noahsresources · 1 year
send an emoji (and/or the description of them) to let them know! if it helps, think about finishing the following sentence from the perspective of your muse: "i think you're _____." (terms source)
🐹 [HAMSTER FACE] — adorable
🪵 [WOOD] — adventurous
🤩 [FACE WITH STARRY EYES] — ambitious
🎨 [ARTIST PALETTE] — artistic
💪 [FLEXED BICEP] — brave
⭐️ [STAR] — bright
🫧 [BUBBLES] — bubbly
😶‍🌫️ [FACE IN CLOUDS] — calm
😶 [FACE WITHOUT MOUTH] — careful
☀️ [SUN] — charismatic
🧹 [BROOM] — clean
🖊️ [BALLPOINT PEN] — clever
❤️ [RED HEART] — compassionate
🧡 [ORANGE HEART] — confident
💛 [YELLOW HEART] — considerate
💚 [GREEN HEART] — cool
💙 [BLUE HEART] — cooperative
💜 [PURPLE HEART] — courageous
🖌️ [PAINTBRUSH] — crafty
🤔 [THINKING FACE] — curious
🐱 [CAT FACE] — cute
🏠 [HOUSE] — dedicated
⚓️ [ANCHOR] — dependable
🥇 [GOLD MEDAL] — determined
🌊 [WAVE] — eager
🐚 [SEASHELL] — easygoing
🎬 [CLAPPER BOARD] — encouraging
🌪️ [TORNADO] — energetic
🚗 [CAR] — experienced
👗 [DRESS] — fashionable
🔥 [FIRE] — fiery
💋 [KISS MARK] — flirtatious
☺️ [SMILING FACE] — friendly
💩 [PILE OF POOP] — funny
🎁 [PRESENT] — generous
💐 [BOUQUET] — gifted
👔 [SHIRT AND TIE] — handsome
😀 [GRINNING FACE] — happy
📞 [TELEPHONE RECEIVER] — hardworking
💞 [REVOLVING HEARTS] — helpful
💓 [BEATING HEART] — honest
☁️ [CLOUD] — imaginative
🏹 [BOW AND ARROW] — independent
🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] — innocent
🧐 [FACE WITH MONOCLE] — intelligent
🤪 [GOOFY FACE] — jovial
❓ [RED QUESTION MARK] — logical
💕 [TWO HEARTS] — loving
💍 [RING] — loyal
👞 [DRESS SHOE] — mature
🥼 [LAB COAT] — modest
🔮 [CRYSTAL BALL] — mysterious
🧼 [SOAP] — neat
🧑‍🏫 [TEACHER] — obedient
👀 [EYES] — observant
📖 [OPEN BOOK] — open
👍 [THUMBS UP] — optimistic
🎻 [VIOLIN] — passionate
⌛️ [HOURGLASS] — patient
🎱 [BILLIARDS] — perceptive
🐶 [DOG FACE] — playful
🙇 [PERSON BOWING] — polite
🏃 [RUNNER] — quick
🤫 [SHUSHING FACE] — quiet
📚 [BOOKS] — resourceful
💟 [HEART DECORATION] — respectful
🔖 [BOOKMARK] — responsible
🔬 [MICROSCOPE] — serious
👓 [GLASSES] — smart
👯 [DANCING PEOPLE] — sociable
🫶 [HEART HANDS] — supportive
🧁 [CUPCAKE] — sweet
🌈 [RAINBOW] — tactful
💃 [WOMAN DANCING] — talented
💬 [SPEECH BALLOON] — talkative
💭 [THOUGHT BALLOON] — thoughtful
🎤 [MICROPHONE] — trusting
🐵 [MONKEY FACE] — unique
💰 [MONEY BAG] — unselfish
🎶 [MUSICAL NOTES] — upbeat
🌼 [FLOWER] — warm
🧓 [OLDER ADULT] — wise
619 notes · View notes
a-chlolix-blog · 4 months
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
The Mime. A perilous Performer.
There were alot of posts on Instagram about Fred Haprèle's first show.
While it did have its MANY supporters...
♻️Mylegend🎥: I'm SO excited for tonight's show! This IS my dad's first major performance after all.
💙Mari-Caroon🥐: I am too! Thanks for thinking of me as a back-up plus one!
♻️Mylegend🎥: No problem! Ivan DID say he was gonna really busy with Kitty Section tonight.
💙Mari-Caroon🥐: I still think it's incredible how quickly Luka and Juleka were able to form a band.
❤️Best-Blogger📱: I WISH I could go... but I gotta babysit the twins. The struggles of being an older sister. Alix and Juleka are SO lucky to be the baby sisters.
❤️Best-Blogger📱: Alix, you there? You'd NEVER let that slide.
💥Alix the Awesome🥇: Sorry about that you guys! Was abit preoccupied. Me Nate and Marc are gonna meet you guys at Sweet Paris Creperie & Café.
❤️Best-Blogger📱: Girls! Scarabée just saved a kid! I gotta get this interview!
There was also that one bitter non-enjoyer of his work. Like his under study Christos AKA Chris.
Christos, annoyed: All these people are lined up for nothing! I could preform WAY better than Fred.
Sarah: Just a reminder that you ARE an under study.
Not far from the two, a child managed to get out of their mother's grasp and tries to run across the street, completely unaware of the car speeding towards.
Alix who was on her way to get her pre-paid tickets, sees this and immediately reacts.
She quickly hides, transforms into Scarabée, and swings to immediately grab the child and get them to safety.
The kid: Thank you, Scarabée!
Scarabée, quickly sends a text without looking at her yo-yo: No need to thank me. Now get back to your mom.
As the child went back to their mother, Scarabée notices Alya running up to her.
Alya: Scarabée! That was amazing! Do you have time for a quick interview-
Scarabée: Sorry, no time for an interview. I got plans! Next time for sure! *quickly swings out of her line of sight*
After landing behind a discreet hiding place without being seen or noticed, Alix transforms back, Tikki hides, and Alix walks up to Sarah to get her pre-paid tickets.
Alix: Hey Sarah! I'm here for-
Sarah: No need to explain, Miss Kubdel. Here you go! *gives her an envelope* your father paid great money for these.
Alix, taking the envelope: I am will aware.
Christos: *rolls his eyes at her*
Alix, says internally while walking away: What's that guy's deal? Whatever, I have better things to do.
Alix then once again discreetly hides, transforms into Scarabée, and quickly swings towards her destination, making sure to get there before Alya.
~~~~At Sweet Paris Creperie & Café~~~~
Marinette and Mylène were sitting at one of the Café's larger tables with Alix Nathaniel and Marc was Alya comes rushing through the door.
Marinette: Alya! Are you okay?
Nathaniel: Sounds like you were RUSHING to get here.
Marc: We saw the texts. Did you get an interview with Scarabée!
