#thrice is a pattern
superoffbatter · 5 months
Firmament prologue done. The Plaque was collected- my ship will, once again, be the Obliterator-class Responsible But Not Accountable. Very appropriate name, if I might say.
All in all, my final veredict in this prologue is...
Very weak, please stop with the escalation.
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idcallmyselfhuman · 6 months
wondering how caelus and stelle plan to die this time
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padfootastic · 2 years
like, i like draco and all but the way so many of his fans twist his actions to portray him sympathetically and turn harry into the villain is so weird. *especially* in postwar fics. or the AU slytherin!harry ones.
it’s probably really weird that so much draco/harry gives me the same rancid vibes as remus/sirius but alas, what to do.
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
Please please please drop the scara and chiscara writing I have been STARVED
Honestly the fic is more of a character study, or just something I really like doing that idk the term to. I call it a filler, but is just my interpretation of things that happened behind the scenes, too small and unimportant to be told.
So I hope the Chiscara part is of your liking!
This is very spoilery for the 3.3 archon quest. You´ve been warned.
“Oh? Then my theory that the god´s gaze was limited was correct? The abyss is one of the little places that escape the god's eyes. You must have seen my memories already. So you must know the abyss insides now. Will those get registered into Irminsul, too?”
“...They will. But they won't be easy to assimilate. The abyss is a completely different realm. Even if it should belong to Teyvat, its laws do not work there. The air itself rejects all living creatures made in this world. I was surprised to know you had gone there more than enough to be called an accidental visitor” Nahida admitted as she continued to follow the Balladeer. “It was during one of your trips there you met that young boy didn't you?”
Scaramouche still remembered the expedition where he met a wild ginger boy. A teen as sharp as a knife whose eyes had become one with the abyss. 
“Are you with those monsters?” that little boy had asked him, covered in blood. When he denied it, the young boy´s blue eyes lit up for a second. “Then Master Skirk´s friend?” when he denied that too, the boy had stared at him for a while. “You´re not human, are you?”
“I think you´re not one either, anymore” he had replied, but the boy hadn´t taken offense to such a phrase. Instead, his smile went wide.
"What is losing your humanity in exchange for overwhelming strength?"
Such had been his encounter with Ajax. The 11th harbinger, Tartaglia. Even if that name wouldn´t be his to claim until many years later. If he had known how it would turn out, maybe it would've been better to watch him a little closer before bringing him back to the surface. Not later, when the damage was already done.
“To think a normal human would fall into the abyss. I must thank you for saving him from such a terrible destiny. Though, the abyss must have affected him tremendously. At such a young age too..”
Scaramouche huffed “Don´t pity him. He still looks back at that time with fondness." The puppet felt warm at the memory of the ginger smiling, thanking that day for letting him meet him. He rasped his throat. "He may have lost much to the abyss, but he gained a purpose there" A great burden sat heavy in his chest, contrasting with the hollow where a heart should be. An ache for a missing piece that hurt worse than the abyss itself flared inside him. “The gods recognized his ambitions even in a place where their gaze doesn´t reach.”
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dividedsingularity · 2 years
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a floating cardboard cutout I draw occasionally, apparently. There was something covering his wing I think.
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neutronstarsystem · 2 years
"i think i would kill if my stupid bitch shows up," they say. and then their stupid bitch shows up
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thermesiini · 2 years
one thing about fromsoftware games is that really simple moves will look really cool and awesome
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a-rebellious-waffle · 18 hours
on one hand yes you do need to critically analyze things for hidden discriminatory messages
on the other hand. sometimes it's really not that deep
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misosuper · 1 month
I've worked in three different laboratories, government and industry, wet lab and dry labs. And in all three I've asked where the box of tissues is and was handed a box of kimwipes
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thetimecrystal · 1 month
fun new thing i am noticing in my writing: just describing xavier doing stuff. looking at him with intense detail.
just wow, look at that man.
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Hahaha in so tired why do you keep forgetting me
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et103 · 8 months
Fun fact:
Give me a game I like, a mod launcher for it and about 48 hours of working time and I will hyperfixate my way into a complete curated cosmetic mod list. An extra week for the game tweak ones.
