up to cup your face.
“Aaron, it’s okay, really,” you bite your lip, shifting your eyes away from his.
“You’re so beautiful,” Aaron kisses your forehead, and then the top of your head. “So, so beautiful, and I’m so sorry.”
“Aaron, can we just go home?” You ask.
“Sure,” he kisses your head one last time before weaving his fingers between yours and guiding you gently toward the back exit.
The car ride home is quiet. The only sounds are the occasional click of the turn signal, and the hum of the wheels on the road. Aaron is still upset, and so are you, but you’re also… something else. Something you can’t quite put your finger on. You feel guilty for ruining the evening, guilty that you FEEL guilty for something you had no control over, hungry, tired, and… horny? Oh, and guilty for feeling horny.
It isn’t helping that one of Aaron’s hands is planted firmly on your thigh. He lifts it only to adjust the air conditioning or to scratch his nose, but otherwise it remains on you the whole way home. When he pulls into the driveway of your shared house, and shuts the car off, he still doesn’t move it.
“Honey?” You turn your head to look at him. His eyes are closed. You take in the strong features of his profile, noting the prominence of his nose and the way his eyelashes rest on his high cheekbones.
“I almost punched him.” Aaron whispers, opening his eyes to look over at you sheepishly.
“You what,” you exhale, mouth slightly agape.
“That guy,” he continues, bringing his left hand up to pinch his nose. “I almost punched him for saying that about you.”
You snort, amused by his confession.
Your husband lets out a short laugh, squeezing your thigh as he does.
“I would’ve liked to see that.” You’re grinning now and so is he.
He flashes his eyes at you and laughs again, this time less anxiously. You join him, feeling the tension dissipate with every passing moment.
“My big, bad FBI man decking a barely-legal drunk dickhead for making a move on his wife? Where can I get my tickets?” You joke.
As you say the words “his wife,” Aaron’s breath hitches in his throat. His hand on your thigh presses down instinctively. Neither of his reactions go unnoticed.
You lay a hand over his where it rests on your leg.
“You know, Aaron,” you begin.
He looks over at you, jaw tight, but this time it isn’t from anger.
“This is the first time we’ve had the house all to ourselves in months,” you pull his hand off you and bring it up to your lips. You press a kiss to his palm, and then to his wrist.
“This… is true,” he breathes out, studying you, taking you in.
“So, I’m just wondering:” you grin, linking your fingers with his, “are you going to carry your wife into our house, Aaron? Or do I have to walk myself?”
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lacheri · 3 years
11:29 PM, 4/20
pairing: stoner!Eren and fem bodied reader
content: smoking/drugs, dumbification, finger fucking, penetration, porn without plot, minors DNI
summary: eren's been trying to fuck you for years now, and he's got a different angle to play at this time. all it takes are a few pretty words and free weed.
wc: 3.5k
notes: happy 4/20 lmfao i wrote this in two hours and i'm posting this unedited and half asleep
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‘Rolling up, you sliding through?’
Your phone illuminated brightly against your face as you held your phone above you, your bed’s soft comforter brought up to your chin. You bit your lip, contemplating Eren’s invitation. Your eyes glanced to the clock in the corner of your phone screen, blinking a couple of times. ‘11:29 PM’ it read back.
‘Pleaaaase, 4/20 is almost over ):’ Eren had resorted to double texting, and you sighed, his battle easily won. You tried to believe it was fought hard, but you knew perfectly well that you were wrapped around Eren’s pretty little finger. He called, you answered. Simple as that.
‘I want a blunt all to myself for this Jaeger. I’m literally in bed right now’ you typed back quickly, clicking the off button on the side of your device, begrudgingly throwing your blanket off your body as the heat escaped. You gazed down at your attire, sweatshirt and sleep shorts bundled up to your form, and you sighed once again. Eren was going to have to accept you like this, because there was absolutely no way in Hell that you could fathom throwing on real clothes this late at night.
‘What’re you wearing? Send pics’
‘Eren I’m LITERALLY!!! On my way to your house right now’. This boy was going to be the death of you, or at least whatever brain cells you had left.
Fuzzy pink slides adorned on your feet, hair thrown up in the messiest ‘neat’ bun you could manage, you pocketed your keys and wallet. You grabbed your bookbag in the corner of your room full of paraphernalia, knowing well by now that Eren was too lazy to buy bongs or bowls, and made your way out of your home, locking the front door on your way out. You hit the unlock button on your car, throwing the bag in the passenger seat and set out for your late night journey.
It wasn’t uncommon for your best friend to hit you up so late, in fact it was Eren’s peak hours for hanging out. He never genuinely inconvenienced you, just an annoyance because every single time you got that invite text or call, your head would have just hit the pillow beneath you, sleep on the horizon. Traffic was the best at this time too, you would reason on the way there, virtually no cars on the road, turning your usual twenty minute ride into a ten minute one.
When you rolled up Eren’s driveway, you could see the dark red lights of his bedroom through the upstairs window on the front of the house. You picked your phone out of your pocket, texting a quick ‘I’m here’. You grabbed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and climbed out of your car. By the time you made it to his front door, Eren was swinging it open, a goofy smile on his face.
“Just us tonight?” you asked, referring to the lack of cars in the driveway as you glided through the entryway.
“Yeah, feeling greedy. We haven’t hung out just us in awhile,” Eren smirked, leaning back and letting his eyes travel down your spine as you slid by him. He reached and pulled the door closed, locking it quickly and following quickly behind you.
You spent most of your nights here, knowing the pathway to Eren’s room. You jogged up the stairs, oblivious to Eren’s eyes trained in on your bouncing ass in your loose fitted shorts. His bedroom door was wide open, and you navigated over clothes thrown haphazardly on his floor to his unmade bed. You bounced as you sat down, hitting the mattress with your full weight and unzipping your bag, picking out your favorite bowl. Eren lifted the corner of his mouth, clearly amused at how at home you had made yourself.
“Comfy?” he asked, a teasing tone to his voice as he joined you on the bed, rolling tray and jar of bud in hand.
“Mhm,” you hummed, eyeing Eren’s hands as they set quickly to work. His grinder sat on the bed behind him, and after picking out a few clusters of green from the jar, he reached behind him and popped the top off, going through the motions of getting prepped for the smoke session. “What’d you do today?”
Eren shot you a dumb founded look, “It’s 4/20, what do you think I’ve been doing all day?”
You rolled your eyes, throwing your hands up in surrender, “Just making a joke, asshole.”
He chuckled, extending his hand out so you could pass him your bowl, packing it not long after. Eren looked around his mattress for a lighter, eyebrows drawn together as he couldn’t find one. You smirked then, extending the black lighter you had packed in your bag, and Eren smiled gratefully. He flicked the lighter once it was in his possession, pointer finger resting over the choke as he placed the pipe to his lips, inhaling deeply as the fresh green turned to ash. He lifted his long finger off the choke hole, removing the pipe as he held the smoke in for a few seconds, eyes instantly glazing as he exhaled.
Eren was one of those smokers that the second he had a hit of weed, it was written all over his face that he was high, even if he wasn’t. When Eren picked up the habit in highschool, his parents knew instantly what the boy had been doing during his “study sessions” with his friends. Now that he was an adult and moved out of his childhood home, Eren was pretty free in his indulgences, no longer carrying around eye drops to try and help him appear as innocent as possible.
After his second hit, Eren passed you back your bowl and lighter, coughing lightly as he exhaled, “What about you? What’d you do today?”
“Not much, spent all day watching documentaries and smoking my vape,” you laughed lightly, positioning the pipe to your own lips.
Eren’s eyes drank in the sight of your pretty plump lips as they wrapped around the tip of the pipe, fingers copying his as you bent your finger over the choke. The lighter ignited after a single flick, warm colored flames illuminating your face. It was like Eren was watching you in slow motion, but it was always like that with you, even when he wasn’t high. He could see the fire in your eyes as they focused downwards to your actions, and Eren felt his mouth go dry. You pulled the bowl away, making eye contact with him as the smoke exited your lips, licking your face as it traveled towards the ceiling on your exhale.
The two of you made small talk as you passed the bowl back and forth, Eren making a face once the bud was dead. He packed another bowl, repeating the rotation until that one was dead. The two of you thoroughly fried, he put the pipe on his bedside table and leaned his back against the wall by his bed. You mirrored him, resting your head on his broad shoulder as the two of you enjoyed each other’s company.
“We should make edibles this weekend,” you suggested, fingers playing with the drawstring of your hoodie. “Maybe invite the group over and get zooted and play a game or something.”
“Zooted?” Eren snorted. “I haven’t heard that word in years, grandma.”
You shot Eren a glare, which he began to laugh at, “I’m hip, okay? Zooted is making a comeback.”
“Stop trying to fit in with the youth, Myrtle,” he teased, wrapping his arm around your waist to tuck you into his side. “Man, if I was only 50 years older.”
You lightly elbowed his side, “You wish you could bag 70 year old me. I’m a fucking catch.”
“I wish I could bag you period,” Eren confessed, probably for the hundredth time of you knowing him. “How come you’ve never let me take you out?”
“Because, you’d just fuck and dump me and then I wouldn’t have a plug anymore,” you pouted, purposefully snuggling in closer.
“Is that what you really think?” he asked seriously, positioning his neck to the side so he could look down at you.
You looked up, centimeters apart from his face, “That’s what you did with all the other girls.”
“But you’re my best friend,” Eren frowned, taking his hand and pushing your hair behind your ear. “I wouldn't do that to you.”
“Don’t know if I wanna’ really find that out,” you smiled sadly.
“C’mon, let me prove it to you,” Eren licked his lips. “Fuck me, right now, and I’ll take you out tomorrow.”
You felt a pulse in your pussy suddenly, gulping spit down as you broke the eye contact, “I don’t know ‘Ren. We’ve been friends since highschool, what if it makes things weird?”
“You can’t look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you’ve never thought about it, about us,” his voice was a hare above a whisper. “Because I think about it all the time. ‘Is why I hit you up all the time, I like you stupid, I always have.”
This confession was so different from all the other ones. Eren was practically begging to let him in between your legs on a weekly basis, ever since you had met him. Never once had he been this honest though, so genuine sounding about his feelings. He had a point as well, you thought about being with him all the time. You were always at his house or going out somewhere together, you spent all your free time with him, of course you would have feelings for Eren.
“If,” you started, your eyes blinking rapidly as you returned your gaze to his red ones. “I say yes, and things are weird after, we’re going to pretend like this never happened and we go back to being friends.”
Eren’s lips crashed into your’s, any and all hesitation rolling off your body as you eagerly returned his kiss. His other arm circled you, bringing you in somehow even closer to him as your hands grabbed both of his cheeks, feeling the flex of his jaw as you smashed your lips together. Eren’s hand traveled under the hem of your sweatshirt to the small of your back, guiding you to sit in his lap. Legs on either side of his hips, your tongues slipped through the both of your lips, meeting in the middle.
Maybe it was the high, maybe it was Eren, but the throbbing in your cunt only expanded as Eren smoothed his hands all over the middle of your torso. They traveled up to the swell of your breasts, free from a bra, cupping both tits in his large hands. His thumbs slid and teased your nipples, hardening instantly under his touch. You arched your back, pushing your chest into his palms even more, your hips flicking as he tweaked your nipples between his fingers.
You both moaned into each other’s mouths at the roll of your hips, feeling Eren’s dick harden fast underneath your clothed center. Eren had been wearing a pair of thin grey sweatpants, leaving not much to the imagination while he was in this state. You felt his lips scrape against your bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth and sucking gently. He released it, a string of saliva linking to the two of you together.
“I’ve been imagining this for forever,” Eren’s eyes were glazed and deep red when you met his gaze. “I just never thought this would happen.”
“I’ve been wanting you too,” you admitted, your dirty little secret exposed.
He smirked at your confession, hands still toying with your breasts. Silencing you once more with his passionate kiss, he moved his hands downwards and to your back until he met the waistband of your shorts. He easily slid under the hem, gripping your ass in his palms, kneading and spreading you apart. You felt your pussy flutter, the indirect contact sending you into a deep pit of arousal, your senses heightened greatly.
It was like Eren could read your mind, and his fingers traveled to your spread cunt over his lap, running a finger over your slit over your panties. You whined, pressing your hips down to achieve a greater pressure from his hand, in turn allowing your wetness to seep through the cotton of your panties. Eren chuckled against your lips, reading your body language loud and clear. He pushed the fabric aside, allowing his knuckles to brush directly into your folds. You moaned into his mouth as he spread your arousal around your vulva. When his thumb bumped against your clit, you felt your patience snap entirely.
“‘Ren, need your fingers, now,” you panted, eyes half lidded as his kiss traveled to the underside of your jaw.
“You got it, baby girl,” he hummed into your skin. There was no resistance as he pushed his middle finger into your opening. “Fuck, you’re fucking soaked. This all for me?”
You couldn’t find your voice, nodding and whining out as he pumped his single digit into your pussy. His touch was slow, deliberate, trying to memorize every single ridge and flutter of your walls as you pulsed around him. Eren’s mouth was dry, dick hard and throbbing, completely lost in the feeling of you sucking his finger in deeper. He couldn’t comprehend the fact that his cock would be replacing his fingers soon, finally fucking you like he had imagined for years now.
