#three my beloved i just adore him what a doctor
sirtadcooper · 5 months
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You're serious, aren't you?
About what I do? Yes, not necessarily the way I do it.
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caesium-55 · 6 months
—seven days [ epilogue ]
pairing: max verstappen x manager! reader
summary: as the third time world champion, max verstappen's manager, you function on the belief that whatever max verstappen wanted, max verstappen shall get. but this time, after four years of working as his manager, you can't give him what he wants anymore and that was to stay.
warnings: mentions of death and suicide.
author's note: here's the epilogue and the end end of the seven days series. thank you everyone for showing love to this fic! i was honestly so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of all of you. also, i apologize for all the broken hearts i caused after posting chapters 4-7. stay safe yall! i'll rest my fingers for real now. my doctor wasn't very happy with me. NOT BETA READ. NOT EDITED.
tags: @whatamidoingwithmylife-ramdom @eugene-emt-roe @bellezaycafe @barnestatic @theseerbetweenus @wcnorris @notyouraveragemochii @lpab @vildetry06 @a-beaverhausen @formula1mount @loloekie @alucardsdaddyissues @juky-ps @cassianswh0reeee @devotedlycrookeddonut @amberpanda99 @supermaxv1 @evie-119 @spideylovin @harianaswhore @formulaal @landorris @onecojg @leclercdream @vicurious28 @c-losur3 @spookystitchery @0710khj @strollnstroll @justab-eautifulmess @ssrcsm @seasonswinter @kravitzwhore @mycure156 i hope i didn't forget anyone
Julio [Name] was not an ambitious person. He didn't have dreams or concrete plans in life. But in 1985, his first dream was born. He wanted to be an F1 racer after reading about the Portuguese Grand Prix in a local newspaper where he saw a Brazilian racer even younger than him participate in it and winning it. Ayrton Senna was the racer’s name, twenty-five years old. At that time, Julio [Name] was the same age.
He immediately searched for the nearest karting track. He brought his then girlfriend, Sally Kingston, a dental student in USC, to the kart zone for their date. It was safe to say that driving was not exactly his forte. He crashed his rental kart and had to pay the damages. He was afraid that he made himself a loser in front of the Sally Kingston, the richest, prettiest, and nicest girl from L.A., and that she wouldn't wanna go out with a bumpkin like him anymore, but she had only laughed at him—her eyes turning into little crescents, showing too much teeth and gums—and from then and there, he knows he’s going to marry Sally Kingston one day. He might not have become a F1 driver, but he ended up marrying the girl of his dreams.
Him and Sally welcomed a son in 1991. They named him Damiano and he turned out to be a carbon copy of his beloved wife, not that Julio was complaining. When Damiano turned five, Julio brought him in the kart zone and let him try driving the kart. Damiano adored it so Julio signed him up for racing school. Three weekends later, Damiano got sick of driving around in circles so he stopped. Sally gave birth to a daughter in the same year—1996.
Five years later, he brings [Name], his mija, into the kart zone. He expected that you’ll be like Damiano, too, getting sick of the thing after three weekends or so. You didn't. You loved karting and going fast, almost dangerously so. You lasted five weekends so Julio signed you up for the kart zone’s junior racing school and you were their first female member. You won your first race when you were six, only seven months after you officially joined.
“She was born to race,” the team head told Julio. Julio then decided that he’d do whatever it takes so you could become a F1 driver.
Like his initial dream, his dream for you couldn't be brought to reality. When you were nine, you had to stop karting for financial reasons. Damiano was in high school, Rafael had leukemia, and Dominic had just been born. When Julio told you the news, you were sad but you understood why the decision was made so you never complained. You learned how to play billiards instead and your Abuelo was the one who taught you. It's cheaper than karting so Sally and Julio gave you their full support.
Julio [Name] was pleasantly surprised when you told him that you got accepted in USC’s engineering department years later. He half expected that you’d be like Damiano, who took an interest in dentistry, and was attending dental school. He was going to be a dentist like his mother. He was a perfect copy of Sally.
“If I can't be a racer, I’ll become a mechanical engineer,” you declared, head held high. Julio couldn't be anymore proud. You were living his dream.
If you asked Julio [Name] if he had lived a happy life despite not reaching his dreams, he would say yes without hesitation. He married the love of his life, Sally Kingston, now Sally [Last Name]. His first son, Damiano, had topped dental school and followed in his mother’s footsteps. His daughter, [Name], graduated with flying colors, a mechanical engineering degree under her belt and entered the motorsports industry, the first in the family to do so. (You even got him Fernando Alonso’s autograph! That's his second favorite driver!) Not only that, she volunteered at the LAFD during her college years and competed in a billiards tournament in Vegas, Australia, and the UK. You had the potential to be an international-level pool player but you didn't pursue the sport because you wanted to be an engineer. Rafael didn't let leukemia beat him and now, he’s finishing up his last year in CalTech, pursuing mechanical engineering like his older sister. A research team in Sweden had been eyeing him for a while now. Dominic, on the other hand, is steadily building a career for himself in volleyball. He was offered a sports scholarship in Harvard so, despite the fact that he’s going even farther than his siblings with no relatives near him like in L.A., Julio pushed him to pursue what he wanted. His children are his pride and joy. He spent every single day bragging about his children to his colleagues. The others had expressed their envy to him. Did Julio save a country in his last life to have such great children?
Furthermore, he’d been promoted to be the captain of Station 131 in Austin. Julio may not have driven an F1 car but he wouldn't even trade this family over anything in this world, not even the life of luxury and thrill of a Formula One Driver.
(What Julio didn't know was that Damiano had serious depression in dental school that he carried even after graduating, that you weren't accepted as an engineer in F1 and was stuck in a managerial position for the last five years, that Sweden found a better researcher than Rafael so he’s stuck suffering physically and mentally in a degree with his future unclear and cloudy, and Dominic was slowly losing passion in volleyball but it's the only thing putting him through college right now so he grits his teeth and put himself on court. No one told Julio. Julio got enough of his dreams broken already.)
Truthfully, despite working for Red Bull for half a decade, you never liked its taste. You were always the Monster Energy type of girl. It's the one drink that kept you functioning through all the all-nighters you pulled in engineering school. However, you kind of lost the palate for Monster Energy so now, here you are, standing outside a gas station mini mart in the middle of the dusty highway that leads to El Paso. You hold the chilled can of Red Bull against the side of your neck, satisfied with the feeling of something cool pressing against your skin. The temperature in Texas is going absolutely crazy this time of the year. In your other hand, two cigarette sticks balance in between your fingers. You crave the deadly nicotine. Desperately. But you're not stupid enough to smoke at a gas station because of your cravings.
Your phone vibrates and you pull it out of your pocket to see who messaged you. You snicker when you view the barrage of pictures from the Austin Grand Prix that Leo sent. A stolen shot of Logan, meme faces of Alex, the air show, a selfie with THE Fernando Alonso, and a Tiktok video with the other Williams mechanics.
You watched the race from the stands today and truthfully, you prefer watching the race in the garage than on the stands. It's unbelievably boring to be there. People pay thousands of dollars to sit under the excruciating heat of the sun and catch a glimpse of very fast cars for a nanosecond. You wouldn't even catch sight of if you blink. Nevertheless, you're happy that Leo is having the time of his life. You wish you share the same shoes.
leo: so so sad that u have to go
you: id be flattered if u actually mean it
leo: *rolling eyes emoji*
leo: i hope you choke on your beer
you: i hope you choke on the celebratory champagne
you: and i dont drink and drive
leo: good to know ur not stupid
leo: on a serious note make sure to drive to el paso safely
you: aight aight
leo: u know i have something to confess
you: if it's something stupid, don't bother
leo: ur stupid
you: fuck u
leo: shut up
leo: just wanna say i didn't break up with u bc u gave max too much attention
leo: i know that's what i said but i only said that bc i knew that u needed max to achieve ur dreams
leo: and idk i just thought max wouldn't give it to u not when im still dating u
you: that's stupid
you: max isn't like that
leo: hes in love with u
Your heart stutters. You ignore it.
you: liar
leo: i could tell u lil shit
leo: idk he looked like someone who’d hold a grudge
you: he does hold grudges
leo: and i cant allow myself to stand in between you and the one person who can give you your dream you know?
leo: i loved you enough to let you go to him
You choke on your saliva. You don't love Leo romantically anymore and you are sure that the feelings are mutual but his abrupt confession is enough to bring back the pain of loving him and letting him go all over again.
leo: u sure u won’t stay to see him?
leo: he’s the one who wants to see you the most
you: his ig messages makes me think otherwise
You're a fucking coward. A pussy.
leo: you didn't see the man [name]
leo: you don't know how empty he looks now
A shadow of guilt darkens your eyes. You quickly shove your phone into the pocket of your jacket. You open the Red Bull and take a large swig, almost draining the entire can. You exhale loudly after drinking, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You stare at the vast expanse of the dry earth before you, starting to understand the appeal of aimless road trips in the southern roads.
The world seems to be turning in slow motion now.
Ever since your father died, time feels like it was moving too fast. You arrived at the hospital half an hour after Julio was officially pronounced dead. At that time, you felt like the world was ending. Your knees gave out in the middle of the hospital hallway. Your mother’s wail echoed in your ears. Damiano and Dominic were trying to console her, both of whom were crying terribly. You stare at them, face empty despite the hurricane brewing within you. Rafael wrapped his arms around you and you held onto him as he cried uncontrollably.
Your mother possessed a weak heart. She’d grown weaker and weaker day by day after your father passed. Your father’s station held a ceremony for him to pay tribute to their fallen captain. You were the one who carried his helmet all throughout the ceremony because the entire station knew you were his most prized child. When you flipped the helmet, there was a photo taped on it. A photo of the entire family at your graduation ceremony in USC. You maintained that tired and empty stare during the entire procession. In the middle of the ceremony, your mother collapsed.
Your father’s death was the first domino to be tipped. Your mother’s collapse during the funeral was the second. From then on, everything turned to shit. Your mother had always been frail and prone to sickness so it didn’t surprise you when she had grown so weak in a matter of days. She couldn't sleep. She didn't want to eat. She lost her will to do anything else. You took her to the hospital after a week because you were afraid she was beginning to become malnourished. Damiano suggested moving your mother to El Paso, to your Abuelo and Abuela’s farm, so your mother could recuperate there, and you agreed. The entire family moved to El Paso quickly, leaving the house in Vista Del Pueblo empty and celebrated the New Year there.
You opened your phone for the first time since you landed in ATX on the 30th and a barrage of messages had been sent to you. From Daniel, Logan, Leo, Kendall, Julia. You freeze when you see Max’s name. Your finger hovers above it, hesitating. Your mind trailed back to the five years you spent in Red Bull, to all the memories with Max in it, to what happened inside his penthouse in Monaco, the jet, the night you spent in his sheets, the shoes and—
“Kelly,” you mumbled to yourself, typing her username in the search box. You began typing up a message. You're not mentally equipped to write a long message of apology. Your mental dictionary was not ready to use so you decided to half ass the entire message and hope for the best.
you: sorry about the breakup
you: i didn't know about the shoes
you: i didn't take it
you: im so sorry
you: i hope you're not too hurt
In truth, you loved Kelly for Max. You never had problems with her. At first, you were concerned about the great age gap between her and Max as she was even older than Danny but then you figured that you did not have a say because Leo was also younger than you, born in the same year as Max. Then, you saw how she was so caring to Max, so patient in dealing with his misplaced anger, so supportive. You saw how Max transformed into a better version of himself, something you are not even capable of doing, because of Penelope and Kelly. How he became the world's most massive girl dad without trying. You ignored every bitter feeling that sprouted on your chest because you saw Max was happy and his happiness always came first. And now, you’re here, apologizing to Kelly for taking Max away from her.
kelly: i think i’m the one who’s been taking him from you
kelly: take care of him for me
you: thank you for loving him
You can't imagine how hurt Kelly was. Imagine dating and preparing a man so he could be perfect for another girl.
you: but i can’t do what you're asking
you: not anymore
“Not anymore,” you whisper to yourself, as if uttering it to the wind would cement it as the truth.
Not anymore, Max. I’m sorry.
Rafael and Dominic told you that they want to drop out of college to help you out with Mama a few days after New Year’s. You quickly told them no, to finish college and that you could handle taking care of two senior citizens and your sickly mother and help out on the farm since you’re essentially jobless at the moment.
The third domino is Damiano. You were always aware he’d been clinically depressed, taking medications to help him get better. Whatever he went through in dental school, he carried it with him until he was working. You believed he was getting better. He was seeing a therapist for years now and you were checking up on him every day. Then, like Mama, he just…. became worse. Rafael found him submerged in the bathtub in his apartment, red painting his wrists. Had Rafael not been there at the right time, Damiano would have followed Papa Julio.
The fourth domino is Dominic. He ruined his hand in March. The doctor told him it was dangerous for him to continue playing volleyball competitively. It was either he learned how to set with only his non-dominant hand because his dominant hand is partially crippled or he stopped playing all together. He’d choose the second option with no hesitation as he had lost his passion for the sport but if he’s not playing for Harvard anymore, no one would be able to pay his fees until graduation. Not when Julio died, not when Sally was too sick to continue working, not when Damiano was currently unstable, not when you’re the only one who had been supporting the entire family through your entire savings account. Red Bull must have paid you a lot of money because you’ve been keeping the entire family afloat for months now.
The fifth domino is Rafael, who got his entire thesis overhauled so now, his graduation was out of the picture. It sucked. He’d always been expected to follow his older siblings’ footsteps, both of whom are academically excelling individuals and Rafael had been studying and studying and studying. So why was this happening to him? Why was this happening to his family?
The sixth domino was yet to be tipped over.
You refuse to fall.
You blink, suddenly back in reality when you hear a loud caw of a bird flying above your head. You shake your head, tossing the Red Bull in a nearby trash can and returning inside the mini mart. The amount of caffeine in a Red Bull isn’t enough. You need more. You need fucking coffee.
Gas station coffee sucks but you’re never the type who complains. El Paso is still eight hours away and you’re sure you're going to be driving your motorcycle the entire night just to reach the farm the next morning.
You walked towards the Yamaha XSR 155 parked in front of the mini-mart, a styro cup of coffee that’s as black as your soul and as bitter as your life in your hand. Hypnotizing swirls of steam rise from the cup. In each step you take, the key that is attached to your hip jingles.
It's a little past four in the afternoon but the darkness of the sky makes you think it's around six PM. You pocket your cigarettes and stand beside your motorcycle, hand on your hip while the other brings the cup of coffee to your mouth. A car suddenly arrives, coming to a screeching halt in front of you. You flinch in surprise, almost spilling your coffee in your hands. You hiss loudly, brows furrowing, a curse sitting on the tip of your tongue. You hear the sound of a car door opening and slamming shut and when you look up—
He’s still in his Red Bull overalls, drenched in sweat as if he ran to the gas station instead of driving. His hair is windswept, sticking out in multiple directions almost attractively so. He looks simultaneously distraught and relieved when your eyes met. The longing in his eyes. God. You unconsciously take a step back and turn around—a flight response—when he charges in your direction.
A strong pair of arms wrap around you from behind, stopping you from your tracks and causing your coffee to spill and fall down pathetically on the floor. You avoided the puddle, hands reaching behind you to guide Max away from the steaming liquid. But it’s too late. You saw the hot coffee touch his skin.
“Max!” you exclaim, eyes going wide. Your hand wraps around his forearm, pulling it but his grip on you tightens so you resort to tapping his arm in hopes that he’ll let go and you can inspect his injured hand and make a quick run for the mini mart for first-aid supplies.
“Max, let go,” you say, panicking. “Your hand—”
“Don’t leave,” his voice cracks.
“I won't go, okay? Let go and I’ll—”
“No,” the hug tightens and you suck in a breath. “You’ll leave again. I know you’ll leave again.”
“I’ll fix your hand. You can’t burn your hand—”
“I can endure it. Let me have this please,” he pleads. You pull his hand but Max remains stubborn. Resigned, you sigh. It turns out that you’re still the same, giving whatever Max wanted.
“I’m sorry for getting angry,” he begins. “I’m sorry for stopping you from going to Renault. I’m sorry for promising that I’d talk to Christian. I’m sorry that I didn't. I’m sorry that you had to break up with Leo because of me. I’m sorry that I realized that I fell in love with you while dating Kelly. I’m sorry for the shoes. I’m sorry for getting drunk. I’m sorry for being so selfish. I’m sorry for not considering you. I’m sorry for loving you. I’m so, so sorry, [Name]. For everything.”
His words come rapidly and frankly, you don't want to hear Max like this. Max rarely apologizes. You're not used to hearing him apologize.
“I called, [Name].”
You freeze.
“I called so many times. Not once have you answered. Not once—” a loud sob erupts from his mouth, interrupting him. “You always come when I call.”
You close your eyes, letting out a shaky breath.
“I sent you a message,” he continues. “To wait for me. I know I’m selfish but can I have five minutes please? Just….five?”
A pause.
“Okay,” you whisper. Max’s body trembles against yours and you stand still for a few minutes,
“Hey,” you say gently, suddenly reminded that you're standing in an open space and Max is still in his Red Bull overalls and he doesn't even have his usual cap on and this compromising situation you're both in was going to be bad for Max’s online reputation once the wrong pair of eyes manage to catch sight of you. You can already imagine what the headlines would be.
God. You can already imagine the headache splitting the entire PR team’s skulls. The world already hates Max because of how good he was at his sport. You can’t allow people to shit on him more because of you.
“Max,” you try again, tapping his forearm so he can loosen his hold on you and you can turn around. “Max, baby, cooperate with me for a bit, yeah?”
You tug on his wrist and you can't help but sigh in relief when his arms loosen a little. He’s beginning to choke you a little bit. With his arms still around you, you pivot on your heels so you’re face-to-face with his broad chest.
When you look up to Max’s face, your heart shatters into a million pieces. His tears continue to flow and violent sobs wrack his entire body, robbing him of the ability to speak and barely allowing a breath to be drawn. He’s going to hyperventilate. Fucking dammit.
“Max,” how many times have you said his name in the last few minutes? “Hey, breathe with me.”
Your hand cradles his jaw and your eyes focused on his blue ones and fuck, they’re as insanely beautiful as you remembered.
You perform exaggerated inhales and exhales so Max can match your breaths, his hands settling on your shoulders. His palms feel heavy against your shoulders and his fingers dig deep into your skin.
“I’m here, Champ. I’m here,” you assure him. “I’m here now.”
You wait until he calms down a little and when he does, your right hand searches for his, intertwining your fingers together to assure him that you’re not going anywhere just yet. Your other hand comes up to hold the area below his neck and you slowly guide him back to his car. It’s a little difficult, Max obviously has no intention to let you go, but you know how to make things work.
Max sits on the driver's seat with you standing outside of the car. He's still clinging onto your hand and you use the other hand to hold the roof of the car for support. Max stopped crying now, staring blankly at you with a sad pout on his face. His tears are now dry, staining his cheeks.
“You okay now, Champ?” you ask, never failing to sound gentle. That's what Max needs now. Gentleness. God forbid you pull a Jos Verstappen.
Max shakes his hand, making you sigh deeply. Your eyes trail to the hands, the pale skin now an angry red.
“Max,” you call his attention. He looks up at you and you have to avoid his gaze because if you look at his face, your heart hurts. “I’ll get something from the mini-mart for your burn, aight?”
He shakes his head and his grip on your hand impossibly tightens. If he keeps this up, he’s going to break your bones.
If you were the same person that you were in 2023, you would have let Max do what he wanted. What Max wanted, what Max shall get—that’s the philosophy you lived by. But things are different now. Leo told you that you’re allowing Max to take too much from you and Max needs to learn to actually listen to you.
You’ve been taught to treat even the most minor of burns as if it’s a major burn. That's what you are planning to do right now.
“Max,” you say, a little firmer now. “Gonna grab somethin’ in the mart real quick, you stay here, aight?”
“Not askin’, Champ,” you interrupt him. “I'm not leavin’ yet, not goin’ anywhere until I make sure you’re okay. So stay here and wait.”
You swiftly remove the key attached to your belt and force it into his palm, “Here are my keys. I’m not goin’ to drive off and leave you here, aight? Do you trust me?”
You have a feeling that this anxiety of his might have stemmed from that one incident in his childhood where Jos left him at a gas station. Fucking son of a bitch that man was.
Hesitantly, Max says, “I do.”
“Good,” you ruffle his hair, dampening your palm.
You can see he does not like what you're doing now but he does not have any choice so he sits in the car, looking as pitiful as ever. You jog up to the mini-mart, immediately going to the beverage section to grab a bottle of water and passing by the hygiene shelf to snatch a handkerchief. You go to the counter and the middle aged guy manning the register obviously does not look impressed that you’re in his shop for the third time in the same hour, which is stupid because he should be glad that he has a customer. You put everything on the counter, pulling out some bills from your back pocket.
“You happen to have neosporin?” you ask.
“Do we look like a drug store?” he retorts. You roll your eyes, toss the bills to the cashier, and grab your items without even waiting for the guy to wrap them all up in a paper bag. You jog back to Max’s car.
“Excuse me,” you lean inside the car, opening the compartment to search for a burn cream you left inside there last year. Your eyes land on his keys, stiffening when you notice that Max kept every single gift you gave him. The bead keychain from 2020, the bottle opener keychain from 2021, the clay figure keychain from 2022, and the bracelet from 2023 sway slightly, staring back at you. You shake your head and resume doing your original mission. You find the burn cream and you immediately search for the expiration date. January 2025; it’s still good to use.
You straighten, take hold of Max’s wrist gently, and roll up his long sleeves up to his elbows. You open the water bottle and tug Max’s hand towards you so he won't get water on his car as you pour water on his burn. Once the bottle is nearly empty, you apply the cream on the reddened area of his skin. Then, you use the handkerchief, which you dampen using the leftover water, to dress it.