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november-narwhal · 11 months
Going to get a bunch of moving stuff done today which means it's time to find and listen to the BBC's radio play of The Great Gatsby (w/ Andrew Scott) as is tradition.
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felibrary · 4 months
you could have anyone you want - aventurine
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synopsis: sometimes you can't help but wonder why aventurine chose you, out of all people, as his lover. 
pairing: aventurine x reader | fluff with vv light angst, hurt/comfort, mention of habits such as peeling of skin and biting your nails | wc: 674 ; drabble
a/n: i feel like this is a bit choppy, sorry in advance </3
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“aventurine, why’d you choose me as your lover?” 
you glance over to where aventurine currently is. his right arm is loosely draped over the back of the velvety arm chair as he swipes through his inbox, archiving old mails and then tending to the newly received ones before shooting you a look of concern. 
“how’d you think of that now?” he laughs quietly and the corners of his mouth slightly quirk up at your question. did he not make it obvious enough, that you’re the only one for him? the thought makes him flinch, if there is one thing aventurine would never want it’s you feeling unworthy.
“and.” he hesitates. his breath is slightly ragged, as he starts to pick at the skin of his digits on his left hand - a habit he does when he’s nervous. the loose skin bothers him, he wants to rip it off fiercely. it hurts, but what hurts more, is seeing you anxious - it makes his heart ache.
he gulps before reluctantly elaborating. “is it bothering you?” his words are draped in utter solicitude and his eyebrows are furrowed as he bites the insides of his lips firmly while studying your face for any signs of uncertainty. “like profoundly bothering you?” he asks softly.
the insides of his lips are bleeding and he can feel the bitter taste of iron seeping into his mouth. the thin layer of skin above his finely trimmed nails is gone, he peeled it off. he no longer needs to bite his nails though, neither when he was nervous or in times of need, when he was starving. it’s impolite and viewed as disgusting. (he can still remember the earthy and foul taste of dirt that was covered beneath the nail beds - somewhat nostalgic; somewhat awful.) 
but does it really matter when it comes to you? (has any pain ever mattered when it came to you?” - no.”)
“no, it's just curiosity.” you lie through gritted teeth as you try to maintain a somewhat felicitous expression, forcing an awkward smile that falters at the corner of your mouth, onto your face.
“there’s nothing that i detest more than lying. you know that.” he reminds you bitterly. (lies are unfulfilled promises, vows that weren’t ever kept, empty words.) he gets up to where you’re at, comfortably lying your back against the headboard and softly stroking one of the critters the two of you recently adopted. the small critter only purrs in response to your tender touches, nestling against your body as you continue to pet it.
the mattress slightly dips as aventurine sets his hand, followed by his body, down. “please, tell me what’s wrong.” he pleads as he holds out his hand, placing it near your hand, not going further than touching your fingertips. (he’ll let you decide if you want to hold onto his hand - if you give him permission to touch your delicate body.)
don't lie to me, please.
“aventurine it’s just that.” your voice slightly breaks. “it’s just that i don’t feel worthy of being your love - worthy of your love and adoration, in general.” you admit in a hushed tone as you slowly snake your hand towards his, intertwining the two of them. instantly, almost by habit aventurine quickly laces your fingers together, tightly entwining your hand with his.  
“what makes you think that?” belittling or invalidating your feelings is the least he’d want to do, so he carefully squeezed your hand, not once or twice but thrice. it’s become a small pattern the both of you do when the other is nervous, telling them that they’re here. it’s a sign of reassurance.
“you could have anyone you want.” your admission is no louder than a whisper and aventurine needs to make sure that he’s not hearing the wrong things. 
him being able to have his way with anyone he’d want? isn’t it quite the contrary? you’re everything aventurine isn’t, everything he admires in a person - everything he’d wish to be.
“that's funny. i’ve always thought the same about you.” 
