#three days grace lyrics save me
sourjabloki · 4 months
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no matter how many hyperfixations i have i still return to this man
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finalgirlsidney · 27 days
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I know that you're wounded You know that I'm here to save you You know I'm always here for you I know that you'll thank me later
Pain by Three Days Grace
@lgbtqcreators event 23 — antagonists & anti-heroes + creator challenge — lyrics
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hotluncheddie · 2 years
stop being a goblin and let me kiss you
part 1
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eddie’s at the diner with steve and robin, after loitering in the store for a couple hours till they could lock up and hang out. he used to go and pretend to look for something to rent but that went away after steve offered to just rent whatever he wanted with their employee discount because quote, ‘then we can just all watch together!’ robin may have clocked him for coming in to ogle steve but eddie likes to ignore that part. so they’re at the diner and it’s a super fun wholesome time had all round, sharing fries and talking about dumb shit.
eddie was sitting across from steve who had ordered a strawberry milkshake like the god damn stereotype he was and eddie was very subtly taking in the view that was steve scooping his whipped cream up using the cherry on top. while also holding the conversation just fine thanks, no drool or little floating hears around his head, no no, just commentary on the state of this diners hash brows compared to one he vaguely remembered having in the spring of 75.
steve eventually stopped with the cream, putting the cherry in his mouth and eddie thought he was scott free from any further torment until steve took the stem out, having tied it in a knot in about three second flat. like it was nothing, like it was easy, simple, a day to day steve harrington move. which eddie supposed it kind of could be considering the guys reputation. but still. fuck!
then like a demon, steve fucking winks at him. fully just sending eddie into orbit. choking on his soda like an idiot.
he’s beet red and he knows it. robin seems none the wiser waxing lyrical about mint chocolate ice cream but eddie honestly thinks she might just be throwing him and bone. gay solidarity or whatever. steve however, must know nothing of gay solidarity because if he did he would not be so homosexual in front of eddies desperate, filthy, virgin eyes.
eddie excuses himself to the bathroom, being his own saving grace for once. just needing a little break from stupid steve and his stupid skilled tongue. definitely ignoring robin slapping steve on the arm and his mirth filled ‘what? what? he liked it bobbie!’
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part 2 (steve) part 3 (eddie) part 4 (steve) part 5 (eddie) part 6 (steve) part 7 (eddie)
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missjoolee · 7 months
Chapel of Love
1.1k words
The barest hint of hot, dry air ruffled against the baby hairs on the back of her neck doing little relief. Long gone were the multi-layered stage outfits, having learned she needed something more breathable underneath the stagnant tent two days ago at the start of the music festival. Instead, she wore a poofy crop top with shorts, and she could feel Luke’s eyes roaming the revealed skin of her shoulders, midriff, and legs with each song they sang together. He'd been winding her up with each set.
Her hands grip the top of the mic stand as she leans into where the mic sits, holding herself in place where normally she would be dragging it over to share with Luke in this moment. But they are halfway through the seventh and final set and his eyes weren’t the only thing she could feel looming nearby. Just outside the Loud & Local tent sat the “Chapel of Love”. And the next lyrics were too close to vows that she might do something stupid if she got too close to him. Why had they written them this way, again?
They hadn’t seen the simple archway that signified the “chapel” when they had arrived to set up, the van being parked on the other side of the tent that held the stage that they would share with four other bands over the three day festival. And when they finally had a chance to roam the festival grounds, Reggie pulling them to the food truck selling fancy milkshakes, they saw it but didn’t know what it was. Even on the information board sporting a map, it was just a tiny innocuous dot.
It had been later on a water run that Alex and she saw a small gathering of people under it, two of them sealing their love with a kiss. Apparently, you could get married at this festival.
"Huh," Alex had said, taking a drink from his bottle and then resting his arm on her shoulder. "That's a decision." "I don't know. I think it's kind of sweet," she'd responded. A snort rang out from above her head. "Of course you would say that." She'd sent an accusatory glare up at him, dropping her shoulder so his arm would fall way. "What's that supposed to mean?"
She had known exactly what he meant though. Her eyes close against the crowd in front of her and drift open to her left, knowing exactly where Luke would be.
She can feel electricity thrum through her body as she begins the call and response moment.
"I've got a spark in me."
She can see the confusion on his face, but he smiles at her as the words slide out of him with ease.
"I've got a spark in me."
She closes her eyes against the assault of love intertwining with the electricity already coursing though her. In her mind, the simple archway looms above them. This is why she was fighting her entire being from going to him. It was too soon. Too impulsive.
"And you're a part of me."
She can't escape the feelings that have been building with each performance they've done this weekend. The euphoria of performing their music with the her best friends, and the man she loves, not caring that she shut her eyes in an attempt to block it out.
"And you're a part of me."
Luke's voice right next to her sends a shiver across her shoulders, her eyes jumping open to see he'd closed the distance to share a mic with her. Not letting her run from him, not realizing she wasn't running. She was trying to reign in some very impulsive thoughts. She can see the concern in his eyes behind the determination and can't help the smile that graces her face, softer than what is normally part of her stage persona.
"Now till eternity."
His response is accompanied by the smile he normally saves for her when they are in the studio. One that Alex and Reggie unfortunately have to put up with because it side tracks things often enough. "Now till eternity."
The mental reigns she's been wrestling are completely forgotten about. She's a goner. Their voices twine together like they have thousands of times before.
"Been so long and now I'm finally free."
The rest of the set goes off without a hitch. The adrenaline and dopamine high intoxicating. She feels Reggie's arm go around her shoulders as Luke's goes around her waist and she looks at all her band-mates with pride. This weekend was amazing and did a lot to promote them, even if they were competing for attention with signed bands that have been around a whole lot longer on two other stages. They take a group bow to the crowd before they disperse like the non-existent wind.
Luke's arm tightens and he leans down to her ear to be heard. "Everything okay?" His voice is raspy and a bit lower than normal from doing seven performances in three days.
Perfect. The word rings in her head, bolstering her onto her toes next to his ear so he can hear her response.
"Marry me." Her own voice rough, lower and more sultry than she expected.
He looks surprised as he processes her words, but not like they made him uncomfortable if that same smile he saves for her lighting up his face means anything.
"Yeah. Okay."
