#though i might actually write a deltarune fic on my main !!
sneakyswag · 2 days
Mwahahah your turn!
GAHH long post jumpscare
🧠- What fictional character do you relate to the most?
I think I’ve done a similar one to this one before, but in a different ask game. For the fun of it, I’ll probably have to say X or Axl.
X stresses so bad it’s exhausting. Kind of like me. I’ve been struggling with that lately. As well as body aches caused by stress (gah my shoulders qwq). But pushing those worries away, I’ve gone through loads of emotional turmoil. So much so that it’s made me bitter in a way. Sure, I’m kind and polite, but I never open up. Sure, in some asks I do, such as this one, because it’s a good question. But in real life? No. You will see me in a corner, arms crossed, smiling at the people having fun, but never actually interacting.
Axl, because he’s silly as frick and has bad timing with jokes. Likes guns and is the life of the party (depends on who I’m with). Axl is also a pretty good friend despite being a goofball. You’d think because he’s young he’d be immature, which he is sometimes, but other times he’s very mature and deals with situations accordingly. I do say that our difference is that he leads and thinks with emotion. I only do that when writing.
Also someone else, @bruggle ‘s Brook. No way like when I wrote fics with her in them, I was like “holy crap she is so me” and wrote her based off of experiences I myself had. Bruggle actually told me I wrote her well, which I thank Brugs for. Though I might be projecting juuust a little bit. Brook is so so angry and bitter it makes my head spin, but she can also be so so funny and silly at the same time. She’s a good friend and a good person, just angry at the world for what it did to her (come on, we’ve all been there). Anyways wow this is a stretch I’m so sorry- BAHAH
🌂- You have to choose three fiction characters to help you survive in the apocalypse, who are you picking? (I could write an essay over this one)
Ah, geez. I’m terrible at this. Zero from Mega Man X. He’s tactical, smart, strong, precise, will probably help out a lot if it means we all make it out. Only bad point is, he’s reckless. Even so, he’s strong as frick and also, Reploid! So even stronger than your average fighter.
Ralsei from Deltarune. With his powers, he can mend and also help Zero with his injuries from time to time. Ralsei has all kinds of powers that would be useful and his attitude would be perfect to maintain that optimistic attitude within the team. He can also be a good distraction!
And last, but not least, Jigglypuff from Pokémon. Do I even have to explain this one? Jigglypuff can get super tough enemies out of the way by singing his sleepy song and boom! They’re out. Also a good idea for sleepless nights we might have. So
Zero is the fighter, Ralsei is the mage/optimist, Jigglypuff is the ultimate distraction. Ralsei is also like super responsible so he’d probably have a lot of supplies on him. Zero has his weapons on him and will make sure none of us get hurt. Jigglypuff is that little ball of joy the group definitely needs. So yeah. My take.
🔥- Name a crackship, now convince me why it would work!
Ahah…ah, man. Alright so, I wrote for this ship months ago and when you said crack ship, my mind immediately went back to Samus and X. HEAR ME OUT-
I was playing Smash with a couple of friends and one of ‘em was drooling over Samus (no surprise there) and started making jokes about me getting my butt kicked by Samus (I main Mega Man) and made a couple of jokes. Another one of my friends, brought up the fact that Zero was in Smash as an assist and how he wished X was in as an echo for classic Mega Man.
After a little discussion, we imagined what X would be like as a fighter. The same friend that brought it up, decided it was a fine idea to google Samus x Mega Man and found a pic of Samus and X. It clicked for me and we started giggling like the idiots we are. Because Samus is like totally X’s type though. Girlboss, tall, blonde, can kick your ass and his in more ways than one, like what is there not to like? I haven’t looked into Samus’ love interests much because she’s still such a mystery, but my goodness she’s amazing. X would be head over heels for her, no way.
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do you guys think it would be that bad if i just wrote one small little deltarune thing on my ao3 and the people who turned on email subscriptions to my tlm stuff wont kill me ??