Alya: Unfortunately no, but she DID say she'd be available next time!
Nathaniel: At least you got a great apology video for Kitty Claws! *plays the video*
Alya, in the video: So let me get this straight, Jolie was the one who stole the Mona Lisa and trashed Sweet Paris... because she was akumatized due to Kitty Claws lying about her relationship status with Scarabée?
Kitty Claws, in the video: That’s right. And I can’t apologize enough for how I behaved today. It was messed up of me to take my bad day out on Jolie.
Jolie, in the video: For the LAST time Kitty Claws, it’s okay! Not everyone is perfect, that involves Superheroines or Superheroes.
Mylène: I was honestly surprised that Jolie was SO forgiving. Considering all that happened two days ago.
Nathaniel, smirking: Hey Alix that means Kitty Claws is single!
Alix: Nate, I WILL waste this crepe by throwing it at you if you saw another word!
Marc: It's best not to test her...
Mylène: Marinette! We gotta heard to your place to pick up my dad's hat!
Marinette: Oh right! We gotta get going!
Marc: My mom rented a limo for me to get around all day for errands. I can help you there to pick up the hat and drop you off at the play.
Mylène: That's awesome Marc! Thank you so much!
Marinette: Too bad you're unable to attend the show due to your errands...
Marc: No need to be upset about that. Let's go!
Marinette and Mylène: Right! *follows Marc out of the Café*
Alya: I gotta get home to the twins! See you guys hopefully later!
Alix and Nathaniel: Bye Alya!
Alya: *leaves the Café*
Nathaniel: Alright Alix, spill.
Alix, smirking: Whatever do you mean?
Nathaniel: You clearly have something planned.
Alix: You know me so well. *takes the envelope out her bag, opens it, and gives one of the tickets to Nathaniel* Here is your ticket. Now I gotta give Alya her's quickly. The only ticket would've been Marc's, but like he said, he had to run errands for his mom. So after getting Jalil to babysit in advance, Alya's gonna be going to the play with us.
Nathaniel, with his mouth agape: How are you gonna pull off getting the tickets to Alya, and getting the twins to Jalil before tonight?! Even you're not that fast!
Alix, smirking: That's my little secret.
Nathaniel, smirking: Is Kitty Claws helping you out with this?
Alix, blushing: Do you want me to take the ticket back?
Nathaniel, grinning: Not really changing the subject. What do you think Kitty Claws is doing right now?
Alix: Stop testing me Nate!
Nathaniel, still grinning: The fact that you consider a simple question as a test is quite telling-
Alix, blushing furiously: Nate!
Nathaniel: Alright alright... I'm done!
~~~~At Le Grand Paris~~~~
Chloé and Sabrina were getting ready for the play in her room.
Chloé had several outfits ready for herself and Sabrina.
Sabrina: Do we really need so many options?
Chloé: Of course we do!
Sabrina: Adrien's limo is gonna be here to pick us up in thirty minutes!
Chloé: We'll worried about that when it's closer to the five minute mark.
Sabrina: The show isn't until tonight! This is Mylène's dad's first major show... *smirks* do you think Alix is gonna be there?
Chloé, blushing furiously: Just pick an outfit!
Sabrina, still smirking: So NOW you're in a hurry?
Plagg, hiding: *whispers* Teenage girls are so unpredictable...
Chloé: Remember Sabrina, we heading early to hang out with Adrien before the play to cheer him up since he dad won't be joining us.
Sabrina: *smirks* So... if Alix just so happens to be where we're gonna hang out, that's a bonus?
Chloé: *throws an aqua green and black emperor waist dress at her*
Sabrina, admiring the dress: This is perfect!
~~~~At the Dupain-Cheng Bakery~~~~
The limo had just pulled up just as Fred walked in front of the Bakery.
Mylène, getting out of the limo with Marinette right behind her: Dad! *hugs him tightly* Are you ready for "The Mine's Extraordinary Adventure"?
Fred, returning her hug: Absolutely! Gotta make my biggest fan proud! Just need the finishing touch.
Marinette: I'll go get your hat so you can be on your way, Mr. Haprèle! *enters the bakery*
Fred then notices Marc in the Limo.
Fred: Marc, make sure to thank your mother for me again for writing the play.
Marc: Will do, Mr. Haprèle! *turns to Mylène* I got errands to attend to. Hope you guys enjoy the show!
Mylène: We will!
After the limousine drives off, Marinette comes out of the bakery with Fred's hat just as Mylène stops hugging him.
Marinette, holding the hat up to him: Here it is!
Fred: Thank you Marinette. Saving me at the last minute! *happily does the mime box trick before taking the hat*
Marinette, holding the invisible box: I fixed the tear in it and added the small pocket, just like you a asked.
Fred: You did a perfect job! Thanks to you, *takes a mini photo of Mylène out of his pocket* I'll have my good luck charm right here next to me at all times. A photo of my beloved daughter. *puts the photo in the hat's pocket*
Mylène: Awww dad! *hugs him again*
The second Fred puts his hat on, he gets a suspected call.
Fred, answering his cell-phone: Hello Sa-
Sarah, over the phone: FRED! WHERE ARE YOU!
Fred: I just had to get my hat-
Fred: It's not an excuse, I know the bus is leaving in last than an hour, I'll be there! *ends the call and sighs in relief* That was Sarah the play's director. She's very nervous about the premiere, she ready to blow a fuse! So I better get going. *kisses Mylène on the forehead* See you girls tonight at the Eiffel Tower. *runs off*
Marinette: Can't wait!
Mylène: Love you!
Marinette and Mylène then go inside to get ready for the play.
Marinette: Wait until you see the outfit I made for you Mylène! *pulls her into the bakery*
Meanwhile, Chris and Sarah are about to board the bus for the show.
Chris: So what's his excuse this time?
Sarah: He said he had to pick up his hat from a repair shop, or at least that what he said.
Chris: *rolls his eyes* He's one convincing actor.
Sarah: He IS a great actor, but he's always making excuses for why he's late-
Chris: Why he sleeps in the middle of rehearsal? Why he has to leave early? Why he's messing parts of his costume? Come on Sarah! When are you gonna wake up and smell the coffee? But it's up to you if you want the show to suffer... *turns his back to her*
Sarah: You're his under study. Just be ready to take his place if something happens, okay?
Chris, with his back still turned to her: I won't let you down.*smirks*
Sarah: Thanks.
~~~~At the Louvre~~~~
While Alim was helping Nathaniel get ready for the dance, Alix got a video call from Marinette.
Alix, making she isn't seen below the neck during the call: Hey Marinette! What's up?
Marinette: Oh nothing... *turn the phone to Mylène* just Mylène looking absolutely marvelous for the play tonight!
Alix: Mylène you look incredible!
