#thoughts thoughts thoughts! (��๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
ssecond-hand-faith · 7 months
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Milo! Milo! Milo!
Big fan of the use of animal noises in Perfect Love
Pre Milo is talking to Eris
Violence and Manipulation Milo are talking to Ryan someone else
Milo belongs to @perfectlovevn
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Welcome to my blog!
About me...
A 19 y/o from Brazil
Gender? Soup (all pronouns are fine)
Late to Tumblr (joined a year ago)
2° & 3° account: @justobeymepolls @semunom
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Obey Me! Masterlist... [ ⁠♡ ]
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cheesy09 · 9 months
[CN] Kiro's 6th Anniversary Event Story - Final Part (2)
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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Haha, so apparently I was wrong about the last post being the final part of this event story. And if you thought the last one was cute and wholesome, wait till you read this one 😭💕
Read Part 1: HERE
[PART 2]
For this part, producers were asked to leave questions for themselves during the fifth anniversary to answer during the sixth anniversary, kind of like a year-end review.
There is a gentle breeze outside the window, and Kiro looks at me, waiting expectantly for me to speak.
I take a breath and say it slowly while thinking.
The first question I ask myself is: <self-written question>... <the player answers>.
The second question I asked is: <self written question>... <player answers>
My third question is: <self-written question> My answer is... <player answers>
After answering, Kiro hugs me into his arms and cannot help but peck the corner of my mouth.
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Kiro: I declare that I am loving this event very much.
Kiro: I didn't expect to meet Miss Chips from a different period like this and hear your true feelings.
Kiro: There is a feeling of memories coming to us and embracing us~
I rub the crook of his neck.
MC: Then let me take a look at the Kiro from that time~
Kiro: Before answering, I have a small "note" to tell you in advance.
MC: What?
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Kiro: That is, Miss Chips needs to know - my heart has long transcended all languages.
Kiro: So what I'm going to say next cannot explain everything about me.
Watching him speaking so seriously, I wink at him.
MC: You don't have to worry about that.
MC: I'll be able to see those feelings that cannot be put into words in your eyes.
[Video shot during the fifth anniversary]
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Kiro: This is the interrogation room of Kiro's soul. This is during the happy fifth anniversary of his relationship with Miss Chips.
Kiro: Next, I have a few questions that I would like to leave for myself one year from now. The full score of this questionnaire is 30. Asking Mr. Kiro to make his own evaluation.
Kiro: The first question is, was she happy every minute she was around you this year? If she was unhappy, did you make her happy in the end?
Kiro: Second question, what new achievements have you unlocked with her this year?
Kiro: The third question is, have you tried your best to make her feel happy this year?
Kiro: How much did you score in the end? Go and report it to MC next to you!
Kiro: But I have great faith in this superhero. These things are as natural and important to you as breathing, right?
[End of video]
Seeing all the questions related to me, I feel a surge of affection in my heart.
MC: For the first question... can I, the client, answer it?
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Kiro: Of course, no one is more qualified than you.
Watching him "take off his hat" to me like a gentleman, I am immediately amused and cooperate by "holding up my skirt". I speak slowly.
MC: I'm happy every minute, even every second, when I'm with Kiro.
Kiro: Your evaluation of me is much too high. How am I supposed to improve next year?
MC: Although I think you're good enough now, I know that Mr. Kiro, the perfectionist, isn't willing to lose to this year's version of himself.
MC: Then I'll just leave this problem to the you of next year~
I blink my eyes, model my hand to look like a "microphone" and put it to his mouth.
MC: It's your turn to answer the next questions.
Kiro: Let me think... you and I have unlocked a lot of achievements this year that it feels like a list of 99+!
Kiro: For example, I learned ballet with you, we rode horses together, and as my first family member, you accompanied me to play the suona...
This is a reference to Kiro's Joyful Heart Minds Quest, Happiness Date and Loud Date :>
Kiro: I feel like I won't be able to finish listing them even in three days and three nights.
A smile overflows from those blue pupils.
Kiro: In my heart, even if I just fry a perfect heart-shaped egg with you, it's an "achievement" worthy of being recorded.
A reference to his Partner Date
MC: Then let's continue to unlock more achievements and strive for 999 in the next year!
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Kiro: If the goal is set so high, doesn't that mean that we'll have to stay together every minute to achieve it?
Once he sees me nod, Kiro hugs me tightly in satisfaction.
Kiro: Now it's time for the final question. My answer is--
Kiro: I have. Not only that, I too feel happy when I'm around you.
Kiro: This is the best proof.
My heart quietly swells in my chest. I smile and reach out to hold his face.
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MC: If we're measuring it like this, then let's be a bit more "unsatisfied".
He obviously understands the implication of my words and lowers his head, nuzzling the tip of my nose.
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Kiro: Then I will give myself a score of 29 this year.
Kiro: In order to make MC happier, I will never be satisfied.
Kiro: I will always give you the best.
[PART 3]
When the car drives into Fairytale City, I can't help but sigh that the city is just like its name - with buildings full of fairytale motifs spreading out like oil paintings.
The heart-shaped stone wall standing in the distance looks like an illustration in a fairytale storybook. The hot air balloons floating in the sky use the sky as a backdrop to color the path of its flight.
We are surrounded by a dreamlike beauty, all of it too beautiful to be true.
MC: Aren't we going home? How come...
Kiro: Well, since we're out having fun, of course I'd want to take Miss Chips with me to see more beautiful scenery.
Kiro blinks at me and points at the hot air balloon floating in the sky, giving me a mysterious smile.
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Kiro: By the way, let me reveal to you the best viewing location here--
Kiro: Come with me to the experience this fairytale.
[Version 1]
When Kiro and I arrive at the at the hot air balloon ticketing counter, we are told that the next earliest flight would be in an hour.
With no choice left, we buy the tickets and wait on a bench nearby.
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Kiro: The sun will have set after an hour. It's a pity that we can't see the best scenery at sunset.
MC: It doesn't matter, the night view is also very lovely. We can look down at the thousands of lights and look up at the stars~
??: Grandpa and grandma, the two of you are celebrating your 60th anniversary, right? I wish you a happy anniversary!
I see a few people surrounding an old couple who look incredibly happy.
I am surprised hearing the term "sixtieth anniversary", but also a little hopeful and envious.
MC: 60th anniversary... that's ten times ours!
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Kiro: When we get to that age, it'll be interesting to sit here and reflect on today's scene.
While I happily agree, the corner of my gaze accidentally meets that of the old lady's, so I smile politely at them.
Seeing me say hello, the old man smiles and nods.
Grandpa: Have the two of you also come here for your anniversary, young ones?
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MC: Yes, this is our sixth year, and he specially brought me here to take me on a hot air balloon ride~
Grandpa: Then he was right to bring you here. The scenery here is truly magnificent, especially now, just in time for sunset.
At this moment, Kiro smiles akwardly.
Kiro: Yes, but it's a pity that I couldn't buy the current flight. The earliest one is an hour later.
The old lady suddenly pats her thigh, and after whispering a few words to her husband, the two of them come over and hand us two tickets.
Grandma: Come, we can just exchange tickets with you two. It just so happens that our hot air balloon will take off in a few minutes, so you can catch up.
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MC: ...!
Kiro: ...Thank you both for your kindness, but today is your sixtieth anniversary. It's only right that you see the most beautiful scenery.
Grandma: You are welcome, but this isn't the first time we've been here. We've seen it many times, during the day and night.
Regardless of our refusal, the old lady enthusiastically put the tickets into my hand. Seeing our desire to return it, she quickly waves her hand.
Grandma: When this old man and I first came here to celebrate our anniversary, a couple helped us exchange our tickets.
"--Passengers at 17:20 please start checking in."
Grandma: It's fate. Hurry up and go.
Kiro and MC: Thank you~ Happy 60th Anniversary!
We no longer decline, but solemnly and gratefully thank them, bidding them farewell.
When I turn around and walk towards the ticket gate, I can't help but squeeze Kiro's hand.
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Kiro: When we celebrate our 60th anniversary, let's wish other young couples the same way.
MC: Pfft...
With him saying the term "young couples" so seriously, I can't help but laugh out loud.
And the moment our eyes meet, it is as if we have already envisioned our 60th anniversary.
[Version 2]
On the cobblestone street, the musicians play their instruments as if intoxicated. The melodious sound of bagpipes make the quiet and peaceful city backdrop even richer.
The buildings on both sides of the street are unique, as if after opening a certain door, one can see the elves of legend.
We stop at the corner of the intersection. A small store seems to grab Kiro's attention.
The signboard of the mini store does not carry the name of the store, but a pattern of a hot air balloon is stitched together using various materials.
The mellow yellow light in the window is very warm, and a dizzying variety of handicrafts fill the shelves in the store. We walk along the shelves, and a decorative painting of a hot air balloon made of colored crystals at the end catches my eye.
On a blue background, colorful hot-air balloons rise slowly, with red ribbons tied to the baskets of the hot air balloons.
MC: Kiro, do you think this looks familiar?
Kiro thinks for a moment and then a hint of joy flashes in his eyes.
Kiro: This painting is similar to the scene of us riding in a hot air balloon together in our last "Agent Level Elopement Plan".
Kiro: Look, this place looks very much like the set we filmed at. I remember that next to it was the hotel we stayed in, and a flower field!
His fingers point at the corner of the picture and those scenes seem to reappear before my eyes.
On such a day, coming across such a suitable gift seems to be destiny.
Just as I am about to buy it, Kiro picks up the painting before I do.
Kiro: Shall we take it home?
Kiro: It's a very suitable piece to place in our "private memorial".
I pause and hold his arm seriously.
MC: Kiro, do you think that we were on the same wavelengths just now?
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Kiro: So what do we do next?
Kiro deliberately pauses after speaking, as if he wants me to cooperate in answering his obvious question.
I can't help but chuckle and quickly continue.
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MC: We pay and leave for a ride on the hot air balloon, of course!
Kiro: Bingo, our tacit understanding is perfect today as well.
Once he finishes speaking, he lowers his head and pecks my lips, then leads me towards the cashier.
When I walk out of the shop, the crimson color of the setting sun fills the sky, seeming to embody all of my expectations.
Facing the afterglow of the setting sun, we board the last hot air balloon before the sun completely sets.
After speaking with the staff, Kiro personally handles the hot air balloon we are taking. As we continue to climb in altitude, the field of our vision also continues to expand.
The overall picture of the fairytale city gradually becomes clear, the scenery of the city gradually becoming smaller and smaller, slowly turning into lights, with stars falling under our feet.