no they're gonna i need to get my brother to give me enough confidence
jeez calm down i just wanna write susie x noelle or a spamton x reader 😨
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
Undertale Post-Pacifist Headcanons
Like many people who’ve played through Undertale’s Pacifist route, I have my own fair share of thoughts on what happens to all the characters after the credits roll. And because I’m feeling in a sentimental mood, I wanted to write them all down in one place. So I thought I’d go through each of the main characters and talk through where I see them ending up. Some of these have been partially shaped by other takes, or even fics, that resonated with me. Others are purely my own interpretation. This isn’t a fic or anything super comprehensive. Just me splurging out my thoughts onto a page to get ‘em out of my head after all this time. Also a few side notes before we start: -This is NOT referring to Souless Pacifist. That’s an interesting thing to think about but, frankly, I’d like to actually be happy today. -I’m mostly leaving Deltarune out of this because’s it’s a seperate canon, it’s not finished and frankly, I have NO IDEA where that story is going. -This all purely my conjecture based on my interpretation of the story and characters and what I’d like to think happens next. Nothing more. Frisk Frisk accepted Toriel’s offer to stay with her and they settled down in a house in the town, Ebott, not far from the mountain of the same name. Originally the pair just had a small place to themselves, but in a couple of years, they moved into a much larger house. Since Frisk was spending so much time with all their friends, Toriel decided they might as well all have a room there, and nearly all of them sleep over there pretty frequently. By this point, they’re almost as much one big family as they are friends. They also accepted the position of Ambassador of monsters, but didn’t really step into that role for a few years. The position requird a lot of knowledge that makes for a rather unfair responsibility to put on someone so young. Plus, most human world leaders would likely turn their nose up at negotiating with a child. Though Asgore’s role as king was now greatly reduced, and Toriel had long since renounced her position as queen, they stepped back into a more pronounced diplomatic role while Frisk was still learning. As a young adult, Frisk took on more and more responsibilities, finally flourishing in the role of ambassador. Shortly after the monsters leave the surface, they were recognised as having gone missing previously, which raised questions about where they came from before the Underground. They have only ever shared the full story with Toriel, and later Asgore, and they still don’t like to talk about it much. But between Toriel acquiring full custody, and Frisk finally opening up to at least one person about it all, they’ve made a ton of progress moving past whatever their old life was like. And they seem content to focus on their new life for now.  Frisk never found themselves in a position where they needed to muster up the Determination to SAVE or LOAD. They decided that this ending was one worth keeping, and left it as it was. One time, many years later, they tried to muster up the concentration to make a SAVE point just in case...and found they couldn’t. Perhaps whatever external influence had given them that power had left them. Maybe it went off to find something new to occupy its time...Anyway, with the burden of that power gone, Frisk is now free to devote themselves to their new life fully, and maybe that’s ok. While Frisk’s efforts do not single handedly rebuild bridges between humans and monsters (as such a task is far too big for one person) they do make a world of difference in establishing peace between the two during their career. Toriel Toriel finally fulfilled her dream of becoming a teacher when she opened a school for monster children. A couple of years later, she expanded to welcome humans as well, the first school to teach both human and monster children, leading others to follow. As headmistress she is very well-liked by her students. While there are a handful of jokes about how scary she can be when she’s angry, she is generally considered a caring figure to her students and a practical overseer of the school. She is still very good friends with Sans, and since both the brothers are already spending a lot of time with Frisk, she gets plenty of opportunities to trade jokes with him whenever the two show up to visit. She has also begun to practice cooking with Papyrus and Undyne. Papyrus is actually getting a bit better, and Undyne...well, Toriel appreciates her enthusiasm, even if she usually has to make time to clean up pretty thoroughly after a lesson.  Stepping into a teaching role also led Toriel back into her aptitude for magic, something she had only used for essentials for a long time. She began studying and researching the topic extensively, not just to better instruct her students, but for out of a long dormant intellectual curiousity. She has been an invaluable source of consultation for Alphys on multiple research papers as a result. Nor is Alphys the only one. While Toriel was once afriad to face her subjects after hiding away from them for so long, she finds herself a welcome presence of her community, even amongst humans. She ultimately ends up meeting many of the monsters Frisk met on their own journey and befriending them in her own right, be it lunches out with Dogamy and Dogaressa, or tea and sewing sessions with Muffet. Having such a social life is a little strange for someone who was alone in those ruins for so long, yet it feels oddly right. Toriel still remembers her lost children and she still misses them greatly. But settling down into a new life on the surface, fulfilling dreams she never thought she would and being part of a family again after all these years has helped her find contentment. Papyrus Papyrus is still comfortably living with Sans on the surface. The early adjustment period was quite hard for him. As happy as he was to finally be out and able to meet new people, his dreams of joining the Royal Guard had still been throughly dashed. Nonetheless, Undyne was still happy both to train him, in both magic and cooking. And this gave Papyrus time to think. He loved training