She grabs hold of the hand on her waist, interlacing their fingers as she heads for the exit of the tent with determination. He drags behind her a bit.
"You mean right now??"
The first flicker of doubt hits her. "Yes?"
He drops her hand and scrambles to get the guitar strap over his head. "Oh hell yeah."
Her smile is so big she can feel the ache in her cheeks but she doesn't care. He wants this as bad as she does.
A voice interrupts them. "Uh Julie? Luke? Where are you going? We have to pack up our stuff so Midnight Mayhem can go on."
Reggie looks confused, his thumb pointing over his shoulder off the back of the stage. Alex's looks suspicious. Julie can feel heat soar to her cheeks as she looks up at Luke's face and sees the eager giddiness there and then back at Alex. Yeah, that tracks.
"Sorry guys. Got a little distracted. Band meeting after we get everything packed up."
She pulls Luke back over to their gear to begin packing up. Squeezing his hand before dropping it to unplug her keyboard.
He looks at her with confusion. "Band meeting?"
"We'll need witnesses."
"Riiiiiight. Nice."
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ne0n-and-garbage · 8 months
My Favorite MCR Lyrics
"One day I'll lose this fight. As we fade in the dark, just remember you will always burn as bright." -The Light Behind Your Eyes
"Oh, how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying." -Our Lady of Sorrows
"The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead. A light to burn all the empires, so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be." -The Sharpest Lives
"Make a wish when your childhood dies, hear the knock-knock-knock when she cries. We're all alone tonight. Hold your breath when a blackbird flies, count to seventeen, close your eyes. I'll keep you safe inside." -S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
"I'm the only friend that makes you cry. You're a heart attack in black hair dye." -Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back
"For every one of us, there's an army of them, but you'll never fight alone." -The World Is Ugly
"And when the lights all went out, we watched our lives on the screen. I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene." -Disenchanted
"Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace. I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day." -I Never Told You What I Do For A Living
"I will not kiss you, 'cause the hardest part of this is leaving you." -Cancer
"I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey, if you stay, I'll be forgiven. Nothing you can say can stop me going home." -Famous Last Words
"Three cheers for tyranny, unapologetic apathy, 'cause there ain't no way that I'm coming back again." -Sleep
"Do or die, you'll never make me. Because the world will never take my heart. Though you'll try, you'll never break me" -Welcome To The Black Parade
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chthonion · 1 month
Forgive me if you’ve already answered a similar question before, but regarding your shadow rising to meet you series, do you have a playlist/selection of songs that you listen to while writing, or find work well for the series and characters?
I was recently on another reread of the Harrowing and had the song “Mirror Forever” by Weyes Blood shuffle on and I thought it lyrically matched Annatar and Celebrimbor really well. I don’t know if space-y slow ballads like that are genres you enjoy, so I’m curious as to what songs you would personally put together for the series might look like. I’m tempted to make a personal playlist myself as I like to play music and read!
Have a good day! <3
Hello hello! Oh, man, that song is so much fun for Annatar/Celebrimbor, I love it. The vibes are so awesome. Thank you so much for sharing!
I listen to music constantly when I’m writing! This story has expanded so much that it has a lot of sub-playlists (including a few memorable chapters that were difficult enough to warrant their own specific playlist—In A Handful of Dust is a notable one there), but I’ll offer a sampler! There have also been a lot of incredible reader suggestions, including @kesterel's magnificent playlist here, which is honestly incredible and which I have totally gone to when I was stuck on edits.
Without further ado! Here are some music recs for Your Shadow Rising To Meet You, with youtube links!
Prayer--Scarlet Pimpernel musical soundtrack
No, stay—I don’t care what you’ve said or done...
Bring On the Wonder--Susan Enan
Thanks, @tathrin!
Chalk Outline--Three Days Grace
This Night--Black Lab
I know I'm not forgiven, but I need a place to sleep
(Acquired this one from a tango DJ ten years ago and finding the right version on Youtube was confusing, oh well)
Annatar's relationships in general
I'll Be Good--Jaymes Young
This one and the next one were recommendations from someone, but I cannot for the life of me remember who or find the comment. Thank you, whoever you are!
Hardest of Hearts--Florence and the Machine
If it be your will--Leonard Cohen
If it be your will, if there is a choice Let the rivers fill, let the hills rejoice Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell If it be your will to make us well
Guns for Hire--Woodkid
Kiss your perfect day goodbye Because the world is on fire Tuck your innocence goodnight You sold your friends like guns for hire
Conquest of Spaces--Woodkid
Mercy Mirror--Within Temptation
Annatar and Frodo
The Dark Of You--Breaking Benjamin
Say a prayer for the wounded heart within As I become the dark of you
Farewell Wanderlust--The Amazing Devil
I'm the heartbreak that aches far too much to be shunned All those letters unsent and that garden ungrown I'm the captain of courage that you've eternally lacked I'm the Jesus of wishing to Christ he'll come back
Annatar and Finrod
Who You Are (from Beethoven’s Last Night)--Trans-Siberian Orchestra
And who would have thought that after this time, that I’d be the one you’re saving?
Maedhros and Fingon
The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace--The Amazing Devil
You're not a coward 'cause you cower You're brave because they broke you Yet broken still you breathe
Give Me A Sign--Breaking Benjamin
There's lots more I could add, but I'll stop there so I can cook dinner XD Thanks for the ask!
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Happy Friday!!
These lyrics really say Anders to me...
"I haven't slept in three days, and my fears dance around as I lay here awake,"
ty for the prompt darling! sorry not sorry for the angst.
for @dadrunkwriting
The first night he’d cracked jokes when they’d tossed him into the holding cell, hanging on the bars, arms twined through them while he chattered away. He told the funny parts of the short story of his last escape attempt, like the time he’d been thrown out of an inn without his shirt, and had to hide until dark when he could sneak in through a back window and steal another one. The story wasn’t really funny—it had been mid winter, he’d been starving, cold, and had nowhere to sleep that night. He’d just meant to remind the guard that Anders was harmless. That’s why they always caught him, and always let him live.
A week passed, and no guard in the rotation would speak to him. He got his meals through a slot in the door, had a bucket they changed once a day, and only a single window to show the passage of time but which was too high to see through. 
