#thread lifting
assilstore · 1 year
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9musesbeauty · 1 year
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Discover the ultimate thread lift treatment in Gurgaon with 9 Muses. Lift, tighten, and rejuvenate your appearance with our premium non-surgical facelift procedure. Achieve stunning results and regain your youthful glow. Book a consultation now!
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slayingdotfit · 4 months
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Flex Fry Day 🍟
tri-blend tee from Slaying.fit 💪
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thinking about puppet tattoo parlors. A wall covered in so many different thread colors to choose from - swatches of different types of stitch for different textures / effects. modified handheld sewing machines for tattooing with multiple settings for the different stitches. individual needles + embroidery thread as stick n pokes...
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kingwu · 7 months
♛ || @feiiizhu sent: ♬
send me ♬ & i’ll shuffle my playlist . first song i get , i’ll use a lyric as a starter .
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"I can see the stars all the way from here. Can't you see the glow on the window pane?"
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wintermilori · 5 months
closed starter for @crownedinlight location: claire's office
Returning to Echo Isle wasn’t something that Liam rushed into without properly thinking through. Sure, his first instinct the moment he had received the letter from Clarion had been to drop everything and run to her. But he had held back from doing exactly that without proper planning. He had sat down with his eldest step-daughter and had a long conversation as to what his departure would mean for the magical community of his own country, finally deciding together that it didn’t truly matter. They both knew that offering the protection and aid to the magical beings in their neighboring country was more important than the gossip and backlash that Liam may receive for leaving his post. Plans had been made and within a fortnight, he was on a boat, being snuck into Echo Isle once more for a heavy price. One that he was more than willing to pay.
Finding a place to stay hadn’t been as hard as he had feared it might be, the Hotel Transylvania more than willing to welcome him without any questions as to how he suddenly appeared on the island. And once he had a roof over his head secured, Liam didn’t waste any time in finding the person he had come all this way for. Finding out that Clarie had made such a name for herself on the island, achieving everything that she had ever dreamed, brought a warmth to Liam’s heart - one that he hadn’t allowed himself to properly feel in years, and one that he had to push back and attempt to ignore as he stood outside of her office door. This wasn’t the time for letting his old feelings come rushing back or getting lost in the past. There were much bigger issues to deal with - the safety of all magical beings on not only Echo Isle but the rest of the surrounding islands as well should be their first and only priority.
Yet as he knocked on the door and heard the oh so familiar soft voice calling for him to enter, Liam couldn’t help the skip of his heart as he pushed open the door, standing in the frame rather than walking right inside. “Hello Clarion,” he greets, hoping his voice was even enough and didn’t give away any of the swirling thoughts in his head. “I received your letter.” Was all the explanation he offered at first for his sudden arrival after twenty years of being gone. Of course there was far more to the story of why he was here, but the time would come soon for telling the whole tale.
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fg083nrt · 1 year
Are all the akatsuki members underweight? I remember reading that Hidan weighed around 57kg at 177cm and that Kakuzu weighed less than 65kg at 185 cm which is wild
Tbh I can’t tell if it’s because it’s a manga and Kishimoto just made everyone weigh less than what is realistic or if it’s because Kakuzu is mainly made up of threads so he doesn’t weigh that much
When thinking about these things, you need to take into account:
1. Averages for the country of origin.
Different regions have different distributions for traits like this. Averages vary based on what they are in comparison to. An average in one place will be seen as "abnormal" in a different place. So like, people from Nothern China tend to be, on average, taller than people in Southern China, so on and so forth.
2. Time period.
Naruto takes place in a psudo-feudal type Japan setting. The distribution for weight and height used to be different if you take the era into account. (If you are a keener, you can do a nutritional thought exercise based on what people commonly ate in feudal Japan, but I'm not good at it, and my weightlifting friends who know nutrition have weird regiments.)
3. Target audience for the story
This is the main explanation, but when you are creating a story with an audience of teenagers in mind, you need to take into account how they perceive the world. It doesn't have to be ultra-realistic. It can just exist to be related to by a teenager. It's part of the reason protags and all the characters are so young. On average, people tend to enjoy things where they can establish a quick connection to the character. To them, smaller numbers make more sense and are easier to comprehend.
Think of when you were 13 watching Naruto and thought 35-year-old Sasori was an old, ancient man. To how now, you look at the ages and height/weight ratios like, "This makes no sense/is concerning."
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jupiterthroned · 1 month
Right, Alex is going to reinforce security. He can't be having anyone, paparazzi or corporate spies or even just people who are more nosy than they have any right to be, recording conversations that are supposed to be confidential. Of course, it was easier on Talos I, where everyone on board had signed NDAs and could have their memories wiped if need be.
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
I think apologism is fun and sexy but sometimes you see people defend a character in a way that is not just wrong but antithetical to the character's actual motivations and moral framework like girl. Not even the guy you're defending thinks you're right. You are getting fired as his defense lawyer and sued for misrepresentation.