As the terminus of this journey, the scenery in front of me satisfies my imagination befitting of the words fairytale, romance and beauty.
Looking at the one beside me, I can't help but wonder about the question I was curious about when we set off.
MC: Unexpectedly, good things, big and small, kept happening at every stop of our journey.
MC: However, they all happened for different reasons, so it's difficult to pin-point one specific answer.
The setting sun immerses his entire body in a gentle golden glow, making him look dreamy and soft.
Kiro: While the answer is indeed difficult to summarize, now that I think about it, maybe we've been making things too complicated.
MC: Hm?
Kiro: Since the prerequisite for all good things to happen is to be with my favorite MC...
Kiro: Then the reason why good things happen is simple--
Within that dreamy scenery, like a waterfall of light, I completely see myself in those blue eyes.
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Kiro: It's because we love each other.
The extremely simple echo falls solemnly and decisively into my ears, filling my heart with the person before me.
Kiro: It's because the direction of our progress always leads us to each other. Our eyes always look at where the other person is.
Kiro: It's because we seem to be the other half of each other's souls. We are complete together, and we know each other's little habits and bad tempers well.
He slightly leans over and pulls me into his arms.
Kiro: [lets out a lovesick sigh] Along the way, we've cleared levels and won prizes with tacit understanding. Although we encountered a few difficulties, we'd be full of confidence, as long as we are together.
Kiro: Accidental luck is enough to make us happy; the similarities and differences of our bodies are like our souls growing together.
Kiro: Those good things are all things filled with joy, and these joys are the eyes of you who stay with me and look at the world together with me.
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Kiro: It's because Kiro and MC love each other deeply, that the world also gives us more love.
Kiro: Giving us good things, surprising us, and allowing us to hold onto to these blessings together.
He gently touches our foreheads together, and our accompanying shadows seem to overlap at this moment.
Kiro: MC, you made the world love me.
The world becomes hazy, leaving me clueless as to what to say. All I can do is hug him tightly.
I know that this is the only answer - the one good thing that can be traced, is the magic of love.
MC: Then I'll work hard to make this world love you more and let it give you all its love.
The promise on that hot air balloon becomes clearer in my memory. Within that magnificent scenery, I let go of the embrace and stretch out my hands into the shape of a trumpet.
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Into the distance, towards the direction of the sun, I shout loudly, wanting to devote my entire heart to him.
The sky is filled with rays of light, both on the horizon and on my face.
In his arms, I clearly hear his heartbeat at this moment, echoing warmly with my own.
MC: Kiro, thank you for the surprise you've given me. I don't think I will ever forget this scenery.
Kiro: The most beautiful scenery is about to take place now.
The moment his words fall, the colored lights hanging on the balloon go from being perpetually lit to flickering like stars, like some kind of signal.
A brilliant streak pierces the dusky sky and fireworks burst into bloom, instantly showering the world with flowers akin to daylight.
The next second, a gentle kiss falls upon my lips.
The press of his lips turns into a lingering warmth. I close my eyes and respond to him passionately with those unfinished words in my heart.
The sound of fireworks rings loud in my ears, but they cannot beat the sound of my heartbeat at this moment.
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Kiro: MC, happy sixth anniversary.
Kiro: Only now can the trip be considered worthwhile.
At this moment, he uses everything at his disposal to create a grand fairytale for me.
Even if the glow behind me is eternal, it is far less brilliant than the lover in front of me.
He gives me all of his love and never worries about me asking for more. All that matters to him is whether he is giving me enough, and then says things as if it is most natural thing ever.
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MC: This must be the most beautiful fairy tale I have ever seen.
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Kiro: No matter how incredible the fairytale is, I will make it come true for you.
[PART 4]
When I see the photos of various sceneries posted on the car's glass, my voice rises a bit with joy.
MC: These were the places we travelled to together!
MC: But I've never seen these before. Why has a certain someone been taking secret photos?
My eyes stop on a few familiar yet unfamiliar "roads" and I point at them.
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Kiro: These aren't secret photos. It's called using the power of technology to perfectly capture Miss Chips.
Kiro: That way, when I become a grandpa, I can--
He raises his eyes, touches his non-existent beard and pecks the photo of me.
Kiro: [imitating an old man's voice x1] Hmm~ My Miss Chips hasn't changed at all.
Kiro: [x2] Still so cute~
MC: Pfft, you're so dramatic!
Kiro: Nu-uh, what I said is true.
He winks seriously. I smile and peck him, picking up the first photo I come across.
MC: Then I want to appreciate the work of this photographer~
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In the photo, the both of us are illuminated by the bright sun, our adjacent shadows playfully falling on the mottled ancient wall.
MC: I remember this place! We were imitating the little ducks walking on the roadside! But why didn't you send it to me at that time?
Kiro: This is the basic characteristic of a "magician". If I had sent them all to you, I wouldn't have been able to see your current expression.
He moves a little closer to me and a soft hum of success falls into my ear.
MC: Oh~ Turns out that this is the "magic" that Master Kiro had prepared long ago.
I smile secretly and continue to browse through the photos. Two blurry figures come into my sight--
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Snow spread out all over the window, and within the frame, he was singing a duet with me with a mini-microphone. Just a single glance at it is able to make me feel very warm inside.
MC: You actually cut it out of the "MV" we recorded for fun! It looks way more atmospheric than the dynamic one~
Kiro: This can be called our "life photo"!
Kiro: With that said... here is another "life photo" of us.
He leans down and points to a photo with a smile.
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Kiro: Ding ding, it's this--
Kiro: The moment "Miss Chips was taking pictures of her favorite person, and then the person who likes her most took pictures of her".
I look at the picture and my heart fills with layers of warmth.
It turns out that before I could put the person I like into my "world", I was always in his world.
MC: What should I do? I like every picture you take.
I gently caress the photo, but my gaze couldn't wait to see the "us" in the next picture--
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In a quiet sea of flowers, we are seated in a retro convertible sports car. Same story - I look at the scenery, while he looks at me.
The winter sunshine illuminates him brilliantly, and also lit me up beside him.
Kiro: This photo also left a deep impression on me. When I saw this scene in the rearview mirror, I was thinking...
Kiro: Why is MC so beautiful? The scenery isn't as lovely as ten thousandth of you.
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MC: It's obvious that I have a filter in your eyes~
Kiro: But you're clearly very lovely.
Kiro: What makes me happy is never the scenery, but you in the scenery.
His determination fills me up little by little. I lean into his arms with peace of mind and look at the last photo.
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Under the dreamy purple clouds, hot air balloons float in the sky.
The person who creates romance for me holds a bouquet of "doll flowers" and smiles brightly at the camera.
MC: What about this one... how did you think of recording the scene before the surprise reveal?
MC: Could it be that you wanted to record my before and after pictures~
Kiro: Not exactly.
Kiro: In addition to recording you in this piece, I also wanted to record myself.
Kiro: I wanted to know what the Kiro who prepares everything for you and loves you so much, is like.
Kiro: But now it seems like nothing special.
He pauses and tightens his hold on me.
Kiro: He's just an ordinary person who likes his beloved very much.
I turn around and hook the back of his neck.
MC: Who said that? In my eyes he is super handsome and unique!
MC: So let me see you like this one more time, okay~
A corner of polarized light gently seeps into his eyes. He lowers his head and gently kisses my forehead.
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Kiro: Certainly. This is what I have always done and will continue to do in the future.
Kiro: Let me be the Kiro who likes you the most in this world.
Kiro: --It's a promise and a resolution.
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unh0lyl0ve · 1 year
🌈、name; Call me Unholy ﹕ᵔᗜᵔ
➹ ▨ ୧ pronoun; it/its ze/zir he/him
・︰╮tws; obessession, stalking, unhealthy coping, yandere, etc╰🌟
★﹐extra; you don’t know who I am.🌬️
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zexainias-doodles · 10 months
Heart throb
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Another one colored! As I said in the previous post, I actually have this sweater. I thought it would be very fitting for him. Why is he so cute tho (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
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konigsblog · 5 months
step mom!reader have milf like tits and koing going and sucking it (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
photo credit; @glutt_r on x/twitter. 🐦
tw/cw; stepcest, mommy issues, loser!perv!stepson!könig x stepmom!reader, dark fiction, non-con, somnophilia — dead dove: do not eat. MDNI 18+
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your stepson isn't concerned about moving out anytime soon. he's away for the majority of the year anyways, going on long and rough deployments that leave his body aching and his weeping dick longing for the tightness and stickiness of your pussy.
the least you could do is allow him to have his way with you, right? he works so hard, mäusi.
könig would be lying if he said he hadn't had sex with your sleeping body. he fantasies about that moment the entirety of his deployment, dreaming of re-enacting the videos he'd recorded to get off to. it's disgusting and deranged to most, but to könig, he sees no wrong and taking what he believes is his.
one thing könig began to fantasise about was your tits. his hung cock oozed orbs of his arousal at the thought of sucking your tits, perhaps even fucking his meaty length between them, although that seems too risky for his first day back in your arms. he huffs and breathes in the scent of your pleasure dampening your panties, thankful his father is away at work for tonight.
könig couldn't help himself at the sight, no man could resist the temptation of your soft body. your tits are supple and plump, with your nipples perky and stiff at the sudden cold air on them, your t-shirt pulled up leaving you vulnerable and exposed to your stepson. könig lays on your body, crushing you and holding you down as he begins to suck on them, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion and his fat dick aching with euphoria.
könig rolls his warm tongue back and forth over them, groaning loudly at the feeling of your hard nub against his tongue. of course, you're eventually awoken to the wet and warm feeling of his mouth around your tits, humiliated and disgusted at the sight, squirming to no avail as he dry humps you ‘til he's cumming in his boxers, staining them with his creaminess.
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Imagine giving Shanks baby fever
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At a tavern
Child: I wanna join your crew!
Shanks: pfft, no way
Child: I'm a real good fighter, I won't get in the way, I promise!
Shanks: hmmm, [taps his chin and looks like he's thinking about it]
Child: [thinks he's going to get a chance]
Shanks: hmm...Hmmm?... No
Child: aw come on
Child's mother: [barges into the tavern holding her infant] Julius Antony D. Frost! What do you think you are doing here? You haven't finished your chores, the goats got hungry and two of them broke into the house!
Child: but mom!
Child's mother: here hold this [foists her infant into your arms and drags her son off by his ear]
You: ??? [Looks to the local barkeep for help]
Barkeep: she'll be back when she realizes, just look after that little girl until then.