His middle finger dared to pull out, and you let out a desperate whine, thinking that was his plan. You gasped in relief and pleasure as his ring finger pushed past your entrance, clenching tightly on his fingers. Eren found solace in this, perceiving your flutters as permission to go finger fuck you at an ungodly pace. He positioned his wrist as a more comfortable angle, and his fingers pumped inside of you at the speed of light.
Your eyebrows came together, mouth hanging open as you squeaked and whined, Eren’s other hand finding purchase on your jaw. He squeezed your cheeks together lightly, forcing your lips to pout as he maintained direct eye contact with you. His own lips hung open, and you could see your reflection in his blown out pupils. It only enticed you more, you looked heavenly. Eren couldn’t have worded it before himself if you had verbalized this, whole heartedly agreeing with you.
“You’re so tight,” Eren groaned out, his hand leaving your chin and slipping two fingers in between your lips. “Suck, baby.”
You did as you were told, Eren’s fingers slowing to fuck up into roughly, hitting your sweet spot over and over. Your tongue circled around his knuckles, lips vibrating on his fingers as your moans were silenced. Eren was thoroughly enjoying himself, seeing you completely under his control like this. You were putty in the palm of his hands, literally.
He slid his fingers out of your cunt so suddenly, feeling the gush of your arousal against your inner thighs as his hand left your shorts. His other hand fell out of your mouth, moving back to your jaw as you felt the wetness of your spit spread across your face. Eren brought the hand he was fucking you with to his own mouth, and you were practically drooling at the sight of him sucking your pussy juices off of his fingers.
“Delicious,” he cooed after he pulled them from his lips. “Just like I always imagined.”
You took this as your opportunity to remove some of your clothing. You tugged your hoodie over your head, tossing it on the floor. Eren followed suit, removing his own white t-shirt and reattaching his lips to yours. You tasted hints of yourself, not at all repulsed, in fact the exact opposite. You tasted sweet, tart but sweet.
You pushed yourself away from Eren, scooting off his lap in order to tear off your shorts and panties. Eren mirrored you, almost ripping his pants and boxers off as he slid them past his thighs and ankles to the floor. He remained in his seated position, eyes swirling and fingers twitching at his sides as he watched your crawl back to him. You placed a sloppy kiss to his lips before turning your body around, placing your feet on the mattress on either side of his lap. Sat in a full crouch now, you grabbed Eren’s cock, pumping him a few times with both of your hands in a screw motion. He moaned from behind you, his own hands gripping your ass cheeks to support your frame.
You guided Eren to your hovering pussy, teasing your clit, soaking him in your dripping heat. He cursed underneath you, his right hand moving to your hip as you lowered yourself on his length. Eren groaned loudly as the feelings of satisfaction and relief flowed through his body, his own heightened senses taking over. You moved to rest on your knees when you felt Eren bottom out inside of you, a string of moans and whimpers leaving your lips. You arched your back and Eren leaned back more, eyes stationed on your beautiful round ass.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he ran a hand up to the back of your head, untangling your messy bun so your hair fell free down your back. “C’mon baby, bounce on my dick.”
You lifted your hips, slamming down to his pelvis urgently. It was so overwhelming, the feeling of his cock filling you to the brim making your brain empty. Your eyes screwed shut, mouth hanging open dumbly as drool coated the swell of your lips. You bounced again, and Eren yanked your hair back as he watched your pussy stretch around him, close to snapping and drilling into you as he saw the creamy ring form around his base. You were a moaning mess, unable to think clearly as your body took over. Pushing all your weight into your knees and palms resting on Eren’s thighs, you fastened your pace, ass bouncing every time Eren’s fat tip brushed up against your cervix.
You felt the sharp sting on your cheek and heard the resounding slap of his hand on your right cheek, tears springing to your eyes, “Fuck, Eren, you feel so good.”
Taking your hips into his strong hands, Eren was finally at his brink as he thrusted hard up into. You yelped, letting yourself go limp as he slammed into your cunt at a dangerous pace. He was in full control now, fucking you into a stupor.
Your hand left it’s home of his thigh, traveling to your aching center to rub your clit. Eren’s position was perfect, rubbing the underside of his shaft against your g-spot. When you opened your eyes, you could see his toes curling, legs flexing and twitching. He wasn’t going to last long, your pussy putting him under a spell. You circled your clit with your pointer and middle fingers, throat raw from all the noises escaping you. All you felt was Eren, all you could hear was Eren, he was filling your entire being up, replacing any and all thoughts they may have lingered in your brain.
“Gonna’ cum,” you whined, fingers moving even faster.
“I’m so fucking close, fucking cum baby,” Eren growled, thrusts desperate and becoming irregular.
You stilled above him, a breathless scream heaving from your throat as you gushed around him. Your pussy clenched so tight, and Eren couldn’t hold back. Because as empty as your brain was, Eren was in the exact same state as he shot his thick load into you, filling your tight cunt up with his cum. You milked his cock, walls convulsing in your mind blowing orgasm. Black spots appeared in your vision when you realized you had forgotten to breathe, you took a deep gasp of air.
You were a panting, sweaty mess hovering over him. Eren was in awe, watching beads of his white seed leak out of your center. He’d worry about the consequences when his brain could comprehend what had just happened, but for now, the deep primal urge of filling you up was sedated. Eren didn’t think he could’ve imagined fucking you for the first time any better than this. And when you finally lifted your hips to release him, he felt a wave of sadness, your beautiful pussy no longer surrounding him.
“Did you, oh my God, Eren,” you lifted your hand in front of you, seeing the creamy white of his cum smeared on your fingers. “You came inside of me?”
“Sorry, baby,” he caught his breath as you turned your head over your shoulder to glare at him. “I’ll buy you Plan B in the morning, promise.”
“I’m on the pill, but still,” you huffed, letting the anger leave you as you realized Eren would take responsibility. “You didn’t know that.”
Eren laughed without humor, “Oh well, at least I know for next time. Now c’mere, wanna’ hold you while I roll a blunt.”
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LACHERI © 2021: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations. this is my only account.
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jaehyunnie77 · 4 years
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summary: All the sexual tension leads up to one house party with none other than your best friend Jaehyun.
pairing: jaehyun x f. reader (featuring johnny and mark)
genre: college au; f2l!, smut, humor, fluff
warnings: alcohol, daddy kink, fingering, dirty talk, oral recieving (both), overstimulation, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids)
word count: 3.5k
taglist: @jaehyunfirstlove thank you for encouraging me <3
a/n: I wrote this for fun one night haha I tried my best since this is my first time writing a smut and fic. I hope you enjoy this as much as I had writing it <3
“Hurry up y/n! By the time we get there all the booze will be gone and I won’t get to see Johnny!” your best friend yelled from the living room. “You always see Johnny” you yelled back from the bathroom. “Not the point! I’m trying to get some dick!” You could only roll your eyes and chuckle. “Give me a second. I’m almost done!” If you were being honest, you didn’t want to go to the house party your friends Mark and Johnny were throwing. 
The two guys and your best friend have all been pointing out reasons to go out, especially after your break up with your ex boyfriend. “Y/n, you need to have some fun and live a little. You can’t stay cooped up in your room or in the library forever. That’ll just make you more weirder.” Mark said one afternoon. “Yeah, and you have nice clothes y/n! They need to see light!” your best friend chimed in. You knew there was no point in trying to argue your point, so here you are, on a Saturday night, getting dressed in what feels like forever, to go to a house party. 
You leaned over the sink to put on your lipgloss and do a glance over of your makeup and looked at yourself in the mirror. After weeks of wearing nothing but baggy shirts, sweats, and no effort in doing hair and makeup, you hardly recognize yourself. In replacement, you are wearing tight black jeans that hugs your waist and a red crop top along with black heels. You definetly didn’t recognize yourself. As you made sure everything was to your liking, you headed outside to the living room where your best friend stood. 
“About damn -” she gasped and you instantly felt panicked rushing through your body. 
“What? Is it too much? You know what I’m just going to change.” you said already turning back. 
“No! You look hot as fuck! If I wasn’t chasing after Johnny’s dick, I would be making moves on you.” you both laughed. 
“It’s not too much though? I haven’t gone out since -”
“No, here is what we are not going to do. We are not going to talk about that sore loser of an ex of yours tonight, tomorrow, or any other night because tonight you are going to find someone and get laid!” You couldn’t help but groan out loud. “Trust me y/n. You deserve a night out to have fun and just be you again. You look beautiful.” She gave you a cheeky smile. Before you could say anything, she was pushing you through the door. 
By the time you arrived 10 minutes later to the party, you were honestly speechless. Sure you’ve been to other parties before the boys threw, but nothing compared to tonight. What was supposed to be the front lawn was full of people and even the balcony was people. It looked like the entire school was here partying. Once you found the front door, more people crowded the entire house with bodies against one another, red cups and bottle of beers on every surface, and smoke in the air. Without wasting any time, you both walked toward the kitchen to get yourselves situated. 
As you were about to grab a drink, you were greeted with hugs and yells from Johnny, Mark, Yuta, and your best friend Jaehyun. “About damn time you two got here! We were wondering who kidnapped your sexy asses.” Johnny said, already tipsy. He gave you a one sided hug as his eyes roamed all over your best friend. 
“Oh yeah, what would you have done if my sexy ass was kidnapped?” your best friend flirted back. You couldn’t help but fake vomit as you see your two closest friends flirting in front of you. 
“If you guys are going to flirt and fuck, please don’t do it around me.” you fake  gagged making everyone laugh.
You were then handed a shot glass and when you looked at the owner of the hand, you find yourself smiling widely at Jaehyun as his arm wrapped around your waist giving you a one sided hug. He gives you his infamous smile and dimples as he pulls you close and whispers in your ear, “You look beautiful.” At this point you forget how to breathe because the smell of his cologne and the way he makes you feel becomes all suffocating. 
You and Jaehyun first met in your first year of college in one of your shared classes. At first it was small talk, asking questions if either of you written down notes from the last class, to studying together at the library to coffee runs and making movie nights at one another dorms. Within a short span of time, you two were inseperable and becoming the best of friends.
Sure you have found him extremely attractive, but you knew better than to let your emotions get the best of you. Plus, you were dating your ex, while he had flings here and there. You knew there was never a chance for you both to be more than friends. Or so you thought. 
With your last relationship, Jaehyun had helped you through your break up and made sure to keep you occupied. He did a good job if you’re being honest because after two weeks, you forgot all about your ex. 
One night after a heavy studying session in your room, things got interesting. You don’t know how it happened or who made the first move, but next thing you knew, you are kissing your best friend! The kiss was hot and needy and it made you feel all the tingles everywhere in your body. No one broke away and the more you two made out, the more you craved for him. You found yourself straddling him and begun to grind your hips down on him. You could feel his bulge grow, earning a tiny moan from him. He gripped your waist and started to move you faster against him. Just then there was a loud knock on your door. “Delivery.” You both sigh as you get off of him. 
You come back with the food and didn’t know how to look at him. “Um, I, that...” you stuttered, embarassed at what just happened. He looks at your flustered state and starts to chuckle. You look at him wide eyes as you let out a laugh.
“It’s okay. Glad we got that out of the way.” he said.
You scoffed and threw the nearst pillow at him, not bothering to dissect his words. His laughter booms throughout the room. He calms down and looks at you seriously. “Honestly though, it’s okay y/n. I know I’m hot.” he laughs again. 
“Jaehyun! Oh my god. Shut up!” you cried back as you start to lightly hit him anywhere on his body you could hit. 
As much as you wanted him to make you feel good and fuck you dumb, you weren’t ready to risk your friendship just yet. From that day on, you two never talk about it nor made any other moves to steal kisses or have sex. That didn’t mean you two stopped flirting with one another or the sexual tension in the air. 
With two or four, maybe six, shots downed and however many refills you had, you had lost count, you were having fun. You and Mark played beer pong and won against Yuta and Jaehyun, to which Jaehyun wasn’t that pleased. When he looked over at the table in disbelief, he couldn’t help but soften his emotions when he saw you smiling and laughing. He thought to himself that he would let this go just this once. 
After your victory, you roamed around to the living room and began dancing with a couple of people you’ve seen in classes. Your best friend was nowhere in sight, most likely upstairs with Johnny. Feeling loose and happy, your eyes stopped at the man across the room whose eyes were all on you. 
From where Jaehyun stood, he could see how much fun you were having. He loved the way your body moved to the music and how all he wanted to do was take off those jeans that clunged to your body. He was leaning against the wall and couldn’t stop himself from having thoughts of what he could do to you if you were his. There was no denying that when you two were left alone, there was always an electrufying electricity throughout the room. He wanted more and he was ready to take that risk. He craved you. 
You began walking towards Jaehyun, eyes never leaving one another. His eyes were dark and full of lust and made your whole body shiver. As if the universe was on your side, ‘Pussy Fairy’ started to play. You gave him a smirk as you turned around and started to dance on him. He puts his whole chest behind you, his head finding its way to your neck, and match your movements. You were thankful the room was dark to hide your flustered face as his breath brushed against your skin. 
He kisses your neck ever so softly, letting out a moan only for him to hear. You felt high on ectasy. He put his index finger under chin making you turn your head to him as he kissed your lips. What started off as soft and teasing turned into hunger as your tongues collided exploring ones mouth. Oh how you missed his lips. You pulled away smiling at him as he studied your face, understanding what you wanted. He put his drink down as he took your hand and guided you upstairs to a nearby empty bedroom. 
