#thrax x leah
rigel-kentauruus · 2 months
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💜🔥I taste when we kiss, take my hand come back to the land, where everything's ours for a few hours
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rin-rin-winter · 8 months
Art trade with dear @jellyfishsun !
It's an illustration for the first chapter of their
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wasabijean · 1 year
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being a cell is gay asf. why are you, as a cell, INSIDE another man?
here’s the 2021 vs 2023 vers i drew
….. good lird
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dollbitezzz · 3 months
i wanted to take a moment to express my profound gratitude for @jellyfishsun incredible writing. your stories have taken me on emotional journeys that i never thought possible.
reading your work has been an experience like no other, as it has been years since i felt such genuine happiness while reading. your ability to evoke such deep emotions and bring the characters from osmosis jones is truly remarkable and only makes me so grateful to feel this way again.
your writing has only further deepened my appreciation for the osmosis jones community i've only found to be heavily interested in. it is extremely rare to find stories that resonate so deeply and leave such a lasting impact, and i guess what i'm trying to say is, i'm glad we have you in this silly- little small community of fans.
your work means more to me than words can fully convey. i haven't felt this content in years. so, thank you, thank you for making me feel great again. :)
(p.s my favorite thing you've ever written is "stuck with you". it literally made me cry)
another thing is the playlist you make for your fanfics are so good. normally i’m extremely picky with what i listen to including the genre, yet everytime i play your playlist it’s just… amazing. spectacular even. the playlist are genuinely so nice on their own that i can just listen to it without reading. that’s how good they are. 😭
AND YOUR ART?? HOLY SHIT ITS SO GOOD. whenever i have time im drawing something, a scene, an oc.
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playfenyx · 15 days
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Персонажи мультика/ фильма "Осмосис Джонс" в виде пони
Characters of the cartoon/ movie Osmosis Jones in the form of a pony
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kur0m1sblog · 2 years
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From The Movie
Osmosis Jones
The Mc’s of Osmosis Jones In A School AU!
SUMMARY: The main characters of Osmosis Jones and Ozzy & Drix if they were in a school AU
Thrax NSFW headcanons. 18+
SUMMARY: NSFW headcanons for Thrax from Osmosis Jones, MINORS DNI.
The Best Things About Thrax.
SUMMARY: Some of the best features of Thrax if you two were dating
Don’t Leave Yet. (UNFINISHED.)
SUMMARY: You and Thrax met at the club last night and became intimate in your bedroom. You only thought it was gonna be a one night stand, but he decided to make it clear he didn’t want it to be
The Mc’s of Osmosis Jones In A School AU!
SUMMARY: The main characters of Osmosis Jones and Ozzy & Drix if they were in a school AU
Mayor Phlemmington
The Mc’s of Osmosis Jones In A School AU!
SUMMARY: The main characters of Osmosis Jones and Ozzy & Drix if they were in a school AU
The Mc’s of Osmosis Jones In A School AU!
SUMMARY: The main characters of Osmosis Jones and Ozzy & Drix if they were in a school AU
The Mc’s of Osmosis Jones In A School AU!
SUMMARY: The main characters of Osmosis Jones and Ozzy & Drix if they were in a school AU
From The Tv Show
Hector Cruz
None At The Moment..!
Maria Amino
The Mc’s of Osmosis Jones In A School AU!
SUMMARY: The main characters of Osmosis Jones and Ozzy & Drix if they were in a school AU
Paul Spryman
None At The Moment..!
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musette-thornsong · 7 months
OJ: Bride of Thrax – Domestic Dispute, Pt. I
Hey, it’s been a while but I’m finally finishing what I started. Ozzy and Leah are having doubts about their elopement with all the crazy murders surrounding them. So much so, they believe one or the other is the killer. But when an unfortunate accident occurs, the truth is revealed before them as Thrax and Aura take matters into their own hands. However, the demon couple will have their own trials to face compared to the cell couple.
Warning: Explicit Language/Violence
Aurie Zurie belongs to me
Ozzy and Leah were at their wits end with all the murders and jumped to conclusions that one or the other was the culprit. So much so that each separately called Drix on advice on what to do about the situation. He shows up at the hotel the next morning and hitches a ride in the van to talk things out. Drix insists that both of them are innocent and wrong about the whole situation until he starts to get a whiff of something strange in the back of the van.
Drix: The thing that struck me was how sure you both sounded. And to me, that meant one of three things: One of you is lying, both of you are crazy, or both of you are wrong. Add to that the fact that I know you both better than anyone else, and I’ve never seen either of you so much as hurt a fly, and I’ve concluded that what we have here is a terrible misunderstanding.
Ozzy: (looks to Leah, puzzled)
Leah: (looks to Ozzy, puzzled)
Drix: (gets a whiff of something rather foul) Do you two smell something rather odd in here?
Thrax & Aura: (discreetly look to each other worried)
Ozzy: Okay, for the sake of argument, if it wasn’t you and it wasn’t me, then who else would wanna kill Phlegmming and that crooked bodyguard of his?
Leah: (adds on) And those people from last night.
Drix: (corrects them) You’re assuming Phlegmming’s dead. He’s only missing.
Leah: (concludes) You’re suggesting that Phlegmming…
Drix: (concurs) Yes! Why not? The man is power-hungry and will go to whatever lengths to get what he wants. I’d probably buy him as a psychopath before either of you two (gets a whiff of the foul odor once again, looking around in curiosity) My word! Something is really quite odorous in here.
Leah: I told you not to leave your dirty drawers back there.
Ozzy: (smiles Leah lovingly in relief)
Drix: I must suggest, Ms. Estrogen, this is not the rancorous smell of someone’s unmentionables (sniffs around further)
Drix kept sniffing around trying to place the order until he notics a small puddle of cytoplasm at the base of the trunk seat. Suspicious, Drix hovers down to move the Thrax & Aura dolls out of the way before lifting the latch. The moment he lifted up the seat, the sight before him left him in shock. Within the seat was Phlegmming’s nail-pierced face and blood-soaked corpse. The horror of it all leaves him in utter disbelief but comes to the immediate conclusion of their guilt.
Ozzy: (openly admittedly) I feel like such an idiot.
Leah: (reciprocates) Me too.
Ozzy: I mean, I can’t believe I thought that you could kill someone.
Leah: (apologizes) I know. I’m so sorry.
Drix: (notices an ice grenade that Phlegmming had previously swiped from him before secretly placing it in his arm cannon)
Ozzy: Drix, what would we do without you?
Drix: (jumps immediately at the odd question before suddenly closing the seat shut to remain inconspicuous, slightly panicking)
Leah: (smiles at him happily)
Ozzy: (gives him a respectful nod)
Drix: (worried) What do you mean “Without me”?
Ozzy: I mean you set us straight, buddy. We owe ya one.
Leah: You’re a good friend. The best (moves to the back to give Drix a hug)
Drix: (whips out his armed cannon in a panic) Pull over!
Ozzy: (looks back to see the sight behind him)
Drix: (demands at Ozzy) Pull over now!
Ozzy: (pulls the van over, before climbing to the back to calm Drix down unsure of his sudden behavior) Drix, come on, buddy, it’s me. Come on, let’s talk this over.
Drix: I’m not your buddy.
Drix: (freaking out, charges the lever ready to shoot) Why? So you can kill me too?
Drix: (still keeps them at bay) Oh, you’re good. You’re good! You even had me fooled.
Leah: (confused) What are you talking about?
Drix: THIS!! (lifts up the seat showing them Phlegmming’s corpse, disgusted)
Ozzy & Leah: (gasps in horrific shock with Leah ready to vomit)
Thrax & Aura: (look to each other realizing the jig was up)
Leah: (turns to Ozzy in disbelief) You son of a bitch!
Ozzy: (defensively points at Leah) DRIX, I DIDN’T DO IT! SHE DID IT!
Leah: (defends herself) DRIX, I WOULD NEVER…
Drix: (shouts) SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!
Drix keeps the cannon on them and backs out of the van before he notices a passing police car and begins hailing it over when they see his weapon. Drix turns back only to find two unexpected figures in front of him with guns.
Drix: (calls out to the police) HEY, HELP! OVER HERE!!
Thrax & Aura: (point their guns directly at Drix)
Ozzy & Leah: (shocked to see a familiar face)
Leah: OH MY GOD!!!
Ozzy: (stares in terror of his old enemy)
Thrax: (smiles sinisterly) Hey Jones, long time no see.
Drix: (shocked to see Thrax too as well as a former teammate in her current state)
Drix backed away from the van slowly not noticing the oncoming truck heading right at him. Having forgotten his cannon was charged as he turned to move out of the way too late, the truck smashed right into Drix blowing up the front of the truck and himself in an icy explosion upon impact. The collision causes a pileup on the road as the cops were closing in.
Ozzy: (screams for his friend) DRIX!!!
Leah: (screams in horror) NOOOO!!!
Thrax: (shrugs to Aura) That works too.
Ozzy gets the van going as Leah closes the back-end doors before speeding off. Leah looks out the back window at the truck only to see icy blue remains of her good friend splattered all over the grill. She begins to weep at the loss feeling helpless. The cops got in closer before Thrax forces her to open the doors at gunpoint then shoots at the patrol car’s wheels while laughing maniacally. The cops veer off the side of the road as Leah closes the doors back in. Ozzy sped the van even further making sure they got far enough away just as they were entering New Jersey.
Thrax: (breaks the ice while keeping the hostages at gunpoint, smirking) I imagine at this point you two must have a lot of questions. You remember me, of course, right Jones?
Ozzy: How could I not? I remember the face of anyone who tried to kill me
Thrax: (chuckles reminiscently, gestures) And I’m sure you recognize an old partner of yours, donthca’?
Aura: (reassures, keeping her gun up) Oh, I’m sure he’d never forget me after the way the force dogged me out at the station as I was unjustly tried and fired. Isn’t that right, Jonesy?