with Undyne, and the feeling of improving himself and getting stronger. But he never wanted to use that power to hurt anyone. It was Undyne who suggested he try training other people in turn. Taking his friend’s advice, Papyrus opened a fitness gym, where humans and monsters could hone their bodies and/or magic in a safe, fun environment. And he quickly proved himself a surprisingly empathetic and supportive instructor, as well as being a unexpectedly strong and well-versed one. Maybe Undyne wasn’t kidding when she told Frisk how tough he was while training him. He’s still certainly an eccentric trainer of course. In particular, he has made a habit of offering his homemade spaghetti to anyone who seems to be getting tired while workig out. It certainly works. The offer alone is generally enough to make them hastily insist they’re fine to keep going another few sets! Papyrus and Sans both maintain an exceptionally close friendship with Frisk, and have sleepovers with them at least once a week, often more. He tends to be quite fussy over Frisk whenever they’re over, keen to insist they are well cared for, sometimes a lttle too zealously, often chiding Sans to help more whenever Frisk is their guest. However, Toriel is all to happy to leave her child in the brothers’ care, and at this point they’re basically a mix of uncles and big brothers to them. Papyrus is quick to notice that one of his friends never left the Underground, and still makes time to visit him whenever he can. He’s not sure why this one monster is so loathe to leave the mountain, but he’s still keen to make them feel a little less alone regardless. Papyrus once wanted nothing more than for people to like him. Now, with a fulfilling job and plenty of friends, more people like him than ever. But more than that, he can now say he likes himself plenty as well. Sans Of all Frisk’s friends, Sans might just have had the hardest and longest adjustment period to living on the surface. At least to those who knew him. Sure, he was mostly still his lazy, good-natured self, everybody’s carefree pal. But those who knew him best, Papyrus especially, could see that the smile didn’t always reach his eyes. And every now and then, he would spend the day laying in bed. He’d joke that he was over-rested from too much napping, so now he had to nap EVEN MORE. But neither Papyrus, nor Toriel, nor Frisk were convinced. The truth was that Sans hadn’t forgotten how trapped he’d once felt. Putting the pieces together and guessing (rightly) that the world around him was looping, was a bitter pill to swallow. And the painful thought that nothing he did would matter was not an easy one to forget. He was still happy to be a good friend to Toriel and a good brother to Papyrus, but he couldn’t fully convince himself that he wasn’t just going to wake up one day back in his room in Snowdin. And as happy as he was to have Frisk over, there was always the awkwardness of something that was being left unsaid. Eventually Sans finally gave in and asked Frisk one day if they were going to reset. But Frisk, not sounding terribly surprised that Sans knew this, said they weren’t. That they were sticking with this. As much as Sans wanted to believe them, it seemed too good to be true. Then the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, months into years, and still no reset. And somewhere along the way, Sans started to believe a little. Those listless days in bed started to grow less frequent, his smile seemed a little wider and more genuine. And he seemed warmer to Frisk than ever. He even became quite protective of them. Whenever any narrow minded human had any intentions of harming the Ambassador, they would quickly find themselves caught in a cage of bones. What was once a promise to look after the kid for Tori’s sake, was now a personal vow to look after a true friend who’d helped him out of a very dark place, and keep them safe. Aside from that, Sans is much the same as ever. He can still be found at Grillby’s new venue most days, he’s still a frequent visitor at Frisk and Toriel’s house and he’s even become surprisingly good friends with Alphys. Turns out the lovable lazy skeleton is a little more of a dork than he lets on, and he doesn’t mind lazing around binge watching Alphys’ latest shows or joining her to play a video game. Plus it’s one more way he can shirk off the last thing Papyrus told him to do. Occasonally, Alphys can weedle some surprisingly profound scientific knowledge out of him during their time together. But he usually complains that recalling that is too much work, nor has he ever talked about where he learned it. It took a lot of time, and a lot of work for Sans to really feel at home on the surface. But now Sans is probably the most content, and the most alive he’s felt in years. Undyne With the Royal Guard disbanded, Undyne found herself on the surface but out of a job. Sure, being out of the Underground was fun and all, but for someone so dedicated to her training, it was a little hard to find something to fill in the time. Then one day, as she and Alphys were watching yet another anime she had an idea. The show in question featured a martial arts tournament, where people could put their skills to the test in competition. A place to fight where nobody could get hurt (mostly). ‘Man’, she thought to herself. ‘If only humans had something like THAT!’ Except, hold on...they do. Undyne signed up for classes in karate and the rest was history. She ultimately took classes in tons of different martial arts, and, when she was ready, she began entering local wrestling tournaments. Over the years, she carved out a fearsome career in professional wrestling. Under the alias of the ‘Legendary Hero’ (a name originally born out of a sponsorship deal with MTT that ended up sticking) she had plenty of wins under her belt. She has now has no shortage of fans, humans and monster alike, and helped encourage other monsters to enter professional sports fields, changing the industry drastically. Outside of her matches, Undyne still makes plenty of time for her friends. Papyrus’ gym tends to be her training venue of choice (when she first showed up Papyrus wasn’t sure whether to cry of joy or reinforce every piece of equipment ASAP), and will still spar with Papyrus and Frisk whenever she has time.  