Max is silent the entire ordeal, watching you work your way meticulously and carefully around his hand. The same meticulousness one can expect from a former firefighter paramedic volunteer.
You step back to inspect your work, but Max’s hand stretches out towards you, grabbing the hem of your jacket.
“Sorry,” he says and yet you see his knuckles slowly turning white, which makes you unsure if he truly is apologetic or not. “Just…yeah, sorry. Can you stay for a while please?”
“Have to leave soon,” you say. “El Paso’s still hours away. I have to be there by morning.”
He nods, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down, “Okay.”
“Thirty minutes, Max,” you decide. “Thirty minutes.”
You pull out your phone from your pocket to check the time and see the multiple notification bars. You type the password and direct to the message app to see the flurry of messages Max sent earlier. You have not noticed them.
max: i heard you came
max: where are you
max: please
max: can you give me ten minutes
max: just
max: please
max: wait for me
max: i’m not angry anymore
max: im begging you
max: or five minutes [name] im okay with just five
max: or even less
max: i just need to see you
“Who told you I was here?” you question, brows knitting together. There are currently two names in your head. They both start with the letter L and they both work at Williams.
“Leo called me and told me you were here.”
“Of course he did,” you roll your eyes. Logan will never dare betray you like this. You made Leo promise not to tell Max where you were in El Paso and the bitch told him where you were the moment you stepped out of El Paso. He didn't break his promise technically, but it's still a very bitch move for him to pull. You're going to have a lengthy conversation with him later.
“So you’ve been in El Paso?” he asks.
You nod.
“My grandparents’ place.”
He nods.
“Sorry about Julio, by the way.”
You sigh. God, you want to cry.
It's truly unfair how God decided to take away Julio [Last Name]. Death should happen to assholes and shitty people. To people who abuse their children every day. To people who waste years of their lifespan on nicotine and alcohol. To people who kill people. Death shouldn't happen to heroes, who risk every single day of their lives to save other people. Death shouldn't happen to Julio [Last Name], a firefighter who died saving a kid in a burning building. At least, not this early. Not until you fulfilled his dream for him.
(His last words: I don't regret doing what I did. I have kids, too. I want someone to save them the same way I did that kid if they ever get stuck in a situation like this.)
“Did Leo tell you that, too?” you hope that he didn't notice that your voice slightly wobbled.
“No,” Max shakes his head. “We—Logan and I came to Vista Del Pueblo in December. Your neighbor told us that…”
He doesn't need to finish his sentence for you to know what he’s trying to say.
You nod, “So that's why there was an article that day…”
You remember Damiano showing you the news article in his phone—AN UNLIKELY FRIENDSHIP: MAX VERSTAPPEN OF RED BULL RACING AND LOGAN SARGEANT OF WILLIAMS RACING SPOTTED DRIVING AROUND AUSTIN. You shrugged it off at that time.
“How are you?”
You turn to Max, raising a brow at his question.
“How am I?” you echo, sounding a little bewildered.
You see, Max has never asked this question. You're used to “Are you okay?” but not this. Not this question. You can easily lie to an are-you-okay. You can say yes even if you’re not, and you won't give yourself away because you only uttered one word. But with how-are-you, it’s different. It's not a question that is not answerable by yes or no. You actually have to explain how you feel. That's why Papa Julio only asked, “How are you, mija?” rather than “Are you okay, mija?” Papa Julio wants to know how your day went even if you're okay or not.
Yeah. You're definitely going to cry at this rate.
“How have you been after Julio?”
“You really wanna know?”
“I wanted to be there for you at that time,” Max confesses. “When I learned that Julio was gone, I wanted to go to you. But Leo stopped me. He said I was not what you needed at that time and I agree. I was too angry at you for leaving me. I’m glad he didn't tell me where you are, despite how painful it was. I was selfish and immature that I cared about my grief and forgot to consider yours. I reflected on my actions a lot. I am not sure how different I am now from that version of me but I think I changed a bit. So yes, [Name], I want to know, because I want to know how you felt and help you in any way I can.”
You stand there, stunned at what Max has said. And perhaps it was his sincerity or the way his determined blue eyes stare into your soul that caused the sixth domino to tip. You break into tears, a raw cry escaping your mouth. You are so fucking tired of carrying everything on your shoulders.
Max is quick to engulf you in a hug and you don't hesitate to pull him into you, pressing your face against his shoulders as you let everything out. You claw his back as if you're trying to mold himself into you. Your nose turns red, snot drips out of your nose. You sob too loud and too heavily that you can hardly draw a breath. You don't cry pretty and this is the first time you allowed yourself to cry with another person bearing witness to your fragility.
When you calmed down, you found yourself sitting beside Max, shoulder to shoulder, in the backseat of his car, playing with the drawstrings of your jacket.
“Don't be.”
“Sorry, I was just so tired,” you tip your head upwards. You can feel Max’s eyes on you. “Things have been hard since Papa died.”
“Do you want to talk? I’ll listen.”
You chuckle humorlessly.
Jesus, what did Leo feed this guy?
It feels like the roles are reversed now.
“Everybody's been takin’ it pretty hard so I'm trynna to be strong for them, you know? But I’m not that strong,” you begin. “I’m just as lost as everyone else and it's hard pretendin’ like I’m not. I’m not really sure what will happen with my life now so I wander around and do car repairs for a few folks in El Paso.”
“What happened to your dream? The job?”
“Well, it's gone,” you say, making Max’s eyes widen. “Not my time yet, I suppose. Or rather, I’m never supposed to have time. I guess I’m just not meant to be an engineer.”
“No,” Max turns to you, clasping your hands in desperation. “No, no, no. You always wanted to become an engineer. You can't just—I’ll think of something. I’ll ask Christian. I’ll ask the other teams. Renault isn't in Formula One right now but I can—”
“Max,” you smile sadly. “Let it go.”
“Do you know what my Papa’s dream was?” you interrupt. “It’s to be a Formula One racer.”
You smile, remembering all the times you’ve seen your father watch the races on the television since you were younger. He’d wake up even in the ass crack of dawn just to watch them live. He’d be so tired after a 24-hour shift at the fire station but he’d refuse to even catch a wink of sleep until the Grand Prix broadcast is done. He always received a beating from your Mama because of it.
“He saw Senna in the newspaper and decided that he wanted to be like him, too. Sadly, Papa never vibed with a steering wheel so there was no future in that industry. He's always so disappointed in himself, sayin’ he can do the most unhinge shit at work but can't even drive a car. When Damiano and I turned five, he brought us karting. I could tell he was disappointed that Damiano didn't share his love for racing and I hated seein’ him sad so I learned to love karting. He signed me up and I did my best to win. I think I was good. Good enough to make him proud of me. Papa looked so happy when I won my first trophy. He cleaned it every week.”
You smile fondly at the memory.
“Then, shit happened and I have to stop. Papa looked even more disappointed than me that I had to stop. It hurts. Disappointment from your parents, I mean, even if I know that it's somethin’ beyond my control. I figured that if I can't be a racer, I’ll work in a pit stop. That's close enough. When I told him that I got accepted into USC and how I wanted to be an engineer, it was the proudest I have ever seen him since I won my trophy. I was livin’ his dream. I applied for Red Bull and Renault because those are Papa’s favorite teams and the rest is history.”
You pause.
“He’s never got to see me become an engineer,” you choke out, wiping the stray tear that fell from your eye with the back of your hand. “It was his dream. He always had his dreams broken and I was gonna reach his dreams for him but he’s gone before I can do so. Now, I’m so lost because I realized that I was shapin’ myself to become an extension of Papa and now that he's gone, I am an extension of no one. I was reaching for dreams that I don't own. I’m so tired and I’m so lost, Max.”
Max stares at you sadly.
“I should have talked to Christian sooner. Fuck, I hate myself for not talking to Christian. Fuck, why was I so selfish?” he presses the ball of his palms against his eyes in frustration. You chuckle, shaking your head.
“That’s okay,” you say. “I’ll find my way.”
You look at the scenery outside of the window. Night has fallen. You should have left for El Paso by now.
“I need to go,” you say, heart heavy.
“So soon?”
Max is panicking again.
“Jesus, Champ, calm down,” you pat his shoulders.
“Will I see you again?” Desperation laces his question.
“Dunno really,” you shrug.
“Can you wait for me?”
Your brows furrow.
“I’ll retire by 2028. No, that's still long. 2027. Ah no—2026? Can you wait for me? I—” Max’s hand trembles. “I love you. I love you, [Name]. I—I love you even before Kelly. I can’t. I can't lose you.”
The world stops.
“I am stupid, I am selfish, and I think I’m asking too much. If you can just wait for me, I’ll—I can even retire next year if you think it's too long—”
“Hold up right there, Champ,” you stop him. “You're not retirin’ early.”
“If you want me to, I will.”
You sigh in exasperation.
“Max,” your voice is low. “That’s your career. I’m not gonna—Jesus, Max don’t retire, okay? Not even for me. Retire only when you want to.”
This man is just…
You don't know if you want to choke him or kiss him.
“I want you to have me, [Name]. I… I want to be with you, to love you, and if retiring is the only way I can do that then I will,” he says. “I love you.”
You purse your lips.
“I love you, too, Max,” you confess and now, your chest feels lighter now that you've said it out loud. “But not now, I can't love you like this. I’m too… I can't pursue a relationship with you right now. Not when…”
“It's not our time,” Max nods. “I understand.”
He really did change.
“I want to find my way through life first," you tell him.
Max smiles and he pulls you again in a hug. He has tears in his eyes again and he sniffles, chuckling at himself for crying again. He pulls away from the hug slowly and hands you your keys.
“See you around?"
“See you around.”
You exit the car and you notice that your heart feels lighter now compared to the time you left Monaco even though you are doing the same exact thing—leaving Max to go home.
At the end of 2023, you grace the paddock with your presence—your signature YSL heels is back on the tracks. You wear pants now, instead of the corporate pencil skirts, matched with a Prema Racing polo shirt. The label at the back indicates: AERODYNAMIC ENGINEER. By the end of 2024, you are promoted to the strategy team. By 2025, you become a race engineer of an up-and-coming racing superstar and you kept the job position until now.
The world didn't end just because your Dad died. It took you a while to realize that your Papa didn't own your dreams. It was always yours to begin with. He just played a part in inspiring them.
Max Verstappen became the 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028 WDC, marking history as an eight-time consecutive champion. He retired after the 2028 season and disappeared from the face of the Earth. He had stopped going home to his penthouse in Monaco, had put his private jet on sale, and had cut ties to his father, Jos, who was very disappointed that his son had retired too early in the sport. Max retired willingly—he had achieved more awards than most of his seniors and it's time to give room to the younger ones. Rumors say that he had established a racing program somewhere in Belgium. Charles Leclerc, Max's friend, refuses to update the media regarding Max's whereabouts and only says: "He's happy. Don't worry."
Years later, a thirteen-almost-fourteen year-old girl named Emiliana Julia Verstappen, racing under the American flag, become the youngest driver in history to join the ranks of the F1 academy and later, she becomes the youngest driver to ever drive a Formula One car, racing for Scuderia Ferrari as second driver, at only seventeen and a hundred and fifty days old, overthrowing Max Emilian Verstappen, retired eight-time F1 WDC, whom the world has not seen since his retirement, from the list.
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nortism · 3 months
Nor's Les Mis Fic Recommendations
I've been scouring les mis ao3 for a few months now so here are my fav fics I've found. I've tried my best to tag tumblrs where I can but let me know if you are the author of any of these and I'll tag you!
Three Days (or The One Where Javert and Valjean Take a Road Trip Through France and Raise a Child) by zamwessel
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Javert calls what he thinks is Valjean's bluff about needing three days to find the child Cosette and intercede for her. The Inspector comes along for the ride -- and gets much more than he bargained for, in the process.
Notes: First Les Mis fic I ever read and its an absolute banger. It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin and I'm a sucker for a kid fic so I absolutely adored it.
A Change of Bizarre Kind by M_Moonshade
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Six months ago, Doctor Henry Jekyll sought to escape the dramatics of London by coming to M-sur-M. Tonight his murderer pays a visit to the Mayor Madeline. (Being the Curious Case of Inspector Javert and Mister Hyde)
Notes: Criminally underrated. Jekyll and Hyde AU but I went in knowing very little about that book and I could understand what was going on. Each chapter contains bits from the past and present day until the timelines eventually add up which makes the main mystery all the more compelling. Also Fantine is alive and well which is always nice.
Our Souls Still in Fetters by Cinaed
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After Javert is assigned to discover a blackmailer within a public-house that caters to men who prefer other men, Valjean is unexpectedly drawn into the case. Together they must stop the blackmailer before any lives can be ruined...including their own.
Notes: This author has so many great Valvert fics but this one is probably my favourite. There's the classic "undercover as a couple" trope as well as old timey gay bars. Also a huge fan of how this author portrays Cosette and Valjean's relationship.
In Defiance of all Geometry by idiopathicsmile
Rating: T
Ships: Combeferre/Enjolras/Grantaire
Amis House might not be the biggest student co-op, or the fanciest, but it's got something all its own. Specifically, smoke damage on the kitchen ceiling from that time Courfeyrac lit a political pamphlet on fire. In which there are secrets, pining, pancakes, and revelations, and sometimes the shortest distance between three points is not a triangle but a circle.
Notes: I love a good poly fic and this is one of the best. Also just a generally fun and wholesome friendship fic. Definitely a nice comforting read after all the old man angst I've got on here.
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by Need_To_Comment_Rising (@aromantic-enjolras)
Rating: T
Ships: Courfeyrac/Enjolras, Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Its complicated)
Enjolras takes a swig of his drink with everyone else, and then smirks at Courfeyrac over the rim of his glass. "You didn't seem to mind much me being bossy yesterday night when I had you in my bed..." At his side, Grantaire chokes on his drink and starts coughing. But how did we get here, you might ask? Well, let’s rewind. ------- Enjolras and Courfeyrac have had a friends with benefits arrangement for a while. But when Coureyrac starts dating Combeferre, Enjolras is left with the question of where he fits in the new status quo...
Notes: Another poly fic with aromantic!Enjolras. I love fics with unconventional relationship dynamics as well as people actually communciating with each other (though not before there's been some hijinks ofc). Criminally underrated.
How Marius (Painstakingly) Won the Hand of Mlle. Fauchelevent by writingsyrup (@syrupsyche)
Rating: G
Ships: Cosette/Marius
When setting out to woo his beloved Cosette, Marius had never imagined that it would bring him to this: sitting at a dining table next to her grim-faced father, and staring at the marble that was Enjolras picking at his peas. Or; Enjolras and Cosette are siblings in 19th century France. Marius has to deal with the consequences of this.
Notes: Probably the best Marius characterisation I've ever read, he's just so awkward and weird bless him. I love a good awkward "meeting the parents" and this filled that hole in my heart. Is part of a wider series but can be read as a standalone.
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit by Apathy and saltedpin
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean, Cosette/Marius Pontmercy
Valjean's panting breath does not belong to him. He scrambles out of the bed and stumbles on too-light feet to the mirror in the corner, although he already knows what he will see. Peering back at him from behind a curtain of dark hair, wide-eyed, is Éponine Thénardier. Jean Valjean awakens one morning from uneasy dreams to find that something quite unexpected has happened during the night.
Notes: Cosette and Javert get bodyswapped and Marius is weirdly into it, if that's not enough to convince you to read this fic then idk how to help you. Not normally a huge body swap fan but this was absolutely hilarious as well as having some genuinely sweet moments. Also Theodule is there which means something to some people.
It's Not the Same Anymore by ShameDumpster (@shamedumpster)
Rating: T
Ships: Enjolras/Grantaire
Grantaire is a bookstore clerk in his late twenties, and to everyone’s eternal disbelief, a father. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone from his former group of friends, after a falling out cleaved him from the ABC, but everything changes when Enjolras walks into his bookstore. Can they rekindle their friendship, or something more, while they both come to terms with how their lives have changed over the past decade?
Notes: SO SO GOODDD!! Top tier slowburn kid fic, I could wax poetic about it for days. Had me gripped from start to finish.
Acts of Mercy by cruisedirector and Dementordelta
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After witnessing and reporting a murder, Javert is dismissed from the police and takes a job protecting the women in a brothel, where many of his long-held ideas about justice are challenged.
Notes: Breaking, man from the 1800s finds out that life for women is hard. Such a solid redemption arc fic with some really memorable ocs.
Lynx's Claws and Wolf's Mane by Kaleran
Rating: T
Ships: None
When he is older, when he is a prison guard, he thinks back to his childhood and realizes he had been considerably fortunate. "Prison is no place for a girl like you," his mother told him often, usually fussing with what rags they could use for clothing. "Forgive me for this, draga mea." And so, instead of a daughter, she pretended to have a son.
Notes: Completely canon compliant except Javert is trans and the impact that has on the story really adds an extra layer to his character that I find really compelling. Warning, it is very depressing bc canon.
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danielsarmand · 2 years
i'm getting used to the idea that my opinions in this fandom will often be the opposite of whatever the general public seems to think, but i thought human nature and family of blood were just... okay. they're very... charming episodes, to be sure, the storyline is novel and the sets, cinematography, costumes and acting are great, i just feel like it left me feeling bitter more than it left me thinking ‘oh, that's a nice episode!’
this, of course, mostly resides in how martha was treated as a character. after two episodes which, more or less, seemed to highlight her qualities and actions and existence beside her feelings for the doctor, we're back at it. and i'm tired of martha being sandboxed in them. and i know that's the whole thing with her storyline, but it's so hurtful to witness over and over how she'll basically never be enough for the doctor, no matter the universe—mostly because so little of it rings true to me. i do not believe ten would never look at her twice. i do not believe there is no way he could fall for her. i do not believe he doesn't like her. he surely likes her enough to flirt with her, and the writers have such fun planting all those little innuendos in his dialogue toward (or regarding) her, but it's like they take some sort of perverse pleasure out of then shutting the door in her face and trying to make the audience believe that's rightful and that she has no reason to be hurt by it. it's exhausting.
martha does have the single most important role here, as she does in quite the number of episodes in her run as the companion. i always joke that the doctor would have regenerated 53 million times if it wasn't for martha, but that's actually not much of a joke. she's saved him so many times. and when, at the beginning, the doctor asks her whether she trusts him, what he really should've done is he should've told her “i trust you”, because the whole thing boiled down to martha having to fix his mess and the doctor 100% believing she would. at least he said something about everything being in her hands, which could be counted as implicit admission of trust, but yeah. the dialogue implying she is the one to have to trust that the doctor will come back to her, despite having to be the one to make him come back, is just...
i adore ten. he is the reason i started watching the show—well, tennant is—and i felt his absence so much during these two episodes that when john smith briefly spoke in the tenth doctor way of speaking my heart grew three sizes, but there's something deeply... off with his characterization at times. or maybe it isn't off, as such, just his flaws are highlighted a lot more than other doctors'—which is fine, per se, he's a 900+ old alien i don't want, need nor expect him to be perfect. it's just, coupled with the questionable general arc of this season with martha and him always in this wobbly, awkward spot between friendship and something else, and the way they seem to use martha as a cushion to fall back onto and punch when the doctor fucks up, it leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth i guess. specifically because i think too much, and i often think about how so many people dislike martha for things that have so little to do with her and so much to do with the absence of rose, the faults of the doctor and the disservice the writers did to what could've been—and has been, if you look at her—an amazing character. a widely beloved one.
you know what, the episode would have been fine. john smith wasn't the doctor, he had this thing with the nurse or whatever, fine. part of the plot, i guess, was that of course he wouldn't have wanted to give humanity up, and what better reason not to want that than to feel love while trapped as a human? fine. but what i don't really get, and what makes me feel a little sick to my stomach actually, is the ending. where he goes back and talks to joan and asks her, or really, when you think about it, tries to manipulate her into coming with him. that's nothing new, the doctor is pretty manipulative and always has been, but he usually uses the allure of space-time travel and breathtaking sights and incredible adventures to basically kidnap his companions like some sort of old ass peter pan, and he's honest with it. he does genuinely think, every time, that what he'll offer the people he takes with him is so much better than whatever they might be thinking of doing with their lives that they will ultimately be happy they followed him. and they are, until they aren't, because that's the tragedy in doctor who for you, but here. here, he uses feelings. he uses joan's feelings for john and somehow promises her he's still capable of whatever john was, including falling for her. and why would he do that. that's just mean. to joan, to martha, hell, even to himself. i really have absolutely no clue what they were trying to do with this scene except, as i said, highlighting his flaws. because he knows damn well. he knows damn well that, even if he were to fall for her, she'd have to leave or die and it would break both of their hearts. that's the whole theme with him, isn't it? i thought it was. he's just experienced that with rose and he's keeping everyone at arms-length because he doesn't want it to happen again, and that's understandable. but then he goes and does this. i don't know. i simply don't know. there's also the whole thing where joan tells him she wants nothing to do with him, because she's in love with john—not some doctor—and he, the doctor, has caused so much harm choosing that specific place in space-time to hide. and the thing is, he's so creepy in that whole scene. when he speaks to her, the things he says, how he says them, how he looks at her when she calls him out. amazing acting, but there's something so dark about him in these episodes that i can't help but want to crawl out of my skin.
one might argue that he tried to get her to come with him because he remembered what john felt for her, or at least what happened between them. and that's further sustained by them hinting at him remembering what martha said to him about him being everything, and her loving him to bits. but that just makes it feel more gratuitously mean to everyone involved (so, ten as well), and steeps the two episodes in this... bitterness, which takes from the overall enjoyment. for me, at least.
there's also other things i disliked about the ep, like when in the video the doctor tells martha ‘you. don't make me leave you behind’ which kind of sounds like he was expecting he would? same way as he was expecting he'd hurt people because that's what humans do, which i agree with, but why underline the fact that he was potentially going to leave her? of course she would have stayed close in order to make him turn back to himself, i don't think that really needed saying. that's just one of the little jabs to martha the writers love to insert in scripts. thing is, i despise them! anyway, the post is long as it is, just—if there's one thing i loved (and it wasn't nearly enough to make up for the rest, but,), it was the way ten hugs martha after he tells her ‘thanks for looking after me’. with his eyes closed and that genuine, childlike smile. engulfing her completely. i so wish things had gone differently between them.
