#thought about this earlier and started bouncing off walls
rlltvm · 1 year
hey, hobie calling miles "sunflower" in fics is great, amazing even. I love that shit as much as the next person, right
how about, and hear me out!!
miles calling hobie "sunflower"?
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hotchner-edu · 2 months
Pandora's Box | Aaron Hotchner
Synopsis: During a girl's night with the BAU girlies, a game of truth or dare may just be the cause of Aaron's odd behavior.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x BAU!F!Reader
Warnings: mentions of the devil's tango
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The smell of freshly microwaved popcorn and cheeto puffs clung to the air of Penelope's apartment unit, the ringing of near-delirious laughter complementing the scent.
Emily is laying flat on the floor by Penelope's sofa, hair splayed out as she clutches her stomach. "Oh my god! You did not do that!" She laughs out, tears gathering in her eyes as JJ blushes a little and shrugs.
You four are gathered in the living room, fingers stained from snacking while playing the team's favorite party game— truth or dare. It was the night of the long-awaited girl's night, and you were all practically bouncing off the walls.
"It's not my fault! Anyway!" JJ chuckles and tries to change the topic, turning her head toward you, eyes glimmering in mischief. "Y/N, truth or dare?"
You groan and shovel some popcorn into your mouth. "Truth."
Penelope and Emily giggle in the background, knowing JJ always had some hard hitters when it came to truth or dare.
JJ grins widely and leans forward a bit. "Who in the team would you do seven minutes in heaven with?"
You let out an outraged gasp. "Jennifer Jareau! What are we? In high school?"
The blonde just laughs loudly and grins. "Oh come on! You only hate the question because you're the one that has to answer."
"Exactly." You deadpan jokingly and groan, preparing to answer when Emily interjects.
"And you can't say any of us!"
Frowning, you narrow your eyes at the woman. "Well, I was going to say you."
Emily smirks cheekily and slides her phone toward herself as she sits up, finally recovering from her laughing fit earlier. "I know, but that's cheating."
Huffing, you watch her throw her phone aside somewhere as they all stare at you eagerly. "Geez... okay, fine! Hotch! I'd do seven minutes in heaven with him." You practically shout in faux exasperation.
Penelope squeals and shakes your shoulders as JJ and Emily raise their eyebrows.
"Really?" Emily asks in shock, chuckling and leaning back on her arms.
"Well, yeah. I mean... hello. Are we all going to pretend he's not sexy?" You ask bluntly, inciting another round of squeals from Penelope as she gets ready to endlessly tease you about your admission.
JJ shrugs with a satisfied smile, pleased that you chose to answer so boldly. "Honestly, I thought you'd say Spence."
"Spencer is cute and I love him, but... c'mon. Like I have to restrain myself from slamming my head into my desk every time Hotch raises his voice at someone. And god! Don't get me started on his arms." You gush, playing up your lovestruck tone but being completely honest.
"Easy tiger." JJ mumbles under her breath with an amused smile.
Emily wiggles her eyebrows and grins. "Oh? Come on, don't skimp on the details."
Rolling your eyes, you shake your head. "You guys are vultures." You say jokingly and throw a piece of popcorn at her.
Penelope munches on a cheeto and shakes her head. "No, no! You never told us you felt this way for him, so we need answers!"
You concede, feeling tired of bottling up your crush anyway. "Alright, alright. Yes, I like him. I mean, it's hard not to." You explain sincerely before becoming playful again, "I think he covered me from an explosion once and I almost died feeling his hands on my waist. Like, how is it possible for someone to have such delicious arms."
"Delicious?" Emily echoes with an amused snort at your choice of adjective.
JJ snickers and nudges your foot with hers. "Careful, you're about to start drooling."
You nudge your foot back against hers and try to suppress the heat that's creeping up your neck. Unfortunately for you, Penelope is just getting warmed up.
"So, would you... y'know... do the devil's dance with him?" Penelope asks coyly, giving you a teasing smile.
"Hey, my turn is over now!" You say and chuckle, shaking your head at their antics.
Though, you should have known that they wouldn't let you get away that easily.
The three of them stare at you with puppy eyes, causing you to squirm on the spot. "Geez, yes, I would. I mean, he seems like he could use the stress relief." You joke before quickly adding, "And I'm only telling you guys because you guys look ridiculous with those expressions!"
"Ridiculous or not, it worked." Emily smirks victoriously.
Luckily, they seem to take pity on you after grilling you so hard, and they move on with the game.
The next morning, you're starting to regret having stayed up with the girls until three in the morning. Your eyes feel like they're being pressed down by bowling balls as you yawn for the fifth time in ten minutes.
Emily is in a similar state as you, head lazily propped on one hand as she sluggishly signs off on some reports in front of her.
“Let’s never do that again.” You grumble just loud enough for Emily to hear, rubbing your eyes.
She chuckles under her breath and nods a bit in agreement, eyebrows raising a bit. “Yeah, or let’s just get drunk and pass out like normal people.” She jokes.
You both snicker softly until you see JJ hurrying toward Hotch’s office with a stack of files in her arms. “Ah…” you say with a slow blink.
“3… 2… 1…” Emily counts down playfully, just as Aaron stands up and leaves his office.
“BAU team— conference room, now.” He calls out smoothly, his eyes catching yours for the briefest second before he’s practically marching off.
You stand up and stretch your arms, watching as your team starts heading over for a new case briefing.
Glancing back toward Emily, you frown tiredly. "How is JJ so peppy today?"
"Perks of motherhood?" Emily suggests and shrugs.
You and her slowly trudge toward the stairs, catching up with Derek who seemed a bit hungover.
The man pauses and glances between you and Emily, grinning playfully. “You both look like hell. Fun night?”
“Not as fun as yours, I’m sure.” Emily chuckles as the three of you walk into the conference room. You’re about to head to your usual chair when you see Aaron sitting in the chair next to it.
You pause in your step and look back at Emily. Of course, seats weren’t assigned, but there had always been an unspoken rhythm of the team occupying the same seats.
Tilting your head a little, you can see some of your team members momentarily questioning it, but shrug it off as they sit down.
“Huh…” Emily says under her breath and hides a smirk, tapping your lower back to usher you to sit down. Aaron had stolen her usual spot, but she didn’t seem all that perturbed by it.
You sink down into your chair, keenly aware of your proximity to his warm body as JJ hurries to the head of the table to turn on the monitor.
As she begins to summarize the details of the case and the descriptions of the victims, you’re only half listening. Aaron keeps subtly shifting in his spot, and his knee even bumps into yours a few times.
You would definitely need to reread the file on the jet.
Aaron speaks up as JJ concludes with the details, voice low and level. “The request is urgent, so wheels up in thirty.”
The team begins moving immediately, and as you’re closing the file in front of you, you feel Aaron’s hand land on the back of your chair as he gets up. You tense a little as you could feel how close his hand was to your shoulder, trying to suppress the heat crawling up your chest.
As everyone files out of the meeting room to go grab their go-bags, Emily is immediately joining your side as she speaks under her breath. "That was weird."
"It was nothing." You try to brush it off, ignoring Emily's uncertain look.
Well. Maybe it wasn't nothing.
The moment the team arrived at the New Haven precinct in Connecticut, the atmosphere was off, to say the least. Of course, it was never enjoyable to have to look at pictures of mutilated victims, or deal with officers acting independently, but the feeling you were getting was a bit ominous.
"Is it just me or does something feel different?" You whisper to JJ as she finishes up a phone call.
She looks at you and tilts her head a bit, eyes filled with concern. "Not really... why? Do you think something's off with the profile?"
You shake your head and look away sheepishly. "No, not with the case. Just... with the team?" Your words come out as more of a question as you try to articulate the emotions swirling inside of you.
"Oh. I haven't noticed anything, but we can talk when we get back to the hotel if you want?" She offers with a kind smile.
"Yeah. Thanks, Jaje..." You say softly and try to redirect your focus back onto the case.
Stepping back, you get ready to return back to discuss the unsub's possible hideout locations with Spencer.
Before you can get far, you hear JJ calling for you again. "Could you tell Hotch that the city's agreed to hold a press conference in two hours?" JJ speaks up, eyes telling you that she had a lot on her plate at the moment.
"No problem. I'll see you in a bit." You nod at her and smile before spinning on your heel to look around for Aaron.
You spot him almost immediately, hunched over a desk and flipping through some papers as the police chief hurries away from him, barking out orders to some of the officers scattered around their desks.
"Hotch. JJ said that a press conference will be held in two hours. Spencer and I have narrowed down some locations, so we'll need to work quick." You practically word vomit, trying to ignore your racing heart.
Aaron straightens up and turns to look at you. "Alright, good. Rossi and Prentiss are on their way back too." He says, reaching back to the desk for his cup of coffee, still steaming as he raises it up to his face.
Your eyebrows rise up a bit and you smile softly. "Another cup? That's like your fourth one today."
The man gives you a small smile and nods, letting himself relax a bit. "Yeah, just for some stress relief." Despite how casual his tone was, the inflection of his voice for the very last words has you freezing on the spot.
You choke on your spit a bit, and he keeps his eyes on you. "Are you alright?" He draws out, mouth twisted in concern, but his eyes swirling with a bit of humor.
"Perfect." You wheeze out a bit and give him a strained smile before hurrying away.
Fortunately, you're not forced to overthink his words and the flashbacks of your girl's night confession to go with it, as the unsub makes a critical slip-up after JJ's press conference is broadcasted.
It's only after the unsub is being transported away for booking that you're able to come back down from the adrenaline. You're sitting beside Emily on the curb stretching your tired legs as she scrolls through her phone.
"So he really hasn't called you back? What an asshole." You mumble with a frown as she updates you about the guy she's been going on dates with for the past month.
"Back to the drawing board, I guess." She sighs with a noncommittal smile. Suddenly, you see her tense up, face drawn into a disbelieving gape as she pauses in her scrolling. "Oh my god."
"What? What's wrong?" You ask and turn to face her in worry.
"I called Hotch." She says blankly, slowly looking up at you with shell-shocked eyes.
"Okay...?" You trail off in confusion, eyebrows knit together.
"On Sunday. It says here that I called Hotch." She shows you her phone screen and there at the third slot of the call log is Aaron's contact. It wouldn't have been alarming to you had you and the girls not been together for the entirety of Sunday, but you all were, plus the call history was timed to have occurred at eleven pm.
"No way... check how long the call was." You whisper hurriedly, watching as she hurries to press the information button, nearly calling Aaron on accident in the process.
"Three minutes..." She breathes out in shock.
"No way..." You lean back and slap a hand over your mouth. "I think he heard my confession about him."
"What?" Emily hisses at you in panic, looking around at your teammates who were scattered around the sea of haphazardly parked Buicks.
You nod and rub your temples. "Earlier at the station, he made a comment about needing a stress relief."
"Okay, but that could mean nothing." Emily tries to reassure you, sputtering a little as she tries to come up with alternative explanations.
"I don't think so, Em." You groan and lean your head against her shoulder. "We've both noticed he's been acting different."
"Oh gosh... Did I butt-dial him?" She asks in shock to no one in particularly, laying her head against yours.
Chuckling dryly, you suddenly remember how she had been tossing her phone around during the game. "Yeah... I think it's even worse because I was sober when I said it."
"If it makes you feel better, I've done far more embarrassing things while sober." She says, staring off into the distance.
"I believe that." A small huff leaves you, tone subdued as a small smile of acceptance takes shape on your face. "Oh, and Em?"
Your eyes flicker to Hotch's figure in the distance as he chats with Derek, arms crossed across his chest. "If I give you my resignation letter, will you give it to Hotch for me? I think I'm going to flee the country."
Much to your chagrin, Emily bands together with Spencer to convince you to not resign, having the younger agent ramble on about the adjustment process of finding a new job and the statistics of people who struggle with getting acclimated to a new work environment.
So rather than slipping your neatly packaged resignation letter onto Hotch's desk, you've taken to hiding out in Penelope's lair while you finish up your paperwork for the case.
Luckily, your bright-eyed friend allows you to pull up a chair at her desk, not even making a peep when you accidentally knock over one of her figurines.
You're hunched over as you write hurriedly, posture taking on a form that would make shrimps envious. As you're finishing up the last few pages of the report, a knock on Penelope's ajar office door draws both of your attention.
Standing with a hand on the door handle, Aaron is gazing at you with his eyes squinted a little due to the dimness of the room. "Y/N, can I speak to you for a moment, please?"
His voice is calm, giving no hints as to what he's feeling as he cracks open the door a bit more. Penelope gives you a side glance before slowly swiveling her chair back around to pretend to work.
"Sure." You say almost inaudibly, awkwardly making your way out of the door as his eyes follow you.
Once you're both out in the hallway, he shuts the door and nods for you to walk a few paces forward to minimize the chances of your lovable tech genius eavesdropping.
"I'm almost finished with my report, sir." You say softly, stopping when you both arrive at the end of the corridor.
Aaron lets out a breathy chuckle and shakes his head. "That's not what I'm here to talk to you about."
Mutely nodding, you wait for him to continue as your eyes move down to stare at the glossy floor.
"I'm sure you know by now, but Prentiss accidentally called me this weekend while you guys were talking." He says softly, beginning to look a bit shy. "And I just wanted to ask if you had meant what you said that night."
Your face is blistering with warmth as you try to deduce the best course of action. "I... yes. I'm sorry. I know that it must have been weird to hear, especially because I'm your coworker. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
Aaron rests a hand on your arm to stop you before you can offer to resign out of shame, a warm smile painting his face. "It's okay. It wasn't weird for me... I just wish I didn't have to find out from a butt-dial." He chuckles and rests his hand on your arm.
You practically melt at the touch and you blink in shock. "Oh..."
"Honestly, I'm a bit out of practice when it comes to this kind of thing, but I was wondering if I could take you to dinner this Saturday." He asks softly, looking shyer than you've ever seen him before.
"I would like that." You respond breathlessly, not sure if you were dreaming.
Aaron grins and looks down at his shoes for a second as he tries to compose himself. "I'll pick you up around seven, if that works for you?"
"Yeah, that's perfect." Whatever future plans you had for Saturday were automatically being scrapped anyway.