On the eighth day they opened the cage and Anders had managed to keep his relief and giddiness at impending freedom suppressed, so they didn’t picture themselves as his saviors. 
They weren’t. They weren’t there to save him. Instead, they marched him through the halls and down the stairs to the dungeon. 
It had been three days since they'd locked him in and he hadn’t slept a minute of it. The cell they shoved him into was small, damp, and black. There was no cot—just filthy, bug-infested hay and a sewer drain they expected him to piss in. He’d slept in worse conditions on the run, but never somewhere he couldn’t leave.
Anders had felt fear in Kinloch Hold many times. He’d felt it on the road behind every moment of freedom that he claimed, always waiting for them to come.
He waited for them to come now, but they didn’t. A templar scuffed down the stairs and into the dungeon twice a day to leave his meals. They didn’t speak, even when Anders begged to know when he would be released, begged to speak to the First Enchanter, begged for light. There was none. Not even a candle. 
His only company was fear, and an image that replayed itself over and over in his mind—a sunburst brand. They had another plan for him now, not the light security of the upper holding cells, which was a vacation palace compared to this. He had finally worn through the good grace his charm had always won him. 
It could only mean one thing. And he’d had the runed clasps around his wrists for weeks now. Not even a chance to say goodbye to the part of himself that would soon die. To Compassion, his spirit, who would be lost with it.
Anders wasn’t sure how long he’d been in the cell when he finally started scratching crude lines on the wall with a chuck of mortar he clawed from between the stones. 
On the day he’d carved ninety marks—three months of insomnia, hunger, and hopelessness—the cat appeared.
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Here for your daily dose of heartbreaking: some Grishaverse folks as sad song lyrics
Kanej: “The past is a presence, The future is pretend. And the present is a pastor, trying to make it all make sense. Will I ever leave this place? This world that I am trying to break? The mind is such a funny space, with all these spectres centre stage” - Three Spectres by J. Maya (aka the most Kanej coded song I have heard in my entire life, it’s absolutely beautiful)
Helnik: “Because brick by brick you built us, and I filled in the cracks, nothing quite prepared you for when they don’t come back. I wish I’d done things different, I wish that I’d been brave, I wish I’d known these stones were something I could save” - Ruin by The Amazing Devil
Inej: “When I decided to wage holy war, it looked very much like staring at my bedroom floor but oh god you’re going to get it, you’ll be sorry that you messed with me. And I know I may not look like much, just another screaming speck of dust, but oh god you’re going to get it, you’ll be sorry that you messed with us” - Girls Against God by Florence + the Machine
Zoya: “And I stare, at the soldiers before me. All my blossoms, waiting to fall. And I walk, and I walk, and I walk, and I walk - Knowing every last one of them is painted in light as I make myself aquatinted with the Saint of never getting it right” - Blossoms by The Amazing Devil (aka the most Zoya of the Garden song you have ever heard, tears-worthy)
Nina: “I saw a piece of heaven waiting for me, And I was running far away would I run off the world some day? Nobody knows, nobody knows, and I was dancing in the rain and I felt alive and I can’t complain - But, no take me home. Take me home where I belong, I can’t take it anymore” - Runaway, AURORA
Kaz: “‘Cause I’ve been here, so many times before, don’t you think I look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor? Where you see weakness, I see wit, sometimes I fall to piece just to see what bits of me don’t fit. And when I stand, oh those folks will run, and tell the tales of what I’ve become. And they’ll speak of me, oh I’m whispered tones, and say my name like it shakes their bones” - The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace by The Amazing Devil
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midethefangirl · 7 months
surrender - hopeless (i'm falling down)
tags: angst, seriously y'all are going to hate me for the three chapters of this fic, pregnancy (unplanned but not unwanted), quan chi is a douchebag here, warning for attempt at forced abortion (i'm about to trigger my own filtering system), hurt no comfort, pre-MK1, and of course it is bireena centered but bi-han makes not physical appearance in this fic.
notes: continuation of @ladybug023 's spy!sareena headcanons inspiring my writing. I decided to splice this into three chapters because the word count went beyond 3k words and I hate writing super long stories when it comes to platforms like Tumblr. the chapter title is gotten from the lyrics of 'Hopeless' by Breaking Benjamin. also, if you want to join a tagging list for updates, please, let me know and i'll add you 😁❤️
word count: 1.6k words
also cross posted on ao3
part one of surrender; part three of i'm weak so what is wrong with that (i added a new tag for this)
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The deepest circle of the Netherrealm was one of the most dreaded locations in the Netherrealm and for a damn good reason. 
It was the place where previous overlords of the Netherrealm banished offending denizens to be tortured by the onis. 
This was the last place Sareena wanted to find herself in but what had she expected the moment she found Quan Chi at the Lin Kuei foregrounds? 
Regret ran through her mind as she awaited her judgment, her palm flat against her lower abdomen, the recent news bringing mixed feelings. 
She and Bi Han had always been so careful… but it is not 100% safe , came that little voice in her head. 
She had lost focus of why she was in the Lin Kuei and now, she was paying severely. Here she was awaiting Quan Chi’s arrival while in Bi Han’s mind, she was as good as dead. 
The last thing that the cryomancer would remember was how she betrayed his clan, how she betrayed him . How she lied to him. 
How could she have deluded herself into thinking she could keep up with the lie she had allowed to fester? How could she have believed that she could stall her day of reckoning? 
Her wishful thinking had done nothing but land her in this mess where her fate and that of her child was dependent on the whims of a dangerous sorcerer. 
Bi Han would never know that she was carrying his child - not that she was aware herself until the onis Quan Chi had assigned as her torturers - Drahmin and Moloch - had somehow detected it. 
The Netherrealm was basically hell, where demons, onis, tortured souls and every possible personification of evil walked about but they had a few rules they followed. 
One of them which was her saving grace, at least, in this moment - a person with child was off-limits. Harming a person with child was seen as a death sentence, enough to have the perpetrator in the deepest circle of the Netherrealm. 
It could be her saving grace but knowing Quan Chi, any assurance dwindled by a great percentage. The sorcerer was from Outworld, not a native of the infernal realm. Sareena doubted he’d respect this rule. 
Ha , Quan Chi respecting the rules of the Netherrealm? That was as laughable as the many dreams of liberating the realm from his hands. After overthrowing Lucifer with the help of the Sisterhood of Shadows, the sorcerer had made himself a tyrant, keeping denizen under his thumb. 