Mylène: Thanks Alix! I'll tell you how the play went when it ends.
Alix: I'm looking forward to your review. Bye! *ends the call*
Nathaniel, now in his dark grey two-piece suit: Keeping this a secret from them was such a great plan!
Alix, in her warm grey two-piece suit: They're gonna be so surprised to see us there! Speaking of surprises, I gotta make sure Alya gets hers. Jalil, get ready for a surprise visitor. I gotta go double check something really fast.
Jalil: Right.
Alix then quickly leaves out of the Louvre, hides out, quietly transforms into Scarabée, and swings through the building.
Scarabée, internally: Good thing no one suspects a thing...
Jalil, internally: *stands by the door* How has Alix not gotten caught by others yet? I hope she's got an excuse planned for me.
A knock on the door is heard, before Alim could get up to answer him, Jalil rushes passed him.
Jalil: Don't worry dad. I got it! *answers the door and sees Scarabée* Hello Scarabée! What are you doing here?
Scarabée: I figured owned your sister a favor. So I'll be dropping you off at the Scarablogger's place.
Nathaniel, walking up to the door: Of course Alix got a Superheroine to help her pull this surprise off. Where is she anyway?
Jalil: I'd like to know that too!
Scarabée: She said something about getting snacks for everyone before the show.
Alim, walking up to them: If I knew she were gonna go on a quick trip to the store, I would've sent her a small list...
Scarabée: I'm sure she kept you in mind as well, Mr. Kubdel.
Jalil, internally: Good to know She had that planned out.
Scarabée: Ready to go?
Jalil: Yeah.
After leaving the Louvre, Scarabée grabs Jalil and swings in the direction of the Césaire home.
Meanwhile Fred was walking closer to the bus stop until he gets an unsuspecting phone call.
Fred, answering his phone: Don't worry Sarah, I'm early. I'm just right around the corner.
Chris: Actually it's Chris. Sarah asked me to tell you about a last minute Location Change. The bus is picking us up at the Louvre Pyramid in ten minutes.
Fred: Really? That's on the other side of town.
Chris: Yeah, but it's closer to the Eiffel Tower.
Fred: Well... okay, luckily I'll make it there on time. Thanks for letting me know.
Chris: No problem! We'll see you there.
Fred: *ends the call*
Chris, chuckling: Such an idiot.
~~~~~At the Césaire home~~~~~
Was watching Ella and Etta as they ran back and forth when she hears a knock at the door.
She then gets up to answer it.
Alya: Mom must've forgotten something...
When she opens the door, she shocked to see Jalil and Scarabée herself standing in front of her.
Alya, excited: Scarabée?! What are you doing here with Jalil?
Scarabée: I owe a friend of yours a favor. Jalil here is gonna watch your sisters while you go to the play tonight!
Alya, getting even more excited: This is happening so fast! I don't have an outfit picked out!
Scarabée: Way ahead of you.
Scarabée then holds up her yo-yo with one hand, and pulls an elegant red and black wrap dress.
Scarabée, holding the dress up to Alya: Here you are!
Alya: happily taking the dress: This is so beautiful! Thank you so much!
Scarabée: Don't thank me, thank your friend Alix when you see her.
Jalil: I'll do your hair real quick before you go Alya. Scarabée, why do you STEP OUT for a second? My sister went on a snack run. Can you see if she's alright.
Scarabée: OH! Of course! After I check on her, I'll be right back to drop you off at the Louvre Alya! *quickly leaves*
While Scarabée was on her way to the store, Sarah and Chris were ready to broadcast the bus.
Chris, already on the bus: We have to get to the Eiffel Tower for dress rehearsal. If you want any longer, you'll be jeopardizing the entire production.
Sarah: *sighs* You're right Chris, let's get going. *broading the bus* You'll be taking Fred's place tonight.
Chris: I definitely won't let you down.
~~~~~Back at the Césaire home~~~~~
Just as Scarabée returns, Jalil finishes working on Alya's hair.
Her hair was now in a cute curly left single tail.
Scarabée: You look incredible, Alya!
Alya: Thank you! I also think it's incredible.
Jalil: Nora taught me all that I know.
Ella and Etta, in unison: I want my hair done too!
Jalill: When these two left, we'll surprise them with the cutest hairstyles!
Ella and Etta: Yay!!!
Scarabée, reaching into her yo-yo: Your sister told me to tell you that she's on her way home *pulls out a shopping bag* and she hopes you and the girls enjoy these snacks *tosses the bag in his direction*
Jalil, catching the bag: I'll be sure to thank her later.
Scarabée: You ready to go, Alya?
Alya, grabbing onto Scarabée: Of course!
As Alya holds on to her, Scarabée leaves the Césaire home and begins to swing them both in the direction of their designated location.
~~~~~At the Louvre~~~~~
Meanwhile with Fred, he arrives at the Museum and seems confused to where the bus is.
Fred: Where are they? *runs up to Théo, who was passing out posters* Excuse me, you haven't seen a bus with that exact poster on it pull up here, have you?
Theo: *shakes his head*
This of course causes him to call Sara.
Sarah: *hears her cellphone ring*
Chris, sitting in the seat right behind hers: He's got some nerve calling now! I wouldn't give him the time of day if I were you.
Sarah, picking up her phone and answering it: What?
Fred: Sarah, where are you?
Sarah: We waited for you but you never came!
Fred: But I'm on time! In front of the Pyramid.
Sarah: What are you talking about?! Why would we be meeting there?!
Fred: I-i don't know the meeting place changed so suddenly-
Sarah: What- you know what? I'm not entertaining another excuse!
Fred: But Chris said-
Sarah: I don't care! It's not just this excuse, it's ALL of them! It's always an excuse!
Chris: *watches with a smile*
Sarah: Well, enough is enough! Chris will be the lead tonight at the premiere. At least I can count on him! *quickly hangs up and drops the phone onto the empty seat next to her.*
Fred feels upset that he's been tricked and his daughter will be disappointed in him.
Fred, beginning to cry: *takes off his hat and holds it to his chest* Mylène... I'm so sorry...
~~~~~In Hawkmoth's Lair~~~~~
Hawkmoth: Hmmmm... An actor who misses his own premiere. Now that's a tragedy. *readies the Akuma and releases it* Go my evil Akuma, let's hand this actor the role of a lifetime!
~~~~~Back at the Louvre~~~~~
Just as Scarabée lands on the opposite side of the Louvre's main entrance, the akuma entires the photo of Mylène that Fred was looking at through the tears in his eyes.
Hawkmoth: Mime. I am Hawkmoth. I am giving you the power to make whatever you gesture come to life. Destroy his premiere performance! You may be a Mime, but they can't silence you! However, in return you shall bring me Scarabée and Kitty Claws' Miraculouses. Shall we get on with the show?