You: [pulls the infant closer to you and glowers]
Barkeep: I know it's a little unorthodox, but that lady has six kids, you're holding her only daughter, and her husband is a fisherman. This means he's gone most of the time, and her five eldest boys keep her busy, so please don't judge her, we help her out as much as she'll allow.
You: fine, [goes over to your table with Shanks]
Shanks: [cocks his head and gets a good look at the baby]
Baby: [looks at Benn and starts to cry]
Shanks: [pushes Benn away] You're scaring the baby.
Benn: ay! Ay! Alright, alright, I'll move.
You: [bounces the infant, pats it on the back, and starts to sing to try]
Baby: [settles down, and relaxes against your shoulder]
Shanks: wow, I didn't know you were so good with kids.
You: I didn't either... [Turns to the barkeep] Can I get this table wiped down so I can set the baby down?
Barkeep: [ obliges]
You: [sits the baby's weight down on the table, but keeps your arm around her so she's still leaning against you] Are you the cutest baby in the world?
Baby: ◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜
You: [gasps] Yes you are, you are the cutest baby in the whole world. [Gently tickles her tummy]
Baby: [giggles]
The crew: [find the two of you painfully adorable]
Baby: [ turns to Shanks and makes grabby hands at him]
Shanks: [ leans in closer]
Baby: [grabs a handful of his hair]
Shanks: she's got a good grip on her, how old is she? A year?
Barkeep: yeah, fourteen months, I think.
You: oh I could just eat you up, yes I could! In fact, I think I will. [Blows raspberries on her tummy]
Baby: [erupts into laughter]
You: [ pulls the baby back to your chest, leans back against Shanks, and smiles up at him] She still has that baby smell.
Shanks: (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
Child's mother: [bursts through the establishment's doors] Holly!
Baby: [whips around to look at her mother]
Child's mother: oh thank God, thank you for looking after her, I'm so sorry.
You: it's okay, she's easy to deal with, plus from the looks of it you had your hands full. [ Passes her her child]
Child's mother: she is, isn't she? Thank you have a nice day. [Leaves with her child]
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Later that night
Benn: you've been eyeing them all night, what's up.
Shanks: [shifts his gaze from you to Benn] So I'm not as subtle as I thought I was... I dunno. Ever since seeing them with the baby, what was her name? Holly?... I guess I can't get it out of my head.
Benn: oh you've got baby fever, don't cha?
Shanks: [blushes] maybe
Benn: I thought you didn't want kids on this boat anymore?
Shanks: I don't, that hasn't changed. [Gets up and heads over to you] What do you say we call it a night?
You: hmm, alright, I'm getting tired anyway. [Lets Shanks lead you to the Captain's quarters]
Shanks: [is handsy with you the whole way]
You: [doesn't mind] You seem rather frisky tonight, or at least friskier than usual.
Shanks: Sorry, but seeing how good you are with kids really ignited something within me. [Smooches up and down your neck]
You: I thought you didn't want kids?
Shanks: For Fuck's sake, I don't, not yet, but that doesn't mean I don't want to practice. [Dumps you on the bed and starts to take off his pants.]
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st4rrth0ughts · 8 months
Hello!!! Since I've been reading all of ur fics especially the hsr ones, I like it so much(⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠) . I don't know how you got the idea of it and it makes me feel giddy. If u may , can I request: I want to do unspeakable things to Welt Yang(I main him) like I wanna mark him, bite him, doing different positions, just mating non-stop, I don't know what to add for the reader, you can add tho if ya want, but I want the reader taller (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠). This is my first request btw (I apologize if I have the wrong grammar or the text of it)
Can I be your "❄️" anon? (⁠>⁠0⁠<⁠;⁠)
bestie no need to apologise that thought is so real (btw whats your team comp i need one for peepaw)
welt with a taller baker reader from the luofu 👓🦯
tw, cw: angst (reader is dead in hi3,) i dont play hi3, food play (occasionally feeding him some chocolates for being a good boy, nothing extreme), petplay, reader is immortal and thus is extremly confused on how Welt's vocal cords are working a/n: 1. what the fuck is a honkai 2. should i play hi3 3. does anyone hate feeding and fattening related kinks??? sorry but i just- cant even try and read those fics ngl the art makes it WORSE
welt loves you. at least, that's what he tells himself, seeing your counterpart work around in the luofu's famed bakery, having been years since he's held your dying body in his arms, sobbing as the light drained from your eyes. He's snapped out of his thoughts as you shoot him a friendly grin, gesturing the man and his two companions to come in. You look the exact same that he remembered you. But your not the same person. He cant just go in and try to convince you he's your lover from another universe, he'll look like a maniac! well, it seems the months of exchanging letters and gifts has won him the spot in your heart. Oh, and in your bed, as a bonus.
Sometimes, when Welt looks at your face, he feels like both crying and hugging you. You just- looked so much like your dead counterpart, from your eyes and hair, down to the way you fucked and handled him with so much care in bed. But he knows that you aren't them, never will be, in fact. And that's okay. He loves you in his own way, just like he loved them once. The man would never lump the two of you together, because you aren't them. (blade im looking at you)
But for now, he doesn't focus on that, simply relaxing in your hold, letting you unbutton his shirt, slide your hands over his underwear, your coarse but gentle voice sending shivers down his spine. A small whimper escapes his mouth as your finger teases his entrance, while you grin at how slick he already is, at least you dont have to find the lube. Lifting his thighs onto your shoulder, and licking that sweet pussy delicately, eliciting a delightful moan from the man, fisting your hair as he tries to grind weakly against you face.
This lovely man, for someone that's 82 years old- well, in human years? You were an immortal from the Luofu, humans are confusing. That being said, from what you've read, humans are more fragile in this state. How he was squealing and crying out in such a high pitched voice, arching his back as tears spill from his eyes as your tongue ravishes his pretty pussy, you figure that he's straining himself, just for you. How adorable, he's doing such a wonderful job. and good boys deserve a huge reward! Cooing softly as you push a small piece of chocolate in his mouth, watching him swallow it as he pants softly, a delirious smile on his face.
Grunting as you gently placed a collar around the man's neck, the leash's end gently clicking around the loop, smiling as he whines softly at the gentle pressure on his bite ridden neck. Pulling the leash closer, the bell jingling lightly as you pull him in for a sloppy kiss, free hand reaching down to fondle his nipples, watching the brunette throw his head back as he jerks from the stimulation, shrill shrieks escaping the man's mouth as he begs for your cock in him, to fill his cunt with your cum. He's been doing such a good job, he deserves the final prize.
Muffling his sobs as your cock pounds into him from behind, only for his head to be yanked back as you tut your tongue disapprovingly, his mind only registering about how he was being such a naughty little puppy, and that if he does that again, you'll just stuff a plug up his pussy, and leave him there, and he doesn't want that! So he's your good boy, eyes rolling back and tongue lolling out as he makes sounds that rival the top pornographic models you've seen. Aeons- you can practically feel your cock threathening to cum when he squirts for the nth time, kiss ridden thighs quivering as he begs so, so sweetly for you.
When you finally cum in him, he wails as he creams around your cock, weakly fucking himself back on you, pupils dilating as he weakly falls on the bed, ass in the air as your seed spills from his puffy cunt, overflowing as you coo softly, in that mocking, sugar coated voice as you line your shaft with his entrance again. The sheets were already soiled with the poor man's cum and sweat, as he screams in overstimulation, babbling about how he couldn't take anymore. Nonsense. He's swallowing your cock so greedily, your not falling for that.
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star1yn0 · 7 months
HII! So I saw that you were taking requests and I was wondering if you could do an adam x fem!reader who’s really sweet and kind, but really dumb and oblivious to his flirting, ( ex, adam mentions something about her tits and she’s just like “thanks!” and adam’s just like (._.) )
Note: YESS LOVE THUS REQUEST I always love the idea of just a bimbo esk reader but I didn't know how you want it so I did my usual writing style can change if you want tho (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
Warnings: flirting or at least trying to + suggestive content also this is a f!reader
Adam x bimbo!reader
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You were always so sweet and kind to Adam
That's the reason he loves you the most a truly good soul
But....for God sakes you cannot take a hint
I mean before you started dating he would flat out flirt
"whoa those tits are looking nice today babe"
And you'll just go "thanks Adam" (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠) no blush or anything
It's like he said something about boring shit like work
But God did that just make him want you more
He tried everything in the book of sex jokes
You even got used to him calling you "sugartits" like I was your given name
After you too got together everything started to click
You sit there flustered as you finally realized that for all these years your husband had been making dirty comments.it wasn't long before he came home.openig the door to see his wife in a chair in front of him giving him "the look".
"fuck...what did I do this time?" he searches his Chin with his pointer and thumb" Oh was it the toilet seat or-". "You think you're sooo sly huh" he gives you a confused look "what?" You stand from the chair walking over to him " you thought I wouldn't figure out that you were saying dirty things to me" you say as you dig your pointer finger in the center of his chest.he let out a sign of relief " geez babe you know your not the brightest mentally right" he saus in a playful tone as he bends down a little to get face to face. His hands grabbing both of your cheeks and giving them the little granny pinch of love. "You had me worried for a second you were leaving me". God did you hate but Adore this asshole.you pull him into a hug.taking in his sent."never.......but I think it's only fair if you act on those things you said" you lift your head up. Arms are still wrapped around him. "oh really"........
Although you are still a bit dim at times
I think he'll still love you
Even if you don't get his weird jokes
Note: this was fun but also a bit hard to write lol hope you enjoyed (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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niziye · 5 months
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Max probably looked at his scarf and thought "how warm it must be", because that ALB material was so thin and he's already shivering like crazy...
Kai probably wanted to avoid future problems, like a cold Max. Since his nose looked so red and his skin so pale.
Note¹: It's not essentially stolen, but I thought a scene like that after reading this 🍊
Note²: Forgive me for the cliché (⁠๑⁠¯-¯⁠๑⁠)...
Note³: I thought about doing a domestic scene. Maybe at another time...
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vampdes · 2 years
— “ALWAYS FROM AFAR” [yes, he used to watch you from afar, stuck in the shadows, behind a grimy desktop and glued to a chair—but now, now he had you in his hands. and he wasn’t giving you up anytime soon.]
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GENRE. unhealthy fluff
PAIRING. stalker!male oc x male reader
CW. lowercase intended, neighbor!oc.