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duunswitch · 1 day
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lunaetis · 3 months
@caemthe asked :
[ jiyan, for yangyang ] A cat, on a tree so tall that the general wouldn’t be surprised if it was found out that it said it had been around since the first Lament. Impressive truly, but now it posed a threat to the safety of the kitten trapped at the top. He stepped back as he looked up, finally spotting the poor pet. “How should we proceed? It wasn’t too fond of the fish I offered earlier.”
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「秧秧」─  it was almost impressive how a creature so small could get itself up upon a tree that tall all by itself. even before she could hear the sounds of it meowing for attention and assistance, YANGYANG was able to sense the emotions that came from the smallest of movement as the tree barely moved with the winds. the general had fetched a delicious looking fish in order to lure it down, however, the feline still wouldn't budge. was there something else that caused it to stay up there despite how dangerous it was ?
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                quietly, she reached out her hand and closed her eyes to feel the winds, allowing the flow of the air current to pass through her gloved digits. she heard everything, the rustle of every single leaves, the way the sands and dirt moved underneath their feet, the scent and noises carried with the breeze, and a sign of distress coming from the small creature up and above them.
                " it must've been scared of the tacet discords suddenly appearing in the area. " both of them had already dealt with that, but the air itself was still unstable from the recent fight. perhaps that was why the cat refused to come down. she had to make sure there were no other external stimulants to make it go into fight or flight mode. her silver hues finally opened, and she turned to the taller male.
                " i'd like to try something. general, could you please hold out your hands and arms for me ? " that was all she gave him, and only when he had decided to comply that the winds around them slowly stilled, like the air was MUTED and with a wave of her gloved digits, a soft current whipped the small creature from where it was and carefully carrying it down onto his awaiting arms. he would be able to feel how warm the breeze was, how gentle it enveloped around the small feline like soft cushion. a smile then curved her lips at the successful attempt especially when the said kitty was nuzzling into his strong hold. a tender giggle escaped her.
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                " she seems to be fond of you now. maybe she could smell that fish on you ? "
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pastafossa · 1 year
Still rolling on that Charlie Cox-provided dopamine
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mla-citation · 1 year
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fray check time and then to the jacket with these bad boys
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prismaticpichu · 1 year
Relating to the question I asked an hour or so ago.
What would Sephiroth's personal hell be like? What would it consent of? Like he finally passed on and they decided he needs to be punished for his sins.
Oh. Oh so it continues.
*flips Weenie Hut Jrs sign to closed*
In the midst of his shredded sanity, there was only one thing that Sephiroth truly clung to. Only one thing that mattered. Only one thing that kept any remnants of his old heart afloat, and that heart didn’t beat for himself.
It beat for Her.
Mother was everything to him. She was his reason for existence, his will to survive, the center of his universe amid the stars that he wanted to claim for Them. She solaced him; she spoke to him; she cradled any ghost of human emotion—human pain, human regret—and cocooned him in her warmth. She gave him the sole thing he always wanted, tended to the sole, lonely, throbbing yearning that had been sewn inside of him since the nebulous days of his childhood.
So, when the Planet finally had him in Its grasp, It stripped all of that away.
Sephiroth’s “Hell” would be nothing but an empty, endless expanse. There were no flames—not yet. No burning. No blood. No other presence. No warmth. No Her. No Mother.
And it was that hollow, engulfing loneliness that would cause Sephiroth to suffer the most. He would scream for Her, and receive no response. He would beg for her, and his pleas would be unheard. He would wander aimlessly, searching for her, and he would find nothing. He never would. He would wander the colorless, temperature-less plain encompassing him until his legs would give out—except they never would. He would just search. And search. And search. And search.
And search.
And search.
And search.
And listen for her voice
And feel for her pull.
And reach for her embrace.
And find nothing.
In other words, it’s basically just this~
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tafferling · 1 year
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Fresh Clothes
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wintermilori · 3 months
closed starter for @frostedflakes location: hotel transylvania - past thread
He’d only been here two days, had barely settled into his room at the hotel and only having briefly seen Clarion, the entire reason he had come back to the Isle - yet there was already an ache in his bones for his family. Specifically his three daughters, though he supposed he would also say a part of him vaguely missed his ex-wife as well. Spike and Gliss had both already called him, but he’d heard nothing for his middle daughter… which he was trying not to think too hard about, not just yet at least. They had left things a bit tense, after all, Peri being unhappy that he had refused to allow her to come along on this mission. It was likely that she just needed a bit of space, or at least that’s what Liam tried to tell himself.
It was only when he returned to the hotel for the night that he caught sight of a familiar head of blonde hair and realized the truth of why he hadn’t heard from the girl. “Peri?” he calls out, watching as she jumps slightly at the sound of her name and then tensed up at the realization of being caught. “Penelope Milori,” he changes, tone growing stern as he makes his way over to the chair that she was sitting in, acting as if it was perfectly natural for her to be here. “What the hell are you doing here? When did you get here? How did you get here? Does your mother know you’re here?” All questions he needed to know the answer to, right this moment, before he lost his mind.
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