Ozzy: (shocked to find his old friend and neighbor as a demon) So, how did you end up like this?
Leah: (looks on in disbelief and shock too)
Thrax: Well, it’s a long story.
Aura: (agrees) It sure is.
Thrax: In fact, if it was a movie, it would take three or four sequels just to do it justice.
Leah: What are you gonna do with us?
Thrax: Funny you should ask.
Aura: (explains) These bodies are okay. But they’re like apartments that we’re just renting. But now we’re movin’ on up.
Thrax: Like George & Weezie.
Aura: And we’re lookin’ to buy
Thrax: And you know what they say about real estate. Location, location, location. Well, you guys are definitely in the right place at the wrong time.
Thrax & Aura: (cackle menacing with glee)
Ozzy: (overhears the radio broadcast and turns up the volume when their names are mentioned)
Radio: *This is a CNN (Cerebral Neural Network) special report. The Jones & Estrogen case keeps getting weirder and weirder. Fingerprints discovered at two separate crime scenes have been identified as belonging to Thrax a.k.a. the Red Death, the notorious serial killer gunned down in 2001. Now police confirm that Thrax’s corpse will be exhumed from a Hackensack, New Jersey cemetery sometime today*
Thrax: (worried) What?!
Aura: (panics) Thrax, the Heart of Damballa!!
Ozzy & Leah: (freaking out silently towards the news)
Thrax: (grunts) I know!
Aura: What’ll we do? What’ll we do?
Thrax: Shut up! Just let me think, a’ight? First, we gotta get some new wheels. Every cop within 500 miles is looking for this van. We need something inconspicuous, but with a little style.
They manage to find an RV and commandeer but only after shooting the elderly owners point-blank in the heads. Thrax keeps an eye on Ozzy at the wheel from the front passenger seat as they entered the city of Hackensack. Aura keeps Leah tied up in the back as she cooks dinner while having a smoke and dolls up Leah for the upcoming ritual.
Aura: (smoking, tries to apply makeup to Leah’s face) Hold still, honey, or I’m gonna poke ya’ in the eye again.
Leah: (resists fervently while struggling against her binds)
Aura: (looks her down and up) Yes. I believe I’m going to look absolutely ravishing.
She hears the oven timer go off signaling her cookies were ready. She heads to the closet to fetch an apron where the elderly cell couples’ corpses were shoved in. She carefully removes the tray and brings the cookies up to the front for her husband.
Aura: Oops, scuse’ me (grabs the apron and close the door, then brings cookies to Thrax)
Ozzy: (keeps an eye out waiting for an opening he could exploit)
Thrax: (finishes his spicy Swedish meatballs just Aura approaches) Nobody makes Carne Asada-styled Swedish meatballs like you, baby. Peachy!
Aura: Thanks, honeybun. I hope you left room for dessert (offers Thrax chocolate chip & peanut butter cookies)
Thrax: You know it, Sweet Cheeks (grabs a few cookies before kissing Aura lovingly on the cheek)
Ozzy: (weirded out with the overly lovey-dovey display)
Thrax: (takes a bite of a cookie, then turns to Ozzy) Ya’ know, Jones, if I had known that marriage was such a great gig, I would’ve never waited this long to tie the knot.
Ozzy: (spots the dirty dishes through the rearview mirror) On the other hand, she’s not much of a housekeeper, is she?
Thrax: (skeptical but saw that Jones had a point, turns to Aura) Hey, Aura, baby?
Aura: (looks up) Huh?
Thrax: Those dishes aren’t gonna wash themselves ya’ know.
Aura: (glares daggers at Thrax, insulted)
Leah: (curious as to what Ozzy was trying to pull, but catches on immediately and plays along) You were nice enough to cook for him. The least he could do is wash the dish
Aura: Uugh… (seeing how Leah made a fascinating point picks up a dirty dish and angrily throws it at Thrax as it smashes on the back of his seat)
Thrax: (surprised at her behavior) What are you doing?!
Aura: (angrily throws another dish at him) Raaaagh!!
Thrax: (dodges the other barely before confronting her) What would Martha Stewart say?
Aura: (shouts in a fed-up tone) FUCK, MARTHA STEWART!!!
Thrax: (taken aback by her response)
Aura: (goes on) MARTHA STEWART CAN KISS MY SHINY DEMON RED BUTT!!! Here I am slaving away over a hot stove, making cookies, making spicy Swedish meatballs, and for WHAT!? FOR A MAN WHO DOESN’T EVEN APPRECIATE ME!! FOR A MAN WHO CAN’T EVEN WASH ONE FUCKING DISH!! FOR A MAN WHO ISN’T EVEN A MAN AT ALL WHERE IT COUNTS IF YOU GET MY DRIFT!! (looks to Leah) Take it from me, honey. Sex dolls is no substitute than for a nice hunk of wood.
Thrax: (shocked and angered that she insulted his manhood, looking to Ozzy) I didn’t hear her complaining last night. (looks back to Aura) Any guy would need a hunk of plastic, probably battery-operated, to get a reaction out of you in bed.
Ozzy: (notices the road sign to the Forest Hills Cemetery at the next right)
Thrax: And by the way, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU LEARN TO BAKE!? (tosses the cookies at Aura)
Aura: (offended) How dare you speak to me that way!
Thrax: You started it!
Aura: I did not!
Leah: (takes action kicking Aura into the oven kicking the hatch shut)
Thrax: NOOO!!! (shoots at Leah)
Ozzy: (sends Thrax flying in one punch out the passenger window)
Thrax: (shoots at Ozzy)
Ozzy turned the RV hard to the right to dodge the bullet. Unfortunately, this causes the RV roll off the road and sent everything tumbling with Leah still tied up and under the debris. Down the hill they went until the RV came to a complete stop. Everything inside was in shambles, gas fluid was leaking from the pipes, and several electrical cables were lashing around. Leah manages to wake up with a slight headwound only to see Ozzy knocked out at the wheel.
Leah: (sees the sparking cables, panicking) Ozzy? Osmosis, please. Please. Oh, God. (struggles to get loose) Osmosis!! (hears a sudden metal squeaking noise before slowly looking over her shoulder towards the oven, starts getting hysterical remembering the demoness was still in there)
Aura: (burst onto the oven window in a charred-up state, screaming vicious agony) AAAAAAAGHH!!! AAAAAAAAAGHH!!
Leah: (screams in terror) AAAAAAGH!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!
Ozzy: (coughs coming out of his unconscious mode)
Leah: (looks back for Aura again only to see her gone)
Aura: (bursts out of the oven seconds later, attacking Leah) YOU BITCH!!! (bites the concave of Leah’s ear)
Leah: (screams in searing pain)
Ozzy: (rushes to her aid grabbing Aura by the hair and tossing her aside, before attempting to free Leah)
Leah: (sees the gas fluid getting closer and sparking cables as well, rushes Ozzy) HURRY!!
Ozzy: (struggles to undo the ropes before checking the sink, finds a knife and cuts the ropes just in time to grab the cables and kick the door open)
Leah: (gets up rushing to Ozzy, trying to jump out with him) No!!
Ozzy: GO, GO, GO!!
Leah: (pleads for him to jump with her) NOT WITHOUT YOU!!
Ozzy: (insists) I’LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!! (shoves Leah out the door as he notices the gas fluid running past his suedes)
Leah: (barely makes it as she stands up not noticing the shadow behind her)
Thrax: (points the gun to her, coyly) Hey, beautiful.
Leah: (screams frightened)
Ozzy tosses the cable behind him before diving out the RV as the cable collides with the gas setting everything on fire. Ozzy made out just as the RV exploded in a huge fiery blaze. Not to far was Aura in a burned and bloodied condition as she crawled towards her gun.
Aura: (struggles to reach for her gun, groaning in catastrophic pain)
Ozzy: (steps on her arm before grabbing the gun)
Aura: (cries out weakly) Aaaaack!!
Ozzy: (pulls back the slide ready to shoot before noticing Leah running off Thrax in her arms with his gun at her heart) LEAH!!!
Thrax: (barks) Move it!
Leah: (continues heading towards the cemetery)
Ozzy: (grabs Aura by the hair, chasing after them)
Aura: (weakly cries out from being flung around life a rag doll)
Ozzy raced after Thrax and Leah with Aura’s charred body in tow. He had almost lost Leah once and he was not intending on losing her for real this time. He would get his true love back at any cost. But will this prove more of a challenge than he can handle? And will become of the demon couple at odds?
To be continued…
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cassandra-moon · 4 years
Shows and Games I write about
My AO3
Monkie Kid
Sun Wukong
Red Son
Red Son
Princess Iron Fan
Spider Queen
Demon Bull King
My Hero Acedamia
Bakugou Katsuki(My husband)
Izuku Medoriya 
Shouo Todoroki
Ejirou Kirishima
Denki Kaminari 
Yo Shindo
Shouta Aizawa
Mina Ashido
Dragon Ball
Android 17
Android 18
Android 21
The Dragon Prince
The Seven Deadly Sins
Attack on Titan
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventur
Avatar(Last Airbender & Korra)
Kengan Assura
Ohma Tokita
Setsuna Kiriyu
Shiro Ogami
The Witcher
Geralt of Revalia
Trevor Belmont
Yu Gi Oh
Yami Bakura
Theif King Bakura
Yami Yugi
Prince Atem
Vampire Hunter D
Howls Moving Castle
Tokyo Ghoul
Jason Yamori
Devil Man Crybaby
Lie Ren
Fairy Tale
Samurai Jack
Daughters of Aku(All together or separate)
Infinity Train
Blood of Zeus
Osmosis Jones
Winx Club
Devil May Cry
No Straight Roads
Resident Evil
Albert Wesker
Leon Kennedy
Carlos Oliveira
Legend of Zelda
Shall we Date: Blood in Roses
The Arcana
League of Legends
Damn near every character and their alternative universes
(Also do characters x characters)
Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts
Zack Fair
Cloud Strife
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isabellek211 · 3 years
Pip Jones
A spoof of 2001 Warner Bros. "Osmosis Jones"
Osmosis Jones - Pip (T.O.T.S)
Extra along with Pip: Freddy (T.O.T.S.)  