"Great." He nods and gazes at you, his hand moving from your arm to your hand. He gives your fingers a small squeeze before he steps back and allows you to get back to work in Penelope's lair.
As you're trekking down the hall with a giddy smile, you hear him calling your name. You turn around and see him smirking at you a bit.
"And just so you know, I like having my arms around you too."
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shomixremix · 8 months
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i saw something about this prompt on here like two years ago and it's been stuck in my head ever since ♡︎
tags: Arataki Itto, afab! reader, cow hybrid! reader, smut, fluff, marking, mating, rough sex, petnames, cowgirl, breeding, creampie
-> you are a small cow hybrid auctioned off to a slaughterhouse since you couldn't produce enough milk and were never calm. the arataki gang saved you, and your new master - the one and oni Arataki Itto - knows just how to keep you in check.
reqs open ♡︎ | minors DNI
"Ahh!! Itto! Itto-ooh! Mh! I-Itto!"
You whined as the Oni bounced you on his cock like you were weightless, watching in amusement as you cried in overstimulation. What was this, your ninth, tenth time cumming? You lost count. Itto never let you rest, not even for a second, bouncing you on his lap through every orgasm.
"Aww, you'r' so cute, love bug... Such a cute little cow, ain't ya'? Don't cry now, sweets, this is what ya' wanted, yeah? Only way I can tire you out, baby~"
Your master cooed, teasing you about being so restless. Oh, how you wished you could take everything back! No, you weren't bursting with energy like you said earlier, no, you couldn't go on forever - your legs were practically jelly at this point, your limp body completely at mercy to Itto.
He used you like a cocksleeve, dragged on his dick whenever he wanted and for however long he wanted - and you loved it. Life was good in the Arataki gang: you always had food, a place to sleep and protection provided to you, at all times. You also had a very tall, very strong and very handsome demon filling you up and breeding you almost daily, making sure your cushy womb was never empty.
The space where you connected was a mess. A glorious mess of both your and his juices seeping out of your hole, being fucked back in each time Itto would trust back. Just as every other day, your gummy walls pulsed around his length, making him shoot yet another load inside you.
"Fuck, baby... Makin' me lose my mind and shit..... So good.... Give me a little taste of that milk, will ya'?"
His large palms left your hips, greedily grabbing at the fat flesh of your boobs. As soon as he squeezed down just a tiny bit, a small stream of milk burst out, hitting Itto in the face. You were instantly mortified. Itto was your master, he saved you from certain death, and now you embarass him like this-
"I'm s-sorry Itto-! So sorry! Didn't mean to, I r-really didn't mean to!"
Instead of scolding you like you were sure any other owner would, the Oni burst out laughing. His laugh was like a roar, shaking his entire body - and with him, you as well.
"Hah, those jerks at the farm jus' didn't know how to milk ya', sweets, 'cause you look full of milk to me!"
It was true - even though you were sold to a slaughterhouse for failing to produce milk, you started leaking like crazy the moment Itto took you as his. That vet back at the farm you grow up on always said that you'd start producing milk if they paired you with a bull, and what better bull than a large, demon one?
Their loss, anyway. Now, all your milk belonged to Itto and his warm mouth, and not to some sketchy farmers who were only interested in selling it.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of his sharp fangs on your nips, greedily sucking at the flesh and gulping down the sweet drink. His dick twitched inside you as he continued feasting, your own arms tightening around his head to pull him closer.
The second he detached himself from your chest he thrust out harshly, in the process accidentally completely pushing you from his lap. Even though Itto was mighty and strong, he wasn't exactly the sharpest. There was a slight possibility that he was so occupied with whatever he was doing that he forgot you were on him.
You watched as he stood up, leaving you sitting on your knees on the ground. The Oni spit a bit of your milk on his palm, then using that same hand to roughly jerk his cock. It was more than obvious that milk was one of his kinks.
Oh, but why would he jerk off with milk as lube when you were right there...? On your knees, right next to him, ready and waiting and... Oh, Archons, were you not enough for him anymore..?
When Itto first saved you, the deal was that you'd stay in the Arataki gang until they found you a new home. However, Itto insisted they keep you, even proclaimed you as his own "pretty girl that no one can touch!" He kept you all to himself, fell asleep with you in his arms at night, brought you any awesome flowers he found, even took you on good, honest dates when he'd get a little Mora! He even acted on his demon urges and sunk his fangs into your neck, mating you!
But what if he didn't want to spend the rest of his life with a little, useless cow? What if that wasn't even enough for his sexual urges any more..?
"I-Itto..." You cry, big tears pooling up in the corners of even bigger eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.
At the mention of his name the Oni turns to you, shocked to see you crying.
"Hey, hey, hey! Baby, what's wrong?!"
"Need you.... P-please..."
Not another word needed to be said. Itto immediately reacted, grabbing your soft, much smaller body and seating it once again on his lap, entering you in one swift trust until his tip was snuggly kissing your cervix.
"Shhh, sweets... Let your Oni take care of ya', hm? No need to cry! I thought you couldn't go on, love bug, that's why I stopped! But you really are a restless one, huh, calfie?"
You smiled warmely at the nickname as your head went fuzzy. You laid your pretty head on Arataki's chest - like always - and let him have complete control of how he fucks you.
Each one of his thrust was faster and more brutal than the last. Your pussy was already crying out, threatening to cum just from the first few thrusts. Itto noticed, pinching your puffy clit between his claws and rolling it around.
"OH, ITTO!" You scream in ecstasy, riding your high.
Your master wasn't going to be able to last much longer. With you bouncing on his cock the way you were and how your sweet little cunt was so tight that it was milking him dry, Itto lasted only a couple more thrusts.
"Hah... Haaah... Fuck, love bug... Really wanna milk me too, don't ya'? Ahh... Mmm.. Gonna breed you.. Hah... Gonna breed ya' so good, sweets.. You'll be all nice and full, and you'll get pregnant with my calfs, yeah? Put all that milk to good use, hm? Yeah, yeah!"
He started cumming as well, shooting rope after rope after rope of his sweet release inside you. You were filled to the rim, juices leaking out of your satisfied hole. Arataki didn't let any of it go to waste, his fingertips catching whatever's left and pushing it in.
As soon as you were filled, your hands reached for him, seeking comfort in his warm arms. Itto obliged instantly, carrying you like you were weightless, to the nearby camp they set up. Your master entered his tent, the biggest of the bunch, wrapping your body in a soft blanket and once again settling you in his arms.
"There ya' go, love bug. Comfy?" You nodded, which made Itto break out in a toothy grin. "Well, of course it is! The great numero uno Itto is at your service, baby, of course everything is awesome!"
You chuckled at the way he tooted his own horn, kissing his cheek and hiding your face in his large neck and shoulder.
"G'night, Itto.. Thank you..."
The Oni found your actions adorable, cooing at you: "Awww, sweets, no need to thank me! You know I always gocha. Thank you for being so good f' me, yeah? You're such a good, pretty little cow... I don't know how I got so lucky!"
He pressed a loving kiss on your forehead, caressing your legs with his large palm.
"G'night, baby.."
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girlokwhatever · 5 months
hey pookieeeee, I was wondering if we could possibly get a fic or drabble that’s based around helping Paige unwind after a game? Like reader is helping her take her hair down is showing hella praise. Also a sucker for Paige with her hair down so reader at one point is like “baby, you just look so pretty with your hair down”. Fluff, smut, whatever you write i already know it’ll be heat
HEYY BOO!! i got you 🤭
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✧˚ · .*ೃ༄⍣ ೋੈ✩‧₊˚ gentle loving,,
paige bueckers x fem!reader
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you loved watching paige play, it never bored you. when she was at her best, and even her worst, you always sat on the edge of your seat (or stood) cheering her on.
tonight was no different, watching as uconn secured a win against maryland. paige gave it her all, obviously having an overflowing love and passion for the game.
that was two hours ago. now she sat in the passenger seat of your car, still bouncing with the energy of her win as you pulled away from the fast-food drive thru. she begged you to take her to mcdonalds for a mcdouble and a milkshake. obviously you gave into her, only wanting to see her happy. you also thought she deserved it after putting so much effort into the game earlier.
her energy finally wore out the moment you stepped into your shared apartment. the warm vanilla air seeped into her skin, permeating her senses and relaxing her because she knows she’s home. in the comfort of your shared and personal space, she slips her slides off and wraps herself around you.
“lets go to bed,” she murmurs into your hair, her voice muffled and raspy from yelling earlier.
“you’re definitely not laying in our bed smelling like a men’s locker room. you need to take a shower babe.”
“we need to take a shower. together. and how you do know what that smells like?”
she’s spun you around, arching one eyebrow at you. you dodge the question, pulling her back into your skin and walking towards your bedroom’s bathroom. she welcomes the tug, honestly feeling too tired to move herself that far on her own. paige knows behind these walls she doesn’t have to put up a persona, behind these walls she’s just your girlfriend. she doesn’t have to be the paige bueckers, basketball star. she can just be here, with you.
you start to undress after finding your and her pj’s and she does the same. after a few moments filled with gentle love and ginger touches, you manage to pull her into the shower.
“oh my god- that’s so hot!”
“it’s not even that hot paige.”
“you’re literally a spawn of satan. how could you?”
“how could i what?”
“try to kill me while we shower together!”
behind these walls she can be childish with you. she can make her silly jokes and know that no matter what you’ll laugh at them.
you turn the water down slightly just for her. you notice some of the skin on her back is red from the water and you kiss it gently as your own way of apologizing. she leans into your affection, pressing your bodies together.
“your skin is so soft paige,”
you help her lather on her body wash and do the same for yourself. after you’re both clean and free of sweat, you both step out of the shower and dry off. paige puts on her pajama pants and a t-shirt, sitting on the toilet as you reach for her braids.
you’re trying to unbraid her hair but she’s pushing her face into your chest and nuzzling against you. your girlfriend lays pepper-light kisses against your bare stomach as you gently run your fingers through her tangles.
“i love your hair p. it’s looks so pretty when it’s down.”
she stands up to kiss you, gentle and tender. your lips move in unison with hers, soft and delicate. you both feel like you’ll sink into one body any second now, knowing every little thing about the other. paige has felt your bare skin so many times it feels like part of her now.
“have you seen yourself?” she speaks to you between kisses, gently wrapping her arms around your torso to pull you impossibly closer.
“i’ve seen you and that’s all i need.”
after a few silent but sweet minutes pass, you grab both of her hands and pull her into the bed. she happily accepts the new setting, body immediately engulfed in the pillows and blankets.
“do you still have that cookie you didn’t eat this morning?”
“yeah, why? do you want it.”
paige nods, watching you sit up to reach for the unwrapped cookie on your bedside table. she sits up too to pull you into her lap after you’ve got what you were looking for. turning to face her, you open the cookie and hold it in front of her so she can take a bite.
this was a routine both of you had after game nights. each time you’d shower (often together) and then she’d get hungry and you’d feed her. paige loved to take care of you, but she also loved moments like these when you were the caregiver. it made her feel loved. you made her feel that way.
“thank you baby,” she’s speaking with her mouth full so it’s a bit difficult to understand her.
“i don’t know what you said but im gonna guess it’s something about how amazing i am.”
she nods her head lazily, feeling the sleep seep slowly into her bones. she could hardly keep her eyes open all the way, struggling to stay conscious as you fed her the last bite of the cookie.
once everything is put away you lay down, pulling her with you. she rests her head on your chest, wrapping both arms around you securely. both of your limbs intertwine and you gently run your fingers through her hair.
“you did so good today, i’m really proud of you paigey.”
“i love you,”
“i love you too baby.” she’s asleep instantly after the exchange, leaving you awake to admire her in silence. it’s moments like these you cherish the most, knowing that you love paige in both the dark and the light.
you’d be happy to spend a lifetime taking care of her.
love you 🫧 anon!!
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 months
Vanishing Act ~ HHJ
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⤜GENRE: Established relationship, mafia romance, mafia boyfriend! NON IDOL, Arguing couple, fighting, making up, cry baby reader, angst with a fluffy ending
⤜PAIRING: Hyunjin!Mafia x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2024
A/N: I lost the original screenshot! But I remembered cry baby reader so I hope this is okay! 
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Hyunjin paced back and forth in the dimly lit office he'd spent most of the day in, his mind plagued with worry. You had vanished without a trace earlier in the day. You hadn't answered his calls or messages, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that gnawed at him. In their world, disappearing like that wasn't just unusual; it was dangerous. His anxiety only grew in his chest the more he thought about what could have happened to you.
"Did you find her?" He growled out at your personal guard who had managed to lose you this morning. He'd hired Mark because he was supposed to be the best of the best, an ex-military man who was also a private investigator and you'd managed to get out of his sights.
"No," Mark gulped, looking around at the office and back at Hyunjin who looked as though he was about ready to throw up at the thought of something happening to you. Being who he was in this world meant anyone close to him had a giant target on their back and you were the closest person to him in the whole world. 
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As the hours stretched on, Hyunjin's anxiety mounted higher and higher as he thought about everything. He imagined all sorts of scenarios - rival gangs, undercover cops, or some personal vendetta targeting you. He couldn't afford to lose you. You were his anchor, his solace in the tumultuous world they inhabited, you were everything to him and the thought of losing you was tearing him up inside.
Finally, as the evening descended into darkness, Hyunjin made his way home ready to find someone else to try and find you but when he walked through the door he couldn't believe his eyes.
You were sitting calmly on the couch, engrossed in a book, and his anger flared. No one had been able to find you and you'd just been sat there all day?
"Where the hell have you been?" he barked, his voice echoing off the walls. You jumped, dropping your book onto your lap and staring up at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion spread across your face.
"Hyunjin, I was just out for a walk. I needed some time alone." You breathed out, you assumed he was referring to you being gone most of the day. You just needed some time away from everything to relax and clear your mind. 
Something you used to do a lot before the two of you had moved in together, something you didn't think was that big a deal, especially since you'd stuck to the gardens of his mansion and just spent most of the days in there. The place he had once told you was the safest place in the country. 