Anyone who dares to defy his dictatorship ended up in the position she was currently in. Either that or on the run like Ashrah, which did not seem so bad right now. 
Quan Chi had gained unilateral control over the Netherrealm and he showed great disdain towards its rules. This one would be no different. 
Hell, he’d torture her himself, unborn child be damned. The thought of that had the demon clutching her abdomen protectively, if she had to fight to her last breath to protect herself for the sake of her child, she’d gladly do that. 
The heavy sound of boots against the stone pavement had her alert, her eyes looking up to see Quan Chi flanked on his sides by Drahmin and Moloch. 
She sat up straight, her back against the wall as she finally came face-to-face with the brown-skinned sorcerer who stared at her venomously. 
“Why is she still here, unscathed?!” He turned towards the onis, his tone miffed as he spoke like she was not right in front of him. 
The onis exchanged looks, obviously displaying their fear of the sorcerer who impatiently expected their answers. 
“L-Lord Quan Chi- we- w-we thought,” Drahmin started, stumbling over his words as he struggled to get his words through. 
Sareena could tell this was the moment where the sorcerer was so close to losing his shit. He rarely expressed his anger in outbursts which was terrifying in this scenario. 
“Speak up you imbecile!”
“She is with child,” Moloch blurted and Quan Chi let out a mirthless chuckle which chilled Sareena to the bones. 
“That should not stop you.”
“We cannot-. It is forbidden,” Drahmin interjected. 
He knows that , Sareena wanted to add but at this moment, her silence was more golden than whatever comeback she had on the tip of her tongue
The room fell silent as Quan Chi crouched down to her level. The demon attempted to keep as much distance as she could but she could only go so far when her back was against the wall. 
The sorcerer pressed a hand against her abdomen, chanting some incantations under his breath. Then, he jerked his hand away, recoiling as if he was shocked by electric current. 
He was on his feet now and his eyes widened, time standing still as he looked down at her. It was like the dreaded calm before the storm and Sareena could not afford to trust this silence, her eyes looking cautiously at him. 
A myriad of emotions flitted across the sorcerer’s face before settling for rage and disdain. Quan Chi’s lips curled into a sneer as he seemed to put two and two together. 
“You whore!” He spat venom. 
He knew, there was no way he would not know. 
“It is that pathetic Earthrealmer, isn’t it? He sired this bastard, didn’t he?” He jeered. “It is not enough that you failed your mission but you had to let that Earthrealmer bed you and put his seed inside you.”
Sareena could almost feel herself let out a sob. Quan Chi’s face was too calm, way too calm for the venomous words he tossed her. It was a moment of when he’d strike at her. 
And her fear was about to come true. 
“Seize her!”
No, no, no.
“No!” She yelled, the moment Drahmin and Moloch were at her sides, their hands pulllng her up. She struggled against the iron-cladded grip of the onis who dragged her out of her cell. 
“Please! Please, don’t do this!”
“I’ll get rid of that bastard if I have to. Shang Tsung would have a field day helping me,” a smug look fell upon the sorcerer’s face. 
It felt like a century had passed when she found herself in a room she was unfamiliar with. Her face was stricken with tears, her voice hoarse from her cries. 
“Quan Chi!” A voice broke through and everyone’s attention was focused on a new presence. A pair of amethyst eyes fell upon her still in the rough grips of the onis. 
The dark-skinned demon pushed through Quan Chi before reaching for Sareena. Drahmin and Moloch had released her instantly, making her fall into Jataaka’s arms. 
“What in Lucifer’s name is going on?!” Jataaka demanded, her eyes glaring fiercely at Quan Chi who was now displeased that the demon had dared meddle in his affairs. 
“Stay out of this, Jataaka,” Quan Chi shot back. 
Sareena found herself shaking, her hand instinctively on her abdomen as she shrunk into Jataaka’s protective hold.
Jataaka stood her ground, her hold firm around Sareena. The demon had a fierce look in her eyes, the kind that had even Quan Chi and his two henchmen pause.
“You would really protect a traitor? Someone who tried to leave the Sisterhood for a pathetic Earthrealmer?” The sorcerer scoffed, his question aimed at the demon who still had her arms around Sareena.
“Still a sister nonetheless. I am not going to let you hurt her, sorcerer,” the demon hissed.
This seemed to have struck a nerve as Quan Chi stepped up to her, his face dangerously close.
“She is pregnant with an Earthrealmer’s spawn. If I have to rip that abomination out of her, then so be it,” he spat.
Jataaka remained unfazed, her gaze piercing as her arms tightened around the demon.
Then, it seemed as though the demon had thought of something.
"You are not going to harm a fellow member of the Sisterhood," she reminded. “Neither are you going to lay your filthy hands on her offspring.”
Sareena wondered if the other demon had gone mad, taunting Quan Chi the way she was. The sorcerer had no qualms about ending her life or that of her unborn child.
"Are you forgetting who rules the Netherrealm, Jataaka?" The sorcerer questioned, a hint of a smirk forming on his face.
Jataaka stood her ground, her grip tightening, “You are an outsider who managed to best us, it would do you some good to know your place and remember the rules of the realm you reside in.”
It may have sounded like an empty threat but it was anything but. The Sisterhood of Shadows have helped overthrow previous overlords, they would not give up on overthrowing Quan Chi either.
"What are you trying to get at?" The sorcerer questioned.
"If you touch a single hair on her head, her unborn child or her, you will have the wrath of the Sisterhood and Lucifer upon you. You think we will tolerate you harming a member of the Sisterhood?" Jataaka said.
Quan Chi narrowed his eyes at her, a scowl forming on his face, "Very well, then. Have it your way.”
His gaze was now on Sareena and the demon felt a chill running down her spine.
"But I will be back. Soon," the sorcerer spat before taking his leave.
Drahmin and Moloch trailed behind him like two lost puppies, leaving Sareena and Jataaka alone in the room.
The demon could feel herself shaking, she was not in the clear just yet. Her child was still in danger and Quan Chi would make sure to get rid of them.
Jataaka had noticed her distraught, the demon holding her in a reassuring embrace, "Don't worry, he will not touch you. We won't let him."