Drix - Chuck (The Angry Birds Movie)
Frank - Earth (Angry Earth)
Leah Estrogen - Amber (my oc)
Police Chief - Chief Bogo (Zootopia)
Extre along with Bogo: Junior (Storks), K.C. the Koala and Captain Beakman (T.O.T.S.)  
Mayor Phleming - Artie the Puffin (Krypto the Superdog)
Extra along with Artie: Griff and Waddles (Krypto the Superdog)
Thrax - Nigel (Rio)
Shane - Moon (Angry Earth)  
Bruiser - Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda 2)
Tom Culonic - Beat (Mega Man 5)
Spider Legs - Storm Eagle (Mega Man X)
Crime Boss - Tae Kwon Crow (Skylanders)
Flu Germ - Gilbert (The Jungle Bunch)
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onehellofacell · 7 years
1, 2 & 4?
1. OTP(s) for your muse? 
{ Thrax x Ozzy, Ozzy x Drix, Ozzy x Leah ( of course i do love Leah she’s wonderful~ ) the main otp is Thrax x Ozzy though. But the other two are also my faves~}
2. NOTP(s) for your muse? 
{ hmmm, NOTPs, not really? I don’t really pay much attention to any of the other ships lol. }
4. Are you oc shipping friendly? 
{ Honestly, it depends? I myself have nothing against people shipping Ocs with Canon. if thats your thing you do you. I myself don’t really do it anymore. though, i’m always open to learning about ocs. If anything the closest Ozzy may get to an OC is seeing them as his own family much like how he sees his friends. }
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rigel-kentauruus · 9 months
🔥Babe, can you feel the heat?🔥
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~"A hero would sacrifice you to save the world, the villain would sacrifice the world to save you"
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rigel-kentauruus · 2 months
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musette-thornsong · 6 months
OJ: Bride of Thrax – Domestic Dispute, Pt. II/Til’ Death Do Us Part
Here we enter the final chapter of the couples vs. enemies. Ozzy intends to save Leah and kill Thrax for the hope of a future together. While Thrax has everything set in motion to his advantage, Aura begins to rethink her choices in life upon seeing the love the cells share for each other. What will this mean for our beloved demon couple? Could this be the end? Find out now…
Warning: Explicit Language/Violence
Aurie Zurie belongs to me
Ozzy ran after Leah and Thrax towards the cemetery with Aura being unceremoniously swung by her burnt hair. Meanwhile at the cemetery, an unsuspecting white blood cell coroner is at work digging up Thrax’s grave for an autopsy with forensics to further aid the mass murder case. But before he can open the coffin, Thrax hovers above him before shooting a fireball at the poor cell. The blast causes his cytoplasm to explode all over the grave, making Leah even more terrified.
Leah: (screams in horror) AAAAAAAAHHH!!!!
Thrax: (barks) Get down there! MOVE!!
Leah: (hesitantly climbs down in the grave, struggling to lift the heavy lid off the coffin, grunting)
Thrax: (impatiently) HURRY UP!!!
Leah: (screams from the pressure being thrown at her) I’M TRYING YOU FUCKING MIDGET ASSHOLE!!!
Thrax: (angrily fires a warning shot at Leah from his gun)
Leah: (screams from the shot before using all her strength to push the lid off) AAAHH!!
Thrax: (watches intently as the scene unfolded before him)
Leah finally manages to push open the coffin only be met with Thrax’s boney corpse which was ragged and infested with germ rats. The sight was enough to nearly make Leah vomit in disgust whereas Thrax was just as grossed out regardless that it was his own dead body.
Leah: (retracts from the body ready to puke)
Thrax: (shudders in disgust of his rat-infested skeleton) Uuugh! You really didn’t need to see that.
Leah: (looks back to see the Heart of Damballa around the skeleton’s neck)
Thrax: (sees the amulet too, demandingly) Give me the amulet!
Leah: (hesitantly reaches for the amulet before she suddenly snatches it off, breaking the skeleton’s neck)
Thrax: (annoyed) Aw, bitch! Ya broke my neck!
Leah freaks outs before throwing the amulet up at the gravestone as it land near Thrax’s feet. Thrax picks up the amulet with a gleeful look on his face, happy to see an old friend again with his plan ready to come to fruition. But suddenly, Ozzy shows up having finally caught up to them with Aura in his grasp. Thrax spots them before aiming his gun at his old enemy. Ozzy quickly draws Aura’s gun to Thrax in standoff.
Thrax: (stares Ozzy down at gunpoint)
Ozzy: (stares Thrax down back before holding Aura’s head at gunpoint)
Aura: (grunts in pain feeling the cold steel pressed against her head) Ungh!!
Thrax: (eyes widen in horror of his love being threatened, demandingly) Let her go!
Ozzy: (retorts) Let Leah go first!!
Thrax: (lowers his weapon before looking to Leah) Get movin’
Leah: (begins to walk away towards Ozzy)
Thrax: (calls out to her) And Leah?
Leah: (looks back upon hearing her name)
Thrax: (grins maliciously) See ya’ real soon
Leah: (turns back around and continues walking to Ozzy)
Ozzy: (lowers his weapon before putting Aura down carefully)
Aura: (looks up at her old friend almost reminiscently, whimpering in pain)
Ozzy: (looks down at her pitifully, calmly) Get out of here.
Aura: (weakly turns around and walks towards Thrax, sadly) Why can’t I ever get it on with the real good guys?
Aura feels forlorn about her life at how much she had suffered and fallen. She had no family, no home, no job, and her friends and fellow comrades turned their backs on her. Everyone treated her like dirt or a piece of meat they could just dig their claws into. She thought she had finally found some resemblance of happiness when she met Thrax; the only man who seemed to understand her better than anyone. She had sacrificed everything including her humanity to be with him and hoped to have the perfect domestic life. But looking back on it all and how her choices lead to this point, she began to wonder…was it all worth it? She kept limping forward until she crosses paths with Leah before they lock eyes together.  
Aura: (sincerely but sadly) You’re a lucky girl, Leah. Remember that (limps past her towards Thrax)
Thrax: (keep the gun at elbow’s height for good measure)
Ozzy & Leah: (run into each other’s arms, embracing strongly and lovingly)
Aura: (reaches out to Thrax, begging) Catch me, Thrax (falls to the ground, coughing)
Thrax: (dodges her as she fell over, grimacing at the state of his burned bride, before looking to the cell couple) Uugh…
Ozzy & Leah: (kiss each other lovingly in relief that they both managed to survive so long)
Having had enough of mushy scene, Thrax narrows his eyes before flickering the flame in his claw and immediately throws a fire dagger towards Leah. Ozzy sees this and throws himself in the path taking the flaming projectile to back. Ozzy slumps to the ground in pain as Leah struggles to hold him up.
Aura: (looks up weakly to see the lovely couple)
Leah: (panics, faring for Ozzy’s life) Oh, God no!
Ozzy: (grunts, pleading) Pull it out!
Leah: (gasps in pain from the flams burning her hand, firmly grabs the dagger pulling it out swiftly and tossing it to the ground) UUUUUNGH!!
Thrax: (aims the gun at Leah, snaps his fingers recalling the flame to his claw) I’ll take that.
Ozzy & Leah: (hold each other close as they look up at Thrax with fear in their eyes)
Thrax: (picks up Aura’s gun and points both weapons at the cells with the amulet tied to his hand) It’s showtime!
Thrax ties the couple up back-to-back to prevent any further disruptions as Aura laid back against his tombstone. She begins to see how much they were willing to sacrifice to be together and then looks to the demon before her as he begins the chant to perform the ritual. The sky becomes enveloped with storm clouds and lightning swirling around them.
Thrax: (chants with a gun in one hand and the amulet in the other) Ade due Damballa. Give me the power I beg of you!Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte.
Aura: (crawls towards Thrax)
Thrax: (continues the chant) Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa! Endenlieu pour du boisette Damballa!
Aura: (cozies up next to Thrax, leaning against him)
Thrax: (looks down to his bride excitedly, cradling her face in his hand) This is it!
Aura: (looks up to Thrax, wholeheartedly) I love you, Thrax
Thrax: (casually) I know.
Aura: We belong together, forever.
Thrax: (smiles genuinely)
Aura: Kiss me
Thrax lowers his head and kisses Aura more passionately than ever. Leah struggles to get herself and Ozzy free while the demon couple was distracted. Aura slid her hand down Thrax’s torso towards his hips before gently clasping his hand in hers. Suddenly, her hand started to glow with embers and without a second thought, her scarlet eyes flashed golden yellow as she buried her claws into Thrax’s back; scorching his insides with his stolen fire. Thrax screams in agony as he was taken by surprise, having forgotten his love was also a practitioner of dark magic. He rolls to the ground down completely stunned by her sudden betrayal.
Aura: (limps over, looks down on her former flame with regret)
Thrax: (rolls on his side to look up at Aura, groaning) Why?
Aura: (finally seeing the truth before them, sadly) Oh, Thrax. Look at us. Don’t you see? We belong dead.
Thrax: (eyes widened from Aura’s sudden conscientious epiphany)
Aura: (woefully) Goodbye, love. I’ll see you in Hell.