Without saying a word, Fred is transformed into the Mime.
As Scarabée walks Alya towards the Louvre's main entrance only to see Mime slicing the posters with what seems like an invisible sword.
Scarabée, getting her yo-yo ready: Holy shit, an Akuma!
Alya, excitedly pulling her phone out of her hand bag: Holy shit, an Akuma!
Before Alya could start recording a video, Scarabée quickly picks up, runs into the Louvre and sits her down.
Scarabée: Tell your other friend not to leave no matter way!
Alya: Okay!
Scarabée: *runs out of the building*
After exiting the Louvre, Scarabée sees a cop car in mid air.
Scarabée, quickly jumping onto one of the two near by light poles near the Louvre: Can't leave these Akumas alone for five seconds!
She then immediately creates a net with her yo-yo before the car could hit the ground, saving Officer Raincomprix and the other cop.
Before the car could harshly land, Scarabée pulls her yo-yo back to her and launches it around the car while standing on one of the light poles she used to make the net and gently sits it on the ground.
After Scarabée pulls her yo-yo off of the cop car, the two Officers immediately get out of it, falling to their knees in the process.
Scarabée: Get outta here NOW!
After Roger and his fellow Officer ran off, Scarabée got a better look at today's Akuma.
Scarabée: Wait, that hat... MR. HAPRÈLE?!
The Mime then turns to her and readies an invisible bow and arrow.
After he launched it, Scarabée's barely able to dodge it.
She quickly looks at the hole that's now in the cop car window.
It barely missed her head.
Scarabée, internally: Hawkmoth better hope his address NEVER gets leaked!
The Mime then begins to shoot multiple invisible arrows at Scarabée, which she manages to dodge by back flipping and then using her yo-yo as a shield.
As Scarabée was dodging and blocking The Mine's attacks, a very familiar limousine was driving closer and closer to the danger.
Adrien sitting between Chloé and Sabrina, listens with the two as Nathalie talks with his father on her cellphone.
Nathalie, on the phone: Yes Sir, I'm sure he'll understand Sir.
Chloé, whispering: Are we surprised though?
Adrien, whispering as well: Nope, not one bit.
Nathalie, ending the call: You're father won't be able to make it-
Adrien: Who's shocked?
Chloé and Sabrina, in unison: No one.
Nathalie: He at least made sure to get the best seats for you and your friends in the front row.
Adrien: *rolls his eyes* The best money can buy...
Chloé: At least without him around we can go get some mille-feuille after the show!
Before the three of them could get excited about their trip after the play, Placide immediately stops the limousine as Scarabée lands feet first in front of it, continuing to use her yo-yo as a shield.
Scarabée, backing up towards the limousine window closest to her: Get out of there and find a place to hide now! I'll cover you-
Chloé then quickly rolls down the window and stares at Scarabée.
She immediately noticed her hair looking abit more messier than usual as well as a fresh cut on her cheek.
Despite seeming, Chloé couldn't help but admire her determination.
Chloé, internally: My Itty-Bitty's looking dangerous and hot without me?! Not gonna happen!
Without realizing it, Scarabée gets distracted herself.
Not only did she noticed what's visible of Chloé's gorgeous golden yellow drop waist dress and scarlet jewelry she chose to accessorize it with, but the scarlet red lipstick, earrings and gem encrusted hair scrunchie
Scarabée, internally: Damn...
After Adrien takes a quick picture of the two, The Mime immediately starts shooting invisible arrows again.
While Scarabée begins to cover the rich teens and their adult supervision, Placide pulls Nathalie out of the limousine with him, which caused Sabrina to repeat this action with both Adrien and Sabrina.
While running, Chloé managed to sneak away and hide as Placide and Nathaniel grabbed onto Adrien and Sabrina before running into the Louvre.
From where she's hiding, Chloé could see Scarabée continue to block and dodge the Akuma's seemingly long distance attacks.
Plagg, flying out of her purse: Are you gonna keep drooling or-
Chloé: Plagg, Claws Out-
Meanwhile The Mime continues to shoot his invincible arrows at Scarabée, until she manages to hurt his wrist.
He then begins to quickly put together what sounds like a bazooka.
Scarabée: Yeah not waiting for that to be shot at me *whispers* forgive me for this Mr. Haprèle...
Scarabée then uses her yo-yo to grab the limousine and throw it towards The Mime before he fires the bazooka, causing him to blow up the limousine instead of her.
When the smoke clears, Scarabée feels an invisible whip being wrapped around her.
Scarabée, struggling: Damnit!
Hawkmoth, communicating through The Mime: Grab her Miraculous! The Earrings, NOW!!
Before The Mime could pull Scarabée close enough to grab her earrings, Kitty Claws quickly extends her staff to painful push him away from her.
Kitty Claws: Hands off of Itty-Bitty! So what are we dealing with? Invisible Weapons?
Scarabée, smirking: Lucky guess.
Kitty Claws: I'm more than just a pretty face.
The two heroines then turn away from each other to face The Mime after hearing what sounded like a jail cell closing and then locking.
They launched their respective weapons towards them only for them to bounce off of invisible metal bar and back in front of them.
After the two heroines run up to the invisible bars and grab them, The Mime tips his hat to Scarabée and Kitty Claws before turning around and walking away from the two.
When The Mime starts an invisible car, the two heroines went from leaning against invisible bars to falling onto the ground.
Scarabée: When he started miming the car, the bars disappeared.
Kitty Claws: So if he starts another pantomime, the previous one will evaporate?
Scarabée: Yeah, which makes this abit easier for us!
The two then begin to follow The Mine's invisible Car.
After quickly catching up, Scarabée and Kitty Claws jumps on top of the invisible car.
Kitty Claws: For your sake I hope you didn't imagine a tacky car to drive.
The Mime begins to drive when faster, which causes Scarabée to need to hold onto Kitty Claws to keep herself from falling off.
With her arms around Kitty Claws' waist, she notices The Mime following a familiar bus.
Scarabée, still holding onto Kitty Claws tightly: He's one of the Actors from that Theater Troup and he's after that bus ahead.
After hearing Scarabée say this, The Mime jumps out of the still moving invisible car.
Scarabée: *watches The Mime* What the hell is he doing?! *let's go of Kitty Claws* We gotta stop this thing NOW *manages to get into the invisible car*
Kitty Claws: Let's hope you can reach the invisible breaks, Itty-Bitty~
Scarabée: No times for jokes KC.
Scarabée manages to stop the invisible car before it could hit a mother and her small son.
Scarabée quickly realized her hands were shaking slightly.
Despite this she manages to clam herself down abit as more people gathered around the invisible vehicle.
Kitty Claws: Great job drinking the invisible car, Itty-Bitty! If there weren't an Akuma nearby, I bet no one would believe this was real.