She could only hope so.
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tagging: @livingdeadgirly
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droughtofapathy · 5 months
"Welcome to the Theatre": Diary of a Broadway Baby
Kill the Whale
April 14, 2024 | Joe's Pub | Evening | Concept Album Release | Song Cycle | 1H 40M
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Long ramble, so buckle in:
I did not like Kill the Whale. Let's start this off being very clear on that. I went in knowing nothing, and I was fully prepared to love it. I love Amber Gray, I love Grace McLean, I love weird avante garde art. This was... I did not like what was presented to me. As a song cycle, a series of solo character introductory songs that don't do much to serve the plot is certainly a choice. The performers are all vocal powerhouses, that's undeniable. And with genres like rap, hip-hop, and lots of rock & roll, I understand why every song was screltched to the high heavens. But it was borderline painful to listen to as the night wore on, partially owing to the inconsistent sound mixing and inappropriate acoustics of Joe's Pub, but mostly it's the writing. The seven(?)-person band overpowered the vocalists on any lines not belted, and the belting pitched out more than once. Would it kill some of the singers to hold the microphone a little further back when going for it? And why do contemporary songwriters all want their performers to blow out their vocal chords every night? Everyone was full throttle the whole time, and it left little room for growth or breath.
The song cycle does remarkably little to evoke more than just head-bopping beats, as if the story inspiration is only really a mood setter and not integral to any plot or story trying to be told. There are almost no duets or indeed, characters singing with each other at all. The final Chase sequence (three parts) is really just like ten parts of individual solos with different genres and beats. There's little to really tie these songs together beyond a vague association with Moby Dick. The lyrics too are more about feelings and moods than about crafting a story. Should this ever become a piece of musical theatre, I don't think it would work as presented. It was also a 100-minute show and they had to cut songs for time, so that's...long. More than half is just one character intro song after another, and they're not so much as "I Want" or "I Am" songs, so much as "here's what I'm thinking about, you don't know me, or care yet, but here I am just ruminating about life," and that's tiresome after the sixth one in a row.
Also, one character is heavily influenced by rap and hip-hop and uses a lot of AAVE in his songs. The writer is a white man. I...wonder who or what he might have worked with to craft these numbers. I also wonder why this writer wanted to write a character whose songs speak so deeply about contemporary Black struggle and oppression. Because while the body emulating this on stage is Black, the words are from a white creator who is only ever imagining what that experience is.
That being said, I'm a lesbian, and Grace McLean (though even she screlted too much for me in the end) being hot and sexy and aggressive was great. Didn't save the night, but great nonetheless.
Verdict: A Long Slog to Curtains
A Note on Ratings
Had the show only been an hour-long sampling of songs, I'd have been more positive. But this was too long to listen to the same thing time after time. As an album where I can control whether or not I want my eardrums to hurt (I was at the back of Joe's Pub, so I can't imagine how the people up front fared), maybe I'd like it more? It's not my taste, at the end of the day, and I'm sure there are many people who love it. Pass.
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calyxthenerd · 10 months
So I’m gonna rate and rank songs from all three seasons of Violetta (in groups of three, one from each season) based on categories I made up in my head because I’m bored
Starting by Vilu’s main solo song in each season:
1st place is Soy Mi Mejor Momento for season two and it gets an 8/10 because it’s inspiring, has a good melody and I always loved the lyrics, but for me the performance could’ve been a little better
2nd goes to En Mi Mundo solely because I dislike it less than the other one, 5/10 and it only gets points because of the nostalgia I feel whenever I listen to it
And 3rd Underneath it All, now, objectively it is a good song, but I give it a 3/10 because of all the hatred I feel for the Roxy plot
Next up is Leon’s Solo song in each season:
1st is obviously the best song in s1, Voy Por Ti 9.7/10, showstopping, incredible, only lost a little because of his outrageous haircut that pisses me off to this day
2nd goes to Entre Dos Mundos, great song, love the vocals, very energetic, 7/10 because it didn’t really get a performance so I can’t rate everything
3rd is Amor en el Aire, now, is it cute? Yes, but it’s plain, shallow and frankly it hardly scratches the surface of his songwriting potential 2/10
Moving on to Leonletta joint compositions/dream songs:
1st is Nuestro Camino, because everything is perfect, from the dream performance, to the lyrics, the melody, amazing, 9.5/10, because of Leon’s atrocious suit
2nd we have Podemos because it’s probably amongst the three favorite songs for like, half the fandom (including me) and it has some of the best performances from the two of them and probably the best romantic lyrics in the whole show (the Karaoke scene and specially the one in Madrid) 10/10
And 3rd is Abrazame Y Veras, and I hate to put it in the last place, but it doesn’t stand a change against the other two, but it is a great song, (one of the few that saves s3 from being an absolute trainwreck) 8/10
Coming next is the friendship songs:
1st is Junto a Ti, cute, love the vibes, awesome rhythm, great lyrics, 10/10, best one
2nd is A mi Lado, and it kind of opposes the vibe of Junto a Ti which is kind of a more fresh vibe that comes with the experience of finding a new great friend, A mi Lado shows how much they’ve grown and their bond has grown with them and they’re preparing for the reality of not being able to see each other all the time am I projecting because of what’s going on in my life? Maybe, leave me alone and so I love how it shows how they’ve grown 8/10 because it could use a better melody
3rd is Codigo Amistad, my least favorite song in the show, now, it sounds kinda cute but also really gives off misogynistic vibes so I give it a 1/10 because at least is an upbeat song you can dance to, so a point for that
Now onto the band’s songs
1st - Ven Con Nosotros, the choreography is great, energetic and really bouncy, the lyrics are awesome and full of I m p l i c a t i o n s (iykyk) and the performance is definitely their best one, 9/10 because it took me weeks to understand Diego’s part in the rap
2nd - Are You Ready For The Ride? is a good song, but it’s too messy and kinda all over the place, also the lyrics are plain, 6/10
3rd - Every Season 3 Song, they’re generic and boring and kinda sound like Every 1D Song, frankly after Diego left to be with his Dad on Art Rebel it all went down the drain, 4/10 because at least they’re catchy
And Lastly the Beginning/End of season group song combos:
1st place goes to Hoy Somos Mas for Beginning and Crecimos Juntos for Ending
2nd place goes to the Ven y Canta*/Ser Mejor combo
And finally, 3rd place goes to En Gira and Esto No Puede Terminar since they’re both lame
*The song I chose since S1 doesn’t start with a group song
Honorable Mentions:
From Violeta’s solos we have Descubri, an amazing song, one of s3’s saving graces that I forgot until I went to check the playlist with all the songs
From the friendship songs we have Encender Nuestra Luz, and I love it, because we see Naty singing more
From the band’s songs we have Tu Foto De Verano and Cuando Me Voy, the first one is good but I’m sick of it since it was constantly stuck in my head before I even rewatched it so yeah, and the second one is probably my favorite one of theirs, but the recorded version doesn’t have Diego’s vocals which I really don’t like
From the group songs we have Tienes El Talento, On Beat, Euforia, Friends Till The End, Es mi Pasion and Llamame, are any of them in the beginning/end a season? No, but I love them so there’s that
And now a list of random songs that don’t fit into any particular category but I feel should be included because I love them:
Habla Si Puedes
Te Esperare
Como Quieres
Algo Se Enciende
Luz, Camara, Accion
Si Es Por Amor
Ser Quien Soy
Aprendi a Decir Adios
Mas Que Dos
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thesinglesjukebox · 2 months
We're generally okay with this sort of rock-ism...