Thrax: (breaths his last breath as his eyes close for the last time)
Leah manages to get both herself and Ozzy free of their binds. They gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes before coming into a strong embrace, glad that the nightmare was finally over. Aura looks out at the sweet couple with hopeful eyes that they will have a better life she did. She felt she could let go of everything and move forward. But that thought was put to an immediate halt when something hard hit Aura upside the head, knocking her to the ground. The sound was enough to catch Leah and Ozzy’s attention. Aura looks over her bloodied head to shockingly see Thrax alive and having hit her with a conjured Hell’s mace. Apparently, she had just barely missed his heart and was only knocked out for a few seconds. Thrax was about to go in for another strike, but Aura blocked his vision by throwing a clump of dirt in his face. Distracted, Aura quickly conjures up a Hell sword and engages Thrax in a duel. Thrax manages pins Aura against a vehicle, but she uses all her strength to push back. Both are at a matching standpoint until Aura bares her fangs and sinks them into Thrax’s hand. Thrax staggers back in pain from his feral bride as she charges him with the sword only to miss. Thrax takes the opportunity to strike her head with the mace, seemingly knocking her out cold as her sword disappears.
Thrax: (makes sure she’s down for the count then resends his mace to Hell, heaving)
Aura: (springs at him in a full-on bloodied rage and proceeds to strangle him to ground while keeping his clawed hand pinned under her boot)
Thrax: (struggles to get free while grasping at Aura’s wrist)
Aura: (chokes him harder, screaming bloody murder) ROOAAAAAAARRRRGHH!!!
Thrax: (manages to his claws free from under her as he springs up before grabbing her throat and immediately stabs Aura through her heart)
Aura: (catches this too late as she feels the Hell’s fire from his claw piercing through her, gasping for air while choking on her blood)
Ozzy & Leah: (stare in udder shock of the scene)
Thrax: (looks into Aura’s suffering eyes, breathing animalistically)
Aura: (looks up into Thrax’s venomous yellow eyes, sorrowfully) My mother always told me “Love would set me free”
Thrax: (grimaces at Aura’s pathetic state before pushing her off his claw) Get off me
Aura: (falls to the ground as she breathes her final breath)
Thrax: (stares down at Aura’s lifeless body, disappointed)
Ozzy: (grabs a shovel charging Thrax and immediately whacks the small demon into the grave)
Thrax: (lands on top of his rat-infested corpse, freaking out as he makes for the ladder) AAAAAAAAGH!!! HAAAGH!! AAGH!!!
Ozzy: (quickly removes the ladder from the grave, trapping Thrax)
Leah: (points Aura’s gun at Thrax)
No sooner did they trap Thrax in his grave, a patrol car pulls up to reveal the Chief of the FPD whose been following the mass murder case. He pulled out his gun the moment he saw Leah and Ozzy.
Chief: (points the gun at them) Let me see your hands!
Ozzy & Leah: (look up to see the Chief)
Chief: (orders to Leah) Drop the gun! Drop it!
Leah: (drops the gun)
Thrax: (screams and shouts frantically while shooting out fireballs) LET ME OOOUT!!! LET ME OUT!!! LET ME OUT!!! LET ME OUT!!! (tries to claw his way out to no avail)
Chief, Ozzy, & Leah: (ducks down from the raging fireballs)
Chief: (looks down shocked to see Thrax alive and in the form of a pint-sized demon) Whoa!
Thrax: (screams ferociously) GRRRRRRRRAAAGH!!
Leah: (grabs the Chief’s plasma gun and points it at Thrax) DON’T MOVE!!!
Thrax: (glares up at Leah & Ozzy menacingly, seeing the killer in the estrogen cell’s eyes)
Leah: (glares back)
Thrax: (challengingly) GO AHEAD AND SHOOT!!! I’LL BE BACK!!! I ALWAYS COME BACK!!!
Leah: (cocks the gun ready to fire)
Thrax: (resigns, sighs annoyed) Yeeeaah…. But dying is such a bitch.
Leah: (fires the gun several times through Thrax’s heart)
Thrax: (gasps as his blood spills out before finally falling dead next to his corpse)
The group looks down at the sight before them trying to unravel what just transpired. As the dawn approached, the Chief looked to the frightened couple.
Chief: No one’s ever gonna believe this, ya know?
Ozzy: (holds Leah close, worried) What’s gonna happen to us, Chief?
Chief: (hears his cellphone ring and picks it up) Chief here. *chatter* Yeah, I’m here now. I’m afraid we got another corpse to add to the list.
Ozzy & Leah: (look at the Chief, worried about the results)
Chief: (gives them a smile of relief) Jones & Estrogen…. Hell, they didn’t do it. *chatter* Just get forensics down here. You’re never gonna friggin’ believe this. (hangs up, looking to the couple) Alright, you two go on home. And stay put!
Ozzy & Leah: (leave quietly in each other’s arms)
Chief: (watches them leave hoping the best for them)
While the Chief waitd for the forensics tam to arriv, he has a look around and comes to find Aura’s burnt miniature corpse soaked in blood. He kneels down to hav a closer look completely unnerved at the grotesque sight
Chief: (disturbed) Jesus…
Remembering what he saw with Thrax, he carefully poked Aura’s body to make sure she was dead. After two more jabs at the husk, he goes in for a more closer looker only for Aura suddenly spring up alive scaring the wits out of the Chief.
Chief: (terrified) GODDAMN!! Son of a bitch! Holy mother of…
Chief: Jesus! Jesus! (suddenly notices something moving inside Aura under her wedding dress)
Aura: (continues to scream in pain as she struggled to push it out before shooting out a splash of blood and placenta)
Chief: (gets the full blast of the mess in his face and desperately wipes it off, freaking out) AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!
Aura: (makes one final push releasing a blood-soaked Hellspawn before finally dying)
Chief: (keeps screaming in horror upon seeing the terrifying creature crawl out from under Aura’s dress)
Hellspawn: (crawls out into the world, shrieking)
Chief: (stares horror-stricken at the atrocity)
Hellspawn: (sees the Chief before attacking, shrieking)
Chief: (screams his last breath) AAAAAAUUUUGH!!!
And so, ends tragic tale of our demon lovers and the cell couple who persevered through all Hell had to throw at them. For those of you who enjoyed the Osmosis Jones characters in this Bride of Chucky scenario, thank you for your love and support.
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musette-thornsong · 4 years
OJ: It’s Called A Hustle, Pt. III
Aura & Thrax had discovered all the missing germs, viruses, and the missing red blood cell from several cases but unfortunately, they had somehow gone savage. When the matter is out in the open and questioned by the press, Aura & Thrax’s friendship take a turn for worst when stating that all pathogens are predators by nature. But when later discovering what has caused said pathogens to go primal, Aura will need Thrax more than ever. Can they amend their relationship and put an end to the source of these attacks? Events may soon lead them there but have them come face-to-face with an unexpected enemy.
Thrax x Aura
Words: 6,480
Warning: Dangerous situations, emotional moments, possible crude humor, & JUSTICE!!!
Aura & Thrax’s research from the traffic jam cams security system led them to a secret passageway beneath Cerebellum Hall. After eluding the guards, their discovery led them to secret lab and a containment unit. To their surprise, each unit not only contained every missing bacterial and viral civilian but also the missing red blood cell. Yet like the rest of them, his mind was in a predatory state of defense. They had overheard a she-cell scientist talking to Mayor Tom Colonic about how the imprisoned organisms’ might be reverting to their predatory state, insisting to alert the citizens of Frank. However, Colonic feels otherwise since the only contained cell has gone savage which could ruin his political career. Though determined to keep this matter from the public and the authorities, Aura & Thrax managed to escape through the plumbing and alerted the Chief (who was impressed to find that Aura had found all of the missing organisms), resulting in Colonic’s arrest who tried to plead with them that he was only protecting the city while others believe he was protecting himself. This goes public to the press with Phlegmming be reinstated as the new mayor once again and honoring Aura for solving the case. Aura felt she could not have done it without Thrax’s help and considered having him position as her partner, giving him an application form along with pen she used against him earlier as a sign of good will. But when the press asked her why this was happening, she proceeds to respond that all pathogens are somehow reverting back to their primal state based on natural born instincts. Hearing her say such a thing and seeing the imprisoned pathogens on the on-screen footage caused Thrax to flashback to his worst memories of being muzzled and treated like an animal in his younger years. Feeling hurt and betrayed by what may happen in the long run, he rebuffs the idea of a predatory virus working with for the FPD leaving her in a state of shock and regret. This causes absolute chaos throughout the City of Frank as the system completing breaks down where all cells cannot even trust or fathom being around the germs, bacteria, viruses, or cell hybrids they had come to call “friend” over the last 15 years. Some have been isolated, openly discriminated against, or even lost their jobs. Aura was in a state of disbelief over all the trouble she caused. But when Mayor Phlegmming offered her a permanent position on the force as a lieutenant, she becomes disillusioned believing this chaos was all her fault before respectfully rejecting the offer then quitting her job which shocks everyone. She then moves back in with her foster parents, Ozzy & Leah. For the next several weeks, she spent her days living in a depressive squalor on the backwoods streets of Frank at night dressed as a prostitute having lost all self-respect and dignity for herself. The takers unfortunately were more masochistic than dominant with their sexual exploits, which did not make her feel any better. One day while sitting outside the apartment complex, Ozzy and Leah found her sitting on the curbside after coming home from a date. They approached her wondering why she was dressed so provocatively and looking so miserable.
Ozzy: (perplexed) Baby Girl, what are you doing out here?
Leah: (perplexed) And what is with that outfit, young lady? It’s unbecoming of you.
Aura: (straightforward) Trust me. With the weirdos out there wanting to be dominated by female empowerment, there has been absolutely nothing sexual involved whatsoever.
Ozzy: (confused but lets it go as he sat down beside her using his jacket to cover her up, smiling) So, Aura. Z-Girl. Z the Z-ster, remember that one? (drops the smile placing his arm around her, concerned) How we doin’?
Aura: (downtrodden) I’m fine.
Leah: (concernedly points out) You are not fine. You’re pale as a ghost and your eyes have lost their scarlet luster.
Aura: (sighs) Why did I think I could ever make a difference and live up to my mother’s name?
Ozzy: (hugs her) Because you’re a trier, that’s why.
Leah: (places her arm around her too) You’ve always been a trier.
Aura: Oh, I tried. And it made life so much worse for so many innocent pathogens and cells.