When The Mime starts his invincible motorcycle, Scarabée and Kitty Claws fall to the ground.
Scarabée: He already on the move we gotta hurry-
Before Scarabée could finish speaking, Kitty Claws picks her up with one hand, which causes the shorter heroine to automatically wrap her arms around the black heroine's neck and her legs around her waist.
Scarabée: What are you up to?
Kitty Claws: Just reminding you that it's great to have friends in high places, Itty-Bitty. Hold on!~
Kitty Claws with Scarabée holding onto her then extends her staff into the sky.
Scarabée: I could've done this myself you know.
Kitty Claws, smirking: Awwww but where's the fun in that?
Scarabée: *chuckles* Just get ready to stick the landing, KC.
Kitty Claws then uses her staff to land herself and Scarabée feet first onto the bus.
Kitty Claws: Where could the Akuma be?
Scarabée: *snaps her fingers* In his hat.
Kitty Claws: Oh, a literal lucky guess?
Scarabée: Just one of my hidden talents.
Scarabée uses her yo-yo to make a net.
He dodges the net and jumps on the bus.
The Mime then makes his invisible sword heard to the two heroines.
Scarabée: KC, I need a distraction.
Kitty Claws: On it!It!
Kitty Claws jumps off the bus and starts running on active cars until she's behind The Mime and jumps back onto the bus, readying her staff for battle.
While Kitty Claws and The Mime are fighting, Scarabée tries to get the hat off with her yo-yo, but he quickly notices.
The Mime grabs the yo-yo before it could touch the hat.
The Mime tries to pull Scarabée into an attack.
Kitty Claws: Don't even try it!
Kitty Claws get the Mime to release Scarabée's yo-yo by hitting his wrist with her staff so hard, he drops it.
She then uses her staff to hit him in the side of his stomach.
He almost falls off the bus but Scarabée grabs his wrist, which causes him to faceplate into a the window Chris was sitting by.
Chris, shocked and afraid: Fred?!
The Mime looks away from Chris and looks up at Scarabée.
Hawkmoth, communicating through The Mime: The Miraculous! Grab her earring!
He then tries to pull her down with him, but Kitty Claws pulls Scarabée back onto the bus.
Scarabée: KC, his hat! Grab it!
Kitty Claws, noticing The Mime holding something invisible: Look out!
Scarabée then barely dodges an invisible hammer.
This caused Scarabée to drop him and The Mime to fall onto a a moving car that began to immediately slow down.
He then uses an invisible chainsaw to get into the car and silently orders the terrified driver to follow the bus.
Scarabée, getting pulled back up by Kitty Claws: We gotta get all these passengers to safety NOW.
Kitty Claws, readying her staff: I'll cover you.
Scarabée: I'll try to hurry.
After knocking on the glass, Scarabée's immediately let in by the Bus Driver.
Scarabée: Stop the bus right now!
Sara, walking up to her: Scarabée? What's happening?!
Scarabée: One of your Actors has been akumatized and for some reason he seems to have it in for your troup!
Sarah, shocked: Fred?!
On top of the bus, The Mime begins to shoot invisible arrows at Kitty Claws, which she quickly blocks with her staff.
He then stops shooting at her and shoots one of the bus' wheels, making it go out of control.
Kitty Claws: Oh shit!
After noticing the two street lights quickly getting closer, Kitty Claws quickly runs across the bus, jumps in front of it, extends her staff, jumps in front of the bus while making sure it fits perfectly between the street lights.
After stopping the bus from crashing, Kitty Claws is launched forward but makes sure to land graceful.
Inside the now still bus, Scarabée manages to hide the mini panic attack she was having with stern face.
Scarabée: Stay inside and don't panic. We've got this under control.
Chris, hiding behind his seat: Scarabée, I know why he's after us. I took his role from him. He can perform instead of me, I can't care, just please keep us all safe!
Sarah: What do you mean you took his role from him? He lost it!
Chris: Not exactly... there's something I am to tell you.
After Chris reveals the truth, The Mime then jumps from car to car, jumps onto the bus, and launches himself at Kitty Claws.
Scarabée, running off of the bus: I'm coming KC!
He quickly swings graceful yet furiously at Kitty Claws until he knocks her staff out of her hand and slams her to the ground by her neck.
Scarabée is just about the reach them both until The Mime pulls an invisible sword on her.
Hawkmoth, communicating through The Mime: Her Miraculous is within reach! I want her ring!
The Mime then let's go of Kitty Claws' neck to grab her.
But before he could do so, Scarabée uses her yo-yo to grab his hand that is now free of invisible weapons and pulls it in her direction.
Scarabée: What Fred did was absolutely shitty, but I know you wouldn't want your daughter to see you like this!
After Scarabée then pulls him away from Kitty Claws and towards herself, The Mime once again creates an invisible sword.
After seeing Scarabée dodge his unseen blade quickly and Kitty Claws being on her feet again, The Mime creates an invisible bomb and throws it at the two.
Which had them both on the ground.
Kitty Claws, furious and shocked: A BOMB?! SERIOUSLY?!
Scarabée: Lucky Charm!
Scarabée uses her Lucky Charm and a shoe box appears.
Kitty Claws: A shoe box? Itty-Bitty if you wanted me to take you out shoe shopping, there's a time and place-
Before Kitty Claws could finish speaking, The Mime rushing at her with yet another invisible sword, forcing her into another one on one fight.
Scarabée then uses her Lucky Vision while Kitty Claws and The Mime continue to fight.
Scarabée: I got it. We gotta make even more angry, KC!
Kitty Claws, dodging the invisible blade: Is that even possible?!
Scarabée: That depends, how good are you at being a pain in the ass?
Kitty Claws: I will not knowledge that question with an answer.
Scarabée: Just keep him busy and angry.
With the lucky box now with a hole in it, Sarah's glasses as a magnifying glass, a Mime poster, and a car's light, Scarabée creates a protector.
She flashes the protector onto the Eiffel Tower.
Scarabée: Hey Mime! Cool poster! Don't you agree?!
Fueled by anger, The Mime doesn't hesitate to cut the "poster" in half with an invisible sword.
But that's before he realizes that he had sliced the Eiffel Tower in half.
Before the Eiffel Tower could hit the ground, The Mime creates an invisible shield, holding it up and protecting under it.
Scarabée: He can only mime one thing at a time.
Kitty Claws: Now he's cornered! My Itty-Bitty has the biggest brain!
Kitty Claws then extends her staff to grab the hat and pull it towards them.
Scarabée then takes out the picture of Mylène, rips it in half, frees the akuma, purifies it, releases it, and uses her Miraculous Cure to fix everything.
When Fred's turned back to normal, Kitty Claws pulls Scarabée into another Victory Selfie.
Fred: What happened? How did I get here?
Sarah, walking up to him with Chris behind her: I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Fred.