Sometimes she’ll volunteer to do a training course at Toriel’s school. When she does the students are half in awe, and half dreading how throughly she’ll put them through their paces. This also led her to interact more with Toriel on her personal level, and while making small talk with the fabled ‘lost queen of the Underground’ (as well as her mentor’s ex) was decidedly awkward, the two eventually became friends, and even have cooking lessons together. Plus, she and Alphys still make time to visit Asgore whenever they can. Speaking of Alphys, their relationship has also progressed since the Barrier broke. They started dating in earnest once the dust had cleared and monsters were established on the surface and eventually moved in together. They remain firmly supportive of each others’ work, with Alphys never missing one of her girlfriend’s matches. Undyne has also helped Alphys to better come out of her shell. They started going to conventions together, meeting new people along the way.  A couple of years down the line the two made the step to get married. When they did, Undyne asked Asgore to walk her down the aisle. Eventually, the necesarry arrangements were made for them to have a kid together, and, with their new daughter, the three now live together happily. They’re also still delighted to have Frisk over whenever, and effectively became their cool aunts. Undyne may not have become the legendary warrior who struck down the last human for the sake of all monsters. But what she now is still pretty legendary as far as she’s concerned. Alphys Much like Undyne, Alphys too had to find a new path in life after losing her job as Royal Scientist. Not that she really minded. That was a part of her life she was more than happy to leave behind. Her first major concern was helping each of the Amalgamates get settled back in with their families, since she naturally felt responsible for them. She had steeled herself to expect the worst from their relatives, and some definitely took the truth worse than others. But mostly she was surprised by how many were just happy to get their loved ones back. Some even thanked her for it. This left Alphys deep in thought for a long while, unsure what to think after finding some closure to the events that her haunted her for years. She eventually sought out professional therapy. After a while, it led her to accept that, even if her past experiments had caused unexpected harm, they’d done some good as well. And there was no reason she couldn’t learn from her mistakes, and use her talents to help people. Soon she set to work in her little lab in her and Undyne’s home. Across the later years, Alphys made a variety of inventions that combined human advancements in science, with the unique magic of monsters, to help improve the quality of life for both. Using helpful devices like the Dimensional Box as a starting point, her creations helped improve the lives of humans and monsters across the world. But she had two important caveats. She would accept no governmental or (especially) military funding. The profits from these devices were more than enough for her and Undyne to live comfortably, and she didn’t want to be back in a position of being obligated to do research she knew was wrong. And no experiment that involved directly experimenting on human or monster bodies in any way. All of this has helped Alphys feel more fulfilled than ever. Where before she felt cursed to ruin everything she touched, and that her craft had only resulted in what she considered evil, now she was helping all kinds of people. And it means a great deal to her to this day. Outside of that, she has a pretty comfortable life. She still loves to unwind with a good anime, and has even begun dipping her toes into the communal side of fandom. Whether that be online communities, or even going to conventions (Undyne is always happy to join in on a cosplay) and all sorts of things Alphys never dreamt she would have the nerve to do. But throughout it all, Undyne has remained her rock, always able to cheer her up on her bad days, and encourage her on her good ones. Between this, striking up a friendship with Sans, and getting to spend time with Asgore in a non professional context, Alphys has more friends now than she ever thought possible. But as much as she loves her daughter, as much as she values her friends, or as much as she joins everyone in spending time at Frisk and Toriel’s house, it’s still sometimes nice to take time to herself to unwind and rewatch Mew Mew Kissy Cuitie...even if Season Two still sucks. Asgore Asgore’s road to making a new life on the surface was...complicated to say the least. For one thing, he was incredibly busy right from the off. Most of the diplomacy needed to make peace with humanity once monsters were reintroduced to the world naturallly fell to him. And many monsters who had settled down in Ebott still came to him for help with numerous small matters.Still, Asgore appreciated the distraction. Outside of that, Asgore mostly kept to himself, in a small house with a garden for him to tend to. Asgore was all too happy to help monsters re-integrate into surface life, but truthfully, he still didn’t really feel he himself deserved to do the same. He tended to avoid contact with people unless they came looking for him, still believing he didn’t deserve to enjoy a peaceful life with the blood he had on his hands. And yet, to his surprise, people still wanted to come to him. His subjects still valued his advice, and applauded his efforts to negotiate with human world leaders. Alphys and Undyne still visited him whenever they could. And most of all, Frisk still seemed to want to talk to him. Asgore had convinced himself that Frisk would never want to see him again. After all, he’d try to kill them. Besides, seeing Frisk meant seeing Toriel, and he could hardly bear to look her in the face. Yet still, Frisk would ask Toriel to bring them round to visit after school, to which she eventually, if somewhat reluctantly, relented. He would spend the day making them tea, playing with them, working the gardens with them, or just being a confidant to the child. After everything he’d done, this human child still wanted him to be a part of their life. And not just them, but countless monsters. It was more than Asgore felt he deserved.  