Suddenly, a honking could be heard from the distance as they noticed a large pastry truck pull up to the apartment complex.
Ozzy: (notices the familiar truck pulling up) Oh, not all of them, though. Speak of the devil. Right on time.
Aura: (looks up to notice Drix & Maria Amino on the driver’s side but notices and even more familiar face in the passenger seat) Is that Maximus?
Ozzy: (happily) Yep. It sure is. We work with him now.
Leah: He’s our business partner. After Ozzy retired from the FPD and I as the mayor’s aide, we opened a bed & breakfast hotel out here in the Liver to give a temporary home to the less fortunate. I run the hotel while Ozzy & Drix works security throughout the area. Drix had also recently married Officer Amino and opened a health-conscious bakery shop together.
Ozzy: And when Maximus fell on hard times after being ejected from the City of Christine, we decided to give him a helping hand. He now runs a charitable organization to help those in need off the streets which is fueled by his business in financial care.
Leah: (smiles proudly) And we all would have never considered any of this had you not opened our minds.
Ozzy: (smiles with enthusiastic pride) That’s right. Drix has become the most renowned healthy pastry chef while Max here has turned out to be one of the best financial advisors and philanthropists throughout all of Frank.
Aura: (looks on at this, feeling some sense of accomplishment) That’s…That’s really cool, you guys (gets up and walks over to the truck seeing Maximus) Maximus.
Maximus: (looks up to see Aura for the first time in years, surprised)
Drix & Maria: (smiles at the familiar face)
Aura: (places her hands in the jack pockets) Well I’ll be damned.
Maximus: (sincerely) Hello, Miss Aura. I would just like to say that I apologize for my former actions in my youth. I had a lot of self-doubt and it manifested itself into a form of unchecked rage and aggression. I was *ahem* a “despicable jerk”
Aura: (shocked by his newfound transformation, understanding) Well I know a thing or two about being a jerk.
Drix: (delighted) Anyway, we brought down some pies for everyone (suddenly sees Ozzy & Leah’s kids heading towards some rather questionable flowers in the garden)
Cell Kids: (plays frivolously)
Drix: Children, be careful! Don’t you run through that datura stramonium tatula!!
Cell Kids: (backs away slowly and runs to safer location)
Maximus: (chuckles) Well there’s a $400 word, Drix. My family often referred to them as Devil’s Snare.
Aura: (suddenly clicks into a thought after hearing that familiar name, looks to Maximus confused) I’m so…what did you say?
Ozzy: Oh, Max is just talking about those flowers there. Drix uses them to keep the bugs of the produce but we don’t like the kids going near them on account of what happened with your Uncle Ricky.
Maria: Yeah, Ricardo ate one whole when we were kids and went completely nuts.
Drix: He bit the dickens out of your aunt.
Aura: (comes a startling realization) A cell can go savage.
Leah: (surprised) Savage? Well, that’s a strong word.
Maria: True, but it did hurt like the devil.
Ozzy: Well, it sure did! There’s a sizeable divot in your arm. I’d call that savage
Aura: (suddenly has an epiphany) Devil’s Snare isn’t a conspiracy group, they’re flowers! The flowers are making the pathogens go savage. That’s it! That’s what I’ve been missing! (dashes for Ozzy’s car) Oh, keys!
Ozzy: (quickly reacted tossing her the keys)
Aura: Keys! Keys! Keys! Hurry! Come on! (catches them) Drix! Emergency wardrobe!
Drix: (immediately opens his compartment before tossing the clothes bag)
Aura: (grabs the bag then jumps in the car driving off back to Heart District, waving goodbye frantically) Oh, thank you! I love you! Bye!
Everyone: (looks on shocked)
Ozzy: Did you catch any of that, Leah?
Leah: Not a bit.
Maximus: (relieved) Oh, well that makes feel a little bit better. I thought she was talking in tongues or something.
Aura sped through the streets to make it back to the Heart District while changing into her more appropriate attire. Though it was not easy as she nearly hit some cars along the way. When she had made to the Heart, she made her way to the alley where Fox’s truck was parked in hopes of him knowing Thrax’s whereabouts.
Aura: (knocks on the back door)
Fox: (bursts the door open with a bat in hand) WHO IS IT!? (looks up, surprised to see Aura)
Aura: (pleads) I need to find Thrax. Please.
Fox told her that she could find Thrax near an abandoned area in the Left Lung District. Aura drove until she found an area with the abandoned buildings in ruins. She looked around calling out for Thrax, hoping he would answer. When she came to a bridge and looked around, just below her was none other than Thrax bathing in the sunlight sitting in a lawn chair while drinking a canned coffee. Her heart was filled joy to see Thrax, though the same could not be said for him.
Aura: (calls out) Thrax? Thrax!
Thrax: (sips his coffee)
Aura: (hears the sipping and looks down below the bridge, smiling in relief) Oh, Thrax. (explains the situation) Devil’s Snare isn’t a conspiracy cult. They’re toxic flowers! I think someone is targeting pathogens on purpose and making them go savage!
Thrax: (puts his drink down before getting up and putting his shades away in his trench coat, uninterested) Wow. Isn’t that interesting? (casually walks away under the bridge)
Aura: (stunned by his reaction knowing he still felt hurt and betrayed, follows him under the bridge) Wait…Wait! Listen! I know you’ll never forgive me! I wouldn’t forgive me either.
Thrax: (stops dead in his tracks but still keeps his back to her)
Aura: (continues on with her apology) I was ignorant…and irresponsible and small-minded. But pathogens shouldn’t suffer because of my mistakes. I have to fix this. But I can’t do without you.
Thrax: (still doesn’t respond, but continues to listen)
Aura: (starts choking up) And after we’re done…you can hate me. And… (sobbing) that’ll be fine. Because I was a horrible friend and I hurt you and you can walk away knowing you were right all along. I really am just a dumb pheromone (lowers her head in shame, sniffling)
Audio Recording: *I really am just a dumb pheromone*
Aura: (looks up hearing her words repeat themselves, confused)
Thrax: (pulls out her recorder pen from his pocket and plays it again) *I really am just a dumb pheromone* (turns around to face her, smiling) Don’t worry, baby. I’ll let ya’ erase it…in 48 hours.
Aura: (gasps in tears, happy that he has forgiven her)
Thrax: Alright. Get in here, baby (opens his arms up to her)
Aura: (comes out from under the bridge into the sunlight, embraces Thrax warmly with her face buried into his broad chest)
Thrax: (holds her in his strong arms while stroking her head, playfully teasing) Okay. Oh, you cells. You’re so emotional. (pats her head) There we go. Deep breath. (holds up the pen) Are you just trying to steal the pen? Is that what this is?
Aura: (chuckles and sniffles, trying to playfully reach for it)
Thrax: (feels pressure on his foot) But you are standing on my foot though. Off, off, off, off…
Aura: (backs off his foot before wiping her eyes, giggling) Oh. I’m sorry.
They soon got into Ozzy’s car and headed up the road to look for a lead in the case. On the way, they made a little idle conversation which actually opens Thrax up into learning a little more than he thought he knew about her.
Thrax: Wait. So, let me get this straight. For the last 15 years, Jones and his girl took you in as their foster kid only after spending a few years on the street. Then after you left to be a cop, they along with everyone else, actually began to really live the good life because you set out to do the impossible? Running a hotel for the poor, making healthy baked goods, running charitable organizations to get all microorganisms alike a second chance at life, and having kids of their own?
Aura: Yeah, pretty much. I mean they needed practice on how to be parents. What better way to learn than to give a home to one who grew up with nothing and lost the only family she had. My mother had died when I was just a kid and I never even knew my father. But they all gave me a home and a family. And then I realized the person my mother once was as well as Jones, was what I wanted to aspire to be.
Thrax: Whoa, heavy stuff. I gotta give you props, baby. (notices the promiscuous clothing in the open duffle bag) What’s this here? (reaches for it)
Aura: (stops him dead in his tracks) That is a reminder of one of our earlier conversations that I do not wish to go into.
Thrax: (gets the idea and withdraws) Got it. (looks next to him to see a bucket full of white berries) Oooh sweet, I thought Pill Boy was only growing vegetables (takes the basket and pops a few into his mouth, savoring the sweet taste before turning to Aura) Mmm. What’s the plan?
Aura: (smiles confidently, looking to Thrax) We are going to follow the Devil’s Snare.
Thrax: (places a few berries in a rag from his pocket) Okay. How?
Aura: (pulls out her phone showing a picture of the 3 germs she snagged before trying to hand off the stolen merchandise to another germ known as Chill) Know this guy?
Thrax: (puts the berries in his pocket) Uh-huh. I told you, baby. I know everyone
Their search led them straight to the lead the original hand off was being made to: Chill the Flu Shot germ. While he was under protection by the Virus Protection Program, that never stopped him from running scams and fixing gigs to his advantage for cash money. And he was known for his fair share of illegal matters. Chill was currently running an unauthorized DVD stand in the worst part of the Right Lung District trying to make a profit off boot-legged films.
Chill: (chuckles, trying to weasel in customers) Well, hello. Step right up. Anything you need, I got it. (shows off his merchandise for Disney-based knockoffs: Big Histamine 6, Shingled, & Wreck-It Rheumatoid) All of your favorite movies. I got movies that haven’t even been released yet. (show the ones for Malariwana, Alzheimic, & Flu-zen 2)
Customer: (walks off uninterested)
Chill: (tries to reel them in to no avail, frustrated) Hey, 15% off! 20! Make me an offer! Come on!
Thrax: (walks up with Aura next to him) Well, well, look who it is. The Duke of Bootleg.
Chill: (retort) What’s it to you, Roja? Shouldn’t you be passing off one of your confection-hidden drugs or something? (looks to Aura) Hey! If isn’t Officer TJ Hooker?
Aura: (gets straight to the point) We both know those weren’t prickle fruits I caught your cohorts stealing. They were jimson weed pods. (demanding) What were you gonna do with that Devil’s Snare, Frosty?