He closed and locked the door quickly and pushed you against the nearest wall kissing you. You grunt as you felt the sudden impact on your back. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment.” he said in between kisses. Your tongues were fighting for dominance, but you knew better. You sucked on his tonuge earning a moan out of him. Satisfy with yourself, you bit lightly on his buttom lip. 
He undid your jeans sliding them down and helping you out of it along with your panties. He kissed you up until he was back to your lips. Your arms around his broad shoulders and hands in his hair. He put his thigh between your legs as you mindlessly bucked into him. You could feel him smirking. 
“You’re so fucking sexy. Will you let me be yours tonight?” he asked looking into your eyes. 
“Ruin me ... daddy” you quietly say. 
“Say that again.”
“Ruin me da-” before you could finish your words, he inserted a finger into you. A loud gasp leaving your mouth as your eyes rolled back.
“You’re so wet baby girl. Daddy is going to ruin you tonight.” he inserted another finger, stretching you out completely as you moaned loudly. God his fingers felt magical inside you. He kissed and bit your neck as his other hand started to caress your boob. “So fucking perfect.”
“Jae, I’m going to cum.” 
“Cum on my fingers baby.” 
Without being told twice, you felt your release flowing through you. He helped you ride out your high, fingers never stopping from pumping into you. He kiss your lips and withdraws his fingers and place it into his mouth. “Mmm. You taste so good.” He takes off your top and bra and walks you back to the bed. You helped him discard his shirt and jeans, leaving him only in his boxers. 
He settles in between your legs as he starts to nibble, flick, suck, and massage both your breasts. You were so turned on by his touches and mouth, you almost cum on the spot. “Please don’t stop daddy” you say breathlessly. 
“Does my baby girl love when daddy’s mouth is on you like this?” he lightly bites your erected nipple. All you could do is nod, words completely leaving your mind. “Words baby.”
“Yes daddy. Please don’t stop doing that.” you bucked your hips towards him. 
“Not yet princess, I’m not done yet. Now be a good girl for me and don’t cum until I say so.” he leaves trail kisses down your stomach to your thighs and to your slit. He circles his tonuge on your clit making you arch your back. “f-fuck” you say. 
“Is all of this for me?” he teases you. With every lick, every squeeze he gives your breats, you felt yourself losing your mind. As he sucks on your clit, he inserts his fingers and pumps into you. 
The feeling is so overwhelming you were close. “J-Jae, I’m so close. Please.”  you begged him. That just made him more determine to make you cum for the second time. He looked up at you between your legs and see your o face and that in itself was the perfect image for him. He loved that he was the one making you feel good and calling out his name. Your hands gripping his hair a little too harshly, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was making you feel good. 
He could feel your body begin to tremble as he put his arm over your stomach to keep you in place and the other over your thighs to keep them open. Without warning, you are cumming for the second time. You felt hazy and on cloud nine, his tongue making you oversensitive. 
He lets go of your clit with a pop. “Did daddy say you could cum? his deep voice sends a shiver down your spine. He gets up to take off his boxer and his hard cock springs up. You couldn’t wait any longer as you got on your knees bending foward and taking his cock in your hands. You looked up at him with innocent eyes as you gave his cock a stroke and kisses along the side and finally the tip. He hisses at the sight of you as you put him in your mouth. You bobbed you’re head up and down before he put puts his hands through your hair keeping you in place. You take him in deeper until he was hitting the back of your throat.
“Oh fuck y/n. Just like that. You’re a bad girl, but daddy loves your mouth so fucking much.” 
You pulled him out of your mouth with a pop to get air. Saliva and precum dripping from your mouth. You giggled and take his cock into your mouth again as he thrust into your mouth. You tried your best not to gag, but the sounds you were making made him thrust harder. “Fuck you’re going to make me cum!”
He pulled you back and gently pushed you back onto the bed. Before you could adjust yourself, he lined up his cock at your entrance and thrusted into you knocking out the wind in you. “You’re so big!” your head rolls back onto the pillow as you could feel every inch of him inside you as he bottoms out. He stills for a second to let you adjust to him. “You’re so tight baby.” You grabbed his face down to yours and kiss him. 
“Ruin me Jaehyun.” you say breathlessly.
He pulls out leaving only the top in as he starts to pound into you. With every thrust felt like heaven. The bed starts to hit against the wall at his rapid pace as everything around you turned into nothingness except for him, the slapping of skin on skin, both of your heavy breathing, panting, and moaning. 
The sight of you underneath him was enough for him to hold out on his orgasm. Jaehyun wanted to show you just how badly he wanted you. Your tits bounce perfectly as he pounds into you. The moans coming out of your mouth, his name rolling easily off your tonuge. He leans foward, his forehead against yours, as he perfectly hits your g-spot. “ohmygod, fuck right there, daddy don’t stop. please don’t stop!” you pleaded as you clenched your walls around him coming undone, stars blurring your vision. 
You could tell Jaehyun was nowhere near his orgasm as he slows his movements down. “You’re so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?” he kisses your lips softly and moves again Everything was too much for you, but you loved the feeling of his cock in you. 
“Jae please, I don’t think I can take it anymore.” you stated as you have tears in your eyes. 
“You’re doing so well baby. Oh so good for daddy. Can you hold on for one more? Just one more princess.” You nodded your head the best you could as he flipped you over onto all fours. You tried your best to hold yourself up, but as always without warning, Jaehyun rams into you, making the new position feel bliss. You collpased into the bed as you muffled your screams and moans into the pillow. He grabbed your hair, pulling you up to his bare chest. 
“You like this don’t you princess. No one has ever made you feel this good huh?” your brain turned into puddle as you try to look for words. You feel your legs begin to tremble as his thrust start to become uneven. 
“Yes daddy I love your cock stretching me out.” 
“I can’t believe we never fucked until now.” he says in between breaths before reaching down to rub your clit. “Cum with me baby.”
With one final thrust he releases into you filling you up as you reached your fourth orgasm of the night. 
He kisses between your shoulder blades before collapsing next to you. You two lay there for a moment catching your breaths. 
You were the first to break the silence, “That was amazing.” You turned to face him as you see sweat glistening over his body and his hair sticking to his forehead. How could he look so damn attractice after sex. You no longer felt intoxicated from alochol, but intoxicated from Jaehyun instead. You two look at each other before he pulls you to him and cups your face. He presses his soft plump lips onto yours. From what was hunger a minute ago, was replaced with gentleness and love. 
After your last relationship, you didn’t know if you would ever fall in love again, but in the last couple of months, you realized you fell in love with your best friend without meaning to. Or maybe you had always loved him since the first day you two talked. Unbeknownist to you, he was already in love with you from the moment he laid his eyes on you. 
“I love you.” he quietly says as he strokes your hair mindlessly. You look at your interwined hands as a smile crept up on your face. You looked up at him, “I love you too Jung Jaehyun.” He looks at you with loving eyes as you give him another kiss and falling asleep in his arms. 
It was 7 in the morning as you had a throbbing headache. The memories of last night still lingered in the air as Jaehyun’s arms are wrapped tightly around you. You felt safe with him and you wondered how did you ever get so lucky to have him in your life. 
There was a loud banging on the door and you remembered that you both fallen asleep at Mark and Johnny’s house. “Hey! Get up! Come and help clean up this house!” Mark yells. 
Jaehyun groaned at the loud banging and held you tighter. You couldn’t help but laugh. “Good morning cutie” you say as you give him a morning kiss. His eyes flutter open as a smile crept on his face. “Good morning beautiful.” He snuggles his nose against the crook of your neck. You try to get up to get dress when Jaehyun grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him.
“Jae we have to go. I’m pretty sure the person who lives in this room wants his room back.” 
“Eh Mark can wait. It’s not like he can make do the dishes when I do them every night.” 
“Huh?” you look at him confused. 
He realizes your confusion and chuckles. “The guys asked me to move in with them a couple of months ago. I thought I told you or at least one of them did.” 
You gave him a are you serious right now look and pout. You smacked his chest lightly, “No they did not and neither did you!” 
He laughs wholeheartedly and pretends to be hurt. 
“I’m sorry princess.” He gives you a kiss to the lips. “I was so lost in being in love with you, I forgot to mention it. What can I do to make it up to you?” he kisses your forehead, cheeks, nose, jaw, and finally your lips. He lingers there for a second before a smirk is plastered on his face. “Want to go for round two?” he wiggles his eyebrows and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Jae I love you, but I’m sore.”
“I’ll be gentle I promise.”
Without waiting for a response, he climbs on top of you.
Far in the distance, Mark is heard pounding on another door asking for help to clean the house. 
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tfwlawyers · 3 years
Not me singlehandedly going through your entire parent trap au I’m so invested even though like half of the posts are from 2015 💀
THESE THINGS HAPPEN I get such a kick out of knowing this au is still making its rounds though 😭😭
and yk what just because I know I’m never going to do anything else with this, have a 3.5k attempted scramble of fic for this au I tried writing back also in 2015. i was even less of a writer back then than I am now so it’s absolutely terrible but have at thee
“Oh, wait...” Trucy winced and tapped her earring. Apollo’s eyes widened in realization. “Looks like we have one more thing to do tonight - it’ll be super quick, I promise.”
“Oh no,” Apollo said, visibly paling, “there’s no way you’re doing that to me-”
“Then cutting my hair was a total waste,” Trucy huffed, tugging at a newly shorn lock, “because there’s no way I can go to camp with pierced ears and come home without. Come on, Polly, where’s your sense of adventure? It’s just one little pinch!”
“Just one?” he asked hesitantly, eyes now trained on the sharp needle laying on the table.
Trucy paused. “Well... I guess it’s technically two. I really only wear the one earring, but both my ears are pierced.”
Apollo sighed. “Great.”
“Nah, I got this,” Trucy said, grinning toothily. “I went with Aunt Maya when she wanted to get hers pierced, even though she chickened out at the last second.” She picked up the needle and a book of matches from the table, eyes glinting. “I had to get mine repierced because of infection the first time too. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”
“Put that apple slice back,” Apollo said, narrowing his eyes at the piece of fruit in Trucy’s hands. “They’re acidic, I don’t need that anywhere near me and oh God you’re really going to shove a piece of metal into my ear, aren’t you-”
“You sure I look okay?” he asked, patting down the skirt. He squinted down at the stark white boots he’d thankfully fit into. “I’m terrified to walk in these, they look like death traps -”
“Which is why we’re practicing,” Trucy said primly, wiping her hands on a gel-stained rag. She still didn’t quite have a grasp on the correct ratio of product to actual hair, but she was much better than when they had started five weeks ago. “Now, walk towards me.”
“One last thing, I guess,” Apollo said, removing his bracelet and handing it to Trucy, watching as she carefully slid it on. He rubbed his now bare wrist absentmindedly, feeling strangely naked without it.
“So... this is really it. We’re really doing this.”
“We’re really doing this,” Trucy confirmed, bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet. For all her apparent enthusiasm, she looked as nervous as he felt. The studs in her ears reflected the morning light.
“Give papa a hug for me,” he said, smiling weakly.
“Give daddy one for me too,” she said.
They hesitated a moment more before Trucy threw her arms around her brother’s shoulders. Apollo’s arms immediately snaked around her waist, drawing her in tight. They clung to each other, silently willing and praying this was somehow going to all work out - that they wouldn’t just to get to meet their other parent, that they wouldn’t only get a few short weeks with the other father they hadn’t even known had existed, but that they could find some way to reconcile the two, that they wouldn’t have to lose anyone across the wide expanse of the Atlantic ever again.
“You’ve had your ears pierced,” he said almost absently, cradling her head between his hands and gently turning her neck back and forth to better view the studs. He clicked his tongue. Trucy felt her heart sink.
“Do you... hate them?” she asked tentatively.
Edgeworth’s eyes snapped to hers. They were the same soft gray color as the paint Daddy always kept too much of around the house. “On the contrary - I find they suit you incredibly well. Please tell me you didn’t get an infection.”
Her face split into a wide smile.
Apollo thumbed through a stack of canvases that had been shoved into a corner. There was a thin layer of dust of them; if he had to guess, he’d say they hadn’t been disturbed for at least three months - not a particularly long stretch of time, all things considered. They were clearly less polished works, lacking the technical skill and attention to detail that made Phoenix Wright a name to be reckoned with in the art community, but they were still beautiful in their own way. Paintings of vineyards and what looked like London, towering skyscrapers and calm seas and -
His father.
Apollo blinked.
The portrait of Miles Edgeworth drawn in rich oils did not blink back. Nor did the three that followed.
“There were a lot of paintings of the same person in daddy’s works. Some guy with grey hair,” Apollo said, struggling for nonchalance.
Maya’s grip on the mixing bowl faltered. “Is that so,” she said carefully.
“Was he one of daddy’s favorite models or something he just never told me about?”
Maya pursed her lips and continued stirring with a newfound vigor. “You could say that.”
“You’re not Apollo?” he asked, voice thick. “You’re Trucy?”
She smiled weakly. “That would be correct.” One strand of hair fell lank across her forehead - how did I not notice, Apollo hasn’t used nearly that much gel in years - and he absentmindedly tucked it behind her ear. He felt her press into the warmth of his hand, as if she were afraid he might suddenly vanish across the Atlantic again.