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azul azul AZUL!!!! @azullumi something dedicated to (y)our lovely honey blonde uhm guy!! yeah... haha... ANYWAY. in the past month you've helped me a lot in my writing but also like mental/developing journey as a teenager. the words you tell me, the experiences you recall (like you being in the hospital - LIKE WHAT), the warm vibe you give off - they make me feel at ease, they make me feel seen and understood, they make me smile. i think i often tell you (in those notes) the same things, but they're utmost important for me to mention because i just want you to know how special you're to me and not just your words. you, yourself are very special to me. i'm very very fond of you, just so you know. i often think to myself "oh azul would like this." "azul would laugh so hard at this." etc. but i also often think about you and your words, i get so happy when i see your messages popping up on my screen i try to answer them asap because who knows when you'll be gone?!??! (NOT IN A DEAD KIND OF SENSE BUT OMFG MAKE UR DISCORD STATUS ON, STOP BEING ON INVISIBLE.) i often recall your words and the advice you give me, it makes me smile but another thing that also makes me smile is your smile. i'm pretty sure i've already told you this once but your smile is so bright, so bright it rivals the rays of sunshine that light upon us. perhaps you're my sun, my blessing that came along the way and makes the cold and hard days easier for me. melting the snow that hid me from the many things unbeknownst to me and revealing yourself to me. just you. whom else do i need? /j/lh. i love you a lot user azullumi <3
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© VYNICITY 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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orikiys · 9 months
✿ ✿ 〞kisses to his moles
✰ pairings: bf!mingyu x fem!reader
✰ genre: romance, fluff, flirting, soft moments
✰ warnings: kissing ( lots of it ), soft hours, flirting
✰ word count: 885 words
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mingyu didn’t notice it at first. he didn’t notice that whenever you kissed him, the first place you would kiss him was his nose. you would leave light feathery kisses on his nose and in return he would scrunch up his nose and give you a toothy grin. he would usually just pull you in and in return, pepper your face with gentle kisses.
your ear stays planted against mingyu’s chest while your hands are entangled around his body. with every breath he releases to every little giggle that escapes his mouth, you capture it all. mingyu’s eyes remain locked onto his phone where he watches his favourite show, but his hands stay near you. or to be precise, twirling and playing with the strands of your hair.
you trace patterns on his chest and you weren’t surprised when you heard a soft laugh from him, “that tickles babe.”
“does it?” you tease and move your fingers to his neck threateningly. your eyes meet with his and you see the look of defeat followed by a look of desperacy, as if telling you to spare him. so you do.
“you know i read something earlier,” you mutter and place your legs over his.
“yeah?” he hummed and looked at you curiously, the show still plays on his phone but his attention is no longer on it. “what did you read?”
you grab his face in your hands and move his head both sides before touching his left cheek. a place above his jaw where there was a spot, a mole to be exact.
mingyu’s eyes followed your actions and his eyes softened when you leaned ahead to kiss his mole. your lips stay glued to his skin for a few seconds before you pull away. your fingers touch the spot and he shudders at the coldness of your fingertips.
your eyes shift to his nose and you trace the mole along there as well. he sighed in content when you placed more kisses on his moles. his hand moved down your waist to steady you as he watched you lean back in satisfaction.
“had fun then?” he whispered with a knowing smile as he tucks the strand of hair behind your ear.
you rolled your eyes at his words and replied, “i suppose i did. you know these moles? i read that these are the places where your lover from your previous life had kissed you the most.”
“what if that lover wasn’t me?” you voice out your thoughts and he chuckles in amusement.
“well then you’re here now to make new ones,” he muttered and turned his head towards the other side so that the right side of his cheek was facing you. you lifted your upper body up and grabbed the collar of his shirt before pressing your lips near his ear.
the kiss sent tingles down his spine which led to the appearance of goosebumps as you smiled against his skin.
you pulled back in satisfaction and traced the area where you left a kiss. there was nothing right now but your love.
“don’t worry, it will become a mole in my next life right?” he teased and dodged away when you pretended to smack his head.