"Alone?" Hyunjin's voice rose, his frustration bubbling over as he stared at you, how could you not be taking this as seriously as he was? Did you find this all funny? 
"You think you can just disappear like that? Do you have any idea how worried I was? Do you know many enemies we have out there that would love to get their hands on you!?" His voice bounced off the walls and you stood up, wanting to get away from his wrath since you knew he would go on a tangent for a while.
"Hyunjin-" He cut you off by shaking his head at you and scoffing loudly,
"Don't Hyunjin me! You know how worried I get when you disappear on me without a word!" He yelled, his anger finally getting the better of him as he lashed out at you, knowing deep down that it was wrong for him to do so. 
"What if someone had gotten to you? Huh? Kidnapped you?!" You stared down at the floor, feeling the tears starting to rush into your eyes as you did your best to stop it from happening. 
You were so insecure whenever it came to crying in front of anybody but especially someone that you were getting into an argument with. You hated that whenever someone was yelling at you your body's response was to cry, it was the same thing that happened whenever you were angry the tears would just stream down your cheeks. Hyunjin's anger surged as he saw tears rolling down your face, your shoulders trembling with silent sobs but instead of softening, his words only turned harsher, cutting through you like a knife.
"Stop crying!" He barks at you, his voice laced with venom and impatience.
"Is that all you know how to do? Acting like a damn crybaby whenever someone yells at you?!" You flinched at his words, your head shooting up and finding his eyes on you as you stared back at him. your tears flowing more freely now, your silent sobs turning into choked gasps as he turned your insecurity back on you. Something you'd never thought Hyunjin, of all people, would do to you.
You struggled to compose yourself, wiping your cheeks with trembling hands, but the tears refused to stop flowing. Hyunjin's heart clenched at the sight, a pang of guilt piercing through his anger and allowing him to see how much he had hurt you.
He knew just how insecure you were about it, how you saw it as a sign of weakness but his frustration had gotten the better of him and now he'd only added to your pain,
"Yn, I..." He began, his voice faltering as he reached out to you, but you recoiled, your eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. 
"Don't," You whispered, your voice barely coming out, you couldn't believe that he would do this to you.
"Just...Don't," You choked out, walking away from him as he called for you to go back to him but you couldn't. Right now you didn't want to be near him or face him after what he had said to you. 
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After an hour or so Hyunjin decided to venture up to your shared bedroom, his anger had completely vanished the second he realised how hurt you were but he'd wanted to give you some time alone before he came up to your room. Entering the room, he found you curled up on your bed, your shoulders shaking with silent sobs. 
The sight tore at his soul, a painful reminder that he had been the one to cause all of this. 
"yn," He whispered as he approached you cautiously, his footsteps hesitant as he sat down beside you.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," His voice was barely audible over the sound of your tears. You flinched at his words but you didn't push him away. Instead, you turned over to face him, your eyes red-rimmed and filled with sorrow.
"You always say that." You murmur, "But it doesn't change anything." Hyunjin felt a stab in his chest, he knew he messed up and he knew that mere apologies wouldn't be enough to mend the damage he had created. He reached out to you, his hand shaking as he wiped away tears from your cheek. 
"I know," He admitted, his voice heavy with regret, "But please, Yn, give me a chance to make it up to you. I'll do anything, I swear," He begged. He wasn't below begging you, he would do anything for you, take a bullet, run in front of a car, anything for you.
"What could you even do to make this up to me?" You mumbled, your voice tinged with scepticism and he moved to sit beside you on the bed, looking at you as he sighed softly. 
"I had a whole evening planned you know, I was going to take you out to dinner...wine and dine you," He smiled weakly as you stared at him,
"When you weren't here I freaked out, I got scared that something had happened to you and I let my anger get the better of me," He admits as he looks down at your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours and squeezing softly. 
"You disappeared all day without a word...I was worried." He admits to you, not trying to get into another argument but just wanting you to understand his side of all of this.
"The thought of anything happening to you kills me inside." He whispered and you stared at him,
"I wasn't in any danger, I was in the gardens most of the day...I just took some time alone," Your voice had a tinge of frustration but you cuddled into your boyfriend's arms. 
"You can't just wander off without a word, in this world, I need to know where you are." He pleaded with you, his eyes finding yours as you bite down on your lip and nod at him. 
"I worry because I love you. I can't bear the thought of losing you." He whispers as you kiss his cheek softly, 
"I love you too," You whisper back to him as his eyes start to fill with tears.
"I...I just can't lose you, Yn. Not now, not ever," He whispers as tears start to fall down his cheeks, your arms wrapping around him and cuddling closer to him. Your chest hitting something hard in his pocket,
"What-" Your laugh cut you off as you felt the box inside of his pocket.
"Oh," He groans pulling the box out from his jacket pocket and holding out the small velvet box. It was something he'd been planning to give to you at dinner that night before all of this had happened.
Slowly he opened the box and revealed a delicate diamond necklace. 
"I got this for you, I wanted to give it to you tonight, but I messed everything up," He laughed softly as you traced your fingers over the intricate design. 
"Let me make it up to you. Let me show you how much you mean to me," He begged, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears before you nodded slowly, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Okay," You whispered, kissing him softly as he carefully put the necklace around your neck and made sure it was perfectly sitting on your skin.
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hitomisuzuya · 7 months
Scara with bunny! Reader smut 😮‍💨😮‍💨 (I need my delusional side flavored with bunny reader)
Scaramouche x Hybrid Bunny! fem reader. Scaramouche brainrot. Smut. Degradation. Dom!Scara.
I never really had an interest in writing Hybrid reader, but I thought about ear pulling during sex and went 😳
Scaramouche was always a little bit more sadistic during your heart cycles. Earlier, you'd straddled one of his thighs in only your panties and a clingy tee shirt, whimpering about how you were wet and in heat. Your ears were droopy from aroused embarrassment.
He played with your clit teasingly outside of your panties while you rubbed your cunt and your panties into a wet mess on his thigh.
"What a pest you are," He said, giving your clit a wet flick outside of your panties, "Needy sluts need to be put in their place." Once he'd nudged you off his thigh, he ordered you to remove your shirt and your panties as he took out his cock.
Scaramouche gave you no help as you lowered yourself down onto his cock, wanting to watch you squirm as your sensitive walls struggled to take him inch by inch.
"Now, you'll sit still like a good slut until I tell you to start bouncing," He purred, his fingers idly playing with one of your nipples, his other hand closing around one of your ears.
Scaramouche knew how sensitive your ears are. You gasped in pleasure as his hand stroked up and down your ear, pinching the twice as sensitive tip between his fingers and massaging it.
"Sc-Scara, my ears!" You whimpered, your clit throbbing with every pinch on the tips of your ears, "they are..!" You moaned loud, your words dying as you struggled not to fall apart and start bouncing on his cock.
"Aww, are they are sensitive?" Scaramouche cooed in a condescending tone, wrapping his hand around your ear and tugging on it. "Admit you enjoy have your ears pulled, slut."
"Please, can I bounce now, Master?" You whimpered, crying out as your cunt clenched tight on his cock. Your cunt was weeping around his cock, your clit swollen and throbbing from his relentless teasing on your ears.
"Does my little bunny slut want to be bred by her Master that badly?" Scaramouche smirked as he pulled on your ear again, holding you in place in his lap while he rutted his cock slow and deep into your sweet spot.
"Yes, yes I do!" You cried out, your legs shaking as you tried to roll your hips down. "I'll beg like a good girl, I promise. Just please, make me cream on your cock and cum inside of me!" You pleaded, looking at him with adoring eyes and drool running from the corner of your mouth.
"Start bouncing, you cock drunk whore," Scaramouche groaned, delivering a smack to your ass when he couldn't ignore the pulsing in his cock anymore. He pinched and rubbed the tip of your ear while he helped you bounce his cock with a tight hand on your hip.
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sincerelyneo · 6 months
wildflower | z.cl
“you know you are my favourite fantasy”
💿now playing: wildflower by 5 seconds of summer
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❯ summary: Chenle just has to make it through one more round of twister. Then, you and his friends can leave and he can take care of the boner growing in his pants from your limbs grazing over his crotch every turn. Yeah, that’s his plan. Just one more round.
❯ pairings: chenle x fem!reader
❯ genre: friends to lovers, smut
❯ words: 4.0k
❯ tags: 18+ minors dni!, light petting, male masturbation, explicit descriptions of chenle's thoughts while he gets off, voyeurism, hand jobs, literally just horny chenle, reader uses she/her pronouns.
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"Chenle, left foot, green," Jisung announces.
It's just a game of Twister, Chenle keeps reminding himself as the colourful spinner dictates his next move. So why is he feeling so flustered? He needs to get a grip. Like he said, it's just a fucking game for Christ’s sake, one that families play on holidays. There's no reason for him to be turned on right now, but he is.
"Dude, will you hurry up? I don’t think I can handle Jaemin's ass in my face much longer," Haechan grumbles from his awkward position on the board, head perched to the side to avoid eye contact with the back of Jaemin's jeans.
"Stop pretending you don’t love my ass." 
Chenle feels no sympathy for Haechan; after all, this stupid game was his idea. He's the reason Chenle keeps having to conjure up the most unsexy thoughts imaginable to suppress the growing bulge in his pants.
It all started with a trip to the mall earlier in the day. Chenle had turned his back for just five minutes to go to the bathroom, and when he returned, he found his friends gathered around the ridiculous board game on the shelf. 
"Come on, it'll be fun," Haechan insisted, while Jaemin practically bounced with excitement. 
Chenle thought it was stupid; he's never been any good at Twister. But they all begged and pleaded to buy the game instead of sticking to the original movie night plans Chenle had organised for their traditional Friday night hangouts. And truthfully, Chenle had no intention of playing the game, let alone buying it. That is, until you stepped off the wall you were leaning against to join the conversation.
You strode over to pick up the box Haechan was clutching onto and inspected it. Chenle's gaze was fixed on your fingers as they tapped the package gently. It was surprising how everyone instantly fell silent from the shock of you wanting to get involved in their antics for a change.
 "Come on, Lele, Haechan has a point. It does look fun," you encouraged.
Chenle's attention immediately shifted to your puppy-dog eyes, and he swore they were strong enough to break his willpower. Or maybe it was the way your lips protruded in a practised pout, staring up expectantly at him. Actually, now that he thinks about it, it was definitely the soft and eager "Please," that you uttered that had him heading straight to the counter with the box and his wallet. 
That's what landed him here now. Stupid you and your stupid eyes and your even more stupidly cute smile.
“Chenle did you hear me?!” Jisung waves the spinner in front of his face, “Left foot, green.”
He snaps back to attention, finally shifting his left foot to a green circle. 
“Fucking finally,” Haechan murmurs, “Sung, spin it for me.”
Jisung complies, giving Haechan his next instruction. Haechan begins to twist his body through the gap between Jaemin’s legs – he just needs to stretch a little more to reach the blue target in his vision. But then…
“Ow, what the fuck?!” Jaemin groans, his ass crashing down on the board from Haechan’s manoeuvring between his limbs. 
“That was totally your fault! If you didn’t wriggle your body at the last second I wouldn’t have—”
"Nobody cares, Haechan. You're out. Off the board," Chenle grits through his teeth. He can't stand the arguing; it only prolongs the silly game for him, and he doesn’t want that – he doesn't need that. He just wants to get this all over with.
But as Haechan and Jaemin move away from the board he realises that won’t be so easy because you and him are the last two players standing. Chenle gulps, the realisation hitting him like a truck. He’s the only player left that you can tangle your limbs up with. 
He doesn’t need this – this is what he’s been trying to avoid thinking about all night. You’ve only innocently brushed him this round, nothing overtly explicit. But just seeing you contort and arch alone was enough to trigger a twisted fantasy in his mind. 
Chenle considers forfeiting. Sure, he's a little competitive, but he’d rather lose than pop a boner in front of all his friends while playing the old-school classic game of Twister. He also knows Haechan would complain, insisting that the winner was rigged and therefore there needs to be a rematch. Chenle does not need a rematch.
He just needs to focus. Keep his head in the game for a little while longer. Then, you and his friends can leave. Yeah, that’s the plan. He just needs to breathe. 
Chenle composes himself, hastily waving his finger in Jisung’s direction. “It’s her spin.”
“Y/N, right-hand yellow.”
You’re already reclining, distributing your weight between a palm and a back foot. And you’re just as competitive, so when Jisung issues the instruction, you aim for the dot directly beneath Chenle but still behind him, manoeuvring beneath him for your hand to brush past his thigh before landing on the target.
Chenle almost stumbles at the slight touch, and it makes you raise an eyebrow. Was he ticklish or something? 
“Y/N, that’s cheat–” 
“Oh, so when she touches you, it’s cheating, but when Jaemin wiggles, I get told to get off the board,” Haechan complains. “I see how it is.” 
“Be quiet, Haechan,” Jisung says, and Chenle is thankful for the intervention as he shushes the boy and flicks the spinner with his hand. “Left hand, red.” 
Chenle looks down at the position you’re both in right now. So far, luck had been on his side as he was still on two feet, but you, you were on all fours and very close to him. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about looking down to see you pooled at his feet, looking up at him with pretty eyes, but he never imagined it like this.
The fact that this is all happening in front of his friends should be enough to kill his boner, but he’s still turned on. Not only was just the position of you on all fours tantalizing enough to begin with, but your last spin caused arms to cross over one another, pushing your breasts together. 
Chenle bites the bullet and goes for it, his body fully covering yours as he plants his right hand in front of him. In theory, his plan sounded like a good idea; if he places his right hand on the red dot behind you, he can just hover over you and then he won’t have to see you looking up at him with those pretty tits, he so desperately wants to fuck, on display. 
But that was all in theory, because Chenle may have overlooked one massive fatal flaw. The new position places his crotch right in front of your face, and Chenle hadn’t even registered that until he could feel your hot breath against the fabric of his sweatpants. 
This is not good.
Chenle can’t help but panic, he knows being like this, his clothed cock so close to your lips, he’s not gonna be able to hide his growing erection any longer. His cheeks flush, he doesn’t know how much more he can take, but he still tries to compose himself. 
It’s just a game of twister.