Chris: I'm sorry too. I was so desperate to perform that I lied to you about where we were meeting up.
Fred: I forgive you.
Sarah: But lying to perform will NOT go unpunished. You won't be performing today, Chris!
Chris: That's fair... when I get the part next time, it won't be through lies and slimy tricks.
Fred: We'll all be looking forward to it.
Kitty Claws then begins to hear Scarabée's earrings beep.
Kitty Claws: Itty-Bitty, your earrings.
Scarabée: I better get going!
Kitty Claws, playfully pouting: Oh really? That's a shame! I would've loved to be your date for the play tonight.
Scarabée: *rolls her eyes* Thanks KC, but I got other plans.
Kitty Claws watches longingly as Scarabée swings away.
~~~~~In Hawkmoth's Lair~~~~~
Hawkmoth: The show's not over yet, Scarabée and Kitty Claws. You just wait, there's still a last act to come.
~~~~~Out of the Louvre~~~~~
Alim, Nathaniel, and Alya were anxiously waiting for Alya to show up or call when Alix comes running up to them with two shopping bags.
Alix: Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in the fighting with other people-
Nathaniel and Alya, running towards: ALIX!! *hugs her*
Alim: Now I am a valid reason to wait in the car until the play's over.
Alix: Aside from witnessing a couple of near car crashes I'm fine-
Alim and Nathaniel, shocked: YOU WHAT?!
Alix: It's okay! Scarabée and Kitty Claws were there to stop them. Can we please go now? I really wanna see the looks on Marinette and Mylène's faces when they see us there.
Alim: Alight, let's go.
After they all into the limousine and drove off, Kitty Claws detransforms back into Chloé and goes into the Louvre to see Adrien Sabrina Nathalie and Placide all frantically looking for her.
Adrien and Sabrina are the first one's to notice her.
Adrien and Sabrina, running up to Chloé: CHLOÉ YOU'RE OKAY!! *hugs her tightly*
Chloé: I'm fine you guys! No one called my dad, right?
Nathalie: No, but Placide came close a few times.
Chloé: Now that the Star is here, can we please go to the play?
Nathalie: The backup limousine's outfit now.
~~~~~At The Eiffel Tower~~~~~
Marinette and Mylène were sitting down in their seats waiting for the show to begin.
When three familiar faces walk up to them.
Alix, with Nathaniel and Alya behind: Surprise!
Marinette, excitedly: Oh my goodness!!!
Mylène: You three look amazing!
Alya: So do you two!
Nathaniel: For the record, this being a surprise was Alix's idea!
Alix, grinning: No regrets!
With Mylène in the end seat, Alya sets next to Marinette, Nathaniel sits next to Alya, and Alix sits next to Nathaniel.
That leaves three empty seats to the left.
After about fifteen minutes of talking about how the play could go, Chloé Sabrina and Adrien walk up to the three empty seats.
Chloé, smirking: Well, well, well! Look who all learned how to dress for tonight. Make sure you're home before those riches turn back to rags~
Nathaniel, Alya, Marinette, and Mylène either groaned, rolled their eyes, or did both.
Adrien, groaning: Don't do this now! We're here to watch the play.
Alix: Listen to Princey, Witchy. We're all just here to enjoy ourselves. In other words, you try to ruin this for us, I will personally make sure this ruin for you as well. Got it?
Without saying a thing, Chloé sits in the empty seat next to Alix.
Sabrina sits next to her and Adrien sits in the end seat.
As the play begins, Chloé couldn't help be steal glances at Alix from time to time.
Sabrina, smirking: *whispers* I take it that switching seats is outta the question?
Chloé, whispering: Shut up!
Little did Chloé know, Alix was stealing glances at her as well.
Inspired by: @emdoddles @princess-of-the-corner @muggle-born-princess @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
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du-buk · 1 year
bored and noticed asks are on this account (bug if ur seeing this hi)
if all the 8:11 characters were going to give a gift to someone, what would be the first thing that they think to give?
What a fun idea! 💙✨ though, gift giving for each character might depend on if it is for a romantic or friendship connection?
💜Ryker gave Leon a lot of gifts, which I do want to explore in future adaptations. Though, given Rykers finances, I doubt they can buy much. If they want to gift anything, it’ll be a cheap present or something they found (or stole)
🦌 Leon might prefer gifts in activities, like buying tickets to the movies or buying you a coffee. If he does buy you anything, there’s a good chance it’ll fall out of the holes in his pockets 💔
💚 Dante…….. he assumes no one else can hunt like him, and, would bring them a dead carcass of an animal; much like a cat brings their owner a bird or mouse.
🥇 Gabriel; (after the incident) will mix up gifts he has already previously bought, or, mixes up what someone likes and dislikes. To save himself from this embarrassment again, he might offer gift cards or directly ask what someone wants as a gift. Flowers and chocolates might be his go to for romantic purposes, however.
💖Juliek, whether he sees them as a friend or lover, will gift any and everything. Gift giving is a big sign of love and appreciation from him, so, showering people in gifts is his favorite expression. It could start as a flex though, first buying someone an expensive watch or elaborate fancy dinner, and then gradually becomes more and more luxurious.
🍴 Accardi ………. well. His ultimate gift for anyone are his homemade meals! That, or, printing out photos he’s taken with the other person at a special event. But the man just loves to cook, so, it’s hard to get him to do anything else.
💙Dakota and Wankou; free art and tattoos. The idea of permanently tattooing someone is so fun and cool in their heads.
🐞 Beetle: A grub. He probably doesn’t understand the idea of gifts too well on a human level.
🦷 Vittorino….. erm……. Well…… would you trust anything he gave you? Might be best to decline the shrooms he made, but, a painting from him could be fine.
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savethegrishaverse · 3 months
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! 🗣️ A brand NEW issue of Brekkin' News is hot off the presses, filled with updates about our campaign to #SaveShadowAndBone and greenlight the #SixOfCrowsSpinoff!
In this week's issue, we feature:
- Jack Wolfe's thoughts on Wylan and our fandom 🥰
- NEW details for our daily Wesper voting parties, now with a new timeslot added - help us catch up to 1st place by June 29! 💪 🥇
- Last call to take part in the Grishaverse Pride LGBTQ+ mail campaign, including 8 new postcard designs to help. Get your mail sent out ASAP for maximum impact 🏳️‍🌈 📬
- The latest info on ASOCAS4, including when ticket sales open and several guests already announced!
- A look at quotes about LGBTQ+ representation from "Dear Netflix: Love, the Grishaverse". Remember to tag Netflix on social media to keep up the buzz about the book! 🐝
- A motivational message from Milo the emotional support goat. 🐐
- All the latest campaign strategies, updates, and more!
🚀 Check out the NEW issue here!
