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Y’all better Moveimgay! 🏳️‍🌈
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lendasdeazeroth · 2 months
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O Arquitecto das Trevas Em tempos antigos, quando os destinos de Azeroth estavam começando a se entrelaçar com as tramas cósmicas, surgiu uma figura de singular malevolência: Tichondrius, o Senhor dos Nathrezim. Seu nome tornou-se sinônimo de engano, corrupção e poder sombrio, pois ele desempenhou um papel crucial na execução dos desígnios nefastos da Legião Ardente. Esta é a primeira parte da...
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lorstandian · 1 year
God you make wow pvp look incredible
pvp is a funny little gacha game of getting either the funniest type of people or the most insufferable people from tichondrius you've ever seen
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blizzardtm · 1 year
Welcome  to BLIZZARDTM,  a rp  blog  for many characters from Blizzard entertainment from World of Warcraft, Diablo, Heroes Of The Storm, and Starcraft Est 08.18.2023.
The content of this blog is restricted to 18+ due to the nature of the content and my personal comfort.
My name is André, my pronouns are They / Them, I am 30 years old and a full time college student. The activity on this blog will vary, but you can usually find me on  Discord  (Mutuals only),  or quite possibly HERALDOFCTHULHU or  THESONOFBLACKHEART.
My page is under co. - though mostly there and under cut!
Warcraft -
MIMIRON - creator of the mechagnomes EBYSSIAN WRATHION - the black prince ANDUIN WRYNN ARTHAS MENETHIL / THE LICH KING - heroes of the storm / warcraft NATHANOS BLIGHTCALLER BOLVAR FORDRAGON / THE LICH KING NELTHARION / DEATHWING - heroes of the storm / warcraft DARION MOGRAINE XAVIUS - NELKO BLACKSUN - necromacer XEOTH FELSWORN - Demon hunter KADGAR - alt timeline / heroes of the storm DAR'KHAN DRATHIR JESSE AMES - twilight dragon ANDERS VAN HAVEN - nightmare druid NEZEN - long range recon officer AARON LANCASTER - twlight templar ELLIOT EVANS - wields the Blades of the Fallen Prince ILLIDAN STORMRAGE - heroes of the storm GORLEN - chaos orc OSSELI - vulpera / Dracthyr  KALERIAN FELBLADE - Nightborne VEROST FELSWORN - Nightborne  GENN GREYMANE - heroes of the storm MAIEV - heroes of the storm TICHONDRIUS THE DARKENER - dread lord GARROSH - heroes of the storm /warcraft MAL'GANIS - dreadlord MEDIVH - heroes of the storm / warcraft Kel'Thuzad - heroes of the storm / warcraft Cordana Felsong Sabellian / Baron Sablemane - World of Warcraft Eternus - World of Warcraft Malygos - World of Warcraft Nozdormu - World of Warcraft
Other Blizzard Media -
THE SKELETON KING / LEORIC - diablo / heroes of the storm Mephisto - diablo / heroes of the storm Malthael - diablo / heroes of the storm Alexei Stukov - Starcraft / heroes of the storm Lord of the Black Road / Kabraxis - Diablo Deckard Cain - Diablo / heroes of the storm DIABLO - Diablo / heroes of the storm Tyrael - Diablo / heroes of the storm Imperius - Diablo / heroes of the storm Inarius - Diablo Siggard - Diablo Darrick Lang - Diablo
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safrona-shadowsun · 1 year
headcanon that helped set the foundation for my muse 
Dreadlords typically have a focused skillset for manipulating souls and consuming them through shadow and fel-based torment techniques. Because the first milestone of acceptance within her apprenticing days as a warlock consisted of ritualistically imbibing some of the essence of Tichondrius, she also was drawn to the more soul-breaking techniques and in time even acts of posession, which was represented by the Affliction tree. Her addiction for soul consumption also ties into this long standing practice. Affliction always felt 'right' to Safrona, or at least more gratifying, even for years at the expense of learning the other paths of the Warlock.
{ @nixalegos }
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blizzardbattles · 3 months
Warcraft Lore of the Druid's Awakening
Arrival of the Horde and Alliance
After the devastating events that plagued their homelands, the remnants of the Horde and Alliance sought refuge in the ancient lands of Kalimdor. As they traversed the lush forests of Ashenvale, their presence did not go unnoticed by the vigilant Sentinels. Tyrande Whisperwind, the high priestess of Elune, was informed of these strangers and initially believed them to be mere refugees fleeing from the chaos that had engulfed their lands. However, her suspicions grew as reports of the orcs felling the sacred trees of Ashenvale reached her ears. Determined to protect the ancient forest, Tyrande commanded her Sentinels to confront the Warsong clan, led by the fierce Grommash Hellscream.