Chill: It’s Chill. As in “Chill the hell Out”. And I ain’t talking, Hoochie. (flicks a toothpick in her face smugly) And there ain’t nothing you can do to make me.
Thrax & Aura: (both clearly insulted get the same idea of what to do next)
They called in a favor they were owed by the Godfather Scabies after Aura rescued his daughter, Escherichia C. Scabies, from being crushed by a giant donut blown off the Donut Shop. And fact that Chill set off the explosion only delighted the Don even more as it would even the score for nearly killing his only child on the eve of her wedding night.
Scabies: (gives the order) Ice him.
Goons #1 & 2: (opens up the floor to reveal the liquid nitrogen pool, ready to drop Chill in)
Chill: (panicked, screaming) AAAAAAAAHH!! You dirty fat slob! Why are you helping her? She’s a cop!
Scabies: (points out happily, looking to his pregnant daughter) And the godmother to my future granddaughter
Thrax: (sips tea while happily enjoying the display)
Aura: (stands firmly with her arms crossed, intent on getting some answers)
Escherichia: (stands by her father with her expecting child) I’m gonna name her Aura
Aura: (touched by this grand honor) Oh!
Scabies: (laughs) Ice this weasel.
Chill: (yelps, pleading for his life) Alright, alright, please! I’ll talk! I’ll talk. I stole the Devil’s Snare so I could sell ‘em. They offered me what I couldn’t refuse. Money.
Aura: (pries further) And to whom did you sell them?
Thrax: (looks on inquisitively)
Chill: A testosterone cell named of Shane. We got a drop spot hidden underground at the abandoned Gall Bladder Street Station. (warns them) Just watch it. Shane is the opposite of friendly. He’s unfriendly.
Aura and Thrax followed Chill’s instructions to locked off street station at the Gall Bladder. Making sure no one saw them, they snuck to see it was not only a mess but there was one non-functioning train car. They got in a little closer and opened up the window, crawling in quietly. They soon found so many rows of Devil’s Snare planted and harvested.
Aura: (looked around in shock) Chill wasn’t lying.
Thrax: (agrees) Yeah, looks like Shane covered the corner market on Devil’s Snare
 Shane: (suddenly comes out wearing a gas mask before grabbing a large pot of juice-pressed Devil’s Snare)
Thrax & Aura: (hides under one of the harvest table, observing silently from the darkness)
Shane: (dumps the concoction into the steam vat before close and turns up the heat, the liquid going up a tube to the chemistry set on the table)
Aura: (watches the magic happen)
Shane: (pulls a chair to the chemistry table before tinkering a bit with one knob to lower the heat on the liquid until it finally completes, then expels a small portion into a pearl-sized clear bullet before taking and observing it carefully) *cell phone rings* (hears the ring and moves from the table)
Thrax & Aura: (moves in a little closer under another table to listen in)
Shane: (takes off the gas mask before answering his phone) You got Shane here. What’s the mark? *cellphone chatter* (loads up the weapon with the concoction bullets) Rabies virus in Esophagus Central. Got it.
Thrax & Aura: (notices this in shock before their eyes narrowed upon noticing a map supposedly of all the targeted victims)
Shane: (finishes loading up) You serious? Yeah, I know they’re fast given their canine-related attributes. I can hit him. *cellphone chatter* Listen, I hit an adrenaline-fueled red blood cell through the open window of a moving car.
Aura: (scans through each picture before noticing the one of the missing red-blood cell before flashing to how the whole thing possibly played out causing the poor cell to go savage and attack Scabies’ limo driver Montez, then looks to his picture realizing the same thing happened the night she and Thrax visited him causing him to attack them both, horrified by these revelations)
Shane: (loads the gun in pieces in its compartment case) Yeah, I’ll buzz you when it’s done. Or you’ll see it on the news. You know, whichever comes first.
Mitosis: (bangs on the door) Hey, Shane, open up! We’ve got your latte.
Shane: (finishes up his conversation as he heads over to answer the door) Alright. Mitosis & Pneumoniac are back, so I’m leaving now. Out (hangs up)
Aura: (comes out from under the table, quietly scooching near the case while making sure Shane didn’t see her)
Thrax: (notices this before frantically urging her to come back, whispering) Hey. Where are you going? Get back here! What are you doing? He’s gonna see you!
Aura: (hears a beeping sound then looks back to see the door to the driver’s compartment was open, getting an idea)
Thrax: (whispers insistently) What are you looking at? Hey! (clues into what she has in mind) Whatever you’re thinking, stop thinking it! Aura!
Aura: (nervous but swallows her fear and decides to take action)
Thrax: (strained whisper) Aura!
Shane: (unlocks the door) You better have the extra foam this time
Pneumoniac & Mitosis: (hands him his coffee)
Aura: (grunts, violently shoving Shane through the door onto Mitosis & Pneumoniac before locking the door)
Shane, Mitosis, & Pneumoniac: (groans in pain from the sudden outburst and the spilled hot coffee)
Mitosis: (bangs on the door) Hey, open up!
Thrax: (panics) What are you doing? You just trapped us in here.
Aura: (firmly) We need to get this evidence to the FPD!
Thrax: (grabs the case with gun) Okay. Great! Here it is. Got it!
Aura: (states clearly, rushing into the compartment) No. All of it!
Thrax: (follows behind her, confused) Wait, what?
Aura: (immediately tinkers with the knobs hoping to start up the cab)
Thrax: (still freaking out) Oh, great, you’re a conductor now, huh? Hey, listen. It would take a miracle to get this rust-bucket going.
Aura: (ignores him before turning the steering handle which suddenly starts up the cab as moved along the tracks)
Thrax: (impressed) Well, Hallelujah.
Mitosis: (calls to alert their boss) We kinda got a situation at the lab
Pneumoniac: (notices the cab moving before giving chase)
Mitosis: (follows behind after noticing the problem escalated) Oh, it just got worse!
Pneumoniac & Mitosis: (chase down the moving cab through the vein tunnels, panting)
Thrax: Mission accomplished. Would it be premature for me to do a little victory toot-toot?
Aura: (allows it, smiling) Alright. One toot-toot
Thrax: (pulls the horn rope) *toot-toooooot*
Pneumoniac & Mitosis: (catches up, climbing along the car)
Thrax: Well, I can cross that off the bucket list
Aura & Thrax: (hears something loud thudding from the back, looking to see the noise was coming from the roof)
Pneumoniac: (bursts through the roof’s emergency exit, rushing towards them)
Thrax: (immediately closes the door)
Pneumoniac: (bangs his head on the door, jiggling the jammed handle)
Thrax: (peeks through the door window to see Pneumoniac trying to get in)
Pneumoniac: (spots Thrax before bashing his horns against the window to break it down)
Thrax: (staggers back) I may have to rescind that victory toot-toot
Aura & Thrax: (hears another noise above them)
Thrax: Maybe that’s just hail.
Mitosis: (bursts through the front window noticing Aura, attempting to grab her and the handle with his 4 arms) Come here!
Aura: (gasps, pulling to the side to keep both her and steering out of reach)
Thrax: (rushes in to protect her, grabbing 2 of Mitosis’ arms) Back off!
Mitosis: (uses free hand to punch Thrax back into the door before resuming to grab Aura by the arm, attempting to take the steering handle)
Thrax: (hits his back into the door)
Aura: (backs away as far as possible, whimpering in terror)
Thrax: (feels a bang from behind and looks back only to see Pneumoniac attempting to ram the door down)
Pneumoniac: (charges for the door fast, horns at the ready)
Thrax: WHOA!! (quickly opens the door in a panic before dodging him) Incoming!
Pneumoniac: (runs straight into Mitosis sending him & Aura out the front window, becomes wedged and sent in a daze)
Mitosis: (flies out the window with Aura before landing on the track, but kept running not wanting to paint the tracks with his cytoplasm)
Thrax: (looks to see where Aura flew to before seeing her hanging off Pneumoniac’s horns) Aura!!
Aura: (hangs onto Pneumoniac, urges) Don’t stop! Keep going!
Mitosis: (runs in a panic, screaming) NO, NO!! PLEASE STOP!!
Aura: (insists firmly) DO NOT STOP THIS CAR!!!
Mitosis: (quickly jumps to side with his back facing them, flattening himself as much as possible as the train narrowly misses him but not without scorching his pants exposing his now-red bottom, gasping in horror)
Pneumoniac: (comes out of his daze, noticing Aura was hanging onto him before tossing her)
Aura: (lands on the roof of car, barely dodging a traffic beam)
Pneumoniac: (sees Thrax at the handle before punching a hole in the other window, attempting to stop him as he struggled to get free)
Aura: (hears a train horn and looks up ahead as they came out of the vein tunnel, suddenly sees and oncoming train heading straight for them, gasping before noticing a track switch then urges Thrax) Speed up, Thrax! SPEED UP!!
Thrax: (points out) There’s another train coming!
Pneumoniac: (still tries to grab Thrax)
Aura: Trust me. SPEED UP!!
Thrax: (reluctantly speeds up the car)
Pneumoniac: (looks back suddenly seeing the train, screaming) STOP THE TRAIN!!!
Aura: HEY!
Pneumoniac: (looks up to see Aura)
Aura: Need some help? (swings down kicking Pneumoniac into the switch which flipped the tracks in the other direction)
Her plan worked when they narrowly dodged the train. Unfortunately, when they made the immediate turn, the speed of car was too much causing it turnover on its side.
Aura & Thrax: (screamed in terror)
Thrax: (panics) Oh, no. Oh, no, NO, NO!! Too fast!! TOO FAST!!! HOLD ON!! (grabs Aura pulling her inside as he fell back with her into side window)
Aura: (holds on tight to Thrax as the car turns over)
Matters only got worse when the car slid harshly along the tracks banging into another vein tunnel, sparks flying everywhere starting a fire.