“Y/N, right-hand green.”
Chenle thanks the heavens when he hears Jisung tell you to move your right hand because it’s that hand that’s already put him in this stupid predicament. You move to a red dot and it helps create some space between your lips and his groin. And Chenle thinks the Earth is finally on his side, because Jisung’s next instruction is for him. 
“Left-hand blue.”
This seems perfect, he thinks. He can simply shift the hand that caused him to hover over you behind him. That should work. And it does, but only for a little while. Because on Jisung’s next instruction, you’re reaching over Chenle's shoulder with a hand, but your reach isn’t quite good enough, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep himself balanced on one arm. 
Then it happens – you land on top of him, and the room fills with whoops and cheers as the game comes to an end. But Chenle can’t comprehend that because all he can think about is you, and how your body is pressed on his, tits crushing him and looking so delectable. 
He sees you laughing, and God, how he adores your smile. He almost loves it as much as he loves how close you are to him, almost. You feel so warm, and he wants you to stay there forever, wrapped up in him as he... well, his thoughts suddenly take a more heated turn.
Damn, he’s getting hard.
No, fuck, he’s getting hard with you on top of him.
Without hesitation, Chenle brushes you off him and rises to his feet. He hastily adjusts his sweats to conceal his bulge, but nothing can disguise the sudden shift in his mood, which casts a frosty chill over the atmosphere.
“Dude, you good?” Mark asks. 
“Yeah, I'm fine,” Chenle responds, his voice strained as he tries to sound casual. 
The vibes in the room have turned awkward, suffocating almost. All he can think about is you, and he just wants this whole shit show to be over.
“Hey, why don't we call it a night?” he suggests, trying to mask the urgency in his tone. “I mean, it's getting late, and I'm sure we all have stuff to do tomorrow.”
You exchange glances with the others, sensing Chenle's unease, but you all agree to pack up and leave. As you gather your things and head towards the door, Chenle can't shake the image of you out of his mind. All he wants is to be alone, to explore the thoughts and desires that have been swirling in his head ever since the game started – he wants to deal with his boner.
Once you’re gone, Chenle lets out a sigh of relief, finally able to breathe again. But even with the apartment empty, his mind is still consumed by thoughts of you. He knows he needs to get a grip, but the memory of your touch, your laughter, lingers in the air, and he can't help but crave you.
He can’t control himself anymore, he just feels so needy. He sits down on the sofa, eyes fluttering shut as he thinks. He lets his tongue slip out from between his lips and one hand travels down his body, over his hoodie until he reaches the waistband of his sweatpants. 
He can still feel the warmth of your breath there, and he’s harder than a rock, but this time there's no need to hide it. He wastes no time slipping inside the fabric to palm himself, his hands cool and rough. He savours the feeling of rubbing his long, thick length slowly with both hands, imagining it's your body taking him in, and filling you to the hilt.
The girl he could never quite shake. The girl who Jisung had introduced to the group a couple of years ago. The girl who started hanging out with them more often, securing her invite to ‘boy’s night’ at his place. The girl who he’d found himself having the same interests as. The girl who was seconds ago brushing soft fingers over his body while playing Twister.
His friend.
His mouth parts and he thrust his cock up into his fisted hands. Precum lubes the tip of his head as he spreads it around with his thumb, gently rubbing the slick up and down himself. Needing more glide, he spits into his hand and rubs it down his length, coating his cock. He knows that when he finally gets to bury himself inside of you he won’t need spit, you’ll be fucking soaking for him, he’ll make sure of it.
He squeezes his eyes shut and groans. He needed this, badly. It had been a long night of your body bending, spinning and twisting – and fuck – remembering the way your back curved so delicately in the first round. 
Not to mention you’d worn leggings that clung to your skin and a T-shirt that dipped low enough to flash everyone. Skimpy shit that you insisted were your ‘comfortable clothes’. He doesn’t believe that for a second – but he’s not complaining. They may have killed him when he was trying to hide his arousal, but now he’s glad he’s got a more accurate image for his thoughts. 
Thoughts that include him wanting nothing more than to feel your body beneath his, sweating and used. Panting. Hair wild and a mess, as his fingers explore every inch of your flesh. He wants you wet enough that your arousal seeps over your thighs. He wants his cum dripping out your mouth, down your chin, and pooling on your tits.
He wants you filthy.
He palms himself up and down again, gritting his teeth and throwing his head back against the sofa.
He wants to bend you over, stretch you out. He wants to make you beg for him, writhe for him. Mould you to be his perfect little toy. If you could see him panting as he indulgently strokes himself to thoughts of you he’s sure you’d be flushed, embarrassed. 
The image has him shuddering and thrusting his cock up into his hand again. And again. And again. 
Fuck. What would you say if you knew? If you walked in and saw him?
You couldn’t blame him. Nobody forced you to insist on the game of Twister. Nobody forced you to trace your delicate little hands across his legs and arms and shoulders as you found the coloured circles. Nobody forced you to stumble on top of him, your grip holding his shoulders to find balance, immediately triggering his mind with thoughts of you riding him. 
And fuck – nobody forced you to be that flexible. 
His arms begin to ache at the punishing speed, but he couldn't stop. He wouldn’t stop. It felt too good. He hisses at the smooth glide over the sensitive underside of his head, head falling back again as he curses. 
He knows you’d beg for it - just like he is.
“Fuck, Y/N…”
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You and Haechan are making your way through Chenle’s building, en route to the parking lot. Haechan had insisted on you driving him home tonight, citing that "Ubers are too expensive in this economy." But as you both walk towards the car, your mind starts to wander.
Chenle's behaviour tonight was odd.
He never ends your Friday night hangouts early, and his sudden shift in demeanour was quite... uncharacteristic. Moreover, he's usually very competitive, yet there were numerous instances during the game where he could have easily nudged or jostled you, but he refrained. It was almost as if you were a hot stove, and he feared getting burned by touching you.
Was he coming down with a cold or something? Whatever it was you don’t like it, and you’re about to ask Haechan about it. However, as your hand reaches into your jacket pocket, you realize: shit, you left your car keys.
"Mind waiting here? I left my keys back there," you inform Haechan and he looks at you unimpressed. 
He groans dramatically, “Y/N, it’s freezing out.”
"Relax, I'll be back in five minutes tops," you assure him.
 "I knew I should've gone home with Jisung.”
 You quirk an eyebrow, "What was that?" 
"Nothing, just hurry up." 
You return to Chenle’s building, taking the elevator up and walking down the halls. You hoped he hadn’t retired to bed if he was feeling unwell. Unfortunately, you can't even send him a quick text because your phone is with your keys.
You're slightly puzzled as you reach Chenle's door and find it open just a crack, unusual for him as he typically locks up immediately after everyone leaves. Concern creeps in — did something happen to him?
Anxiety triggers, and though you know you should knock and give him some warning that you're entering his apartment, your rational mind seems to switch off. And then it fogs because you just realised what you’ve just walked into.
Chenle’s head is thrown back with shut eyes, lips parted just a touch as he fists his cock. He groans, the motions causing a loud sloppy sound. His hand goes past the base of his cock and he grabs his balls, tugging at them with a whine. 
He fucking whined. 
You have to fight every urge not to gasp because the sight sends heat to the place between your legs, wetness pooling in your panties because he looks so hot, so unfiltered, raw and erotic. His face is so relaxed, his breath uneven, and you wonder what has got him so worked up. He looked like he was ready to kill moments ago. 
“Fuck Y/N…”
What the fuck?
Chenle sounds like he’s on the brink of an orgasm…to your name. Were you hearing it correctly? If only you could see better, peer further into his apartment, and realize that you'd made this whole thing up, then you could relax – you could curse your mind for playing such a cruel hot joke on you.
So you do, you creek the door open and that’s when you see his abs begin to quiver and his eyebrows knit tighter together. It was visible that he was getting close and he let out an involuntary yell, hips bucking as his hand pumps harder.
Your thighs rub together, and your legs threaten to tremble from the sight. You'd never imagined yourself being so turned on from watching someone else get off, but here you are, and you don't think you've ever been more aroused. 
And perhaps you’re a little too aroused because you don’t even realise that Chenle’s hand has stopped stroking because he’s staring straight at you, eyes wide looking like a deer in headlights. His cheeks are red and he’s awkwardly stuffing his very hard cock back into his sweats. 
“Oh shit! Fuck! I’m sorry,” you stumble over your words as you turn around, giving him a little bit of privacy. 
Chenle is at a loss for words. While he might have entertained the idea of you catching him, he never expected it to actually happen. And he certainly hadn't anticipated just how hot the glint of lust in your eyes as you watched him would be.
“No, it’s my fault…I should have locked the door.”
You’re still facing away from him, looking at his apartment walls when he stands to his feet and walks closer to you. You can feel the heat radiating off his body as he settles behind you. It’s a delicious warmth and if you weren’t just caught being a fucking perv, you would have let yourself bask in it. 
“N-No, I should have knocked, I just came to get my keys, I’m so so sorry–”
“Y/N will you just look at me?”
He cuts you off and you feel him wrap a hand around your wrist. You wonder if it’s the same one that was wrapped around his cock and – fuck Y/N – now is not the time. 
His gentle tug compels you to turn around and face him. You can't bring yourself to meet his eyes; instead, yours remain fixed on the floor. Still, you can feel the intensity of his gaze burning into your forehead.
"How long were you standing there?" His voice breaks the silence, prompting your mouth to open and close, resembling a fish for a moment as you process his question. 
"I-I um, not long," you stammer out.
“Not long?” He raises an eyebrow, “Were you planning on standing there until I came or what?” 
Your mouth goes dry as the realization dawns upon you because, yes, that's exactly what you were planning on doing. You wanted to witness what he looked like when he reached his climax, to see if he could possibly look any sexier than he already did as an orgasm washed over him.
"You know," his finger reaches up to rest beneath your chin, trailing along your jawline until he has a firm grip, coaxing your eyes to meet his. "If you wanted to see me cum, the least you could have done was offer to help."
"W-what?" Your eyes widen in surprise.
"You heard me," he smirks confidently. "You gonna help me or what, Y/N?"
You bite your lip and nod, your hand dances along the hem of his sweats slipping inside to feel the length of his cock. It twitches in your grasp, and it doesn’t surprise you since he looked so close to his peak only seconds ago. 
Chenle sucks in a breath, he’s thought about this moment plenty, and today specifically, he’s been so pent up about it. He focuses on the feeling of your touch, slow but effective as you tease him. And Chenle swears he almost drools at the sight of you collecting his precum and licking it off your thumb – it’s so filthy – just as he fantasised.
The sounds coming from his mouth are heavenly and sinful all the same, echoing in your ears. Your hand hovers over his length again, only starting to stroke when he bucks his hips. The rutting of his hips forces you to quicken the pace and his breath is all but shallow gasps. 
Chenle can’t help the way his abdomen tenses, and his eyes find themselves falling on your low-cut top that had earlier been teasing him with your tits as you contorted your body for a stupid board game. Chenle thinks the view paired with your vigorous stroking might be enough for him to blow his load in his pants.
He's whining. He needs it. He’s chasing it. 
He spasms as you continue frantically fucking him with your fist. He meets your touches grunting and cursing with every thrust. He bites down hard on his lips when you grab his balls cupping and pulling and squeezing until you know his high is ready to hit him like a steam train.
Chenle’s body tenses, thrusting his cock as hard as he can manage. His stomach contracts as stars cloud his mind and he moans out your name. His body has never been hit by this much blinding bliss before – especially not from just a hand job. But still, his legs buckle and he has to steady himself on the wall behind him.
“Fuck Y/N! Just like that, gonna cum.”
Unashamed, his eyes roll back as cum shoots violently from his pulsing cock and all over your hand. His voice rings out clear and desperate with yells in the air. Long strings of hot cum coat your fingers, each rope eliciting another groan. Another clench. Another bliss.
You bite your lip, relishing the explicit sight of Chenle as he rides out his orgasm. Despite being soaked through with arousal yourself, your own pleasure takes a backseat; witnessing him in such a state – sweat glistening on his forehead, eyes glazed with ecstasy – is more than enough to satisfy you.
As you withdraw your hand from his sweats, you both gaze at the white substance coating your fingers. You're almost tempted to tease him with it, to watch him shiver as you lick it off your fingers, but that fantasy is abruptly cut short when the front door swings open.
“Seriously how hard can it be to find some damn keys—”
Haechan takes one glance at your glistening hand and the wet patch on Chenle’s pants and puts the pieces together. Then, he looks at you his eyes squeezing as he grimaces.
“If you left me in the freezing cold for fifteen minutes to give Chenle a fucking hand job, I'm going to kill both of you."
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livelaughlovesubs · 6 months
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Dom!reader x sub!fyodor (reader is gender neutral)
Warning: pegging (can be read as a dick), CNC, dacryphilia, feminisation
I wrote this before, but I changed some stuff
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Fyodor positioned himself in your lap, straddling you before sitting down completely. He could feel a throbbing sensation as he let himself be filled. Then he shifted around for a bit, gaze not leaving yours for a moment. It was adorable how he thought he’s in control, just because he was on top. Once the man settled down comfortably, he started going up and down at you. Riding and bouncing on your dick with a hint of desperation. His hands gripped your shoulders, and he quickened his pace, revelling in the power he held in this situation. For example being able to choose the intensity of the act as he pleased, he smirked at you the entire time. Even though he tried to be more domineering in this case, he couldn’t keep his voice down. Moans slipped from his lips, mixed with an occasional whimper.
You just sat down and let him do, watching him getting off on top was you was amusing to say the least. How he looked at you was playful and smug, but you didn’t care, you were going to let him have his moment. The play unfolding in front of you was pathetic but also arousing. The sound of skin against skin reached your ears, along with his gasps and whimpers. Slowly his movements heightened in intensity, you could tell he was close already. “Ahh~uuUhhmm!" an especially loud moan slipped from the male as he came on top of you. His panting was heavy, torso rising and lowering with every breath.