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The Death of Cenarius
Tragedy struck the night elves as the Shadowleaf Sentinels, under the leadership of Shandris Feathermoon, returned with grim tidings. Cenarius, the revered demigod of the forest, had fallen at the hands of the green-skinned invaders. Tyrande, filled with sorrow and a growing sense of unease, gathered her forces once more. Though Shandris suggested that the orcs might be responsible for this heinous act, Tyrande sensed a darker power lurking in the shadows, manipulating the events that had transpired.
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The Rise of the Undead Scourge
As Tyrande led her Sentinels through the corrupted lands of Ashenvale, they encountered hordes of undead invaders who swiftly overwhelmed the orc and human settlements. Realizing that her small detachment stood no chance against such overwhelming numbers, Tyrande made the difficult decision to retreat. The undead pursued them relentlessly until their fel leader, Archimonde, revealed himself. With a single devastating blow, he slaughtered Tyrande's kindred, and only her quick thinking and mastery over the powers of Elune allowed her to escape into the shadows. Enraged by her defiance, Archimonde ordered his doom guard to hunt her down and destroy her.
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Awakening the Druids
Knowing that the time had come to awaken the druids from their slumber, Tyrande entrusted the defense of Ashenvale to Shandris and made her way to the Barrow Dens in the sacred Moonglade. However, the path to Malfurion's resting place was fraught with peril. The Scourge, led by the dreadlord Tichondrius, advanced upon the Barrow Den, while an orcish settlement blocked the way to the Horn of Cenarius. In a desperate race against time, Tyrande destroyed the orc camp, defeated the Primal Guardians of the Moonglade, and recovered the Horn of Cenarius. With the horn in her possession, she ventured into the Barrow Den and awakened Malfurion Stormrage, her beloved.
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Defense of the World Tree
Malfurion, upon his awakening, realized that Archimonde's true goal was to assault Nordrassil, the World Tree, and steal its energies to become a god. Together, Tyrande and Malfurion journeyed to Winterspring to rouse the Druids of the Talon from their slumber. Along the way, they encountered the Felwood furbolg tribe, who had succumbed to the corruption that plagued the land. With heavy hearts, Tyrande ended their suffering, knowing that there was no other choice. As they pressed on, Malfurion noticed a change in Tyrande, a hardness that had not been there before. She replied with a touch of bitterness, reminding him that she did not have the luxury of sleeping through times of peril, a subtle jab at his long absence in the Emerald Dream.
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werewolfcandy · 8 months
tichondrius/stormrage/ragnaros players frothing at the mouth to point out that you're from the moonguard server when you're better at pvp than them
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sinarastyx · 11 months
Sin's Glitter & Ghouls Performance
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Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mbxe33BYW8 As the stage is clear from the previous performance, shadows of darkness begin to shroud the area in a thick mist - a fog that hardly anyone can penetrate. The dark fog swirls like a curtain covering the next act, with soon a choir echoing within the crowd, enough that suits anyone and everyone with terror as the words spin with a notable slender figure in the middle with glowing green eyes. The voice echoes - figures appear in darker black that grow in size, another set of massive green eyes to follow, forming into familiar... frightening figures of an evil greenish haze, "ARCH-IMONDE... KIL'JAEDEN... TI-CHONDRIUS..." The two Eredar Lords of the Legion's commanding forces rise along with a familiar, noxious Nathrezim silhouetted in the blackest shadow amongst the fog - their glowing eyes of green and orange staring into the very souls of the audience before Tichondrius' shade releases a screeching colony of bats. As they fade, only the shorter, smaller set of green eyes remain - the angelic, demonic choir falling silent as well.
"THE LORD KAZZAK... MAL'GANIS... SARG-ERAS..." The voices sing aloud once more in unison as a familiar shade of a menacing Ered'ruin spreads his wings with a growl and a slash of his sword. A roaring Nathrezim with his claws spread appears before the final rise of the ultimate demonic entity that began the Legion's reign and wrath, silence befalling the stage once more before letting out a guttural roar and stabbing his mighty blade downward and unleashing a blinding, fiery light that erupts into a sequential beat of drums that are heard and ghouls rise from the shroud of night, one rifting with a familiar guitar. With the ghoul shredding a rift upon the stolen guitar (alleged) and the other using somebody's shins as a pair of drumsticks, a throne of bones rises and builds itself from the dark fog, no one sits on the throne, or at least not yet. In the blink of an eye, Sin emerges from behind the throne to sit atop it from the hill of bones that crafts a stairway downward. She sits on the throne with her legs crossed, wearing a dark robe of shadows - tainted with fel and designed to look like that of the Shal'dorei's usual garb. A mask hides her eyes with only her mouth and nose to be shown.