Aura: (look back in the lab to see the gas tanks near the sparks, knowing the car was about to explode, gasps)
Thrax: (sees this too but also sees a flashing dead end at the end of the tunnel, gasps) I think this is our stop, baby! (grabs Aura by the waist before climbing out the window and leaping them both to safety in the nick of time)
The train suddenly came crashing into wall to a complete stop as the tremors vibrated throughout the subway. With car turned over, the lab was destroyed, and everything was rubble inside.
Aura: (nervously hopeful) Okay, maybe uh…maybe some the evidence survived.
At that instant, the gas tanks went off thus blowing up the entire car in a ball of fire. One gas tank nearly hits before blowing up behind them. With the car destroyed along with all the evidence, there was no way to support their case and everything they fought for was now lost forever.
Aura: (bummed out, looking on at the explosion) Everything is gone. We’ve lost it all
Thrax: Yeah…Oh, except for this (suddenly lifts up the case with the serum gun, laughing triumphantly)
Aura: Ooh, Thrax! Yes! (excitedly punches Thrax in arm)
Thrax: (grunts) Ow!
Aura: I knew I could count on you (gives him a big smooch on the cheek before heading towards the subway stairs) Come on! We gotta get this to the FPD.
Thrax: (eyes widened in surprised but smiled warmly as he followed her)
Aura: (suggested) Cut through the Natural History Museum
They made their way up restricted stairs which led through the museum. Once they turned the corner, the exit was just up ahead. They were almost home free and one step closer to the FPD at the Lymph Nodes. But no sooner did they almost make it to the door, they were suddenly stopped by a familiar voice.
Aura: (happily) Oh! There it is!
Familiar Voice: (calls out) Miss Zurie!
Aura & Thrax: (stop immediately, looking back to see who the voice belonged to)
Phlegmming: (comes casually out of the shadows with two security guards behind him) Zurie!
Aura: Mayor Phlegmming!!
Aura & Thrax: (runs up to Phlegmming presenting the evidence)
Aura: (hastily explains) We found out what’s happening. Someone’s darting pathogens with a serum. That’s what’s making them go savage.
Phlegmming: (praises her with a big smile) I’m so proud of you, Zurie. You did just a super job, my dear! (holds out his hands to receive the case)
Aura: (sighs in relief) Thank you, sir (was about to hand over the case until it suddenly hit her that something was off, suspiciously) How did you know where to find us?
Thrax: (perplexed as well wanting to know the answer)
Phlegmming: (hastily reaches for the case, dodging the question) I’ll go ahead, and I’ll take that case now.
Aura: (backs away immediately) Uh, you know what? I think Thrax and I will just take this to the FPD.
Aura & Thrax: (carefully turns around and make their way to the door only to see a brutish-looking guard blocking their path, eyes widened in fear)
Brute Cop: (cracks his neck in anger looking ready to hurt somebody)
Aura & Thrax: (both realizing what was going on come to the same conclusion) Run. (runs for it hoping to find another way out)
Phlegmming: (orders the other 2 guards with a stern look and his fists clenched) Get them.
Goon Cops #1 & 2: (proceed to chase down Aura & Thrax)
Thrax: (leads Aura into under-constructed biology exhibit)
Aura: (looks back to see if the guards were close behind but doesn’t watch where she’s going, suddenly trips onto a taxidermy viral beast’s horn slicing up her leg and falls to the ground in pain) AAH!!
Thrax: (hears Aura turning around to see her on ground injured, suddenly runs back to her)
Aura: (groans in pain, noticing her leg was cut deeply and bleeding)
Thrax: (notices the blood as he carefully picks her bridal style along with the case) I got you, baby! Come here, come here. (runs behind a column out of site and easily sets her down) Okay, now just relax (goes for the rag in his pocket but accidently spills the white berries he was saving for later) Whoops…. White berry?
Aura: (groans, gripping the case tightly) Pass.
Thrax: (pops one in his mouth before attending to her wound) Don’t worry, baby. I’m gonna get ya’ fixed right up (wraps the rag tightly around her leg to stop the bleeding)
Aura: (groans from the tightness but bears with it)
Phlegmming: (coyly calls out to Aura as he slowly closes in on them) Come on out, Miss Zurie
Aura: (gasps before suddenly handing the case over to Thrax) Take this! Get it to the Chief.
Thrax: (rejects the idea refusing to leave her side, grabs her by the arms) Aura, I’m not gonna leave you behind. That’s not happening.
Aura: (pleads) I can’t walk.
Thrax: (calms down, trying to think of an idea and fast) Just…We’ll think of something.
Phlegmming: We’re on the same team, Zurie. You feel the same way as I as do when it comes to how masses look at us “hardworking cells”. Underestimated, underappreciated. Aren’t you sick of it? (gestures the guards to spread out)
Goon Cops #1: (goes one way)
Goon Cops #2: (goes the other way)
Phlegmming: (continue moving in closer as he rambled out) Pathogens. They may be strong and loud, but we organisms now outnumber pathogens 10 to 1 (hears a close by noise then looks to see a shadow before snapping his fingers for the first guard to investigate)
Goon Cops #1: (turns around and sees the shadow, moving in closer)
Phlegmming: Think of it. 90% of the population united against a common enemy. (grins sinisterly) We’ll be unstoppable.
Goon Cops #1: (once near the shadow jumps out to grab Aura only to find a taxidermy female virus instead, confused) Huh? (suddenly a clinking noise)
Thrax: (darts past the guard with the case and Aura, making a beeline for the exit)
Phlegmming: (sees them run by) Over there! Stop them!
Goon Cops #1 & 2, Brute Cop: (chase after them with the Brute Cop charging)
Aura & Thrax: (duck under the restriction bar with Thrax holding on to the case while trying to support Aura by the waist as she hopped alongside, trying to ignore her pain and keep up)
Aura: (trips a bit from her stinging injury) Help!
Thrax: (holds on tight to her)
Brute Cop: (catches up to them before suddenly ramming them, causing them to drop the case)
Aura & Thrax: (land into the Prehistoric Exhibit pit below, grunting in pain)
Phlegmming: (picks up the open case)
Aura & Thrax: (comes to, looking around to see they were completely trapped)
Phlegmming: (chuckles triumphantly, approaching them from above) Well, you should have just stayed in the Liver District. Huh? I must say though, letting someone like you on the force…you showed so much promise just like your mother. Though I guess like her, you easily fell prey to the conniving charms of a virus. (starts to lose his temper) But what sickens me most was to find out that our dear Aura here was actually the adopted daughter of OSMOSIS JONES!!! The very same pathetic excuse for a cop who cost me my mayoral candidacy and had me scraping by with the bare minimum in order remain close to the power I once had!! I gotta say, right next to losing my hold on this city with the help of THIS ONE RIGHT HERE (points at Thrax) dwarfs in comparison to Colonic actually allowing a cell-virus hybrid to be a cop. Or that you actually aligned yourself with Jones’ worst enemy. (composes himself before smiling wryly) But I suppose “fate” will have the last word on the subject. So much like your mother, your legacy will fall short as well. It really is too bad. I… I did like you.
Aura: (soaks in every word coming from his wretched mouth, but remains strong through it all while grasping her injured leg) So what are you going to do now? Kill me?
Thrax: (hears all of this, actually worried about what was about to befall Aura as he keeps his eyes on Phlegmming)
Phlegmming: (laughs) Ohohoho no, of course not (suddenly points the loaded gun at Thrax, smiles evilly as he fires the serum straight into his neck) He is.
Thrax: (falls back as he groans, feeling strange)
Aura: (eyes widen in terror as she rushes to Thrax’s side) NO! Oh, Thrax!
Phlegmming: (calls the FPD, feigning worry) Yes, police! There’s a savage virus in the Natural History Museum! Officer Zurie is down. Please hurry.
Aura: (sees what he’s planning as she pleads with Thrax) No. Thrax, don’t do this. Fight it.
Thrax: (finds it hard as the Devil’s Snare toxins take over his mind, grunting slowly turns to growling)
Phlegmming: (smugly) Oh, but he can’t help it, can he? Sent paths are biologically predisposed to be savages.
Aura: (remembering her own words clicking in suddenly made her worried, hears a sudden growl before she backs away to Thrax)
Thrax: (fangs flash and eyes glowing a venomous yellow, growling like an animal)
Aura: (whimpers as she gets up and limps away in fear as recognizing that terrifying look)
Thrax: (sets his sights on her then suddenly gives chase, roaring)
Aura: (sees a taxidermy germ dog, throwing it at Thrax to defend herself)
Thrax: (bewildered but wastes no time in shredding the taxidermy)
Phlegmming: (laughs maniacally) Ooh, gosh. Think of the headline! “Hero cop’s daughter killed by his savage worst enemy”
Aura: (watches in horror as Thrax goes savage like an animal)
Thrax: (rips and tears up the taxidermy)
Aura: (looks up to Phlegmming) So that’s it. Cells fear viruses and you stay in charge?
Phlegmming: Yeah, pretty much.
Aura: (firmly) It won’t work!
Phlegmming: (unconvinced) Fear always works. And I’ll dart every pathogen in the City of Frank to keep it that way.
Thrax: (snarls)
Aura: (gasps, seeing Thrax baring his fangs)
Thrax: (moves in closer through the grass blades, growling as he pinned Aura against the wall, looming over her)
Aura: (heart pounding rapidly with no escape as her scarlet eyes met his venomous ones, terrified) Oh, Thrax. No…
Phlegmming: (laughs, bidding farewell) Bye-bye, mutant.
Thrax: (looks as her for a short moment then instantly plunges his fangs into her throat)
Aura: (shrieks in agony) AAAAAAAAAHH!!!
Phlegmming: (smiles in satisfying victory)
It was all too good to be true. Aura was slain before the Mayor by her best friend. Now the City of Frank shall live in a new age of terror and dictatorship in the palm of Mayor Phlemming’s hand. Starting with victims who destroyed his empire for the first time….NOT!!!