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bigdsgirl · 6 months
Live thoughts of Doctor Slump Finale
Because I don't I have the capacity to do anything else
If you open the cut and go "damn heidi chill", here is a summary of my reaction:
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Warning: this will not be coherent. :)
THEY MAKING ALCOHOL TOGETHER! He wants to celebrate every moment with her!!! I am in LOVE!!!
HE MADE HIS OWN NOODLES!!!! Ba-da!! I am so proud of you!!!!
Lol Jeong woo, you know how to be too honest
omg y'all reliving the magical evening - same girlies, same
Ba-da's first PAYYYYYYYYYYYCHECK!!!! Proud of our lil worm <3
he wants to buy her meat!!!!!! stop!!!! as an elder sister, this is a MOMENT! and the photoshoot is everything. a plus.
boy time boy time! these two crack me up. truly besties forever
let's fight! fight to the death! ah yes, never change
I've been watching too much dune, that's all I could think about when I saw the patient
look at our girl! being a supportive professor <3
thoughtful boyfriend (husband of my heart)
oh no this man thinks she is gonna say yes
oh wait wait wait so what was she gonna say if she found out about the US stuff AFTER talking about their date!!!
he is so babygirl <3 my PRINCESS i luv him
the honesty about his nerves! let's communicate!
oh fuck that's an amazing opportunity - she's gotta do it! she's gotta!
I want you to always follow your heart - I am deceased they are so amazing together
most mature drama (in the best fucking way ugh this makes me so happy)
and I know he is still stressed and freaking, but that his first move is to make sure she goes! gah!
LOL the VASE! THE STEAK! this man is dying a bit inside
he was made for this role, his monologues kill me! every time!
the worming on the bed LOOOOL
bestie cheer jeong-woo up! right! now! <3
the leave and let me be in the elevator and Dr. Bin's response -- i am in stitches!!
LETS FREAKING GO HONG RAN!! Baddie of the century!!! fuck yeah! the wink agjdlkfgjalkdfg
wait! girly! please! don't resign! where you going I love you putting Dr. Bin in his place! wait never mind she wants to travel, I support this <3
I am leaving to pursue my happiness! that's RIGHT!
sad puppy jeong-woo is everything to me. i just wanna squish his cheeeeeks!
oh the perfect words, just what he needed to hear.
these two are just giving me cavities LEFT AND RIGHT!!!!
they are so supportive of each other! they talk it out! they love each other! i LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
my dramatic prince - omfg they are sobbing together already lkajfgaldk;fgjadfklgj
oh wait they TOOK BACK THE OFFER???? oh wait that did not go where I thought it would.
oh girl you gotta blurt it out. TELL HIM NOW.
Jeong-woo is a water sign right ? as a big three triple water sign, he's GOTTA BE!
THE PARTY JAKLDFJGLKAF - this is gonna be hilarious. i love the flower on uncle's head hehehehe
the sad singing oh my god this is so funny
wait he SAW! omg! what! and the dramatics, silly gooses
I am so glad she advocated for herself - even if she didn't go her way and she was just expressing her frustration.
god they have grown so much, it's so beautiful to see
he took classes! my beloveds!
oh she's taking the test! and it's improved! oh I am so happy for her. what a beautiful journey we have been on together.
i love the message that getting better is not being happy again, it's about building strength and confidence that you can step through the difficult moments
oh Dr. Bin, don't dig yourself into a hole ya dumb dumb (love you though)
mother son bonding! love this
I am going to miss Ha-neul's mom so much. she is such a beautiful soul. 😭😭😭😭
I was wondering when my Kopiko ad placement would arrive, and A+ work
Hong-ran please, I can't take this romantic speech now. I am weak.
omg! Jeong-woo is opening his own clinic! omg HE TOLD HIM TO GO! I adore you sir.
these two have my heart.
FANCY CAR FOR MY FANCY MAN! Love it and him. ooooooooo sir you look fab in the fancy suit. bahaha, i love the switch to reality and how much happier he is! <;3
oh my, what a gorgeous clinic (working at a FQHC, our clinics so different lol)
WAIT WHO IS THIS GIRL???????????????????? omg. omg uncle get the girl let's freaking GO. wait. wait. oh my fucking god he opened this for HER? someone hold me, I am going to faint.
the little wave at her husband's grave, I am unwell.
Dr. Bin -- i'm sorry but oh my god what are you doing. his daughter just staring at him, i love it.
oh my god the photo of the four of them on her desk!!!! *screaming*
is the anesthesiologist gonna be a private detective?
aw man, he's gonna go work for our king jeong-woo, still dope tho.
*sobs at all these beautiful moments*
Jeong-woo, you are a better man than I, I would be spitting on that grave : )
what a gorgeous sunrise, what gorgeous beans!
he's so excited to get his answer i love them
running on the beach??? bye. I will be dying now from all this love.
oh my god the photoshoot at all the spots important to them AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
in conclusion: i love them and i adore this drama.
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 4 months
and yessssss the mondasian cybermen are far creepier because you can See the person under there. they look like people whereas other cybermen just look like robots. BUt the mondasian ones.... like what is under that fabric. if the fabric got ripped what would you see. do you think twelve knows what bill looks like under there do you. do you think he knows. AND MISSY AND THE MASTER THEYRE SOOOOO SO SOANSAHSJKNAHSAKJSHAN my visceral reaction when it was revealed to be saxon master again the first time i watched that like AISNAIUSGNANSGAISAOSAISAUIUWIEUWOEUWEERUGHEEURGH TWISYY. TWISSY My BELOVED> I LOVE YOU TWISSY AMSHAUMSGAGMAISYGYGMEM MISSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and twelves HAIR
ITS HIM!!! HE CAME BACK!!! THEY STAB EACH OTHER!!!! IN THE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS OUR PERFECT ENDING!!!! AJHGSNAIUS i know thats the doctor falls but yknow. yknow KJAHSNIUNSGHJAKANASAKS and YEAGH i love teh spaceship uts so cool but also how horrifying is it that generatiins have passed at one end and three days at the other teh. tume difference haunts me THE TIME HORROR OAUHSUINHIAUNSHASJHAN
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the season is over and there are a lot of thoughts, even more thots. anyway.
we've got carlos who finished p5, same as last year, equaling his best ever but he got 81,5 more points this year (the 0,5 is from spa). that's huge. especially considering his 6 dnf's, the fact that he was, at least after last race, the driver with the least amount of laps. carlos also won his first race this year, my beloved silverstone, something he was so deserving of and was a long time coming. he got three pole positions, two of those on merit and one because of a grid drop, and managed to snag 9 podiums.
let's just talk about that for a moment. nine podiums. before this year, he had a combined number of 6 podiums, two from mclaren and four from ferrari. he tried his best at all times, and showed what a great team player he is, although i know there are certain people out there who will disagree on that. but the thing is that fact doesn't care about feelings and it's a fact that carlos was a tremendous asset to ferrari this whole season, not only because of his driving but because of his assertiveness and how, even when driving 300 km/h, he manages to strategies both his own race and his teammate's.
this man has shown such growth in his time with the red team. he's a born leader. someone who is calm and collected at all times and can think and react in a crisis or when he's clearly being fucked over by some bad strategy calls. he's someone who dares stand his ground and he gets treated with respect because he knows what he wants, know what he can do and understands what needs to be done. carlos had a wonderful season marred by very few errors and a bunch of bad luck and i can't wait to see him take on 2023.
and then there's lando norris. best of the rest. p7 which is a drop from last year but we didn't even expect top 10 at the start of the season. hasn't gone out in q1 in quali since germany 2019, the only driver outside of the top 3 teams to break the 100+ point barriers, fought the whole season against a pair of drivers who were in a superior car pace-wise yet managed to outscore both of them. that valiant fight almost handed mclaren p4 in the championship fight, but it was not to be. the only driver outside of the top 3 teams, alongside zhou, to get the fastest lap (he even got 2!), the only driver outside of rbr, ferrari and merc to get a podium, the official f1 1,5 champion, teammate vs teammate quali champion. ended the season with 85 more points than his teammate, basically keeping mclaren afloat.
do i need to go on? it's ridiculous that people out there keep on underestimating him when he's one of the most consistent drivers on the grid, with one of the worst cars. his most amazing drive this year was when he was more dead than alive from tonsillitis, and one of his best quali showings was while he had food poisoning in brazil, which just goes to show how much he wants to do well for his team and how much the team means to him (that's not to say that i liked how the doctors and higher-ups allowed him on track).
it's incomprehensible that there are people out there who literally hate him for doing his job, showing how great he is in mid-machinery, and for showing actual personality instead of a run-of-the-mill pr persona. especially since their faves show nothing but love and adoration towards him. it's doesn't matter what driver it is - carlos, lewis, seb, alex, george, yuki, este, max, kevin, daniel and yes, even pierre - they all love him; some even adore him.
he is the future of f1 and he is in great company. and he will prove that once and for all, given the right equipment. i'm optimistic as hell for 2023 and lando norris.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Can I have Law for your ship game?
I am gonna assume you mean the character ask game? Since the ship ask game I'd reblogged was fandom centric and not character specific? ^^
My first impression of them: I'm sorry is that a polar bear sitting next to this guy? Tell me MORE???
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like): when the three captains teamed up outside the auction house that was like "Oh HELL yeah"
A song that reminds me of them: I got nothing xD
How many people I ship them with: one, honestly, just this one, very OTP
My favorite ship of them: Luffy :3
My least favorite ship of them: Law and Robin is a thing and I don't get it
A quote of them that you remember: sorry I don't do these
Your favorite outfit of them: I MISS HIS ORIGINAL HAT!! ;-; but also Punk Hazard coat my beloved
Your least favorite outfit of them: stupid timeskip hat with the weird cap :/
Describe the character in one sentence: traumatized surgeon who gathers misfits in his crew and is weirdly obsessed with Luffy
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?: Bepo. Sorry. Just. THIS character, with everything else given his design, to get a bestie polar bear is so wild I love it
Sexuality hc!: gaaayyyy
Your favorite friendship they have: BEPO
Best storyline they had: for sure Dressrosa, the background the angst the awesome
Worst storyline they had: incapable of bad storyline sorry
A childhood headcanon: he loved his sister so much
What do you think their first word was?: no
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc): a bit too serious but still so adorable
The most random ship you've seen people have with them: I just still think Robin like where what
A weird headcanon: I don't think I have a weird hc for him
When do you think they were at their happiest?: when his family and country were still alive and he was just a happy child, beloved by his parents and sister
When do you think they were at their lowest?: RIGHT after he lost everything like holy shit he was so small, and deadly sick and everyone else was dead damn I can't wait for OPLA to let me introduce him to my bestie
Future headcanon: he names his daughter after his sister
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?: I don't know
When do you think they acted the most ooc: got nothing sorry
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?: I... don't know?
If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?: I really want to say some doctor/surgeon but deadass I can not think of a single one right now
The most unnecessary thing they ever did?: his stupid ass disguises. so bad. I love him
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?): strict but loving
The funniest scene they had?: When he got carried around like a sack of potatoes by Luffy. But also when he proposed the alliance to Luffy and thought Luffy would take that as a serious actual alliance and not as a "oh we're besties now ur gonna tag along to all my bad decisions like my nakama do <3" that was so funny of him nooo
Character Ask Game
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Old Habits and New Friends.
The one where Y/osano has a cold, and learns how to be okay with this 'weakness' showing in front of her coworkers family. In turn, she learns a bit more about how much they care for her.
So I've been thinking about the beloved bringer of life doctor a lot. She's haunting in every sense and I adore her. Thus, this was born. There's quite a lot of 'character dynamic study' things in this, just fair warning! I love thinking about 'A/DA as a Family' Things <3
Characters: Y/osano, R/anpo, D/azai, K/unikida, F/ukuzawa (briefly) and no ships, this is all platonic-family things <3 Word Count: 2.9k
(References to Y/osano's backstory so slight spoiler warning)
As she stands outside the offices of the Armed Detective Agency, Yosano allows herself to take a moment. A gloved hand rubs her nose, trying to fend off the cold that’s been attempting to break her all week. Sickness isn’t a common occurrence for her, but it’s not incredibly rare either. She bites back a cough as she reaches for the handle of the door, sliding into the office with confidence she isn’t quite feeling. 
The room is mostly empty, the only other person visible being Ranpo. He’s seated at his desk, munching on some ‘candy of the week’ and scanning the paper. ‘Likely hunting for cases. He managed to irritate the police again so they haven’t come to him for a few days. Seems he’s getting bored.’ Her presence isn’t addressed, though there’s no doubt he knows she’s here. 
Another prickle works its way through her chest, barely being contained by a quick throat clear. Pointing herself towards her office, Yosano allows her gait to border on running as she glides towards the safe embrace of privacy. Being sick has never been something she was fond of, even before Mori. 
She’s always had the mentality of ‘fight through it, don’t show weakness’. Mori certainly didn’t help with that, stoking her strong personality right alongside the fear of being weak. Even with the ADA, she’d managed to distance if sickness emerged, or fight off anything before it could progress past a mild cold. 
Freezing, she allows the hope of a clean escape to fizzle away, pasting a smile onto her face as she turns to face Ranpo. ‘Hopefully he just wants a little praise, or help picking a case. Something simple I can finish quickly before he notices I’m… unwell.’ The thought is pointless, he’s been aware from the minute he saw her. She knows this just as much as him. Still, denial is a powerful drug if you want to believe it strongly enough. 
“Yes, Ranpo?”
“Help me with these cases. They’re just all so boring! Not worth the trip, I could solve them from here. Is it so much to ask for something interesting to happen?”
“Let me have a look. Hm, what about this one? Three people vanished from the-”
“The most boring of them all! It’s so obvious that it was the ferry captain, and they’ll all be returned safely within the week, it’s some insurance thing.” 
“I see. Well then, ma- hehh… maybe the car crash?” 
“Open and shut, he was on his phone and fled the scene. He’ll turn himself in tomorrow, the guilt weighing on him. Next!”
“There’s also th- the… hh’keshh-! hk’yieshh’iee-! ih’keshh’ieu-! Excuse me, sorry.” 
She ducks into her arm for the fit, turning as far from Ranpo as possible. When she spins back with the apology falling off her tongue, Ranpo has leaned forward, eyes showing under the brim of his hat. He’s looking her over in a way she’s painfully familiar with: studying her. After a moment he lets the nonchalant look rest over his face once more, eyes ducking back under his hat.
“It’s fine. Unlike my boredom. Find me an interesting case, I’m running out of snacks!”
“Is that how we ask for things?”
“Mmm… fine. Please find me an interesting case.” 
“Better. I mean- it’s quite difficult since you’re so talented at solving them but… hold on- ek’teshh’ieu-! Scuse me. Maybe this one?” 
“That one is al- oh actually, I didn’t see that one before.” 
“You’re welcome then. So is it worthy of your-” 
Breaking off, Yosano spins around again, aiming the cough towards her arm once more. She lets her thoughts wander as it pours out. ‘Damn it, I was hoping to hold out a little longer. This cold might be stronger than I gave it credit for, but I’m still tougher. I can take it.’ Ranpo has remained silent, but as she turns back he meets her gaze with a smile.
“You want a candy?”
“No, I’m okay. Thank you though.”
“I think you should have a candy. It’s exactly what you need right now.”
“Well alright, since you insist…” 
Grin forming, Ranpo reaches into his desk and pulls out a bright wrapper, holding it out in his palm. A blush creeps across Yosano’s face as she recognizes the brand of cough drop. She takes it, turning it over between her fingers before popping it in her mouth. In an effort to change the topic from the direction it’s steering in, she dawns a playful smirk.
“You shouldn’t be eating these like sweets, you know. They’re not bad for you, but they are still medicine.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t snack on them. I just keep them around in case…”
“Good to hear. And uh… thank you, Ranpo.” 
“No problem!” 
The innocent tone is a comfort and she offers a smile in return. The taste of honey offers a soothing relief against her throat, but does nothing for the buzzing in her nose. Rubbing a finger against it, she allows a single sniff before dropping her hand again. She chews up the cough drop, surprise crossing her features as Ranpo lets out a laugh. 
“I thought I was the only one who did that!”
“Did what..?”
“Chewed them up. You’re supposed to suck on them, but I’ve always liked chewing them.” 
“Oh, yeah! Actually… you are supposed to let them linger. It’s better for you that way, you get to absorb more of the effects, but I’ve never had the patience for thhahh… that. hH’ieshh’iue-! hk’eshhii-! ek’zieshh’ieu-!” 
“Shouldn’t you be at home resting?”
The laughter they had been sharing fades immediately. Her body language veers to defensive, arms crossing over her chest. The change doesn’t go unnoticed by Ranpo as he sits up in the chair, head tilting down to meet her eyes. All smiles are gone, instead her face is tight, a tense calm resting over it as Ranpo offers something unreadable. 
“I’m fine to work.”
“I didn’t say you weren’t. I asked if you should be resting.”
“No. I don’t need to rest, I’m f- fine… hh’eNG’shh-! ek’tnngt-!”
“Hey… you don’t need to do that.”
“Do- hn’tngt-! what?”
“You know what I mean. There’s no need to do that, okay?” 
Yosano pales a little, but gives a tight nod as she feels the tickle swell once more. ‘It’s okay. It’s okay with Ranpo, it’s… it’s okay.’ She lets the words repeat in her head, arms slowly uncrossing as she raises one to her face, leaning away from Ranpo again. 
“hk’iESHh’ihh-! heh’KSHHii-! heh- kn’TIEZSHhh’iue-!” 
Without a word Ranpo abruptly stands, starting to walk towards the couch. He gestures for her to follow, and with a hint of hesitation, she does. Once they reach it, Ranpo sits first, choosing a position at one end of it, before motioning next to him. She follows the direction once more, still hesitant, trying to figure out where this is going. 
She sinks down onto the couch, posture tight, each muscle tensing. ‘What is he going for here… is he trying to put me at ease? It’s not working if so… b- but that’s not like him. There’s got to be some goal. Some plan he’s putting to work based on deductions about me and my health. Maybe he’s-’ Before she can finish the thought a sensation rips her from the spiral.
Ranpo has one hand running down her back, calm eyes peeking out from behind his hat. It’s as if he’s waiting for her reaction before continuing. She lets herself go limp, releasing the tension that had been gripping her. A small smile slips over his features, his other hand coming up and guiding her head down to his shoulder. Before she can process the change, she finds herself relaxing into his touch. 
“I’m gonna keep looking for cases. You are gonna rest.”
“You’re not the boss of me.” 
Even as the words form on her lips she feels her eyes flutter shut, leaning deeper into Ranpo’s shoulder. True to his word, he begins rambling about cases, explaining the ones that are too easy, and pondering on the ones he’d need to see the scene to figure out. Yosano lets herself drift into the sounds of the office, worry fading away. 
After a few minutes the door slams open, Dazai waltzing in. He freezes at the sight of them, hands in his pockets as he surveys the scene. Yosano pops up quickly, careful to tighten her expressions once more as she feigns nonchalance, letting her legs cross and one arm droop over the couch. The safety she felt with Ranpo has evaporated, her relationship with Dazai not solid enough to allow it to remain. 
Weakness has never been something she’s okay with others seeing, and Ranpo was the first it truly felt okay with. Dazai though… while she doesn’t dislike the man, she’s hesitant to let him see her in that state.
‘I see Mori in him sometimes… Just- in the small things. The way he carries himself, how he plans, the expressions he’ll choose to wear. Though… I often wonder if he feels the same about me. I know he isn’t the same, and I shouldn’t be treating him like he is… but…’ 
She lets her eyes drift to his face, expecting some form of taunt to spill out at any time. Instead, much to her surprise, his usually unreadable expression softens and without a word he places himself on the free side of her.
Her gaze tracks each movement, hand raising to her mouth as another cough starts to break through. Through it all, Dazai remains silent, posture very cautiously relaxed in that deeply rehearsed method she’s all too familiar with.
The coughing tampers off, the itch in her nose taking this as a perfect time to re-emerge. For a minute she considers suppressing it, but Ranpo’s hand still gently rubbing her back provides enough comfort to let it out against her arm. 
“hh’KSHH’iee-! hk’ESHH’iue-! hahhh- tnSHH’ihh-! ‘Scuse me.”
“Bless you.”
“Th- thank you.” 
The blessing comes as a surprise, and she finds herself thanking him out of instinct. She still holds a reasonable amount of caution, but there’s something… almost soft about the expression he’s wearing. As she lets out another sniffle, he points a measured look in her direction, before muttering something.
“Sorry, didn’t quite catch that?” 
There’s a noticeable pause as Dazai’s cheeks gain a hint more colour than before. He raises his gaze to meet hers, and clears his throat before speaking again. Yosano can’t help but feel a rush of protectiveness as the voice that comes out sounds almost timid. 
“I just asked if you were feeling okay?”
Yosano wants to say yes. Everything inside her is screaming to say yes. ‘Deny till the very end, don’t show weakness, don’t admit flaws. Tell him that you’re fine, and then be fine. We don’t tolerate weakness in our soldiers.’ But… something about the cautious look on his normally collected face washes every image of Mori from her mind. 
Dazai is nothing like him, no, he’s just like her. Taken in way too young by a person with no intentions of saving them. Never given the chance to be anything other than what he planned for.
She had managed to find something special here; to become someone special here. Someone that’s good, and kind, and her. And watching Dazai’s actions since he joined… seeing the look on his face now… well, maybe he’s trying to find that too. 
“Not really. I have a bit of a cold. hih’ISHhiee-! aisHH’iew-! hk’SHH’iue-! hh’KSHH’ih-!” 
