There is a TW for a mention of a gun in this
The new girl in chior seems nice? No way, from what I heard she thrented Bella with a gun. The school already knows but like I'm just nervous about it. Keep in mind she can see bella from where she sits, and bella sits right behind me....
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pacifistofpatience · 5 years
Crush threatened to break my legs today but was too chicken to do it so idk if I can be interested in someone who doesn't follow through like that
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tsuy4n · 2 years
I just woke up and this is the first thing I laid my eyes upon so-
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Thank you so much! That’s so sweet of you. Absolute cutie as well 🥰
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closed-third-eye · 3 years
Hima never intended to show any countries as monsters or power hungry, they're mostly like children boasting about a power that is not truly theirs and know won't last long. Like when france looks back on time he was strong, or when england laughs and says "I'm the mighty British empire" or even Germany laughing about his new found power to crush france but gets almost whiny when he has to go to do the same to austria, even America when he does not comprehend what he has to say to Japan when he's threnting him to open up his country, he had to be handed a script! Lmao I love them.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
Yo yo yo, my good folks! This here’s a post that’s gonna talk about some stuff that didn’t make it into Chapter 81, either due to a change in creative vision or plain old pacing. It’s got bits of gore/violence/self-harm under the cut, as well as general creepy imagery/stuff with bugs. Please be safe!
So firstly, I’ll say that originally I did want more of Puffy being with Tommy this chapter. I had several scenes in my head where she and him walked through various memories together, such as through Pogtopia’s main cavern, Logstedshire’s campsite, or even a moment where they visited Thrent and Tommy gave her a sort of “tour” of his living conditions in exile. That last idea bled over a bit into the final scene with clingyduo, but in all honest I do feel very bad that Puffy got sidelined in this chapter, and would really like to try and fit her in in future ones where possible. She just got in over her head there at some point. Magical whatchimacllit and therapy really don’t mix. :”) not her fault.
Another scrapped idea was for the scene with alliumduo when they were both lil’ bugs! Originally that scene was going to end with Ranboo turning into basically a butterfly-winged fairy prince type of character(think something out of Disney’s Fairies lol) with his wings being the elytra he won from XD’s gameshow. Tommy would in turn become a version of his usual self with fluffy white  moth wings and a big poofy dress that would mimic a poodle moth’s floof, which he’d be very giddy about as he and Ranboo locked hands and began to slow dance on top of the allium. This idea was cut for pacing/story flow, and because at that point Tommy was a very tired boy that just wanted to move onto something else after what happened in the prison cell a few moments prior.
Speaking of the cell.
This was the moment that changed the most. It was originally going to last much long and be a much more graphic, drawn out scene. Tommy was originally going to flagellate himself in that box to the point where his whole body would’ve just.....melted? Into this mass of dark red bloody ooze that only had the vague shape of his body along with his two blue eyes. He’d scream until he couldn’t, then breakdown crying as his whole body oozed around him in this visceral moment of just...pain.
One bit I had very clearly in mind was of him thrashing back and forth while both Ranboo and Tubbo screamed at him to stop while Puffy rushed to call XD from where they stayed during the sessions(they were basically inbetween Tommy’s mind and the rest of the world so he could have privacy unless they needed him). It was gonna involve Tommy repeating the phrases “No one cared”, “No one came”, “No one wants me”, and most painfully of all, “This is what he made me into.” All while viscously and violently beating himself against the walls, floor and ceiling of the room where his life was almost beaten out of him by a very evil man. He’d end up clawing at his body at some point. Lots of blood. Lots of maggots and other icky nasty wigglies. All very symbolic in ways I’m sure you all could pick up on from how that concept of being “full of spiders” lingered in the final draft.
I scrapped it because it hurt too much to write. Even I have my limits :”)
The scene with the multiple dead Ranboos was also going to last longer. There were going to be a few moments where some of the bodies were still half alive and would drag themselves up to talk to Tommy. They’d say some of the things Ranboo said when he visited in exile, but there would also be bits of mockery and taunting sprinkled in, all of which would’ve come straight from Tommy’s mind from when he was alone in exile/after the prison. Scrapped it for time. There was so much already and I didn’t wanna drag it out longer than needed. Plus ever since Ghostboo became a thing in canon lore, I find the idea of c!Ranboo being dead to be Very Upsetting in a Very Not Fun Way. It upsets me to see boo baby in pain :( im senstive about it
 Another scrapped concept involved the green smile that taunted Tommy with all his Dream-related conditioning. It was gonna turn into some manner of Silent Hill-esque creature that would chase Tommy down while repeating the last words he said in the prison prior to trying to kill him. Felt too actiony for such an intimate, slow-burn type chapter. Still have the design in my head. Maybe it’ll pop up, somehow.