As she sits, the familiar choir echoes once more with the shades of the fallen demonic overlords seen behind the throne of broken bones, "ARCH-IMONDE... KIL'JAEDEN... TI-CHONDRIUS..." Her eyes begin to flicker with each name, soon turning a familiar fel green under the cloth as she rises from the throne - against her own will as the names are spoken once more, "THE LORD KAZZAK... MAL'GANIS... SARG-ERAS..." Sinara starts to crawl down the throne like a spider, inching one arm and leg at a time  as she begins to sing in a voice that isn't her own, arms crossing over each leg as she gets closer to the onlooking crowd, "Since dawn of time the fate of man is that of LICE..." She says, her face staring directly at one of the audience members as she continues, "Equal as parasites and moving without EYES…"
She darts her gaze towards another member of the audience as if she were about to lunge towards them from the staircase, she continues to crawl downwards. "A day of reckoning when penance is to burn..." She sings as she twists her body around to crawl back up onto the stage center.
"Count down together now and say the words that you learn..." She sits to her knees suddenly, raising both arms straight up and falling back downward onto the floor in a worshiping manner, acting as if she is a fearful zealot praying for mercy, "FEL, GUL'DAN... FALLEN SHAAAMAAAN!" The familiar shade of Gul'dan rises to the seat of bones and shoots green strands that enter into the pleading Shal'dorei, her movements of prayer following that of the shadowy fel orc's hand movements, "FEL, GUL'DAN... WELCOME YEAR ZEEEROOOO!!" As she continues her worship of the false deity, shades of her emerge from the black fog and are outlined by green as they stand tall behind her in a chorus-line setup, merely standing still with eyes that glow the foul-ish green while she keeps up her merciful prayer, "FEL, GUL'DAN... FALLEN SHAAAMAAAN…"
Her words ring into everyone's ears, a plea similar to that of her fear and terror when the Felborne rose with the fel's taint upon her own people. As the shades of her and the people merely stand there still, there is no emotion or guilt in what is happening, "FEL, GUL'DAN... WELCOME YEAR ZEEEROOOO!" With that, the sudden silence causes Sin's body to snap before collapsing onto the stage.
The choir once more breaks the silence, cheering upon the demonic overlords that overtake as Gul'dan's Shade has the familiar shadows of hate and fury behind him, on his throne once more, "ARCH-IMONDE... KIL'JAEDEN... TI-CHONDRIUS... THE LORD KAZZAK... MAL'GANIS... SARG-ERAS..." Sin begins to stand; as her feet make contact with the floor, her legs and joints harden and solidify in posture whereas her upper torso remains limp as she rises. Now, her entire torso is stiffened... like a puppet lifting with strings on her arms dangling above her head - limp and lifeless.
Slowly, Sin drops back onto the stage floor, her movements now erratic with dance as Gul’dan notably moves his hand with eyes following her.  His face still shimmers in darkness upon the audience while the music plays. The inability to keep up is present in her, she looks fearful under the mask and unable to balance with his control and movements. Gul'dan's Shade visibly moves his mouth, a green mist emerging as he speaks- it was he that spoke through Sin as she sings with their mouth movements in tandem, "Crestfallen Kings and Queens comforting in their faith..." Deviously, he sings as he has Sin fall to the floor, raising her up again soon after, and continues as if she is hopeless in her prayer, "Unbeknownst to them is the presence of the WRAITH..." 
Her hands move intricately, gestures in motions most angular yet organic and wavy as she follows the verse and words, "Since fate of man is equal to the fate of LICE..." A growl is heard while her body is yanked up, forced to dance once more. The movements are graceful and precise whereas, Sin herself is unable to keep form and perfection as intended and she slips and fails, only for her control to be lost with the continuation of his rule. "As New Dawn rises you shalt recognize now, behold the Lord of FLIES…"Gul'dan's Shade lifts his grip once more, causing her to suddenly jolt above the stage with her arms spread wide and her face visible with a hollow expression, she bellows with Gul'dan puppeting her mouth and soul, "FEL, GUL'DAN... FALLEN SHAAAMAAAAN..." "FEL, GUL'DAN... WELCOME YEAR ZEEEROOOO!!" Sin drops while the ghoul with the guitar is getting into it now, ripping on its guitar as the Warlock continues to make her dance like a puppet. Her body’s discipline is lost to him now as her body mindlessly follows his commands. Dips, spins, and a feat that she definitely could not do herself, yet she has several instances of tripping and falling, much to the puppeteer's frustration and dismay. Gul’dan repositions her like the puppet she is. The shadows begin to move, copying her movements in a more perfect manner of trained dancers and mimicking her very motions - yet more precise and graceful to The Shade's liking.