💌 Subscribe to our future issues:
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millepara · 1 year
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Biscuit got gold yesterday 🥇 I assumed it was at 51 so I was pleasantly surprised!! ...at first.
turns out that it takes like 60000 iine to rank up as soon as you hit gold (not a gradual increase, like is normal for any other game in the world). that's like 7 hosted promises vs. the 2 it takes for silver :( with the promise success rate, it's a total slog. then I was thinking, "well, that must mean the rewards increase too! like maybe we get 5 tickets instead of 3!!" nah, it's still 3. lmao
for those who get fired up about score data like I do, there are two bonuses within the rhythm game itself that are affected by your rank. (which I somehow totally missed when I made that long post abt scores before.) (even though it's exactly like the arcade game so I have no excuse for overlooking it.) one is during the appeal and one is during the making drama. it's +50 for bronze rank, +100 for silver, and +200!! for gold (x2 for both bonuses). so if you let me join your promise I can bring you an extra 200 or 300 iine yay :)))) doesn't make up for the sudden jump in rank up difficulty though!!
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noodlearg · 1 year
🎭Musical Theater Royale🎭
Well, looks like our musical theater royale has come to an end.
Our runners up are:
Beetlejuice and Heathers
And our winners are:
🥉Les Miserables🥉
🥈Hunchback of Notre Dame🥈
Thank you to everybody who voted! We might do another one of these someday, probably in a more organized fashion.
also sorta unrelated but i’m seeing hadestown next week and i’m so excited. and before you say anything no i didn’t rig this it won before i even got the tickets. i really like hadestown tho and i’m glad it won and i’m so excited to see it next week.
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darrylhudson86 · 10 months
The Secret Power of Video Marketing 🔥
Get ready to supercharge your business! Let's talk VIDEO MARKETING! 🎥✨
1/ 🧠 Fact Drop: Did you know that our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than text? 🤯 Say goodbye to long paragraphs and hello to the instant connection! 🚀
2/ Did you know? 🤔 People spend 2.6x more time on pages with video content! 📈 Time is money, folks, and video is your golden ticket to capturing attention and keeping it! 💡
3/ 🌐 Insider Insight: Social media algorithms are OBSESSED with video! 🕵️‍♂️ Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – they all give your videos priority, boosting your organic reach. 🚀 Ride the algorithm wave and watch your brand visibility soar! 🚁
4/ 🤯 Mind-blowing stat: Including a video in your email can increase click-through rates by 300%! 📧📈 Imagine the impact on your sales funnel! Videos don't just tell a story; they sell it. 🛍️💰
5/ Behind-the-scenes scoop: Google LOVES video content! 🤖🔍 Websites with videos are 53x more likely to rank on the first page. 🥇
6/ 🌈 Fun fact: 90% of users say product videos help them make purchasing decisions. 🛒💡 Give your customers an immersive experience – showcase your product in action! 🎬✨
7/💡 Pro-Tip: Use storytelling! 📖✨ Create a narrative that resonates with your audience. Emotional connection = brand loyalty! 💙
8/ Remember, in a world of digital noise, VIDEO is the signal! 🎥🔊 Time to shine and conquer the digital universe! 🚀💫
9/ Check out my ultimate video marketing guide for actionable tips, strategies, and insider secrets! 📚✨ Turn your business into a video sensation! 🌟💻
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gofigureelectra · 2 years
NHK Trophy 22 - Mens Free Skate Results
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1. 🥇 Shoma Uno - JPN - 279.76
2. 🥈 Sota Yamamoto - JPN - 257.85
3. 🥉 Junhwan Cha - KOR - 254.76
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Here are the current Grand Prix Final standings heading into Espoo next week:
30 - Shoma Uno - Q
26 - Kao Miura - Q
26 - Sota Yamamoto - Q
24 - Daniel Grassl - Q
22 - Adam Siao Him Fa
22 - Junhwan Cha
20 - Kazuki Tomono
15 - Illia Mallinin and 11 - Shun Sato are going to be looking to punch their tickets to the Grand Prix Final with a medal, but Kevin Aymoz, Keegan Messing and Morisi Kvitelashvili will be looking to spice the standings up.
Here’s a bonus picture of Junior Shoma and Sota from Inside Skating — this weekend definitely brought back memories of the Sota/Shoma rivalry over the years, and it’s so wonderful to not only see them doing well again, pushing and supporting each other, and to see them returning to old patterns of competing.
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Just got tickets to see Yves Tumor 🥇
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timmurleyart · 1 year
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Happy NKOTB day. Throwback ticket from mixtape 1. 📼 🎫🥇🎵
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carlosguide · 2 years
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J'ai encore des billets pour le défilé des champions, à vendre. contactez moi directement sur messenger au plus vite . au prix officiel , tout d'hier est terminé , j'ai eu cette information directement de Liesa ( Liga das Escolas de Samba do Rio de Janeiro ) .. J'ai le meilleur prix du billet, inutile de chercher ailleurs, plus on se rapproche de samedi, plus ce sera cher. 🎶🥁🎭🏆🥇🥈🥉🪘🎵 I still have tickets for the parade of the champions, for sale. contact me directly on messenger ASAP at the official price , everything from yesterday is over , I got this information directly from Liesa ( Liga das Escolas de Samba do Rio de Janeiro ) .. I have the best ticket price, there's no use looking elsewhere, the closer you get to Saturday, the more expensive it will be. 🎶🥁🎭🏆🥇🥈🥉🪘🎵 😉👍🏽 ainda tenho ingressos para os desfiles das campeãs , pra vender . entre em contato diretamente Comigo no messenger o mais rápido possível no preço oficial , já acabou tudo deste ontem , tive essa informação diretamente da Liesa ( Liga das Escolas de Samba do Rio de Janeiro ).. eu tenho o melhor preço de ingressos, não adianta procurar em outro lugar , quanto mais perto chegar de sábado , vai ficar mais caro . 🎶🥁🎭🏆🥇🥈🥉🪘🎵 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAv2IirzL8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dayexpeditions · 2 years
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✈️𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒂𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒍 𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒐 𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂 𝑪𝒖𝒔𝒄𝒐 𝒚 𝑴𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒖 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒄𝒉𝒖 ✈️ ꧁✧࿌𝑻𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 𝑫𝑬 4 𝑫𝑰𝑨𝑺 3 𝑵𝑶𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑺࿌✧꧂ DAY EXPEDITIONS TRAVEL E.I.R.L. 😎 𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗡 𝗢𝗙𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗔: Paquetes turísticos: || 𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗢 𝗜𝗡𝗖𝗟𝗨𝗜𝗗𝗢 || ¡𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗘 𝗔𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗔! SOLO CON EL 50% DE IMPORTE. 