Kat Stevens: Like when there was a wasp trapped behind the radiator in the office and my colleague threw her shoe at it (complimentary). [8]
Leah Isobel: Equal parts delightful and boring, "Rockstar" distinguishes itself from LISA's previous solo material by having ideas, or at least the semblance of them: the switches between celestial melody and skittering momentum, the blunt sexuality of the post-chorus, and the critique embedded in the chorus' "teach me Japanese" bit all point to a real personality. But its blockbuster soundscape and paucity of structural interest -- that chorus is worn out by the third repetition -- squeeze out the more interesting parts. It's a La Croix song, with just a hint of flavor beneath all the empty fizz. [5]
Jonathan Bradley: “‘Lisa, can you teach me Japanese?’/I said ‘hai, hai’” is such an ostentatiously silly lyric, especially for one that recurs that many times, but it helps lighten a song that could otherwise be too self-serious in its stunting. LISA's got a likeable charisma, but she doesn’t fit imperious well, which is perhaps why her royal fanfare comes in the form of a mere Tame Impala sample. Likewise, that sample drops in just before the harsh pinging production threatens to become alienating. A pose of indomitability that is fortunate not to be as uncompromising as it imagines itself to be. [7]
Taylor Alatorre: The self-orientalizing doesn't land as hard as it should because it aims a bit too broadly -- after two decades of hallyu, it's more plausible that an oblivious fan would mistake Lisa for being Korean than Japanese. Hip hop is built on hyperbole, but the low-hanging "all look same" punchline represents a missed opportunity to foreground her status as the only Thai member of a flagship K-pop group. CL, while lacking such status, seemed to have more fun with her version of this trick on "Hello Bitches," zipping from Macau to Kakao to sake with breathless irreverence. But "Rockstar" is more stylishly produced than "Hello Bitches" was, with a refurbished griminess built of interlocking machine parts. If the end result is to evoke the kind of amalgamated cyber-Asia that forms the backbone of Bullet Train and Elon's Twitter feed, that isn't the worst possible thing; at least it gives the joke a proper setting. [6]
Will Adams: Much like a lesser known Rihanna single of a similar title, "Rockstar" is an endearing game of play-pretend that doesn't take itself too seriously. Do I believe LISA is actually a rock star? No. Do I believe she's having fun? Oh yeah. [7]
Ian Mathers: It didn't fuck me up when I saw people roughly my age noting that kids these days will sometimes refer to "taping" shows without understanding why we call it that, or that they don't recognize what the save icon is a picture of. But I did get a bit of a jolt listening to this and realizing that "rockstar" as a term is probably as referent-less these days as "dialing" a phone number is (and that's without getting into the precipitous and not wholly unwelcome decline of calling people). That doesn't mean the use of "rockstar" feels inappropriate here at all; for the length of "Rockstar" LISA certainly feels like one in the modern sense, even as the song doesn't even vaguely gesture towards the music genre that used to inform the term. But who cares? It kinda bangs. [7]
Nortey Dowuona: James Essien, a Ghanaian songwriter who cowrote "Hurt People" for Belizeian-Trinidadian pop singer Kamal., is one of the three co-writers (along with Delacey of "Drama Queen" and Lucy Healey of "imtyn"  by Grace Enger), alongside producers Ryan Tedder and Sam Homaee. These have nothing to do with the light faux Tame Impala drums that play for two bars, but I'd rather mention all of that than anything that happens in this song. [3]
Katherine St. Asaph: I don't know how I feel about Ryan Tedder being brat. [6]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Perhaps the most obnoxious piece of music I've heard this year. [9]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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chemicalarospec · 11 months
My Death Note Playlists (prt 1 of my fav lyrics)
They're basically all "emo" btw.
I have two: the full playlist
and the "canon compliant" version -- which does NOT mean the songs support a canon-compliant interpretation, but that they were released before 2010. Canon timeline, you see, ignoring the 9/11 thing. (I'm a little more picky with this one in general.)
Okay now I'm just going to highlight my favorite lyrics that I blorbo brain all over (predominantly Light, and lots of Lawlight ranging from platonic murder to romantic lovers to romantic murder). It will be long, so here's a cut!
I'll pick out songs going down "full playlist" in order.
"Liar (It Takes One to Know One)" by Taking Back Sunday
Obvious, but "we're all choir boys at best" deserves attention. "It takes one to know one" shouted at the end -- all of Light and L knowing each other better than anyone.
"Juneau" by Funeral for a Friend
"I'm nothing more than a line in your book." Hey, I didn't say all these connections were good.
"Spin" by Taking Back Sunday
The whole thing is very Light to L.
"Looking for a Tornado" by Chiodos
Maybe I got a little lost while searching for my faith stuck to your cross You set fire to everything around [...] Do I believe in love; do I believe in heaven? (At the sound of church bells, they come running) All my clocks stuck on eleven; afraid if I hit my knees, I might get nothing
^ Lawlight /romantic intent /sexual intent
This is the sound of your savior running in need of anything to save you from nothing
^ bonus God/savior complex Light
"Always and Never" by Silverstein - "Don't have a heart attack"
"War Crimes" by Waterparks
kinda Light and Misa. "I wear a smile that's about a mile wide" lol. and "My death will be the fandom [sic]" for L.