NOTES. oc’s name is ‘Issac’ for the sake of this story, might change it later? dunno!! also, this is split into two parts cause i didn’t wanna write so much!! enjoy regardless tho ๑⁠♡
PARTS. i, iii
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three years, seven months, and seventeen days since issac started his unhealthy infatuation with a man who didn’t even know of his existence, which made is all the more sweeter! first impressions were important, very, very important. so, meeting his betrothed was undeniably important.
a coffee shop, perhaps? no, no. only for morning people, and [name] isn’t a morning person. hm, where else — what about his darling’s neighborhood? oh, oh issac could move in! well, that’s too forward. he’ll be [name]’s neighbor at first, then a friend, then a best-friend, then his boyfriend, then his fiancé, then his husband, then his life-long partner! oh god, issac’s heart flutters at the thought of being together with his darling!
issac squealed loudly into his hands, quickly running to his bed and hugging his specially made [name] body-pillow. he even had strands of your hair and a glass jar of your saliva, which he worships every night, thanking you for the wondrous opportunity to love you! and your saliva came from your mouth, the one you use to eat with and the one you will use to kiss him with, tasted so, so good. issac drools to the idea of you kissing him, tainting his virgin soul with your god-like imprint.
“we’ll be together,” he whispered to the pillow, imagining you were infront of him, “soon, very, very soon, my love. oh, i just can’t wait!”. before issac went to sleep with you [the body pillow] by his side, he took his nightly intake of your spit, letting it rest on his tongue before allowing it to slide down his throat. then, it was time for his daily cum tribute to you.
issac’s cock rested against his stomach, twitching and aching for your touch, and he was going to receive it. he placed the body pillow on top of him, gripping it with his arms and crossing his ankles to hold you in place. issac thrusted upwards, bitting his lower lip to cover his moans; his moans were too horrid for your ears to hear, so he wanted to shut himself up. “[name],” he whispered, eyes cloths as he continued his thrusts, only doing them quicker, “ffuckin’—”, his words were caught in his throat and now, his hips were moving on their own, chasing his orgasm. issac started to cry, the feeling of you on top of him was too much. but god, he was overjoyed.
“i– oh, oh god—”, he covered his mouth with his left hand, throwing his head back as euphoria washed over him. his thrusts finally stopped, his mind went fuzzy, and the idea of you could get him started again. cum painted his stomach and you, making a blush show on his face, “i’m so sorry, sweetheart! i, i didn’t mean to!”, issac quickly apologized, looking into your eyes hesitantly, “can—can i clean,, you?”, he didn’t want to be denied of his wishes, but if you said no— “i can? oh thank you! i’ll be good from now on, so, so good for you!”.
issac’s long, pink tongue started to lick the pillow clean, quite moans coming from him whilst doing so. “you taste so good,” he whispered, eyes fluttering shut, “you taste amazing.. i love you so much! so, so much! you love me, right? oh, you do? aaa! i’m so happy!”.
issac soon tucked the both of you in, you being little spoon and him being big spoon, and kisses your forehead, whispering promises of vows and devotions to you, regardless of anything you do! “i love you so much..”, he mumbled, eyelids fluttering short from exhaustion.
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it was sunday morning, around 5? way too early to wake up, in your opinion. but the sound of moving trucks and shouting awoke you, which gradually turned into you getting out of bed and throwing on a robe to see what all the commotion outside was. with a cup of nestquik in your hand, you made your way to the door.
upon opening, however, you were met with the face of an angel—a literal angel. well at least he looked like one, and he smiled like one as well. he stood tall, 6ft something, and had curly black hair with highlight of neon green in it. he was a bit chubby, leaning on a dad-bod which made him all the more attractive. he adorned a pearl necklace and three tier star earrings, and the sun shined on him so perfectly. god damnit, if this man was your neighbor— wait, is he your neighbor?
“h–hello! i’m your, erm, neigh—”, the unknown man cleared his throat. he looked,, nervous? and, this might be a far fetch but, was he blushing? his cheeks looked exceptionally rosy. “neighbor?” you questioned, finishing his sentence. he nodded, holding out a plate of cookies which seemed to be freshly baked. “yes, your new neighbor! i, erm, wanted to introduce.. my—myself to–to you! since i should get to, erm, uh, know my neighbors..” he stuttering was relentless, but it made him so adorable in your eyes! aww, you could just stuff him in your pocket! he’s too cute, way too cute.
“well,” you started, taking a sip of your drink, “welcome to the neighborhood, i’m [name] and, asking for a friend, are those cookies mine?” you eyed the plate more than once while he stood in front of you, and he could tell, he was just too nervous! what if you didn’t like his baking? what if you didn’t like him? oh, gosh, he was starting to regret this decision!
“ah, yes—hah, they are! i forgot to,, tell you they were, erm, for you. apologies, i should’ve been more,, forward? i’m quite nervous around new,, new, uh, people, if you could–couldn’t tell already! and when i’m nervous, i tend to, uh, ram–ramble and my–my, uh, stutter becomes wor–se..!” his free hand waved around as he spoke, signaling how nervous he was and how he was just so, so fucking adorable! god, you definitely scored this time.
“thank you, neighbor,” you stated, grabbing his waving hand and placing it on the underside of the plate, “i’ll make sure to enjoy these, and i’ll come to you for more if i can’t get enough of them, okay?” your smile was so—aaa! he just can’t stop smiling when he’s near you! god, this was too much for him! but he knew he had to resist the urge to kiss you, you wouldn’t like that! and he needed your permission before doing anything of the sort! he wasn’t some creepy stalker or something, never! but, he did want to stay on your doorstep, he would if you allowed him to! but no, he knew he couldn’t, he unfortunately had boxes to unpack —but, wait, he didn’t tell you his name! oh god.. well, he could just tell you on your date!
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it’d been a month, coming up on a year, since issac had moved in. you’ve been learning so much about your adorable neighbor! even his name is cute! although, you’ve never been inside of his house.. which isn’t really an issue for you, you just had too much curiosity inside of you.
ever since he had moved in, the two of you have been hanging out almost every week! it’d been the best few months of your life. the two of you even spent christmas together! laying underneath the hollywood sign! it was so, so sweet! you were a bit confused tho — was he lingering on the border of friendly or having a crush on you? it was rather confusing to say the least.
what wasn’t confusing was the fact that he had taken you to the most luxurious beach you had ever been to, and the fact that you had the time of your life. the two of you stayed there until the sunset had dawned upon the two of you, making the fact that it was time to leave known.
meanwhile, in your city’s airport, a man stood there, awaiting a taxi. simon was his name. he had his hair pulled back in a ponytail and had shades covering his eyes. simon was also dressed to the nines for a very important occasion: returning to his lover. he was just so excited! after a year of his departure, he was finally back! obviously, this was going to be quite the surprise for his boyfriend, he just couldn’t wait to see the excitement on you face! oh his lovely boyfriend you, he just can’t wait!
moving on, you and issac stood in your driveway in front of his car with the headlights being blindingly bright. sand was in your hair, loads of it at that, but that didn’t matter to issac — for he didn’t care how you looked because you always looked pretty to him, just as you did now.
“i had fun today.” you stated, wrapping your lower half with your towel. “me–me too! may–be we could do–it again some–sometime?” issac’s smile was bright, so obviously you couldn’t do anything but comply to his wishes. “yeah, we can. this weekend? that’s when i’m free.”. issac was confused. why were you busy this weekend when you were free every other weekend? and so he asked said question, just in a politer tone. “oh, well i have to spend this week with my boyfriend! have i not mentioned him before? i thought i did..”, you started to retrace your thoughts during the months you two had spent together, trying to see if you ever mentioned simon.
but issac on the other hand was freaking the fuck out.
a lover?! he’s been watching you so diligently, and you have never, ever mentioned a lover! and you haven’t told him before?! do you not trust him? what if his dreams don’t come true? what if ‘your’ simon is prettier than him? oh god, what’s going to happen to what you two have now?! issac doesn’t want this to be the end.. please don’t let this be the end! wait — wait, he could get rid of that scum for you! it’s obvious you didn’t love simon since you’ve been with him for your comfort. you’ve been with him to soothe your loneliness. you sought whatever you missed in your heart through him! so–so the two of you had to have something. no the two of you definitely have something. and that something has to be love! issac knows it is love!
but why are you with that simon? he couldn’t understand it.
“o–oh! okay, uh, then i’ll, erm—”, you can obviously sense the aggravation coming from him, but from what? was he in love? with you? “how about tomorrow? i’ll make time tomorrow okay? and then, we can bake!”. issac’s eyes were still down at the ground, but he wasn’t going to cry, he didn’t want to seem too weak in front of you!
“issac,” you started, cradling the sides of his face with your hands, “you can bake me those cookies you gave me when we first met, they were pretty good! okay? i promise, i’ll come over and we’ll have the time of our lives!” your smile was way too bright for him not to look at you. but aaa! his pout was too adorable for you not to smile! gosh, why couldn’t simon be more like him? if issac was your lover then—what? why were you thinking such thoughts?! oh could this be cheating?
“to—tomorrow, then? you–you’re coming over tomorr–ow, right?”, aaaa!!! him and his puppy dog eyes are just too cute! he’s too adorable for his own good, gosh! “yes, i’ll be over tomorrow! promise.”
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bbanghiitomi · 7 months
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| caught in a line
synopsis: tangled upon an endless string of feelings, both love and suffering, y/n intends to hide somewhere the love of her life will never find her — but in the process of losing the strings connecting her to her past, she gets stuck on a new one (her future).
— non-idol!childhoodfriend!kminji × non-idol!fem!reader × non-idol!khaerin!
note: holy moly i've been so busy in the past few months/weeks and i'm tryna catch up on some stuff lately but AH a post after 10 years... hope u guys are doing well also this was requested by anon, thanks! hope u guys liked it, comments are very appreciated.
(⁠๑⁠´⁠•⁠.̫⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠`⁠๑⁠)(⁠๑⁠´⁠•⁠.̫⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠`⁠๑⁠)(⁠๑⁠´⁠•⁠.̫⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠`⁠๑⁠)(⁠๑⁠´⁠•⁠.̫⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠`⁠๑⁠)
"where are you going?" you take a deep breath as you turn around to face minji, you can see the confused look on her face and all you could do was to give her a short chuckle. "home." you answer almost a little too late as minji starts taking steps to approach you, you watch as she almost, stomps her way to you, with a pout on her lips. "alright, now. why didn't you tell me? i was looking for you the whole time." minji brushes her long fingers on her raven hair as she exhales, you stare at her and immediately you shift your sight away from her gorgeous face — for the better, you decide.
"i didn't have the chance, i tried to approach you but you were talking with your classmate." you tell her, you see the way her eyebrows relax and she nods, you stand there in front of her waiting for a response but all she can do is scratch her nape. "uhm, right. hanni, she was... we were having a conversation about papers." minji shrugs, you laugh, finding yourself looking away awkwardly.