📞📲𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘀𝗮𝗽𝗽 https://wa.me/51968172019 📞📲𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘀𝗮𝗽𝗽 https://wa.me/51991134356 📞📲𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘀𝗮𝗽𝗽 https://wa.me/51956233666 📞📲𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘀𝗮𝗽𝗽 https://wa.me/51992790571 ✋❤️【Contáctenos y aproveche el descuento para los meses de abril, mayo 】❤️🤚 ▶️ 𝐋𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐀 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐑 ✅ CITY TOUR EN CUSCO ✅ VALLE SAGRADO + MARAS MORAY ✅ MACHU PICCHU FULL DAY 👉 𝐓𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐒 ✅ HOTEL 3 DIAS ✅ TICKETS DE INGRESO A TODOS LOS LUGARES DE VISITA ✅ DESAYUNOS + 1 ALMUERZO BUFFET ✅ TREN TURISTICO/LOCAL IDA Y VUELTA ✅ TRANSPORTE TURISTICO ✅ TICKET A MACHU PICCHU ✅ RECOJO Y TRASLADO DEL AEROPUERTO 👉 𝗠𝗔𝗦 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗖𝗜𝗢𝗡: 📩 E-mail: [email protected] 🥇 Agencia de viajes 100% Garantizada y registrada en GERCETUR - Perú. 🌎 https://www.dayexpeditionscusco.com #Aventura #Travel #dayexpeditionscusco #Mochilero #Peru #Cusco #TeamPaykikin #EstamosJuntos #Adventures #explorepage #Clientes #Viajeros #Promociones #Paquetes #vivexperiencetravel #sacredvalley #cusco #peru #machupicchu #inkatrail #waqrapukara #rainbowmountain #humantaylake #explore. (en Ciudad Del Cuzco, Cusco, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cok5NqlJS8p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cruznridesgroup · 5 days
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qacqatar · 2 months
ISO Certification: Your Ticket to Global Recognition 🥇
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For inquiry and Details 📱+974 6655 7784 📩[email protected]
Visit our website to know us more 🎯www.qacqatar.com 🎯www.qacdirectory.com 🎯www.isocertificateqatar.com
Visit our YouTube Chanel to see more 📺 https://bit.ly/3baB5pn
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summersplashpark · 3 months
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teamnlhouse12 · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to the Summer Olympics: Embrace the Magic of the Games! 🌟🏅🌍
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The Summer Olympics, held every four years, is the pinnacle of athletic competition and a celebration of human excellence and perseverance. This global event brings together athletes from around the world to compete in a variety of sports, showcasing their skills, dedication, and sportsmanship. The Olympics are not just about sports; they are a festival of unity, culture, and the indomitable human spirit. As the world eagerly anticipates the upcoming Summer Olympics, let's explore what makes this event so extraordinary and why you should be part of this magical experience.
A Brief History of the Summer Olympics 🕰️
The origins of the Summer Olympics date back to ancient Greece, where the first games were held in Olympia in 776 BC. These ancient games were a tribute to the gods and a showcase of physical prowess. The modern Olympics, inspired by this ancient tradition, were revived in 1896 in Athens by Pierre de Coubertin. Since then, the Summer Olympics have evolved into a global phenomenon, held in various cities around the world and featuring a diverse array of sports. Each edition of the Games not only honors the spirit of competition but also fosters international camaraderie and cultural exchange.
Why the Summer Olympics Are a Must-See Event 🌍✨?
World-Class Athletic Performances 🥇🏃‍♀️🏊‍♂️The Summer Olympics feature the best athletes from around the globe, competing in sports ranging from athletics and swimming to gymnastics, basketball, and more. These athletes have dedicated their lives to perfecting their skills, and the Olympics provide the ultimate stage for them to showcase their talents. Watching these world-class performances live or on screen offers a thrilling experience, filled with breathtaking moments and record-breaking achievements.
A Celebration of Diversity and Unity 🤝🌐One of the most beautiful aspects of the Summer Olympics is the coming together of diverse cultures and nations. Athletes and fans from over 200 countries gather in a single city, creating a unique melting pot of traditions, languages, and customs. This celebration of diversity promotes understanding and unity, reminding us that despite our differences, we are all part of the global community.
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Inspiring Stories of Perseverance and Triumph 🌟💪Every edition of the Summer Olympics brings with it stories of incredible perseverance, resilience, and triumph. From athletes overcoming personal challenges to underdog teams achieving unexpected victories, these stories inspire millions around the world. The Olympics serve as a testament to the human spirit and its ability to overcome adversity, making it a source of hope and motivation for people everywhere.
Cultural Extravaganza 🎭🎶The Summer Olympics are not just about sports; they are also a celebration of culture. Host cities showcase their unique heritage and traditions through the opening and closing ceremonies, cultural events, and exhibitions. These events offer a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of the host nation, providing an enriching experience for visitors and viewers alike.
How to Make the Most of Your Summer Olympics Experience 🏟️🎉
Plan Ahead and Secure Your Tickets 🎟️📅To ensure you don't miss out on the action, plan your trip well in advance. Purchase your tickets early to get the best seats for your favorite events. Keep an eye on official ticketing websites and be prepared to act quickly, as tickets for popular events can sell out fast.
Explore the Host City 🏙️🚶‍♂️Take the opportunity to explore the host city and immerse yourself in its culture and attractions. From historical landmarks and museums to local cuisine and shopping, there’s so much to discover. Participating in city tours and cultural events will enhance your overall Olympic experience, making it even more memorable.
Engage with the Olympic Spirit 🏅🌟Whether you’re attending events in person or watching from home, embrace the Olympic spirit by learning about the athletes, following your favorite sports, and supporting your country's team. Engage with fellow fans, participate in discussions, and share your excitement on social media. The Olympics are a time to come together and celebrate the joy of sport and global unity.
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Capture and Share the Moments 📸🌐Document your Summer Olympics experience through photos, videos, and stories. Share your moments on social media to connect with other fans and spread the excitement. Create a personal keepsake of your Olympic journey, capturing the essence of this incredible event for years to come.
Conclusion: Embrace the Magic of the Summer Olympics! 🎆🌟
The Summer Olympics are more than just a sporting event; they are a celebration of human achievement, diversity, and unity. From world-class athletic performances and inspiring stories to cultural festivities and global camaraderie, the Olympics offer an unparalleled experience that captivates and inspires millions. Whether you’re a lifelong sports enthusiast or simply looking for an unforgettable adventure, the Summer Olympics provide a unique opportunity to witness history in the making and be part of something truly extraordinary.
Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Plan your trip, secure your tickets, and get ready to embrace the magic of the Summer Olympics! 🌍🎉🏅
By participating in the Summer Olympics, whether as a spectator, volunteer, or supporter, you contribute to a legacy of excellence, unity, and celebration that transcends borders and brings people together from all walks of life. Join us in this global celebration and create memories that will last a lifetime. 🌟✨
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