It was a few months after the first of these days looking after them that Frisk called Asgore ‘Dad’ for the first time. He nearly burst into tears on the spot. Shortly after the immediate aftermath of the Barrier’s destruction had died down, Asgore made quiet, private arrangements to find the relatives of the six fallen humans. He thought it best to deal with the matter on his own terms and take full responsibility, lest it make life harder for monsters trying to live alongside humans. Their reactions...varied. For some, it had happened so long ago that none of their immediate families were alive, and their descendants were just relieved to have closure. Others were angrier and more hostile. But all of them eventually recieved some form of resolution and support. It wasn’t an easy task, but one Asgore thought was important to do. ...Asgore even tried to find out about who Chara’s family might have been. But he turned up no results. He’d been afraid that might happen. Asgore is still mostly quite withdrawn in his social life, but outside of his role as king, he still has his fair share of friends. While his old friend Rudy fell down a long time ago, he still checks in on his daughter whenever he can. He still sees Gerson on occasion as well, who is always keen to swap old stories. He now happily embraces his role as Frisk’s father figure and has them over most weekends and the odd weekday. And of course, plenty of his subjects still respect him enough to ask for his help with their problems, and he’ll always sit them down with a hot cup of tea to hear their troubles. Of course, spending time with Frisk meant spending time with Toriel, which was...awkward. Toriel was still understandably angry over everything, but they wordlessly agreed that, both for Frisk’s safe and their diplomatic roles, it was important they try to get along. But it was plain to all that there was a lot going unsaid. It was Alphys who eventually convinced them to sit down and talk through everything that happened. Lay all their cards on the table, everything they’d felt, and gone through since that day. Not a pleasant prospect for either but, remembering how forgiving and merciful Frisk had been to the both of them, both chose to follow their example. These talks were long, and difficult, but ultimately cathartic for both parties. It didn’t magically fix everything, far from it, but with their newfound understanding, the two gradually found themselves able to spend time together comfortably, which was especially important as Asgore became a bigger part of Frisk’s life. As a final olive branch, Toriel offered Asgore a job as gardener at her school. Deeply touched by this expression of trust, Asgore accepted. Between spending time together at the school and co-parenting Frisk, Asgore and Toriel began to build the first steps of a new friendship. It was undoutbtedly a tentative one given what they’d been through, but genuine all the same. And, several years later, by which time Frisk was already almost an adult, they began to remember why they’d once fallen in love in the first place. Of course, neither had forgotten why they had seperated either and so they knew better than to ‘get back together’ officially. But over the course of several ‘not-dates’, they slowly started to build...something. It wasn’t what they’d had before, but it was something new. They’re still slowly working at it, ignoring any comments about how ‘everyone else can see it’. For now, they’re both content to see where this goes. They’re still Frisk’s parents whatever happens.  Asgore is still the gardener at Toriel’s school, where he is well liked by the students. Being around children is a pleasant reminder of happy times for Asgore, and his hedgework and carefully nurtured flowerbeds are a source of pride for the school. Deep down, Asgore still has bad days where he feels he doesn’t deserve any part of this new life. But each day, it gets just a little bit easier to believe it. Mettaton Mettaton’s stardom in the Underground carried through into his surface life. His performances are still widely watched by monster from all over. Winning over the brand new, enormous demographic of humans is a tough task, but it’s a challenge Mettaton was willing to take on. And he did eventually make his way into the mainstream, developing a lengthy career in both film and music, with human and monster fans alike. Because of this, unlike many of the others, Mettaton chose not to settle down in Ebott, but he still made sure to keep on eye on his friends who did.  Eventually, Mettaton saw the efforts his friends were making, as ambassadors, inventors, diplomats and the like, to make life better for monsters, and he began to wonder if he could do more with his fame. After this period of SOUL searching, Mettaton began using his platform to advocate for unity between humans and monsters, and taking roles in movies with human and monster casts and crews. The day he fought Frisk in the Underground taught Mettaton the positive impact he had the potential to make on his fans through his art. And he’s more committed to that than ever. Naturally, such a busy career often keeps him on the move, but he will occasionally make time to make a low profile visit to Ebott (or a high profile one if he feels like it). When he does, Napstablook and Alphys are always his first ports of call, and there’s generally a day out shopping with Frisk on the agenda at some point (anything to get them out of that tacky striped shirt). As part of her research, Alphys has sought his advice on how to build more mechanical bodies for those who want or need them, and, touched by her efforts, he’s happy to share his experience when she’s coming up with new designs.  