“Bless you.” 
“Wow, even I couldn’t get her to admit to illness out loud.” 
Up until now Ranpo had remained silent, watching the interaction play out. However, upon her admittance, he gives a low noise, somewhere between a chuckle and a gasp. At the statement Yosano turns to him, Dazai’s eyes following suit, and gives him a light smack. 
“Hey! That hurt…” 
“Oh really? Are you- injured now? Because I can certainly help with that if youuu…”
“No! No, no I think I’m okay.” 
Laughter bubbles from her chest as she lets her head dip to rest once more against Ranpo’s shoulder. Dazai joins in with a light chuckle of his own, leaning back into the couch. Not a minute passes until Yosano’s sitting up again, another set of sneezes tumbling out into her waiting arm. 
“hh’KSHHiee-! aiiyshhh’iue-! hehh’tizshh’iue-! Excuse me.” 
“Bless. Hang on.” 
With that Dazai stands up, walking over to his desk and starting to aggressively rummage through the drawers. Ranpo and Yosano watch it unfold, neither sure what he’s doing, until he returns, triumphantly holding a pack of tissues above his head.
“Thought you might want these!”
“I didn’t know you kept tissues in your desk?”
“Yeah, well… never know when they might come in useful. Placing them in Kunikida’s belongings when he comes in with the sniffles is particularly fun.”
“You’ve done- hH’TSHH’iee-! ‘Scuse me. Done that before?”
“Of course! This one time I bought a bunch of identical packs, then kept leaving one on his chair in the same exact position every time he left the room! When he asked, I always said I didn’t know what he meant. Ended up going home early cause he was sure he was losing his mind!” 
By this point Ranpo is leaning against Yosano, the couch shaking with laughter. Dazai shoots them a wicked smile, tossing the pack at the couch, which she catches easily. Attempting to suppress laughter of her own, she wears a fake glare, pointing it first at Dazai before turning it to Ranpo. 
“Boys, that’s not nice.” 
“Maybe not, but it sure is hilarious. Besides, he’s the one who forces me to do paperwork on a weekend! Way I see it, he’s asking for a little torment.” 
Yosano just sighs, pulling a few tissues out as she directs another “hih’KSHH’ihh-! tiezshh’iue-! hk’ISHH’iee-!” into the soft folds before lightly blowing. Grimacing at the quality of it, she coughs a few times before sucking it up and blowing again.
Ranpo gives her a sympathetic smile before turning back to the paper, dead to the world once more as he surveys cases. Yosano turns her attention back to Dazai as he drops back onto the couch beside her. 
“That was gross, sorry…”
“Don’t worry about it. You should hear me in the spring.”
“You have allergies? I… ih’KSHH’iee-! I never noticed-”
“Bless you. You wouldn’t have. I take meds most of the time, or if it’s a really bad pollen day I tend to just avoid the office. Hah! It drives Kunikida insane.”
“Does it now?”
“He still doesn’t know why I don’t come in during the spring on seemingly random days! I make sure to pick a few days where pollen is low too so he can’t track the pattern. I also make up excuses that he can tell are lies, but can’t actively disprove!” 
There’s a deep seated glee in his voice as he describes all the details of how he torments Kunikida. Yosano can’t help smirking at the boyish nature of the teasing. It’s cut short by another coughing spell, ducking down into her lap. 
This time she feels two hands grazing her back. One is absentmindedly rubbing circles, the other is hesitant but gentle. A yawn escapes as it comes to an end, Ranpo looking up from the paper.
“I told you so! I said you should be resting!” 
“Yes you did. Right as always Ranpo. I guess… I should probably go home…” 
‘But… I don’t really want to… Home is empty. It always feels cold, even with the heat on. But here… with them… this feels warm…’ She doesn’t say any of this out loud, but there’s no need for that. They both know. While Dazai may not have Ranpo’s deduction skills, he sees more than most. 
Slowly they start to shift positions until her head is resting against Ranpo’s lap, her legs strewn over Dazai as he slides in next to Ranpo, echoing her earlier yawn. ‘That man is able to fall asleep anywhere. I’m quite jealous of that skill.’ Letting her tension start to fade away, Yosano feels a sigh escape. She melts into the warm embrace, drifting off to sleep. Dazai quickly follows suit, his head dropping onto Ranpo’s shoulder. 
About an hour later the door swings open once more, this time Kunikida stepping inside. At the sight of Yosano and Dazai sleeping, he opens his mouth to make a remark. Ranpo shuts him down with a single look, tilting his head to let his eyes show once more. He’s careful not to disturb them, quiet as he begins to speak. 
“Don’t wake them. They need this.” 
Kunikida cuts himself off, pushing up his glasses as he seems to sort through his ideals in his head. Ranpo patiently waits, letting his arm rest against Dazai’s shoulder as the younger man shifts. Eventually the peaceful look on their faces seems to sway Kunikida as he grabs a book and sinks down beside Dazai, beginning to read it. Yosano stirs, a few sleepy sneezes brushing from her lips. 
“hh’ishh-! kishhh-! heh’tieshh-!”
The blessing Kunikida offers is timid, volume matching that of the sneezes. A smirk crosses Ranpo’s face as he watches Kunikida attempt to keep his face neutral. Yosano mumbles a thanks before curling back into herself and drifting back off. 
By the time the president walks in, he finds all four of them asleep, a tangled mess of limbs and snores. They should be working, it’s nearly two on a Thursday, but he can’t bring himself to wake them. Content spreads through his heart, a smile breaking through to his face as he grabs a blanket from beside the couch and lays it over them. 
“Sleep well, children.”
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stormyoceans · 1 year
okay I woke up and chose violence today SO
...*squints for a long time*
[[mine would be:
5. ep 4 (the first serious kiss, the formation of friend credits, the communication of boundaries)
4. ep 10 (the emotional goodbyes! the nomnomnom! fuse's doggo! the pink!)
3. os2 ep 1 (the 30 day challenge! the cute soft domesticity of it all! the surprise bebé!)
2. ep 8 (the greyllery confession and kiss! the single tear! the cats!)
1. ep 11 (the angst! the yearning! one of the best reunion hugs to ever! the way I cry every damn time!)
...now you!]]
1. episode 11: real red. CHANGED ME MY LIFE MY OUTLOOK THE FOUNDATION OF MY PERSONHOOD THE CHEMICAL MAKE UP OF MY BRAIN AND MY ENTIRE BEING ON A MOLECULAR LEVEL. it also fundamentally changes the entire narrative of the show starting from episode 4 and it forces you to go back to rewatch everything that happened and look at it with a whole new understanding of the characters, especially puen. the first part of this episode alone is such a masterpiece in both writing and acting and should be shown in every single filmmaking class around the world as an example of incredible storytelling techniques. not to mention how the reunion in the glasshouse is the epitome of parallelism romanticism soulmatism the me before and after this scene are two completely different people.
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2. episode 04: deep magenta. I CAN'T BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS EPISODE IM SORRY I SIMPLY CAN'T. every single scene just makes me mentally deranged in ways so profound they will only become apparent years down the line like shy!puen!!!!! the glasshouse!!!!! "so, will they fall in love?" "i guess they will"!!!!! puen comforting talay!!!!! THE WEDDING!!!!! the way they look at each other at that wedding!!!!! THE KISS!!!!! I KNOW I PROBABLY SHOULDN'T BUT I LOVE THIS KISS SO MUCH!!!!!!! truly the way this was one of my least favorite episodes while the show was airing and now it's at the top of my list and i could literally spend the rest of my life writing essays about it is, quite frankly, fucking insane.
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3. episode 09: midnight black. no other episode makes me experience every single emotion present on the spectrum of human consciousness every time i rewatch it quite like this one does. the fight!!!!! talay being triggered by the water!!!!! the beach reconciliation!!!!! doctor jimmy displaying unprecedented unparalleled unmatched levels of derangement and improvisation by taking method acting to a whole new level and reinventing tenderness reverence adoration wonder LOVE with the look of his eyes alone!!!!!! THE BUCKET HAT REVEAL BEING THE MOST SCENE IN THE HISTORY OF TELEVISION!!!!!! no one has ever been this in love this connected this linked AND I FEEL SICK ABOUT IT
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4. episode 03: soft blush. another episode i just cannot be normal about like drunk!puen!!!!! talay trying to cheer puen up and giving him advice on how to fix things with up and aou!!!!! the date-not-date!!!!! the pinky promise and the helmets at the end!!!!! NIVEA BATHTUB SCENE MY BELOVED!!!!!!! there are people who don’t need to be forcibly escorted into a padded room every time they hear puen say “if this can be used to wipe away dust, i should use it with your heart. i think your heart hasn’t been used in a long time” AND GOD I WISH THAT COULD BE ME. my own personal equivalent of the famous pride and prejudice hand flex scene: a moment so delicious i instantly knew i was fucked.
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5. episode 12: crystal clear. okay i had to go to this one in the end because there's just something so deeply satisfying about this episode, about puen and talay finally getting to be puen and talay after such an insane journey. there's also just SO MUCH LOVE in it: the quiet domesticity at the beginning, the joy and playfulness every time they're together, the sacrifices they're willing to make for each other, the comfort the understanding the tenderness the contentment, "where there's you, there's happiness", "without work i can survive, without him i can't", "i don't want time to go by without you from now on"..... THEY PAINT EACH OTHER'S LIFE PINK FOREVER!!!!!!!! also i don't care what anyone says the lay's marriage proposal was PERFECT.
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koscheicore · 8 months
*kicks down your door, pounces at you*
I am attacking you with asks! 😊 (hope you don't mind)
1, 3, 4, 11, 14
And 7 if you’re feeling brave…
Also, do you have any DW novels /audios you like and consider essential listening?
Have a good day/week
(love your art btw)
*disappears into the night*
GASP, my door!!! Well it's worth it. Thank you so much for the asks! And aaa ty for the compliment to my art too 😭💕 rlly appreciate it! *gives you a little origami star before you mysteriously disappear*
1. Who is your favourite Doctor?
Currently 12 is my favourite, but since I'm watching classic, 3 and 5 are big favs too. My answer on this question changes so much though I seem to cycle through them 🤣
3. Who is your favourite male companion?
Turlough so far!! He's really interesting and unique. Love this lil pathetic guy. Kisses his forehead.
4. Whats your favourite story?
UHHH so, so many. I'd probably give you different answers depending on where the wind blows. But I'll try. Can't pick one so here's a few! (if anyone else asks again I shall give different ones)
-Enlightenment, from the 5th Doctor. Absolutely adored this one!!
-I'll forever love Castrovalva, also from the 5th Doctor. It's probably not that good but I do love me some confusing places...
-Midnight from the 10th Doctor
-Wild Blue Yonder from the new specials :') YELLS
-Heaven Senth from 12 my beloved
-As an artist, well, Vincent and the Doctor, from the 11th Doctor. I just. Cries
11. Show a picture of your favourite Doctor outfit
Does this count
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14. Show a picture of your favourite Tardis design
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7. Rank the Doctors from best to worst
OK IM FEELING BRAVE I'll try... but I'm only ranking those I've watched. Not taking into acct the EU. Also not including 15 bcs it's too early for me to decide (but I love him so far!!)- I'm ranking them based off how interesting they are to me also.
1. Capaldi's Doctor (12)
2. Eccleston's Doctor (9)
3. McCoy's Doctor (7). Very interesting guy
4. Pertwee's Doctor (3)
5. Tennant's Doctor (10)
6. Whittaker's Doctor (13)
7. Davison's Doctor (5)
8. Smith's Doctor (11) - I do love him but I lost interest in him for unknown reasons
9. Colin Baker's Doctor (6) - I actually found him interesting when watching! But yeah since I'm not taking EU into acct, not the best for me
10. Tennant's Revamp Doctor (14) - Well, we've got three specials. I liked him, but idk I don't think I'd be excited to watch an entire season of 14. He's more like a cameo for me.
Ok this was hard af ejdkdld as usual my answer will probably change anyday. I don't think any of them is bad though, I love all of the Doctors so far! Hence why it's hard to pick favs without rambling about other Doctors djdkd
Extra: Novels and audios
I haven't read any novels (yet) but I've listened to a few audios! Not many, I'm slowly getting into it. HOWEVER
If you're into thoschei you definitely need to listen to Master. It's just. GAHH. It consumed my braincells. It will never leave me. Plus it made me want to listen to more from Beevers and McCoy. I consider it essential if you're deep into thoschei tbh
AND. The Natural History of Fear. I went blind into this audio, from the 8th Doctor... It's one of my favourite stories ever, which I didn't add up there to not repeat myself. It changed my brain chemistry. It made me wonder how tf is it humanly possible to come up with all that and write it so well. The acting is sublime, the story is undescribable. Anytime I try to explain what it is about I fail tremendously. I don't think I consider it essential but I really do recommend it! In fact I recommend to listen to it twice at least.
Again tysm for the ask this was fun!!!
2 notes · View notes
Hi! Hadcanon that Wang Meng is a policeman, version three. After being injured during the raid, Wang Meng recalled his past life and was shocked that he was working in the anti-drug department. And then he laughed at the irony for a very long time when he found out that he was catching Jian Yuelou, a famous drug dealer. Wang Meng also has a cousin, Chen Yuzhi, with whom they grew up together and whom he adores and will kill anyone who dares to harm him. During a raid on a drug den, Wang Meng runs into Jian Yuelou. They exchange sarcasm and Yuelo manages to escape. Wang Meng is furious. Jian Yuelou meets Chen Yuzhi and immediately falls in love with the cheeky doctor. Yuelou doesn't know that he is Wang Meng's brother. After some time, Jian Yuelou sees how Yuzhi was abducted by his "brothers" and brought to their lair. The Doctor finds out that Yuelou works for the mafia and thinks that he was approached to take revenge on Wang Meng, and this offends Yuzhi very much. Jian Yuelou finds out that his beloved doctor is a relative of Wang Meng and realizes that a bloody hell will happen. He remembered the talk among the mafia about the policeman's brother, for whom Wang Meng would drown the city in blood. Yuelou tries to save Yuzhi, but the doctor does not believe him. At this time, Wang Meng raises everyone to save his brother. Jian Yuelou and Wang Meng unite for the sake of Yuzhi. They manage to save him. Wang Meng does not want Yuelou to be in his brother's sight, but decides to give Yuzhi a choice. And the choice is yours, to keep Jian Yuelou a member of the triad, or he will be an undercover policeman.
Oh, so Wang Meng and Jiang Yuelou swap places in this headcanon? Oh, how fun. (This is long, I got a little carried away, anyways, hope you like it!)
The last thing Wang Meng remembered before he closed his eyes was Chen Yuzhi’s teary eyes so imagine his surprise when he opened his eyes to find bright fluorescent lights shining back at him
‘What the hell?’
“Ah, Lieutenant Wang.  You’re awake”
Wang Meng then looked over to see a doctor smiling at him, causing him to frown
“Where am I?”
The doctor chuckled
“The hospital.  You took a bullet to the side and you’re lucky your officers got you here in time or else you wouldn’t have made it”
Wang Meng frowned; officers?  What the hell was he talking about?
He then looked around and noticed that the hospital room looked nothing like it did in his era, causing him to look back over at the doctor
“What…year is it?”
The doctor blinked before he laughed
“Goodness the anesthesia must be stronger than we thought.  It’s 2023”
Wang Meng blinked before he nodded slowly
“I see”
The doctor then smiled
“Let me get your paperwork and then you’ll be discharged”
Wang Meng nodded
“Thank you”
The doctor nodded and turned, heading out of the room as Wang Meng shook his head
He was in the future?  And…potentially a police officer?  What the hell
After he was discharged, Wang Meng exited the hospital, only to be greeted by Chen Yuzhi, causing his eyes to widen in surprise
“Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he laughed softly
“Why are you greeting me so formally?  We’re cousins, aren’t we?”
Wang Meng blinked (they were?) before he cleared his throat
“Sorry.  Force of habit”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“How are you feeling?”
Wang Meng huffed
“Honestly?  Not too bad”
Especially considering not even a few hours ago, he was dying
Chen Yuzhi smiled
“Well, that’s good.  Where are you off to?”
Wang Meng hummed
“I’m going to head to the police station.  See if I can…catch up on some work”
‘And also get some information about what the hell is going on’
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“Alright.  Just take it easy.  I don’t want you to end up back in the hospital”
Wang Meng chuckled
“I’ll do my best”
He then watched Chen Yuzhi leave before he turned and headed in the direction of the police department, all of the officers looking at him in surprise
“Wang Meng!  What are you doing here?!”
Wang Meng hummed
“Here to do some paperwork”
One of the officers frowned
“Shouldn’t you be resting?”
Wang Meng shook his head
“I’ll get bored if I just lounge around the house”
All of the officers laughed
“That’s so like you, Meng-ge”
One of the officers then tilted his head
“Hey, you ever gonna finally catch Jiang Yuelou?”
Wang Meng’s eyes widened
“Jiang Yuelou?”
The officers nodded
“Yeah, you know, the largest drug dealer in Jing City?”
Wang Meng stared at them with wide eyes before he let out a loud bark of a laugh, causing all of the officers to look at him in confusion
“What’s so funny, Meng-ge?”
Wang Meng shook his head
“Nothing, nothing…probably the drugs still in my system”
The officers nodded as Wang Meng shook his head; what were the fucking odds that he was the cop in this universe and Jiang Yuelou was the drug dealer
‘Oh, the universe was a funny thing’
He then cleared his throat
“I probably will…when’s the next raid?”
The officers hummed
“I think the latest shipment comes in tomorrow…if you time it right, you can probably catch him then”
Wang Meng nodded
“Alright.  I’ll lead the raid”
The officers frowned
“But…you just got back”
Wang Meng huffed
“And we can’t let these drug dealers keep allowing their drugs to taint our city.  It doesn’t matter if I just got back, we need to take them down”
The officers smirked
“What a speech, Meng-ge.  Spoken like someone who truly hates opium”
Wang Meng huffed; these fools had no idea that in his past life he was the one dealing the drugs
He then hummed softly; what would Jiang Yuelou be like in this life?  He was rather curious to see him
The next day, Wang Meng and his officers (which was still weird for him) spent the entire day planning and staking out where the shipment was going to be placed and when Jiang Yuelou and the others would come and pick it up
And later that evening, when it was time, Wang Meng and the others quickly arrived at the drop site before they burst in, startling the drug dealers
“Police!  Nobody move”
Wang Meng then stepped forward, looking around before his eyes zeroed in on a familiar face
‘Jiang Yuelou’
In his opinion, Jiang Yuelou honestly didn’t look all that different from his time…except his eyes
His eyes looked colder
‘That’s what happens when you’re in the dark for too long’
He then smirked
“Gotcha this time, Jiang”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“No…I don’t think you do”
Just then, one of his subordinates threw an axe and hit one of Wang Meng’s officers, causing Wang Meng’s eyes to widen before he fired his gun, the whole operation becoming a huge firefight
While the officers and the drug dealers were firing at each other, Jiang Yuelou began to slip away, but Wang Meng saw him and quickly ran after him
“Don’t think you’re getting away!”
Jiang Yuelou laughed
“You couldn’t catch me last time, what makes you think you can catch me this time?”
He then jumped out of the back window of the warehouse, causing Wang Meng’s eyes to widen
‘Son of a bitch is fast’
He then quickly ran after him and hopped out the window, letting out a growl when he realized how far Jiang Yuelou was ahead of him
He then raised his gun and pointed it at Jiang Yuelou
‘Let’s hope I’m as good of a shot as I think I am’
He then fired a single shot, the gunshot echoing through the air, but seeing as Jiang Yuelou was still running, he must have not hit him
‘Damn it’
He then turned and headed back inside, hoping that maybe his officers were able to capture some of the dealers and get something out of them
Meanwhile, Jiang Yuelou continued to run away from the warehouse, clutching at his shoulder, which was on fire from the bullet that Wang Meng had shot at him
‘Damn cop’
As he ran, he suddenly stumbled and nearly faceplanted into the ground when someone suddenly caught him
“Are you okay?!”
Jiang Yuelou looked up to see a young man looking at him with beautiful concerned brown eyes and he huffed
“I’m fine”
The young man shook his head
“No you’re not, you’re hurt!”
Jiang Yuelou waved his hand
“I’ll be fine”
The young man tsked
“As a doctor, I can’t just let you continue like this.  Come with me”
Jiang Yuelou blinked in surprise as the young man dragged him over to a nearby building, dragging him inside before sitting him down
“How much of your clothes can you remove by yourself?”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“Probably all of them?”
The young man nodded
“Well, go ahead and try while I get my supplies”
He then ran over to a wall full of drawers and began searching through them and while he was searching, Jiang Yuelou slowly and carefully removed his clothes, hissing every now and then because of where the bullet was in his shoulder
Once he had removed his jacket, vest, and dress shirt, he hissed again, just as the young doctor rushed back over to him
“I’ll try and make this as painless as possible, okay?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him and smirked
“I can handle pain”
The doctor huffed
“We’ll see”
He then placed his things down before he picked up a towel soaked with water and wrung it out, making sure it was damp before he began to clean Jiang Yuelou’s back and around the wound, frowning
“How did you get this?”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled weakly
“It’s better to not ask questions you don’t want the answers to”
The doctor looked at him before he sighed softly and continued cleaning
Once the area was clean, he opened up his suture kit and pulled out a scalpel
“I’m going to make a slight incision, just so that I can get the bullet out.  Okay?”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“Do what you need to do”
The doctor nodded and quickly made a precise slice, Jiang Yuelou clenching his teeth as the knife sliced his skin, before he put down the scalpel and picked up his forceps, using them to carefully remove the bullet and place it down on the side
Once the bullet was removed, he picked up his needle and thread and carefully sewed the wound shut, making sure the skin was flesh against each other but not bunching or overlapping
After everything was done, he quickly covered and bandaged the wound before he took a step back
“There.  All done”
Jiang Yuelou blinked, surprised at how quickly everything was done, before he looked over at the doctor and smiled
“Thank you”
The doctor nodded
“You’re welcome”
He then walked over and opened up his kit, pulled out a bottle before he shook out two pills and handed it to him
“Here.  This should help with the pain”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and took the pills, popping them into his mouth before he looked at the doctor
“Not bad”
The doctor smiled slightly
“Thank you”
Jiang Yuelou then motioned to his clothes
“Mind helping me back into this?”