There was going to be a very cute, mostly lighthearted scene involving clingyduo at one point. I actually made concept art of it in MS Paint and posted in onto discord! It was basically gonna be a moment where Tommy woke up in a large room filled with pretty blue curtains, which would then pull back to reveal Tubbo, who had been turned into what I can best descibe as a 9 feet tall buff ‘n burly strong man caraicature of himself that was shirtless with a pair of poofy purple pants and some very pretty necklaces that were made of beads Tommy often wore in his hair whenever Ranboo braids it. It was gonna be.....just....plain ol’ platonic gay panic. Very cute, very silly. Lots of Tubbo being sweet and soft and trying to pick Tommy up while he was just freaking the fuck out, mortified by his brain and desprate for it to be over so they could never speak of it again all “We Take This To Our Graves” style. He’d be a very blushy baby boyo.
It was scrapped for tonal purposes. Clingyduo in this chapter had many very intimate, serious moments together. I didn’t wanna ruin that for the joke. It is a good joke, tho.
The last major change was very last minute. In the scene where XD was leading Tommy out of his head, I originally wanted to reference the last scene in Turning Red where Mei Mei and her mom have that personal moment and she helps lead her mother out of the bamboo forest. Originally Tommy was going to shift between the various versions of himself from all the major points in his life, before finally settling on his current self, aka the cumination of all those lived experiences that he lives as today. No reason why this one changed. Just ended up writing the scene differently :) happens sometimes.
To close this off, I wanna talk some more about this chapter in general. Mostly because it was a very personal one to write. All of Heal What Has Been Hurt has been personal to write due to the nature of its themes, but this one was very intimate in how I had to approach it, in such a way that as I went through it and described many of the details and enviroments within Tommy’s mindscape, I came to understand a lot of things about my own traumas and how they’ve shaped me, things I won’t share but that the mention of is still important to note.
Trauma is...messy.
Trauma is weird.
Trauma is one of the most horrific yet varied things we as humans can go though.
It changes us completely. We are never the same after it’s happened. We are forever altered by its effects, forever under its unpredictable and oftentimes almost seemingly malevolent influence.
It’s always there when you want it the least. You always get triggered when you’re finally starting to feel okay. You always spiral just as you think you’ve gotten yourself out of it. And just when you think you’ve figured one thing out, that you’ve pinned down the root of all your pain and are ready to snuff it into the dirt, a whole new wave comes in and you’re forced to grapple with the fact that it will well and truly never be over, and that this is your life, and that this, this mess, this awfulness, this tiresome labor of a life........is you.
And it goes on.
And on.
And on and on and on for the rest of your short time in forever.
There’s no endpoint to recovery from trauma. There’s not climax. There’s no grand finale where you’ll have this lovely musical swell of emotions to accompany some grand “ah-ha! NOW I’ll be happy again” type moment. There’s just always more. More pain. More tired. More anger. More sadness.
More life. Life with your trauma. Life with yourself.
It doesn’t have to be miserable. It is at times. But it doesn’t always have to be.
That’s what chapter 81 was. For me, at the very least. I encourage you all always to find whatever meaning you need in my works. That’s part of why I make them :) 
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the-worst-fe-player · 4 years
Sometimes I wonder what happened to the guy that thrented to stab someone at school and the teachers overheard panicked and ened lunch early because he had a knife so we were all put inside classrooms and were scared because we where like 12 and the rumour went from a small knife to a gun within 5 seconds. So the pe teachers slammed him against a wall and then found out it was just a compous
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nickpaul1206-blog · 6 years
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Dad looks extremely British right now...except for the shirt👌 also got down here in under 2 hours #newrecord #clio2 #ashtead #surrey #thrents (at Ashtead)
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mycptsdstory · 4 years
I keep having this little well not little, huge bad sad memory a few years back. Well 9 years, nearly 10 years ago.
I’m changing all of the names before you hear this story.
Katie who I thought was my beat friend, she grew up with me and my grandma was her baby sitter when she was little. Katie’s dad knew my uncle and they were super close friends. Katie just found her partner and her partner Pete was in a band, the singer Ben, he was so cute and we got really close. Then the guitarist Bob and a bass player, Fred. All of us hung out all of the time and I even watched them play. I got really found of Ben and I started to fall in love with him. We sat talking on Facebook all of the time and I really really really fucking liked him. So one day, I thought I’d bring my friend Amy to watch them play in Manchester Acadmeny. This when I met Olly, he’s the manager, sound tech and so on. The guy was freaking cool because it seemed like he knew everything! Amy absolutely adored him but I wasn’t fond of him compared to Ben.
After months and months of watching them play at different events, my mother decided to tag along and watch them play with me and Amy. It was super awkward because she normally just stand in a corner and watch everyone. So my mum got talking to Katie because well, they were kinda close. So I’m like, heyy why not?