"if that's the case, i should really get going. if you don't have any questions no more, that is." you smile and the tension feels weird, you're standing there, as if you have somewhere to go and you're about to be late and minji stands in front of you as if she had nowhere to go. minji looks around and reaches for your hand. "hey, we're supposed to go home together, right?" she asks, and oh — of course, you didn't know what went into you, how did you forgot?
you place a hand on your forehead and shake your head. "oh right, i thought you'd go home later. yes, we should get going now!" you point to the main gate of the school and see minji laughing. "you're so funny." she mutters.
for some reason, you don't know when or where it all started, but you've been feeling something blooming inside of your chest — it's ticklish, you feel it everytime you come across minji and at first, it felt funny, but now... it's starting to get more evident as the time passes by.
you tried to ignore it, at least you tried not to think too much of it. it's just getting harder, as the clock ticks and so is your time here. you have come to a realization that maybe, there has to be a better way out of this.
"you were absent yesterday... ms. hwang asked me about your whereabouts and i couldn't answer since you weren't telling me." you stopped your finger from further tapping on your mouse, your eyes are staring at your laptop, suddenly finding your interest in the document plastered on the screen. in all honesty, you're scared, just right now... sitting here beside minji, you can feel the way your heart is beating, as if it's getting harder to breathe.
it's not like this before... you remember it very well, when this feeling inside your chest used to be tender, sweet, and comforting. it felt like there were flowers fluttering inside your chest, it's ticklish but now —
it's starting to feel suffocating.
you smile, and turn around to look at minji. "i didn't think it would be a big deal, i had to run some errands for my mother." in fact, that was a lie. you were sent to see a doctor for a check up by your mother, she's been noticing your unusual antics lately. you've been having a hard time breathing, sometimes you'd say it's because you were tired walking around the house, doing stuff at school. eventually you come to realize that you wouldn't be able to lie forever and hide it, that one day people will find out.
you're scared to tell minji about it.
"okay, then why didn't you tell me?" minji pushes further, you knew her— since you two were babies, of course she's stubborn! that's how much she cares for you, even just as a friend. you stretch your lips into a thin line, looking at her with concern in your eyes, then you just give up.
“minji, it's because i don't think it's something to worry about. plus, i already got my record slip from the student council office. it's all good now, don't worry.” you shrug and continue to type on your keyboard, minji doesn't seem pleased by it and she's going to do anything to let you know that she wants to get an actual answer.
“is everything okay between us?” you feel your finger freeze, your heart starts to beat at a pace you couldn't comprehend. you look at her, seeing a frown on her lips, her thick brows furrowed to show signs of distress and disappointment. “...what do you mean?” you ask her, minji looks at you as if she heard a stupid joke, there's an expression of disbelief on her face, trying to find confirmation that you were indeed kidding.
but no, you were beyond serious.
“y/n, you’ve been avoiding me. i mean, what's the matter? you don't even bother telling me anything, we haven't had a proper conversation for months.” you blink at her, has it really been that long? time feels a little faster when you're with her… but has it really been that long for her?
you shake your head, closing your laptop as you look away. “no… i… minji, i’m sorry. i didn't mean to make you feel that way.” you look up at her, you have almost forgotten that both of you were at the campus park, not a lot but a good amount of people would be able to see and hear your conversation with her.
minji sighs, closing her eyes and standing up with clenched fists. “okay fine, you can't even provide an actual explanation, or an answer!” you can hear the way her shoes stomps at the grassy floor, even as your heart beat gets louder on your ears, you can hear her very well.
you feel your heart clench, then it’s getting harder to breathe, as if something was blocking your airway.
“minji…” you whisper looking up at her, your eyes starting to swell with tears.
“if that's what you want then okay! let's just… i don't even want to talk to you about anything anymore, you make me feel like this friendship is one-sided.” minji stomps away from you, leaving you with your hands on your chest, trying your best to breathe properly but you're running out of air.
it doesn't help the fact that tears are running down your face and your chest starts to hurt, so much…
it's kind of ironic to hear her feel that way, one-sided feelings… yet she can just find someone else.
it's so unfair.
maybe, the doctor must have lied to you. you swore it was just a mild flu, now you’re inside your bathroom staring at bloodied petals that have fallen out of your mouth whilst you cough violently. how did this happen?
no matter how many times you ask yourself it wouldn't matter nor it would make complete sense, being dumbfounded that these feelings that you have grown for minji — the same feelings that made you experience the sweet rush, the yearning, it was supposed to be sweet, it was supposed to be warm…
it was supposed to be innocent and pure, how did something that was once ticklish start to hurt?
you rush to your room, with shaking hands you reach over to your chair then to your study table to open your laptop — there must be an answer to this, right?
an answer where you don't need to confide minji and have her disappointed, an answer where you don't need to hear words from your mother, scolding.
an answer that you can accept even just for a small amount of time, just so you can ease the pain whilst hiding it.
you don't want to see a doctor’s face, staring at you with pity in their eyes because it makes you feel so much weaker than you are, as if you can get any weaker.
even if it feels hard, your fingers push the keys on your keyboard, one by one, bit by bit as if unsure.
“hanahaki disease…”
hanahaki… disease..?
trying to understand what it means, you browse even further.
apparently, it happens when the victim starts to cough up petals, the symptoms being severe chest pain in chest, because of petals growing from the heart and chest before the victim throws them up. this happens when the victim's feelings aren't reciprocated, meaning one-sided love.
however, it is only through romantic feelings that the illness could be healed; friendship isn't strong enough to take the pain away.
this is absurd. you think to yourself, there's no way such a thing exists…
the only way to confirm this was actually going to the hospital to get yourself checked.
you eventually dread the idea, having to not consult your own mother about it and get yourself appointed immediately.
the hallway of the hospital feels haunted, the air around the place feels colder than usual — you stand trying to calm yourself down, but it's hard when you’ve got no one to run to.
the thought of minji starts to hurt you again, you feel the same prickling pain in your chest, as if there were thorns wrapped around your heart, pushing down and piercing the flesh.
you try to breathe properly, reaching a hand to your chest and hoping to make it stop. there's no one here to help you, and you're all alone — there's a ringing silence and you start to lose yourself a bit, light headed.
“are you okay?” there's a clacking of heels, not that far from you but you choose to ignore it as you walk, another hand on the wall; hoping you’d disappear quickly.
you realize someone must have seen you, you turn your head back to see a girl making her way towards you, cladded with a nurse uniform, all white and it hurts your eyes. “hey, please stand by — you can't just walk around while being in pain.” she tells you, as if she knew any better.
and in fact she did, but you're too stupid to admit that, not when you're in your worst state; you tell yourself no one will understand you.
“god, it hurts. can i just — sit down for a moment?” you let go of your chest and take a seat on a nearest bench inside the hall, sighing as you shake your head trying to take the thought of minji out of your head but it's hard when you've been missing her for so long.
“you can but don't you think it's better to get yourself checked first? you can't just walk around knowing you're in such pain.” the girl sits next to you, you nod even though you really couldn't care much. “yeah i know… but my appointment is tomorrow.” you sigh as you lean on the bench, taking the gods above as the pain eases — eventually you start to hope you don't start coughing here.
the girl stands up and pats her lap, she looks quite determined but you ignore her cat-like eyes looking down on you. “still, we can make an emergency appointment. do you think you can do that? it's for the best.” seems like it's this girl’s job to get in strangers’ business, you can't be mad but you want some peace even just for now.
“that's nice but i can't invade the doctor’s schedule for my own liking.” you tell the girl in a hush tone, as if being forced to make a conversation — the girl, who you assumed is a nurse — shakes her head and turns around, looking at you with her index finger pointing out to you. “don't leave, i’ll sign a letter for you.” you scoff when she leaves, you're feeling too weak to even move.
“this girl… i swear to god.” you mutter, closing your eyes as you feel the pain spiking in again. you remember how minji was stubborn too, all because she wants the best for you yet you think of how much she's the one causing you the pain you're suffering lately.
you seriously hate feeling helpless, but at times like this… it's the only thing you could do.
you hear the same clacking of heels and you open your eyes to see the same girl, holding some papers and passing it over to you.
“you should know that you need this appointment, the doctor understands and we only need your cooperation.” you stare at her face, her piercing eyes and you feel like losing.
“alright.” you tell her as you grab the paper and have it signed.
she stays with you and you spend the time staring at thin air, casually scratching your cheek every now and then. “i’m kang haerin, a nursing student — i’m an intern here.” haerin seems impatient looking at you, you look down and start asking yourself how in the world you got in this situation.
haerin doesn't seem that social herself, but she's trying to keep this conversation maybe because she's found something about you that she can continue to watch out for, for your own sake.
“i’m choi y/n, applied mathematics.” you see her nod and look away immediately and it had you almost laughing.
it was quiet for almost 15 minutes, you didn't mind it but it was starting to suffocate haerin, only cause she doesn't like this type of awkwardness.
you stand up and brush your shirt. “i need to go to the restroom.” you tell haerin, she looks up and she stands up, confusing you. “uh—?”
“i should go and accompany you… for the better.” you see her stone like face, you give her a ‘what has gone into you’ look and shake your head. “no, i’m not leaving if that's what you're thinking. i just need to —”
haerin shakes her head. “i need to go too.” you look at her and laugh. “uh, this needs to stop, it's ridiculous.” you raise your hand over to her, gesturing that you’ve had enough.
but she doesn't give up.
“nope, i take my duties seriously. if something happens to you, i won't be able to forgive myself.”
you nod and raise your hands. “you're not even a nurse yet.” you remind her.
haerin shakes her head, again. “and i won't become one if i can't get this task done.”
you realize she really wasn't gonna give up. “alright, whatever.” you tell her and start walking, she follows.
the restroom is haunting, you feel the cold water on your hand as you reach over to the faucet, there's something stuck on your throat and you lean over before coughing it all up — petals… again, you grimace and feel the pain on your chest again.
you feel a hand on your back, another breathing beside you. “hey, can you still manage?” you watch as the water from the faucet slowly wash the blood and petals away.
“what's happening to me..?” you whisper, haerin doesn't give you an answer. you figured she must feel bad, very bad— you can feel her burning gaze on your face.