“I hope you don’t - I hope you don’t hate me,” she said, voice beginning to waver, “it’s just that Polly and I met at the camp and the whole thing sort of just spilled out. I’ve wanted to see you for so long, and Polly felt exactly the same way about Daddy, so we sort of just - just switched lives and hoped it wouldn’t take you so soon to notice. I really hope you don’t hate me, because I’ve wanted to meet you basically my whole life and I hope that maybe one day you can love me for me and not Polly and -” (this is ALL from movie tho so mix this up)
Edgeworth’s left hand came to cradle the rest of Trucy’s face, cutting her off mid-sentence. “Oh, my dear,” he said, cautiously tugging her forward. She came willingly, all but sprawling across his chest, tucking her head underneath his chin and wrapping her arms around his middle. “I’ve loved you since the day you came to me,” he whispered into her hair, blinking away the beginnings of tears he felt gathering at the corner of his eyes. He felt her tighten her hold and he did the same.
He poured himself a thumbnail of scotch, perfectly content to pretend he didn’t have tickets to a plane back to a state he had vowed never to set foot in again departing in less than four hours. “He was rather handsome,” he found himself admitting, absentmindedly swirling the glass and taking a sip. He paused, staring at nothing and mumbling to himself, “...had the most crooked smile. Always made me weak at the knees.”
“What was that, sir?”
Edgeworth snapped his attention back to the other man; he’d nearly forgotten Gumshoe was even in the room. “Nothing, nothing, never mind, have you seen the tickets?”
Gumshoe shrugged. That was Trucy’s cue.
“Almost ready, papa?” she asked, stepping smoothly into the room from her hiding place behind the thick wooden door. Edgeworth looked just as wild-eyed as she’d been hoping.
“Yes, of course, I’m almost finished packing -”
She didn’t even have to look at his still mostly bare suitcase to know he was lying.
“ -and you did tell your father we were coming, didn’t you?” he finished, placing his drink on a nearby dresser and running his fingers shakily through his hair.
“Absolutely,” Trucy promised.
“Ah,” Edgeworth said, fiddling with his waistcoat buttons. They looked like they’d been polished recently.
“Liar,” Gumshoe leaned down to whisper. She shushed him.
“Might I suggest we continue this little gathering inside,” Maya said, already beginning to shepherd the twins - the twins, she was going to need another vacation just to process the fact that they were together again - into the room. She twisted back around to look at Edgeworth, still shoving Apollo (that was Apollo, right?) forward. “Hi,” she began again, offering a free hand, “you probably don’t remember me -”
“Maya!” he interrupted, smiling warmly and bending to kiss her chastely on the cheek. His breath was sour with vodka and his glasses clunked awkwardly against her face. As he turned and stepped fully into the room, Maya’s cheeks(rp) began to hurt from smiling so fiercely.
“I knew I always liked him,” she said to no one as she closed the door.
This was ridiculous. This resort was full of entirely too many people who favored the same sort of eccentric clothing that man had even fourteen years ago, a disproportionate amount of them with the same slate grey hair. He almost would have written that (awkward*) expression seen from across Dahlia’s shoulder/a hotel lobby as a figment of his overtaxed imagination had it not been so much realer than the stacks of canvases in his studio. Which meant Miles was here, but he’d swept the first level of the hotel twice already after begging Dahlia to take to her room for a bit, the pool area was as depressingly empty as the inside was, and -
There he was.
Across the pool, descending the steps carefully from the inside lounge area and walking on the balls of his feet like he always did when he’d had a bit too much to drink (and why did he still remember that) was, without a doubt, Miles Edgeworth.
Phoenix suddenly found it difficult to breathe.
Edgeworth was halfway down the opposite path before Phoenix realized he should probably do something.
“Excuse me,” he said, shouldering his way through the crowd. It would be rude and more than a little intrusive to just call out his ex-husband’s name in the middle of a resort, right? Perhaps not as rude as nearly shoving the poor bellboy into the shrubbery, but, well, desperate times called for desperate measures.
He didn’t immediately notice the odd assortment of friends and family and a lumbering man in striped green swimming trunks perched on pool chairs as he stepped past, but they certainly noticed him.
“Daddy, are you okay?” Trucy asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said vaguely, refusing to take his eyes off Edgeworth. He was abruptly terrified he might vanish again if he did.
“Nick, watch out -”
“Hey, pal -”
“Daddy -”
With that, Phoenix collided into a passing service boy, arms pinwheeling wildly as he fell directly into the pool behind him.
“Hello Miles,” he said, smiling sheepishly and wringing out his tie. He fought the urge to rub the back of his neck and settled for clenching his hands into tight fists instead. “Or do you people call you Edgeworth now?”
“Miles is - Miles is fine,” Edgeworth said weakly, trying to look anywhere but Phoenix, as if this was a perfectly normal conversation they should be having for the first time after fifteen years. “My father still calls me Miles.”
Something warm coiled in his chest. It felt infinitely more dangerous than it had fifteen years ago.
“You always had a smart mouth,” he murmured, rubbing a swathe of cleaning ointment along the cut on Phoenix’s forehead. Phoenix hissed.
“So glad you remembered,” he bit through gritted teeth.
Phoenix hmmed but stayed silent for a few more seconds, staring at Edgeworth as he dug back into the first aid kit. Edgeworth tried not to flush under the scrutiny.
Phoenix held his wrist in a loose grip. He should have felt clammy from the pool and the rapidly descending night, but he blazed oddly hot against Edgeworth’s skin.
“Miles, I-”
“Feenie? Who is this?”
“Dollie!” Phoenix said, shooting upright and wincing at the sudden dizziness.
Edgeworth’s burgundy coat was hung carefully over his arm, too thick for the warm California night. The buttons on his waistcoat glinted from a nearby streetlamp’s glow.
Phoenix swallowed.
“Do you have any idea where they’re taking us?” Edgeworth asked, leaning in slightly. Phoenix’s (nose twitched? something about scent memory?) and he refused to let himself acknowledge that Miles’s choice of aftershave hadn’t changed since the day they’d met. He abruptly remembered the taste of cheap wine and overly sweet cake on his tongue, felt the ghost weight of a ring fifteen years gone.
He hastily turned away.
“No idea.”
“Grandfather chipped in a bit -”
“Apollo,” Edgeworth warned.
“Alright, so Grandfather chipped in a lot, whatever, we’re poor teenagers, the point is,” he said, emphasizing the final word by pulling the ship’s impressive doors open with a firm tug, “it’s ours for the night.”
Phoenix whistled shrilly in appreciation, instinctively reaching out to ruffle Apollo’s hair. It was a testament to how important the night was that Apollo merely batted Phoenix’s hand away. “Seriously, dad,” he mumbled. His scowl was clearly forced, however; he felt oddly warm that he was able to finally use that word at all.
“Subtle,” Phoenix remarked.
“Mm,” Edgeworth agreed. “I don’t suppose we should let their efforts, however misguided they may be, go to waste, should we?”
“You just want to know who else they roped into this ridiculous scheme of theirs.”
“Oh, because you don’t.”
“I,” Phoenix said, moving to the chilled champagne propped by the windowsill and popping its cork, “have a perfectly healthy level of curiosity. It does not involve wondering what’s going on in my kid’s head. Trucy is a teenager. That’s terrifying.” He carefully poured the sparkling drink into two glasses and offered one to Edgeworth.
“I find that somewhat difficult to believe,” Edgeworth said, striding forward and taking the  proffered glass. He made certain their fingers did not brush. “Thank you.”
They waited until she had hastily bowed out of the room before turning their focus back to each other. “Miles, that’s why we came up with this arrangement in the first place,” Phoenix continued, nonplussed.
“Really?” Edgeworth carefully picked up his glass flute, trying to ignore the tremor he felt running through his hands. “I thought it was because we’d agreed to never see each other again.”
Phoenix’s heart clenched. “Not ‘we’, Miles,” he said slowly, spreading his hands on the tablecloth and feeling like if he missed a step here, he would risk something he couldn’t afford to lose again.
Edgeworth took a shaky draw of wine. “You know,” he said slowly, seemingly forcing himself to meet Phoenix’s eyes, “that part is unclear to me as well.”
“Oh, you don’t remember the day you packed?” Phoenix asked.
“No, I remember that day perfectly. Did I hurt you when I threw that - oh God, what was it -”
“It was Kamisar’s Modern Criminal Procedure. It left a dent in the wall from where it rebounded off my head.”
“Oh,” Edgeworth said, at least having the grace to look properly abashed. “Right. Sorry.”
Phoenix shrugged. “It’s not like I was making it that easy on you.
And....” Edgeworth trailed off, twisting a napkin between his fingers. “You didn’t chase after me.”
Phoenix felt (something) shift. “I didn’t know that you wanted me to.”
“A toast to -”
“Our children,” Edgeworth cut in. He ignored the tightening in his chest at the our.
“Our children,” Phoenix repeated slowly, as if the words didn’t quite match with what his mouth had wanted to say.
“We both got where we actually wanted to go.”
Phoenix’s eyes never wavered from his. “We did,” he said, voice strange.
They toasted again and finished their meal in silence.
“Apollo, what are you doing in those clothes? We’ve got a plane to catch.”
“We’re getting totally ripped off,” maybe-Trucy said. “Daddy said we’d get our camping trip and we want to go.”
“Wait, hang on,” Phoenix interrupted, “what camping trip?”
“The one Aunt Maya and I make you take us on every year before school starts,” almost-definitely-Trucy said. Phoenix began to lift his finger in triumph, sure he’d found his kid -
“ -the one behind the house that runs all the way up to Gourd Lake, remember when you fell in that one year,” I’m-not-too-sure-if-this-one-is-still-in-fact-Apollo finished.
Phoenix’s arm fell listlessly to his side. Edgeworth snorted.
Phoenix shot Edgeworth a look. Thanks for helping, one of these is yours. “This is entirely unfunny, you’re going to make your father miss his flight,” he said, shifting his attention back to the twins. Honestly, he was an Ivy University graduate and Miles was a world renowned defense attorney, how were they being duped by their own kids -
“Apollo -” Edgeworth began.
“Yes?” they both said in unison.
Edgeworth groaned. “They get this from you, I’m sure,” he said.
“It’s not my fault you’ve apparently been raising a devilishly deceptive teenager,” Phoenix quipped back, never taking his eyes off the twins. He could feel the beginnings of a migraine pound at the base of his neck. “He’s probably rubbed off on Trucy.”
The twins grinned.
Phoenix rubbed a hand over his eyes before stooping to their height once again. He stared hard at each of them, looking back and forth between their faces. “This one’s Trucy,” he said slowly, pointing a finger to the sibling in orange. “I’m positive.”
“You know, I hope you’re right, Daddy. You wouldn’t want to send the wrong kid all the way back to Germany - ”
“ - would you?”
How was any of this fair?
“Here’s our proposition. We go back to Daddy’s house, pack our stuff, and the four of us leave on the camping trip.”
“The four of us?” Edgeworth interjected. They ignored him.
“And when you bring us back,” maybe-Trucy-maybe-Apollo continued, “we’ll tell you who’s Trucy and who’s Apollo.”
“Or,” Edgeworth said, carefully stepping around and in front of Phoenix and crossing his arms firmly across his chest, tapping his finger rhythmically against his arm, “new plan. I take one of you back to Germany with me whether you like it or not.”
Two identical sets of eyes twinkled back at him.
(He felt a migraine beginning to pound in his left temple.)
“You can cook now?” Edgeworth asked.
“Oh yeah,” Phoenix said. “I can make pasta. And pasta. Probably more pasta, if you ask really nicely.”
“Hm,” Edgeworth said, eyebrows scrunched in mock thought, “pasta sounds good.”
Phoenix grinned, bumping Edgeworth’s shoulder. He was warm through the cotton. “Pasta it is.”
Edgeworth looked across the seat at Apollo. His glassy eyes reflected the flickering street lamps as the taxi sped down the empty street.
“Apollo, I -” he began, deflating as Apollo turned further away. It’s entirely justified, he thought despondently. I’d hate myself as well.
“Grandfather?” Apollo called, shrugging out of his heavy jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. The house was silent.
“I’ll check the study,” Edgeworth said, tugging his jabot loose. Apollo nodded and headed towards the direction of the kitchen, toeing off his shoes on the way. Pushing open the wide doors that led to the study, Edgeworth saw someone reading a paper at the desk. He cocked his hip against the door and crossed his arms. “Hello, father. We’re back.”
The newspaper lowered. It wasn’t Gregory.
“Hiya, papa,” Trucy said. The corners of her mouth were quirked despite her obvious attempts to reign in her expression. “Did you know the Concord gets you here in half the time?”
Edgeworth slipped against the doorframe. He felt the knob dig into his hip. “I - yes, I’ve heard that.”
(Edgeworth was acutely aware of the doorknob digging into his hip from when he pressed against it. “I - yes, I’ve heard that.”)
Apollo walked into the room, drawn to the sound of voices. When he saw Trucy his face split into a blinding grin. “What are you doing here?”
Trucy neatly folded the newspaper on the desk and clasped her hands in front of her. “It took us about thirty seconds after you left that we decided we didn’t want to lose you two again,” she said, eyes crinkling.
Edgeworth swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat. “We?” he said, voice cracking.
“We,” a new voice agreed.
From the corner of his eye, Edgeworth noted Trucy moving to stand by the far wall of the study, giving the vaguest attempt of privacy. It didn’t matter. His eyes were trained on Phoenix, tracking his movement as he crossed the room.
Phoenix peppered his face in light kisses, smiling into the curve of his throat and pressing his lips to the thrumming heartbeat beneath his skin.