"The Words 'Best Friend' Become Redefined" by Chiodos
The title as their fake-friendship-with-murderous-intent. Lyrics as romantic dying Lawlight. +"To hide from our twisted ways/I've been hiding in this bed"
"Fist Wrapped in Blood" by Silverstein
I love toxic couples. Cannibalism couples. Violence couples. (Some tntduo vibes in this one too, xoxo tntduo, still kinda my OTP.) "A Midwestern State Of Emergency" for similar reasons (we got the wild line "Bound and gagged but I enjoy it") + "Your saving grace, my final rites"
"One Day All Women Will Become Monsters" by Chiodos <3
That title but also "Always being the blind villain" -> Blind Lady Justice Light Yagami!!! + "Rip the haunting smirk from his face"
"Thank You for the Venom" by My Chemical Romance
Now I want to listen to Three Cheers looking for Death Note songs. (If I wasn't still finishing tntduo demolition lovers, Death Note demolition lovers would be sooo in.) Anyways: "I keep a gun on the book you gave me."
"Hard to Breathe" by Hawthorne Heights
"I spent my whole life lying/I just got caught." This one gets a big heading b/c that line is still the working title for my Light fic (yeah, it'll get posted. one day).
"There's no Penguins in Alaska" by Chiodos is a rare Misa moment on the playlist.
"Timberwolves at New Jersey" by Taking Back Sunday
"Literate and stylish/kissable and quiet/that's what girls' dreams are made of" and "This is you trying hard to make sure that you're seen/With a girl on your arm and your heart on your sleeve" = Light. Plus, the "me at my worst (committing murder)" theme of second half of the song
"Where Can I Stab Myself in the Ears" by Hawthorn Heights - "This is the ending, here's my surrender" & the complementing each other bridge theme. and lying.
"Why the Munsters Matter" by Chiodos
"I don't want to fit into your world/your heart/I hope I scare you"!!!!! It's NOT what happens in Death Note but it IS what Light and L are about IN MY HEAD.
"Ole Fishlips is Dead Now" is another rare Misa song. The "she's in love with herself" line but the subject is Light.
"Goldmine" by Paper Tigers
(link leads to song b/c the band is pretty indie)
Maybe that's something I admire Maybe you've made another enemy of me ... You goldmine Every little thing that you say It blows away my mind ... They say that pride proceeds the fall And that the sword is weaker than the pen
rare L to Light song on the playlist
"Your Sword Versus My Dagger" by Silverstein
Another Discovering the Waterfront track. "I'm cutting through, you're bleeding out/And I would tell the truth, but I can't help myself" + "I wasn't asking for the world" as another Light inverse/lying line (or kinda Misa) + "And I can see your face, and I can hear your name" in reference to Death Note rules lol.
"Is it Progression If A Cannibal Uses A Fork?" by Chiodos
"Listen up, sweetie!/We all know that you're a beautiful girl in this horrible world." - Light lol
"The solemn tolling of the funeral bells. I want to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours where everyday's a Bone Palace Ballet."
"Divine Intervention" by Taking Back Sunday
rare soft song -- cutesy by Lawlight standards
Despondent, distracted You're vicious and romantic These are a few of my favorite things ... Something real, make it timeless An act of God and nothing less will be accepted ... We're stubborn and melodramatic A real class act
~a little skipping ahead to songs I wrote up out of order... part two will probably come next week!~
"The Brothers Karamazov" by The Used
all of it. but especially "I'm more than just my father's son" as an inverse of Light who is so little more than the son of a cop, "I see myself in everything I hate about you/I shut my mouth to stop myself from sounding like you" as him and L, and "Take me away from who I could become" as the conflict between Light and the influence of the Death Note.
"Chemicals" by Armor for Sleep
Lyrics about "you" dying ("I can picture your coffin"!!!) and the general vibe and:
And I’m on my back, on your floor. Tell me how you fooled the world again, I like how you laugh when you tell it
^ both L and Misa work. Light's evil laugh.
Play dead, cause I’ll be playing dead with you. I’ll play you when you’re dead in a year or two.
^ Light pretending to be L after he's dead.
"Three Simple Words" by Finch
"My hand's around your throat/who will stop me now?" !!! throwback to "Until the Day I Die", which I didn't highlight but also has "hands at your throat". I like the aggressive & repetitive usage in this song better. Light to L, of course.
Tune in next week for more of the same! (btw I had a lot going on so it's still not up but will edit this when I do it)
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sell-the-lie · 2 months
Tagged by @silent-cha0s to shuffle my favorites playlist, post the first five songs, and my favorite lyric(s) from them! Thanks 🖤🖤
I guess we had different versions of forever. Mine was for life and yours was 'til there's someone better.
Even though we couldn't save it, it was time well wasted.
The only time you love me's when the lights out; callin' me your hero when you're facedown.
You were the one I wasn't supposed to lose.
I don't need a symphony, I just want your voice and a melody.
Tagging anyone who wants to! I need to music to listen to.
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velvetvexations · 3 months
OMG YOU'RE BACK! :D Also are those Icon For Hire lyrics I see? 👀
It and Make a Move are the only songs of theirs I know lol. There are bands I like a lot but a huge percentage of my saved music is like one percent of any given band's discography because for a very long time I didn't actively seek out music other bands did and with few exception mostly listened to whatever just waltzed into view and that's still kinna my default mode.
I remember really being into Michael Jackson and Tub Ring when I was in my preteens or thereabouts, and then Blue Oyster Cult awhile after that. Blue Oyster Cult and Tub Ring are still very important to me, Michael Jackson is more difficult for obvious reasons but coincidentally all his songs on my playlist are covers - I swear I didn't even do that on purpose, I just really like those specific versions.
I was a huge fan of Hollywood Undead but Day of the Dead was a disappointment that deflated a lot of my interest.
I fell in love with Falling in Reverse around the same time and their first three albums before Radke leaned more into rap will always be a core part of who I am despite him betraying me personally as a trans woman with the things he's said.