After he came down from his high, he smirked at you. Looking at you through half lidded eyes, which were a bit hidden by his bangs. His cheeks had turned reddish, and he stopped holding onto you. “You aren’t satisfied, right? But I won’t keep going unless you beg.” Fyodor said, while his hole clenched around you, and thighs trembled with excitement. Then your hands suddenly gripped his hips. The grip was very rough, next day there would be marks. He yelped, shrieked and wrapped his arms around your neck again. Without wasting time you forced him to move back and forth, grinding the toy against his walls.
That look on his face! It was so lewd and perverted! How his eyes widened, mouth hung agape and shock washed over him. Out of nowhere his blush intensified, and was spreading to his shoulders now. “Did you have fun pretending to be in control? Haha~” you teased him, mocking him for his delusion.
A mixture of horror, confusing and pleasure blend within him as you kept forcing him to move. He didn’t know what to think about this situation, so all he did was moan on your dick like a slut in heat. “Ah..aAHHH..! oOH, nghh..” the sounds he made were amazing, you lost yourself in it and subconsciously fastened the pace. The grip on his waist tightened, almost painfully as you forcefully guide his movements. Pressing and trusting into him at an even faster pace then before. How you abruptly shifted the dynamics shocked him, the male was still irritated as to what just happened. His earlier teasing and confident gaze changed to one of vulnerability, your words reminding him that he is still at your mercy.
The pace which you set was so rough, it was too much for him. Pleasures and ecstasy rippled through his body, his eyes rolled back while his whole body shivered. Poor boy was drooling while he pleaded with you, “stop! AHhh s-stop~” tears were decorating his pretty face as well, hands gripping your arms now as you kept your steady movements. "Slow downnn! Nghh, ple-ase..gentler...”
You were still rutting into him, forcing him up and down your dick. His cries and whines were like music in your ears, causing you to increase the intensity once again. Making him surrender to the overwhelming sensations of pain and bliss. Each rhythmic snap of your hips against his got his head spinning around, the feeling maddening but also addictive. Things only got worse for the boy when you started hitting his sweet spot with precision. Now his dick throbbed and leaked uncontrollably, this was evidence of the pleasure he was receiving. “I-it's so..intense, hAah- you are so.. so rough with me! Nghh…please gimme a breaAAK~”
Without listening to his begs, you kept degrading him, “Hah, you are dipping wet down here, Fyodor. What, have you become a girl? Do you like this so much?” You snickered at the display in front of you. The words you whispered to him mingled with his brain, making him feel humiliated even somehow even more embarrassed than he already was. “N-no..'m not a girl.! I'm a guy- ahhh~ please, i-I'm not wet..!" He tried to defend himself even though he knew it's hopeless and that he was playing right into your palm. “It that so? F-yo-dor~?” The way you said his name made him shudder, how did he even turn into this mess? Wasn't he a feared ability user before? Reduced to a mere whore- no, your whore.
“AHHhh..pleA~se! I-I can't- uhmm, gahh..” “Are you close again? Go on, Fyodor, hehe.” You couldn’t help but chuckle, his unfocused eyes were really erotic after all. Luckily got him you gave him the permission he needed, he didn't think twice about it before white ropes of cum shoot from his arousal. Body shaking in your grip, head thrown back as he let out small begs for mercy. His legs trembled, unable to move after the intense play of you two. You were still holding his slim body, his soft skin against your fingers. He could feel his conscious fading, unable to keep his eyes from closing. The last thing he heard was, "mine." Before the exhaustion overtook his body and he slumped against your chest.
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saintpavlov · 7 months
he doesn't mean to make you sad, you know that. it's just that, when atsumu's upset it becomes everyone's problem—yours especially.
you don't know how it starts. atsumu had been bouncing off the walls just a moment ago, drunk off of booze and the afterglow of victory. you don't know which one of his teammates had invited her to the after-party, just that right now, you can't help but hate them.
it's just for a second, but you catch it. the way his eyes immediately dim, how his hand falters around yours. you don't want to jump to conclusions, but it's obvious—atsumu's in love with her. painfully so.
he drops your hand as if burnt and turns away, letting himself be carried off into another conversation. atsumu laughs loud enough to be heard over the music, a deafening house mix that thuds through your chest like a second heartbeat. anyone else might not spare him a second glance, but you know that when atsumu laughs that loud there's something he's trying to hide. then, as if remembering that you're still there, atsumu turns over his shoulder. you answer before he can ask the question.
"no no, go ahead. go have fun!"
atsumu tilts his head, though you know he's only asking to be polite. "are you sure?"
you smile. "no worries."
it's a bold-faced lie, but atsumu's never been that good at paying attention. he returns your smile with an excited nod, letting himself be led away by the shoulders. "don't go anywhere!" he shouts, though you know later on he'll forget to come find you. that's the way it always is. always has been.
you nurse your drink against your chest—water, you don't have the stomach tonight—and try to look on the bright side, if there is one. atsumu had been the one to invite you, hadn't he? and though you're still "just friends", he'd held your hand earlier, so that has to count for something, right?
it's useless. you down your water in one go, figuring that if you treat it like alcohol it might work like it is. it doesn't, and now you're alone at this party with an empty cup and an even emptier hand.
you sigh and snake your way out of the kitchen, making your way up the stairs to the first door that opens. the upstairs is off-limits, but you hope that whoever owns this room is drunk enough to be forgiving. you don't even bother to turn on the lights, and instead flop backwards onto the bed. you feel the music downstairs rather than hearing it, a steady thump-thump-thump that shakes through you from head to toe.
you close your eyes, trying very hard not to think about atsumu and the girl he's still in love with downstairs. it's not your place to be bothered, that you know, but something in your chest still aches at the thought. you've loved atsumu since before he met her, after all. it's a shame he hasn't noticed. or maybe he's not noticing on purpose, which is considerably worse.
"woe is me," you say to no one, your voice biting with sarcasm. you're not shocked at how things are turning out, moreso that you thought it'd turn out any differently. with a sigh, you close your eyes. atsumu will find you eventually. and if he doesn't, then someone else will. you'd rather be cursed at for trespassing than anywhere downstairs, faking a smile as you wait for atsumu like a well-trained dog. at least here you can lick your wounds in private.
you don't know how much time has passed when you feel something press into your side, warm and solid. arms wrap around you: one slung over your waist, the other snaking its way under your head. you turn in confusion, seeing nothing in the dark.
whoever's holding you down reeks heavily of liquor, and their arm feels like a dead weight around you. when you try to pull it off they hold onto you tighter, mumbling something incoherent under their breath. "um, hey," you say loudly, voice hoarse with sleep. "get off of me."
the person beside you stirs, and the bed dips slightly as they prop themselves up. they mumble your name under their breath, and in the dark you can make out the vague outline of a face.
with a start, you realize you recognize that voice. "...osamu?"
he lies back down, bringing you along with him. "h-hey," you start to protest, but osamu's grip grows stronger in response.
"don't leave," he mumbles, as you try to sit up.
"m'head hurts. shhh." osamu shushes you, curling up against your side. his hair tickles the side of your reddening cheek.
"hey, osamu." you try to move out from under his arm again, to no avail. "you're really drunk."
"and?" he counters, pulling you closer, almost possessively. "just pretend for a little while."
that catches you off guard. "pretend?"
"it's dark, so it's easier," osamu refuses to elaborate. "c'mon. it's my birthday."
"osamu, your birthday's in october."
"is it?" there's an uncharacteristic cheekiness to osamu's voice, one that makes you turn your head towards him in surprise. you can't see him, but you can tell from the warmth that his face is only inches away. "well it's somebody's birthday, somewhere."
something touches your cheek—osamu's hand? no, his face. somewhere near his chin, guessing by the stubble that scratches your skin. "just do me a favor and pretend i'm him," osamu says, and in that moment he sounds scarily sober.
"wh-what?" you can't help the way your mouth hangs open at the request, your stomach feeling like it's about to drop out of you.
"you heard me," osamu mumbles, back to being drunk again. "pretend i'm him. you know what i mean."
"you—what—that's not—"
"am i wrong?" osamu presses, raising his voice like he's imitating his brother. it works. osamu's fingers trace across your face, reading the shock on your face like braille. you turn your head and press your nose to his neck—no cologne, only the soft smell of skin. it can't be atsumu, but for a moment, you're fooled.
osamu tilts his head and sighs, slow and sweet. and when his lips brush your forehead, it's like everything you've ever dreamed. "i'm right," he breathes, nestling his head against your shoulder. it's not a question anymore, but a fact. "i'm right," he sing-songs, still painfully drunk.
a hand covers your mouth, warm and firm. softer than atsumu's, and just a bit bigger. "don't say my name like that," he whispers, his voice hot against the shell of your ear, "say it the way you say his."
you swallow an audible gulp. "osa—osamu?" you try again.
osamu shakes his head. needy hands pull you in by the waist. you feel osamu's lips kiss up the side of your neck. "not like that," he murmurs.
"o-osa...mu..." you're breathless and dizzy. you feel osamu's smile against the underside of your jaw.
"better," he grins, and this time, his lips find yours.
it ends before you can even react. osamu pulls away with a shaky exhale, as if he's slowly waking from a dream. his eyes shine back at you in the dark, wide and unblinking.
he opens his mouth to speak. "i—"
"you're drunk," you say immediately, and push him away by the chest.
osamu doesn't let you. he brings his hands over yours and keeps them there, and under the thin cotton of his shirt you feel his heart beating rabbit-fast. "so? i'll still want you when i'm sober."
his words choke your own out of your throat. "osamu...i can't—"
"so don't. don't do anything. just stay the night." there's a desperation in his words that makes your stomach flip. osamu holds onto you like he's afraid to let go. "please."
it's late, and you're tired. atsumu's in love with someone that isn't you, but osamu's arms are warm enough to make you forget. you think to yourself: is it selfish if he's willing? are you cruel for wanting to pretend?
you wrap your arms around his neck and osamu relaxes, melting into you the same way butter does on toast. he's soft, comforting. familiar, but not the same. osamu's lips brush on your neck again and the impact shudders through your spine like electricity. he takes his hands and rubs them over your arms, thinking that you're cold. you don't want to tell him that in reality you're burning up, feeling hot everywhere he touches.
"thank you," osamu murmurs into your hair.
"for what?"
and when osamu kisses you a second time, you don't have the heart to push him away.
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abbyromanoff · 10 months
Yelena x reader smut, Yelena loves reader's warm milk 🙂
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PAIRINGS: Yelena Belova x reader
WARNINGS: smut, lactation kink, angst, sad!Yelena, little!Yelena, Mommy (R), thigh riding, praise, mentions of cunnilingus, bottom!Yelena, think that’s all :))
“Lena? Lena, baby, is that you?” You called out, turning the stove off as you sped-walked to the door. You received no answer, but when you turned the corner you saw Yelena standing there, shoulders heavy and a frown on her face. She looked down, dropping her bag before you engulfed her in a hug, eyebrows furrowing when you didn’t feel her return it.
“Hey, hey,” You leaned back, cupping her cheeks and forcing her to return your worried gaze. “Talk to me, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Her cheeks hollowed as her eyes remained on the wall behind you, tears grazing them. You took the sign and sighed, guiding her to the couch where she instantly crawled into you. Her legs crossed yours, her arms wrapping around your shoulders as you heard silent sniffles.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You rubbed her thigh soothingly, kissing her forehead after she shook her head slowly.
“That’s okay, we can just sit right here. Is there anything you want, baby?” She shook her head once more, her body shaking in small shivers.
“Oh, you must be so cold. Here, take this.” You wrapped a blanket around her, continuing to rub her skin to create further warmth. She was shaking less, but you could feel her heartbeat thumping rapidly. Your fingers threaded through her soft hair that felt dry and unwashed.
“When was the last time you had a shower, Lena?” She shrugged, and you wondered if she had blinked at all this entire time.
“Alright, we can wait here for a few minutes and then we need to get you in the shower.” The few minutes flew by faster than she thought and soon enough you were easing her into the bathroom. She stopped you, muttering a few soft words that you were unable to understand, leading her to repeat them as you asked.
“I don’ want a shower,” She stumbled over her sentence. “I wan’ to play with- with the bubbles.” You chuckled at her playful wishes and led her to sit on the edge of the bathtub, turning the knob as water began to flow out. Yelena watched with a grin, clasping her hands together as her leg continued to bounce under your soft caressing.
“You ready to get in, love? C’mon, I’ll go grab your toys.” She waited patiently for you to return, recognizing the items in your hands instantly as the excitement brewed. The reconciliation from earlier seemed to begin to fade as she focused on her Mommy, her lover.
“There you go, are you comfy? Yeah? Good, good.” You spoke as she lowered herself into the warm water, sighing in relief as she felt her sore muscles start to ease. You rubbed her shoulders when noticing this, causing her to squirm as you brought your lips to her neck in teasing kisses. You gathered soap in your hands, letting them run over her body as she traced her finger through the bubbles. Her rubber duck dipped under the water before splashing its way to a return. She giggled every time, and you only stared in admiration.
“You’re so cute, Lena girl.” Her cheeks darkened, her eyes squeezing shut while her nose scrunched as you brushed a hair out of her face. You pecked her forehead twice, the second lingering a moment too long before you leaned back to meet her gaze, your eyes softening as you saw nothing behind them. There was no thought in her head, and you were relieved you got to bring her to a place of such peace.
“Alright, you ready for bedtime, hm? You tired, honey?” She nodded, reaching out to grapple onto your shoulders, her teeth taking her tongue in a deep bite, but she seemed unfazed. You helped her dry off, ruffling her hair and causing the wet locks to become less damp. You ushered her into the panda pajamas she picked out one evening during your online shopping trip before helping her brush her teeth, your lips landing on her shoulders every few moments as reassurance. She gave you a cheery smile once finished, letting you lead her back into the bedroom where she leaped onto the soft mattress. She tossed the blankets over her body as you followed, sitting next to her as she placed her head on your chest. She listened to your heartbeat, drawing small hearts over the skin as goosebumps ran through you.
“Mommy?” Her small, hushed voice came into play. You turned your head to look at her, worry ranking your expression. “Can…can I, uhm,” She poked your breasts softly, running her short fingernails against your nipples, causing the peaks to harden. She giggled at the imprint forming, teasing your shirt down slowly in case she received denial from your end.