They eventually pulled back, desperate for air. Phoenix’s eyes crinkled - crow’s feet, Edgeworth thought wildly through his haze, he’s got crow’s feet now, I haven’t seen him this close up since - and he rested his forehead against Edgeworth’s.
“God, I’m never letting you go again,” he whispered, hands snaking around the other man’s back to pull him even closer.
“You want to toast with this? I’d have thought you might want to upgrade to something with a little more class.”
Phoenix smiled sloppily, pressing a chaste kiss to his temple. “You’re the only one I said I’d drink it with, remember?”
Edgeworth smiled back. He took the proffered bottle warmed by the weather and tugged his husband into a proper kiss, matching rings glinting in the dying sunlight.
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riotwritesthings · 2 years
One Shots - WinterIron Pt.2
All the WinterIron one shots I’ve written conveniently in one place! Part 1 of 2, because DANG were there a lot!
I did by best to sort them by AU and length and I tried to include links to any art relating to the fics, but if I missed any please let me know!
Strip Poker - T, 500 - College AU, Fluff, Humor, game night gone awry
“Strip poker where they have to take a shot & either kiss or strip if they lose.”
Teamwork - T, 550 - College AU, Fluff, established relationship
As I Want You to Be - E, 2.4k - College AU, PWP, 90's grunge vibes
Said It’d All be Worth the Wait - M, 2k - College AU, Humor, fluff, mutual pining, getting together, casual drug use “We are going to fall off this house,” he says flatly, “and that is not my idea of a good stoned time.”
Emerald Ivy (Wrapped Around My Skin) - E, 11k - Fantasy AU, Humor, Smut, vine-tentacle porn, fairy Tony and plant man Bucky Tony tends to wander into places he shouldn’t, and it always gets him into trouble. This time worse than usual. Bucky’s never met a fairy before, and he‘s always been a little too kind-hearted for his own good. They’re both outcasts, but Tony’s latest dumb mistake might just turn out amazingly for both of them. (ART) (ART) (ART)
The Basements - T, 1.2k - Modern Magical AU, Humor, witch!Tony, vampire!Bucky, an adorable cottage Tony is willing to do just about anything to get out of his father’s house, and babysitting a magical cottage seems almost too easy. Even if he’s not sure exactly what’s in the basement.
but we are the crossroads - T, 1.2k - Modern Magical AU, Humor, Fae!Bucky, Tony is too curious for his own good and Bucky isn’t any better, First Meetings One of these days, Bucky is actually going to have to do something about the human who wandered into their warehouse and now refuses to leave.
I’ll cave in (whenever you see fit) - M, 5k - Modern Magical AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Vampire!Bucky, human!Tony, an abduction, a rescue, and some dry humping Bucky knows better than to get involved with a mortal, and he pays the price when Hydra kidnaps his boyfriend. Tony is human, he’s questionably in distress, and he is Handling It. (minor violence, surprisingly soft all things considered.)
Bookshop AU - T, 350 - No-Powers AU, Humor, fem!tony, bookstore au, strangers to lovers
if you got love to get done - T, 400 - No-Powers AU, Fluff, morning after, one night stand plus?! This wasn’t Tony’s plan.
steal my girl - T, 400 - No-Powers AU, Fem!Toni, Fluff, humor "buckytoni + steal my girl by one direction"
Sing me a song about you - M, 900 - No-Powers AU, PWP, musician Bucky, grad student Tony, a meet-cute and a back alley handjob Bucky doesn’t usually notice much about the crowd while he’s on stage, instead just losing himself in the music. Tonight is different though.
song and dance number not included - T, 1.9k - No-Powers AU, Crack, this is just crack, banter Bucky has seen some wild things in his time as a Professional Cuddle Buddy. Nothing beats finding himself in Tony Stark’s penthouse with the sleep deprived genius himself.
Laid Bare - M, 2k - No-Powers AU, Crack, the DUMBEST soulmate AU you’ve ever seen In theory, the moment you meet your soulmate you’re stripped of all your defenses, laid bare before them in a magical and romantic moment. In practice… Tony is pissed. He’d really liked that suit. (AKA the soulmate AU where you lose your clothes when you meet your soulmate. Yes you read that correctly. Don’t think about it too hard lort knows I didn’t)
I will come back from the dead for you - E, 3.2k - No-Powers AU, Angst, special ops Bucky, College student Tony, one night stand with feelings there are two versions of this fic. They start exactly the same and end Very Differently. It is not at all necessary to read one to understand the other, so follow your heart! Thank you and plz enjoy.
Please forget your scarf in my life - T, 3.5k - No-Powers AU, Angst, Exes to Lovers, Getting Back Together, pining morons As long as Bucky can avoid any news stories, gossip articles, and press releases, there is zero chance that he has to worry about seeing Tony now that they’re broken up. There won’t be any running into Tony at a mutual friend’s house, or coming out of Bucky’s favorite dingy coffee shop, and it’s great, it makes everything easier. That’s what Bucky keeps telling himself. And then one day he’s on a crowded subway, and as he looks around desperately for a distraction from the crush of people his eyes land on a magazine someone is reading, on a photo of Tony, on something tucked beneath the collar of Tony’s heavy coat. So much for his flimsy attempts to move on.
A Failed Escape, a First Meeting, and a Whole Lot of Luck - T, 1.6k - Omegaverse,, Humor, Arranged Marriage, not exactly a meet-cute, Humor Tony is supposed to be meeting the alpha he’s going to marry today. Which is why he’s out in the garden climbing a tree in a terribly-thought-out plan to get away, where he meets the last person he expects.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Juliet ~ OT7 [Request]
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PAIRING: ot7 x reader
GENRE: Mafia au, ot7 mafia, singer reader, 
A/N: Hiya love, you didn’t mention if you wanted it to be platonic or love so I made it platonic I hope that this is okay for you!! Mentions of Ateez in here too! :) @plotolonlye
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Working for one of the most well-known mafia groups set your dating pool into the shallow end, there weren't that many people that were willing to date someone who was working for bangtan sonyeondan...Or BTS as they were better known as. It wasn't easy telling someone you were dating who you were working for so you did your best to keep it under wraps though it was hard since the boys treated you like a sister so far everything had been okay. The guy you were dating currently - Yeosang-  had been understanding about the boys and even agreed to do some of their stupid tests to see if he was suitable for you. It was stupid little games to see if he was "worthy" enough of you or making him run errands for the boys so that they would have someone to do their boring work for a while until they agreed he was okay for you. 
"Babe?" You glanced over your shoulder when you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend calling you. He smiled at you as he stood at the changing room door just watching you. The dress you were wearing clung to your body perfectly as stylists worked around you trying to make sure your hair and makeup was done to perfection. You were a singer for the boys in one of their many, many clubs that they owned in the middle of Busan.
"What's up?" You questioned looking at your boyfriend through the mirror as one of the assistants attached a microphone to your cheek, applying a little surgical tape so that it would stay well attached while you moved around on stage. Yeosang began scratching the back of his neck, something he normally did when he was nervous about something so you got up from the dressing table to try and give him a kiss on the cheek with some words of encouragement but he yawned, stepping away from you. 
"Is your room upstairs empty?" He questioned not being able to meet your eyes as you stared at him, 
"Yeah...You're not watching me tonight? I'm performing a new song that the boys wanted me to sing..." You whispered as you reached out to take his hand, hoping that he would at least stick around long enough to see how much emotion you would put into the love song you were going to sing. 
"No, I'm just a little tired. Jimin's had me doing extra work all week," You nodded along with him as he began running towards the staircase that was just towards the back exit of the bar. That was all he had been saying for weeks now, that Jimin had been working him to death and it was starting to bug you. You figured that once the boys let him pass his trails he would be free to go back to working his own personal job and not the errands the boys wanted him on. Yeosang was far too innocent to be placed into the Mafia lifestyle, the boys were dangerous and you didn't want Yeosang to get hurt just because he was busy working for the boys. 
"Y/n, you're up in two minutes." Your stage manager called out as she looked at you, you'd been staring at the space where Yeosang had been standing thinking back on everything. 
"I'm coming," You mumbled going over to her and peeking out from the small gap in the curtain. 
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The bar you worked in was decorated to look like an old 1940's bar and people loved coming there, there were always old drinks...The workers all dressed as though they were from the 1940's everything looked as though people had travelled back in time. Including the stage, it had old microphones, old musical equipment and it was amazing to work there every night. 
"3...2...1..." The music started up and you came out from behind the question, smiling as you started singing in time to the music looking around to see some of the locals that were in there tonight. A lot of the same faces were looking at you but there were seven all-too-familiar faces that made you feel angry inside, your blood boiling as you sang what was supposed to be a love song.
"Ooo, I know you're probably thinkin' what's the use. I promise it's the little things things that you do," You sang out as you began walking around the stage, stepping down onto the bar floor as you tried to make it look like this was some kind of choreography, walking around the floor of the bar singing to people. 
"What's she doing?" Yoongi asked as he watched you close, interacting with different people on the floor as you made your way over to the boys.
"I think she's doing her job," Jin said sarcastically as he watched you, it wasn't the first time that you had walked into the crowd to sing people seemed to love being close to you, getting to hear you sing.
"Baby, been a minute since I had something so sweet, Mmm...Oh hey," You looked directly at the boys as you made your way over to them and they knew that they were in trouble for some unknown reason.
"What did you do?" Yoongi accused Jungkook looking to the youngest member of the group, everyone following his lead. 
"Nothing. Not recently at least," He grumbled downing the glass of scotch that was in front of him. They may have been some of the scariest people to everyone else but you scared them, especially when you were angry they'd known you long enough to never get on the wrong side of you.
"I want you to keep speaking my love language. Baby, talk your shit all night!" The music ended and the lights went down which was when you would normally head behind the stage curtain and be replaced by the next performer but you didn't, you stayed at the table the boys were sitting at and laid your palms flat on the table, staring at all of them. 
"Stop making him work for you, I thought the little games you were doing were over," You snapped as you glanced to Jimin, your eyes felt as though they were staring into his soul as he stuttered over his words, 
"I-I haven't even had him around-" Jimin tried to speak but you cut him off
"You've been making Yeosang run around for you and it stops. Now." You demanded as Jimin shook his head, glancing to the boys to see if they had been the ones doing it but they all shook their heads. 
"Y/n...We left him alone months ago." Namjoon said slowly as you stared at him, your heart dropped to your stomach as you thought about why Yeosang would lie to you about something like that. 
"Y/n?" Taehyung questioned as he placed his hand on top of yours but you snatched it away, walking towards the backstage area with your head down trying to pass off the thoughts of what Yeosang was doing behind your back, you had a set to complete before you could even find out.
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Walking into your room after the night finished all you wanted to do was collapse onto the bed and sleep for a week but when you entered the room you realised you weren't alone. There were noises coming from the bedroom and clothes scattered along the floor, not just Yeosang's clothes either. Women's clothes. Deciding to sneak up into the bedroom you quietly walked towards your door, skillfully avoiding the creaking floorboards. Swinging the door open you saw something you never thought you were going to see. Your heart felt as though it dropped to the floor and everything smashed around you. 
"Shit," Yeosang cried out as he covered the woman he was laying in your bed with, 
"You finished your set already?" You scoffed at the audacity to ask you something so stupid while he laid, naked, in your bed with another woman. 
"Are you serious?!" You yelled out as you could feel your body heating up, 
"Who are you?" The girl laughed loudly as she looked you up at down, you could feel the judgement seeping from her. 
"I'm the girl whose bed your sleeping in, who the fuck are you?!" You snapped back knowing that it wasn't her that you were angry at, it was Yeosang but you couldn't help but transfer your anger onto everyone else.
"Areum. Yeosang's girlfriend and this is his apartment," She quipped as she began attaching herself to Yeosang's neck as if she was some kind of Plecostomus on the side of a fish tank.
"Really? His apartment? Did he tell you that?" You laughed loudly as you looked at him, your stomach doing flips as you thought about him sleeping in your bed with someone that wasn't you.
"You know what...Keep it, burn it...Do whatever the hell you want just stay the fuck away from me." You threw the keys at him, hitting him in the chest as he grunted. Getting out of the bed and chasing after you as you headed for the door 
"You're not going to tell the boys, are you? T-They'll kill me...Actually, kill me." That was all he cared about. The boys finding out that he had been cheating on you 
"How long?" You questioned,
"How long what?"
"How long has this been going on?" You turned to look at him, your eyes burning into his as he realised he was going to have to tell the truth or you would find out one way or another. 
"Since the start...I was just-"
"Using me to get close to the boys? Using me for money? Which is it, cause I've had them all." You snapped as you walked out of the door, slamming it behind you as you began heading down the stairs and towards the back exit, ignoring your manager as she questioned where you were going. Away. You needed to get away from everything and everyone. You were sick of people using you just to get close to the boys to use you in order to get into their good books. No one ever wanted you for who you were and you were always left feeling abandoned and neglected.
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The next night you knew that you had to go into work or the boys would do something and you didn't want the blood of someone on your hands, even if you weren't pulling the trigger yourself. 
"Here," Your manager said as she handed you a hand-held microphone after you stepped into a long black dress, all day you had been teaching one of the stage performers how to play a song you had written so that you would be able to perform it live. It would make a change to sing something you had written yourself for a change, the boys always gave you the freedom to do what you wanted. 
"I don't ever ask you...Where you've been. And I don't feel the need to...Know who you're with," You started off low, staring at the back of the room not being able to look at everyone knowing that you would probably burst into tears.