It’s odd really. Despite being more famous than ever, Mettaton has found that’s not actually why he’s so happy with himself right now. Flowey Even as all the other monsters chose to go up and live their lives on the surface, Flowey alone, stayed behind. Much like he once told Frisk, he simply couldn’t bring himself to leave the Underground. Maybe he didn’t feel he deserved it after all he’d done. Maybe this self imposed exile was his idea of punishment. Maybe he just didn’t want to re-open his parents’ centruies-old wounds of grief. Maybe it was all of those reasons. Whatever his logic, he stayed. Occasionally, he would get visits from either Frisk or Papyrus, neither of whom had forgotten him and both resolved to keep him company. Frisk always made sure to let him know that Asgore and Toriel were both doing fine. Every time either of them visited, they asked Flowey to come with them. Every time, Flowey said no. He never regressed to the state he’d been in before he met Frisk. Just because he turned back into a flower and lost his SOUL again didn’t mean he’d forgotten what these experiences had taught him. But becoming the person he once was, even for a moment, just made it even harder to believe he’d ever really be accepted out there after everything he’d done and everyone he’d hurt. Left to his own devices, Flowey was true to his word and spent most of his time taking care of the flowers. Flowey’s magic had always allowed him to manipulate plant life, but now he was using it to nurture the various plants of the Underground. Slowly, he learned to use his magic not to kill, but to give life. Under his care, the various areas of the Underground became some of the most famous sites of natual beauty on Earth. Now that the Underground is easy and safe to reach, people come from miles around to see the plants that now grow there. There are rumours of some guardian who has grown the Underground into what it is today, but no one has ever seen him. Over the next few years as he tended to the kingdom alone, Flowey came to realise something. For so long, he’d thought that all he could do was destroy. That was the only thing left to do after countless time loops had numbed him to everything else. Yet here he was, using his powers to heal, to grow, to make the Underground he’d once terrorised so much more beautiful. Is it possible, then that he could do the same on the surface? It is then, and only then, that Flowey agrees to go with Frisk outside the mountain. Even after this experience, Flowey’s life is not smooth sailing. He never recovers his SOUL to restore his original form. As a result, his capacity to feel emotions and empathy is not entirely as it once was. But there are plenty of factors other than his SOUL-essness that made Flowey into who he became, and there are parts of himself he can still work on, SOUL or no SOUL. Flowey is still very dry and reserved in his deameanor, but he’s not willfully cruel like he once was. He still struggles to say the right thing at times, but he’s learning. He’s been able to rekindle his friendship with Papyrus. The two were implied to be much closer friends in earlier time loops, and Flowey hopes that he’ll be able to make something new in pace of what he once reset away. Asgore and Toriel are happy to meet another of Frisk’s friends, but he’s reluctant to tell them the full story of who he once was. Maybe someday he’ll tell them. But for now, he’s just glad to see that they’re happy. And while he pretends it doesn’t matter to him as he’s not that person anymore, he’ll still constantly hound Frisk for details once Asgore and Toriel start spending more time together. That said, there is one person who Flowey still struggles to get on with. Sans may not remember anything that happened in the previous resets, but he at least guesses who the other person was besides Frisk, who had that power. While he puts on a friendly air for Frisk and Papyrus’ sake, he never trusts Flowey entirely, and their exchanges tend to be pretty terse and snarky when their mutual friends aren’t around. Flowey may never have the life he once had back. But he seems to be on the way to making something new in its place. Chara This will be the shortest, because not much needs to be said. Even if Frisk never even knew they were there, observing Frisk on their journey through the Underground gave Chara a lot of time to think. For a long time, their life had given them no reason but to believe the worst of humanity. Their ‘plan’ was just as much a revenge quest against the people who once hurt them as it was a bid to save the monsters they loved. And their last memory was being held back, betrayed, in a sense, by their brother as the humans took everything from them yet again. Suffice to say, when a strong source of Determination awoke them from death, they had little reason to see any worth in humans, or monsters, or the world in general. Perhaps, in another time, they might have met someone else who validated those dark thoughts. Someone who made the wrong choices, who led Chara themselves to the worst possible conclusion... And yet, that’s not what happened. What they saw instead was a child who only offered mercy to a kingdom that wanted them dead. They saw a child with the power over time itself who used that power to help people. They saw their family find healing and redemption through the actions of this stranger. They saw their sibling find himself again, and make his peace with their own departure. In watching so many monsters find their catharsis through Frisk’s actions, Chara found a degree of catharsis themselves. Maybe they were wrong. Maybe humans weren’t as bad as they thought. Maybe power wasn’t everything. Maybe the future of humans and monsters their father once spoke of still existed. Finally able to let go of their anger, Chara is free for the first time. And with the source of Determination leaving after the credits roll, there’s nothing to keep them bound to this world anymore. After all, what do ghosts do in all those old stories when their unfinished business is resolved? With everything finally settled and no Determination to anchor them anymore, Chara is able to pass on peacefully, at long last, safe in the knowledge that their friends will be fine without them....
And that concludes my Undertale Post Pacifist headcanons for all the major characters. I hope it was an enjoyable read. I think it’s safe to say this game made a huge impact on a ton of people who played it, and their reactions are all very personal. As such, I know full well that these are just my projections and interpretations of what happens after the ending. But I think the fact that this game left enough of an impression that I wrote this much says something about its quality. I’m so sorry these are all so sappy. But I’m not as funny as Toby Fox, I’m afriad. Also, good lord, I didn’t mean this to be so long. If you somehow read the whole of this mess then thanks. It’s nice to think at least someone enjoys the crazed ramblings I call my blog.