"He will tremble the nations..." "Kingdoms to fall one by one..." he flicks the strings, moving her to the furthest side of the stage with the shadows following only to be yanked back in the same manner. The connections loosen with each pull, "Victim to fall for temptations... a daughter to fall for a son..." The words rumble across the fog, Gul'dan's Shade visibly laughing before continuing, "The ancient serpent deceiver... To masses standing in awe..." He begins to raise her up, her almost-lifeless body lifting with the strings as the shadows follow, suddenly going limp while they all begin to sing together, "He will ascend to the heavens... above the stars of gods..." The visaged dancers shake as they rise, Gul'dan's Shade showing to be laughing with more heinous intent that foams and forms around the audience - a laughter that would weaken even the bravest of heroes. They continue to ascend alongside Gul'dan's Shade and after, the figures disappear, leaving Sin to fall onto the stage floor with a notable harsh thud. - limp as she lands with the gentle strings of fel and control slowly disintegrating. Silence falls upon the stage and the fog consumes her.
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taysdigitalart · 1 year
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I drew my nelf druid! :) Her name is Screechy, shes a balance druid on Tichondrius US.
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Tichondrius’ own Buttbuddyz
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jazztko · 4 years
Damn I know this is like isn’t part of my regular aesthetic theme that i have going on..
But, i’m asking my tumblr followers and friends to please please support me on this... this whole quarantine and staying home thing is crazy so i really want to connect with everyone
i’m not asking for anything crazy just want viewership and a follow on twitch ( game streaming platform) also reblogging and liking this post is so amazing
i’m doing giveaways as well!!
i’ll drop down my twitch, social media and discord so you guys can join and talk. i’m pretty chill!! ( id like to think so)
i’m twitch affiliated so you guys can sub to me with amazon twitch prime for free if you guys like as well, just link your amazon prime to your twitch account.
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Again, i love you guys and thank you in advance.
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mezzopurrloin · 5 years
Chapter 2-5: The Fall of Silvermoon
With both elfgates down, Arthas makes his way to Silvermoon, the capital city of Quel'Thalas.
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Tichondrius teleports in as Arthas arrives.
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Tichondrius teleports out.
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Oh right, we still have to deal with you too. When she reaches about half health, she turns invisible and flees, making her a major annoyance.
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Sylvie's base will send out runners to Silvermoon. If they reach the city, that's major trouble for us. Thankfully they're easy to kill and don't bring an escort.
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Thankfully we've got a new unit that's just the thing for hunting them down.
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Time to shoot the messenger.
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Gargoyle: Dread flying beast that can cover long distances quickly. Attacks other flyers in melee and fires blades of wind at ground units.
Stone Form: The Gargoyle lands and turns into a statue, drastically increasing armor and HP regeneration but preventing it from moving or attacking.
I kept these four Gargoyles on the path so they could intercept any more runners that came by.
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Black Citadel: Final upgrade of the Necropolis, unlocking all technologies.
One thing I forgot to mention about the Halls of the Dead, which also applies to the Black Citadel: Upon upgrading the Necropolis, it gains an attack similar to Spirit Towers. Considering how high its HP is, this can turn it into a pretty major threat.
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Ghoul Frenzy: Increases Ghouls' attack rate and movement speed. Requires a Black Citadel to research.
This is a good upgrade to get even if you're not using Ghouls for combat, as it also increases their lumber collecting efficiency.
Weirdly, Necromancer Master Training is not unlocked for this mission, even though everything required for it is. I'll have to wait for the next mission to showcase their third spell.
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Looks like there are more heroes to deal with than just Sylvie. This Archmage is pretty weak.
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The second runner tried to escape via boat, but the Gargoyles sunk it before it could reach the shore.
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Another Archmage came to say hello. This one was a bit tougher, but still fell to my defenses.
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I decided it was time to take action and assault the base the runners were coming from. Good old skeleton rush came in handy here.
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Arthas reached level 6 and learned his ultimate ability here.