MSI is more difficult - I loved them for years (having found them because they had a minor connection to Tub Ring) and then Jimmy Urine getting sued for what he did was pretty bad, especially since just before it happened I was describing to someone how his unique and distinctive voice in particular was a major part of their appeal.
The Orion Experience I discovered was the center of grooming allegations literally like a day or two after discovering them and being like "holy fuck this could be my new favorite band ever". I had to just sit there, slowly process the information, then take a deep sigh and resolve to separate the art from the artist.
But most stuff I like doesn't come with those issues.
I think if I were to list my "favorite" bands/musical artists, it'd be something like, in no particular order, BOC, Eminem, Poppy, Lemon Demon, Britney Spears, Three Days Grace, Tub Ring, and Ronnie Radke (which I phrase that way because my favorite of his is actually Situations from when he was with Escape the Fate). But that only gets across a very small slice of the music I like, you know?
For some reason I'm especially picky about rap. There are rappers I like, certainly, not only am I a huge fan of Eminem but - as unfortunate as it is in retrospect, the rap equivalent of FIR/MSI/TOE - getting real into Kanye in, I think, 2014-16? Somewhere around there? Was a lovely experience. But generally, I can give you a lot of rap I like and almost none of it is by the same artist.
Anyway, I started listening to Get Well specifically because I wanted to branch out because Make a Move inspired a character (or at least the direction I've taken her in, she was kinna a minor NPC before this) in my writing. She's a singer in a band and I was like, oh, in this universe Melody Priest wrote Make a Move and it was a really big hit for her band, the Gods of Pegāna.
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aghhhh ok fine
I did do a music post in the past, but i'll indulge you, @jev-urisk XD
(quickly tho, cuz i'm writing rn)
one song each and a explanation of why :D (i was gonna do three each but then this post would be crazy long)
also, spoilers for Party of Three becase i can't explain these things entirely without spoilers (i tried my best to avoid massive ones)
As such:
Vague-ish spoilers for Taka's future
Minor spoilers for Beriyl's past
Relatively massive spoilers for Arthur and Eirairr's backstories
Refrain Boy - ALL OFF
(I am very very passionate about music so this will probably be a long post despite me saying otherwise lmao)
Reasoning: This song to me, embodies a lot of things. The "going ahead with life even though it's hard," that really awesome feeling a lot of shonen have about "pushing through stuff with your friends no matter what," that "great things are gonna happen for you in the future" vibe, its really hard for me to put this emotion into words, but just the "You can look forward to fun stuff in the future, and as long as you have your bonds and yourself, you'll be okay, even if it's sad and hard" and i really, honestly think that embodies Taka very much. He is very much a person who cares VERY much about his friends, he's a very adventurous person, I'm very honored to get to write about him because his journey is to me, one that is very special and very beautiful. We literally watch this scared little kid grow up into someone capable of saving the world, and I think that is just beautiful. We watch him come into his own sort of groove, find out who he is and who he really cares about, what he stands for. It's just really beautiful and very personal to me. I've always loved this song, but in a sense I think it encapsulates the "journey" of Tamalnh, and my own personal journey over the last few years. Except I have far less friends than Taka, and I am nowhere near as happy as he is.
Aaagh, honestly Beriyl is a tie up between Fightsong - Eve and Yumemigusa by BLUE ENCOUNT
Beriyl's story and him as a person I feel like both of these songs fit him pretty well. His is a story much darker than Taka's, because he's practically a survivor of childhood neglect. For fear of spoiling too much, I really don't know how to explain this without doing so, but Beriyl's story of overcoming self-worth issues, figuring out who he really is and what truly matters to him, and standing up for those things, is one that I think is really beautiful.
Beriyl is an immensely strong person, even if maybe that isn't readily apparent for the first, oh... two hundred pages of the book.
ROAR by ulma sound junction
This lyric in particular; "Where destiny gets robbed and torn in half,"
He lost everything at a very young age, struggled with severe, suicidal depression for many, many years. And he nearly did do it. In a way, he lost his future, then clawed it back into reality with his own two hands, fully intending to die all the while. He may never be able to fulfill that lost childhood dream of adventuring with Rend, he may have lost his family and village, but he found Taka and Beriyl. And they saved him, from himself, in a way.
Ecirr and Qlul:
Ecirr to me, embodies the "grace" and "refinement" that Qlul doesn't really have. Qlul is the warmth and energy, the relaxed and "silly" side of the coin here, whereas Ecirr is the calm, cool, "serious" side.
Now, for some reason, I don't have a playlist for Qlul. But I do have a theme I feel fits both of them very much so.
L no Theme B - Hideki Taniuchi
Here's one more that resembles them :')
ok fine one more (feels fitting for book 2's tone)
Ecirr is really smart, and Qlul's not stupid. This song (L's Theme) to me feels like when they combine their only visible braincells and actually pull off something cool.
Man, Eirairr is hard to summarize in a single song. He's such a chaotic person.
The enigma of an elf, the Eirairr-ness of... Eirairr.
Here's a few: Kannon by Kita Kouhei
Blue Moon by LiSA
At his core, he's a good person. He cares about his friends and has an unfathomably great love for life itself. He's also a very tragic figure, as being born as a Pactborn-Elf means that, no matter how long he lived inside that Realm as an immortal being, once outside he's only got a hundred years. Can you imagine how short a hundred years would feel to someone who's lived that long?
Eirairr himself says something to this extent; and yes, this IS a pretty big spoiler, but its necessary to really get my point across.
Some context: A very long time ago, there was a period where Fae were very active, and several curses were placed on various people/parts of the world back then. One of these was locking several "clans" of elves into permanent deification as "guardians" of elements of the world, hence "Pactborn" elves. So you have "pacted" elves of the mountains, seas, forests, etc. They basically exist in a plane that is one "layer" above the physical dimension, which intersects with the Fae realm. They can't leave their "assigned areas", and if they do, they are cursed to die in a hundred years.
(the relative timespan of a human, basically.)
Eirairr was born into that, lived for a very long time, and then decided to leave. When he left, as part of the Curse, he was given knowledge of the modern world, clothes and a weapon, and basically told; "Good luck."
alright that's all from me :D did lots of tumblr today, lots of writing, very productive day today :DDDD and i have work tomorrow aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not excited
ok bye
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