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3wisellamas · 3 years
Primes! And if any require a specific fic, pick your favorite. >:)
1. What’s your favorite character(s) to write for?
Honestly, you can just look at my AO3 and pick them out -- I tend to fixate on and make tons of headcanons about a few specific characters for each fandom, particularly ones that didn't get a ton of development in canon, since I can develop them to my heart's content instead. ;v; Currently it's Sweet Cap'n Cakes, since they're just wonderful, but I also really love all the Boxbots (Logic included) and, surprisingly, Professor Venomous? He might not have actually been my favorite character on OK KO, or one that canon didn't develop, but he was fun as hell to write.
2. What character(s) do you find the most difficult to write for? Why?
Weirdly enough, main characters, or whoever's the most popular in their specific fandom -- if there's high expectations and a ton of other conflicting ideas about them, it's tougher for me to come up with my own headcanons and write them!
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
Using...uh...Well, I've used Shades of Gray too much for these, let's go with a new favorite, Odd One Out.
I just really like the intro to this one, that scene with Sweet watching the other two on the couch and thinking about how he doesn't yet know them all that well since they'd just met, and I even got to do a little worldbuilding describing the weather in Cyber World. It's one of those scenes I just saw in my head and HAD to write, and the rest of the fic came from there. ;v;
5. Do you listen to music when writing? 
All the damn time. I actually have tons of character-specific playlists, that are really personal and weird since my taste in music is really weird, so don't ask to see them.
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of? 
...Oof, there's a lot ^^; Deltarune-wise probably all the ones I'm working off of for how the Dark Worlds work, as well as SCC's weirdly-detailed backstory, and on the OK KO side I REALLY love the ideas I came up with for the episode OK AU, and the other swapped hero/robot characters I got to write in that one fic!
11. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I really like writing in a more action-driven style; I don't really do a ton of description or metaphor, and go instead for really matter-of-fact stuff, and if I want to develop a character or make the reader feel something I'll do that via actions and dialogue.
Even when there's a ton of dialogue going on I'll still have the characters doing something in the background, both to break up the chunks of text and to keep things from grinding to a halt!
13. When did you start writing fanfic? 
*Points to the astonishingly-accurate question number*
I was on FFN in the early 2000s, the days of random humor and script fics. Those were some dark times.
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for? 
I really really really like fluffy everyday / domestic stuff, as well as fics that are straight-up just bonus "episodes" of canon, where I try to be as 100% compliant as possible.
Also, I'm an absolute sucker for hurt/comfort and sickfics, with emphasis on the comfort part, though I refrain from writing a ton of these for...reasons. ^^;
19. What words do you think you tend to use the most? 
Honestly, I really just tend to overuse a ton of words, usually adverbs, and it's actually a very very bad habit.
23. How much do you stick to canon? 
I actually tend to stick exclusively to canon! Or, something really close to it, that'd fit seamlessly in there -- I like worldbuilding and expanding on canon, in ways that feel like they would be in the original work! OCs and AUs are...actually very difficult for me. ^^;
29. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
Making up a fuckton of headcanons about the characters/setting beforehand, and letting the stories just form naturally from those. I guess that counts as brainstorming?
31. What was the development process of [Fanfic Name] like? 
(Again, using Odd One Out)
I just kind of came up with a bunch of really weirdly-detailed backstory headcanons for SCC early on, and really wanted to do something with them. ^^; I knew I couldn't fit ALL of them into one fic (...though I may or may not actually be attempting that for real right now), but I still just started writing that first Sweet scene based off of them, and went from there.
Also, there was a lot of screaming about it as I went, both with @the-golden-ghost and on the Treble Rebels Discord server. XD Screaming about your writing is the most important step!
37. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story? 
I'd definitely be open to it!
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tini-ballerini · 6 years
How much do you love your writing? Especially your fanfics like Bystander Effect? What do you think of writing as a hobby? What do you think of Undertale (and by extension, Deltarune)? ((Sorry for all of the questions! I saw the blatantly lie thing and thought, might as well go for it! Sounds fun!))
[Blatant Lie Answer]
- How much do you love your writing?
Honestly, I feel like there’s nothing that I can really do to get better at writing at this point? It’s so easy and actually kind of boring by now, I sit down and the words just flow!
- Thoughts on Bystander Effect?
Kind of over it by now. It’s been a fun two years but I want to move on and write other things. The main character falls kind of flat nowadays and most of the things I had planned for it don’t really spark much joy anymore.
Undertale/Deltarune opinion?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Eh. They’re nothing special.
[Actual Honesty answer because I went to bed like right after posting the Anti-Honesty Hour post and I’m also actually really emotional about all of these questions]
- How much do you love your writing?
I have… so many emotions about my writing in general. It’s a form of anxiety release when it works, and I’m always trying to figure out new ways to get better and to incorporate more things that I’m learning into my writing. I wish I could say it’s easy – I’ve actually been going through a pretty severe case of seasonal apathy, where even though I know what I want to write next, I just can’t seem to make myself sit down and actually write it. I’ve been trying to combat this by doing more planning-oriented things, but it’s a slow going process. =n=
- Thoughts on Bystander Effect?