"I can't even think straight, but I can tell...That you were just with her...And I'll still be a fool. I'm a fool for you." The piano picked up and you managed to look over at the boy's table where they were all staring down at something, probably working on their next big break. 
"Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart. Just a little bit of your heart is all I want," Jimin was the first to look up when he heard your voice crack in the middle of singing, something you would never do because you were all about professionalism but as soon as he saw you he knew there was something wrong. You looked like you'd hardly slept and your eyes were red with tears building up. 
"I think something's wrong," He whispered as he began nudging Hoseok beside him, making him look up at you too until they all stared at you, watching as you poured every heartbroken emotion that you had into every word you sang. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks as the song was coming to an end, Yeosang was sitting at a table with Areum their hands locked together as though they had done nothing wrong and were just there for the show. 
"Just a little bit is all I'm asking for..." The ending note trailed on until the lights went off and you rushed off the stage, your whimpers could be heard thanks to the microphone but no one besides the boys seemed to notice, giving you a standing ovation.
"What made her so upset?" Jungkook mumbled before Jimin pointed over at Yeosang who was already kissing Areum down the neck, chuckling to one another as he left marks up and down her pale skin.
"I'll fucking kill him," Yoongi growled but he was held back by Jin who was looking over in the direction of the backstage, 
"We comfort Y/n first...She must be broken up inside." He told the boys as he got up, trying not to make it look obvious that something was going on.
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When they reached backstage you were gone, a car had been waiting for you and you left without a word. 
"Where are you going?" Namjoon snapped as he watched Yeosang out of the corner of his eye walking towards the staircase that leads to your apartment. 
"Y/n gave me the apartment, I'm going home." He had a giant smirk plastered across his face as he kept his arm around Areum's waist. 
"What makes you think we'll let you live after what you've done?" Yoongi questioned as he grabbed Yeosang by the labels of his coat, pushing him against the wall roughly causing him to hit his head. 
"Uh, uh, uh I wouldn't...I have some very powerful friends that would be interested to know that Y/n is one of your weaknesses." The boys froze as the words left his mouth in a cocky tone,
"You really think I would date someone so close to you? It's been a plan from the start, Ateez will be interested to know what's going on behind closed doors..." Yoongi let him go at the mention of another Mafia family in Busan. 
"Remember all those errands you sent me on? I'd be careful unless you want company secrets leaking out." He chuckled darkly, pulling Areum up the staircase as the boys exchanged worried glances with one another at the thought of something happening to them. It didn't matter if something happened to the company it was you that they cared about more than anything else in the world. 
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As more time passed the boys began to grow worried about you, you would go to work and perform before heading back to lord knows where. They weren't able to find you and couldn't get into contact with you until one night you came to work with a plan. You'd been planning it for months since the incident with Yeonsang had occurred, you wanted to get him back for everything he had done so you spent months making your plan foul-proof. Making yourself known as Juliet in one of the bars that Ateez owned in downtown Seoul. You'd changed your whole identity getting a wig, makeup and everything else perfect for what you wanted to do. To the boys in the club, you were Juliet to everyone else you were just a blonde girl who went to the bar every Friday night like clockwork.
"Tonight is the night," You told the boys as you sat across from them in their large car, all eight of you together.
"Do you remember the plan?" You questioned JImin still a little unsure that they understood what was going to happen tonight.
"You head to the bar first and the band they have gets sick...We come in as your own personal band and the rest moves like clockwork." You smiled at the thought of it, Hongjoong was out of town along with Yeosang, Mingi, Jongho, Yunho, San and Seonghwa leaving Wooyoung all alone to look after the club all on his own. 
"I'll take care of Wooyoung, you focus on everything else." You whispered as you handed them the code to the safe that was in the boy's office, you'd managed to swipe it from one of the not-so-great guards that they had. 
"I never thought I'd see the day Y/n got into a job with us," Jungkook chuckled as you got out of the car wearing a tight red dress, heading straight to the club doors and acting as though you owned the place. Confidence was key. 
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Wooyoung sat beside you with a smile on his face, handing you a drink while six out of the seven boys stood on the stage in their disguises, singing and playing their instruments you smirked at Namjoon on the stage.
"Hey, quiet night," You motioned around the club that had around 20 people sitting at tables and talking amongst one another. 
"I knew you would be coming, I wanted a quiet night." You smirked up at him, the lipstick you were wearing was his favourite, the dress his favourite you made sure to do your research on everything he knew and loved. Swiping a martini from a waiter you sipped on it while looking at Wooyoung, 
"Why would you want a quiet night for that?" You questioned sitting a little closer to him, your chest against his side as you looked up into his eyes. The boy seemed to stutter a little as his eyes scanned over your body, 
"We could always go to my car out back..." You giggled softly raising your eyebrows at him, his jaw practically dropped to the floor. 
"You want to get involved with someone like me?" You nodded in answer to his question and he smirked, licking his lips as he glanced around for a guard. 
"Take care of the floor, I'll be back soon." You pulled him out from the booth, dragging out towards a back door where a black SUV was waiting for you. 
"Who's the guy?" Wooyoung asked as you attached your lips to his neck in the back of the car, sucking on his skin so you could leave marks. 
"My driver, don't worry...He was just leaving." You mentioned as you stared at Yoongi in the review mirror, he nodded before getting out of the car and heading into the club. 
"Now...Where were we?" You giggled as you attached yourself onto Wooyoung's neck once again, kissing up and down until you reached his lips where he kissed you back. 
"How about a drink?" You asked innocently as you pulled out a bottle of champagne from the door with two glasses. 
"I love it," He popped the bottle not noticing as you slipped some sleeping pills into the glass, pouring the liquid in and smiling to yourself as the man downed it in one. 
Weeks of torturing yourself to get close to him were paying off as you hauled his money into the bag you were carrying. So much money you had to call Yoongi back to put some into his pockets, Wooyoung must have been dumb for carrying so much cash around but you were too busy taking it to care. 
"Sorry baby, you were cute but I needed what I needed." You cooed, placing a red lipstick kiss on his cheek before getting out of the cab and leaving him there for the night.
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The boys made a break for the car with everything they could carry, bags of cash and jewellery along with everything else that Ateez seemed to store in the safe.
"We have to do this again," Jimin breathed out as the car you got into began speeding back to Busan, all of you celebrating happily that you had pulled off a large plan together, organised by you and you alone. 
"We do," You confirmed as you downed some wine, looking at Namjoon with a questioning look. You knew there was no way you could go back to just singing in a club now that you had done this, 
"Nobody does it like Juliet." He winked at you referring to your fake name as you smiled brightly at him.
Months later and headlines were splashed with articles about you, "Mysterious woman strikes again," Attached with a photo of a giant question mark, everyone questioning who you could have been and who you could have possibly been working for to pull this kind of stunt off.
"Who would have thought," Jungkook chuckled as he looked over your shoulder at the article you were reading, 
"People start to turn and stare, everywhere she goes, and insider told us today as they claimed to have seen the mystery lady," Jungkook readout, passing the article to Namjoon who smirked,
"She will steal your soul...set her sights on billionaires all she wants is gold." They all laughed loudly and you could feel your body heating up at all of the attention, 
"Juliet needs to lay low...Just for a little while," They all agreed with you, not wanting to get caught too soon.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @sw33tnight @innersooya @sweeneyblue1 @agustdjoon @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @anxiousbobatea​ @justbangtanthingz​
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xmint-conditionx · 3 years
tongue tied | myg
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pairing: yoongi x reader, f2l
w/c: 3.5k
summary: you've been best friends with yoongi for almost a decade, and you're hopelessly in love with him. he's the most important person in your life, and you don't want to mess that up, so you can never be anything more... right?
written as a response to a request from the old blog -- the requestor was @yoongi--enthusiast; thanks again for your request, i loved doing it!!! "I had an idea... something based off of the song “tongue tied” with yoongi. I feel like it would be super soft with soft smut... I just think it would be nice to read so can you please wright it 🥺👉👈"
tags/cw: 18+ please, smut, outdoor sex, overall a little angsty but super cute too
a/n: i did not know that there was a song called tongue tied by marshmello before i wrote this so... i hope the person who requested this didn’t mean that song because I wrote this drabble over the grouplove song lmaooo but anyway, here goes! thanks luv, enjoy! also reposted from the old blog!!
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Yoongi’s laugh is so beautiful. It’s rare, so when you see it, you soak up everything you can about it. The way his eyes crinkle up into crescent moons, the way his lips curl back putting his gummy smile on bright display. You can swear you see his eyes sparkle.
You are in love with him. You are in love with your best friend.
He makes loving him such an easy thing to do; bringing you into his inner world, showing you the sweet and warm center he conceals from everyone else. The way he looks at you, the way he says your name, the way he pouts when he wants a back scratch, all of those little things that make him who he is only deepen your infatuation with him.
You’re with him again this Friday night, making the drive to Bom’s house. It’s been a long week for the both of you; he’s been wrapped up in producing a track and you’ve been nose deep in college textbooks. His track is completed, and your exams are over. It’s safe to say that you both could use a good break.
It’s the end of the spring semester and the weather is going to be gorgeous tonight. The racing summer breeze coming through the open car windows is exhilarating. The sun is setting, and the warm evening light on Yoongi’s dewy skin makes him appear absolutely radiant as he navigates the highway.
You’re just listening to fun little summer jams as you speed off toward the city’s suburbs. Ones with funky little basslines that are easy to groove and sing along to. Ones that make you shout and laugh into the rushing wind. Ones that make you drink in the moment you’re having with Yoongi; ones that make you soak up all of his joy.
And when he steals a sly look your way, one hand still on the top of the steering wheel, you can swear your heart stops.
You’ve loved him as long as you can remember really knowing him. Since you were both 12, bonding over games of tag and basketball and the spilling of secrets to each other. You’d sit beneath the big tree in his backyard and share the snacks you’d bought at the corner store. He’d always let you have the last chocolate.
The only secret you’ve ever kept from Yoongi is the matter of your infatuation, and you are pretty resolute in keeping it that way.
He is the single most important person in your life. He had been there with you through it all; when your parents split up at 13, when your dad got you your first car at 15, when your long time boyfriend cheated on you at 16, when your dream college denied you at 17, when you got a full ride scholarship to a smaller university outside of the city right after that, when you were drugged at a house party at 20, when you were diagnosed with depression at 21, and when you were accepted into your masters program at 22.
You needed him, and because of that, you could never tell him.
You pull into the gates that surround Bom’s neighborhood. Her parents are pretty wealthy, so they live on a golf course. As you pull up into the driveway, you see some other students milling about, catching Frisbee. There’s Eunha, Ireum, Ji-Ah, and Miyeun that you recognize from some of your classes, but there are a few more that you’ve never met.
After a few rounds of drinks and a few lost games of flip cup, you all head outside to the back patio with all of your schoolwork from the year. Bom turns on the bluetooth speaker and sets it on the railing. You take in the night air and gaze up at the sky, wishing there was a shooting star to wish upon.
“Alright, everyone,” Bom begins, “essays and lab reports first, then tests, then miscellaneous homework.” Yoongi helps you dig through your stack to fish out the cursed papers. You all toss the stapled packages into the fire pit, one by one, each hitting with a soft thud. Once everyone has thrown their woes into the pit, Bom tops it with actual firewood and unceremoniously sets the whole lot of it on fire. You gaze into the center of the flame, watching your entire year catch fire. All the hours you spent doing that research project, all the disappointment when your group members wouldn’t follow through. Gone, like it never existed.
Yoongi’s holding your hand in his, and he’s busy drawing little circles with his thumb on your palm. Your head rests soundly on his shoulder, and you sigh into him, comfortable in where you are. The whole group piles in more papers, as you lament about the shitty professors and the shitty group projects and the shitty caf’ food and the shitty grades. Yoongi turns into you and nuzzles gently on your forehead. You feel his soft lips graze your temple, breath warm on your skin, tingles rising through your body, and you’re right where you want to be. Under the moon’s gaze with the person you love.
Before long, the breeze sends a chill through you that even the fire won’t remedy. Yoongi feels your shiver and unceremoniously removes his hoodie and puts it on over you, pulling up the hood and kissing your forehead. You always love when you wear his jackets; they surround you in his warmth, his smell. A smile plays across your lips until you notice Yoongi’s goosebumps.
“Hey,” you pout, “I don't wanna wear this if you’re gonna be cold.”
“I don’t wanna wear it if you’re gonna be cold,” he snaps back, smiling.
“Here,” you say, standing up from your deck chair. You take the step to get you to Yoongi’s chair, and sit in his lap. “This way we can both be warm, yeah?”
It takes him a second, but he wraps his arms firmly around you again, mumbling a “yeah, that’s fine” when you glance at him over your shoulder.
Your attention is called back to the group with Bom asks if you’re going to the Summer Romance Festival by the river next weekend. She’s been pushing you to get yourself out there more. The last time you were in a real relationship was high school, after all.
“I’d love to go; I hear they have the most beautiful fireworks display,” you start, “but I don’t think I will this year.”
“Well,” Bom says, “Why not?!”
“Because I don’t have a date, Bom!” you say, covering your face in the sweater paws you’ve made from Yoongi’s hoodie. “I don’t think I could find one in enough time.”
“Ya, just get Yoongi to go with you! You already do everything together anyway,” Eunha quips.
You notice that the steady rise and fall of Yoongi’s chest has stopped.