“it’s interesting although. i like this theory,” he says louder than before and you fight back a smile by resting your hands around his neck. “it’s my turn now!”
you squeal in surprise when he ran his fingers across your cheek, presumably where there was a mole and pressed his lips over there. he did that thrice before he pressed his forehead against yours and smiled warmly.
“you,” a kiss on the temple.
“are,” a kiss on your nose.
“the,” a kiss on your lips that lasts the longest.
“only,” a kiss on your jaw.
“one,” a kiss on your left cheek.
“i promise,” he mutters with his lips grazing your ear.
you let out a hearty laugh when his breath fans over your neck, tickling you.
“i love you so much okay? no matter who my past was. you are my present and i hope that you will be my future as well,” he reassured, smiling down at you and brushing his nose against yours.
you ruffle his hair fondly and whisper, “i wish the very same too, my love.”
with the passing second, his lips find their way back to your skin as he pulls you in deeper complaining how you were far away from his reach.
“aren’t you tired of kissing me?” you question.
“i could never be. kissing you is a habit that i don’t even plan on getting rid of. in fact it’s one of my best habits.”
“you’re so cheesy,” you scoff at his words and look away from him. his gaze no matter how loving, never fails to not make you nervous.
the fact that he knows it so well makes you want to control yourself around him but you can’t. especially not when he looks at you as if you’re the only one.
he knows the effect he has on you. he knows the little gestures of his never fails to make your heart pump a bit quicker. he knows that the tender kisses has your lips curling up in seconds. he knows it all so well.
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seakicker · 1 year
mother's day hc that you tell the genshin boys you're pregnant on mother's day so they decide to celebrate by getting you double pregnant?
YES MA’AM i had a randomizer pick four names for me out of all the guys i write for… kinda laughing at 3/4 of them being all the Serious, Stoic ones lol
fem reader, pregnancy, breeding, overstimulation (alhaitham) and knotting (gorou) below!
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You can never be too sure, he says— a good, valid experiment hinges upon proper reliability. Do you know how many undergraduate experimental reports he’s dismissed on account of their supposed “results” being the chance of mere coincidence or random chance? It never hurts to eliminate the possibility of a false positive and to ensure that your positive pregnancy test result is a true positive by breeding you all over again and having you take another pregnancy test in five weeks or so.
When you tell him you’re pregnant, he responds with a quiet nod before almost analyzing all of the behavior you’ve displayed over the last few weeks. Yes, the news makes perfect sense— last week, Alhaitham overheard you wondering aloud if your period was late or if you had just tracked it wrong, and he’d have to be a fool to not know what a missed period is the universal signifier of. The news comes at a perfect time, so he couldn’t be happier— though your husband certainly has a… uniquely stoic way of expressing happiness.
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That night, he replicates every last aspect of the night he imagines he got you pregnant some five weeks ago (it’s a simple calculation, really) down to your spot on the bed and the clothes he was wearing just to make sure that a false positive is out of the question. Perhaps he’ll have to come inside if you twice tonight just to really seal the deal that you’re pregnant— once is chance, twice is a coincidence, and thrice is a true pattern. You’d like to try and convince him that surely there’s no need for all of this, that pregnancy tests rarely, rarely fail or show an incorrect result, but there’s no pushing back against your husband’s logical calculations or sense of reason— not that you’re much in the condition to even try to speak with him anyways.
When your husband has you spread open wide with your knees pressed up against either side of your chest, a light conversation is absolutely out of the picture. You’d consider it a feat to muster up anything other than splintered whines of your husband’s name and delicate pleas for him to slow down— though, truthfully, it’d be an even bigger feat if you managed to successfully convince Alhaitham of doing the latter. He hasn’t stalled or slowed his pace for even a fraction of a second because he, of course, is trying to replicate the night he very likely knocked you up exactly, and he just so happened to be absolutely railing you that night.
“You can certainly take more than this.” That’s all he offers when you beg him to slow down again. “I’ve discovered, met, and exceeded every last one of your limits myself, and this pace, this position, and this fervor hardly come close to any of those. I’m simply validating your claim before I take to preparing the spare room for our child.”