“we can have mr. jeon answer that, i’m pretty sure he can help you.” haerin has a pretty voice, you nod at her and feel yourself calming down slowly.
you breathe heavily and stare at her, you don't believe she doesn't know it herself. “answer me, you know it for sure.” you whisper to her, and there was nothing but the sound of water droplets from the faucet as haerin keeps her mouth shut, for the sake of everyone.
haerin shakes her head. “i can't be the one telling you that.”
you eventually give up asking her.
the office was quiet as the doctor read out your condition. it was just as bad as you first learned about it — hearing about it from the doctor didn't ease the weight on your shoulders. you thought that maybe having a doctor tell you about it would be much more reassuring but no, not even his caring tone helped you because you understand how doomed you were.
“there's a lot of treatment for this, i suggest you take medicines first — if you can't handle the pressure of getting a surgery.” you know it would be nice to have it removed already but it's — it's scary, you’ve never been fond of surgeries, have you been always so healthy growing up.
until maybe you discovered love through a friend.
you rub your eyes with your hand, trying to figure out if any of this was real, but you knew it was, it's just hard to accept.
it's not over yet but it feels like there's no hope for you.
“this sounds ridiculous.” you whisper, frustration evident in your tone.
“yes i know, it does sound stupid but it's the truth.” mr. jeon tells you, he understands your frustrations, it's genuinely hard to accept how some stupid feelings can push your life to the edge — it doesn't sound real, not any of this feels real.
you put your hand on your lap, shrugging.
“i’ll settle on the medicine first, maybe i have to tell my parents about this.” you tell mr. jeon who nods.
“you definitely have to, you need support from loved ones — specially in times like this, when you can't get the same love you give.” he adds to it.
“i’m sorry for walking out on you like that, that was so rude of me and very selfish — i should’ve known better.” minji finally decided to see you again after what you thought was several weeks. you know she's doing better without you and maybe it was for the better.
you sigh and shrug, maybe the emotional load of having to see minji again is taking a toll on you but you've been very diligent in taking medicine and coming to hospital when needed.
“yeah i’m sorry too, i know you care for me but minji it's alright.” you put a hand on your forehead while minji still looks at you. your room feels dead, there's not much around and minji's presence makes breathing even hard.
it used to feel so good, when these feelings of yours were once that funny, stupid, childish yearning and looking at minji made your heart skip a beat in a good way.
now looking at her again makes you want to implode, petals growing inside of you even worse.
minji wants to say something, but she knows it's gonna end in disaster again. she's so distraught by the idea you're hiding something from her and she's never been the type to love to hide and seek because she keeps on losing, never been the type to love liars and never been the type to be unreliable.
maybe, minji’s used to be your boulder during landslides. but it wasn't going to be like that forever, eventually she'll have to find someone else and you have to get these stupid petals off of you.
you receive a message from haerin.
kang haerin
haerin: hey, have you taken your medicine.
haerin: i was tasked to send emails to you everyday at a certain time, please always read them.
y/n: when was it a nurse’s job to email patients.
haerin: mr. jeon told me to do so, now please send me your email.
y/n: wait.
“who’s that?” minji asks, you stand up from your bed and walk your way to your desk, grabbing something from one of the drawers and turning your back to minji. “a blockmate, asking for help.” you tell her, letting out a small cough.
minji squints her eyes and looks away, this is complicated.
“i need to do something here in my bathroom, just wait a bit.” you tell minji, looking at her with a small smile — minji feels like crumbling, she hates when you look at her that way, she feels small and weak.
it's a bad habit to think of hating the feeling of being inferior to your feelings.
you close the bathroom door, leaving minji sitting on your bed, grasping on think threads of hope.
kang haerin
y/n: ********@gmail.com
y/n: why are you doing this again?
haerin: mr. jeon is your private doctor and i am under his care. it's my task to do what he thinks is best.
y/n: alright, i have a friend here and need to get off soon.
haerin: okay.
haerin: take care.
y/n: yeah.
minji grumbles and stands up, walking towards your desk and seeing a bunch of crumpled pieces of paper — it's not something new, you’ve always been the type to leave things like that.
minji picks up one paper, particularly your medication prescription from mr. jeon, reading it carefully.
when did you start taking medicine?
have you told her before?
maybe she forgot?
the other one however, was a medical report from mr. jeon too.
he jotted down all your symptoms and there's the ripped part of the final result.
minji closed her eyes, sighing.
you finally open the door and see minji standing by your desk, you immediately walk up to her and take the paper from the desk. “how is this supposed to be okay?” she asks you, you avoid her gaze while she looks at you with hatred.
“because i said so —” you feel her hands on your shoulders, pulling you to look at her. “why can't you just tell me the truth?” minji whispers harshly, you close your eyes as you shake your head, calming yourself.
“i wasn't ready…” you only tell her.
“what? how — when did you start acting like this? have i done something wrong? come on, tell me!” minji shouts, you feel suffocated by her grip and you reach for her wrist.
“let go, you won't get it!” you yell back, pushing her away and she lets go of your shoulders causing you to stumble over. minji feels bad, maybe not because a part of her doesn't understand why you're acting like this at all.
“what part won't i get? i mean, we’ve been friends for years!” minji looks at you and you start catching your breath, with just a cough — a petal falls from your lips, and there’s blood on the floor. your cough turns violent, like a rain raging into a storm, minji can hear your voice ringing in her ear as you weeze for a breath.
“y/n… y/n!?” you feel minji’s hands on your shoulders and she lifts you up to look at you, she feels her heart drop, thinking it must have been her fault. “y/n… what's happening?” her voice is shaking and she looks at you with panic written all over her face, her palm grazing your cheeks.
“i’m okay…” you mutter and close your eyes, tears start to swell and it's hot, forming on the corners of your eyes. “it's just that — you know, i can't breathe!” your hand touches her shoulder, gripping it tightly as if not wanting to let go. minji embraces your figure, holding you close. “come on, let's go.” she whispers, gesturing to your room.
“i love you… so much minji, it hurts a lot.” your phone starts to ring, and you guess it's from haerin.
“what..?” minji mutters.
“that’s why it hurts like this because —” you start to sob, not knowing what to do when you're standing here with her arms around you, you feel weak about it and it's humiliating when you think about how pathetic it is to be in such pain over someone who you're supposed to be friends with.
you wake up, a hand on your forehead and it's hurting like hell. you look around to see everything in complete brightness, the hospital room reflects the light above, everything is in the color of white. you shift from the bed, a hand on your chest trying to find the safe fluttering feeling inside, the type that feels suffocating.
you notice how you couldn't feel it, particularly clueless to how and where it is now — you try to navigate the same pain you usually endure but you figured, it must be because minji is nowhere to be seen.
the door creaks, it opens and you look up to see haerin's face, after several months of being stuck with her, you realize it wasn't that bad — she wasn't that bad.
you look down and feel the breeze of the air conditioner, haerin slowly enters inside and stands by the end of your bed.
“hey,” she calls.
you look up and smile at her, brushing a hand on your hair.
“do you remember the waiver you signed… like several months ago?” she asks, you look at her, to her cat-like eyes and feel something inside, you ignore it.
“yes, i think… i guess it happened.” you mutter, it was awkward and haerin hates it when things get awkward. maybe because she wants you to feel better, she pushes strands of her hair behind her very noticeable ear then she clears her throat.
“yeah, it was a success — i bet you feel so much better now.” she smiles, like she always does when you actually listen to what she says.
you remember signing a waiver, a deal you made with mr. jeon, that if you’re at your worst state caused by the disease you will have to have an emergency surgery immediately as soon as it happens.
you thought that it would be a good idea, you want to wait at least a little more just in case that pain disappears but it was taking too long. that time you passed out on minji’s arms, you knew it would have been the right time to finally let go.
“i do. it's weird right? nothing much has changed,” you pause as you reach out to your chest, closing your eyes as you breathe. “it feels like something is still fluttering inside my chest.” you tell haerin, haerin frowns and comes closer leaning towards you. “what's wrong? does it still hurt?” haerin asks, holding your shoulders.
you shrug, chuckling slightly. “no, it doesn't it's kind of funny, as if it's ticklish.” haerin sighs and glares at you playfully. “stop making jokes, i’m worried.” she whispers, and there’s silence going around the room as you both stare at each other, haerin blinks before gradually moving away for only a few centimeters, still wanting to check up on you.
“you’re worried… for me?” you whisper back as if teasing her to which she reacted positively by moving her head away with flushing cheeks.
“of course… after all, mr. jeon cares about your health too.” oh well, you laugh at her and she pouts at your reaction. “yeah, i’m his patient but… you were worried, is that true?” you ask her, haerin looks away and chuckles at your question.
“why would you want to know?”
“because i thought you’d think of me as if i’m a burden and annoying.”
haerin sits on the side of your bed, turning to look at you.
“i care for you because it's my job, okay?” haerin whispers, looking down at your hands.
you didn't pry your eyes away from her, yet start to feel more pulled by her aura.
“do you think of me the same when i’m not here?” you ask, again. even if it sounds like you're asking too much, it doesn't hurt to do so, right?
haerin doesn't move her eyes away from your hands on top of the blanket.
she laughs. “you ask so much, are you so curious… of course i care for you even if you're not here. outside of my job, i care for you even if i’m in my bedroom.” she adds.
you smile at her. “thanks.”
silence starts to engulf the whole room again, but it feels nice.
“say, am i a headache sometimes —” even before you get to finish your question she already butts in. “yes you are.”
you laugh. “wait are you serious?”
“yes i am.” she says.
you lean your head to look at her and she turns her head to you.
“do you regret forcing me to stay?” you ask.
haerin smiles at you. “no, i never did.”
haerin wants to feel bad for herself, not when she's starting to catch feelings for her mentor’s patient — someone who suffered a disease from a one-sided love, because she's afraid she might end up the same.
she doesn't want you to feel like she's taking advantage of your situation, because she's never felt something more genuine than her feelings for you.
“i… actually, nevermind.” haerin turns her head away from you and she starts to curse herself from piquing your interest. “what's up?” you ask her, looking at her over her shoulder. haerin looks at you and smiles, adjusting herself as she scoots closer. “it's nothing.” she tells you.
you brush it off and shrug, not wanting to force her to say something.
but haerin couldn't keep herself.
“i’ll say it, for the better.” haerin tries to relax her shoulders, eventually finding herself almost frozen under your gaze.
you scoot closer to her, your feet dangling over the edge of the bed and your shoulder touches hers. it's the kind of silence where you know everything is going to be okay, that haerin is just right there, beside you making sure you're going to be okay — that there's no reason for you to be scared.
“okay, go ahead.” you tell her.
haerin puts a hand on her face, sighing before she raises it slowly and looks at you — there's a small gap between your face and hers, your nose almost touching hers.
there's nothing to be afraid of… right?