The doctor’s eyes widened and he nodded, first grabbing Jiang Yuelou’s dress shirt before he helped him into it, Jiang Yuelou smiling as he took the fabric from him and began to button it close
“You know, doc…you have really pretty eyes”
The doctor looked at him with wide eyes before he blushed and looked away
“O-Oh.  Um…thank you”
Jiang Yuelou smirked before he reached out to grab his vest when the doctor quickly picked it up
“I’ve got it”
He then carefully helped Jiang Yuelou into it, Jiang Yuelou also buttoning it close as the doctor reached out and grabbed his jacket, handing it to him
“Here you are”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and took it before he stood to his feet and looked him in the eyes
“Thank you”
The doctor smiled and nodded as Jiang Yuelou turned and headed out of the building, making it about halfway down the street before he paused and turned back to look at the clinic
‘I never got his name’
He then smirked to himself; well, that gave him an excuse to come back
The next day, Jiang Yuelou returned to the clinic and cleared his throat, making the doctor look up at him in surprise
“Oh, hello!  How’s your shoulder?”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“Well, you know…still on fire but…better”
The doctor hummed before he motioned to the chair in front of his desk
“Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll change your bandages?”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and nodded, walking over to the chair before he sat down and removed his jacket and dress shirt, smirking up at the doctor
“Figured I’d wear less to make this easier on you”
The doctor chuckled
“Well, thank you”
He then walked over to him and carefully removed the bandages, humming softly before he reached out and grabbed a bottle from his kit, carefully pouring some powder onto the wound, making Jiang Yuelou hiss
“Sorry.  I know it’s still tender”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Don’t apologize”
The doctor then carefully pressed the powder into the wound before he covered the wound again and carefully smoothed the bandages down with a gentle, but warm, hand
He then reached out and carefully draped Jiang Yuelou’s dress shirt over Jiang Yuelou’s shoulders, Jiang Yuelou slipping his arms into the sleeves before he began to button up the shirt
“You know…I never got your name, doc”
The doctor blinked before he smiled
“Chen Yuzhi.  My name’s Chen Yuzhi”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“Chen Yuzhi.  I like it”
Chen Yuzhi blushed before he tilted his head
“And you?”
Jiang Yuelou paused before he turned and looked at him; he didn’t seem to know who he was, so it wouldn’t hurt to tell him his real name
“Jiang Yuelou”
Chen Yuzhi smiled
“Nice to meet you”
Jiang Yuelou chuckled
He then reached out and grabbed his jacket, slipping it on as he smiled at Chen Yuzhi
“See you doc”
He then headed over to the entrance of the clinic when he paused and looked back at Chen Yuzhi, smiling slightly
“Hey, doc”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him with wide eyes as he smiled
“Can I come and see you…even after my wound heals?”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened before he blushed
“Um…I…I don’t see why not”
Jiang Yuelou grinned
“Great.  Then I’ll see you, Yuzhi”
He then turned and headed out of the clinic, Chen Yuzhi staring after him with a bright blush on his cheeks
This was the first time he ever had a patient make him feel like this before…oh lord
He then cleared his throat and shook his head before he began to clean up his mess, just finishing up as Wang Meng stepped into the clinic
Chen Yuzhi looked over at him and smiled
“Wang Meng.  What can I do for you?”
Wang Meng shook his head
“Nothing.  Just out of curiosity, did someone with a gunshot come by here recently?”
Chen Yuzhi paused and thought about Jiang Yuelou for a moment before he shook his head
“I don’t treat those types of patients, Wang Meng.  Those types of wounds should be treated at a hospital, not a clinic”
Wang Meng nodded
“No, I know, but…I just thought I would ask”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“Speaking of gunshot wound, how’s yours?”
Wang Meng nodded
“It’s alright…itchy as hell though”
Chen Yuzhi laughed
“That means it’s healing”
Wang Meng hummed
“I guess”
He then tilted his head
“You’re okay though?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“What?  Yes, I’m okay”
Wang Meng nodded
“Okay.  Just making sure.  There are some bad people out there and I just want you getting caught up with them or having them hurt you”
Chen Yuzhi rolled his eyes
“I can take care of myself, Wang Meng”
Wang Meng chuckled and patted him on the shoulder
“I know.  Can’t help it”
Chen Yuzhi rolled his eyes again
“Are you my cousin or older brother?”
Wang Meng smirked
“Both.  Now take care of yourself”
He then turned and headed out of the clinic, Chen Yuzhi shaking his head as he watched him leave
Over the next few days, Jiang Yuelou visited Chen Yuzhi, both to get his shoulder checked and to just…visit with the doctor, who he really liked
Chen Yuzhi, to him, was like a breath of fresh air and he really liked being around him (and he was pretty sure Chen Yuzhi liked him back, considering that he blushed anytime he complimented him or flirted with him)
Of course, he had no idea that Chen Yuzhi was Wang Meng’s cousin, but apparently his subordinates did because when he stepped into the headquarters one day, he was surprised to find Chen Yuzhi on his knees, his hands tied behind his back, a large bruise on the side of his mouth
At the sight of the injured doctor, he froze before he looked over at his subordinates
“What the hell is this?”
His subordinates looked at him before they motioned to Chen Yuzhi
“Boss, don’t you know?  This is Lieutenant Wang’s cousin.  We kidnapped him to hopefully lead Lieutenant Wang here and kill him”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened as he looked at Chen Yuzhi, who was looking back at him with wide eyes, before he hummed and walked over to Chen Yuzhi and grabbed him by the arm, “yanking” him to his feet
“I’ll take care of him”
His subordinates nodded as he dragged Chen Yuzhi away, dragging him to an empty room before he shoved him inside and shut the door behind them, turning to look at him
“You’re the cousin of a cop?”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“And you’re mafia?”
He then frowned
“Did you approach me and get close to me so that you could hurt Wang Meng?”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“Trust me, I had no idea you and he were related”
Chen Yuzhi scoffed and rolled his eyes, causing Jiang Yuelou to sigh before he took a step towards him
“Turn around.  I’ll untie you”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him hesitantly before he turned around, Jiang Yuelou reaching out and untying the ropes from around his wrists
Chen Yuzhi then turned around before he glared at Jiang Yuelou
“You’re triad?”
Jiang Yuelou winced
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“And…you never thought to tell me?!”
Jiang Yuelou sighed
“Would you have kept seeing me if I told you?”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth before he closed it and hummed as Jiang Yuelou nodded
“That’s what I thought”
He then looked at him
“I won’t let anything happen to you or to Wang Meng, okay?”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“How do I know you mean that and that you’re not just saying that?”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“You’re just going to have to trust me”
Chen Yuzhi made a face, causing Jiang Yuelou to sigh before he reached out and gently cupped his face in his hands
“Hey.  Look at me”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him, his eyes as big and beautiful as the day Jiang Yuelou first saw them, and he smiled softly as he stroked his cheek
“I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you or Wang Meng.  I promise”
Chen Yuzhi continued to look at him before he nodded, Jiang Yuelou’s smile growing slightly
He then pulled away and motioned to a nearby chair
“Sit here”
Chen Yuzhi nodded and walked over to the chair, sitting down as Jiang Yuelou walked behind him and tied his wrists together, causing Chen Yuzhi’s eyes to widen in shock
“Jiang Yuelou—”
“Shh, shh.  I have to do this or else they’ll think something’s wrong.  You have to trust me, Yuzhi”
Chen Yuzhi was quiet before he sighed
“What are you planning on doing?”
Jiang Yuelou looked at him
“I’m going to get Wang Meng”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened
“You…you’re going to bring him here?!  Like a lamb to the slaughter?!”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“No, I’m going to let him know what happened.  Whatever he does is up to him”
Chen Yuzhi was quiet before he sighed again
“Just…please be careful”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“Don’t worry, doc”
He then turned and headed out of the room, Chen Yuzhi watching him leave before he sighed
Was he making a mistake?  Putting all of his trust into a triad member?
As Jiang Yuelou left the room, he turned towards his subordinates
“If any of you go in that room, I will kill you.  Not Lieutenant Wang, but me.  Understand?”
His subordinates looked at each other in surprise before they nodded, Jiang Yuelou nodding in reply before he turned and continued out of his headquarters over to a nearby phonebooth, dialing a number
“Jing City Police Department”
“Connect me to Lieutenant Wang”
Jiang Yuelou then waited as the phone rang before the line suddenly picked up
“Lieutenant Wang.  It’s Jiang Yuelou”
“Son of a bitch!  What do you want?”
“Your beloved cousin has been kidnapped”
“You heard me.  He’s been kidnapped”
“Why are you letting me know?”
“He was kidnapped as a way to lure you to my headquarters and kill you.  I promised Chen Yuzhi that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, but it’s up to you if you come and get him or not.  Just be careful.  My men are waiting and they’re armed”
“And what about you?”
Jiang Yuelou smirked
“Don’t worry about me.  Just come save your cousin”
He then hung up the phone before he turned and headed inside; the ball was in Wang Meng’s court now
Back at the police station, Wang Meng stared at his phone in disbelief before he slammed the receiver back into the cradle and shot to his feet, running out of his office
He then quickly gathered his subordinates and some extra officers before they headed out of the department and into their cars, driving to Jiang Yuelou’s headquarters (as it was the old Jinma Hall building and Wang Meng knew it well)
They then headed inside and started opening fire on the drug dealers, the drug dealers returning fire as well, neither side realizing that any time someone got a little too close to Wang Meng, they were suddenly taken out by Jiang Yuelou, who was hiding in the shadows and watching
Once all of the drug dealers were taken out (that Wang Meng could see), he rushed off in search of Chen Yuzhi, searching every room until he found him tied to the chair
Chen Yuzhi looked at him in surprise
“Wang Meng!”
Wang Meng then ran over to him and quickly untied him, helping him to his feet
“Are you okay?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“I’m fine”
Wang Meng then noticed his bruised mouth, causing him to growl
“Who did that?”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“I don’t know”
Wang Meng growled
“I bet it was Jiang Yuelou”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head again
“He wouldn’t”
Wang Meng raised an eyebrow
“How do you know that?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him
“I just do”
Wang Meng huffed before he took him by the arm
“Come on, let’s get out of here”
Chen Yuzhi nodded and they quickly left the room, running through the headquarters when they were suddenly stopped by a triad member, who was pointing a gun at them
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Wang Meng growled and raised his gun, pointing it back at him
“We’re leaving.  So move aside before I shoot you”
The triad member growled
“You killed my brothers.  So I’ll kill yours instead!”
He then pointed his gun at Chen Yuzhi and fired, Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widening when Jiang Yuelou suddenly appeared in front of him, taking the bullet for him
“Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou hissed and clutched at his abdomen, covering his wound with his hand, as he raised his gun and pointed it at the triad member before him
“No hard feelings”
He then pulled the trigger and watched as his former subordinate fell to the ground, a bullet between his eyes, before he collapsed to the ground, hissing and clutching at his abdomen
“Jiang Yuelou!”
Chen Yuzhi rushed over and knelt beside him, quickly pulling him into his arms as he looked him over with fear in his eyes
“Jiang Yuelou.  Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou smiled weakly as he looked up at him
“See?  I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head, tears beginning to pool in his eyes
“At the risk of your own LIFE!”
Just then, Wang Meng walked over to them and knelt down
“We need to get you to a hospital”
Jiang Yuelou glanced at him before he winced
“Yeah…I’d like to not die”
Wang Meng rolled his eyes before he and Chen Yuzhi carefully helped Jiang Yuelou to his feet, both men helping him out of the headquarters and down to the cars outside
They then headed to the hospital, Jiang Yuelou heading into surgery while Wang Meng and Chen Yuzhi waited outside, Chen Yuzhi pacing anxiously
“He’s going to be fine, Yuzhi…”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“But what if he’s not?!  What if he’s not, what if he—”
“Yuzhi.  I know Jiang Yuelou.  Son of a bitch can’t die, not even if the heavens call him home.  He’s going to be fine”
Chen Yuzhi looked over at him before he let out a shuddering breath
“Let’s hope so”
Both men waited for hours outside the operating room until a doctor came out and looked at them
“He’s going to be fine.  We’re getting him set up in a room and then you can see him”
Wang Meng and Chen Yuzhi nodded, Chen Yuzhi letting out a sob as soon as the doctor walked away, causing Wang Meng to look over at him with a small frown
‘He really cares for Jiang Yuelou, doesn’t he?  Not surprised; he cared for the man in our past life too’
When it was time to visit Jiang Yuelou, Wang Meng let Chen Yuzhi go in first and watched from the doorway as his cousin sat beside at Jiang Yuelou’s bedside and took the triad leader’s hand, gently rubbing the back of it with his thumb
They stayed with him until the anesthesia wore off and he began to stir, causing Chen Yuzhi’s eyes to widen before he stood to his feet and looked over at Wang Meng
“I’ll go get the doctor”
Wang Meng nodded and waited until he left before he walked over and sat down in the empty, looking at Jiang Yuelou, who blinked a few times before he looked over at him
“You’re not exactly who was I expecting to see when I first woke up”
Wang Meng smirked
“Yuzhi went to get the doctor”
He then frowned
“I don’t want you around him anymore”
Jiang Yuelou huffed
“Do you really think you can stop me from seeing him?  Or him from seeing me?  Just because you’re his cousin doesn’t mean you can control his life”
Wang Meng growled
“Yuzhi almost got killed because of you!”
“No, he almost got killed because of you!  He was bait for you!”
Wang Meng growled, just as Chen Yuzhi came back with the doctor
“Ah, Mr. Jiang.  How are you feeling?”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“Like I got shot”
The doctor chuckled as Wang Meng stood his feet
“We’ll leave you to it doctor.  Come Yuzhi”
Chen Yuzhi frowned but followed him out of the hospital room, tilting his head at him once they were outside
“What is it?”
“Do you really like Jiang Yuelou?”
Chen Yuzhi blinked in surprise before he huffed
“So what if I do?”
Wang Meng shook his head
“I don’t want you around him”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened
“Why not?!  Just because he’s a triad leader?”
Wang Meng nodded
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“But he wouldn’t hurt me!  Just because he’s a triad leader doesn’t mean he’s a bad person!”
Wang Meng growled
“Yuzhi, he sells opium!”
“He can stop!”
Wang Meng crossed his arms
“And you think you can get him to stop?”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“Yes, I think I can”
Wang Meng shook his head
“People can’t change, Yuzhi”
Chen Yuzhi glared at him
“You don’t know that.  You don’t know what people are capable of”
He then turned and headed back inside the hospital room while Wang Meng stayed outside, lost in thought
Why did he say people can’t change?  He changed…in his old life, he changed.  He might have died known as a drug dealer but…he definitely changed.  He knew he had changed…
‘Fuck…guess I’m bit of a hypocrite’
He then took a deep breath before he walked over to the door and looked inside to see Chen Yuzhi sitting by Jiang Yuelou’s bedside, Jiang Yuelou wiping the tears away that were streaming down Chen Yuzhi’s cheeks with the gentlest touch, a look of absolute fondness and tenderness on his face
And his eyes
His eyes were no longer cold but full of warmth and love…and Chen Yuzhi had put it there
Wang Meng watched the two for a moment, watching as Chen Yuzhi leaned forward and rested his forehead against Jiang Yuelou’s, both of their eyes slipping close, and sighed softly
Who was he kidding?  While he didn’t like Jiang Yuelou, he wasn’t going to tear him away from Chen Yuzhi or stop him from seeing him; that would just be too cruel, especially considering that Jiang Yuelou almost gave his life to protect him
He then smiled softly to himself as he stepped away from the door and decided to lean up against the room, acting as a bodyguard
‘Looks like you get your man in this life too, Jiang Yuelou’
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fruitanddarkness · 1 year
(From @deathly-toxins)
"OI! ENMU!" Oh dear, looks like Gyutaro had been giving the dream-bound doctor the side eye.
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"I don't know what your whole shtick is, but I'm gonna be keeping my eye on you. Got that, punk?" He loomed over Lower Moon One.
"You do ANYTHING to hurt my sister or Oto-san.. and you'll be answering to me. You got that? And just because Oto-san likes you, does not mean you get a pass with me." He put two fingers to his eyes, then turned to point them at Enmu.
"Watch your back."
That threat had come in the middle of painted nails pressing down a pale shimmering powder into a compact. A request from the Upper Moon Two to make his beloved Princess happy with a new foundation for her work. Adding a fine shimmer to her skin as the lights of Yoshiwari illuminated her beneath the night. Such a unique product had caused customers to flock to Oiran Warabihime at twice, no, three times the rate that she had been seen before..! The lacquered compact was gently placed onto a table, as teal engraved eyes met the sickly yellow hues of the Prince who called this Temple his home...
"Why, Lord Gyutaro... I'm flattered you think so much of me~ You truly know how to warm this heart of mine with your promises."
Thinking of a lower-rank demon as so much of a threat that he needed to be warned about his position..
Enmu knew it. Gyutaro knew it. Daki knew it... Douma knew it. It was no secret that the Lower Moon could easily be cut down and devoured in the blink of an eye at the will of any member of this exquisite family. Although, his body would likely do minimal to contribute to their power... tainted drops of crimson in a sea of blood did nothing to entice waves to crash upon its surface. Oh well... if his fate was to be ended by his own kind, by the hands of those affiliated with one he adored, then it was a fortunate way to end... even if he would lament the time lost spent with the one who held his heart captive in a frozen dream.
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"Fufu... I must say, I truly do admire the love you possess for your family. Protecting comes as naturally to you as collecting your rightful dues from this wretched world. Your radiant sister, your other-worldly 'Oto-san'... and you, with your utterly domineering spirit, what an exquisite royal family."
...Truly, these children were the Crown Jewels of Douma's work. So well cared for, reared with a purpose to grow strong, and given every little thing their hearts desired. How could he not adore them? Anything the Divine Demon held dear, Enmu would hold dear as well.
"Something so precious, of course, you'd be protective.. I would expect nothing less, you and your sister are your own entities. Earning your trust alone will be a trial in itself no matter how much time I am given. I may die long before that comes to pass. "
A black compact clicked as it was shut and placed upon a makeshift workbench. The Dreamweaver rose from his chair and, with a bow, paid his respect to Gyutaro. Only smiling back up at him with as genuine of intent as the strange demon could convey.
"I would sooner end my life than allow myself to harm any one of you. I pray that you at the very least know this;..that said, should you need anything.. my services are at your beck and call."
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renatedagmarmilada · 2 years
Thirty days to go
 On my first birthday in forty-six
Our wagons arrived in East Germany
My travelling had begun
 Walked across Germany in the snow
At nearly eight, my beloved nuns
Sent me off to a refugee camp in England
 With my adored ex husband
my kids and I followed him across the world
To the land of the long white cloud, twice..
 He couldn't settle, we did, but returned
Since, the lab St Barths separated us
a game they play on normal mortals and royals
 I have fled to many countries
but can never ask for asylum
Mum of ninety and sons still in England
 All of whom they use cruelly by a rotten lab
paid for by american military. The way round?
I work in China which asks no questions except skills!
 The baby refugee from communist dictatorship
returns on request, however
The Chinese allow the british full use of me, remote
 But still not as bad as old blighty
thirty days and time to return back.
What this time is beginning to plague my mind
 Last September they stole my luggage
from Manchester airport
Lab Pakistani paid a pakistani air worker
 He tells me constantly how he uses my stuff
my painter's brushes for his son
his wife, my silk shirts and so on, over the air
 Let Emirates pay
Last January they induced four strokes on my mum
so return I had to with all haste
 Anyone who is poor now flies Emirates
what ever the losses incurred and the lab would use anyone
(we won't mention the Gulf airline they crashed for research)
They do present the best value for money if one works
 El Al faces Emirates at Beijing International Airport.
The London lab is run by jewish doctors here and in the States
We saved jews and mother thought we might be part
 'In our part of Hungary everyone is in part'
(in the event, we are not, Hitler checked!)
I wore my long brown corduroy maxi skirt to the ankles
and bright red, long scarf wrapped around my larynxes
 Not because I am Muslim, I just prefer long skirts, honest
Reared by nuns, stop prying eyes in class as teaching on display,
they are always practical and cover every emergency-
 Explanation? For instance, visiting a beautiful plum tree hill
Lots of other chinese visited too, that and every Shandong spring
an open loo..a sort of long, dug pit, all part of adventure you see!
 Chinese ladies had to drop their trousers to expose all to all
I daintily lifted my long skirts behind
leaving nothing to be viewed! Perfect attire for every situation.
(especially for one who never knows what tomorrow might bring)
 Two or three African and Arab business men with me joked
I asked, why do you have flowers in that coat?..Emirates-
We poor need flowers to cheer us too, a soft carpet, just like you.
 The El Al line was growing watched us under their eyelids half closed
I watched, merely curious, what are these new Israelis like?
In the past I'd even gone to British Synagogues
 Though now I urge Palestinians hang on what ever you do
or you'll lose your land for ever as did we
to wander like lost clouds for ever across the world
 Then the business of departure began
weighed in satisfactory, papered and sorted, all sported
wandered through in my usual dreamy, reveree deep in thought
 Turning the corner a lady with straggly, long red hair and jeans
a fortyish lived in face wearing workers lived in clothes
waiting at the turn, turned at me and snarled
 F***  you and what about Sadaam Hussein.........
Eh? too shocked to speak I stared gobstruck.