You gasp and let your head fall back against the pillow, defeated and overwhelmed in equal tandem by your husband’s delightful Mother’s Day plans.
Alhaitham only chuckles once, a satisfied smirk so faint on his lips that you almost don’t catch it at all. “You’ll be alright. We’ll have nine entire months to be gentle.”
Zhongli has lived a normal human lifetime nearly ninety times over— yet, fascinatingly, he always insists he’s come nowhere close in experiencing everything life, nature, humanity, and civilization have to offer, an assertion you’ve always found downright impossible to fathom. How does somebody not get bored after six thousand years of life? You know people who are bored after just four years of working in the same career before they jump ship and try to find something, anything completely different.
He offers the exact same explanation every single time you once again ask how he still finds things to do, places to go, and activities to enjoy after being alive for so long— he always, always smiles softly and explains that he never gets bored with life because you’re in it, and you show him new things, new foods, and new ways to love and enjoy the world that he never even imagined prior to meeting you.
You’ll admit that you’ve found his reasoning somewhat hard to believe on a few separate occasions— like he’s seriously been alive for over six thousand years, yet he’s never tried red bean ice cream from Inazuma before? It’s not exactly a rare or expensive good. However, there are other times when you think you understand what he means, and his logic has never been more evident than today because you told your darling husband that you’re pregnant this morning.
“I’ve never been a father before,” Zhongli hums as he presses a wide circle of kisses all around the cusp of your tummy. “I’ve tutored and taught many, but I’ve never raised a child as my own from their very birth.”
“Does it make you nervous?” You grip his left hand a little tighter as his right comes to rub a soothing circle over the apex of your soft belly.
He pauses for a moment. “I see no reason to be afraid of new experiences, let alone ones I have you to guide me through. I’ve found that sampling life’s uncertainties and navigating its surprises provide far more enrichment than routine.”
You laugh. “I don’t think I can do much ‘guiding’ here, my love— I’ve never been a mother before either. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Zhongli melts. How do you always know just how to tickle his heart with the most innocuous of statements?
“And that is exactly why I’m not nervous— because we’ll have each other to both learn from and learn alongside. I’ve spent the vast majority of my life being the teacher and not the student, so opportunities to learn with you excite me.”
All you can do is hide your face with your free hand, your cheeks warm and your grin obvious. Your husband chuckles and kisses a line down the bottom half of your tummy, down your hips, and all the way down, down, down until he runs into the fabric of your panties.
“I’ve read that intimacy during pregnancy has an array of positive effects for a mother,” Zhongli notes, gently sliding a hand down to tug your panties to the side. “We’ll have to try every last tip and wives’ tale, won’t we, my love?”
Completely opposite to that of Zhongli, Diluc’s perspective on celebratory sex on Mother’s Day is that it’s about as tired, cliche, and lazy as celebratory sex on a birthday, New Year’s Eve, or Valentine’s Day. Really, any other holiday where people feel the need to either supplement their actual present with sex because they fear what they really bought their spouse just isn’t good enough on its own or because they forgot to get them a present entirely.
Or so he says.
He’s always been of the opinion that love and intimacy expressed on a random day of the year without any special meaning bears more weight than celebratory holiday sex— why should sex be included as part of the celebratory experience when a married couple is expected to regularly display intimacy towards one another? You’ve teased him about this cynical, grumpy take plenty of times, but you’ve almost come to agree with him regardless— it’s hard to even have the energy for sex at the end of your birthday or on the evening of Valentine’s Day when you’re just so exhausted by everything Diluc planned for you during the day. Perhaps it’s entirely because he doesn’t take special occasions lightly that he sees no need to end the day on a cliche.
Well, there’s a first for everything.
“I thought you don’t do celebratory sex,” you whimper with a sharp inhale. You had meant for the statement to sound more teasing and alluring, but it’s damn near impossible to keep your composure when your husband’s spent the past hour and a half between your legs.