“Of course, you can.” You led her face closer by holding the back of her neck, sighing as her tongue teased you. You bit your lip, running your fingers through her hair as she hummed, the soft skin rubbing against her cheek and creating a warm, fuzzy feeling to erupt inside of her. She squirmed, letting the small flood of milk graciously travel down her throat as her knee butted against your core. You moaned from the contact, squeezing your eyes shut as she looked up at you with curious eyes.
“Did I do something wrong, Mommy?” You shook your head, trapping her knee between your thighs as you brought your hips to create a thrusting motion. She blushed, returning her mouth to your skin. You mumbled small praises, chuckling at the whimpers she let out. She began grinding her knee into your heat, her eyes nervously meeting yours in hopes of approval. Your lewd sounds proved her question right, leading her to grin around you. She always loved to please her Mommy, you deserved it after all you do for her.
“That’s it- ah! Mommy’s gonna cum…Mommy’s gonna fucking cum, baby!” Her eyes widened at your derogatory language, her brain instantly switching as she drank in your sweet milk. You choked up a moan, your body twitching as your orgasm rushed through you. You cried out in pleasure, keeping her head close as her eyes continued to grow heavy.
“Shh, just- fuck!” You dragged out. “That’s- it! Oh, yes, that’s my good fucking girl, such a good little puppy.” She wrapped her arms around your waist, teasing her teeth over the sensitive bud. You gasped, tugging on her hair lightly in response, leading her to whimper around you and bringing vibrations through your entire being.
“Oh, Mommy got you so, so messy, love!” You examined her slick-covered thigh that glistened under the small lamp with interest, causing her to follow your eye-sight and spot the same. Your body started to calm, although your chest continued to heave in small pants.
“Why don’t you let me clean that up for you, yeah?” She shook her head, clenching her thighs together as you tried prying them apart.
“Lena, don’t be mean to Mommy, I just want to taste you.” You licked the leftover stains of pleasure before inching closer to her heat where you could nearly smell the arousal.
“You’ve already ruined your little shorts, it’s probably best if we take these off. C’mon, don’t make me sad.” You pouted falsely, smirking to yourself once she complied in fear of upsetting you. She grabbed your hand in a hurry, leading it to her core as she nervously parted her legs. You finally removed the article of clothing, causing the cold air to breeze against her skin.
“Tickles, Mommy.” You chuckled, kissing her swollen clit with desire. She gasped, clasping her hands onto the pillows beneath her before you took one, interlacing your fingers together to calm her nerves.
“Don’t be nervous, Mommy is going to make all those tingly feelings go away.”
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pokado8 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday!
summary: what they do and how they spend your birthday with you <3
warnings: none
a/n: thought of this since today is my birthday!
Kuroo Tetsurou, Kotarou Bokuto, Shouyou Hinata, & Kenma Kozume
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Kuroo Tetsurou
✿ Kuroo wants to make sure you have the best birthday ever
✿ he’ll throw you a surprise party and everything. He just wants you to have a good time
✿ first Kuroo will take you out to go get breakfast and you guys talk about what you have to do for that day
✿ meanwhile your friends and his friends from nekoma and karasuno are at your house decorating and getting everything set up
✿ once you and Kuroo get done with breakfast he takes you shopping so you can get some things that you want he’s paying ofc
✿ if you try to tell him that you don’t want anything or that you’ll pay for yourself he will not stand for it. He will literally force his card into the employee’s hands
✿ he’ll go with you to get your hair and nails done for your birthday so you can look all nice and pretty pls let him pick out a nail color he just wants to be helpful 😭
✿ when you’re done yaku texts him that everything is ready and to bring you home. When you get there your friends all jump out and scream happy birthday
✿ everyone plays games and eats some food and cake
✿ after the party when everyone has left Kuroo gives you your gift from him after much teasing on his part
✿ it’s a photo book full of pictures from when you two started dating and some that are pretty recent. If you look at him you can obviously see a light pink tint on his cheeks indicating that he was nervous.
✿ if you tease him about this he’ll either get defensive and playfully tell you off or admit that the reason he’s blushing is because he was nervous. No in between
Bokuto Kotarou
✿ now Bokuto is special. He will force you to stay over at his house the night before your birthday and sing you happy birthday knowing it’s not 12 yet
✿ he just loves you so much he wants to wish you a early happy birthday
✿ once it’s finally 12 bokuto will hug and kiss you so much you feel like your face and body might go numb
✿ he’s so energetic you have to tell him to save his energy for earlier in the day and to go to sleep with you
✿ when you guys wake up and do your routine bokuto is glued to you. Anywhere you go he’s going too. Bathroom? Okay, he had to go too. Kitchen? Alright, let’s make breakfast. Going back to sleep? Hmm well fine, he could use the extra few minutes.
✿ kind of like Kuroo, Bokuto will get some of his and your friends to come hang out with you for your birthday
✿ you guys might go out to eat or something and celebrate there
✿ wants everyone to know it’s your birthday and will make sure they know too. He got you one of those award ribbons saying ‘birthday girl’, ‘birthday boy’, or ‘it’s my birthday!’ And yes you have to wear it
✿ when you guys get some alone time Bokuto’s demeanor will change from playful and energetic to serious. The shift is crazy and it will catch you off guard
✿ but anyway he’ll tell you how much he loves and appreciates you and how he really hopes that you had fun for your birthday
✿ he’ll give you a handmade bracelet or necklace and some snacks cuz he’s not very good at gift giving
✿ he hopes that him making the jewelry was okay instead of him buying it. He just wanted to get you something more meaningful
Hinata Shouyou
✿ Hinata is literally bouncing off the walls
✿ he so excited for your birthday dare I say more excited than you
✿ he doesn’t know what to do but he’ll just do whatever you wanna do
✿ if you stayed over at his house then he’s waking you up with soft gentle kisses on your face, but if you didn’t then he’s the first one to tell you happy birthday once it hits 12
✿ you guys are doing everything for your birthday. Maybe even things you haven’t even tried
✿ Hinata will take you out for a little walk while holding hands with you as you talk about what plans you have for today
✿ you’ll go get some ice cream and maybe even share one together if Hinata is feeling a little bold
✿ after ice cream you guys go to get some food and talk. Hinata might even ask force you to play volleyball with him if the conversation steers towards that direction
✿ if you’re celebrating with friends or family then that’s your next stop after he absolutely crushes you in volleyball. He’s like the loudest one singing happy birthday
✿ like bokuto, Hinata is glued to you the whole day and he won’t let you go. He’s like a little puppy following you around everywhere you go
✿ for your gift Hinata made you this little diy box full of cute pictures you took at the photo booth and some cute keychains, charms, and plushies
✿ after he gives you your gifts you guys eat some cake and watch movies
Kenma Kozume
✿ kenma is pretty laidback for your birthday. Although he wants to make sure you have fun he also doesn’t want to overwhelm or overstimulate you with so much stuff
✿ he invites you to stay the night the day before your birthday under the guise of ‘playing video games’ when in reality he just wanted to be the first person to tell you happy birthday
✿ both of you stay up for hours and when it’s 12 kenma pauses his game, turns to you while having a small smile on his face, and says “happy birthday, [name]” with the softest voice ever. Depending on how brave he’s feeling he just might give you a quick kiss on the lips
✿ if there’s something that you specifically want to do that day kenma is all for it. Even if it’s something physically demanding
✿ when you both wake up he cuddles into you some more while softly talking to you as to not break the peacefulness of the room
✿ kenma will do his best to make breakfast for you but don’t expect it to be top tier cooking because he’s not really the best at it
✿ if you’re celebrating with friends and family then you guys will bake your cake together.
✿ kenma will take you to the beach later on in the day so he can have some more alone time with you. If you want to he’ll even dip his feet into the water with you (doesn’t have to be the beach it can be anywhere just someplace that isn’t very populated/crowded)
✿ when it’s time kenma will sing you happy birthday as another surprise although it would most likely take a great deal of persuasion from Kuroo for him to even consider doing it
✿ he’ll be so nervous while singing it and if you tease him about it kenma will lovingly tell you to shut up and that the only reason he did it was because it was your birthday
✿ when kenma thinks it’s an appropriate time he’ll give you your gift which was a cherry blossom tree lego set and some ramen with a heartfelt message. Like Bokuto he really isn’t good at gift giving
✿ he’s so nervous when gifting them to you. His hands are superglued to his pockets while you examine your gift. If you tell him you like it then he’ll be really happy and you both will spend the rest of the day putting together your cherry blossom tree
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reblogs are appreciated!
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venuiscmind · 5 months
nasty backshots brainrot and blurb!! w.c 0.8K
smoking, spit play, sub and dom dynamics, rough sex, mean dom!ellie, strap on sex (r! recieving), strap sucking, spanking overstimulation, multiple orgasms, weed, degradation, praise, hair pulling, snapchat recording on ellie's phone.
read this, and this, this too, this as well.
Ellie thinks she sometimes forgets to be gentle with you.
She feels it and thinks about it in the back of her mind as she pulls on your wrist leading you through the crowd of a party or to a seat. She thinks about it when she pulls out a joint for you both to smoke.
Gentle this time Ellie, she says watching with red eyes as she sees you blow a ring of smoke in her face before taking another hit.
Thirty minutes later she's leaning her body against the headboard, one arm behind her head, the other is pushing your head down the clear, dark blue tinted silicone attached to her hips by dark, shiny leather, watching you choke slightly and slobber over her cock.
Moments ago she had warned you to "watch your fuckin' hands" as you hummed and pressed yourself closer to her, palming at the bulge on her crotch.
You hadn't listened and that was how you found yourself on your knees sucking on the strap. You pulled yourself up, onto your elbows to take a deep gasp and close your eyes bracing yourself for what you knew was coming.
You felt Ellie reach and grasp at the locks on top of your head, gripping them to form a makeshift ponytail, push you back and spit directly into your pursed lips.
"Get back on my fucking dick. Right now."
You looked up at her, her spit running down your lips, some on your cheeks from your previous breaks. Eyes red, pupils blown but focused on you and chest rising and falling quickly in her black wifebeater.
You looked at the phone in her hand, filming everything on snapchat.
When you don't move she clicks her tongue, slapping her cock agaisnt your cheeks making you close your eyes on instinct until she stops to smear her mess all alomg your lips and face. She stopped, releasing the silicone and letting it fall against your forehead.
You were confused as to why she had stopped.
She looked down at you, stroking your cheeks with her thumb, letting you kiss her hand and place wet sloppy smooches against her palm.
"I've got an idea."
You sobbed, gripping the sheets in front of you as you felt Ellie grip your hips and tug you back closer to her. She kneeled down kisses your neck as she slowed her thrusts to speak into your ear.
"Where are you running off to? Hm?" Ellie kissed the shell of your ears as she pressed herself into your body, pinning you down.
She kept her pace, pulling out fully beofre slamming herself into you. She pushed herself up, brushing the hairs that were falling down her face back, raking her fingers through her hair.
You squeal as you feel her starting again, hitting that spongy spot that caused your toes to curl and your thoughts to melt. She was stretching you open, you could hear the slick bubbles that had been squealching since she had first pushed in.
You're taking it, barely up on your knees with your eyes in your skull, and mouth rolling open as she pulls youir hair into a ponytail to listen to you as you groan with each bruise she adds to your organs and cervix.
She presses a hand to your lower back as she feels you trying to get away again. "Nope. No running. You were beggin' for this earlier so you can take it now."
You could feel the ring of cum building around the base of her strap and could feel yourself leaking all aroound it to as she bumped against you. This made the sloppiest, and filthiest sounds which bounced against the walls of Ellie's dorm and would result in another noise complaint.
Ellie, who had been fucking into you for the past hours had been on the same level as you. She could feel her slick dripping past the hem of her briefs. She huffed into the air, looking up at the ceiling for a minute. It was too much. Hearing the noises you and your pussy had been making as well as all the friction. She swore she could feel you around her and nothing would convince her otherwise.
You mewled as she stopped and you started pushing back against her. She felt you reach around to find her hand, which she gripped back.
Fuck she loved you.
She pulled you back and forth watching as that familiar feeling gripped your stomch and made you shake as you fucked yourself against her strap.
"Yeah? You gonna get yourself off on me baby?" Ellie asked, picking up her phone again to capture her smacking and gripping your ass and watching your pussy and eyes flutter as you came around her.
"Yeah- yes, fuck i'm cummin' Ellie" You whimpered as you shivered while moving your hips as you felt the warmth spread to the rest of your body.
"Good fucking girl, keep fucking yourself for me, jus' like that baby.
She watched as the tears dripped down your face and you came on Ellie's strap. She huffed and groaned as she felt herself tighten and clamp around nothing as she felt her orgasm wash over her.
Your knees gave out at that point and you slumped onto your tummy and elbows. Ellie, put the phone down, slipping out of you as she curled up next to you.
"Wanna smoke again?"
You paused at the question before letting out an airy and light giggle.
You took in her flushed face, grin on her face and hairs sticking to her forehead.
"Yeah, I do."
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sanakimohara · 3 months
can u do emo han Jisung x hello kitty person reader if it's okay??? (make Jisung Dom cuz, never seen someone make him🤷)
“SWEET N’ SOUR” H. J. Pt. 1
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Pen has returned to paper. Hope this fulfills your wish, my love…
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Jisung is slightly perplexed by how soft you are for him from the start. You're gentle, always curious, and slightly touched in the head. He can't tell if you mean to come off so nostalgic and innocent, second-guessing his assumptions about you anytime; a semi-violent threat towards another person trying to gain his attention leaves your cherry-glossed lips. You can be all giggly, obsessed with your stuffed animals, and snuggled all under him in one moment. Then, the next, you're glaring stubbornly, subtly clinging to him when someone you don't particularly care for is near or snapping back at him when he touches a nerve. It gives the poor man whiplash, but it fills his head with a particular strain of serotonin no one but you can produce.
