#thsc incorrect quotes
crown-of-roses-thsc · 5 months
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the-irken-pony · 9 days
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toppat civil warfare dot pee en gee
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the-irken-luxray · 5 months
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Charles is a pretty forgiving guy and isn't one to hold a grudge over something minor. Ellie... not so much.
(Based on this bc I keep imagining this post as them)
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thscdefinitelycorrect · 11 months
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glitchedvaporeon · 6 months
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Was messing with an incorrect quotes generator and got this
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rarestdoge · 1 year
Shitpost status
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thesoulesscollection · 5 months
Choc Centered Incorrect Quotes
It's been a while since I've done incorrect quotes from a few cool generators and this is for fun. This is mostly Choc centered, unsurprising I know. I may make more, who knows 
Aidan & Calypso belong to @bluetorchsky (Hope you don't mind this & tagging you. I was anxious this would be ooc. These two especially the first, I feel would be closer-ish with Choc)
Tw: Implied Alcoholism, Implied Reckless Behavior 
Reginald: What is the one thing I told you not to do?
Choc: Burn the house down.
Reginald: And what did you do?
Choc: I made dinner.
Choc: And burnt the house down.
Choc: I'm feeling it! What am I feeling? Death, probably.
Reginald: Choc has quite the talent for drama
Macbeth: You should have seen them when they were younger
Choc: My knee just cracked so loudly that I half expect it to glow in the dark tonight.
Calypso: Are you sober?
Choc: I'm moderately functional
Calypso: I’ll take that as a no
Calypso: Are you drunk?
Choc: Only in the spirit of Christmas!
Macbeth: And the spirit of whisky.
Choc: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let's go for 12 more just in case.
Aidan: Choc, that's a coma.
Choc: Sounds festive.
Aidan: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Choc: Oh, I’m always running
Aidan: The question is from what
Choc: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died-
Reginald: Twelve, actually.
Choc: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?
Reginald: Yours!
Choc: That's right: no one's.
Right: This is a mistake
Choc, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Right: But not today
Choc, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
Mr. Macbeth: That's not funny.
Choc: I thought it was funny.
Mr. Macbeth: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
Choc: I’ve been sleeping so little the past few nights that when I go to the alarm app, I click on the “power nap” button. I don’t set up alarms, I set up timers, Aidan. 
Macbeth: My partner must be top of the line, graceful, organized-
Choc: Hey guys! I- *trips*
Macbeth: I want that one.
Choc: We have fun, don’t we, Mac?
Macbeth, shaking: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life until now.
Macbeth: What, you wanted me to say no?
Macbeth: How can you say no to that face?
Macbeth: Look. *Holds a groggy, half awake Choc in front of them*
Macbeth: Try saying no to that face.
Choc: :)
Right, genuinely trying: …
Macbeth: That's what I thought.
Macbeth: Choc is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in their entire life!
Reginald: Never done anything wrong?! They set a city block on FIRE!
Aidan: What scares you the most?
Everyone else:
Everyone, simultaneously: Choc on caffeine.
Aidan: And Choc...?
Choc: … Me on caffeine?
Reginald, talking to Henry: Well Henry, whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘would Choc do that?’ and if they would, I do not do that thing.
Henry: …
Choc, from the distance: They’re not wrong though!
Reginald: We lost Choc. Can you track them?
Macbeth: What, do you think I have them microchipped or something? 
Reginald: Well, do you?
Macbeth: Yeah, hold on.
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yours-the-author · 6 months
New Idea: Reginald Copperbottom as Master Kohga and RHM as Sooga from Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
RHM: *Saves Reg at the last second*
Reg: RHM, you're late! I nearly got peeled like a banana-
RHM: *Tosses him over one should like a sack of bananas potatoes*
Reg: :O
Reg: Toppats, ASSEMBLE! Me excluded, of course ;) *runs away*
Toppats: ????
Reg: So... if the government can fix that teleporter thingamajig... what does that mean for me- I mean us?
RHM: That "thingamajig" will tell them where we are and what we're doing.
Reg: ...Ah.
Reg: *has cornered the triple threat with a bunch of backup* What a relief it will be when you meddlers are out of the picture! *Strikes a series of silly poses* Today! Right now, in fact! The stupendous chief of the Toppat Clan, Reginald Copperbottom! Is gonna kill you all... to death!
RHM: *fighting off the government* Chief, quick! Make your escape!
Reg: I can't flee, you're my best lackey!
RHM: ...
Reg: ...
RHM and Reg: *passionate kissing*
Send post.
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jaytoons7 · 1 year
*Sees others making incorrect quotes with their THSC OCs)
"Okay, My turn."
(Read the alt text for extra notes)
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Bonus (A quote that hurts after reading The Breaking Point):
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Danny belongs to: @capturecharlesau
Shelly belongs to: @bluetorchsky
Brutus belongs to: @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Everyone else belongs to me
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theinsanereg-1 · 2 months
(I am really sorry if anyone has their notifications turned in for me. It's probably not even been an hour since I first posted today. And I've done like 5 posts. I'm crying.)
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I love random quote generator, just never posted any.
I'm sorry. But this is cannon in my au.
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thsc-stuffs · 1 year
HELLO I come bearing incorrect quotes with Remus, Riella, and Achilles because I wanna make these three a chaos trio.
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crown-of-roses-thsc · 5 months
I’m just gonna post a bunch of incorrect quotes for my au 😌
Sven: Randy, why are you crying?
Randy: This book is so sad!!
Sven, picking it up: But this is my diary-
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the-irken-pony · 2 years
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The Henry Stickmin Collection + Tweets: Merry Crisis edition
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glitchedvaporeon · 6 months
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Henry Stickmin Incorrect Quotes
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rarestdoge · 1 year
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