Animate Dead: Reanimates up to 6 nearby corpses as whatever unit they were in life. Reanimated units are invulnerable.
This is thematically similar to Resurrection, but has a bit more utility since it can be used on allied or enemy corpses. The drawback is the units are temporary. Reanimated caster units can't cast any spells. While they're invulnerable to standard attacks, Arthas can still use Death Pact on them to heal in a pinch.
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There, no more runners. I thought Sylvie would be here, but she failed to show.
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Oh, because she's over here. She turned invisible and fled again after Arthas fended her off.
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I took the gold mine from Sylvie's base as my secondary expansion. The Undead don't actually need to build a second Necropolis to expand, as a Haunted Gold Mine can work on its own by summoning the Acolytes needed at my main.
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Sylvanas makes her last stand in front of the city gates.
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Arthas kills her by forcibly ripping her soul out of her body. Yikes.
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This unlocks a new unit type.
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Banshee: Ghostly caster whose undeathly screams chill the living.
Banshees in this mission start at Master rank, and all of their spells are already available.
Curse: Hexes an enemy, causing it to miss on some of its attacks. Missed attacks are denoted by a little 'miss' appearing over the unit as it makes its attack. Can be autocast.
Anti-Magic Shell: A shell that temporarily gives an allied unit magic immunity. It can be removed by dispelling effects.
Possession: Displaces an enemy unit's soul, granting you permanent control over it. Sacrifices the Banshee when cast. Can't be used on heroes, flying units, or creeps above level 5.
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In the original campaign, Sylvanas was just a unique Banshee with a little more health, and didn't regain hero status until the expansion. Now the Banshee Queen is a hero in her own right, even if she doesn't have her body back yet. This is mainly a preview of the abilities she'll have when we reach the Frozen Throne Undead campaign.
Silence: Prevents units in an area from casting spells. Additional levels increase the area and duration.
Howl of Terror: A terrible howl that reduces the attack damage of all enemies that hear it.
Life Drain: A channeling spell that gradually drains health from an enemy and heals the user. If the enemy moves out of range, the drain effect stops.
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Now we can enter Silvermoon proper. Like with Stratholme, this map was changed significantly from its original version, apparently to match how the city looks in World of Warcraft.
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Some of the Archmages defending the city drop Runes of Healing when they die. Rune items provide a power-up effect when picked up, this one restoring HP to all units in a radius around it.
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There's a winding path to follow and a whole lot of defenders to face down.
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I was ambushed here by a pair of high level heroes: Anasterian Sunstrider and Thalorien Dawnseeker. These two weren't in the original map. Anasterian I know is the king of Quel'Thalas, but I have no idea who this other guy is.
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They easily wiped out my forces.
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Time to make use of that Altar and bring them back, plus build up a bigger army. By this point my first mine had been exhausted, but the secondary kept me going. Good thing too, since I didn't find any other gold mines on this map.
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I sent the Acolytes I had stationed at the first mine as scouts, since I wasn't really sure what else to do with them.
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With a much bigger force at my back, I was able to push through.
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Unfortunately, they teleported away before I could finish them off.
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Here Arthas uses Frostmourne's power to make an ice bridge. This is cool, but why didn't you do it in the last mission?
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Anasterian and Thalorien make their last stand at the gate to the Sunwell. Once they're dead, the mission is complete.
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Kel'Thuzad is reborn as a lich.
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Wait, I killed 10 heroes in this mission? Wow.
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delmorii · 6 years
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honestly the funniest thing ever to me was when i met people from WrA on dA YEEEAAAARRRSSS BACK and when they found out i was from tichondrius they were just like “.............oh” (i pvped heavily until MoP as evidenced by the sudden halt at 90 lol)
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hipnosworld-blog · 7 years
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Beacon of Light Chapter 4 Page 13 by hipnosworld
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scourgeglaive · 7 years
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I am a simple person. I see an opportunity I take it.
Mr. Mc Horseyhorse safes the day from Aggramar
( I have WAY to much fun with these cinematic)
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nists · 7 years
Headcanon: Kil'jaeden is fluent in the Nathrezim language, while Archimonde never bothered to learn and has only basic knowledge of it. During council meetings Kil'jaeden will switch languages and subtly insult Archimonde without him even realizing it, while their dreadlord advisors struggle to contain their giggles.
YES! Kil'jaeden knows many languages, and he sounds equally alluring in each one.
Once, he made a particularly funny insult, and Tichondrius choked on his drink and started coughing. Archimonde was a bit confused, but Kil'jaeden just continued with the schedule.
At least Tichondrius wasn’t BORED.
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