Jisung is anything but frightened by your love for softer colors and little trinkets. He could tell you had a minor addiction to “cute” things early on, rather fond of seeing you bounce up and down on your tip toes when a new Sanrio item caught your attention and quickly getting used to purchasing it without you having to ask. Almost every little thing he bought for you furthered the addiction he had to see you all dolled up and content with adorable trinkets. There were times when a subtle perversion entered his mind. On more than a few occasions, he’d bought you things solely because his cock hardened seeing you so excited to have them. Other times, his selfish desire to see you walking around in nothing but the new Hello Kitty panties and matching cropped sweater drove him to order another box of pastel-colored items.
Jisung often doesn’t know how to handle himself when you simultaneously act so stubbornly and sweetly to him. You’re asking him to be mean to you more often than not, and he gives in without hesitation. “You can’t tell me what to do!” You huff loudly, upset that he’s walked into your room and shut your laptop, completely interrupting your binge-watching session. He smiles, snatching it from your tight grip before kneeling at the foot of your bed to be at eye level. You glare, moving to scoot away from him and get your computer back. It's not every day your favorite anime puts out a new season, and his intruding isn’t deterring you from watching the whole thing in one night. Or so you think…
Jisung has other plans for you both. You don’t have the chance to slide back from him, held in place by his right hand, which you initially thought was intended to caress your cheek but was instead fisted in your hair at the back of your head. He pulls roughly once, forcing your head to follow his grip as you yelp and claw at the pink duvet underneath you. “Thought I told you to start going to bed at a decent time, kitten. Why lie and say you were asleep when I called you earlier?” He tugs again, not ashamed to smile as tears well up in your pretty doe eyes, begging to slide down your face when you wince slightly from the pain he causes. “It was just for tonight, I swear! I…I just wanted to see it..” You squirm more, embarrassed that he caught you in a lie and frightened by the dead stare he’s been giving you. “Not a good enough answer, sweetheart. Why’d you lie..?”
Jisung is a liar, a convenient one in his own right, and you always fall for it. No matter how often you tell him the truth, he taunts you for a better excuse, feeling so much more authoritative in the confines of your cozy bedroom. In that little world between you both, he is, in fact, your villain, dark and cunning in the glow of soft fairy lights hanging from pastel-pink walls. Rough and demented with your gentler presence. You don’t mind being stiffly handled by him, putting up a small fight when he stands to flip you over on your back. He gives you a chance to win when you do struggle. His hand remains tangled in your hair, pulling the soft locks until your head lazily hangs off the edge of the bed and not letting go even when you reach to try pushing him away. “Jisung- ah! Mngh-“Your begging is reduced to a timid whimper as his free hand whips across your face. The oddly swift strike makes your body shiver, and a cold spark runs down your spine as he stares at you. “You had your chance to speak. Useless as it is, I think it’s pretty cute that you have so much to say. Why don't we fix that, hm?…” Your hands tremble as he grasps them in his free one, pushing them down to rest together on your lower stomach. The pit of your abdomen flips itself, feeling his touch tighten on you, amping up in frequency when he smirks at the sight of your new pastel pink panties hugging your hips and covering your soft mound.
Jisung is tempted to slip his hand past the thin fabric, wanting to feel your warm folds in his palm, craving to spread the slickness he knows is pooling between your legs all over his fingers. He takes a breath, reigning in the desire and focusing on what to do about your oh-so-snappy mouth. He has more than a few ideas visibly running through his mind, and they are all broadly humiliating to you. You keep your mouth shut, your heart thundering, and your body running hotter with each passing second. When Jisung stops talking, everyone is at an unease. Especially you. It only meant he was plotting to do something strangely frightful. Sadistic even.
“Open” is the first word he utters after a long, silent moment. His hand in your hair disappears for a split second, a familiar sound of a zipper being undone and a shift of clothing rearranging before his hold on your hair returns. Through the tears in your eyes, you get a view of the tip of his cock, swelling with pre cum, stiff and fully erect with purpose. You gulp, lashes lowering as drool pools in your mouth. It takes only one look at his cock to make you dumbfounded with lust. It's an automatic reaction he’s trained into you for months and one you sincerely enjoy. Not a single thought runs through your mind seeing his cum drizzle down the length of his cock, the creamy substance reminding you of sweet cream and urging you to obey his singular command for a good taste of it. “Mkay..” you mumble, in a daze as your lips part, and slipping deeper into it when he slowly sinks his cock in the warm wet cavern inch by inch with ease. Jisung watches intently as you take him in with a soft gasp, gagging slightly when his tip brushes the back of your throat. “See? You just wanted something good to suck on, kitten… feels good to be useful, doesn’t it?” He groans loudly, smiling wildly as you swallow him whole, accepting his cock with sloppy slurps and trying your best to breathe while he fucks your face at a set pace. You jolt and shift as he uses you relentlessly, spitting up a mix of saliva and his arousal with every other thrust he gives, but not once tapping out in hopes of him being lenient with you. Jisung refuses, mouth falling open to let out convoluted moans and pleased grunts of praise. “Take it deeper, sweetheart.. oh fuck, just like that..”
Jisung trees carefully with your newfound talent, proud to see you helplessly deep-throating his cock, enjoying the tightness of your throat whenever you gag reactively. He watches the imprint of his cock mold your throat, involuntarily twitching when he glimpses the blush on your cheeks and the way your eyes slot in the back of your head. You can’t bring yourself to beg for air, dizzy from the force of his thrusts and in love with the taste of him. Your body relaxes, your core blooms with need, and your head rapidly empties of thoughts. Jisung’s skin glistens with sweat, barely visible from his shirt, trickling down his temple the closer he gets to his high. The hand in your hair loosens, gently gripping the nape of your neck as he snaps his hips into your face faster, chasing his climax with a grave groan rattling his chest. “Gonna cum…”
Jisung takes a glance at your trembling legs, peering down between them to see your cum leaking past the Hello Kitty patterned underwear. Your hips raised for a sense of friction, desperate to have your cunt touched, “Someone’s ready to be stuffed full… gettin’ desperate so soon is pathetic, but you can’t help it, can you?…” “Mmm ngh-“ You choke, eyes sliding shut completely as he thrusts into your mouth one last time, keeping his cock deep in your throat until the last drop of cum slides down it. You swallow once, a lewd gulping noise hitting his ears and sending a shiver up his spine. Your chest heaves with air when he slowly pulls away, thick strings of cum and saliva connecting your glossed lips with the tip of his cock. “Well done,” he mumbles, breathless and trying to catch it quicker than you.
Jisung succeeds, moving faster than you, quickly slipping onto the bed before dragging you to lay under him. Your stomach flips when he touches your bare skin, tracing the dip of your hips, carefully avoiding your clothed cunt until you whine loudly and trap his hand between your thighs. You glare at him, wanting your way now but too spent to voice it properly. He smiles, a gummy, cute expression that doesn’t match the harsh way his hands pry your legs apart. “You’re being a real pain today..” he mutters in one breath, enjoying your defiance to a point, “Maybe I shouldn’t fuck you at all. I think you’ll learn to be a little nicer…”
You gulp, eyes softening immediately, “I’ll good…I promise.” A sultry gasp flies from your lips, brought on by Jisung’s hands groping the fat of your thighs, spreading them for a better view of the space between them. He ignores your promise, eyeing the glistening patch of wetness seeping through the soft fabric of your underwear. You watch him stare, face burning with sparks of shame running through you, turning into rivets of pleasure when he rubs his thumb over clit gently for a moment. The tight circles he makes on the sensitive nerves have your back arching and your hands raised to grip his forearms. Jisung chuckles lowly, glancing up to glimpse the look on your face, and he’s far from disappointed seeing the lost look in your eyes. “Didn’t I just buy these for you, lil one? I could’ve sworn..” he pauses, watching your mouth fall open with a high-pitched wail, brows furrowing in slight disbelief as his thumb migrates down to your entrance, pushing into it through the fabric. It’s an odd feeling, being finger fucked with your panties, but he makes it somewhat intoxicating. The thought of ruining something he recently gifted you made your head spin with embarrassment, but you couldn’t help but enjoy it.
“…you promised not to ruin them. Now, look at you, making a mess of yourself, doing exactly the opposite.” Jisung switched to fucking you with his index and pointer fingers, smirking when you tightened down on them and involuntarily soaked through the pink cotton completely. “Did…didn’t mean to…” you ramble while whining, writhing underneath him to keep from instinctively locking his hand between your legs again. He helps you settle down, absentmindedly pressing his free hand down on your left thigh, effectively keeping you open for him. “Little liar,” he muses into your ear, biting it gently as his fingers curl inside to hit a particular spot in your warm walls. Your eyes slide shut, listening to the sound of rushed breathing, wet fabric being forced into your cunt filling the room.
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Y'all, I feel a new hyper fixation coming on…ive already made another tumblr account for it...
You know, moaning his name might be the answer to all of your problems…;) Credits to creator 🖤
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shuenkio · 4 months
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A day in ENHYPEN | OT7
Cw: mentioned of dick, masturbate, dirty talk, slightly nsfw.
You're responsible for what you're reading!
Do not copy my works ♡
A little present (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
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Starting off with the normal routine, M/N wakes up to the sound of his alarm clock. Sitting up with a groan, Swing your legs off the bed and gets up. As you stretches and yawns, M/N heads over to his dresser and throws on some casual clothes. Then, heads for the bathroom. Just as M/N was about to step inside the bathroom, You noticed that someone else was already in there. You thought for a moment that You had managed to beat everyone to the punch and be the first one in the dorm that day. However, it didn't take long before M/N realized that he was wrong. As you got up and left his room, you was greeted by a chaotic scene as the members bustled around getting ready for the day, some even eating breakfast,that jay had made. The dorm was filled with noise and movement as the members got ready, reminding him that there was never a quiet moment in this place.
You knock on the bathroom's door to see if there anyone inside then a voice response.
"It me M/N, I'm just taking a shower, if uou you wanna use thr toilet come in" Heeseung said, while he was in the enclose shower.
As you entered, closing the door behind you, the sound of running water filled your ears. Settling onto the toilet seat, about 5 min later, you were suddenly interrupted by a series of increasingly audible moans echoing from within the shower stall. The source was unmistakable - he was pleasuring himself or masturbating they say?He seemingly didn't care to your presence just inches away. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his vocalizations, you found yourself covering your ears in an attempt to block out the noise.
"Hyunng!! It's 7 in the morning??"
"Sorry m/n i-.. *shallow breathing* i needed to do it nghh"
The world around him faded into insignificance as he chased the peak of pleasure. His grip tightened around his member, matching the rhythmic strokes with increasing urgency. Each movement sent shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through his veins, drawing him closer and closer . As he reached his desire, a guttural groan escaped his lips, announcing the imminent release. With one final thrust, a torrent of semen erupted from his body, shooting the bathroom wall in stark.
"It feel hella good haaa"
As you stepped into your bedroom, fresh from the shower and eager to slip into something comfortable, you were met with an unexpected sight. Ni-ki stood before you, completely nude and unabashedly displaying butt and crotch free. The scene leaving you momentarily speechless.
"Oh lord" you managed to stammer, caught off guard by the sudden exposure.
"I didn't realize anyone else was in here" Ni-ki greet you, His eyes danced playfully as he noticed your gaze lingering on his lower half. Seizing the opportunity to tease, he leaned forward and murmured in a husky voice.
"You like the view young boy?"
As you shook your head in disbelief, he continued to push boundaries, swaying his hips seductively and causing his dick to bounce up and down with each movement, laterally breathing air.
"I could do this all day if you like M/N~ uh oh comeback don't LEaVe me"
After dressing and attempting to put the earlier encounter behind you, you made your way to the kitchen for breakfast. As others trickled in, Jay casually mentioned hearing someone moaning in the bathroom earlier. The room fell silent as everyone turned their attention towards Heeseung, whose face flushed crimson at the mention of his private indulgence.Embarrassed, he raised his hand sheepishly and admitted with a barely audible whisper,
"It was me"
The dorm erupted into a cacophony of reactions - some snickered, others shook their heads in disapproval, while most simply resumed eating their breakfast.
Amidst the chatter, Heeseung seized the opportunity to shift the focus away from his earlier confession. With a self-assured grin, he declared. Heeseung, unable to resist the temptation to boast about his recent experience, interjected with a bold declaration
"Oh man, I couldn't stop myself after sweaty wet dream last night, it needs to be release tsk. Trust me, none of you can understand the sensation of having such an big dick like mine" He responded with confidence, still remember how it's feel like doing it in the bathroom. The older members took issue with this claim and quickly chimed in. In response ,jay fired back.
"Nope It was me hyung, you merely lack with my true potential. You're just seeing my soft side, but trust me when I say that my full hard stature is far more than you can imagine" His witty comeback drew laughter from some and stunned silence from others, effectively shifting the focus of the conversation onto his size.Soon later Jake couldn't resist joining in either before burst out.
"Length isn't everything, gentlemen. What truly matters is the overall package and let me tell you, my dick pack them both. I may not be record-breaking of length, my dick can destroy your ass completely ,huff"
Jake's bold statement left the room buzzing with intrigue and curiosity once again. As the debate raged on, a new player entered the scene. Sunghoon, seemingly unfazed by the ongoing discussion, nonchalantly dropped his pants and revealed his stark white throbbing, soft dick with a delicate pink tip. His sudden entrance silenced the room as all eyes fell upon him. he speak up:
"Fuck all of you, quit this childish shit talking. It seems you all forgotten about my treasure. my white cock solo all of you"
Just as the tension seemed to dissipate, another unexpected one joined, Ni-ki, known for his slender frame, slid his pants down and proudly displayed a long, glistening penis that commanded jaw dropped from all the members.
"Ijbol, hyung hyung Just look at this meat I'm holding, skinny always got the best dick ever!!" The room gone silent in awe. Meanwhile, M/N, Jungwon and Sunoo remained indifferent. Sunoo and Jungwon continued their morning routine with calm composure, focused solely on finishing their breakfasts as if nothing out of the ordinary were happening nearby. shake of his head at the ridiculous display before him, Sunoo muttered under his breath.
"Some people never grow up, do they?"
Jungwon simply shrugged in agreement, Sipping his cup of coffee.