“Hey, you know we’re just friends, right Yoongi?” you look to him for backup.
The man nods, looking down and to the left.
“Okay,” Ireum speaks up, “In that case, do you want to go with me?”
“Wait, what?” you say.
“Do you want to go to the Summer Romance Festival with me? As a date?”
Yoongi tenses beneath you.
“Oh, I don’t know…” you breathe, “Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent. We can even get dinner before we go. Not too much, though. I’ll want to get us a treat from one of the dessert stalls.” Ireum says with a soft smile.
“Yeah,” you say, smiling back at him, “Okay. We’ll go together.”
Yoongi stirs beneath you. “Hey, can you get off of me?”
“What, why?” you pout.
“I said get off.”
“Yoongi, wh--”
He doesn’t wait for you to finish before he abruptly stands up, forcing you to catch yourself. When you look back at him, he’s walking toward the French doors that lead back into the house.
“Ya! What was that about?”
He keeps walking. You storm after him and slam the door, trapping you both inside.
“Yoongi, I’m talking to you! What’s your fucking problem?”
He whirs around.
“Oh, I have a problem?”
“Well, it sure seems like it.” you spit back, hands on your hips.
“Why don’t you go talk about it with your date, huh?” he says, gesturing out the window to Ireum. “Don’t you have some details to work out? He gonna pick you up? You gonna let him hold your hand? On your nice little extra special romantic date? I guess I’ll just fuck right off and leave you two alone, yeah? That’s what you want, cause we’re just friends and all.”
“Yoongi, we… are friends! You’re my best friend!”
“Did you ever for a second think that I could want more?”
“I fucking love you, Y/N! Isn’t it obvious?! I’ve loved you since the 7th grade. You remember when we played spin the bottle at Ha-joon’s house? Do you remember when you kissed me?”
“No, let me finish. Do you remember the frat party we crashed junior year? Remember when we got up onto the roof and made out until we fell asleep? And then you weren't there when I woke up so I walked back to my dorm and then we just pretended it never happened? What the fuck was that, Y/N?!”
You reach for his arm, but he backs up, flinching away from you.
“I am so in love with you it hurts!”
“But I guess if that guy can make you happy, then whatever,” he sighs.
“Go on your little date and have fun and I’ll just go write some more goddamn songs about you--”
He stills, pain flashing through his eyes.
“Yoongi,” you say quietly, easing toward him, “I had no idea. I left the roof to go inside and get you some water. When I came back, you were gone. You had been drinking a lot that night… and I felt really bad because… I thought I had taken advantage of you… Ever since I first kissed you at Ha-joon’s house, I wanted to do it again. And again. And, you looked so good that night and up on the roof when you were laughing about the quarterback I just… I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I thought surely you didn’t want to actually be kissing me.”
“Why the fuck would I have kissed you back, then?”
“You were drunk, and I--” you’re cut off when he grabs your wrist.“I have wanted to kiss you every time I’ve seen you since you first kissed me,” he says, glancing down at your lips. ”I want to kiss you right now.”
You take no time in closing the distance between the two of you, your lips crashing desperately. You’ve tasted his kiss before, but this time feels different. His hands are winding through your hair, pulling you deeper into his kiss. You moan against his mouth, and he responds with his tongue teasing your lips, asking for entry. You grant it, and he explores. One of his hands holds your jaw, the other still intertwined with your hair. His tongue runs along your bottom lip before he sucks it in, drawing out a small whimper from you. Taking his hand from your jaw, he runs it down your neck and décolleté and then down over your stomach and latches it on your hip, sinking his fingers into your skin. He gives your hair a small tug, just enough to break the kiss and expose your neck. He breaks off and trails kisses up your jawline and then onto your neck, speaking in between kisses.
“You have… no idea how… much I’ve… wanted to tell… you everything,” he breathes onto your neck, and you feel a heat pooling in your panties.
“Please, Yoongi…” you say as you begin to run one hand under his shirt. He stops kissing and looks up at you with the softest expression.
“What is it?” he asks as he grabs both of your hands in his, bringing one of them up to his mouth to sprinkle kisses along your fingers.
“You…” you begin and sigh, “you have no idea how much I want you.”
He stills.
“Are you sure? We don’t have to, I’m sorry, I just…” he trails off, eyes getting lost in the way his jacket is draped on your figure.
Him eyeing you up doesn’t make it any better.
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” you say, eyes pleading up at him. “I’m tired of waiting.”
After a beat, he sighs.
“Neither of us are waiting another minute,” he says, landing a quick peck on your lips and going across the room to the couch, grabbing the throw blanket that rests on the arm.
“Come on, I have an idea,” he says, grabbing your arm and leading you out of the front door, across the street, through someone’s back yard until you reach the top of a hill on the side of a fairway. You watch as he scans the area, holding the blanket tight. His gaze lingers on two hills near the green of whatever hole this is, where there are a few more trees and hills to block you from the sightline of those second story windows. He looks at you, eyes asking the question. You smile and nod, and that’s all he needs.
He tugs your hand and you both go running down the fairway, laughing along the way. Once you reach your spot, he quickly puts down the blanket and lays on it. You’re still standing at his feet, hands fiddling with the ends of the jacket sleeves.
He smiles up at you and holds his arms up in your direction and says, “come here, beautiful,” while doing little grabby hands.
You slowly walk up to where he’s laying and sit on top of his hips, feeling how hard he already is. His hand rests on your hip underneath the fabric of his jacket, the other holding the side of your face.
“Let me see you,” he says with a tinge of whine in his voice, and that gives you an idea.
You reach under the still zipped jacket and fiddle around. Yoongi looks up at you befuddled, the corners of his lips turning down slightly as he tries to figure out what’s going on. When your hands emerge, one is holding your strapless bra and the other is holding the halter top you had been wearing. You can’t believe you managed to unzip the back by yourself.
You throw the garments to the side, and watch as understanding hits his face. His eyes glaze over and he licks his lips, clearly shaken up by your little trick.
He carefully dips his fingers below the waistband of your shorts and eases them down. You put your weight on him and give him a few kisses as he continues to move them down your legs. Once they too have been tossed to the side, you sit back up, lips red and swollen from the kiss.
He gently reaches up to the zipper of the jacket and begins to slowly pull it down, letting the cool night air in. You feel your nipples harden at the exposure to both the night air and Yoongi’s hungry eyes. He swallows and licks his lips as he runs his eyes over every new inch of you that is revealed. Memorizing your form, your perked nipples, the way your chest rises with each anxious breath.
He reaches back up to the collar and eases one shoulder of fabric off. You move to take the rest off despite the cold, but he stills your hand with his.
“Keep it on, please. I love seeing you wear my clothes,” Yoongi says, intertwining his fingers with yours.
You bring his hand up to your lips, pressing them against his knuckles as you slowly grind your still covered core on his length. He groans in frustration, his pants getting tighter. You let go of his hand and run your fingers up beneath his white cotton v-neck, his ab muscles flinching under your touch. You help him remove his shirt, taking in the way his pale skin shines under the moonlight.
Seeing you look at him makes his cock twitch in his pants, and you think it’s time to provide him some relief.
You scoot back and start to undo his belt, getting low and staring up at him through your lashes. His breath hitches when you make eye contact with him, and then it starts to pick up as you undo the button and zipper. You shimmy down the denim, but leave his black boxer-briefs where they are.
You come back up to the waistband after releasing his jeans, and you take the elastic in between your teeth. You tug them down with your teeth while your hands pull them on the sides. His erection springs free, and he sucks in a fast breath when his cock meets the cool air. You take the opportunity to let your warm breath ghost over his throbbing cock, coaxing a deep groan from Yoongi. He puts his hand to your cheek, and you look up to meet his gaze.
“I don’t think I can last if you put me in your mouth, baby girl. We can do head next time,” Yoongi says, and your heart soars at the pet name. You ease back up so that you’re straddling him once more, and reflexively start to grind on him again.
“Please let me take care of you. Look how wet you are,” he says, running his fingers over your clothed slit, dipping one finger in to collect a bit of slick. He tastes his finger and says. “Yeah, we’re definitely going to need to do head next time.”
You blush at the thought of him buried between your thighs, vulgarly slurping up everything you have to give him. You clench just thinking about it, and Yoongi notices. He pulls your panties to the side, takes the head of his cock and presses it to your clit, teasing your entrance. His precum mixes with your wetness, and you can’t resist him any more. You’ve resisted him for years, and you’re done.
You slowly ease yourself down on his cock, only making it halfway down before you have to wait for you to adjust. You both look at each other; Yoongi’s jaw is set and his eyebrows are furrowed together. Your mouth drops open as you raise and lower yourself again, feeling the delicious stretch that accompanies it. You bottom out and begin setting a slow and gentle pace.
Your body is rolling steadily, moonlight creating beautiful shadows on your body as you take him in over and over. As many times as you’ve dreamed of this, you still didn’t fathom it being this good or it feeling this right.
Yoongi is everything you had imagined he would be and then some. The way he is looking up at you, the way his soft little moans escape every time you bottom out, the way his eyebrows furrow together at the sight of your dripping heat enveloping him. Perfection.
He takes his hands and trails them up the curve of your waist, stopping just below your breasts. He runs his thumbs over your nipples, making you shudder and arch your back, pushing your chest into his hands. He palms them, kneading little circles around your areolas.
You lean forward, putting your weight on him again, and he meets you eagerly with another kiss. He wraps his arms around your back, keeping himself under the jacket, and you pick up the rhythm. Yoongi scratches his nails all the way down your back. Once he gets to your ass, he cups it, squeezing gently. You place your forehead against his, and your eyes meet.
“Y/N,” he whispers, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, “you look so beautiful on top of me like this. Please let me see this sight for the rest of my life.” You whimper at the praise, and pick up the pace.
“Please,” he continues, small grunts mixing in with his words, “Don’t wake up tomorrow and pretend like this never happened. Please... don’t break my heart,” he pleads.
“Not a chance, Yoon. I can never let you go. You’re everything to me. You’ve always been.”
“Baby, I am so close. Can I--”
“Come with me, Yoongi. Let’s do it together,” you say. Yoongi’s hands are on your hips and he’s thrusting up into you with an unrelenting pace. At this angle, you can feel his head graze against your cervix with each thrust, sending white spots in your vision.
You both reach your end at the same time, breaths mingling as you come down from your highs. You lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat gradually slow. He presses a soft, lingering kiss to the top of your head and sighs into your hair.
“So…” he begins, “do you wanna go to the festival with me?” Yoongi asks.
“Are you gonna pick me up? Let me hold your hand? Have a nice little special romantic date?” you fire back, trying your best to sound like him. You sit up on your arm, letting your hair hang over to one side, and watch the light dance in his eyes as he laughs.
“Yeah,” he laughs, “I might even get us a little snack from one of the desert vendors.”
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
One of Them Girls
Angel Reyes x Reader
Request by @lakamaa12: I have a request.. if you don't want to do it, no worries (or it's been done by another blog and I missed it).I was wondering if you would consider writing something with Angel based around the song One of Them Girls by Lee Brice?
(Part 2 can be found Here)
Warnings: language, alcohol, Angel being the cutie we know he is
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: To the best of my knowledge, no one else has written an Angel fic for this song yet! If you have and I didn’t see it, my bad! But real talk I’ve been obsessed with this song lately and I wanted to write a fic for it so I’m super glad you sent this my way. Hope you enjoy! xo
Angel Taglist: @mayans-sauce @helli4nthus @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @amandinesblogofstuff @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @encounterthepast @lilacyennefer @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ (If you want to be tagged let me know! xo)
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Your roommate had been trying for months to get you to go to one of the MC parties with her. She knew them from working at Vicki’s and she swore that you would have a good time if you just came to the clubhouse with her.
“Just for a couple hours,” she pleaded as she stood in the doorway to your room, “and if you’re really not having a good time, we can leave and I’ll never bother you about it again. Promise.”
You sighed, leaning your head back against your headboard, “Fine. Just so you won’t bother me about it anymore.”
She beamed, “Yes! Oh this is gonna be so fun,” you could practically see the thoughts racing through her head, “Wear those skinny jeans that make your butt look good.”
You groaned, “You’re gonna dress me, too?”
She laughed, “It’s just a friendly suggestion.”
It was a suggestion that you begrudgingly took her up on. She really wasn’t that pushy about what to wear, but she knew that she was able to nudge you out of your comfort zone a little bit sometimes. You’d ended up with a simple, low-cut black tank top, the jeans she had suggested, and a pair of black boots. You weren’t going to risk snapping your ankle in a pair of heels when you didn’t know what you’d be walking into.
Elena may have been persistent, but she was a woman of her word. She stayed by you when you first arrived, knowing the scene was a little overwhelming when you first walk into it. You weren’t quite sure what you had been expecting, but this wasn’t quite what you had pictured in your mind. It was a little tamer, a little less chaotic than your brain had been telling you it would be.
“C’mon,” she tugged you towards the bar, “I’ll get you a beer.”
“Elena, who are all these people?” you asked quietly as you scanned the room.
She started pointing out the members of the MC one by one, telling you their names and a few fun facts about each. Some of the facts were a little more information than you cared to know, but she got you to laugh. Some of the girls you recognized because they’d come over and hang out at your apartment sometimes, and it was nice to know that you knew more than just one person at the party. They said there was power in numbers, right?
“Hey, querida,” a voice piped up from behind the two of you.