What in heavens name has Sadaam Hussein to do with me
 It is with sadness that I have decided, actually quite long ago
..all middle easterners are slightly mad, some more, some less
They can't help it, bringing upon themselves their own disasters
 Then methought of this morning's intonation
Microsound from the lab which has raised to heights many Pakistanis
and others too, not decent Muslims either I might add
 here I quote: 'when the time comes they will all flee our land
then english-men will again take over these posts
we have given to them...' for doing our dirty work...
 My advice, never, never put women in charge
who have got to the top by flashing their *rse
to  Ministers and Civil Servants
 There is something wrong
with the thinking process
of such women..
 Hang on, why are they going to flee?
....like me?
 From my College where I teach,  situated at Mapo
to Shunyi City, I like to walk on foot
 passing through beautiful green fields, margined by straight rows  
tall trees, boating lakes and pagodas on the way.
 pressing with laser or probes as it is called
becomes deadly when over used, painful beyond belief
 destroys all nerves in that area, muscle tension too
causing pain and pain night and day barely bearable to live
 the heart? You will need another heart in time
the feet, there is no operation which can mend this tissue
 They've hammered my feet for three years now
that means most of the night and someday time too.
 When I fled to Toronto Canada, not once but twice
lived in Sherbourne for a while
(arm and foot broken be them then)
 I'd walk to the Ukrainian Church
in the ice and snow just three years ago
 felt not a twinge, walking was normal then
but then in February they began to hammer my heart
 That is done on the machine remote
it hammers at a fantastic rate till they put a stop
 Can't ask for asylum cause mum and sons are back there
there was no answer but to return
 the order was any strength she has turn against her
walking quietly was one, maim those feet right away
 That's when the tissue destruction began
though the reason for the flight to Canada
 was that the lab began remote torture in England then
November of two thousand and two it was to be exact
 They upped it and upped it and then gave us to the Muslims for play
after all the students and all the mental nurses had used us for pay
(the lab paid them)
 They hoped for mental damage but instead it was physical
young son whose life they destroyed, now crippled in totality
 his only crime, the violin he played
my art was different they can copy mine
 writing and painting, it is now all theirs
destroying over writing on sites and stealing the evidence
 ...They even tell me how they praise their thieves
Use our victims work it is unusual, not one word must remain..
 'we wanted to make you appear rather stupid
that is what our file about you said..'
 we've made these advances and have no one to practice on
their family are vulnerable, talented for us to rob and alone
 ideal for us to destroy and play as not even animals
the americans told us if they did to monkeys what is done to us
 tagged us all after destroying the family then in eighty four
tell all users we are volunteers and please use till death
 In the East these things used for torture implements
in our democratic West, all under a medical certificate
 as the whole british government comes into the lab
to watch these sadists at their play and thieving thefts
 setting up all her friends on my work. I can't help wondering
what is in their head as they speak to their children’s teachers.
 as you people out there read my work over and over again
and designers and painters use my stuff, all in their own names
 all of them a heavy sentence would sit out
they took off my monthlies and add new horrors with each day
 at the moment its itching and scratching from the Pakistanis there
My friend Nasreen had lice and it is common in their place
 Each puts on the machine their own problems
as we have none to extreme in the hope of killing us off
 but these are on a machine long distance, no medicines will help
change metabolic rate, take out hair,  on it goes, an endless stream
 try to teach and work, a useful job as my intestines they press
fighting their crippling play, with ultimate power in their court...
 Trying out any sadism on us for life is their game
with which they hope to beat America in this race!
 Here in China they say it is a fact
there will be thirty nine million more men
than women in a few years
and nineteen percent more men
are born each year here they fear!
 Men sit alone together for company
unable to find a wife or solace
 Now I know for a fact
that just over the border
twenty million more women than men at least
in Russia live languishing
sighing for a man, any man
 They get around it in this way
Marry anyone from anywhere
even if it only lasts for a short time
no racism there but still not enough men
 In the West our men have all gone homosexual
ok fellas, my best friends are gay, no problem
the girls all long for marriage in these single days
which doesn't come their way
with nations of men who don't get attached in any way
only physical needs are met now adays
 When I was a kid in our refugee camps
as time went by and the wall went up
we knew there would nor could be any return
better forget your families back over there
our men advertised for women anywhere
many barely able to write
living at the bottom end of life
with all the excitement
getting to know each other's ways
my parents too...
 so for instance my best friend
half polish half italian born in Wales
mixtures of every type and kind flourished
life has to go on and love is important
companionship a need of mankind
Remember the mongrel is the toughest breed
what ever crap Hitler had said and bred
(he got that out of a magazine and from jewish philosophers)
 point being
chinese boys .. get on the internet
put ads in the papers everywhere
there are girls all over the place
north, south, east and west
just waiting for a loyal mate
go for it, give it a try as do your girls
who knows what will end on your plate
 I myself have taught in families
with Chinese husband, wife a Brit
got on really well
very happy families indeed
with their lovely children to complete
at base we all want the same
you can believe me about that!
  A warning before
gross conduct time and again
it would have been a prison sentence this time
for a whole list of unsavoury people calling themselves professionals
 We used the States
the States messed up
their students used the victim's beamed lives, as thesis copied
friends of the lab, two jewesses copied the victims work
as she sat painting impressions on Thursday nights
after attendance to Leeds Reform Synagogue
and sold it as their own,
London killed off her art college lecturer with over use
 The States has to get us out of this mess
international beaming of people in their private beds
the lab bossess' special interest in organs on film
rattling round the world from military to palaces
 For our loyalty
For the lives of the jews and slavs we helped
For the country we and our people helped to rebuild
 You and your family will be targeted for all and anything
'all freedoms were taken' now they laugh
sadistic, brutal, cruel, spiteful and nasty
by a jewish doctor who has too many sadistic genes and his wife
by a jewish doctor who has had too many women and lies like a fly
by a staff so corrupt they defy description
and the counterpart in the States not much better they say?
 we are blocking your immune system from now
(Annie allows the Muslim any brutality')
we use you for such filth
we darn't admit it
we give you every illness we can put on the machine
we would hang even in the most lenient country
 We used you as practice for separating the Prince and Princess
We used you for all those things that went with it
We used you for things which are pure torture
We still use you to this day and night for torture even there in China
We all of us use your favourites everywhere
 permission of the leaders
giving away their peoples
whether democracies or dictatorships
we kill high and low equally
we of research are now dictators of the world
with total ultimate power of life, death and sadism
 ''you have to valid date all this crime''
the distasteful Paki lab crew tell all the lab new comers
Britain has messed up, has taken a new corner
 The government backs its Muslim population
Giving us to them for them to vent their terror on
Their numbers frighten this once great nation
Mustafa lab child rapist, "You are now on the net"
and now the TV puts the child prostitutes of India on
Each horror they create they cover with media programmes
Just like Hitler, it is for the good of the people
Mustafa took my work off my sites, with all the others
(I would die of shame)
 CCTV 9 said tonight at 8.30 p.m.
Your last work was used
selected parts were used...
this one by Ernestine,
Annie lab bossess's friend
whilst you are far away
'She won't come back'
they are told
well not for a month or two anyway..
 'our idiots are being printed
nothing you have done will remain
all the Beta poems have been changed in your name
Some changes have even occurred on this site
and you know how.'
 and at three thirty in the night
microsound came through
we will not return anything
You will not compromise us
We will destroy you at every turn
as we have done this last twenty years
 The point?
our democratic government allowed
and still allows this to happen daily to us
and all the so called study to continue
just as they allowed the murders of their unwanted high
by remote
Banks, Cook, Maxwell and others I don't need to mention.
They say it was the old boys network of the Ministries
 ''we told you ten years ago and more who would die.''
 Yesterday morning came the warning
Be aware of what you will get when you return home..
joke or what..
The muslims are bombing the place to bits
which we had rebuilt for the Brits
and the government protects them...?
 ''we can abuse you in any way we want
it says on this paper ...you didn't sign
from London Research
They put over my C.D. just now
That is
one of the tapes and C.D's
they haven't destroyed
 Music is also forbidden
to the prisoners of Human Research
The only ' get out' from the none stop prison
over years and years
They overplay, everywhere.
 So why isn't the Hague or Brussels
saying a word
and they are europeans
they do know our background
refugee past years
('with her past
it doesn't matter
if she suffers the rest of her life'
was one of the lab's comments.)
 and the Prince is not to talk
of the dirty film the lab made
with Lindsey their starlet
using my head to hex us
I prefer not to stoop as low as they
as they kill off all the Labour party
and anyone they don't want..
 over HBO today
ninth of June at nine thirty a.m
over the film of 'I'm dancing inside'
because they tried to make you retarded
to have an excuse for destroying you
and your children and your family..
films also not allowed note
they block as they please and overspeak
''we're going to make a commercial of this
We are going to trace it..''
HBO ''they plager you all the time''
 She that is me to you, is on our machine
illegally against the law
so she belongs to the nation
so all she does belongs to the nation
so all the bossess's friends can make good
 "I intend to rob all your paintings from your house
and leave only the very worst
All your stories have nearly gone
and none of your poetry will be replaced
which we have changed on Beta Poets
and wiped off  your folders.."
three thirty am this morning
They usually put threats over in the night
even here in China.
 (the lab uses its own form of crimes
creating crime waves at will
no social experiments are not permitted
what the hell has that to do with them
The lab is a law onto itself, regardless
with the Lords permission)
 That must have been some sadistic jew
who sent this program from L.A.
I try to refrain from personal comment
but I wish your cousins had been taken
the ones we fed and kept alive in Bratislava
the ones for whom we lost everything back then
 Where ever I go
the corrupt lab sends a report to make out
that I am a patient so my freedom is taken
then they mess about in that country
and England again rules through regular lies
 ''we're all over the world'' HBO
to destroy artists
to destroy the writer
to destroy the family
to destroy the vulnerable
to destroy the lone woman and children they separate
to destroy all that is decent in mankind
 The British manipulate and corrupt everything always
says the report from Erfurt
What they did during my time at Leipzig University
as a student, is a book in itself
and that is besides the bank robberies of my account
at the Deutsche Bank
(that's sport?
she starved here as a baby in forty six
now starve her again at fifty)
 'You are one of the children
of one of our clever men and ancient families'
a socialist from a socialist city
 you of little pity...
''we were trying to make good''
by using lies for the other side.
all HOB overspeaks
not the phone this time
nor the computer
nor any of the other machinery
the lab's super powerful machinery
overrides as they wish with their corruption...
the father, whom you yourself, East Germany
destroyed at the lies of a
Polish Jew passing through!
 (and no, I hold nothing against Poles
my best friends all my life..
nor I thought jews, even went to synagogue
I considered it war, not normal..
But the Jews in the government
are all staying very silent and bent)
 eight years after the war
passing through as the jew ran west
for a better life style
...he pointed
 and the russian military always believed 'them'
My Bratislava Grandparents too
taken by the russian military for someone's spite..
only released when the city jews asked they be released..
 'that deputy station master was there..
in Warsaw when I was
a storm trooper.'
actually a railway man
who directed the railways around the Ukraine
straight to Siberia never to return
 Yet it could not have been
that man was elsewhere at that time
sitting in Bratislava
with all his hungarian in-laws
(feeding jews there)
I, his child am proof of that
I have photos of him there
I was not conceived in Warsaw
He had deserted his post
After Stalingrad, it was over
just wait for the Russians to come..
 by the way for those who don't know history
only exciting faction/fiction  media films
-in Leipzig on the day Hitler came in
The Socialist Mayor and ALL the Council
were sent to Concentration camps
for hard labour
Until June forty two, they were work camps
and how many others too...
 ..and my second father
you are the daughter of one of our clever men
a world known writer Telewny
back then a Kolshosp accountant
spent years in a Russian gulag
after refusing to cheat the books
for the jewish Kolhosp boss
imprisonment for 'none-communist activities'
The boss got to the top
of the Party!
 My only comment is
the jewish psychologists of then I am told
(as the london jewish psychologists)
tried it all out on the german patients
and then the germans reversed it.
which jewish psychologist trained Mengele?
When will the next reversal come?
 Is it the system which is corrupt
or is it the people who run the human research system
which is corrupt
Mengele's system still killing people
 the new order from the lab:
"all retards will be used from now on"
 I am not nor never was retarded
nor even had any form of illness on that line
 used how, like the lab Muslim Mustafa
did to me over the years
 One night
going for a meal with an old friend, a Sikh
he blocked my veins all night
They say the retards scream when used
so they like using us normal people
because we suffer in silence
and die quietly
and lone women have no one to check
so breaking up the family is a must
fatherless kids just accept torture.
(the way they killed my second dad)
Watching a white woman going to bed
and torturing during the night
his speciality
now with his own department!
 but then
no one hears our stories
the real truth
we do not own the media system!
it is not murder
it is not maiming
it is not copy write laws broken
it is not crippling
it is not destroying the fabric of life
it is not torture
it is not medical science
it is not any science
it is not even intelligent
it is not useful in any way
(Human Research should tell management how to run things)
it is criminal to the extreme
 it is a high level secret
 just as was Auschwitz
that was the same system, Camp Five
Mengele's system
another high level secret
believe me
we were there
the same low level scum
running the same low system
as it was in Auschwitz Camp Five
the same level of low intelligence
the same high level secret as then
it was kept secret just as this is
even when
one came back gabbling wildly
only now they don't even have to hide!
 which is what they say I do
 this weekend Madeline is on the machine
this weird bunch of murderers
not only destroy the population
they know every high secret
and kill at a high level
whom ever they want
 Not even we thought the Brits could be such spiteful cowards
 When the  machine is to be dismantled
the same murderers
of St Barths Human Research
the child rapist Muslims
who rob old ladies accounts
the lecherous quacks
(can't call them doctors
one admitted he had long since forgotten
what little he had learnt, if anything)
the same torturers
the same killers
the same thieves and my what thieves they are
thieving from the helpless
as they kill
Anna of the lab, will dismantle the machine of hell
 She will have every secret of the state
 today on over my C.D.
Sold out, sold out
two thousand books of your work
(they live with such shame?
God the english are crap)
organised by the lab St Barths
note St Barths is being rebuilt
They used Jessops hospital
and that was knocked down too
 She's a bit slow they put on the file (me)
 The red herring
they made it into a sex thing
for themselves to catch others interest
using absolutely forbidden sexual abuse
even at Churches and religious places
telling us all the while how the Nazis used Synagogues
Using Hospitals
the playground for Human Research games
telling us all the while how the Nazis used Hospitals
trying out another way of raping females
by machine remote erections and responses
the lab Indian even had the two year old raped
because he didn't like the Irish
and he was a child rapist himself
(that is how it works)
and as for the Media
they know very well who stalked and killed their reporter
hyped by the Human Research to kill
they call it ''could be'' and ''what if''..
more words for murder they use constantly.
  Get Renate in any way you can. Still shadowing every single thing.
...I am going to use your mother and child theme
(friend of lab Annie, bossess and lover of the Ministries)
that is why I can't let you have the sketch books back
in which you trace the journey of your mother
with her children across Europe
(arn't the Brits sick,
they can't use their own stories?
Like the Junior Jewish Health Minister
who had to use my family's stories.
The scum shame their own ancestors. )
Three paint books robbed the last haul of thieves
they organise the thieving
the lab St Barths Human Research
 At the moment it is the Muslims of the lab
 If I go abroad as here in China
they send someone after me
where ever I go in weak countries
whose lab then allows torture
He returns at regular intervals
inbetween the lab tortures and uses
These countries actually allow
the brits to use their citizens
and young people for nasty experiments?
 Canada says they had orders from the summit
 I had hoped to escape there
They began heart pounding at massive speeds
all night twenty four hours.
It is not from the summit
The lab asks the government for use of us
for which they get use of the american advances
the americans gave to britain
to get themselves out of trouble
 Is there a lawyer out there who dare take them on?
 I teach the best of English out here
people here love the english
they think I am one!
As the Kiwis said
'you're a nearly Pom.'
 Lipstick in the Fridge
written back some twenty years ago
 Please re write it again....
a second time, why?
 we have to establish this friend of mine
she has used all of our victim's poetry
on my directions from the lab
and we have already brought success to her
and many, many others
 in that way
the victim will never be listened to
in any way
 Back in the eighties
after the lab had separated us
as they play within the unsuspecting population
doing as they please
then without permission
 I wrote many a verse
with children to rear alone
College to attend
and the lab abuses to fight alone
time was short
 As a kid I had always had literature firsts
distinction after distinction
as well as art
My reports still say that
and most school pals knew me for that
 Surely a compliment to the english
as I had not come to the island till nearly eight
with every kind of hindrance you can imagine
no pencils, no paper not the least in our poverty
lets not talk about physical abuse and all that
that goes with the little girl's refugee lives
and is better forgot
 Well, he'd gone, he'd gone
won't come back so might as well get on
Not what the lab had in mind, mindst
the lab had other ideas for games
manipulating impossible situations was their sport
but then I still believed in honesty and truth
and most of all God...anybodies God
 Invited to the Edinburgh Arts Festival
wrote and got printed here and there
but the main purpose was to feed my kids
study was the answer to that
but dare I tell you what the lab did to block that
They wanted - I find this hard to tell
that I should sleep around
go on the dole
then find some useless bloke again..!!
to cover their separating me
then they might put something in my way
as they do to those with whom they play..
 please don't ask me why
I am perfectly capable
intelligent and careful
so the battering and thieving began
 theory was
if we lost everything
then I would sleep around
(so why destroy my sons?)
 at this early time I wrote a poem called
Lipstick in the fridge
Annie of the lab bossess' friend copied it
as hers as they tried to wash out my work
If it were everywhere it might not be recognised as mine
 Now the things women do to women
I have always found are worse at times
than what men do to women
Annie used all the most selfish
of all her rich and well to do friends
to copy all the work
though they knew I had only a few years left
I was forty when they separated us
and she drove me from College to University
with terror tactics you would not believe
 I actually laugh now when I hear
what happened to jews back then
you should try our Annie here
I nod knowingly
 yesterday she told
she tells them I tried to write a book
but could not so ask if they could do this for me
as I am a retard and incapable
and they have permission for all the crimes
What lies this woman thinks of?
but as the lover of government Ministers
and Civil Servants, that's how it is, I suppose.
 they made up a phrase
you honour her by copying her work
as we honour her by crippling her
and robbing any achievement she should have
 It is a good thing that I believe
that evil lives with along with good
I don't categorise evil within certain nationalities
or I would hate the Brits to death
 .........and then added
we will now rob what is in your house
the photo copies of eight prepared books
Unless you go to the top
I will never let you have your work back
wiped and changed on sites
and robbed from your house.
Seems like I need a good american solicitor!
 but curry favour this lab bossess must
as she is not perfectly capable
she is not intelligent and not careful
or she would never have gotten this mess
 the Christian Scientists have a very clever theory
(I liked that lot but just can't pray anymore after what has gone on)
as I told them about this lab
evil draws evil towards itself
and that is how it is with this lab
 so why are the Gov and the Prince there?
well 'Harvey is finished by us' they intoned on Saturday
Destroy their lives then watch them rebuild
..and that is a new technique,
with all of Europe's permission
don't make me laugh!
Our governments are more stupid than I had thought.
 so now they are parsing my work there
copying there, robbing that
then stealing the originals from the house
for yet another crime wave
for a police to add to their records
who don't yet know where the crimes
ripping our nation
are coming from...
 For those not in the know
These are modern research terms
'Make small
Then alter communications'
The original order had been
'rub out.'
I have been rubbed out
since the time I was born
can't you stop rubbing
just for my last years
and let those poor kids of mine
whose family and lives you destroyed
just live
I know they played violin and all those things
but just let them live a little
we know we are inferior to you real english
and were brought only to work for you
but they were born in your country
you use Stanis and Muslims to kill us
we are the unwanted Britons it seems...
 can't get Beta Poets at all now
I'd intended to at least write the titles of my 265 poems there
as I often write straight onto the computer
and my folders are all wiped and adjusted by the lab
though the poems themselves have been altered by the lab
 poets postscript..
over the tv
we are blocking Beta Poets
...You will NOT compromise us...
because we are all going to change it about
Adjust was one of our directives
we changed your bank account
taking a thousand or so each
took your post
adjusted you top marks to fails
Adjust was ordered because one of our lab
adjusts his tax returns
now we adjust your poetry
and the sponsored writers from the lab
will be given your original stuff to use.
Anyone who uses you and yours in any criminal way
is raised by the lab.....
 Where were all these poor jews?
we wanted to know
as we hear constantly about them.
 (The wag who said, New  York
is probably jewish anyway.)
 Not in Germany
Germany's jews were the richest in all Europe
from the fourteenth century on
 A orthodox Jew in Germany
warned his people back in the fourteenth century
stop your open lechery, it is not good in front of the indigene.
 Not in most of western Europe
though not emancipated as early as the German jews
they held good positions and good money places
 The religious persecution was no worse
than that of any other European land-mass religious groups
we burnt at the stake for Jesus, they burnt in their houses for the fatted calf...
 Not in Russia
though not liked, they held power and positions
just look at the size of St Petersburg Synagogue
 Found them...........
Found them......
Now we all know..
 Do you remember reading
as did I, in many books
the Czar of Russia ordered
Jews of Poland
when Poland was part of Russian property
and he was trying to modernize his Empire
to clean up
to be fined if they wore side locks
and they must modernize
their areas were dirty and a disgrace
it was bad for the people the way they lived.
Only old pensioners and aged
may wear the traditional clothes
may continue the old ways..
 For the rest
they were no poorer than the indigenous poor
the survey found.
but wished harder to be richer
which is where the problem began
and still stands.
 Now I find
talking to Muslims
that God also told them
that he promised them
that they will be rich
(in Europe and America
God knew about Europe and America already?)
 Forgive me for being such a realist...
Couldn't they all listen a little less to God's promises
and work a little harder
and possibly in their own countries
as the Chinese have done
and find this rich kingdom of God's promises to them
over there.....
 I wish God gave out fewer promises
The world might be a better place for it.