Katie just got engaged, me and my mum was invited but not Amy, she was furious because she was kinda obsessed with Olly. But I’m like, you can’t go because you’re not invited. So I left it at that.
So a few weeks went by and different strangers started to shout at me and say I said this awful things to them over Facebook (to this day, I don’t know what over). I got really upset and of course I confided to my mum and her best friend Tracy. They were like, you didn’t do it, so don’t worry about it. Tracy had foster kids and her foster kid Megan was telling me off because I contacted her cousins and family, saying i was threnteing them and I was having an argument with them. But Tracy and my mum said again, don’t worry, it’s not you’re fault.
When I was talking to Ben, I had the courage to ask him out on a date, but he wasn’t that interested. I was upset naturally and the band started to hate me, including Katie. I didn’t know what was going on. I was crying every night at home because everyone was blaming me for something I didn’t do. Then one by one, my friends left me, saying I was having an argument with them and I started shit. Then the band didn’t want to get too know me. So I went to friends house in manchester to escape for a bit. I went on her laptop to check my Facebook and my friend Amy was on my Facebook talking to people. I was so hurt and back then we didn’t have screen shots. So I changed my password and the next day when I went home, I changed my email.
I confronted Amy about it, but it was too late. The damage was done. The band didn’t want to get to know me and I really desperately tried to get info on what Amy said. But no one belived me. I had 1 friend left, my friend from Manchester who she saw what Amy did. My mother, Katie and her partner said don’t worry, it’s not your fault. I found out from Pete that Olly had so many missed calls and texts messages from Amy saying that she’s blaming me for everything because she couldn’t go to the engagement party. I said I’m sorry, I didn’t know. But again, the damage was done. I was crying on the phone saying I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. But again, no one belived me. Everyone blamed me.
Later that day I told everyone on Facebook from what Amy did. The band blocked me, me and Katie’s realtionship shattered and I was on my own. My mother and Tracy kept blaming me for I did. I was so hurt.
So that night, I took too many tablets and tried to kill myself. But like always, they didn’t work.
Fast forward a year later, Katie had her birthday party. My mum told me to dress up nice and wear something fancy. I came down stairs all done up while my mum was dressed down. I came to the party and everyone was wearing smart but casual, not fucking dressed up. After 2 hours of my mother saying to everyone I did it for Ben (which I secretly did), I went into the bathroom, washed off all my makeup, put my hair in a messy bun and wore my flats. I came out all rough and I didn’t care. Then I told people, I thought it was dressed up kind of party. So I took everything off. Katie was shocked and didn’t talk to me the rest of the night. At the party I was with my granddad and he was making me laugh like he always does. He cheered me up and had had a right big go at my mother. Katie and Pete heard, but they gave me a dirty look. I never knew why.
After that, I barley talked to Katie or Pete. I don’t really care, Katie like all my mums friends, she was toxic, belived rumours than everything else. So I never really talked to her after that. I didn’t even wanted to go their wedding.
Now, I was still wondering whatever happened to Ben. Last year I told him I was sorry over facebook and I explained why and who did it. I never told him I was inlove with him because I didn’t need too, I had my bf. By that time, I left everything and made myself a new life. So I didn’t want to tell him because he had his love and I had mine. I still think about him but strangely I don’t miss him.
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dawning-mourning · 7 years
Girl don't worry about these haters, they are getting all butt hurt with your stories and you know what? That's good, you're having an effect on them, instead of giving up and backing off make them even more fucking uncomfortable, keep doing your thing, you're amazing and I'm glad you're standing up for yourself
thx u!!!!!!! stuf is geting a bit comlicatd with ppl threnting sertan things witch is geting intense but i think im just goning 2 ignor these ovar the top ppl now. thx u so much 4 the suport.it meens a lot. 
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fosteranimates · 5 years
Thanks Brent Limber! Thrent Thlimber.https://t.co/ve9LrVT7aK pic.twitter.com/8ljvu7wIyw
— Adler the Eagle 🎺🎶 (@Adler_the_Eagle) October 1, 2019
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rio23411-blog · 7 years
Inko midoriya headcanons in my fem deku AU
1. She's skinny because I think in the actual bnha she stress eats about izuku not having a quirk. (Mommy inko is perfect and I'm not fat shaming) 2. Her husband just went poof she doesn't know where he went or why, he just left a note saying " Sorry i have to leave, I love you and izuka" 3. He named izuka 4. Inko doesn't like the backugo brothers (twin AU) (I don't know know how to spell katsuki last name) 5. She hates seeing izuka coming home with bruises 6. She once thrented a villain who said he'll hurt izuku 7. She kicked the shit out of him 8. Will not hesitate to go against a villain or pro hero if they say something bad about her daughter.
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