Elena turned, a smile instantly spreading across her face as she walked up to the man who had been speaking to her and letting him scoop her up in a hug, “Angel, hey!”
He set her down and his eyes found their way over to you. You felt small under the weight of his gaze but you tried not to let it show. He glanced back to Elena, “You brought a friend?”
She laughed, nodding, “Angel, this is my roommate, and best friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Angel, the biggest pain in the ass in the MC.”
He placed a hand over his chest, an exaggeratedly pained expression on his face, “Right to my heart.”
The three of you laughed and you shook your head slightly, the nerves beginning to dissipate a little bit. You weren’t expecting him to plop down on the stool next to yours, but he did. You looked over to Elena, as if to ask if you should be worried about anything. She flashed you a smile as she sat down on the other side of you, giving your arm a light, reassuring squeeze as she reached for her drink.
“So what questionable decisions led you here tonight?” he asked with a laugh as he took a swig of his beer.
You laughed, shaking your head, “Just throwing Elena a bone. She’s been wanting me to come here with her for a while.”
“Didn’t want to be hanging out with a bunch of degenerates?” there was a playful smirk on his face.
You smiled, “More like I didn’t want to be hanging out with a bunch of people in general,” you laughed, “I’m a bit of a homebody.”
“I’m working on that,” Elena piped in with a smile.
The three of you sat at the bar and talked for a little while. You could tell that Angel was trying to get a read on you, the new girl. You couldn’t be mad because you were doing the same thing to him. He was smooth, flirtatious, but not overbearingly so. That was a game you’d be willing to play for the night while you pacified your friend. If you were going to be forced to socialize, there were worse people to look at while doing it.
Elena must’ve gotten the vibe from you, because she politely excused herself from the conversation, letting you know that she wouldn’t be far if you decided that you wanted to bail and go home. You saw the smirk tugging at her lips as she walked away though, knowing that you were having a much better time there than you’d ever admit.
“So I gotta know,” Angel asked as he idly toyed with the beer bottle in his hands, “how does a homebody like you end up rooming with Miss “Life of the Party” Elena?”
You laughed, trying not to stare at the way his ringed fingers traced and curled around the neck of his beer bottle, “We actually had a few classes together our first year in college,” you shook your head, “Nothing bonds two people together like suffering through statistics classes together.”
He chuckled, “Fuck that.”
“That was exactly how we felt.”
The longer the two of you talked, the more he tested his boundaries. He wasn’t pushy, or inappropriate, but he was definitely trying to figure out what made you tick. You weren’t going to give him that kind of satisfaction so quickly, though. You bantered back and forth with him, and you couldn’t remember the last time a guy had you laughing so hard.
Angel was in the middle of an incredibly cheesy pickup line that he swore has worked for him before when the song coming through the speakers changed. You couldn’t help but to perk up a little bit at the familiar beat and Angel noticed the shift immediately. He watched you for a moment as he tried to feel out the situation.
“Wanna dance?”
You shook your head no with zero hesitation, “No thank you.”
He laughed, “C’mon, why not? Live a little.”
You smiled but didn’t move to get up from your stool, “I’m sure there are plenty of women here tonight that would love to dance with you, Angel.”
He didn’t push the topic any further. You were smiling but he could see the flash of emotion in your eyes and he knew that there was something there that you weren’t ready to tap into yet with him. So, instead, he got you another beer and delved back into his cheesy pickup line story. When you realized that he was going to move past what you just said and not make it awkward, the tension immediately melted out of your body. You gladly took the beer bottle from him as you listened him ramble into another story.
“Yo, Angel,” Coco called from the pool table, “get over here. Bring your friend, we need two more.”
“You play pool?” Angel asked you, curious to your answer.
You shrugged as you hopped off the stool, “I mean I know how to.”
He laughed as he followed you across the clubhouse, “That’s not a super reassuring answer, querida.”
“Man, fuck him. You can be on my team,” Coco said with a laugh, “He and Gilly can fend for themselves.”
There was something reassuring and welcoming about the way that Coco spoke to you—like he had known you for years. He handed you your pool stick, smile still plastered onto his face. This wasn’t how you had originally pictured your night going, but you weren’t upset about it.
About halfway through the game, Angel was pissed that he didn’t try to team up with you. You and Coco were on a hot-streak and he really didn’t expect that from you. He shook his head as you sank another shot, and you had to laugh at the way that Coco was able to effectively gloat with just a simple look thrown Angel’s way.
“I mean I know how to,” Angel mocked you with a laugh as he shook his head, watching you line up to take another shot, “Can’t believe you fuckin’ hustled me.”
You laughed, “I don’t think you can call it hustling if there’s no money involved. You’re just mad because we’re about to whoop your ass.”
He chuckled and glanced over at Coco, “Don’t look so smug, Coco. She’s fuckin’ carrying you right now.”
The game wrapped up quickly with you and Coco both doing so well. Gilly had been more than content to sit back and watch it all happen, reveling in the fact that someone, and someone new at that, was kicking Angel’s ass at pool. Angel was shaking his head as he set his stick aside, still trying to figure out how all of that just happened. For someone who claimed that they didn’t like going out and doing things, you seemed to be full of surprises.
“Since I am a gracious winner,” you said with a laugh as you let Coco put your stick away, “I’ll buy you all a drink.”
Angel went to protest, not wanting you to be buying anything for any of them, but Gilly slapped his chest to stop him. The look on Gilly’s face made it very evident that no matter how cute the girl was, none of them were about to be turning down free drinks. Angel laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
As the night wore on, slowly but surely people began to trickle out of the clubhouse. You hadn’t really talked to Elena since you got wrapped up playing pool with the guys, but the two of you kept an eye on one another. Every now and then she’d shoot you a look, one that asked if you needed to get out, and you would just shake your head. She’d smile, sometimes throw you a wink, before getting wrapped back up into whatever she was doing. You knew that she was just glad to get you out of the house and socializing with people.
You and Angel were sitting next to each other on the couch talking, keeping your conversation low in the midst of music and noise still filling the clubhouse. You were shaking your head at him as he told you about some of the scrapes he’d gotten into with his brother, someone that you knew you’d also love to sit and have a conversation with eventually.
Elena walked up and gave you a nudge, smiling when you turned to her, “Not trying to rush you, but I think a couple of the girls and I are gonna head out. You want me to bring you home before I go with them?”
Truthfully, you didn’t want to leave. But she was your ride, so it wasn’t like you were going to have much of a choice. Just as you were about to speak up and say you’d get ready to leave, Angel interrupted, “I can take you home if you want.”
You glanced back at him, arching one eyebrow, “Oh?”
“Yea,” he shrugged, smiling, “I don’t mind.”
Elena bit at her bottom lip, trying to fight back a smile, “You good with that, Y/N?”
You nodded, “Yea, I think so,” you laughed, “Worst case scenario I have pepper spray in my bag.”
“Jesus,” Angel laughed.
Elena shook her head with a grin as she leaned down to kiss your cheek, “Text me when you’re home. Love you.”
“Love you too. Text when you get to wherever the hell you guys are all going,” you chuckled.
“Will do,” she turned and hugged Angel, “Get her home safe, or I’ll beat your ass.”
He nodded, trying hard not to laugh because he knew that she was serious, “Yes ma’am.”
When she was gone and it was just the two of you again, things felt a little different. You suddenly became very aware of the way that his arm was draped over the back of the couch, his fingers almost brushing against your shoulder. Despite the number of people that were still in the clubhouse, it felt like it was just you two left. Everything else felt farther away.
“Can I ask where you’re from?” he leaned in a little closer to you and took a sip of his beer, “Because I feel like you’re not from around here.”
You smiled, shaking your head, “I’m not. I’m from the East Coast—came out this way for college,” you laughed, “Very cliché, I know.”
“Ah, you’re one of them girls, huh?”
“Who are them girls?” you chuckled.
“Had to get the hell outta dodge?”
You smiled and nodded, not really wanting to get into the details of your decisions, “Something like that.”
“You musta broke a lot of hearts when you left,” there was a smirk tugging at his lips.
You laughed, “Wouldn’t know—haven’t been back to find out.”
Somewhere along the line of your conversation, the two of you had gotten very comfortable. You had your legs pulled up underneath you as you leaned into him, his hand resting lightly on the nape of your neck. Every now and then when you laughed your hand would come to rest on his thigh for a moment or two before you pulled it back to your own body. He wasn’t bold enough to say it but he wished that you’d leave it there.
There was a brief lull in the conversation and you looked around the clubhouse, seeing that the two of you were some of the last people there. You checked your phone, seeing that you had gotten the safety update from your roommate almost an hour before and hadn’t noticed from being so enthralled with Angel.
“You got that look on your face like you gotta get going,” Angel said knowingly.
You sighed, “Yea, unfortunately I still have to go and do life stuff tomorrow,” there was a hint of laughter to your voice.
His thumb traced idly along the exposed skin at the base of your neck, “We can take the bike, if you want.”
You pressed your lips together for a moment, “I’ve never ridden on one before.”
He chuckled as he rose to his feet, helping you to do the same, “Something tells me you’ll be fine.”
The two of you walked out of the clubhouse, Angel’s hand settling on the small of your back. The chilly night air hit your skin and sent a chill through you. Without a second thought, Angel peeled off his sweatshirt that he’d put on and handed it over to you. You started to shake your head no but he wordlessly pushed the hoodie into your hands. You gave in with a smile, pulling it down over your head. It was warm, and you were practically swimming in the fabric, but you didn’t mind.
He let you use his helmet, and you settled behind him after climbing onto the bike. Your hands were lightly resting on his waist and he pulled your arms tighter around him, causing you to press flush up against his back.
“Don’t be shy, querida,” he chuckled, “For your own safety as much as anything else.”
You laughed, thankful that he couldn’t see the sheepish smile on your face as you let your body rest against his. The bike came to life underneath you and you nervously wrapped your arms a little tighter around him, and you could feel him laughing despite the fact that you couldn’t hear him over the noise of the bike.
Slowly you eased into the ride, your nerves subsiding a little bit. Angel must’ve felt the tension dissipating because he picked up the speed a little bit, causing you to laugh and tighten your hold on him. You knew that Angel knew the way to yours and Elena’s apartment, so you knew that he was taking the long way there. As much as you wanted to call him out on it, you didn’t want him to think that you minded. It was a peaceful, freeing feeling to be riding with him.
He rolled to a stop in front of your apartment building. You hopped off the bike, handing him back his helmet. The two of you stood there and you knew that he could feel the same type of tension in the air that you felt. For a night that you really hadn’t been looking forward to, it was the best time that you’d had in a while.
You went to take his sweatshirt off to give back to him but he shook his head at you, “Nah, keep it.”
“You sure?”
He nodded with a smirk on his face, “Yea. Just give it back next time I see you.”
You smiled, “Next time? Who said I’m coming back to the clubhouse?”
He laughed and shook his head, “Damn, you and Elena are both out to keep my ego in check, huh?”
“It’s good for you,” you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, trying to ignore the fact that you felt nervous, trying to figure out how to say goodnight.
“But really,” he stepped in a little closer to you, forcing you to tilt your head up slightly to look him in the eye, “I’d really like to be able to see you again.”
You managed to keep a straight face for a few seconds, just long enough to make him nervous. You could see him racing to try and come up with a follow-up statement to get himself out of being rejected, and you let yourself smile as you nodded, “I’d like that.”
He let out an audible sigh of relief, “Had me worried for a second,” he chuckled.
You laughed, shaking your head, “Can’t make it too easy for you.”
He smiled, “Can I have your number? Or do I gotta level up for that?”
You rolled your eyes as you held your hand out, “Give me your phone before I change my mind.”
He chuckled as he dug it out of his pocket and pressed it into the palm of your hand. He watched you intently as you plugged your number in, smiling as you handed it back to him, “This your real number? Or one of those rejection hotlines?”
You smirked, “Guess you’ll have to call me and find out. One time I gave some dude the number that would just play the John Cena theme song over and over again. That was…peak rejection.”
“That’s not exactly reassuring for me, you get that, right?” he laughed.
You smiled and shook your head, “It’s my real number, promise,” you stood up on your tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks for bringing me home.”
He couldn’t hide that he was surprised by the gesture. A huge smile spread across his face as he nodded, “Yea, any time.”
“Get home safe.”
He nodded, “I will,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you crossed your arms over your chest, trapping the heat against your body as you watched him get back on his bike and strap his helmet on. He flashed you another smile and you waved him off.
You let out a small sigh of contentment as you turned around and made your way into your building. The walk up to your apartment seemed much shorter as you replayed the night over in your head. You turned the key in the lock and stepped in, glad to be home but simultaneously wishing that the night wasn’t over yet. You showered and threw your pajamas on, falling into your bed with a happy sigh. After shutting the light off and settling in underneath your blanket, your phone buzzed on your nightstand. You reached over to see who it was, and smiled when you saw a message waiting for you from a new number.
“Home safe. Sweet dreams” after a few seconds a second text came in, “It’s Angel by the way”
You chuckled as you typed out your reply, ‘Thanks for the clarification. Got worried for a second”
“Just tryna be sweet and you can’t let me have it, can you?”
“Nope” you were laughing in the quiet darkness of your room.
“Alright. Sweet nightmares then. Goodnight”
You could picture his face and you couldn’t stop smiling, “Goodnight xo”
You set your phone off to the side again, settling back down underneath your covers. Your body wanted to sleep but your brain was too busy replaying the entire night over again and you couldn’t stop smiling.
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