“i… i think i like you, y/n. it's like, i don't understand but i know i have these feelings for you and it's been bothering me for quite a while. i know this might not be a good thing but i hope you're okay with it.” haerin finishes her sentence and you move closer to lean your head to her shoulder, she looks down on your face — all her fear fades away.
even now haerin can't help but feel bad for herself sometimes, it's not easy to keep away from someone she cares for.
“it's okay.” haerin listens well and leans over to your head, getting a whiff of your shampoo.
“i’ll wait.” haerin leans to give your temple a kiss. you giggle, wrapping your arms around her in an embrace.
“you're so warm.” you grumble. “y-yeah, it's kind of hot here.” haerin whispers, you scoff playfully knowing she's making excuses to hide the fact she's flustered.
“thanks a lot haerin, seriously.” you mumble as you look up at her, haerin nods and smiles. “it's nothing, besides it's over now.” you agree and hug her even closer, haerin snuggles her nose on your hair.
minji buries her face in her hands, struggling to fight with the guilt seeping inside of her — maybe it was all her fault you’ve been in pain for so long, when she’s been selfish and mean, she could’ve been there for you instead. she's trying to find the courage to face you, but it's hard when all she sees whenever she closes her eyes is the memory of you crying at her — you're so much better than that, you deserve so much better.
“i can't do this.” minji shakes her head and groans, it's taking a toll on her. every night she wakes up and she wants to look for you but it feels like you're so far away from her. maybe you're running away and she's running out of time.
minji feels the hallway of the hospital stretches into something bigger, wider and emptier. then she's all alone with her thoughts and the voices inside her head until the silence rings into a noise.
maybe one day, she hopes sooner — she finds the courage to face you again.
y/n (⁠/⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠(⁠-⁠ω⁠-⁠)
minji: hey, r u okay now?
minji: i’m so sorry.
minji: :((
minji: i’m so sorry y/n, let's see each other again? i’ll wait for your recovery
“the pillow smells great.” haerin whispers as she watches you lay on your bed, rolling over a few times, missing the comfort of your soft bed sheet, maybe without your tears on it. haerin laughs at the way you gush, pulling her knees to her chest and she keeps her eyes on you.
“i know, i love my bed so much.” you tell her, haerin nods, agreeing as she herself loves the comfort of her own room.
you roll and you lay on your back, hair sprawling all over the bed, you shift your eyes to haerin's direction and smile at her.
with your arms open wide you wordlessly call her to you. haerin sighs before chuckling and eventually reaching over to you in a hug, you feel the warmth of her body close to you and it feels like you're wrapped with a quilt, comforting and secure.
haerin lets you lean your head on her shoulder, hugging her as if she was a tree and you were a koala. “loosen up a bit, you're suffocating me.” haerin playfully complains, you huff and shake your head.
“stay here!” you tell her.
haerin sighs. “alright.”
haerin pats your head, you look up at her and leaned in, your forehead touching hers. you open your lips to say something but you close it immediately. “is something bothering you?” haerin whispers, looking at you with her wondering eyes. you smile at her and shake your head. “it's not that much but — i thought i should say it.”
haerin closes her eyes and opens it again. “go on, say whatever is in your mind.”
you give her a thankful smile, thankful because of how thoughtful she is.
“it's just… i’m worried about minji, because i haven't seen her and i don't want to break our friendship but… i don't know if things will be the same anymore.” you whisper to her and you see haerin nods, giving you a reassuring smile.
“i think it'll be alright… what about you?”
you think about it, you know minji the best and you understand her the most — even after what happened you know eventually you have to fix things together. “i hope so… i can't stand the idea of leaving her alone, she still need a friend. i still want to be there for her.”
“i understand, it's tough but i want you to know it's going to be okay. you got this.” haerin whispers back and you laugh.
“should i really be asking you about this? because —” before you could even speak haerin butts in.
“can i kiss you?”
you laugh. “o-oh geez, of course. i don't mind.” your eyes turn crescent as you smile at her, feeling giddy. haerin's cheeks turns pink and she takes a quick breath before leaning in.
it was short but pure, sweet, and genuine — when you lips touched hers it felt like some fairytales were real, like nothing was impossible. it was short but amazing, when she pulled away you were almost out of breath from the sight of her bright eyes alone.
“i care about whatever you feel — it doesn't matter if it's not about me. i want to know what you think and hear what you want to say, i want to take part of your life even if it's not much.” haerin whispers, suddenly feeling shy and scared.
your eyes widen and your whole face was lighting up — you were out of words but there were so many inside your head.
haerin is an awe-spiring person, she's wonderfully witty, poised, empowered but shy — she's sweet, skittish, worry-wart but lovely.
she's stubborn but listens well, she's got so many thoughts but only a few words.
you think — haerin is so much more than words, maybe more than anything in the world, she's the combination of all the great things in this world: hope, love, dreams, marshmallow, tomato, frogs, and cats.
there's a new found love blooming.
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romanticheri · 7 months
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⋆ Character: 15!Dazai x Reader
⋆ Summary: In which Dazai wants to confess.
⋆ Genre: hurt no comfort(?) , slight fluff at the end
A/N: My first time writing and my first fanfic ever lol, and I apologize for any grammar mistakes since english is not my first language (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
1.5k ish words
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Dazai took you to the beach, insisting that he had something confidential to share with you and that he made you pinky promise to never tell 'slug', a bit confused but you obliged anyway, you let him drag you, his hand grasping onto your sleeve tightly as he walked hurriedly to the beach, where the sun was about to set.
He huffed, his chest puffing up and down as sweat started to gather in his face making his bangs stick to his bandaged forehead, the sun lit up the whole beach with a warm orange tint and Dazai looked over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of you, you faced the sun with your eyes squinted and your mouth slightly agape in a half smile he could hear your soft murmuring in awe at the breathtaking sight of the sunset,
'if Dazai had to choose which one is the brightest he'd pick your smile over the sun'
Dazai's breath hitched at the thought and he stopped abruptly making you bumped forward into his back—
'...since when did he become so vulnerable in front of you? ...maybe this was a stupid idea, he could just walk off right now and says that he's just messing around with you, shrugging it off playfully and pretend it never happened or he could just run away—'
"So... What is it?" You ask and Dazai snapped out of his trance, his whole body went stiff, you raised an eyebrow, tilting your head to the side to catch a glimpse of his face but when you take a peek over his shoulder, he immediately blinks as he looks away.
'...he doesn't know what to do with all of this feeling, it feels so overwhelming and it makes him so vulnerable in front of you.'
But eventually he clears his throat before he turns around to face you and he quickly looks down his gaze focused on the sands, and you've never seen him so... abashed, he looks so shifty and on edge, his hands clasped together, his fingers fidgeting against the edge of his bandages.
'what is he supposed to say to you now that you're right here in front him...?'
"I..." He murmured and he closed his eyes, "I... Uhm." you tilt your head to the side again to search for his face, nodding slightly as a silent encouragement for him to continue to speak, one of his hands slowly reaches up and you look down at it wondering what he's going to do and judging by the trembling of his fingers he doesn't seem to know what to do either.
"I think i...-"
His fingers curls and with a tentative smile...
"...I think you're an idiot." he shows his middle finger in front of you and he's quick to run away from you before you could punch him in the face, you shouted in annoyance and he laughed mockingly.
'...in the end, he ran away but he promised himself he'll try again someday.'
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khunyuki · 2 months
can I request about what if Kagami planned to sacrifice herself by trying to defeat and weakened the kaiju no. 9 while severely injured and when no. 9 absorbed her it didn't know that she has poison that can kill it?
I wanna know how will Soshiro and Gen will react to this ⟵⁠(⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑⁠)
OMG IS THIS A REFERENCE TO SHINOBU??!! Σ(⸝⸝⚆╻⚆⸝⸝⸝)ˊ͈°*⋆:.༢·͙
Like damn I know my story is inspired by demon slayer but I didn't think of this!! This is truly interesting I can't😭 My mind is overflowing with ideas and I'll share it with you (┛✧Д✧))┛
Kagami didn't think it was possible. That the poison she accumulated in her body for years since childhood could be used in such a way. After all, nobody expects to be absorbed by a kaiju and still live, for there is not a single person left alive to tell the tale.
She first experienced it on a mission back with her old division. The inexperienced her got bitten by a stray yoju on her shoulder, near her neck. She thought she would die back then as she threw it away from herself in a panic and killed it. The wound was shallow but it was enough for her to be scared and not think clearly. She remembers the worried face and scolding she received from Soshiro after that.
What she didn't know was the reason the yoju didn't bite her fully. For just the taste of her blood caused it to become paralyzed. The convulsions were instant but barely noticeable as the poison wasn't a significant amount. The event happened too fast and she just neutralized it, thinking she just killed it with brute strength.
It didn't cross her mind, not at all. She didn't think ingesting poison will lead to her becoming the poison herself. But if she thinks about it, it was inevitable due to her strange fixation. She's tried it all, poisons made by humans or by nature. Granted she didn't want to be succumbed to the excruciating feeling as a child, with her so-called family forcing it on her. She's grown to just be obsessed with it. Her fixation now focused on poisons produced by kaijus.
Of course she's kept it a secret. But there's no way to avoid Soshiro's observant eyes y'know. He knew things about her family, even suspected the abuse early on but didn't talk about it cuz she wasn't. Talking about her family is a sore spot, after all. But he knew about the poison.
He was so concerned after he heard about it from his father. So much that he confronted Kagami about it, almost leading to a huge fight. She told him she stopped but did she really? She's always been honest with him, not lying even if she could but... Kagami's a skilled liar, he wouldn't notice it if she's determined to keep it a secret. Especially since they're now on different workplaces.
She's kept it a secret even with the first division. At least she tried. Experimenting with unknown substances could lead to severe consequences even leading to death if you're not careful. So with the possibility of complications happening, she decided to just get help from an expert. Expert not including herself but a scientist assigned with researching about kaiju substances.
She was extremely grateful that a distant relative of hers worked in the lab. That way, she could keep it a secret from everyone. The eccentric scientist was someone she's never interacted with before but knew of. Granted that she's conscious of her every actions around any members of her family, she never really trusted that person. Their only commonality was poisons.
It was this eccentric scientist that gave her the idea of using her own body to fight against kaiju no. 9. While there's no way of that happening, the possibility is still there. She's began to do this in earnest after Shinomiya Isao's death, all because he was absorbed. There was a sense of premonition in her that says she should do this. She's confused cuz she deemed herself unimportant but she still did it.