Once the argument over, After eating their breakfast and getting ready, the manager comes knocking on their dorm door to pick them up and take them to their workplace- the company. Once they're all ready, they head towards their workplace, getting ready for another day of work.
After completing their dance and vocal practices for the day, they head to the cafeteria to eat their lunch and recharge before taking on the next scheduled activity of the day for energy. The cafeteria is a lively and upbeat environment, with the other group chatting and laughing, as well as the aroma of tasty food filling the air.
"Eat a lot everyone, we needs a lot of energy today" jungwon announced.
Their schedule for the day is a group photo shoot, and their stylist has given them the clothes they will be wearing for the shoot. The stylist tells them to get changed in the dressing room, and they all head inside. Once inside, they each start to get changed and adjust their clothes, doing makeup and hair, getting ready for their picture-taking session.
As the day draws to a close, some members are doing their own personal schedules until late at night around 10 pm when they finish their work for the day, even earlier than expected. Their manager comes to pick them up and take them back to their dorm. When they get back to the dorm, everyone is feeling a bit too lazy to make dinner. Their leader suggests ordering online food, and then the dorm suddenly fills with chaos, again. Some members want one thing, while others want something else. It feels like pure bedlam. Meanwhile, M/N sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone, a forced smile on your face as you feel like you don't know what to do or how to fit into the chaos around you.
As the ordered food finally arrives, about half an hour later, everyone sets the table and then sits down to eat and chat about what they've gone through today. There's laughter and good spirited joking as everyone eats their fill, enjoying the end of yet another busy day.
Amidst the chaos and excitement, there exists a profound sense of joy that overwhelms like a tidal wave. It's the kind of happiness that you don't wanna lose. leaving you feeling alive and happiness. It's take blood, sweat, and tears to earn your place in this whirlwind of emotions. Yet despite the challenges faced along the way, you wouldn't trade this journey for anything else because it has shaped who you are today, ENHYPEN.
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ CRD to all pics&dividers
🗣️ let me know if you want more content like this 🤭!
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pandorxxx · 1 year
You’ve got me
Neteyam x Omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: passed around reader (neighborhood ho3) dom-reader, sub-Teyam, neck grabbing, intense orgasm, (Neteyam passing out) fluff at the end. (The tiniest bit of angst)
Synopsis: You were known as a girl who got around often. However, that didn’t stop Neteyam. He still wanted you. Maybe it was nothing but lust at first, but feelings get involved quickly
“Shit shit shit, mmm- pl-please y/n! I-can’t!” Neteyam cried, watching you bounce on him with vigor, trying to milk him for the 6th time tonight.
“Yes you can, big boy. I thought you could take it remember? You were talking all that shit earlier.” You spoke sensually in his ear, before sucking the lobe. He shut his eyes tightly, a groaning mess under you.
He was on the brink of loosing it. He had already passed out a few times, and he was on the verge of doing it again. He thought back to the lust filled conversation you two had earlier, and how he underestimated you.
*flashback begins*
“I’ve been dying to fuck you for so long.” He smirked. He had you backed into the wall, his large hand above your head as he glared down at you, nothing but lust in his eyes.
“You sure about that, baby? I know your friends talk about me.” You spoke sensually, pulling him closer by his waist. You had a bit of a reputation, and Neteyam knew that. If he was being completely honest, he couldn’t care fucking less. He just wanted to try you out, see what every other male in the clan was talking about.
Every male in the clan spoke very highly of you, and your many talents. “Oh, y/n? Shes such a fucking slut, the best I’ve ever had. She’d definitely give it up if you asked.” They’d confess to Neteyam, reminiscing on all the times they had their turn.
“Mhm, they do. But I’m not worried about that. I want you.” He spoke lowly, bending down to leave soft kisses on your neck, leaving you completely breathless.
“You think you can keep up with me? I’m really intense baby. Especially with someone I like.” You panted, feeling the pool in your loincloth find its way down your thighs.
“Oh, so you like me, huh?” He asked in between leaving hickeys on your neck. His hand slid down to your loincloth band, ripping it off of your hips. His hand trailed to your dripping cunt, playing with the slit to coat his fingers in your essence.
“The real question is…” he started, lifting you up by your thighs, pinning you on the wall. “Can you keep up with me?” He bit his bottom lip before kissing you passionately. And just like that, he had you right where he wanted you. He didn’t know where he went wrong, however. Now, you were ontop of him, taking his soul with every bounce to his lap.
*flashback ends*
“Babyyy! I-I already came 5 fucking times! Isn’t th-that enough??!” He cried, tears streaming down his puffy eyes as you did your dance on him.
“I like even numbers…” you whispered against his lips, glaring into his eyes as you sped up the pace. His mouth fell slightly agape, his drunk eyes narrowing as he watched you sit up on him.
“You wanna give it to me? Or should I take it? It’s your choice Neteyam.” You giggled deliriously, using his chest as leverage to bounce on him at full speed.
“Ahh-ha! Uhh fuuuck! J-just take it, please! I-I can’t keep up with you!” He whined, shaking his head from side to side in disbelief. He was so delirious that he couldn’t even keep still. Trying his best to find some kind of relief from the over stimulation.
“P-leassssee slow down!” He whimpered, face screwing in intensity. He grabbed your hips lazily, trying to slow you down but you sucked him of all his energy, similar to that of a succubus. Only this wasn’t a dream, as much as he wished it was.
“You know…you talk a meaaan game Neteyam. When deep down, you’re really just a newbie at this. Waiting in line to get a taste, right? Well, now you have me. So fucking take it.” You spoke in your sensual tone, slowing down your pace to rock back and forth on him.
“I-I can’t take it, baby. Tis too m-ngh!- much for me!” He whimpered, covering his face with his large hands, in hopes of avoiding intense eye contact with you.
“Why are you f-fucking me like thissss?” He groaned, hands finding their way to his sweaty forehead, eyes shut tightly from the intensity.
“I like you sooo much, Teyam. I-I’ve been wanting to give it to you for a long time.” You moaned, shifting your hands to his neck, gripping it tightly. Nothing but clapping sounds and loud moans filled the hut.
“Ok! Ok! I-I’m right here. I-I’m not going anywhere, I promise baby! Juuuust *thrust* s-looow *thrust* downnn!” He whined, gripping your wrists as his head flew back in intense pleasure.
“Not until you fill me up again!” You moaned, feeling his swollen tip slam against your sweetspot with every hard bounce to his lap.
“Shiiitt! You’ve milked me of e-everything I have y/n, please!” his voice was horse, exhausted even. His eyes opened and closed slowly, and his body went limp under you. Signaling that he was going to pass out for the 4th time tonight.
“Wake up, teyam! I’m almost done with you, I promise.” You whined, smacking him across the face a couple of times, and nothing. His eyes were blank, tears slowly flowing out of the corners. His limp body twitched ever so slightly with every bounce. He finally came to with the loudest gasp, eyes wide as heavy breaths followed.
“There you are, baby.” You moaned, leaning down to give him a passionate kiss. You pecked his quivering lips, as his whole body shook, preparing for his 6th orgasm.
“I-I’m gonna fucking cum y/n. I-I just can’t take this shit anymore.” He spoke with his strained and low voice, shaking his head from side to side slowly, tears streaming down the sides of his face.
“Go ahead, Teyam. You deserve it. You did such a good fucking job!” You whined, kissing his neck passionately. Your orgasm was approaching you too, causing your entire body to shake.
“Oh! Great mother yes!” He whimpered, eyes rolling back as he painted your walls for the 6th time. A series of moans followed as he watched your pelvises stick together with every meeting.
“Tell me how much you love this pussy!” You growled, tightening your grip around his bruised neck. “I-I love this fucking pussy.” He spoke deliriously, taking his bottom lip in between his teeth as he watched you fall apart on top of him.
“Mmm! Teyam, I-Im cumming!” You screamed, convulsing on top of him as your juices flowed down the sides of his hips. “Mhmmm.” Was all he managed to get out as he nodded his head lazily, falling in and out of consciousness. You finally slowed down on him, riding out your high with a series of moans. Neteyam was out cold again, head slumped to the side as his chest moved up and down calmly.
“Neteyam?” You spoke in a concerned tone, snapping your fingers in-front of his face. His hips moved around underneath you, trying to find a comfortable position.
“m’ sooo tired.” He mumbled, lifting you off of him lazily, pushing you to the side before turning his back to you, getting comfortable on the cot. Your heart sank to your stomach, ears going flat, tail tucking between your legs. He got what he wanted, and forgot all about you. Leaving you cold and alone with your own thoughts.
He was just like every other male in this clan. And it hurt your feelings that he couldn’t care fucking less about you. You’d been searching for the right mate this whole time, and you thought that the only way to achieve this was to give yourself to a man in the most vulnerable way possible. And you kept giving, and giving, but nothing was working. You thought Neteyam would be different, that he would be the one. But it seemed as if you were wrong…yet again.
Your eyes filled with tears, making your vision blurry. Your throat was tight, and no amount of swallowing was helping you. Your heart was in physical pain, and there was no way of setting this fire out. You turned around to the wall, laying down as tears streamed down your cheeks. Suddenly, the cot started to move, and 2 strong arms engulfed you in a warm embrace.
His chest was firm against your back. You could feel his beating heart. His soft snoring in your ear calmed you. His tail wrapping around the two of you before he pulled you closer into him. It warmed your heart. No other male had ever made you feel this protected. “Teyam?” You asked hesitantly, caressing the strong arm wrapped around your shoulder.
“Mmm?” He hummed, pulling you in closer, if that was even possible. “A-Are you gonna leave me? After you wake up?” You asked in a defeated tone, already feeling as if you knew the answer.
“Only to get my things…and move them in here. You’re mine now. And I’m not going anywhere. I want to show you different than what you’re used to.” He spoke lazily, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck, leaving his scent all over you. You had never felt more relieved in your life. Finally finding comfort in a man’s embrace.
“What? Trying to get rid of me so quickly?” He mumbled, holding you tightly as if you were going to get up and walk away from him.
“Never. I want this. I want you.” You confessed, kissing his arm before closing your eyes in comfort. A lighthearted smile crept across his face, kissing the top of your head before speaking.
“You’ve got me…”
Taglist: @loaksbabyy @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @thecutieyahia @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @neteyamsprincess @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
Part 2
𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑
Warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI, p in v, praise kink, overstimulation
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The car ride home was awkward. His hand found a place on your thigh, while the other hand was on the steering wheel. It was now late at night.
You glanced at him a few times, thinking he didn’t notice. After you did it again he looked back at you.
You snapped your eyes back foward.
He chuckled at that. His laugh was… hot. God, you need help.
You swallowed and crossed your legs, hoping and praying he really wouldn’t notice it. But he did, he noticed the way your thighs squeezed together and you stared outside the window. He noticed it all.
He didn’t say anything and decided to wait until you both got back to your dads house.
When he got there, he took his hand off your thigh. You sighed quietly in relief and he quickly was opening your car door, something he always insisted on doing.
He looked around while you got out and he shut the door, locking it and following you inside.
Your dad wasn’t home, you could tell by his car not parked outside.
You looked at the cameras installed then Kraven.
“Wanna go watch a movie?” You asked him, he raised his eyebrows, knowing what you were up to.
“I’d love to.”
Luckily, your dad trusted Kraven and he trusted him enough to let him do whatever as long as he stayed with you. And as long as you guys weren’t having “sexual relations”
Sorry, dad.
You followed him upstairs, he looked around the room and made way for you to come in.
He shut the door softly behind you.
“Didn’t invite me in here for movies, did you?” He asked with a low voice, licking his lips, and taking off his jacket and putting it on your bed.
“How’d you know?” You rolled your eyes. He pushed you softly onto the bed, and got on top of you. He undid the buttons on his shirt, and you took yours off.
As he threw his shirt off, he looked down at you.
“Your parents will be home any second now.”
“So?” You asked, he leaned down and kissed you, his hands traveling down your body.
You both were breathless by the end of the make out session. Your bra, shirt, and pants were discarded on the floor. He decided to stop messing around and he took out his painfully hard cock. Leaking pre cum already.
He wasted no time pulling off your panties, ripping them and you groaned.
“I’ll buy you a new one.” He said quickly, and you were about to say something but your words turned into a moan as he slowly pushed his cock inside of you.
He stayed still for a little to let you adjust again to his size, which is something no other guy has done with you.
You smiled at him for a moment, and he kissed you again, his mouth moving against yours.
“Can I move?”
You nodded, and that was all the confirmation he needed. He slowly thrusted at first, wanting to take his time with you.
But he couldn’t control himself. His animalistic like urges got the best of him, besides, he went slow with you earlier.
So, he started to thrust faster, harsher. It made you moan out his name, he listened to the sound of your sweet voice and noises with a smirk on his face. Your boobs bouncing as he gripped the headboard tightly, so tightly he thought it might break a little.
The necklace on his neck moved with him, and seeing him like this was a beautiful sight. It looked as if he had been sculpted by an artist, as if he was a God himself.
“Fuck, I love this cunt.” He groaned out, and he could tell you were enjoying this because of how you tightened around his cock. It made him make noise that you found amazing.
You yelled out his name with a moan again, and he knew you were gonna cum.
You came on his cock, legs shaking, and loudly. He watched you closely, not wanting to miss this beautiful sight.
“Where should I-“ he couldn’t finish his sentence, because you quickly answered.
“Inside. Please.” You whimpered out. His eyes widened, and he slowed down, and he did just that. Painting your walls white with his seed with a moan that shook the walls.
Your eyes were shut as he pulled out, you were sensitive and he could tell.
He smiled softly at your state, and he went to the bathroom for a moment as you caught your breath.
He came back with a rag, he made his way to your body, eyes still shut and tired. He put the rag to your overstimulated hole.
“Sergei, no more, please.” You mumbled quietly.
He smiled again. “Jus’ cleaning you up.”
“Oh. Never mind.” Once again, you weren’t used to that, or had anyone else do that for you. He continued and then put his clothes back on. You were asleep quickly, and he heard the front door downstairs open.
He quietly shut and stood outside the door, greeting your parents who asked if you were asleep.
You fell asleep with a smile on your face. For the first time, you were glad that your parents hired him.
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