Aura: (plays the part of a theatrical death) Bleeeeeh….Blood! Blood! Blood and death
Thrax: (backs off, smiling at the theatrics before laughing) All right, you know, you’re milking it. Besides, I think we got it. (shouts, looking up) I think we got it
Phlegmming: (looks on in shock and confusion)
Thrax: We got it up there, thank you Yakety-yak! You laid it all out beautifully (helps Aura up, holding her bridal styling)
Aura: (allows Thrax to pick her up as she smiles at the Mayor)
Phlegmming: (looks at the gun, wondering what went wrong) What?
Thrax: Yeah. Oh, are you looking for the serum? (pulls out the actual serum round from his trench coat) Well, it’s right here.
Aura: (points out) What you’ve got in the weapon there? Those are white berries. From my family’s garden.
Phlegmming: (checks the chamber only to find white berries instead the serum, panicked)
Thrax: (gives a savory smooch to their sweet taste, smiling) They are delicious. You should try some.
Phlegmming: (remains strong with his convictions, confidently) I framed Colonic, I can frame you too. It’s my word against yours
Aura: (retorts) Oooh, actually… (rewinds recording on her hidden pen recorder)
Audio Recording: *And I’ll dart every pathogen in the City of Frank to keep it that way*
Aura: It’s your word against yours.
Phlegmming: (eyes widened) Huh?
Aura: (smiled victoriously) It’s called a hustle, Sweetheart
Thrax: (does so with equal satisfaction) Boom!
With that, Phlegmming was suddenly surrounded by the timely arrival of the FPD. With Phlegmming behind bars for good and Colonic’s name being cleared, he was reinstated and an antidote for the Devil’s Snare serum was produce. Soon every pathogen and the red blood cell was cured, and all was right with the City of Frank. As for Aura, she got her old job back as lieutenant and gained Thrax not just as a partner but as a close friend and lover too. So now, she inspires all of Frank (organisms and pathogens alike) to try to make the world a better place and that change starts with everyone.
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musette-thornsong · 6 years
OJ - Bride of Thrax: Proposal
Thrax comes to realize during this venture how terrible he was towards Aura. And the more time he spent running a gruesome muck with her beside him, the more Thrax began to realize how much he loves her. So much, he may even pop the big question to his perfect match.
Thrax x Aura
Warning: Explicit Language/Violence/Sexual Themes
Aurie Zurie belongs to me
Words: 1460
After taking care of a few pests during the destination towards New Jersey, the demonic couple’s trip was smooth sailing. But the couple transporting them, Ozzy & Leah, were becoming nervous wrecks after every horrible, gruesome occurence that came their way. They began accusing each other of the death of Mayor Phlegmming’s brown-nosing Head of Security (who was cahoots with the mayor in framing Jones for a crime he didn’t commit for more money) as well as the disappearance of the mayor himself (who planted illegal drugs in Jones’s vehicle). But they soon put that aside once they reached a nearby wedding chapel where Ozzy and Leah finally sealed their elopement. But during the ceremony, their eyes are clearly filled with doubt. Meanwhile in the van, Thrax is jammin’ out to some metal rock on the radio while Aura stares at the Mother Theresa statue atop the chapel.
Aura: (stares in awe at the statue) Isn’t it beautiful? I always dreamed of having a big church wedding with bridesmaids, and a cake, and my picture in the paper. Not just the typical mug shot but something flattering. 
Thrax: (stares in awe at her, before heavily sighing in guilt) Aura, baby?
Aura: (turns to him)
Thrax: (apologetically) I’m sorry…for everything.
Aura: (places her hand on his) Well, I guess can’t complain. I mean I always us to spend more time together, maybe do some traveling, and see the world. Well, just look at us now?
Thrax: (chuckles to the point of maniacal laughter) Heheheheeee!! NNNAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHA!!!
Aura: (reciprocates the maniacal laughter) Heheheeeeee!! AHAHAAHAAAAAHAAA!!!! 
Thrax: (sighs, strokes her cheek) Yeah, baby. Life sure is full of surprises.
Their moment was soon cut short when the supposedly dead Mayor Phlegmming suddenly bursts out of the back seat of the van with nails in his face screaming. To insure their existence wasn’t exposed, Thrax wastes no time in pouncing the victim and slashed the hell out of Phlegmming before plunging his killer claw into his backside. The fiery venom burned him from the inside out, making him cough up blood before finally dying. As if that wasn’t bad enough, after the ceremony when they were placed in the honeymoon suite with the newly wedded couple, a recently wedded con artist couple barges in. The con wife wastes no time in stealing Ozzy’s wallet with the money given to him when they’re not looking and even goes on to insult Thrax’s demonic appearance. After Leah rushes them out, Aura is filled with rage at what just transpired and devises a cunning scheme to turn the cons‘ wedding night into a funeral.
While the wedded cons are about to make love in their own suite, Aura uses her cunning and speed to sneak past them and grabs a nearby champagne bottle. Right when the two were about to culminate, the wife suddenly turns fearful when she see the diminutive demon bride in the mirror above them with the bottle. The husband soon catches on and sees the reflection as well, staring in confusion. In an instant, Aura tossed the bottle up the canopy mirror causing it to shatter. The couple screamed as shards upon shards of broken mirror fell upon them, puncturing the waterbed and stabbing their bodies until the bed exploded all over the floor. Aura smiled evilly at her creative handiwork. Thrax stared at all of this in amazement as the water and blood drenched the floor. It was then that Thrax really saw how demented and violent she truly was compared to him, which made her come out as even more strikingly beautiful to him. At that moment, he suddenly realized…
Thrax: (exclaims) I love you (comes up to Aura looking into her scarlet eyes before kneeling down on one knee, taking her hand in his before picks up the dead wife’s severed finger with the wedding ring)
Aura: (looks down at Thrax smiling)
Thrax: (presents the severed ringed finger her) I should have asked you this a long time ago, baby. Aura, will you be my bride?
Aura: (hopefully accepts) Oh, Thrax. Yes. Yes!
Thrax: (struggles to get the ring off the finger until he finally rips it out with his fangs then turns back to her with only the ring in his hand, smirking) Heheee (slips the ring on her finger)
Aura: (eyes widened and welled up upon Thrax slipping the ring on her finger) Ooooh, Thrax (embraces him, softly crying)
Thrax: (embraces her back placing his arms around her like she’s the most precious thing in existence) Baby, why are you crying?
Aura: Oh (sniffs) I always cry at weddings (pulls back, suddenly noticing) Oh my God, I’m a demon and yet I’m crying. I wonder if all the plumbing works.
Thrax: (starts feeling frisky, pulling her close to him, slowly pulls her hand to the large bulge in his pants) Well I don’t know about you, baby, (smirks) but I’m starting feel like Pinocchio here
Aura: (blushes, feeling the bulge getting bigger in her hand) Ooooh.
Thrax: (shrugs) Despite being a demon, I am still anatomically correct.
Aura: (gets the idea) Ooooh
Thrax proceeded to take off Aura’s jacket as he kissed her passionately, his tongue exploring every crevice of her mouth. Aura roamed her hands over his chest to his shoulders, removing his trench coat to expose his scarred god-like muscles. While they continued to make out, Thrax slowly unfastens the corset then unzips Aura’s wedding dress before laying her down on the Persian white rug in front of the fireplace. He kisses her neck vigorously running his tongue along as he pulled the dress down at the cleavage, exposing her perfectly large breasts down her slim waistline to her bodacious hips and gorgeous slender legs. One hand massage and squeezed one breast while his tongue ran along other, sucking it hungrily. Aura moaned intensely as Thrax ravished every inch of her body, removing her laced panties. Thrax ran his tongue down every inch of her beautiful frame before kissing her supple thighs straight down to her main entrance. He then proceeded to lash his tongue all over her insides, making her gasp out in pleasure. After making sure she was ready, Thrax then unzipped and removed his pants as he positioned himself over her. He slowly entered her, stretching her wide open as his large member was engulfed in tightness. He wasted no time as he began to thrust at a regular pace but sensually to tantalize her insides. Aura had missed this feeling for so long and now she can finally feel every inch of his amazing passion after 10 years. She held onto Thrax afraid that if she let go, he would suddenly disappear again. Thrax kept thrusting steadily faster and faster, growling like an animal as he felt himself getting close. She suddenly felt how close he was to climaxing before she suddenly stopped him for a moment.
Aura: (pants) Wait!! Wait!!
Thrax: (pants heavily, towering over her) What’s wrong, baby?
Aura: (concerned) Shouldn’t we use a rubber?
Thrax: (chuckled at the odd question) Baby, we’re demons. There’s nothing to worry about.
Aura: But I thought all demons had the ability to procreate with other demons.
Thrax: No, baby. Only humans. (leans down) Hey, Aura.
Aura: Yeah, Big Daddy?
Thrax: (smiles lovingly) Kiss me
Aura: (pulls Thrax down into another sensual kiss as he continued)
Thrax continued on until the passion between both of them finally reached its climax as they screamed in pleasurable ecstasy into the night. Thrax laid on top of her as he continued to cum a huge load inside her, filling her up beyond the brim. He hadn’t cummed that much in a while since he had been on the run for a decade. Aura laid beneath him, feeling unbelievably happy that her greatest wish has finally come true. She finally had her demon lover back, got married to him, consumated the marriage, and can look forward to an even better life once their souls are transferred into the cell couple. 
The newly wedded cells however found things very difficult to bear with the recent events of death, their faces plastered all over the news, and are suddenly having doubts about their elopement fearing one or the other might off each other. But that was the least of Ozzy and Leah’s problems, as the worst was yet to come for them.
Will Ozzy and Leah be able to come together to solve the mystery behind these deaths and clear their names? Will Aura and Thrax succeed in transferring their souls into their chosen victims and finally live the beautiful wedded life? But it looks like the demon couple may be in for an unexpected surprise as well.
To be continued…
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