Diluc, for the first time in ninety minutes, actually pulls away from your slick, saliva-coated pubic mound to stare up at you over your tummy. How amusing— this is the smallest he’ll see your tummy for the next nine months, and something tells him he’s not going to miss it whatsoever.
“We’ve never celebrated Mother’s Day before simply because you were never a mother for any of them. Today is different— and of course this news deserves celebration.” That’s right— you did mention to Diluc that you’re pregnant this morning over breakfast, didn’t you?
You take advantage of this impromptu break to make eye contact with your husband, who hasn’t looked this… disheveled in quite some time. Bangs plastered to his forehead, nose and chin dripping with a mix of saliva and your fluids, and pupils blown wide with desire, this is a Diluc you don’t get to see very often— and you know how to revel in the treat.
“Making exceptions to your own rules doesn’t suit you.” There, that one actually sounded teasing.
He offers a sort of shrug in response. “I’d have to be devoid of all emotion entirely to not want to celebrate my wife’s body when she tells me it’s pregnant with our very first child.” He glides his soaked lips down the inside of your thighs elegantly and with purpose, taking care to stop just before where thigh meets labia to really relish in your scent.
“Besides,” Diluc murmurs. “I’d like to map out how your body looks now so I can properly appreciate how much lovelier you’ll look once you begin to actually show how well I’ve bred you.”
Gorou tentatively asks you to repeat yourself just to make sure that he heard you properly, which carries a good amount of irony given his exceptionally superhuman hearing. He just wants to make sure he heard you properly— telling him you’re pregnant on Mother’s Day? He can’t think of anything more perfect than that, so it’d be a shame if he just imagined you saying it— he’s dreamed of being a father for so long now that if you were to hit him with a “gotcha” now, he might faint from disappointment.
Realistically, he should’ve put two and two together three weeks ago, but leave it to your husband to miss something glaringly obvious without your explicit guidance or direction. It’s almost funny to think that, despite his keen sense of smell, taste, and hearing, his overprotective nature, and his well-developed common sense, it’s so easy for him to miss the elephant in the room and get distracted by something incredibly unrelated to whatever he’s supposed to be looking out for.
He should have known from the second he found himself growing more and more overprotective of you without any visible or tangible piece of evidence as to why— you weren’t sick, you weren’t injured, and you weren’t otherwise vulnerable… or so he thought. It wasn’t obvious to him at the time, but now that you’ve confirmed it for him… it makes perfect sense. His nose already knew you were pregnant then— he picked up in the slightest change in your hormone levels without even realizing it, and now that he knows you’re pregnant?
He won’t leave your side for a single moment these next nine months.
Apparently, his vow to stay by your side 24/7 started the very moment you first broke the news to him— with your husband pressed so close up against you, you wouldn’t be surprised if you two just simply combined. Gorou’s hips slap against your ass so roughly and so quickly the sound of skin making contact with skin bounces off the walls and fills your ears, almost threatening to drown out your husband’s elated rambling.
Almost, but not quite. Nothing will get him to stop talking once he’s already started running his mouth.
“I just— I’ve just wanted this for so long,” he pants, looping his hands around your thighs to press them against the front your belly. “It’s just instinct, I guess? I just— Archons— there’s no better way to spend my life than with a sweet wife and a big, big family of our cute little pups.” He’ll be sure to keep you pregnant now that the precedent has already been established— Gorou knows he’ll miss taking you doggy style when your belly gets too big to safely attempt such a position, but he’s sure he can figure out a nice, comfortable compromise.
“I’ll get lots of time off from work! It’ll be easy. I’ll spend every day taking good, good care of you and our family because that’s— that’s what good husbands do, right? I’ll get Thoma to teach me tons of nutritious meals for you because I only know how to prepare quick rations for troops,” Gorou notes with a sheepish chuckle before he hunches over your back and whimpers brokenly. Will you still be able to take his knot while you’re pregnant, or will it be too much for you? He can’t push you too far now that you’re the most delicate you’ve ever been, heavy with the promise of a big family, right?
“I love you so much,” he gasps, nails digging into your belly softly as he loses control of himself. “And I’ll be the best father possible!”
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