 So, now you use Ultra Sound for it
asked the foreign lab
so that's how you do it
That's how you torture your nation remote
We use it but not for that
 The americans gave to us
for our misdeeds and messing up
Our breaking international and internal laws
an amazing new array of hard ware
they are so kind and threw away their advances
 We Behavioural science
not a competent man or woman amongst us
were given the world's most sophisticated technology
to us on the population this time, not the retarded
and millions and millions on top
 So we have been able to give to all
former enemies and friends
to ensure our popularity
getting our foot in all over the place
using a whole array of lies
 Lies are easy to us
Have we not been the best diplomats in the world
Do we not have the saying
silence is golden
but send in our best liars to stir the pot
 Our american pals should learn this saying too
silence is golden
and not to give away all their advances
still powerful now they have lost their edge
we have that edge now
 In england gloves tell all
the right never knows what the left is doing
under the spotless gloves the blood pours
they even cover the huge machine directed sores and blebs
St Barths H.R. has given on my hands, arms and legs
(latest torment. They say I am their model, they mean victim)
 So now you use Ultra Sound for it
and they even paid you to torture the world
and your own little system
with lies about finding loopholes in your system
what liars you are
 But that is what happens
when criminals rule the land
and Britains top is now ruled by criminals
direct and words, orders from silent Ministers
Well, don't go public till Blair has gone
 Someone just might twig
what you evil bees have really been up to
through their blurry opium of stupidity
Not much changes,
Hitler's assent was exactly the same.
 Don't blame lax Blaire, whose only care
is his own popularity, he was totally aware
Blame the next guy
we won't tell him so much
(I wonder how much they lied to Blair?)
just as much as the Prince, mayhap!
 and Ernestine, Lab Annies friend
says, I am still copying your work to date.
We stole your family stories from your home...
Who had rewritten them after the lab offered them to him
The junior jewish Health Minister
 We stole your sketch books
who had taken the drawings off the machine
(joke, you went to Synagogue at this time!)
The Redbridge lab axeman from the north London
Liberal Synagogue for his daughter Fay
 (his wife wrote our refugee stories to woman's world
off the machine, as jewish refugee stories..
at this point I began to question their past)
to copy as her own work at art college
and has kept them for future use!
 So now you know why we robbed them from your house.
 over microsound as I write..
"we are still using your style"
 well you poor souls
murdering artist college lecturers
Colin of Psalter  Lane in Sheffield (over use)
and then copying other artists
who have had so little of life
and you been given so much
and have everything!
 maybe now you know why Hitler happened
in the dark silence of the night.
 "Cosmopolitan magazine
has your stories
copied exactly
from those books
which were stolen..
the years of work
from The Sheffield University Writers Group
and all those East London Groups...
all lodged on the machine
at St Barths Human Research
given to friends of the lab
to send to Cosmopolitan
along with portions of private diary
as their own work
oh and the lab staff
Francene and the others
who copy anything at all
using your exact words and phrases.
 We told the Queen
who gave us permission to use what we want
and St Guys listened
Don't ever expect me to stand for the Queen
ever again
 So they ran me out of London
the city I loved
from the East End where I was loved
a book in itself
for fear of their crimes being discovered
 and when I sent those same stories to magazines
in those blue kids catholic school books not filled
of my sons
as the lab used the helpless kids
after taking away their father
and smashing everything I tried to build for them
over and over again
(Christmas for instance
when the boys were still in their early teens
three weeks dole in my purse
"have her purse stolen for a medical girl
so the kids starve over the whole month.."
I would have to sit and think
how many thefts they have committed
to starve us out over the years..
british democracy!!)
 Those stories
which I had scribbled over the years
they never got there
were they rejected
they were never printed
as the lab people were printing them
 same as the Newham Labour Party
Tony Banks' group
my group
which I belonged to
was moved far away
without telling me
and a few more things
so that  I could not tell the Party
anything at all
and later Tony was disposed of.
("we gave him a few shots
--he shouldn't sneer at us
and laugh at our dirt
but listen to what we say")
My letter to the communist party
never arrived
and when I wanted to rejoin
having been a party member
if a silent one, all my life
I was told
all Parties had been given the order
they  may not help us.
 and now the police know how it is done
or rather a top policeman
who remains silent!
but they don't know how to prove it
It was a West Indian girl in the lab.
that is all I will say...
 I hope the Cosmopolitan and the rest
are ashamed of themselves
 and as for that reporter
 to murder a man like my dad
whose work was genuine
if prompted by my mum
known world wide by the Ukrainians
and to use my work stolen
to get a job as a reporter
use copied work from a lab
which is supposed to care for retarded people
 and Paula of the Mirror
must be the worst example of female reportage
there can possibly be
"she used your exact phrases"
woman kills woman for her own ends....
 You know guys
if they did that
their actual job
We could and would admire and respect them....
 instead they cause mayhem
and unbelievable corruption
in our nation!
 "can she send us to prison" they ask
 Yet it was they who did this........
 their sadist girl of the moment
who gave me the horror hands
covered in sores
because one of their L.A. research men
got a sore on his genitals
from too much scoring  
here, there and everywhere
(wish our lot kept to that hobby)
in their idiotic circling
which is why she too has been given all my work
"sift through this" she was told
guaranteed printing and sales
by a system supposed to care for retarded people..
 and L.A. guy put over today
 "all of you lost.."
 he is a jew and says he believes in revenge
only revenge on the weak
not revenge on the guilty
but with their media hyping
they are now gods and can do anything
 what, a helpless mother and fatherless kids
and two scared, ancient refugees from the East
who wouldn't dare say boo to an english person...
 against the greatest power the world has ever known
even the communists were kind to this.
and what was our crime
oh yes, we play music, write and paint
and live our own quiet lives.
 hey guys you should see these cretins
when they come to see the teacher of their own children
smarming with the rest of them
whilst they use another teachers work
for their own gains..........
 Another of their cretins
"a female called Alyson
has a load of your stories
having traced a load of your paintings
as she is not a good drawer
now 16.6.07 at seven p.m.
they put over by microsound
Let Alyson use them
then she (me) will have to sue all of us
when she (me) returns."
 This is the same system which ran Auschwitz
Camp five experimental camp
and all the other of the experimental camps
 Fatah they say is in it now
and one member will come to the lab
(internal problems to sort which we cause
and remember anything is possible now
with this new hardware-
then we will give you help)
 Might there be something very wrong with that System
 the book being
Paper Battleships
the first book I wrote
a collection of works which had been printed
and seemed popular...
 why Koschitzte?
 We came to England
poached from Europe's refugee camps
post war
begged to rebuild
this island
for which we would get all rights
as decent citizens
which we did
but no rights..
now there's a darned laugh to start off with...
 we had a close community
happy within ourselves and hard working
the best behaved community on the island
the Home Office said of us
 We had painful backgrounds
but we got on
work covered the scars
 then time went by
each year was going to be next year
Next year we will be Home
It never came
the years passed
school and weddings and all that
 we got lonely
those like me
born over there
our old people died one after the other
the Brits don't bond with us
they feel superior to us
and our quiet ways
our clever talk and artistic plays
the embroidery
the music played
the singing
the dancing
the rest of it
We must be peasants to be so talented!
We didn't get the privileges
they gave to their Colonies
nor the Rights they promised.
 So we holed up in our homes
waiting for that one moment
when the jump could come
either West or East
didn't much matter which
 The Hungarians came
but most went home later
unhappy as were we
 The Pakistanis came
that wasn't bad
they got on quite well with us
and often had similar ways
but are superior to us
in British eyes
 and then lo and behold
our own people began arriving
 it was magic
 I, born in Czechoslovakia
Hungarian ethnic
Ukrainian dad
now have several neighbours
all born in Slovakia!
For the first time
I went to the pub on Saturday night
our men singing
our women and kids all over the place
not our class as when we were at home
but still our people..
 Not from my native Bratislava
these new neighbours
but from a place called Koschitze
(very bad accent compared to ours
my ninety year old mum wagged)
well who the heck cares
they don't look down on us
 They're a different generation
they maybe think a bit different
but basically we are the same
it is hardly believable
 My children were thrilled to bits
 so I gave them one of my books
when they returned back home
to my own country
to let those people there know
my relatives who still live there
that I am here..
 (One aunty married a high Slovak official)
and we are here..
and if they find out
let us know...
 It got there
as it went by hand and not by post
the lab stole all those in the post
and took them to the lab
 then when I had more reprinted
the Pakistani lab members
real cretins who raise their own community there
using the new hardware
as they torture us for the British
had a whole load of spelling mistakes
and other misprints done on them
as they said they too had used my work
and I had to look stupid for them..
 Then the present sadist lab girl said
(they have to find sadistic things to do on orders)
"why are her books over there"
Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia
where her people are..
I will soon sort that one out
 and now there is not book of mine
in the library of Koschitze she says
 (don't ask how many they took from the post
my postage and the cost of the books not counted
hundreds and hundreds
as I am not allowed post
as the jewish quacks of the lab had caused crime
so their answer was
punish them for us and our crimes
the victims
throw all we have done back at them
and our government
mainly jewish rather than righteous
and our super lax Prime Minister Blaire
who cares only about his own popularity
backed them
not its innocent citizens
a whole bunch of liars........
 Do you know what it is like
to be a slight ten year old
with no father to protect you
and some strange man
heaving about on top of you
tearing your body to bits
 I do from my own experience
and it is not very nice
it stays with you for ever
 do you know what it is like
to be a skinny nine year old
to have some strange man
pulling and pressing your chest
causing you pain
and pushing his fingers
where you are most private
till you bleed like a pig all night
 I do from my own experience
and it is not very nice
it stays with you for ever
You never, ever hug anyone after that
 One of these child rapists
who was a health worker with barely any english
raised to lab worker at St Barths Human Research
now has his own department of Personnel
gave this reply
'No man wants an old whore
but we feel desire for sex
we want fresh young girls
that is why we do it..'
 Hm, even Maxwell when over in Germany
straight after the war
raped an eleven year old German child
walking past them
infront of his brother officers there.
But the Brits got him in the end ...
We had chosen England as our home
as they did not hug nor rape
as much as all the others...
 and now I find
that these child rapist men the lab St Barths employs
and has raised to departments of their own
after they destroy members of the population
and are shown how to siphon money from citizens account
saying as they commit crime after crime
'they are helping us and me'
(In England there are no crimes, believe me!)
not one lab member but several of them
have used little girls
in their native countries
not one girl but several
 Although we cannot check their pasts
(why not, I am East European
and they checked every tiniest detail
even though we had been checked
time and again before)
but ok these were Britain's colonies
so it doesn't matter
they can be low as they want
all the better
makes the brits feel good in comparison
 why when they come over here
and it is known what they have done
they are still raised in our society
to Boss of Personnel department
(most hate the country
though they say they work for it!)
work in highly secret labs
doing work which the nation
barely has any idea about
or they would be in prison within days
(I forget I quote
"several Conservatives were in it")
 and their wives tell these men
'oh some little slag you used, never mind'
You can believe that
years ago, I worked teaching in Pakistan
even in the very nice family where I lived
the young women laughed
at Bengali girls sold as slaves
to their poor. I asked what happens
when these girls are no longer wanted
'well, they sell them again..''
and giggled mirthfully.
 At nine and ten years old
you don't know enough to be a slag!
I know from my own experience
it is not nice believe me
it stays with your for ever
you never want to be touched again after that.
 They drive US out
now we have built their country up
restarted their economy
used us as donkeys
using us as rats now in illegal experiment
proving their system
robbing all our work to sell as their own
fill their country with this sort evil men
and raise them to be in charge
as that is the way it is going to go
 One of these child rapists
(I only did it twice to little girls)
has a place near Marble Arch
on his massive wages is defrauding the nation
has covered himself so well
that he gets Family Credit
and doesn't have to pay his rent
(I'll send my Stocks and Shares
abroad then he answered today)
but don't they all
One Tory answered that one
"it is our compensation to them!"
 Listen my nearly fellow countrymen
is that really what you want for the future
The english in my home city answered
we owe the muslims this....
 you can't think straight can you?
you pay compensation to the countries you robbed
you build schools and dams for them
show them how to farm and how to sanitize
not raise their most evil scum to high above your own
doing illegal work
no english would do without questioning!
 you feel you owe them
corruption on such scale
Exactly the same as Hitler
only this time
to cover jewish corruption.
Makes you wonder
doesn't it?
Why did Hitler happen.
 The Royal Prerogative
programs for the Royals in the lab
for good and for bad
meant we
the Lab St Barths Human Research
could steal and maim at will across the land
and beyond its borders
even though St Guys heard us..
 Now 'copy this' has a new coined phrase
after decades of copying
'match this work from the machine'
family stories of theirs all matched now
by  mediocre british failures, all guaranteed
Meaningless British Literature
again Research destroys the arts
just as it did in Hitler's day....
 "we intended to pauper them..
well, and cripple them as well
but initially the L.A. Jew
who worked out this method of killing-
people who had saved jews back then
was 'pauper them
 then, when they found out we were artists
and our artistry had kept their cousins alive
The lab Axe man Miller
who overwrites his tax returns I am told
took every copy home for his daughter to copy!
He's a thief they said today.
(But arn't they all at that lab?)
 (these men are now all on full pay
but do not come into work
Alan, the none religious jew
because of his love affair with the bossess
Miller because he can not stand inspecting
That one equals any of Hitler's worst
whether he lives in Redbridge
prays at South London Liberal Synagogue
or not.. The Pakistanis Health Workers used
are all quickly being given
departments of their own to run
to pay them for their crimes.)
 copy all and everything
ghost everything
keep it going round and round
adjust everything
confuse everything
 Lots of lies to foreign states
some are almost laughable
but research are told they must stick
purely to the file of lies
and punish for that
then the millions they are paid
will be theirs..
 and added
we don't need your friendship any more
batter all the children
two of them we have totally destroyed
we used them as teenagers for research
after destroying their family
and leaving their mother destitute
and on the machine being sensed
messing at the Colleges were she attended
killing lecturers, poor Colin
and friends,  by over use
used for any destructive crime not allowed
 The older two, too clever,
from before we destroyed their family
ok have got into alternative systems
keep them down
keep them down until we are all dead
 For that my family
all seven children
and parents and spouses
and grandchildren
gave their lives
to save jews...........?
 Under Benes it was the same
We Huns of Bratislava
could not work in Civil Service
or decent careers..
all we could do
was work in Business
we and the jews
and now those same jews
have kicked us in the *rse
though then they were happy to use us
 and as for Britain
at my grandfather's workshops
in Bratislava
every year a seller appeared
selling Yorkshire woollen cloths
for our best customers
Now we live in Yorkshire
and though the Mayoress and others know
not one saves a hand to save us
and we had rated them so highly...
 There on the Pennine's way-
Bushra, trained by the lab
told new students..-
''you have a ninety year old
they call her Hilda for ease
to torture and torment at will..
just say that you help her
and you can do anything you wish
however evil..
Mrs Miller wife of the axeman
filled out all forms at the lab.
 I didn't find out till much, much later.
These people have no medical training
though they are supposed to care for the retarded
have less skill than my average GCSE Biology Pupil
(not one of them could pass the GCSE
including Francene from Scotland and the rest)
know only 'interesting bits', told them by the lab
for their high incomes.
Salma or was it Seema, admitted yesterday:
I find I am looking at male mental patients crotch area
it is because of what I was taught by the bossess
and the films we all watched..
We came all this way
through all that horror
to this,
semi literate Asians
and corrupt labs
to use us as lab rats
with no safety no rules for us
as they do for their daily play and pay..
me too, daily
and cripple our children.
This is the British
''we will treat you as decent citizens
if you will work hard for us..?"
(is she senile? this old former anglophile-
that is the laugh, isn't it, anglophile and pro jewish..
in their darkest hours we stood by them-
so they give us to the colonials to use for play..
No, we have messed her body and mind so much
since nineteen eighty four
that now she has gone into hiding!)
 Not much changes
and England is the same as we had had before!
She was one of those
who saved hundreds and hundreds
 who for twenty years has suffered exactly the same
as those we saved them from.
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
 "We wern't allowed to do what we did"
intervention into our private citizens lives
is costly
either for them,
or for the interventionists
especially when they have been doing so
for a long, long time
using secret hardware indiscriminately
so many dead and maimed people
none knew why
it is all remote
finally the blunder of all their blunders
a lot of people saw
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
What to do?
Destroy the victims
just as Hitler had to have a scapegoat.."
dig, dig, dig and twist facts round
don't tell them the facts..
..just those who will torture and rob them
ordering they must follow the files
not the reality in front of them.
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
As messes come
it was only small
not so small now
it was only small then
after we talked
to our governments
Our Ministries had to cover
so we were and are allowed to rip
with no laws or any rules followed
but no one must ever find out
what was our work
The leaders all know.
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
So the whole family have to be destroyed
grandparents, parents, children
only grandchildren
dig dig dig
when WE are all dead
we who have used them
and played with them
and messed with them
destroyed them
that is our task
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
We destroy to see how the victim rebuilds
but not usually for a lifetime
but now we will be discovered
the mess has been changed
"we will punish THEM for OUR deeds
turn it all round onto them.."
will be allowed any future.
The killing fields can begin."
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
She was too old to understand
the children too young to understand
the lab divided and destroyed
How can such an old person
understand the latest technology
It was better to leave her
as so many people
still caught up in the past
unaware of what goes on around them
not listening nor aware of the present
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
At first she thought it was the KGB
The english are always playing KGB
It has to be that
no one except its own politicians
ever suspects the Brits
but I found many on high know
they cover,
but they don't cover so well
a few will always know..
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
("every country has its terror machine"
some one just put over the microsound
My coordinates are attached to many 'computers
any one of them can torture me
at any moment
ghost and copy all I say and do
and they do!)
 They do,
but I was a quiet housewife
with absolutely no background
except painting and poetry!
 She'd been the President's russian interpreter
Like me, mum is a-political
women alone for what ever reason
who have to work
it  means we can sometimes do good
we just tell it as it is, honestly.
 In forty three in Austria
in the butchers she yelled
'so were are all the jews now'
all about her shushed her, you'll be next!
She was the Interpreter
for a pile of women workers
and their Red Cross surveyor
or some term like that
 For what ever reason
the German army got little food
some officers sold prisoners' foods
for their men on the black market
and others stole food.
She used to yell at them to get the food back
and stuff like that.
 Fearless old Hun she was
she kept her girls alive and very healthy
yelling at officers ..
..in all sorts of situations
everyone knows, she told everyone.
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
One of the many accusations from this Lab
besides that we are dirty, slovenly, stupid
inferior in every way, retarded idiots even, on their file
though not one of us has ever been to that lab
by the Lab St Barths Human Research
was that we were Nazi..ofcourse...
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
They sponsored us they tell everyone
but don't tell  that it was for remote torture
"anyone come here and use them for anything"
they actually rang around
anything goes over here!
anything you are not allowed over there
life was and is a hell nearly impossible to explain-
methods illegal and outlawed anywhere else
as they robbed and still rob all work
money and livelihoods
and made us total prisoners
since nineteen eighty four
for which they got permission to use the population
which they already had anyway
no help after they messed
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
My dad they said, was some Ukrainian Nazi killer
they tell me by microsound, none stop since ninety one now
such a disgusting lie, it is beyond belief
but they use that kind of dirt
not just for me, you would be surprised
then say, : we put them all under therapy
sad that therapy has now become torture and murder
but nothing changes..
They call that a "what if.."
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
then they put this out to all the system young
American young are shockingly ill informed
but Pennsylvania complained
we wouldn’t do this to multiple rapists and murderers
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
(it was Churchill who ordered the bombing of Dresden
and they are still running to those orders
beats me why?)
and fed a load of rubbish most of the time
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
In time they killed the old man
making it look like his health
They call it manslaughter I don't know why
Theirs said he was tortured as they do me and many
daily, and my time is running out too.
 He'd been a well loved writer
and was too well known
Semen Telewny was well known
around the whole of the world
 I knew then they would start on my mum
not knowing they already had
They wanted a family to practice on
and we were so vulnerable, that was all.
 As I had no fears what so ever
I wrote to the Wiesenthal foundation
giving all names and addresses of family
Three months later the answer came
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
(the lab tried to scare me with the Israeli SAS
at Whitechapel writers group too
a man walking around in a white rain coat
following me around the East End of London
Crack pot, found later he's written two books
of my poetry and lover of the lab bossess
Got his degree at Oxford and had to copy mine!
though why they thought I should be scared
was beyond me)
 Absolutely clean...
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
Now the research sister lab in New York
which had given my paintings of meetings
at Leeds Reform Synagogue once a week
which I painted on return at home
(we are beamed to New  York constantly
-friends and lovers of the London lab
it is what London do to amuse themselves,
we have no privacy what so ever
nor work which is our own
the lab nicks it all off the screen)
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
the New York lab gave my work
as London beamed our lives over
to friends of theirs two elderly jewesses there
who sold it as theirs
their students copied my private diary
illegally to write as their thesis
as have all the semi-literates at London
who now mess with our humanity
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
so as another cover
they look for someone who was there back then
Wiesenthal's word isn't good enough
They found a taxi driver who says he was there..
they microsounded at three a.m.
It was a camp of female workers
most stayed there anyway!
 A ninety year old taxi driver?
 My daughter has a jewish friend
who will not talk to her father
He tells everyone he was a K.L victim
he has never been out of England
Everyone I know has now been to a K.L. but everyone!
 Madeline says she thought they would start that
(part of the circling)
yes, the American government knows
Oddly the clever ones who were there
are able to differentiate
They know that it was and is
about political messing
about good and evil
about the rise of brutes
when people starve in the streets
 just as it always was and is now
and political manoeuvring
to cause certain results
just as it is now.
do people realise that enemy aliens in England had a visit from a Police Detective Sergeant monthly for many, many, many years after settling...