With her relative's help, she's slowly injected diluted kaiju poisons on herself. The dilution being 0.01% to almost 75% concentration. She has to build it up slowly or she might die before she could even fight. It was painful, as if her own body is burning everyday. She'd have fevers over 40°C and still go to work like nothing happens. It's a wonder how she's still alive. Maybe it's her willpower to keep on living.
She knew she might no longer have kids with a amount of toxins in her body, her own body would kill her baby if she has one. That would be the most devastating part to her, not being able to bear Soshiro's child but she's doing this for the sake of everyone. So that there would be a future for humanity and her fiance. She didn't think of herself as someone who would sacrifice their life for other people but here she is...
Inside Kaiju no. 9's body slowly being devoured/absorbed, Kagami could barely keep her senses intact. The icky feeling of warm flesh all over her, pulsing as it sticks itself onto her skin. She could not explain the feeling but for someone as sensitive as her, it was the most disgusting thing in the world. The plan of poisoning this kaiju was the last thing on her mind for she's no longer conscious, just attempting to retain her sanity with only Soshiro in her mind.
The news of kaiju no. 9 absorbing her was caught on camera by the drones and delivered by those on the operations room. It's location was finally revealed but at what cost? When platoon leader Kagami was injured while fighting against kaiju no. 16, she didn't have enough strength to fight against number 9 anymore. While she tried to stall for time, it wasn't enough as she's far away from everyone resulting in panic amongst them. Especially the two people that values her more than anyone else.
Gen, being the closest, finished battling his own opponent and rushed to her. The reliable captain of the first division will not let anyone important to him die in front of his face, not anymore. Inside, he's panicking so much with the trauma of what happened before with the old man. Outside, he's trying to remain his composure but failing.
Soshiro, being the farthest away from them and most injured, had to push himself just to go to her. He's definitely panicking and number 10 wasn't helping to soothe his mind at all. His injuries were hindering his actions to try and save his lover and he blames himself if something were to happen to her. Despite knowing that it's normal for one to die in the line of duty, he knew he couldn't handle it if it was her.
The first to arrive at the scene was Hibino Kafka, in his kaiju form. Quite unexpected but not really, aside from Gen, he's the closest one to her. The plan was to not show himself until it was time but he had to forgo it cuz his favorite superior was in danger. He couldn't save Kikoru's father before and it's still weighing on his mind so this time, he will definitely save her. And save her he did.
Kafka engaged in combat with number 9, trying to make it let go of her. It was a struggle cuz he couldn't exactly go full power with her as a hostage. When all of a sudden, number 9 stopped moving. Confused, it's trying to figure out what's happening, finding the source. It groaned as some of its flesh started melting. It was an opening Kafka needed to pull her out of its system.
"What's happening?" They all thought as they watch/hear kaiju no. 9 complaining and visibly weakening. Only one person reacted which is the eccentric scientist whose bright eyes were staring directly at the screen, completely fascinated.
"Amazing... So it really worked! HAHA" the maniacal laughter they let out caught the attention of everyone in a weird way. Gen and Soshiro demanded they reveal what that means and the scientist explained it with much pleasure. They then revealed the plan they thought of and implemented together which granted looks of horror at every word.
"Such a shame we couldn't go for 100% concentration, it would've been more effective" the two males could feel bubbling anger in them at the nonchalantness expressed by the scientist. How could someone be so twisted to come up with such a suicidal plan?! Lest using someone as a test subject and be disappointed at the failure of it?! Only someone crazy can do it so easily. The two wanted to beat this person up if not for the current situation.
Despite kaiju no. 9 not getting to absorb her fully, the effects weren't bad at all. The open wounds that were still bleeding when she's inside led to direct ingestion of the poison. It was something it couldn't easily expel from its body for it already processed the toxins. The said kaiju was now debuffed and it was a great opportunity to all. No matter how reckless the action was, they were grateful for it even if it lasted only for a few minutes.
Who knows what will happen if number 9 absorbed her fully? The question on the back of their mind that they do not have the courage to ask. Cuz if they did, then they would've lost part of their humanity by sacrificing her. Nevertheless, she'll be scolded for her recklessness by the entirety of JADKF once she wakes up. If Kagami does wake up. Her boys will never let her hear the end of it.
Oh shit you guys!!! Should I introduce a new character? Like this eccentric relative of hers so I could pair them with Gen??? Like damnnnn, I imagine them meeting after Kagami gets into a coma cuz they're like her private doctor or something. With Gen losing his mind and being somewhat delusional, they'll be the one to keep him grounded. Sidelining as a therapist too!
Also I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD!!! I can't believe one week has already passed huhu how time passes by so quickly😭 I've experienced a lot of things both good and bad that I lost motivation to write but here I am! Thanks for being patient🫶
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alixezae · 4 months
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(⁠๑⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠๑) IMAGINE ˚⊱🪷⊰˚
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Imagine being a nerd and you just met toji on the first day of college and he starts liking you for some reason you question it sometimes you just stare at the wall and question because he told you that he likes you, you thought it was dare that his friends told him to do somehow he's already popular on the first day ANYWAYS. You said alright lets date (shit like that) you go on dates
*three months later*
You are somehow giving him head in his house clearly you guys were horny as shit like deadass, you lied to him that you never did it before he looked at you and your teasing him by licking his tip, slit and his big fucking shaft just imagine him moaning and his eyes rolling in the back of his head he's whining and sensitive and suddenly he finally cums in your mouth
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Credits to owners of (dividers, symbols) love yall
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the-muppet-joker · 4 months
I must admit, though shamefully, that I didn't believe you at first. What an ignorant heretic I was. How silly, I thought, that the second first man born unto God would choose such a humble place to spread his sermons. I've been so jaded in this awful life that I've rejected the one true light twinkling out past the darkness. This all-consuming black hole inside me...((Like a muppet hole)) No, no, no, no not like -((Are you so dissimilar to a toy? A muppet with a hollow inside where his creator's hand fits? I'm puppeting you right now and I'm telling you dude - there is a whole lot of empty in here.)) Why do I feel so ashamed? These thoughts are horrible.
((You know what's happening. You're just in denial.))
I remember the first time I saw the Muppets like I remember the first time my father hugged me (9). It shocked me to my core and I had this indescribable feeling- a feeling I can now put words to; This show was going to change the course of my life. I watched in awe as the be-felted people sung and danced. The songs felt like gospel in my young mind. I even tolerated the female Muppets because they were funny. All except one it turns out. Kermit was performing on stage and my life was reaching a peek. My soul was ablaze and my hole was being filled. And then this PIG walks on stage. Ms. Piggy was the definition of a 10/10 femoid in the looks department. Then this bimbo pig walks right up to Kermie and starts flirting with him. I think I must have blacked out the second she open her shrill mouth because the next thing I remember I'm staring down at my bloodied hands. The TV laid in a parking heap on the living room floor. I thought I could hear something coming from the TV, a whisper beneath the sparking and the now growing fire...muppet hole. The TV was undeniably glitching out and repeating the words muppet hole. No, it wasn't just the TV, it was a particular voice. Kermit.
((You saved Kermit from Ms. piggy)) No I didn't. I broke down, caused property damage, and had to skip summer camp for therapy. ((You were chosen)) For what? Almost burning down my house. Half of my hometown thinks I'm an arsonist. ((It is your role to burn every trace of pig flesh. Like a hog on a spit, rotating before the eyes of hungry horrors that lay just outside the fire's haze. She will know what it means to sacrifice your flesh to a smiling God)) Ok I understand.
Last night, laying in a puddle of congealing orange Faygo (huge bender), this memory came rushing back to me. I asked myself if my hole was filled. I checked and couldn't tell. After cleaning up I tried asking God if my hole was filled. He told me the answers I seek lay within my own mind. As a Maid of Mind I can dive really deep into my own mind. I used my ascended god tier powers to travel to the farthest recesses of my subconscious and find the answer for myself.
The further I descended the darker everything became.I panicked and tried to escape but hit a wall. Oh God, is this how I die? Trapped within my own mind, forced to suffer my sick, evil thoughts until my physical body perished? ((Keep moving)) I suddenly felt completely calm. I turned and kept walking. I soon realized that I was in a hallway. I could see a figure emerge in a sudden flash of light and I ran towards it for what felt like millennia. This invader of the mind had a dominant stance, with arms straight out to the sides as if to say ((come at me bro)).
Suddenly I was face to face with. Oh. ((Now do you understand?)) I do. Before me stood God, ie Dirk Strider. (If you're a monotheist Homestuck kin I'm sorry for the exclusionary language as Homestuck *can be read as a monotheistic work. I am just trying to express my religious views so my interpretation of the scripture is limited to my own experience. Sorry (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•). God fist bumped me like a real bro and popped open a fresh bottle of orange Faygo to wash my feet with.
I can't write out the feet washing scene because I have a foot fetish. Let's just say it was very enjoyable for both of us although I don't think it was sexual for him. Was hard to tell through God's trademark dark sunglasses.
((You are my son, my child, my blood. Skin and bone but just as precious as the hand-sewn Smuppets. I have built from the clay just as my maker has built me from mud. We are Earth, we are space, we are transcending the roots. Together we will seed the universe and live out our Godhood.)).
How will we seed the universe?
((We must destroy Ms.Piggy so she can't hold Kermit down with her dumb feminine ways. Every snort from her is like a vast oink that pulls the threads of the universe apart farther, and farther. She is a force of chaos and having her so close to Kermit is limiting his potential to ascend. Kermit is one of my splinter selves and if he can't ascend I might lose narrative relevance altogether))
WELL THEN HOW DO I HELP YOU! PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU REACH YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL BY BRINGING DOWN THIS HOG. But I have one concern? How do I do it? My abilities aren't primarily combat based. How can I bring down nigh infinite incarnations of this foul swine?
((Muppet hole))
I woke up(?) in a puddle of sweat building over the now fully congealed Faygo puddle. I felt a purpose in my limbs as they moved easily like the wooden arms of a marionette. I felt full, fulfilled. I have found my purpose and my master. I HAVE FOUND SALVATION.
I've spent the past week going to every store on the bus route, 1 by 1, and defacing any evidence of Ms.Piggy. I cross out her name in big black sharpie and write religious seals on the pages of the magazines. I steal the dolls, replace the heads with different heads, and put them back. I even go to the grocery stores and cross out all the ham/pork labels on the meats. I've been replacing them with labeled that say things like "smile at your true god" and simply "flesh".
I do this all in the service of a god that is now crystalizing in my mind. And the sharper the image gets the closer it looks like Kermit's crusty hole. Amen.
Finally someone fucking understands
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