I am so frustrated that I can’t get myself to just sit down and work on this monstrosity lately. I’ve poured so much of myself into this gosh darned fic that not finishing it is just not an option anymore, to the point where most of the overall themes are pinned down and the big major events for  the climax are figured out almost to a T. I know exactly how I want to tackle Hotland, the Core, New Home, side missions and relationship building moments I want to pin down, special events and character building, especially for Ellie’s character arc – but I’m just. I dunno, man, I open the doc and sit there for like five minutes just feeling absolutely no desire to actually work on it? While conversely yelling at myself how much I want to work on it. It’s frustrating!
- Undertale/Deltarune opinion?
[Insert long happy screaming into a pillow here]
Undertale was the game that became my obsession three and a half years ago – it got me through the first several months of my current job, back when I was still fighting down the work-related anxiety of “what if I fail as badly as I did at the last one”, and I wouldn’t be myself today if it didn’t exist. I owe a lot of emotions and comfort to the characters.
Deltarune gave me possibly even more emotions – that sort of emotional surge you get from finding a really good AU fanfic and get to dive in with all of your favorite characters all over again, and get to see all the ways that the environment around them changes their character while it stays the same. I love Kris, Ralsei, and Susie as the main protagonists, Lancer makes an adorable enemy-to-friend, and I really look forward to where Toby goes with it in the future.
The only thing I wish was different about Deltarune would be if I could have seen Papyrus. I was really looking forward to meeting him for the first time all over again, so I could fall in love with his character again. Oh well – something to look forward to in Chapter 2!
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muggle-writes · 5 years
Writeblr Tag Game
Writeblr Tag Game
tagged by @elizabethsyson thanks, as always
Current WIP(s):
May I direct you to my WIP Masterpost that I updated today just for this ask game (and also because I’ve been meaning to for over a year, thanks for the added motivation)
Fanfiction is kind of its own genre, right? I really liked when that post went around, arguing that fic is a character-centric genre, and that’s why some people start reading fic and never go back (they’ve found their preferred genre) and others find it boring and underwhelming.
Within that, I write a lot of introspection/character studies, some angst or fluff depending on my mood, and occasional soulmate AUs, usually with (at least some) platonic soulmates (stripes of fate is kind of the exception). Also I’m an absolute sucker for (and therefore write as much as I can of) outside perspectives on canon
many and none. I kind of bop in and out of fandoms. Harry Potter is probably the one constant.
I've written mostly within DCMK and Harry Potter, but I surprised myself by writing a Dragonriders of Pern fic for purimgifts. (I've been meaning to write up a short post reflecting on my ideas for that piece and how they evolved into what actually got published, because I think it was an interesting process)
on the other hand, I'll read just about anything that I've vaguely enjoyed the source material for: MCU, miraculous ladybug, undertale and/or deltarune (which are absolutely not the same despite many similarities in character design and y'know, having the same creator), omgcp, 17776 (sometimes. does that whole story just feel like a fever dream to anyone else?), wtnv, and sometimes even fandoms I've had no experience with the source material, like @davetheshady wrote such a wonderful crossover that I was sure I would love the Dresden Files based on the fanfiction and it's probably a good thing I read her fic first because I just cannot stand Harry Dresden as the narrator even if I otherwise like the world the books are set in. Reading things in another order might have meant I didn't give her fic the chance it deserved out of spite against Jim Butcher and that would be a tragedy (Julie is still my favorite fictional character ever and that's going to be hard to change)
Also I’m a math nerd, but that tends to stay confined to my main blog unless someone starts writing Flatland fic... ...........Actually that sounds kinda fun, I’d need to reread it.
What we might find on your blog:
on this one? numbered writing prompts, my own writing (responses to prompts and in general), writing advice (sometimes tagged by category, if I remember to) usually on whatever I'm currently having trouble with, conversations with other writeblrs, anything else that seems relevant to writing, and tag games like this. Also, occasionally, tangential replies to my own posts that might be less writing related (example: I posted a photo of books I'd been using to write fanfiction with, and then a few weeks later reblogged the post with a screenshot of Amazon trying to sell me another book, very related to the one on top of the stack and complain "how dare Amazon advertise directly to me something I absolutely need". I have since ordered that book because my self control only lasts until my wife says “yeah sure get it”)
anything much more personal goes on my main blog, and tbh if and when I reblog other people's writing it tends to go on my main because I have significantly more followers there. also because most of the writeblrs who follow this blog also follow each other already and would have seen the same post
hmm I can tag some other fic authors but idk if you consider yourselves writeblrs
@taizi @mintchocolateleaves @justlookfrightened @inkjackets if you'd like, and anyone else who wants to, go ahead and answer and tag me back as though I tagged you. Or don’t, it’s up to you.
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