"Put the kettle on Mrs Teley, Det. Sergeant Bradley would call as he came in ..." A nice man who got me my Naturalisation, but they are never told about their own English evil, methinks.
Enemy Aliens? My dad refused to take British Citizenship, as he had to sign that he had been a 'Russian' previously not a Ukrainian, and he could not do that. He loved his country, though he was far away and the british government would not bend.
 We call it reduction therapy
it sounds better
 until we are all dead
you and yours will be our prisoners
 you are used for any horror tests
your work is copied repeatedly
 then robbed from your house
so you can not compromise us
 not only have we destroyed your life
and your health, but we will not allow you to work
 For this we made a promise
your grandsons will be something
 My grandsons come from clever parents
grandparents and great grandparents
 We do not need your nasty perverted promises
of after you are all safe and dead, got away with it..
 The father of my eldest grandson
is an Oxford First though being Anglo- Indian
 no doubt inferior in your eyes as are we
though of the highest caste. His mother, my daughter,
 a College Principal though you kept her and her brother
down for long enough, bright as a button
 (they can all only work in alternative systems
give the little ones prison sentences no matter what)
 My two younger grandsons, children of my eldest son
well their mother is a welsh celt from Engand
 we will have to see. And you?
go take your nasty promises of God like creation
 somewhere else, as you anyway create writers and painters from your failures on my work with guarantees
 makes you feel like God you said.
Your kind of God, a God who is you, you said
 Latest word from you on your Godlike status
"people will be what I say, not what they say!"
 You we don't need, with your great suppliers from over the pond
though you screw us into the ground, with agony added.
 England has been a bitter pill..........
 Even Curry put some of it into her books
Even Blair used some in his speeches
They all came in and used it
Off the machine at St Barths Human Research.
 We thought you had signed
to be used
that is what we were told
no one checked!
 All those jokes were theirs
family jokes from all of them
right across the media
we sent them off in our names
 and all those opinions
we listen to you constantly
all are immediately sent off
here is another opinion/fact we say
 The lab had tagged us illegally
nineteen eighty four
the bossess had given our work
to all her friends at the Ministries
 to curry favour she asked the politicians in too
do help yourself
our victims don't mind
they all came into the lab
 as all her staff had written down straight off the screen
and sent it to where ever they wanted
Monologues, stories and what ever
she had to cover them all
 Friedlander tells us today
he was told I was at an orgy
(I've only ever been to two parties
and they were no orgies)
and I don't want any of the work anyway
so he could use it all
 Then they added
Friedlander is an idiot
and all the rest of them
idiots to be used by such a scam
 so that way the lab is safe
by the total criminalisation of the whole country
to cover the gross misconduct
of one little gov. lab which should care for the retarded
 added the bossess
"I gave the Ministers and Civil Servants my body
they have to take care of me!"
Major didn't do anything, nor did Thatcher...
 Blair helped the criminals of criminals
few know what he did to his country
such is western freedom. Artists artificially created.
Freedom for whom. Setting off international alarms
 gross misconduct used to be a crime
and they had already had a warning
 We (tv) had to ask
Did Prince Charles use her work too?
 Yea Gods!
 I have the need to share
something I have just been told over my t.v. remote
 presumably another research worker at St Barths
who abuses small children along with his co-workers
 There is no problem in this, he put over
They come when they are in their teens!
 Would this pervert male
like to let me know
 why our Creator, nature
what ever you like to call your God
 made childhood for?
just for his criminal lusts and those like him?
 Sorry guys, if I had the power,  I would have an answer
how to cope with you all so you never, ever did it again.
 All this taking of words
all this taking of phrases
all this taking of sayings
 are they mad
are they sad
are they just bad
 simple idea by Ziegler of New York
(hope you had no cousins
in old Bratislava's jewish area
where we lived and gave to all)
barely known writer?
our writers pushed and raised to the top
 each newspaper
each type of book
each type of novel
every magazine
 no one will know
every one will think
all she has taken from all those books
though written long ago
into books much has been printed
 but don't worry
they are none of them professionals
the Americans told us how to do it
 If all professionals can do
is copy work
given them from a lab
which no longer cares for the retarded
 I am not sure what it is to be a professional!
 Ethel says she lives a life of comfort
Ethel says it is all due to the work given
Ethel copies all my twenty years of work to the word
 Ethel had one or two small successes before my stuff
Ethel had all her work returned from printers
Ethel copied exactly as told by the lab
 Ethel now sells all her stuff mainly to the t.v.
Ethel still copies all my stories and all sell
Ethel is also on the machine at the lab St Barths....
 Ethel wasn't ashamed when I saw her
Ethel was at my end of town
Ethel didn't recognise me from their illegal processing
 Ethel didn't have to run for lunch between teaching
Ethel should maybe come to East Ham College to see me
Ethel is too dishonest to do that and knows it....
 What with Ethel, Mrs Cricklewood
with Emma, with Brierley and all the rest--
we're allowed to destroy all the stuff given of yours
as for the devious Ernestine and Friedlander
the list goes on and on
 The stuff science can do now that I know of..
you think in the future you won't be known
as the cheats you are mix and matching or not
robbing University work and processing..
 Ethel, swaying her long brown hair
Ethel's hair is straight, unlike herself
Ethel, the cheat, now no longer has writer's block!
 and with the directed thieving
of all work from our tiny miner's house
and the wiping of half of my work off the computer
with their high power illegal lab computers
 Ethel need never worry
Ethel and the rest's cheating is covered
by the Lab St Barths Human Research....
 IT would take
just a few laws
to take away
the total power
which Ann of the lab
St Barths Human Research
the old concentration camp system
of Auschwitz, Belsen and the rest
and to leave them powerless
or controlled..
 to which she adds
"George of the New  York lab'
has been been on the line
severel times.
If he thinks
we will help him again
he has another think coming."
 I seem to remember
it was George of the New  York lab
who came to the assistance
when the London lab
has set off the alarms
at Santa Monica
and committed
gross crimes
international and national.
 George would have done well
to remember the past
Churchill in thirty nine
stood up in parliament
and said
'No jews, unless rich..'
personally, I think
they are all of them cracked!
 Should Blair have a third term
Anna of the lab St Barths was asked
No, he must go..
King maker and breaker now
as well as murderers?
  WOT PARTY? to all those of you
who have read
Semen Telewny's work
 to the Ukrainian millionaire
who wanted to sponsor him
to come to America
 and then stupidly
took him to the underground
in New York
 and frightened the daylights
out of him
a Kulak and a small town guy
 and those who knew Hilda
who though a terrible tempered
Hun who would fight anything
 but not now at ninety..
with her memory gone
but healthy and hearty in a way
 please know
regards recent issues
 I  am the party member not she
of the Socialist Party..
and my dad wrote about the Parties
and their many foibles
 he used to say
young a communist
middle aged a liberal
old a conservative!
 Hilda's great delight had always been
that she had never once
raised her hand in salute
 though she had spoken to some of the mightiest!
(Hun's are a bit mad
even Hitler's mob realised that)
 and as a family
we live and have always lived by honesty
which is not always appreciated by liars and cheats
 end of that trial.
Now they have given me horrendous sores
Still claiming we are volunteers!
  Al came to the lab
Al took forty five paintings
from the machine at the lab
(they give all I do out
from that machine
from which they torture daily..
would that the americans
had kept their discoveries
in their well policed country)
all of them mine, sitting illegally at the lab
St Barths Human Research
 Al was asked by Anna
Mistress of Ministers and Civil Servants
who had used the new technology indiscriminately
amongst the people without telling
finally making a mistake
which many on high saw
 Anna asked Al
mix and match with yours
blend and personalise her work as yours
that is what they all have to do
later with directed thieving
we will rob all they have-
a poor lone mum with kids
 Anna had already put the order out
prison for the kids
having destroyed the family background
(it is called a live experiment they say?)
any pretext
two weeks for speeding
and three months in a category B
(rapists and murderers)
for a nineteen year old
standing guard for a friend pinching videos!!
(doesn't matter what for
once on record)
 Did you know the brits were so cruel
we certainly didn't
we refugees
poached from Australia
to come here in the forties
worked hard
never did any wrong
lived in poverty
for this freedom..
that's a laugh now
Yet they give terrorists who despise them
every freedom..
 (If I wern't a decent person
I'd laugh at them)
I have in my second book
which the lab has robbed from everywhere
along with the first
printed the copy of a form
the promise Britain made to us
if we would only come and live here and work
if we were respectable citizens
we would be treated as such
such liars...
 such liars they are
you all know
I loved the nuns of Bavaria
the mothers of my childhood at both Homes
the sharp and sweet of them
but they should have told me the truth
not glorified this place they were sending me to
Only the boys told the truth
fifty boys and five girls we were
and three nuns to care and grow for us
they said seven foot men on huge steeds
in red coats on horses would come and hunt me
and chase me into a corner into a hole...
 rather like the dreams I had later
when I had to run across a blackened Europe
on our bellies to save my last son
take him to my children's home in Bavaria
empty when we got there
he was safe
but a thousand green hands
dragged me under all night..
 and as for my new mum
with her glorious ideas of the Empire and the british
Couldn't they have guessed in old Royal Hungary
how the Empire was won
So much is never won by kindness
it is taken.......
thieves, thieves, thieves
that is what they said Esther Rantzen had said
then they beamed a mucky film
(supposed to be of me but yous all know me better)
into her studio
so that the woman I had stuck up for
also turned against me
Bad judges these jews!
 Nor at my C. of E schools
(where I was pretty happy- I liked school)
we did lots of stories about the Empire
little black men up trees throwing down coconuts
and I painted the pictures to go with the stories
and nasty evil Bible stories
going on in Israel, not here
but I forgot
my grandad had said
England is built on the money of the Jews..
and he knew
we had a man from the woollen industry
he came yearly to sell us navy blue
for the jews whom we clothed
back there in old Bratislava,
No one told the truth ever.......
 Now alan is having an exhibition of my work
with a line or two of his in it
with directed thieving
the young people
the slim young girl with black hair
living close by
taught by the lab to be thieves
(the only thing the lab teaches
is how to cheat, thieve and worse)
are now going to copy the paintings in my books
thieved by them
directed by the lab
 (the lab has used about ten thieves
I quote them)
 sektches of my daughter's godfather's suicide
they used to live in the opposite barrack to us
there at Warsaw Hamlet Refugee Camp
on the Lincolnshire Wolds
of our journey to the West
of our deaths and our lives
of bridges crossed
of orphanages and children's homes on the way to here
of all the horror we have gone through
(mustn't say, the English don't like it..
I was told over and over again)
which had never been spoken of before
we never speak of it
none of us
it sits in our hearts
so now english are robbing it all
to make money from our pain
 so finally I had put it all into paintings
though some at the College didn't like them
the Head Faulkner would smile
'well little Mrs artist, what today?'
 all done whilst at Art College
here in Sheffield our home
where they over tuned my lecturer
and a few more
(it's called manslaughter)
 Al the thief is a cheat
as are all those the lab sponsored..
a country full of cheats
 the boy who was tuned to steal all our histories
finds it is too foreign
he doesn't know how to use it
the lab used passage after passage
directed constant theft
is their cover...
  when it is all over
their Doctor Meyer had thought
we will return it all back to the home
as though nothing has happened...
 you were not supposed to write
or have been a real painter
we just didn't check anything
we never check anything
 and we chose this for our home?
 quotes at 2.15 p.m. on Saturday over the t.v.
transmissions constantly broken into..
besides microsound
(sound on computer broken up and replaced on coordinates)
 If we plager her enough
she can't do anything about it.
Give them Rights to her work
 We had to destroy your heart
(you can feel when they press your heart valves
Four years ago I had one hundred percent health
and the British don't torture?)
 We did that to your mother and father
It is so we can say it is a family thing
Every torture possible was tried on you
There is no way you can prove it
there is no way you can stop us
We call it weakening you.
 We destroy absolutely everything
we don't count the cost
you are not a human being for us
not even a subhuman
we watch what can be rebuilt
 Unfortunately you won't play our game
No body knows
but everybody knows
we put it on films and ads
 Have you been seeding clouds
Yes, if you see it on films
believe it
we order the films to be made
a gradual introduction...
 This is not my story
but there is a similarity
The words are not mine
but I will repeat them
to make people aware
even if they don't like to hear..
 This happens to so many little girls
from very tiny on
men, often from the same family
work them with their finger
constantly from babyhood
until the rupture is not noticed
 They then use them for themselves
Big brothers, uncles, nephews, men..
Often when these girls marry
Their new husbands beat them
However hard we try
it is impossible to keep our girls safe
say the mothers..
 I personally know of one woman
whose mother put her bed next to an old man
On her wedding morning to her young cousin
she was found in a pool of blood
 He has beaten her ever since
Though she was and is an excellent wife
even when she was holding their baby
till blood ran from her head
onto their baby
He blames her.
 One man answered this charge
This man is a professional at the lab
where several child rapists are employed..
Every man wants a young thing
not some woman
so we make them our own from birth.
 Babies and children are helpless
I left my children's home nuns at nearly eight
to come to live with a forgotten mother
and her new husband
in a new country..
the size of a three year old they said
- thin and scared.
 She would send me in to the room of another man
'take uncle a cup of tea'
then took the silver he gave me away
He would sexually abuse me
Later I hid.
 I could not tell her
I was a stranger to them
She was a stranger to me
I could not tell my new father
he was even a different nationality to me
as was the man
who was the same nationality as my new father.
I couldn't tell my new countrymen
They were different to me
I was a foreigner..
 My mother was a clever woman
but stupid in the wickedness of the world
a little, rich girl
educated by private Convent.
 When at sixteen a man really fell in love with me
had not touched me
wanted to marry me
she asked the doctor to do a virginity test
What the hell for
I was healthy and clever
The Italian lived a long way away
and anyway wanted to marry me
begging for one long year to do so.
 Though a Star Fighter pilot
the Italians had taken her beloved Tyrol!
I have to tell you something funny here
We also are part Italian in part of our family
her paternal grandmother's name was Bertodi!
Such a silly, with her passion for her Austria
-explanation, her mother was Austrian.
 Girls are always alone
Girls are rarely believed against adults
Girls are not believed by adults
Girls are helpless
Girls are smaller
Girls who are small are picked on
Girls are taught to obey
 I admire the girls, unlike me
who are lippy, mouthy and noisy, shouty..
I know they are safer girls
than the quiet girls, like me.
 I taught my own daughter to speak out.
These poor little mites
are having this happening NOW
Right NOW
this day
this moment
They have no way out
and many, many, many people know about it.
 I will get a bad name repeating it
I do not care
I know how much I suffered
So I know how much they suffer.
It is time doctors and others did something.
I begin to despair at doctors
 One of mine began a life of horror for me and mine
diagnosing a stress headache as an extra need for sex
(with five children?) which he said he had..
and to cover some of his odd actions
gave our name to Research to use as they wished, secretly..
 For crying out loud
what are doctors supposed to be for..........
 because you never talk about people
we did it for you
it was another of the damages
we put you through.
 The Ministries and their mistress
ensure no jobs mainstream
for our family
as they cannot afford
the scandal
incase someone, anyone
heard the truth.
 so a tiny, one man business I ran
often very successful
too successful
for the Ministries and their mistress
 It grew on my reputation
for good value
promises upheld
and total trust
as has always been the case.
 In old Bratislava
the massive jewish tailors
knew they could trust
the work of the little Hungarian
knew that he would never cheat them
no matter what happened
 ....and before that
our family was successful
as servants to our aristocratic families
Sumeg or where ever
as we could be trusted
it has always been the case
no matter what happened
 My clients
mainly Muslims
like the same qualities
so the lab had to break that trust
 "we destroyed your business
in this simple way
and other ways.."
 You never gossip
...I don't feel the need to
I write and paint
read of things and listen to music
I can't remember the nuns our mothers
gossiping when I was a child
with fifty and more children to care for
to grow our food and care for our home
why waste time in gossiping...
there are so many interesting things to do..
so we did it for you.
 Used by the lab
were the worst of RMN's
It makes me wonder
what exactly these women do
in their hospitals
 They tell me
stirring up trouble
destroying people
causing misery
is their job.
 I seem to remember
our nuns tried to make us happier!
 I wonder what that lab said I'd said.....
No I don't
They have nasty minds
It is better not to stoop as low
as those who live in evil deeds….
0 notes
Here is the master list of all of the fics I have written.
remember, my ask box is open for requests and ideas. I’m always in a mood to write, and I would love to add to my collection
Series/ Continuation stories
Your Voice Consoles Me (Part One): F!reader is up late again, thinking about Stephen after losing him in the blip. (Part Two): F!reader aids in the battle of New York, reuniting with Stephen
You Made Her Shine: The reader confides in Stephen during one of the most difficult times of her life. (Part Two): Stephen takes the reader out on a date, wanting to remind her just how much she means to him. (Part Three:)  Stephen and the reader thought they could enjoy their engagement in private. When all of New York picks up wind of their engagement, the Reader decides it's time to face the problem head on. (Part Four:) 
Why Don’t You Run From Me: Stephen needs help getting back to his home universe. He runs into a variant F!reader and begins to question how he treats his F!reader (20 follower gift) (Part Two): Sinister tried to avenge the death of his beloved reader. Alternatley in their appropriate universe, Stephen and the reader get a few things off their chests
Playing Games With This Old Heart:  You need to make cash fast after losing your job. After stumbling on a job, you can't help but to think about your first customer. And he can't get you out of his head. Logan Howlett x Reader
One Shot Stories
Its Going Down, Down: Variant!reader x Defender Strange, its a hurt story as the variant reader protects America
As Long As I’m Here: Gender neutral reader is helped by Stephen after a fall and he takes care of their concussion
Fly Me To The Moon: F!Reader x Stephen Strange, the two are protecting America, but the readers surprise is aired out before she can share with Stephen
No One Loves Like Ghosts: F!reader and Stephen find comfort in each other, confessing their feelings (50 followers request from Anon)
Can You Feel My Heart: Doctor Strange Supreme needs more power to achieve his goals. Will he take them from the reader? Or will he find himself in an all too familiar situation?
I Can’t Deny The Way I Feel: Stephen writes a love letter to the F!Reader (100 followers gift)
Can You Hear The Silence?: Stephen rushes to save his wife while caught up in battle
Dancing Beneath the Stars: 838 Stephen and the reader admit their feelings over some drinks and a bucket of ice at the staff party
NSFW / 18+ Stories:
Let Me Adore You: Stephen and his fiancé, F!reader, have some alone time after the events of DSMOM
See What You can Take: the female reader is overworking herself and needs some relief, Stephen has a few ideas. (69 followers gift)
Dark Paradise: Sinister Strange wants to show the F!Reader that the death of her Stephen doesn’t mean its the end of her happiness
143 notes · View notes
Ooo. Love the one were Mei is taking care of Midge. Can we by chance see whomever having to tell Lenny?
Three out of his four Boston gigs are a bust (one of the fucking clubs burned down), and he's ready to get out of the city and up to the mountains to see Midge and the kids.
He still fucking hates the Catskills. Still spends most of his time in his beloved hammock. But the other chunk of time he gets to spend with his funny, beautiful wife, and the kids he adores.
When he pulls in and parks the car, things seem...
He turns, and finds his father-in-law walking toward him. "Abe. It's late..."
"Yes, well. It's been quite a day."
"Did something happen?" Lenny asks, his brain riffling through the myriad of things that can go wrong in this god-forsaken-
"Miriam had some heat exhaustion earlier today," Abe tells him evenly.
Lenny stops walking and stares at him.
"She's fine," Abe promises. "Mei took care of her-"
"Mei? She needed a doctor?"
"Lenny, she's been resting all evening," Abe assures the younger man. "She's feeling much better. Kitty has not left her side, and Rose has been in to keep an eye on her as well."
"Jesus fucking-" Lenny takes a breath and lets it out, aggravated.
"She's fine, Lenny," Abe repeats. "It was very hot today, and she did too much."
He shakes his head and stomps up to the house, opening the door quickly and finding the first floor empty, other than Rose.
"She's in bed, Lenny," she tells him as she looks up from a book. "She's doing much better now."
"Heat exhaustion?" he questions. "Abe said-"
Rose looks slightly guilty. "She was doing so well this morning, and we...may have taken that for granted. The weather got to her."
He drops his things on the floor and takes the stairs two at a time, heading into the master bedroom to find Midge curled up on top of the covers in a thin camisole. She sits up slowly, looking confused.
"Lenny? What happened to Boston?"
"The club caught on fire," he explains as he sits next to her on the bed.
"Oh, my god, were you in it?" Midge asks, looking panicked.
"No, it happened before I got there," he promises, before changing the subject. "Heat exhaustion?"
Midge gives him a sheepish look at she slowly sits up. "I got talked into a lot of activity today...Mei was right, I should have said no. This is my faul-"
He kisses her before she can get that last word out, holding her bare shoulders gently, and he lets her pull him closer; lets her tug at his tie to loosen it.
"I don't wanna talk about fault," he says quietly. "I just want you to be okay."
"I missed you," she admits softly against his lips. "I'm sorry about this."
Lenny takes a breath and brushes his nose against hers. "How about a little less running around, huh? A little more relaxing?"
Midge nods, stroking his neck gently. "I'm okay, Lenny. I promise."
He takes a breath and closes his eyes briefly. "Yeah. Yeah, I know. Still Just - one day where we just lay around? We can get meals with everyone but otherwise, let's just be lazy."
She pecks his lips gently. "You got it."
He nods and gets to his feet to change. "Should send Mei a fruit basket or something for helping."
"She apparently sat everyone down and yelled at them for talking me into doing so much," Midge says, laying back and watching him. "She and Joel have Ethan and Esther tonight. Kitty is either sleeping soundly or reading by flashlight."
"I'll go check in a little while," he promises.
"I know you had work, and it's a little selfish of me," Midge tells him softly. "But I'm so glad you're here."
Lenny grins and kisses her. "We'll have to send a fruit basket to that arsonist too."
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